rspec system pg11 15/24
Passed Started
Peter Leitzen
1Running with gitlab-runner 13.6.0 (8fa89735)2 on prm-com-gitlab-org bd0915565Using Docker executor with image ...6Starting service postgres:11.6 ...7Pulling docker image postgres:11.6 ...8Using docker image sha256:2c963c0eb8c6efa49bb8352ea446f248d208d674cfc34fc9ea275b5f99f8dedd for postgres:11.6 with digest postgres@sha256:6f2062ab11d720f4756f17da4d0a64534346cce33b7cdea9d7ac4f43eed9fc02 ...9Starting service redis:4.0-alpine ...10Pulling docker image redis:4.0-alpine ...11Using docker image sha256:e3dd0e49bca555d559ca2e97f06a1efa108ebd230fddcb17606723994f18ae3b for redis:4.0-alpine with digest redis@sha256:aaf7c123077a5e45ab2328b5ef7e201b5720616efac498d55e65a7afbb96ae20 ...12Waiting for services to be up and running...13Authenticating with credentials from job payload (GitLab Registry)14Pulling docker image ...15Using docker image sha256:422a2071928493ec4e8407c4b4a40517838b4025295c7f4e082d7d63b9809484 for with digest ...17Running on runner-bd091556-project-278964-concurrent-0 via runner-bd091556-prm-1606734597-d5dabb8c...19$ eval "$CI_PRE_CLONE_SCRIPT"20Downloading archived master...21Connecting to ( to '/tmp/gitlab.tar.gz'23gitlab.tar.gz 13% |**** | 50.1M 0:00:06 ETA24gitlab.tar.gz 100% |********************************| 363M 0:00:00 ETA25'/tmp/gitlab.tar.gz' saved26Extracting tarball into /builds/gitlab-org/gitlab...27Fetching changes with git depth set to 20...28Reinitialized existing Git repository in /builds/gitlab-org/gitlab/.git/29remote: Enumerating objects: 1038, done. 30remote: Counting objects: 100% (518/518), done. 31remote: Compressing objects: 100% (208/208), done. 32remote: Total 246 (delta 169), reused 103 (delta 33), pack-reused 033Receiving objects: 100% (246/246), 48.95 KiB | 1.25 MiB/s, done.34Resolving deltas: 100% (169/169), completed with 104 local objects.36 * [new ref] refs/pipelines/223125554 -> refs/pipelines/22312555437 80aa006c27..b9127bd5cb master -> origin/master38Checking out 5eab3096 as master...39Skipping Git submodules setup41Checking cache for is up to date 43WARNING: vendor/ruby/2.7.0/gems/deprecation_toolkit-1.5.1/gemfiles/test/deprecations: chmod vendor/ruby/2.7.0/gems/deprecation_toolkit-1.5.1/gemfiles/test/deprecations: no such file or directory (suppressing repeats) 44Successfully extracted cache46Downloading artifacts for compile-test-assets (880645225)...47Downloading artifacts from coordinator... ok id=880645225 responseStatus=200 OK token=43xVezCu48Downloading artifacts for retrieve-tests-metadata (880645230)...49Downloading artifacts from coordinator... ok id=880645230 responseStatus=200 OK token=kNnKLXAM50Downloading artifacts for setup-test-env (880645229)...51Downloading artifacts from coordinator... ok id=880645229 responseStatus=200 OK token=misdkjy-52WARNING: tmp/tests/gitlab-shell/.gitlab_shell_secret: chmod tmp/tests/gitlab-shell/.gitlab_shell_secret: no such file or directory (suppressing repeats) 54$ [ "$FOSS_ONLY" = "1" ] && rm -rf ee/ qa/spec/ee/ qa/qa/specs/features/ee/ qa/qa/ee/ qa/qa/ee.rb55$ export GOPATH=$CI_PROJECT_DIR/.go56$ mkdir -p $GOPATH57$ source scripts/utils.sh58$ source scripts/prepare_build.sh59Bundler version 2.1.460$ bundle install --clean --without=production development --jobs=2 --path=vendor --retry=3 --quiet61[DEPRECATED] The `--clean` flag is deprecated because it relies on being remembered across bundler invocations, which bundler will no longer do in future versions. Instead please use `bundle config set clean 'true'`, and stop using this flag62==> 'bundle install --clean --without=production development --jobs=2 --path=vendor --retry=3 --quiet' succeeded in 1 seconds.63$ bundle check64The Gemfile's dependencies are satisfied65==> 'bundle check' succeeded in 0 seconds.66$ bundle pristine pg67Installing pg 1.2.3 with native extensions68==> 'bundle pristine pg' succeeded in 10 seconds.69$ setup_db_user_only70CREATE ROLE71GRANT72==> 'setup_db_user_only' succeeded in 0 seconds.73$ bundle exec rake db:drop db:create db:structure:load db:migrate gitlab:db:setup_ee74Dropped database 'gitlabhq_test'75Created database 'gitlabhq_test'76Dropped database 'gitlabhq_geo_test'77Created database 'gitlabhq_geo_test'78==> 'bundle exec rake db:drop db:create db:structure:load db:migrate gitlab:db:setup_ee' succeeded in 26 seconds.79$ run_timed_command "gem install knapsack --no-document"80$ gem install knapsack --no-document81Successfully installed knapsack-1.20.0821 gem installed83==> 'gem install knapsack --no-document' succeeded in 1 seconds.84$ run_timed_command "scripts/gitaly-test-build"85$ scripts/gitaly-test-build86Settings are listed in order of priority. The top value will be used.87retry88Set for your local app (/builds/gitlab-org/gitlab/tmp/tests/gitaly/ruby/.bundle/config/config): 389path90Set for your local app (/builds/gitlab-org/gitlab/tmp/tests/gitaly/ruby/.bundle/config/config): "/builds/gitlab-org/gitlab/vendor/gitaly-ruby"91jobs92Set for your local app (/builds/gitlab-org/gitlab/tmp/tests/gitaly/ruby/.bundle/config/config): 493app_config94Set via BUNDLE_APP_CONFIG: "/builds/gitlab-org/gitlab/tmp/tests/gitaly/ruby/.bundle/config"95silence_root_warning96Set via BUNDLE_SILENCE_ROOT_WARNING: true97gemfile98Set via BUNDLE_GEMFILE: "/builds/gitlab-org/gitlab/tmp/tests/gitaly/ruby/Gemfile"99flags100Set via BUNDLE_FLAGS: "--jobs=4 --retry=3 --quiet --path=/builds/gitlab-org/gitlab/vendor/gitaly-ruby"101go install -ldflags '-X -X' -tags "tracer_static,tracer_static_jaeger,continuous_profiler_stackdriver,static,system_libgit2" /builds/gitlab-org/gitlab/tmp/tests/gitaly/_build/bin/gitaly-git2go /builds/gitlab-org/gitlab/tmp/tests/gitaly/_build/bin/praefect /builds/gitlab-org/gitlab/tmp/tests/gitaly/_build/bin/gitaly-hooks /builds/gitlab-org/gitlab/tmp/tests/gitaly/_build/bin/gitaly-lfs-smudge /builds/gitlab-org/gitlab/tmp/tests/gitaly/_build/bin/gitaly-blackbox /builds/gitlab-org/gitlab/tmp/tests/gitaly/_build/bin/gitaly /builds/gitlab-org/gitlab/tmp/tests/gitaly/_build/bin/gitaly-debug /builds/gitlab-org/gitlab/tmp/tests/gitaly/_build/bin/gitaly-ssh /builds/gitlab-org/gitlab/tmp/tests/gitaly/_build/bin/gitaly-wrapper /builds/gitlab-org/gitlab/tmp/tests/gitaly103Checking gitaly-ruby Gemfile...104Checking gitaly-ruby bundle...105The Gemfile's dependencies are satisfied106Trying to connect to gitaly: ....... OK107Trying to connect to praefect: ....... OK108$ run_timed_command "scripts/gitaly-test-spawn"109==> 'scripts/gitaly-test-build' succeeded in 70 seconds.110$ scripts/gitaly-test-spawn111Checking gitaly-ruby Gemfile...112Checking gitaly-ruby bundle...113The Gemfile's dependencies are satisfied114Trying to connect to gitaly: ....... OK115Trying to connect to praefect: ...... OK116==> 'scripts/gitaly-test-spawn' succeeded in 2 seconds.117$ source ./scripts/rspec_helpers.sh118$ rspec_paralellized_job "--tag ~quarantine --tag ~geo --tag ~level:migration"119KNAPSACK_TEST_FILE_PATTERN: spec/{features}{,/**/}*_spec.rb120DEPRECATION WARNING: /builds/gitlab-org/gitlab/vendor/ruby/2.7.0/gems/acts-as-taggable-on-6.5.0/lib/acts_as_taggable_on/tagging.rb:9: warning: Using the last argument as keyword parameters is deprecated; maybe ** should be added to the call121/builds/gitlab-org/gitlab/vendor/ruby/2.7.0/gems/activerecord- warning: The called method `belongs_to' is defined here122 (called from <top (required)> at /builds/gitlab-org/gitlab/config/initializers/0_acts_as_taggable.rb:9)123DEPRECATION WARNING: /builds/gitlab-org/gitlab/vendor/ruby/2.7.0/gems/marginalia-1.9.0/lib/marginalia.rb:94: warning: Using the last argument as keyword parameters is deprecated; maybe ** should be added to the call124/builds/gitlab-org/gitlab/vendor/ruby/2.7.0/gems/activerecord- warning: The called method `execute_and_clear_without_marginalia' is defined here125 (called from enabled? at /builds/gitlab-org/gitlab/lib/feature.rb:81)126Knapsack report generator started!127Run options:128 include {:focus=>true}129 exclude {:quarantine=>true, :geo=>true, :level=>"migration"}130All examples were filtered out; ignoring {:focus=>true}131==> Setting up gitlab-test bare repository in /builds/gitlab-org/gitlab/tmp/tests/gitlab-test_bare...132 /builds/gitlab-org/gitlab/tmp/tests/gitlab-test_bare set up in 0.03818639 seconds...133Resolving all open threads in a merge request from an issue134Starting the Capybara driver server...135 as a user with access to the project136Capybara starting Puma...137* Version 4.3.5.gitlab.3 , codename: Mysterious Traveller138* Min threads: 0, max threads: 4139* Listening on unix:///tmp/20201130-2988-109twwj140DEPRECATION WARNING: /builds/gitlab-org/gitlab/vendor/ruby/2.7.0/gems/state_machines-activerecord-0.6.0/lib/state_machines/integrations/active_record.rb:511: warning: Using the last argument as keyword parameters is deprecated; maybe ** should be added to the call141/builds/gitlab-org/gitlab/vendor/ruby/2.7.0/gems/activerecord- warning: The called method `save' is defined here142 (called from block (2 levels) in <top (required)> at /builds/gitlab-org/gitlab/spec/features/issues/create_issue_for_discussions_in_merge_request_spec.rb:7)143WARNING: Active Record does not support composite primary key.144project_authorizations has composite primary key. Composite primary key is ignored.145DEPRECATION WARNING: /builds/gitlab-org/gitlab/vendor/ruby/2.7.0/gems/state_machines-activerecord-0.6.0/lib/state_machines/integrations/active_record.rb:515: warning: Using the last argument as keyword parameters is deprecated; maybe ** should be added to the call146/builds/gitlab-org/gitlab/vendor/ruby/2.7.0/gems/activerecord- warning: The called method `save!' is defined here147 (called from block in create_merge_request_diff at /builds/gitlab-org/gitlab/app/models/merge_request.rb:903)148WARNING: Active Record does not support composite primary key.149merge_request_diff_files has composite primary key. Composite primary key is ignored.150WARNING: Active Record does not support composite primary key.151user_interacted_projects has composite primary key. Composite primary key is ignored.152DEPRECATION WARNING: /builds/gitlab-org/gitlab/vendor/ruby/2.7.0/gems/rouge-3.25.0/lib/rouge/formatter.rb:46: warning: Using the last argument as keyword parameters is deprecated; maybe ** should be added to the call153/builds/gitlab-org/gitlab/lib/rouge/formatters/html_gitlab.rb:11: warning: The called method `initialize' is defined here154 (called from block in highlight_rich at /builds/gitlab-org/gitlab/lib/gitlab/highlight.rb:62)155WARNING: Active Record does not support composite primary key.156merge_request_diff_commits has composite primary key. Composite primary key is ignored.157DEPRECATION WARNING: /builds/gitlab-org/gitlab/vendor/ruby/2.7.0/gems/batch-loader-1.4.0/lib/batch_loader/graphql.rb:38: warning: Using the last argument as keyword parameters is deprecated; maybe ** should be added to the call158/builds/gitlab-org/gitlab/vendor/ruby/2.7.0/gems/batch-loader-1.4.0/lib/batch_loader.rb:26: warning: The called method `batch' is defined here159 (called from find at /builds/gitlab-org/gitlab/lib/gitlab/graphql/loaders/full_path_model_loader.rb:16)160 shows a button to resolve all threads by creating a new issue161 resolving the thread162DEPRECATION WARNING: /builds/gitlab-org/gitlab/vendor/ruby/2.7.0/gems/rack-2.2.3/lib/rack/builder.rb:158: warning: Using the last argument as keyword parameters is deprecated; maybe ** should be added to the call163/builds/gitlab-org/gitlab/vendor/ruby/2.7.0/gems/grape-1.4.0/lib/grape/middleware/error.rb:30: warning: The called method `initialize' is defined here164 (called from call at /builds/gitlab-org/gitlab/lib/gitlab/request_profiler/middleware.rb:17)165 hides the link for creating a new issue166 creating an issue for threads167 behaves like creating an issue for a thread168 shows an issue with the title filled in169 has a mention of the discussion in the description170DEPRECATION WARNING: /builds/gitlab-org/gitlab/lib/banzai/filter/merge_request_reference_filter.rb:63: warning: Using the last argument as keyword parameters is deprecated; maybe ** should be added to the call171/builds/gitlab-org/gitlab/lib/banzai/filter/abstract_reference_filter.rb:252: warning: The called method `data_attributes_for' is defined here172 (called from data_attributes_for at /builds/gitlab-org/gitlab/lib/banzai/filter/merge_request_reference_filter.rb:63)173 can create a new issue for the project174 resolves the discussion in the merge request175 shows a flash messaage after resolving a discussion176 has a hidden field for the merge request177 for a project where all threads need to be resolved before merging178 with the internal tracker disabled179 does not show a link to create a new issue180 merge request has threads that need to be resolved181 shows a warning that the merge request contains unresolved threads182 has a link to resolve all threads by creating an issue183 creating an issue for threads184 behaves like creating an issue for a thread185 shows an issue with the title filled in186 has a mention of the discussion in the description187 can create a new issue for the project188 resolves the discussion in the merge request189 shows a flash messaage after resolving a discussion190 has a hidden field for the merge request191 as a reporter192 Shows a notice to ask someone else to resolve the threads193Instance-level Cluster Applications194 Installing applications195 behaves like installing applications for a cluster196 when cluster is being created197unknown OID 28: failed to recognize type of 'relfrozenxid'. It will be treated as String.198unknown OID 1034: failed to recognize type of 'relacl'. It will be treated as String.199unknown OID 194: failed to recognize type of 'relpartbound'. It will be treated as String.200DEPRECATION WARNING: /builds/gitlab-org/gitlab/vendor/ruby/2.7.0/gems/state_machines-activerecord-0.6.0/lib/state_machines/integrations/active_record.rb:511: warning: Using the last argument as keyword parameters is deprecated; maybe ** should be added to the call201/builds/gitlab-org/gitlab/vendor/ruby/2.7.0/gems/activerecord- warning: The called method `save' is defined here202 (called from block (3 levels) in <top (required)> at /builds/gitlab-org/gitlab/spec/features/clusters/installing_applications_shared_examples.rb:12)203 user is unable to install applications204 when cluster is created205DEPRECATION WARNING: /builds/gitlab-org/gitlab/vendor/ruby/2.7.0/gems/attr_encrypted-3.1.0/lib/attr_encrypted/adapters/active_record.rb:63: warning: Using the last argument as keyword parameters is deprecated; maybe ** should be added to the call206/builds/gitlab-org/gitlab/vendor/ruby/2.7.0/gems/activemodel- warning: The called method `attribute_changed?' is defined here207 (called from prevent_modification at /builds/gitlab-org/gitlab/app/models/clusters/platforms/kubernetes.rb:208)208 user can install applications209 does not show the Helm application210 when user installs Knative211 on an abac cluster212 shows info block and not be installable213 on an rbac cluster214 does not show callout block and be installable215 when user clicks install button216DEPRECATION WARNING: /builds/gitlab-org/gitlab/vendor/ruby/2.7.0/gems/state_machines-activerecord-0.6.0/lib/state_machines/integrations/active_record.rb:511: warning: Using the last argument as keyword parameters is deprecated; maybe ** should be added to the call217/builds/gitlab-org/gitlab/vendor/ruby/2.7.0/gems/activerecord- warning: The called method `save' is defined here218 (called from block (7 levels) in <top (required)> at /builds/gitlab-org/gitlab/spec/features/clusters/installing_applications_shared_examples.rb:85)219WARNING: ignoring the provided expectation message argument ({:exact_text=>"Save changes"}) since it is not a string or a proc.220 shows status transition221 can then update the domain222 when user installs Cert Manager223 shows status transition224 installs with custom email225 when user installs Elastic Stack226 shows status transition227 when user installs Ingress228 shows the status transition229 behaves like installing applications for a cluster230 when cluster is being created231 user is unable to install applications232 when cluster is created233 user can install applications234 does not show the Helm application235 when user installs Knative236 on an abac cluster237 shows info block and not be installable238 on an rbac cluster239 does not show callout block and be installable240 when user clicks install button241WARNING: ignoring the provided expectation message argument ({:exact_text=>"Save changes"}) since it is not a string or a proc.242 shows status transition243 can then update the domain244 when user installs Cert Manager245 shows status transition246 installs with custom email247 when user installs Elastic Stack248 shows status transition249 when user installs Ingress250 shows the status transition251Issue Boards252WARNING: Active Record does not support composite primary key.253milestone_releases has composite primary key. Composite primary key is ignored.254WARNING: Active Record does not support composite primary key.255issue_assignees has composite primary key. Composite primary key is ignored.256DEPRECATION WARNING: /builds/gitlab-org/gitlab/app/models/concerns/issuable.rb:315: warning: Using the last argument as keyword parameters is deprecated; maybe ** should be added to the call257/builds/gitlab-org/gitlab/app/models/concerns/sortable.rb:47: warning: The called method `highest_label_priority' is defined here258 (called from order_labels_priority at /builds/gitlab-org/gitlab/app/models/concerns/issuable.rb:315)259 shows sidebar when clicking issue260 closes sidebar when clicking issue261 closes sidebar when clicking close button262 shows issue details when sidebar is open263DEPRECATION WARNING: /builds/gitlab-org/gitlab/vendor/ruby/2.7.0/gems/state_machines-activerecord-0.6.0/lib/state_machines/integrations/active_record.rb:511: warning: Using the last argument as keyword parameters is deprecated; maybe ** should be added to the call264/builds/gitlab-org/gitlab/vendor/ruby/2.7.0/gems/activerecord- warning: The called method `save' is defined here265 (called from block in update at /builds/gitlab-org/gitlab/app/services/issuable_base_service.rb:217)266 removes card from board when clicking267 does not show remove button for backlog or closed issues268 assignee269 updates the issues assignee270 removes the assignee271 assignees to current user272 updates assignee dropdown273 milestone274 adds a milestone275 removes a milestone276 time tracking277 shows time tracking progress bar278 when time_tracking_limit_to_hours is true279 shows time tracking progress bar280 due date281Locator Integer:30 for selector :button must be an instance of String or Symbol. This will raise an error in a future version of Capybara.282 updates due date283 labels284 shows current labels when editing285 adds a single label286 adds a multiple labels287 removes a label288 creates project label289 creates project label and list290 subscription291 changes issue subscription292 has checked subscription toggle when already subscribed293Projects > Settings > Repository settings294 for developer295 is not allowed to view296 for maintainer297 shows a disabled mirror298 Deploy tokens299 behaves like a deploy token in settings300 view deploy tokens301 add a new deploy token302 Deploy Keys303 get list of keys304 add a new deploy key305 edit an existing deploy key306 edit an existing public deploy key to be writable307 edit a deploy key from projects user has access to308 remove an existing deploy key309 remote mirror settings310 shows push mirror settings311DEPRECATION WARNING: /builds/gitlab-org/gitlab/vendor/ruby/2.7.0/gems/state_machines-activerecord-0.6.0/lib/state_machines/integrations/active_record.rb:511: warning: Using the last argument as keyword parameters is deprecated; maybe ** should be added to the call312/builds/gitlab-org/gitlab/vendor/ruby/2.7.0/gems/activerecord- warning: The called method `save' is defined here313 (called from execute at /builds/gitlab-org/gitlab/app/services/projects/update_service.rb:31)314 creates a push mirror that mirrors all branches315 creates a push mirror that only mirrors protected branches316 creates a push mirror that keeps divergent refs317 generates an SSH public key on submission318 when project mirroring is disabled319 hides remote mirror settings320 repository cleanup settings321DEPRECATION WARNING: /builds/gitlab-org/gitlab/vendor/ruby/2.7.0/gems/carrierwave-1.3.1/lib/carrierwave/sanitized_file.rb:316: warning: Using the last argument as keyword parameters is deprecated; maybe ** should be added to the call322/usr/local/lib/ruby/2.7.0/fileutils.rb:206: warning: The called method `mkdir_p' is defined here323 (called from cache! at /builds/gitlab-org/gitlab/app/uploaders/object_storage.rb:369)324 uploads an object map file325 with an existing mirror326DEPRECATION WARNING: /builds/gitlab-org/gitlab/vendor/ruby/2.7.0/gems/state_machines-activerecord-0.6.0/lib/state_machines/integrations/active_record.rb:515: warning: Using the last argument as keyword parameters is deprecated; maybe ** should be added to the call327/builds/gitlab-org/gitlab/vendor/ruby/2.7.0/gems/activerecord- warning: The called method `save!' is defined here328 (called from block (4 levels) in <top (required)> at /builds/gitlab-org/gitlab/spec/factories/projects.rb:257)329 delete remote mirrors330 for admin331 when project mirroring is enabled332 shows mirror settings333 when project mirroring is disabled334 shows mirror settings335Set up Mattermost slash commands336 user visits the mattermost slash command config page337 mattermost service is enabled338 shows a help message339 shows a token placeholder340 redirects to the integrations page after saving but not activating341 redirects to the integrations page after activating342 shows the add to mattermost button343 shows an explanation if user is a member of no teams344 shows an explanation if user is a member of 1 team345 shows a disabled prefilled select if user is a member of 1 team346 has a hidden input for the prefilled value if user is a member of 1 team347 shows an explanation user is a member of multiple teams348 shows a select with team options user is a member of multiple teams349 shows an error alert with the error message if there is an error requesting teams350 enables the submit button if the required fields are provided351 disables the submit button if the required fields are not provided352 mattermost service is not enabled353 shows the correct trigger url354 shows a token placeholder355 stable logo url356 shows a publicly available logo357New/edit issue358 new issue359DEPRECATION WARNING: /builds/gitlab-org/gitlab/app/models/label.rb:260: warning: Using the last argument as keyword parameters is deprecated; maybe ** should be added to the call360/builds/gitlab-org/gitlab/app/models/concerns/presentable.rb:12: warning: The called method `present' is defined here361 (called from present at /builds/gitlab-org/gitlab/app/models/label.rb:260)362 allows user to create new issue363 correctly updates the dropdown toggle when removing a label364 clears label search input field when a label is selected365 correctly updates the selected user when changing assignee366 description has autocomplete367 shorten users API pagination limit368 displays selected users even if they are not part of the original API call369 single assignee370 unselects other assignees when unassigned is selected371 toggles assign to me when current user is selected and unselected372 milestone373 escapes milestone374 edit issue375 allows user to update issue376 description has autocomplete377 inline edit378 opens inline edit form with shortcut379 sub-group project380 creates project label from dropdown381Signup382 redirects to step 2 of the signup process, sets the role and redirects back383 username validation384 does not show an error border if the username is available385 does not show an error border if the username contains dots (.)386 does not show an error border if the username length is not longer than 255 characters387 shows an error border if the username already exists388 shows a success border if the username is available389 shows an error border if the username contains special characters390 shows an error border if the username is longer than 255 characters391 shows an error message if the username is longer than 255 characters392 shows an error message if the username is less than 2 characters393 shows an error message on submit if the username contains special characters394 shows an error border if the username contains emojis395 shows an error message if the username contains emojis396 shows a success message if the username is available397 shows an error message if the username is unavailable398 shows a success message if the username is corrected and then available399 with no errors400 when sending confirmation email401 when soft email confirmation is not enabled402 creates the user account and sends a confirmation email403 when soft email confirmation is enabled404 creates the user account and sends a confirmation email405 when not sending confirmation email406 creates the user account and goes to dashboard407 with required admin approval enabled408 creates the user but does not sign them in409 with errors410 displays the errors411 does not redisplay the password412 when terms are enforced413 renders text that the user confirms terms by clicking register414 when reCAPTCHA and invisible captcha are enabled415 when reCAPTCHA detects malicious behaviour416 prevents from signing up417 when invisible captcha detects malicious behaviour418 prevents from signing up419 behaves like Signup name validation420 new_user_first_name validation421 does not show an error border if the user's fullname length is not longer than 127 characters422 shows an error border if the user's fullname contains an emoji423 shows an error border if the user's fullname is longer than 127 characters424 shows an error message if the user's First name is longer than 127 characters425 shows an error message if the username contains emojis426 behaves like Signup name validation427 new_user_last_name validation428 does not show an error border if the user's fullname length is not longer than 127 characters429 shows an error border if the user's fullname contains an emoji430 shows an error border if the user's fullname is longer than 127 characters431 shows an error message if the user's Last name is longer than 127 characters432 shows an error message if the username contains emojis433Cherry-pick Commits434 I cherry-pick a commit435 is expected to have text "The commit has been successfully cherry-picked into master."436 I cherry-pick a merge commit437 is expected to have text "The commit has been successfully cherry-picked into master."438 I cherry-pick a commit that was previously cherry-picked439 is expected to have text "Sorry, we cannot cherry-pick this commit automatically."440 I cherry-pick a commit in a new merge request441 is expected to have text "From cherry-pick-7d3b0f7c into master"442 I cherry-pick a commit from a different branch443 is expected to have text "The commit has been successfully cherry-picked into feature."444 when the project is archived445 does not show the cherry-pick link446Merge request > User sees merge button depending on unresolved threads447 when project.only_allow_merge_if_all_discussions_are_resolved == true448 with unresolved threads449 does not allow to merge450 with all threads resolved451 allows MR to be merged452 when project.only_allow_merge_if_all_discussions_are_resolved == false453 with unresolved threads454 does not allow to merge455 with all threads resolved456 allows MR to be merged457Projects > Snippets > Create Snippet458 shows collapsible description input459 creates a new snippet460DEPRECATION WARNING: /builds/gitlab-org/gitlab/app/services/upload_service.rb:11: warning: Using the last argument as keyword parameters is deprecated; maybe ** should be added to the call461/builds/gitlab-org/gitlab/app/uploaders/file_uploader.rb:86: warning: The called method `initialize' is defined here462 (called from new at /builds/gitlab-org/gitlab/app/services/upload_service.rb:11)463 uploads a file when dragging into textarea464 does not allow submitting the form without title and content465 when the git operation fails466 renders the new page and displays the error467Project Badges468DEPRECATION WARNING: /usr/local/lib/ruby/2.7.0/delegate.rb:83: warning: Using the last argument as keyword parameters is deprecated; maybe ** should be added to the call469/builds/gitlab-org/gitlab/app/models/concerns/avatarable.rb:26: warning: The called method `avatar_url' is defined here470 (called from page_image at /builds/gitlab-org/gitlab/app/helpers/page_layout_helper.rb:62)471 shows a list of badges472 adding a badge473 user can preview a badge474 is expected to eq ""475 editing a badge476 form is shown when clicking edit button in list477 updates a badge when submitting the edit form478 deleting a badge479 shows a modal when deleting a badge480 deletes a badge when confirming the modal481Merge request > User toggles whitespace changes482 has a button to toggle whitespace changes483 clicking "Hide whitespace changes" button484 toggles the "Hide whitespace changes" button485Multi Select Issue486 with lists487DEPRECATION WARNING: /builds/gitlab-org/gitlab/vendor/ruby/2.7.0/gems/activesupport- warning: Passing the keyword argument as the last hash parameter is deprecated488/builds/gitlab-org/gitlab/vendor/ruby/2.7.0/gems/activesupport- warning: The called method `get_entry_value' is defined here489 (called from fetch at /builds/gitlab-org/gitlab/lib/gitlab/repository_cache.rb:25)490 moves multiple issues to another list491 maintains order when moved492 move issues in the same list493Project Jobs Permissions494 jobs pages495 when public access for jobs is disabled496 when user is a guest497 behaves like recent job page details responds with status498 is expected to eq 404499 behaves like project jobs page responds with status500 is expected to eq 404501 when project is internal502 behaves like recent job page details responds with status503 is expected to eq 404504 behaves like project jobs page responds with status505 is expected to eq 404506 when public access for jobs is enabled507 when project is internal508 behaves like recent job page details responds with status509 is expected to eq 200510DEPRECATION WARNING: /builds/gitlab-org/gitlab/lib/gitlab/ci/ansi2json/converter.rb:26: warning: Using the last argument as keyword parameters is deprecated; maybe ** should be added to the call511/builds/gitlab-org/gitlab/lib/gitlab/ci/ansi2json/style.rb:9: warning: The called method `initialize' is defined here512 (called from new at /builds/gitlab-org/gitlab/lib/gitlab/ci/ansi2json/converter.rb:26)513 renders job details514 behaves like project jobs page responds with status515 is expected to eq 200516 renders job517 artifacts page518 when recent job has artifacts available519 when public access for jobs is disabled520 when user with guest role521 responds with 404 status522 when user with reporter role523 starts download artifact524User sorts projects and order persists525 from explore projects526 behaves like sort order persists across all views527 is set on the dashboard_projects_path528 is set on the explore_projects_path529 is set on the group_canonical_path530 is set on the details_group_path531 from dashboard projects532 behaves like sort order persists across all views533 is set on the dashboard_projects_path534 is set on the explore_projects_path535 is set on the group_canonical_path536 is set on the details_group_path537 from group homepage538 behaves like sort order persists across all views539 is set on the dashboard_projects_path540 is set on the explore_projects_path541 is set on the group_canonical_path542 is set on the details_group_path543 from group details544 behaves like sort order persists across all views545 is set on the dashboard_projects_path546 is set on the explore_projects_path547 is set on the group_canonical_path548 is set on the details_group_path549Projects > Activity > User sees design Activity550 the project is public551 behaves like being able to see design activity552 shows the design comment action in the activity page553 allows filtering out the design events554 allows filtering in the design events555 the project is private556 behaves like being able to see design activity557 shows the design comment action in the activity page558 allows filtering out the design events559 allows filtering in the design events560Environment > Pod Logs561DEPRECATION WARNING: /builds/gitlab-org/gitlab/vendor/ruby/2.7.0/gems/activerecord- warning: Using the last argument as keyword parameters is deprecated; maybe ** should be added to the call562/builds/gitlab-org/gitlab/app/models/concerns/has_environment_scope.rb:25: warning: The called method is defined here563 (called from find_platform_kubernetes_with_cte at /builds/gitlab-org/gitlab/app/models/concerns/deployment_platform.rb:27)564 shows environments in dropdown565 with logs566 shows pod logs567User deletes milestone568 when milestone belongs to project569 deletes milestone570 when milestone belongs to group571 deletes milestone572Developer deletes tag573 from the tags list page574 deletes the tag575 from a specific tag page576 deletes the tag577 when pre-receive hook fails578 shows the error message579Users > Terms580 shows the terms581 does not show buttons to accept, decline or sign out582 when user is a project bot583 auto accepts the terms584 when signed in585 declining the terms586 returns the user to the app587 accepting the terms588 returns the user to the app589 when the user has already accepted the terms590 allows the user to continue to the app591 terms were enforced while session is active592 redirects to terms and back to where the user was going593 redirects back to the page the user was trying to save (PENDING: Temporarily skipped with xit)594 when the terms are enforced595 signing out596 allows the user to sign out without a response597User filters Alert Management table by status598 when a developer displays the alert list and the alert service is enabled they can filter the table by an alert status599 shows the alert table items with alert status of Open by default600 shows the alert table items with alert status of Acknowledged601 shows the alert table items with alert status of Triggered602 shows the an empty table for a status with no alerts603Promotions604 for service desk605 when service desk is not supported606 appears in project edit page607 does not show when cookie is set608 when service desk is supported609 does not show promotion610User opens link to comment611 authenticated user612 switches to all activity and does not show error message613 anonymous user614 does not show error message615Group share with group lock616 with a subgroup617 when enabling the parent group share with group lock618 the subgroup share with group lock becomes enabled619 when disabling the parent group share with group lock (which was already enabled)620 and the subgroup share with group lock is enabled621 the subgroup share with group lock does not change622 but the subgroup share with group lock is disabled623 the subgroup share with group lock does not change624Projects > Show > User interacts with project stars625 when user is signed in626DEPRECATION WARNING: /usr/local/lib/ruby/2.7.0/delegate.rb:83: warning: Using the last argument as keyword parameters is deprecated; maybe ** should be added to the call627/builds/gitlab-org/gitlab/ee/app/models/ee/project.rb:505: warning: The called method `find_path_lock' is defined here628 (called from lock_file_link at /builds/gitlab-org/gitlab/ee/app/helpers/ee/lock_helper.rb:9)629 toggles the star630 when user is not signed in631 does not allow to star a project632Math rendering633 renders inline and display math correctly634 only renders non XSS links635Comment sort direction636 on issue page637 saves sort order638Projects > Files > User wants to add a Dockerfile file639 user can pick a Dockerfile file from the dropdown640Projects > Files > User views files page641 user sees folders and submodules sorted together, followed by files642Admin System Info643 GET /admin/system_info644 when all info is available645 shows system info page646 when CPU info is not available647 shows system info page with no CPU info648 when memory info is not available649 shows system info page with no CPU info650Projects > Settings > User changes default branch651 with normal project652 allows to change the default branch653 with empty project654 does not show default branch selector655Experience level screen656 shows the intro content657 shows the option for novice658 shows the option for experienced659 does not display any flash messages660 does not include the footer links661Merge Request > User tries to access private project information through the new mr page662 when the user enters the querystring info for the other project663 does not mention the project the user can't see the repo of664 when the user enters label information from the private project in the querystring665 does not expose the label name666Password reset667 throttling668 sends reset instructions when not previously sent669 sends reset instructions when previously sent more than a minute ago670 throttles multiple resets in a short timespan671 Changing password while logged in672 updates the password673Create a group label674 creates a new label675Static Object External Storage Content Security Policy676 behaves like setting CSP677 when no CSP config678 does not add CSP directives679 when a CSP config exists for connect-src680 when feature is enabled681 appends to connect-src682 when feature is disabled683 keeps original connect-src684 when a CSP config exists for default-src but not connect-src685 when feature is enabled686 uses default-src values in connect-src687 when feature is disabled688 does not add connect-src689 when a CSP config exists for font-src but not connect-src690 when feature is enabled691 uses default-src values in connect-src692 when feature is disabled693 does not add connect-src694Error Pages695 404696 allows user to search697 behaves like shows nav links698 shows nav links699 403700 behaves like shows nav links701 shows nav links702Search Snippets703 User searches for snippets by title704User views closed merge requests705DEPRECATION WARNING: /builds/gitlab-org/gitlab/ee/app/models/ee/merge_request.rb:86: warning: Using the last argument as keyword parameters is deprecated; maybe ** should be added to the call706/builds/gitlab-org/gitlab/app/models/merge_request.rb:380: warning: The called method `sort_by_attribute' is defined here707 (called from sort_by_attribute at /builds/gitlab-org/gitlab/ee/app/models/ee/merge_request.rb:86)708DEPRECATION WARNING: /builds/gitlab-org/gitlab/app/views/projects/merge_requests/_merge_request.html.haml:23: warning: Using the last argument as keyword parameters is deprecated; maybe ** should be added to the call709/builds/gitlab-org/gitlab/app/helpers/application_helper.rb:13: warning: The called method `render_if_exists' is defined here710 (called from _app_views_projects_merge_requests__merge_request_html_haml___410951735883907458_2877460 at /builds/gitlab-org/gitlab/app/views/projects/merge_requests/_merge_request.html.haml:23)711 shows closed merge requests712Knapsack report was generated. Preview:713{714 "spec/features/issues/create_issue_for_discussions_in_merge_request_spec.rb": 103.06892800331116,715 "spec/features/admin/clusters/applications_spec.rb": 76.82788062095642,716 "spec/features/boards/sidebar_spec.rb": 61.71177816390991,717 "spec/features/projects/settings/repository_settings_spec.rb": 42.129364252090454,718 "spec/features/projects/services/user_activates_mattermost_slash_command_spec.rb": 35.87412190437317,719 "spec/features/issues/form_spec.rb": 32.58695387840271,720 "spec/features/users/signup_spec.rb": 23.36028790473938,721 "spec/features/projects/commit/cherry_pick_spec.rb": 23.883366107940674,722 "spec/features/merge_request/user_sees_merge_button_depending_on_unresolved_discussions_spec.rb": 17.24925398826599,723 "spec/features/projects/snippets/create_snippet_spec.rb": 17.376110553741455,724 "spec/features/projects/settings/project_badges_spec.rb": 15.858124494552612,725 "spec/features/merge_request/user_toggles_whitespace_changes_spec.rb": 16.003851890563965,726 "spec/features/boards/multi_select_spec.rb": 12.360894203186035,727 "spec/features/projects/jobs/permissions_spec.rb": 12.93562364578247,728 "spec/features/projects/user_sorts_projects_spec.rb": 11.057332515716553,729 "spec/features/projects/activity/user_sees_design_activity_spec.rb": 9.02441930770874,730 "spec/features/projects/environments_pod_logs_spec.rb": 6.897638320922852,731 "spec/features/milestones/user_deletes_milestone_spec.rb": 7.715467929840088,732 "spec/features/tags/developer_deletes_tag_spec.rb": 7.119866132736206,733 "spec/features/users/terms_spec.rb": 6.417235374450684,734 "spec/features/alert_management/user_filters_alerts_by_status_spec.rb": 5.385100603103638,735 "spec/features/promotion_spec.rb": 5.754371643066406,736 "spec/features/user_opens_link_to_comment_spec.rb": 5.103721380233765,737 "spec/features/groups/share_lock_spec.rb": 5.044530153274536,738 "spec/features/projects/show/user_interacts_with_stars_spec.rb": 4.495439767837524,739 "spec/features/markdown/math_spec.rb": 4.196850538253784,740 "spec/features/issues/user_sorts_issue_comments_spec.rb": 3.538198471069336,741 "spec/features/projects/files/dockerfile_dropdown_spec.rb": 3.217404365539551,742 "spec/features/projects/files/files_sort_submodules_with_folders_spec.rb": 3.333923816680908,743 "spec/features/admin/admin_system_info_spec.rb": 2.044687032699585,744 "spec/features/projects/settings/user_changes_default_branch_spec.rb": 2.443666934967041,745 "spec/features/registrations/experience_level_spec.rb": 2.4959285259246826,746 "spec/features/merge_request/user_tries_to_access_private_project_info_through_new_mr_spec.rb": 1.8675987720489502,747 "spec/features/password_reset_spec.rb": 1.4344813823699951,748 "spec/features/groups/labels/create_spec.rb": 1.0949785709381104,749 "spec/features/ide/static_object_external_storage_csp_spec.rb": 0.978386402130127,750 "spec/features/error_pages_spec.rb": 0.9891393184661865,751 "spec/features/snippets/search_snippets_spec.rb": 0.8120813369750977,752 "spec/features/merge_requests/user_views_closed_merge_requests_spec.rb": 1.032567024230957753}754Knapsack global time execution for tests: 09m 54s755Pending: (Failures listed here are expected and do not affect your suite's status)756 1) Users > Terms when signed in terms were enforced while session is active redirects back to the page the user was trying to save757 # Temporarily skipped with xit758 # ./spec/features/users/terms_spec.rb:116759Finished in 10 minutes 12 seconds (files took 41.76 seconds to load)760271 examples, 0 failures, 1 pending761Mon 30 Nov 2020 01:13:03 PM UTC763Not uploading cache rails-v3-3 due to policy765Uploading artifacts...766coverage/: found 5 matching files and directories 767WARNING: crystalball/: no matching files 768deprecations/: found 22 matching files and directories 769knapsack/: found 3 matching files and directories 770rspec_flaky/: found 4 matching files and directories 771rspec_profiling/: found 1 matching files and directories 772WARNING: tmp/capybara/: no matching files 773tmp/memory_test/: found 2 matching files and directories 774tmp/feature_flags/: found 230 matching files and directories 775log/*.log: found 15 matching files and directories 776Uploading artifacts as "archive" to coordinator... ok id=880645402 responseStatus=201 Created token=kmhgyu5q777Uploading artifacts...778junit_rspec.xml: found 1 matching files and directories 779Uploading artifacts as "junit" to coordinator... ok id=880645402 responseStatus=201 Created token=kmhgyu5q781Job succeeded