120:12:06 selects the correct repository 220:12:06 repository_cleanup_status: :unfinished, repository_policy_status: :disabled, other_repository_cleanup_status: :ongoing, other_repository_policy_status: :disabled, expected_selected_repository: :none 320:12:06 selects the correct repository 420:12:06 repository_cleanup_status: :unfinished, repository_policy_status: :disabled, other_repository_cleanup_status: :ongoing, other_repository_policy_status: :runnable, expected_selected_repository: :none 520:12:06 selects the correct repository 620:12:06 repository_cleanup_status: :unfinished, repository_policy_status: :disabled, other_repository_cleanup_status: :ongoing, other_repository_policy_status: :not_runnable, expected_selected_repository: :none 720:12:06 selects the correct repository 820:12:06 repository_cleanup_status: :unfinished, repository_policy_status: :runnable, other_repository_cleanup_status: :unscheduled, other_repository_policy_status: :disabled, expected_selected_repository: :repository 920:12:06 selects the correct repository 1020:12:06 repository_cleanup_status: :unfinished, repository_policy_status: :runnable, other_repository_cleanup_status: :unscheduled, other_repository_policy_status: :runnable, expected_selected_repository: :other_repository 1120:12:06 selects the correct repository 1220:12:06 repository_cleanup_status: :unfinished, repository_policy_status: :runnable, other_repository_cleanup_status: :unscheduled, other_repository_policy_status: :not_runnable, expected_selected_repository: :repository 1320:12:06 selects the correct repository 1420:12:06 repository_cleanup_status: :unfinished, repository_policy_status: :runnable, other_repository_cleanup_status: :scheduled, other_repository_policy_status: :disabled, expected_selected_repository: :repository 1520:12:07 selects the correct repository 1620:12:07 repository_cleanup_status: :unfinished, repository_policy_status: :runnable, other_repository_cleanup_status: :scheduled, other_repository_policy_status: :runnable, expected_selected_repository: :other_repository 1720:12:07 selects the correct repository 1820:12:07 repository_cleanup_status: :unfinished, repository_policy_status: :runnable, other_repository_cleanup_status: :scheduled, other_repository_policy_status: :not_runnable, expected_selected_repository: :repository 1920:12:07 selects the correct repository 2020:12:07 repository_cleanup_status: :unfinished, repository_policy_status: :runnable, other_repository_cleanup_status: :unfinished, other_repository_policy_status: :disabled, expected_selected_repository: :repository 2120:12:07 selects the correct repository 2220:12:07 repository_cleanup_status: :unfinished, repository_policy_status: :runnable, other_repository_cleanup_status: :unfinished, other_repository_policy_status: :runnable, expected_selected_repository: :repository 2320:12:07 selects the correct repository 2420:12:07 repository_cleanup_status: :unfinished, repository_policy_status: :runnable, other_repository_cleanup_status: :unfinished, other_repository_policy_status: :not_runnable, expected_selected_repository: :repository 2520:12:07 selects the correct repository 2620:12:07 repository_cleanup_status: :unfinished, repository_policy_status: :runnable, other_repository_cleanup_status: :ongoing, other_repository_policy_status: :disabled, expected_selected_repository: :repository 2720:12:08 selects the correct repository 2820:12:08 repository_cleanup_status: :unfinished, repository_policy_status: :runnable, other_repository_cleanup_status: :ongoing, other_repository_policy_status: :runnable, expected_selected_repository: :repository 2920:12:08 selects the correct repository 3020:12:08 repository_cleanup_status: :unfinished, repository_policy_status: :runnable, other_repository_cleanup_status: :ongoing, other_repository_policy_status: :not_runnable, expected_selected_repository: :repository 3120:12:08 selects the correct repository 3220:12:08 repository_cleanup_status: :unfinished, repository_policy_status: :not_runnable, other_repository_cleanup_status: :unscheduled, other_repository_policy_status: :disabled, expected_selected_repository: :repository 3320:12:08 selects the correct repository 3420:12:08 repository_cleanup_status: :unfinished, repository_policy_status: :not_runnable, other_repository_cleanup_status: :unscheduled, other_repository_policy_status: :runnable, expected_selected_repository: :other_repository 3520:12:08 selects the correct repository 3620:12:08 repository_cleanup_status: :unfinished, repository_policy_status: :not_runnable, other_repository_cleanup_status: :unscheduled, other_repository_policy_status: :not_runnable, expected_selected_repository: :repository 3720:12:08 selects the correct repository 3820:12:08 repository_cleanup_status: :unfinished, repository_policy_status: :not_runnable, other_repository_cleanup_status: :scheduled, other_repository_policy_status: :disabled, expected_selected_repository: :repository 3920:12:08 selects the correct repository 4020:12:08 repository_cleanup_status: :unfinished, repository_policy_status: :not_runnable, other_repository_cleanup_status: :scheduled, other_repository_policy_status: :runnable, expected_selected_repository: :other_repository 4120:12:09 selects the correct repository 4220:12:09 repository_cleanup_status: :unfinished, repository_policy_status: :not_runnable, other_repository_cleanup_status: :scheduled, other_repository_policy_status: :not_runnable, expected_selected_repository: :repository 4320:12:09 selects the correct repository 4420:12:09 repository_cleanup_status: :unfinished, repository_policy_status: :not_runnable, other_repository_cleanup_status: :unfinished, other_repository_policy_status: :disabled, expected_selected_repository: :repository 4520:12:09 selects the correct repository 4620:12:09 repository_cleanup_status: :unfinished, repository_policy_status: :not_runnable, other_repository_cleanup_status: :unfinished, other_repository_policy_status: :runnable, expected_selected_repository: :repository 4720:12:09 selects the correct repository 4820:12:09 repository_cleanup_status: :unfinished, repository_policy_status: :not_runnable, other_repository_cleanup_status: :unfinished, other_repository_policy_status: :not_runnable, expected_selected_repository: :repository 4920:12:09 selects the correct repository 5020:12:09 repository_cleanup_status: :unfinished, repository_policy_status: :not_runnable, other_repository_cleanup_status: :ongoing, other_repository_policy_status: :disabled, expected_selected_repository: :repository 5120:12:09 selects the correct repository 5220:12:09 repository_cleanup_status: :unfinished, repository_policy_status: :not_runnable, other_repository_cleanup_status: :ongoing, other_repository_policy_status: :runnable, expected_selected_repository: :repository 5320:12:10 selects the correct repository 5420:12:10 repository_cleanup_status: :unfinished, repository_policy_status: :not_runnable, other_repository_cleanup_status: :ongoing, other_repository_policy_status: :not_runnable, expected_selected_repository: :repository 5520:12:10 selects the correct repository 5620:12:10 repository_cleanup_status: :ongoing, repository_policy_status: :disabled, other_repository_cleanup_status: :unscheduled, other_repository_policy_status: :disabled, expected_selected_repository: :none 5720:12:10 selects the correct repository 5820:12:10 repository_cleanup_status: :ongoing, repository_policy_status: :disabled, other_repository_cleanup_status: :unscheduled, other_repository_policy_status: :runnable, expected_selected_repository: :other_repository 5920:12:10 selects the correct repository 6020:12:10 repository_cleanup_status: :ongoing, repository_policy_status: :disabled, other_repository_cleanup_status: :unscheduled, other_repository_policy_status: :not_runnable, expected_selected_repository: :none 6120:12:10 selects the correct repository 6220:12:10 repository_cleanup_status: :ongoing, repository_policy_status: :disabled, other_repository_cleanup_status: :scheduled, other_repository_policy_status: :disabled, expected_selected_repository: :none 6320:12:10 selects the correct repository 6420:12:10 repository_cleanup_status: :ongoing, repository_policy_status: :disabled, other_repository_cleanup_status: :scheduled, other_repository_policy_status: :runnable, expected_selected_repository: :other_repository 6520:12:10 selects the correct repository 6620:12:10 repository_cleanup_status: :ongoing, repository_policy_status: :disabled, other_repository_cleanup_status: :scheduled, other_repository_policy_status: :not_runnable, expected_selected_repository: :none 6720:12:11 selects the correct repository 6820:12:11 repository_cleanup_status: :ongoing, repository_policy_status: :disabled, other_repository_cleanup_status: :unfinished, other_repository_policy_status: :disabled, expected_selected_repository: :none 6920:12:11 selects the correct repository 7020:12:11 repository_cleanup_status: :ongoing, repository_policy_status: :disabled, other_repository_cleanup_status: :unfinished, other_repository_policy_status: :runnable, expected_selected_repository: :other_repository 7120:12:11 selects the correct repository 7220:12:11 repository_cleanup_status: :ongoing, repository_policy_status: :disabled, other_repository_cleanup_status: :unfinished, other_repository_policy_status: :not_runnable, expected_selected_repository: :other_repository 7320:12:11 selects the correct repository 7420:12:11 repository_cleanup_status: :ongoing, repository_policy_status: :disabled, other_repository_cleanup_status: :ongoing, other_repository_policy_status: :disabled, expected_selected_repository: :none 7520:12:11 selects the correct repository 7620:12:11 repository_cleanup_status: :ongoing, repository_policy_status: :disabled, other_repository_cleanup_status: :ongoing, other_repository_policy_status: :runnable, expected_selected_repository: :none 7720:12:11 selects the correct repository 7820:12:11 repository_cleanup_status: :ongoing, repository_policy_status: :disabled, other_repository_cleanup_status: :ongoing, other_repository_policy_status: :not_runnable, expected_selected_repository: :none 7920:12:11 selects the correct repository 8020:12:11 repository_cleanup_status: :ongoing, repository_policy_status: :runnable, other_repository_cleanup_status: :unscheduled, other_repository_policy_status: :disabled, expected_selected_repository: :none 8120:12:12 selects the correct repository 8220:12:12 repository_cleanup_status: :ongoing, repository_policy_status: :runnable, other_repository_cleanup_status: :unscheduled, other_repository_policy_status: :runnable, expected_selected_repository: :other_repository 8320:12:12 selects the correct repository 8420:12:12 repository_cleanup_status: :ongoing, repository_policy_status: :runnable, other_repository_cleanup_status: :unscheduled, other_repository_policy_status: :not_runnable, expected_selected_repository: :none 8520:12:12 selects the correct repository 8620:12:12 repository_cleanup_status: :ongoing, repository_policy_status: :runnable, other_repository_cleanup_status: :scheduled, other_repository_policy_status: :disabled, expected_selected_repository: :none 8720:12:12 selects the correct repository 8820:12:12 repository_cleanup_status: :ongoing, repository_policy_status: :runnable, other_repository_cleanup_status: :scheduled, other_repository_policy_status: :runnable, expected_selected_repository: :other_repository 8920:12:12 selects the correct repository 9020:12:12 repository_cleanup_status: :ongoing, repository_policy_status: :runnable, other_repository_cleanup_status: :scheduled, other_repository_policy_status: :not_runnable, expected_selected_repository: :none 9120:12:12 selects the correct repository 9220:12:12 repository_cleanup_status: :ongoing, repository_policy_status: :runnable, other_repository_cleanup_status: :unfinished, other_repository_policy_status: :disabled, expected_selected_repository: :none 9320:12:12 selects the correct repository 9420:12:13 repository_cleanup_status: :ongoing, repository_policy_status: :runnable, other_repository_cleanup_status: :unfinished, other_repository_policy_status: :runnable, expected_selected_repository: :other_repository 9520:12:13 selects the correct repository 9620:12:13 repository_cleanup_status: :ongoing, repository_policy_status: :runnable, other_repository_cleanup_status: :unfinished, other_repository_policy_status: :not_runnable, expected_selected_repository: :other_repository 9720:12:13 selects the correct repository 9820:12:13 repository_cleanup_status: :ongoing, repository_policy_status: :runnable, other_repository_cleanup_status: :ongoing, other_repository_policy_status: :disabled, expected_selected_repository: :none 9920:12:13 selects the correct repository 10020:12:13 repository_cleanup_status: :ongoing, repository_policy_status: :runnable, other_repository_cleanup_status: :ongoing, other_repository_policy_status: :runnable, expected_selected_repository: :none 10120:12:13 selects the correct repository 10220:12:13 repository_cleanup_status: :ongoing, repository_policy_status: :runnable, other_repository_cleanup_status: :ongoing, other_repository_policy_status: :not_runnable, expected_selected_repository: :none 10320:12:13 selects the correct repository 10420:12:13 repository_cleanup_status: :ongoing, repository_policy_status: :not_runnable, other_repository_cleanup_status: :unscheduled, other_repository_policy_status: :disabled, expected_selected_repository: :none 10520:12:13 selects the correct repository 10620:12:13 repository_cleanup_status: :ongoing, repository_policy_status: :not_runnable, other_repository_cleanup_status: :unscheduled, other_repository_policy_status: :runnable, expected_selected_repository: :other_repository 10720:12:14 selects the correct repository 10820:12:14 repository_cleanup_status: :ongoing, repository_policy_status: :not_runnable, other_repository_cleanup_status: :unscheduled, other_repository_policy_status: :not_runnable, expected_selected_repository: :none 10920:12:14 selects the correct repository 11020:12:14 repository_cleanup_status: :ongoing, repository_policy_status: :not_runnable, other_repository_cleanup_status: :scheduled, other_repository_policy_status: :disabled, expected_selected_repository: :none 11120:12:14 selects the correct repository 11220:12:14 repository_cleanup_status: :ongoing, repository_policy_status: :not_runnable, other_repository_cleanup_status: :scheduled, other_repository_policy_status: :runnable, expected_selected_repository: :other_repository 11320:12:14 selects the correct repository 11420:12:14 repository_cleanup_status: :ongoing, repository_policy_status: :not_runnable, other_repository_cleanup_status: :scheduled, other_repository_policy_status: :not_runnable, expected_selected_repository: :none 11520:12:14 selects the correct repository 11620:12:14 repository_cleanup_status: :ongoing, repository_policy_status: :not_runnable, other_repository_cleanup_status: :unfinished, other_repository_policy_status: :disabled, expected_selected_repository: :none 11720:12:14 selects the correct repository 11820:12:14 repository_cleanup_status: :ongoing, repository_policy_status: :not_runnable, other_repository_cleanup_status: :unfinished, other_repository_policy_status: :runnable, expected_selected_repository: :other_repository 11920:12:14 selects the correct repository 12020:12:14 repository_cleanup_status: :ongoing, repository_policy_status: :not_runnable, other_repository_cleanup_status: :unfinished, other_repository_policy_status: :not_runnable, expected_selected_repository: :other_repository 12120:12:15 selects the correct repository 12220:12:15 repository_cleanup_status: :ongoing, repository_policy_status: :not_runnable, other_repository_cleanup_status: :ongoing, other_repository_policy_status: :disabled, expected_selected_repository: :none 12320:12:15 selects the correct repository 12420:12:15 repository_cleanup_status: :ongoing, repository_policy_status: :not_runnable, other_repository_cleanup_status: :ongoing, other_repository_policy_status: :runnable, expected_selected_repository: :none 12520:12:15 selects the correct repository 12620:12:15 repository_cleanup_status: :ongoing, repository_policy_status: :not_runnable, other_repository_cleanup_status: :ongoing, other_repository_policy_status: :not_runnable, expected_selected_repository: :none 12720:12:15 selects the correct repository 12820:12:15 with another repository in cleanup unfinished state 12920:12:16 process the cleanup scheduled repository first 13020:12:16 behaves like worker with data consistency 13120:12:16 .get_data_consistency_feature_flag_enabled? 13320:12:16 .get_data_consistency 13420:12:16 returns correct data consistency 13520:12:16 #remaining_work_count 13620:12:16 counts and capacity 13720:12:16 scheduled_count: 2, unfinished_count: 2, capacity: 10, expected_count: 4 13820:12:16 is expected to eq 4 13920:12:16 scheduled_count: 2, unfinished_count: 0, capacity: 10, expected_count: 2 14020:12:16 is expected to eq 2 14120:12:16 scheduled_count: 0, unfinished_count: 2, capacity: 10, expected_count: 2 14220:12:16 is expected to eq 2 14320:12:16 scheduled_count: 4, unfinished_count: 2, capacity: 2, expected_count: 4 14420:12:17 is expected to eq 4 14520:12:17 scheduled_count: 4, unfinished_count: 0, capacity: 2, expected_count: 4 14620:12:17 is expected to eq 4 14720:12:17 scheduled_count: 0, unfinished_count: 4, capacity: 2, expected_count: 4 14820:12:17 is expected to eq 4 14920:12:17 with container repositories waiting for cleanup 15020:12:18 is expected to eq 3 15120:12:18 with no container repositories waiting for cleanup 15220:12:18 is expected to eq 0 15320:12:18 does not log a selected container 15420:12:18 with a stuck container repository 15520:12:18 is expected to eq 0 15620:12:18 #max_running_jobs 15720:12:18 is expected to eq 50 15820:12:18# [RSpecRunTime] Finishing example group spec/workers/container_expiration_policies/cleanup_container_repository_worker_spec.rb. It took 29.42 seconds. Expected to take 1 minute 24.78 seconds. 15920:12:18# [RSpecRunTime] Starting example group spec/models/environment_status_spec.rb. Expected to take 1 minute 7.15 seconds. 16020:12:18EnvironmentStatus 16120:12:18 does not allow STI 16220:12:22 is expected to delegate #id to the #environment object 16320:12:24 is expected to delegate #name to the #environment object 16420:12:27 is expected to delegate #deployed_at to the #deployment object 16520:12:30 is expected to delegate #status to the #deployment object 16620:12:32 is expected to delegate #deployable to the #deployment object 16820:12:35 is expected to eq #<Project id:236 namespace201/project-236>> 16920:12:35# [RSpecRunTime] RSpec elapsed time: 10 minutes 8.15 seconds. Current RSS: ~1395M. Threads: 4. load average: 1.14 1.19 1.33 1/294 1873 17120:12:35 #merge_request 17220:12:38 is expected to eq #<MergeRequest id:27 namespace203/project-238!1> 17320:12:38# [RSpecRunTime] RSpec elapsed time: 10 minutes 10.93 seconds. Current RSS: ~1384M. Threads: 4. load average: 1.13 1.19 1.33 1/294 2044 17620:12:40 is expected to eq #<Deployment id: 8, iid: 1, project_id: 240, environment_id: 8, ref: "pages-deploy", tag: false, sha:...s: "success", finished_at: "2024-08-23 20:12:39.246920154 +0000", deployable_id: 8, archived: false> 17720:12:40 multiple deployments 17820:12:43 is expected to eq #<Deployment id: 10, iid: 2, project_id: 242, environment_id: 9, ref: "master", tag: false, sha: "789...: "success", finished_at: "2024-08-23 20:12:42.038881996 +0000", deployable_id: 10, archived: false> 17920:12:43# [RSpecRunTime] RSpec elapsed time: 10 minutes 16.34 seconds. Current RSS: ~1383M. Threads: 4. load average: 1.12 1.18 1.33 1/294 2395 18220:12:46 contains only added and modified public pages 18320:12:46# [RSpecRunTime] RSpec elapsed time: 10 minutes 19.27 seconds. Current RSS: ~1380M. Threads: 4. load average: 1.12 1.18 1.33 1/294 2572 18520:12:46 .for_merge_request 18620:12:49 is based on merge_request.diff_head_sha 18720:12:49# [RSpecRunTime] RSpec elapsed time: 10 minutes 22.81 seconds. Current RSS: ~1383M. Threads: 4. load average: 1.11 1.18 1.33 1/294 2743 18920:12:49 .for_deployed_merge_request 19020:12:49 when a merge request has no explicitly linked deployments 19120:12:51 returns the statuses based on the CI pipelines 19220:12:51# [RSpecRunTime] RSpec elapsed time: 10 minutes 24.62 seconds. Current RSS: ~1382M. Threads: 4. load average: 1.11 1.18 1.33 1/294 2870 19420:12:51 when a merge request has explicitly linked deployments 19520:12:53 returns the statuses based on the linked deployments 19620:12:55 excludes environments the user can not see 19720:12:56 excludes deployments that have the status "created" 19820:12:57# [RSpecRunTime] RSpec elapsed time: 10 minutes 29.89 seconds. Current RSS: ~1398M. Threads: 4. load average: 1.10 1.18 1.32 1/294 3277 20020:12:57 .build_environments_status 20120:12:57 when environment is created on a forked project 20220:13:00 returns environment status 20320:13:00# [RSpecRunTime] RSpec elapsed time: 10 minutes 32.99 seconds. Current RSS: ~1396M. Threads: 4. load average: 1.09 1.17 1.32 1/293 3439 20520:13:00 when environment is created on a target project 20620:13:02 returns environment status 20720:13:02 when the build stops an environment 20820:13:03 does not return environment status 20920:13:03# [RSpecRunTime] RSpec elapsed time: 10 minutes 36.77 seconds. Current RSS: ~1391M. Threads: 4. load average: 1.08 1.17 1.32 1/294 3737 21120:13:03 when user does not have a permission to see the environment 21220:13:05 does not return environment status 21320:13:05# [RSpecRunTime] RSpec elapsed time: 10 minutes 38.71 seconds. Current RSS: ~1387M. Threads: 4. load average: 1.08 1.17 1.32 1/294 3894 21520:13:05 when multiple deployments with the same SHA in different environments 21620:13:08 returns deployments related to the head pipeline 21720:13:08# [RSpecRunTime] RSpec elapsed time: 10 minutes 40.98 seconds. Current RSS: ~1386M. Threads: 4. load average: 1.08 1.17 1.32 1/295 4056 21920:13:08 when multiple deployments in the same pipeline for the same environments 22020:13:10 returns unique entries 22120:13:10# [RSpecRunTime] RSpec elapsed time: 10 minutes 43.08 seconds. Current RSS: ~1385M. Threads: 4. load average: 1.08 1.17 1.32 1/294 4214 22320:13:10 when there is a deployment in a child pipeline 22420:13:13 returns both parent and child entries 22520:13:13# [RSpecRunTime] RSpec elapsed time: 10 minutes 46.47 seconds. Current RSS: ~1378M. Threads: 4. load average: 1.07 1.16 1.32 1/294 4402 22720:13:13 when environment is stopped 22820:13:15 returns environment regardless of status 22920:13:15# [RSpecRunTime] RSpec elapsed time: 10 minutes 48.48 seconds. Current RSS: ~1373M. Threads: 4. load average: 1.07 1.16 1.32 1/294 4562 23120:13:15# [RSpecRunTime] Finishing example group spec/models/environment_status_spec.rb. It took 57.21 seconds. Expected to take 1 minute 7.15 seconds. 23220:13:15# [RSpecRunTime] Starting example group spec/finders/groups_finder_spec.rb. Expected to take 59.55 seconds. 23520:13:16 root level groups 23620:13:16 user_type: nil, params: {:all_available=>true}, results: [:public_group, :user_public_group] 23720:13:16 is expected to contain exactly #<Group id:1819 @public_group> and #<Group id:1822 @user_public_group> 23820:13:16# [RSpecRunTime] RSpec elapsed time: 10 minutes 49.8 seconds. Current RSS: ~1370M. Threads: 4. load average: 1.07 1.16 1.32 1/294 4563 24020:13:16 user_type: nil, params: {:all_available=>false}, results: [:public_group, :user_public_group] 24120:13:17 is expected to contain exactly #<Group id:1825 @public_group> and #<Group id:1828 @user_public_group> 24220:13:17 user_type: nil, params: {}, results: [:public_group, :user_public_group] 24320:13:18 is expected to contain exactly #<Group id:1831 @public_group> and #<Group id:1834 @user_public_group> 24420:13:18 user_type: :regular, params: {:all_available=>true}, results: [:public_group, :internal_group, :user_public_group, :user_internal_group, :user_private_group] 24520:13:19 is expected to contain exactly #<Group id:1837 @public_group>, #<Group id:1836 @internal_group>, #<Group id:1840 @user_public_group>, #<Group id:1839 @user_internal_group>, and #<Group id:1838 @user_private_group> 24620:13:19# [RSpecRunTime] RSpec elapsed time: 10 minutes 52.62 seconds. Current RSS: ~1369M. Threads: 4. load average: 1.06 1.16 1.31 1/293 4564 24820:13:19 user_type: :regular, params: {:all_available=>false}, results: [:user_public_group, :user_internal_group, :user_private_group] 24920:13:21 is expected to contain exactly #<Group id:1846 @user_public_group>, #<Group id:1845 @user_internal_group>, and #<Group id:1844 @user_private_group> 25020:13:21# [RSpecRunTime] RSpec elapsed time: 10 minutes 54.11 seconds. Current RSS: ~1366M. Threads: 4. load average: 1.06 1.16 1.31 1/293 4565 25220:13:21 user_type: :regular, params: {}, results: [:public_group, :internal_group, :user_public_group, :user_internal_group, :user_private_group] 25320:13:22 is expected to contain exactly #<Group id:1849 @public_group>, #<Group id:1848 @internal_group>, #<Group id:1852 @user_public_group>, #<Group id:1851 @user_internal_group>, and #<Group id:1850 @user_private_group> 25420:13:22# [RSpecRunTime] RSpec elapsed time: 10 minutes 55.46 seconds. Current RSS: ~1364M. Threads: 4. load average: 1.22 1.19 1.32 1/293 4566 25620:13:22 user_type: :regular, params: {:min_access_level=>30}, results: [:user_public_group, :user_internal_group, :user_private_group] 25720:13:24 is expected to contain exactly #<Group id:1858 @user_public_group>, #<Group id:1857 @user_internal_group>, and #<Group id:1856 @user_private_group> 25820:13:24# [RSpecRunTime] RSpec elapsed time: 10 minutes 56.9 seconds. Current RSS: ~1365M. Threads: 4. load average: 1.22 1.19 1.32 1/293 4567 26020:13:24 user_type: :external, params: {:all_available=>true}, results: [:public_group, :user_public_group, :user_internal_group, :user_private_group] 26120:13:25 is expected to contain exactly #<Group id:1861 @public_group>, #<Group id:1864 @user_public_group>, #<Group id:1863 @user_internal_group>, and #<Group id:1862 @user_private_group> 26220:13:25# [RSpecRunTime] RSpec elapsed time: 10 minutes 58.21 seconds. Current RSS: ~1365M. Threads: 4. load average: 1.22 1.19 1.32 1/293 4568 26420:13:25 user_type: :external, params: {:all_available=>false}, results: [:user_public_group, :user_internal_group, :user_private_group] 26520:13:26 is expected to contain exactly #<Group id:1870 @user_public_group>, #<Group id:1869 @user_internal_group>, and #<Group id:1868 @user_private_group> 26620:13:26# [RSpecRunTime] RSpec elapsed time: 10 minutes 59.57 seconds. Current RSS: ~1365M. Threads: 4. load average: 1.22 1.19 1.32 1/288 4569 26820:13:26 user_type: :external, params: {}, results: [:public_group, :user_public_group, :user_internal_group, :user_private_group] 26920:13:28 is expected to contain exactly #<Group id:1873 @public_group>, #<Group id:1876 @user_public_group>, #<Group id:1875 @user_internal_group>, and #<Group id:1874 @user_private_group> 27020:13:28# [RSpecRunTime] RSpec elapsed time: 11 minutes 1.1 seconds. Current RSS: ~1366M. Threads: 4. load average: 1.20 1.19 1.32 1/288 4570 27220:13:28 user_type: :admin_without_admin_mode, params: {:all_available=>true}, results: [:public_group, :internal_group, :user_public_group, :user_internal_group, :user_private_group] 27320:13:29 is expected to contain exactly #<Group id:1879 @public_group>, #<Group id:1878 @internal_group>, #<Group id:1882 @user_public_group>, #<Group id:1881 @user_internal_group>, and #<Group id:1880 @user_private_group> 27420:13:29# [RSpecRunTime] RSpec elapsed time: 11 minutes 2.61 seconds. Current RSS: ~1365M. Threads: 4. load average: 1.20 1.19 1.32 1/288 4571 27620:13:29 user_type: :admin_without_admin_mode, params: {:all_available=>false}, results: [:user_public_group, :user_internal_group, :user_private_group] 27720:13:31 is expected to contain exactly #<Group id:1888 @user_public_group>, #<Group id:1887 @user_internal_group>, and #<Group id:1886 @user_private_group> 27820:13:31# [RSpecRunTime] RSpec elapsed time: 11 minutes 4.06 seconds. Current RSS: ~1365M. Threads: 4. load average: 1.20 1.19 1.32 1/288 4572 28020:13:31 user_type: :admin_without_admin_mode, params: {}, results: [:public_group, :internal_group, :user_public_group, :user_internal_group, :user_private_group] 28120:13:32 is expected to contain exactly #<Group id:1891 @public_group>, #<Group id:1890 @internal_group>, #<Group id:1894 @user_public_group>, #<Group id:1893 @user_internal_group>, and #<Group id:1892 @user_private_group> 28220:13:32# [RSpecRunTime] RSpec elapsed time: 11 minutes 5.48 seconds. Current RSS: ~1363M. Threads: 4. load average: 1.19 1.18 1.32 1/288 4573 28420:13:32 user_type: :admin_with_admin_mode, params: {:all_available=>true}, results: [:public_group, :internal_group, :private_group, :user_public_group, :user_internal_group, :user_private_group] 28520:13:33 is expected to contain exactly #<Group id:1897 @public_group>, #<Group id:1896 @internal_group>, #<Group id:1895 @private_group>, #<Group id:1900 @user_public_group>, #<Group id:1899 @user_internal_group>, and #<Group id:1898 @user_private_group> 28620:13:33# [RSpecRunTime] RSpec elapsed time: 11 minutes 6.7 seconds. Current RSS: ~1363M. Threads: 4. load average: 1.19 1.18 1.32 1/288 4574 28820:13:33 user_type: :admin_with_admin_mode, params: {:all_available=>false}, results: [:user_public_group, :user_internal_group, :user_private_group] 28920:13:35 is expected to contain exactly #<Group id:1906 @user_public_group>, #<Group id:1905 @user_internal_group>, and #<Group id:1904 @user_private_group> 29020:13:35# [RSpecRunTime] RSpec elapsed time: 11 minutes 8.34 seconds. Current RSS: ~1362M. Threads: 4. load average: 1.19 1.18 1.32 1/288 4575 29220:13:35 user_type: :admin_with_admin_mode, params: {}, results: [:public_group, :internal_group, :private_group, :user_public_group, :user_internal_group, :user_private_group] 29320:13:36 is expected to contain exactly #<Group id:1909 @public_group>, #<Group id:1908 @internal_group>, #<Group id:1907 @private_group>, #<Group id:1912 @user_public_group>, #<Group id:1911 @user_internal_group>, and #<Group id:1910 @user_private_group> 29420:13:36# [RSpecRunTime] RSpec elapsed time: 11 minutes 9.81 seconds. Current RSS: ~1362M. Threads: 4. load average: 1.19 1.18 1.32 1/288 4576 29720:13:36 with [nil] parent 29820:13:37 returns only top-level groups 29920:13:37 without a user 30020:13:38 only returns parent and public subgroups 30220:13:39 returns parent, public, and internal subgroups 30420:13:40 returns parent, public subgroups, internal subgroups, and private subgroups user is member of 30520:13:40# [RSpecRunTime] RSpec elapsed time: 11 minutes 13.05 seconds. Current RSS: ~1368M. Threads: 4. load average: 1.17 1.18 1.32 1/288 4577 30720:13:40 parent group private 30820:13:40 being member of parent group 30920:13:41 returns all subgroups 31020:13:41# [RSpecRunTime] RSpec elapsed time: 11 minutes 14.06 seconds. Current RSS: ~1371M. Threads: 4. load average: 1.17 1.18 1.32 1/288 4578 31220:13:41 authorized to private project 31320:13:41 project one level deep 31420:13:42 includes the subgroup of the project 31520:13:44 does not include private subgroups deeper down 31620:13:44# [RSpecRunTime] RSpec elapsed time: 11 minutes 17.13 seconds. Current RSS: ~1364M. Threads: 4. load average: 1.16 1.18 1.32 1/288 4579 31820:13:44 project two levels deep 31920:13:45 returns all the ancestor groups 32020:13:47 returns the groups for a given parent 32120:13:47# [RSpecRunTime] RSpec elapsed time: 11 minutes 20.24 seconds. Current RSS: ~1359M. Threads: 4. load average: 1.06 1.16 1.31 1/288 4580 32320:13:47 being minimal access member of parent group 32420:13:48 do not return group with minimal_access access 32520:13:48# [RSpecRunTime] RSpec elapsed time: 11 minutes 21.41 seconds. Current RSS: ~1360M. Threads: 4. load average: 1.06 1.16 1.31 1/288 4581 32720:13:48 with include parent group descendants 32820:13:49 with nil parent 32920:13:49 returns all accessible groups 33020:13:49 without a user 33120:13:49 only returns the group public descendants 33220:13:49 when a user is present 33320:13:49 returns the group public and internal descendants 33420:13:49 when a parent group member is present 33520:13:50 returns all group descendants 33620:13:50 when include shared groups is set 33720:13:50 returns all group descendants with shared groups 33920:13:50 returns all groups with matching title 34020:13:51 returns all groups with matching path 34120:13:51 does not search in full path if parent is set 34220:13:51 with group descendants 34320:13:51 searches in full path if descendant groups are not included 34420:13:51# [RSpecRunTime] RSpec elapsed time: 11 minutes 24.55 seconds. Current RSS: ~1380M. Threads: 4. load average: 1.06 1.16 1.31 1/288 4582 34620:13:51 with filter_group_ids 34720:13:52 returns only the groups listed in the filter 34820:13:52 with organization 34920:13:54 return all groups inside the organization 35020:13:54 when user is only authorized to read the public group 35120:13:54 is expected to contain exactly #<Group id:1974 @public-group> 35220:13:54# [RSpecRunTime] RSpec elapsed time: 11 minutes 27.32 seconds. Current RSS: ~1371M. Threads: 4. load average: 1.06 1.16 1.31 1/288 4583 35420:13:54 with include_ancestors 35520:13:55 if include_ancestors is true 35620:13:55 returns ancestors of user groups 35720:13:56 returns subgroup if user is member of project of subgroup 35820:13:56 returns only groups related to user groups if all_available is false 35920:13:56# [RSpecRunTime] RSpec elapsed time: 11 minutes 29.62 seconds. Current RSS: ~1364M. Threads: 4. load average: 1.06 1.16 1.31 1/288 4584 36120:13:56 if include_ancestors is false 36220:13:57 does not return private ancestors of user groups 36320:13:57 returns project's parent group if user is member of project 36420:13:58 returns only user groups and their descendants if all_available is false 36520:13:58# [RSpecRunTime] RSpec elapsed time: 11 minutes 31.06 seconds. Current RSS: ~1372M. Threads: 4. load average: 1.05 1.15 1.31 1/288 4585 36720:13:58 group sorting 36820:13:58 field: "id", direction: "asc", sorted_groups: lazy { all_groups.sort_by(&:id) } 36920:13:58 is expected to eq [#<Group id:1989 @group317>, #<Group id:1990 @group318>, #<Group id:1991 @group319>] 37020:13:58 field: "id", direction: "desc", sorted_groups: lazy { all_groups.sort_by(&:id).reverse } 37120:13:58 is expected to eq [#<Group id:1991 @group319>, #<Group id:1990 @group318>, #<Group id:1989 @group317>] 37220:13:58 field: "name", direction: "asc", sorted_groups: lazy { all_groups.sort_by(&:name) } 37320:13:58 is expected to eq [#<Group id:1989 @group317>, #<Group id:1990 @group318>, #<Group id:1991 @group319>] 37420:13:58 field: "name", direction: "desc", sorted_groups: lazy { all_groups.sort_by(&:name).reverse } 37520:13:58 is expected to eq [#<Group id:1991 @group319>, #<Group id:1990 @group318>, #<Group id:1989 @group317>] 37620:13:58 field: "path", direction: "asc", sorted_groups: lazy { all_groups.sort_by(&:path) } 37720:13:59 is expected to eq [#<Group id:1989 @group317>, #<Group id:1990 @group318>, #<Group id:1991 @group319>] 37820:13:59 field: "path", direction: "desc", sorted_groups: lazy { all_groups.sort_by(&:path).reverse } 37920:13:59 is expected to eq [#<Group id:1991 @group319>, #<Group id:1990 @group318>, #<Group id:1989 @group317>] 38020:13:59# [RSpecRunTime] Finishing example group spec/finders/groups_finder_spec.rb. It took 43.45 seconds. Expected to take 59.55 seconds. 38120:13:59# [RSpecRunTime] Starting example group spec/models/project_feature_spec.rb. Expected to take 53.45 seconds. 38220:13:59ProjectFeature 38320:14:00 does not allow STI 38420:14:00 is expected to belong to project required: false 38520:14:00 allows public access level for :pages feature 38620:14:00 default values 38720:14:00 is expected to eq 20 38820:14:00 is expected to eq 20 38920:14:00 is expected to eq 20 39020:14:00 is expected to eq 20 39120:14:00 is expected to eq 20 39220:14:00 is expected to eq 20 39320:14:00 is expected to eq 20 39420:14:01 is expected to eq 10 39520:14:01 is expected to eq 20 39620:14:01 is expected to eq 10 39720:14:01 is expected to eq 20 39820:14:01 is expected to eq 20 39920:14:01 is expected to eq 20 40020:14:01 is expected to eq 20 40120:14:01 is expected to eq 20 40220:14:01 is expected to eq 20 40320:14:01 is expected to eq 20 40420:14:01 is expected to eq 20 40520:14:01 is expected to eq 20 40620:14:02# [RSpecRunTime] RSpec elapsed time: 11 minutes 34.88 seconds. Current RSS: ~1433M. Threads: 4. load average: 1.05 1.15 1.31 1/288 4586 40820:14:02 PRIVATE_FEATURES_MIN_ACCESS_LEVEL_FOR_PRIVATE_PROJECT 40920:14:02 has higher level than that of PRIVATE_FEATURES_MIN_ACCESS_LEVEL 41020:14:02 repository related features 41120:14:02 does not allow repository related features have higher level 41220:14:02 behaves like access level validation 41320:14:02 does not allow public access level for issues 41420:14:02 does not allow public access level for forking 41520:14:02 does not allow public access level for merge_requests 41620:14:02 does not allow public access level for wiki 41720:14:02 does not allow public access level for snippets 41820:14:02 does not allow public access level for builds 41920:14:03 does not allow public access level for repository 42020:14:03 does not allow public access level for metrics_dashboard 42120:14:03 does not allow public access level for analytics 42220:14:03 does not allow public access level for monitor 42320:14:03 does not allow public access level for operations 42420:14:03 does not allow public access level for security_and_compliance 42520:14:03 does not allow public access level for container_registry 42620:14:03 does not allow public access level for environments 42720:14:03 does not allow public access level for feature_flags 42820:14:04 does not allow public access level for releases 42920:14:04 does not allow public access level for infrastructure 43020:14:04 does not allow public access level for model_experiments 43120:14:04 does not allow public access level for model_registry 43220:14:04# [RSpecRunTime] RSpec elapsed time: 11 minutes 37.19 seconds. Current RSS: ~1465M. Threads: 4. load average: 1.05 1.15 1.30 1/288 4587 43420:14:04 default pages access level 43520:14:04 when new project is private 43620:14:04 is expected to eq 10 43720:14:04 when new project is internal 43820:14:05 is expected to eq 10 43920:14:05 when new project is public 44020:14:06 is expected to eq 20 44120:14:06 when access control is forced on the admin level 44220:14:06 is expected to eq 10 44320:14:06# [RSpecRunTime] RSpec elapsed time: 11 minutes 39.5 seconds. Current RSS: ~1466M. Threads: 4. load average: 1.05 1.15 1.30 1/288 4588 44520:14:06 #public_pages? 44620:14:06 returns true if Pages access control is not enabled 44720:14:06 when Pages access control is enabled 44820:14:06 project_visibility: :private, pages_access_level: 30, result: true 44920:14:07 properly handles project and Pages visibility settings 45020:14:07 returns false if access_control is forced on the admin level 45120:14:07# [RSpecRunTime] RSpec elapsed time: 11 minutes 40.58 seconds. Current RSS: ~1462M. Threads: 4. load average: 1.13 1.16 1.31 1/289 4589 45320:14:07 project_visibility: :internal, pages_access_level: 30, result: true 45420:14:08 properly handles project and Pages visibility settings 45520:14:08 returns false if access_control is forced on the admin level 45620:14:08# [RSpecRunTime] RSpec elapsed time: 11 minutes 41.66 seconds. Current RSS: ~1460M. Threads: 4. load average: 1.13 1.16 1.31 1/289 4590 45820:14:08 project_visibility: :internal, pages_access_level: 20, result: false 45920:14:09 properly handles project and Pages visibility settings 46020:14:09 returns false if access_control is forced on the admin level 46120:14:09 project_visibility: :public, pages_access_level: 20, result: true 46220:14:10 properly handles project and Pages visibility settings 46320:14:10 returns false if access_control is forced on the admin level 46420:14:10 project_visibility: :private, pages_access_level: 10, result: false 46520:14:10 properly handles project and Pages visibility settings 46620:14:11 returns false if access_control is forced on the admin level 46720:14:11 project_visibility: :public, pages_access_level: 10, result: false 46820:14:11 properly handles project and Pages visibility settings 46920:14:12 returns false if access_control is forced on the admin level 47020:14:12 #private_pages? 47120:14:12 returns false if public_pages? is true 47220:14:12 returns true if public_pages? is false 47320:14:12 .required_minimum_access_level 47420:14:12 handles reporter level 47520:14:12 handles guest level 47620:14:12 accepts ActiveModel 47720:14:12 accepts string 47820:14:12 handles repository 47920:14:12 handles package registry 48020:14:12 raises error if feature is invalid 48120:14:12 .required_minimum_access_level_for_private_project 48220:14:13 returns higher permission for repository 48320:14:13 returns normal permission for issues 48420:14:13 container_registry_access_level 48520:14:13 with default value 48620:14:13 when the default is false 48720:14:13 creates project_feature with `disabled` container_registry_access_level 48820:14:13 when the default is true 48920:14:13 creates project_feature with `enabled` container_registry_access_level 49020:14:13 when the default is nil 49120:14:13 creates project_feature with `disabled` container_registry_access_level 49220:14:13 test build factory 49420:14:13 is expected to eq 10 49620:14:13 is expected to eq 20 49820:14:13 is expected to eq 0 49920:14:13 package_registry_access_level 50020:14:13 with default value 50120:14:13 config_packages_enabled: false, expected_result: 0 50220:14:13 creates project_feature with correct package_registry_access_level 50320:14:13 config_packages_enabled: true, expected_result: 20 50420:14:13 creates project_feature with correct package_registry_access_level 50520:14:13 config_packages_enabled: nil, expected_result: 0 50620:14:14 creates project_feature with correct package_registry_access_level 50720:14:14 sync packages_enabled 50820:14:14 initial_value: 0, new_value: 0, expected_result: false 50920:14:14 set correct value 51020:14:14 initial_value: 0, new_value: 20, expected_result: true 51120:14:15 set correct value 51220:14:15 initial_value: 0, new_value: 30, expected_result: true 51320:14:15 set correct value 51420:14:15 initial_value: 20, new_value: 0, expected_result: false 51520:14:16 set correct value 51620:14:16 initial_value: 20, new_value: 20, expected_result: true 51720:14:16 set correct value 51820:14:16 initial_value: 20, new_value: 30, expected_result: true 51920:14:17 set correct value 52020:14:17 initial_value: 30, new_value: 0, expected_result: false 52120:14:17 set correct value 52220:14:17 initial_value: 30, new_value: 20, expected_result: true 52320:14:18 set correct value 52420:14:18 initial_value: 30, new_value: 30, expected_result: true 52520:14:18 set correct value 52620:14:18 #public_packages? 52720:14:19 returns false if packages config is not enabled 52820:14:19 with packages config enabled 52920:14:19 when project is private 53020:14:19 returns false 53120:14:19 with package_registry_access_level set to public 53320:14:19 when project is public 53520:14:19 #feature_available? 53620:14:19 when features are disabled 53720:14:19 returns false 53820:14:19 when features are enabled only for team members 53920:14:19 returns false when user is not a team member 54020:14:20 returns true when user is a team member 54120:14:21 returns true when user is a member of project group 54220:14:21 when admin mode is enabled 54320:14:21 returns true if user is an admin 54420:14:21# [RSpecRunTime] RSpec elapsed time: 11 minutes 54.19 seconds. Current RSS: ~1424M. Threads: 4. load average: 1.11 1.16 1.30 1/289 4591 54620:14:21 when admin mode is disabled 54720:14:21 returns false when user is an admin 54820:14:21 when feature is enabled for everyone 55020:14:21 when feature has any other value 55320:14:21 merge_requests_access_level: 30, expected_value: false 55420:14:21 is expected to equal false 55520:14:21 merge_requests_access_level: 20, expected_value: false 55620:14:22 is expected to equal false 55720:14:22 merge_requests_access_level: 10, expected_value: true 55820:14:22 is expected to equal true 55920:14:22# [RSpecRunTime] Finishing example group spec/models/project_feature_spec.rb. It took 22.93 seconds. Expected to take 53.45 seconds. 56020:14:22# [RSpecRunTime] Starting example group spec/rubocop/cop/migration/create_table_with_foreign_keys_spec.rb. Expected to take 48.01 seconds. 56120:14:22RuboCop::Cop::Migration::CreateTableWithForeignKeys 56220:14:22 outside of a migration 56320:14:22 does not register any offenses 56420:14:22 when in a migration 56520:14:22 without foreign key 56620:14:22 does not register any offenses 56720:14:22 with foreign key 56820:14:22 with just one foreign key 56920:14:22 when the foreign_key targets a high traffic table 57020:14:22 when the foreign_key has to_table option set 57120:14:22 does not register any offenses 57220:14:22 when the foreign_key does not have to_table option set 57320:14:22 does not register any offenses 57420:14:22 when the foreign_key does not target a high traffic table 57520:14:22 does not register any offenses 57620:14:22 with more than one foreign keys 57720:14:22 when the foreign keys are defined as options 57820:14:22 when there is no target to a high traffic table 57920:14:23 does not register any offenses 58020:14:23 with audit_events 58120:14:23 behaves like target to high traffic table 58220:14:23 when the target is defined as option 58320:14:23 registers an offense 58420:14:23 when the target has implicit definition 58520:14:23 registers an offense 58620:14:23 with ci_builds 58720:14:23 behaves like target to high traffic table 58820:14:23 when the target is defined as option 58920:14:23 registers an offense 59020:14:23 when the target has implicit definition 59120:14:23 registers an offense 59220:14:23 with ci_builds_metadata 59320:14:23 behaves like target to high traffic table 59420:14:23 when the target is defined as option 59520:14:23 registers an offense 59620:14:23 when the target has implicit definition 59720:14:23 registers an offense 59820:14:23 with ci_job_artifacts 59920:14:23 behaves like target to high traffic table 60020:14:23 when the target is defined as option 60120:14:23 registers an offense 60220:14:23 when the target has implicit definition 60320:14:23 registers an offense 60420:14:23 with ci_pipeline_variables 60520:14:23 behaves like target to high traffic table 60620:14:23 when the target is defined as option 60720:14:23 registers an offense 60820:14:23 when the target has implicit definition 60920:14:24 registers an offense 61020:14:24 with ci_pipelines 61120:14:24 behaves like target to high traffic table 61220:14:24 when the target is defined as option 61320:14:24 registers an offense 61420:14:24 when the target has implicit definition 61520:14:24 registers an offense 61620:14:24 with ci_stages 61720:14:24 behaves like target to high traffic table 61820:14:24 when the target is defined as option 61920:14:24 registers an offense 62020:14:24 when the target has implicit definition 62120:14:24 registers an offense 62220:14:24 with deployments 62320:14:24 behaves like target to high traffic table 62420:14:24 when the target is defined as option 62520:14:24 registers an offense 62620:14:24 when the target has implicit definition 62720:14:24 registers an offense 62920:14:24 behaves like target to high traffic table 63020:14:24 when the target is defined as option 63120:14:24 registers an offense 63220:14:24 when the target has implicit definition 63320:14:24 registers an offense 63420:14:24 with gitlab_subscriptions 63520:14:24 behaves like target to high traffic table 63620:14:24 when the target is defined as option 63720:14:24 registers an offense 63820:14:24 when the target has implicit definition 63920:14:24 registers an offense 64120:14:24 behaves like target to high traffic table 64220:14:24 when the target is defined as option 64320:14:25 registers an offense 64420:14:25 when the target has implicit definition 64520:14:25 registers an offense 64620:14:25 with merge_request_diff_commits 64720:14:25 behaves like target to high traffic table 64820:14:25 when the target is defined as option 64920:14:25 registers an offense 65020:14:25 when the target has implicit definition 65120:14:25 registers an offense 65220:14:25 with merge_request_diff_files 65320:14:25 behaves like target to high traffic table 65420:14:25 when the target is defined as option 65520:14:25 registers an offense 65620:14:25 when the target has implicit definition 65720:14:25 registers an offense 65820:14:25 with merge_request_diffs 65920:14:25 behaves like target to high traffic table 66020:14:25 when the target is defined as option 66120:14:25 registers an offense 66220:14:25 when the target has implicit definition 66320:14:25 registers an offense 66420:14:25 with merge_request_metrics 66520:14:25 behaves like target to high traffic table 66620:14:25 when the target is defined as option 66720:14:25 registers an offense 66820:14:25 when the target has implicit definition 66920:14:25 registers an offense 67020:14:25 with merge_requests 67120:14:25 behaves like target to high traffic table 67220:14:25 when the target is defined as option 67320:14:25 registers an offense 67420:14:25 when the target has implicit definition 67520:14:26 registers an offense 67620:14:26 with namespaces 67720:14:26 behaves like target to high traffic table 67820:14:26 when the target is defined as option 67920:14:26 registers an offense 68020:14:26 when the target has implicit definition 68120:14:26 registers an offense 68220:14:26 with note_diff_files 68320:14:26 behaves like target to high traffic table 68420:14:26 when the target is defined as option 68520:14:26 registers an offense 68620:14:26 when the target has implicit definition 68720:14:26 registers an offense 68920:14:26 behaves like target to high traffic table 69020:14:26 when the target is defined as option 69120:14:26 registers an offense 69220:14:26 when the target has implicit definition 69320:14:26 registers an offense 69420:14:26 with project_authorizations 69520:14:26 behaves like target to high traffic table 69620:14:26 when the target is defined as option 69720:14:26 registers an offense 69820:14:26 when the target has implicit definition 69920:14:26 registers an offense 70020:14:26 with projects 70120:14:26 behaves like target to high traffic table 70220:14:26 when the target is defined as option 70320:14:26 registers an offense 70420:14:26 when the target has implicit definition 70520:14:26 registers an offense 70620:14:26 with project_ci_cd_settings 70720:14:26 behaves like target to high traffic table 70820:14:26 when the target is defined as option 70920:14:27 registers an offense 71020:14:27 when the target has implicit definition 71120:14:27 registers an offense 71220:14:27 with project_features 71320:14:27 behaves like target to high traffic table 71420:14:27 when the target is defined as option 71520:14:27 registers an offense 71620:14:27 when the target has implicit definition 71720:14:27 registers an offense 71820:14:27 with push_event_payloads 71920:14:27 behaves like target to high traffic table 72020:14:27 when the target is defined as option 72120:14:27 registers an offense 72220:14:27 when the target has implicit definition 72320:14:27 registers an offense 72420:14:27 with resource_label_events 72520:14:27 behaves like target to high traffic table 72620:14:27 when the target is defined as option 72720:14:27 registers an offense 72820:14:27 when the target has implicit definition 72920:14:27 registers an offense 73120:14:27 behaves like target to high traffic table 73220:14:27 when the target is defined as option 73320:14:27 registers an offense 73420:14:27 when the target has implicit definition 73520:14:27 registers an offense 73620:14:27 with sent_notifications 73720:14:27 behaves like target to high traffic table 73820:14:27 when the target is defined as option 73920:14:28 registers an offense 74020:14:28 when the target has implicit definition 74120:14:28 registers an offense 74220:14:28 with system_note_metadata 74320:14:28 behaves like target to high traffic table 74420:14:28 when the target is defined as option 74520:14:28 registers an offense 74620:14:28 when the target has implicit definition 74720:14:28 registers an offense 74820:14:28 with taggings 74920:14:28 behaves like target to high traffic table 75020:14:28 when the target is defined as option 75120:14:28 registers an offense 75220:14:28 when the target has implicit definition 75320:14:28 registers an offense 75520:14:28 behaves like target to high traffic table 75620:14:28 when the target is defined as option 75720:14:28 registers an offense 75820:14:28 when the target has implicit definition 75920:14:28 registers an offense 76120:14:28 behaves like target to high traffic table 76220:14:28 when the target is defined as option 76320:14:28 registers an offense 76420:14:28 when the target has implicit definition 76520:14:28 registers an offense 76620:14:28 with web_hook_logs 76720:14:28 behaves like target to high traffic table 76820:14:28 when the target is defined as option 76920:14:28 registers an offense 77020:14:28 when the target has implicit definition 77120:14:29 registers an offense 77220:14:29 when the foreign keys are defined by standlone migration helper 77320:14:29 when there is no target to a high traffic table 77420:14:29 does not register any offenses 77520:14:29 with audit_events 77620:14:29 behaves like target to high traffic table 77720:14:29 when the target is defined as option 77820:14:29 registers an offense 77920:14:29 when the target has implicit definition 78020:14:29 registers an offense 78120:14:29 with ci_builds 78220:14:29 behaves like target to high traffic table 78320:14:29 when the target is defined as option 78420:14:29 registers an offense 78520:14:29 when the target has implicit definition 78620:14:29 registers an offense 78720:14:29 with ci_builds_metadata 78820:14:29 behaves like target to high traffic table 78920:14:29 when the target is defined as option 79020:14:29 registers an offense 79120:14:29 when the target has implicit definition 79220:14:29 registers an offense 79320:14:29 with ci_job_artifacts 79420:14:29 behaves like target to high traffic table 79520:14:29 when the target is defined as option 79620:14:29 registers an offense 79720:14:29 when the target has implicit definition 79820:14:29 registers an offense 79920:14:29 with ci_pipeline_variables 80020:14:29 behaves like target to high traffic table 80120:14:29 when the target is defined as option 80220:14:29 registers an offense 80320:14:29 when the target has implicit definition 80420:14:29 registers an offense 80520:14:29 with ci_pipelines 80620:14:29 behaves like target to high traffic table 80720:14:29 when the target is defined as option 80820:14:30 registers an offense 80920:14:30 when the target has implicit definition 81020:14:30 registers an offense 81120:14:30 with ci_stages 81220:14:30 behaves like target to high traffic table 81320:14:30 when the target is defined as option 81420:14:30 registers an offense 81520:14:30 when the target has implicit definition 81620:14:30 registers an offense 81720:14:30 with deployments 81820:14:30 behaves like target to high traffic table 81920:14:30 when the target is defined as option 82020:14:30 registers an offense 82120:14:30 when the target has implicit definition 82220:14:30 registers an offense 82420:14:30 behaves like target to high traffic table 82520:14:30 when the target is defined as option 82620:14:30 registers an offense 82720:14:30 when the target has implicit definition 82820:14:30 registers an offense 82920:14:30 with gitlab_subscriptions 83020:14:30 behaves like target to high traffic table 83120:14:30 when the target is defined as option 83220:14:30 registers an offense 83320:14:30 when the target has implicit definition 83420:14:30 registers an offense 83620:14:30 behaves like target to high traffic table 83720:14:30 when the target is defined as option 83820:14:31 registers an offense 83920:14:31 when the target has implicit definition 84020:14:31 registers an offense 84120:14:31 with merge_request_diff_commits 84220:14:31 behaves like target to high traffic table 84320:14:31 when the target is defined as option 84420:14:31 registers an offense 84520:14:31 when the target has implicit definition 84620:14:31 registers an offense 84720:14:31 with merge_request_diff_files 84820:14:31 behaves like target to high traffic table 84920:14:31 when the target is defined as option 85020:14:31 registers an offense 85120:14:31 when the target has implicit definition 85220:14:31 registers an offense 85320:14:31 with merge_request_diffs 85420:14:31 behaves like target to high traffic table 85520:14:31 when the target is defined as option 85620:14:31 registers an offense 85720:14:31 when the target has implicit definition 85820:14:31 registers an offense 85920:14:31 with merge_request_metrics 86020:14:31 behaves like target to high traffic table 86120:14:31 when the target is defined as option 86220:14:31 registers an offense 86320:14:31 when the target has implicit definition 86420:14:31 registers an offense 86520:14:31 with merge_requests 86620:14:31 behaves like target to high traffic table 86720:14:31 when the target is defined as option 86820:14:31 registers an offense 86920:14:31 when the target has implicit definition 87020:14:31 registers an offense 87120:14:31 with namespaces 87220:14:31 behaves like target to high traffic table 87320:14:31 when the target is defined as option 87420:14:32 registers an offense 87520:14:32 when the target has implicit definition 87620:14:32 registers an offense 87720:14:32 with note_diff_files 87820:14:32 behaves like target to high traffic table 87920:14:32 when the target is defined as option 88020:14:32 registers an offense 88120:14:32 when the target has implicit definition 88220:14:32 registers an offense 88420:14:32 behaves like target to high traffic table 88520:14:32 when the target is defined as option 88620:14:32 registers an offense 88720:14:32 when the target has implicit definition 88820:14:32 registers an offense 88920:14:32 with project_authorizations 89020:14:32 behaves like target to high traffic table 89120:14:32 when the target is defined as option 89220:14:32 registers an offense 89320:14:32 when the target has implicit definition 89420:14:32 registers an offense 89520:14:32 with projects 89620:14:32 behaves like target to high traffic table 89720:14:32 when the target is defined as option 89820:14:32 registers an offense 89920:14:32 when the target has implicit definition 90020:14:32 registers an offense 90120:14:32 with project_ci_cd_settings 90220:14:32 behaves like target to high traffic table 90320:14:32 when the target is defined as option 90420:14:32 registers an offense 90520:14:32 when the target has implicit definition 90620:14:33 registers an offense 90720:14:33 with project_features 90820:14:33 behaves like target to high traffic table 90920:14:33 when the target is defined as option 91020:14:33 registers an offense 91120:14:33 when the target has implicit definition 91220:14:33 registers an offense 91320:14:33 with push_event_payloads 91420:14:33 behaves like target to high traffic table 91520:14:33 when the target is defined as option 91620:14:33 registers an offense 91720:14:33 when the target has implicit definition 91820:14:33 registers an offense 91920:14:33 with resource_label_events 92020:14:33 behaves like target to high traffic table 92120:14:33 when the target is defined as option 92220:14:33 registers an offense 92320:14:33 when the target has implicit definition 92420:14:33 registers an offense 92620:14:33 behaves like target to high traffic table 92720:14:33 when the target is defined as option 92820:14:33 registers an offense 92920:14:33 when the target has implicit definition 93020:14:33 registers an offense 93120:14:33 with sent_notifications 93220:14:33 behaves like target to high traffic table 93320:14:33 when the target is defined as option 93420:14:33 registers an offense 93520:14:33 when the target has implicit definition 93620:14:33 registers an offense 93720:14:33 with system_note_metadata 93820:14:33 behaves like target to high traffic table 93920:14:33 when the target is defined as option 94020:14:34 registers an offense 94120:14:34 when the target has implicit definition 94220:14:34 registers an offense 94320:14:34 with taggings 94420:14:34 behaves like target to high traffic table 94520:14:34 when the target is defined as option 94620:14:34 registers an offense 94720:14:34 when the target has implicit definition 94820:14:34 registers an offense 95020:14:34 behaves like target to high traffic table 95120:14:34 when the target is defined as option 95220:14:34 registers an offense 95320:14:34 when the target has implicit definition 95420:14:34 registers an offense 95620:14:34 behaves like target to high traffic table 95720:14:34 when the target is defined as option 95820:14:34 registers an offense 95920:14:34 when the target has implicit definition 96020:14:34 registers an offense 96120:14:34 with web_hook_logs 96220:14:34 behaves like target to high traffic table 96320:14:34 when the target is defined as option 96420:14:34 registers an offense 96520:14:34 when the target has implicit definition 96620:14:34 registers an offense 96720:14:35# [RSpecRunTime] Finishing example group spec/rubocop/cop/migration/create_table_with_foreign_keys_spec.rb. It took 12.76 seconds. Expected to take 48.01 seconds. 96820:14:35# [RSpecRunTime] Starting example group spec/lib/banzai/filter/references/commit_reference_filter_spec.rb. Expected to take 43.71 seconds. 96920:14:35Banzai::Filter::References::CommitReferenceFilter 97020:14:35 requires project context 97120:14:36 ignores valid references contained inside 'pre' element 97220:14:36 ignores valid references contained inside 'code' element 97320:14:36 ignores valid references contained inside 'a' element 97420:14:36 ignores valid references contained inside 'style' element 97520:14:36 internal reference 97620:14:36 links to a valid reference of 7 characters 97720:14:36 links to a valid reference of 8 characters 97820:14:36 links to a valid reference of 12 characters 97920:14:36 links to a valid reference of 18 characters 98020:14:36 links to a valid reference of 20 characters 98120:14:36 links to a valid reference of 32 characters 98220:14:37 links to a valid reference of 40 characters 98320:14:37 does not render link when reference is ending a word 98420:14:37 does not render link when reference is starting a word 98520:14:37 always uses the short ID as the link text 98620:14:37 links with adjacent text 98720:14:37 ignores invalid commit IDs 98820:14:37 includes a title attribute 98920:14:37 escapes the title attribute 99020:14:37 includes default classes 99120:14:38 includes a data-project attribute 99220:14:38 includes a data-commit attribute 99320:14:38 supports an :only_path context 99420:14:38 in merge request context 99520:14:38 handles merge request contextual commit references 99620:14:38 a doc with many (29) strings that could be SHAs 99720:14:39 makes only a single request to Gitaly 99820:14:39# [RSpecRunTime] RSpec elapsed time: 12 minutes 12.63 seconds. Current RSS: ~1508M. Threads: 4. load average: 1.08 1.15 1.30 1/294 4905 100020:14:39 cross-project / cross-namespace complete reference 100120:14:40 link has valid text 100220:14:42 has valid text 100320:14:43 ignores invalid commit IDs on the referenced project 100420:14:43# [RSpecRunTime] RSpec elapsed time: 12 minutes 16.04 seconds. Current RSS: ~1501M. Threads: 4. load average: 1.07 1.14 1.29 1/293 5008 100620:14:43 cross-project / same-namespace complete reference 100720:14:44 link has valid text 100820:14:45 has valid text 100920:14:47 ignores invalid commit IDs on the referenced project 101020:14:47# [RSpecRunTime] RSpec elapsed time: 12 minutes 20.26 seconds. Current RSS: ~1468M. Threads: 4. load average: 1.06 1.14 1.29 1/293 5111 101220:14:47 cross-project shorthand reference 101320:14:48 link has valid text 101420:14:50 has valid text 101520:14:51 ignores invalid commit IDs on the referenced project 101620:14:51# [RSpecRunTime] RSpec elapsed time: 12 minutes 24.44 seconds. Current RSS: ~1438M. Threads: 4. load average: 1.06 1.14 1.29 1/293 5214 101820:14:51 cross-project URL reference 101920:14:52 links to a valid reference 102020:14:53 links with adjacent text 102120:14:54 ignores invalid commit IDs on the referenced project 102220:14:54# [RSpecRunTime] RSpec elapsed time: 12 minutes 27.83 seconds. Current RSS: ~1423M. Threads: 4. load average: 1.14 1.16 1.30 1/293 5329 102420:14:54 URL reference for a commit patch 102520:14:56 links to a valid reference 102620:14:57 has valid text 102720:14:58 does not link to patch when extension match is after the path 102820:14:58# [RSpecRunTime] RSpec elapsed time: 12 minutes 31.44 seconds. Current RSS: ~1432M. Threads: 4. load average: 1.21 1.17 1.30 1/293 5452 103020:14:58 group context 103120:14:58 ignores internal references 103220:14:59 links to a valid reference 103320:14:59 when Commit.reference_pattern causes a long scanning period 103420:15:01 timesout and rescues in filter 103520:15:01# [RSpecRunTime] RSpec elapsed time: 12 minutes 34.14 seconds. Current RSS: ~1432M. Threads: 4. load average: 1.21 1.17 1.30 1/293 5457 103720:15:01 checking N+1 103820:15:03 does not have N+1 per multiple references per project 103920:15:03# [RSpecRunTime] RSpec elapsed time: 12 minutes 36.36 seconds. Current RSS: ~1436M. Threads: 4. load average: 1.27 1.18 1.30 1/293 5534 104120:15:03 behaves like limits the number of filtered items 104220:15:03 enforces limits 104320:15:03# [RSpecRunTime] Finishing example group spec/lib/banzai/filter/references/commit_reference_filter_spec.rb. It took 28.81 seconds. Expected to take 43.71 seconds. 104420:15:03# [RSpecRunTime] Starting example group spec/tasks/gitlab/db/validate_config_rake_spec.rb. Expected to take 41.68 seconds. 104520:15:03gitlab:db:validate_config 104620:15:04 when validating config 104720:15:04 when only main: is specified 104820:15:04 behaves like validates successfully 105020:15:05 for production 105120:15:05 always re-establishes ActiveRecord::Base connection to main config 105220:15:06 if GITLAB_VALIDATE_DATABASE_CONFIG is set 105320:15:06 when finding the initializer fails 105420:15:06 raised_error: ActiveRecord::NoDatabaseError 105520:15:06 does not raise an error for ActiveRecord::NoDatabaseError 105620:15:06# [RSpecRunTime] RSpec elapsed time: 12 minutes 39.29 seconds. Current RSS: ~1449M. Threads: 5. load average: 1.27 1.18 1.30 1/294 5540 105820:15:06 raised_error: ActiveRecord::ConnectionNotEstablished 105920:15:06WARNING: Could not establish database connection for main: ActiveRecord::ConnectionNotEstablished 106020:15:06 does not raise an error for ActiveRecord::ConnectionNotEstablished 106120:15:06 raised_error: PG::ConnectionBad 106220:15:07WARNING: Could not establish database connection for main: PG::ConnectionBad 106320:15:07 does not raise an error for PG::ConnectionBad 106420:15:07 when config is pointing to incorrect server 106520:15:07 behaves like validates successfully 106620:15:07WARNING: Could not establish database connection for main: connection to server at "", port 11235 failed: Connection refused 106720:15:07 Is the server running on that host and accepting TCP/IP connections? 106820:15:07WARNING: Could not establish database connection for main: connection to server at "", port 11235 failed: Connection refused 106920:15:07 Is the server running on that host and accepting TCP/IP connections? 107120:15:07WARNING: Could not establish database connection for main: connection to server at "", port 11235 failed: Connection refused 107220:15:07 Is the server running on that host and accepting TCP/IP connections? 107320:15:07WARNING: Could not establish database connection for main: connection to server at "", port 11235 failed: Connection refused 107420:15:07 Is the server running on that host and accepting TCP/IP connections? 107520:15:07 for production 107620:15:07WARNING: Could not establish database connection for main: connection to server at "", port 11235 failed: Connection refused 107720:15:07 Is the server running on that host and accepting TCP/IP connections? 107820:15:07WARNING: Could not establish database connection for main: connection to server at "", port 11235 failed: Connection refused 107920:15:07 Is the server running on that host and accepting TCP/IP connections? 108020:15:07 always re-establishes ActiveRecord::Base connection to main config 108120:15:07WARNING: Could not establish database connection for main: connection to server at "", port 11235 failed: Connection refused 108220:15:07 Is the server running on that host and accepting TCP/IP connections? 108320:15:07WARNING: Could not establish database connection for main: connection to server at "", port 11235 failed: Connection refused 108420:15:07 Is the server running on that host and accepting TCP/IP connections? 108520:15:07 if GITLAB_VALIDATE_DATABASE_CONFIG is set 108620:15:07 when finding the initializer fails 108720:15:07 raised_error: ActiveRecord::NoDatabaseError 108820:15:07WARNING: Could not establish database connection for main: connection to server at "", port 11235 failed: Connection refused 108920:15:07 Is the server running on that host and accepting TCP/IP connections? 109020:15:07WARNING: Could not establish database connection for main: connection to server at "", port 11235 failed: Connection refused 109120:15:07 Is the server running on that host and accepting TCP/IP connections? 109220:15:07 does not raise an error for ActiveRecord::NoDatabaseError 109320:15:07 raised_error: ActiveRecord::ConnectionNotEstablished 109420:15:07WARNING: Could not establish database connection for main: connection to server at "", port 11235 failed: Connection refused 109520:15:07 Is the server running on that host and accepting TCP/IP connections? 109620:15:07WARNING: Could not establish database connection for main: connection to server at "", port 11235 failed: Connection refused 109720:15:07 Is the server running on that host and accepting TCP/IP connections? 109820:15:07 does not raise an error for ActiveRecord::ConnectionNotEstablished 109920:15:07 raised_error: PG::ConnectionBad 110020:15:08WARNING: Could not establish database connection for main: connection to server at "", port 11235 failed: Connection refused 110120:15:08 Is the server running on that host and accepting TCP/IP connections? 110220:15:08WARNING: Could not establish database connection for main: connection to server at "", port 11235 failed: Connection refused 110320:15:08 Is the server running on that host and accepting TCP/IP connections? 110420:15:08 does not raise an error for PG::ConnectionBad 110520:15:08 when config is pointing to non-existent database 110620:15:08 behaves like validates successfully 110820:15:08 for production 110920:15:08 always re-establishes ActiveRecord::Base connection to main config 111020:15:08 if GITLAB_VALIDATE_DATABASE_CONFIG is set 111120:15:08 when finding the initializer fails 111220:15:08 raised_error: ActiveRecord::NoDatabaseError 111320:15:08 does not raise an error for ActiveRecord::NoDatabaseError 111420:15:08 raised_error: ActiveRecord::ConnectionNotEstablished 111520:15:08 does not raise an error for ActiveRecord::ConnectionNotEstablished 111620:15:08 raised_error: PG::ConnectionBad 111720:15:09 does not raise an error for PG::ConnectionBad 111820:15:09 when main: uses database_tasks=false 111920:15:09 behaves like raises an error 112020:15:09WARNING: Could not establish database connection for main: There is an issue connecting to your database with your username/password, username: postgres. 112120:15:09Please check your database configuration to ensure the username/password are valid. 112220:15:09WARNING: Could not establish database connection for main: There is an issue connecting to your database with your username/password, username: postgres. 112320:15:09Please check your database configuration to ensure the username/password are valid. 112520:15:09WARNING: Could not establish database connection for main: There is an issue connecting to your database with your username/password, username: postgres. 112620:15:09Please check your database configuration to ensure the username/password are valid. 112720:15:09WARNING: Could not establish database connection for main: There is an issue connecting to your database with your username/password, username: postgres. 112820:15:09Please check your database configuration to ensure the username/password are valid. 112920:15:09 for production 113020:15:09WARNING: Could not establish database connection for main: There is an issue connecting to your database with your username/password, username: postgres. 113120:15:09Please check your database configuration to ensure the username/password are valid. 113220:15:09WARNING: Could not establish database connection for main: There is an issue connecting to your database with your username/password, username: postgres. 113320:15:09Please check your database configuration to ensure the username/password are valid. 113420:15:09 always re-establishes ActiveRecord::Base connection to main config 113520:15:09WARNING: Could not establish database connection for main: There is an issue connecting to your database with your username/password, username: postgres. 113620:15:09Please check your database configuration to ensure the username/password are valid. 113720:15:09WARNING: Could not establish database connection for main: There is an issue connecting to your database with your username/password, username: postgres. 113820:15:09Please check your database configuration to ensure the username/password are valid. 113920:15:09 if GITLAB_VALIDATE_DATABASE_CONFIG=1 114020:15:09 to stderr if GITLAB_VALIDATE_DATABASE_CONFIG=0 114120:15:09 when many configurations share the same database 114220:15:09 when no database_tasks is specified, assumes true 114320:15:09 behaves like raises an error 114520:15:10 for production 114620:15:10 always re-establishes ActiveRecord::Base connection to main config 114720:15:10 if GITLAB_VALIDATE_DATABASE_CONFIG=1 114820:15:10 to stderr if GITLAB_VALIDATE_DATABASE_CONFIG=0 114920:15:10# [RSpecRunTime] RSpec elapsed time: 12 minutes 43.83 seconds. Current RSS: ~1466M. Threads: 5. load average: 1.25 1.18 1.30 1/294 5541 115120:15:10 when database_tasks is specified 115220:15:10 behaves like raises an error 115420:15:11 for production 115520:15:11 always re-establishes ActiveRecord::Base connection to main config 115620:15:12 if GITLAB_VALIDATE_DATABASE_CONFIG=1 115720:15:12 to stderr if GITLAB_VALIDATE_DATABASE_CONFIG=0 115820:15:12# [RSpecRunTime] RSpec elapsed time: 12 minutes 45.3 seconds. Current RSS: ~1464M. Threads: 5. load average: 1.15 1.16 1.29 1/294 5542 116020:15:12 when there's no main: but something different, as currently we only can share with main: 116120:15:12 behaves like raises an error 116320:15:13 for production 116420:15:13 always re-establishes ActiveRecord::Base connection to main config 116520:15:13 if GITLAB_VALIDATE_DATABASE_CONFIG=1 116620:15:13 to stderr if GITLAB_VALIDATE_DATABASE_CONFIG=0 116720:15:13# [RSpecRunTime] RSpec elapsed time: 12 minutes 46.69 seconds. Current RSS: ~1465M. Threads: 5. load average: 1.15 1.16 1.29 1/290 5543 116920:15:13 when ci: uses different database 117020:15:13 and does not specify database_tasks which indicates using dedicated database 117120:15:13 behaves like validates successfully 117320:15:15 for production 117420:15:15 always re-establishes ActiveRecord::Base connection to main config 117520:15:15 if GITLAB_VALIDATE_DATABASE_CONFIG is set 117620:15:15 when finding the initializer fails 117720:15:15 raised_error: ActiveRecord::NoDatabaseError 117820:15:16 does not raise an error for ActiveRecord::NoDatabaseError 117920:15:16# [RSpecRunTime] RSpec elapsed time: 12 minutes 48.92 seconds. Current RSS: ~1460M. Threads: 5. load average: 1.15 1.16 1.29 1/289 5544 118120:15:16 raised_error: ActiveRecord::ConnectionNotEstablished 118220:15:16WARNING: Could not establish database connection for main: ActiveRecord::ConnectionNotEstablished 118320:15:16WARNING: Could not establish database connection for ci: ActiveRecord::ConnectionNotEstablished 118420:15:16 does not raise an error for ActiveRecord::ConnectionNotEstablished 118520:15:16 raised_error: PG::ConnectionBad 118620:15:16WARNING: Could not establish database connection for main: PG::ConnectionBad 118720:15:16WARNING: Could not establish database connection for ci: PG::ConnectionBad 118820:15:16 does not raise an error for PG::ConnectionBad 118920:15:16 and does specify database_tasks=false which indicates sharing with main: 119020:15:16 behaves like raises an error 119220:15:17 for production 119320:15:17 always re-establishes ActiveRecord::Base connection to main config 119420:15:17 if GITLAB_VALIDATE_DATABASE_CONFIG=1 119520:15:17 to stderr if GITLAB_VALIDATE_DATABASE_CONFIG=0 119620:15:18# [RSpecRunTime] RSpec elapsed time: 12 minutes 50.86 seconds. Current RSS: ~1445M. Threads: 5. load average: 1.30 1.19 1.30 1/289 5545 119820:15:18 one of the databases is in read-only mode 119920:15:18 behaves like validates successfully 120020:15:18WARNING: Could not write to the database main: cannot execute UPSERT in a read-only transaction 120220:15:18WARNING: Could not write to the database main: cannot execute UPSERT in a read-only transaction 120320:15:18 for production 120420:15:18WARNING: Could not write to the database main: cannot execute UPSERT in a read-only transaction 120520:15:18 always re-establishes ActiveRecord::Base connection to main config 120620:15:18WARNING: Could not write to the database main: cannot execute UPSERT in a read-only transaction 120720:15:19 if GITLAB_VALIDATE_DATABASE_CONFIG is set 120820:15:19 when finding the initializer fails 120920:15:19 raised_error: ActiveRecord::NoDatabaseError 121020:15:19WARNING: Could not write to the database main: cannot execute UPSERT in a read-only transaction 121120:15:19 does not raise an error for ActiveRecord::NoDatabaseError 121220:15:19# [RSpecRunTime] RSpec elapsed time: 12 minutes 52.13 seconds. Current RSS: ~1444M. Threads: 5. load average: 1.30 1.19 1.30 1/289 5546 121420:15:19 raised_error: ActiveRecord::ConnectionNotEstablished 121520:15:19WARNING: Could not write to the database main: cannot execute UPSERT in a read-only transaction 121620:15:19WARNING: Could not establish database connection for main: ActiveRecord::ConnectionNotEstablished 121720:15:19 does not raise an error for ActiveRecord::ConnectionNotEstablished 121820:15:19 raised_error: PG::ConnectionBad 121920:15:19WARNING: Could not write to the database main: cannot execute UPSERT in a read-only transaction 122020:15:19WARNING: Could not establish database connection for main: PG::ConnectionBad 122120:15:19 does not raise an error for PG::ConnectionBad 122220:15:19 when running db:migrate 122320:15:19 does run gitlab:db:validate_config before 122420:15:19 when running db:schema:load 122520:15:20 does run gitlab:db:validate_config before 122620:15:20 when running db:schema:dump 122720:15:20 does run gitlab:db:validate_config before 122820:15:23# [RSpecRunTime] Finishing example group spec/tasks/gitlab/db/validate_config_rake_spec.rb. It took 19.58 seconds. Expected to take 41.68 seconds. 122920:15:23# [RSpecRunTime] RSpec elapsed time: 12 minutes 56.29 seconds. Current RSS: ~1408M. Threads: 5. load average: 1.19 1.17 1.30 1/289 5547 123120:15:23# [RSpecRunTime] Starting example group spec/models/blob_spec.rb. Expected to take 39.61 seconds. 123320:15:23 does not allow STI 123520:15:23 returns NilClass when given nil 123720:15:23 when increase_diff_file_performance is turned off 123820:15:23 with project 123920:15:25 behaves like .lazy checks 124020:15:25 does not fetch blobs when none are accessed 124120:15:25 fetches all blobs for the same repository when one is accessed 124220:15:25 does not include blobs from previous requests in later requests 124320:15:25# [RSpecRunTime] RSpec elapsed time: 12 minutes 58.58 seconds. Current RSS: ~1407M. Threads: 5. load average: 1.19 1.17 1.30 1/292 5618 124520:15:25 with personal snippet 124620:15:27 behaves like .lazy checks 124720:15:27 does not fetch blobs when none are accessed 124820:15:27 fetches all blobs for the same repository when one is accessed 124920:15:27 does not include blobs from previous requests in later requests 125020:15:27# [RSpecRunTime] RSpec elapsed time: 13 minutes 0.36 second. Current RSS: ~1425M. Threads: 5. load average: 1.26 1.19 1.30 2/295 5685 125220:15:27 with project snippet 125320:15:29 behaves like .lazy checks 125420:15:29 does not fetch blobs when none are accessed 125520:15:29 fetches all blobs for the same repository when one is accessed 125620:15:29 does not include blobs from previous requests in later requests 125720:15:29# [RSpecRunTime] RSpec elapsed time: 13 minutes 2.47 seconds. Current RSS: ~1420M. Threads: 5. load average: 1.26 1.19 1.30 1/294 5752 125920:15:29 when increase_diff_file_performance is turned on 126020:15:29 with project 126120:15:31 behaves like .lazy checks 126220:15:31 does not fetch blobs when none are accessed 126320:15:31 fetches all blobs for the same repository when one is accessed 126420:15:31 does not include blobs from previous requests in later requests 126520:15:31# [RSpecRunTime] RSpec elapsed time: 13 minutes 4.42 seconds. Current RSS: ~1428M. Threads: 5. load average: 1.26 1.19 1.30 1/294 5823 126720:15:31 when the blob size limit is different 126820:15:31 fetches all blobs for the same repository and same blob size limit when one is accessed 126920:15:31 with personal snippet 127020:15:32 behaves like .lazy checks 127120:15:33 does not fetch blobs when none are accessed 127220:15:33 fetches all blobs for the same repository when one is accessed 127320:15:33 does not include blobs from previous requests in later requests 127420:15:33# [RSpecRunTime] RSpec elapsed time: 13 minutes 6.28 seconds. Current RSS: ~1450M. Threads: 5. load average: 1.40 1.22 1.31 1/295 5902 127620:15:33 with project snippet 127720:15:34 behaves like .lazy checks 127820:15:35 does not fetch blobs when none are accessed 127920:15:35 fetches all blobs for the same repository when one is accessed 128020:15:35 does not include blobs from previous requests in later requests 128120:15:35# [RSpecRunTime] RSpec elapsed time: 13 minutes 8.31 seconds. Current RSS: ~1452M. Threads: 5. load average: 1.40 1.22 1.31 1/295 5969 128420:15:35 with project 128520:15:35 behaves like #data checks 128620:15:35 using a binary blob 128720:15:35 returns the data as-is 128820:15:35 using a text blob 128920:15:35 converts the data to UTF-8 129020:15:35 with personal snippet 129120:15:35 behaves like #data checks 129220:15:35 using a binary blob 129320:15:35 returns the data as-is 129420:15:35 using a text blob 129520:15:35 converts the data to UTF-8 129620:15:35 with project snippet 129720:15:35 behaves like #data checks 129820:15:35 using a binary blob 129920:15:36 returns the data as-is 130020:15:36 using a text blob 130120:15:36 converts the data to UTF-8 130220:15:36 #external_storage_error? 130320:15:36 if the blob is stored in LFS 130420:15:36 when LFS is enabled 130520:15:36 is expected to be falsy 130620:15:36 when LFS is not enabled 130720:15:36 is expected to be truthy 130820:15:36 if the blob is not stored in LFS 130920:15:36 is expected to be falsy 131020:15:36 #stored_externally? 131120:15:36 if the blob is stored in LFS 131220:15:36 when LFS is enabled 131320:15:36 is expected to be truthy 131420:15:36 when LFS is not enabled 131520:15:36 is expected to be falsy 131620:15:36 if the blob is not stored in LFS 131720:15:36 is expected to be falsy 131920:15:36 an lfs object 132020:15:36 filename: "file.pdf", is_binary: true 132120:15:36 is expected to eq true 132220:15:36 filename: "file.md", is_binary: false 132320:15:37 is expected to eq false 132420:15:37 filename: "file.txt", is_binary: false 132520:15:37 is expected to eq false 132620:15:37 filename: "file.ics", is_binary: false 132720:15:37 is expected to eq false 132820:15:37 filename: "file.rb", is_binary: false 132920:15:37 is expected to eq false 133020:15:37 filename: "file.exe", is_binary: true 133120:15:37 is expected to eq true 133220:15:37 filename: "file.ini", is_binary: false 133320:15:37 is expected to eq false 133420:15:37 filename: "file.wtf", is_binary: true 133520:15:37 is expected to eq true 133620:15:37 a non-lfs object 133720:15:37 delegates to binary_in_repo? 133920:15:37 is true for symlinks 134020:15:38 is false for non-symlinks 134120:15:38 #executable? 134220:15:38 is true for executables 134320:15:38 is false for non-executables 134520:15:38 returns the extension 134720:15:38 returns the file type 134820:15:38 #simple_viewer 134920:15:38 when the blob is empty 135020:15:38 returns an empty viewer 135120:15:38 when the file represented by the blob is binary 135220:15:38 returns a download viewer 135320:15:38 when the file represented by the blob is text-based 135420:15:38 returns a text viewer 135520:15:38 #rich_viewer 135620:15:38 when the blob has an external storage error 135820:15:38 when the blob is empty 136020:15:39 when the blob is stored externally 136120:15:39 returns a matching viewer 136220:15:39 when the blob is binary 136320:15:39 returns a matching binary viewer 136420:15:39 when the blob is text-based 136520:15:39 returns a matching text-based viewer 136620:15:39 when the blob is video 136720:15:39 returns a video viewer 136820:15:39 when the blob is audio 136920:15:39 returns an audio viewer 137020:15:39 #auxiliary_viewer 137120:15:39 when the blob has an external storage error 137320:15:39 when the blob is empty 137520:15:39 when the blob is stored externally 137620:15:39 returns a matching viewer 137720:15:39 when the blob is binary 137920:15:39 when the blob is text-based 138020:15:40 returns a matching text-based viewer 138120:15:40 when the blob is GitlabCiYml 138220:15:40 returns a matching viewer for .gitlab-ci.yml 138320:15:40 returns nil for non .gitlab-ci.yml 138420:15:40 when the project has a custom CI config path 138520:15:40 returns a matching viewer for the custom CI file 138620:15:40 returns nil for the incorrect CI file 138720:15:40 #rendered_as_text? 138820:15:40 when ignoring errors 138920:15:40 when the simple viewer is text-based 139020:15:40 is expected to be truthy 139120:15:40 when the simple viewer is binary 139220:15:40 is expected to be falsy 139320:15:40 when not ignoring errors 139420:15:40 when the viewer has render errors 139520:15:40 is expected to be falsy 139620:15:40 when the viewer doesn't have render errors 139720:15:40 is expected to be truthy 139920:15:41 works with policy 140020:15:41 when project is nil 140120:15:41 does not err 140220:15:41# [RSpecRunTime] Finishing example group spec/models/blob_spec.rb. It took 17.88 seconds. Expected to take 39.61 seconds. 140320:15:41# [RSpecRunTime] Starting example group spec/services/authorized_project_update/find_records_due_for_refresh_service_spec.rb. Expected to take 36.01 seconds. 140420:15:41AuthorizedProjectUpdate::FindRecordsDueForRefreshService 140720:15:41 incorrect_auth_found_callback callback 140920:15:42 missing_auth_found_callback callback 141120:15:42 finding project authorizations due for refresh 141220:15:42 when there are changes to be made 141320:15:43 finds projects authorizations that needs to be refreshed 141420:15:44 finds entries with wrong access levels 141520:15:44# [RSpecRunTime] RSpec elapsed time: 13 minutes 17.37 seconds. Current RSS: ~1499M. Threads: 5. load average: 1.49 1.24 1.32 1/293 5970 141720:15:44 when there are no changes to be made 141820:15:45 returns empty arrays 141920:15:45 #needs_refresh? 142020:15:45 when there are records due for either removal or addition 142120:15:45 when there are both removals and additions to be made 142220:15:46 is expected to eq true 142320:15:46# [RSpecRunTime] RSpec elapsed time: 13 minutes 19.35 seconds. Current RSS: ~1479M. Threads: 5. load average: 1.49 1.24 1.32 1/290 5971 142520:15:46 when there are no removals, but there are additions to be made 142620:15:47 is expected to eq true 142720:15:47 when there are no additions, but there are removals to be made 142820:15:48 is expected to eq true 142920:15:48# [RSpecRunTime] RSpec elapsed time: 13 minutes 21.2 seconds. Current RSS: ~1451M. Threads: 5. load average: 1.45 1.24 1.31 1/290 5972 143120:15:48 when there are no additions or removals to be made 143220:15:48 is expected to eq false 143320:15:48 #fresh_access_levels_per_project 143420:15:49 returns a Hash 143520:15:50 sets the keys to the project IDs 143620:15:50 sets the values to the access levels 143720:15:50 personal projects 143820:15:51 includes the project with the right access level 143920:15:51# [RSpecRunTime] RSpec elapsed time: 13 minutes 24.34 seconds. Current RSS: ~1396M. Threads: 5. load average: 1.45 1.24 1.31 1/290 5973 144120:15:51 projects the user is a member of 144220:15:52 includes the project with the right access level 144320:15:52# [RSpecRunTime] RSpec elapsed time: 13 minutes 25.61 seconds. Current RSS: ~1391M. Threads: 5. load average: 1.41 1.23 1.31 1/290 5974 144520:15:52 projects of groups the user is a member of 144620:15:54 includes the project with the right access level 144720:15:54# [RSpecRunTime] RSpec elapsed time: 13 minutes 27.23 seconds. Current RSS: ~1387M. Threads: 5. load average: 1.41 1.23 1.31 1/290 5975 144920:15:54 projects of subgroups of groups the user is a member of 145020:15:56 includes the project with the right access level 145120:15:56# [RSpecRunTime] RSpec elapsed time: 13 minutes 29.22 seconds. Current RSS: ~1385M. Threads: 5. load average: 1.41 1.23 1.31 1/290 5976 145320:15:56 projects shared with groups the user is a member of 145420:15:57 includes the project with the right access level 145520:15:57# [RSpecRunTime] RSpec elapsed time: 13 minutes 30.82 seconds. Current RSS: ~1383M. Threads: 5. load average: 1.38 1.23 1.31 1/290 5977 145720:15:57 projects shared with subgroups of groups the user is a member of 145820:15:59 includes the project with the right access level 145920:15:59# [RSpecRunTime] RSpec elapsed time: 13 minutes 32.46 seconds. Current RSS: ~1380M. Threads: 5. load average: 1.38 1.23 1.31 1/290 5978 146120:15:59 #current_authorizations_per_project 146220:16:00 returns a Hash 146320:16:00 sets the keys to the project IDs 146420:16:01 sets the values to the project authorization rows 146520:16:01# [RSpecRunTime] RSpec elapsed time: 13 minutes 34.49 seconds. Current RSS: ~1379M. Threads: 5. load average: 1.38 1.23 1.31 1/290 5979 146720:16:01 #current_authorizations 146820:16:01 without authorizations 146920:16:02 returns an empty list 147020:16:02 with an authorization 147120:16:03 returns the currently authorized projects 147220:16:03 includes the project ID for every row 147320:16:04 includes the access level for every row 147420:16:04# [RSpecRunTime] RSpec elapsed time: 13 minutes 37.15 seconds. Current RSS: ~1383M. Threads: 5. load average: 1.35 1.23 1.31 1/290 5980 147620:16:04 #fresh_authorizations 147720:16:04 returns the new authorized projects 147820:16:05 returns the highest access level 147920:16:05 every returned row 148020:16:06 includes the project ID 148120:16:06 includes the access level 148220:16:06# [RSpecRunTime] RSpec elapsed time: 13 minutes 39.7 seconds. Current RSS: ~1386M. Threads: 5. load average: 1.35 1.23 1.31 1/290 5981 148420:16:06# [RSpecRunTime] Finishing example group spec/services/authorized_project_update/find_records_due_for_refresh_service_spec.rb. It took 25.67 seconds. Expected to take 36.01 seconds. 148520:16:06# [RSpecRunTime] Starting example group spec/lib/gitlab/ci/parsers/coverage/documents/cobertura_document_spec.rb. Expected to take 34.2 seconds. 148620:16:06Gitlab::Ci::Parsers::Coverage::Documents::CoberturaDocument 148820:16:07 when data is Cobertura style XML 148920:16:07 when there is no <sources> 149020:16:07 behaves like ignoring sources, project_path, and worktree_paths 149120:16:07 when there is no <class> 149220:16:07 parses XML and returns empty coverage 149320:16:07 when there is a single <class> 149420:16:07 with no lines 149520:16:07 parses XML and returns empty coverage 149620:16:07 with a single line 149720:16:07 parses XML and returns a single file with coverage 149820:16:07 without a package parent 149920:16:07 parses XML and returns a single file with coverage 150020:16:07 with multiple lines and methods info 150120:16:07 parses XML and returns a single file with coverage 150220:16:07 when there are multiple packages 150320:16:07 parses XML and returns coverage information per class 150420:16:07 when there are multiple <class> 150520:16:07 without a package parent 150620:16:07 parses XML and returns coverage information per class 150720:16:07 with the same filename and different lines 150820:16:07 parses XML and returns a single file with merged coverage 150920:16:07 with the same filename and lines 151020:16:08 parses XML and returns a single file with summed-up coverage 151120:16:08 with missing filename 151220:16:08 parses XML and ignores class with missing name 151320:16:08 with invalid line information 151420:16:08 raises an error 151520:16:08 when there is an empty <sources> 151620:16:08 behaves like ignoring sources, project_path, and worktree_paths 151720:16:08 when there is no <class> 151820:16:08 parses XML and returns empty coverage 151920:16:08 when there is a single <class> 152020:16:08 with no lines 152120:16:08 parses XML and returns empty coverage 152220:16:08 with a single line 152320:16:08 parses XML and returns a single file with coverage 152420:16:08 without a package parent 152520:16:08 parses XML and returns a single file with coverage 152620:16:08 with multiple lines and methods info 152720:16:08 parses XML and returns a single file with coverage 152820:16:08 when there are multiple packages 152920:16:08 parses XML and returns coverage information per class 153020:16:08 when there are multiple <class> 153120:16:08 without a package parent 153220:16:09 parses XML and returns coverage information per class 153320:16:09 with the same filename and different lines 153420:16:09 parses XML and returns a single file with merged coverage 153520:16:09 with the same filename and lines 153620:16:09 parses XML and returns a single file with summed-up coverage 153720:16:09 with missing filename 153820:16:09 parses XML and ignores class with missing name 153920:16:09 with invalid line information 154020:16:09 raises an error 154120:16:09 when there is a <sources> 154220:16:09 and has a single source with a pattern for Go projects 154320:16:09 behaves like ignoring sources, project_path, and worktree_paths 154420:16:09 when there is no <class> 154520:16:09 parses XML and returns empty coverage 154620:16:09 when there is a single <class> 154720:16:09 with no lines 154820:16:09 parses XML and returns empty coverage 154920:16:09 with a single line 155020:16:09 parses XML and returns a single file with coverage 155120:16:09 without a package parent 155220:16:09 parses XML and returns a single file with coverage 155320:16:09 with multiple lines and methods info 155420:16:09 parses XML and returns a single file with coverage 155520:16:09 when there are multiple packages 155620:16:09 parses XML and returns coverage information per class 155720:16:09 when there are multiple <class> 155820:16:09 without a package parent 155920:16:10 parses XML and returns coverage information per class 156020:16:10 with the same filename and different lines 156120:16:10 parses XML and returns a single file with merged coverage 156220:16:10 with the same filename and lines 156320:16:10 parses XML and returns a single file with summed-up coverage 156420:16:10 with missing filename 156520:16:11 parses XML and ignores class with missing name 156620:16:11 with invalid line information 156720:16:11 raises an error 156820:16:11 and has Windows-style paths 156920:16:11 when there is a single <class> 157020:16:11 with a single line 157120:16:11 parses XML and returns a single file with the filename relative to project root 157220:16:11 when there is a single <class> with a relative filename 157320:16:11 with a single line 157420:16:11 parses XML and returns a single file with the filename relative to project root 157520:16:11 and has multiple sources with a pattern for Go projects 157620:16:11 behaves like ignoring sources, project_path, and worktree_paths 157720:16:11 when there is no <class> 157820:16:11 parses XML and returns empty coverage 157920:16:11 when there is a single <class> 158020:16:11 with no lines 158120:16:12 parses XML and returns empty coverage 158220:16:12 with a single line 158320:16:12 parses XML and returns a single file with coverage 158420:16:12 without a package parent 158520:16:12 parses XML and returns a single file with coverage 158620:16:12 with multiple lines and methods info 158720:16:12 parses XML and returns a single file with coverage 158820:16:12 when there are multiple packages 158920:16:12 parses XML and returns coverage information per class 159020:16:12 when there are multiple <class> 159120:16:12 without a package parent 159220:16:12 parses XML and returns coverage information per class 159320:16:12 with the same filename and different lines 159420:16:12 parses XML and returns a single file with merged coverage 159520:16:12 with the same filename and lines 159620:16:12 parses XML and returns a single file with summed-up coverage 159720:16:12 with missing filename 159820:16:12 parses XML and ignores class with missing name 159920:16:12 with invalid line information 160020:16:12 raises an error 160120:16:12 and has a single source but already is at the project root path 160220:16:12 behaves like ignoring sources, project_path, and worktree_paths 160320:16:12 when there is no <class> 160420:16:12 parses XML and returns empty coverage 160520:16:12 when there is a single <class> 160620:16:12 with no lines 160720:16:13 parses XML and returns empty coverage 160820:16:13 with a single line 160920:16:13 parses XML and returns a single file with coverage 161020:16:13 without a package parent 161120:16:13 parses XML and returns a single file with coverage 161220:16:13 with multiple lines and methods info 161320:16:13 parses XML and returns a single file with coverage 161420:16:13 when there are multiple packages 161520:16:13 parses XML and returns coverage information per class 161620:16:13 when there are multiple <class> 161720:16:13 without a package parent 161820:16:13 parses XML and returns coverage information per class 161920:16:13 with the same filename and different lines 162020:16:13 parses XML and returns a single file with merged coverage 162120:16:13 with the same filename and lines 162220:16:13 parses XML and returns a single file with summed-up coverage 162320:16:13 with missing filename 162420:16:13 parses XML and ignores class with missing name 162520:16:13 with invalid line information 162620:16:13 raises an error 162720:16:13 and has multiple sources but already are at the project root path 162820:16:13 behaves like ignoring sources, project_path, and worktree_paths 162920:16:13 when there is no <class> 163020:16:13 parses XML and returns empty coverage 163120:16:13 when there is a single <class> 163220:16:13 with no lines 163320:16:14 parses XML and returns empty coverage 163420:16:14 with a single line 163520:16:14 parses XML and returns a single file with coverage 163620:16:14 without a package parent 163720:16:14 parses XML and returns a single file with coverage 163820:16:14 with multiple lines and methods info 163920:16:14 parses XML and returns a single file with coverage 164020:16:14 when there are multiple packages 164120:16:14 parses XML and returns coverage information per class 164220:16:14 when there are multiple <class> 164320:16:14 without a package parent 164420:16:14 parses XML and returns coverage information per class 164520:16:14 with the same filename and different lines 164620:16:14 parses XML and returns a single file with merged coverage 164720:16:14 with the same filename and lines 164820:16:14 parses XML and returns a single file with summed-up coverage 164920:16:14 with missing filename 165020:16:14 parses XML and ignores class with missing name 165120:16:14 with invalid line information 165220:16:14 raises an error 165320:16:14 and has a single source that is not at the project root path 165420:16:14 when there is no <class> 165520:16:14 parses XML and returns empty coverage 165620:16:14 when there is a single <class> 165720:16:14 with no lines 165820:16:14 parses XML and returns empty coverage 165920:16:14 with a single line but the filename cannot be determined based on extracted source and worktree paths 166020:16:15 parses XML and returns empty coverage 166120:16:15 with a single line 166220:16:15 parses XML and returns a single file with the filename relative to project root 166320:16:15 with multiple lines and methods info 166420:16:15 parses XML and returns a single file with the filename relative to project root 166520:16:15 when there are multiple <class> 166620:16:15 with the same filename but the filename cannot be determined based on extracted source and worktree paths 166720:16:15 parses XML and returns empty coverage 166820:16:15 without a parent package 166920:16:15 parses XML and returns coverage information with the filename relative to project root 167020:16:15 with the same filename and different lines 167120:16:15 parses XML and returns a single file with merged coverage, and with the filename relative to project root 167220:16:15 with the same filename and lines 167320:16:15 parses XML and returns a single file with summed-up coverage, and with the filename relative to project root 167420:16:15 with missing filename 167520:16:15 parses XML and ignores class with missing name 167620:16:15 with filename that cannot be determined based on extracted source and worktree paths 167720:16:15 parses XML and ignores class with undetermined filename 167820:16:15 with invalid line information 167920:16:15 raises an error 168020:16:15 and has multiple sources that are not at the project root path 168120:16:15 and a class filename is available under multiple extracted sources 168220:16:16 parses XML and returns the files with the filename relative to project root 168320:16:16 and a class filename is available under one of the extracted sources 168420:16:16 parses XML and returns a single file with the filename relative to project root using the extracted source where it is first found under 168520:16:16 and a class filename is not found under any of the extracted sources 168620:16:16 parses XML and returns empty coverage 168720:16:16 and a class filename is not found under any of the extracted sources within the iteratable limit 168820:16:16 parses XML and returns empty coverage 168920:16:16 when project_path is not present 169020:16:16 behaves like non-smart parsing 169120:16:16 parses XML and returns filenames unchanged just as how they are found in the class node 169220:16:16 when worktree_paths is not present 169320:16:16 behaves like non-smart parsing 169420:16:16 parses XML and returns filenames unchanged just as how they are found in the class node 169520:16:16 when data is not Cobertura style XML 169620:16:16 raises an error 169720:16:16# [RSpecRunTime] Finishing example group spec/lib/gitlab/ci/parsers/coverage/documents/cobertura_document_spec.rb. It took 9.71 seconds. Expected to take 34.2 seconds. 169820:16:16# [RSpecRunTime] Starting example group spec/services/environments/create_for_job_service_spec.rb. Expected to take 32.04 seconds. 169920:16:16Environments::CreateForJobService 170020:16:17 behaves like create environment for job 170220:16:17 when job has environment name attribute 170320:16:17 behaves like returning a correct environment 170420:16:17 returns a persisted environment object 170520:16:17 when environment has already existed 170620:16:17 returns the existing environment object 170720:16:18# [RSpecRunTime] RSpec elapsed time: 13 minutes 50.88 seconds. Current RSS: ~1493M. Threads: 5. load average: 1.27 1.21 1.30 1/290 6010 170920:16:18 and job environment also has an auto_stop_in attribute 171020:16:18 behaves like returning a correct environment 171120:16:18 returns a persisted environment object 171220:16:18 when environment has already existed 171320:16:18 returns the existing environment object 171420:16:18 and job environment has an auto_stop_in variable attribute 171520:16:18 behaves like returning a correct environment 171620:16:18 returns a persisted environment object 171720:16:18 when environment has already existed 171820:16:18 returns the existing environment object 171920:16:18 when job has deployment tier attribute 172020:16:18 when environment has not been created yet 172120:16:18 sets the specified deployment tier 172220:16:18 when deployment tier is staging 172320:16:19 sets the specified deployment tier 172420:16:19 when deployment tier is unknown 172520:16:19 raises an error 172620:16:19 when environment has already been created 172720:16:19 does not overwrite the specified deployment tier 172820:16:19 when job starts a review app 172920:16:19 behaves like returning a correct environment 173020:16:19 returns a persisted environment object 173120:16:19 when environment has already existed 173220:16:19 returns the existing environment object 173320:16:19 when job stops a review app 173420:16:19 behaves like returning a correct environment 173520:16:20 returns a persisted environment object 173620:16:20 when environment has already existed 173720:16:20 returns the existing environment object 173820:16:20 when merge_request is provided 173920:16:20 and environment does not exist 174020:16:21 creates an environment associated with the merge request 174120:16:21# [RSpecRunTime] RSpec elapsed time: 13 minutes 54.15 seconds. Current RSS: ~1489M. Threads: 5. load average: 1.27 1.21 1.30 1/296 6140 174320:16:21 and environment already exists 174420:16:22 does not change the merge request associated with the environment 174520:16:22 when a pipeline contains a deployment job 174620:16:22 and the environment does not exist 174720:16:22 creates the environment specified by the job 174820:16:22 and the pipeline is for a merge request 174920:16:23 associates the environment with the merge request 175020:16:23# [RSpecRunTime] RSpec elapsed time: 13 minutes 56.36 seconds. Current RSS: ~1468M. Threads: 5. load average: 1.25 1.21 1.30 1/296 6345 175220:16:23 when an environment already exists 175320:16:23 ensures environment existence for the job 175420:16:23 and the pipeline is for a merge request 175520:16:24 does not associate the environment with the merge request 175620:16:24# [RSpecRunTime] RSpec elapsed time: 13 minutes 57.73 seconds. Current RSS: ~1440M. Threads: 5. load average: 1.25 1.21 1.30 1/296 6456 175820:16:24 when an environment name contains an invalid character 175920:16:25 sets the failure status 176020:16:25 when a pipeline contains a teardown job 176120:16:25 ensures environment existence for the job 176220:16:25 when a pipeline does not contain a deployment job 176320:16:26 does not create any environments 176420:16:26 behaves like create environment for job 176620:16:26 when job has environment name attribute 176720:16:26 behaves like returning a correct environment 176820:16:26 returns a persisted environment object 176920:16:26 when environment has already existed 177020:16:26 returns the existing environment object 177120:16:26 and job environment also has an auto_stop_in attribute 177220:16:26 behaves like returning a correct environment 177320:16:26 returns a persisted environment object 177420:16:26 when environment has already existed 177520:16:26 returns the existing environment object 177620:16:26 and job environment has an auto_stop_in variable attribute 177720:16:26 behaves like returning a correct environment 177820:16:27 returns a persisted environment object 177920:16:27 when environment has already existed 178020:16:27 returns the existing environment object 178120:16:27 when job has deployment tier attribute 178220:16:27 when environment has not been created yet 178320:16:27 sets the specified deployment tier 178420:16:27 when deployment tier is staging 178520:16:27 sets the specified deployment tier 178620:16:27 when deployment tier is unknown 178720:16:27 raises an error 178820:16:27 when environment has already been created 178920:16:27 does not overwrite the specified deployment tier 179020:16:27 when job starts a review app 179120:16:27 behaves like returning a correct environment 179220:16:28 returns a persisted environment object 179320:16:28 when environment has already existed 179420:16:28 returns the existing environment object 179520:16:28 when job stops a review app 179620:16:28 behaves like returning a correct environment 179720:16:28 returns a persisted environment object 179820:16:28 when environment has already existed 179920:16:28 returns the existing environment object 180020:16:28 when merge_request is provided 180120:16:28 and environment does not exist 180220:16:29 creates an environment associated with the merge request 180320:16:29# [RSpecRunTime] RSpec elapsed time: 14 minutes 2.76 seconds. Current RSS: ~1442M. Threads: 5. load average: 1.23 1.21 1.30 1/296 6566 180520:16:29 and environment already exists 180620:16:30 does not change the merge request associated with the environment 180720:16:30 when a pipeline contains a deployment job 180820:16:30 and the environment does not exist 180920:16:31 creates the environment specified by the job 181020:16:31 and the pipeline is for a merge request 181120:16:32 associates the environment with the merge request 181220:16:32# [RSpecRunTime] RSpec elapsed time: 14 minutes 4.99 seconds. Current RSS: ~1437M. Threads: 5. load average: 1.23 1.21 1.30 1/296 6770 181420:16:32 when an environment already exists 181520:16:32 ensures environment existence for the job 181620:16:32 and the pipeline is for a merge request 181720:16:33 does not associate the environment with the merge request 181820:16:33# [RSpecRunTime] RSpec elapsed time: 14 minutes 6.48 seconds. Current RSS: ~1435M. Threads: 5. load average: 1.21 1.20 1.30 1/296 6879 182020:16:33 when an environment name contains an invalid character 182120:16:33 sets the failure status 182220:16:33 when a pipeline contains a teardown job 182320:16:34 ensures environment existence for the job 182420:16:34 when a pipeline does not contain a deployment job 182520:16:35 does not create any environments 182620:16:35# [RSpecRunTime] Finishing example group spec/services/environments/create_for_job_service_spec.rb. It took 18.51 seconds. Expected to take 32.04 seconds. 182720:16:35# [RSpecRunTime] Starting example group spec/services/labels/available_labels_service_spec.rb. Expected to take 30.83 seconds. 182820:16:35Labels::AvailableLabelsService 182920:16:35 #find_or_create_by_titles 183020:16:35 when parent is a project 183120:16:35 when a user is not a project member 183220:16:37 returns only relevant label ids 183320:16:37# [RSpecRunTime] RSpec elapsed time: 14 minutes 10.3 seconds. Current RSS: ~1419M. Threads: 5. load average: 1.11 1.18 1.29 1/295 6888 183520:16:37 when a user is a project member 183620:16:39 creates new labels for not found titles 183720:16:41 do not cause additional query for finding labels 183820:16:41# [RSpecRunTime] RSpec elapsed time: 14 minutes 14.81 seconds. Current RSS: ~1380M. Threads: 5. load average: 1.11 1.18 1.29 1/295 6889 184020:16:41 when parent is a group 184120:16:41 when a user is not a group member 184220:16:43 returns only relevant label ids 184320:16:44# [RSpecRunTime] RSpec elapsed time: 14 minutes 16.85 seconds. Current RSS: ~1367M. Threads: 5. load average: 1.19 1.20 1.29 1/291 6890 184520:16:44 when a user is a group member 184620:16:46 creates new labels for not found titles 184720:16:46# [RSpecRunTime] RSpec elapsed time: 14 minutes 19.42 seconds. Current RSS: ~1360M. Threads: 5. load average: 1.19 1.20 1.29 1/290 6891 184920:16:46 #filter_labels_ids_in_param 185020:16:48 accepts a single id parameter 185120:16:48 when parent is a project 185220:16:50 returns only relevant label ids 185320:16:52 returns labels in preserved order 185420:16:52# [RSpecRunTime] RSpec elapsed time: 14 minutes 24.96 seconds. Current RSS: ~1360M. Threads: 5. load average: 1.17 1.19 1.29 1/290 6892 185620:16:52 when parent is a group 185720:16:54 returns only relevant label ids 185820:16:54# [RSpecRunTime] RSpec elapsed time: 14 minutes 27.25 seconds. Current RSS: ~1358M. Threads: 5. load average: 1.16 1.19 1.29 1/290 6893 186020:16:54 #filter_locked_label_ids 186120:16:54 when parent is a project 186220:16:56 returns only relevant label ids 186320:16:56# [RSpecRunTime] RSpec elapsed time: 14 minutes 29.42 seconds. Current RSS: ~1359M. Threads: 5. load average: 1.16 1.19 1.29 1/290 6894 186520:16:56 when parent is a group 186620:16:58 returns only relevant label ids 186720:16:58# [RSpecRunTime] RSpec elapsed time: 14 minutes 31.26 seconds. Current RSS: ~1359M. Threads: 5. load average: 1.22 1.20 1.29 1/290 6895 186920:16:58 #available_labels 187020:16:58 when parent is a project 187120:17:00 returns only relevant labels 187220:17:00# [RSpecRunTime] RSpec elapsed time: 14 minutes 33.26 seconds. Current RSS: ~1359M. Threads: 5. load average: 1.22 1.20 1.29 1/290 6896 187420:17:00 when parent is a group 187520:17:02 returns only relevant labels 187620:17:02# [RSpecRunTime] RSpec elapsed time: 14 minutes 35.29 seconds. Current RSS: ~1359M. Threads: 5. load average: 1.29 1.22 1.30 1/290 6897 187820:17:02# [RSpecRunTime] Finishing example group spec/services/labels/available_labels_service_spec.rb. It took 27.36 seconds. Expected to take 30.83 seconds. 187920:17:02# [RSpecRunTime] Starting example group spec/services/users/build_service_spec.rb. Expected to take 29.31 seconds. 188020:17:02Users::BuildService 188220:17:02 with user_detail built 188320:17:02 creates the user_detail record 188420:17:02 with nil current_user 188520:17:02 behaves like common user build items 188620:17:03 is expected to be valid 188720:17:03 sets the created_by_id 188820:17:03 calls UpdateCanonicalEmailService 188920:17:03 when organization_id is in the params 189020:17:03 creates personal namespace in specified organization 189120:17:03 when organization_id is not in the params 189220:17:03 does not assign organization 189320:17:03 when user_type is provided 189420:17:03 when project_bot 189520:17:03 is expected to equal true 189620:17:03 when not a project_bot 189720:17:03 is expected to be human 189820:17:03 behaves like current user not admin build items 189920:17:03 when "email_confirmation_setting" application setting is set to `hard` 190020:17:03 does not confirm the user 190120:17:03 when "email_confirmation_setting" application setting is set to `off` 190220:17:04 confirms the user 190320:17:04 with allowed params 190420:17:04 sets all allowed attributes 190520:17:04 with "user_default_external" application setting 190620:17:04 user_default_external: true, external: nil, email: "fl@example.com", user_default_internal_regex: nil, result: true 190720:17:04 sets the value of Gitlab::CurrentSettings.user_default_external 190820:17:04 user_default_external: true, external: true, email: "fl@example.com", user_default_internal_regex: nil, result: true 190920:17:04 sets the value of Gitlab::CurrentSettings.user_default_external 191020:17:04 user_default_external: true, external: false, email: "fl@example.com", user_default_internal_regex: nil, result: true 191120:17:04 sets the value of Gitlab::CurrentSettings.user_default_external 191220:17:04 user_default_external: true, external: nil, email: "fl@example.com", user_default_internal_regex: "", result: true 191320:17:04 sets the value of Gitlab::CurrentSettings.user_default_external 191420:17:04 user_default_external: true, external: true, email: "fl@example.com", user_default_internal_regex: "", result: true 191520:17:04 sets the value of Gitlab::CurrentSettings.user_default_external 191620:17:04 user_default_external: true, external: false, email: "fl@example.com", user_default_internal_regex: "", result: true 191720:17:05 sets the value of Gitlab::CurrentSettings.user_default_external 191820:17:05 user_default_external: true, external: nil, email: "fl@example.com", user_default_internal_regex: "^(?:(?!\\.ext@).)*$\\r?", result: false 191920:17:05 sets the value of Gitlab::CurrentSettings.user_default_external 192020:17:05 user_default_external: true, external: true, email: "fl@example.com", user_default_internal_regex: "^(?:(?!\\.ext@).)*$\\r?", result: false 192120:17:05 sets the value of Gitlab::CurrentSettings.user_default_external 192220:17:05 user_default_external: true, external: false, email: "fl@example.com", user_default_internal_regex: "^(?:(?!\\.ext@).)*$\\r?", result: false 192320:17:05 sets the value of Gitlab::CurrentSettings.user_default_external 192420:17:05 user_default_external: true, external: nil, email: "tester.ext@domain.com", user_default_internal_regex: "^(?:(?!\\.ext@).)*$\\r?", result: true 192520:17:05 sets the value of Gitlab::CurrentSettings.user_default_external 192620:17:05 user_default_external: true, external: true, email: "tester.ext@domain.com", user_default_internal_regex: "^(?:(?!\\.ext@).)*$\\r?", result: true 192720:17:05 sets the value of Gitlab::CurrentSettings.user_default_external 192820:17:05 user_default_external: true, external: false, email: "tester.ext@domain.com", user_default_internal_regex: "^(?:(?!\\.ext@).)*$\\r?", result: true 192920:17:05 sets the value of Gitlab::CurrentSettings.user_default_external 193020:17:05 user_default_external: false, external: nil, email: "fl@example.com", user_default_internal_regex: nil, result: false 193120:17:05 sets the value of Gitlab::CurrentSettings.user_default_external 193220:17:05 user_default_external: false, external: true, email: "fl@example.com", user_default_internal_regex: nil, result: false 193320:17:06 sets the value of Gitlab::CurrentSettings.user_default_external 193420:17:06 user_default_external: false, external: false, email: "fl@example.com", user_default_internal_regex: nil, result: false 193520:17:06 sets the value of Gitlab::CurrentSettings.user_default_external 193620:17:06 user_default_external: false, external: nil, email: "fl@example.com", user_default_internal_regex: "", result: false 193720:17:06 sets the value of Gitlab::CurrentSettings.user_default_external 193820:17:06 user_default_external: false, external: true, email: "fl@example.com", user_default_internal_regex: "", result: false 193920:17:06 sets the value of Gitlab::CurrentSettings.user_default_external 194020:17:06 user_default_external: false, external: false, email: "fl@example.com", user_default_internal_regex: "", result: false 194120:17:06 sets the value of Gitlab::CurrentSettings.user_default_external 194220:17:06 user_default_external: false, external: nil, email: "fl@example.com", user_default_internal_regex: "^(?:(?!\\.ext@).)*$\\r?", result: false 194320:17:06 sets the value of Gitlab::CurrentSettings.user_default_external 194420:17:06 user_default_external: false, external: true, email: "fl@example.com", user_default_internal_regex: "^(?:(?!\\.ext@).)*$\\r?", result: false 194520:17:06 sets the value of Gitlab::CurrentSettings.user_default_external 194620:17:06 user_default_external: false, external: false, email: "fl@example.com", user_default_internal_regex: "^(?:(?!\\.ext@).)*$\\r?", result: false 194720:17:06 sets the value of Gitlab::CurrentSettings.user_default_external 194820:17:06 user_default_external: false, external: nil, email: "tester.ext@domain.com", user_default_internal_regex: "^(?:(?!\\.ext@).)*$\\r?", result: false 194920:17:06 sets the value of Gitlab::CurrentSettings.user_default_external 195020:17:06 user_default_external: false, external: true, email: "tester.ext@domain.com", user_default_internal_regex: "^(?:(?!\\.ext@).)*$\\r?", result: false 195120:17:07 sets the value of Gitlab::CurrentSettings.user_default_external 195220:17:07 user_default_external: false, external: false, email: "tester.ext@domain.com", user_default_internal_regex: "^(?:(?!\\.ext@).)*$\\r?", result: false 195320:17:07 sets the value of Gitlab::CurrentSettings.user_default_external 195420:17:07 with non admin current_user 195520:17:07 raises AccessDeniedError exception 195620:17:07 with an admin current_user 195720:17:07 behaves like common user build items 195820:17:07 is expected to be valid 195920:17:07 sets the created_by_id 196020:17:07 calls UpdateCanonicalEmailService 196120:17:07 when organization_id is in the params 196220:17:07 creates personal namespace in specified organization 196320:17:07 when organization_id is not in the params 196420:17:08 does not assign organization 196520:17:08 when user_type is provided 196620:17:08 when project_bot 196720:17:08 is expected to equal true 196820:17:08 when not a project_bot 196920:17:08 is expected to be human 197020:17:08 with allowed params 197120:17:08 sets all allowed attributes 197220:17:08 with "user_default_external" application setting 197320:17:08 user_default_external: true, external: nil, email: "fl@example.com", user_default_internal_regex: nil, result: true 197420:17:08 sets the value of Gitlab::CurrentSettings.user_default_external 197520:17:08 user_default_external: true, external: true, email: "fl@example.com", user_default_internal_regex: nil, result: true 197620:17:08 sets the value of Gitlab::CurrentSettings.user_default_external 197720:17:08 user_default_external: true, external: false, email: "fl@example.com", user_default_internal_regex: nil, result: false 197820:17:08 sets the value of Gitlab::CurrentSettings.user_default_external 197920:17:08 user_default_external: true, external: nil, email: "fl@example.com", user_default_internal_regex: "", result: true 198020:17:08 sets the value of Gitlab::CurrentSettings.user_default_external 198120:17:08 user_default_external: true, external: true, email: "fl@example.com", user_default_internal_regex: "", result: true 198220:17:08 sets the value of Gitlab::CurrentSettings.user_default_external 198320:17:08 user_default_external: true, external: false, email: "fl@example.com", user_default_internal_regex: "", result: false 198420:17:09 sets the value of Gitlab::CurrentSettings.user_default_external 198520:17:09 user_default_external: true, external: nil, email: "fl@example.com", user_default_internal_regex: "^(?:(?!\\.ext@).)*$\\r?", result: false 198620:17:09 sets the value of Gitlab::CurrentSettings.user_default_external 198720:17:09 user_default_external: true, external: true, email: "fl@example.com", user_default_internal_regex: "^(?:(?!\\.ext@).)*$\\r?", result: true 198820:17:09 sets the value of Gitlab::CurrentSettings.user_default_external 198920:17:09 user_default_external: true, external: false, email: "fl@example.com", user_default_internal_regex: "^(?:(?!\\.ext@).)*$\\r?", result: false 199020:17:09 sets the value of Gitlab::CurrentSettings.user_default_external 199120:17:09 user_default_external: true, external: nil, email: "tester.ext@domain.com", user_default_internal_regex: "^(?:(?!\\.ext@).)*$\\r?", result: true 199220:17:09 sets the value of Gitlab::CurrentSettings.user_default_external 199320:17:09 user_default_external: true, external: true, email: "tester.ext@domain.com", user_default_internal_regex: "^(?:(?!\\.ext@).)*$\\r?", result: true 199420:17:09 sets the value of Gitlab::CurrentSettings.user_default_external 199520:17:09 user_default_external: true, external: false, email: "tester.ext@domain.com", user_default_internal_regex: "^(?:(?!\\.ext@).)*$\\r?", result: false 199620:17:09 sets the value of Gitlab::CurrentSettings.user_default_external 199720:17:09 user_default_external: false, external: nil, email: "fl@example.com", user_default_internal_regex: nil, result: false 199820:17:09 sets the value of Gitlab::CurrentSettings.user_default_external 199920:17:09 user_default_external: false, external: true, email: "fl@example.com", user_default_internal_regex: nil, result: true 200020:17:10 sets the value of Gitlab::CurrentSettings.user_default_external 200120:17:10 user_default_external: false, external: false, email: "fl@example.com", user_default_internal_regex: nil, result: false 200220:17:10 sets the value of Gitlab::CurrentSettings.user_default_external 200320:17:10 user_default_external: false, external: nil, email: "fl@example.com", user_default_internal_regex: "", result: false 200420:17:10 sets the value of Gitlab::CurrentSettings.user_default_external 200520:17:10 user_default_external: false, external: true, email: "fl@example.com", user_default_internal_regex: "", result: true 200620:17:10 sets the value of Gitlab::CurrentSettings.user_default_external 200720:17:10 user_default_external: false, external: false, email: "fl@example.com", user_default_internal_regex: "", result: false 200820:17:10 sets the value of Gitlab::CurrentSettings.user_default_external 200920:17:10 user_default_external: false, external: nil, email: "fl@example.com", user_default_internal_regex: "^(?:(?!\\.ext@).)*$\\r?", result: false 201020:17:10 sets the value of Gitlab::CurrentSettings.user_default_external 201120:17:10 user_default_external: false, external: true, email: "fl@example.com", user_default_internal_regex: "^(?:(?!\\.ext@).)*$\\r?", result: true 201220:17:10 sets the value of Gitlab::CurrentSettings.user_default_external 201320:17:10 user_default_external: false, external: false, email: "fl@example.com", user_default_internal_regex: "^(?:(?!\\.ext@).)*$\\r?", result: false 201420:17:10 sets the value of Gitlab::CurrentSettings.user_default_external 201520:17:10 user_default_external: false, external: nil, email: "tester.ext@domain.com", user_default_internal_regex: "^(?:(?!\\.ext@).)*$\\r?", result: false 201620:17:10 sets the value of Gitlab::CurrentSettings.user_default_external 201720:17:10 user_default_external: false, external: true, email: "tester.ext@domain.com", user_default_internal_regex: "^(?:(?!\\.ext@).)*$\\r?", result: true 201820:17:11 sets the value of Gitlab::CurrentSettings.user_default_external 201920:17:11 user_default_external: false, external: false, email: "tester.ext@domain.com", user_default_internal_regex: "^(?:(?!\\.ext@).)*$\\r?", result: false 202020:17:11 sets the value of Gitlab::CurrentSettings.user_default_external 202120:17:11# [RSpecRunTime] Finishing example group spec/services/users/build_service_spec.rb. It took 8.85 seconds. Expected to take 29.31 seconds. 202220:17:11# [RSpecRunTime] Starting example group spec/lib/api/entities/snippet_spec.rb. Expected to take 27.68 seconds. 202320:17:11API::Entities::Snippet 202420:17:12 with PersonalSnippet 202520:17:13 returns snippet web_url attribute 202620:17:13 returns snippet raw_url attribute 202720:17:13 behaves like common attributes 202820:17:13 is expected to eq 9 202920:17:13 is expected to eq "My title 126" 203020:17:13 is expected to eq "My title 128" 203120:17:13 is expected to eq 2024-08-23 20:17:11.637985852 +0000 203220:17:13 is expected to eq 2024-08-23 20:17:11.637985852 +0000 203320:17:13 is expected to eq nil 203420:17:14 is expected to eq "private" 203520:17:14 is expected to include :author 203620:17:14 is expected to eq false 203720:17:14 is expected to eq "none" 203920:17:14 returns attribute from repository 204020:17:14 when repository is empty 204120:17:14 returns attribute from db 204220:17:14# [RSpecRunTime] RSpec elapsed time: 14 minutes 47.61 seconds. Current RSS: ~1489M. Threads: 4. load average: 1.24 1.21 1.29 1/290 7072 204420:17:14 ssh_url_to_repo 204520:17:14 returns attribute 204620:17:14 when repository does not exist 204720:17:15 does not include attribute 204820:17:15 http_url_to_repo 204920:17:15 returns attribute 205020:17:15 when repository does not exist 205120:17:15 does not include attribute 205320:17:15 with PersonalSnippet 205420:17:15 behaves like snippet files 205520:17:15 returns all snippet files 205620:17:15 has the file path 205720:17:15 has the raw url 205820:17:15 when repository does not exist 205920:17:15 returns empty array 206020:17:15 with ProjectSnippet 206120:17:15 behaves like snippet files 206220:17:16 returns all snippet files 206320:17:16 has the file path 206420:17:16 has the raw url 206520:17:16 when repository does not exist 206620:17:16 returns empty array 206720:17:16 with ProjectSnippet 206820:17:16 returns snippet web_url attribute 206920:17:17 returns snippet raw_url attribute 207020:17:17 behaves like common attributes 207120:17:17 is expected to eq 10 207220:17:17 is expected to eq "My title 129" 207320:17:17 is expected to eq "My title 131" 207420:17:17 is expected to eq 2024-08-23 20:17:12.404372119 +0000 207520:17:17 is expected to eq 2024-08-23 20:17:12.404372119 +0000 207620:17:17 is expected to eq 410 207720:17:17 is expected to eq "private" 207820:17:18 is expected to include :author 207920:17:18 is expected to eq false 208020:17:18 is expected to eq "none" 208220:17:18 returns attribute from repository 208320:17:18 when repository is empty 208420:17:18 returns attribute from db 208520:17:18# [RSpecRunTime] RSpec elapsed time: 14 minutes 51.57 seconds. Current RSS: ~1508M. Threads: 4. load average: 1.22 1.20 1.29 2/294 7363 208720:17:18 ssh_url_to_repo 208820:17:18 returns attribute 208920:17:18 when repository does not exist 209020:17:19 does not include attribute 209120:17:19 http_url_to_repo 209220:17:19 returns attribute 209320:17:19 when repository does not exist 209420:17:19 does not include attribute 209620:17:19 with PersonalSnippet 209720:17:19 behaves like snippet files 209820:17:19 returns all snippet files 209920:17:19 has the file path 210020:17:19 has the raw url 210120:17:19 when repository does not exist 210220:17:20 returns empty array 210320:17:20 with ProjectSnippet 210420:17:20 behaves like snippet files 210520:17:20 returns all snippet files 210620:17:20 has the file path 210720:17:20 has the raw url 210820:17:20 when repository does not exist 210920:17:20 returns empty array 211020:17:20# [RSpecRunTime] Finishing example group spec/lib/api/entities/snippet_spec.rb. It took 9.53 seconds. Expected to take 27.68 seconds. 211120:17:20# [RSpecRunTime] Starting example group spec/services/projects/git_deduplication_service_spec.rb. Expected to take 26.36 seconds. 211220:17:20Projects::GitDeduplicationService 211420:17:21 when there is not already a lease 211520:17:21 when the project does not have a pool repository 211620:17:22 calls disconnect_git_alternates 211720:17:22# [RSpecRunTime] RSpec elapsed time: 14 minutes 54.92 seconds. Current RSS: ~1517M. Threads: 4. load average: 1.22 1.20 1.29 1/294 7554 211920:17:22 when the project has a pool repository 212020:17:24 links the repository to the object pool 212120:17:26 does not link the repository to the object pool if they are not on the same storage 212220:17:26 when the project is a source project 212420:17:29 does not call fetch if git objects are not poolable 212520:17:31 does not call fetch if pool and project are not on the same storage 212620:17:31 when visibility level of the project 212820:17:32 does not call fetch 212920:17:32# [RSpecRunTime] RSpec elapsed time: 15 minutes 5.39 seconds. Current RSS: ~1442M. Threads: 4. load average: 1.39 1.24 1.30 1/289 8079 213320:17:33# [RSpecRunTime] RSpec elapsed time: 15 minutes 6.8 seconds. Current RSS: ~1436M. Threads: 4. load average: 1.39 1.24 1.30 1/289 8158 213720:17:35# [RSpecRunTime] RSpec elapsed time: 15 minutes 8.35 seconds. Current RSS: ~1432M. Threads: 4. load average: 1.39 1.24 1.30 1/289 8239 213920:17:35 when the repository access level 214120:17:37 does not call fetch 214220:17:37# [RSpecRunTime] RSpec elapsed time: 15 minutes 9.97 seconds. Current RSS: ~1429M. Threads: 4. load average: 1.39 1.24 1.30 1/289 8318 214420:17:37 is greater than private 214620:17:38# [RSpecRunTime] RSpec elapsed time: 15 minutes 11.53 seconds. Current RSS: ~1426M. Threads: 4. load average: 1.36 1.24 1.30 1/289 8398 214820:17:38 when a lease is already out 214920:17:39 fails when a lease is already out 215020:17:39# [RSpecRunTime] Finishing example group spec/services/projects/git_deduplication_service_spec.rb. It took 18.85 seconds. Expected to take 26.36 seconds. 215120:17:39# [RSpecRunTime] Starting example group spec/lib/gitlab/ci/pipeline/seed/stage_spec.rb. Expected to take 25.43 seconds. 215220:17:39Gitlab::Ci::Pipeline::Seed::Stage 215420:17:41 returns a number of jobs in the stage 215520:17:41# [RSpecRunTime] RSpec elapsed time: 15 minutes 13.94 seconds. Current RSS: ~1425M. Threads: 4. load average: 1.36 1.24 1.30 1/289 8453 215820:17:42 returns hash attributes of a stage 215920:17:42# [RSpecRunTime] RSpec elapsed time: 15 minutes 15.01 seconds. Current RSS: ~1425M. Threads: 4. load average: 1.36 1.24 1.30 1/289 8482 216220:17:42 when it contains builds seeds 216320:17:43 is expected to be included 216420:17:43# [RSpecRunTime] RSpec elapsed time: 15 minutes 16.07 seconds. Current RSS: ~1425M. Threads: 4. load average: 1.33 1.23 1.30 1/289 8511 216620:17:43 when it does not contain build seeds 216720:17:44 is expected not to be included 216820:17:44# [RSpecRunTime] RSpec elapsed time: 15 minutes 17.19 seconds. Current RSS: ~1424M. Threads: 4. load average: 1.33 1.23 1.30 1/289 8540 217120:17:45 returns build seeds 217220:17:46 returns build seeds including valid attributes 217320:17:47 filters seeds using only/except policies 217420:17:47 when a legacy trigger exists 217520:17:48 returns build seeds including legacy trigger 217620:17:49# [RSpecRunTime] RSpec elapsed time: 15 minutes 21.85 seconds. Current RSS: ~1429M. Threads: 4. load average: 1.31 1.23 1.30 1/289 8671 217820:17:49 when a ref is protected 217920:17:50 returns protected builds 218020:17:50# [RSpecRunTime] RSpec elapsed time: 15 minutes 22.98 seconds. Current RSS: ~1426M. Threads: 4. load average: 1.31 1.23 1.30 1/289 8700 218220:17:50 when a ref is not protected 218320:17:51 returns unprotected builds 218420:17:51# [RSpecRunTime] RSpec elapsed time: 15 minutes 24.3 seconds. Current RSS: ~1425M. Threads: 4. load average: 1.31 1.23 1.30 1/289 8729 218620:17:51 #seeds_names 218720:17:52 returns all job names 218820:17:53 returns a set 218920:17:53# [RSpecRunTime] RSpec elapsed time: 15 minutes 26.5 seconds. Current RSS: ~1425M. Threads: 4. load average: 1.28 1.23 1.29 1/289 8786 219120:17:53 #seeds_errors 219220:17:55 returns all errors from seeds 219320:17:55# [RSpecRunTime] RSpec elapsed time: 15 minutes 28.16 seconds. Current RSS: ~1422M. Threads: 4. load average: 1.28 1.23 1.29 1/290 8833 219520:17:55 #to_resource 219620:17:56 builds a valid stage object with all builds 219720:17:57 can not be persisted without explicit pipeline assignment 219820:17:57# [RSpecRunTime] RSpec elapsed time: 15 minutes 30.53 seconds. Current RSS: ~1419M. Threads: 4. load average: 1.26 1.22 1.29 1/290 8902 220020:17:57# [RSpecRunTime] Finishing example group spec/lib/gitlab/ci/pipeline/seed/stage_spec.rb. It took 18.0 seconds. Expected to take 25.43 seconds. 220120:17:57# [RSpecRunTime] Starting example group spec/haml_lint/linter/documentation_links_spec.rb. Expected to take 23.83 seconds. 220220:17:57HamlLint::Linter::DocumentationLinks 220320:17:57 behaves like link validation rules 220420:17:57 when link_to points to the existing file path 220520:17:58 is expected not to report a lint 220620:17:58 when link_to points to the existing file with valid anchor 220720:17:58 is expected not to report a lint 220820:17:58 when link_to points to the existing file path with .md extension 220920:17:58 is expected to report a lint 221020:17:58 when anchor is not correct 221120:17:58 is expected to report a lint 221220:17:58 when Rails.application.routes.url_helpers.help_page_url has multiple options 221320:17:58 is expected to report a lint 221420:17:58 when file path is wrong 221520:17:58 is expected to report a lint 221620:17:58 when haml ends with block definition 221720:17:58 is expected to report a lint 221820:17:58 when link with wrong file path is assigned to a variable 221920:17:58 is expected to report a lint 222020:17:58 when it is a broken code 222120:17:59 is expected not to report a lint 222220:17:59 when anchor belongs to a different element 222320:17:59 is expected not to report a lint 222420:17:59 when a simple Rails.application.routes.url_helpers.help_page_url 222520:17:59 is expected to report a lint 222620:17:59 when link is not a string 222720:17:59 is expected not to report a lint 222820:17:59 when link is a part of the tag 222920:17:59 is expected to report a lint 223020:17:59 when the second link is invalid 223120:17:59 is expected to report a lint 223220:17:59 behaves like link validation rules 223320:17:59 when link_to points to the existing file path 223420:17:59 is expected not to report a lint 223520:17:59 when link_to points to the existing file with valid anchor 223620:17:59 is expected not to report a lint 223720:17:59 when link_to points to the existing file path with .md extension 223820:17:59 is expected to report a lint 223920:17:59 when anchor is not correct 224020:18:00 is expected to report a lint 224120:18:00 when Gitlab::Routing.url_helpers.help_page_url has multiple options 224220:18:00 is expected to report a lint 224320:18:00 when file path is wrong 224420:18:00 is expected to report a lint 224520:18:00 when haml ends with block definition 224620:18:00 is expected to report a lint 224720:18:00 when link with wrong file path is assigned to a variable 224820:18:00 is expected to report a lint 224920:18:00 when it is a broken code 225020:18:00 is expected not to report a lint 225120:18:00 when anchor belongs to a different element 225220:18:00 is expected not to report a lint 225320:18:00 when a simple Gitlab::Routing.url_helpers.help_page_url 225420:18:00 is expected to report a lint 225520:18:00 when link is not a string 225620:18:00 is expected not to report a lint 225720:18:00 when link is a part of the tag 225820:18:01 is expected to report a lint 225920:18:01 when the second link is invalid 226020:18:02 is expected to report a lint 226120:18:02 behaves like link validation rules 226220:18:02 when link_to points to the existing file path 226320:18:02 is expected not to report a lint 226420:18:02 when link_to points to the existing file with valid anchor 226520:18:02 is expected not to report a lint 226620:18:02 when link_to points to the existing file path with .md extension 226720:18:02 is expected to report a lint 226820:18:02 when anchor is not correct 226920:18:02 is expected to report a lint 227020:18:02 when help_page_url has multiple options 227120:18:02 is expected to report a lint 227220:18:02 when file path is wrong 227320:18:03 is expected to report a lint 227420:18:03 when haml ends with block definition 227520:18:03 is expected to report a lint 227620:18:03 when link with wrong file path is assigned to a variable 227720:18:03 is expected to report a lint 227820:18:03 when it is a broken code 227920:18:03 is expected not to report a lint 228020:18:03 when anchor belongs to a different element 228120:18:03 is expected not to report a lint 228220:18:03 when a simple help_page_url 228320:18:03 is expected to report a lint 228420:18:03 when link is not a string 228520:18:03 is expected not to report a lint 228620:18:03 when link is a part of the tag 228720:18:03 is expected to report a lint 228820:18:03 when the second link is invalid 228920:18:03 is expected to report a lint 229020:18:03 behaves like link validation rules 229120:18:03 when link_to points to the existing file path 229220:18:03 is expected not to report a lint 229320:18:03 when link_to points to the existing file with valid anchor 229420:18:04 is expected not to report a lint 229520:18:04 when link_to points to the existing file path with .md extension 229620:18:04 is expected to report a lint 229720:18:04 when anchor is not correct 229820:18:04 is expected to report a lint 229920:18:04 when help_page_path has multiple options 230020:18:04 is expected to report a lint 230120:18:04 when file path is wrong 230220:18:04 is expected to report a lint 230320:18:04 when haml ends with block definition 230420:18:04 is expected to report a lint 230520:18:04 when link with wrong file path is assigned to a variable 230620:18:04 is expected to report a lint 230720:18:04 when it is a broken code 230820:18:04 is expected not to report a lint 230920:18:04 when anchor belongs to a different element 231020:18:04 is expected not to report a lint 231120:18:04 when a simple help_page_path 231220:18:04 is expected to report a lint 231320:18:04 when link is not a string 231420:18:05 is expected not to report a lint 231520:18:05 when link is a part of the tag 231620:18:05 is expected to report a lint 231720:18:05 when the second link is invalid 231820:18:05 is expected to report a lint 231920:18:05# [RSpecRunTime] Finishing example group spec/haml_lint/linter/documentation_links_spec.rb. It took 7.55 seconds. Expected to take 23.83 seconds. 232020:18:05# [RSpecRunTime] Starting example group spec/lib/gitlab/database/migrations/constraints_helpers_spec.rb. Expected to take 23.04 seconds. 232120:18:05Gitlab::Database::Migrations::ConstraintsHelpers 232220:18:05 #remove_check_constraint 232320:18:05 removes the constraint 232420:18:05 #rename_constraint 232520:18:05 executes the statement to rename constraint 232620:18:05 #copy_check_constraints 232720:18:05 when inside a transaction 232820:18:05 raises an error 232920:18:05 when outside a transaction 233020:18:05 copies check constraints from one column to another 233120:18:06 does nothing if there are no constraints defined for the old column 233220:18:06 raises an error when the orginating column does not exist 233320:18:06 raises an error when the target column does not exist 233420:18:06 #validate_not_null_constraint 233520:18:06 when constraint_name is not provided 233620:18:06 calls validate_check_constraint with an infered constraint name 233720:18:06 when constraint_name is provided 233820:18:06 calls validate_check_constraint with the correct parameters 233920:18:06 #remove_not_null_constraint 234020:18:06 when constraint_name is not provided 234120:18:06 calls remove_check_constraint with an infered constraint name 234220:18:06 when constraint_name is provided 234320:18:06 calls remove_check_constraint with the correct parameters 234420:18:06 #remove_text_limit 234520:18:06 when constraint_name is not provided 234620:18:06 calls remove_check_constraint with an infered constraint name 234720:18:06 when constraint_name is provided 234820:18:06 calls remove_check_constraint with the correct parameters 234920:18:06 #add_text_limit 235020:18:06 when it is called with the default options 235120:18:06 calls add_check_constraint with an infered constraint name and validate: true 235220:18:06 when all parameters are provided 235320:18:06 calls add_check_constraint with the correct parameters 235420:18:06 #add_multi_column_not_null_constraint 235520:18:06 when it is called with the default options 235620:18:07 calls add_check_constraint with an infered constraint name and validate: true 235720:18:07 when all parameters are provided 235820:18:07 calls add_check_constraint with the correct parameters 235920:18:07 when only one column is supplied 236020:18:07 raises an error 236120:18:07 #check_not_null_constraint_exists? 236220:18:07 when constraint_name is not provided 236320:18:07 calls check_constraint_exists? with an infered constraint name 236420:18:07 when constraint_name is provided 236520:18:07 calls check_constraint_exists? with the correct parameters 236620:18:07 #remove_multi_column_not_null_constraint 236720:18:07 when constraint_name is not provided 236820:18:07 calls remove_check_constraint with an infered constraint name 236920:18:07 when constraint_name is provided 237020:18:07 calls remove_check_constraint with the correct parameters 237120:18:07 #validate_check_constraint 237220:18:07 when the constraint does not exist 237320:18:07 raises an error 237420:18:07 when the constraint exists 237520:18:07 performs validation 237620:18:07 #validate_text_limit 237720:18:07 when constraint_name is not provided 237820:18:08 calls validate_check_constraint with an infered constraint name 237920:18:08 when constraint_name is provided 238020:18:08 calls validate_check_constraint with the correct parameters 238120:18:08 #add_check_constraint 238220:18:08 when constraint name validation 238320:18:08 raises an error when too long 238420:18:08 does not raise error when the length is acceptable 238520:18:08 when inside a transaction 238620:18:08 raises an error 238720:18:08 when outside a transaction 238820:18:08 when the constraint is already defined in the database 238920:18:08 does not create a constraint 239020:18:08 when the constraint is not defined in the database 239120:18:08 creates the constraint 239220:18:08 with a schema-prefixed table 239320:18:08 includes the schema in the ADD CONSTRAINT query 239420:18:08 when validate is not provided 239520:18:08 performs validation 239620:18:08 when validate is provided with a falsey value 239720:18:08 skips validation 239820:18:08 when validate is provided with a truthy value 239920:18:08 performs validation 240020:18:08 #check_text_limit_exists? 240120:18:08 when constraint_name is not provided 240220:18:09 calls check_constraint_exists? with an infered constraint name 240320:18:09 when constraint_name is provided 240420:18:09 calls check_constraint_exists? with the correct parameters 240520:18:09 #validate_multi_column_not_null_constraint 240620:18:09 when constraint_name is not provided 240720:18:09 calls validate_check_constraint with an infered constraint name 240820:18:09 when constraint_name is provided 240920:18:09 calls validate_check_constraint with the correct parameters 241020:18:09 #check_constraint_exists? 241120:18:09 returns true if a constraint exists 241220:18:10 returns true if a constraint exists in the specified non-current schema 241320:18:10 returns false if a constraint does not exist 241420:18:10 returns false if a constraint with the same name exists in another table 241520:18:10 returns false if a constraint with the same name exists for the same table in another schema 241620:18:10# [RSpecRunTime] RSpec elapsed time: 15 minutes 43.41 seconds. Current RSS: ~1520M. Threads: 4. load average: 1.22 1.22 1.29 1/289 8903 241820:18:10 #drop_constraint 241920:18:10 executes the statement to drop the constraint 242020:18:10 when cascade option is false 242120:18:10 executes the statement to drop the constraint without cascade 242220:18:10 #add_not_null_constraint 242320:18:10 when it is called with the default options 242420:18:10 calls add_check_constraint with an inferred constraint name and validate: true 242520:18:10 when all parameters are provided 242620:18:11 calls add_check_constraint with the correct parameters 242720:18:11 when the column is defined as NOT NULL 242820:18:11 does not add a check constraint 242920:18:11 #switch_constraint_names 243020:18:11 when inside a transaction 243120:18:11 raises an error 243220:18:11 when outside a transaction 243320:18:11 executes the statement to swap the constraint names 243420:18:11 #check_constraint_name 243520:18:11 returns a valid constraint name 243620:18:11# [RSpecRunTime] Finishing example group spec/lib/gitlab/database/migrations/constraints_helpers_spec.rb. It took 6.55 seconds. Expected to take 23.04 seconds. 243720:18:11# [RSpecRunTime] Starting example group spec/models/integrations/squash_tm_spec.rb. Expected to take 21.83 seconds. 243820:18:11Integrations::SquashTm 243920:18:12 does not allow STI 244020:18:12 behaves like Integrations::HasWebHook 244120:18:12 associations 244220:18:12 is expected to have one service_hook inverse_of => integration 244420:18:12 calls #update_web_hook! when enabled 244520:18:12 does not call #update_web_hook! when disabled 244620:18:13 does not call #update_web_hook! when validation fails 244820:18:13 returns a string 244920:18:13 #url_variables 245020:18:13 returns a hash 245120:18:13 #hook_ssl_verification 245220:18:13 returns a boolean 245320:18:13 delegates to #enable_ssl_verification if the concern is included 245420:18:13 #update_web_hook! 245520:18:14 creates or updates a service hook 245620:18:14 raises an error if the service hook could not be saved 245720:18:15 does not attempt to save the service hook if there are no changes 245820:18:15# [RSpecRunTime] RSpec elapsed time: 15 minutes 48.13 seconds. Current RSS: ~1550M. Threads: 4. load average: 1.20 1.21 1.29 1/289 8904 246020:18:15 #execute_web_hook! 246120:18:15 creates the webhook if necessary and executes it 246220:18:16 raises an error if the service hook could not be saved 246320:18:16# [RSpecRunTime] RSpec elapsed time: 15 minutes 49.14 seconds. Current RSS: ~1557M. Threads: 4. load average: 1.20 1.21 1.29 1/289 8905 246520:18:16 behaves like Integrations::ResetSecretFields 246620:18:16 #exposing_secrets_fields 246720:18:16 returns an array of strings 246820:18:16 #reset_secret_fields? 246920:18:16 returns false if no exposing field has changed 247020:18:16 returns true if any exposing field has changed 247120:18:16 validation callback 247220:18:16 when an exposing field has changed 247320:18:16 clears all secret fields 247420:18:16 when a secret field has been updated 247520:18:16 does not clear this secret field 247620:18:16 when a secret field has been updated with the same value 247720:18:16 does not clear this secret field 247820:18:16 when no exposing field has changed 247920:18:17 does not clear any secret fields 248120:18:17 when integration is active 248220:18:17 is expected to validate that :url cannot be empty/falsy 248420:18:17 is expected not to allow :url to be ‹nil› 248520:18:17 is expected not to allow :url to be ‹""› 248620:18:17 is expected not to allow :url to be ‹"foo"› 248720:18:18 is expected not to allow :url to be ‹"example.com"› 248820:18:18 is expected not to validate that :token cannot be empty/falsy 248920:18:18 is expected to validate that the length of :token is at most 255 249020:18:18 is expected to allow :token to be ‹nil› 249120:18:18 is expected to allow :token to be ‹"foo"› 249220:18:18# [RSpecRunTime] RSpec elapsed time: 15 minutes 51.5 seconds. Current RSS: ~1566M. Threads: 4. load average: 1.18 1.21 1.29 1/289 8906 249420:18:18 when integration is inactive 249520:18:18 is expected not to validate that :url cannot be empty/falsy 249620:18:18 is expected not to validate that :token cannot be empty/falsy 249820:18:19Job arguments to WebHooks::LogExecutionWorker must be native JSON types, but Fri, 23 Aug 2024 20:18:19.269215066 UTC +00:00 is a ActiveSupport::TimeWithZone. 250020:18:19To disable this error, add `Sidekiq.strict_args!(false)` to your initializer. 250120:18:19 calls Squash TM API 250220:18:19 .default_test_event 250320:18:19 is expected to eq "issue" 250520:18:19 when server is responding 250620:18:20 is expected to eq {:result=>"OK", :success=>true} 250720:18:20 when server rejects the request 250820:18:20 is expected to eq {:result=>"Unauthorized", :success=>false} 250920:18:20 when test request executes with errors 251020:18:20 is expected to eq {:result=>"error message", :success=>false} 251120:18:20# [RSpecRunTime] Finishing example group spec/models/integrations/squash_tm_spec.rb. It took 8.98 seconds. Expected to take 21.83 seconds. 251220:18:20# [RSpecRunTime] Starting example group spec/lib/gitlab/database/postgresql_adapter/force_disconnectable_mixin_spec.rb. Expected to take 20.42 seconds. 251320:18:20Gitlab::Database::PostgresqlAdapter::ForceDisconnectableMixin 251420:18:21 checking in a connection to the pool 251520:18:26 calls the force disconnect callback on checkin 251620:18:26# [RSpecRunTime] RSpec elapsed time: 15 minutes 58.92 seconds. Current RSS: ~1487M. Threads: 4. load average: 1.09 1.19 1.28 1/289 8907 251820:18:26 disconnecting from the database 251920:18:26 when the timer is expired 252020:18:29 disconnects from the database 252120:18:29 when the connection has an open transaction 252220:18:33 does not disconnect from the database 252320:18:33# [RSpecRunTime] RSpec elapsed time: 16 minutes 6.07 seconds. Current RSS: ~1327M. Threads: 4. load average: 1.16 1.20 1.28 1/289 8908 252520:18:33 when the timer is not expired 252620:18:36 does not disconnect from the database 252720:18:36# [RSpecRunTime] RSpec elapsed time: 16 minutes 9.61 seconds. Current RSS: ~1325M. Threads: 4. load average: 1.16 1.20 1.28 1/289 8909 252920:18:37# [RSpecRunTime] Finishing example group spec/lib/gitlab/database/postgresql_adapter/force_disconnectable_mixin_spec.rb. It took 16.15 seconds. Expected to take 20.42 seconds. 253020:18:37# [RSpecRunTime] Starting example group spec/services/ci/runners/set_runner_associated_projects_service_spec.rb. Expected to take 19.95 seconds. 253120:18:37Ci::Runners::SetRunnerAssociatedProjectsService#execute 253220:18:37 with unauthorized user 253320:18:38 does not call assign_to on runner and returns error message 253420:18:38# [RSpecRunTime] RSpec elapsed time: 16 minutes 11.28 seconds. Current RSS: ~1327M. Threads: 4. load average: 1.22 1.21 1.28 1/289 8910 253620:18:38 with authorized user 253720:18:39 with maintainer user 253820:18:39 behaves like with successful requests 253920:18:39 when disassociating a project 254020:18:40 reassigns associated projects and returns success response 254120:18:40# [RSpecRunTime] RSpec elapsed time: 16 minutes 13.09 seconds. Current RSS: ~1342M. Threads: 4. load average: 1.22 1.21 1.28 1/289 8911 254320:18:40 when disassociating no projects 254420:18:41 reassigns associated projects and returns success response 254520:18:41 when disassociating all projects 254620:18:41 reassigns associated projects and returns success response 254720:18:41 behaves like with failing destroy calls 254820:18:42 returns error response and rolls back transaction 254920:18:42# [RSpecRunTime] RSpec elapsed time: 16 minutes 15.76 seconds. Current RSS: ~1372M. Threads: 4. load average: 1.21 1.21 1.28 1/289 8912 255120:18:42 when associating new projects 255220:18:42 with missing permissions on one of the new projects 255320:18:43 returns error response and rolls back transaction 255420:18:43# [RSpecRunTime] RSpec elapsed time: 16 minutes 16.8 seconds. Current RSS: ~1383M. Threads: 4. load average: 1.21 1.21 1.28 1/289 8913 255620:18:43 when some of the new projects are from a different organization 255720:18:45 returns error response and rolls back transaction 255820:18:45 with multiple failures 255920:18:46 returns error response and rolls back transaction 256020:18:46# [RSpecRunTime] RSpec elapsed time: 16 minutes 19.32 seconds. Current RSS: ~1390M. Threads: 4. load average: 1.21 1.21 1.28 1/289 8914 256220:18:46 with admin user 256320:18:46 behaves like with successful requests 256420:18:46 when disassociating a project 256520:18:47 reassigns associated projects and returns success response 256620:18:47 when disassociating no projects 256720:18:48 reassigns associated projects and returns success response 256820:18:48 when disassociating all projects 256920:18:48 reassigns associated projects and returns success response 257020:18:48 behaves like with failing destroy calls 257120:18:49 returns error response and rolls back transaction 257220:18:49 without user 257320:18:49 does not call assign_to on runner and returns error response 257420:18:50# [RSpecRunTime] Finishing example group spec/services/ci/runners/set_runner_associated_projects_service_spec.rb. It took 13.1 seconds. Expected to take 19.95 seconds. 257520:18:50# [RSpecRunTime] Starting example group spec/serializers/diff_file_base_entity_spec.rb. Expected to take 19.01 seconds. 257620:18:50DiffFileBaseEntity 257720:18:51 submodule information for a 257820:18:51 newly added submodule 257920:18:53 says it is a submodule and contains links 258020:18:53 has no compare url because the submodule was newly added 258120:18:53# [RSpecRunTime] RSpec elapsed time: 16 minutes 26.48 seconds. Current RSS: ~1406M. Threads: 4. load average: 1.17 1.20 1.28 1/294 8983 258320:18:53 changed submodule 258420:18:54 contains a link to compare the changes 258520:18:54 normal file (no submodule) 258620:18:54 sets submodule to false 258720:18:54 contains raw sizes for the blob 258820:18:54 is expected to eq 132 259120:18:54 behaves like a diff file edit path to the source branch 259220:18:55 is expected to eq "/namespace481/project-530/-/edit/feature/files/ruby/feature.rb?from_merge_request_iid=1" 259320:18:55 behaves like nil if removed source branch 259420:18:56 is expected to eq nil 259620:18:56 behaves like a diff file edit path to the source branch 259720:18:56 is expected to eq "/namespace481/project-530/-/edit/feature/files/ruby/feature.rb?from_merge_request_iid=1" 259820:18:56 removed source branch 259920:18:57 is expected to eq nil 260120:18:58 is expected to eq "/namespace481/project-530/-/edit/feature/six" 260220:18:58 ide_edit_path 260320:18:58 when source_project and target_project are the same 260420:18:59 returns the merge_request ide route 260520:18:59 behaves like nil if removed source branch 260620:19:00 is expected to eq nil 260720:19:00# [RSpecRunTime] RSpec elapsed time: 16 minutes 33.0 seconds. Current RSS: ~1451M. Threads: 4. load average: 1.08 1.18 1.27 1/295 9811 260920:19:00 when source_project and target_project are different 261020:19:04 returns the merge_request ide route with the target_project as param 261120:19:04# [RSpecRunTime] RSpec elapsed time: 16 minutes 36.94 seconds. Current RSS: ~1459M. Threads: 4. load average: 1.07 1.18 1.27 1/295 9993 261320:19:04# [RSpecRunTime] Finishing example group spec/serializers/diff_file_base_entity_spec.rb. It took 14.11 seconds. Expected to take 19.01 seconds. 261420:19:04# [RSpecRunTime] Starting example group spec/tasks/gitlab/incoming_email_rake_spec.rb. Expected to take 17.79 seconds. 261520:19:04gitlab:incoming_email:secret rake tasks 261720:19:04 creates encrypted file from stdin 261820:19:04 displays error when key does not exist 261920:19:04 displays error when write directory does not exist 262020:19:05somevalue shows a warning when content is invalid 262220:19:05# password: '123' 262320:19:05# user: 'gitlab-incoming@gmail.com' 262420:19:05 creates encrypted file 262520:19:05 displays error when key does not exist 262620:19:05 displays error when key is changed 262720:19:05 displays error when write directory does not exist 262820:19:06somevalue shows a warning when content is invalid 262920:19:06 displays error when $EDITOR is not set 263020:19:06# [RSpecRunTime] RSpec elapsed time: 16 minutes 39.16 seconds. Current RSS: ~1459M. Threads: 4. load average: 1.07 1.18 1.27 1/295 9997 263320:19:06 displays error when file does not exist 263420:19:06 displays error when key does not exist 263520:19:06 displays error when key is changed 263620:19:06 outputs the unencrypted content when present 263720:19:10# [RSpecRunTime] Finishing example group spec/tasks/gitlab/incoming_email_rake_spec.rb. It took 5.83 seconds. Expected to take 17.79 seconds. 263820:19:10# [RSpecRunTime] RSpec elapsed time: 16 minutes 42.97 seconds. Current RSS: ~1442M. Threads: 4. load average: 1.23 1.21 1.28 1/294 9998 264020:19:10# [RSpecRunTime] Starting example group spec/workers/remove_expired_group_links_worker_spec.rb. Expected to take 17.41 seconds. 264120:19:10RemoveExpiredGroupLinksWorker 264320:19:10 ProjectGroupLinks 264420:19:12 removes expired group links 264520:19:14 leaves group links that expire in the future 264620:19:16 leaves group links that do not expire at all 264720:19:19Job arguments to MergeRequests::RemoveUserApprovalRulesWorker must be native JSON types, but {"project_id"=>458, "user_ids"=>[1573]} is a ActiveSupport::HashWithIndifferentAccess. 264920:19:19To disable this error, add `Sidekiq.strict_args!(false)` to your initializer. 265020:19:19 removes project authorization 265120:19:19# [RSpecRunTime] RSpec elapsed time: 16 minutes 52.64 seconds. Current RSS: ~1374M. Threads: 4. load average: 1.27 1.22 1.28 1/289 9999 265320:19:19 GroupGroupLinks 265420:19:19 expired GroupGroupLink exists 265520:19:20 calls Groups::GroupLinks::DestroyService 265620:19:20 with skip_group_share_unlink_auth_refresh feature flag disabled 265720:19:21Job arguments to MergeRequests::RemoveUserApprovalRulesWorker must be native JSON types, but {"project_id"=>461, "user_ids"=>[1576]} is a ActiveSupport::HashWithIndifferentAccess. 265920:19:21To disable this error, add `Sidekiq.strict_args!(false)` to your initializer. 266020:19:21 removes project authorization 266120:19:21# [RSpecRunTime] RSpec elapsed time: 16 minutes 54.41 seconds. Current RSS: ~1378M. Threads: 4. load average: 1.27 1.22 1.28 1/289 10000 266320:19:21 with skip_group_share_unlink_auth_refresh feature flag enabled 266420:19:22 does not remove project authorization 266520:19:22# [RSpecRunTime] RSpec elapsed time: 16 minutes 55.77 seconds. Current RSS: ~1381M. Threads: 4. load average: 1.16 1.20 1.27 1/289 10001 266720:19:22 expired GroupGroupLink does not exist 266820:19:23 does not call Groups::GroupLinks::DestroyService 266920:19:23# [RSpecRunTime] Finishing example group spec/workers/remove_expired_group_links_worker_spec.rb. It took 13.09 seconds. Expected to take 17.41 seconds. 267020:19:23# [RSpecRunTime] Starting example group spec/lib/bitbucket_server/representation/activity_spec.rb. Expected to take 16.48 seconds. 267120:19:23BitbucketServer::Representation::Activity 267220:19:23 inline comment 267320:19:23 is expected to eq 19 267420:19:23 is expected to be truthy 267520:19:23 is expected to be truthy 267620:19:23 is expected to be a kind of BitbucketServer::Representation::PullRequestComment 267720:19:23 is expected to be a kind of Time 267920:19:24 is expected to match (a hash including {:id => 19}) 268020:19:24 declined event 268120:19:24 is expected to eq 18 268220:19:24 is expected to be falsey 268320:19:24 is expected to be falsey 268420:19:24 is expected to be falsey 268520:19:24 is expected to be truthy 268620:19:24 is expected to eq "slug" 268720:19:24 is expected to eq "test.user@example.com" 268820:19:24 is expected to be a kind of Time 269020:19:24 is expected to match (a hash including {:id => 18, :decliner_username => "slug", :decliner_email => "test.user@example.com"}) 269220:19:24 is expected to eq 7 269320:19:24 is expected to be falsey 269420:19:25 is expected to be falsey 269520:19:25 is expected to eq "root" 269620:19:25 is expected to eq "test.user@example.com" 269720:19:25 is expected to be a kind of Time 269820:19:25 is expected to be a kind of Time 269920:19:25 is expected to eq "839fa9a2d434eb697815b8fcafaecc51accfdbbc" 270120:19:25 is expected to match (a hash including {:id => 7, :committer_user => "root", :committer_email => "test.user@example.com", :merge_commit => "839fa9a2d434eb697815b8fcafaecc51accfdbbc"}) 270220:19:25 regular comment 270320:19:25 is expected to eq 11 270420:19:25 is expected to be truthy 270520:19:25 is expected to be falsey 270620:19:25 is expected to be a kind of BitbucketServer::Representation::Comment 270720:19:25 is expected to be a kind of Time 270920:19:26 is expected to match (a hash including {:id => 11}) 271020:19:26 approved event 271120:19:26 is expected to eq 15 271220:19:26 is expected to be falsey 271320:19:26 is expected to be falsey 271420:19:26 is expected to be falsey 271520:19:26 is expected to be truthy 271620:19:26 is expected to eq "slug" 271720:19:26 is expected to eq "test.user@example.com" 271820:19:26 is expected to be a kind of Time 272020:19:26 is expected to match (a hash including {:id => 15, :approver_username => "slug", :approver_email => "test.user@example.com"}) 272120:19:26# [RSpecRunTime] Finishing example group spec/lib/bitbucket_server/representation/activity_spec.rb. It took 3.68 seconds. Expected to take 16.48 seconds. 272220:19:26# [RSpecRunTime] Starting example group spec/lib/gitlab/diff/position_tracer_spec.rb. Expected to take 16.37 seconds. 272320:19:26Gitlab::Diff::PositionTracer 272520:19:27 position is on text 272620:19:27 calls LineStrategy#trace 272720:19:27 position is not on text 272820:19:27 calls ImageStrategy#trace 272920:19:27 position on file 273020:19:27 calls ImageStrategy#trace 273120:19:27 diffs methods 273320:19:29 returns the diffs between the base of old and new diff 273420:19:29# [RSpecRunTime] RSpec elapsed time: 17 minutes 2.46 seconds. Current RSS: ~1481M. Threads: 4. load average: 1.15 1.19 1.27 1/295 10234 273720:19:31 returns the diffs between the HEAD of old and new diff 273820:19:31# [RSpecRunTime] RSpec elapsed time: 17 minutes 4.34 seconds. Current RSS: ~1483M. Threads: 4. load average: 1.15 1.19 1.27 1/296 10467 274120:19:33 returns the diffs in the new diff 274220:19:33# [RSpecRunTime] RSpec elapsed time: 17 minutes 6.25 seconds. Current RSS: ~1489M. Threads: 4. load average: 1.22 1.21 1.28 2/296 10706 274420:19:33 when requesting diffs 274620:19:33 behaves like it does not call diff stats 274720:19:35 does not call diff stats 274820:19:35# [RSpecRunTime] RSpec elapsed time: 17 minutes 8.25 seconds. Current RSS: ~1488M. Threads: 4. load average: 1.22 1.21 1.28 1/297 10942 275120:19:35 behaves like it does not call diff stats 275220:19:37 does not call diff stats 275320:19:37# [RSpecRunTime] RSpec elapsed time: 17 minutes 10.12 seconds. Current RSS: ~1484M. Threads: 4. load average: 1.22 1.21 1.28 1/297 11178 275620:19:37 behaves like it does not call diff stats 275720:19:39 does not call diff stats 275820:19:39# [RSpecRunTime] RSpec elapsed time: 17 minutes 12.06 seconds. Current RSS: ~1476M. Threads: 4. load average: 1.20 1.20 1.27 2/297 11422 276020:19:39# [RSpecRunTime] Finishing example group spec/lib/gitlab/diff/position_tracer_spec.rb. It took 12.45 seconds. Expected to take 16.37 seconds. 276120:19:39# [RSpecRunTime] Starting example group spec/models/bulk_imports/export_status_spec.rb. Expected to take 15.44 seconds. 276220:19:39BulkImports::ExportStatus 276320:19:39 does not allow STI 276520:19:39 when export status is started 276620:19:40 returns true 276720:19:40 when export status is not started 276820:19:40 returns false 276920:19:40 when export status is not present 277020:19:40 returns false 277120:19:40 when something goes wrong during export status fetch 277220:19:40 returns false 277420:19:40 when export status is failed 277520:19:40 returns true 277620:19:40 when export status is not failed 277720:19:40 returns false 277820:19:40 when export status is not present 277920:19:40 returns false 278020:19:40 when something goes wrong during export status fetch 278120:19:40 returns true 278320:19:40 when export status is present 278420:19:40 is expected to eq false 278520:19:40 when export status is not present 278620:19:40 returns true 278720:19:40 when export status is empty 278820:19:41 returns true 278920:19:41 when something goes wrong during export status fetch 279020:19:41 returns false 279220:19:41 returns error message 279320:19:41 when something goes wrong during export status fetch 279420:19:41 raises RetryPipelineError 279520:19:41 when error is not retriable 279620:19:41 returns exception class as error 279720:19:41 when error raised is not a network error 279820:19:41 returns exception class as error 279920:19:41 batching information 280120:19:41 when export is batched 280220:19:41 returns true 280320:19:41 when export is not batched 280420:19:41 returns false 280520:19:41 when export batch information is missing 280620:19:41 returns false 280720:19:41 #batches_count 280820:19:41 when batches count is present 280920:19:41 returns batches count 281020:19:41 when batches count is missing 281320:19:41 when export is batched 281420:19:41 when batch number is in range 281520:19:42 returns batch information 281620:19:42 when batch number is less than 1 281720:19:42 raises error 281820:19:42 when export is not batched 282120:19:42 when export status is started 282220:19:42 behaves like does not result in a cached status 282320:19:42 is expected to be nil 282420:19:42 when export status is failed 282520:19:42 behaves like results in a cached status 282620:19:42 is expected to include {"status" => -1} 282720:19:42 when something goes wrong during export status fetch 282820:19:42 is expected to be nil 282920:19:42 when export status is finished 283020:19:42 behaves like results in a cached status 283120:19:42 is expected to include {"status" => 1} 283220:19:42 when something goes wrong during export status fetch 283320:19:42 is expected to be nil 283420:19:42 when export status is not present 283520:19:42 behaves like does not result in a cached status 283620:19:42 is expected to be nil 283720:19:42 when the cache is empty 283820:19:42 fetches the status from the remote 283920:19:42 when the cache is not empty 284020:19:42 does not fetch the status from the remote 284120:19:42 with a different entity 284220:19:42 fetches the status from the remote 284320:19:42 with a different relation 284420:19:43 fetches the status from the remote 284520:19:43 #total_objects_count 284620:19:43 when status is present 284720:19:43 returns total objects count 284820:19:43 when status is not present due to an error 285020:19:43# [RSpecRunTime] Finishing example group spec/models/bulk_imports/export_status_spec.rb. It took 4.01 seconds. Expected to take 15.44 seconds. 285120:19:43# [RSpecRunTime] Starting example group spec/graphql/types/group_type_spec.rb. Expected to take 15.32 seconds. 285220:19:43Types::GroupType 285320:19:43 is expected to eq "Group" 285420:19:43 is expected to expose permissions using Types::PermissionTypes::Group 285520:19:43 has the expected fields 285620:19:43 is expected to require graphql authorizations :read_group 285720:19:43 custom emoji 285820:19:44 when includeAncestorGroups is true 285920:19:44 returns emoji from ancestor groups 286020:19:44# [RSpecRunTime] RSpec elapsed time: 17 minutes 17.49 seconds. Current RSS: ~1521M. Threads: 4. load average: 1.35 1.23 1.28 1/297 11423 286220:19:44 work_items field 286320:19:44 is expected to have graphql type #<Class:0x00007fb011d11b90> 286420:19:44 is expected to have graphql resolver Resolvers::Namespaces::WorkItemsResolver 286520:19:44 timelogs field 286620:19:44 finds timelogs between start time and end time 286720:19:44 organizationEditPath 286820:19:44 when group has an organization associated with it 286920:19:45 returns edit path scoped to organization 287120:19:46 avoids N+1 queries 287220:19:46 organization_state_counts field 287320:19:46 is expected to have graphql type Types::CustomerRelations::OrganizationStateCountsType 287420:19:46 is expected to have graphql resolver Resolvers::Crm::OrganizationStateCountsResolver 287520:19:46 releases field 287620:19:46 is expected to have graphql type #<Class:0x00007fb0120ab738> 287720:19:46 is expected to have graphql resolver Resolvers::GroupReleasesResolver 287820:19:46 contact_state_counts field 287920:19:46 is expected to have graphql type Types::CustomerRelations::ContactStateCountsType 288020:19:46 is expected to have graphql resolver Resolvers::Crm::ContactStateCountsResolver 288120:19:46 emailsEnabled 288220:19:46 is not a deprecated field 288320:19:46 when emails_enabled is true 288420:19:46 is expected to eq true 288520:19:46 when emails_enabled is false 288620:19:47 is expected to eq false 288720:19:47 boards field 288820:19:47 returns boards 288920:19:47 members field 289020:19:47 is expected to have graphql type #<Class:0x00007fb011eb9ec0> 289120:19:47 is expected to have graphql resolver Resolvers::GroupMembersResolver 289220:19:47 behaves like a GraphQL type with labels 289320:19:47 has label fields 289520:19:47 is expected to have graphql type Types::LabelType 289620:19:47 is expected to have graphql arguments :title 289720:19:47 labels field 289820:19:47 is expected to have graphql type #<Class:0x00007fb0120de1b0> 289920:19:47 is expected to have graphql arguments :search_term, :includeAncestorGroups, :includeDescendantGroups, :onlyGroupLabels, and :searchIn 290020:19:47 emailsDisabled 290120:19:47 is not a deprecated field 290220:19:47 when emails_enabled is true 290320:19:48 is expected to eq false 290420:19:48 when emails_enabled is false 290520:19:48 is expected to eq true 290620:19:48# [RSpecRunTime] Finishing example group spec/graphql/types/group_type_spec.rb. It took 5.0 seconds. Expected to take 15.32 seconds. 290720:19:48# [RSpecRunTime] Starting example group spec/finders/packages/npm/packages_for_user_finder_spec.rb. Expected to take 14.43 seconds. 290820:19:48Packages::Npm::PackagesForUserFinder 290920:19:49Job arguments to FlushCounterIncrementsWorker must be native JSON types, but :packages_size is a Symbol. 291120:19:49To disable this error, add `Sidekiq.strict_args!(false)` to your initializer. 291220:19:49Job arguments to FlushCounterIncrementsWorker must be native JSON types, but :packages_size is a Symbol. 291420:19:49To disable this error, add `Sidekiq.strict_args!(false)` to your initializer. 291620:19:49 with a project 291720:19:49 behaves like searches for packages 291820:19:50 is expected to contain exactly #<Packages::Package id: 1, project_id: 469, created_at: "2024-08-23 20:19:49.301686046 +0000", update...kage_type: "npm", creator_id: 1594, status: "default", last_downloaded_at: nil, status_message: nil> 291920:19:50# [RSpecRunTime] RSpec elapsed time: 17 minutes 23.07 seconds. Current RSS: ~1509M. Threads: 4. load average: 1.32 1.23 1.28 1/292 11424 292120:19:50 behaves like avoids N+1 database queries in the package registry 292220:19:55 is expected not to exceed query limit #<ActiveRecord::QueryRecorder:0x00007fafe2b3f148 @data={}, @log=[], @cached=[], @skip_cached=true, @skip_schema_queries=true, @query_recorder_debug=false, @log_file=nil, @count=0> 292320:19:55# [RSpecRunTime] RSpec elapsed time: 17 minutes 28.3 seconds. Current RSS: ~1418M. Threads: 4. load average: 1.21 1.21 1.27 1/292 11425 292520:19:55 with a group 292620:19:55 behaves like searches for packages 292720:19:55 is expected to contain exactly #<Packages::Package id: 1, project_id: 469, created_at: "2024-08-23 20:19:49.301686046 +0000", update...kage_type: "npm", creator_id: 1594, status: "default", last_downloaded_at: nil, status_message: nil> 292820:19:55 behaves like avoids N+1 database queries in the package registry 292920:19:59 is expected not to exceed query limit #<ActiveRecord::QueryRecorder:0x00007fafed7fef78 @data={}, @log=[], @cached=[], @skip_cached=true, @skip_schema_queries=true, @query_recorder_debug=false, @log_file=nil, @count=0> 293020:19:59# [RSpecRunTime] RSpec elapsed time: 17 minutes 32.57 seconds. Current RSS: ~1380M. Threads: 4. load average: 1.19 1.20 1.27 1/292 11426 293220:19:59 when an user is a reporter of both projects 293320:19:59 is expected to contain exactly #<Packages::Package id: 1, project_id: 469, created_at: "2024-08-23 20:19:49.301686046 +0000", update...kage_type: "npm", creator_id: 1594, status: "default", last_downloaded_at: nil, status_message: nil> and #<Packages::Package id: 3, project_id: 470, created_at: "2024-08-23 20:19:49.483601523 +0000", update...kage_type: "npm", creator_id: 1596, status: "default", last_downloaded_at: nil, status_message: nil> 293420:19:59 when the second project has the package registry disabled 293520:20:00 behaves like searches for packages 293620:20:00 is expected to contain exactly #<Packages::Package id: 1, project_id: 469, created_at: "2024-08-23 20:19:49.301686046 +0000", update...kage_type: "npm", creator_id: 1594, status: "default", last_downloaded_at: nil, status_message: nil> 293720:20:00# [RSpecRunTime] Finishing example group spec/finders/packages/npm/packages_for_user_finder_spec.rb. It took 11.97 seconds. Expected to take 14.43 seconds. 293820:20:00# [RSpecRunTime] Starting example group spec/finders/tags_finder_spec.rb. Expected to take 14.35 seconds. 294220:20:01 sorts by name 294320:20:01 sorts by recently_updated 294420:20:01 sorts by last_updated 294520:20:01 when sort is not a string 294620:20:01 ignores sort parameter 294720:20:01# [RSpecRunTime] RSpec elapsed time: 17 minutes 34.67 seconds. Current RSS: ~1398M. Threads: 4. load average: 1.19 1.20 1.27 1/297 11483 295020:20:01 filters tags by name 295120:20:02 does not find any tags with that name 295220:20:02 filters tags by name that begins with 295320:20:02 filters tags by name that ends with 295420:20:02 filters tags by name with wildcard 295520:20:02 filters tags by nonexistent name that begins with 295620:20:02 filters tags by nonexistent name that ends with 295720:20:02 filters tags by nonexistent name with wildcard 295820:20:02 uses ::Gitlab::UntrustedRegexp for regex filter 295920:20:02 when search is not a string 296020:20:03 returns no matches 296120:20:03# [RSpecRunTime] RSpec elapsed time: 17 minutes 35.95 seconds. Current RSS: ~1425M. Threads: 4. load average: 1.26 1.22 1.28 1/297 11544 296320:20:03 filter and sort 296420:20:03 when sort by updated_desc 296520:20:03 filters tags by name 296620:20:03 when sort by updated_asc 296720:20:03 filters tags by name 296820:20:03 with Gitaly pagination 296920:20:03 by page_token and per_page 297020:20:03 filters tags 297120:20:03 by next page_token and per_page 297220:20:03 filters branches 297320:20:03 by per_page only 297420:20:03 filters branches 297520:20:03 when per_page is over the limit 297620:20:03 limits the maximum number of elements 297720:20:03 by page_token only 297820:20:03 raises an error 297920:20:03 pagination and sort 298120:20:04 filters branches 298220:20:04 by page_token and per_page 298320:20:04 filters branches 298420:20:04 pagination and search 298520:20:04 ignores the pagination for search 298620:20:04 when Gitaly is unavailable 298720:20:04 raises an exception 298820:20:04 #next_cursor 298920:20:04 always nil before #execute call 299020:20:04 after #execute 299120:20:04 with gitaly pagination 299220:20:04 without pagination params 299320:20:04 is expected to be nil 299420:20:04 with pagination params 299520:20:04 is expected to be present 299620:20:04 when all objects can be returned on the same page 299720:20:04 is expected to be present 299820:20:04 without gitaly pagination 299920:20:04 without pagination params 300020:20:04 is expected to be nil 300120:20:04 with pagination params 300220:20:05 is expected to be nil 300320:20:05 when all objects can be returned on the same page 300420:20:05 is expected to be nil 300520:20:05# [RSpecRunTime] Finishing example group spec/finders/tags_finder_spec.rb. It took 4.91 seconds. Expected to take 14.35 seconds. 300620:20:05# [RSpecRunTime] Starting example group spec/lib/gitlab/audit/auditor_spec.rb. Expected to take 13.65 seconds. 300720:20:05Gitlab::Audit::Auditor 300920:20:05 when yaml definition is not defined 301020:20:05 raises an error 301120:20:05 when yaml definition is defined 301220:20:06 does not raise an error 301320:20:06 when authentication event 301420:20:06 creates an authentication event 301520:20:06 logs audit events to database 301620:20:07 logs audit events to file 301720:20:07 when overriding the create datetime 301820:20:07 logs audit events to database 301920:20:07 logs audit events to file 302020:20:07# [RSpecRunTime] RSpec elapsed time: 17 minutes 40.65 seconds. Current RSS: ~1481M. Threads: 4. load average: 1.24 1.21 1.27 1/298 11641 302220:20:07 when overriding the additional_details 302320:20:08 logs audit events to database 302420:20:08 logs audit events to file 302520:20:08 when overriding the target_details 302620:20:08 logs audit events to database 302720:20:09 logs audit events to file 302820:20:09 when authentication event is false 302920:20:09 does not create an authentication event 303020:20:09 with permitted target 303120:20:09 with feature_flag 303220:20:09 logs audit events to database 303320:20:09 when authentication event is invalid 303420:20:10 tracks error 303520:20:10 does not throw exception 303620:20:10 when audit events are invalid 303720:20:10 tracks error 303820:20:11 does not throw exception 303920:20:11 when audit event is not saved in database due to some database infra issue 304020:20:11 calls log_to_file_and_stream with in memory events 304120:20:11 does not throw exception 304220:20:11# [RSpecRunTime] Finishing example group spec/lib/gitlab/audit/auditor_spec.rb. It took 6.54 seconds. Expected to take 13.65 seconds. 304320:20:11# [RSpecRunTime] Starting example group spec/lib/gitlab/untrusted_regexp_spec.rb. Expected to take 13.56 seconds. 304420:20:11Gitlab::UntrustedRegexp 304620:20:11 invalid regexp 304720:20:12 is expected to raise RegexpError 304820:20:12 #replace_all 304920:20:12 replaces all instances of the match in a string 305020:20:12 #replace_gsub 305120:20:12 replaces all instances of the match in a string 305220:20:12 limits the number of replacements 305320:20:12 replaces nothing when no match 305420:20:12 handles empty text 305620:20:12 replaces the first instance of the match in a string 305820:20:12 returns true for a match 305920:20:12 returns false for no match 306020:20:12 can handle regular expressions in multiline mode 306220:20:12 malicious regexp 306320:20:12 takes under a second 306420:20:12 matching regexp 306520:20:13 returns an array of nil matches 306620:20:13 non-matching regexp 306720:20:13 returns an array of nil matches 306920:20:13 malicious regexp 307020:20:13 takes under a second 307120:20:13 empty regexp 307220:20:13 returns an array of nil matches 307320:20:13 empty capture group regexp 307420:20:13 returns an array of nil matches in an array 307520:20:13 no capture group 307620:20:13 returns the whole match 307720:20:13 one capture group 307820:20:13 returns the captured part 307920:20:13 two capture groups 308020:20:13 returns the captured parts 308120:20:13 #extract_named_group 308220:20:13 returns values for both named groups 308320:20:13 returns nil if there was no match for group 308420:20:13 returns nil if match is nil 308520:20:13 raises if name is not a capture group 308720:20:13 when there are matches 308820:20:14 returns a match object 308920:20:14 when there are no matches 309120:20:14# [RSpecRunTime] Finishing example group spec/lib/gitlab/untrusted_regexp_spec.rb. It took 2.44 seconds. Expected to take 13.56 seconds. 309220:20:14# [RSpecRunTime] Starting example group spec/tooling/lib/tooling/find_changes_spec.rb. Expected to take 12.78 seconds. 309320:20:14Tooling::FindChanges 309520:20:14 when there is no changed files file 309620:20:14 raises an ArgumentError 309720:20:14 when fetching changes from API 309820:20:14 calls GitLab API to retrieve the MR diff 309920:20:14 when used with file_filter 310020:20:14 only writes matching files to output 310120:20:14 when used with only_new_paths 310220:20:14 only writes new file paths to output 310320:20:14 when fetching changes from changed files 310420:20:14 does not call GitLab API to retrieve the MR diff 310520:20:14 when there are no file changes 310620:20:14 writes an empty string to changed files file 310720:20:14 when there are file changes 310820:20:15 does not change the changed files file 310920:20:15 when there is no matched tests file 311020:20:15 does not add frontend fixtures mapping to the changed files file 311120:20:15 when there is no frontend fixture files 311220:20:15 does not add frontend fixtures mapping to the changed files file 311320:20:15 when the matched tests file and frontend fixture files are provided 311420:20:15 when there are no mappings for the matched tests 311520:20:15 does not change the changed files file 311620:20:15 when there are available mappings for the matched tests 311720:20:15 when the changed files file is initially empty 311820:20:15 adds the frontend fixtures mappings to the changed files file 311920:20:15 when the changed files file is initially not empty 312020:20:15 adds the frontend fixtures mappings to the changed files file 312120:20:15 #only_allowed_files_changed 312220:20:15 when fetching changes from changed files 312320:20:15 when changed files contain only *.js changes 312420:20:15 returns true 312520:20:15 when changed files contain both *.vue and *.js changes 312620:20:15 returns true 312720:20:15 when changed files contain not allowed changes 312820:20:15 returns false 312920:20:15 when fetching changes from API 313020:20:15 when a file is passed as an argument 313120:20:15 calls GitLab API 313220:20:15 when there are no file changes 313320:20:15 returns false 313420:20:15 when there are changes to files other than JS files 313520:20:15 returns false 313620:20:15 when there are changes only to JS files 313720:20:15 returns true 313920:20:15 when fetching changes from unknown 314020:20:16 raises an ArgumentError 314120:20:16 #gitlab_token 314220:20:16 sets to PROJECT_TOKEN_FOR_CI_SCRIPTS_API_USAGE 314320:20:16 when FIND_CHANGES_API_TOKEN is set 314420:20:16 sets to PROJECT_TOKEN_FOR_CI_SCRIPTS_API_USAGE 314520:20:16 when FIND_CHANGES_MERGE_REQUEST_PROJECT_PATH is set 314620:20:16 sets to PROJECT_TOKEN_FOR_CI_SCRIPTS_API_USAGE 314720:20:16 when PROJECT_TOKEN_FOR_CI_SCRIPTS_API_USAGE is not set 314820:20:16 sets to an empty string 314920:20:16 #mr_project_path 315020:20:16 sets to CI_MERGE_REQUEST_PROJECT_PATH 315120:20:16 when FIND_CHANGES_MERGE_REQUEST_PROJECT_PATH is set 315220:20:16 sets to FIND_CHANGES_MERGE_REQUEST_PROJECT_PATH 315420:20:16 sets to CI_MERGE_REQUEST_PROJECT_PATH 315520:20:16 when FIND_CHANGES_MERGE_REQUEST_PROJECT_PATH is set 315620:20:16 sets to FIND_CHANGES_MERGE_REQUEST_PROJECT_PATH 315720:20:16# [RSpecRunTime] Finishing example group spec/tooling/lib/tooling/find_changes_spec.rb. It took 2.69 seconds. Expected to take 12.78 seconds. 315820:20:16# [RSpecRunTime] Starting example group spec/lib/gitlab/ci/status/build/unschedule_spec.rb. Expected to take 12.56 seconds. 315920:20:16Gitlab::Ci::Status::Build::Unschedule 316120:20:17 is expected to eq "unschedule action" 316220:20:17 action details 316320:20:17 #has_action? 316420:20:17 when user is allowed to update build 316520:20:17 is expected to have action 316620:20:17 when user is not allowed to update build 316720:20:18 is expected not to have action 316820:20:18 #action_path 316920:20:19 is expected to include "29/unschedule" 317020:20:19 #action_icon 317120:20:20 is expected to eq "time-out" 317220:20:20 #action_title 317320:20:20 is expected to eq "Unschedule" 317420:20:20 #action_button_title 317520:20:21 is expected to eq "Unschedule job" 317720:20:21 when build is scheduled 317820:20:21 when build unschedules an delayed job 317920:20:22 is a correct match 318020:20:22 when build unschedules an normal job 318120:20:22 does not match 318220:20:22 #status_tooltip 318320:20:23 does not override status status_tooltip 318420:20:23 #badge_tooltip 318520:20:23 does not override status badge_tooltip 318620:20:23# [RSpecRunTime] Finishing example group spec/lib/gitlab/ci/status/build/unschedule_spec.rb. It took 6.97 seconds. Expected to take 12.56 seconds. 318720:20:23# [RSpecRunTime] Starting example group spec/finders/namespaces/projects_finder_spec.rb. Expected to take 12.26 seconds. 318820:20:23Namespaces::ProjectsFinder 319020:20:26 without a namespace 319120:20:26 returns an empty array 319220:20:26# [RSpecRunTime] RSpec elapsed time: 17 minutes 59.3 seconds. Current RSS: ~1398M. Threads: 4. load average: 1.18 1.20 1.27 1/292 11642 319420:20:26 with a namespace 319520:20:26 when namespace is group 319620:20:26 returns the project for the namespace 319720:20:26 when namespace is project 319820:20:26 returns empty array 319920:20:26 when include_sibling_projects is provided 320020:20:26 returns the projects from project's parent group 320120:20:26 when not_aimed_for_deletion is provided 320220:20:26 returns all projects not aimed for deletion for the namespace 320320:20:26 when include_subgroups is provided 320420:20:27 returns all projects for the namespace 320520:20:27 when ids are provided 320620:20:27 returns all projects for the ids 320720:20:27 when not_aimed_for_deletion is provided 320820:20:27 returns all projects not aimed for deletion for the namespace 320920:20:27 for include_archived parameter 321020:20:27 when include_archived is not provided 321120:20:27 returns archived and non-archived projects 321220:20:27 when include_archived is true 321320:20:27 returns archived and non-archived projects 321420:20:27 when include_archived is false 321520:20:27 returns ONLY non-archived projects 321620:20:27 when ids are provided 321720:20:27 returns all projects for the ids 321820:20:27 when with_issues_enabled is true 321920:20:28 returns the projects that have issues enabled 322020:20:28 when with_merge_requests_enabled is true 322120:20:28 returns the projects that have merge requests enabled 322220:20:28 when sort is similarity 322320:20:28 returns projects by similarity 322420:20:28 when search parameter is missing 322520:20:28 returns all projects 322620:20:28 when sort parameter is missing 322720:20:28 returns matching projects 322820:20:28 when sort parameter is ACTIVITY_DESC 322920:20:29 returns projects sorted by latest activity 323020:20:29 as storage size 323120:20:29 in ascending order 323220:20:29 returns projects sorted by storage size 323320:20:29 in descending order 323420:20:29 returns projects sorted by storage size 323520:20:29# [RSpecRunTime] Finishing example group spec/finders/namespaces/projects_finder_spec.rb. It took 5.85 seconds. Expected to take 12.26 seconds. 323620:20:29# [RSpecRunTime] Starting example group spec/lib/gitlab/ci/reports/codequality_reports_comparer_spec.rb. Expected to take 11.81 seconds. 323720:20:29Gitlab::Ci::Reports::CodequalityReportsComparer 323920:20:29 when head report has an error 324020:20:29 returns status failed 324120:20:29 when head report does not have errors 324220:20:30 returns status success 324320:20:30 when head report does not exist 324420:20:30 returns status not found 324520:20:30 when base report does not exist 324620:20:30 returns status success 324720:20:30 #errors_count 324820:20:30 when head report has an error 324920:20:30 returns the number of new errors 325020:20:30 when head report does not have an error 325120:20:30 returns zero 325220:20:30 #resolved_count 325320:20:30 when base report has an error and head has a different error 325420:20:30 counts the base report error as resolved 325520:20:30 when base report has errors head has no errors 325620:20:30 counts the base report errors as resolved 325720:20:30 when base report has errors and head has the same error 325820:20:30 returns zero 325920:20:30 when base report does not have errors and head has errors 326020:20:30 returns zero 326120:20:30 when base report is nil 326220:20:30 returns zero 326320:20:30 #total_count 326420:20:30 when base report has an error 326520:20:30 returns zero 326620:20:30 when head report has an error 326720:20:31 includes the head report error in the count 326820:20:31 when base report has errors and head report has errors 326920:20:31 includes errors in the count 327020:20:31 when base report has errors and head report has the same error 327120:20:31 includes errors in the count 327220:20:31 when base report is nil 327320:20:31 returns zero 327420:20:31 #existing_errors 327520:20:31 when base report has errors and head has the same error 327620:20:31 includes the base report errors sorted by severity 327720:20:31 when base report has errors and head has a different error 327820:20:31 returns an empty array 327920:20:31 when base report does not have errors and head has errors 328020:20:31 returns an empty array 328120:20:31 when base report is nil 328220:20:31 returns an empty array 328420:20:31 when base report has errors and head has more errors 328520:20:31 includes errors not found in the base report sorted by severity 328620:20:31 when base report has an error and head has no errors 328720:20:31 returns an empty array 328820:20:31 when base report does not have errors and head has errors 328920:20:31 returns the head report error 329020:20:31 when base report is nil 329120:20:32 returns an empty array 329220:20:32 #resolved_errors 329320:20:32 when base report errors are still found in the head report 329420:20:32 returns an empty array 329520:20:32 when base report has errors and head has a different error 329620:20:32 returns the base report errors not found in the head report, sorted by severity 329720:20:32 when base report does not have errors and head has errors 329820:20:32 returns an empty array 329920:20:32 when base report is nil 330020:20:32 returns an empty array 330120:20:32# [RSpecRunTime] Finishing example group spec/lib/gitlab/ci/reports/codequality_reports_comparer_spec.rb. It took 2.74 seconds. Expected to take 11.81 seconds. 330220:20:32# [RSpecRunTime] Starting example group spec/lib/gitlab/database/transaction/context_spec.rb. Expected to take 11.71 seconds. 330320:20:32Gitlab::Database::Transaction::Context 330420:20:32 #set_start_time 330520:20:32 sets start_time 330620:20:32 #increment_savepoints 330720:20:32 is expected to eq 2 330820:20:32 #increment_rollbacks 330920:20:32 is expected to eq 3 331020:20:32 #increment_releases 331120:20:32 is expected to eq 4 331320:20:33 is expected to eq 2 331520:20:33 is expected to eq ["SELECT 1", "SELECT * FROM users"] 331620:20:33 #track_backtrace 331720:20:33 is expected to be a kind of Array 331820:20:33 is expected to all be a kind of Array 331920:20:33 is expected to eq 1 332020:20:33 is expected to be a kind of String 332120:20:33 appends the backtrace 332320:20:33 is expected to be >= 0 332420:20:33 when savepoints count exceeds threshold 332520:20:33 behaves like logs transaction data 332620:20:33 logs once upon COMMIT 332720:20:33 logs once upon ROLLBACK 332820:20:33 logs again when log throttle duration passes 332920:20:34 #should_log? returns true 333020:20:34 when duration exceeds threshold 333120:20:34 behaves like logs transaction data 333220:20:34 logs once upon COMMIT 333320:20:34 logs once upon ROLLBACK 333420:20:34 logs again when log throttle duration passes 333520:20:34 #should_log? returns true 333620:20:34 when there are too many external HTTP requests 333720:20:34 behaves like logs transaction data 333820:20:34 logs once upon COMMIT 333920:20:34 logs once upon ROLLBACK 334020:20:34 logs again when log throttle duration passes 334120:20:34 #should_log? returns true 334220:20:34 when there are too many too long external HTTP requests 334320:20:34 behaves like logs transaction data 334420:20:34 logs once upon COMMIT 334520:20:34 logs once upon ROLLBACK 334620:20:34 logs again when log throttle duration passes 334720:20:34 #should_log? returns true 334820:20:35# [RSpecRunTime] Finishing example group spec/lib/gitlab/database/transaction/context_spec.rb. It took 2.61 seconds. Expected to take 11.71 seconds. 334920:20:35# [RSpecRunTime] Starting example group spec/models/wiki_page/slug_spec.rb. Expected to take 11.27 seconds. 335020:20:35WikiPage::Slug 335120:20:35 does not allow STI 335220:20:35 Associations 335320:20:35 is expected to belong to wiki_page_meta required: false 335420:20:35 refers correctly to the wiki_page_meta 335720:20:35 there are no slugs 335820:20:36 is expected to be empty 335920:20:36 there are some non-canonical slugs 336020:20:36 is expected to be empty 336120:20:36 there is at least one canonical slugs 336220:20:37 is expected not to be empty 336420:20:37 is expected to validate that :slug is case-sensitively unique within the scope of :wiki_page_meta_id 336520:20:37 is expected to validate that the length of :slug is at most 2048 336620:20:37 is expected not to allow :slug to be ‹nil› 336720:20:37 only_one_slug_can_be_canonical_per_meta_record 336820:20:37 there are no other slugs 336920:20:37 is expected to be valid 337020:20:37 the current slug is canonical 337120:20:37 is expected to be valid 337220:20:37 there are other slugs, but they are not canonical 337320:20:37 is expected to be valid 337420:20:37 the current slug is canonical 337520:20:37 is expected to be valid 337620:20:37 there is already a canonical slug 337720:20:37 is expected to be valid 337820:20:37 the current slug is canonical 337920:20:38 is expected not to be valid 338020:20:38# [RSpecRunTime] Finishing example group spec/models/wiki_page/slug_spec.rb. It took 3.06 seconds. Expected to take 11.27 seconds. 338120:20:38# [RSpecRunTime] Starting example group spec/lib/gitlab/git/attributes_parser_spec.rb. Expected to take 11.17 seconds. 338220:20:38Gitlab::Git::AttributesParser 338420:20:38 using a path with attributes 338520:20:38 returns the attributes as a Hash 338620:20:38 returns a Hash containing multiple attributes 338720:20:38 returns a Hash containing attributes for a file with multiple extensions 338820:20:38 returns a Hash containing attributes for a file in a directory 338920:20:38 returns a Hash containing attributes with query string parameters 339020:20:38 returns a Hash containing the attributes for an absolute path 339120:20:38 returns a Hash containing the attributes when a pattern is defined using an absolute path 339220:20:39 returns an empty Hash for a defined path without attributes 339320:20:39 when the "binary" option is set for a path 339420:20:39 returns true for the "binary" option 339520:20:39 returns false for the "diff" option 339620:20:39# [RSpecRunTime] RSpec elapsed time: 18 minutes 12.08 seconds. Current RSS: ~1497M. Threads: 4. load average: 1.06 1.18 1.26 1/291 11643 339820:20:39 using a path without any attributes 339920:20:39 returns an empty Hash 340020:20:39 when attributes data is nil 340120:20:39 returns an empty Hash 340220:20:39 when attributes data has binary data 340320:20:39 returns an empty Hash 340520:20:39 parses a file with entries 340620:20:39 parses an entry that uses a tab to separate the pattern and attributes 340720:20:39 stores patterns in reverse order 340820:20:39 ignores any comments and empty lines 340920:20:39 #parse_attributes 341020:20:39 parses a boolean attribute 341120:20:40 parses a negated boolean attribute 341220:20:40 parses a key-value pair 341320:20:40 parses multiple attributes 341420:20:40 parses attributes with query string parameters 341620:20:40 iterates over every line in the attributes file 341720:20:40 unsupported encoding 341820:20:40 does not yield 341920:20:40# [RSpecRunTime] Finishing example group spec/lib/gitlab/git/attributes_parser_spec.rb. It took 2.54 seconds. Expected to take 11.17 seconds. 342020:20:40# [RSpecRunTime] Starting example group spec/models/analytics/cycle_analytics/merge_request_stage_event_spec.rb. Expected to take 10.74 seconds. 342120:20:40Analytics::CycleAnalytics::MergeRequestStageEvent 342220:20:40 does not allow STI 342320:20:41 is expected to validate that :stage_event_hash_id cannot be empty/falsy 342420:20:41 is expected to validate that :merge_request_id cannot be empty/falsy 342520:20:41 is expected to validate that :group_id cannot be empty/falsy 342620:20:41 is expected to validate that :project_id cannot be empty/falsy 342720:20:41 is expected to validate that :start_event_timestamp cannot be empty/falsy 342820:20:41 has state enum 342920:20:41 behaves like StageEventModel 343020:20:41 .upsert_data 343120:20:41 inserts the data 343220:20:41 does not produce duplicate rows 343320:20:41 inserts the data correctly 343420:20:41# [RSpecRunTime] RSpec elapsed time: 18 minutes 14.69 seconds. Current RSS: ~1515M. Threads: 4. load average: 1.06 1.18 1.26 1/291 11644 343720:20:43 filters by stage_event_hash_id 343820:20:44 filters by project_id 343920:20:44 filters by group_id 344020:20:44 filters by author_id 344120:20:44 filters by assignee 344220:20:44 filters by milestone_id 344320:20:44 start_event_timestamp filtering 344420:20:44 when range is given 344520:20:44 when specifying upper bound 344620:20:44 when specifying the lower bound 344720:20:44# [RSpecRunTime] RSpec elapsed time: 18 minutes 17.62 seconds. Current RSS: ~1505M. Threads: 4. load average: 1.06 1.17 1.26 1/297 11781 344920:20:44 end_event_timestamp filtering 345020:20:44 when range is given 345120:20:44 when specifying upper bound 345220:20:45 when specifying the lower bound 345420:20:45 calcualtes total time from the start_event_timestamp and end_event_timestamp columns 345520:20:45# [RSpecRunTime] Finishing example group spec/models/analytics/cycle_analytics/merge_request_stage_event_spec.rb. It took 4.6 seconds. Expected to take 10.74 seconds. 345620:20:45# [RSpecRunTime] Starting example group spec/tasks/gitlab/external_diffs_rake_spec.rb. Expected to take 10.68 seconds. 345720:20:45gitlab:external_diffs rake tasks 345820:20:45 force_object_storage task 345920:20:51 forces externally stored merge request diffs to object storage 346020:20:51 limits batches according to BATCH_SIZE, START_ID, and END_ID 346120:20:51# [RSpecRunTime] RSpec elapsed time: 18 minutes 24.25 seconds. Current RSS: ~1475M. Threads: 4. load average: 1.13 1.19 1.26 1/297 12188 346320:20:54# [RSpecRunTime] Finishing example group spec/tasks/gitlab/external_diffs_rake_spec.rb. It took 9.26 seconds. Expected to take 10.68 seconds. 346420:20:54# [RSpecRunTime] RSpec elapsed time: 18 minutes 27.47 seconds. Current RSS: ~1450M. Threads: 4. load average: 1.12 1.18 1.26 1/296 12189 346620:20:54# [RSpecRunTime] Starting example group spec/workers/auto_devops/disable_worker_spec.rb. Expected to take 10.23 seconds. 346720:20:54AutoDevops::DisableWorker#perform 346820:20:56 disables auto devops for project 346920:20:56 when project owner is a user 347020:20:58 sends an email to pipeline user and project owner(s) 347120:20:58# [RSpecRunTime] RSpec elapsed time: 18 minutes 31.57 seconds. Current RSS: ~1419M. Threads: 4. load average: 1.11 1.18 1.26 1/296 12246 347320:20:58 when project does not have owner 347420:21:00 sends an email to pipeline user 347520:21:00# [RSpecRunTime] RSpec elapsed time: 18 minutes 33.53 seconds. Current RSS: ~1410M. Threads: 4. load average: 1.11 1.18 1.26 1/296 12275 347720:21:00 when pipeline is not related to a user and project does not have owner 347820:21:02 does not send an email 347920:21:02# [RSpecRunTime] RSpec elapsed time: 18 minutes 35.47 seconds. Current RSS: ~1409M. Threads: 4. load average: 1.18 1.19 1.26 1/291 12304 348120:21:02# [RSpecRunTime] Finishing example group spec/workers/auto_devops/disable_worker_spec.rb. It took 8.13 seconds. Expected to take 10.23 seconds. 348220:21:02# [RSpecRunTime] Starting example group spec/models/group_group_link_spec.rb. Expected to take 10.19 seconds. 348320:21:02GroupGroupLink 348420:21:03 does not allow STI 348620:21:03 is expected to validate that :shared_group cannot be empty/falsy 348720:21:03 is expected to validate that :shared_group_id is case-sensitively unique within the scope of :shared_with_group_id, producing a custom validation error on failure 348820:21:03 is expected to validate that :shared_with_group cannot be empty/falsy 348920:21:03 is expected to validate that :group_access cannot be empty/falsy 349020:21:03 is expected to validate that :group_access is either ‹10›, ‹20›, ‹30›, or ‹40› 349220:21:03 is expected to belong to shared_group required: false 349320:21:03 is expected to belong to shared_with_group required: false 349520:21:03 for scopes fetching records based on access levels 349720:21:04 returns all records which are greater than Guests access 349820:21:04 .with_owner_or_maintainer_access 349920:21:04 returns all records which have OWNER or MAINTAINER access 350020:21:04 .with_owner_access 350120:21:05 returns all records which have OWNER access 350220:21:05 .with_developer_access 350320:21:05 returns all records which have DEVELOPER access 350420:21:05 .with_developer_maintainer_owner_access 350520:21:05 returns all records which have DEVELOPER, MAINTAINER or OWNER access 350620:21:05 for access via group shares 350720:21:05 .groups_accessible_via 350820:21:05 returns other groups that you can get access to, via the group shares of the specified groups 350920:21:05 .groups_having_access_to 351020:21:06 returns all other groups that are having access to these specified groups, via group share 351120:21:06 .distinct_on_shared_with_group_id_with_group_access 351220:21:06 returns only one group link per group (with max group access) 351320:21:06 #human_access 351420:21:06 delegates to Gitlab::Access 351520:21:06 search by group name 351620:21:06 is expected to eq [#<GroupGroupLink id: 35, created_at: "2024-08-23 20:21:06.834318529 +0000", updated_at: "2024-08-23 ...group_id: 2602, shared_with_group_id: 2579, expires_at: nil, group_access: 20, member_role_id: nil>] 351720:21:07 is expected to be empty 351820:21:07# [RSpecRunTime] Finishing example group spec/models/group_group_link_spec.rb. It took 4.37 seconds. Expected to take 10.19 seconds. 351920:21:07# [RSpecRunTime] Starting example group spec/validators/ip_cidr_validator_spec.rb. Expected to take 9.7 seconds. 352020:21:07IpCidrValidator 352120:21:07 cidr: "", validity: false, errors: {:cidr=>["IP '' is not a valid CIDR: IP should be followed by a slash followed by an integer subnet mask (for example: '')"]} 352220:21:07 is expected to eq false 352320:21:07 is expected to eq {:cidr=>["IP '' is not a valid CIDR: IP should be followed by a slash followed by an integer subnet mask (for example: '')"]} 352420:21:07 cidr: "", validity: false, errors: {:cidr=>["IP '' is not a valid CIDR: Invalid netmask 256"]} 352520:21:07 is expected to eq false 352620:21:07 is expected to eq {:cidr=>["IP '' is not a valid CIDR: Invalid netmask 256"]} 352720:21:07 cidr: "", validity: true, errors: {} 352820:21:07 is expected to eq true 352920:21:07 is expected to eq {} 353020:21:07 cidr: "", validity: false, errors: {:cidr=>["IP '' is not a valid CIDR: IP should be followed by a slash followed by an integer subnet mask (for example: '')"]} 353120:21:07 is expected to eq false 353220:21:08 is expected to eq {:cidr=>["IP '' is not a valid CIDR: IP should be followed by a slash followed by an integer subnet mask (for example: '')"]} 353320:21:08 cidr: "", validity: true, errors: {} 353420:21:08 is expected to eq true 353520:21:08 is expected to eq {} 353620:21:08 cidr: "2001:db8::8:800:200c:417a/129", validity: false, errors: {:cidr=>["IP '2001:db8::8:800:200c:417a/129' is not a valid CIDR: Prefix must be in range 0..128, got: 129"]} 353720:21:08 is expected to eq false 353820:21:08 is expected to eq {:cidr=>["IP '2001:db8::8:800:200c:417a/129' is not a valid CIDR: Prefix must be in range 0..128, got: 129"]} 353920:21:08 cidr: "2001:db8::8:800:200c:417a/128", validity: true, errors: {} 354020:21:08 is expected to eq true 354120:21:08 is expected to eq {} 354220:21:08 cidr: "2001:db8::8:800:200c:417a", validity: false, errors: {:cidr=>["IP '2001:db8::8:800:200c:417a' is not a valid CIDR: IP should be followed by a slash followed by an integer subnet mask (for example: '')"]} 354320:21:08 is expected to eq false 354420:21:08 is expected to eq {:cidr=>["IP '2001:db8::8:800:200c:417a' is not a valid CIDR: IP should be followed by a slash followed by an integer subnet mask (for example: '')"]} 354520:21:08 cidr: "invalid-CIDR", validity: false, errors: {:cidr=>["IP 'invalid-CIDR' is not a valid CIDR: IP should be followed by a slash followed by an integer subnet mask (for example: '')"]} 354620:21:08 is expected to eq false 354720:21:08 is expected to eq {:cidr=>["IP 'invalid-CIDR' is not a valid CIDR: IP should be followed by a slash followed by an integer subnet mask (for example: '')"]} 354820:21:08 cidr: "|256", validity: false, errors: {:cidr=>["IP '|256' is not a valid CIDR: IP should be followed by a slash followed by an integer subnet mask (for example: '')"]} 354920:21:09 is expected to eq false 355020:21:09 is expected to eq {:cidr=>["IP '|256' is not a valid CIDR: IP should be followed by a slash followed by an integer subnet mask (for example: '')"]} 355120:21:09 cidr: nil, validity: true, errors: {} 355220:21:09 is expected to eq true 355320:21:09 is expected to eq {} 355420:21:09# [RSpecRunTime] Finishing example group spec/validators/ip_cidr_validator_spec.rb. It took 2.29 seconds. Expected to take 9.7 seconds. 355520:21:09# [RSpecRunTime] Starting example group spec/lib/banzai/filter/markdown_filter_spec.rb. Expected to take 9.68 seconds. 355620:21:09Banzai::Filter::MarkdownFilter 355720:21:09 properly handles mixture with HTML comments and raw markdown 355820:21:09 markdown engine from context 355920:21:09 finds the correct engine 356020:21:09 defaults to the GLFM_ENGINE 356120:21:09 raise error for unrecognized engines 356220:21:09 parse_sourcepos 356320:21:09 sourcepos: "1:1-1:4", expected: {:start=>{:row=>0, :col=>0}, :end=>{:row=>0, :col=>3}} 356420:21:10 correctly parses 356520:21:10 sourcepos: "12:22-1:456", expected: {:start=>{:row=>11, :col=>21}, :end=>{:row=>0, :col=>455}} 356620:21:10 correctly parses 356720:21:10 sourcepos: "0:0-0:0", expected: {:start=>{:row=>0, :col=>0}, :end=>{:row=>0, :col=>0}} 356820:21:10 correctly parses 356920:21:10 sourcepos: "-1:2-3:-4", expected: nil 357020:21:10 correctly parses 357220:21:10 adds language to lang attribute when specified 357320:21:10 does not add language to lang attribute when not specified 357420:21:10 works with utf8 chars in language 357520:21:11 works with additional language parameters 357620:21:11 source line position 357720:21:11 defaults to add data-sourcepos 357820:21:12 disables data-sourcepos 357920:21:12 footnotes in tables 358020:21:12 processes footnotes in table cells 358120:21:12 multiline blockquotes 358220:21:12 works and has correct data-sourcepos references 358320:21:12 math support 358420:21:12 recognizes math syntax 358620:21:12 does nothing when :autolink is false 358720:21:12 autolinks https 358820:21:12 autolinks any scheme 358920:21:12# [RSpecRunTime] Finishing example group spec/lib/banzai/filter/markdown_filter_spec.rb. It took 3.36 seconds. Expected to take 9.68 seconds. 359020:21:12# [RSpecRunTime] Starting example group spec/lib/gitlab/auth/unique_ips_limiter_spec.rb. Expected to take 9.18 seconds. 359120:21:12Gitlab::Auth::UniqueIpsLimiter 359220:21:12 #count_unique_ips 359320:21:13 resets count after specified time window 359420:21:13 non unique IPs 359520:21:14 properly counts them 359620:21:14# [RSpecRunTime] RSpec elapsed time: 18 minutes 47.3 seconds. Current RSS: ~1514M. Threads: 4. load average: 1.16 1.19 1.26 1/291 12305 359920:21:15 properly counts them 360020:21:15 #limit_user! 360120:21:16 allows user authenticating from the same ip 360220:21:17 blocks user authenticating from two distinct ips 360320:21:17 allow 2 unique ips 360420:21:18 blocks user trying to login from third ip 360520:21:19# [RSpecRunTime] RSpec elapsed time: 18 minutes 51.88 seconds. Current RSS: ~1559M. Threads: 4. load average: 1.22 1.20 1.27 1/294 12306 360720:21:19# [RSpecRunTime] Finishing example group spec/lib/gitlab/auth/unique_ips_limiter_spec.rb. It took 6.39 seconds. Expected to take 9.18 seconds. 360820:21:19# [RSpecRunTime] Starting example group spec/models/integrations/custom_issue_tracker_spec.rb. Expected to take 9.11 seconds. 360920:21:19Integrations::CustomIssueTracker 361020:21:19 does not allow STI 361220:21:19 when integration is active 361320:21:19 is expected to validate that :project_url cannot be empty/falsy 361420:21:19 is expected to validate that :issues_url cannot be empty/falsy 361520:21:19 is expected to validate that :new_issue_url cannot be empty/falsy 361620:21:19 behaves like issue tracker integration URL attribute 361820:21:20 is expected not to allow :project_url to be ‹"example.com"› 361920:21:20 is expected not to allow :project_url to be ‹"ftp://example.com"› 362020:21:20 is expected not to allow :project_url to be ‹"herp-and-derp"› 362120:21:20# [RSpecRunTime] RSpec elapsed time: 18 minutes 53.45 seconds. Current RSS: ~1555M. Threads: 4. load average: 1.22 1.20 1.27 1/294 12307 362320:21:20 behaves like issue tracker integration URL attribute 362520:21:21 is expected not to allow :issues_url to be ‹"example.com"› 362620:21:21 is expected not to allow :issues_url to be ‹"ftp://example.com"› 362720:21:21 is expected not to allow :issues_url to be ‹"herp-and-derp"› 362820:21:21 behaves like issue tracker integration URL attribute 363020:21:21 is expected not to allow :new_issue_url to be ‹"example.com"› 363120:21:21 is expected not to allow :new_issue_url to be ‹"ftp://example.com"› 363220:21:22 is expected not to allow :new_issue_url to be ‹"herp-and-derp"› 363320:21:22 when integration is inactive 363420:21:22 is expected not to validate that :project_url cannot be empty/falsy 363520:21:22 is expected not to validate that :issues_url cannot be empty/falsy 363620:21:22 is expected not to validate that :new_issue_url cannot be empty/falsy 363720:21:22# [RSpecRunTime] Finishing example group spec/models/integrations/custom_issue_tracker_spec.rb. It took 3.36 seconds. Expected to take 9.11 seconds. 363820:21:22# [RSpecRunTime] Starting example group spec/presenters/projects/import_export/project_export_presenter_spec.rb. Expected to take 8.88 seconds. 363920:21:22Projects::ImportExport::ProjectExportPresenter 364020:21:23 #description 364120:21:23 override_description not provided 364220:21:23 keeps original description 364320:21:23 override_description provided 364420:21:23 overrides description 364620:21:23 override_description not provided 364720:21:23 keeps original description 364820:21:23 override_description provided 364920:21:23 overrides description 365020:21:23 #protected_branches 365120:21:23 returns the project exported protected branches 365220:21:23 #project_members 365320:21:24 does not export group members if it has no permission 365420:21:24 does not export group members as maintainer 365520:21:25 exports group members as group owner 365720:21:25 when admin mode is enabled 365820:21:25 exports group members as admin 365920:21:26 exports group members as project members 366020:21:26# [RSpecRunTime] RSpec elapsed time: 18 minutes 58.99 seconds. Current RSS: ~1550M. Threads: 4. load average: 1.20 1.20 1.26 1/294 12308 366220:21:26 when admin mode is disabled 366320:21:26 does not export group members 366420:21:26# [RSpecRunTime] Finishing example group spec/presenters/projects/import_export/project_export_presenter_spec.rb. It took 4.15 seconds. Expected to take 8.88 seconds. 366520:21:26# [RSpecRunTime] Starting example group spec/graphql/resolvers/users_resolver_spec.rb. Expected to take 8.57 seconds. 366620:21:26Resolvers::UsersResolver 366720:21:27 is expected to have nullable GraphQL type UserCoreConnection 366920:21:27 when no arguments are passed 367020:21:27 returns all users 367120:21:27 when both ids and usernames are passed 367220:21:27 generates an error 367320:21:27 when a set of IDs is passed 367420:21:27 returns those users 367520:21:27 when a set of usernames is passed 367620:21:27 returns those users 367720:21:27 when admins is true 367820:21:28 returns only admins 367920:21:28 when active is true 368020:21:28 returns only active users 368120:21:28 when active is false 368220:21:28 returns only non-active users 368320:21:28 when humans is true 368420:21:28 returns only human users 368520:21:28 when humans is false 368620:21:28 returns only non-human users 368720:21:28 when a search term is passed 368820:21:28 returns all users who match 368920:21:28 when a set of group_id is passed 369020:21:29 returns direct and indirect members of the group 369120:21:29 raise an no resource not available error if the group do not exist group 369220:21:29 when user cannot read group 369320:21:29 raise an no resource not available error the user cannot read the group 369420:21:29# [RSpecRunTime] RSpec elapsed time: 19 minutes 2.65 seconds. Current RSS: ~1541M. Threads: 4. load average: 1.19 1.19 1.26 1/295 12309 369620:21:29 with anonymous access 369720:21:29 prohibits search without usernames passed 369820:21:29 prohibits search by username 369920:21:30# [RSpecRunTime] Finishing example group spec/graphql/resolvers/users_resolver_spec.rb. It took 3.44 seconds. Expected to take 8.57 seconds. 370020:21:30# [RSpecRunTime] Starting example group spec/models/blob_viewer/readme_spec.rb. Expected to take 8.51 seconds. 370120:21:30BlobViewer::Readme 370220:21:30 does not allow STI 370320:21:30 #render_error 370420:21:30 when there is no wiki 370520:21:31 returns :no_wiki 370620:21:31# [RSpecRunTime] RSpec elapsed time: 19 minutes 4.53 seconds. Current RSS: ~1528M. Threads: 4. load average: 1.19 1.19 1.26 1/294 12356 370820:21:31 when there is an external wiki 371020:21:32# [RSpecRunTime] RSpec elapsed time: 19 minutes 5.7 seconds. Current RSS: ~1521M. Threads: 4. load average: 1.17 1.19 1.26 1/294 12393 371220:21:32 when there is a local wiki 371320:21:32 when the wiki is empty 371420:21:33 returns :no_wiki 371520:21:34# [RSpecRunTime] RSpec elapsed time: 19 minutes 6.89 seconds. Current RSS: ~1520M. Threads: 4. load average: 1.17 1.19 1.26 1/294 12440 371720:21:34 when the wiki is not empty 371920:21:35# [RSpecRunTime] RSpec elapsed time: 19 minutes 8.55 seconds. Current RSS: ~1524M. Threads: 4. load average: 1.17 1.19 1.26 1/299 12587 372120:21:35# [RSpecRunTime] Finishing example group spec/models/blob_viewer/readme_spec.rb. It took 5.72 seconds. Expected to take 8.51 seconds. 372220:21:35# [RSpecRunTime] Starting example group spec/services/ci/job_artifacts/expire_project_build_artifacts_service_spec.rb. Expected to take 8.2 seconds. 372320:21:35Ci::JobArtifacts::ExpireProjectBuildArtifactsService 372520:21:36 with job containing erasable artifacts 372620:21:36Job arguments to FlushCounterIncrementsWorker must be native JSON types, but :build_artifacts_size is a Symbol. 372820:21:36To disable this error, add `Sidekiq.strict_args!(false)` to your initializer. 372920:21:37 unlocks erasable job artifacts 373020:21:37 expires erasable job artifacts 373120:21:37# [RSpecRunTime] RSpec elapsed time: 19 minutes 10.06 seconds. Current RSS: ~1520M. Threads: 4. load average: 1.17 1.19 1.26 1/299 12588 373320:21:37 with job containing trace artifacts 373420:21:37 does not unlock trace artifacts 373520:21:37 does not expire trace artifacts 373620:21:37 with job from artifact locked pipeline 373720:21:37 does not unlock locked artifacts 373820:21:37 does not expire locked artifacts 373920:21:37 with job containing both erasable and trace artifacts 374020:21:38 unlocks erasable artifacts 374120:21:38 expires erasable artifacts 374220:21:38 does not unlock trace artifacts 374320:21:38 does not expire trace artifacts 374420:21:38 with multiple pipelines 374520:21:38 unlocks artifacts across pipelines 374620:21:39 expires artifacts across pipelines 374720:21:39 with artifacts belonging to another project 374820:21:39Job arguments to FlushCounterIncrementsWorker must be native JSON types, but :build_artifacts_size is a Symbol. 375020:21:39To disable this error, add `Sidekiq.strict_args!(false)` to your initializer. 375120:21:39 does not unlock erasable artifacts in other projects 375220:21:39 does not expire erasable artifacts in other projects 375320:21:40# [RSpecRunTime] Finishing example group spec/services/ci/job_artifacts/expire_project_build_artifacts_service_spec.rb. It took 4.16 seconds. Expected to take 8.2 seconds. 375420:21:40# [RSpecRunTime] Starting example group spec/services/suggestions/outdate_service_spec.rb. Expected to take 8.1 seconds. 375520:21:40Suggestions::OutdateService 375720:21:40 when there is a change within multi-line suggestion range 375820:21:43 updates the outdatable suggestion record 375920:21:43# [RSpecRunTime] RSpec elapsed time: 19 minutes 16.62 seconds. Current RSS: ~1515M. Threads: 4. load average: 1.15 1.18 1.26 1/300 12987 376120:21:43 when there is no change within multi-line suggestion range 376220:21:47 does not outdates suggestion record 376320:21:47# [RSpecRunTime] RSpec elapsed time: 19 minutes 20.25 seconds. Current RSS: ~1509M. Threads: 4. load average: 1.21 1.20 1.26 1/300 13386 376520:21:47# [RSpecRunTime] Finishing example group spec/services/suggestions/outdate_service_spec.rb. It took 7.54 seconds. Expected to take 8.1 seconds. 376620:21:47# [RSpecRunTime] Starting example group spec/lib/gitlab/ci/templates/terraform_gitlab_ci_yaml_spec.rb. Expected to take 7.88 seconds. 376720:21:47Terraform.gitlab-ci.yml 376820:21:47 the created pipeline 376920:21:48 on master branch 377020:21:49Job arguments to MergeRequests::UpdateHeadPipelineWorker must be native JSON types, but {"pipeline_id"=>70} is a ActiveSupport::HashWithIndifferentAccess. 377220:21:49To disable this error, add `Sidekiq.strict_args!(false)` to your initializer. 377320:21:49 creates deprecation warning job 377420:21:50Job arguments to MergeRequests::UpdateHeadPipelineWorker must be native JSON types, but {"pipeline_id"=>71} is a ActiveSupport::HashWithIndifferentAccess. 377620:21:50To disable this error, add `Sidekiq.strict_args!(false)` to your initializer. 377720:21:50 creates init, validate,build terraform jobs as well as kics-iac-sast job 377820:21:50# [RSpecRunTime] RSpec elapsed time: 19 minutes 23.54 seconds. Current RSS: ~1472M. Threads: 4. load average: 1.21 1.20 1.26 1/299 13485 378020:21:50 outside the master branch 378120:21:51Job arguments to MergeRequests::UpdateHeadPipelineWorker must be native JSON types, but {"pipeline_id"=>72} is a ActiveSupport::HashWithIndifferentAccess. 378320:21:51To disable this error, add `Sidekiq.strict_args!(false)` to your initializer. 378420:21:51 creates deprecation warning job 378520:21:52Job arguments to MergeRequests::UpdateHeadPipelineWorker must be native JSON types, but {"pipeline_id"=>73} is a ActiveSupport::HashWithIndifferentAccess. 378720:21:52To disable this error, add `Sidekiq.strict_args!(false)` to your initializer. 378820:21:52 does not creates a deploy and a test job 378920:21:52# [RSpecRunTime] RSpec elapsed time: 19 minutes 25.06 seconds. Current RSS: ~1456M. Threads: 4. load average: 1.21 1.20 1.26 1/299 13502 379120:21:52 on merge request 379220:21:53 creates a pipeline with no jobs 379320:21:53# [RSpecRunTime] RSpec elapsed time: 19 minutes 26.27 seconds. Current RSS: ~1442M. Threads: 4. load average: 1.20 1.19 1.26 1/300 13615 379520:21:53# [RSpecRunTime] Finishing example group spec/lib/gitlab/ci/templates/terraform_gitlab_ci_yaml_spec.rb. It took 6.02 seconds. Expected to take 7.88 seconds. 379620:21:53# [RSpecRunTime] Starting example group spec/services/click_house/sync_strategies/base_sync_strategy_spec.rb. Expected to take 7.79 seconds. 379720:21:53ClickHouse::SyncStrategies::BaseSyncStrategy 379820:21:53 #csv_mapping 379920:21:53 raises a NotImplementedError 380120:21:53 when clickhouse is not configured 380220:21:53 skips execution 380320:21:53 when exclusive lease error happens 380420:21:54 skips execution 380520:21:54 #insert_query 380620:21:54 raises a NotImplementedError 380720:21:54 #projections 380820:21:54 raises a NotImplementedError 380920:21:54# [RSpecRunTime] Finishing example group spec/services/click_house/sync_strategies/base_sync_strategy_spec.rb. It took 0.75 second. Expected to take 7.79 seconds. 381020:21:54# [RSpecRunTime] Starting example group spec/models/ci/catalog/resources/components/usage_spec.rb. Expected to take 7.5 seconds. 381120:21:54Ci::Catalog::Resources::Components::Usage 381220:21:55 does not allow STI 381320:21:55 is expected to belong to catalog_resource class_name => Ci::Catalog::Resource required: false 381420:21:55 is expected to belong to component class_name => Ci::Catalog::Resources::Component required: false 381520:21:55 is expected to belong to project class_name => Project required: false 381720:21:55 is expected to validate that :component cannot be empty/falsy 381820:21:55 is expected to validate that :catalog_resource cannot be empty/falsy 381920:21:55 is expected to validate that :project cannot be empty/falsy 382020:21:55 is expected to validate that :used_by_project_id cannot be empty/falsy 382120:21:56 is expected to validate that :used_date is case-sensitively unique within the scope of :component_id and :used_by_project_id 382220:21:56# [RSpecRunTime] RSpec elapsed time: 19 minutes 29.08 seconds. Current RSS: ~1461M. Threads: 4. load average: 1.20 1.19 1.26 1/299 13616 382420:21:56 monthly partitioning 382520:21:57 drops partitions older than 12 months 382620:21:57# [RSpecRunTime] RSpec elapsed time: 19 minutes 30.1 seconds. Current RSS: ~1459M. Threads: 4. load average: 1.18 1.19 1.26 1/299 13617 383020:21:57 when used date is not provided 383120:21:57 sets the used date to today 383220:21:57 when used date is provided 383320:21:57 sets the given used date 383420:21:57# [RSpecRunTime] Finishing example group spec/models/ci/catalog/resources/components/usage_spec.rb. It took 3.38 seconds. Expected to take 7.5 seconds. 383520:21:57# [RSpecRunTime] Starting example group spec/lib/gitlab/ci/runner_releases_spec.rb. Expected to take 7.47 seconds. 383620:21:57Gitlab::Ci::RunnerReleases 383720:21:57 caching behavior 383820:21:57 when request results in timeout 383920:21:57 behaves like requests that follow cache status 384020:21:57 almost 5 seconds later 384120:21:57 returns cached releases 384220:21:57 after 5 seconds 384320:21:58 checks new releases 384420:21:58 behaves like a service implementing exponential backoff 384520:21:58 performs exponential backoff on requests 384620:21:58 behaves like a service implementing exponential backoff 384720:21:58 performs exponential backoff on requests 384820:21:58 when response is nil 384920:21:58 behaves like requests that follow cache status 385020:21:58 almost 5 seconds later 385120:21:58 returns cached releases 385220:21:58 after 5 seconds 385320:21:58 checks new releases 385420:21:58 behaves like a service implementing exponential backoff 385520:21:58 performs exponential backoff on requests 385620:21:58 when response is not nil 385720:21:58 behaves like requests that follow cache status 385820:21:58 almost 1 day later 385920:21:58 returns cached releases 386120:21:58 checks new releases 386320:21:58 when response is nil 386520:21:58 when response is not nil 386620:21:58 returns parsed and sorted Gitlab::VersionInfo objects 386720:21:58 when fetching runner releases is disabled 386920:21:58 when response contains unexpected input type 387020:21:59 is expected to be nil 387120:21:59 when response contains unexpected input array 387220:21:59 is expected to be nil 387320:21:59 #releases_by_minor 387420:21:59 when response is nil 387620:21:59 when response is not nil 387720:21:59 returns parsed and grouped Gitlab::VersionInfo objects 387820:21:59 when fetching runner releases is disabled 388020:21:59 when response contains unexpected input type 388120:21:59 is expected to be nil 388220:21:59 when response contains unexpected input array 388320:21:59 is expected to be nil 388520:21:59 is expected to be enabled 388620:21:59 when fetching runner releases is disabled 388720:21:59 is expected not to be enabled 388820:21:59# [RSpecRunTime] Finishing example group spec/lib/gitlab/ci/runner_releases_spec.rb. It took 2.23 seconds. Expected to take 7.47 seconds. 388920:21:59# [RSpecRunTime] Starting example group spec/services/work_items/callbacks/current_user_todos_spec.rb. Expected to take 7.18 seconds. 389020:21:59WorkItems::Callbacks::CurrentUserTodos 389120:22:02 #before_update_in_transaction 389220:22:02 when adding a todo 389320:22:02 when user has no access 389420:22:02 does add a todo 389520:22:02# [RSpecRunTime] RSpec elapsed time: 19 minutes 35.83 seconds. Current RSS: ~1481M. Threads: 4. load average: 1.25 1.20 1.26 1/296 13618 389720:22:02 when user has access 389820:22:03 creates a new todo for the user and the work item 389920:22:03 when marking as done 390020:22:03 when user has no access 390120:22:04 does not change todo status 390220:22:04 when resolving all todos of the work item 390320:22:04 resolves todos of the user for the work item 390420:22:04 when resolving a specific todo 390520:22:05 resolves todos of the user for the work item 390620:22:05# [RSpecRunTime] Finishing example group spec/services/work_items/callbacks/current_user_todos_spec.rb. It took 5.3 seconds. Expected to take 7.18 seconds. 390720:22:05# [RSpecRunTime] Starting example group spec/tasks/gitlab/doctor/secrets_rake_spec.rb. Expected to take 7.16 seconds. 390820:22:05gitlab:doctor:reset_encrypted_tokens 390920:22:05 doesn't do anything in DRY_RUN mode(default) 391020:22:06 properly parses parameters from the environment variables 391120:22:06 regenerates broken token if DRY_RUN is set to false 391220:22:09# [RSpecRunTime] Finishing example group spec/tasks/gitlab/doctor/secrets_rake_spec.rb. It took 4.55 seconds. Expected to take 7.16 seconds. 391320:22:09# [RSpecRunTime] RSpec elapsed time: 19 minutes 42.69 seconds. Current RSS: ~1399M. Threads: 4. load average: 1.23 1.20 1.26 1/294 13619 391520:22:09# [RSpecRunTime] Starting example group spec/components/pajamas/badge_component_spec.rb. Expected to take 6.87 seconds. 391620:22:09Pajamas::BadgeComponent 391820:22:10 is shown inside the badge 391920:22:10 HTML options 392020:22:10 get added as HTML attributes 392120:22:10 can be combined with component options in no particular order 392220:22:10 with custom CSS classes 392320:22:10 combines custom classes and component classes 392620:22:10 adds the correct icon and margin 392720:22:10 icon_classes 392920:22:10 combines custom classes and component classes 393120:22:10 combines custom classes and component classes 393320:22:10 adds the text as ARIA label 393520:22:10 makes the a badge a link 393720:22:10 variant: :muted 393820:22:10 adds variant class 393920:22:10 variant: :neutral 394020:22:11 adds variant class 394120:22:11 variant: :info 394220:22:11 adds variant class 394320:22:11 variant: :success 394420:22:11 adds variant class 394520:22:11 variant: :warning 394620:22:11 adds variant class 394720:22:11 variant: :danger 394820:22:11 adds variant class 394920:22:11 with unknown variant 395020:22:11 adds the default variant class 395120:22:11 content slot 395220:22:11 can be used instead of the text param 395320:22:11 takes presendence over the text param 395420:22:11# [RSpecRunTime] Finishing example group spec/components/pajamas/badge_component_spec.rb. It took 2.02 seconds. Expected to take 6.87 seconds. 395520:22:11# [RSpecRunTime] Starting example group spec/channels/noteable/notes_channel_spec.rb. Expected to take 6.83 seconds. 395620:22:11Noteable::NotesChannel 395720:22:13 with a personal access token 395820:22:13 with an api scoped personal access token 395920:22:13 subscribes to the given graphql subscription 396020:22:13# [RSpecRunTime] RSpec elapsed time: 19 minutes 46.21 seconds. Current RSS: ~1457M. Threads: 4. load average: 1.21 1.20 1.26 1/294 13646 396220:22:13 with a read_user personal access token 396320:22:13 does not subscribe to the given graphql subscription 396420:22:13 with a read_api and read_user personal access token 396520:22:13 subscribes to the given graphql subscription 396720:22:13 rejects the subscription when noteable params are missing 396920:22:13 behaves like handle subscription based on user access 397020:22:13 subscribes to the noteable stream when user has access 397120:22:13 rejects the subscription when the user does not have access 397220:22:13 on a merge request 397320:22:14 behaves like handle subscription based on user access 397420:22:14 subscribes to the noteable stream when user has access 397520:22:14 rejects the subscription when the user does not have access 397620:22:14# [RSpecRunTime] Finishing example group spec/channels/noteable/notes_channel_spec.rb. It took 3.1 seconds. Expected to take 6.83 seconds. 397720:22:14# [RSpecRunTime] Starting example group spec/views/dashboard/projects/shared/_common.html.haml_spec.rb. Expected to take 6.71 seconds. 397820:22:14dashboard/projects/shared/_common.html.haml 397920:22:15 when feature :your_work_projects_vue is disabled 398020:22:15 when projects exist 398120:22:15 shows the project the user is a member of in the list 398220:22:15 shows the "New project" button 398320:22:16 does not render starred_empty_state partial 398420:22:16 does not render #js-your-work-projects-app 398520:22:16# [RSpecRunTime] RSpec elapsed time: 19 minutes 49.3 seconds. Current RSS: ~1459M. Threads: 4. load average: 1.21 1.20 1.26 1/300 13757 398720:22:16 when projects do not exist 398820:22:16 does show the "New project" button 398920:22:16 does render starred_empty_state partial 399020:22:16 does not render #js-your-work-projects-app 399120:22:16 when feature :your_work_projects_vue is enabled 399220:22:16 when projects exist 399320:22:16 renders #js-your-work-projects-app and not legacy project list 399420:22:16 when projects do not exist 399520:22:17 renders #js-your-work-projects-app and does not render HAML empty state 399620:22:17# [RSpecRunTime] Finishing example group spec/views/dashboard/projects/shared/_common.html.haml_spec.rb. It took 2.2 seconds. Expected to take 6.71 seconds. 399720:22:17# [RSpecRunTime] Starting example group spec/lib/gitlab/ci/pipeline/expression/lexeme/matches_spec.rb. Expected to take 6.46 seconds. 399820:22:17Gitlab::Ci::Pipeline::Expression::Lexeme::Matches 400020:22:17 with non-evaluable operands 400120:22:17 creates a new instance of the token 400220:22:17 with evaluable operands 400320:22:17 creates a new instance of the token 400520:22:17 is an operator 400720:22:17 has a precedence 400920:22:17 when left and right do not match 401020:22:17 is expected to eq false 401120:22:17 when left and right match 401220:22:17 is expected to eq true 401320:22:17 when left is nil 401420:22:17 is expected to eq false 401520:22:17 when right is nil 401620:22:18 is expected to eq false 401720:22:18 when left and right are nil 401820:22:18 is expected to eq false 401920:22:18 when left is an empty string 402020:22:18 is expected to eq false 402120:22:18 when left and right are empty strings 402220:22:18 is expected to eq true 402320:22:18 when left is a multiline string and matches right 402420:22:18 is expected to eq true 402520:22:18 when left is a multiline string and does not match right 402620:22:18 is expected to eq false 402720:22:18 when a matching pattern uses regex flags 402820:22:18 is expected to eq true 402920:22:18 when a non-matching pattern uses regex flags 403020:22:18 is expected to eq false 403120:22:18 when right value is a regexp string 403220:22:18 when matching 403320:22:18 is expected to eq true 403420:22:18 when not matching 403520:22:18 is expected to eq false 403620:22:18# [RSpecRunTime] Finishing example group spec/lib/gitlab/ci/pipeline/expression/lexeme/matches_spec.rb. It took 1.77 seconds. Expected to take 6.46 seconds. 403720:22:18# [RSpecRunTime] Starting example group spec/workers/packages/cleanup/delete_orphaned_dependencies_worker_spec.rb. Expected to take 6.46 seconds. 403820:22:18Packages::Cleanup::DeleteOrphanedDependenciesWorker 403920:22:19 is expected to includes the CronjobQueue module 404020:22:19 is expected to be truthy 404220:22:20Job arguments to FlushCounterIncrementsWorker must be native JSON types, but :packages_size is a Symbol. 404420:22:20To disable this error, add `Sidekiq.strict_args!(false)` to your initializer. 404520:22:20 deletes only orphaned dependencies 404620:22:20 executes 3 queries 404720:22:20 when the worker is running for more than the max time 404820:22:20 sets the last processed dependency id in redis cache 404920:22:20# [RSpecRunTime] RSpec elapsed time: 19 minutes 53.65 seconds. Current RSS: ~1479M. Threads: 4. load average: 1.19 1.19 1.26 1/299 13758 405120:22:20 when the worker reaches the maximum number of batches 405220:22:20 iterates over only 1 batch 405320:22:21 sets the last processed dependency id in redis cache 405420:22:21 when the worker finishes processing in less than the max time 405520:22:21 clears the last processed last_processed_packages_dependency_id from redis cache 405620:22:21 when logging extra metadata 405720:22:21 logs the last proccessed id & the deleted rows count 405820:22:21# [RSpecRunTime] Finishing example group spec/workers/packages/cleanup/delete_orphaned_dependencies_worker_spec.rb. It took 2.48 seconds. Expected to take 6.46 seconds. 405920:22:21# [RSpecRunTime] Starting example group spec/services/environments/create_service_spec.rb. Expected to take 6.27 seconds. 406020:22:21Environments::CreateService 406220:22:22 creates an environment 406320:22:22 returns successful response 406420:22:22 with a cluster agent 406520:22:23 returns successful response 406620:22:23 when user does not have permission to read the agent 406720:22:23 returns an error 406820:22:23# [RSpecRunTime] RSpec elapsed time: 19 minutes 56.25 seconds. Current RSS: ~1484M. Threads: 4. load average: 1.18 1.19 1.26 1/299 13785 407020:22:23 when params contain invalid value 407120:22:23 does not create an environment 407220:22:23 returns an error 407320:22:23 when disallowed parameter is passed 407420:22:23 ignores the parameter 407520:22:23 when user is reporter 407620:22:23 does not create an environment 407720:22:24 returns an error 407820:22:24# [RSpecRunTime] Finishing example group spec/services/environments/create_service_spec.rb. It took 2.75 seconds. Expected to take 6.27 seconds. 407920:22:24# [RSpecRunTime] Starting example group spec/presenters/pages_domain_presenter_spec.rb. Expected to take 6.2 seconds. 408020:22:24PagesDomainPresenter 408120:22:24 needs_validation? 408220:22:24 pages_verification_enabled: false, traits: :unverified, expected: false 408320:22:24 is expected to eq false 408420:22:24 pages_verification_enabled: false, traits: [], expected: false 408520:22:24 is expected to eq false 408620:22:24 pages_verification_enabled: true, traits: :unverified, expected: true 408720:22:24 is expected to eq true 408820:22:24 pages_verification_enabled: true, traits: [], expected: false 408920:22:24 is expected to eq false 409020:22:24 show_auto_ssl_failed_warning? 409120:22:24 is expected to eq false 409220:22:24 when we failed to obtain Let's Encrypt's certificate 409320:22:25 is expected to eq true 409420:22:25 when Let's Encrypt integration is disabled 409520:22:25 is expected to eq false 409620:22:25 when domain is unverified 409720:22:25 is expected to eq false 409820:22:25 user_defined_certificate? 409920:22:25 when domain certificate is user provided 410020:22:25 is expected to eq true 410120:22:25 when domain is not persisted 410220:22:25 is expected to eq false 410320:22:25 when domain certificate is blank 410420:22:25 is expected to eq false 410520:22:25 when domain certificate source is gitlab_provided 410620:22:25 is expected to eq false 410720:22:25 when domain certificate has error 410820:22:25 is expected to eq false 410920:22:25# [RSpecRunTime] Finishing example group spec/presenters/pages_domain_presenter_spec.rb. It took 1.7 seconds. Expected to take 6.2 seconds. 411020:22:25# [RSpecRunTime] Starting example group spec/tasks/migrate/schema_check_rake_spec.rb. Expected to take 6.1 seconds. 411120:22:25schema_version_check rake task 411220:22:26 allows migrations on databases meeting the min schema version requirement 411320:22:26 raises an error when schema version is too old to migrate 411420:22:26 skips running validation when passed the skip env variable 411520:22:26 allows migrations on fresh databases 411620:22:29# [RSpecRunTime] Finishing example group spec/tasks/migrate/schema_check_rake_spec.rb. It took 3.64 seconds. Expected to take 6.1 seconds. 411720:22:29# [RSpecRunTime] RSpec elapsed time: 20 minutes 2.41 seconds. Current RSS: ~1468M. Threads: 4. load average: 1.16 1.19 1.26 1/294 13786 411920:22:29# [RSpecRunTime] Starting example group spec/lib/banzai/filter/inline_diff_filter_spec.rb. Expected to take 5.98 seconds. 412020:22:29Banzai::Filter::InlineDiffFilter 412120:22:29 adds inline diff span tags for deletions when using square brackets 412220:22:29 adds inline diff span tags for deletions when using curley braces 412320:22:29 does not add inline diff span tags when a closing tag is not provided 412420:22:30 adds inline span tags for additions when using square brackets 412520:22:30 adds inline span tags for additions when using curley braces 412620:22:30 does not add inline diff span tags when a closing addition tag is not provided 412720:22:30 does not add inline diff span tags when the tags do not match 412820:22:30 prevents user-land html being injected 412920:22:30 preserves content inside pre tags 413020:22:30 preserves content inside code tags 413120:22:30 preserves content inside tt tags 413220:22:30 protects against malicious backtracking 413320:22:30 behaves like pipeline timing check 413420:22:30 checks the pipeline timing 413520:22:30# [RSpecRunTime] RSpec elapsed time: 20 minutes 3.75 seconds. Current RSS: ~1476M. Threads: 4. load average: 1.16 1.19 1.26 1/294 13787 413720:22:30 behaves like limits the number of filtered items 413820:22:31 enforces limits 413920:22:31# [RSpecRunTime] Finishing example group spec/lib/banzai/filter/inline_diff_filter_spec.rb. It took 1.58 seconds. Expected to take 5.98 seconds. 414020:22:31# [RSpecRunTime] Starting example group spec/lib/gitlab/health_checks/db_check_spec.rb. Expected to take 5.84 seconds. 414120:22:31Gitlab::HealthChecks::DbCheck 414320:22:31 Check is passing 414420:22:31 is expected to include (have attributes {:name => "db_ping_success", :value => 1}) 414520:22:31 is expected to include (have attributes {:name => "db_ping_timeout", :value => 0}) 414620:22:31 is expected to include (have attributes {:name => "db_ping_latency_seconds", :value => (be >= 0)}) 414720:22:31 Check is misbehaving 414820:22:31 is expected to include (have attributes {:name => "db_ping_success", :value => 0}) 414920:22:31 is expected to include (have attributes {:name => "db_ping_timeout", :value => 0}) 415020:22:31 is expected to include (have attributes {:name => "db_ping_latency_seconds", :value => (be >= 0)}) 415120:22:31 Check is timeouting 415220:22:31 is expected to include (have attributes {:name => "db_ping_success", :value => 0}) 415320:22:31 is expected to include (have attributes {:name => "db_ping_timeout", :value => 1}) 415420:22:32 is expected to include (have attributes {:name => "db_ping_latency_seconds", :value => (be >= 0)}) 415620:22:32 Check returns ok 415720:22:32 is expected to have attributes {:success => true} 415820:22:32 Check is misbehaving 415920:22:32 is expected to have attributes {:message => "unexpected Db check result: error!", :success => false} 416020:22:32 Check is timeouting 416120:22:32 is expected to have attributes {:message => "Db check timed out", :success => false} 416220:22:32 Check is raising an unhandled exception 416320:22:32 is expected to have attributes {:message => "unexpected Db check result: unexpected error", :success => false} 416420:22:32 with multiple databases 416520:22:32 checks multiple databases 416620:22:32# [RSpecRunTime] Finishing example group spec/lib/gitlab/health_checks/db_check_spec.rb. It took 1.37 seconds. Expected to take 5.84 seconds. 416720:22:32# [RSpecRunTime] Starting example group spec/services/ml/create_model_service_spec.rb. Expected to take 5.79 seconds. 416820:22:32Ml::CreateModelService 417020:22:33 when model name is not supplied 417120:22:33 returns a model with errors 417220:22:34# [RSpecRunTime] RSpec elapsed time: 20 minutes 6.89 seconds. Current RSS: ~1509M. Threads: 4. load average: 1.15 1.18 1.26 1/294 13788 417420:22:34 when model name does not exist in the project 417520:22:34 creates a model 417620:22:34 when model name exists but project is different 417720:22:34 creates a model 417820:22:34 when model with name exists 417920:22:34 returns a model with errors 418020:22:34 when metadata are supplied, add them as metadata 418120:22:34 creates metadata records 418220:22:34 for metadata with duplicate keys, it does not create duplicate records 418320:22:34 raises an error 418420:22:34 for metadata with invalid keys, it does not create invalid records 418520:22:34 raises an error 418620:22:34# [RSpecRunTime] Finishing example group spec/services/ml/create_model_service_spec.rb. It took 2.39 seconds. Expected to take 5.79 seconds. 418720:22:34# [RSpecRunTime] Starting example group spec/workers/container_registry/cleanup_worker_spec.rb. Expected to take 5.71 seconds. 418820:22:34ContainerRegistry::CleanupWorker 419020:22:35 with no delete scheduled container repositories 419120:22:35 doesn't enqueue delete container repository jobs 419220:22:35 with delete scheduled container repositories 419320:22:35 enqueues delete container repository jobs 419420:22:35 with stale delete ongoing container repositories 419520:22:35 resets them and enqueue delete container repository jobs 419620:22:35 with stale ongoing repair details 419720:22:36 deletes them 419820:22:36 when on gitlab.com 419920:22:36 when the gitlab api is supported 420020:22:36 when there are pending projects to analyze 420120:22:36 enqueues record repair detail jobs 420220:22:36 when there are no pending projects to analyze 420320:22:36 behaves like does not enqueue record repair detail jobs 420420:22:36 does not enqueue record repair detail jobs 420520:22:36 when the Gitlab API is not supported 420620:22:36 behaves like does not enqueue record repair detail jobs 420720:22:36 does not enqueue record repair detail jobs 420820:22:36 when not on Gitlab.com 420920:22:36 behaves like does not enqueue record repair detail jobs 421020:22:36 does not enqueue record repair detail jobs 421120:22:36 when registry_data_repair_worker feature is disabled 421220:22:36 behaves like does not enqueue record repair detail jobs 421320:22:36 does not enqueue record repair detail jobs 421420:22:37# [RSpecRunTime] Finishing example group spec/workers/container_registry/cleanup_worker_spec.rb. It took 2.19 seconds. Expected to take 5.71 seconds. 421520:22:37# [RSpecRunTime] Starting example group spec/graphql/resolvers/crm/organizations_resolver_spec.rb. Expected to take 5.56 seconds. 421620:22:37Resolvers::Crm::OrganizationsResolver 421820:22:37 with unauthorized user 421920:22:37 does not rise an error and returns no crm_organizations 422020:22:37 with authorized user 422120:22:37 does not rise an error and returns all crm_organizations in the correct order 422220:22:37 without parent 422320:22:37 returns no crm_organizations 422420:22:37 with a group parent 422520:22:37 when no filter is provided 422620:22:38 returns all the crm_organizations in the default order 422720:22:38 when a sort is provided 422820:22:38 returns all the crm_organizations in the correct order 422920:22:38 when filtering for all states 423020:22:38 returns all the crm_organizations 423120:22:38 when search term is provided 423220:22:38 returns the correct crm_organizations 423320:22:38 when state is provided 423420:22:39 returns the correct crm_organizations 423520:22:39 when ids are provided 423620:22:39 returns the correct crm_organizations 423720:22:39# [RSpecRunTime] Finishing example group spec/graphql/resolvers/crm/organizations_resolver_spec.rb. It took 2.35 seconds. Expected to take 5.56 seconds. 423820:22:39# [RSpecRunTime] Starting example group spec/lib/declarative_enum_spec.rb. Expected to take 5.49 seconds. 423920:22:39DeclarativeEnum 424120:22:39 when the argument is set 424220:22:39 changes the key 424320:22:39 when the argument is `nil` 424420:22:39 is expected to eq :my_enum 424620:22:39 when the argument is set 424720:22:39 changes the name 424820:22:39 when the argument is `nil` 424920:22:39 is expected to eq "MyEnumName" 425020:22:39 .description 425120:22:39 when the argument is set 425220:22:40 changes the description 425320:22:40 when the argument is `nil` 425420:22:40 is expected to eq "Enum description" 425620:22:40 when there is a block given 425720:22:40 when the given block tries to register the same key 425820:22:40 raises a `KeyCollisionError` 425920:22:40 when the given block does not try to register the same key 426020:22:40 appends the new definition 426120:22:40 when there is no block given 426220:22:40 raises a LocalJumpError 426420:22:40 is expected to eq {:bar=>{:description=>"description of bar", :value=>1}, :foo=>{:description=>"description of foo", :value=>0}} 426520:22:40 extending the enum module 426620:22:40 extends the values of the base enum module 426720:22:40# [RSpecRunTime] Finishing example group spec/lib/declarative_enum_spec.rb. It took 1.18 seconds. Expected to take 5.49 seconds. 426820:22:40# [RSpecRunTime] Starting example group spec/lib/gitlab/bitbucket_server_import/importers/pull_request_notes/approved_event_spec.rb. Expected to take 5.33 seconds. 426920:22:40Gitlab::BitbucketServerImport::Importers::PullRequestNotes::ApprovedEvent 427120:22:42 creates the approval, reviewer and approval note 427220:22:42 logs its progress 427320:22:42 when a user with a matching username does not exist 427420:22:42 does not set an approver 427520:22:42 when bitbucket_server_user_mapping_by_username flag is disabled 427620:22:43 finds the user based on email 427720:22:43# [RSpecRunTime] RSpec elapsed time: 20 minutes 15.9 seconds. Current RSS: ~1491M. Threads: 4. load average: 1.12 1.18 1.25 1/300 13924 427920:22:43 when no users match email or username 428020:22:43 does not set an approver 428120:22:43 if the reviewer already existed 428220:22:43 does not create the reviewer record 428320:22:43# [RSpecRunTime] Finishing example group spec/lib/gitlab/bitbucket_server_import/importers/pull_request_notes/approved_event_spec.rb. It took 3.03 seconds. Expected to take 5.33 seconds. 428420:22:43# [RSpecRunTime] Starting example group spec/rubocop/cop/put_group_routes_under_scope_spec.rb. Expected to take 5.26 seconds. 428520:22:43RuboCop::Cop::PutGroupRoutesUnderScope 428620:22:43 registers an offense when route is outside scope for `resources` 428720:22:44 registers an offense when route is outside scope for `put` 428820:22:44 registers an offense when route is outside scope for `resource` 428920:22:44 registers an offense when route is outside scope for `patch` 429020:22:44 registers an offense when route is outside scope for `delete` 429120:22:44 does not register an offense when resource inside the scope 429220:22:44 does not register an offense when resource is deep inside the scope 429320:22:44 registers an offense when route is outside scope for `get` 429420:22:44 registers an offense when route is outside scope for `post` 429520:22:44 does not register an offense for the root route 429620:22:45 does not register an offense for the root route within scope 429720:22:45# [RSpecRunTime] Finishing example group spec/rubocop/cop/put_group_routes_under_scope_spec.rb. It took 1.45 seconds. Expected to take 5.26 seconds. 429820:22:45# [RSpecRunTime] RSpec elapsed time: 20 minutes 18.03 seconds. Current RSS: ~1487M. Threads: 4. load average: 1.12 1.18 1.25 1/299 13925 430020:22:45# [RSpecRunTime] Starting example group spec/lib/gitlab/database/query_analyzers/prevent_set_operator_mismatch_spec.rb. Expected to take 5.18 seconds. 430120:22:45Gitlab::Database::QueryAnalyzers::PreventSetOperatorMismatch 430220:22:45 when SQL includes a UNION 430320:22:45 is expected to receive types(*(any args)) 1 time 430420:22:45 when SQL has many select statements 430520:22:45 raises error 430620:22:45 when SQL includes a INTERSECT 430720:22:45 is expected to receive types(*(any args)) 1 time 430820:22:45 when SQL includes a EXCEPT 430920:22:45 is expected to receive types(*(any args)) 1 time 431020:22:45 when SQL does not include a set operator 431120:22:45 sql: "SELECT 1" 431220:22:45 does not parse SQL 431320:22:45 sql: "SELECT union_station" 431420:22:45 does not parse SQL 431520:22:45 sql: "SELECT intersection" 431620:22:46 does not parse SQL 431720:22:46 sql: "SELECT deny_all_requests_except_allowed from application_settings" 431820:22:46 does not parse SQL 431920:22:46 when SQL is valid 432020:22:46 does not raise error 432120:22:46 when SQL is invalid 432220:22:46 raises error 432320:22:46# [RSpecRunTime] Finishing example group spec/lib/gitlab/database/query_analyzers/prevent_set_operator_mismatch_spec.rb. It took 1.21 seconds. Expected to take 5.18 seconds. 432420:22:46# [RSpecRunTime] Starting example group spec/services/packages/cleanup/execute_policy_service_spec.rb. Expected to take 5.06 seconds. 432520:22:46Packages::Cleanup::ExecutePolicyService 432720:22:46 with the keep_n_duplicated_files parameter 432820:22:47Job arguments to FlushCounterIncrementsWorker must be native JSON types, but :packages_size is a Symbol. 433020:22:47To disable this error, add `Sidekiq.strict_args!(false)` to your initializer. 433120:22:47 when set to less than the total number of duplicated files 433220:22:47 behaves like keeping the most recent package files 433320:22:47 only keeps the most recent package files 433420:22:47 when the service needs to loop 433520:22:47 behaves like keeping the most recent package files 433620:22:47 only keeps the most recent package files 433720:22:47 when a timeout is hit 433820:22:47 keeps part of the most recent package files 433920:22:47 when set to more than the total number of duplicated files 434020:22:47 keeps all package files 434120:22:47 when set to all 434220:22:48 skips the policy 434320:22:48 for conan packages 434420:22:48 with recipe & package manifest files 434520:22:48 keeps the two manifest files 434620:22:48 with multiple recipe files 434720:22:49 keeps the most recent recipe files 434820:22:49# [RSpecRunTime] Finishing example group spec/services/packages/cleanup/execute_policy_service_spec.rb. It took 2.8 seconds. Expected to take 5.06 seconds. 434920:22:49# [RSpecRunTime] Starting example group spec/lib/gitlab/search/query_spec.rb. Expected to take 4.99 seconds. 435020:22:49Gitlab::Search::Query 435120:22:49 is expected to be < SimpleDelegator 435220:22:49 leaves undefined filters in the main query 435320:22:49 parses filters 435420:22:49 with an empty filter 435520:22:49 ignores empty filters 435720:22:49 does not escape the pipe 435820:22:49 with an exclusive filter 435920:22:49 negates the filter 436020:22:49 with filter value in quotes 436120:22:49 does not break the filter value in quotes 436220:22:49 with extra white spaces between the query words 436320:22:50 removes the extra whitespace between tokens 436420:22:50 with mutliple filename filters 436520:22:50 creates a filter for each filename in query 436620:22:50 when multiple extension filters are added 436720:22:50 creates a filter for each filename and extension in query 436820:22:50# [RSpecRunTime] Finishing example group spec/lib/gitlab/search/query_spec.rb. It took 1.12 seconds. Expected to take 4.99 seconds. 436920:22:50# [RSpecRunTime] Starting example group spec/policies/alert_management/alert_policy_spec.rb. Expected to take 4.92 seconds. 437020:22:50AlertManagement::AlertPolicy 437220:22:50 is expected to be disallowed :read_alert_management_alert 437320:22:51 is expected to be disallowed :update_alert_management_alert 437420:22:51 when developer 437520:22:51 is expected to be allowed :read_alert_management_alert 437620:22:51 is expected to be allowed :update_alert_management_alert 437720:22:51# [RSpecRunTime] RSpec elapsed time: 20 minutes 24.32 seconds. Current RSS: ~1491M. Threads: 4. load average: 1.11 1.17 1.25 1/299 13926 437920:22:51 when user is not a member 438020:22:51 is expected to be disallowed :read_alert_management_metric_image 438120:22:51 is expected to be disallowed :destroy_alert_management_metric_image 438220:22:51 when user is a guest 438320:22:51 is expected to be disallowed :read_alert_management_metric_image 438420:22:52 is expected to be disallowed :destroy_alert_management_metric_image 438520:22:52 when user is a developer 438620:22:52 is expected to be allowed :read_alert_management_metric_image 438720:22:52 is expected to be allowed :destroy_alert_management_metric_image 438820:22:52# [RSpecRunTime] Finishing example group spec/policies/alert_management/alert_policy_spec.rb. It took 2.43 seconds. Expected to take 4.92 seconds. 438920:22:52# [RSpecRunTime] Starting example group spec/models/vs_code/settings/vs_code_setting_spec.rb. Expected to take 4.87 seconds. 439020:22:52VsCode::Settings::VsCodeSetting 439120:22:53 does not allow STI 439320:22:53 is expected to contain exactly #<VsCode::Settings::VsCodeSetting id: 2, user_id: 1772, created_at: "2024-08-23 20:22:53.226430937 +0...ing_type: "settings", content: [FILTERED], uuid: "2bc0fab8-4ccb-4e20-beaf-37e953d8b34f", version: 1> 439420:22:53 .by_setting_type 439520:22:53 is expected to contain exactly #<VsCode::Settings::VsCodeSetting id: 3, user_id: 1773, created_at: "2024-08-23 20:22:53.369539276 +0...ing_type: "settings", content: [FILTERED], uuid: "12a96420-d386-4e62-9b22-990abb0e03b9", version: 1> 439620:22:53 validates the uniqueness of attributes 439720:22:53 is expected to validate that :setting_type is case-sensitively unique within the scope of :user_id 439820:22:53 validates the presence of required attributes 439920:22:53 is expected to validate that :setting_type cannot be empty/falsy 440020:22:53 is expected to validate that :content cannot be empty/falsy 440120:22:54 is expected to validate that :uuid cannot be empty/falsy 440220:22:54 is expected to validate that :version cannot be empty/falsy 440320:22:54 settings type validation 440420:22:54 is expected to validate that :setting_type is either ‹"settings"›, ‹"extensions"›, ‹"globalState"›, ‹"machines"›, ‹"keybindings"›, ‹"snippets"›, ‹"tasks"›, or ‹"profiles"› 440520:22:54 relationship validation 440620:22:54 is expected to belong to user required: false 440720:22:54# [RSpecRunTime] Finishing example group spec/models/vs_code/settings/vs_code_setting_spec.rb. It took 1.86 seconds. Expected to take 4.87 seconds. 440820:22:54# [RSpecRunTime] Starting example group spec/graphql/types/current_user_todos_type_spec.rb. Expected to take 4.74 seconds. 440920:22:54Types::CurrentUserTodos 441020:22:54 is expected to eq "CurrentUserTodos" 441120:22:54 is expected to have graphql fields :current_user_todos 441220:22:54 .current_user_todos 441320:22:57 batches todo lookups, linear in the number of target types/state arguments 441420:22:57 returns correct data 441520:22:57 returns correct data, when state arguments are supplied 441620:22:57# [RSpecRunTime] RSpec elapsed time: 20 minutes 30.54 seconds. Current RSS: ~1468M. Threads: 4. load average: 1.17 1.18 1.25 1/300 14062 441820:22:57# [RSpecRunTime] Finishing example group spec/graphql/types/current_user_todos_type_spec.rb. It took 3.21 seconds. Expected to take 4.74 seconds. 441920:22:57# [RSpecRunTime] Starting example group spec/initializers/safe_session_store_patch_spec.rb. Expected to take 4.69 seconds. 442020:22:57safe_session_store_patch 442120:22:57 with ActionController::TestSession 442220:22:57 behaves like safe session store 442320:22:58 allows storing a String 442420:22:58 raises error when session attempts to store an unsafe object 442520:22:58 allows instance double of OneLogin::RubySaml::Response 442620:22:58 raises an error for instance double of REXML::Document 442720:22:58 with ActionDispatch::Request::Session 442820:22:58 behaves like safe session store 442920:22:58 allows storing a String 443020:22:58 raises error when session attempts to store an unsafe object 443120:22:58 allows instance double of OneLogin::RubySaml::Response 443220:22:58 raises an error for instance double of REXML::Document 443320:22:58# [RSpecRunTime] Finishing example group spec/initializers/safe_session_store_patch_spec.rb. It took 1.0 second. Expected to take 4.69 seconds. 443420:22:58# [RSpecRunTime] Starting example group spec/services/import/fogbugz_service_spec.rb. Expected to take 4.61 seconds. 443520:22:58Import::FogbugzService 443620:22:59 returns error for unknown error causes 443720:22:59 when no repo is found 443820:22:59 returns an error 443920:22:59 when import source is disabled 444020:22:59 returns forbidden 444120:22:59 when user is unauthorized 444220:22:59 returns an error 444420:22:59 when host is localhost 444520:22:59 does not allow requests 444620:22:59 when host is on local network 444720:22:59 does not allow requests 444820:22:59 when host is ftp protocol 444920:22:59 does not allow requests 445020:22:59 when import starts successfully 445120:23:00Job arguments to Ci::InitializePipelinesIidSequenceWorker must be native JSON types, but {"project_id"=>559, "namespace_id"=>2683, "root_namespace_id"=>2683} is a ActiveSupport::HashWithIndifferentAccess. 445320:23:00To disable this error, add `Sidekiq.strict_args!(false)` to your initializer. 445420:23:00 returns success 445520:23:00 when import fails to start 445620:23:00 returns error 445720:23:00# [RSpecRunTime] Finishing example group spec/services/import/fogbugz_service_spec.rb. It took 2.0 seconds. Expected to take 4.61 seconds. 445820:23:00# [RSpecRunTime] Starting example group spec/lib/gitlab/etag_caching/store_spec.rb. Expected to take 4.49 seconds. 445920:23:00Gitlab::EtagCaching::Store 446120:23:00 with invalid keys 446220:23:01 raises errors 446320:23:01 does not raise errors in production 446420:23:01 with GraphQL keys 446520:23:01 returns a stored value 446620:23:01 with RESTful keys 446720:23:02 returns a stored value 446920:23:02 with invalid keys 447020:23:02 raises errors 447120:23:02 with GraphQL keys 447220:23:02 stores and returns a value 447320:23:02 with RESTful keys 447420:23:02 stores and returns a value 447520:23:02 with multiple keys 447620:23:02 stores and returns multiple values 447720:23:03# [RSpecRunTime] Finishing example group spec/lib/gitlab/etag_caching/store_spec.rb. It took 2.19 seconds. Expected to take 4.49 seconds. 447820:23:03# [RSpecRunTime] Starting example group spec/models/cycle_analytics/project_level_stage_adapter_spec.rb. Expected to take 4.47 seconds. 447920:23:03CycleAnalytics::ProjectLevelStageAdapter 448020:23:04 does not allow STI 448120:23:04 calculates median 448220:23:04 lists events 448320:23:04 presents the data as json 448420:23:05# [RSpecRunTime] Finishing example group spec/models/cycle_analytics/project_level_stage_adapter_spec.rb. It took 2.1 seconds. Expected to take 4.47 seconds. 448520:23:05# [RSpecRunTime] RSpec elapsed time: 20 minutes 38.0 seconds. Current RSS: ~1491M. Threads: 4. load average: 1.16 1.18 1.25 1/300 14208 448720:23:05# [RSpecRunTime] Starting example group spec/services/ci/pipeline_creation/start_pipeline_service_spec.rb. Expected to take 4.39 seconds. 448820:23:05Ci::PipelineCreation::StartPipelineService 449020:23:05 enqueues UpdateBuildNamesWorker 449120:23:06 calls the pipeline process service 449220:23:06 creates pipeline ref 449320:23:06 when FF populate_and_use_build_names_table is disabled 449420:23:07 does not enqueue UpdateBuildNamesWorker 449520:23:07# [RSpecRunTime] RSpec elapsed time: 20 minutes 39.94 seconds. Current RSS: ~1487M. Threads: 4. load average: 1.16 1.18 1.25 1/300 14209 449720:23:07# [RSpecRunTime] Finishing example group spec/services/ci/pipeline_creation/start_pipeline_service_spec.rb. It took 2.06 seconds. Expected to take 4.39 seconds. 449820:23:07# [RSpecRunTime] Starting example group spec/services/base_count_service_spec.rb. Expected to take 4.28 seconds. 449920:23:07BaseCountService 450020:23:07 #relation_for_count 450120:23:07 raises NotImplementedError 450320:23:07 returns the number of values 450420:23:07 #uncached_count 450520:23:07 returns the uncached number of values 450620:23:07 #refresh_cache 450720:23:07 refreshes the cache 450820:23:07 #delete_cache 450920:23:07 deletes the cache 451120:23:07 returns false 451320:23:07 raises NotImplementedError 451420:23:07 #cache_options 451520:23:08 returns the default in options 451620:23:08# [RSpecRunTime] Finishing example group spec/services/base_count_service_spec.rb. It took 0.97 second. Expected to take 4.28 seconds. 451720:23:08# [RSpecRunTime] Starting example group spec/models/packages/debian/group_architecture_spec.rb. Expected to take 4.25 seconds. 451820:23:08Packages::Debian::GroupArchitecture 451920:23:08 does not allow STI 452020:23:08 behaves like Debian Distribution Architecture 452120:23:08 relationships 452220:23:08 is expected to belong to distribution class_name => Packages::Debian::GroupDistribution required: false inverse_of => architectures 452320:23:08 is expected to have many files class_name => Packages::Debian::GroupComponentFile inverse_of => architecture 452520:23:08 #distribution 452620:23:08 is expected to validate that :distribution cannot be empty/falsy 452820:23:09 is expected to validate that :name cannot be empty/falsy 452920:23:09 is expected to allow :name to be ‹"amd64"› 453020:23:09 is expected to allow :name to be ‹"kfreebsd-i386"› 453120:23:09 is expected not to allow :name to be ‹"-a"› 453220:23:09 is expected not to allow :name to be ‹"AMD64"› 453420:23:09 .ordered_by_name 453520:23:09 is expected to contain exactly #<Packages::Debian::GroupArchitecture id: 1, created_at: "2024-08-23 20:23:08.584950000 +0000", updated_at: "2024-08-23 20:23:08.584950000 +0000", distribution_id: 1, name: "name1", group_id: 2695> and #<Packages::Debian::GroupArchitecture id: 2, created_at: "2024-08-23 20:23:08.591281395 +0000", updated_at: "2024-08-23 20:23:08.591281395 +0000", distribution_id: 1, name: "name2", group_id: nil> 453620:23:09 .with_distribution 453720:23:09 is expected to contain exactly #<Packages::Debian::GroupArchitecture id: 1, created_at: "2024-08-23 20:23:08.584950000 +0000", updated_at: "2024-08-23 20:23:08.584950000 +0000", distribution_id: 1, name: "name1", group_id: 2695> and #<Packages::Debian::GroupArchitecture id: 2, created_at: "2024-08-23 20:23:08.591281395 +0000", updated_at: "2024-08-23 20:23:08.591281395 +0000", distribution_id: 1, name: "name2", group_id: nil> 453920:23:09 is expected to contain exactly #<Packages::Debian::GroupArchitecture id: 1, created_at: "2024-08-23 20:23:08.584950000 +0000", updated_at: "2024-08-23 20:23:08.584950000 +0000", distribution_id: 1, name: "name1", group_id: 2695> and #<Packages::Debian::GroupArchitecture id: 3, created_at: "2024-08-23 20:23:08.676178639 +0000", updated_at: "2024-08-23 20:23:08.676178639 +0000", distribution_id: 2, name: "name1", group_id: nil> 454020:23:09# [RSpecRunTime] Finishing example group spec/models/packages/debian/group_architecture_spec.rb. It took 1.64 seconds. Expected to take 4.25 seconds. 454120:23:09# [RSpecRunTime] Starting example group spec/lib/gitlab/import_export/project/exported_relations_merger_spec.rb. Expected to take 4.15 seconds. 454220:23:09Gitlab::ImportExport::Project::ExportedRelationsMerger 454420:23:11 downloads, extracts, and merges all files into export_path 454520:23:11 when exception occurs 454620:23:12 registers the exception messages and returns false 454720:23:12# [RSpecRunTime] RSpec elapsed time: 20 minutes 44.96 seconds. Current RSS: ~1485M. Threads: 4. load average: 1.14 1.18 1.25 1/302 14231 454920:23:12# [RSpecRunTime] Finishing example group spec/lib/gitlab/import_export/project/exported_relations_merger_spec.rb. It took 2.4 seconds. Expected to take 4.15 seconds. 455020:23:12# [RSpecRunTime] Starting example group spec/lib/gitlab/auth/ldap/authentication_spec.rb. Expected to take 4.13 seconds. 455120:23:12Gitlab::Auth::Ldap::Authentication 455320:23:12 finds the user if authentication is successful 455420:23:12 is false if the user does not exist 455520:23:12 is false if authentication fails 455620:23:12 fails if ldap is disabled 455720:23:13 fails if no login is supplied 455820:23:13 fails if no password is supplied 455920:23:13# [RSpecRunTime] Finishing example group spec/lib/gitlab/auth/ldap/authentication_spec.rb. It took 0.98 second. Expected to take 4.13 seconds. 456020:23:13# [RSpecRunTime] Starting example group spec/models/anti_abuse/event_spec.rb. Expected to take 4.01 seconds. 456120:23:13AntiAbuse::Event 456220:23:13 does not allow STI 456320:23:13 is expected to be valid 456520:23:13 is expected to validate that :source cannot be empty/falsy 456620:23:13 is expected to validate that :category cannot be empty/falsy 456720:23:13 is expected to validate that :user cannot be empty/falsy 456920:23:13 is expected to define :source as an enum backed by an integer with values ‹{spamcheck: 0, virus_total: 1, arkose_custom_score: 2, arkose_global_score: 3, telesign: 4, pvs: 5}› 457020:23:14 is expected to define :category as an enum backed by an integer with values ‹{spam: 0, virus: 1, fraud: 2, ci_cd: 3}› 457120:23:14 associations 457220:23:14 is expected to belong to user class_name => User required: false inverse_of => abuse_events 457320:23:14 is expected to belong to abuse_report required: false inverse_of => abuse_events 457420:23:14# [RSpecRunTime] Finishing example group spec/models/anti_abuse/event_spec.rb. It took 1.13 seconds. Expected to take 4.01 seconds. 457520:23:14# [RSpecRunTime] Starting example group spec/views/projects/milestones/index.html.haml_spec.rb. Expected to take 3.99 seconds. 457620:23:14projects/milestones/index.html.haml 457720:23:14 behaves like milestone empty states 457820:23:14 with no milestones 457920:23:14 shows empty state 458020:23:14 does not show tabs or searchbar 458120:23:14 with no open milestones 458220:23:14 shows tabs and searchbar 458320:23:15 shows empty state 458420:23:15 with no closed milestones 458520:23:15 shows tabs and searchbar 458620:23:15 shows empty state on closed milestones 458720:23:15# [RSpecRunTime] Finishing example group spec/views/projects/milestones/index.html.haml_spec.rb. It took 1.01 seconds. Expected to take 3.99 seconds. 458820:23:15# [RSpecRunTime] Starting example group spec/services/packages/update_tags_service_spec.rb. Expected to take 3.88 seconds. 458920:23:15Packages::UpdateTagsService 459020:23:15Job arguments to FlushCounterIncrementsWorker must be native JSON types, but :packages_size is a Symbol. 459220:23:15To disable this error, add `Sidekiq.strict_args!(false)` to your initializer. 459420:23:15 behaves like updating tags 459520:23:15 updates a tag 459620:23:15 with an existing tag 459720:23:15 on the same package 459820:23:15 behaves like updating tags 459920:23:16 updates a tag 460020:23:16 with different name 460120:23:16 behaves like updating tags 460220:23:16 updates a tag 460320:23:16 on a different package 460420:23:16Job arguments to FlushCounterIncrementsWorker must be native JSON types, but :packages_size is a Symbol. 460620:23:16To disable this error, add `Sidekiq.strict_args!(false)` to your initializer. 460720:23:16 behaves like updating tags 460820:23:16 updates a tag 460920:23:16 with empty tags 461120:23:16# [RSpecRunTime] Finishing example group spec/services/packages/update_tags_service_spec.rb. It took 1.32 seconds. Expected to take 3.88 seconds. 461220:23:16# [RSpecRunTime] Starting example group spec/serializers/context_commits_diff_entity_spec.rb. Expected to take 3.83 seconds. 461320:23:16ContextCommitsDiffEntity 461520:23:18 exposes commits_count 461620:23:18 exposes showing_context_commits_diff 461720:23:18 exposes diffs_path 461820:23:18# [RSpecRunTime] RSpec elapsed time: 20 minutes 51.34 seconds. Current RSS: ~1490M. Threads: 4. load average: 1.28 1.20 1.26 1/300 14368 462020:23:18# [RSpecRunTime] Finishing example group spec/serializers/context_commits_diff_entity_spec.rb. It took 1.93 seconds. Expected to take 3.83 seconds. 462120:23:18# [RSpecRunTime] Starting example group spec/lib/gitlab/diff/line_spec.rb. Expected to take 3.82 seconds. 462220:23:18Gitlab::Diff::Line 462320:23:18 .init_from_hash 462420:23:18 behaves like line object initialized by hash 462520:23:18 round-trips correctly with to_hash 462620:23:18 .safe_init_from_hash 462720:23:18 ensures rich_text is HTML-safe 462820:23:18 behaves like line object initialized by hash 462920:23:19 round-trips correctly with to_hash 463020:23:19 when given hash has no rich_text 463120:23:19 behaves like line object initialized by hash 463220:23:19 round-trips correctly with to_hash 463420:23:19 returns raw diff text 463520:23:19 when prefix is disabled 463620:23:19 returns raw diff text without prefix 463720:23:19 when diff is empty 463820:23:19 returns an empty raw diff 463920:23:19 when setting rich text 464020:23:19 escapes any HTML special characters in the diff chunk header 464120:23:19 #set_marker_ranges 464220:23:19 stores MarkerRanges in Diff::Line object 464320:23:19# [RSpecRunTime] Finishing example group spec/lib/gitlab/diff/line_spec.rb. It took 1.02 seconds. Expected to take 3.82 seconds. 464420:23:19# [RSpecRunTime] Starting example group spec/lib/gitlab/github_import/importer/pull_requests/merged_by_importer_spec.rb. Expected to take 3.71 seconds. 464520:23:19Gitlab::GithubImport::Importer::PullRequests::MergedByImporter 464620:23:20 when the merger user is not provided 464720:23:21 adds a note referencing the merger user 464820:23:21# [RSpecRunTime] RSpec elapsed time: 20 minutes 54.03 seconds. Current RSS: ~1491M. Threads: 4. load average: 1.28 1.20 1.26 1/300 14495 465020:23:21 when the merger user cannot be mapped to a gitlab user 465120:23:21 behaves like adds a note referencing the merger user 465220:23:21 adds a note referencing the merger user 465320:23:21 when original user cannot be found on github 465420:23:21 behaves like adds a note referencing the merger user 465520:23:21 adds a note referencing the merger user 465620:23:21 when the merger user can be mapped 465720:23:21 assigns the merged by user when mapped 465820:23:21# [RSpecRunTime] Finishing example group spec/lib/gitlab/github_import/importer/pull_requests/merged_by_importer_spec.rb. It took 2.24 seconds. Expected to take 3.71 seconds. 465920:23:21# [RSpecRunTime] Starting example group spec/lib/gitlab/asset_proxy_spec.rb. Expected to take 3.7 seconds. 466020:23:21Gitlab::AssetProxy 466120:23:22 when asset proxy is disabled 466220:23:22 returns the original URL 466320:23:22 when asset proxy is enabled 466420:23:22 returns a proxied URL 466520:23:22 returns original URL for invalid domains 466620:23:22 whitelisted domain 466720:23:22 returns original URL for single domain whitelist 466820:23:22 returns original URL for wildcard subdomain whitelist 466920:23:22# [RSpecRunTime] Finishing example group spec/lib/gitlab/asset_proxy_spec.rb. It took 0.68 second. Expected to take 3.7 seconds. 467020:23:22# [RSpecRunTime] Starting example group spec/lib/system_check/app/table_truncate_check_spec.rb. Expected to take 3.6 seconds. 467120:23:22SystemCheck::App::TableTruncateCheck 467220:23:22 when running on multiple databases 467420:23:22 is expected to eq false 467620:23:22 when TableTruncate returns false 467720:23:22 is expected to eq true 467820:23:22 when TableTruncate returns true 467920:23:22 is expected to eq false 468120:23:22 outputs error information 468220:23:22 when running on single databases 468420:23:23 example at ./spec/lib/system_check/app/table_truncate_check_spec.rb:14 (PENDING: Skipping because database ci exists) 468520:23:23# [RSpecRunTime] Finishing example group spec/lib/system_check/app/table_truncate_check_spec.rb. It took 0.67 second. Expected to take 3.6 seconds. 468620:23:23# [RSpecRunTime] Starting example group spec/lib/gitlab/graphql/authorize/authorize_resource_spec.rb. Expected to take 3.56 seconds. 468720:23:23Gitlab::Graphql::Authorize::AuthorizeResource 468820:23:23 authorizes_object? 468920:23:23 is false by default 469020:23:23 is true after calling authorizes_object! 469120:23:23 is true if a parent authorizes_object 469220:23:23 #find_object 469320:23:23 calls GitlabSchema.find_by_gid 469420:23:23 when the user is not allowed to perform the action 469520:23:23 #authorized_find! 469620:23:23 raises an error 469820:23:23 raises an error 470020:23:23 adds permissions from subclasses to those of superclasses when used on classes 470120:23:23 when the user is allowed to perform the action 470220:23:23 #authorized_find! 470320:23:24 returns the object 470520:23:24 does not raise an error 470620:23:24 #authorized_resource? 470720:23:24 delegates to authorization 470820:23:24# [RSpecRunTime] Finishing example group spec/lib/gitlab/graphql/authorize/authorize_resource_spec.rb. It took 1.15 seconds. Expected to take 3.56 seconds. 470920:23:24# [RSpecRunTime] Starting example group spec/services/users/dismiss_callout_service_spec.rb. Expected to take 3.52 seconds. 471020:23:24Users::DismissCalloutService 471220:23:24 behaves like dismissing user callout 471320:23:24 creates a new user callout 471420:23:24 returns a user callout 471520:23:24 sets the dismissed_at attribute to current time 471620:23:24 updates an existing callout dismissed_at time 471720:23:24 does not update an invalid record with dismissed_at time 471820:23:25# [RSpecRunTime] Finishing example group spec/services/users/dismiss_callout_service_spec.rb. It took 0.74 second. Expected to take 3.52 seconds. 471920:23:25# [RSpecRunTime] Starting example group spec/rubocop/cop/gitlab/const_get_inherit_false_spec.rb. Expected to take 3.4 seconds. 472020:23:25RuboCop::Cop::Gitlab::ConstGetInheritFalse 472120:23:25 Object.const_get 472220:23:25 registers an offense with no 2nd argument and corrects 472320:23:25 inherit=false 472420:23:25 does not register an offense 472520:23:25 inherit=true 472620:23:25 registers an offense and corrects 472720:23:25 const_get for a nested class 472820:23:25 registers an offense on reload usage and corrects 472920:23:25 inherit=false 473020:23:25 does not register an offense 473120:23:25 inherit=true 473220:23:25 registers an offense if inherit is true and corrects 473320:23:25# [RSpecRunTime] Finishing example group spec/rubocop/cop/gitlab/const_get_inherit_false_spec.rb. It took 0.76 second. Expected to take 3.4 seconds. 473420:23:25# [RSpecRunTime] Starting example group spec/presenters/dev_ops_report/metric_presenter_spec.rb. Expected to take 3.38 seconds. 473520:23:25DevOpsReport::MetricPresenter 473720:23:26 includes instance score, leader score and percentage score 473820:23:26 #idea_to_production_steps 473920:23:26 returns percentage score when it depends on a single feature 474020:23:26 returns percentage score when it depends on two features 474120:23:26 #average_percentage_score 474220:23:26 calculates an average value across all the features 474320:23:26# [RSpecRunTime] Finishing example group spec/presenters/dev_ops_report/metric_presenter_spec.rb. It took 0.63 second. Expected to take 3.38 seconds. 474420:23:26# [RSpecRunTime] Starting example group spec/lib/sidebars/groups/menus/kubernetes_menu_spec.rb. Expected to take 3.28 seconds. 474520:23:26Sidebars::Groups::Menus::KubernetesMenu 474620:23:26 behaves like serializable as super_sidebar_menu_args 474720:23:27 returns hash with provided attributes 474820:23:27 returns hash with an item_id 475020:23:27 when user can read clusters 475120:23:27 returns true 475220:23:27 when user cannot read clusters rules 475320:23:27 returns false 475420:23:27 :certificate_based_clusters feature flag is disabled 475520:23:27 returns false 475620:23:27# [RSpecRunTime] Finishing example group spec/lib/sidebars/groups/menus/kubernetes_menu_spec.rb. It took 1.04 seconds. Expected to take 3.28 seconds. 475720:23:27# [RSpecRunTime] Starting example group spec/models/work_items/related_link_restriction_spec.rb. Expected to take 3.27 seconds. 475820:23:27WorkItems::RelatedLinkRestriction 475920:23:27 does not allow STI 476120:23:27 is expected to validate that :source_type cannot be empty/falsy 476220:23:28 is expected to validate that :target_type cannot be empty/falsy 476320:23:28 is expected to validate that :target_type is case-sensitively unique within the scope of :source_type_id and :link_type 476520:23:28 is expected to define :link_type as an enum backed by an integer with values ‹{relates_to: 0, blocks: 1}› 476620:23:28 associations 476720:23:28 is expected to belong to source_type required: false 476820:23:28 is expected to belong to target_type required: false 476920:23:28# [RSpecRunTime] Finishing example group spec/models/work_items/related_link_restriction_spec.rb. It took 1.01 seconds. Expected to take 3.27 seconds. 477020:23:28# [RSpecRunTime] Starting example group spec/lib/gitlab/github_import/clients/proxy_spec.rb. Expected to take 3.19 seconds. 477120:23:28Gitlab::GithubImport::Clients::Proxy 477220:23:28 is expected to delegate #octokit to the #client object 477320:23:28 is expected to delegate #each_object to the #client object 477420:23:28 is expected to delegate #user to the #client object 477520:23:28 #count_repos_by 477620:23:28 when value is cached 477720:23:29 returns repository count from cache 477820:23:29 when value is not cached 477920:23:29 returns repository count 478120:23:29 fetches repos with Gitlab::GithubImport::Client (GraphQL API) 478220:23:29# [RSpecRunTime] Finishing example group spec/lib/gitlab/github_import/clients/proxy_spec.rb. It took 0.81 second. Expected to take 3.19 seconds. 478320:23:29# [RSpecRunTime] Starting example group spec/lib/gitlab/fogbugz_import/project_creator_spec.rb. Expected to take 3.14 seconds. 478420:23:29Gitlab::FogbugzImport::ProjectCreator 478520:23:30Job arguments to Ci::InitializePipelinesIidSequenceWorker must be native JSON types, but {"project_id"=>571, "namespace_id"=>2710, "root_namespace_id"=>2710} is a ActiveSupport::HashWithIndifferentAccess. 478720:23:30To disable this error, add `Sidekiq.strict_args!(false)` to your initializer. 478820:23:30 creates project with private visibility level 478920:23:31Job arguments to Ci::InitializePipelinesIidSequenceWorker must be native JSON types, but {"project_id"=>572, "namespace_id"=>2712, "root_namespace_id"=>2712} is a ActiveSupport::HashWithIndifferentAccess. 479120:23:31To disable this error, add `Sidekiq.strict_args!(false)` to your initializer. 479220:23:31 creates project with provided name and path 479320:23:31# [RSpecRunTime] Finishing example group spec/lib/gitlab/fogbugz_import/project_creator_spec.rb. It took 2.09 seconds. Expected to take 3.14 seconds. 479420:23:31# [RSpecRunTime] RSpec elapsed time: 21 minutes 4.36 seconds. Current RSS: ~1503M. Threads: 4. load average: 1.23 1.20 1.26 1/295 14516 479620:23:31# [RSpecRunTime] Starting example group spec/services/cloud_seed/google_cloud/service_accounts_service_spec.rb. Expected to take 3.09 seconds. 479720:23:31CloudSeed::GoogleCloud::ServiceAccountsService 479820:23:31 find_for_project 479920:23:31 when a project does not have GCP service account vars 480020:23:32 returns an empty list 480120:23:32 when a project has GCP service account ci vars 480220:23:32 returns a list of service accounts 480320:23:32 add_for_project 480420:23:33 saves GCP creds as project CI vars 480520:23:33 replaces previously stored CI vars with new CI vars 480620:23:33 underlying project CI vars must be protected as per value 480720:23:33# [RSpecRunTime] RSpec elapsed time: 21 minutes 6.4 seconds. Current RSS: ~1491M. Threads: 4. load average: 1.21 1.19 1.26 1/294 14517 480920:23:33# [RSpecRunTime] Finishing example group spec/services/cloud_seed/google_cloud/service_accounts_service_spec.rb. It took 2.2 seconds. Expected to take 3.09 seconds. 481020:23:33# [RSpecRunTime] Starting example group spec/views/layouts/profile.html.haml_spec.rb. Expected to take 3.03 seconds. 481120:23:33layouts/profile 481220:23:34 calls enable_search_settings helper with a custom container class 481320:23:35 displays the search settings entry point 481420:23:35# [RSpecRunTime] Finishing example group spec/views/layouts/profile.html.haml_spec.rb. It took 1.83 seconds. Expected to take 3.03 seconds. 481520:23:35# [RSpecRunTime] RSpec elapsed time: 21 minutes 8.46 seconds. Current RSS: ~1477M. Threads: 4. load average: 1.21 1.19 1.26 1/294 14518 481720:23:35# [RSpecRunTime] Starting example group spec/lib/marginalia_spec.rb. Expected to take 2.96 seconds. 481820:23:35Marginalia spec 481920:23:35 For rails web requests 482020:23:35 generates a query that includes the component and value 482120:23:35 when using CI database 482220:23:36 generates a query that includes the component and value 482320:23:36 for Sidekiq worker jobs 482420:23:36 generates a query that includes the component and value 482520:23:36 for ActionMailer delivery jobs 482620:23:36 generates a query that includes the component and value 482720:23:36# [RSpecRunTime] Finishing example group spec/lib/marginalia_spec.rb. It took 0.69 second. Expected to take 2.96 seconds. 482820:23:36# [RSpecRunTime] Starting example group spec/models/integrations/chat_message/base_message_spec.rb. Expected to take 2.95 seconds. 482920:23:36Integrations::ChatMessage::BaseMessage 483020:23:36 does not allow STI 483220:23:36 without relative links 483320:23:36 is expected to eq "Just another *markdown* message" 483420:23:36 with relative links 483620:23:36 with multiple relative links 483820:23:36 #strip_markup 483920:23:36 input: nil, output: nil 484020:23:36 returns the expected output 484120:23:36 input: "", output: "" 484220:23:36 returns the expected output 484320:23:36 input: "[label](url)", output: "label(url)" 484420:23:37 returns the expected output 484520:23:37 input: "<url|label>", output: "urllabel" 484620:23:37 returns the expected output 484720:23:37 input: "<a href=\"url\">label</a>", output: "a href=\"url\"label/a" 484820:23:37 returns the expected output 484920:23:37# [RSpecRunTime] Finishing example group spec/models/integrations/chat_message/base_message_spec.rb. It took 1.0 second. Expected to take 2.95 seconds. 485020:23:37# [RSpecRunTime] Starting example group spec/workers/users/unconfirmed_secondary_emails_deletion_cron_worker_spec.rb. Expected to take 2.88 seconds. 485120:23:37Users::UnconfirmedSecondaryEmailsDeletionCronWorker 485220:23:37 behaves like an idempotent worker 485320:23:37 is labeled as idempotent 485420:23:38 performs multiple times sequentially without raising an exception 485620:23:39 deletes unconfirmed secondary emails created before the cutoff 485720:23:39# [RSpecRunTime] RSpec elapsed time: 21 minutes 12.53 seconds. Current RSS: ~1495M. Threads: 4. load average: 1.36 1.22 1.27 1/294 14519 485920:23:39# [RSpecRunTime] Finishing example group spec/workers/users/unconfirmed_secondary_emails_deletion_cron_worker_spec.rb. It took 2.51 seconds. Expected to take 2.88 seconds. 486020:23:39# [RSpecRunTime] Starting example group spec/lib/gitlab/database/migrations/observers/total_database_size_change_spec.rb. Expected to take 2.83 seconds. 486120:23:39Gitlab::Database::Migrations::Observers::TotalDatabaseSizeChange 486220:23:40 records the size change 486320:23:40 out of order calls 486420:23:40 does not record anything if before size is unknown 486520:23:40 does not record anything if after size is unknown 486620:23:40# [RSpecRunTime] Finishing example group spec/lib/gitlab/database/migrations/observers/total_database_size_change_spec.rb. It took 0.53 second. Expected to take 2.83 seconds. 486720:23:40# [RSpecRunTime] Starting example group spec/services/ci/pipeline_bridge_status_service_spec.rb. Expected to take 2.78 seconds. 486820:23:40Ci::PipelineBridgeStatusService 487020:23:40 when pipeline has upstream bridge 487120:23:41 calls inherit_status_from_downstream on upstream bridge 487220:23:41 when bridge job status raises state machine errors 487320:23:41Job arguments to PipelineNotificationWorker must be native JSON types, but :ref_status is a Symbol. 487520:23:41To disable this error, add `Sidekiq.strict_args!(false)` to your initializer. 487620:23:42 tracks the exception 487720:23:42# [RSpecRunTime] RSpec elapsed time: 21 minutes 15.05 seconds. Current RSS: ~1487M. Threads: 4. load average: 1.36 1.22 1.27 1/294 14520 487920:23:42# [RSpecRunTime] Finishing example group spec/services/ci/pipeline_bridge_status_service_spec.rb. It took 2.02 seconds. Expected to take 2.78 seconds. 488020:23:42# [RSpecRunTime] Starting example group spec/workers/ssh_keys/expiring_soon_notification_worker_spec.rb. Expected to take 2.71 seconds. 488120:23:42SshKeys::ExpiringSoonNotificationWorker 488220:23:42 uses a cronjob queue 488420:23:42 with key expiring soon 488520:23:42Job arguments to AuthorizedKeysWorker must be native JSON types, but :add_key is a Symbol. 488720:23:42To disable this error, add `Sidekiq.strict_args!(false)` to your initializer. 488820:23:42 invoke the notification service 488920:23:42 updates notified column 489020:23:42 behaves like an idempotent worker 489120:23:42 is labeled as idempotent 489220:23:43 performs multiple times sequentially without raising an exception 489320:23:43 when key has expired in the past 489420:23:43Job arguments to AuthorizedKeysWorker must be native JSON types, but :add_key is a Symbol. 489620:23:43To disable this error, add `Sidekiq.strict_args!(false)` to your initializer. 489720:23:43 does not update notified column 489820:23:43 when key is not expiring soon 489920:23:43Job arguments to AuthorizedKeysWorker must be native JSON types, but :add_key is a Symbol. 490120:23:43To disable this error, add `Sidekiq.strict_args!(false)` to your initializer. 490220:23:43 does not update notified column 490320:23:43# [RSpecRunTime] Finishing example group spec/workers/ssh_keys/expiring_soon_notification_worker_spec.rb. It took 1.08 seconds. Expected to take 2.71 seconds. 490420:23:43# [RSpecRunTime] Starting example group spec/lib/gitlab/sidekiq_middleware/concurrency_limit/server_spec.rb. Expected to take 2.68 seconds. 490520:23:43Gitlab::SidekiqMiddleware::ConcurrencyLimit::Server 490720:23:43 when feature flag is disabled 490820:23:43 executes the job 490920:23:43 when there are jobs in the queue 491020:23:43 defers the job 491120:23:43 executes the job if resumed 491220:23:43 when sidekiq_workers are stubbed 491320:23:43 when under the limit 491420:23:43 executes the job 491520:23:43 when over the limit 491620:23:44 defers the job 491720:23:44# [RSpecRunTime] Finishing example group spec/lib/gitlab/sidekiq_middleware/concurrency_limit/server_spec.rb. It took 0.7 second. Expected to take 2.68 seconds. 491820:23:44# [RSpecRunTime] Starting example group spec/validators/project_path_validator_spec.rb. Expected to take 2.6 seconds. 491920:23:44ProjectPathValidator 492020:23:44 .valid_path? 492120:23:44 handles invalid utf8 492220:23:44 #validates_each 492320:23:44 adds a message when the path is not in the correct format 492420:23:44 adds a message when the path is reserved when creating 492520:23:45 adds a message when the path is reserved when updating 492620:23:45# [RSpecRunTime] Finishing example group spec/validators/project_path_validator_spec.rb. It took 1.09 seconds. Expected to take 2.6 seconds. 492720:23:45# [RSpecRunTime] Starting example group spec/graphql/types/blame/commit_data_type_spec.rb. Expected to take 2.58 seconds. 492820:23:45Types::Blame::CommitDataType 492920:23:45 is expected to eq "CommitData" 493020:23:45 is expected to have graphql fields :age_map_class, :author_avatar, :commit_author_link, :commit_link, :project_blame_link, and :time_ago_tooltip 493120:23:45# [RSpecRunTime] Finishing example group spec/graphql/types/blame/commit_data_type_spec.rb. It took 0.4 second. Expected to take 2.58 seconds. 493220:23:45# [RSpecRunTime] Starting example group spec/services/integrations/slack_interactions/incident_management/incident_modal_opened_service_spec.rb. Expected to take 2.51 seconds. 493320:23:45Integrations::SlackInteractions::IncidentManagement::IncidentModalOpenedService 493520:23:46 when triggered 493620:23:46 opens the modal 493720:23:46 when there are no projects with slack integration 493820:23:46 does not open the modal 493920:23:46 when Slack API call raises an HTTP exception 494020:23:46 tracks the exception and returns an error response 494120:23:46 when api returns an error 494220:23:46 returns error when called 494320:23:47# [RSpecRunTime] Finishing example group spec/services/integrations/slack_interactions/incident_management/incident_modal_opened_service_spec.rb. It took 1.4 seconds. Expected to take 2.51 seconds. 494420:23:47# [RSpecRunTime] Starting example group spec/lib/gitlab/ci/environment_matcher_spec.rb. Expected to take 2.48 seconds. 494520:23:47Gitlab::Ci::EnvironmentMatcher 494720:23:47 when given pattern is a normal string 494820:23:47 returns true on an exact match 494920:23:47 returns false if not an exact match 495020:23:47 when given pattern has a wildcard 495120:23:47 returns true on wildcard matches 495220:23:47 returns false when not a wildcard match 495320:23:47 when given pattern is nil 495420:23:47 always returns false 495520:23:47 when given pattern is an empty string 495620:23:47 always returns false 495720:23:47# [RSpecRunTime] Finishing example group spec/lib/gitlab/ci/environment_matcher_spec.rb. It took 0.77 second. Expected to take 2.48 seconds. 495820:23:47# [RSpecRunTime] Starting example group spec/graphql/types/container_repository_referrer_type_spec.rb. Expected to take 2.4 seconds. 495920:23:47Types::ContainerRepositoryReferrerType 496020:23:48 is expected to eq "ContainerRepositoryReferrer" 496120:23:48 is expected to expose permissions using Types::PermissionTypes::ContainerRepositoryTag 496220:23:48 is expected to eq "A referrer for a container repository tag" 496320:23:48 is expected to require graphql authorizations :read_container_image 496420:23:48 is expected to have graphql fields :artifact_type, :digest, and :user_permissions 496520:23:48# [RSpecRunTime] Finishing example group spec/graphql/types/container_repository_referrer_type_spec.rb. It took 0.77 second. Expected to take 2.4 seconds. 496620:23:48# [RSpecRunTime] Starting example group spec/graphql/mutations/alert_management/http_integration/update_spec.rb. Expected to take 2.39 seconds. 496720:23:48Mutations::AlertManagement::HttpIntegration::Update 496820:23:49 is expected to require graphql authorizations :admin_operations 497020:23:49 user has sufficient access to project 497120:23:49 when HttpIntegrations::UpdateService responds with success 497220:23:49 returns the integration with no errors 497320:23:49 when HttpIntegrations::UpdateService responds with an error 497420:23:49 returns errors 497520:23:49 when resource is not accessible to the user 497620:23:49 raises an error if the resource is not accessible to the user 497720:23:49# [RSpecRunTime] Finishing example group spec/graphql/mutations/alert_management/http_integration/update_spec.rb. It took 1.37 seconds. Expected to take 2.39 seconds. 497820:23:49# [RSpecRunTime] Starting example group spec/finders/packages/ml_model/package_finder_spec.rb. Expected to take 2.28 seconds. 497920:23:49Packages::MlModel::PackageFinder 498120:23:50 finds package by name and version 498220:23:50 ignores packages with same name but different version 498320:23:50 when package name+version does not exist 498420:23:50 raises ActiveRecord::RecordNotFound 498520:23:50 when package exists but is marked for destruction 498620:23:50 raises ActiveRecord::RecordNotFound 498720:23:50 when package name+version does not exist but it is not ml_model 498820:23:50 raises ActiveRecord::RecordNotFound 498920:23:50# [RSpecRunTime] Finishing example group spec/finders/packages/ml_model/package_finder_spec.rb. It took 0.97 second. Expected to take 2.28 seconds. 499020:23:50# [RSpecRunTime] Starting example group spec/models/concerns/from_except_spec.rb. Expected to take 2.28 seconds. 499220:23:51 does not allow STI 499320:23:51 behaves like from set operator 499420:23:51 #from_except 499520:23:51 selects from the results of the EXCEPT 499620:23:51 returns empty set when passing empty array 499720:23:51 supports the use of a custom alias for the sub query 499820:23:51 supports keeping duplicate rows 499920:23:51# [RSpecRunTime] Finishing example group spec/models/concerns/from_except_spec.rb. It took 0.65 second. Expected to take 2.28 seconds. 500020:23:51# [RSpecRunTime] Starting example group spec/models/diff_viewer/image_spec.rb. Expected to take 2.2 seconds. 500120:23:51DiffViewer::Image 500220:23:51 does not allow STI 500320:23:51 .can_render? 500420:23:51 returns false if both old and new blob are absent 500520:23:51 returns true if the old blob is present 500620:23:52 returns true if the new blob is present 500720:23:52 returns true if both old and new blobs are present 500820:23:52# [RSpecRunTime] Finishing example group spec/models/diff_viewer/image_spec.rb. It took 0.69 second. Expected to take 2.2 seconds. 500920:23:52# [RSpecRunTime] Starting example group spec/graphql/mutations/boards/update_spec.rb. Expected to take 2.16 seconds. 501020:23:52Mutations::Boards::Update 501120:23:52 is expected to require graphql authorizations :admin_issue_board 501320:23:52 when the user cannot admin the board 501420:23:53 raises an error 501520:23:53 when user can update board 501620:23:53 updates board with correct values 501720:23:53# [RSpecRunTime] Finishing example group spec/graphql/mutations/boards/update_spec.rb. It took 1.16 seconds. Expected to take 2.16 seconds. 501820:23:53# [RSpecRunTime] Starting example group spec/lib/gitlab/config/entry/undefined_spec.rb. Expected to take 2.14 seconds. 501920:23:53Gitlab::Config::Entry::Undefined 502120:23:53 is leaf node 502320:23:53 is always valid 502520:23:53 is does not contain errors 502920:23:53 is not relevant 503120:23:54 is not defined 503420:23:54# [RSpecRunTime] Finishing example group spec/lib/gitlab/config/entry/undefined_spec.rb. It took 0.87 second. Expected to take 2.14 seconds. 503520:23:54# [RSpecRunTime] Starting example group spec/lib/gitlab/github_import/representation/pull_requests/review_requests_spec.rb. Expected to take 2.04 seconds. 503620:23:54Gitlab::GithubImport::Representation::PullRequests::ReviewRequests 503720:23:54 .from_json_hash 503820:23:54 behaves like Review requests 503920:23:54 returns an instance of Review Request 504020:23:54 for returned Review Requests 504120:23:54 includes merge request id 504220:23:54 includes reviewers 504320:23:54 .from_api_response 504420:23:54 behaves like Review requests 504520:23:54 returns an instance of Review Request 504620:23:54 for returned Review Requests 504720:23:54 includes merge request id 504820:23:54 includes reviewers 504920:23:54 #github_identifiers 505020:23:54 returns a hash with needed identifiers 505120:23:55# [RSpecRunTime] Finishing example group spec/lib/gitlab/github_import/representation/pull_requests/review_requests_spec.rb. It took 0.83 second. Expected to take 2.04 seconds. 505220:23:55# [RSpecRunTime] Starting example group spec/serializers/project_access_token_serializer_spec.rb. Expected to take 2.0 seconds. 505320:23:55ProjectAccessTokenSerializer 505520:23:55 can render a single token 505620:23:55 can render a collection of tokens 505720:23:56# [RSpecRunTime] Finishing example group spec/serializers/project_access_token_serializer_spec.rb. It took 0.9 second. Expected to take 2.0 seconds. 505820:23:56# [RSpecRunTime] Starting example group spec/workers/clusters/agents/delete_expired_events_worker_spec.rb. Expected to take 1.99 seconds. 505920:23:56Clusters::Agents::DeleteExpiredEventsWorker 506120:23:56 calls the deletion service 506220:23:56 agent no longer exists 506320:23:56 completes without raising an error 506420:23:56# [RSpecRunTime] Finishing example group spec/workers/clusters/agents/delete_expired_events_worker_spec.rb. It took 0.92 second. Expected to take 1.99 seconds. 506520:23:56# [RSpecRunTime] Starting example group spec/lib/web_ide/settings/main_spec.rb. Expected to take 1.92 seconds. 506620:23:56WebIde::Settings::Main 506820:23:57 when ExtensionsGalleryValidator returns SettingsVscodeExtensionsGalleryValidationFailed 506920:23:57 behaves like rop invocation with error response 507020:23:57 returns expected response 507120:23:57 when ExtensionsGalleryMetadataValidator returns SettingsVscodeExtensionsGalleryMetadataValidationFailed 507220:23:57 behaves like rop invocation with error response 507320:23:57 returns expected response 507420:23:57 when EnvVarOverrideProcessor returns SettingsEnvironmentVariableOverrideFailed 507520:23:57 behaves like rop invocation with error response 507620:23:57 returns expected response 507720:23:57 when an unmatched error is returned, an exception is raised 507820:23:57 behaves like rop invocation with error response 507920:23:57 returns expected response 508120:23:57 returns expected response 508220:23:57# [RSpecRunTime] Finishing example group spec/lib/web_ide/settings/main_spec.rb. It took 0.71 second. Expected to take 1.92 seconds. 508320:23:57# [RSpecRunTime] Starting example group spec/rubocop/cop/prefer_class_methods_over_module_spec.rb. Expected to take 1.9 seconds. 508420:23:57RuboCop::Cop::PreferClassMethodsOverModule 508520:23:57 doesn't flag violation when ClassMethods is used inside a class 508620:23:57 doesn't flag violation when not using either class_methods or ClassMethods 508720:23:58 doesn't flag violation when using class_methods 508820:23:58 flags violation when using module ClassMethods and corrects 508920:23:58 doesn't flag violation when module is not extending ActiveSupport::Concern 509020:23:58# [RSpecRunTime] Finishing example group spec/rubocop/cop/prefer_class_methods_over_module_spec.rb. It took 0.67 second. Expected to take 1.9 seconds. 509120:23:58# [RSpecRunTime] Starting example group spec/presenters/blobs/notebook_presenter_spec.rb. Expected to take 1.81 seconds. 509220:23:58Blobs::NotebookPresenter 509320:23:59 highlight receives markdown 509420:23:59# [RSpecRunTime] Finishing example group spec/presenters/blobs/notebook_presenter_spec.rb. It took 1.01 seconds. Expected to take 1.81 seconds. 509520:23:59# [RSpecRunTime] RSpec elapsed time: 21 minutes 32.21 seconds. Current RSS: ~1482M. Threads: 4. load average: 1.26 1.21 1.26 1/295 14553 509720:23:59# [RSpecRunTime] Starting example group spec/lib/gitlab/batch_worker_context_spec.rb. Expected to take 1.81 seconds. 509820:23:59Gitlab::BatchWorkerContext 510020:23:59 returns all the expected arguments in arrays 510120:23:59 #context_for 510220:23:59 returns the correct application context for the arguments 510320:23:59# [RSpecRunTime] Finishing example group spec/lib/gitlab/batch_worker_context_spec.rb. It took 0.44 second. Expected to take 1.81 seconds. 510420:23:59# [RSpecRunTime] Starting example group spec/graphql/resolvers/work_item_resolver_spec.rb. Expected to take 1.77 seconds. 510520:23:59Resolvers::WorkItemResolver 510720:24:00 when the user can read the work item 510820:24:00 is expected to eq #<WorkItem id:25 namespace627/project-674#1> 510920:24:00 when the user can not read the work item 511020:24:00 raises a resource not available error 511120:24:00# [RSpecRunTime] Finishing example group spec/graphql/resolvers/work_item_resolver_spec.rb. It took 1.19 seconds. Expected to take 1.77 seconds. 511220:24:00# [RSpecRunTime] Starting example group spec/views/dashboard/projects/_blank_state_admin_welcome.haml_spec.rb. Expected to take 1.67 seconds. 511320:24:00dashboard/projects/_blank_state_admin_welcome.html.haml 511420:24:01 links to new group path 511520:24:01# [RSpecRunTime] Finishing example group spec/views/dashboard/projects/_blank_state_admin_welcome.haml_spec.rb. It took 0.46 second. Expected to take 1.67 seconds. 511620:24:01# [RSpecRunTime] Starting example group spec/models/gpg_key_subkey_spec.rb. Expected to take 1.66 seconds. 511820:24:01 does not allow STI 511920:24:01 associations 512020:24:01 is expected to belong to gpg_key required: false 512220:24:01 is expected to validate that :gpg_key_id cannot be empty/falsy 512320:24:01 is expected to validate that :fingerprint cannot be empty/falsy 512420:24:02 is expected to validate that :keyid cannot be empty/falsy 512520:24:02# [RSpecRunTime] Finishing example group spec/models/gpg_key_subkey_spec.rb. It took 0.72 second. Expected to take 1.66 seconds. 512620:24:02# [RSpecRunTime] Starting example group spec/services/packages/debian/find_or_create_incoming_service_spec.rb. Expected to take 1.57 seconds. 512720:24:02Packages::Debian::FindOrCreateIncomingService 513020:24:02 creates a new package 513120:24:02 behaves like assigns the package creator 513220:24:02 assigns the package creator 513420:24:03 returns the same object 513520:24:03# [RSpecRunTime] Finishing example group spec/services/packages/debian/find_or_create_incoming_service_spec.rb. It took 0.95 second. Expected to take 1.57 seconds. 513620:24:03# [RSpecRunTime] Starting example group spec/graphql/resolvers/user_resolver_spec.rb. Expected to take 1.56 seconds. 513720:24:03Resolvers::UserResolver 514020:24:03 authenticated access 514120:24:03 returns the correct user 514220:24:03 unauthenticated access 514320:24:03 forbids search 514520:24:03 authenticated access 514620:24:03 returns the correct user 514720:24:03 unauthenticated access 514820:24:03 forbids search 514920:24:03# [RSpecRunTime] Finishing example group spec/graphql/resolvers/user_resolver_spec.rb. It took 0.72 second. Expected to take 1.56 seconds. 515020:24:03# [RSpecRunTime] Starting example group spec/config/smime_signature_settings_spec.rb. Expected to take 1.47 seconds. 515120:24:03SmimeSignatureSettings 515320:24:04 sets correct default values to disabled 515420:24:04 when providing custom values 515520:24:04 sets correct default values to disabled 515620:24:04 enables smime with default key and cert 515720:24:04 enables smime with custom key and cert 515820:24:04# [RSpecRunTime] Finishing example group spec/config/smime_signature_settings_spec.rb. It took 0.6 second. Expected to take 1.47 seconds. 515920:24:04# [RSpecRunTime] Starting example group spec/lib/gitlab/usage/service_ping/payload_keys_processor_spec.rb. Expected to take 1.47 seconds. 516020:24:04Gitlab::Usage::ServicePing::PayloadKeysProcessor 516120:24:04 with an object metric 516220:24:04 returns the payload keys that have a metric definition 516320:24:04 with a missing metric definition 516420:24:04 returns the payload keys that have a metric definition 516520:24:04 with array metric 516620:24:04 returns the payload keys that have a metric definition 516720:24:04 missing_instrumented_metrics_key_paths 516820:24:04 returns the missing keys 516920:24:05# [RSpecRunTime] Finishing example group spec/lib/gitlab/usage/service_ping/payload_keys_processor_spec.rb. It took 0.65 second. Expected to take 1.47 seconds. 517020:24:05# [RSpecRunTime] Starting example group spec/rubocop/cop/gemspec/avoid_executing_git_spec.rb. Expected to take 1.39 seconds. 517120:24:05RuboCop::Cop::Gemspec::AvoidExecutingGit 517220:24:05 flags violation for executing git 517320:24:05 does not flag violation for using a glob 517420:24:05# [RSpecRunTime] Finishing example group spec/rubocop/cop/gemspec/avoid_executing_git_spec.rb. It took 0.45 second. Expected to take 1.39 seconds. 517520:24:05# [RSpecRunTime] Starting example group spec/lib/gitlab/bitbucket_server_import/importers/users_importer_spec.rb. Expected to take 1.34 seconds. 517620:24:05Gitlab::BitbucketServerImport::Importers::UsersImporter 517820:24:06 writes the username and email to cache for every user in batches 517920:24:06# [RSpecRunTime] Finishing example group spec/lib/gitlab/bitbucket_server_import/importers/users_importer_spec.rb. It took 0.86 second. Expected to take 1.34 seconds. 518020:24:06# [RSpecRunTime] Starting example group spec/lib/api/entities/bulk_import_spec.rb. Expected to take 1.34 seconds. 518120:24:06API::Entities::BulkImport 518220:24:06 has the correct attributes 518320:24:06 exposes source url via configuration 518420:24:06# [RSpecRunTime] Finishing example group spec/lib/api/entities/bulk_import_spec.rb. It took 0.56 second. Expected to take 1.34 seconds. 518520:24:06# [RSpecRunTime] Starting example group spec/finders/achievements/achievements_finder_spec.rb. Expected to take 1.26 seconds. 518620:24:06Achievements::AchievementsFinder 518820:24:07 returns all achievements 518920:24:07 when ids param provided 519020:24:07 returns specified achievements 519120:24:07# [RSpecRunTime] Finishing example group spec/finders/achievements/achievements_finder_spec.rb. It took 0.58 second. Expected to take 1.26 seconds. 519220:24:07# [RSpecRunTime] Starting example group spec/policies/instance_metadata_policy_spec.rb. Expected to take 1.25 seconds. 519320:24:07InstanceMetadataPolicy 519420:24:07 for any logged-in user 519520:24:07 is expected to be allowed :read_instance_metadata 519620:24:07 for anonymous users 519720:24:07 is expected not to be allowed :read_instance_metadata 519820:24:08# [RSpecRunTime] Finishing example group spec/policies/instance_metadata_policy_spec.rb. It took 0.47 second. Expected to take 1.25 seconds. 519920:24:08# [RSpecRunTime] Starting example group spec/lib/gitlab/data_builder/archive_trace_spec.rb. Expected to take 1.16 seconds. 520020:24:08Gitlab::DataBuilder::ArchiveTrace 520120:24:08Job arguments to FlushCounterIncrementsWorker must be native JSON types, but :build_artifacts_size is a Symbol. 520320:24:08To disable this error, add `Sidekiq.strict_args!(false)` to your initializer. 520520:24:09 has correct attributes 520620:24:09# [RSpecRunTime] RSpec elapsed time: 21 minutes 42.63 seconds. Current RSS: ~1475M. Threads: 4. load average: 1.22 1.20 1.26 1/295 14564 520820:24:09# [RSpecRunTime] Finishing example group spec/lib/gitlab/data_builder/archive_trace_spec.rb. It took 1.89 seconds. Expected to take 1.16 seconds. 520920:24:09# [RSpecRunTime] Starting example group spec/rubocop/cop/gitlab/token_without_prefix_spec.rb. Expected to take 1.15 seconds. 521020:24:09RuboCop::Cop::Gitlab::TokenWithoutPrefix 521120:24:10 ignores code when prefix is provided 521220:24:10 registers offense for single predicate method with allow_nil:true 521320:24:10# [RSpecRunTime] Finishing example group spec/rubocop/cop/gitlab/token_without_prefix_spec.rb. It took 0.5 second. Expected to take 1.15 seconds. 521420:24:10# [RSpecRunTime] Starting example group spec/serializers/test_reports_comparer_entity_spec.rb. Expected to take 1.1 seconds. 521520:24:10TestReportsComparerEntity 521720:24:10 when head and base reports include two test suites 521820:24:10 when the status of head report is success 521920:24:10 contains correct compared test reports details 522020:24:10 when the status of head report is failed 522120:24:10 contains correct compared test reports details 522220:24:10 when the status of head report is resolved 522320:24:10 contains correct compared test reports details 522420:24:10# [RSpecRunTime] Finishing example group spec/serializers/test_reports_comparer_entity_spec.rb. It took 0.52 second. Expected to take 1.1 seconds. 522520:24:10# [RSpecRunTime] Starting example group spec/lib/gitlab/changes_list_spec.rb. Expected to take 1.05 seconds. 522620:24:10Gitlab::ChangesList 522720:24:11 when changes is a valid string 522820:24:11 splits elements by newline character 522920:24:11 behaves like a list 523020:24:11# [RSpecRunTime] Finishing example group spec/lib/gitlab/changes_list_spec.rb. It took 0.4 second. Expected to take 1.05 seconds. 523120:24:11# [RSpecRunTime] Starting example group spec/validators/cron_validator_spec.rb. Expected to take 1.04 seconds. 523220:24:11CronValidator 523320:24:11 validates valid crontab 523420:24:11 validates invalid crontab 523520:24:11 cron field is not allowlisted 523620:24:11 raises an error 523720:24:11# [RSpecRunTime] Finishing example group spec/validators/cron_validator_spec.rb. It took 0.53 second. Expected to take 1.04 seconds. 523820:24:11# [RSpecRunTime] Starting example group spec/graphql/types/jira_user_type_spec.rb. Expected to take 0.97 second. 523920:24:11Types::JiraUserType 524020:24:12 is expected to eq "JiraUser" 524120:24:12 has the expected fields 524220:24:12# [RSpecRunTime] Finishing example group spec/graphql/types/jira_user_type_spec.rb. It took 0.4 second. Expected to take 0.97 second. 524320:24:12# [RSpecRunTime] Starting example group spec/rubocop/cop/migration/add_concurrent_index_spec.rb. Expected to take 0.94 second. 524420:24:12RuboCop::Cop::Migration::AddConcurrentIndex 524520:24:12 when outside of migration 524620:24:12 registers no offense 524720:24:12 when in migration 524820:24:12 registers an offense when add_concurrent_index is used inside a change method 524920:24:12 registers no offense when add_concurrent_index is used inside an up method 525020:24:12# [RSpecRunTime] Finishing example group spec/rubocop/cop/migration/add_concurrent_index_spec.rb. It took 0.53 second. Expected to take 0.94 second. 525120:24:12# [RSpecRunTime] Starting example group spec/lib/gitlab/grape_logging/loggers/filter_parameters_spec.rb. Expected to take 0.88 second. 525220:24:12Gitlab::GrapeLogging::Loggers::FilterParameters 525420:24:12 when the log_safety setting is provided 525520:24:13 includes safe parameters, and filters unsafe ones 525620:24:13 when the log_safety is not provided 525720:24:13 behaves like the normal parameter filter 525820:24:13# [RSpecRunTime] Finishing example group spec/lib/gitlab/grape_logging/loggers/filter_parameters_spec.rb. It took 0.52 second. Expected to take 0.88 second. 525920:24:13# [RSpecRunTime] Starting example group spec/lib/system_check_spec.rb. Expected to take 0.85 second. 526220:24:13 detects execution of SimpleCheck 526320:24:13 detects exclusion of OtherCheck in execution 526420:24:13# [RSpecRunTime] Finishing example group spec/lib/system_check_spec.rb. It took 0.46 second. Expected to take 0.85 second. 526520:24:13# [RSpecRunTime] Starting example group spec/lib/api/entities/user_counts_spec.rb. Expected to take 0.84 second. 526620:24:13API::Entities::UserCounts 526720:24:14 represents user counts 526820:24:14# [RSpecRunTime] Finishing example group spec/lib/api/entities/user_counts_spec.rb. It took 0.36 second. Expected to take 0.84 second. 526920:24:14# [RSpecRunTime] Starting example group spec/models/synthetic_note_spec.rb. Expected to take 0.82 second. 527020:24:14SyntheticNote 527120:24:14 does not allow STI 527220:24:14 #to_ability_name 527320:24:14 is expected to eq "note" 527420:24:14# [RSpecRunTime] Finishing example group spec/models/synthetic_note_spec.rb. It took 0.44 second. Expected to take 0.82 second. 527520:24:14# [RSpecRunTime] Starting example group spec/graphql/types/projects/jira_project_type_spec.rb. Expected to take 0.78 second. 527620:24:14Types::Projects::Services::JiraProjectType 527720:24:14 is expected to eq "JiraProject" 527820:24:14 has basic expected fields 527920:24:14# [RSpecRunTime] Finishing example group spec/graphql/types/projects/jira_project_type_spec.rb. It took 0.4 second. Expected to take 0.78 second. 528020:24:14# [RSpecRunTime] Starting example group spec/graphql/types/organizations/groups_projects_sort_enum_spec.rb. Expected to take 0.77 second. 528120:24:14Types::Organizations::GroupsProjectsSortEnum 528220:24:15 is expected to contain exactly "NAME_ASC", "NAME_DESC", "CREATED_ASC", "CREATED_DESC", "UPDATED_ASC", "UPDATED_DESC", "created_asc", "created_desc", "updated_asc", and "updated_desc" 528320:24:15 is expected to eq "OrganizationGroupProjectSort" 528420:24:15# [RSpecRunTime] Finishing example group spec/graphql/types/organizations/groups_projects_sort_enum_spec.rb. It took 0.41 second. Expected to take 0.77 second. 528520:24:15# [RSpecRunTime] Starting example group spec/lib/gitlab/webpack/graphql_known_operations_spec.rb. Expected to take 0.72 second. 528620:24:15Gitlab::Webpack::GraphqlKnownOperations 528820:24:15 when file loader returns 528920:24:15 returns memoized value 529020:24:15 when file loader errors 529120:24:15 returns empty array 529220:24:15# [RSpecRunTime] Finishing example group spec/lib/gitlab/webpack/graphql_known_operations_spec.rb. It took 0.42 second. Expected to take 0.72 second. 529320:24:15# [RSpecRunTime] Starting example group spec/graphql/types/ci/freeze_period_status_enum_spec.rb. Expected to take 0.68 second. 529420:24:15Types::Ci::FreezePeriodStatusEnum 529520:24:16 exposes all freeze period statuses 529620:24:16# [RSpecRunTime] Finishing example group spec/graphql/types/ci/freeze_period_status_enum_spec.rb. It took 0.44 second. Expected to take 0.68 second. 529720:24:16# [RSpecRunTime] Starting example group spec/initializers/asset_proxy_setting_spec.rb. Expected to take 0.6 second. 529820:24:16Asset proxy settings initialization 529920:24:16 #asset_proxy 530020:24:16 defaults to disabled 530120:24:16# [RSpecRunTime] Finishing example group spec/initializers/asset_proxy_setting_spec.rb. It took 0.4 second. Expected to take 0.6 second. 530220:24:16# [RSpecRunTime] Starting example group spec/initializers/omniauth_spec.rb. Expected to take 0.57 second. 530320:24:16OmniAuth initializer for GitLab 530520:24:16 is expected to eq "proc" 530620:24:17# [RSpecRunTime] Finishing example group spec/initializers/omniauth_spec.rb. It took 0.4 second. Expected to take 0.57 second. 530720:24:17# [RSpecRunTime] Starting example group spec/graphql/types/permission_types/ci/job_spec.rb. Expected to take 0.56 second. 530820:24:17Types::PermissionTypes::Ci::Job 530920:24:17 has expected permission fields 531020:24:17# [RSpecRunTime] Finishing example group spec/graphql/types/permission_types/ci/job_spec.rb. It took 0.38 second. Expected to take 0.56 second. 531120:24:17# [RSpecRunTime] Starting example group spec/graphql/types/work_items/widgets/current_user_todos_type_spec.rb. Expected to take 0.53 second. 531220:24:17Types::WorkItems::Widgets::CurrentUserTodosType 531320:24:17 exposes the expected fields 531420:24:17# [RSpecRunTime] Finishing example group spec/graphql/types/work_items/widgets/current_user_todos_type_spec.rb. It took 0.33 second. Expected to take 0.53 second. 531520:24:17# [RSpecRunTime] Starting example group spec/graphql/types/ml/candidate_param_type_spec.rb. Expected to take 0.53 second. 531620:24:17Types::Ml::CandidateParamType 531720:24:17 has the expected fields 531820:24:18# [RSpecRunTime] Finishing example group spec/graphql/types/ml/candidate_param_type_spec.rb. It took 0.33 second. Expected to take 0.53 second. 531920:24:43auto_explain log contains 1523 entries for main, writing to /builds/gitlab-org/gitlab/auto_explain/rspec-unit-pg14-6-44.333.main.ndjson.gz 532020:24:43took 24.898018693 532120:25:07auto_explain log contains 1524 entries for ci, writing to /builds/gitlab-org/gitlab/auto_explain/rspec-unit-pg14-6-44.333.ci.ndjson.gz 532220:25:07took 23.878912056 532320:25:07[TEST PROF INFO] EventProf results for sql.active_record 532420:25:07Total time: 05:23.951 of 21:45.071 (24.82%) 532520:25:07Total events: 249912 532620:25:07Top 5 slowest suites (by time): 532720:25:07User (./spec/models/user_spec.rb:5) – 02:31.274 (111609 / 1456) of 09:16.283 (27.19%) 532820:25:07GroupsFinder (./spec/finders/groups_finder_spec.rb:5) – 00:14.296 (9294 / 50) of 00:43.451 (32.9%) 532920:25:07EnvironmentStatus (./spec/models/environment_status_spec.rb:5) – 00:10.059 (6731 / 24) of 00:57.214 (17.58%) 533020:25:07Gitlab::Datab...nnectableMixin (./spec/lib/gitlab/database/postgresql_adapter/force_disconnectable_mixin_spec.rb:5) – 00:09.490 (9444 / 4) of 00:16.148 (58.77%) 533120:25:07Labels::AvailableLabelsService (./spec/services/labels/available_labels_service_spec.rb:4) – 00:08.742 (6125 / 13) of 00:27.358 (31.96%) 533220:25:07Knapsack report was generated. Preview: 533420:25:07 "spec/models/user_spec.rb": 556.2321632740022, 533520:25:07 "spec/workers/container_expiration_policies/cleanup_container_repository_worker_spec.rb": 29.417213108998112, 533620:25:07 "spec/models/environment_status_spec.rb": 57.21409913200114, 533720:25:07 "spec/finders/groups_finder_spec.rb": 43.45077147499978, 533820:25:07 "spec/models/project_feature_spec.rb": 22.93012773100054, 533920:25:07 "spec/rubocop/cop/migration/create_table_with_foreign_keys_spec.rb": 12.757127569999284, 534020:25:07 "spec/lib/banzai/filter/references/commit_reference_filter_spec.rb": 28.813871721002215, 534120:25:07 "spec/tasks/gitlab/db/validate_config_rake_spec.rb": 19.574607954000385, 534220:25:07 "spec/models/blob_spec.rb": 17.875298932998703, 534320:25:07 "spec/services/authorized_project_update/find_records_due_for_refresh_service_spec.rb": 25.665154329999496, 534420:25:07 "spec/lib/gitlab/ci/parsers/coverage/documents/cobertura_document_spec.rb": 9.706761793000624, 534520:25:07 "spec/services/environments/create_for_job_service_spec.rb": 18.505732720001106, 534620:25:07 "spec/services/labels/available_labels_service_spec.rb": 27.35786239299705, 534720:25:07 "spec/services/users/build_service_spec.rb": 8.85053394300121, 534820:25:07 "spec/lib/api/entities/snippet_spec.rb": 9.533021595001628, 534920:25:07 "spec/services/projects/git_deduplication_service_spec.rb": 18.854373905000102, 535020:25:07 "spec/lib/gitlab/ci/pipeline/seed/stage_spec.rb": 18.00131789399893, 535120:25:07 "spec/haml_lint/linter/documentation_links_spec.rb": 7.553674643000704, 535220:25:07 "spec/lib/gitlab/database/migrations/constraints_helpers_spec.rb": 6.546858113997587, 535320:25:07 "spec/models/integrations/squash_tm_spec.rb": 8.975981455001602, 535420:25:07 "spec/lib/gitlab/database/postgresql_adapter/force_disconnectable_mixin_spec.rb": 16.14809918299943, 535520:25:07 "spec/services/ci/runners/set_runner_associated_projects_service_spec.rb": 13.095806895998976, 535620:25:07 "spec/serializers/diff_file_base_entity_spec.rb": 14.110580286000186, 535720:25:07 "spec/tasks/gitlab/incoming_email_rake_spec.rb": 5.829269803001807, 535820:25:07 "spec/workers/remove_expired_group_links_worker_spec.rb": 13.091471977000765, 535920:25:07 "spec/lib/bitbucket_server/representation/activity_spec.rb": 3.6757399939997413, 536020:25:07 "spec/lib/gitlab/diff/position_tracer_spec.rb": 12.453110111997375, 536120:25:07 "spec/models/bulk_imports/export_status_spec.rb": 4.012938789001055, 536220:25:07 "spec/graphql/types/group_type_spec.rb": 4.9963594319997355, 536320:25:07 "spec/finders/packages/npm/packages_for_user_finder_spec.rb": 11.972506254998734, 536420:25:07 "spec/finders/tags_finder_spec.rb": 4.912663537001208, 536520:25:07 "spec/lib/gitlab/audit/auditor_spec.rb": 6.54001570499895, 536620:25:07 "spec/lib/gitlab/untrusted_regexp_spec.rb": 2.4374368600001617, 536720:25:07 "spec/tooling/lib/tooling/find_changes_spec.rb": 2.6925094929974875, 536820:25:07 "spec/lib/gitlab/ci/status/build/unschedule_spec.rb": 6.968408693999663, 536920:25:07 "spec/finders/namespaces/projects_finder_spec.rb": 5.852112581000256, 537020:25:07 "spec/lib/gitlab/ci/reports/codequality_reports_comparer_spec.rb": 2.740177579002193, 537120:25:07 "spec/lib/gitlab/database/transaction/context_spec.rb": 2.6128758679988096, 537220:25:07 "spec/models/wiki_page/slug_spec.rb": 3.064500106000196, 537320:25:07 "spec/lib/gitlab/git/attributes_parser_spec.rb": 2.5366334230020584, 537420:25:07 "spec/models/analytics/cycle_analytics/merge_request_stage_event_spec.rb": 4.602857189001952, 537520:25:07 "spec/tasks/gitlab/external_diffs_rake_spec.rb": 9.263834053999744, 537620:25:07 "spec/workers/auto_devops/disable_worker_spec.rb": 8.131417382999643, 537720:25:07 "spec/models/group_group_link_spec.rb": 4.372111544998916, 537820:25:07 "spec/validators/ip_cidr_validator_spec.rb": 2.290718320000451, 537920:25:07 "spec/lib/banzai/filter/markdown_filter_spec.rb": 3.361691226000403, 538020:25:07 "spec/lib/gitlab/auth/unique_ips_limiter_spec.rb": 6.3912310839987185, 538120:25:07 "spec/models/integrations/custom_issue_tracker_spec.rb": 3.3612088459994993, 538220:25:07 "spec/presenters/projects/import_export/project_export_presenter_spec.rb": 4.150712660000863, 538320:25:07 "spec/graphql/resolvers/users_resolver_spec.rb": 3.4368474000002607, 538420:25:07 "spec/models/blob_viewer/readme_spec.rb": 5.717511481001566, 538520:25:07 "spec/services/ci/job_artifacts/expire_project_build_artifacts_service_spec.rb": 4.160587930000474, 538620:25:07 "spec/services/suggestions/outdate_service_spec.rb": 7.542544924002868, 538720:25:07 "spec/lib/gitlab/ci/templates/terraform_gitlab_ci_yaml_spec.rb": 6.016663189999235, 538820:25:07 "spec/services/click_house/sync_strategies/base_sync_strategy_spec.rb": 0.7542921280000883, 538920:25:07 "spec/models/ci/catalog/resources/components/usage_spec.rb": 3.384553383999446, 539020:25:07 "spec/lib/gitlab/ci/runner_releases_spec.rb": 2.2344512739982747, 539120:25:07 "spec/services/work_items/callbacks/current_user_todos_spec.rb": 5.296964260000095, 539220:25:07 "spec/tasks/gitlab/doctor/secrets_rake_spec.rb": 4.548232602999633, 539320:25:07 "spec/components/pajamas/badge_component_spec.rb": 2.0176206390024163, 539420:25:07 "spec/channels/noteable/notes_channel_spec.rb": 3.0970533639992937, 539520:25:07 "spec/views/dashboard/projects/shared/_common.html.haml_spec.rb": 2.1960221260014805, 539620:25:07 "spec/lib/gitlab/ci/pipeline/expression/lexeme/matches_spec.rb": 1.772819347002951, 539720:25:07 "spec/workers/packages/cleanup/delete_orphaned_dependencies_worker_spec.rb": 2.4806395970008452, 539820:25:07 "spec/services/environments/create_service_spec.rb": 2.74655779800014, 539920:25:07 "spec/presenters/pages_domain_presenter_spec.rb": 1.7034428010010743, 540020:25:07 "spec/tasks/migrate/schema_check_rake_spec.rb": 3.6432210160019167, 540120:25:07 "spec/lib/banzai/filter/inline_diff_filter_spec.rb": 1.5811297899999772, 540220:25:07 "spec/lib/gitlab/health_checks/db_check_spec.rb": 1.3735810239995772, 540320:25:07 "spec/services/ml/create_model_service_spec.rb": 2.38585177299683, 540420:25:07 "spec/workers/container_registry/cleanup_worker_spec.rb": 2.1896890470015933, 540520:25:07 "spec/graphql/resolvers/crm/organizations_resolver_spec.rb": 2.353404405999754, 540620:25:07 "spec/lib/declarative_enum_spec.rb": 1.183628127000702, 540720:25:07 "spec/lib/gitlab/bitbucket_server_import/importers/pull_request_notes/approved_event_spec.rb": 3.0338039189991832, 540820:25:07 "spec/rubocop/cop/put_group_routes_under_scope_spec.rb": 1.4496555990008346, 540920:25:07 "spec/lib/gitlab/database/query_analyzers/prevent_set_operator_mismatch_spec.rb": 1.2103159860016603, 541020:25:07 "spec/services/packages/cleanup/execute_policy_service_spec.rb": 2.7956338049989427, 541120:25:07 "spec/lib/gitlab/search/query_spec.rb": 1.1225386620026256, 541220:25:07 "spec/policies/alert_management/alert_policy_spec.rb": 2.42838447000031, 541320:25:07 "spec/models/vs_code/settings/vs_code_setting_spec.rb": 1.8549916109986953, 541420:25:07 "spec/graphql/types/current_user_todos_type_spec.rb": 3.2136804959991423, 541520:25:07 "spec/initializers/safe_session_store_patch_spec.rb": 0.9972698700003093, 541620:25:07 "spec/services/import/fogbugz_service_spec.rb": 1.9992930709995562, 541720:25:07 "spec/lib/gitlab/etag_caching/store_spec.rb": 2.1853912779988605, 541820:25:07 "spec/models/cycle_analytics/project_level_stage_adapter_spec.rb": 2.0945961340003123, 541920:25:07 "spec/services/ci/pipeline_creation/start_pipeline_service_spec.rb": 2.055692376998195, 542020:25:07 "spec/services/base_count_service_spec.rb": 0.9736929020000389, 542120:25:07 "spec/models/packages/debian/group_architecture_spec.rb": 1.642493095001555, 542220:25:07 "spec/lib/gitlab/import_export/project/exported_relations_merger_spec.rb": 2.400228442998923, 542320:25:07 "spec/lib/gitlab/auth/ldap/authentication_spec.rb": 0.9794947110021894, 542420:25:07 "spec/models/anti_abuse/event_spec.rb": 1.1312581020029029, 542520:25:07 "spec/views/projects/milestones/index.html.haml_spec.rb": 1.0073769999980868, 542620:25:07 "spec/services/packages/update_tags_service_spec.rb": 1.3211625080002705, 542720:25:07 "spec/serializers/context_commits_diff_entity_spec.rb": 1.9339902249994338, 542820:25:07 "spec/lib/gitlab/diff/line_spec.rb": 1.0185235980025027, 542920:25:07 "spec/lib/gitlab/github_import/importer/pull_requests/merged_by_importer_spec.rb": 2.2418229230024735, 543020:25:07 "spec/lib/gitlab/asset_proxy_spec.rb": 0.6792233630003466, 543120:25:07 "spec/lib/system_check/app/table_truncate_check_spec.rb": 0.6681129329990654, 543220:25:07 "spec/lib/gitlab/graphql/authorize/authorize_resource_spec.rb": 1.150680310001917, 543320:25:07 "spec/services/users/dismiss_callout_service_spec.rb": 0.7427209579982446, 543420:25:07 "spec/rubocop/cop/gitlab/const_get_inherit_false_spec.rb": 0.7596772469987627, 543520:25:07 "spec/presenters/dev_ops_report/metric_presenter_spec.rb": 0.6248568570008501, 543620:25:07 "spec/lib/sidebars/groups/menus/kubernetes_menu_spec.rb": 1.0409126980011933, 543720:25:07 "spec/models/work_items/related_link_restriction_spec.rb": 1.0081174689985346, 543820:25:07 "spec/lib/gitlab/github_import/clients/proxy_spec.rb": 0.8142160140014312, 543920:25:07 "spec/lib/gitlab/fogbugz_import/project_creator_spec.rb": 2.0898530449994723, 544020:25:07 "spec/services/cloud_seed/google_cloud/service_accounts_service_spec.rb": 2.203139766003005, 544120:25:07 "spec/views/layouts/profile.html.haml_spec.rb": 1.8327565910003614, 544220:25:07 "spec/lib/marginalia_spec.rb": 0.6916430509991187, 544320:25:07 "spec/models/integrations/chat_message/base_message_spec.rb": 1.0027808900013042, 544420:25:07 "spec/workers/users/unconfirmed_secondary_emails_deletion_cron_worker_spec.rb": 2.5095752550005272, 544520:25:07 "spec/lib/gitlab/database/migrations/observers/total_database_size_change_spec.rb": 0.530758983000851, 544620:25:07 "spec/services/ci/pipeline_bridge_status_service_spec.rb": 2.0150018590029504, 544720:25:07 "spec/workers/ssh_keys/expiring_soon_notification_worker_spec.rb": 1.0753961150003306, 544820:25:07 "spec/lib/gitlab/sidekiq_middleware/concurrency_limit/server_spec.rb": 0.7025276210006268, 544920:25:07 "spec/validators/project_path_validator_spec.rb": 1.0862134939998214, 545020:25:07 "spec/graphql/types/blame/commit_data_type_spec.rb": 0.3959366519993637, 545120:25:07 "spec/services/integrations/slack_interactions/incident_management/incident_modal_opened_service_spec.rb": 1.402463581001939, 545220:25:07 "spec/lib/gitlab/ci/environment_matcher_spec.rb": 0.7658651570018264, 545320:25:07 "spec/graphql/types/container_repository_referrer_type_spec.rb": 0.7669636659993557, 545420:25:07 "spec/graphql/mutations/alert_management/http_integration/update_spec.rb": 1.3706732640021073, 545520:25:07 "spec/finders/packages/ml_model/package_finder_spec.rb": 0.9673971530028211, 545620:25:07 "spec/models/concerns/from_except_spec.rb": 0.6497127750008076, 545720:25:07 "spec/models/diff_viewer/image_spec.rb": 0.6879589320014929, 545820:25:07 "spec/graphql/mutations/boards/update_spec.rb": 1.1612195300003805, 545920:25:07 "spec/lib/gitlab/config/entry/undefined_spec.rb": 0.866381749001448, 546020:25:07 "spec/lib/gitlab/github_import/representation/pull_requests/review_requests_spec.rb": 0.8251368530000036, 546120:25:07 "spec/serializers/project_access_token_serializer_spec.rb": 0.8961792469999637, 546220:25:07 "spec/workers/clusters/agents/delete_expired_events_worker_spec.rb": 0.9216508950012212, 546320:25:07 "spec/lib/web_ide/settings/main_spec.rb": 0.7102289100002963, 546420:25:07 "spec/rubocop/cop/prefer_class_methods_over_module_spec.rb": 0.668961073999526, 546520:25:07 "spec/presenters/blobs/notebook_presenter_spec.rb": 1.0047549899973092, 546620:25:07 "spec/lib/gitlab/batch_worker_context_spec.rb": 0.4436254500033101, 546720:25:07 "spec/graphql/resolvers/work_item_resolver_spec.rb": 1.192463316998328, 546820:25:07 "spec/views/dashboard/projects/_blank_state_admin_welcome.haml_spec.rb": 0.4608618079982989, 546920:25:07 "spec/models/gpg_key_subkey_spec.rb": 0.7202640389987209, 547020:25:07 "spec/services/packages/debian/find_or_create_incoming_service_spec.rb": 0.9520679239976744, 547120:25:07 "spec/graphql/resolvers/user_resolver_spec.rb": 0.7196647700002359, 547220:25:07 "spec/config/smime_signature_settings_spec.rb": 0.5960007480025524, 547320:25:07 "spec/lib/gitlab/usage/service_ping/payload_keys_processor_spec.rb": 0.6519941340011428, 547420:25:07 "spec/rubocop/cop/gemspec/avoid_executing_git_spec.rb": 0.44483433999994304, 547520:25:07 "spec/lib/gitlab/bitbucket_server_import/importers/users_importer_spec.rb": 0.8601181099984387, 547620:25:07 "spec/lib/api/entities/bulk_import_spec.rb": 0.5577833009992901, 547720:25:07 "spec/finders/achievements/achievements_finder_spec.rb": 0.5816006300010486, 547820:25:07 "spec/policies/instance_metadata_policy_spec.rb": 0.46737388700057636, 547920:25:07 "spec/lib/gitlab/data_builder/archive_trace_spec.rb": 1.892938328001037, 548020:25:07 "spec/rubocop/cop/gitlab/token_without_prefix_spec.rb": 0.5017040749989974, 548120:25:07 "spec/serializers/test_reports_comparer_entity_spec.rb": 0.5146952539980703, 548220:25:07 "spec/lib/gitlab/changes_list_spec.rb": 0.40205347099981736, 548320:25:07 "spec/validators/cron_validator_spec.rb": 0.5258097830010229, 548420:25:07 "spec/graphql/types/jira_user_type_spec.rb": 0.3994143329982762, 548520:25:07 "spec/rubocop/cop/migration/add_concurrent_index_spec.rb": 0.5330052520002937, 548620:25:07 "spec/lib/gitlab/grape_logging/loggers/filter_parameters_spec.rb": 0.5233405330000096, 548720:25:07 "spec/lib/system_check_spec.rb": 0.45676015799836023, 548820:25:07 "spec/lib/api/entities/user_counts_spec.rb": 0.36381335399710224, 548920:25:07 "spec/models/synthetic_note_spec.rb": 0.4386356489994796, 549020:25:07 "spec/graphql/types/projects/jira_project_type_spec.rb": 0.3947381129983114, 549120:25:07 "spec/graphql/types/organizations/groups_projects_sort_enum_spec.rb": 0.41126651100057643, 549220:25:07 "spec/lib/gitlab/webpack/graphql_known_operations_spec.rb": 0.4154490809996787, 549320:25:07 "spec/graphql/types/ci/freeze_period_status_enum_spec.rb": 0.43809234899890726, 549420:25:07 "spec/initializers/asset_proxy_setting_spec.rb": 0.39619929299806245, 549520:25:07 "spec/initializers/omniauth_spec.rb": 0.39545480299784685, 549620:25:07 "spec/graphql/types/permission_types/ci/job_spec.rb": 0.3807425230006629, 549720:25:07 "spec/graphql/types/work_items/widgets/current_user_todos_type_spec.rb": 0.3320978669980832, 549820:25:07 "spec/graphql/types/ml/candidate_param_type_spec.rb": 0.33404304700161447 550020:25:07Knapsack global time execution for tests: 21m 44s 550120:25:07Pending: (Failures listed here are expected and do not affect your suite's status) 550220:25:07 1) User with uploads behaves like model with uploads .destroy with not mounted uploads with local files deletes any FileUploader uploads which are not mounted 550320:25:07 # No reason given 550420:25:07 # ./spec/support/shared_examples/models/with_uploads_shared_examples.rb:23 550520:25:07 2) User with uploads behaves like model with uploads .destroy with not mounted uploads with local files deletes local files 550620:25:07 # No reason given 550720:25:07 # ./spec/support/shared_examples/models/with_uploads_shared_examples.rb:27 550820:25:07 3) User with uploads behaves like model with uploads .destroy with not mounted uploads with remote files deletes any FileUploader uploads which are not mounted 550920:25:07 # No reason given 551020:25:07 # ./spec/support/shared_examples/models/with_uploads_shared_examples.rb:37 551120:25:07 4) User with uploads behaves like model with uploads .destroy with not mounted uploads with remote files deletes remote files 551220:25:07 # No reason given 551320:25:07 # ./spec/support/shared_examples/models/with_uploads_shared_examples.rb:41 551420:25:07 5) SystemCheck::App::TableTruncateCheck when running on single databases #skip? 551520:25:07 # Skipping because database ci exists 551620:25:07 # ./spec/lib/system_check/app/table_truncate_check_spec.rb:14 551720:25:07Finished in 22 minutes 41 seconds (files took 52.64 seconds to load) 551820:25:073772 examples, 0 failures, 5 pending 551920:25:07Randomized with seed 49412 552020:25:18RSpec exited with 0. 552120:25:18No examples to retry, congrats! 552320:25:19Running after script... 552420:25:19$ source scripts/utils.sh 552520:25:19$ log_disk_usage after_script 552620:25:19[log_disk_usage after_script] start 552820:25:19Filesystem Size Used Avail Use% Mounted on 552920:25:19overlay 95G 26G 69G 28% / 553020:25:19tmpfs 64M 0 64M 0% /dev 553120:25:19shm 64M 0 64M 0% /dev/shm 553220:25:19/dev/sda1 95G 26G 69G 28% /cache 553320:25:19tmpfs 3.9G 0 3.9G 0% /sys/devices/virtual/dmi/id 553620:25:19drwxr-xr-x 3 root root 4.0K Aug 23 20:00 cache 553720:25:19drwxrwxrwx 2 root root 4.0K Aug 23 19:54 feature_flags 553820:25:19drwxrwxrwx 2 root root 4.0K Aug 23 19:54 pids 553920:25:19drwxrwxrwx 5 root root 4.0K Aug 23 20:01 prometheus_multiproc_dir 554020:25:19drwxr-xr-x 4 root root 4.0K Aug 23 20:01 run 554120:25:19drwxrwxrwx 3 root root 4.0K Aug 23 19:54 sockets 554220:25:19drwxrwxrwx 16 root root 4.0K Aug 23 20:24 tests 554320:25:19-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 347 Aug 23 20:01 job-metrics.json 554420:25:19-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 58 Aug 23 20:01 duration_setup_db.txt 554520:25:19-rw------- 1 root root 44 Aug 23 20:00 gitlab_workhorse_test_secret 554620:25:19[log_disk_usage after_script] end 554720:25:19$ bundle exec gem list gitlab_quality-test_tooling 554820:25:22gitlab_quality-test_tooling (1.35.0) 554920:25:22$ section_start "failed-test-issues" "Report test failures" # collapsed multi-line command 555220:25:22$ section_start "flaky-test-issues" "Report test flakiness" # collapsed multi-line command 555520:25:22$ section_start "slow-test-issues" "Report test slowness" # collapsed multi-line command 555820:25:22$ section_start "slow-test-merge-request-report-note" "Report test slowness in MR note" # collapsed multi-line command 556220:25:24$ section_start "knapsack-report-issues" "Report test files close to timing out" # collapsed multi-line command 556620:25:26$ tooling/bin/push_job_metrics || true 556720:25:27[job-metrics] Pushing job metrics file for the CI/CD job. 556820:25:27[job-metrics] Pushed 4 CI job metric entries to InfluxDB. 557020:25:28Not uploading cache ruby-gems-debian-bookworm-ruby-3.2.4-17 due to policy 557220:25:28Uploading artifacts... 557320:25:28auto_explain/: found 3 matching artifact files and directories 557420:25:28coverage/: found 5 matching artifact files and directories 557520:25:28crystalball/: found 2 matching artifact files and directories 557620:25:28WARNING: deprecations/: no matching files. Ensure that the artifact path is relative to the working directory (/builds/gitlab-org/gitlab) 557720:25:28knapsack/: found 4 matching artifact files and directories 557820:25:28rspec/: found 16 matching artifact files and directories 557920:25:28WARNING: tmp/capybara/: no matching files. Ensure that the artifact path is relative to the working directory (/builds/gitlab-org/gitlab) 558020:25:28log/*.log: found 17 matching artifact files and directories 558220:25:29WARNING: Retrying... context=artifacts-uploader error=request redirected 558320:25:31Uploading artifacts as "archive" to coordinator... 201 Created id=7655314527 responseStatus=201 Created token=glcbt-66 558420:25:31Uploading artifacts... 558520:25:32rspec/rspec-*.xml: found 1 matching artifact files and directories 558720:25:32WARNING: Retrying... context=artifacts-uploader error=request redirected 558820:25:33Uploading artifacts as "junit" to coordinator... 201 Created id=7655314527 responseStatus=201 Created token=glcbt-66 559020:25:44Job succeeded