rspec system pg13 5/28
Passed Started
Sincheol (David) Kim
1Running with gitlab-runner 15.9.0~beta.115.g598a7c91 (598a7c91)2 on EuhiQzPR, system ID: s_360bc95445273 feature flags: FF_NETWORK_PER_BUILD:true, FF_USE_FASTZIP:true, FF_USE_IMPROVED_URL_MASKING:true6Using Docker executor with image ...7Starting service ...8Authenticating with credentials from job payload (GitLab Registry)9Pulling docker image ...10Using docker image sha256:b643610fd4d2fbdd55447ceb5a6cba0c3d1a26945817741d73e1b51a1ec07d01 for with digest ...11Starting service redis:6.2-alpine ...12Pulling docker image redis:6.2-alpine ...13Using docker image sha256:a9a47a706682d445577bb5da7328f0faaa0863a5742a315c829faa461dfc23ae for redis:6.2-alpine with digest redis@sha256:317575f05099ea47b1f2855b1bb6e068b52847bfa19b87014d88d57f82d4b8f0 ...14Waiting for services to be up and running (timeout 30 seconds)...15Authenticating with credentials from job payload (GitLab Registry)16Pulling docker image ...17Using docker image sha256:552b81110cdd830e05d17c8e7365f72e1dd96842217d7225636cb55a75777ea7 for with digest ...19Running on runner-euhiqzpr-project-278964-concurrent-0 via runner-euhiqzpr-shared-gitlab-org-1682572900-ebaffb8e...21$ eval "$CI_PRE_CLONE_SCRIPT"22Fetching changes with git depth set to 20...23Initialized empty Git repository in /builds/gitlab-org/gitlab/.git/24Created fresh repository.25remote: Enumerating objects: 162343, done. 26remote: Counting objects: 100% (162343/162343), done. 27remote: Compressing objects: 100% (98373/98373), done. 28remote: Total 162343 (delta 79431), reused 115388 (delta 58038), pack-reused 0 29Receiving objects: 100% (162343/162343), 129.51 MiB | 32.25 MiB/s, done.30Resolving deltas: 100% (79431/79431), done.32 * [new ref] refs/pipelines/850455016 -> refs/pipelines/85045501633Checking out 997198e5 as detached HEAD (ref is refs/merge-requests/118423/merge)...34Skipping Git submodules setup35$ git remote set-url origin "${CI_REPOSITORY_URL}"37Checking cache for ruby-gems-debian-bullseye-ruby-3.0-16...38Downloading from 39Successfully extracted cache41Downloading artifacts for compile-test-assets (4187655852)...42Downloading artifacts from coordinator... ok id=4187655852 responseStatus=200 OK token=64_GFy7143Downloading artifacts for detect-tests (4187655860)...44Downloading artifacts from coordinator... ok id=4187655860 responseStatus=200 OK token=64_GFy7145Downloading artifacts for retrieve-tests-metadata (4187655863)...46Downloading artifacts from coordinator... ok id=4187655863 responseStatus=200 OK token=64_GFy7147Downloading artifacts for setup-test-env (4187655855)...48Downloading artifacts from coordinator... ok id=4187655855 responseStatus=200 OK token=64_GFy7150Using docker image sha256:552b81110cdd830e05d17c8e7365f72e1dd96842217d7225636cb55a75777ea7 for with digest ...51$ echo $FOSS_ONLY52$ [ "$FOSS_ONLY" = "1" ] && rm -rf ee/ qa/spec/ee/ qa/qa/specs/features/ee/ qa/qa/ee/ qa/qa/ee.rb53$ export GOPATH=$CI_PROJECT_DIR/.go54$ mkdir -p $GOPATH55$ source scripts/utils.sh56$ source scripts/prepare_build.sh712Using decomposed database config (config/database.yml.decomposed-postgresql)713Geo DB won't be set up.714Embedding DB won't be set up.730$ source ./scripts/rspec_helpers.sh731$ run_timed_command "gem install knapsack --no-document"732$ gem install knapsack --no-document733Successfully installed knapsack-4.0.07341 gem installed735$ echo -e "\e[0Ksection_start:`date +%s`:gitaly-test-spawn[collapsed=true]\r\e[0KStarting Gitaly"736==> 'gem install knapsack --no-document' succeeded in 1 seconds.738$ section_start "gitaly-test-spawn" "Spawning Gitaly"; scripts/gitaly-test-spawn; section_end "gitaly-test-spawn"743$ echo -e "\e[0Ksection_end:`date +%s`:gitaly-test-spawn\r\e[0K"744$ rspec_paralellized_job "--tag ~quarantine --tag ~level:background_migration"745SKIP_FLAKY_TESTS_AUTOMATICALLY: false746RETRY_FAILED_TESTS_IN_NEW_PROCESS: true747KNAPSACK_GENERATE_REPORT: true748FLAKY_RSPEC_GENERATE_REPORT: true749KNAPSACK_TEST_FILE_PATTERN: spec/{features}{,/**/}*_spec.rb750KNAPSACK_LOG_LEVEL: debug751KNAPSACK_REPORT_PATH: knapsack/rspec_system_pg13_5_28_report.json752FLAKY_RSPEC_SUITE_REPORT_PATH: rspec/flaky/report-suite.json753FLAKY_RSPEC_REPORT_PATH: rspec/flaky/all_rspec_system_pg13_5_28_report.json754NEW_FLAKY_RSPEC_REPORT_PATH: rspec/flaky/new_rspec_system_pg13_5_28_report.json755SKIPPED_FLAKY_TESTS_REPORT_PATH: rspec/flaky/skipped_flaky_tests_rspec_system_pg13_5_28_report.txt756CRYSTALBALL: 757RSPEC_TESTS_MAPPING_ENABLED: 758RSPEC_TESTS_FILTER_FILE: 759Knapsack report generator started!760warning: parser/current is loading parser/ruby30, which recognizes 3.0.5-compliant syntax, but you are running options: exclude {:quarantine=>true, :level=>"background_migration"}763Test environment set up in 0.914949338 seconds764Merge request > User resolves diff notes and threads765Starting the Capybara driver server...766 no threads767Capybara starting Puma...768* Version 5.6.5 , codename: Birdie's Version769* Min threads: 0, max threads: 4770* Listening on unix:///tmp/20230427-324-bt8kuy771 displays no thread resolved data772 as authorized user773 single thread774 shows text with how many threads775 allows user to mark a note as resolved776 allows user to mark thread as resolved777 allows user to unresolve thread778 allows user to resolve from reply form without a comment779 allows user to comment & resolve thread780 allows user to quickly scroll to next unresolved thread781 hides jump to next button when all resolved782 updates updated text after resolving note783 hides jump to next thread button784 resolved thread785 timeline view786 hides when resolve thread is clicked787 shows resolved thread when toggled788 renders tables in lazy-loaded resolved diff dicussions789 side-by-side view790 hides when resolve thread is clicked791 reply form792 allows user to comment793 allows user to unresolve from reply form without a comment794 allows user to comment & unresolve thread795 multiple notes796 marks thread as resolved when resolving single note797 resolves thread798 muliple threads799 shows text with how many threads800 allows user to mark a single note as resolved801 allows user to mark all notes as resolved802 allows user to mark all threads as resolved803 allows user to quickly scroll to next unresolved thread804 updates updated text after resolving note805 displays next thread even if hidden806 changes tab807 shows text with how many threads808 allows user to mark a note as resolved809 allows user to mark thread as resolved810 allows user to unresolve thread811 allows user to comment & resolve thread812 allows user to comment & unresolve thread813 as a guest814 someone elses merge request815 does not allow user to mark note as resolved816 does not allow user to mark thread as resolved817 guest users merge request818 allows user to mark a note as resolved819 unauthorized user820 no resolved comments821 does not allow user to mark note as resolved822Project823 template824 create with project template825 behaves like creates from template826 is created from template827 is created using keyboard navigation828 create with sample data template829 behaves like creates from template830 is created from template831 is created using keyboard navigation832 shows tip about push to create git command833 shows the command in a popover834 description835 parses Markdown836 passes through html-pipeline837 sanitizes unwanted tags838 permits `rel` attribute on links839 read more840 does not display "read more" link on desktop breakpoint841 displays "read more" link on mobile breakpoint842 page description843 behaves like page meta description844 renders the page with description, og:description, and twitter:description meta tags that contains a plain-text version of the markdown845 project topics846 shows project topics847 shows up to 3 project topics848 copy clone URL to clipboard849 desktop component850 shows on md and larger breakpoints851 mobile component852 shows mobile component on sm and smaller breakpoints853 showing information about source of a project fork854 shows a link to the source project when it is available855 does not contain fork network information for the root project856 does not show the name of the deleted project when the source was deleted857 a fork of a fork858 links to the base project if the source project is removed859 when the project repository is disabled860 does not show an error861 removal862 focuses on the confirmation field863 deletes a project864 tree view (default view is set to Files)865 has working links to files866 has working links to directories867 has working links to submodules868 for signed commit on default branch869 displays a GPG badge870 for subgroups871 renders tree table without errors872 for signed commit873 displays a GPG badge874 activity view875 loads activity876 content is not cached after signing out877 does not load activity878 edit879 behaves like dirty submit form880 disables .js-general-settings-form submit until there are changes on input[name="project[name]"]881 view for a user without an access to a repo882 does not contain default branch information in its content883User searches for code884 when signed in885 no ref switcher shown in issue result summary886 when on a project page887 finds a file888 when on a project search page889 does not show top right search form890 search multiple words with refs switching891 when search times out892 renders timeout information893 sets tab count to 0894 when searching code895 finds code and links to blob896 finds code and links to blame897 behaves like code highlight898 has highlighted code899 when header search900 search code within refs901 shows ref switcher in code result summary902 persists branch name across search903 ref switcher list all the branches and tags904 search result changes when refs switched905 when signed out906 when block_anonymous_global_searches is enabled907 is redirected to login page908Admin disables Git access protocol909 with HTTP disabled910 shows only SSH url911 mobile component912 shows only the SSH clone information913 with SSH disabled914 shows only HTTP url915 mobile component916 shows only the HTTP clone information917 with nothing disabled918 shows default SSH url and protocol selection dropdown919 mobile component920 shows both SSH and HTTP clone information921Projects > Settings > User manages merge request settings922 shows "Merge commit" strategy923 shows "Merge commit with semi-linear history " strategy924 shows "Fast-forward merge" strategy925 shows Squash commit options926 when Merge Request and Pipelines are initially enabled927 when Pipelines are initially enabled928 shows the Merge Requests settings929 when Pipelines are initially disabled930 shows the Merge Requests settings that do not depend on Builds feature931 when Merge Request are initially disabled932 does not show the Merge Requests settings933 Checkbox to enable merge request link934 is initially checked935 when unchecked sets :printing_merge_request_link_enabled to false936 Checkbox to remove source branch after merge937 is initially checked938 when unchecked sets :remove_source_branch_after_merge to false939 Squash commits when merging940 initially has :squash_option set to :default_off941 allows :squash_option to be set to :default_on942 allows :squash_option to be set to :always943 allows :squash_option to be set to :never944 target project settings945 does not show target project section946 when project is a fork947 allows to change merge request target project behavior948User activates Jira949 user tests Jira integration950 when Jira connection test succeeds951 activates the Jira integration952 when Jira connection test fails953 shows errors when some required fields are not filled in954 activates the Jira integration955 user disables the Jira integration956 saves but does not activate the Jira integration957 does not show the Jira link in the menu958 issue transition settings959 using custom transitions960 using automatic transitions961 disabling issue transitions962Snippet963 behaves like show and render proper snippet blob964 Ruby file965 displays the blob966 Markdown file967 visiting directly968 displays the blob using the rich viewer969 switching to the simple viewer970 displays the blob using the simple viewer971 switching to the rich viewer again972 displays the blob using the rich viewer973 visiting with a line number anchor974 displays the blob using the simple viewer975 behaves like does not show New Snippet button976 is expected not to have visible link "New snippet"977 behaves like a "Your work" page with sidebar and breadcrumbs978 shows the "Your work" sidebar979 shows the correct sidebar menu item as active980 breadcrumbs981 has "Your work" as its root breadcrumb982 when unauthenticated983 shows the "Explore" sidebar984 when authenticated as a different user985 behaves like a "Your work" page with sidebar and breadcrumbs986 shows the "Your work" sidebar987 shows the correct sidebar menu item as active988 breadcrumbs989 has "Your work" as its root breadcrumb990Navigation menu item pinning991 # order random992 reordering pins with hidden pins from non-available features993 keeps pins of non-available features994 pinnable navigation menu995 shows the Pinned section996 allows to pin items997 collapsible section998 shows the Pinned section as expanded by default999 maintains the collapsed/expanded state between page loads1000 pinned items1001 can be unpinned from within the pinned section1002 can be unpinned from within its section1003 can be reordered1004 non-pinnable navigation menu1005 does not show the Pinned section1006 does not show the buttons to pin items1007Reportable note on commit1008 a normal note1009 behaves like reportable note1010 has an edit button1011 has a `More actions` dropdown1012 dropdown has Report and Delete links1013 report button links to a report page1014 a diff note1015 behaves like reportable note1016 has an edit button1017 has a `More actions` dropdown1018 dropdown has Report and Delete links1019 report button links to a report page1020Email Verification On Login1021 when failing to login the maximum allowed number of times1022 locks the user, but does not set the unlock token1023 behaves like email verification required1024 requires email verification before being able to access GitLab1025 resending a new code1026 resends a new code1027 rate limits resends1028 verification errors1029 rate limits verifications1030 verifies invalid codes1031 verifies expired codes1032 behaves like no email verification required when 2fa enabled or ff disabled1033 when 2FA is enabled1034 behaves like no email verification required1035 does not lock the user and redirects to the root page after logging in1036 when the feature flag is disabled1037 behaves like no email verification required1038 does not lock the user and redirects to the root page after logging in1039 when waiting for the auto unlock time1040 behaves like no email verification required1041 does not lock the user and redirects to the root page after logging in1042 when no previous authentication event exists1043 behaves like no email verification required1044 does not lock the user and redirects to the root page after logging in1045 when a previous authentication event exists for another ip address1046 behaves like email verification required1047 requires email verification before being able to access GitLab1048 resending a new code1049 resends a new code1050 rate limits resends1051 verification errors1052 rate limits verifications1053 verifies invalid codes1054 verifies expired codes1055 behaves like no email verification required when 2fa enabled or ff disabled1056 when 2FA is enabled1057 behaves like no email verification required1058 does not lock the user and redirects to the root page after logging in1059 when the feature flag is disabled1060 behaves like no email verification required1061 does not lock the user and redirects to the root page after logging in1062 when the check_ip_address_for_email_verification feature flag is disabled1063 behaves like no email verification required1064 does not lock the user and redirects to the root page after logging in1065 when a previous authentication event exists for the same ip address1066 behaves like no email verification required1067 does not lock the user and redirects to the root page after logging in1068 rate limiting password guessing1069 shows an error message on on the login page1070 inconsistent states1071 when the feature flag is toggled off after being prompted for a verification token1072 still accepts the token1073 when the feature flag is toggled on after Devise sent unlock instructions1074 the unlock link still works1075GPG signed commits1076 changes from unverified to verified when the user changes their email to match the gpg key1077 changes from unverified to verified when the user adds the missing gpg key1078 shows popover badges1079 unverified signature1080 unverified signature: gpg key email does not match the committer_email but is the same user when the committer_email belongs to the user as a confirmed secondary email1081 view signed commit on the tree view1082 with vue tree view enabled1083 behaves like a commit with a signature1084 displays commit signature1085Prioritize labels1086 when user belongs to project team1087 user can prioritize a group label1088 user can unprioritize a group label1089 user can prioritize a project label1090 user can unprioritize a project label1091 user can sort prioritized labels and persist across reloads1092 user can see a primary button when there are only prioritized labels1093 shows a help message about prioritized labels1094 as a guest1095 cannot prioritize labels1096 cannot sort prioritized labels1097 as a non signed in user1098 cannot prioritize labels1099Merge request > User approves1100 approves merge request1101New group page1102 # order random1103 sidebar1104 in the current navigation1105 for a new top-level group1106 behaves like a "Your work" page with sidebar and breadcrumbs1107 shows the "Your work" sidebar1108 shows the correct sidebar menu item as active1109 breadcrumbs1110 has "Your work" as its root breadcrumb1111 for a new subgroup1112 shows the group sidebar of the parent group1113 in the new navigation1114 for a new top-level group1115 shows the "Your work" navigation1116 for a new subgroup1117 shows the group navigation of the parent group1118 new top level group alert1119 when a user visits the new group page1120 shows the new top level group alert1121 when a user visits the new sub group page1122 does not show the new top level group alert1123Merge request > User edits reviewers sidebar1124 with invite members considerations1125 when a privileged user can invite in reviewer dropdown1126 shows a link for inviting members and launches invite modal1127 when user cannot invite members in reviewer dropdown1128 shows author in assignee dropdown and no invite link1129Projects > Snippets > User views snippets1130 snippets list1131 shows snippets1132 pagination1133 behaves like paginated snippets1134 is limited to 20 items per page1135 clicking on the link to the second page1136 shows the remaining snippets1137 filtering by visibility1138 behaves like tabs with counts1139 shows a tab for All snippets and count1140 shows a tab for Private snippets and count1141 shows a tab for Internal snippets and count1142 shows a tab for Public snippets and count1143 when current user is a guest1144 when snippets list is empty1145 hides New Snippet button1146 when project has snippets1147 hides New Snippet button1148 when current user is not a guest1149 when snippets list is empty1150 shows New Snippet button1151 when project has snippets1152 shows New Snippet button1153Merge request > Context commits1154 opens modal1155Projects > Settings > User tags a project1156 select existing topic1157 select new topic1158Merge request > User toggles whitespace changes1159 has a button to toggle whitespace changes1160Group Export1161 when the signed in user has the required permission level1162 allows the user to export the group1163 when the signed in user does not have the required permission level1164 does not let the user export the group1165Project member activity1166 when a user joins the project1167 presents the correct message1168 when a user leaves the project1169 presents the correct message1170 when a users membership expires for the project1171 presents the correct message1172Import/Export - GitLab migration history1173 successfully displays import history1174Merge request > Real-time reviewers1175 # order random1176 updates in real-time1177GraphiQL1178 without relative_url_root1179 has the correct graphQLEndpoint1180 with relative_url_root1181 has the correct graphQLEndpoint1182Admin views hidden merge requests1183 # order random1184 when signed in as admin and viewing a hidden merge request1185 shows a hidden merge request icon1186User views the Confluence page1187 shows the page when the Confluence integration is enabled1188 does not show the page when the Confluence integration disabled1189Upload a design through graphQL1190 behaves like handling file uploads1191 with object storage disabled1192 behaves like for a design upload through graphQL1193 creates proper objects1194 is expected to eq 2001195Knapsack report was generated. Preview:1196{1197 "spec/features/merge_request/user_resolves_diff_notes_and_discussions_resolve_spec.rb": 521.30555783,1198 "spec/features/projects_spec.rb": 196.29345214500017,1199 "spec/features/search/user_searches_for_code_spec.rb": 134.48579127500034,1200 "spec/features/admin/admin_disables_git_access_protocol_spec.rb": 78.82150934599986,1201 "spec/features/projects/settings/user_manages_merge_requests_settings_spec.rb": 78.18873222499997,1202 "spec/features/projects/integrations/user_activates_jira_spec.rb": 71.09297236300017,1203 "spec/features/snippets/show_spec.rb": 52.407405647999894,1204 "spec/features/nav/pinned_nav_items_spec.rb": 47.45253214600007,1205 "spec/features/reportable_note/commit_spec.rb": 45.13493123599983,1206 "spec/features/users/email_verification_on_login_spec.rb": 30.734473927999716,1207 "spec/features/signed_commits_spec.rb": 25.265085828000338,1208 "spec/features/projects/labels/update_prioritization_spec.rb": 32.93827286300029,1209 "spec/features/merge_request/user_approves_spec.rb": 21.746140840999942,1210 "spec/features/groups/new_group_page_spec.rb": 18.12341121700001,1211 "spec/features/merge_request/user_edits_reviewers_sidebar_spec.rb": 16.9797643830002,1212 "spec/features/projects/snippets/user_views_snippets_spec.rb": 11.83225694299972,1213 "spec/features/merge_request/user_opens_context_commits_modal_spec.rb": 11.907143997000276,1214 "spec/features/projects/settings/user_tags_project_spec.rb": 14.851292543999989,1215 "spec/features/merge_request/user_toggles_whitespace_changes_spec.rb": 9.86252350199993,1216 "spec/features/groups/import_export/export_file_spec.rb": 7.987201363999702,1217 "spec/features/dashboard/project_member_activity_index_spec.rb": 8.55966737100016,1218 "spec/features/groups/import_export/migration_history_spec.rb": 7.77571480000006,1219 "spec/features/merge_request/user_sees_real_time_reviewers_spec.rb": 8.648225335000006,1220 "spec/features/graphiql_spec.rb": 4.6753569449997485,1221 "spec/features/merge_requests/admin_views_hidden_merge_requests_spec.rb": 2.7395922330001667,1222 "spec/features/projects/confluence/user_views_confluence_page_spec.rb": 2.0770253630003026,1223 "spec/features/file_uploads/graphql_add_design_spec.rb": 2.11974412900008251224}1225Knapsack global time execution for tests: 24m 24s1226Finished in 24 minutes 28 seconds (files took 46 seconds to load)1227225 examples, 0 failures1228Randomized with seed 363891229[TEST PROF INFO] Time spent in factories: 02:20.715 (9.57% of total time)1230Failed to write to log, write log/workhorse-test.log: file already closed1231RSpec exited with 0.1232No examples to retry, congrats!1234Not uploading cache ruby-gems-debian-bullseye-ruby-3.0-16 due to policy1236Uploading artifacts...1237coverage/: found 5 matching artifact files and directories 1238crystalball/: found 2 matching artifact files and directories 1239WARNING: deprecations/: no matching files. Ensure that the artifact path is relative to the working directory (/builds/gitlab-org/gitlab) 1240knapsack/: found 4 matching artifact files and directories 1241query_recorder/: found 2 matching artifact files and directories 1242rspec/: found 14 matching artifact files and directories 1243WARNING: tmp/capybara/: no matching files. Ensure that the artifact path is relative to the working directory (/builds/gitlab-org/gitlab) 1244log/*.log: found 20 matching artifact files and directories 1245WARNING: Upload request redirected location= new-url=https://gitlab.com1246WARNING: Retrying... context=artifacts-uploader error=request redirected1247Uploading artifacts as "archive" to coordinator... 201 Created id=4187656243 responseStatus=201 Created token=64_GFy711248Uploading artifacts...1249rspec/junit_rspec.xml: found 1 matching artifact files and directories 1250WARNING: Upload request redirected location= new-url=https://gitlab.com1251WARNING: Retrying... context=artifacts-uploader error=request redirected1252Uploading artifacts as "junit" to coordinator... 201 Created id=4187656243 responseStatus=201 Created token=64_GFy711254Job succeeded