Draft: Instance Integrations test of shared module code
30 unresolved threads
30 unresolved threads
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Mentions #499482 (closed)
[1] pry(main)> Integrations::Instance::Jenkins.create!
=> #<Integrations::Instance::Jenkins:0x00000001561f2f28
[4] pry(main)> Integrations::Jenkins.create!(group: Group.last)
=> #<Integrations::Jenkins:0x0000000137b121e0
[1] pry(main)> Integrations::Jira.create!(group: Group.last)
=> #<Integrations::Jira:0x00000001636b5a08
[2] pry(main)> Integrations::Instance::Jira.create!
=> #<Integrations::Instance::Jira:0x0000000162812a00
[4] pry(main)> Integrations::Instance::Jira.last.jira_tracker_data
=> #<Integrations::JiraTrackerData:0x000000015ac31cd8
id: 12,
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