Running with gitlab-runner 17.0.0~pre.88.g761ae5dd (761ae5dd)
  on Zi_8oswQ, system ID: s_8a4f217c24b6
  feature flags: FF_NETWORK_PER_BUILD:true
Resolving secrets
Preparing the "docker+machine" executor
Using Docker executor with image ...
Starting service ...
Authenticating with credentials from job payload (GitLab Registry)
Pulling docker image ...
Using docker image sha256:82f132c22567f8ce17cc132c14b2f9aa3eaf9bb5424d91c2d966912433f0257d for with digest ...
WARNING: Service is already created. Ignoring.
WARNING: Service is already created. Ignoring.
Starting service ...
Authenticating with credentials from job payload (GitLab Registry)
Pulling docker image ...
Using docker image sha256:5c5ba5b83d6c60cb0b225bd670b7a43be8c238cc72347d24af57e5027c3648f3 for with digest ...
Starting service redis:6.2-alpine ...
Pulling docker image redis:6.2-alpine ...
Using docker image sha256:36c1d3cfe18f4b12d4640576f7048068acbfc3625027b6bbb46bba0e31b11831 for redis:6.2-alpine with digest redis@sha256:e3b17ba9479deec4b7d1eeec1548a253acc5374d68d3b27937fcfe4df8d18c7e ...
Waiting for services to be up and running (timeout 30 seconds)...
Authenticating with credentials from job payload (GitLab Registry)
Pulling docker image ...
Using docker image sha256:533b69d21cbef3edef3b4fa4c5106d4fe43a2d2e80f65333682de7f2d5ac1800 for with digest ...
Preparing environment
Running on runner-zi8oswq-project-278964-concurrent-0 via runner-zi8oswq-private-1725467111-0a9e82f1...
Getting source from Git repository
Skipping Git repository setup
Skipping Git checkout
Skipping Git submodules setup
Restoring cache
Checking cache for ruby-gems-debian-bookworm-ruby-3.1.5-gemfile-Gemfile-17...
Downloading cache from 
Successfully extracted cache
Downloading artifacts
Downloading artifacts for clone-gitlab-repo (7746977797)...
Downloading artifacts from coordinator... ok id=7746977797 responseStatus=200 OK token=glcbt-66
WARNING: Part of .git directory is on the list of files to extract 
WARNING: This may introduce unexpected problems    
Downloading artifacts for compile-test-assets (7746977845)...
Downloading artifacts from coordinator... ok id=7746977845 responseStatus=200 OK token=glcbt-66
Downloading artifacts for retrieve-tests-metadata (7746977860)...
Downloading artifacts from coordinator... ok id=7746977860 responseStatus=200 OK token=glcbt-66
Downloading artifacts for setup-test-env (7746977851)...
Downloading artifacts from coordinator... ok id=7746977851 responseStatus=200 OK token=glcbt-66
Executing "step_script" stage of the job script
Using docker image sha256:533b69d21cbef3edef3b4fa4c5106d4fe43a2d2e80f65333682de7f2d5ac1800 for with digest ...
$ echo $FOSS_ONLY

$ [ "$FOSS_ONLY" = "1" ] && rm -rf ee/ qa/spec/ee/ qa/qa/specs/features/ee/ qa/qa/ee/ qa/qa/ee.rb
$ mkdir -p $GOPATH
$ source scripts/
$ log_disk_usage before_script
[log_disk_usage before_script] start
df -h
Filesystem      Size  Used Avail Use% Mounted on
overlay          95G   24G   71G  25% /
tmpfs            64M     0   64M   0% /dev
shm              64M     0   64M   0% /dev/shm
/dev/sda1        95G   24G   71G  25% /cache
tmpfs           3.9G     0  3.9G   0% /sys/devices/virtual/dmi/id
du -h -d 1
7.3M	./workhorse
148K	./bin
1.2M	./.gitlab
164M	./.git
4.0K	./builds
27M	./lib
8.0K	./.vscode
516K	./storybook
20K	./log
1.8M	./data
9.9M	./qa
2.9M	./.rubocop_todo
1.1G	./vendor
920M	./public
58M	./doc
480K	./danger
108K	./rspec
536K	./tooling
138M	./ee
1.3M	./knapsack
296K	./patches
4.3M	./changelogs
20K	./haml_lint
28K	./metrics_server
88K	./keeps
48K	./shared
44K	./generator_templates
1.3M	./scripts
680M	./tmp
125M	./spec
20K	./file_hooks
16K	./sidekiq_cluster
16M	./gems
1.2M	./fixtures
948K	./rubocop
4.0K	./.go
29M	./db
12K	./.github
118M	./locale
1.9M	./glfm_specification
17M	./config
80M	./app
16K	./.lefthook
3.4G	.
[log_disk_usage before_script] end
$ source scripts/
Installing gems
Bundler version 2.3.27
Settings are listed in order of priority. The top value will be used.
Set for your local app (/builds/gitlab-org/gitlab/.bundle/config): true

Set via BUNDLE_FROZEN: true

Set via BUNDLE_GEMFILE: "/builds/gitlab-org/gitlab/Gemfile"

Set via BUNDLE_INSTALL_FLAGS: "--jobs=$(nproc) --retry=3"

Set for your local app (/builds/gitlab-org/gitlab/.bundle/config): "/builds/gitlab-org/gitlab/vendor"

Set via BUNDLE_WITHOUT: [:production, :development]

$ bundle install --jobs=$(nproc) --retry=3 
Don't run Bundler as root. Installing your bundle as root will break this
application for all non-root users on this machine.
Patching bundler with bundler-checksum...
Bundle complete! 363 Gemfile dependencies, 678 gems now installed.
Gems in the groups 'production' and 'development' were not installed.
Bundled gems are installed into `./vendor`
3 installed gems you directly depend on are looking for funding.
  Run `bundle fund` for details
==> 'bundle install --jobs=$(nproc) --retry=3 ' succeeded in 3 seconds.
$ bundle pristine pg
Patching bundler with bundler-checksum...
Installing pg 1.5.6 with native extensions
==> 'bundle pristine pg' succeeded in 19 seconds.

Using decomposed database config (config/database.yml.decomposed-postgresql)
Geo DB won't be set up.
Embedding DB won't be set up.
Setting up DBs
$ bundle exec rake db:drop db:create db:schema:load db:migrate gitlab:db:lock_writes
Dropped database 'gitlabhq_test'
Dropped database 'gitlabhq_test_ci'
Created database 'gitlabhq_test'
Created database 'gitlabhq_test_ci'
==> 'bundle exec rake db:drop db:create db:schema:load db:migrate gitlab:db:lock_writes' succeeded in 73 seconds.
SELECT pg_catalog.set_config('search_path', '', false);

$ source ./scripts/
$ run_timed_command "gem install knapsack --no-document"
$ gem install knapsack --no-document
Successfully installed knapsack-4.0.0
1 gem installed
==> 'gem install knapsack --no-document' succeeded in 2 seconds.
$ section_start "gitaly-test-spawn" "Spawning Gitaly"; scripts/gitaly-test-spawn; section_end "gitaly-test-spawn"
Spawning Gitaly
Trying to connect to gitaly: ....... OK
Trying to connect to gitaly2: ........ OK
Starting Praefect with in-memory election strategyTrying to connect to praefect: ....... OK

$ export RSPEC_SKIPPED_TESTS_REPORT_PATH="rspec/skipped_tests-${CI_JOB_ID}.txt"
$ export RSPEC_RETRIED_TESTS_REPORT_PATH="rspec/retried_tests-${CI_JOB_ID}.txt"
$ tooling/bin/create_job_metrics_file || true
[job-metrics] Creating the job metrics file for the CI/CD job.
$ rspec_section rspec_parallelized_job "--fail-fast=${RSPEC_FAIL_FAST_THRESHOLD} --tag ~quarantine --tag ~level:background_migration --tag ~click_house"
[18:53:16] Starting rspec_parallelized_job
KNAPSACK_TEST_FILE_PATTERN: spec/{features}{,/**/}*_spec.rb
KNAPSACK_REPORT_PATH: knapsack/rspec_system_pg14_31_32_278964_report.json
FLAKY_RSPEC_SUITE_REPORT_PATH: rspec/flaky/report-suite.json
FLAKY_RSPEC_REPORT_PATH: rspec/flaky/all_rspec_system_pg14_31_32_278964_report.json
NEW_FLAKY_RSPEC_REPORT_PATH: rspec/flaky/new_rspec_system_pg14_31_32_278964_report.json
RSPEC_SKIPPED_TESTS_REPORT_PATH: rspec/skipped_tests-7746978161.txt
Shell set options (set -o) enabled:
braceexpand    	on
hashall        	on
interactive-comments	on
pipefail       	on
Knapsack report generator started!
warning: parser/current is loading parser/ruby31, which recognizes 3.1.6-compliant syntax, but you are running 3.1.5.
Please see
Run options: exclude {:quarantine=>true, :level=>"background_migration", :click_house=>true}

# [RSpecRunTime] Starting RSpec timer...
[TEST PROF INFO] EventProf enabled (sql.active_record)
unknown OID 2249: failed to recognize type of 'pg_stat_file'. It will be treated as String.
unknown OID 2249: failed to recognize type of 'pg_stat_file'. It will be treated as String.

Test environment set up in 3.184412609 seconds
# [RSpecRunTime] Starting example group spec/features/merge_request/user_sees_avatar_on_diff_notes_spec.rb. Expected to take 4 minutes 40.27 seconds.

Merge request > User sees avatars on diff notes
Starting the Capybara driver server...
  discussion tab
Capybara starting Puma...
* Version 6.4.0, codename: The Eagle of Durango
* Min threads: 0, max threads: 4
* Listening on unix:///tmp/20240904-326-mzi3ee
    does not show avatars on discussion tab
    does not render avatars after commenting on discussion tab
  commit view
    does not render avatar after commenting
# [RSpecRunTime] RSpec elapsed time: 1 minute 17.21 seconds. Current RSS: ~1511M. Threads: 25. load average: 1.58 1.33 1.25 1/393 1100

  parallel view
    shows note avatar
    shows comment on note avatar
    toggles comments when clicking avatar
    removes avatar when note is deleted
    adds avatar when commenting
    adds multiple comments
    multiple comments
      shows extra comment count
# [RSpecRunTime] RSpec elapsed time: 4 minutes 48.45 seconds. Current RSS: ~1504M. Threads: 25. load average: 1.40 1.41 1.30 1/392 2238

# [RSpecRunTime] Finishing example group spec/features/merge_request/user_sees_avatar_on_diff_notes_spec.rb. It took 4 minutes 43.9 seconds. Expected to take 4 minutes 40.27 seconds.
# [RSpecRunTime] RSpec elapsed time: 4 minutes 50.47 seconds. Current RSS: ~1502M. Threads: 25. load average: 1.40 1.41 1.30 1/392 2239

# [RSpecRunTime] Starting example group spec/features/project_variables_spec.rb. Expected to take 4 minutes 16.58 seconds.

Project variables
  when ci_variables_pages FF is enabled
    behaves like variable list drawer
      renders the list drawer
      adds a new CI variable
      allows variable with empty value to be created
      defaults to unmasked, expanded
      edits a variable
      removes alert on form change after a mutation
      shows validation error for duplicate keys
      shows validation error for unmaskable values
      handles multiple edits and a deletion
      with application setting for protected attribute
        when application setting is true
          defaults to protected
# [RSpecRunTime] RSpec elapsed time: 5 minutes 59.53 seconds. Current RSS: ~1549M. Threads: 24. load average: 1.91 1.58 1.37 1/393 2264

        when application setting is false
          defaults to unprotected
# [RSpecRunTime] RSpec elapsed time: 6 minutes 8.93 seconds. Current RSS: ~1553M. Threads: 24. load average: 1.92 1.59 1.37 1/393 2269

    behaves like variable list env scope
      adds a new variable with an environment scope
      resets environment scope list after closing the form
# [RSpecRunTime] RSpec elapsed time: 6 minutes 30.62 seconds. Current RSS: ~1541M. Threads: 24. load average: 1.88 1.60 1.38 1/392 2277

    behaves like variable list pagination
      can navigate between pages
      sorts variables alphabetically in ASC and DESC order
# [RSpecRunTime] RSpec elapsed time: 6 minutes 53.08 seconds. Current RSS: ~1540M. Threads: 24. load average: 1.96 1.65 1.40 2/391 2285

  when ci_variables_pages FF is disabled
    behaves like variable list drawer
      renders the list drawer
      adds a new CI variable
      allows variable with empty value to be created
      defaults to unmasked, expanded
      edits a variable
      removes alert on form change after a mutation
      shows validation error for duplicate keys
      shows validation error for unmaskable values
      handles multiple edits and a deletion
      with application setting for protected attribute
        when application setting is true
          defaults to protected
# [RSpecRunTime] RSpec elapsed time: 8 minutes 0.99 second. Current RSS: ~1541M. Threads: 24. load average: 1.98 1.72 1.44 1/396 2311

        when application setting is false
          defaults to unprotected
# [RSpecRunTime] RSpec elapsed time: 8 minutes 9.47 seconds. Current RSS: ~1544M. Threads: 24. load average: 2.47 1.83 1.48 1/396 2316

    behaves like variable list env scope
      adds a new variable with an environment scope
      resets environment scope list after closing the form
# [RSpecRunTime] RSpec elapsed time: 8 minutes 29.33 seconds. Current RSS: ~1540M. Threads: 24. load average: 2.40 1.85 1.50 1/395 2324

# [RSpecRunTime] Finishing example group spec/features/project_variables_spec.rb. It took 3 minutes 39.03 seconds. Expected to take 4 minutes 16.58 seconds.
# [RSpecRunTime] Starting example group spec/features/issues/user_bulk_edits_issues_labels_spec.rb. Expected to take 2 minutes 44.46 seconds.

Issues > Labels bulk assignment
  as an allowed user
      is present when bulk edit is enabled
      is not present when bulk edit is disabled
# [RSpecRunTime] RSpec elapsed time: 8 minutes 36.02 seconds. Current RSS: ~1536M. Threads: 24. load average: 2.29 1.84 1.50 1/396 2328

    can bulk assign
      a label
        to all issues
          is expected not to have text "frontend"
# [RSpecRunTime] RSpec elapsed time: 8 minutes 44.44 seconds. Current RSS: ~1535M. Threads: 24. load average: 2.17 1.83 1.50 1/397 2332

        to some issues
          is expected not to have text "frontend"
# [RSpecRunTime] RSpec elapsed time: 8 minutes 52.29 seconds. Current RSS: ~1521M. Threads: 23. load average: 2.15 1.83 1.50 1/396 2336

        to an issue
          is expected not to have text "frontend"
# [RSpecRunTime] RSpec elapsed time: 8 minutes 59.77 seconds. Current RSS: ~1529M. Threads: 23. load average: 1.98 1.80 1.49 1/396 2340

        to an issue by selecting the label first
          is expected not to have text "frontend"
# [RSpecRunTime] RSpec elapsed time: 9 minutes 7.77 seconds. Current RSS: ~1521M. Threads: 23. load average: 2.13 1.84 1.51 1/395 2345

      multiple labels
        to all issues
          is expected to have text "feature"
# [RSpecRunTime] RSpec elapsed time: 9 minutes 16.41 seconds. Current RSS: ~1522M. Threads: 22. load average: 2.12 1.84 1.51 1/395 2350

        to a issue
          is expected not to have text "feature"
# [RSpecRunTime] RSpec elapsed time: 9 minutes 23.58 seconds. Current RSS: ~1527M. Threads: 22. load average: 2.10 1.85 1.52 1/395 2355

    can assign a label to all issues when label is present
      is expected to have text "bug"
# [RSpecRunTime] RSpec elapsed time: 9 minutes 31.19 seconds. Current RSS: ~1519M. Threads: 22. load average: 2.01 1.84 1.52 1/394 2360

    can bulk un-assign
      all labels to all issues
        is expected not to have text "feature"
# [RSpecRunTime] RSpec elapsed time: 9 minutes 40.73 seconds. Current RSS: ~1526M. Threads: 22. load average: 1.93 1.83 1.52 1/394 2365

      a label to a issue
        is expected to have text "feature"
# [RSpecRunTime] RSpec elapsed time: 9 minutes 49.01 seconds. Current RSS: ~1534M. Threads: 22. load average: 2.03 1.85 1.53 1/394 2370

      a label and keep the others label
        is expected to have text "feature"
# [RSpecRunTime] RSpec elapsed time: 9 minutes 57.68 seconds. Current RSS: ~1544M. Threads: 22. load average: 2.19 1.88 1.54 1/394 2374

    toggling a milestone
      setting a milestone
        keeps labels
# [RSpecRunTime] RSpec elapsed time: 10 minutes 6.63 seconds. Current RSS: ~1541M. Threads: 22. load average: 2.17 1.89 1.54 1/394 2379

      setting a milestone and adding another label
        keeps existing label and new label is present
# [RSpecRunTime] RSpec elapsed time: 10 minutes 16.06 seconds. Current RSS: ~1539M. Threads: 22. load average: 1.99 1.86 1.54 1/394 2384

      setting a milestone and removing existing label
        keeps existing label and new label is present
# [RSpecRunTime] RSpec elapsed time: 10 minutes 25.47 seconds. Current RSS: ~1543M. Threads: 22. load average: 1.83 1.83 1.53 1/394 2389

      unsetting a milestone
        keeps labels
# [RSpecRunTime] RSpec elapsed time: 10 minutes 33.95 seconds. Current RSS: ~1539M. Threads: 22. load average: 1.71 1.80 1.53 1/394 2394

    toggling checked issues
      is expected to have text "feature"
# [RSpecRunTime] RSpec elapsed time: 10 minutes 41.88 seconds. Current RSS: ~1547M. Threads: 22. load average: 1.65 1.79 1.52 1/394 2398

    mark previously toggled label
      is expected to have text "feature"
# [RSpecRunTime] RSpec elapsed time: 10 minutes 49.01 seconds. Current RSS: ~1542M. Threads: 22. load average: 2.03 1.86 1.55 2/395 2402

    unmarking common label
      applies label from filtered results
# [RSpecRunTime] RSpec elapsed time: 10 minutes 56.88 seconds. Current RSS: ~1547M. Threads: 22. load average: 2.03 1.86 1.55 1/394 2406

  as a guest
    cannot bulk assign labels
      is expected not to have visible field "Issue 1" that is not disabled that is not checked
# [RSpecRunTime] RSpec elapsed time: 10 minutes 58.34 seconds. Current RSS: ~1547M. Threads: 22. load average: 1.95 1.85 1.55 1/393 2407

# [RSpecRunTime] Finishing example group spec/features/issues/user_bulk_edits_issues_labels_spec.rb. It took 2 minutes 29.03 seconds. Expected to take 2 minutes 44.46 seconds.
# [RSpecRunTime] Starting example group spec/features/boards/sidebar_labels_spec.rb. Expected to take 2 minutes 9.05 seconds.

Project issue boards sidebar labels
  when issues drawer is disabled
    shows current labels when editing
    adds a single label
    adds a multiple labels
    removes a label and moves card to backlog
    adds a label to backlog card and moves the card to the list
    removes a label
    creates project label
# [RSpecRunTime] RSpec elapsed time: 11 minutes 58.19 seconds. Current RSS: ~1541M. Threads: 25. load average: 1.97 1.86 1.57 1/397 2429

  when issues drawer is enabled
Job arguments to ReactiveCachingWorker must be native JSON types, but WorkItems::Type(id: integer, base_type: integer, cached_markdown_version: integer, name: text, description: text, description_html: text, icon_name: text, created_at: timestamptz, updated_at: timestamptz) is a Class.
To disable this error, add `Sidekiq.strict_args!(false)` to your initializer.
Job arguments to ReactiveCachingWorker must be native JSON types, but WorkItems::Type(id: integer, base_type: integer, cached_markdown_version: integer, name: text, description: text, description_html: text, icon_name: text, created_at: timestamptz, updated_at: timestamptz) is a Class.
To disable this error, add `Sidekiq.strict_args!(false)` to your initializer.
    shows current labels when editing
Job arguments to ReactiveCachingWorker must be native JSON types, but WorkItems::Type(id: integer, base_type: integer, cached_markdown_version: integer, name: text, description: text, description_html: text, icon_name: text, created_at: timestamptz, updated_at: timestamptz) is a Class.
To disable this error, add `Sidekiq.strict_args!(false)` to your initializer.
Job arguments to ReactiveCachingWorker must be native JSON types, but WorkItems::Type(id: integer, base_type: integer, cached_markdown_version: integer, name: text, description: text, description_html: text, icon_name: text, created_at: timestamptz, updated_at: timestamptz) is a Class.
To disable this error, add `Sidekiq.strict_args!(false)` to your initializer.
    adds a single label
Job arguments to ReactiveCachingWorker must be native JSON types, but WorkItems::Type(id: integer, base_type: integer, cached_markdown_version: integer, name: text, description: text, description_html: text, icon_name: text, created_at: timestamptz, updated_at: timestamptz) is a Class.
To disable this error, add `Sidekiq.strict_args!(false)` to your initializer.
Job arguments to ReactiveCachingWorker must be native JSON types, but WorkItems::Type(id: integer, base_type: integer, cached_markdown_version: integer, name: text, description: text, description_html: text, icon_name: text, created_at: timestamptz, updated_at: timestamptz) is a Class.
To disable this error, add `Sidekiq.strict_args!(false)` to your initializer.
    adds a multiple labels
Job arguments to ReactiveCachingWorker must be native JSON types, but WorkItems::Type(id: integer, base_type: integer, cached_markdown_version: integer, name: text, description: text, description_html: text, icon_name: text, created_at: timestamptz, updated_at: timestamptz) is a Class.
To disable this error, add `Sidekiq.strict_args!(false)` to your initializer.
Job arguments to ReactiveCachingWorker must be native JSON types, but WorkItems::Type(id: integer, base_type: integer, cached_markdown_version: integer, name: text, description: text, description_html: text, icon_name: text, created_at: timestamptz, updated_at: timestamptz) is a Class.
To disable this error, add `Sidekiq.strict_args!(false)` to your initializer.
    removes a label and moves card to backlog
Job arguments to ReactiveCachingWorker must be native JSON types, but WorkItems::Type(id: integer, base_type: integer, cached_markdown_version: integer, name: text, description: text, description_html: text, icon_name: text, created_at: timestamptz, updated_at: timestamptz) is a Class.
To disable this error, add `Sidekiq.strict_args!(false)` to your initializer.
Job arguments to ReactiveCachingWorker must be native JSON types, but WorkItems::Type(id: integer, base_type: integer, cached_markdown_version: integer, name: text, description: text, description_html: text, icon_name: text, created_at: timestamptz, updated_at: timestamptz) is a Class.
To disable this error, add `Sidekiq.strict_args!(false)` to your initializer.
    adds a label to backlog card and moves the card to the list
Job arguments to ReactiveCachingWorker must be native JSON types, but WorkItems::Type(id: integer, base_type: integer, cached_markdown_version: integer, name: text, description: text, description_html: text, icon_name: text, created_at: timestamptz, updated_at: timestamptz) is a Class.
To disable this error, add `Sidekiq.strict_args!(false)` to your initializer.
Job arguments to ReactiveCachingWorker must be native JSON types, but WorkItems::Type(id: integer, base_type: integer, cached_markdown_version: integer, name: text, description: text, description_html: text, icon_name: text, created_at: timestamptz, updated_at: timestamptz) is a Class.
To disable this error, add `Sidekiq.strict_args!(false)` to your initializer.
    removes a label
Job arguments to ReactiveCachingWorker must be native JSON types, but WorkItems::Type(id: integer, base_type: integer, cached_markdown_version: integer, name: text, description: text, description_html: text, icon_name: text, created_at: timestamptz, updated_at: timestamptz) is a Class.
To disable this error, add `Sidekiq.strict_args!(false)` to your initializer.
Job arguments to ReactiveCachingWorker must be native JSON types, but WorkItems::Type(id: integer, base_type: integer, cached_markdown_version: integer, name: text, description: text, description_html: text, icon_name: text, created_at: timestamptz, updated_at: timestamptz) is a Class.
To disable this error, add `Sidekiq.strict_args!(false)` to your initializer.
    creates project label
# [RSpecRunTime] RSpec elapsed time: 13 minutes 9.96 seconds. Current RSS: ~1540M. Threads: 25. load average: 2.01 1.89 1.60 1/397 2451

# [RSpecRunTime] Finishing example group spec/features/boards/sidebar_labels_spec.rb. It took 2 minutes 11.61 seconds. Expected to take 2 minutes 9.05 seconds.
# [RSpecRunTime] Starting example group spec/features/projects/new_project_spec.rb. Expected to take 1 minute 50.97 seconds.

New project
  as a user
    shows the project description field when it should
    disables the radio button for visibility levels "Private" and "Internal"
    disables all radio button for visibility levels
    behaves like shows correct navigation
      for a new top-level project
        shows the "Your work" navigation
# [RSpecRunTime] RSpec elapsed time: 13 minutes 21.01 seconds. Current RSS: ~1549M. Threads: 24. load average: 1.86 1.86 1.60 1/396 2453

      for a new group project
        shows the group sidebar of the parent group
# [RSpecRunTime] RSpec elapsed time: 13 minutes 23.79 seconds. Current RSS: ~1561M. Threads: 24. load average: 1.79 1.85 1.59 2/396 2454

  as an admin
    shows "New project" page
    behaves like shows correct navigation
      for a new top-level project
        shows the "Your work" navigation
# [RSpecRunTime] RSpec elapsed time: 13 minutes 28.52 seconds. Current RSS: ~1561M. Threads: 24. load average: 1.72 1.83 1.59 6/396 2455

      for a new group project
        shows the group sidebar of the parent group
# [RSpecRunTime] RSpec elapsed time: 13 minutes 31.52 seconds. Current RSS: ~1560M. Threads: 24. load average: 1.72 1.83 1.59 1/396 2456

    importer links
      with user namespace
        renders links to several importers
# [RSpecRunTime] RSpec elapsed time: 13 minutes 33.75 seconds. Current RSS: ~1561M. Threads: 24. load average: 1.75 1.84 1.59 1/396 2457

      with group namespace
        renders links to several importers
# [RSpecRunTime] RSpec elapsed time: 13 minutes 38.23 seconds. Current RSS: ~1559M. Threads: 24. load average: 1.93 1.87 1.60 1/396 2459

    Visibility level selector
      sets selector to Private
      saves visibility level 0 on validation error
      sets selector to Internal
      saves visibility level 10 on validation error
      sets selector to Public
      saves visibility level 20 on validation error
      when group visibility is private but default is internal
        when admin mode is enabled
          has private selected
# [RSpecRunTime] RSpec elapsed time: 13 minutes 52.02 seconds. Current RSS: ~1578M. Threads: 23. load average: 2.24 1.94 1.63 1/395 2461

        when admin mode is disabled
          is not allowed
      when group visibility is public but user requests private
        when admin mode is enabled
          has private selected
# [RSpecRunTime] RSpec elapsed time: 13 minutes 54.85 seconds. Current RSS: ~1573M. Threads: 23. load average: 2.14 1.93 1.63 1/395 2462

        when admin mode is disabled
          is not allowed
    Readme selector
      shows the initialize with Readme checkbox on "Blank project" tab
      does not show the initialize with Readme checkbox on "Create from template" tab
      does not show the initialize with Readme checkbox on "Import project" tab
# [RSpecRunTime] RSpec elapsed time: 14 minutes 0.7 second. Current RSS: ~1571M. Threads: 23. load average: 2.13 1.93 1.63 1/396 2463

    Namespace selector
      with user namespace
        does not select the user namespace
# [RSpecRunTime] RSpec elapsed time: 14 minutes 3.05 seconds. Current RSS: ~1574M. Threads: 23. load average: 2.04 1.91 1.63 1/395 2464

      with group namespace
        selects the group namespace
# [RSpecRunTime] RSpec elapsed time: 14 minutes 5.53 seconds. Current RSS: ~1575M. Threads: 23. load average: 2.04 1.91 1.63 1/396 2466

      with subgroup namespace
        selects the group namespace
# [RSpecRunTime] RSpec elapsed time: 14 minutes 8.4 seconds. Current RSS: ~1571M. Threads: 23. load average: 2.03 1.92 1.63 1/396 2467

      when changing namespaces dynamically
        enables the correct visibility options
# [RSpecRunTime] RSpec elapsed time: 14 minutes 13.14 seconds. Current RSS: ~1560M. Threads: 23. load average: 1.95 1.90 1.63 1/396 2469

    Import project options without any sources
      displays the no import options message
# [RSpecRunTime] RSpec elapsed time: 14 minutes 15.24 seconds. Current RSS: ~1561M. Threads: 22. load average: 1.95 1.90 1.63 1/396 2471

    Import project options
      from git repository url, "Repository by URL"
        does not autocomplete sensitive git repo URL
        shows import instructions
        reports error if repo URL is not a valid Git repository
        reports error if repo URL is not a valid Git repository and submit button is clicked immediately
        keeps "Import project" tab open after form validation error
# [RSpecRunTime] RSpec elapsed time: 14 minutes 28.98 seconds. Current RSS: ~1575M. Threads: 21. load average: 1.74 1.85 1.62 1/394 2473

      when import is initiated from project page
        reports error when invalid url is provided
        initiates import when valid repo url is provided
# [RSpecRunTime] RSpec elapsed time: 14 minutes 42.89 seconds. Current RSS: ~1567M. Threads: 21. load average: 2.15 1.94 1.65 1/394 2479

      from GitHub
        shows import instructions
# [RSpecRunTime] RSpec elapsed time: 14 minutes 45.86 seconds. Current RSS: ~1567M. Threads: 21. load average: 2.15 1.94 1.65 5/394 2480

      from manifest file
        shows import instructions
# [RSpecRunTime] RSpec elapsed time: 14 minutes 48.64 seconds. Current RSS: ~1565M. Threads: 21. load average: 2.06 1.93 1.64 1/394 2481

    Namespace selector
      with group with DEVELOPER_MAINTAINER_PROJECT_ACCESS project_creation_level
        selects the group namespace
# [RSpecRunTime] RSpec elapsed time: 14 minutes 50.92 seconds. Current RSS: ~1571M. Threads: 21. load average: 2.06 1.93 1.64 1/394 2482

  from Bitbucket
    as a user
      behaves like has instructions to enable OAuth
        when OAuth is not configured
          shows import instructions
# [RSpecRunTime] RSpec elapsed time: 14 minutes 52.58 seconds. Current RSS: ~1570M. Threads: 21. load average: 2.06 1.93 1.64 1/394 2483

    as an admin
      behaves like has instructions to enable OAuth
        when OAuth is not configured
          shows import instructions
# [RSpecRunTime] RSpec elapsed time: 14 minutes 54.24 seconds. Current RSS: ~1571M. Threads: 21. load average: 1.98 1.91 1.64 1/394 2484

# [RSpecRunTime] Finishing example group spec/features/projects/new_project_spec.rb. It took 1 minute 44.27 seconds. Expected to take 1 minute 50.97 seconds.
# [RSpecRunTime] Starting example group spec/features/projects/packages_spec.rb. Expected to take 1 minute 18.1 seconds.

  when feature is not available
    packages feature is disabled by config
      gives 404
  when feature is available
    when there are packages
Job arguments to FlushCounterIncrementsWorker must be native JSON types, but :packages_size is a Symbol.
To disable this error, add `Sidekiq.strict_args!(false)` to your initializer.
      behaves like packages list
        shows a list of packages
# [RSpecRunTime] RSpec elapsed time: 14 minutes 59.19 seconds. Current RSS: ~1561M. Threads: 22. load average: 2.14 1.95 1.65 1/394 2487

      behaves like pipelines on packages list
        shows the latest pipeline
# [RSpecRunTime] RSpec elapsed time: 15 minutes 3.19 seconds. Current RSS: ~1559M. Threads: 22. load average: 2.29 1.98 1.67 1/395 2491

      behaves like package details link
        navigates to the correct url
        with other versions
          shows tab with count
          visiting tab shows total on page
          deleting version updates count
# [RSpecRunTime] RSpec elapsed time: 15 minutes 15.99 seconds. Current RSS: ~1564M. Threads: 22. load average: 2.39 2.01 1.68 1/395 2497

      deleting a package
        allows you to delete a package
# [RSpecRunTime] RSpec elapsed time: 15 minutes 19.72 seconds. Current RSS: ~1560M. Threads: 22. load average: 2.52 2.05 1.69 1/395 2500

      behaves like shared package sorting
        behaves like correctly sorted packages list
          ordered by Type and ascending false
            behaves like packages list
              shows a list of packages
# [RSpecRunTime] RSpec elapsed time: 15 minutes 22.56 seconds. Current RSS: ~1551M. Threads: 22. load average: 2.52 2.05 1.69 1/395 2503

        behaves like correctly sorted packages list
          ordered by Type and ascending true
            behaves like packages list
              shows a list of packages
# [RSpecRunTime] RSpec elapsed time: 15 minutes 25.98 seconds. Current RSS: ~1551M. Threads: 22. load average: 2.40 2.03 1.69 1/395 2505

        behaves like correctly sorted packages list
          ordered by Name and ascending false
            behaves like packages list
              shows a list of packages
# [RSpecRunTime] RSpec elapsed time: 15 minutes 28.8 seconds. Current RSS: ~1555M. Threads: 22. load average: 2.61 2.08 1.71 1/395 2508

        behaves like correctly sorted packages list
          ordered by Name and ascending true
            behaves like packages list
              shows a list of packages
# [RSpecRunTime] RSpec elapsed time: 15 minutes 32.21 seconds. Current RSS: ~1556M. Threads: 22. load average: 2.61 2.08 1.71 1/395 2510

        behaves like correctly sorted packages list
          ordered by Version and ascending false
            behaves like packages list
              shows a list of packages
# [RSpecRunTime] RSpec elapsed time: 15 minutes 35.16 seconds. Current RSS: ~1549M. Threads: 22. load average: 2.48 2.06 1.70 1/395 2513

        behaves like correctly sorted packages list
          ordered by Version and ascending true
            behaves like packages list
              shows a list of packages
# [RSpecRunTime] RSpec elapsed time: 15 minutes 38.57 seconds. Current RSS: ~1554M. Threads: 22. load average: 2.44 2.06 1.71 1/395 2516

        behaves like correctly sorted packages list
          ordered by Published and ascending false
            behaves like packages list
              shows a list of packages
# [RSpecRunTime] RSpec elapsed time: 15 minutes 41.06 seconds. Current RSS: ~1551M. Threads: 22. load average: 2.44 2.06 1.71 1/395 2519

        behaves like correctly sorted packages list
          ordered by Published and ascending true
            behaves like packages list
              shows a list of packages
# [RSpecRunTime] RSpec elapsed time: 15 minutes 44.0 seconds. Current RSS: ~1554M. Threads: 22. load average: 2.80 2.14 1.73 1/395 2521

        when sorted by name ascending
          updates query params to contain orderBy:name and sort:asc
# [RSpecRunTime] RSpec elapsed time: 15 minutes 47.45 seconds. Current RSS: ~1548M. Threads: 22. load average: 2.80 2.14 1.73 1/394 2523

        behaves like shared package filtering
          filters by Type
            updates query params
            behaves like packages list
              shows a list of packages
# [RSpecRunTime] RSpec elapsed time: 15 minutes 54.8 seconds. Current RSS: ~1546M. Threads: 22. load average: 2.69 2.14 1.74 2/395 2528

            when cleared
              resets query params
# [RSpecRunTime] RSpec elapsed time: 15 minutes 59.0 seconds. Current RSS: ~1545M. Threads: 22. load average: 2.47 2.10 1.73 1/395 2531

    behaves like when there are no packages
      displays the empty message
# [RSpecRunTime] RSpec elapsed time: 16 minutes 1.01 seconds. Current RSS: ~1544M. Threads: 22. load average: 2.47 2.10 1.73 1/395 2534

# [RSpecRunTime] Finishing example group spec/features/projects/packages_spec.rb. It took 1 minute 6.77 seconds. Expected to take 1 minute 18.1 seconds.
# [RSpecRunTime] Starting example group spec/features/markdown/keyboard_shortcuts_spec.rb. Expected to take 1 minute 13.33 seconds.

Markdown keyboard shortcuts
  Vue.js markdown editor
    behaves like keyboard shortcuts
      bolds text when <modifier>+B is pressed
      italicizes text when <modifier>+I is pressed
      strikes text when <modifier>+<shift>+x is pressed
      links text when <modifier>+K is pressed
      does not affect non-markdown fields on the same page
# [RSpecRunTime] RSpec elapsed time: 16 minutes 23.89 seconds. Current RSS: ~1542M. Threads: 22. load average: 2.53 2.14 1.75 1/395 2585

    behaves like no side effects
      does not bold text when <other modifier>+B is pressed
      does not italicize text when <other modifier>+I is pressed
      does not link text when <other modifier>+K is pressed
# [RSpecRunTime] RSpec elapsed time: 16 minutes 36.23 seconds. Current RSS: ~1540M. Threads: 22. load average: 2.38 2.12 1.75 1/395 2587

    if preview is toggled before shortcuts
      behaves like keyboard shortcuts
        bolds text when <modifier>+B is pressed
        italicizes text when <modifier>+I is pressed
        strikes text when <modifier>+<shift>+x is pressed
        links text when <modifier>+K is pressed
        does not affect non-markdown fields on the same page
# [RSpecRunTime] RSpec elapsed time: 16 minutes 57.56 seconds. Current RSS: ~1537M. Threads: 22. load average: 2.06 2.06 1.74 1/395 2590

      behaves like no side effects
        does not bold text when <other modifier>+B is pressed
        does not italicize text when <other modifier>+I is pressed
        does not link text when <other modifier>+K is pressed
# [RSpecRunTime] RSpec elapsed time: 17 minutes 10.41 seconds. Current RSS: ~1535M. Threads: 22. load average: 1.89 2.03 1.73 1/395 2593

# [RSpecRunTime] Finishing example group spec/features/markdown/keyboard_shortcuts_spec.rb. It took 1 minute 9.42 seconds. Expected to take 1 minute 13.33 seconds.
# [RSpecRunTime] Starting example group spec/features/merge_request/user_closes_reopens_merge_request_state_spec.rb. Expected to take 54.7 seconds.

User closes/reopens a merge request
  when open
    when clicking the top `Close merge request` button
      closes the merge request
# [RSpecRunTime] RSpec elapsed time: 17 minutes 32.77 seconds. Current RSS: ~1545M. Threads: 29. load average: 1.98 2.04 1.74 1/408 2853

    when clicking the bottom `Close merge request` button
      closes the merge request
# [RSpecRunTime] RSpec elapsed time: 17 minutes 47.82 seconds. Current RSS: ~1547M. Threads: 29. load average: 2.38 2.13 1.78 1/409 3092

  when closed
    when clicking the bottom `Reopen merge request` button
      reopens the merge request
# [RSpecRunTime] RSpec elapsed time: 18 minutes 5.99 seconds. Current RSS: ~1540M. Threads: 29. load average: 2.62 2.21 1.81 1/407 3544

# [RSpecRunTime] Finishing example group spec/features/merge_request/user_closes_reopens_merge_request_state_spec.rb. It took 55.55 seconds. Expected to take 54.7 seconds.
# [RSpecRunTime] Starting example group spec/features/user_sees_revert_modal_spec.rb. Expected to take 51.62 seconds.

Merge request > User sees revert modal
  without page reload after merge validates js correctly loaded
    behaves like showing the revert modal
Job arguments to MergeWorker must be native JSON types, but {"should_remove_source_branch"=>false, "sha"=>"b83d6e391c22777fca1ed3012fce84f633d7fed0"} is a ActiveSupport::HashWithIndifferentAccess.
To disable this error, add `Sidekiq.strict_args!(false)` to your initializer.
      shows the revert modal
# [RSpecRunTime] RSpec elapsed time: 18 minutes 30.46 seconds. Current RSS: ~1579M. Threads: 29. load average: 2.21 2.14 1.80 1/407 3857

  with page reload validates js correctly loaded
    behaves like showing the revert modal
Job arguments to MergeWorker must be native JSON types, but {"should_remove_source_branch"=>false, "sha"=>"b83d6e391c22777fca1ed3012fce84f633d7fed0"} is a ActiveSupport::HashWithIndifferentAccess.
To disable this error, add `Sidekiq.strict_args!(false)` to your initializer.
      shows the revert modal
# [RSpecRunTime] RSpec elapsed time: 19 minutes 0.23 second. Current RSS: ~1575M. Threads: 28. load average: 2.20 2.14 1.81 1/407 4198

# [RSpecRunTime] Finishing example group spec/features/user_sees_revert_modal_spec.rb. It took 54.27 seconds. Expected to take 51.62 seconds.
# [RSpecRunTime] Starting example group spec/features/merge_request/maintainer_edits_fork_spec.rb. Expected to take 42.04 seconds.

a maintainer edits files on a source-branch of an MR from a fork
  mentions commits will go to the source branch
  allows committing to the source branch

# [RSpecRunTime] Finishing example group spec/features/merge_request/maintainer_edits_fork_spec.rb. It took 40.73 seconds. Expected to take 42.04 seconds.
# [RSpecRunTime] RSpec elapsed time: 19 minutes 41.21 seconds. Current RSS: ~1572M. Threads: 25. load average: 2.13 2.11 1.81 1/405 5099

# [RSpecRunTime] Starting example group spec/features/emails/issues_spec.rb. Expected to take 38.28 seconds.

E-Mails > Issues
    sends confirmation e-mail for assigning
    sends confirmation e-mail for reassigning
    sends confirmation e-mail for unassigning
# [RSpecRunTime] RSpec elapsed time: 20 minutes 10.92 seconds. Current RSS: ~1571M. Threads: 25. load average: 2.08 2.09 1.81 1/403 5168

    sends confirmation e-mail for closing
# [RSpecRunTime] RSpec elapsed time: 20 minutes 19.27 seconds. Current RSS: ~1571M. Threads: 25. load average: 2.06 2.09 1.82 1/401 5186

# [RSpecRunTime] Finishing example group spec/features/emails/issues_spec.rb. It took 38.21 seconds. Expected to take 38.28 seconds.
# [RSpecRunTime] Starting example group spec/features/boards/user_adds_lists_to_board_spec.rb. Expected to take 31.07 seconds.

User adds lists
  board_type: :project
    creates new column for label containing labeled issue
    creates new list for Backlog and closed labels
# [RSpecRunTime] RSpec elapsed time: 20 minutes 33.51 seconds. Current RSS: ~1577M. Threads: 25. load average: 2.21 2.12 1.83 1/401 5192

  board_type: :group
    creates new column for label containing labeled issue
    creates new list for Backlog and closed labels
# [RSpecRunTime] RSpec elapsed time: 20 minutes 45.75 seconds. Current RSS: ~1574M. Threads: 24. load average: 2.51 2.18 1.85 1/401 5197

# [RSpecRunTime] Finishing example group spec/features/boards/user_adds_lists_to_board_spec.rb. It took 26.49 seconds. Expected to take 31.07 seconds.
# [RSpecRunTime] Starting example group spec/features/search/user_searches_for_merge_requests_spec.rb. Expected to take 28.17 seconds.

User searches for merge requests
  does not show top right search form
  shows scopes when there is no search term
  finds a merge request
  sorts by created date
  when search times out
    renders timeout information
    sets tab count to 0
# [RSpecRunTime] RSpec elapsed time: 21 minutes 7.72 seconds. Current RSS: ~1561M. Threads: 25. load average: 2.35 2.16 1.86 1/402 5199

  when on a project page
    finds a merge request
# [RSpecRunTime] RSpec elapsed time: 21 minutes 14.1 seconds. Current RSS: ~1572M. Threads: 25. load average: 2.14 2.13 1.85 1/402 5200

# [RSpecRunTime] Finishing example group spec/features/search/user_searches_for_merge_requests_spec.rb. It took 28.33 seconds. Expected to take 28.17 seconds.
# [RSpecRunTime] Starting example group spec/features/groups/navbar_spec.rb. Expected to take 24.0 seconds.

Group navbar
  behaves like verified navigation bar
    renders correctly
# [RSpecRunTime] RSpec elapsed time: 21 minutes 17.82 seconds. Current RSS: ~1585M. Threads: 25. load average: 2.05 2.11 1.84 1/401 5201

  when container registry is available
    behaves like verified navigation bar
      renders correctly
# [RSpecRunTime] RSpec elapsed time: 21 minutes 20.69 seconds. Current RSS: ~1586M. Threads: 25. load average: 2.05 2.11 1.84 1/403 5203

  when crm feature is disabled
    behaves like verified navigation bar
      renders correctly
# [RSpecRunTime] RSpec elapsed time: 21 minutes 23.59 seconds. Current RSS: ~1581M. Threads: 25. load average: 2.20 2.14 1.85 1/402 5205

  when crm feature is enabled but subgroup
    behaves like verified navigation bar
      renders correctly
# [RSpecRunTime] RSpec elapsed time: 21 minutes 27.29 seconds. Current RSS: ~1577M. Threads: 24. load average: 2.20 2.14 1.85 1/401 5206

  when dependency proxy is available
    behaves like verified navigation bar
      renders correctly
# [RSpecRunTime] RSpec elapsed time: 21 minutes 30.38 seconds. Current RSS: ~1574M. Threads: 24. load average: 2.11 2.12 1.85 1/401 5208

  when harbor registry is available
    behaves like verified navigation bar
      renders correctly
# [RSpecRunTime] RSpec elapsed time: 21 minutes 34.02 seconds. Current RSS: ~1584M. Threads: 24. load average: 2.10 2.12 1.85 6/401 5210

# [RSpecRunTime] Finishing example group spec/features/groups/navbar_spec.rb. It took 19.97 seconds. Expected to take 24.0 seconds.
# [RSpecRunTime] Starting example group spec/features/projects/settings/project_settings_spec.rb. Expected to take 21.61 seconds.

Projects settings
  can toggle sections by clicking the title or button
  forking enabled
    toggles forking enabled / disabled
# [RSpecRunTime] RSpec elapsed time: 21 minutes 44.61 seconds. Current RSS: ~1570M. Threads: 24. load average: 2.61 2.23 1.89 1/402 5216

  default award emojis
    shows award emojis by default
    disables award emojis when the checkbox is toggled off
# [RSpecRunTime] RSpec elapsed time: 21 minutes 54.93 seconds. Current RSS: ~1584M. Threads: 23. load average: 2.36 2.19 1.88 1/401 5222

# [RSpecRunTime] Finishing example group spec/features/projects/settings/project_settings_spec.rb. It took 20.86 seconds. Expected to take 21.61 seconds.
# [RSpecRunTime] Starting example group spec/features/merge_requests/user_filters_by_assignees_spec.rb. Expected to take 18.57 seconds.

Merge Requests > User filters by assignees
  filtering by assignee:none
    applies the filter
# [RSpecRunTime] RSpec elapsed time: 22 minutes 2.37 seconds. Current RSS: ~1574M. Threads: 23. load average: 2.25 2.17 1.87 1/406 5298

  filtering by assignee=@username
    applies the filter
# [RSpecRunTime] RSpec elapsed time: 22 minutes 8.61 seconds. Current RSS: ~1578M. Threads: 23. load average: 2.14 2.14 1.87 1/406 5373

# [RSpecRunTime] Finishing example group spec/features/merge_requests/user_filters_by_assignees_spec.rb. It took 13.69 seconds. Expected to take 18.57 seconds.
# [RSpecRunTime] Starting example group spec/features/issues/confidential_notes_spec.rb. Expected to take 15.99 seconds.

Confidential notes on issues
  behaves like confidential notes on issuables
    when user does not have permissions
      does not show confidential note checkbox
# [RSpecRunTime] RSpec elapsed time: 22 minutes 15.41 seconds. Current RSS: ~1581M. Threads: 25. load average: 2.05 2.13 1.87 1/403 5376

    when user has permissions
      creates confidential note
# [RSpecRunTime] RSpec elapsed time: 22 minutes 22.89 seconds. Current RSS: ~1573M. Threads: 26. load average: 1.96 2.10 1.86 1/405 5380

# [RSpecRunTime] Finishing example group spec/features/issues/confidential_notes_spec.rb. It took 14.27 seconds. Expected to take 15.99 seconds.
# [RSpecRunTime] Starting example group spec/features/issues/user_views_issue_spec.rb. Expected to take 14.32 seconds.

User views issue
  is expected to have header with correct id and link 1, "Description header", and "description-header"
  shows the merge request and issue actions
  behaves like page meta description
    renders the page with description, og:description, and twitter:description meta tags that contains a plain-text version of the markdown
# [RSpecRunTime] RSpec elapsed time: 22 minutes 32.29 seconds. Current RSS: ~1572M. Threads: 26. load average: 2.20 2.15 1.88 1/404 5436

  when the project is archived
    hides the merge request and issue actions

# [RSpecRunTime] Finishing example group spec/features/issues/user_views_issue_spec.rb. It took 10.15 seconds. Expected to take 14.32 seconds.
# [RSpecRunTime] Starting example group spec/features/ics/group_issues_spec.rb. Expected to take 11.9 seconds.

Group Issues Calendar Feed
  GET /issues
    when authenticated
      with no referer
        renders calendar feed
# [RSpecRunTime] RSpec elapsed time: 22 minutes 34.79 seconds. Current RSS: ~1581M. Threads: 26. load average: 2.03 2.12 1.87 1/403 5437

      with GitLab as the referer
        renders calendar feed as text/plain
# [RSpecRunTime] RSpec elapsed time: 22 minutes 36.13 seconds. Current RSS: ~1590M. Threads: 26. load average: 2.03 2.12 1.87 1/403 5438

    when authenticated via personal access token
      renders calendar feed
# [RSpecRunTime] RSpec elapsed time: 22 minutes 37.68 seconds. Current RSS: ~1593M. Threads: 26. load average: 2.03 2.12 1.87 1/403 5439

    when authenticated via feed token
      renders calendar feed
# [RSpecRunTime] RSpec elapsed time: 22 minutes 39.03 seconds. Current RSS: ~1594M. Threads: 26. load average: 1.94 2.10 1.86 1/403 5440

    issue with due date
      renders issue fields
# [RSpecRunTime] RSpec elapsed time: 22 minutes 40.55 seconds. Current RSS: ~1595M. Threads: 26. load average: 1.94 2.10 1.86 1/403 5441

# [RSpecRunTime] Finishing example group spec/features/ics/group_issues_spec.rb. It took 7.52 seconds. Expected to take 11.9 seconds.
# [RSpecRunTime] Starting example group spec/features/admin/admin_dev_ops_reports_spec.rb. Expected to take 10.73 seconds.

DevOps Report page
  without licensed feature devops adoption
    has dismissable intro callout
    when usage ping is disabled
      shows empty state
      hides the intro callout
# [RSpecRunTime] RSpec elapsed time: 22 minutes 45.79 seconds. Current RSS: ~1585M. Threads: 25. load average: 1.95 2.10 1.87 1/404 5443

    when there is no data to display
      shows empty state
# [RSpecRunTime] RSpec elapsed time: 22 minutes 47.04 seconds. Current RSS: ~1584M. Threads: 25. load average: 1.95 2.10 1.87 1/403 5444

    when there is data to display
      shows the DevOps Score app
# [RSpecRunTime] RSpec elapsed time: 22 minutes 48.38 seconds. Current RSS: ~1586M. Threads: 25. load average: 1.87 2.08 1.86 1/403 5445

# [RSpecRunTime] Finishing example group spec/features/admin/admin_dev_ops_reports_spec.rb. It took 7.84 seconds. Expected to take 10.73 seconds.
# [RSpecRunTime] Starting example group spec/features/projects/issues/design_management/user_paginates_designs_spec.rb. Expected to take 9.24 seconds.

User paginates issue designs
  paginates to next design

# [RSpecRunTime] Finishing example group spec/features/projects/issues/design_management/user_paginates_designs_spec.rb. It took 7.83 seconds. Expected to take 9.24 seconds.
# [RSpecRunTime] RSpec elapsed time: 22 minutes 56.46 seconds. Current RSS: ~1581M. Threads: 26. load average: 1.80 2.06 1.86 1/409 5632

# [RSpecRunTime] Starting example group spec/features/issuables/issuable_list_spec.rb. Expected to take 8.6 seconds.

issuable list
  counts merge requests closing issues icons for each issue

# [RSpecRunTime] Finishing example group spec/features/issuables/issuable_list_spec.rb. It took 7.1 seconds. Expected to take 8.6 seconds.
# [RSpecRunTime] RSpec elapsed time: 23 minutes 3.64 seconds. Current RSS: ~1587M. Threads: 26. load average: 1.68 2.02 1.85 1/408 5634

# [RSpecRunTime] Starting example group spec/features/admin/broadcast_messages_spec.rb. Expected to take 6.44 seconds.

Admin Broadcast Messages
  when creating and editing
    previews, creates and edits a broadcast message
# [RSpecRunTime] RSpec elapsed time: 23 minutes 9.3 seconds. Current RSS: ~1576M. Threads: 26. load average: 1.86 2.06 1.86 1/404 5635

# [RSpecRunTime] Finishing example group spec/features/admin/broadcast_messages_spec.rb. It took 5.9 seconds. Expected to take 6.44 seconds.
# [RSpecRunTime] Starting example group spec/features/alert_management_spec.rb. Expected to take 6.13 seconds.

Alert management
  when visiting the alert details page
    when actor has permission to see the alert
      shows the alert details
      when alert belongs to an environment
        shows the environment name
# [RSpecRunTime] RSpec elapsed time: 23 minutes 14.55 seconds. Current RSS: ~1575M. Threads: 26. load average: 1.79 2.04 1.85 1/405 5637

# [RSpecRunTime] Finishing example group spec/features/alert_management_spec.rb. It took 5.16 seconds. Expected to take 6.13 seconds.
# [RSpecRunTime] Starting example group spec/features/uploads/user_uploads_avatar_to_group_spec.rb. Expected to take 3.79 seconds.

User uploads avatar to group
  they see the new avatar

# [RSpecRunTime] Finishing example group spec/features/uploads/user_uploads_avatar_to_group_spec.rb. It took 3.42 seconds. Expected to take 3.79 seconds.
# [RSpecRunTime] RSpec elapsed time: 23 minutes 18.2 seconds. Current RSS: ~1583M. Threads: 25. load average: 1.73 2.02 1.85 1/402 5638

# [RSpecRunTime] Starting example group spec/features/profiles/user_deletes_comment_template_spec.rb. Expected to take 3.35 seconds.

Profile > Comment templates > User deletes comment template
  shows the user a list of their comment template

# [RSpecRunTime] Finishing example group spec/features/profiles/user_deletes_comment_template_spec.rb. It took 2.4 seconds. Expected to take 3.35 seconds.
# [RSpecRunTime] RSpec elapsed time: 23 minutes 20.69 seconds. Current RSS: ~1575M. Threads: 25. load average: 1.73 2.02 1.85 2/404 5640

auto_explain log contains 1102 entries for main, writing to /builds/gitlab-org/gitlab/auto_explain/rspec-system-pg14-31-32.326.main.ndjson.gz
took 15.157937834
auto_explain log contains 1104 entries for ci, writing to /builds/gitlab-org/gitlab/auto_explain/
took 11.178730934
[TEST PROF INFO] EventProf results for sql.active_record

Total time: 04:46.406 of 23:14.216 (20.54%)
Total events: 110690

Top 5 slowest suites (by time):

Project variables (./spec/features/project_variables_spec.rb:5) – 00:59.847 (22006 / 28) of 03:39.025 (27.32%)
Project issue...sidebar labels (./spec/features/boards/sidebar_labels_spec.rb:5) – 00:38.819 (14335 / 14) of 02:11.605 (29.5%)
Merge request... on diff notes (./spec/features/merge_request/user_sees_avatar_on_diff_notes_spec.rb:6) – 00:31.170 (9445 / 10) of 04:43.966 (10.98%)
Issues > Labe...ulk assignment (./spec/features/issues/user_bulk_edits_issues_labels_spec.rb:5) – 00:25.696 (12308 / 20) of 02:29.025 (17.24%)
Merge request...s revert modal (./spec/features/user_sees_revert_modal_spec.rb:5) – 00:17.926 (5609 / 2) of 00:54.267 (33.03%)

Knapsack report was generated. Preview:
  "spec/features/merge_request/user_sees_avatar_on_diff_notes_spec.rb": 283.89455731400085,
  "spec/features/project_variables_spec.rb": 219.02526799600128,
  "spec/features/issues/user_bulk_edits_issues_labels_spec.rb": 149.02521703099956,
  "spec/features/boards/sidebar_labels_spec.rb": 131.60499057099878,
  "spec/features/projects/new_project_spec.rb": 104.27379367300091,
  "spec/features/projects/packages_spec.rb": 66.76566711799933,
  "spec/features/markdown/keyboard_shortcuts_spec.rb": 69.41922263599918,
  "spec/features/merge_request/user_closes_reopens_merge_request_state_spec.rb": 55.551786899000945,
  "spec/features/user_sees_revert_modal_spec.rb": 54.267134745001385,
  "spec/features/merge_request/maintainer_edits_fork_spec.rb": 40.72514586299985,
  "spec/features/emails/issues_spec.rb": 38.2137221360008,
  "spec/features/boards/user_adds_lists_to_board_spec.rb": 26.489654948998577,
  "spec/features/search/user_searches_for_merge_requests_spec.rb": 28.333425523998812,
  "spec/features/groups/navbar_spec.rb": 19.96584008499849,
  "spec/features/projects/settings/project_settings_spec.rb": 20.860161631000665,
  "spec/features/merge_requests/user_filters_by_assignees_spec.rb": 13.69396412199967,
  "spec/features/issues/confidential_notes_spec.rb": 14.266427632999694,
  "spec/features/issues/user_views_issue_spec.rb": 10.148237309998876,
  "spec/features/ics/group_issues_spec.rb": 7.515432240001246,
  "spec/features/admin/admin_dev_ops_reports_spec.rb": 7.835675893000371,
  "spec/features/projects/issues/design_management/user_paginates_designs_spec.rb": 7.825712792999184,
  "spec/features/issuables/issuable_list_spec.rb": 7.095284394999908,
  "spec/features/admin/broadcast_messages_spec.rb": 5.895798244999241,
  "spec/features/alert_management_spec.rb": 5.16113674799999,
  "spec/features/uploads/user_uploads_avatar_to_group_spec.rb": 3.4225147320012184,
  "spec/features/profiles/user_deletes_comment_template_spec.rb": 2.4040461179993144

Knapsack global time execution for tests: 23m 13s

Finished in 23 minutes 48 seconds (files took 1 minute 20.33 seconds to load)
206 examples, 0 failures

Randomized with seed 42414

Failed to write to log, write log/workhorse-test.log: file already closed
RSpec exited with 0.
No examples to retry, congrats!
Running after_script
Running after script...
$ source scripts/
$ log_disk_usage after_script
[log_disk_usage after_script] start
df -h
Filesystem      Size  Used Avail Use% Mounted on
overlay          95G   25G   70G  27% /
tmpfs            64M     0   64M   0% /dev
shm              64M     0   64M   0% /dev/shm
/dev/sda1        95G   25G   70G  27% /cache
tmpfs           3.9G     0  3.9G   0% /sys/devices/virtual/dmi/id
du -h -d 1
7.3M	./workhorse
148K	./bin
1.2M	./.gitlab
164M	./.git
4.0K	./builds
16M	./coverage
27M	./lib
8.0K	./.vscode
516K	./storybook
34M	./log
1.8M	./data
9.9M	./qa
2.9M	./.rubocop_todo
1.1G	./vendor
920M	./public
58M	./doc
480K	./danger
336K	./rspec
8.0K	./.bundle
536K	./tooling
138M	./ee
1.3M	./knapsack
296K	./patches
4.3M	./changelogs
20K	./haml_lint
28K	./metrics_server
88K	./keeps
156K	./shared
44K	./generator_templates
1.3M	./scripts
1.3G	./tmp
125M	./spec
20K	./file_hooks
16K	./sidekiq_cluster
16M	./gems
1.2M	./fixtures
948K	./rubocop
4.0K	./.go
29M	./db
308K	./auto_explain
12K	./.github
118M	./locale
1.9M	./glfm_specification
17M	./config
80M	./app
16K	./.lefthook
4.1G	.
[log_disk_usage after_script] end
$ bundle exec gem list gitlab_quality-test_tooling
gitlab_quality-test_tooling (1.37.0)
$ section_start "failed-test-issues" "Report test failures" # collapsed multi-line command
Report test failures
Reporting tests in `rspec/rspec-7746978161.json` as issues in project `gitlab-org/gitlab` via the API at ``.
=> Reporting 206 tests in rspec/rspec-7746978161.json

$ section_start "flaky-test-issues" "Report test flakiness" # collapsed multi-line command
Report test flakiness
Not reporting test flakiness because 'rspec/rspec-retry-7746978161.json' is missing!

$ section_start "slow-test-issues" "Report test slowness" # collapsed multi-line command
Report test slowness
Reporting tests in `rspec/rspec-*.json` as issues in project `gitlab-org/gitlab` via the API at ``.
=> Reporting 206 tests in rspec/rspec-7746978161.json

$ section_start "slow-test-merge-request-report-note" "Report test slowness in MR note" # collapsed multi-line command
Report test slowness in MR note
Not reporting test slowness in MR note because $ADD_SLOW_TEST_NOTE_TO_MERGE_REQUEST != 'true'

$ section_start "knapsack-report-issues" "Report test files close to timing out" # collapsed multi-line command
Report test files close to timing out
Reporting spec file exceeding Knapsack expectaton issues in project `gitlab-org/gitlab` via the API at ``.
=> Reporting 0 spec files exceeding Knapsack expectation.

$ tooling/bin/push_job_metrics || true
[job-metrics] Pushing job metrics file for the CI/CD job.
[job-metrics] Pushed 4 CI job metric entries to InfluxDB.
Saving cache for successful job
Not uploading cache ruby-gems-debian-bookworm-ruby-3.1.5-gemfile-Gemfile-17 due to policy
Uploading artifacts for successful job
Uploading artifacts...
auto_explain/: found 3 matching artifact files and directories 
coverage/: found 5 matching artifact files and directories 
WARNING: crystalball/: no matching files. Ensure that the artifact path is relative to the working directory (/builds/gitlab-org/gitlab) 
WARNING: deprecations/: no matching files. Ensure that the artifact path is relative to the working directory (/builds/gitlab-org/gitlab) 
knapsack/: found 4 matching artifact files and directories 
rspec/: found 12 matching artifact files and directories 
WARNING: tmp/capybara/: no matching files. Ensure that the artifact path is relative to the working directory (/builds/gitlab-org/gitlab) 
log/*.log: found 17 matching artifact files and directories 
WARNING: Upload request redirected                  location= new-url=
WARNING: Retrying...                                context=artifacts-uploader error=request redirected
Uploading artifacts as "archive" to coordinator... 201 Created  id=7746978161 responseStatus=201 Created token=glcbt-66
Uploading artifacts...
rspec/rspec-*.xml: found 1 matching artifact files and directories 
WARNING: Upload request redirected                  location= new-url=
WARNING: Retrying...                                context=artifacts-uploader error=request redirected
Uploading artifacts as "junit" to coordinator... 201 Created  id=7746978161 responseStatus=201 Created token=glcbt-66
Cleaning up project directory and file based variables
Job succeeded