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BE: Allow customers to extend or reactivate their trial on [RUN ALL RSPEC] [RUN AS-IF-FOSS]

Merged Qingyu Zhao requested to merge 290278-allow-extend-or-reactivate-trial-on-gitlab-com into master
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@@ -31,28 +31,3 @@
@@ -31,28 +31,3 @@
- if namespace.eligible_for_trial?
- if namespace.eligible_for_trial?
- glm_content = namespace_for_user ? 'user-billing' : 'group-billing'
- glm_content = namespace_for_user ? 'user-billing' : 'group-billing'
%p= link_to 'Start your free trial', new_trial_registration_path(glm_source: '', glm_content: glm_content), class: 'btn btn-confirm gl-button'
%p= link_to 'Start your free trial', new_trial_registration_path(glm_source: '', glm_content: glm_content), class: 'btn btn-confirm gl-button'
- if namespace.can_extend?
= 'In active trial, user can Extend trial'
- if namespace.can_reactivate?
= 'Has terminated trial and have not been extended/reactivated, user can Reactive trial'
- if true
= form_tag extend_reactivate_trials_path, :method => :put do
= text_field_tag "namespace_id", "#{}"
= text_field_tag "trial_extension_type", "1"
= submit_tag "ExtendTrial"
- if true
= form_tag extend_reactivate_trials_path, :method => :put do
= text_field_tag "namespace_id", "#{}"
= text_field_tag "trial_extension_type", "2"
= submit_tag "ReactivateTrial"