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Fix subscription banner spacing

Scott de Jonge requested to merge sdejonge-fix-alerts-spacing into master

What does this MR do and why?

Subscription banner contained old container classes updated in !163612 (merged) to use gap spacinfg.

  • Update CSS selector to first child decendants
  • Remove vertical spacing on Open SSL banner
  • Remove container classes from subscription banner

MR acceptance checklist

Please evaluate this MR against the MR acceptance checklist. It helps you analyze changes to reduce risks in quality, performance, reliability, security, and maintainability.

Screenshots or screen recordings

Before After
gdk.test_3443_admin_application_settings_general gdk.test_3443_admin_application_settings_general__1_

How to set up and validate locally

  1. View admin settings e.g. https://gdk.test:3443/admin/application_settings/general
  2. Enable alerts to display, or edit conditons e.g.
diff --git a/ee/app/views/layouts/header/_ee_subscribable_banner.html.haml b/ee/app/views/layouts/header/_ee_subscribable_banner.html.haml
index 9104b92ff992..a2c9bb597e8d 100644
--- a/ee/app/views/layouts/header/_ee_subscribable_banner.html.haml
+++ b/ee/app/views/layouts/header/_ee_subscribable_banner.html.haml
@@ -2,19 +2,18 @@
 - message = gitlab_subscription_message_or_license_message
 - subject = gitlab_subscription_subject_or_license_subject
-- if message.present? && subscribable.present?
-  .js-gitlab-ee-license-banner.hidden
-    = render :danger,
-      title: subject,
-      alert_options: { data: { license_expiry: subscribable.expires_at, defer_links: "true", testid: 'subscribable_banner' }}) do |c|
-      - c.with_body do
-        = message
-      - c.with_actions do
-        - if subscribable.block_changes?
-          = link_to_button_style(path: renew_subscription_path, track_property: 'renew')
-        - elsif subscribable.expired?
-          = link_to_button_style(path: upgrade_subscription_path, track_property: 'upgrade')
-        - else
-          = link_to_button_style(path: renew_subscription_path, track_property: 'renew')
-          = render :secondary, button_options: { class: 'js-close gl-mb-2', 'aria-label': _('Dismiss'), data: { track_event: 'click_text', track_label: 'subscribable_action', track_property: 'thats_ok' } }) do
-            = _("That's OK, I don't want to renew")
+  = render :danger,
+    title: subject,
+    alert_options: { data: { license_expiry: subscribable.expires_at, defer_links: "true", testid: 'subscribable_banner' }}) do |c|
+    - c.with_body do
+      = message
+    - c.with_actions do
+      - if subscribable.block_changes?
+        = link_to_button_style(path: renew_subscription_path, track_property: 'renew')
+      - elsif subscribable.expired?
+        = link_to_button_style(path: upgrade_subscription_path, track_property: 'upgrade')
+      - else
+        = link_to_button_style(path: renew_subscription_path, track_property: 'renew')
+        = render :secondary, button_options: { class: 'js-close gl-mb-2', 'aria-label': _('Dismiss'), data: { track_event: 'click_text', track_label: 'subscribable_action', track_property: 'thats_ok' } }) do
+          = _("That's OK, I don't want to renew")
Edited by Scott de Jonge

Merge request reports
