rspec unit pg11 16/20
Passed Started
Kamil Trzciński
1Running with gitlab-runner 13.3.0-rc1 (669fc507)2 on docker-auto-scale-com 8a6210b84Using Docker executor with image ...5Starting service postgres:11.6 ...6Pulling docker image postgres:11.6 ...7Using docker image sha256:2c963c0eb8c6efa49bb8352ea446f248d208d674cfc34fc9ea275b5f99f8dedd for postgres:11.6 ...8Starting service redis:4.0-alpine ...9Pulling docker image redis:4.0-alpine ...10Using docker image sha256:e3dd0e49bca555d559ca2e97f06a1efa108ebd230fddcb17606723994f18ae3b for redis:4.0-alpine ...11Waiting for services to be up and running...12Authenticating with credentials from job payload (GitLab Registry)13Pulling docker image ...14Using docker image sha256:cd688957c9207f55272d81be6d4908692d78233833e3f09a9c0899b2f24eb3ff for ...16Running on runner-8a6210b8-project-278964-concurrent-0 via runner-8a6210b8-gsrm-1598364623-8520f051...18$ eval "$CI_PRE_CLONE_SCRIPT"19Downloading archived master...20Connecting to ( to '/tmp/gitlab.tar.gz'22gitlab.tar.gz 29% |********* | 297M 0:00:02 ETA23gitlab.tar.gz 64% |******************** | 643M 0:00:01 ETA24gitlab.tar.gz 95% |****************************** | 960M 0:00:00 ETA25gitlab.tar.gz 100% |********************************| 1004M 0:00:00 ETA26'/tmp/gitlab.tar.gz' saved27Extracting tarball into /builds/gitlab-org/gitlab...28Fetching changes with git depth set to 20...29Reinitialized existing Git repository in /builds/gitlab-org/gitlab/.git/30Created fresh repository.31Checking out dbc1a472 as master...32Skipping Git submodules setup34Checking cache for is up to date 36Successfully extracted cache38Downloading artifacts for compile-test-assets (702959600)...39Downloading artifacts from coordinator... ok id=702959600 responseStatus=200 OK token=efr6uzds40Downloading artifacts for retrieve-tests-metadata (702959602)...41Downloading artifacts from coordinator... ok id=702959602 responseStatus=200 OK token=VgekGNeS42Downloading artifacts for setup-test-env (702959601)...43Downloading artifacts from coordinator... ok id=702959601 responseStatus=200 OK token=Fwwkf6XV44WARNING: tmp/tests/gitlab-shell/.gitlab_shell_secret: chmod tmp/tests/gitlab-shell/.gitlab_shell_secret: no such file or directory (suppressing repeats) 46$ [ "$FOSS_ONLY" = "1" ] && rm -rf ee/ qa/spec/ee/ qa/qa/specs/features/ee/ qa/qa/ee/ qa/qa/ee.rb47$ export GOPATH=$CI_PROJECT_DIR/.go48$ mkdir -p $GOPATH49$ source scripts/utils.sh50$ source scripts/prepare_build.sh51Bundler version 1.17.252$ bundle install --clean --without=production --without=development --jobs=2 --path=vendor --retry=3 --quiet53==> 'bundle install --clean --without=production --without=development --jobs=2 --path=vendor --retry=3 --quiet' succeeded in 1 seconds.54$ bundle check55Warning: the running version of Bundler (1.17.2) is older than the version that created the lockfile (1.17.3). We suggest you upgrade to the latest version of Bundler by running `gem install bundler`.56The Gemfile's dependencies are satisfied57==> 'bundle check' succeeded in 1 seconds.58$ bundle pristine pg59Warning: the running version of Bundler (1.17.2) is older than the version that created the lockfile (1.17.3). We suggest you upgrade to the latest version of Bundler by running `gem install bundler`.60Installing pg 1.2.2 with native extensions61==> 'bundle pristine pg' succeeded in 11 seconds.62$ gem install knapsack --no-document63Successfully installed knapsack-1.18.0641 gem installed65==> 'gem install knapsack --no-document' succeeded in 1 seconds.66$ setup_db_user_only67CREATE ROLE68GRANT69==> 'setup_db_user_only' succeeded in 0 seconds.70$ bundle exec rake db:drop db:create db:structure:load db:migrate gitlab:db:setup_ee71Dropped database 'gitlabhq_test'72Created database 'gitlabhq_test'73Dropped database 'gitlabhq_geo_test'74Created database 'gitlabhq_geo_test'75==> 'bundle exec rake db:drop db:create db:structure:load db:migrate gitlab:db:setup_ee' succeeded in 34 seconds.76$ run_timed_command "scripts/gitaly-test-build"77$ scripts/gitaly-test-build78Settings are listed in order of priority. The top value will be used.79retry80Set for your local app (/builds/gitlab-org/gitlab/tmp/tests/gitaly/ruby/.bundle/config/config): 381path82Set for your local app (/builds/gitlab-org/gitlab/tmp/tests/gitaly/ruby/.bundle/config/config): "/builds/gitlab-org/gitlab/vendor/gitaly-ruby"83jobs84Set for your local app (/builds/gitlab-org/gitlab/tmp/tests/gitaly/ruby/.bundle/config/config): 485app_config86Set via BUNDLE_APP_CONFIG: "/builds/gitlab-org/gitlab/tmp/tests/gitaly/ruby/.bundle/config"87gemfile88Set via BUNDLE_GEMFILE: "/builds/gitlab-org/gitlab/tmp/tests/gitaly/ruby/Gemfile"89flags90Set via BUNDLE_FLAGS: "--jobs=4 --retry=3 --quiet --path=/builds/gitlab-org/gitlab/vendor/gitaly-ruby"91silence_root_warning92Set via BUNDLE_SILENCE_ROOT_WARNING: true93go install -ldflags '-X -X' -tags "tracer_static,tracer_static_jaeger,continuous_profiler_stackdriver" /builds/gitlab-org/gitlab/tmp/tests/gitaly/_build/bin/praefect /builds/gitlab-org/gitlab/tmp/tests/gitaly/_build/bin/gitaly-hooks /builds/gitlab-org/gitlab/tmp/tests/gitaly/_build/bin/gitaly-blackbox /builds/gitlab-org/gitlab/tmp/tests/gitaly/_build/bin/gitaly /builds/gitlab-org/gitlab/tmp/tests/gitaly/_build/bin/gitaly-debug /builds/gitlab-org/gitlab/tmp/tests/gitaly/_build/bin/gitaly-ssh /builds/gitlab-org/gitlab/tmp/tests/gitaly/_build/bin/gitaly-wrapper /builds/gitlab-org/gitlab/tmp/tests/gitaly95Checking gitaly-ruby Gemfile...96Checking gitaly-ruby bundle...97Warning: the running version of Bundler (1.17.2) is older than the version that created the lockfile (1.17.3). We suggest you upgrade to the latest version of Bundler by running `gem install bundler`.98The Gemfile's dependencies are satisfied99Trying to connect to gitaly: ......... OK100Trying to connect to praefect: ........ OK101==> 'scripts/gitaly-test-build' succeeded in 47 seconds.102$ run_timed_command "scripts/gitaly-test-spawn"103$ scripts/gitaly-test-spawn104Checking gitaly-ruby Gemfile...105Checking gitaly-ruby bundle...106Warning: the running version of Bundler (1.17.2) is older than the version that created the lockfile (1.17.3). We suggest you upgrade to the latest version of Bundler by running `gem install bundler`.107The Gemfile's dependencies are satisfied108Trying to connect to gitaly: ......... OK109Trying to connect to praefect: ........ OK110==> 'scripts/gitaly-test-spawn' succeeded in 2 seconds.111$ source scripts/rspec_helpers.sh112$ rspec_paralellized_job "--tag ~quarantine --tag ~geo --tag ~level:migration"113KNAPSACK_TEST_FILE_PATTERN: spec/{bin,channels,config,db,dependencies,factories,finders,frontend,graphql,haml_lint,helpers,initializers,javascripts,lib,models,policies,presenters,rack_servers,replicators,routing,rubocop,serializers,services,sidekiq,support_specs,tasks,uploaders,validators,views,workers,elastic_integration,tooling}{,/**/}*_spec.rb114Report specs:115spec/services/ci/pipeline_processing/atomic_processing_service_spec.rb116spec/lib/gitlab/import_export/fast_hash_serializer_spec.rb117spec/models/concerns/ci/has_status_spec.rb118spec/models/ci/job_artifact_spec.rb119spec/services/issuable/bulk_update_service_spec.rb120spec/lib/gitlab/project_template_spec.rb121spec/lib/gitlab/project_search_results_spec.rb122spec/serializers/pipeline_serializer_spec.rb123spec/lib/gitlab/background_migration/fix_projects_without_prometheus_service_spec.rb124spec/lib/gitlab/database/migration_helpers_spec.rb125spec/services/labels/promote_service_spec.rb126spec/rack_servers/puma_spec.rb127spec/db/schema_spec.rb128spec/services/issues/build_service_spec.rb129spec/finders/releases_finder_spec.rb130spec/lib/gitlab/legacy_github_import/pull_request_formatter_spec.rb131spec/lib/gitlab/import_export/import_export_equivalence_spec.rb132spec/lib/gitlab/diff/position_spec.rb133spec/services/todos/destroy/private_features_service_spec.rb134spec/models/label_spec.rb135spec/lib/gitlab/cycle_analytics/usage_data_spec.rb136spec/services/ci/unlock_artifacts_service_spec.rb137spec/lib/gitlab/email/handler/service_desk_handler_spec.rb138spec/models/project_services/buildkite_service_spec.rb139spec/lib/gitlab/auth/auth_finders_spec.rb140spec/models/concerns/milestoneable_spec.rb141spec/services/git/tag_hooks_service_spec.rb142spec/services/branches/delete_merged_service_spec.rb143spec/services/clusters/applications/check_uninstall_progress_service_spec.rb144spec/helpers/blob_helper_spec.rb145spec/services/projects/after_rename_service_spec.rb146spec/models/ci/group_spec.rb147spec/services/groups/import_export/export_service_spec.rb148spec/lib/gitlab/import_export/project/object_builder_spec.rb149spec/lib/gitlab/ci/build/rules_spec.rb150spec/services/gpg_keys/destroy_service_spec.rb151spec/presenters/project_clusterable_presenter_spec.rb152spec/lib/gitlab/search/found_blob_spec.rb153spec/services/packages/npm/create_tag_service_spec.rb154spec/services/packages/conan/search_service_spec.rb155spec/services/projects/alerting/notify_service_spec.rb156spec/services/issuable/common_system_notes_service_spec.rb157spec/models/prometheus_alert_event_spec.rb158spec/lib/gitlab/multi_collection_paginator_spec.rb159spec/workers/prune_old_events_worker_spec.rb160spec/services/verify_pages_domain_service_spec.rb161spec/lib/gitlab/template/merge_request_template_spec.rb162spec/workers/incident_management/process_alert_worker_spec.rb163spec/serializers/ci/dag_job_entity_spec.rb164spec/services/labels/find_or_create_service_spec.rb165spec/lib/gitlab/metrics/dashboard/processor_spec.rb166spec/lib/api/entities/snippet_spec.rb167spec/policies/board_policy_spec.rb168spec/models/concerns/ci/has_ref_spec.rb169spec/lib/gitlab/file_finder_spec.rb170spec/services/clusters/applications/patch_service_spec.rb171spec/workers/project_export_worker_spec.rb172spec/models/project_services/mattermost_slash_commands_service_spec.rb173spec/lib/gitlab/template/issue_template_spec.rb174spec/services/metrics/dashboard/clone_dashboard_service_spec.rb175spec/uploaders/import_export_uploader_spec.rb176spec/services/ci/create_pipeline_service/parent_child_pipeline_spec.rb177spec/serializers/web_ide_terminal_entity_spec.rb178spec/lib/gitlab/checks/diff_check_spec.rb179spec/lib/gitlab/ci/charts_spec.rb180spec/lib/gitlab/email/smime/certificate_spec.rb181spec/models/milestone_release_spec.rb182spec/workers/chat_notification_worker_spec.rb183spec/services/discussions/capture_diff_note_position_service_spec.rb184spec/serializers/group_child_serializer_spec.rb185spec/models/cycle_analytics/project_level_spec.rb186spec/graphql/mutations/alert_management/alerts/set_assignees_spec.rb187spec/models/grafana_integration_spec.rb188spec/models/badge_spec.rb189spec/serializers/stage_serializer_spec.rb190spec/lib/gitlab/url_blocker_spec.rb191spec/workers/export_csv_worker_spec.rb192spec/uploaders/namespace_file_uploader_spec.rb193spec/lib/gitlab/ci/pipeline/seed/environment_spec.rb194spec/workers/packages/nuget/extraction_worker_spec.rb195spec/models/tree_spec.rb196spec/graphql/mutations/todos/restore_many_spec.rb197spec/graphql/resolvers/snippets_resolver_spec.rb198spec/lib/gitlab/fogbugz_import/importer_spec.rb199spec/views/projects/merge_requests/diffs/_diffs.html.haml_spec.rb200spec/views/projects/pipelines/show.html.haml_spec.rb201spec/db/production/settings_spec.rb202spec/lib/gitlab/background_migration/migrate_pages_metadata_spec.rb203spec/lib/gitlab/import_export/lfs_saver_spec.rb204spec/lib/gitlab/optimistic_locking_spec.rb205spec/workers/hashed_storage/rollbacker_worker_spec.rb206spec/services/resource_events/synthetic_label_notes_builder_service_spec.rb207spec/services/compare_service_spec.rb208spec/finders/design_management/designs_finder_spec.rb209spec/services/ci/create_pipeline_service/parameter_content_spec.rb210spec/services/metrics/dashboard/cluster_metrics_embed_service_spec.rb211spec/workers/hashed_storage/project_rollback_w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reporter has already been initialized with #<IO:<STDERR>> as the deprecation stream, so your change to `deprecation_stream` will be ignored. You should configure it earlier for it to take effect, or use the `--deprecation-out` CLI option. (Called from /builds/gitlab-org/gitlab/spec/support/rspec.rb:12:in `block in <top (required)>')279Knapsack report generator started!280Run options:281 include {:focus=>true}282 exclude {:quarantine=>true, :geo=>true, :level=>"migration"}283All examples were filtered out; ignoring {:focus=>true}284==> Setting up gitlab-test bare repository in /builds/gitlab-org/gitlab/tmp/tests/gitlab-test_bare...285 /builds/gitlab-org/gitlab/tmp/tests/gitlab-test_bare set up in 0.040587283 seconds...286Ci::PipelineProcessing::AtomicProcessingService287 behaves like Pipeline Processing Service288 when simple pipeline is defined289 processes a pipeline290 does not process pipeline if existing stage is running291 custom stage with first job allowed to fail292 automatically triggers a next stage when build finishes293 when optional manual actions are defined294 when builds are successful295 properly processes the pipeline296 when test job fails297 properly processes the pipeline298 when test and test_failure jobs fail299 properly processes the pipeline300 when deploy job fails301 properly processes the pipeline302 when build is canceled in the second stage303 does not schedule builds after build has been canceled304 when listing optional manual actions305 returns only for skipped builds306 when delayed jobs are defined307 when the scene is timed incremental rollout308 when builds are successful309 properly processes the pipeline310 when build job fails311 properly processes the pipeline312 when rollout 10% is unscheduled313 properly processes the pipeline314 when user plays rollout 10%315 schedules rollout100%316 when rollout 10% fails317 properly processes the pipeline318 when user retries rollout 10%319 does not schedule rollout10% again320 when rollout 10% is played immidiately321 properly processes the pipeline322 when only one scheduled job exists in a pipeline323 properly processes the pipeline324 when there are two delayed jobs in a stage325 blocks the stage until all scheduled jobs finished326 when a delayed job is allowed to fail327 blocks the stage and continues after it failed328 when an exception is raised during a persistent ref creation329 process the pipeline330 when there are manual action in earlier stages331 when first stage has only optional manual actions332 starts from the second stage333 when second stage has only optional manual actions334 skips second stage and continues on third stage335 when there are only manual actions in stages336 processes all jobs until blocking actions encountered337 when there is only one manual action338 skips the pipeline339 when the action was played340 queues the action and pipeline341 when blocking manual actions are defined342 when first stage succeeds343 blocks pipeline on stage with first manual action344 when first stage fails345 does not take blocking action into account346 when pipeline is promoted sequentially up to the end347 properly processes entire pipeline348 when second stage has only on_failure jobs349 skips second stage and continues on third stage350 when failed build in the middle stage is retried351 when failed build is the only unsuccessful build in the stage352 does trigger builds in the next stage353 when builds with auto-retries are configured354 automatically retries builds in a valid order355 when pipeline with needs is created356 when linux:* finishes first it runs it out of order357 when one of the jobs is run on a failure358 when another job in build phase fails first359 does skip linux:notify360 when linux:build job fails first361 does run linux:notify362 when there is a job scheduled with dag but no need (needs: [])363 runs deploy_pages without waiting prior stages364 when a needed job is skipped365 skips the jobs depending on it366 when a needed job is manual367 makes deploy DAG to be waiting for optional manual to finish368 behaves like Pipeline Processing Service Tests With Yaml369 test_file_path: "/builds/gitlab-org/gitlab/spec/services/ci/pipeline_processing/test_cases/stage_test_manual_allow_failure_true_deploy_on_failure.yml"370 follows transitions371 test_file_path: "/builds/gitlab-org/gitlab/spec/services/ci/pipeline_processing/test_cases/dag_test_manual_allow_failure_true_deploy_always.yml"372 follows transitions373 test_file_path: "/builds/gitlab-org/gitlab/spec/services/ci/pipeline_processing/test_cases/dag_build_fails_test_on_failure_deploy_needs_test.yml"374 follows transitions375 test_file_path: "/builds/gitlab-org/gitlab/spec/services/ci/pipeline_processing/test_cases/dag_build_fails_test_always.yml"376 follows transitions377 test_file_path: "/builds/gitlab-org/gitlab/spec/services/ci/pipeline_processing/test_cases/dag_builds_succeed_test_on_failure_deploy_needs_one_build_and_test_when_always.yml"378 follows transitions379 test_file_path: "/builds/gitlab-org/gitlab/spec/services/ci/pipeline_processing/test_cases/dag_test_manual_allow_failure_true.yml"380 follows transitions381 test_file_path: "/builds/gitlab-org/gitlab/spec/services/ci/pipeline_processing/test_cases/stage_build_succeeds_test_on_failure.yml"382 follows transitions383 test_file_path: "/builds/gitlab-org/gitlab/spec/services/ci/pipeline_processing/test_cases/dag_test_manual_allow_failure_false_other_test_succeeds_deploy_needs_both.yml"384 follows transitions385 test_file_path: "/builds/gitlab-org/gitlab/spec/services/ci/pipeline_processing/test_cases/stage_build_test_manual_review_deploy.yml"386 follows transitions387 test_file_path: "/builds/gitlab-org/gitlab/spec/services/ci/pipeline_processing/test_cases/dag_build_fails_deploy_needs_test_when_always.yml"388 follows transitions389 test_file_path: "/builds/gitlab-org/gitlab/spec/services/ci/pipeline_processing/test_cases/dag_build_succeds_test_manual_allow_failure_true_deploy_needs_both.yml"390 follows transitions391 test_file_path: "/builds/gitlab-org/gitlab/spec/services/ci/pipeline_processing/test_cases/dag_build_succeeds_test_on_failure_deploy_needs_test.yml"392 follows transitions393 test_file_path: "/builds/gitlab-org/gitlab/spec/services/ci/pipeline_processing/test_cases/dag_builds_succeed_test_on_failure_deploy_needs_one_build_and_test.yml"394 follows transitions395 test_file_path: "/builds/gitlab-org/gitlab/spec/services/ci/pipeline_processing/test_cases/stage_build_fails.yml"396 follows transitions397 test_file_path: "/builds/gitlab-org/gitlab/spec/services/ci/pipeline_processing/test_cases/stage_build_succeeds_test_manual_allow_failure_true.yml"398 follows transitions399 test_file_path: "/builds/gitlab-org/gitlab/spec/services/ci/pipeline_processing/test_cases/dag_build_fails_with_allow_failure_test_on_failure.yml"400 follows transitions401 test_file_path: "/builds/gitlab-org/gitlab/spec/services/ci/pipeline_processing/test_cases/stage_build_fails_with_allow_failure_test_on_failure.yml"402 follows transitions403 test_file_path: "/builds/gitlab-org/gitlab/spec/services/ci/pipeline_processing/test_cases/stage_test_manual_allow_failure_true_deploy_always.yml"404 follows transitions405 test_file_path: "/builds/gitlab-org/gitlab/spec/services/ci/pipeline_processing/test_cases/dag_test_manual_allow_failure_false.yml"406 follows transitions407 test_file_path: "/builds/gitlab-org/gitlab/spec/services/ci/pipeline_processing/test_cases/dag_build_fails_deploy_needs_test.yml"408 follows transitions409 test_file_path: "/builds/gitlab-org/gitlab/spec/services/ci/pipeline_processing/test_cases/dag_test_manual_allow_failure_false_deploy_always.yml"410 follows transitions411 test_file_path: "/builds/gitlab-org/gitlab/spec/services/ci/pipeline_processing/test_cases/dag_test_manual_allow_failure_true_other_test_succeeds_deploy_needs_both.yml"412 follows transitions413 test_file_path: "/builds/gitlab-org/gitlab/spec/services/ci/pipeline_processing/test_cases/dag_test_fails_with_allow_failure.yml"414 follows transitions415 test_file_path: "/builds/gitlab-org/gitlab/spec/services/ci/pipeline_processing/test_cases/dag_build_test_manual_review_deploy.yml"416 follows transitions417 test_file_path: "/builds/gitlab-org/gitlab/spec/services/ci/pipeline_processing/test_cases/dag_build_fails_test_on_failure.yml"418 follows transitions419 test_file_path: "/builds/gitlab-org/gitlab/spec/services/ci/pipeline_processing/test_cases/dag_build_fails_test_fails_with_allow_failure.yml"420 follows transitions421 test_file_path: "/builds/gitlab-org/gitlab/spec/services/ci/pipeline_processing/test_cases/dag_test_manual_allow_failure_false_deploy_on_failure.yml"422 follows transitions423 test_file_path: "/builds/gitlab-org/gitlab/spec/services/ci/pipeline_processing/test_cases/dag_build_fails_other_build_succeeds_deploy_needs_one_build_and_test_when_always.yml"424 follows transitions425 test_file_path: "/builds/gitlab-org/gitlab/spec/services/ci/pipeline_processing/test_cases/dag_build_fails_other_build_succeeds_deploy_needs_one_build_and_test.yml"426 follows transitions427 test_file_path: "/builds/gitlab-org/gitlab/spec/services/ci/pipeline_processing/test_cases/dag_test_manual_allow_failure_true_deploy_on_failure.yml"428 follows transitions429 test_file_path: "/builds/gitlab-org/gitlab/spec/services/ci/pipeline_processing/test_cases/stage_test_manual_allow_failure_true.yml"430 follows transitions431 test_file_path: "/builds/gitlab-org/gitlab/spec/services/ci/pipeline_processing/test_cases/stage_test_manual_allow_failure_false.yml"432 follows transitions433 test_file_path: "/builds/gitlab-org/gitlab/spec/services/ci/pipeline_processing/test_cases/dag_build_fails.yml"434 follows transitions435 test_file_path: "/builds/gitlab-org/gitlab/spec/services/ci/pipeline_processing/test_cases/stage_build_fails_test_on_failure.yml"436 follows transitions437 test_file_path: "/builds/gitlab-org/gitlab/spec/services/ci/pipeline_processing/test_cases/dag_build_succeeds_test_on_failure.yml"438 follows transitions439 test_file_path: "/builds/gitlab-org/gitlab/spec/services/ci/pipeline_processing/test_cases/dag_build_succeds_test_manual_allow_failure_true_deploy_needs_test.yml"440 follows transitions441 test_file_path: "/builds/gitlab-org/gitlab/spec/services/ci/pipeline_processing/test_cases/dag_deploy_needs_empty.yml"442 follows transitions443Gitlab::ImportExport::FastHashSerializer444 saves the correct hash445 has approvals_before_merge set446 has milestones447 has merge requests448 has merge request's milestones449 has merge request's source branch SHA450 has merge request's target branch SHA451 has events452 has snippets453 has snippet notes454 has releases455 has no author on releases456 has the author ID on releases457 has issues458 has issue comments459 has issue assignees460 has author on issue comments461 has project members462 has merge requests diffs463 has merge request diff files464 has merge request diff commits465 has merge requests comments466 has author on merge requests comments467 has pipeline stages468 has pipeline statuses469 has pipeline builds470 has no when YML attributes but only the DB column471 has pipeline commits472 has ci pipeline notes473 has labels with no associations474 has labels associated to records475 has project and group labels476 has priorities associated to labels477 has issue resource label events478 has merge request resource label events479 has project feature480 has custom attributes481 has badges482 does not complain about non UTF-8 characters in MR diff files483 has a board and a list484 project attributes485 does not contain the runners token486 relation ordering487 orders exported pipelines by primary key488Ci::HasStatus489 .composite_status490 ci build statuses491 behaves like build status summary492 all successful493 is expected to eq "success"494 at least one failed495 is expected to eq "failed"496 at least one running497 is expected to eq "running"498 at least one pending499 is expected to eq "running"500 all waiting for resource501 is expected to eq "waiting_for_resource"502 at least one waiting for resource503 is expected to eq "waiting_for_resource"504 all preparing505 is expected to eq "preparing"506 at least one preparing507 is expected to eq "preparing"508 success and failed but allowed to fail509 is expected to eq "success"510 one failed but allowed to fail511 is expected to eq "success"512 success and canceled513 is expected to eq "canceled"514 one failed and one canceled515 is expected to eq "failed"516 one failed but allowed to fail and one canceled517 is expected to eq "canceled"518 one running one canceled519 is expected to eq "running"520 all canceled521 is expected to eq "canceled"522 success and canceled but allowed to fail523 is expected to eq "success"524 one finished and second running but allowed to fail525 is expected to eq "running"526 when one status finished and second is still created527 is expected to eq "running"528 when there is a manual status before created status529 is expected to eq "manual"530 when one status is a blocking manual action531 is expected to eq "manual"532 when one status is a non-blocking manual action533 is expected to eq "failed"534 generic commit statuses535 behaves like build status summary536 all successful537 is expected to eq "success"538 at least one failed539 is expected to eq "failed"540 at least one running541 is expected to eq "running"542 at least one pending543 is expected to eq "running"544 all waiting for resource545 is expected to eq "waiting_for_resource"546 at least one waiting for resource547 is expected to eq "waiting_for_resource"548 all preparing549 is expected to eq "preparing"550 at least one preparing551 is expected to eq "preparing"552 success and failed but allowed to fail553 is expected to eq "success"554 one failed but allowed to fail555 is expected to eq "success"556 success and canceled557 is expected to eq "canceled"558 one failed and one canceled559 is expected to eq "failed"560 one failed but allowed to fail and one canceled561 is expected to eq "canceled"562 one running one canceled563 is expected to eq "running"564 all canceled565 is expected to eq "canceled"566 success and canceled but allowed to fail567 is expected to eq "success"568 one finished and second running but allowed to fail569 is expected to eq "running"570 when one status finished and second is still created571 is expected to eq "running"572 when there is a manual status before created status573 is expected to eq "manual"574 when one status is a blocking manual action575 is expected to eq "manual"576 when one status is a non-blocking manual action577 is expected to eq "failed"578 for scope with one status579 behaves like having a job580 when it's created ci_build job581 .created582 contains the job583 .relevant584 contains nothing585 when it's created generic_commit_status job586 .created587 contains the job588 .relevant589 contains nothing590 behaves like having a job591 when it's waiting_for_resource ci_build job592 .waiting_for_resource593 contains the job594 .relevant595 contains the job596 when it's waiting_for_resource generic_commit_status job597 .waiting_for_resource598 contains the job599 .relevant600 contains the job601 behaves like having a job602 when it's preparing ci_build job603 .preparing604 contains the job605 .relevant606 contains the job607 when it's preparing generic_commit_status job608 .preparing609 contains the job610 .relevant611 contains the job612 behaves like having a job613 when it's running ci_build job614 .running615 contains the job616 .relevant617 contains the job618 when it's running generic_commit_status job619 .running620 contains the job621 .relevant622 contains the job623 behaves like having a job624 when it's pending ci_build job625 .pending626 contains the job627 .relevant628 contains the job629 when it's pending generic_commit_status job630 .pending631 contains the job632 .relevant633 contains the job634 behaves like having a job635 when it's success ci_build job636 .success637 contains the job638 .relevant639 contains the job640 when it's success generic_commit_status job641 .success642 contains the job643 .relevant644 contains the job645 behaves like having a job646 when it's failed ci_build job647 .failed648 contains the job649 .relevant650 contains the job651 when it's failed generic_commit_status job652 .failed653 contains the job654 .relevant655 contains the job656 behaves like having a job657 when it's canceled ci_build job658 .canceled659 contains the job660 .relevant661 contains the job662 when it's canceled generic_commit_status job663 .canceled664 contains the job665 .relevant666 contains the job667 behaves like having a job668 when it's skipped ci_build job669 .skipped670 contains the job671 .relevant672 contains the job673 when it's skipped generic_commit_status job674 .skipped675 contains the job676 .relevant677 contains the job678 for scope with more statuses679 .running_or_pending680 behaves like containing the job681 when it's running ci_build job682 contains the job683 when it's running generic_commit_status job684 contains the job685 behaves like containing the job686 when it's pending ci_build job687 contains the job688 when it's pending generic_commit_status job689 contains the job690 behaves like not containing the job691 when it's created ci_build job692 contains nothing693 when it's created generic_commit_status job694 contains nothing695 behaves like not containing the job696 when it's failed ci_build job697 contains nothing698 when it's failed generic_commit_status job699 contains nothing700 behaves like not containing the job701 when it's success ci_build job702 contains nothing703 when it's success generic_commit_status job704 contains nothing705 .alive706 behaves like containing the job707 when it's running ci_build job708 contains the job709 when it's running generic_commit_status job710 contains the job711 behaves like containing the job712 when it's pending ci_build job713 contains the job714 when it's pending generic_commit_status job715 contains the job716 behaves like containing the job717 when it's waiting_for_resource ci_build job718 contains the job719 when it's waiting_for_resource generic_commit_status job720 contains the job721 behaves like containing the job722 when it's preparing ci_build job723 contains the job724 when it's preparing generic_commit_status job725 contains the job726 behaves like containing the job727 when it's created ci_build job728 contains the job729 when it's created generic_commit_status job730 contains the job731 behaves like not containing the job732 when it's failed ci_build job733 contains nothing734 when it's failed generic_commit_status job735 contains nothing736 behaves like not containing the job737 when it's success ci_build job738 contains nothing739 when it's success generic_commit_status job740 contains nothing741 .alive_or_scheduled742 behaves like containing the job743 when it's running ci_build job744 contains the job745 when it's running generic_commit_status job746 contains the job747 behaves like containing the job748 when it's pending ci_build job749 contains the job750 when it's pending generic_commit_status job751 contains the job752 behaves like containing the job753 when it's waiting_for_resource ci_build job754 contains the job755 when it's waiting_for_resource generic_commit_status job756 contains the job757 behaves like containing the job758 when it's preparing ci_build job759 contains the job760 when it's preparing generic_commit_status job761 contains the job762 behaves like containing the job763 when it's created ci_build job764 contains the job765 when it's created generic_commit_status job766 contains the job767 behaves like containing the job768 when it's scheduled ci_build job769 contains the job770 when it's scheduled generic_commit_status job771 contains the job772 behaves like not containing the job773 when it's failed ci_build job774 contains nothing775 when it's failed generic_commit_status job776 contains nothing777 behaves like not containing the job778 when it's success ci_build job779 contains nothing780 when it's success generic_commit_status job781 contains nothing782 behaves like not containing the job783 when it's canceled ci_build job784 contains nothing785 when it's canceled generic_commit_status job786 contains nothing787 behaves like not containing the job788 when it's skipped ci_build job789 contains nothing790 when it's skipped generic_commit_status job791 contains nothing792 .created_or_pending793 behaves like containing the job794 when it's created ci_build job795 contains the job796 when it's created generic_commit_status job797 contains the job798 behaves like containing the job799 when it's pending ci_build job800 contains the job801 when it's pending generic_commit_status job802 contains the job803 behaves like not containing the job804 when it's running ci_build job805 contains nothing806 when it's running generic_commit_status job807 contains nothing808 behaves like not containing the job809 when it's failed ci_build job810 contains nothing811 when it's failed generic_commit_status job812 contains nothing813 behaves like not containing the job814 when it's success ci_build job815 contains nothing816 when it's success generic_commit_status job817 contains nothing818 .finished819 behaves like containing the job820 when it's success ci_build job821 contains the job822 when it's success generic_commit_status job823 contains the job824 behaves like containing the job825 when it's failed ci_build job826 contains the job827 when it's failed generic_commit_status job828 contains the job829 behaves like containing the job830 when it's canceled ci_build job831 contains the job832 when it's canceled generic_commit_status job833 contains the job834 behaves like not containing the job835 when it's created ci_build job836 contains nothing837 when it's created generic_commit_status job838 contains nothing839 behaves like not containing the job840 when it's running ci_build job841 contains nothing842 when it's running generic_commit_status job843 contains nothing844 behaves like not containing the job845 when it's pending ci_build job846 contains nothing847 when it's pending generic_commit_status job848 contains nothing849 .cancelable850 behaves like containing the job851 when it's running ci_build job852 contains the job853 when it's running generic_commit_status job854 contains the job855 behaves like containing the job856 when it's pending ci_build job857 contains the job858 when it's pending generic_commit_status job859 contains the job860 behaves like containing the job861 when it's waiting_for_resource ci_build job862 contains the job863 when it's waiting_for_resource generic_commit_status job864 contains the job865 behaves like containing the job866 when it's preparing ci_build job867 contains the job868 when it's preparing generic_commit_status job869 contains the job870 behaves like containing the job871 when it's created ci_build job872 contains the job873 when it's created generic_commit_status job874 contains the job875 behaves like containing the job876 when it's scheduled ci_build job877 contains the job878 when it's scheduled generic_commit_status job879 contains the job880 behaves like not containing the job881 when it's failed ci_build job882 contains nothing883 when it's failed generic_commit_status job884 contains nothing885 behaves like not containing the job886 when it's success ci_build job887 contains nothing888 when it's success generic_commit_status job889 contains nothing890 behaves like not containing the job891 when it's skipped ci_build job892 contains nothing893 when it's skipped generic_commit_status job894 contains nothing895 behaves like not containing the job896 when it's canceled ci_build job897 contains nothing898 when it's canceled generic_commit_status job899 contains nothing900 behaves like not containing the job901 when it's manual ci_build job902 contains nothing903 when it's manual generic_commit_status job904 contains nothing905 .manual906 behaves like containing the job907 when it's manual ci_build job908 contains the job909 when it's manual generic_commit_status job910 contains the job911 behaves like not containing the job912 when it's failed ci_build job913 contains nothing914 when it's failed generic_commit_status job915 contains nothing916 behaves like not containing the job917 when it's success ci_build job918 contains nothing919 when it's success generic_commit_status job920 contains nothing921 behaves like not containing the job922 when it's skipped ci_build job923 contains nothing924 when it's skipped generic_commit_status job925 contains nothing926 behaves like not containing the job927 when it's canceled ci_build job928 contains nothing929 when it's canceled generic_commit_status job930 contains nothing931 .scheduled932 behaves like containing the job933 when it's scheduled ci_build job934 contains the job935 when it's scheduled generic_commit_status job936 contains the job937 behaves like not containing the job938 when it's failed ci_build job939 contains nothing940 when it's failed generic_commit_status job941 contains nothing942 behaves like not containing the job943 when it's success ci_build job944 contains nothing945 when it's success generic_commit_status job946 contains nothing947 behaves like not containing the job948 when it's skipped ci_build job949 contains nothing950 when it's skipped generic_commit_status job951 contains nothing952 behaves like not containing the job953 when it's canceled ci_build job954 contains nothing955 when it's canceled generic_commit_status job956 contains nothing957 ::DEFAULT_STATUS958 is a status created959 ::BLOCKED_STATUS960 is a status manual961 blocked?962 when status is scheduled963 is expected to be truthy964 when status is manual965 is expected to be truthy966 when status is created967 is expected to be falsy968 when status is scheduled969 is expected to be truthy970 when status is manual971 is expected to be truthy972 when status is created973 is expected to be falsy974 when status is scheduled975 is expected to be truthy976 when status is manual977 is expected to be truthy978 when status is created979 is expected to be falsy980 when status is scheduled981 is expected to be truthy982 when status is manual983 is expected to be truthy984 when status is created985 is expected to be falsy986Ci::JobArtifact987 is expected to respond to #file988 is expected to respond to #created_at989 is expected to respond to #updated_at990 is expected to delegate #open to the #file object991 is expected to delegate #exists? to the #file object992 Associations993 is expected to belong to project required:994 is expected to belong to job required:995 behaves like having unique enum values996 has unique values in "file_format"997 has unique values in "file_type"998 has unique values in "file_location"999 behaves like UpdateProjectStatistics1000 is expected to be a new record1001 when creating1002 updates the project statistics1003 schedules a namespace statistics worker1004 when updating1005 updates project statistics1006 schedules a namespace statistics worker1007 avoids N + 1 queries1008 when destroying1009 updates the project statistics1010 schedules a namespace statistics worker1011 when it is destroyed from the project level1012 does not update the project statistics1013 does not schedule a namespace statistics worker1014 .not_expired1015 returns artifacts that have not expired1016 .with_reports1017 is expected to be empty1018 when there are reports1019 is expected to eq [#<Ci::JobArtifact id: 14, project_id: 497, job_id: 601, file_type: "junit", size: 568, created_at: "... file: "codequality.json", file_store: 1, file_sha256: nil, file_format: "raw", file_location: nil>]1020 .test_reports1021 when there is a test report1022 is expected to eq [#<Ci::JobArtifact id: 16, project_id: 499, job_id: 603, file_type: "junit", size: 568, created_at: ", file: "junit.xml.gz", file_store: 1, file_sha256: nil, file_format: "gzip", file_location: nil>]1023 when there are no test reports1024 is expected to be empty1025 .accessibility_reports1026 when there is an accessibility report1027 is expected to eq [#<Ci::JobArtifact id: 18, project_id: 501, job_id: 605, file_type: "accessibility", size: 5977, crea... "pa11y_with_errors.json", file_store: 1, file_sha256: nil, file_format: "raw", file_location: nil>]1028 when there are no accessibility report1029 is expected to be empty1030 .coverage_reports1031 when there is a coverage report1032 is expected to eq [#<Ci::JobArtifact id: 19, project_id: 502, job_id: 606, file_type: "cobertura", size: 576, created_a... file: "coverage.xml.gz", file_store: 1, file_sha256: nil, file_format: "gzip", file_location: nil>]1033 when there are no coverage reports1034 is expected to be empty1035 .terraform_reports1036 when there is a terraform report1037 return the job artifact1038 when there are no terraform reports1039 return the an empty array1040 .associated_file_types_for1041 file_type: "codequality", result: ["codequality"]1042 is expected to eq ["codequality"]1043 file_type: "quality", result: nil1044 is expected to eq nil1045 .erasable1046 when there is an erasable artifact1047 is expected to eq [#<Ci::JobArtifact id: 22, project_id: 505, job_id: 609, file_type: "junit", size: 568, created_at: ", file: "junit.xml.gz", file_store: 1, file_sha256: nil, file_format: "gzip", file_location: nil>]1048 when there are no erasable artifacts1049 is expected to be empty1050 .downloadable1051 filters for downloadable artifacts1052 .archived_trace_exists_for?1053 when the specified job_id exists1054 is expected to be truthy1055 when the job does have archived trace1056 is expected to be falsy1057 when the specified job_id does not exist1058 is expected to be falsy1059 .for_sha1060 returns job artifacts for a given pipeline sha1061 .for_job_name1062 returns job artifacts for a given job name1063 callbacks1064 #schedule_background_upload1065 when object storage is disabled1066 does not schedule the migration1067 when object storage is enabled1068 when background upload is enabled1069 schedules the model for migration1070 when background upload is disabled1071 schedules the model for migration1072 creating the artifact1073 sets the size from the file size1074 updating the artifact file1075 updates the artifact size1076 validates if file format is supported1077 when license_management is supported1078 is expected to be valid1079 when license_management is not supported1080 is expected not to be valid1081 validates file format1082 when archive type with zip format1083 is expected to be valid1084 when archive type without format specification1085 is expected not to be valid1086 when archive type with other formats1087 is expected not to be valid1088 is expected not to be valid1089 when metadata type with gzip format1090 is expected to be valid1091 when metadata type without format specification1092 is expected not to be valid1093 when metadata type with other formats1094 is expected not to be valid1095 is expected not to be valid1096 when junit type with gzip format1097 is expected to be valid1098 when junit type without format specification1099 is expected not to be valid1100 when junit type with other formats1101 is expected not to be valid1102 is expected not to be valid1103 when metrics type with gzip format1104 is expected to be valid1105 when metrics type without format specification1106 is expected not to be valid1107 when metrics type with other formats1108 is expected not to be valid1109 is expected not to be valid1110 when metrics_referee type with gzip format1111 is expected to be valid1112 when metrics_referee type without format specification1113 is expected not to be valid1114 when metrics_referee type with other formats1115 is expected not to be valid1116 is expected not to be valid1117 when network_referee type with gzip format1118 is expected to be valid1119 when network_referee type without format specification1120 is expected not to be valid1121 when network_referee type with other formats1122 is expected not to be valid1123 is expected not to be valid1124 when dotenv type with gzip format1125 is expected to be valid1126 when dotenv type without format specification1127 is expected not to be valid1128 when dotenv type with other formats1129 is expected not to be valid1130 is expected not to be valid1131 when cobertura type with gzip format1132 is expected to be valid1133 when cobertura type without format specification1134 is expected not to be valid1135 when cobertura type with other formats1136 is expected not to be valid1137 is expected not to be valid1138 when cluster_applications type with gzip format1139 is expected to be valid1140 when cluster_applications type without format specification1141 is expected not to be valid1142 when cluster_applications type with other formats1143 is expected not to be valid1144 is expected not to be valid1145 when lsif type with zip format1146 is expected to be valid1147 when lsif type without format specification1148 is expected not to be valid1149 when lsif type with other formats1150 is expected not to be valid1151 is expected not to be valid1152 when accessibility type with raw format1153 is expected to be valid1154 when accessibility type without format specification1155 is expected not to be valid1156 when accessibility type with other formats1157 is expected not to be valid1158 is expected not to be valid1159 when codequality type with raw format1160 is expected to be valid1161 when codequality type without format specification1162 is expected not to be valid1163 when codequality type with other formats1164 is expected not to be valid1165 is expected not to be valid1166 when sast type with raw format1167 is expected to be valid1168 when sast type without format specification1169 is expected not to be valid1170 when sast type with other formats1171 is expected not to be valid1172 is expected not to be valid1173 when secret_detection type with raw format1174 is expected to be valid1175 when secret_detection type without format specification1176 is expected not to be valid1177 when secret_detection type with other formats1178 is expected not to be valid1179 is expected not to be valid1180 when dependency_scanning type with raw format1181 is expected to be valid1182 when dependency_scanning type without format specification1183 is expected not to be valid1184 when dependency_scanning type with other formats1185 is expected not to be valid1186 is expected not to be valid1187 when container_scanning type with raw format1188 is expected to be valid1189 when container_scanning type without format specification1190 is expected not to be valid1191 when container_scanning type with other formats1192 is expected not to be valid1193 is expected not to be valid1194 when dast type with raw format1195 is expected to be valid1196 when dast type without format specification1197 is expected not to be valid1198 when dast type with other formats1199 is expected not to be valid1200 is expected not to be valid1201 when license_management type with raw format1202 is expected to be valid1203 when license_management type without format specification1204 is expected not to be valid1205 when license_management type with other formats1206 is expected not to be valid1207 is expected not to be valid1208 when license_scanning type with raw format1209 is expected to be valid1210 when license_scanning type without format specification1211 is expected not to be valid1212 when license_scanning type with other formats1213 is expected not to be valid1214 is expected not to be valid1215 when performance type with raw format1216 is expected to be valid1217 when performance type without format specification1218 is expected not to be valid1219 when performance type with other formats1220 is expected not to be valid1221 is expected not to be valid1222 when browser_performance type with raw format1223 is expected to be valid1224 when browser_performance type without format specification1225 is expected not to be valid1226 when browser_performance type with other formats1227 is expected not to be valid1228 is expected not to be valid1229 when load_performance type with raw format1230 is expected to be valid1231 when load_performance type without format specification1232 is expected not to be valid1233 when load_performance type with other formats1234 is expected not to be valid1235 is expected not to be valid1236 when terraform type with raw format1237 is expected to be valid1238 when terraform type without format specification1239 is expected not to be valid1240 when terraform type with other formats1241 is expected not to be valid1242 is expected not to be valid1243 when requirements type with raw format1244 is expected to be valid1245 when requirements type without format specification1246 is expected not to be valid1247 when requirements type with other formats1248 is expected not to be valid1249 is expected not to be valid1250 when coverage_fuzzing type with raw format1251 is expected to be valid1252 when coverage_fuzzing type without format specification1253 is expected not to be valid1254 when coverage_fuzzing type with other formats1255 is expected not to be valid1256 is expected not to be valid1257 validates DEFAULT_FILE_NAMES1258 expects archive to be included1259 expects metadata to be included1260 expects trace to be included1261 expects junit to be included1262 expects sast to be included1263 expects dependency_scanning to be included1264 expects container_scanning to be included1265 expects dast to be included1266 expects codequality to be included1267 expects license_management to be included1268 expects license_scanning to be included1269 expects performance to be included1270 expects metrics to be included1271 expects metrics_referee to be included1272 expects network_referee to be included1273 expects lsif to be included1274 expects dotenv to be included1275 expects cobertura to be included1276 expects terraform to be included1277 expects accessibility to be included1278 expects cluster_applications to be included1279 expects secret_detection to be included1280 expects requirements to be included1281 expects coverage_fuzzing to be included1282 expects browser_performance to be included1283 expects load_performance to be included1284 validates TYPE_AND_FORMAT_PAIRS1285 expects archive to be included1286 expects metadata to be included1287 expects trace to be included1288 expects junit to be included1289 expects sast to be included1290 expects dependency_scanning to be included1291 expects container_scanning to be included1292 expects dast to be included1293 expects codequality to be included1294 expects license_management to be included1295 expects license_scanning to be included1296 expects performance to be included1297 expects metrics to be included1298 expects metrics_referee to be included1299 expects network_referee to be included1300 expects lsif to be included1301 expects dotenv to be included1302 expects cobertura to be included1303 expects terraform to be included1304 expects accessibility to be included1305 expects cluster_applications to be included1306 expects secret_detection to be included1307 expects requirements to be included1308 expects coverage_fuzzing to be included1309 expects browser_performance to be included1310 expects load_performance to be included1311 #file1312 the uploader api1313 is expected to respond to #store_dir1314 is expected to respond to #cache_dir1315 is expected to respond to #work_dir1316 #each_blob1317 when file format is gzip1318 when gzip file contains one file1319 iterates blob once1320 when gzip file contains three files1321 iterates blob three times1322 when file format is raw1323 iterates blob once1324 when there are no adapters for the file format1325 raises an error1326 expired?1327 when expire_at is nil1328 returns false1329 when expire_at is in the past1330 returns true1331 when expire_at is in the future1332 returns false1333 #expiring?1334 when expire_at is nil1335 returns false1336 when expire_at is in the past1337 returns false1338 when expire_at is in the future1339 returns true1340 #expire_in1341 is expected to be nil1342 when expire_at is specified1343 is expected to be within 5 of 604799.9985210251344 #expire_in=1345 when assigning valid duration1346 when assigning invalid duration1347 when resetting value1348 when setting to 01349 file is being stored1350 when existing object has local store1351 behaves like mounted file in local store1352 is stored locally1353 when direct upload is enabled1354 when file is stored1355 behaves like mounted file in object store1356 is stored remotely1357 .file_types1358 all file types have corresponding limit1359 file_type: "archive"1360 is expected to include "ci_max_artifact_size_archive"1361 file_type: "metadata"1362 is expected to include "ci_max_artifact_size_metadata"1363 file_type: "trace"1364 is expected to include "ci_max_artifact_size_trace"1365 file_type: "junit"1366 is expected to include "ci_max_artifact_size_junit"1367 file_type: "sast"1368 is expected to include "ci_max_artifact_size_sast"1369 file_type: "dependency_scanning"1370 is expected to include "ci_max_artifact_size_dependency_scanning"1371 file_type: "container_scanning"1372 is expected to include "ci_max_artifact_size_container_scanning"1373 file_type: "dast"1374 is expected to include "ci_max_artifact_size_dast"1375 file_type: "codequality"1376 is expected to include "ci_max_artifact_size_codequality"1377 file_type: "license_management"1378 is expected to include "ci_max_artifact_size_license_management"1379 file_type: "license_scanning"1380 is expected to include "ci_max_artifact_size_license_scanning"1381 file_type: "performance"1382 is expected to include "ci_max_artifact_size_performance"1383 file_type: "metrics"1384 is expected to include "ci_max_artifact_size_metrics"1385 file_type: "metrics_referee"1386 is expected to include "ci_max_artifact_size_metrics_referee"1387 file_type: "network_referee"1388 is expected to include "ci_max_artifact_size_network_referee"1389 file_type: "lsif"1390 is expected to include "ci_max_artifact_size_lsif"1391 file_type: "dotenv"1392 is expected to include "ci_max_artifact_size_dotenv"1393 file_type: "cobertura"1394 is expected to include "ci_max_artifact_size_cobertura"1395 file_type: "terraform"1396 is expected to include "ci_max_artifact_size_terraform"1397 file_type: "accessibility"1398 is expected to include "ci_max_artifact_size_accessibility"1399 file_type: "cluster_applications"1400 is expected to include "ci_max_artifact_size_cluster_applications"1401 file_type: "secret_detection"1402 is expected to include "ci_max_artifact_size_secret_detection"1403 file_type: "requirements"1404 is expected to include "ci_max_artifact_size_requirements"1405 file_type: "coverage_fuzzing"1406 is expected to include "ci_max_artifact_size_coverage_fuzzing"1407 file_type: "browser_performance"1408 is expected to include "ci_max_artifact_size_browser_performance"1409 file_type: "load_performance"1410 is expected to include "ci_max_artifact_size_load_performance"1411 .max_artifact_size1412 when file type is supported1413 and plan limit is disabled for the given artifact type1414 behaves like basing off the project closest setting1415 is expected to eq 10737418241416 and project closest setting results to zero1417 is expected to eq 01418 and plan limit is enabled for the given artifact type1419 and plan limit is smaller than project setting1420 behaves like basing off the plan limit1421 is expected to eq 10726932481422 and plan limit is larger than project setting1423 behaves like basing off the project closest setting1424 is expected to eq 10737418241425Issuable::BulkUpdateService1426 with issuables at a project level1427 with unpermitted attributes1428 does not update the issues1429 close issues1430 succeeds and returns the correct number of issues updated1431 closes all the issues passed1432 reopen issues1433 succeeds and returns the correct number of issues updated1434 reopens all the issues passed1435 updating merge request assignee1436 when the new assignee ID is a valid user1437 succeeds1438 updates the assignee to the user ID passed1439 when the new assignee ID is 01440 unassigns the issues1441 when the new assignee ID is not present1442 does not unassign1443 updating issue assignee1444 when the new assignee ID is a valid user1445 succeeds1446 updates the assignee to the user ID passed1447 when the new assignee ID is 01448 unassigns the issues1449 when the new assignee ID is not present1450 does not unassign1451 updating milestones1452 behaves like updates milestones1453 succeeds1454 updates the issuables milestone1455 updating labels1456 behaves like updating labels1457 when add_label_ids are passed1458 adds those label IDs to all issues passed1459 does not update issues not passed in1460 when remove_label_ids are passed1461 removes those label IDs from all issues passed1462 does not update issues not passed in1463 when add_label_ids and remove_label_ids are passed1464 adds the label IDs to all issues passed1465 removes the label IDs from all issues passed1466 does not update issues not passed in1467 subscribe to issues1468 subscribes the given user1469 unsubscribe from issues1470 unsubscribes the given user1471 updating issues from external project1472 updates only issues that belong to the parent project1473 with issuables at a group level1474 updating milestones1475 when issues1476 behaves like updates milestones1477 succeeds1478 updates the issuables milestone1479 when merge requests1480 behaves like updates milestones1481 succeeds1482 updates the issuables milestone1483 updating labels1484 behaves like updating labels1485 when add_label_ids are passed1486 adds those label IDs to all issues passed1487 does not update issues not passed in1488 when remove_label_ids are passed1489 removes those label IDs from all issues passed1490 does not update issues not passed in1491 when add_label_ids and remove_label_ids are passed1492 adds the label IDs to all issues passed1493 removes the label IDs from all issues passed1494 does not update issues not passed in1495 with issues from external group1496 updates issues that belong to the parent group or descendants1497Gitlab::ProjectTemplate1498 .all1499 returns all templates1500 #project_path1501 is expected to eq "some/project/path"1502 #uri_encoded_project_path1503 is expected to eq "some%2Fproject%2Fpath"1504 .find1505 when there is a match1506 is expected to be a kind of Gitlab::ProjectTemplate1507 when there is no match1508 is expected to equal nil1509 .archive_directory1510 is expected to be a kind of Pathname1511 instance methods1512 is expected to respond to [:logo, :file, :archive_path]1513 validate all templates1514 rails has a valid archive1515 spring has a valid archive1516 express has a valid archive1517 iosswift has a valid archive1518 dotnetcore has a valid archive1519 android has a valid archive1520 gomicro has a valid archive1521 gatsby has a valid archive1522 hugo has a valid archive1523 jekyll has a valid archive1524 plainhtml has a valid archive1525 gitbook has a valid archive1526 hexo has a valid archive1527 sse_middleman has a valid archive1528 nfhugo has a valid archive1529 nfjekyll has a valid archive1530 nfplainhtml has a valid archive1531 nfgitbook has a valid archive1532 nfhexo has a valid archive1533 salesforcedx has a valid archive1534 serverless_framework has a valid archive1535 jsonnet has a valid archive1536 cluster_management has a valid archive1537 with valid parameters1538 can be imported1539 with valid parameters1540 can be imported1541 with valid parameters1542 can be imported1543 with valid parameters1544 can be imported1545 with valid parameters1546 can be imported1547 with valid parameters1548 can be imported1549 with valid parameters1550 can be imported1551 with valid parameters1552 can be imported1553 with valid parameters1554 can be imported1555 with valid parameters1556 can be imported1557 with valid parameters1558 can be imported1559 with valid parameters1560 can be imported1561 with valid parameters1562 can be imported1563 with valid parameters1564 can be imported1565 with valid parameters1566 can be imported1567 with valid parameters1568 can be imported1569 with valid parameters1570 can be imported1571 with valid parameters1572 can be imported1573 with valid parameters1574 can be imported1575 with valid parameters1576 can be imported1577 with valid parameters1578 can be imported1579 with valid parameters1580 can be imported1581 with valid parameters1582 can be imported1583Gitlab::ProjectSearchResults1584 with a repository_ref1585 when empty1586 is expected to eq #<Project id:711 namespace663/project688>>1587 is expected to eq "hello world"1588 when set1589 is expected to eq #<Project id:713 namespace665/project690>>1590 is expected to eq "refs/heads/test"1591 is expected to eq "hello world"1592 #formatted_count1593 scope: "blobs", count_method: :limited_blobs_count, expected: "99+"1594 returns the expected formatted count1595 scope: "notes", count_method: :limited_notes_count, expected: "99+"1596 returns the expected formatted count1597 scope: "wiki_blobs", count_method: :wiki_blobs_count, expected: "1234"1598 returns the expected formatted count1599 scope: "commits", count_method: :commits_count, expected: "99+"1600 returns the expected formatted count1601 scope: "projects", count_method: :limited_projects_count, expected: "99+"1602 returns the expected formatted count1603 scope: "unknown", count_method: nil, expected: nil1604 returns the expected formatted count1605 blobs1606 limits the search to 100 items1607 wiki_blobs1608 limits the search to 100 items1609 blob search1610 behaves like general blob search1611 finds by name1612 loads all blobs for path matches in single batch1613 finds by content1614 when repository is disabled1615 hides blobs from members1616 hides blobs from non-members1617 when repository is internal1618 finds blobs for members1619 hides blobs from non-members1620 behaves like blob search repository ref1621 when repository_ref exists1622 uses it1623 when repository_ref is not present1624 uses project repository default reference1625 when repository_ref is blank1626 uses project repository default reference1627 behaves like blob search pagination1628 limits search results based on the first page1629 limits search results based on the second page1630 limits search results based on the third page1631 uses the per_page value when passed1632 wiki search1633 behaves like general blob search1634 finds by name1635 loads all blobs for path matches in single batch1636 finds by content1637 when wiki is disabled1638 hides wiki_blobs from members1639 hides wiki_blobs from non-members1640 when wiki is internal1641 finds wiki_blobs for members1642 hides wiki_blobs from non-members1643 behaves like blob search repository ref1644 when repository_ref exists1645 uses it1646 when repository_ref is not present1647 uses wiki repository default reference1648 when repository_ref is blank1649 uses wiki repository default reference1650 behaves like blob search pagination1651 limits search results based on the first page1652 limits search results based on the second page1653 limits search results based on the third page1654 uses the per_page value when passed1655 return type1656 returns list of FoundWikiPage type object1657 issues search1658 does not list issues on private projects1659 confidential issues1660 when the user is non-member1661 does not list project confidential issues for non project members1662 when the member is guest1663 does not list project confidential issues for project members with guest role1664 when the user is the author1665 lists project confidential issues1666 when the user is the assignee1667 lists project confidential issues for assignee1668 when the user is a developper1669 lists project confidential issues1670 when the user is admin1671 lists all project issues1672 notes search1673 with a public project1674 lists notes1675 with private issues1676 doesn't list issue notes when access is restricted1677 with private merge requests1678 doesn't list merge_request notes when access is restricted1679 #limited_notes_count1680 when count_limit is lower than total amount1681 calls note finder once to get the limited amount of notes1682 when count_limit is higher than total amount1683 calls note finder multiple times to get the limited amount of notes1684 #commits_count1685 limits the number of commits requested1686 commit search1687 pagination1688 returns the correct results for each page1689 returns the correct number of pages1690 limiting requested commits1691 on page 11692 limits to 1001693 on subsequent pages1694 limits to 100 plus page offset1695 by commit message1696 finds commit by message1697 when there are not hits1698 handles when no commit match1699 when repository_ref is provided1700 searches in the specified ref1701 behaves like access restricted commits1702 when project is internal1703 searches if user is authenticated1704 when the user is not authenticated1705 does not search1706 when project is private1707 when the user is not authenticated1708 does not show commit to stranger1709 team access1710 when the user is the creator1711 is expected to contain exactly #<Commit id:59e29889be61e6e0e5e223bfa9ac2721d31605b8 private-project-author/project753@59e29889be61e6e0e5e223bfa9ac2721d31605b8>1712 when the user is a master1713 is expected to contain exactly #<Commit id:59e29889be61e6e0e5e223bfa9ac2721d31605b8 private-project-author/project754@59e29889be61e6e0e5e223bfa9ac2721d31605b8>1714 when the user is a reporter1715 is expected to contain exactly #<Commit id:59e29889be61e6e0e5e223bfa9ac2721d31605b8 private-project-author/project755@59e29889be61e6e0e5e223bfa9ac2721d31605b8>1716 by commit hash1717 shows commit by short hash id1718 shows commit by full hash id1719 handles not existing commit hash correctly1720 behaves like access restricted commits1721 when project is internal1722 searches if user is authenticated1723 when the user is not authenticated1724 does not search1725 when project is private1726 when the user is not authenticated1727 does not show commit to stranger1728 team access1729 when the user is the creator1730 is expected to contain exactly #<Commit id:0b4bc9a49b562e85de7cc9e834518ea6828729b9 private-project-author/project762@0b4bc9a49b562e85de7cc9e834518ea6828729b9>1731 when the user is a master1732 is expected to contain exactly #<Commit id:0b4bc9a49b562e85de7cc9e834518ea6828729b9 private-project-author/project763@0b4bc9a49b562e85de7cc9e834518ea6828729b9>1733 when the user is a reporter1734 is expected to contain exactly #<Commit id:0b4bc9a49b562e85de7cc9e834518ea6828729b9 private-project-author/project764@0b4bc9a49b562e85de7cc9e834518ea6828729b9>1735 user search1736 returns the user belonging to the project matching the search query1737 returns the user belonging to the group matching the search query1738PipelineSerializer1739 #represent1740 when used without pagination1741 created a not paginated serializer1742 when a single object is being serialized1743 serializers the pipeline object1744 when multiple objects are being serialized1745 serializers the array of pipelines1746 when used with pagination1747 created a paginated serializer1748 when resource is not paginatable1749 when a single pipeline object is being serialized1750 raises error1751 when resource is paginatable relation1752 when a single pipeline object is present in relation1753 serializes pipeline relation1754 when a multiple pipeline objects are being serialized1755 serializes appropriate number of objects1756 appends relevant headers1757 when there are pipelines for merge requests1758 includes merge requests information1759 preloads related merge requests1760 number of queries when preloaded1761 with the same ref1762 verifies number of queries1763 with different refs1764 verifies number of queries1765 with triggered pipelines1766 verifies number of queries1767 #represent_status1768 when represents only status1769 serializes only status1770Gitlab::Database::MigrationHelpers1771 #remove_timestamps1772 can remove the default timestamps1773 can remove custom timestamps1774 #add_timestamps_with_timezone1775 adds "created_at" and "updated_at" fields with the "datetime_with_timezone" data type1776 can disable the NOT NULL constraint1777 can add just one column1778 can add choice of acceptable columns1779 cannot add unacceptable column names1780 in a transaction1781 cannot add a default value1782 can add columns without defaults1783 #add_concurrent_index1784 outside a transaction1785 creates the index concurrently1786 creates unique index concurrently1787 does nothing if the index exists already1788 inside a transaction1789 raises RuntimeError1790 #remove_concurrent_index1791 outside a transaction1792 by column name1793 removes the index concurrently1794 does nothing if the index does not exist1795 by index name1796 removes the index concurrently by index name1797 does nothing if the index does not exist1798 removes the index with keyword arguments1799 raises an error if the index is blank1800 inside a transaction1801 raises RuntimeError1802 #add_concurrent_foreign_key1803 inside a transaction1804 raises an error1805 outside a transaction1806 ON DELETE statements1807 on_delete: :nullify1808 appends ON DELETE SET NULL statement1809 on_delete: :cascade1810 appends ON DELETE CASCADE statement1811 on_delete: nil1812 appends no ON DELETE statement1813 when no custom key name is supplied1814 creates a concurrent foreign key and validates it1815 does not create a foreign key if it exists already1816 when a custom key name is supplied1817 for creating a new foreign key for a column that does not presently exist1818 creates a new foreign key1819 for creating a duplicate foreign key for a column that presently exists1820 when the supplied key name is the same as the existing foreign key name1821 does not create a new foreign key1822 when the supplied key name is different from the existing foreign key name1823 creates a new foreign key1824 validate option1825 when validate is supplied with a falsey value1826 behaves like skips validation1827 skips validation1828 behaves like skips validation1829 skips validation1830 when validate is supplied with a truthy value1831 behaves like performs validation1832 performs validation1833 behaves like performs validation1834 performs validation1835 when validate is not supplied1836 behaves like performs validation1837 performs validation1838 #validate_foreign_key1839 when name is provided1840 does not infer the foreign key constraint name1841 when name is not provided1842 infers the foreign key constraint name1843 when the inferred foreign key constraint does not exist1844 raises an error1845 #concurrent_foreign_key_name1846 returns the name for a foreign key1847 #foreign_key_exists?1848 compares by target table if no column given1849 without specifying a target table1850 behaves like foreign key checks1851 finds existing foreign keys by column1852 finds existing foreign keys by name1853 finds existing foreign_keys by name and column1854 finds existing foreign_keys by name, column and on_delete1855 finds existing foreign keys by target table only1856 compares by column name if given1857 compares by foreign key name if given1858 compares by foreign key name and column if given1859 compares by foreign key name, column and on_delete if given1860 specifying a target table1861 behaves like foreign key checks1862 finds existing foreign keys by column1863 finds existing foreign keys by name1864 finds existing foreign_keys by name and column1865 finds existing foreign_keys by name, column and on_delete1866 finds existing foreign keys by target table only1867 compares by column name if given1868 compares by foreign key name if given1869 compares by foreign key name and column if given1870 compares by foreign key name, column and on_delete if given1871 #disable_statement_timeout1872 disables statement timeouts to current transaction only1873 with real environment1874 defines statement to 0 only for current transaction1875 when passing a blocks1876 disables statement timeouts on session level and executes the block1877 with real environment1878 defines statement to 0 for any code run inside the block1879 when the statement_timeout is already disabled1880 yields control without disabling the timeout or resetting1881 #true_value1882 returns the appropriate value1883 #false_value1884 returns the appropriate value1885 #update_column_in_batches1886 when running outside of a transaction1887 updates all the rows in a table1888 updates boolean values correctly1889 when a block is supplied1890 yields an Arel table and query object to the supplied block1891 when the value is Arel.sql (Arel::Nodes::SqlLiteral)1892 updates the value as a SQL expression1893 when running inside the transaction1894 raises RuntimeError1895 #add_column_with_default1896 delegates to #add_column1897 #rename_column_concurrently1898 in a transaction1899 raises RuntimeError1900 outside a transaction1901 when the column to rename exists1902 renames a column concurrently1903 passes the batch_column_name1904NOTICE: trigger "trigger_97f81ba7f793" for relation "users" does not exist, skipping1905 passes the type_cast_function1906 raises an error with invalid batch_column_name1907 with existing records and type casting1908 copies the value to the new column using the type_cast_function1909 when default is false1910NOTICE: trigger "trigger_97f81ba7f793" for relation "users" does not exist, skipping1911 copies the default to the new column1912 when the column to be renamed does not exist1913 raises an error with appropriate message1914 #undo_rename_column_concurrently1915 reverses the operations of rename_column_concurrently1916 #cleanup_concurrent_column_rename1917 cleans up the renaming procedure1918 #undo_cleanup_concurrent_column_rename1919 in a transaction1920 raises RuntimeError1921 outside a transaction1922 reverses the operations of cleanup_concurrent_column_rename1923 passes the batch_column_name1924 raises an error with invalid batch_column_name1925 when default is false1926NOTICE: trigger "trigger_97f81ba7f793" for relation "users" does not exist, skipping1927 copies the default to the old column1928 #change_column_type_concurrently1929 changes the column type1930 with type cast1931 changes the column type with casting the value to the new type1932 #cleanup_concurrent_column_type_change1933 cleans up the type changing procedure1934 #install_rename_triggers_for_postgresql1935 installs the triggers for PostgreSQL1936NOTICE: trigger "foo" for relation "users" does not exist, skipping1937 does not fail if trigger already exists1938 #remove_rename_triggers_for_postgresql1939 removes the function and trigger1940 #rename_trigger_name1941 returns a String1942 #indexes_for1943 returns the indexes for a column1944 #foreign_keys_for1945 returns the foreign keys for a column1946 #copy_indexes1947 using a regular index using a single column1948 copies the index1949 using a regular index with multiple columns1950 copies the index1951 using an index with a WHERE clause1952 copies the index1953 using an index with a USING clause1954 copies the index1955 using an index with custom operator classes1956 copies the index1957 using an index of which the name does not contain the source column1958 raises RuntimeError1959 #copy_foreign_keys1960 copies foreign keys from one column to another1961 #column_for1962 returns a column object for an existing column1963 raises an error when a column does not exist1964 #replace_sql1965 builds the sql with correct functions1966 results1967 replaces the correct part of the string1968 sidekiq migration helpers1969 #sidekiq_queue_length1970 when queue is empty1971 returns zero1972 when queue contains jobs1973 returns correct size of the queue1974 #migrate_sidekiq_queue1975 migrates jobs from one sidekiq queue to another1976 #check_trigger_permissions!1977 does nothing when the user has the correct permissions1978 raises RuntimeError when the user does not have the correct permissions1979 #change_column_type_using_background_migration1980 changes the type of a column using a background migration1981 #rename_column_using_background_migration1982 renames a column using a background migration1983 #index_exists_by_name?1984 returns true if an index exists1985 returns false if the index does not exist1986 when an index with a function exists1987 returns true if an index exists1988 #create_or_update_plan_limit1989 properly escapes names1990 when plan does not exist1991 does not create any plan limits1992 when plan does exist1993 when limit does not exist1994 inserts a new plan limits1995 when limit does exist1996 updates an existing plan limits1997 #with_lock_retries1998 sets the migration class name in the logs1999 #backfill_iids2000 generates iids properly for models created after the migration2001 generates iids properly for models created after the migration when iids are backfilled2002 generates iids properly for models created after the migration across multiple projects2003 when the new code creates a row post deploy but before the migration runs2004 does not change the row iid2005 backfills iids for rows already in the database2006 backfills iids across multiple projects2007 generates iids properly for models created after the migration2008 backfills iids and properly generates iids for new models across multiple projects2009 when the new code creates a model and then old code creates a model post deploy but before the migration runs2010 backfills iids2011 generates an iid for a new model after the migration2012 when the new code and old code alternate creating models post deploy but before the migration runs2013 backfills iids2014 generates an iid for a new model after the migration2015 when the new code creates and deletes a model post deploy but before the migration runs2016 backfills iids for rows already in the database2017 successfully creates a new model after the migration2018 when the new code creates and deletes a model and old code creates a model post deploy but before the migration runs2019 backfills iids2020 successfully creates a new model after the migration2021 when the new code creates and deletes a model and then creates another model post deploy but before the migration runs2022 successfully generates an iid for a new model after the migration2023 successfully generates an iid for a new model after the migration2024 when the first model is created for a project after the migration2025 generates an iid2026 when a row already has an iid set in the database2027 backfills iids2028 backfills for multiple projects2029 #check_constraint_name2030 returns a valid constraint name2031 #check_constraint_exists?2032 returns true if a constraint exists2033 returns false if a constraint does not exist2034 returns false if a constraint with the same name exists in another table2035 #add_check_constraint2036 constraint name validation2037 raises an error when too long2038 does not raise error when the length is acceptable2039 inside a transaction2040 raises an error2041 outside a transaction2042 when the constraint is already defined in the database2043 does not create a constraint2044 when the constraint is not defined in the database2045 creates the constraint2046 when validate is not provided2047 performs validation2048 when validate is provided with a falsey value2049 skips validation2050 when validate is provided with a truthy value2051 performs validation2052 #validate_check_constraint2053 when the constraint does not exist2054 raises an error2055 when the constraint exists2056 performs validation2057 #remove_check_constraint2058 removes the constraint2059 #add_text_limit2060 when it is called with the default options2061 calls add_check_constraint with an infered constraint name and validate: true2062 when all parameters are provided2063 calls add_check_constraint with the correct parameters2064 #validate_text_limit2065 when constraint_name is not provided2066 calls validate_check_constraint with an infered constraint name2067 when constraint_name is provided2068 calls validate_check_constraint with the correct parameters2069 #remove_text_limit2070 when constraint_name is not provided2071 calls remove_check_constraint with an infered constraint name2072 when constraint_name is provided2073 calls remove_check_constraint with the correct parameters2074 #check_text_limit_exists?2075 when constraint_name is not provided2076 calls check_constraint_exists? with an infered constraint name2077 when constraint_name is provided2078 calls check_constraint_exists? with the correct parameters2079 #add_not_null_constraint2080 when it is called with the default options2081 calls add_check_constraint with an infered constraint name and validate: true2082 when all parameters are provided2083 calls add_check_constraint with the correct parameters2084 when the column is defined as NOT NULL2085 does not add a check constraint2086 #validate_not_null_constraint2087 when constraint_name is not provided2088 calls validate_check_constraint with an infered constraint name2089 when constraint_name is provided2090 calls validate_check_constraint with the correct parameters2091 #remove_not_null_constraint2092 when constraint_name is not provided2093 calls remove_check_constraint with an infered constraint name2094 when constraint_name is provided2095 calls remove_check_constraint with the correct parameters2096 #check_not_null_constraint_exists?2097 when constraint_name is not provided2098 calls check_constraint_exists? with an infered constraint name2099 when constraint_name is provided2100 calls check_constraint_exists? with the correct parameters2101Labels::PromoteService2102 #execute2103 project without group2104 fails on project without group2105 project with group2106 fails on group label2107 is truthy on success2108 recreates the label as a group label2109 copies title, description and color2110 merges labels with the same name in group2111 keeps users' subscriptions2112 recreates priorities2113 does not touch project out of promoted group2114 does not touch out of group priority2115 relinks issue with the promoted label2116 does not remove untouched labels from issue2117 does not relink untouched label in issue2118 relinks issues with merged labels2119 does not relink issues from other group2120 updates merge request2121 updates board lists2122 relinks all relations2123 with invalid group label2124 raises an exception2125Puma2126{"timestamp":"2020-08-25T15:46:21.155Z","pid":7836,"message":"Puma starting in cluster mode..."}2127{"timestamp":"2020-08-25T15:46:21.155Z","pid":7836,"message":"* Version 4.3.3.gitlab.2 (ruby 2.6.6-p146), codename: Mysterious Traveller"}2128{"timestamp":"2020-08-25T15:46:21.156Z","pid":7836,"message":"* Min threads: 1, max threads: 4"}2129{"timestamp":"2020-08-25T15:46:21.156Z","pid":7836,"message":"* Environment: test"}2130{"timestamp":"2020-08-25T15:46:21.156Z","pid":7836,"message":"* Process workers: 1"}2131{"timestamp":"2020-08-25T15:46:21.156Z","pid":7836,"message":"* Preloading application"}2132{"timestamp":"2020-08-25T15:46:21.173Z","pid":7836,"message":"* Listening on unix:///builds/gitlab-org/gitlab/tmp/tests/puma.socket"}2133{"timestamp":"2020-08-25T15:46:21.173Z","pid":7836,"message":"Use Ctrl-C to stop"}2134{"timestamp":"2020-08-25T15:46:21.348Z","pid":7836,"message":"- Worker 0 (pid: 7837) booted, phase: 0"}2135{"timestamp":"2020-08-25T15:46:27.660Z","pid":7836,"message":"- Worker 0 (pid: 7844) booted, phase: 0"}2136 has a worker that self-terminates on signal SIGQUIT2137{"timestamp":"2020-08-25T15:46:33.350Z","pid":7836,"message":"- Worker 0 (pid: 7854) booted, phase: 0"}2138 has a worker that self-terminates on signal SIGTERM2139{"timestamp":"2020-08-25T15:46:39.502Z","pid":7836,"message":"- Worker 0 (pid: 7866) booted, phase: 0"}2140 has a worker that self-terminates on signal SIGKILL2141{"timestamp":"2020-08-25T15:46:39.644Z","pid":7836,"message":"- Gracefully shutting down workers..."}2142Database schema2143 for table2144 abuse_reports2145 all foreign keys2146 are indexed2147 columns ending with _id2148 do have the foreign keys2149 and having foreign key are not in the ignore list2150 alert_management_alert_assignees2151 all foreign keys2152 are indexed2153 columns ending with _id2154 do have the foreign keys2155 and having foreign key are not in the ignore list2156 alert_management_alert_user_mentions2157 all foreign keys2158 are indexed2159 columns ending with _id2160 do have the foreign keys2161 and having foreign key are not in the ignore list2162 alert_management_alerts2163 all foreign keys2164 are indexed2165 columns ending with _id2166 do have the foreign keys2167 and having foreign key are not in the ignore list2168 alerts_service_data2169 all foreign keys2170 are indexed2171 columns ending with _id2172 do have the foreign keys2173 and having foreign key are not in the ignore list2174 allowed_email_domains2175 all foreign keys2176 are indexed2177 columns ending with _id2178 do have the foreign keys2179 and having foreign key are not in the ignore list2180 analytics_cycle_analytics_group_stages2181 all foreign keys2182 are indexed2183 columns ending with _id2184 do have the foreign keys2185 and having foreign key are not in the ignore list2186 analytics_cycle_analytics_group_value_streams2187 all foreign keys2188 are indexed2189 columns ending with _id2190 do have the foreign keys2191 and having foreign key are not in the ignore list2192 analytics_cycle_analytics_project_stages2193 all foreign keys2194 are indexed2195 columns ending with _id2196 do have the foreign keys2197 and having foreign key are not in the ignore list2198 analytics_language_trend_repository_languages2199 all foreign keys2200 are indexed2201 columns ending with _id2202 do have the foreign keys2203 and having foreign key are not in the ignore list2204 appearances2205 all foreign keys2206 are indexed2207 columns ending with _id2208 do have the foreign keys2209 and having foreign key are not in the ignore list2210 application_setting_terms2211 all foreign keys2212 are indexed2213 columns ending with _id2214 do have the foreign keys2215 and having foreign key are not in the ignore list2216 application_settings2217 all foreign keys2218 are indexed2219 columns ending with _id2220 do have the foreign keys2221 and having foreign key are not in the ignore list2222 approval_merge_request_rule_sources2223 all foreign keys2224 are indexed2225 columns ending with _id2226 do have the foreign keys2227 and having foreign key are not in the ignore list2228 approval_merge_request_rules2229 all foreign keys2230 are indexed2231 columns ending with _id2232 do have the foreign keys2233 and having foreign key are not in the ignore list2234 approval_merge_request_rules_approved_approvers2235 all foreign keys2236 are indexed2237 columns ending with _id2238 do have the foreign keys2239 and having foreign key are not in the ignore list2240 approval_merge_request_rules_groups2241 all foreign keys2242 are indexed2243 columns ending with _id2244 do have the foreign keys2245 and having foreign key are not in the ignore list2246 approval_merge_request_rules_users2247 all foreign keys2248 are indexed2249 columns ending with _id2250 do have the foreign keys2251 and having foreign key are not in the ignore list2252 approval_project_rules2253 all foreign keys2254 are indexed2255 columns ending with _id2256 do have the foreign keys2257 and having foreign key are not in the ignore list2258 approval_project_rules_groups2259 all foreign keys2260 are indexed2261 columns ending with _id2262 do have the foreign keys2263 and having foreign key are not in the ignore list2264 approval_project_rules_protected_branches2265 all foreign keys2266 are indexed2267 columns ending with _id2268 do have the foreign keys2269 and having foreign key are not in the ignore list2270 approval_project_rules_users2271 all foreign keys2272 are indexed2273 columns ending with _id2274 do have the foreign keys2275 and having foreign key are not in the ignore list2276 approvals2277 all foreign keys2278 are indexed2279 columns ending with _id2280 do have the foreign keys2281 and having foreign key are not in the ignore list2282 approver_groups2283 all foreign keys2284 are indexed2285 columns ending with _id2286 do have the foreign keys2287 and having foreign key are not in the ignore list2288 approvers2289 all foreign keys2290 are indexed2291 columns ending with _id2292 do have the foreign keys2293 and having foreign key are not in the ignore list2294 ar_internal_metadata2295 all foreign keys2296 are indexed2297 columns ending with _id2298 do have the foreign keys2299 and having foreign key are not in the ignore list2300 audit_events2301 all foreign keys2302 are indexed2303 columns ending with _id2304 do have the foreign keys2305 and having foreign key are not in the ignore list2306 audit_events_part_5fc467ac262307 all foreign keys2308 are indexed2309 columns ending with _id2310 do have the foreign keys2311 and having foreign key are not in the ignore list2312 award_emoji2313 all foreign keys2314 are indexed2315 columns ending with _id2316 do have the foreign keys2317 and having foreign key are not in the ignore list2318 aws_roles2319 all foreign keys2320 are indexed2321 columns ending with _id2322 do have the foreign keys2323 and having foreign key are not in the ignore list2324 background_migration_jobs2325 all foreign keys2326 are indexed2327 columns ending with _id2328 do have the foreign keys2329 and having foreign key are not in the ignore list2330 backup_labels2331 all foreign keys2332 are indexed2333 columns ending with _id2334 do have the foreign keys2335 and having foreign key are not in the ignore list2336 badges2337 all foreign keys2338 are indexed2339 columns ending with _id2340 do have the foreign keys2341 and having foreign key are not in the ignore list2342 board_assignees2343 all foreign keys2344 are indexed2345 columns ending with _id2346 do have the foreign keys2347 and having foreign key are not in the ignore list2348 board_group_recent_visits2349 all foreign keys2350 are indexed2351 columns ending with _id2352 do have the foreign keys2353 and having foreign key are not in the ignore list2354 board_labels2355 all foreign keys2356 are indexed2357 columns ending with _id2358 do have the foreign keys2359 and having foreign key are not in the ignore list2360 board_project_recent_visits2361 all foreign keys2362 are indexed2363 columns ending with _id2364 do have the foreign keys2365 and having foreign key are not in the ignore list2366 board_user_preferences2367 all foreign keys2368 are indexed2369 columns ending with _id2370 do have the foreign keys2371 and having foreign key are not in the ignore list2372 boards2373 all foreign keys2374 are indexed2375 columns ending with _id2376 do have the foreign keys2377 and having foreign key are not in the ignore list2378 broadcast_messages2379 all foreign keys2380 are indexed2381 columns ending with _id2382 do have the foreign keys2383 and having foreign key are not in the ignore list2384 chat_names2385 all foreign keys2386 are indexed2387 columns ending with _id2388 do have the foreign keys2389 and having foreign key are not in the ignore list2390 chat_teams2391 all foreign keys2392 are indexed2393 columns ending with _id2394 do have the foreign keys2395 and having foreign key are not in the ignore list2396 ci_build_needs2397 all foreign keys2398 are indexed2399 columns ending with _id2400 do have the foreign keys2401 and having foreign key are not in the ignore list2402 ci_build_report_results2403 all foreign keys2404 are indexed2405 columns ending with _id2406 do have the foreign keys2407 and having foreign key are not in the ignore list2408 ci_build_trace_chunks2409 all foreign keys2410 are indexed2411 columns ending with _id2412 do have the foreign keys2413 and having foreign key are not in the ignore list2414 ci_build_trace_section_names2415 all foreign keys2416 are indexed2417 columns ending with _id2418 do have the foreign keys2419 and having foreign key are not in the ignore list2420 ci_build_trace_sections2421 all foreign keys2422 are indexed2423 columns ending with _id2424 do have the foreign keys2425 and having foreign key are not in the ignore list2426 ci_builds2427 all foreign keys2428 are indexed2429 columns ending with _id2430 do have the foreign keys2431 and having foreign key are not in the ignore list2432 ci_builds_metadata2433 all foreign keys2434 are indexed2435 columns ending with _id2436 do have the foreign keys2437 and having foreign key are not in the ignore list2438 ci_builds_runner_session2439 all foreign keys2440 are indexed2441 columns ending with _id2442 do have the foreign keys2443 and having foreign key are not in the ignore list2444 ci_daily_build_group_report_results2445 all foreign keys2446 are indexed2447 columns ending with _id2448 do have the foreign keys2449 and having foreign key are not in the ignore list2450 ci_freeze_periods2451 all foreign keys2452 are indexed2453 columns ending with _id2454 do have the foreign keys2455 and having foreign key are not in the ignore list2456 ci_group_variables2457 all foreign keys2458 are indexed2459 columns ending with _id2460 do have the foreign keys2461 and having foreign key are not in the ignore list2462 ci_instance_variables2463 all foreign keys2464 are indexed2465 columns ending with _id2466 do have the foreign keys2467 and having foreign key are not in the ignore list2468 ci_job_artifacts2469 all foreign keys2470 are indexed2471 columns ending with _id2472 do have the foreign keys2473 and having foreign key are not in the ignore list2474 ci_job_variables2475 all foreign keys2476 are indexed2477 columns ending with _id2478 do have the foreign keys2479 and having foreign key are not in the ignore list2480 ci_pipeline_artifacts2481 all foreign keys2482 are indexed2483 columns ending with _id2484 do have the foreign keys2485 and having foreign key are not in the ignore list2486 ci_pipeline_chat_data2487 all foreign keys2488 are indexed2489 columns ending with _id2490 do have the foreign keys2491 and having foreign key are not in the ignore list2492 ci_pipeline_messages2493 all foreign keys2494 are indexed2495 columns ending with _id2496 do have the foreign keys2497 and having foreign key are not in the ignore list2498 ci_pipeline_schedule_variables2499 all foreign keys2500 are indexed2501 columns ending with _id2502 do have the foreign keys2503 and having foreign key are not in the ignore list2504 ci_pipeline_schedules2505 all foreign keys2506 are indexed2507 columns ending with _id2508 do have the foreign keys2509 and having foreign key are not in the ignore list2510 ci_pipeline_variables2511 all foreign keys2512 are indexed2513 columns ending with _id2514 do have the foreign keys2515 and having foreign key are not in the ignore list2516 ci_pipelines2517 all foreign keys2518 are indexed2519 columns ending with _id2520 do have the foreign keys2521 and having foreign key are not in the ignore list2522 ci_pipelines_config2523 all foreign keys2524 are indexed2525 columns ending with _id2526 do have the foreign keys2527 and having foreign key are not in the ignore list2528 ci_refs2529 all foreign keys2530 are indexed2531 columns ending with _id2532 do have the foreign keys2533 and having foreign key are not in the ignore list2534 ci_resource_groups2535 all foreign keys2536 are indexed2537 columns ending with _id2538 do have the foreign keys2539 and having foreign key are not in the ignore list2540 ci_resources2541 all foreign keys2542 are indexed2543 columns ending with _id2544 do have the foreign keys2545 and having foreign key are not in the ignore list2546 ci_runner_namespaces2547 all foreign keys2548 are indexed2549 columns ending with _id2550 do have the foreign keys2551 and having foreign key are not in the ignore list2552 ci_runner_projects2553 all foreign keys2554 are indexed2555 columns ending with _id2556 do have the foreign keys2557 and having foreign key are not in the ignore list2558 ci_runners2559 all foreign keys2560 are indexed2561 columns ending with _id2562 do have the foreign keys2563 and having foreign key are not in the ignore list2564 ci_sources_pipelines2565 all foreign keys2566 are indexed2567 columns ending with _id2568 do have the foreign keys2569 and having foreign key are not in the ignore list2570 ci_sources_projects2571 all foreign keys2572 are indexed2573 columns ending with _id2574 do have the foreign keys2575 and having foreign key are not in the ignore list2576 ci_stages2577 all foreign keys2578 are indexed2579 columns ending with _id2580 do have the foreign keys2581 and having foreign key are not in the ignore list2582 ci_subscriptions_projects2583 all foreign keys2584 are indexed2585 columns ending with _id2586 do have the foreign keys2587 and having foreign key are not in the ignore list2588 ci_trigger_requests2589 all foreign keys2590 are indexed2591 columns ending with _id2592 do have the foreign keys2593 and having foreign key are not in the ignore list2594 ci_triggers2595 all foreign keys2596 are indexed2597 columns ending with _id2598 do have the foreign keys2599 and having foreign key are not in the ignore list2600 ci_variables2601 all foreign keys2602 are indexed2603 columns ending with _id2604 do have the foreign keys2605 and having foreign key are not in the ignore list2606 cluster_agent_tokens2607 all foreign keys2608 are indexed2609 columns ending with _id2610 do have the foreign keys2611 and having foreign key are not in the ignore list2612 cluster_agents2613 all foreign keys2614 are indexed2615 columns ending with _id2616 do have the foreign keys2617 and having foreign key are not in the ignore list2618 cluster_groups2619 all foreign keys2620 are indexed2621 columns ending with _id2622 do have the foreign keys2623 and having foreign key are not in the ignore list2624 cluster_platforms_kubernetes2625 all foreign keys2626 are indexed2627 columns ending with _id2628 do have the foreign keys2629 and having foreign key are not in the ignore list2630 cluster_projects2631 all foreign keys2632 are indexed2633 columns ending with _id2634 do have the foreign keys2635 and having foreign key are not in the ignore list2636 cluster_providers_aws2637 all foreign keys2638 are indexed2639 columns ending with _id2640 do have the foreign keys2641 and having foreign key are not in the ignore list2642 cluster_providers_gcp2643 all foreign keys2644 are indexed2645 columns ending with _id2646 do have the foreign keys2647 and having foreign key are not in the ignore list2648 clusters2649 all foreign keys2650 are indexed2651 columns ending with _id2652 do have the foreign keys2653 and having foreign key are not in the ignore list2654 clusters_applications_cert_managers2655 all foreign keys2656 are indexed2657 columns ending with _id2658 do have the foreign keys2659 and having foreign key are not in the ignore list2660 clusters_applications_cilium2661 all foreign keys2662 are indexed2663 columns ending with _id2664 do have the foreign keys2665 and having foreign key are not in the ignore list2666 clusters_applications_crossplane2667 all foreign keys2668 are indexed2669 columns ending with _id2670 do have the foreign keys2671 and having foreign key are not in the ignore list2672 clusters_applications_elastic_stacks2673 all foreign keys2674 are indexed2675 columns ending with _id2676 do have the foreign keys2677 and having foreign key are not in the ignore list2678 clusters_applications_fluentd2679 all foreign keys2680 are indexed2681 columns ending with _id2682 do have the foreign keys2683 and having foreign key are not in the ignore list2684 clusters_applications_helm2685 all foreign keys2686 are indexed2687 columns ending with _id2688 do have the foreign keys2689 and having foreign key are not in the ignore list2690 clusters_applications_ingress2691 all foreign keys2692 are indexed2693 columns ending with _id2694 do have the foreign keys2695 and having foreign key are not in the ignore list2696 clusters_applications_jupyter2697 all foreign keys2698 are indexed2699 columns ending with _id2700 do have the foreign keys2701 and having foreign key are not in the ignore list2702 clusters_applications_knative2703 all foreign keys2704 are indexed2705 columns ending with _id2706 do have the foreign keys2707 and having foreign key are not in the ignore list2708 clusters_applications_prometheus2709 all foreign keys2710 are indexed2711 columns ending with _id2712 do have the foreign keys2713 and having foreign key are not in the ignore list2714 clusters_applications_runners2715 all foreign keys2716 are indexed2717 columns ending with _id2718 do have the foreign keys2719 and having foreign key are not in the ignore list2720 clusters_kubernetes_namespaces2721 all foreign keys2722 are indexed2723 columns ending with _id2724 do have the foreign keys2725 and having foreign key are not in the ignore list2726 commit_user_mentions2727 all foreign keys2728 are indexed2729 columns ending with _id2730 do have the foreign keys2731 and having foreign key are not in the ignore list2732 container_expiration_policies2733 all foreign keys2734 are indexed2735 columns ending with _id2736 do have the foreign keys2737 and having foreign key are not in the ignore list2738 container_repositories2739 all foreign keys2740 are indexed2741 columns ending with _id2742 do have the foreign keys2743 and having foreign key are not in the ignore list2744 conversational_development_index_metrics2745 all foreign keys2746 are indexed2747 columns ending with _id2748 do have the foreign keys2749 and having foreign key are not in the ignore list2750 custom_emoji2751 all foreign keys2752 are indexed2753 columns ending with _id2754 do have the foreign keys2755 and having foreign key are not in the ignore list2756 dast_scanner_profiles2757 all foreign keys2758 are indexed2759 columns ending with _id2760 do have the foreign keys2761 and having foreign key are not in the ignore list2762 dast_site_profiles2763 all foreign keys2764 are indexed2765 columns ending with _id2766 do have the foreign keys2767 and having foreign key are not in the ignore list2768 dast_sites2769 all foreign keys2770 are indexed2771 columns ending with _id2772 do have the foreign keys2773 and having foreign key are not in the ignore list2774 dependency_proxy_blobs2775 all foreign keys2776 are indexed2777 columns ending with _id2778 do have the foreign keys2779 and having foreign key are not in the ignore list2780 dependency_proxy_group_settings2781 all foreign keys2782 are indexed2783 columns ending with _id2784 do have the foreign keys2785 and having foreign key are not in the ignore list2786 deploy_keys_projects2787 all foreign keys2788 are indexed2789 columns ending with _id2790 do have the foreign keys2791 and having foreign key are not in the ignore list2792 deploy_tokens2793 all foreign keys2794 are indexed2795 columns ending with _id2796 do have the foreign keys2797 and having foreign key are not in the ignore list2798 deployment_clusters2799 all foreign keys2800 are indexed2801 columns ending with _id2802 do have the foreign keys2803 and having foreign key are not in the ignore list2804 deployment_merge_requests2805 all foreign keys2806 are indexed2807 columns ending with _id2808 do have the foreign keys2809 and having foreign key are not in the ignore list2810 deployments2811 all foreign keys2812 are indexed2813 columns ending with _id2814 do have the foreign keys2815 and having foreign key are not in the ignore list2816 description_versions2817 all foreign keys2818 are indexed2819 columns ending with _id2820 do have the foreign keys2821 and having foreign key are not in the ignore list2822 design_management_designs2823 all foreign keys2824 are indexed2825 columns ending with _id2826 do have the foreign keys2827 and having foreign key are not in the ignore list2828 design_management_designs_versions2829 all foreign keys2830 are indexed2831 columns ending with _id2832 do have the foreign keys2833 and having foreign key are not in the ignore list2834 design_management_versions2835 all foreign keys2836 are indexed2837 columns ending with _id2838 do have the foreign keys2839 and having foreign key are not in the ignore list2840 design_user_mentions2841 all foreign keys2842 are indexed2843 columns ending with _id2844 do have the foreign keys2845 and having foreign key are not in the ignore list2846 diff_note_positions2847 all foreign keys2848 are indexed2849 columns ending with _id2850 do have the foreign keys2851 and having foreign key are not in the ignore list2852 draft_notes2853 all foreign keys2854 are indexed2855 columns ending with _id2856 do have the foreign keys2857 and having foreign key are not in the ignore list2858 elastic_reindexing_tasks2859 all foreign keys2860 are indexed2861 columns ending with _id2862 do have the foreign keys2863 and having foreign key are not in the ignore list2864 elasticsearch_indexed_namespaces2865 all foreign keys2866 are indexed2867 columns ending with _id2868 do have the foreign keys2869 and having foreign key are not in the ignore list2870 elasticsearch_indexed_projects2871 all foreign keys2872 are indexed2873 columns ending with _id2874 do have the foreign keys2875 and having foreign key are not in the ignore list2876 emails2877 all foreign keys2878 are indexed2879 columns ending with _id2880 do have the foreign keys2881 and having foreign key are not in the ignore list2882 environments2883 all foreign keys2884 are indexed2885 columns ending with _id2886 do have the foreign keys2887 and having foreign key are not in the ignore list2888 epic_issues2889 all foreign keys2890 are indexed2891 columns ending with _id2892 do have the foreign keys2893 and having foreign key are not in the ignore list2894 epic_metrics2895 all foreign keys2896 are indexed2897 columns ending with _id2898 do have the foreign keys2899 and having foreign key are not in the ignore list2900 epic_user_mentions2901 all foreign keys2902 are indexed2903 columns ending with _id2904 do have the foreign keys2905 and having foreign key are not in the ignore list2906 epics2907 all foreign keys2908 are indexed2909 columns ending with _id2910 do have the foreign keys2911 and having foreign key are not in the ignore list2912 events2913 all foreign keys2914 are indexed2915 columns ending with _id2916 do have the foreign keys2917 and having foreign key are not in the ignore list2918 evidences2919 all foreign keys2920 are indexed2921 columns ending with _id2922 do have the foreign keys2923 and having foreign key are not in the ignore list2924 experiment_users2925 all foreign keys2926 are indexed2927 columns ending with _id2928 do have the foreign keys2929 and having foreign key are not in the ignore list2930 experiments2931 all foreign keys2932 are indexed2933 columns ending with _id2934 do have the foreign keys2935 and having foreign key are not in the ignore list2936 external_pull_requests2937 all foreign keys2938 are indexed2939 columns ending with _id2940 do have the foreign keys2941 and having foreign key are not in the ignore list2942 feature_gates2943 all foreign keys2944 are indexed2945 columns ending with _id2946 do have the foreign keys2947 and having foreign key are not in the ignore list2948 features2949 all foreign keys2950 are indexed2951 columns ending with _id2952 do have the foreign keys2953 and having foreign key are not in the ignore list2954 fork_network_members2955 all foreign keys2956 are indexed2957 columns ending with _id2958 do have the foreign keys2959 and having foreign key are not in the ignore list2960 fork_networks2961 all foreign keys2962 are indexed2963 columns ending with _id2964 do have the foreign keys2965 and having foreign key are not in the ignore list2966 geo_cache_invalidation_events2967 all foreign keys2968 are indexed2969 columns ending with _id2970 do have the foreign keys2971 and having foreign key are not in the ignore list2972 geo_container_repository_updated_events2973 all foreign keys2974 are indexed2975 columns ending with _id2976 do have the foreign keys2977 and having foreign key are not in the ignore list2978 geo_event_log2979 all foreign keys2980 are indexed2981 columns ending with _id2982 do have the foreign keys2983 and having foreign key are not in the ignore list2984 geo_events2985 all foreign keys2986 are indexed2987 columns ending with _id2988 do have the foreign keys2989 and having foreign key are not in the ignore list2990 geo_hashed_storage_attachments_events2991 all foreign keys2992 are indexed2993 columns ending with _id2994 do have the foreign keys2995 and having foreign key are not in the ignore list2996 geo_hashed_storage_migrated_events2997 all foreign keys2998 are indexed2999 columns ending with _id3000 do have the foreign keys3001 and having foreign key are not in the ignore list3002 geo_job_artifact_deleted_events3003 all foreign keys3004 are indexed3005 columns ending with _id3006 do have the foreign keys3007 and having foreign key are not in the ignore list3008 geo_lfs_object_deleted_events3009 all foreign keys3010 are indexed3011 columns ending with _id3012 do have the foreign keys3013 and having foreign key are not in the ignore list3014 geo_node_namespace_links3015 all foreign keys3016 are indexed3017 columns ending with _id3018 do have the foreign keys3019 and having foreign key are not in the ignore list3020 geo_node_statuses3021 all foreign keys3022 are indexed3023 columns ending with _id3024 do have the foreign keys3025 and having foreign key are not in the ignore list3026 geo_nodes3027 all foreign keys3028 are indexed3029 columns ending with _id3030 do have the foreign keys3031 and having foreign key are not in the ignore list3032 geo_repositories_changed_events3033 all foreign keys3034 are indexed3035 columns ending with _id3036 do have the foreign keys3037 and having foreign key are not in the ignore list3038 geo_repository_created_events3039 all foreign keys3040 are indexed3041 columns ending with _id3042 do have the foreign keys3043 and having foreign key are not in the ignore list3044 geo_repository_deleted_events3045 all foreign keys3046 are indexed3047 columns ending with _id3048 do have the foreign keys3049 and having foreign key are not in the ignore list3050 geo_repository_renamed_events3051 all foreign keys3052 are indexed3053 columns ending with _id3054 do have the foreign keys3055 and having foreign key are not in the ignore list3056 geo_repository_updated_events3057 all foreign keys3058 are indexed3059 columns ending with _id3060 do have the foreign keys3061 and having foreign key are not in the ignore list3062 geo_reset_checksum_events3063 all foreign keys3064 are indexed3065 columns ending with _id3066 do have the foreign keys3067 and having foreign key are not in the ignore list3068 geo_upload_deleted_events3069 all foreign keys3070 are indexed3071 columns ending with _id3072 do have the foreign keys3073 and having foreign key are not in the ignore list3074 gitlab_subscription_histories3075 all foreign keys3076 are indexed3077 columns ending with _id3078 do have the foreign keys3079 and having foreign key are not in the ignore list3080 gitlab_subscriptions3081 all foreign keys3082 are indexed3083 columns ending with _id3084 do have the foreign keys3085 and having foreign key are not in the ignore list3086 gpg_key_subkeys3087 all foreign keys3088 are indexed3089 columns ending with _id3090 do have the foreign keys3091 and having foreign key are not in the ignore list3092 gpg_keys3093 all foreign keys3094 are indexed3095 columns ending with _id3096 do have the foreign keys3097 and having foreign key are not in the ignore list3098 gpg_signatures3099 all foreign keys3100 are indexed3101 columns ending with _id3102 do have the foreign keys3103 and having foreign key are not in the ignore list3104 grafana_integrations3105 all foreign keys3106 are indexed3107 columns ending with _id3108 do have the foreign keys3109 and having foreign key are not in the ignore list3110 group_custom_attributes3111 all foreign keys3112 are indexed3113 columns ending with _id3114 do have the foreign keys3115 and having foreign key are not in the ignore list3116 group_deletion_schedules3117 all foreign keys3118 are indexed3119 columns ending with _id3120 do have the foreign keys3121 and having foreign key are not in the ignore list3122 group_deploy_keys3123 all foreign keys3124 are indexed3125 columns ending with _id3126 do have the foreign keys3127 and having foreign key are not in the ignore list3128 group_deploy_keys_groups3129 all foreign keys3130 are indexed3131 columns ending with _id3132 do have the foreign keys3133 and having foreign key are not in the ignore list3134 group_deploy_tokens3135 all foreign keys3136 are indexed3137 columns ending with _id3138 do have the foreign keys3139 and having foreign key are not in the ignore list3140 group_group_links3141 all foreign keys3142 are indexed3143 columns ending with _id3144 do have the foreign keys3145 and having foreign key are not in the ignore list3146 group_import_states3147 all foreign keys3148 are indexed3149 columns ending with _id3150 do have the foreign keys3151 and having foreign key are not in the ignore list3152 group_wiki_repositories3153 all foreign keys3154 are indexed3155 columns ending with _id3156 do have the foreign keys3157 and having foreign key are not in the ignore list3158 historical_data3159 all foreign keys3160 are indexed3161 columns ending with _id3162 do have the foreign keys3163 and having foreign key are not in the ignore list3164 identities3165 all foreign keys3166 are indexed3167 columns ending with _id3168 do have the foreign keys3169 and having foreign key are not in the ignore list3170 import_export_uploads3171 all foreign keys3172 are indexed3173 columns ending with _id3174 do have the foreign keys3175 and having foreign key are not in the ignore list3176 import_failures3177 all foreign keys3178 are indexed3179 columns ending with _id3180 do have the foreign keys3181 and having foreign key are not in the ignore list3182 index_statuses3183 all foreign keys3184 are indexed3185 columns ending with _id3186 do have the foreign keys3187 and having foreign key are not in the ignore list3188 insights3189 all foreign keys3190 are indexed3191 columns ending with _id3192 do have the foreign keys3193 and having foreign key are not in the ignore list3194 internal_ids3195 all foreign keys3196 are indexed3197 columns ending with _id3198 do have the foreign keys3199 and having foreign key are not in the ignore list3200 ip_restrictions3201 all foreign keys3202 are indexed3203 columns ending with _id3204 do have the foreign keys3205 and having foreign key are not in the ignore list3206 issue_assignees3207 all foreign keys3208 are indexed3209 columns ending with _id3210 do have the foreign keys3211 and having foreign key are not in the ignore list3212 issue_links3213 all foreign keys3214 are indexed3215 columns ending with _id3216 do have the foreign keys3217 and having foreign key are not in the ignore list3218 issue_metrics3219 all foreign keys3220 are indexed3221 columns ending with _id3222 do have the foreign keys3223 and having foreign key are not in the ignore list3224 issue_tracker_data3225 all foreign keys3226 are indexed3227 columns ending with _id3228 do have the foreign keys3229 and having foreign key are not in the ignore list3230 issue_user_mentions3231 all foreign keys3232 are indexed3233 columns ending with _id3234 do have the foreign keys3235 and having foreign key are not in the ignore list3236 issues3237 all foreign keys3238 are indexed3239 columns ending with _id3240 do have the foreign keys3241 and having foreign key are not in the ignore list3242 issues_prometheus_alert_events3243 all foreign keys3244 are indexed3245 columns ending with _id3246 do have the foreign keys3247 and having foreign key are not in the ignore list3248 issues_self_managed_prometheus_alert_events3249 all foreign keys3250 are indexed3251 columns ending with _id3252 do have the foreign keys3253 and having foreign key are not in the ignore list3254 jira_connect_installations3255 all foreign keys3256 are indexed3257 columns ending with _id3258 do have the foreign keys3259 and having foreign key are not in the ignore list3260 jira_connect_subscriptions3261 all foreign keys3262 are indexed3263 columns ending with _id3264 do have the foreign keys3265 and having foreign key are not in the ignore list3266 jira_imports3267 all foreign keys3268 are indexed3269 columns ending with _id3270 do have the foreign keys3271 and having foreign key are not in the ignore list3272 jira_tracker_data3273 all foreign keys3274 are indexed3275 columns ending with _id3276 do have the foreign keys3277 and having foreign key are not in the ignore list3278 keys3279 all foreign keys3280 are indexed3281 columns ending with _id3282 do have the foreign keys3283 and having foreign key are not in the ignore list3284 label_links3285 all foreign keys3286 are indexed3287 columns ending with _id3288 do have the foreign keys3289 and having foreign key are not in the ignore list3290 label_priorities3291 all foreign keys3292 are indexed3293 columns ending with _id3294 do have the foreign keys3295 and having foreign key are not in the ignore list3296 labels3297 all foreign keys3298 are indexed3299 columns ending with _id3300 do have the foreign keys3301 and having foreign key are not in the ignore list3302 ldap_group_links3303 all foreign keys3304 are indexed3305 columns ending with _id3306 do have the foreign keys3307 and having foreign key are not in the ignore list3308 lfs_file_locks3309 all foreign keys3310 are indexed3311 columns ending with _id3312 do have the foreign keys3313 and having foreign key are not in the ignore list3314 lfs_objects3315 all foreign keys3316 are indexed3317 columns ending with _id3318 do have the foreign keys3319 and having foreign key are not in the ignore list3320 lfs_objects_projects3321 all foreign keys3322 are indexed3323 columns ending with _id3324 do have the foreign keys3325 and having foreign key are not in the ignore list3326 licenses3327 all foreign keys3328 are indexed3329 columns ending with _id3330 do have the foreign keys3331 and having foreign key are not in the ignore list3332 list_user_preferences3333 all foreign keys3334 are indexed3335 columns ending with _id3336 do have the foreign keys3337 and having foreign key are not in the ignore list3338 lists3339 all foreign keys3340 are indexed3341 columns ending with _id3342 do have the foreign keys3343 and having foreign key are not in the ignore list3344 members3345 all foreign keys3346 are indexed3347 columns ending with _id3348 do have the foreign keys3349 and having foreign key are not in the ignore list3350 merge_request_assignees3351 all foreign keys3352 are indexed3353 columns ending with _id3354 do have the foreign keys3355 and having foreign key are not in the ignore list3356 merge_request_blocks3357 all foreign keys3358 are indexed3359 columns ending with _id3360 do have the foreign keys3361 and having foreign key are not in the ignore list3362 merge_request_context_commit_diff_files3363 all foreign keys3364 are indexed3365 columns ending with _id3366 do have the foreign keys3367 and having foreign key are not in the ignore list3368 merge_request_context_commits3369 all foreign keys3370 are indexed3371 columns ending with _id3372 do have the foreign keys3373 and having foreign key are not in the ignore list3374 merge_request_diff_commits3375 all foreign keys3376 are indexed3377 columns ending with _id3378 do have the foreign keys3379 and having foreign key are not in the ignore list3380 merge_request_diff_files3381 all foreign keys3382 are indexed3383 columns ending with _id3384 do have the foreign keys3385 and having foreign key are not in the ignore list3386 merge_request_diffs3387 all foreign keys3388 are indexed3389 columns ending with _id3390 do have the foreign keys3391 and having foreign key are not in the ignore list3392 merge_request_metrics3393 all foreign keys3394 are indexed3395 columns ending with _id3396 do have the foreign keys3397 and having foreign key are not in the ignore list3398 merge_request_user_mentions3399 all foreign keys3400 are indexed3401 columns ending with _id3402 do have the foreign keys3403 and having foreign key are not in the ignore list3404 merge_requests3405 all foreign keys3406 are indexed3407 columns ending with _id3408 do have the foreign keys3409 and having foreign key are not in the ignore list3410 merge_requests_closing_issues3411 all foreign keys3412 are indexed3413 columns ending with _id3414 do have the foreign keys3415 and having foreign key are not in the ignore list3416 merge_trains3417 all foreign keys3418 are indexed3419 columns ending with _id3420 do have the foreign keys3421 and having foreign key are not in the ignore list3422 metrics_dashboard_annotations3423 all foreign keys3424 are indexed3425 columns ending with _id3426 do have the foreign keys3427 and having foreign key are not in the ignore list3428 metrics_users_starred_dashboards3429 all foreign keys3430 are indexed3431 columns ending with _id3432 do have the foreign keys3433 and having foreign key are not in the ignore list3434 milestone_releases3435 all foreign keys3436 are indexed3437 columns ending with _id3438 do have the foreign keys3439 and having foreign key are not in the ignore list3440 milestones3441 all foreign keys3442 are indexed3443 columns ending with _id3444 do have the foreign keys3445 and having foreign key are not in the ignore list3446 namespace_aggregation_schedules3447 all foreign keys3448 are indexed3449 columns ending with _id3450 do have the foreign keys3451 and having foreign key are not in the ignore list3452 namespace_limits3453 all foreign keys3454 are indexed3455 columns ending with _id3456 do have the foreign keys3457 and having foreign key are not in the ignore list3458 namespace_root_storage_statistics3459 all foreign keys3460 are indexed3461 columns ending with _id3462 do have the foreign keys3463 and having foreign key are not in the ignore list3464 namespace_settings3465 all foreign keys3466 are indexed3467 columns ending with _id3468 do have the foreign keys3469 and having foreign key are not in the ignore list3470 namespace_statistics3471 all foreign keys3472 are indexed3473 columns ending with _id3474 do have the foreign keys3475 and having foreign key are not in the ignore list3476 namespaces3477 all foreign keys3478 are indexed3479 columns ending with _id3480 do have the foreign keys3481 and having foreign key are not in the ignore list3482 note_diff_files3483 all foreign keys3484 are indexed3485 columns ending with _id3486 do have the foreign keys3487 and having foreign key are not in the ignore list3488 notes3489 all foreign keys3490 are indexed3491 columns ending with _id3492 do have the foreign keys3493 and having foreign key are not in the ignore list3494 notification_settings3495 all foreign keys3496 are indexed3497 columns ending with _id3498 do have the foreign keys3499 and having foreign key are not in the ignore list3500 oauth_access_grants3501 all foreign keys3502 are indexed3503 columns ending with _id3504 do have the foreign keys3505 and having foreign key are not in the ignore list3506 oauth_access_tokens3507 all foreign keys3508 are indexed3509 columns ending with _id3510 do have the foreign keys3511 and having foreign key are not in the ignore list3512 oauth_applications3513 all foreign keys3514 are indexed3515 columns ending with _id3516 do have the foreign keys3517 and having foreign key are not in the ignore list3518 oauth_openid_requests3519 all foreign keys3520 are indexed3521 columns ending with _id3522 do have the foreign keys3523 and having foreign key are not in the ignore list3524 open_project_tracker_data3525 all foreign keys3526 are indexed3527 columns ending with _id3528 do have the foreign keys3529 and having foreign key are not in the ignore list3530 operations_feature_flag_scopes3531 all foreign keys3532 are indexed3533 columns ending with _id3534 do have the foreign keys3535 and having foreign key are not in the ignore list3536 operations_feature_flags3537 all foreign keys3538 are indexed3539 columns ending with _id3540 do have the foreign keys3541 and having foreign key are not in the ignore list3542 operations_feature_flags_clients3543 all foreign keys3544 are indexed3545 columns ending with _id3546 do have the foreign keys3547 and having foreign key are not in the ignore list3548 operations_feature_flags_issues3549 all foreign keys3550 are indexed3551 columns ending with _id3552 do have the foreign keys3553 and having foreign key are not in the ignore list3554 operations_scopes3555 all foreign keys3556 are indexed3557 columns ending with _id3558 do have the foreign keys3559 and having foreign key are not in the ignore list3560 operations_strategies3561 all foreign keys3562 are indexed3563 columns ending with _id3564 do have the foreign keys3565 and having foreign key are not in the ignore list3566 operations_strategies_user_lists3567 all foreign keys3568 are indexed3569 columns ending with _id3570 do have the foreign keys3571 and having foreign key are not in the ignore list3572 operations_user_lists3573 all foreign keys3574 are indexed3575 columns ending with _id3576 do have the foreign keys3577 and having foreign key are not in the ignore list3578 packages_build_infos3579 all foreign keys3580 are indexed3581 columns ending with _id3582 do have the foreign keys3583 and having foreign key are not in the ignore list3584 packages_composer_metadata3585 all foreign keys3586 are indexed3587 columns ending with _id3588 do have the foreign keys3589 and having foreign key are not in the ignore list3590 packages_conan_file_metadata3591 all foreign keys3592 are indexed3593 columns ending with _id3594 do have the foreign keys3595 and having foreign key are not in the ignore list3596 packages_conan_metadata3597 all foreign keys3598 are indexed3599 columns ending with _id3600 do have the foreign keys3601 and having foreign key are not in the ignore list3602 packages_dependencies3603 all foreign keys3604 are indexed3605 columns ending with _id3606 do have the foreign keys3607 and having foreign key are not in the ignore list3608 packages_dependency_links3609 all foreign keys3610 are indexed3611 columns ending with _id3612 do have the foreign keys3613 and having foreign key are not in the ignore list3614 packages_maven_metadata3615 all foreign keys3616 are indexed3617 columns ending with _id3618 do have the foreign keys3619 and having foreign key are not in the ignore list3620 packages_nuget_dependency_link_metadata3621 all foreign keys3622 are indexed3623 columns ending with _id3624 do have the foreign keys3625 and having foreign key are not in the ignore list3626 packages_nuget_metadata3627 all foreign keys3628 are indexed3629 columns ending with _id3630 do have the foreign keys3631 and having foreign key are not in the ignore list3632 packages_package_files3633 all foreign keys3634 are indexed3635 columns ending with _id3636 do have the foreign keys3637 and having foreign key are not in the ignore list3638 packages_packages3639 all foreign keys3640 are indexed3641 columns ending with _id3642 do have the foreign keys3643 and having foreign key are not in the ignore list3644 packages_pypi_metadata3645 all foreign keys3646 are indexed3647 columns ending with _id3648 do have the foreign keys3649 and having foreign key are not in the ignore list3650 packages_tags3651 all foreign keys3652 are indexed3653 columns ending with _id3654 do have the foreign keys3655 and having foreign key are not in the ignore list3656 pages_domain_acme_orders3657 all foreign keys3658 are indexed3659 columns ending with _id3660 do have the foreign keys3661 and having foreign key are not in the ignore list3662 pages_domains3663 all foreign keys3664 are indexed3665 columns ending with _id3666 do have the foreign keys3667 and having foreign key are not in the ignore list3668 partitioned_foreign_keys3669 all foreign keys3670 are indexed3671 columns ending with _id3672 do have the foreign keys3673 and having foreign key are not in the ignore list3674 path_locks3675 all foreign keys3676 are indexed3677 columns ending with _id3678 do have the foreign keys3679 and having foreign key are not in the ignore list3680 personal_access_tokens3681 all foreign keys3682 are indexed3683 columns ending with _id3684 do have the foreign keys3685 and having foreign key are not in the ignore list3686 plan_limits3687 all foreign keys3688 are indexed3689 columns ending with _id3690 do have the foreign keys3691 and having foreign key are not in the ignore list3692 plans3693 all foreign keys3694 are indexed3695 columns ending with _id3696 do have the foreign keys3697 and having foreign key are not in the ignore list3698 pool_repositories3699 all foreign keys3700 are indexed3701 columns ending with _id3702 do have the foreign keys3703 and having foreign key are not in the ignore list3704 product_analytics_events_experimental3705 all foreign keys3706 are indexed3707 columns ending with _id3708 do have the foreign keys3709 and having foreign key are not in the ignore list3710 programming_languages3711 all foreign keys3712 are indexed3713 columns ending with _id3714 do have the foreign keys3715 and having foreign key are not in the ignore list3716 project_access_tokens3717 all foreign keys3718 are indexed3719 columns ending with _id3720 do have the foreign keys3721 and having foreign key are not in the ignore list3722 project_alerting_settings3723 all foreign keys3724 are indexed3725 columns ending with _id3726 do have the foreign keys3727 and having foreign key are not in the ignore list3728 project_aliases3729 all foreign keys3730 are indexed3731 columns ending with _id3732 do have the foreign keys3733 and having foreign key are not in the ignore list3734 project_authorizations3735 all foreign keys3736 are indexed3737 columns ending with _id3738 do have the foreign keys3739 and having foreign key are not in the ignore list3740 project_auto_devops3741 all foreign keys3742 are indexed3743 columns ending with _id3744 do have the foreign keys3745 and having foreign key are not in the ignore list3746 project_ci_cd_settings3747 all foreign keys3748 are indexed3749 columns ending with _id3750 do have the foreign keys3751 and having foreign key are not in the ignore list3752 project_compliance_framework_settings3753 all foreign keys3754 are indexed3755 columns ending with _id3756 do have the foreign keys3757 and having foreign key are not in the ignore list3758 project_custom_attributes3759 all foreign keys3760 are indexed3761 columns ending with _id3762 do have the foreign keys3763 and having foreign key are not in the ignore list3764 project_daily_statistics3765 all foreign keys3766 are indexed3767 columns ending with _id3768 do have the foreign keys3769 and having foreign key are not in the ignore list3770 project_deploy_tokens3771 all foreign keys3772 are indexed3773 columns ending with _id3774 do have the foreign keys3775 and having foreign key are not in the ignore list3776 project_error_tracking_settings3777 all foreign keys3778 are indexed3779 columns ending with _id3780 do have the foreign keys3781 and having foreign key are not in the ignore list3782 project_export_jobs3783 all foreign keys3784 are indexed3785 columns ending with _id3786 do have the foreign keys3787 and having foreign key are not in the ignore list3788 project_feature_usages3789 all foreign keys3790 are indexed3791 columns ending with _id3792 do have the foreign keys3793 and having foreign key are not in the ignore list3794 project_features3795 all foreign keys3796 are indexed3797 columns ending with _id3798 do have the foreign keys3799 and having foreign key are not in the ignore list3800 project_group_links3801 all foreign keys3802 are indexed3803 columns ending with _id3804 do have the foreign keys3805 and having foreign key are not in the ignore list3806 project_import_data3807 all foreign keys3808 are indexed3809 columns ending with _id3810 do have the foreign keys3811 and having foreign key are not in the ignore list3812 project_incident_management_settings3813 all foreign keys3814 are indexed3815 columns ending with _id3816 do have the foreign keys3817 and having foreign key are not in the ignore list3818 project_metrics_settings3819 all foreign keys3820 are indexed3821 columns ending with _id3822 do have the foreign keys3823 and having foreign key are not in the ignore list3824 project_mirror_data3825 all foreign keys3826 are indexed3827 columns ending with _id3828 do have the foreign keys3829 and having foreign key are not in the ignore list3830 project_pages_metadata3831 all foreign keys3832 are indexed3833 columns ending with _id3834 do have the foreign keys3835 and having foreign key are not in the ignore list3836 project_repositories3837 all foreign keys3838 are indexed3839 columns ending with _id3840 do have the foreign keys3841 and having foreign key are not in the ignore list3842 project_repository_states3843 all foreign keys3844 are indexed3845 columns ending with _id3846 do have the foreign keys3847 and having foreign key are not in the ignore list3848 project_repository_storage_moves3849 all foreign keys3850 are indexed3851 columns ending with _id3852 do have the foreign keys3853 and having foreign key are not in the ignore list3854 project_security_settings3855 all foreign keys3856 are indexed3857 columns ending with _id3858 do have the foreign keys3859 and having foreign key are not in the ignore list3860 project_settings3861 all foreign keys3862 are indexed3863 columns ending with _id3864 do have the foreign keys3865 and having foreign key are not in the ignore list3866 project_statistics3867 all foreign keys3868 are indexed3869 columns ending with _id3870 do have the foreign keys3871 and having foreign key are not in the ignore list3872 project_tracing_settings3873 all foreign keys3874 are indexed3875 columns ending with _id3876 do have the foreign keys3877 and having foreign key are not in the ignore list3878 projects3879 all foreign keys3880 are indexed3881 columns ending with _id3882 do have the foreign keys3883 and having foreign key are not in the ignore list3884 prometheus_alert_events3885 all foreign keys3886 are indexed3887 columns ending with _id3888 do have the foreign keys3889 and having foreign key are not in the ignore list3890 prometheus_alerts3891 all foreign keys3892 are indexed3893 columns ending with _id3894 do have the foreign keys3895 and having foreign key are not in the ignore list3896 prometheus_metrics3897 all foreign keys3898 are indexed3899 columns ending with _id3900 do have the foreign keys3901 and having foreign key are not in the ignore list3902 protected_branch_merge_access_levels3903 all foreign keys3904 are indexed3905 columns ending with _id3906 do have the foreign keys3907 and having foreign key are not in the ignore list3908 protected_branch_push_access_levels3909 all foreign keys3910 are indexed3911 columns ending with _id3912 do have the foreign keys3913 and having foreign key are not in the ignore list3914 protected_branch_unprotect_access_levels3915 all foreign keys3916 are indexed3917 columns ending with _id3918 do have the foreign keys3919 and having foreign key are not in the ignore list3920 protected_branches3921 all foreign keys3922 are indexed3923 columns ending with _id3924 do have the foreign keys3925 and having foreign key are not in the ignore list3926 protected_environment_deploy_access_levels3927 all foreign keys3928 are indexed3929 columns ending with _id3930 do have the foreign keys3931 and having foreign key are not in the ignore list3932 protected_environments3933 all foreign keys3934 are indexed3935 columns ending with _id3936 do have the foreign keys3937 and having foreign key are not in the ignore list3938 protected_tag_create_access_levels3939 all foreign keys3940 are indexed3941 columns ending with _id3942 do have the foreign keys3943 and having foreign key are not in the ignore list3944 protected_tags3945 all foreign keys3946 are indexed3947 columns ending with _id3948 do have the foreign keys3949 and having foreign key are not in the ignore list3950 push_event_payloads3951 all foreign keys3952 are indexed3953 columns ending with _id3954 do have the foreign keys3955 and having foreign key are not in the ignore list3956 push_rules3957 all foreign keys3958 are indexed3959 columns ending with _id3960 do have the foreign keys3961 and having foreign key are not in the ignore list3962 raw_usage_data3963 all foreign keys3964 are indexed3965 columns ending with _id3966 do have the foreign keys3967 and having foreign key are not in the ignore list3968 redirect_routes3969 all foreign keys3970 are indexed3971 columns ending with _id3972 do have the foreign keys3973 and having foreign key are not in the ignore list3974 release_links3975 all foreign keys3976 are indexed3977 columns ending with _id3978 do have the foreign keys3979 and having foreign key are not in the ignore list3980 releases3981 all foreign keys3982 are indexed3983 columns ending with _id3984 do have the foreign keys3985 and having foreign key are not in the ignore list3986 remote_mirrors3987 all foreign keys3988 are indexed3989 columns ending with _id3990 do have the foreign keys3991 and having foreign key are not in the ignore list3992 repository_languages3993 all foreign keys3994 are indexed3995 columns ending with _id3996 do have the foreign keys3997 and having foreign key are not in the ignore list3998 requirements3999 all foreign keys4000 are indexed4001 columns ending with _id4002 do have the foreign keys4003 and having foreign key are not in the ignore list4004 requirements_management_test_reports4005 all foreign keys4006 are indexed4007 columns ending with _id4008 do have the foreign keys4009 and having foreign key are not in the ignore list4010 resource_iteration_events4011 all foreign keys4012 are indexed4013 columns ending with _id4014 do have the foreign keys4015 and having foreign key are not in the ignore list4016 resource_label_events4017 all foreign keys4018 are indexed4019 columns ending with _id4020 do have the foreign keys4021 and having foreign key are not in the ignore list4022 resource_milestone_events4023 all foreign keys4024 are indexed4025 columns ending with _id4026 do have the foreign keys4027 and having foreign key are not in the ignore list4028 resource_state_events4029 all foreign keys4030 are indexed4031 columns ending with _id4032 do have the foreign keys4033 and having foreign key are not in the ignore list4034 resource_weight_events4035 all foreign keys4036 are indexed4037 columns ending with _id4038 do have the foreign keys4039 and having foreign key are not in the ignore list4040 reviews4041 all foreign keys4042 are indexed4043 columns ending with _id4044 do have the foreign keys4045 and having foreign key are not in the ignore list4046 routes4047 all foreign keys4048 are indexed4049 columns ending with _id4050 do have the foreign keys4051 and having foreign key are not in the ignore list4052 saml_providers4053 all foreign keys4054 are indexed4055 columns ending with _id4056 do have the foreign keys4057 and having foreign key are not in the ignore list4058 schema_migrations4059 all foreign keys4060 are indexed4061 columns ending with _id4062 do have the foreign keys4063 and having foreign key are not in the ignore list4064 scim_identities4065 all foreign keys4066 are indexed4067 columns ending with _id4068 do have the foreign keys4069 and having foreign key are not in the ignore list4070 scim_oauth_access_tokens4071 all foreign keys4072 are indexed4073 columns ending with _id4074 do have the foreign keys4075 and having foreign key are not in the ignore list4076 security_scans4077 all foreign keys4078 are indexed4079 columns ending with _id4080 do have the foreign keys4081 and having foreign key are not in the ignore list4082 self_managed_prometheus_alert_events4083 all foreign keys4084 are indexed4085 columns ending with _id4086 do have the foreign keys4087 and having foreign key are not in the ignore list4088 sent_notifications4089 all foreign keys4090 are indexed4091 columns ending with _id4092 do have the foreign keys4093 and having foreign key are not in the ignore list4094 sentry_issues4095 all foreign keys4096 are indexed4097 columns ending with _id4098 do have the foreign keys4099 and having foreign key are not in the ignore list4100 serverless_domain_cluster4101 all foreign keys4102 are indexed4103 columns ending with _id4104 do have the foreign keys4105 and having foreign key are not in the ignore list4106 service_desk_settings4107 all foreign keys4108 are indexed4109 columns ending with _id4110 do have the foreign keys4111 and having foreign key are not in the ignore list4112 services4113 all foreign keys4114 are indexed4115 columns ending with _id4116 do have the foreign keys4117 and having foreign key are not in the ignore list4118 shards4119 all foreign keys4120 are indexed4121 columns ending with _id4122 do have the foreign keys4123 and having foreign key are not in the ignore list4124 slack_integrations4125 all foreign keys4126 are indexed4127 columns ending with _id4128 do have the foreign keys4129 and having foreign key are not in the ignore list4130 smartcard_identities4131 all foreign keys4132 are indexed4133 columns ending with _id4134 do have the foreign keys4135 and having foreign key are not in the ignore list4136 snippet_repositories4137 all foreign keys4138 are indexed4139 columns ending with _id4140 do have the foreign keys4141 and having foreign key are not in the ignore list4142 snippet_statistics4143 all foreign keys4144 are indexed4145 columns ending with _id4146 do have the foreign keys4147 and having foreign key are not in the ignore list4148 snippet_user_mentions4149 all foreign keys4150 are indexed4151 columns ending with _id4152 do have the foreign keys4153 and having foreign key are not in the ignore list4154 snippets4155 all foreign keys4156 are indexed4157 columns ending with _id4158 do have the foreign keys4159 and having foreign key are not in the ignore list4160 software_license_policies4161 all foreign keys4162 are indexed4163 columns ending with _id4164 do have the foreign keys4165 and having foreign key are not in the ignore list4166 software_licenses4167 all foreign keys4168 are indexed4169 columns ending with _id4170 do have the foreign keys4171 and having foreign key are not in the ignore list4172 spam_logs4173 all foreign keys4174 are indexed4175 columns ending with _id4176 do have the foreign keys4177 and having foreign key are not in the ignore list4178 sprints4179 all foreign keys4180 are indexed4181 columns ending with _id4182 do have the foreign keys4183 and having foreign key are not in the ignore list4184 status_page_published_incidents4185 all foreign keys4186 are indexed4187 columns ending with _id4188 do have the foreign keys4189 and having foreign key are not in the ignore list4190 status_page_settings4191 all foreign keys4192 are indexed4193 columns ending with _id4194 do have the foreign keys4195 and having foreign key are not in the ignore list4196 subscriptions4197 all foreign keys4198 are indexed4199 columns ending with _id4200 do have the foreign keys4201 and having foreign key are not in the ignore list4202 suggestions4203 all foreign keys4204 are indexed4205 columns ending with _id4206 do have the foreign keys4207 and having foreign key are not in the ignore list4208 system_note_metadata4209 all foreign keys4210 are indexed4211 columns ending with _id4212 do have the foreign keys4213 and having foreign key are not in the ignore list4214 taggings4215 all foreign keys4216 are indexed4217 columns ending with _id4218 do have the foreign keys4219 and having foreign key are not in the ignore list4220 tags4221 all foreign keys4222 are indexed4223 columns ending with _id4224 do have the foreign keys4225 and having foreign key are not in the ignore list4226 term_agreements4227 all foreign keys4228 are indexed4229 columns ending with _id4230 do have the foreign keys4231 and having foreign key are not in the ignore list4232 terraform_states4233 all foreign keys4234 are indexed4235 columns ending with _id4236 do have the foreign keys4237 and having foreign key are not in the ignore list4238 timelogs4239 all foreign keys4240 are indexed4241 columns ending with _id4242 do have the foreign keys4243 and having foreign key are not in the ignore list4244 todos4245 all foreign keys4246 are indexed4247 columns ending with _id4248 do have the foreign keys4249 and having foreign key are not in the ignore list4250 trending_projects4251 all foreign keys4252 are indexed4253 columns ending with _id4254 do have the foreign keys4255 and having foreign key are not in the ignore list4256 u2f_registrations4257 all foreign keys4258 are indexed4259 columns ending with _id4260 do have the foreign keys4261 and having foreign key are not in the ignore list4262 uploads4263 all foreign keys4264 are indexed4265 columns ending with _id4266 do have the foreign keys4267 and having foreign key are not in the ignore list4268 user_agent_details4269 all foreign keys4270 are indexed4271 columns ending with _id4272 do have the foreign keys4273 and having foreign key are not in the ignore list4274 user_callouts4275 all foreign keys4276 are indexed4277 columns ending with _id4278 do have the foreign keys4279 and having foreign key are not in the ignore list4280 user_canonical_emails4281 all foreign keys4282 are indexed4283 columns ending with _id4284 do have the foreign keys4285 and having foreign key are not in the ignore list4286 user_custom_attributes4287 all foreign keys4288 are indexed4289 columns ending with _id4290 do have the foreign keys4291 and having foreign key are not in the ignore list4292 user_details4293 all foreign keys4294 are indexed4295 columns ending with _id4296 do have the foreign keys4297 and having foreign key are not in the ignore list4298 user_highest_roles4299 all foreign keys4300 are indexed4301 columns ending with _id4302 do have the foreign keys4303 and having foreign key are not in the ignore list4304 user_interacted_projects4305 all foreign keys4306 are indexed4307 columns ending with _id4308 do have the foreign keys4309 and having foreign key are not in the ignore list4310 user_preferences4311 all foreign keys4312 are indexed4313 columns ending with _id4314 do have the foreign keys4315 and having foreign key are not in the ignore list4316 user_statuses4317 all foreign keys4318 are indexed4319 columns ending with _id4320 do have the foreign keys4321 and having foreign key are not in the ignore list4322 user_synced_attributes_metadata4323 all foreign keys4324 are indexed4325 columns ending with _id4326 do have the foreign keys4327 and having foreign key are not in the ignore list4328 users4329 all foreign keys4330 are indexed4331 columns ending with _id4332 do have the foreign keys4333 and having foreign key are not in the ignore list4334 users_ops_dashboard_projects4335 all foreign keys4336 are indexed4337 columns ending with _id4338 do have the foreign keys4339 and having foreign key are not in the ignore list4340 users_security_dashboard_projects4341 all foreign keys4342 are indexed4343 columns ending with _id4344 do have the foreign keys4345 and having foreign key are not in the ignore list4346 users_star_projects4347 all foreign keys4348 are indexed4349 columns ending with _id4350 do have the foreign keys4351 and having foreign key are not in the ignore list4352 users_statistics4353 all foreign keys4354 are indexed4355 columns ending with _id4356 do have the foreign keys4357 and having foreign key are not in the ignore list4358 vulnerabilities4359 all foreign keys4360 are indexed4361 columns ending with _id4362 do have the foreign keys4363 and having foreign key are not in the ignore list4364 vulnerability_exports4365 all foreign keys4366 are indexed4367 columns ending with _id4368 do have the foreign keys4369 and having foreign key are not in the ignore list4370 vulnerability_feedback4371 all foreign keys4372 are indexed4373 columns ending with _id4374 do have the foreign keys4375 and having foreign key are not in the ignore list4376 vulnerability_historical_statistics4377 all foreign keys4378 are indexed4379 columns ending with _id4380 do have the foreign keys4381 and having foreign key are not in the ignore list4382 vulnerability_identifiers4383 all foreign keys4384 are indexed4385 columns ending with _id4386 do have the foreign keys4387 and having foreign key are not in the ignore list4388 vulnerability_issue_links4389 all foreign keys4390 are indexed4391 columns ending with _id4392 do have the foreign keys4393 and having foreign key are not in the ignore list4394 vulnerability_occurrence_identifiers4395 all foreign keys4396 are indexed4397 columns ending with _id4398 do have the foreign keys4399 and having foreign key are not in the ignore list4400 vulnerability_occurrence_pipelines4401 all foreign keys4402 are indexed4403 columns ending with _id4404 do have the foreign keys4405 and having foreign key are not in the ignore list4406 vulnerability_occurrences4407 all foreign keys4408 are indexed4409 columns ending with _id4410 do have the foreign keys4411 and having foreign key are not in the ignore list4412 vulnerability_scanners4413 all foreign keys4414 are indexed4415 columns ending with _id4416 do have the foreign keys4417 and having foreign key are not in the ignore list4418 vulnerability_statistics4419 all foreign keys4420 are indexed4421 columns ending with _id4422 do have the foreign keys4423 and having foreign key are not in the ignore list4424 vulnerability_user_mentions4425 all foreign keys4426 are indexed4427 columns ending with _id4428 do have the foreign keys4429 and having foreign key are not in the ignore list4430 web_hook_logs4431 all foreign keys4432 are indexed4433 columns ending with _id4434 do have the foreign keys4435 and having foreign key are not in the ignore list4436 web_hooks4437 all foreign keys4438 are indexed4439 columns ending with _id4440 do have the foreign keys4441 and having foreign key are not in the ignore list4442 webauthn_registrations4443 all foreign keys4444 are indexed4445 columns ending with _id4446 do have the foreign keys4447 and having foreign key are not in the ignore list4448 wiki_page_meta4449 all foreign keys4450 are indexed4451 columns ending with _id4452 do have the foreign keys4453 and having foreign key are not in the ignore list4454 wiki_page_slugs4455 all foreign keys4456 are indexed4457 columns ending with _id4458 do have the foreign keys4459 and having foreign key are not in the ignore list4460 x509_certificates4461 all foreign keys4462 are indexed4463 columns ending with _id4464 do have the foreign keys4465 and having foreign key are not in the ignore list4466 x509_commit_signatures4467 all foreign keys4468 are indexed4469 columns ending with _id4470 do have the foreign keys4471 and having foreign key are not in the ignore list4472 x509_issuers4473 all foreign keys4474 are indexed4475 columns ending with _id4476 do have the foreign keys4477 and having foreign key are not in the ignore list4478 zoom_meetings4479 all foreign keys4480 are indexed4481 columns ending with _id4482 do have the foreign keys4483 and having foreign key are not in the ignore list4484 for enums4485 License4486 uses smallint for enums4487 ApplicationSetting4488 uses smallint for enums4489 User4490 uses smallint for enums4491 Shard4492 uses smallint for enums4493 GeoNode4494 uses smallint for enums4495 Namespace4496 uses smallint for enums4497 Group4498 uses smallint for enums4499 Plan4500 uses smallint for enums4501 AuditEventPartitioned4502 uses smallint for enums4503 Ci::InstanceVariable4504 uses smallint for enums4505 Clusters::Platforms::Kubernetes4506 uses smallint for enums4507 BroadcastMessage4508 uses smallint for enums4509 Ci::PipelineScheduleVariable4510 uses smallint for enums4511 Ci::Runner4512 uses smallint for enums4513 Ci::JobArtifact4514 uses smallint for enums4515 CommitStatus4516 uses smallint for enums4517 Ci::Processable4518 uses smallint for enums4519 Ci::Build4520 uses smallint for enums4521 Ci::Bridge4522 uses smallint for enums4523 GenericCommitStatus4524 uses smallint for enums4525 Key4526 uses smallint for enums4527 DeployKey4528 uses smallint for enums4529 GroupDeployKey4530 uses smallint for enums4531 LDAPKey4532 uses smallint for enums4533 DeployToken4534 uses smallint for enums4535 Deployment4536 uses smallint for enums4537 Event4538 uses smallint for enums4539 PushEvent4540 uses smallint for enums4541 Issue4542 uses smallint for enums4543 Milestone4544 uses smallint for enums4545 MergeRequest4546 uses smallint for enums4547 Note4548 uses smallint for enums4549 DiffNote4550 uses smallint for enums4551 DiscussionNote4552 uses smallint for enums4553 SyntheticNote4554 uses smallint for enums4555 LabelNote4556 uses smallint for enums4557 MilestoneNote4558 uses smallint for enums4559 StateNote4560 uses smallint for enums4561 IterationNote4562 uses smallint for enums4563 WeightNote4564 uses smallint for enums4565 LegacyDiffNote4566 uses smallint for enums4567 Project4568 uses smallint for enums4569 Snippet4570 uses smallint for enums4571 PersonalSnippet4572 uses smallint for enums4573 ProjectSnippet4574 uses smallint for enums4575 WikiPage::Meta4576 uses smallint for enums4577 DesignManagement::Design4578 uses smallint for enums4579 Ci::GroupVariable4580 uses smallint for enums4581 IssueLink4582 uses smallint for enums4583 Environment4584 uses smallint for enums4585 Clusters::Cluster4586 uses smallint for enums4587 Clusters::Applications::Helm4588 uses smallint for enums4589 Clusters::Applications::Ingress4590 uses smallint for enums4591 Clusters::Applications::CertManager4592 uses smallint for enums4593 Clusters::Applications::Crossplane4594 uses smallint for enums4595 Clusters::Applications::Prometheus4596 uses smallint for enums4597 Clusters::Applications::Runner4598 uses smallint for enums4599 Clusters::Applications::Jupyter4600 uses smallint for enums4601 Clusters::Applications::Knative4602 uses smallint for enums4603 Clusters::Applications::ElasticStack4604 uses smallint for enums4605 Clusters::Applications::Fluentd4606 uses smallint for enums4607 Clusters::Applications::Cilium4608 uses smallint for enums4609 Epic4610 uses smallint for enums4611 Vulnerability4612 uses smallint for enums4613 Vulnerabilities::Finding4614 uses smallint for enums4615 UserPreference4616 uses smallint for enums4617 NotificationSetting4618 uses smallint for enums4619 Packages::Package4620 uses smallint for enums4621 ProtectedBranch4622 uses smallint for enums4623 ProtectedBranch::MergeAccessLevel4624 uses smallint for enums4625 ProtectedBranch::PushAccessLevel4626 uses smallint for enums4627 ProtectedBranch::UnprotectAccessLevel4628 uses smallint for enums4629 ProtectedTag4630 uses smallint for enums4631 ProtectedTag::CreateAccessLevel4632 uses smallint for enums4633 Service4634 uses smallint for enums4635 GithubService4636 uses smallint for enums4637 CiService4638 uses smallint for enums4639 JenkinsService4640 uses smallint for enums4641 BambooService4642 uses smallint for enums4643 BuildkiteService4644 uses smallint for enums4645 DroneCiService4646 uses smallint for enums4647 TeamcityService4648 uses smallint for enums4649 MockCiService4650 uses smallint for enums4651 AlertsService4652 uses smallint for enums4653 AsanaService4654 uses smallint for enums4655 AssemblaService4656 uses smallint for enums4657 IssueTrackerService4658 uses smallint for enums4659 BugzillaService4660 uses smallint for enums4661 CustomIssueTrackerService4662 uses smallint for enums4663 JiraService4664 uses smallint for enums4665 RedmineService4666 uses smallint for enums4667 YoutrackService4668 uses smallint for enums4669 OpenProjectService4670 uses smallint for enums4671 ConfluenceService4672 uses smallint for enums4673 CampfireService4674 uses smallint for enums4675 ChatNotificationService4676 uses smallint for enums4677 DiscordService4678 uses smallint for enums4679 HangoutsChatService4680 uses smallint for enums4681 SlackService4682 uses smallint for enums4683 MattermostService4684 uses smallint for enums4685 MicrosoftTeamsService4686 uses smallint for enums4687 UnifyCircuitService4688 uses smallint for enums4689 WebexTeamsService4690 uses smallint for enums4691 EmailsOnPushService4692 uses smallint for enums4693 ExternalWikiService4694 uses smallint for enums4695 FlowdockService4696 uses smallint for enums4697 HipchatService4698 uses smallint for enums4699 IrkerService4700 uses smallint for enums4701 SlashCommandsService4702 uses smallint for enums4703 MattermostSlashCommandsService4704 uses smallint for enums4705 SlackSlashCommandsService4706 uses smallint for enums4707 PackagistService4708 uses smallint for enums4709 PipelinesEmailService4710 uses smallint for enums4711 PivotaltrackerService4712 uses smallint for enums4713 MonitoringService4714 uses smallint for enums4715 PrometheusService4716 uses smallint for enums4717 MockMonitoringService4718 uses smallint for enums4719 PushoverService4720 uses smallint for enums4721 BuildsEmailService4722 uses smallint for enums4723 MockDeploymentService4724 uses smallint for enums4725 GitlabSlackApplicationService4726 uses smallint for enums4727 ForkNetworkMember4728 uses smallint for enums4729 ForkNetwork4730 uses smallint for enums4731 Ci::Variable4732 uses smallint for enums4733 GeoNodeStatus4734 uses smallint for enums4735 Vulnerabilities::Export4736 uses smallint for enums4737 ProtectedEnvironment4738 uses smallint for enums4739 ProtectedEnvironment::DeployAccessLevel4740 uses smallint for enums4741 Email4742 uses smallint for enums4743 Ci::Pipeline4744 uses smallint for enums4745 Appearance4746 uses smallint for enums4747 DesignManagement::Action4748 uses smallint for enums4749 Vulnerabilities::IssueLink4750 uses smallint for enums4751 Vulnerabilities::Statistic4752 uses smallint for enums4753 AlertManagement::Alert4754 uses smallint for enums4755 Releases::Link4756 uses smallint for enums4757 ContainerExpirationPolicy4758 uses smallint for enums4759 ComplianceManagement::ComplianceFramework::ProjectSettings4760 uses smallint for enums4761 DastSiteProfile4762 uses smallint for enums4763 Iteration4764 uses smallint for enums4765 Board4766 uses smallint for enums4767 Label4768 uses smallint for enums4769 GroupLabel4770 uses smallint for enums4771 ProjectLabel4772 uses smallint for enums4773 Clusters::Agent4774 uses smallint for enums4775 AbuseReport4776 uses smallint for enums4777 AlertManagement::AlertAssignee4778 uses smallint for enums4779 AlertManagement::AlertUserMention4780 uses smallint for enums4781 CommitUserMention4782 uses smallint for enums4783 DesignUserMention4784 uses smallint for enums4785 IssueUserMention4786 uses smallint for enums4787 MergeRequestUserMention4788 uses smallint for enums4789 SnippetUserMention4790 uses smallint for enums4791 EpicUserMention4792 uses smallint for enums4793 VulnerabilityUserMention4794 uses smallint for enums4795 Alerting::ProjectAlertingSetting4796 uses smallint for enums4797 Analytics::CycleAnalytics::ProjectStage4798 uses smallint for enums4799 ApplicationSetting::Term4800 uses smallint for enums4801 Approval4802 uses smallint for enums4803 AuditEvent4804 uses smallint for enums4805 AwardEmoji4806 uses smallint for enums4807 Aws::Role4808 uses smallint for enums4809 Badge4810 uses smallint for enums4811 GroupBadge4812 uses smallint for enums4813 ProjectBadge4814 uses smallint for enums4815 BoardGroupRecentVisit4816 uses smallint for enums4817 BoardProjectRecentVisit4818 uses smallint for enums4819 ChatName4820 uses smallint for enums4821 ChatTeam4822 uses smallint for enums4823 Ci::BuildMetadata4824 uses smallint for enums4825 Ci::BuildNeed4826 uses smallint for enums4827 Ci::BuildReportResult4828 uses smallint for enums4829 Ci::BuildRunnerSession4830 uses smallint for enums4831 Ci::BuildTraceChunk4832 uses smallint for enums4833 Ci::BuildTraceSection4834 uses smallint for enums4835 Ci::BuildTraceSectionName4836 uses smallint for enums4837 Ci::DailyBuildGroupReportResult4838 uses smallint for enums4839 Ci::FreezePeriod4840 uses smallint for enums4841 Ci::JobVariable4842 uses smallint for enums4843 Ci::PipelineArtifact4844 uses smallint for enums4845 Ci::PipelineChatData4846 uses smallint for enums4847 Ci::PipelineConfig4848 uses smallint for enums4849 Ci::PipelineMessage4850 uses smallint for enums4851 Ci::PipelineSchedule4852 uses smallint for enums4853 Ci::PipelineVariable4854 uses smallint for enums4855 Ci::Ref4856 uses smallint for enums4857 Ci::Resource4858 uses smallint for enums4859 Ci::ResourceGroup4860 uses smallint for enums4861 Ci::RunnerNamespace4862 uses smallint for enums4863 Ci::RunnerProject4864 uses smallint for enums4865 Ci::Sources::Pipeline4866 uses smallint for enums4867 Ci::Stage4868 uses smallint for enums4869 Ci::Trigger4870 uses smallint for enums4871 Ci::TriggerRequest4872 uses smallint for enums4873 Clusters::AgentToken4874 uses smallint for enums4875 Clusters::Group4876 uses smallint for enums4877 Clusters::KubernetesNamespace4878 uses smallint for enums4879 Clusters::Project4880 uses smallint for enums4881 Clusters::Providers::Aws4882 uses smallint for enums4883 Clusters::Providers::Gcp4884 uses smallint for enums4885 ContainerRepository4886 uses smallint for enums4887 CustomEmoji4888 uses smallint for enums4889 DeployKeysProject4890 uses smallint for enums4891 DeploymentCluster4892 uses smallint for enums4893 DeploymentMergeRequest4894 uses smallint for enums4895 DescriptionVersion4896 uses smallint for enums4897 DesignManagement::Version4898 uses smallint for enums4899 DevOpsScore::Metric4900 uses smallint for enums4901 DiffNotePosition4902 uses smallint for enums4903 DraftNote4904 uses smallint for enums4905 ErrorTracking::ProjectErrorTrackingSetting4906 uses smallint for enums4907 Experiment4908 uses smallint for enums4909 ExperimentUser4910 uses smallint for enums4911 ExternalPullRequest4912 uses smallint for enums4913 GpgKey4914 uses smallint for enums4915 GpgKeySubkey4916 uses smallint for enums4917 GpgSignature4918 uses smallint for enums4919 GrafanaIntegration4920 uses smallint for enums4921 GroupCustomAttribute4922 uses smallint for enums4923 GroupDeployKeysGroup4924 uses smallint for enums4925 GroupDeployToken4926 uses smallint for enums4927 GroupGroupLink4928 uses smallint for enums4929 GroupImportState4930 uses smallint for enums4931 WebHook4932 uses smallint for enums4933 ProjectHook4934 uses smallint for enums4935 ServiceHook4936 uses smallint for enums4937 SystemHook4938 uses smallint for enums4939 GroupHook4940 uses smallint for enums4941 WebHookLog4942 uses smallint for enums4943 Identity4944 uses smallint for enums4945 ImportExportUpload4946 uses smallint for enums4947 ImportFailure4948 uses smallint for enums4949 IncidentManagement::ProjectIncidentManagementSetting4950 uses smallint for enums4951 InternalId4952 uses smallint for enums4953 Issue::Metrics4954 uses smallint for enums4955 IssueAssignee4956 uses smallint for enums4957 JiraImportState4958 uses smallint for enums4959 LabelLink4960 uses smallint for enums4961 LabelPriority4962 uses smallint for enums4963 LfsFileLock4964 uses smallint for enums4965 LfsObject4966 uses smallint for enums4967 LfsObjectsProject4968 uses smallint for enums4969 List4970 uses smallint for enums4971 ListUserPreference4972 uses smallint for enums4973 Member4974 uses smallint for enums4975 GroupMember4976 uses smallint for enums4977 ProjectMember4978 uses smallint for enums4979 MergeRequest::Metrics4980 uses smallint for enums4981 MergeRequestAssignee4982 uses smallint for enums4983 MergeRequestContextCommit4984 uses smallint for enums4985 MergeRequestContextCommitDiffFile4986 uses smallint for enums4987 MergeRequestDiff4988 uses smallint for enums4989 MergeRequestDiffCommit4990 uses smallint for enums4991 MergeRequestDiffFile4992 uses smallint for enums4993 MergeRequestsClosingIssues4994 uses smallint for enums4995 Metrics::Dashboard::Annotation4996 uses smallint for enums4997 Metrics::UsersStarredDashboard4998 uses smallint for enums4999 MilestoneRelease5000 uses smallint for enums5001 Namespace::AggregationSchedule5002 uses smallint for enums5003 Namespace::RootStorageStatistics5004 uses smallint for enums5005 NamespaceSetting5006 uses smallint for enums5007 NoteDiffFile5008 uses smallint for enums5009 Packages::BuildInfo5010 uses smallint for enums5011 Packages::Composer::Metadatum5012 uses smallint for enums5013 Packages::Conan::FileMetadatum5014 uses smallint for enums5015 Packages::Conan::Metadatum5016 uses smallint for enums5017 Packages::Dependency5018 uses smallint for enums5019 Packages::DependencyLink5020 uses smallint for enums5021 Packages::Maven::Metadatum5022 uses smallint for enums5023 Packages::Nuget::DependencyLinkMetadatum5024 uses smallint for enums5025 Packages::Nuget::Metadatum5026 uses smallint for enums5027 Packages::PackageFile5028 uses smallint for enums5029 Packages::Pypi::Metadatum5030 uses smallint for enums5031 Packages::Tag5032 uses smallint for enums5033 PagesDomain5034 uses smallint for enums5035 PagesDomainAcmeOrder5036 uses smallint for enums5037 PersonalAccessToken5038 uses smallint for enums5039 PlanLimits5040 uses smallint for enums5041 PoolRepository5042 uses smallint for enums5043 Postgresql::ReplicationSlot5044 uses smallint for enums5045 ProductAnalyticsEvent5046 uses smallint for enums5047 ProgrammingLanguage5048 uses smallint for enums5049 ProjectAuthorization5050 uses smallint for enums5051 ProjectAutoDevops5052 uses smallint for enums5053 ProjectCiCdSetting5054 uses smallint for enums5055 ProjectCustomAttribute5056 uses smallint for enums5057 ProjectDailyStatistic5058 uses smallint for enums5059 ProjectDeployToken5060 uses smallint for enums5061 ProjectExportJob5062 uses smallint for enums5063 ProjectFeature5064 uses smallint for enums5065 ProjectGroupLink5066 uses smallint for enums5067 ProjectImportData5068 uses smallint for enums5069 ProjectImportState5070 uses smallint for enums5071 ProjectMetricsSetting5072 uses smallint for enums5073 ProjectPagesMetadatum5074 uses smallint for enums5075 ProjectRepository5076 uses smallint for enums5077 ProjectRepositoryStorageMove5078 uses smallint for enums5079 AlertsServiceData5080 uses smallint for enums5081 IssueTrackerData5082 uses smallint for enums5083 JiraTrackerData5084 uses smallint for enums5085 OpenProjectTrackerData5086 uses smallint for enums5087 ProjectSetting5088 uses smallint for enums5089 ProjectStatistics5090 uses smallint for enums5091 PrometheusAlert5092 uses smallint for enums5093 PrometheusAlertEvent5094 uses smallint for enums5095 PrometheusMetric5096 uses smallint for enums5097 PushEventPayload5098 uses smallint for enums5099 RawUsageData5100 uses smallint for enums5101 RedirectRoute5102 uses smallint for enums5103 Release5104 uses smallint for enums5105 Releases::Evidence5106 uses smallint for enums5107 RemoteMirror5108 uses smallint for enums5109 RepositoryLanguage5110 uses smallint for enums5111 ResourceIterationEvent5112 uses smallint for enums5113 ResourceMilestoneEvent5114 uses smallint for enums5115 ResourceLabelEvent5116 uses smallint for enums5117 ResourceStateEvent5118 uses smallint for enums5119 ResourceWeightEvent5120 uses smallint for enums5121 Review5122 uses smallint for enums5123 Route5124 uses smallint for enums5125 SelfManagedPrometheusAlertEvent5126 uses smallint for enums5127 SentNotification5128 uses smallint for enums5129 SentryIssue5130 uses smallint for enums5131 Serverless::DomainCluster5132 uses smallint for enums5133 ServiceDeskSetting5134 uses smallint for enums5135 SnippetRepository5136 uses smallint for enums5137 SnippetStatistics5138 uses smallint for enums5139 SpamLog5140 uses smallint for enums5141 Subscription5142 uses smallint for enums5143 Suggestion5144 uses smallint for enums5145 SystemNoteMetadata5146 uses smallint for enums5147 TermAgreement5148 uses smallint for enums5149 Terraform::State5150 uses smallint for enums5151 Timelog5152 uses smallint for enums5153 Todo5154 uses smallint for enums5155 TrendingProject5156 uses smallint for enums5157 U2fRegistration5158 uses smallint for enums5159 Upload5160 uses smallint for enums5161 UserAgentDetail5162 uses smallint for enums5163 UserCallout5164 uses smallint for enums5165 UserCanonicalEmail5166 uses smallint for enums5167 UserCustomAttribute5168 uses smallint for enums5169 UserDetail5170 uses smallint for enums5171 UserHighestRole5172 uses smallint for enums5173 UserInteractedProject5174 uses smallint for enums5175 UserStatus5176 uses smallint for enums5177 UserSyncedAttributesMetadata5178 uses smallint for enums5179 UsersStarProject5180 uses smallint for enums5181 UsersStatistics5182 uses smallint for enums5183 WebauthnRegistration5184 uses smallint for enums5185 WikiPage::Slug5186 uses smallint for enums5187 X509Certificate5188 uses smallint for enums5189 X509CommitSignature5190 uses smallint for enums5191 X509Issuer5192 uses smallint for enums5193 ZoomMeeting5194 uses smallint for enums5195 Gitlab::BackgroundMigration::MigrateIssueTrackersSensitiveData::IssueTrackerData5196 uses smallint for enums5197 Gitlab::BackgroundMigration::MigrateIssueTrackersSensitiveData::JiraTrackerData5198 uses smallint for enums5199 Gitlab::Database::PartitioningMigrationHelpers::PartitionedForeignKey5200 uses smallint for enums5201 Gitlab::DatabaseImporters::CommonMetrics::PrometheusMetric5202 uses smallint for enums5203 AllowedEmailDomain5204 uses smallint for enums5205 Analytics::CycleAnalytics::GroupStage5206 uses smallint for enums5207 Analytics::CycleAnalytics::GroupValueStream5208 uses smallint for enums5209 Analytics::LanguageTrend::RepositoryLanguage5210 uses smallint for enums5211 ApprovalMergeRequestRule5212 uses smallint for enums5213 ApprovalMergeRequestRuleSource5214 uses smallint for enums5215 ApprovalProjectRule5216 uses smallint for enums5217 ApprovalProjectRulesProtectedBranch5218 uses smallint for enums5219 Approver5220 uses smallint for enums5221 ApproverGroup5222 uses smallint for enums5223 BoardAssignee5224 uses smallint for enums5225 BoardLabel5226 uses smallint for enums5227 BoardUserPreference5228 uses smallint for enums5229 Ci::Sources::Project5230 uses smallint for enums5231 Ci::Subscriptions::Project5232 uses smallint for enums5233 DastScannerProfile5234 uses smallint for enums5235 DastSite5236 uses smallint for enums5237 DependencyProxy::Blob5238 uses smallint for enums5239 DependencyProxy::GroupSetting5240 uses smallint for enums5241 Elastic::ReindexingTask5242 uses smallint for enums5243 ElasticsearchIndexedNamespace5244 uses smallint for enums5245 ElasticsearchIndexedProject5246 uses smallint for enums5247 Epic::Metrics5248 uses smallint for enums5249 EpicIssue5250 uses smallint for enums5251 FeatureFlagIssue5252 uses smallint for enums5253 Geo::ContainerRepositoryRegistry5254 uses smallint for enums5255 Geo::DesignRegistry5256 uses smallint for enums5257 Geo::EventLogState5258 uses smallint for enums5259 Geo::JobArtifactRegistry5260 uses smallint for enums5261 Geo::LfsObjectRegistry5262 uses smallint for enums5263 Geo::PackageFileRegistry5264 uses smallint for enums5265 Geo::ProjectRegistry5266 uses smallint for enums5267 Geo::TerraformStateRegistry5268 uses smallint for enums5269 Geo::UploadRegistry5270 uses smallint for enums5271 Geo::CacheInvalidationEvent5272 uses smallint for enums5273 Geo::ContainerRepositoryUpdatedEvent5274 uses smallint for enums5275 Geo::Event5276 uses smallint for enums5277 Geo::EventLog5278 uses smallint for enums5279 Geo::HashedStorageAttachmentsEvent5280 uses smallint for enums5281 Geo::HashedStorageMigratedEvent5282 uses smallint for enums5283 Geo::JobArtifactDeletedEvent5284 uses smallint for enums5285 Geo::LfsObjectDeletedEvent5286 uses smallint for enums5287 Geo::RepositoriesChangedEvent5288 uses smallint for enums5289 Geo::RepositoryCreatedEvent5290 uses smallint for enums5291 Geo::RepositoryDeletedEvent5292 uses smallint for enums5293 Geo::RepositoryRenamedEvent5294 uses smallint for enums5295 Geo::RepositoryUpdatedEvent5296 uses smallint for enums5297 Geo::ResetChecksumEvent5298 uses smallint for enums5299 Geo::UploadDeletedEvent5300 uses smallint for enums5301 GeoNodeNamespaceLink5302 uses smallint for enums5303 GitlabSubscription5304 uses smallint for enums5305 GitlabSubscriptionHistory5306 uses smallint for enums5307 GroupDeletionSchedule5308 uses smallint for enums5309 GroupWikiRepository5310 uses smallint for enums5311 HistoricalData5312 uses smallint for enums5313 IndexStatus5314 uses smallint for enums5315 Insight5316 uses smallint for enums5317 IpRestriction5318 uses smallint for enums5319 JiraConnectInstallation5320 uses smallint for enums5321 JiraConnectSubscription5322 uses smallint for enums5323 LdapGroupLink5324 uses smallint for enums5325 MergeRequestBlock5326 uses smallint for enums5327 MergeTrain5328 uses smallint for enums5329 NamespaceLimit5330 uses smallint for enums5331 NamespaceStatistics5332 uses smallint for enums5333 Operations::FeatureFlag5334 uses smallint for enums5335 Operations::FeatureFlagScope5336 uses smallint for enums5337 Operations::FeatureFlags::Scope5338 uses smallint for enums5339 Operations::FeatureFlags::Strategy5340 uses smallint for enums5341 Operations::FeatureFlags::StrategyUserList5342 uses smallint for enums5343 Operations::FeatureFlags::UserList5344 uses smallint for enums5345 Operations::FeatureFlagsClient5346 uses smallint for enums5347 PathLock5348 uses smallint for enums5349 ProjectAlias5350 uses smallint for enums5351 ProjectFeatureUsage5352 uses smallint for enums5353 ProjectRepositoryState5354 uses smallint for enums5355 ProjectSecuritySetting5356 uses smallint for enums5357 ProjectTracingSetting5358 uses smallint for enums5359 PushRule5360 uses smallint for enums5361 RequirementsManagement::Requirement5362 uses smallint for enums5363 RequirementsManagement::TestReport5364 uses smallint for enums5365 SamlProvider5366 uses smallint for enums5367 ScimIdentity5368 uses smallint for enums5369 ScimOauthAccessToken5370 uses smallint for enums5371 Security::Scan5372 uses smallint for enums5373 SlackIntegration5374 uses smallint for enums5375 SmartcardIdentity5376 uses smallint for enums5377 SoftwareLicense5378 uses smallint for enums5379 SoftwareLicensePolicy5380 uses smallint for enums5381 StatusPage::ProjectSetting5382 uses smallint for enums5383 StatusPage::PublishedIncident5384 uses smallint for enums5385 UsersOpsDashboardProject5386 uses smallint for enums5387 UsersSecurityDashboardProject5388 uses smallint for enums5389 Vulnerabilities::Feedback5390 uses smallint for enums5391 Vulnerabilities::FindingIdentifier5392 uses smallint for enums5393 Vulnerabilities::FindingPipeline5394 uses smallint for enums5395 Vulnerabilities::HistoricalStatistic5396 uses smallint for enums5397 Vulnerabilities::Identifier5398 uses smallint for enums5399 Vulnerabilities::Scanner5400 uses smallint for enums5401 for jsonb columns5402 uses json schema validator5403 existence of Postgres schemas5404 we have a public schema5405 we have a 'gitlab_partitions_dynamic' schema'5406 we have a 'gitlab_partitions_static' schema'5407 we do not have unexpected schemas5408Issues::BuildService5409 for a single discussion5410 #execute5411 references the noteable title in the issue title5412 adds the note content to the description5413 for discussions in a merge request5414 #items_for_discussions5415 has an item for each discussion5416 #item_for_discussion5417 mentions the author of the note5418 wraps the note in a blockquote5419 #execute5420 uses provided title if title param given5421 uses provided description if description param given5422 without additional params5423 has the merge request reference in the title5424 has the reference of the merge request in the description5425 with multiple discussions5426 mentions all the authors in the description5427 has a link for each unresolved discussion in the description5428 mentions additional notes5429 For a merge request without discussions5430 #execute5431 mentions the merge request in the description5432 #execute5433 builds a new issues with given params5434 sets milestone to nil if it is not available for the project5435 setting issue type5436 sets the issue_type on the issue5437 defaults to issue if issue_type not given5438ReleasesFinder5439 when parent is a project5440 behaves like when the user is not part of the project5441 returns no releases5442 when the user is a project developer5443 sorts by release date5444 behaves like preload5445 preloads associations5446 when preload is false5447 does not preload associations5448 behaves like when tag is nil5449 ignores rows with a nil tag5450 behaves like when a tag parameter is passed5451 only returns the release with the matching tag5452 when parent is a group5453 without subgroups5454 behaves like when the user is not part of the project5455 returns no releases5456 when the user is a project developer on one sibling project5457 sorts by release date5458 when the user is a project developer on all projects5459 sorts by release date5460 behaves like when a tag parameter is passed5461 only returns the release with the matching tag5462 with subgroups5463 with a single-level subgroup5464 behaves like when the user is not part of the project5465 returns no releases5466 when the user a project developer in the subgroup project5467 returns only the subgroup releases5468 when the user a project developer in both projects5469 returns all releases5470 behaves like when a tag parameter is passed5471 only returns the release with the matching tag5472 with a multi-level subgroup5473 behaves like when the user is not part of the project5474 returns no releases5475 when the user a project developer in the subgroup and subsubgroup project5476 returns only the subgroup and subsubgroup releases5477 when the user a project developer in the subsubgroup project5478 returns only the subsubgroup releases5479 when the user a project developer in all projects5480 returns all releases5481 behaves like when a tag parameter is passed5482 only returns the release with the matching tag5483Gitlab::LegacyGithubImport::PullRequestFormatter5484 when importing a GitHub project5485 behaves like Gitlab::LegacyGithubImport::PullRequestFormatter#attributes5486 when pull request is open5487 returns formatted attributes5488 when pull request is closed5489 returns formatted attributes5490 when pull request is merged5491 returns formatted attributes5492 when it is assigned to someone5493 returns nil as assignee_id when is not a GitLab user5494 returns GitLab user id associated with GitHub id as assignee_id5495 returns GitLab user id associated with GitHub email as assignee_id5496 when author is a GitLab user5497 returns project creator_id as author_id when is not a GitLab user5498 returns GitLab user id associated with GitHub id as author_id5499 returns GitLab user id associated with GitHub email as author_id5500 returns description without created at tag line5501 when it has a milestone5502 returns nil when milestone does not exist5503 returns milestone when it exists5504 behaves like Gitlab::LegacyGithubImport::PullRequestFormatter#number5505 returns pull request number5506 behaves like Gitlab::LegacyGithubImport::PullRequestFormatter#source_branch_name5507 when source branch exists5508 returns branch ref5509 when source branch does not exist5510 prefixes branch name with gh-:short_sha/:number/:user pattern to avoid collision5511 when source branch is from a fork5512 prefixes branch name with gh-:short_sha/:number/:user pattern to avoid collision5513 when source branch is from a deleted fork5514 prefixes branch name with gh-:short_sha/:number/:user pattern to avoid collision5515 behaves like Gitlab::LegacyGithubImport::PullRequestFormatter#target_branch_name5516 when target branch exists5517 returns branch ref5518 when target branch does not exist5519 prefixes branch name with gh-:short_sha/:number/:user pattern to avoid collision5520 when importing a Gitea project5521 behaves like Gitlab::LegacyGithubImport::PullRequestFormatter#attributes5522 when pull request is open5523 returns formatted attributes5524 when pull request is closed5525 returns formatted attributes5526 when pull request is merged5527 returns formatted attributes5528 when it is assigned to someone5529 returns nil as assignee_id when is not a GitLab user5530 returns GitLab user id associated with GitHub id as assignee_id5531 returns GitLab user id associated with GitHub email as assignee_id5532 when author is a GitLab user5533 returns project creator_id as author_id when is not a GitLab user5534 returns GitLab user id associated with GitHub id as author_id5535 returns GitLab user id associated with GitHub email as author_id5536 returns description without created at tag line5537 when it has a milestone5538 returns nil when milestone does not exist5539 returns milestone when it exists5540 behaves like Gitlab::LegacyGithubImport::PullRequestFormatter#number5541 returns pull request number5542 behaves like Gitlab::LegacyGithubImport::PullRequestFormatter#source_branch_name5543 when source branch exists5544 returns branch ref5545 when source branch does not exist5546 prefixes branch name with gh-:short_sha/:number/:user pattern to avoid collision5547 when source branch is from a fork5548 prefixes branch name with gh-:short_sha/:number/:user pattern to avoid collision5549 when source branch is from a deleted fork5550 prefixes branch name with gh-:short_sha/:number/:user pattern to avoid collision5551 behaves like Gitlab::LegacyGithubImport::PullRequestFormatter#target_branch_name5552 when target branch exists5553 returns branch ref5554 when target branch does not exist5555 prefixes branch name with gh-:short_sha/:number/:user pattern to avoid collision5556 #valid?5557 when source, and target repos are not a fork5558 returns true5559 when source repo is a fork5560 returns true5561 when target repo is a fork5562 returns true5563 #cross_project?5564 when source and target repositories are different5565 returns true5566 when source repository does not exist anymore5567 returns true5568 when source and target repositories are the same5569 returns false5570 #source_branch_exists?5571 returns false when is a cross_project5572 #url5573 return raw url5574 #opened?5575 returns true when state is "open"5576Gitlab::ImportExport5577Elements checked:5578{:hashes=>251, :arrays=>{:direct=>0, :pairwise=>190, :fuzzy=>8}, :values=>2882}5579 yields the initial tree when importing and exporting it again5580Gitlab::Diff::Position5581 factory5582 produces a complete text position5583 produces a complete image position5584 allows the diff_refs to be passed as a single object5585 position for an added text file5586 is expected to be on text5587 is expected not to be on image5588 #diff_file5589 returns the correct diff file5590 #diff_line5591 returns the correct diff line5592 #line_code5593 returns the correct line code5594 position for an added image file5595 is expected not to be on text5596 is expected to be on image5597 returns the correct diff file5598 position for a changed file5599 position for an added line5600 #diff_file5601 returns the correct diff file5602 different folded positions in the same diff file5603 expands the diff file5604 #diff_line5605 returns the correct diff line5606 #line_code5607 returns the correct line code5608 position for an unchanged line5609 #diff_file5610 returns the correct diff file5611 #diff_line5612 returns the correct diff line5613 #line_code5614 returns the correct line code5615 position for a removed line5616 #diff_file5617 returns the correct diff file5618 #diff_line5619 returns the correct diff line5620 #line_code5621 returns the correct line code5622 position for a renamed file5623 position for an added line5624 #diff_file5625 returns the correct diff file5626 #diff_line5627 returns the correct diff line5628 #line_code5629 returns the correct line code5630 position for an unchanged line5631 #diff_file5632 returns the correct diff file5633 #diff_line5634 returns the correct diff line5635 #line_code5636 returns the correct line code5637 position for a removed line5638 #diff_file5639 returns the correct diff file5640 #diff_line5641 returns the correct diff line5642 #line_code5643 returns the correct line code5644 position for a deleted file5645 #diff_file5646 returns the correct diff file5647 #diff_line5648 returns the correct diff line5649 #line_code5650 returns the correct line code5651 position for a missing ref5652 #diff_file5653 does not raise exception5654 #diff_line5655 does not raise exception5656 #line_code5657 does not raise exception5658 position for a file in the initial commit5659 #diff_file5660 returns the correct diff file5661 #diff_line5662 returns the correct diff line5663 #line_code5664 returns the correct line code5665 position for a file in a straight comparison5666 #diff_file5667 returns the correct diff file5668 #diff_line5669 returns the correct diff line5670 #line_code5671 returns the correct line code5672 #find_diff_file_from5673 position for a diff file that has changed from symlink to regular file5674 when file_identifier_hash is disabled5675 returns the first diff file5676 when file_identifier_hash is enabled5677 for new regular file5678 returns the correct diff file5679 for old symlink file5680 returns the correct diff file5681 when file_identifier_hash is missing5682 returns the first diff file5683 when file_identifier_hash cannot be found5684 returns nil5685 #==5686 when positions are equal5687 returns true5688 when positions are equal, except for truncated shas5689 returns true5690 when positions are unequal5691 returns false5692 #as_json5693 for text position5694 behaves like diff position json5695 returns the position as JSON5696 for image position5697 behaves like diff position json5698 returns the position as JSON5699 #to_json5700 for text position5701 behaves like diff position json5702 returns the position as JSON5703 works when nested under another hash5704 for image position5705 behaves like diff position json5706 returns the position as JSON5707 works when nested under another hash5708 #file_hash5709 returns SHA1 representation of the file_path5710Todos::Destroy::PrivateFeaturesService5711 when user_id is provided5712 when all features have same visibility as the project5713 removes only user issue todos5714 when issues are visible only to project members but the user is a member5715 does not remove any todos5716 when issues are visible only to project members5717 removes only user issue todos5718 when mrs, builds and repository are visible only to project members5719 removes only user mr and commit todos5720 when mrs are visible only to project members5721 removes only user merge request todo5722 when mrs and issues are visible only to project members5723 removes only user merge request and issue todos5724 when user_id is not provided5725 when all features have same visibility as the project5726 does not remove any todos5727 when issues are visible only to project members5728 removes only non members issue todos5729 when mrs, builds and repository are visible only to project members5730 removes only non members mr and commit todos5731 when mrs are visible only to project members5732 removes only non members merge request todos5733 when mrs and issues are visible only to project members5734 removes only non members merge request and issue todos5735Label5736 modules5737 is expected to includes the Referable module5738 is expected to includes the Subscribable module5739 associations5740 is expected to have many issues through label_links source => target5741 is expected to have many label_links dependent => destroy5742 is expected to have many lists dependent => destroy5743 is expected to have many priorities class_name => LabelPriority5744 validation5745 is expected to validate that :title is case-sensitively unique within the scope of :group_id and :project_id5746 validates color code5747 validates title5748 #color5749 strips color5750 uses default color if color is missing5751 #text_color5752 uses default color if color is missing5753 #title5754 sanitizes title5755 strips title5756 #description5757 sanitizes description5758 priorization5759 #prioritize!5760 when label is not prioritized5761 creates a label priority5762 sets label priority5763 when label is prioritized5764 does not create a label priority5765 updates label priority5766 #unprioritize!5767 removes label priority5768 #priority5769 when label is not prioritized5770 returns nil5771 when label is prioritized5772 returns label priority5773 .search5774 returns labels with a partially matching title5775 returns labels with a partially matching description5776 returns nothing5777 .subscribed_by5778 returns subscribed labels5779 returns nothing5780 .top_labels_by_target5781 returns distinct labels, ordered by usage in the given target relation5782 excludes labels that are not assigned to any records in the given target relation5783 .optionally_subscribed_by5784 returns subscribed labels5785 returns all labels if user_id is nil5786 #templates5787 with invalid template labels5788 returns only valid template labels5789Gitlab::CycleAnalytics::UsageData5790 #to_json5791 a valid usage data result5792 returns the aggregated usage data of every selected project5793Ci::UnlockArtifactsService5794 #execute5795 when tag is true5796 when running on a ref before a pipeline5797 unlocks artifacts from older pipelines5798 does not unlock artifacts for tag or branch with same name as ref5799 does not unlock artifacts from newer pipelines5800 does not lock artifacts from old unlocked pipelines5801 does not unlock artifacts from the same pipeline5802 does not unlock artifacts for other refs5803 does not unlock artifacts for child pipeline5804 when running on just the ref5805 unlocks artifacts from older pipelines5806 unlocks artifacts from newer pipelines5807 unlocks artifacts from the same pipeline5808 does not unlock artifacts for tag or branch with same name as ref5809 does not lock artifacts from old unlocked pipelines5810 does not unlock artifacts for other refs5811 when tag is false5812 when running on a ref before a pipeline5813 unlocks artifacts from older pipelines5814 does not unlock artifacts for tag or branch with same name as ref5815 does not unlock artifacts from newer pipelines5816 does not lock artifacts from old unlocked pipelines5817 does not unlock artifacts from the same pipeline5818 does not unlock artifacts for other refs5819 does not unlock artifacts for child pipeline5820 when running on just the ref5821 unlocks artifacts from older pipelines5822 unlocks artifacts from newer pipelines5823 unlocks artifacts from the same pipeline5824 does not unlock artifacts for tag or branch with same name as ref5825 does not lock artifacts from old unlocked pipelines5826 does not unlock artifacts for other refs5827Gitlab::Email::Handler::ServiceDeskHandler5828 service desk is enabled for the project5829 when everything is fine5830 behaves like a new issue request5831 creates a new issue5832 sends thank you email5833 with legacy incoming email address5834 behaves like a new issue request5835 creates a new issue5836 sends thank you email5837 when using issue templates5838 and template is present5839 appends template text to issue description5840 when quick actions are present5841 applies quick action commands present on templates5842 redacts quick actions present on user email body5843 and template cannot be found5844 does not append template text to issue description5845 creates support bot note on issue5846 does not send warning note email5847 when using service desk key5848 behaves like a new issue request5849 creates a new issue5850 sends thank you email5851 when there is no project with the key5852 bounces the email5853 when the project slug does not match5854 bounces the email5855 when service_desk_custom_address feature is disabled5856 bounces the email5857 #can_handle?5858 handles the new email key format5859 handles the legacy email key format5860 doesn't handle invalid email key5861 when there is no from address5862 creates a new issue5863 does not send thank you email5864 when there is a sender address and a from address5865 prefers the from address5866 when service desk is not enabled for project5867 does not create an issue5868 does not send thank you email5869 when the email is forwarded through an alias5870 behaves like a new issue request5871 creates a new issue5872 sends thank you email5873 when the email is forwarded5874 behaves like a new issue request5875 creates a new issue5876 sends thank you email5877 service desk is disabled for the project5878 bounces the email5879 doesn't create an issue5880BuildkiteService5881 Associations5882 is expected to belong to project required:5883 is expected to have one service_hook5884 Validations5885 when service is active5886 is expected to validate that :project_url cannot be empty/falsy5887 is expected to validate that :token cannot be empty/falsy5888 behaves like issue tracker service URL attribute5889 is expected to allow :project_url to be ‹""›5890 is expected not to allow :project_url to be ‹""›5891 is expected not to allow :project_url to be ‹""›5892 is expected not to allow :project_url to be ‹"herp-and-derp"›5893 when service is inactive5894 is expected not to validate that :project_url cannot be empty/falsy5895 is expected not to validate that :token cannot be empty/falsy5896 .supported_events5897 supports push, merge_request, and tag_push events5898 commits methods5899 always activates SSL verification after saved5900 #webhook_url5901 returns the webhook url5902 #commit_status_path5903 returns the correct status page5904 #build_page5905 returns the correct build page5906 #commit_status5907 returns the contents of the reactive cache5908 #calculate_reactive_cache5909 #commit_status5910 sets commit status to :error when status is 5005911 sets commit status to :error when status is 4045912 passes through build status untouched when status is 2005913 sets commit status to :error with a Net::OpenTimeout error5914 sets commit status to :error with a Net::ReadTimeout error5915 sets commit status to :error with a Net::WriteTimeout error5916 sets commit status to :error with a SocketError error5917 sets commit status to :error with a OpenSSL::SSL::SSLError error5918 sets commit status to :error with a OpenSSL::OpenSSLError error5919 sets commit status to :error with a Errno::ECONNRESET error5920 sets commit status to :error with a Errno::ECONNREFUSED error5921 sets commit status to :error with a Errno::EHOSTUNREACH error5922 sets commit status to :error with a Gitlab::HTTP::BlockedUrlError error5923 sets commit status to :error with a Gitlab::HTTP::RedirectionTooDeep error5924Gitlab::Auth::AuthFinders5925 #find_user_from_bearer_token5926 when the token is passed as an oauth token5927 with a job token5928 behaves like find user from job token5929 when route is allowed to be authenticated5930 returns an Unauthorized exception for an invalid token5931 return user if token is valid5932 with oauth token5933 is expected to eq #<User id:1919 @user1971>5934 with a personal access token5935 is expected to eq #<User id:1920 @user1972>5936 #find_user_from_warden5937 with CSRF token5938 with invalid credentials5939 returns nil5940 with valid credentials5941 returns the user5942 without CSRF token5943 returns nil5944 #find_user_from_feed_token5945 when the request format is atom5946 when feed_token param is provided5947 returns user if valid feed_token5948 returns nil if feed_token is blank5949 returns exception if invalid feed_token5950 when rss_token param is provided5951 returns user if valid rssd_token5952 returns nil if rss_token is blank5953 returns exception if invalid rss_token5954 when the request format is not atom5955 returns nil5956 when the request format is empty5957 the method call does not modify the original value5958 #find_user_from_static_object_token5959 when request format is archive5960 behaves like static object request5961 when token header param is present5962 when token is correct5963 returns the user5964 when token is incorrect5965 returns the user5966 when token query param is present5967 when token is correct5968 returns the user5969 when token is incorrect5970 returns the user5971 when request format is blob5972 behaves like static object request5973 when token header param is present5974 when token is correct5975 returns the user5976 when token is incorrect5977 returns the user5978 when token query param is present5979 when token is correct5980 returns the user5981 when token is incorrect5982 returns the user5983 when request format is not archive nor blob5984 returns nil5985 #deploy_token_from_request5986 is expected to be nil5987 with deploy token headers5988 is expected to eq #<DeployToken id: 2, revoked: false, read_repository: true, read_registry: true, expires_at: "2020-08... "project_type", write_registry: false, read_package_registry: false, write_package_registry: false>5989 behaves like an unauthenticated route5990 when route is not allowed to use deploy_tokens5991 is expected to be nil5992 with incorrect token5993 is expected to be nil5994 with oauth headers5995 is expected to eq #<DeployToken id: 2, revoked: false, read_repository: true, read_registry: true, expires_at: "2020-08... "project_type", write_registry: false, read_package_registry: false, write_package_registry: false>5996 behaves like an unauthenticated route5997 when route is not allowed to use deploy_tokens5998 is expected to be nil5999 with invalid token6000 is expected to be nil6001 with basic auth headers6002 is expected to eq #<DeployToken id: 2, revoked: false, read_repository: true, read_registry: true, expires_at: "2020-08... "project_type", write_registry: false, read_package_registry: false, write_package_registry: false>6003 behaves like an unauthenticated route6004 when route is not allowed to use deploy_tokens6005 is expected to be nil6006 with incorrect token6007 is expected to be nil6008 #find_user_from_access_token6009 returns nil if no access_token present6010 when validate_access_token! returns valid6011 returns user6012 returns exception if token has no user6013 with OAuth headers6014 returns user6015 returns exception if invalid personal_access_token6016 #find_user_from_web_access_token6017 returns exception if token has no user6018 returns the user for RSS requests6019 returns the user for ICS requests6020 returns the user for API requests6021 no feed or API requests6022 returns nil if the request is not RSS6023 returns nil if the request is not ICS6024 returns nil if the request is not API6025 #find_personal_access_token6026 returns nil if no personal_access_token6027 returns exception if invalid personal_access_token6028 passed as header6029 returns token if valid personal_access_token6030 passed as param6031 returns token if valid personal_access_token6032 #find_oauth_access_token6033 returns nil if no oauth_access_token6034 returns exception if invalid oauth_access_token6035 passed as header6036 returns token if valid oauth_access_token6037 passed as param6038 returns user if valid oauth_access_token6039 #find_personal_access_token_from_http_basic_auth6040 access token is valid6041 finds the token from basic auth6042 access token is not valid6043 returns nil6044 route_setting is not set6045 returns nil6046 route_setting is not correct6047 returns nil6048 #find_user_from_basic_auth_job6049 when the request does not have AUTHORIZATION header6050 is expected to be nil6051 with wrong credentials6052 returns nil without user and password6053 returns nil without password6054 returns nil without user6055 returns nil without CI username6056 with CI username6057 returns nil without password6058 returns user with valid token6059 raises error with invalid token6060 #validate_access_token!6061 returns nil if no access_token present6062 with a job token6063 does not raise an error6064 token is not valid6065 returns Gitlab::Auth::ExpiredError if token expired6066 returns Gitlab::Auth::RevokedError if token revoked6067 returns Gitlab::Auth::InsufficientScopeError if invalid token scope6068 with impersonation token6069 when impersonation is disabled6070 returns Gitlab::Auth::ImpersonationDisabled6071 #find_user_from_job_token6072 when the job token is in the headers6073 returns the user if valid job token6074 returns nil without job token6075 returns exception if invalid job token6076 when route is not allowed to be authenticated6077 sets current_user to nil6078 when the job token is in the params6079 behaves like job token params6080 with valid job token6081 returns the user6082 with empty job token6083 returns nil6084 with invalid job token6085 returns exception6086 when route is not allowed to be authenticated6087 sets current_user to nil6088 behaves like job token params6089 with valid job token6090 returns the user6091 with empty job token6092 returns nil6093 with invalid job token6094 returns exception6095 when route is not allowed to be authenticated6096 sets current_user to nil6097 when the job token is provided via basic auth6098 is expected to eq #<User id:1967 @user2019>6099 credentials are provided but route setting is incorrect6100 is expected to be nil6101 #cluster_agent_token_from_authorization_token6102 when route_setting is empty6103 returns nil6104 when route_setting allows cluster agent token6105 Authorization header is empty6106 returns nil6107 Authorization header is incorrect6108 returns nil6109 Authorization header is malformed6110 returns nil6111 Authorization header matches agent token6112 returns the agent token6113 #find_runner_from_token6114 with API requests6115 returns the runner if token is valid6116 returns nil if token is not present6117 returns nil if token is blank6118 returns exception if invalid token6119 without API requests6120 returns nil if token is valid6121 returns nil if token is blank6122 returns nil if invalid token6123Milestoneable6124 #supports_milestone?6125 for issues6126 returns true6127 for merge requests6128 returns true6129 release scopes6130 #any_milestone6131 when milestone filter is present and related closing issues are joined6132 returns merge request closing issues of any milestone6133 #without_release6134 returns the issues not tied to any milestone and the ones tied to milestone with no release6135 #any_release6136 returns all issues tied to a release6137 #with_release6138 returns the issues tied a specfic release6139 when a release has a milestone with one issue and another one with no issue6140 returns that one issue6141 when the milestone with no issue is added as a filter6142 returns an empty list6143 when the milestone with the issue is added as a filter6144 returns this issue6145 when there is no issue under a specific release6146 returns no issue6147 when a non-existent release tag is passed in6148 returns no issue6149 Issues6150 behaves like an object that can be assigned a milestone6151 Validation6152 milestone6153 with correct params6154 is expected to be valid6155 with empty string milestone6156 is expected to be valid6157 with nil milestone id6158 is expected to be valid6159 with a milestone id from another project6160 is expected to be invalid6161 #milestone_available?6162 returns true with a milestone from the issue project6163 returns true with a milestone from the issue project group6164 returns true with a milestone from the the parent of the issue project group6165 returns false with a milestone from another project6166 returns false with a milestone from another group6167 MergeRequests6168 behaves like an object that can be assigned a milestone6169 Validation6170 milestone6171 with correct params6172 is expected to be valid6173 with empty string milestone6174 is expected to be valid6175 with nil milestone id6176 is expected to be valid6177 with a milestone id from another project6178 is expected to be invalid6179 #milestone_available?6180 returns true with a milestone from the issue project6181 returns true with a milestone from the issue project group6182 returns true with a milestone from the the parent of the issue project group6183 returns false with a milestone from another project6184 returns false with a milestone from another group6185Git::TagHooksService6186 System hooks6187 Executes system hooks6188 Webhooks6189 executes hooks on the project6190 Pipelines6191 creates a new pipeline6192 Push data6193 annotated tag6194 has expected push data attributes6195 with repository data6196 has expected repository attributes6197 with commits6198 is expected to be a kind of Array6199 has 1 element6200 the commit6201 is expected to include {:timestamp => "2014-02-27T11:01:38+02:00"}6202 has expected commit attributes6203 with an author6204 has expected author attributes6205 lightweight tag6206 has expected push data attributes6207 with repository data6208 has expected repository attributes6209 with commits6210 is expected to be a kind of Array6211 has 1 element6212 the commit6213 is expected to include {:timestamp => "2014-02-27T11:01:38+02:00"}6214 has expected commit attributes6215 with an author6216 has expected author attributes6217Branches::DeleteMergedService6218 #execute6219 deletes a branch that was merged6220 keeps branch that is unmerged6221 keeps "master"6222 keeps protected branches6223 keeps wildcard protected branches6224 ignores protected tags6225 user without rights6226 cannot execute6227 open merge requests6228 does not delete branches from open merge requests6229 #async_execute6230 calls DeleteMergedBranchesWorker async6231Clusters::Applications::CheckUninstallProgressService6232 when application is uninstalling6233 behaves like a not yet terminated installation6234 when phase is Pending6235 when not timed_out6236 reschedule a new check6237 behaves like a not yet terminated installation6238 when phase is Running6239 when not timed_out6240 reschedule a new check6241 behaves like a not yet terminated installation6242 when phase is Unknown6243 when not timed_out6244 reschedule a new check6245 when installation POD succeeded6246 removes the installation POD6247 runs application post_uninstall6248 destroys the application6249 an error occurs while destroying6250 still removes the installation POD6251 makes the application uninstall_errored6252 when installation POD failed6253 make the application errored6254 when timed out6255 make the application errored6256 when installation raises a Kubeclient::HttpError6257 logs into kubernetes.log and Sentry6258 shows the response code from the error6259BlobHelper6260 #highlight6261 wraps highlighted content6262 handles plain version6263 #sanitize_svg_data6264 retains essential elements6265 #edit_blob_link6266 verifies blob is text6267 uses the passed blob instead retrieve from repository6268 returns a link with the proper route6269 returns a link with the passed link_opts on the expected route6270 when edit is the primary button6271 is rendered as primary6272 passes on primary tracking attributes6273 when Web IDE is the primary button6274 is rendered as inverted6275 passes on secondary tracking attributes6276 viewer related6277 #blob_render_error_reason6278 for error :too_large6279 when the blob size is larger than the absolute size limit6280 returns an error message6281 when the blob size is larger than the size limit6282 returns an error message6283 for error :server_side_but_stored_externally6284 returns an error message6285 #blob_render_error_options6286 for error :collapsed6287 includes a "load it anyway" link6288 for error :too_large6289 does not include a "load it anyway" link6290 includes a "download it" link6291 when the viewer is rich6292 the blob is rendered as text6293 includes a "view the source" link6294 the blob is not rendered as text6295 does not include a "view the source" link6296 when the viewer is not rich6297 does not include a "view the source" link6298 for error :server_side_but_stored_externally6299 does not include a "load it anyway" link6300 does not include a "view the source" link6301 includes a "download it" link6302 #show_suggest_pipeline_creation_celebration?6303 when file is a pipeline config file6304 experiment enabled6305 is true6306 file is invalid format6307 is false6308 does not use the default ci config6309 is false6310 does not have the needed cookie6311 is false6312 blob does not have auxiliary view6313 is false6314 experiment disabled6315 is false6316 when file is not a pipeline config file6317 experiment enabled6318 is false6319 suggest_pipeline_commit_cookie_name6320 uses project id to make up the cookie name6322 returns a link with a Web IDE route6323 when edit is the primary button6324 is rendered as inverted6325 passes on secondary tracking attributes6326 when Web IDE is the primary button6327 is rendered as primary6328 passes on primary tracking attributes6329 #ide_edit_path6330 returns full IDE path6331 returns full IDE path with second -6332 returns IDE path without relative_url_root6333 escapes special characters6334 does not escape "/" character6335 when user is not logged in6336 returns IDE path inside the project6337 when user cannot push to the project6338 returns IDE path with the user's fork6339 #ide_fork_and_edit_path6340 returns path to fork the repo with a redirect param to the full IDE path6341 when user is not logged in6342 returns nil6343Projects::AfterRenameService6344 #execute6345 using legacy storage6346 renames a repository6347 updates project full path in .git/config6348 updates storage location6349 container registry with images6350 raises a RenameFailedError6351 gitlab pages6352 moves pages folder to new location6353 attachments6354 moves uploads folder to new location6355 with hashed storage upgrade when renaming enabled6356 calls HashedStorage::MigrationService with correct options6357 using hashed storage6358 renames a repository6359 updates project full path in .git/config6360 updates storage location6361 container registry with images6362 raises a RenameFailedError6363 gitlab pages6364 moves pages folder to new location6365 attachments6366 keeps uploads folder location unchanged6367 when not rolled out6368 moves attachments folder to hashed storage6369Ci::Group6370 is expected to includes the StaticModel module6371 is expected to respond to #stage6372 is expected to respond to #name6373 is expected to respond to #jobs6374 is expected to respond to #status6375 #size6376 returns the number of statuses in the group6377 #status6378 returns a failed status6379 #detailed_status6380 when there is only one item in the group6381 calls the status from the object itself6382 when there are more than one commit status in the group6383 fabricates a new detailed status object6384 .fabricate6385 returns an array of three groups6386 returns groups with correctly ordered statuses6387 returns groups with correct names6388 when a name is nil on legacy pipelines6389 returns an array of three groups6390Groups::ImportExport::ExportService6391 #async_execute6392 when the job can be successfully scheduled6393 enqueues an export job6394 returns truthy6395 when the job cannot be scheduled6396 returns falsey6397 #execute6398 saves the version6399 saves the models using ndjson tree saver6400 saves the models using legacy tree saver6401 notifies the user6402 when saver succeeds6403 saves the group in the file system6404 when user does not have admin_group permission6405 fails6406 logs the error6407 tracks the error6408 when export fails6409 when file saver fails6410 removes the remaining exported data6411 notifies the user about failed group export6412 when file compression fails6413 removes the remaining exported data6414 notifies logger6415 when there is an existing export file6416 removes it6417Gitlab::ImportExport::Project::ObjectBuilder6418 request store is not active6419 ignore cache initialize6420 request store is active6421 initialize cache in memory6422 cache object when first time find the object6423 read from cache when object has been cached6424 labels6425 finds the existing group label6426 finds the existing group label in root ancestor6427 creates a new label6428 milestones6429 finds the existing group milestone6430 finds the existing group milestone in root ancestor6431 creates a new milestone6432 merge_request6433 finds the existing merge_request6434 creates a new merge_request6435Gitlab::Ci::Build::Rules6436 .new6437 with no rules6438 sets @rule_list to an empty array6439 sets @default_when to "on_success"6440 with one rule6441 sets @rule_list to an array of a single rule6442 sets @default_when to "on_success"6443 with multiple rules6444 sets @rule_list to an array of a single rule6445 sets @default_when to "on_success"6446 with a specified default when:6447 sets @rule_list to an array of a single rule6448 sets @default_when to "manual"6449 #evaluate6450 with nil rules6451 is expected to eq #<struct Gitlab::Ci::Build::Rules::Result when="on_success", start_in=nil, allow_failure=nil>6452 and when:manual set as the default6453 is expected to eq #<struct Gitlab::Ci::Build::Rules::Result when="manual", start_in=nil, allow_failure=nil>6454 with no rules6455 is expected to eq #<struct Gitlab::Ci::Build::Rules::Result when="never", start_in=nil, allow_failure=nil>6456 and when:manual set as the default6457 is expected to eq #<struct Gitlab::Ci::Build::Rules::Result when="never", start_in=nil, allow_failure=nil>6458 with one rule without any clauses6459 is expected to eq #<struct Gitlab::Ci::Build::Rules::Result when="manual", start_in=nil, allow_failure=true>6460 with one matching rule6461 is expected to eq #<struct Gitlab::Ci::Build::Rules::Result when="always", start_in=nil, allow_failure=nil>6462 with two matching rules6463 returns the value of the first matched rule in the list6464 with a non-matching and matching rule6465 is expected to eq #<struct Gitlab::Ci::Build::Rules::Result when="always", start_in=nil, allow_failure=nil>6466 with a matching and non-matching rule6467 is expected to eq #<struct Gitlab::Ci::Build::Rules::Result when="delayed", start_in="1 day", allow_failure=nil>6468 with non-matching rules6469 is expected to eq #<struct Gitlab::Ci::Build::Rules::Result when="never", start_in=nil, allow_failure=nil>6470 and when:manual set as the default6471 does not return the default when:6472 with only allow_failure6473 with matching rule6474 is expected to eq #<struct Gitlab::Ci::Build::Rules::Result when="on_success", start_in=nil, allow_failure=true>6475 with non-matching rule6476 is expected to eq #<struct Gitlab::Ci::Build::Rules::Result when="never", start_in=nil, allow_failure=nil>6477 Gitlab::Ci::Build::Rules::Result6478 #build_attributes6479 compacts nil values6480 #pass?6481 'when' is 'never'6482 returns false6483 'when' is 'on_success'6484 returns true6485GpgKeys::DestroyService6486 destroys the GPG key6487ProjectClusterablePresenter6488 #can_create_cluster?6489 when user can create6490 is expected to be truthy6491 when user cannot create6492 is expected to be falsey6493 #index_path6494 is expected to eq "/namespace1160/project1285/-/clusters"6495 #new_path6496 is expected to eq "/namespace1161/project1286/-/clusters/new"6497 #authorize_aws_role_path6498 is expected to eq "/namespace1162/project1287/-/clusters/authorize_aws_role"6499 #create_user_clusters_path6500 is expected to eq "/namespace1163/project1288/-/clusters/create_user"6501 #create_gcp_clusters_path6502 is expected to eq "/namespace1164/project1289/-/clusters/create_gcp"6503 #cluster_status_cluster_path6504 is expected to eq "/namespace1165/project1290/-/clusters/79/cluster_status"6505 #install_applications_cluster_path6506 is expected to eq "/namespace1166/project1291/-/clusters/82/applications/helm"6507 #update_applications_cluster_path6508 is expected to eq "/namespace1167/project1292/-/clusters/85/applications/helm"6509 #clear_cluster_cache_path6510 is expected to eq "/namespace1168/project1293/-/clusters/88/clear_cache"6511 #cluster_path6512 is expected to eq "/namespace1169/project1294/-/clusters/91"6513 #metrics_dashboard_path6514 is expected to eq "/namespace1170/project1295/-/clusters/94/metrics_dashboard"6515Gitlab::Search::FoundBlob6516 parsing content results6517 returns a valid FoundBlob6518 does not parse content if not needed6519 parses content only once when needed6520 when the matching filename contains a colon6521 returns a valid FoundBlob6522 when the matching content contains a number surrounded by colons6523 returns a valid FoundBlob6524 when the matching content contains multiple null bytes6525 returns a valid FoundBlob6526 when the search result ends with an empty line6527 returns a valid FoundBlob that ends with an empty line6528 when the search returns non-ASCII data6529 with UTF-86530 returns results as UTF-86531 with UTF-8 in the filename6532 returns results as UTF-86533 with ISO-8859-16534 returns results as UTF-86535 when filename has extension6536 is expected to eq ""6537 is expected to eq "CONTRIBUTE"6538 when file is under directory6539 is expected to eq "a/b/"6540 is expected to eq "a/b/c"6541 parsing title results6542 when file is under directory6543 is expected to eq "a/b/"6544 is expected to eq "a/b/c"6545 when filename has multiple extensions6546 is expected to eq "a/b/c.whatever"6547 policy6548 works with policy6549Packages::Npm::CreateTagService6550 #execute6551 with no existing tag name6552 behaves like it creates the tag6553 is expected to change `Packages::Tag.count` by 16554 is expected to eq "test-tag"6555 adds tag to the package6556 with exisiting tag name6557 on package with different name6558 behaves like it creates the tag6559 is expected to change `Packages::Tag.count` by 16560 is expected to eq "test-tag"6561 adds tag to the package6562 on different package type6563 behaves like it creates the tag6564 is expected to change `Packages::Tag.count` by 16565 is expected to eq "test-tag"6566 adds tag to the package6567 on same package with different version6568 is expected to not change `Packages::Tag.count`6569 is expected to eq "test-tag"6570 adds tag to the package6571Packages::Conan::SearchService6572 #execute6573 with wildcard6574 makes a wildcard query6575 with only wildcard6576 returns empty6577 with no wildcard6578 makes a search using the beginning of the recipe6579 with full recipe match6580 makes an exact search6581 with malicious query6582 returns empty6583Projects::Alerting::NotifyService6584 #execute6585 with activated Alerts Service6586 with valid token6587 with valid payload6588 behaves like creates an alert management alert6589 is expected to be success6590 creates AlertManagement::Alert6591 executes the alert service hooks6592 behaves like assigns the alert properties6593 ensure that created alert has all data properly assigned6594 existing alert with same fingerprint6595 behaves like adds an alert management alert event6596 is expected to be success6597 does not create an alert6598 increases alert events count6599 does not executes the alert service hooks6600 existing alert is resolved6601 behaves like creates an alert management alert6602 is expected to be success6603 creates AlertManagement::Alert6604 executes the alert service hooks6605 behaves like assigns the alert properties6606 ensure that created alert has all data properly assigned6607 existing alert is ignored6608 behaves like adds an alert management alert event6609 is expected to be success6610 does not create an alert6611 increases alert events count6612 does not executes the alert service hooks6613 two existing alerts, one resolved one open6614 behaves like adds an alert management alert event6615 is expected to be success6616 does not create an alert6617 increases alert events count6618 does not executes the alert service hooks6619 with a minimal payload6620 created alert has all data properly assigned6621 behaves like creates an alert management alert6622 is expected to be success6623 creates AlertManagement::Alert6624 executes the alert service hooks6625 behaves like does not process incident issues6626 does not process issues6627 issue enabled6628 behaves like processes incident issues6629 processes issues6630 with an invalid payload6631 behaves like does not process incident issues due to error6632 does not process issues6633 behaves like does not an create alert management alert6634 does not create alert6635 when alert already exists6636 when existing alert does not have an associated issue6637 behaves like processes incident issues6638 processes issues6639 when existing alert has an associated issue6640 behaves like does not process incident issues6641 does not process issues6642 with emails turned on6643 behaves like Alert Notification Service sends notification email6644 sends a notification for firing alerts only6645 with invalid token6646 behaves like does not process incident issues due to error6647 does not process issues6648 behaves like does not an create alert management alert6649 does not create alert6650 with deactivated Alerts Service6651 behaves like does not process incident issues due to error6652 does not process issues6653 behaves like does not an create alert management alert6654 does not create alert6655Issuable::CommonSystemNotesService6656 on issuable update6657 behaves like system note creation6658 creates 1 system note with the correct content6659 behaves like system note creation6660 creates 1 system note with the correct content6661 behaves like system note creation6662 creates 1 system note with the correct content6663 behaves like system note creation6664 creates 1 system note with the correct content6665 when new label is added6666 creates a resource label event6667 when new milestone is assigned6668 behaves like system note creation6669 creates 1 system note with the correct content6670 with merge requests Draft note6671 adding Draft note6672 behaves like system note creation6673 creates 1 system note with the correct content6674 and changing title6675 behaves like draft notes creation6676 creates Draft toggle and title change notes6677 removing Draft note6678 behaves like system note creation6679 creates 1 system note with the correct content6680 and changing title6681 behaves like draft notes creation6682 creates Draft toggle and title change notes6683 on issuable create6684 does not create system note for title and description6685 creates a resource label event for labels added6686 creates a system note for due_date set6687 when milestone change event tracking is disabled6688 creates a system note for milestone set6689 does not create a milestone change event6690 when milestone change event tracking is enabled6691 does not create a system note for milestone set6692 creates a milestone change event6693PrometheusAlertEvent6694 associations6695 is expected to belong to prometheus_alert required: true6696 validations6697 is expected to be valid6698 is expected to validate that :prometheus_alert cannot be empty/falsy, producing a custom validation error on failure6699 is expected to validate that :payload_key is case-sensitively unique within the scope of :prometheus_alert_id6700 is expected to validate that :started_at cannot be empty/falsy6701 payload_key & ended_at6702 absent if firing?6703 is expected to validate that :payload_key cannot be empty/falsy6704 is expected not to validate that :ended_at cannot be empty/falsy6705 present if resolved?6706 is expected not to validate that :payload_key cannot be empty/falsy6707 is expected to validate that :ended_at cannot be empty/falsy6708 #title6709 delegates to alert6710 prometheus_metric_id6711 delegates to alert6712 transaction6713 fire6714 when status is none6715 fires an event6716 when firing6717 cannot fire again6718 resolve6719 when firing6720 resolves an event6721 when resolved6722 cannot resolve again6723Gitlab::MultiCollectionPaginator6724 combines both collections6725 includes elements second collection if first collection is empty6726 with a full first page6727 knows the total count of the collection6728 fills the first page with elements of the first collection6729 fils the second page with a mixture of the first & second collection6730 fils the last page with elements from the second collection6731PruneOldEventsWorker6732 #perform6733 prunes events older than 3 years6734 leaves fresh events6735 leaves events from 13 months ago6736 leaves events from 3 years ago6737VerifyPagesDomainService6738 #execute6739 domain_sym: :domain, code_sym: :verification_code6740 when domain is disabled(or new)6741 when txt record contains verification code6742 verifies and enables the domain6743 when txt record contains verification code with other text6744 verifies and enables the domain6745 when txt record does not contain verification code6746 unverifies domain6747 disables domain and shedules it for removal in 1 week6748 when txt record does not contain verification code6749 unverifies domain6750 disables domain and shedules it for removal in 1 week6751 when no txt records are present6752 unverifies domain6753 disables domain and shedules it for removal in 1 week6754 when domain is verified6755 when txt record contains verification code6756 verifies and enables the domain6757 when txt record contains verification code with other text6758 verifies and enables the domain6759 when txt record does not contain verification code6760 unverifies but does not disable domain6761 does not schedule domain for removal6762 when no txt records are present6763 unverifies but does not disable domain6764 does not schedule domain for removal6765 when domain is expired6766 when the right code is present6767 verifies and enables the domain6768 when the right code is not present6769 unverifies domain6770 disables domain and shedules it for removal in 1 week6771 when domain is disabled and scheduled for removal6772 when the right code is present6773 verifies and enables domain6774 prevent domain from being removed6775 when the right code is not present6776 keeps domain scheduled for removal but does not change removal time6777 invalid domain6778 can be disabled6779 domain_sym: :domain, code_sym: :keyed_verification_code6780 when domain is disabled(or new)6781 when txt record contains verification code6782 verifies and enables the domain6783 when txt record contains verification code with other text6784 verifies and enables the domain6785 when txt record does not contain verification code6786 unverifies domain6787 disables domain and shedules it for removal in 1 week6788 when txt record does not contain verification code6789 unverifies domain6790 disables domain and shedules it for removal in 1 week6791 when no txt records are present6792 unverifies domain6793 disables domain and shedules it for removal in 1 week6794 when domain is verified6795 when txt record contains verification code6796 verifies and enables the domain6797 when txt record contains verification code with other text6798 verifies and enables the domain6799 when txt record does not contain verification code6800 unverifies but does not disable domain6801 does not schedule domain for removal6802 when no txt records are present6803 unverifies but does not disable domain6804 does not schedule domain for removal6805 when domain is expired6806 when the right code is present6807 verifies and enables the domain6808 when the right code is not present6809 unverifies domain6810 disables domain and shedules it for removal in 1 week6811 when domain is disabled and scheduled for removal6812 when the right code is present6813 verifies and enables domain6814 prevent domain from being removed6815 when the right code is not present6816 keeps domain scheduled for removal but does not change removal time6817 invalid domain6818 can be disabled6819 domain_sym: :verification_domain, code_sym: :verification_code6820 when domain is disabled(or new)6821 when txt record contains verification code6822 verifies and enables the domain6823 when txt record contains verification code with other text6824 verifies and enables the domain6825 when txt record does not contain verification code6826 unverifies domain6827 disables domain and shedules it for removal in 1 week6828 when txt record does not contain verification code6829 unverifies domain6830 disables domain and shedules it for removal in 1 week6831 when no txt records are present6832 unverifies domain6833 disables domain and shedules it for removal in 1 week6834 when domain is verified6835 when txt record contains verification code6836 verifies and enables the domain6837 when txt record contains verification code with other text6838 verifies and enables the domain6839 when txt record does not contain verification code6840 unverifies but does not disable domain6841 does not schedule domain for removal6842 when no txt records are present6843 unverifies but does not disable domain6844 does not schedule domain for removal6845 when domain is expired6846 when the right code is present6847 verifies and enables the domain6848 when the right code is not present6849 unverifies domain6850 disables domain and shedules it for removal in 1 week6851 when domain is disabled and scheduled for removal6852 when the right code is present6853 verifies and enables domain6854 prevent domain from being removed6855 when the right code is not present6856 keeps domain scheduled for removal but does not change removal time6857 invalid domain6858 can be disabled6859 domain_sym: :verification_domain, code_sym: :keyed_verification_code6860 when domain is disabled(or new)6861 when txt record contains verification code6862 verifies and enables the domain6863 when txt record contains verification code with other text6864 verifies and enables the domain6865 when txt record does not contain verification code6866 unverifies domain6867 disables domain and shedules it for removal in 1 week6868 when txt record does not contain verification code6869 unverifies domain6870 disables domain and shedules it for removal in 1 week6871 when no txt records are present6872 unverifies domain6873 disables domain and shedules it for removal in 1 week6874 when domain is verified6875 when txt record contains verification code6876 verifies and enables the domain6877 when txt record contains verification code with other text6878 verifies and enables the domain6879 when txt record does not contain verification code6880 unverifies but does not disable domain6881 does not schedule domain for removal6882 when no txt records are present6883 unverifies but does not disable domain6884 does not schedule domain for removal6885 when domain is expired6886 when the right code is present6887 verifies and enables the domain6888 when the right code is not present6889 unverifies domain6890 disables domain and shedules it for removal in 1 week6891 when domain is disabled and scheduled for removal6892 when the right code is present6893 verifies and enables domain6894 prevent domain from being removed6895 when the right code is not present6896 keeps domain scheduled for removal but does not change removal time6897 invalid domain6898 can be disabled6899 timeout behaviour6900 sets a timeout on the DNS query6901 email notifications6902 factory: nil, verification_succeeds: true, expected_notification: nil6903 sends a notification if appropriate6904 factory: nil, verification_succeeds: false, expected_notification: :verification_failed6905 sends a notification if appropriate6906 factory: :reverify, verification_succeeds: true, expected_notification: nil6907 sends a notification if appropriate6908 factory: :reverify, verification_succeeds: false, expected_notification: :verification_failed6909 sends a notification if appropriate6910 factory: :unverified, verification_succeeds: true, expected_notification: :verification_succeeded6911 sends a notification if appropriate6912 factory: :unverified, verification_succeeds: false, expected_notification: nil6913 sends a notification if appropriate6914 factory: :expired, verification_succeeds: true, expected_notification: nil6915 sends a notification if appropriate6916 factory: :expired, verification_succeeds: false, expected_notification: :disabled6917 sends a notification if appropriate6918 factory: :disabled, verification_succeeds: true, expected_notification: :enabled6919 sends a notification if appropriate6920 factory: :disabled, verification_succeeds: false, expected_notification: nil6921 sends a notification if appropriate6922 pages verification disabled6923 skips email notifications6924 pages configuration updates6925 enabling a disabled domain6926 schedules an update6927 verifying an enabled domain6928 schedules an update6929 disabling an expired domain6930 schedules an update6931 failing to verify a disabled domain6932 does not schedule an update6933 no verification code6934 returns an error6935 pages domain verification is disabled6936 extends domain validity by unconditionally reverifying6937 does not shorten any grace period6938Gitlab::Template::MergeRequestTemplate6939 .all6940 strips the md suffix6941 combines the globals and rest6942 .find6943 returns nil if the file does not exist6944 returns the merge request object of a valid file6945 .by_category6946 return array of templates6947 when repo is bare or empty6948 returns empty array6949 #content6950 loads the full file6951 raises error when file is not found6952 when repo is empty6953 raises file not found6954IncidentManagement::ProcessAlertWorker6955 #perform6956 with valid alert6957 behaves like creates issue successfully6958 creates an issue6959 updates AlertManagement::Alert#issue_id6960 does not write a warning to log6961 when alert cannot be updated6962 updates AlertManagement::Alert#issue_id6963 logs a warning6964 prometheus alert6965 behaves like creates issue successfully6966 creates an issue6967 updates AlertManagement::Alert#issue_id6968 does not write a warning to log6969 with invalid alert6970 does not create issues6971Ci::DagJobEntity6972 #as_json6973 contains the name6974 behaves like matches schema6975 matches schema6976 when job is stage scheduled6977 contains the name scheduling_type6978 does not expose needs6979 behaves like matches schema6980 matches schema6981 when job is dag scheduled6982 contains the name scheduling_type6983 behaves like matches schema6984 matches schema6985 when job has needs6986 exposes the array of needs6987 behaves like matches schema6988 matches schema6989 when job has empty needs6990 exposes an empty array of needs6991 behaves like matches schema6992 matches schema6993Labels::FindOrCreateService6994 #execute6995 when acting on behalf of a specific user6996 when finding labels on project level6997 when label does not exist at group level6998 creates a new label at project level6999 when label exists at group level7000 returns the group label7001 when label exists at project level7002 returns the project label7003 when include_ancestor_groups is true7004 returns the ancestor group labels7005 creates new labels if labels are not found7006 when finding labels on group level7007 when label does not exist at group level7008 creates a new label at group level7009 when label exists at group level7010 returns the group label7011 when authorization is not required7012 when finding labels on project level7013 returns the project label7014 when finding labels on group level7015 returns the group label7016Gitlab::Metrics::Dashboard::Processor7017 process7018 includes an id for each dashboard panel7019 includes boolean to indicate if panel group has custom metrics7020 when the dashboard is not present7021 returns nil7022 when dashboard config corresponds to common metrics7023 inserts metric ids into the config7024 when the project has associated metrics7025 includes project-specific metrics7026 display groups and panels in the order they are defined7027 when the project has multiple metrics in the same group7028 includes multiple metrics7029 when the dashboard should not include project metrics7030 includes only dashboard metrics7031 when sample_metrics are requested7032 includes a sample metrics path for the prometheus endpoint with each metric7033 when the dashboard references persisted metrics with alerts7034 that are shared across projects7035 behaves like has saved alerts7036 includes an alert path7037 when the project has associated metrics7038 behaves like has saved alerts7039 includes an alert path7040 when there are no alerts7041 does not insert an alert_path7042 when the dashboard is missing panel_groups7043 behaves like errors with message7044 raises a DashboardLayoutError7045 when the dashboard contains a panel_group which is missing panels7046 behaves like errors with message7047 raises a DashboardLayoutError7048 when the dashboard contains a panel which is missing metrics7049 behaves like errors with message7050 raises a DashboardLayoutError7051 when the dashboard contains a metric which is missing a query7052 behaves like errors with message7053 raises a DashboardLayoutError7054API::Entities::Snippet7055 with PersonalSnippet7056 returns snippet web_url attribute7057 returns snippet raw_url attribute7058 behaves like common attributes7059 is expected to eq 457060 is expected to eq "My title 772"7061 is expected to eq "My title 774"7062 is expected to eq 2020-08-25 15:57:51.830808083 +00007063 is expected to eq 2020-08-25 15:57:51.830808083 +00007064 is expected to eq nil7065 is expected to eq "private"7066 is expected to include :author7067 with snippet_multiple_files feature disabled7068 does not return files7069 file_name7070 returns attribute from repository7071 when repository is empty7072 returns attribute from db7073 ssh_url_to_repo7074 returns attribute7075 when repository does not exist7076 does not include attribute7077 http_url_to_repo7078 returns attribute7079 when repository does not exist7080 does not include attribute7081 files7082 when repository does not exist7083 does not include the files attribute7084 with PersonalSnippet7085 behaves like snippet files7086 returns all snippet files7087 has the file path7088 has the raw url7089 with ProjectSnippet7090 behaves like snippet files7091 returns all snippet files7092 has the file path7093 has the raw url7094 with ProjectSnippet7095 returns snippet web_url attribute7096 returns snippet raw_url attribute7097 behaves like common attributes7098 is expected to eq 467099 is expected to eq "My title 775"7100 is expected to eq "My title 777"7101 is expected to eq 2020-08-25 15:57:52.154687616 +00007102 is expected to eq 2020-08-25 15:57:52.154687616 +00007103 is expected to eq 14797104 is expected to eq "private"7105 is expected to include :author7106 with snippet_multiple_files feature disabled7107 does not return files7108 file_name7109 returns attribute from repository7110 when repository is empty7111 returns attribute from db7112 ssh_url_to_repo7113 returns attribute7114 when repository does not exist7115 does not include attribute7116 http_url_to_repo7117 returns attribute7118 when repository does not exist7119 does not include attribute7120 files7121 when repository does not exist7122 does not include the files attribute7123 with PersonalSnippet7124 behaves like snippet files7125 returns all snippet files7126 has the file path7127 has the raw url7128 with ProjectSnippet7129 behaves like snippet files7130 returns all snippet files7131 has the file path7132 has the raw url7133BoardPolicy7134 group board7135 user has access7136 is expected to be allowed :read_issue7137 user does not have access7138 is expected not to be allowed :read_issue7139 project board7140 user has access7141 is expected to be allowed :read_issue7142 user does not have access7143 is expected not to be allowed :read_issue7144 create_non_backlog_issues7145 for project boards7146 when user can admin project issues7147 allows to add non backlog issues from issue board7148 when user cannot admin project issues7149 does not allow to add non backlog issues from issue board7150 for group boards7151 when user is at least reporter in one of the child projects7152 allows to add non backlog issues from issue board7153 when user is not a reporter from any child projects7154 does not allow to add non backlog issues from issue board7155Ci::HasRef7156 #branch?7157 is not a tag7158 return true when tag is set to false7159 when it was triggered by merge request7160 returns false7161 is not a tag7162 return false when tag is set to true7163 #git_ref7164 when tag is true7165 returns a tag ref7166 when tag is false7167 returns a branch ref7168 when tag is nil7169 returns a branch ref7170 when it is triggered by a merge request7171 returns nil7172Gitlab::FileFinder7173 #find7174 does not cause N+1 query7175 behaves like file finder7176 finds by path7177 finds by content7178 with inclusive filters7179 filters by filename7180 filters by path7181 filters by extension7182 with exclusive filters7183 filters by filename7184 filters by path7185 filters by extension7186Clusters::Applications::PatchService7187 #execute7188 when there are no errors7189 make the application updating7190 schedule async installation status check7191 when kubernetes cluster communication fails7192 logs into kubernetes.log and Sentry7193 make the application errored7194 a non kubernetes error happens7195 logs into kubernetes.log and Sentry7196 make the application errored7197ProjectExportWorker7198 #perform7199 when it succeeds7200 calls the ExportService7201 export job7202 creates an export job record for the project7203 sets the export job status to started7204 sets the export job status to finished7205 when it fails7206 does not raise an exception when strategy is invalid7207 does not raise error when project cannot be found7208 does not raise error when user cannot be found7209 sidekiq options7210 disables retry7211 sets default status expiration7212MattermostSlashCommandsService7213 behaves like chat slash commands service7214 Associations7215 is expected to respond to #token7216 is expected to have many chat_names7217 #valid_token?7218 when the token is empty7219 is false7220 when there is a token7221 accepts equal tokens7222 #trigger7223 no token is passed7224 returns nil7225 with a token passed7226 no user can be found7227 when no url can be generated7228 responds with the authorize url7229 when an auth url can be generated7230 generates the url7231 when the user is authenticated7232 triggers the command7233 when user is blocked7234 behaves like blocks command execution7235 is expected to match "you do not have access to the GitLab project"7236 when user is deactivated7237 behaves like blocks command execution7238 is expected to match "your account has been deactivated by your administrator"7239 Mattermost API7240 #configure7241 the requests succeeds7242 saves the service7243 saves the token7244 an error is received7245 shows error messages7246 #list_teams7247 the requests succeeds7248 returns a list of teams7249 an error is received7250 shows error messages7251 #chat_responder7252 returns the responder to use for Mattermost7253Gitlab::Template::IssueTemplate7254 .all7255 strips the md suffix7256 combines the globals and rest7257 .find7258 returns nil if the file does not exist7259 returns the issue object of a valid file7260 .by_category7261 return array of templates7262 when repo is bare or empty7263 returns empty array7264 #content7265 loads the full file7266 raises error when file is not found7267 when repo is empty7268 raises file not found7269Metrics::Dashboard::CloneDashboardService7270 #execute7271 user does not have push right to repository7272 behaves like misconfigured dashboard service response with stepable7273 returns an appropriate message and status code7274 with rights to push to the repository7275 wrong target file extension7276 behaves like misconfigured dashboard service response with stepable7277 returns an appropriate message and status code7278 wrong source dashboard file7279 behaves like misconfigured dashboard service response with stepable7280 returns an appropriate message and status code7281 path traversal attack attempt7282 behaves like misconfigured dashboard service response with stepable7283 returns an appropriate message and status code7284 path traversal attack attempt on target file7285 strips target file name to safe value7286 valid parameters7287 extends dashboard template path to absolute url7288 behaves like valid dashboard cloning process7289 dashboard template: config/prometheus/common_metrics.yml7290 delegates commit creation to Files::CreateService7291 user has defined custom metrics7292 uses external service to includes them into new file content7293 behaves like valid dashboard cloning process7294 dashboard template: config/prometheus/cluster_metrics.yml7295 delegates commit creation to Files::CreateService7296 user has defined custom metrics7297 uses external service to includes them into new file content7298 behaves like valid dashboard cloning process7299 dashboard template: config/prometheus/self_monitoring_default.yml7300 delegates commit creation to Files::CreateService7301 user has defined custom metrics7302 uses external service to includes them into new file content7303 selected branch already exists7304 behaves like misconfigured dashboard service response with stepable7305 returns an appropriate message and status code7306 blank branch name7307 behaves like misconfigured dashboard service response with stepable7308 returns an appropriate message and status code7309 dashboard file already exists7310 behaves like misconfigured dashboard service response with stepable7311 returns an appropriate message and status code7312 Files::CreateService success7313 clears dashboards cache7314 returns success7315 Files::CreateService fails7316 does NOT clear dashboards cache7317 returns error7318ImportExportUploader7319 local store7320 #move_to_store7321 returns true7322 object_store is REMOTE7323 behaves like builds correct paths7324 #store_dir7325 behaves like matches the method pattern7326 is expected to match /import_export_upload\/import_file\//7327 #cache_dir7328 behaves like matches the method pattern7329 example at ./spec/support/shared_examples/uploaders/gitlab_uploader_shared_examples.rb:8 (PENDING: No pattern provided, skipping.)7330 #work_dir7331 behaves like matches the method pattern7332 example at ./spec/support/shared_examples/uploaders/gitlab_uploader_shared_examples.rb:8 (PENDING: No pattern provided, skipping.)7333 #upload_path7334 behaves like matches the method pattern7335 is expected to match /import_export_upload\/import_file\//7336 #relative_path7337 is relative (PENDING: Path not set, skipping.)7338 .absolute_path7339 behaves like matches the method pattern7340 example at ./spec/support/shared_examples/uploaders/gitlab_uploader_shared_examples.rb:8 (PENDING: No pattern provided, skipping.)7341 .base_dir7342 behaves like matches the method pattern7343 example at ./spec/support/shared_examples/uploaders/gitlab_uploader_shared_examples.rb:8 (PENDING: No pattern provided, skipping.)7344 #move_to_store7345 returns false7346 with an export file directly uploaded7347 cleans up cached file7348 .workhorse_local_upload_path7349 returns path that includes uploads dir7350Ci::CreatePipelineService#execute7351 child pipeline triggers7352 behaves like successful creation7353 creates bridge jobs correctly7354 child pipeline triggers7355 when YAML is valid7356 behaves like successful creation7357 creates bridge jobs correctly7358 when trigger:include is specified as a string7359 behaves like successful creation7360 creates bridge jobs correctly7361 when trigger:include is specified as array of strings7362 behaves like successful creation7363 creates bridge jobs correctly7364 when limit of includes is reached7365 behaves like creation failure7366 returns errors7367 when including configs from artifact7368 when specified dependency is in the wrong order7369 behaves like creation failure7370 returns errors7371 when specified dependency is missing :job key7372 behaves like creation failure7373 returns errors7374WebIdeTerminalEntity7375 is expected to have key :id7376 is expected to have key :status7377 is expected to have key :show_path7378 is expected to have key :cancel_path7379 is expected to have key :retry_path7380 is expected to have key :terminal_path7381 is expected to have key :services7382 is expected to have key :proxy_websocket_path7383 when feature flag build_service_proxy is disabled7384 is expected not to have key :proxy_websocket_path7385Gitlab::Checks::DiffCheck7386 #validate!7387 with LFS not enabled7388 does not invoke :lfs_file_locks_validation7389 with LFS enabled7390 when change is sent by a different user7391 raises an error if the user is not allowed to update the file7392 when change is sent by the author of the lock7393 doesn't raise any error7394 commit diff validations7395 when request store is inactive7396 are run for every commit7397 when request store is active7398 are cached for every commit7399 are run for not cached commits7400Gitlab::Ci::Charts7401 yearchart7402 goes until the end of the current month (including the whole last day of the month)7403 starts at the beginning of the current year7404 monthchart7405 includes the whole current day7406 starts one month ago7407 weekchart7408 includes the whole current day7409 starts one week ago7410 pipeline_times7411 returns pipeline times in minutes7412 handles nil pipeline times7413Gitlab::Email::Smime::Certificate7414 testing environment setup7415 generate_root7416 generates a root CA that expires a long way in the future7417 generate_intermediate7418 generates an intermediate CA that expires a long way in the future7419 generates an intermediate CA properly signed by the root CA7420 generate_cert7421 generates a cert properly signed by the intermediate CA7422 generates a cert that expires soon7423 generates a cert intended for email signing7424 passing in INFINITE_EXPIRY7425 generates a cert that expires a long way in the future7426 .from_strings7427 parses correctly a certificate and key7428 .from_files7429 parses correctly a certificate and key7430 with optional ca_certs7431 parses correctly certificate, key and ca_certs7432 with no intermediate CA7433 parses correctly a certificate and key7434MilestoneRelease7435 associations7436 is expected to belong to milestone required:7437 is expected to belong to release required:7438 when trying to create the same record in milestone_releases twice7439 is not committing on the second time7440 validations7441 when milestone and release do not have the same project7442 is not valid7443 when milestone and release have the same project7444 is expected to be valid7445ChatNotificationWorker7446 instructs sidekiq not to retry on failure7447 #perform7448 does nothing when the build no longer exists7449 sends a response for an existing build7450 when the trace sections could not be found7451 reschedules the job7452 raises an error after 300 seconds of retrying7453 #send_response7454 when a responder could not be found7455 does nothing7456 when a responder could be found7457 sends the response for a succeeded build7458 sends the response for a failed build7459Discussions::CaptureDiffNotePositionService7460 image note on diff7461 is note affected by the service7462 when empty paths are passed as a param7463 does not calculate positons7464 when position tracer returned position7465 which is nil7466 does not create diff note position7467 which does not have a corresponding line7468 does not create diff note position7469GroupChildSerializer7470 #represent7471 for groups7472 can render a single group7473 can render a collection of groups7474 with a hierarchy7475 expands the subgroups7476 can render a nested tree7477 without a specified parent7478 can render a tree7479 for projects7480 can render a single project7481 can render a collection of projects7482 with a hierarchy7483 can render a nested tree7484 returns an array when an array of a single instance was given7485CycleAnalytics::ProjectLevel7486 #all_medians_by_stage7487 returns every median for each stage for a specific project7488Mutations::AlertManagement::Alerts::SetAssignees7489 is expected to require graphql authorizations :update_alert_management_alert7490 #resolve7491 when operation mode is not specified7492 behaves like successful resolution7493 successfully resolves7494 when user does not have permission to update alerts7495 raises an error if the resource is not accessible to the user7496 for APPEND operation7497 when a different user is already assigned7498 behaves like noop7499 makes no changes7500 when no users are specified7501 behaves like noop7502 makes no changes7503 when a user is specified and no user is assigned7504 behaves like successful resolution7505 successfully resolves7506 when the specified user is already assigned to the alert7507 behaves like noop7508 makes no changes7509 for REPLACE operation7510 when a different user is already assigned7511 behaves like successful resolution7512 successfully resolves7513 when no users are specified7514 behaves like successful resolution7515 successfully resolves7516 when a user is specified and no user is assigned7517 behaves like successful resolution7518 successfully resolves7519 when the specified user is already assigned to the alert7520 behaves like noop7521 makes no changes7522 when multiple users are specified7523 behaves like successful resolution7524 successfully resolves7525 for REMOVE operation7526 when a different user is already assigned7527 behaves like noop7528 makes no changes7529 when no users are specified7530 behaves like noop7531 makes no changes7532 when a user is specified and no user is assigned7533 behaves like noop7534 makes no changes7535 when the specified user is already assigned to the alert7536 behaves like successful resolution7537 successfully resolves7538GrafanaIntegration7539 associations7540 is expected to belong to project required:7541 validations7542 is expected to validate that :project cannot be empty/falsy7543 is expected to validate that :encrypted_token cannot be empty/falsy7544 disallows invalid urls for grafana_url7545 allows valid urls for grafana_url7546 disallows non-booleans in enabled column7547 allows booleans in enabled column7548 .client7549 with grafana integration disabled7550 returns a grafana client7551 with grafana integration enabled7552 returns nil7553 attribute encryption7554 token7555 encrypts original value into encrypted_token attribute7556 locks access to raw value in private method7557 prevents overriding token value with its encrypted or masked version7558Badge7559 validations7560 link_url format7561 behaves like placeholder url7562 allows url with http protocol7563 allows url with https protocol7564 cannot be empty7565 cannot be nil7566 accept badges placeholders7567 sanitize url7568 image_url format7569 behaves like placeholder url7570 allows url with http protocol7571 allows url with https protocol7572 cannot be empty7573 cannot be nil7574 accept badges placeholders7575 sanitize url7576 methods7577 #rendered_link_url7578 behaves like rendered_links7579 uses the project information to populate the url placeholders7580 returns the url if the project used is nil7581 #rendered_image_url7582 behaves like rendered_links7583 uses the project information to populate the url placeholders7584 returns the url if the project used is nil7585 when asset proxy is enabled7586 returns a proxied URL7587StageSerializer7588 #represent7589 with a single entity7590 serializes the stage object7591 with an array of entities7592 serializes the array of pipelines7593Gitlab::UrlBlocker7594 #validate!7595 when URI is nil7596 behaves like validates URI and hostname7597 runs the url validations7598 when URI is internal7599 behaves like validates URI and hostname7600 runs the url validations7601 when the URL hostname is a domain7602 when domain can be resolved7603 behaves like validates URI and hostname7604 runs the url validations7605 when domain cannot be resolved7606 raises an error7607 when domain is too long7608 raises an error7609 when the URL hostname is an IP address7610 behaves like validates URI and hostname7611 runs the url validations7612 when the address is invalid7613 raises an error7614 disabled DNS rebinding protection7615 when URI is internal7616 behaves like validates URI and hostname7617 runs the url validations7618 when the URL hostname is a domain7619 when domain can be resolved7620 behaves like validates URI and hostname7621 runs the url validations7622 when domain cannot be resolved7623 behaves like validates URI and hostname7624 runs the url validations7625 when the URL hostname is an IP address7626 behaves like validates URI and hostname7627 runs the url validations7628 when it is invalid7629 behaves like validates URI and hostname7630 runs the url validations7631 #blocked_url?7632 allows imports from configured web host and port7633 allows mirroring from configured SSH host and port7634 returns true for bad localhost hostname7635 returns true for bad port7636 returns true for bad scheme7637 returns true for bad protocol on configured web/SSH host and ports7638 returns true for localhost IPs7639 returns true for loopback IP7640 returns true for alternative version of (0177.1)7641 returns true for alternative version of (017700000001)7642 returns true for alternative version of (0x7f.1)7643 returns true for alternative version of (0x7f.0.0.1)7644 returns true for alternative version of (0x7f000001)7645 returns true for alternative version of (2130706433)7646 returns true for alternative version of ( returns true for alternative version of (127.0.1)7648 returns true for a non-alphanumeric hostname7649 returns true for invalid URL7650 returns false for legitimate URL7651 blocks urls with invalid ip address7652 blocks urls whose hostname cannot be resolved7653 with ipv6 mapped address7654 returns true for localhost IPs7655 returns true for loopback IPs7656 when allow_local_network is7657 true (default)7658 behaves like allows local requests7659 does not block urls from private networks7660 allows localhost endpoints7661 allows loopback endpoints7662 allows IPv4 link-local endpoints7663 allows IPv6 link-local endpoints7664 false7665 blocks urls from private networks7666 blocks IPv4 link-local endpoints7667 blocks IPv6 link-local endpoints7668 when local domain/IP is whitelisted7669 with IPs in whitelist7670 whitelists IP when dns_rebind_protection is disabled7671 behaves like allows local requests7672 does not block urls from private networks7673 allows localhost endpoints7674 allows loopback endpoints7675 allows IPv4 link-local endpoints7676 allows IPv6 link-local endpoints7677 with domains in whitelist7678 allows domains present in whitelist7679 works with unicode and idna encoded domains7680 when the domain cannot be resolved7681 behaves like dns rebinding checks7682 when dns_rebinding_setting is7683 enabled7684 behaves like whitelists the domain7685 is expected not to be blocked url "http://foobar.x" and {:dns_rebind_protection=>true}7686 disabled7687 behaves like whitelists the domain7688 is expected not to be blocked url "http://foobar.x" and {:dns_rebind_protection=>false}7689 when the domain can be resolved7690 behaves like dns rebinding checks7691 when dns_rebinding_setting is7692 enabled7693 behaves like whitelists the domain7694 is expected not to be blocked url "" and {:dns_rebind_protection=>true}7695 disabled7696 behaves like whitelists the domain7697 is expected not to be blocked url "" and {:dns_rebind_protection=>false}7698 with ports7699 allows domain with port when resolved ip has port whitelisted7700 when enforce_user is7701 false (default)7702 does not block urls with a non-alphanumeric username7703 true7704 blocks urls with a non-alphanumeric username7705 when ascii_only is true7706 returns true for unicode domain7707 returns true for unicode tld7708 returns true for unicode path7709 returns true for IDNA deviations7710 #validate_hostname7711 does not raise error for valid Ip addresses7712ExportCsvWorker7713 emails a CSV7714 ensures that project_id is passed to issues_finder7715 removes sort parameter7716 converts controller string keys to symbol keys for IssuesFinder7717NamespaceFileUploader7718 behaves like builds correct paths7719 #store_dir7720 behaves like matches the method pattern7721 is expected to match /uploads\/-\/system\/namespace\/\d+/7722 #cache_dir7723 behaves like matches the method pattern7724 example at ./spec/support/shared_examples/uploaders/gitlab_uploader_shared_examples.rb:8 (PENDING: No pattern provided, skipping.)7725 #work_dir7726 behaves like matches the method pattern7727 example at ./spec/support/shared_examples/uploaders/gitlab_uploader_shared_examples.rb:8 (PENDING: No pattern provided, skipping.)7728 #upload_path7729 behaves like matches the method pattern7730 is expected to match /\h+\/\S+/7731 #relative_path7732 is relative (PENDING: Path not set, skipping.)7733 .absolute_path7734 behaves like matches the method pattern7735 is expected to match /\/builds\/gitlab-org\/gitlab\/tmp\/tests\/public\/uploads\/-\/system\/namespace\/\d+\/(?-mix:\h+\/\S+)/7736 .base_dir7737 behaves like matches the method pattern7738 example at ./spec/support/shared_examples/uploaders/gitlab_uploader_shared_examples.rb:8 (PENDING: No pattern provided, skipping.)7739 object_store is REMOTE7740 behaves like builds correct paths7741 #store_dir7742 behaves like matches the method pattern7743 is expected to match /namespace\/\d+\/\h+/7744 #cache_dir7745 behaves like matches the method pattern7746 example at ./spec/support/shared_examples/uploaders/gitlab_uploader_shared_examples.rb:8 (PENDING: No pattern provided, skipping.)7747 #work_dir7748 behaves like matches the method pattern7749 example at ./spec/support/shared_examples/uploaders/gitlab_uploader_shared_examples.rb:8 (PENDING: No pattern provided, skipping.)7750 #upload_path7751 behaves like matches the method pattern7752 is expected to match /\h+\/\S+/7753 #relative_path7754 is relative (PENDING: Path not set, skipping.)7755 .absolute_path7756 behaves like matches the method pattern7757 example at ./spec/support/shared_examples/uploaders/gitlab_uploader_shared_examples.rb:8 (PENDING: No pattern provided, skipping.)7758 .base_dir7759 behaves like matches the method pattern7760 example at ./spec/support/shared_examples/uploaders/gitlab_uploader_shared_examples.rb:8 (PENDING: No pattern provided, skipping.)7761 .base_dir7762 returns local storage base_dir without store param7763 returns local storage base_dir when store param is Store::LOCAL7764 returns remote base_dir when store param is Store::REMOTE7765 #workhorse_local_upload_path7766 returns the correct path in uploads directory7767 #migrate!7768 behaves like migrates7769 returns corresponding file type7770 does nothing when migrating to the current store7771 migrate to the specified store7772 removes the original file after the migration7773 can access to the original file during migration7774 when migrate! is not occupied by another process7775 executes migrate!7776 executes use_file7777 when migrate! is occupied by another process7778 does not execute migrate!7779 does not execute use_file7780 migration is unsuccessful7781 when the store is not supported7782 does not update the object_store7783 does not delete the original file7784 upon a fog failure7785 does not update the object_store7786 does not delete the original file7787 upon a database failure7788 does not update the object_store7789 does not delete the original file7790 behaves like migrates7791 returns corresponding file type7792 does nothing when migrating to the current store7793 migrate to the specified store7794 removes the original file after the migration7795 can access to the original file during migration7796 when migrate! is not occupied by another process7797 executes migrate!7798 executes use_file7799 when migrate! is occupied by another process7800 does not execute migrate!7801 does not execute use_file7802 migration is unsuccessful7803 when the store is not supported7804 does not update the object_store7805 does not delete the original file7806 upon a fog failure7807 does not update the object_store7808 does not delete the original file7809 upon a database failure7810 does not update the object_store7811 does not delete the original file7812 copy_to7813 files are stored locally7814 generates a new secret7815 creates new upload correctly7816 copies the file7817 copies the file to the correct location7818 files are stored remotely7819 generates a new secret7820 creates new upload correctly7821 copies the file7822 copies the file to the correct location7823Gitlab::Ci::Pipeline::Seed::Environment7824 #to_resource7825 when job has environment attribute7826 behaves like returning a correct environment7827 returns a persisted environment object7828 when environment has already existed7829 returns the existing environment object7830 when job starts a review app7831 behaves like returning a correct environment7832 returns a persisted environment object7833 when environment has already existed7834 returns the existing environment object7835 when job stops a review app7836 behaves like returning a correct environment7837 returns a persisted environment object7838 when environment has already existed7839 returns the existing environment object7840Packages::Nuget::ExtractionWorker7841 #perform7842 with valid package file7843 updates package and package file7844 with exisiting package7845 reuses existing package and updates package file7846 with invalid package file id7847 doesn't update package and package file7848 with package file not containing a nuspec file7849 removes the package and the package file7850 with package file with a blank package name7851 removes the package and the package file7852 with package file with a blank package version7853 removes the package and the package file7854Tree7855 #readme7856 returns nil when repository does not contains a README file7857 returns nil when repository does not contains a previewable README file7858 returns README when repository contains a previewable README file7859 returns first previewable README when repository contains more than one7860 returns first plain text README when repository contains more than one7861 prioritizes previewable README file over one in plain text7862Mutations::Todos::RestoreMany7863 #resolve7864 restores a single todo7865 handles a todo which is already pending as expected7866 ignores requests for todos which do not belong to the current user7867 ignores invalid GIDs7868 restores multiple todos7869 fails if one todo does not belong to the current user7870 fails if too many todos are requested for update7871 does not update todos from another app7872 does not update todos from another model7873Resolvers::SnippetsResolver7874 #resolve7875 calls SnippetsFinder7876 when using no filter7877 returns expected snippets7878 when using filters7879 returns the snippets by type7880 returns the snippets by visibility7881 returns snippets to explore7882 returns the snippets by single gid7883 returns the snippets by array of gid7884 returns an error if the gid is invalid7885 returns an error if both project and author are provided7886 by author id7887 returns the snippets7888 returns an error if the param id is invalid7889 by project id7890 returns the snippets7891 returns an error if the param id is invalid7892Gitlab::FogbugzImport::Importer7893 imports bugs7894 imports opened bugs7895 imports closed bugs7896projects/merge_requests/diffs/_diffs.html.haml7897 for a commit7898 shows the commit scope7899projects/pipelines/show7900 when pipeline has errors7901 shows errors7902 does not render the pipeline tabs7903 when pipeline has also warnings7904 behaves like pipeline with warning messages7905 displays the warnings7906 when pipeline is valid7907 does not show errors7908 renders the pipeline tabs7909 when pipeline has warnings7910 behaves like pipeline with warning messages7911 displays the warnings7912seed production settings7913 GITLAB_SHARED_RUNNERS_REGISTRATION_TOKEN is set in the environment7914Saved Runner Registration Token7915 writes the token to the database7916 GITLAB_PROMETHEUS_METRICS_ENABLED is set in the environment7917 GITLAB_PROMETHEUS_METRICS_ENABLED is true7918Saved Prometheus metrics enabled flag7919 prometheus_metrics_enabled is set to true7920 GITLAB_PROMETHEUS_METRICS_ENABLED is false7921Saved Prometheus metrics enabled flag7922 prometheus_metrics_enabled is set to false7923 GITLAB_PROMETHEUS_METRICS_ENABLED is default7924 prometheus_metrics_enabled is set to true7925Gitlab::ImportExport::LfsSaver7926 #save7927 when the project has LFS objects locally stored7928 does not cause errors7929 copies the file in the correct location when there is an lfs object7930 saving a json file7931 saves a json file correctly7932 does not save a json file if feature is disabled7933 when the LFS objects are stored in object storage7934 downloads the file to include in an archive7935Gitlab::OptimisticLocking7936 #retry_lock7937 does not reload object if state changes7938 retries action if exception is raised7939 raises exception when too many retries7940 #retry_optimistic_lock7941 when locking module is mixed in7942 is an alias for retry_lock7943HashedStorage::RollbackerWorker7944 #perform7945 delegates to MigratorService7946 rollsback projects in the specified range7947ResourceEvents::SyntheticLabelNotesBuilderService7948 #execute7949 returns the expected synthetic notes7950CompareService7951 #execute7952 compare with base, like feature...fix7953 is expected to eq 17954 straight compare, like feature..fix7955 is expected to eq 37956 compare with target branch that does not exist7957 is expected to be nil7958 compare with source branch that does not exist7959 is expected to be nil7960DesignManagement::DesignsFinder7961 #execute7962 when user can not read designs of an issue7963 returns no results7964 when user can read designs of an issue7965 when design management feature is disabled7966 returns no results7967 when design management feature is enabled7968 returns the designs sorted by their relative position7969 when the :reorder_designs feature is enabled for the project7970 returns the designs sorted by their relative position7971 when the :reorder_designs feature is disabled7972 returns the designs sorted by ID7973 when argument is the ids of designs7974 is expected to eq [#<DesignManagement::Design id:1 namespace1489/project1627#1/designs[homescreen-1.jpg]>]7975 when argument is the filenames of designs7976 is expected to eq [#<DesignManagement::Design id:2 namespace1489/project1627#1/designs[homescreen-2.jpg]>]7977 when passed empty array7978 for filenames7979 is expected to be empty7980 for ids7981 is expected to be empty7982 returning designs that existed at a particular given version7983 when argument is the first version7984 is expected to eq [#<DesignManagement::Design id:1 namespace1489/project1627#1/designs[homescreen-1.jpg]>]7985 when arguments are version and id7986 when id is absent at version7987 is expected to eq []7988 when id is present at version7989 is expected to eq [#<DesignManagement::Design id:2 namespace1489/project1627#1/designs[homescreen-2.jpg]>]7990 when argument is the second version7991 is expected to contain exactly #<DesignManagement::Design id:1 namespace1489/project1627#1/designs[homescreen-1.jpg]> and #<DesignManagement::Design id:2 namespace1489/project1627#1/designs[homescreen-2.jpg]>7992Ci::CreatePipelineService7993 #execute7994 when source is a dangling build7995 parameter config content7996 creates a pipeline7997 creates builds with the correct names7998 creates stages with the correct names7999 sets the correct config source8000Metrics::Dashboard::ClusterMetricsEmbedService8001 .valid_params?8002 is expected to be truthy8003 returns false with missing param8004 returns false with missing param8005 returns false with missing param8006 returns false with missing param8007 returns false with missing param8008 missing all params8009 is expected to be falsy8010 #get_dashboard8011 returns one panel8012 returns panel by title and y_label8013 behaves like valid embedded dashboard service response8014 behaves like valid dashboard service response for schema8015 returns a json representation of the dashboard8016 behaves like caches the unprocessed dashboard for subsequent calls8017 is expected to receive load_raw!(*(any args)) 1 time8018HashedStorage::ProjectRollbackWorker8019 #perform8020 skips when project no longer exists8021 skips when project is pending delete8022 delegates rollback to service class when have exclusive lease8023 skips when it cant acquire the exclusive lease8024Gitlab::Ci::Config::Entry::Job8025 behaves like with inheritable CI config8026 does prepend an Inheritable mixin8027 all inheritable entries are covered8028 all entries do have inherit flag8029 for non-inheritable entries8030 entry_key: :stage8031 inheritable_class does not define entry8032 entry_key: :only8033 inheritable_class does not define entry8034 entry_key: :except8035 inheritable_class does not define entry8036 entry_key: :rules8037 inheritable_class does not define entry8038 entry_key: :variables8039 inheritable_class does not define entry8040 entry_key: :inherit8041 inheritable_class does not define entry8042 entry_key: :script8043 inheritable_class does not define entry8044 entry_key: :type8045 inheritable_class does not define entry8046 entry_key: :needs8047 inheritable_class does not define entry8048 entry_key: :environment8049 inheritable_class does not define entry8050 entry_key: :coverage8051 inheritable_class does not define entry8052 entry_key: :release8053 inheritable_class does not define entry8054 entry_key: :parallel8055 inheritable_class does not define entry8056 entry_key: :secrets8057 inheritable_class does not define entry8058 for inheritable entries8059 entry_key: :before_script, entry_class: Gitlab::Ci::Config::Entry::Script8060 inheritable_class does define entry8061 when is specified8062 does inherit value8063 when entry is specified8064 does not inherit value8065 when inheritable does not specify8066 does not inherit value8067 entry_key: :after_script, entry_class: Gitlab::Ci::Config::Entry::Script8068 inheritable_class does define entry8069 when is specified8070 does inherit value8071 when entry is specified8072 does not inherit value8073 when inheritable does not specify8074 does not inherit value8075 entry_key: :cache, entry_class: Gitlab::Ci::Config::Entry::Cache8076 inheritable_class does define entry8077 when is specified8078 does inherit value8079 when entry is specified8080 does not inherit value8081 when inheritable does not specify8082 does not inherit value8083 entry_key: :image, entry_class: Gitlab::Ci::Config::Entry::Image8084 inheritable_class does define entry8085 when is specified8086 does inherit value8087 when entry is specified8088 does not inherit value8089 when inheritable does not specify8090 does not inherit value8091 entry_key: :services, entry_class: Gitlab::Ci::Config::Entry::Services8092 inheritable_class does define entry8093 when is specified8094 does inherit value8095 when entry is specified8096 does not inherit value8097 when inheritable does not specify8098 does not inherit value8099 entry_key: :interruptible, entry_class: Gitlab::Config::Entry::Boolean8100 inheritable_class does define entry8101 when is specified8102 does inherit value8103 when entry is specified8104 does not inherit value8105 when inheritable does not specify8106 does not inherit value8107 entry_key: :timeout, entry_class: Gitlab::Ci::Config::Entry::Timeout8108 inheritable_class does define entry8109 when is specified8110 does inherit value8111 when entry is specified8112 does not inherit value8113 when inheritable does not specify8114 does not inherit value8115 entry_key: :retry, entry_class: Gitlab::Ci::Config::Entry::Retry8116 inheritable_class does define entry8117 when is specified8118 does inherit value8119 when entry is specified8120 does not inherit value8121 when inheritable does not specify8122 does not inherit value8123 entry_key: :tags, entry_class: Gitlab::Config::Entry::ArrayOfStrings8124 inheritable_class does define entry8125 when is specified8126 does inherit value8127 when entry is specified8128 does not inherit value8129 when inheritable does not specify8130 does not inherit value8131 entry_key: :artifacts, entry_class: Gitlab::Ci::Config::Entry::Artifacts8132 inheritable_class does define entry8133 when is specified8134 does inherit value8135 when entry is specified8136 does not inherit value8137 when inheritable does not specify8138 does not inherit value8139 .nodes8140 when filtering all the entry/node names8141 is expected to include :before_script, :script, :stage, :type, :after_script, :cache, :image, :services, :only, :except, :rules, :needs, :variables, :artifacts, :environment, :coverage, :retry, :interruptible, :timeout, :release, :tags, :inherit, and :parallel8142 .matching?8143 when config is not a hash8144 is expected to be falsey8145 when config is a regular job8146 is expected to be truthy8147 when config is a bridge job8148 is expected to be falsey8149 when config is a hidden job8150 is expected to be falsey8151 when config does not contain script8152 is expected to be truthy8153 when using the default job without script8154 is expected to be falsey8155 when using the default job with script8156 is expected to be truthy8157 there are no shared keys between jobs and bridges8158 is expected to be empty8159 validations8160 when entry config value is correct8161 #valid?8162 is valid8163 when job name is empty8164 reports error8165 when delayed job8166 when start_in is specified8167 is expected to be valid8168 when has needs8169 is expected to be valid8170 returns scheduling_type as :dag8171 when has dependencies8172 is expected to be valid8173 when it is a release8174 is expected to be valid8175 when entry value is not correct8176 incorrect config value type8177 #errors8178 reports error about a config type8179 when config is empty8180 #valid8181 is invalid8182 when unknown keys detected8183 #valid8184 is not valid8185 when script is not provided8186 returns error about missing script entry8187 when extends key is not a string8188 returns error about wrong value type8189 when parallel value is not correct8190 when it is not a numeric value8191 returns error about invalid type8192 when it is lower than two8193 returns error about value too low8194 when it is an empty hash8195 returns error about missing matrix8196 when it uses both "when:" and "rules:"8197 returns an error about when: being combined with rules8198 when delayed job8199 when start_in is specified8200 is expected to be valid8201 when start_in is empty8202 returns error about invalid type8203 when start_in is not formatted as a duration8204 returns error about invalid type8205 when start_in is longer than one week8206 returns error about exceeding the limit8207 when only: is used with rules:8208 returns error about mixing only: with rules:8209 and only: is blank8210 returns error about mixing only: with rules:8211 and rules: is blank8212 returns error about mixing only: with rules:8213 when except: is used with rules:8214 returns error about mixing except: with rules:8215 and except: is blank8216 returns error about mixing except: with rules:8217 and rules: is blank8218 returns error about mixing except: with rules:8219 when only: and except: are both used with rules:8220 returns errors about mixing both only: and except: with rules:8221 when only: and except: as both blank8222 returns errors about mixing both only: and except: with rules:8223 when rules: is blank8224 returns errors about mixing both only: and except: with rules:8225 when start_in specified without delayed specification8226 returns error about invalid type8227 when has dependencies8228 that are not a array of strings8229 returns error about invalid type8230 when has needs8231 when have dependencies that are not subset of needs8232 returns error about invalid data8233 when stage: is missing8234 returns error about invalid data8235 when timeout value is not correct8236 when it is higher than instance wide timeout8237 returns error about value too high8238 when it is not a duration8239 returns error about wrong value8240 when timeout value is correct8241 returns correct timeout8242 when it is a release8243 when `release:description` is missing8244 returns error8245 #relevant?8246 is a relevant entry8247 #compose!8248 when job config overrides default config8249 overrides default config8250 when job config does not override default config8251 uses config from default entry8252 with workflow rules8253 name: "uses default only", has_workflow_rules?: false, only: nil, rules: nil, result: {:refs=>["branches", "tags"]}8254 RSpec::ExampleGroups::GitlabCiConfigEntryJob::Compose::WithWorkflowRules::NameUsesDefaultOnlyHasWorkflowRulesFalseOnlyNilRulesNilResultRefsBranchesTags8255 name: "uses user only", has_workflow_rules?: false, only: ["branches"], rules: nil, result: {:refs=>["branches"]}8256 RSpec::ExampleGroups::GitlabCiConfigEntryJob::Compose::WithWorkflowRules::NameUsesUserOnlyHasWorkflowRulesFalseOnlyBranchesRulesNilResultRefsBranches8257 name: "does not define only", has_workflow_rules?: false, only: nil, rules: [], result: nil8258 RSpec::ExampleGroups::GitlabCiConfigEntryJob::Compose::WithWorkflowRules::NameDoesNotDefineOnlyHasWorkflowRulesFalseOnlyNilRulesResultNil8259 name: "does not define only", has_workflow_rules?: true, only: nil, rules: nil, result: nil8260 RSpec::ExampleGroups::GitlabCiConfigEntryJob::Compose::WithWorkflowRules::NameDoesNotDefineOnlyHasWorkflowRulesTrueOnlyNilRulesNilResultNil8261 name: "uses user only", has_workflow_rules?: true, only: ["branches"], rules: nil, result: {:refs=>["branches"]}8262 RSpec::ExampleGroups::GitlabCiConfigEntryJob::Compose::WithWorkflowRules::NameUsesUserOnlyHasWorkflowRulesTrueOnlyBranchesRulesNilResultRefsBranches8263 name: "does not define only", has_workflow_rules?: true, only: nil, rules: [], result: nil8264 RSpec::ExampleGroups::GitlabCiConfigEntryJob::Compose::WithWorkflowRules::NameDoesNotDefineOnlyHasWorkflowRulesTrueOnlyNilRulesResultNil8265 when workflow rules is used8266 when rules are used8267 does not define only8268 when rules are not used8269 does not define only8270 when composed8271 #value8272 when entry is correct8273 returns correct value8274 #manual_action?8275 when job is a manual action8276 is a manual action8277 when job is not a manual action8278 is not a manual action8279 #delayed?8280 when job is a delayed8281 is a delayed8282 when job is not a delayed8283 is not a delayed8284 #ignored?8285 when job is a manual action8286 when it is not specified if job is allowed to fail8287 is an ignored job8288 when job is allowed to fail8289 is an ignored job8290 when job is not allowed to fail8291 is not an ignored job8292 when job is not a manual action8293 when it is not specified if job is allowed to fail8294 is not an ignored job8295 when job is allowed to fail8296 is an ignored job8297 when job is not allowed to fail8298 is not an ignored job8299GroupImportWorker8300 #perform8301 when it succeeds8302 calls the ImportService8303 when the import state does not exist8304 creates group import8305 sets the group import status to started8306 sets the group import status to finished8307 when the import state already exists8308 updates the existing state8309 when it fails8310 raises an exception when params are invalid8311 import state8312 sets the group import status to failed8313UserCallout8314 behaves like having unique enum values8315 has unique values in "feature_name"8316 relationships8317 is expected to belong to user required:8318 validations8319 is expected to validate that :user cannot be empty/falsy8320 is expected to validate that :feature_name cannot be empty/falsy8321 is expected to validate that :feature_name is unique within the scope of :user_id8322 scopes8323 .with_feature_name8324 returns callout for requested feature name only8325 .with_dismissed_after8326 does not return callouts dismissed before specified date8327 returns callouts dismissed after specified date8328X509CertificateRevokeService8329 #execute8330 for revoked certificates8331 update all commit signatures8332 for good certificates8333 do not update any commit signature8334Import/Export Project configuration8335 relation_path: "project", relation_name: :project8336 where relation project8337 does not have prohibited keys8338 relation_path: "project.labels", relation_name: :labels8339 where relation project.labels8340 does not have prohibited keys8341 relation_path: "project.labels.priorities", relation_name: :priorities8342 where relation project.labels.priorities8343 does not have prohibited keys8344 relation_path: "project.milestones", relation_name: :milestones8345 where relation project.milestones8346 does not have prohibited keys8347 relation_path: "", relation_name: :events8348 where relation project.milestones.events8349 does not have prohibited keys8350 relation_path: "", relation_name: :push_event_payload8351 where relation does not have prohibited keys8353 relation_path: "project.issues", relation_name: :issues8354 where relation project.issues8355 does not have prohibited keys8356 relation_path: "", relation_name: :events8357 where relation project.issues.events8358 does not have prohibited keys8359 relation_path: "", relation_name: :push_event_payload8360 where relation does not have prohibited keys8362 relation_path: "project.issues.timelogs", relation_name: :timelogs8363 where relation project.issues.timelogs8364 does not have prohibited keys8365 relation_path: "project.issues.notes", relation_name: :notes8366 where relation project.issues.notes8367 does not have prohibited keys8368 relation_path: "project.issues.notes.award_emoji", relation_name: :award_emoji8369 where relation project.issues.notes.award_emoji8370 does not have prohibited keys8371 relation_path: "project.issues.notes.system_note_metadata", relation_name: :system_note_metadata8372 where relation project.issues.notes.system_note_metadata8373 does not have prohibited keys8374 relation_path: "", relation_name: :events8375 where relation project.issues.notes.events8376 does not have prohibited keys8377 relation_path: "", relation_name: :push_event_payload8378 where relation does not have prohibited keys8380 relation_path: "project.issues.label_links", relation_name: :label_links8381 where relation project.issues.label_links8382 does not have prohibited keys8383 relation_path: "project.issues.label_links.label", relation_name: :label8384 where relation project.issues.label_links.label8385 does not have prohibited keys8386 relation_path: "project.issues.label_links.label.priorities", relation_name: :priorities8387 where relation project.issues.label_links.label.priorities8388 does not have prohibited keys8389 relation_path: "project.issues.milestone", relation_name: :milestone8390 where relation project.issues.milestone8391 does not have prohibited keys8392 relation_path: "", relation_name: :events8393 where relation project.issues.milestone.events8394 does not have prohibited keys8395 relation_path: "", relation_name: :push_event_payload8396 where relation does not have prohibited keys8398 relation_path: "project.issues.resource_label_events", relation_name: :resource_label_events8399 where relation project.issues.resource_label_events8400 does not have prohibited keys8401 relation_path: "project.issues.resource_label_events.label", relation_name: :label8402 where relation project.issues.resource_label_events.label8403 does not have prohibited keys8404 relation_path: "project.issues.resource_label_events.label.priorities", relation_name: :priorities8405 where relation project.issues.resource_label_events.label.priorities8406 does not have prohibited keys8407 relation_path: "project.issues.designs", relation_name: :designs8408 where relation project.issues.designs8409 does not have prohibited keys8410 relation_path: "project.issues.designs.notes", relation_name: :notes8411 where relation project.issues.designs.notes8412 does not have prohibited keys8413 relation_path: "", relation_name: :events8414 where relation project.issues.designs.notes.events8415 does not have prohibited keys8416 relation_path: "", relation_name: :push_event_payload8417 where relation does not have prohibited keys8419 relation_path: "project.issues.design_versions", relation_name: :design_versions8420 where relation project.issues.design_versions8421 does not have prohibited keys8422 relation_path: "project.issues.design_versions.actions", relation_name: :actions8423 where relation project.issues.design_versions.actions8424 does not have prohibited keys8425 relation_path: "", relation_name: :design8426 where relation project.issues.design_versions.actions.design8427 does not have prohibited keys8428 relation_path: "project.issues.issue_assignees", relation_name: :issue_assignees8429 where relation project.issues.issue_assignees8430 does not have prohibited keys8431 relation_path: "project.issues.zoom_meetings", relation_name: :zoom_meetings8432 where relation project.issues.zoom_meetings8433 does not have prohibited keys8434 relation_path: "project.issues.sentry_issue", relation_name: :sentry_issue8435 where relation project.issues.sentry_issue8436 does not have prohibited keys8437 relation_path: "project.issues.award_emoji", relation_name: :award_emoji8438 where relation project.issues.award_emoji8439 does not have prohibited keys8440 relation_path: "project.issues.epic_issue", relation_name: :epic_issue8441 where relation project.issues.epic_issue8442 does not have prohibited keys8443 relation_path: "project.issues.epic_issue.epic", relation_name: :epic8444 where relation project.issues.epic_issue.epic8445 does not have prohibited keys8446 relation_path: "project.snippets", relation_name: :snippets8447 where relation project.snippets8448 does not have prohibited keys8449 relation_path: "project.snippets.award_emoji", relation_name: :award_emoji8450 where relation project.snippets.award_emoji8451 does not have prohibited keys8452 relation_path: "project.snippets.notes", relation_name: :notes8453 where relation project.snippets.notes8454 does not have prohibited keys8455 relation_path: "project.snippets.notes.award_emoji", relation_name: :award_emoji8456 where relation project.snippets.notes.award_emoji8457 does not have prohibited keys8458 relation_path: "project.releases", relation_name: :releases8459 where relation project.releases8460 does not have prohibited keys8461 relation_path: "project.releases.links", relation_name: :links8462 where relation project.releases.links8463 does not have prohibited keys8464 relation_path: "project.project_members", relation_name: :project_members8465 where relation project.project_members8466 does not have prohibited keys8467 relation_path: "project.project_members.user", relation_name: :user8468 where relation project.project_members.user8469 does not have prohibited keys8470 relation_path: "project.merge_requests", relation_name: :merge_requests8471 where relation project.merge_requests8472 does not have prohibited keys8473 relation_path: "project.merge_requests.metrics", relation_name: :metrics8474 where relation project.merge_requests.metrics8475 does not have prohibited keys8476 relation_path: "project.merge_requests.award_emoji", relation_name: :award_emoji8477 where relation project.merge_requests.award_emoji8478 does not have prohibited keys8479 relation_path: "project.merge_requests.notes", relation_name: :notes8480 where relation project.merge_requests.notes8481 does not have prohibited keys8482 relation_path: "project.merge_requests.notes.award_emoji", relation_name: :award_emoji8483 where relation project.merge_requests.notes.award_emoji8484 does not have prohibited keys8485 relation_path: "project.merge_requests.notes.system_note_metadata", relation_name: :system_note_metadata8486 where relation project.merge_requests.notes.system_note_metadata8487 does not have prohibited keys8488 relation_path: "", relation_name: :events8489 where relation project.merge_requests.notes.events8490 does not have prohibited keys8491 relation_path: "", relation_name: :push_event_payload8492 where relation does not have prohibited keys8494 relation_path: "project.merge_requests.notes.suggestions", relation_name: :suggestions8495 where relation project.merge_requests.notes.suggestions8496 does not have prohibited keys8497 relation_path: "project.merge_requests.merge_request_diff", relation_name: :merge_request_diff8498 where relation project.merge_requests.merge_request_diff8499 does not have prohibited keys8500 relation_path: "project.merge_requests.merge_request_diff.merge_request_diff_commits", relation_name: :merge_request_diff_commits8501 where relation project.merge_requests.merge_request_diff.merge_request_diff_commits8502 does not have prohibited keys8503 relation_path: "project.merge_requests.merge_request_diff.merge_request_diff_files", relation_name: :merge_request_diff_files8504 where relation project.merge_requests.merge_request_diff.merge_request_diff_files8505 does not have prohibited keys8506 relation_path: "", relation_name: :events8507 where relation project.merge_requests.events8508 does not have prohibited keys8509 relation_path: "", relation_name: :push_event_payload8510 where relation does not have prohibited keys8512 relation_path: "project.merge_requests.timelogs", relation_name: :timelogs8513 where relation project.merge_requests.timelogs8514 does not have prohibited keys8515 relation_path: "project.merge_requests.label_links", relation_name: :label_links8516 where relation project.merge_requests.label_links8517 does not have prohibited keys8518 relation_path: "project.merge_requests.label_links.label", relation_name: :label8519 where relation project.merge_requests.label_links.label8520 does not have prohibited keys8521 relation_path: "project.merge_requests.label_links.label.priorities", relation_name: :priorities8522 where relation project.merge_requests.label_links.label.priorities8523 does not have prohibited keys8524 relation_path: "project.merge_requests.milestone", relation_name: :milestone8525 where relation project.merge_requests.milestone8526 does not have prohibited keys8527 relation_path: "", relation_name: :events8528 where relation project.merge_requests.milestone.events8529 does not have prohibited keys8530 relation_path: "", relation_name: :push_event_payload8531 where relation does not have prohibited keys8533 relation_path: "project.merge_requests.resource_label_events", relation_name: :resource_label_events8534 where relation project.merge_requests.resource_label_events8535 does not have prohibited keys8536 relation_path: "project.merge_requests.resource_label_events.label", relation_name: :label8537 where relation project.merge_requests.resource_label_events.label8538 does not have prohibited keys8539 relation_path: "project.merge_requests.resource_label_events.label.priorities", relation_name: :priorities8540 where relation project.merge_requests.resource_label_events.label.priorities8541 does not have prohibited keys8542 relation_path: "project.external_pull_requests", relation_name: :external_pull_requests8543 where relation project.external_pull_requests8544 does not have prohibited keys8545 relation_path: "project.ci_pipelines", relation_name: :ci_pipelines8546 where relation project.ci_pipelines8547 does not have prohibited keys8548 relation_path: "project.ci_pipelines.notes", relation_name: :notes8549 where relation project.ci_pipelines.notes8550 does not have prohibited keys8551 relation_path: "", relation_name: :events8552 where relation project.ci_pipelines.notes.events8553 does not have prohibited keys8554 relation_path: "", relation_name: :push_event_payload8555 where relation does not have prohibited keys8557 relation_path: "project.ci_pipelines.stages", relation_name: :stages8558 where relation project.ci_pipelines.stages8559 does not have prohibited keys8560 relation_path: "project.ci_pipelines.stages.statuses", relation_name: :statuses8561 where relation project.ci_pipelines.stages.statuses8562 does not have prohibited keys8563 relation_path: "project.ci_pipelines.external_pull_request", relation_name: :external_pull_request8564 where relation project.ci_pipelines.external_pull_request8565 does not have prohibited keys8566 relation_path: "project.ci_pipelines.merge_request", relation_name: :merge_request8567 where relation project.ci_pipelines.merge_request8568 does not have prohibited keys8569 relation_path: "project.auto_devops", relation_name: :auto_devops8570 where relation project.auto_devops8571 does not have prohibited keys8572 relation_path: "project.triggers", relation_name: :triggers8573 where relation project.triggers8574 does not have prohibited keys8575 relation_path: "project.pipeline_schedules", relation_name: :pipeline_schedules8576 where relation project.pipeline_schedules8577 does not have prohibited keys8578 relation_path: "project.container_expiration_policy", relation_name: :container_expiration_policy8579 where relation project.container_expiration_policy8580 does not have prohibited keys8581 relation_path: "project.protected_branches", relation_name: :protected_branches8582 where relation project.protected_branches8583 does not have prohibited keys8584 relation_path: "project.protected_branches.merge_access_levels", relation_name: :merge_access_levels8585 where relation project.protected_branches.merge_access_levels8586 does not have prohibited keys8587 relation_path: "project.protected_branches.push_access_levels", relation_name: :push_access_levels8588 where relation project.protected_branches.push_access_levels8589 does not have prohibited keys8590 relation_path: "project.protected_branches.unprotect_access_levels", relation_name: :unprotect_access_levels8591 where relation project.protected_branches.unprotect_access_levels8592 does not have prohibited keys8593 relation_path: "project.protected_tags", relation_name: :protected_tags8594 where relation project.protected_tags8595 does not have prohibited keys8596 relation_path: "project.protected_tags.create_access_levels", relation_name: :create_access_levels8597 where relation project.protected_tags.create_access_levels8598 does not have prohibited keys8599 relation_path: "project.project_feature", relation_name: :project_feature8600 where relation project.project_feature8601 does not have prohibited keys8602 relation_path: "project.custom_attributes", relation_name: :custom_attributes8603 where relation project.custom_attributes8604 does not have prohibited keys8605 relation_path: "project.prometheus_metrics", relation_name: :prometheus_metrics8606 where relation project.prometheus_metrics8607 does not have prohibited keys8608 relation_path: "project.project_badges", relation_name: :project_badges8609 where relation project.project_badges8610 does not have prohibited keys8611 relation_path: "project.ci_cd_settings", relation_name: :ci_cd_settings8612 where relation project.ci_cd_settings8613 does not have prohibited keys8614 relation_path: "project.error_tracking_setting", relation_name: :error_tracking_setting8615 where relation project.error_tracking_setting8616 does not have prohibited keys8617 relation_path: "project.metrics_setting", relation_name: :metrics_setting8618 where relation project.metrics_setting8619 does not have prohibited keys8620 relation_path: "project.boards", relation_name: :boards8621 where relation project.boards8622 does not have prohibited keys8623 relation_path: "project.boards.lists", relation_name: :lists8624 where relation project.boards.lists8625 does not have prohibited keys8626 relation_path: "project.boards.lists.label", relation_name: :label8627 where relation project.boards.lists.label8628 does not have prohibited keys8629 relation_path: "project.boards.lists.label.priorities", relation_name: :priorities8630 where relation project.boards.lists.label.priorities8631 does not have prohibited keys8632 relation_path: "project.protected_environments", relation_name: :protected_environments8633 where relation project.protected_environments8634 does not have prohibited keys8635 relation_path: "project.protected_environments.deploy_access_levels", relation_name: :deploy_access_levels8636 where relation project.protected_environments.deploy_access_levels8637 does not have prohibited keys8638 relation_path: "project.service_desk_setting", relation_name: :service_desk_setting8639 where relation project.service_desk_setting8640 does not have prohibited keys8641 relation_path: "project.security_setting", relation_name: :security_setting8642 where relation project.security_setting8643 does not have prohibited keys8644WebIdeTerminalSerializer8645 represents WebIdeTerminalEntity entities8646 accepts WebIdeTerminal as a resource8647 when resource is a build8648 transforms it into a WebIdeTerminal resource8649JiraImport::UsersImporter8650 #execute8651 when Jira import is not configured properly8652 returns an error8653 when Jira instance is of Server deployment type8654 behaves like maps jira users to gitlab users8655 when Jira import is configured correctly8656 when jira client raises an error8657 returns an error response8658 when jira client returns result8659 when jira client returns an empty array8660 retturns nil payload8661 when jira client returns an results8662 returns the mapped users8663 when Jira instance is of Cloud deploymet type8664 behaves like maps jira users to gitlab users8665 when Jira import is configured correctly8666 when jira client raises an error8667 returns an error response8668 when jira client returns result8669 when jira client returns an empty array8670 retturns nil payload8671 when jira client returns an results8672 returns the mapped users8673Evidences::EvidenceEntity8674 exposes the expected fields8675 when a release is associated to a milestone8676 when a milestone has no issue associated with it8677 creates a valid JSON object8678 when a milestone has no description8679 creates a valid JSON object8680 when a milestone has no due_date8681 creates a valid JSON object8682 when a milestone has an issue8683 when the issue has no description8684 creates a valid JSON object8685 when a release is not associated to any milestone8686 creates a valid JSON object8687Gitlab::StaticSiteEditor::Config8688 #payload8689 returns data for the frontend component8690 when namespace is a subgroup8691 returns data for the frontend component8692 when file has .md.erb extension8693 when feature flag is enabled8694 is expected to include {:is_supported_content => "true"}8695 when feature flag is disabled8696 is expected to include {:is_supported_content => "false"}8697 when file path is nested8698 is expected to include {:base_url => "/namespace/project/-/sse/"}8699 when branch is not master8700 is expected to include {:is_supported_content => "false"}8701 when file does not have a markdown extension8702 is expected to include {:is_supported_content => "false"}8703 when file does not have an extension8704 is expected to include {:is_supported_content => "false"}8705 when file does not exist8706 is expected to include {:is_supported_content => "false"}8707 when repository is empty8708 is expected to include {:is_supported_content => "false"}8709 when return_url is not a valid URL8710 is expected to include {:return_url => nil}8711 when return_url has a javascript scheme8712 is expected to include {:return_url => nil}8713 when return_url is missing8714 is expected to include {:return_url => nil}8715MergeRequestForPipelineEntity8716 as json8717 exposes needed attributes8718API::Entities::ProjectImportStatus8719 #as_json8720 when no import state exists8721 includes basic fields and no failures8722 when import has not finished yet8723 includes basic fields and no failures8724 when import has finished with failed relations8725 includes basic fields with failed relations8726 when import has failed8727 includes basic fields with import error8728Ci::Resource8729 .free8730 returns free resources8731 .retained_by8732 returns retained resources8733Resolvers::DesignManagement::DesignResolver8734 #resolve8735 when the user cannot see designs8736 returns nothing8737 when no argument has been passed8738 raises an error8739 when both arguments have been passed8740 raises an error8741 by ID8742 returns the specified design8743 the ID belongs to a design on another issue8744 returns nothing8745 by filename8746 returns the specified design8747 the filename belongs to a design on another issue8748 returns nothing8749Gitlab::BitbucketImport::WikiFormatter8750 #disk_path8751 appends .wiki to disk path8752 #full_path8753 appends .wiki to project path8754 #import_url8755 returns URL of the wiki repository8756ApplicationSetting::TermPolicy8757 has the correct permissions8758 for anonymous users8759 has the correct permissions8760 when the terms are not current8761 has the correct permissions8762 when the user already accepted the terms8763 has the correct permissions8764Gitlab::CycleAnalytics::TestEventFetcher8765 behaves like default query config8766 has the stage attribute8767 has the projection attributes8768 has a default order8769Gitlab::DataBuilder::WikiPage8770 .build8771 is expected to be a kind of Hash8772 is expected to eq "wiki_page"8773 is expected to eq {:avatar_url=>"", :email=>"", :name=>"John Doe3039", :username=>"user2911"}8774 is expected to eq {:avatar_url=>nil, :ci_config_path=>nil, :default_branch=>"master", :description=>nil, :git_http_url=...1523/project1660.git", :visibility_level=>0, :web_url=>"http://localhost/namespace1523/project1660"}8775 is expected to eq {:default_branch=>"master", :git_http_url=>"http://localhost/namespace1523/", :gi...amespace1523/", :web_url=>"http://localhost/namespace1523/project1660/-/wikis/home"}8776 is expected to include {:title => "Page 6", :content => "Content for wiki page", :format => :markdown, :message => nil, :slug => "Page-6", "content" => "Content for wiki page"}8777 is expected to include {:url => "http://localhost/namespace1523/project1660/-/wikis/Page-7"}8778 is expected to include {:action => "create"}8779shared/milestones/_top.html.haml8780 does not render a deprecation message for a non-legacy and non-dashboard milestone8781ForkNetworkMember8782 validations8783 is expected to validate that :project cannot be empty/falsy8784 is expected to validate that :fork_network cannot be empty/falsy8785 destroying a ForkNetworkMember8786 removes the fork network if it was the last member8787 does not destroy the fork network if there are members left8788Gitlab::ImportExport::JSON::StreamingSerializer8789 #execute8790 calls json_writer.write_attributes with proper params8791 with many relations8792 calls json_writer.write_relation_array with proper params8793 relation ordering8794 orders exported issues by primary key8795 with single relation8796 calls json_writer.write_relation with proper params8797 with array relation8798 calls json_writer.write_relation_array with proper params8799 .batch_size8800 when export_reduce_relation_batch_size feature flag is enabled8801 returns 208802 when export_reduce_relation_batch_size feature flag is disabled8803 returns default batch size8804Namespaces::PruneAggregationSchedulesWorker#perform8805 schedules a worker per pending aggregation8806Gitlab::ImportExport::Group::RelationFactory8807 label object8808 does not have the original ID8809 does not have the original group_id8810 has the new group_id8811 excluded attributes8812 are removed from the imported object8813 Notes user references8814 maps the right author to the imported note8815Peek::Views::Rugged8816 returns no results8817 returns aggregated results8818Gitlab::GithubImport::Stage::ImportLfsObjectsWorker8819 #import8820 imports all the lfs objects8821Gitlab::GitalyClient::OperationService8822 #user_create_branch8823 sends a user_create_branch message and returns a Gitlab::git::Branch8824 when pre_receive_error is present8825 throws a PreReceive exception8826 #user_update_branch8827 sends a user_update_branch message8828 #user_merge_to_ref8829 sends a user_merge_to_ref message8830 when pre_receive_error is present8831 throws a PreReceive exception8832 #user_delete_branch8833 sends a user_delete_branch message8834 when pre_receive_error is present8835 throws a PreReceive exception8836 #user_ff_branch8837 sends a user_ff_branch message and returns a BranchUpdate object8838 when the response has no branch_update8839 is expected to be nil8840 when the pre-receive hook fails8841 raises the error8842 #user_cherry_pick8843 behaves like cherry pick and revert errors8844 when a pre_receive_error is present8845 raises a PreReceiveError8846 when a commit_error is present8847 raises a CommitError8848 when a create_tree_error is present8849 raises a CreateTreeError8850 when branch_update is nil8851 is expected to be nil8852 #user_revert8853 behaves like cherry pick and revert errors8854 when a pre_receive_error is present8855 raises a PreReceiveError8856 when a commit_error is present8857 raises a CommitError8858 when a create_tree_error is present8859 raises a CreateTreeError8860 when branch_update is nil8861 is expected to be nil8862 #user_squash8863 sends a user_squash message and returns the squash sha8864 when git_error is present8865 raises a GitError exception8866 #user_commit_files8867 when a pre_receive_error is present8868 raises a PreReceiveError8869 when an index_error is present8870 raises a PreReceiveError8871 when branch_update is nil8872 is expected to be nil8873 #user_commit_patches8874 applies the patch correctly8875 when the patch could not be applied8876 raises the correct error8877Gitlab::Auth::Ldap::DN8878 #normalize_value8879 behaves like normalizes a DN attribute value8880 test_description: "strips extraneous whitespace", given: " John Smith ", expected: "john smith"8881 normalizes the DN attribute value8882 test_description: "unescapes non-reserved, non-special Unicode characters", given: "Sebasti\\c3\\a1n\\ C.\\20Smith", expected: "sebastián c. smith"8883 normalizes the DN attribute value8884 test_description: "downcases the whole string", given: "JoHn C. Smith", expected: "john c. smith"8885 normalizes the DN attribute value8886 test_description: "does not strip an escaped leading space in an attribute value", given: "\\ John Smith", expected: "\\ john smith"8887 normalizes the DN attribute value8888 test_description: "does not strip an escaped trailing space in an attribute value", given: "John Smith\\ ", expected: "john smith\\ "8889 normalizes the DN attribute value8890 test_description: "hex-escapes an escaped leading newline in an attribute value", given: "\\\nJohn Smith", expected: "\\0ajohn smith"8891 normalizes the DN attribute value8892 test_description: "hex-escapes and does not strip an escaped trailing newline in an attribute value", given: "John Smith\\\n", expected: "john smith\\0a"8893 normalizes the DN attribute value8894 test_description: "hex-escapes an unescaped leading newline (actually an invalid DN value?)", given: "\nJohn Smith", expected: "\\0ajohn smith"8895 normalizes the DN attribute value8896 test_description: "strips an unescaped trailing newline (actually an invalid DN value?)", given: "John Smith\n", expected: "john smith"8897 normalizes the DN attribute value8898 test_description: "does not strip if no extraneous whitespace", given: "John Smith", expected: "john smith"8899 normalizes the DN attribute value8900 test_description: "does not modify an escaped equal sign in an attribute value", given: " foo \\= bar", expected: "foo \\= bar"8901 normalizes the DN attribute value8902 test_description: "converts an escaped hex equal sign to an escaped equal sign in an attribute value", given: " foo \\3D bar", expected: "foo \\= bar"8903 normalizes the DN attribute value8904 test_description: "does not modify an escaped comma in an attribute value", given: "San Francisco\\, CA", expected: "san francisco\\, ca"8905 normalizes the DN attribute value8906 test_description: "converts an escaped hex comma to an escaped comma in an attribute value", given: "San Francisco\\2C CA", expected: "san francisco\\, ca"8907 normalizes the DN attribute value8908 test_description: "does not modify an escaped hex carriage return character in an attribute value", given: "San Francisco\\,\\0DCA", expected: "san francisco\\,\\0dca"8909 normalizes the DN attribute value8910 test_description: "does not modify an escaped hex line feed character in an attribute value", given: "San Francisco\\,\\0ACA", expected: "san francisco\\,\\0aca"8911 normalizes the DN attribute value8912 test_description: "does not modify an escaped hex CRLF in an attribute value", given: "San Francisco\\,\\0D\\0ACA", expected: "san francisco\\,\\0d\\0aca"8913 normalizes the DN attribute value8914 when the given DN is malformed8915 when ending with a comma8916 raises MalformedError8917 when given a BER encoded attribute value with a space in it8918 raises MalformedError8919 when given a BER encoded attribute value with a non-hex character in it8920 raises MalformedError8921 when given a BER encoded attribute value with a non-hex character in it8922 raises MalformedError8923 when given a hex pair with a non-hex character in it, inside double quotes8924 raises MalformedError8925 with an open (as opposed to closed) double quote8926 raises MalformedError8927 with an invalid escaped hex code8928 raises MalformedError8929 with a value ending with the escape character8930 raises MalformedError8931 #to_normalized_s8932 behaves like normalizes a DN8933 test_description: "strips extraneous whitespace", given: "uid =John Smith , ou = People, dc= example,dc =com", expected: "uid=john smith,ou=people,dc=example,dc=com"8934 normalizes the DN8935 test_description: "strips extraneous whitespace for a DN with a single RDN", given: "uid = John Smith", expected: "uid=john smith"8936 normalizes the DN8937 test_description: "unescapes non-reserved, non-special Unicode characters", given: "uid = Sebasti\\c3\\a1n\\ C.\\20Smith, ou=People (aka. \\22humans\\\") ,dc=example, dc=com", expected: "uid=sebastián c. smith,ou=people (aka. \\\"humans\\\"),dc=example,dc=com"8938 normalizes the DN8939 test_description: "downcases the whole string", given: "UID=John Smith,ou=People,dc=example,dc=com", expected: "uid=john smith,ou=people,dc=example,dc=com"8940 normalizes the DN8941 test_description: "for a null DN (empty string), returns empty string and does not error", given: "", expected: ""8942 normalizes the DN8943 test_description: "does not strip an escaped leading space in an attribute value", given: "uid=\\ John Smith,ou=People,dc=example,dc=com", expected: "uid=\\ john smith,ou=people,dc=example,dc=com"8944 normalizes the DN8945 test_description: "does not strip an escaped leading space in the last attribute value", given: "uid=\\ John Smith", expected: "uid=\\ john smith"8946 normalizes the DN8947 test_description: "does not strip an escaped trailing space in an attribute value", given: "uid=John Smith\\ ,ou=People,dc=example,dc=com", expected: "uid=john smith\\ ,ou=people,dc=example,dc=com"8948 normalizes the DN8949 test_description: "strips extraneous spaces after an escaped trailing space", given: "uid=John Smith\\ ,ou=People,dc=example,dc=com", expected: "uid=john smith\\ ,ou=people,dc=example,dc=com"8950 normalizes the DN8951 test_description: "strips extraneous spaces after an escaped trailing space at the end of the DN", given: "uid=John Smith,ou=People,dc=example,dc=com\\ ", expected: "uid=john smith,ou=people,dc=example,dc=com\\ "8952 normalizes the DN8953 test_description: "properly preserves escaped trailing space after unescaped trailing spaces", given: "uid=John Smith \\ ,ou=People,dc=example,dc=com", expected: "uid=john smith \\ ,ou=people,dc=example,dc=com"8954 normalizes the DN8955 test_description: "preserves multiple inner spaces in an attribute value", given: "uid=John Smith,ou=People,dc=example,dc=com", expected: "uid=john smith,ou=people,dc=example,dc=com"8956 normalizes the DN8957 test_description: "preserves inner spaces after an escaped space", given: "uid=John\\ Smith,ou=People,dc=example,dc=com", expected: "uid=john smith,ou=people,dc=example,dc=com"8958 normalizes the DN8959 test_description: "hex-escapes an escaped leading newline in an attribute value", given: "uid=\\\nJohn Smith,ou=People,dc=example,dc=com", expected: "uid=\\0ajohn smith,ou=people,dc=example,dc=com"8960 normalizes the DN8961 test_description: "hex-escapes and does not strip an escaped trailing newline in an attribute value", given: "uid=John Smith\\\n,ou=People,dc=example,dc=com", expected: "uid=john smith\\0a,ou=people,dc=example,dc=com"8962 normalizes the DN8963 test_description: "hex-escapes an unescaped leading newline (actually an invalid DN?)", given: "uid=\nJohn Smith,ou=People,dc=example,dc=com", expected: "uid=\\0ajohn smith,ou=people,dc=example,dc=com"8964 normalizes the DN8965 test_description: "strips an unescaped trailing newline (actually an invalid DN?)", given: "uid=John Smith\n,ou=People,dc=example,dc=com", expected: "uid=john smith,ou=people,dc=example,dc=com"8966 normalizes the DN8967 test_description: "does not strip if no extraneous whitespace", given: "uid=John Smith,ou=People,dc=example,dc=com", expected: "uid=john smith,ou=people,dc=example,dc=com"8968 normalizes the DN8969 test_description: "does not modify an escaped equal sign in an attribute value", given: "uid= foo \\= bar", expected: "uid=foo \\= bar"8970 normalizes the DN8971 test_description: "converts an escaped hex equal sign to an escaped equal sign in an attribute value", given: "uid= foo \\3D bar", expected: "uid=foo \\= bar"8972 normalizes the DN8973 test_description: "does not modify an escaped comma in an attribute value", given: "uid= John C. Smith, ou=San Francisco\\, CA", expected: "uid=john c. smith,ou=san francisco\\, ca"8974 normalizes the DN8975 test_description: "converts an escaped hex comma to an escaped comma in an attribute value", given: "uid= John C. Smith, ou=San Francisco\\2C CA", expected: "uid=john c. smith,ou=san francisco\\, ca"8976 normalizes the DN8977 test_description: "does not modify an escaped hex carriage return character in an attribute value", given: "uid= John C. Smith, ou=San Francisco\\,\\0DCA", expected: "uid=john c. smith,ou=san francisco\\,\\0dca"8978 normalizes the DN8979 test_description: "does not modify an escaped hex line feed character in an attribute value", given: "uid= John C. Smith, ou=San Francisco\\,\\0ACA", expected: "uid=john c. smith,ou=san francisco\\,\\0aca"8980 normalizes the DN8981 test_description: "does not modify an escaped hex CRLF in an attribute value", given: "uid= John C. Smith, ou=San Francisco\\,\\0D\\0ACA", expected: "uid=john c. smith,ou=san francisco\\,\\0d\\0aca"8982 normalizes the DN8983 test_description: "allows attribute type name OIDs", given: "0.9.2342.19200300.100.1.25=Example,0.9.2342.19200300.100.1.25=Com", expected: "0.9.2342.19200300.100.1.25=example,0.9.2342.19200300.100.1.25=com"8984 normalizes the DN8985 test_description: "strips extraneous whitespace from attribute type name OIDs", given: "0.9.2342.19200300.100.1.25 = Example, 0.9.2342.19200300.100.1.25 = Com", expected: "0.9.2342.19200300.100.1.25=example,0.9.2342.19200300.100.1.25=com"8986 normalizes the DN8987 when we do not support the given DN format8988 multivalued RDNs8989 without extraneous whitespace8990 raises UnsupportedError8991 with extraneous whitespace8992 around the phone number plus sign8993 raises UnsupportedError8994 not around the phone number plus sign8995 raises UnsupportedError8996 when the given DN is malformed8997 when ending with a comma8998 raises MalformedError8999 when given a BER encoded attribute value with a space in it9000 raises MalformedError9001 when given a BER encoded attribute value with a non-hex character in it9002 raises MalformedError9003 when given a BER encoded attribute value with a non-hex character in it9004 raises MalformedError9005 when given a hex pair with a non-hex character in it, inside double quotes9006 raises MalformedError9007 without a name value pair9008 raises MalformedError9009 with an open (as opposed to closed) double quote9010 raises MalformedError9011 with an invalid escaped hex code9012 raises MalformedError9013 with a value ending with the escape character9014 raises MalformedError9015 with an invalid OID attribute type name9016 raises MalformedError9017 with a period in a non-OID attribute type name9018 raises MalformedError9019 when starting with non-space, non-alphanumeric character9020 raises MalformedError9021 when given a UID with an escaped equal sign9022 raises MalformedError9023RuboCop::Cop::Migration::SaferBooleanColumn9024 in migration9025 registers no offense for tables not listed in WHITELISTED_TABLES9026 registers no offense for non-boolean columns9027 for the application_settings table9028 given the source "add_column :application_settings, :column, :boolean, default: true"9029 registers the offense matching "should disallow nulls"9030 given the source "add_column :application_settings, :column, :boolean, default: false"9031 registers the offense matching "should disallow nulls"9032 given the source "add_column :application_settings, :column, :boolean, default: nil"9033 registers the offense matching "should have a default and should disallow nulls"9034 given the source "add_column :application_settings, :column, :boolean, null: false"9035 registers the offense matching "should have a default"9036 given the source "add_column :application_settings, :column, :boolean, null: true"9037 registers the offense matching "should have a default and should disallow nulls"9038 given the source "add_column :application_settings, :column, :boolean"9039 registers the offense matching "should have a default and should disallow nulls"9040 given the source "add_column :application_settings, :column, :boolean, default: nil, null: false"9041 registers the offense matching "should have a default"9042 given the source "add_column :application_settings, :column, :boolean, default: nil, null: true"9043 registers the offense matching "should have a default and should disallow nulls"9044 given the source "add_column :application_settings, :column, :boolean, default: false, null: true"9045 registers the offense matching "should disallow nulls"9046 given the source "add_column :application_settings, :column, :boolean, default: true, null: false"9047 registers no offense9048 given the source "add_column :application_settings, :column, :boolean, default: false, null: false"9049 registers no offense9050 for the plan_limits table9051 given the source "add_column :plan_limits, :column, :boolean, default: true"9052 registers the offense matching "should disallow nulls"9053 given the source "add_column :plan_limits, :column, :boolean, default: false"9054 registers the offense matching "should disallow nulls"9055 given the source "add_column :plan_limits, :column, :boolean, default: nil"9056 registers the offense matching "should have a default and should disallow nulls"9057 given the source "add_column :plan_limits, :column, :boolean, null: false"9058 registers the offense matching "should have a default"9059 given the source "add_column :plan_limits, :column, :boolean, null: true"9060 registers the offense matching "should have a default and should disallow nulls"9061 given the source "add_column :plan_limits, :column, :boolean"9062 registers the offense matching "should have a default and should disallow nulls"9063 given the source "add_column :plan_limits, :column, :boolean, default: nil, null: false"9064 registers the offense matching "should have a default"9065 given the source "add_column :plan_limits, :column, :boolean, default: nil, null: true"9066 registers the offense matching "should have a default and should disallow nulls"9067 given the source "add_column :plan_limits, :column, :boolean, default: false, null: true"9068 registers the offense matching "should disallow nulls"9069 given the source "add_column :plan_limits, :column, :boolean, default: true, null: false"9070 registers no offense9071 given the source "add_column :plan_limits, :column, :boolean, default: false, null: false"9072 registers no offense9073 outside of migration9074 registers no offense9075CreateNoteDiffFileWorker9076 #perform9077 creates diff file9078projects/tree/_tree_row9079 renders blob item9080 LFS blob9081 renders LFS badge9082Ci::ChangeVariableService9083 #execute9084 when creating a variable9085 persists a variable9086 when updating a variable9087 updates a variable9088 when the variable does not exist9089 raises a record not found error9090 when destroying a variable9091 destroys a variable9092 when the variable does not exist9093 raises a record not found error9094AutoMergeProcessWorker9095 #perform9096 when merge request is found9097 executes AutoMergeService9098 when merge request is not found9099 does not execute AutoMergeService9100Gitlab::CycleAnalytics::ProductionEventFetcher9101 behaves like default query config9102 has the stage attribute9103 has the projection attributes9104Banzai::Filter::OutputSafety9105 when given HTML is safe9106 returns safe HTML9107 when given HTML is not safe9108 returns escaped HTML9109Gitlab::Import::SetAsyncJid9110 .set_jid9111 sets the JID in Redis9112 updates the import JID of the project9113Gitlab::Ci::Status::Pipeline::Blocked9114 #text9115 overrides status text9116 #label9117 overrides status label9118 .matches?9119 when pipeline is blocked9120 is a correct match9121 when pipeline is not blocked9122 does not match9123UpdateContainerRegistryInfoService9124 #execute9125 when container registry is disabled9126 behaves like invalid config9127 does not update the application settings9128 does not raise an error9129 when container registry api_url is blank9130 behaves like invalid config9131 does not update the application settings9132 does not raise an error9133 when creating a registry client instance9134 uses a token with no access permissions9135 when unabled to detect the container registry type9136 sets the application settings to their defaults9137 when able to detect the container registry type9138 when using the GitLab container registry9139 updates application settings accordingly9140 when using a third-party container registry9141 updates application settings accordingly9142OpenProjectService9143 Validations9144 when service is active9145 is expected to validate that :url cannot be empty/falsy9146 is expected to validate that :token cannot be empty/falsy9147 is expected to validate that :project_identifier_code cannot be empty/falsy9148 behaves like issue tracker service URL attribute9149 is expected to allow :url to be ‹""›9150 is expected not to allow :url to be ‹""›9151 is expected not to allow :url to be ‹""›9152 is expected not to allow :url to be ‹"herp-and-derp"›9153 behaves like issue tracker service URL attribute9154 is expected to allow :api_url to be ‹""›9155 is expected not to allow :api_url to be ‹""›9156 is expected not to allow :api_url to be ‹""›9157 is expected not to allow :api_url to be ‹"herp-and-derp"›9158 when service is inactive9159 is expected not to validate that :url cannot be empty/falsy9160 is expected not to validate that :token cannot be empty/falsy9161 is expected not to validate that :project_identifier_code cannot be empty/falsy9162 Associations9163 is expected to belong to project required:9164 is expected to have one service_hook9165Ci::BuildNeed9166 is expected to belong to build required:9167 is expected to validate that :build cannot be empty/falsy9168 is expected to validate that :name cannot be empty/falsy9169 is expected to validate that the length of :name is at most 1289170 .artifacts9171 is expected to contain exactly #<Ci::BuildNeed id: 61, build_id: 1014, name: "build_1", artifacts: true>9172 BulkInsertSafe9173 bulk inserts from Ci::Build model9174Gitlab::GitlabImport::Importer9175 #execute9176 persists issues9177PagesDomainPresenter9178 needs_validation?9179 pages_verification_enabled: false, traits: :unverified, expected: false9180 is expected to eq false9181 pages_verification_enabled: false, traits: [], expected: false9182 is expected to eq false9183 pages_verification_enabled: true, traits: :unverified, expected: true9184 is expected to eq true9185 pages_verification_enabled: true, traits: [], expected: false9186 is expected to eq false9187 show_auto_ssl_failed_warning?9188 is expected to eq false9189 when we failed to obtain Let's Encrypt's certificate9190 is expected to eq true9191 when Let's Encrypt integration is disabled9192 is expected to eq false9193 when domain is unverified9194 is expected to eq false9195Gitlab::Diff::ParallelDiff9196 #parallelize9197 returns an array of arrays containing the parsed diff9198Gitlab::SidekiqQueue9199 #drop_jobs!9200 when there are no matching jobs9201 when the queue is not processed in time9202 returns a non-completion flag, the number of jobs deleted, and the remaining queue size9203 when the queue is processed in time9204 returns a completion flag, the number of jobs deleted, and the remaining queue size9205 when there are matching jobs9206 when the queue is not processed in time9207 returns a non-completion flag, the number of jobs deleted, and the remaining queue size9208 when the queue is processed in time9209 returns a completion flag, the number of jobs deleted, and the remaining queue size9210 when there are no valid metadata keys passed9211 raises NoMetadataError9212 when the queue does not exist9213 raises InvalidQueueError9214admin/sessions/two_factor.html.haml9215 user has no two factor auth9216 shows tab9217 user has otp active9218 shows enter otp form9219 user has u2f active9220 shows enter u2f form9221layouts/nav/sidebar/_group9222 behaves like has nav sidebar9223 has collapsed nav sidebar on mobile9224AdminEmailWorker9225 .perform9226 does not attempt to send repository check mail when they are disabled9227 repository_checks enabled9228 checks if repository check mail should be sent9229 does not send mail when there are no failed repos9230 send mail when there is a failed repo9231ContainerExpirationPolicyService9232 #execute9233 kicks off a cleanup worker for the container repository9234 sets next_run_at on the container_expiration_policy9235 with an invalid container expiration policy9236 disables it9237PodLogs::KubernetesService9238 #get_raw_pods9239 returns success with passthrough k8s response9240 #pod_logs9241 returns the logs9242 handles Not Found errors from k8s9243 handles HTTP errors from k8s9244 #encode_logs_to_utf89245 converts logs to utf-89246 returns error if output of encoding helper is blank9247 returns error if output of encoding helper is nil9248 returns error if output of encoding helper is not UTF-89249 when logs are nil9250 returns nil9251 when logs are blank9252 returns blank string9253 when logs are already in utf-89254 does not fail9255 #split_logs9256 returns the logs9257 #check_pod_name9258 returns success if pod_name was specified9259 returns success if pod_name was not specified but there are pods9260 returns error if pod_name was not specified and there are no pods9261 returns error if pod_name was specified but does not exist9262 returns error if pod_name is too long9263 returns error if pod_name is in invalid format9264 #check_container_name9265 returns success if container_name was specified9266 returns success if container_name was not specified and there are containers9267 returns error if container_name was not specified and there are no containers on the pod9268 returns error if container_name was specified but does not exist9269 returns error if container_name is too long9270 returns error if container_name is in invalid format9271LooksAhead9272 preloads labels on issues9273 issues fewer queries than the naive approach9274 behaves like a working query on the test schema9275 has a good test setup9276 the feature flag is off9277 does not preload labels on issues9278 behaves like a working query on the test schema9279 has a good test setup9280UserStatus9281 is expected to validate that :user cannot be empty/falsy9282 is expected to allow :emoji to be ‹"smirk"›9283 is expected not to allow :emoji to be ‹"hello world"›9284 is expected not to allow :emoji to be ‹""›9285 is expected to validate that the length of :message is at most 1009286 is expected to allow :message to be ‹""›9287 is expected to be deleted when the user is deleted9288ProjectRepository9289 associations9290 is expected to belong to shard required:9291 is expected to belong to project required:9292 .find_project9293 finds project by disk path9294 returns nil when it does not find the project9295Gitlab::GitalyClient::CleanupService9296 #apply_bfg_object_map_stream9297 sends an apply_bfg_object_map_stream message9298Projects::DestroyRollbackService9299 #execute9300 restores the repositories9301Gitlab::GitalyClient::ConflictFilesStitcher9302 enumeration9303 combines segregated ConflictFile messages together9304Gitlab::Ci::Config::Entry::Release9305 validation9306 when entry config value is correct9307 behaves like a valid entry9308 #value9309 returns release configuration9310 #valid?9311 is valid9312 when value includes 'assets' keyword9313 behaves like a valid entry9314 #value9315 returns release configuration9316 #valid?9317 is valid9318 when value includes 'name' keyword9319 behaves like a valid entry9320 #value9321 returns release configuration9322 #valid?9323 is valid9324 when value includes 'ref' keyword9325 behaves like a valid entry9326 #value9327 returns release configuration9328 #valid?9329 is valid9330 when value includes 'released_at' keyword9331 behaves like a valid entry9332 #value9333 returns release configuration9334 #valid?9335 is valid9336 when value includes 'milestones' keyword9337 for an array of milestones9338 behaves like a valid entry9339 #value9340 returns release configuration9341 #valid?9342 is valid9343 for a single milestone9344 behaves like a valid entry9345 #value9346 returns release configuration9347 #valid?9348 is valid9349 when value includes 'ref' keyword9350 when 'ref' is a full commit SHA9351 behaves like a valid entry9352 #value9353 returns release configuration9354 #valid?9355 is valid9356 when 'ref' is a short commit SHA9357 behaves like a valid entry9358 #value9359 returns release configuration9360 #valid?9361 is valid9362 when 'ref' is a branch name9363 behaves like a valid entry9364 #value9365 returns release configuration9366 #valid?9367 is valid9368 when 'ref' is a semantic versioning tag9369 behaves like a valid entry9370 #value9371 returns release configuration9372 #valid?9373 is valid9374 when 'ref' is a semantic versioning tag rc9375 behaves like a valid entry9376 #value9377 returns release configuration9378 #valid?9379 is valid9380 when value includes 'released_at' keyword9381 behaves like a valid entry9382 #value9383 returns release configuration9384 #valid?9385 is valid9386 when value includes 'milestones' keyword9387 for an array of milestones9388 behaves like a valid entry9389 #value9390 returns release configuration9391 #valid?9392 is valid9393 for a single milestone9394 behaves like a valid entry9395 #value9396 returns release configuration9397 #valid?9398 is valid9399 when entry value is not correct9400 #errors9401 when value of attribute is invalid9402 behaves like reports error9403 reports error9404 when release description is missing9405 behaves like reports error9406 reports error9407 when release tag_name is missing9408 behaves like reports error9409 reports error9410 when there is an unknown key present9411 behaves like reports error9412 reports error9413 when `released_at` is not a valid date9414 behaves like reports error9415 reports error9416 when `ref` is not valid9417 behaves like reports error9418 reports error9419 when `milestones` is not an array of strings9420 behaves like reports error9421 reports error9422BlobViewer::PackageJson9423 #package_name9424 returns the package name9425 #package_url9426 returns the package URL9427 #package_type9428 returns "package"9429 when package.json has "private": true9430 #package_url9431 when the homepage has a valid URL9432 returns homepage URL9433 when the homepage has an invalid URL9434 returns nil9435 #package_type9436 returns "private package"9437ChatName9438 is expected to belong to service required:9439 is expected to belong to user required:9440 is expected to validate that :user cannot be empty/falsy9441 is expected to validate that :service cannot be empty/falsy9442 is expected to validate that :team_id cannot be empty/falsy9443 is expected to validate that :chat_id cannot be empty/falsy9444 is expected to validate that :user_id is case-sensitively unique within the scope of :service_id9445 is expected to validate that :chat_id is case-sensitively unique within the scope of :service_id and :team_id9446 is removed when the project is deleted9447 #update_last_used_at9448 updates the last_used_at timestamp9449 does not update last_used_at if it was recently updated9450LfsDownloadObject9451 validations9452 is expected to validate that :size looks like a number greater than or equal to 09453 oid attribute9454 must be 64 characters long9455 must contain only hexadecimal characters9456 link attribute9457 only http and https protocols are valid9458 cannot be empty9459 when localhost or local network addresses9460 are allowed9461 is expected to be valid9462 are not allowed9463 is expected to be invalid9464Packages::Nuget::SyncMetadatumService9465 #execute9466 creates a nuget metadatum9467 behaves like saving metadatum attributes9468 saves nuget metadatum9469 with exisiting nuget metadatum9470 does not create a nuget metadatum9471 behaves like saving metadatum attributes9472 saves nuget metadatum9473 with empty metadata9474 destroys the nuget metadatum9475Gitlab::Ci::Pipeline::Chain::Skip9476 when pipeline has been skipped by a user9477 breaks the chain9478 skips the pipeline9479 when pipeline has not been skipped9480 does not break the chain9481 does not skip a pipeline chain9482 when [ci skip] should be ignored9483 does not break the chain9484 when pipeline should be skipped but not persisted9485 breaks the chain9486 does not skip pipeline9487PodLogs::ElasticsearchService9488 #get_raw_pods9489 returns success with elasticsearch response9490 returns an error when ES is unreachable9491 handles server errors from elasticsearch9492 #check_times9493 with start and end provided and valid9494 returns success with times9495 with start and end not provided9496 returns success with nothing else9497 with start valid and end invalid9498 returns error9499 with start invalid and end valid9500 returns error9501 #check_search9502 with search provided and valid9503 returns success with search9504 with search provided and invalid9505 returns error9506 with search not provided9507 returns success with nothing else9508 #check_cursor9509 with cursor provided and valid9510 returns success with cursor9511 with cursor provided and invalid9512 returns error9513 with cursor not provided9514 returns success with nothing else9515 #pod_logs9516 returns the logs9517 returns an error when ES is unreachable9518 handles server errors from elasticsearch9519 handles cursor errors from elasticsearch9520Gitlab::Runtime9521 when unknown9522 raises an exception when trying to identify9523 on multiple matches9524 raises an exception when trying to identify9525 puma9526 behaves like valid runtime9527 identifies itself9528 does not identify as others9529 reports its maximum concurrency9530 when ActionCable in-app mode is enabled9531 behaves like valid runtime9532 identifies itself9533 does not identify as others9534 reports its maximum concurrency9535 when ActionCable standalone is run9536 behaves like valid runtime9537 identifies itself9538 does not identify as others9539 reports its maximum concurrency9540 unicorn9541 behaves like valid runtime9542 identifies itself9543 does not identify as others9544 reports its maximum concurrency9545 when ActionCable in-app mode is enabled9546 behaves like valid runtime9547 identifies itself9548 does not identify as others9549 reports its maximum concurrency9550 sidekiq9551 behaves like valid runtime9552 identifies itself9553 does not identify as others9554 reports its maximum concurrency9555 console9556 behaves like valid runtime9557 identifies itself9558 does not identify as others9559 reports its maximum concurrency9560 test suite9561 behaves like valid runtime9562 identifies itself9563 does not identify as others9564 reports its maximum concurrency9565 geo log cursor9566 behaves like valid runtime9567 identifies itself9568 does not identify as others9569 reports its maximum concurrency9570 rails runner9571 behaves like valid runtime9572 identifies itself9573 does not identify as others9574 reports its maximum concurrency9575Ci::DagStageEntity9576 #as_json9577 contains valid name9578 contains the job groups9579 matches schema9580Gitlab::QuickActions::Extractor9581 #extract_commands9582 extracts command with multiple arguments and various prefixes9583 extracts command case insensitive9584 does not extract noop commands9585 extracts and performs substitution commands9586 extracts and performs substitution commands9587 extracts and performs multiple substitution commands9588 does not extract substitution command in inline code9589 extracts and performs substitution commands case insensitive9590 extracts and performs substitution commands with comments9591 extracts multiple commands9592 does not alter original content if no command is found9593 does not extract commands inside a blockcode9594 does not extract commands inside a blockquote9595 does not extract commands inside a HTML tag9596 does not extract commands in multiline inline code on seperated rows9597 does not extract commands in multiline inline code starting from text9598 does not extract commands in inline code9599 limits to passed commands when they are passed9600 command with no argument9601 at the start of content9602 behaves like command with no argument9603 extracts command9604 in the middle of content9605 behaves like command with no argument9606 extracts command9607 in the middle of a line9608 does not extract command9609 at the end of content9610 behaves like command with no argument9611 extracts command9612 command with a single argument9613 at the start of content9614 allows slash in command arguments9615 behaves like command with a single argument9616 extracts command9617 in the middle of content9618 behaves like command with a single argument9619 extracts command9620 in the middle of a line9621 does not extract command9622 at the end of content9623 behaves like command with a single argument9624 extracts command9625 when argument is not separated with a space9626 does not extract command9627 command with multiple arguments9628 at the start of content9629 behaves like command with multiple arguments9630 extracts command9631 in the middle of content9632 behaves like command with multiple arguments9633 extracts command9634 in the middle of a line9635 does not extract command9636 at the end of content9637 behaves like command with multiple arguments9638 extracts command9639 when argument is not separated with a space9640 does not extract command9641 #redact_commands9642 text: "hello\n/labels ~label1 ~label2\nworld", expected: "hello\n`/labels ~label1 ~label2`\nworld"9643 encloses quick actions with code span markdown9644 text: "hello\n/open\n/labels ~label1\nworld", expected: "hello\n`/open`\n`/labels ~label1`\nworld"9645 encloses quick actions with code span markdown9646 text: "hello\n/reopen\nworld", expected: "hello\n`/reopen`\nworld"9647 encloses quick actions with code span markdown9648 text: "/reopen\nworld", expected: "`/reopen`\nworld"9649 encloses quick actions with code span markdown9650 text: "hello\n/open", expected: "hello\n`/open`"9651 encloses quick actions with code span markdown9652Gitlab::DependencyLinker::PodspecLinker9653 .support?9654 supports *.podspec9655 does not support other files9656 #link9657 does not link the pod name9658 links the license9659 links the homepage9660 links the source URL9661 links dependencies9662ContainerTagEntity9663 exposes required informations9664 when user can manage repositories9665 exposes destroy_path9666 when user cannot manage repositories9667 does not expose destroy_path9668API::Validations::Validators::GitRef9669 valid revision param9670 does not raise a validation error9671 revision param contains invalid chars9672 raises a validation error9673AlertsService9674 #url9675 is expected to eq "http://localhost/namespace1583/project1711/alerts/notify.json"9676 #json_fields9677 is expected to eq ["active", "token"]9678 #as_json9679 is expected to eq {"active"=>true, "token"=>nil}9680 #token9681 when active9682 when resetting9683 is expected not to eq nil9684 behaves like valid token9685 is expected to match /\A\h{32}\z/9686 when assigning9687 behaves like valid token9688 is expected to match /\A\h{32}\z/9689 when inactive9690 when resetting9691 behaves like no token9692 is expected to be blank9693 when persisted9694 behaves like valid token9695 is expected to match /\A\h{32}\z/9696Banzai::Filter::BroadcastMessagePlaceholdersFilter9697 when current user is set9698 replaces placeholder in text9699 is expected to eq "Email:"9700 replaces placeholder when they are in a link9701 is expected to eq "<a href=\"\">link</a>"9702 replaces placeholder when they are in an escaped link9703 is expected to eq "<a href=\"\">link</a>"9704 works with empty text9705 is expected to eq " "9706 replaces multiple placeholders in a given text9707 is expected to eq " GitLab Tanunki :)"9708 available placeholders9709 replaces the email of the user9710 is expected to eq ""9711 replaces the name of the user9712 is expected to eq "GitLab Tanunki :)"9713 replaces the ID of the user9714 is expected to eq "2962"9715 replaces the username of the user9716 is expected to eq "user3015"9717 replaces the instance_id9718 is expected to eq "123"9719 when there is no current user set9720 replaces placeholder with empty string9721 is expected to eq "Email: "9722ResourceEvents::ChangeMilestoneService9723 behaves like timebox(milestone or iteration) resource events creator9724 when milestone/iteration is added9725 creates the expected event record9726 when milestone/iteration is removed9727 creates the expected event records9728 behaves like timebox(milestone or iteration) resource events creator9729 when milestone/iteration is added9730 creates the expected event record9731 when milestone/iteration is removed9732 creates the expected event records9733Gitlab::Danger::Changelog9734 #required?9735 added files contain a migration9736 is expected to be truthy9737 is expected to be truthy9738 added files do not contain a migration9739 is expected to be falsey9740 is expected to be falsey9741 #optional?9742 when MR contains only categories requiring no changelog9743 is falsey9744 when MR contains a label that require no changelog9745 is falsey9746 when MR contains a category that require changelog and a category that require no changelog9747 is truthy9748 when MR contains a category that require changelog and a category that require no changelog with changelog label9749 is truthy9750 when MR contains a category that require changelog and a category that require no changelog with no changelog label9751 is truthy9752 #found9753 added files contain a changelog9754 is expected to be truthy9755 is expected to be truthy9756 added files do not contain a changelog9757 is expected to eq nil9758 is expected to eq nil9759 #ee_changelog?9760 is ee changelog9761 is expected to be truthy9762 is not ee changelog9763 is expected to be falsy9764 #modified_text9765 is expected to include "bin/changelog --ee -m 1234 \"Fake Title\""9766 #required_text9767 is expected not to include "--ee"9768 optional_text9769 is expected to include "bin/changelog --ee -m 1234 \"Fake Title\""9770Gitlab::Favicon9771 .main9772 defaults to favicon.png9773 has yellow favicon for canary9774 uses the custom favicon if a favicon appearance is present9775 asset host9776 returns a relative url when the asset host is not configured9777 returns a full url when the asset host is configured9778 .status_overlay9779 returns the overlay for the status9780 .available_status_names9781 returns the available status names9782Gitlab::Ci::Config::Normalizer9783 .normalize_jobs9784 with parallel config as integer9785 does not have original job9786 has parallelized jobs9787 sets job instance in options9788 parallelizes jobs with original config9789 when the job is not parallelized9790 returns the same hash9791 when there is a job with a slash in it9792 properly parallelizes job names9793 behaves like parallel dependencies9794 when job has dependencies on parallelized jobs9795 parallelizes dependencies9796 does not include original job name in RSpec::ExampleGroups::GitlabCiConfigNormalizer::NormalizeJobs::WithParallelConfigAsInteger::BehavesLikeParallelDependencies::WhenJobHasDependenciesOnParallelizedJobs::Anonymous9797 when there are dependencies which are both parallelized and not9798 parallelizes dependencies9799 includes the regular job in dependencies9800 behaves like parallel needs9801 when job has needs on parallelized jobs9802 parallelizes needs9803 when there are dependencies which are both parallelized and not9804 parallelizes dependencies9805 includes the regular job in dependencies9806 with parallel matrix config9807 does not have original job9808 has parallelized jobs9809 sets job instance in options9810 sets job variables9811 parallelizes jobs with original config9812 behaves like parallel dependencies9813 when job has dependencies on parallelized jobs9814 parallelizes dependencies9815 does not include original job name in RSpec::ExampleGroups::GitlabCiConfigNormalizer::NormalizeJobs::WithParallelMatrixConfig::BehavesLikeParallelDependencies::WhenJobHasDependenciesOnParallelizedJobs::Anonymous9816 when there are dependencies which are both parallelized and not9817 parallelizes dependencies9818 includes the regular job in dependencies9819 behaves like parallel needs9820 when job has needs on parallelized jobs9821 parallelizes needs9822 when there are dependencies which are both parallelized and not9823 parallelizes dependencies9824 includes the regular job in dependencies9825 when parallel config does not matches a factory9826 does not alter the job config9827Gitlab::AlertManagement::Payload::ManagedPrometheus9828 behaves like subclass has expected api9829 defines all public methods in the base class9830 #metric_id9831 is expected to be nil9832 with gitlab_alert_id9833 is expected to eq 129834 #gitlab_prometheus_alert_id9835 is expected to be nil9836 with gitlab_alert_id9837 is expected to eq 129838 #gitlab_alert9839 without alert info in payload9840 is expected to be nil9841 with metric id in payload9842 without matching alert9843 is expected to be nil9844 with matching alert9845 is expected to eq #<PrometheusAlert id: 18, created_at: "2020-08-25 16:03:46", updated_at: "2020-08-25 16:03:46", thres...0, operator: "gt", environment_id: 75, project_id: 1749, prometheus_metric_id: 36, runbook_url: nil>9846 when unclear which alert applies9847 is expected to be nil9848 with alert id9849 without matching alert9850 is expected to be nil9851 with matching alerts9852 is expected to eq #<PrometheusAlert id: 20, created_at: "2020-08-25 16:03:46", updated_at: "2020-08-25 16:03:46", thres...0, operator: "gt", environment_id: 77, project_id: 1749, prometheus_metric_id: 37, runbook_url: nil>9853 #full_query9854 is expected to be nil9855 with gitlab alert9856 is expected to eq "avg(metric) > 1.0"9857 with sufficient fallback info9858 is expected to eq "vector(1)"9859 #environment9860 with gitlab alert9861 is expected to eq #<Environment id: 79, project_id: 1749, name: "environment68", created_at: "2020-08-25 16:03:47",", environment_type: nil, state: "available", slug: "environment68", auto_stop_at: nil>9862 with sufficient fallback info9863 is expected to eq #<Environment id: 80, project_id: 1749, name: "production", created_at: "2020-08-25 16:03:48",", environment_type: nil, state: "available", slug: "production", auto_stop_at: nil>9864 #metrics_dashboard_url9865 without alert9866 is expected to be nil9867 with gitlab alert9868 is expected to eq "http://localhost/namespace1587/project1715/prometheus/alerts/40/metrics_dashboard?embedded=true&end=2018-03-12T09%3A36%3A00Z&environment_id=81&start=2018-03-12T08%3A36%3A00Z"9869Gitlab::Metrics::Methods9870 #define_metrics9871 metrics access method not defined9872 defines metrics accessing method9873 metrics access method defined9874 raises error when trying to redefine method9875 metric is not cached9876 calls fetch_metric9877 metric is cached9878 returns cached metric9879 #fetch_metric9880 when counter is not cached9881 initializes counter metric9882 when counter is cached9883 uses class metric cache9884 when metric is reloaded9885 initializes counter metric9886 when metric is configured with feature9887 when feature is enabled9888 initializes counter metric9889 when feature is disabled9890 returns NullMetric9891 #define_metrics9892 metrics access method not defined9893 defines metrics accessing method9894 metrics access method defined9895 raises error when trying to redefine method9896 metric is not cached9897 calls fetch_metric9898 metric is cached9899 returns cached metric9900 #fetch_metric9901 when gauge is not cached9902 initializes counter metric9903 when gauge is cached9904 uses class metric cache9905 when metric is reloaded9906 initializes gauge metric9907 when metric is configured with feature9908 when feature is enabled9909 initializes gauge metric9910 when feature is disabled9911 returns NullMetric9912 #define_metrics9913 metrics access method not defined9914 defines metrics accessing method9915 metrics access method defined9916 raises error when trying to redefine method9917 metric is not cached9918 calls fetch_metric9919 metric is cached9920 returns cached metric9921 #fetch_metric9922 when histogram is not cached9923 initializes counter metric9924 when histogram is cached9925 uses class metric cache9926 when metric is reloaded9927 initializes histogram metric9928 when metric is configured with feature9929 when feature is enabled9930 initializes histogram metric9931 when feature is disabled9932 returns NullMetric9933Gitlab::HotlinkingDetector9934 .intercept_hotlinking?9935 hotlinked as media9936 return_value: false, accept_header: "*/*"9937 is expected to equal false9938 return_value: false, accept_header: "text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,*/*;q=0.8"9939 is expected to equal false9940 return_value: false, accept_header: "text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,image/webp,*/*;q=0.8"9941 is expected to equal false9942 return_value: false, accept_header: "text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,*/*;q=0.8"9943 is expected to equal false9944 return_value: false, accept_header: "text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,image/webp,image/apng,*/*;q=0.8"9945 is expected to equal false9946 return_value: false, accept_header: "image/jpeg, application/x-ms-application, image/gif, application/xaml+xml, image/pjpeg, application/x-ms-xbap, application/x-shockwave-flash, application/msword, */*"9947 is expected to equal false9948 return_value: false, accept_header: "text/html, application/xhtml+xml, image/jxr, */*"9949 is expected to equal false9950 return_value: false, accept_header: "text/html, application/xml;q=0.9, application/xhtml+xml, image/png, image/webp, image/jpeg, image/gif, image/x-xbitmap, */*;q=0.1"9951 is expected to equal false9952 return_value: true, accept_header: "image/webp,*/*"9953 is expected to equal true9954 return_value: true, accept_header: "image/png,image/*;q=0.8,*/*;q=0.5"9955 is expected to equal true9956 return_value: true, accept_header: "image/webp,image/apng,image/*,*/*;q=0.8"9957 is expected to equal true9958 return_value: true, accept_header: "image/png,image/svg+xml,image/*;q=0.8, */*;q=0.5"9959 is expected to equal true9960 return_value: true, accept_header: "video/webm,video/ogg,video/*;q=0.9,application/ogg;q=0.7,audio/*;q=0.6,*/*;q=0.5"9961 is expected to equal true9962 return_value: true, accept_header: "audio/webm,audio/ogg,audio/wav,audio/*;q=0.9,application/ogg;q=0.7,video/*;q=0.6,*/*;q=0.5"9963 is expected to equal true9964 return_value: true, accept_header: "text/css,*/*;q=0.1"9965 is expected to equal true9966 return_value: true, accept_header: "text/css"9967 is expected to equal true9968 return_value: true, accept_header: "text/css,*/*;q=0.1"9969 is expected to equal true9970 hotlinked as a script9971 return_value: false, fetch_mode: "navigate"9972 is expected to equal false9973 return_value: false, fetch_mode: "nested-navigate"9974 is expected to equal false9975 return_value: false, fetch_mode: "same-origin"9976 is expected to equal false9977 return_value: true, fetch_mode: "cors"9978 is expected to equal true9979 return_value: true, fetch_mode: "no-cors"9980 is expected to equal true9981 return_value: true, fetch_mode: "websocket"9982 is expected to equal true9983RuboCop::CodeReuseHelpers9984 #send_to_constant?9985 returns true when sending to a constant9986 returns false when sending to something other than a constant9987 #send_receiver_name_ends_with?9988 returns true when the receiver ends with a suffix9989 returns false when the receiver is the same as a suffix9990 #file_path_for_node9991 returns the file path of a node9992 #name_of_constant9993 returns the name of a constant9994 #in_finder?9995 returns true for a node in the finders directory9996 returns false for a node outside the finders directory9997 #in_model?9998 returns true for a node in the models directory9999 returns false for a node outside the models directory10000 #in_service_class?10001 returns true for a node in the services directory10002 returns false for a node outside the services directory10003 #in_presenter?10004 returns true for a node in the presenters directory10005 returns false for a node outside the presenters directory10006 #in_serializer?10007 returns true for a node in the serializers directory10008 returns false for a node outside the serializers directory10009 #in_worker?10010 returns true for a node in the workers directory10011 returns false for a node outside the workers directory10012 #in_api?10013 returns true for a node in the API directory10014 returns false for a node outside the API directory10015 #in_directory?10016 returns true for a directory in the CE app/ directory10017 returns true for a directory in the EE app/ directory10018 returns false for a directory in the lib/ directory10019 #name_of_receiver10020 returns the name of a send receiver10021 #each_class_method10022 yields every class method to the supplied block10023 #each_send_node10024 yields every send node to the supplied block10025 #disallow_send_to10026 disallows sending a message to a constant10027Gitlab::Kubernetes::CiliumNetworkPolicy10028 as_json10029 is expected to eq {:creation_timestamp=>nil, :is_autodevops=>false, :is_enabled=>true, :manifest=>"---\nmetadata:\n na...\n project: myproject\n egress: \n", :name=>"example-name", :namespace=>"example-namespace"}10030 autodevops?10031 is expected to equal false10032 with non-autodevops chart10033 is expected to equal false10034 with autodevops chart10035 is expected to equal true10036 enabled?10037 is expected to equal true10038 with empty selector10039 is expected to equal true10040 with nil matchLabels in selector10041 is expected to equal true10042 with empty matchLabels in selector10043 is expected to equal true10044 with disabled_by label in matchLabels in selector10045 is expected to equal false10046 enable10047 is expected to equal true10048 with empty selector10049 is expected to equal true10050 with nil matchLabels in selector10051 is expected to equal true10052 with empty matchLabels in selector10053 is expected to equal true10054 with disabled_by label in matchLabels in selector10055 is expected to equal true10056 disable10057 is expected to equal false10058 with empty selector10059 is expected to equal false10060 with nil matchLabels in selector10061 is expected to equal false10062 with empty matchLabels in selector10063 is expected to equal false10064 with disabled_by label in matchLabels in selector10065 is expected to equal false10066 #generate10067 is expected to eq #<Kubeclient::Resource kind="CiliumNetworkPolicy", apiVersion="", metadata={:name=>"examp...ole=>"db"}}, :ingress=>[{:fromEndpoints=>[{:matchLabels=>{:project=>"myproject"}}]}], :egress=>nil}>10068 .from_yaml10069 is expected to eq #<Kubeclient::Resource kind="CiliumNetworkPolicy", apiVersion="", metadata={:name=>"examp...ole=>"db"}}, :ingress=>[{:fromEndpoints=>[{:matchLabels=>{:project=>"myproject"}}]}], :egress=>nil}>10070 with nil manifest10071 is expected to be nil10072 with invalid manifest10073 is expected to be nil10074 with manifest without metadata10075 is expected to be nil10076 with manifest without spec10077 is expected to be nil10078 with disallowed class10079 is expected to be nil10080 .from_resource10081 is expected to eq #<Kubeclient::Resource kind="CiliumNetworkPolicy", apiVersion="", metadata={:name=>"examp...ole=>"db"}}, :ingress=>[{:fromEndpoints=>[{:matchLabels=>{:project=>"myproject"}}]}], :egress=>nil}>10082 with nil resource10083 is expected to be nil10084 with resource without metadata10085 is expected to be nil10086 with resource without spec10087 is expected to be nil10088Gitlab::SQL::CTE10089 #to_arel10090 generates an Arel relation for the CTE body10091 #alias_to10092 returns an alias for the CTE10093 #apply_to10094 applies a CTE to an ActiveRecord::Relation10095Uploads routing10096 allows creating uploads for personal snippets10097 allows creating uploads for users10098 does not allow creating uploads for other models10099 legacy paths10100 redirects project uploads to canonical path under project namespace10101Gitlab::Git::LfsChanges10102 #new_pointers10103 filters new objects to find lfs pointers10104 limits new_objects using object_limit10105 times out if given a small dynamic timeout10106Gitlab::Ci::Config::Entry::Product::Parallel10107 with invalid config10108 when it is not a numeric value10109 behaves like invalid config10110 #valid?10111 is expected not to be valid10112 #errors10113 returns error about invalid type10114 when it is lower than two10115 behaves like invalid config10116 #valid?10117 is expected not to be valid10118 #errors10119 returns error about invalid type10120 when it is bigger than 5010121 behaves like invalid config10122 #valid?10123 is expected not to be valid10124 #errors10125 returns error about invalid type10126 when it is not an integer10127 behaves like invalid config10128 #valid?10129 is expected not to be valid10130 #errors10131 returns error about invalid type10132 with empty hash config10133 behaves like invalid config10134 #valid?10135 is expected not to be valid10136 #errors10137 returns error about invalid type10138 with numeric config10139 when job is specified10140 #valid?10141 is expected to be valid10142 #value10143 returns job needs configuration10144 with matrix builds config10145 when matrix is specified10146 #valid?10147 is expected to be valid10148 #value10149 returns job needs configuration10150Gitlab::ImportExport::Error10151 .permission_error10152 when supplied a project10153 returns an error with the correct message10154 when supplied a group10155 returns an error with the correct message10156PrometheusMetricsFinder10157 #execute10158 with params10159 with appropriate indexes10160 with project10161 is expected to eq [#<PrometheusMetric id: 41, project_id: 1751, title: [FILTERED], query: "avg(metric)", y_label: "y_la... 16:04:12", updated_at: "2020-08-25 16:04:12", common: false, identifier: nil, dashboard_path: nil>]10162 with group10163 is expected to contain exactly #<PrometheusMetric id: 42, project_id: nil, title: [FILTERED], query: "avg(metric)", y_label: "y_labe...25 16:04:12", updated_at: "2020-08-25 16:04:12", common: true, identifier: nil, dashboard_path: nil> and #<PrometheusMetric id: 41, project_id: 1751, title: [FILTERED], query: "avg(metric)", y_label: "y_lab...5 16:04:12", updated_at: "2020-08-25 16:04:12", common: false, identifier: nil, dashboard_path: nil>10164 with title10165 is expected to contain exactly #<PrometheusMetric id: 41, project_id: 1751, title: [FILTERED], query: "avg(metric)", y_label: "y_lab...5 16:04:12", updated_at: "2020-08-25 16:04:12", common: false, identifier: nil, dashboard_path: nil> and #<PrometheusMetric id: 42, project_id: nil, title: [FILTERED], query: "avg(metric)", y_label: "y_labe...25 16:04:12", updated_at: "2020-08-25 16:04:12", common: true, identifier: nil, dashboard_path: nil>10166 with y_label10167 is expected to contain exactly #<PrometheusMetric id: 41, project_id: 1751, title: [FILTERED], query: "avg(metric)", y_label: "y_lab...5 16:04:12", updated_at: "2020-08-25 16:04:12", common: false, identifier: nil, dashboard_path: nil> and #<PrometheusMetric id: 42, project_id: nil, title: [FILTERED], query: "avg(metric)", y_label: "y_labe...25 16:04:12", updated_at: "2020-08-25 16:04:12", common: true, identifier: nil, dashboard_path: nil>10168 with common10169 is expected to contain exactly #<PrometheusMetric id: 42, project_id: nil, title: [FILTERED], query: "avg(metric)", y_label: "y_labe...25 16:04:12", updated_at: "2020-08-25 16:04:12", common: true, identifier: nil, dashboard_path: nil> and #<PrometheusMetric id: 43, project_id: nil, title: [FILTERED], query: "avg(metric)", y_label: "Unique...12", updated_at: "2020-08-25 16:04:12", common: true, identifier: "identifier", dashboard_path: nil>10170 with ordered10171 is expected to eq [#<PrometheusMetric id: 43, project_id: nil, title: [FILTERED], query: "avg(metric)", y_label: "Uniqu...5 16:04:12", updated_at: "2020-08-25 16:04:12", common: true, identifier: nil, dashboard_path: nil>]10172 with indentifier10173 raises an error10174 with common10175 is expected to contain exactly #<PrometheusMetric id: 43, project_id: nil, title: [FILTERED], query: "avg(metric)", y_label: "Unique...12", updated_at: "2020-08-25 16:04:12", common: true, identifier: "identifier", dashboard_path: nil>10176 with id10177 raises an error10178 with id10179 is expected to contain exactly #<PrometheusMetric id: 42, project_id: nil, title: [FILTERED], query: "avg(metric)", y_label: "y_labe...25 16:04:12", updated_at: "2020-08-25 16:04:12", common: true, identifier: nil, dashboard_path: nil>10180 with multiple params10181 is expected to contain exactly #<PrometheusMetric id: 42, project_id: nil, title: [FILTERED], query: "avg(metric)", y_label: "y_labe...25 16:04:12", updated_at: "2020-08-25 16:04:12", common: true, identifier: nil, dashboard_path: nil>10182 without an appropriate index10183 raises an error10184 without params10185 raises an error10186Gitlab::DependencyLinker::CartfileLinker10187 .support?10188 supports Cartfile10189 supports Cartfile.private10190 does not support other files10191 #link10192 links dependencies10193 links Git repos10194 links binary-only frameworks10195Gitlab::Sherlock::LineProfiler10196 #profile10197 runs the profiler when using MRI10198 raises NotImplementedError when profiling an unsupported platform10199 #profile_mri10200 returns an Array containing the return value and profiling samples10201 #aggregate_rblineprof10202 returns an Array of FileSample objects10203 the first FileSample object10204 uses the correct file path10205 contains a list of line samples10206 contains the total file execution time10207 contains the total amount of file events10208Gitlab::PhabricatorImport::Conduit::Client10209 #get10210 performs and parses a request10211 wraps request errors in an `ApiError`10212 raises response error10213Gitlab::Ci::Build::Artifacts::ExpireInParser10214 .validate_duration10215 with never10216 is expected to be truthy10217 with never value camelized10218 is expected to be truthy10219 with a duration10220 is expected to be truthy10221 without a duration10222 is expected to be falsy10223 #seconds_from_now10224 with never10225 is expected to be nil10226 with an empty string10227 is expected to be nil10228 with a duration10229 is expected to within one second of 2020-08-26 16:04:18 UTC10230PersonalAccessTokens::CreateService10231 #execute10232 with valid params10233 creates personal access token record10234Gitlab::Daemon10235 .instance10236 provides instance of Daemon10237 subsequent invocations provide the same instance10238 creates at_exit hook when instance is created10239 when Daemon is enabled10240 when Daemon is stopped10241 #start10242 starts the Daemon10243 #stop10244 doesn't shutdown stopped Daemon10245 #start_working10246 when start_working fails10247 does not start thread10248 when Daemon is running10249 #start10250 doesn't start running Daemon10251 #stop10252 shutdowns Daemon10253 when stop_working raises exception10254#<Thread:0x00005596b81ce338@/builds/gitlab-org/gitlab/lib/gitlab/daemon.rb:42 run> terminated with exception (report_on_exception is true):10255/builds/gitlab-org/gitlab/vendor/ruby/2.6.0/gems/activesupport- `demodulize': Interrupt (Interrupt)10256 from /builds/gitlab-org/gitlab/vendor/ruby/2.6.0/gems/activesupport- `demodulize'10257 from /builds/gitlab-org/gitlab/lib/gitlab/daemon.rb:32:in `thread_name'10258 from /builds/gitlab-org/gitlab/lib/gitlab/daemon.rb:43:in `block (2 levels) in start'10259 shutdowns Daemon10260 when Daemon is disabled10261 #start10262 doesn't start working10263 #stop10264 doesn't stop working10265NamedEcdsaKeyValidator10266 with empty value10267 does not add any error if value is empty10268 when key is not EC10269 does not add any error10270 with ECDSA certificate with named curve10271 does not add any error10272 with ECDSA certificate with explicit curve params10273 adds errors10274Settings10275 omniauth10276 defaults to enabled10277 .load_dynamic_cron_schedules!10278 generates a valid cron schedule10279 .attr_encrypted_db_key_base_truncated10280 is a string with maximum 32 bytes size10281 .attr_encrypted_db_key_base_1210282 when db key base secret is less than 12 bytes10283 expands db key base secret to 12 bytes10284 when key has multiple multi-byte UTF chars exceeding 12 bytes10285 does not use more than 32 bytes10286 .attr_encrypted_db_key_base_3210287 when db key base secret is less than 32 bytes10288 expands db key base secret to 32 bytes10289 when db key base secret is 32 bytes10290 returns original value10291 when db key base contains multi-byte UTF character10292 does not use more than 32 bytes10293 when db key base multi-byte UTF chars exceeding 32 bytes10294 does not use more than 32 bytes10295 .cron_for_usage_ping10296 returns correct crontab for some manually calculated example10297 returns min, hour, day in the valid range10298RuboCop::Cop::Migration::AddLimitToTextColumns10299 in migration10300 when text columns are defined without a limit10301 registers an offense10302 when text columns are defined with a limit10303 registers no offense10304 when text array columns are defined without a limit10305 registers no offense10306 when the limit is defined for a same name attribute but different table10307 registers an offense10308 on down10309 registers no offense10310 outside of migration10311 registers no offense10312Grafana::Validator10313 validate!10314 does not raise an error10315 when query param "from" is not specified10316 behaves like processing error10317 raises a processing error10318 when query param "to" is not specified10319 behaves like processing error10320 raises a processing error10321 when the panel is not provided10322 behaves like processing error10323 raises a processing error10324 when the panel is not a graph10325 behaves like processing error10326 raises a processing error10327 when the panel is not a line graph10328 behaves like processing error10329 raises a processing error10330 when the query dashboard includes undefined variables10331 behaves like processing error10332 raises a processing error10333 when the expression contains unsupported global variables10334 behaves like processing error10335 raises a processing error10336 when the datasource is not proxyable10337 behaves like processing error10338 raises a processing error10339 when the datasource is not provided10340 does not raise an error10341 valid?10342 with valid arguments10343 is expected to equal true10344 with invalid arguments10345 is expected to equal false10346Gitlab::DependencyLinker::RequirementsTxtLinker10347 .support?10348 supports requirements.txt10349 supports doc-requirements.txt10350 does not support other files10351 #link10352 links dependencies10353 links URLs10354 does not contain link with a newline as package name10355RepositoryCheck::DispatchWorker10356 does nothing when repository checks are disabled10357 does nothing if the exclusive lease is taken10358 dispatches work to RepositoryCheck::BatchWorker10359 with unhealthy shard10360 only triggers RepositoryCheck::BatchWorker for healthy shards10361Projects::ContainerRepository::Gitlab::DeleteTagsService10362 #execute10363 with tags to delete10364 deletes the tags by name10365 succeeds when tag delete returns 40410366 succeeds when a tag delete returns 50010367 with failures10368 when the delete request fails10369 is expected to eq {:message=>"could not delete tags", :status=>:error}10370 with empty tags10371 does not remove anything10372ExpandVariables10373 #expand10374 table tests10375 no expansion10376 is expected to eq "key"10377 missing variable10378 is expected to eq "key"10379 simple expansion10380 is expected to eq "keyvalue"10381 simple with hash of variables10382 is expected to eq "keyvalue"10383 complex expansion10384 is expected to eq "keyvalue"10385 simple expansions10386 is expected to eq "keyvalueresult"10387 complex expansions10388 is expected to eq "keyvalueresult"10389 complex expansions with missing variable10390 is expected to eq "keyvalue"10391 out-of-order expansion10392 is expected to eq "keyresultvalue"10393 out-of-order complex expansion10394 is expected to eq "keyresultvalue"10395 review-apps expansion10396 is expected to eq "review/feature/add-review-apps"10397 do not lazily access variables when no expansion10398 is expected to eq "key"10399 lazily access variables10400 is expected to eq "keyvalue"10401 lazily inits variables10402 when expanding variable10403 calls block at most once10404 when no expansion is needed10405 does not call block10406Gitlab::Diff::Formatters::ImageFormatter10407 behaves like position formatter10408 #key10409 is expected to eq [123, 456, 789, "8b5f87754bd090b9e0837feef68f1737103de62b", "5b972068ce0905d88056d0c4b788554d34949d27", 1, 2]10410 #complete?10411 when there are missing key attributes10412 is expected to be truthy10413 when old_line and new_line are nil10414 is expected to be falsy10415 #to_h10416 when file_identifier_hash is disabled10417 is expected to eq {:base_sha=>123, :head_sha=>789, :height=>100, :new_path=>"new_image.png", :old_path=>"old_image.png", :position_type=>"image", :start_sha=>456, :width=>100, :x=>1, :y=>2}10418 when file_identifier_hash is enabled10419 is expected to eq {:base_sha=>123, :file_identifier_hash=>"777", :head_sha=>789, :height=>100, :new_path=>"", :old_path=>"old_image.png", :position_type=>"image", :start_sha=>456, :width=>100, :x=>1, :y=>2}10420 #==10421 is expected to eq #<Gitlab::Diff::Formatters::ImageFormatter:0x00005596aff3b088 @x=1, @y=2, @width=100, @height=100, @o...new_path="new_image.png", @file_identifier_hash="777", @base_sha=123, @start_sha=456, @head_sha=789>10422 #==10423 is expected to eq #<Gitlab::Diff::Formatters::ImageFormatter:0x00005596affc57d8 @x=1, @y=2, @width=100, @height=100, @o...new_path="new_image.png", @file_identifier_hash="777", @base_sha=123, @start_sha=456, @head_sha=789>10424 is expected not to eq #<Gitlab::Diff::Formatters::ImageFormatter:0x00005596b0063910 @x=1, @y=9, @width=100, @height=100, @o...new_path="new_image.png", @file_identifier_hash="777", @base_sha=123, @start_sha=456, @head_sha=789>10425 is expected not to eq #<Gitlab::Diff::Formatters::ImageFormatter:0x00005596b010fb98 @x=1, @y=9, @width=100, @height=100, @o...new_path="new_image.png", @file_identifier_hash="777", @base_sha=123, @start_sha=456, @head_sha=789>10426 is expected not to eq #<Gitlab::Diff::Formatters::ImageFormatter:0x00005596b0324410 @x=1, @y=9, @width=100, @height=100, @o...new_path="new_image.png", @file_identifier_hash="777", @base_sha=123, @start_sha=456, @head_sha=789>10427 is expected not to eq #<Gitlab::Diff::Formatters::ImageFormatter:0x00005596b05d99d0 @x=1, @y=9, @width=100, @height=100, @o...new_path="new_image.png", @file_identifier_hash="777", @base_sha=123, @start_sha=456, @head_sha=789>10428Gitlab::ExternalAuthorization::Logger10429 .log_access10430 logs a nice message for an access request10431 does not trip without a project path10432 adds the load time for cached accesses10433Gitlab::UntrustedRegexp::RubySyntax10434 .matches_syntax?10435 returns true if regexp is valid10436 returns true if regexp is invalid, but resembles regexp10437 .valid?10438 returns true if regexp is valid10439 returns false if regexp is invalid10440 .fabricate10441 when regexp is valid10442 fabricates regexp without flags10443 when regexp is empty10444 fabricates regexp correctly10445 when regexp is a raw pattern10446 returns error10447 .fabricate!10448 safe regexp is used10449 when regexp is using /regexp/ scheme with flags10450 fabricates regexp with a single flag10451 fabricates regexp with multiple flags10452 fabricates regexp without flags10453 when unsafe regexp is used10454 when no fallback is enabled10455 raises an exception10456 when fallback is used10457 fabricates regexp with a single flag10458 fabricates regexp with multiple flags10459 fabricates regexp without flags10460 when regexp is a raw pattern10461 raises an error10462SidekiqHelper10463 parse_sidekiq_ps10464 parses line with time10465 parses line with date10466 parses line with two digit date10467 parses line with dot as float separator10468 parses OSX output10469 parses Ubuntu output10470 parses Debian output10471 parses OpenBSD output10472 does fail gracefully on line not matching the format10473Gitlab::Config::Entry::Attributable10474 when config is a hash10475 returns the value of config10476 returns no method error for unknown attributes10477 when config is not a hash10478 returns nil10479 when method is already defined in a superclass10480 raises an error10481Gitlab::IncomingEmail10482 self.enabled?10483 when reply by email is enabled10484 returns true10485 when reply by email is disabled10486 returns false10487 self.supports_wildcard?10488 address contains the wildcard placeholder10489 confirms that wildcard is supported10490 address doesn't contain the wildcard placeholder10491 returns that wildcard is not supported10492 address is not set10493 returns that wildcard is not supported10494 self.unsubscribe_address10495 returns the address with interpolated reply key and unsubscribe suffix10496 self.reply_address10497 returns the address with an interpolated reply key10498 self.key_from_address10499 returns reply key10500 does not match emails with extra bits10501 when a custom wildcard address is used10502 finds key if email matches address pattern10503 self.key_from_fallback_message_id10504 returns reply key10505 self.scan_fallback_references10506 returns reply key10507Gitlab::HealthChecks::Probes::Collection10508 #execute10509 with all checks10510 responds with readiness checks data10511 when Redis fails10512 responds with failure10513 when check raises exception not handled inside the check10514 responds with failure including the exception info10515 without checks10516 responds with success10517ExclusiveLeaseGuard10518 #try_obtain_lease10519 obtains the lease, calls internal_method and releases the lease10520 when the lease is already obtained10521 does not call internal_method but logs error10522 with overwritten lease_release?10523 does not release the lease after execution10524 #exclusive_lease10525 uses the class name as lease key10526 with overwritten lease_key10527 uses the custom lease key10528 #release_lease10529 sends a cancel message to ExclusiveLease10530 #renew_lease!10531 sends a renew message to the exclusive_lease instance10532RuboCop::Cop::Gitlab::ModuleWithInstanceVariables10533 when source is a regular module10534 behaves like registering offense10535 registers an offense when instance variable is used in a module10536 when source is a nested module10537 behaves like registering offense10538 registers an offense when instance variable is used in a module10539 when source is a nested module with multiple offenses10540 behaves like registering offense10541 registers an offense when instance variable is used in a module10542 when source is using simple or ivar assignment10543 behaves like not registering offense10544 does not register offenses10545 when source is using simple ivar10546 behaves like not registering offense10547 does not register offenses10548 when source is defining initialize10549 behaves like not registering offense10550 does not register offenses10551 when source is using simple or ivar assignment with other ivar10552 behaves like registering offense10553 registers an offense when instance variable is used in a module10554 when source is using or ivar assignment with something else10555 behaves like registering offense10556 registers an offense when instance variable is used in a module10557Gitlab::Diff::StatsCache10558 VERSION is set10559 #read10560 returns the expected stats10561 #write_if_empty10562 when the cache already exists10563 does not write the stats10564 when the cache does not exist10565 writes the stats10566 when given non utf-8 characters10567 writes the stats10568 when given empty stats10569 does not write the stats10570 #clear10571 clears cache10572 with multiple cache versions10573 does not read from a stale cache10574TestReportsComparerSerializer10575 #to_json10576 when head and base reports include two test suites10577 when the status of head report is success10578 matches the schema10579 when the status of head report is failed10580 matches the schema10581 when the status of head report is resolved10582 matches the schema10583Import::GithubService10584 when remove_legacy_github_client feature flag is enabled10585 raises an exception for unknown error causes10586 do not raise an exception on input error10587 logs the original error10588 returns an error10589 when remove_legacy_github_client feature flag is enabled10590 raises an exception for unknown error causes10591 do not raise an exception on input error10592 logs the original error10593 returns an error10594Gitlab::GrapeLogging::Loggers::ExceptionLogger10595 .parameters10596 when no exception is available10597 returns an empty hash10598 with a response10599 with a String response10600 logs the response body10601 with an Array response10602 casts all elements to strings10603 with a Rack BodyProxy response10604 logs the response body10605 unauthorized error10606 does not log an api_error field10607 HTTP success10608 does not log an api_error field10609 when an exception is available10610 returns the correct fields10611 with backtrace10612 includes the backtrace10613Packages::Composer::PackagesPresenter10614 #package_versions10615 returns the packages json10616 #provider10617 returns the provider json10618 #root10619 returns the provider json10620Gitlab::Auth::KeyStatusChecker10621 #show_console_message?10622 for an expired key10623 is expected to eq true10624 for a key expiring in the next 7 days10625 is expected to eq true10626 for a key expiring after the next 7 days10627 is expected to eq false10628 for a key that never expires10629 is expected to eq false10630 #console_message10631 for an expired key10632 is expected to eq "INFO: Your SSH key has expired. Please generate a new key."10633 for a key expiring in the next 7 days10634 is expected to eq "INFO: Your SSH key is expiring soon. Please generate a new key."10635 for a key expiring after the next 7 days10636 is expected to be nil10637 for a key that never expires10638 is expected to be nil10639Gitlab::Ci::Build::Artifacts::Path10640 #valid?10641 when path contains a zero character10642 is not valid10643 when path is not utf8 string10644 is not valid10645 when path is valid10646 is valid10647 #directory?10648 when path ends with a directory indicator10649 is a directory10650 when path does not end with a directory indicator10651 is not a directory10652 #name10653 returns a base name10654 #nodes10655 returns number of path nodes10656 #to_s10657 when path is valid10658 returns a string representation of a path10659 when path is invalid10660 raises an error10661RuboCop::Cop::Graphql::AuthorizeTypes10662 adds an offense when there is no authorize call10663 does not add an offense for classes that have an authorize call10664 does not add an offense for classes that only have an authorize call10665 does not add an offense for base types10666 does not add an offense for Enums10667Gitlab::Pagination::Keyset::RequestContext10668 #page10669 with only order_by given10670 extracts order_by/sorting information10671 with order_by and sort given10672 extracts order_by/sorting information and adds tie breaker10673 with no order_by information given10674 defaults to tie breaker10675 with per_page params given10676 extracts per_page information10677 #apply_headers10678 sets Links header with same host/path as the original request10679 sets Links header with a link to the next page10680 with descending order10681 sets Links header with a link to the next page10682Gitlab::CycleAnalytics::ProductionStage10683 behaves like base stage10684 has the median data value10685 has the median data stage10686 has the median data description10687 has the title10688 has the events10689Gitlab::RequestForgeryProtection10690 .call10691 when the request method is GET10692 does not raise an exception10693 when the request method is POST10694 when the CSRF token is valid10695 does not raise an exception10696 when the CSRF token is invalid10697 raises an ActionController::InvalidAuthenticityToken exception10698 .verified?10699 when the request method is GET10700 returns true10701 when the request method is POST10702 when the CSRF token is valid10703 returns true10704 when the CSRF token is invalid10705 returns false10706Gitlab::ImportExport::JSON::LegacyWriter10707 #write_attributes10708 writes correct json10709 when invalid path is used10710 raises an exception10711 #write_relation10712 when key is already written10713 raises exception10714 when key is not already written10715 when multiple key value pairs are stored10716 writes correct json10717 when invalid path is used10718 raises an exception10719 #write_relation_array10720 when array is used10721 writes correct json10722 when enumerable is used10723 writes correct json10724 when key is already written10725 raises an exception10726Banzai::Filter::FrontMatterFilter10727 allows for `encoding:` before the front matter10728 converts YAML front matter to a fenced code block10729 converts TOML frontmatter to a fenced code block10730 converts JSON front matter to a fenced code block10731 converts arbitrary front matter to a fenced code block10732 on content without front matter10733 returns the content unmodified10734 on front matter without content10735 converts YAML front matter to a fenced code block10736Gitlab::ConanToken10737 .from_personal_access_token10738 sets access token id and user id10739 .from_job10740 sets access token id and user id10741 .from_deploy_token10742 sets access token id and user id10743 .decode10744 sets access token id and user id10745 returns nil for invalid JWT10746 returns nil for expired JWT10747 #to_jwt10748 returns the encoded JWT10749RuboCop::Cop::API::GrapeArrayMissingCoerce10750 adds an offense with a required parameter10751 adds an offense with an optional parameter10752 does not add an offense10753 does not add an offense for unrelated classes10754Gitlab::Database::SimilarityScore10755 when passing empty values10756 when search is nil10757 orders by a constant 0 value10758 when rules are empty10759 orders by a constant 0 value10760 when similarity scoring based on the path10761 when searching for `git`10762 is expected to eq ["git", "gitlab", "gitaly"]10763 when searching for `gitlab`10764 is expected to eq ["gitlab", "gitlab-styles", "gitlab-danger"]10765 when searching for something unrelated10766 results have 0 similarity score10767 score multiplier10768 ranks `path` matches higher10769RuboCop::Cop::Gitlab::PredicateMemoization10770 when source is a predicate method memoizing via ivar10771 behaves like registering offense10772 registers an offense when a predicate method is memoizing via ivar10773 behaves like registering offense10774 registers an offense when a predicate method is memoizing via ivar10775 when source is a predicate method using ivar with assignment10776 behaves like not registering offense10777 does not register offenses10778 when source is a predicate method using local with ||=10779 behaves like not registering offense10780 does not register offenses10781 when source is a regular method memoizing via ivar10782 behaves like not registering offense10783 does not register offenses10784Gitlab::Application10785 when parameters are logged10786 rails does not leak confidential parameters10787 input_url: "/", output_query: {}10788 is expected to eq {}10789 input_url: "/?safe=1", output_query: {"safe"=>"1"}10790 is expected to eq {"safe"=>"1"}10791 input_url: "/?private_token=secret", output_query: {"private_token"=>"[FILTERED]"}10792 is expected to eq {"private_token"=>"[FILTERED]"}10793 input_url: "/?mixed=1&private_token=secret", output_query: {"mixed"=>"1", "private_token"=>"[FILTERED]"}10794 is expected to eq {"mixed"=>"1", "private_token"=>"[FILTERED]"}10795 input_url: "/?note=secret¬eable=1&prefix_note=2", output_query: {"note"=>"[FILTERED]", "noteable"=>"1", "prefix_note"=>"2"}10796 is expected to eq {"note"=>"[FILTERED]", "noteable"=>"1", "prefix_note"=>"2"}10797 input_url: "/?note[note]=secret&target_type=1", output_query: {"note"=>"[FILTERED]", "target_type"=>"1"}10798 is expected to eq {"note"=>"[FILTERED]", "target_type"=>"1"}10799 input_url: "/?safe[note]=secret&target_type=1", output_query: {"safe"=>{"note"=>"[FILTERED]"}, "target_type"=>"1"}10800 is expected to eq {"safe"=>{"note"=>"[FILTERED]"}, "target_type"=>"1"}10801API::Helpers::CommonHelpers10802 .coerce_nil_params_to_array!10803 converts all nil parameters to empty arrays10804 leaves non-nil parameters alone10805TestReportsComparerEntity10806 #as_json10807 when head and base reports include two test suites10808 when the status of head report is success10809 contains correct compared test reports details10810 when the status of head report is failed10811 contains correct compared test reports details10812 when the status of head report is resolved10813 contains correct compared test reports details10814Gitlab::Sherlock::LineSample10815 #duration10816 returns the duration10817 #events10818 returns the amount of events10819 #percentage_of10820 returns the percentage of 1500.010821 #majority_of10822 returns true if the sample takes up the majority of the given duration10823 returns false if the sample doesn't take up the majority of the given duration10824ExternalIssue10825 modules10826 is expected to includes the Referable module10827 #to_reference10828 returns a String reference to the object10829 #title10830 returns a title10831 #reference_link_text10832 if issue id has a prefix10833 returns the issue ID10834 if issue id is a number10835 returns the issue ID prefixed by #10836 #project_id10837 returns the ID of the project10838 #hash10839 returns the hash of its [class, to_s] pair10840RuboCop::Cop::Scalability::BulkPerformWithContext10841 adds an offense when calling bulk_perform_async10842 adds an offense when calling bulk_perform_in10843 does not add an offense for migrations10844 does not add an offence for specs10845 does not add an offense for scheduling BackgroundMigrations10846Gitlab::Analytics::CycleAnalytics::StageEvents::IssueFirstMentionedInCommit10847 behaves like cycle analytics event10848 is expected to be a kind of String10849 is expected to be a kind of Symbol10850 is expected to include ApplicationRecord(abstract)10851 is expected to respond to #timestamp_projection10852 is expected to be a kind of Array10853 #apply_query_customization10854 expects an ActiveRecord::Relation object as argument and returns a modified version of it10855Gitlab::Config::Entry::Undefined10856 #leaf?10857 is leaf node10858 #valid?10859 is always valid10860 #errors10861 is does not contain errors10862 #value10863 returns nil10864 #relevant?10865 is not relevant10866 #specified?10867 is not defined10868Gitlab::Ci::Config::Entry::Variables10869 validations10870 when entry config value is correct10871 #value10872 returns hash with key value strings10873 with numeric keys and values in the config10874 converts numeric key and numeric value into strings10875 #errors10876 does not append errors10877 #valid?10878 is valid10879 when entry value is not correct10880 #errors10881 saves errors10882 #valid?10883 is not valid10884Banzai::Filter::AbsoluteLinkFilter10885 with html links10886 if only_path is false10887 has the .gfm class10888 converts a relative url into absolute10889 does not change the url if it already absolute10890 if relative_url_root is set10891 joins the url without doubling the path10892 has not the .gfm class10893 does not convert a relative url into absolute10894 if only_path is not false10895 does not convert a relative url into absolute10896Stepable10897 stops after the first non success status10898 when all methods return success10899 calls all methods in order10900 merges variables returned by all steps10901 can modify results of previous steps10902 with multiple stepable classes10903 does not leak steps10904SelfMonitoringProjectDeleteWorker10905 #perform10906 behaves like executes service10907 runs the service10908 .status10909 behaves like returns in_progress based on Sidekiq::Status10910 returns true when job is enqueued10911 returns false when job does not exist10912Gitlab::Ci::Status::Preparing10913 #text10914 is expected to eq "preparing"10915 #label10916 is expected to eq "preparing"10917 #icon10918 is expected to eq "status_preparing"10919 #favicon10920 is expected to eq "favicon_status_preparing"10921 #group10922 is expected to eq "preparing"10923RuboCop::Cop::SafeParams10924 flags the params as an argument of url_for10925 flags the merged params as an argument of url_for10926 flags the merged params arg as an argument of url_for10927 does not flag other argument of url_for10928Banzai::Filter::ImageLazyLoadFilter10929 adds a class attribute10930 appends to the current class attribute10931 transforms the image src to a data-src10932 works with external images10933ProjectServiceWorker#perform10934 executes service with given data10935 logs error messages10936Sidekiq::Cron::Job10937 cron jobs10938 when Fugit depends on ZoTime or EoTime10939 does not get any errors10940PagerDuty::WebhookPayloadParser10941 .call10942 when payload is a correct PagerDuty payload10943 returns parsed payload10944 when assignments summary and html_url are blank10945 returns parsed payload with blank assignees10946 when impacted_services summary and html_url are blank10947 returns parsed payload with blank assignees10948 when payload has no incidents10949 returns payload with blank incidents10950API::Entities::Nuget::Metadatum10951 is expected to eq {:iconUrl=>"", :licenseUrl=>"", :projectUrl=>""}10952 metadatum without project_url10953 is expected to eq {:iconUrl=>"", :licenseUrl=>""}10954 metadatum without license_url10955 is expected to eq {:iconUrl=>"", :projectUrl=>""}10956 metadatum without icon_url10957 is expected to eq {:licenseUrl=>"", :projectUrl=>""}10958Gitlab::ImportExport::AttributesPermitter10959 #permitted_attributes10960 builds permitted attributes hash10961 #permit10962 only allows permitted attributes10963 #permitted_attributes_for10964 returns an array of permitted attributes for a relation10965Gitlab::Audit::NullAuthor10966 .for10967 returns an DeletedAuthor10968 returns an UnauthenticatedAuthor when id equals -110969 #current_sign_in_ip10970 is expected to be nil10971Types::AwardEmojis::AwardEmojiType10972 is expected to eq "AwardEmoji"10973 is expected to require graphql authorizations :read_emoji10974 is expected to have graphql fields :description, :unicode_version, :emoji, :name, :unicode, and :user10975Gitlab::TabWidth10976 .css_class_for_user10977 returns default CSS class when user is nil10978 returns CSS class for user's tab width10979 raises if tab width is out of valid range10980Gitlab::GithubImport::ObjectImporter10981 #import10982 imports the object10983 #counter10984 returns a Prometheus counter10985Gitlab::StringRangeMarker10986 #mark10987 when the rich text is html safe10988 marks the inline diffs10989 when the rich text is not html safe10990 when rich text equals raw text10991 marks the inline diffs10992 when rich text doeas not equal raw text10993 marks the inline diffs10994Types::RootStorageStatisticsType10995 is expected to eq "RootStorageStatistics"10996 has all the required fields10997 is expected to require graphql authorizations :read_statistics10998JiraTrackerData10999 Associations11000 is expected to belong to service required:11001 deployment_type11002 is expected to define :deployment_type as an enum, backed by an integer, using a prefix of :deployment, with possible values ‹[:unknown, :server, :cloud]›11003Gitlab::TcpChecker11004 #check11005 can connect to an open port11006 fails to connect to a closed port11007Gitlab::GithubImport::SequentialImporter11008 #execute11009 imports a project in sequence11010Types::CommitActionModeEnum11011 is expected to eq "CommitActionMode"11012 exposes all the existing commit actions11013Types::Snippets::BlobActionInputType11014 is expected to eq "SnippetBlobActionInputType"11015 has the correct arguments11016 sets the type of action argument to BlobActionEnum11017Types::Projects::Services::JiraServiceType11018 is expected to eq "JiraService"11019 has basic expected fields11020 is expected to require graphql authorizations :admin_project11021Projects::ImportErrorFilter11022 filters any full paths11023 filters any relative paths ignoring single slash ones11024Types::ReleaseAssetLinkType11025 is expected to require graphql authorizations :read_release11026 has the expected fields11027RuboCop::Cop::Migration::AddIndex11028 in migration11029 registers an offense when add_index is used11030 outside of migration11031 registers no offense11032EntityRequest11033 methods created11034 defines accessible attributes11035 raises error when attribute is not defined11036Types::ContainerExpirationPolicyCadenceEnum11037 behaves like exposing container expiration policy option11038 exposes all options11039 uses all possible options from model11040Types::IssuableStateEnum11041 is expected to eq "IssuableState"11042 behaves like issuable state11043 exposes all the existing issuable states11044UserPresenter11045 #web_path11046 is expected to eq "/user3041"11047 #web_url11048 is expected to eq "http://localhost/user3041"11049Types::Tree::TreeEntryType11050 is expected to eq "TreeEntry"11051 is expected to have graphql fields :id, :sha, :name, :type, :path, :flat_path, :web_url, and :web_path11052Notes::RenderService11053 #execute11054 renders a Note11055RuboCop::Cop::IgnoredColumns11056 flags the use of destroy_all with a local variable receiver11057RuboCop::Cop::Gitlab::ChangeTimezone11058 registers an offense with no 2nd argument11060Backup::Uploads11061 #initialize11062 uses the correct upload dir11063Banzai::Querying11064 .css11065 optimizes queries for elements with classes11066Gitlab::Metrics::Dashboard::Validator::CustomFormats11067 #format_handlers11068 add_to_metric_id_cache11069 adds data to metric id cache11070Forever11071 .date11072 returns Postgresql future date11073DeferScriptTagHelper11074 script tag11075 returns an script tag with defer=true11076ForkNamespaceSerializer11077 represents ForkNamespaceEntity entities11078Knapsack report was generated. Preview:11080 "spec/services/ci/pipeline_processing/atomic_processing_service_spec.rb": 155.19785690307617,11081 "spec/lib/gitlab/import_export/fast_hash_serializer_spec.rb": 112.59743642807007,11082 "spec/models/concerns/ci/has_status_spec.rb": 70.75226378440857,11083 "spec/models/ci/job_artifact_spec.rb": 54.8732123374939,11084 "spec/services/issuable/bulk_update_service_spec.rb": 40.80329418182373,11085 "spec/lib/gitlab/project_template_spec.rb": 41.85327696800232,11086 "spec/lib/gitlab/project_search_results_spec.rb": 34.14412331581116,11087 "spec/serializers/pipeline_serializer_spec.rb": 35.395869731903076,11088 "spec/lib/gitlab/database/migration_helpers_spec.rb": 22.380035638809204,11089 "spec/services/labels/promote_service_spec.rb": 28.102296590805054,11090 "spec/rack_servers/puma_spec.rb": 17.045627117156982,11091 "spec/db/schema_spec.rb": 19.119235277175903,11092 "spec/services/issues/build_service_spec.rb": 15.210339546203613,11093 "spec/finders/releases_finder_spec.rb": 18.6226007938385,11094 "spec/lib/gitlab/legacy_github_import/pull_request_formatter_spec.rb": 16.183058977127075,11095 "spec/lib/gitlab/import_export/import_export_equivalence_spec.rb": 14.734068393707275,11096 "spec/lib/gitlab/diff/position_spec.rb": 14.28061032295227,11097 "spec/services/todos/destroy/private_features_service_spec.rb": 10.343533277511597,11098 "spec/models/label_spec.rb": 8.587618112564087,11099 "spec/lib/gitlab/cycle_analytics/usage_data_spec.rb": 11.72373628616333,11100 "spec/services/ci/unlock_artifacts_service_spec.rb": 11.928160905838013,11101 "spec/lib/gitlab/email/handler/service_desk_handler_spec.rb": 9.473908424377441,11102 "spec/models/project_services/buildkite_service_spec.rb": 8.756418943405151,11103 "spec/lib/gitlab/auth/auth_finders_spec.rb": 7.954165935516357,11104 "spec/models/concerns/milestoneable_spec.rb": 8.083598375320435,11105 "spec/services/git/tag_hooks_service_spec.rb": 6.835965633392334,11106 "spec/services/branches/delete_merged_service_spec.rb": 7.3147406578063965,11107 "spec/services/clusters/applications/check_uninstall_progress_service_spec.rb": 6.932311773300171,11108 "spec/helpers/blob_helper_spec.rb": 7.93117880821228,11109 "spec/services/projects/after_rename_service_spec.rb": 6.35856556892395,11110 "spec/models/ci/group_spec.rb": 6.470444202423096,11111 "spec/services/groups/import_export/export_service_spec.rb": 4.706945419311523,11112 "spec/lib/gitlab/import_export/project/object_builder_spec.rb": 4.995048522949219,11113 "spec/lib/gitlab/ci/build/rules_spec.rb": 5.3474462032318115,11114 "spec/services/gpg_keys/destroy_service_spec.rb": 4.324915885925293,11115 "spec/presenters/project_clusterable_presenter_spec.rb": 5.220925807952881,11116 "spec/lib/gitlab/search/found_blob_spec.rb": 4.991205215454102,11117 "spec/services/packages/npm/create_tag_service_spec.rb": 5.343400239944458,11118 "spec/services/packages/conan/search_service_spec.rb": 4.580286264419556,11119 "spec/services/projects/alerting/notify_service_spec.rb": 3.4503562450408936,11120 "spec/services/issuable/common_system_notes_service_spec.rb": 4.68146276473999,11121 "spec/models/prometheus_alert_event_spec.rb": 4.736233472824097,11122 "spec/lib/gitlab/multi_collection_paginator_spec.rb": 4.788902282714844,11123 "spec/workers/prune_old_events_worker_spec.rb": 4.626348257064819,11124 "spec/services/verify_pages_domain_service_spec.rb": 3.83882999420166,11125 "spec/lib/gitlab/template/merge_request_template_spec.rb": 3.441214084625244,11126 "spec/workers/incident_management/process_alert_worker_spec.rb": 4.316549062728882,11127 "spec/serializers/ci/dag_job_entity_spec.rb": 3.4421322345733643,11128 "spec/services/labels/find_or_create_service_spec.rb": 3.3165817260742188,11129 "spec/lib/gitlab/metrics/dashboard/processor_spec.rb": 3.82094144821167,11130 "spec/lib/api/entities/snippet_spec.rb": 2.799245595932007,11131 "spec/policies/board_policy_spec.rb": 3.366834878921509,11132 "spec/models/concerns/ci/has_ref_spec.rb": 2.561018705368042,11133 "spec/lib/gitlab/file_finder_spec.rb": 2.8872835636138916,11134 "spec/services/clusters/applications/patch_service_spec.rb": 2.814249277114868,11135 "spec/workers/project_export_worker_spec.rb": 3.0226807594299316,11136 "spec/models/project_services/mattermost_slash_commands_service_spec.rb": 3.269022226333618,11137 "spec/lib/gitlab/template/issue_template_spec.rb": 3.311044216156006,11138 "spec/services/metrics/dashboard/clone_dashboard_service_spec.rb": 2.9666929244995117,11139 "spec/uploaders/import_export_uploader_spec.rb": 2.442016839981079,11140 "spec/services/ci/create_pipeline_service/parent_child_pipeline_spec.rb": 2.6819472312927246,11141 "spec/serializers/web_ide_terminal_entity_spec.rb": 2.653014898300171,11142 "spec/lib/gitlab/checks/diff_check_spec.rb": 3.1756627559661865,11143 "spec/lib/gitlab/ci/charts_spec.rb": 1.9500823020935059,11144 "spec/lib/gitlab/email/smime/certificate_spec.rb": 1.360168218612671,11145 "spec/models/milestone_release_spec.rb": 2.4939661026000977,11146 "spec/workers/chat_notification_worker_spec.rb": 3.0787339210510254,11147 "spec/services/discussions/capture_diff_note_position_service_spec.rb": 2.4082021713256836,11148 "spec/serializers/group_child_serializer_spec.rb": 2.5449843406677246,11149 "spec/models/cycle_analytics/project_level_spec.rb": 2.6651206016540527,11150 "spec/graphql/mutations/alert_management/alerts/set_assignees_spec.rb": 1.8931231498718262,11151 "spec/models/grafana_integration_spec.rb": 1.6852390766143799,11152 "spec/models/badge_spec.rb": 2.1568443775177,11153 "spec/serializers/stage_serializer_spec.rb": 1.9580535888671875,11154 "spec/lib/gitlab/url_blocker_spec.rb": 2.1680684089660645,11155 "spec/workers/export_csv_worker_spec.rb": 2.0219526290893555,11156 "spec/uploaders/namespace_file_uploader_spec.rb": 1.681523084640503,11157 "spec/lib/gitlab/ci/pipeline/seed/environment_spec.rb": 2.3539535999298096,11158 "spec/workers/packages/nuget/extraction_worker_spec.rb": 1.8180859088897705,11159 "spec/models/tree_spec.rb": 1.8041296005249023,11160 "spec/graphql/mutations/todos/restore_many_spec.rb": 1.6583969593048096,11161 "spec/graphql/resolvers/snippets_resolver_spec.rb": 1.7285819053649902,11162 "spec/lib/gitlab/fogbugz_import/importer_spec.rb": 1.4147214889526367,11163 "spec/views/projects/merge_requests/diffs/_diffs.html.haml_spec.rb": 1.4586374759674072,11164 "spec/views/projects/pipelines/show.html.haml_spec.rb": 1.1308348178863525,11165 "spec/db/production/settings_spec.rb": 1.3268346786499023,11166 "spec/lib/gitlab/import_export/lfs_saver_spec.rb": 1.6968014240264893,11167 "spec/lib/gitlab/optimistic_locking_spec.rb": 1.2423534393310547,11168 "spec/workers/hashed_storage/rollbacker_worker_spec.rb": 0.7522408962249756,11169 "spec/services/resource_events/synthetic_label_notes_builder_service_spec.rb": 1.3645176887512207,11170 "spec/services/compare_service_spec.rb": 1.4071624279022217,11171 "spec/finders/design_management/designs_finder_spec.rb": 1.5014424324035645,11172 "spec/services/ci/create_pipeline_service/parameter_content_spec.rb": 1.0077424049377441,11173 "spec/services/metrics/dashboard/cluster_metrics_embed_service_spec.rb": 1.422661304473877,11174 "spec/workers/hashed_storage/project_rollback_worker_spec.rb": 0.7392427921295166,11175 "spec/lib/gitlab/ci/config/entry/job_spec.rb": 1.2784223556518555,11176 "spec/workers/group_import_worker_spec.rb": 0.8749732971191406,11177 "spec/models/user_callout_spec.rb": 0.778005838394165,11178 "spec/services/x509_certificate_revoke_service_spec.rb": 0.9840445518493652,11179 "spec/lib/gitlab/import_export/references_configuration_spec.rb": 1.1134672164916992,11180 "spec/serializers/web_ide_terminal_serializer_spec.rb": 0.6016876697540283,11181 "spec/services/jira_import/users_importer_spec.rb": 1.0046472549438477,11182 "spec/serializers/evidences/evidence_entity_spec.rb": 0.7929270267486572,11183 "spec/lib/gitlab/static_site_editor/config_spec.rb": 0.6924407482147217,11184 "spec/serializers/merge_request_for_pipeline_entity_spec.rb": 0.6295745372772217,11185 "spec/lib/api/entities/project_import_status_spec.rb": 0.852452278137207,11186 "spec/models/ci/resource_spec.rb": 1.0498888492584229,11187 "spec/graphql/resolvers/design_management/design_resolver_spec.rb": 0.8505468368530273,11188 "spec/lib/gitlab/bitbucket_import/wiki_formatter_spec.rb": 0.8205838203430176,11189 "spec/policies/application_setting/term_policy_spec.rb": 0.5805628299713135,11190 "spec/lib/gitlab/cycle_analytics/test_event_fetcher_spec.rb": 0.6909434795379639,11191 "spec/lib/gitlab/data_builder/wiki_page_spec.rb": 1.2160985469818115,11192 "spec/views/shared/milestones/_top.html.haml_spec.rb": 0.411332368850708,11193 "spec/models/fork_network_member_spec.rb": 0.9606432914733887,11194 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relative11357 # Path not set, skipping.11358 # ./spec/support/shared_examples/uploaders/gitlab_uploader_shared_examples.rb:3911359 4) ImportExportUploader object_store is REMOTE behaves like builds correct paths .absolute_path behaves like matches the method pattern 11360 # No pattern provided, skipping.11361 # ./spec/support/shared_examples/uploaders/gitlab_uploader_shared_examples.rb:811362 5) ImportExportUploader object_store is REMOTE behaves like builds correct paths .base_dir behaves like matches the method pattern 11363 # No pattern provided, skipping.11364 # ./spec/support/shared_examples/uploaders/gitlab_uploader_shared_examples.rb:811365 6) NamespaceFileUploader behaves like builds correct paths #cache_dir behaves like matches the method pattern 11366 # No pattern provided, skipping.11367 # ./spec/support/shared_examples/uploaders/gitlab_uploader_shared_examples.rb:811368 7) NamespaceFileUploader behaves like builds correct paths #work_dir behaves like matches the method pattern 11369 # No pattern provided, skipping.11370 # ./spec/support/shared_examples/uploaders/gitlab_uploader_shared_examples.rb:811371 8) NamespaceFileUploader behaves like builds correct paths #relative_path is relative11372 # Path not set, skipping.11373 # ./spec/support/shared_examples/uploaders/gitlab_uploader_shared_examples.rb:3911374 9) NamespaceFileUploader behaves like builds correct paths .base_dir behaves like matches the method pattern 11375 # No pattern provided, skipping.11376 # ./spec/support/shared_examples/uploaders/gitlab_uploader_shared_examples.rb:811377 10) NamespaceFileUploader object_store is REMOTE behaves like builds correct paths #cache_dir behaves like matches the method pattern 11378 # No pattern provided, skipping.11379 # ./spec/support/shared_examples/uploaders/gitlab_uploader_shared_examples.rb:811380 11) NamespaceFileUploader object_store is REMOTE behaves like builds correct paths #work_dir behaves like matches the method pattern 11381 # No pattern provided, skipping.11382 # ./spec/support/shared_examples/uploaders/gitlab_uploader_shared_examples.rb:811383 12) NamespaceFileUploader object_store is REMOTE behaves like builds correct paths #relative_path is relative11384 # Path not set, skipping.11385 # ./spec/support/shared_examples/uploaders/gitlab_uploader_shared_examples.rb:3911386 13) NamespaceFileUploader object_store is REMOTE behaves like builds correct paths .absolute_path behaves like matches the method pattern 11387 # No pattern provided, skipping.11388 # ./spec/support/shared_examples/uploaders/gitlab_uploader_shared_examples.rb:811389 14) NamespaceFileUploader object_store is REMOTE behaves like builds correct paths .base_dir behaves like matches the method pattern 11390 # No pattern provided, skipping.11391 # ./spec/support/shared_examples/uploaders/gitlab_uploader_shared_examples.rb:811392Finished in 31 minutes 32 seconds (files took 1 minute 10.28 seconds to load)113935299 examples, 0 failures, 14 pending11394Tue Aug 25 16:05:48 UTC 202011396Not uploading cache rails-v2-3 due to policy11398Uploading artifacts...11399coverage/: found 5 matching files and directories 11400knapsack/: found 3 matching files and directories 11401rspec_flaky/: found 4 matching files and directories 11402rspec_profiling/: found 2 matching files and directories 11403WARNING: tmp/capybara/: no matching files 11404tmp/memory_test/: found 2 matching files and directories 11405log/*.log: found 16 matching files and directories 11406Uploading artifacts as "archive" to coordinator... ok id=702959671 responseStatus=201 Created token=zHrvzqWv11407Uploading artifacts...11408junit_rspec.xml: found 1 matching files and directories 11409Uploading artifacts as "junit" to coordinator... ok id=702959671 responseStatus=201 Created token=zHrvzqWv11410Job succeeded