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Fix webIDEUrl for relative URL case

Cindy Halim requested to merge 477551-fix-web-ide-url-with-relative-path into master

Issue: Incorrect Web IDE URL constructed when relative... (#477551 - closed)

What does this MR do and why?

This MR fixes a bug with webIDEUrl when the project path contains a string matching relative_url_root.

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Please evaluate this MR against the MR acceptance checklist. It helps you analyze changes to reduce risks in quality, performance, reliability, security, and maintainability.

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No relative URL With relative URL

Regression testing: Web IDE URL is constructed correctly as expected.

Web IDE URL is correct: although we encounter an error in the /oauth/authorize step, we no longer see the 404 error page. The authorize error is fixed in this MR: Fix relative_url_root Web IDE OAuth issues (!161328 - merged).

Here's how it looks with the /oauth/authorize fix:

How to set up and validate locally

Enable Web IDE OAuth flag

1. Make sure that web_ide_oauth feature flag is enabled by visiting /gitlab/rails/features

Set up relative_url_root locally in your GDK

  1. Stop GDK with gdk stop
  2. Add relative_url_root: "/gitlab" to your gdk.yml
  3. Run gdk reconfigure
  4. In resulting Procfile, add -authBackend http://localhost:8080/gitlab to the end of the line that starts with gitlab-workhorse: (this is an issue with gitlab-workhorse I discovered while testing. We'll fix the Procfile generation in a separate MR)
  5. Start GDK with gdk start
  6. Now you can visit the GDK at /gitlab
  7. IMPORTANT: You might also need to disable vite, since that seems to have relative_url_root issues.

Related to #477551 (closed)

Edited by Cindy Halim

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