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Frédéric Caplette
13.4.42Bundler version 2.4.43Successfully installed bundler-2.4.1141 gem installed5production:development6Settings are listed in order of priority. The top value will be used.7clean8Set for your local app (/builds/gitlab-org/gitlab/.bundle/config): true9frozen10Set via BUNDLE_FROZEN: true11install_flags12Set via BUNDLE_INSTALL_FLAGS: "--jobs=$(nproc) --retry=3"13path14Set for your local app (/builds/gitlab-org/gitlab/.bundle/config): "/builds/gitlab-org/gitlab/vendor"15without16Set via BUNDLE_WITHOUT: [:production, :development]17$ bundle install --jobs=$(nproc) --retry=3 18Don't run Bundler as root. Installing your bundle as root will break this19application for all non-root users on this machine.20Patching bundler with bundler-checksum...21Fetching gem metadata from rake 13.0.623Using rexml 3.2.624Using RedCloth 4.3.325Using faraday-em_http 1.0.026Using faraday-excon 1.1.027Using faraday-httpclient 1.0.128Using multipart-post 2.2.329Using faraday-net_http 1.0.130Using faraday-net_http_persistent 1.2.031Using faraday-em_synchrony 1.0.032Using faraday-rack 1.0.033Using faraday-retry 1.0.334Using ruby2_keywords 0.0.535Using concurrent-ruby 1.2.336Using minitest 5.11.337Using builder 3.2.438Using faraday-patron 1.0.039Using erubi 1.12.040Using racc 1.6.241Using crass 1.0.642Using rack nio4r 2.7.044Using websocket-extensions 0.1.545Using marcel 1.0.246Using date 3.3.347Using timeout 0.3.248Using pg 1.5.649Using mini_mime 1.1.250Using public_suffix 5.0.051Using aes_key_wrap 1.1.052Using akismet 3.0.053Using unf_ext http-accept 1.7.055Using mime-types-data 3.2023.100356Using netrc 0.11.057Using sexp_processor 4.17.158Using sync 0.5.059Using android_key_attestation 0.3.060Using base64 0.2.061Using jwt 2.5.062Using arr-pm 0.0.1263Using asciidoctor 2.0.1864Using ast 2.4.265Using attr_required 1.0.166Using awesome_print 1.9.267Using awrence 1.2.168Using aws-eventstream 1.3.069Using aws-partitions 1.877.070Using jmespath 1.6.271Using dumb_delegator 1.0.072Using thread_safe 0.3.673Using ice_nine 0.11.274Using connection_pool 2.4.175Using babosa 2.0.076Using base32 0.3.277Using batch-loader 2.0.578Using bcrypt 3.1.1879Using encryptor 3.0.080Using benchmark-malloc 0.2.081Using benchmark-ips 2.11.082Using memory_profiler 1.0.183Using benchmark-perf 0.6.084Using benchmark-trend 0.4.085Using bigdecimal 3.1.786Using bindata 2.4.1187Using debug_inspector 1.1.088Using msgpack 1.5.489Using browser 5.3.190Using uniform_notifier 1.16.091Using bundler 2.4.1192Using thor 1.3.193Using byebug 11.1.394Using matrix 0.4.295Using regexp_parser 2.6.096Using ssrf_filter 1.0.897Using cbor character_set 1.8.099Using fuzzyurl 0.9.0100Using tomlrb 1.3.0101Using chunky_png 1.4.0102Using circuitbox 2.0.0103Using citrus 3.0.2104Using claide 1.1.0105Using colored2 3.1.2106Using nap 1.1.0107Using open4 1.3.4108Using json 2.6.3109Using google-protobuf 3.25.3 (x86_64-linux)110Using multi_json 1.14.1111Using os 1.1.4112Using google-cloud-errors 1.3.0113Using stackprof 0.2.25114Using coderay 1.1.3115Using commonmarker 0.23.10116Using openssl 3.1.0117Using i18n_data 0.13.1118Using sixarm_ruby_unaccent 1.2.0119Using safe_yaml 1.0.4120Using creole 0.5.0121Using rchardet 1.8.0122Using method_source 1.0.0123Using zeitwerk 2.6.7124Using csv_builder 0.1.0 from source at `gems/csv_builder`125Using cvss-suite 3.0.1126Using no_proxy_fix 0.1.2127Using unicode-display_width 2.4.2128Using multi_xml 0.6.0129Using dartsass 1.49.8130Using database_cleaner-core 2.0.1131Using dead_end 3.1.1132Using deb_version 1.0.2133Using declarative 0.0.20134Using declarative_policy 1.1.0135Using ffi 1.15.5136Using mini_histogram 0.3.1137Using ruby-statistics 3.0.0138Using devfile 0.0.26.pre.alpha1 (x86_64-linux)139Using device_detector 1.0.0140Using orm_adapter 0.5.0141Using rotp 6.3.0142Using diff-lcs 1.5.0143Using diff_match_patch 0.1.0 from source at `vendor/gems/diff_match_patch`144Using digest-crc 0.6.5145Using docile 1.4.0146Using dotenv 2.7.6147Using dry-cli 1.0.0148Using dry-inflector 1.0.0149Using diffy 3.4.2150Using duo_api 1.3.0151Using ed25519 1.3.0152Using hashie 5.0.0153Using elasticsearch-rails 7.2.1154Using email_reply_trimmer 0.1.6155Using htmlentities 4.3.4156Using escape_utils 1.3.0157Using excon 0.99.0158Using parslet 1.8.2159Using execjs 2.8.1160Using fast_blank 1.0.1161Using fast_gettext 2.3.0162Using ffaker 2.23.0163Using libyajl2 2.1.0164Using expression_parser 0.9.0165Using find_a_port 1.0.1166Using formatador 0.2.5167Using httpclient 2.8.3168Using trailblazer-option 0.1.2169Using uber 0.1.0170Using retriable 3.1.2171Using webrick 1.8.1172Using forwardable 1.3.3173Using ipaddress 0.8.3174Using raabro 1.4.0175Using rspec-support 3.12.0176Using ruby-progressbar 1.11.0177Using gemoji 3.0.1178Using singleton 0.1.1179Using locale 2.1.3180Using text 1.3.1181Using rainbow 3.1.1182Using numerizer 0.2.0183Using rb_sys 0.9.94184Using language_server-protocol parallel 1.24.0186Using uri 0.13.0187Using thrift 0.16.0188Using opentracing 0.5.0189Using version_gem 1.1.0190Using gitlab-markup 1.9.0191Using gitlab-net-dns 0.9.2192Using snowplow-tracker 0.8.0193Using re2 2.7.0 (x86_64-linux)194Using net-ldap 0.17.1195Using pyu-ruby-sasl rubyntlm 0.6.3197Using gitlab-license 2.4.0198Using http-form_data 2.3.0199Using influxdb-client 3.1.0200Using mini_portile2 2.8.5201Using graphlyte 1.0.0202Using rb-fsevent 0.11.2203Using lumberjack 1.2.7204Using nenv 0.3.0205Using shellany 0.0.1206Using guard-compat 1.2.1207Using temple 0.8.2208Using tilt 2.0.11209Using sysexits 1.2.0210Using hana 1.3.7211Using hashdiff 1.1.0212Using ice_cube 0.16.4213Using ipaddr 1.2.5214Using oj 3.13.23215Using oauth 0.5.6216Using regexp_property_values 1.0.0217Using uri_template 0.7.0218Using kaminari-core 1.2.2219Using knapsack 1.22.0220Using recursive-open-struct 1.1.3221Using rubyzip 2.3.2222Using with_env 1.1.0223Using rugged 1.6.3224Using lockbox 1.3.0225Using lru_redux 1.1.0226Using mini_magick 4.12.0227Using mixlib-cli 2.1.8228Using mixlib-log 3.0.9229Using murmurhash3 0.1.7230Using net-ntp 2.1.3231Using net-ssh 7.2.0232Using plist 3.7.0233Using wmi-lite 1.0.7234Using opentelemetry-api 1.2.5235Using optimist 3.0.1236Using rubypants 0.2.0237Using tty-color 0.6.0238Using table_print 1.5.7239Using png_quantizator 0.2.1240Using rouge 4.2.0241Using unicode_utils 1.4.0242Using strings-ansi 0.2.0243Using tty-screen 0.8.1244Using tty-cursor 0.7.1245Using wisper 2.0.1246Using rack-timeout 0.6.3247Using rinku 2.0.0248Using rqrcode_core 1.2.0249Using sd_notify 0.1.1250Using websocket 1.2.10251Using sigdump 0.2.4252Using simple_po_parser 1.1.6253Using simplecov-html 0.12.3254Using simplecov_json_formatter 0.1.4255Using slack-messenger 2.3.4256Using spring 4.1.0257Using ssh_data 1.3.0258Using state_machines 0.5.0259Using simplecov-lcov 0.8.0260Using static_holmes 0.7.7261Using test-prof 1.3.3262Using timfel-krb5-auth 0.8.3263Using tanuki_emoji 0.9.0264Using vmstat 2.3.0265Using version_sorter 2.3.0266Using warning 1.3.0267Using yajl-ruby 1.4.3268Using CFPropertyList 3.0.5269Using kramdown 2.3.2270Using faraday-multipart 1.0.4271Using xml-simple 1.1.9272Using i18n 1.14.4273Using tzinfo 2.0.6274Using chef-utils 18.3.0275Using flipper 0.26.2276Using warden 1.2.9277Using mustermann 3.0.0278Using request_store 1.5.1279Using rack-protection 2.2.2280Using rack-accept 0.4.5281Using rack-attack 6.7.0282Using rack-cors 2.0.1283Using rack-proxy 0.7.7284Using rack-session 1.0.2285Using sprockets 3.7.2286Using nokogiri 1.16.0 (x86_64-linux)287Using rack-test 2.1.0288Using websocket-driver 0.7.6289Using net-protocol 0.1.3290Using puma 6.4.0291Using addressable 2.8.1292Using safety_net_attestation 0.4.0293Using mime-types 3.5.1294Using ruby_parser 3.21.0295Using tins 1.31.1296Using graphql 2.3.4297Using asciidoctor-include-ext 0.4.0298Using asciidoctor-kroki 0.8.0299Using asciidoctor-plantuml 0.0.16300Using atlassian-jwt 0.2.1301Using parser descendants_tracker 0.0.4303Using net-http-persistent 4.0.1304Using redis-client 0.22.2305Using aws-sigv4 1.8.0306Using attr_encrypted 3.2.4 from source at `vendor/gems/attr_encrypted`307Using benchmark-memory 0.2.0308Using binding_of_caller 1.0.0309Using bootsnap 1.18.3310Using bundler-audit 0.9.1311Using bundler-checksum 0.1.0 from source at `vendor/gems/bundler-checksum` and installing its executables312Using unf 0.1.4313Using mixlib-config 3.0.27314Using cork 0.3.0315Using googleapis-common-protos-types 1.5.0316Using heapy 0.2.0317Using ecma-re-validator 0.3.0318Using elasticsearch-api 7.13.3319Using pg_query 5.1.0320Using toml-rb 2.2.0321Using jsonpath 1.1.2322Using recaptcha 5.12.3323Using sentry-ruby 5.17.3324Using openssl-signature_algorithm 1.3.0325Using countries 4.0.1326Using crack 0.4.3327Using pry 0.14.2328Using dry-core 1.0.1329Using terminal-table 3.0.2330Using httparty 0.21.0331Using get_process_mem 0.2.7332Using ethon 0.16.0333Using ffi-compiler 1.0.1334Using gssapi 1.3.1335Using rb-inotify 0.10.1336Using sys-filesystem 1.4.3337Using expgen 0.1.1338Using terser 1.0.2339Using ffi-yajl 2.6.0340Using gettext_i18n_rails 1.12.0341Using representable 3.2.0342Using rspec-core 3.12.2343Using rspec-expectations 3.12.3344Using rspec-mocks 3.12.6345Using prime 0.1.2346Using gitlab-chronic 0.10.5347Using gitlab_chronic_duration 0.12.0348Using gitlab-glfm-markdown 0.0.17 (x86_64-linux)349Using net-http 0.4.1350Using jaeger-client 1.1.0351Using snaky_hash 2.0.0352Using gpgme 2.0.23353Using notiffany 0.1.3354Using haml 5.2.2355Using hamlit 2.15.0356Using icalendar 2.8.0357Using ipynbdiff 0.4.8 from source at `gems/ipynbdiff`358Using js_regex 3.8.0359Using net-scp 4.0.0360Using oj-introspect 0.7.2361Using prometheus-client-mmap 1.1.1 (x86_64-linux)362Using opentelemetry-registry 0.3.0363Using opentelemetry-semantic_conventions 1.10.0364Using org-ruby 0.9.12365Using rbtrace 0.5.1366Fetching opentelemetry-common 0.21.0367Using ruby-magic 0.6.0368Using unleash 3.2.2369Using pastel 0.8.0370Using strings 0.2.1371Using rqrcode 2.2.0372Using selenium-webdriver 4.21.1373Using wikicloth 0.8.1374Using tty-reader 0.9.0375Using simplecov 0.22.0376Using spring-commands-rspec 1.0.4377Using kramdown-parser-gfm 1.1.0378Using faraday 1.10.0379Using activesupport mixlib-shellout 3.2.7381Using et-orbi 1.2.11382Using license_finder 7.1.0383Using mustermann-grape 1.0.2384Using gitlab-safe_request_store 0.1.0 from source at `gems/gitlab-safe_request_store`385Using omniauth 2.1.0386Using vite_ruby 3.5.0387Using loofah 2.22.0388Using net-imap 0.3.4389Using net-pop 0.1.2390Using net-smtp 0.3.3391Using xpath 3.2.0392Using html2text 0.2.0393Using reverse_markdown 1.4.0394Using ruby-saml 1.15.0395Using sanitize 6.0.2396Using truncato 0.7.12397Using protocol 2.0.0398Using aws-sdk-core 3.196.1399Using axiom-types 0.1.1400Using coercible 1.0.0401Using launchy 2.5.0402Using git 1.18.0403Using css_parser 1.14.0404Using fog-core 2.1.0405Using rubocop-ast 1.31.2406Using redis 5.2.0407Using sidekiq 7.1.6 from source at `vendor/gems/sidekiq-7.1.6` and installing its executables408Using unparser 0.6.7409Using google-cloud-common 1.1.0410Using listen 3.7.1411Using imagen 0.1.8412Using json_schemer 0.2.18413Using pact-support 1.20.0414Using term-ansicolor 1.7.1415Installing opentelemetry-common 0.21.0416Using pry-byebug 3.10.1417Using pry-rails 0.3.9418Using redis-cluster-client 0.8.2419Using rspec-retry 0.6.2420Using rspec_junit_formatter 0.6.0421Using ruby-fogbugz 0.3.0422Using ruby-openai 3.7.0423Using telesign 2.2.4424Using tpm-key_attestation 0.12.0425Using webmock 3.23.1426Using domain_name 0.5.20190701427Using claide-plugins 0.9.2428Using grpc 1.63.0 (x86_64-linux)429Using cose 1.3.0430Using gitlab 4.19.0431Using derailed_benchmarks 2.1.2432Using dry-logic 1.5.0433Using typhoeus 1.4.0434Using fuubar 2.2.0435Using gettext 3.4.9436Using rspec 3.12.0437Using gitlab-schema-validation 0.1.0 from source at `gems/gitlab-schema-validation`438Using gitlab-secret_detection 0.1.0 from source at `gems/gitlab-secret_detection`439Using llhttp-ffi 0.4.0440Using opentelemetry-instrumentation-base 0.22.3441Using tty-markdown 0.7.2442Using tty-prompt 0.23.1443Using tty-command 0.10.1444Using simplecov-cobertura 2.1.0445Using signet 0.18.0446Using faraday-http-cache 2.5.0447Using sawyer 0.9.2448Using html-pipeline 2.14.3449Using deprecation_toolkit 1.5.1450Using elasticsearch-transport 7.13.3451Using factory_bot 6.4.5452Using faraday_middleware-aws-sigv4 0.3.0453Using google-cloud-env 1.6.0454Using gitlab-backup-cli 0.0.1 from source at `gems/gitlab-backup-cli`455Using gitlab-experiment 0.9.1456Using oauth2 2.0.9457Using gitlab-sdk 0.3.0458Using grape-entity 1.0.1459Using graphql-client 0.19.0460Using jira-ruby 2.3.0461Using json-jwt 1.15.3462Using swd 1.3.0463Using webfinger 1.2.0464Using shoulda-matchers 5.1.0465Using test_file_finder 0.3.1466Using view_component 3.12.1467Using acme-client 2.0.11468Using rails-dom-testing 2.0.3469Using globalid 1.1.0470Using activemodel app_store_connect 0.29.0472Using faraday_middleware 1.2.0473Using bullet 7.1.2474Using click_house-client 0.1.0 from source at `gems/click_house-client`475Using flipper-active_support_cache_store 0.26.2476Using chef-config 18.3.0477Using fugit 1.8.1478Using train-core 3.10.8479Using gitlab_omniauth-ldap 2.2.0480Using omniauth-shibboleth-redux 2.0.0481Using omniauth_crowd 2.4.0 from source at `vendor/gems/omniauth_crowd`482Using rails-html-sanitizer 1.6.0483Using mail 2.8.1484Using mize 0.4.1485Using aws-sdk-cloudformation 1.41.0486Using aws-sdk-kms 1.76.0487Using virtus 2.0.0488Using capybara 3.40.0489Using fog-json 1.2.0490Using crystalball 0.7.0491Using fog-xml 0.1.3492Using fog-local 0.8.0493Using rubocop 1.62.1494Using gitlab-sidekiq-fetcher 0.11.0 from source at `vendor/gems/sidekiq-reliable-fetch`495Using proc_to_ast 0.1.0496Using guard 2.16.2497Using omniauth-saml 2.1.0498Using redis-namespace 1.11.0499Using premailer 1.16.0500Using sentry-sidekiq 5.17.3501Using undercover 0.4.6502Using redis-clustering 5.2.0503Using telesignenterprise 2.2.2504Using http-cookie 1.0.5505Using googleapis-common-protos 1.4.0506Using gitaly 17.0.1507Using kas-grpc 0.5.0508Using spamcheck 1.3.0509Using webauthn 3.0.0510Using dry-types 1.7.1511Using error_tracking_open_api 1.0.0 from source at `gems/error_tracking_open_api`512Using gitlab-rspec_flaky 0.1.0 from source at `gems/gitlab-rspec_flaky`513Using redis-store 1.10.0514Using pact-mock_service 3.11.2515Using rspec-benchmark 0.6.0516Using opentelemetry-instrumentation-active_support 0.5.1517Using opentelemetry-instrumentation-active_job 0.7.1518Fetching opentelemetry-instrumentation-aws_sdk 0.5.2519Fetching opentelemetry-instrumentation-active_record 0.7.2520Installing opentelemetry-instrumentation-aws_sdk 0.5.2521Installing opentelemetry-instrumentation-active_record 0.7.2522Fetching opentelemetry-instrumentation-concurrent_ruby 0.21.3523Fetching opentelemetry-instrumentation-graphql 0.28.2524Installing opentelemetry-instrumentation-concurrent_ruby 0.21.3525Fetching opentelemetry-instrumentation-http 0.23.3526Installing opentelemetry-instrumentation-graphql 0.28.2527Fetching opentelemetry-instrumentation-rake 0.2.2528Installing opentelemetry-instrumentation-http 0.23.3529Using pry-shell 0.6.4530Using semver_dialects 3.0.0531Using googleauth 1.8.1532Using octokit 8.1.0533Using deckar01-task_list 2.3.4534Installing opentelemetry-instrumentation-rake 0.2.2535Using extended-markdown-filter 0.7.0536Using elasticsearch 7.13.3537Using activejob activerecord azure-storage-common 2.0.4540Using carrierwave 1.3.4541Using google-cloud-core 1.6.0542Using graphlient 0.6.0543Using omniauth-oauth2 1.8.0544Using rack-oauth2 1.21.3545Using validate_url 1.0.15546Fetching opentelemetry-sdk 1.4.1547Using opentelemetry-helpers-sql-obfuscation 0.1.0548Fetching opentelemetry-instrumentation-rack 0.24.4549Installing opentelemetry-instrumentation-rack 0.24.4550Installing opentelemetry-sdk 1.4.1551Fetching opentelemetry-instrumentation-ethon 0.21.5552Fetching opentelemetry-instrumentation-excon 0.22.2553Installing opentelemetry-instrumentation-ethon 0.21.5554Fetching opentelemetry-instrumentation-faraday 0.24.3555Installing opentelemetry-instrumentation-excon 0.22.2556Fetching opentelemetry-instrumentation-http_client 0.22.5557Installing opentelemetry-instrumentation-faraday 0.24.3558Fetching opentelemetry-instrumentation-net_http 0.22.5559Installing opentelemetry-instrumentation-http_client 0.22.5560Fetching opentelemetry-instrumentation-redis 0.25.5561Installing opentelemetry-instrumentation-net_http 0.22.5562Fetching opentelemetry-instrumentation-sidekiq 0.25.4563Installing opentelemetry-instrumentation-redis 0.25.5564Using state_machines-activemodel 0.8.0565Using sidekiq-cron 1.12.0566Using ohai 18.1.3567Using actionview amatch 0.4.1569Using aws-sdk-s3 1.151.0570Using axe-core-api 4.8.0571Using email_spec 2.2.0572Using mail-smtp_pool 0.1.0 from source at `vendor/gems/mail-smtp_pool`573Using microsoft_graph_mailer 0.1.0 from source at `vendor/gems/microsoft_graph_mailer`574Using validate_email 0.1.6575Using valid_email 0.1.3576Using capybara-screenshot 1.0.26577Using fog-aws 3.18.0578Using gitlab-housekeeper 0.1.0 from source at `gems/gitlab-housekeeper` and installing its executables579Installing opentelemetry-instrumentation-sidekiq 0.25.4580Using rubocop-factory_bot 2.25.1581Using rubocop-graphql 1.5.1582Using rubocop-performance 1.20.2583Using rubocop-rails 2.24.1584Using rubocop-capybara 2.20.0585Using rspec-parameterized-core 1.0.0586Using guard-rspec 4.7.3587Using rest-client 2.1.0588Using haml_lint 0.58.0589Using gitlab-mail_room 0.0.25590Using http 5.1.1591Using grpc-google-iam-v1 1.5.0592Using grape 2.0.0593Using pact 1.64.0594Using redis-rack 3.0.0595Using opentelemetry-instrumentation-action_view 0.7.0596Using google-apis-core 0.11.2597Using danger 9.4.2598Using licensee 9.16.1599Using activerecord-explain-analyze 0.1.0600Using activerecord-gitlab 0.2.0 from source at `gems/activerecord-gitlab`601Using acts-as-taggable-on 10.0.0602Using azure-storage-blob 2.0.3603Using gapic-common 0.20.0604Using database_cleaner-active_record 2.1.0605Using elasticsearch-model 7.2.0606Using flipper-active_record 0.26.2607Using gitlab-rspec 0.1.0 from source at `gems/gitlab-rspec`608Using jsonb_accessor 1.3.10609Using graphql-docs 4.0.0610Using kaminari-activerecord 1.2.2611Using neighbor 0.3.2612Using validates_hostname 1.0.13613Using seed-fu 2.3.7614Using omniauth-alicloud 3.0.0615Using omniauth-atlassian-oauth2 0.2.0616Using omniauth-auth0 3.1.0617Using omniauth-azure-activedirectory-v2 2.0.0618Using omniauth-github 2.0.1619Using omniauth-gitlab 4.0.0 from source at `vendor/gems/omniauth-gitlab`620Using omniauth-oauth2-generic 0.2.8621Using omniauth-google-oauth2 1.1.1622Using omniauth-salesforce 1.0.5 from source at `vendor/gems/omniauth-salesforce`623Fetching opentelemetry-instrumentation-pg 0.27.3624Using opentelemetry-instrumentation-action_pack 0.9.0625Fetching opentelemetry-instrumentation-grape 0.1.8626Installing opentelemetry-instrumentation-pg 0.27.3627Using opentelemetry-exporter-otlp 0.26.3628Using state_machines-activerecord 0.8.0629Using actionpack gitlab-utils 0.1.0 from source at `gems/gitlab-utils`631Using kaminari-actionview 1.2.2632Using axe-core-rspec 4.9.0633Using openid_connect 1.3.0634Using rubocop-rspec 2.27.1635Installing opentelemetry-instrumentation-grape 0.1.8636Using rspec-parameterized-table_syntax 1.0.0637Using aliyun-sdk 0.8.0638Using discordrb-webhooks 3.5.0639Using kubeclient 4.11.0640Using grape-path-helpers 2.0.1641Using grape-swagger 2.1.0642Using grape_logging 1.8.4643Using danger-gitlab 8.0.0644Using google-apis-compute_v1 0.57.0645Using google-apis-dns_v1 0.36.0646Using google-apis-iamcredentials_v1 0.15.0647Using google-apis-monitoring_v3 0.54.0648Using google-apis-pubsub_v1 0.45.0649Using google-apis-sqladmin_v1beta4 0.41.0650Using google-apis-storage_v1 0.29.0651Using google-apis-androidpublisher_v3 0.34.0652Using google-apis-cloudbilling_v1 0.21.0653Using google-apis-cloudresourcemanager_v1 0.31.0654Using google-apis-container_v1 0.43.0655Using google-apis-container_v1beta1 0.43.0656Using google-apis-iam_v1 0.36.0657Using google-apis-serviceusage_v1 0.28.0658Using google-cloud-profiler-v2 0.4.0659Using gitlab-fog-azure-rm 1.9.1660Using google-cloud-location 0.6.0661Using google-cloud-compute-v1 2.6.0662Fetching opentelemetry-instrumentation-rails 0.30.1663Using actioncable activestorage actionmailer apollo_upload_server 2.1.6667Using railties gitlab-labkit 0.36.0669Using gon 6.4.0670Using sprockets-rails 3.4.2671Using marginalia 1.11.1672Using rails-controller-testing 1.0.5673Using redis-actionpack 5.4.0674Using kaminari 1.2.2675Using omniauth_openid_connect 0.6.1676Using gitlab-styles 12.0.1677Using rspec-parameterized 1.0.2678Using cloud_profiler_agent 0.0.1.pre from source at `vendor/gems/cloud_profiler_agent`679Using fog-aliyun 0.4.0680Using fog-google 1.24.1681Using gitlab-dangerfiles 4.7.0682Using google-cloud-artifact_registry-v1 0.11.0683Installing opentelemetry-instrumentation-rails 0.30.1684Using google-cloud-storage 1.45.0685Using grape-swagger-entity 0.5.1686Using actiontext premailer-rails 1.10.3688Using cssbundling-rails 1.4.0689Using responders 3.0.1690Using doorkeeper 5.6.6691Using factory_bot_rails 6.4.3692Using gitlab-http 0.1.0 from source at `gems/gitlab-http`693Using health_check 3.1.0694Using lograge 0.11.2695Using peek 1.1.0696Using rails-i18n 7.0.9697Using rspec-rails 6.1.1698Using sentry-rails 5.17.3699Using vite_rails 3.0.17700Using graphiql-rails 1.8.0701Using gitlab_quality-test_tooling 1.28.0702Using actionmailbox devise 4.9.3704Using doorkeeper-openid_connect 1.8.7705Using devise-two-factor 4.1.1706Using rails invisible_captcha 2.1.0708Using rspec_profiling 0.0.9709Using devise-pbkdf2-encryptable 0.0.0 from source at `vendor/gems/devise-pbkdf2-encryptable`710Bundle complete! 350 Gemfile dependencies, 669 gems now installed.711Gems in the groups 'production' and 'development' were not installed.712Bundled gems are installed into `./vendor`713Removing opentelemetry-common (0.20.1)714Removing opentelemetry-instrumentation-active_record (0.7.0)715Removing opentelemetry-instrumentation-aws_sdk (0.5.1)716Removing opentelemetry-instrumentation-concurrent_ruby (0.21.2)717Removing opentelemetry-instrumentation-ethon (0.21.3)718Removing opentelemetry-instrumentation-excon (0.22.0)719Removing opentelemetry-instrumentation-faraday (0.24.0)720Removing opentelemetry-instrumentation-grape (0.1.6)721Removing opentelemetry-instrumentation-graphql (0.28.0)722Removing opentelemetry-instrumentation-http (0.23.2)723Removing opentelemetry-instrumentation-http_client (0.22.3)724Removing opentelemetry-instrumentation-net_http (0.22.4)725Removing opentelemetry-instrumentation-pg (0.27.1)726Removing opentelemetry-instrumentation-rack (0.24.0)727Removing opentelemetry-instrumentation-rails (0.30.0)728Removing opentelemetry-instrumentation-rake (0.2.1)729Removing opentelemetry-instrumentation-redis (0.25.3)730Removing opentelemetry-instrumentation-sidekiq (0.25.2)731Removing opentelemetry-sdk (1.4.0)7322 installed gems you directly depend on are looking for funding.733 Run `bundle fund` for details734==> 'bundle install --jobs=$(nproc) --retry=3 ' succeeded in 28 seconds.735$ bundle pristine pg736Patching bundler with bundler-checksum...737Installing pg 1.5.6 with native extensions738==> 'bundle pristine pg' succeeded in 19 seconds.739Using decomposed database config (config/database.yml.decomposed-postgresql)740Geo DB will be set up.741Embedding DB will be set up.757$ source ./scripts/rspec_helpers.sh758$ run_timed_command "gem install knapsack --no-document"759$ gem install knapsack --no-document760Successfully installed knapsack-4.0.07611 gem installed762==> 'gem install knapsack --no-document' succeeded in 1 seconds.763$ section_start "gitaly-test-spawn" "Spawning Gitaly"; scripts/gitaly-test-spawn; section_end "gitaly-test-spawn"768$ export RSPEC_SKIPPED_TESTS_REPORT_PATH="rspec/skipped_tests-${CI_JOB_ID}.txt"769$ export RSPEC_RETRIED_TESTS_REPORT_PATH="rspec/retried_tests-${CI_JOB_ID}.txt"770$ tooling/bin/create_job_metrics_file || true771[job-metrics] Creating the job metrics file for the CI/CD job.772$ rspec_section rspec_parallelized_job "--fail-fast=${RSPEC_FAIL_FAST_THRESHOLD} --tag ~quarantine --tag ~level:background_migration --tag ~click_house --tag ~real_ai_request" 773 RSpec 774[15:57:53] Starting rspec_parallelized_job775RETRY_FAILED_TESTS_IN_NEW_PROCESS: true776KNAPSACK_GENERATE_REPORT: true777FLAKY_RSPEC_GENERATE_REPORT: true778KNAPSACK_TEST_FILE_PATTERN: {ee/}spec/{commands,controllers,mailers,requests}{,/**/}*_spec.rb779KNAPSACK_LOG_LEVEL: debug780KNAPSACK_REPORT_PATH: knapsack/rspec-ee_integration_pg14_2_7_278964_report.json781FLAKY_RSPEC_SUITE_REPORT_PATH: rspec/flaky/report-suite.json782FLAKY_RSPEC_REPORT_PATH: rspec/flaky/all_rspec-ee_integration_pg14_2_7_278964_report.json783NEW_FLAKY_RSPEC_REPORT_PATH: rspec/flaky/new_rspec-ee_integration_pg14_2_7_278964_report.json784RSPEC_SKIPPED_TESTS_REPORT_PATH: rspec/skipped_tests-7027479859.txt785CRYSTALBALL: 786RSPEC_TESTS_MAPPING_ENABLED: 787RSPEC_TESTS_FILTER_FILE: 788Shell set options (set -o) enabled:789braceexpand on790hashall on791interactive-comments on792pipefail on793Parsing expected rspec suite duration...794ee/spec/requests/api/graphql/ci/queueing_history_spec.rb not found in master report795RSpec suite is expected to take 26 minutes 12.53 seconds.796Expected duration for tests:797{798 "ee/spec/requests/api/dependency_proxy/packages/maven_spec.rb": 349.04173770405686,799 "ee/spec/requests/api/vulnerability_findings_spec.rb": 96.70873893292912,800 "ee/spec/requests/api/merge_trains_spec.rb": 82.93145146658918,801 "ee/spec/requests/api/notes_spec.rb": 71.19939769176172,802 "ee/spec/requests/api/geo_nodes_spec.rb": 52.0358770003472,803 "ee/spec/requests/api/graphql/issues_spec.rb": 45.894882950491436,804 "ee/spec/requests/api/graphql/project/sbom/dependencies_spec.rb": 41.20245865498183,805 "ee/spec/controllers/groups/push_rules_controller_spec.rb": 37.66847293309943,806 "ee/spec/requests/api/graphql/project/issues_spec.rb": 35.50373758487747,807 "ee/spec/controllers/groups/clusters_controller_spec.rb": 32.34996240349386,808 "ee/spec/requests/api/vulnerability_issue_links_spec.rb": 29.250806579493542,809 "ee/spec/requests/api/users_spec.rb": 28.98742973617926,810 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ee/spec/controllers/groups/security/merge_commit_reports_controller_spec.rb ee/spec/requests/api/api_spec.rb ee/spec/requests/api/usage_data_spec.rb ee/spec/mailers/emails/abandoned_trial_notification_spec.rb ee/spec/controllers/admin/applications_controller_spec.rb ee/spec/requests/api/graphql/ci/queueing_history_spec.rbKnapsack report generator started!925warning: parser/current is loading parser/ruby31, which recognizes 3.1.4-compliant syntax, but you are running options: exclude {:quarantine=>true, :level=>"background_migration", :click_house=>true, :real_ai_request=>true}928# [RSpecRunTime] Starting RSpec timer...929[TEST PROF INFO] EventProf enabled (sql.active_record)930unknown OID 2249: failed to recognize type of 'pg_stat_file'. It will be treated as String.931unknown OID 2249: failed to recognize type of 'pg_stat_file'. It will be treated as String.932Test environment set up in 2.760127716 seconds933# [RSpecRunTime] Starting example group ee/spec/requests/api/dependency_proxy/packages/maven_spec.rb. Expected to take 5 minutes 49.04 seconds.934API::DependencyProxy::Packages::Maven935 GET /api/v4/projects/:project_id/dependency_proxy/packages/maven/*path/:file_name936 with valid parameters937 with package registry public access set to true938 with a public project939 behaves like handling different token types940 and a personal access token941 user_role: :anonymous, valid_token: nil, sent_using: nil, expected_status: :unauthorized942 behaves like returning response status943 returns unauthorized944 user_role: :guest, valid_token: true, sent_using: :custom_header, expected_status: :ok945 behaves like returning response status946 returns ok947 user_role: :guest, valid_token: true, sent_using: :basic_auth, expected_status: :ok948 behaves like returning response status949 returns ok950 user_role: :guest, valid_token: false, sent_using: :custom_header, expected_status: :unauthorized951 behaves like returning response status952 returns unauthorized953 user_role: :guest, valid_token: false, sent_using: :basic_auth, expected_status: :unauthorized954 behaves like returning response status955 returns unauthorized956 and a deploy token957 valid_token: true, sent_using: :custom_header, expected_status: :ok958 behaves like returning response status959 returns ok960 valid_token: false, sent_using: :custom_header, expected_status: :unauthorized961 behaves like returning response status962 returns unauthorized963 valid_token: true, sent_using: :basic_auth, expected_status: :ok964 behaves like returning response status965 returns ok966 valid_token: false, sent_using: :basic_auth, expected_status: :unauthorized967 behaves like returning response status968 returns unauthorized969 and a ci job token970 valid_token: true, sent_using: :custom_header, expected_status: :ok971 behaves like returning response status972 returns ok973 valid_token: false, sent_using: :custom_header, expected_status: :unauthorized974 behaves like returning response status975 returns unauthorized976 valid_token: true, sent_using: :basic_auth, expected_status: :ok977 behaves like returning response status978 returns ok979 valid_token: false, sent_using: :basic_auth, expected_status: :unauthorized980 behaves like returning response status981 returns unauthorized982 behaves like a user pulling files983 with a reporter pulling files984 behaves like pulling existing files985 when pulling a pom file986 etag_service_response: #<ServiceResponse:0x000078e1a82b1828 @status=:success, @message=nil, @payload={}, @http_status=:ok, @reason=nil>, expected_status: :ok, shared_example: nil987 behaves like returning response status988 returns ok989 behaves like tracking an internal event990 tracks an internal event991 etag_service_response: #<ServiceResponse:0x000078e1a82b5018 @status=:error, @message="", @payload={}, @http_status=nil, @reason=:response_error_code>, expected_status: :ok, shared_example: nil992 behaves like returning response status993 returns ok994 behaves like tracking an internal event995 tracks an internal event996 etag_service_response: #<ServiceResponse:0x000078e1a82b9668 @status=:error, @message="", @payload={}, @http_status=nil, @reason=:no_etag>, expected_status: :ok, shared_example: nil997 behaves like returning response status998 returns ok999 behaves like tracking an internal event1000 tracks an internal event1001 etag_service_response: #<ServiceResponse:0x000078e1a82bd6f0 @status=:error, @message="", @payload={}, @http_status=nil, @reason=:wrong_etag>, expected_status: nil, shared_example: "returning a workhorse sendurl response"1002 behaves like returning a workhorse sendurl response1003 behaves like returning a workhorse sendurl response with1004 returns a workhorse sendurl response1005 behaves like tracking an internal event1006 tracks an internal event1007 when pulling a md5 file1008 returns it1009 when pulling a sha1 file1010 returns it1011 behaves like pulling non existing files1012 with file test.pom1013 behaves like returning a workhorse sendurl response1014 behaves like returning a workhorse sendurl response with1015 returns a workhorse sendurl response1016 behaves like tracking an internal event1017 tracks an internal event1018 with file test.md51019 behaves like returning a workhorse sendurl response1020 behaves like returning a workhorse sendurl response with1021 returns a workhorse sendurl response1022 behaves like tracking an internal event1023 tracks an internal event1024 with file test.sha11025 behaves like returning a workhorse sendurl response1026 behaves like returning a workhorse sendurl response with1027 returns a workhorse sendurl response1028 behaves like tracking an internal event1029 tracks an internal event1030 behaves like pulling existing files1031 when pulling a pom file1032 etag_service_response: #<ServiceResponse:0x000078e1a8387798 @status=:success, @message=nil, @payload={}, @http_status=:ok, @reason=nil>, expected_status: :ok, shared_example: nil1033 behaves like returning response status1034 returns ok1035 behaves like tracking an internal event1036 tracks an internal event1037 etag_service_response: #<ServiceResponse:0x000078e1a838b398 @status=:error, @message="", @payload={}, @http_status=nil, @reason=:response_error_code>, expected_status: :ok, shared_example: nil1038 behaves like returning response status1039 returns ok1040 behaves like tracking an internal event1041 tracks an internal event1042 etag_service_response: #<ServiceResponse:0x000078e1a838f8d0 @status=:error, @message="", @payload={}, @http_status=nil, @reason=:no_etag>, expected_status: :ok, shared_example: nil1043 behaves like returning response status1044 returns ok1045 behaves like tracking an internal event1046 tracks an internal event1047 etag_service_response: #<ServiceResponse:0x000078e1a838c9a0 @status=:error, @message="", @payload={}, @http_status=nil, @reason=:wrong_etag>, expected_status: nil, shared_example: "returning a workhorse sendurl response"1048 behaves like returning a workhorse sendurl response1049 behaves like returning a workhorse sendurl response with1050 returns a workhorse sendurl response1051 behaves like tracking an internal event1052 tracks an internal event1053 when pulling a md5 file1054 returns it1055 when pulling a sha1 file1056 returns it1057 behaves like pulling non existing files1058 with file test.pom1059 behaves like returning a workhorse sendurl response1060 behaves like returning a workhorse sendurl response with1061 returns a workhorse sendurl response1062 behaves like tracking an internal event1063 tracks an internal event1064 with file test.md51065 behaves like returning a workhorse sendurl response1066 behaves like returning a workhorse sendurl response with1067 returns a workhorse sendurl response1068 behaves like tracking an internal event1069 tracks an internal event1070 with file test.sha11071 behaves like returning a workhorse sendurl response1072 behaves like returning a workhorse sendurl response with1073 returns a workhorse sendurl response1074 behaves like tracking an internal event1075 tracks an internal event1076 with a developer pulling files1077 behaves like pulling existing files1078 when pulling a pom file1079 etag_service_response: #<ServiceResponse:0x000078e1a843d1d8 @status=:success, @message=nil, @payload={}, @http_status=:ok, @reason=nil>, expected_status: :ok, shared_example: nil1080 behaves like returning response status1081 returns ok1082 behaves like tracking an internal event1083 tracks an internal event1084 etag_service_response: #<ServiceResponse:0x000078e1a8440f40 @status=:error, @message="", @payload={}, @http_status=nil, @reason=:response_error_code>, expected_status: :ok, shared_example: nil1085 behaves like returning response status1086 returns ok1087 behaves like tracking an internal event1088 tracks an internal event1089 etag_service_response: #<ServiceResponse:0x000078e1a8445608 @status=:error, @message="", @payload={}, @http_status=nil, @reason=:no_etag>, expected_status: :ok, shared_example: nil1090 behaves like returning response status1091 returns ok1092 behaves like tracking an internal event1093 tracks an internal event1094 etag_service_response: #<ServiceResponse:0x000078e1a8449b90 @status=:error, @message="", @payload={}, @http_status=nil, @reason=:wrong_etag>, expected_status: nil, shared_example: "returning a workhorse sendurl response"1095 behaves like returning a workhorse sendurl response1096 behaves like returning a workhorse sendurl response with1097 returns a workhorse sendurl response1098 behaves like tracking an internal event1099 tracks an internal event1100 when pulling a md5 file1101 returns it1102 when pulling a sha1 file1103 returns it1104 behaves like pulling non existing files1105 with file test.pom1106 behaves like returning a workhorse senddependency response1107 behaves like returning a workhorse senddependency response with1108 returns a workhorse senddependency response1109# [RSpecRunTime] RSpec elapsed time: 32.19 seconds. Current RSS: ~1482M. Threads: 5. load average: 1.03 1.36 0.95 1/411 4251110.1111 behaves like tracking an internal event1112 tracks an internal event1113 with file test.md51114 behaves like returning a workhorse sendurl response1115 behaves like returning a workhorse sendurl response with1116 returns a workhorse sendurl response1117 behaves like tracking an internal event1118 tracks an internal event1119 with file test.sha11120 behaves like returning a workhorse sendurl response1121 behaves like returning a workhorse sendurl response with1122 returns a workhorse sendurl response1123 behaves like tracking an internal event1124 tracks an internal event1125 behaves like pulling existing files1126 when pulling a pom file1127 etag_service_response: #<ServiceResponse:0x000078e1a84ecc50 @status=:success, @message=nil, @payload={}, @http_status=:ok, @reason=nil>, expected_status: :ok, shared_example: nil1128 behaves like returning response status1129 returns ok1130 behaves like tracking an internal event1131 tracks an internal event1132 etag_service_response: #<ServiceResponse:0x000078e1a84f05d0 @status=:error, @message="", @payload={}, @http_status=nil, @reason=:response_error_code>, expected_status: :ok, shared_example: nil1133 behaves like returning response status1134 returns ok1135 behaves like tracking an internal event1136 tracks an internal event1137 etag_service_response: #<ServiceResponse:0x000078e1a84f50a8 @status=:error, @message="", @payload={}, @http_status=nil, @reason=:no_etag>, expected_status: :ok, shared_example: nil1138 behaves like returning response status1139 returns ok1140 behaves like tracking an internal event1141 tracks an internal event1142 etag_service_response: #<ServiceResponse:0x000078e1a84f9388 @status=:error, @message="", @payload={}, @http_status=nil, @reason=:wrong_etag>, expected_status: nil, shared_example: "returning a workhorse sendurl response"1143 behaves like returning a workhorse sendurl response1144 behaves like returning a workhorse sendurl response with1145 returns a workhorse sendurl response1146 behaves like tracking an internal event1147 tracks an internal event1148 when pulling a md5 file1149 returns it1150 when pulling a sha1 file1151 returns it1152 behaves like pulling non existing files1153 with file test.pom1154 behaves like returning a workhorse senddependency response1155 behaves like returning a workhorse senddependency response with1156 returns a workhorse senddependency response1157 behaves like tracking an internal event1158 tracks an internal event1159 with file test.md51160 behaves like returning a workhorse sendurl response1161 behaves like returning a workhorse sendurl response with1162 returns a workhorse sendurl response1163 behaves like tracking an internal event1164 tracks an internal event1165 with file test.sha11166 behaves like returning a workhorse sendurl response1167 behaves like returning a workhorse sendurl response with1168 returns a workhorse sendurl response1169 behaves like tracking an internal event1170 tracks an internal event1171 with a maintainer pulling files1172 behaves like pulling existing files1173 when pulling a pom file1174 etag_service_response: #<ServiceResponse:0x000078e1a85a1808 @status=:success, @message=nil, @payload={}, @http_status=:ok, @reason=nil>, expected_status: :ok, shared_example: nil1175 behaves like returning response status1176 returns ok1177 behaves like tracking an internal event1178 tracks an internal event1179 etag_service_response: #<ServiceResponse:0x000078e1a85a57f0 @status=:error, @message="", @payload={}, @http_status=nil, @reason=:response_error_code>, expected_status: :ok, shared_example: nil1180 behaves like returning response status1181 returns ok1182 behaves like tracking an internal event1183 tracks an internal event1184 etag_service_response: #<ServiceResponse:0x000078e1a85a9cd8 @status=:error, @message="", @payload={}, @http_status=nil, @reason=:no_etag>, expected_status: :ok, shared_example: nil1185 behaves like returning response status1186 returns ok1187 behaves like tracking an internal event1188 tracks an internal event1189 etag_service_response: #<ServiceResponse:0x000078e1a85ae328 @status=:error, @message="", @payload={}, @http_status=nil, @reason=:wrong_etag>, expected_status: nil, shared_example: "returning a workhorse senddependency response"1190 behaves like returning a workhorse senddependency response1191 behaves like returning a workhorse senddependency response with1192 returns a workhorse senddependency response1193 behaves like tracking an internal event1194 tracks an internal event1195 when pulling a md5 file1196 returns it1197 when pulling a sha1 file1198 returns it1199 behaves like pulling non existing files1200 with file test.pom1201 behaves like returning a workhorse senddependency response1202 behaves like returning a workhorse senddependency response with1203 returns a workhorse senddependency response1204 behaves like tracking an internal event1205 tracks an internal event1206 with file test.md51207 behaves like returning a workhorse sendurl response1208 behaves like returning a workhorse sendurl response with1209 returns a workhorse sendurl response1210 behaves like tracking an internal event1211 tracks an internal event1212 with file test.sha11213 behaves like returning a workhorse sendurl response1214 behaves like returning a workhorse sendurl response with1215 returns a workhorse sendurl response1216 behaves like tracking an internal event1217 tracks an internal event1218 behaves like pulling existing files1219 when pulling a pom file1220 etag_service_response: #<ServiceResponse:0x000078e1a8650718 @status=:success, @message=nil, @payload={}, @http_status=:ok, @reason=nil>, expected_status: :ok, shared_example: nil1221 behaves like returning response status1222 returns ok1223 behaves like tracking an internal event1224 tracks an internal event1225 etag_service_response: #<ServiceResponse:0x000078e1a8654bd8 @status=:error, @message="", @payload={}, @http_status=nil, @reason=:response_error_code>, expected_status: :ok, shared_example: nil1226 behaves like returning response status1227 returns ok1228 behaves like tracking an internal event1229 tracks an internal event1230 etag_service_response: #<ServiceResponse:0x000078e1a86593e0 @status=:error, @message="", @payload={}, @http_status=nil, @reason=:no_etag>, expected_status: :ok, shared_example: nil1231 behaves like returning response status1232 returns ok1233 behaves like tracking an internal event1234 tracks an internal event1235 etag_service_response: #<ServiceResponse:0x000078e1a865d300 @status=:error, @message="", @payload={}, @http_status=nil, @reason=:wrong_etag>, expected_status: nil, shared_example: "returning a workhorse senddependency response"1236 behaves like returning a workhorse senddependency response1237 behaves like returning a workhorse senddependency response with1238 returns a workhorse senddependency response1239 behaves like tracking an internal event1240 tracks an internal event1241 when pulling a md5 file1242 returns it1243 when pulling a sha1 file1244 returns it1245 behaves like pulling non existing files1246 with file test.pom1247 behaves like returning a workhorse senddependency response1248 behaves like returning a workhorse senddependency response with1249 returns a workhorse senddependency response1250 behaves like tracking an internal event1251 tracks an internal event1252 with file test.md51253 behaves like returning a workhorse sendurl response1254 behaves like returning a workhorse sendurl response with1255 returns a workhorse sendurl response1256 behaves like tracking an internal event1257 tracks an internal event1258 with file test.sha11259 behaves like returning a workhorse sendurl response1260 behaves like returning a workhorse sendurl response with1261 returns a workhorse sendurl response1262 behaves like tracking an internal event1263 tracks an internal event1264 with a ci job token1265 with custom headers1266 behaves like pulling existing files1267 when pulling a pom file1268 etag_service_response: #<ServiceResponse:0x000078e1a8708b88 @status=:success, @message=nil, @payload={}, @http_status=:ok, @reason=nil>, expected_status: :ok, shared_example: nil1269 behaves like returning response status1270 returns ok1271 behaves like tracking an internal event1272 tracks an internal event1273 etag_service_response: #<ServiceResponse:0x000078e1a870cbe8 @status=:error, @message="", @payload={}, @http_status=nil, @reason=:response_error_code>, expected_status: :ok, shared_example: nil1274 behaves like returning response status1275 returns ok1276 behaves like tracking an internal event1277 tracks an internal event1278 etag_service_response: #<ServiceResponse:0x000078e1a87112d8 @status=:error, @message="", @payload={}, @http_status=nil, @reason=:no_etag>, expected_status: :ok, shared_example: nil1279 behaves like returning response status1280 returns ok1281 behaves like tracking an internal event1282 tracks an internal event1283 etag_service_response: #<ServiceResponse:0x000078e1a87155b8 @status=:error, @message="", @payload={}, @http_status=nil, @reason=:wrong_etag>, expected_status: nil, shared_example: "returning a workhorse senddependency response"1284 behaves like returning a workhorse senddependency response1285 behaves like returning a workhorse senddependency response with1286 returns a workhorse senddependency response1287 behaves like tracking an internal event1288 tracks an internal event1289 when pulling a md5 file1290 returns it1291 when pulling a sha1 file1292 returns it1293 behaves like pulling non existing files1294 with file test.pom1295 behaves like returning a workhorse senddependency response1296 behaves like returning a workhorse senddependency response with1297 returns a workhorse senddependency response1298 behaves like tracking an internal event1299 tracks an internal event1300 with file test.md51301 behaves like returning a workhorse sendurl response1302 behaves like returning a workhorse sendurl response with1303 returns a workhorse sendurl response1304 behaves like tracking an internal event1305 tracks an internal event1306 with file test.sha11307 behaves like returning a workhorse sendurl response1308 behaves like returning a workhorse sendurl response with1309 returns a workhorse sendurl response1310 behaves like tracking an internal event1311 tracks an internal event1312 with basic auth1313 behaves like pulling existing files1314 when pulling a pom file1315 etag_service_response: #<ServiceResponse:0x000078e1a87c54e0 @status=:success, @message=nil, @payload={}, @http_status=:ok, @reason=nil>, expected_status: :ok, shared_example: nil1316 behaves like returning response status1317 returns ok1318 behaves like tracking an internal event1319 tracks an internal event1320 etag_service_response: #<ServiceResponse:0x000078e1a87c8a78 @status=:error, @message="", @payload={}, @http_status=nil, @reason=:response_error_code>, expected_status: :ok, shared_example: nil1321 behaves like returning response status1322 returns ok1323 behaves like tracking an internal event1324 tracks an internal event1325 etag_service_response: #<ServiceResponse:0x000078e1a87ccbc8 @status=:error, @message="", @payload={}, @http_status=nil, @reason=:no_etag>, expected_status: :ok, shared_example: nil1326 behaves like returning response status1327 returns ok1328 behaves like tracking an internal event1329 tracks an internal event1330 etag_service_response: #<ServiceResponse:0x000078e1a87d0c28 @status=:error, @message="", @payload={}, @http_status=nil, @reason=:wrong_etag>, expected_status: nil, shared_example: "returning a workhorse senddependency response"1331 behaves like returning a workhorse senddependency response1332 behaves like returning a workhorse senddependency response with1333 returns a workhorse senddependency response1334 behaves like tracking an internal event1335 tracks an internal event1336 when pulling a md5 file1337 returns it1338 when pulling a sha1 file1339 returns it1340 behaves like pulling non existing files1341 with file test.pom1342 behaves like returning a workhorse senddependency response1343 behaves like returning a workhorse senddependency response with1344 returns a workhorse senddependency response1345 behaves like tracking an internal event1346 tracks an internal event1347 with file test.md51348 behaves like returning a workhorse sendurl response1349 behaves like returning a workhorse sendurl response with1350 returns a workhorse sendurl response1351 behaves like tracking an internal event1352 tracks an internal event1353 with file test.sha11354 behaves like returning a workhorse sendurl response1355 behaves like returning a workhorse sendurl response with1356 returns a workhorse sendurl response1357 behaves like tracking an internal event1358 tracks an internal event1359 with a deploy token1360 with custom headers1361 behaves like pulling existing files1362 when pulling a pom file1363 etag_service_response: #<ServiceResponse:0x000078e1a888c540 @status=:success, @message=nil, @payload={}, @http_status=:ok, @reason=nil>, expected_status: :ok, shared_example: nil1364 behaves like returning response status1365 returns ok1366 behaves like tracking an internal event1367 tracks an internal event1368 etag_service_response: #<ServiceResponse:0x000078e1a8897b20 @status=:error, @message="", @payload={}, @http_status=nil, @reason=:response_error_code>, expected_status: :ok, shared_example: nil1369 behaves like returning response status1370 returns ok1371 behaves like tracking an internal event1372 tracks an internal event1373 etag_service_response: #<ServiceResponse:0x000078e1a889bc70 @status=:error, @message="", @payload={}, @http_status=nil, @reason=:no_etag>, expected_status: :ok, shared_example: nil1374 behaves like returning response status1375 returns ok1376 behaves like tracking an internal event1377 tracks an internal event1378 etag_service_response: #<ServiceResponse:0x000078e1a889f820 @status=:error, @message="", @payload={}, @http_status=nil, @reason=:wrong_etag>, expected_status: nil, shared_example: "returning a workhorse senddependency response"1379 behaves like returning a workhorse senddependency response1380 behaves like returning a workhorse senddependency response with1381 returns a workhorse senddependency response1382 behaves like tracking an internal event1383 tracks an internal event1384 when pulling a md5 file1385 returns it1386 when pulling a sha1 file1387 returns it1388 behaves like pulling non existing files1389 with file test.pom1390 behaves like returning a workhorse senddependency response1391 behaves like returning a workhorse senddependency response with1392 returns a workhorse senddependency response1393 behaves like tracking an internal event1394 tracks an internal event1395 with file test.md51396 behaves like returning a workhorse sendurl response1397 behaves like returning a workhorse sendurl response with1398 returns a workhorse sendurl response1399 behaves like tracking an internal event1400 tracks an internal event1401 with file test.sha11402 behaves like returning a workhorse sendurl response1403 behaves like returning a workhorse sendurl response with1404 returns a workhorse sendurl response1405 behaves like tracking an internal event1406 tracks an internal event1407 with basic auth1408 behaves like pulling existing files1409 when pulling a pom file1410 etag_service_response: #<ServiceResponse:0x000078e1a894ef78 @status=:success, @message=nil, @payload={}, @http_status=:ok, @reason=nil>, expected_status: :ok, shared_example: nil1411 behaves like returning response status1412 returns ok1413 behaves like tracking an internal event1414 tracks an internal event1415 etag_service_response: #<ServiceResponse:0x000078e1a89530c8 @status=:error, @message="", @payload={}, @http_status=nil, @reason=:response_error_code>, expected_status: :ok, shared_example: nil1416 behaves like returning response status1417 returns ok1418 behaves like tracking an internal event1419 tracks an internal event1420 etag_service_response: #<ServiceResponse:0x000078e1a8957678 @status=:error, @message="", @payload={}, @http_status=nil, @reason=:no_etag>, expected_status: :ok, shared_example: nil1421 behaves like returning response status1422 returns ok1423 behaves like tracking an internal event1424 tracks an internal event1425 etag_service_response: #<ServiceResponse:0x000078e1a895be58 @status=:error, @message="", @payload={}, @http_status=nil, @reason=:wrong_etag>, expected_status: nil, shared_example: "returning a workhorse senddependency response"1426 behaves like returning a workhorse senddependency response1427 behaves like returning a workhorse senddependency response with1428 returns a workhorse senddependency response1429 behaves like tracking an internal event1430 tracks an internal event1431 when pulling a md5 file1432 returns it1433 when pulling a sha1 file1434 returns it1435 behaves like pulling non existing files1436 with file test.pom1437 behaves like returning a workhorse senddependency response1438 behaves like returning a workhorse senddependency response with1439 returns a workhorse senddependency response1440 behaves like tracking an internal event1441 tracks an internal event1442 with file test.md51443 behaves like returning a workhorse sendurl response1444 behaves like returning a workhorse sendurl response with1445 returns a workhorse sendurl response1446 behaves like tracking an internal event1447 tracks an internal event1448 with file test.sha11449 behaves like returning a workhorse sendurl response1450 behaves like returning a workhorse sendurl response with1451 returns a workhorse sendurl response1452 behaves like tracking an internal event1453 tracks an internal event1454 with an internal project1455 behaves like handling different token types1456 and a personal access token1457 user_role: :anonymous, valid_token: nil, sent_using: nil, expected_status: :unauthorized1458 behaves like returning response status1459 returns unauthorized1460 user_role: :guest, valid_token: true, sent_using: :custom_header, expected_status: :ok1461 behaves like returning response status1462 returns ok1463 user_role: :guest, valid_token: true, sent_using: :basic_auth, expected_status: :ok1464 behaves like returning response status1465 returns ok1466 user_role: :guest, valid_token: false, sent_using: :custom_header, expected_status: :unauthorized1467 behaves like returning response status1468 returns unauthorized1469 user_role: :guest, valid_token: false, sent_using: :basic_auth, expected_status: :unauthorized1470 behaves like returning response status1471 returns unauthorized1472 and a deploy token1473 valid_token: true, sent_using: :custom_header, expected_status: :ok1474 behaves like returning response status1475 returns ok1476 valid_token: false, sent_using: :custom_header, expected_status: :unauthorized1477 behaves like returning response status1478 returns unauthorized1479 valid_token: true, sent_using: :basic_auth, expected_status: :ok1480 behaves like returning response status1481 returns ok1482 valid_token: false, sent_using: :basic_auth, expected_status: :unauthorized1483 behaves like returning response status1484 returns unauthorized1485 and a ci job token1486 valid_token: true, sent_using: :custom_header, expected_status: :ok1487 behaves like returning response status1488 returns ok1489 valid_token: false, sent_using: :custom_header, expected_status: :unauthorized1490 behaves like returning response status1491 returns unauthorized1492 valid_token: true, sent_using: :basic_auth, expected_status: :ok1493 behaves like returning response status1494 returns ok1495 valid_token: false, sent_using: :basic_auth, expected_status: :unauthorized1496 behaves like returning response status1497 returns unauthorized1498 behaves like a user pulling files1499 with a reporter pulling files1500 behaves like pulling existing files1501 when pulling a pom file1502 etag_service_response: #<ServiceResponse:0x000078e1a8b78678 @status=:success, @message=nil, @payload={}, @http_status=:ok, @reason=nil>, expected_status: :ok, shared_example: nil1503 behaves like returning response status1504 returns ok1505 behaves like tracking an internal event1506 tracks an internal event1507 etag_service_response: #<ServiceResponse:0x000078e1a8b82678 @status=:error, @message="", @payload={}, @http_status=nil, @reason=:response_error_code>, expected_status: :ok, shared_example: nil1508 behaves like returning response status1509 returns ok1510 behaves like tracking an internal event1511 tracks an internal event1512 etag_service_response: #<ServiceResponse:0x000078e1a8b86a48 @status=:error, @message="", @payload={}, @http_status=nil, @reason=:no_etag>, expected_status: :ok, shared_example: nil1513 behaves like returning response status1514 returns ok1515 behaves like tracking an internal event1516 tracks an internal event1517 etag_service_response: #<ServiceResponse:0x000078e1a8b8ab98 @status=:error, @message="", @payload={}, @http_status=nil, @reason=:wrong_etag>, expected_status: nil, shared_example: "returning a workhorse sendurl response"1518 behaves like returning a workhorse sendurl response1519 behaves like returning a workhorse sendurl response with1520 returns a workhorse sendurl response1521 behaves like tracking an internal event1522 tracks an internal event1523 when pulling a md5 file1524 returns it1525 when pulling a sha1 file1526 returns it1527 behaves like pulling non existing files1528 with file test.pom1529 behaves like returning a workhorse sendurl response1530 behaves like returning a workhorse sendurl response with1531 returns a workhorse sendurl response1532 behaves like tracking an internal event1533 tracks an internal event1534 with file test.md51535 behaves like returning a workhorse sendurl response1536 behaves like returning a workhorse sendurl response with1537 returns a workhorse sendurl response1538 behaves like tracking an internal event1539 tracks an internal event1540 with file test.sha11541 behaves like returning a workhorse sendurl response1542 behaves like returning a workhorse sendurl response with1543 returns a workhorse sendurl response1544 behaves like tracking an internal event1545 tracks an internal event1546 behaves like pulling existing files1547 when pulling a pom file1548 etag_service_response: #<ServiceResponse:0x000078e1a8c31010 @status=:success, @message=nil, @payload={}, @http_status=:ok, @reason=nil>, expected_status: :ok, shared_example: nil1549 behaves like returning response status1550 returns ok1551 behaves like tracking an internal event1552 tracks an internal event1553 etag_service_response: #<ServiceResponse:0x000078e1a8c35020 @status=:error, @message="", @payload={}, @http_status=nil, @reason=:response_error_code>, expected_status: :ok, shared_example: nil1554 behaves like returning response status1555 returns ok1556 behaves like tracking an internal event1557 tracks an internal event1558 etag_service_response: #<ServiceResponse:0x000078e1a8c38e78 @status=:error, @message="", @payload={}, @http_status=nil, @reason=:no_etag>, expected_status: :ok, shared_example: nil1559 behaves like returning response status1560 returns ok1561 behaves like tracking an internal event1562 tracks an internal event1563 etag_service_response: #<ServiceResponse:0x000078e1a8c3d2c0 @status=:error, @message="", @payload={}, @http_status=nil, @reason=:wrong_etag>, expected_status: nil, shared_example: "returning a workhorse sendurl response"1564 behaves like returning a workhorse sendurl response1565 behaves like returning a workhorse sendurl response with1566 returns a workhorse sendurl response1567 behaves like tracking an internal event1568 tracks an internal event1569 when pulling a md5 file1570 returns it1571 when pulling a sha1 file1572 returns it1573 behaves like pulling non existing files1574 with file test.pom1575 behaves like returning a workhorse sendurl response1576 behaves like returning a workhorse sendurl response with1577 returns a workhorse sendurl response1578 behaves like tracking an internal event1579 tracks an internal event1580 with file test.md51581 behaves like returning a workhorse sendurl response1582 behaves like returning a workhorse sendurl response with1583 returns a workhorse sendurl response1584 behaves like tracking an internal event1585 tracks an internal event1586 with file test.sha11587 behaves like returning a workhorse sendurl response1588 behaves like returning a workhorse sendurl response with1589 returns a workhorse sendurl response1590 behaves like tracking an internal event1591 tracks an internal event1592 with a developer pulling files1593 behaves like pulling existing files1594 when pulling a pom file1595 etag_service_response: #<ServiceResponse:0x000078e1a8cf4330 @status=:success, @message=nil, @payload={}, @http_status=:ok, @reason=nil>, expected_status: :ok, shared_example: nil1596 behaves like returning response status1597 returns ok1598 behaves like tracking an internal event1599 tracks an internal event1600 etag_service_response: #<ServiceResponse:0x000078e1a8cffc08 @status=:error, @message="", @payload={}, @http_status=nil, @reason=:response_error_code>, expected_status: :ok, shared_example: nil1601 behaves like returning response status1602 returns ok1603 behaves like tracking an internal event1604 tracks an internal event1605 etag_service_response: #<ServiceResponse:0x000078e1a8d03b00 @status=:error, @message="", @payload={}, @http_status=nil, @reason=:no_etag>, expected_status: :ok, shared_example: nil1606 behaves like returning response status1607 returns ok1608 behaves like tracking an internal event1609 tracks an internal event1610 etag_service_response: #<ServiceResponse:0x000078e1a8d07b60 @status=:error, @message="", @payload={}, @http_status=nil, @reason=:wrong_etag>, expected_status: nil, shared_example: "returning a workhorse sendurl response"1611 behaves like returning a workhorse sendurl response1612 behaves like returning a workhorse sendurl response with1613 returns a workhorse sendurl response1614 behaves like tracking an internal event1615 tracks an internal event1616 when pulling a md5 file1617 returns it1618 when pulling a sha1 file1619 returns it1620 behaves like pulling non existing files1621 with file test.pom1622 behaves like returning a workhorse senddependency response1623 behaves like returning a workhorse senddependency response with1624 returns a workhorse senddependency response1625 behaves like tracking an internal event1626 tracks an internal event1627 with file test.md51628 behaves like returning a workhorse sendurl response1629 behaves like returning a workhorse sendurl response with1630 returns a workhorse sendurl response1631 behaves like tracking an internal event1632 tracks an internal event1633 with file test.sha11634 behaves like returning a workhorse sendurl response1635 behaves like returning a workhorse sendurl response with1636 returns a workhorse sendurl response1637 behaves like tracking an internal event1638 tracks an internal event1639 behaves like pulling existing files1640 when pulling a pom file1641 etag_service_response: #<ServiceResponse:0x000078e1a8db7650 @status=:success, @message=nil, @payload={}, @http_status=:ok, @reason=nil>, expected_status: :ok, shared_example: nil1642 behaves like returning response status1643 returns ok1644 behaves like tracking an internal event1645 tracks an internal event1646 etag_service_response: #<ServiceResponse:0x000078e1a8db40e0 @status=:error, @message="", @payload={}, @http_status=nil, @reason=:response_error_code>, expected_status: :ok, shared_example: nil1647 behaves like returning response status1648 returns ok1649 behaves like tracking an internal event1650 tracks an internal event1651 etag_service_response: #<ServiceResponse:0x000078e1a8db9158 @status=:error, @message="", @payload={}, @http_status=nil, @reason=:no_etag>, expected_status: :ok, shared_example: nil1652 behaves like returning response status1653 returns ok1654 behaves like tracking an internal event1655 tracks an internal event1656 etag_service_response: #<ServiceResponse:0x000078e1a8dbe1f8 @status=:error, @message="", @payload={}, @http_status=nil, @reason=:wrong_etag>, expected_status: nil, shared_example: "returning a workhorse sendurl response"1657 behaves like returning a workhorse sendurl response1658 behaves like returning a workhorse sendurl response with1659 returns a workhorse sendurl response1660 behaves like tracking an internal event1661 tracks an internal event1662 when pulling a md5 file1663 returns it1664 when pulling a sha1 file1665 returns it1666 behaves like pulling non existing files1667 with file test.pom1668 behaves like returning a workhorse senddependency response1669 behaves like returning a workhorse senddependency response with1670 returns a workhorse senddependency response1671 behaves like tracking an internal event1672 tracks an internal event1673 with file test.md51674 behaves like returning a workhorse sendurl response1675 behaves like returning a workhorse sendurl response with1676 returns a workhorse sendurl response1677 behaves like tracking an internal event1678 tracks an internal event1679 with file test.sha11680 behaves like returning a workhorse sendurl response1681 behaves like returning a workhorse sendurl response with1682 returns a workhorse sendurl response1683 behaves like tracking an internal event1684 tracks an internal event1685 with a maintainer pulling files1686 behaves like pulling existing files1687 when pulling a pom file1688 etag_service_response: #<ServiceResponse:0x000078e1a8e686f8 @status=:success, @message=nil, @payload={}, @http_status=:ok, @reason=nil>, expected_status: :ok, shared_example: nil1689 behaves like returning response status1690 returns ok1691 behaves like tracking an internal event1692 tracks an internal event1693 etag_service_response: #<ServiceResponse:0x000078e1a8e73d00 @status=:error, @message="", @payload={}, @http_status=nil, @reason=:response_error_code>, expected_status: :ok, shared_example: nil1694 behaves like returning response status1695 returns ok1696 behaves like tracking an internal event1697 tracks an internal event1698 etag_service_response: #<ServiceResponse:0x000078e1a8e70ba0 @status=:error, @message="", @payload={}, @http_status=nil, @reason=:no_etag>, expected_status: :ok, shared_example: nil1699 behaves like returning response status1700 returns ok1701 behaves like tracking an internal event1702 tracks an internal event1703 etag_service_response: #<ServiceResponse:0x000078e1a8e75b78 @status=:error, @message="", @payload={}, @http_status=nil, @reason=:wrong_etag>, expected_status: nil, shared_example: "returning a workhorse senddependency response"1704 behaves like returning a workhorse senddependency response1705 behaves like returning a workhorse senddependency response with1706 returns a workhorse senddependency response1707 behaves like tracking an internal event1708 tracks an internal event1709 when pulling a md5 file1710 returns it1711 when pulling a sha1 file1712 returns it1713 behaves like pulling non existing files1714 with file test.pom1715 behaves like returning a workhorse senddependency response1716 behaves like returning a workhorse senddependency response with1717 returns a workhorse senddependency response1718 behaves like tracking an internal event1719 tracks an internal event1720 with file test.md51721 behaves like returning a workhorse sendurl response1722 behaves like returning a workhorse sendurl response with1723 returns a workhorse sendurl response1724 behaves like tracking an internal event1725 tracks an internal event1726 with file test.sha11727 behaves like returning a workhorse sendurl response1728 behaves like returning a workhorse sendurl response with1729 returns a workhorse sendurl response1730 behaves like tracking an internal event1731 tracks an internal event1732 behaves like pulling existing files1733 when pulling a pom file1734 etag_service_response: #<ServiceResponse:0x000078e1a8f15c90 @status=:success, @message=nil, @payload={}, @http_status=:ok, @reason=nil>, expected_status: :ok, shared_example: nil1735 behaves like returning response status1736 returns ok1737 behaves like tracking an internal event1738 tracks an internal event1739 etag_service_response: #<ServiceResponse:0x000078e1a8f19b10 @status=:error, @message="", @payload={}, @http_status=nil, @reason=:response_error_code>, expected_status: :ok, shared_example: nil1740 behaves like returning response status1741 returns ok1742 behaves like tracking an internal event1743 tracks an internal event1744 etag_service_response: #<ServiceResponse:0x000078e1a8f1e4a8 @status=:error, @message="", @payload={}, @http_status=nil, @reason=:no_etag>, expected_status: :ok, shared_example: nil1745 behaves like returning response status1746 returns ok1747 behaves like tracking an internal event1748 tracks an internal event1749 etag_service_response: #<ServiceResponse:0x000078e1a8f21f40 @status=:error, @message="", @payload={}, @http_status=nil, @reason=:wrong_etag>, expected_status: nil, shared_example: "returning a workhorse senddependency response"1750 behaves like returning a workhorse senddependency response1751 behaves like returning a workhorse senddependency response with1752 returns a workhorse senddependency response1753 behaves like tracking an internal event1754 tracks an internal event1755 when pulling a md5 file1756 returns it1757 when pulling a sha1 file1758 returns it1759 behaves like pulling non existing files1760 with file test.pom1761 behaves like returning a workhorse senddependency response1762 behaves like returning a workhorse senddependency response with1763 returns a workhorse senddependency response1764 behaves like tracking an internal event1765 tracks an internal event1766 with file test.md51767 behaves like returning a workhorse sendurl response1768 behaves like returning a workhorse sendurl response with1769 returns a workhorse sendurl response1770 behaves like tracking an internal event1771 tracks an internal event1772 with file test.sha11773 behaves like returning a workhorse sendurl response1774 behaves like returning a workhorse sendurl response with1775 returns a workhorse sendurl response1776 behaves like tracking an internal event1777 tracks an internal event1778 with a ci job token1779 with custom headers1780 behaves like pulling existing files1781 when pulling a pom file1782 etag_service_response: #<ServiceResponse:0x000078e1a8fd60a8 @status=:success, @message=nil, @payload={}, @http_status=:ok, @reason=nil>, expected_status: :ok, shared_example: nil1783 behaves like returning response status1784 returns ok1785 behaves like tracking an internal event1786 tracks an internal event1787 etag_service_response: #<ServiceResponse:0x000078e1a8fda6d0 @status=:error, @message="", @payload={}, @http_status=nil, @reason=:response_error_code>, expected_status: :ok, shared_example: nil1788 behaves like returning response status1789 returns ok1790 behaves like tracking an internal event1791 tracks an internal event1792 etag_service_response: #<ServiceResponse:0x000078e1a8fdf270 @status=:error, @message="", @payload={}, @http_status=nil, @reason=:no_etag>, expected_status: :ok, shared_example: nil1793 behaves like returning response status1794 returns ok1795 behaves like tracking an internal event1796 tracks an internal event1797 etag_service_response: #<ServiceResponse:0x000078e1a8fe3eb0 @status=:error, @message="", @payload={}, @http_status=nil, @reason=:wrong_etag>, expected_status: nil, shared_example: "returning a workhorse senddependency response"1798 behaves like returning a workhorse senddependency response1799 behaves like returning a workhorse senddependency response with1800 returns a workhorse senddependency response1801 behaves like tracking an internal event1802 tracks an internal event1803 when pulling a md5 file1804 returns it1805 when pulling a sha1 file1806 returns it1807 behaves like pulling non existing files1808 with file test.pom1809 behaves like returning a workhorse senddependency response1810 behaves like returning a workhorse senddependency response with1811 returns a workhorse senddependency response1812 behaves like tracking an internal event1813 tracks an internal event1814 with file test.md51815 behaves like returning a workhorse sendurl response1816 behaves like returning a workhorse sendurl response with1817 returns a workhorse sendurl response1818 behaves like tracking an internal event1819 tracks an internal event1820 with file test.sha11821 behaves like returning a workhorse sendurl response1822 behaves like returning a workhorse sendurl response with1823 returns a workhorse sendurl response1824 behaves like tracking an internal event1825 tracks an internal event1826 with basic auth1827 behaves like pulling existing files1828 when pulling a pom file1829 etag_service_response: #<ServiceResponse:0x000078e1a907fce8 @status=:success, @message=nil, @payload={}, @http_status=:ok, @reason=nil>, expected_status: :ok, shared_example: nil1830 behaves like returning response status1831 returns ok1832 behaves like tracking an internal event1833 tracks an internal event1834 etag_service_response: #<ServiceResponse:0x000078e1a907c430 @status=:error, @message="", @payload={}, @http_status=nil, @reason=:response_error_code>, expected_status: :ok, shared_example: nil1835 behaves like returning response status1836 returns ok1837 behaves like tracking an internal event1838 tracks an internal event1839 etag_service_response: #<ServiceResponse:0x000078e1a9080fd0 @status=:error, @message="", @payload={}, @http_status=nil, @reason=:no_etag>, expected_status: :ok, shared_example: nil1840 behaves like returning response status1841 returns ok1842 behaves like tracking an internal event1843 tracks an internal event1844 etag_service_response: #<ServiceResponse:0x000078e1a9085a08 @status=:error, @message="", @payload={}, @http_status=nil, @reason=:wrong_etag>, expected_status: nil, shared_example: "returning a workhorse senddependency response"1845 behaves like returning a workhorse senddependency response1846 behaves like returning a workhorse senddependency response with1847 returns a workhorse senddependency response1848 behaves like tracking an internal event1849 tracks an internal event1850 when pulling a md5 file1851 returns it1852 when pulling a sha1 file1853 returns it1854 behaves like pulling non existing files1855 with file test.pom1856 behaves like returning a workhorse senddependency response1857 behaves like returning a workhorse senddependency response with1858 returns a workhorse senddependency response1859 behaves like tracking an internal event1860 tracks an internal event1861 with file test.md51862 behaves like returning a workhorse sendurl response1863 behaves like returning a workhorse sendurl response with1864 returns a workhorse sendurl response1865 behaves like tracking an internal event1866 tracks an internal event1867 with file test.sha11868 behaves like returning a workhorse sendurl response1869 behaves like returning a workhorse sendurl response with1870 returns a workhorse sendurl response1871 behaves like tracking an internal event1872 tracks an internal event1873 with a deploy token1874 with custom headers1875 behaves like pulling existing files1876 when pulling a pom file1877 etag_service_response: #<ServiceResponse:0x000078e1a9127240 @status=:success, @message=nil, @payload={}, @http_status=:ok, @reason=nil>, expected_status: :ok, shared_example: nil1878 behaves like returning response status1879 returns ok1880 behaves like tracking an internal event1881 tracks an internal event1882 etag_service_response: #<ServiceResponse:0x000078e1a912bac0 @status=:error, @message="", @payload={}, @http_status=nil, @reason=:response_error_code>, expected_status: :ok, shared_example: nil1883 behaves like returning response status1884 returns ok1885 behaves like tracking an internal event1886 tracks an internal event1887 etag_service_response: #<ServiceResponse:0x000078e1a9128820 @status=:error, @message="", @payload={}, @http_status=nil, @reason=:no_etag>, expected_status: :ok, shared_example: nil1888 behaves like returning response status1889 returns ok1890 behaves like tracking an internal event1891 tracks an internal event1892 etag_service_response: #<ServiceResponse:0x000078e1a912d5a0 @status=:error, @message="", @payload={}, @http_status=nil, @reason=:wrong_etag>, expected_status: nil, shared_example: "returning a workhorse senddependency response"1893 behaves like returning a workhorse senddependency response1894 behaves like returning a workhorse senddependency response with1895 returns a workhorse senddependency response1896 behaves like tracking an internal event1897 tracks an internal event1898 when pulling a md5 file1899 returns it1900 when pulling a sha1 file1901 returns it1902 behaves like pulling non existing files1903 with file test.pom1904 behaves like returning a workhorse senddependency response1905 behaves like returning a workhorse senddependency response with1906 returns a workhorse senddependency response1907 behaves like tracking an internal event1908 tracks an internal event1909 with file test.md51910 behaves like returning a workhorse sendurl response1911 behaves like returning a workhorse sendurl response with1912 returns a workhorse sendurl response1913 behaves like tracking an internal event1914 tracks an internal event1915 with file test.sha11916 behaves like returning a workhorse sendurl response1917 behaves like returning a workhorse sendurl response with1918 returns a workhorse sendurl response1919 behaves like tracking an internal event1920 tracks an internal event1921 with basic auth1922 behaves like pulling existing files1923 when pulling a pom file1924 etag_service_response: #<ServiceResponse:0x000078e1a91cbef8 @status=:success, @message=nil, @payload={}, @http_status=:ok, @reason=nil>, expected_status: :ok, shared_example: nil1925 behaves like returning response status1926 returns ok1927 behaves like tracking an internal event1928 tracks an internal event1929 etag_service_response: #<ServiceResponse:0x000078e1a91c88c0 @status=:error, @message="", @payload={}, @http_status=nil, @reason=:response_error_code>, expected_status: :ok, shared_example: nil1930 behaves like returning response status1931 returns ok1932 behaves like tracking an internal event1933 tracks an internal event1934 etag_service_response: #<ServiceResponse:0x000078e1a91cd618 @status=:error, @message="", @payload={}, @http_status=nil, @reason=:no_etag>, expected_status: :ok, shared_example: nil1935 behaves like returning response status1936 returns ok1937 behaves like tracking an internal event1938 tracks an internal event1939 etag_service_response: #<ServiceResponse:0x000078e1a91d2410 @status=:error, @message="", @payload={}, @http_status=nil, @reason=:wrong_etag>, expected_status: nil, shared_example: "returning a workhorse senddependency response"1940 behaves like returning a workhorse senddependency response1941 behaves like returning a workhorse senddependency response with1942 returns a workhorse senddependency response1943 behaves like tracking an internal event1944 tracks an internal event1945 when pulling a md5 file1946 returns it1947 when pulling a sha1 file1948 returns it1949 behaves like pulling non existing files1950 with file test.pom1951 behaves like returning a workhorse senddependency response1952 behaves like returning a workhorse senddependency response with1953 returns a workhorse senddependency response1954 behaves like tracking an internal event1955 tracks an internal event1956 with file test.md51957 behaves like returning a workhorse sendurl response1958 behaves like returning a workhorse sendurl response with1959 returns a workhorse sendurl response1960 behaves like tracking an internal event1961 tracks an internal event1962 with file test.sha11963 behaves like returning a workhorse sendurl response1964 behaves like returning a workhorse sendurl response with1965 returns a workhorse sendurl response1966 behaves like tracking an internal event1967 tracks an internal event1968 with a private project1969 behaves like handling different token types1970 and a personal access token1971 user_role: :anonymous, valid_token: nil, sent_using: nil, expected_status: :unauthorized1972 behaves like returning response status1973 returns unauthorized1974 user_role: :guest, valid_token: true, sent_using: :custom_header, expected_status: :forbidden1975 behaves like returning response status1976 returns forbidden1977 user_role: :guest, valid_token: true, sent_using: :basic_auth, expected_status: :forbidden1978 behaves like returning response status1979 returns forbidden1980 user_role: :guest, valid_token: false, sent_using: :custom_header, expected_status: :unauthorized1981 behaves like returning response status1982 returns unauthorized1983 user_role: :guest, valid_token: false, sent_using: :basic_auth, expected_status: :unauthorized1984 behaves like returning response status1985 returns unauthorized1986 user_role: :reporter, valid_token: true, sent_using: :custom_header, expected_status: :ok1987 behaves like returning response status1988 returns ok1989 user_role: :reporter, valid_token: true, sent_using: :basic_auth, expected_status: :ok1990 behaves like returning response status1991 returns ok1992 user_role: :reporter, valid_token: false, sent_using: :custom_header, expected_status: :unauthorized1993 behaves like returning response status1994 returns unauthorized1995 user_role: :reporter, valid_token: false, sent_using: :basic_auth, expected_status: :unauthorized1996 behaves like returning response status1997 returns unauthorized1998 and a deploy token1999 valid_token: true, sent_using: :custom_header, expected_status: :ok2000 behaves like returning response status2001 returns ok2002 valid_token: false, sent_using: :custom_header, expected_status: :unauthorized2003 behaves like returning response status2004 returns unauthorized2005 valid_token: true, sent_using: :basic_auth, expected_status: :ok2006 behaves like returning response status2007 returns ok2008 valid_token: false, sent_using: :basic_auth, expected_status: :unauthorized2009 behaves like returning response status2010 returns unauthorized2011 and a ci job token2012 valid_token: true, sent_using: :custom_header, expected_status: :ok2013 behaves like returning response status2014 returns ok2015 valid_token: false, sent_using: :custom_header, expected_status: :unauthorized2016 behaves like returning response status2017 returns unauthorized2018 valid_token: true, sent_using: :basic_auth, expected_status: :ok2019 behaves like returning response status2020 returns ok2021 valid_token: false, sent_using: :basic_auth, expected_status: :unauthorized2022 behaves like returning response status2023 returns unauthorized2024 behaves like a user pulling files2025 with a reporter pulling files2026 behaves like pulling existing files2027 when pulling a pom file2028 etag_service_response: #<ServiceResponse:0x000078e1a934aae0 @status=:success, @message=nil, @payload={}, @http_status=:ok, @reason=nil>, expected_status: :ok, shared_example: nil2029 behaves like returning response status2030 returns ok2031 behaves like tracking an internal event2032 tracks an internal event2033 etag_service_response: #<ServiceResponse:0x000078e1a934efa0 @status=:error, @message="", @payload={}, @http_status=nil, @reason=:response_error_code>, expected_status: :ok, shared_example: nil2034 behaves like returning response status2035 returns ok2036 behaves like tracking an internal event2037 tracks an internal event2038 etag_service_response: #<ServiceResponse:0x000078e1a9353a78 @status=:error, @message="", @payload={}, @http_status=nil, @reason=:no_etag>, expected_status: :ok, shared_example: nil2039 behaves like returning response status2040 returns ok2041 behaves like tracking an internal event2042 tracks an internal event2043 etag_service_response: #<ServiceResponse:0x000078e1a9350710 @status=:error, @message="", @payload={}, @http_status=nil, @reason=:wrong_etag>, expected_status: nil, shared_example: "returning a workhorse sendurl response"2044 behaves like returning a workhorse sendurl response2045 behaves like returning a workhorse sendurl response with2046 returns a workhorse sendurl response2047 behaves like tracking an internal event2048 tracks an internal event2049 when pulling a md5 file2050 returns it2051 when pulling a sha1 file2052 returns it2053 behaves like pulling non existing files2054 with file test.pom2055 behaves like returning a workhorse sendurl response2056 behaves like returning a workhorse sendurl response with2057 returns a workhorse sendurl response2058 behaves like tracking an internal event2059 tracks an internal event2060 with file test.md52061 behaves like returning a workhorse sendurl response2062 behaves like returning a workhorse sendurl response with2063 returns a workhorse sendurl response2064 behaves like tracking an internal event2065 tracks an internal event2066 with file test.sha12067 behaves like returning a workhorse sendurl response2068 behaves like returning a workhorse sendurl response with2069 returns a workhorse sendurl response2070 behaves like tracking an internal event2071 tracks an internal event2072 behaves like pulling existing files2073 when pulling a pom file2074 etag_service_response: #<ServiceResponse:0x000078e1a93ef5b8 @status=:success, @message=nil, @payload={}, @http_status=:ok, @reason=nil>, expected_status: :ok, shared_example: nil2075 behaves like returning response status2076 returns ok2077 behaves like tracking an internal event2078 tracks an internal event2079 etag_service_response: #<ServiceResponse:0x000078e1a93f3898 @status=:error, @message="", @payload={}, @http_status=nil, @reason=:response_error_code>, expected_status: :ok, shared_example: nil2080 behaves like returning response status2081 returns ok2082 behaves like tracking an internal event2083 tracks an internal event2084 etag_service_response: #<ServiceResponse:0x000078e1a93f0238 @status=:error, @message="", @payload={}, @http_status=nil, @reason=:no_etag>, expected_status: :ok, shared_example: nil2085 behaves like returning response status2086 returns ok2087 behaves like tracking an internal event2088 tracks an internal event2089 etag_service_response: #<ServiceResponse:0x000078e1a93f4cc0 @status=:error, @message="", @payload={}, @http_status=nil, @reason=:wrong_etag>, expected_status: nil, shared_example: "returning a workhorse sendurl response"2090 behaves like returning a workhorse sendurl response2091 behaves like returning a workhorse sendurl response with2092 returns a workhorse sendurl response2093 behaves like tracking an internal event2094 tracks an internal event2095 when pulling a md5 file2096 returns it2097 when pulling a sha1 file2098 returns it2099 behaves like pulling non existing files2100 with file test.pom2101 behaves like returning a workhorse sendurl response2102 behaves like returning a workhorse sendurl response with2103 returns a workhorse sendurl response2104 behaves like tracking an internal event2105 tracks an internal event2106 with file test.md52107 behaves like returning a workhorse sendurl response2108 behaves like returning a workhorse sendurl response with2109 returns a workhorse sendurl response2110 behaves like tracking an internal event2111 tracks an internal event2112 with file test.sha12113 behaves like returning a workhorse sendurl response2114 behaves like returning a workhorse sendurl response with2115 returns a workhorse sendurl response2116 behaves like tracking an internal event2117 tracks an internal event2118 with a developer pulling files2119 behaves like pulling existing files2120 when pulling a pom file2121 etag_service_response: #<ServiceResponse:0x000078e1a9494dd8 @status=:success, @message=nil, @payload={}, @http_status=:ok, @reason=nil>, expected_status: :ok, shared_example: nil2122 behaves like returning response status2123 returns ok2124 behaves like tracking an internal event2125 tracks an internal event2126 etag_service_response: #<ServiceResponse:0x000078e1a9499798 @status=:error, @message="", @payload={}, @http_status=nil, @reason=:response_error_code>, expected_status: :ok, shared_example: nil2127 behaves like returning response status2128 returns ok2129 behaves like tracking an internal event2130 tracks an internal event2131 etag_service_response: #<ServiceResponse:0x000078e1a949e6f8 @status=:error, @message="", @payload={}, @http_status=nil, @reason=:no_etag>, expected_status: :ok, shared_example: nil2132 behaves like returning response status2133 returns ok2134 behaves like tracking an internal event2135 tracks an internal event2136 etag_service_response: #<ServiceResponse:0x000078e1a94a3478 @status=:error, @message="", @payload={}, @http_status=nil, @reason=:wrong_etag>, expected_status: nil, shared_example: "returning a workhorse sendurl response"2137 behaves like returning a workhorse sendurl response2138 behaves like returning a workhorse sendurl response with2139 returns a workhorse sendurl response2140 behaves like tracking an internal event2141 tracks an internal event2142 when pulling a md5 file2143 returns it2144 when pulling a sha1 file2145 returns it2146 behaves like pulling non existing files2147 with file test.pom2148 behaves like returning a workhorse senddependency response2149 behaves like returning a workhorse senddependency response with2150 returns a workhorse senddependency response2151 behaves like tracking an internal event2152 tracks an internal event2153 with file test.md52154 behaves like returning a workhorse sendurl response2155 behaves like returning a workhorse sendurl response with2156 returns a workhorse sendurl response2157 behaves like tracking an internal event2158 tracks an internal event2159 with file test.sha12160 behaves like returning a workhorse sendurl response2161 behaves like returning a workhorse sendurl response with2162 returns a workhorse sendurl response2163 behaves like tracking an internal event2164 tracks an internal event2165 behaves like pulling existing files2166 when pulling a pom file2167 etag_service_response: #<ServiceResponse:0x000078e1a9541970 @status=:success, @message=nil, @payload={}, @http_status=:ok, @reason=nil>, expected_status: :ok, shared_example: nil2168 behaves like returning response status2169 returns ok2170 behaves like tracking an internal event2171 tracks an internal event2172 etag_service_response: #<ServiceResponse:0x000078e1a95457c8 @status=:error, @message="", @payload={}, @http_status=nil, @reason=:response_error_code>, expected_status: :ok, shared_example: nil2173 behaves like returning response status2174 returns ok2175 behaves like tracking an internal event2176 tracks an internal event2177 etag_service_response: #<ServiceResponse:0x000078e1a954a1d8 @status=:error, @message="", @payload={}, @http_status=nil, @reason=:no_etag>, expected_status: :ok, shared_example: nil2178 behaves like returning response status2179 returns ok2180 behaves like tracking an internal event2181 tracks an internal event2182 etag_service_response: #<ServiceResponse:0x000078e1a954ef08 @status=:error, @message="", @payload={}, @http_status=nil, @reason=:wrong_etag>, expected_status: nil, shared_example: "returning a workhorse sendurl response"2183 behaves like returning a workhorse sendurl response2184 behaves like returning a workhorse sendurl response with2185 returns a workhorse sendurl response2186 behaves like tracking an internal event2187 tracks an internal event2188 when pulling a md5 file2189 returns it2190 when pulling a sha1 file2191 returns it2192 behaves like pulling non existing files2193 with file test.pom2194 behaves like returning a workhorse senddependency response2195 behaves like returning a workhorse senddependency response with2196 returns a workhorse senddependency response2197 behaves like tracking an internal event2198 tracks an internal event2199 with file test.md52200 behaves like returning a workhorse sendurl response2201 behaves like returning a workhorse sendurl response with2202 returns a workhorse sendurl response2203 behaves like tracking an internal event2204 tracks an internal event2205 with file test.sha12206 behaves like returning a workhorse sendurl response2207 behaves like returning a workhorse sendurl response with2208 returns a workhorse sendurl response2209 behaves like tracking an internal event2210 tracks an internal event2211 with a maintainer pulling files2212 behaves like pulling existing files2213 when pulling a pom file2214 etag_service_response: #<ServiceResponse:0x000078e1a95ed950 @status=:success, @message=nil, @payload={}, @http_status=:ok, @reason=nil>, expected_status: :ok, shared_example: nil2215 behaves like returning response status2216 returns ok2217 behaves like tracking an internal event2218 tracks an internal event2219 etag_service_response: #<ServiceResponse:0x000078e1a95f2040 @status=:error, @message="", @payload={}, @http_status=nil, @reason=:response_error_code>, expected_status: :ok, shared_example: nil2220 behaves like returning response status2221 returns ok2222 behaves like tracking an internal event2223 tracks an internal event2224 etag_service_response: #<ServiceResponse:0x000078e1a95f6e10 @status=:error, @message="", @payload={}, @http_status=nil, @reason=:no_etag>, expected_status: :ok, shared_example: nil2225 behaves like returning response status2226 returns ok2227 behaves like tracking an internal event2228 tracks an internal event2229 etag_service_response: #<ServiceResponse:0x000078e1a95fbaf0 @status=:error, @message="", @payload={}, @http_status=nil, @reason=:wrong_etag>, expected_status: nil, shared_example: "returning a workhorse senddependency response"2230 behaves like returning a workhorse senddependency response2231 behaves like returning a workhorse senddependency response with2232 returns a workhorse senddependency response2233 behaves like tracking an internal event2234 tracks an internal event2235 when pulling a md5 file2236 returns it2237 when pulling a sha1 file2238 returns it2239 behaves like pulling non existing files2240 with file test.pom2241 behaves like returning a workhorse senddependency response2242 behaves like returning a workhorse senddependency response with2243 returns a workhorse senddependency response2244 behaves like tracking an internal event2245 tracks an internal event2246 with file test.md52247 behaves like returning a workhorse sendurl response2248 behaves like returning a workhorse sendurl response with2249 returns a workhorse sendurl response2250 behaves like tracking an internal event2251 tracks an internal event2252 with file test.sha12253 behaves like returning a workhorse sendurl response2254 behaves like returning a workhorse sendurl response with2255 returns a workhorse sendurl response2256 behaves like tracking an internal event2257 tracks an internal event2258 behaves like pulling existing files2259 when pulling a pom file2260 etag_service_response: #<ServiceResponse:0x000078e1a969a858 @status=:success, @message=nil, @payload={}, @http_status=:ok, @reason=nil>, expected_status: :ok, shared_example: nil2261 behaves like returning response status2262 returns ok2263 behaves like tracking an internal event2264 tracks an internal event2265 etag_service_response: #<ServiceResponse:0x000078e1a969eed0 @status=:error, @message="", @payload={}, @http_status=nil, @reason=:response_error_code>, expected_status: :ok, shared_example: nil2266 behaves like returning response status2267 returns ok2268 behaves like tracking an internal event2269 tracks an internal event2270 etag_service_response: #<ServiceResponse:0x000078e1a96a32f0 @status=:error, @message="", @payload={}, @http_status=nil, @reason=:no_etag>, expected_status: :ok, shared_example: nil2271 behaves like returning response status2272 returns ok2273 behaves like tracking an internal event2274 tracks an internal event2275 etag_service_response: #<ServiceResponse:0x000078e1a96a7828 @status=:error, @message="", @payload={}, @http_status=nil, @reason=:wrong_etag>, expected_status: nil, shared_example: "returning a workhorse senddependency response"2276 behaves like returning a workhorse senddependency response2277 behaves like returning a workhorse senddependency response with2278 returns a workhorse senddependency response2279 behaves like tracking an internal event2280 tracks an internal event2281 when pulling a md5 file2282 returns it2283 when pulling a sha1 file2284 returns it2285 behaves like pulling non existing files2286 with file test.pom2287 behaves like returning a workhorse senddependency response2288 behaves like returning a workhorse senddependency response with2289 returns a workhorse senddependency response2290 behaves like tracking an internal event2291 tracks an internal event2292 with file test.md52293 behaves like returning a workhorse sendurl response2294 behaves like returning a workhorse sendurl response with2295 returns a workhorse sendurl response2296 behaves like tracking an internal event2297 tracks an internal event2298 with file test.sha12299 behaves like returning a workhorse sendurl response2300 behaves like returning a workhorse sendurl response with2301 returns a workhorse sendurl response2302 behaves like tracking an internal event2303 tracks an internal event2304 with a ci job token2305 with custom headers2306 behaves like pulling existing files2307 when pulling a pom file2308 etag_service_response: #<ServiceResponse:0x000078e1a9739908 @status=:success, @message=nil, @payload={}, @http_status=:ok, @reason=nil>, expected_status: :ok, shared_example: nil2309 behaves like returning response status2310 returns ok2311 behaves like tracking an internal event2312 tracks an internal event2313 etag_service_response: #<ServiceResponse:0x000078e1a973e368 @status=:error, @message="", @payload={}, @http_status=nil, @reason=:response_error_code>, expected_status: :ok, shared_example: nil2314 behaves like returning response status2315 returns ok2316 behaves like tracking an internal event2317 tracks an internal event2318 etag_service_response: #<ServiceResponse:0x000078e1a97432c8 @status=:error, @message="", @payload={}, @http_status=nil, @reason=:no_etag>, expected_status: :ok, shared_example: nil2319 behaves like returning response status2320 returns ok2321 behaves like tracking an internal event2322 tracks an internal event2323 etag_service_response: #<ServiceResponse:0x000078e1a9740280 @status=:error, @message="", @payload={}, @http_status=nil, @reason=:wrong_etag>, expected_status: nil, shared_example: "returning a workhorse senddependency response"2324 behaves like returning a workhorse senddependency response2325 behaves like returning a workhorse senddependency response with2326 returns a workhorse senddependency response2327 behaves like tracking an internal event2328 tracks an internal event2329 when pulling a md5 file2330 returns it2331 when pulling a sha1 file2332 returns it2333 behaves like pulling non existing files2334 with file test.pom2335 behaves like returning a workhorse senddependency response2336 behaves like returning a workhorse senddependency response with2337 returns a workhorse senddependency response2338 behaves like tracking an internal event2339 tracks an internal event2340 with file test.md52341 behaves like returning a workhorse sendurl response2342 behaves like returning a workhorse sendurl response with2343 returns a workhorse sendurl response2344 behaves like tracking an internal event2345 tracks an internal event2346 with file test.sha12347 behaves like returning a workhorse sendurl response2348 behaves like returning a workhorse sendurl response with2349 returns a workhorse sendurl response2350 behaves like tracking an internal event2351 tracks an internal event2352 with basic auth2353 behaves like pulling existing files2354 when pulling a pom file2355 etag_service_response: #<ServiceResponse:0x000078e1a97d7d10 @status=:success, @message=nil, @payload={}, @http_status=:ok, @reason=nil>, expected_status: :ok, shared_example: nil2356 behaves like returning response status2357 returns ok2358 behaves like tracking an internal event2359 tracks an internal event2360 etag_service_response: #<ServiceResponse:0x000078e1a97d48e0 @status=:error, @message="", @payload={}, @http_status=nil, @reason=:response_error_code>, expected_status: :ok, shared_example: nil2361 behaves like returning response status2362 returns ok2363 behaves like tracking an internal event2364 tracks an internal event2365 etag_service_response: #<ServiceResponse:0x000078e1a97d9840 @status=:error, @message="", @payload={}, @http_status=nil, @reason=:no_etag>, expected_status: :ok, shared_example: nil2366 behaves like returning response status2367 returns ok2368 behaves like tracking an internal event2369 tracks an internal event2370 etag_service_response: #<ServiceResponse:0x000078e1a97de7f0 @status=:error, @message="", @payload={}, @http_status=nil, @reason=:wrong_etag>, expected_status: nil, shared_example: "returning a workhorse senddependency response"2371 behaves like returning a workhorse senddependency response2372 behaves like returning a workhorse senddependency response with2373 returns a workhorse senddependency response2374 behaves like tracking an internal event2375 tracks an internal event2376 when pulling a md5 file2377 returns it2378 when pulling a sha1 file2379 returns it2380 behaves like pulling non existing files2381 with file test.pom2382 behaves like returning a workhorse senddependency response2383 behaves like returning a workhorse senddependency response with2384 returns a workhorse senddependency response2385 behaves like tracking an internal event2386 tracks an internal event2387 with file test.md52388 behaves like returning a workhorse sendurl response2389 behaves like returning a workhorse sendurl response with2390 returns a workhorse sendurl response2391 behaves like tracking an internal event2392 tracks an internal event2393 with file test.sha12394 behaves like returning a workhorse sendurl response2395 behaves like returning a workhorse sendurl response with2396 returns a workhorse sendurl response2397 behaves like tracking an internal event2398 tracks an internal event2399 with a deploy token2400 with custom headers2401 behaves like pulling existing files2402 when pulling a pom file2403 etag_service_response: #<ServiceResponse:0x000078e1a9873670 @status=:success, @message=nil, @payload={}, @http_status=:ok, @reason=nil>, expected_status: :ok, shared_example: nil2404 behaves like returning response status2405 returns ok2406 behaves like tracking an internal event2407 tracks an internal event2408 etag_service_response: #<ServiceResponse:0x000078e1a98703a8 @status=:error, @message="", @payload={}, @http_status=nil, @reason=:response_error_code>, expected_status: :ok, shared_example: nil2409 behaves like returning response status2410 returns ok2411 behaves like tracking an internal event2412 tracks an internal event2413 etag_service_response: #<ServiceResponse:0x000078e1a98754c0 @status=:error, @message="", @payload={}, @http_status=nil, @reason=:no_etag>, expected_status: :ok, shared_example: nil2414 behaves like returning response status2415 returns ok2416 behaves like tracking an internal event2417 tracks an internal event2418 etag_service_response: #<ServiceResponse:0x000078e1a987a600 @status=:error, @message="", @payload={}, @http_status=nil, @reason=:wrong_etag>, expected_status: nil, shared_example: "returning a workhorse senddependency response"2419 behaves like returning a workhorse senddependency response2420 behaves like returning a workhorse senddependency response with2421 returns a workhorse senddependency response2422 behaves like tracking an internal event2423 tracks an internal event2424 when pulling a md5 file2425 returns it2426 when pulling a sha1 file2427 returns it2428 behaves like pulling non existing files2429 with file test.pom2430 behaves like returning a workhorse senddependency response2431 behaves like returning a workhorse senddependency response with2432 returns a workhorse senddependency response2433 behaves like tracking an internal event2434 tracks an internal event2435 with file test.md52436 behaves like returning a workhorse sendurl response2437 behaves like returning a workhorse sendurl response with2438 returns a workhorse sendurl response2439 behaves like tracking an internal event2440 tracks an internal event2441 with file test.sha12442 behaves like returning a workhorse sendurl response2443 behaves like returning a workhorse sendurl response with2444 returns a workhorse sendurl response2445 behaves like tracking an internal event2446 tracks an internal event2447 with basic auth2448 behaves like pulling existing files2449 when pulling a pom file2450 etag_service_response: #<ServiceResponse:0x000078e1a9904b48 @status=:success, @message=nil, @payload={}, @http_status=:ok, @reason=nil>, expected_status: :ok, shared_example: nil2451 behaves like returning response status2452 returns ok2453 behaves like tracking an internal event2454 tracks an internal event2455 etag_service_response: #<ServiceResponse:0x000078e1a99098c8 @status=:error, @message="", @payload={}, @http_status=nil, @reason=:response_error_code>, expected_status: :ok, shared_example: nil2456 behaves like returning response status2457 returns ok2458 behaves like tracking an internal event2459 tracks an internal event2460 etag_service_response: #<ServiceResponse:0x000078e1a990e9e0 @status=:error, @message="", @payload={}, @http_status=nil, @reason=:no_etag>, expected_status: :ok, shared_example: nil2461 behaves like returning response status2462 returns ok2463 behaves like tracking an internal event2464 tracks an internal event2465 etag_service_response: #<ServiceResponse:0x000078e1a99139e0 @status=:error, @message="", @payload={}, @http_status=nil, @reason=:wrong_etag>, expected_status: nil, shared_example: "returning a workhorse senddependency response"2466 behaves like returning a workhorse senddependency response2467 behaves like returning a workhorse senddependency response with2468 returns a workhorse senddependency response2469 behaves like tracking an internal event2470 tracks an internal event2471 when pulling a md5 file2472 returns it2473 when pulling a sha1 file2474 returns it2475 behaves like pulling non existing files2476 with file test.pom2477 behaves like returning a workhorse senddependency response2478 behaves like returning a workhorse senddependency response with2479 returns a workhorse senddependency response2480 behaves like tracking an internal event2481 tracks an internal event2482 with file test.md52483 behaves like returning a workhorse sendurl response2484 behaves like returning a workhorse sendurl response with2485 returns a workhorse sendurl response2486 behaves like tracking an internal event2487 tracks an internal event2488 with file test.sha12489 behaves like returning a workhorse sendurl response2490 behaves like returning a workhorse sendurl response with2491 returns a workhorse sendurl response2492 behaves like tracking an internal event2493 tracks an internal event2494 with package registry public access set to false2495 with a public project2496 behaves like handling different token types2497 and a personal access token2498 user_role: :anonymous, valid_token: nil, sent_using: nil, expected_status: :unauthorized2499 behaves like returning response status2500 returns unauthorized2501 user_role: :guest, valid_token: true, sent_using: :custom_header, expected_status: :ok2502 behaves like returning response status2503 returns ok2504 user_role: :guest, valid_token: true, sent_using: :basic_auth, expected_status: :ok2505 behaves like returning response status2506 returns ok2507 user_role: :guest, valid_token: false, sent_using: :custom_header, expected_status: :unauthorized2508 behaves like returning response status2509 returns unauthorized2510 user_role: :guest, valid_token: false, sent_using: :basic_auth, expected_status: :unauthorized2511 behaves like returning response status2512 returns unauthorized2513 and a deploy token2514 valid_token: true, sent_using: :custom_header, expected_status: :ok2515 behaves like returning response status2516 returns ok2517 valid_token: false, sent_using: :custom_header, expected_status: :unauthorized2518 behaves like returning response status2519 returns unauthorized2520 valid_token: true, sent_using: :basic_auth, expected_status: :ok2521 behaves like returning response status2522 returns ok2523 valid_token: false, sent_using: :basic_auth, expected_status: :unauthorized2524 behaves like returning response status2525 returns unauthorized2526 and a ci job token2527 valid_token: true, sent_using: :custom_header, expected_status: :ok2528 behaves like returning response status2529 returns ok2530 valid_token: false, sent_using: :custom_header, expected_status: :unauthorized2531 behaves like returning response status2532 returns unauthorized2533 valid_token: true, sent_using: :basic_auth, expected_status: :ok2534 behaves like returning response status2535 returns ok2536 valid_token: false, sent_using: :basic_auth, expected_status: :unauthorized2537 behaves like returning response status2538 returns unauthorized2539 behaves like a user pulling files2540 with a reporter pulling files2541 behaves like pulling existing files2542 when pulling a pom file2543 etag_service_response: #<ServiceResponse:0x000078e1a9a3c6a0 @status=:success, @message=nil, @payload={}, @http_status=:ok, @reason=nil>, expected_status: :ok, shared_example: nil2544 behaves like returning response status2545 returns ok2546 behaves like tracking an internal event2547 tracks an internal event2548 etag_service_response: #<ServiceResponse:0x000078e1a9a41088 @status=:error, @message="", @payload={}, @http_status=nil, @reason=:response_error_code>, expected_status: :ok, shared_example: nil2549 behaves like returning response status2550 returns ok2551 behaves like tracking an internal event2552 tracks an internal event2553 etag_service_response: #<ServiceResponse:0x000078e1a9a46100 @status=:error, @message="", @payload={}, @http_status=nil, @reason=:no_etag>, expected_status: :ok, shared_example: nil2554 behaves like returning response status2555 returns ok2556 behaves like tracking an internal event2557 tracks an internal event2558 etag_service_response: #<ServiceResponse:0x000078e1a9a4b1c8 @status=:error, @message="", @payload={}, @http_status=nil, @reason=:wrong_etag>, expected_status: nil, shared_example: "returning a workhorse sendurl response"2559 behaves like returning a workhorse sendurl response2560 behaves like returning a workhorse sendurl response with2561 returns a workhorse sendurl response2562 behaves like tracking an internal event2563 tracks an internal event2564 when pulling a md5 file2565 returns it2566 when pulling a sha1 file2567 returns it2568 behaves like pulling non existing files2569 with file test.pom2570 behaves like returning a workhorse sendurl response2571 behaves like returning a workhorse sendurl response with2572 returns a workhorse sendurl response2573 behaves like tracking an internal event2574 tracks an internal event2575 with file test.md52576 behaves like returning a workhorse sendurl response2577 behaves like returning a workhorse sendurl response with2578 returns a workhorse sendurl response2579 behaves like tracking an internal event2580 tracks an internal event2581 with file test.sha12582 behaves like returning a workhorse sendurl response2583 behaves like returning a workhorse sendurl response with2584 returns a workhorse sendurl response2585 behaves like tracking an internal event2586 tracks an internal event2587 behaves like pulling existing files2588 when pulling a pom file2589 etag_service_response: #<ServiceResponse:0x000078e1a9af7248 @status=:success, @message=nil, @payload={}, @http_status=:ok, @reason=nil>, expected_status: :ok, shared_example: nil2590 behaves like returning response status2591 returns ok2592 behaves like tracking an internal event2593 tracks an internal event2594 etag_service_response: #<ServiceResponse:0x000078e1a9b01c48 @status=:error, @message="", @payload={}, @http_status=nil, @reason=:response_error_code>, expected_status: :ok, shared_example: nil2595 behaves like returning response status2596 returns ok2597 behaves like tracking an internal event2598 tracks an internal event2599 etag_service_response: #<ServiceResponse:0x000078e1a9b13c18 @status=:error, @message="", @payload={}, @http_status=nil, @reason=:no_etag>, expected_status: :ok, shared_example: nil2600 behaves like returning response status2601 returns ok2602 behaves like tracking an internal event2603 tracks an internal event2604 etag_service_response: #<ServiceResponse:0x000078e1a9b1f3b0 @status=:error, @message="", @payload={}, @http_status=nil, @reason=:wrong_etag>, expected_status: nil, shared_example: "returning a workhorse sendurl response"2605 behaves like returning a workhorse sendurl response2606 behaves like returning a workhorse sendurl response with2607 returns a workhorse sendurl response2608 behaves like tracking an internal event2609 tracks an internal event2610 when pulling a md5 file2611 returns it2612 when pulling a sha1 file2613 returns it2614 behaves like pulling non existing files2615 with file test.pom2616 behaves like returning a workhorse sendurl response2617 behaves like returning a workhorse sendurl response with2618 returns a workhorse sendurl response2619 behaves like tracking an internal event2620 tracks an internal event2621 with file test.md52622 behaves like returning a workhorse sendurl response2623 behaves like returning a workhorse sendurl response with2624 returns a workhorse sendurl response2625 behaves like tracking an internal event2626 tracks an internal event2627 with file test.sha12628 behaves like returning a workhorse sendurl response2629 behaves like returning a workhorse sendurl response with2630 returns a workhorse sendurl response2631 behaves like tracking an internal event2632 tracks an internal event2633 with a developer pulling files2634 behaves like pulling existing files2635 when pulling a pom file2636 etag_service_response: #<ServiceResponse:0x000078e1a9bfade8 @status=:success, @message=nil, @payload={}, @http_status=:ok, @reason=nil>, expected_status: :ok, shared_example: nil2637 behaves like returning response status2638 returns ok2639 behaves like tracking an internal event2640 tracks an internal event2641 etag_service_response: #<ServiceResponse:0x000078e1a9bfea38 @status=:error, @message="", @payload={}, @http_status=nil, @reason=:response_error_code>, expected_status: :ok, shared_example: nil2642 behaves like returning response status2643 returns ok2644 behaves like tracking an internal event2645 tracks an internal event2646 etag_service_response: #<ServiceResponse:0x000078e1a9c02d18 @status=:error, @message="", @payload={}, @http_status=nil, @reason=:no_etag>, expected_status: :ok, shared_example: nil2647 behaves like returning response status2648 returns ok2649 behaves like tracking an internal event2650 tracks an internal event2651 etag_service_response: #<ServiceResponse:0x000078e1a9c06fa8 @status=:error, @message="", @payload={}, @http_status=nil, @reason=:wrong_etag>, expected_status: nil, shared_example: "returning a workhorse sendurl response"2652 behaves like returning a workhorse sendurl response2653 behaves like returning a workhorse sendurl response with2654 returns a workhorse sendurl response2655 behaves like tracking an internal event2656 tracks an internal event2657 when pulling a md5 file2658 returns it2659 when pulling a sha1 file2660 returns it2661 behaves like pulling non existing files2662 with file test.pom2663 behaves like returning a workhorse senddependency response2664 behaves like returning a workhorse senddependency response with2665 returns a workhorse senddependency response2666 behaves like tracking an internal event2667 tracks an internal event2668 with file test.md52669 behaves like returning a workhorse sendurl response2670 behaves like returning a workhorse sendurl response with2671 returns a workhorse sendurl response2672 behaves like tracking an internal event2673 tracks an internal event2674 with file test.sha12675 behaves like returning a workhorse sendurl response2676 behaves like returning a workhorse sendurl response with2677 returns a workhorse sendurl response2678 behaves like tracking an internal event2679 tracks an internal event2680 behaves like pulling existing files2681 when pulling a pom file2682 etag_service_response: #<ServiceResponse:0x000078e1a9caefc8 @status=:success, @message=nil, @payload={}, @http_status=:ok, @reason=nil>, expected_status: :ok, shared_example: nil2683 behaves like returning response status2684 returns ok2685 behaves like tracking an internal event2686 tracks an internal event2687 etag_service_response: #<ServiceResponse:0x000078e1a9cb3190 @status=:error, @message="", @payload={}, @http_status=nil, @reason=:response_error_code>, expected_status: :ok, shared_example: nil2688 behaves like returning response status2689 returns ok2690 behaves like tracking an internal event2691 tracks an internal event2692 etag_service_response: #<ServiceResponse:0x000078e1a9cb7858 @status=:error, @message="", @payload={}, @http_status=nil, @reason=:no_etag>, expected_status: :ok, shared_example: nil2693 behaves like returning response status2694 returns ok2695 behaves like tracking an internal event2696 tracks an internal event2697 etag_service_response: #<ServiceResponse:0x000078e1a9cbbbd8 @status=:error, @message="", @payload={}, @http_status=nil, @reason=:wrong_etag>, expected_status: nil, shared_example: "returning a workhorse sendurl response"2698 behaves like returning a workhorse sendurl response2699 behaves like returning a workhorse sendurl response with2700 returns a workhorse sendurl response2701 behaves like tracking an internal event2702 tracks an internal event2703 when pulling a md5 file2704 returns it2705 when pulling a sha1 file2706 returns it2707 behaves like pulling non existing files2708 with file test.pom2709 behaves like returning a workhorse senddependency response2710 behaves like returning a workhorse senddependency response with2711 returns a workhorse senddependency response2712 behaves like tracking an internal event2713 tracks an internal event2714 with file test.md52715 behaves like returning a workhorse sendurl response2716 behaves like returning a workhorse sendurl response with2717 returns a workhorse sendurl response2718 behaves like tracking an internal event2719 tracks an internal event2720 with file test.sha12721 behaves like returning a workhorse sendurl response2722 behaves like returning a workhorse sendurl response with2723 returns a workhorse sendurl response2724 behaves like tracking an internal event2725 tracks an internal event2726 with a maintainer pulling files2727 behaves like pulling existing files2728 when pulling a pom file2729 etag_service_response: #<ServiceResponse:0x000078e1a9d67410 @status=:success, @message=nil, @payload={}, @http_status=:ok, @reason=nil>, expected_status: :ok, shared_example: nil2730 behaves like returning response status2731 returns ok2732 behaves like tracking an internal event2733 tracks an internal event2734 etag_service_response: #<ServiceResponse:0x000078e1a9d6b380 @status=:error, @message="", @payload={}, @http_status=nil, @reason=:response_error_code>, expected_status: :ok, shared_example: nil2735 behaves like returning response status2736 returns ok2737 behaves like tracking an internal event2738 tracks an internal event2739 etag_service_response: #<ServiceResponse:0x000078e1a9d6f868 @status=:error, @message="", @payload={}, @http_status=nil, @reason=:no_etag>, expected_status: :ok, shared_example: nil2740 behaves like returning response status2741 returns ok2742 behaves like tracking an internal event2743 tracks an internal event2744 etag_service_response: #<ServiceResponse:0x000078e1a9d73e68 @status=:error, @message="", @payload={}, @http_status=nil, @reason=:wrong_etag>, expected_status: nil, shared_example: "returning a workhorse senddependency response"2745 behaves like returning a workhorse senddependency response2746 behaves like returning a workhorse senddependency response with2747 returns a workhorse senddependency response2748 behaves like tracking an internal event2749 tracks an internal event2750 when pulling a md5 file2751 returns it2752 when pulling a sha1 file2753 returns it2754 behaves like pulling non existing files2755 with file test.pom2756 behaves like returning a workhorse senddependency response2757 behaves like returning a workhorse senddependency response with2758 returns a workhorse senddependency response2759 behaves like tracking an internal event2760 tracks an internal event2761 with file test.md52762 behaves like returning a workhorse sendurl response2763 behaves like returning a workhorse sendurl response with2764 returns a workhorse sendurl response2765 behaves like tracking an internal event2766 tracks an internal event2767 with file test.sha12768 behaves like returning a workhorse sendurl response2769 behaves like returning a workhorse sendurl response with2770 returns a workhorse sendurl response2771 behaves like tracking an internal event2772 tracks an internal event2773 behaves like pulling existing files2774 when pulling a pom file2775 etag_service_response: #<ServiceResponse:0x000078e1a9e18ad0 @status=:success, @message=nil, @payload={}, @http_status=:ok, @reason=nil>, expected_status: :ok, shared_example: nil2776 behaves like returning response status2777 returns ok2778 behaves like tracking an internal event2779 tracks an internal event2780 etag_service_response: #<ServiceResponse:0x000078e1a9e1cc98 @status=:error, @message="", @payload={}, @http_status=nil, @reason=:response_error_code>, expected_status: :ok, shared_example: nil2781 behaves like returning response status2782 returns ok2783 behaves like tracking an internal event2784 tracks an internal event2785 etag_service_response: #<ServiceResponse:0x000078e1a9e21298 @status=:error, @message="", @payload={}, @http_status=nil, @reason=:no_etag>, expected_status: :ok, shared_example: nil2786 behaves like returning response status2787 returns ok2788 behaves like tracking an internal event2789 tracks an internal event2790 etag_service_response: #<ServiceResponse:0x000078e1a9e25668 @status=:error, @message="", @payload={}, @http_status=nil, @reason=:wrong_etag>, expected_status: nil, shared_example: "returning a workhorse senddependency response"2791 behaves like returning a workhorse senddependency response2792 behaves like returning a workhorse senddependency response with2793 returns a workhorse senddependency response2794 behaves like tracking an internal event2795 tracks an internal event2796 when pulling a md5 file2797 returns it2798 when pulling a sha1 file2799 returns it2800 behaves like pulling non existing files2801 with file test.pom2802 behaves like returning a workhorse senddependency response2803 behaves like returning a workhorse senddependency response with2804 returns a workhorse senddependency response2805 behaves like tracking an internal event2806 tracks an internal event2807 with file test.md52808 behaves like returning a workhorse sendurl response2809 behaves like returning a workhorse sendurl response with2810 returns a workhorse sendurl response2811 behaves like tracking an internal event2812 tracks an internal event2813 with file test.sha12814 behaves like returning a workhorse sendurl response2815 behaves like returning a workhorse sendurl response with2816 returns a workhorse sendurl response2817 behaves like tracking an internal event2818 tracks an internal event2819 with a ci job token2820 with custom headers2821 behaves like pulling existing files2822 when pulling a pom file2823 etag_service_response: #<ServiceResponse:0x000078e1a9ed6f08 @status=:success, @message=nil, @payload={}, @http_status=:ok, @reason=nil>, expected_status: :ok, shared_example: nil2824 behaves like returning response status2825 returns ok2826 behaves like tracking an internal event2827 tracks an internal event2828 etag_service_response: #<ServiceResponse:0x000078e1a9edb210 @status=:error, @message="", @payload={}, @http_status=nil, @reason=:response_error_code>, expected_status: :ok, shared_example: nil2829 behaves like returning response status2830 returns ok2831 behaves like tracking an internal event2832 tracks an internal event2833 etag_service_response: #<ServiceResponse:0x000078e1a9edfd38 @status=:error, @message="", @payload={}, @http_status=nil, @reason=:no_etag>, expected_status: :ok, shared_example: nil2834 behaves like returning response status2835 returns ok2836 behaves like tracking an internal event2837 tracks an internal event2838 etag_service_response: #<ServiceResponse:0x000078e1a9edc0e8 @status=:error, @message="", @payload={}, @http_status=nil, @reason=:wrong_etag>, expected_status: nil, shared_example: "returning a workhorse senddependency response"2839 behaves like returning a workhorse senddependency response2840 behaves like returning a workhorse senddependency response with2841 returns a workhorse senddependency response2842 behaves like tracking an internal event2843 tracks an internal event2844 when pulling a md5 file2845 returns it2846 when pulling a sha1 file2847 returns it2848 behaves like pulling non existing files2849 with file test.pom2850 behaves like returning a workhorse senddependency response2851 behaves like returning a workhorse senddependency response with2852 returns a workhorse senddependency response2853 behaves like tracking an internal event2854 tracks an internal event2855 with file test.md52856 behaves like returning a workhorse sendurl response2857 behaves like returning a workhorse sendurl response with2858 returns a workhorse sendurl response2859 behaves like tracking an internal event2860 tracks an internal event2861 with file test.sha12862 behaves like returning a workhorse sendurl response2863 behaves like returning a workhorse sendurl response with2864 returns a workhorse sendurl response2865 behaves like tracking an internal event2866 tracks an internal event2867 with basic auth2868 behaves like pulling existing files2869 when pulling a pom file2870 etag_service_response: #<ServiceResponse:0x000078e1a9f91308 @status=:success, @message=nil, @payload={}, @http_status=:ok, @reason=nil>, expected_status: :ok, shared_example: nil2871 behaves like returning response status2872 returns ok2873 behaves like tracking an internal event2874 tracks an internal event2875 etag_service_response: #<ServiceResponse:0x000078e1a9f95188 @status=:error, @message="", @payload={}, @http_status=nil, @reason=:response_error_code>, expected_status: :ok, shared_example: nil2876 behaves like returning response status2877 returns ok2878 behaves like tracking an internal event2879 tracks an internal event2880 etag_service_response: #<ServiceResponse:0x000078e1a9f99350 @status=:error, @message="", @payload={}, @http_status=nil, @reason=:no_etag>, expected_status: :ok, shared_example: nil2881 behaves like returning response status2882 returns ok2883 behaves like tracking an internal event2884 tracks an internal event2885 etag_service_response: #<ServiceResponse:0x000078e1a9f9d888 @status=:error, @message="", @payload={}, @http_status=nil, @reason=:wrong_etag>, expected_status: nil, shared_example: "returning a workhorse senddependency response"2886 behaves like returning a workhorse senddependency response2887 behaves like returning a workhorse senddependency response with2888 returns a workhorse senddependency response2889 behaves like tracking an internal event2890 tracks an internal event2891 when pulling a md5 file2892 returns it2893 when pulling a sha1 file2894 returns it2895 behaves like pulling non existing files2896 with file test.pom2897 behaves like returning a workhorse senddependency response2898 behaves like returning a workhorse senddependency response with2899 returns a workhorse senddependency response2900 behaves like tracking an internal event2901 tracks an internal event2902 with file test.md52903 behaves like returning a workhorse sendurl response2904 behaves like returning a workhorse sendurl response with2905 returns a workhorse sendurl response2906 behaves like tracking an internal event2907 tracks an internal event2908 with file test.sha12909 behaves like returning a workhorse sendurl response2910 behaves like returning a workhorse sendurl response with2911 returns a workhorse sendurl response2912 behaves like tracking an internal event2913 tracks an internal event2914 with a deploy token2915 with custom headers2916 behaves like pulling existing files2917 when pulling a pom file2918 etag_service_response: #<ServiceResponse:0x000078e1aa057990 @status=:success, @message=nil, @payload={}, @http_status=:ok, @reason=nil>, expected_status: :ok, shared_example: nil2919 behaves like returning response status2920 returns ok2921 behaves like tracking an internal event2922 tracks an internal event2923 etag_service_response: #<ServiceResponse:0x000078e1aa05bb80 @status=:error, @message="", @payload={}, @http_status=nil, @reason=:response_error_code>, expected_status: :ok, shared_example: nil2924 behaves like returning response status2925 returns ok2926 behaves like tracking an internal event2927 tracks an internal event2928 etag_service_response: #<ServiceResponse:0x000078e1aa058070 @status=:error, @message="", @payload={}, @http_status=nil, @reason=:no_etag>, expected_status: :ok, shared_example: nil2929 behaves like returning response status2930 returns ok2931 behaves like tracking an internal event2932 tracks an internal event2933 etag_service_response: #<ServiceResponse:0x000078e1aa05c490 @status=:error, @message="", @payload={}, @http_status=nil, @reason=:wrong_etag>, expected_status: nil, shared_example: "returning a workhorse senddependency response"2934 behaves like returning a workhorse senddependency response2935 behaves like returning a workhorse senddependency response with2936 returns a workhorse senddependency response2937 behaves like tracking an internal event2938 tracks an internal event2939 when pulling a md5 file2940 returns it2941 when pulling a sha1 file2942 returns it2943 behaves like pulling non existing files2944 with file test.pom2945 behaves like returning a workhorse senddependency response2946 behaves like returning a workhorse senddependency response with2947 returns a workhorse senddependency response2948 behaves like tracking an internal event2949 tracks an internal event2950 with file test.md52951 behaves like returning a workhorse sendurl response2952 behaves like returning a workhorse sendurl response with2953 returns a workhorse sendurl response2954 behaves like tracking an internal event2955 tracks an internal event2956 with file test.sha12957 behaves like returning a workhorse sendurl response2958 behaves like returning a workhorse sendurl response with2959 returns a workhorse sendurl response2960 behaves like tracking an internal event2961 tracks an internal event2962 with basic auth2963 behaves like pulling existing files2964 when pulling a pom file2965 etag_service_response: #<ServiceResponse:0x000078e1aa10ee38 @status=:success, @message=nil, @payload={}, @http_status=:ok, @reason=nil>, expected_status: :ok, shared_example: nil2966 behaves like returning response status2967 returns ok2968 behaves like tracking an internal event2969 tracks an internal event2970 etag_service_response: #<ServiceResponse:0x000078e1aa113050 @status=:error, @message="", @payload={}, @http_status=nil, @reason=:response_error_code>, expected_status: :ok, shared_example: nil2971 behaves like returning response status2972 returns ok2973 behaves like tracking an internal event2974 tracks an internal event2975 etag_service_response: #<ServiceResponse:0x000078e1aa117678 @status=:error, @message="", @payload={}, @http_status=nil, @reason=:no_etag>, expected_status: :ok, shared_example: nil2976 behaves like returning response status2977 returns ok2978 behaves like tracking an internal event2979 tracks an internal event2980 etag_service_response: #<ServiceResponse:0x000078e1aa11bcc8 @status=:error, @message="", @payload={}, @http_status=nil, @reason=:wrong_etag>, expected_status: nil, shared_example: "returning a workhorse senddependency response"2981 behaves like returning a workhorse senddependency response2982 behaves like returning a workhorse senddependency response with2983 returns a workhorse senddependency response2984 behaves like tracking an internal event2985 tracks an internal event2986 when pulling a md5 file2987 returns it2988 when pulling a sha1 file2989 returns it2990 behaves like pulling non existing files2991 with file test.pom2992 behaves like returning a workhorse senddependency response2993 behaves like returning a workhorse senddependency response with2994 returns a workhorse senddependency response2995 behaves like tracking an internal event2996 tracks an internal event2997 with file test.md52998 behaves like returning a workhorse sendurl response2999 behaves like returning a workhorse sendurl response with3000 returns a workhorse sendurl response3001 behaves like tracking an internal event3002 tracks an internal event3003 with file test.sha13004 behaves like returning a workhorse sendurl response3005 behaves like returning a workhorse sendurl response with3006 returns a workhorse sendurl response3007 behaves like tracking an internal event3008 tracks an internal event3009 with an internal project3010 behaves like handling different token types3011 and a personal access token3012 user_role: :anonymous, valid_token: nil, sent_using: nil, expected_status: :unauthorized3013 behaves like returning response status3014 returns unauthorized3015 user_role: :guest, valid_token: true, sent_using: :custom_header, expected_status: :ok3016 behaves like returning response status3017 returns ok3018 user_role: :guest, valid_token: true, sent_using: :basic_auth, expected_status: :ok3019 behaves like returning response status3020 returns ok3021 user_role: :guest, valid_token: false, sent_using: :custom_header, expected_status: :unauthorized3022 behaves like returning response status3023 returns unauthorized3024 user_role: :guest, valid_token: false, sent_using: :basic_auth, expected_status: :unauthorized3025 behaves like returning response status3026 returns unauthorized3027 and a deploy token3028 valid_token: true, sent_using: :custom_header, expected_status: :ok3029 behaves like returning response status3030 returns ok3031 valid_token: false, sent_using: :custom_header, expected_status: :unauthorized3032 behaves like returning response status3033 returns unauthorized3034 valid_token: true, sent_using: :basic_auth, expected_status: :ok3035 behaves like returning response status3036 returns ok3037 valid_token: false, sent_using: :basic_auth, expected_status: :unauthorized3038 behaves like returning response status3039 returns unauthorized3040 and a ci job token3041 valid_token: true, sent_using: :custom_header, expected_status: :ok3042 behaves like returning response status3043 returns ok3044 valid_token: false, sent_using: :custom_header, expected_status: :unauthorized3045 behaves like returning response status3046 returns unauthorized3047 valid_token: true, sent_using: :basic_auth, expected_status: :ok3048 behaves like returning response status3049 returns ok3050 valid_token: false, sent_using: :basic_auth, expected_status: :unauthorized3051 behaves like returning response status3052 returns unauthorized3053 behaves like a user pulling files3054 with a reporter pulling files3055 behaves like pulling existing files3056 when pulling a pom file3057 etag_service_response: #<ServiceResponse:0x000078e1aa28b720 @status=:success, @message=nil, @payload={}, @http_status=:ok, @reason=nil>, expected_status: :ok, shared_example: nil3058 behaves like returning response status3059 returns ok3060 behaves like tracking an internal event3061 tracks an internal event3062 etag_service_response: #<ServiceResponse:0x000078e1aa28f370 @status=:error, @message="", @payload={}, @http_status=nil, @reason=:response_error_code>, expected_status: :ok, shared_example: nil3063 behaves like returning response status3064 returns ok3065 behaves like tracking an internal event3066 tracks an internal event3067 etag_service_response: #<ServiceResponse:0x000078e1aa2939c0 @status=:error, @message="", @payload={}, @http_status=nil, @reason=:no_etag>, expected_status: :ok, shared_example: nil3068 behaves like returning response status3069 returns ok3070 behaves like tracking an internal event3071 tracks an internal event3072 etag_service_response: #<ServiceResponse:0x000078e1aa297e58 @status=:error, @message="", @payload={}, @http_status=nil, @reason=:wrong_etag>, expected_status: nil, shared_example: "returning a workhorse sendurl response"3073 behaves like returning a workhorse sendurl response3074 behaves like returning a workhorse sendurl response with3075 returns a workhorse sendurl response3076 behaves like tracking an internal event3077 tracks an internal event3078 when pulling a md5 file3079 returns it3080 when pulling a sha1 file3081 returns it3082 behaves like pulling non existing files3083 with file test.pom3084 behaves like returning a workhorse sendurl response3085 behaves like returning a workhorse sendurl response with3086 returns a workhorse sendurl response3087 behaves like tracking an internal event3088 tracks an internal event3089 with file test.md53090 behaves like returning a workhorse sendurl response3091 behaves like returning a workhorse sendurl response with3092 returns a workhorse sendurl response3093 behaves like tracking an internal event3094 tracks an internal event3095 with file test.sha13096 behaves like returning a workhorse sendurl response3097 behaves like returning a workhorse sendurl response with3098 returns a workhorse sendurl response3099 behaves like tracking an internal event3100 tracks an internal event3101 behaves like pulling existing files3102 when pulling a pom file3103 etag_service_response: #<ServiceResponse:0x000078e1aa33df10 @status=:success, @message=nil, @payload={}, @http_status=:ok, @reason=nil>, expected_status: :ok, shared_example: nil3104 behaves like returning response status3105 returns ok3106# [RSpecRunTime] RSpec elapsed time: 4 minutes 19.68 seconds. Current RSS: ~1455M. Threads: 5. load average: 1.02 1.18 0.99 1/411 4263107.3108 behaves like tracking an internal event3109 tracks an internal event3110 etag_service_response: #<ServiceResponse:0x000078e1aa341a70 @status=:error, @message="", @payload={}, @http_status=nil, @reason=:response_error_code>, expected_status: :ok, shared_example: nil3111 behaves like returning response status3112 returns ok3113 behaves like tracking an internal event3114 tracks an internal event3115 etag_service_response: #<ServiceResponse:0x000078e1aa346110 @status=:error, @message="", @payload={}, @http_status=nil, @reason=:no_etag>, expected_status: :ok, shared_example: nil3116 behaves like returning response status3117 returns ok3118 behaves like tracking an internal event3119 tracks an internal event3120 etag_service_response: #<ServiceResponse:0x000078e1aa34a350 @status=:error, @message="", @payload={}, @http_status=nil, @reason=:wrong_etag>, expected_status: nil, shared_example: "returning a workhorse sendurl response"3121 behaves like returning a workhorse sendurl response3122 behaves like returning a workhorse sendurl response with3123 returns a workhorse sendurl response3124 behaves like tracking an internal event3125 tracks an internal event3126 when pulling a md5 file3127 returns it3128 when pulling a sha1 file3129 returns it3130 behaves like pulling non existing files3131 with file test.pom3132 behaves like returning a workhorse sendurl response3133 behaves like returning a workhorse sendurl response with3134 returns a workhorse sendurl response3135 behaves like tracking an internal event3136 tracks an internal event3137 with file test.md53138 behaves like returning a workhorse sendurl response3139 behaves like returning a workhorse sendurl response with3140 returns a workhorse sendurl response3141 behaves like tracking an internal event3142 tracks an internal event3143 with file test.sha13144 behaves like returning a workhorse sendurl response3145 behaves like returning a workhorse sendurl response with3146 returns a workhorse sendurl response3147 behaves like tracking an internal event3148 tracks an internal event3149 with a developer pulling files3150 behaves like pulling existing files3151 when pulling a pom file3152 etag_service_response: #<ServiceResponse:0x000078e1aa3fb2e0 @status=:success, @message=nil, @payload={}, @http_status=:ok, @reason=nil>, expected_status: :ok, shared_example: nil3153 behaves like returning response status3154 returns ok3155 behaves like tracking an internal event3156 tracks an internal event3157 etag_service_response: #<ServiceResponse:0x000078e1aa3ff138 @status=:error, @message="", @payload={}, @http_status=nil, @reason=:response_error_code>, expected_status: :ok, shared_example: nil3158 behaves like returning response status3159 returns ok3160 behaves like tracking an internal event3161 tracks an internal event3162 etag_service_response: #<ServiceResponse:0x000078e1aa403e40 @status=:error, @message="", @payload={}, @http_status=nil, @reason=:no_etag>, expected_status: :ok, shared_example: nil3163 behaves like returning response status3164 returns ok3165 behaves like tracking an internal event3166 tracks an internal event3167 etag_service_response: #<ServiceResponse:0x000078e1aa400498 @status=:error, @message="", @payload={}, @http_status=nil, @reason=:wrong_etag>, expected_status: nil, shared_example: "returning a workhorse sendurl response"3168 behaves like returning a workhorse sendurl response3169 behaves like returning a workhorse sendurl response with3170 returns a workhorse sendurl response3171 behaves like tracking an internal event3172 tracks an internal event3173 when pulling a md5 file3174 returns it3175 when pulling a sha1 file3176 returns it3177 behaves like pulling non existing files3178 with file test.pom3179 behaves like returning a workhorse senddependency response3180 behaves like returning a workhorse senddependency response with3181 returns a workhorse senddependency response3182 behaves like tracking an internal event3183 tracks an internal event3184 with file test.md53185 behaves like returning a workhorse sendurl response3186 behaves like returning a workhorse sendurl response with3187 returns a workhorse sendurl response3188 behaves like tracking an internal event3189 tracks an internal event3190 with file test.sha13191 behaves like returning a workhorse sendurl response3192 behaves like returning a workhorse sendurl response with3193 returns a workhorse sendurl response3194 behaves like tracking an internal event3195 tracks an internal event3196 behaves like pulling existing files3197 when pulling a pom file3198 etag_service_response: #<ServiceResponse:0x000078e1aa4af6a0 @status=:success, @message=nil, @payload={}, @http_status=:ok, @reason=nil>, expected_status: :ok, shared_example: nil3199 behaves like returning response status3200 returns ok3201 behaves like tracking an internal event3202 tracks an internal event3203 etag_service_response: #<ServiceResponse:0x000078e1aa4b3728 @status=:error, @message="", @payload={}, @http_status=nil, @reason=:response_error_code>, expected_status: :ok, shared_example: nil3204 behaves like returning response status3205 returns ok3206 behaves like tracking an internal event3207 tracks an internal event3208 etag_service_response: #<ServiceResponse:0x000078e1aa4b7ee0 @status=:error, @message="", @payload={}, @http_status=nil, @reason=:no_etag>, expected_status: :ok, shared_example: nil3209 behaves like returning response status3210 returns ok3211 behaves like tracking an internal event3212 tracks an internal event3213 etag_service_response: #<ServiceResponse:0x000078e1aa4b4830 @status=:error, @message="", @payload={}, @http_status=nil, @reason=:wrong_etag>, expected_status: nil, shared_example: "returning a workhorse sendurl response"3214 behaves like returning a workhorse sendurl response3215 behaves like returning a workhorse sendurl response with3216 returns a workhorse sendurl response3217 behaves like tracking an internal event3218 tracks an internal event3219 when pulling a md5 file3220 returns it3221 when pulling a sha1 file3222 returns it3223 behaves like pulling non existing files3224 with file test.pom3225 behaves like returning a workhorse senddependency response3226 behaves like returning a workhorse senddependency response with3227 returns a workhorse senddependency response3228 behaves like tracking an internal event3229 tracks an internal event3230 with file test.md53231 behaves like returning a workhorse sendurl response3232 behaves like returning a workhorse sendurl response with3233 returns a workhorse sendurl response3234 behaves like tracking an internal event3235 tracks an internal event3236 with file test.sha13237 behaves like returning a workhorse sendurl response3238 behaves like returning a workhorse sendurl response with3239 returns a workhorse sendurl response3240 behaves like tracking an internal event3241 tracks an internal event3242 with a maintainer pulling files3243 behaves like pulling existing files3244 when pulling a pom file3245 etag_service_response: #<ServiceResponse:0x000078e1aa560978 @status=:success, @message=nil, @payload={}, @http_status=:ok, @reason=nil>, expected_status: :ok, shared_example: nil3246 behaves like returning response status3247 returns ok3248 behaves like tracking an internal event3249 tracks an internal event3250 etag_service_response: #<ServiceResponse:0x000078e1aa564820 @status=:error, @message="", @payload={}, @http_status=nil, @reason=:response_error_code>, expected_status: :ok, shared_example: nil3251 behaves like returning response status3252 returns ok3253 behaves like tracking an internal event3254 tracks an internal event3255 etag_service_response: #<ServiceResponse:0x000078e1aa568e48 @status=:error, @message="", @payload={}, @http_status=nil, @reason=:no_etag>, expected_status: :ok, shared_example: nil3256 behaves like returning response status3257 returns ok3258 behaves like tracking an internal event3259 tracks an internal event3260 etag_service_response: #<ServiceResponse:0x000078e1aa56d308 @status=:error, @message="", @payload={}, @http_status=nil, @reason=:wrong_etag>, expected_status: nil, shared_example: "returning a workhorse senddependency response"3261 behaves like returning a workhorse senddependency response3262 behaves like returning a workhorse senddependency response with3263 returns a workhorse senddependency response3264 behaves like tracking an internal event3265 tracks an internal event3266 when pulling a md5 file3267 returns it3268 when pulling a sha1 file3269 returns it3270 behaves like pulling non existing files3271 with file test.pom3272 behaves like returning a workhorse senddependency response3273 behaves like returning a workhorse senddependency response with3274 returns a workhorse senddependency response3275 behaves like tracking an internal event3276 tracks an internal event3277 with file test.md53278 behaves like returning a workhorse sendurl response3279 behaves like returning a workhorse sendurl response with3280 returns a workhorse sendurl response3281 behaves like tracking an internal event3282 tracks an internal event3283 with file test.sha13284 behaves like returning a workhorse sendurl response3285 behaves like returning a workhorse sendurl response with3286 returns a workhorse sendurl response3287 behaves like tracking an internal event3288 tracks an internal event3289 behaves like pulling existing files3290 when pulling a pom file3291 etag_service_response: #<ServiceResponse:0x000078e1aa614798 @status=:success, @message=nil, @payload={}, @http_status=:ok, @reason=nil>, expected_status: :ok, shared_example: nil3292 behaves like returning response status3293 returns ok3294 behaves like tracking an internal event3295 tracks an internal event3296 etag_service_response: #<ServiceResponse:0x000078e1aa618578 @status=:error, @message="", @payload={}, @http_status=nil, @reason=:response_error_code>, expected_status: :ok, shared_example: nil3297 behaves like returning response status3298 returns ok3299 behaves like tracking an internal event3300 tracks an internal event3301 etag_service_response: #<ServiceResponse:0x000078e1aa61c880 @status=:error, @message="", @payload={}, @http_status=nil, @reason=:no_etag>, expected_status: :ok, shared_example: nil3302 behaves like returning response status3303 returns ok3304 behaves like tracking an internal event3305 tracks an internal event3306 etag_service_response: #<ServiceResponse:0x000078e1aa620bd8 @status=:error, @message="", @payload={}, @http_status=nil, @reason=:wrong_etag>, expected_status: nil, shared_example: "returning a workhorse senddependency response"3307 behaves like returning a workhorse senddependency response3308 behaves like returning a workhorse senddependency response with3309 returns a workhorse senddependency response3310 behaves like tracking an internal event3311 tracks an internal event3312 when pulling a md5 file3313 returns it3314 when pulling a sha1 file3315 returns it3316 behaves like pulling non existing files3317 with file test.pom3318 behaves like returning a workhorse senddependency response3319 behaves like returning a workhorse senddependency response with3320 returns a workhorse senddependency response3321 behaves like tracking an internal event3322 tracks an internal event3323 with file test.md53324 behaves like returning a workhorse sendurl response3325 behaves like returning a workhorse sendurl response with3326 returns a workhorse sendurl response3327 behaves like tracking an internal event3328 tracks an internal event3329 with file test.sha13330 behaves like returning a workhorse sendurl response3331 behaves like returning a workhorse sendurl response with3332 returns a workhorse sendurl response3333 behaves like tracking an internal event3334 tracks an internal event3335 with a ci job token3336 with custom headers3337 behaves like pulling existing files3338 when pulling a pom file3339 etag_service_response: #<ServiceResponse:0x000078e1aa6cc618 @status=:success, @message=nil, @payload={}, @http_status=:ok, @reason=nil>, expected_status: :ok, shared_example: nil3340 behaves like returning response status3341 returns ok3342 behaves like tracking an internal event3343 tracks an internal event3344 etag_service_response: #<ServiceResponse:0x000078e1aa6d0920 @status=:error, @message="", @payload={}, @http_status=nil, @reason=:response_error_code>, expected_status: :ok, shared_example: nil3345 behaves like returning response status3346 returns ok3347 behaves like tracking an internal event3348 tracks an internal event3349 etag_service_response: #<ServiceResponse:0x000078e1aa6d4e58 @status=:error, @message="", @payload={}, @http_status=nil, @reason=:no_etag>, expected_status: :ok, shared_example: nil3350 behaves like returning response status3351 returns ok3352 behaves like tracking an internal event3353 tracks an internal event3354 etag_service_response: #<ServiceResponse:0x000078e1aa6d91b0 @status=:error, @message="", @payload={}, @http_status=nil, @reason=:wrong_etag>, expected_status: nil, shared_example: "returning a workhorse senddependency response"3355 behaves like returning a workhorse senddependency response3356 behaves like returning a workhorse senddependency response with3357 returns a workhorse senddependency response3358 behaves like tracking an internal event3359 tracks an internal event3360 when pulling a md5 file3361 returns it3362 when pulling a sha1 file3363 returns it3364 behaves like pulling non existing files3365 with file test.pom3366 behaves like returning a workhorse senddependency response3367 behaves like returning a workhorse senddependency response with3368 returns a workhorse senddependency response3369 behaves like tracking an internal event3370 tracks an internal event3371 with file test.md53372 behaves like returning a workhorse sendurl response3373 behaves like returning a workhorse sendurl response with3374 returns a workhorse sendurl response3375 behaves like tracking an internal event3376 tracks an internal event3377 with file test.sha13378 behaves like returning a workhorse sendurl response3379 behaves like returning a workhorse sendurl response with3380 returns a workhorse sendurl response3381 behaves like tracking an internal event3382 tracks an internal event3383 with basic auth3384 behaves like pulling existing files3385 when pulling a pom file3386 etag_service_response: #<ServiceResponse:0x000078e1aa78a938 @status=:success, @message=nil, @payload={}, @http_status=:ok, @reason=nil>, expected_status: :ok, shared_example: nil3387 behaves like returning response status3388 returns ok3389 behaves like tracking an internal event3390 tracks an internal event3391 etag_service_response: #<ServiceResponse:0x000078e1aa78e6f0 @status=:error, @message="", @payload={}, @http_status=nil, @reason=:response_error_code>, expected_status: :ok, shared_example: nil3392 behaves like returning response status3393 returns ok3394 behaves like tracking an internal event3395 tracks an internal event3396 etag_service_response: #<ServiceResponse:0x000078e1aa792d90 @status=:error, @message="", @payload={}, @http_status=nil, @reason=:no_etag>, expected_status: :ok, shared_example: nil3397 behaves like returning response status3398 returns ok3399 behaves like tracking an internal event3400 tracks an internal event3401 etag_service_response: #<ServiceResponse:0x000078e1aa7974d0 @status=:error, @message="", @payload={}, @http_status=nil, @reason=:wrong_etag>, expected_status: nil, shared_example: "returning a workhorse senddependency response"3402 behaves like returning a workhorse senddependency response3403 behaves like returning a workhorse senddependency response with3404 returns a workhorse senddependency response3405 behaves like tracking an internal event3406 tracks an internal event3407 when pulling a md5 file3408 returns it3409 when pulling a sha1 file3410 returns it3411 behaves like pulling non existing files3412 with file test.pom3413 behaves like returning a workhorse senddependency response3414 behaves like returning a workhorse senddependency response with3415 returns a workhorse senddependency response3416 behaves like tracking an internal event3417 tracks an internal event3418 with file test.md53419 behaves like returning a workhorse sendurl response3420 behaves like returning a workhorse sendurl response with3421 returns a workhorse sendurl response3422 behaves like tracking an internal event3423 tracks an internal event3424 with file test.sha13425 behaves like returning a workhorse sendurl response3426 behaves like returning a workhorse sendurl response with3427 returns a workhorse sendurl response3428 behaves like tracking an internal event3429 tracks an internal event3430 with a deploy token3431 with custom headers3432 behaves like pulling existing files3433 when pulling a pom file3434 etag_service_response: #<ServiceResponse:0x000078e1aa846638 @status=:success, @message=nil, @payload={}, @http_status=:ok, @reason=nil>, expected_status: :ok, shared_example: nil3435 behaves like returning response status3436 returns ok3437 behaves like tracking an internal event3438 tracks an internal event3439 etag_service_response: #<ServiceResponse:0x000078e1aa84a940 @status=:error, @message="", @payload={}, @http_status=nil, @reason=:response_error_code>, expected_status: :ok, shared_example: nil3440 behaves like returning response status3441 returns ok3442 behaves like tracking an internal event3443 tracks an internal event3444 etag_service_response: #<ServiceResponse:0x000078e1aa84f198 @status=:error, @message="", @payload={}, @http_status=nil, @reason=:no_etag>, expected_status: :ok, shared_example: nil3445 behaves like returning response status3446 returns ok3447 behaves like tracking an internal event3448 tracks an internal event3449 etag_service_response: #<ServiceResponse:0x000078e1aa8538d8 @status=:error, @message="", @payload={}, @http_status=nil, @reason=:wrong_etag>, expected_status: nil, shared_example: "returning a workhorse senddependency response"3450 behaves like returning a workhorse senddependency response3451 behaves like returning a workhorse senddependency response with3452 returns a workhorse senddependency response3453 behaves like tracking an internal event3454 tracks an internal event3455 when pulling a md5 file3456 returns it3457 when pulling a sha1 file3458 returns it3459 behaves like pulling non existing files3460 with file test.pom3461 behaves like returning a workhorse senddependency response3462 behaves like returning a workhorse senddependency response with3463 returns a workhorse senddependency response3464 behaves like tracking an internal event3465 tracks an internal event3466 with file test.md53467 behaves like returning a workhorse sendurl response3468 behaves like returning a workhorse sendurl response with3469 returns a workhorse sendurl response3470 behaves like tracking an internal event3471 tracks an internal event3472 with file test.sha13473 behaves like returning a workhorse sendurl response3474 behaves like returning a workhorse sendurl response with3475 returns a workhorse sendurl response3476 behaves like tracking an internal event3477 tracks an internal event3478 with basic auth3479 behaves like pulling existing files3480 when pulling a pom file3481 etag_service_response: #<ServiceResponse:0x000078e1aa8f9f08 @status=:success, @message=nil, @payload={}, @http_status=:ok, @reason=nil>, expected_status: :ok, shared_example: nil3482 behaves like returning response status3483 returns ok3484 behaves like tracking an internal event3485 tracks an internal event3486 etag_service_response: #<ServiceResponse:0x000078e1aa8fe440 @status=:error, @message="", @payload={}, @http_status=nil, @reason=:response_error_code>, expected_status: :ok, shared_example: nil3487 behaves like returning response status3488 returns ok3489 behaves like tracking an internal event3490 tracks an internal event3491 etag_service_response: #<ServiceResponse:0x000078e1aa902978 @status=:error, @message="", @payload={}, @http_status=nil, @reason=:no_etag>, expected_status: :ok, shared_example: nil3492 behaves like returning response status3493 returns ok3494 behaves like tracking an internal event3495 tracks an internal event3496 etag_service_response: #<ServiceResponse:0x000078e1aa9070e0 @status=:error, @message="", @payload={}, @http_status=nil, @reason=:wrong_etag>, expected_status: nil, shared_example: "returning a workhorse senddependency response"3497 behaves like returning a workhorse senddependency response3498 behaves like returning a workhorse senddependency response with3499 returns a workhorse senddependency response3500 behaves like tracking an internal event3501 tracks an internal event3502 when pulling a md5 file3503 returns it3504 when pulling a sha1 file3505 returns it3506 behaves like pulling non existing files3507 with file test.pom3508 behaves like returning a workhorse senddependency response3509 behaves like returning a workhorse senddependency response with3510 returns a workhorse senddependency response3511 behaves like tracking an internal event3512 tracks an internal event3513 with file test.md53514 behaves like returning a workhorse sendurl response3515 behaves like returning a workhorse sendurl response with3516 returns a workhorse sendurl response3517 behaves like tracking an internal event3518 tracks an internal event3519 with file test.sha13520 behaves like returning a workhorse sendurl response3521 behaves like returning a workhorse sendurl response with3522 returns a workhorse sendurl response3523 behaves like tracking an internal event3524 tracks an internal event3525 with a private project3526 behaves like handling different token types3527 and a personal access token3528 user_role: :anonymous, valid_token: nil, sent_using: nil, expected_status: :unauthorized3529 behaves like returning response status3530 returns unauthorized3531 user_role: :guest, valid_token: true, sent_using: :custom_header, expected_status: :forbidden3532 behaves like returning response status3533 returns forbidden3534 user_role: :guest, valid_token: true, sent_using: :basic_auth, expected_status: :forbidden3535 behaves like returning response status3536 returns forbidden3537 user_role: :guest, valid_token: false, sent_using: :custom_header, expected_status: :unauthorized3538 behaves like returning response status3539 returns unauthorized3540 user_role: :guest, valid_token: false, sent_using: :basic_auth, expected_status: :unauthorized3541 behaves like returning response status3542 returns unauthorized3543 user_role: :reporter, valid_token: true, sent_using: :custom_header, expected_status: :ok3544 behaves like returning response status3545 returns ok3546 user_role: :reporter, valid_token: true, sent_using: :basic_auth, expected_status: :ok3547 behaves like returning response status3548 returns ok3549 user_role: :reporter, valid_token: false, sent_using: :custom_header, expected_status: :unauthorized3550 behaves like returning response status3551 returns unauthorized3552 user_role: :reporter, valid_token: false, sent_using: :basic_auth, expected_status: :unauthorized3553 behaves like returning response status3554 returns unauthorized3555 and a deploy token3556 valid_token: true, sent_using: :custom_header, expected_status: :ok3557 behaves like returning response status3558 returns ok3559 valid_token: false, sent_using: :custom_header, expected_status: :unauthorized3560 behaves like returning response status3561 returns unauthorized3562 valid_token: true, sent_using: :basic_auth, expected_status: :ok3563 behaves like returning response status3564 returns ok3565 valid_token: false, sent_using: :basic_auth, expected_status: :unauthorized3566 behaves like returning response status3567 returns unauthorized3568 and a ci job token3569 valid_token: true, sent_using: :custom_header, expected_status: :ok3570 behaves like returning response status3571 returns ok3572 valid_token: false, sent_using: :custom_header, expected_status: :unauthorized3573 behaves like returning response status3574 returns unauthorized3575 valid_token: true, sent_using: :basic_auth, expected_status: :ok3576 behaves like returning response status3577 returns ok3578 valid_token: false, sent_using: :basic_auth, expected_status: :unauthorized3579 behaves like returning response status3580 returns unauthorized3581 behaves like a user pulling files3582 with a reporter pulling files3583 behaves like pulling existing files3584 when pulling a pom file3585 etag_service_response: #<ServiceResponse:0x000078e1aaa9b2a8 @status=:success, @message=nil, @payload={}, @http_status=:ok, @reason=nil>, expected_status: :ok, shared_example: nil3586 behaves like returning response status3587 returns ok3588 behaves like tracking an internal event3589 tracks an internal event3590 etag_service_response: #<ServiceResponse:0x000078e1aaa9ed18 @status=:error, @message="", @payload={}, @http_status=nil, @reason=:response_error_code>, expected_status: :ok, shared_example: nil3591 behaves like returning response status3592 returns ok3593 behaves like tracking an internal event3594 tracks an internal event3595 etag_service_response: #<ServiceResponse:0x000078e1aaaa2f58 @status=:error, @message="", @payload={}, @http_status=nil, @reason=:no_etag>, expected_status: :ok, shared_example: nil3596 behaves like returning response status3597 returns ok3598 behaves like tracking an internal event3599 tracks an internal event3600 etag_service_response: #<ServiceResponse:0x000078e1aaaa7350 @status=:error, @message="", @payload={}, @http_status=nil, @reason=:wrong_etag>, expected_status: nil, shared_example: "returning a workhorse sendurl response"3601 behaves like returning a workhorse sendurl response3602 behaves like returning a workhorse sendurl response with3603 returns a workhorse sendurl response3604 behaves like tracking an internal event3605 tracks an internal event3606 when pulling a md5 file3607 returns it3608 when pulling a sha1 file3609 returns it3610 behaves like pulling non existing files3611 with file test.pom3612 behaves like returning a workhorse sendurl response3613 behaves like returning a workhorse sendurl response with3614 returns a workhorse sendurl response3615 behaves like tracking an internal event3616 tracks an internal event3617 with file test.md53618 behaves like returning a workhorse sendurl response3619 behaves like returning a workhorse sendurl response with3620 returns a workhorse sendurl response3621 behaves like tracking an internal event3622 tracks an internal event3623 with file test.sha13624 behaves like returning a workhorse sendurl response3625 behaves like returning a workhorse sendurl response with3626 returns a workhorse sendurl response3627 behaves like tracking an internal event3628 tracks an internal event3629 behaves like pulling existing files3630 when pulling a pom file3631 etag_service_response: #<ServiceResponse:0x000078e1aab4a3c0 @status=:success, @message=nil, @payload={}, @http_status=:ok, @reason=nil>, expected_status: :ok, shared_example: nil3632 behaves like returning response status3633 returns ok3634 behaves like tracking an internal event3635 tracks an internal event3636 etag_service_response: #<ServiceResponse:0x000078e1aab4e5d8 @status=:error, @message="", @payload={}, @http_status=nil, @reason=:response_error_code>, expected_status: :ok, shared_example: nil3637 behaves like returning response status3638 returns ok3639 behaves like tracking an internal event3640 tracks an internal event3641 etag_service_response: #<ServiceResponse:0x000078e1aab529d0 @status=:error, @message="", @payload={}, @http_status=nil, @reason=:no_etag>, expected_status: :ok, shared_example: nil3642 behaves like returning response status3643 returns ok3644 behaves like tracking an internal event3645 tracks an internal event3646 etag_service_response: #<ServiceResponse:0x000078e1aab56f08 @status=:error, @message="", @payload={}, @http_status=nil, @reason=:wrong_etag>, expected_status: nil, shared_example: "returning a workhorse sendurl response"3647 behaves like returning a workhorse sendurl response3648 behaves like returning a workhorse sendurl response with3649 returns a workhorse sendurl response3650 behaves like tracking an internal event3651 tracks an internal event3652 when pulling a md5 file3653 returns it3654 when pulling a sha1 file3655 returns it3656 behaves like pulling non existing files3657 with file test.pom3658 behaves like returning a workhorse sendurl response3659 behaves like returning a workhorse sendurl response with3660 returns a workhorse sendurl response3661 behaves like tracking an internal event3662 tracks an internal event3663 with file test.md53664 behaves like returning a workhorse sendurl response3665 behaves like returning a workhorse sendurl response with3666 returns a workhorse sendurl response3667 behaves like tracking an internal event3668 tracks an internal event3669 with file test.sha13670 behaves like returning a workhorse sendurl response3671 behaves like returning a workhorse sendurl response with3672 returns a workhorse sendurl response3673 behaves like tracking an internal event3674 tracks an internal event3675 with a developer pulling files3676 behaves like pulling existing files3677 when pulling a pom file3678 etag_service_response: #<ServiceResponse:0x000078e1aac026c8 @status=:success, @message=nil, @payload={}, @http_status=:ok, @reason=nil>, expected_status: :ok, shared_example: nil3679 behaves like returning response status3680 returns ok3681 behaves like tracking an internal event3682 tracks an internal event3683 etag_service_response: #<ServiceResponse:0x000078e1aac067a0 @status=:error, @message="", @payload={}, @http_status=nil, @reason=:response_error_code>, expected_status: :ok, shared_example: nil3684 behaves like returning response status3685 returns ok3686 behaves like tracking an internal event3687 tracks an internal event3688 etag_service_response: #<ServiceResponse:0x000078e1aac0af08 @status=:error, @message="", @payload={}, @http_status=nil, @reason=:no_etag>, expected_status: :ok, shared_example: nil3689 behaves like returning response status3690 returns ok3691 behaves like tracking an internal event3692 tracks an internal event3693 etag_service_response: #<ServiceResponse:0x000078e1aac0f1c0 @status=:error, @message="", @payload={}, @http_status=nil, @reason=:wrong_etag>, expected_status: nil, shared_example: "returning a workhorse sendurl response"3694 behaves like returning a workhorse sendurl response3695 behaves like returning a workhorse sendurl response with3696 returns a workhorse sendurl response3697 behaves like tracking an internal event3698 tracks an internal event3699 when pulling a md5 file3700 returns it3701 when pulling a sha1 file3702 returns it3703 behaves like pulling non existing files3704 with file test.pom3705 behaves like returning a workhorse senddependency response3706 behaves like returning a workhorse senddependency response with3707 returns a workhorse senddependency response3708 behaves like tracking an internal event3709 tracks an internal event3710 with file test.md53711 behaves like returning a workhorse sendurl response3712 behaves like returning a workhorse sendurl response with3713 returns a workhorse sendurl response3714 behaves like tracking an internal event3715 tracks an internal event3716 with file test.sha13717 behaves like returning a workhorse sendurl response3718 behaves like returning a workhorse sendurl response with3719 returns a workhorse sendurl response3720 behaves like tracking an internal event3721 tracks an internal event3722 behaves like pulling existing files3723 when pulling a pom file3724 etag_service_response: #<ServiceResponse:0x000078e1aacb5ac0 @status=:success, @message=nil, @payload={}, @http_status=:ok, @reason=nil>, expected_status: :ok, shared_example: nil3725 behaves like returning response status3726 returns ok3727 behaves like tracking an internal event3728 tracks an internal event3729 etag_service_response: #<ServiceResponse:0x000078e1aacb98c8 @status=:error, @message="", @payload={}, @http_status=nil, @reason=:response_error_code>, expected_status: :ok, shared_example: nil3730 behaves like returning response status3731 returns ok3732 behaves like tracking an internal event3733 tracks an internal event3734 etag_service_response: #<ServiceResponse:0x000078e1aacbdc98 @status=:error, @message="", @payload={}, @http_status=nil, @reason=:no_etag>, expected_status: :ok, shared_example: nil3735 behaves like returning response status3736 returns ok3737 behaves like tracking an internal event3738 tracks an internal event3739# [RSpecRunTime] RSpec elapsed time: 5 minutes 45.96 seconds. Current RSS: ~1434M. Threads: 5. load average: 0.99 1.13 1.00 1/410 4273740.3741 etag_service_response: #<ServiceResponse:0x000078e1aacc2568 @status=:error, @message="", @payload={}, @http_status=nil, @reason=:wrong_etag>, expected_status: nil, shared_example: "returning a workhorse sendurl response"3742 behaves like returning a workhorse sendurl response3743 behaves like returning a workhorse sendurl response with3744 returns a workhorse sendurl response3745 behaves like tracking an internal event3746 tracks an internal event3747 when pulling a md5 file3748 returns it3749 when pulling a sha1 file3750 returns it3751 behaves like pulling non existing files3752 with file test.pom3753 behaves like returning a workhorse senddependency response3754 behaves like returning a workhorse senddependency response with3755 returns a workhorse senddependency response3756 behaves like tracking an internal event3757 tracks an internal event3758 with file test.md53759 behaves like returning a workhorse sendurl response3760 behaves like returning a workhorse sendurl response with3761 returns a workhorse sendurl response3762 behaves like tracking an internal event3763 tracks an internal event3764 with file test.sha13765 behaves like returning a workhorse sendurl response3766 behaves like returning a workhorse sendurl response with3767 returns a workhorse sendurl response3768 behaves like tracking an internal event3769 tracks an internal event3770 with a maintainer pulling files3771 behaves like pulling existing files3772 when pulling a pom file3773 etag_service_response: #<ServiceResponse:0x000078e1aad73ca0 @status=:success, @message=nil, @payload={}, @http_status=:ok, @reason=nil>, expected_status: :ok, shared_example: nil3774 behaves like returning response status3775 returns ok3776 behaves like tracking an internal event3777 tracks an internal event3778 etag_service_response: #<ServiceResponse:0x000078e1aad77df0 @status=:error, @message="", @payload={}, @http_status=nil, @reason=:response_error_code>, expected_status: :ok, shared_example: nil3779 behaves like returning response status3780 returns ok3781 behaves like tracking an internal event3782 tracks an internal event3783 etag_service_response: #<ServiceResponse:0x000078e1aad744e8 @status=:error, @message="", @payload={}, @http_status=nil, @reason=:no_etag>, expected_status: :ok, shared_example: nil3784 behaves like returning response status3785 returns ok3786 behaves like tracking an internal event3787 tracks an internal event3788 etag_service_response: #<ServiceResponse:0x000078e1aad78bd8 @status=:error, @message="", @payload={}, @http_status=nil, @reason=:wrong_etag>, expected_status: nil, shared_example: "returning a workhorse senddependency response"3789 behaves like returning a workhorse senddependency response3790 behaves like returning a workhorse senddependency response with3791 returns a workhorse senddependency response3792 behaves like tracking an internal event3793 tracks an internal event3794 when pulling a md5 file3795 returns it3796 when pulling a sha1 file3797 returns it3798 behaves like pulling non existing files3799 with file test.pom3800 behaves like returning a workhorse senddependency response3801 behaves like returning a workhorse senddependency response with3802 returns a workhorse senddependency response3803 behaves like tracking an internal event3804 tracks an internal event3805 with file test.md53806 behaves like returning a workhorse sendurl response3807 behaves like returning a workhorse sendurl response with3808 returns a workhorse sendurl response3809 behaves like tracking an internal event3810 tracks an internal event3811 with file test.sha13812 behaves like returning a workhorse sendurl response3813 behaves like returning a workhorse sendurl response with3814 returns a workhorse sendurl response3815 behaves like tracking an internal event3816 tracks an internal event3817 behaves like pulling existing files3818 when pulling a pom file3819 etag_service_response: #<ServiceResponse:0x000078e1aae26aa8 @status=:success, @message=nil, @payload={}, @http_status=:ok, @reason=nil>, expected_status: :ok, shared_example: nil3820 behaves like returning response status3821 returns ok3822 behaves like tracking an internal event3823 tracks an internal event3824 etag_service_response: #<ServiceResponse:0x000078e1aae2a810 @status=:error, @message="", @payload={}, @http_status=nil, @reason=:response_error_code>, expected_status: :ok, shared_example: nil3825 behaves like returning response status3826 returns ok3827 behaves like tracking an internal event3828 tracks an internal event3829 etag_service_response: #<ServiceResponse:0x000078e1aae2ef00 @status=:error, @message="", @payload={}, @http_status=nil, @reason=:no_etag>, expected_status: :ok, shared_example: nil3830 behaves like returning response status3831 returns ok3832 behaves like tracking an internal event3833 tracks an internal event3834 etag_service_response: #<ServiceResponse:0x000078e1aae33848 @status=:error, @message="", @payload={}, @http_status=nil, @reason=:wrong_etag>, expected_status: nil, shared_example: "returning a workhorse senddependency response"3835 behaves like returning a workhorse senddependency response3836 behaves like returning a workhorse senddependency response with3837 returns a workhorse senddependency response3838 behaves like tracking an internal event3839 tracks an internal event3840 when pulling a md5 file3841 returns it3842 when pulling a sha1 file3843 returns it3844 behaves like pulling non existing files3845 with file test.pom3846 behaves like returning a workhorse senddependency response3847 behaves like returning a workhorse senddependency response with3848 returns a workhorse senddependency response3849 behaves like tracking an internal event3850 tracks an internal event3851 with file test.md53852 behaves like returning a workhorse sendurl response3853 behaves like returning a workhorse sendurl response with3854 returns a workhorse sendurl response3855 behaves like tracking an internal event3856 tracks an internal event3857 with file test.sha13858 behaves like returning a workhorse sendurl response3859 behaves like returning a workhorse sendurl response with3860 returns a workhorse sendurl response3861 behaves like tracking an internal event3862 tracks an internal event3863 with a ci job token3864 with custom headers3865 behaves like pulling existing files3866 when pulling a pom file3867 etag_service_response: #<ServiceResponse:0x000078e1aaedc510 @status=:success, @message=nil, @payload={}, @http_status=:ok, @reason=nil>, expected_status: :ok, shared_example: nil3868 behaves like returning response status3869 returns ok3870 behaves like tracking an internal event3871 tracks an internal event3872 etag_service_response: #<ServiceResponse:0x000078e1aaee06b0 @status=:error, @message="", @payload={}, @http_status=nil, @reason=:response_error_code>, expected_status: :ok, shared_example: nil3873 behaves like returning response status3874 returns ok3875 behaves like tracking an internal event3876 tracks an internal event3877 etag_service_response: #<ServiceResponse:0x000078e1aaee52f0 @status=:error, @message="", @payload={}, @http_status=nil, @reason=:no_etag>, expected_status: :ok, shared_example: nil3878 behaves like returning response status3879 returns ok3880 behaves like tracking an internal event3881 tracks an internal event3882 etag_service_response: #<ServiceResponse:0x000078e1aaee94b8 @status=:error, @message="", @payload={}, @http_status=nil, @reason=:wrong_etag>, expected_status: nil, shared_example: "returning a workhorse senddependency response"3883 behaves like returning a workhorse senddependency response3884 behaves like returning a workhorse senddependency response with3885 returns a workhorse senddependency response3886 behaves like tracking an internal event3887 tracks an internal event3888 when pulling a md5 file3889 returns it3890 when pulling a sha1 file3891 returns it3892 behaves like pulling non existing files3893 with file test.pom3894 behaves like returning a workhorse senddependency response3895 behaves like returning a workhorse senddependency response with3896 returns a workhorse senddependency response3897 behaves like tracking an internal event3898 tracks an internal event3899 with file test.md53900 behaves like returning a workhorse sendurl response3901 behaves like returning a workhorse sendurl response with3902 returns a workhorse sendurl response3903 behaves like tracking an internal event3904 tracks an internal event3905 with file test.sha13906 behaves like returning a workhorse sendurl response3907 behaves like returning a workhorse sendurl response with3908 returns a workhorse sendurl response3909 behaves like tracking an internal event3910 tracks an internal event3911 with basic auth3912 behaves like pulling existing files3913 when pulling a pom file3914 etag_service_response: #<ServiceResponse:0x000078e1aaf9b6b8 @status=:success, @message=nil, @payload={}, @http_status=:ok, @reason=nil>, expected_status: :ok, shared_example: nil3915 behaves like returning response status3916 returns ok3917 behaves like tracking an internal event3918 tracks an internal event3919 etag_service_response: #<ServiceResponse:0x000078e1aaf9f3d0 @status=:error, @message="", @payload={}, @http_status=nil, @reason=:response_error_code>, expected_status: :ok, shared_example: nil3920 behaves like returning response status3921 returns ok3922 behaves like tracking an internal event3923 tracks an internal event3924 etag_service_response: #<ServiceResponse:0x000078e1aafa34f8 @status=:error, @message="", @payload={}, @http_status=nil, @reason=:no_etag>, expected_status: :ok, shared_example: nil3925 behaves like returning response status3926 returns ok3927 behaves like tracking an internal event3928 tracks an internal event3929 etag_service_response: #<ServiceResponse:0x000078e1aafa7b98 @status=:error, @message="", @payload={}, @http_status=nil, @reason=:wrong_etag>, expected_status: nil, shared_example: "returning a workhorse senddependency response"3930 behaves like returning a workhorse senddependency response3931 behaves like returning a workhorse senddependency response with3932 returns a workhorse senddependency response3933 behaves like tracking an internal event3934 tracks an internal event3935 when pulling a md5 file3936 returns it3937 when pulling a sha1 file3938 returns it3939 behaves like pulling non existing files3940 with file test.pom3941 behaves like returning a workhorse senddependency response3942 behaves like returning a workhorse senddependency response with3943 returns a workhorse senddependency response3944 behaves like tracking an internal event3945 tracks an internal event3946 with file test.md53947 behaves like returning a workhorse sendurl response3948 behaves like returning a workhorse sendurl response with3949 returns a workhorse sendurl response3950 behaves like tracking an internal event3951 tracks an internal event3952 with file test.sha13953 behaves like returning a workhorse sendurl response3954 behaves like returning a workhorse sendurl response with3955 returns a workhorse sendurl response3956 behaves like tracking an internal event3957 tracks an internal event3958 with a deploy token3959 with custom headers3960 behaves like pulling existing files3961 when pulling a pom file3962 etag_service_response: #<ServiceResponse:0x000078e1ab0500b8 @status=:success, @message=nil, @payload={}, @http_status=:ok, @reason=nil>, expected_status: :ok, shared_example: nil3963 behaves like returning response status3964 returns ok3965 behaves like tracking an internal event3966 tracks an internal event3967 etag_service_response: #<ServiceResponse:0x000078e1ab0542a8 @status=:error, @message="", @payload={}, @http_status=nil, @reason=:response_error_code>, expected_status: :ok, shared_example: nil3968 behaves like returning response status3969 returns ok3970 behaves like tracking an internal event3971 tracks an internal event3972 etag_service_response: #<ServiceResponse:0x000078e1ab058a38 @status=:error, @message="", @payload={}, @http_status=nil, @reason=:no_etag>, expected_status: :ok, shared_example: nil3973 behaves like returning response status3974 returns ok3975 behaves like tracking an internal event3976 tracks an internal event3977 etag_service_response: #<ServiceResponse:0x000078e1ab05d3f8 @status=:error, @message="", @payload={}, @http_status=nil, @reason=:wrong_etag>, expected_status: nil, shared_example: "returning a workhorse senddependency response"3978 behaves like returning a workhorse senddependency response3979 behaves like returning a workhorse senddependency response with3980 returns a workhorse senddependency response3981 behaves like tracking an internal event3982 tracks an internal event3983 when pulling a md5 file3984 returns it3985 when pulling a sha1 file3986 returns it3987 behaves like pulling non existing files3988 with file test.pom3989 behaves like returning a workhorse senddependency response3990 behaves like returning a workhorse senddependency response with3991 returns a workhorse senddependency response3992 behaves like tracking an internal event3993 tracks an internal event3994 with file test.md53995 behaves like returning a workhorse sendurl response3996 behaves like returning a workhorse sendurl response with3997 returns a workhorse sendurl response3998 behaves like tracking an internal event3999 tracks an internal event4000 with file test.sha14001 behaves like returning a workhorse sendurl response4002 behaves like returning a workhorse sendurl response with4003 returns a workhorse sendurl response4004 behaves like tracking an internal event4005 tracks an internal event4006 with basic auth4007 behaves like pulling existing files4008 when pulling a pom file4009 etag_service_response: #<ServiceResponse:0x000078e1ab104e50 @status=:success, @message=nil, @payload={}, @http_status=:ok, @reason=nil>, expected_status: :ok, shared_example: nil4010 behaves like returning response status4011 returns ok4012 behaves like tracking an internal event4013 tracks an internal event4014 etag_service_response: #<ServiceResponse:0x000078e1ab108dc0 @status=:error, @message="", @payload={}, @http_status=nil, @reason=:response_error_code>, expected_status: :ok, shared_example: nil4015 behaves like returning response status4016 returns ok4017 behaves like tracking an internal event4018 tracks an internal event4019 etag_service_response: #<ServiceResponse:0x000078e1ab10d618 @status=:error, @message="", @payload={}, @http_status=nil, @reason=:no_etag>, expected_status: :ok, shared_example: nil4020 behaves like returning response status4021 returns ok4022 behaves like tracking an internal event4023 tracks an internal event4024 etag_service_response: #<ServiceResponse:0x000078e1ab111d08 @status=:error, @message="", @payload={}, @http_status=nil, @reason=:wrong_etag>, expected_status: nil, shared_example: "returning a workhorse senddependency response"4025 behaves like returning a workhorse senddependency response4026 behaves like returning a workhorse senddependency response with4027 returns a workhorse senddependency response4028 behaves like tracking an internal event4029 tracks an internal event4030 when pulling a md5 file4031 returns it4032 when pulling a sha1 file4033 returns it4034 behaves like pulling non existing files4035 with file test.pom4036 behaves like returning a workhorse senddependency response4037 behaves like returning a workhorse senddependency response with4038 returns a workhorse senddependency response4039 behaves like tracking an internal event4040 tracks an internal event4041 with file test.md54042 behaves like returning a workhorse sendurl response4043 behaves like returning a workhorse sendurl response with4044 returns a workhorse sendurl response4045 behaves like tracking an internal event4046 tracks an internal event4047 with file test.sha14048 behaves like returning a workhorse sendurl response4049 behaves like returning a workhorse sendurl response with4050 returns a workhorse sendurl response4051 behaves like tracking an internal event4052 tracks an internal event4053 with invalid parameters4054 with an invalid path4055 behaves like returning response status with error4056 returns bad_request and error message4057 with an invalid file name4058 behaves like returning response status with error4059 returns bad_request and error message4060 with a developer4061 with non existing dependency proxy setting4062 behaves like returning response status4063 returns not_found4064 with disabled dependency proxy setting4065 behaves like returning response status4066 returns not_found4067 with url not set in the dependency proxy setting4068 behaves like returning response status4069 returns not_found4070 when external registry url has extra trailing slash4071 strips the trailing slash4072 with packages disabled4073 behaves like returning response status4074 returns not_found4075 with dependency_proxy disabled4076 behaves like returning response status4077 returns not_found4078 with licensed feature dependency_proxy_for_packages disabled4079 behaves like returning response status4080 returns forbidden4081# [RSpecRunTime] Finishing example group ee/spec/requests/api/dependency_proxy/packages/maven_spec.rb. It took 6 minutes 23.24 seconds. Expected to take 5 minutes 49.04 seconds.4082# [RSpecRunTime] Starting example group ee/spec/requests/api/vulnerability_findings_spec.rb. Expected to take 1 minute 36.71 seconds.4083API::VulnerabilityFindings4084 GET /projects/:id/vulnerability_findings4085 with an authorized user with proper permissions4086 returns all non-dismissed vulnerabilities4087 using different finders4088 when the `Security::PureFindingsFinder` is not available4089 uses the `Security::FindingsFinder`4090# [RSpecRunTime] RSpec elapsed time: 6 minutes 42.41 seconds. Current RSS: ~1403M. Threads: 5. load average: 1.17 1.16 1.01 1/410 4284091.4092 when the `Security::PureFindingsFinder` is available4093 uses the `Security::FindingsFinder`4094# [RSpecRunTime] RSpec elapsed time: 6 minutes 46.48 seconds. Current RSS: ~1412M. Threads: 5. load average: 1.15 1.15 1.01 1/410 4294095.4096 filtering4097 returns vulnerabilities with sast report_type4098 returns vulnerabilities with dependency_scanning report_type4099 returns a "bad request" response for an unknown report type4100 returns dismissed vulnerabilities with `all` scope4101 returns vulnerabilities with low severity4102 returns a "bad request" response for an unknown severity value4103 returns vulnerabilities with high confidence4104 returns a "bad request" response for an unknown confidence value4105 when pipeline_id is supplied4106 returns vulnerabilities from supplied pipeline4107 pipeline has no reports4108 returns empty results4109# [RSpecRunTime] RSpec elapsed time: 7 minutes 27.04 seconds. Current RSS: ~1412M. Threads: 5. load average: 1.08 1.13 1.01 1/411 4304110.4111 with unknown pipeline4112 returns empty results4113# [RSpecRunTime] RSpec elapsed time: 7 minutes 31.12 seconds. Current RSS: ~1414M. Threads: 5. load average: 1.07 1.13 1.00 1/411 4314114.4115 when security dashboard feature is not available4116 responds with 403 Forbidden4117# [RSpecRunTime] RSpec elapsed time: 7 minutes 35.17 seconds. Current RSS: ~1414M. Threads: 5. load average: 1.07 1.13 1.00 1/411 4324118.4119 permissions4120 is expected to be allowed for :admin4121 is expected to be allowed for :owner4122 is expected to be allowed for :maintainer4123 is expected to be allowed for :developer4124 is expected to be allowed for :auditor4125 is expected to be denied for :reporter4126 is expected to be denied for :guest4127 is expected to be denied for :anonymous4128# [RSpecRunTime] RSpec elapsed time: 8 minutes 5.89 seconds. Current RSS: ~1407M. Threads: 5. load average: 1.10 1.13 1.01 1/411 4334129.4130# [RSpecRunTime] Finishing example group ee/spec/requests/api/vulnerability_findings_spec.rb. It took 1 minute 36.83 seconds. Expected to take 1 minute 36.71 seconds.4131# [RSpecRunTime] Starting example group ee/spec/requests/api/merge_trains_spec.rb. Expected to take 1 minute 22.93 seconds.4132API::MergeTrains4133 GET /projects/:id/merge_trains4134 when there are two merge trains4135 returns merge trains sorted by id in descending order4136 does not have N+1 problem4137 when sort is specified4138 returns merge trains sorted by id in ascending order4139# [RSpecRunTime] RSpec elapsed time: 8 minutes 20.84 seconds. Current RSS: ~1446M. Threads: 5. load average: 1.22 1.16 1.02 1/419 11314140.4141 when scope is specified4142 when scope is active4143 returns active merge trains4144 when scope is complete4145 returns complete merge trains4146 when user is guest4147 forbids the request4148 GET /projects/:id/merge_trains/:target_branch4149 when the project and target branch exist4150 with no params4151 returns the target branch merge train cars4152# [RSpecRunTime] RSpec elapsed time: 8 minutes 32.05 seconds. Current RSS: ~1460M. Threads: 5. load average: 1.26 1.17 1.02 1/420 16474153.4154 with ascending sort4155 returns the target branch merge train cars ascending4156# [RSpecRunTime] RSpec elapsed time: 8 minutes 41.19 seconds. Current RSS: ~1470M. Threads: 5. load average: 1.22 1.16 1.02 1/420 21614157.4158 with descending sort4159 returns the target branch merge train cars descending4160# [RSpecRunTime] RSpec elapsed time: 8 minutes 50.55 seconds. Current RSS: ~1478M. Threads: 5. load average: 1.34 1.19 1.03 1/420 26744161.4162 with scope active4163 returns the active target branch merge train cars4164# [RSpecRunTime] RSpec elapsed time: 8 minutes 59.91 seconds. Current RSS: ~1475M. Threads: 5. load average: 1.29 1.18 1.03 1/420 31904165.4166 when the target branch does not exist4167 returns no merge train cars4168# [RSpecRunTime] RSpec elapsed time: 9 minutes 9.31 seconds. Current RSS: ~1469M. Threads: 5. load average: 1.17 1.16 1.02 1/421 37044169.4170 when the user does not have project access4171 returns forbidden4172# [RSpecRunTime] RSpec elapsed time: 9 minutes 18.56 seconds. Current RSS: ~1466M. Threads: 5. load average: 1.16 1.16 1.02 1/421 42194173.4174 GET /projects/:id/merge_trains/merge_requests/:merge_request_iid4175 when the project and target branch exist4176 returns the target branch merge train cars4177# [RSpecRunTime] RSpec elapsed time: 9 minutes 20.85 seconds. Current RSS: ~1461M. Threads: 5. load average: 1.30 1.19 1.04 1/421 43254178.4179 when the user does not have project access4180 returns forbidden4181# [RSpecRunTime] RSpec elapsed time: 9 minutes 22.88 seconds. Current RSS: ~1458M. Threads: 5. load average: 1.30 1.19 1.04 1/421 44154182.4183 when the merge request does not exist4184 returns not found4185# [RSpecRunTime] RSpec elapsed time: 9 minutes 25.07 seconds. Current RSS: ~1452M. Threads: 5. load average: 1.28 1.18 1.03 1/421 45054186.4187 when merge request is not in a merge train4188 returns not found4189# [RSpecRunTime] RSpec elapsed time: 9 minutes 27.46 seconds. Current RSS: ~1443M. Threads: 5. load average: 1.28 1.18 1.03 1/421 46094190.4191 POST /projects/:id/merge_trains/merge_requests/:merge_request_iid4192 with valid merge request iid4193 behaves like succeeds to add to merge train4194 succeeds to add to merge train4195# [RSpecRunTime] RSpec elapsed time: 9 minutes 28.92 seconds. Current RSS: ~1442M. Threads: 5. load average: 1.28 1.18 1.03 1/421 47004196.4197 with invalid merge request iid4198 exits with invalid return code4199 with no params4200 sets a default SHA4201 behaves like succeeds to add to merge train4202 succeeds to add to merge train4203# [RSpecRunTime] RSpec elapsed time: 9 minutes 32.32 seconds. Current RSS: ~1447M. Threads: 5. load average: 1.26 1.18 1.03 1/421 49694204.4205 with valid parameters4206 behaves like succeeds to add to merge train4207 succeeds to add to merge train4208# [RSpecRunTime] RSpec elapsed time: 9 minutes 33.62 seconds. Current RSS: ~1449M. Threads: 5. load average: 1.26 1.18 1.03 1/421 50604209.4210 with extra parameters4211 ignores the param and continues4212# [RSpecRunTime] RSpec elapsed time: 9 minutes 34.9 seconds. Current RSS: ~1454M. Threads: 5. load average: 1.16 1.16 1.03 1/421 51494213.4214 with when_pipeline_succeeds enabled4215 when pipeline is not completed4216 returns status accepted4217# [RSpecRunTime] RSpec elapsed time: 9 minutes 36.16 seconds. Current RSS: ~1454M. Threads: 5. load average: 1.16 1.16 1.03 1/421 52424218.4219 when sha is provided and matches4220 behaves like succeeds to add to merge train4221 succeeds to add to merge train4222# [RSpecRunTime] RSpec elapsed time: 9 minutes 37.47 seconds. Current RSS: ~1455M. Threads: 5. load average: 1.16 1.16 1.03 1/421 53324223.4224 when sha is provided and doesn't match4225 returns status conflict4226# [RSpecRunTime] RSpec elapsed time: 9 minutes 38.53 seconds. Current RSS: ~1455M. Threads: 5. load average: 1.16 1.16 1.03 1/421 54224227.4228 when user is guest4229 returns forbidden before reaching the api endpoint4230# [RSpecRunTime] RSpec elapsed time: 9 minutes 39.64 seconds. Current RSS: ~1455M. Threads: 5. load average: 1.22 1.18 1.03 1/421 55124231.4232 when the service object fails4233 returns status unauthorized4234# [RSpecRunTime] RSpec elapsed time: 9 minutes 40.75 seconds. Current RSS: ~1456M. Threads: 5. load average: 1.22 1.18 1.03 1/421 56024235.4236 when the service object returns an unexpected response4237 returns bad request4238# [RSpecRunTime] RSpec elapsed time: 9 minutes 41.84 seconds. Current RSS: ~1455M. Threads: 5. load average: 1.22 1.18 1.03 1/421 56924239.4240# [RSpecRunTime] Finishing example group ee/spec/requests/api/merge_trains_spec.rb. It took 1 minute 35.94 seconds. Expected to take 1 minute 22.93 seconds.4241# [RSpecRunTime] Starting example group ee/spec/requests/api/notes_spec.rb. Expected to take 1 minute 11.2 seconds.4242API::Notes4243 when noteable is an Epic4244 behaves like noteable API with confidential notes4245 behaves like noteable API4246 GET /groups/:id/epics/:noteable_id/notes4247 returns an array of notes4248 returns a 404 error when noteable id not found4249 returns 404 when not authorized4250 sorting4251 sorts by ascending order when requested4252 sorts by updated_at in descending order when requested4253 sorts by updated_at in ascending order when requested4254 without sort params4255 sorts by created_at in descending order by default4256 fetches notes using parent path as id paremeter4257 2 notes with equal created_at4258 page breaks first page correctly4259 page breaks second page correctly4260# [RSpecRunTime] RSpec elapsed time: 10 minutes 9.26 seconds. Current RSS: ~1426M. Threads: 6. load average: 1.13 1.16 1.03 1/415 56954261.4262 GET /groups/:id/epics/:noteable_id/notes/:note_id4263 returns a note by id4264 returns a 404 error if note not found4265# [RSpecRunTime] RSpec elapsed time: 10 minutes 12.71 seconds. Current RSS: ~1426M. Threads: 6. load average: 1.13 1.16 1.03 1/416 56964266.4267 POST /groups/:id/epics/:noteable_id/notes4268 creates a new note4269 returns a 400 bad request error if body not given4270 returns a 401 unauthorized error if user not authenticated4271 creates an activity event when a note is created4272 setting created_at4273 by an admin4274 sets the creation time on the new note4275# [RSpecRunTime] RSpec elapsed time: 10 minutes 20.32 seconds. Current RSS: ~1422M. Threads: 6. load average: 1.04 1.14 1.02 1/417 56974276.4277 by a group owner4278 sets the creation time on the new note4279# [RSpecRunTime] RSpec elapsed time: 10 minutes 22.02 seconds. Current RSS: ~1426M. Threads: 6. load average: 1.04 1.14 1.02 1/417 56984280.4281 by another user4282 ignores the given creation time4283# [RSpecRunTime] RSpec elapsed time: 10 minutes 23.89 seconds. Current RSS: ~1430M. Threads: 6. load average: 1.04 1.14 1.02 1/417 56994284.4285 when the user is posting an award emoji on a noteable created by someone else4286 creates a new note4287# [RSpecRunTime] RSpec elapsed time: 10 minutes 25.77 seconds. Current RSS: ~1431M. Threads: 6. load average: 1.04 1.13 1.02 1/417 57004288.4289 when the user is posting an award emoji on their own noteable4290 creates a new note4291# [RSpecRunTime] RSpec elapsed time: 10 minutes 27.44 seconds. Current RSS: ~1433M. Threads: 6. load average: 1.04 1.13 1.02 1/417 57014292.4293 when user does not have access to read the noteable4294 responds with 4044295# [RSpecRunTime] RSpec elapsed time: 10 minutes 29.01 seconds. Current RSS: ~1434M. Threads: 6. load average: 1.04 1.13 1.02 1/417 57024296.4297 when request exceeds the rate limit4298 prevents user from creating more notes4299 allows user in allow-list to create notes4300# [RSpecRunTime] RSpec elapsed time: 10 minutes 32.11 seconds. Current RSS: ~1434M. Threads: 6. load average: 1.03 1.13 1.02 1/417 57034301.4302 PUT /groups/:id/epics/:noteable_id/notes/:note_id4303 returns a 404 error when note id not found4304 returns a 400 bad request error if body is empty4305 when only body param is present4306 updates the note text4307# [RSpecRunTime] RSpec elapsed time: 10 minutes 36.49 seconds. Current RSS: ~1434M. Threads: 6. load average: 1.03 1.13 1.02 2/418 57044308.4309 when confidential param is present4310 does not allow to change confidentiality4311# [RSpecRunTime] RSpec elapsed time: 10 minutes 38.07 seconds. Current RSS: ~1432M. Threads: 6. load average: 1.03 1.13 1.02 1/417 57054312.4313 DELETE /groups/:id/epics/:noteable_id/notes/:note_id4314 deletes a note4315 returns a 404 error when note id not found4316 behaves like 412 response4317 for a modified resource4318 returns 412 with a JSON error4319# [RSpecRunTime] RSpec elapsed time: 10 minutes 42.83 seconds. Current RSS: ~1427M. Threads: 6. load average: 1.03 1.13 1.02 1/416 57064320.4321 for an unmodified resource4322 returns 204 with an empty body4323# [RSpecRunTime] RSpec elapsed time: 10 minutes 44.45 seconds. Current RSS: ~1429M. Threads: 6. load average: 1.02 1.12 1.02 1/416 57074324.4325 POST /groups/:id/epics/:noteable_id/notes4326 with internal param4327 creates a confidential note if internal is set to true4328# [RSpecRunTime] RSpec elapsed time: 10 minutes 45.96 seconds. Current RSS: ~1429M. Threads: 6. load average: 1.02 1.12 1.02 1/416 57084329.4330 with deprecated confidential param4331 creates a confidential note if confidential is set to true4332# [RSpecRunTime] RSpec elapsed time: 10 minutes 47.62 seconds. Current RSS: ~1429M. Threads: 6. load average: 1.02 1.12 1.02 1/416 57094333.4334 when issue was promoted to epic4335 when user is reporter4336 returns previous issue system notes4337# [RSpecRunTime] RSpec elapsed time: 10 minutes 51.89 seconds. Current RSS: ~1422M. Threads: 6. load average: 1.02 1.12 1.02 1/416 57104338.4339 when user is guest4340 does not return previous issue system notes4341# [RSpecRunTime] RSpec elapsed time: 10 minutes 57.34 seconds. Current RSS: ~1415M. Threads: 6. load average: 1.02 1.12 1.02 1/416 57114342.4343# [RSpecRunTime] Finishing example group ee/spec/requests/api/notes_spec.rb. It took 1 minute 15.48 seconds. Expected to take 1 minute 11.2 seconds.4344# [RSpecRunTime] Starting example group ee/spec/requests/api/geo_nodes_spec.rb. Expected to take 52.04 seconds.4345API::GeoNodes4346 POST /geo_nodes4347 denies access if not admin4348 returns rendering error if params are missing4349 delegates the creation of the Geo node to Geo::NodeCreateService4350# [RSpecRunTime] RSpec elapsed time: 11 minutes 1.65 seconds. Current RSS: ~1451M. Threads: 6. load average: 1.02 1.12 1.02 1/417 57124351.4352 GET /geo_nodes4353 retrieves the Geo nodes if admin is logged in4354 denies access if not admin4355# [RSpecRunTime] RSpec elapsed time: 11 minutes 4.01 seconds. Current RSS: ~1455M. Threads: 6. load average: 1.02 1.12 1.02 1/416 57134356.4357 GET /geo_nodes/:id4358 retrieves the Geo nodes if admin is logged in4359 denies access if not admin4360 behaves like 404 response4361 returns 4044362# [RSpecRunTime] RSpec elapsed time: 11 minutes 7.44 seconds. Current RSS: ~1475M. Threads: 6. load average: 1.02 1.11 1.02 1/416 57144363.4364 GET /geo_nodes/status4365 retrieves all Geo nodes statuses if admin is logged in4366 returns only one record if only one record exists4367 denies access if not admin4368# [RSpecRunTime] RSpec elapsed time: 11 minutes 10.95 seconds. Current RSS: ~1495M. Threads: 6. load average: 1.02 1.11 1.02 1/417 57154369.4370 GET /geo_nodes/:id/status4371 retrieves the Geo nodes status if admin is logged in4372 fetches the current node status from redis4373 shows the database-held response if current node status exists in the database, but not redis4374 the secondary shows 404 response if current node status does not exist in database or redis yet4375 the primary shows 404 response if secondary node status does not exist in database yet4376 denies access if not admin4377 behaves like 404 response4378 returns 4044379# [RSpecRunTime] RSpec elapsed time: 11 minutes 20.15 seconds. Current RSS: ~1467M. Threads: 6. load average: 1.01 1.11 1.02 1/417 57164380.4381 POST /geo_nodes/:id/repair4382 denies access if not admin4383 returns 200 for the primary node4384 returns 200 when node does not need repairing4385 repairs a secondary with oauth application missing4386 behaves like 404 response4387 returns 4044388# [RSpecRunTime] RSpec elapsed time: 11 minutes 26.01 seconds. Current RSS: ~1449M. Threads: 6. load average: 1.01 1.11 1.02 1/417 57174389.4390 PUT /geo_nodes/:id4391 denies access if not admin4392 updates the parameters4393 can update primary4394 cannot disable a primary4395 behaves like 404 response4396 returns 4044397# [RSpecRunTime] RSpec elapsed time: 11 minutes 32.32 seconds. Current RSS: ~1460M. Threads: 6. load average: 1.01 1.10 1.02 1/417 57184398.4399 auth with geo node token4400 enables the secondary node4401 disables the secondary node4402 returns bad request if you try to update the primary4403 responds with 401 when IP is not allowed4404 responds 401 if auth header is bad4405# [RSpecRunTime] RSpec elapsed time: 11 minutes 39.11 seconds. Current RSS: ~1505M. Threads: 6. load average: 1.01 1.10 1.02 1/417 57194406.4407 DELETE /geo_nodes/:id4408 denies access if not admin4409 deletes the node4410 returns 500 if Geo Node could not be deleted4411 behaves like 404 response4412 returns 4044413# [RSpecRunTime] RSpec elapsed time: 11 minutes 43.89 seconds. Current RSS: ~1466M. Threads: 6. load average: 1.01 1.10 1.02 1/417 57204414.4415# [RSpecRunTime] Finishing example group ee/spec/requests/api/geo_nodes_spec.rb. It took 46.55 seconds. Expected to take 52.04 seconds.4416# [RSpecRunTime] Starting example group ee/spec/requests/api/graphql/issues_spec.rb. Expected to take 45.89 seconds.4417getting an issue list at root level4418 behaves like graphql issue list request spec EE4419 sorting and pagination4420 when sorting by weight4421 when ascending4422 behaves like sorted paginated query4423 behaves like requires variables4424 shared example requires variables to be set4425# [RSpecRunTime] RSpec elapsed time: 11 minutes 49.75 seconds. Current RSS: ~1475M. Threads: 6. load average: 0.93 1.08 1.01 1/417 58254426.4428 when sorting4429 sorts correctly4430 when paginating4431 paginates correctly4432# [RSpecRunTime] RSpec elapsed time: 11 minutes 51.3 seconds. Current RSS: ~1481M. Threads: 6. load average: 0.93 1.08 1.01 1/417 58264433.4434 when descending4435 behaves like sorted paginated query4436 behaves like requires variables4437 shared example requires variables to be set4439 when sorting4440 sorts correctly4441 when paginating4442 paginates correctly4443# [RSpecRunTime] RSpec elapsed time: 11 minutes 52.84 seconds. Current RSS: ~1487M. Threads: 6. load average: 0.93 1.08 1.01 1/417 58274444.4445 when sorting by published incident4446 when ascending4447 behaves like sorted paginated query4448 behaves like requires variables4449 shared example requires variables to be set4451 when sorting4452 sorts correctly4453 when paginating4454 paginates correctly4455# [RSpecRunTime] RSpec elapsed time: 11 minutes 54.3 seconds. Current RSS: ~1493M. Threads: 6. load average: 1.02 1.10 1.02 1/417 58284456.4457 when descending4458 behaves like sorted paginated query4459 behaves like requires variables4460 shared example requires variables to be set4462 when sorting4463 sorts correctly4464 when paginating4465 paginates correctly4466# [RSpecRunTime] RSpec elapsed time: 11 minutes 55.7 seconds. Current RSS: ~1497M. Threads: 6. load average: 1.02 1.10 1.02 1/417 58294467.4468 when sorting by sla due4469 when ascending4470 behaves like sorted paginated query4471 behaves like requires variables4472 shared example requires variables to be set4474 when sorting4475 sorts correctly4476 when paginating4477 paginates correctly4478# [RSpecRunTime] RSpec elapsed time: 11 minutes 57.43 seconds. Current RSS: ~1497M. Threads: 6. load average: 1.02 1.10 1.02 1/417 58304479.4480 when descending4481 behaves like sorted paginated query4482 behaves like requires variables4483 shared example requires variables to be set4485 when sorting4486 sorts correctly4487 when paginating4488 paginates correctly4489# [RSpecRunTime] RSpec elapsed time: 11 minutes 58.85 seconds. Current RSS: ~1501M. Threads: 6. load average: 1.02 1.10 1.02 1/417 58314490.4491 filtering4492 when filtering by weight4493 when filtering for all issues with an assigned weight4494 returns all issues with an assigned weight4495# [RSpecRunTime] RSpec elapsed time: 12 minutes 1.5 seconds. Current RSS: ~1480M. Threads: 6. load average: 1.02 1.09 1.02 1/418 58324496.4497 when filtering for all issues without an assigned weight4498 returns all issues without an assigned weight4499# [RSpecRunTime] RSpec elapsed time: 12 minutes 2.93 seconds. Current RSS: ~1472M. Threads: 6. load average: 1.02 1.09 1.02 1/418 58334500.4501 when both weight and weight_wildcard_id filters are provided4502 returns a mutually exclusive param error4503 when filtering by iteration4504 when filtering for issues in an iteration4505 returns all issues in the iteration4506# [RSpecRunTime] RSpec elapsed time: 12 minutes 5.85 seconds. Current RSS: ~1453M. Threads: 6. load average: 1.10 1.11 1.02 1/417 58344507.4508 when filtering for issues in an iteration by iteration cadence4509 returns all issues in the iteration4510# [RSpecRunTime] RSpec elapsed time: 12 minutes 7.6 seconds. Current RSS: ~1446M. Threads: 6. load average: 1.10 1.11 1.02 1/417 58354511.4512 when both negated iteration_id and iteration_wildcard_id filters are provided4513 returns a mutually exclusive param error4514 when filtering by epic4515 when filtering for all issues with epics4516 returns all issues with epics4517# [RSpecRunTime] RSpec elapsed time: 12 minutes 10.44 seconds. Current RSS: ~1432M. Threads: 6. load average: 1.09 1.11 1.02 1/417 58364518.4519 when filtering for issues without epics4520 returns all issues without epics4521# [RSpecRunTime] RSpec elapsed time: 12 minutes 12.77 seconds. Current RSS: ~1430M. Threads: 6. load average: 1.09 1.11 1.02 1/417 58374522.4523 when both epic_id and epic_wildcard_id filters are provided4524 returns a mutually exclusive param error4525 blocked4526 uses the LazyLinksAggregate service4527 returns the correct blocked count result4528 returns the correct blocked issue detail result4529 behaves like a working graphql query4530 returns a successful response4531# [RSpecRunTime] RSpec elapsed time: 12 minutes 15.6 seconds. Current RSS: ~1443M. Threads: 6. load average: 1.08 1.11 1.02 1/417 58384532.4533 related_vulnerabilities4534 avoids N+1 queries4535# [RSpecRunTime] RSpec elapsed time: 12 minutes 26.47 seconds. Current RSS: ~1432M. Threads: 6. load average: 1.07 1.10 1.02 1/418 58394536.4537 when fetching issues from multiple projects4538 when ip_restrictions feature is enabled4539 when check_namespace_plan setting is enabled4540 avoids N+1 queries4541# [RSpecRunTime] RSpec elapsed time: 12 minutes 30.0 seconds. Current RSS: ~1428M. Threads: 6. load average: 1.06 1.10 1.02 1/418 58404542.4543# [RSpecRunTime] Finishing example group ee/spec/requests/api/graphql/issues_spec.rb. It took 46.12 seconds. Expected to take 45.89 seconds.4544# [RSpecRunTime] Starting example group ee/spec/requests/api/graphql/project/sbom/dependencies_spec.rb. Expected to take 41.2 seconds.4545Query.project(fullPath).dependencies4546 does not make N+1 queries4547 returns the expected dependency data when performing a well-formed query with an authorized user4548 with an unauthorized user4549 does not return dependency data4550# [RSpecRunTime] RSpec elapsed time: 12 minutes 41.71 seconds. Current RSS: ~1425M. Threads: 6. load average: 1.05 1.10 1.02 1/418 58414551.4552 with component_names as an argument4553 filters records based on the component name4554# [RSpecRunTime] RSpec elapsed time: 12 minutes 45.51 seconds. Current RSS: ~1430M. Threads: 6. load average: 1.05 1.09 1.02 1/418 58424555.4556 behaves like sorted paginated query4557 behaves like requires variables4558 shared example requires variables to be set4559# [RSpecRunTime] RSpec elapsed time: 12 minutes 48.74 seconds. Current RSS: ~1429M. Threads: 6. load average: 1.05 1.09 1.02 1/418 58434560.4562 when sorting4563 sorts correctly4564 when paginating4565 paginates correctly4566# [RSpecRunTime] RSpec elapsed time: 12 minutes 55.6 seconds. Current RSS: ~1429M. Threads: 6. load average: 1.04 1.09 1.02 1/418 58444567.4568 when dependencies have no version data4569 returns a nil version4570# [RSpecRunTime] RSpec elapsed time: 12 minutes 58.9 seconds. Current RSS: ~1426M. Threads: 6. load average: 1.04 1.09 1.02 1/418 58454571.4572 with package_managers as an argument4573 filters records based on the package manager name4574# [RSpecRunTime] RSpec elapsed time: 13 minutes 2.98 seconds. Current RSS: ~1424M. Threads: 6. load average: 1.04 1.09 1.02 1/418 58464575.4576 when dependencies have no source data4577 returns nil for data which originates from a source4578# [RSpecRunTime] RSpec elapsed time: 13 minutes 6.31 seconds. Current RSS: ~1420M. Threads: 6. load average: 1.03 1.09 1.01 1/418 58474579.4580 with source_types as an argument4581 filters records based on the package manager name4582# [RSpecRunTime] RSpec elapsed time: 13 minutes 10.09 seconds. Current RSS: ~1420M. Threads: 6. load average: 1.11 1.10 1.02 1/418 58484583.4584 with sort as an argument4585 sorts by component name descending4586 with sorting by severity4587 sorts by severity descending4588 with sort equal to SEVERITY_ASC4589 sorts by severity ascending4590# [RSpecRunTime] RSpec elapsed time: 13 minutes 17.27 seconds. Current RSS: ~1423M. Threads: 6. load average: 1.10 1.10 1.02 1/418 58494591.4592# [RSpecRunTime] Finishing example group ee/spec/requests/api/graphql/project/sbom/dependencies_spec.rb. It took 47.26 seconds. Expected to take 41.2 seconds.4593# [RSpecRunTime] Starting example group ee/spec/controllers/groups/push_rules_controller_spec.rb. Expected to take 37.67 seconds.4594Groups::PushRulesController4595 #update4596 push rules unlicensed4597 returns 404 status4598 push rules licensed4599 Updating reject_unsigned_commits rule4600 as an admin4601 when admin mode enabled4602 behaves like an updatable setting with global default4603 when reject_unsigned_commits not specified on global level4604 behaves like updateable setting4605 updates the setting4606 when global setting reject_unsigned_commits is enabled4607 behaves like updateable setting4608 updates the setting4609# [RSpecRunTime] RSpec elapsed time: 13 minutes 20.66 seconds. Current RSS: ~1425M. Threads: 6. load average: 1.09 1.10 1.02 1/418 58504610.4611 when admin mode disabled4612 behaves like a not updatable setting with global default4613 when reject_unsigned_commits is disabled4614 behaves like not updateable setting4615 does not update the setting4616 when global setting reject_unsigned_commits is enabled4617 behaves like not updateable setting4618 does not update the setting4619# [RSpecRunTime] RSpec elapsed time: 13 minutes 22.9 seconds. Current RSS: ~1427M. Threads: 6. load average: 1.09 1.10 1.02 1/419 58514620.4621 as a maintainer user4622 updates the push rule4623 when global setting reject_unsigned_commits is disabled4624 behaves like updateable setting4625 updates the setting4626# [RSpecRunTime] RSpec elapsed time: 13 minutes 26.82 seconds. Current RSS: ~1424M. Threads: 6. load average: 1.08 1.10 1.02 1/419 58524627.4628 when global setting reject_unsigned_commits is enabled4629 behaves like not updateable setting4630 does not update the setting4631# [RSpecRunTime] RSpec elapsed time: 13 minutes 28.44 seconds. Current RSS: ~1427M. Threads: 6. load average: 1.08 1.10 1.02 1/419 58534632.4633 as a developer user4634 behaves like a not updatable setting with global default4635 when reject_unsigned_commits is disabled4636 behaves like not updateable setting4637 does not update the setting4638 when global setting reject_unsigned_commits is enabled4639 behaves like not updateable setting4640 does not update the setting4641# [RSpecRunTime] RSpec elapsed time: 13 minutes 30.93 seconds. Current RSS: ~1431M. Threads: 6. load average: 1.08 1.09 1.02 1/419 58544642.4643 Updating commit_committer_check rule4644 as an admin4645 when admin mode enabled4646 behaves like an updatable setting with global default4647 when commit_committer_check not specified on global level4648 behaves like updateable setting4649 updates the setting4650 when global setting commit_committer_check is enabled4651 behaves like updateable setting4652 updates the setting4653# [RSpecRunTime] RSpec elapsed time: 13 minutes 33.32 seconds. Current RSS: ~1437M. Threads: 6. load average: 1.08 1.09 1.02 1/419 58554654.4655 when admin mode disabled4656 behaves like a not updatable setting with global default4657 when commit_committer_check is disabled4658 behaves like not updateable setting4659 does not update the setting4660 when global setting commit_committer_check is enabled4661 behaves like not updateable setting4662 does not update the setting4663# [RSpecRunTime] RSpec elapsed time: 13 minutes 35.4 seconds. Current RSS: ~1438M. Threads: 6. load average: 1.07 1.09 1.02 2/419 58564664.4665 as a maintainer user4666 updates the push rule4667 when global setting commit_committer_check is disabled4668 behaves like updateable setting4669 updates the setting4670# [RSpecRunTime] RSpec elapsed time: 13 minutes 38.04 seconds. Current RSS: ~1439M. Threads: 6. load average: 1.07 1.09 1.02 1/419 58574671.4672 when global setting commit_committer_check is enabled4673 behaves like not updateable setting4674 does not update the setting4675# [RSpecRunTime] RSpec elapsed time: 13 minutes 39.68 seconds. Current RSS: ~1439M. Threads: 6. load average: 1.07 1.09 1.02 1/419 58584676.4677 as a developer user4678 behaves like a not updatable setting with global default4679 when commit_committer_check is disabled4680 behaves like not updateable setting4681 does not update the setting4682# [RSpecRunTime] RSpec elapsed time: 13 minutes 40.82 seconds. Current RSS: ~1441M. Threads: 6. load average: 1.07 1.09 1.02 1/419 58594683.4684 when global setting commit_committer_check is enabled4685 behaves like not updateable setting4686 does not update the setting4687# [RSpecRunTime] RSpec elapsed time: 13 minutes 42.35 seconds. Current RSS: ~1440M. Threads: 6. load average: 1.07 1.09 1.02 1/419 58604688.4689 Updating reject_non_dco_commits rule4690 as an admin4691 when admin mode enabled4692 behaves like an updatable setting with global default4693 when reject_non_dco_commits not specified on global level4694 behaves like updateable setting4695 updates the setting4696 when global setting reject_non_dco_commits is enabled4697 behaves like updateable setting4698 updates the setting4699# [RSpecRunTime] RSpec elapsed time: 13 minutes 44.69 seconds. Current RSS: ~1441M. Threads: 6. load average: 1.06 1.09 1.02 1/419 58614700.4701 when admin mode disabled4702 behaves like a not updatable setting with global default4703 when reject_non_dco_commits is disabled4704 behaves like not updateable setting4705 does not update the setting4706 when global setting reject_non_dco_commits is enabled4707 behaves like not updateable setting4708 does not update the setting4709# [RSpecRunTime] RSpec elapsed time: 13 minutes 47.01 seconds. Current RSS: ~1440M. Threads: 6. load average: 1.06 1.09 1.02 3/419 58624710.4711 as a maintainer user4712 updates the push rule4713 when global setting reject_non_dco_commits is disabled4714 behaves like updateable setting4715 updates the setting4716# [RSpecRunTime] RSpec elapsed time: 13 minutes 49.57 seconds. Current RSS: ~1440M. Threads: 6. load average: 1.06 1.09 1.02 1/419 58634717.4718 when global setting reject_non_dco_commits is enabled4719 behaves like not updateable setting4720 does not update the setting4721# [RSpecRunTime] RSpec elapsed time: 13 minutes 51.21 seconds. Current RSS: ~1441M. Threads: 6. load average: 1.06 1.09 1.02 1/419 58644722.4723 as a developer user4724 behaves like a not updatable setting with global default4725 when reject_non_dco_commits is disabled4726 behaves like not updateable setting4727 does not update the setting4728 when global setting reject_non_dco_commits is enabled4729 behaves like not updateable setting4730 does not update the setting4731# [RSpecRunTime] RSpec elapsed time: 13 minutes 53.67 seconds. Current RSS: ~1441M. Threads: 6. load average: 1.06 1.09 1.02 1/419 58654732.4733 Updating commit_committer_name_check rule4734 when commit_committer_name_check is disabled4735 as an admin4736 when admin mode enabled4737 behaves like updates push rule commit_committer_name_check of group4738 matches the given result4739 as a maintainer user4740 behaves like updates push rule commit_committer_name_check of group4741 matches the given result4742# [RSpecRunTime] RSpec elapsed time: 13 minutes 55.56 seconds. Current RSS: ~1442M. Threads: 6. load average: 1.05 1.08 1.02 1/419 58664743.4744 as a developer user4745 behaves like updates push rule commit_committer_name_check of group4746 matches the given result4747# [RSpecRunTime] RSpec elapsed time: 13 minutes 56.63 seconds. Current RSS: ~1444M. Threads: 6. load average: 1.05 1.08 1.02 1/419 58674748.4749 when commit_committer_name_check is enabled4750 as an admin4751 when admin mode enabled4752 behaves like updates push rule commit_committer_name_check of group4753 matches the given result4754 as a maintainer user4755 behaves like updates push rule commit_committer_name_check of group4756 matches the given result4757 as a developer user4758 behaves like updates push rule commit_committer_name_check of group4759 matches the given result4760 when user role is lower than maintainer4761 push rules unlicensed4762 returns 404 status4763 push rules licensed4764 returns 404 status4765# [RSpecRunTime] Finishing example group ee/spec/controllers/groups/push_rules_controller_spec.rb. It took 43.01 seconds. Expected to take 37.67 seconds.4766# [RSpecRunTime] Starting example group ee/spec/requests/api/graphql/project/issues_spec.rb. Expected to take 35.5 seconds.4767getting an issue list for a project4768 behaves like graphql issue list request spec EE4769 sorting and pagination4770 when sorting by weight4771 when ascending4772 behaves like sorted paginated query4773 behaves like requires variables4774 shared example requires variables to be set4775# [RSpecRunTime] RSpec elapsed time: 14 minutes 1.74 seconds. Current RSS: ~1442M. Threads: 6. load average: 1.05 1.08 1.02 1/419 58684776.4778 when sorting4779 sorts correctly4780 when paginating4781 paginates correctly4782# [RSpecRunTime] RSpec elapsed time: 14 minutes 3.08 seconds. Current RSS: ~1449M. Threads: 6. load average: 1.05 1.08 1.02 1/419 58694783.4784 when descending4785 behaves like sorted paginated query4786 behaves like requires variables4787 shared example requires variables to be set4789 when sorting4790 sorts correctly4791 when paginating4792 paginates correctly4793# [RSpecRunTime] RSpec elapsed time: 14 minutes 4.6 seconds. Current RSS: ~1448M. Threads: 6. load average: 0.96 1.07 1.01 1/419 58704794.4795 when sorting by published incident4796 when ascending4797 behaves like sorted paginated query4798 behaves like requires variables4799 shared example requires variables to be set4801 when sorting4802 sorts correctly4803 when paginating4804 paginates correctly4805# [RSpecRunTime] RSpec elapsed time: 14 minutes 6.08 seconds. Current RSS: ~1458M. Threads: 6. load average: 0.96 1.07 1.01 1/419 58714806.4807 when descending4808 behaves like sorted paginated query4809 behaves like requires variables4810 shared example requires variables to be set4812 when sorting4813 sorts correctly4814 when paginating4815 paginates correctly4816# [RSpecRunTime] RSpec elapsed time: 14 minutes 7.53 seconds. Current RSS: ~1461M. Threads: 6. load average: 0.96 1.07 1.01 1/419 58724817.4818 when sorting by sla due4819 when ascending4820 behaves like sorted paginated query4821 behaves like requires variables4822 shared example requires variables to be set4824 when sorting4825 sorts correctly4826 when paginating4827 paginates correctly4828# [RSpecRunTime] RSpec elapsed time: 14 minutes 9.38 seconds. Current RSS: ~1462M. Threads: 6. load average: 0.97 1.06 1.01 1/419 58734829.4830 when descending4831 behaves like sorted paginated query4832 behaves like requires variables4833 shared example requires variables to be set4835 when sorting4836 sorts correctly4837 when paginating4838 paginates correctly4839# [RSpecRunTime] RSpec elapsed time: 14 minutes 10.84 seconds. Current RSS: ~1465M. Threads: 6. load average: 0.97 1.06 1.01 1/419 58744840.4841 filtering4842 when filtering by weight4843 when filtering for all issues with an assigned weight4844 returns all issues with an assigned weight4845# [RSpecRunTime] RSpec elapsed time: 14 minutes 13.25 seconds. Current RSS: ~1455M. Threads: 6. load average: 0.97 1.06 1.01 1/419 58754846.4847 when filtering for all issues without an assigned weight4848 returns all issues without an assigned weight4849# [RSpecRunTime] RSpec elapsed time: 14 minutes 14.67 seconds. Current RSS: ~1449M. Threads: 6. load average: 0.97 1.06 1.01 1/419 58764850.4851 when both weight and weight_wildcard_id filters are provided4852 returns a mutually exclusive param error4853 when filtering by iteration4854 when filtering for issues in an iteration4855 returns all issues in the iteration4856# [RSpecRunTime] RSpec elapsed time: 14 minutes 17.8 seconds. Current RSS: ~1436M. Threads: 6. load average: 0.97 1.06 1.01 1/419 58774857.4858 when filtering for issues in an iteration by iteration cadence4859 returns all issues in the iteration4860# [RSpecRunTime] RSpec elapsed time: 14 minutes 19.56 seconds. Current RSS: ~1425M. Threads: 6. load average: 0.97 1.06 1.01 1/419 58784861.4862 when both negated iteration_id and iteration_wildcard_id filters are provided4863 returns a mutually exclusive param error4864 when filtering by epic4865 when filtering for all issues with epics4866 returns all issues with epics4867# [RSpecRunTime] RSpec elapsed time: 14 minutes 22.34 seconds. Current RSS: ~1427M. Threads: 6. load average: 0.97 1.06 1.01 1/419 58794868.4869 when filtering for issues without epics4870 returns all issues without epics4871# [RSpecRunTime] RSpec elapsed time: 14 minutes 24.51 seconds. Current RSS: ~1426M. Threads: 6. load average: 1.05 1.08 1.01 1/419 58804872.4873 when both epic_id and epic_wildcard_id filters are provided4874 returns a mutually exclusive param error4875 blocked4876 uses the LazyLinksAggregate service4877 returns the correct blocked count result4878 returns the correct blocked issue detail result4879 behaves like a working graphql query4880 returns a successful response4881# [RSpecRunTime] RSpec elapsed time: 14 minutes 27.36 seconds. Current RSS: ~1431M. Threads: 6. load average: 1.05 1.08 1.01 1/419 58814882.4883 related_vulnerabilities4884 avoids N+1 queries4885# [RSpecRunTime] RSpec elapsed time: 14 minutes 37.99 seconds. Current RSS: ~1426M. Threads: 6. load average: 1.05 1.07 1.01 1/419 58824886.4887 filtered4888 by negated health status4889 only returns issues without the negated health status4890# [RSpecRunTime] Finishing example group ee/spec/requests/api/graphql/project/issues_spec.rb. It took 38.62 seconds. Expected to take 35.5 seconds.4891# [RSpecRunTime] Starting example group ee/spec/controllers/groups/clusters_controller_spec.rb. Expected to take 32.35 seconds.4892Groups::ClustersController4893 behaves like cluster metrics4894 GET #metrics4895 functionality4896 can query Prometheus4897 queries cluster metrics4898 when response has content4899 returns prometheus query response4900# [RSpecRunTime] RSpec elapsed time: 14 minutes 41.51 seconds. Current RSS: ~1435M. Threads: 6. load average: 1.04 1.07 1.01 1/419 58834901.4902 when response has no content4903 returns prometheus query response4904 without Prometheus4905 returns not found4906# [RSpecRunTime] RSpec elapsed time: 14 minutes 43.54 seconds. Current RSS: ~1448M. Threads: 6. load average: 1.04 1.07 1.01 1/419 58844907.4908 cannot query Prometheus4909 returns not found4910# [RSpecRunTime] RSpec elapsed time: 14 minutes 44.63 seconds. Current RSS: ~1449M. Threads: 6. load average: 1.04 1.07 1.01 1/419 58854911.4912 security4913 is expected to be allowed for owner. Expected: 200,201,204,302 Got: 2044914 is expected to be allowed for maintainer. Expected: 200,201,204,302 Got: 2044915 is expected to be denied for developer. Expected: 401,404 Got: 4044916 is expected to be denied for reporter. Expected: 401,404 Got: 4044917 is expected to be denied for guest. Expected: 401,404 Got: 4044918 is expected to be denied for user. Expected: 401,404 Got: 4044919 is expected to be denied for external. Expected: 401,404 Got: 4044920 when admin mode is enabled4921 is expected to be allowed for admin. Expected: 200,201,204,302 Got: 2044922# [RSpecRunTime] RSpec elapsed time: 14 minutes 53.68 seconds. Current RSS: ~1449M. Threads: 6. load average: 1.03 1.07 1.01 1/419 58864923.4924 when admin mode is disabled4925 is expected to be denied for admin. Expected: 401,404 Got: 4044926# [RSpecRunTime] RSpec elapsed time: 14 minutes 54.83 seconds. Current RSS: ~1448M. Threads: 6. load average: 1.03 1.07 1.01 1/419 58874927.4928 GET environments4929 functionality4930 responds successfully4931# [RSpecRunTime] RSpec elapsed time: 14 minutes 58.6 seconds. Current RSS: ~1454M. Threads: 6. load average: 1.03 1.07 1.01 1/423 59254932.4933 security4934 is expected to be allowed for owner. Expected: 200,201,204,302 Got: 2004935 is expected to be allowed for maintainer. Expected: 200,201,204,302 Got: 2004936 is expected to be denied for developer. Expected: 401,404 Got: 4044937 is expected to be denied for reporter. Expected: 401,404 Got: 4044938 is expected to be denied for guest. Expected: 401,404 Got: 4044939 is expected to be denied for user. Expected: 401,404 Got: 4044940 is expected to be denied for external. Expected: 401,404 Got: 4044941 when admin mode is enabled4942 is expected to be allowed for admin. Expected: 200,201,204,302 Got: 2004943# [RSpecRunTime] RSpec elapsed time: 15 minutes 16.99 seconds. Current RSS: ~1483M. Threads: 6. load average: 1.10 1.08 1.01 1/426 62144944.4945 when admin mode is disabled4946 is expected to be denied for admin. Expected: 401,404 Got: 4044947# [RSpecRunTime] RSpec elapsed time: 15 minutes 19.2 seconds. Current RSS: ~1482M. Threads: 6. load average: 1.17 1.09 1.02 1/426 62514948.4949 GET show4950 expires etag cache to force reload environments list4951# [RSpecRunTime] RSpec elapsed time: 15 minutes 20.3 seconds. Current RSS: ~1481M. Threads: 6. load average: 1.17 1.09 1.02 1/426 62524952.4953# [RSpecRunTime] Finishing example group ee/spec/controllers/groups/clusters_controller_spec.rb. It took 41.4 seconds. Expected to take 32.35 seconds.4954# [RSpecRunTime] Starting example group ee/spec/requests/api/vulnerability_issue_links_spec.rb. Expected to take 29.25 seconds.4955API::VulnerabilityIssueLinks4956 GET /vulnerabilities/:id/issue_links4957 with an authorized user with proper permissions4958 when linked issue is not confidential and available for the user4959 gets the list of visible issue links4960# [RSpecRunTime] RSpec elapsed time: 15 minutes 23.03 seconds. Current RSS: ~1470M. Threads: 6. load average: 1.17 1.09 1.02 1/426 62534961.4962 when there is an additional confidential issue linked4963 gets the list of visible issue links4964 does not return confidential issue in the response4965# [RSpecRunTime] RSpec elapsed time: 15 minutes 24.68 seconds. Current RSS: ~1464M. Threads: 6. load average: 1.16 1.09 1.02 1/426 62544966.4967 when link is created to issue in the inaccessible project4968 gets the list of visible issue links4969 does not return issue from inaccessible project4970# [RSpecRunTime] RSpec elapsed time: 15 minutes 26.33 seconds. Current RSS: ~1460M. Threads: 6. load average: 1.16 1.09 1.02 1/425 62554971.4972 behaves like responds with "not found" for an unknown vulnerability ID4973 is expected to respond with numeric status code not_found4974 behaves like forbids access to vulnerability API endpoint in case of disabled features4975 when security dashboard feature is not available4976 responds with 403 Forbidden4977 permissions4978 is expected to be allowed for :admin4979 is expected to be allowed for :owner4980 is expected to be allowed for :maintainer4981 is expected to be allowed for :developer4982 is expected to be allowed for :auditor4983 is expected to be denied for :reporter4984 is expected to be denied for :guest4985 is expected to be denied for :anonymous4986# [RSpecRunTime] RSpec elapsed time: 15 minutes 30.69 seconds. Current RSS: ~1464M. Threads: 6. load average: 1.15 1.09 1.02 1/421 62564987.4988 POST /vulnerabilities/:id/issue_links4989 with an authorized user with proper permissions4990 with valid params4991 creates a new vulnerability-issue link4992# [RSpecRunTime] RSpec elapsed time: 15 minutes 32.62 seconds. Current RSS: ~1462M. Threads: 6. load average: 1.15 1.09 1.02 1/421 62574993.4994 when issue is from different project4995 when target_project_id is invalid4996 responds with "not found" and specific error message4997 when user does not have access to the project4998 responds with "not found" and specific error message4999 when user is authorized with proper permissions to the project5000 creates a new vulnerability-issue link5001 with unknown issue ID5002 responds with "not found" and specific error message5003 when a link between these issue and vulnerability already exists5004 responds with "conflict" status code and specific error message5005 when a "created" link for a vulnerability already exists5006 responds with "conflict" status code and specific error message5007# [RSpecRunTime] RSpec elapsed time: 15 minutes 36.72 seconds. Current RSS: ~1461M. Threads: 6. load average: 1.22 1.11 1.02 1/422 62585008.5009 when trying to relate a confidential issue of the same project5010 creates a new vulnerability-issue link5011 behaves like responds with "not found" for an unknown vulnerability ID5012 is expected to respond with numeric status code not_found5013 behaves like forbids access to vulnerability API endpoint in case of disabled features5014 when security dashboard feature is not available5015 responds with 403 Forbidden5016 permissions5017 is expected to be allowed for :admin5018 is expected to be allowed for :owner5019 is expected to be allowed for :maintainer5020 is expected to be allowed for :developer5021 is expected to be denied for :auditor5022 is expected to be denied for :reporter5023 is expected to be denied for :guest5024 is expected to be denied for :anonymous5025# [RSpecRunTime] RSpec elapsed time: 15 minutes 41.85 seconds. Current RSS: ~1460M. Threads: 6. load average: 1.20 1.10 1.02 1/421 62595026.5027 DELETE /vulnerabilities/:id/issue_links/:issue_link_id5028 with an authorized user with proper permissions5029 with valid params5030 deletes the specified vulnerability-issue link5031 with link to an issue that the current user cannot see5032 deletes the link without disclosing the linked issue5033# [RSpecRunTime] RSpec elapsed time: 15 minutes 47.81 seconds. Current RSS: ~1442M. Threads: 6. load average: 1.18 1.10 1.02 1/421 62605034.5035 with unknown issue link ID5036 responds with "not found" and specific error message5037 behaves like responds with "not found" for an unknown vulnerability ID5038 is expected to respond with numeric status code not_found5039 behaves like forbids access to vulnerability API endpoint in case of disabled features5040 when security dashboard feature is not available5041 responds with 403 Forbidden5042 permissions5043 is expected to be allowed for :admin5044 is expected to be allowed for :owner5045 is expected to be allowed for :maintainer5046 is expected to be allowed for :developer5047 is expected to be denied for :auditor5048 is expected to be denied for :reporter5049 is expected to be denied for :guest5050 is expected to be denied for :anonymous5051# [RSpecRunTime] RSpec elapsed time: 15 minutes 52.36 seconds. Current RSS: ~1446M. Threads: 6. load average: 1.17 1.10 1.02 1/421 62615052.5053# [RSpecRunTime] Finishing example group ee/spec/requests/api/vulnerability_issue_links_spec.rb. It took 32.08 seconds. Expected to take 29.25 seconds.5054# [RSpecRunTime] Starting example group ee/spec/requests/api/users_spec.rb. Expected to take 28.99 seconds.5055API::Users5056 updating name5057 behaves like PUT request permissions for admin mode5058 behaves like when admin5059 behaves like makes request5060 returns5061 behaves like makes request5062 returns5063 behaves like when user5064 returns5065 behaves like makes request5066 returns5067 when authenticated and ldap is enabled5068 returns non-ldap user5069 when `disable_name_update_for_users` feature is available5070 when the ability to update their name is disabled for users5071 behaves like admin can update the name of a user5072 updates the user with new name5073 when the ability to update their name is not disabled for users5074 behaves like admin can update the name of a user5075 updates the user with new name5076 when `disable_name_update_for_users` feature is not available5077 behaves like admin can update the name of a user5078 updates the user with new name5079 extended audit events5080 PUT /users/:id5081 creates audit event when updating user with new password5082 behaves like PUT request permissions for admin mode5083 behaves like when admin5084 behaves like makes request5085 returns5086# [RSpecRunTime] RSpec elapsed time: 15 minutes 58.29 seconds. Current RSS: ~1441M. Threads: 6. load average: 1.15 1.10 1.02 1/421 62625087.5088 behaves like makes request5089 returns5090 behaves like when user5091 returns5092 behaves like makes request5093 returns5094 POST /users/:id/block5095 creates audit event when blocking user5096 behaves like POST request permissions for admin mode5097 behaves like when admin5098 behaves like makes request5099 returns5100 behaves like makes request5101 returns5102 behaves like when user5103 returns5104 behaves like makes request5105 returns5106 POST /user/keys5107 creates audit event when user adds a new SSH key5108 POST /users/:id/keys5109 creates audit event when admin adds a new key for a user5110 behaves like POST request permissions for admin mode5111 behaves like when admin5112 behaves like makes request5113 returns5114 behaves like makes request5115 returns5116 behaves like when user5117 returns5118 behaves like makes request5119 returns5120 shared_runners_minutes_limit5121 PUT /users/:id5122 when user is an admin5123 updates shared_runners_minutes_limit5124 when user is not an admin5125 cannot update their own shared_runners_minutes_limit5126 when auditor field is specified5127 PUT /users/:id5128 when user is an admin5129 updates auditor status for the user5130 when licensed_feature is not available5131 cannot update auditor status for the user5132 when user is not an admin5133 cannot update auditor status for the user5134 POST /users/5135 behaves like POST request permissions for admin mode5136 behaves like when admin5137 behaves like makes request5138 returns5139 behaves like makes request5140 returns5141 behaves like when user5142 returns5143 behaves like makes request5144 returns5145 when user is an admin5146 creates user with auditor status5147 when licensed_feature is not available5148 cannot create user with auditor status5149 when user is not an admin5150 cannot create user with auditor status5151 with group SAML5152 creates user with new identity5153 creates user with new identity without sending reset password email5154 updates user with new identity5155 fails to update user with nonexistent identity5156 fails to update user with nonexistent provider5157 contains provisioned_by_group_id parameter5158 behaves like POST request permissions for admin mode5159 behaves like when admin5160 behaves like makes request5161 returns5162# [RSpecRunTime] RSpec elapsed time: 16 minutes 13.22 seconds. Current RSS: ~1458M. Threads: 6. load average: 1.12 1.09 1.02 4/420 62635163.5164 behaves like makes request5165 returns5166 behaves like when user5167 returns5168 behaves like makes request5169 returns5170# [RSpecRunTime] RSpec elapsed time: 16 minutes 14.89 seconds. Current RSS: ~1461M. Threads: 6. load average: 1.11 1.09 1.02 1/420 62645171.5172 GET /api/users?saml_provider_id5173 querying users by saml provider id5174 returns only users for the saml_provider_id5175# [RSpecRunTime] RSpec elapsed time: 16 minutes 15.98 seconds. Current RSS: ~1456M. Threads: 6. load average: 1.11 1.09 1.02 1/420 62655176.5177 GET /api/users?auditors=true5178 querying users who are auditors5179 returns all users5180 GET /user/:id5181 when authenticated5182 as an admin5183 contains scim_identities parameter5184 and user has a plan5185 contains is_auditor parameter5186 and user is not a trial user5187 contains plan and trial5188# [RSpecRunTime] RSpec elapsed time: 16 minutes 18.63 seconds. Current RSS: ~1454M. Threads: 6. load average: 1.11 1.09 1.02 1/420 62665189.5190 and user is a trial user5191 contains plan and trial5192 and user has no plan5193 returns `nil` for both plan and trial5194 as a user5195 does not contain plan and trial info5196 does not contain is_auditor parameter5197 does not contain provisioned_by_group_id parameter5198 does not contain scim_identities parameter5199# [RSpecRunTime] RSpec elapsed time: 16 minutes 22.92 seconds. Current RSS: ~1454M. Threads: 6. load average: 1.10 1.09 1.02 1/420 62675200.5201 when not authenticated5202 does not contain plan and trial info5203 POST /users/:user_id/personal_access_tokens5204 when the user is a service account5205 when the feature is licensed5206 when the user is an admin5207 with required params5208 does not allow PAT creation5209 when admin mode enabled5210 allows PAT creation5211# [RSpecRunTime] RSpec elapsed time: 16 minutes 24.31 seconds. Current RSS: ~1460M. Threads: 6. load average: 1.09 1.09 1.02 1/421 62685212.5213 when missing params5214 does not allow PAT creation5215 when the user is not an admin5216 does not allow PAT creation5217 when the feature is not licensed5218 does not allow PAT creation5219 POST /user/personal_access_tokens5220 when disable_personal_access_tokens feature is available5221 when personal access tokens are disabled in settings5222 does not create a personal access token5223 when personal access tokens are enabled in settings5224 creates a personal access token5225 GET /api/users?extern_uid=:extern_uid&provider=scim5226 querying users by SCIM identity as an admin5227 returns only users for the extern_uid5228# [RSpecRunTime] RSpec elapsed time: 16 minutes 27.76 seconds. Current RSS: ~1470M. Threads: 6. load average: 1.09 1.09 1.02 1/420 62695229.5230 setting profile to private5231 behaves like PUT request permissions for admin mode5232 behaves like when admin5233 behaves like makes request5234 returns5235 behaves like makes request5236 returns5237 behaves like when user5238 returns5239 behaves like makes request5240 returns5241 when the ability to make their profile private is disabled for users5242 makes the profile private5243# [RSpecRunTime] Finishing example group ee/spec/requests/api/users_spec.rb. It took 37.62 seconds. Expected to take 28.99 seconds.5244# [RSpecRunTime] Starting example group ee/spec/controllers/projects/merge_requests/creations_controller_spec.rb. Expected to take 26.6 seconds.5245Projects::MergeRequests::CreationsController5246 GET #new5247 default templates5248 when a template has been set via project settings5249 does not select a default template5250# [RSpecRunTime] RSpec elapsed time: 16 minutes 35.14 seconds. Current RSS: ~1460M. Threads: 6. load average: 1.08 1.08 1.02 1/425 64545251.5252 when a template has not been set via project settings5253 selects a default template5254# [RSpecRunTime] RSpec elapsed time: 16 minutes 39.06 seconds. Current RSS: ~1465M. Threads: 6. load average: 1.08 1.08 1.02 1/425 66515255.5256 POST #create5257 disables query limiting5258 the approvals_before_merge param5259 when it is less than the one in the target project5260 sets the param to the project value5261 creates the merge request5262# [RSpecRunTime] RSpec elapsed time: 16 minutes 44.43 seconds. Current RSS: ~1478M. Threads: 6. load average: 1.06 1.08 1.02 1/425 67365263.5264 when it is equal to the one in the target project5265 sets the param to the correct value5266 creates the merge request5267# [RSpecRunTime] RSpec elapsed time: 16 minutes 47.98 seconds. Current RSS: ~1476M. Threads: 6. load average: 1.06 1.08 1.02 1/420 67935268.5269 when it is greater than the one in the target project5270 saves the param in the merge request5271 creates the merge request5272# [RSpecRunTime] RSpec elapsed time: 16 minutes 51.52 seconds. Current RSS: ~1475M. Threads: 6. load average: 1.06 1.08 1.02 2/420 68505273.5274 when the target project is a fork of a deleted project5275 uses the default from the target project5276 creates the merge request5277# [RSpecRunTime] RSpec elapsed time: 16 minutes 56.26 seconds. Current RSS: ~1471M. Threads: 6. load average: 1.05 1.08 1.02 1/420 69075278.5279 overriding approvers per MR5280 enabled5281 does create approval rules5282# [RSpecRunTime] RSpec elapsed time: 16 minutes 58.3 seconds. Current RSS: ~1469M. Threads: 6. load average: 1.05 1.08 1.02 1/420 69365283.5284 disabled5285 does not create approval rules5286# [RSpecRunTime] RSpec elapsed time: 17 minutes 0.21 second. Current RSS: ~1469M. Threads: 6. load average: 0.97 1.06 1.01 1/420 69655287.5288# [RSpecRunTime] Finishing example group ee/spec/controllers/projects/merge_requests/creations_controller_spec.rb. It took 30.22 seconds. Expected to take 26.6 seconds.5289# [RSpecRunTime] Starting example group ee/spec/requests/groups/dependencies_controller_spec.rb. Expected to take 24.25 seconds.5290Groups::DependenciesController5291 GET index5292 with HTML format5293 when security dashboard feature is enabled5294 and user is allowed to access group level dependencies5295 returns http status :ok5296 returns the correct template5297 behaves like tracks govern usage event5298 tracks unique event5299# [RSpecRunTime] RSpec elapsed time: 17 minutes 3.32 seconds. Current RSS: ~1461M. Threads: 6. load average: 0.97 1.06 1.01 1/422 69675300.5301 when the group hierarchy depth is too high5302 shows group limit warning5303 when user is not allowed to access group level dependencies5304 return http status :not_found5305 behaves like doesn't track govern usage event5306 doesn't tracks event5307 when security dashboard feature is disabled5308 return http status :not_found5309 behaves like doesn't track govern usage event5310 doesn't tracks event5311 with JSON format5312 when security dashboard feature is enabled5313 and user is allowed to access group level dependencies5314 returns http status :ok5315 returns the expected data5316 with existing dependencies5317 returns the expected response5318 includes pagination headers in the response5319 avoids N+1 database queries5320 when sorted by severity in ascending order5321 returns sorted list5322# [RSpecRunTime] RSpec elapsed time: 17 minutes 10.22 seconds. Current RSS: ~1447M. Threads: 6. load average: 0.97 1.06 1.01 1/420 69685323.5324 when sorted by severity in descending order5325 returns sorted list5326 when using old query5327 returns the expected response5328 with sorting params5329 when sorted by packager in ascending order5330 returns sorted list5331# [RSpecRunTime] RSpec elapsed time: 17 minutes 11.92 seconds. Current RSS: ~1453M. Threads: 6. load average: 0.97 1.06 1.01 1/420 69695332.5333 when sorted by packager in descending order5334 returns sorted list5335 when sorted by name in ascending order5336 returns sorted list5337# [RSpecRunTime] RSpec elapsed time: 17 minutes 14.5 seconds. Current RSS: ~1448M. Threads: 6. load average: 0.98 1.06 1.01 1/420 69705338.5339 when sorted by name in descending order5340 returns sorted list5341 when sorted by license in ascending order5342 returns sorted list5343 when sorted by license in descending order5344 returns sorted list5345 with filtering params5346 when filtered by package managers5347 returns filtered list5348 when filtered by component_names5349 returns filtered list5350 when the group hierarchy depth is too high5351 ignores the filter5352# [RSpecRunTime] RSpec elapsed time: 17 minutes 17.9 seconds. Current RSS: ~1448M. Threads: 6. load average: 0.98 1.06 1.01 1/420 69715353.5354 when filtered by licenses5355 returns a filtered list5356 when filtered by unknown licenses5357 returns a filtered list5358 when filtered by projects5359 returns a filtered list5360# [RSpecRunTime] RSpec elapsed time: 17 minutes 20.83 seconds. Current RSS: ~1446M. Threads: 6. load average: 1.06 1.07 1.01 1/420 69725361.5362 when trying to search for too many projects5363 returns an error5364 when user is not allowed to access group level dependencies5365 returns http status :forbidden5366 when security dashboard feature is disabled5367 returns http status :forbidden5368 GET locations5369 when security dashboard feature is enabled5370 and user is allowed to access group level dependencies5371 returns http status :ok5372 returns empty array5373 with existing matches5374 returns location related data5375 without filtering params5376 returns empty array5377# [RSpecRunTime] RSpec elapsed time: 17 minutes 24.95 seconds. Current RSS: ~1448M. Threads: 6. load average: 1.22 1.10 1.02 1/420 69735378.5379 when user is not allowed to access group level dependencies5380 returns http status :forbidden5381 when security dashboard feature is disabled5382 returns http status :forbidden5383 GET #licenses5384 when security dashboard feature is enabled5385 and user is allowed to access group level dependencies5386 returns http status :ok5387 returns licenses from Gitlab::SPDX::Catalogue sorted by name5388# [RSpecRunTime] RSpec elapsed time: 17 minutes 27.01 seconds. Current RSS: ~1447M. Threads: 6. load average: 1.22 1.10 1.02 1/420 69745389.5390 when user is not allowed to access group level dependencies5391 returns http status :forbidden5392 when security dashboard feature is disabled5393 returns http status :forbidden5394# [RSpecRunTime] Finishing example group ee/spec/requests/groups/dependencies_controller_spec.rb. It took 27.33 seconds. Expected to take 24.25 seconds.5395# [RSpecRunTime] Starting example group ee/spec/requests/admin/credentials_controller_spec.rb. Expected to take 23.01 seconds.5396Admin::CredentialsController5397 GET #index5398 admin user5399 when `credentials_inventory` feature is enabled5400 responds with 2005401 behaves like Snowplow event tracking with RedisHLL context5402 behaves like Snowplow event tracking5403 is emitted5404# [RSpecRunTime] RSpec elapsed time: 17 minutes 29.95 seconds. Current RSS: ~1443M. Threads: 6. load average: 1.20 1.10 1.02 1/420 69755405.5406 filtering by type of credential5407 no credential type specified5408 behaves like filtering by `personal_access_tokens`5409 is expected to contain exactly #<PersonalAccessToken id: 340, user_id: 1101, name: "PAT 338", revoked: false, expires_at: "2024-07-0..._expiry_notification_delivered: false, previous_personal_access_token_id: nil, advanced_scopes: nil>, #<PersonalAccessToken id: 343, user_id: 1101, name: "PAT 341", revoked: false, expires_at: "2024-07-0..._expiry_notification_delivered: false, previous_personal_access_token_id: nil, advanced_scopes: nil>, and #<PersonalAccessToken id: 344, user_id: 1101, name: "PAT 342", revoked: false, expires_at: "2024-07-0..._expiry_notification_delivered: false, previous_personal_access_token_id: nil, advanced_scopes: nil>5410 non-existent credential type specified5411 behaves like filtering by `personal_access_tokens`5412 is expected to contain exactly #<PersonalAccessToken id: 340, user_id: 1101, name: "PAT 338", revoked: false, expires_at: "2024-07-0..._expiry_notification_delivered: false, previous_personal_access_token_id: nil, advanced_scopes: nil>, #<PersonalAccessToken id: 343, user_id: 1101, name: "PAT 341", revoked: false, expires_at: "2024-07-0..._expiry_notification_delivered: false, previous_personal_access_token_id: nil, advanced_scopes: nil>, and #<PersonalAccessToken id: 344, user_id: 1101, name: "PAT 342", revoked: false, expires_at: "2024-07-0..._expiry_notification_delivered: false, previous_personal_access_token_id: nil, advanced_scopes: nil>5413 credential type specified as `personal_access_tokens`5414 behaves like filtering by `personal_access_tokens`5415 is expected to contain exactly #<PersonalAccessToken id: 340, user_id: 1101, name: "PAT 338", revoked: false, expires_at: "2024-07-0..._expiry_notification_delivered: false, previous_personal_access_token_id: nil, advanced_scopes: nil>, #<PersonalAccessToken id: 343, user_id: 1101, name: "PAT 341", revoked: false, expires_at: "2024-07-0..._expiry_notification_delivered: false, previous_personal_access_token_id: nil, advanced_scopes: nil>, and #<PersonalAccessToken id: 344, user_id: 1101, name: "PAT 342", revoked: false, expires_at: "2024-07-0..._expiry_notification_delivered: false, previous_personal_access_token_id: nil, advanced_scopes: nil>5416 credential type specified as `ssh_keys`5417 filters by ssh keys5418 credential type specified as `resource_access_tokens`5419 filters by project and group access tokens5420 credential type specified as `gpg_keys`5421 filters by gpg keys5422 avoids N+1 queries5423# [RSpecRunTime] RSpec elapsed time: 17 minutes 43.56 seconds. Current RSS: ~1420M. Threads: 6. load average: 1.25 1.12 1.03 1/420 71985424.5425 when `credentials_inventory` feature is disabled5426 returns 4045427 non-admin user5428 returns 4045429 DELETE #destroy5430 behaves like credentials inventory delete SSH key5431 admin user5432 when `credentials_inventory` feature is enabled5433 and the ssh_key exists5434 and it removes the key5435 renders a success message5436 notifies the key owner5437 and it fails to remove the key5438 renders a failure message5439 and the ssh_key does not exist5440 renders a not found message5441 when `credentials_inventory` feature is disabled5442 returns 4045443 non-admin user5444 returns 4045445 PUT #revoke5446 admin user5447 when `credentials_inventory` feature is enabled5448 non-existent personal access token specified5449 behaves like responds with 4045450 is expected to respond with numeric status code not_found5451 is expected to respond with numeric status code not_found5452 is expected to respond with numeric status code not_found5453 with an existing personal access token5454 does not have permissions to revoke the credential5455 behaves like displays the flash error message5456 is expected to eql "Not permitted to revoke"5457 personal access token is already revoked5458 behaves like displays the flash success message5459 is expected to start with "Revoked personal access token "5460 aggregate_failures5461 aggregate_failures5462 personal access token is already expired5463 behaves like displays the flash success message5464 is expected to start with "Revoked personal access token "5465 aggregate_failures5466 aggregate_failures5467 personal access token is not revoked or expired5468 informs the token owner5469 behaves like displays the flash success message5470 is expected to start with "Revoked personal access token "5471 aggregate_failures5472 aggregate_failures5473# [RSpecRunTime] RSpec elapsed time: 17 minutes 49.88 seconds. Current RSS: ~1451M. Threads: 6. load average: 1.14 1.10 1.02 1/420 71995474.5475 when `credentials_inventory` feature is disabled5476 behaves like responds with 4045477 is expected to respond with numeric status code not_found5478 is expected to respond with numeric status code not_found5479 is expected to respond with numeric status code not_found5480 non-admin user5481 behaves like responds with 4045482 is expected to respond with numeric status code not_found5483 is expected to respond with numeric status code not_found5484 is expected to respond with numeric status code not_found5485# [RSpecRunTime] Finishing example group ee/spec/requests/admin/credentials_controller_spec.rb. It took 23.77 seconds. Expected to take 23.01 seconds.5486# [RSpecRunTime] Starting example group ee/spec/requests/admin/credentials_controller_spec.rb. Expected to take 23.01 seconds.5487Admin::CredentialsController5488 behaves like tracking unique visits5489 tracks unique visit if the format is HTML5490 tracks unique visit if DNT is not enabled5491 does not track unique visit if DNT is enabled5492 does not track unique visit if the format is JSON5493# [RSpecRunTime] Finishing example group ee/spec/requests/admin/credentials_controller_spec.rb. It took 1.09 seconds. Expected to take 23.01 seconds.5494# [RSpecRunTime] Starting example group ee/spec/controllers/repositories/git_http_controller_spec.rb. Expected to take 19.79 seconds.5495Repositories::GitHttpController5496 when repository container is a group wiki5497 behaves like Repositories::GitHttpController5498 HEAD #info_refs5499 returns 4035500 GET #info_refs5501 returns 401 for unauthenticated requests to public repositories when http protocol is disabled5502 calls the right access checker class with the right object5503 with authorized user5504 returns 2005505 adds user info to the logs5506# [RSpecRunTime] RSpec elapsed time: 17 minutes 54.45 seconds. Current RSS: ~1459M. Threads: 6. load average: 1.12 1.09 1.02 1/420 72105507.5508 POST #git_upload_pack5509 returns 2005510 when JWT token is not provided5511 returns 4035512 git audit streaming event5513 behaves like sends git audit streaming event5514 for public groups and projects5515 when user not logged in5516 sends the audit streaming event5517# [RSpecRunTime] RSpec elapsed time: 17 minutes 56.45 seconds. Current RSS: ~1464M. Threads: 6. load average: 1.12 1.09 1.02 1/420 72375518.5519 for private groups and projects5520 when user logged in5521 when log_git_streaming_audit_events is enable5522 does not send the audit streaming event5523 respond the need audit to be true5524# [RSpecRunTime] RSpec elapsed time: 17 minutes 59.8 seconds. Current RSS: ~1481M. Threads: 6. load average: 1.11 1.09 1.02 1/420 72905525.5526 when log_git_streaming_audit_events is disable5527 sends git streaming audit event5528 respond the need audit to be false5529# [RSpecRunTime] RSpec elapsed time: 18 minutes 3.36 seconds. Current RSS: ~1474M. Threads: 6. load average: 1.11 1.09 1.02 1/421 73435530.5531 group IP restriction5532 without enforced IP allowlist5533 allows the request5534# [RSpecRunTime] RSpec elapsed time: 18 minutes 6.19 seconds. Current RSS: ~1467M. Threads: 6. load average: 1.10 1.09 1.02 1/420 73705535.5536 with enforced IP allowlist5537 when IP is allowed5538 allows the request5539 when IP is not allowed5540 returns unauthorized5541 track Geo secondary git operations5542 GET #git_upload_pack5543 behaves like tracks Git operation from a Geo secondary5544 is expected to receive track_event("geo_secondary_git_op_action", {:namespace=>#<Group id:1328 @group75>, :project=>#<Project id:582 group75/project-583>>, :user=>#<User id:1119 @user552>}) 1 time5545# [RSpecRunTime] RSpec elapsed time: 18 minutes 8.33 seconds. Current RSS: ~1471M. Threads: 6. load average: 1.10 1.09 1.02 1/420 73975546.5547 POST #git_upload_pack5548 behaves like tracks Git operation from a Geo secondary5549 is expected to receive track_event("geo_secondary_git_op_action", {:namespace=>#<Group id:1328 @group75>, :project=>#<Project id:582 group75/project-583>>, :user=>#<User id:1119 @user552>}) 1 time5550 GET #git_receive_pack5551 behaves like tracks Git operation from a Geo secondary5552 is expected to receive track_event("geo_secondary_git_op_action", {:namespace=>#<Group id:1328 @group75>, :project=>#<Project id:582 group75/project-583>>, :user=>#<User id:1119 @user552>}) 1 time5553 POST #git_receive_pack5554 behaves like tracks Git operation from a Geo secondary5555 is expected to receive track_event("geo_secondary_git_op_action", {:namespace=>#<Group id:1328 @group75>, :project=>#<Project id:582 group75/project-583>>, :user=>#<User id:1119 @user552>}) 1 time5556 when it is a CI request5557 behaves like does not track Git operation from a Geo secondary5558 is expected not to receive track_event("geo_secondary_git_op_action", anything) 0 times5559 when request is from a primary5560 behaves like does not track Git operation from a Geo secondary5561 is expected not to receive track_event("geo_secondary_git_op_action", anything) 0 times5562 when Geo is disabled5563 behaves like does not track Git operation from a Geo secondary5564 is expected not to receive track_event("geo_secondary_git_op_action", anything) 0 times5565 GET #git_upload_pack5566 behaves like a request without write access needed5567 and enabled for project5568 returns a successful response5569# [RSpecRunTime] RSpec elapsed time: 18 minutes 11.73 seconds. Current RSS: ~1485M. Threads: 6. load average: 1.10 1.09 1.02 1/420 74245570.5571 and disabled for project5572 returns a failed response5573 POST #git_upload_pack5574 behaves like a request without write access needed5575 and enabled for project5576 returns a successful response5577# [RSpecRunTime] RSpec elapsed time: 18 minutes 13.51 seconds. Current RSS: ~1483M. Threads: 6. load average: 1.10 1.09 1.02 1/420 74515578.5579 and disabled for project5580 returns a failed response5581 GET #git_receive_pack5582 behaves like a request with write access needed5583 and write access is granted5584 returns a successful response5585# [RSpecRunTime] RSpec elapsed time: 18 minutes 15.25 seconds. Current RSS: ~1491M. Threads: 6. load average: 1.41 1.15 1.04 1/420 74785586.5587 and write access is not granted5588 returns a failed response5589 POST #git_receive_pack5590 behaves like a request with write access needed5591 and write access is granted5592 returns a successful response5593# [RSpecRunTime] RSpec elapsed time: 18 minutes 17.15 seconds. Current RSS: ~1494M. Threads: 6. load average: 1.41 1.15 1.04 1/420 75055594.5595 and write access is not granted5596 returns a failed response5597# [RSpecRunTime] Finishing example group ee/spec/controllers/repositories/git_http_controller_spec.rb. It took 25.08 seconds. Expected to take 19.79 seconds.5598# [RSpecRunTime] Starting example group ee/spec/controllers/projects/settings/merge_requests_controller_spec.rb. Expected to take 19.66 seconds.5599Projects::Settings::MergeRequestsController5600 PUT #update5601 updates Merge Request Approvers attributes5602 updates Issuable Default Templates attributes5603 when merge_pipelines_enabled param is specified5604 when feature is available through license5605 updates the attribute5606# [RSpecRunTime] RSpec elapsed time: 18 minutes 21.51 seconds. Current RSS: ~1481M. Threads: 6. load average: 1.38 1.15 1.04 1/420 75325607.5608 when feature is available through usage ping features5609 updates the attribute5610 when usage ping is disabled on free license5611 does not update the attribute5612 when license is not sufficient5613 does not update the attribute5614 when suggested_reviewers_enabled param is specified5615 updates the attribute5616 when merge_trains_enabled param is specified5617 updates the attribute5618 when license is not sufficient5619 does not update the attribute5620# [RSpecRunTime] RSpec elapsed time: 18 minutes 25.56 seconds. Current RSS: ~1479M. Threads: 6. load average: 1.35 1.15 1.04 1/420 75335621.5622 when merge_trains_skip_train_allowed param is specified5623 updates the attribute5624 when license is not sufficient5625 does not update the attribute5626# [RSpecRunTime] RSpec elapsed time: 18 minutes 26.9 seconds. Current RSS: ~1477M. Threads: 6. load average: 1.35 1.15 1.04 1/420 75345627.5628 when only_allow_merge_if_all_status_checks_passed param is specified5629 behaves like update only allow merge if all status checks passed5630 when only_allow_merge_if_all_status_checks_passed param is specified5631 updates the attribute5632 when license is not sufficient5633 does not update the attribute5634# [RSpecRunTime] RSpec elapsed time: 18 minutes 28.3 seconds. Current RSS: ~1474M. Threads: 6. load average: 1.35 1.15 1.04 1/420 75355635.5636 when auto_rollback_enabled param is specified5637 updates the attribute5638 when license is not sufficient5639 does not update the attribute5640# [RSpecRunTime] RSpec elapsed time: 18 minutes 29.76 seconds. Current RSS: ~1472M. Threads: 6. load average: 1.32 1.14 1.04 1/420 75365641.5642 merge request approvers settings5643 does not push security_orchestration_policies licensed feature5644 :disable_overriding_approvers_per_merge_request5645 behaves like merge request approvers rules5646 can_modify: true, param_value: true, final_value: true5647 updates project if needed5648# [RSpecRunTime] RSpec elapsed time: 18 minutes 31.14 seconds. Current RSS: ~1471M. Threads: 6. load average: 1.32 1.14 1.04 1/420 75375649.5650 can_modify: true, param_value: false, final_value: false5651 updates project if needed5652 can_modify: false, param_value: true, final_value: nil5653 updates project if needed5654 can_modify: false, param_value: false, final_value: nil5655 updates project if needed5656 :merge_requests_author_approval5657 behaves like merge request approvers rules5658 can_modify: true, param_value: true, final_value: true5659 updates project if needed5660 can_modify: true, param_value: false, final_value: false5661 updates project if needed5662 can_modify: false, param_value: true, final_value: nil5663 updates project if needed5664 can_modify: false, param_value: false, final_value: nil5665 updates project if needed5666 :merge_requests_disable_committers_approval5667 behaves like merge request approvers rules5668 can_modify: true, param_value: true, final_value: true5669 updates project if needed5670 can_modify: true, param_value: false, final_value: false5671 updates project if needed5672 can_modify: false, param_value: true, final_value: nil5673 updates project if needed5674 can_modify: false, param_value: false, final_value: nil5675 updates project if needed5676 with security_orchestration_policies licensed feature enabled5677 pushes security_orchestration_policies licensed feature5678# [RSpecRunTime] Finishing example group ee/spec/controllers/projects/settings/merge_requests_controller_spec.rb. It took 21.37 seconds. Expected to take 19.66 seconds.5679# [RSpecRunTime] Starting example group ee/spec/requests/projects/merge_requests_controller_spec.rb. Expected to take 17.54 seconds.5680Projects::MergeRequestsController5681 GET #edit5682 when the project requires code owner approval5683 does not cause an extra queries when code owner rules are present5684 does not cause extra queries when multiple code owner rules are present5685# [RSpecRunTime] RSpec elapsed time: 18 minutes 48.59 seconds. Current RSS: ~1433M. Threads: 6. load average: 1.25 1.14 1.04 2/426 78605686.5687 GET #index5688 avoids N+1 (PENDING: Temporarily skipped with xit)5689 security_reports5690 when the user can not read project security resources5691 responds with 4045692# [RSpecRunTime] RSpec elapsed time: 18 minutes 50.76 seconds. Current RSS: ~1434M. Threads: 6. load average: 1.15 1.12 1.03 1/426 79955693.5694 when the user can read project security resources5695 when the pipeline is pending5696 returns 204 HTTP status along with the `Poll-Interval` header5697 when the pipeline is not pending5698 when the given type is invalid5699 responds with 4005700 when the given type is valid5701 when comparison is being processed5702 returns 204 HTTP status along with the `Poll-Interval` header5703 when comparison is done5704 when the comparison is errored5705 responds with 4005706 when the comparision is succeeded5707 responds with 200 along with the report payload5708 GET #license_scanning_reports_collapsed5709 when comparison is done5710 with license_scanning report in head pipeline5711 does not send polling interval5712 returns 200 HTTP status5713 without license_scanning report in base pipeline5714 when the base pipeline is nil5715 returns 200 HTTP status5716# [RSpecRunTime] RSpec elapsed time: 18 minutes 58.48 seconds. Current RSS: ~1436M. Threads: 6. load average: 1.13 1.12 1.03 1/428 81545717.5718 when the base pipeline does not have license reports5719 returns 200 HTTP status5720# [RSpecRunTime] Finishing example group ee/spec/requests/projects/merge_requests_controller_spec.rb. It took 20.41 seconds. Expected to take 17.54 seconds.5721# [RSpecRunTime] Starting example group ee/spec/controllers/groups/dependency_proxy_for_containers_controller_spec.rb. Expected to take 15.87 seconds.5722Groups::DependencyProxyForContainersController5723 GET #manifest5724 behaves like when sso is enabled for the group5725 group owner5726 behaves like a successful manifest pull5727 sends a file5728 returns Content-Disposition: attachment5729# [RSpecRunTime] RSpec elapsed time: 19 minutes 0.93 second. Current RSS: ~1429M. Threads: 6. load average: 1.12 1.11 1.03 1/429 81575730.5731 group reporter5732 when git check is enforced5733 returns not found5734 with an active session5735 behaves like a successful manifest pull5736 sends a file5737 returns Content-Disposition: attachment5738# [RSpecRunTime] RSpec elapsed time: 19 minutes 2.37 seconds. Current RSS: ~1432M. Threads: 6. load average: 1.12 1.11 1.03 1/427 81585739.5740 when git check is not enforced5741 behaves like a successful manifest pull5742 sends a file5743 returns Content-Disposition: attachment5744 behaves like with ip restriction5745 in group without restriction5746 does not log anything5747 behaves like a successful manifest pull5748 sends a file5749 returns Content-Disposition: attachment5750# [RSpecRunTime] RSpec elapsed time: 19 minutes 4.75 seconds. Current RSS: ~1442M. Threads: 6. load average: 1.11 1.11 1.03 1/427 81595751.5752 in group with restriction5753 with address within the range5754 behaves like a successful manifest pull5755 sends a file5756 returns Content-Disposition: attachment5757 with address outside the range5758 behaves like logging the violation5759 logs the group and user5760 behaves like returning response status5761 returns not_found5762 when user is a deploy token5763 behaves like logging the violation5764 logs the group and user5765 behaves like returning response status5766 returns not_found5767 GET #blob5768 behaves like when sso is enabled for the group5769 group owner5770 behaves like a successful blob pull5771 sends a file5772 returns Content-Disposition: attachment5773 group reporter5774 when git check is enforced5775 returns not found5776 with an active session5777 behaves like a successful blob pull5778 sends a file5779 returns Content-Disposition: attachment5780# [RSpecRunTime] RSpec elapsed time: 19 minutes 11.16 seconds. Current RSS: ~1446M. Threads: 6. load average: 1.10 1.11 1.03 1/421 81605781.5782 when git check is not enforced5783 behaves like a successful blob pull5784 sends a file5785 returns Content-Disposition: attachment5786 behaves like with ip restriction5787 in group without restriction5788 does not log anything5789 behaves like a successful blob pull5790 sends a file5791 returns Content-Disposition: attachment5792# [RSpecRunTime] RSpec elapsed time: 19 minutes 13.55 seconds. Current RSS: ~1448M. Threads: 6. load average: 1.10 1.11 1.03 1/421 81615793.5794 in group with restriction5795 with address within the range5796 behaves like a successful blob pull5797 sends a file5798 returns Content-Disposition: attachment5799 with address outside the range5800 behaves like logging the violation5801 logs the group and user5802 behaves like returning response status5803 returns not_found5804 when user is a deploy token5805 behaves like logging the violation5806 logs the group and user5807 behaves like returning response status5808 returns not_found5809# [RSpecRunTime] Finishing example group ee/spec/controllers/groups/dependency_proxy_for_containers_controller_spec.rb. It took 16.94 seconds. Expected to take 15.87 seconds.5810# [RSpecRunTime] Starting example group ee/spec/requests/api/managed_licenses_spec.rb. Expected to take 15.64 seconds.5811API::ManagedLicenses5812 GET /projects/:id/managed_licenses5813 with license management not available5814 returns a forbidden status5815# [RSpecRunTime] RSpec elapsed time: 19 minutes 17.7 seconds. Current RSS: ~1449M. Threads: 6. load average: 1.10 1.11 1.03 1/421 81625816.5817 with an authorized user with proper permissions5818 returns an empty response5819 with authorized user without read permissions5820 returns an empty response5821 with unauthorized user5822 returns an empty response5823 responses with 404 Not Found for not existing project5824 when project is private5825 responses with 404 Not Found5826# [RSpecRunTime] RSpec elapsed time: 19 minutes 20.84 seconds. Current RSS: ~1446M. Threads: 6. load average: 1.09 1.11 1.03 1/421 81635827.5828 GET /projects/:id/managed_licenses/:managed_license_id5829 authorized user with proper permissions5830 returns an empty response5831 returns an empty response using the license name as key5832 returns an empty response if requesting non-existing managed license5833# [RSpecRunTime] RSpec elapsed time: 19 minutes 22.8 seconds. Current RSS: ~1445M. Threads: 6. load average: 1.09 1.11 1.03 1/421 81645834.5835 authorized user with read permissions5836 returns an empty response5837 unauthorized user5838 does not return project managed license details5839 policy from license_finding rules5840 returns an empty response5841# [RSpecRunTime] RSpec elapsed time: 19 minutes 25.81 seconds. Current RSS: ~1441M. Threads: 6. load average: 1.08 1.10 1.03 1/421 81655842.5843 POST /projects/:id/managed_licenses5844 authorized user with proper permissions5845 creates managed license5846 authorized user with read permissions5847 does not create managed license5848 authorized user without permissions5849 does not create managed license5850 unauthorized user5851 does not create managed license5852 PATCH /projects/:id/managed_licenses/:managed_license_id5853 authorized user with proper permissions5854 responds with 400 Bad Request5855 responds with 400 Bad Request if requesting non-existing managed license5856# [RSpecRunTime] RSpec elapsed time: 19 minutes 30.85 seconds. Current RSS: ~1438M. Threads: 6. load average: 1.07 1.10 1.03 1/421 81665857.5858 authorized user with read permissions5859 does not update managed license5860 authorized user without permissions5861 does not update managed license5862 unauthorized user5863 does not update managed license5864 DELETE /projects/:id/managed_licenses/:managed_license_id5865 authorized user with proper permissions5866 responds with 400 Bad Request5867 authorized user with read permissions5868 does not delete managed license5869 authorized user without permissions5870 does not delete managed license5871 unauthorized user5872 does not delete managed license5873# [RSpecRunTime] Finishing example group ee/spec/requests/api/managed_licenses_spec.rb. It took 18.92 seconds. Expected to take 15.64 seconds.5874# [RSpecRunTime] Starting example group ee/spec/requests/api/graphql/mutations/audit_events/external_audit_event_destinations/create_spec.rb. Expected to take 14.83 seconds.5875Create an external audit event destination5876 when feature is licensed5877 when current user is a group owner5878 resolves group by full path5879 creates the destination5880 when overriding default name5881 creates the destination5882# [RSpecRunTime] RSpec elapsed time: 19 minutes 37.84 seconds. Current RSS: ~1448M. Threads: 6. load average: 1.07 1.10 1.03 1/421 81675883.5884 behaves like creates an audit event5885 audits the creation5886 when overriding verification token5887 creates the destination5888 behaves like creates an audit event5889 audits the creation5890# [RSpecRunTime] RSpec elapsed time: 19 minutes 40.36 seconds. Current RSS: ~1457M. Threads: 6. load average: 1.06 1.10 1.03 1/421 81685891.5892 when verification token is invalid5893 when verification token is too short5894 returns correct errors5895 behaves like a mutation that does not create a destination5896 does not destroy the destination5897 does not audit the creation5898# [RSpecRunTime] RSpec elapsed time: 19 minutes 42.16 seconds. Current RSS: ~1511M. Threads: 6. load average: 1.06 1.10 1.03 1/421 81695899.5900 when verification token is too long5901 returns correct errors5902 behaves like a mutation that does not create a destination5903 does not destroy the destination5904 does not audit the creation5905# [RSpecRunTime] RSpec elapsed time: 19 minutes 44.03 seconds. Current RSS: ~1522M. Threads: 6. load average: 1.06 1.10 1.03 1/421 81705906.5907 when destination is invalid5908 returns correct errors5909 behaves like a mutation that does not create a destination5910 does not destroy the destination5911 does not audit the creation5912# [RSpecRunTime] RSpec elapsed time: 19 minutes 45.88 seconds. Current RSS: ~1532M. Threads: 6. load average: 1.14 1.11 1.03 1/421 81715913.5914 when group is a subgroup5915 behaves like a mutation that does not create a destination5916 does not destroy the destination5917 does not audit the creation5918# [RSpecRunTime] RSpec elapsed time: 19 minutes 47.36 seconds. Current RSS: ~1554M. Threads: 6. load average: 1.14 1.11 1.03 1/421 81725919.5920 when current user is a group maintainer5921 behaves like a mutation that does not create a destination5922 does not destroy the destination5923 does not audit the creation5924 when current user is a group developer5925 behaves like a mutation that does not create a destination5926 does not destroy the destination5927 does not audit the creation5928 when current user is a group guest5929 behaves like a mutation that does not create a destination5930 does not destroy the destination5931 does not audit the creation5932 when feature is unlicensed5933 does not create the destination5934 behaves like a mutation on an unauthorized resource5935 behaves like a mutation that returns top-level errors5936 is expected to contain exactly "The resource that you are attempting to access does not exist or you don't have permission to perform this action"5937# [RSpecRunTime] Finishing example group ee/spec/requests/api/graphql/mutations/audit_events/external_audit_event_destinations/create_spec.rb. It took 15.47 seconds. Expected to take 14.83 seconds.5938# [RSpecRunTime] Starting example group ee/spec/requests/projects/issues_controller_spec.rb. Expected to take 14.55 seconds.5939Projects::IssuesController5940 GET #show5941 exposes the escalation_policies licensed feature setting5942 with blocking issues5943 does not cause extra queries when multiple blocking issues are present5944# [RSpecRunTime] RSpec elapsed time: 19 minutes 56.4 seconds. Current RSS: ~1658M. Threads: 6. load average: 1.12 1.11 1.03 1/421 81735945.5946 with test case5947 redirects to test cases show5948 behaves like seat count alert5949 when the namespace qualifies for the alert5950 sets the seat_count_data5951# [RSpecRunTime] RSpec elapsed time: 19 minutes 59.7 seconds. Current RSS: ~1665M. Threads: 6. load average: 1.11 1.11 1.03 1/421 81745952.5953 when the namespace does not qualify for the alert5954 sets the seat_count_data to nil5955# [RSpecRunTime] RSpec elapsed time: 20 minutes 0.87 second. Current RSS: ~1659M. Threads: 6. load average: 1.11 1.11 1.03 1/421 81755956.5957 for summarize notes feature5958 when user is a member5959 when feature is available5960 exposes the required feature flags5961 when feature is not available5962 does not push licensed feature5963 when user is not a member5964 does not push licensed feature5965 GET #index5966 when viewing all issues5967 when the namespace qualifies for the alert5968 sets the seat_count_data5969# [RSpecRunTime] RSpec elapsed time: 20 minutes 4.79 seconds. Current RSS: ~1661M. Threads: 6. load average: 1.10 1.11 1.03 1/421 81765970.5971 when the namespace does not qualify for the alert5972 sets the seat_count_data to nil5973 when listing epic issues5974 does not cause extra queries when there are other subepic issues5975# [RSpecRunTime] RSpec elapsed time: 20 minutes 8.0 seconds. Current RSS: ~1659M. Threads: 6. load average: 1.10 1.11 1.03 1/421 81775976.5977# [RSpecRunTime] Finishing example group ee/spec/requests/projects/issues_controller_spec.rb. It took 17.41 seconds. Expected to take 14.55 seconds.5978# [RSpecRunTime] Starting example group ee/spec/requests/api/graphql/iteration_spec.rb. Expected to take 13.37 seconds.5979Querying an Iteration5980 when the user has access to the iteration5981 is expected to include {"title" => nil}5982 behaves like a working graphql query5983 returns a successful response5984# [RSpecRunTime] RSpec elapsed time: 20 minutes 9.32 seconds. Current RSS: ~1687M. Threads: 6. load average: 1.09 1.10 1.03 1/421 81785985.5986 when `report` field is included5987 when fullPath argument is not provided5988 current_user: group_member, expected_scope_count: 45989 is expected to include {"burnupTimeSeries" => [{"scopeCount" => 4}]}5990# [RSpecRunTime] RSpec elapsed time: 20 minutes 12.15 seconds. Current RSS: ~1691M. Threads: 6. load average: 1.09 1.10 1.03 1/421 81795991.5992 current_user: project1_member, expected_scope_count: 45993 is expected to include {"burnupTimeSeries" => [{"scopeCount" => 4}]}5994 when fullPath argument is provided5995 when current user has authorized access to one or more projects under the namespace5996 scope: group, current_user: group_member, expected_scope_count: 45997 is expected to include {"burnupTimeSeries" => [{"scopeCount" => 4}]}5998 scope: group, current_user: project1_member, expected_scope_count: 45999 is expected to include {"burnupTimeSeries" => [{"scopeCount" => 4}]}6000 scope: project1, current_user: group_member, expected_scope_count: 26001 is expected to include {"burnupTimeSeries" => [{"scopeCount" => 2}]}6002 scope: project1, current_user: project1_member, expected_scope_count: 26003 is expected to include {"burnupTimeSeries" => [{"scopeCount" => 2}]}6004 scope: project2, current_user: project2_member, expected_scope_count: 16005 is expected to include {"burnupTimeSeries" => [{"scopeCount" => 1}]}6006 scope: project2, current_user: group_member, expected_scope_count: 16007 is expected to include {"burnupTimeSeries" => [{"scopeCount" => 1}]}6008 scope: subgroup, current_user: group_member, expected_scope_count: 16009 is expected to include {"burnupTimeSeries" => [{"scopeCount" => 1}]}6010 scope: subgroup, current_user: subgroup_member, expected_scope_count: 16011 is expected to include {"burnupTimeSeries" => [{"scopeCount" => 1}]}6012 when current user cannot access the given namespace6013 scope: other_group, current_user: group_member6014 raises an exception6015 scope: project1, current_user: subgroup_member6016 raises an exception6017 scope: project1, current_user: project2_member6018 raises an exception6019 scope: project2, current_user: project1_member6020 raises an exception6021 scope: subgroup, current_user: project1_member6022 raises an exception6023 when the user does not have access to the iteration6024 is expected to be nil6025 behaves like a working graphql query6026 returns a successful response6027 when ID argument is missing6028 raises an exception6029 scoped path6030 inside a project context6031 group-owned iteration6032 behaves like scoped path6033 is expected to include {"scopedPath" => "/groups/project-603/-/iterations/3", "scopedUrl" => /\/groups\/project-603\/-\/iterations\/3$/, "webPath" => "/groups/group87/-/iterations/3", "webUrl" => /\/groups\/group87\/-\/iterations\/3$/}6034 when given a raw model id (backward compatibility)6035 is expected to include {"scopedPath" => "/groups/project-603/-/iterations/3", "scopedUrl" => /\/groups\/project-603\/-\/iterations\/3$/, "webPath" => "/groups/group87/-/iterations/3", "webUrl" => /\/groups\/group87\/-\/iterations\/3$/}6036# [RSpecRunTime] RSpec elapsed time: 20 minutes 18.81 seconds. Current RSS: ~1759M. Threads: 6. load average: 1.08 1.10 1.03 1/421 81806037.6038 inside a group context6039 group-owned iteration6040 behaves like scoped path6041 is expected to include {"scopedPath" => "/groups/group87/-/iterations/3", "scopedUrl" => /\/groups\/group87\/-\/iterations\/3$/, "webPath" => "/groups/group87/-/iterations/3", "webUrl" => /\/groups\/group87\/-\/iterations\/3$/}6042 when given a raw model id (backward compatibility)6043 is expected to include {"scopedPath" => "/groups/group87/-/iterations/3", "scopedUrl" => /\/groups\/group87\/-\/iterations\/3$/, "webPath" => "/groups/group87/-/iterations/3", "webUrl" => /\/groups\/group87\/-\/iterations\/3$/}6044 group-owned iteration6045 behaves like scoped path6046 is expected to include {"scopedPath" => "/groups/group87/group93/-/iterations/3", "scopedUrl" => /\/groups\/group87\/group93\/-\/iterations\/3$/, "webPath" => "/groups/group87/-/iterations/3", "webUrl" => /\/groups\/group87\/-\/iterations\/3$/}6047 when given a raw model id (backward compatibility)6048 is expected to include {"scopedPath" => "/groups/group87/group94/-/iterations/3", "scopedUrl" => /\/groups\/group87\/group94\/-\/iterations\/3$/, "webPath" => "/groups/group87/-/iterations/3", "webUrl" => /\/groups\/group87\/-\/iterations\/3$/}6049# [RSpecRunTime] RSpec elapsed time: 20 minutes 20.77 seconds. Current RSS: ~1769M. Threads: 6. load average: 1.08 1.10 1.03 1/421 81816050.6051 root context6052 group-owned iteration6053 behaves like scoped path6054 is expected to include {"scopedPath" => "/groups/group87/-/iterations/3", "scopedUrl" => /\/groups\/group87\/-\/iterations\/3$/, "webPath" => "/groups/group87/-/iterations/3", "webUrl" => /\/groups\/group87\/-\/iterations\/3$/}6055 when given a raw model id (backward compatibility)6056 is expected to include {"scopedPath" => "/groups/group87/-/iterations/3", "scopedUrl" => /\/groups\/group87\/-\/iterations\/3$/, "webPath" => "/groups/group87/-/iterations/3", "webUrl" => /\/groups\/group87\/-\/iterations\/3$/}6057 project-owned iteration6058 behaves like scoped path6059 is expected to include {"scopedPath" => "/groups/group87/-/iterations/3", "scopedUrl" => /\/groups\/group87\/-\/iterations\/3$/, "webPath" => "/groups/group87/-/iterations/3", "webUrl" => /\/groups\/group87\/-\/iterations\/3$/}6060 when given a raw model id (backward compatibility)6061 is expected to include {"scopedPath" => "/groups/group87/-/iterations/3", "scopedUrl" => /\/groups\/group87\/-\/iterations\/3$/, "webPath" => "/groups/group87/-/iterations/3", "webUrl" => /\/groups\/group87\/-\/iterations\/3$/}6062# [RSpecRunTime] Finishing example group ee/spec/requests/api/graphql/iteration_spec.rb. It took 14.14 seconds. Expected to take 13.37 seconds.6063# [RSpecRunTime] Starting example group ee/spec/controllers/groups/epic_boards_controller_spec.rb. Expected to take 12.96 seconds.6064Groups::EpicBoardsController6065 GET index6066 with epics disabled6067 does not create a new board when group does not have one6068 returns a not found 404 response6069# [RSpecRunTime] RSpec elapsed time: 20 minutes 23.46 seconds. Current RSS: ~1765M. Threads: 6. load average: 1.08 1.10 1.03 1/421 81826070.6071 with authorized user6072 creates a new board when group does not have one6073 returns correct response6074 with multiple boards6075 redirects to latest visited board6076# [RSpecRunTime] RSpec elapsed time: 20 minutes 25.02 seconds. Current RSS: ~1765M. Threads: 6. load average: 1.07 1.10 1.03 1/421 81836077.6078 with unauthorized user6079 does not create a new board when group does not have one6080 returns a not found 404 response6081 with non-logged-in user and public group6082 creates a new board when group does not have one6083 returns a 200 response6084 json request6085 is not supported6086 behaves like pushes wip limits to frontend6087 self-hosted with correct license6088 is enabled for all groups if the license is correct6089 on .com6090 for group with correct plan6091 is enabled6092# [RSpecRunTime] RSpec elapsed time: 20 minutes 28.9 seconds. Current RSS: ~1785M. Threads: 6. load average: 1.07 1.10 1.03 1/421 81846093.6094 for group with incorrect or no plan6095 is not enabled6096# [RSpecRunTime] RSpec elapsed time: 20 minutes 30.15 seconds. Current RSS: ~1800M. Threads: 6. load average: 1.06 1.10 1.03 1/421 81856097.6098 behaves like tracking unique hll events6099 tracks unique event6100 GET show6101 with epics disabled6102 returns a not found 404 response6103 json request6104 is not supported6105 when format is HTML6106 renders template6107 with unauthorized user6108 returns a not found 404 response6109 when group is public6110 when user is signed out6111 does not save visit6112 when user is signed in6113 saves the visit6114 when epic board does not belong to group6115 returns a not found 404 response6116 behaves like disabled when using an external authorization service6117 works when the feature is not enabled6118 renders a 404 with a message when the feature is enabled6119 behaves like tracking unique hll events6120 tracks unique event6121# [RSpecRunTime] Finishing example group ee/spec/controllers/groups/epic_boards_controller_spec.rb. It took 12.76 seconds. Expected to take 12.96 seconds.6122# [RSpecRunTime] Starting example group ee/spec/controllers/projects/pipelines_controller_spec.rb. Expected to take 12.9 seconds.6123Projects::PipelinesController6124 GET security6125 with a sast artifact6126 with feature enabled6127 responds with a 200 and show the template6128 behaves like tracks govern usage event6129 tracks unique event6130# [RSpecRunTime] RSpec elapsed time: 20 minutes 37.64 seconds. Current RSS: ~1801M. Threads: 6. load average: 1.06 1.09 1.03 1/423 82196131.6132 with feature disabled6133 redirects to the pipeline page6134 behaves like doesn't track govern usage event6135 doesn't tracks event6136# [RSpecRunTime] RSpec elapsed time: 20 minutes 38.76 seconds. Current RSS: ~1798M. Threads: 6. load average: 1.06 1.09 1.03 1/423 82206137.6138 without sast artifact6139 with feature enabled6140 redirects to the pipeline page6141 with feature disabled6142 redirects to the pipeline page6143 GET codequality_report6144 renders the show template6145 GET licenses6146 with a cyclonedx report6147 with feature enabled6148 with html6149 responds with a 200 and show the template6150 with json6151 returns license scanning report in json format6152 returns MIT license allowed status6153 returns the JSON license data sorted by license name6154 returns a JSON representation of the license data6155 approval_status6156 is expected to eq "allowed"6157# [RSpecRunTime] RSpec elapsed time: 20 minutes 46.52 seconds. Current RSS: ~1776M. Threads: 6. load average: 1.20 1.12 1.04 1/424 82396158.6159 without a cyclonedx report6160 with feature enabled6161 redirects to the pipeline page6162 with feature enabled json6163 will return 4046164 with feature disabled6165 redirects to the pipeline page6166 with feature disabled json6167 will return 4046168# [RSpecRunTime] Finishing example group ee/spec/controllers/projects/pipelines_controller_spec.rb. It took 13.29 seconds. Expected to take 12.9 seconds.6169# [RSpecRunTime] Starting example group ee/spec/requests/api/graphql/mutations/security/finding/revert_to_detected_spec.rb. Expected to take 12.33 seconds.6170Mutations::Security::Finding::RevertToDetected6171 #resolve6172 when the user has access to vulnerability management6173 when user does not have access to the project6174 behaves like a mutation that returns a top-level access error6175 is expected to contain exactly "The resource that you are attempting to access does not exist or you don't have permission to perform this action"6176# [RSpecRunTime] RSpec elapsed time: 20 minutes 49.79 seconds. Current RSS: ~1758M. Threads: 6. load average: 1.19 1.12 1.04 1/421 82406177.6178 when no uuid is provided6179 raises an error6180 when the user has access to the project6181 when there is a dismissal feedback6182 when there is no vulnerability6183 behaves like properly sets the security finding state6184 sets the security finding state to detected6185 when there is a vulnerability6186 behaves like properly sets the security finding state6187 sets the security finding state to detected6188# [RSpecRunTime] RSpec elapsed time: 20 minutes 53.29 seconds. Current RSS: ~1767M. Threads: 6. load average: 1.19 1.12 1.04 1/421 82416189.6190 behaves like properly sets the vulnerability state6191 sets the vulnerability state to detected6192 when vulnerability is in dismissed state6193 creates state transition entry to `detected`6194 when the revert to detected fails6195 raises an error6196 when the revert to detected fails6197 raises an error6198 when there is no dismissal feedback6199 when there is no vulnerability6200 behaves like properly sets the security finding state6201 sets the security finding state to detected6202 when there is a vulnerability6203 behaves like properly sets the security finding state6204 sets the security finding state to detected6205# [RSpecRunTime] RSpec elapsed time: 20 minutes 58.69 seconds. Current RSS: ~1789M. Threads: 6. load average: 1.17 1.12 1.04 1/421 82426206.6207 behaves like properly sets the vulnerability state6208 sets the vulnerability state to detected6209 when the security dashboard is not available to the user6210 behaves like a mutation that returns a top-level access error6211 is expected to contain exactly "The resource that you are attempting to access does not exist or you don't have permission to perform this action"6212# [RSpecRunTime] Finishing example group ee/spec/requests/api/graphql/mutations/security/finding/revert_to_detected_spec.rb. It took 11.37 seconds. Expected to take 12.33 seconds.6213# [RSpecRunTime] Starting example group ee/spec/requests/api/project_import_spec.rb. Expected to take 11.92 seconds.6214API::ProjectImport6215 POST /projects/import6216 overrides the classification label6217 when feature is disabled6218 uses the default the classification label and ignores override param6219# [RSpecRunTime] RSpec elapsed time: 21 minutes 12.5 seconds. Current RSS: ~1734M. Threads: 6. load average: 1.21 1.13 1.04 1/425 85786220.6221# [RSpecRunTime] Finishing example group ee/spec/requests/api/project_import_spec.rb. It took 12.93 seconds. Expected to take 11.92 seconds.6222# [RSpecRunTime] Starting example group ee/spec/requests/api/award_emoji_spec.rb. Expected to take 11.52 seconds.6223API::AwardEmoji6224 GET /groups/:id/awardable/:awardable_id/award_emoji6225 on an epic6226 returns an array of award_emoji6227 returns a 404 error when epic id not found6228# [RSpecRunTime] RSpec elapsed time: 21 minutes 14.26 seconds. Current RSS: ~1726M. Threads: 6. load average: 1.28 1.14 1.05 1/425 85796229.6230 GET /groups/:id/awardable/:awardable_id/notes/:note_id/award_emoji6231 returns an array of award emoji6232 GET /groups/:id/awardable/:awardable_id/award_emoji/:award_id6233 on an epic6234 returns the award emoji6235 returns a 404 error if the award is not found6236 GET /groups/:id/awardable/:awardable_id/notes/:note_id/award_emoji/:award_id6237 returns an award emoji6238 POST /groups/:id/awardable/:awardable_id/award_emoji6239 on an epic6240 creates a new award emoji6241 returns a 400 bad request error if the name is not given6242 returns a 404 if the user is not authenticated6243 normalizes +1 as thumbsup award6244 when the emoji already has been awarded6245 returns a 404 status code6246# [RSpecRunTime] RSpec elapsed time: 21 minutes 18.58 seconds. Current RSS: ~1730M. Threads: 6. load average: 1.28 1.14 1.05 1/423 85806247.6248 POST /groups/:id/awardable/:awardable_id/notes/:note_id/award_emoji6249 creates a new award emoji6250 marks Todos on the Noteable as done6251 normalizes +1 as thumbsup award6252 when the emoji already has been awarded6253 returns a 404 status code6254# [RSpecRunTime] RSpec elapsed time: 21 minutes 21.49 seconds. Current RSS: ~1730M. Threads: 6. load average: 1.25 1.14 1.05 1/423 85816255.6256 DELETE /groups/:id/awardable/:awardable_id/award_emoji/:award_id6257 when the awardable is an Epic6258 deletes the award6259 returns a 404 error when the award emoji can not be found6260 behaves like 412 response6261 for a modified resource6262 returns 412 with a JSON error6263# [RSpecRunTime] RSpec elapsed time: 21 minutes 22.76 seconds. Current RSS: ~1734M. Threads: 6. load average: 1.25 1.14 1.05 1/421 85826264.6265 for an unmodified resource6266 returns 204 with an empty body6267 DELETE /groups/:id/awardable/:awardable_id/award_emoji/:award_emoji_id6268 deletes the award6269 behaves like 412 response6270 for a modified resource6271 returns 412 with a JSON error6272# [RSpecRunTime] RSpec elapsed time: 21 minutes 24.53 seconds. Current RSS: ~1735M. Threads: 6. load average: 1.23 1.14 1.05 1/421 85836273.6274 for an unmodified resource6275 returns 204 with an empty body6276# [RSpecRunTime] Finishing example group ee/spec/requests/api/award_emoji_spec.rb. It took 12.72 seconds. Expected to take 11.52 seconds.6277# [RSpecRunTime] Starting example group ee/spec/controllers/groups/issues_controller_spec.rb. Expected to take 10.86 seconds.6278Groups::IssuesController6279 POST #bulk_update6280 when group bulk edit feature is not enabled6281 returns 404 status6282# [RSpecRunTime] RSpec elapsed time: 21 minutes 26.8 seconds. Current RSS: ~1738M. Threads: 6. load average: 1.23 1.14 1.05 1/421 85946283.6284 when group bulk edit feature is enabled6285 when user has permissions to bulk update issues6286 returns status 2006287 updates issues milestone and epic6288 when params are incorrect6289 returns 422 status6290# [RSpecRunTime] RSpec elapsed time: 21 minutes 34.52 seconds. Current RSS: ~1751M. Threads: 6. load average: 1.20 1.13 1.05 1/420 86256291.6292 when user does not have permissions to bulk update issues6293 returns status 4046294 does not update issues milestone or epic6295# [RSpecRunTime] RSpec elapsed time: 21 minutes 37.63 seconds. Current RSS: ~1742M. Threads: 6. load average: 1.20 1.13 1.05 1/420 86466296.6297# [RSpecRunTime] Finishing example group ee/spec/controllers/groups/issues_controller_spec.rb. It took 12.41 seconds. Expected to take 10.86 seconds.6298# [RSpecRunTime] Starting example group ee/spec/requests/api/graphql/pipeline_security_report_finding_spec.rb. Expected to take 10.85 seconds.6299PipelineSecurityReportFinding6300 when fetch userPermissions6301 can admin vulnerability6302 when permission is absent6303 returns true for createIssue6304 returns false for adminVulnerability6305# [RSpecRunTime] RSpec elapsed time: 21 minutes 48.69 seconds. Current RSS: ~1731M. Threads: 6. load average: 1.17 1.13 1.05 1/420 86476306.6307 when permission is present6308 returns true for adminEpic6309 when loading a merge request6310 when the current user is authorized6311 returns the merge request6312 when feature flag finding_resolver_use_pure_finder is disabled6313 returns the merge request6314# [RSpecRunTime] RSpec elapsed time: 21 minutes 50.45 seconds. Current RSS: ~1748M. Threads: 6. load average: 1.15 1.13 1.05 1/420 86486315.6316# [RSpecRunTime] Finishing example group ee/spec/requests/api/graphql/pipeline_security_report_finding_spec.rb. It took 12.84 seconds. Expected to take 10.85 seconds.6317# [RSpecRunTime] Starting example group ee/spec/requests/api/graphql/mutations/analytics/cycle_analytics/value_streams/create_spec.rb. Expected to take 10.44 seconds.6318Create a new value stream6319 when namespace is a group6320 behaves like a request to create value streams6321 when user has permissions to create value streams6322 creates a new value stream6323 returns the created value stream6324 and uses invalid arguments6325 returns error6326# [RSpecRunTime] RSpec elapsed time: 21 minutes 52.67 seconds. Current RSS: ~1757M. Threads: 6. load average: 1.15 1.13 1.05 1/420 86496327.6328 when stages argument is present6329 creates value stream with stages6330 when it has invalid parameters6331 returns error6332# [RSpecRunTime] RSpec elapsed time: 21 minutes 54.07 seconds. Current RSS: ~1763M. Threads: 6. load average: 1.15 1.13 1.05 1/420 86506333.6334 when the user does not have permission to create a value stream6335 behaves like a mutation that returns a top-level access error6336 is expected to contain exactly "The resource that you are attempting to access does not exist or you don't have permission to perform this action"6337 when Value Stream Analytics is not available for the namespace6338 behaves like a mutation that returns a top-level access error6339 is expected to contain exactly "The resource that you are attempting to access does not exist or you don't have permission to perform this action"6340 when setting argument is present6341 saves project_ids filter6342# [RSpecRunTime] RSpec elapsed time: 21 minutes 56.22 seconds. Current RSS: ~1768M. Threads: 6. load average: 1.14 1.12 1.04 1/421 86516343.6344 when namespace is a project6345 behaves like a request to create value streams6346 when user has permissions to create value streams6347 creates a new value stream6348 returns the created value stream6349 and uses invalid arguments6350 returns error6351# [RSpecRunTime] RSpec elapsed time: 21 minutes 58.67 seconds. Current RSS: ~1765M. Threads: 6. load average: 1.14 1.12 1.04 1/421 86526352.6353 when stages argument is present6354 creates value stream with stages6355 when it has invalid parameters6356 returns error6357# [RSpecRunTime] RSpec elapsed time: 22 minutes 0.1 second. Current RSS: ~1763M. Threads: 6. load average: 1.13 1.12 1.04 1/421 86536358.6359 when the user does not have permission to create a value stream6360 behaves like a mutation that returns a top-level access error6361 is expected to contain exactly "The resource that you are attempting to access does not exist or you don't have permission to perform this action"6362 when Value Stream Analytics is not available for the namespace6363 behaves like a mutation that returns a top-level access error6364 is expected to contain exactly "The resource that you are attempting to access does not exist or you don't have permission to perform this action"6365# [RSpecRunTime] Finishing example group ee/spec/requests/api/graphql/mutations/analytics/cycle_analytics/value_streams/create_spec.rb. It took 10.49 seconds. Expected to take 10.44 seconds.6366# [RSpecRunTime] Starting example group ee/spec/requests/custom_roles/manage_project_access_tokens/request_spec.rb. Expected to take 9.69 seconds.6367User with manage_project_access_tokens custom role6368 Projects::Settings::AccessTokensController6369 GET /:namespace/:project/-/settings/access_tokens6370 user has access via custom role6371# [RSpecRunTime] RSpec elapsed time: 22 minutes 3.93 seconds. Current RSS: ~1762M. Threads: 6. load average: 1.13 1.12 1.04 1/422 86966372.6373 POST /:namespace/:project/-/settings/access_tokens6374 with custom access level same as the current user6375 behaves like POST resource access tokens available6376 renders JSON with a token6377 creates resource access token6378 creates project bot user6379 is expected to change `User.count` by 16380 is expected to change `PersonalAccessToken.count` by 16381 when unsuccessful6382 does not create the token6383 does not add the project bot as a member6384 does not create the project bot user6385 renders JSON with an error6386# [RSpecRunTime] RSpec elapsed time: 22 minutes 9.12 seconds. Current RSS: ~1758M. Threads: 6. load average: 1.12 1.12 1.04 1/422 86976387.6388 with custom access level higher than the current user6389 renders JSON with an error6390 ProjectsController6391 user has access via custom role6392# [RSpecRunTime] RSpec elapsed time: 22 minutes 11.86 seconds. Current RSS: ~1758M. Threads: 6. load average: 1.11 1.12 1.04 1/424 87486393.6394# [RSpecRunTime] Finishing example group ee/spec/requests/custom_roles/manage_project_access_tokens/request_spec.rb. It took 10.92 seconds. Expected to take 9.69 seconds.6395# [RSpecRunTime] Starting example group ee/spec/requests/api/graphql/explain_vulnerability_prompt_spec.rb. Expected to take 9.63 seconds.6396Querying explain this vulnerability prompt6397 when user is not permitted on the project6398 returns nothing6399# [RSpecRunTime] RSpec elapsed time: 22 minutes 15.48 seconds. Current RSS: ~1743M. Threads: 6. load average: 1.10 1.12 1.04 1/423 88056400.6401 when user is not logged in6402 returns nothing6403 when user is logged in and permitted6404 prompt_with_code6405 when the vulnerability has code6406 is expected to eq "You are a software vulnerability developer.\nExplain the vulnerability \"My title 326 - ()\".\nThe f...with syntax highlighting on how to fix it.\nProvide the response in markdown format with headers.\n"6407 when the vulnerability does not have code6408 is expected to be nil6409# [RSpecRunTime] RSpec elapsed time: 22 minutes 19.12 seconds. Current RSS: ~1736M. Threads: 6. load average: 1.10 1.12 1.04 1/426 88426410.6411 prompt_without_code6412 when the vulnerability has code6413 is expected to eq "You are a software vulnerability developer.\nExplain the vulnerability \"My title 326 - ()\".\nThe v...with syntax highlighting on how to fix it.\nProvide the response in markdown format with headers.\n"6414 when the vulnerability does not have code6415 is expected to eq "You are a software vulnerability developer.\nExplain the vulnerability \"My title 328 - (CVE-2018-12...with syntax highlighting on how to fix it.\nProvide the response in markdown format with headers.\n"6416# [RSpecRunTime] RSpec elapsed time: 22 minutes 22.45 seconds. Current RSS: ~1734M. Threads: 6. load average: 1.09 1.11 1.04 1/426 88676417.6418# [RSpecRunTime] Finishing example group ee/spec/requests/api/graphql/explain_vulnerability_prompt_spec.rb. It took 10.59 seconds. Expected to take 9.63 seconds.6419# [RSpecRunTime] Starting example group ee/spec/requests/api/epic_boards_spec.rb. Expected to take 9.14 seconds.6420API::EpicBoards6421 GET /groups/:id/epic_boards/:board_id/lists6422 behaves like request with epics unavailable6423 returns 403 forbidden error6424# [RSpecRunTime] RSpec elapsed time: 22 minutes 23.69 seconds. Current RSS: ~1736M. Threads: 6. load average: 1.09 1.11 1.04 1/426 88686425.6426 when epics are available6427 behaves like request with errors6428 with unauthenticated user6429 returns 401 unauthorized error6430 with user without permissions6431 returns 404 not found error6432 when provided ids are not found6433 returns 404 not found error6434 behaves like request with pagination6435 when viewing the first page6436 behaves like paginated API endpoint6437 returns the correct page6438 when viewing the second page6439 behaves like paginated API endpoint6440 returns the correct page6441 when the request is correct6442 returns 200 status6443 matches the response schema6444 avoids N+1 queries6445# [RSpecRunTime] RSpec elapsed time: 22 minutes 26.59 seconds. Current RSS: ~1748M. Threads: 6. load average: 1.08 1.11 1.04 1/426 88696446.6447 GET /groups/:id/epic_boards6448 behaves like request with epics unavailable6449 returns 403 forbidden error6450 when epics are available6451 behaves like request with errors6452 with unauthenticated user6453 returns 401 unauthorized error6454 with user without permissions6455 returns 404 not found error6456 when provided ids are not found6457 returns 404 not found error6458 behaves like request with pagination6459 when viewing the first page6460 behaves like paginated API endpoint6461 returns the correct page6462 when viewing the second page6463 behaves like paginated API endpoint6464 returns the correct page6465 when the request is correct6466 returns 200 status6467 returns correct information6468 matches the response schema6469 avoids N+1 queries6470# [RSpecRunTime] RSpec elapsed time: 22 minutes 29.8 seconds. Current RSS: ~1766M. Threads: 6. load average: 1.08 1.11 1.04 1/425 88706471.6472 GET /groups/:id/epic_boards/:board_id/lists/list_id6473 behaves like request with epics unavailable6474 returns 403 forbidden error6475 when epics are available6476 behaves like request with errors6477 with unauthenticated user6478 returns 401 unauthorized error6479 with user without permissions6480 returns 404 not found error6481 when provided ids are not found6482 returns 404 not found error6483 when the request is correct6484 returns 200 status6485 matches the response schema6486 GET /groups/:id/epic_boards/:board_id6487 behaves like request with epics unavailable6488 returns 403 forbidden error6489 when epics are available6490 behaves like request with errors6491 with unauthenticated user6492 returns 401 unauthorized error6493 with user without permissions6494 returns 404 not found error6495 when provided ids are not found6496 returns 404 not found error6497 when the request is correct6498 returns 200 status6499 matches the response schema6500# [RSpecRunTime] Finishing example group ee/spec/requests/api/epic_boards_spec.rb. It took 10.16 seconds. Expected to take 9.14 seconds.6501# [RSpecRunTime] Starting example group ee/spec/requests/api/graphql/mutations/audit_events/group/audit_event_streaming_destinations/create_spec.rb. Expected to take 9.1 seconds.6502Create an external audit event destination6503 when feature is licensed6504 when current user is a group owner6505 resolves group by full path6506 creates the destination6507 behaves like creates an audit event6508 audits the creation6509# [RSpecRunTime] RSpec elapsed time: 22 minutes 34.83 seconds. Current RSS: ~1770M. Threads: 6. load average: 1.07 1.11 1.04 1/421 88716510.6511 when category is aws6512 creates the destination6513 for category6514 when category is invalid6515 behaves like a mutation that does not create a destination6516 does not destroy the destination6517 does not audit the creation6518 when category is not provided6519 behaves like a mutation that does not create a destination6520 does not destroy the destination6521 does not audit the creation6522 when secret_token is not provided6523 behaves like a mutation that does not create a destination6524 does not destroy the destination6525 does not audit the creation6526 for config6527 when config is invalid6528 behaves like a mutation that does not create a destination6529 does not destroy the destination6530 does not audit the creation6531 when config is not provided6532 behaves like a mutation that does not create a destination6533 does not destroy the destination6534 does not audit the creation6535 when group is a subgroup6536 behaves like a mutation that does not create a destination6537 does not destroy the destination6538 does not audit the creation6539 when current user is a group maintainer6540 behaves like a mutation that does not create a destination6541 does not destroy the destination6542 does not audit the creation6543 when current user is a group developer6544 behaves like a mutation that does not create a destination6545 does not destroy the destination6546 does not audit the creation6547 when current user is a group guest6548 behaves like a mutation that does not create a destination6549 does not destroy the destination6550 does not audit the creation6551 when feature is unlicensed6552 does not create the destination6553 behaves like a mutation on an unauthorized resource6554 behaves like a mutation that returns top-level errors6555 is expected to contain exactly "The resource that you are attempting to access does not exist or you don't have permission to perform this action"6556# [RSpecRunTime] Finishing example group ee/spec/requests/api/graphql/mutations/audit_events/group/audit_event_streaming_destinations/create_spec.rb. It took 9.62 seconds. Expected to take 9.1 seconds.6557# [RSpecRunTime] Starting example group ee/spec/controllers/concerns/ee/routable_actions/sso_enforcement_redirect_spec.rb. Expected to take 8.85 seconds.6558EE::RoutableActions::SsoEnforcementRedirect6559 #should_redirect_to_group_saml_sso?6560 returns false for User routables6561 returns false when routable is nil6562 with a project6563 behaves like a routable with SSO enforcement redirect6564 is false when a new sso session is not needed6565 is true when a new sso session is needed6566# [RSpecRunTime] RSpec elapsed time: 22 minutes 44.61 seconds. Current RSS: ~1779M. Threads: 6. load average: 1.06 1.10 1.04 1/422 88726567.6568 with a nested project6569 behaves like a routable with SSO enforcement redirect6570 is false when a new sso session is not needed6571 is true when a new sso session is needed6572# [RSpecRunTime] RSpec elapsed time: 22 minutes 46.72 seconds. Current RSS: ~1785M. Threads: 6. load average: 1.06 1.10 1.04 1/422 88736573.6574 with a project in a personal namespace6575 returns false6576 with a group6577 behaves like a routable with SSO enforcement redirect6578 is false when a new sso session is not needed6579 is true when a new sso session is needed6580 with a nested group6581 behaves like a routable with SSO enforcement redirect6582 is false when a new sso session is not needed6583 is true when a new sso session is needed6584# [RSpecRunTime] RSpec elapsed time: 22 minutes 49.22 seconds. Current RSS: ~1792M. Threads: 6. load average: 1.05 1.10 1.04 1/422 88746585.6586 #sso_redirect_url6587 with a group6588 behaves like a routable SSO url6589 returns the SSO url for the root group6590 with a nested group6591 behaves like a routable SSO url6592 returns the SSO url for the root group6593 with a project6594 behaves like a routable SSO url6595 returns the SSO url for the root group6596 with a nested project6597 behaves like a routable SSO url6598 returns the SSO url for the root group6599# [RSpecRunTime] RSpec elapsed time: 22 minutes 52.23 seconds. Current RSS: ~1794M. Threads: 6. load average: 1.05 1.10 1.04 1/422 88756600.6601# [RSpecRunTime] Finishing example group ee/spec/controllers/concerns/ee/routable_actions/sso_enforcement_redirect_spec.rb. It took 10.01 seconds. Expected to take 8.85 seconds.6602# [RSpecRunTime] Starting example group ee/spec/requests/api/dependency_list_exports_spec.rb. Expected to take 8.57 seconds.6603API::DependencyListExports6604 POST /pipelines/:id/dependency_list_exports6605 behaves like creating dependency list export6606 with user without permission6607 returns 4036608# [RSpecRunTime] RSpec elapsed time: 22 minutes 53.64 seconds. Current RSS: ~1784M. Threads: 6. load average: 1.05 1.10 1.04 1/422 88766609.6610 with user with enough permission6611 with license feature disabled6612 returns 4036613 with license feature enabled6614 creates and returns a dependency_list_export6615 POST /projects/:id/dependency_list_exports6616 behaves like creating dependency list export6617 with user without permission6618 returns 4036619 with user with enough permission6620 with license feature disabled6621 returns 4036622 with license feature enabled6623 creates and returns a dependency_list_export6624 POST /groups/:id/dependency_list_exports6625 behaves like creating dependency list export6626 with user without permission6627 returns 4036628 with user with enough permission6629 with license feature disabled6630 returns 4036631 with license feature enabled6632 creates and returns a dependency_list_export6633 POST /organizations/:id/dependency_list_exports6634 when admin mode is enabled6635 when the user is an admin6636 generates an export6637 when the `explore_dependencies` feature flag is disabled6638 does not generate an export6639 GET /dependency_list_exports/:export_id/download6640 with user without permission6641 returns 4036642 with user with enough permission6643 with license feature disabled6644 returns 4036645 with license feature enabled6646 returns file content6647 with dependency list export not finished6648 returns 4046649 GET /dependency_list_exports/:export_id6650 with user without permission6651 returns 4036652 with user with enough permission6653 with license feature disabled6654 returns 4036655 with license feature enabled6656 fetches and returns a dependency_list_export6657 with dependency list export not finished6658 sets polling and returns accepted6659# [RSpecRunTime] Finishing example group ee/spec/requests/api/dependency_list_exports_spec.rb. It took 8.6 seconds. Expected to take 8.57 seconds.6660# [RSpecRunTime] Starting example group ee/spec/requests/custom_roles/admin_web_hook/request_spec.rb. Expected to take 8.53 seconds.6661User with admin_web_hook custom role6662 Groups::HooksController6663 behaves like HooksController6664 #index6665 allows access6666# [RSpecRunTime] RSpec elapsed time: 23 minutes 2.77 seconds. Current RSS: ~1797M. Threads: 6. load average: 1.13 1.11 1.04 1/422 88776667.6668 #edit6669 allows access6670 #create6671 allows access6672 #update6673 allows access6674 #destroy6675 allows access6676 #test6677 allows access6678 Projects::HooksController6679 behaves like HooksController6680 #index6681 allows access6682# [RSpecRunTime] RSpec elapsed time: 23 minutes 6.66 seconds. Current RSS: ~1792M. Threads: 6. load average: 1.12 1.11 1.04 1/422 88786683.6684 #edit6685 allows access6686 #create6687 allows access6688 #update6689 allows access6690 #destroy6691 allows access6692 #test6693 allows access6694# [RSpecRunTime] Finishing example group ee/spec/requests/custom_roles/admin_web_hook/request_spec.rb. It took 8.52 seconds. Expected to take 8.53 seconds.6695# [RSpecRunTime] Starting example group ee/spec/requests/api/graphql/mutations/audit_events/google_cloud_logging_configurations/destroy_spec.rb. Expected to take 8.03 seconds.6696Destroy Google Cloud logging configuration6697 when feature is licensed6698 when current user is a group owner6699 destroys the configuration6700 audits the deletion6701 when there is an error during destroy6702 does not destroy the configuration and returns the error6703# [RSpecRunTime] RSpec elapsed time: 23 minutes 12.83 seconds. Current RSS: ~1794M. Threads: 6. load average: 1.11 1.11 1.04 1/422 88796704.6705 when current user is a group maintainer6706 behaves like a mutation on an unauthorized resource6707 behaves like a mutation that returns top-level errors6708 is expected to contain exactly "The resource that you are attempting to access does not exist or you don't have permission to perform this action"6709 behaves like a mutation that does not destroy a configuration6710 does not destroy the configuration6711 does not create audit event6712 when current user is a group developer6713 behaves like a mutation on an unauthorized resource6714 behaves like a mutation that returns top-level errors6715 is expected to contain exactly "The resource that you are attempting to access does not exist or you don't have permission to perform this action"6716 behaves like a mutation that does not destroy a configuration6717 does not destroy the configuration6718 does not create audit event6719# [RSpecRunTime] RSpec elapsed time: 23 minutes 15.88 seconds. Current RSS: ~1800M. Threads: 6. load average: 1.18 1.13 1.05 1/422 88806720.6721 when current user is a group guest6722 behaves like a mutation on an unauthorized resource6723 behaves like a mutation that returns top-level errors6724 is expected to contain exactly "The resource that you are attempting to access does not exist or you don't have permission to perform this action"6725 behaves like a mutation that does not destroy a configuration6726 does not destroy the configuration6727 does not create audit event6728 when feature is unlicensed6729 behaves like a mutation on an unauthorized resource6730 behaves like a mutation that returns top-level errors6731 is expected to contain exactly "The resource that you are attempting to access does not exist or you don't have permission to perform this action"6732 behaves like a mutation that does not destroy a configuration6733 does not destroy the configuration6734 does not create audit event6735# [RSpecRunTime] Finishing example group ee/spec/requests/api/graphql/mutations/audit_events/google_cloud_logging_configurations/destroy_spec.rb. It took 8.9 seconds. Expected to take 8.03 seconds.6736# [RSpecRunTime] Starting example group ee/spec/controllers/ee/omniauth_callbacks_controller_spec.rb. Expected to take 7.84 seconds.6737OmniauthCallbacksController6738 when sign in fails6739 audits provider failed login when licensed6740 does not audit provider failed login when unlicensed6741 #openid_connect6742 when auth hash is missing required groups6743 when licensed feature is available6744 prevents sign in6745 when licensed feature is not available6746 allows sign in6747 when linking to existing profile6748 links identity6749 #saml6750 with required_groups on saml config6751 fails to authenticate6752 identity verification6753 on sign up6754 behaves like identity verification required6755 handles sticking, sets the session and redirects to identity verification6756 when auto blocking users after creation6757 behaves like identity verification not required6758 does not redirect to identity verification6759 on sign in6760 behaves like identity verification not required6761 does not redirect to identity verification6762 when identity is not yet verified6763 behaves like identity verification required6764 handles sticking, sets the session and redirects to identity verification6765 with strategies6766 when user is not registered yet6767 with trial SSO6768 behaves like EE::Onboarding::Redirectable6769 when onboarding is enabled6770 onboards the user6771 when onboarding is disabled6772 does not onboard the user6773 with free SSO6774 behaves like EE::Onboarding::Redirectable6775 when onboarding is enabled6776 onboards the user6777 when onboarding is disabled6778 does not onboard the user6779 with invited by email6780 behaves like EE::Onboarding::Redirectable6781 when onboarding is enabled6782 onboards the user6783 when onboarding is disabled6784 does not onboard the user6785 with subscription concerns for stored location values6786 when it is a subscription6787 does not overwrite the stored location6788 when it is not a subscription6789 overwrites the stored location6790 when user is already registered6791 does not have onboarding setup and redirects to root path6792# [RSpecRunTime] Finishing example group ee/spec/controllers/ee/omniauth_callbacks_controller_spec.rb. It took 8.47 seconds. Expected to take 7.84 seconds.6793# [RSpecRunTime] Starting example group ee/spec/controllers/projects/project_members_controller_spec.rb. Expected to take 7.76 seconds.6794Projects::ProjectMembersController6795 PUT update6796 when members are queued for approval6797 when all members are queued6798 indicates that some members were queued for approval6799# [RSpecRunTime] RSpec elapsed time: 23 minutes 30.19 seconds. Current RSS: ~1768M. Threads: 6. load average: 1.14 1.12 1.05 1/422 88816800.6801 when some members are queued and some updated6802 indicates that some members were queued for approval6803# [RSpecRunTime] RSpec elapsed time: 23 minutes 32.91 seconds. Current RSS: ~1758M. Threads: 6. load average: 1.14 1.12 1.05 1/422 88826804.6805 when all members were promoted6806 returns {}6807# [RSpecRunTime] RSpec elapsed time: 23 minutes 34.6 seconds. Current RSS: ~1751M. Threads: 6. load average: 1.21 1.13 1.05 1/422 88836808.6809# [RSpecRunTime] Finishing example group ee/spec/controllers/projects/project_members_controller_spec.rb. It took 7.86 seconds. Expected to take 7.76 seconds.6810# [RSpecRunTime] Starting example group ee/spec/requests/custom_roles/manage_group_access_tokens/request_spec.rb. Expected to take 7.45 seconds.6811User with manage_group_access_tokens custom role6812 Groups::Settings::AccessTokensController6813 #index6814 user has access via custom role6815# [RSpecRunTime] RSpec elapsed time: 23 minutes 36.36 seconds. Current RSS: ~1737M. Threads: 6. load average: 1.21 1.13 1.05 1/422 88846816.6817 #create6818 when creating a token with an access level that is lower or equal to the current users access level6819 user has access via a custom role6820 behaves like POST resource access tokens available6821 renders JSON with a token6822 creates resource access token6823 creates project bot user6824 is expected to change `User.count` by 16825 is expected to change `PersonalAccessToken.count` by 16826 when unsuccessful6827 does not create the token6828 does not add the project bot as a member6829 does not create the project bot user6830 renders JSON with an error6831# [RSpecRunTime] RSpec elapsed time: 23 minutes 42.02 seconds. Current RSS: ~1748M. Threads: 6. load average: 1.19 1.13 1.05 1/422 88856832.6833 when creating a token with an access level that is higher than the current users access level6834 renders JSON with an error6835 #revoke6836 user has access via a custom role6837 GroupsController6838 user has access via custom role6839# [RSpecRunTime] Finishing example group ee/spec/requests/custom_roles/manage_group_access_tokens/request_spec.rb. It took 9.33 seconds. Expected to take 7.45 seconds.6840# [RSpecRunTime] Starting example group ee/spec/requests/api/graphql/mutations/forecasting/build_forecast_spec.rb. Expected to take 7.4 seconds.6841buildForecast6842 when forecast has invalid input6843 returns an error6844 when forecast is too weak6845 returns no values6846# [RSpecRunTime] RSpec elapsed time: 23 minutes 47.61 seconds. Current RSS: ~1750M. Threads: 6. load average: 1.26 1.15 1.06 1/422 88866847.6848 when forecast context does not exist6849 returns an error6850 when forecast is good enough6851 returns forecast values6852# [RSpecRunTime] RSpec elapsed time: 23 minutes 50.2 seconds. Current RSS: ~1748M. Threads: 6. load average: 1.23 1.14 1.06 1/422 88876853.6854# [RSpecRunTime] Finishing example group ee/spec/requests/api/graphql/mutations/forecasting/build_forecast_spec.rb. It took 6.26 seconds. Expected to take 7.4 seconds.6855# [RSpecRunTime] Starting example group ee/spec/requests/api/graphql/project/pipeline/security_report_findings_spec.rb. Expected to take 7.23 seconds.6856Query.project(fullPath).pipeline(iid).securityReportFindings6857 when the required features are disabled6858 returns no vulnerability findings6859# [RSpecRunTime] RSpec elapsed time: 23 minutes 52.35 seconds. Current RSS: ~1749M. Threads: 6. load average: 1.23 1.14 1.06 1/422 89166860.6861 when the required features are enabled6862 when user is member of the project6863 returns all the vulnerability findings6864 returns all the queried fields6865 pagination6866 with only :first argument6867 returns the first 5 findings6868# [RSpecRunTime] RSpec elapsed time: 23 minutes 54.45 seconds. Current RSS: ~1749M. Threads: 6. load average: 1.22 1.14 1.06 1/422 89176869.6870 with :first and :after arguments6871 returns the 6th to 10th findings6872 with :last and :before arguments6873 returns the 10th to 20th findings6874 with :first and :last arguments6875 returns an error6876 with :after and :before arguments6877 returns an error6878 with :last and :after arguments6879 returns an error6880 with :first and :before arguments6881 returns an error6882 when user is not a member of the project6883 returns no vulnerability findings6884# [RSpecRunTime] Finishing example group ee/spec/requests/api/graphql/project/pipeline/security_report_findings_spec.rb. It took 7.59 seconds. Expected to take 7.23 seconds.6885# [RSpecRunTime] Starting example group ee/spec/requests/api/graphql/mutations/audit_events/amazon_s3_configurations/update_spec.rb. Expected to take 6.99 seconds.6886Update Amazon S3 configuration6887 when feature is unlicensed6888 behaves like a mutation on an unauthorized resource6889 behaves like a mutation that returns top-level errors6890 is expected to contain exactly "The resource that you are attempting to access does not exist or you don't have permission to perform this action"6891 behaves like a mutation that does not update the configuration6892 does not update the configuration6893 does not create audit event6894 when feature is licensed6895 when current user is a group owner6896 updates the configuration6897 audits the update6898 when the fields are updated with existing values6899 does not audit the event6900# [RSpecRunTime] RSpec elapsed time: 24 minutes 0.97 second. Current RSS: ~1754M. Threads: 6. load average: 1.20 1.14 1.06 1/422 89186901.6902 when no fields are provided for update6903 behaves like a mutation that does not update the configuration6904 does not update the configuration6905 does not create audit event6906# [RSpecRunTime] RSpec elapsed time: 24 minutes 2.17 seconds. Current RSS: ~1756M. Threads: 6. load average: 1.20 1.14 1.06 1/422 89196907.6908 when there is error while updating6909 does not update the configuration and returns the error6910 when current user is a group maintainer6911 behaves like a mutation on an unauthorized resource6912 behaves like a mutation that returns top-level errors6913 is expected to contain exactly "The resource that you are attempting to access does not exist or you don't have permission to perform this action"6914 behaves like a mutation that does not update the configuration6915 does not update the configuration6916 does not create audit event6917 when current user is a group developer6918 behaves like a mutation on an unauthorized resource6919 behaves like a mutation that returns top-level errors6920 is expected to contain exactly "The resource that you are attempting to access does not exist or you don't have permission to perform this action"6921 behaves like a mutation that does not update the configuration6922 does not update the configuration6923 does not create audit event6924 when current user is a group guest6925 behaves like a mutation on an unauthorized resource6926 behaves like a mutation that returns top-level errors6927 is expected to contain exactly "The resource that you are attempting to access does not exist or you don't have permission to perform this action"6928 behaves like a mutation that does not update the configuration6929 does not update the configuration6930 does not create audit event6931# [RSpecRunTime] Finishing example group ee/spec/requests/api/graphql/mutations/audit_events/amazon_s3_configurations/update_spec.rb. It took 7.9 seconds. Expected to take 6.99 seconds.6932# [RSpecRunTime] Starting example group ee/spec/requests/groups/settings/roles_and_permissions_controller_spec.rb. Expected to take 6.75 seconds.6933Groups::Settings::RolesAndPermissionsController6934 GET #index6935 when not logged in6936 behaves like page is not found6937 has correct status6938 with different access levels not allowed6939 access_level: nil6940 behaves like page is not found6941 has correct status6942 access_level: :guest6943 behaves like page is not found6944 has correct status6945 access_level: :reporter6946 behaves like page is not found6947 has correct status6948 access_level: :developer6949 behaves like page is not found6950 has correct status6951 access_level: :maintainer6952 behaves like page is not found6953 has correct status6954 with admins6955 behaves like page is found under proper conditions6956 returns a 200 status code6957 when accessing a subgroup6958 is not found6959# [RSpecRunTime] RSpec elapsed time: 24 minutes 9.87 seconds. Current RSS: ~1766M. Threads: 6. load average: 1.17 1.13 1.06 1/422 89206960.6961 when `custom_roles` license is disabled6962 behaves like page is not found6963 has correct status6964 on self-managed6965 behaves like page is not found6966 has correct status6967 with group owners6968 behaves like page is found under proper conditions6969 returns a 200 status code6970 when accessing a subgroup6971 is not found6972# [RSpecRunTime] RSpec elapsed time: 24 minutes 11.82 seconds. Current RSS: ~1763M. Threads: 6. load average: 1.17 1.13 1.06 1/422 89216973.6974 when `custom_roles` license is disabled6975 behaves like page is not found6976 has correct status6977 with ldap synced group owner6978 behaves like page is found under proper conditions6979 returns a 200 status code6980 when accessing a subgroup6981 is not found6982# [RSpecRunTime] RSpec elapsed time: 24 minutes 13.51 seconds. Current RSS: ~1762M. Threads: 6. load average: 1.17 1.13 1.06 1/422 89226983.6984 when `custom_roles` license is disabled6985 behaves like page is not found6986 has correct status6987# [RSpecRunTime] Finishing example group ee/spec/requests/groups/settings/roles_and_permissions_controller_spec.rb. It took 8.09 seconds. Expected to take 6.75 seconds.6988# [RSpecRunTime] Starting example group ee/spec/controllers/groups/analytics/cycle_analytics_controller_spec.rb. Expected to take 6.58 seconds.6989Groups::Analytics::CycleAnalyticsController6990 GET show6991 when the license is available6992 succeeds6993 renders `show` template when feature flag is enabled6994 behaves like internal event tracking6995 logs to Snowplow and Redis6996# [RSpecRunTime] RSpec elapsed time: 24 minutes 16.0 seconds. Current RSS: ~1763M. Threads: 6. load average: 1.15 1.13 1.05 1/422 89236997.6998 when the initial, default value stream is requested6999 renders the default in memory value stream7000 when invalid name is given7001 renders 404 error7002# [RSpecRunTime] RSpec elapsed time: 24 minutes 17.25 seconds. Current RSS: ~1761M. Threads: 6. load average: 1.15 1.13 1.05 1/422 89247003.7004 tracking events7005 tracks redis hll event7006 behaves like Snowplow event tracking with RedisHLL context7007 behaves like Snowplow event tracking7008 is emitted7009# [RSpecRunTime] RSpec elapsed time: 24 minutes 18.54 seconds. Current RSS: ~1758M. Threads: 6. load average: 1.15 1.13 1.05 1/422 89257010.7011 when the license is missing7012 renders 403 error7013 when non-existent group is given7014 renders 404 error7015 with group and value stream params7016 builds request params with group and value stream7017# [RSpecRunTime] Finishing example group ee/spec/controllers/groups/analytics/cycle_analytics_controller_spec.rb. It took 6.41 seconds. Expected to take 6.58 seconds.7018# [RSpecRunTime] Starting example group ee/spec/requests/api/internal/app_sec/dast/site_validations_spec.rb. Expected to take 6.54 seconds.7019API::Internal::AppSec::Dast::SiteValidations7020 POST /internal/dast/site_validations/:id/transition7021 when a job token header is not set7022 returns 4017023 when user token is set7024 returns 400 and a contextual error message7025# [RSpecRunTime] RSpec elapsed time: 24 minutes 22.01 seconds. Current RSS: ~1753M. Threads: 6. load average: 1.14 1.13 1.05 1/422 89267026.7027 when a job token header is set7028 when user does not have access to the site validation7029 returns 4037030# [RSpecRunTime] RSpec elapsed time: 24 minutes 23.11 seconds. Current RSS: ~1753M. Threads: 6. load average: 1.14 1.13 1.05 1/422 89277031.7032 when site validation does not exist7033 returns 4047034 when site validation and job are associated with different projects7035 returns 4007036 when the job project belongs to the same job token scope7037 returns 400 and a contextual error message7038# [RSpecRunTime] RSpec elapsed time: 24 minutes 24.69 seconds. Current RSS: ~1749M. Threads: 6. load average: 1.21 1.14 1.06 1/422 89287039.7040 when site validation exists7041 when the licensed feature is not available7042 returns 4037043 when user has access to the site validation7044 when the state transition is unknown7045 returns 400 and a contextual error message7046 when the state transition is invalid7047 returns 400 and a contextual error message7048 when the state transition is valid7049 updates the record7050 behaves like it transitions7051 returns 200 and the new state7052 calls the underlying transition method: #start7053 behaves like it transitions7054 returns 200 and the new state7055 calls the underlying transition method: #fail_op7056 behaves like it transitions7057 returns 200 and the new state7058 calls the underlying transition method: #retry7059 behaves like it transitions7060 returns 200 and the new state7061 calls the underlying transition method: #pass7062# [RSpecRunTime] Finishing example group ee/spec/requests/api/internal/app_sec/dast/site_validations_spec.rb. It took 7.22 seconds. Expected to take 6.54 seconds.7063# [RSpecRunTime] Starting example group ee/spec/controllers/projects/integrations/zentao/issues_controller_spec.rb. Expected to take 6.25 seconds.7064Projects::Integrations::Zentao::IssuesController7065 GET #index7066 renders the "index" template7067 when zentao_issues_integration licensed feature is not available7068 returns 404 status7069# [RSpecRunTime] RSpec elapsed time: 24 minutes 29.39 seconds. Current RSS: ~1779M. Threads: 6. load average: 1.19 1.14 1.06 1/422 89297070.7071 behaves like unauthorized when external service denies access7072 allows access when the authorization service allows it7073 allows access when the authorization service denies it7074 json request7075 returns a list of serialized zentao issues7076 renders bad request for Error7077 GET #show7078 when zentao_issues_integration licensed feature is not available7079 returns 404 status7080 when zentao_issues_integration licensed feature is available7081 with valid request7082 renders `show` template successfully7083 returns JSON response successfully7084 with bad request7085 renders `show` template successfully7086 returns JSON response with error messages7087 when the JSON fetched from ZenTao contains HTML7088 escapes the HTML in issue7089# [RSpecRunTime] RSpec elapsed time: 24 minutes 33.58 seconds. Current RSS: ~1795M. Threads: 6. load average: 1.19 1.14 1.06 1/422 89307090.7091# [RSpecRunTime] Finishing example group ee/spec/controllers/projects/integrations/zentao/issues_controller_spec.rb. It took 6.18 seconds. Expected to take 6.25 seconds.7092# [RSpecRunTime] Starting example group ee/spec/requests/api/graphql/mutations/epics/create_spec.rb. Expected to take 6.14 seconds.7093Creating an Epic7094 when the user does not have permission7095 does not create epic7096 behaves like a mutation that returns a top-level access error7097 is expected to contain exactly "The resource that you are attempting to access does not exist or you don't have permission to perform this action"7098# [RSpecRunTime] RSpec elapsed time: 24 minutes 34.87 seconds. Current RSS: ~1794M. Threads: 6. load average: 1.18 1.14 1.06 1/422 89317099.7100 when the user has permission7101 when epics are disabled7102 behaves like a mutation that returns top-level errors7103 is expected to contain exactly "The resource that you are attempting to access does not exist or you don't have permission to perform this action"7104 when epics are enabled7105 creates the epic7106 when using a named color7107 sets the color correctly7108# [RSpecRunTime] RSpec elapsed time: 24 minutes 37.98 seconds. Current RSS: ~1783M. Threads: 6. load average: 1.18 1.14 1.06 1/422 89327109.7110 the color is invalid7111 reports a coercion error7112 when there are ActiveRecord validation errors7113 does not create the epic7114 behaves like a mutation that returns errors in the response7115 is expected to contain exactly "Title can't be blank" and "Work item can't be blank"7116# [RSpecRunTime] RSpec elapsed time: 24 minutes 39.71 seconds. Current RSS: ~1767M. Threads: 6. load average: 1.16 1.14 1.06 1/422 89337117.7118 when the list of attributes is empty7119 does not create the epic7120 behaves like a mutation that returns top-level errors7121 is expected to contain exactly "The list of epic attributes is empty"7122# [RSpecRunTime] RSpec elapsed time: 24 minutes 40.85 seconds. Current RSS: ~1761M. Threads: 6. load average: 1.16 1.14 1.06 1/422 89347123.7124# [RSpecRunTime] Finishing example group ee/spec/requests/api/graphql/mutations/epics/create_spec.rb. It took 7.26 seconds. Expected to take 6.14 seconds.7125# [RSpecRunTime] Starting example group ee/spec/requests/api/graphql/project/incident_management/oncall_schedules_spec.rb. Expected to take 6.0 seconds.7126getting Incident Management on-call schedules7127 with project permissions7128 with unavailable feature7129 is expected to be empty7130 behaves like a working graphql query7131 returns a successful response7132# [RSpecRunTime] RSpec elapsed time: 24 minutes 42.64 seconds. Current RSS: ~1757M. Threads: 6. load average: 1.16 1.14 1.06 1/422 89357133.7134 without on-call schedules7135 is expected to be empty7136 behaves like a working graphql query7137 returns a successful response7138# [RSpecRunTime] RSpec elapsed time: 24 minutes 43.8 seconds. Current RSS: ~1752M. Threads: 6. load average: 1.16 1.14 1.06 1/422 89367139.7140 with on-call schedules7141 returns the correct properties of the on-call schedule7142 behaves like a working graphql query7143 returns a successful response7144# [RSpecRunTime] RSpec elapsed time: 24 minutes 45.85 seconds. Current RSS: ~1750M. Threads: 6. load average: 1.15 1.13 1.06 1/422 89377145.7146 with an array of iids given7147 is expected to eq 17148 is expected to eq "1"7149 behaves like a working graphql query7150 returns a successful response7151# [RSpecRunTime] RSpec elapsed time: 24 minutes 47.71 seconds. Current RSS: ~1749M. Threads: 6. load average: 1.15 1.13 1.06 1/422 89387152.7153 without project permissions7154 is expected to be nil7155 behaves like a working graphql query7156 returns a successful response7157# [RSpecRunTime] Finishing example group ee/spec/requests/api/graphql/project/incident_management/oncall_schedules_spec.rb. It took 7.58 seconds. Expected to take 6.0 seconds.7158# [RSpecRunTime] Starting example group ee/spec/requests/api/graphql/group/labels_query_spec.rb. Expected to take 5.91 seconds.7159getting group label information7160 preventing N+1 queries7161 returns the project and group labels7162# [RSpecRunTime] RSpec elapsed time: 24 minutes 50.92 seconds. Current RSS: ~1745M. Threads: 6. load average: 1.14 1.13 1.06 1/422 89397163.7164 behaves like querying a GraphQL type with labels7165 running a query7166 minimum required arguments7167 returns the label information7168 returns the labels information7169# [RSpecRunTime] RSpec elapsed time: 24 minutes 52.02 seconds. Current RSS: ~1744M. Threads: 6. load average: 1.14 1.13 1.06 1/422 89407170.7171 with a search param7172 finds the matching labels7173 when searching only in the title7174 finds the matching labels7175# [RSpecRunTime] RSpec elapsed time: 24 minutes 53.1 seconds. Current RSS: ~1745M. Threads: 6. load average: 1.14 1.13 1.06 1/422 89417176.7177 when searching only in the description7178 finds the matching labels7179 the label does not exist7180 returns nil7181 performance7182 batches queries for labels by title7183# [RSpecRunTime] Finishing example group ee/spec/requests/api/graphql/group/labels_query_spec.rb. It took 6.24 seconds. Expected to take 5.91 seconds.7184# [RSpecRunTime] Starting example group ee/spec/requests/api/graphql/mutations/security_policy/create_security_policy_project_spec.rb. Expected to take 5.9 seconds.7185Creates and assigns scan execution policy project to a project/namespace7186 for project7187 behaves like creates security policy project7188 when licensed feature is available7189 when user is an owner of the container7190 creates and assigns the security policy project7191# [RSpecRunTime] RSpec elapsed time: 24 minutes 56.96 seconds. Current RSS: ~1745M. Threads: 6. load average: 1.13 1.13 1.06 1/422 90027192.7193 when user is not an owner7194 behaves like a mutation that returns top-level errors7195 is expected to contain exactly "The resource that you are attempting to access does not exist or you don't have permission to perform this action"7196 when feature is not licensed7197 behaves like a mutation that returns top-level errors7198 is expected to contain exactly "The resource that you are attempting to access does not exist or you don't have permission to perform this action"7199 for namespace7200 behaves like creates security policy project7201 when licensed feature is available7202 when user is an owner of the container7203 creates and assigns the security policy project7204# [RSpecRunTime] RSpec elapsed time: 24 minutes 59.48 seconds. Current RSS: ~1754M. Threads: 6. load average: 1.28 1.16 1.07 1/423 90777205.7206 when user is not an owner7207 behaves like a mutation that returns top-level errors7208 is expected to contain exactly "The resource that you are attempting to access does not exist or you don't have permission to perform this action"7209 when feature is not licensed7210 behaves like a mutation that returns top-level errors7211 is expected to contain exactly "The resource that you are attempting to access does not exist or you don't have permission to perform this action"7212# [RSpecRunTime] Finishing example group ee/spec/requests/api/graphql/mutations/security_policy/create_security_policy_project_spec.rb. It took 6.01 seconds. Expected to take 5.9 seconds.7213# [RSpecRunTime] Starting example group ee/spec/requests/ee/application_controller_spec.rb. Expected to take 5.64 seconds.7214ApplicationController7215 with redirection due to onboarding7216 when onboarding feature is available7217 when onboarding is enabled7218 when onboarding_status_step_url is set7219 redirects to the onboarding step7220 when onboarding step url is not set7221 does not redirect for a request away from onboarding7222 when terms enabled7223 redirects to terms first7224# [RSpecRunTime] RSpec elapsed time: 25 minutes 3.4 seconds. Current RSS: ~1759M. Threads: 6. load average: 1.28 1.16 1.07 1/423 90787225.7226 when qualifying for 2fa7227 redirects to the onboarding step7228 when request path equals redirect path7229 does not redirect to the onboarding step7230 with non-get request7231 does not redirect to the onboarding step7232 when onboarding is disabled7233 does not redirect to the onboarding step7234 when qualifying for 2fa7235 redirects to 2fa setup7236# [RSpecRunTime] RSpec elapsed time: 25 minutes 6.09 seconds. Current RSS: ~1755M. Threads: 6. load average: 1.25 1.16 1.07 1/423 90797237.7238 when onboarding feature is not available7239 does not redirect to the onboarding step7240 when qualifying for 2fa7241 redirects to 2fa setup7242# [RSpecRunTime] RSpec elapsed time: 25 minutes 7.47 seconds. Current RSS: ~1751M. Threads: 6. load average: 1.25 1.16 1.07 1/423 90807243.7244# [RSpecRunTime] Finishing example group ee/spec/requests/ee/application_controller_spec.rb. It took 6.78 seconds. Expected to take 5.64 seconds.7245# [RSpecRunTime] Starting example group ee/spec/controllers/projects/quality/test_cases_controller_spec.rb. Expected to take 5.59 seconds.7246Projects::Quality::TestCasesController7247 GET7248 #index7249 behaves like test case action7250 with authorized user7251 when feature is available7252 renders the template7253# [RSpecRunTime] RSpec elapsed time: 25 minutes 9.53 seconds. Current RSS: ~1738M. Threads: 6. load average: 1.23 1.15 1.07 1/423 90817254.7255 when feature is not available7256 returns 4047257 with unauthorized user7258 when feature is available7259 returns 4047260 with anonymous user7261 returns 3027262 #new7263 behaves like test case action7264 with authorized user7265 when feature is available7266 renders the template7267 when feature is not available7268 returns 4047269 with unauthorized user7270 when feature is available7271 returns 4047272 with anonymous user7273 returns 3027274 #show7275 behaves like test case action7276 with authorized user7277 when feature is available7278 renders the template7279 when feature is not available7280 returns 4047281 with unauthorized user7282 when feature is available7283 returns 4047284 with anonymous user7285 returns 3027286 when feature is enabled and user has access7287 assigns test case related variables7288 when test case is not found7289 returns 4047290# [RSpecRunTime] Finishing example group ee/spec/controllers/projects/quality/test_cases_controller_spec.rb. It took 5.98 seconds. Expected to take 5.59 seconds.7291# [RSpecRunTime] Starting example group ee/spec/requests/admin/application_settings_controller_spec.rb. Expected to take 5.44 seconds.7292Admin::ApplicationSettingsController7293 PUT update_microsoft_application7294 behaves like Microsoft application controller actions7295 raises an error when parameters are missing7296 redirects with error alert when missing required attributes7297 redirects with success notice7298# [RSpecRunTime] RSpec elapsed time: 25 minutes 16.19 seconds. Current RSS: ~1796M. Threads: 6. load average: 1.21 1.15 1.07 1/422 90827299.7300 GET #general7301 does push :disable_private_profiles license feature7302 with feature flag :disallow_private_profiles disabled7303 does not push :disable_private_profiles license feature7304# [RSpecRunTime] RSpec elapsed time: 25 minutes 19.26 seconds. Current RSS: ~1788M. Threads: 6. load average: 1.20 1.15 1.07 1/422 90837305.7306# [RSpecRunTime] Finishing example group ee/spec/requests/admin/application_settings_controller_spec.rb. It took 5.8 seconds. Expected to take 5.44 seconds.7307# [RSpecRunTime] Starting example group ee/spec/requests/groups/issues_controller_spec.rb. Expected to take 5.33 seconds.7308Groups::IssuesController7309 POST #bulk_update7310 when group bulk edit feature is not available7311 returns a 404 status7312# [RSpecRunTime] RSpec elapsed time: 25 minutes 21.54 seconds. Current RSS: ~1762M. Threads: 6. load average: 1.20 1.15 1.07 1/422 90847313.7314 when group bulk edit feature is enabled7315 updates attributes for selected issues7316 when setting arguments to null or none7317 does not unset arguments7318 when assignee_ids contains only null elements7319 does not unset assignees7320# [RSpecRunTime] RSpec elapsed time: 25 minutes 25.39 seconds. Current RSS: ~1725M. Threads: 6. load average: 1.18 1.14 1.06 1/422 90857321.7322# [RSpecRunTime] Finishing example group ee/spec/requests/groups/issues_controller_spec.rb. It took 6.14 seconds. Expected to take 5.33 seconds.7323# [RSpecRunTime] Starting example group ee/spec/requests/projects/security/dast_scanner_profiles_controller_spec.rb. Expected to take 5.22 seconds.7324Projects::Security::DastScannerProfilesController7325 GET #new7326 behaves like a GET request7327 when the "Security and Compliance" feature is disabled7328 is expected to respond with numeric status code not_found7329# [RSpecRunTime] RSpec elapsed time: 25 minutes 26.81 seconds. Current RSS: ~1725M. Threads: 6. load average: 1.18 1.14 1.06 1/422 90867330.7331 feature available7332 user authorized7333 can access page7334 user not authorized7335 sees a 404 error7336 feature not available7337 sees a 404 error7338 GET #edit7339 sets scanner_profile7340 behaves like a GET request7341 when the "Security and Compliance" feature is disabled7342 is expected to respond with numeric status code not_found7343# [RSpecRunTime] RSpec elapsed time: 25 minutes 29.65 seconds. Current RSS: ~1735M. Threads: 6. load average: 1.25 1.16 1.07 1/422 90877344.7345 feature available7346 user authorized7347 can access page7348 user not authorized7349 sees a 404 error7350 feature not available7351 sees a 404 error7352 record does not exist7353 sees a 404 error7354# [RSpecRunTime] Finishing example group ee/spec/requests/projects/security/dast_scanner_profiles_controller_spec.rb. It took 6.04 seconds. Expected to take 5.22 seconds.7355# [RSpecRunTime] Starting example group ee/spec/controllers/ee/projects/autocomplete_sources_controller_spec.rb. Expected to take 5.09 seconds.7356Projects::AutocompleteSourcesController7357 #epics7358 when epics feature is disabled7359 returns 404 status7360# [RSpecRunTime] RSpec elapsed time: 25 minutes 34.27 seconds. Current RSS: ~1734M. Threads: 6. load average: 1.23 1.16 1.07 1/422 90887361.7362 when epics feature is enabled7363 #epics7364 returns the correct response7365 #iterations7366 when iterations feature is disabled7367 returns 404 status7368 when iterations feature is enabled7369 avoids N+1 queries7370 #iterations7371 returns the correct response7372 #vulnerabilities7373 when vulnerabilities feature is disabled7374 returns 404 status7375 when vulnerabilities feature is enabled7376 #vulnerabilities7377 returns the correct response7378# [RSpecRunTime] Finishing example group ee/spec/controllers/ee/projects/autocomplete_sources_controller_spec.rb. It took 5.3 seconds. Expected to take 5.09 seconds.7379# [RSpecRunTime] Starting example group ee/spec/requests/api/graphql/mutations/dast_site_profiles/delete_spec.rb. Expected to take 4.95 seconds.7380Deleting a DAST Site Profile7381 behaves like an on-demand scan mutation when user cannot run an on-demand scan7382 when a user does not have access to the project7383 behaves like a mutation that returns a top-level access error7384 is expected to contain exactly "The resource that you are attempting to access does not exist or you don't have permission to perform this action"7385# [RSpecRunTime] RSpec elapsed time: 25 minutes 38.22 seconds. Current RSS: ~1736M. Threads: 6. load average: 1.23 1.16 1.07 1/422 90897386.7387 when a user does not have access to run a dast scan on the project7388 behaves like a mutation that returns a top-level access error7389 is expected to contain exactly "The resource that you are attempting to access does not exist or you don't have permission to perform this action"7390 behaves like an on-demand scan mutation when user can run an on-demand scan7391 returns an empty errors array7392 deletes the dast_site_profile7393 when on demand scan licensed feature is not available7394 behaves like a mutation that returns a top-level access error7395 is expected to contain exactly "The resource that you are attempting to access does not exist or you don't have permission to perform this action"7396# [RSpecRunTime] RSpec elapsed time: 25 minutes 40.25 seconds. Current RSS: ~1743M. Threads: 6. load average: 1.21 1.15 1.07 1/422 90907397.7398 when there is an issue deleting the dast_site_profile7399 behaves like a mutation that returns errors in the response7400 is expected to contain exactly "Name is weird"7401 when the dast_site_profile does not exist7402 behaves like a mutation that returns top-level errors7403 is expected to contain exactly "The resource that you are attempting to access does not exist or you don't have permission to perform this action"7404 when wrong type of global id is passed7405 behaves like a mutation that returns top-level errors7406 is expected to eq ["Variable $dastSiteProfileDeleteInput of type DastSiteProfileDeleteInput! was provided invalid value for id (\"gid://gitlab/DastSite/1\" does not represent an instance of DastSiteProfile)"]7407# [RSpecRunTime] Finishing example group ee/spec/requests/api/graphql/mutations/dast_site_profiles/delete_spec.rb. It took 4.73 seconds. Expected to take 4.95 seconds.7408# [RSpecRunTime] Starting example group ee/spec/requests/api/graphql/project/dast_site_validations_spec.rb. Expected to take 4.7 seconds.7409Query.project(fullPath).dastSiteValidations7410 when a user does not have access to the project7411 returns a null project7412# [RSpecRunTime] RSpec elapsed time: 25 minutes 42.9 seconds. Current RSS: ~1743M. Threads: 6. load average: 1.21 1.15 1.07 1/422 90917413.7414 when a user does not have access to dast_site_validations7415 returns an empty nodes array7416 when a user has access to dast_site_validations7417 avoids N+1 queries7418 behaves like sorted paginated query7419 behaves like requires variables7420 shared example requires variables to be set7421# [RSpecRunTime] RSpec elapsed time: 25 minutes 45.12 seconds. Current RSS: ~1751M. Threads: 6. load average: 1.27 1.17 1.07 1/422 90927422.7424 when sorting7425 sorts correctly7426 when paginating7427 paginates correctly7428# [RSpecRunTime] RSpec elapsed time: 25 minutes 46.53 seconds. Current RSS: ~1756M. Threads: 6. load average: 1.27 1.17 1.07 1/422 90937429.7430# [RSpecRunTime] Finishing example group ee/spec/requests/api/graphql/project/dast_site_validations_spec.rb. It took 5.06 seconds. Expected to take 4.7 seconds.7431# [RSpecRunTime] Starting example group ee/spec/controllers/projects/environments_controller_spec.rb. Expected to take 4.69 seconds.7432Projects::EnvironmentsController7433 #GET terminal7434 when environment is protected7435 when user does not have access to it7436 responds with access denied7437# [RSpecRunTime] RSpec elapsed time: 25 minutes 48.33 seconds. Current RSS: ~1748M. Threads: 6. load average: 1.27 1.17 1.07 1/422 91207438.7439 when user has access to it7440 is successful7441 when environment is not protected7442 is successful7443 POST #cancel_auto_stop7444 when environment is set as auto-stop7445 behaves like successful response for #cancel_auto_stop7446 when request is html7447 redirects to show page7448 expires etag caching7449 when request is js7450 responds as ok7451 expires etag caching7452 when the environment is protected7453 shows not found7454# [RSpecRunTime] Finishing example group ee/spec/controllers/projects/environments_controller_spec.rb. It took 5.14 seconds. Expected to take 4.69 seconds.7455# [RSpecRunTime] Starting example group ee/spec/requests/api/graphql/ci/jobs_spec.rb. Expected to take 4.47 seconds.7456Query.jobs7457 when current user is an admin7458 with argument `failure_reason`7459 as RUNNER_SYSTEM_FAILURE7460 generates an error7461 with argument `runnerTypes`7462 as INSTANCE_TYPE7463 behaves like a working graphql query that returns data7464 contains data7465 is expected to contain exactly (a hash including {"id" => "gid://gitlab/Ci::Build/30"})7466 behaves like a working graphql query7467 returns a successful response7468# [RSpecRunTime] RSpec elapsed time: 25 minutes 55.85 seconds. Current RSS: ~1742M. Threads: 6. load average: 1.23 1.16 1.07 1/422 91217469.7470 as RUNNER_UNSUPPORTED7471 with argument `runnerTypes`7472 as INSTANCE_TYPE7473 generates an error7474# [RSpecRunTime] Finishing example group ee/spec/requests/api/graphql/ci/jobs_spec.rb. It took 4.56 seconds. Expected to take 4.47 seconds.7475# [RSpecRunTime] Starting example group ee/spec/requests/api/graphql/mutations/audit_events/instance_external_audit_event_destinations/update_spec.rb. Expected to take 4.46 seconds.7476Update an instance external audit event destination7477 when feature is licensed7478 when current user is instance admin7479 updates the destination with correct response7480 behaves like audits update to external streaming destination7481 when both destination url and destination name are updated7482 audits the update7483# [RSpecRunTime] RSpec elapsed time: 25 minutes 57.79 seconds. Current RSS: ~1746M. Threads: 6. load average: 1.23 1.16 1.07 1/422 91227484.7485 when only destination url is updated7486 audits the update7487 when only destination name is updated7488 audits the update7489 when destination is same as previous one7490 updates the destination with correct response7491 when the destination id is invalid7492 does not update destination7493 behaves like a mutation that returns top-level errors7494 is expected to contain exactly "The resource that you are attempting to access does not exist or you don't have permission to perform this action"7495 when current user is not instance admin7496 behaves like a mutation that does not update destination7497 does not update the destination7498 does not audit the update7499 behaves like a mutation that returns top-level errors7500 is expected to contain exactly "You do not have access to this mutation."7501 when feature is unlicensed7502 behaves like a mutation that does not update destination7503 does not update the destination7504 does not audit the update7505 behaves like a mutation that returns top-level errors7506 is expected to contain exactly "You do not have access to this mutation."7507# [RSpecRunTime] Finishing example group ee/spec/requests/api/graphql/mutations/audit_events/instance_external_audit_event_destinations/update_spec.rb. It took 5.16 seconds. Expected to take 4.46 seconds.7508# [RSpecRunTime] Starting example group ee/spec/controllers/groups/seat_usage_controller_spec.rb. Expected to take 4.33 seconds.7509Groups::SeatUsageController7510 GET show7511 when authorized7512 when html format7513 redirects to /groups/%{group_id}/-/seat_usage7514 responds with 404 Not Found if the group is not top-level group7515# [RSpecRunTime] RSpec elapsed time: 26 minutes 3.23 seconds. Current RSS: ~1756M. Threads: 6. load average: 1.21 1.16 1.07 1/422 91237516.7517 when csv format7518 responds with 404 Not Found if the group is not top-level group7519 when the group is a top-level group7520 when export is successful7521 streams the csv with 200 status code7522# [RSpecRunTime] RSpec elapsed time: 26 minutes 4.55 seconds. Current RSS: ~1755M. Threads: 6. load average: 1.19 1.16 1.07 1/422 91247523.7524 when export fails7525 sets alert message and redirects7526 when unauthorized7527 when html format7528 renders 403 when user is not an owner7529 when csv format7530 renders 403 when user is not an owner7531# [RSpecRunTime] Finishing example group ee/spec/controllers/groups/seat_usage_controller_spec.rb. It took 4.34 seconds. Expected to take 4.33 seconds.7532# [RSpecRunTime] Starting example group ee/spec/requests/api/graphql/ci/minutes/usage_spec.rb. Expected to take 4.3 seconds.7533Query.ciMinutesUsage7534 when no namespace_id is provided7535 does not create N+1 queries7536 when date is not provided7537 returns the usage data for all months7538# [RSpecRunTime] RSpec elapsed time: 26 minutes 7.88 seconds. Current RSS: ~1742M. Threads: 6. load average: 1.19 1.16 1.07 1/422 91257539.7540 when date is provided7541 with usage data for the given month7542 returns the usage data for the given month only7543 when namespace_id is provided7544 when group is root7545 when user is an owner7546 when date is not provided7547 returns the usage data for all months7548 when date is provided7549 with usage data for the given month7550 returns the usage data for the given month only7551 when user is not an owner7552 does not return usage data7553 when group is a subgroup7554 does not return usage data7555# [RSpecRunTime] Finishing example group ee/spec/requests/api/graphql/ci/minutes/usage_spec.rb. It took 4.72 seconds. Expected to take 4.3 seconds.7556# [RSpecRunTime] Starting example group ee/spec/controllers/security/projects_controller_spec.rb. Expected to take 4.26 seconds.7557Security::ProjectsController7558 GET #index7559 behaves like Security::ApplicationController7560 when the user is authenticated7561 responds with success7562 and the instance does not have an Ultimate license7563 404s7564 when the user is not authenticated7565 redirects the user to the sign in page7566 with an authenticated user7567 returns the current user's security dashboard projects7568 sets a polling interval header7569 POST #create7570 behaves like Security::ApplicationController7571 when the user is authenticated7572 responds with success7573 and the instance does not have an Ultimate license7574 404s7575 when the user is not authenticated7576 redirects the user to the sign in page7577 with an authenticated user7578 adds the given projects to the current user's security dashboard7579 when given a project that is already added to the dashboard7580 does not add the same project twice and returns the duplicate IDs in the response7581 when given an invalid project ID7582 does not error and includes them in the response7583 with an authenticated auditor7584 allows them to add projects to the dashboard7585 DELETE #destroy7586 with an authenticated user7587 removes the project from the current user's security dashboard7588 and the instance does not have an Ultimate license7589 404s7590 when given a project not on the current user's security dashboard7591 does nothing and returns 2047592 when the user is not authenticated7593 redirects the user to the sign in page7594# [RSpecRunTime] Finishing example group ee/spec/controllers/security/projects_controller_spec.rb. It took 4.59 seconds. Expected to take 4.26 seconds.7595# [RSpecRunTime] Starting example group ee/spec/requests/api/graphql/member_role/group_member_role_spec.rb. Expected to take 4.12 seconds.7596Query.group_member_role7597 with custom roles feature7598 for a group with multiple roles7599 avoids N+1 database queries7600# [RSpecRunTime] RSpec elapsed time: 26 minutes 16.61 seconds. Current RSS: ~1747M. Threads: 6. load average: 1.24 1.17 1.08 2/422 91267601.7602 for a root group7603 behaves like returns member roles7604 when on SaaS7605 returns all group-level member roles7606 behaves like a working graphql query7607 returns a successful response7608 when on self-managed7609 returns an empty array7610 behaves like a working graphql query7611 returns a successful response7612 for subgroup7613 behaves like returns member roles7614 when on SaaS7615 returns all group-level member roles7616 behaves like a working graphql query7617 returns a successful response7618 when on self-managed7619 returns an empty array7620 behaves like a working graphql query7621 returns a successful response7622 without custom roles feature7623 does not return any member roles7624# [RSpecRunTime] Finishing example group ee/spec/requests/api/graphql/member_role/group_member_role_spec.rb. It took 4.35 seconds. Expected to take 4.12 seconds.7625# [RSpecRunTime] Starting example group ee/spec/requests/api/repositories_spec.rb. Expected to take 4.11 seconds.7626API::Repositories7627 GET /projects/:id/repository/archive(.:format)?:sha7628 when unauthenticated and project is public7629 does not log audit event7630# [RSpecRunTime] RSpec elapsed time: 26 minutes 21.7 seconds. Current RSS: ~1765M. Threads: 6. load average: 1.22 1.16 1.08 1/425 92057631.7632 when authenticated as a developer7633 behaves like an auditable and successful request7634 logs the audit event7635 sends the archive7636# [RSpecRunTime] RSpec elapsed time: 26 minutes 22.94 seconds. Current RSS: ~1764M. Threads: 6. load average: 1.22 1.16 1.08 1/427 92587637.7638 projects download throttling7639 when user is banned from the project's top-level group7640 returns forbidden error7641 when user is not banned from the project's top-level group7642 returns the repository archive7643# [RSpecRunTime] Finishing example group ee/spec/requests/api/repositories_spec.rb. It took 4.53 seconds. Expected to take 4.11 seconds.7644# [RSpecRunTime] Starting example group ee/spec/requests/api/graphql/mutations/branch_rules/external_status_checks/destroy_spec.rb. Expected to take 4.05 seconds.7645Destroy an external status check7646 with valid params7647 when user is not authorized7648 returns an error7649# [RSpecRunTime] RSpec elapsed time: 26 minutes 25.23 seconds. Current RSS: ~1767M. Threads: 6. load average: 1.20 1.16 1.08 1/427 92857650.7651 when user is authorized7652 destroys the external status check7653 when the service to destroy external checks returns an error7654 does not destroy the external status check7655# [RSpecRunTime] RSpec elapsed time: 26 minutes 26.49 seconds. Current RSS: ~1767M. Threads: 6. load average: 1.20 1.16 1.08 1/427 92867656.7657 with invalid params7658 when the external_status_check GID is nil7659 behaves like it expects value not to be null7660 does not destroy the external status check record7661 returns an error message7662 when the branch_rule GID is nil7663 behaves like it expects value not to be null7664 does not destroy the external status check record7665 returns an error message7666 with invalid global ids given7667 when branch_rule GID is invalid7668 returns an error message7669 when external_check_rule GID is invalid7670 returns an error message7671# [RSpecRunTime] Finishing example group ee/spec/requests/api/graphql/mutations/branch_rules/external_status_checks/destroy_spec.rb. It took 4.85 seconds. Expected to take 4.05 seconds.7672# [RSpecRunTime] Starting example group ee/spec/requests/api/graphql/project/security_orchestration/scan_result_policy_spec.rb. Expected to take 3.95 seconds.7673Query.project(fullPath).scanResultPolicies7674 when policy_configuration is assigned to the project7675 returns the policy7676 when policy_scope is present in policy7677 returns the policy7678# [RSpecRunTime] RSpec elapsed time: 26 minutes 32.97 seconds. Current RSS: ~1752M. Threads: 6. load average: 1.18 1.16 1.08 1/427 93217679.7680 when policy_configuration is assigned to the group7681 returns the policy7682# [RSpecRunTime] Finishing example group ee/spec/requests/api/graphql/project/security_orchestration/scan_result_policy_spec.rb. It took 4.67 seconds. Expected to take 3.95 seconds.7683# [RSpecRunTime] Starting example group ee/spec/requests/api/graphql/analytics/contribution_analytics/contributions_spec.rb. Expected to take 3.88 seconds.7684Group.contributions7685 when the license is not available7686 returns no data7687# [RSpecRunTime] RSpec elapsed time: 26 minutes 35.02 seconds. Current RSS: ~1741M. Threads: 6. load average: 1.17 1.16 1.08 1/422 93237688.7689 when the license is available7690 when postgres is the data source7691 behaves like returns correct data7692 returns data7693 when paginating to the second page7694 returns the correct data7695# [RSpecRunTime] RSpec elapsed time: 26 minutes 36.17 seconds. Current RSS: ~1733M. Threads: 6. load average: 1.17 1.16 1.08 1/422 93247696.7697 when bogus cursor is passed7698 raises error7699 with events from different users7700 does not create N+1 queries7701# [RSpecRunTime] Finishing example group ee/spec/requests/api/graphql/analytics/contribution_analytics/contributions_spec.rb. It took 4.13 seconds. Expected to take 3.88 seconds.7702# [RSpecRunTime] Starting example group ee/spec/requests/api/graphql/project/security_orchestration/scan_execution_policy_spec.rb. Expected to take 3.79 seconds.7703Query.project(fullPath).scanExecutionPolicies7704 when policy_configuration is assigned to the group7705 returns the policy7706# [RSpecRunTime] RSpec elapsed time: 26 minutes 40.39 seconds. Current RSS: ~1726M. Threads: 6. load average: 1.24 1.17 1.08 1/422 93597707.7708 when policy_configuration is assigned to the project7709 returns the policy7710 when policy_scope is present in policy7711 returns the policy7712# [RSpecRunTime] RSpec elapsed time: 26 minutes 42.25 seconds. Current RSS: ~1725M. Threads: 6. load average: 1.24 1.17 1.08 1/422 93607713.7714# [RSpecRunTime] Finishing example group ee/spec/requests/api/graphql/project/security_orchestration/scan_execution_policy_spec.rb. It took 4.68 seconds. Expected to take 3.79 seconds.7715# [RSpecRunTime] Starting example group ee/spec/requests/projects/issue_feature_flags_controller_spec.rb. Expected to take 3.7 seconds.7716Projects::IssueFeatureFlagsController7717 GET #index7718 returns linked feature flags7719 does not return linked feature flags for a reporter7720 orders by feature_flag_issue id7721 does not make N+1 queries7722 when feature flag related issues feature is unlicensed7723 returns not found7724# [RSpecRunTime] RSpec elapsed time: 26 minutes 46.01 seconds. Current RSS: ~1727M. Threads: 6. load average: 1.22 1.17 1.08 1/422 93617725.7726 when feature flag related issue has been deleted7727 returns not found7728# [RSpecRunTime] Finishing example group ee/spec/requests/projects/issue_feature_flags_controller_spec.rb. It took 4.41 seconds. Expected to take 3.7 seconds.7729# [RSpecRunTime] Starting example group ee/spec/requests/projects/pipelines/email_campaigns_controller_spec.rb. Expected to take 3.61 seconds.7730Projects::Pipelines::EmailCampaignsController7731 GET #validate_account7732 when user has access to the pipeline7733 emits a snowplow event7734 sets session[:start_account_validation] to true7735 redirects to the pipeline show page7736 when not in .com or dev env7737 returns 4047738# [RSpecRunTime] RSpec elapsed time: 26 minutes 49.72 seconds. Current RSS: ~1739M. Threads: 6. load average: 1.20 1.16 1.08 1/422 93627739.7740 when user does not have access to the pipeline7741 returns :not_found7742 does not set session[:start_account_validation]7743# [RSpecRunTime] Finishing example group ee/spec/requests/projects/pipelines/email_campaigns_controller_spec.rb. It took 4.06 seconds. Expected to take 3.61 seconds.7744# [RSpecRunTime] Starting example group ee/spec/mailers/emails/merge_commits_spec.rb. Expected to take 3.48 seconds.7745Emails::MergeCommits7746 #merge_requests_csv_email7747 is expected to eq "Kombucha lovers | 2024-06-05 Chain of custody export"7748 is expected to contain exactly ""7749 is expected to match "Your Chain of Custody CSV export for the group Kombucha lovers has been added to this email as an attachment."7750 is expected to match /Your Chain of Custody CSV export for the group (?-mix:<a .*?href="http:\/\/localhost\/kombucha_lovers".*?>Kombucha lovers<\/a>) has been added to this email as an attachment./7751# [RSpecRunTime] RSpec elapsed time: 26 minutes 54.62 seconds. Current RSS: ~1753M. Threads: 6. load average: 1.18 1.16 1.08 1/426 94597752.7753# [RSpecRunTime] Finishing example group ee/spec/mailers/emails/merge_commits_spec.rb. It took 3.89 seconds. Expected to take 3.48 seconds.7754# [RSpecRunTime] Starting example group ee/spec/requests/groups/discovers_controller_spec.rb. Expected to take 3.48 seconds.7755Groups::DiscoversController7756 GET show7757 renders 404 when saas feature subscriptions_trials not available7758 when user is owner7759DEPRECATION WARNING: The asset "page_bundles/trial_discover_page.css" is not present in the asset pipeline.7760Falling back to an asset that may be in the public folder.7761This behavior is deprecated and will be removed.7762To bypass the asset pipeline and preserve this behavior,7763use the `skip_pipeline: true` option.7764 (called from universal_stylesheet_link_tag at /builds/gitlab-org/gitlab/app/helpers/vite_helper.rb:33)7765 renders index with 200 status code7766# [RSpecRunTime] RSpec elapsed time: 26 minutes 56.85 seconds. Current RSS: ~1740M. Threads: 6. load average: 1.18 1.16 1.08 1/426 94607767.7768 when user is maintainer7769 behaves like unauthorized7770 renders index with 404 status code7771 when user is developer7772 behaves like unauthorized7773 renders index with 404 status code7774 when group is not on trial7775DEPRECATION WARNING: The asset "page_bundles/trial_discover_page.css" is not present in the asset pipeline.7776Falling back to an asset that may be in the public folder.7777This behavior is deprecated and will be removed.7778To bypass the asset pipeline and preserve this behavior,7779use the `skip_pipeline: true` option.7780 (called from universal_stylesheet_link_tag at /builds/gitlab-org/gitlab/app/helpers/vite_helper.rb:33)7781 renders page when group has an expired trial7782# [RSpecRunTime] Finishing example group ee/spec/requests/groups/discovers_controller_spec.rb. It took 3.71 seconds. Expected to take 3.48 seconds.7783# [RSpecRunTime] Starting example group ee/spec/requests/api/graphql/mutations/dast_scanner_profiles/delete_spec.rb. Expected to take 3.4 seconds.7784Delete a DAST Scanner Profile7785 behaves like an on-demand scan mutation when user cannot run an on-demand scan7786 when a user does not have access to the project7787 behaves like a mutation that returns a top-level access error7788 is expected to contain exactly "The resource that you are attempting to access does not exist or you don't have permission to perform this action"7789 when a user does not have access to run a dast scan on the project7790 behaves like a mutation that returns a top-level access error7791 is expected to contain exactly "The resource that you are attempting to access does not exist or you don't have permission to perform this action"7792 behaves like an on-demand scan mutation when user can run an on-demand scan7793 returns an empty errors array7794 deletes the dast_scanner_profile7795 when on demand scan licensed feature is not available7796 behaves like a mutation that returns a top-level access error7797 is expected to contain exactly "The resource that you are attempting to access does not exist or you don't have permission to perform this action"7798# [RSpecRunTime] RSpec elapsed time: 27 minutes 1.23 seconds. Current RSS: ~1734M. Threads: 6. load average: 1.17 1.16 1.08 1/426 94617799.7800 when the dast_scanner_profile does not exist7801 behaves like a mutation that returns top-level errors7802 is expected to contain exactly "The resource that you are attempting to access does not exist or you don't have permission to perform this action"7803# [RSpecRunTime] Finishing example group ee/spec/requests/api/graphql/mutations/dast_scanner_profiles/delete_spec.rb. It took 3.43 seconds. Expected to take 3.4 seconds.7804# [RSpecRunTime] Starting example group ee/spec/controllers/admin/push_rules_controller_spec.rb. Expected to take 3.34 seconds.7805Admin::PushRulesController7806 #update7807 updates sample push rule7808 links push rule with application settings7809 push rules unlicensed7810 returns 4047811# [RSpecRunTime] RSpec elapsed time: 27 minutes 4.68 seconds. Current RSS: ~1773M. Threads: 6. load average: 1.16 1.16 1.08 4/423 94627812.7813 #show7814 returns 2007815 push rules unlicensed7816 returns 4047817# [RSpecRunTime] Finishing example group ee/spec/controllers/admin/push_rules_controller_spec.rb. It took 3.47 seconds. Expected to take 3.34 seconds.7818# [RSpecRunTime] Starting example group ee/spec/requests/api/graphql/mutations/work_items/delete_spec.rb. Expected to take 3.28 seconds.7819Delete a work item7820 when the user is not allowed to delete a work item7821 behaves like a mutation that returns a top-level access error7822 is expected to contain exactly "The resource that you are attempting to access does not exist or you don't have permission to perform this action"7823# [RSpecRunTime] RSpec elapsed time: 27 minutes 6.91 seconds. Current RSS: ~1764M. Threads: 6. load average: 1.16 1.16 1.08 1/422 94637824.7825 when user has permissions to delete a work item7826 when deleting an epic work item7827 when epic work item does not have a synced epic7828 deletes the epic work item7829# [RSpecRunTime] RSpec elapsed time: 27 minutes 8.28 seconds. Current RSS: ~1757M. Threads: 6. load average: 1.16 1.16 1.08 1/422 94647830.7831 when epic work item has a synced epic7832 does not deletes the epic work item7833# [RSpecRunTime] Finishing example group ee/spec/requests/api/graphql/mutations/work_items/delete_spec.rb. It took 3.68 seconds. Expected to take 3.28 seconds.7834# [RSpecRunTime] Starting example group ee/spec/requests/api/graphql/namespace/product_analytics/stored_events_spec.rb. Expected to take 3.22 seconds.7835getting a limit of stored events a namespace is permitted7836 when product_analytics_billing flag is disabled7837 returns null7838 when product_analytics_billing flag is enabled7839 when current user is a namespace owner7840 when no add-on has been purchased7841 returns zero7842 when an add-on has been purchased7843 returns the correct limit7844 when current user is a namespace maintainer7845 when no add-on has been purchased7846 returns zero7847 when an add-on has been purchased7848 returns the correct limit7849 when current user is a namespace developer7850 returns null7851 when current user is a namespace guest7852 returns null7853 when current user does not belong to namespace7854 returns null7855# [RSpecRunTime] Finishing example group ee/spec/requests/api/graphql/namespace/product_analytics/stored_events_spec.rb. It took 3.49 seconds. Expected to take 3.22 seconds.7856# [RSpecRunTime] Starting example group ee/spec/requests/api/graphql/mutations/security/training_provider_update_spec.rb. Expected to take 3.17 seconds.7857SecurityTrainingUpdate7858 when the user has permission7859 when is_enabled is true7860 behaves like it creates a training on the project7861 is expected to eq false7862# [RSpecRunTime] RSpec elapsed time: 27 minutes 14.09 seconds. Current RSS: ~1743M. Threads: 6. load average: 1.22 1.17 1.08 1/422 94657863.7864 when is_primary is not provided7865 behaves like it creates a training on the project7866 is expected to eq false7867 when is_primary is null7868 behaves like it creates a training on the project7869 is expected to eq false7870 when is_primary is true7871 behaves like it creates a training on the project7872 is expected to eq true7873 when is_enabled is false7874 removes the training from the project7875 when the user does not have permission7876 behaves like a mutation that returns a top-level access error7877 is expected to contain exactly "The resource that you are attempting to access does not exist or you don't have permission to perform this action"7878# [RSpecRunTime] Finishing example group ee/spec/requests/api/graphql/mutations/security/training_provider_update_spec.rb. It took 3.47 seconds. Expected to take 3.17 seconds.7879# [RSpecRunTime] Starting example group ee/spec/requests/groups/hook_logs_controller_spec.rb. Expected to take 3.13 seconds.7880Groups::HookLogsController7881 behaves like WebHooks::HookLogActions7882 GET #show7883 renders a 200 if the hook exists7884 renders a 404 if the hook does not exist7885# [RSpecRunTime] RSpec elapsed time: 27 minutes 17.87 seconds. Current RSS: ~1749M. Threads: 6. load average: 1.20 1.17 1.08 1/422 94667886.7887 POST #retry7888 executes the hook and redirects to the service form7889 renders a 404 if the hook does not exist7890 redirects back with a warning if the hook log url is outdated7891# [RSpecRunTime] RSpec elapsed time: 27 minutes 19.5 seconds. Current RSS: ~1752M. Threads: 6. load average: 1.19 1.16 1.08 1/422 94677892.7893# [RSpecRunTime] Finishing example group ee/spec/requests/groups/hook_logs_controller_spec.rb. It took 3.64 seconds. Expected to take 3.13 seconds.7894# [RSpecRunTime] Starting example group ee/spec/requests/groups/audit_events_spec.rb. Expected to take 3.07 seconds.7895view audit events7896 GET /groups/:group/-/audit_events7897 returns 200 response7898 avoids N+1 DB queries7899# [RSpecRunTime] RSpec elapsed time: 27 minutes 22.79 seconds. Current RSS: ~1745M. Threads: 6. load average: 1.19 1.16 1.08 1/422 94687900.7901# [RSpecRunTime] Finishing example group ee/spec/requests/groups/audit_events_spec.rb. It took 3.27 seconds. Expected to take 3.07 seconds.7902# [RSpecRunTime] Starting example group ee/spec/controllers/projects/issue_links_controller_spec.rb. Expected to take 3.04 seconds.7903Projects::IssueLinksController7904 GET #index7905 returns success response7906# [RSpecRunTime] RSpec elapsed time: 27 minutes 24.28 seconds. Current RSS: ~1735M. Threads: 6. load average: 1.17 1.16 1.08 1/422 94697907.7908 POST #create7909 returns success response7910 when blocked issues is disabled7911 returns failure response7912# [RSpecRunTime] RSpec elapsed time: 27 minutes 26.06 seconds. Current RSS: ~1727M. Threads: 6. load average: 1.17 1.16 1.08 1/422 94707913.7914# [RSpecRunTime] Finishing example group ee/spec/controllers/projects/issue_links_controller_spec.rb. It took 3.29 seconds. Expected to take 3.04 seconds.7915# [RSpecRunTime] Starting example group ee/spec/requests/api/graphql/mutations/ci/catalog/verified_namespace/create_spec.rb. Expected to take 2.93 seconds.7916VerifiedNamespaceCreate7917 #resolve7918 when on gitlab.com7919 when unauthorized7920 behaves like a mutation that returns a top-level access error7921 is expected to contain exactly "The resource that you are attempting to access does not exist or you don't have permission to perform this action"7922# [RSpecRunTime] RSpec elapsed time: 27 minutes 27.29 seconds. Current RSS: ~1720M. Threads: 6. load average: 1.17 1.16 1.08 1/422 94717923.7924 when authorized7925 with valid arguments7926 when there is no verified namespace record for a given namespace7927 creates a verified namespace record7928 when there is a verified namespace record for a given namespace7929 updates a verified namespace record7930 with invalid arguments7931 with invalid verification level7932 returns an error7933 with invalid namespace path7934 returns an error7935 with invalid verification level and namespace path7936 returns multiple errors7937 when on self-managed7938 returns an error7939# [RSpecRunTime] Finishing example group ee/spec/requests/api/graphql/mutations/ci/catalog/verified_namespace/create_spec.rb. It took 3.47 seconds. Expected to take 2.93 seconds.7940# [RSpecRunTime] Starting example group ee/spec/requests/api/graphql/mutations/boards/epic_boards/update_spec.rb. Expected to take 2.86 seconds.7941Mutations::Boards::EpicBoards::Update7942 when the user does not have permission7943 behaves like a mutation that returns a top-level access error7944 is expected to contain exactly "The resource that you are attempting to access does not exist or you don't have permission to perform this action"7945 when the user has permission7946 returns the updated board7947 when epic_color_highlight flag is disabled7948 ignores displayColors argument7949# [RSpecRunTime] RSpec elapsed time: 27 minutes 31.68 seconds. Current RSS: ~1735M. Threads: 6. load average: 1.16 1.16 1.08 1/422 94727950.7951 when update fails7952 returns an error7953 when both labels and labelIds are given7954 behaves like a mutation that returns top-level errors7955 is expected to contain exactly "Only one of [labels, labelIds] arguments is allowed at the same time."7956# [RSpecRunTime] Finishing example group ee/spec/requests/api/graphql/mutations/boards/epic_boards/update_spec.rb. It took 3.12 seconds. Expected to take 2.86 seconds.7957# [RSpecRunTime] Starting example group ee/spec/requests/api/graphql/mutations/dast/profiles/delete_spec.rb. Expected to take 2.84 seconds.7958Deleting a DAST Profile7959 behaves like an on-demand scan mutation when user cannot run an on-demand scan7960 when a user does not have access to the project7961 behaves like a mutation that returns a top-level access error7962 is expected to contain exactly "The resource that you are attempting to access does not exist or you don't have permission to perform this action"7963# [RSpecRunTime] RSpec elapsed time: 27 minutes 33.88 seconds. Current RSS: ~1737M. Threads: 6. load average: 1.16 1.16 1.08 1/422 94737964.7965 when a user does not have access to run a dast scan on the project7966 behaves like a mutation that returns a top-level access error7967 is expected to contain exactly "The resource that you are attempting to access does not exist or you don't have permission to perform this action"7968 behaves like an on-demand scan mutation when user can run an on-demand scan7969 returns an empty errors array7970 deletes the dast_profile7971 when on demand scan licensed feature is not available7972 behaves like a mutation that returns a top-level access error7973 is expected to contain exactly "The resource that you are attempting to access does not exist or you don't have permission to perform this action"7974# [RSpecRunTime] RSpec elapsed time: 27 minutes 35.93 seconds. Current RSS: ~1739M. Threads: 6. load average: 1.15 1.15 1.08 1/422 94747975.7976# [RSpecRunTime] Finishing example group ee/spec/requests/api/graphql/mutations/dast/profiles/delete_spec.rb. It took 3.29 seconds. Expected to take 2.84 seconds.7977# [RSpecRunTime] Starting example group ee/spec/requests/api/graphql/mutations/ci/namespace_ci_cd_settings_update_spec.rb. Expected to take 2.8 seconds.7978NamespaceCiCdSettingsUpdate7979 when unauthorized7980 when not a namespace member7981 behaves like unauthorized7982 returns an error7983 when a non-admin namespace member7984 behaves like unauthorized7985 returns an error7986 when authorized7987 updates allow_stale_runner_pruning?7988 does not update allow_stale_runner_pruning? if not specified7989 when bad arguments are provided7990 returns the errors7991# [RSpecRunTime] RSpec elapsed time: 27 minutes 39.27 seconds. Current RSS: ~1734M. Threads: 6. load average: 1.13 1.15 1.08 1/421 94757992.7993# [RSpecRunTime] Finishing example group ee/spec/requests/api/graphql/mutations/ci/namespace_ci_cd_settings_update_spec.rb. It took 3.34 seconds. Expected to take 2.8 seconds.7994# [RSpecRunTime] Starting example group ee/spec/requests/api/graphql/project/incident_management/oncall_participants_spec.rb. Expected to take 2.74 seconds.7995getting Incident Management on-call shifts7996 returns the correct properties of the on-call shifts7997 behaves like a working graphql query7998 returns a successful response7999# [RSpecRunTime] RSpec elapsed time: 27 minutes 40.9 seconds. Current RSS: ~1729M. Threads: 6. load average: 1.13 1.15 1.08 1/421 94768000.8001 performance8002 for additional participant8003 behaves like avoids N+1 queries8004 is expected not to exceed query limit #<ActiveRecord::QueryRecorder:0x000078e171ca4c90 @data={"/app/models/concerns/token_authenticatable_s...@skip_cached=true, @skip_schema_queries=true, @query_recorder_debug=false, @log_file=nil, @count=19>8005 for additional rotation with participants8006 behaves like avoids N+1 queries8007 is expected not to exceed query limit #<ActiveRecord::QueryRecorder:0x000078e170963280 @data={"/app/models/concerns/token_authenticatable_s...@skip_cached=true, @skip_schema_queries=true, @query_recorder_debug=false, @log_file=nil, @count=19>8008# [RSpecRunTime] Finishing example group ee/spec/requests/api/graphql/project/incident_management/oncall_participants_spec.rb. It took 3.27 seconds. Expected to take 2.74 seconds.8009# [RSpecRunTime] Starting example group ee/spec/requests/ee/sessions_spec.rb. Expected to take 2.66 seconds.8010Sessions8011 .set_marketing_user_cookies8012 when the gitlab_com_subscriptions saas feature is available8013 when user signs in8014 sets marketing cookies8015 with multiple plans8016 sets marketing tier cookie with plan names8017# [RSpecRunTime] RSpec elapsed time: 27 minutes 44.34 seconds. Current RSS: ~1724M. Threads: 6. load average: 1.04 1.13 1.08 1/421 94778018.8019 when user uses remember_me8020 sets the marketing cookies8021 when the add_gitlab_tier_cookie feature flag is disabled8022 does not set the tier cookie8023 when the gitlab_com_subscriptions saas feature is not available8024 does not set the marketing cookies8025# [RSpecRunTime] Finishing example group ee/spec/requests/ee/sessions_spec.rb. It took 2.75 seconds. Expected to take 2.66 seconds.8026# [RSpecRunTime] Starting example group ee/spec/requests/lfs_locks_api_spec.rb. Expected to take 2.6 seconds.8027Git LFS File Locking API8028 Create File Lock endpoint8029 with an exceeded namespace storage limit8030 does not create the lock8031# [RSpecRunTime] RSpec elapsed time: 27 minutes 46.65 seconds. Current RSS: ~1725M. Threads: 6. load average: 1.04 1.13 1.08 1/421 94788032.8033 Listing File Locks endpoint8034 with an exceeded namespace storage limit8035 returns the list of locked files8036 List File Locks for verification endpoint8037 with an exceeded namespace storage limit8038 rejects the request8039 Delete File Lock endpoint8040 with an exceeded namespace storage limit8041 does not delete the lock8042# [RSpecRunTime] Finishing example group ee/spec/requests/lfs_locks_api_spec.rb. It took 3.21 seconds. Expected to take 2.6 seconds.8043# [RSpecRunTime] Starting example group ee/spec/requests/api/graphql/project/pipeline/code_quality_report_summary_spec.rb. Expected to take 2.54 seconds.8044Query.project(fullPath).pipeline(iid).codeQualityReportSummary8045 when pipeline does not have a code quality report8046 returns an empty result8047# [RSpecRunTime] RSpec elapsed time: 27 minutes 50.38 seconds. Current RSS: ~1726M. Threads: 6. load average: 1.04 1.13 1.07 1/421 95078048.8049 when pipeline has a code quality report8050 when user is member of the project8051 returns code quality report summary8052 when user is not a member of the project8053 returns nil8054# [RSpecRunTime] Finishing example group ee/spec/requests/api/graphql/project/pipeline/code_quality_report_summary_spec.rb. It took 2.96 seconds. Expected to take 2.54 seconds.8055# [RSpecRunTime] Starting example group ee/spec/requests/sessions_controller_spec.rb. Expected to take 2.47 seconds.8056SessionsController8057 #create8058 when identity verification is turned off8059 is expected to redirect to "/"8060 does not set the `verification_user_id` session variable8061 when identity verification is turned on8062 is expected to redirect to "/users/identity_verification"8063 sets the `verification_user_id` session variable8064 when the user is verified8065 is expected to redirect to "/"8066 when the user is locked8067 is expected not to respond with numeric status code redirect8068 when the user is a GitLab QA user8069 is expected not to redirect to "/users/identity_verification"8070# [RSpecRunTime] Finishing example group ee/spec/requests/sessions_controller_spec.rb. It took 3.04 seconds. Expected to take 2.47 seconds.8071# [RSpecRunTime] Starting example group ee/spec/requests/api/graphql/group/external_audit_event_destinations_spec.rb. Expected to take 2.42 seconds.8072getting a list of external audit event destinations for a group8073 when authenticated as the group owner8074 returns the groups external audit event destinations8075 when authenticated as a group maintainer8076 behaves like a request that returns no destinations8077 returns no destinations8078 when authenticated as a group developer8079 behaves like a request that returns no destinations8080 returns no destinations8081 when authenticated as a group guest8082 behaves like a request that returns no destinations8083 returns no destinations8084 when not authenticated8085 behaves like a request that returns no destinations8086 returns no destinations8087# [RSpecRunTime] Finishing example group ee/spec/requests/api/graphql/group/external_audit_event_destinations_spec.rb. It took 2.68 seconds. Expected to take 2.42 seconds.8088# [RSpecRunTime] Starting example group ee/spec/requests/api/go_proxy_spec.rb. Expected to take 2.28 seconds.8089API::GoProxy8090 GET /projects/:id/packages/go/*module_name/@v/:module_version.mod8091 behaves like applying ip restriction for group8092 in group without restriction8093 behaves like returning response status8094 returns ok8095# [RSpecRunTime] RSpec elapsed time: 27 minutes 59.04 seconds. Current RSS: ~1720M. Threads: 6. load average: 1.04 1.13 1.07 1/425 96348096.8097 in group with restriction8098 with address within the range8099 behaves like returning response status8100 returns ok8101 with address outside the range8102 behaves like returning response status8103 returns not_found8104# [RSpecRunTime] Finishing example group ee/spec/requests/api/go_proxy_spec.rb. It took 2.46 seconds. Expected to take 2.28 seconds.8105# [RSpecRunTime] Starting example group ee/spec/mailers/license_mailer_spec.rb. Expected to take 2.28 seconds.8106LicenseMailer8107 #approaching_active_user_count_limit8108 when license is present8109 is expected to have subject of "Your subscription is nearing its user limit"8110 is expected to be bcc'd to ["", ""]8111 is expected to have body including "your subscription GitLab Enterprise Edition Starter"8112 is expected to have body including "You have 20 active users"8113 is expected to have body including "the user limit of 21"8114# [RSpecRunTime] RSpec elapsed time: 28 minutes 1.05 seconds. Current RSS: ~1723M. Threads: 6. load average: 1.03 1.12 1.07 1/426 96518115.8116 when license is not present8117 does not send email8118 when send with I18n.default_locale8119 is expected to have subject of "Your subscription is nearing its user limit"8120 is expected to be bcc'd to ["123@abc", "hjk@123"]8121 is expected to have body including "your subscription GitLab Enterprise Edition Starter"8122 is expected to have body including "You have 20 active users"8123 is expected to have body including "the user limit of 21"8124# [RSpecRunTime] RSpec elapsed time: 28 minutes 2.72 seconds. Current RSS: ~1731M. Threads: 6. load average: 1.03 1.12 1.07 1/426 96528125.8126# [RSpecRunTime] Finishing example group ee/spec/mailers/license_mailer_spec.rb. It took 3.08 seconds. Expected to take 2.28 seconds.8127# [RSpecRunTime] Starting example group ee/spec/requests/api/graphql/mutations/requirements_management/export_requirements_spec.rb. Expected to take 2.25 seconds.8128Exporting Requirements8129 when the user does not have permission8130 behaves like requirements export fails8131 does not schedule export job8132 behaves like a mutation that returns a top-level access error8133 is expected to contain exactly "The resource that you are attempting to access does not exist or you don't have permission to perform this action"8134# [RSpecRunTime] RSpec elapsed time: 28 minutes 4.09 seconds. Current RSS: ~1730M. Threads: 6. load average: 1.03 1.12 1.07 1/426 96538135.8136 when the user has permission8137 when requirements are disabled8138 behaves like requirements export fails8139 does not schedule export job8140 behaves like a mutation that returns a top-level access error8141 is expected to contain exactly "The resource that you are attempting to access does not exist or you don't have permission to perform this action"8142 when requirements are enabled8143 schedules job to export requirements8144# [RSpecRunTime] Finishing example group ee/spec/requests/api/graphql/mutations/requirements_management/export_requirements_spec.rb. It took 2.57 seconds. Expected to take 2.25 seconds.8145# [RSpecRunTime] Starting example group ee/spec/requests/custom_roles/delete_project/request_spec.rb. Expected to take 2.16 seconds.8146User with remove_project custom role8147 ProjectsController8148 #edit8149 user has access via a custom role8150# [RSpecRunTime] RSpec elapsed time: 28 minutes 7.43 seconds. Current RSS: ~1731M. Threads: 6. load average: 1.03 1.12 1.07 1/426 96548151.8152 #destroy8153 user has access via a custom role8154# [RSpecRunTime] Finishing example group ee/spec/requests/custom_roles/delete_project/request_spec.rb. It took 2.5 seconds. Expected to take 2.16 seconds.8155# [RSpecRunTime] Starting example group ee/spec/requests/api/graphql/iterations/cadences_spec.rb. Expected to take 2.12 seconds.8156getting iterations8157 query for iteration cadence8158 returns all group cadences8159 by global id8160 fetching cadences from group level8161 behaves like returns cadence by id8162 returns cadence8163# [RSpecRunTime] RSpec elapsed time: 28 minutes 9.39 seconds. Current RSS: ~1727M. Threads: 6. load average: 1.11 1.14 1.08 1/422 96558164.8165 from a different group8166 behaves like returns cadence by id8167 returns cadence8168 fetching cadences from project level8169 behaves like returns cadence by id8170 returns cadence8171# [RSpecRunTime] Finishing example group ee/spec/requests/api/graphql/iterations/cadences_spec.rb. It took 2.31 seconds. Expected to take 2.12 seconds.8172# [RSpecRunTime] Starting example group ee/spec/requests/api/graphql/projects/saved_reply_spec.rb. Expected to take 2.04 seconds.8173Project saved reply8174 when current user is not a member of the project8175 returns project saved reply8176# [RSpecRunTime] RSpec elapsed time: 28 minutes 11.45 seconds. Current RSS: ~1715M. Threads: 6. load average: 1.11 1.14 1.08 1/421 96568177.8178 when license is valid8179 returns project saved reply8180 when license is invalid8181 returns null8182 when project_saved_replies_flag feature flag is disabled8183 returns null8184# [RSpecRunTime] Finishing example group ee/spec/requests/api/graphql/projects/saved_reply_spec.rb. It took 2.41 seconds. Expected to take 2.04 seconds.8185# [RSpecRunTime] Starting example group ee/spec/mailers/emails/in_product_marketing_spec.rb. Expected to take 2.01 seconds.8186Emails::InProductMarketing8187 has correct custom headers8188 #account_validation_email8189 sends to the right user with a link to unsubscribe8190 has the correct subject and content8191# [RSpecRunTime] RSpec elapsed time: 28 minutes 14.38 seconds. Current RSS: ~1723M. Threads: 6. load average: 1.10 1.13 1.08 1/421 96858192.8193# [RSpecRunTime] Finishing example group ee/spec/mailers/emails/in_product_marketing_spec.rb. It took 1.87 seconds. Expected to take 2.01 seconds.8194# [RSpecRunTime] Starting example group ee/spec/requests/projects/mirrors_controller_spec.rb. Expected to take 1.92 seconds.8195Projects::MirrorsController8196 updates the mirror URL8197 complains about passing an empty URL8198# [RSpecRunTime] RSpec elapsed time: 28 minutes 16.39 seconds. Current RSS: ~1732M. Threads: 6. load average: 1.10 1.13 1.08 1/421 97128199.8200# [RSpecRunTime] Finishing example group ee/spec/requests/projects/mirrors_controller_spec.rb. It took 2.0 seconds. Expected to take 1.92 seconds.8201# [RSpecRunTime] Starting example group ee/spec/requests/api/submodules_spec.rb. Expected to take 1.89 seconds.8202API::Submodules8203 PUT /projects/:id/repository/submodule/:submodule8204 with an exceeded namespace storage limit8205 rejects the request8206# [RSpecRunTime] RSpec elapsed time: 28 minutes 18.5 seconds. Current RSS: ~1739M. Threads: 6. load average: 1.10 1.13 1.08 1/421 97438207.8208# [RSpecRunTime] Finishing example group ee/spec/requests/api/submodules_spec.rb. It took 2.11 seconds. Expected to take 1.89 seconds.8209# [RSpecRunTime] Starting example group ee/spec/requests/api/graphql/geo/geo_node_spec.rb. Expected to take 1.84 seconds.8210Getting the current Geo node8211 returns the current GeoNode8212 behaves like a working graphql query8213 returns a successful response8214 connection fields8215 when selectiveSyncNamespaces is queried8216 returns selective sync namespaces8217 supports cursor-based pagination8218# [RSpecRunTime] Finishing example group ee/spec/requests/api/graphql/geo/geo_node_spec.rb. It took 1.97 seconds. Expected to take 1.84 seconds.8219# [RSpecRunTime] Starting example group ee/spec/requests/api/graphql/audit_events/instance/audit_event_streaming_destination_spec.rb. Expected to take 1.77 seconds.8220List audit event streaming destinations for the instance8221 when user is authenticated8222 when feature is licensed8223 when user is instance admin8224 returns the instance audit event streaming destinations8225 when user is not instance admin8226 behaves like a request that returns no destinations8227 returns no destinations8228 when feature is not licensed8229 when user is instance admin8230 behaves like a request that returns no destinations8231 returns no destinations8232 when user is not instance admin8233 behaves like a request that returns no destinations8234 returns no destinations8235 when user is not authenticated8236 when feature is licensed8237 behaves like a request that returns no destinations8238 returns no destinations8239 when feature is not licensed8240 behaves like a request that returns no destinations8241 returns no destinations8242# [RSpecRunTime] Finishing example group ee/spec/requests/api/graphql/audit_events/instance/audit_event_streaming_destination_spec.rb. It took 2.12 seconds. Expected to take 1.77 seconds.8243# [RSpecRunTime] Starting example group ee/spec/controllers/concerns/gitlab_subscriptions/trials/duo_pro_status_widget_builder_spec.rb. Expected to take 1.74 seconds.8244GitlabSubscriptions::Trials::DuoProStatusWidgetBuilder8245 #popover_data_attributes8246 is expected to eq {:days_remaining=>60, :purchase_now_url=>"/groups/group216/-/usage_quotas#code-suggestions-usage-tab", :trial_end_date=>Sun, 04 Aug 2024}8247 #widget_data_attributes8248 is expected to eq {:container_id=>"duo-pro-trial-status-sidebar-widget", :percentage_complete=>1.67, :trial_days_used=>1, :trial_duration=>60, :widget_url=>"/groups/group216/-/usage_quotas#code-suggestions-usage-tab"}8249 #show?8250 with a duo pro trial add on8251 is expected to equal true8252 with duo_pro_trials disabled8253 is expected to equal false8254 with subscription_trials not available8255 is expected to equal false8256 when user can not administer the namespace8257 is expected to equal false8258 when namespace is not present8259 is expected to equal false8260 without a duo pro trial add on8261 is expected to equal false8262# [RSpecRunTime] Finishing example group ee/spec/controllers/concerns/gitlab_subscriptions/trials/duo_pro_status_widget_builder_spec.rb. It took 2.36 seconds. Expected to take 1.74 seconds.8263# [RSpecRunTime] Starting example group ee/spec/controllers/security/vulnerabilities_controller_spec.rb. Expected to take 1.7 seconds.8264Security::VulnerabilitiesController8265 GET #index8266 behaves like Security::ApplicationController8267 when the user is authenticated8268 responds with success8269 and the instance does not have an Ultimate license8270 404s8271 when the user is not authenticated8272 redirects the user to the sign in page8273 when security dashboard feature8274 is enabled8275 is expected to render template instance_security8276 behaves like tracks govern usage event8277 tracks unique event8278 is disabled8279 is expected to respond with numeric status code not_found8280 is expected to render template errors/not_found8281 behaves like doesn't track govern usage event8282 doesn't tracks event8283# [RSpecRunTime] Finishing example group ee/spec/controllers/security/vulnerabilities_controller_spec.rb. It took 1.97 seconds. Expected to take 1.7 seconds.8284# [RSpecRunTime] Starting example group ee/spec/requests/api/graphql/mutations/audit_events/instance/audit_event_streaming_destinations/delete_spec.rb. Expected to take 1.68 seconds.8285Delete instance level external audit event streaming destination8286 when feature is unlicensed8287 behaves like a mutation on an unauthorized resource8288 behaves like a mutation that returns top-level errors8289 is expected to contain exactly "The resource that you are attempting to access does not exist or you don't have permission to perform this action"8290 when feature is licensed8291 when current user is admin8292 destroys the configuration8293 audits the deletion8294 when there is an error during destroy8295 does not destroy the configuration and returns the error8296 when current user is not admin8297 behaves like a mutation on an unauthorized resource8298 behaves like a mutation that returns top-level errors8299 is expected to contain exactly "The resource that you are attempting to access does not exist or you don't have permission to perform this action"8300# [RSpecRunTime] Finishing example group ee/spec/requests/api/graphql/mutations/audit_events/instance/audit_event_streaming_destinations/delete_spec.rb. It took 1.96 seconds. Expected to take 1.68 seconds.8301# [RSpecRunTime] Starting example group ee/spec/mailers/emails/compliance_frameworks_spec.rb. Expected to take 1.62 seconds.8302Emails::ComplianceFrameworks8303 #compliance_frameworks_csv_email8304 renders an email with attachment8305# [RSpecRunTime] RSpec elapsed time: 28 minutes 30.48 seconds. Current RSS: ~1749M. Threads: 6. load average: 1.08 1.13 1.08 1/421 97708306.8307# [RSpecRunTime] Finishing example group ee/spec/mailers/emails/compliance_frameworks_spec.rb. It took 1.61 seconds. Expected to take 1.62 seconds.8308# [RSpecRunTime] Starting example group ee/spec/requests/api/graphql/project/branch_rules/branch_protection_spec.rb. Expected to take 1.52 seconds.8309getting branch protection for a branch rule8310 when the user does have read_protected_branch abilities8311 includes code_owner_approval_required8312 behaves like a working graphql query8313 returns a successful response8314# [RSpecRunTime] RSpec elapsed time: 28 minutes 32.31 seconds. Current RSS: ~1743M. Threads: 6. load average: 1.08 1.13 1.08 1/421 97718315.8316# [RSpecRunTime] Finishing example group ee/spec/requests/api/graphql/project/branch_rules/branch_protection_spec.rb. It took 1.81 seconds. Expected to take 1.52 seconds.8317# [RSpecRunTime] Starting example group ee/spec/mailers/emails/compliance_project_frameworks_spec.rb. Expected to take 1.49 seconds.8318Emails::ComplianceProjectFrameworks8319 #compliance_project_frameworks_csv_email8320 renders an email with attachment8321# [RSpecRunTime] RSpec elapsed time: 28 minutes 34.0 seconds. Current RSS: ~1742M. Threads: 6. load average: 1.08 1.13 1.08 1/421 97988322.8323# [RSpecRunTime] Finishing example group ee/spec/mailers/emails/compliance_project_frameworks_spec.rb. It took 1.7 seconds. Expected to take 1.49 seconds.8324# [RSpecRunTime] Starting example group ee/spec/requests/api/graphql/groups/saved_reply_spec.rb. Expected to take 1.48 seconds.8325Group saved reply8326 when current user is not a member of the group8327 returns group saved reply8328 when group_saved_replies_flag feature flag is disabled8329 returns null8330 when license is valid8331 returns group saved reply8332 when license is invalid8333 returns null8334# [RSpecRunTime] Finishing example group ee/spec/requests/api/graphql/groups/saved_reply_spec.rb. It took 1.98 seconds. Expected to take 1.48 seconds.8335# [RSpecRunTime] Starting example group ee/spec/mailers/emails/compliance_standards_spec.rb. Expected to take 1.41 seconds.8336Emails::ComplianceStandards8337 #compliance_standards_adherence_csv_email8338 renders an email with attachment8339# [RSpecRunTime] RSpec elapsed time: 28 minutes 37.73 seconds. Current RSS: ~1733M. Threads: 6. load average: 1.07 1.12 1.08 1/421 98258340.8341# [RSpecRunTime] Finishing example group ee/spec/mailers/emails/compliance_standards_spec.rb. It took 1.75 seconds. Expected to take 1.41 seconds.8342# [RSpecRunTime] Starting example group ee/spec/requests/api/graphql/mutations/users/abuse/namespace_bans/destroy_spec.rb. Expected to take 1.35 seconds.8343Removing a namespace ban8344 removes the ban8345 when resource is not accessible to the user8346 returns an error message8347# [RSpecRunTime] RSpec elapsed time: 28 minutes 39.14 seconds. Current RSS: ~1731M. Threads: 6. load average: 1.07 1.12 1.08 1/421 98268348.8349# [RSpecRunTime] Finishing example group ee/spec/requests/api/graphql/mutations/users/abuse/namespace_bans/destroy_spec.rb. It took 1.41 seconds. Expected to take 1.35 seconds.8350# [RSpecRunTime] Starting example group ee/spec/controllers/concerns/onboarding_spec.rb. Expected to take 1.27 seconds.8351Onboarding8352 .user_onboarding_in_progress?8353 user?: true, user_onboarding?: true, com?: true8354 is expected to equal true8355 user?: true, user_onboarding?: true, com?: false8356 is expected to equal false8357 user?: true, user_onboarding?: false, com?: true8358 is expected to equal false8359 user?: true, user_onboarding?: false, com?: false8360 is expected to equal false8361 user?: false, user_onboarding?: true, com?: true8362 is expected to equal false8363 user?: false, user_onboarding?: true, com?: false8364 is expected to equal false8365 user?: false, user_onboarding?: false, com?: true8366 is expected to equal false8367 user?: false, user_onboarding?: false, com?: false8368 is expected to equal false8369# [RSpecRunTime] Finishing example group ee/spec/controllers/concerns/onboarding_spec.rb. It took 1.74 seconds. Expected to take 1.27 seconds.8370# [RSpecRunTime] Starting example group ee/spec/requests/api/graphql/groups/saved_replies/update_spec.rb. Expected to take 1.19 seconds.8371Update group saved reply8372 with group_saved_replies_flag disabled8373 returns null8374 when license is valid8375 updates the saved reply8376 when license is invalid8377 returns null8378# [RSpecRunTime] Finishing example group ee/spec/requests/api/graphql/groups/saved_replies/update_spec.rb. It took 1.42 seconds. Expected to take 1.19 seconds.8379# [RSpecRunTime] Starting example group ee/spec/controllers/admin/groups_controller_spec.rb. Expected to take 1.1 seconds.8380Admin::GroupsController8381 POST #reset_runner_minutes8382 when the reset is successful8383 redirects to group path8384 PUT #update8385 converts the user entered MiB value into bytes8386# [RSpecRunTime] Finishing example group ee/spec/controllers/admin/groups_controller_spec.rb. It took 1.18 seconds. Expected to take 1.1 seconds.8387# [RSpecRunTime] Starting example group ee/spec/requests/api/graphql/mutations/incident_management/escalation_policy/destroy_spec.rb. Expected to take 1.04 seconds.8388Removing an escalation policy8389 removes the escalation policy8390# [RSpecRunTime] Finishing example group ee/spec/requests/api/graphql/mutations/incident_management/escalation_policy/destroy_spec.rb. It took 1.23 seconds. Expected to take 1.04 seconds.8391# [RSpecRunTime] RSpec elapsed time: 28 minutes 44.91 seconds. Current RSS: ~1725M. Threads: 6. load average: 0.99 1.10 1.07 1/421 98278392.8393# [RSpecRunTime] Starting example group ee/spec/requests/api/graphql/mutations/boards/update_spec.rb. Expected to take 0.98 second.8394Mutations::Boards::Update8395 when both labels and labelIds are given8396 behaves like a mutation that returns top-level errors8397 is expected to contain exactly "Only one of [labels, labelIds] arguments is allowed at the same time."8398# [RSpecRunTime] RSpec elapsed time: 28 minutes 45.99 seconds. Current RSS: ~1723M. Threads: 6. load average: 0.99 1.10 1.07 1/421 98288399.8400# [RSpecRunTime] Finishing example group ee/spec/requests/api/graphql/mutations/boards/update_spec.rb. It took 1.21 seconds. Expected to take 0.98 second.8401# [RSpecRunTime] Starting example group ee/spec/controllers/groups/security/merge_commit_reports_controller_spec.rb. Expected to take 0.92 second.8402Groups::Security::MergeCommitReportsController8403 GET index8404 when feature is enabled8405 when user has access to dashboard8406 tells the service to enqueue a job8407 when user does not have access to dashboard8408 behaves like returns not found8409 is expected to respond with numeric status code not_found8410 when feature is not enabled8411 behaves like returns not found8412 is expected to respond with numeric status code not_found8413# [RSpecRunTime] Finishing example group ee/spec/controllers/groups/security/merge_commit_reports_controller_spec.rb. It took 1.2 seconds. Expected to take 0.92 second.8414# [RSpecRunTime] Starting example group ee/spec/requests/api/api_spec.rb. Expected to take 0.72 second.8415API::API8416 logging8417 when the method is not allowed8418 logs the route and context metadata for the client8419# [RSpecRunTime] Finishing example group ee/spec/requests/api/api_spec.rb. It took 0.79 second. Expected to take 0.72 second.8420# [RSpecRunTime] Starting example group ee/spec/requests/api/usage_data_spec.rb. Expected to take 0.67 second.8421API::UsageData8422 POST /usage_data/track_event8423 with usage ping enabled8424 with AI related metric8425 triggers AI tracking8426 with transition approach8427 does not trigger AI tracking8428# [RSpecRunTime] Finishing example group ee/spec/requests/api/usage_data_spec.rb. It took 0.83 second. Expected to take 0.67 second.8429# [RSpecRunTime] Starting example group ee/spec/mailers/emails/abandoned_trial_notification_spec.rb. Expected to take 0.5 second.8430Emails::AbandonedTrialNotification8431 #abandoned_trial_notification8432 when user exists8433 sends mail with expected contents8434 when user does not exist8435 does not send mail8436# [RSpecRunTime] Finishing example group ee/spec/mailers/emails/abandoned_trial_notification_spec.rb. It took 0.69 second. Expected to take 0.5 second.8437# [RSpecRunTime] Starting example group ee/spec/controllers/admin/applications_controller_spec.rb. Expected to take 0.48 second.8438Admin::ApplicationsController8439 POST #create8440 creates the application8441# [RSpecRunTime] Finishing example group ee/spec/controllers/admin/applications_controller_spec.rb. It took 0.55 second. Expected to take 0.48 second.8442auto_explain log contains 1552 entries for main, writing to /builds/gitlab-org/gitlab/auto_explain/rspec-ee-integration-pg14-2-7.348.main.ndjson.gz8443took 38.654665358444auto_explain log contains 1553 entries for ci, writing to /builds/gitlab-org/gitlab/auto_explain/ 36.3731463338446[TEST PROF INFO] EventProf results for sql.active_record8447Total time: 06:40.152 of 28:44.159 (23.21%)8448Total events: 2611658449Top 5 slowest suites (by time):8450API::Dependen...ackages::Maven (./ee/spec/requests/api/dependency_proxy/packages/maven_spec.rb:5) – 01:18.334 (55231 / 1055) of 06:23.242 (20.44%)8451API::VulnerabilityFindings (./ee/spec/requests/api/vulnerability_findings_spec.rb:5) – 00:30.281 (19724 / 23) of 01:36.826 (31.27%)8452API::Notes (./ee/spec/requests/api/notes_spec.rb:5) – 00:22.391 (13698 / 36) of 01:15.481 (29.67%)8453API::MergeTrains (./ee/spec/requests/api/merge_trains_spec.rb:4) – 00:17.125 (11170 / 28) of 01:35.943 (17.85%)8454Query.project...).dependencies (./ee/spec/requests/api/graphql/project/sbom/dependencies_spec.rb:5) – 00:14.697 (9726 / 14) of 00:47.259 (31.1%)8455Knapsack report was generated. Preview:8456{8457 "ee/spec/requests/api/dependency_proxy/packages/maven_spec.rb": 383.2419197439999,8458 "ee/spec/requests/api/vulnerability_findings_spec.rb": 96.82647069300003,8459 "ee/spec/requests/api/merge_trains_spec.rb": 95.94321866100017,8460 "ee/spec/requests/api/notes_spec.rb": 75.4807022880002,8461 "ee/spec/requests/api/geo_nodes_spec.rb": 46.54792305299998,8462 "ee/spec/requests/api/graphql/issues_spec.rb": 46.11984333200007,8463 "ee/spec/requests/api/graphql/project/sbom/dependencies_spec.rb": 47.259470843000145,8464 "ee/spec/controllers/groups/push_rules_controller_spec.rb": 43.00875154000005,8465 "ee/spec/requests/api/graphql/project/issues_spec.rb": 38.62155519200019,8466 "ee/spec/controllers/groups/clusters_controller_spec.rb": 41.39903682099998,8467 "ee/spec/requests/api/vulnerability_issue_links_spec.rb": 32.07404397899995,8468 "ee/spec/requests/api/users_spec.rb": 37.622202806999894,8469 "ee/spec/controllers/projects/merge_requests/creations_controller_spec.rb": 30.215217030000076,8470 "ee/spec/requests/groups/dependencies_controller_spec.rb": 27.32587614099998,8471 "ee/spec/requests/admin/credentials_controller_spec.rb": 24.864482466000254,8472 "ee/spec/controllers/repositories/git_http_controller_spec.rb": 25.07785710799999,8473 "ee/spec/controllers/projects/settings/merge_requests_controller_spec.rb": 21.369362983999963,8474 "ee/spec/requests/projects/merge_requests_controller_spec.rb": 20.411666594999815,8475 "ee/spec/controllers/groups/dependency_proxy_for_containers_controller_spec.rb": 16.93553768899983,8476 "ee/spec/requests/api/managed_licenses_spec.rb": 18.920564237999997,8477 "ee/spec/requests/api/graphql/mutations/audit_events/external_audit_event_destinations/create_spec.rb": 15.465239652000037,8478 "ee/spec/requests/projects/issues_controller_spec.rb": 17.407316418000164,8479 "ee/spec/requests/api/graphql/iteration_spec.rb": 14.142804428999852,8480 "ee/spec/controllers/groups/epic_boards_controller_spec.rb": 12.759397117000162,8481 "ee/spec/controllers/projects/pipelines_controller_spec.rb": 13.292317436000076,8482 "ee/spec/requests/api/graphql/mutations/security/finding/revert_to_detected_spec.rb": 11.367469616000108,8483 "ee/spec/requests/api/project_import_spec.rb": 12.930606566999813,8484 "ee/spec/requests/api/award_emoji_spec.rb": 12.714558114000056,8485 "ee/spec/controllers/groups/issues_controller_spec.rb": 12.409076958000014,8486 "ee/spec/requests/api/graphql/pipeline_security_report_finding_spec.rb": 12.838152774000037,8487 "ee/spec/requests/api/graphql/mutations/analytics/cycle_analytics/value_streams/create_spec.rb": 10.485623918000101,8488 "ee/spec/requests/custom_roles/manage_project_access_tokens/request_spec.rb": 10.918559444000039,8489 "ee/spec/requests/api/graphql/explain_vulnerability_prompt_spec.rb": 10.59144020000008,8490 "ee/spec/requests/api/epic_boards_spec.rb": 10.161621534000005,8491 "ee/spec/requests/api/graphql/mutations/audit_events/group/audit_event_streaming_destinations/create_spec.rb": 9.617798966999999,8492 "ee/spec/controllers/concerns/ee/routable_actions/sso_enforcement_redirect_spec.rb": 10.004937630000086,8493 "ee/spec/requests/api/dependency_list_exports_spec.rb": 8.604119351000008,8494 "ee/spec/requests/custom_roles/admin_web_hook/request_spec.rb": 8.522996736000096,8495 "ee/spec/requests/api/graphql/mutations/audit_events/google_cloud_logging_configurations/destroy_spec.rb": 8.902327250000099,8496 "ee/spec/controllers/ee/omniauth_callbacks_controller_spec.rb": 8.46961393499987,8497 "ee/spec/controllers/projects/project_members_controller_spec.rb": 7.85780816800002,8498 "ee/spec/requests/custom_roles/manage_group_access_tokens/request_spec.rb": 9.332661479999842,8499 "ee/spec/requests/api/graphql/mutations/forecasting/build_forecast_spec.rb": 6.26033960399991,8500 "ee/spec/requests/api/graphql/project/pipeline/security_report_findings_spec.rb": 7.5845061879999776,8501 "ee/spec/requests/api/graphql/mutations/audit_events/amazon_s3_configurations/update_spec.rb": 7.903356701000121,8502 "ee/spec/requests/groups/settings/roles_and_permissions_controller_spec.rb": 8.092265914000109,8503 "ee/spec/controllers/groups/analytics/cycle_analytics_controller_spec.rb": 6.412996472000032,8504 "ee/spec/requests/api/internal/app_sec/dast/site_validations_spec.rb": 7.218502422999791,8505 "ee/spec/controllers/projects/integrations/zentao/issues_controller_spec.rb": 6.179970518000118,8506 "ee/spec/requests/api/graphql/mutations/epics/create_spec.rb": 7.260398365999663,8507 "ee/spec/requests/api/graphql/project/incident_management/oncall_schedules_spec.rb": 7.578028209999957,8508 "ee/spec/requests/api/graphql/group/labels_query_spec.rb": 6.2425439169996935,8509 "ee/spec/requests/api/graphql/mutations/security_policy/create_security_policy_project_spec.rb": 6.013179399999899,8510 "ee/spec/requests/ee/application_controller_spec.rb": 6.782847296999989,8511 "ee/spec/controllers/projects/quality/test_cases_controller_spec.rb": 5.983754106000106,8512 "ee/spec/requests/admin/application_settings_controller_spec.rb": 5.7968143929997495,8513 "ee/spec/requests/groups/issues_controller_spec.rb": 6.135828973000116,8514 "ee/spec/requests/projects/security/dast_scanner_profiles_controller_spec.rb": 6.043912655999975,8515 "ee/spec/controllers/ee/projects/autocomplete_sources_controller_spec.rb": 5.30357379599991,8516 "ee/spec/requests/api/graphql/mutations/dast_site_profiles/delete_spec.rb": 4.7289034610003,8517 "ee/spec/requests/api/graphql/project/dast_site_validations_spec.rb": 5.057300731999931,8518 "ee/spec/controllers/projects/environments_controller_spec.rb": 5.139866370000163,8519 "ee/spec/requests/api/graphql/ci/jobs_spec.rb": 4.555406337000022,8520 "ee/spec/requests/api/graphql/mutations/audit_events/instance_external_audit_event_destinations/update_spec.rb": 5.158631188000072,8521 "ee/spec/controllers/groups/seat_usage_controller_spec.rb": 4.337210149000384,8522 "ee/spec/requests/api/graphql/ci/minutes/usage_spec.rb": 4.719094142000358,8523 "ee/spec/controllers/security/projects_controller_spec.rb": 4.589142541000001,8524 "ee/spec/requests/api/graphql/member_role/group_member_role_spec.rb": 4.34594308800024,8525 "ee/spec/requests/api/repositories_spec.rb": 4.528918949999934,8526 "ee/spec/requests/api/graphql/mutations/branch_rules/external_status_checks/destroy_spec.rb": 4.854324893000012,8527 "ee/spec/requests/api/graphql/project/security_orchestration/scan_result_policy_spec.rb": 4.670185419000063,8528 "ee/spec/requests/api/graphql/analytics/contribution_analytics/contributions_spec.rb": 4.129039050000301,8529 "ee/spec/requests/api/graphql/project/security_orchestration/scan_execution_policy_spec.rb": 4.675390229000186,8530 "ee/spec/requests/projects/issue_feature_flags_controller_spec.rb": 4.404829549000169,8531 "ee/spec/requests/projects/pipelines/email_campaigns_controller_spec.rb": 4.060575539999718,8532 "ee/spec/mailers/emails/merge_commits_spec.rb": 3.892716474000281,8533 "ee/spec/requests/groups/discovers_controller_spec.rb": 3.708451893000074,8534 "ee/spec/requests/api/graphql/mutations/dast_scanner_profiles/delete_spec.rb": 3.427828333999969,8535 "ee/spec/controllers/admin/push_rules_controller_spec.rb": 3.470875096999862,8536 "ee/spec/requests/api/graphql/mutations/work_items/delete_spec.rb": 3.6769090369998594,8537 "ee/spec/requests/api/graphql/namespace/product_analytics/stored_events_spec.rb": 3.48868226400009,8538 "ee/spec/requests/api/graphql/mutations/security/training_provider_update_spec.rb": 3.472835339000085,8539 "ee/spec/requests/groups/hook_logs_controller_spec.rb": 3.6379630770002223,8540 "ee/spec/requests/groups/audit_events_spec.rb": 3.2651138390001506,8541 "ee/spec/controllers/projects/issue_links_controller_spec.rb": 3.28883939599973,8542 "ee/spec/requests/api/graphql/mutations/ci/catalog/verified_namespace/create_spec.rb": 3.4656462090001696,8543 "ee/spec/requests/api/graphql/mutations/boards/epic_boards/update_spec.rb": 3.121560213000066,8544 "ee/spec/requests/api/graphql/mutations/dast/profiles/delete_spec.rb": 3.2893263479995767,8545 "ee/spec/requests/api/graphql/mutations/ci/namespace_ci_cd_settings_update_spec.rb": 3.342915246999837,8546 "ee/spec/requests/api/graphql/project/incident_management/oncall_participants_spec.rb": 3.268102707000253,8547 "ee/spec/requests/ee/sessions_spec.rb": 2.7462266070001533,8548 "ee/spec/requests/lfs_locks_api_spec.rb": 3.2101182359997438,8549 "ee/spec/requests/api/graphql/project/pipeline/code_quality_report_summary_spec.rb": 2.955683375999797,8550 "ee/spec/requests/sessions_controller_spec.rb": 3.0412973819998115,8551 "ee/spec/requests/api/graphql/group/external_audit_event_destinations_spec.rb": 2.6787894479998613,8552 "ee/spec/requests/api/go_proxy_spec.rb": 2.4602776010001435,8553 "ee/spec/mailers/license_mailer_spec.rb": 3.07528051700001,8554 "ee/spec/requests/api/graphql/mutations/requirements_management/export_requirements_spec.rb": 2.5688473350001004,8555 "ee/spec/requests/custom_roles/delete_project/request_spec.rb": 2.49948610499996,8556 "ee/spec/requests/api/graphql/iterations/cadences_spec.rb": 2.3068934950001676,8557 "ee/spec/requests/api/graphql/projects/saved_reply_spec.rb": 2.407864040000277,8558 "ee/spec/mailers/emails/in_product_marketing_spec.rb": 1.870620241999859,8559 "ee/spec/requests/projects/mirrors_controller_spec.rb": 1.997292292000111,8560 "ee/spec/requests/api/submodules_spec.rb": 2.1129632749998564,8561 "ee/spec/requests/api/graphql/geo/geo_node_spec.rb": 1.9730705269998907,8562 "ee/spec/requests/api/graphql/audit_events/instance/audit_event_streaming_destination_spec.rb": 2.1179887840003175,8563 "ee/spec/controllers/concerns/gitlab_subscriptions/trials/duo_pro_status_widget_builder_spec.rb": 2.359729917000095,8564 "ee/spec/controllers/security/vulnerabilities_controller_spec.rb": 1.9672849069997937,8565 "ee/spec/requests/api/graphql/mutations/audit_events/instance/audit_event_streaming_destinations/delete_spec.rb": 1.9577269789997445,8566 "ee/spec/mailers/emails/compliance_frameworks_spec.rb": 1.6139239519998227,8567 "ee/spec/requests/api/graphql/project/branch_rules/branch_protection_spec.rb": 1.8089511409998522,8568 "ee/spec/mailers/emails/compliance_project_frameworks_spec.rb": 1.7044748780003829,8569 "ee/spec/requests/api/graphql/groups/saved_reply_spec.rb": 1.9778924550000738,8570 "ee/spec/mailers/emails/compliance_standards_spec.rb": 1.7485918709999169,8571 "ee/spec/requests/api/graphql/mutations/users/abuse/namespace_bans/destroy_spec.rb": 1.410637123000015,8572 "ee/spec/controllers/concerns/onboarding_spec.rb": 1.7398538319998806,8573 "ee/spec/requests/api/graphql/groups/saved_replies/update_spec.rb": 1.4198728819997086,8574 "ee/spec/controllers/admin/groups_controller_spec.rb": 1.1811389879999297,8575 "ee/spec/requests/api/graphql/mutations/incident_management/escalation_policy/destroy_spec.rb": 1.2302402209998036,8576 "ee/spec/requests/api/graphql/mutations/boards/update_spec.rb": 1.204630884999915,8577 "ee/spec/controllers/groups/security/merge_commit_reports_controller_spec.rb": 1.199981575000038,8578 "ee/spec/requests/api/api_spec.rb": 0.7874725289998423,8579 "ee/spec/requests/api/usage_data_spec.rb": 0.8265093019999767,8580 "ee/spec/mailers/emails/abandoned_trial_notification_spec.rb": 0.6846746849996634,8581 "ee/spec/controllers/admin/applications_controller_spec.rb": 0.55183571499992478582}8583Knapsack global time execution for tests: 28m 44s8584Pending: (Failures listed here are expected and do not affect your suite's status)8585 1) Projects::MergeRequestsController GET #index avoids N+18586 # Temporarily skipped with xit8587 # ./ee/spec/requests/projects/merge_requests_controller_spec.rb:568588Finished in 30 minutes 6 seconds (files took 2 minutes 11.9 seconds to load)85892488 examples, 0 failures, 1 pending8590Randomized with seed 156118591[TEST PROF INFO] Time spent in factories: 10:23.215 (33.51% of total time)8592RSpec exited with 0.8593No examples to retry, congrats!8595Running after script...8596$ source scripts/utils.sh8597$ bundle exec gem list gitlab_quality-test_tooling8598gitlab_quality-test_tooling (1.28.0)8599$ section_start "failed-test-issues" "Report test failures" # collapsed multi-line command8603$ section_start "flaky-test-issues" "Report test flakiness" # collapsed multi-line command8606$ section_start "slow-test-issues" "Report test slowness" # collapsed multi-line command8610$ section_start "slow-test-merge-request-report-note" "Report test slowness in MR note" # collapsed multi-line command8613$ section_start "knapsack-report-issues" "Report test files close to timing out" # collapsed multi-line command8617$ tooling/bin/push_job_metrics || true8618[job-metrics] Pushing job metrics file for the CI/CD job.8619[job-metrics] Pushed 4 CI job metric entries to InfluxDB.8621Not uploading cache ruby-gems-debian-bookworm-ruby-3.1.5-17 due to policy8623Uploading artifacts...8624auto_explain/: found 3 matching artifact files and directories 8625coverage/: found 5 matching artifact files and directories 8626WARNING: crystalball/: no matching files. Ensure that the artifact path is relative to the working directory (/builds/gitlab-org/gitlab) 8627deprecations/: found 6 matching artifact files and directories 8628knapsack/: found 4 matching artifact files and directories 8629rspec/: found 12 matching artifact files and directories 8630WARNING: tmp/capybara/: no matching files. Ensure that the artifact path is relative to the working directory (/builds/gitlab-org/gitlab) 8631log/*.log: found 20 matching artifact files and directories 8632WARNING: Upload request redirected location= new-url=https://gitlab.com8633WARNING: Retrying... context=artifacts-uploader error=request redirected8634Uploading artifacts as "archive" to coordinator... 201 Created id=7027479859 responseStatus=201 Created token=glcbt-658635Uploading artifacts...8636rspec/rspec-*.xml: found 1 matching artifact files and directories 8637WARNING: Upload request redirected location= new-url=https://gitlab.com8638WARNING: Retrying... context=artifacts-uploader error=request redirected8639Uploading artifacts as "junit" to coordinator... 201 Created id=7027479859 responseStatus=201 Created token=glcbt-658641Job succeeded