[0KRunning with gitlab-runner 16.11.0~pre.21.gaa21be2d (aa21be2d)[0;m [0K on blue-5.shared-gitlab-org.runners-manager.gitlab.com/default ynF9_MVqW, system ID: s_f09ddfa72a07[0;m [0K feature flags: FF_NETWORK_PER_BUILD:true, FF_USE_IMPROVED_URL_MASKING:true[0;m section_start:1712781948:resolve_secrets [0K[0K[36;1mResolving secrets[0;m[0;m section_end:1712781948:resolve_secrets [0Ksection_start:1712781948:prepare_executor [0K[0K[36;1mPreparing the "docker-autoscaler" executor[0;m[0;m [0KDialing instance https://www.googleapis.com/compute/v1/projects/gitlab-r-saas-l-m-amd64-org-5/zones/us-east1-c/instances/blue-default-72f8753f960e8891...[0;m [0KInstance https://www.googleapis.com/compute/v1/projects/gitlab-r-saas-l-m-amd64-org-5/zones/us-east1-c/instances/blue-default-72f8753f960e8891 connected[0;m [0KUsing Docker executor with image registry.gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitlab-build-images/debian-bookworm-ruby-3.1.patched-golang-1.20-rust-1.73-node-18.17-postgresql-14:rubygems-3.4-git-2.36-lfs-2.9-chrome-120-yarn-1.22-graphicsmagick-1.3.36 ...[0;m [0KStarting service registry.gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitlab-build-images:postgres-14-pgvector-0.4.1 ...[0;m [0KAuthenticating with credentials from job payload (GitLab Registry)[0;m [0KPulling docker image registry.gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitlab-build-images:postgres-14-pgvector-0.4.1 ...[0;m [0KUsing docker image sha256:82f132c22567f8ce17cc132c14b2f9aa3eaf9bb5424d91c2d966912433f0257d for registry.gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitlab-build-images:postgres-14-pgvector-0.4.1 with digest registry.gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitlab-build-images@sha256:c55e1364ee4327b244a9cfa1750f19feea14fc774eaf792b725967d146eb45f5 ...[0;m [0;33mWARNING: Service registry.gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitlab-build-images:redis-cluster-6.2.12 is already created. Ignoring.[0;m [0;33mWARNING: Service registry.gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitlab-build-images:redis-cluster-6.2.12 is already created. Ignoring.[0;m [0KStarting service registry.gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitlab-build-images:redis-cluster-6.2.12 ...[0;m [0KAuthenticating with credentials from job payload (GitLab Registry)[0;m [0KPulling docker image registry.gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitlab-build-images:redis-cluster-6.2.12 ...[0;m [0KUsing docker image sha256:5c5ba5b83d6c60cb0b225bd670b7a43be8c238cc72347d24af57e5027c3648f3 for registry.gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitlab-build-images:redis-cluster-6.2.12 with digest registry.gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitlab-build-images@sha256:46aceab84c42d0e819c8e7940f2f98ce9e184785cd7b22d95872024a35f52407 ...[0;m [0KStarting service redis:6.2-alpine ...[0;m [0KPulling docker image redis:6.2-alpine ...[0;m [0KUsing docker image sha256:57763d55554967cf0a9b05258512282482807d361c68b10fd9599ac9732bfb04 for redis:6.2-alpine with digest redis@sha256:3fcb624d83a9c478357f16dc173c58ded325ccc5fd2a4375f3916c04cc579f70 ...[0;m [0KWaiting for services to be up and running (timeout 30 seconds)...[0;m [0KAuthenticating with credentials from job payload (GitLab Registry)[0;m [0KPulling docker image registry.gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitlab-build-images/debian-bookworm-ruby-3.1.patched-golang-1.20-rust-1.73-node-18.17-postgresql-14:rubygems-3.4-git-2.36-lfs-2.9-chrome-120-yarn-1.22-graphicsmagick-1.3.36 ...[0;m [0KUsing docker image sha256:68c28b617bffe2a886c7cc55876bd2ffe9dc0450f41e86898c5245c6247e92ee for registry.gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitlab-build-images/debian-bookworm-ruby-3.1.patched-golang-1.20-rust-1.73-node-18.17-postgresql-14:rubygems-3.4-git-2.36-lfs-2.9-chrome-120-yarn-1.22-graphicsmagick-1.3.36 with digest registry.gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitlab-build-images/debian-bookworm-ruby-3.1.patched-golang-1.20-rust-1.73-node-18.17-postgresql-14@sha256:80a1e9bcb7ece8797ca1d1e1cad6ca2664ece80bda1d4d2575b247f5c91af96d ...[0;m section_end:1712781955:prepare_executor [0Ksection_start:1712781955:prepare_script [0K[0K[36;1mPreparing environment[0;m[0;m Running on runner-ynf9mvqw-project-278964-concurrent-63 via runners-manager-shared-gitlab-org-blue-5... section_end:1712781955:prepare_script [0Ksection_start:1712781955:get_sources [0K[0K[36;1mGetting source from Git repository[0;m[0;m [32;1mSkipping Git repository setup[0;m [32;1mSkipping Git checkout[0;m [32;1mSkipping Git submodules setup[0;m section_end:1712781956:get_sources [0Ksection_start:1712781956:restore_cache [0K[0K[36;1mRestoring cache[0;m[0;m [32;1mChecking cache for ruby-gems-debian-bookworm-ruby-3.1-17...[0;m Downloading cache from https://storage.googleapis.com/gitlab-com-runners-cache/project/278964/ruby-gems-debian-bookworm-ruby-3.1-17[0;m [32;1mSuccessfully extracted cache[0;m section_end:1712781975:restore_cache [0Ksection_start:1712781975:download_artifacts [0K[0K[36;1mDownloading artifacts[0;m[0;m [32;1mDownloading artifacts for clone-gitlab-repo (6597627647)...[0;m Downloading artifacts from coordinator... ok [0;m host[0;m=storage.googleapis.com id[0;m=6597627647 responseStatus[0;m=200 OK token[0;m=glcbt-65 [0;33mWARNING: Part of .git directory is on the list of files to extract[0;m [0;33mWARNING: This may introduce unexpected problems [0;m [32;1mDownloading artifacts for compile-test-assets (6597627686)...[0;m Downloading artifacts from coordinator... ok [0;m host[0;m=storage.googleapis.com id[0;m=6597627686 responseStatus[0;m=200 OK token[0;m=glcbt-65 [32;1mDownloading artifacts for detect-tests (6597627712)...[0;m Downloading artifacts from coordinator... ok [0;m host[0;m=storage.googleapis.com id[0;m=6597627712 responseStatus[0;m=200 OK token[0;m=glcbt-65 [32;1mDownloading artifacts for retrieve-tests-metadata (6597627735)...[0;m Downloading artifacts from coordinator... ok [0;m host[0;m=storage.googleapis.com id[0;m=6597627735 responseStatus[0;m=200 OK token[0;m=glcbt-65 [32;1mDownloading artifacts for setup-test-env (6597627691)...[0;m Downloading artifacts from coordinator... ok [0;m host[0;m=storage.googleapis.com id[0;m=6597627691 responseStatus[0;m=200 OK token[0;m=glcbt-65 section_end:1712782014:download_artifacts [0Ksection_start:1712782014:step_script [0K[0K[36;1mExecuting "step_script" stage of the job script[0;m[0;m [0KUsing docker image sha256:68c28b617bffe2a886c7cc55876bd2ffe9dc0450f41e86898c5245c6247e92ee for registry.gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitlab-build-images/debian-bookworm-ruby-3.1.patched-golang-1.20-rust-1.73-node-18.17-postgresql-14:rubygems-3.4-git-2.36-lfs-2.9-chrome-120-yarn-1.22-graphicsmagick-1.3.36 with digest registry.gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitlab-build-images/debian-bookworm-ruby-3.1.patched-golang-1.20-rust-1.73-node-18.17-postgresql-14@sha256:80a1e9bcb7ece8797ca1d1e1cad6ca2664ece80bda1d4d2575b247f5c91af96d ...[0;m [32;1m$ echo $FOSS_ONLY[0;m [32;1m$ [ "$FOSS_ONLY" = "1" ] && rm -rf ee/ qa/spec/ee/ qa/qa/specs/features/ee/ qa/qa/ee/ qa/qa/ee.rb[0;m [32;1m$ export GOPATH=$CI_PROJECT_DIR/.go[0;m [32;1m$ mkdir -p $GOPATH[0;m [32;1m$ source scripts/utils.sh[0;m [32;1m$ source scripts/prepare_build.sh[0;m section_start:1712782015:bundle-install[collapsed=true] [0KInstalling gems 3.4.4 Bundler version 2.4.4 Successfully installed bundler-2.4.11 1 gem installed production:development Settings are listed in order of priority. The top value will be used. clean Set for your local app (/builds/gitlab-org/gitlab/.bundle/config): true frozen Set via BUNDLE_FROZEN: true install_flags Set via BUNDLE_INSTALL_FLAGS: "--jobs=$(nproc) --retry=3" path Set for your local app (/builds/gitlab-org/gitlab/.bundle/config): "/builds/gitlab-org/gitlab/vendor" without Set via BUNDLE_WITHOUT: [:production, :development] [0;32m$ bundle install --jobs=$(nproc) --retry=3 [0mDon't run Bundler as root. Installing your bundle as root will break this application for all non-root users on this machine. Patching bundler with bundler-checksum... Using rake 13.0.6 Using rexml 3.2.6 Using CFPropertyList 3.0.5 Using RedCloth 4.3.3 Using faraday-em_http 1.0.0 Using faraday-em_synchrony 1.0.0 Using faraday-excon 1.1.0 Using faraday-httpclient 1.0.1 Using multipart-post 2.2.3 Using faraday-multipart 1.0.4 Using faraday-net_http 1.0.1 Using faraday-net_http_persistent 1.2.0 Using faraday-patron 1.0.0 Using faraday-rack 1.0.0 Using faraday-retry 1.0.3 Using ruby2_keywords 0.0.5 Using faraday 1.10.0 Using acme-client 2.0.11 Using concurrent-ruby 1.2.2 Using i18n 1.14.1 Using minitest 5.11.3 Using tzinfo 2.0.6 Using activesupport Using builder 3.2.4 Using erubi 1.12.0 Using racc 1.6.2 Using nokogiri 1.16.0 (x86_64-linux) Using rails-dom-testing 2.0.3 Using crass 1.0.6 Using loofah 2.22.0 Using rails-html-sanitizer 1.6.0 Using actionview Using rack Using rack-test 2.1.0 Using actionpack Using nio4r 2.7.0 Using websocket-extensions 0.1.5 Using websocket-driver 0.7.6 Using actioncable Using globalid 1.1.0 Using activejob Using activemodel Using activerecord Using marcel 1.0.2 Using mini_mime 1.1.2 Using activestorage Using date 3.3.3 Using timeout 0.3.2 Using net-protocol 0.1.3 Using net-imap 0.3.4 Using net-pop 0.1.2 Using net-smtp 0.3.3 Using mail 2.8.1 Using actionmailbox Using actionmailer Using actiontext Using pg 1.5.6 Using activerecord-explain-analyze 0.1.0 Using activerecord-gitlab 0.2.0 from source at `gems/activerecord-gitlab` Using acts-as-taggable-on 10.0.0 Using public_suffix 5.0.0 Using addressable 2.8.1 Using aes_key_wrap 1.1.0 Using akismet 3.0.0 Using http-accept 1.7.0 Using unf_ext Using unf 0.1.4 Using domain_name 0.5.20190701 Using http-cookie 1.0.5 Using mime-types-data 3.2023.1003 Using mime-types 3.5.1 Using netrc 0.11.0 Using rest-client 2.1.0 Using aliyun-sdk 0.8.0 Using sexp_processor 4.17.1 Using ruby_parser 3.21.0 Using protocol 2.0.0 Using mize 0.4.1 Using sync 0.5.0 Using tins 1.31.1 Using amatch 0.4.1 Using android_key_attestation 0.3.0 Using graphql 2.2.5 Using apollo_upload_server 2.1.5 Using jwt 2.5.0 Using app_store_connect 0.29.0 Using arr-pm 0.0.12 Using asciidoctor 2.0.18 Using asciidoctor-include-ext 0.4.0 Using asciidoctor-kroki 0.8.0 Using asciidoctor-plantuml 0.0.16 Using ast 2.4.2 Using atlassian-jwt 0.2.1 Using encryptor 3.0.0 Using attr_encrypted 3.2.4 from source at `vendor/gems/attr_encrypted` Using attr_required 1.0.1 Using awesome_print 1.9.2 Using awrence 1.2.1 Using aws-eventstream 1.3.0 Using aws-partitions 1.877.0 Using aws-sigv4 1.8.0 Using jmespath 1.6.2 Using aws-sdk-core 3.191.3 Using aws-sdk-cloudformation 1.41.0 Using aws-sdk-kms 1.76.0 Using aws-sdk-s3 1.144.0 Using dumb_delegator 1.0.0 Using thread_safe 0.3.6 Using descendants_tracker 0.0.4 Using ice_nine 0.11.2 Using axiom-types 0.1.1 Using coercible 1.0.0 Using virtus 2.0.0 Using axe-core-api 4.8.0 Using axe-core-rspec 4.8.2 Using faraday_middleware 1.2.0 Using connection_pool 2.4.1 Using net-http-persistent 4.0.1 Using azure-storage-common 2.0.4 Using azure-storage-blob 2.0.3 Using babosa 2.0.0 Using base32 0.3.2 Using base64 0.2.0 Using batch-loader 2.0.1 Using bcrypt 3.1.18 Using benchmark-ips 2.11.0 Using benchmark-malloc 0.2.0 Using memory_profiler 1.0.1 Using benchmark-memory 0.2.0 Using benchmark-perf 0.6.0 Using benchmark-trend 0.4.0 Using bindata 2.4.11 Using debug_inspector 1.1.0 Using binding_of_caller 1.0.0 Using msgpack 1.5.4 Using bootsnap 1.18.3 Using browser 5.3.1 Using uniform_notifier 1.16.0 Using bullet 7.1.2 Using bundler 2.4.11 Using thor 1.3.1 Using bundler-audit 0.9.1 Using bundler-checksum 0.1.0 from source at `vendor/gems/bundler-checksum` and installing its executables Using byebug 11.1.3 Using matrix 0.4.2 Using regexp_parser 2.6.0 Using xpath 3.2.0 Using capybara 3.40.0 Using launchy 2.5.0 Using capybara-screenshot 1.0.26 Using ssrf_filter 1.0.8 Using carrierwave 1.3.4 Using cbor Using character_set 1.8.0 Using chef-utils 18.3.0 Using fuzzyurl 0.9.0 Using tomlrb 1.3.0 Using mixlib-config 3.0.27 Using mixlib-shellout 3.2.7 Using chef-config 18.3.0 Using chunky_png 1.4.0 Using circuitbox 2.0.0 Using citrus 3.0.2 Using claide 1.1.0 Using colored2 3.1.2 Using cork 0.3.0 Using nap 1.1.0 Using open4 1.3.4 Using claide-plugins 0.9.2 Using json 2.6.3 Using click_house-client 0.1.0 from source at `gems/click_house-client` Using google-protobuf 3.25.3 (x86_64-linux) Using googleapis-common-protos-types 1.5.0 Using grpc 1.60.0 (x86_64-linux) Using googleapis-common-protos 1.4.0 Using multi_json 1.14.1 Using os 1.1.4 Using signet 0.18.0 Using googleauth 1.8.1 Using gapic-common 0.20.0 Using google-cloud-errors 1.3.0 Using google-cloud-profiler-v2 0.4.0 Using stackprof 0.2.25 Using cloud_profiler_agent 0.0.1.pre from source at `vendor/gems/cloud_profiler_agent` Using coderay 1.1.3 Using commonmarker 0.23.10 Using openssl 3.1.0 Using openssl-signature_algorithm 1.3.0 Using cose 1.3.0 Using i18n_data 0.13.1 Using sixarm_ruby_unaccent 1.2.0 Using countries 4.0.1 Using safe_yaml 1.0.4 Using crack 0.4.3 Using creole 0.5.0 Using rchardet 1.8.0 Using git 1.18.0 Using crystalball 0.7.0 Using css_parser 1.14.0 Using method_source 1.0.0 Using zeitwerk 2.6.7 Using railties Using cssbundling-rails 1.4.0 Using csv_builder 0.1.0 from source at `gems/csv_builder` Using cvss-suite 3.0.1 Using faraday-http-cache 2.5.0 Using kramdown 2.3.2 Using kramdown-parser-gfm 1.1.0 Using no_proxy_fix 0.1.2 Using sawyer 0.9.2 Using octokit 8.0.0 Using unicode-display_width 2.4.2 Using terminal-table 3.0.2 Using danger 9.4.2 Using multi_xml 0.6.0 Using httparty 0.21.0 Using gitlab 4.19.0 Using danger-gitlab 8.0.0 Using dartsass 1.49.8 Using database_cleaner-core 2.0.1 Using database_cleaner-active_record 2.1.0 Using dead_end 3.1.1 Using deb_version 1.0.2 Using html-pipeline 2.14.3 Using deckar01-task_list 2.3.4 Using declarative 0.0.20 Using declarative_policy 1.1.0 Using deprecation_toolkit 1.5.1 Using ffi 1.15.5 Using get_process_mem 0.2.7 Using heapy 0.2.0 Using mini_histogram 0.3.1 Using ruby-statistics 3.0.0 Using derailed_benchmarks 2.1.2 Using devfile 0.0.25.pre.alpha1 (x86_64-linux) Using device_detector 1.0.0 Using orm_adapter 0.5.0 Using responders 3.0.1 Using warden 1.2.9 Using devise 4.9.3 Using rotp 6.3.0 Using devise-two-factor 4.1.1 Using devise-pbkdf2-encryptable 0.0.0 from source at `vendor/gems/devise-pbkdf2-encryptable` Using diff-lcs 1.5.0 Using diff_match_patch 0.1.0 from source at `vendor/gems/diff_match_patch` Using diffy 3.4.2 Using digest-crc 0.6.5 Using discordrb-webhooks 3.5.0 Using docile 1.4.0 Using doorkeeper 5.6.6 Using doorkeeper-openid_connect 1.8.7 Using dotenv 2.7.6 Using dry-cli 1.0.0 Using dry-core 1.0.1 Using dry-inflector 1.0.0 Using dry-logic 1.5.0 Using dry-types 1.7.1 Using duo_api 1.3.0 Using ecma-re-validator 0.3.0 Using ed25519 1.3.0 Using elasticsearch-api 7.13.3 Using elasticsearch-transport 7.13.3 Using elasticsearch 7.13.3 Using hashie 5.0.0 Using elasticsearch-model 7.2.0 Using elasticsearch-rails 7.2.1 Using email_reply_trimmer 0.1.6 Using htmlentities 4.3.4 Using email_spec 2.2.0 Using ethon 0.16.0 Using typhoeus 1.4.0 Using error_tracking_open_api 1.0.0 from source at `gems/error_tracking_open_api` Using escape_utils 1.3.0 Using et-orbi 1.2.7 Using excon 0.99.0 Using execjs 2.8.1 Using parslet 1.8.2 Using expgen 0.1.1 Using expression_parser 0.9.0 Using extended-markdown-filter 0.7.0 Using factory_bot 6.4.5 Using factory_bot_rails 6.4.3 Using faraday_middleware-aws-sigv4 0.3.0 Using fast_blank 1.0.1 Using fast_gettext 2.3.0 Using ffaker 2.23.0 Using ffi-compiler 1.0.1 Using libyajl2 2.1.0 Using ffi-yajl 2.6.0 Using find_a_port 1.0.1 Using flipper 0.26.2 Using flipper-active_record 0.26.2 Using flipper-active_support_cache_store 0.26.2 Using formatador 0.2.5 Using fog-core 2.1.0 Using fog-json 1.2.0 Using ipaddress 0.8.3 Using xml-simple 1.1.9 Using fog-aliyun 0.4.0 Using fog-xml 0.1.3 Using fog-aws 3.18.0 Using httpclient 2.8.3 Using trailblazer-option 0.1.2 Using uber 0.1.0 Using representable 3.2.0 Using retriable 3.1.2 Using webrick 1.8.1 Using google-apis-core 0.11.2 Using google-apis-compute_v1 0.57.0 Using google-apis-dns_v1 0.28.0 Using google-apis-iamcredentials_v1 0.15.0 Using google-apis-monitoring_v3 0.37.0 Using google-apis-pubsub_v1 0.30.0 Using google-apis-sqladmin_v1beta4 0.41.0 Using google-apis-storage_v1 0.29.0 Using google-cloud-env 1.6.0 Using fog-google 1.19.0 Using fog-local 0.8.0 Using forwardable 1.3.3 Using raabro 1.4.0 Using fugit 1.8.1 Using rspec-support 3.12.0 Using rspec-core 3.12.2 Using ruby-progressbar 1.11.0 Using fuubar 2.2.0 Using gemoji 3.0.1 Using locale 2.1.3 Using singleton 0.1.1 Using prime 0.1.2 Using text 1.3.1 Using gettext 3.4.9 Using gettext_i18n_rails 1.12.0 Using gitaly 16.10.1 Using gitlab-backup-cli 0.0.1 from source at `gems/gitlab-backup-cli` Using numerizer 0.2.0 Using gitlab-chronic 0.10.5 Using gitlab-dangerfiles 4.7.0 Using request_store 1.5.1 Using gitlab-experiment 0.9.1 Using gitlab-fog-azure-rm 1.9.1 Using rb_sys 0.9.86 Using gitlab-glfm-markdown 0.0.14 (x86_64-linux) Using language_server-protocol Using parallel 1.22.1 Using parser Using rainbow 3.1.1 Using rubocop-ast 1.29.0 Using rubocop 1.57.2 Using gitlab-housekeeper 0.1.0 from source at `gems/gitlab-housekeeper` and installing its executables Using gitlab-http 0.1.0 from source at `gems/gitlab-http` Using opentracing 0.5.0 Using thrift 0.16.0 Using jaeger-client 1.1.0 Using pg_query 5.1.0 Using redis-client 0.21.1 Using redis 5.0.8 Using gitlab-labkit 0.35.1 Using gitlab-license 2.4.0 Using version_gem 1.1.0 Using snaky_hash 2.0.0 Using oauth2 2.0.9 Using redis-namespace 1.10.0 Using gitlab-mail_room 0.0.24 Using gitlab-markup 1.9.0 Using gitlab-net-dns 0.9.2 Using rspec-expectations 3.12.3 Using rspec-mocks 3.12.6 Using rspec 3.12.0 Using gitlab-rspec 0.1.0 from source at `gems/gitlab-rspec` Using gitlab-rspec_flaky 0.1.0 from source at `gems/gitlab-rspec_flaky` Using gitlab-safe_request_store 0.1.0 from source at `gems/gitlab-safe_request_store` Using gitlab-schema-validation 0.1.0 from source at `gems/gitlab-schema-validation` Using snowplow-tracker 0.8.0 Using gitlab-sdk 0.3.0 Using re2 2.7.0 (x86_64-linux) Using toml-rb 2.2.0 Using gitlab-secret_detection 0.1.0 from source at `gems/gitlab-secret_detection` Using sidekiq 7.1.6 from source at `vendor/gems/sidekiq-7.1.6` and installing its executables Using gitlab-sidekiq-fetcher 0.11.0 from source at `vendor/gems/sidekiq-reliable-fetch` Using rubocop-graphql 0.19.0 Using rubocop-performance 1.19.1 Using rubocop-rails 2.22.1 Using rubocop-capybara 2.19.0 Using rubocop-factory_bot 2.24.0 Using rubocop-rspec 2.25.0 Using gitlab-styles 11.0.0 Using gitlab-utils 0.1.0 from source at `gems/gitlab-utils` Using gitlab_chronic_duration 0.12.0 Using net-ldap 0.17.1 Using rack-protection 2.2.2 Using omniauth 2.1.0 Using pyu-ruby-sasl Using rubyntlm 0.6.3 Using gitlab_omniauth-ldap 2.2.0 Using http-form_data 2.3.0 Using llhttp-ffi 0.4.0 Using http 5.1.1 Using unparser 0.6.7 Using proc_to_ast 0.1.0 Using rspec-parameterized-core 1.0.0 Using rspec-parameterized-table_syntax 1.0.0 Using rspec-parameterized 1.0.0 Using table_print 1.5.7 Using gitlab_quality-test_tooling 1.21.1 Using gon 6.4.0 Using google-apis-androidpublisher_v3 0.34.0 Using google-apis-cloudbilling_v1 0.21.0 Using google-apis-cloudresourcemanager_v1 0.31.0 Using google-apis-container_v1 0.43.0 Using google-apis-container_v1beta1 0.43.0 Using google-apis-iam_v1 0.36.0 Using google-apis-serviceusage_v1 0.28.0 Using google-cloud-location 0.6.0 Using grpc-google-iam-v1 1.5.0 Using google-cloud-artifact_registry-v1 0.11.0 Using google-cloud-common 1.1.0 Using google-cloud-compute-v1 2.6.0 Using google-cloud-core 1.6.0 Using google-cloud-storage 1.45.0 Using mini_portile2 2.8.5 Using gpgme 2.0.23 Using mustermann 3.0.0 Using mustermann-grape 1.0.2 Using rack-accept 0.4.5 Using grape 2.0.0 Using grape-entity 0.10.2 Using grape-path-helpers 2.0.1 Using grape-swagger 2.0.2 Using grape-swagger-entity 0.5.1 Using grape_logging 1.8.4 Using sprockets 3.7.2 Using sprockets-rails 3.4.2 Using graphiql-rails 1.8.0 Using graphql-client 0.19.0 Using graphlient 0.6.0 Using graphlyte 1.0.0 Using graphql-docs 4.0.0 Using gssapi 1.3.1 Using rb-fsevent 0.11.2 Using rb-inotify 0.10.1 Using listen 3.7.1 Using lumberjack 1.2.7 Using nenv 0.3.0 Using shellany 0.0.1 Using notiffany 0.1.3 Using pry 0.14.2 Using guard 2.16.2 Using guard-compat 1.2.1 Using guard-rspec 4.7.3 Using temple 0.8.2 Using tilt 2.0.11 Using haml 5.2.2 Using sysexits 1.2.0 Using haml_lint 0.53.0 Using hamlit 2.15.0 Using hana 1.3.7 Using hashdiff 1.1.0 Using health_check 3.1.0 Using html2text 0.2.0 Using ice_cube 0.16.4 Using icalendar 2.8.0 Using imagen 0.1.8 Using influxdb-client 2.9.0 Using rails Using invisible_captcha 2.1.0 Using ipaddr 1.2.5 Using oj 3.13.23 Using ipynbdiff 0.4.7 from source at `gems/ipynbdiff` Using oauth 0.5.6 Using jira-ruby 2.3.0 Using regexp_property_values 1.0.0 Using js_regex 3.8.0 Using json-jwt 1.15.3 Using uri_template 0.7.0 Using json_schemer 0.2.18 Using jsonb_accessor 1.3.10 Using jsonpath 1.1.2 Using kaminari-core 1.2.2 Using kaminari-actionview 1.2.2 Using kaminari-activerecord 1.2.2 Using kaminari 1.2.2 Using kas-grpc 0.4.0 Using knapsack 1.22.0 Using recursive-open-struct 1.1.3 Using kubeclient 4.11.0 Using rubyzip 2.3.2 Using with_env 1.1.0 Using license_finder 7.0.1 Using reverse_markdown 1.4.0 Using rugged 1.6.3 Using licensee 9.16.1 Using lockbox 1.3.0 Using lograge 0.11.2 Using lru_redux 1.1.0 Using mail-smtp_pool 0.1.0 from source at `vendor/gems/mail-smtp_pool` Using marginalia 1.11.1 Using microsoft_graph_mailer 0.1.0 from source at `vendor/gems/microsoft_graph_mailer` Using mini_magick 4.12.0 Using mixlib-cli 2.1.8 Using mixlib-log 3.0.9 Using murmurhash3 0.1.7 Using neighbor 0.2.3 Using uri 0.13.0 Using net-http 0.1.1 Using net-ntp 2.1.3 Using net-ssh 7.2.0 Using net-scp 4.0.0 Using plist 3.7.0 Using train-core 3.10.8 Using wmi-lite 1.0.7 Using ohai 18.1.3 Using oj-introspect 0.7.2 Using omniauth-oauth2 1.8.0 Using omniauth-alicloud 3.0.0 Using omniauth-atlassian-oauth2 0.2.0 Using omniauth-auth0 3.1.0 Using omniauth-azure-activedirectory-v2 2.0.0 Using omniauth-azure-oauth2 0.0.10 from source at `vendor/gems/omniauth-azure-oauth2` Using omniauth-dingtalk-oauth2 1.0.1 Using omniauth-facebook 4.0.0 Using omniauth-github 2.0.1 Using omniauth-gitlab 4.0.0 from source at `vendor/gems/omniauth-gitlab` Using omniauth-google-oauth2 1.1.1 Using omniauth-oauth 1.2.0 Using omniauth-oauth2-generic 0.2.8 Using omniauth-salesforce 1.0.5 from source at `vendor/gems/omniauth-salesforce` Using ruby-saml 1.15.0 Using omniauth-saml 2.1.0 Using omniauth-shibboleth-redux 2.0.0 Using omniauth-twitter 1.4.0 Using omniauth_crowd 2.4.0 from source at `vendor/gems/omniauth_crowd` Using rack-oauth2 1.21.3 Using swd 1.3.0 Using validate_email 0.1.6 Using validate_url 1.0.15 Using webfinger 1.2.0 Using openid_connect 1.3.0 Using omniauth_openid_connect 0.6.1 Using optimist 3.0.1 Using rubypants 0.2.0 Using org-ruby 0.9.12 Using pact-support 1.20.0 Using pact-mock_service 3.11.2 Using term-ansicolor 1.7.1 Using pact 1.64.0 Using tty-color 0.6.0 Using pastel 0.8.0 Using peek 1.1.0 Using png_quantizator 0.2.1 Using premailer 1.16.0 Using premailer-rails 1.10.3 Using prometheus-client-mmap 1.1.1 (x86_64-linux) Using pry-byebug 3.10.1 Using pry-rails 0.3.9 Using rouge 4.2.0 Using strings-ansi 0.2.0 Using unicode_utils 1.4.0 Using strings 0.2.1 Using tty-screen 0.8.1 Using tty-markdown 0.7.2 Using tty-cursor 0.7.1 Using wisper 2.0.1 Using tty-reader 0.9.0 Using tty-prompt 0.23.1 Using pry-shell 0.6.4 Using puma 6.4.0 Using rack-attack 6.7.0 Using rack-cors 2.0.1 Using rack-proxy 0.7.7 Using rack-session 1.0.2 Using rack-timeout 0.6.3 Using rails-controller-testing 1.0.5 Using rails-i18n 7.0.3 Using rbtrace 0.5.1 Using recaptcha 5.12.3 Using redis-store 1.10.0 Using redis-rack 3.0.0 Using redis-actionpack 5.4.0 Using redis-cluster-client 0.7.5 Using redis-clustering 5.0.8 Using rinku 2.0.0 Using rqrcode_core 1.2.0 Using rqrcode 2.2.0 Using rspec-benchmark 0.6.0 Using rspec-rails 6.1.1 Using rspec-retry 0.6.2 Using rspec_junit_formatter 0.6.0 Using rspec_profiling 0.0.9 Using ruby-fogbugz 0.3.0 Using ruby-magic 0.6.0 Using ruby-openai 3.7.0 Using safety_net_attestation 0.4.0 Using sanitize 6.0.2 Using sd_notify 0.1.1 Using seed-fu 2.3.7 Using websocket 1.2.10 Using selenium-webdriver 4.18.1 Using tty-command 0.10.1 Using semver_dialects 2.0.0 Using sentry-ruby 5.10.0 Using sentry-rails 5.10.0 Using sentry-raven 3.1.2 Using sentry-sidekiq 5.10.0 Using shoulda-matchers 5.1.0 Using sidekiq-cron 1.12.0 Using sigdump 0.2.4 Using simple_po_parser 1.1.6 Using simplecov-html 0.12.3 Using simplecov_json_formatter 0.1.4 Using simplecov 0.22.0 Using simplecov-cobertura 2.1.0 Using simplecov-lcov 0.8.0 Using slack-messenger 2.3.4 Using spamcheck 1.3.0 Using spring 4.1.0 Using spring-commands-rspec 1.0.4 Using ssh_data 1.3.0 Using state_machines 0.5.0 Using state_machines-activemodel 0.8.0 Using state_machines-activerecord 0.8.0 Using static_holmes 0.7.7 Using sys-filesystem 1.4.3 Using tanuki_emoji 0.9.0 Using telesign 2.2.4 Using telesignenterprise 2.2.2 Using terser 1.0.2 Using test-prof 1.3.2 Using test_file_finder 0.3.1 Using timfel-krb5-auth 0.8.3 Using tpm-key_attestation 0.12.0 Using truncato 0.7.12 Using undercover 0.4.6 Using unleash 3.2.2 Using valid_email 0.1.3 Using validates_hostname 1.0.13 Using version_sorter 2.3.0 Using view_component 3.11.0 Using vite_ruby 3.5.0 Using vite_rails 3.0.17 Using vmstat 2.3.0 Using warning 1.3.0 Using webauthn 3.0.0 Using webmock 3.23.0 Using wikicloth 0.8.1 Using yajl-ruby 1.4.3 Bundle complete! 332 Gemfile dependencies, 645 gems now installed. Gems in the groups 'production' and 'development' were not installed. Bundled gems are installed into `./vendor` 2 installed gems you directly depend on are looking for funding. Run `bundle fund` for details [0;32m==> 'bundle install --jobs=$(nproc) --retry=3 ' succeeded in 1 seconds. [0m[0;32m$ bundle pristine pg [0mPatching bundler with bundler-checksum... Installing pg 1.5.6 with native extensions [0;32m==> 'bundle pristine pg' succeeded in 13 seconds. [0msection_end:1712782032:bundle-install [0K Using decomposed database config (config/database.yml.decomposed-postgresql) [0;33mGeo DB won't be set up. [0m[0;33mEmbedding DB won't be set up. [0msection_start:1712782032:setup-db[collapsed=true] [0KSetting up DBs CREATE ROLE GRANT [0;32m$ bundle exec rake db:drop db:create db:schema:load db:migrate gitlab:db:lock_writes [0mDropped database 'gitlabhq_test' Dropped database 'gitlabhq_test_ci' Created database 'gitlabhq_test' Created database 'gitlabhq_test_ci' [0;32m==> 'bundle exec rake db:drop db:create db:schema:load db:migrate gitlab:db:lock_writes' succeeded in 60 seconds. [0mSELECT pg_catalog.set_config('search_path', '', false); CREATE DATABASE praefect_test ENCODING 'UTF8'; section_end:1712782093:setup-db [0K [32;1m$ source ./scripts/rspec_helpers.sh[0;m [32;1m$ run_timed_command "gem install knapsack --no-document"[0;m [0;32m$ gem install knapsack --no-document [0mSuccessfully installed knapsack-4.0.0 1 gem installed [0;32m==> 'gem install knapsack --no-document' succeeded in 0 seconds. [0m[32;1m$ section_start "gitaly-test-spawn" "Spawning Gitaly"; scripts/gitaly-test-spawn; section_end "gitaly-test-spawn"[0;m section_start:1712782093:gitaly-test-spawn[collapsed=true] [0KSpawning Gitaly Trying to connect to gitaly: .... OK Trying to connect to gitaly2: ....... OK Starting Praefect with in-memory election strategyTrying to connect to praefect: ...... OK section_end:1712782097:gitaly-test-spawn [0K [32;1m$ export RSPEC_SKIPPED_TESTS_REPORT_PATH="rspec/skipped_tests-${CI_JOB_ID}.txt"[0;m [32;1m$ export RSPEC_RETRIED_TESTS_REPORT_PATH="rspec/retried_tests-${CI_JOB_ID}.txt"[0;m [32;1m$ tooling/bin/create_job_metrics_file || true[0;m [job-metrics] Creating the job metrics file for the CI/CD job. [32;1m$ rspec_section rspec_parallelized_job "--fail-fast=${RSPEC_FAIL_FAST_THRESHOLD} --tag ~quarantine --tag ~level:background_migration --tag ~click_house --tag ~real_ai_request"[0;m section_start:1712782099:rspec[collapsed=false] [0KRSpec [20:48:19] Starting rspec_parallelized_job [0;33mRETRY_FAILED_TESTS_IN_NEW_PROCESS: true [0m[0;33mKNAPSACK_GENERATE_REPORT: true [0m[0;33mFLAKY_RSPEC_GENERATE_REPORT: true [0m[0;33mKNAPSACK_TEST_FILE_PATTERN: spec/{features}{,/**/}*_spec.rb [0m[0;33mKNAPSACK_LOG_LEVEL: debug [0m[0;33mKNAPSACK_REPORT_PATH: knapsack/rspec_system_pg14_18_32_278964_report.json [0m[0;33mFLAKY_RSPEC_SUITE_REPORT_PATH: rspec/flaky/report-suite.json [0m[0;33mFLAKY_RSPEC_REPORT_PATH: rspec/flaky/all_rspec_system_pg14_18_32_278964_report.json [0m[0;33mNEW_FLAKY_RSPEC_REPORT_PATH: rspec/flaky/new_rspec_system_pg14_18_32_278964_report.json [0m[0;33mRSPEC_SKIPPED_TESTS_REPORT_PATH: rspec/skipped_tests-6597628011.txt [0m[0;33mCRYSTALBALL: [0m[0;33mRSPEC_TESTS_MAPPING_ENABLED: [0m[0;33mRSPEC_TESTS_FILTER_FILE: [0m[0;33mShell set options (set -o) enabled: [0m[0;33mbraceexpand on hashall on interactive-comments on pipefail on [0mKnapsack report generator started! Run options: exclude {:quarantine=>true, :level=>"background_migration", :click_house=>true, :real_ai_request=>true} # [RSpecRunTime] Starting RSpec timer... [TEST PROF INFO] EventProf enabled (sql.active_record) unknown OID 2249: failed to recognize type of 'pg_stat_file'. It will be treated as String. unknown OID 2249: failed to recognize type of 'pg_stat_file'. It will be treated as String. Test environment set up in 2.721153567 seconds # [RSpecRunTime] Starting example group spec/features/projects/pipelines/pipelines_spec.rb. Expected to take 6 minutes 7.43 seconds. Pipelines Starting the Capybara driver server... when user is logged in GET /:project/-/pipelines scope when displaying all Capybara starting Puma... * Version 6.4.0, codename: The Eagle of Durango * Min threads: 0, max threads: 4 * Listening on unix:///tmp/20240410-339-73s4c7 contains pipeline commit short SHA contains branch name when displaying running contains pipeline commit short SHA contains branch name # [RSpecRunTime] RSpec elapsed time: 55.32 seconds. Current RSS: ~1501M. load average: 1.21 1.03 0.99 1/380 664 when displaying pending contains pipeline commit short SHA contains branch name # [RSpecRunTime] RSpec elapsed time: 1 minute 3.39 seconds. Current RSS: ~1494M. load average: 1.33 1.06 1.00 1/380 737 when displaying finished contains pipeline commit short SHA contains branch name # [RSpecRunTime] RSpec elapsed time: 1 minute 11.6 seconds. Current RSS: ~1508M. load average: 1.39 1.08 1.01 1/382 811 when displaying branches contains pipeline commit short SHA contains branch name # [RSpecRunTime] RSpec elapsed time: 1 minute 19.55 seconds. Current RSS: ~1513M. load average: 1.33 1.07 1.01 1/382 886 header tabs shows a tab for All pipelines and count shows a tab for Finished pipelines and count shows a tab for Branches shows a tab for Tags updates content when tab is clicked # [RSpecRunTime] RSpec elapsed time: 1 minute 37.58 seconds. Current RSS: ~1526M. load average: 1.51 1.13 1.03 1/385 1002 navigation links renders "CI lint" link renders "Run pipeline" link # [RSpecRunTime] RSpec elapsed time: 1 minute 44.3 seconds. Current RSS: ~1508M. load average: 1.47 1.13 1.03 1/381 1050 when pipeline is cancelable when canceling support is disabled indicates that pipeline can be canceled when canceling indicates that pipelines was canceled # [RSpecRunTime] RSpec elapsed time: 1 minute 55.12 seconds. Current RSS: ~1520M. load average: 1.70 1.19 1.05 1/381 1117 when canceling support is enabled indicates that pipeline can be canceled when canceling indicates that pipeline is canceling # [RSpecRunTime] RSpec elapsed time: 2 minutes 4.51 seconds. Current RSS: ~1508M. load average: 1.74 1.22 1.06 1/379 1184 when pipeline is retryable indicates that pipeline can be retried when retrying shows running pipeline that is not retryable # [RSpecRunTime] RSpec elapsed time: 2 minutes 16.91 seconds. Current RSS: ~1518M. load average: 1.63 1.21 1.06 1/379 1247 when pipeline is detached merge request pipeline behaves like detached merge request pipeline shows pipeline information without pipeline ref # [RSpecRunTime] RSpec elapsed time: 2 minutes 23.09 seconds. Current RSS: ~1510M. load average: 1.93 1.29 1.09 1/379 1300 when source project is a forked project behaves like detached merge request pipeline shows pipeline information without pipeline ref # [RSpecRunTime] RSpec elapsed time: 2 minutes 29.12 seconds. Current RSS: ~1525M. load average: 2.01 1.32 1.10 1/379 1368 when pipeline is merge request pipeline behaves like Correct merge request pipeline information does not show detached tag for the pipeline, and shows the link of the merge request, and does not show the ref of the pipeline # [RSpecRunTime] RSpec elapsed time: 2 minutes 33.82 seconds. Current RSS: ~1525M. load average: 2.01 1.33 1.10 1/379 1422 when source project is a forked project behaves like Correct merge request pipeline information does not show detached tag for the pipeline, and shows the link of the merge request, and does not show the ref of the pipeline # [RSpecRunTime] RSpec elapsed time: 2 minutes 39.5 seconds. Current RSS: ~1530M. load average: 1.93 1.32 1.10 1/379 1491 when pipeline has configuration errors contains badge that indicates errors contains badge with tooltip which contains error contains badge that indicates failure reason contains badge with tooltip which contains failure reason # [RSpecRunTime] RSpec elapsed time: 2 minutes 55.49 seconds. Current RSS: ~1526M. load average: 2.17 1.41 1.13 1/379 1576 with manual actions has a dropdown with play button has link to the manual action # [RSpecRunTime] RSpec elapsed time: 3 minutes 4.34 seconds. Current RSS: ~1500M. load average: 1.99 1.39 1.13 1/379 1623 when there is a delayed job has a dropdown for actionable jobs has link to the delayed job's action when delayed job is expired already shows 00:00:00 as the remaining time # [RSpecRunTime] RSpec elapsed time: 3 minutes 17.74 seconds. Current RSS: ~1517M. load average: 2.00 1.42 1.14 1/382 1697 for generic statuses when preparing is cancelable shows the pipeline as preparing # [RSpecRunTime] RSpec elapsed time: 3 minutes 24.64 seconds. Current RSS: ~1518M. load average: 1.92 1.41 1.14 3/382 1741 when running is cancelable has pipeline running when canceling indicates that pipeline was canceled # [RSpecRunTime] RSpec elapsed time: 3 minutes 36.99 seconds. Current RSS: ~1524M. load average: 1.85 1.42 1.15 1/384 1818 when failed is not retryable has failed pipeline # [RSpecRunTime] RSpec elapsed time: 3 minutes 44.91 seconds. Current RSS: ~1516M. load average: 1.72 1.40 1.15 1/384 1869 downloadable pipelines with artifacts has artifacts dropdown # [RSpecRunTime] RSpec elapsed time: 3 minutes 48.98 seconds. Current RSS: ~1513M. load average: 1.66 1.40 1.14 1/384 1894 with artifacts expired is expected not to have visible css "[data-testid=\"artifact-item\"]" # [RSpecRunTime] RSpec elapsed time: 3 minutes 52.63 seconds. Current RSS: ~1502M. load average: 1.77 1.42 1.16 1/384 1919 without artifacts is expected not to have visible css "[data-testid=\"artifact-item\"]" # [RSpecRunTime] RSpec elapsed time: 3 minutes 56.07 seconds. Current RSS: ~1515M. load average: 1.77 1.42 1.16 1/384 1943 with trace artifact does not show trace artifact as artifacts # [RSpecRunTime] RSpec elapsed time: 3 minutes 59.85 seconds. Current RSS: ~1511M. load average: 1.71 1.42 1.15 1/384 1968 mini pipeline graph renders a mini pipeline graph when clicking a stage badge opens a dropdown is possible to cancel pending build manual job is possible to play manual build # [RSpecRunTime] RSpec elapsed time: 4 minutes 17.69 seconds. Current RSS: ~1516M. load average: 1.50 1.39 1.15 1/385 2065 for a failed pipeline displays the failure reason # [RSpecRunTime] RSpec elapsed time: 4 minutes 22.07 seconds. Current RSS: ~1521M. load average: 1.50 1.39 1.15 1/385 2090 with pagination renders pagination renders second page of pipelines shows updated content # [RSpecRunTime] RSpec elapsed time: 4 minutes 32.86 seconds. Current RSS: ~1541M. load average: 1.47 1.39 1.15 1/385 2166 with pipeline key selection changes the Pipeline ID column link to Pipeline IID and persists # [RSpecRunTime] RSpec elapsed time: 4 minutes 38.94 seconds. Current RSS: ~1530M. load average: 1.43 1.38 1.15 1/385 2196 GET /:project/-/pipelines/show shows a graph with grouped stages # [RSpecRunTime] RSpec elapsed time: 4 minutes 45.26 seconds. Current RSS: ~1524M. load average: 1.80 1.46 1.18 1/386 2219 POST /:project/-/pipelines for valid commit with gitlab-ci.yml creates a new pipeline when variables are specified creates a new pipeline with variables # [RSpecRunTime] RSpec elapsed time: 5 minutes 4.84 seconds. Current RSS: ~1485M. load average: 1.57 1.43 1.17 1/388 2319 without gitlab-ci.yml is expected to have text "Missing CI config file" creates a pipeline after first request failed and a valid gitlab-ci.yml file is available when trying again # [RSpecRunTime] RSpec elapsed time: 5 minutes 16.38 seconds. Current RSS: ~1505M. load average: 1.71 1.46 1.19 1/388 2413 Reset runner caches has a clear caches button user clicks the button when project already has jobs_cache_index increments jobs_cache_index # [RSpecRunTime] RSpec elapsed time: 5 minutes 24.65 seconds. Current RSS: ~1518M. load average: 1.76 1.48 1.20 1/388 2466 when project does not have jobs_cache_index sets jobs_cache_index to 1 # [RSpecRunTime] RSpec elapsed time: 5 minutes 28.91 seconds. Current RSS: ~1518M. load average: 1.78 1.49 1.20 1/388 2494 Run Pipelines new pipeline page has field to add a new pipeline # [RSpecRunTime] RSpec elapsed time: 5 minutes 32.56 seconds. Current RSS: ~1516M. load average: 1.80 1.50 1.21 1/388 2530 find pipelines shows filtered pipelines # [RSpecRunTime] RSpec elapsed time: 5 minutes 37.05 seconds. Current RSS: ~1537M. load average: 1.80 1.50 1.21 1/388 2584 Empty State renders empty state does not show Jenkins Migration Prompt # [RSpecRunTime] RSpec elapsed time: 5 minutes 43.25 seconds. Current RSS: ~1537M. load average: 1.91 1.53 1.22 1/389 2611 Jenkins migration prompt when jenkinsfile is present shows Jenkins Migration Prompt # [RSpecRunTime] RSpec elapsed time: 5 minutes 46.96 seconds. Current RSS: ~1532M. load average: 1.91 1.53 1.22 1/387 2629 when gitlab ci file is present does not show migration prompt # [RSpecRunTime] RSpec elapsed time: 5 minutes 50.24 seconds. Current RSS: ~1524M. load average: 1.92 1.54 1.23 1/389 2666 when AutoDevops is enabled does not show migration prompt # [RSpecRunTime] RSpec elapsed time: 5 minutes 53.03 seconds. Current RSS: ~1511M. load average: 2.09 1.58 1.24 1/389 2670 when user is not logged in when project is public without pipelines is expected to have text "This project is not currently set up to run pipelines." # [RSpecRunTime] RSpec elapsed time: 5 minutes 55.66 seconds. Current RSS: ~1506M. load average: 2.09 1.58 1.24 1/388 2687 when project is private redirects the user to sign_in and displays the flash alert # [RSpecRunTime] RSpec elapsed time: 5 minutes 57.6 seconds. Current RSS: ~1518M. load average: 2.08 1.59 1.25 1/388 2694 # [RSpecRunTime] Finishing example group spec/features/projects/pipelines/pipelines_spec.rb. It took 5 minutes 52.83 seconds. Expected to take 6 minutes 7.43 seconds. # [RSpecRunTime] Starting example group spec/features/discussion_comments/merge_request_spec.rb. Expected to take 3 minutes 30.87 seconds. Thread Comments Merge Request behaves like thread comments for issue, epic and merge request clicking "Comment" will post a comment when the toggle is clicked has a "Comment" item (selected by default) and "Start thread" item closes the menu when clicking the toggle or body when selecting "Start thread" creating a thread clicking "Start thread" will post a thread and show a reply component can be replied to can be collapsed can be replied to after resolving shows resolved thread when toggled # [RSpecRunTime] RSpec elapsed time: 8 minutes 5.67 seconds. Current RSS: ~1526M. load average: 2.10 1.78 1.36 1/408 3318 when opening the menu has "Start thread" selected when selecting "Comment" updates the submit button text and closes the dropdown updates the close button text typing does not change the close button text has "Comment" selected when opening the menu # [RSpecRunTime] RSpec elapsed time: 8 minutes 55.47 seconds. Current RSS: ~1544M. load average: 2.05 1.83 1.40 1/406 3631 on a closed merge request shows a 'Comment & reopen merge request' button shows a 'Start thread & reopen merge request' button when 'Start thread' is selected # [RSpecRunTime] RSpec elapsed time: 9 minutes 22.07 seconds. Current RSS: ~1538M. load average: 2.39 1.92 1.44 1/406 3775 # [RSpecRunTime] Finishing example group spec/features/discussion_comments/merge_request_spec.rb. It took 3 minutes 23.75 seconds. Expected to take 3 minutes 30.87 seconds. # [RSpecRunTime] Starting example group spec/features/groups_spec.rb. Expected to take 2 minutes 37.62 seconds. Group checks permissions to avoid exposing groups by parent_id create a group as a non-admin creates a group and persists visibility radio selection with current organization setting in middleware for setting from the header sets the organization to another organization # [RSpecRunTime] RSpec elapsed time: 9 minutes 34.08 seconds. Current RSS: ~1533M. load average: 2.21 1.91 1.44 1/401 3780 with expected fields renders from as expected # [RSpecRunTime] RSpec elapsed time: 9 minutes 36.43 seconds. Current RSS: ~1533M. load average: 2.21 1.91 1.44 1/401 3781 with space in group path renders new group form with validation errors # [RSpecRunTime] RSpec elapsed time: 9 minutes 38.7 seconds. Current RSS: ~1533M. load average: 2.11 1.89 1.44 1/401 3782 with .atom at end of group path renders new group form with validation errors # [RSpecRunTime] RSpec elapsed time: 9 minutes 42.41 seconds. Current RSS: ~1532M. load average: 2.18 1.91 1.45 1/401 3783 with .git at end of group path renders new group form with validation errors # [RSpecRunTime] RSpec elapsed time: 9 minutes 45.9 seconds. Current RSS: ~1535M. load average: 2.18 1.91 1.45 1/400 3784 real-time group url validation shows a message if group url is available shows an error if group url is taken does not break after an invalid form submit when filling in the `Group name` field automatically populates the `Group URL` field # [RSpecRunTime] RSpec elapsed time: 10 minutes 1.77 seconds. Current RSS: ~1555M. load average: 2.21 1.93 1.46 1/399 3788 Mattermost team creation Mattermost enabled displays a team creation checkbox unchecks the checkbox by default updates the team URL on graph path update # [RSpecRunTime] RSpec elapsed time: 10 minutes 11.13 seconds. Current RSS: ~1541M. load average: 2.03 1.90 1.46 1/400 3790 Mattermost disabled doesnt show a team creation checkbox if Mattermost not enabled # [RSpecRunTime] RSpec elapsed time: 10 minutes 14.24 seconds. Current RSS: ~1532M. load average: 1.94 1.89 1.46 1/399 3791 showing recaptcha on group creation when it is enabled renders recaptcha # [RSpecRunTime] RSpec elapsed time: 10 minutes 17.47 seconds. Current RSS: ~1531M. load average: 1.87 1.87 1.45 1/399 3792 not showing recaptcha on group creation when it is disabled does not render recaptcha # [RSpecRunTime] RSpec elapsed time: 10 minutes 20.34 seconds. Current RSS: ~1532M. load average: 1.87 1.87 1.45 1/399 3793 showing personalization questions on group creation when it is enabled renders personalization questions # [RSpecRunTime] RSpec elapsed time: 10 minutes 22.23 seconds. Current RSS: ~1534M. load average: 1.80 1.86 1.45 1/399 3794 not showing personalization questions on group creation when it is enabled does not render personalization questions # [RSpecRunTime] RSpec elapsed time: 10 minutes 25.2 seconds. Current RSS: ~1534M. load average: 1.80 1.86 1.45 1/399 3795 create a nested group as admin when admin mode is enabled creates a nested group # [RSpecRunTime] RSpec elapsed time: 10 minutes 30.06 seconds. Current RSS: ~1543M. load average: 1.73 1.84 1.45 1/399 3797 when admin mode is disabled is not allowed as group owner creates a nested group # [RSpecRunTime] RSpec elapsed time: 10 minutes 36.03 seconds. Current RSS: ~1555M. load average: 1.68 1.83 1.45 1/399 3800 when recaptcha is enabled when creating subgroup does not render recaptcha when many parent groups are available creates private subgroup # [RSpecRunTime] RSpec elapsed time: 10 minutes 43.68 seconds. Current RSS: ~1542M. load average: 1.57 1.80 1.44 1/395 3803 real-time group url validation shows a message if group url is available shows an error if group url is taken # [RSpecRunTime] RSpec elapsed time: 10 minutes 51.06 seconds. Current RSS: ~1552M. load average: 1.53 1.79 1.44 1/395 3805 group edit saves new settings focuses confirmation field on remove group removes group behaves like dirty submit form disables .js-general-settings-form submit until there are changes on input[name="group[name]"] disables .js-general-settings-form submit until there are changes on #group_visibility_level_0 disables .js-general-permissions-form submit until there are changes on #group_request_access_enabled disables .js-general-permissions-form submit until there are changes on input[name="group[two_factor_grace_period]"] # [RSpecRunTime] RSpec elapsed time: 11 minutes 17.88 seconds. Current RSS: ~1528M. load average: 1.45 1.75 1.44 1/398 3820 group page with markdown description parses Markdown passes through html-pipeline sanitizes unwanted tags permits `rel` attribute on links # [RSpecRunTime] RSpec elapsed time: 11 minutes 22.78 seconds. Current RSS: ~1551M. load average: 1.50 1.76 1.44 1/397 3821 group page with nested groups renders projects and groups on the page renders group page with the text "Group" in the sidebar header renders subgroup page with the text "Group" in the sidebar header renders project page with the text "Project" in the sidebar header # [RSpecRunTime] RSpec elapsed time: 11 minutes 36.05 seconds. Current RSS: ~1547M. load average: 1.88 1.83 1.47 1/397 3828 new subgroup / project button when user has subgroup creation permissions but not project creation permissions only displays "New subgroup" button # [RSpecRunTime] RSpec elapsed time: 11 minutes 37.44 seconds. Current RSS: ~1553M. load average: 1.81 1.82 1.47 1/397 3829 when user has project creation permissions but not subgroup creation permissions only displays "New project" button # [RSpecRunTime] RSpec elapsed time: 11 minutes 39.1 seconds. Current RSS: ~1559M. load average: 1.81 1.82 1.47 1/396 3830 when user has project and subgroup creation permissions displays "New subgroup" and "New project" buttons # [RSpecRunTime] RSpec elapsed time: 11 minutes 40.4 seconds. Current RSS: ~1566M. load average: 1.81 1.82 1.47 1/396 3831 when in a private group when visibility levels have been restricted to private only by an administrator does not display the "New project" button # [RSpecRunTime] RSpec elapsed time: 11 minutes 41.71 seconds. Current RSS: ~1569M. load average: 1.81 1.82 1.47 1/396 3833 group README with gitlab-profile project and README.md renders README block on group page # [RSpecRunTime] RSpec elapsed time: 11 minutes 45.33 seconds. Current RSS: ~1564M. load average: 1.74 1.81 1.47 1/400 3872 # [RSpecRunTime] Finishing example group spec/features/groups_spec.rb. It took 2 minutes 23.25 seconds. Expected to take 2 minutes 37.62 seconds. # [RSpecRunTime] Starting example group spec/features/merge_request/user_edits_merge_request_spec.rb. Expected to take 2 minutes 0.63 second. User edits a merge request Squash commits override MR setting if "Required" is saved recovers MR squash setting if "Required" is not saved does not override MR squash setting if "Do not allow" is saved displays "Required in this project" for "Required" project setting squash option does not display message for "Allow" project setting squash option does not display message for "Encourage" project setting squash option is hidden for "Do not allow" project setting squash option # [RSpecRunTime] RSpec elapsed time: 12 minutes 52.48 seconds. Current RSS: ~1564M. load average: 2.34 1.96 1.54 1/405 4251 changing target branch allows user to change target branch merged merge request does not allow user to change target branch # [RSpecRunTime] RSpec elapsed time: 13 minutes 13.19 seconds. Current RSS: ~1556M. load average: 2.18 1.95 1.55 1/406 4412 behaves like rich text editor - common saves page content in local storage if the user navigates away autofocuses the rich text editor when switching to rich text autofocuses the plain text editor when switching back to markdown rendering with initial content renders correctly with table as initial content # [RSpecRunTime] RSpec elapsed time: 13 minutes 33.57 seconds. Current RSS: ~1575M. load average: 2.39 2.02 1.58 1/406 4599 # [RSpecRunTime] Finishing example group spec/features/merge_request/user_edits_merge_request_spec.rb. It took 1 minute 48.25 seconds. Expected to take 2 minutes 0.63 second. # [RSpecRunTime] Starting example group spec/features/profiles/user_visits_profile_spec.rb. Expected to take 1 minute 36.04 seconds. User visits their profile shows profile info shows user readme hides empty user readme for tabs for Groups behaves like shows expected content shows expected content # [RSpecRunTime] RSpec elapsed time: 13 minutes 43.39 seconds. Current RSS: ~1565M. load average: 2.41 2.03 1.59 1/403 4656 for Contributed projects behaves like shows expected content shows expected content # [RSpecRunTime] RSpec elapsed time: 13 minutes 47.67 seconds. Current RSS: ~1569M. load average: 2.30 2.02 1.59 1/402 4657 for personal projects behaves like shows expected content shows expected content # [RSpecRunTime] RSpec elapsed time: 13 minutes 51.39 seconds. Current RSS: ~1551M. load average: 2.30 2.02 1.59 1/401 4659 for starred projects behaves like shows expected content shows expected content # [RSpecRunTime] RSpec elapsed time: 13 minutes 55.21 seconds. Current RSS: ~1532M. load average: 2.20 2.00 1.58 1/401 4660 for snippets behaves like shows expected content shows expected content # [RSpecRunTime] RSpec elapsed time: 13 minutes 58.49 seconds. Current RSS: ~1532M. load average: 2.18 2.00 1.59 1/401 4661 for followers behaves like shows expected content WARNING: Active Record does not support composite primary key. user_follow_users has composite primary key. Composite primary key is ignored. shows expected content # [RSpecRunTime] RSpec elapsed time: 14 minutes 1.73 seconds. Current RSS: ~1533M. load average: 2.18 2.00 1.59 1/401 4662 for following behaves like shows expected content shows expected content # [RSpecRunTime] RSpec elapsed time: 14 minutes 5.06 seconds. Current RSS: ~1532M. load average: 2.09 1.98 1.58 1/401 4663 # [RSpecRunTime] Finishing example group spec/features/profiles/user_visits_profile_spec.rb. It took 31.48 seconds. Expected to take 1 minute 36.04 seconds. # [RSpecRunTime] Starting example group spec/features/search/user_searches_for_issues_spec.rb. Expected to take 1 minute 18.0 seconds. User searches for issues when signed in does not show top right search form finds an issue hides confidential icon for non-confidential issues shows confidential icon for confidential issues shows correct badge for open issues shows correct badge for closed issues sorts by created date shows scopes when there is no search term when search times out renders timeout information sets tab count to 0 # [RSpecRunTime] RSpec elapsed time: 14 minutes 51.65 seconds. Current RSS: ~1510M. load average: 2.47 2.07 1.63 1/402 4667 when on a project page finds an issue # [RSpecRunTime] RSpec elapsed time: 14 minutes 59.55 seconds. Current RSS: ~1520M. load average: 2.56 2.10 1.64 1/402 4668 when signed out when block_anonymous_global_searches is disabled does not show top right search form finds an issue # [RSpecRunTime] RSpec elapsed time: 15 minutes 5.69 seconds. Current RSS: ~1520M. load average: 2.43 2.08 1.64 1/401 4669 when block_anonymous_global_searches is enabled is redirected to login page # [RSpecRunTime] RSpec elapsed time: 15 minutes 7.09 seconds. Current RSS: ~1521M. load average: 2.43 2.08 1.64 1/401 4670 # [RSpecRunTime] Finishing example group spec/features/search/user_searches_for_issues_spec.rb. It took 1 minute 2.02 seconds. Expected to take 1 minute 18.0 seconds. # [RSpecRunTime] Starting example group spec/features/projects/commits/multi_view_diff_spec.rb. Expected to take 1 minute 3.75 seconds. Multiple view Diffs diff does not include ipynb behaves like no multiple viewers does not display multiple diff viewers # [RSpecRunTime] RSpec elapsed time: 15 minutes 10.65 seconds. Current RSS: ~1531M. load average: 2.32 2.06 1.64 1/406 4709 and in inline diff does not change display for non-ipynb # [RSpecRunTime] RSpec elapsed time: 15 minutes 12.85 seconds. Current RSS: ~1535M. load average: 2.85 2.18 1.68 1/407 4734 and in parallel diff does not change display for non-ipynb # [RSpecRunTime] RSpec elapsed time: 15 minutes 16.92 seconds. Current RSS: ~1537M. load average: 2.85 2.18 1.68 1/406 4783 opening a diff with ipynb loads the raw diff as hidden displays the raw diff and hides after selection changes transforms the diff on parallel view lines without mapping cannot receive comments lines numbers without mapping are empty transforms the diff # [RSpecRunTime] RSpec elapsed time: 15 minutes 50.18 seconds. Current RSS: ~1534M. load average: 2.21 2.10 1.67 1/408 5034 on inline view lines without mapping cannot receive comments lines numbers without mapping are empty # [RSpecRunTime] RSpec elapsed time: 15 minutes 59.61 seconds. Current RSS: ~1524M. load average: 2.02 2.06 1.66 1/408 5089 # [RSpecRunTime] Finishing example group spec/features/projects/commits/multi_view_diff_spec.rb. It took 52.53 seconds. Expected to take 1 minute 3.75 seconds. # [RSpecRunTime] Starting example group spec/features/projects/clusters_spec.rb. Expected to take 53.57 seconds. Clusters when user does not have a cluster and visits cluster index page sees empty state # [RSpecRunTime] RSpec elapsed time: 16 minutes 3.93 seconds. Current RSS: ~1519M. load average: 1.94 2.04 1.65 1/405 5092 when user has a cluster when user adds an existing cluster when user filled form with environment scope user sees a cluster details page # [RSpecRunTime] RSpec elapsed time: 16 minutes 9.97 seconds. Current RSS: ~1543M. load average: 1.86 2.02 1.65 1/401 5096 when user updates environment scope updates the environment scope # [RSpecRunTime] RSpec elapsed time: 16 minutes 17.67 seconds. Current RSS: ~1541M. load average: 2.13 2.07 1.67 1/401 5101 when user updates duplicated environment scope users sees an environment scope validation error # [RSpecRunTime] RSpec elapsed time: 16 minutes 25.4 seconds. Current RSS: ~1551M. load average: 2.36 2.12 1.69 1/401 5106 when user has a cluster and visits cluster index page user sees a table with one cluster when user clicks on a cluster user sees a cluster details page # [RSpecRunTime] RSpec elapsed time: 16 minutes 37.05 seconds. Current RSS: ~1558M. load average: 2.15 2.08 1.68 1/401 5112 user visits create cluster page user sees a link to create a GKE cluster user sees a link to create an EKS cluster # [RSpecRunTime] RSpec elapsed time: 16 minutes 46.38 seconds. Current RSS: ~1553M. load average: 1.97 2.05 1.67 1/401 5118 # [RSpecRunTime] Finishing example group spec/features/projects/clusters_spec.rb. It took 46.75 seconds. Expected to take 53.57 seconds. # [RSpecRunTime] Starting example group spec/features/merge_requests/user_lists_merge_requests_spec.rb. Expected to take 46.2 seconds. Merge requests > User lists merge requests filters on no assignee filters on a specific assignee sorts by newest sorts by last updated sorts by milestone due date ignores sorting by merged at sorts by closed at filters on one label and sorts by milestone due date merge request reviewers has reviewers in MR list shows reviewers avatar count badge if more_reviewers_count > 4 does not show reviewers avatar count badge if more_reviewers_count <= 4 # [RSpecRunTime] RSpec elapsed time: 17 minutes 19.64 seconds. Current RSS: ~1606M. load average: 1.72 1.98 1.66 1/403 6252 when viewing merged merge requests sorts by merged at # [RSpecRunTime] RSpec elapsed time: 17 minutes 22.44 seconds. Current RSS: ~1606M. load average: 1.66 1.96 1.66 1/403 6355 while filtering on two labels sorts by milestone due date filter on assignee and sorts by milestone due date sorts by recently due milestone # [RSpecRunTime] RSpec elapsed time: 17 minutes 31.08 seconds. Current RSS: ~1601M. load average: 1.61 1.95 1.65 1/403 6665 # [RSpecRunTime] Finishing example group spec/features/merge_requests/user_lists_merge_requests_spec.rb. It took 44.73 seconds. Expected to take 46.2 seconds. # [RSpecRunTime] Starting example group spec/features/admin/admin_manage_applications_spec.rb. Expected to take 40.69 seconds. admin manage applications allows user to manage applications when scopes are blank returns an error # [RSpecRunTime] RSpec elapsed time: 18 minutes 10.28 seconds. Current RSS: ~1556M. load average: 1.07 1.76 1.60 1/398 6668 # [RSpecRunTime] Finishing example group spec/features/admin/admin_manage_applications_spec.rb. It took 39.16 seconds. Expected to take 40.69 seconds. # [RSpecRunTime] Starting example group spec/features/incidents/user_views_alert_details_spec.rb. Expected to take 34.46 seconds. User uploads alerts to incident with alert behaves like for each incident details route for /-/issues/:id route behaves like shows alert tab with details is expected to have text "Id nisi fugit provident architecto quisquam ratione sit tempora." # [RSpecRunTime] RSpec elapsed time: 18 minutes 18.05 seconds. Current RSS: ~1570M. load average: 1.30 1.79 1.61 1/402 6674 for /-/issues/incident/:id route behaves like shows alert tab with details is expected to have text "Id nisi fugit provident architecto quisquam ratione sit tempora." # [RSpecRunTime] RSpec elapsed time: 18 minutes 24.46 seconds. Current RSS: ~1569M. load average: 1.28 1.78 1.61 1/401 6676 for /-/issues/incident/:id/alerts route behaves like shows alert tab with details is expected to have text "Id nisi fugit provident architecto quisquam ratione sit tempora." # [RSpecRunTime] RSpec elapsed time: 18 minutes 30.54 seconds. Current RSS: ~1568M. load average: 1.34 1.78 1.61 1/401 6678 for /-/issues/:id/alerts route behaves like shows alert tab with details is expected to have text "Id nisi fugit provident architecto quisquam ratione sit tempora." # [RSpecRunTime] RSpec elapsed time: 18 minutes 37.21 seconds. Current RSS: ~1569M. load average: 1.39 1.78 1.62 1/401 6680 with no alerts hides the Alert details tab # [RSpecRunTime] RSpec elapsed time: 18 minutes 43.1 seconds. Current RSS: ~1567M. load average: 1.33 1.76 1.61 4/401 6682 # [RSpecRunTime] Finishing example group spec/features/incidents/user_views_alert_details_spec.rb. It took 32.99 seconds. Expected to take 34.46 seconds. # [RSpecRunTime] Starting example group spec/features/profiles/user_visits_profile_preferences_page_spec.rb. Expected to take 29.29 seconds. User visits the profile preferences page User changes their syntax highlighting theme updates their preference # [RSpecRunTime] RSpec elapsed time: 18 minutes 48.76 seconds. Current RSS: ~1558M. load average: 1.54 1.79 1.62 1/401 6684 User changes their default dashboard creates a flash message updates their preference # [RSpecRunTime] RSpec elapsed time: 18 minutes 57.73 seconds. Current RSS: ~1556M. load average: 1.70 1.82 1.63 1/401 6686 User changes their language creates a flash message updates their preference # [RSpecRunTime] RSpec elapsed time: 19 minutes 5.56 seconds. Current RSS: ~1560M. load average: 1.64 1.80 1.63 1/401 6689 User changes whitespace in code updates their preference # [RSpecRunTime] RSpec elapsed time: 19 minutes 8.6 seconds. Current RSS: ~1556M. load average: 1.51 1.77 1.62 1/401 6690 # [RSpecRunTime] Finishing example group spec/features/profiles/user_visits_profile_preferences_page_spec.rb. It took 25.33 seconds. Expected to take 29.29 seconds. # [RSpecRunTime] Starting example group spec/features/projects/settings/user_changes_default_branch_spec.rb. Expected to take 26.16 seconds. Projects > Settings > User changes default branch with normal project allows to change the default branch # [RSpecRunTime] RSpec elapsed time: 19 minutes 18.98 seconds. Current RSS: ~1667M. load average: 1.66 1.80 1.63 1/407 6773 with empty project does not show default branch selector # [RSpecRunTime] RSpec elapsed time: 19 minutes 20.24 seconds. Current RSS: ~1669M. load average: 1.66 1.80 1.63 1/406 6782 # [RSpecRunTime] Finishing example group spec/features/projects/settings/user_changes_default_branch_spec.rb. It took 11.66 seconds. Expected to take 26.16 seconds. # [RSpecRunTime] Starting example group spec/features/groups/navbar_spec.rb. Expected to take 21.61 seconds. Group navbar behaves like verified navigation bar renders correctly # [RSpecRunTime] RSpec elapsed time: 19 minutes 23.88 seconds. Current RSS: ~1651M. load average: 1.69 1.80 1.63 1/406 6784 when container registry is available behaves like verified navigation bar renders correctly # [RSpecRunTime] RSpec elapsed time: 19 minutes 27.16 seconds. Current RSS: ~1618M. load average: 1.69 1.80 1.63 1/403 6786 when crm feature is disabled behaves like verified navigation bar renders correctly # [RSpecRunTime] RSpec elapsed time: 19 minutes 30.35 seconds. Current RSS: ~1609M. load average: 1.63 1.79 1.63 1/402 6788 when crm feature is enabled but subgroup behaves like verified navigation bar renders correctly # [RSpecRunTime] RSpec elapsed time: 19 minutes 33.75 seconds. Current RSS: ~1595M. load average: 1.58 1.77 1.63 1/402 6790 when dependency proxy is available behaves like verified navigation bar renders correctly # [RSpecRunTime] RSpec elapsed time: 19 minutes 36.82 seconds. Current RSS: ~1592M. load average: 1.58 1.77 1.63 1/402 6792 when harbor registry is available behaves like verified navigation bar renders correctly # [RSpecRunTime] RSpec elapsed time: 19 minutes 40.45 seconds. Current RSS: ~1603M. load average: 1.54 1.76 1.62 1/402 6794 # [RSpecRunTime] Finishing example group spec/features/groups/navbar_spec.rb. It took 20.2 seconds. Expected to take 21.61 seconds. # [RSpecRunTime] Starting example group spec/features/admin/admin_health_check_spec.rb. Expected to take 18.79 seconds. Admin Health Check #show has a health check access token reload access token changes the access token # [RSpecRunTime] RSpec elapsed time: 19 minutes 47.3 seconds. Current RSS: ~1615M. load average: 1.97 1.85 1.65 1/402 6795 when services are up shows healthy status # [RSpecRunTime] RSpec elapsed time: 19 minutes 49.23 seconds. Current RSS: ~1613M. load average: 1.90 1.83 1.65 1/402 6796 when a service is down shows unhealthy status # [RSpecRunTime] RSpec elapsed time: 19 minutes 50.99 seconds. Current RSS: ~1617M. load average: 1.90 1.83 1.65 1/402 6797 # [RSpecRunTime] Finishing example group spec/features/admin/admin_health_check_spec.rb. It took 10.55 seconds. Expected to take 18.79 seconds. # [RSpecRunTime] Starting example group spec/features/achievements/achievements_spec.rb. Expected to take 13.93 seconds. Achievements displays groups achievements when creating a new achievement returns to the achievements list, displays the new achievement and toast validates required fields validates field lengths when closing the form returns to the achievements list and does not display toast # [RSpecRunTime] RSpec elapsed time: 20 minutes 2.4 seconds. Current RSS: ~1597M. load average: 1.77 1.81 1.64 1/402 6798 # [RSpecRunTime] Finishing example group spec/features/achievements/achievements_spec.rb. It took 11.41 seconds. Expected to take 13.93 seconds. # [RSpecRunTime] Starting example group spec/features/user_opens_link_to_comment_spec.rb. Expected to take 13.15 seconds. User opens link to comment authenticated user switches to all activity and does not show error message # [RSpecRunTime] RSpec elapsed time: 20 minutes 9.9 seconds. Current RSS: ~1595M. load average: 1.71 1.80 1.64 1/403 6802 anonymous user does not show error message # [RSpecRunTime] RSpec elapsed time: 20 minutes 14.76 seconds. Current RSS: ~1586M. load average: 1.89 1.83 1.65 1/403 6804 # [RSpecRunTime] Finishing example group spec/features/user_opens_link_to_comment_spec.rb. It took 12.35 seconds. Expected to take 13.15 seconds. # [RSpecRunTime] Starting example group spec/features/projects/artifacts/file_spec.rb. Expected to take 10.41 seconds. Artifact file Text file displays an error # [RSpecRunTime] RSpec elapsed time: 20 minutes 17.91 seconds. Current RSS: ~1580M. load average: 1.90 1.84 1.65 1/402 6805 JPG file displays the blob # [RSpecRunTime] RSpec elapsed time: 20 minutes 20.44 seconds. Current RSS: ~1581M. load average: 1.90 1.84 1.65 1/402 6812 when visiting old URL redirects to new URL # [RSpecRunTime] RSpec elapsed time: 20 minutes 22.75 seconds. Current RSS: ~1582M. load average: 1.83 1.82 1.65 1/402 6813 # [RSpecRunTime] Finishing example group spec/features/projects/artifacts/file_spec.rb. It took 7.99 seconds. Expected to take 10.41 seconds. # [RSpecRunTime] Starting example group spec/features/alert_management_spec.rb. Expected to take 10.0 seconds. Alert management when visiting the alert details page when actor has permission to see the alert shows the alert details when alert belongs to an environment shows the environment name # [RSpecRunTime] RSpec elapsed time: 20 minutes 28.02 seconds. Current RSS: ~1585M. load average: 2.00 1.86 1.66 1/404 6816 # [RSpecRunTime] Finishing example group spec/features/alert_management_spec.rb. It took 5.27 seconds. Expected to take 10.0 seconds. # [RSpecRunTime] Starting example group spec/features/projects/sub_group_issuables_spec.rb. Expected to take 7.75 seconds. Subgroup Issuables shows the full subgroup title when issues index page is empty shows the full subgroup title when merge requests index page is empty # [RSpecRunTime] Finishing example group spec/features/projects/sub_group_issuables_spec.rb. It took 6.81 seconds. Expected to take 7.75 seconds. # [RSpecRunTime] RSpec elapsed time: 20 minutes 35.0 seconds. Current RSS: ~1581M. load average: 1.92 1.84 1.66 1/404 6821 # [RSpecRunTime] Starting example group spec/features/projects/forks/fork_list_spec.rb. Expected to take 7.29 seconds. listing forks of a project shows the forked project in the list with commit as description does not show the commit message when an external authorization service is used # [RSpecRunTime] Finishing example group spec/features/projects/forks/fork_list_spec.rb. It took 7.91 seconds. Expected to take 7.29 seconds. # [RSpecRunTime] RSpec elapsed time: 20 minutes 42.96 seconds. Current RSS: ~1608M. load average: 1.78 1.82 1.65 1/407 6874 # [RSpecRunTime] Starting example group spec/features/projects/files/edit_file_soft_wrap_spec.rb. Expected to take 5.65 seconds. Projects > Files > User uses soft wrap while editing file user clicks the "Soft wrap" button and then "No wrap" button # [RSpecRunTime] Finishing example group spec/features/projects/files/edit_file_soft_wrap_spec.rb. It took 5.59 seconds. Expected to take 5.65 seconds. # [RSpecRunTime] RSpec elapsed time: 20 minutes 48.61 seconds. Current RSS: ~1603M. load average: 1.80 1.82 1.65 1/405 6894 # [RSpecRunTime] Starting example group spec/features/projects/artifacts/user_views_project_artifacts_page_spec.rb. Expected to take 4.09 seconds. User views project artifacts page when browsing artifacts page lists the project jobs and their artifacts # [RSpecRunTime] RSpec elapsed time: 20 minutes 51.73 seconds. Current RSS: ~1602M. load average: 1.80 1.82 1.65 1/405 6895 # [RSpecRunTime] Finishing example group spec/features/projects/artifacts/user_views_project_artifacts_page_spec.rb. It took 3.23 seconds. Expected to take 4.09 seconds. # [RSpecRunTime] Starting example group spec/features/groups/labels/create_spec.rb. Expected to take 2.91 seconds. Create a group label creates a new label behaves like lock_on_merge when creating labels is not supported when creating a label # [RSpecRunTime] RSpec elapsed time: 20 minutes 54.96 seconds. Current RSS: ~1598M. load average: 1.73 1.81 1.65 1/402 6896 # [RSpecRunTime] Finishing example group spec/features/groups/labels/create_spec.rb. It took 3.23 seconds. Expected to take 2.91 seconds. # [RSpecRunTime] Starting example group spec/features/merge_requests/user_views_closed_merge_requests_spec.rb. Expected to take 1.69 seconds. User views closed merge requests shows closed merge requests # [RSpecRunTime] Finishing example group spec/features/merge_requests/user_views_closed_merge_requests_spec.rb. It took 1.59 seconds. Expected to take 1.69 seconds. # [RSpecRunTime] RSpec elapsed time: 20 minutes 56.73 seconds. Current RSS: ~1594M. load average: 1.73 1.81 1.65 1/402 6897 auto_explain log contains 1124 entries for main, writing to /builds/gitlab-org/gitlab/auto_explain/rspec-system-pg14-18-32.339.main.ndjson.gz took 15.501449896 auto_explain log contains 1125 entries for ci, writing to /builds/gitlab-org/gitlab/auto_explain/rspec-system-pg14-18-32.339.ci.ndjson.gz took 12.05709791 [TEST PROF INFO] EventProf results for sql.active_record Total time: 03:51.369 of 20:51.089 (18.49%) Total events: 99060 Top 5 slowest suites (by time): Thread Comments Merge Request (./spec/features/discussion_comments/merge_request_spec.rb:5) – 01:03.921 (21793 / 15) of 03:23.753 (31.37%) Pipelines (./spec/features/projects/pipelines/pipelines_spec.rb:5) – 01:01.827 (28886 / 73) of 05:52.830 (17.52%) User edits a merge request (./spec/features/merge_request/user_edits_merge_request_spec.rb:5) – 00:19.710 (8282 / 13) of 01:48.252 (18.21%) Group (./spec/features/groups_spec.rb:5) – 00:18.557 (8559 / 46) of 02:23.245 (12.95%) Merge request...merge requests (./spec/features/merge_requests/user_lists_merge_requests_spec.rb:5) – 00:10.203 (7198 / 15) of 00:44.725 (22.81%) Knapsack report was generated. Preview: { "spec/features/projects/pipelines/pipelines_spec.rb": 352.83039488100076, "spec/features/discussion_comments/merge_request_spec.rb": 203.7528208140011, "spec/features/groups_spec.rb": 143.2448303860001, "spec/features/merge_request/user_edits_merge_request_spec.rb": 108.25171725100154, "spec/features/profiles/user_visits_profile_spec.rb": 31.478684739000528, "spec/features/search/user_searches_for_issues_spec.rb": 62.01681611800086, "spec/features/projects/commits/multi_view_diff_spec.rb": 52.53256148100081, "spec/features/projects/clusters_spec.rb": 46.74964604900015, "spec/features/merge_requests/user_lists_merge_requests_spec.rb": 44.72498145800091, "spec/features/admin/admin_manage_applications_spec.rb": 39.161463221000304, "spec/features/incidents/user_views_alert_details_spec.rb": 32.99177229500128, "spec/features/profiles/user_visits_profile_preferences_page_spec.rb": 25.32871714400062, "spec/features/projects/settings/user_changes_default_branch_spec.rb": 11.655204831000447, "spec/features/groups/navbar_spec.rb": 20.195220241999777, "spec/features/admin/admin_health_check_spec.rb": 10.547343084999738, "spec/features/achievements/achievements_spec.rb": 11.41312158600158, "spec/features/user_opens_link_to_comment_spec.rb": 12.347999768999216, "spec/features/projects/artifacts/file_spec.rb": 7.993337456999143, "spec/features/alert_management_spec.rb": 5.2663608379989455, "spec/features/projects/sub_group_issuables_spec.rb": 6.808781869000086, "spec/features/projects/forks/fork_list_spec.rb": 7.904733067000052, "spec/features/projects/files/edit_file_soft_wrap_spec.rb": 5.592406444999142, "spec/features/projects/artifacts/user_views_project_artifacts_page_spec.rb": 3.232913677999022, "spec/features/groups/labels/create_spec.rb": 3.2305902670013893, "spec/features/merge_requests/user_views_closed_merge_requests_spec.rb": 1.590034235998246 } Knapsack global time execution for tests: 20m 50s Finished in 21 minutes 25 seconds (files took 52.85 seconds to load) 251 examples, 0 failures Randomized with seed 57217 Failed to write to log, write log/workhorse-test.log: file already closed [TEST PROF INFO] Time spent in factories: 03:05.059 (14.38% of total time) [0;33mRSpec exited with 0. [0m[0;32mNo examples to retry, congrats! [0msection_end:1712783451:step_script [0Ksection_start:1712783451:after_script [0K[0K[36;1mRunning after_script[0;m[0;m [32;1mRunning after script...[0;m [32;1m$ source scripts/utils.sh[0;m [32;1m$ bundle exec gem list gitlab_quality-test_tooling[0;m gitlab_quality-test_tooling (1.21.1) [32;1m$ section_start "relate-failure-issue" "Report test failures" # collapsed multi-line command[0;m section_start:1712783455:relate-failure-issue[collapsed=true] [0KReport test failures section_end:1712783455:relate-failure-issue [0K [32;1m$ section_start "flaky-test-issues" "Report test flakiness" # collapsed multi-line command[0;m section_start:1712783455:flaky-test-issues[collapsed=true] [0KReport test flakiness section_end:1712783455:flaky-test-issues [0K [32;1m$ section_start "slow-test-issues" "Report test slowness" # collapsed multi-line command[0;m section_start:1712783455:slow-test-issues[collapsed=true] [0KReport test slowness section_end:1712783455:slow-test-issues [0K [32;1m$ section_start "slow-test-merge-request-report-note" "Report test slowness in MR note" # collapsed multi-line command[0;m section_start:1712783455:slow-test-merge-request-report-note[collapsed=true] [0KReport test slowness in MR note Reporting slow tests in MR 144819 => Reporting 251 tests in rspec/rspec-6597628011.json section_end:1712783456:slow-test-merge-request-report-note [0K [32;1m$ section_start "knapsack-report-issues" "Report test files close to timing out" # collapsed multi-line command[0;m section_start:1712783456:knapsack-report-issues[collapsed=true] [0KReport test files close to timing out Reporting spec file exceeding Knapsack expectaton issues in project `gitlab-org/gitlab` via the API at `https://gitlab.com/api/v4`. => Reporting 0 spec files exceeding Knapsack expectation. section_end:1712783458:knapsack-report-issues [0K [32;1m$ tooling/bin/push_job_metrics || true[0;m [job-metrics] Pushing job metrics file for the CI/CD job. [job-metrics] Pushed 4 CI job metric entries to InfluxDB. section_end:1712783459:after_script [0Ksection_start:1712783459:archive_cache [0K[0K[36;1mSaving cache for successful job[0;m[0;m [32;1mNot uploading cache ruby-gems-debian-bookworm-ruby-3.1-17 due to policy[0;m section_end:1712783460:archive_cache [0Ksection_start:1712783460:upload_artifacts_on_success [0K[0K[36;1mUploading artifacts for successful job[0;m[0;m [32;1mUploading artifacts...[0;m auto_explain/: found 3 matching artifact files and directories[0;m coverage/: found 5 matching artifact files and directories[0;m crystalball/: found 2 matching artifact files and directories[0;m [0;33mWARNING: deprecations/: no matching files. Ensure that the artifact path is relative to the working directory (/builds/gitlab-org/gitlab)[0;m knapsack/: found 4 matching artifact files and directories[0;m rspec/: found 16 matching artifact files and directories[0;m [0;33mWARNING: tmp/capybara/: no matching files. Ensure that the artifact path is relative to the working directory (/builds/gitlab-org/gitlab)[0;m log/*.log: found 18 matching artifact files and directories[0;m [0;33mWARNING: Upload request redirected [0;m [0;33mlocation[0;m=https://gitlab.com/api/v4/jobs/6597628011/artifacts?artifact_format=zip&artifact_type=archive&expire_in=31d [0;33mnew-url[0;m=https://gitlab.com [0;33mWARNING: Retrying... [0;m [0;33mcontext[0;m=artifacts-uploader [0;33merror[0;m=request redirected Uploading artifacts as "archive" to coordinator... 201 Created[0;m id[0;m=6597628011 responseStatus[0;m=201 Created token[0;m=glcbt-65 [32;1mUploading artifacts...[0;m rspec/rspec-*.xml: found 1 matching artifact files and directories[0;m [0;33mWARNING: Upload request redirected [0;m [0;33mlocation[0;m=https://gitlab.com/api/v4/jobs/6597628011/artifacts?artifact_format=gzip&artifact_type=junit&expire_in=31d [0;33mnew-url[0;m=https://gitlab.com [0;33mWARNING: Retrying... [0;m [0;33mcontext[0;m=artifacts-uploader [0;33merror[0;m=request redirected Uploading artifacts as "junit" to coordinator... 201 Created[0;m id[0;m=6597628011 responseStatus[0;m=201 Created token[0;m=glcbt-65 section_end:1712783465:upload_artifacts_on_success [0Ksection_start:1712783465:cleanup_file_variables [0K[0K[36;1mCleaning up project directory and file based variables[0;m[0;m section_end:1712783466:cleanup_file_variables [0K[32;1mJob succeeded[0;m