rspec unit pg14 19/32
Passed Started

Nick Leonard
1Using no_proxy_fix 0.1.22Using sawyer 0.9.23Using octokit 8.0.04Using unicode-display_width 2.4.25Using terminal-table 3.0.26Using danger 9.4.27Using multi_xml 0.6.08Using httparty 0.21.09Using gitlab 4.19.010Using danger-gitlab 8.0.011Using dartsass 1.49.812Using database_cleaner-core 2.0.113Using database_cleaner-active_record 2.1.014Using dead_end 3.1.115Using deb_version 1.0.216Using html-pipeline 2.14.317Using deckar01-task_list 2.3.418Using declarative 0.0.2019Using declarative_policy 1.1.020Using deprecation_toolkit 1.5.121Using ffi 1.15.522Using get_process_mem 0.2.723Using heapy 0.2.024Using mini_histogram 0.3.125Using ruby-statistics 3.0.026Using derailed_benchmarks 2.1.227Using devfile 0.0.25.pre.alpha1 (x86_64-linux)28Using device_detector 1.0.029Using orm_adapter 0.5.030Using responders 3.0.131Using warden 1.2.932Using devise 4.9.333Using rotp 6.3.034Using devise-two-factor 4.1.135Using devise-pbkdf2-encryptable 0.0.0 from source at `vendor/gems/devise-pbkdf2-encryptable`36Using diff-lcs 1.5.037Using diff_match_patch 0.1.0 from source at `vendor/gems/diff_match_patch`38Using diffy 3.4.239Using digest-crc 0.6.540Using discordrb-webhooks 3.5.041Using docile 1.4.042Using doorkeeper 5.6.643Using doorkeeper-openid_connect 1.8.744Using dotenv 2.7.645Using dry-cli 1.0.046Using dry-core 1.0.147Using dry-inflector 1.0.048Using dry-logic 1.5.049Using dry-types 1.7.150Using duo_api 1.3.051Using ecma-re-validator 0.3.052Using ed25519 1.3.053Using elasticsearch-api 7.13.354Using elasticsearch-transport 7.13.355Using elasticsearch 7.13.356Using hashie 5.0.057Using elasticsearch-model 7.2.058Using elasticsearch-rails 7.2.159Using email_reply_trimmer 0.1.660Using htmlentities 4.3.461Using email_spec 2.2.062Using ethon 0.16.063Using typhoeus 1.4.064Using error_tracking_open_api 1.0.0 from source at `gems/error_tracking_open_api`65Using escape_utils 1.3.066Using et-orbi 1.2.767Using excon 0.99.068Using execjs 2.8.169Using parslet 1.8.270Using expgen 0.1.171Using expression_parser 0.9.072Using extended-markdown-filter 0.7.073Using factory_bot 6.4.574Using factory_bot_rails 6.4.375Using faraday_middleware-aws-sigv4 0.3.076Using fast_blank 1.0.177Using fast_gettext 2.3.078Using ffaker 2.23.079Using ffi-compiler 1.0.180Using libyajl2 2.1.081Using ffi-yajl 2.6.082Using find_a_port 1.0.183Using flipper 0.26.284Using flipper-active_record 0.26.285Using flipper-active_support_cache_store 0.26.286Using formatador 0.2.587Using fog-core 2.1.088Using fog-json 1.2.089Using ipaddress 0.8.390Using xml-simple 1.1.991Using fog-aliyun 0.4.092Using fog-xml 0.1.393Using fog-aws 3.18.094Using httpclient 2.8.395Using trailblazer-option 0.1.296Using uber 0.1.097Using representable 3.2.098Using retriable 3.1.299Using webrick 1.8.1100Using google-apis-core 0.11.2101Using google-apis-compute_v1 0.57.0102Using google-apis-dns_v1 0.28.0103Using google-apis-iamcredentials_v1 0.15.0104Using google-apis-monitoring_v3 0.37.0105Using google-apis-pubsub_v1 0.30.0106Using google-apis-sqladmin_v1beta4 0.41.0107Using google-apis-storage_v1 0.29.0108Using google-cloud-env 1.6.0109Using fog-google 1.19.0110Using fog-local 0.8.0111Using forwardable 1.3.3112Using raabro 1.4.0113Using fugit 1.8.1114Using rspec-support 3.12.0115Using rspec-core 3.12.2116Using ruby-progressbar 1.11.0117Using fuubar 2.2.0118Using gemoji 3.0.1119Using locale 2.1.3120Using singleton 0.1.1121Using prime 0.1.2122Using text 1.3.1123Using gettext 3.4.9124Using gettext_i18n_rails 1.12.0125Using gitaly 16.10.1126Using gitlab-backup-cli 0.0.1 from source at `gems/gitlab-backup-cli`127Using numerizer 0.2.0128Using gitlab-chronic 0.10.5129Using gitlab-dangerfiles 4.7.0130Using request_store 1.5.1131Using gitlab-experiment 0.9.1132Using gitlab-fog-azure-rm 1.9.1133Using rb_sys 0.9.86134Using gitlab-glfm-markdown 0.0.14 (x86_64-linux)135Using language_server-protocol parallel 1.22.1137Using parser rainbow 3.1.1139Using rubocop-ast 1.29.0140Using rubocop 1.57.2141Using gitlab-housekeeper 0.1.0 from source at `gems/gitlab-housekeeper` and installing its executables142Using gitlab-http 0.1.0 from source at `gems/gitlab-http`143Using opentracing 0.5.0144Using thrift 0.16.0145Using jaeger-client 1.1.0146Using pg_query 5.1.0147Using redis-client 0.21.1148Using redis 5.0.8149Using gitlab-labkit 0.35.1150Using gitlab-license 2.4.0151Using version_gem 1.1.0152Using snaky_hash 2.0.0153Using oauth2 2.0.9154Using redis-namespace 1.10.0155Using gitlab-mail_room 0.0.24156Using gitlab-markup 1.9.0157Using gitlab-net-dns 0.9.2158Using rspec-expectations 3.12.3159Using rspec-mocks 3.12.6160Using rspec 3.12.0161Using gitlab-rspec 0.1.0 from source at `gems/gitlab-rspec`162Using gitlab-rspec_flaky 0.1.0 from source at `gems/gitlab-rspec_flaky`163Using gitlab-safe_request_store 0.1.0 from source at `gems/gitlab-safe_request_store`164Using gitlab-schema-validation 0.1.0 from source at `gems/gitlab-schema-validation`165Using snowplow-tracker 0.8.0166Using gitlab-sdk 0.3.0167Using re2 2.7.0 (x86_64-linux)168Using toml-rb 2.2.0169Using gitlab-secret_detection 0.1.0 from source at `gems/gitlab-secret_detection`170Using sidekiq 7.1.6 from source at `vendor/gems/sidekiq-7.1.6` and installing its executables171Using gitlab-sidekiq-fetcher 0.11.0 from source at `vendor/gems/sidekiq-reliable-fetch`172Using rubocop-graphql 0.19.0173Using rubocop-performance 1.19.1174Using rubocop-rails 2.22.1175Using rubocop-capybara 2.19.0176Using rubocop-factory_bot 2.24.0177Using rubocop-rspec 2.25.0178Using gitlab-styles 11.0.0179Using gitlab-utils 0.1.0 from source at `gems/gitlab-utils`180Using gitlab_chronic_duration 0.12.0181Using net-ldap 0.17.1182Using rack-protection 2.2.2183Using omniauth 2.1.0184Using pyu-ruby-sasl rubyntlm 0.6.3186Using gitlab_omniauth-ldap 2.2.0187Using http-form_data 2.3.0188Using llhttp-ffi 0.4.0189Using http 5.1.1190Using unparser 0.6.7191Using proc_to_ast 0.1.0192Using rspec-parameterized-core 1.0.0193Using rspec-parameterized-table_syntax 1.0.0194Using rspec-parameterized 1.0.0195Using table_print 1.5.7196Using gitlab_quality-test_tooling 1.21.1197Using gon 6.4.0198Using google-apis-androidpublisher_v3 0.34.0199Using google-apis-cloudbilling_v1 0.21.0200Using google-apis-cloudresourcemanager_v1 0.31.0201Using google-apis-container_v1 0.43.0202Using google-apis-container_v1beta1 0.43.0203Using google-apis-iam_v1 0.36.0204Using google-apis-serviceusage_v1 0.28.0205Using google-cloud-location 0.6.0206Using grpc-google-iam-v1 1.5.0207Using google-cloud-artifact_registry-v1 0.11.0208Using google-cloud-common 1.1.0209Using google-cloud-compute-v1 2.6.0210Using google-cloud-core 1.6.0211Using google-cloud-storage 1.45.0212Using mini_portile2 2.8.5213Using gpgme 2.0.23214Using mustermann 3.0.0215Using mustermann-grape 1.0.2216Using rack-accept 0.4.5217Using grape 2.0.0218Using grape-entity 0.10.2219Using grape-path-helpers 2.0.1220Using grape-swagger 2.0.2221Using grape-swagger-entity 0.5.1222Using grape_logging 1.8.4223Using sprockets 3.7.2224Using sprockets-rails 3.4.2225Using graphiql-rails 1.8.0226Using graphql-client 0.19.0227Using graphlient 0.6.0228Using graphlyte 1.0.0229Using graphql-docs 4.0.0230Using gssapi 1.3.1231Using rb-fsevent 0.11.2232Using rb-inotify 0.10.1233Using listen 3.7.1234Using lumberjack 1.2.7235Using nenv 0.3.0236Using shellany 0.0.1237Using notiffany 0.1.3238Using pry 0.14.2239Using guard 2.16.2240Using guard-compat 1.2.1241Using guard-rspec 4.7.3242Using temple 0.8.2243Using tilt 2.0.11244Using haml 5.2.2245Using sysexits 1.2.0246Using haml_lint 0.53.0247Using hamlit 2.15.0248Using hana 1.3.7249Using hashdiff 1.1.0250Using health_check 3.1.0251Using html2text 0.2.0252Using ice_cube 0.16.4253Using icalendar 2.8.0254Using imagen 0.1.8255Using influxdb-client 2.9.0256Using rails invisible_captcha 2.1.0258Using ipaddr 1.2.5259Using oj 3.13.23260Using ipynbdiff 0.4.7 from source at `gems/ipynbdiff`261Using oauth 0.5.6262Using jira-ruby 2.3.0263Using regexp_property_values 1.0.0264Using js_regex 3.8.0265Using json-jwt 1.15.3266Using uri_template 0.7.0267Using json_schemer 0.2.18268Using jsonb_accessor 1.3.10269Using jsonpath 1.1.2270Using kaminari-core 1.2.2271Using kaminari-actionview 1.2.2272Using kaminari-activerecord 1.2.2273Using kaminari 1.2.2274Using kas-grpc 0.4.0275Using knapsack 1.22.0276Using recursive-open-struct 1.1.3277Using kubeclient 4.11.0278Using rubyzip 2.3.2279Using with_env 1.1.0280Using license_finder 7.0.1281Using reverse_markdown 1.4.0282Using rugged 1.6.3283Using licensee 9.16.1284Using lockbox 1.3.0285Using lograge 0.11.2286Using lru_redux 1.1.0287Using mail-smtp_pool 0.1.0 from source at `vendor/gems/mail-smtp_pool`288Using marginalia 1.11.1289Using microsoft_graph_mailer 0.1.0 from source at `vendor/gems/microsoft_graph_mailer`290Using mini_magick 4.12.0291Using mixlib-cli 2.1.8292Using mixlib-log 3.0.9293Using murmurhash3 0.1.7294Using neighbor 0.2.3295Using uri 0.13.0296Using net-http 0.1.1297Using net-ntp 2.1.3298Using net-ssh 7.2.0299Using net-scp 4.0.0300Using plist 3.7.0301Using train-core 3.10.8302Using wmi-lite 1.0.7303Using ohai 18.1.3304Using oj-introspect 0.7.2305Using omniauth-oauth2 1.8.0306Using omniauth-alicloud 3.0.0307Using omniauth-atlassian-oauth2 0.2.0308Using omniauth-auth0 3.1.0309Using omniauth-azure-activedirectory-v2 2.0.0310Using omniauth-azure-oauth2 0.0.10 from source at `vendor/gems/omniauth-azure-oauth2`311Using omniauth-dingtalk-oauth2 1.0.1312Using omniauth-facebook 4.0.0313Using omniauth-github 2.0.1314Using omniauth-gitlab 4.0.0 from source at `vendor/gems/omniauth-gitlab`315Using omniauth-google-oauth2 1.1.1316Using omniauth-oauth 1.2.0317Using omniauth-oauth2-generic 0.2.8318Using omniauth-salesforce 1.0.5 from source at `vendor/gems/omniauth-salesforce`319Using ruby-saml 1.15.0320Using omniauth-saml 2.1.0321Using omniauth-shibboleth-redux 2.0.0322Using omniauth-twitter 1.4.0323Using omniauth_crowd 2.4.0 from source at `vendor/gems/omniauth_crowd`324Using rack-oauth2 1.21.3325Using swd 1.3.0326Using validate_email 0.1.6327Using validate_url 1.0.15328Using webfinger 1.2.0329Using openid_connect 1.3.0330Using omniauth_openid_connect 0.6.1331Using optimist 3.0.1332Using rubypants 0.2.0333Using org-ruby 0.9.12334Using pact-support 1.20.0335Using pact-mock_service 3.11.2336Using term-ansicolor 1.7.1337Using pact 1.64.0338Using tty-color 0.6.0339Using pastel 0.8.0340Using peek 1.1.0341Using png_quantizator 0.2.1342Using premailer 1.16.0343Using premailer-rails 1.10.3344Using prometheus-client-mmap 1.1.1 (x86_64-linux)345Using pry-byebug 3.10.1346Using pry-rails 0.3.9347Using rouge 4.2.0348Using strings-ansi 0.2.0349Using unicode_utils 1.4.0350Using strings 0.2.1351Using tty-screen 0.8.1352Using tty-markdown 0.7.2353Using tty-cursor 0.7.1354Using wisper 2.0.1355Using tty-reader 0.9.0356Using tty-prompt 0.23.1357Using pry-shell 0.6.4358Using puma 6.4.0359Using rack-attack 6.7.0360Using rack-cors 2.0.1361Using rack-proxy 0.7.7362Using rack-session 1.0.2363Using rack-timeout 0.6.3364Using rails-controller-testing 1.0.5365Using rails-i18n 7.0.3366Using rbtrace 0.5.1367Using recaptcha 5.12.3368Using redis-store 1.10.0369Using redis-rack 3.0.0370Using redis-actionpack 5.4.0371Using redis-cluster-client 0.7.5372Using redis-clustering 5.0.8373Using rinku 2.0.0374Using rqrcode_core 1.2.0375Using rqrcode 2.2.0376Using rspec-benchmark 0.6.0377Using rspec-rails 6.1.1378Using rspec-retry 0.6.2379Using rspec_junit_formatter 0.6.0380Using rspec_profiling 0.0.9381Using ruby-fogbugz 0.3.0382Using ruby-magic 0.6.0383Using ruby-openai 3.7.0384Using safety_net_attestation 0.4.0385Using sanitize 6.0.2386Using sd_notify 0.1.1387Using seed-fu 2.3.7388Using websocket 1.2.10389Using selenium-webdriver 4.18.1390Using tty-command 0.10.1391Using semver_dialects 2.0.0392Using sentry-ruby 5.10.0393Using sentry-rails 5.10.0394Using sentry-raven 3.1.2395Using sentry-sidekiq 5.10.0396Using shoulda-matchers 5.1.0397Using sidekiq-cron 1.12.0398Using sigdump 0.2.4399Using simple_po_parser 1.1.6400Using simplecov-html 0.12.3401Using simplecov_json_formatter 0.1.4402Using simplecov 0.22.0403Using simplecov-cobertura 2.1.0404Using simplecov-lcov 0.8.0405Using slack-messenger 2.3.4406Using spamcheck 1.3.0407Using spring 4.1.0408Using spring-commands-rspec 1.0.4409Using ssh_data 1.3.0410Using state_machines 0.5.0411Using state_machines-activemodel 0.8.0412Using state_machines-activerecord 0.8.0413Using static_holmes 0.7.7414Using sys-filesystem 1.4.3415Using tanuki_emoji 0.9.0416Using telesign 2.2.4417Using telesignenterprise 2.2.2418Using terser 1.0.2419Using test-prof 1.3.2420Using test_file_finder 0.3.1421Using timfel-krb5-auth 0.8.3422Using tpm-key_attestation 0.12.0423Using truncato 0.7.12424Using undercover 0.4.6425Using unleash 3.2.2426Using valid_email 0.1.3427Using validates_hostname 1.0.13428Using version_sorter 2.3.0429Using view_component 3.11.0430Using vite_ruby 3.5.0431Using vite_rails 3.0.17432Using vmstat 2.3.0433Using warning 1.3.0434Using webauthn 3.0.0435Using webmock 3.23.0436Using wikicloth 0.8.1437Using yajl-ruby 1.4.3438Bundle complete! 332 Gemfile dependencies, 645 gems now installed.439Gems in the groups 'production' and 'development' were not installed.440Bundled gems are installed into `./vendor`4412 installed gems you directly depend on are looking for funding.442 Run `bundle fund` for details443==> 'bundle install --jobs=$(nproc) --retry=3 ' succeeded in 1 seconds.444$ bundle pristine pg445Patching bundler with bundler-checksum...446Installing pg 1.5.6 with native extensions447==> 'bundle pristine pg' succeeded in 11 seconds.448Using decomposed database config (config/database.yml.decomposed-postgresql)449Geo DB won't be set up.450Embedding DB won't be set up.462$ source ./scripts/rspec_helpers.sh463$ run_timed_command "gem install knapsack --no-document"464$ gem install knapsack --no-document465Successfully installed knapsack-4.0.04661 gem installed467==> 'gem install knapsack --no-document' succeeded in 0 seconds.468$ section_start "gitaly-test-spawn" "Spawning Gitaly"; scripts/gitaly-test-spawn; section_end "gitaly-test-spawn"473$ export RSPEC_SKIPPED_TESTS_REPORT_PATH="rspec/skipped_tests-${CI_JOB_ID}.txt"474$ export RSPEC_RETRIED_TESTS_REPORT_PATH="rspec/retried_tests-${CI_JOB_ID}.txt"475$ tooling/bin/create_job_metrics_file || true476[job-metrics] Creating the job metrics file for the CI/CD job.477$ rspec_section rspec_parallelized_job "--fail-fast=${RSPEC_FAIL_FAST_THRESHOLD} --tag ~quarantine --tag ~level:background_migration --tag ~click_house --tag ~real_ai_request" 478 RSpec 479[20:47:57] Starting rspec_parallelized_job480RETRY_FAILED_TESTS_IN_NEW_PROCESS: true481KNAPSACK_GENERATE_REPORT: true482FLAKY_RSPEC_GENERATE_REPORT: true483KNAPSACK_TEST_FILE_PATTERN: spec/{bin,channels,components,config,contracts,db,dependencies,elastic,elastic_integration,experiments,factories,finders,frontend,graphql,haml_lint,helpers,initializers,keeps,lib,metrics_server,models,policies,presenters,rack_servers,replicators,routing,rubocop,scripts,serializers,services,sidekiq,sidekiq_cluster,spam,support_specs,tasks,uploaders,validators,views,workers,tooling,dot_gitlab_ci}{,/**/}*_spec.rb484KNAPSACK_LOG_LEVEL: debug485KNAPSACK_REPORT_PATH: knapsack/rspec_unit_pg14_19_32_278964_report.json486FLAKY_RSPEC_SUITE_REPORT_PATH: rspec/flaky/report-suite.json487FLAKY_RSPEC_REPORT_PATH: rspec/flaky/all_rspec_unit_pg14_19_32_278964_report.json488NEW_FLAKY_RSPEC_REPORT_PATH: rspec/flaky/new_rspec_unit_pg14_19_32_278964_report.json489RSPEC_SKIPPED_TESTS_REPORT_PATH: rspec/skipped_tests-6597627942.txt490CRYSTALBALL: 491RSPEC_TESTS_MAPPING_ENABLED: 492RSPEC_TESTS_FILTER_FILE: 493Shell set options (set -o) enabled:494braceexpand on495hashall on496interactive-comments on497pipefail on498Parsing expected rspec suite duration...499RSpec suite is expected to take 30 minutes 26.43 seconds.500Expected duration for tests:501{502 "spec/services/merge_requests/refresh_service_spec.rb": 271.32280364051076,503 "spec/policies/ci/pipeline_schedule_policy_spec.rb": 170.1069133191165,504 "spec/tasks/gitlab/usage_data_rake_spec.rb": 115.51347279711695,505 "spec/models/todo_spec.rb": 80.70030871228654,506 "spec/services/snippets/update_service_spec.rb": 69.85933023597627,507 "spec/lib/gitlab/import_export/project/tree_saver_spec.rb": 60.89552298533326,508 "spec/helpers/visibility_level_helper_spec.rb": 54.42523949564605,509 "spec/models/integrations/jira_spec.rb": 47.149113028629934,510 "spec/workers/emails_on_push_worker_spec.rb": 42.14871729580839,511 "spec/models/members/group_member_spec.rb": 38.295560556257,512 "spec/models/remote_mirror_spec.rb": 33.588902702066534,513 "spec/models/sent_notification_spec.rb": 29.559331318738813,514 "spec/lib/backup/database_connection_spec.rb": 29.165923206811225,515 "spec/models/jira_import_state_spec.rb": 25.383080548693776,516 "spec/models/hooks/system_hook_spec.rb": 24.22551092413767,517 "spec/lib/gitlab/background_migration/backfill_vs_code_settings_uuid_spec.rb": 23.81632788689165,518 "spec/helpers/merge_requests_helper_spec.rb": 20.96891681910691,519 "spec/serializers/ci/pipeline_entity_spec.rb": 20.697060906933334,520 "spec/services/merge_requests/link_lfs_objects_service_spec.rb": 18.873286168669924,521 "spec/services/design_management/save_designs_service_spec.rb": 18.702108493579644,522 "spec/models/operations/feature_flags/user_list_spec.rb": 17.071004307807968,523 "spec/lib/gitlab/background_migration/backfill_default_organization_owners_spec.rb": 16.356987810641467,524 "spec/workers/issues/placement_worker_spec.rb": 16.00559411111452,525 "spec/services/merge_requests/update_reviewers_service_spec.rb": 14.628523892602306,526 "spec/models/plan_limits_spec.rb": 14.57142056664275,527 "spec/lib/gitlab/cleanup/orphan_job_artifact_final_objects/generate_list_spec.rb": 13.607671145245474,528 "spec/services/packages/conan/search_service_spec.rb": 13.36916067880365,529 "spec/serializers/analytics_build_entity_spec.rb": 12.851806176583185,530 "spec/policies/clusters/cluster_policy_spec.rb": 12.226556449563375,531 "spec/services/upload_service_spec.rb": 11.971597132318756,532 "spec/models/ci/secure_file_spec.rb": 11.226258714945839,533 "spec/services/alert_management/alerts/update_service_spec.rb": 11.096932859117663,534 "spec/models/fork_network_spec.rb": 10.477474620345738,535 "spec/workers/concerns/application_worker_spec.rb": 10.253609621912712,536 "spec/lib/gitlab/github_import/importer/milestones_importer_spec.rb": 9.752413831467264,537 "spec/models/commit_signatures/gpg_signature_spec.rb": 9.636727099344508,538 "spec/models/ci/resource_spec.rb": 9.157352722334643,539 "spec/lib/gitlab/popen_spec.rb": 8.937288983294641,540 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spec/initializers/mail_encoding_patch_spec.rb spec/lib/gitlab/redis/hll_spec.rb spec/lib/gitlab/github_import/importer/pull_requests/merged_by_importer_spec.rb spec/lib/gitlab/ci/status/build/pending_spec.rb spec/models/concerns/usage_statistics_spec.rb spec/graphql/resolvers/deployments_resolver_spec.rb spec/models/bulk_imports/file_transfer/group_config_spec.rb spec/services/concerns/exclusive_lease_guard_spec.rb spec/lib/gitlab/database/migrations/test_background_runner_spec.rb spec/lib/gitlab/ci/build/prerequisite/factory_spec.rb spec/lib/gitlab/import_export/attribute_configuration_spec.rb spec/lib/gitlab/email/service_desk/custom_email_spec.rb spec/lib/gitlab/tracking/standard_context_spec.rb spec/lib/gitlab/github_import/importer/attachments/releases_importer_spec.rb spec/lib/gitlab/ci/status/pipeline/blocked_spec.rb spec/rubocop/cop/experiments_test_coverage_spec.rb spec/services/boards/visits/create_service_spec.rb spec/lib/gitlab/middleware/speedscope_spec.rb spec/lib/gitlab/private_commit_email_spec.rb spec/lib/gitlab/analytics/cycle_analytics/average_spec.rb spec/rubocop/cop/ignored_columns_spec.rb spec/policies/achievements/achievement_policy_spec.rb spec/lib/gitlab/database/load_balancing/primary_host_spec.rb spec/lib/gitlab/sidekiq_middleware/admin_mode/client_spec.rb spec/validators/qualified_domain_array_validator_spec.rb spec/services/user_agent_detail_service_spec.rb spec/models/project_custom_attribute_spec.rb spec/rubocop/cop/migration/add_concurrent_index_spec.rb spec/models/namespace/admin_note_spec.rb spec/services/packages/helm/extract_file_metadata_service_spec.rb spec/workers/ci/build_prepare_worker_spec.rb spec/models/packages/event_spec.rb spec/services/packages/nuget/create_dependency_service_spec.rb spec/graphql/resolvers/work_item_resolver_spec.rb spec/rubocop/cop/gitlab/module_with_instance_variables_spec.rb spec/lib/gitlab/ci/config/entry/stages_spec.rb spec/models/work_items/related_link_restriction_spec.rb spec/lib/gitlab/pagination/keyset_spec.rb spec/serializers/test_suite_comparer_entity_spec.rb spec/workers/environments/canary_ingress/update_worker_spec.rb spec/workers/projects/finalize_project_statistics_refresh_worker_spec.rb spec/models/group_custom_attribute_spec.rb spec/rubocop/cop/migration/add_columns_to_wide_tables_spec.rb spec/lib/gitlab/word_diff/segments/chunk_spec.rb spec/lib/gitlab/database/load_balancing/service_discovery/sampler_spec.rb spec/lib/gitlab/url_blockers/domain_allowlist_entry_spec.rb spec/lib/api/entities/namespace_basic_spec.rb spec/routing/organizations/organizations_controller_routing_spec.rb spec/models/user_mentions/merge_request_user_mention_spec.rb spec/lib/gitlab/database/query_analyzers/prevent_set_operator_mismatch/common_table_expressions_spec.rb spec/rubocop/cop/avoid_break_from_strong_memoize_spec.rb spec/lib/container_registry/registry_spec.rb spec/lib/gitlab/submodule_links_spec.rb spec/lib/gitlab/ci/config/external/mapper/normalizer_spec.rb spec/lib/gitlab/ci/pipeline/expression/lexeme/pattern/regular_expression_spec.rb spec/finders/packages/pipelines_finder_spec.rb spec/lib/gitlab_settings/settings_spec.rb spec/views/devise/sessions/new.html.haml_spec.rb spec/workers/gitlab/github_import/attachments/import_merge_request_worker_spec.rb spec/lib/gitlab/ci/status/manual_spec.rb spec/config/mail_room_spec.rb spec/lib/gitlab/usage/metrics/instrumentations/count_service_desk_custom_email_enabled_metric_spec.rb spec/serializers/personal_access_token_serializer_spec.rb spec/rubocop/cop/migration/add_concurrent_foreign_key_spec.rb spec/views/layouts/minimal.html.haml_spec.rb spec/lib/gitlab/ci/mask_secret_spec.rb spec/rubocop/cop/migration/add_timestamps_spec.rb spec/lib/gitlab/memory/watchdog/monitor/heap_fragmentation_spec.rb spec/tooling/lib/tooling/debug_spec.rb spec/initializers/countries_spec.rb spec/lib/gitlab/ci/build/artifacts/adapters/raw_stream_spec.rb spec/helpers/git_helper_spec.rb spec/finders/admin/plans_finder_spec.rb spec/workers/gitlab/export/prune_project_export_jobs_worker_spec.rb spec/lib/gitlab/sql/glob_spec.rb spec/services/packages/nuget/symbols/extract_signature_and_checksum_service_spec.rb spec/lib/banzai/pipeline/email_pipeline_spec.rb spec/lib/sidebars/projects/menus/external_issue_tracker_menu_spec.rb spec/lib/gitlab/database/schema_migrations/migrations_spec.rb spec/lib/gitlab/graphql/negatable_arguments_spec.rb spec/lib/gitlab/memory/watchdog/monitor_state_spec.rb spec/tooling/danger/config_files_spec.rb spec/helpers/feed_token_helper_spec.rb spec/graphql/types/work_items/linked_item_type_spec.rb spec/db/production/add_security_training_providers_spec.rb spec/graphql/types/security/codequality_reports_comparer/report_type_spec.rb spec/graphql/types/alert_management/severity_enum_spec.rb spec/rubocop/cop/gitlab/finder_with_find_by_spec.rb spec/graphql/types/ci_configuration/sast/entity_input_type_spec.rb spec/lib/atlassian/jira_connect/serializers/base_entity_spec.rb spec/lib/parameter_filters/saml_response_spec.rb spec/graphql/types/merge_requests/mergeability_check_type_spec.rb spec/lib/api/validations/validators/email_or_email_list_spec.rb spec/lib/bitbucket/exponential_backoff_spec.rb spec/lib/gitlab/import/logger_spec.rb spec/lib/gitlab/metrics/rack_middleware_spec.rb spec/lib/gitlab/audit/deploy_token_author_spec.rb spec/lib/gitlab/application_rate_limiter/base_strategy_spec.rb spec/graphql/types/container_respository_tags_sort_enum_spec.rb spec/serializers/codequality_reports_comparer_entity_spec.rb spec/views/shared/ssh_keys/_key_delete.html.haml_spec.rb spec/graphql/types/packages/package_file_type_spec.rb spec/helpers/admin/components_helper_spec.rb spec/scripts/api/create_merge_request_discussion_spec.rb spec/graphql/types/permission_types/deployment_spec.rb spec/workers/gitlab/github_import/refresh_import_jid_worker_spec.rb spec/graphql/types/permission_types/package_spec.rb spec/lib/gitlab/usage/metrics/instrumentations/hostname_metric_spec.rb spec/lib/sidebars/concerns/container_with_html_options_spec.rbKnapsack report generator started!729Run options: exclude {:quarantine=>true, :level=>"background_migration", :click_house=>true, :real_ai_request=>true}730# [RSpecRunTime] Starting RSpec timer...731[TEST PROF INFO] EventProf enabled (sql.active_record)732unknown OID 2249: failed to recognize type of 'pg_stat_file'. It will be treated as String.733unknown OID 2249: failed to recognize type of 'pg_stat_file'. It will be treated as String.734Test environment set up in 1.369893281 seconds735# [RSpecRunTime] Starting example group spec/services/merge_requests/refresh_service_spec.rb. Expected to take 4 minutes 31.32 seconds.736MergeRequests::RefreshService737 #execute738 push to origin repo source branch739 executes hooks with update action740 triggers mergeRequestMergeStatusUpdated GraphQL subscription conditionally741 reloads source branch MRs memoization742 outdates MR suggestions743 calls the merge request activity counter744 query count745 does not execute a lot of queries746 when a merge error exists747 clears merge errors when pushing to the source branch748 does not clear merge errors when pushing to the target branch749# [RSpecRunTime] RSpec elapsed time: 37.4 seconds. Current RSS: ~1559M. load average: 1.11 1.23 0.80 1/289 1847750 when source branch ref does not exists751 closes MRs without source branch ref752 does not change the merge request diff753# [RSpecRunTime] RSpec elapsed time: 44.3 seconds. Current RSS: ~1574M. load average: 1.10 1.23 0.80 1/289 2102754 when pipeline exists for the source branch755 updates the head_pipeline_id for @merge_request756 does not update the head_pipeline_id for @fork_merge_request757# [RSpecRunTime] RSpec elapsed time: 54.31 seconds. Current RSS: ~1507M. load average: 1.01 1.20 0.80 1/289 2457758 Pipelines for merge requests759 when .gitlab-ci.yml has merge_requests keywords760 create detached merge request pipeline with commits761 does not create detached merge request pipeline for forked project762 create detached merge request pipeline for non-fork merge request763 when "push_options: nil" is passed764 creates a detached merge request pipeline with commits765# [RSpecRunTime] RSpec elapsed time: 1 minute 15.75 seconds. Current RSS: ~1551M. load average: 1.01 1.19 0.81 1/289 3193766 when ci.skip push_options are passed767 creates a skipped detached merge request pipeline with commits768# [RSpecRunTime] RSpec elapsed time: 1 minute 20.75 seconds. Current RSS: ~1551M. load average: 1.00 1.18 0.81 1/289 3368769 when service is hooked by target branch770 does not create detached merge request pipeline771# [RSpecRunTime] RSpec elapsed time: 1 minute 24.01 seconds. Current RSS: ~1550M. load average: 1.00 1.18 0.81 1/291 3461772 when service runs on forked project773 creates detached merge request pipeline for fork merge request774# [RSpecRunTime] RSpec elapsed time: 1 minute 28.55 seconds. Current RSS: ~1552M. load average: 1.08 1.20 0.82 1/291 3607775 when branch pipeline was created before a detaced merge request pipeline has been created776 sets the latest detached merge request pipeline as a head pipeline777 returns pipelines in correct order778# [RSpecRunTime] RSpec elapsed time: 1 minute 39.52 seconds. Current RSS: ~1542M. load average: 1.15 1.21 0.82 1/289 3978779 when MergeRequestUpdateWorker is retried by an exception780 does not re-create a duplicate detached merge request pipeline781# [RSpecRunTime] RSpec elapsed time: 1 minute 46.65 seconds. Current RSS: ~1539M. load average: 1.20 1.22 0.83 1/288 4247782 when the pipeline should be skipped783 saves a skipped detached merge request pipeline784# [RSpecRunTime] RSpec elapsed time: 1 minute 51.67 seconds. Current RSS: ~1533M. load average: 1.19 1.21 0.83 1/288 4435785 when .gitlab-ci.yml does not have merge_requests keywords786 does not create a detached merge request pipeline787# [RSpecRunTime] RSpec elapsed time: 1 minute 56.21 seconds. Current RSS: ~1545M. load average: 1.17 1.21 0.83 1/288 4610788 when .gitlab-ci.yml is invalid789 persists a pipeline with config error790# [RSpecRunTime] RSpec elapsed time: 2 minutes 1.33 seconds. Current RSS: ~1552M. load average: 1.16 1.21 0.83 1/288 4785791 when .gitlab-ci.yml file is valid but has a logical error792 persists a pipeline with config error793# [RSpecRunTime] RSpec elapsed time: 2 minutes 6.7 seconds. Current RSS: ~1538M. load average: 1.14 1.20 0.84 1/287 4960794 push to origin repo source branch795 executes hooks with update action796# [RSpecRunTime] RSpec elapsed time: 2 minutes 10.34 seconds. Current RSS: ~1545M. load average: 1.14 1.20 0.84 1/287 5131797 push to origin repo target branch798 when all MRs to the target branch had diffs799 updates the merge state800# [RSpecRunTime] RSpec elapsed time: 2 minutes 13.34 seconds. Current RSS: ~1553M. load average: 1.21 1.22 0.84 1/287 5223801 when an MR to be closed was empty already802 only updates the non-empty MRs803# [RSpecRunTime] RSpec elapsed time: 2 minutes 16.66 seconds. Current RSS: ~1551M. load average: 1.20 1.21 0.84 1/287 5332804 manual merge of source branch805 updates the merge state806# [RSpecRunTime] RSpec elapsed time: 2 minutes 19.84 seconds. Current RSS: ~1548M. load average: 1.20 1.21 0.84 1/287 5434807 push to fork repo source branch808 open fork merge request809 calls MergeRequests::LinkLfsObjectsService#execute810 executes hooks with update action811 outdates opened forked MR suggestions812# [RSpecRunTime] RSpec elapsed time: 2 minutes 28.96 seconds. Current RSS: ~1528M. load average: 1.25 1.22 0.85 1/288 5822813 closed fork merge request814 do not execute hooks with update action815 updates merge request to closed state816# [RSpecRunTime] RSpec elapsed time: 2 minutes 33.89 seconds. Current RSS: ~1534M. load average: 1.23 1.22 0.85 1/288 5997817 push to fork repo target branch818 changes to merge requests819 updates the merge request state820# [RSpecRunTime] RSpec elapsed time: 2 minutes 36.45 seconds. Current RSS: ~1550M. load average: 1.21 1.21 0.85 1/288 6085821 merge request diff822 does not reload the diff of the merge request made from fork823# [RSpecRunTime] RSpec elapsed time: 2 minutes 38.91 seconds. Current RSS: ~1546M. load average: 1.21 1.21 0.85 1/288 6173824 forked projects with the same source branch name as target branch825 reloads a new diff for a push to the forked project826 reloads a new diff for a force push to the source branch827 reloads a new diff for a force push to the target branch828 reloads a new diff for a push to the target project that contains a commit in the MR829 does not increase the diff count for a new push to target branch830# [RSpecRunTime] RSpec elapsed time: 3 minutes 1.08 seconds. Current RSS: ~1525M. load average: 1.23 1.21 0.86 1/288 7430831 push to origin repo target branch after fork project was removed832 updates the merge request state833# [RSpecRunTime] RSpec elapsed time: 3 minutes 4.23 seconds. Current RSS: ~1528M. load average: 1.23 1.21 0.86 1/288 7522834 push new branch that exists in a merge request835 refreshes the merge request836# [RSpecRunTime] RSpec elapsed time: 3 minutes 7.48 seconds. Current RSS: ~1528M. load average: 1.21 1.21 0.86 1/288 7651837 merge request metrics838 when the merge request is sourced from the same project839 creates a `MergeRequestsClosingIssues` record for each issue closed by a commit840# [RSpecRunTime] RSpec elapsed time: 3 minutes 11.49 seconds. Current RSS: ~1531M. load average: 1.19 1.20 0.86 1/288 7757841 when the merge request is sourced from a different project842 creates a `MergeRequestsClosingIssues` record for each issue closed by a commit843# [RSpecRunTime] RSpec elapsed time: 3 minutes 16.16 seconds. Current RSS: ~1537M. load average: 1.26 1.22 0.87 1/288 7872844 marking the merge request as draft845 marks the merge request as draft from fixup commits846 references the commit that caused the draft status847 does not mark as draft based on commits that do not belong to an MR848# [RSpecRunTime] RSpec elapsed time: 3 minutes 26.45 seconds. Current RSS: ~1529M. load average: 1.22 1.21 0.87 1/288 8308849 updating merge_commit850 feature enabled851 updates merge requests' merge_commit and merged_commit values852# [RSpecRunTime] RSpec elapsed time: 3 minutes 28.44 seconds. Current RSS: ~1527M. load average: 1.22 1.21 0.87 1/288 8388853 #abort_ff_merge_requests_with_when_pipeline_succeeds854 when Project#merge_method is set to FF855 behaves like aborted merge requests for MWPS856 aborts auto_merge857 removes merge_user858 does not add todos for merge user859 adds todos for merge author860# [RSpecRunTime] RSpec elapsed time: 3 minutes 32.21 seconds. Current RSS: ~1543M. load average: 1.20 1.21 0.87 1/288 8478861 with forked project862 behaves like aborted merge requests for MWPS863 aborts auto_merge864 removes merge_user865 does not add todos for merge user866 adds todos for merge author867# [RSpecRunTime] RSpec elapsed time: 3 minutes 34.28 seconds. Current RSS: ~1546M. load average: 1.20 1.21 0.87 1/287 8503868 with bogus auto merge strategy869 behaves like maintained merge requests for MWPS870 does not cancel auto merge871 does not change merge_user872 does not add todos873# [RSpecRunTime] RSpec elapsed time: 3 minutes 35.38 seconds. Current RSS: ~1548M. load average: 1.20 1.21 0.87 1/287 8516874 when Project#merge_method is set to rebase_merge875 behaves like aborted merge requests for MWPS876 aborts auto_merge877 removes merge_user878 does not add todos for merge user879 adds todos for merge author880# [RSpecRunTime] RSpec elapsed time: 3 minutes 37.54 seconds. Current RSS: ~1549M. load average: 1.26 1.22 0.88 1/287 8541881 with forked project882 behaves like aborted merge requests for MWPS883 aborts auto_merge884 removes merge_user885 does not add todos for merge user886 adds todos for merge author887# [RSpecRunTime] RSpec elapsed time: 3 minutes 39.72 seconds. Current RSS: ~1545M. load average: 1.26 1.22 0.88 1/287 8566888 when Project#merge_method is set to merge889 behaves like maintained merge requests for MWPS890 does not cancel auto merge891 does not change merge_user892 does not add todos893 with forked project894 behaves like maintained merge requests for MWPS895 does not cancel auto merge896 does not change merge_user897 does not add todos898 #abort_auto_merges899 aborts MWPS for merge requests900 when merge params contains up-to-date sha901 maintains MWPS for merge requests902# [RSpecRunTime] RSpec elapsed time: 3 minutes 44.46 seconds. Current RSS: ~1555M. load average: 1.24 1.22 0.88 1/288 8706903# [RSpecRunTime] Finishing example group spec/services/merge_requests/refresh_service_spec.rb. It took 3 minutes 41.1 seconds. Expected to take 4 minutes 31.32 seconds.904# [RSpecRunTime] Starting example group spec/policies/ci/pipeline_schedule_policy_spec.rb. Expected to take 2 minutes 50.11 seconds.905Ci::PipelineSchedulePolicy906 rules907 rules for protected ref908 for branch909 with refs/heads/master910 create_pipeline_schedule911 behaves like allowed by those who can update the branch912 push_access_level: :no_one_can_push, merge_access_level: :no_one_can_merge, project_role: :owner, accessible: :be_disallowed913 is expected to be disallowed :create_pipeline_schedule914# [RSpecRunTime] RSpec elapsed time: 3 minutes 46.29 seconds. Current RSS: ~1550M. load average: 1.22 1.21 0.88 1/288 8714915 push_access_level: :no_one_can_push, merge_access_level: :no_one_can_merge, project_role: :maintainer, accessible: :be_disallowed916 is expected to be disallowed :create_pipeline_schedule917 push_access_level: :no_one_can_push, merge_access_level: :no_one_can_merge, project_role: :developer, accessible: :be_disallowed918 is expected to be disallowed :create_pipeline_schedule919 push_access_level: :no_one_can_push, merge_access_level: :no_one_can_merge, project_role: :reporter, accessible: :be_disallowed920 is expected to be disallowed :create_pipeline_schedule921 push_access_level: :no_one_can_push, merge_access_level: :no_one_can_merge, project_role: :guest, accessible: :be_disallowed922 is expected to be disallowed :create_pipeline_schedule923 push_access_level: :maintainers_can_push, merge_access_level: :no_one_can_merge, project_role: :owner, accessible: :be_allowed924 is expected to be allowed :create_pipeline_schedule925 push_access_level: :maintainers_can_push, merge_access_level: :no_one_can_merge, project_role: :maintainer, accessible: :be_allowed926 is expected to be allowed :create_pipeline_schedule927 push_access_level: :maintainers_can_push, merge_access_level: :no_one_can_merge, project_role: :developer, accessible: :be_disallowed928 is expected to be disallowed :create_pipeline_schedule929 push_access_level: :maintainers_can_push, merge_access_level: :no_one_can_merge, project_role: :reporter, accessible: :be_disallowed930 is expected to be disallowed :create_pipeline_schedule931 push_access_level: :maintainers_can_push, merge_access_level: :no_one_can_merge, project_role: :guest, accessible: :be_disallowed932 is expected to be disallowed :create_pipeline_schedule933 push_access_level: :developers_can_push, merge_access_level: :no_one_can_merge, project_role: :owner, accessible: :be_allowed934 is expected to be allowed :create_pipeline_schedule935 push_access_level: :developers_can_push, merge_access_level: :no_one_can_merge, project_role: :maintainer, accessible: :be_allowed936 is expected to be allowed :create_pipeline_schedule937 push_access_level: :developers_can_push, merge_access_level: :no_one_can_merge, project_role: :developer, accessible: :be_allowed938 is expected to be allowed :create_pipeline_schedule939 push_access_level: :developers_can_push, merge_access_level: :no_one_can_merge, project_role: :reporter, accessible: :be_disallowed940 is expected to be disallowed :create_pipeline_schedule941 push_access_level: :developers_can_push, merge_access_level: :no_one_can_merge, project_role: :guest, accessible: :be_disallowed942 is expected to be disallowed :create_pipeline_schedule943 push_access_level: :no_one_can_push, merge_access_level: :maintainers_can_merge, project_role: :owner, accessible: :be_allowed944 is expected to be allowed :create_pipeline_schedule945 push_access_level: :no_one_can_push, merge_access_level: :maintainers_can_merge, project_role: :maintainer, accessible: :be_allowed946 is expected to be allowed :create_pipeline_schedule947 push_access_level: :no_one_can_push, merge_access_level: :maintainers_can_merge, project_role: :developer, accessible: :be_disallowed948 is expected to be disallowed :create_pipeline_schedule949 push_access_level: :no_one_can_push, merge_access_level: :maintainers_can_merge, project_role: :reporter, accessible: :be_disallowed950 is expected to be disallowed :create_pipeline_schedule951 push_access_level: :no_one_can_push, merge_access_level: :maintainers_can_merge, project_role: :guest, accessible: :be_disallowed952 is expected to be disallowed :create_pipeline_schedule953 push_access_level: :maintainers_can_push, merge_access_level: :maintainers_can_merge, project_role: :owner, accessible: :be_allowed954 is expected to be allowed :create_pipeline_schedule955 push_access_level: :maintainers_can_push, merge_access_level: :maintainers_can_merge, project_role: :maintainer, accessible: :be_allowed956 is expected to be allowed :create_pipeline_schedule957 push_access_level: :maintainers_can_push, merge_access_level: :maintainers_can_merge, project_role: :developer, accessible: :be_disallowed958 is expected to be disallowed :create_pipeline_schedule959 push_access_level: :maintainers_can_push, merge_access_level: :maintainers_can_merge, project_role: :reporter, accessible: :be_disallowed960 is expected to be disallowed :create_pipeline_schedule961 push_access_level: :maintainers_can_push, merge_access_level: :maintainers_can_merge, project_role: :guest, accessible: :be_disallowed962 is expected to be disallowed :create_pipeline_schedule963 push_access_level: :developers_can_push, merge_access_level: :maintainers_can_merge, project_role: :owner, accessible: :be_allowed964 is expected to be allowed :create_pipeline_schedule965 push_access_level: :developers_can_push, merge_access_level: :maintainers_can_merge, project_role: :maintainer, accessible: :be_allowed966 is expected to be allowed :create_pipeline_schedule967 push_access_level: :developers_can_push, merge_access_level: :maintainers_can_merge, project_role: :developer, accessible: :be_allowed968 is expected to be allowed :create_pipeline_schedule969 push_access_level: :developers_can_push, merge_access_level: :maintainers_can_merge, project_role: :reporter, accessible: :be_disallowed970 is expected to be disallowed :create_pipeline_schedule971 push_access_level: :developers_can_push, merge_access_level: :maintainers_can_merge, project_role: :guest, accessible: :be_disallowed972 is expected to be disallowed :create_pipeline_schedule973 push_access_level: :no_one_can_push, merge_access_level: :developers_can_merge, project_role: :owner, accessible: :be_allowed974 is expected to be allowed :create_pipeline_schedule975 push_access_level: :no_one_can_push, merge_access_level: :developers_can_merge, project_role: :maintainer, accessible: :be_allowed976 is expected to be allowed :create_pipeline_schedule977 push_access_level: :no_one_can_push, merge_access_level: :developers_can_merge, project_role: :developer, accessible: :be_allowed978 is expected to be allowed :create_pipeline_schedule979 push_access_level: :no_one_can_push, merge_access_level: :developers_can_merge, project_role: :reporter, accessible: :be_disallowed980 is expected to be disallowed :create_pipeline_schedule981 push_access_level: :no_one_can_push, merge_access_level: :developers_can_merge, project_role: :guest, accessible: :be_disallowed982 is expected to be disallowed :create_pipeline_schedule983 push_access_level: :maintainers_can_push, merge_access_level: :developers_can_merge, project_role: :owner, accessible: :be_allowed984 is expected to be allowed :create_pipeline_schedule985 push_access_level: :maintainers_can_push, merge_access_level: :developers_can_merge, project_role: :maintainer, accessible: :be_allowed986 is expected to be allowed :create_pipeline_schedule987 push_access_level: :maintainers_can_push, merge_access_level: :developers_can_merge, project_role: :developer, accessible: :be_allowed988 is expected to be allowed :create_pipeline_schedule989 push_access_level: :maintainers_can_push, merge_access_level: :developers_can_merge, project_role: :reporter, accessible: :be_disallowed990 is expected to be disallowed :create_pipeline_schedule991 push_access_level: :maintainers_can_push, merge_access_level: :developers_can_merge, project_role: :guest, accessible: :be_disallowed992 is expected to be disallowed :create_pipeline_schedule993 push_access_level: :developers_can_push, merge_access_level: :developers_can_merge, project_role: :owner, accessible: :be_allowed994 is expected to be allowed :create_pipeline_schedule995 push_access_level: :developers_can_push, merge_access_level: :developers_can_merge, project_role: :maintainer, accessible: :be_allowed996 is expected to be allowed :create_pipeline_schedule997 push_access_level: :developers_can_push, merge_access_level: :developers_can_merge, project_role: :developer, accessible: :be_allowed998 is expected to be allowed :create_pipeline_schedule999 push_access_level: :developers_can_push, merge_access_level: :developers_can_merge, project_role: :reporter, accessible: :be_disallowed1000 is expected to be disallowed :create_pipeline_schedule1001 push_access_level: :developers_can_push, merge_access_level: :developers_can_merge, project_role: :guest, accessible: :be_disallowed1002 is expected to be disallowed :create_pipeline_schedule1003 play_pipeline_schedule1004 behaves like allowed by those who can update the branch1005 push_access_level: :no_one_can_push, merge_access_level: :no_one_can_merge, project_role: :owner, accessible: :be_disallowed1006 is expected to be disallowed :create_pipeline_schedule1007 push_access_level: :no_one_can_push, merge_access_level: :no_one_can_merge, project_role: :maintainer, accessible: :be_disallowed1008 is expected to be disallowed :create_pipeline_schedule1009 push_access_level: :no_one_can_push, merge_access_level: :no_one_can_merge, project_role: :developer, accessible: :be_disallowed1010 is expected to be disallowed :create_pipeline_schedule1011 push_access_level: :no_one_can_push, merge_access_level: :no_one_can_merge, project_role: :reporter, accessible: :be_disallowed1012 is expected to be disallowed :create_pipeline_schedule1013 push_access_level: :no_one_can_push, merge_access_level: :no_one_can_merge, project_role: :guest, accessible: :be_disallowed1014 is expected to be disallowed :create_pipeline_schedule1015 push_access_level: :maintainers_can_push, merge_access_level: :no_one_can_merge, project_role: :owner, accessible: :be_allowed1016 is expected to be allowed :create_pipeline_schedule1017 push_access_level: :maintainers_can_push, merge_access_level: :no_one_can_merge, project_role: :maintainer, accessible: :be_allowed1018 is expected to be allowed :create_pipeline_schedule1019 push_access_level: :maintainers_can_push, merge_access_level: :no_one_can_merge, project_role: :developer, accessible: :be_disallowed1020 is expected to be disallowed :create_pipeline_schedule1021 push_access_level: :maintainers_can_push, merge_access_level: :no_one_can_merge, project_role: :reporter, accessible: :be_disallowed1022 is expected to be disallowed :create_pipeline_schedule1023 push_access_level: :maintainers_can_push, merge_access_level: :no_one_can_merge, project_role: :guest, accessible: :be_disallowed1024 is expected to be disallowed :create_pipeline_schedule1025 push_access_level: :developers_can_push, merge_access_level: :no_one_can_merge, project_role: :owner, accessible: :be_allowed1026 is expected to be allowed :create_pipeline_schedule1027 push_access_level: :developers_can_push, merge_access_level: :no_one_can_merge, project_role: :maintainer, accessible: :be_allowed1028 is expected to be allowed :create_pipeline_schedule1029 push_access_level: :developers_can_push, merge_access_level: :no_one_can_merge, project_role: :developer, accessible: :be_allowed1030 is expected to be allowed :create_pipeline_schedule1031 push_access_level: :developers_can_push, merge_access_level: :no_one_can_merge, project_role: :reporter, accessible: :be_disallowed1032 is expected to be disallowed :create_pipeline_schedule1033 push_access_level: :developers_can_push, merge_access_level: :no_one_can_merge, project_role: :guest, accessible: :be_disallowed1034 is expected to be disallowed :create_pipeline_schedule1035 push_access_level: :no_one_can_push, merge_access_level: :maintainers_can_merge, project_role: :owner, accessible: :be_allowed1036 is expected to be allowed :create_pipeline_schedule1037 push_access_level: :no_one_can_push, merge_access_level: :maintainers_can_merge, project_role: :maintainer, accessible: :be_allowed1038 is expected to be allowed :create_pipeline_schedule1039 push_access_level: :no_one_can_push, merge_access_level: :maintainers_can_merge, project_role: :developer, accessible: :be_disallowed1040 is expected to be disallowed :create_pipeline_schedule1041 push_access_level: :no_one_can_push, merge_access_level: :maintainers_can_merge, project_role: :reporter, accessible: :be_disallowed1042 is expected to be disallowed :create_pipeline_schedule1043 push_access_level: :no_one_can_push, merge_access_level: :maintainers_can_merge, project_role: :guest, accessible: :be_disallowed1044 is expected to be disallowed :create_pipeline_schedule1045 push_access_level: :maintainers_can_push, merge_access_level: :maintainers_can_merge, project_role: :owner, accessible: :be_allowed1046 is expected to be allowed :create_pipeline_schedule1047 push_access_level: :maintainers_can_push, merge_access_level: :maintainers_can_merge, project_role: :maintainer, accessible: :be_allowed1048 is expected to be allowed :create_pipeline_schedule1049 push_access_level: :maintainers_can_push, merge_access_level: :maintainers_can_merge, project_role: :developer, accessible: :be_disallowed1050 is expected to be disallowed :create_pipeline_schedule1051 push_access_level: :maintainers_can_push, merge_access_level: :maintainers_can_merge, project_role: :reporter, accessible: :be_disallowed1052 is expected to be disallowed :create_pipeline_schedule1053 push_access_level: :maintainers_can_push, merge_access_level: :maintainers_can_merge, project_role: :guest, accessible: :be_disallowed1054 is expected to be disallowed :create_pipeline_schedule1055 push_access_level: :developers_can_push, merge_access_level: :maintainers_can_merge, project_role: :owner, accessible: :be_allowed1056 is expected to be allowed :create_pipeline_schedule1057 push_access_level: :developers_can_push, merge_access_level: :maintainers_can_merge, project_role: :maintainer, accessible: :be_allowed1058 is expected to be allowed :create_pipeline_schedule1059 push_access_level: :developers_can_push, merge_access_level: :maintainers_can_merge, project_role: :developer, accessible: :be_allowed1060 is expected to be allowed :create_pipeline_schedule1061 push_access_level: :developers_can_push, merge_access_level: :maintainers_can_merge, project_role: :reporter, accessible: :be_disallowed1062 is expected to be disallowed :create_pipeline_schedule1063 push_access_level: :developers_can_push, merge_access_level: :maintainers_can_merge, project_role: :guest, accessible: :be_disallowed1064 is expected to be disallowed :create_pipeline_schedule1065 push_access_level: :no_one_can_push, merge_access_level: :developers_can_merge, project_role: :owner, accessible: :be_allowed1066 is expected to be allowed :create_pipeline_schedule1067 push_access_level: :no_one_can_push, merge_access_level: :developers_can_merge, project_role: :maintainer, accessible: :be_allowed1068 is expected to be allowed :create_pipeline_schedule1069 push_access_level: :no_one_can_push, merge_access_level: :developers_can_merge, project_role: :developer, accessible: :be_allowed1070 is expected to be allowed :create_pipeline_schedule1071 push_access_level: :no_one_can_push, merge_access_level: :developers_can_merge, project_role: :reporter, accessible: :be_disallowed1072 is expected to be disallowed :create_pipeline_schedule1073 push_access_level: :no_one_can_push, merge_access_level: :developers_can_merge, project_role: :guest, accessible: :be_disallowed1074 is expected to be disallowed :create_pipeline_schedule1075 push_access_level: :maintainers_can_push, merge_access_level: :developers_can_merge, project_role: :owner, accessible: :be_allowed1076 is expected to be allowed :create_pipeline_schedule1077 push_access_level: :maintainers_can_push, merge_access_level: :developers_can_merge, project_role: :maintainer, accessible: :be_allowed1078 is expected to be allowed :create_pipeline_schedule1079 push_access_level: :maintainers_can_push, merge_access_level: :developers_can_merge, project_role: :developer, accessible: :be_allowed1080 is expected to be allowed :create_pipeline_schedule1081 push_access_level: :maintainers_can_push, merge_access_level: :developers_can_merge, project_role: :reporter, accessible: :be_disallowed1082 is expected to be disallowed :create_pipeline_schedule1083 push_access_level: :maintainers_can_push, merge_access_level: :developers_can_merge, project_role: :guest, accessible: :be_disallowed1084 is expected to be disallowed :create_pipeline_schedule1085 push_access_level: :developers_can_push, merge_access_level: :developers_can_merge, project_role: :owner, accessible: :be_allowed1086 is expected to be allowed :create_pipeline_schedule1087 push_access_level: :developers_can_push, merge_access_level: :developers_can_merge, project_role: :maintainer, accessible: :be_allowed1088 is expected to be allowed :create_pipeline_schedule1089 push_access_level: :developers_can_push, merge_access_level: :developers_can_merge, project_role: :developer, accessible: :be_allowed1090 is expected to be allowed :create_pipeline_schedule1091 push_access_level: :developers_can_push, merge_access_level: :developers_can_merge, project_role: :reporter, accessible: :be_disallowed1092 is expected to be disallowed :create_pipeline_schedule1093 push_access_level: :developers_can_push, merge_access_level: :developers_can_merge, project_role: :guest, accessible: :be_disallowed1094 is expected to be disallowed :create_pipeline_schedule1095 update_pipeline_schedule1096 behaves like only allowed by schedule owners who can update the branch1097 push_access_level: :no_one_can_push, merge_access_level: :no_one_can_merge, schedule_owner: :other_user, project_role: :owner, accessible: :be_disallowed1098 is expected to be disallowed :update_pipeline_schedule1099 push_access_level: :no_one_can_push, merge_access_level: :no_one_can_merge, schedule_owner: :user, project_role: :owner, accessible: :be_disallowed1100 is expected to be disallowed :update_pipeline_schedule1101 push_access_level: :no_one_can_push, merge_access_level: :no_one_can_merge, schedule_owner: :user, project_role: :maintainer, accessible: :be_disallowed1102 is expected to be disallowed :update_pipeline_schedule1103 push_access_level: :no_one_can_push, merge_access_level: :no_one_can_merge, schedule_owner: :user, project_role: :developer, accessible: :be_disallowed1104 is expected to be disallowed :update_pipeline_schedule1105 push_access_level: :no_one_can_push, merge_access_level: :no_one_can_merge, schedule_owner: :user, project_role: :reporter, accessible: :be_disallowed1106 is expected to be disallowed :update_pipeline_schedule1107 push_access_level: :no_one_can_push, merge_access_level: :no_one_can_merge, schedule_owner: :user, project_role: :guest, accessible: :be_disallowed1108 is expected to be disallowed :update_pipeline_schedule1109 push_access_level: :maintainers_can_push, merge_access_level: :no_one_can_merge, schedule_owner: :other_user, project_role: :owner, accessible: :be_disallowed1110 is expected to be disallowed :update_pipeline_schedule1111 push_access_level: :maintainers_can_push, merge_access_level: :no_one_can_merge, schedule_owner: :user, project_role: :owner, accessible: :be_allowed1112 is expected to be allowed :update_pipeline_schedule1113 push_access_level: :maintainers_can_push, merge_access_level: :no_one_can_merge, schedule_owner: :user, project_role: :maintainer, accessible: :be_allowed1114 is expected to be allowed :update_pipeline_schedule1115 push_access_level: :maintainers_can_push, merge_access_level: :no_one_can_merge, schedule_owner: :user, project_role: :developer, accessible: :be_disallowed1116 is expected to be disallowed :update_pipeline_schedule1117 push_access_level: :maintainers_can_push, merge_access_level: :no_one_can_merge, schedule_owner: :user, project_role: :reporter, accessible: :be_disallowed1118 is expected to be disallowed :update_pipeline_schedule1119 push_access_level: :maintainers_can_push, merge_access_level: :no_one_can_merge, schedule_owner: :user, project_role: :guest, accessible: :be_disallowed1120 is expected to be disallowed :update_pipeline_schedule1121 push_access_level: :developers_can_push, merge_access_level: :no_one_can_merge, schedule_owner: :other_user, project_role: :owner, accessible: :be_disallowed1122 is expected to be disallowed :update_pipeline_schedule1123 push_access_level: :developers_can_push, merge_access_level: :no_one_can_merge, schedule_owner: :user, project_role: :owner, accessible: :be_allowed1124 is expected to be allowed :update_pipeline_schedule1125 push_access_level: :developers_can_push, merge_access_level: :no_one_can_merge, schedule_owner: :user, project_role: :maintainer, accessible: :be_allowed1126 is expected to be allowed :update_pipeline_schedule1127 push_access_level: :developers_can_push, merge_access_level: :no_one_can_merge, schedule_owner: :user, project_role: :developer, accessible: :be_allowed1128 is expected to be allowed :update_pipeline_schedule1129 push_access_level: :developers_can_push, merge_access_level: :no_one_can_merge, schedule_owner: :user, project_role: :reporter, accessible: :be_disallowed1130 is expected to be disallowed :update_pipeline_schedule1131 push_access_level: :developers_can_push, merge_access_level: :no_one_can_merge, schedule_owner: :user, project_role: :guest, accessible: :be_disallowed1132 is expected to be disallowed :update_pipeline_schedule1133 push_access_level: :no_one_can_push, merge_access_level: :maintainers_can_merge, schedule_owner: :other_user, project_role: :owner, accessible: :be_disallowed1134 is expected to be disallowed :update_pipeline_schedule1135 push_access_level: :no_one_can_push, merge_access_level: :maintainers_can_merge, schedule_owner: :user, project_role: :owner, accessible: :be_allowed1136 is expected to be allowed :update_pipeline_schedule1137 push_access_level: :no_one_can_push, merge_access_level: :maintainers_can_merge, schedule_owner: :user, project_role: :maintainer, accessible: :be_allowed1138 is expected to be allowed :update_pipeline_schedule1139 push_access_level: :no_one_can_push, merge_access_level: :maintainers_can_merge, schedule_owner: :user, project_role: :developer, accessible: :be_disallowed1140 is expected to be disallowed :update_pipeline_schedule1141 push_access_level: :no_one_can_push, merge_access_level: :maintainers_can_merge, schedule_owner: :user, project_role: :reporter, accessible: :be_disallowed1142 is expected to be disallowed :update_pipeline_schedule1143 push_access_level: :no_one_can_push, merge_access_level: :maintainers_can_merge, schedule_owner: :user, project_role: :guest, accessible: :be_disallowed1144 is expected to be disallowed :update_pipeline_schedule1145 push_access_level: :maintainers_can_push, merge_access_level: :maintainers_can_merge, schedule_owner: :other_user, project_role: :owner, accessible: :be_disallowed1146 is expected to be disallowed :update_pipeline_schedule1147 push_access_level: :maintainers_can_push, merge_access_level: :maintainers_can_merge, schedule_owner: :user, project_role: :owner, accessible: :be_allowed1148 is expected to be allowed :update_pipeline_schedule1149 push_access_level: :maintainers_can_push, merge_access_level: :maintainers_can_merge, schedule_owner: :user, project_role: :maintainer, accessible: :be_allowed1150 is expected to be allowed :update_pipeline_schedule1151 push_access_level: :maintainers_can_push, merge_access_level: :maintainers_can_merge, schedule_owner: :user, project_role: :developer, accessible: :be_disallowed1152 is expected to be disallowed :update_pipeline_schedule1153 push_access_level: :maintainers_can_push, merge_access_level: :maintainers_can_merge, schedule_owner: :user, project_role: :reporter, accessible: :be_disallowed1154 is expected to be disallowed :update_pipeline_schedule1155 push_access_level: :maintainers_can_push, merge_access_level: :maintainers_can_merge, schedule_owner: :user, project_role: :guest, accessible: :be_disallowed1156 is expected to be disallowed :update_pipeline_schedule1157 push_access_level: :developers_can_push, merge_access_level: :maintainers_can_merge, schedule_owner: :other_user, project_role: :owner, accessible: :be_disallowed1158 is expected to be disallowed :update_pipeline_schedule1159 push_access_level: :developers_can_push, merge_access_level: :maintainers_can_merge, schedule_owner: :user, project_role: :owner, accessible: :be_allowed1160 is expected to be allowed :update_pipeline_schedule1161 push_access_level: :developers_can_push, merge_access_level: :maintainers_can_merge, schedule_owner: :user, project_role: :maintainer, accessible: :be_allowed1162 is expected to be allowed :update_pipeline_schedule1163 push_access_level: :developers_can_push, merge_access_level: :maintainers_can_merge, schedule_owner: :user, project_role: :developer, accessible: :be_allowed1164 is expected to be allowed :update_pipeline_schedule1165 push_access_level: :developers_can_push, merge_access_level: :maintainers_can_merge, schedule_owner: :user, project_role: :reporter, accessible: :be_disallowed1166 is expected to be disallowed :update_pipeline_schedule1167 push_access_level: :developers_can_push, merge_access_level: :maintainers_can_merge, schedule_owner: :user, project_role: :guest, accessible: :be_disallowed1168 is expected to be disallowed :update_pipeline_schedule1169 push_access_level: :no_one_can_push, merge_access_level: :developers_can_merge, schedule_owner: :other_user, project_role: :owner, accessible: :be_disallowed1170 is expected to be disallowed :update_pipeline_schedule1171 push_access_level: :no_one_can_push, merge_access_level: :developers_can_merge, schedule_owner: :user, project_role: :owner, accessible: :be_allowed1172 is expected to be allowed :update_pipeline_schedule1173 push_access_level: :no_one_can_push, merge_access_level: :developers_can_merge, schedule_owner: :user, project_role: :maintainer, accessible: :be_allowed1174 is expected to be allowed :update_pipeline_schedule1175 push_access_level: :no_one_can_push, merge_access_level: :developers_can_merge, schedule_owner: :user, project_role: :developer, accessible: :be_allowed1176 is expected to be allowed :update_pipeline_schedule1177 push_access_level: :no_one_can_push, merge_access_level: :developers_can_merge, schedule_owner: :user, project_role: :reporter, accessible: :be_disallowed1178 is expected to be disallowed :update_pipeline_schedule1179 push_access_level: :no_one_can_push, merge_access_level: :developers_can_merge, schedule_owner: :user, project_role: :guest, accessible: :be_disallowed1180 is expected to be disallowed :update_pipeline_schedule1181 push_access_level: :maintainers_can_push, merge_access_level: :developers_can_merge, schedule_owner: :other_user, project_role: :owner, accessible: :be_disallowed1182 is expected to be disallowed :update_pipeline_schedule1183 push_access_level: :maintainers_can_push, merge_access_level: :developers_can_merge, schedule_owner: :user, project_role: :owner, accessible: :be_allowed1184 is expected to be allowed :update_pipeline_schedule1185 push_access_level: :maintainers_can_push, merge_access_level: :developers_can_merge, schedule_owner: :user, project_role: :maintainer, accessible: :be_allowed1186 is expected to be allowed :update_pipeline_schedule1187 push_access_level: :maintainers_can_push, merge_access_level: :developers_can_merge, schedule_owner: :user, project_role: :developer, accessible: :be_allowed1188 is expected to be allowed :update_pipeline_schedule1189 push_access_level: :maintainers_can_push, merge_access_level: :developers_can_merge, schedule_owner: :user, project_role: :reporter, accessible: :be_disallowed1190 is expected to be disallowed :update_pipeline_schedule1191 push_access_level: :maintainers_can_push, merge_access_level: :developers_can_merge, schedule_owner: :user, project_role: :guest, accessible: :be_disallowed1192 is expected to be disallowed :update_pipeline_schedule1193 push_access_level: :developers_can_push, merge_access_level: :developers_can_merge, schedule_owner: :other_user, project_role: :owner, accessible: :be_disallowed1194 is expected to be disallowed :update_pipeline_schedule1195 push_access_level: :developers_can_push, merge_access_level: :developers_can_merge, schedule_owner: :user, project_role: :owner, accessible: :be_allowed1196 is expected to be allowed :update_pipeline_schedule1197 push_access_level: :developers_can_push, merge_access_level: :developers_can_merge, schedule_owner: :user, project_role: :maintainer, accessible: :be_allowed1198 is expected to be allowed :update_pipeline_schedule1199 push_access_level: :developers_can_push, merge_access_level: :developers_can_merge, schedule_owner: :user, project_role: :developer, accessible: :be_allowed1200 is expected to be allowed :update_pipeline_schedule1201 push_access_level: :developers_can_push, merge_access_level: :developers_can_merge, schedule_owner: :user, project_role: :reporter, accessible: :be_disallowed1202 is expected to be disallowed :update_pipeline_schedule1203 push_access_level: :developers_can_push, merge_access_level: :developers_can_merge, schedule_owner: :user, project_role: :guest, accessible: :be_disallowed1204 is expected to be disallowed :update_pipeline_schedule1205 with master1206 create_pipeline_schedule1207 behaves like allowed by those who can update the branch1208 push_access_level: :no_one_can_push, merge_access_level: :no_one_can_merge, project_role: :owner, accessible: :be_disallowed1209 is expected to be disallowed :create_pipeline_schedule1210 push_access_level: :no_one_can_push, merge_access_level: :no_one_can_merge, project_role: :maintainer, accessible: :be_disallowed1211 is expected to be disallowed :create_pipeline_schedule1212 push_access_level: :no_one_can_push, merge_access_level: :no_one_can_merge, project_role: :developer, accessible: :be_disallowed1213 is expected to be disallowed :create_pipeline_schedule1214 push_access_level: :no_one_can_push, merge_access_level: :no_one_can_merge, project_role: :reporter, accessible: :be_disallowed1215 is expected to be disallowed :create_pipeline_schedule1216 push_access_level: :no_one_can_push, merge_access_level: :no_one_can_merge, project_role: :guest, accessible: :be_disallowed1217 is expected to be disallowed :create_pipeline_schedule1218 push_access_level: :maintainers_can_push, merge_access_level: :no_one_can_merge, project_role: :owner, accessible: :be_allowed1219 is expected to be allowed :create_pipeline_schedule1220 push_access_level: :maintainers_can_push, merge_access_level: :no_one_can_merge, project_role: :maintainer, accessible: :be_allowed1221 is expected to be allowed :create_pipeline_schedule1222 push_access_level: :maintainers_can_push, merge_access_level: :no_one_can_merge, project_role: :developer, accessible: :be_disallowed1223 is expected to be disallowed :create_pipeline_schedule1224 push_access_level: :maintainers_can_push, merge_access_level: :no_one_can_merge, project_role: :reporter, accessible: :be_disallowed1225 is expected to be disallowed :create_pipeline_schedule1226 push_access_level: :maintainers_can_push, merge_access_level: :no_one_can_merge, project_role: :guest, accessible: :be_disallowed1227 is expected to be disallowed :create_pipeline_schedule1228 push_access_level: :developers_can_push, merge_access_level: :no_one_can_merge, project_role: :owner, accessible: :be_allowed1229 is expected to be allowed :create_pipeline_schedule1230 push_access_level: :developers_can_push, merge_access_level: :no_one_can_merge, project_role: :maintainer, accessible: :be_allowed1231 is expected to be allowed :create_pipeline_schedule1232 push_access_level: :developers_can_push, merge_access_level: :no_one_can_merge, project_role: :developer, accessible: :be_allowed1233 is expected to be allowed :create_pipeline_schedule1234 push_access_level: :developers_can_push, merge_access_level: :no_one_can_merge, project_role: :reporter, accessible: :be_disallowed1235 is expected to be disallowed :create_pipeline_schedule1236 push_access_level: :developers_can_push, merge_access_level: :no_one_can_merge, project_role: :guest, accessible: :be_disallowed1237 is expected to be disallowed :create_pipeline_schedule1238 push_access_level: :no_one_can_push, merge_access_level: :maintainers_can_merge, project_role: :owner, accessible: :be_allowed1239 is expected to be allowed :create_pipeline_schedule1240 push_access_level: :no_one_can_push, merge_access_level: :maintainers_can_merge, project_role: :maintainer, accessible: :be_allowed1241 is expected to be allowed :create_pipeline_schedule1242 push_access_level: :no_one_can_push, merge_access_level: :maintainers_can_merge, project_role: :developer, accessible: :be_disallowed1243 is expected to be disallowed :create_pipeline_schedule1244 push_access_level: :no_one_can_push, merge_access_level: :maintainers_can_merge, project_role: :reporter, accessible: :be_disallowed1245 is expected to be disallowed :create_pipeline_schedule1246 push_access_level: :no_one_can_push, merge_access_level: :maintainers_can_merge, project_role: :guest, accessible: :be_disallowed1247 is expected to be disallowed :create_pipeline_schedule1248 push_access_level: :maintainers_can_push, merge_access_level: :maintainers_can_merge, project_role: :owner, accessible: :be_allowed1249 is expected to be allowed :create_pipeline_schedule1250 push_access_level: :maintainers_can_push, merge_access_level: :maintainers_can_merge, project_role: :maintainer, accessible: :be_allowed1251 is expected to be allowed :create_pipeline_schedule1252 push_access_level: :maintainers_can_push, merge_access_level: :maintainers_can_merge, project_role: :developer, accessible: :be_disallowed1253 is expected to be disallowed :create_pipeline_schedule1254 push_access_level: :maintainers_can_push, merge_access_level: :maintainers_can_merge, project_role: :reporter, accessible: :be_disallowed1255 is expected to be disallowed :create_pipeline_schedule1256 push_access_level: :maintainers_can_push, merge_access_level: :maintainers_can_merge, project_role: :guest, accessible: :be_disallowed1257 is expected to be disallowed :create_pipeline_schedule1258 push_access_level: :developers_can_push, merge_access_level: :maintainers_can_merge, project_role: :owner, accessible: :be_allowed1259 is expected to be allowed :create_pipeline_schedule1260 push_access_level: :developers_can_push, merge_access_level: :maintainers_can_merge, project_role: :maintainer, accessible: :be_allowed1261 is expected to be allowed :create_pipeline_schedule1262 push_access_level: :developers_can_push, merge_access_level: :maintainers_can_merge, project_role: :developer, accessible: :be_allowed1263 is expected to be allowed :create_pipeline_schedule1264 push_access_level: :developers_can_push, merge_access_level: :maintainers_can_merge, project_role: :reporter, accessible: :be_disallowed1265 is expected to be disallowed :create_pipeline_schedule1266 push_access_level: :developers_can_push, merge_access_level: :maintainers_can_merge, project_role: :guest, accessible: :be_disallowed1267 is expected to be disallowed :create_pipeline_schedule1268 push_access_level: :no_one_can_push, merge_access_level: :developers_can_merge, project_role: :owner, accessible: :be_allowed1269 is expected to be allowed :create_pipeline_schedule1270 push_access_level: :no_one_can_push, merge_access_level: :developers_can_merge, project_role: :maintainer, accessible: :be_allowed1271 is expected to be allowed :create_pipeline_schedule1272 push_access_level: :no_one_can_push, merge_access_level: :developers_can_merge, project_role: :developer, accessible: :be_allowed1273 is expected to be allowed :create_pipeline_schedule1274 push_access_level: :no_one_can_push, merge_access_level: :developers_can_merge, project_role: :reporter, accessible: :be_disallowed1275 is expected to be disallowed :create_pipeline_schedule1276 push_access_level: :no_one_can_push, merge_access_level: :developers_can_merge, project_role: :guest, accessible: :be_disallowed1277 is expected to be disallowed :create_pipeline_schedule1278 push_access_level: :maintainers_can_push, merge_access_level: :developers_can_merge, project_role: :owner, accessible: :be_allowed1279 is expected to be allowed :create_pipeline_schedule1280 push_access_level: :maintainers_can_push, merge_access_level: :developers_can_merge, project_role: :maintainer, accessible: :be_allowed1281 is expected to be allowed :create_pipeline_schedule1282 push_access_level: :maintainers_can_push, merge_access_level: :developers_can_merge, project_role: :developer, accessible: :be_allowed1283 is expected to be allowed :create_pipeline_schedule1284 push_access_level: :maintainers_can_push, merge_access_level: :developers_can_merge, project_role: :reporter, accessible: :be_disallowed1285 is expected to be disallowed :create_pipeline_schedule1286 push_access_level: :maintainers_can_push, merge_access_level: :developers_can_merge, project_role: :guest, accessible: :be_disallowed1287 is expected to be disallowed :create_pipeline_schedule1288 push_access_level: :developers_can_push, merge_access_level: :developers_can_merge, project_role: :owner, accessible: :be_allowed1289 is expected to be allowed :create_pipeline_schedule1290 push_access_level: :developers_can_push, merge_access_level: :developers_can_merge, project_role: :maintainer, accessible: :be_allowed1291 is expected to be allowed :create_pipeline_schedule1292 push_access_level: :developers_can_push, merge_access_level: :developers_can_merge, project_role: :developer, accessible: :be_allowed1293 is expected to be allowed :create_pipeline_schedule1294 push_access_level: :developers_can_push, merge_access_level: :developers_can_merge, project_role: :reporter, accessible: :be_disallowed1295 is expected to be disallowed :create_pipeline_schedule1296 push_access_level: :developers_can_push, merge_access_level: :developers_can_merge, project_role: :guest, accessible: :be_disallowed1297 is expected to be disallowed :create_pipeline_schedule1298 play_pipeline_schedule1299 behaves like allowed by those who can update the branch1300 push_access_level: :no_one_can_push, merge_access_level: :no_one_can_merge, project_role: :owner, accessible: :be_disallowed1301 is expected to be disallowed :create_pipeline_schedule1302 push_access_level: :no_one_can_push, merge_access_level: :no_one_can_merge, project_role: :maintainer, accessible: :be_disallowed1303 is expected to be disallowed :create_pipeline_schedule1304 push_access_level: :no_one_can_push, merge_access_level: :no_one_can_merge, project_role: :developer, accessible: :be_disallowed1305 is expected to be disallowed :create_pipeline_schedule1306 push_access_level: :no_one_can_push, merge_access_level: :no_one_can_merge, project_role: :reporter, accessible: :be_disallowed1307 is expected to be disallowed :create_pipeline_schedule1308 push_access_level: :no_one_can_push, merge_access_level: :no_one_can_merge, project_role: :guest, accessible: :be_disallowed1309 is expected to be disallowed :create_pipeline_schedule1310 push_access_level: :maintainers_can_push, merge_access_level: :no_one_can_merge, project_role: :owner, accessible: :be_allowed1311 is expected to be allowed :create_pipeline_schedule1312 push_access_level: :maintainers_can_push, merge_access_level: :no_one_can_merge, project_role: :maintainer, accessible: :be_allowed1313 is expected to be allowed :create_pipeline_schedule1314 push_access_level: :maintainers_can_push, merge_access_level: :no_one_can_merge, project_role: :developer, accessible: :be_disallowed1315 is expected to be disallowed :create_pipeline_schedule1316 push_access_level: :maintainers_can_push, merge_access_level: :no_one_can_merge, project_role: :reporter, accessible: :be_disallowed1317 is expected to be disallowed :create_pipeline_schedule1318 push_access_level: :maintainers_can_push, merge_access_level: :no_one_can_merge, project_role: :guest, accessible: :be_disallowed1319 is expected to be disallowed :create_pipeline_schedule1320 push_access_level: :developers_can_push, merge_access_level: :no_one_can_merge, project_role: :owner, accessible: :be_allowed1321 is expected to be allowed :create_pipeline_schedule1322 push_access_level: :developers_can_push, merge_access_level: :no_one_can_merge, project_role: :maintainer, accessible: :be_allowed1323 is expected to be allowed :create_pipeline_schedule1324 push_access_level: :developers_can_push, merge_access_level: :no_one_can_merge, project_role: :developer, accessible: :be_allowed1325 is expected to be allowed :create_pipeline_schedule1326 push_access_level: :developers_can_push, merge_access_level: :no_one_can_merge, project_role: :reporter, accessible: :be_disallowed1327 is expected to be disallowed :create_pipeline_schedule1328 push_access_level: :developers_can_push, merge_access_level: :no_one_can_merge, project_role: :guest, accessible: :be_disallowed1329 is expected to be disallowed :create_pipeline_schedule1330 push_access_level: :no_one_can_push, merge_access_level: :maintainers_can_merge, project_role: :owner, accessible: :be_allowed1331 is expected to be allowed :create_pipeline_schedule1332 push_access_level: :no_one_can_push, merge_access_level: :maintainers_can_merge, project_role: :maintainer, accessible: :be_allowed1333 is expected to be allowed :create_pipeline_schedule1334 push_access_level: :no_one_can_push, merge_access_level: :maintainers_can_merge, project_role: :developer, accessible: :be_disallowed1335 is expected to be disallowed :create_pipeline_schedule1336 push_access_level: :no_one_can_push, merge_access_level: :maintainers_can_merge, project_role: :reporter, accessible: :be_disallowed1337 is expected to be disallowed :create_pipeline_schedule1338 push_access_level: :no_one_can_push, merge_access_level: :maintainers_can_merge, project_role: :guest, accessible: :be_disallowed1339 is expected to be disallowed :create_pipeline_schedule1340 push_access_level: :maintainers_can_push, merge_access_level: :maintainers_can_merge, project_role: :owner, accessible: :be_allowed1341 is expected to be allowed :create_pipeline_schedule1342 push_access_level: :maintainers_can_push, merge_access_level: :maintainers_can_merge, project_role: :maintainer, accessible: :be_allowed1343 is expected to be allowed :create_pipeline_schedule1344 push_access_level: :maintainers_can_push, merge_access_level: :maintainers_can_merge, project_role: :developer, accessible: :be_disallowed1345 is expected to be disallowed :create_pipeline_schedule1346 push_access_level: :maintainers_can_push, merge_access_level: :maintainers_can_merge, project_role: :reporter, accessible: :be_disallowed1347 is expected to be disallowed :create_pipeline_schedule1348 push_access_level: :maintainers_can_push, merge_access_level: :maintainers_can_merge, project_role: :guest, accessible: :be_disallowed1349 is expected to be disallowed :create_pipeline_schedule1350 push_access_level: :developers_can_push, merge_access_level: :maintainers_can_merge, project_role: :owner, accessible: :be_allowed1351 is expected to be allowed :create_pipeline_schedule1352 push_access_level: :developers_can_push, merge_access_level: :maintainers_can_merge, project_role: :maintainer, accessible: :be_allowed1353 is expected to be allowed :create_pipeline_schedule1354 push_access_level: :developers_can_push, merge_access_level: :maintainers_can_merge, project_role: :developer, accessible: :be_allowed1355 is expected to be allowed :create_pipeline_schedule1356 push_access_level: :developers_can_push, merge_access_level: :maintainers_can_merge, project_role: :reporter, accessible: :be_disallowed1357 is expected to be disallowed :create_pipeline_schedule1358 push_access_level: :developers_can_push, merge_access_level: :maintainers_can_merge, project_role: :guest, accessible: :be_disallowed1359 is expected to be disallowed :create_pipeline_schedule1360 push_access_level: :no_one_can_push, merge_access_level: :developers_can_merge, project_role: :owner, accessible: :be_allowed1361 is expected to be allowed :create_pipeline_schedule1362 push_access_level: :no_one_can_push, merge_access_level: :developers_can_merge, project_role: :maintainer, accessible: :be_allowed1363 is expected to be allowed :create_pipeline_schedule1364 push_access_level: :no_one_can_push, merge_access_level: :developers_can_merge, project_role: :developer, accessible: :be_allowed1365 is expected to be allowed :create_pipeline_schedule1366 push_access_level: :no_one_can_push, merge_access_level: :developers_can_merge, project_role: :reporter, accessible: :be_disallowed1367 is expected to be disallowed :create_pipeline_schedule1368 push_access_level: :no_one_can_push, merge_access_level: :developers_can_merge, project_role: :guest, accessible: :be_disallowed1369 is expected to be disallowed :create_pipeline_schedule1370 push_access_level: :maintainers_can_push, merge_access_level: :developers_can_merge, project_role: :owner, accessible: :be_allowed1371 is expected to be allowed :create_pipeline_schedule1372 push_access_level: :maintainers_can_push, merge_access_level: :developers_can_merge, project_role: :maintainer, accessible: :be_allowed1373 is expected to be allowed :create_pipeline_schedule1374 push_access_level: :maintainers_can_push, merge_access_level: :developers_can_merge, project_role: :developer, accessible: :be_allowed1375 is expected to be allowed :create_pipeline_schedule1376 push_access_level: :maintainers_can_push, merge_access_level: :developers_can_merge, project_role: :reporter, accessible: :be_disallowed1377 is expected to be disallowed :create_pipeline_schedule1378 push_access_level: :maintainers_can_push, merge_access_level: :developers_can_merge, project_role: :guest, accessible: :be_disallowed1379 is expected to be disallowed :create_pipeline_schedule1380 push_access_level: :developers_can_push, merge_access_level: :developers_can_merge, project_role: :owner, accessible: :be_allowed1381 is expected to be allowed :create_pipeline_schedule1382 push_access_level: :developers_can_push, merge_access_level: :developers_can_merge, project_role: :maintainer, accessible: :be_allowed1383 is expected to be allowed :create_pipeline_schedule1384 push_access_level: :developers_can_push, merge_access_level: :developers_can_merge, project_role: :developer, accessible: :be_allowed1385 is expected to be allowed :create_pipeline_schedule1386 push_access_level: :developers_can_push, merge_access_level: :developers_can_merge, project_role: :reporter, accessible: :be_disallowed1387 is expected to be disallowed :create_pipeline_schedule1388 push_access_level: :developers_can_push, merge_access_level: :developers_can_merge, project_role: :guest, accessible: :be_disallowed1389 is expected to be disallowed :create_pipeline_schedule1390 update_pipeline_schedule1391 behaves like only allowed by schedule owners who can update the branch1392 push_access_level: :no_one_can_push, merge_access_level: :no_one_can_merge, schedule_owner: :other_user, project_role: :owner, accessible: :be_disallowed1393 is expected to be disallowed :update_pipeline_schedule1394 push_access_level: :no_one_can_push, merge_access_level: :no_one_can_merge, schedule_owner: :user, project_role: :owner, accessible: :be_disallowed1395 is expected to be disallowed :update_pipeline_schedule1396 push_access_level: :no_one_can_push, merge_access_level: :no_one_can_merge, schedule_owner: :user, project_role: :maintainer, accessible: :be_disallowed1397 is expected to be disallowed :update_pipeline_schedule1398 push_access_level: :no_one_can_push, merge_access_level: :no_one_can_merge, schedule_owner: :user, project_role: :developer, accessible: :be_disallowed1399 is expected to be disallowed :update_pipeline_schedule1400 push_access_level: :no_one_can_push, merge_access_level: :no_one_can_merge, schedule_owner: :user, project_role: :reporter, accessible: :be_disallowed1401 is expected to be disallowed :update_pipeline_schedule1402 push_access_level: :no_one_can_push, merge_access_level: :no_one_can_merge, schedule_owner: :user, project_role: :guest, accessible: :be_disallowed1403 is expected to be disallowed :update_pipeline_schedule1404 push_access_level: :maintainers_can_push, merge_access_level: :no_one_can_merge, schedule_owner: :other_user, project_role: :owner, accessible: :be_disallowed1405 is expected to be disallowed :update_pipeline_schedule1406 push_access_level: :maintainers_can_push, merge_access_level: :no_one_can_merge, schedule_owner: :user, project_role: :owner, accessible: :be_allowed1407 is expected to be allowed :update_pipeline_schedule1408 push_access_level: :maintainers_can_push, merge_access_level: :no_one_can_merge, schedule_owner: :user, project_role: :maintainer, accessible: :be_allowed1409 is expected to be allowed :update_pipeline_schedule1410 push_access_level: :maintainers_can_push, merge_access_level: :no_one_can_merge, schedule_owner: :user, project_role: :developer, accessible: :be_disallowed1411 is expected to be disallowed :update_pipeline_schedule1412 push_access_level: :maintainers_can_push, merge_access_level: :no_one_can_merge, schedule_owner: :user, project_role: :reporter, accessible: :be_disallowed1413 is expected to be disallowed :update_pipeline_schedule1414 push_access_level: :maintainers_can_push, merge_access_level: :no_one_can_merge, schedule_owner: :user, project_role: :guest, accessible: :be_disallowed1415 is expected to be disallowed :update_pipeline_schedule1416 push_access_level: :developers_can_push, merge_access_level: :no_one_can_merge, schedule_owner: :other_user, project_role: :owner, accessible: :be_disallowed1417 is expected to be disallowed :update_pipeline_schedule1418 push_access_level: :developers_can_push, merge_access_level: :no_one_can_merge, schedule_owner: :user, project_role: :owner, accessible: :be_allowed1419 is expected to be allowed :update_pipeline_schedule1420 push_access_level: :developers_can_push, merge_access_level: :no_one_can_merge, schedule_owner: :user, project_role: :maintainer, accessible: :be_allowed1421 is expected to be allowed :update_pipeline_schedule1422 push_access_level: :developers_can_push, merge_access_level: :no_one_can_merge, schedule_owner: :user, project_role: :developer, accessible: :be_allowed1423 is expected to be allowed :update_pipeline_schedule1424 push_access_level: :developers_can_push, merge_access_level: :no_one_can_merge, schedule_owner: :user, project_role: :reporter, accessible: :be_disallowed1425 is expected to be disallowed :update_pipeline_schedule1426 push_access_level: :developers_can_push, merge_access_level: :no_one_can_merge, schedule_owner: :user, project_role: :guest, accessible: :be_disallowed1427 is expected to be disallowed :update_pipeline_schedule1428 push_access_level: :no_one_can_push, merge_access_level: :maintainers_can_merge, schedule_owner: :other_user, project_role: :owner, accessible: :be_disallowed1429 is expected to be disallowed :update_pipeline_schedule1430 push_access_level: :no_one_can_push, merge_access_level: :maintainers_can_merge, schedule_owner: :user, project_role: :owner, accessible: :be_allowed1431 is expected to be allowed :update_pipeline_schedule1432 push_access_level: :no_one_can_push, merge_access_level: :maintainers_can_merge, schedule_owner: :user, project_role: :maintainer, accessible: :be_allowed1433 is expected to be allowed :update_pipeline_schedule1434 push_access_level: :no_one_can_push, merge_access_level: :maintainers_can_merge, schedule_owner: :user, project_role: :developer, accessible: :be_disallowed1435 is expected to be disallowed :update_pipeline_schedule1436 push_access_level: :no_one_can_push, merge_access_level: :maintainers_can_merge, schedule_owner: :user, project_role: :reporter, accessible: :be_disallowed1437 is expected to be disallowed :update_pipeline_schedule1438 push_access_level: :no_one_can_push, merge_access_level: :maintainers_can_merge, schedule_owner: :user, project_role: :guest, accessible: :be_disallowed1439 is expected to be disallowed :update_pipeline_schedule1440 push_access_level: :maintainers_can_push, merge_access_level: :maintainers_can_merge, schedule_owner: :other_user, project_role: :owner, accessible: :be_disallowed1441 is expected to be disallowed :update_pipeline_schedule1442 push_access_level: :maintainers_can_push, merge_access_level: :maintainers_can_merge, schedule_owner: :user, project_role: :owner, accessible: :be_allowed1443 is expected to be allowed :update_pipeline_schedule1444 push_access_level: :maintainers_can_push, merge_access_level: :maintainers_can_merge, schedule_owner: :user, project_role: :maintainer, accessible: :be_allowed1445 is expected to be allowed :update_pipeline_schedule1446 push_access_level: :maintainers_can_push, merge_access_level: :maintainers_can_merge, schedule_owner: :user, project_role: :developer, accessible: :be_disallowed1447 is expected to be disallowed :update_pipeline_schedule1448 push_access_level: :maintainers_can_push, merge_access_level: :maintainers_can_merge, schedule_owner: :user, project_role: :reporter, accessible: :be_disallowed1449 is expected to be disallowed :update_pipeline_schedule1450 push_access_level: :maintainers_can_push, merge_access_level: :maintainers_can_merge, schedule_owner: :user, project_role: :guest, accessible: :be_disallowed1451 is expected to be disallowed :update_pipeline_schedule1452 push_access_level: :developers_can_push, merge_access_level: :maintainers_can_merge, schedule_owner: :other_user, project_role: :owner, accessible: :be_disallowed1453 is expected to be disallowed :update_pipeline_schedule1454 push_access_level: :developers_can_push, merge_access_level: :maintainers_can_merge, schedule_owner: :user, project_role: :owner, accessible: :be_allowed1455 is expected to be allowed :update_pipeline_schedule1456 push_access_level: :developers_can_push, merge_access_level: :maintainers_can_merge, schedule_owner: :user, project_role: :maintainer, accessible: :be_allowed1457 is expected to be allowed :update_pipeline_schedule1458 push_access_level: :developers_can_push, merge_access_level: :maintainers_can_merge, schedule_owner: :user, project_role: :developer, accessible: :be_allowed1459 is expected to be allowed :update_pipeline_schedule1460 push_access_level: :developers_can_push, merge_access_level: :maintainers_can_merge, schedule_owner: :user, project_role: :reporter, accessible: :be_disallowed1461 is expected to be disallowed :update_pipeline_schedule1462 push_access_level: :developers_can_push, merge_access_level: :maintainers_can_merge, schedule_owner: :user, project_role: :guest, accessible: :be_disallowed1463 is expected to be disallowed :update_pipeline_schedule1464 push_access_level: :no_one_can_push, merge_access_level: :developers_can_merge, schedule_owner: :other_user, project_role: :owner, accessible: :be_disallowed1465 is expected to be disallowed :update_pipeline_schedule1466 push_access_level: :no_one_can_push, merge_access_level: :developers_can_merge, schedule_owner: :user, project_role: :owner, accessible: :be_allowed1467 is expected to be allowed :update_pipeline_schedule1468 push_access_level: :no_one_can_push, merge_access_level: :developers_can_merge, schedule_owner: :user, project_role: :maintainer, accessible: :be_allowed1469 is expected to be allowed :update_pipeline_schedule1470 push_access_level: :no_one_can_push, merge_access_level: :developers_can_merge, schedule_owner: :user, project_role: :developer, accessible: :be_allowed1471 is expected to be allowed :update_pipeline_schedule1472 push_access_level: :no_one_can_push, merge_access_level: :developers_can_merge, schedule_owner: :user, project_role: :reporter, accessible: :be_disallowed1473 is expected to be disallowed :update_pipeline_schedule1474 push_access_level: :no_one_can_push, merge_access_level: :developers_can_merge, schedule_owner: :user, project_role: :guest, accessible: :be_disallowed1475 is expected to be disallowed :update_pipeline_schedule1476 push_access_level: :maintainers_can_push, merge_access_level: :developers_can_merge, schedule_owner: :other_user, project_role: :owner, accessible: :be_disallowed1477 is expected to be disallowed :update_pipeline_schedule1478 push_access_level: :maintainers_can_push, merge_access_level: :developers_can_merge, schedule_owner: :user, project_role: :owner, accessible: :be_allowed1479 is expected to be allowed :update_pipeline_schedule1480 push_access_level: :maintainers_can_push, merge_access_level: :developers_can_merge, schedule_owner: :user, project_role: :maintainer, accessible: :be_allowed1481 is expected to be allowed :update_pipeline_schedule1482 push_access_level: :maintainers_can_push, merge_access_level: :developers_can_merge, schedule_owner: :user, project_role: :developer, accessible: :be_allowed1483 is expected to be allowed :update_pipeline_schedule1484 push_access_level: :maintainers_can_push, merge_access_level: :developers_can_merge, schedule_owner: :user, project_role: :reporter, accessible: :be_disallowed1485 is expected to be disallowed :update_pipeline_schedule1486 push_access_level: :maintainers_can_push, merge_access_level: :developers_can_merge, schedule_owner: :user, project_role: :guest, accessible: :be_disallowed1487 is expected to be disallowed :update_pipeline_schedule1488 push_access_level: :developers_can_push, merge_access_level: :developers_can_merge, schedule_owner: :other_user, project_role: :owner, accessible: :be_disallowed1489 is expected to be disallowed :update_pipeline_schedule1490 push_access_level: :developers_can_push, merge_access_level: :developers_can_merge, schedule_owner: :user, project_role: :owner, accessible: :be_allowed1491 is expected to be allowed :update_pipeline_schedule1492 push_access_level: :developers_can_push, merge_access_level: :developers_can_merge, schedule_owner: :user, project_role: :maintainer, accessible: :be_allowed1493 is expected to be allowed :update_pipeline_schedule1494 push_access_level: :developers_can_push, merge_access_level: :developers_can_merge, schedule_owner: :user, project_role: :developer, accessible: :be_allowed1495 is expected to be allowed :update_pipeline_schedule1496 push_access_level: :developers_can_push, merge_access_level: :developers_can_merge, schedule_owner: :user, project_role: :reporter, accessible: :be_disallowed1497 is expected to be disallowed :update_pipeline_schedule1498 push_access_level: :developers_can_push, merge_access_level: :developers_can_merge, schedule_owner: :user, project_role: :guest, accessible: :be_disallowed1499 is expected to be disallowed :update_pipeline_schedule1500 for tag1501 with refs/tags/v1.0.01502 create_pipeline_schedule1503 behaves like allowed by those who can update the tag1504 access_level: :no_one_can_create, project_role: :owner, accessible: :be_disallowed1505 is expected to be disallowed :create_pipeline_schedule1506 access_level: :no_one_can_create, project_role: :maintainer, accessible: :be_disallowed1507 is expected to be disallowed :create_pipeline_schedule1508 access_level: :no_one_can_create, project_role: :developer, accessible: :be_disallowed1509 is expected to be disallowed :create_pipeline_schedule1510 access_level: :no_one_can_create, project_role: :reporter, accessible: :be_disallowed1511 is expected to be disallowed :create_pipeline_schedule1512 access_level: :no_one_can_create, project_role: :guest, accessible: :be_disallowed1513 is expected to be disallowed :create_pipeline_schedule1514 access_level: :maintainers_can_create, project_role: :owner, accessible: :be_allowed1515 is expected to be allowed :create_pipeline_schedule1516 access_level: :maintainers_can_create, project_role: :maintainer, accessible: :be_allowed1517 is expected to be allowed :create_pipeline_schedule1518 access_level: :maintainers_can_create, project_role: :developer, accessible: :be_disallowed1519 is expected to be disallowed :create_pipeline_schedule1520 access_level: :maintainers_can_create, project_role: :reporter, accessible: :be_disallowed1521 is expected to be disallowed :create_pipeline_schedule1522 access_level: :maintainers_can_create, project_role: :guest, accessible: :be_disallowed1523 is expected to be disallowed :create_pipeline_schedule1524 access_level: :developers_can_create, project_role: :owner, accessible: :be_allowed1525 is expected to be allowed :create_pipeline_schedule1526 access_level: :developers_can_create, project_role: :maintainer, accessible: :be_allowed1527 is expected to be allowed :create_pipeline_schedule1528 access_level: :developers_can_create, project_role: :developer, accessible: :be_allowed1529 is expected to be allowed :create_pipeline_schedule1530 access_level: :developers_can_create, project_role: :reporter, accessible: :be_disallowed1531 is expected to be disallowed :create_pipeline_schedule1532 access_level: :developers_can_create, project_role: :guest, accessible: :be_disallowed1533 is expected to be disallowed :create_pipeline_schedule1534 play_pipeline_schedule1535 behaves like allowed by those who can update the tag1536 access_level: :no_one_can_create, project_role: :owner, accessible: :be_disallowed1537 is expected to be disallowed :play_pipeline_schedule1538 access_level: :no_one_can_create, project_role: :maintainer, accessible: :be_disallowed1539 is expected to be disallowed :play_pipeline_schedule1540 access_level: :no_one_can_create, project_role: :developer, accessible: :be_disallowed1541 is expected to be disallowed :play_pipeline_schedule1542 access_level: :no_one_can_create, project_role: :reporter, accessible: :be_disallowed1543 is expected to be disallowed :play_pipeline_schedule1544 access_level: :no_one_can_create, project_role: :guest, accessible: :be_disallowed1545 is expected to be disallowed :play_pipeline_schedule1546 access_level: :maintainers_can_create, project_role: :owner, accessible: :be_allowed1547 is expected to be allowed :play_pipeline_schedule1548 access_level: :maintainers_can_create, project_role: :maintainer, accessible: :be_allowed1549 is expected to be allowed :play_pipeline_schedule1550 access_level: :maintainers_can_create, project_role: :developer, accessible: :be_disallowed1551 is expected to be disallowed :play_pipeline_schedule1552 access_level: :maintainers_can_create, project_role: :reporter, accessible: :be_disallowed1553 is expected to be disallowed :play_pipeline_schedule1554 access_level: :maintainers_can_create, project_role: :guest, accessible: :be_disallowed1555 is expected to be disallowed :play_pipeline_schedule1556 access_level: :developers_can_create, project_role: :owner, accessible: :be_allowed1557 is expected to be allowed :play_pipeline_schedule1558 access_level: :developers_can_create, project_role: :maintainer, accessible: :be_allowed1559 is expected to be allowed :play_pipeline_schedule1560 access_level: :developers_can_create, project_role: :developer, accessible: :be_allowed1561 is expected to be allowed :play_pipeline_schedule1562 access_level: :developers_can_create, project_role: :reporter, accessible: :be_disallowed1563 is expected to be disallowed :play_pipeline_schedule1564 access_level: :developers_can_create, project_role: :guest, accessible: :be_disallowed1565 is expected to be disallowed :play_pipeline_schedule1566 update_pipeline_schedule1567 behaves like only allowed by schedule owners who can update the tag1568 access_level: :no_one_can_create, schedule_owner: :other_user, project_role: :owner, accessible: :be_disallowed1569 is expected to be disallowed :update_pipeline_schedule1570 access_level: :no_one_can_create, schedule_owner: :user, project_role: :owner, accessible: :be_disallowed1571 is expected to be disallowed :update_pipeline_schedule1572 access_level: :no_one_can_create, schedule_owner: :user, project_role: :maintainer, accessible: :be_disallowed1573 is expected to be disallowed :update_pipeline_schedule1574 access_level: :no_one_can_create, schedule_owner: :user, project_role: :developer, accessible: :be_disallowed1575 is expected to be disallowed :update_pipeline_schedule1576 access_level: :no_one_can_create, schedule_owner: :user, project_role: :reporter, accessible: :be_disallowed1577 is expected to be disallowed :update_pipeline_schedule1578 access_level: :no_one_can_create, schedule_owner: :user, project_role: :guest, accessible: :be_disallowed1579 is expected to be disallowed :update_pipeline_schedule1580 access_level: :maintainers_can_create, schedule_owner: :other_user, project_role: :owner, accessible: :be_disallowed1581 is expected to be disallowed :update_pipeline_schedule1582 access_level: :maintainers_can_create, schedule_owner: :user, project_role: :owner, accessible: :be_allowed1583 is expected to be allowed :update_pipeline_schedule1584 access_level: :maintainers_can_create, schedule_owner: :user, project_role: :maintainer, accessible: :be_allowed1585 is expected to be allowed :update_pipeline_schedule1586 access_level: :maintainers_can_create, schedule_owner: :user, project_role: :developer, accessible: :be_disallowed1587 is expected to be disallowed :update_pipeline_schedule1588 access_level: :maintainers_can_create, schedule_owner: :user, project_role: :reporter, accessible: :be_disallowed1589 is expected to be disallowed :update_pipeline_schedule1590 access_level: :maintainers_can_create, schedule_owner: :user, project_role: :guest, accessible: :be_disallowed1591 is expected to be disallowed :update_pipeline_schedule1592 access_level: :developers_can_create, schedule_owner: :other_user, project_role: :owner, accessible: :be_disallowed1593 is expected to be disallowed :update_pipeline_schedule1594 access_level: :developers_can_create, schedule_owner: :user, project_role: :owner, accessible: :be_allowed1595 is expected to be allowed :update_pipeline_schedule1596 access_level: :developers_can_create, schedule_owner: :user, project_role: :maintainer, accessible: :be_allowed1597 is expected to be allowed :update_pipeline_schedule1598 access_level: :developers_can_create, schedule_owner: :user, project_role: :developer, accessible: :be_allowed1599 is expected to be allowed :update_pipeline_schedule1600 access_level: :developers_can_create, schedule_owner: :user, project_role: :reporter, accessible: :be_disallowed1601 is expected to be disallowed :update_pipeline_schedule1602 access_level: :developers_can_create, schedule_owner: :user, project_role: :guest, accessible: :be_disallowed1603 is expected to be disallowed :update_pipeline_schedule1604 with v1.0.01605 create_pipeline_schedule1606 behaves like allowed by those who can update the tag1607 access_level: :no_one_can_create, project_role: :owner, accessible: :be_disallowed1608 is expected to be disallowed :create_pipeline_schedule1609 access_level: :no_one_can_create, project_role: :maintainer, accessible: :be_disallowed1610 is expected to be disallowed :create_pipeline_schedule1611 access_level: :no_one_can_create, project_role: :developer, accessible: :be_disallowed1612 is expected to be disallowed :create_pipeline_schedule1613 access_level: :no_one_can_create, project_role: :reporter, accessible: :be_disallowed1614 is expected to be disallowed :create_pipeline_schedule1615 access_level: :no_one_can_create, project_role: :guest, accessible: :be_disallowed1616 is expected to be disallowed :create_pipeline_schedule1617 access_level: :maintainers_can_create, project_role: :owner, accessible: :be_allowed1618 is expected to be allowed :create_pipeline_schedule1619 access_level: :maintainers_can_create, project_role: :maintainer, accessible: :be_allowed1620 is expected to be allowed :create_pipeline_schedule1621 access_level: :maintainers_can_create, project_role: :developer, accessible: :be_disallowed1622 is expected to be disallowed :create_pipeline_schedule1623 access_level: :maintainers_can_create, project_role: :reporter, accessible: :be_disallowed1624 is expected to be disallowed :create_pipeline_schedule1625 access_level: :maintainers_can_create, project_role: :guest, accessible: :be_disallowed1626 is expected to be disallowed :create_pipeline_schedule1627 access_level: :developers_can_create, project_role: :owner, accessible: :be_allowed1628 is expected to be allowed :create_pipeline_schedule1629 access_level: :developers_can_create, project_role: :maintainer, accessible: :be_allowed1630 is expected to be allowed :create_pipeline_schedule1631 access_level: :developers_can_create, project_role: :developer, accessible: :be_allowed1632 is expected to be allowed :create_pipeline_schedule1633 access_level: :developers_can_create, project_role: :reporter, accessible: :be_disallowed1634 is expected to be disallowed :create_pipeline_schedule1635 access_level: :developers_can_create, project_role: :guest, accessible: :be_disallowed1636 is expected to be disallowed :create_pipeline_schedule1637 play_pipeline_schedule1638 behaves like allowed by those who can update the tag1639 access_level: :no_one_can_create, project_role: :owner, accessible: :be_disallowed1640 is expected to be disallowed :play_pipeline_schedule1641 access_level: :no_one_can_create, project_role: :maintainer, accessible: :be_disallowed1642 is expected to be disallowed :play_pipeline_schedule1643 access_level: :no_one_can_create, project_role: :developer, accessible: :be_disallowed1644 is expected to be disallowed :play_pipeline_schedule1645 access_level: :no_one_can_create, project_role: :reporter, accessible: :be_disallowed1646 is expected to be disallowed :play_pipeline_schedule1647 access_level: :no_one_can_create, project_role: :guest, accessible: :be_disallowed1648 is expected to be disallowed :play_pipeline_schedule1649 access_level: :maintainers_can_create, project_role: :owner, accessible: :be_allowed1650 is expected to be allowed :play_pipeline_schedule1651 access_level: :maintainers_can_create, project_role: :maintainer, accessible: :be_allowed1652 is expected to be allowed :play_pipeline_schedule1653 access_level: :maintainers_can_create, project_role: :developer, accessible: :be_disallowed1654 is expected to be disallowed :play_pipeline_schedule1655 access_level: :maintainers_can_create, project_role: :reporter, accessible: :be_disallowed1656 is expected to be disallowed :play_pipeline_schedule1657 access_level: :maintainers_can_create, project_role: :guest, accessible: :be_disallowed1658 is expected to be disallowed :play_pipeline_schedule1659 access_level: :developers_can_create, project_role: :owner, accessible: :be_allowed1660 is expected to be allowed :play_pipeline_schedule1661 access_level: :developers_can_create, project_role: :maintainer, accessible: :be_allowed1662 is expected to be allowed :play_pipeline_schedule1663 access_level: :developers_can_create, project_role: :developer, accessible: :be_allowed1664 is expected to be allowed :play_pipeline_schedule1665 access_level: :developers_can_create, project_role: :reporter, accessible: :be_disallowed1666 is expected to be disallowed :play_pipeline_schedule1667 access_level: :developers_can_create, project_role: :guest, accessible: :be_disallowed1668 is expected to be disallowed :play_pipeline_schedule1669 update_pipeline_schedule1670 behaves like only allowed by schedule owners who can update the tag1671 access_level: :no_one_can_create, schedule_owner: :other_user, project_role: :owner, accessible: :be_disallowed1672 is expected to be disallowed :update_pipeline_schedule1673 access_level: :no_one_can_create, schedule_owner: :user, project_role: :owner, accessible: :be_disallowed1674 is expected to be disallowed :update_pipeline_schedule1675 access_level: :no_one_can_create, schedule_owner: :user, project_role: :maintainer, accessible: :be_disallowed1676 is expected to be disallowed :update_pipeline_schedule1677 access_level: :no_one_can_create, schedule_owner: :user, project_role: :developer, accessible: :be_disallowed1678 is expected to be disallowed :update_pipeline_schedule1679 access_level: :no_one_can_create, schedule_owner: :user, project_role: :reporter, accessible: :be_disallowed1680 is expected to be disallowed :update_pipeline_schedule1681 access_level: :no_one_can_create, schedule_owner: :user, project_role: :guest, accessible: :be_disallowed1682 is expected to be disallowed :update_pipeline_schedule1683 access_level: :maintainers_can_create, schedule_owner: :other_user, project_role: :owner, accessible: :be_disallowed1684 is expected to be disallowed :update_pipeline_schedule1685 access_level: :maintainers_can_create, schedule_owner: :user, project_role: :owner, accessible: :be_allowed1686 is expected to be allowed :update_pipeline_schedule1687 access_level: :maintainers_can_create, schedule_owner: :user, project_role: :maintainer, accessible: :be_allowed1688 is expected to be allowed :update_pipeline_schedule1689 access_level: :maintainers_can_create, schedule_owner: :user, project_role: :developer, accessible: :be_disallowed1690 is expected to be disallowed :update_pipeline_schedule1691 access_level: :maintainers_can_create, schedule_owner: :user, project_role: :reporter, accessible: :be_disallowed1692 is expected to be disallowed :update_pipeline_schedule1693 access_level: :maintainers_can_create, schedule_owner: :user, project_role: :guest, accessible: :be_disallowed1694 is expected to be disallowed :update_pipeline_schedule1695 access_level: :developers_can_create, schedule_owner: :other_user, project_role: :owner, accessible: :be_disallowed1696 is expected to be disallowed :update_pipeline_schedule1697 access_level: :developers_can_create, schedule_owner: :user, project_role: :owner, accessible: :be_allowed1698 is expected to be allowed :update_pipeline_schedule1699 access_level: :developers_can_create, schedule_owner: :user, project_role: :maintainer, accessible: :be_allowed1700 is expected to be allowed :update_pipeline_schedule1701 access_level: :developers_can_create, schedule_owner: :user, project_role: :developer, accessible: :be_allowed1702 is expected to be allowed :update_pipeline_schedule1703 access_level: :developers_can_create, schedule_owner: :user, project_role: :reporter, accessible: :be_disallowed1704 is expected to be disallowed :update_pipeline_schedule1705 access_level: :developers_can_create, schedule_owner: :user, project_role: :guest, accessible: :be_disallowed1706 is expected to be disallowed :update_pipeline_schedule1707 rules for owner of schedule1708 includes abilities to do all operations on pipeline schedule1709 rules for a maintainer1710 allows for playing and destroying a pipeline schedule1711 does not allow for updating of an existing schedule1712 rules for non-owner of schedule1713 includes abilities to take ownership1714# [RSpecRunTime] Finishing example group spec/policies/ci/pipeline_schedule_policy_spec.rb. It took 2 minutes 23.15 seconds. Expected to take 2 minutes 50.11 seconds.1715# [RSpecRunTime] Starting example group spec/tasks/gitlab/usage_data_rake_spec.rb. Expected to take 1 minute 55.51 seconds.1716gitlab:usage data take tasks1717 dump_sql_in_yaml1718 dumps SQL queries in yaml format1719# [RSpecRunTime] RSpec elapsed time: 6 minutes 31.16 seconds. Current RSS: ~1529M. load average: 1.08 1.15 0.92 1/283 92191720 dump_sql_in_json1721 dumps SQL queries in json format1722# [RSpecRunTime] RSpec elapsed time: 6 minutes 50.96 seconds. Current RSS: ~1528M. load average: 1.06 1.14 0.92 1/283 92421723 dump_non_sql_in_json1724 dumps non SQL data in json format1725# [RSpecRunTime] RSpec elapsed time: 7 minutes 13.16 seconds. Current RSS: ~1526M. load average: 1.04 1.13 0.93 1/283 92651726 generate_sql_metrics_fixture1727 generates fixture file correctly1728# [RSpecRunTime] RSpec elapsed time: 7 minutes 33.13 seconds. Current RSS: ~1527M. load average: 1.03 1.12 0.93 1/284 92881729 generate_and_send1730 generates and sends Service Ping payload1731# [RSpecRunTime] RSpec elapsed time: 8 minutes 8.16 seconds. Current RSS: ~1471M. load average: 0.57 1.00 0.89 1/284 92891732# [RSpecRunTime] Finishing example group spec/tasks/gitlab/usage_data_rake_spec.rb. It took 2 minutes 2.79 seconds. Expected to take 1 minute 55.51 seconds.1733# [RSpecRunTime] RSpec elapsed time: 8 minutes 11.15 seconds. Current RSS: ~1491M. load average: 0.77 1.03 0.90 1/284 92901734# [RSpecRunTime] Starting example group spec/models/todo_spec.rb. Expected to take 1 minute 20.7 seconds.1735Todo1736 does not allow STI1737 relationships1738 is expected to belong to author class_name => User required: false1739 is expected to belong to note required: false1740 is expected to belong to project required: false1741 is expected to belong to group required: false1742 is expected to belong to target required: false1743 is expected to belong to user required: false1744 respond to1745 is expected to respond to #author_name1746 is expected to respond to #author_email1747 validations1748 is expected to validate that :action cannot be empty/falsy1749 is expected to validate that :target_type cannot be empty/falsy1750 is expected to validate that :user cannot be empty/falsy1751 is expected to validate that :author cannot be empty/falsy1752 for commits1753 is expected to validate that :commit_id cannot be empty/falsy1754 is expected not to validate that :target_id cannot be empty/falsy1755 for issuables1756 is expected to validate that :target_id cannot be empty/falsy1757 is expected not to validate that :commit_id cannot be empty/falsy1758 #body1759 returns target title when note is blank1760 returns note when note is present1761 returns full path of target when action is member_access_requested1762 #done1763 changes state to done1764 does not raise error when is already done1765# [RSpecRunTime] RSpec elapsed time: 8 minutes 16.82 seconds. Current RSS: ~1556M. load average: 0.79 1.03 0.90 1/284 92911766 #for_commit?1767 returns true when target is a commit1768 returns false when target is an issuable1769 #for_design?1770 returns true when target is a Design1771 returns false when target is not a Design1772 #for_alert?1773 returns true when target is a Alert1774 returns false when target is not a Alert1775 #for_issue_or_work_item?1776 returns true when target is an Issue1777 returns true when target is a WorkItem1778 returns false when target is not an Issue1779 #target1780 returns the issuable for issuables1781 for commits1782 returns an instance of Commit when exists1783 returns nil when does not exists1784# [RSpecRunTime] RSpec elapsed time: 8 minutes 19.42 seconds. Current RSS: ~1575M. load average: 0.79 1.03 0.90 1/288 93121785 #target_reference1786 returns commit full reference with short id1787 returns full reference for issuables1788 when target is member access requested1789 behaves like returns full_path1790 is expected to eq "namespace22/project-122"1791# [RSpecRunTime] RSpec elapsed time: 8 minutes 21.11 seconds. Current RSS: ~1586M. load average: 0.88 1.05 0.91 1/289 93231792 behaves like returns full_path1793 is expected to eq "group102"1794 #self_added?1795 is true when the user is the author1796 is false when the user is not the author1797 #done?1798 returns true for todos with done state1799 returns false for todos with state pending1800# [RSpecRunTime] RSpec elapsed time: 8 minutes 22.84 seconds. Current RSS: ~1588M. load average: 0.88 1.05 0.91 1/289 93241801 #self_assigned?1802 when self_added1803 returns true for ASSIGNED1804 returns true for REVIEW_REQUESTED1805 returns false for other action1806 when todo is not self_added1807 returns false1808 .for_action1809 returns the todos for a given action1810# [RSpecRunTime] RSpec elapsed time: 8 minutes 24.88 seconds. Current RSS: ~1599M. load average: 0.88 1.05 0.91 1/289 93251811 .for_author1812 returns the todos for a given author1813# [RSpecRunTime] RSpec elapsed time: 8 minutes 26.65 seconds. Current RSS: ~1582M. load average: 0.89 1.05 0.91 1/289 93261814 .for_project1815 returns the todos for a given project1816 returns the todos for many projects1817# [RSpecRunTime] RSpec elapsed time: 8 minutes 30.73 seconds. Current RSS: ~1565M. load average: 0.90 1.04 0.91 1/284 93271818 .for_undeleted_projects1819 returns the todos for a given project1820 when todo belongs to deleted project1821 excludes todos of deleted projects1822# [RSpecRunTime] RSpec elapsed time: 8 minutes 35.57 seconds. Current RSS: ~1533M. load average: 0.90 1.04 0.91 1/284 93281823 .for_group1824 returns the todos for a given group1825# [RSpecRunTime] RSpec elapsed time: 8 minutes 37.45 seconds. Current RSS: ~1527M. load average: 0.91 1.04 0.91 1/284 93291826 .for_type1827 returns the todos for a given target type1828# [RSpecRunTime] RSpec elapsed time: 8 minutes 39.45 seconds. Current RSS: ~1538M. load average: 0.91 1.04 0.91 1/290 93701829 .for_target1830 returns the todos for a given target1831# [RSpecRunTime] RSpec elapsed time: 8 minutes 41.5 seconds. Current RSS: ~1551M. load average: 0.92 1.04 0.91 1/290 94101832 .for_commit1833 returns the todos for a commit ID1834# [RSpecRunTime] RSpec elapsed time: 8 minutes 43.19 seconds. Current RSS: ~1554M. load average: 0.92 1.04 0.91 1/290 94111835 .not_in_users1836 returns the expected todos1837# [RSpecRunTime] RSpec elapsed time: 8 minutes 45.99 seconds. Current RSS: ~1552M. load average: 0.92 1.04 0.91 1/289 94121838 .for_group_ids_and_descendants1839 returns the todos for a group and its descendants1840# [RSpecRunTime] RSpec elapsed time: 8 minutes 47.88 seconds. Current RSS: ~1519M. load average: 0.92 1.04 0.91 1/289 94131841 .for_user1842 returns the expected todos1843# [RSpecRunTime] RSpec elapsed time: 8 minutes 50.37 seconds. Current RSS: ~1522M. load average: 0.92 1.04 0.91 1/289 94141844 .for_note1845 returns todos that belongs to notes1846# [RSpecRunTime] RSpec elapsed time: 8 minutes 53.72 seconds. Current RSS: ~1514M. load average: 0.93 1.04 0.91 1/284 94151847 .group_by_user_id_and_state1848 is expected to eq {[214, "done"]=>1, [214, "pending"]=>2, [215, "pending"]=>1}1849# [RSpecRunTime] RSpec elapsed time: 8 minutes 57.03 seconds. Current RSS: ~1512M. load average: 0.94 1.04 0.91 1/284 94161850 .any_for_target?1851 returns true if there are todos for a given target1852 returns true if there is at least one todo for a given target with state pending1853 returns false if there are only todos for a given target with state done while searching for pending1854 returns false if there are no todos for a given target1855# [RSpecRunTime] RSpec elapsed time: 9 minutes 0.93 second. Current RSS: ~1511M. load average: 1.10 1.07 0.93 1/285 94171856 .batch_update1857 updates the state of todos1858 does not update todos that already have the given state1859 updates updated_at1860# [RSpecRunTime] RSpec elapsed time: 9 minutes 3.7 seconds. Current RSS: ~1512M. load average: 1.10 1.07 0.93 1/284 94181861 .distinct_user_ids1862 is expected to contain exactly 239 and 2401863# [RSpecRunTime] RSpec elapsed time: 9 minutes 5.59 seconds. Current RSS: ~1511M. load average: 1.10 1.07 0.93 1/284 94191864 .for_internal_notes1865 returns todos created from internal notes1866# [RSpecRunTime] RSpec elapsed time: 9 minutes 7.74 seconds. Current RSS: ~1514M. load average: 1.09 1.07 0.93 1/284 94201867 #access_request_url1868 when only_path param is false1869 behaves like returns member access requests tab url/path1870 returns group access requests tab url/path if target is group1871 returns project access requests tab url/path if target is project1872 returns empty string if target is neither group nor project1873# [RSpecRunTime] RSpec elapsed time: 9 minutes 9.01 seconds. Current RSS: ~1517M. load average: 1.09 1.07 0.93 1/284 94211874 when only_path param is nil1875 behaves like returns member access requests tab url/path1876 returns group access requests tab url/path if target is group1877 returns project access requests tab url/path if target is project1878 returns empty string if target is neither group nor project1879# [RSpecRunTime] RSpec elapsed time: 9 minutes 10.22 seconds. Current RSS: ~1526M. load average: 1.09 1.07 0.93 1/284 94221880 when only_path param is true1881 behaves like returns member access requests tab url/path1882 returns group access requests tab url/path if target is group1883 returns project access requests tab url/path if target is project1884 returns empty string if target is neither group nor project1885# [RSpecRunTime] RSpec elapsed time: 9 minutes 11.41 seconds. Current RSS: ~1523M. load average: 1.09 1.07 0.93 1/284 94231886# [RSpecRunTime] Finishing example group spec/models/todo_spec.rb. It took 1 minute 0.36 second. Expected to take 1 minute 20.7 seconds.1887# [RSpecRunTime] Starting example group spec/services/snippets/update_service_spec.rb. Expected to take 1 minute 9.86 seconds.1888Snippets::UpdateService1889 #execute1890 when Project Snippet1891 behaves like a service that updates a snippet1892 updates a snippet with the provided attributes1893 behaves like public visibility level restrictions apply1894 when user is not an admin1895 responds with an error1896 does not update snippet to public visibility1897 when user is an admin1898 responds with success1899 updates the snippet to public visibility1900# [RSpecRunTime] RSpec elapsed time: 9 minutes 14.38 seconds. Current RSS: ~1579M. load average: 1.09 1.07 0.93 1/287 95391901 when visibility level is passed as a string1902 assigns the correct visibility level1903 behaves like snippet update data is tracked1904 increments count when create succeeds1905 when update fails1906 does not increment count1907 behaves like updates repository content1908 commit the files to the repository1909 returns error if snippet does not have a snippet_repository1910 when an error is raised1911 logs the error1912 returns error with generic error message1913# [RSpecRunTime] RSpec elapsed time: 9 minutes 17.9 seconds. Current RSS: ~1640M. load average: 1.08 1.07 0.93 1/289 97191914 when the repository does not exist1915 does not try to commit file1916 behaves like commit operation fails1917 returns error1918 when repository is empty1919 destroys the created repository in disk1920 destroys the SnippetRepository object1921 expires the repository exists method cache1922# [RSpecRunTime] RSpec elapsed time: 9 minutes 20.27 seconds. Current RSS: ~1669M. load average: 1.08 1.07 0.93 1/289 97851923 when repository is not empty1924 does not destroy the repository1925 does not destroy the snippet repository1926 expires the repository exists method cache1927# [RSpecRunTime] RSpec elapsed time: 9 minutes 21.67 seconds. Current RSS: ~1675M. load average: 1.07 1.07 0.93 1/289 98251928 with snippet modifications1929 rolls back any snippet modifications1930 keeps any snippet modifications1931 behaves like committable attributes1932 when file_name is updated1933 commits to repository1934 when content is updated1935 commits to repository1936 when content or file_name is not updated1937 does not perform any commit1938 behaves like when snippet_actions param is present1939 updates a snippet with the provided attributes1940 commits the files to the repository1941 when content or file_name params are present1942 raises a validation error1943# [RSpecRunTime] RSpec elapsed time: 9 minutes 25.31 seconds. Current RSS: ~1711M. load average: 1.07 1.07 0.93 1/289 99611944 when snippet_file content is not present1945 does not update snippet content1946 when snippet_actions param is invalid1947 raises a validation error1948 when an error is raised committing the file1949 keeps any snippet modifications1950 commit actions1951 update action1952 updates the file content1953 when previous_path is present1954 updates the file content1955# [RSpecRunTime] RSpec elapsed time: 9 minutes 27.76 seconds. Current RSS: ~1722M. load average: 1.15 1.08 0.93 1/289 100781956 when content is not present1957 behaves like returns an error1958 is expected to eq "Snippet actions have invalid data"1959 when file_path does not exist1960 behaves like returns an error1961 is expected to eq "Repository Error updating the snippet"1962 move action1963 when file_path and previous_path are the same1964 behaves like returns an error1965 is expected to eq "Snippet actions have invalid data"1966 when file_path and previous_path are different1967 renames the file1968 when previous_path does not exist1969 behaves like returns an error1970 is expected to eq "Repository Error updating the snippet"1971 when user wants to rename the file and update content1972 performs both operations1973 when the file_path is not present1974 generates the name for the renamed file1975# [RSpecRunTime] RSpec elapsed time: 9 minutes 31.78 seconds. Current RSS: ~1725M. load average: 1.22 1.10 0.94 1/289 102471976 delete action1977 behaves like deletes the file1978 is expected to be nil1979# [RSpecRunTime] RSpec elapsed time: 9 minutes 32.9 seconds. Current RSS: ~1731M. load average: 1.22 1.10 0.94 1/289 102841980 when previous_path is present and same as file_path1981 behaves like deletes the file1982 is expected to be nil1983 when previous_path is present and is different from file_path1984 behaves like deletes the file1985 is expected to be nil1986 when content is present1987 behaves like deletes the file1988 is expected to be nil1989 when file_path does not exist1990 behaves like returns an error1991 is expected to eq "Repository Error updating the snippet"1992 create action1993 creates the file1994 when content is not present1995 behaves like returns an error1996 is expected to eq "Snippet actions have invalid data"1997 when file_path is not present or empty1998 generates the file path for the files1999 when file_path already exists in the repository2000 behaves like returns an error2001 is expected to eq "Repository Error updating the snippet"2002 when previous_path is present2003 creates the file2004 combination of actions2005 performs all operations2006 behaves like only file_name is present2007 when renaming the file_name2008 behaves like content is not updated2009 is expected to eq "/custom-highlighting/*.gitlab-custom gitlab-language=ruby\n"2010 when file_name does not change2011 behaves like content is not updated2012 is expected to eq "/custom-highlighting/*.gitlab-custom gitlab-language=ruby\n"2013 behaves like only content is present2014 updates the content2015 behaves like invalid params error response2016 responds to errors appropriately2017 behaves like checking spam2018 executes SpamActionService2019 when snippet does not have a repository2020 behaves like creates repository and creates file2021 when file_name and content params are used2022 creates repository2023 commits the files to the repository2024 when the repository creation fails2025 raise an error2026 does not try to commit file2027# [RSpecRunTime] RSpec elapsed time: 9 minutes 42.38 seconds. Current RSS: ~1755M. load average: 1.18 1.09 0.94 1/289 108342028 when snippet_actions param is used2029 performs operation without raising errors2030 when the repository is not created2031 keeps snippet database data2032 behaves like commit operation fails2033 returns error2034 when repository is empty2035 destroys the created repository in disk2036 destroys the SnippetRepository object2037 expires the repository exists method cache2038# [RSpecRunTime] RSpec elapsed time: 9 minutes 44.68 seconds. Current RSS: ~1743M. load average: 1.18 1.09 0.94 1/289 108862039 when repository is not empty2040 does not destroy the repository2041 does not destroy the snippet repository2042 expires the repository exists method cache2043# [RSpecRunTime] RSpec elapsed time: 9 minutes 45.85 seconds. Current RSS: ~1720M. load average: 1.17 1.09 0.94 1/289 108932044 with snippet modifications2045 rolls back any snippet modifications2046 keeps any snippet modifications2047 when PersonalSnippet2048 behaves like a service that updates a snippet2049 updates a snippet with the provided attributes2050 behaves like public visibility level restrictions apply2051 when user is not an admin2052 responds with an error2053 does not update snippet to public visibility2054 when user is an admin2055 responds with success2056 updates the snippet to public visibility2057 when visibility level is passed as a string2058 assigns the correct visibility level2059 behaves like snippet update data is tracked2060 increments count when create succeeds2061 when update fails2062 does not increment count2063 behaves like updates repository content2064 commit the files to the repository2065 returns error if snippet does not have a snippet_repository2066 when an error is raised2067 logs the error2068 returns error with generic error message2069# [RSpecRunTime] RSpec elapsed time: 9 minutes 51.44 seconds. Current RSS: ~1747M. load average: 1.23 1.11 0.95 1/289 111942070 when the repository does not exist2071 does not try to commit file2072 behaves like commit operation fails2073 returns error2074 when repository is empty2075 destroys the created repository in disk2076 destroys the SnippetRepository object2077 expires the repository exists method cache2078# [RSpecRunTime] RSpec elapsed time: 9 minutes 53.53 seconds. Current RSS: ~1791M. load average: 1.23 1.11 0.95 1/289 112602079 when repository is not empty2080 does not destroy the repository2081 does not destroy the snippet repository2082 expires the repository exists method cache2083# [RSpecRunTime] RSpec elapsed time: 9 minutes 54.74 seconds. Current RSS: ~1798M. load average: 1.23 1.11 0.95 1/289 113002084 with snippet modifications2085 rolls back any snippet modifications2086 keeps any snippet modifications2087 behaves like committable attributes2088 when file_name is updated2089 commits to repository2090 when content is updated2091 commits to repository2092 when content or file_name is not updated2093 does not perform any commit2094 behaves like when snippet_actions param is present2095 updates a snippet with the provided attributes2096 commits the files to the repository2097 when content or file_name params are present2098 raises a validation error2099# [RSpecRunTime] RSpec elapsed time: 9 minutes 57.74 seconds. Current RSS: ~1811M. load average: 1.21 1.11 0.95 1/289 114362100 when snippet_file content is not present2101 does not update snippet content2102 when snippet_actions param is invalid2103 raises a validation error2104 when an error is raised committing the file2105 keeps any snippet modifications2106 commit actions2107 update action2108 updates the file content2109 when previous_path is present2110 updates the file content2111 when content is not present2112 behaves like returns an error2113 is expected to eq "Snippet actions have invalid data"2114 when file_path does not exist2115 behaves like returns an error2116 is expected to eq "Repository Error updating the snippet"2117 move action2118 when file_path and previous_path are the same2119 behaves like returns an error2120 is expected to eq "Snippet actions have invalid data"2121 when file_path and previous_path are different2122 renames the file2123 when previous_path does not exist2124 behaves like returns an error2125 is expected to eq "Repository Error updating the snippet"2126 when user wants to rename the file and update content2127 performs both operations2128 when the file_path is not present2129 generates the name for the renamed file2130 delete action2131 behaves like deletes the file2132 is expected to be nil2133 when previous_path is present and same as file_path2134 behaves like deletes the file2135 is expected to be nil2136 when previous_path is present and is different from file_path2137 behaves like deletes the file2138 is expected to be nil2139 when content is present2140 behaves like deletes the file2141 is expected to be nil2142 when file_path does not exist2143 behaves like returns an error2144 is expected to eq "Repository Error updating the snippet"2145 create action2146 creates the file2147 when content is not present2148 behaves like returns an error2149 is expected to eq "Snippet actions have invalid data"2150 when file_path is not present or empty2151 generates the file path for the files2152 when file_path already exists in the repository2153 behaves like returns an error2154 is expected to eq "Repository Error updating the snippet"2155 when previous_path is present2156 creates the file2157 combination of actions2158 performs all operations2159 behaves like only file_name is present2160 when renaming the file_name2161 behaves like content is not updated2162 is expected to eq "/custom-highlighting/*.gitlab-custom gitlab-language=ruby\n"2163 when file_name does not change2164 behaves like content is not updated2165 is expected to eq "/custom-highlighting/*.gitlab-custom gitlab-language=ruby\n"2166 behaves like only content is present2167 updates the content2168 behaves like invalid params error response2169 responds to errors appropriately2170 behaves like checking spam2171 executes SpamActionService2172 when snippet does not have a repository2173 behaves like creates repository and creates file2174 when file_name and content params are used2175 creates repository2176 commits the files to the repository2177 when the repository creation fails2178 raise an error2179 does not try to commit file2180# [RSpecRunTime] RSpec elapsed time: 10 minutes 11.51 seconds. Current RSS: ~1847M. load average: 1.39 1.15 0.96 1/289 123062181 when snippet_actions param is used2182 performs operation without raising errors2183 when the repository is not created2184 keeps snippet database data2185 behaves like commit operation fails2186 returns error2187 when repository is empty2188 destroys the created repository in disk2189 destroys the SnippetRepository object2190 expires the repository exists method cache2191# [RSpecRunTime] RSpec elapsed time: 10 minutes 13.25 seconds. Current RSS: ~1825M. load average: 1.39 1.15 0.96 1/289 123582192 when repository is not empty2193 does not destroy the repository2194 does not destroy the snippet repository2195 expires the repository exists method cache2196 with snippet modifications2197 rolls back any snippet modifications2198 keeps any snippet modifications2199# [RSpecRunTime] Finishing example group spec/services/snippets/update_service_spec.rb. It took 1 minute 3.35 seconds. Expected to take 1 minute 9.86 seconds.2200# [RSpecRunTime] Starting example group spec/lib/gitlab/import_export/project/tree_saver_spec.rb. Expected to take 1 minute 0.9 second.2201Gitlab::ImportExport::Project::TreeSaver2202 behaves like saves project tree successfully2203 saves project tree attributes2204 with project root2205 is expected to include {"description" => "description", "visibility_level" => 20}2206 is expected not to include {"runners_token" => "token"}2207 has approvals_before_merge set2208# [RSpecRunTime] RSpec elapsed time: 10 minutes 19.83 seconds. Current RSS: ~1634M. load average: 1.36 1.15 0.96 1/289 124642209 with milestones2210 is expected not to be empty2211 with merge_requests2212 is expected not to be empty2213 has merge request's milestones2214 has merge request's source branch SHA2215 has merge request's target branch SHA2216 has events2217 has merge requests diffs2218 has merge request diff files2219 has merge request diff commits2220 has merge requests comments2221 has author on merge requests comments2222 has merge request approvals2223 has merge request resource label events2224 has merge request assignees2225 has merge request reviewers2226 has merge requests system notes2227 has no merge_when_pipeline_succeeds2228# [RSpecRunTime] RSpec elapsed time: 10 minutes 21.91 seconds. Current RSS: ~1642M. load average: 1.33 1.14 0.97 1/288 124652229 with snippets2230 is expected not to be empty2231 has snippet notes2232 with releases2233 is expected not to be empty2234 has no author on releases2235 has the author ID on releases2236 with issues2237 is expected not to be empty2238 has a work_item_type2239 has issue comments2240 has issue assignees2241 has author on issue comments2242 has labels associated to records2243 has project and group labels2244 has priorities associated to labels2245 has issue resource label events2246 saves the issue designs correctly2247 saves the issue design notes correctly2248 saves the issue design versions correctly2249# [RSpecRunTime] RSpec elapsed time: 10 minutes 23.84 seconds. Current RSS: ~1651M. load average: 1.33 1.14 0.97 1/288 124662250 with ci_pipelines2251 is expected not to be empty2252 has pipeline stages2253 has pipeline builds2254 has pipeline generic_commit_statuses2255 has pipeline bridges2256 with commit_notes2257 is expected not to be empty2258 with labels2259 is expected not to be empty2260 with project_feature2261 is expected not to be empty2262 has project feature2263 with custom_attributes2264 has custom attributes2265 with badges2266 has badges2267 with project_members2268 is expected not to be empty2269 with boards2270 is expected not to be empty2271 with pipeline schedules2272 has owner_id2273 #saves project tree2274 saves project successfully2275 does not complain about non UTF-8 characters in MR diff files2276 overrides group members2277 when has no permission2278 does not export group members2279# [RSpecRunTime] RSpec elapsed time: 10 minutes 39.47 seconds. Current RSS: ~1559M. load average: 1.33 1.15 0.97 1/288 127462280 when has permission as maintainer2281 does not export group members2282# [RSpecRunTime] RSpec elapsed time: 10 minutes 44.57 seconds. Current RSS: ~1567M. load average: 1.30 1.15 0.97 1/288 128402283 when has permission as group owner2284 exports group members as group owner2285# [RSpecRunTime] RSpec elapsed time: 10 minutes 49.56 seconds. Current RSS: ~1568M. load average: 1.28 1.15 0.97 1/288 129342286 as admin2287 when admin mode is enabled2288 exports group members as admin2289 exports group members as project members2290# [RSpecRunTime] RSpec elapsed time: 10 minutes 59.34 seconds. Current RSS: ~1559M. load average: 1.24 1.14 0.97 1/288 131212291 when admin mode is disabled2292 does not export group members2293# [RSpecRunTime] RSpec elapsed time: 11 minutes 4.1 seconds. Current RSS: ~1561M. load average: 1.14 1.12 0.97 1/290 132152294 with description override2295 is expected to include {"description" => "Foo Bar"}2296# [RSpecRunTime] RSpec elapsed time: 11 minutes 8.72 seconds. Current RSS: ~1559M. load average: 1.21 1.14 0.97 1/290 133092297 when streaming has to retry2298 retries and succeeds2299 retries and does not succeed2300# [RSpecRunTime] Finishing example group spec/lib/gitlab/import_export/project/tree_saver_spec.rb. It took 54.28 seconds. Expected to take 1 minute 0.9 second.2301# [RSpecRunTime] Starting example group spec/helpers/visibility_level_helper_spec.rb. Expected to take 54.43 seconds.2302VisibilityLevelHelper2303 visibility_icon_description2304 used with a Project2305 delegates projects to #project_visibility_icon_description2306 used with a ProjectPresenter2307 delegates projects to #project_visibility_icon_description2308 used with a Group2309 delegates groups to #group_visibility_icon_description2310 visibility_level_label2311 level_value: 0, level_name: "Private"2312 returns the name of the visibility level2313 level_value: 10, level_name: "Internal"2314 returns the name of the visibility level2315 level_value: 20, level_name: "Public"2316 returns the name of the visibility level2317 visibility_level_description2318 used with a Project2319 returns different project related descriptions depending on visibility level2320 used with a Group2321 returns different group related descriptions depending on visibility level2322 returns default description for public group2323 when application setting `should_check_namespace_plan` is true2324 returns updated description for public visibility option in group general settings2325# [RSpecRunTime] RSpec elapsed time: 11 minutes 12.71 seconds. Current RSS: ~1546M. load average: 1.19 1.14 0.97 1/288 133102326 disallowed_visibility_level?2327 forks2328 disallows levels2329# [RSpecRunTime] RSpec elapsed time: 11 minutes 14.02 seconds. Current RSS: ~1547M. load average: 1.19 1.14 0.97 1/288 133112330 non-forked project2331 disallows levels2332 group2333 disallows levels2334 sub-group2335 disallows levels2336 snippet2337 disallows levels2338 selected_visibility_level2339 requested_level: 20, max_allowed: 20, global_default_level: 20, restricted_levels: [], expected: 202340 provides correct visibility level for forked project2341 provides correct visibility level for project in group2342# [RSpecRunTime] RSpec elapsed time: 11 minutes 18.15 seconds. Current RSS: ~1571M. load average: 1.25 1.15 0.98 1/287 133122343 requested_level: 20, max_allowed: 20, global_default_level: 20, restricted_levels: [20], expected: 102344 provides correct visibility level for forked project2345 provides correct visibility level for project in group2346# [RSpecRunTime] RSpec elapsed time: 11 minutes 21.04 seconds. Current RSS: ~1560M. load average: 1.23 1.15 0.98 1/284 133132347 requested_level: 10, max_allowed: 20, global_default_level: 20, restricted_levels: [], expected: 102348 provides correct visibility level for forked project2349 provides correct visibility level for project in group2350# [RSpecRunTime] RSpec elapsed time: 11 minutes 24.0 seconds. Current RSS: ~1556M. load average: 1.23 1.15 0.98 1/283 133142351 requested_level: 10, max_allowed: 0, global_default_level: 0, restricted_levels: [], expected: 02352 provides correct visibility level for forked project2353 provides correct visibility level for project in group2354# [RSpecRunTime] RSpec elapsed time: 11 minutes 27.04 seconds. Current RSS: ~1517M. load average: 1.21 1.14 0.98 1/284 133172355 requested_level: 0, max_allowed: 20, global_default_level: 20, restricted_levels: [], expected: 02356 provides correct visibility level for forked project2357 provides correct visibility level for project in group2358# [RSpecRunTime] RSpec elapsed time: 11 minutes 29.86 seconds. Current RSS: ~1515M. load average: 1.21 1.14 0.98 1/284 133182359 requested_level: 20, max_allowed: 0, global_default_level: 10, restricted_levels: [], expected: 02360 provides correct visibility level for forked project2361 provides correct visibility level for project in group2362# [RSpecRunTime] RSpec elapsed time: 11 minutes 32.77 seconds. Current RSS: ~1519M. load average: 1.20 1.14 0.98 1/284 133202363 requested_level: 20, max_allowed: 10, global_default_level: 20, restricted_levels: [], expected: 102364 provides correct visibility level for forked project2365 provides correct visibility level for project in group2366# [RSpecRunTime] RSpec elapsed time: 11 minutes 35.6 seconds. Current RSS: ~1518M. load average: 1.20 1.14 0.98 1/284 133222367 requested_level: 20, max_allowed: 0, global_default_level: 20, restricted_levels: [], expected: 02368 provides correct visibility level for forked project2369 provides correct visibility level for project in group2370# [RSpecRunTime] RSpec elapsed time: 11 minutes 38.51 seconds. Current RSS: ~1514M. load average: 1.18 1.14 0.98 1/284 133242371 requested_level: 20, max_allowed: 10, global_default_level: 10, restricted_levels: [], expected: 102372 provides correct visibility level for forked project2373 provides correct visibility level for project in group2374# [RSpecRunTime] RSpec elapsed time: 11 minutes 41.27 seconds. Current RSS: ~1517M. load average: 1.17 1.14 0.98 1/284 133262375 requested_level: 20, max_allowed: 20, global_default_level: 10, restricted_levels: [], expected: 202376 provides correct visibility level for forked project2377 provides correct visibility level for project in group2378# [RSpecRunTime] RSpec elapsed time: 11 minutes 44.04 seconds. Current RSS: ~1518M. load average: 1.17 1.14 0.98 1/284 133272379 #available_visibility_levels2380 behaves like available visibility level2381 excludes disallowed visibility levels2382 restricted_visibility_levels: [], expected: [0, 10, 20]2383 is expected to eq [0, 10, 20]2384 restricted_visibility_levels: [0], expected: [10, 20]2385 is expected to eq [10, 20]2386 restricted_visibility_levels: [0, 10], expected: [20]2387 is expected to eq [20]2388 restricted_visibility_levels: [0, 20], expected: [10]2389 is expected to eq [10]2390 restricted_visibility_levels: [10], expected: [0, 20]2391 is expected to eq [0, 20]2392 restricted_visibility_levels: [10, 0], expected: [20]2393 is expected to eq [20]2394 restricted_visibility_levels: [10, 20], expected: [0]2395 is expected to eq [0]2396 restricted_visibility_levels: [20], expected: [0, 10]2397 is expected to eq [0, 10]2398 restricted_visibility_levels: [20, 0], expected: [10]2399 is expected to eq [10]2400 restricted_visibility_levels: [20, 10], expected: [0]2401 is expected to eq [0]2402 behaves like available visibility level2403 excludes disallowed visibility levels2404 restricted_visibility_levels: [], expected: [0, 10, 20]2405 is expected to eq [0, 10, 20]2406 restricted_visibility_levels: [0], expected: [10, 20]2407 is expected to eq [10, 20]2408 restricted_visibility_levels: [0, 10], expected: [20]2409 is expected to eq [20]2410 restricted_visibility_levels: [0, 20], expected: [10]2411 is expected to eq [10]2412 restricted_visibility_levels: [10], expected: [0, 20]2413 is expected to eq [0, 20]2414 restricted_visibility_levels: [10, 0], expected: [20]2415 is expected to eq [20]2416 restricted_visibility_levels: [10, 20], expected: [0]2417 is expected to eq [0]2418 restricted_visibility_levels: [20], expected: [0, 10]2419 is expected to eq [0, 10]2420 restricted_visibility_levels: [20, 0], expected: [10]2421 is expected to eq [10]2422 restricted_visibility_levels: [20, 10], expected: [0]2423 is expected to eq [0]2424 behaves like available visibility level2425 excludes disallowed visibility levels2426 restricted_visibility_levels: [], expected: [0, 10, 20]2427 is expected to eq [0, 10, 20]2428 restricted_visibility_levels: [0], expected: [10, 20]2429 is expected to eq [10, 20]2430 restricted_visibility_levels: [0, 10], expected: [20]2431 is expected to eq [20]2432 restricted_visibility_levels: [0, 20], expected: [10]2433 is expected to eq [10]2434 restricted_visibility_levels: [10], expected: [0, 20]2435 is expected to eq [0, 20]2436 restricted_visibility_levels: [10, 0], expected: [20]2437 is expected to eq [20]2438 restricted_visibility_levels: [10, 20], expected: [0]2439 is expected to eq [0]2440 restricted_visibility_levels: [20], expected: [0, 10]2441 is expected to eq [0, 10]2442 restricted_visibility_levels: [20, 0], expected: [10]2443 is expected to eq [10]2444 restricted_visibility_levels: [20, 10], expected: [0]2445 is expected to eq [0]2446 behaves like available visibility level2447 excludes disallowed visibility levels2448 restricted_visibility_levels: [], expected: [0, 10, 20]2449 is expected to eq [0, 10, 20]2450 restricted_visibility_levels: [0], expected: [10, 20]2451 is expected to eq [10, 20]2452 restricted_visibility_levels: [0, 10], expected: [20]2453 is expected to eq [20]2454 restricted_visibility_levels: [0, 20], expected: [10]2455 is expected to eq [10]2456 restricted_visibility_levels: [10], expected: [0, 20]2457 is expected to eq [0, 20]2458 restricted_visibility_levels: [10, 0], expected: [20]2459 is expected to eq [20]2460 restricted_visibility_levels: [10, 20], expected: [0]2461 is expected to eq [0]2462 restricted_visibility_levels: [20], expected: [0, 10]2463 is expected to eq [0, 10]2464 restricted_visibility_levels: [20, 0], expected: [10]2465 is expected to eq [10]2466 restricted_visibility_levels: [20, 10], expected: [0]2467 is expected to eq [0]2468 #snippets_selected_visibility_level2469 returns the selected visibility level2470 fallbacks using the lowest available visibility level when selected level isn't available2471 multiple_visibility_levels_restricted?2472 restricted_visibility_levels: [20], expected: false2473 is expected to eq false2474 restricted_visibility_levels: [20, 10], expected: true2475 is expected to eq true2476 restricted_visibility_levels: [20, 10, 0], expected: true2477 is expected to eq true2478 all_visibility_levels_restricted?2479 restricted_visibility_levels: [20], expected: false2480 is expected to eq false2481 restricted_visibility_levels: [20, 10], expected: false2482 is expected to eq false2483 restricted_visibility_levels: [0, 10, 20], expected: true2484 is expected to eq true2485# [RSpecRunTime] Finishing example group spec/helpers/visibility_level_helper_spec.rb. It took 45.13 seconds. Expected to take 54.43 seconds.2486# [RSpecRunTime] Starting example group spec/models/integrations/jira_spec.rb. Expected to take 47.15 seconds.2487Integrations::Jira2488 does not allow STI2489 behaves like Integrations::HasAvatar2490 #avatar_url2491 returns the expected avatar URL2492 behaves like Integrations::ResetSecretFields2493 #exposing_secrets_fields2494 returns an array of strings2495 #reset_secret_fields?2496 returns false if no exposing field has changed2497 returns true if any exposing field has changed2498 validation callback2499 when an exposing field has changed2500 clears all secret fields2501 when a secret field has been updated2502 does not clear this secret field2503 when a secret field has been updated with the same value2504 does not clear this secret field2505 when no exposing field has changed2506 does not clear any secret fields2507 validations2508 when integration is active2509 is expected to be valid2510 is expected to validate that :url cannot be empty/falsy2511 is expected to validate that :username cannot be empty/falsy2512 is expected to validate that :password cannot be empty/falsy2513 is expected to validate that :jira_auth_type cannot be empty/falsy2514 is expected to validate that the length of :jira_issue_regex is at most 2552515 is expected to validate that the length of :jira_issue_prefix is at most 2552516 is expected to validate that :jira_auth_type is either ‹0› or ‹1›2517 behaves like issue tracker integration URL attribute2518 is expected to allow :url to be ‹""›2519 is expected not to allow :url to be ‹""›2520 is expected not to allow :url to be ‹""›2521 is expected not to allow :url to be ‹"herp-and-derp"›2522# [RSpecRunTime] RSpec elapsed time: 11 minutes 58.91 seconds. Current RSS: ~1621M. load average: 1.13 1.13 0.98 1/284 133342523 behaves like issue tracker integration URL attribute2524 is expected to allow :api_url to be ‹""›2525 is expected not to allow :api_url to be ‹""›2526 is expected not to allow :api_url to be ‹""›2527 is expected not to allow :api_url to be ‹"herp-and-derp"›2528# [RSpecRunTime] RSpec elapsed time: 12 minutes 0.24 second. Current RSS: ~1631M. load average: 1.13 1.13 0.98 1/284 133352529 with personal_access_token_authorization2530 is expected not to validate that :username cannot be empty/falsy2531 when URL is for Jira Cloud2532 is valid when jira_auth_type is basic2533 is invalid when jira_auth_type is PAT2534 when integration is inactive2535 is expected to be valid2536 is expected not to validate that :url cannot be empty/falsy2537 is expected not to validate that :username cannot be empty/falsy2538 is expected not to validate that :password cannot be empty/falsy2539 is expected not to validate that :jira_auth_type cannot be empty/falsy2540 is expected not to validate that the length of :jira_issue_regex is at most 2552541 is expected not to validate that the length of :jira_issue_prefix is at most 2552542 is expected not to validate that :jira_auth_type is either ‹0› or ‹1›2543# [RSpecRunTime] RSpec elapsed time: 12 minutes 2.3 seconds. Current RSS: ~1637M. load average: 1.12 1.13 0.99 1/285 133362544 jira_issue_transition_id2545 accepts a blank value2546 accepts any string containing numbers2547 does not accept a string without numbers2548 #options2549 sets the URL properly2550 leaves out trailing slashes in context2551 provides additional cookies to allow basic auth with oracle webgate2552 URL without a path2553 leaves out trailing slashes in context2554# [RSpecRunTime] RSpec elapsed time: 12 minutes 3.87 seconds. Current RSS: ~1632M. load average: 1.12 1.13 0.99 1/285 133372555 URL with query string parameters2556 removes query string parameters2557 username with trailing whitespaces2558 leaves out trailing whitespaces in username2559 using api URL2560 leaves out trailing slashes in context2561 #fields2562 returns custom fields2563 #sections2564 when project_level? is true2565 includes SECTION_TYPE_JIRA_ISSUES2566 section SECTION_TYPE_JIRA_ISSUES has `plan` attribute2567 when instance_level? is false2568 includes SECTION_TYPE_JIRA_ISSUES2569 includes SECTION_TYPE_JIRA_ISSUE_CREATION2570 when jira_multiple_project_keys feature is disabled2571 does not include SECTION_TYPE_JIRA_ISSUE_CREATION2572 section SECTION_TYPE_JIRA_ISSUES title is "Issues"2573 when instance_level? is true2574 does not include SECTION_TYPE_JIRA_ISSUES2575 does not include SECTION_TYPE_JIRA_ISSUE_CREATION2576 #reference_pattern2577 key: "#123", result: ""2578 is expected to eq ""2579 key: "1#23#12", result: ""2580 is expected to eq ""2581 key: "JIRA-1234A", result: "JIRA-1234"2582 is expected to eq "JIRA-1234"2583 key: "JIRA-1234-some_tag", result: "JIRA-1234"2584 is expected to eq "JIRA-1234"2585 key: "JIRA-1234_some_tag", result: "JIRA-1234"2586 is expected to eq "JIRA-1234"2587 key: "EXT_EXT-1234", result: "EXT_EXT-1234"2588 is expected to eq "EXT_EXT-1234"2589 key: "EXT3_EXT-1234", result: "EXT3_EXT-1234"2590 is expected to eq "EXT3_EXT-1234"2591 key: "3EXT_EXT-1234", result: ""2592 is expected to eq ""2593 key: "CVE-2022-123", result: "CVE-2022"2594 is expected to eq "CVE-2022"2595 key: "CVE-123", result: "CVE-123"2596 is expected to eq "CVE-123"2597 key: "abc-JIRA-1234", result: "JIRA-1234"2598 is expected to eq "JIRA-1234"2599 with match prefix2600 key: "jira##123", result: "", issue_key: ""2601 is expected to eq ""2602 key: "jira#1#23#12", result: "", issue_key: ""2603 is expected to eq ""2604 key: "jira#JIRA-1234A", result: "jira#JIRA-1234", issue_key: "JIRA-1234"2605 is expected to eq "JIRA-1234"2606 key: "jira#JIRA-1234-some_tag", result: "jira#JIRA-1234", issue_key: "JIRA-1234"2607 is expected to eq "JIRA-1234"2608 key: "JIRA-1234A", result: "", issue_key: ""2609 is expected to eq ""2610 key: "JIRA-1234-some_tag", result: "", issue_key: ""2611 is expected to eq ""2612 key: "myjira#JIRA-1234-some_tag", result: "", issue_key: ""2613 is expected to eq ""2614 key: "MYjira#JIRA-1234-some_tag", result: "", issue_key: ""2615 is expected to eq ""2616 key: "my-jira#JIRA-1234-some_tag", result: "jira#JIRA-1234", issue_key: "JIRA-1234"2617 is expected to eq "JIRA-1234"2618 with trailing space in jira_issue_prefix2619 leaves the trailing space2620 pulls the issue ID without a prefix2621 with custom issue pattern2622 key: "J1-123", result: "J1-123"2623 is expected to eq "J1-123"2624 key: "AAbJ J1-123", result: "J1-123"2625 is expected to eq "J1-123"2626 key: "#A1-123", result: "A1-123"2627 is expected to eq "A1-123"2628 key: "J1-1234-some_tag", result: "J1-1234"2629 is expected to eq "J1-1234"2630 key: "J1-1234A", result: "J1-1234"2631 is expected to eq "J1-1234"2632 key: "J1-1234-some_tag", result: "J1-1234"2633 is expected to eq "J1-1234"2634 key: "JI1-123", result: ""2635 is expected to eq ""2636 key: "J1I-123", result: ""2637 is expected to eq ""2638 key: "JI-123", result: ""2639 is expected to eq ""2640 key: "#123", result: ""2641 is expected to eq ""2642 with long running regex2643 handles long inputs2644 .valid_jira_cloud_url?2645 url: "", result: true2646 is expected to eq true2647 url: "", result: false2648 is expected to eq false2649 url: "", result: false2650 is expected to eq false2651 url: "", result: false2652 is expected to eq false2653 url: "javascript://", result: false2654 is expected to eq false2655 url: "\"", result: false2656 is expected to eq false2657 url: nil, result: false2658 is expected to eq false2659 #create2660 does not store data into properties2661 stores data in data_fields correctly2662 when the jira_multiple_project_keys feature is disabled2663 copies project_key into project_keys2664 when loading serverInfo2665 with a Cloud instance2666 is detected2667 with a Server instance2668 is detected2669 from an Unknown instance2670 and URL ends in .atlassian.net2671 deployment_type is set to cloud2672 and URL is something else2673 deployment_type is set to server2674 and no ServerInfo response is received2675 and URL ends in .atlassian.net2676 deployment_type is set to cloud2677 and URL is something else2678 deployment_type is set to server2679 overriding properties2680 with properties2681 when data are stored in properties2682 behaves like handles jira fields2683 reading data2684 reads data correctly2685 #update2686 basic update2687 stores updated data in jira_tracker_data table2688 when updating the url, api_url, username, or password2689 calls serverInfo for url2690 calls serverInfo for api_url2691 calls serverInfo for username2692 calls serverInfo for password2693 when updating the integration2694 updates deployment type2695# [RSpecRunTime] RSpec elapsed time: 12 minutes 15.24 seconds. Current RSS: ~1672M. load average: 1.25 1.16 1.00 1/284 133382696 when removing the integration2697 updates deployment type2698 when not updating the url, api_url, username, or password2699 does not update deployment type2700 when data are stored in separated fields2701 behaves like handles jira fields2702 reading data2703 reads data correctly2704 #update2705 basic update2706 stores updated data in jira_tracker_data table2707 when updating the url, api_url, username, or password2708 calls serverInfo for url2709 calls serverInfo for api_url2710 calls serverInfo for username2711 calls serverInfo for password2712 when updating the integration2713 updates deployment type2714# [RSpecRunTime] RSpec elapsed time: 12 minutes 19.86 seconds. Current RSS: ~1674M. load average: 1.23 1.15 1.00 1/284 133392715 when removing the integration2716 updates deployment type2717 when not updating the url, api_url, username, or password2718 does not update deployment type2719 when data are stored in both properties and separated fields2720 behaves like handles jira fields2721 reading data2722 reads data correctly2723 #update2724 basic update2725 stores updated data in jira_tracker_data table2726 when updating the url, api_url, username, or password2727 calls serverInfo for url2728 calls serverInfo for api_url2729 calls serverInfo for username2730 calls serverInfo for password2731 when updating the integration2732 updates deployment type2733# [RSpecRunTime] RSpec elapsed time: 12 minutes 23.59 seconds. Current RSS: ~1660M. load average: 1.29 1.17 1.00 2/284 133402734 when removing the integration2735 updates deployment type2736 when not updating the url, api_url, username, or password2737 does not update deployment type2738 #client2739 uses the default GitLab::HTTP timeouts2740 when a custom read_timeout option is passed as an argument2741 uses the default GitLab::HTTP timeouts plus a custom read_timeout2742 with basic auth2743 uses correct authorization options2744 with personal access token auth2745 uses correct authorization options2746 #find_issue2747 calls the Jira API to get the issue2748 with options2749 calls the Jira API with the options to get the issue2750 with restricted restrict_project_key option2751 is expected to eq nil2752 and project_key matches2753 calls the Jira API to get the issue2754 #close_issue2755 when resource is a merge request2756 behaves like close_issue2757 calls Jira API2758 tracks usage2759 does not fail if remote_link.all on issue returns nil2760 creates Remote Link reference in Jira for comment2761 does not send comment or remote links to issues already closed2762 does not send comment or remote links to issues with unknown resolution2763 references the GitLab commit2764 references the GitLab commit2765 logs exception when transition id is not valid2766 calls the api with jira_issue_transition_id2767 behaves like Snowplow event tracking with RedisHLL context2768 behaves like Snowplow event tracking2769 is emitted2770# [RSpecRunTime] RSpec elapsed time: 12 minutes 27.58 seconds. Current RSS: ~1655M. load average: 1.27 1.16 1.00 1/290 133752771 when "comment_on_event_enabled" is set to false2772 creates Remote Link reference but does not create comment2773 when Remote Link already exists2774 does not create comment2775 when custom transition IDs are blank2776 does not transition the issue2777 when using automatic issue transitions2778 uses the next transition with a status category of done2779 when no done transition is available2780 does not attempt to transition2781 when no valid transitions are returned2782 does not attempt to transition2783 when using multiple transition ids2784 calls the api with transition ids separated by comma2785 calls the api with transition ids separated by semicolon2786 when a transition fails2787 stops the sequence2788 when resource is a commit2789 behaves like close_issue2790 calls Jira API2791 tracks usage2792 does not fail if remote_link.all on issue returns nil2793 creates Remote Link reference in Jira for comment2794 does not send comment or remote links to issues already closed2795 does not send comment or remote links to issues with unknown resolution2796 references the GitLab commit2797 references the GitLab commit2798 logs exception when transition id is not valid2799 calls the api with jira_issue_transition_id2800 behaves like Snowplow event tracking with RedisHLL context2801 behaves like Snowplow event tracking2802 is emitted2803# [RSpecRunTime] RSpec elapsed time: 12 minutes 31.56 seconds. Current RSS: ~1642M. load average: 1.24 1.16 1.00 1/289 133982804 when "comment_on_event_enabled" is set to false2805 creates Remote Link reference but does not create comment2806 when Remote Link already exists2807 does not create comment2808 when custom transition IDs are blank2809 does not transition the issue2810 when using automatic issue transitions2811 uses the next transition with a status category of done2812 when no done transition is available2813 does not attempt to transition2814 when no valid transitions are returned2815 does not attempt to transition2816 when using multiple transition ids2817 calls the api with transition ids separated by comma2818 calls the api with transition ids separated by semicolon2819 when a transition fails2820 stops the sequence2821 #create_cross_reference_note2822 for commits2823 behaves like handles cross-references2824 tracks usage2825 when enabled2826 creates a comment and remote link2827 when comment already exists2828 does not create a comment or remote link2829 when remote link already exists2830 updates the remote link but does not create a comment2831 when disabled2832 does not create a comment or remote link2833 behaves like Snowplow event tracking with RedisHLL context2834 behaves like Snowplow event tracking2835 is emitted2836 for issues2837 behaves like handles cross-references2838 tracks usage2839 when enabled2840 creates a comment and remote link2841 when comment already exists2842 does not create a comment or remote link2843 when remote link already exists2844 updates the remote link but does not create a comment2845 when disabled2846 does not create a comment or remote link2847 behaves like Snowplow event tracking with RedisHLL context2848 behaves like Snowplow event tracking2849 is emitted2850 for merge requests2851 behaves like handles cross-references2852 tracks usage2853 when enabled2854 creates a comment and remote link2855 when comment already exists2856 does not create a comment or remote link2857 when remote link already exists2858 updates the remote link but does not create a comment2859 when disabled2860 does not create a comment or remote link2861 behaves like Snowplow event tracking with RedisHLL context2862 behaves like Snowplow event tracking2863 is emitted2864 for notes2865 behaves like handles cross-references2866 tracks usage2867 when enabled2868 creates a comment and remote link2869 when comment already exists2870 does not create a comment or remote link2871 when remote link already exists2872 updates the remote link but does not create a comment2873 when disabled2874 does not create a comment or remote link2875 behaves like Snowplow event tracking with RedisHLL context2876 behaves like Snowplow event tracking2877 is emitted2878 for snippets2879 behaves like handles cross-references2880 tracks usage2881 when enabled2882 creates a comment and remote link2883 when comment already exists2884 does not create a comment or remote link2885 when remote link already exists2886 updates the remote link but does not create a comment2887 when disabled2888 does not create a comment or remote link2889 behaves like Snowplow event tracking with RedisHLL context2890 behaves like Snowplow event tracking2891 is emitted2892 #test2893 when the test succeeds2894 gets Jira project with URL when API URL not set2895 gets Jira project with API URL if set2896 when the test fails2897 returns result with the error2898 project and issue urls2899 removes trailing slashes from url2900 when gitlab.yml was initialized2901 is prepopulated with the settings2902 favicon urls2903 includes the standard favicon2904 includes returns the custom favicon2905 generating external URLs2906 #web_url2907 handles paths, slashes, and query string2908 preserves existing query string2909 returns an empty string if URL is not set2910 includes Atlassian referrer for SaaS2911 includes Atlassian referrer for self-managed2912 #project_url2913 returns the correct URL2914 returns an empty string if URL is not set2915 #issues_url2916 returns the correct URL2917 returns an empty string if URL is not set2918 #new_issue_url2919 returns the correct URL2920 returns an empty string if URL is not set2921 #issue_transition_enabled?2922 returns true if automatic transitions are enabled2923 returns true if custom transitions are set2924 returns false if automatic and custom transitions are disabled2925 valid_connection? and configured?2926 when the test fails2927 is falsey2928 implies that configured? is also falsey2929 when the test succeeds2930 is truthy2931 when the integration is active2932 implies that configured? is also truthy2933 when the integration is inactive2934 implies that configured? is falsey2935 #project_keys_as_string2936 returns comma separated project_keys2937# [RSpecRunTime] Finishing example group spec/models/integrations/jira_spec.rb. It took 47.26 seconds. Expected to take 47.15 seconds.2938# [RSpecRunTime] Starting example group spec/workers/emails_on_push_worker_spec.rb. Expected to take 42.15 seconds.2939EmailsOnPushWorker2940 #perform2941 when push is a new branch2942 sends a mail with the correct subject2943 sends the mail to the correct recipient2944# [RSpecRunTime] RSpec elapsed time: 12 minutes 45.34 seconds. Current RSS: ~1638M. load average: 1.21 1.16 1.00 1/287 134682945 when push is a deleted branch2946 sends a mail with the correct subject2947 sends the mail to the correct recipient2948# [RSpecRunTime] RSpec elapsed time: 12 minutes 48.28 seconds. Current RSS: ~1549M. load average: 1.19 1.15 1.00 1/289 134872949 when push is a force push to delete commits2950 sends a mail with the correct subject2951 mentions force pushing in the body2952 sends the mail to the correct recipient2953# [RSpecRunTime] RSpec elapsed time: 12 minutes 53.11 seconds. Current RSS: ~1481M. load average: 1.17 1.15 1.00 1/289 135902954 when there are no errors in sending2955 sends a mail with the correct subject2956 does not mention force pushing in the body2957 sends the mail to the correct recipient2958# [RSpecRunTime] RSpec elapsed time: 12 minutes 57.74 seconds. Current RSS: ~1481M. load average: 1.16 1.15 1.00 1/289 136692959 when there is an SMTP error2960 gracefully handles an input SMTP error2961# [RSpecRunTime] RSpec elapsed time: 12 minutes 59.16 seconds. Current RSS: ~1481M. load average: 1.16 1.15 1.00 1/289 136892962 when there are multiple recipients2963 with mixed-case recipient2964 retains the case2965# [RSpecRunTime] RSpec elapsed time: 13 minutes 0.73 second. Current RSS: ~1481M. load average: 1.15 1.14 1.00 1/288 137162966 when the recipient addresses are a list of email addresses2967 sends the mail to each of the recipients2968 only generates the mail once2969 when SMIME signing is enabled2970 does not sign the email multiple times2971# [RSpecRunTime] RSpec elapsed time: 13 minutes 6.7 seconds. Current RSS: ~1484M. load average: 1.13 1.14 1.00 1/288 137952972 when recipients are invalid2973 ignores them2974# [RSpecRunTime] RSpec elapsed time: 13 minutes 8.1 seconds. Current RSS: ~1484M. load average: 1.13 1.14 1.00 1/288 138152975 when the recipient addresses contains angle brackets and are separated by spaces2976 accepts emails separated by whitespace2977# [RSpecRunTime] RSpec elapsed time: 13 minutes 9.72 seconds. Current RSS: ~1484M. load average: 1.13 1.14 1.00 1/288 138422978 when the recipient addresses contain a mix of emails with and without angle brackets2979 accepts both kind of emails2980# [RSpecRunTime] RSpec elapsed time: 13 minutes 11.34 seconds. Current RSS: ~1484M. load average: 1.12 1.14 1.00 1/288 138692981 when the recipient addresses contains angle brackets and are separated by newlines2982 accepts emails separated by newlines2983# [RSpecRunTime] RSpec elapsed time: 13 minutes 12.97 seconds. Current RSS: ~1484M. load average: 1.12 1.14 1.00 1/288 138962984 when the recipient addresses contains duplicates2985 deduplicates recipients while treating the domain part as case-insensitive2986# [RSpecRunTime] RSpec elapsed time: 13 minutes 14.58 seconds. Current RSS: ~1484M. load average: 1.12 1.14 1.00 1/288 139232987# [RSpecRunTime] Finishing example group spec/workers/emails_on_push_worker_spec.rb. It took 33.14 seconds. Expected to take 42.15 seconds.2988# [RSpecRunTime] Starting example group spec/models/members/group_member_spec.rb. Expected to take 38.3 seconds.2989GroupMember2990 does not allow STI2991 default values2992 is expected to eq "Namespace"2993 scopes2994 counts users by group ID2995 .of_ldap_type2996 returns ldap type users2997# [RSpecRunTime] RSpec elapsed time: 13 minutes 16.2 seconds. Current RSS: ~1501M. load average: 1.19 1.15 1.01 1/288 139242998 .access_level_roles2999 returns Gitlab::Access.options_with_owner3000 #permissible_access_level_roles3001 returns Gitlab::Access.options_with_owner3002 behaves like members notifications3003 #after_commit3004 on creation of a member requesting access3005 calls NotificationService.new_access_request3006 #accept_request3007 calls NotificationService.new_member3008 #decline_invite!3009 calls NotificationService.decline_invite3010 #namespace_id3011 is expected to eq 13012 #real_source_type3013 is expected to eq "Group"3014 #destroy3015 for an orphaned member3016 does not raise an error3017 #last_owner_of_the_group?3018 when overridden by last_owner instance variable3019 and it is set to true3020 is expected to equal true3021 and it is set to false3022 is expected to equal false3023 when member is an owner3024 and there are no other owners3025 is expected to equal true3026 and member is also owner of a parent group3027 is expected to equal false3028 and there is another owner3029 and that other owner is a project bot3030 is expected to equal true3031 and that other owner is not a project bot3032 is expected to equal false3033 when member is not an owner3034 is expected to equal false3035 access levels3036 with parent group3037 behaves like inherited access level as a member of entity3038 with root parent_entity developer member3039 is allowed to be a maintainer of the entity3040 is not allowed to be a reporter of the entity3041 is allowed to change to be a developer of the entity3042 is not allowed to change to be a guest of the entity3043 shows an error if the member can't be updated3044 allows changing the level from a non existing member3045 when access request to entity is pending3046 is allowed to be a reporter of the entity3047 is allowed to change to be a guest of the entity3048# [RSpecRunTime] RSpec elapsed time: 13 minutes 27.64 seconds. Current RSS: ~1586M. load average: 1.24 1.16 1.01 1/283 139253049 with parent group and a sub subgroup3050 behaves like inherited access level as a member of entity3051 with root parent_entity developer member3052 is allowed to be a maintainer of the entity3053 is not allowed to be a reporter of the entity3054 is allowed to change to be a developer of the entity3055 is not allowed to change to be a guest of the entity3056 shows an error if the member can't be updated3057 allows changing the level from a non existing member3058 when access request to entity is pending3059 is allowed to be a reporter of the entity3060 is allowed to change to be a guest of the entity3061# [RSpecRunTime] RSpec elapsed time: 13 minutes 34.65 seconds. Current RSS: ~1583M. load average: 1.22 1.16 1.01 1/283 139263062 when only the subgroup has the member3063 behaves like inherited access level as a member of entity3064 with root parent_entity developer member3065 is allowed to be a maintainer of the entity3066 is not allowed to be a reporter of the entity3067 is allowed to change to be a developer of the entity3068 is not allowed to change to be a guest of the entity3069 shows an error if the member can't be updated3070 allows changing the level from a non existing member3071 when access request to entity is pending3072 is allowed to be a reporter of the entity3073 is allowed to change to be a guest of the entity3074# [RSpecRunTime] RSpec elapsed time: 13 minutes 42.11 seconds. Current RSS: ~1537M. load average: 1.27 1.17 1.01 1/283 139273075 refresh_member_authorized_projects3076 when importing3077 does not refresh3078 authorization refresh on addition/updation/deletion3079 on create3080 changes access level3081 behaves like calls AuthorizedProjectsWorker inline to recalculate authorizations3082 calls AuthorizedProjectsWorker inline to recalculate authorizations3083# [RSpecRunTime] RSpec elapsed time: 13 minutes 44.05 seconds. Current RSS: ~1538M. load average: 1.27 1.17 1.01 1/283 139283084 on update3085 changes access level3086 behaves like calls AuthorizedProjectsWorker inline to recalculate authorizations3087 calls AuthorizedProjectsWorker inline to recalculate authorizations3088 on destroy3089 changes access level3090 behaves like calls AuthorizedProjectsWorker inline to recalculate authorizations3091 calls AuthorizedProjectsWorker inline to recalculate authorizations3092# [RSpecRunTime] Finishing example group spec/models/members/group_member_spec.rb. It took 31.29 seconds. Expected to take 38.3 seconds.3093# [RSpecRunTime] Starting example group spec/models/remote_mirror_spec.rb. Expected to take 33.59 seconds.3094RemoteMirror3095 does not allow STI3096 URL validation3097 with a valid URL3098 is valid3099 with an invalid URL3100 is not valid3101 does not allow url with an invalid user3102 does not allow url pointing to localhost3103 does not allow url pointing to the local network3104 returns a nil safe_url3105# [RSpecRunTime] RSpec elapsed time: 13 minutes 47.59 seconds. Current RSS: ~1580M. load average: 1.24 1.17 1.01 1/283 139293106 encrypting credentials3107 when setting URL for a first time3108 stores the URL without credentials3109 stores the credentials on a separate field3110 handles credentials with large content3111# [RSpecRunTime] RSpec elapsed time: 13 minutes 50.12 seconds. Current RSS: ~1613M. load average: 1.24 1.17 1.01 1/284 139483112 when updating the URL3113 allows a new URL without credentials3114 allows a new URL with credentials3115# [RSpecRunTime] RSpec elapsed time: 13 minutes 51.63 seconds. Current RSS: ~1624M. load average: 1.22 1.17 1.01 1/284 139613116 #bare_url3117 returns the URL without any credentials3118 returns an empty string when the URL is nil3119 #update_repository3120 performs update including options3121 #options_for_update3122 includes the `keep_divergent_refs` option3123 includes the `only_branches_matching` option3124 includes the `ssh_key` option3125 includes the `known_hosts` option3126 #safe_url3127 when URL contains credentials3128 masks the credentials3129 when URL does not contain credentials3130 shows the full URL3131 #mark_as_failed!3132 sets the update_status to failed3133 saves the sanitized error3134 notifications3135 notifies the project maintainers3136# [RSpecRunTime] RSpec elapsed time: 13 minutes 58.15 seconds. Current RSS: ~1641M. load average: 1.21 1.16 1.01 1/284 139923137 #hard_retry!3138 transitions an invalid mirror to the to_retry state3139 #hard_fail!3140 transitions an invalid mirror to the failed state3141 when remote mirror gets destroyed3142 does not remove the remote3143 stuck mirrors3144 includes mirrors that were started over an hour ago3145 includes mirrors started over 3 hours ago for their first sync3146# [RSpecRunTime] RSpec elapsed time: 14 minutes 1.82 seconds. Current RSS: ~1635M. load average: 1.11 1.14 1.01 1/285 140233147 #sync3148 with remote mirroring disabled3149 returns nil3150 with silent mode enabled3151 returns nil3152 with remote mirroring enabled3153 defaults to disabling only protected branches3154 with only protected branches enabled3155 when it did not update in the last minute3156 schedules a RepositoryUpdateRemoteMirrorWorker to run now3157# [RSpecRunTime] RSpec elapsed time: 14 minutes 4.87 seconds. Current RSS: ~1658M. load average: 1.11 1.14 1.01 1/284 140483158 when it did update in the last minute3159 schedules a RepositoryUpdateRemoteMirrorWorker to run in the next minute3160 with only protected branches disabled3161 when it did not update in the last 5 minutes3162 schedules a RepositoryUpdateRemoteMirrorWorker to run now3163 when it did update within the last 5 minutes3164 schedules a RepositoryUpdateRemoteMirrorWorker to run in the next 5 minutes3165 when remote_mirror_no_delay is enabled3166 schedules a RepositoryUpdateRemoteMirrorWorker to run now3167# [RSpecRunTime] RSpec elapsed time: 14 minutes 7.86 seconds. Current RSS: ~1664M. load average: 1.10 1.14 1.01 1/284 140733168 #url=3169 resets all the columns when URL changes3170 #updated_since?3171 when remote mirror does not have status failed3172 returns true when last update started after the timestamp3173 returns false when last update started before the timestamp3174# [RSpecRunTime] RSpec elapsed time: 14 minutes 10.35 seconds. Current RSS: ~1667M. load average: 1.10 1.14 1.01 1/284 140923175 when remote mirror has status failed3176 returns false when last update started after the timestamp3177 no project3178 includes mirror with a project in pending_delete3179 #disabled?3180 when disabled3181 is expected to be truthy3182 when enabled3183 is expected to be falsy3184# [RSpecRunTime] Finishing example group spec/models/remote_mirror_spec.rb. It took 26.93 seconds. Expected to take 33.59 seconds.3185# [RSpecRunTime] Starting example group spec/models/sent_notification_spec.rb. Expected to take 29.56 seconds.3186SentNotification3187 does not allow STI3188 validation3189 note validity3190 when the project doesn't match the noteable's project3191 is invalid3192# [RSpecRunTime] RSpec elapsed time: 14 minutes 14.05 seconds. Current RSS: ~1657M. load average: 1.09 1.14 1.01 1/284 141113193 when the project doesn't match the discussion project3194 is invalid3195 when the noteable project and discussion project match3196 is valid3197# [RSpecRunTime] RSpec elapsed time: 14 minutes 16.72 seconds. Current RSS: ~1646M. load average: 1.08 1.14 1.01 1/284 141183198 associations3199 is expected to belong to issue_email_participant required: false3200 .record3201 behaves like a successful sent notification3202 creates a new SentNotification3203 behaves like a non-sticky write3204 writes without sticking to primary3205 with issue email participant3206 saves the issue_email_participant3207 .record_note3208 for a discussion note3209 sets in_reply_to_discussion_id3210 behaves like a successful sent notification3211 creates a new SentNotification3212# [RSpecRunTime] RSpec elapsed time: 14 minutes 18.91 seconds. Current RSS: ~1638M. load average: 1.08 1.14 1.01 1/290 141843213 behaves like a non-sticky write3214 writes without sticking to primary3215 for an individual note3216 sets in_reply_to_discussion_id3217 behaves like a successful sent notification3218 creates a new SentNotification3219 behaves like a non-sticky write3220 writes without sticking to primary3221 #unsubscribable?3222 behaves like an unsubscribable notification3223 for issue3224 is expected to be unsubscribable3225 behaves like an unsubscribable notification3226 for merge request3227 is expected to be unsubscribable3228 behaves like a non-unsubscribable notification3229 for a commit3230 is expected not to be unsubscribable3231 behaves like a non-unsubscribable notification3232 for a personal snippet3233 is expected not to be unsubscribable3234 behaves like a non-unsubscribable notification3235 for a project snippet3236 is expected not to be unsubscribable3237 #for_commit?3238 behaves like a non-commit notification3239 for a issue3240 is expected not to be for commit3241 behaves like a non-commit notification3242 for a merge request3243 is expected not to be for commit3244 behaves like a commit notification3245 for commit3246 is expected to be for commit3247 behaves like a non-commit notification3248 for a personal snippet3249 is expected not to be for commit3250 behaves like a non-commit notification3251 for a project snippet3252 is expected not to be for commit3253 #for_snippet?3254 behaves like a non-snippet notification3255 for a issue3256 is expected not to be for snippet3257 behaves like a non-snippet notification3258 for a merge request3259 is expected not to be for snippet3260 behaves like a non-snippet notification3261 for a commit3262 is expected not to be for snippet3263 behaves like a snippet notification3264 for personal snippet3265 is expected to be for snippet3266 behaves like a snippet notification3267 for project snippet3268 is expected to be for snippet3269 #create_reply3270 for issue3271 creates a comment on the issue3272 for issue comment3273 converts the comment to a discussion on the issue3274 for issue discussion3275 creates a reply on the discussion3276 for merge request3277 creates a comment on the merge_request3278# [RSpecRunTime] RSpec elapsed time: 14 minutes 28.13 seconds. Current RSS: ~1659M. load average: 1.15 1.15 1.01 1/290 142423279 for merge request comment3280 converts the comment to a discussion on the merge request3281 for merge request diff discussion3282 creates a reply on the discussion3283# [RSpecRunTime] RSpec elapsed time: 14 minutes 30.33 seconds. Current RSS: ~1650M. load average: 1.15 1.15 1.01 1/290 142753284 for merge request non-diff discussion3285 creates a reply on the discussion3286# [RSpecRunTime] RSpec elapsed time: 14 minutes 31.54 seconds. Current RSS: ~1641M. load average: 1.14 1.15 1.01 1/290 143013287 for commit3288 creates a comment on the commit3289 for commit comment3290 creates a comment on the commit3291 for commit diff discussion3292 creates a reply on the discussion3293 for commit non-diff discussion3294 creates a reply on the discussion3295# [RSpecRunTime] Finishing example group spec/models/sent_notification_spec.rb. It took 22.29 seconds. Expected to take 29.56 seconds.3296# [RSpecRunTime] Starting example group spec/lib/backup/database_connection_spec.rb. Expected to take 29.17 seconds.3297Backup::DatabaseConnection3298 #connection3299 is an instance of a ActiveRecord::Base.connection3300 #release_snapshot!3301 clears out existing snapshot_id3302 executes a transaction rollback3303# [RSpecRunTime] RSpec elapsed time: 14 minutes 41.14 seconds. Current RSS: ~1596M. load average: 1.12 1.14 1.01 1/289 143423304 #connection_name3305 returns the same connection name used during initialization3306 #disable_timeouts!3307 disables transaction time out3308 #database_configuration3309 returns database configuration3310 #export_snapshot!3311 returns a snapshot_id in the expected format3312 opens a transaction with correct isolation format and triggers a snapshot generation3313 disables transaction time out3314# [RSpecRunTime] RSpec elapsed time: 14 minutes 50.22 seconds. Current RSS: ~1558M. load average: 1.03 1.12 1.00 1/284 143433315 #initialize3316 initializes database_configuration with the provided connection_name3317 #restore_timeouts!3318 restores transaction time out3319 #snapshot_id3320 returns nil when snapshot has not been triggered3321 when a snapshot transaction is open3322 returns the snapshot_id in the expected format3323 returns the snapshot_id equal to the one returned by #export_snapshot!3324 returns nil after a snapshot is released3325# [RSpecRunTime] RSpec elapsed time: 14 minutes 59.45 seconds. Current RSS: ~1543M. load average: 1.02 1.12 1.00 1/284 143443326# [RSpecRunTime] Finishing example group spec/lib/backup/database_connection_spec.rb. It took 24.54 seconds. Expected to take 29.17 seconds.3327# [RSpecRunTime] Starting example group spec/models/jira_import_state_spec.rb. Expected to take 25.38 seconds.3328JiraImportState3329 does not allow STI3330 associations3331 is expected to belong to project required: false3332 is expected to belong to user required: false3333 is expected to belong to label required: false3334 modules3335 is expected to includes the AfterCommitQueue module3336 validations3337 is expected to validate that :project cannot be empty/falsy3338 is expected to validate that :jira_project_key cannot be empty/falsy3339 is expected to validate that :jira_project_name cannot be empty/falsy3340 is expected to validate that :jira_project_xid cannot be empty/falsy3341 when trying to run multiple imports3342 when project has an initial jira_import3343 behaves like multiple running imports not allowed3344 returns not valid3345# [RSpecRunTime] RSpec elapsed time: 15 minutes 2.12 seconds. Current RSS: ~1548M. load average: 1.02 1.12 1.00 1/284 143453346 when project has a scheduled jira_import3347 behaves like multiple running imports not allowed3348 returns not valid3349 when project has a started jira_import3350 behaves like multiple running imports not allowed3351 returns not valid3352 when project has a failed jira_import3353 returns valid3354 when project has a finished jira_import3355 returns valid3356 #in_progress?3357 statuses that return in progress3358 behaves like in progress3359 returns true3360 behaves like in progress3361 returns true3362 statuses that return not in progress3363 behaves like not in progress3364 returns false3365 behaves like not in progress3366 returns false3367 behaves like not in progress3368 returns false3369 states transition flow3370 when jira import is in initial state3371 behaves like can transition3372 returns true3373 returns true3374# [RSpecRunTime] RSpec elapsed time: 15 minutes 7.81 seconds. Current RSS: ~1557M. load average: 1.26 1.16 1.02 1/284 143463375 behaves like cannot transition3376 returns false3377 returns false3378# [RSpecRunTime] RSpec elapsed time: 15 minutes 8.89 seconds. Current RSS: ~1558M. load average: 1.26 1.16 1.02 1/284 143473379 when jira import is in scheduled state3380 behaves like can transition3381 returns true3382 returns true3383# [RSpecRunTime] RSpec elapsed time: 15 minutes 10.52 seconds. Current RSS: ~1552M. load average: 1.26 1.16 1.02 1/284 143483384 behaves like cannot transition3385 returns false3386 when jira import is in started state3387 behaves like can transition3388 returns true3389 returns true3390# [RSpecRunTime] RSpec elapsed time: 15 minutes 12.62 seconds. Current RSS: ~1557M. load average: 1.24 1.16 1.02 1/284 143493391 behaves like cannot transition3392 returns false3393 when jira import is in failed state3394 behaves like cannot transition3395 returns false3396 returns false3397 returns false3398# [RSpecRunTime] RSpec elapsed time: 15 minutes 14.75 seconds. Current RSS: ~1560M. load average: 1.24 1.16 1.02 1/284 143503399 when jira import is in finished state3400 behaves like cannot transition3401 returns false3402 returns false3403 returns false3404# [RSpecRunTime] RSpec elapsed time: 15 minutes 16.16 seconds. Current RSS: ~1563M. load average: 1.22 1.16 1.02 1/284 143513405 after transition to scheduled3406 triggers the import job3407 after transition to finished3408 triggers the import job3409 triggers the import job3410 updates the record with imported issues counts3411# [RSpecRunTime] RSpec elapsed time: 15 minutes 19.76 seconds. Current RSS: ~1557M. load average: 1.22 1.16 1.02 1/284 143523412 ensure error_message size on save3413 when jira import has no error_message3414 does not run the callback3415 when jira import error_message does not exceed the limit3416 does not run the callback3417 when error_message exceeds limit3418 truncates error_message to the limit3419# [RSpecRunTime] Finishing example group spec/models/jira_import_state_spec.rb. It took 21.58 seconds. Expected to take 25.38 seconds.3420# [RSpecRunTime] Starting example group spec/models/hooks/system_hook_spec.rb. Expected to take 24.23 seconds.3421SystemHook3422 does not allow STI3423 behaves like a hook that does not get automatically disabled on failure3424 .executable/.disabled3425 finds the correct set of project hooks3426 when silent mode is enabled3427 causes no hooks to be considered executable3428 causes all hooks to be considered disabled3429# [RSpecRunTime] RSpec elapsed time: 15 minutes 25.93 seconds. Current RSS: ~1651M. load average: 1.26 1.17 1.02 1/284 143533430 #executable?3431 recent_failures: 0, not_until: :not_set3432 has the correct state3433 recent_failures: 0, not_until: :past3434 has the correct state3435 recent_failures: 0, not_until: :future3436 has the correct state3437 recent_failures: 0, not_until: :now3438 has the correct state3439 recent_failures: 1, not_until: :not_set3440 has the correct state3441 recent_failures: 1, not_until: :past3442 has the correct state3443 recent_failures: 1, not_until: :future3444 has the correct state3445 recent_failures: 3, not_until: :not_set3446 has the correct state3447 recent_failures: 3, not_until: :past3448 has the correct state3449 recent_failures: 3, not_until: :future3450 has the correct state3451 recent_failures: 4, not_until: :not_set3452 has the correct state3453 recent_failures: 4, not_until: :past3454 has the correct state3455 recent_failures: 4, not_until: :now3456 has the correct state3457 recent_failures: 4, not_until: :future3458 has the correct state3459 #enable!3460 makes a hook executable if it was marked as failed3461 makes a hook executable if it is currently backed off3462 does not update hooks unless necessary3463 #backoff!3464 when we have not backed off before3465 does not disable the hook3466 when we have exhausted the grace period3467 does not disable the hook3468 #temporarily_disabled?3469 is false3470 #permanently_disabled?3471 is false3472 #alert_status3473 is expected to eq :executable3474 when hook has been disabled3475 is expected to eq :executable3476 when hook has been backed off3477 is expected to eq :executable3478 default attributes3479 sets defined default parameters3480 validations3481 url3482 is expected not to allow :url to be ‹"http://localhost:9000"›3483 is valid if application settings allow local requests from system hooks3484 execute3485 project_create hook3486 project_destroy hook3487 user_create hook3488 user_destroy hook3489 project member create hook3490 project member destroy hook3491 project member update hook3492 group create hook3493 group destroy hook3494 group member create hook3495 group member destroy hook3496 group member update hook3497# [RSpecRunTime] RSpec elapsed time: 15 minutes 40.83 seconds. Current RSS: ~1635M. load average: 1.12 1.14 1.02 1/284 143603498 .repository_update_hooks3499 returns hooks for repository update events only3500 execute WebHookService3501 #execute3502 #async_execute3503 #application_context3504 includes the type3505# [RSpecRunTime] Finishing example group spec/models/hooks/system_hook_spec.rb. It took 20.22 seconds. Expected to take 24.23 seconds.3506# [RSpecRunTime] Starting example group spec/helpers/merge_requests_helper_spec.rb. Expected to take 20.97 seconds.3507MergeRequestsHelper3508 #format_mr_branch_names3509 within the same project3510 is expected to eq ["master", "feature"]3511# [RSpecRunTime] RSpec elapsed time: 15 minutes 42.71 seconds. Current RSS: ~1646M. load average: 1.12 1.14 1.02 1/290 144013512 within different projects3513 is expected to eq ["group258/project-493:master", "namespace367/project-492:feature"]3514# [RSpecRunTime] RSpec elapsed time: 15 minutes 44.2 seconds. Current RSS: ~1636M. load average: 1.12 1.14 1.02 1/290 144023515 #diffs_tab_pane_data3516 for endpoint_diff_for_path3517 when sub-group project namespace3518 returns expected values3519 #merge_path_description3520 forked with arrow3521 is expected to eq "Project:Branches: group261/project-496:master → namespace369/project-495:feature"3522# [RSpecRunTime] RSpec elapsed time: 15 minutes 46.42 seconds. Current RSS: ~1627M. load average: 1.11 1.14 1.01 1/289 144033523 forked default3524 is expected to eq "Project:Branches: group262/project-498:master to namespace370/project-497:feature"3525# [RSpecRunTime] RSpec elapsed time: 15 minutes 47.85 seconds. Current RSS: ~1624M. load average: 1.11 1.14 1.01 1/289 144043526 with arrow3527 is expected to eq "Branches: master → feature"3528 default3529 is expected to eq "Branches: master to feature"3530 #tab_link_for3531 supports the :force_link option3532 removes the data-toggle attributes3533 #user_merge_requests_counts3534 returns assigned, review requested and total merge request counts3535 #reviewers_label3536 when multiple reviewers exist3537 returns reviewer label with reviewer names3538 returns reviewer label only with include_value: false3539 when the name contains a URL3540 returns sanitized name3541 when one reviewer exists3542 returns reviewer label with no names3543 returns reviewer label only with include_value: false3544 when no reviewers exist3545 returns reviewer label with no names3546 returns reviewer label only with include_value: false3547 #merge_request_source_branch3548 when merge request is a fork3549 does show the fork icon3550 escapes properly3551# [RSpecRunTime] RSpec elapsed time: 15 minutes 53.93 seconds. Current RSS: ~1601M. load average: 1.10 1.14 1.01 1/289 144453552 when merge request is not a fork3553 does not show the fork icon3554 #tab_count_display3555 when merge request is preparing3556 is expected to eq "-"3557 is expected to eq "-"3558# [RSpecRunTime] RSpec elapsed time: 15 minutes 56.59 seconds. Current RSS: ~1605M. load average: 1.09 1.14 1.01 1/290 145253559 when merge request is prepared3560 is expected to eq 103561 is expected to eq "10"3562# [RSpecRunTime] RSpec elapsed time: 15 minutes 58.51 seconds. Current RSS: ~1591M. load average: 1.09 1.14 1.01 1/290 146043563 #allow_collaboration_unavailable_reason3564 when the merge request allows collaboration for the user3565 is expected to be nil3566 when the project is private3567 is expected to eq "Not available for private projects"3568 when the source branch is protected3569 is expected to eq "Not available for protected branches"3570 when the merge request author cannot push to the source project3571 is expected to eq "Merge request author cannot push to target project"3572# [RSpecRunTime] Finishing example group spec/helpers/merge_requests_helper_spec.rb. It took 19.31 seconds. Expected to take 20.97 seconds.3573# [RSpecRunTime] Starting example group spec/serializers/ci/pipeline_entity_spec.rb. Expected to take 20.7 seconds.3574Ci::PipelineEntity3575 #as_json3576 when pipeline is empty3577 contains required fields3578 excludes coverage data when disabled3579 contains details3580 contains flags3581# [RSpecRunTime] RSpec elapsed time: 16 minutes 4.3 seconds. Current RSS: ~1589M. load average: 1.09 1.13 1.01 1/289 146573582 when default branch not protected3583 when pipeline is retryable3584 does not serialize stage builds3585 user has ability to retry pipeline3586 contains retry path3587# [RSpecRunTime] RSpec elapsed time: 16 minutes 5.61 seconds. Current RSS: ~1593M. load average: 1.09 1.13 1.01 1/289 146583588 user does not have ability to retry pipeline3589 does not contain retry path3590 when pipeline is cancelable3591 does not serialize stage builds3592 user has ability to cancel pipeline3593 contains cancel path3594 user does not have ability to cancel pipeline3595 does not contain cancel path3596 delete path3597 user has ability to delete pipeline3598 contains delete path3599 user does not have ability to delete pipeline3600 does not contain delete path3601 when pipeline ref is empty3602 does not generate branch path3603 when pipeline has a failure reason set3604 has a correct failure reason3605 when request has a project3606 when pipeline is detached merge request pipeline3607 makes detached flag true3608 does not expose source sha and target sha3609 when user is a developer3610 has merge request information3611# [RSpecRunTime] RSpec elapsed time: 16 minutes 12.38 seconds. Current RSS: ~1599M. load average: 1.07 1.13 1.01 1/290 147073612 when user is an external user3613 has no merge request information3614 when pipeline is merge request pipeline3615 makes detached flag false3616 makes atached flag true3617 exposes source sha and target sha3618 exposes merge request event type3619# [RSpecRunTime] RSpec elapsed time: 16 minutes 15.45 seconds. Current RSS: ~1610M. load average: 1.07 1.13 1.01 1/290 147583620 when pipeline has failed builds3621 when the user can retry the pipeline3622 when disable_failed_builds is true3623 exposes the failed builds count but not the failed builds3624 when disable_failed_builds is false3625 exposes the failed builds count but not the failed builds3626 when disable_failed_builds is nil3627 exposes the failed builds count and the failed builds3628 when the user cannot retry the pipeline3629 is nil3630 when pipeline has coverage3631 exposes the coverage3632# [RSpecRunTime] Finishing example group spec/serializers/ci/pipeline_entity_spec.rb. It took 17.3 seconds. Expected to take 20.7 seconds.3633# [RSpecRunTime] Starting example group spec/services/merge_requests/link_lfs_objects_service_spec.rb. Expected to take 18.87 seconds.3634MergeRequests::LinkLfsObjectsService3635 when no oldrev and newrev passed3636 behaves like linking LFS objects3637 when source project is the same as target project3638 does not call Projects::LfsPointers::LfsLinkService#execute3639# [RSpecRunTime] RSpec elapsed time: 16 minutes 19.23 seconds. Current RSS: ~1601M. load average: 1.07 1.13 1.01 1/289 147743640 when source project is different from target project3641 and there are changes3642 and there are LFS objects added3643 calls Projects::LfsPointers::LfsLinkService#execute with OIDs of LFS objects in merge request3644# [RSpecRunTime] RSpec elapsed time: 16 minutes 22.13 seconds. Current RSS: ~1604M. load average: 1.30 1.17 1.03 1/291 148923645 but there are no LFS objects added3646 does not call Projects::LfsPointers::LfsLinkService#execute3647# [RSpecRunTime] RSpec elapsed time: 16 minutes 24.4 seconds. Current RSS: ~1607M. load average: 1.30 1.17 1.03 1/292 149863648 and there are no changes3649 does not call Projects::LfsPointers::LfsLinkService#execute3650# [RSpecRunTime] RSpec elapsed time: 16 minutes 26.44 seconds. Current RSS: ~1607M. load average: 1.28 1.17 1.03 1/293 150283651 when oldrev and newrev are passed3652 behaves like linking LFS objects3653 when source project is the same as target project3654 does not call Projects::LfsPointers::LfsLinkService#execute3655 when source project is different from target project3656 and there are changes3657 and there are LFS objects added3658 calls Projects::LfsPointers::LfsLinkService#execute with OIDs of LFS objects in merge request3659# [RSpecRunTime] RSpec elapsed time: 16 minutes 30.05 seconds. Current RSS: ~1601M. load average: 1.28 1.17 1.03 1/293 151613660 but there are no LFS objects added3661 does not call Projects::LfsPointers::LfsLinkService#execute3662# [RSpecRunTime] RSpec elapsed time: 16 minutes 32.49 seconds. Current RSS: ~1596M. load average: 1.42 1.20 1.04 1/293 152553663 and there are no changes3664 does not call Projects::LfsPointers::LfsLinkService#execute3665# [RSpecRunTime] RSpec elapsed time: 16 minutes 34.6 seconds. Current RSS: ~1593M. load average: 1.42 1.20 1.04 1/293 152973666# [RSpecRunTime] Finishing example group spec/services/merge_requests/link_lfs_objects_service_spec.rb. It took 16.6 seconds. Expected to take 18.87 seconds.3667# [RSpecRunTime] Starting example group spec/services/design_management/save_designs_service_spec.rb. Expected to take 18.7 seconds.3668DesignManagement::SaveDesignsService3669 #execute3670 when the feature is not available3671 does not create an event in the activity stream3672 behaves like a service error3673 returns an error3674# [RSpecRunTime] RSpec elapsed time: 16 minutes 35.94 seconds. Current RSS: ~1592M. load average: 1.38 1.20 1.04 1/292 152983675 when the feature is available3676 creates a commit, an event in the activity stream and updates the creation count3677 repository existence3678 is ensured when the service runs3679# [RSpecRunTime] RSpec elapsed time: 16 minutes 37.35 seconds. Current RSS: ~1586M. load average: 1.38 1.20 1.04 1/292 153553680 behaves like internal event tracking3681 logs to Snowplow and Redis3682 when the design collection is in the process of being copied3683 behaves like a service error3684 returns an error3685 when the design collection has a copy error3686 resets the copy state3687 the response3688 includes designs with the expected properties3689 saving the file to LFS3690 saves the design to LFS and saves the repository_type of the LfsObjectsProject as design3691 when HEAD branch is different from master3692 does not raise an exception during update3693 when a design is being updated3694 creates a new version for the existing design and updates the file3695 updates UsageData for changed designs3696 records the correct events3697 behaves like internal event tracking3698 logs to Snowplow and Redis3699# [RSpecRunTime] RSpec elapsed time: 16 minutes 44.02 seconds. Current RSS: ~1552M. load average: 1.35 1.20 1.04 1/292 157003700 when uploading a new design3701 does not link the new version to the existing design3702 when detecting content type3703 detects content type when feature flag is enabled3704 skips content type detection when feature flag is disabled3705# [RSpecRunTime] RSpec elapsed time: 16 minutes 46.41 seconds. Current RSS: ~1548M. load average: 1.32 1.19 1.04 1/292 158513706 when a design has not changed since its previous version3707 does not create a new version, and returns the design in `skipped_designs`3708 when doing a mixture of updates and creations3709 has the correct side-effects3710 when uploading multiple files3711 returns information about both designs in the response3712 has the correct side-effects3713 when uploading too many files3714 returns the correct error3715# [RSpecRunTime] RSpec elapsed time: 16 minutes 49.59 seconds. Current RSS: ~1544M. load average: 1.32 1.19 1.04 1/292 160093716 when uploading duplicate files3717 returns the correct error3718 when the user is not allowed to upload designs3719 behaves like a service error3720 returns an error3721 failure modes3722 when creating the commit fails3723 behaves like an execution error3724 returns an error3725 when creating the versions fails3726 behaves like a service error3727 returns an error3728 when a design already existed in the repo but we didn't know about it in the database3729 creates the design and a new version for it3730 scalability3731 runs the same queries for all requests, regardless of number of files (PENDING: See: [RSpecRunTime] Finishing example group spec/services/design_management/save_designs_service_spec.rb. It took 17.16 seconds. Expected to take 18.7 seconds.3733# [RSpecRunTime] Starting example group spec/models/operations/feature_flags/user_list_spec.rb. Expected to take 17.07 seconds.3734Operations::FeatureFlags::UserList3735 does not allow STI3736 validations3737 is expected to validate that :project cannot be empty/falsy3738 is expected to validate that :name cannot be empty/falsy3739 is expected to validate that :name is case-sensitively unique within the scope of :project_id3740 is expected to validate that the length of :name is between 1 and 2553741 user_xids3742 valid_value: ""3743 is valid with a string of comma separated values3744# [RSpecRunTime] RSpec elapsed time: 16 minutes 54.38 seconds. Current RSS: ~1556M. load average: 1.38 1.21 1.04 1/292 160883745 valid_value: "sam"3746 is valid with a string of comma separated values3747 valid_value: "1"3748 is valid with a string of comma separated values3749 valid_value: "a"3750 is valid with a string of comma separated values3751 valid_value: "uuid-of-some-kind"3752 is valid with a string of comma separated values3753 valid_value: "sam,fred,tom,jane,joe,mike"3754 is valid with a string of comma separated values3755 valid_value: ""3756 is valid with a string of comma separated values3757 valid_value: "123,4"3758 is valid with a string of comma separated values3759 valid_value: "UPPER,Case,charActeRS"3760 is valid with a string of comma separated values3761 valid_value: "0"3762 is valid with a string of comma separated values3763 valid_value: "$valid$email#2345\#$%..{}+=-)?\\/"3764 is valid with a string of comma separated values3765 valid_value: "spaces allowed"3766 is valid with a string of comma separated values3767 valid_value: "aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa"3768 is valid with a string of comma separated values3769 valid_value: "a,bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb,ccc"3770 is valid with a string of comma separated values3771 valid_value: "many spaces"3772 is valid with a string of comma separated values3773 typecast_value: 13774 automatically casts values of other types3775 typecast_value: 2.53776 automatically casts values of other types3777 typecast_value: {}3778 automatically casts values of other types3779 typecast_value: []3780 automatically casts values of other types3781 invalid_value: nil3782 is invalid3783 invalid_value: "123\n456"3784 is invalid3785 invalid_value: "1,2,3,12\t3"3786 is invalid3787 invalid_value: "\n"3788 is invalid3789 invalid_value: "\n\r"3790 is invalid3791 invalid_value: "joe\r,sam"3792 is invalid3793 invalid_value: "1,2,2"3794 is invalid3795 invalid_value: "1,,2"3796 is invalid3797 invalid_value: "1,2,,,,"3798 is invalid3799 invalid_value: "bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb"3800 is invalid3801 invalid_value: "1, ,2"3802 is invalid3803 invalid_value: "tim, ,7"3804 is invalid3805 invalid_value: " "3806 is invalid3807 invalid_value: " "3808 is invalid3809 invalid_value: " ,1"3810 is invalid3811 invalid_value: "1, "3812 is invalid3813 invalid_value: " leading,1"3814 is invalid3815 invalid_value: "1,trailing "3816 is invalid3817 invalid_value: "1, both ,2"3818 is invalid3819 url_helpers3820 generates paths based on the internal id3821 #destroy3822 deletes the model if it is not associated with any feature flag strategies3823 does not delete the model if it is associated with a feature flag strategy3824# [RSpecRunTime] RSpec elapsed time: 17 minutes 0.35 second. Current RSS: ~1572M. load average: 1.35 1.20 1.04 1/291 160893825 .for_name_like3826 returns a found name3827 returns an empty array when no lists match the query3828 behaves like AtomicInternalId3829 .has_internal_id3830 Module inclusion3831 is expected to includes the AtomicInternalId module3832 Validation3833 when presence validation is required3834 when creating an object3835 raises an error if the internal id is blank3836 when updating an object3837 raises an error if the internal id is blank3838 when presence validation is not required3839 when creating an object3840 does not raise an error if the internal id is blank (PENDING: No reason given)3841 when updating an object3842 does not raise an error if the internal id is blank (PENDING: No reason given)3843 Creating an instance3844 saves a new instance properly3845 internal id generation3846 calls InternalId.generate_next and sets internal id attribute3847 does not overwrite an existing internal id3848 when the instance has an internal ID set3849 calls InternalId.update_last_value and sets the `last_value` to that of the instance3850# [RSpecRunTime] RSpec elapsed time: 17 minutes 3.67 seconds. Current RSS: ~1570M. load average: 1.32 1.20 1.04 1/287 160903851 unsetting the instance internal id on rollback3852 when the internal id has been changed3853 when the internal id is automatically set3854 clears it on the instance3855 when the internal id is manually set3856 does not clear it on the instance3857 when the internal id has not been changed3858 preserves the value on the instance3859 supply of internal ids3860 provides a persistent supply of IID values, sensitive to the current state3861 #reset_scope_internal_id_attribute3862 rewinds the allocated IID3863 allocates the same IID3864# [RSpecRunTime] Finishing example group spec/models/operations/feature_flags/user_list_spec.rb. It took 13.98 seconds. Expected to take 17.07 seconds.3865# [RSpecRunTime] Starting example group spec/workers/issues/placement_worker_spec.rb. Expected to take 16.01 seconds.3866Issues::PlacementWorker3867 has the `until_executed` deduplicate strategy3868 #perform3869 passing an issue ID3870 behaves like running the issue placement worker3871 places all issues created at most 5 minutes before this one at the end, most recent last3872 schedules rebalancing if needed3873 anticipates the failure to place the issues, and schedules rebalancing3874 there are more than QUERY_LIMIT unplaced issues3875 limits the sweep to QUERY_LIMIT records, and reschedules placement3876 is eventually correct3877# [RSpecRunTime] RSpec elapsed time: 17 minutes 13.08 seconds. Current RSS: ~1526M. load average: 1.27 1.19 1.04 1/287 160913878 we are passed bad IDs3879 does move any issues to the end3880 the project_id refers to an empty project3881 does move any issues to the end3882 when block_issue_repositioning is enabled3883 does not run repositioning tasks3884 passing a project ID3885 behaves like running the issue placement worker3886 places all issues created at most 5 minutes before this one at the end, most recent last3887 schedules rebalancing if needed3888 anticipates the failure to place the issues, and schedules rebalancing3889 there are more than QUERY_LIMIT unplaced issues3890 limits the sweep to QUERY_LIMIT records, and reschedules placement3891 is eventually correct3892# [RSpecRunTime] RSpec elapsed time: 17 minutes 19.61 seconds. Current RSS: ~1522M. load average: 1.25 1.19 1.04 1/287 160923893 we are passed bad IDs3894 does move any issues to the end3895 the project_id refers to an empty project3896 does move any issues to the end3897# [RSpecRunTime] Finishing example group spec/workers/issues/placement_worker_spec.rb. It took 14.43 seconds. Expected to take 16.01 seconds.3898# [RSpecRunTime] Starting example group spec/services/merge_requests/update_reviewers_service_spec.rb. Expected to take 14.63 seconds.3899MergeRequests::UpdateReviewersService3900 execute3901 when the parameters are valid3902 updates the MR3903 creates system note about merge_request review request3904 creates a pending todo for new review request3905 sends email reviewer change notifications to old and new reviewers3906 updates open merge request counter for reviewers3907 updates the tracking3908 tracks reviewers changed event3909 calls MergeRequest::ResolveTodosService#async_execute3910 executes hooks with update action3911 does not update the reviewers if they do not have access3912 when using sentinel values3913 behaves like removing all reviewers3914 removes all reviewers3915# [RSpecRunTime] RSpec elapsed time: 17 minutes 30.23 seconds. Current RSS: ~1542M. load average: 1.28 1.20 1.04 1/289 161083916 when the reviewer_ids parameter is the empty list3917 behaves like removing all reviewers3918 removes all reviewers3919 behaves like triggers GraphQL subscription mergeRequestReviewersUpdated3920 is expected to receive merge_request_reviewers_updated(#<MergeRequest id:216 group272/project-608!1>) 1 time3921 when reviewers did not change3922 behaves like does not trigger GraphQL subscription mergeRequestReviewersUpdated3923 is expected not to receive merge_request_reviewers_updated(*(any args)) 0 times3924 when user has no set_merge_request_metadata permissions3925 does not update the MR reviewers3926# [RSpecRunTime] Finishing example group spec/services/merge_requests/update_reviewers_service_spec.rb. It took 12.59 seconds. Expected to take 14.63 seconds.3927# [RSpecRunTime] Starting example group spec/models/plan_limits_spec.rb. Expected to take 14.57 seconds.3928PlanLimits3929 does not allow STI3930 validations3931 is expected to validate that :notification_limit looks like an integer greater than or equal to 03932 is expected to validate that :enforcement_limit looks like an integer greater than or equal to 03933 limits_history3934 when does not match the JSON schema3935 does not allow invalid json3936# [RSpecRunTime] RSpec elapsed time: 17 minutes 34.77 seconds. Current RSS: ~1566M. load average: 1.34 1.21 1.05 1/287 161093937 when matches the JSON schema3938 allows valid json3939 #exceeded?3940 when given limit subject is an integer3941 behaves like comparing limits3942 when limit for given name results to a disabled value3943 is expected to eq false3944 when limit for given name results to a non-disabled value3945 and given count is smaller than limit3946 is expected to eq false3947 and given count is equal to the limit3948 is expected to eq true3949 and given count is greater than the limit3950 is expected to eq true3951 when given limit subject is an ActiveRecord::Relation3952 behaves like comparing limits3953 when limit for given name results to a disabled value3954 is expected to eq false3955 when limit for given name results to a non-disabled value3956 and given count is smaller than limit3957 is expected to eq false3958 and given count is equal to the limit3959 is expected to eq true3960# [RSpecRunTime] RSpec elapsed time: 17 minutes 38.86 seconds. Current RSS: ~1611M. load average: 1.31 1.21 1.05 1/287 161103961 and given count is greater than the limit3962 is expected to eq true3963 when given limit subject is something else3964 raises an error3965 #limit_for3966 when given limit name does not exist3967 raises an error3968 when given limit name is disabled3969 is expected to eq nil3970 and alternate_limit is a non-zero integer3971 is expected to eq 13972 and alternate_limit is zero3973 is expected to eq nil3974 and alternate_limit is a proc that returns non-zero integer3975 is expected to eq 13976 and alternate_limit is a proc that returns zero3977 is expected to eq nil3978 and alternate_limit is a proc that returns nil3979 is expected to eq nil3980 when given limit name is enabled3981 and alternate_limit is a non-zero integer that is bigger than the plan limit3982 is expected to eq 23983 and alternate_limit is a non-zero integer that is smaller than the plan limit3984 is expected to eq 13985 and alternate_limit is zero3986 is expected to eq 23987 and alternate_limit is a proc that returns non-zero integer that is bigger than the plan limit3988 is expected to eq 23989 and alternate_limit is a proc that returns non-zero integer that is smaller than the plan limit3990 is expected to eq 13991 and alternate_limit is a proc that returns zero3992 is expected to eq 23993 and alternate_limit is a proc that returns nil3994 is expected to eq 23995 validates default values3996 has positive values for enabled limits3997 has zero values for disabled limits3998 #dashboard_storage_limit_enabled?3999 returns false4000 #format_limits_history4001 formats a single attribute change4002 does not format limits_history for non-allowed attributes4003 does not format attributes for values that do not change4004 formats multiple attribute changes4005 with previous history available4006 appends to it4007# [RSpecRunTime] RSpec elapsed time: 17 minutes 47.44 seconds. Current RSS: ~1652M. load average: 1.35 1.22 1.05 1/287 161114008# [RSpecRunTime] Finishing example group spec/models/plan_limits_spec.rb. It took 14.65 seconds. Expected to take 14.57 seconds.4009# [RSpecRunTime] Starting example group spec/lib/gitlab/cleanup/orphan_job_artifact_final_objects/generate_list_spec.rb. Expected to take 13.61 seconds.4010Gitlab::Cleanup::OrphanJobArtifactFinalObjects::GenerateList4011 #run!4012 when defaulting to provider in the object store configuration4013 behaves like handling supported provider4014 when not configured to use bucket_prefix4015 behaves like listing orphan final job artifact objects4016 lists paths and sizes of all orphan objects to the generated file4017 when interrupted in the middle of processing pages4018 resumes from last known page marker on the next run4019 and force_restart is true4020 starts from the first page on the next run4021# [RSpecRunTime] RSpec elapsed time: 17 minutes 51.54 seconds. Current RSS: ~1619M. load average: 1.32 1.21 1.05 1/287 161124022 when configured to use bucket_prefix4023 behaves like listing orphan final job artifact objects4024 lists paths and sizes of all orphan objects to the generated file4025 when interrupted in the middle of processing pages4026 resumes from last known page marker on the next run4027 and force_restart is true4028 starts from the first page on the next run4029# [RSpecRunTime] RSpec elapsed time: 17 minutes 54.99 seconds. Current RSS: ~1584M. load average: 1.32 1.21 1.05 1/287 161134030 and the configured provider is not supported4031 raises an error4032 when provider is specified4033 and provider is supported4034 behaves like handling supported provider4035 when not configured to use bucket_prefix4036 behaves like listing orphan final job artifact objects4037 lists paths and sizes of all orphan objects to the generated file4038 when interrupted in the middle of processing pages4039 resumes from last known page marker on the next run4040 and force_restart is true4041 starts from the first page on the next run4042# [RSpecRunTime] RSpec elapsed time: 17 minutes 58.37 seconds. Current RSS: ~1568M. load average: 1.21 1.19 1.05 1/287 161144043 when configured to use bucket_prefix4044 behaves like listing orphan final job artifact objects4045 lists paths and sizes of all orphan objects to the generated file4046 when interrupted in the middle of processing pages4047 resumes from last known page marker on the next run4048 and force_restart is true4049 starts from the first page on the next run4050# [RSpecRunTime] RSpec elapsed time: 18 minutes 1.59 seconds. Current RSS: ~1570M. load average: 1.27 1.21 1.05 1/287 161154051 and provider is not supported4052 raises an error4053# [RSpecRunTime] Finishing example group spec/lib/gitlab/cleanup/orphan_job_artifact_final_objects/generate_list_spec.rb. It took 14.29 seconds. Expected to take 13.61 seconds.4054# [RSpecRunTime] Starting example group spec/services/packages/conan/search_service_spec.rb. Expected to take 13.37 seconds.4055Packages::Conan::SearchService4056 #execute4057 with wildcard4058 makes a wildcard query4059# [RSpecRunTime] RSpec elapsed time: 18 minutes 3.73 seconds. Current RSS: ~1567M. load average: 1.27 1.21 1.05 1/287 161164060 with only wildcard4061 returns empty4062# [RSpecRunTime] RSpec elapsed time: 18 minutes 5.02 seconds. Current RSS: ~1563M. load average: 1.27 1.21 1.05 1/287 161174063 with no wildcard4064 makes a search using the beginning of the recipe4065# [RSpecRunTime] RSpec elapsed time: 18 minutes 6.32 seconds. Current RSS: ~1562M. load average: 1.17 1.19 1.05 1/287 161184066 with full recipe match4067 makes an exact search4068# [RSpecRunTime] RSpec elapsed time: 18 minutes 7.59 seconds. Current RSS: ~1562M. load average: 1.17 1.19 1.05 1/287 161194069 with malicious query4070 returns empty4071# [RSpecRunTime] RSpec elapsed time: 18 minutes 8.91 seconds. Current RSS: ~1561M. load average: 1.17 1.19 1.05 1/287 161204072 for project4073 when passing a project4074 returns only packages of the given project4075# [RSpecRunTime] RSpec elapsed time: 18 minutes 11.09 seconds. Current RSS: ~1554M. load average: 1.16 1.18 1.05 1/287 161214076 when passing a project with nil4077 returns all packages4078# [RSpecRunTime] RSpec elapsed time: 18 minutes 12.93 seconds. Current RSS: ~1549M. load average: 1.16 1.18 1.05 1/287 161224079# [RSpecRunTime] Finishing example group spec/services/packages/conan/search_service_spec.rb. It took 11.19 seconds. Expected to take 13.37 seconds.4080# [RSpecRunTime] Starting example group spec/serializers/analytics_build_entity_spec.rb. Expected to take 12.85 seconds.4081AnalyticsBuildEntity4082 build with an author4083 contains the URL4084 contains the author4085 contains the project path4086 contains the namespace full path4087 does not contain sensitive information4088 contains the right started at4089 contains the duration4090 no started at or finished at date4091 does not blow up4092 shows the right message4093 shows the right total time4094# [RSpecRunTime] RSpec elapsed time: 18 minutes 19.71 seconds. Current RSS: ~1553M. load average: 1.15 1.18 1.05 1/287 161234095 no started at date4096 does not blow up4097 shows the right message4098 shows the right total time4099# [RSpecRunTime] RSpec elapsed time: 18 minutes 21.76 seconds. Current RSS: ~1559M. load average: 1.29 1.21 1.06 1/287 161244100 no finished at date4101 does not blow up4102 shows the right message4103 shows the right total time4104# [RSpecRunTime] RSpec elapsed time: 18 minutes 23.76 seconds. Current RSS: ~1561M. load average: 1.29 1.21 1.06 1/287 161254105# [RSpecRunTime] Finishing example group spec/serializers/analytics_build_entity_spec.rb. It took 10.83 seconds. Expected to take 12.85 seconds.4106# [RSpecRunTime] Starting example group spec/policies/clusters/cluster_policy_spec.rb. Expected to take 12.23 seconds.4107Clusters::ClusterPolicy4108 rules4109 when developer4110 is expected to be disallowed :update_cluster4111 is expected to be disallowed :admin_cluster4112# [RSpecRunTime] RSpec elapsed time: 18 minutes 25.67 seconds. Current RSS: ~1559M. load average: 1.29 1.21 1.06 1/287 161264113 when maintainer4114 is expected to be allowed :update_cluster4115 is expected to be allowed :admin_cluster4116# [RSpecRunTime] RSpec elapsed time: 18 minutes 27.26 seconds. Current RSS: ~1549M. load average: 1.27 1.21 1.06 1/287 161274117 group cluster4118 when group developer4119 is expected to be disallowed :update_cluster4120 is expected to be disallowed :admin_cluster4121# [RSpecRunTime] RSpec elapsed time: 18 minutes 28.38 seconds. Current RSS: ~1550M. load average: 1.27 1.21 1.06 1/287 161284122 when group maintainer4123 is expected to be allowed :update_cluster4124 is expected to be allowed :admin_cluster4125# [RSpecRunTime] RSpec elapsed time: 18 minutes 29.42 seconds. Current RSS: ~1557M. load average: 1.27 1.21 1.06 1/287 161294126 when project maintainer4127 is expected to be disallowed :update_cluster4128 is expected to be disallowed :admin_cluster4129# [RSpecRunTime] RSpec elapsed time: 18 minutes 31.06 seconds. Current RSS: ~1557M. load average: 1.25 1.20 1.06 1/287 161304130 when project developer4131 is expected to be disallowed :update_cluster4132 is expected to be disallowed :admin_cluster4133# [RSpecRunTime] RSpec elapsed time: 18 minutes 32.53 seconds. Current RSS: ~1555M. load average: 1.25 1.20 1.06 1/287 161314134 instance cluster4135 when user4136 is expected to be disallowed :update_cluster4137 is expected to be disallowed :admin_cluster4138 when admin4139 when admin mode is enabled4140 is expected to be allowed :update_cluster4141 is expected to be allowed :admin_cluster4142 when admin mode is disabled4143 is expected to be disallowed :update_cluster4144 is expected to be disallowed :admin_cluster4145# [RSpecRunTime] Finishing example group spec/policies/clusters/cluster_policy_spec.rb. It took 10.24 seconds. Expected to take 12.23 seconds.4146# [RSpecRunTime] Starting example group spec/services/upload_service_spec.rb. Expected to take 11.97 seconds.4147UploadService4148 File service4149 for valid gif file4150 is expected to have key :alt4151 is expected to have key :url4152 is expected to have value "banana_sample"4153 is expected to match "banana_sample.gif"4154# [RSpecRunTime] RSpec elapsed time: 18 minutes 36.21 seconds. Current RSS: ~1565M. load average: 1.23 1.20 1.06 1/287 161324155 for valid png file4156 is expected to have key :alt4157 is expected to have key :url4158 is expected to have value "dk"4159 is expected to match "dk.png"4160# [RSpecRunTime] RSpec elapsed time: 18 minutes 38.21 seconds. Current RSS: ~1562M. load average: 1.23 1.20 1.06 1/287 161334161 for valid jpg file4162 is expected to have key :alt4163 is expected to have key :url4164 is expected to have value "rails_sample"4165 is expected to match "rails_sample.jpg"4166# [RSpecRunTime] RSpec elapsed time: 18 minutes 40.17 seconds. Current RSS: ~1561M. load average: 1.23 1.20 1.06 1/287 161344167 for txt file4168 is expected to have key :alt4169 is expected to have key :url4170 is expected to have value "doc_sample.txt"4171 is expected to match "doc_sample.txt"4172# [RSpecRunTime] RSpec elapsed time: 18 minutes 42.37 seconds. Current RSS: ~1554M. load average: 1.21 1.20 1.06 1/287 161354173 for too large a file4174 is expected to eq {}4175 #override_max_attachment_size4176 allows the upload4177 disallows the upload4178# [RSpecRunTime] Finishing example group spec/services/upload_service_spec.rb. It took 9.85 seconds. Expected to take 11.97 seconds.4179# [RSpecRunTime] Starting example group spec/models/ci/secure_file_spec.rb. Expected to take 11.23 seconds.4180Ci::SecureFile4181 does not allow STI4182 is expected to be a kind of FileStoreMounter4183 is expected to belong to project required: true4184 behaves like includes Limitable concern4185 #exceeds_limits?4186 without plan limits configured4187 is expected to eq false4188# [RSpecRunTime] RSpec elapsed time: 18 minutes 45.46 seconds. Current RSS: ~1550M. load average: 1.21 1.20 1.06 1/287 161364189 without plan limits configured4190 is expected to eq false4191 with an existing model4192 is expected to eq true4193# [RSpecRunTime] RSpec elapsed time: 18 minutes 46.62 seconds. Current RSS: ~1549M. load average: 1.19 1.19 1.05 1/287 161374194 validations4195 is expected to be a kind of Limitable4196 without plan limits configured4197 can create new models4198# [RSpecRunTime] RSpec elapsed time: 18 minutes 47.73 seconds. Current RSS: ~1545M. load average: 1.19 1.19 1.05 1/285 161384199 with plan limits configured4200 can create new models4201 with an existing model4202 cannot create new models exceeding the plan limits4203# [RSpecRunTime] RSpec elapsed time: 18 minutes 48.91 seconds. Current RSS: ~1542M. load average: 1.19 1.19 1.05 1/285 161394204 default attributes4205 is expected to eq 54206 is expected to eq 34207 validations4208 is expected to validate that :checksum cannot be empty/falsy4209 is expected to validate that :file_store cannot be empty/falsy4210 is expected to validate that :name cannot be empty/falsy4211 is expected to validate that :project_id cannot be empty/falsy4212 unique filename4213 ensures the file name is unique within a given project4214 allows duplicate file names in different projects4215# [RSpecRunTime] RSpec elapsed time: 18 minutes 50.78 seconds. Current RSS: ~1554M. load average: 1.26 1.21 1.06 2/285 161404216 ordered scope4217 returns the newest item first4218 #checksum4219 computes SHA256 checksum on the file before encrypted4220 #checksum_algorithm4221 returns the configured checksum_algorithm4222 #file4223 returns the saved file4224 #file_extension4225 returns the extension for the file name4226 returns only the last part of the extension for the file name4227 returns nil if there is no file extension4228 #metadata_parsable?4229 returns true when the file extension has a supported parser4230 returns false when the file extension does not have a supported parser4231 #metadata_parser4232 returns an instance of Gitlab::Ci::SecureFiles::Cer when a .cer file is supplied4233 returns an instance of Gitlab::Ci::SecureFiles::P12 when a .p12 file is supplied4234 returns an instance of Gitlab::Ci::SecureFiles::MobileProvision when a .mobileprovision file is supplied4235 returns nil when the file type is not supported by any parsers4236 #update_metadata!4237 assigns the expected metadata when a parsable .cer file is supplied4238 assigns the expected metadata when a parsable .p12 file is supplied4239 assigns the expected metadata when a parsable .mobileprovision file is supplied4240 logs an error when something goes wrong with the file parsing4241 #local?4242 returns true when using local storage4243 returns false when using object storage4244# [RSpecRunTime] Finishing example group spec/models/ci/secure_file_spec.rb. It took 9.43 seconds. Expected to take 11.23 seconds.4245# [RSpecRunTime] Starting example group spec/services/alert_management/alerts/update_service_spec.rb. Expected to take 11.1 seconds.4246AlertManagement::Alerts::UpdateService4247 #execute4248 when the current_user is nil4249 behaves like error response4250 has an informative message4251 behaves like does not add a todo4252 is expected not to change `Todo.count`4253 behaves like does not add a system note4254 is expected not to change `Note.count`4255 when current_user does not have permission to update alerts4256 behaves like error response4257 has an informative message4258 behaves like does not add a todo4259 is expected not to change `Todo.count`4260 behaves like does not add a system note4261 is expected not to change `Note.count`4262 when no parameters are included4263 behaves like error response4264 has an informative message4265 behaves like does not add a todo4266 is expected not to change `Todo.count`4267 behaves like does not add a system note4268 is expected not to change `Note.count`4269 when an error occurs during update4270 behaves like error response4271 has an informative message4272 behaves like does not add a todo4273 is expected not to change `Todo.count`4274 behaves like does not add a system note4275 is expected not to change `Note.count`4276 when a model attribute is included without assignees4277 behaves like title update4278 updates the attribute4279 behaves like does not add a todo4280 is expected not to change `Todo.count`4281 behaves like does not add a system note4282 is expected not to change `Note.count`4283 when alert is resolved and another existing unresolved alert4284 behaves like title update4285 updates the attribute4286 behaves like does not add a todo4287 is expected not to change `Todo.count`4288 behaves like does not add a system note4289 is expected not to change `Note.count`4290 when assignees are included4291 when the assignee is the current user4292 behaves like successful assignment4293 is expected to be success4294 behaves like adds a system note4295 is expected to change `alert.reload.notes.count` by 14296 behaves like adds a todo4297 is expected to eq #<User id:896 @user528>4298 when the assignee has read permissions4299 behaves like successful assignment4300 is expected to be success4301 behaves like adds a system note4302 is expected to change `alert.reload.notes.count` by 14303 behaves like adds a todo4304 is expected to eq #<User id:896 @user528>4305 when the assignee does not have read permissions4306 behaves like error response4307 has an informative message4308 behaves like does not add a todo4309 is expected not to change `Todo.count`4310 behaves like does not add a system note4311 is expected not to change `Note.count`4312 when user is already assigned4313 behaves like does not add a system note4314 is expected not to change `Note.count`4315 behaves like does not add a todo4316 is expected not to change `Todo.count`4317 with multiple users included4318 behaves like successful assignment4319 is expected to be success4320 behaves like adds a system note4321 is expected to change `alert.reload.notes.count` by 14322 behaves like adds a todo4323 is expected to eq #<User id:896 @user528>4324 when a status is included4325 successfully changes the status4326 behaves like adds a system note4327 is expected to change `alert.reload.notes.count` by 14328 with unknown status4329 behaves like error response4330 has an informative message4331 behaves like does not add a todo4332 is expected not to change `Todo.count`4333 behaves like does not add a system note4334 is expected not to change `Note.count`4335 with resolving status4336 changes the status4337 resolves the current user's related todos4338 with existing unresolved alert4339 with fingerprints4340 does not query for existing alerts4341 when status was resolved4342 has an informative message4343 behaves like does not add a todo4344 is expected not to change `Todo.count`4345 behaves like does not add a system note4346 is expected not to change `Note.count`4347 without fingerprints4348 successfully changes the status4349 behaves like adds a system note4350 is expected to change `alert.reload.notes.count` by 14351 two existing closed alerts4352 successfully changes the status4353 behaves like adds a system note4354 is expected to change `alert.reload.notes.count` by 14355# [RSpecRunTime] Finishing example group spec/services/alert_management/alerts/update_service_spec.rb. It took 8.52 seconds. Expected to take 11.1 seconds.4356# [RSpecRunTime] Starting example group spec/models/fork_network_spec.rb. Expected to take 10.48 seconds.4357ForkNetwork4358 does not allow STI4359 #add_root_as_member4360 adds the root project as a member when creating a new root network4361 #find_fork_in4362 finds all fork of the current network in al collection4363# [RSpecRunTime] RSpec elapsed time: 19 minutes 4.11 seconds. Current RSS: ~1572M. load average: 1.30 1.22 1.06 1/285 161414364 #merge_requests4365 finds merge requests within the fork network4366# [RSpecRunTime] RSpec elapsed time: 19 minutes 5.51 seconds. Current RSS: ~1569M. load average: 1.30 1.22 1.06 1/285 161424367 for a deleted project4368 keeps the fork network4369 allows multiple fork networks where the root project is deleted4370# [RSpecRunTime] RSpec elapsed time: 19 minutes 9.46 seconds. Current RSS: ~1552M. load average: 1.19 1.20 1.06 1/285 161434371# [RSpecRunTime] Finishing example group spec/models/fork_network_spec.rb. It took 7.64 seconds. Expected to take 10.48 seconds.4372# [RSpecRunTime] Starting example group spec/workers/concerns/application_worker_spec.rb. Expected to take 10.25 seconds.4373ApplicationWorker4374 Sidekiq attributes4375 sets the queue name based on the output of the router4376 when a worker attribute is updated4377 updates the queue name afterward4378 when the worker is inherited4379 sets the queue name for the inherited worker4380 #logging_extras4381 returns extra data to be logged that was set from #log_extra_metadata_on_done4382 returns extra data to be logged that was set from #log_hash_metadata_on_done4383 when nothing is set4384 returns {}4385 #structured_payload4386 adds worker related payload4387 adds labkit context4388 adds custom payload converting stringified keys4389 does not override predefined context keys with custom payload4390 .queue_namespace4391 updates the queue name from the router again4392 updates the queue_namespace options of the worker4393 .queue4394 returns the queue name4395 .data_consistency4396 data_consistency: :delayed, sidekiq_option_retry: false, expect_error: true4397 when workers data consistency is4398 not to raise an exception4399 data_consistency: :delayed, sidekiq_option_retry: 0, expect_error: true4400 when workers data consistency is4401 not to raise an exception4402 data_consistency: :delayed, sidekiq_option_retry: 3, expect_error: false4403 when workers data consistency is4404 not to raise an exception4405 data_consistency: :delayed, sidekiq_option_retry: nil, expect_error: false4406 when workers data consistency is4407 not to raise an exception4408 data_consistency: :sticky, sidekiq_option_retry: false, expect_error: false4409 when workers data consistency is4410 not to raise an exception4411 data_consistency: :sticky, sidekiq_option_retry: 0, expect_error: false4412 when workers data consistency is4413 not to raise an exception4414 data_consistency: :sticky, sidekiq_option_retry: 3, expect_error: false4415 when workers data consistency is4416 not to raise an exception4417 data_consistency: :sticky, sidekiq_option_retry: nil, expect_error: false4418 when workers data consistency is4419 not to raise an exception4420 data_consistency: :always, sidekiq_option_retry: false, expect_error: false4421 when workers data consistency is4422 not to raise an exception4423 data_consistency: :always, sidekiq_option_retry: 0, expect_error: false4424 when workers data consistency is4425 not to raise an exception4426 data_consistency: :always, sidekiq_option_retry: 3, expect_error: false4427 when workers data consistency is4428 not to raise an exception4429 data_consistency: :always, sidekiq_option_retry: nil, expect_error: false4430 when workers data consistency is4431 not to raise an exception4432 .retry4433 data_consistency: :delayed, sidekiq_option_retry: false, expect_error: true4434 when retry sidekiq option is4435 not to raise an exception4436 data_consistency: :delayed, sidekiq_option_retry: 0, expect_error: true4437 when retry sidekiq option is4438 not to raise an exception4439 data_consistency: :delayed, sidekiq_option_retry: 3, expect_error: false4440 when retry sidekiq option is4441 not to raise an exception4442 data_consistency: :sticky, sidekiq_option_retry: false, expect_error: false4443 when retry sidekiq option is4444 not to raise an exception4445 data_consistency: :sticky, sidekiq_option_retry: 0, expect_error: false4446 when retry sidekiq option is4447 not to raise an exception4448 data_consistency: :sticky, sidekiq_option_retry: 3, expect_error: false4449 when retry sidekiq option is4450 not to raise an exception4451 data_consistency: :always, sidekiq_option_retry: false, expect_error: false4452 when retry sidekiq option is4453 not to raise an exception4454 data_consistency: :always, sidekiq_option_retry: 0, expect_error: false4455 when retry sidekiq option is4456 not to raise an exception4457 data_consistency: :always, sidekiq_option_retry: 3, expect_error: false4458 when retry sidekiq option is4459 not to raise an exception4460 different kinds of push_bulk4461 .bulk_perform_async4462 push_bulk in safe limit batches4463 when the number of jobs to be enqueued does not exceed the safe limit4464 behaves like enqueues jobs in one go4465 enqueues jobs in one go4466 behaves like logs bulk insertions4467 logs arguments and job IDs4468 behaves like returns job_id of all enqueued jobs4469 returns job_id of all enqueued jobs4470 behaves like does not schedule the jobs for any specific time4471 does not schedule the jobs for any specific time4472 when the number of jobs to be enqueued exceeds safe limit4473 behaves like enqueues the jobs in a batched fashion, with each batch enqueing jobs as per the set safe limit4474 enqueues the jobs in a batched fashion, with each batch enqueing jobs as per the set safe limit4475 behaves like returns job_id of all enqueued jobs4476 returns job_id of all enqueued jobs4477 behaves like does not schedule the jobs for any specific time4478 does not schedule the jobs for any specific time4479 .bulk_perform_in4480 without batches4481 when the scheduled time falls in the past4482 raises an ArgumentError exception4483 push_bulk in safe limit batches4484 when the number of jobs to be enqueued does not exceed the safe limit4485 behaves like enqueues jobs in one go4486 enqueues jobs in one go4487 behaves like returns job_id of all enqueued jobs4488 returns job_id of all enqueued jobs4489 behaves like schedules all the jobs at a specific time4490 schedules all the jobs at a specific time4491 when the number of jobs to be enqueued exceeds safe limit4492 behaves like enqueues the jobs in a batched fashion, with each batch enqueing jobs as per the set safe limit4493 enqueues the jobs in a batched fashion, with each batch enqueing jobs as per the set safe limit4494 behaves like returns job_id of all enqueued jobs4495 returns job_id of all enqueued jobs4496 behaves like schedules all the jobs at a specific time4497 schedules all the jobs at a specific time4498 with batches4499 when the `batch_size` is invalid4500 when `batch_size` is 04501 raises an ArgumentError exception4502 when `batch_size` is negative4503 raises an ArgumentError exception4504 when the `batch_delay` is invalid4505 when `batch_delay` is 04506 raises an ArgumentError exception4507 when `batch_delay` is negative4508 raises an ArgumentError exception4509 push_bulk in safe limit batches4510 when the number of jobs to be enqueued does not exceed the safe limit4511 behaves like enqueues jobs in one go4512 enqueues jobs in one go4513 behaves like returns job_id of all enqueued jobs4514 returns job_id of all enqueued jobs4515 behaves like schedules all the jobs at a specific time, per batch4516 schedules all the jobs at a specific time, per batch4517 when the number of jobs to be enqueued exceeds safe limit4518 behaves like enqueues the jobs in a batched fashion, with each batch enqueing jobs as per the set safe limit4519 enqueues the jobs in a batched fashion, with each batch enqueing jobs as per the set safe limit4520 behaves like returns job_id of all enqueued jobs4521 returns job_id of all enqueued jobs4522 behaves like schedules all the jobs at a specific time, per batch4523 schedules all the jobs at a specific time, per batch4524 .deferred4525 when the worker is not marked as deferred4526 all deferred-related keys are nil4527 when the worker is marked as deferred4528 correctly sets options4529 sets defaults if no arguments are passed4530 .with_status4531 when the worker does have status_expiration set4532 uses status_expiration from the worker4533 uses status_expiration from the worker without with_status4534 when the worker does not have status_expiration set4535 uses the default status_expiration4536 does not set status_expiration without with_status4537 when using perform_async/in/at4538 when calling perform_async4539 behaves like uses shard router4540 with enable_sidekiq_shard_router disabled4541 does not use the router4542 with router enabled4543 routes job using Sidekiq::Client.via4544 when calling perform_in4545 behaves like uses shard router4546 with enable_sidekiq_shard_router disabled4547 does not use the router4548 with router enabled4549 routes job using Sidekiq::Client.via4550 when calling perform_at4551 behaves like uses shard router4552 with enable_sidekiq_shard_router disabled4553 does not use the router4554 with router enabled4555 routes job using Sidekiq::Client.via4556# [RSpecRunTime] Finishing example group spec/workers/concerns/application_worker_spec.rb. It took 7.69 seconds. Expected to take 10.25 seconds.4557# [RSpecRunTime] Starting example group spec/lib/gitlab/github_import/importer/milestones_importer_spec.rb. Expected to take 9.75 seconds.4558Gitlab::GithubImport::Importer::MilestonesImporter4559 #execute4560 imports the milestones in bulk4561 #build_milestones4562 returns an Array containing milestone rows4563 does not build milestones that already exist4564 does not build milestones that are invalid4565# [RSpecRunTime] RSpec elapsed time: 19 minutes 19.17 seconds. Current RSS: ~1582M. load average: 1.16 1.19 1.06 1/285 161444566 #build_milestones_cache4567 builds the milestones cache4568 #build_attributes4569 returns the attributes of the milestone as a Hash4570 the returned Hash4571 includes the milestone number4572 includes the milestone title4573 includes the milestone description4574 includes the project ID4575 includes the milestone state4576 includes the due date4577 responds correctly to no due date value4578 includes the created timestamp4579 includes the updated timestamp4580# [RSpecRunTime] RSpec elapsed time: 19 minutes 24.48 seconds. Current RSS: ~1570M. load average: 1.23 1.20 1.06 1/285 161454581 #each_milestone4582 returns the milestones4583# [RSpecRunTime] Finishing example group spec/lib/gitlab/github_import/importer/milestones_importer_spec.rb. It took 7.81 seconds. Expected to take 9.75 seconds.4584# [RSpecRunTime] Starting example group spec/models/commit_signatures/gpg_signature_spec.rb. Expected to take 9.64 seconds.4585CommitSignatures::GpgSignature4586 does not allow STI4587 behaves like having unique enum values4588 has unique values in "verification_status"4589# [RSpecRunTime] RSpec elapsed time: 19 minutes 27.76 seconds. Current RSS: ~1550M. load average: 1.29 1.22 1.07 1/286 161934590 behaves like commit signature4591 associations4592 is expected to belong to project required: true4593 validation4594 is expected to validate that :commit_sha cannot be empty/falsy4595 is expected to validate that :project_id cannot be empty/falsy4596 .safe_create!4597 finds a signature by commit sha if it existed4598 creates a new signature if it was not found4599 assigns the correct attributes when creating4600 does not raise an error in case of a race condition4601 #commit4602 fetches the commit through the project4603 behaves like signature with type checking4604 signature type checkers4605 method: :gpg?, expected: true4606 is expected to eq true4607 method: :ssh?, expected: false4608 is expected to eq false4609 method: :x509?, expected: false4610 is expected to eq false4611 associations4612 is expected to belong to gpg_key required: false4613 is expected to belong to gpg_key_subkey required: false4614 validation4615 is expected to validate that :commit_sha cannot be empty/falsy4616 is expected to validate that :gpg_key_primary_keyid cannot be empty/falsy4617 .by_commit_sha scope4618 returns all gpg signatures by sha4619 #gpg_key=4620 supports the assignment of a GpgKey4621 supports the assignment of a GpgKeySubkey4622 clears gpg_key and gpg_key_subkey_id when passing nil4623# [RSpecRunTime] RSpec elapsed time: 19 minutes 32.14 seconds. Current RSS: ~1560M. load average: 1.27 1.21 1.07 1/286 161944624 #gpg_commit4625 when commit does not exist4626 returns nil4627 when commit exists4628 returns an instance of Gitlab::Gpg::Commit4629 #signed_by_user4630 retrieves the gpg_key user4631# [RSpecRunTime] Finishing example group spec/models/commit_signatures/gpg_signature_spec.rb. It took 8.67 seconds. Expected to take 9.64 seconds.4632# [RSpecRunTime] Starting example group spec/models/ci/resource_spec.rb. Expected to take 9.16 seconds.4633Ci::Resource4634 does not allow STI4635 .free4636 returns free resources4637# [RSpecRunTime] RSpec elapsed time: 19 minutes 35.13 seconds. Current RSS: ~1563M. load average: 1.27 1.21 1.07 1/286 161954638 .retained4639 returns the resource if it's retained4640 returns empty if it's not retained4641# [RSpecRunTime] RSpec elapsed time: 19 minutes 36.57 seconds. Current RSS: ~1559M. load average: 1.25 1.21 1.07 1/286 161964642 .retained_by4643 returns retained resources4644# [RSpecRunTime] RSpec elapsed time: 19 minutes 37.65 seconds. Current RSS: ~1553M. load average: 1.25 1.21 1.07 1/286 161974645 .stale_processables4646 when the processable is running4647 returns empty4648 and doomed4649 returns empty4650 returns the stale prosessable a few minutes later4651# [RSpecRunTime] RSpec elapsed time: 19 minutes 41.97 seconds. Current RSS: ~1539M. load average: 1.23 1.20 1.07 1/286 161984652# [RSpecRunTime] Finishing example group spec/models/ci/resource_spec.rb. It took 8.35 seconds. Expected to take 9.16 seconds.4653# [RSpecRunTime] Starting example group spec/lib/gitlab/popen_spec.rb. Expected to take 8.94 seconds.4654Gitlab::Popen4655 .popen_with_detail4656 is expected to eq ["/usr/local/bin/ruby", "-e", "$stdout.puts(1);$stderr.puts(2);exit(3)"]4657 is expected to eq "1\n"4658 is expected to eq "2\n"4659 is expected to eq 34660 is expected to be a kind of Numeric4661# [RSpecRunTime] RSpec elapsed time: 19 minutes 46.79 seconds. Current RSS: ~1532M. load average: 1.21 1.20 1.07 1/289 162074662 zero status4663 is expected to be zero4664 is expected to include "tests"4665 non-zero status4666 is expected to eq 14667 is expected to include "No such file or directory"4668 non-zero status with a kill4669 is expected to eq 94670 is expected to be empty4671# [RSpecRunTime] RSpec elapsed time: 19 minutes 49.02 seconds. Current RSS: ~1540M. load average: 1.21 1.20 1.07 1/289 162164672 unsafe string command4673 raises an error when it gets called with a string argument4674 with custom options4675 calls popen3 with the provided environment variables4676 with a process that writes a lot of data to stderr4677 returns zero4678 without a directory argument4679 is expected to be zero4680 is expected to include "spec"4681 use stdin4682 is expected to be zero4683 is expected to eq "hello"4684 when binary is absent4685 raises error4686# [RSpecRunTime] Finishing example group spec/lib/gitlab/popen_spec.rb. It took 8.31 seconds. Expected to take 8.94 seconds.4687# [RSpecRunTime] Starting example group spec/lib/gitlab/gitaly_client/operation_service_spec.rb. Expected to take 8.57 seconds.4688Gitlab::GitalyClient::OperationService4689 #user_create_branch4690 sends a user_create_branch message and returns a Gitlab::git::Branch4691 with structured errors4692 with CustomHookError4693 when details contain stderr without prefix4694 behaves like failed branch creation4695 raised a PreRecieveError4696 when details contain stderr with prefix4697 behaves like failed branch creation4698 raised a PreRecieveError4699 when details contain stdout without prefix4700 behaves like failed branch creation4701 raised a PreRecieveError4702 when details contain stdout with prefix4703 behaves like failed branch creation4704 raised a PreRecieveError4705 when details contain no stderr or stdout4706 behaves like failed branch creation4707 raised a PreRecieveError4708 #user_update_branch4709 sends a user_update_branch message4710 when pre_receive_error is present4711 throws a PreReceive exception4712 #user_merge_to_ref4713 sends a user_merge_to_ref message4714 #user_delete_branch4715 sends a user_delete_branch message4716 with a custom hook error4717 when details contain stderr4718 behaves like a failed branch deletion4719 raises a PreReceiveError4720 when details contain stdout4721 behaves like a failed branch deletion4722 raises a PreReceiveError4723 with a non-detailed error4724 raises a GRPC error4725 #user_merge_branch4726 sends a user_merge_branch message4727 with an exception with the UserMergeBranchError4728 raises PreRecieveError with the error message4729 with a custom hook error4730 when details contain stderr without prefix4731 behaves like a failed merge4732 raises a PreReceiveError4733 when details contain stderr with prefix4734 behaves like a failed merge4735 raises a PreReceiveError4736 when details contain stdout without prefix4737 behaves like a failed merge4738 raises a PreReceiveError4739 when details contain stdout with prefix4740 behaves like a failed merge4741 raises a PreReceiveError4742 when details contain no stderr or stdout4743 behaves like a failed merge4744 raises a PreReceiveError4745 with an exception without the detailed error4746 raises PermissionDenied4747 with ReferenceUpdateError4748 returns nil4749 #user_ff_branch4750 sends a user_ff_branch message and returns a BranchUpdate object4751 when the response has no branch_update4752 is expected to be nil4753 when the pre-receive hook fails4754 raises the error4755 #user_cherry_pick4756 sends a user_cherry_pick message and returns a BranchUpdate4757 when AccessCheckError is raised4758 behaves like #user_cherry_pick with a gRPC error4759 raises an exception4760 when NotAncestorError is raised4761 behaves like #user_cherry_pick with a gRPC error4762 raises an exception4763 when MergeConflictError is raised4764 behaves like #user_cherry_pick with a gRPC error4765 raises an exception4766 when a non-detailed gRPC error is raised4767 behaves like #user_cherry_pick with a gRPC error4768 raises an exception4769 #user_revert4770 sends a user_revert message and returns a BranchUpdate4771 when errors are raised4772 behaves like cherry pick and revert errors4773 when a pre_receive_error is present4774 raises a PreReceiveError4775 when a commit_error is present4776 raises a CommitError4777 when a create_tree_error is present4778 raises a CreateTreeError4779 when branch_update is nil4780 is expected to be nil4781 when MergeConflictError is raised4782 behaves like #user_revert with a gRPC error4783 raises an exception4784 when ChangesAlreadyAppliedError is raised4785 behaves like #user_revert with a gRPC error4786 raises an exception4787 when NotAncestorError is raised4788 behaves like #user_revert with a gRPC error4789 raises an exception4790 when CustomHookError is raised4791 behaves like #user_revert with a gRPC error4792 raises an exception4793 when a non-detailed gRPC error is raised4794 behaves like #user_revert with a gRPC error4795 raises an exception4796 #rebase4797 when AccessError is raised4798 behaves like #rebase with an error4799 raises a GitError exception4800 when RebaseConflictError is raised4801 behaves like #rebase with an error4802 raises a GitError exception4803 when non-detailed gRPC error is raised4804 behaves like #rebase with an error4805 raises a GitError exception4806 #user_rebase_to_ref4807 sends a user_rebase_to_ref message4808 #user_squash4809 sends a user_squash message and returns the squash sha4810 when ResolveRevisionError is raised4811 behaves like #user_squash with an error4812 raises a GitError exception4813 when RebaseConflictError is raised4814 behaves like #user_squash with an error4815 raises a GitError exception4816 when non-detailed gRPC error is raised4817 behaves like #user_squash with an error4818 raises a GitError exception4819 #user_commit_files4820 with unstructured errors4821 when a pre_receive_error is present4822 raises a PreReceiveError4823 when an index_error is present4824 raises an IndexError4825 when branch_update is nil4826 is expected to be nil4827 with structured errors4828 with AccessCheckError4829 raises a PreReceiveError4830 with IndexError4831 with missing file4832 behaves like #user_commit_files failure4833 raises an IndexError4834 with existing directory4835 behaves like #user_commit_files failure4836 raises an IndexError4837 with existing file4838 behaves like #user_commit_files failure4839 raises an IndexError4840 with invalid path4841 behaves like #user_commit_files failure4842 raises an IndexError4843 with directory traversal4844 behaves like #user_commit_files failure4845 raises an IndexError4846 with empty path4847 behaves like #user_commit_files failure4848 raises an IndexError4849 with unspecified error4850 behaves like #user_commit_files failure4851 raises an IndexError4852 with an exception without the detailed error4853 with an index error from libgit24854 raises IndexError4855 with a generic error4856 raises PermissionDenied4857 with CustomHookError4858 raises a PreReceiveError4859 #user_commit_patches4860 applies the patch correctly4861 when the patch could not be applied4862 raises the correct error4863 #add_tag4864 without tag message4865 creates a lightweight tag4866 with tag message4867 creates an annotated tag4868 with preexisting tag4869 raises a TagExistsError4870 with invalid target4871 raises an InvalidRef error4872 with internal error4873 raises an Internal error4874 with structured errors4875 with ReferenceExistsError4876 raises a TagExistsError4877 with AccessCheckError4878 raises a PreReceiveError4879 with CustomHookError4880 raises a PreReceiveError4881# [RSpecRunTime] Finishing example group spec/lib/gitlab/gitaly_client/operation_service_spec.rb. It took 7.71 seconds. Expected to take 8.57 seconds.4882# [RSpecRunTime] Starting example group spec/lib/banzai/filter/math_filter_spec.rb. Expected to take 8.3 seconds.4883Banzai::Filter::MathFilter4884 handles multiple styles in one text block4885 protects against malicious backtracking4886 inline math using $...$ syntax4887 with valid syntax4888 text: "$2+2$", result_template: "<p><math>2+2</math></p>"4889 behaves like inline math4890 removes surrounding dollar signs and adds class code, math and js-render-math4891 text: "$22+1$ and $22 + a^2$", result_template: "<p><math>22+1</math> and <math>22 + a^2</math></p>"4892 behaves like inline math4893 removes surrounding dollar signs and adds class code, math and js-render-math4894 text: "$22 and $2+2$", result_template: "<p>$22 and <math>2+2</math></p>"4895 behaves like inline math4896 removes surrounding dollar signs and adds class code, math and js-render-math4897 text: "$2+2$ $22 and flightjs/Flight$22 $2+2$", result_template: "<p><math>2+2</math> $22 and flightjs/Flight$22 <math>2+2</math></p>"4898 behaves like inline math4899 removes surrounding dollar signs and adds class code, math and js-render-math4900 text: "$1/2$ <b>test</b>", result_template: "<p><math>1/2</math> <b>test</b></p>"4901 behaves like inline math4902 removes surrounding dollar signs and adds class code, math and js-render-math4903 text: "$a!$", result_template: "<p><math>a!</math></p>"4904 behaves like inline math4905 removes surrounding dollar signs and adds class code, math and js-render-math4906 text: "$x$", result_template: "<p><math>x</math></p>"4907 behaves like inline math4908 removes surrounding dollar signs and adds class code, math and js-render-math4909 text: "$1+2\\$$", result_template: "<p><math>1+2\\$</math></p>"4910 behaves like inline math4911 removes surrounding dollar signs and adds class code, math and js-render-math4912 text: "$1+\\$2$", result_template: "<p><math>1+\\$2</math></p>"4913 behaves like inline math4914 removes surrounding dollar signs and adds class code, math and js-render-math4915 text: "$1+\\%2$", result_template: "<p><math>1+\\%2</math></p>"4916 behaves like inline math4917 removes surrounding dollar signs and adds class code, math and js-render-math4918 text: "$1+\\#2$", result_template: "<p><math>1+\\#2</math></p>"4919 behaves like inline math4920 removes surrounding dollar signs and adds class code, math and js-render-math4921 text: "$1+\\&2$", result_template: "<p><math>1+\\&2</math></p>"4922 behaves like inline math4923 removes surrounding dollar signs and adds class code, math and js-render-math4924 text: "$1+\\{2$", result_template: "<p><math>1+\\{2</math></p>"4925 behaves like inline math4926 removes surrounding dollar signs and adds class code, math and js-render-math4927 text: "$1+\\}2$", result_template: "<p><math>1+\\}2</math></p>"4928 behaves like inline math4929 removes surrounding dollar signs and adds class code, math and js-render-math4930 text: "$1+\\_2$", result_template: "<p><math>1+\\_2</math></p>"4931 behaves like inline math4932 removes surrounding dollar signs and adds class code, math and js-render-math4933 inline math using $`...`$ syntax4934 with valid syntax4935 text: "$`2+2`$", result_template: "<p><math>2+2</math></p>"4936 behaves like inline math4937 removes surrounding dollar signs and adds class code, math and js-render-math4938 text: "$`22+1`$ and $`22 + a^2`$", result_template: "<p><math>22+1</math> and <math>22 + a^2</math></p>"4939 behaves like inline math4940 removes surrounding dollar signs and adds class code, math and js-render-math4941 text: "$22 and $`2+2`$", result_template: "<p>$22 and <math>2+2</math></p>"4942 behaves like inline math4943 removes surrounding dollar signs and adds class code, math and js-render-math4944 text: "$`2+2`$ $22 and flightjs/Flight$22 $`2+2`$", result_template: "<p><math>2+2</math> $22 and flightjs/Flight$22 <math>2+2</math></p>"4945 behaves like inline math4946 removes surrounding dollar signs and adds class code, math and js-render-math4947 text: "test $$`2+2`$$ test", result_template: "<p>test $<math>2+2</math>$ test</p>"4948 behaves like inline math4949 removes surrounding dollar signs and adds class code, math and js-render-math4950 text: "$`1+\\$2`$", result_template: "<p><math>1+\\$2</math></p>"4951 behaves like inline math4952 removes surrounding dollar signs and adds class code, math and js-render-math4953 inline display math using $$...$$ syntax4954 with valid syntax4955 text: "$$2+2$$", result_template: "<p><math>2+2</math></p>"4956 behaves like display math4957 removes surrounding dollar signs and adds class code, math and js-render-math4958 text: "$$ 2+2 $$", result_template: "<p><math>2+2</math></p>"4959 behaves like display math4960 removes surrounding dollar signs and adds class code, math and js-render-math4961 text: "$$22+1$$ and $$22 + a^2$$", result_template: "<p><math>22+1</math> and <math>22 + a^2</math></p>"4962 behaves like display math4963 removes surrounding dollar signs and adds class code, math and js-render-math4964 text: "$22 and $$2+2$$", result_template: "<p>$22 and <math>2+2</math></p>"4965 behaves like display math4966 removes surrounding dollar signs and adds class code, math and js-render-math4967 text: "$$2+2$$ $22 and flightjs/Flight$22 $$2+2$$", result_template: "<p><math>2+2</math> $22 and flightjs/Flight$22 <math>2+2</math></p>"4968 behaves like display math4969 removes surrounding dollar signs and adds class code, math and js-render-math4970 text: "flightjs/Flight$22 and $$a^2 + b^2 = c^2$$", result_template: "<p>flightjs/Flight$22 and <math>a^2 + b^2 = c^2</math></p>"4971 behaves like display math4972 removes surrounding dollar signs and adds class code, math and js-render-math4973 text: "$$a!$$", result_template: "<p><math>a!</math></p>"4974 behaves like display math4975 removes surrounding dollar signs and adds class code, math and js-render-math4976 text: "$$x$$", result_template: "<p><math>x</math></p>"4977 behaves like display math4978 removes surrounding dollar signs and adds class code, math and js-render-math4979 text: "$$20,000 and $$30,000", result_template: "<p><math>20,000 and</math>30,000</p>"4980 behaves like display math4981 removes surrounding dollar signs and adds class code, math and js-render-math4982 block display math using $$\n...\n$$ syntax4983 with valid syntax4984 text: "$$\n2+2\n$$", result_template: "<math>2+2\n</math>"4985 behaves like display math4986 removes surrounding dollar signs and adds class code, math and js-render-math4987 text: "$$ \n2+2\n$$", result_template: "<math>2+2\n</math>"4988 behaves like display math4989 removes surrounding dollar signs and adds class code, math and js-render-math4990 text: "$$\n2+2\n3+4\n$$", result_template: "<math>2+2\n3+4\n</math>"4991 behaves like display math4992 removes surrounding dollar signs and adds class code, math and js-render-math4993 when it spans multiple lines4994 behaves like display math4995 removes surrounding dollar signs and adds class code, math and js-render-math4996 when it contains \4997 behaves like display math4998 removes surrounding dollar signs and adds class code, math and js-render-math4999 display math using ```math...``` syntax5000 adds data-math-style display attribute to display math5001 adds js-render-math class to display math5002 ignores code blocks that are not math5003 requires the pre to contain both code and math5004 unrecognized syntax5005 text: "`2+2`", result: "<p><code>2+2</code></p>"5006 is ignored5007 text: "test $`2+2` test", result: "<p>test $<code>2+2</code> test</p>"5008 is ignored5009 text: "test `2+2`$ test", result: "<p>test <code>2+2</code>$ test</p>"5010 is ignored5011 text: "$20,000 and $30,000", result: "<p>$20,000 and $30,000</p>"5012 is ignored5013 text: "$20,000 in $USD", result: "<p>$20,000 in $USD</p>"5014 is ignored5015 text: "$ a^2 $", result: "<p>$ a^2 $</p>"5016 is ignored5017 text: "test $$\n2+2\n$$", result: "<p>test $$\n2+2\n$$</p>"5018 is ignored5019 text: "$\n$", result: "<p>$\n$</p>"5020 is ignored5021 text: "$$$", result: "<p>$$$</p>"5022 is ignored5023 text: "`$1+2$`", result: "<p><code>$1+2$</code></p>"5024 is ignored5025 text: "`$$1+2$$`", result: "<p><code>$$1+2$$</code></p>"5026 is ignored5027 text: "`$\\$1+2$$`", result: "<p><code>$\\$1+2$$</code></p>"5028 is ignored5029 when limiting how many elements can be marked as math5030 enforces limits by default5031 when project with user namespace (no group)5032 limits5033 when project with group, no namespace settings5034 limits5035 when project with group, default namespace settings5036 limits5037 when limits math_rendering_limits_enabled is false5038 does not limit5039 when for wikis5040 does limit5041 when for blobs5042 does limit for blobs5043# [RSpecRunTime] Finishing example group spec/lib/banzai/filter/math_filter_spec.rb. It took 7.01 seconds. Expected to take 8.3 seconds.5044# [RSpecRunTime] Starting example group spec/lib/gitlab/ci/cron_parser_spec.rb. Expected to take 8.13 seconds.5045Gitlab::Ci::CronParser5046 #next_time_from5047 behaves like when cron and cron_timezone are valid5048 when specific time5049 returns exact time5050 behaves like returns time in the future5051 is expected to be > 2024-04-10 21:09:02 +00005052 when specific day of week5053 returns exact day of week5054 behaves like returns time in the future5055 is expected to be > 2024-04-10 21:09:02 +00005056 when */ used5057 returns specific time5058 behaves like returns time in the future5059 is expected to be > 2024-04-10 21:09:02 +00005060 when range used5061 returns specific time5062 behaves like returns time in the future5063 is expected to be > 2024-04-10 21:09:02 +00005064 when range and / are used5065 returns specific time5066 behaves like returns time in the future5067 is expected to be > 2024-04-10 21:09:03 +00005068 when / is used5069 returns specific time5070 behaves like returns time in the future5071 is expected to be > 2024-04-10 21:09:03 +00005072 when cron_timezone is TZInfo format5073 when cron_timezone is US/Pacific5074 behaves like returns time in the future5075 is expected to be > 2024-04-10 21:09:03 +00005076 when PST (Pacific Standard Time)5077 converts time in server time zone5078 when PDT (Pacific Daylight Time)5079 converts time in server time zone5080 when cron_timezone is ActiveSupport::TimeZone format5081 when cron_timezone is Berlin5082 behaves like returns time in the future5083 is expected to be > 2024-04-10 21:09:03 +00005084 when CET (Central European Time)5085 converts time in server time zone5086 when CEST (Central European Summer Time)5087 converts time in server time zone5088 behaves like when cron_timezone is Eastern Time (US & Canada)5089 behaves like returns time in the future5090 is expected to be > 2024-04-10 21:09:04 +00005091 when EST (Eastern Standard Time)5092 converts time in server time zone5093 when EDT (Eastern Daylight Time)5094 converts time in server time zone5095 when time crosses a Daylight Savings boundary5096 generates day without TZInfo::AmbiguousTime error5097 behaves like when cron and cron_timezone are invalid5098 is expected to be nil5099 behaves like when cron syntax is quoted5100 is expected to be nil5101 behaves like when cron syntax is rufus-scheduler syntax5102 is expected to be nil5103 behaves like when cron is scheduled to a non existent day5104 is expected to be nil5105 #previous_time_from5106 behaves like when cron and cron_timezone are valid5107 when specific time5108 returns exact time5109 behaves like returns time in the past5110 is expected to be < 2024-04-10 21:09:04 +00005111 when specific day of week5112 returns exact day of week5113 behaves like returns time in the past5114 is expected to be < 2024-04-10 21:09:05 +00005115 when */ used5116 returns specific time5117 behaves like returns time in the past5118 is expected to be < 2024-04-10 21:09:05 +00005119 when range used5120 returns specific time5121 behaves like returns time in the past5122 is expected to be < 2024-04-10 21:09:05 +00005123 when range and / are used5124 returns specific time5125 behaves like returns time in the past5126 is expected to be < 2024-04-10 21:09:05 +00005127 when / is used5128 returns specific time5129 behaves like returns time in the past5130 is expected to be < 2024-04-10 21:09:05 +00005131 when cron_timezone is TZInfo format5132 when cron_timezone is US/Pacific5133 behaves like returns time in the past5134 is expected to be < 2024-04-10 21:09:05 +00005135 when PST (Pacific Standard Time)5136 converts time in server time zone5137 when PDT (Pacific Daylight Time)5138 converts time in server time zone5139 when cron_timezone is ActiveSupport::TimeZone format5140 when cron_timezone is Berlin5141 behaves like returns time in the past5142 is expected to be < 2024-04-10 21:09:06 +00005143 when CET (Central European Time)5144 converts time in server time zone5145 when CEST (Central European Summer Time)5146 converts time in server time zone5147 behaves like when cron_timezone is Eastern Time (US & Canada)5148 behaves like returns time in the past5149 is expected to be < 2024-04-10 21:09:06 +00005150 when EST (Eastern Standard Time)5151 converts time in server time zone5152 when EDT (Eastern Daylight Time)5153 converts time in server time zone5154 when time crosses a Daylight Savings boundary5155 generates day without TZInfo::AmbiguousTime error5156 behaves like when cron and cron_timezone are invalid5157 is expected to be nil5158 behaves like when cron syntax is quoted5159 is expected to be nil5160 behaves like when cron syntax is rufus-scheduler syntax5161 is expected to be nil5162 behaves like when cron is scheduled to a non existent day5163 is expected to be nil5164 #cron_valid?5165 when cron is valid5166 is expected to eq true5167 when cron is invalid5168 is expected to eq false5169 when cron syntax is quoted5170 is expected to eq false5171 #cron_timezone_valid?5172 when cron is valid5173 is expected to eq true5174 when cron is invalid5175 is expected to eq false5176 when cron_timezone is ActiveSupport::TimeZone format5177 is expected to eq true5178 .parse_natural5179 when repeat cycle is day5180 generates daily cron expression5181 when repeat cycle is week5182 generates weekly cron expression5183 when repeat cycle is month5184 generates monthly cron expression5185 when an unsupported duration is specified5186 raises an exception5187 when repeat cycle is year5188 generates yearly cron expression5189 when the repeat cycle is not implemented5190 raises an exception5191 #match?5192 when cron matches up5193 is expected to eq true5194 when cron does not match5195 is expected to eq false5196# [RSpecRunTime] Finishing example group spec/lib/gitlab/ci/cron_parser_spec.rb. It took 6.4 seconds. Expected to take 8.13 seconds.5197# [RSpecRunTime] Starting example group spec/services/security/ci_configuration/sast_create_service_spec.rb. Expected to take 7.81 seconds.5198Security::CiConfiguration::SastCreateService5199 #execute5200 user does not belong to project5201 returns an error status5202 does not track a snowplow event5203 user belongs to project5204 does track the snowplow event5205 raises exception if the user does not have permission to create a new branch5206 when exception is raised5207 when branch was created5208 tries to rm branch5209# [RSpecRunTime] RSpec elapsed time: 20 minutes 13.63 seconds. Current RSS: ~1603M. load average: 1.27 1.22 1.08 1/292 164115210 when branch was not created5211 does not try to rm branch5212 with no parameters5213 returns the path to create a new merge request5214 when the project has a non-default ci config file5215 does track the snowplow event5216 when existing ci config contains anchors/aliases5217 returns a ServiceResponse error5218 when parsing existing ci config gives a Psych error5219 returns a ServiceResponse error5220 when parsing existing ci config gives any other error5221 is successful5222 with parameters5223 returns the path to create a new merge request5224 when the project is empty5225 returns a ServiceResponse error5226 when the repository is empty5227 when initialize_with_sast is false5228 returns a ServiceResponse error5229 when initialize_with_sast is true5230 behaves like commits directly to the default branch5231 commits directly to the default branch5232 when committing to the default branch5233 does not try to remove that branch on raised exceptions5234 behaves like commits directly to the default branch5235 commits directly to the default branch5236# [RSpecRunTime] Finishing example group spec/services/security/ci_configuration/sast_create_service_spec.rb. It took 6.13 seconds. Expected to take 7.81 seconds.5237# [RSpecRunTime] Starting example group spec/routing/admin_routing_spec.rb. Expected to take 7.69 seconds.5238Admin::UsersController routing5239 to #block5240 to #unblock5241 to #index5242 to #show5243 to #create5244 to #new5245 to #edit5246 to #update5247 to #destroy5248# [RSpecRunTime] Finishing example group spec/routing/admin_routing_spec.rb. It took 1.04 seconds. Expected to take 7.69 seconds.5249# [RSpecRunTime] RSpec elapsed time: 20 minutes 18.71 seconds. Current RSS: ~1588M. load average: 1.33 1.23 1.08 1/292 165975250# [RSpecRunTime] Starting example group spec/routing/admin_routing_spec.rb. Expected to take 7.69 seconds.5251Admin::ProjectsController routing5252 to #index5253 to #show5254# [RSpecRunTime] Finishing example group spec/routing/admin_routing_spec.rb. It took 0.4 second. Expected to take 7.69 seconds.5255# [RSpecRunTime] Starting example group spec/routing/admin_routing_spec.rb. Expected to take 7.69 seconds.5256Admin::HooksController routing5257 to #test5258 to #index5259 to #create5260 to #edit5261 to #update5262 to #destroy5263# [RSpecRunTime] Finishing example group spec/routing/admin_routing_spec.rb. It took 0.77 second. Expected to take 7.69 seconds.5264# [RSpecRunTime] Starting example group spec/routing/admin_routing_spec.rb. Expected to take 7.69 seconds.5265Admin::HookLogsController routing5266 to #retry5267 to #show5268# [RSpecRunTime] Finishing example group spec/routing/admin_routing_spec.rb. It took 0.38 second. Expected to take 7.69 seconds.5269# [RSpecRunTime] Starting example group spec/routing/admin_routing_spec.rb. Expected to take 7.69 seconds.5270Admin::BackgroundJobsController routing5271 to #show5272# [RSpecRunTime] Finishing example group spec/routing/admin_routing_spec.rb. It took 0.29 second. Expected to take 7.69 seconds.5273# [RSpecRunTime] Starting example group spec/routing/admin_routing_spec.rb. Expected to take 7.69 seconds.5274Admin::DashboardController routing5275 to #index5276# [RSpecRunTime] Finishing example group spec/routing/admin_routing_spec.rb. It took 0.35 second. Expected to take 7.69 seconds.5277# [RSpecRunTime] Starting example group spec/routing/admin_routing_spec.rb. Expected to take 7.69 seconds.5278Admin::HealthCheckController routing5279 to #show5280# [RSpecRunTime] Finishing example group spec/routing/admin_routing_spec.rb. It took 0.38 second. Expected to take 7.69 seconds.5281# [RSpecRunTime] Starting example group spec/routing/admin_routing_spec.rb. Expected to take 7.69 seconds.5282Admin::DevOpsReportController routing5283 to #show5284 admin devops reports5285 redirects from /admin/dev_ops_report to /admin/dev_ops_reports5286# [RSpecRunTime] RSpec elapsed time: 20 minutes 22.54 seconds. Current RSS: ~1600M. load average: 1.39 1.24 1.09 1/293 165995287# [RSpecRunTime] Finishing example group spec/routing/admin_routing_spec.rb. It took 1.34 seconds. Expected to take 7.69 seconds.5288# [RSpecRunTime] Starting example group spec/routing/admin_routing_spec.rb. Expected to take 7.69 seconds.5289Admin::GroupsController routing5290 to #index5291 to #show5292 to #edit5293# [RSpecRunTime] Finishing example group spec/routing/admin_routing_spec.rb. It took 0.48 second. Expected to take 7.69 seconds.5294# [RSpecRunTime] Starting example group spec/routing/admin_routing_spec.rb. Expected to take 7.69 seconds.5295Admin::OrganizationsController routing5296 to #index5297# [RSpecRunTime] Finishing example group spec/routing/admin_routing_spec.rb. It took 0.29 second. Expected to take 7.69 seconds.5298# [RSpecRunTime] Starting example group spec/routing/admin_routing_spec.rb. Expected to take 7.69 seconds.5299Admin::SessionsController routing5300 to #new5301 to #create5302 to #destroy5303# [RSpecRunTime] Finishing example group spec/routing/admin_routing_spec.rb. It took 0.48 second. Expected to take 7.69 seconds.5304# [RSpecRunTime] Starting example group spec/routing/admin_routing_spec.rb. Expected to take 7.69 seconds.5305Admin::PlanLimitsController routing5306 to #create5307# [RSpecRunTime] Finishing example group spec/routing/admin_routing_spec.rb. It took 0.36 second. Expected to take 7.69 seconds.5308# [RSpecRunTime] Starting example group spec/routing/admin_routing_spec.rb. Expected to take 7.69 seconds.5309Admin::RunnersController routing5310 to #runner_setup_scripts5311# [RSpecRunTime] Finishing example group spec/routing/admin_routing_spec.rb. It took 0.29 second. Expected to take 7.69 seconds.5312# [RSpecRunTime] Starting example group spec/views/projects/merge_requests/_commits.html.haml_spec.rb. Expected to take 7.31 seconds.5313projects/merge_requests/_commits.html.haml5314 shows commits from source project5315 shows signature verification badge5316 when MR has no commits5317 renders empty state5318 renders the svg5319# [RSpecRunTime] RSpec elapsed time: 20 minutes 31.38 seconds. Current RSS: ~1606M. load average: 1.33 1.23 1.09 1/294 167205320# [RSpecRunTime] Finishing example group spec/views/projects/merge_requests/_commits.html.haml_spec.rb. It took 6.95 seconds. Expected to take 7.31 seconds.5321# [RSpecRunTime] Starting example group spec/workers/jira_connect/sync_project_worker_spec.rb. Expected to take 7.13 seconds.5322JiraConnect::SyncProjectWorker5323 behaves like worker with data consistency5324 .get_data_consistency_feature_flag_enabled?5325 returns true5326 .get_data_consistency5327 returns correct data consistency5328 #perform5329 avoids N+1 database queries5330 when the project is not found5331 does not raise an error5332# [RSpecRunTime] RSpec elapsed time: 20 minutes 34.18 seconds. Current RSS: ~1631M. load average: 1.33 1.23 1.09 1/293 167785333 with branches to sync5334 on a single branch5335 sends the request with custom update_sequence_id5336 on multiple branches5337 does not requests a lot from Gitaly5338# [RSpecRunTime] RSpec elapsed time: 20 minutes 36.43 seconds. Current RSS: ~1666M. load average: 1.38 1.25 1.09 1/293 168835339 when the number of items to sync is higher than the limit5340 syncs only the most recent merge requests and branches within the limit5341# [RSpecRunTime] Finishing example group spec/workers/jira_connect/sync_project_worker_spec.rb. It took 5.97 seconds. Expected to take 7.13 seconds.5342# [RSpecRunTime] Starting example group spec/services/gpg_keys/validate_integrations_service_spec.rb. Expected to take 7.11 seconds.5343GpgKeys::ValidateIntegrationsService5344 returns true5345 when BeyondIdentity integration is activated5346 returns true on successful check5347 returns false and sets an error on unsuccessful check5348# [RSpecRunTime] RSpec elapsed time: 20 minutes 39.98 seconds. Current RSS: ~1671M. load average: 1.38 1.25 1.09 1/293 169745349 when BeyondIdentity integration is not activated5350 return false5351 when key is invalid5352 returns false5353# [RSpecRunTime] Finishing example group spec/services/gpg_keys/validate_integrations_service_spec.rb. It took 4.16 seconds. Expected to take 7.11 seconds.5354# [RSpecRunTime] Starting example group spec/workers/packages/cleanup_package_registry_worker_spec.rb. Expected to take 6.76 seconds.5355Packages::CleanupPackageRegistryWorker5356 #perform5357 with package files pending destruction5358 queues the cleanup job5359 behaves like an idempotent worker5360 is labeled as idempotent5361 performs multiple times sequentially without raising an exception5362# [RSpecRunTime] RSpec elapsed time: 20 minutes 43.2 seconds. Current RSS: ~1637M. load average: 1.43 1.26 1.10 1/293 170095363 with no package files pending destruction5364 does not queue the cleanup job5365 behaves like an idempotent worker5366 is labeled as idempotent5367 performs multiple times sequentially without raising an exception5368 with runnable policies5369 queues the cleanup job5370 behaves like an idempotent worker5371 is labeled as idempotent5372 performs multiple times sequentially without raising an exception5373 with no runnable policies5374 does not queue the cleanup job5375 with npm metadata caches pending destruction5376 queues the cleanup job5377 behaves like an idempotent worker5378 is labeled as idempotent5379 performs multiple times sequentially without raising an exception5380 with no npm metadata caches pending destruction5381 does not queue the cleanup job5382 behaves like an idempotent worker5383 is labeled as idempotent5384 performs multiple times sequentially without raising an exception5385 with nuget symbols pending destruction5386 behaves like an idempotent worker5387 is labeled as idempotent5388 performs multiple times sequentially without raising an exception5389 queues the cleanup job5390 with no nuget symbols pending destruction5391 behaves like an idempotent worker5392 is labeled as idempotent5393 performs multiple times sequentially without raising an exception5394 does not queue the cleanup job5395 counts logging5396 logs all the counts5397 with load balancing enabled5398 reads the count from the replica5399# [RSpecRunTime] Finishing example group spec/workers/packages/cleanup_package_registry_worker_spec.rb. It took 5.93 seconds. Expected to take 6.76 seconds.5400# [RSpecRunTime] Starting example group spec/graphql/mutations/commits/create_spec.rb. Expected to take 6.68 seconds.5401Mutations::Commits::Create5402 is expected to require graphql authorizations :push_code5403 #resolve5404 when user is not a project member5405 raises an error5406 when user is a direct project member5407 and user is a guest5408 raises an error5409 and user is a developer5410 when service successfully creates a new commit5411 returns the ETag path for the commit's pipeline5412 returns the content of the commit5413 returns a new commit5414 when request has multiple actions5415 returns a new commit5416 when actions are not defined5417 returns a new commit5418 when branch does not exist5419 returns errors5420 when branch does not exist and a start branch is provided5421 returns a new commit5422 when message is not set5423 returns errors5424 when actions are incorrect5425 returns errors5426 when branch is protected5427 returns errors5428 when user is an inherited member from the group5429 when project is public with private repository5430 and user is a guest5431 raises an error5432 when project is private5433 and user is a guest5434 raises an error5435 when user is a maintainer of a different project5436 raises an error5437# [RSpecRunTime] Finishing example group spec/graphql/mutations/commits/create_spec.rb. It took 5.4 seconds. Expected to take 6.68 seconds.5438# [RSpecRunTime] Starting example group spec/lib/gitlab/conflict/file_collection_spec.rb. Expected to take 6.54 seconds.5439Gitlab::Conflict::FileCollection5440 #files5441 returns an array of Conflict::Files5442# [RSpecRunTime] RSpec elapsed time: 20 minutes 54.01 seconds. Current RSS: ~1652M. load average: 1.44 1.27 1.10 1/294 172015443 #cache5444 specifies a custom namespace with the merge request commit ids5445# [RSpecRunTime] RSpec elapsed time: 20 minutes 55.03 seconds. Current RSS: ~1657M. load average: 1.44 1.27 1.10 1/294 172415446 #can_be_resolved_in_ui?5447 returns true if conflicts for this collection can be resolved in the UI5448 returns false if conflicts for this collection can't be resolved in the UI5449 caches the result5450# [RSpecRunTime] RSpec elapsed time: 20 minutes 57.98 seconds. Current RSS: ~1648M. load average: 1.40 1.26 1.10 1/294 173735451 #default_commit_message5452 matches the format of the git CLI commit message5453# [RSpecRunTime] Finishing example group spec/lib/gitlab/conflict/file_collection_spec.rb. It took 6.09 seconds. Expected to take 6.54 seconds.5454# [RSpecRunTime] Starting example group spec/services/commits/tag_service_spec.rb. Expected to take 6.3 seconds.5455Commits::TagService5456 #execute5457 valid params5458 when tagging succeeds5459 returns a hash with the :success status and created tag5460 adds a system note5461# [RSpecRunTime] RSpec elapsed time: 21 minutes 1.07 seconds. Current RSS: ~1641M. load average: 1.37 1.26 1.10 1/295 174605462 when tagging fails5463 behaves like tag failure5464 returns a hash with the :error status5465 does not add a system note5466# [RSpecRunTime] RSpec elapsed time: 21 minutes 2.78 seconds. Current RSS: ~1633M. load average: 1.37 1.26 1.10 1/293 174775467 invalid params5468 behaves like tag failure5469 returns a hash with the :error status5470 does not add a system note5471# [RSpecRunTime] RSpec elapsed time: 21 minutes 4.47 seconds. Current RSS: ~1632M. load average: 1.37 1.26 1.10 1/293 174945472# [RSpecRunTime] Finishing example group spec/services/commits/tag_service_spec.rb. It took 5.55 seconds. Expected to take 6.3 seconds.5473# [RSpecRunTime] Starting example group spec/helpers/projects/pages_helper_spec.rb. Expected to take 6.1 seconds.5474Projects::PagesHelper5475 when the user does not have permission5476 validates user cannot create domain5477 when the user have permission5478 on custom domain5479 external_http: false, external_https: false, can_create: false5480 is expected to equal false5481 external_http: false, external_https: true, can_create: true5482 is expected to equal true5483 external_http: true, external_https: false, can_create: true5484 is expected to equal true5485 external_http: true, external_https: true, can_create: true5486 is expected to equal true5487 on domain limit5488 can create new domains when the limit is 05489 validates custom domain creation is only allowed upto max value5490# [RSpecRunTime] RSpec elapsed time: 21 minutes 10.31 seconds. Current RSS: ~1627M. load average: 1.42 1.27 1.10 1/293 174955491# [RSpecRunTime] Finishing example group spec/helpers/projects/pages_helper_spec.rb. It took 5.83 seconds. Expected to take 6.1 seconds.5492# [RSpecRunTime] Starting example group spec/finders/projects/groups_finder_spec.rb. Expected to take 6.02 seconds.5493Projects::GroupsFinder5494 #execute5495 Public project5496 behaves like finding related groups5497 returns ancestor groups for this project5498 when the project does not belong to any group5499 is expected to eq []5500# [RSpecRunTime] RSpec elapsed time: 21 minutes 11.96 seconds. Current RSS: ~1610M. load average: 1.47 1.28 1.11 1/292 174965501 when shared groups option is on5502 returns ancestor and all shared groups5503 when shared_min_access_level is developer5504 returns ancestor and shared groups with at least developer access5505 when shared_visible_only is on5506 returns ancestor and public shared groups5507 when user has access to the private shared group5508 returns ancestor and shared groups user has access to5509 when skip group option is on5510 excludes provided groups5511 when user is not authorized5512 returns ancestor groups for this project5513 when visible shared groups are requested5514 returns ancestor groups and public shared groups for this project5515 Private project5516 behaves like finding related groups5517 returns ancestor groups for this project5518 when the project does not belong to any group5519 is expected to eq []5520 when shared groups option is on5521 returns ancestor and all shared groups5522 when shared_min_access_level is developer5523 returns ancestor and shared groups with at least developer access5524 when shared_visible_only is on5525 returns ancestor and public shared groups5526 when user has access to the private shared group5527 returns ancestor and shared groups user has access to5528 when skip group option is on5529 excludes provided groups5530 when user is not authorized5531 is expected to eq []5532 Missing project5533 is expected to eq []5534# [RSpecRunTime] Finishing example group spec/finders/projects/groups_finder_spec.rb. It took 5.51 seconds. Expected to take 6.02 seconds.5535# [RSpecRunTime] Starting example group spec/lib/gitlab/diff/file_collection/commit_spec.rb. Expected to take 5.79 seconds.5536Gitlab::Diff::FileCollection::Commit5537 behaves like diff statistics5538 when include_stats is true5539 Repository#diff_stats is called5540 Gitlab::Diff::File is initialized with diff stats5541# [RSpecRunTime] RSpec elapsed time: 21 minutes 17.42 seconds. Current RSS: ~1614M. load average: 1.43 1.28 1.11 1/290 175195542 when should not request diff stats5543 Repository#diff_stats is not called5544 behaves like unfoldable diff5545 calls Gitlab::Diff::File#unfold_diff_lines with correct position5546 behaves like sortable diff files5547 #raw_diff_files5548 when sorted is false (default)5549 returns unsorted diff files5550 when sorted is true5551 returns sorted diff files5552 #cache_key5553 returns with the commit id5554# [RSpecRunTime] Finishing example group spec/lib/gitlab/diff/file_collection/commit_spec.rb. It took 5.19 seconds. Expected to take 5.79 seconds.5555# [RSpecRunTime] Starting example group spec/lib/gitlab/ci/pipeline/chain/config/content_spec.rb. Expected to take 5.71 seconds.5556Gitlab::Ci::Pipeline::Chain::Config::Content5557 #perform!5558 when bridge job is passed in as parameter5559 returns the content already available in command5560# [RSpecRunTime] RSpec elapsed time: 21 minutes 22.37 seconds. Current RSS: ~1641M. load average: 1.48 1.29 1.11 1/293 175685561 when config is defined in a custom path in the repository5562 builds root config including the local custom file5563 when config is defined remotely5564 builds root config including the remote config5565 when config is defined in a separate repository5566 builds root config including the path to another repository5567 when path specifies a refname5568 builds root config including the path and refname to another repository5569 when config is defined in the default .gitlab-ci.yml5570 builds root config including the canonical CI config file5571 when config is the Auto-Devops template5572 builds root config including the auto-devops template5573 when config is passed as a parameter5574 uses the parameter content5575 when config is not defined anywhere5576 builds root config including the auto-devops template5577# [RSpecRunTime] Finishing example group spec/lib/gitlab/ci/pipeline/chain/config/content_spec.rb. It took 5.26 seconds. Expected to take 5.71 seconds.5578# [RSpecRunTime] Starting example group spec/views/projects/commit/_commit_box.html.haml_spec.rb. Expected to take 5.49 seconds.5579projects/commit/_commit_box.html.haml5580 shows the commit SHA5581 when there is a pipeline present5582 when pipeline has stages5583 shows pipeline stages in vue5584# [RSpecRunTime] RSpec elapsed time: 21 minutes 28.6 seconds. Current RSS: ~1597M. load average: 1.44 1.29 1.11 1/293 175965585 when there are multiple pipelines for a commit5586 shows the last pipeline5587# [RSpecRunTime] RSpec elapsed time: 21 minutes 29.67 seconds. Current RSS: ~1597M. load average: 1.44 1.29 1.11 1/293 176165588 when pipeline for the commit is blocked5589 shows correct pipeline description5590# [RSpecRunTime] RSpec elapsed time: 21 minutes 30.77 seconds. Current RSS: ~1597M. load average: 1.40 1.28 1.11 1/293 176305591# [RSpecRunTime] Finishing example group spec/views/projects/commit/_commit_box.html.haml_spec.rb. It took 4.5 seconds. Expected to take 5.49 seconds.5592# [RSpecRunTime] Starting example group spec/services/packages/composer/create_package_service_spec.rb. Expected to take 5.39 seconds.5593Packages::Composer::CreatePackageService5594 #execute5595 without an existing package5596 with a branch5597 creates the package5598 behaves like assigns the package creator5599 assigns the package creator5600 behaves like assigns build to package5601 with build info5602 assigns the pipeline to the package5603 behaves like assigns status to package5604 with status param5605 assigns the status to the package5606 with a tag5607 creates the package5608 behaves like assigns the package creator5609 assigns the package creator5610 behaves like assigns build to package5611 with build info5612 assigns the pipeline to the package5613 behaves like assigns status to package5614 with status param5615 assigns the status to the package5616 with an existing package5617 belonging to the same project5618 does not create a new package5619 belonging to another project5620 fails with an error5621 with pending_destruction package5622 creates the package5623# [RSpecRunTime] RSpec elapsed time: 21 minutes 35.12 seconds. Current RSS: ~1597M. load average: 1.40 1.28 1.11 1/293 177245624 same name but of different type5625 creates the package5626# [RSpecRunTime] Finishing example group spec/services/packages/composer/create_package_service_spec.rb. It took 4.93 seconds. Expected to take 5.39 seconds.5627# [RSpecRunTime] Starting example group spec/services/lfs/unlock_file_service_spec.rb. Expected to take 5.23 seconds.5628Lfs::UnlockFileService5629 #execute5630 when not authorized5631 doesn't succeed5632 when authorized5633 when lock does not exists5634 doesn't succeed5635 when unlocked by the author5636 succeeds5637 when unlocked by a different user5638 doesn't succeed5639 when forced5640 by a regular user5641 doesn't succeed5642 by a maintainer user5643 succeeds5644# [RSpecRunTime] Finishing example group spec/services/lfs/unlock_file_service_spec.rb. It took 5.04 seconds. Expected to take 5.23 seconds.5645# [RSpecRunTime] Starting example group spec/policies/deploy_key_policy_spec.rb. Expected to take 5.17 seconds.5646DeployKeyPolicy5647 when deploy key is public5648 and current_user is nil5649 is expected to be disallowed :read_deploy_key5650 is expected to be disallowed :update_deploy_key5651 is expected to be disallowed :update_deploy_key_title5652 and current_user is present5653 is expected to be allowed :read_deploy_key5654 is expected to be disallowed :update_deploy_key5655 is expected to be disallowed :update_deploy_key_title5656 when current_user is admin5657 when admin mode enabled5658 is expected to be allowed :read_deploy_key5659 is expected to be allowed :update_deploy_key5660 is expected to be allowed :update_deploy_key_title5661 when admin mode disabled5662 is expected to be allowed :read_deploy_key5663 is expected to be disallowed :update_deploy_key5664 is expected to be disallowed :update_deploy_key_title5665 when deploy key is private5666 and current_user is nil5667 is expected to be disallowed :read_deploy_key5668 is expected to be disallowed :update_deploy_key5669 is expected to be disallowed :update_deploy_key_title5670 when current_user is admin5671 when admin mode enabled5672 is expected to be allowed :read_deploy_key5673 is expected to be allowed :update_deploy_key5674 is expected to be allowed :update_deploy_key_title5675 when admin mode disabled5676 is expected to be disallowed :read_deploy_key5677 is expected to be disallowed :update_deploy_key5678 is expected to be disallowed :update_deploy_key_title5679 when assigned to the project5680 is expected to be allowed :read_deploy_key5681 is expected to be allowed :update_deploy_key5682 is expected to be allowed :update_deploy_key_title5683 when assigned to another project5684 is expected to be disallowed :read_deploy_key5685 is expected to be disallowed :update_deploy_key5686 is expected to be disallowed :update_deploy_key_title5687 when assigned to miltiple projects5688 is expected to be allowed :read_deploy_key5689 is expected to be allowed :update_deploy_key5690 is expected to be disallowed :update_deploy_key_title5691# [RSpecRunTime] Finishing example group spec/policies/deploy_key_policy_spec.rb. It took 4.6 seconds. Expected to take 5.17 seconds.5692# [RSpecRunTime] Starting example group spec/graphql/resolvers/snippets_resolver_spec.rb. Expected to take 5.02 seconds.5693Resolvers::SnippetsResolver5694 #resolve5695 calls SnippetsFinder5696 when using no filter5697 returns expected snippets5698 when using filters5699 returns the snippets by type5700 returns the snippets by visibility5701 returns snippets to explore5702 returns the snippets by single gid5703 returns the snippets by array of gid5704 generates an error if both project and author are provided5705 by author id5706 returns the snippets5707# [RSpecRunTime] RSpec elapsed time: 21 minutes 48.31 seconds. Current RSS: ~1586M. load average: 1.31 1.27 1.11 1/288 177315708 by project id5709 returns the snippets5710# [RSpecRunTime] Finishing example group spec/graphql/resolvers/snippets_resolver_spec.rb. It took 3.28 seconds. Expected to take 5.02 seconds.5711# [RSpecRunTime] Starting example group spec/services/integrations/propagation/bulk_update_service_spec.rb. Expected to take 5.0 seconds.5712Integrations::Propagation::BulkUpdateService5713 works with batch as an ActiveRecord::Relation5714 works with batch as an array of ActiveRecord objects5715 with different foreign key of data_fields5716 works with batch as an array of ActiveRecord objects5717# [RSpecRunTime] RSpec elapsed time: 21 minutes 50.64 seconds. Current RSS: ~1592M. load average: 1.31 1.27 1.11 1/288 177325718 with a GitLab for Slack app integration5719 updates the SlackIntegration records and scopes, but not aliases5720 avoids N+1 database queries5721 when integration is disabled5722 deletes associated SlackIntegration records5723 deletes associated IntegrationApiScope records5724# [RSpecRunTime] RSpec elapsed time: 21 minutes 52.57 seconds. Current RSS: ~1579M. load average: 1.29 1.26 1.11 1/288 177335725 when flag is disabled5726 does not update associated SlackIntegration record or scopes5727 with inherited integration5728 updates the integration5729 does not change the created_at timestamp5730 sets the updated_at timestamp to the current time5731 with integration with data fields5732 updates the data fields from the integration5733 does not change the created_at timestamp5734 sets the updated_at timestamp to the current time5735# [RSpecRunTime] Finishing example group spec/services/integrations/propagation/bulk_update_service_spec.rb. It took 5.02 seconds. Expected to take 5.0 seconds.5736# [RSpecRunTime] Starting example group spec/uploaders/packages/composer/cache_uploader_spec.rb. Expected to take 4.77 seconds.5737Packages::Composer::CacheUploader5738 behaves like builds correct paths5739 #store_dir5740 behaves like matches the method pattern5741 is expected to match /^\h{2}\/\h{2}\/\h{64}\/packages\/composer_cache\/\d+$/5742 #cache_dir5743 behaves like matches the method pattern5744 is expected to match /\/packages\/tmp\/cache/5745 #work_dir5746 behaves like matches the method pattern5747 is expected to match /\/packages\/tmp\/work/5748 #upload_path5749 behaves like matches the method pattern5750 example at ./spec/support/shared_examples/uploaders/gitlab_uploader_shared_examples.rb:8 (PENDING: No pattern provided, skipping.)5751 #relative_path5752 is relative (PENDING: Path not set, skipping.)5753 .absolute_path5754 behaves like matches the method pattern5755 example at ./spec/support/shared_examples/uploaders/gitlab_uploader_shared_examples.rb:8 (PENDING: No pattern provided, skipping.)5756 .base_dir5757 behaves like matches the method pattern5758 example at ./spec/support/shared_examples/uploaders/gitlab_uploader_shared_examples.rb:8 (PENDING: No pattern provided, skipping.)5759 path traversal exploits5760 throws an exception5761 object store is remote5762 behaves like builds correct paths5763 #store_dir5764 behaves like matches the method pattern5765 is expected to match /^\h{2}\/\h{2}\/\h{64}\/packages\/composer_cache\/\d+$/5766 #cache_dir5767 behaves like matches the method pattern5768 example at ./spec/support/shared_examples/uploaders/gitlab_uploader_shared_examples.rb:8 (PENDING: No pattern provided, skipping.)5769 #work_dir5770 behaves like matches the method pattern5771 example at ./spec/support/shared_examples/uploaders/gitlab_uploader_shared_examples.rb:8 (PENDING: No pattern provided, skipping.)5772 #upload_path5773 behaves like matches the method pattern5774 example at ./spec/support/shared_examples/uploaders/gitlab_uploader_shared_examples.rb:8 (PENDING: No pattern provided, skipping.)5775 #relative_path5776 is relative (PENDING: Path not set, skipping.)5777 .absolute_path5778 behaves like matches the method pattern5779 example at ./spec/support/shared_examples/uploaders/gitlab_uploader_shared_examples.rb:8 (PENDING: No pattern provided, skipping.)5780 .base_dir5781 behaves like matches the method pattern5782 example at ./spec/support/shared_examples/uploaders/gitlab_uploader_shared_examples.rb:8 (PENDING: No pattern provided, skipping.)5783 path traversal exploits5784 throws an exception5785 remote file5786 with object storage enabled5787 can store file remotely5788# [RSpecRunTime] Finishing example group spec/uploaders/packages/composer/cache_uploader_spec.rb. It took 4.06 seconds. Expected to take 4.77 seconds.5789# [RSpecRunTime] Starting example group spec/models/users/group_visit_spec.rb. Expected to take 4.67 seconds.5790Users::GroupVisit5791 does not allow STI5792 behaves like namespace visits model5793 is expected to validate that :entity_id cannot be empty/falsy5794 is expected to validate that :user_id cannot be empty/falsy5795 is expected to validate that :visited_at cannot be empty/falsy5796 #visited_around?5797 when the checked time matches a recent visit5798 returns true5799 returns true5800 when the checked time does not match a recent visit5801 returns false5802 returns false5803 #frecent_visits_scores5804 when there is lots of data5805 returns the frecent items, sorted by their frecency score5806 limits the amount of returned entries5807 when there is few data5808 returns the frecent items, sorted by their frecency score5809 behaves like cleanup by a loose foreign key5810 cleans up (delete or nullify) the model5811 #frecent_groups5812 returns the associated frecently visited groups5813 behaves like cleanup by a loose foreign key5814 cleans up (delete or nullify) the model5815# [RSpecRunTime] Finishing example group spec/models/users/group_visit_spec.rb. It took 3.59 seconds. Expected to take 4.67 seconds.5816# [RSpecRunTime] Starting example group spec/services/ci/create_pipeline_service/parallel_spec.rb. Expected to take 4.57 seconds.5817Ci::CreatePipelineService5818 job:parallel5819 numeric5820 creates the pipeline5821 creates 3 jobs5822# [RSpecRunTime] RSpec elapsed time: 22 minutes 3.02 seconds. Current RSS: ~1585M. load average: 1.40 1.29 1.12 1/292 177545823 matrix5824 creates the pipeline5825 creates 4 builds with the corresponding matrix variables5826 when a bridge is using parallel:matrix5827 creates the pipeline5828 creates 1 build and 4 bridges with the corresponding matrix variables5829# [RSpecRunTime] RSpec elapsed time: 22 minutes 5.19 seconds. Current RSS: ~1580M. load average: 1.40 1.29 1.12 1/293 177715830# [RSpecRunTime] Finishing example group spec/services/ci/create_pipeline_service/parallel_spec.rb. It took 3.9 seconds. Expected to take 4.57 seconds.5831# [RSpecRunTime] Starting example group spec/services/packages/pypi/create_package_service_spec.rb. Expected to take 4.48 seconds.5832Packages::Pypi::CreatePackageService5833 #execute5834 without an existing package5835 creates the package5836 with FIPS mode5837 does not generate file_md55838 without required_python5839 creates the package5840 with additional metadata5841 creates the package5842 behaves like saves a very long metadata field5843 truncates the field5844 behaves like saves a very long metadata field5845 truncates the field5846 with an invalid metadata5847 behaves like returning an error service response5848 returns an error service response5849 is expected to have attributes {:reason => :invalid_parameter}5850 behaves like assigns the package creator5851 assigns the package creator5852 behaves like assigns build to package5853 with build info5854 assigns the pipeline to the package5855# [RSpecRunTime] RSpec elapsed time: 22 minutes 9.21 seconds. Current RSS: ~1580M. load average: 1.37 1.28 1.11 1/293 177725856 behaves like assigns status to package5857 with status param5858 assigns the status to the package5859 with an existing package5860 with an existing file5861 does not create a pypi package5862 behaves like returning an error service response5863 returns an error service response5864 is expected to have attributes {:reason => :invalid_parameter}5865 with a pending_destruction package5866 creates a new package5867 without an existing file5868 adds the file5869# [RSpecRunTime] Finishing example group spec/services/packages/pypi/create_package_service_spec.rb. It took 5.07 seconds. Expected to take 4.48 seconds.5870# [RSpecRunTime] Starting example group spec/lib/gitlab/github_import/representation/diff_note_spec.rb. Expected to take 4.36 seconds.5871Gitlab::GithubImport::Representation::DiffNote5872 .from_api_response5873 behaves like a DiffNote representation5874 returns an instance of DiffNote5875 the returned DiffNote5876 includes the number of the merge request5877 includes the file path of the diff5878 includes the commit ID5879 includes the created timestamp5880 includes the updated timestamp5881 includes the GitHub ID5882 returns the noteable type5883 #diff_hash5884 returns a Hash containing the diff details5885 #diff_position5886 when the diff is an addition5887 returns a Gitlab::Diff::Position5888 when the diff is an deletion5889 returns a Gitlab::Diff::Position5890 #github_identifiers5891 returns a hash with needed identifiers5892 #line_code5893 generates the proper line code5894 when comment on file5895 generates line code for first line5896 #note and #contains_suggestion?5897 includes the note body5898 when the note have a suggestion5899 returns the suggestion formatted in the note5900 when the note have a multiline suggestion5901 returns the multi-line suggestion formatted in the note5902 #author5903 includes the user details5904 when the author is empty5905 does not set the user if the response did not include a user5906 #discussion_id5907 finds or generates discussion_id value5908 .from_json_hash5909 behaves like a DiffNote representation5910 returns an instance of DiffNote5911 the returned DiffNote5912 includes the number of the merge request5913 includes the file path of the diff5914 includes the commit ID5915 includes the created timestamp5916 includes the updated timestamp5917 includes the GitHub ID5918 returns the noteable type5919 #diff_hash5920 returns a Hash containing the diff details5921 #diff_position5922 when the diff is an addition5923 returns a Gitlab::Diff::Position5924 when the diff is an deletion5925 returns a Gitlab::Diff::Position5926 #github_identifiers5927 returns a hash with needed identifiers5928 #line_code5929 generates the proper line code5930 when comment on file5931 generates line code for first line5932 #note and #contains_suggestion?5933 includes the note body5934 when the note have a suggestion5935 returns the suggestion formatted in the note5936 when the note have a multiline suggestion5937 returns the multi-line suggestion formatted in the note5938 #author5939 includes the user details5940 when the author is empty5941 does not set the user if the response did not include a user5942# [RSpecRunTime] Finishing example group spec/lib/gitlab/github_import/representation/diff_note_spec.rb. It took 3.69 seconds. Expected to take 4.36 seconds.5943# [RSpecRunTime] Starting example group spec/lib/gitlab/instrumentation_helper_spec.rb. Expected to take 4.31 seconds.5944Gitlab::InstrumentationHelper5945 .add_instrumentation_data5946 includes DB counts5947 logs cpu_s duration5948 logs the process ID5949 logs the worker ID5950 includes DB counts5951 when Gitaly calls are made5952 adds Gitaly and Redis data5953# [RSpecRunTime] RSpec elapsed time: 22 minutes 15.12 seconds. Current RSS: ~1612M. load average: 1.34 1.28 1.11 1/288 177735954 when Redis calls are made5955 adds Redis data including cross slot calls5956 when LDAP requests are made5957 adds LDAP data5958 when the request matched a Rack::Attack safelist5959 logs the safelist name5960 rate-limiting gates5961 when the request did not pass through any rate-limiting gates5962 logs an empty array of gates5963 when the request passed through rate-limiting gates5964 logs an array of gates used5965 when logging memory allocations5966 logs memory usage metrics5967 when replica caught up search was made5968 includes related metrics5969 when only a single counter was updated5970 includes only that counter into logging5971 when there is an uploaded file5972 adds upload data5973 when an api call to the search api is made5974 adds search data5975 when an excluside lock is made5976 adds excluside lock data5977 when an excluside lock is not made5978 does not add excluside lock data5979 .queue_duration_for_job5980 enqueued_at: "2019-06-01T00:00:00.000+0000", created_at: nil, time_now: "2019-06-01T02:00:00.000+0000", expected_duration: 7200.05981 returns the correct duration5982 enqueued_at: "2019-06-01T02:00:00.000+0000", created_at: "2019-05-01T02:00:00.000+0000", time_now: "2019-06-01T02:00:01.000+0000", expected_duration: 15983 returns the correct duration5984 enqueued_at: nil, created_at: nil, time_now: "2019-06-01T02:00:00.001+0000", expected_duration: nil5985 returns the correct duration5986 enqueued_at: "2019-06-01T02:00:00.000+0200", created_at: nil, time_now: "2019-06-01T02:00:00.000-0200", expected_duration: 14400.05987 returns the correct duration5988 enqueued_at: 1571825569, created_at: nil, time_now: "2019-10-23T12:13:16.000+0200", expected_duration: 275989 returns the correct duration5990 enqueued_at: "invalid_date", created_at: nil, time_now: "2019-10-23T12:13:16.000+0200", expected_duration: nil5991 returns the correct duration5992 enqueued_at: "", created_at: nil, time_now: "2019-10-23T12:13:16.000+0200", expected_duration: nil5993 returns the correct duration5994 enqueued_at: 0, created_at: nil, time_now: "2019-10-23T12:13:16.000+0200", expected_duration: nil5995 returns the correct duration5996 enqueued_at: -1, created_at: nil, time_now: "2019-10-23T12:13:16.000+0200", expected_duration: nil5997 returns the correct duration5998 enqueued_at: "2019-06-01T02:00:00.000+0000", created_at: nil, time_now: "2019-06-01T00:00:00.000+0000", expected_duration: 05999 returns the correct duration6000 enqueued_at: 2019-10-25 10:27:13 UTC, created_at: nil, time_now: "2019-10-25T12:29:16.000+0200", expected_duration: 1236001 returns the correct duration6002 .enqueue_latency_for_scheduled_job6003 scheduled_at: "2019-06-01T02:00:00.000+0000", enqueued_at: "2019-06-01T02:00:00.001+0000", expected_duration: 0.0016004 returns the correct duration6005 scheduled_at: "2019-06-01T02:00:00.000+0000", enqueued_at: "2019-06-01T02:00:01.000+0000", expected_duration: 16006 returns the correct duration6007 scheduled_at: "2019-06-01T02:00:00.000+0000", enqueued_at: nil, expected_duration: nil6008 returns the correct duration6009 scheduled_at: nil, enqueued_at: "2019-06-01T02:00:01.000+0000", expected_duration: nil6010 returns the correct duration6011# [RSpecRunTime] Finishing example group spec/lib/gitlab/instrumentation_helper_spec.rb. It took 3.76 seconds. Expected to take 4.31 seconds.6012# [RSpecRunTime] Starting example group spec/models/bulk_imports/export_status_spec.rb. Expected to take 4.23 seconds.6013BulkImports::ExportStatus6014 does not allow STI6015 #started?6016 when export status is started6017 returns true6018 when export status is not started6019 returns false6020 when export status is not present6021 returns false6022 when something goes wrong during export status fetch6023 returns false6024 #failed?6025 when export status is failed6026 returns true6027 when export status is not failed6028 returns false6029 when export status is not present6030 returns false6031 when something goes wrong during export status fetch6032 returns true6033 #empty?6034 when export status is present6035 is expected to eq false6036 when export status is not present6037 returns true6038 when export status is empty6039 returns true6040 when something goes wrong during export status fetch6041 returns false6042 #error6043 returns error message6044 when something goes wrong during export status fetch6045 raises RetryPipelineError6046 when error is not retriable6047 returns exception class as error6048 when error raised is not a network error6049 returns exception class as error6050 batching information6051 #batched?6052 when export is batched6053 returns true6054 when export is not batched6055 returns false6056 when export batch information is missing6057 returns false6058 #batches_count6059 when batches count is present6060 returns batches count6061 when batches count is missing6062 returns 06063 #batch6064 when export is batched6065 when batch number is in range6066 returns batch information6067 when batch number is less than 16068 raises error6069 when export is not batched6070 returns nil6071 caching6072 when export status is started6073 behaves like does not result in a cached status6074 is expected to be nil6075 when export status is failed6076 behaves like results in a cached status6077 is expected to include {"status" => -1}6078 when something goes wrong during export status fetch6079 is expected to be nil6080 when export status is finished6081 behaves like results in a cached status6082 is expected to include {"status" => 1}6083 when something goes wrong during export status fetch6084 is expected to be nil6085 when export status is not present6086 behaves like does not result in a cached status6087 is expected to be nil6088 when the cache is empty6089 fetches the status from the remote6090 when the cache is not empty6091 does not fetch the status from the remote6092 with a different entity6093 fetches the status from the remote6094 with a different relation6095 fetches the status from the remote6096 #total_objects_count6097 when status is present6098 returns total objects count6099 when status is not present due to an error6100 returns 06101# [RSpecRunTime] Finishing example group spec/models/bulk_imports/export_status_spec.rb. It took 3.95 seconds. Expected to take 4.23 seconds.6102# [RSpecRunTime] Starting example group spec/presenters/group_member_presenter_spec.rb. Expected to take 4.15 seconds.6103GroupMemberPresenter6104 #can_resend_invite?6105 when group_member is invited6106 and user can admin_group_member6107 is expected to eq true6108 and user cannot admin_group_member6109 is expected to eq false6110 when group_member is not invited6111 and user can admin_group_member6112 is expected to eq false6113 and user cannot admin_group_member6114 is expected to eq false6115 #last_owner?6116 when member is the last owner of the group6117 is expected to eq true6118 when member is not the last owner of the group6119 is expected to eq false6120 #can_update?6121 when user can update_group_member6122 is expected to eq true6123 when user cannot update_group_member6124 is expected to eq false6125 #can_remove?6126 when user can destroy_group_member6127 is expected to eq true6128 when user cannot destroy_group_member6129 is expected to eq false6130 #can_approve?6131 when group_member has request an invite6132 when user can update_group_member6133 is expected to eq true6134 when user cannot update_group_member6135 is expected to eq false6136 when group_member did not request an invite6137 when user can update_group_member6138 is expected to eq false6139 when user cannot update_group_member6140 is expected to eq false6141 behaves like #valid_level_roles6142 when no parent member is present6143 returns all permissible roles6144 when parent member is present6145 returns higher roles when a parent member is present6146 when access request to parent is pending6147 returns all permissible roles6148# [RSpecRunTime] RSpec elapsed time: 22 minutes 25.0 seconds. Current RSS: ~1628M. load average: 1.37 1.28 1.12 1/288 177746149# [RSpecRunTime] Finishing example group spec/presenters/group_member_presenter_spec.rb. It took 3.33 seconds. Expected to take 4.15 seconds.6150# [RSpecRunTime] Starting example group spec/services/jira_import/users_importer_spec.rb. Expected to take 4.06 seconds.6151JiraImport::UsersImporter6152 #execute6153 when Jira import is not configured properly6154 returns an error6155 when Jira instance is of Server deployment type6156 behaves like maps Jira users to GitLab users6157 when Jira import is configured correctly6158 when users mapper service raises an error6159 returns an error response6160 when users mapper service returns result6161 when users mapper service returns an empty array6162 returns nil payload6163 when Jira client returns any users6164 returns the mapped users6165 when Jira instance is of Cloud deployment type6166 behaves like maps Jira users to GitLab users6167 when Jira import is configured correctly6168 when users mapper service raises an error6169 returns an error response6170 when users mapper service returns result6171 when users mapper service returns an empty array6172 returns nil payload6173 when Jira client returns any users6174 returns the mapped users6175# [RSpecRunTime] Finishing example group spec/services/jira_import/users_importer_spec.rb. It took 3.7 seconds. Expected to take 4.06 seconds.6176# [RSpecRunTime] Starting example group spec/lib/gitlab/slash_commands/run_spec.rb. Expected to take 3.99 seconds.6177Gitlab::SlashCommands::Run6178 .match6179 returns true for a run command6180 returns true for a run command with arguments6181 returns true for a command containing newlines6182 returns false for an unrelated command6183 .available?6184 returns true when builds are enabled for the project6185 returns false when builds are disabled for the project6186 .allowed?6187 returns true when the user can create a pipeline6188 returns false when the user can not create a pipeline6189# [RSpecRunTime] RSpec elapsed time: 22 minutes 30.58 seconds. Current RSS: ~1622M. load average: 1.34 1.28 1.12 1/288 177756190 #execute6191 when a pipeline could not be scheduled6192 returns an error6193 when a pipeline could be created but the chat service was not supported6194 returns an error6195 using a valid pipeline6196 schedules the pipeline6197# [RSpecRunTime] Finishing example group spec/lib/gitlab/slash_commands/run_spec.rb. It took 3.49 seconds. Expected to take 3.99 seconds.6198# [RSpecRunTime] Starting example group spec/rubocop/cop/rspec/have_gitlab_http_status_spec.rb. Expected to take 3.89 seconds.6199RuboCop::Cop::RSpec::HaveGitlabHttpStatus6200 partially autocorrects invalid numeric status6201 bad: "have_http_status(-1)", good: "have_gitlab_http_status(-1)"6202 registers an offense6203 does not autocorrect6204 ignore6205 code: "have_http_status"6206 does not register an offense6207 code: "have_http_status { }"6208 does not register an offense6209 code: "have_http_status(200, arg)"6210 does not register an offense6211 code: "have_gitlab_http_status"6212 does not register an offense6213 code: "have_gitlab_http_status { }"6214 does not register an offense6215 code: "have_gitlab_http_status(200, arg)"6216 does not register an offense6217 code: "expect(response.status).to eq(arg)"6218 does not register an offense6219 code: "expect(response.status).to eq(:ok)"6220 does not register an offense6221 code: "expect(response.status).to some_matcher(200)"6222 does not register an offense6223 code: "expect(response.status).not_to eq(arg)"6224 does not register an offense6225 code: "expect(response.status).not_to eq(:ok)"6226 does not register an offense6227 code: "expect(response.status).not_to some_matcher(200)"6228 does not register an offense6229 code: "expect(result.status).to eq(200)"6230 does not register an offense6231 code: "expect(result.status).not_to eq(200)"6232 does not register an offense6233 code: "response = some_assignment\nexpect(response.status).to eq(200)\n"6234 does not register an offense6235 code: "response = some_assignment\nexpect(response.status).not_to eq(200)\n"6236 does not register an offense6237 offenses and autocorrections6238 bad: "have_http_status(:ok)", good: "have_gitlab_http_status(:ok)"6239 registers an offense6240 does not register an offense6241 bad: "have_http_status(204)", good: "have_gitlab_http_status(:no_content)"6242 registers an offense6243 does not register an offense6244 bad: "have_gitlab_http_status(201)", good: "have_gitlab_http_status(:created)"6245 registers an offense6246 does not register an offense6247 bad: "have_http_status(var)", good: "have_gitlab_http_status(var)"6248 registers an offense6249 does not register an offense6250 bad: "have_http_status(:success)", good: "have_gitlab_http_status(:success)"6251 registers an offense6252 does not register an offense6253 bad: "have_http_status(:invalid)", good: "have_gitlab_http_status(:invalid)"6254 registers an offense6255 does not register an offense6256 bad: "expect(response.status).to eq(200)", good: "expect(response).to have_gitlab_http_status(:ok)"6257 registers an offense6258 does not register an offense6259 bad: "expect(response.status).not_to eq(200)", good: "expect(response).not_to have_gitlab_http_status(:ok)"6260 registers an offense6261 does not register an offense6262# [RSpecRunTime] Finishing example group spec/rubocop/cop/rspec/have_gitlab_http_status_spec.rb. It took 3.52 seconds. Expected to take 3.89 seconds.6263# [RSpecRunTime] Starting example group spec/services/database/consistency_fix_service_spec.rb. Expected to take 3.8 seconds.6264Database::ConsistencyFixService6265 #execute6266 fixing namespaces inconsistencies6267 when both objects exist6268 creates a Namespaces::SyncEvent to modify the target object6269 enqueues the worker to process the Namespaces::SyncEvents6270 when the source object has been deleted, but not the target6271 deletes the target object6272 fixing projects inconsistencies6273 when both objects exist6274 creates a Projects::SyncEvent to modify the target object6275 enqueues the worker to process the Projects::SyncEvents6276 when the source object has been deleted, but not the target6277 deletes the target object6278 #create_sync_event_for6279 when the source model is Namespace6280 creates a Namespaces::SyncEvent object6281 when the source model is Project6282 creates a Projects::SyncEvent object6283 when the source model is User6284 raises an error6285# [RSpecRunTime] Finishing example group spec/services/database/consistency_fix_service_spec.rb. It took 2.93 seconds. Expected to take 3.8 seconds.6286# [RSpecRunTime] Starting example group spec/graphql/mutations/todos/mark_all_done_spec.rb. Expected to take 3.75 seconds.6287Mutations::Todos::MarkAllDone6288 is expected to require graphql authorizations :update_user6289 #resolve6290 marks all pending todos as done6291 behaves as expected if there are no todos for the requesting user6292 when user is not logged in6293 fails with the expected error6294# [RSpecRunTime] RSpec elapsed time: 22 minutes 41.93 seconds. Current RSS: ~1595M. load average: 1.33 1.28 1.12 1/288 177766295# [RSpecRunTime] Finishing example group spec/graphql/mutations/todos/mark_all_done_spec.rb. It took 3.3 seconds. Expected to take 3.75 seconds.6296# [RSpecRunTime] Starting example group spec/finders/ci/freeze_periods_finder_spec.rb. Expected to take 3.67 seconds.6297Ci::FreezePeriodsFinder6298 when user is not a project member6299 behaves like returns nothing6300 is expected to be empty6301 when project is public6302 behaves like returns nothing6303 is expected to be empty6304 when user is a guest6305 behaves like returns nothing6306 is expected to be empty6307 when user is a developer6308 behaves like returns freeze_periods ordered by created_at asc6309 returns freeze_periods ordered by created_at6310 when user is a maintainer6311 behaves like returns freeze_periods ordered by created_at asc6312 returns freeze_periods ordered by created_at6313# [RSpecRunTime] Finishing example group spec/finders/ci/freeze_periods_finder_spec.rb. It took 3.47 seconds. Expected to take 3.67 seconds.6314# [RSpecRunTime] Starting example group spec/services/merge_requests/update_reviewer_state_service_spec.rb. Expected to take 3.64 seconds.6315MergeRequests::UpdateReviewerStateService6316 #execute6317 invalid permissions6318 behaves like failed service execution6319 returns an error6320 behaves like does not trigger GraphQL subscription mergeRequestReviewersUpdated6321 is expected not to receive merge_request_reviewers_updated(*(any args)) 0 times6322# [RSpecRunTime] RSpec elapsed time: 22 minutes 46.92 seconds. Current RSS: ~1584M. load average: 1.30 1.28 1.12 1/294 178176323 reviewer exists6324 returns success6325 updates reviewers state6326 does not call MergeRequests::RemoveApprovalService6327 behaves like triggers GraphQL subscription mergeRequestReviewersUpdated6328 is expected to receive merge_request_reviewers_updated(#<MergeRequest id:245 namespace721/project-881!1>) 1 time6329# [RSpecRunTime] RSpec elapsed time: 22 minutes 48.01 seconds. Current RSS: ~1587M. load average: 1.30 1.28 1.12 1/294 178186330 when reviewer has approved6331 removes approval when state is requested_changes6332 renders error when remove approval service fails6333# [RSpecRunTime] Finishing example group spec/services/merge_requests/update_reviewer_state_service_spec.rb. It took 3.12 seconds. Expected to take 3.64 seconds.6334# [RSpecRunTime] Starting example group spec/graphql/mutations/container_repositories/destroy_tags_spec.rb. Expected to take 3.58 seconds.6335Mutations::ContainerRepositories::DestroyTags6336 is expected to require graphql authorizations :destroy_container_image6337 #resolve6338 with valid id6339 user_role: :maintainer, shared_examples_name: "destroying container repository tags"6340 behaves like destroying container repository tags6341 destroys the container repository tags6342 creates a package event6343# [RSpecRunTime] RSpec elapsed time: 22 minutes 49.82 seconds. Current RSS: ~1593M. load average: 1.30 1.28 1.12 1/293 178196344 user_role: :developer, shared_examples_name: "destroying container repository tags"6345 behaves like destroying container repository tags6346 destroys the container repository tags6347 creates a package event6348 user_role: :reporter, shared_examples_name: "denying access to container respository"6349 behaves like denying access to container respository6350 raises an error6351 user_role: :guest, shared_examples_name: "denying access to container respository"6352 behaves like denying access to container respository6353 raises an error6354 user_role: :anonymous, shared_examples_name: "denying access to container respository"6355 behaves like denying access to container respository6356 raises an error6357 with non-existing id6358 behaves like denying access to container respository6359 raises an error6360 with service error6361 is expected to eq {:deleted_tag_names=>[], :errors=>["could not delete tags"]}6362 does not create a package event6363# [RSpecRunTime] Finishing example group spec/graphql/mutations/container_repositories/destroy_tags_spec.rb. It took 3.21 seconds. Expected to take 3.58 seconds.6364# [RSpecRunTime] Starting example group spec/services/clusters/agents/authorize_proxy_user_service_spec.rb. Expected to take 3.49 seconds.6365Clusters::Agents::AuthorizeProxyUserService6366 returns forbidden when user has no access to any project6367 when config is empty6368 returns an error6369# [RSpecRunTime] RSpec elapsed time: 22 minutes 53.14 seconds. Current RSS: ~1595M. load average: 1.28 1.27 1.12 1/293 178206370 when user is member of an authorized group6371 authorizes developers6372 does not authorize reporters6373 when user is member of an authorized project6374 authorizes developers6375 does not authorize reporters6376# [RSpecRunTime] Finishing example group spec/services/clusters/agents/authorize_proxy_user_service_spec.rb. It took 2.9 seconds. Expected to take 3.49 seconds.6377# [RSpecRunTime] Starting example group spec/lib/gitlab/github_import/importer/events/changed_milestone_spec.rb. Expected to take 3.42 seconds.6378Gitlab::GithubImport::Importer::Events::ChangedMilestone6379 #execute6380 with Issue6381 when importing a milestoned event6382 behaves like new event6383 when a matching milestone exists in GitLab6384 creates a new milestone event6385 when a matching milestone does not exist in GitLab6386 does not create a new milestone event without a milestone6387 when importing demilestoned event6388 behaves like new event6389 when a matching milestone exists in GitLab6390 creates a new milestone event6391 when a matching milestone does not exist in GitLab6392 does not create a new milestone event without a milestone6393 with MergeRequest6394 when importing a milestoned event6395 behaves like new event6396 when a matching milestone exists in GitLab6397 creates a new milestone event6398 when a matching milestone does not exist in GitLab6399 does not create a new milestone event without a milestone6400 when importing demilestoned event6401 behaves like new event6402 when a matching milestone exists in GitLab6403 creates a new milestone event6404 when a matching milestone does not exist in GitLab6405 does not create a new milestone event without a milestone6406# [RSpecRunTime] Finishing example group spec/lib/gitlab/github_import/importer/events/changed_milestone_spec.rb. It took 3.1 seconds. Expected to take 3.42 seconds.6407# [RSpecRunTime] Starting example group spec/lib/gitlab/github_import/importer/diff_note_importer_spec.rb. Expected to take 3.35 seconds.6408Gitlab::GithubImport::Importer::DiffNoteImporter6409 #execute6410 when the merge request no longer exists6411 does not import anything6412 when the merge request exists6413 behaves like diff notes without suggestion6414 imports the note as legacy diff note6415 adds a "created by:" note when the author cannot be found6416 when the note has suggestions6417 imports the note as diff note6418 when the note diff file creation fails with DiffNoteCreationError due to outdated suggestion6419 falls back to the LegacyDiffNote6420 when the note diff file creation fails with NoteDiffFileCreationError6421 falls back to the LegacyDiffNote6422 when diff note is invalid6423 fails validation6424# [RSpecRunTime] Finishing example group spec/lib/gitlab/github_import/importer/diff_note_importer_spec.rb. It took 2.33 seconds. Expected to take 3.35 seconds.6425# [RSpecRunTime] Starting example group spec/lib/gitlab/cleanup/orphan_job_artifact_files_spec.rb. Expected to take 3.34 seconds.6426Gitlab::Cleanup::OrphanJobArtifactFiles6427 passes on dry_run6428 errors when invalid niceness is given6429 passes correct arguments to ionice6430 finds job artifacts on disk6431 does not find pipeline artifacts on disk6432 stops when limit is reached6433 cleans even if batch is not full6434 cleans in batches6435# [RSpecRunTime] Finishing example group spec/lib/gitlab/cleanup/orphan_job_artifact_files_spec.rb. It took 2.28 seconds. Expected to take 3.34 seconds.6436# [RSpecRunTime] RSpec elapsed time: 23 minutes 2.5 seconds. Current RSS: ~1603M. load average: 1.40 1.30 1.13 1/294 180236437# [RSpecRunTime] Starting example group spec/lib/api/ml/mlflow/api_helpers_spec.rb. Expected to take 3.27 seconds.6438API::Ml::Mlflow::ApiHelpers6439 #model_filter_params6440 input: "", output: {}6441 is correct6442 input: "name=\"\"", output: {:name=>""}6443 is correct6444 input: "name=foo", output: {:name=>"foo"}6445 is correct6446 input: "name=\"foo\"", output: {:name=>"foo"}6447 is correct6448 input: "invalid=\"foo\"", output: {}6449 is correct6450 #gitlab_tags6451 when tags param is not supplied6452 returns nil6453 when tags param is supplied6454 input: [], output: nil6455 is correct6456 input: [{}], output: {}6457 is correct6458 input: [{:key=>"foo", :value=>"bar"}], output: {}6459 is correct6460 input: [{:key=>"gitlab.version", :value=>"1.2.3"}], output: {"version"=>"1.2.3"}6461 is correct6462 input: [{:key=>"foo", :value=>"bar"}, {:key=>"", :value=>"baz"}], output: {"foo"=>"baz"}6463 is correct6464 #candidates_order_params6465 input: "", order_by: nil, order_by_type: nil, sort: nil6466 is correct6467 input: "created_at", order_by: "created_at", order_by_type: "column", sort: nil6468 is correct6469 input: "created_at ASC", order_by: "created_at", order_by_type: "column", sort: "ASC"6470 is correct6471 input: "metrics.something", order_by: "something", order_by_type: "metric", sort: nil6472 is correct6473 input: "metrics.something asc", order_by: "something", order_by_type: "metric", sort: "asc"6474 is correct6475 input: "metrics.something.blah asc", order_by: "something", order_by_type: "metric", sort: "asc"6476 is correct6477 input: "params.something ASC", order_by: nil, order_by_type: nil, sort: "ASC"6478 is correct6479 input: "metadata.something ASC", order_by: nil, order_by_type: nil, sort: "ASC"6480 is correct6481 #custom_version6482 input: [], output: nil6483 is correct6484 input: [{}], output: nil6485 is correct6486 input: [{:key=>"foo", :value=>"bar"}], output: nil6487 is correct6488 input: [{:key=>"gitlab.version", :value=>"1.2.3"}], output: "1.2.3"6489 is correct6490 input: [{:key=>"foo", :value=>"bar"}, {:key=>"", :value=>"baz"}], output: nil6491 is correct6492 #model_order_params6493 input: "", order_by: "name", sort: "asc"6494 is correct6495 input: "name", order_by: "name", sort: "asc"6496 is correct6497 input: "name DESC", order_by: "name", sort: "desc"6498 is correct6499 input: "last_updated_timestamp", order_by: "updated_at", sort: "asc"6500 is correct6501 input: "last_updated_timestamp asc", order_by: "updated_at", sort: "asc"6502 is correct6503 input: "last_updated_timestamp DESC", order_by: "updated_at", sort: "desc"6504 is correct6505# [RSpecRunTime] Finishing example group spec/lib/api/ml/mlflow/api_helpers_spec.rb. It took 2.96 seconds. Expected to take 3.27 seconds.6506# [RSpecRunTime] Starting example group spec/lib/gitlab/import_export/saver_spec.rb. Expected to take 3.21 seconds.6507Gitlab::ImportExport::Saver6508 saves the repo using object storage6509 logs metrics after saving6510 removes archive path and keeps base path untouched6511 when save throws an exception6512 logs a saver error6513# [RSpecRunTime] RSpec elapsed time: 23 minutes 7.94 seconds. Current RSS: ~1604M. load average: 1.36 1.29 1.13 2/296 180386514# [RSpecRunTime] Finishing example group spec/lib/gitlab/import_export/saver_spec.rb. It took 2.57 seconds. Expected to take 3.21 seconds.6515# [RSpecRunTime] Starting example group spec/uploaders/file_mover_spec.rb. Expected to take 3.17 seconds.6516FileMover6517 #execute6518 local storage6519 when move and field update successful6520 updates the description correctly6521 updates existing upload record6522 when update_markdown fails6523 does not update the description6524 does not change the upload record6525 when tmp uploader is not local storage6526 when move and field update successful6527 updates the description correctly6528 creates new target upload record an delete the old upload6529 when update_markdown fails6530 does not update the description6531 does not change the upload record6532 security6533 when relative path is involved6534 does not trigger move if path is outside designated directory6535 when symlink is involved6536 does not trigger move if path is outside designated directory6537# [RSpecRunTime] Finishing example group spec/uploaders/file_mover_spec.rb. It took 2.95 seconds. Expected to take 3.17 seconds.6538# [RSpecRunTime] Starting example group spec/lib/gitlab/middleware/compressed_json_spec.rb. Expected to take 3.08 seconds.6539Gitlab::Middleware::CompressedJson6540 #call6541 with packages route6542 with instance level endpoint6543 with npm advisory bulk url6544 behaves like decompress middleware6545 replaces input with a decompressed content6546 behaves like decompress middleware6547 replaces input with a decompressed content6548 with npm quick audit url6549 behaves like decompress middleware6550 replaces input with a decompressed content6551 behaves like decompress middleware6552 replaces input with a decompressed content6553 with project level endpoint6554 with npm advisory bulk url6555 behaves like decompress middleware6556 replaces input with a decompressed content6557 behaves like decompress middleware6558 replaces input with a decompressed content6559 behaves like handles non integer ID6560 with a URL-encoded ID6561 behaves like decompress middleware6562 replaces input with a decompressed content6563 with a non URL-encoded ID6564 behaves like passes input6565 keeps the original input6566 with a blank ID6567 behaves like passes input6568 keeps the original input6569 with npm quick audit url6570 behaves like decompress middleware6571 replaces input with a decompressed content6572 behaves like decompress middleware6573 replaces input with a decompressed content6574 behaves like handles non integer ID6575 with a URL-encoded ID6576 behaves like decompress middleware6577 replaces input with a decompressed content6578 with a non URL-encoded ID6579 behaves like passes input6580 keeps the original input6581 with a blank ID6582 behaves like passes input6583 keeps the original input6584 with group level endpoint6585 with npm advisory bulk url6586 behaves like decompress middleware6587 replaces input with a decompressed content6588 behaves like decompress middleware6589 replaces input with a decompressed content6590 behaves like handles non integer ID6591 with a URL-encoded ID6592 behaves like decompress middleware6593 replaces input with a decompressed content6594 with a non URL-encoded ID6595 behaves like passes input6596 keeps the original input6597 with a blank ID6598 behaves like passes input6599 keeps the original input6600 with npm quick audit url6601 behaves like decompress middleware6602 replaces input with a decompressed content6603 behaves like decompress middleware6604 replaces input with a decompressed content6605 behaves like handles non integer ID6606 with a URL-encoded ID6607 behaves like decompress middleware6608 replaces input with a decompressed content6609 with a non URL-encoded ID6610 behaves like passes input6611 keeps the original input6612 with a blank ID6613 behaves like passes input6614 keeps the original input6615 with some other route6616 behaves like passes input6617 keeps the original input6618 with the wrong project path6619 behaves like passes input6620 keeps the original input6621 when payload is too large6622 reads only limited size6623# [RSpecRunTime] Finishing example group spec/lib/gitlab/middleware/compressed_json_spec.rb. It took 2.69 seconds. Expected to take 3.08 seconds.6624# [RSpecRunTime] Starting example group spec/graphql/mutations/issues/link_alerts_spec.rb. Expected to take 3.06 seconds.6625Mutations::Issues::LinkAlerts6626 is expected to require graphql authorizations :update_issue and :admin_issue6627 #resolve6628 when the user is a guest6629 raises an error6630 when a user is also an author6631 raises an error6632# [RSpecRunTime] RSpec elapsed time: 23 minutes 14.82 seconds. Current RSS: ~1603M. load average: 1.34 1.29 1.12 1/288 180396633 when a user is also an assignee6634 raises an error6635 when the user is a developer6636 when issue type is an incident6637 calls LinkAlerts::CreateService with correct arguments6638 returns no errors6639 when issue type is not an incident6640 does not update alert_management_alerts6641# [RSpecRunTime] Finishing example group spec/graphql/mutations/issues/link_alerts_spec.rb. It took 2.7 seconds. Expected to take 3.06 seconds.6642# [RSpecRunTime] Starting example group spec/lib/gitlab/usage/metrics/instrumentations/distinct_count_projects_with_expiration_policy_metric_spec.rb. Expected to take 2.97 seconds.6643Gitlab::Usage::Metrics::Instrumentations::DistinctCountProjectsWithExpirationPolicyMetric6644 behaves like a correct instrumented metric value6645 has correct value6646# [RSpecRunTime] RSpec elapsed time: 23 minutes 18.45 seconds. Current RSS: ~1589M. load average: 1.31 1.28 1.12 1/288 180406647 behaves like a correct instrumented metric value6648 has correct value6649# [RSpecRunTime] RSpec elapsed time: 23 minutes 19.66 seconds. Current RSS: ~1583M. load average: 1.31 1.28 1.12 1/288 180416650 behaves like a correct instrumented metric value6651 has correct value6652 behaves like a correct instrumented metric value6653 has correct value6654# [RSpecRunTime] Finishing example group spec/lib/gitlab/usage/metrics/instrumentations/distinct_count_projects_with_expiration_policy_metric_spec.rb. It took 3.63 seconds. Expected to take 2.97 seconds.6655# [RSpecRunTime] Starting example group spec/models/concerns/token_authenticatable_strategies/encrypted_spec.rb. Expected to take 2.95 seconds.6656TokenAuthenticatableStrategies::Encrypted6657 does not allow STI6658 #token_fields6659 includes the encrypted field6660 #find_token_authenticatable6661 when encryption is required6662 behaves like finds the resource with/without setting require_prefix_for_validation6663 behaves like finds the resource6664 finds the resource by cleartext6665 when a require_prefix_for_validation is provided6666 behaves like does not find any resource6667 does not find any resource by cleartext6668 when token starts with prefix6669 behaves like finds the resource6670 finds the resource by cleartext6671 when encryption is optional6672 uses insecure strategy when encrypted token cannot be found6673 behaves like finds the resource with/without setting require_prefix_for_validation6674 behaves like finds the resource6675 finds the resource by cleartext6676 when a require_prefix_for_validation is provided6677 behaves like does not find any resource6678 does not find any resource by cleartext6679 when token starts with prefix6680 behaves like finds the resource6681 finds the resource by cleartext6682 when encryption is migrating6683 behaves like finds the resource with/without setting require_prefix_for_validation6684 behaves like finds the resource6685 finds the resource by cleartext6686 when a require_prefix_for_validation is provided6687 behaves like does not find any resource6688 does not find any resource by cleartext6689 when token starts with prefix6690 behaves like finds the resource6691 finds the resource by cleartext6692 #get_token6693 when encryption is required6694 returns decrypted token when an encrypted with static iv token is present6695 returns decrypted token when an encrypted token is present6696 when encryption is optional6697 returns decrypted token when an encrypted token is present6698 returns decrypted token when an encrypted with static iv token is present6699 returns the plaintext token when encrypted token is not present6700 when encryption is migrating6701 returns cleartext token when an encrypted token is present6702 returns the cleartext token when encrypted token is not present6703 #set_token6704 when encryption is required6705 writes encrypted token and returns it6706 when encryption is optional6707 writes encrypted token and removes plaintext token and returns it6708 when encryption is migrating6709 writes encrypted token and writes plaintext token6710# [RSpecRunTime] Finishing example group spec/models/concerns/token_authenticatable_strategies/encrypted_spec.rb. It took 2.43 seconds. Expected to take 2.95 seconds.6711# [RSpecRunTime] Starting example group spec/lib/gitlab/robots_txt/parser_spec.rb. Expected to take 2.9 seconds.6712Gitlab::RobotsTxt::Parser6713 #disallowed?6714 a simple robots.txt file6715 path: "/autocomplete/users", result: true6716 is expected to eq true6717 path: "/autocomplete/users/a.html", result: true6718 is expected to eq true6719 path: "/search", result: true6720 is expected to eq true6721 path: "/search.html", result: true6722 is expected to eq true6723 path: "/api", result: true6724 is expected to eq true6725 path: "/api/grapql", result: true6726 is expected to eq true6727 path: "/api/index.html", result: true6728 is expected to eq true6729 path: "/projects", result: false6730 is expected to eq false6731 path: "/users", result: false6732 is expected to eq false6733 path: "/help", result: false6734 is expected to eq false6735 path: "/test", result: true6736 is expected to eq true6737 path: "/testfoo", result: false6738 is expected to eq false6739 path: "/ex$mple", result: true6740 is expected to eq true6741 path: "/ex$mplefoo", result: false6742 is expected to eq false6743 robots.txt file with wildcard6744 path: "/search", result: true6745 is expected to eq true6746 path: "/namespace/project.git", result: true6747 is expected to eq true6748 path: "/project/archive/", result: true6749 is expected to eq true6750 path: "/project/archive/file.gz", result: true6751 is expected to eq true6752 path: "/project/repository/archive", result: true6753 is expected to eq true6754 path: "/project/repository/archive.gz", result: true6755 is expected to eq true6756 path: "/project/repository/archive/file.gz", result: true6757 is expected to eq true6758 path: "/projects", result: false6759 is expected to eq false6760 path: "/git", result: false6761 is expected to eq false6762 path: "/projects/git", result: false6763 is expected to eq false6764 path: "/project/repository/archive/foo", result: false6765 is expected to eq false6766# [RSpecRunTime] Finishing example group spec/lib/gitlab/robots_txt/parser_spec.rb. It took 2.4 seconds. Expected to take 2.9 seconds.6767# [RSpecRunTime] Starting example group spec/workers/merge_requests/handle_assignees_change_worker_spec.rb. Expected to take 2.84 seconds.6768MergeRequests::HandleAssigneesChangeWorker6769 behaves like an idempotent worker6770 is labeled as idempotent6771 performs multiple times sequentially without raising an exception6772# [RSpecRunTime] RSpec elapsed time: 23 minutes 26.48 seconds. Current RSS: ~1618M. load average: 1.33 1.29 1.13 1/294 180826773 #perform6774 calls MergeRequests::HandleAssigneesChangeService#execute to handle the changes6775 when there are no changes6776 still calls MergeRequests::HandleAssigneesChangeService#execute6777 when the old assignees cannot be found6778 still calls MergeRequests::HandleAssigneesChangeService#execute6779 with a non-existing merge request6780 does nothing6781 with a non-existing user6782 does nothing6783# [RSpecRunTime] Finishing example group spec/workers/merge_requests/handle_assignees_change_worker_spec.rb. It took 2.3 seconds. Expected to take 2.84 seconds.6784# [RSpecRunTime] Starting example group spec/lib/gitlab/import_export/project/exported_relations_merger_spec.rb. Expected to take 2.82 seconds.6785Gitlab::ImportExport::Project::ExportedRelationsMerger6786 #save6787 downloads, extracts, and merges all files into export_path6788 when exception occurs6789 registers the exception messages and returns false6790# [RSpecRunTime] RSpec elapsed time: 23 minutes 29.11 seconds. Current RSS: ~1616M. load average: 1.33 1.29 1.13 1/296 181036791# [RSpecRunTime] Finishing example group spec/lib/gitlab/import_export/project/exported_relations_merger_spec.rb. It took 2.07 seconds. Expected to take 2.82 seconds.6792# [RSpecRunTime] Starting example group spec/lib/gitlab/request_endpoints_spec.rb. Expected to take 2.75 seconds.6793Gitlab::RequestEndpoints6794 .all_api_endpoints6795 selects all feature API classes6796 .all_controller_actions6797 selects all feature controllers and action names6798# [RSpecRunTime] Finishing example group spec/lib/gitlab/request_endpoints_spec.rb. It took 0.88 second. Expected to take 2.75 seconds.6799# [RSpecRunTime] Starting example group spec/models/ml/model_version_metadata_spec.rb. Expected to take 2.73 seconds.6800Ml::ModelVersionMetadata6801 does not allow STI6802 associations6803 is expected to belong to model_version required: true6804 is expected to belong to project required: true6805 is expected to validate that the length of :name is at most 2556806 is expected to validate that the length of :value is at most 50006807 validations6808 is unique within the model version6809 a model version is required6810# [RSpecRunTime] RSpec elapsed time: 23 minutes 31.85 seconds. Current RSS: ~1597M. load average: 1.31 1.28 1.13 1/296 181046811# [RSpecRunTime] Finishing example group spec/models/ml/model_version_metadata_spec.rb. It took 1.85 seconds. Expected to take 2.73 seconds.6812# [RSpecRunTime] Starting example group spec/services/discussions/unresolve_service_spec.rb. Expected to take 2.65 seconds.6813Discussions::UnresolveService6814 #execute6815 unresolves the discussion6816 counts the unresolve event6817 sends GraphQL triggers6818 when there are existing unresolved discussions6819 does not send a GraphQL triggers6820# [RSpecRunTime] RSpec elapsed time: 23 minutes 33.92 seconds. Current RSS: ~1608M. load average: 1.31 1.28 1.13 1/294 181956821 when the noteable is not a merge request6822 does not send a GraphQL triggers6823# [RSpecRunTime] Finishing example group spec/services/discussions/unresolve_service_spec.rb. It took 2.31 seconds. Expected to take 2.65 seconds.6824# [RSpecRunTime] Starting example group spec/workers/stage_update_worker_spec.rb. Expected to take 2.62 seconds.6825StageUpdateWorker6826 #perform6827 when stage exists6828 updates stage status6829 behaves like an idempotent worker6830 is labeled as idempotent6831 performs multiple times sequentially without raising an exception6832 results in the stage getting the skipped status6833# [RSpecRunTime] RSpec elapsed time: 23 minutes 36.0 seconds. Current RSS: ~1598M. load average: 1.28 1.28 1.13 1/293 182066834 when stage does not exist6835 does not raise exception6836# [RSpecRunTime] Finishing example group spec/workers/stage_update_worker_spec.rb. It took 1.94 seconds. Expected to take 2.62 seconds.6837# [RSpecRunTime] Starting example group spec/lib/gitlab/ci/pipeline/logger_spec.rb. Expected to take 2.57 seconds.6838Gitlab::Ci::Pipeline::Logger6839 #log_when6840 stores blocks for later evaluation6841 #instrument6842 returns the block's value6843 records durations of instrumented operations6844 raises an error when block is not provided6845 when once: true6846 logs only one observation6847 #instrument_once_with_sql6848 with a single query6849 is expected to eq 06850 includes SQL metrics6851 with multiple queries6852 is expected to eq 06853 includes SQL metrics6854 when there are not SQL operations6855 is expected to eq 1236856 does not include SQL metrics6857 #observe6858 records durations of observed operations6859 when once: true6860 records the latest observation6861 logs data as expected6862 #commit6863 when the feature flag is enabled6864 logs to application.json6865 with log conditions6866 does not log when the conditions are false6867 logs when a condition is true6868 with unexistent observations in condition6869 does not commit the log6870 when project is not passed and pipeline is not persisted6871 logs to application.json6872 when the feature flag is disabled6873 does not log6874# [RSpecRunTime] Finishing example group spec/lib/gitlab/ci/pipeline/logger_spec.rb. It took 2.53 seconds. Expected to take 2.57 seconds.6875# [RSpecRunTime] Starting example group spec/lib/api/entities/ml/mlflow/run_info_spec.rb. Expected to take 2.53 seconds.6876API::Entities::Ml::Mlflow::RunInfo6877 artifact_uri6878 when candidate does not belong to a model version6879 returns the generic package (legacy) format of the artifact_uri6880 when candidate belongs to a model version6881 returns the model version format of the artifact_uri6882 experiment_id6883 is the experiment iid as string6884 run_id6885 is the iid as string6886 lifecycle_stage6887 is active6888 end_time6889 when nil6890 is expected not to have key :end_time6891 when not nil6892 is expected to eq 12346893 when start_time is not nil6894 is expected to eq 12346895 run_name6896 when nil6897 is expected not to have key :run_name6898 when not nil6899 is expected to eq "hello"6900 when start_time is nil6901 is expected to eq 06902 run_uuid6903 is the iid as string6904# [RSpecRunTime] Finishing example group spec/lib/api/entities/ml/mlflow/run_info_spec.rb. It took 2.02 seconds. Expected to take 2.53 seconds.6905# [RSpecRunTime] Starting example group spec/services/groups/auto_devops_service_spec.rb. Expected to take 2.52 seconds.6906Groups::AutoDevopsService#execute6907 when user does not have enough privileges6908 raises exception6909 when user has enough privileges6910 updates group auto devops enabled accordingly6911 when group has projects6912 reflects changes on projects6913 when group has subgroups6914 reflects changes on subgroups6915 when subgroups have projects6916 reflects changes on projects6917# [RSpecRunTime] Finishing example group spec/services/groups/auto_devops_service_spec.rb. It took 2.15 seconds. Expected to take 2.52 seconds.6918# [RSpecRunTime] Starting example group spec/workers/ci/merge_requests/add_todo_when_build_fails_worker_spec.rb. Expected to take 2.43 seconds.6919Ci::MergeRequests::AddTodoWhenBuildFailsWorker6920 #perform6921 is labeled as idempotent6922 performs multiple times sequentially without raising an exception6923 executes todo service6924 when job does not exist6925 returns nil6926# [RSpecRunTime] RSpec elapsed time: 23 minutes 44.5 seconds. Current RSS: ~1601M. load average: 1.34 1.29 1.13 1/294 182486927 when project does not exist6928 returns nil6929 when pipeline does not exist6930 returns nil6931# [RSpecRunTime] Finishing example group spec/workers/ci/merge_requests/add_todo_when_build_fails_worker_spec.rb. It took 1.94 seconds. Expected to take 2.43 seconds.6932# [RSpecRunTime] Starting example group spec/services/projects/repository_languages_service_spec.rb. Expected to take 2.42 seconds.6933Projects::RepositoryLanguagesService6934 when detected_repository_languages flag is set6935 when a project is without detected programming languages6936 schedules a worker and returns the empty result6937 when a project is with detected programming languages6938 does not schedule a worker and returns the detected languages6939 sets detected_repository_languages flag6940# [RSpecRunTime] RSpec elapsed time: 23 minutes 46.43 seconds. Current RSS: ~1607M. load average: 1.31 1.29 1.13 1/294 182496941 when detected_repository_languages flag is not set6942 returns repository languages6943# [RSpecRunTime] Finishing example group spec/services/projects/repository_languages_service_spec.rb. It took 2.14 seconds. Expected to take 2.42 seconds.6944# [RSpecRunTime] Starting example group spec/policies/resource_label_event_policy_spec.rb. Expected to take 2.35 seconds.6945ResourceLabelEventPolicy6946 #read_resource_label_event6947 with non-member user6948 does not allow to read event6949 with member user6950 allows to read event for accessible label6951 does not allow to read event for not accessible label6952 #read_label6953 allows to read deleted label6954 allows to read accessible label6955 does not allow to read not accessible label6956# [RSpecRunTime] Finishing example group spec/policies/resource_label_event_policy_spec.rb. It took 1.82 seconds. Expected to take 2.35 seconds.6957# [RSpecRunTime] Starting example group spec/graphql/resolvers/repository_branch_names_resolver_spec.rb. Expected to take 2.34 seconds.6958Resolvers::RepositoryBranchNamesResolver6959 #resolve6960 with empty search pattern6961 returns nil6962 with a valid search pattern6963 returns matching branches6964 properly offsets and limits branch name results6965# [RSpecRunTime] RSpec elapsed time: 23 minutes 50.86 seconds. Current RSS: ~1622M. load average: 1.37 1.30 1.13 1/293 182766966# [RSpecRunTime] Finishing example group spec/graphql/resolvers/repository_branch_names_resolver_spec.rb. It took 2.17 seconds. Expected to take 2.34 seconds.6967# [RSpecRunTime] Starting example group spec/graphql/resolvers/design_management/version_in_collection_resolver_spec.rb. Expected to take 2.28 seconds.6968Resolvers::DesignManagement::VersionInCollectionResolver6969 #resolve6970 Neither id nor sha is passed as parameters6971 generates an appropriate error6972 we pass an id6973 is expected to eq #<DesignManagement::Version id: 48, sha: "69f7bf2ac802eef87b9c3253b1527c8996b9c0c7", issue_id: 300, created_at: "2024-04-10 21:12:48.372765222 +0000", author_id: 1251>6974 we pass a sha6975 is expected to eq #<DesignManagement::Version id: 48, sha: "69f7bf2ac802eef87b9c3253b1527c8996b9c0c7", issue_id: 300, created_at: "2024-04-10 21:12:48.372765222 +0000", author_id: 1251>6976 we pass an inconsistent mixture of sha and version id6977 is expected to be nil6978# [RSpecRunTime] Finishing example group spec/graphql/resolvers/design_management/version_in_collection_resolver_spec.rb. It took 1.95 seconds. Expected to take 2.28 seconds.6979# [RSpecRunTime] Starting example group spec/lib/gitlab/ci/build/artifacts/metadata_spec.rb. Expected to take 2.28 seconds.6980Gitlab::Ci::Build::Artifacts::Metadata6981 #to_entry6982 is expected to be an instance of Gitlab::Ci::Build::Artifacts::Metadata::Entry6983 when given path starts with a ./ prefix6984 instantiates the entry without the ./ prefix from the path6985 #full_version6986 is expected to eq "GitLab Build Artifacts Metadata 0.0.1"6987 #version6988 is expected to eq "0.0.1"6989 #errors6990 is expected to eq {}6991 #find_entries!6992 when metadata file exists6993 and given path is an empty string6994 returns paths to all files and directories at the root level6995 return Hashes for each metadata6996 and given path does not start with a ./ prefix6997 behaves like finding entries for a given path6998 when given path targets a directory at the root level6999 returns paths to all files and directories at the first level of the directory7000 when given path targets a sub-directory7001 returns paths to all files and directories at the first level of the sub-directory7002 when given path targets a directory recursively7003 returns all paths recursively within the target directory7004 and given path starts with a ./ prefix7005 behaves like finding entries for a given path7006 when given path targets a directory at the root level7007 returns paths to all files and directories at the first level of the directory7008 when given path targets a sub-directory7009 returns paths to all files and directories at the first level of the sub-directory7010 when given path targets a directory recursively7011 returns all paths recursively within the target directory7012 when metadata file stream is nil7013 raises error7014 when metadata file is invalid7015 raises error7016 with generated metadata7017 #find_entries!7018 reads expected number of entries7019# [RSpecRunTime] Finishing example group spec/lib/gitlab/ci/build/artifacts/metadata_spec.rb. It took 1.87 seconds. Expected to take 2.28 seconds.7020# [RSpecRunTime] Starting example group spec/serializers/evidences/evidence_entity_spec.rb. Expected to take 2.22 seconds.7021Evidences::EvidenceEntity7022 exposes the expected fields7023 when a release is associated to a milestone7024 when a milestone has no issue associated with it7025 creates a valid JSON object7026 when a milestone has no description7027 creates a valid JSON object7028 when a milestone has no due_date7029 creates a valid JSON object7030 when a milestone has an issue7031 when the issue has no description7032 creates a valid JSON object7033 when a release is not associated to any milestone7034 creates a valid JSON object7035# [RSpecRunTime] Finishing example group spec/serializers/evidences/evidence_entity_spec.rb. It took 1.7 seconds. Expected to take 2.22 seconds.7036# [RSpecRunTime] Starting example group spec/workers/incident_management/add_severity_system_note_worker_spec.rb. Expected to take 2.2 seconds.7037IncidentManagement::AddSeveritySystemNoteWorker7038 #perform7039 when incident and user exist7040 creates a system note7041 creates a timeline event7042 when incident does not exist7043 behaves like does not add anything7044 does not change incident notes count7045 does not create a timeline event7046 when incident_id is nil7047 behaves like does not add anything7048 does not change incident notes count7049 does not create a timeline event7050 when issue is not an incident7051 behaves like does not add anything7052 does not change incident notes count7053 does not create a timeline event7054 when user does not exist7055 behaves like does not add anything7056 does not change incident notes count7057 does not create a timeline event7058 when user_id is nil7059 behaves like does not add anything7060 does not change incident notes count7061 does not create a timeline event7062# [RSpecRunTime] Finishing example group spec/workers/incident_management/add_severity_system_note_worker_spec.rb. It took 1.97 seconds. Expected to take 2.2 seconds.7063# [RSpecRunTime] Starting example group spec/graphql/types/ml/model_type_spec.rb. Expected to take 2.15 seconds.7064Types::Ml::ModelType7065 computes the correct properties7066 includes all the fields7067 is expected to eq "Machine learning model in the model registry"7068# [RSpecRunTime] Finishing example group spec/graphql/types/ml/model_type_spec.rb. It took 1.54 seconds. Expected to take 2.15 seconds.7069# [RSpecRunTime] RSpec elapsed time: 24 minutes 0.05 second. Current RSS: ~1610M. load average: 1.34 1.29 1.13 1/288 182777070# [RSpecRunTime] Starting example group spec/lib/gitlab/daemon_spec.rb. Expected to take 2.11 seconds.7071Gitlab::Daemon7072 .instance7073 provides instance of Daemon7074 subsequent invocations provide the same instance7075 creates at_exit hook when instance is created7076 .initialize_instance7077 provides instance of Daemon7078 when instance has already been created7079 and recreate flag is false7080 raises an error7081 and recreate flag is true7082 calls stop on existing instance and returns new instance7083 when Daemon is enabled7084 when Daemon is stopped7085 #start7086 starts the Daemon7087 @synchronous7088 when @synchronous is set to true7089 calls join on the thread7090 when @synchronous is not set to a truthy value7091 does not call join on the thread7092 #stop7093 doesn't shutdown stopped Daemon7094 #start_working7095 when start_working fails7096 does not start thread7097 when Daemon is running7098 #start7099 doesn't start running Daemon7100 #stop7101 shutdowns Daemon7102 when stop_working raises exception7103#<Thread:0x00007f337d39ce68 /builds/gitlab-org/gitlab/lib/gitlab/daemon.rb:56 run> terminated with exception (report_on_exception is true):7104Interrupt (Interrupt)7105 shutdowns Daemon7106 when Daemon is disabled7107 #start7108 doesn't start working7109 #stop7110 doesn't stop working7111# [RSpecRunTime] Finishing example group spec/lib/gitlab/daemon_spec.rb. It took 1.9 seconds. Expected to take 2.11 seconds.7112# [RSpecRunTime] Starting example group spec/lib/gitlab/checks/global_file_size_check_spec.rb. Expected to take 2.07 seconds.7113Gitlab::Checks::GlobalFileSizeCheck7114 #validate!7115 checks for file sizes7116 when global_file_size_check is disabled7117 does not log7118# [RSpecRunTime] RSpec elapsed time: 24 minutes 3.04 seconds. Current RSS: ~1623M. load average: 1.39 1.30 1.14 1/290 182887119 when there are oversized blobs7120 logs a message with blob size and raises an exception7121 when the enforce_global_file_size_limit feature flag is disabled7122 does not raise an exception7123# [RSpecRunTime] Finishing example group spec/lib/gitlab/checks/global_file_size_check_spec.rb. It took 1.7 seconds. Expected to take 2.07 seconds.7124# [RSpecRunTime] Starting example group spec/serializers/integrations/event_entity_spec.rb. Expected to take 2.05 seconds.7125Integrations::EventEntity7126 #as_json7127 with integration without fields7128 exposes correct attributes7129 with integration with fields7130 exposes correct attributes7131 with integration with fields when channels are masked7132 exposes correct attributes7133# [RSpecRunTime] Finishing example group spec/serializers/integrations/event_entity_spec.rb. It took 1.78 seconds. Expected to take 2.05 seconds.7134# [RSpecRunTime] Starting example group spec/graphql/resolvers/ci/runners_resolver_spec.rb. Expected to take 2.0 seconds.7135Resolvers::Ci::RunnersResolver7136 #resolve7137 when user cannot see runners7138 returns Gitlab::Graphql::Errors::ResourceNotAvailable7139 when user can see runners7140 when admin mode setting is disabled7141 returns all the runners7142 when admin mode setting is enabled7143 when in admin mode7144 returns all the runners7145 when not in admin mode7146 returns Gitlab::Graphql::Errors::ResourceNotAvailable7147 with obj not set to nil7148 raises an error7149 Allowed query arguments7150 with active filter7151 calls RunnersFinder with expected arguments7152 with both active and paused filter7153 calls RunnersFinder with expected arguments7154 with paused filter7155 calls RunnersFinder with expected arguments7156 with neither paused or active filters7157 calls RunnersFinder with expected arguments7158 with an invalid version filter parameter7159 ignores the parameter and returns runners7160# [RSpecRunTime] Finishing example group spec/graphql/resolvers/ci/runners_resolver_spec.rb. It took 2.74 seconds. Expected to take 2.0 seconds.7161# [RSpecRunTime] Starting example group spec/services/remote_mirrors/sync_service_spec.rb. Expected to take 1.99 seconds.7162RemoteMirrors::SyncService7163 #execute7164 triggers a mirror update worker7165 when user does not have permissions7166 returns an error7167# [RSpecRunTime] RSpec elapsed time: 24 minutes 9.73 seconds. Current RSS: ~1618M. load average: 1.36 1.30 1.14 1/289 182957168 when mirror is missing7169 returns an error7170 when remote mirror is disabled7171 returns an error7172 when remote mirror update has been already started7173 does not trigger a mirror update worker7174# [RSpecRunTime] Finishing example group spec/services/remote_mirrors/sync_service_spec.rb. It took 2.3 seconds. Expected to take 1.99 seconds.7175# [RSpecRunTime] Starting example group spec/models/pages/virtual_domain_spec.rb. Expected to take 1.95 seconds.7176Pages::VirtualDomain7177 does not allow STI7178 #certificate and #key pair7179 returns nil if there is no domain provided7180 when Pages domain is provided7181 returns certificate and key from the provided domain7182# [RSpecRunTime] RSpec elapsed time: 24 minutes 11.86 seconds. Current RSS: ~1604M. load average: 1.33 1.29 1.14 1/289 182967183 #lookup_paths7184 when pages multiple versions is disabled7185 returns only the main deployments for each project7186 when pages multiple versions is enabled7187 returns collection of projects pages lookup paths sorted by prefix in reverse7188# [RSpecRunTime] Finishing example group spec/models/pages/virtual_domain_spec.rb. It took 1.76 seconds. Expected to take 1.95 seconds.7189# [RSpecRunTime] Starting example group spec/workers/abuse/spam_abuse_events_worker_spec.rb. Expected to take 1.93 seconds.7190Abuse::SpamAbuseEventsWorker7191 behaves like an idempotent worker7192 is labeled as idempotent7193 performs multiple times sequentially without raising an exception7194 when the user exists7195 and there is an existing abuse report7196 behaves like creates an abuse event with the correct data7197 is expected to include {"abuse_report_id" => 2, "category" => "spam", "metadata" => {"title" => "Test title", "description" => "Test description", "source_ip" => "", "user_agent" => "fake-user-agent", "noteable_type" => "Issue", "verdict" => "BLOCK_USER"}, "source" => "spamcheck", "user_id" => 1281}7198 and there is no existing abuse report7199 creates an abuse report with the correct data7200 behaves like creates an abuse event with the correct data7201 is expected to include {"abuse_report_id" => 4, "category" => "spam", "metadata" => {"title" => "Test title", "description" => "Test description", "source_ip" => "", "user_agent" => "fake-user-agent", "noteable_type" => "Issue", "verdict" => "BLOCK_USER"}, "source" => "spamcheck", "user_id" => 1281}7202 when the user does not exist7203 logs an error7204 does not report the user7205# [RSpecRunTime] Finishing example group spec/workers/abuse/spam_abuse_events_worker_spec.rb. It took 1.66 seconds. Expected to take 1.93 seconds.7206# [RSpecRunTime] Starting example group spec/lib/gitlab/import_export/avatar_saver_spec.rb. Expected to take 1.9 seconds.7207Gitlab::ImportExport::AvatarSaver7208 saves a project avatar7209 is fine not to have an avatar7210# [RSpecRunTime] Finishing example group spec/lib/gitlab/import_export/avatar_saver_spec.rb. It took 1.47 seconds. Expected to take 1.9 seconds.7211# [RSpecRunTime] RSpec elapsed time: 24 minutes 15.4 seconds. Current RSS: ~1603M. load average: 1.33 1.29 1.14 1/288 182977212# [RSpecRunTime] Starting example group spec/graphql/types/snippets/blob_viewer_type_spec.rb. Expected to take 1.88 seconds.7213Types::Snippets::BlobViewerType7214 has the correct fields7215 is expected to be non null7216 is expected to be non null7217 is expected to be non null7218 is expected to be non null7219 is expected not to be non null7220 is expected to be non null7221 is expected to be non null7222 collapsed7223 behaves like nil field converted to false7224 returns false7225# [RSpecRunTime] RSpec elapsed time: 24 minutes 16.75 seconds. Current RSS: ~1604M. load average: 1.30 1.29 1.14 1/290 183177226 tooLarge7227 behaves like nil field converted to false7228 returns false7229# [RSpecRunTime] Finishing example group spec/graphql/types/snippets/blob_viewer_type_spec.rb. It took 1.65 seconds. Expected to take 1.88 seconds.7230# [RSpecRunTime] Starting example group spec/workers/bulk_imports/stale_import_worker_spec.rb. Expected to take 1.85 seconds.7231BulkImports::StaleImportWorker7232 perform7233 updates the status of bulk imports to timeout7234 updates the status of bulk import entities to timeout7235 updates the status of stale entities trackers to timeout7236 does not update the status of non-stale records7237 when bulk import has been updated recently7238 does not update the status of the import7239# [RSpecRunTime] RSpec elapsed time: 24 minutes 18.37 seconds. Current RSS: ~1613M. load average: 1.30 1.29 1.14 1/291 183257240 when bulk import entity has been updated recently7241 does not update the status of the entity7242# [RSpecRunTime] Finishing example group spec/workers/bulk_imports/stale_import_worker_spec.rb. It took 1.57 seconds. Expected to take 1.85 seconds.7243# [RSpecRunTime] Starting example group spec/initializers/mail_encoding_patch_spec.rb. Expected to take 1.83 seconds.7244Mail quoted-printable transfer encoding patch and Unicode characters7245 with a text email7246 with a body that encodes to exactly 74 characters (final newline)7247 behaves like email encoding7248 enclosing in a new object does not change the encoded original7249 with a body that encodes to exactly 74 characters (no final newline)7250 behaves like email encoding7251 enclosing in a new object does not change the encoded original7252 with a body that encodes to exactly 75 characters7253 behaves like email encoding7254 enclosing in a new object does not change the encoded original7255 with an html email7256 with a body that encodes to exactly 74 characters (final newline)7257 behaves like email encoding7258 enclosing in a new object does not change the encoded original7259 with a body that encodes to exactly 74 characters (no final newline)7260 behaves like email encoding7261 enclosing in a new object does not change the encoded original7262 with a body that encodes to exactly 75 characters7263 behaves like email encoding7264 enclosing in a new object does not change the encoded original7265 a multipart email7266 behaves like email encoding7267 enclosing in a new object does not change the encoded original7268 with non UTF-8 charset7269 can be decoded back7270 behaves like email encoding7271 enclosing in a new object does not change the encoded original7272 with binary content7273 can be encoded with 'base64' content-transfer-encoding7274 binary contents are not modified7275 behaves like email encoding7276 enclosing in a new object does not change the encoded original7277 encoding fails with 'quoted-printable' content-transfer-encoding7278 content cannot be decoded back7279 empty text mail with unsual body encoding7280 decodes email successfully7281 frozen email boy content with unsual body encoding7282 decodes email successfully7283# [RSpecRunTime] Finishing example group spec/initializers/mail_encoding_patch_spec.rb. It took 1.55 seconds. Expected to take 1.83 seconds.7284# [RSpecRunTime] Starting example group spec/lib/gitlab/redis/hll_spec.rb. Expected to take 1.8 seconds.7285Gitlab::Redis::HLL7286 .add7287 when checking key format7288 for invalid keys7289 metric_key: "test", value: 17290 raise an error when using an invalid key format7291 metric_key: "test-{metric", value: 17292 raise an error when using an invalid key format7293 metric_key: "test-{metric}}", value: 17294 raise an error when using an invalid key format7295 for valid keys7296 metric_key: "test-{metric}", value: 17297 doesn't raise error when having correct format7298 metric_key: "test-{metric}-1", value: 17299 doesn't raise error when having correct format7300 metric_key: "test:{metric}-1", value: 17301 doesn't raise error when having correct format7302 metric_key: "2020-216-{project_action}", value: 17303 doesn't raise error when having correct format7304 metric_key: "i_{analytics}_dev_ops_score-2020-32", value: 17305 doesn't raise error when having correct format7306 when adding entries7307 supports single value7308 supports multiple values7309 .count7310 has 3 distinct users for weeks 32, 33, 347311 has 3 distinct users for weeks 32, 337312 has 2 distinct users for weeks 33, 347313 has one distinct user for week 337314 has 4 distinct users when one different user has an action on week 347315# [RSpecRunTime] Finishing example group spec/lib/gitlab/redis/hll_spec.rb. It took 1.67 seconds. Expected to take 1.8 seconds.7316# [RSpecRunTime] Starting example group spec/lib/gitlab/github_import/importer/pull_requests/merged_by_importer_spec.rb. Expected to take 1.79 seconds.7317Gitlab::GithubImport::Importer::PullRequests::MergedByImporter7318 when the merger user cannot be mapped to a gitlab user7319 behaves like adds a note referencing the merger user7320 adds a note referencing the merger user7321 when original user cannot be found on github7322 behaves like adds a note referencing the merger user7323 adds a note referencing the merger user7324 when the merger user is not provided7325 adds a note referencing the merger user7326 when the merger user can be mapped7327 assigns the merged by user when mapped7328# [RSpecRunTime] Finishing example group spec/lib/gitlab/github_import/importer/pull_requests/merged_by_importer_spec.rb. It took 1.55 seconds. Expected to take 1.79 seconds.7329# [RSpecRunTime] Starting example group spec/lib/gitlab/ci/status/build/pending_spec.rb. Expected to take 1.74 seconds.7330Gitlab::Ci::Status::Build::Pending7331 #illustration7332 is expected to include :image, :size, :title, and :content7333 .matches?7334 when build is pending7335 is a correct match7336 when build is not pending7337 does not match7338# [RSpecRunTime] Finishing example group spec/lib/gitlab/ci/status/build/pending_spec.rb. It took 1.42 seconds. Expected to take 1.74 seconds.7339# [RSpecRunTime] Starting example group spec/models/concerns/usage_statistics_spec.rb. Expected to take 1.73 seconds.7340UsageStatistics7341 does not allow STI7342 .distinct_count_by7343 two records created by the same issue7344 returns a count of 17345 when given no column to count7346 counts by :id and returns a count of 27347# [RSpecRunTime] RSpec elapsed time: 24 minutes 25.86 seconds. Current RSS: ~1617M. load average: 1.26 1.28 1.13 1/293 183627348 one record created by each issue7349 returns a count of 27350 the count query times out7351 does not raise an error7352 returns -17353# [RSpecRunTime] Finishing example group spec/models/concerns/usage_statistics_spec.rb. It took 1.45 seconds. Expected to take 1.73 seconds.7354# [RSpecRunTime] Starting example group spec/graphql/resolvers/deployments_resolver_spec.rb. Expected to take 1.7 seconds.7355Resolvers::DeploymentsResolver7356 #resolve7357 finds the deployment7358 finds the deployment when status matches7359 does not find the deployment when status does not match7360 transforms order_by for finder7361# [RSpecRunTime] RSpec elapsed time: 24 minutes 27.62 seconds. Current RSS: ~1620M. load average: 1.26 1.28 1.13 1/293 183747362# [RSpecRunTime] Finishing example group spec/graphql/resolvers/deployments_resolver_spec.rb. It took 1.47 seconds. Expected to take 1.7 seconds.7363# [RSpecRunTime] Starting example group spec/models/bulk_imports/file_transfer/group_config_spec.rb. Expected to take 1.69 seconds.7364BulkImports::FileTransfer::GroupConfig7365 does not allow STI7366 #portable_tree7367 returns portable tree7368 #export_path7369 returns tmpdir location7370 #portable_relations7371 returns a list of top level exportable relations7372 does not include skipped relations7373 #top_relation_tree7374 returns relation tree of a top level relation7375 #relation_excluded_keys7376 returns excluded keys for relation7377 #batchable_relation?7378 when relation is batchable7379 returns true7380 when relation is not batchable7381 returns false7382 when relation is not listed as portable7383 returns false7384 #batchable_relations7385 returns a list of collection associations for a group7386 #export_service_for7387 when relation is a tree7388 returns TreeExportService7389 when relation is a file7390 returns FileExportService7391 when relation is unknown7392 raises7393# [RSpecRunTime] Finishing example group spec/models/bulk_imports/file_transfer/group_config_spec.rb. It took 1.55 seconds. Expected to take 1.69 seconds.7394# [RSpecRunTime] Starting example group spec/services/concerns/exclusive_lease_guard_spec.rb. Expected to take 1.65 seconds.7395ExclusiveLeaseGuard7396 #try_obtain_lease7397 obtains the lease, calls internal_method and releases the lease7398 instrumentation7399 increments the lock requested count and computes the duration of holding the lock7400 when exclusive lease is not obtained7401 increments the lock requested count and does not computes the duration of holding the lock7402 when an exception is raised during the lease7403 increments the lock requested count and computes the duration of holding the lock7404 when the lease is already obtained7405 when the class does not override lease_taken_log_level7406 does not call internal_method but logs error7407 when the class overrides lease_taken_log_level to return :info7408 logs info7409 when the class overrides lease_taken_log_level to return :debug7410 logs debug7411 with overwritten lease_release?7412 does not release the lease after execution7413 #exclusive_lease7414 uses the class name as lease key7415 with overwritten lease_key7416 uses the custom lease key7417 #release_lease7418 sends a cancel message to ExclusiveLease7419 #renew_lease!7420 sends a renew message to the exclusive_lease instance7421# [RSpecRunTime] Finishing example group spec/services/concerns/exclusive_lease_guard_spec.rb. It took 1.44 seconds. Expected to take 1.65 seconds.7422# [RSpecRunTime] Starting example group spec/lib/gitlab/database/migrations/test_background_runner_spec.rb. Expected to take 1.65 seconds.7423Gitlab::Database::Migrations::TestBackgroundRunner7424 without jobs to run7425 returns immediately7426 with jobs to run7427 finding pending background jobs7428 finds all the migrations7429 running migrations7430 runs the migration class correctly7431 runs the migration for a uniform amount of time7432 with multiple migrations to run7433 splits the time between migrations when all migrations use all their time7434 does not give leftover time to extra migrations7435# [RSpecRunTime] Finishing example group spec/lib/gitlab/database/migrations/test_background_runner_spec.rb. It took 1.28 seconds. Expected to take 1.65 seconds.7436# [RSpecRunTime] Starting example group spec/lib/gitlab/ci/build/prerequisite/factory_spec.rb. Expected to take 1.61 seconds.7437Gitlab::Ci::Build::Prerequisite::Factory7438 .for_build7439 prerequisite is unmet7440 is expected to eq [#<InstanceDouble(Gitlab::Ci::Build::Prerequisite::KubernetesNamespace) (anonymous)>]7441 prerequisite is met7442 is expected to be empty7443# [RSpecRunTime] Finishing example group spec/lib/gitlab/ci/build/prerequisite/factory_spec.rb. It took 1.27 seconds. Expected to take 1.61 seconds.7444# [RSpecRunTime] Starting example group spec/lib/gitlab/import_export/attribute_configuration_spec.rb. Expected to take 1.58 seconds.7445Import/Export attribute configuration7446 has no new columns7447# [RSpecRunTime] Finishing example group spec/lib/gitlab/import_export/attribute_configuration_spec.rb. It took 1.15 seconds. Expected to take 1.58 seconds.7448# [RSpecRunTime] RSpec elapsed time: 24 minutes 34.45 seconds. Current RSS: ~1603M. load average: 1.40 1.31 1.14 1/290 183757449# [RSpecRunTime] Starting example group spec/lib/gitlab/email/service_desk/custom_email_spec.rb. Expected to take 1.57 seconds.7450Gitlab::Email::ServiceDesk::CustomEmail7451 .reply_address7452 is expected to equal nil7453 with reply key7454 is expected to equal nil7455 with issue7456 is expected to equal nil7457 with service_desk_setting and custom email7458 is expected to eq ""7459 .key_from_reply_address7460 is expected to equal nil7461 with service_desk_setting7462 is expected to equal nil7463 with custom email7464 is expected to eq "b7721fc7e8419911a8bea145236a0519"7465 without reply key7466 is expected to equal nil7467# [RSpecRunTime] Finishing example group spec/lib/gitlab/email/service_desk/custom_email_spec.rb. It took 1.43 seconds. Expected to take 1.57 seconds.7468# [RSpecRunTime] Starting example group spec/lib/gitlab/tracking/standard_context_spec.rb. Expected to take 1.54 seconds.7469Gitlab::Tracking::StandardContext7470 #to_context7471 contains source7472 contains context_generated_at timestamp7473 contains standard properties7474 environment7475 development or test7476 contains environment7477 staging7478 contains environment7479 production7480 contains environment7481 org7482 contains environment7483 other self-managed instance7484 contains environment7485 with standard properties7486 holds the correct values7487 with extra data7488 includes extra data in `extra` hash7489 without extra data7490 contains an empty `extra` hash7491 with incorrect argument type7492 does call `track_and_raise_for_dev_exception`7493# [RSpecRunTime] Finishing example group spec/lib/gitlab/tracking/standard_context_spec.rb. It took 1.23 seconds. Expected to take 1.54 seconds.7494# [RSpecRunTime] Starting example group spec/lib/gitlab/github_import/importer/attachments/releases_importer_spec.rb. Expected to take 1.52 seconds.7495Gitlab::GithubImport::Importer::Attachments::ReleasesImporter7496 #id_for_already_imported_cache7497 is expected to eq 11387498 #collection_method7499 is expected to eq :release_attachments7500 #sequential_import7501 selects both releases, and selects only properties it needs7502 executes importer only for the release with an attachment7503 when release has already been processed7504 does not select releases that were processed7505 does not execute importer for the release with an attachment7506 #object_type7507 is expected to eq :release_attachment7508 #sidekiq_worker_class7509 is expected to eq Gitlab::GithubImport::Attachments::ImportReleaseWorker7510# [RSpecRunTime] Finishing example group spec/lib/gitlab/github_import/importer/attachments/releases_importer_spec.rb. It took 1.24 seconds. Expected to take 1.52 seconds.7511# [RSpecRunTime] Starting example group spec/lib/gitlab/ci/status/pipeline/blocked_spec.rb. Expected to take 1.49 seconds.7512Gitlab::Ci::Status::Pipeline::Blocked7513 #text7514 overrides status text7515 #label7516 overrides status label7517 .matches?7518 when pipeline is blocked7519 is a correct match7520 when pipeline is not blocked7521 does not match7522# [RSpecRunTime] Finishing example group spec/lib/gitlab/ci/status/pipeline/blocked_spec.rb. It took 1.28 seconds. Expected to take 1.49 seconds.7523# [RSpecRunTime] Starting example group spec/rubocop/cop/experiments_test_coverage_spec.rb. Expected to take 1.46 seconds.7524RuboCop::Cop::ExperimentsTestCoverage7525 #on_class7526 when there are no tests7527 registers an offense7528 when there is no stub_experiments7529 registers an offense7530 when variant test is missing7531 registers an offense7532 when stub_experiments is commented out7533 registers an offense7534 when all tests are present7535 does not register an offense7536 #on_block7537 when there are no tests7538 registers an offense7539 when there is no stub_experiments7540 registers an offense7541 when variant test is missing7542 registers an offense7543 when stub_experiments is commented out7544 registers an offense7545 when all tests are present7546 does not register an offense7547# [RSpecRunTime] Finishing example group spec/rubocop/cop/experiments_test_coverage_spec.rb. It took 1.07 seconds. Expected to take 1.46 seconds.7548# [RSpecRunTime] Starting example group spec/services/boards/visits/create_service_spec.rb. Expected to take 1.45 seconds.7549Boards::Visits::CreateService7550 #execute7551 when a project board7552 behaves like boards recent visit create service7553 returns nil when there is no user7554 returns nil when database is read only7555 records the visit7556 when a group board7557 behaves like boards recent visit create service7558 returns nil when there is no user7559 returns nil when database is read only7560 records the visit7561# [RSpecRunTime] Finishing example group spec/services/boards/visits/create_service_spec.rb. It took 1.11 seconds. Expected to take 1.45 seconds.7562# [RSpecRunTime] Starting example group spec/lib/gitlab/middleware/speedscope_spec.rb. Expected to take 1.43 seconds.7563Gitlab::Middleware::Speedscope7564 #call7565 when flamegraph is not requested7566 behaves like returns original response7567 returns original response7568 when flamegraph requested7569 when user is not allowed7570 behaves like returns original response7571 returns original response7572 when user is allowed7573 returns a flamegraph7574 when the stackprof_mode parameter is set and valid7575 runs StackProf in the mode specified in the stackprof_mode parameter7576 when the stackprof_mode parameter is not set7577 runs StackProf in wall mode7578 when the stackprof_mode parameter is invalid7579 runs StackProf in wall mode7580 when the stackprof_mode parameter is set to object mode7581 runs StackProf with an interval of 1007582 when the stackprof_mode parameter is not set to object mode7583 runs StackProf with an interval of 10_1007584# [RSpecRunTime] Finishing example group spec/lib/gitlab/middleware/speedscope_spec.rb. It took 2.46 seconds. Expected to take 1.43 seconds.7585# [RSpecRunTime] Starting example group spec/lib/gitlab/private_commit_email_spec.rb. Expected to take 1.4 seconds.7586Gitlab::PrivateCommitEmail7587 .regex7588 is expected to match "1-foo@users.noreply.localhost"7589 is expected not to match ""7590 is expected not to match ""7591 is expected not to match ""7592 is expected not to match ""7593 is only generated once per request7594 .user_id_for_email7595 parses user id from email7596 returns nil on invalid commit email7597 .user_ids_for_email7598 returns deduplicated user IDs for each valid email7599 returns an empty array with no valid emails7600 .for_user7601 returns email in the format id-username@hostname7602# [RSpecRunTime] Finishing example group spec/lib/gitlab/private_commit_email_spec.rb. It took 1.14 seconds. Expected to take 1.4 seconds.7603# [RSpecRunTime] Starting example group spec/lib/gitlab/analytics/cycle_analytics/average_spec.rb. Expected to take 1.37 seconds.7604Gitlab::Analytics::CycleAnalytics::Average7605 #seconds7606 when no results7607 is expected to eq nil7608 returns the average duration in seconds7609 is expected to be within 0.5 of 648000.07610 #days7611 when no results7612 is expected to eq nil7613 returns the average duration in days7614 is expected to be within 0.01 of 7.57615# [RSpecRunTime] Finishing example group spec/lib/gitlab/analytics/cycle_analytics/average_spec.rb. It took 1.01 seconds. Expected to take 1.37 seconds.7616# [RSpecRunTime] Starting example group spec/rubocop/cop/ignored_columns_spec.rb. Expected to take 1.37 seconds.7617RuboCop::Cop::IgnoredColumns7618 flags use of `self.ignored_columns +=` instead of the IgnorableColumns concern7619 flags use of `self.ignored_columns =` instead of the IgnorableColumns concern7620 when CE and EE model exist7621 flags `ignore_columns` usage in EE model7622 flags `ignore_column` usage in EE model7623 when only CE model exist7624 does not flag `ignore_columns` usage in CE model7625 does not flag `ignore_column` usage in CE model7626 when only EE model exist7627 does not flag `ignore_columns` usage in EE model7628 does not flag `ignore_column` usage in EE model7629# [RSpecRunTime] Finishing example group spec/rubocop/cop/ignored_columns_spec.rb. It took 0.86 second. Expected to take 1.37 seconds.7630# [RSpecRunTime] Starting example group spec/policies/achievements/achievement_policy_spec.rb. Expected to take 1.33 seconds.7631Achievements::AchievementPolicy7632 in a public group7633 is expected to be allowed :read_achievement7634 behaves like disallowed when feature flag disabled7635 is expected to be disallowed :read_achievement7636 in a private group7637 is expected to be disallowed :read_achievement7638 when a group member7639 is expected to be allowed :read_achievement7640 behaves like disallowed when feature flag disabled7641 is expected to be disallowed :read_achievement7642 when the user has received the achievement7643 is expected to be allowed :read_achievement7644 behaves like disallowed when feature flag disabled7645 is expected to be disallowed :read_achievement7646# [RSpecRunTime] Finishing example group spec/policies/achievements/achievement_policy_spec.rb. It took 1.24 seconds. Expected to take 1.33 seconds.7647# [RSpecRunTime] Starting example group spec/lib/gitlab/database/load_balancing/primary_host_spec.rb. Expected to take 1.32 seconds.7648Gitlab::Database::LoadBalancing::PrimaryHost7649 #connection7650 returns a connection from the pool7651 #release_connection7652 does nothing7653 #enable_query_cache!7654 does nothing7655 #disable_query_cache!7656 does nothing7657 #query_cache_enabled7658 delegates to the primary connection pool7659 #disconnect!7660 does nothing7661 #offline!7662 logs the event but does nothing else7663 #online?7664 returns true7665 #primary_write_location7666 raises NotImplementedError7667 #caught_up?7668 returns true7669 #database_replica_location7670 raises NotImplementedError7671# [RSpecRunTime] Finishing example group spec/lib/gitlab/database/load_balancing/primary_host_spec.rb. It took 1.05 seconds. Expected to take 1.32 seconds.7672# [RSpecRunTime] Starting example group spec/lib/gitlab/sidekiq_middleware/admin_mode/client_spec.rb. Expected to take 1.3 seconds.7673Gitlab::SidekiqMiddleware::AdminMode::Client7674 yields block7675 user is a regular user7676 no admin mode field in payload7677 user is an administrator7678 admin mode disabled7679 no admin mode field in payload7680 admin mode enabled7681 when sidekiq required context not set7682 no admin mode field in payload7683 when user stored in current request7684 has admin mode field in payload7685 when bypassing session7686 has admin mode field in payload7687 admin mode setting disabled7688 yields block7689 no admin mode field in payload7690# [RSpecRunTime] Finishing example group spec/lib/gitlab/sidekiq_middleware/admin_mode/client_spec.rb. It took 1.01 seconds. Expected to take 1.3 seconds.7691# [RSpecRunTime] Starting example group spec/validators/qualified_domain_array_validator_spec.rb. Expected to take 1.28 seconds.7692QualifiedDomainArrayValidator7693 validations7694 returns error when attribute is nil7695 allows when domain is valid7696 returns error when domain contains unicode7697 returns error when entry is larger than 255 chars7698 returns error when entry contains HTML tags7699 behaves like can be blank7700 allows when attribute is blank7701 when allow_nil is set to true7702 behaves like can be nil7703 allows when attribute is nil7704 behaves like can be blank7705 allows when attribute is blank7706 when allow_blank is set to true7707 behaves like can be nil7708 allows when attribute is nil7709 behaves like can be blank7710 allows when attribute is blank7711# [RSpecRunTime] Finishing example group spec/validators/qualified_domain_array_validator_spec.rb. It took 0.97 second. Expected to take 1.28 seconds.7712# [RSpecRunTime] Starting example group spec/services/user_agent_detail_service_spec.rb. Expected to take 1.25 seconds.7713UserAgentDetailService7714 #create7715 perform_spam_check: true, spam_params_present: true, user_agent: "UA", ip_address: "IP", creates_user_agent_detail: true7716 creates a user agent detail when expected7717 perform_spam_check: true, spam_params_present: false, user_agent: "UA", ip_address: "IP", creates_user_agent_detail: false7718 creates a user agent detail when expected7719 perform_spam_check: false, spam_params_present: true, user_agent: "UA", ip_address: "IP", creates_user_agent_detail: false7720 creates a user agent detail when expected7721 perform_spam_check: true, spam_params_present: true, user_agent: "", ip_address: "IP", creates_user_agent_detail: false7722 creates a user agent detail when expected7723 perform_spam_check: true, spam_params_present: true, user_agent: nil, ip_address: "IP", creates_user_agent_detail: false7724 creates a user agent detail when expected7725 perform_spam_check: true, spam_params_present: true, user_agent: "UA", ip_address: "", creates_user_agent_detail: false7726 creates a user agent detail when expected7727 perform_spam_check: true, spam_params_present: true, user_agent: "UA", ip_address: nil, creates_user_agent_detail: false7728 creates a user agent detail when expected7729# [RSpecRunTime] Finishing example group spec/services/user_agent_detail_service_spec.rb. It took 1.16 seconds. Expected to take 1.25 seconds.7730# [RSpecRunTime] Starting example group spec/models/project_custom_attribute_spec.rb. Expected to take 1.22 seconds.7731ProjectCustomAttribute7732 does not allow STI7733 assocations7734 is expected to belong to project required: false7735 validations7736 is expected to validate that :project cannot be empty/falsy7737 is expected to validate that :key cannot be empty/falsy7738 is expected to validate that :value cannot be empty/falsy7739 is expected to validate that :key is case-sensitively unique within the scope of :project_id7740# [RSpecRunTime] Finishing example group spec/models/project_custom_attribute_spec.rb. It took 0.98 second. Expected to take 1.22 seconds.7741# [RSpecRunTime] Starting example group spec/rubocop/cop/migration/add_concurrent_index_spec.rb. Expected to take 1.2 seconds.7742RuboCop::Cop::Migration::AddConcurrentIndex7743 when in migration7744 registers an offense when add_concurrent_index is used inside a change method7745 registers no offense when add_concurrent_index is used inside an up method7746 when outside of migration7747 registers no offense7748# [RSpecRunTime] Finishing example group spec/rubocop/cop/migration/add_concurrent_index_spec.rb. It took 0.48 second. Expected to take 1.2 seconds.7749# [RSpecRunTime] Starting example group spec/models/namespace/admin_note_spec.rb. Expected to take 1.18 seconds.7750Namespace::AdminNote7751 does not allow STI7752 associations7753 is expected to belong to namespace required: false7754 validations7755 is expected to validate that :namespace cannot be empty/falsy7756 is expected to validate that the length of :note is at most 10007757# [RSpecRunTime] Finishing example group spec/models/namespace/admin_note_spec.rb. It took 0.92 second. Expected to take 1.18 seconds.7758# [RSpecRunTime] Starting example group spec/services/packages/helm/extract_file_metadata_service_spec.rb. Expected to take 1.16 seconds.7759Packages::Helm::ExtractFileMetadataService7760 with a valid file7761 is expected to eq {"apiVersion"=>"v2", "description"=>"File, Block, and Object Storage Services for your Cloud-Native E...ok-logo.svg", "name"=>"rook-ceph", "sources"=>[""], "version"=>"v1.5.8"}7762 without Chart.yaml7763 is expected to raise Packages::Helm::ExtractFileMetadataService::ExtractionError with "Chart.yaml not found within a directory"7764 with Chart.yaml at root7765 is expected to raise Packages::Helm::ExtractFileMetadataService::ExtractionError with "Chart.yaml not found within a directory"7766 with an invalid YAML7767 is expected to raise Packages::Helm::ExtractFileMetadataService::ExtractionError with "Error while parsing Chart.yaml: (<unknown>): did not find expected node content while parsing a flow node at line 2 column 1"7768 with a corrupted Chart.yaml of incorrect size7769 raises an error with the expected message7770# [RSpecRunTime] Finishing example group spec/services/packages/helm/extract_file_metadata_service_spec.rb. It took 0.89 second. Expected to take 1.16 seconds.7771# [RSpecRunTime] Starting example group spec/workers/ci/build_prepare_worker_spec.rb. Expected to take 1.14 seconds.7772Ci::BuildPrepareWorker7773 build exists7774 calls the prepare build service7775 build does not exist7776 does not attempt to prepare the build7777# [RSpecRunTime] Finishing example group spec/workers/ci/build_prepare_worker_spec.rb. It took 0.86 second. Expected to take 1.14 seconds.7778# [RSpecRunTime] Starting example group spec/models/packages/event_spec.rb. Expected to take 1.12 seconds.7779Packages::Event7780 does not allow STI7781 .event_allowed?7782 is expected to eq true7783 behaves like handle forbidden event type7784 is expected to eq false7785 .counters_for7786 is expected to contain exactly "i_package_push_package", "i_package_push_package_by_deploy_token", and "i_package_npm_push_package"7787 behaves like handle forbidden event type7788 is expected to eq []7789 .unique_counters_for7790 is expected to contain exactly "i_package_npm_deploy_token"7791 behaves like handle forbidden event type7792 is expected to eq []7793 when an originator type is quest7794 is expected to eq []7795# [RSpecRunTime] Finishing example group spec/models/packages/event_spec.rb. It took 0.86 second. Expected to take 1.12 seconds.7796# [RSpecRunTime] Starting example group spec/services/packages/nuget/create_dependency_service_spec.rb. Expected to take 1.11 seconds.7797Packages::Nuget::CreateDependencyService7798 #execute7799 behaves like creating dependencies, links and nuget metadata for7800 creates dependencies, links and nuget metadata7801 with existing dependencies7802 behaves like creating dependencies, links and nuget metadata for7803 creates dependencies, links and nuget metadata7804 with dependencies with no target framework7805 behaves like creating dependencies, links and nuget metadata for7806 creates dependencies, links and nuget metadata7807 with empty dependencies7808 is a no op7809# [RSpecRunTime] Finishing example group spec/services/packages/nuget/create_dependency_service_spec.rb. It took 0.99 second. Expected to take 1.11 seconds.7810# [RSpecRunTime] Starting example group spec/graphql/resolvers/work_item_resolver_spec.rb. Expected to take 1.09 seconds.7811Resolvers::WorkItemResolver7812 #resolve7813 when the user can read the work item7814 is expected to eq #<WorkItem id:311 namespace817/project-975#1>7815 when the user can not read the work item7816 raises a resource not available error7817# [RSpecRunTime] Finishing example group spec/graphql/resolvers/work_item_resolver_spec.rb. It took 0.9 second. Expected to take 1.09 seconds.7818# [RSpecRunTime] Starting example group spec/rubocop/cop/gitlab/module_with_instance_variables_spec.rb. Expected to take 1.08 seconds.7819RuboCop::Cop::Gitlab::ModuleWithInstanceVariables7820 when source is using simple or ivar assignment7821 behaves like not registering offense7822 does not register offenses7823 when source is a regular module7824 behaves like registering offense7825 registers an offense when instance variable is used in a module7826 when source is a nested module7827 behaves like registering offense7828 registers an offense when instance variable is used in a module7829 when source is defining initialize7830 behaves like not registering offense7831 does not register offenses7832 when source is using or ivar assignment with something else7833 behaves like registering offense7834 registers an offense when instance variable is used in a module7835 when source is using simple or ivar assignment with other ivar7836 behaves like registering offense7837 registers an offense when instance variable is used in a module7838 when source is a nested module with multiple offenses7839 behaves like registering offense7840 registers an offense when instance variable is used in a module7841 when source is using simple ivar7842 behaves like not registering offense7843 does not register offenses7844# [RSpecRunTime] Finishing example group spec/rubocop/cop/gitlab/module_with_instance_variables_spec.rb. It took 0.87 second. Expected to take 1.08 seconds.7845# [RSpecRunTime] Starting example group spec/lib/gitlab/ci/config/entry/stages_spec.rb. Expected to take 1.04 seconds.7846Gitlab::Ci::Config::Entry::Stages7847 validations7848 when entry config value is array of strings7849 #value7850 returns array of stages7851 #valid?7852 is valid7853 when entry config value is nested array of strings7854 #value7855 returns array of stages7856 #valid?7857 is valid7858 when entry value is multi-level nested array7859 #errors7860 saves errors7861 #valid?7862 is not valid7863 when entry value is not correct7864 #errors7865 saves errors7866 #valid?7867 is not valid7868 .default7869 returns default stages7870# [RSpecRunTime] Finishing example group spec/lib/gitlab/ci/config/entry/stages_spec.rb. It took 1.03 seconds. Expected to take 1.04 seconds.7871# [RSpecRunTime] Starting example group spec/models/work_items/related_link_restriction_spec.rb. Expected to take 1.04 seconds.7872WorkItems::RelatedLinkRestriction7873 does not allow STI7874 associations7875 is expected to belong to source_type required: false7876 is expected to belong to target_type required: false7877 .link_type7878 is expected to define :link_type as an enum backed by an integer with values ‹{relates_to: 0, blocks: 1}›7879 validations7880 is expected to validate that :source_type cannot be empty/falsy7881 is expected to validate that :target_type cannot be empty/falsy7882 is expected to validate that :target_type is case-sensitively unique within the scope of :source_type_id and :link_type7883# [RSpecRunTime] Finishing example group spec/models/work_items/related_link_restriction_spec.rb. It took 0.83 second. Expected to take 1.04 seconds.7884# [RSpecRunTime] Starting example group spec/lib/gitlab/pagination/keyset_spec.rb. Expected to take 1.01 seconds.7885Gitlab::Pagination::Keyset7886 .available_for_type?7887 returns true for Project7888 return false for other types of relations7889 .available?7890 with order-by id asc7891 behaves like keyset pagination is available7892 returns true for Project7893 return false for other types of relations7894 with order-by id desc7895 behaves like keyset pagination is available7896 returns true for Project7897 return false for other types of relations7898 with other order-by columns7899 returns false for Project7900 return false for other types of relations7901# [RSpecRunTime] Finishing example group spec/lib/gitlab/pagination/keyset_spec.rb. It took 0.89 second. Expected to take 1.01 seconds.7902# [RSpecRunTime] Starting example group spec/serializers/test_suite_comparer_entity_spec.rb. Expected to take 1.0 second.7903TestSuiteComparerEntity7904 #as_json7905 when head suite has a newly failed test case which does not exist in base7906 contains correct compared test suite details7907 when head suite has a new error test case which does not exist in base7908 contains correct compared test suite details7909 when head suite still has a failed test case which failed in base7910 contains correct compared test suite details7911 when head suite has a success test case which failed in base7912 contains correct compared test suite details7913 when head suite has suite error7914 contains suite error for head suite7915 when base suite has suite error7916 contains suite error for head suite7917 when base and head suite both have suite errors7918 contains suite error for head suite7919# [RSpecRunTime] Finishing example group spec/serializers/test_suite_comparer_entity_spec.rb. It took 0.79 second. Expected to take 1.0 second.7920# [RSpecRunTime] Starting example group spec/workers/environments/canary_ingress/update_worker_spec.rb. Expected to take 0.98 second.7921Environments::CanaryIngress::UpdateWorker7922 #perform7923 executes the update service7924 when an environment does not exist7925 does not execute the update service7926# [RSpecRunTime] Finishing example group spec/workers/environments/canary_ingress/update_worker_spec.rb. It took 0.8 second. Expected to take 0.98 second.7927# [RSpecRunTime] Starting example group spec/workers/projects/finalize_project_statistics_refresh_worker_spec.rb. Expected to take 0.97 second.7928Projects::FinalizeProjectStatisticsRefreshWorker7929 #perform7930 stores the refresh increment to the buffered counter7931 when record class does not exist7932 does nothing7933 when record does not exist7934 does nothing7935# [RSpecRunTime] Finishing example group spec/workers/projects/finalize_project_statistics_refresh_worker_spec.rb. It took 0.75 second. Expected to take 0.97 second.7936# [RSpecRunTime] Starting example group spec/models/group_custom_attribute_spec.rb. Expected to take 0.96 second.7937GroupCustomAttribute7938 does not allow STI7939 assocations7940 is expected to belong to group required: false7941 validations7942 is expected to validate that :group cannot be empty/falsy7943 is expected to validate that :key cannot be empty/falsy7944 is expected to validate that :value cannot be empty/falsy7945 is expected to validate that :key is case-sensitively unique within the scope of :group_id7946# [RSpecRunTime] Finishing example group spec/models/group_custom_attribute_spec.rb. It took 0.84 second. Expected to take 0.96 second.7947# [RSpecRunTime] Starting example group spec/rubocop/cop/migration/add_columns_to_wide_tables_spec.rb. Expected to take 0.94 second.7948RuboCop::Cop::Migration::AddColumnsToWideTables7949 when outside of a migration7950 does not register any offenses7951 when in a migration7952 with wide tables7953 registers an offense when adding a column to a wide table7954 registers an offense when adding a column with default to a wide table7955 registers an offense when adding a reference7956 registers an offense when adding timestamps7957 register no offense when using other method7958 with a regular table7959 registers no offense for notes7960# [RSpecRunTime] Finishing example group spec/rubocop/cop/migration/add_columns_to_wide_tables_spec.rb. It took 0.83 second. Expected to take 0.94 second.7961# [RSpecRunTime] Starting example group spec/lib/gitlab/word_diff/segments/chunk_spec.rb. Expected to take 0.93 second.7962Gitlab::WordDiff::Segments::Chunk7963 #removed?7964 is expected to be falsey7965 when line starts with "-"7966 is expected to be truthy7967 #added?7968 is expected to be falsey7969 when line starts with "+"7970 is expected to be truthy7971 #to_s7972 removes lead string modifier7973 when chunk is empty7974 is expected to eq ""7975 #length7976 is expected to eq 57977# [RSpecRunTime] Finishing example group spec/lib/gitlab/word_diff/segments/chunk_spec.rb. It took 0.76 second. Expected to take 0.93 second.7978# [RSpecRunTime] Starting example group spec/lib/gitlab/database/load_balancing/service_discovery/sampler_spec.rb. Expected to take 0.92 second.7979Gitlab::Database::LoadBalancing::ServiceDiscovery::Sampler7980 #sample7981 samples max_replica_pools addresses7982 samples random ports across all hosts7983 returns the same answer for the same input when called multiple times7984 gives a consistent answer regardless of input ordering7985 samples fairly across all hosts7986 when input is an empty array7987 returns an empty array7988 when there are less replicas than max_replica_pools7989 returns the same addresses7990 when max_replica_pools is nil7991 returns the same addresses7992# [RSpecRunTime] Finishing example group spec/lib/gitlab/database/load_balancing/service_discovery/sampler_spec.rb. It took 0.87 second. Expected to take 0.92 second.7993# [RSpecRunTime] Starting example group spec/lib/gitlab/url_blockers/domain_allowlist_entry_spec.rb. Expected to take 0.91 second.7994Gitlab::UrlBlockers::DomainAllowlistEntry7995 #initialize7996 initializes without port7997 initializes with port7998 #match?7999 matches when domain and port are equal8000 matches any port when port is nil8001 does not match when port is present but requested_port is nil8002 matches when port and requested_port are nil8003 does not match if domain is not equal8004# [RSpecRunTime] Finishing example group spec/lib/gitlab/url_blockers/domain_allowlist_entry_spec.rb. It took 0.77 second. Expected to take 0.91 second.8005# [RSpecRunTime] Starting example group spec/lib/api/entities/namespace_basic_spec.rb. Expected to take 0.89 second.8006API::Entities::NamespaceBasic8007 returns required fields8008 for a user namespace8009 returns required fields8010 when user namespece owner is missing8011 returns required fields8012 returns correct web_url8013# [RSpecRunTime] Finishing example group spec/lib/api/entities/namespace_basic_spec.rb. It took 0.72 second. Expected to take 0.89 second.8014# [RSpecRunTime] Starting example group spec/routing/organizations/organizations_controller_routing_spec.rb. Expected to take 0.89 second.8015Organizations::OrganizationsController8016 routes to #index8017 routes to #groups_and_projects8018 routes to #users8019 routes to #new8020 routes to #preview_markdown8021 routes to #activity8022 routes to #show8023# [RSpecRunTime] Finishing example group spec/routing/organizations/organizations_controller_routing_spec.rb. It took 0.85 second. Expected to take 0.89 second.8024# [RSpecRunTime] Starting example group spec/models/user_mentions/merge_request_user_mention_spec.rb. Expected to take 0.86 second.8025MergeRequestUserMention8026 does not allow STI8027 associations8028 is expected to belong to merge_request required: false8029 is expected to belong to note required: false8030 behaves like has user mentions8031 #has_mentions?8032 when no mentions8033 returns false8034 when mentioned_users_ids not null8035 returns true8036 when mentioned projects8037 returns true8038 when mentioned groups8039 returns true8040# [RSpecRunTime] Finishing example group spec/models/user_mentions/merge_request_user_mention_spec.rb. It took 0.82 second. Expected to take 0.86 second.8041# [RSpecRunTime] Starting example group spec/lib/gitlab/database/query_analyzers/prevent_set_operator_mismatch/common_table_expressions_spec.rb. Expected to take 0.86 second.8042Gitlab::Database::QueryAnalyzers::PreventSetOperatorMismatch::CommonTableExpressions8043 .references8044 when standard CTE8045 with static SELECT8046 is expected to eq {"some_cte"=>#<Set: {:static}>}8047 with dynamic SELECT8048 is expected to eq {"some_cte"=>#<Set: {:dynamic}>}8049 when recursive CTE8050 with static SELECT8051 is expected to eq {"some_cte"=>#<Set: {:static}>}8052# [RSpecRunTime] RSpec elapsed time: 25 minutes 13.81 seconds. Current RSS: ~1617M. load average: 1.20 1.27 1.14 1/288 183828053 with dynamic SELECT8054 is expected to eq {"some_cte"=>#<Set: {:dynamic}>}8055 with error SELECT8056 is expected to eq {"some_cte"=>#<Set: {:dynamic, :static, :invalid}>}8057 with inherited CTE references8058 maintains inherited CTE references8059# [RSpecRunTime] Finishing example group spec/lib/gitlab/database/query_analyzers/prevent_set_operator_mismatch/common_table_expressions_spec.rb. It took 2.19 seconds. Expected to take 0.86 second.8060# [RSpecRunTime] Starting example group spec/rubocop/cop/avoid_break_from_strong_memoize_spec.rb. Expected to take 0.84 second.8061RuboCop::Cop::AvoidBreakFromStrongMemoize8062 doesn't call add_offense twice for nested blocks8063 flags violation for break inside strong_memoize8064 doesn't flag violation for next inside strong_memoize8065 doesn't check when block is empty8066 flags violation for break inside strong_memoize nested blocks8067 doesn't flag violation for break inside blocks8068# [RSpecRunTime] Finishing example group spec/rubocop/cop/avoid_break_from_strong_memoize_spec.rb. It took 0.82 second. Expected to take 0.84 second.8069# [RSpecRunTime] Starting example group spec/lib/container_registry/registry_spec.rb. Expected to take 0.83 second.8070ContainerRegistry::Registry8071 is expected to respond to #client8072 is expected to respond to #uri8073 is expected to respond to #path8074 is expected not to be nil8075 #path8076 path from URL8077 is expected to eq ""8078 custom path8079 is expected to eq ""8080 #gitlab_api_client8081 returns a GitLabApiClient with an import token8082# [RSpecRunTime] Finishing example group spec/lib/container_registry/registry_spec.rb. It took 0.85 second. Expected to take 0.83 second.8083# [RSpecRunTime] Starting example group spec/lib/gitlab/submodule_links_spec.rb. Expected to take 0.82 second.8084Gitlab::SubmoduleLinks8085 #for8086 when there is no .gitmodules file8087 returns no links8088 when the submodule is unknown8089 returns no links8090 when the submodule is known8091 returns links and caches the by ref8092 when ref name contains a dash8093 returns links8094 and the diff information is available8095 the returned links include the compare link8096 but the submodule url has changed8097 the returned links do not include the compare link8098# [RSpecRunTime] Finishing example group spec/lib/gitlab/submodule_links_spec.rb. It took 0.8 second. Expected to take 0.82 second.8099# [RSpecRunTime] Starting example group spec/lib/gitlab/ci/config/external/mapper/normalizer_spec.rb. Expected to take 0.81 second.8100Gitlab::Ci::Config::External::Mapper::Normalizer8101 #process8102 converts locations to canonical form8103 when the location value is an invalid type8104 raises an error8105# [RSpecRunTime] Finishing example group spec/lib/gitlab/ci/config/external/mapper/normalizer_spec.rb. It took 0.37 second. Expected to take 0.81 second.8106# [RSpecRunTime] Starting example group spec/lib/gitlab/ci/pipeline/expression/lexeme/pattern/regular_expression_spec.rb. Expected to take 0.8 second.8107Gitlab::Ci::Pipeline::Expression::Lexeme::Pattern::RegularExpression8108 #valid?8109 with valid expressions8110 is expected to be truthy8111 when the value is not a valid regular expression8112 is expected to be falsey8113 #expression8114 with valid expressions8115 is expected to eq #<Gitlab::UntrustedRegexp:0x00007f338f3882f8 @regexp=#<RE2::Regexp /bar/>, @scan_regexp=#<RE2::Regexp /(bar)/>>8116 when the value is not a valid regular expression8117 is expected to raise RegexpError8118 when the request store is activated8119 fabricates once8120 #initialize8121 initializes the pattern8122# [RSpecRunTime] Finishing example group spec/lib/gitlab/ci/pipeline/expression/lexeme/pattern/regular_expression_spec.rb. It took 0.72 second. Expected to take 0.8 second.8123# [RSpecRunTime] Starting example group spec/finders/packages/pipelines_finder_spec.rb. Expected to take 0.78 second.8124Packages::PipelinesFinder8125 #execute8126 returns only pipelines that match the given IDs, in descending order8127 returns only selected columns8128# [RSpecRunTime] Finishing example group spec/finders/packages/pipelines_finder_spec.rb. It took 0.77 second. Expected to take 0.78 second.8129# [RSpecRunTime] Starting example group spec/lib/gitlab_settings/settings_spec.rb. Expected to take 0.76 second.8130GitlabSettings::Settings8131 loads the given section config8132 #initialize8133 requires a source8134 requires a section8135 sets encodings8136 #reload!8137 reloads the config8138 on lazy loading8139 does not raise exception on initialization if source does not exists8140# [RSpecRunTime] Finishing example group spec/lib/gitlab_settings/settings_spec.rb. It took 0.74 second. Expected to take 0.76 second.8141# [RSpecRunTime] Starting example group spec/views/devise/sessions/new.html.haml_spec.rb. Expected to take 0.76 second.8142devise/sessions/new8143 ldap8144 is shown when enabled8145 is not shown when LDAP sign in is disabled8146# [RSpecRunTime] Finishing example group spec/views/devise/sessions/new.html.haml_spec.rb. It took 0.49 second. Expected to take 0.76 second.8147# [RSpecRunTime] Starting example group spec/workers/gitlab/github_import/attachments/import_merge_request_worker_spec.rb. Expected to take 0.74 second.8148Gitlab::GithubImport::Attachments::ImportMergeRequestWorker8149 #import8150 imports an merge request attachments8151# [RSpecRunTime] Finishing example group spec/workers/gitlab/github_import/attachments/import_merge_request_worker_spec.rb. It took 0.71 second. Expected to take 0.74 second.8152# [RSpecRunTime] Starting example group spec/lib/gitlab/ci/status/manual_spec.rb. Expected to take 0.72 second.8153Gitlab::Ci::Status::Manual8154 #text8155 is expected to eq "Manual"8156 #label8157 is expected to eq "manual action"8158 #icon8159 is expected to eq "status_manual"8160 #favicon8161 is expected to eq "favicon_status_manual"8162 #group8163 is expected to eq "manual"8164# [RSpecRunTime] Finishing example group spec/lib/gitlab/ci/status/manual_spec.rb. It took 0.78 second. Expected to take 0.72 second.8165# [RSpecRunTime] Starting example group spec/config/mail_room_spec.rb. Expected to take 0.72 second.8166mail_room.yml8167 when incoming email is disabled8168 contains no configuration8169 when both incoming email and service desk email are enabled8170 contains the intended configuration8171 when both incoming email and service desk email are enabled for Microsoft Graph8172 contains the intended configuration8173# [RSpecRunTime] Finishing example group spec/config/mail_room_spec.rb. It took 0.62 second. Expected to take 0.72 second.8174# [RSpecRunTime] Starting example group spec/lib/gitlab/usage/metrics/instrumentations/count_service_desk_custom_email_enabled_metric_spec.rb. Expected to take 0.7 second.8175Gitlab::Usage::Metrics::Instrumentations::CountServiceDeskCustomEmailEnabledMetric8176 behaves like a correct instrumented metric value8177 has correct value8178# [RSpecRunTime] Finishing example group spec/lib/gitlab/usage/metrics/instrumentations/count_service_desk_custom_email_enabled_metric_spec.rb. It took 0.68 second. Expected to take 0.7 second.8179# [RSpecRunTime] Starting example group spec/serializers/personal_access_token_serializer_spec.rb. Expected to take 0.7 second.8180PersonalAccessTokenSerializer8181 #represent8182 can render a single token8183 can render a collection of tokens8184# [RSpecRunTime] Finishing example group spec/serializers/personal_access_token_serializer_spec.rb. It took 0.6 second. Expected to take 0.7 second.8185# [RSpecRunTime] Starting example group spec/rubocop/cop/migration/add_concurrent_foreign_key_spec.rb. Expected to take 0.68 second.8186RuboCop::Cop::Migration::AddConcurrentForeignKey8187 when in a migration8188 registers an offense when using add_foreign_key8189 does not register an offense when a `NOT VALID` foreign key is added8190 does not register an offense when `add_foreign_key` is within `with_lock_retries`8191 when outside of a migration8192 does not register any offenses8193# [RSpecRunTime] Finishing example group spec/rubocop/cop/migration/add_concurrent_foreign_key_spec.rb. It took 0.58 second. Expected to take 0.68 second.8194# [RSpecRunTime] Starting example group spec/views/layouts/minimal.html.haml_spec.rb. Expected to take 0.67 second.8195layouts/minimal8196 without broadcast messaging8197 does not render the broadcast layout8198# [RSpecRunTime] Finishing example group spec/views/layouts/minimal.html.haml_spec.rb. It took 0.66 second. Expected to take 0.67 second.8199# [RSpecRunTime] Starting example group spec/lib/gitlab/ci/mask_secret_spec.rb. Expected to take 0.65 second.8200Gitlab::Ci::MaskSecret8201 #mask8202 masks exact number of characters8203 masks multiple occurrences8204 does not mask if not found8205 does support null token8206 does not change a bytesize of a value8207# [RSpecRunTime] Finishing example group spec/lib/gitlab/ci/mask_secret_spec.rb. It took 0.6 second. Expected to take 0.65 second.8208# [RSpecRunTime] Starting example group spec/rubocop/cop/migration/add_timestamps_spec.rb. Expected to take 0.65 second.8209RuboCop::Cop::Migration::AddTimestamps8210 when outside of migration8211 registers no offense8212 when in migration8213 registers an offense when the "add_timestamps" method is used8214 does not register an offense when the "add_timestamps" method is not used8215 does not register an offense when the "add_timestamps_with_timezone" method is used8216# [RSpecRunTime] Finishing example group spec/rubocop/cop/migration/add_timestamps_spec.rb. It took 0.57 second. Expected to take 0.65 second.8217# [RSpecRunTime] Starting example group spec/lib/gitlab/memory/watchdog/monitor/heap_fragmentation_spec.rb. Expected to take 0.63 second.8218Gitlab::Memory::Watchdog::Monitor::HeapFragmentation8219 #initialize8220 sets the heap fragmentation limit gauge8221 #call8222 gets gc_heap_fragmentation8223 when process exceeds threshold8224 returns if threshold is violated and payload8225 when process does not exceed threshold8226 returns if threshold is violated and payload8227# [RSpecRunTime] Finishing example group spec/lib/gitlab/memory/watchdog/monitor/heap_fragmentation_spec.rb. It took 0.6 second. Expected to take 0.63 second.8228# [RSpecRunTime] Starting example group spec/tooling/lib/tooling/debug_spec.rb. Expected to take 0.62 second.8229Tooling::Debug8230 #puts8231 when debug is enabled8232 writes to stdout8233 when debug is disabled8234 does not write to stdout8235 #print8236 when debug is enabled8237 writes to stdout8238 when debug is disabled8239 does not write to stdout8240# [RSpecRunTime] Finishing example group spec/tooling/lib/tooling/debug_spec.rb. It took 0.56 second. Expected to take 0.62 second.8241# [RSpecRunTime] Starting example group spec/initializers/countries_spec.rb. Expected to take 0.61 second.8242countries8243 configures locals to EN8244 initialises Ukraine with custom country name8245 initialises Taiwan with custom country name8246# [RSpecRunTime] Finishing example group spec/initializers/countries_spec.rb. It took 0.45 second. Expected to take 0.61 second.8247# [RSpecRunTime] Starting example group spec/lib/gitlab/ci/build/artifacts/adapters/raw_stream_spec.rb. Expected to take 0.61 second.8248Gitlab::Ci::Build::Artifacts::Adapters::RawStream8249 #initialize8250 when stream is passed8251 initialized8252 when stream is not passed8253 raises an error8254 #each_blob8255 when file is not empty8256 iterates content8257 when file is empty8258 does not iterate content8259# [RSpecRunTime] Finishing example group spec/lib/gitlab/ci/build/artifacts/adapters/raw_stream_spec.rb. It took 0.58 second. Expected to take 0.61 second.8260# [RSpecRunTime] Starting example group spec/helpers/git_helper_spec.rb. Expected to take 0.59 second.8261GitHelper8262 #short_sha8263 is expected to eq "d4e043f6"8264 #strip_signature8265 strips PGP SIGNATURE8266 is expected to eq "Version 1.69.0\n\n"8267 strips PGP MESSAGE8268 is expected to eq "Version 1.69.0\n\n"8269 strips SIGNED MESSAGE8270 is expected to eq "this is Roger's signed tag\n\n"8271# [RSpecRunTime] Finishing example group spec/helpers/git_helper_spec.rb. It took 1.98 seconds. Expected to take 0.59 second.8272# [RSpecRunTime] Starting example group spec/finders/admin/plans_finder_spec.rb. Expected to take 0.59 second.8273Admin::PlansFinder8274 #execute8275 with no params8276 returns all plans8277 with missing name in params8278 returns all plans8279 with existing name in params8280 returns the plan8281 with non-existing name in params8282 returns nil8283# [RSpecRunTime] Finishing example group spec/finders/admin/plans_finder_spec.rb. It took 0.57 second. Expected to take 0.59 second.8284# [RSpecRunTime] Starting example group spec/workers/gitlab/export/prune_project_export_jobs_worker_spec.rb. Expected to take 0.58 second.8285Gitlab::Export::PruneProjectExportJobsWorker8286 #perform8287 executes PruneExpiredExportJobsService8288 behaves like an idempotent worker8289 is labeled as idempotent8290 performs multiple times sequentially without raising an exception8291# [RSpecRunTime] Finishing example group spec/workers/gitlab/export/prune_project_export_jobs_worker_spec.rb. It took 0.49 second. Expected to take 0.58 second.8292# [RSpecRunTime] Starting example group spec/lib/gitlab/sql/glob_spec.rb. Expected to take 0.56 second.8293Gitlab::SQL::Glob8294 .to_like8295 matches * as %8296 matches % literally8297 matches _ literally8298# [RSpecRunTime] Finishing example group spec/lib/gitlab/sql/glob_spec.rb. It took 0.46 second. Expected to take 0.56 second.8299# [RSpecRunTime] Starting example group spec/services/packages/nuget/symbols/extract_signature_and_checksum_service_spec.rb. Expected to take 0.55 second.8300Packages::Nuget::Symbols::ExtractSignatureAndChecksumService8301 #execute8302 with a valid symbol file8303 returns the signature and checksum8304 reads the file in chunks8305 with an invalid symbol file8306 returns an error8307# [RSpecRunTime] Finishing example group spec/services/packages/nuget/symbols/extract_signature_and_checksum_service_spec.rb. It took 0.47 second. Expected to take 0.55 second.8308# [RSpecRunTime] Starting example group spec/lib/banzai/pipeline/email_pipeline_spec.rb. Expected to take 0.54 second.8309Banzai::Pipeline::EmailPipeline8310 .filters8311 returns the expected type8312 excludes ImageLazyLoadFilter8313 shows punycode for autolinks8314# [RSpecRunTime] Finishing example group spec/lib/banzai/pipeline/email_pipeline_spec.rb. It took 0.51 second. Expected to take 0.54 second.8315# [RSpecRunTime] Starting example group spec/lib/sidebars/projects/menus/external_issue_tracker_menu_spec.rb. Expected to take 0.53 second.8316Sidebars::Projects::Menus::ExternalIssueTrackerMenu8317 does not contain any sub menu8318 #render?8319 when active external issue tracker8320 is present8321 returns true8322 is not present8323 returns false8324# [RSpecRunTime] Finishing example group spec/lib/sidebars/projects/menus/external_issue_tracker_menu_spec.rb. It took 0.52 second. Expected to take 0.53 second.8325# [RSpecRunTime] Starting example group spec/lib/gitlab/database/schema_migrations/migrations_spec.rb. Expected to take 0.52 second.8326Gitlab::Database::SchemaMigrations::Migrations8327 #touch_all8328 creates a file containing a checksum for each version with a matching migration8329 #load_all8330 when there are no version files8331 does nothing8332 when there are version files8333 inserts the missing versions into schema_migrations8334# [RSpecRunTime] Finishing example group spec/lib/gitlab/database/schema_migrations/migrations_spec.rb. It took 0.46 second. Expected to take 0.52 second.8335# [RSpecRunTime] Starting example group spec/lib/gitlab/graphql/negatable_arguments_spec.rb. Expected to take 0.51 second.8336Gitlab::Graphql::NegatableArguments8337 #negated8338 defines :not argument8339 defines any arguments passed as block8340 defines all arguments passed as block even if called multiple times (PENDING: Temporarily skipped with xit)8341 allows to specify custom argument name8342# [RSpecRunTime] Finishing example group spec/lib/gitlab/graphql/negatable_arguments_spec.rb. It took 0.47 second. Expected to take 0.51 second.8343# [RSpecRunTime] Starting example group spec/lib/gitlab/memory/watchdog/monitor_state_spec.rb. Expected to take 0.5 second.8344Gitlab::Memory::Watchdog::MonitorState8345 #call8346 when threshold is not violated8347 returns correct result8348 when threshold is violated8349 returns correct result8350 when strikes_exceeded8351 returns correct result8352# [RSpecRunTime] Finishing example group spec/lib/gitlab/memory/watchdog/monitor_state_spec.rb. It took 0.48 second. Expected to take 0.5 second.8353# [RSpecRunTime] Starting example group spec/tooling/danger/config_files_spec.rb. Expected to take 0.5 second.8354Tooling::Danger::ConfigFiles8355 #new_config_files8356 returns added, modified, and renamed_after files by default8357 #add_suggestion_for_missing_introduced_by_url8358 when config file has an empty introduced_by_url line8359 adds suggestions at the correct line8360 when config file has an introduced_by_url line with value8361 does not add suggestion8362# [RSpecRunTime] Finishing example group spec/tooling/danger/config_files_spec.rb. It took 0.51 second. Expected to take 0.5 second.8363# [RSpecRunTime] Starting example group spec/helpers/feed_token_helper_spec.rb. Expected to take 0.49 second.8364FeedTokenHelper8365 #generate_feed_token8366 with type :atom8367 returns the current_user's atom feed_token8368 when signed out8369 returns nil8370# [RSpecRunTime] Finishing example group spec/helpers/feed_token_helper_spec.rb. It took 0.4 second. Expected to take 0.49 second.8371# [RSpecRunTime] Starting example group spec/graphql/types/work_items/linked_item_type_spec.rb. Expected to take 0.48 second.8372Types::WorkItems::LinkedItemType8373 exposes the expected fields8374 is expected to eq "LinkedWorkItemType"8375 work_item8376 is expected to have nullable GraphQL type WorkItem8377# [RSpecRunTime] Finishing example group spec/graphql/types/work_items/linked_item_type_spec.rb. It took 0.48 second. Expected to take 0.48 second.8378# [RSpecRunTime] Starting example group spec/db/production/add_security_training_providers_spec.rb. Expected to take 0.46 second.8379Create security training providers in production8380 behaves like security training providers importer8381OK8382 upserts security training providers8383# [RSpecRunTime] Finishing example group spec/db/production/add_security_training_providers_spec.rb. It took 0.35 second. Expected to take 0.46 second.8384# [RSpecRunTime] Starting example group spec/graphql/types/security/codequality_reports_comparer/report_type_spec.rb. Expected to take 0.46 second.8385Types::Security::CodequalityReportsComparer::ReportType8386 is expected to eq "CodequalityReportsComparerReport"8387 has expected fields8388# [RSpecRunTime] Finishing example group spec/graphql/types/security/codequality_reports_comparer/report_type_spec.rb. It took 0.36 second. Expected to take 0.46 second.8389# [RSpecRunTime] Starting example group spec/graphql/types/alert_management/severity_enum_spec.rb. Expected to take 0.45 second.8390Types::AlertManagement::SeverityEnum8391 is expected to eq "AlertManagementSeverity"8392 exposes all the severity values8393# [RSpecRunTime] Finishing example group spec/graphql/types/alert_management/severity_enum_spec.rb. It took 0.37 second. Expected to take 0.45 second.8394# [RSpecRunTime] Starting example group spec/rubocop/cop/gitlab/finder_with_find_by_spec.rb. Expected to take 0.44 second.8395RuboCop::Cop::Gitlab::FinderWithFindBy8396 when calling execute.find8397 registers an offense and corrects8398 when called within the `FinderMethods` module8399 does not register an offense8400# [RSpecRunTime] Finishing example group spec/rubocop/cop/gitlab/finder_with_find_by_spec.rb. It took 0.39 second. Expected to take 0.44 second.8401# [RSpecRunTime] Starting example group spec/graphql/types/ci_configuration/sast/entity_input_type_spec.rb. Expected to take 0.44 second.8402Types::CiConfiguration::Sast::EntityInputType8403 is expected to eq "SastCiConfigurationEntityInput"8404 is expected to contain exactly "field", "defaultValue", and "value"8405# [RSpecRunTime] Finishing example group spec/graphql/types/ci_configuration/sast/entity_input_type_spec.rb. It took 0.38 second. Expected to take 0.44 second.8406# [RSpecRunTime] Starting example group spec/lib/atlassian/jira_connect/serializers/base_entity_spec.rb. Expected to take 0.43 second.8407Atlassian::JiraConnect::Serializers::BaseEntity8408 generates the update_sequence_id8409 with update_sequence_id option8410 uses the custom update_sequence_id8411# [RSpecRunTime] Finishing example group spec/lib/atlassian/jira_connect/serializers/base_entity_spec.rb. It took 0.38 second. Expected to take 0.43 second.8412# [RSpecRunTime] Starting example group spec/lib/parameter_filters/saml_response_spec.rb. Expected to take 0.43 second.8413ParameterFilters::SamlResponse8414 filter sensitive values8415 lists the non sensitive attributes8416 with malformed data8417 returns error message8418# [RSpecRunTime] Finishing example group spec/lib/parameter_filters/saml_response_spec.rb. It took 0.43 second. Expected to take 0.43 second.8419# [RSpecRunTime] Starting example group spec/graphql/types/merge_requests/mergeability_check_type_spec.rb. Expected to take 0.42 second.8420Types::MergeRequests::MergeabilityCheckType8421 is expected to have graphql fields :identifier and :status8422 is expected to eq "MergeRequestMergeabilityCheck"8423# [RSpecRunTime] Finishing example group spec/graphql/types/merge_requests/mergeability_check_type_spec.rb. It took 0.4 second. Expected to take 0.42 second.8424# [RSpecRunTime] Starting example group spec/lib/api/validations/validators/email_or_email_list_spec.rb. Expected to take 0.42 second.8425API::Validations::Validators::EmailOrEmailList8426 with valid email addresses8427 does not raise a validation error8428 including any invalid email address8429 raises a validation error8430# [RSpecRunTime] Finishing example group spec/lib/api/validations/validators/email_or_email_list_spec.rb. It took 0.42 second. Expected to take 0.42 second.8431# [RSpecRunTime] Starting example group spec/lib/bitbucket/exponential_backoff_spec.rb. Expected to take 0.41 second.8432Bitbucket::ExponentialBackoff8433 .retry_with_exponential_backoff8434 when the function succeeds on the first try8435 calls the function once and returns its result8436 when the function response is an error8437 raises a RateLimitError if the maximum number of retries is exceeded8438# [RSpecRunTime] Finishing example group spec/lib/bitbucket/exponential_backoff_spec.rb. It took 0.46 second. Expected to take 0.41 second.8439# [RSpecRunTime] Starting example group spec/lib/gitlab/import/logger_spec.rb. Expected to take 0.41 second.8440Gitlab::Import::Logger8441 behaves like a json logger8442 formats strings8443 formats hashes8444# [RSpecRunTime] Finishing example group spec/lib/gitlab/import/logger_spec.rb. It took 0.4 second. Expected to take 0.41 second.8445# [RSpecRunTime] Starting example group spec/lib/gitlab/metrics/rack_middleware_spec.rb. Expected to take 0.4 second.8446Gitlab::Metrics::RackMiddleware8447 #call8448 tracks a transaction8449 tracks any raised exceptions8450# [RSpecRunTime] Finishing example group spec/lib/gitlab/metrics/rack_middleware_spec.rb. It took 0.39 second. Expected to take 0.4 second.8451# [RSpecRunTime] Starting example group spec/lib/gitlab/audit/deploy_token_author_spec.rb. Expected to take 0.4 second.8452Gitlab::Audit::DeployTokenAuthor8453 #initialize8454 sets correct attributes8455 sets default name when it is not provided8456# [RSpecRunTime] Finishing example group spec/lib/gitlab/audit/deploy_token_author_spec.rb. It took 0.38 second. Expected to take 0.4 second.8457# [RSpecRunTime] Starting example group spec/lib/gitlab/application_rate_limiter/base_strategy_spec.rb. Expected to take 0.39 second.8458Gitlab::ApplicationRateLimiter::BaseStrategy8459 #increment8460 raises NotImplementedError8461 #read8462 raises NotImplementedError8463# [RSpecRunTime] Finishing example group spec/lib/gitlab/application_rate_limiter/base_strategy_spec.rb. It took 0.38 second. Expected to take 0.39 second.8464# [RSpecRunTime] Starting example group spec/graphql/types/container_respository_tags_sort_enum_spec.rb. Expected to take 0.39 second.8465Types::ContainerRepositoryTagsSortEnum8466 is expected to eq "ContainerRepositoryTagSort"8467 exposes all the existing issue sort values8468# [RSpecRunTime] Finishing example group spec/graphql/types/container_respository_tags_sort_enum_spec.rb. It took 0.38 second. Expected to take 0.39 second.8469# [RSpecRunTime] Starting example group spec/serializers/codequality_reports_comparer_entity_spec.rb. Expected to take 0.36 second.8470CodequalityReportsComparerEntity8471 #as_json8472 when base and head report have errors8473 contains correct compared codequality report details8474# [RSpecRunTime] Finishing example group spec/serializers/codequality_reports_comparer_entity_spec.rb. It took 0.3 second. Expected to take 0.36 second.8475# [RSpecRunTime] Starting example group spec/views/shared/ssh_keys/_key_delete.html.haml_spec.rb. Expected to take 0.36 second.8476shared/ssh_keys/_key_delete.html.haml8477 has text8478# [RSpecRunTime] Finishing example group spec/views/shared/ssh_keys/_key_delete.html.haml_spec.rb. It took 0.33 second. Expected to take 0.36 second.8479# [RSpecRunTime] Starting example group spec/graphql/types/packages/package_file_type_spec.rb. Expected to take 0.34 second.8480Types::Packages::PackageFileType8481 includes package file fields8482# [RSpecRunTime] Finishing example group spec/graphql/types/packages/package_file_type_spec.rb. It took 0.29 second. Expected to take 0.34 second.8483# [RSpecRunTime] Starting example group spec/helpers/admin/components_helper_spec.rb. Expected to take 0.33 second.8484Admin::ComponentsHelper8485 #database_versions8486 returns expected database data8487# [RSpecRunTime] Finishing example group spec/helpers/admin/components_helper_spec.rb. It took 0.3 second. Expected to take 0.33 second.8488# [RSpecRunTime] Starting example group spec/scripts/api/create_merge_request_discussion_spec.rb. Expected to take 0.33 second.8489CreateMergeRequestDiscussion8490 #execute8491 requests commit_merge_requests from the gitlab client8492# [RSpecRunTime] Finishing example group spec/scripts/api/create_merge_request_discussion_spec.rb. It took 0.28 second. Expected to take 0.33 second.8493# [RSpecRunTime] Starting example group spec/graphql/types/permission_types/deployment_spec.rb. Expected to take 0.32 second.8494Types::PermissionTypes::Deployment8495 is expected to include graphql fields :update_deployment and :destroy_deployment8496# [RSpecRunTime] Finishing example group spec/graphql/types/permission_types/deployment_spec.rb. It took 0.28 second. Expected to take 0.32 second.8497# [RSpecRunTime] Starting example group spec/workers/gitlab/github_import/refresh_import_jid_worker_spec.rb. Expected to take 0.32 second.8498Gitlab::GithubImport::RefreshImportJidWorker8499 .perform_in_the_future8500 calls Gitlab::Import::RefreshImportJidWorker#perform_in_the_future8501# [RSpecRunTime] Finishing example group spec/workers/gitlab/github_import/refresh_import_jid_worker_spec.rb. It took 0.29 second. Expected to take 0.32 second.8502# [RSpecRunTime] Starting example group spec/graphql/types/permission_types/package_spec.rb. Expected to take 0.31 second.8503Types::PermissionTypes::Package8504 has the expected fields8505# [RSpecRunTime] Finishing example group spec/graphql/types/permission_types/package_spec.rb. It took 0.29 second. Expected to take 0.31 second.8506# [RSpecRunTime] Starting example group spec/lib/gitlab/usage/metrics/instrumentations/hostname_metric_spec.rb. Expected to take 0.31 second.8507Gitlab::Usage::Metrics::Instrumentations::HostnameMetric8508 behaves like a correct instrumented metric value8509 has correct value8510# [RSpecRunTime] Finishing example group spec/lib/gitlab/usage/metrics/instrumentations/hostname_metric_spec.rb. It took 0.3 second. Expected to take 0.31 second.8511# [RSpecRunTime] Starting example group spec/lib/sidebars/concerns/container_with_html_options_spec.rb. Expected to take 0.31 second.8512Sidebars::Concerns::ContainerWithHtmlOptions8513 #container_html_options8514 includes by default aria-label attribute8515# [RSpecRunTime] Finishing example group spec/lib/sidebars/concerns/container_with_html_options_spec.rb. It took 0.3 second. Expected to take 0.31 second.8516auto_explain log contains 1869 entries for main, writing to /builds/gitlab-org/gitlab/auto_explain/rspec-unit-pg14-19-32.337.main.ndjson.gz8517took 26.7561487958518auto_explain log contains 1870 entries for ci, writing to /builds/gitlab-org/gitlab/auto_explain/ 25.5920943048520[TEST PROF INFO] EventProf results for sql.active_record8521Total time: 05:34.229 of 25:40.255 (21.7%)8522Total events: 2765598523Top 5 slowest suites (by time):8524MergeRequests::RefreshService (./spec/services/merge_requests/refresh_service_spec.rb:5) – 00:54.764 (39371 / 77) of 03:41.095 (24.77%)8525Ci::PipelineSchedulePolicy (./spec/policies/ci/pipeline_schedule_policy_spec.rb:5) – 00:36.360 (30237 / 388) of 02:23.149 (25.4%)8526Todo (./spec/models/todo_spec.rb:5) – 00:17.101 (15711 / 79) of 01:00.359 (28.33%)8527Gitlab::Impor...ect::TreeSaver (./spec/lib/gitlab/import_export/project/tree_saver_spec.rb:5) – 00:13.861 (10496 / 62) of 00:54.282 (25.54%)8528Backup::DatabaseConnection (./spec/lib/backup/database_connection_spec.rb:5) – 00:13.393 (18342 / 15) of 00:24.538 (54.58%)8529Knapsack report was generated. Preview:8530{8531 "spec/services/merge_requests/refresh_service_spec.rb": 221.09480299999996,8532 "spec/policies/ci/pipeline_schedule_policy_spec.rb": 143.1487397090001,8533 "spec/tasks/gitlab/usage_data_rake_spec.rb": 122.79370504600001,8534 "spec/models/todo_spec.rb": 60.35885181799995,8535 "spec/services/snippets/update_service_spec.rb": 63.351516976000084,8536 "spec/lib/gitlab/import_export/project/tree_saver_spec.rb": 54.28220550099991,8537 "spec/helpers/visibility_level_helper_spec.rb": 45.128132306,8538 "spec/models/integrations/jira_spec.rb": 47.26045772900011,8539 "spec/workers/emails_on_push_worker_spec.rb": 33.14223065499982,8540 "spec/models/members/group_member_spec.rb": 31.289884783999923,8541 "spec/models/remote_mirror_spec.rb": 26.933308175000093,8542 "spec/models/sent_notification_spec.rb": 22.28853286499998,8543 "spec/lib/backup/database_connection_spec.rb": 24.538557443000172,8544 "spec/models/jira_import_state_spec.rb": 21.575169236999955,8545 "spec/models/hooks/system_hook_spec.rb": 20.219819630000075,8546 "spec/helpers/merge_requests_helper_spec.rb": 19.307469726000136,8547 "spec/serializers/ci/pipeline_entity_spec.rb": 17.304430389000117,8548 "spec/services/merge_requests/link_lfs_objects_service_spec.rb": 16.603241775000015,8549 "spec/services/design_management/save_designs_service_spec.rb": 17.15710041400007,8550 "spec/models/operations/feature_flags/user_list_spec.rb": 13.979664365999952,8551 "spec/workers/issues/placement_worker_spec.rb": 14.424780902000066,8552 "spec/services/merge_requests/update_reviewers_service_spec.rb": 12.591118671999993,8553 "spec/models/plan_limits_spec.rb": 14.648527325000032,8554 "spec/lib/gitlab/cleanup/orphan_job_artifact_final_objects/generate_list_spec.rb": 14.29415776199994,8555 "spec/services/packages/conan/search_service_spec.rb": 11.193103498000028,8556 "spec/serializers/analytics_build_entity_spec.rb": 10.83149808600001,8557 "spec/policies/clusters/cluster_policy_spec.rb": 10.237338939999972,8558 "spec/services/upload_service_spec.rb": 9.848021440000139,8559 "spec/models/ci/secure_file_spec.rb": 9.434331691999887,8560 "spec/services/alert_management/alerts/update_service_spec.rb": 8.520969511999965,8561 "spec/models/fork_network_spec.rb": 7.636995677999948,8562 "spec/workers/concerns/application_worker_spec.rb": 7.685322955999936,8563 "spec/lib/gitlab/github_import/importer/milestones_importer_spec.rb": 7.8107372449999275,8564 "spec/models/commit_signatures/gpg_signature_spec.rb": 8.66806196000016,8565 "spec/models/ci/resource_spec.rb": 8.353215215000091,8566 "spec/lib/gitlab/popen_spec.rb": 8.309603617999983,8567 "spec/lib/gitlab/gitaly_client/operation_service_spec.rb": 7.712741443000141,8568 "spec/lib/banzai/filter/math_filter_spec.rb": 7.010185436000029,8569 "spec/lib/gitlab/ci/cron_parser_spec.rb": 6.395040843000061,8570 "spec/services/security/ci_configuration/sast_create_service_spec.rb": 6.124949834000063,8571 "spec/routing/admin_routing_spec.rb": 6.8561006260001705,8572 "spec/views/projects/merge_requests/_commits.html.haml_spec.rb": 6.9478408110001055,8573 "spec/workers/jira_connect/sync_project_worker_spec.rb": 5.971836875999998,8574 "spec/services/gpg_keys/validate_integrations_service_spec.rb": 4.163137293999853,8575 "spec/workers/packages/cleanup_package_registry_worker_spec.rb": 5.925794379000081,8576 "spec/graphql/mutations/commits/create_spec.rb": 5.3958717230000275,8577 "spec/lib/gitlab/conflict/file_collection_spec.rb": 6.085958218000087,8578 "spec/services/commits/tag_service_spec.rb": 5.551095908999969,8579 "spec/helpers/projects/pages_helper_spec.rb": 5.825579293000146,8580 "spec/finders/projects/groups_finder_spec.rb": 5.512360771999965,8581 "spec/lib/gitlab/diff/file_collection/commit_spec.rb": 5.189898099999937,8582 "spec/lib/gitlab/ci/pipeline/chain/config/content_spec.rb": 5.261353136000025,8583 "spec/views/projects/commit/_commit_box.html.haml_spec.rb": 4.4993561200001295,8584 "spec/services/packages/composer/create_package_service_spec.rb": 4.928119355000035,8585 "spec/services/lfs/unlock_file_service_spec.rb": 5.035715428999993,8586 "spec/policies/deploy_key_policy_spec.rb": 4.594868963999943,8587 "spec/graphql/resolvers/snippets_resolver_spec.rb": 3.281232691000014,8588 "spec/services/integrations/propagation/bulk_update_service_spec.rb": 5.02386874900003,8589 "spec/uploaders/packages/composer/cache_uploader_spec.rb": 4.05939692600009,8590 "spec/models/users/group_visit_spec.rb": 3.5938990619999913,8591 "spec/services/ci/create_pipeline_service/parallel_spec.rb": 3.900087084000006,8592 "spec/services/packages/pypi/create_package_service_spec.rb": 5.064625677000095,8593 "spec/lib/gitlab/github_import/representation/diff_note_spec.rb": 3.694488225999976,8594 "spec/lib/gitlab/instrumentation_helper_spec.rb": 3.755709012999887,8595 "spec/models/bulk_imports/export_status_spec.rb": 3.9482746119999774,8596 "spec/presenters/group_member_presenter_spec.rb": 3.3330157969999163,8597 "spec/services/jira_import/users_importer_spec.rb": 3.6959547869998914,8598 "spec/lib/gitlab/slash_commands/run_spec.rb": 3.4882995590000974,8599 "spec/rubocop/cop/rspec/have_gitlab_http_status_spec.rb": 3.5152499480000188,8600 "spec/services/database/consistency_fix_service_spec.rb": 2.9339664110000285,8601 "spec/graphql/mutations/todos/mark_all_done_spec.rb": 3.2950676089999433,8602 "spec/finders/ci/freeze_periods_finder_spec.rb": 3.47312622000004,8603 "spec/services/merge_requests/update_reviewer_state_service_spec.rb": 3.121986029000027,8604 "spec/graphql/mutations/container_repositories/destroy_tags_spec.rb": 3.209340674000032,8605 "spec/services/clusters/agents/authorize_proxy_user_service_spec.rb": 2.8949574729999767,8606 "spec/lib/gitlab/github_import/importer/events/changed_milestone_spec.rb": 3.095294770999999,8607 "spec/lib/gitlab/github_import/importer/diff_note_importer_spec.rb": 2.3336481549999917,8608 "spec/lib/gitlab/cleanup/orphan_job_artifact_files_spec.rb": 2.282849178000106,8609 "spec/lib/api/ml/mlflow/api_helpers_spec.rb": 2.9612358790000144,8610 "spec/lib/gitlab/import_export/saver_spec.rb": 2.5718541319999986,8611 "spec/uploaders/file_mover_spec.rb": 2.9529799490001096,8612 "spec/lib/gitlab/middleware/compressed_json_spec.rb": 2.68756210499987,8613 "spec/graphql/mutations/issues/link_alerts_spec.rb": 2.6992950740000197,8614 "spec/lib/gitlab/usage/metrics/instrumentations/distinct_count_projects_with_expiration_policy_metric_spec.rb": 3.625816400000076,8615 "spec/models/concerns/token_authenticatable_strategies/encrypted_spec.rb": 2.434401319000017,8616 "spec/lib/gitlab/robots_txt/parser_spec.rb": 2.4030196210001122,8617 "spec/workers/merge_requests/handle_assignees_change_worker_spec.rb": 2.3039844270001595,8618 "spec/lib/gitlab/import_export/project/exported_relations_merger_spec.rb": 2.0710773800001334,8619 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"spec/lib/gitlab/ci/build/artifacts/metadata_spec.rb": 1.8693593719999626,8632 "spec/serializers/evidences/evidence_entity_spec.rb": 1.698405571999956,8633 "spec/workers/incident_management/add_severity_system_note_worker_spec.rb": 1.971211755999775,8634 "spec/graphql/types/ml/model_type_spec.rb": 1.543930679999903,8635 "spec/lib/gitlab/daemon_spec.rb": 1.8987865989997772,8636 "spec/lib/gitlab/checks/global_file_size_check_spec.rb": 1.6986674409999978,8637 "spec/serializers/integrations/event_entity_spec.rb": 1.7751010779998069,8638 "spec/graphql/resolvers/ci/runners_resolver_spec.rb": 2.737457741000071,8639 "spec/services/remote_mirrors/sync_service_spec.rb": 2.298583246999897,8640 "spec/models/pages/virtual_domain_spec.rb": 1.7598261089997322,8641 "spec/workers/abuse/spam_abuse_events_worker_spec.rb": 1.6607395340001858,8642 "spec/lib/gitlab/import_export/avatar_saver_spec.rb": 1.4676436149998153,8643 "spec/graphql/types/snippets/blob_viewer_type_spec.rb": 1.6457072749999497,8644 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"spec/lib/gitlab/email/service_desk/custom_email_spec.rb": 1.4270257080002011,8657 "spec/lib/gitlab/tracking/standard_context_spec.rb": 1.2338186179999866,8658 "spec/lib/gitlab/github_import/importer/attachments/releases_importer_spec.rb": 1.2420806889999767,8659 "spec/lib/gitlab/ci/status/pipeline/blocked_spec.rb": 1.2797675950000666,8660 "spec/rubocop/cop/experiments_test_coverage_spec.rb": 1.07037716800005,8661 "spec/services/boards/visits/create_service_spec.rb": 1.109494765999898,8662 "spec/lib/gitlab/middleware/speedscope_spec.rb": 2.4581940180000856,8663 "spec/lib/gitlab/private_commit_email_spec.rb": 1.1422281039999689,8664 "spec/lib/gitlab/analytics/cycle_analytics/average_spec.rb": 1.0130514219999895,8665 "spec/rubocop/cop/ignored_columns_spec.rb": 0.8599751599999763,8666 "spec/policies/achievements/achievement_policy_spec.rb": 1.2443962279999141,8667 "spec/lib/gitlab/database/load_balancing/primary_host_spec.rb": 1.052768838999782,8668 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"spec/lib/gitlab/ci/config/entry/stages_spec.rb": 1.0259683209997092,8681 "spec/models/work_items/related_link_restriction_spec.rb": 0.8292802319997463,8682 "spec/lib/gitlab/pagination/keyset_spec.rb": 0.8885364879997724,8683 "spec/serializers/test_suite_comparer_entity_spec.rb": 0.7910802340002192,8684 "spec/workers/environments/canary_ingress/update_worker_spec.rb": 0.7963763339998877,8685 "spec/workers/projects/finalize_project_statistics_refresh_worker_spec.rb": 0.7463765960001183,8686 "spec/models/group_custom_attribute_spec.rb": 0.8373268710001867,8687 "spec/rubocop/cop/migration/add_columns_to_wide_tables_spec.rb": 0.8320525410003938,8688 "spec/lib/gitlab/word_diff/segments/chunk_spec.rb": 0.7600604760000351,8689 "spec/lib/gitlab/database/load_balancing/service_discovery/sampler_spec.rb": 0.8679855000000316,8690 "spec/lib/gitlab/url_blockers/domain_allowlist_entry_spec.rb": 0.7660678249999364,8691 "spec/lib/api/entities/namespace_basic_spec.rb": 0.722420757999771,8692 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0.2891391630000726,8751 "spec/graphql/types/permission_types/package_spec.rb": 0.2901882329997534,8752 "spec/lib/gitlab/usage/metrics/instrumentations/hostname_metric_spec.rb": 0.2961088520000885,8753 "spec/lib/sidebars/concerns/container_with_html_options_spec.rb": 0.299383333000150748754}8755Knapsack global time execution for tests: 25m 39s8756Pending: (Failures listed here are expected and do not affect your suite's status)8757 1) DesignManagement::SaveDesignsService#execute when the feature is available scalability runs the same queries for all requests, regardless of number of files8759 # ./spec/services/design_management/save_designs_service_spec.rb:4148760 2) Operations::FeatureFlags::UserList behaves like AtomicInternalId .has_internal_id Validation when presence validation is not required when creating an object does not raise an error if the internal id is blank8761 # No reason given8762 # ./spec/support/shared_examples/models/atomic_internal_id_shared_examples.rb:498763 3) Operations::FeatureFlags::UserList behaves like AtomicInternalId .has_internal_id Validation when presence validation is not required when updating an object does not raise an error if the internal id is blank8764 # No reason given8765 # ./spec/support/shared_examples/models/atomic_internal_id_shared_examples.rb:578766 4) Packages::Composer::CacheUploader behaves like builds correct paths #upload_path behaves like matches the method pattern 8767 # No pattern provided, skipping.8768 # ./spec/support/shared_examples/uploaders/gitlab_uploader_shared_examples.rb:88769 5) Packages::Composer::CacheUploader behaves like builds correct paths #relative_path is relative8770 # Path not set, skipping.8771 # ./spec/support/shared_examples/uploaders/gitlab_uploader_shared_examples.rb:408772 6) Packages::Composer::CacheUploader behaves like builds correct paths .absolute_path behaves like matches the method pattern 8773 # No pattern provided, skipping.8774 # ./spec/support/shared_examples/uploaders/gitlab_uploader_shared_examples.rb:88775 7) Packages::Composer::CacheUploader behaves like builds correct paths .base_dir behaves like matches the method pattern 8776 # No pattern provided, skipping.8777 # ./spec/support/shared_examples/uploaders/gitlab_uploader_shared_examples.rb:88778 8) Packages::Composer::CacheUploader object store is remote behaves like builds correct paths #cache_dir behaves like matches the method pattern 8779 # No pattern provided, skipping.8780 # ./spec/support/shared_examples/uploaders/gitlab_uploader_shared_examples.rb:88781 9) Packages::Composer::CacheUploader object store is remote behaves like builds correct paths #work_dir behaves like matches the method pattern 8782 # No pattern provided, skipping.8783 # ./spec/support/shared_examples/uploaders/gitlab_uploader_shared_examples.rb:88784 10) Packages::Composer::CacheUploader object store is remote behaves like builds correct paths #upload_path behaves like matches the method pattern 8785 # No pattern provided, skipping.8786 # ./spec/support/shared_examples/uploaders/gitlab_uploader_shared_examples.rb:88787 11) Packages::Composer::CacheUploader object store is remote behaves like builds correct paths #relative_path is relative8788 # Path not set, skipping.8789 # ./spec/support/shared_examples/uploaders/gitlab_uploader_shared_examples.rb:408790 12) Packages::Composer::CacheUploader object store is remote behaves like builds correct paths .absolute_path behaves like matches the method pattern 8791 # No pattern provided, skipping.8792 # ./spec/support/shared_examples/uploaders/gitlab_uploader_shared_examples.rb:88793 13) Packages::Composer::CacheUploader object store is remote behaves like builds correct paths .base_dir behaves like matches the method pattern 8794 # No pattern provided, skipping.8795 # ./spec/support/shared_examples/uploaders/gitlab_uploader_shared_examples.rb:88796 14) Gitlab::Graphql::NegatableArguments#negated defines all arguments passed as block even if called multiple times8797 # Temporarily skipped with xit8798 # ./spec/lib/gitlab/graphql/negatable_arguments_spec.rb:308799Finished in 26 minutes 37 seconds (files took 55.9 seconds to load)88003406 examples, 0 failures, 14 pending8801Randomized with seed 639028802[TEST PROF INFO] Time spent in factories: 09:15.995 (34.62% of total time)8803RSpec exited with 0.8804No examples to retry, congrats!8806Running after script...8807$ source scripts/utils.sh8808$ bundle exec gem list gitlab_quality-test_tooling8809gitlab_quality-test_tooling (1.21.1)8810$ section_start "relate-failure-issue" "Report test failures" # collapsed multi-line command8812$ section_start "flaky-test-issues" "Report test flakiness" # collapsed multi-line command8814$ section_start "slow-test-issues" "Report test slowness" # collapsed multi-line command8816$ section_start "slow-test-merge-request-report-note" "Report test slowness in MR note" # collapsed multi-line command8820$ section_start "knapsack-report-issues" "Report test files close to timing out" # collapsed multi-line command8824$ tooling/bin/push_job_metrics || true8825[job-metrics] Pushing job metrics file for the CI/CD job.8826[job-metrics] Pushed 4 CI job metric entries to InfluxDB.8828Not uploading cache ruby-gems-debian-bookworm-ruby-3.1-17 due to policy8830Uploading artifacts...8831auto_explain/: found 3 matching artifact files and directories 8832coverage/: found 5 matching artifact files and directories 8833crystalball/: found 2 matching artifact files and directories 8834WARNING: deprecations/: no matching files. Ensure that the artifact path is relative to the working directory (/builds/gitlab-org/gitlab) 8835knapsack/: found 4 matching artifact files and directories 8836rspec/: found 16 matching artifact files and directories 8837WARNING: tmp/capybara/: no matching files. Ensure that the artifact path is relative to the working directory (/builds/gitlab-org/gitlab) 8838log/*.log: found 17 matching artifact files and directories 8839WARNING: Upload request redirected location= new-url=https://gitlab.com8840WARNING: Retrying... context=artifacts-uploader error=request redirected8841Uploading artifacts as "archive" to coordinator... 201 Created id=6597627942 responseStatus=201 Created token=glcbt-658842Uploading artifacts...8843rspec/rspec-*.xml: found 1 matching artifact files and directories 8844WARNING: Upload request redirected location= new-url=https://gitlab.com8845WARNING: Retrying... context=artifacts-uploader error=request redirected8846Uploading artifacts as "junit" to coordinator... 201 Created id=6597627942 responseStatus=201 Created token=glcbt-658848Job succeeded