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1Running with gitlab-runner 16.3.0~beta.108.g2b6048b4 (2b6048b4)2 on Jhc_Jxvh, system ID: s_0e6850b2bce13 feature flags: FF_USE_IMPROVED_URL_MASKING:true, FF_RESOLVE_FULL_TLS_CHAIN:false6Using Docker executor with image ruby:3.1 ...7Pulling docker image ruby:3.1 ...8Using docker image sha256:1071c7e93914582ffc858691072157b681d5f59808059937aff0f7a34366c701 for ruby:3.1 with digest ruby@sha256:f79e08b89a622210d611eab0737ad4599d7aa74a019a2f76b0a9438f19094611 ...10Running on runner-jhcjxvh-project-278964-concurrent-0 via runner-jhcjxvh-s-l-s-amd64-1698396615-46639c5f...12Fetching changes with git depth set to 20...13Initialized empty Git repository in /builds/gitlab-org/gitlab/.git/14Created fresh repository.15remote: Enumerating objects: 138587, done. 16remote: Counting objects: 100% (138587/138587), done. 17remote: Compressing objects: 100% (95889/95889), done. 18remote: Total 138587 (delta 57173), reused 91398 (delta 37320), pack-reused 0 19Receiving objects: 100% (138587/138587), 130.58 MiB | 26.28 MiB/s, done.20Resolving deltas: 100% (57173/57173), done.22 * [new ref] refs/pipelines/1051640629 -> refs/pipelines/105164062923 * [new branch] ruby3_1 -> origin/ruby3_124Checking out 15e69d09 as detached HEAD (ref is ruby3_1)...25Skipping Git submodules setup26$ git remote set-url origin "${CI_REPOSITORY_URL}"28Using docker image sha256:1071c7e93914582ffc858691072157b681d5f59808059937aff0f7a34366c701 for ruby:3.1 with digest ruby@sha256:f79e08b89a622210d611eab0737ad4599d7aa74a019a2f76b0a9438f19094611 ...29$ if [ -z "$RELEASE" ]; then # collapsed multi-line command30Omnibus installation image is set to ''32Job succeeded