rspec system pg10 20/24
Passed Started

🤖 GitLab Bot 🤖
1Running with gitlab-runner 12.8.0 (1b659122)2 on docker-auto-scale-com 8a6210b8 3 Using Docker executor with image ...
4Starting service postgres:10.12 ...5Pulling docker image postgres:10.12 ...6Using docker image sha256:538942384eafa3c7d4b5b4965e0deb3c533d2b67c05e1e0931711936ab6c041b for postgres:10.12 ...7Starting service redis:alpine ...8Pulling docker image redis:alpine ...9Using docker image sha256:b68707e68547e636f2544e9283f02beed46d536f644573c8b35c368f9abbe078 for redis:alpine ...10Waiting for services to be up and running...11Authenticating with credentials from job payload (GitLab Registry)12Pulling docker image ...13Using docker image sha256:5ffa057c8d08e11f766903b20f5529ee11747bb31366aad4bd8536ec33c89845 for ... 14 Running on runner-8a6210b8-project-278964-concurrent-0 via runner-8a6210b8-gsrm-1583375159-80131fa4...
16Downloading archived master...17Connecting to ( 1% | | 14.4M 0:00:57 ETA19gitlab.tar.gz 41% |************* | 350M 0:00:02 ETA20gitlab.tar.gz 80% |************************* | 680M 0:00:00 ETA21gitlab.tar.gz 100% |********************************| 845M 0:00:00 ETA22Extracting tarball into /builds/gitlab-org/gitlab...23Fetching changes with git depth set to 20...24Reinitialized existing Git repository in /builds/gitlab-org/gitlab/.git/25Created fresh repository.27 * [new ref] refs/pipelines/123433062 -> refs/pipelines/12343306228 * [new branch] master -> origin/master29Checking out 2e08c928 as master...30Skipping Git submodules setup32Downloading from 33Successfully extracted cache35Downloading artifacts from coordinator... ok id=460116507 responseStatus=200 OK token=QUYyHTsa36Downloading artifacts for retrieve-tests-metadata (460116515)...37Downloading artifacts from coordinator... ok id=460116515 responseStatus=200 OK token=wqtvmKyQ38Downloading artifacts for setup-test-env (460116509)...39Downloading artifacts from coordinator... ok id=460116509 responseStatus=200 OK token=sAvRzHNN40WARNING: tmp/tests/gitlab-shell/.gitlab_shell_secret: chmod tmp/tests/gitlab-shell/.gitlab_shell_secret: no such file or directory (suppressing repeats) 42$ date43Thu Mar 5 04:28:08 UTC 202044$ [ "$FOSS_ONLY" = "1" ] && rm -rf ee/ qa/spec/ee/ qa/qa/specs/features/ee/ qa/qa/ee/ qa/qa/ee.rb45$ export GOPATH=$CI_PROJECT_DIR/.go46$ mkdir -p $GOPATH47$ source scripts/utils.sh48$ source scripts/prepare_build.sh49Bundler version 1.17.250Warning: the running version of Bundler (1.17.2) is older than the version that created the lockfile (1.17.3). We suggest you upgrade to the latest version of Bundler by running `gem install bundler`.51The Gemfile's dependencies are satisfied52Successfully installed knapsack-1.18.0531 gem installed54CREATE ROLE55GRANT56Dropped database 'gitlabhq_test'57Created database 'gitlabhq_test'58Dropped database 'gitlabhq_geo_test'59Created database 'gitlabhq_geo_test'60$ date61Thu Mar 5 04:29:02 UTC 202062$ source scripts/rspec_helpers.sh63$ rspec_paralellized_job "--tag ~quarantine --tag ~geo --tag ~level:migration"64KNAPSACK_TEST_FILE_PATTERN: spec/{features}{,/**/}*_spec.rb65Checking gitaly-ruby Gemfile...66Checking gitaly-ruby bundle...67Warning: the running version of Bundler (1.17.2) is older than the version that created the lockfile (1.17.3). We suggest you upgrade to the latest version of Bundler by running `gem install bundler`.68The Gemfile's dependencies are satisfied69Trying to connect to gitaly: ....... OK70RSpec's reporter has already been initialized with #<IO:<STDERR>> as the deprecation stream, so your change to `deprecation_stream` will be ignored. You should configure it earlier for it to take effect, or use the `--deprecation-out` CLI option. (Called from /builds/gitlab-org/gitlab/spec/support/rspec.rb:10:in `block in <top (required)>')71Knapsack report generator started!72Run options:73 include {:focus=>true}74 exclude {:quarantine=>true, :geo=>true, :level=>"migration"}75All examples were filtered out; ignoring {:focus=>true}76==> Setting up Gitaly...77 Gitaly set up in 0.048770552 seconds...78==> Setting up GitLab Elasticsearch Indexer...79 GitLab Elasticsearch Indexer set up in 0.00020976 seconds...80Projects > Show > Collaboration links81Starting the Capybara driver server...82 with developer user83Capybara starting Puma...84* Version 4.3.1.gitlab.2 , codename: Mysterious Traveller85* Min threads: 0, max threads: 486* Listening on tcp:// shows all the expected links88 hides the links when the project is archived89 Web IDE link90 merge_requests_access_level: 0, user_level: :guest, expect_ide_link: false91 updates Web IDE link92 merge_requests_access_level: 0, user_level: :developer, expect_ide_link: true93 updates Web IDE link94 merge_requests_access_level: 10, user_level: :guest, expect_ide_link: false95 updates Web IDE link96 merge_requests_access_level: 10, user_level: :developer, expect_ide_link: true97 updates Web IDE link98 merge_requests_access_level: 20, user_level: :guest, expect_ide_link: true99 updates Web IDE link100 merge_requests_access_level: 20, user_level: :developer, expect_ide_link: true101 updates Web IDE link102Issue Boards103 shows sidebar when clicking issue104 closes sidebar when clicking issue105 closes sidebar when clicking close button106 shows issue details when sidebar is open107 removes card from board when clicking108 does not show remove button for backlog or closed issues109 assignee110 updates the issues assignee111 removes the assignee112 assignees to current user113 updates assignee dropdown114 milestone115 adds a milestone116 removes a milestone117 time tracking118 shows time tracking progress bar119 when time_tracking_limit_to_hours is true120 shows time tracking progress bar121 due date122Locator Integer:5 for selector :button must be an instance of String or Symbol. This will raise an error in a future version of Capybara.123 updates due date124 labels125 shows current labels when editing126 adds a single label127 adds a multiple labels128 removes a label129 creates project label130 creates project label and list131 subscription132 changes issue subscription133 has checked subscription toggle when already subscribed134Dashboard Todos135 User does not have todos136 shows "All done" message137 when the todo references a merge request138 renders the mr link with the extra attributes139 User has a todo140 has todo present141 shows due date as today142 behaves like deleting the todo143 is marked as done-reversible in the list144 shows Undo button145 updates todo count146 has not "All done" message147 behaves like deleting and restoring the todo148 is marked back as pending in the list149 shows Done button150 updates todo count151 todo is stale on the page152 behaves like deleting the todo153 is marked as done-reversible in the list154 shows Undo button155 updates todo count156 has not "All done" message157 behaves like deleting and restoring the todo158 is marked back as pending in the list159 shows Done button160 updates todo count161 User created todos for themself162 issue assigned todo163 shows issue assigned to yourself message164 marked todo165 shows you added a todo message166 mentioned todo167 shows you mentioned yourself message168 directly_addressed todo169 shows you directly addressed yourself message170 approval todo171 shows you set yourself as an approver message172 User has done todos173 has the done todo present174 restoring the todo175 is removed from the list176 updates todo count177 User has Todos with labels spanning multiple projects178 shows page with two Todos179 User has multiple pages of Todos180 is paginated181 is has the right number of pages182 mark all as done183 shows "All done" message!184 shows "Undo mark all as done" button185 undo mark all as done186 shows the restored todo list187 updates todo count188 shows "Mark all as done" button189 User has deleted a todo190 shows the restored todo list with the deleted todo191 User has a Build Failed todo192 shows the todo193 links to the pipelines for the merge request194Merge request > User creates image diff notes195 create commit diff notes196 create a new diff note197 shows indicator and avatar badges, and allows collapsing/expanding the discussion notes198 render commit diff notes199 render diff indicators within the image diff frame, diff notes, and avatar badge numbers200 inline view201 when images are stored in LFS202 shows lfs badges203 parallel view204 when images are stored in LFS205 shows lfs badges206 discussion tab polling207 render diff indicators within the image frame208 changes tab image diff209 onion skin210 behaves like onion skin211 resets opacity when toggling between view modes212 swipe view213 behaves like swipe view214 moves the swipe handle215 shows both images at the same position216 image view modes217 onion skin218 resizes image219 behaves like onion skin220 resets opacity when toggling between view modes221 swipe view222 behaves like swipe view223 moves the swipe handle224 shows both images at the same position225Value Stream Analytics226 as an allowed user227 when project is new228 shows introductory message229 shows pipeline summary230 shows active stage with empty message231 when there's value stream analytics data232 shows pipeline summary2332020-03-05T04:36:09.412Z 115 TID-gmt291vzf WARN: {:class=>"ArchiveTraceWorker", :message=>"The job does not have live trace but going to be archived.", :job_id=>4}234DEPRECATION WARNING: Class level methods will no longer inherit scoping from `match_id_and_lock_version` in Rails 6.1. To continue using the scoped relation, pass it into the block directly. To instead access the full set of models, as Rails 6.1 will, use `CommitStatus.unscoped`, or `CommitStatus.default_scoped` if a model has default scopes. (called from block (2 levels) in <class:CommitStatus> at /builds/gitlab-org/gitlab/app/models/commit_status.rb:69)235 shows data on each stage236 when I change the time period observed237 shows only relevant data238 as a guest239 does not show the commit stats240 needs permissions to see restricted stages241Container Registry242 Registry explorer is off243 has a page title set244 when there are no image repositories245 user visits container registry main page246 when there are image repositories247 user wants to see multi-level container repository248 user removes entire container repository249 user removes a specific tag from container repository250 Registry explorer is on251 has a page title set252 when there are no image repositories253 list page has no container title254 list page has quickstart255 when there are image repositories256 list page has a list of images257 user removes entire container repository258 navigates to repo details259 image repo details260 shows the details breadcrumb261 shows the image title262 user removes a specific tag from container repository263User views a wiki page264 opens a default wiki page265 when wiki is empty266 shows the history of a page that has a path267 shows an old version of a page268 when a page does not have history269 shows all the pages270 shows the creation page if file does not exist271 shows a file stored in a page272 is expected not to have visible xpath "/html"273 when a page has history274 shows the page history275 does not show the "Edit" button276 when a page has special characters in its title277 preserves the special characters278 when a page has XSS in its title or content279 safely displays the page280 when a page has XSS in its message281 safely displays the message282 when page has invalid content encoding283 does not show "Edit" button284 shows error285Merge request > User sees merge button depending on unresolved threads286 when project.only_allow_merge_if_all_discussions_are_resolved == true287 with unresolved threads288 does not allow to merge289 with all threads resolved290 allows MR to be merged291 when project.only_allow_merge_if_all_discussions_are_resolved == false292 with unresolved threads293 does not allow to merge294 with all threads resolved295 allows MR to be merged296Environment > Metrics297 without deployments298 behaves like has environment selector299 has a working environment selector300 with deployments and related deployable present301 shows metrics302 behaves like has environment selector303 has a working environment selector304Group Badges305 shows a list of badges306 adding a badge307 user can preview a badge308 is expected to eq ""309 editing a badge310 form is shown when clicking edit button in list311 updates a badge when submitting the edit form312 deleting a badge313 shows a modal when deleting a badge314 deletes a badge when confirming the modal315Sort Issuable List316 for merge requests317 default sort order318 in the "merge requests" tab319 is "last created"320 in the "merge requests / open" tab321 is "created date"322 in the "merge requests / merged" tab323 is "last updated"324 in the "merge requests / closed" tab325 is "last updated"326 in the "merge requests / all" tab327 is "created date"328 custom sorting329 supports sorting in asc and desc order330 for issues331 default sort order332 in the "issues" tab333 is "created date"334 in the "issues / open" tab335 is "created date"336 in the "issues / closed" tab337 is "last updated"338 in the "issues / all" tab339 is "created date"340 when the sort in the URL is id_desc341 shows the sort order as created date342 custom sorting343 supports sorting in asc and desc order344View on environment345 when the branch has a route map346 and an active deployment347 when visiting the diff of a merge request for the branch348 has a "View on env" button349 when visiting a comparison for the branch350 has a "View on env" button351 when visiting a comparison for the commit352 has a "View on env" button353 when visiting a blob on the branch354 has a "View on env" button355 when visiting a blob on the commit356 has a "View on env" button357 when visiting the commit358 has a "View on env" button359User edits snippet360 updates the snippet361 updates the snippet with files attached362 updates the snippet to make it internal363 updates the snippet to make it public364List issue resource label events365 when user displays the issue366 shows both notes and resource label events367 shows the user status on the system note for the label368 when user adds label to the issue369 shows add note for newly added labels370Merge request > User sees MR with deleted source branch371 shows a message about missing source branch372 still contains Discussion, Commits and Changes tabs373User follows pipeline suggest nudge spec when feature is enabled374 viewing the new blob page375 when the page is loaded from the link using the suggest_gitlab_ci_yml param376 pre-fills .gitlab-ci.yml for file name377 chooses the .gitlab-ci.yml Template Type378 displays suggest_gitlab_ci_yml popover379 when the page is visited without the param380 does not pre-fill .gitlab-ci.yml for file name381 does not choose the .gitlab-ci.yml Template Type382 does not display suggest_gitlab_ci_yml popover383Dashboard snippets384 when the project has snippets385 shows new snippet button in header386 behaves like paginated snippets387 is limited to 20 items per page388 clicking on the link to the second page389 shows the remaining snippets390 when there are no project snippets391 shows the empty state when there are no snippets392 shows new snippet button in main content area393 shows documentation button in main comment area394 filtering by visibility395 contains all snippets of logged user396 contains all private snippets of logged user when clicking on private397 contains all internal snippets of logged user when clicking on internal398 contains all public snippets of logged user when clicking on public399 behaves like tabs with counts400 shows a tab for All snippets and count401 shows a tab for Private snippets and count402 shows a tab for Internal snippets and count403 shows a tab for Public snippets and count404 as an external user405 without snippets406 hides new snippet button407 with snippets408 hides new snippet button409Developer views tags410 when project has no tags411 displays a specific message412 when project has tags413 avoids a N+1 query in branches index414 views the tags list page415 views a specific tag page416 links on the tag page417 has a button to browse files418 has a button to browse commits419Merge Requests > User filters by assignees420 filtering by assignee:none421 applies the filter422 filtering by assignee=@username423 applies the filter424Admin > Users > Impersonation Tokens425 token creation426 allows creation of a token427 active tokens428 only shows impersonation tokens429 inactive tokens430 allows revocation of an active impersonation token431 removes expired tokens from 'active' section432Projects > Snippets > User views snippets433 snippets list434 shows snippets435 pagination436 behaves like paginated snippets437 is limited to 20 items per page438 clicking on the link to the second page439 shows the remaining snippets440 filtering by visibility441 behaves like tabs with counts442 shows a tab for All snippets and count443 shows a tab for Private snippets and count444 shows a tab for Internal snippets and count445 shows a tab for Public snippets and count446 when current user is a guest447 when snippets list is empty448 hides New Snippet button449 when project has snippets450 hides New Snippet button451 when current user is not a guest452 when snippets list is empty453 shows New Snippet button454 when project has snippets455 shows New Snippet button456User views AsciiDoc page with includes457 when the file being included exists458 includes the file contents459 when there are multiple versions of the wiki pages460 viewing the latest version461 includes the latest content462 viewing the original version463 includes the content from the original version464 when the file being included does not exist465 outputs an error466Math rendering467 renders inline and display math correctly468 only renders non XSS links469admin issues labels470 list471 renders labels list472 deletes label473 deletes all labels474 create475 creates new label476 does not creates label with invalid color477 does not creates label if label already exists478 edit479 changes bug label480Dashboard > Milestones481 as anonymous user482 is redirected to sign-in page483 as logged-in user484 sees milestones485 new milestones dropdown486 takes user to a new milestone page487 with merge requests disabled488 does not see milestones489Artifact file490 Text file491 displays an error492 JPG file493 displays the blob494 when visiting old URL495 redirects to new URL496User deletes wiki page497 deletes a page498User deletes branch499 deletes branch500Admin disables 2FA for a user501 successfully502 for a user without 2FA enabled503Projects > Settings > User archives a project504 when a project is archived505 unarchives a project506 when a project is unarchived507 archives a project508Merge Request > User tries to access private project information through the new mr page509 when the user enters the querystring info for the other project510 does not mention the project the user can't see the repo of511 when the user enters label information from the private project in the querystring512 does not expose the label name513User views services514 shows the list of available services515Creating a new project milestone516 description has emoji autocomplete517User manages applications518 manages applications519Create a group label520 creates a new label521Projects > Snippets > User deletes a snippet522 deletes a snippet523Admin > Admin sees projects statistics524 shows project statistics for projects that have them525New merge request breadcrumb526 displays link to project merge requests and new merge request527AdditionalEmailToExistingAccount528 add secondary email associated with account529 verifies confirmation of additional email530Knapsack report was generated. Preview:531{532 "spec/features/projects/show/user_sees_collaboration_links_spec.rb": 148.48021984100342,533 "spec/features/boards/sidebar_spec.rb": 85.567786693573,534 "spec/features/dashboard/todos/todos_spec.rb": 55.25032114982605,535 "spec/features/merge_request/user_creates_image_diff_notes_spec.rb": 46.724002838134766,536 "spec/features/cycle_analytics_spec.rb": 32.70917010307312,537 "spec/features/projects/container_registry_spec.rb": 29.024168968200684,538 "spec/features/projects/wiki/user_views_wiki_page_spec.rb": 27.45094108581543,539 "spec/features/merge_request/user_sees_merge_button_depending_on_unresolved_discussions_spec.rb": 21.730764150619507,540 "spec/features/projects/environments/environment_metrics_spec.rb": 20.73080277442932,541 "spec/features/groups/settings/group_badges_spec.rb": 21.062239408493042,542 "spec/features/issuables/sorting_list_spec.rb": 18.030803680419922,543 "spec/features/projects/view_on_env_spec.rb": 17.108707427978516,544 "spec/features/snippets/user_edits_snippet_spec.rb": 13.196959972381592,545 "spec/features/issues/resource_label_events_spec.rb": 13.347841262817383,546 "spec/features/merge_request/user_sees_mr_with_deleted_source_branch_spec.rb": 10.559179306030273,547 "spec/features/projects/blobs/user_follows_pipeline_suggest_nudge_spec.rb": 8.468459844589233,548 "spec/features/dashboard/snippets_spec.rb": 9.86523723602295,549 "spec/features/tags/developer_views_tags_spec.rb": 8.93332576751709,550 "spec/features/merge_requests/user_filters_by_assignees_spec.rb": 7.808568954467773,551 "spec/features/admin/admin_users_impersonation_tokens_spec.rb": 6.8055126667022705,552 "spec/features/projects/snippets/user_views_snippets_spec.rb": 5.384331703186035,553 "spec/features/projects/wiki/users_views_asciidoc_page_with_includes_spec.rb": 5.044522762298584,554 "spec/features/markdown/math_spec.rb": 4.716349840164185,555 "spec/features/admin/admin_labels_spec.rb": 4.822882175445557,556 "spec/features/dashboard/milestones_spec.rb": 4.286373615264893,557 "spec/features/projects/artifacts/file_spec.rb": 3.6958417892456055,558 "spec/features/projects/wiki/user_deletes_wiki_page_spec.rb": 3.525325298309326,559 "spec/features/projects/branches/user_deletes_branch_spec.rb": 3.779829502105713,560 "spec/features/admin/admin_disables_two_factor_spec.rb": 2.300712823867798,561 "spec/features/projects/settings/user_archives_project_spec.rb": 2.663078784942627,562 "spec/features/merge_request/user_tries_to_access_private_project_info_through_new_mr_spec.rb": 2.393941640853882,563 "spec/features/projects/services/user_views_services_spec.rb": 2.364102840423584,564 "spec/features/projects/milestones/new_spec.rb": 1.9831671714782715,565 "spec/features/profiles/user_manages_applications_spec.rb": 1.8547816276550293,566 "spec/features/groups/labels/create_spec.rb": 1.4149022102355957,567 "spec/features/projects/snippets/user_deletes_snippet_spec.rb": 1.193904161453247,568 "spec/features/admin/admin_sees_projects_statistics_spec.rb": 0.8495965003967285,569 "spec/features/merge_request/user_sees_breadcrumb_links_spec.rb": 0.6340863704681396,570 "spec/features/users/add_email_to_existing_account_spec.rb": 0.7666120529174805571}572Knapsack global time execution for tests: 10m 56s573Finished in 11 minutes 49 seconds (files took 54.43 seconds to load)574237 examples, 0 failures575Thu Mar 5 04:41:58 UTC 2020578coverage/: found 5 matching files 579knapsack/: found 6 matching files 580rspec_flaky/: found 4 matching files 581rspec_profiling/: found 2 matching files 582WARNING: tmp/capybara/: no matching files 583tmp/memory_test/: found 2 matching files 584junit_rspec.xml: found 1 matching files 585Uploading artifacts to coordinator... ok id=460116700 responseStatus=201 Created token=C7CD5x_d586Uploading artifacts...587junit_rspec.xml: found 1 matching files 588Uploading artifacts to coordinator... ok id=460116700 responseStatus=201 Created token=C7CD5x_d589Job succeeded