rspec system pg9 18/24
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🤖 GitLab Bot 🤖
1Running with gitlab-runner 12.8.0 (1b659122)2 on docker-auto-scale-com 8a6210b8 3 Using Docker executor with image ...
4Starting service postgres:9.6.17 ...5Pulling docker image postgres:9.6.17 ...6Using docker image sha256:16f0ba6ed8573409271c409348548ecbefb874f39717d70ea34f3d888631dbb8 for postgres:9.6.17 ...7Starting service redis:alpine ...8Pulling docker image redis:alpine ...9Using docker image sha256:b68707e68547e636f2544e9283f02beed46d536f644573c8b35c368f9abbe078 for redis:alpine ...10Waiting for services to be up and running...11Authenticating with credentials from job payload (GitLab Registry)12Pulling docker image ...13Using docker image sha256:0f9ca78298a31444537de457edb9067ada5eff69e276ed8949386f35b3760183 for ... 14 Running on runner-8a6210b8-project-278964-concurrent-0 via runner-8a6210b8-gsrm-1583375198-9c099016...
16Downloading archived master...17Connecting to ( 0% | | 754k 0:20:28 ETA19gitlab.tar.gz 37% |*********** | 312M 0:00:03 ETA20gitlab.tar.gz 73% |*********************** | 621M 0:00:01 ETA21gitlab.tar.gz 100% |********************************| 845M 0:00:00 ETA22Extracting tarball into /builds/gitlab-org/gitlab...23Fetching changes with git depth set to 20...24Reinitialized existing Git repository in /builds/gitlab-org/gitlab/.git/25Created fresh repository.27 * [new ref] refs/pipelines/123433062 -> refs/pipelines/12343306228 * [new branch] master -> origin/master29Checking out 2e08c928 as master...30Skipping Git submodules setup32Downloading from 33Successfully extracted cache35Downloading artifacts from coordinator... ok id=460116507 responseStatus=200 OK token=QUYyHTsa36Downloading artifacts for retrieve-tests-metadata (460116515)...37Downloading artifacts from coordinator... ok id=460116515 responseStatus=200 OK token=wqtvmKyQ38Downloading artifacts for setup-test-env (460116509)...39Downloading artifacts from coordinator... ok id=460116509 responseStatus=200 OK token=sAvRzHNN40WARNING: tmp/tests/gitlab-shell/.gitlab_shell_secret: chmod tmp/tests/gitlab-shell/.gitlab_shell_secret: no such file or directory (suppressing repeats) 42$ date43Thu Mar 5 04:26:44 UTC 202044$ [ "$FOSS_ONLY" = "1" ] && rm -rf ee/ qa/spec/ee/ qa/qa/specs/features/ee/ qa/qa/ee/ qa/qa/ee.rb45$ export GOPATH=$CI_PROJECT_DIR/.go46$ mkdir -p $GOPATH47$ source scripts/utils.sh48$ source scripts/prepare_build.sh49Bundler version 1.17.250Warning: the running version of Bundler (1.17.2) is older than the version that created the lockfile (1.17.3). We suggest you upgrade to the latest version of Bundler by running `gem install bundler`.51The Gemfile's dependencies are satisfied52Successfully installed knapsack-1.18.0531 gem installed54CREATE ROLE55GRANT56Dropped database 'gitlabhq_test'57Created database 'gitlabhq_test'58Dropped database 'gitlabhq_geo_test'59Created database 'gitlabhq_geo_test'60$ date61Thu Mar 5 04:27:37 UTC 202062$ source scripts/rspec_helpers.sh63$ rspec_paralellized_job "--tag ~quarantine --tag ~geo --tag ~level:migration"64KNAPSACK_TEST_FILE_PATTERN: spec/{features}{,/**/}*_spec.rb65Checking gitaly-ruby Gemfile...66Checking gitaly-ruby bundle...67Warning: the running version of Bundler (1.17.2) is older than the version that created the lockfile (1.17.3). We suggest you upgrade to the latest version of Bundler by running `gem install bundler`.68The Gemfile's dependencies are satisfied69Trying to connect to gitaly: ........ OK70RSpec's reporter has already been initialized with #<IO:<STDERR>> as the deprecation stream, so your change to `deprecation_stream` will be ignored. You should configure it earlier for it to take effect, or use the `--deprecation-out` CLI option. (Called from /builds/gitlab-org/gitlab/spec/support/rspec.rb:10:in `block in <top (required)>')71Knapsack report generator started!72Run options:73 include {:focus=>true}74 exclude {:quarantine=>true, :geo=>true, :level=>"migration"}75All examples were filtered out; ignoring {:focus=>true}76==> Setting up Gitaly...77 Gitaly set up in 0.071288227 seconds...78==> Setting up GitLab Elasticsearch Indexer...79 GitLab Elasticsearch Indexer set up in 0.000319904 seconds...80Group-level Cluster Applications81Starting the Capybara driver server...82 Installing applications83 when cluster is being created84Capybara starting Puma...85* Version 4.3.1.gitlab.2 , codename: Mysterious Traveller86* Min threads: 0, max threads: 487* Listening on tcp:// user is unable to install applications89 when cluster is created90 user can install applications91 when user installs Helm92 shows the status transition93 when user installs Knative94 on an abac cluster95 shows info block and not be installable96 on an rbac cluster97 does not show callout block and be installable98 when user clicks install button99WARNING: ignoring the provided expectation message argument ({:exact_text=>"Save changes"}) since it is not a string or a proc.100 shows status transition101 can then update the domain102 when user installs Cert Manager103 shows status transition104 when user installs Elastic Stack105 shows status transition106 when user installs Ingress107 shows the status transition108Merge request > User uses quick actions109 issuable common quick actions110 behaves like close quick action111 new merge_request112 creates the merge_request and interprets close quick action accordingly113 post note to existing merge_request114 creates the note and interprets the close quick action accordingly115 when current user cannot close merge_request116 does not close the merge_request117 preview of note on merge_request118 explains close quick action119 behaves like issuable time tracker120 renders the sidebar component empty state121 updates the sidebar component when estimate is added122 updates the sidebar component when spent is added123 shows the comparison when estimate and spent are added124 updates the sidebar component when estimate is removed125 updates the sidebar component when spent is removed126 shows the help state when icon is clicked127 hides the help state when close icon is clicked128 displays the correct help url129 merge-request-only commands130 behaves like merge quick action131 when the current user can merge the MR132 merges the MR133 when the head diff changes in the meanwhile134 does not merge the MR135 when the current user cannot merge the MR136 does not merge the MR137Issue Boards add issue modal138 resets filtered search state139 modal interaction140 opens modal141 closes modal142 closes modal if cancel button clicked143 does not show tooltip on add issues button144 issues list145 loads issues146 shows selected issues147 list dropdown148 resets after deleting list149 search150 returns issues151 returns no issues152 selecing issues153 selects single issue154 changes button text155 changes button text with plural156 shows only selected issues on selected tab157 selects all issues158 deselects all issues159 selects all that arent already selected160 unselects from selected tab161 adding issues162 adds to board163 adds to second list164Internal references165 when referencing to open issue166 from private project167 from issue168 when user doesn't have access to private project169 is expected not to have visible css ".note"170 from merge request171 when user doesn't have access to private project172 doesn't show any references173 when user has access to private project174 shows references175 when referencing to open merge request176 from private project177 from issue178 when user doesn't have access to private project179 is expected not to have visible css ".note"180 from merge request181 when user doesn't have access to private project182 doesn't show any references183 when user has access to private project184 shows references185Environment186 environment details page187 shows environment name188 without auto-stop189 does not show auto-stop text190 does not show auto-stop button191 with auto-stop192 shows auto stop info193 shows auto stop button194 allows user to cancel auto stop195 without deployments196 does not show deployments197 with deployments198 when there is no related deployable199 does show deployment SHA200 when there is a successful deployment201 does show deployments202 when there is a running deployment203 does show deployments204 when there is a failed deployment205 does show deployments206 with related deployable present207 does show build name208 shows the re-deploy button209 with manual action210 when user has ability to trigger deployment211 does show a play button212 does allow to play manual action213 when user has no ability to trigger a deployment214 does not show a play button215 with external_url216 does show an external link button217 with terminal218 when user configured kubernetes from CI/CD > Clusters219 for project maintainer220 shows the terminal button221 web terminal222 displays a web terminal223 for developer224 does not show terminal button225 when environment is available226 with stop action227 when user has ability to stop environment228 allows to stop environment229 when user has no ability to stop environment230 does not allow to stop environment231 for reporter232 does not show stop button233 when environment is stopped234 does not show stop button235 environment folders236 when folder name contains special charaters237 renders a correct environment folder238 auto-close environment when branch is deleted239 user visits environment page240 user deletes the branch with running environment241New project242 as a user243 shows a message if multiple levels are restricted244 shows a message if all levels are restricted245 as an admin246 shows "New project" page247 manifest import option248 is expected to have visible link "Manifest file"249 Visibility level selector250 sets selector to VisibilityLevel|Private251 saves visibility level 0 on validation error252 sets selector to VisibilityLevel|Internal253 saves visibility level 10 on validation error254 sets selector to VisibilityLevel|Public255 saves visibility level 20 on validation error256 when group visibility is private but default is internal257 has private selected258 when group visibility is public but user requests private259 has private selected260 Readme selector261 shows the initialize with Readme checkbox on "Blank project" tab262 does not show the initialize with Readme checkbox on "Create from template" tab263 does not show the initialize with Readme checkbox on "Import project" tab264 Namespace selector265 with user namespace266 selects the user namespace267 with group namespace268 selects the group namespace269 with subgroup namespace270 selects the group namespace271 when changing namespaces dynamically272 enables the correct visibility options273 Import project options274 from git repository url, "Repo by URL"275 does not autocomplete sensitive git repo URL276 shows import instructions277 keeps "Import project" tab open after form validation error278 from GitHub279 shows import instructions280 from Google Code281 shows import instructions282 from manifest file283 shows import instructions284 Namespace selector285 with group with DEVELOPER_MAINTAINER_PROJECT_ACCESS project_creation_level286 selects the group namespace287Dashboard Merge Requests288 new merge request dropdown289 shows projects only with merge requests feature enabled290 no merge requests exist291 shows an empty state292 merge requests exist293 shows assigned merge requests294 shows authored merge requests295 shows labeled merge requests296 shows error message without filter297 shows sorted merge requests298 keeps sorting merge requests after visiting Projects MR page299Projects > Settings > User transfers a project300 focuses on the confirmation field301 allows transferring a project to a group302 and a new project is added with the same path303 overrides the redirect304 when nested groups are available305 allows transferring a project to a subgroup306Merge request > User scrolls to note on load307 scrolls note into view308 renders un-collapsed notes with diff309 resolved notes310 when diff note311 expands collapsed notes312 when non-diff note313 expands collapsed replies314Dashboard Groups page315 shows groups user is member of316 shows subgroups the user is member of317 when filtering groups318 expands when filtering groups319 resets search when user cleans the input320 with subgroups321 shows subgroups inside of its parent group322 can toggle parent group323 when using pagination324 loads results for next page325 when signed in as admin326 shows only groups admin is member of327Group merge requests page328 public access level329 group member330 is expected to text "this is my created issuable"331 non-member332 is expected to text "this is my created issuable"333 private access level334 group member335 is expected to text "this is my created issuable"336 non-member337 is expected not to text "this is my created issuable"338 archived issuable339 hides archived merge requests340 ignores archived merge request count badges in navbar341 ignores archived merge request count badges in state-filters342 when merge request assignee to user343 is expected to text "this is my created issuable"344 group filtered search345 filters by assignee only group users346 new merge request dropdown347 shows projects only with merge requests feature enabled348Projects > Members > Groups with access list349 updates group access level350 updates expiry date351 deletes group link352 search in existing members (yes, this filters the groups list as well)353 finds no results354 finds results355User changes public project visibility356 when a project is public357 behaves like changing visibility to private358 requires confirmation359 when the project is internal360 behaves like changing visibility to private361 requires confirmation362Merge requests > User filters by multiple criteria363 filtering by label:~"Won't fix" and assignee:~bug364 applies the filters365 filtering by text, author, assignee, milestone, and label366 filters by text, author, assignee, milestone, and label367Commit diff368 inline view369 adds comment to diff370 parallel view371 adds comment to diff372Import/Export - project export integration test373 admin user374 exports a project successfully375Groups > Members > Request access376 request access feature is disabled377DEPRECATION WARNING: Sending mail with DeliveryJob and Parameterized::DeliveryJob is deprecated and will be removed in Rails 6.1. Please use MailDeliveryJob instead. (called from deliver_access_request_email at /builds/gitlab-org/gitlab/app/services/notification_service.rb:634)378 user can request access to a group379DEPRECATION WARNING: Sending mail with DeliveryJob and Parameterized::DeliveryJob is deprecated and will be removed in Rails 6.1. Please use MailDeliveryJob instead. (called from deliver_access_request_email at /builds/gitlab-org/gitlab/app/services/notification_service.rb:634)380 user does not see private projects381DEPRECATION WARNING: Sending mail with DeliveryJob and Parameterized::DeliveryJob is deprecated and will be removed in Rails 6.1. Please use MailDeliveryJob instead. (called from deliver_access_request_email at /builds/gitlab-org/gitlab/app/services/notification_service.rb:634)382 user does not see group in the Dashboard > Groups page383 user is not listed in the group members page384 user can withdraw its request for access385 member does not see the request access button386Dashboard > User sorts todos387 sort options388 sorts with oldest created todos first389 sorts with newest created todos first390 sorts by label priority391 issues and merge requests392 doesn't mix issues and merge requests label priorities393Developer updates tag394 from the tags list page395 updates the release notes396 description has emoji autocomplete397 from a specific tag page398 updates the release notes399User interacts with labels400 shows the list of labels401Issue markdown toolbar402 doesn't include first new line when adding bold403 doesn't include first new line when adding underline404New Branch Ref Dropdown405 filters a list of branches and tags406 accepts a manually entered commit SHA407Projects > Settings > User manages group links408 shows a list of groups409 invites a group to a project410Projects > Files > User wants to add a .gitignore file411 user can pick a .gitignore file from the dropdown412Projects > Members > Group requester cannot request access to project413DEPRECATION WARNING: Sending mail with DeliveryJob and Parameterized::DeliveryJob is deprecated and will be removed in Rails 6.1. Please use MailDeliveryJob instead. (called from deliver_access_request_email at /builds/gitlab-org/gitlab/app/services/notification_service.rb:634)414 group requester does not see the request access / withdraw access request button415Download buttons in tags page416 when checking tags417 behaves like archive download buttons418 when static objects external storage is enabled419 private project420 shows archive download buttons with external storage URL prepended and user token appended to their href421 public project422 shows archive download buttons with external storage URL prepended to their href423 when static objects external storage is disabled424 shows default archive download buttons425 with artifacts426 shows download artifacts button427User views milestones428 shows milestone429 with issues430 opens milestone431 with associated releases432 with a single associated release433 shows the associated release434 with lots of associated releases435 shows the associated releases and the truncation text436User views milestones with no MR437 shows milestone438 opens milestone439Merge request > User sees empty state440 shows an empty state and a "New merge request" button441 if there are merge requests442 does not show an empty state443 shows empty state when filter results empty444project commit pipelines445 when no builds triggered yet446 user views commit pipelines page447Merge request > User sees WIP help message448 with WIP commits449 shows a specific WIP hint450 without WIP commits451 shows the regular WIP message452Navigation bar counter453 reflects dashboard issues count454 reflects dashboard merge requests count455Disable individual triggers456 service has multiple supported events457 shows trigger checkboxes458 services only has one supported event459 doesn't show unnecessary Trigger checkboxes460Snippets461 when the project has snippets462 behaves like paginated snippets463 is limited to 20 items per page464 clicking on the link to the second page465 shows the remaining snippets466 rendering engine467 renders Vue application468 when feature flag is disabled469 renders HAML application and not Vue470Admin > Admin sees project statistics471 when project has statistics472 shows project statistics473 when project has no statistics474 shows 'Storage: Unknown'475Admin System Info476 GET /admin/system_info477 when all info is available478 shows system info page479 when CPU info is not available480 shows system info page with no CPU info481 when memory info is not available482 shows system info page with no CPU info483Issues > User creates issue by email484 new issue by email485 with existing issues486 behaves like show the email in the modal487 click the button to show modal for the new email488 without existing issues489 behaves like show the email in the modal490 click the button to show modal for the new email491Search group member492 renders member users493The group dashboard494 The top navigation495 has all the expected links496 hides some links when an external authorization service is enabled497Knapsack report was generated. Preview:498{499 "spec/features/groups/clusters/applications_spec.rb": 157.6852650642395,500 "spec/features/merge_request/user_uses_quick_actions_spec.rb": 114.9679548740387,501 "spec/features/boards/add_issues_modal_spec.rb": 65.58303546905518,502 "spec/features/issuables/markdown_references/internal_references_spec.rb": 47.33227515220642,503 "spec/features/projects/environments/environment_spec.rb": 36.60059070587158,504 "spec/features/projects/new_project_spec.rb": 30.273724794387817,505 "spec/features/dashboard/merge_requests_spec.rb": 28.229201793670654,506 "spec/features/projects/settings/user_transfers_a_project_spec.rb": 22.66605234146118,507 "spec/features/merge_request/user_scrolls_to_note_on_load_spec.rb": 18.426334857940674,508 "spec/features/dashboard/groups_list_spec.rb": 17.559685707092285,509 "spec/features/groups/merge_requests_spec.rb": 14.753700256347656,510 "spec/features/projects/members/groups_with_access_list_spec.rb": 13.584700345993042,511 "spec/features/projects/user_changes_project_visibility_spec.rb": 10.73456883430481,512 "spec/features/merge_requests/user_filters_by_multiple_criteria_spec.rb": 8.841132402420044,513 "spec/features/projects/commit/diff_notes_spec.rb": 10.605945348739624,514 "spec/features/projects/import_export/export_file_spec.rb": 7.665709018707275,515 "spec/features/groups/members/request_access_spec.rb": 9.370327711105347,516 "spec/features/dashboard/todos/todos_sorting_spec.rb": 5.060695171356201,517 "spec/features/tags/developer_updates_tag_spec.rb": 6.023146152496338,518 "spec/features/projects/milestones/user_interacts_with_labels_spec.rb": 3.3507184982299805,519 "spec/features/issues/markdown_toolbar_spec.rb": 6.205992221832275,520 "spec/features/projects/branches/new_branch_ref_dropdown_spec.rb": 3.8111824989318848,521 "spec/features/projects/settings/user_manages_group_links_spec.rb": 4.222784042358398,522 "spec/features/projects/files/gitignore_dropdown_spec.rb": 3.280592441558838,523 "spec/features/projects/members/group_requester_cannot_request_access_to_project_spec.rb": 4.136615514755249,524 "spec/features/projects/tags/download_buttons_spec.rb": 3.7524142265319824,525 "spec/features/milestones/user_views_milestones_spec.rb": 3.10792875289917,526 "spec/features/merge_request/user_sees_empty_state_spec.rb": 2.468026638031006,527 "spec/features/projects/commit/builds_spec.rb": 2.1045548915863037,528 "spec/features/merge_request/user_sees_wip_help_message_spec.rb": 1.8601384162902832,529 "spec/features/dashboard/issuables_counter_spec.rb": 2.037764072418213,530 "spec/features/projects/services/disable_triggers_spec.rb": 3.8566508293151855,531 "spec/features/snippets_spec.rb": 2.0818140506744385,532 "spec/features/admin/admin_sees_project_statistics_spec.rb": 1.6961512565612793,533 "spec/features/admin/admin_system_info_spec.rb": 0.8996350765228271,534 "spec/features/issues/user_creates_issue_by_email_spec.rb": 1.4172248840332031,535 "spec/features/groups/members/search_members_spec.rb": 0.7598071098327637,536 "spec/features/dashboard/group_dashboard_with_external_authorization_service_spec.rb": 0.43485474586486816537}538Knapsack global time execution for tests: 11m 17s539Finished in 12 minutes 11 seconds (files took 56.47 seconds to load)540208 examples, 0 failures541Thu Mar 5 04:40:58 UTC 2020544coverage/: found 5 matching files 545knapsack/: found 6 matching files 546rspec_flaky/: found 4 matching files 547rspec_profiling/: found 2 matching files 548WARNING: tmp/capybara/: no matching files 549tmp/memory_test/: found 2 matching files 550junit_rspec.xml: found 1 matching files 551Uploading artifacts to coordinator... ok id=460116621 responseStatus=201 Created token=Ro-u4kzA552Uploading artifacts...553junit_rspec.xml: found 1 matching files 554Uploading artifacts to coordinator... ok id=460116621 responseStatus=201 Created token=Ro-u4kzA555Job succeeded