rspec system pg14 20/28
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🤖 GitLab Bot 🤖
1Running with gitlab-runner 16.1.0~beta.59.g83c66823 (83c66823)2 on vHriyjxu, system ID: s_44fde8db605e3 feature flags: FF_NETWORK_PER_BUILD:true, FF_USE_FASTZIP:true, FF_USE_IMPROVED_URL_MASKING:true6Using Docker executor with image ...7Starting service ...8Authenticating with credentials from job payload (GitLab Registry)9Pulling docker image ...10Using docker image sha256:2e09e9db92541ed81b1c00f1d5186f8c262d8b84e8d1755676ea4b25614f30c4 for with digest ...11WARNING: Service is already created. Ignoring.12WARNING: Service is already created. Ignoring.13Starting service ...14Authenticating with credentials from job payload (GitLab Registry)15Pulling docker image ...16Using docker image sha256:a9a90ece30d9630d694ab1997cd103ea8ec729789451b983a75c7b58b0062d45 for with digest ...17Starting service redis:6.2-alpine ...18Pulling docker image redis:6.2-alpine ...19Using docker image sha256:d0675d033b87382205d08b598a004a99a1f6c4bd377cc86bb6df8957ce7dbb1c for redis:6.2-alpine with digest redis@sha256:740b5c973d1c9eea6e124a3905ba73d32354d0549f98ccc9e67af1af2a9ba478 ...20Waiting for services to be up and running (timeout 30 seconds)...21Authenticating with credentials from job payload (GitLab Registry)22Pulling docker image ...23Using docker image sha256:24a9e92645b17c878623efd51b7564f81e480bd281e94d7f33971082e0ca80e0 for with digest ...25Running on runner-vhriyjxu-project-278964-concurrent-0 via runner-vhriyjxu-private-1691667986-78d044f6...27Fetching changes with git depth set to 20...28Initialized empty Git repository in /builds/gitlab-org/gitlab/.git/29Created fresh repository.30remote: Enumerating objects: 145438, done. 31remote: Counting objects: 100% (145438/145438), done. 32remote: Compressing objects: 100% (96447/96447), done. 33remote: Total 145438 (delta 63547), reused 98646 (delta 43407), pack-reused 0 34Receiving objects: 100% (145438/145438), 119.87 MiB | 30.62 MiB/s, done.35Resolving deltas: 100% (63547/63547), done.37 * [new ref] refs/pipelines/962009091 -> refs/pipelines/96200909138Checking out 2a9b6857 as detached HEAD (ref is refs/merge-requests/128972/merge)...39Skipping Git submodules setup40$ git remote set-url origin "${CI_REPOSITORY_URL}"42Checking cache for is up to date 44Successfully extracted cache46Downloading artifacts for compile-test-assets (4841630955)...47Downloading artifacts from coordinator... ok id=4841630955 responseStatus=200 OK token=64_u4Brt48Downloading artifacts for detect-tests (4841630974)...49Downloading artifacts from coordinator... ok id=4841630974 responseStatus=200 OK token=64_u4Brt50Downloading artifacts for retrieve-tests-metadata (4841630985)...51Downloading artifacts from coordinator... ok id=4841630985 responseStatus=200 OK token=64_u4Brt52Downloading artifacts for setup-test-env (4841630964)...53Downloading artifacts from coordinator... ok id=4841630964 responseStatus=200 OK token=64_u4Brt55Using docker image sha256:24a9e92645b17c878623efd51b7564f81e480bd281e94d7f33971082e0ca80e0 for with digest ...56$ echo $FOSS_ONLY57$ [ "$FOSS_ONLY" = "1" ] && rm -rf ee/ qa/spec/ee/ qa/qa/specs/features/ee/ qa/qa/ee/ qa/qa/ee.rb58$ export GOPATH=$CI_PROJECT_DIR/.go59$ mkdir -p $GOPATH60$ source scripts/utils.sh61$ source scripts/prepare_build.sh93Using decomposed database config (config/database.yml.decomposed-postgresql)94Geo DB won't be set up.95Embedding DB won't be set up.107$ source ./scripts/rspec_helpers.sh108$ run_timed_command "gem install knapsack --no-document"109$ gem install knapsack --no-document110Successfully installed knapsack-4.0.01111 gem installed112==> 'gem install knapsack --no-document' succeeded in 1 seconds.113$ section_start "gitaly-test-spawn" "Spawning Gitaly"; scripts/gitaly-test-spawn; section_end "gitaly-test-spawn"118$ export RSPEC_SKIPPED_TESTS_REPORT_PATH="rspec/skipped_tests-${CI_JOB_ID}.txt"119$ export RSPEC_RETRIED_TESTS_REPORT_PATH="rspec/retried_tests-${CI_JOB_ID}.txt"120$ rspec_paralellized_job "--fail-fast=${RSPEC_FAIL_FAST_THRESHOLD} --tag ~quarantine --tag ~level:background_migration --tag ~click_house"121SKIP_FLAKY_TESTS_AUTOMATICALLY: 122RETRY_FAILED_TESTS_IN_NEW_PROCESS: true123KNAPSACK_GENERATE_REPORT: true124FLAKY_RSPEC_GENERATE_REPORT: true125KNAPSACK_TEST_FILE_PATTERN: spec/{features}{,/**/}*_spec.rb126KNAPSACK_LOG_LEVEL: debug127KNAPSACK_REPORT_PATH: knapsack/rspec_system_pg14_20_28_report.json128FLAKY_RSPEC_SUITE_REPORT_PATH: rspec/flaky/report-suite.json129FLAKY_RSPEC_REPORT_PATH: rspec/flaky/all_rspec_system_pg14_20_28_report.json130NEW_FLAKY_RSPEC_REPORT_PATH: rspec/flaky/new_rspec_system_pg14_20_28_report.json131RSPEC_SKIPPED_TESTS_REPORT_PATH: rspec/skipped_tests-4841631336.txt132CRYSTALBALL: 133RSPEC_TESTS_MAPPING_ENABLED: 134RSPEC_TESTS_FILTER_FILE: 135Shell set options (set -o) enabled:136braceexpand on137hashall on138interactive-comments on139pipefail on140Knapsack report generator started!141/builds/gitlab-org/gitlab/ee/app/services/remote_development/service_response_factory.rb:41: warning: One-line pattern matching is experimental, and the behavior may change in future versions of Ruby!142/builds/gitlab-org/gitlab/ee/app/services/remote_development/workspaces/create_service.rb:28: warning: One-line pattern matching is experimental, and the behavior may change in future versions of Ruby!143/builds/gitlab-org/gitlab/ee/app/services/remote_development/workspaces/reconcile_service.rb:38: warning: One-line pattern matching is experimental, and the behavior may change in future versions of Ruby!144/builds/gitlab-org/gitlab/ee/app/services/remote_development/workspaces/update_service.rb:28: warning: One-line pattern matching is experimental, and the behavior may change in future versions of Ruby!145/builds/gitlab-org/gitlab/ee/lib/remote_development/agent_config/main.rb:32: warning: One-line pattern matching is experimental, and the behavior may change in future versions of Ruby!146/builds/gitlab-org/gitlab/ee/lib/remote_development/agent_config/updater.rb:11: warning: One-line pattern matching is experimental, and the behavior may change in future versions of Ruby!147/builds/gitlab-org/gitlab/ee/lib/remote_development/workspaces/create/authorizer.rb:12: warning: One-line pattern matching is experimental, and the behavior may change in future versions of Ruby!148/builds/gitlab-org/gitlab/ee/lib/remote_development/workspaces/create/authorizer.rb:13: warning: One-line pattern matching is experimental, and the behavior may change in future versions of Ruby!149/builds/gitlab-org/gitlab/ee/lib/remote_development/workspaces/create/creator.rb:17: warning: One-line pattern matching is experimental, and the behavior may change in future versions of Ruby!150/builds/gitlab-org/gitlab/ee/lib/remote_development/workspaces/create/creator.rb:24: warning: One-line pattern matching is experimental, and the behavior may change in future versions of Ruby!151/builds/gitlab-org/gitlab/ee/lib/remote_development/workspaces/create/creator.rb:25: warning: One-line pattern matching is experimental, and the behavior may change in future versions of Ruby!152/builds/gitlab-org/gitlab/ee/lib/remote_development/workspaces/create/creator.rb:28: warning: One-line pattern matching is experimental, and the behavior may change in future versions of Ruby!153/builds/gitlab-org/gitlab/ee/lib/remote_development/workspaces/create/devfile_fetcher.rb:15: warning: One-line pattern matching is experimental, and the behavior may change in future versions of Ruby!154/builds/gitlab-org/gitlab/ee/lib/remote_development/workspaces/create/devfile_fetcher.rb:16: warning: One-line pattern matching is experimental, and the behavior may change in future versions of Ruby!155/builds/gitlab-org/gitlab/ee/lib/remote_development/workspaces/create/devfile_flattener.rb:12: warning: One-line pattern matching is experimental, and the behavior may change in future versions of Ruby!156/builds/gitlab-org/gitlab/ee/lib/remote_development/workspaces/create/editor_component_injector.rb:12: warning: One-line pattern matching is experimental, and the behavior may change in future versions of Ruby!157/builds/gitlab-org/gitlab/ee/lib/remote_development/workspaces/create/editor_component_injector.rb:17: warning: One-line pattern matching is experimental, and the behavior may change in future versions of Ruby!158/builds/gitlab-org/gitlab/ee/lib/remote_development/workspaces/create/editor_component_injector.rb:18: warning: One-line pattern matching is experimental, and the behavior may change in future versions of Ruby!159/builds/gitlab-org/gitlab/ee/lib/remote_development/workspaces/create/post_flatten_devfile_validator.rb:43: warning: One-line pattern matching is experimental, and the behavior may change in future versions of Ruby!160/builds/gitlab-org/gitlab/ee/lib/remote_development/workspaces/create/post_flatten_devfile_validator.rb:54: warning: One-line pattern matching is experimental, and the behavior may change in future versions of Ruby!161/builds/gitlab-org/gitlab/ee/lib/remote_development/workspaces/create/post_flatten_devfile_validator.rb:102: warning: One-line pattern matching is experimental, and the behavior may change in future versions of Ruby!162/builds/gitlab-org/gitlab/ee/lib/remote_development/workspaces/create/post_flatten_devfile_validator.rb:126: warning: One-line pattern matching is experimental, and the behavior may change in future versions of Ruby!163/builds/gitlab-org/gitlab/ee/lib/remote_development/workspaces/create/post_flatten_devfile_validator.rb:159: warning: One-line pattern matching is experimental, and the behavior may change in future versions of Ruby!164/builds/gitlab-org/gitlab/ee/lib/remote_development/workspaces/create/post_flatten_devfile_validator.rb:202: warning: One-line pattern matching is experimental, and the behavior may change in future versions of Ruby!165/builds/gitlab-org/gitlab/ee/lib/remote_development/workspaces/create/post_flatten_devfile_validator.rb:235: warning: One-line pattern matching is experimental, and the behavior may change in future versions of Ruby!166/builds/gitlab-org/gitlab/ee/lib/remote_development/workspaces/create/pre_flatten_devfile_validator.rb:24: warning: One-line pattern matching is experimental, and the behavior may change in future versions of Ruby!167/builds/gitlab-org/gitlab/ee/lib/remote_development/workspaces/create/pre_flatten_devfile_validator.rb:52: warning: One-line pattern matching is experimental, and the behavior may change in future versions of Ruby!168/builds/gitlab-org/gitlab/ee/lib/remote_development/workspaces/create/project_cloner_component_injector.rb:12: warning: One-line pattern matching is experimental, and the behavior may change in future versions of Ruby!169/builds/gitlab-org/gitlab/ee/lib/remote_development/workspaces/create/project_cloner_component_injector.rb:17: warning: One-line pattern matching is experimental, and the behavior may change in future versions of Ruby!170/builds/gitlab-org/gitlab/ee/lib/remote_development/workspaces/create/project_cloner_component_injector.rb:18: warning: One-line pattern matching is experimental, and the behavior may change in future versions of Ruby!171/builds/gitlab-org/gitlab/ee/lib/remote_development/workspaces/create/project_cloner_component_injector.rb:23: warning: One-line pattern matching is experimental, and the behavior may change in future versions of Ruby!172/builds/gitlab-org/gitlab/ee/lib/remote_development/workspaces/create/volume_component_injector.rb:12: warning: One-line pattern matching is experimental, and the behavior may change in future versions of Ruby!173/builds/gitlab-org/gitlab/ee/lib/remote_development/workspaces/create/volume_component_injector.rb:13: warning: One-line pattern matching is experimental, and the behavior may change in future versions of Ruby!174/builds/gitlab-org/gitlab/ee/lib/remote_development/workspaces/create/volume_component_injector.rb:14: warning: One-line pattern matching is experimental, and the behavior may change in future versions of Ruby!175/builds/gitlab-org/gitlab/ee/lib/remote_development/workspaces/reconcile/main.rb:43: warning: One-line pattern matching is experimental, and the behavior may change in future versions of Ruby!176/builds/gitlab-org/gitlab/ee/lib/remote_development/workspaces/update/authorizer.rb:12: warning: One-line pattern matching is experimental, and the behavior may change in future versions of Ruby!177/builds/gitlab-org/gitlab/ee/lib/remote_development/workspaces/update/updater.rb:12: warning: One-line pattern matching is experimental, and the behavior may change in future versions of Ruby!178/builds/gitlab-org/gitlab/ee/lib/remote_development/workspaces/reconcile/input/agent_infos_observer.rb:15: warning: One-line pattern matching is experimental, and the behavior may change in future versions of Ruby!179/builds/gitlab-org/gitlab/ee/lib/remote_development/workspaces/reconcile/input/params_extractor.rb:14: warning: One-line pattern matching is experimental, and the behavior may change in future versions of Ruby!180/builds/gitlab-org/gitlab/ee/lib/remote_development/workspaces/reconcile/input/params_extractor.rb:16: warning: One-line pattern matching is experimental, and the behavior may change in future versions of Ruby!181/builds/gitlab-org/gitlab/ee/lib/remote_development/workspaces/reconcile/input/params_to_infos_converter.rb:14: warning: One-line pattern matching is experimental, and the behavior may change in future versions of Ruby!182/builds/gitlab-org/gitlab/ee/lib/remote_development/workspaces/reconcile/input/params_validator.rb:15: warning: One-line pattern matching is experimental, and the behavior may change in future versions of Ruby!183/builds/gitlab-org/gitlab/ee/lib/remote_development/workspaces/reconcile/output/rails_infos_observer.rb:11: warning: One-line pattern matching is experimental, and the behavior may change in future versions of Ruby!184/builds/gitlab-org/gitlab/ee/lib/remote_development/workspaces/reconcile/output/workspaces_to_rails_infos_converter.rb:15: warning: One-line pattern matching is experimental, and the behavior may change in future versions of Ruby!185/builds/gitlab-org/gitlab/ee/lib/remote_development/workspaces/reconcile/persistence/orphaned_workspaces_observer.rb:12: warning: One-line pattern matching is experimental, and the behavior may change in future versions of Ruby!186/builds/gitlab-org/gitlab/ee/lib/remote_development/workspaces/reconcile/persistence/workspaces_from_agent_infos_updater.rb:15: warning: One-line pattern matching is experimental, and the behavior may change in future versions of Ruby!187/builds/gitlab-org/gitlab/ee/lib/remote_development/workspaces/reconcile/persistence/workspaces_to_be_returned_finder.rb:16: warning: One-line pattern matching is experimental, and the behavior may change in future versions of Ruby!188/builds/gitlab-org/gitlab/ee/lib/remote_development/workspaces/reconcile/persistence/workspaces_to_be_returned_updater.rb:11: warning: One-line pattern matching is experimental, and the behavior may change in future versions of Ruby!189Run options: exclude {:quarantine=>true, :level=>"background_migration", :click_house=>true}190Test environment set up in 1.166300157 seconds191Admin::Users192 GET /admin/users193Starting the Capybara driver server...194Capybara starting Puma...195* Version 6.3.0 , codename: Mugi No Toki Itaru196* Min threads: 0, max threads: 4197* Listening on unix:///tmp/20230810-327-5g2w97198 is ok199 has users list200 clicking edit user takes us to edit page201 user project count202 displays count of users projects203 tabs204 has multiple tabs to filter users205 `Pending approval` tab206 shows the `Pending approval` tab207 search and sort208 searches users by name209 sorts users by name210 sorts search results only211 searches with respect of sorting212 sorts users by recent last activity213 sorts users by oldest last activity214 Two-factor Authentication filters215 counts users who have enabled 2FA216 filters by users who have enabled 2FA217 counts users who have not enabled 2FA218 filters by users who have not enabled 2FA219 Pending approval filter220 counts users who are pending approval221 filters by users who are pending approval222 when blocking/unblocking a user223 shows confirmation and allows blocking and unblocking224 when deactivating/re-activating a user225 shows confirmation and allows deactivating and re-activating226 when a user is locked227 displays `Locked` badge next to user228 allows a user to be unlocked from the `User administration dropdown229 users pending approval230 sends a welcome email and a password reset email to the user upon admin approval231 internal users232 when showing a `Ghost User`233 does not render actions dropdown234 when showing a `Bot User`235 does not render actions dropdown236 user group count237 displays count of the users authorized groups238 GET /admin/users/new239 creates new user240 applies defaults to user241 creates user with valid data242 calls send mail243 sends valid email to user with email & password244 username contains spaces245 doesn't create the user and shows an error message246 with new users set to external enabled247 with regex to match internal user email address set248 automatically unchecks external for matching email249 creates an internal user250 GET /admin/users/:id/projects251 lists groups252 allows navigation to the group details253 shows the group access level254 allows group membership to be revoked255 show breadcrumbs256 is expected to have text "Edit Identity"257 GET /admin/users/:id/edit258 Update user259 shows page with new data260 changes user entry261 update username to non ascii char262 is expected to have visible css "form[action=\"/admin/users/user1\"]"263File blob264 Ruby file265 displays the blob266 displays file actions on all screen sizes267 Markdown file268 visiting directly269 displays the blob using the rich viewer270 switching to the simple viewer271 displays the blob using the simple viewer272 switching to the rich viewer again273 displays the blob using the rich viewer274 when ref switch275 displays no highlighted number of different ref276 successfully changes ref when the ref name matches the project path277 successfully change ref of similar name278 switch ref from longer to shorter ref name279 switch ref from shorter to longer ref name280 Markdown rendering281 when rendering default markdown282 renders using CommonMark283 Markdown file (stored in LFS)284 when LFS is enabled on the project285 displays an error286 when LFS is disabled on the project287 displays the blob288 PDF file289 displays the blob290 Jupiter Notebook file291 displays the blob292 ISO file (stored in LFS)293 when LFS is enabled on the project294 displays the blob295 when LFS is disabled on the project296 displays the blob297 ZIP file298 displays the blob299 binary file that appears to be text in the first 1024 bytes300 displays the blob301 empty file302 displays an error303 files with auxiliary viewers304 .gitlab-ci.yml305 displays an auxiliary viewer306 .gitlab/route-map.yml307 displays an auxiliary viewer308 LICENSE309 displays an auxiliary viewer310 *.gemspec311 displays an auxiliary viewer312 CONTRIBUTING.md313 displays an auxiliary viewer314 CHANGELOG.md315 displays an auxiliary viewer316 Cargo.toml317 displays an auxiliary viewer318 Cartfile319 displays an auxiliary viewer320 composer.json321 displays an auxiliary viewer322 Gemfile323 displays an auxiliary viewer324 Godeps.json325 displays an auxiliary viewer326 go.mod327 displays an auxiliary viewer328 package.json329 displays an auxiliary viewer330 podfile331 displays an auxiliary viewer332 test.podspec333 displays an auxiliary viewer334 JSON.podspec.json335 displays an auxiliary viewer336 requirements.txt337 displays an auxiliary viewer338 yarn.lock339 displays an auxiliary viewer340 openapi.yml341 renders sandboxed iframe342 realtime pipelines343 shows the realtime pipeline status344 for subgroups345 renders tree table without errors346 displays a GPG badge347 on signed merge commit348 displays a GPG badge349 when static objects external storage is enabled350 private project351 shows open raw and download buttons with external storage URL prepended and user token appended to their href352 public project353 shows open raw and download buttons with external storage URL prepended to their href354Compare355 behaves like compare view of branches356 pre-populates fields357 renders additions info when click unfold diff358 filters branches359 behaves like compares branches360 compares branches361 on a read-only instance362 behaves like compares branches363 compares branches364 when project have an open merge request365 compares branches366 when commit has overflow367 displays warning368 pagination369 shows an adjusted count for changed files on this page370 shows commits list only on the first page371 behaves like compare view of tags372 compares tags373 when super sidebar is enabled374 behaves like compare view of branches375 pre-populates fields376 renders additions info when click unfold diff377 filters branches378 behaves like compares branches379 compares branches380 on a read-only instance381 behaves like compares branches382 compares branches383 when project have an open merge request384 compares branches385 when commit has overflow386 displays warning387 pagination388 shows an adjusted count for changed files on this page389 shows commits list only on the first page390 behaves like compare view of tags391 compares tags392User uses shortcuts393 disabling shortcuts394 can disable shortcuts from help menu395 re-enables shortcuts396 when navigating to the Project pages397 redirects to the project overview page398 redirects to the activity page399 when navigating to the Repository pages400 redirects to the repository files page401 redirects to the repository commits page402 redirects to the repository graph page403 redirects to the repository charts page404 when navigating to the Issues pages405 redirects to the issues list page406 redirects to the issue board page407 redirects to the new issue page408 when navigating to the Merge Requests pages409 redirects to the merge requests page410 when navigating to the CI/CD pages411 redirects to the Pipelines page412 redirects to the Jobs page413 when navigating to the Deployments page414 redirects to the Environments page415 when navigating to the Infrastructure pages416 redirects to the Kubernetes page417 when navigating to the Snippets pages418 redirects to the snippets page419 when navigating to the Wiki pages420 redirects to the wiki page421CI Lint422 YAML parsing423 behaves like validates the YAML424 YAML is correct425 parses Yaml and displays the jobs426 YAML is incorrect427 displays information about an error428 when Dry Run is checked429 behaves like validates the YAML430 YAML is correct431 parses Yaml and displays the jobs432 YAML is incorrect433 displays information about an error434 YAML clearing435 YAML is present436 YAML content is cleared437issue move to another project438 user does not have permission to move issue439 moving issue to another project not allowed440 user has permission to move issue441 moving issue to another project442 searching project dropdown443 user does not have permission to move the issue to a project444 browsing projects in projects select445 issue has been already moved446 user wants to move issue that has already been moved447 service desk issue moved to a project with service desk disabled448 shows an alert after being moved449 does not show an alert after being dismissed450Projects tree451 renders tree table without errors452 renders tree table for a subtree without errors453 renders tree table with non-ASCII filenames without errors454 with a tree that contains pathspec characters455 renders tree table without errors456 gravatar disabled457 renders last commit458 for signed commit459 displays a GPG badge460 on a directory that has not changed recently461 displays a GPG badge462 LFS463 renders LFS badge on blob item464 web IDE465 opens folder in IDE466 for subgroups467 renders tree table without errors468 for signed commit469 displays a GPG badge470Projects > Files > User creates a directory471 with default target branch472 creates the directory in the default branch473 does not create a directory with a name of already existed directory474 inside sub-folder475 creates new directory476 with a new target branch477 creates the directory in the new branch and redirect to the merge request478 when an user does not have write access479 creates a directory in a forked project480Reportable note on snippets481 on project snippet482 behaves like reportable note483 has an edit button484 has a `More actions` dropdown485 dropdown has Report and Delete links486 report button links to a report page487Projects > Settings > User transfers a project488 focuses on the confirmation field489 allows transferring a project to a group490 and a new project is added with the same path491 overrides the redirect492 when nested groups are available493 allows transferring a project to a subgroup494Prioritize labels495 when user belongs to project team496 user can prioritize a group label497 user can unprioritize a group label498 user can prioritize a project label499 user can unprioritize a project label500 user can sort prioritized labels and persist across reloads501 user can see a primary button when there are only prioritized labels502 shows a help message about prioritized labels503 as a guest504 cannot prioritize labels505 cannot sort prioritized labels506 as a non signed in user507 cannot prioritize labels508User searches for users509 when search times out510 renders timeout information511 sets tab count to 0512 when on the dashboard513 finds the user514 when on the project page515 finds the user belonging to the project516 when on the group page517 finds the user belonging to the group518Slack slash commands519 shows a token placeholder520 shows a help message521 redirects to the integrations page after saving but not activating522 redirects to the integrations page after activating523 shows the correct trigger url524 shows help content525User views comment on a diff file526 # order random527 with invalid start_sha position528 renders diffs529 renders discussion on overview tab530Groups > Members > Leave group531 guest leaves the group532 guest leaves the group by url param533 guest leaves the group as last member534 owner leaves the group if they are not the last owner535 owner can not leave the group if they are the last owner536 owner can not leave the group by url param if they are the last owner537Group Repository settings538 Deploy tokens539 behaves like a deploy token in settings540 view deploy tokens541 add a new deploy token542 with form errors543 shows form errors544 keeps form inputs545 when User#time_display_relative is false546 shows absolute times for expires_at547 Default branch548 has the setting section549 renders the correct setting section content550Developer views tags551 when project has no tags552 displays a specific message553 when project has tags554 avoids a N+1 query in branches index555 views the tags list page556 views a specific tag page557 links on the tag page558 has a button to browse files559 has a button to browse commits560Dashboard > Milestones561 as anonymous user562 is redirected to sign-in page563 as logged-in user564 sees milestones565 behaves like a "Your work" page with sidebar and breadcrumbs566 shows the "Your work" sidebar567 shows the correct sidebar menu item as active568 breadcrumbs569 has "Your work" as its root breadcrumb570 new milestones dropdown571 takes user to a new milestone page572 with merge requests disabled573 does not see milestones574Projects > Settings > User manages project members575 cancels a team member576 shows all members of project shared group577project commit pipelines578 when no builds triggered yet579 shows the ID of the first pipeline580 with no related merge requests581 shows the correct text for no related MRs582Group milestone583 # order random584 behaves like milestone with interactive markdown task list items in description585 renders task list in description586 allows interaction with task list item checkboxes587User filters issues588 allows filtering by issues with no specified assignee589 allows filtering by a specified assignee590Group Issues Calendar Feed591 GET /issues592 when authenticated593 with no referer594 renders calendar feed595 with GitLab as the referer596 renders calendar feed as text/plain597 when authenticated via personal access token598 renders calendar feed599 when authenticated via feed token600 renders calendar feed601 issue with due date602 renders issue fields603Projects > Settings > User archives a project604 when a project is archived605 unarchives a project606 when a project is unarchived607 archives a project608When a user searches for Sentry errors609 displays the results610Projects > Show > RSS611 when signed in612 behaves like an autodiscoverable RSS feed with current_user's feed token613 has an RSS autodiscovery link tag with current_user's feed token614 when signed out615 behaves like an autodiscoverable RSS feed without a feed token616 has an RSS autodiscovery link tag without a feed token617Integration settings618 # order random619 with Shimo Zentao integration records620 shows settings without Shimo Zentao621User edits milestone622 shows the right start date and due date623User password624 send password reset625 when recaptcha is enabled626 renders recaptcha627 when recaptcha is not enabled628 does not render recaptcha629 when user has multiple emails630 when user enters the primary email631 send the email to the correct email address632 when user enters a secondary verified email633 send the email to the correct email address634 when user enters an unverified email635 does not send an email636Knapsack report was generated. Preview:637{638 "spec/features/admin/users/users_spec.rb": 239.14760023899998,639 "spec/features/projects/blobs/blob_show_spec.rb": 199.90898629799995,640 "spec/features/projects/compare_spec.rb": 189.22976265099987,641 "spec/features/projects/user_uses_shortcuts_spec.rb": 126.97967960799997,642 "spec/features/projects/ci/lint_spec.rb": 103.90659607600037,643 "spec/features/issues/move_spec.rb": 74.39427527800035,644 "spec/features/projects/tree/tree_show_spec.rb": 60.638974079000036,645 "spec/features/projects/files/user_creates_directory_spec.rb": 59.35899276000009,646 "spec/features/reportable_note/snippets_spec.rb": 42.613066591999996,647 "spec/features/projects/settings/user_transfers_a_project_spec.rb": 36.16253299200025,648 "spec/features/projects/labels/update_prioritization_spec.rb": 29.23913057999971,649 "spec/features/search/user_searches_for_users_spec.rb": 31.155955469999753,650 "spec/features/projects/integrations/user_activates_slack_slash_command_spec.rb": 27.295480763999876,651 "spec/features/merge_request/user_views_comment_on_diff_file_spec.rb": 25.556967445999817,652 "spec/features/groups/members/leave_group_spec.rb": 17.806443441999818,653 "spec/features/groups/settings/repository_spec.rb": 16.128505679999762,654 "spec/features/tags/developer_views_tags_spec.rb": 18.506143401999907,655 "spec/features/dashboard/milestones_spec.rb": 13.45894118599972,656 "spec/features/projects/members/user_manages_project_members_spec.rb": 13.016829557000165,657 "spec/features/projects/commit/builds_spec.rb": 8.598880696999913,658 "spec/features/groups/milestones/milestone_showing_spec.rb": 7.134090840000226,659 "spec/features/issues/user_filters_issues_spec.rb": 6.8332038620001185,660 "spec/features/ics/group_issues_spec.rb": 7.637894454000161,661 "spec/features/projects/settings/user_archives_project_spec.rb": 4.990198250000049,662 "spec/features/error_tracking/user_searches_sentry_errors_spec.rb": 5.281634218999898,663 "spec/features/projects/show/rss_spec.rb": 3.502667683999789,664 "spec/features/integrations_settings_spec.rb": 4.036994767000124,665 "spec/features/milestones/user_edits_milestone_spec.rb": 2.999225430000024,666 "spec/features/users/password_spec.rb": 1.338016155999867667}668Knapsack global time execution for tests: 22m 56s669Finished in 23 minutes 0 seconds (files took 1 minute 15.23 seconds to load)670234 examples, 0 failures671Randomized with seed 16209672[TEST PROF INFO] Time spent in factories: 02:22.418 (10.08% of total time)673Failed to write to log, write log/workhorse-test.log: file already closed674RSpec exited with 0.675No examples to retry, congrats!677Running after script...678$ echo -e "\e[0Ksection_start:`date +%s`:report_results_section[collapsed=true]\r\e[0KReport results"683Not uploading cache ruby-gems-debian-bullseye-ruby-3.0-16 due to policy685Uploading artifacts...686WARNING: auto_explain/: no matching files. Ensure that the artifact path is relative to the working directory (/builds/gitlab-org/gitlab) 687coverage/: found 5 matching artifact files and directories 688crystalball/: found 2 matching artifact files and directories 689WARNING: deprecations/: no matching files. Ensure that the artifact path is relative to the working directory (/builds/gitlab-org/gitlab) 690knapsack/: found 4 matching artifact files and directories 691rspec/: found 16 matching artifact files and directories 692WARNING: tmp/capybara/: no matching files. Ensure that the artifact path is relative to the working directory (/builds/gitlab-org/gitlab) 693log/*.log: found 16 matching artifact files and directories 694WARNING: Upload request redirected location= new-url=https://gitlab.com695WARNING: Retrying... context=artifacts-uploader error=request redirected696Uploading artifacts as "archive" to coordinator... 201 Created id=4841631336 responseStatus=201 Created token=64_u4Brt697Uploading artifacts...698rspec/rspec-*.xml: found 1 matching artifact files and directories 699WARNING: Upload request redirected location= new-url=https://gitlab.com700WARNING: Retrying... context=artifacts-uploader error=request redirected701Uploading artifacts as "junit" to coordinator... 201 Created id=4841631336 responseStatus=201 Created token=64_u4Brt703Job succeeded