Migrate Redis BufferedCounter to Redis SharedState
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Use MultiStore
to migrate keys from Gitlab::Redis::BufferedCounter
to Gitlab::Redis::SharedState
. Migration is done by wrapping the BufferedCounter
class with Multistore, which handles dual writes and switchover read to both stores via FF toggles.
As described in gitlab-com/gl-infra/data-access/durability/team#71, we are able to sync up the buffered counters with MultiStore only because FlushCounterIncrementsWorker
isn't enabled. Without this, we'd have to implement a more complicated approach as in !140630 (closed).
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Before | After |
: buffered_counter:
url: unix:/Users/gregoriusmarco/gdk/redis/redis.socket?db=5 # change to your respective gdk path
- redis://localhost:6001
ProjectStatistics.increment_statistic(Project.find(1), :build_artifacts_size, Gitlab::Counters::Increment.new(amount: 10))
# on redis buffered_counter
$ gdk redis-cli -n 5
redis /Users/gregoriusmarco/gdk/redis/redis.socket[5]> keys *
1) "project:{1}:counters:ProjectStatistics:1:build_artifacts_size"
redis /Users/gregoriusmarco/gdk/redis/redis.socket[5]> get project:{1}:counters:ProjectStatistics:1:build_artifacts_size
# on redis cluster shared_state
$ redis-cli -p 6001> get project:{1}:counters:ProjectStatistics:1:build_artifacts_size
:[16] pry(main)> project = Project.first
=> #<Project id:1 toolbox/gitlab-smoke-tests>>
[17] pry(main)> FlushCounterIncrementsWorker.new.perform(project.statistics.class.name, project.statistics.id, :build_artifacts_size)
# check redis
redis /Users/gregoriusmarco/gdk/redis/redis.socket[5]> keys *
(empty array)> keys *
1) "gitlab:exclusive_lease:namespace:namespaces_root_statistics:61"