Passed Started

Krasimir Angelov
1Running with gitlab-runner 17.4.0~pre.110.g27400594 (27400594)2 on sUrYYgEG, system ID: s_35f98e2af4653 feature flags: FF_NETWORK_PER_BUILD:true4Resolving secrets6Using Docker executor with image ...7Authenticating with credentials from job payload (GitLab Registry)8Pulling docker image ...9Using docker image sha256:11c5f4ea0909745f3160e821aa650305aec0533bb8d641f4b6f1fdf519cd9ee6 for with digest ...11Running on runner-suryygeg-project-278964-concurrent-0 via runner-suryygeg-shared-gitlab-org-1732235766-7f02be39...13Fetching changes with git depth set to 20...14Initialized empty Git repository in /builds/gitlab-org/gitlab/.git/15Created fresh repository.16remote: Enumerating objects: 229716, done. 17remote: Counting objects: 100% (229716/229716), done. 18remote: Compressing objects: 100% (131386/131386), done. 19remote: Total 229716 (delta 124411), reused 171704 (delta 90420), pack-reused 0 (from 0) 20Receiving objects: 100% (229716/229716), 176.30 MiB | 30.10 MiB/s, done.21Resolving deltas: 100% (124411/124411), done.23 * [new ref] refs/pipelines/1555543695 -> refs/pipelines/155554369524 * [new branch] master -> origin/master25Checking out 45689a16 as detached HEAD (ref is master)...26Skipping Git submodules setup27$ git remote set-url origin "${CI_REPOSITORY_URL}"29Using docker image sha256:11c5f4ea0909745f3160e821aa650305aec0533bb8d641f4b6f1fdf519cd9ee6 for with digest ...30$ /analyzer run31[INFO] [Gemnasium] [2024-11-22T01:19:19Z] ▶ GitLab Gemnasium analyzer v5.8.032[WARN] [Gemnasium] [2024-11-22T01:19:19Z] ▶ Subdirectories of app/assets are not searched due to the environment variable DS_MAX_DEPTH value of 233[WARN] [Gemnasium] [2024-11-22T01:19:19Z] ▶ Subdirectories of app/channels are not searched due to the environment variable DS_MAX_DEPTH value of 234[WARN] [Gemnasium] [2024-11-22T01:19:19Z] ▶ Subdirectories of app/components are not searched due to the environment variable DS_MAX_DEPTH value of 235[WARN] [Gemnasium] [2024-11-22T01:19:19Z] ▶ Subdirectories of app/controllers are not searched due to the environment variable DS_MAX_DEPTH value of 236[WARN] [Gemnasium] [2024-11-22T01:19:19Z] ▶ Subdirectories of app/enums are not searched due to the environment variable DS_MAX_DEPTH value of 237[WARN] [Gemnasium] [2024-11-22T01:19:19Z] ▶ Subdirectories of app/events are not searched due to the environment variable DS_MAX_DEPTH value of 238[WARN] [Gemnasium] [2024-11-22T01:19:19Z] ▶ Subdirectories of app/experiments are not searched due to the environment variable DS_MAX_DEPTH value of 239[WARN] [Gemnasium] [2024-11-22T01:19:19Z] ▶ Subdirectories of app/finders are not searched due to the environment variable DS_MAX_DEPTH value of 240[WARN] [Gemnasium] [2024-11-22T01:19:19Z] ▶ Subdirectories of app/graphql are not searched due to the environment variable DS_MAX_DEPTH value of 241[WARN] [Gemnasium] [2024-11-22T01:19:19Z] ▶ Subdirectories of app/helpers are not searched due to the environment variable DS_MAX_DEPTH value of 242[WARN] [Gemnasium] [2024-11-22T01:19:19Z] ▶ Subdirectories of app/mailers are not searched due to the environment variable DS_MAX_DEPTH value of 243[WARN] [Gemnasium] [2024-11-22T01:19:19Z] ▶ Subdirectories of app/models are not searched due to the environment variable DS_MAX_DEPTH value of 244[WARN] [Gemnasium] [2024-11-22T01:19:19Z] ▶ Subdirectories of app/policies are not searched due to the environment variable DS_MAX_DEPTH value of 245[WARN] [Gemnasium] [2024-11-22T01:19:19Z] ▶ Subdirectories of app/presenters are not searched due to the environment variable DS_MAX_DEPTH value of 246[WARN] [Gemnasium] [2024-11-22T01:19:19Z] ▶ Subdirectories of app/serializers are not searched due to the environment variable DS_MAX_DEPTH value of 247[WARN] [Gemnasium] [2024-11-22T01:19:19Z] ▶ Subdirectories of app/services are not searched due to the environment variable DS_MAX_DEPTH value of 248[WARN] [Gemnasium] [2024-11-22T01:19:19Z] ▶ Subdirectories of app/uploaders are not searched due to the environment variable DS_MAX_DEPTH value of 249[WARN] [Gemnasium] [2024-11-22T01:19:19Z] ▶ Subdirectories of app/validators are not searched due to the environment variable DS_MAX_DEPTH value of 250[WARN] [Gemnasium] [2024-11-22T01:19:19Z] ▶ Subdirectories of app/views are not searched due to the environment variable DS_MAX_DEPTH value of 251[WARN] [Gemnasium] [2024-11-22T01:19:19Z] ▶ Subdirectories of app/workers are not searched due to the environment variable DS_MAX_DEPTH value of 252[WARN] [Gemnasium] [2024-11-22T01:19:19Z] ▶ Subdirectories of config/application_setting_columns are not searched due to the environment variable DS_MAX_DEPTH value of 253[WARN] [Gemnasium] [2024-11-22T01:19:19Z] ▶ Subdirectories of config/audit_events are not searched due to the environment variable DS_MAX_DEPTH value of 254[WARN] [Gemnasium] [2024-11-22T01:19:19Z] ▶ Subdirectories of config/environments are not searched due to the environment variable DS_MAX_DEPTH value of 255[WARN] [Gemnasium] [2024-11-22T01:19:19Z] ▶ Subdirectories of config/events are not searched due to the environment variable DS_MAX_DEPTH value of 256[WARN] [Gemnasium] [2024-11-22T01:19:19Z] ▶ Subdirectories of config/feature_flags are not searched due to the environment variable DS_MAX_DEPTH value of 257[WARN] [Gemnasium] [2024-11-22T01:19:19Z] ▶ Subdirectories of config/helpers are not searched due to the environment variable DS_MAX_DEPTH value of 258[WARN] [Gemnasium] [2024-11-22T01:19:19Z] ▶ Subdirectories of config/initializers are not searched due to the environment variable DS_MAX_DEPTH value of 259[WARN] [Gemnasium] [2024-11-22T01:19:19Z] ▶ Subdirectories of config/initializers_before_autoloader are not searched due to the environment variable DS_MAX_DEPTH value of 260[WARN] [Gemnasium] [2024-11-22T01:19:19Z] ▶ Subdirectories of config/knative are not searched due to the environment variable DS_MAX_DEPTH value of 261[WARN] [Gemnasium] [2024-11-22T01:19:19Z] ▶ Subdirectories of config/locales are not searched due to the environment variable DS_MAX_DEPTH value of 262[WARN] [Gemnasium] [2024-11-22T01:19:19Z] ▶ Subdirectories of config/metrics are not searched due to the environment variable DS_MAX_DEPTH value of 263[WARN] [Gemnasium] [2024-11-22T01:19:19Z] ▶ Subdirectories of config/plugins are not searched due to the environment variable DS_MAX_DEPTH value of 264[WARN] [Gemnasium] [2024-11-22T01:19:19Z] ▶ Subdirectories of config/prometheus are not searched due to the environment variable DS_MAX_DEPTH value of 265[WARN] [Gemnasium] [2024-11-22T01:19:19Z] ▶ Subdirectories of config/routes are not searched due to the environment variable DS_MAX_DEPTH value of 266[WARN] [Gemnasium] [2024-11-22T01:19:19Z] ▶ Subdirectories of config/security are not searched due to the environment variable DS_MAX_DEPTH value of 267[WARN] [Gemnasium] [2024-11-22T01:19:19Z] ▶ Subdirectories of config/vue3migration are not searched due to the environment variable DS_MAX_DEPTH value of 268[WARN] [Gemnasium] [2024-11-22T01:19:19Z] ▶ Subdirectories of danger/ai_logging are not searched due to the environment variable DS_MAX_DEPTH value of 269[WARN] [Gemnasium] [2024-11-22T01:19:19Z] ▶ Subdirectories of danger/analytics_instrumentation are not searched due to the environment variable DS_MAX_DEPTH value of 270[WARN] [Gemnasium] [2024-11-22T01:19:19Z] ▶ Subdirectories of danger/architecture are not searched due to the environment variable DS_MAX_DEPTH value of 271[WARN] [Gemnasium] [2024-11-22T01:19:19Z] ▶ Subdirectories of danger/bulk_database_actions are not searched due to the environment variable DS_MAX_DEPTH value of 272[WARN] [Gemnasium] [2024-11-22T01:19:19Z] ▶ Subdirectories of danger/ce_ee_vue_templates are not searched due to the environment variable DS_MAX_DEPTH value of 273[WARN] [Gemnasium] [2024-11-22T01:19:19Z] ▶ Subdirectories of danger/change_column_default are not searched due to the environment variable DS_MAX_DEPTH value of 274[WARN] [Gemnasium] [2024-11-22T01:19:19Z] ▶ Subdirectories of danger/ci_config are not searched due to the environment variable DS_MAX_DEPTH value of 275[WARN] [Gemnasium] [2024-11-22T01:19:19Z] ▶ Subdirectories of danger/ci_tables are not searched due to the environment variable DS_MAX_DEPTH value of 276[WARN] [Gemnasium] [2024-11-22T01:19:19Z] ▶ Subdirectories of danger/ci_templates are not searched due to the environment variable DS_MAX_DEPTH value of 277[WARN] [Gemnasium] [2024-11-22T01:19:19Z] ▶ Subdirectories of danger/clickhouse are not searched due to the environment variable DS_MAX_DEPTH value of 278[WARN] [Gemnasium] [2024-11-22T01:19:19Z] ▶ Subdirectories of danger/config_files are not searched due to the environment variable DS_MAX_DEPTH value of 279[WARN] [Gemnasium] [2024-11-22T01:19:19Z] ▶ Subdirectories of danger/cookie_setting are not searched due to the environment variable DS_MAX_DEPTH value of 280[WARN] [Gemnasium] [2024-11-22T01:19:19Z] ▶ Subdirectories of danger/customer_success are not searched due to the environment variable DS_MAX_DEPTH value of 281[WARN] [Gemnasium] [2024-11-22T01:19:19Z] ▶ Subdirectories of danger/database are not searched due to the environment variable DS_MAX_DEPTH value of 282[WARN] [Gemnasium] [2024-11-22T01:19:19Z] ▶ Subdirectories of danger/datateam are not searched due to the environment variable DS_MAX_DEPTH value of 283[WARN] [Gemnasium] [2024-11-22T01:19:19Z] ▶ Subdirectories of danger/documentation are not searched due to the environment variable DS_MAX_DEPTH value of 284[WARN] [Gemnasium] [2024-11-22T01:19:19Z] ▶ Subdirectories of danger/duplicate_yarn_dependencies are not searched due to the environment variable DS_MAX_DEPTH value of 285[WARN] [Gemnasium] [2024-11-22T01:19:19Z] ▶ Subdirectories of danger/eslint are not searched due to the environment variable DS_MAX_DEPTH value of 286[WARN] [Gemnasium] [2024-11-22T01:19:19Z] ▶ Subdirectories of danger/experiments are not searched due to the environment variable DS_MAX_DEPTH value of 287[WARN] [Gemnasium] [2024-11-22T01:19:19Z] ▶ Subdirectories of danger/feature_flag are not searched due to the environment variable DS_MAX_DEPTH value of 288[WARN] [Gemnasium] [2024-11-22T01:19:19Z] ▶ Subdirectories of danger/gitaly are not searched due to the environment variable DS_MAX_DEPTH value of 289[WARN] [Gemnasium] [2024-11-22T01:19:19Z] ▶ Subdirectories of danger/gitlab_schema_validation are not searched due to the environment variable DS_MAX_DEPTH value of 290[WARN] [Gemnasium] [2024-11-22T01:19:19Z] ▶ Subdirectories of danger/ignored_model_columns are not searched due to the environment variable DS_MAX_DEPTH value of 291[WARN] [Gemnasium] [2024-11-22T01:19:19Z] ▶ Subdirectories of danger/master_pipeline_status are not searched due to the environment variable DS_MAX_DEPTH value of 292[WARN] [Gemnasium] [2024-11-22T01:19:19Z] ▶ Subdirectories of danger/model_validations are not searched due to the environment variable DS_MAX_DEPTH value of 293[WARN] [Gemnasium] [2024-11-22T01:19:19Z] ▶ Subdirectories of danger/multiversion are not searched due to the environment variable DS_MAX_DEPTH value of 294[WARN] [Gemnasium] [2024-11-22T01:19:19Z] ▶ Subdirectories of danger/pipeline are not searched due to the environment variable DS_MAX_DEPTH value of 295[WARN] [Gemnasium] [2024-11-22T01:19:19Z] ▶ Subdirectories of danger/pipeline_config are not searched due to the environment variable DS_MAX_DEPTH value of 296[WARN] [Gemnasium] [2024-11-22T01:19:19Z] ▶ Subdirectories of danger/plugins are not searched due to the environment variable DS_MAX_DEPTH value of 297[WARN] [Gemnasium] [2024-11-22T01:19:19Z] ▶ Subdirectories of danger/qa_selector are not searched due to the environment variable DS_MAX_DEPTH value of 298[WARN] [Gemnasium] [2024-11-22T01:19:19Z] ▶ Subdirectories of danger/remote_development are not searched due to the environment variable DS_MAX_DEPTH value of 299[WARN] [Gemnasium] [2024-11-22T01:19:19Z] ▶ Subdirectories of danger/roulette are not searched due to the environment variable DS_MAX_DEPTH value of 2100[WARN] [Gemnasium] [2024-11-22T01:19:19Z] ▶ Subdirectories of danger/rubocop are not searched due to the environment variable DS_MAX_DEPTH value of 2101[WARN] [Gemnasium] [2024-11-22T01:19:19Z] ▶ Subdirectories of danger/rubygems are not searched due to the environment variable DS_MAX_DEPTH value of 2102[WARN] [Gemnasium] [2024-11-22T01:19:19Z] ▶ Subdirectories of danger/saas_feature are not searched due to the environment variable DS_MAX_DEPTH value of 2103[WARN] [Gemnasium] [2024-11-22T01:19:19Z] ▶ Subdirectories of danger/settings_sections are not searched due to the environment variable DS_MAX_DEPTH value of 2104[WARN] [Gemnasium] [2024-11-22T01:19:19Z] ▶ Subdirectories of danger/sidekiq_args are not searched due to the environment variable DS_MAX_DEPTH value of 2105[WARN] [Gemnasium] [2024-11-22T01:19:19Z] ▶ Subdirectories of danger/sidekiq_queues are not searched due to the environment variable DS_MAX_DEPTH value of 2106[WARN] [Gemnasium] [2024-11-22T01:19:19Z] ▶ Subdirectories of danger/specialization_labels are not searched due to the environment variable DS_MAX_DEPTH value of 2107[WARN] [Gemnasium] [2024-11-22T01:19:19Z] ▶ Subdirectories of danger/specs are not searched due to the environment variable DS_MAX_DEPTH value of 2108[WARN] [Gemnasium] [2024-11-22T01:19:19Z] ▶ Subdirectories of danger/stable_branch_patch are not searched due to the environment variable DS_MAX_DEPTH value of 2109[WARN] [Gemnasium] [2024-11-22T01:19:19Z] ▶ Subdirectories of danger/todos are not searched due to the environment variable DS_MAX_DEPTH value of 2110[WARN] [Gemnasium] [2024-11-22T01:19:19Z] ▶ Subdirectories of danger/utility_css are not searched due to the environment variable DS_MAX_DEPTH value of 2111[WARN] [Gemnasium] [2024-11-22T01:19:19Z] ▶ Subdirectories of danger/vue_shared_documentation are not searched due to the environment variable DS_MAX_DEPTH value of 2112[WARN] [Gemnasium] [2024-11-22T01:19:19Z] ▶ Subdirectories of data/deprecations are not searched due to the environment variable DS_MAX_DEPTH value of 2113[WARN] [Gemnasium] [2024-11-22T01:19:19Z] ▶ Subdirectories of data/whats_new are not searched due to the environment variable DS_MAX_DEPTH value of 2114[WARN] [Gemnasium] [2024-11-22T01:19:19Z] ▶ Subdirectories of db/click_house are not searched due to the environment variable DS_MAX_DEPTH value of 2115[WARN] [Gemnasium] [2024-11-22T01:19:19Z] ▶ Subdirectories of db/database_connections are not searched due to the environment variable DS_MAX_DEPTH value of 2116[WARN] [Gemnasium] [2024-11-22T01:19:19Z] ▶ Subdirectories of db/docs are not searched due to the environment variable DS_MAX_DEPTH value of 2117[WARN] [Gemnasium] [2024-11-22T01:19:19Z] ▶ Subdirectories of db/fixtures are not searched due to the environment variable DS_MAX_DEPTH value of 2118[WARN] [Gemnasium] [2024-11-22T01:19:19Z] ▶ Subdirectories of db/gitlab_schemas are not searched due to the environment variable DS_MAX_DEPTH value of 2119[WARN] [Gemnasium] [2024-11-22T01:19:19Z] ▶ Subdirectories of db/migrate are not searched due to the environment variable DS_MAX_DEPTH value of 2120[WARN] [Gemnasium] [2024-11-22T01:19:19Z] ▶ Subdirectories of db/post_migrate are not searched due to the environment variable DS_MAX_DEPTH value of 2121[WARN] [Gemnasium] [2024-11-22T01:19:19Z] ▶ Subdirectories of db/schema_migrations are not searched due to the environment variable DS_MAX_DEPTH value of 2122[WARN] [Gemnasium] [2024-11-22T01:19:19Z] ▶ Subdirectories of doc/administration are not searched due to the environment variable DS_MAX_DEPTH value of 2123[WARN] [Gemnasium] [2024-11-22T01:19:19Z] ▶ Subdirectories of doc/api are not searched due to the environment variable DS_MAX_DEPTH value of 2124[WARN] [Gemnasium] [2024-11-22T01:19:19Z] ▶ Subdirectories of doc/architecture are not searched due to the environment variable DS_MAX_DEPTH value of 2125[WARN] [Gemnasium] [2024-11-22T01:19:19Z] ▶ Subdirectories of doc/ci are not searched due to the environment variable DS_MAX_DEPTH value of 2126[WARN] [Gemnasium] [2024-11-22T01:19:19Z] ▶ Subdirectories of doc/cloud_seed are not searched due to the environment variable DS_MAX_DEPTH value of 2127[WARN] [Gemnasium] [2024-11-22T01:19:19Z] ▶ Subdirectories of doc/development are not searched due to the environment variable DS_MAX_DEPTH value of 2128[WARN] [Gemnasium] [2024-11-22T01:19:19Z] ▶ Subdirectories of doc/downgrade_ee_to_ce are not searched due to the environment variable DS_MAX_DEPTH value of 2129[WARN] [Gemnasium] [2024-11-22T01:19:19Z] ▶ Subdirectories of doc/drawers are not searched due to the environment variable DS_MAX_DEPTH value of 2130[WARN] [Gemnasium] [2024-11-22T01:19:19Z] ▶ Subdirectories of doc/editor_extensions are not searched due to the environment variable DS_MAX_DEPTH value of 2131[WARN] [Gemnasium] [2024-11-22T01:19:19Z] ▶ Subdirectories of doc/gitlab-basics are not searched due to the environment variable DS_MAX_DEPTH value of 2132[WARN] [Gemnasium] [2024-11-22T01:19:19Z] ▶ Subdirectories of doc/install are not searched due to the environment variable DS_MAX_DEPTH value of 2133[WARN] [Gemnasium] [2024-11-22T01:19:19Z] ▶ Subdirectories of doc/integration are not searched due to the environment variable DS_MAX_DEPTH value of 2134[WARN] [Gemnasium] [2024-11-22T01:19:19Z] ▶ Subdirectories of doc/legal are not searched due to the environment variable DS_MAX_DEPTH value of 2135[WARN] [Gemnasium] [2024-11-22T01:19:19Z] ▶ Subdirectories of doc/operations are not searched due to the environment variable DS_MAX_DEPTH value of 2136[WARN] [Gemnasium] [2024-11-22T01:19:19Z] ▶ Subdirectories of doc/policy are not searched due to the environment variable DS_MAX_DEPTH value of 2137[WARN] [Gemnasium] [2024-11-22T01:19:19Z] ▶ Subdirectories of doc/raketasks are not searched due to the environment variable DS_MAX_DEPTH value of 2138[WARN] [Gemnasium] [2024-11-22T01:19:19Z] ▶ Subdirectories of doc/security are not searched due to the environment variable DS_MAX_DEPTH value of 2139[WARN] [Gemnasium] [2024-11-22T01:19:19Z] ▶ Subdirectories of doc/solutions are not searched due to the environment variable DS_MAX_DEPTH value of 2140[WARN] [Gemnasium] [2024-11-22T01:19:19Z] ▶ Subdirectories of doc/subscriptions are not searched due to the environment variable DS_MAX_DEPTH value of 2141[WARN] [Gemnasium] [2024-11-22T01:19:19Z] ▶ Subdirectories of doc/topics are not searched due to the environment variable DS_MAX_DEPTH value of 2142[WARN] [Gemnasium] [2024-11-22T01:19:19Z] ▶ Subdirectories of doc/tutorials are not searched due to the environment variable DS_MAX_DEPTH value of 2143[WARN] [Gemnasium] [2024-11-22T01:19:19Z] ▶ Subdirectories of doc/update are not searched due to the environment variable DS_MAX_DEPTH value of 2144[WARN] [Gemnasium] [2024-11-22T01:19:19Z] ▶ Subdirectories of doc/user are not searched due to the environment variable DS_MAX_DEPTH value of 2145[WARN] [Gemnasium] [2024-11-22T01:19:19Z] ▶ Subdirectories of ee/app are not searched due to the environment variable DS_MAX_DEPTH value of 2146[WARN] [Gemnasium] [2024-11-22T01:19:19Z] ▶ Subdirectories of ee/bin are not searched due to the environment variable DS_MAX_DEPTH value of 2147[WARN] [Gemnasium] [2024-11-22T01:19:19Z] ▶ Subdirectories of ee/config are not searched due to the environment variable DS_MAX_DEPTH value of 2148[WARN] [Gemnasium] [2024-11-22T01:19:19Z] ▶ Subdirectories of ee/db are not searched due to the environment variable DS_MAX_DEPTH value of 2149[WARN] [Gemnasium] [2024-11-22T01:19:19Z] ▶ Subdirectories of ee/elastic are not searched due to the environment variable DS_MAX_DEPTH value of 2150[WARN] [Gemnasium] [2024-11-22T01:19:19Z] ▶ Subdirectories of ee/fixtures are not searched due to the environment variable DS_MAX_DEPTH value of 2151[WARN] [Gemnasium] [2024-11-22T01:19:19Z] ▶ Subdirectories of ee/lib are not searched due to the environment variable DS_MAX_DEPTH value of 2152[WARN] [Gemnasium] [2024-11-22T01:19:19Z] ▶ Subdirectories of ee/locale are not searched due to the environment variable DS_MAX_DEPTH value of 2153[WARN] [Gemnasium] [2024-11-22T01:19:19Z] ▶ Subdirectories of file_hooks/examples are not searched due to the environment variable DS_MAX_DEPTH value of 2154[WARN] [Gemnasium] [2024-11-22T01:19:19Z] ▶ Subdirectories of fixtures/emojis are not searched due to the environment variable DS_MAX_DEPTH value of 2155[WARN] [Gemnasium] [2024-11-22T01:19:19Z] ▶ Subdirectories of fixtures/lib are not searched due to the environment variable DS_MAX_DEPTH value of 2156[WARN] [Gemnasium] [2024-11-22T01:19:19Z] ▶ Subdirectories of gems/activerecord-gitlab are not searched due to the environment variable DS_MAX_DEPTH value of 2157[WARN] [Gemnasium] [2024-11-22T01:19:19Z] ▶ Subdirectories of gems/click_house-client are not searched due to the environment variable DS_MAX_DEPTH value of 2158[WARN] [Gemnasium] [2024-11-22T01:19:19Z] ▶ Subdirectories of gems/config are not searched due to the environment variable DS_MAX_DEPTH value of 2159[WARN] [Gemnasium] [2024-11-22T01:19:19Z] ▶ Subdirectories of gems/csv_builder are not searched due to the environment variable DS_MAX_DEPTH value of 2160[WARN] [Gemnasium] [2024-11-22T01:19:19Z] ▶ Subdirectories of gems/error_tracking_open_api are not searched due to the environment variable DS_MAX_DEPTH value of 2161[WARN] [Gemnasium] [2024-11-22T01:19:19Z] ▶ Subdirectories of gems/gitlab-backup-cli are not searched due to the environment variable DS_MAX_DEPTH value of 2162[WARN] [Gemnasium] [2024-11-22T01:19:19Z] ▶ Subdirectories of gems/gitlab-database-load_balancing are not searched due to the environment variable DS_MAX_DEPTH value of 2163[WARN] [Gemnasium] [2024-11-22T01:19:19Z] ▶ Subdirectories of gems/gitlab-database-lock_retries are not searched due to the environment variable DS_MAX_DEPTH value of 2164[WARN] [Gemnasium] [2024-11-22T01:19:19Z] ▶ Subdirectories of gems/gitlab-housekeeper are not searched due to the environment variable DS_MAX_DEPTH value of 2165[WARN] [Gemnasium] [2024-11-22T01:19:19Z] ▶ Subdirectories of gems/gitlab-http are not searched due to the environment variable DS_MAX_DEPTH value of 2166[WARN] [Gemnasium] [2024-11-22T01:19:19Z] ▶ Subdirectories of gems/gitlab-rspec are not searched due to the environment variable DS_MAX_DEPTH value of 2167[WARN] [Gemnasium] [2024-11-22T01:19:19Z] ▶ Subdirectories of gems/gitlab-rspec_flaky are not searched due to the environment variable DS_MAX_DEPTH value of 2168[WARN] [Gemnasium] [2024-11-22T01:19:19Z] ▶ Subdirectories of gems/gitlab-safe_request_store are not searched due to the environment variable DS_MAX_DEPTH value of 2169[WARN] [Gemnasium] [2024-11-22T01:19:19Z] ▶ Subdirectories of gems/gitlab-schema-validation are not searched due to the environment variable DS_MAX_DEPTH value of 2170[WARN] [Gemnasium] [2024-11-22T01:19:19Z] ▶ Subdirectories of gems/gitlab-secret_detection are not searched due to the environment variable DS_MAX_DEPTH value of 2171[WARN] [Gemnasium] [2024-11-22T01:19:19Z] ▶ Subdirectories of gems/gitlab-utils are not searched due to the environment variable DS_MAX_DEPTH value of 2172[WARN] [Gemnasium] [2024-11-22T01:19:19Z] ▶ Subdirectories of gems/ipynbdiff are not searched due to the environment variable DS_MAX_DEPTH value of 2173[WARN] [Gemnasium] [2024-11-22T01:19:19Z] ▶ Subdirectories of gems/openbao_client are not searched due to the environment variable DS_MAX_DEPTH value of 2174[WARN] [Gemnasium] [2024-11-22T01:19:19Z] ▶ Subdirectories of generator_templates/active_record are not searched due to the environment variable DS_MAX_DEPTH value of 2175[WARN] [Gemnasium] [2024-11-22T01:19:19Z] ▶ Subdirectories of generator_templates/post_deployment_migration are not searched due to the environment variable DS_MAX_DEPTH value of 2176[WARN] [Gemnasium] [2024-11-22T01:19:19Z] ▶ Subdirectories of generator_templates/usage_metric_definition are not searched due to the environment variable DS_MAX_DEPTH value of 2177[WARN] [Gemnasium] [2024-11-22T01:19:19Z] ▶ Subdirectories of haml_lint/linter are not searched due to the environment variable DS_MAX_DEPTH value of 2178[WARN] [Gemnasium] [2024-11-22T01:19:19Z] ▶ Subdirectories of keeps/helpers are not searched due to the environment variable DS_MAX_DEPTH value of 2179[WARN] [Gemnasium] [2024-11-22T01:19:19Z] ▶ Subdirectories of lib/api are not searched due to the environment variable DS_MAX_DEPTH value of 2180[WARN] [Gemnasium] [2024-11-22T01:19:19Z] ▶ Subdirectories of lib/assets are not searched due to the environment variable DS_MAX_DEPTH value of 2181[WARN] [Gemnasium] [2024-11-22T01:19:19Z] ▶ Subdirectories of lib/atlassian are not searched due to the environment variable DS_MAX_DEPTH value of 2182[WARN] [Gemnasium] [2024-11-22T01:19:19Z] ▶ Subdirectories of lib/audit_events are not searched due to the environment variable DS_MAX_DEPTH value of 2183[WARN] [Gemnasium] [2024-11-22T01:19:19Z] ▶ Subdirectories of lib/authn are not searched due to the environment variable DS_MAX_DEPTH value of 2184[WARN] [Gemnasium] [2024-11-22T01:19:19Z] ▶ Subdirectories of lib/aws are not searched due to the environment variable DS_MAX_DEPTH value of 2185[WARN] [Gemnasium] [2024-11-22T01:19:19Z] ▶ Subdirectories of lib/backup are not searched due to the environment variable DS_MAX_DEPTH value of 2186[WARN] [Gemnasium] [2024-11-22T01:19:19Z] ▶ Subdirectories of lib/banzai are not searched due to the environment variable DS_MAX_DEPTH value of 2187[WARN] [Gemnasium] [2024-11-22T01:19:19Z] ▶ Subdirectories of lib/bitbucket are not searched due to the environment variable DS_MAX_DEPTH value of 2188[WARN] [Gemnasium] [2024-11-22T01:19:19Z] ▶ Subdirectories of lib/bitbucket_server are not searched due to the environment variable DS_MAX_DEPTH value of 2189[WARN] [Gemnasium] [2024-11-22T01:19:19Z] ▶ Subdirectories of lib/bulk_imports are not searched due to the environment variable DS_MAX_DEPTH value of 2190[WARN] [Gemnasium] [2024-11-22T01:19:19Z] ▶ Subdirectories of lib/ci are not searched due to the environment variable DS_MAX_DEPTH value of 2191[WARN] [Gemnasium] [2024-11-22T01:19:19Z] ▶ Subdirectories of lib/click_house are not searched due to the environment variable DS_MAX_DEPTH value of 2192[WARN] [Gemnasium] [2024-11-22T01:19:19Z] ▶ Subdirectories of lib/cloud_connector are not searched due to the environment variable DS_MAX_DEPTH value of 2193[WARN] [Gemnasium] [2024-11-22T01:19:19Z] ▶ Subdirectories of lib/constraints are not searched due to the environment variable DS_MAX_DEPTH value of 2194[WARN] [Gemnasium] [2024-11-22T01:19:19Z] ▶ Subdirectories of lib/container_registry are not searched due to the environment variable DS_MAX_DEPTH value of 2195[WARN] [Gemnasium] [2024-11-22T01:19:19Z] ▶ Subdirectories of lib/error_tracking are not searched due to the environment variable DS_MAX_DEPTH value of 2196[WARN] [Gemnasium] [2024-11-22T01:19:19Z] ▶ Subdirectories of lib/extracts_ref are not searched due to the environment variable DS_MAX_DEPTH value of 2197[WARN] [Gemnasium] [2024-11-22T01:19:19Z] ▶ Subdirectories of lib/feature are not searched due to the environment variable DS_MAX_DEPTH value of 2198[WARN] [Gemnasium] [2024-11-22T01:19:19Z] ▶ Subdirectories of lib/gem_extensions are not searched due to the environment variable DS_MAX_DEPTH value of 2199[WARN] [Gemnasium] [2024-11-22T01:19:19Z] ▶ Subdirectories of lib/generators are not searched due to the environment variable DS_MAX_DEPTH value of 2200[WARN] [Gemnasium] [2024-11-22T01:19:19Z] ▶ Subdirectories of lib/gitaly are not searched due to the environment variable DS_MAX_DEPTH value of 2201[WARN] [Gemnasium] [2024-11-22T01:19:19Z] ▶ Subdirectories of lib/gitlab are not searched due to the environment variable DS_MAX_DEPTH value of 2202[WARN] [Gemnasium] [2024-11-22T01:19:19Z] ▶ Subdirectories of lib/gitlab_settings are not searched due to the environment variable DS_MAX_DEPTH value of 2203[WARN] [Gemnasium] [2024-11-22T01:19:19Z] ▶ Subdirectories of lib/google_api are not searched due to the environment variable DS_MAX_DEPTH value of 2204[WARN] [Gemnasium] [2024-11-22T01:19:19Z] ▶ Subdirectories of lib/grafana are not searched due to the environment variable DS_MAX_DEPTH value of 2205[WARN] [Gemnasium] [2024-11-22T01:19:19Z] ▶ Subdirectories of lib/import are not searched due to the environment variable DS_MAX_DEPTH value of 2206[WARN] [Gemnasium] [2024-11-22T01:19:19Z] ▶ Subdirectories of lib/json_web_token are not searched due to the environment variable DS_MAX_DEPTH value of 2207[WARN] [Gemnasium] [2024-11-22T01:19:19Z] ▶ Subdirectories of lib/kramdown are not searched due to the environment variable DS_MAX_DEPTH value of 2208[WARN] [Gemnasium] [2024-11-22T01:19:19Z] ▶ Subdirectories of lib/mattermost are not searched due to the environment variable DS_MAX_DEPTH value of 2209[WARN] [Gemnasium] [2024-11-22T01:19:19Z] ▶ Subdirectories of lib/microsoft_teams are not searched due to the environment variable DS_MAX_DEPTH value of 2210[WARN] [Gemnasium] [2024-11-22T01:19:19Z] ▶ Subdirectories of lib/namespaces are not searched due to the environment variable DS_MAX_DEPTH value of 2211[WARN] [Gemnasium] [2024-11-22T01:19:19Z] ▶ Subdirectories of lib/object_storage are not searched due to the environment variable DS_MAX_DEPTH value of 2212[WARN] [Gemnasium] [2024-11-22T01:19:19Z] ▶ Subdirectories of lib/omni_auth are not searched due to the environment variable DS_MAX_DEPTH value of 2213[WARN] [Gemnasium] [2024-11-22T01:19:19Z] ▶ Subdirectories of lib/pager_duty are not searched due to the environment variable DS_MAX_DEPTH value of 2214[WARN] [Gemnasium] [2024-11-22T01:19:19Z] ▶ Subdirectories of lib/parameter_filters are not searched due to the environment variable DS_MAX_DEPTH value of 2215[WARN] [Gemnasium] [2024-11-22T01:19:19Z] ▶ Subdirectories of lib/peek are not searched due to the environment variable DS_MAX_DEPTH value of 2216[WARN] [Gemnasium] [2024-11-22T01:19:19Z] ▶ Subdirectories of lib/prometheus are not searched due to the environment variable DS_MAX_DEPTH value of 2217[WARN] [Gemnasium] [2024-11-22T01:19:19Z] ▶ Subdirectories of lib/quality are not searched due to the environment variable DS_MAX_DEPTH value of 2218[WARN] [Gemnasium] [2024-11-22T01:19:19Z] ▶ Subdirectories of lib/release_highlights are not searched due to the environment variable DS_MAX_DEPTH value of 2219[WARN] [Gemnasium] [2024-11-22T01:19:19Z] ▶ Subdirectories of lib/rouge are not searched due to the environment variable DS_MAX_DEPTH value of 2220[WARN] [Gemnasium] [2024-11-22T01:19:19Z] ▶ Subdirectories of lib/safe_zip are not searched due to the environment variable DS_MAX_DEPTH value of 2221[WARN] [Gemnasium] [2024-11-22T01:19:19Z] ▶ Subdirectories of lib/sbom are not searched due to the environment variable DS_MAX_DEPTH value of 2222[WARN] [Gemnasium] [2024-11-22T01:19:19Z] ▶ Subdirectories of lib/search are not searched due to the environment variable DS_MAX_DEPTH value of 2223[WARN] [Gemnasium] [2024-11-22T01:19:19Z] ▶ Subdirectories of lib/security are not searched due to the environment variable DS_MAX_DEPTH value of 2224[WARN] [Gemnasium] [2024-11-22T01:19:19Z] ▶ Subdirectories of lib/serializers are not searched due to the environment variable DS_MAX_DEPTH value of 2225[WARN] [Gemnasium] [2024-11-22T01:19:19Z] ▶ Subdirectories of lib/service_ping are not searched due to the environment variable DS_MAX_DEPTH value of 2226[WARN] [Gemnasium] [2024-11-22T01:19:19Z] ▶ Subdirectories of lib/sidebars are not searched due to the environment variable DS_MAX_DEPTH value of 2227[WARN] [Gemnasium] [2024-11-22T01:19:19Z] ▶ Subdirectories of lib/slack are not searched due to the environment variable DS_MAX_DEPTH value of 2228[WARN] [Gemnasium] [2024-11-22T01:19:19Z] ▶ Subdirectories of lib/spam are not searched due to the environment variable DS_MAX_DEPTH value of 2229[WARN] [Gemnasium] [2024-11-22T01:19:19Z] ▶ Subdirectories of lib/support are not searched due to the environment variable DS_MAX_DEPTH value of 2230[WARN] [Gemnasium] [2024-11-22T01:19:19Z] ▶ Subdirectories of lib/system_check are not searched due to the environment variable DS_MAX_DEPTH value of 2231[WARN] [Gemnasium] [2024-11-22T01:19:19Z] ▶ Subdirectories of lib/tasks are not searched due to the environment variable DS_MAX_DEPTH value of 2232[WARN] [Gemnasium] [2024-11-22T01:19:19Z] ▶ Subdirectories of lib/unnested_in_filters are not searched due to the environment variable DS_MAX_DEPTH value of 2233[WARN] [Gemnasium] [2024-11-22T01:19:19Z] ▶ Subdirectories of lib/users are not searched due to the environment variable DS_MAX_DEPTH value of 2234[WARN] [Gemnasium] [2024-11-22T01:19:19Z] ▶ Subdirectories of lib/vs_code are not searched due to the environment variable DS_MAX_DEPTH value of 2235[WARN] [Gemnasium] [2024-11-22T01:19:19Z] ▶ Subdirectories of lib/web_ide are not searched due to the environment variable DS_MAX_DEPTH value of 2236[WARN] [Gemnasium] [2024-11-22T01:19:19Z] ▶ Subdirectories of locale/am_ET are not searched due to the environment variable DS_MAX_DEPTH value of 2237[WARN] [Gemnasium] [2024-11-22T01:19:19Z] ▶ Subdirectories of locale/ar_SA are not searched due to the environment variable DS_MAX_DEPTH value of 2238[WARN] [Gemnasium] [2024-11-22T01:19:19Z] ▶ Subdirectories of locale/as_IN are not searched due to the environment variable DS_MAX_DEPTH value of 2239[WARN] [Gemnasium] [2024-11-22T01:19:19Z] ▶ Subdirectories of locale/az_AZ are not searched due to the environment variable DS_MAX_DEPTH value of 2240[WARN] [Gemnasium] [2024-11-22T01:19:19Z] ▶ Subdirectories of locale/ba_RU are not searched due to the environment variable DS_MAX_DEPTH value of 2241[WARN] [Gemnasium] [2024-11-22T01:19:19Z] ▶ Subdirectories of locale/be_BY are not searched due to the environment variable DS_MAX_DEPTH value of 2242[WARN] [Gemnasium] [2024-11-22T01:19:19Z] ▶ Subdirectories of locale/bg are not searched due to the environment variable DS_MAX_DEPTH value of 2243[WARN] [Gemnasium] [2024-11-22T01:19:19Z] ▶ Subdirectories of locale/bn_BD are not searched due to the environment variable DS_MAX_DEPTH value of 2244[WARN] [Gemnasium] [2024-11-22T01:19:19Z] ▶ Subdirectories of locale/bn_IN are not searched due to the environment variable DS_MAX_DEPTH value of 2245[WARN] [Gemnasium] [2024-11-22T01:19:19Z] ▶ Subdirectories of locale/br_FR are not searched due to the environment variable DS_MAX_DEPTH value of 2246[WARN] [Gemnasium] [2024-11-22T01:19:19Z] ▶ Subdirectories of locale/bs_BA are not searched due to the environment variable DS_MAX_DEPTH value of 2247[WARN] [Gemnasium] [2024-11-22T01:19:19Z] ▶ Subdirectories of locale/ca_ES are not searched due to the environment variable DS_MAX_DEPTH value of 2248[WARN] [Gemnasium] [2024-11-22T01:19:19Z] ▶ Subdirectories of locale/cs_CZ are not searched due to the environment variable DS_MAX_DEPTH value of 2249[WARN] [Gemnasium] [2024-11-22T01:19:19Z] ▶ Subdirectories of locale/cy_GB are not searched due to the environment variable DS_MAX_DEPTH value of 2250[WARN] [Gemnasium] [2024-11-22T01:19:19Z] ▶ Subdirectories of locale/da_DK are not searched due to the environment variable DS_MAX_DEPTH value of 2251[WARN] [Gemnasium] [2024-11-22T01:19:19Z] ▶ Subdirectories of locale/de are not searched due to the environment variable DS_MAX_DEPTH value of 2252[WARN] [Gemnasium] [2024-11-22T01:19:19Z] ▶ Subdirectories of locale/el_GR are not searched due to the environment variable DS_MAX_DEPTH value of 2253[WARN] [Gemnasium] [2024-11-22T01:19:19Z] ▶ Subdirectories of locale/en_GB are not searched due to the environment variable DS_MAX_DEPTH value of 2254[WARN] [Gemnasium] [2024-11-22T01:19:19Z] ▶ Subdirectories of locale/eo are not searched due to the environment variable DS_MAX_DEPTH value of 2255[WARN] [Gemnasium] [2024-11-22T01:19:19Z] ▶ Subdirectories of locale/es are not searched due to the environment variable DS_MAX_DEPTH value of 2256[WARN] [Gemnasium] [2024-11-22T01:19:19Z] ▶ Subdirectories of locale/et_EE are not searched due to the environment variable DS_MAX_DEPTH value of 2257[WARN] [Gemnasium] [2024-11-22T01:19:19Z] ▶ Subdirectories of locale/eu_ES are not searched due to the environment variable DS_MAX_DEPTH value of 2258[WARN] [Gemnasium] [2024-11-22T01:19:19Z] ▶ Subdirectories of locale/fa_IR are not searched due to the environment variable DS_MAX_DEPTH value of 2259[WARN] [Gemnasium] [2024-11-22T01:19:19Z] ▶ Subdirectories of locale/fi_FI are not searched due to the environment variable DS_MAX_DEPTH value of 2260[WARN] [Gemnasium] [2024-11-22T01:19:19Z] ▶ Subdirectories of locale/fil_PH are not searched due to the environment variable DS_MAX_DEPTH value of 2261[WARN] [Gemnasium] [2024-11-22T01:19:19Z] ▶ Subdirectories of locale/fr are not searched due to the environment variable DS_MAX_DEPTH value of 2262[WARN] [Gemnasium] [2024-11-22T01:19:19Z] ▶ Subdirectories of locale/ga_IE are not searched due to the environment variable DS_MAX_DEPTH value of 2263[WARN] [Gemnasium] [2024-11-22T01:19:19Z] ▶ Subdirectories of locale/gl_ES are not searched due to the environment variable DS_MAX_DEPTH value of 2264[WARN] [Gemnasium] [2024-11-22T01:19:19Z] ▶ Subdirectories of locale/he_IL are not searched due to the environment variable DS_MAX_DEPTH value of 2265[WARN] [Gemnasium] [2024-11-22T01:19:19Z] ▶ Subdirectories of locale/hi_IN are not searched due to the environment variable DS_MAX_DEPTH value of 2266[WARN] [Gemnasium] [2024-11-22T01:19:19Z] ▶ Subdirectories of locale/hr_HR are not searched due to the environment variable DS_MAX_DEPTH value of 2267[WARN] [Gemnasium] [2024-11-22T01:19:19Z] ▶ Subdirectories of locale/hu_HU are not searched due to the environment variable DS_MAX_DEPTH value of 2268[WARN] [Gemnasium] [2024-11-22T01:19:19Z] ▶ Subdirectories of locale/hy_AM are not searched due to the environment variable DS_MAX_DEPTH value of 2269[WARN] [Gemnasium] [2024-11-22T01:19:19Z] ▶ Subdirectories of locale/id_ID are not searched due to the environment variable DS_MAX_DEPTH value of 2270[WARN] [Gemnasium] [2024-11-22T01:19:19Z] ▶ Subdirectories of locale/ig_NG are not searched due to the environment variable DS_MAX_DEPTH value of 2271[WARN] [Gemnasium] [2024-11-22T01:19:19Z] ▶ Subdirectories of locale/is_IS are not searched due to the environment variable DS_MAX_DEPTH value of 2272[WARN] [Gemnasium] [2024-11-22T01:19:19Z] ▶ Subdirectories of locale/it are not searched due to the environment variable DS_MAX_DEPTH value of 2273[WARN] [Gemnasium] [2024-11-22T01:19:19Z] ▶ Subdirectories of locale/ja are not searched due to the environment variable DS_MAX_DEPTH value of 2274[WARN] [Gemnasium] [2024-11-22T01:19:19Z] ▶ Subdirectories of locale/ka_GE are not searched due to the environment variable DS_MAX_DEPTH value of 2275[WARN] [Gemnasium] [2024-11-22T01:19:19Z] ▶ Subdirectories of locale/kab are not searched due to the environment variable DS_MAX_DEPTH value of 2276[WARN] [Gemnasium] [2024-11-22T01:19:19Z] ▶ Subdirectories of locale/ko are not searched due to the environment variable DS_MAX_DEPTH value of 2277[WARN] [Gemnasium] [2024-11-22T01:19:19Z] ▶ Subdirectories of locale/ku_TR are not searched due to the environment variable DS_MAX_DEPTH value of 2278[WARN] [Gemnasium] [2024-11-22T01:19:19Z] ▶ Subdirectories of locale/ky_KG are not searched due to the environment variable DS_MAX_DEPTH value of 2279[WARN] [Gemnasium] [2024-11-22T01:19:19Z] ▶ Subdirectories of locale/lt_LT are not searched due to the environment variable DS_MAX_DEPTH value of 2280[WARN] [Gemnasium] [2024-11-22T01:19:19Z] ▶ Subdirectories of locale/mk_MK are not searched due to the environment variable DS_MAX_DEPTH value of 2281[WARN] [Gemnasium] [2024-11-22T01:19:19Z] ▶ Subdirectories of locale/ml_IN are not searched due to the environment variable DS_MAX_DEPTH value of 2282[WARN] [Gemnasium] [2024-11-22T01:19:19Z] ▶ Subdirectories of locale/mn_MN are not searched due to the environment variable DS_MAX_DEPTH value of 2283[WARN] [Gemnasium] [2024-11-22T01:19:19Z] ▶ Subdirectories of locale/ms_MY are not searched due to the environment variable DS_MAX_DEPTH value of 2284[WARN] [Gemnasium] [2024-11-22T01:19:19Z] ▶ Subdirectories of locale/nb_NO are not searched due to the environment variable DS_MAX_DEPTH value of 2285[WARN] [Gemnasium] [2024-11-22T01:19:19Z] ▶ Subdirectories of locale/ne_NP are not searched due to the environment variable DS_MAX_DEPTH value of 2286[WARN] [Gemnasium] [2024-11-22T01:19:19Z] ▶ Subdirectories of locale/nl_NL are not searched due to the environment variable DS_MAX_DEPTH value of 2287[WARN] [Gemnasium] [2024-11-22T01:19:19Z] ▶ Subdirectories of locale/or_IN are not searched due to the environment variable DS_MAX_DEPTH value of 2288[WARN] [Gemnasium] [2024-11-22T01:19:19Z] ▶ Subdirectories of locale/pa_IN are not searched due to the environment variable DS_MAX_DEPTH value of 2289[WARN] [Gemnasium] [2024-11-22T01:19:19Z] ▶ Subdirectories of locale/pa_PK are not searched due to the environment variable DS_MAX_DEPTH value of 2290[WARN] [Gemnasium] [2024-11-22T01:19:19Z] ▶ Subdirectories of locale/pl_PL are not searched due to the environment variable DS_MAX_DEPTH value of 2291[WARN] [Gemnasium] [2024-11-22T01:19:19Z] ▶ Subdirectories of locale/pt_BR are not searched due to the environment variable DS_MAX_DEPTH value of 2292[WARN] [Gemnasium] [2024-11-22T01:19:19Z] ▶ Subdirectories of locale/pt_PT are not searched due to the environment variable DS_MAX_DEPTH value of 2293[WARN] [Gemnasium] [2024-11-22T01:19:19Z] ▶ Subdirectories of locale/ro_RO are not searched due to the environment variable DS_MAX_DEPTH value of 2294[WARN] [Gemnasium] [2024-11-22T01:19:19Z] ▶ Subdirectories of locale/ru are not searched due to the environment variable DS_MAX_DEPTH value of 2295[WARN] [Gemnasium] [2024-11-22T01:19:19Z] ▶ Subdirectories of locale/si_LK are not searched due to the environment variable DS_MAX_DEPTH value of 2296[WARN] [Gemnasium] [2024-11-22T01:19:19Z] ▶ Subdirectories of locale/sk_SK are not searched due to the environment variable DS_MAX_DEPTH value of 2297[WARN] [Gemnasium] [2024-11-22T01:19:19Z] ▶ Subdirectories of locale/sl_SI are not searched due to the environment variable DS_MAX_DEPTH value of 2298[WARN] [Gemnasium] [2024-11-22T01:19:19Z] ▶ Subdirectories of locale/sq_AL are not searched due to the environment variable DS_MAX_DEPTH value of 2299[WARN] [Gemnasium] [2024-11-22T01:19:19Z] ▶ Subdirectories of locale/sr_CS are not searched due to the environment variable DS_MAX_DEPTH value of 2300[WARN] [Gemnasium] [2024-11-22T01:19:19Z] ▶ Subdirectories of locale/sr_SP are not searched due to the environment variable DS_MAX_DEPTH value of 2301[WARN] [Gemnasium] [2024-11-22T01:19:19Z] ▶ Subdirectories of locale/sv_SE are not searched due to the environment variable DS_MAX_DEPTH value of 2302[WARN] [Gemnasium] [2024-11-22T01:19:19Z] ▶ Subdirectories of locale/sw_KE are not searched due to the environment variable DS_MAX_DEPTH value of 2303[WARN] [Gemnasium] [2024-11-22T01:19:19Z] ▶ Subdirectories of locale/ta_IN are not searched due to the environment variable DS_MAX_DEPTH value of 2304[WARN] [Gemnasium] [2024-11-22T01:19:19Z] ▶ Subdirectories of locale/th_TH are not searched due to the environment variable DS_MAX_DEPTH value of 2305[WARN] [Gemnasium] [2024-11-22T01:19:19Z] ▶ Subdirectories of locale/ti_ER are not searched due to the environment variable DS_MAX_DEPTH value of 2306[WARN] [Gemnasium] [2024-11-22T01:19:19Z] ▶ Subdirectories of locale/tr_TR are not searched due to the environment variable DS_MAX_DEPTH value of 2307[WARN] [Gemnasium] [2024-11-22T01:19:19Z] ▶ Subdirectories of locale/uk are not searched due to the environment variable DS_MAX_DEPTH value of 2308[WARN] [Gemnasium] [2024-11-22T01:19:19Z] ▶ Subdirectories of locale/ur_PK are not searched due to the environment variable DS_MAX_DEPTH value of 2309[WARN] [Gemnasium] [2024-11-22T01:19:19Z] ▶ Subdirectories of locale/uz_UZ are not searched due to the environment variable DS_MAX_DEPTH value of 2310[WARN] [Gemnasium] [2024-11-22T01:19:19Z] ▶ Subdirectories of locale/vi_VN are not searched due to the environment variable DS_MAX_DEPTH value of 2311[WARN] [Gemnasium] [2024-11-22T01:19:19Z] ▶ Subdirectories of locale/zh_CN are not searched due to the environment variable DS_MAX_DEPTH value of 2312[WARN] [Gemnasium] [2024-11-22T01:19:19Z] ▶ Subdirectories of locale/zh_HK are not searched due to the environment variable DS_MAX_DEPTH value of 2313[WARN] [Gemnasium] [2024-11-22T01:19:19Z] ▶ Subdirectories of locale/zh_TW are not searched due to the environment variable DS_MAX_DEPTH value of 2314[WARN] [Gemnasium] [2024-11-22T01:19:19Z] ▶ Subdirectories of public/- are not searched due to the environment variable DS_MAX_DEPTH value of 2315[WARN] [Gemnasium] [2024-11-22T01:19:19Z] ▶ Subdirectories of qa/allure are not searched due to the environment variable DS_MAX_DEPTH value of 2316[WARN] [Gemnasium] [2024-11-22T01:19:19Z] ▶ Subdirectories of qa/bin are not searched due to the environment variable DS_MAX_DEPTH value of 2317[WARN] [Gemnasium] [2024-11-22T01:19:19Z] ▶ Subdirectories of qa/gdk are not searched due to the environment variable DS_MAX_DEPTH value of 2318[WARN] [Gemnasium] [2024-11-22T01:19:19Z] ▶ Subdirectories of qa/gems are not searched due to the environment variable DS_MAX_DEPTH value of 2319[WARN] [Gemnasium] [2024-11-22T01:19:19Z] ▶ Subdirectories of qa/knapsack are not searched due to the environment variable DS_MAX_DEPTH value of 2320[WARN] [Gemnasium] [2024-11-22T01:19:19Z] ▶ Subdirectories of qa/perf are not searched due to the environment variable DS_MAX_DEPTH value of 2321[WARN] [Gemnasium] [2024-11-22T01:19:19Z] ▶ Subdirectories of qa/qa are not searched due to the environment variable DS_MAX_DEPTH value of 2322[WARN] [Gemnasium] [2024-11-22T01:19:19Z] ▶ Subdirectories of qa/tasks are not searched due to the environment variable DS_MAX_DEPTH value of 2323[WARN] [Gemnasium] [2024-11-22T01:19:19Z] ▶ Subdirectories of qa/tls_certificates are not searched due to the environment variable DS_MAX_DEPTH value of 2324[WARN] [Gemnasium] [2024-11-22T01:19:19Z] ▶ Subdirectories of rubocop/cop are not searched due to the environment variable DS_MAX_DEPTH value of 2325[WARN] [Gemnasium] [2024-11-22T01:19:19Z] ▶ Subdirectories of rubocop/formatter are not searched due to the environment variable DS_MAX_DEPTH value of 2326[WARN] [Gemnasium] [2024-11-22T01:19:19Z] ▶ Subdirectories of scripts/api are not searched due to the environment variable DS_MAX_DEPTH value of 2327[WARN] [Gemnasium] [2024-11-22T01:19:19Z] ▶ Subdirectories of scripts/cells are not searched due to the environment variable DS_MAX_DEPTH value of 2328[WARN] [Gemnasium] [2024-11-22T01:19:19Z] ▶ Subdirectories of scripts/custom_models are not searched due to the environment variable DS_MAX_DEPTH value of 2329[WARN] [Gemnasium] [2024-11-22T01:19:19Z] ▶ Subdirectories of scripts/data_seeder are not searched due to the environment variable DS_MAX_DEPTH value of 2330[WARN] [Gemnasium] [2024-11-22T01:19:19Z] ▶ Subdirectories of scripts/database are not searched due to the environment variable DS_MAX_DEPTH value of 2331[WARN] [Gemnasium] [2024-11-22T01:19:19Z] ▶ Subdirectories of scripts/decomposition are not searched due to the environment variable DS_MAX_DEPTH value of 2332[WARN] [Gemnasium] [2024-11-22T01:19:19Z] ▶ Subdirectories of scripts/duo_chat are not searched due to the environment variable DS_MAX_DEPTH value of 2333[WARN] [Gemnasium] [2024-11-22T01:19:19Z] ▶ Subdirectories of scripts/feature_flags are not searched due to the environment variable DS_MAX_DEPTH value of 2334[WARN] [Gemnasium] [2024-11-22T01:19:19Z] ▶ Subdirectories of scripts/flaky_examples are not searched due to the environment variable DS_MAX_DEPTH value of 2335[WARN] [Gemnasium] [2024-11-22T01:19:19Z] ▶ Subdirectories of scripts/frontend are not searched due to the environment variable DS_MAX_DEPTH value of 2336[WARN] [Gemnasium] [2024-11-22T01:19:19Z] ▶ Subdirectories of scripts/internal_events are not searched due to the environment variable DS_MAX_DEPTH value of 2337[WARN] [Gemnasium] [2024-11-22T01:19:19Z] ▶ Subdirectories of scripts/lib are not searched due to the environment variable DS_MAX_DEPTH value of 2338[WARN] [Gemnasium] [2024-11-22T01:19:19Z] ▶ Subdirectories of scripts/lint are not searched due to the environment variable DS_MAX_DEPTH value of 2339[WARN] [Gemnasium] [2024-11-22T01:19:19Z] ▶ Subdirectories of scripts/packages are not searched due to the environment variable DS_MAX_DEPTH value of 2340[WARN] [Gemnasium] [2024-11-22T01:19:19Z] ▶ Subdirectories of scripts/perf are not searched due to the environment variable DS_MAX_DEPTH value of 2341[WARN] [Gemnasium] [2024-11-22T01:19:19Z] ▶ Subdirectories of scripts/pipeline are not searched due to the environment variable DS_MAX_DEPTH value of 2342[WARN] [Gemnasium] [2024-11-22T01:19:19Z] ▶ Subdirectories of scripts/qa are not searched due to the environment variable DS_MAX_DEPTH value of 2343[WARN] [Gemnasium] [2024-11-22T01:19:19Z] ▶ Subdirectories of scripts/release_environment are not searched due to the environment variable DS_MAX_DEPTH value of 2344[WARN] [Gemnasium] [2024-11-22T01:19:19Z] ▶ Subdirectories of scripts/remote_development are not searched due to the environment variable DS_MAX_DEPTH value of 2345[WARN] [Gemnasium] [2024-11-22T01:19:19Z] ▶ Subdirectories of scripts/review_apps are not searched due to the environment variable DS_MAX_DEPTH value of 2346[WARN] [Gemnasium] [2024-11-22T01:19:19Z] ▶ Subdirectories of scripts/setup are not searched due to the environment variable DS_MAX_DEPTH value of 2347[WARN] [Gemnasium] [2024-11-22T01:19:19Z] ▶ Subdirectories of shared/artifacts are not searched due to the environment variable DS_MAX_DEPTH value of 2348[WARN] [Gemnasium] [2024-11-22T01:19:19Z] ▶ Subdirectories of shared/ci_secure_files are not searched due to the environment variable DS_MAX_DEPTH value of 2349[WARN] [Gemnasium] [2024-11-22T01:19:19Z] ▶ Subdirectories of shared/lfs-objects are not searched due to the environment variable DS_MAX_DEPTH value of 2350[WARN] [Gemnasium] [2024-11-22T01:19:19Z] ▶ Subdirectories of shared/packages are not searched due to the environment variable DS_MAX_DEPTH value of 2351[WARN] [Gemnasium] [2024-11-22T01:19:19Z] ▶ Subdirectories of shared/pages are not searched due to the environment variable DS_MAX_DEPTH value of 2352[WARN] [Gemnasium] [2024-11-22T01:19:19Z] ▶ Subdirectories of shared/registry are not searched due to the environment variable DS_MAX_DEPTH value of 2353[WARN] [Gemnasium] [2024-11-22T01:19:19Z] ▶ Subdirectories of shared/terraform_state are not searched due to the environment variable DS_MAX_DEPTH value of 2354[WARN] [Gemnasium] [2024-11-22T01:19:19Z] ▶ Subdirectories of storybook/config are not searched due to the environment variable DS_MAX_DEPTH value of 2355[WARN] [Gemnasium] [2024-11-22T01:19:19Z] ▶ Subdirectories of storybook/helpers are not searched due to the environment variable DS_MAX_DEPTH value of 2356[WARN] [Gemnasium] [2024-11-22T01:19:19Z] ▶ Subdirectories of tooling/audit_events are not searched due to the environment variable DS_MAX_DEPTH value of 2357[WARN] [Gemnasium] [2024-11-22T01:19:19Z] ▶ Subdirectories of tooling/bin are not searched due to the environment variable DS_MAX_DEPTH value of 2358[WARN] [Gemnasium] [2024-11-22T01:19:19Z] ▶ Subdirectories of tooling/config are not searched due to the environment variable DS_MAX_DEPTH value of 2359[WARN] [Gemnasium] [2024-11-22T01:19:19Z] ▶ Subdirectories of tooling/custom_roles are not searched due to the environment variable DS_MAX_DEPTH value of 2360[WARN] [Gemnasium] [2024-11-22T01:19:19Z] ▶ Subdirectories of tooling/danger are not searched due to the environment variable DS_MAX_DEPTH value of 2361[WARN] [Gemnasium] [2024-11-22T01:19:19Z] ▶ Subdirectories of tooling/docs are not searched due to the environment variable DS_MAX_DEPTH value of 2362[WARN] [Gemnasium] [2024-11-22T01:19:19Z] ▶ Subdirectories of tooling/eslint-config are not searched due to the environment variable DS_MAX_DEPTH value of 2363[WARN] [Gemnasium] [2024-11-22T01:19:19Z] ▶ Subdirectories of tooling/graphql are not searched due to the environment variable DS_MAX_DEPTH value of 2364[WARN] [Gemnasium] [2024-11-22T01:19:19Z] ▶ Subdirectories of tooling/lib are not searched due to the environment variable DS_MAX_DEPTH value of 2365[WARN] [Gemnasium] [2024-11-22T01:19:19Z] ▶ Subdirectories of tooling/quality are not searched due to the environment variable DS_MAX_DEPTH value of 2366[WARN] [Gemnasium] [2024-11-22T01:19:19Z] ▶ Subdirectories of tooling/stylelint are not searched due to the environment variable DS_MAX_DEPTH value of 2367[WARN] [Gemnasium] [2024-11-22T01:19:19Z] ▶ Subdirectories of workhorse/_support are not searched due to the environment variable DS_MAX_DEPTH value of 2368[WARN] [Gemnasium] [2024-11-22T01:19:19Z] ▶ Subdirectories of workhorse/changelogs are not searched due to the environment variable DS_MAX_DEPTH value of 2369[WARN] [Gemnasium] [2024-11-22T01:19:19Z] ▶ Subdirectories of workhorse/cmd are not searched due to the environment variable DS_MAX_DEPTH value of 2370[WARN] [Gemnasium] [2024-11-22T01:19:19Z] ▶ Subdirectories of workhorse/internal are not searched due to the environment variable DS_MAX_DEPTH value of 2371[WARN] [Gemnasium] [2024-11-22T01:19:19Z] ▶ Subdirectories of workhorse/testdata are not searched due to the environment variable DS_MAX_DEPTH value of 2372[INFO] [Gemnasium] [2024-11-22T01:19:19Z] ▶ Failed to list packages via `go list`. Parsing go.mod file instead.373[INFO] [Gemnasium] [2024-11-22T01:19:22Z] ▶ Using commit 57ac1d03365f6dcd892eedc7a97aa0141057ca32374 of vulnerability database375[INFO] [Gemnasium] [2024-11-22T01:19:33Z] ▶ using schema model 15376[WARN] [Gemnasium] [2024-11-22T01:19:33Z] ▶ Advisory with UUID 05cfa2e8-2d0c-42c1-8894-638e2f12ff3d does not have a vendor378Running after script...379$ find spec ee/spec qa -path '**/fixtures/**/gl-sbom*.cdx.json' -delete381Uploading artifacts...382**/gl-sbom-*.cdx.json: found 21 matching artifact files and directories 383WARNING: Upload request redirected location= new-url=https://gitlab.com384WARNING: Retrying... context=artifacts-uploader error=request redirected385Uploading artifacts as "archive" to coordinator... 201 Created id=8442485034 responseStatus=201 Created token=glcbt-66386Uploading artifacts...387**/gl-sbom-*.cdx.json: found 21 matching artifact files and directories 388WARNING: Upload request redirected location= new-url=https://gitlab.com389WARNING: Retrying... context=artifacts-uploader error=request redirected390Uploading artifacts as "cyclonedx" to coordinator... 201 Created id=8442485034 responseStatus=201 Created token=glcbt-66391Uploading artifacts...392gl-dependency-scanning-report.json: found 1 matching artifact files and directories 393WARNING: Upload request redirected location= new-url=https://gitlab.com394WARNING: Retrying... context=artifacts-uploader error=request redirected395Uploading artifacts as "dependency_scanning" to coordinator... 201 Created id=8442485034 responseStatus=201 Created token=glcbt-66397Job succeeded