Add admin compliance framework custom permission
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What does this MR do and why?
It adds a new custom permission, admin compliance framework.
- it adds a custom ability YAML file created by running
./ee/bin/custom-ability -d "Allows admin of compliance framework." -c compliance_management -p -i "#411502" admin_compliance_framework
- the migration was generated by running
rails g gitlab:custom_roles:code --ability admin_compliance_framework
- the documentation was generated by running
bundle exec rake gitlab:custom_roles:compile_docs
MR acceptance checklist
Please evaluate this MR against the MR acceptance checklist. It helps you analyze changes to reduce risks in quality, performance, reliability, security, and maintainability.
How to set up and validate locally
- Log in with a user who has a
role in a group - Make sure you can't access compliance-related views / endpoints (see below)
- Create a new custom permission enabling managing admin compliance framework - on self-managed in the admin UI (http://gdk.test:3000/admin/application_settings/roles_and_permissions), on SaaS in the group settings (eg. http://gdk.test:3000/groups/flightjs/-/settings/roles_and_permissions)
- Assign this custom role to the guest user (on group members page, eg. http://gdk.test:3000/groups/flightjs/-/group_members)
- Now test the compliance-related views / endpoints again, they now should be accessible and work as expected
Compliance-related views & endpoints
- Menu item Settings - General should be accessible
- Only section
Compliance frameworks
should be visible there - And it should be possible to view, edit, and add compliance frameworks
- Menu item Settings - General should be accessible
- Only section
Compliance framework
should be visible there - And it should be possible to change the project compliance framework
- GraphQL mutation, example:
mutation {
projectSetComplianceFramework(input: {
projectId: "gid://gitlab/Project/7",
complianceFrameworkId: "gid://gitlab/ComplianceManagement::Framework/4"
}) {
project {
Related to #411502 (closed)
Edited by Jarka Košanová
Merge request reports
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- version 21dca62448
- version 2025f91165
- version 199c4c4075
- version 18c72fa2d3
- version 1744fea4cc
- version 16575ed62a
- version 1587990723
- version 14f995d9a2
- version 1392dc2680
- version 122f0c538b
- version 112aaacc36
- version 103a8afc79
- version 9314c2510
- version 88b1768c0
- version 792789a2a
- version 64a178406
- version 5d44064bf
- version 450078139
- version 308a906cb
- version 26ba31d97
- version 1566e4b9e
- master (base)
- latest version22f421a66 commits,
- version 21dca624485 commits,
- version 2025f911654 commits,
- version 199c4c40753 commits,
- version 18c72fa2d34 commits,
- version 1744fea4cc3 commits,
- version 16575ed62a3 commits,
- version 15879907233 commits,
- version 14f995d9a22 commits,
- version 1392dc26802 commits,
- version 122f0c538b2 commits,
- version 112aaacc363 commits,
- version 103a8afc793 commits,
- version 9314c25103 commits,
- version 88b1768c03 commits,
- version 792789a2a3 commits,
- version 64a1784063 commits,
- version 5d44064bf3 commits,
- version 4500781393 commits,
- version 308a906cb3 commits,
- version 26ba31d972 commits,
- version 1566e4b9e3 commits,
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