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Remove sidekiq check from "revert merge request" spec

Gary Holtz requested to merge gmh-make-user-reverts-test-faster into master

What does this MR do and why?

In an attempt to get the spec at to an acceptable time, this tries to remove the extra transaction checks for Sidekiq.

Related quarantine MR: Quarantine a flaky test (!164017 - closed) Related slowness report: [Test] spec/features/merge_request/user_reverts... (#454303)

MR acceptance checklist

Please evaluate this MR against the MR acceptance checklist. It helps you analyze changes to reduce risks in quality, performance, reliability, security, and maintainability.

Screenshots or screen recordings

Screenshots are required for UI changes, and strongly recommended for all other merge requests.

Before After

How to set up and validate locally

Numbered steps to set up and validate the change are strongly suggested.

Edited by Gary Holtz

Merge request reports
