Create work item with iteration
All threads resolved!
This MR adds the ability to assign an iteration to a work item on creation via GraphQL mutation workItemCreate
The change allows us to reduce the complexity on the frontend because we can avoid chaining mutations workItemCreate
and workItemUpdate
(#367456 (comment 1098107478).)
-> Iterations
in the left sidebar.
New iteration cadence
Enable automatic scheduling
gdk psql -c "SELECT id FROM sprints ORDER BY id DESC LIMIT 1;"
in your terminal.mutation myMutation {
workItemCreate(input: {
projectPath: "gitlab-org/gitlab-test"
workItemTypeId: "gid://gitlab/WorkItems::Type/1" # corresponds to Issue type
title: "some work item"
iterationWidget: {
iterationId: "gid://gitlab/Iteration/4" # you might try out `null` and other values.
}) {
workItem {
widgets {
... on WorkItemWidgetIteration {
iteration {
This checklist encourages us to confirm any changes have been analyzed to reduce risks in quality, performance, reliability, security, and maintainability.
Related to #367456 (closed)