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Vendor cloud_profiler_agent gem

Aleksei Lipniagov requested to merge al-vendor-ruby-cloud-profiler into master

What does this MR do and why?

I am following suggestions from
Related to #393407 (closed)

Our goals with this MR and further:

  1. enable Google Cloud Profiling for gstg by merging this MR and setting ENV vars: MR
  2. observe the data it will produce: is it readable? does it look trustworthy?
  3. observe if there are any potential issues, check the telemetry

  1. analysis of the gstg-web profiles, discussion with the team

  1. from this point, we should decide if we want similar for gstg-sidekiq (will need SRE support - see John's comment)
  2. ..or enabling for gprd-web
  3. ..or refactoring the code (we mostly vendored it as-is, with some in-place fixes), and potentially extracting it (MR to upstream? our own gem? inject into labkit? keep vendored?)


The License is BSD 2-Clause "Simplified" License:
Why pipeline:skip-undercoverage : !111142 (comment 1297511692)


What is changed from the original source

  1. The gem required 'googleauth', '~> 0.14' (source), while we have 1.3 in GitLab. I updated the gemspec in the vendored gem, it seems to be fine with the updated version.
  2. I added some simple logging in a separate commit. It could be useful to explore during our testing on gstg/cny. You could check it in tail -f log/application_json.log. In dev, it could look like this:
{"severity":"INFO","time":"2023-02-07T07:56:50.220Z","correlation_id":null,"gcp_ruby_status":"profile resource created","duration_s":34.08065799999895,"cpu_s":0.028377624999999997,"message":"Google Cloud Profiler Ruby","pid":89847,"worker_id":"puma_1"}
{"severity":"INFO","time":"2023-02-07T07:57:00.223Z","correlation_id":null,"gcp_ruby_status":"stackprof run finished","duration_s":10.002543000002333,"cpu_s":0.0006010000000000043,"message":"Google Cloud Profiler Ruby","pid":89847,"worker_id":"puma_1"}
{"severity":"INFO","time":"2023-02-07T07:57:00.329Z","correlation_id":null,"gcp_ruby_status":"stackprof to pprof converted","duration_s":0.10562799999752315,"cpu_s":0.10315308399999999,"message":"Google Cloud Profiler Ruby","pid":89847,"worker_id":"puma_1"}
{"severity":"INFO","time":"2023-02-07T07:57:00.960Z","correlation_id":null,"gcp_ruby_status":"profile resource updated","duration_s":0.630488000002515,"cpu_s":0.014009458000000002,"message":"Google Cloud Profiler Ruby","pid":89847,"worker_id":"puma_1"}
{"severity":"INFO","time":"2023-02-07T07:57:12.380Z","correlation_id":null,"gcp_ruby_status":"profile resource created","duration_s":56.24131099999795,"cpu_s":0.033467250000000004,"message":"Google Cloud Profiler Ruby","pid":89846,"worker_id":"puma_0"}
{"severity":"INFO","time":"2023-02-07T07:57:22.387Z","correlation_id":null,"gcp_ruby_status":"stackprof run finished","duration_s":10.006690000001981,"cpu_s":0.0015724170000000065,"message":"Google Cloud Profiler Ruby","pid":89846,"worker_id":"puma_0"}
{"severity":"INFO","time":"2023-02-07T07:57:22.489Z","correlation_id":null,"gcp_ruby_status":"stackprof to pprof converted","duration_s":0.10262900000088848,"cpu_s":0.10158741699999999,"message":"Google Cloud Profiler Ruby","pid":89846,"worker_id":"puma_0"}
{"severity":"INFO","time":"2023-02-07T07:57:23.057Z","correlation_id":null,"gcp_ruby_status":"profile resource updated","duration_s":0.5671220000003814,"cpu_s":0.011035624999999993,"message":"Google Cloud Profiler Ruby","pid":89846,"worker_id":"puma_0"}
  1. Default profiler frequency: comment - done: commit
  2. Some methods and variables were renamed to improve readability

How to set up and validate locally

  1. Make sure you have a project in Sandbox Cloud Realm
  2. Follow, you need to Enable the API
  3. Follow the auth instructions in, you'll need a JSON key, and set PROFILER_CREDENTIALS ENV var pointing to this file.
  5. Set GCP_PROFILER_PROJECT_ID ENV var with the name of your Google Cloud Platform project
  6. Restart the server: gdk restart rails-web
  7. After some time (you could give it 10 minutes to be sure), search for "Profiler" in the search bar of your GCP console. It should suggest the service page, and open it
  8. Make sure you see the flame graphs here ingested from your local instance:


  1. If you need to repeat the experiment, it is suggested you replace service: key with something different, so you could easily verify you are receiving the profiler from your recent version (otherwise you need to memorize the amount of profiles sent and make sure it increased). You could switch between "services" profiles via GCP Profiler UI dropdown. You may need to refresh the page or press the "NOW" button in the time filter, to make it appear.

MR acceptance checklist

This checklist encourages us to confirm any changes have been analyzed to reduce risks in quality, performance, reliability, security, and maintainability.

Edited by Aleksei Lipniagov

Merge request reports