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1Running with gitlab-runner 13.3.1 (738bbe5a)2 on prm-com-gitlab-org bd0915564Using Docker executor with image ...5Pulling docker image ...6Using docker image sha256:65858f74f9c3ba532e75dd5bf59ff3ce8e650576cef8bff17fcf8cab8cbbba49 for ...8Running on runner-bd091556-project-278964-concurrent-0 via runner-bd091556-prm-1598712603-010ba0e0...10Skipping Git repository setup11Skipping Git checkout12Skipping Git submodules setup14$ cd ..15$ rm -rf $CI_PROJECT_NAME16$ git clone --progress $CI_REPOSITORY_URL $CI_PROJECT_NAME17Cloning into 'gitlab'...18remote: Enumerating objects: 528430, done. 19remote: Counting objects: 100% (528430/528430), done. 20remote: Compressing objects: 100% (154680/154680), done. 21remote: Total 2377630 (delta 466111), reused 419386 (delta 370116), pack-reused 1849200 22Receiving objects: 100% (2377630/2377630), 906.98 MiB | 19.08 MiB/s, done.23Resolving deltas: 100% (1845175/1845175), done.24Updating files: 100% (36608/36608), done.25$ cd $CI_PROJECT_NAME26$ gcloud auth activate-service-account --key-file=$CI_REPO_CACHE_CREDENTIALS27Activated service account credentials for: []28$ git remote rm origin29$ tar cf $TAR_FILENAME .30$ gzip $TAR_FILENAME31$ gsutil cp $TAR_FILENAME.gz gs://gitlab-ci-git-repo-cache/project-$CI_PROJECT_ID/gitlab-master.tar.gz32Copying file:///tmp/gitlab-master.tar.gz [Content-Type=application/x-tar]...33==> NOTE: You are uploading one or more large file(s), which would run34significantly faster if you enable parallel composite uploads. This35feature can be enabled by editing the36"parallel_composite_upload_threshold" value in your .boto37configuration file. However, note that if you do this large files will38be uploaded as `composite objects40means that any user who downloads such objects will need to have a41compiled crcmod installed (see "gsutil help crcmod"). This is because42without a compiled crcmod, computing checksums on composite objects is43so slow that gsutil disables downloads of composite objects.44- [1 files][ 1007 MiB/ 1007 MiB] 93.7 MiB/s 45Operation completed over 1 objects/1007.1 MiB. 46Job succeeded