static-analysis 2/2
Passed Started
Mireya Andres
1Running with gitlab-runner 16.9.1 (782c6ecb)2 on GaSD-S1F, system ID: s_5651e5b5643b3 feature flags: FF_NETWORK_PER_BUILD:true, FF_USE_IMPROVED_URL_MASKING:true6Using Docker executor with image ...7Authenticating with credentials from job payload (GitLab Registry)8Pulling docker image ...9Using docker image sha256:4d97a6e6b48a500f28599f739761ccb23dc0b775b23fe71357e1f48df9074e52 for with digest ...11Running on runner-gasd-s1f-project-278964-concurrent-0 via runner-gasd-s1f-private-1710996515-ac2b6732...13Fetching changes with git depth set to 20...14Initialized empty Git repository in /builds/gitlab-org/gitlab/.git/15Created fresh repository.16remote: Enumerating objects: 130605, done. 17remote: Counting objects: 100% (130605/130605), done. 18remote: Compressing objects: 100% (96852/96852), done. 19remote: Total 130605 (delta 49390), reused 82628 (delta 28156), pack-reused 0 20Receiving objects: 100% (130605/130605), 125.51 MiB | 25.51 MiB/s, done.21Resolving deltas: 100% (49390/49390), done.23 * [new ref] refs/pipelines/1221787057 -> refs/pipelines/122178705724 * [new branch] master -> origin/master25Checking out 8efdeac8 as detached HEAD (ref is master)...26Skipping Git submodules setup27$ git remote set-url origin "${CI_REPOSITORY_URL}"29Checking cache for is up to date 31Successfully extracted cache32Checking cache for node-modules-debian-bookworm-test-17...33Downloading cache from 34Successfully extracted cache35Checking cache for rubocop-debian-bookworm-ruby-3.1-17...36Downloading cache from 37Successfully extracted cache39Using docker image sha256:4d97a6e6b48a500f28599f739761ccb23dc0b775b23fe71357e1f48df9074e52 for with digest ...40$ echo $FOSS_ONLY41$ [ "$FOSS_ONLY" = "1" ] && rm -rf ee/ qa/spec/ee/ qa/qa/specs/features/ee/ qa/qa/ee/ qa/qa/ee.rb42$ export GOPATH=$CI_PROJECT_DIR/.go43$ mkdir -p $GOPATH44$ source scripts/utils.sh45$ source scripts/prepare_build.sh722Using decomposed database config (config/database.yml.decomposed-postgresql)723Geo DB won't be set up.724Embedding DB won't be set up.725$ yarn_install_script780$ fail_on_warnings scripts/static-analysis781Total expected time: 634.0; ideal time per job: 317.0.782Tasks to distribute:783* yarn run lint:prettier (200s)784* scripts/ /builds/gitlab-org/gitlab (200s)785* bin/rake gettext:lint (105s)786* bin/rake gettext:updated_check (40s)787* bin/rake lint:static_verification (40s)788* bin/rake gitlab:sidekiq:all_queues_yml:check (15s)789* bin/rake gitlab:sidekiq:sidekiq_queues_yml:check (11s)790* bin/rake config_lint (10s)791* yarn run internal:stylelint (8s)792* scripts/ (1s)793* yarn run block-dependencies (1s)794* yarn run check-dependencies (1s)795* scripts/ (1s)796* scripts/ (1s)797Assigning tasks optimally.798Assigning ["yarn", "run", "lint:prettier"] (200s) to node #1. Node total duration: 200s.799Assigning ["scripts/", "/builds/gitlab-org/gitlab"] (200s) to node #2. Node total duration: 200s.800Assigning ["bin/rake", "gettext:lint"] (105s) to node #1. Node total duration: 305s.801Assigning ["bin/rake", "gettext:updated_check"] (40s) to node #2. Node total duration: 240s.802Assigning ["bin/rake", "lint:static_verification"] (40s) to node #2. Node total duration: 280s.803Assigning ["bin/rake", "gitlab:sidekiq:all_queues_yml:check"] (15s) to node #2. Node total duration: 295s.804Assigning ["bin/rake", "gitlab:sidekiq:sidekiq_queues_yml:check"] (11s) to node #1. Node total duration: 316s.805Assigning ["bin/rake", "config_lint"] (10s) to node #2. Node total duration: 305s.806Assigning ["yarn", "run", "internal:stylelint"] (8s) to node #2. Node total duration: 313s.807Assigning ["scripts/"] (1s) to node #1. Node total duration: 317s.808Assigning ["yarn", "run", "block-dependencies"] (1s) to node #2. Node total duration: 314s.809Assigning ["yarn", "run", "check-dependencies"] (1s) to node #2. Node total duration: 315s.810Assigning ["scripts/"] (1s) to node #2. Node total duration: 316s.811Assigning ["scripts/"] (1s) to node #2. Node total duration: 317s.812Expected duration for node 1: 317 seconds813* yarn run lint:prettier (200s)814* bin/rake gettext:lint (105s)815* bin/rake gitlab:sidekiq:sidekiq_queues_yml:check (11s)816* scripts/ (1s)817Expected duration for node 2: 317 seconds818* scripts/ /builds/gitlab-org/gitlab (200s)819* bin/rake gettext:updated_check (40s)820* bin/rake lint:static_verification (40s)821* bin/rake gitlab:sidekiq:all_queues_yml:check (15s)822* bin/rake config_lint (10s)823* yarn run internal:stylelint (8s)824* yarn run block-dependencies (1s)825* yarn run check-dependencies (1s)826* scripts/ (1s)827* scripts/ (1s)828$ scripts/ /builds/gitlab-org/gitlab829==> Finished in 158.185928158 seconds (expected 200 seconds)830$ bin/rake gettext:updated_check831==> Finished in 63.214928119 seconds (expected 40 seconds)832$ bin/rake lint:static_verification833==> Finished in 40.879363557 seconds (expected 40 seconds)834$ bin/rake gitlab:sidekiq:all_queues_yml:check835==> Finished in 14.525117662 seconds (expected 15 seconds)836$ bin/rake config_lint837==> Finished in 5.221023479 seconds (expected 10 seconds)838$ yarn run internal:stylelint839==> Finished in 6.667015113 seconds (expected 8 seconds)840$ yarn run block-dependencies841==> Finished in 0.239808815 seconds (expected 1 seconds)842$ yarn run check-dependencies843==> Finished in 0.531410766 seconds (expected 1 seconds)844$ scripts/gemfile_lock_changed.sh845==> Finished in 0.014796269 seconds (expected 1 seconds)846$ scripts/lint-vendored-gems.sh847==> Finished in 7.427655072 seconds (expected 1 seconds)848===================================================849Node finished running all tasks in 296.907895718 seconds (expected 317)850All static analyses passed successfully.852Not uploading cache ruby-gems-debian-bookworm-ruby-3.1-17 due to policy853Not uploading cache node-modules-debian-bookworm-test-17 due to policy854Not uploading cache rubocop-debian-bookworm-ruby-3.1-17 due to policy856Job succeeded