diff --git a/ee/lib/api/chat.rb b/ee/lib/api/chat.rb
index d93c8990ccb598bf7fd572cf2539ee403ceb0b8a..bf42c781e53a3f223a50d91a981ba6bb62c21903 100644
--- a/ee/lib/api/chat.rb
+++ b/ee/lib/api/chat.rb
@@ -40,6 +40,28 @@ def find_resource(parameters)
           optional :client_subscription_id, type: String, limit: 500, desc: 'Client Subscription ID'
           optional :with_clean_history, type: Boolean,
             desc: 'Indicates if we need to reset the history before and after the request'
+          optional :current_file, type: Hash do
+            optional :file_name, type: String, limit: 1000, desc: 'The name of the current file'
+            optional :content_above_cursor, type: String,
+              limit: ::API::CodeSuggestions::MAX_CONTENT_SIZE, desc: 'The content above cursor'
+            optional :content_below_cursor, type: String,
+              limit: ::API::CodeSuggestions::MAX_CONTENT_SIZE, desc: 'The content below cursor'
+            optional :selected_text, type: String,
+              limit: ::API::CodeSuggestions::MAX_CONTENT_SIZE,
+              desc: 'The content currently selected by the user'
+          end
+          optional :additional_context, type: Array, allow_blank: true,
+            desc: 'List of additional context to be passed for the chat' do
+            requires :type, type: String,
+              values: ::CodeSuggestions::Prompts::CodeGeneration::AnthropicMessages::CONTENT_TYPES.values,
+              desc: 'Type of the additional context.'
+            requires :name, type: String,
+              limit: ::API::CodeSuggestions::MAX_CONTEXT_NAME_SIZE, allow_blank: false,
+              desc: 'Name of the additional context.'
+            requires :content, type: String,
+              limit: ::API::CodeSuggestions::MAX_BODY_SIZE, allow_blank: false,
+              desc: 'Content of the additional context.'
+          end
         post do
           safe_params = declared_params(include_missing: false)
diff --git a/ee/lib/gitlab/duo/chat/completions.rb b/ee/lib/gitlab/duo/chat/completions.rb
index a8297a7fc297609f61cb37199be0b8d3f20f6c9b..ebe903a0cd19fae23a5cf9815e3dee8818f64f3d 100644
--- a/ee/lib/gitlab/duo/chat/completions.rb
+++ b/ee/lib/gitlab/duo/chat/completions.rb
@@ -12,7 +12,7 @@ def initialize(user, resource: nil)
         def execute(safe_params: {})
           action_name = 'chat'
-          options = safe_params.slice(:referer_url)
+          options = safe_params.slice(:referer_url, :current_file, :additional_context).compact_blank
           message_attributes = {
             request_id: SecureRandom.uuid,
             role: ::Gitlab::Llm::AiMessage::ROLE_USER,
diff --git a/ee/spec/requests/api/chat_spec.rb b/ee/spec/requests/api/chat_spec.rb
index a0172f60c4d620245d6ae99367fd437c17ebd82c..349c16e85be77a67a7992ce68dc01d52950e5eea 100644
--- a/ee/spec/requests/api/chat_spec.rb
+++ b/ee/spec/requests/api/chat_spec.rb
@@ -22,7 +22,17 @@
   let(:headers) { {} }
   let(:resource) { issue }
   let(:content) { 'what is this issue about' }
-  let(:params) { { content: content, resource_type: resource.class.to_s.downcase, resource_id: resource.id } }
+  let(:additional_context) { nil }
+  let(:current_file) { nil }
+  let(:params) do
+    {
+      content: content,
+      resource_type: resource.class.to_s.downcase,
+      resource_id: resource.id,
+      additional_context: additional_context,
+      current_file: current_file
+    }
+  end
   before do
     group.add_member(authorized_user, :developer)
@@ -279,6 +289,34 @@
+        context 'with additional context' do
+          let(:additional_context) { [{ type: "file", name: "test.py", content: "print('hello world')" }] }
+          let(:options) { { additional_context: additional_context } }
+          it 'sends additional context to the chat' do
+            expect(chat_message).to receive(:save!)
+            expect(Gitlab::Llm::ChatMessage).to receive(:new).with(chat_message_params).and_return(chat_message)
+            expect(Llm::Internal::CompletionService).to receive(:new).with(chat_message, options).and_return(chat)
+            expect(chat).to receive(:execute)
+            post_api
+          end
+        end
+        context 'with current file' do
+          let(:current_file) { { file_name: "test.py", selected_text: "print('hello world')" } }
+          let(:options) { { current_file: current_file } }
+          it 'sends current file to the chat' do
+            expect(chat_message).to receive(:save!)
+            expect(Gitlab::Llm::ChatMessage).to receive(:new).with(chat_message_params).and_return(chat_message)
+            expect(Llm::Internal::CompletionService).to receive(:new).with(chat_message, options).and_return(chat)
+            expect(chat).to receive(:execute)
+            post_api
+          end
+        end