rspec-ee unit pg13 12/18
Passed Started

Aleksei Lipniagov
1Running with gitlab-runner 15.9.0~beta.115.g598a7c91 (598a7c91)2 on x5QiHUKw, system ID: s_b9637080a79e3 feature flags: FF_NETWORK_PER_BUILD:true, FF_USE_FASTZIP:true, FF_USE_IMPROVED_URL_MASKING:true6Using Docker executor with image ...7Starting service postgres:13 ...8Pulling docker image postgres:13 ...9Using docker image sha256:ab3945c8cf7160ed1381efd47c6a203ba9a84fc7327a17e4a389601eb3738b3b for postgres:13 with digest postgres@sha256:67edfda7deeecfda8e40c9b00818eae76573a9e9466ba7edbc536662d128173b ...10Starting service redis:6.2-alpine ...11Pulling docker image redis:6.2-alpine ...12Using docker image sha256:3616f0c0705d2a35d30dde109daf3cbe58ae7284121aafa6f5cfa987db98d1a8 for redis:6.2-alpine with digest redis@sha256:63e95f069a7ee668f1fcd0b0f8865e473510f98b56e5db4c8517d6cfbd073470 ...13Starting service elasticsearch:7.17.6 ...14Pulling docker image elasticsearch:7.17.6 ...15Using docker image sha256:5fad10241ffd65d817ed0ddfaf6e87eee1f7dc2a7db33db1047835560ea71fda for elasticsearch:7.17.6 with digest elasticsearch@sha256:6c128de5d01c0c130a806022d6bd99b3e4c27a9af5bfc33b6b81861ae117d028 ...16Starting service ...17Authenticating with credentials from job payload (GitLab Registry)18Pulling docker image ...19Using docker image sha256:4777ec1fa89def7d692d4979d05cb05234df25da1c6a3f67a564a433ec5ba1c8 for with digest ...20Waiting for services to be up and running (timeout 30 seconds)...21Authenticating with credentials from job payload (GitLab Registry)22Pulling docker image ...23Using docker image sha256:667531aab48d3d73584a6ae24a2aea1de3972ab11b24d34d65740089d1635940 for with digest ...25Running on runner-x5qihukw-project-278964-concurrent-0 via runner-x5qihukw-shared-gitlab-org-1681307960-27048fc4...27$ eval "$CI_PRE_CLONE_SCRIPT"28Fetching changes with git depth set to 20...29Initialized empty Git repository in /builds/gitlab-org/gitlab/.git/30Created fresh repository.31remote: Enumerating objects: 141454, done. 32remote: Counting objects: 100% (141454/141454), done. 33remote: Compressing objects: 100% (90405/90405), done. 34remote: Total 141454 (delta 62786), reused 98969 (delta 45741), pack-reused 0 35Receiving objects: 100% (141454/141454), 122.89 MiB | 32.58 MiB/s, done.36Resolving deltas: 100% (62786/62786), done.38 * [new ref] refs/pipelines/835170457 -> refs/pipelines/83517045739Checking out aa21306d as detached HEAD (ref is refs/merge-requests/116974/merge)...40Skipping Git submodules setup41$ git remote set-url origin "${CI_REPOSITORY_URL}"43Checking cache for ruby-gems-debian-bullseye-ruby-3.0-16...44Downloading from 45Successfully extracted cache46Checking cache for gitaly-ruby-gems-debian-bullseye-ruby-3.0-16...47Downloading from 48Successfully extracted cache50Downloading artifacts for compile-test-assets (4101394559)...51Downloading artifacts from coordinator... ok id=4101394559 responseStatus=200 OK token=64_F4tNb52Downloading artifacts for detect-tests (4101394577)...53Downloading artifacts from coordinator... ok id=4101394577 responseStatus=200 OK token=64_F4tNb54Downloading artifacts for retrieve-tests-metadata (4101394581)...55Downloading artifacts from coordinator... ok id=4101394581 responseStatus=200 OK token=64_F4tNb56Downloading artifacts for setup-test-env (4101394571)...57Downloading artifacts from coordinator... ok id=4101394571 responseStatus=200 OK token=64_F4tNb59Using docker image sha256:667531aab48d3d73584a6ae24a2aea1de3972ab11b24d34d65740089d1635940 for with digest ...60$ echo $FOSS_ONLY61$ [ "$FOSS_ONLY" = "1" ] && rm -rf ee/ qa/spec/ee/ qa/qa/specs/features/ee/ qa/qa/ee/ qa/qa/ee.rb62$ export GOPATH=$CI_PROJECT_DIR/.go63$ mkdir -p $GOPATH64$ source scripts/utils.sh65$ source scripts/prepare_build.sh718Using decomposed database config (config/database.yml.decomposed-postgresql)719Geo DB will be set up.720$ setup_db_user_only721CREATE ROLE722GRANT723==> 'setup_db_user_only' succeeded in 0 seconds.724$ bundle exec rake db:drop db:create db:schema:load db:migrate gitlab:db:lock_writes725Dropped database 'gitlabhq_test'726Dropped database 'gitlabhq_test_ci'727Dropped database 'gitlabhq_geo_test'728Created database 'gitlabhq_test'729Created database 'gitlabhq_test_ci'730Created database 'gitlabhq_geo_test'731main: == [advisory_lock_connection] object_id: 274260, pg_backend_pid: 108732main: == [advisory_lock_connection] object_id: 274260, pg_backend_pid: 108733ci: == [advisory_lock_connection] object_id: 274340, pg_backend_pid: 110734ci: == [advisory_lock_connection] object_id: 274340, pg_backend_pid: 110735geo: == [advisory_lock_connection] object_id: 274420, pg_backend_pid: 112736geo: == [advisory_lock_connection] object_id: 274420, pg_backend_pid: 112737==> 'bundle exec rake db:drop db:create db:schema:load db:migrate gitlab:db:lock_writes' succeeded in 55 seconds.738$ setup_db_praefect739SELECT pg_catalog.set_config('search_path', '', false);740CREATE DATABASE praefect_test ENCODING 'UTF8';741==> 'setup_db_praefect' succeeded in 0 seconds.742$ source ./scripts/rspec_helpers.sh743$ run_timed_command "gem install knapsack --no-document"744$ gem install knapsack --no-document745Successfully installed knapsack-4.0.07461 gem installed747$ echo -e "\e[0Ksection_start:`date +%s`:gitaly-test-spawn[collapsed=true]\r\e[0KStarting Gitaly"748==> 'gem install knapsack --no-document' succeeded in 1 seconds.768$ rspec_paralellized_job "--tag ~quarantine --tag ~level:background_migration"769SKIP_FLAKY_TESTS_AUTOMATICALLY: false770RETRY_FAILED_TESTS_IN_NEW_PROCESS: true771KNAPSACK_GENERATE_REPORT: true772FLAKY_RSPEC_GENERATE_REPORT: true773KNAPSACK_TEST_FILE_PATTERN: {ee/}spec/{bin,channels,components,config,contracts,db,dependencies,elastic,elastic_integration,experiments,factories,finders,frontend,graphql,haml_lint,helpers,initializers,lib,metrics_server,models,policies,presenters,rack_servers,replicators,routing,rubocop,scripts,serializers,services,sidekiq,sidekiq_cluster,spam,support_specs,tasks,uploaders,validators,views,workers,tooling}{,/**/}*_spec.rb774KNAPSACK_LOG_LEVEL: debug775KNAPSACK_REPORT_PATH: knapsack/rspec-ee_unit_pg13_12_18_report.json776FLAKY_RSPEC_SUITE_REPORT_PATH: rspec/flaky/report-suite.json777FLAKY_RSPEC_REPORT_PATH: rspec/flaky/all_rspec-ee_unit_pg13_12_18_report.json778NEW_FLAKY_RSPEC_REPORT_PATH: rspec/flaky/new_rspec-ee_unit_pg13_12_18_report.json779SKIPPED_FLAKY_TESTS_REPORT_PATH: rspec/flaky/skipped_flaky_tests_rspec-ee_unit_pg13_12_18_report.txt780CRYSTALBALL: 781Knapsack node 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ee/spec/graphql/types/audit_events/exterrnal_audit_event_destination_type_spec.rb ee/spec/lib/elastic/latest/merge_request_config_spec.rb ee/spec/finders/auth/group_saml_identity_finder_spec.rb ee/spec/graphql/types/app_sec/fuzzing/api/scan_profile_type_spec.rb ee/spec/elastic/migrate/20210910094600_add_namespace_ancestry_ids_to_issues_mapping_spec.rb ee/spec/graphql/types/global_id_type_spec.rb ee/spec/models/namespaces/free_user_cap/root_size_spec.rb ee/spec/lib/api/entities/deployments/approval_summary_spec.rb ee/spec/lib/ee/gitlab/tracking_spec.rb ee/spec/services/ee/admin/set_feature_flag_service_spec.rb ee/spec/graphql/types/epic_sort_enum_spec.rb ee/spec/lib/gitlab/pagination/keyset/simple_order_builder_spec.rb ee/spec/graphql/types/compliance_management/merge_requests/compliance_violation_reason_enum_spec.rb ee/spec/lib/gitlab/gl_repository_spec.rb ee/spec/lib/gitlab/analytics/cycle_analytics/summary/base_dora_summary_spec.rb ee/spec/lib/gitlab/search/client_spec.rb ee/spec/graphql/types/dora_metric_type_enum_spec.rb ee/spec/presenters/member_presenter_spec.rb ee/spec/graphql/types/dora_metric_bucketing_interval_enum_spec.rb ee/spec/services/admin/email_service_spec.rb ee/spec/workers/geo/sidekiq_cron_config_worker_spec.rb ee/spec/graphql/types/external_issue_type_spec.rb ee/spec/models/concerns/filterable_by_test_reports_spec.rb ee/spec/graphql/types/vulnerable_package_type_spec.rbKnapsack report generator started!1138Type application/netcdf is already registered as a variant of application/netcdf.1139warning: parser/current is loading parser/ruby30, which recognizes 3.0.5-compliant syntax, but you are running options: exclude {:quarantine=>true, :level=>"background_migration"}1142Test environment set up in 0.755137747 seconds1143Dependency-Scanning.gitlab-ci.yml1144 the created pipeline1145 when project has no license1146 includes no jobs1147 when project has Ultimate license1148 when DEPENDENCY_SCANNING_DISABLED=11149 includes no jobs1150 when DS_EXCLUDED_ANALYZERS set to1151 exclude1152 nothing1153 creates pipeline with excluded analyzers skipped1154 gemnasium1155 creates pipeline with excluded analyzers skipped1156 gemnasium-maven1157 creates pipeline with excluded analyzers skipped1158 gemnasium-python1159 creates pipeline with excluded analyzers skipped1160 two1161 creates pipeline with excluded analyzers skipped1162 three1163 creates pipeline with excluded analyzers skipped1164 four1165 creates pipeline with excluded analyzers skipped1166 all analyzers excluded1167 creates a pipeline excluding jobs from specified analyzers1168 by default1169 Go1170 with file at root1171 creates a pipeline with the expected jobs1172 sets the image suffix as expected1173 with file at depth 11174 creates a pipeline with the expected jobs1175 sets the image suffix as expected1176 with file at depth 21177 creates a pipeline with the expected jobs1178 sets the image suffix as expected1179 with file at depth > 21180 creates a pipeline with the expected jobs1181 sets the image suffix as expected1182 Java1183 with file at root1184 creates a pipeline with the expected jobs1185 sets the image suffix as expected1186 with file at depth 11187 creates a pipeline with the expected jobs1188 sets the image suffix as expected1189 with file at depth 21190 creates a pipeline with the expected jobs1191 sets the image suffix as expected1192 with file at depth > 21193 creates a pipeline with the expected jobs1194 sets the image suffix as expected1195 Java Gradle1196 with file at root1197 creates a pipeline with the expected jobs1198 sets the image suffix as expected1199 with file at depth 11200 creates a pipeline with the expected jobs1201 sets the image suffix as expected1202 with file at depth 21203 creates a pipeline with the expected jobs1204 sets the image suffix as expected1205 with file at depth > 21206 creates a pipeline with the expected jobs1207 sets the image suffix as expected1208 Java Gradle Kotlin DSL1209 with file at root1210 creates a pipeline with the expected jobs1211 sets the image suffix as expected1212 with file at depth 11213 creates a pipeline with the expected jobs1214 sets the image suffix as expected1215 with file at depth 21216 creates a pipeline with the expected jobs1217 sets the image suffix as expected1218 with file at depth > 21219 creates a pipeline with the expected jobs1220 sets the image suffix as expected1221 Javascript package-lock.json1222 with file at root1223 creates a pipeline with the expected jobs1224 sets the image suffix as expected1225 with file at depth 11226 creates a pipeline with the expected jobs1227 sets the image suffix as expected1228 with file at depth 21229 creates a pipeline with the expected jobs1230 sets the image suffix as expected1231 with file at depth > 21232 creates a pipeline with the expected jobs1233 sets the image suffix as expected1234 Javascript yarn.lock1235 with file at root1236 creates a pipeline with the expected jobs1237 sets the image suffix as expected1238 with file at depth 11239 creates a pipeline with the expected jobs1240 sets the image suffix as expected1241 with file at depth 21242 creates a pipeline with the expected jobs1243 sets the image suffix as expected1244 with file at depth > 21245 creates a pipeline with the expected jobs1246 sets the image suffix as expected1247 Javascript npm-shrinkwrap.json1248 with file at root1249 creates a pipeline with the expected jobs1250 sets the image suffix as expected1251 with file at depth 11252 creates a pipeline with the expected jobs1253 sets the image suffix as expected1254 with file at depth 21255 creates a pipeline with the expected jobs1256 sets the image suffix as expected1257 with file at depth > 21258 creates a pipeline with the expected jobs1259 sets the image suffix as expected1260 Multiple languages1261 with file at root1262 creates a pipeline with the expected jobs1263 sets the image suffix as expected1264 with file at depth 11265 creates a pipeline with the expected jobs1266 sets the image suffix as expected1267 with file at depth 21268 creates a pipeline with the expected jobs1269 sets the image suffix as expected1270 with file at depth > 21271 creates a pipeline with the expected jobs1272 sets the image suffix as expected1273 NuGet1274 with file at root1275 creates a pipeline with the expected jobs1276 sets the image suffix as expected1277 with file at depth 11278 creates a pipeline with the expected jobs1279 sets the image suffix as expected1280 with file at depth 21281 creates a pipeline with the expected jobs1282 sets the image suffix as expected1283 with file at depth > 21284 creates a pipeline with the expected jobs1285 sets the image suffix as expected1286 Conan1287 with file at root1288 creates a pipeline with the expected jobs1289 sets the image suffix as expected1290 with file at depth 11291 creates a pipeline with the expected jobs1292 sets the image suffix as expected1293 with file at depth 21294 creates a pipeline with the expected jobs1295 sets the image suffix as expected1296 with file at depth > 21297 creates a pipeline with the expected jobs1298 sets the image suffix as expected1299 PHP1300 with file at root1301 creates a pipeline with the expected jobs1302 sets the image suffix as expected1303 with file at depth 11304 creates a pipeline with the expected jobs1305 sets the image suffix as expected1306 with file at depth 21307 creates a pipeline with the expected jobs1308 sets the image suffix as expected1309 with file at depth > 21310 creates a pipeline with the expected jobs1311 sets the image suffix as expected1312 Python requirements.txt1313 with file at root1314 creates a pipeline with the expected jobs1315 sets the image suffix as expected1316 with file at depth 11317 creates a pipeline with the expected jobs1318 sets the image suffix as expected1319 with file at depth 21320 creates a pipeline with the expected jobs1321 sets the image suffix as expected1322 with file at depth > 21323 creates a pipeline with the expected jobs1324 sets the image suffix as expected1325 Python requirements.pip1326 with file at root1327 creates a pipeline with the expected jobs1328 sets the image suffix as expected1329 with file at depth 11330 creates a pipeline with the expected jobs1331 sets the image suffix as expected1332 with file at depth 21333 creates a pipeline with the expected jobs1334 sets the image suffix as expected1335 with file at depth > 21336 creates a pipeline with the expected jobs1337 sets the image suffix as expected1338 Python Pipfile1339 with file at root1340 creates a pipeline with the expected jobs1341 sets the image suffix as expected1342 with file at depth 11343 creates a pipeline with the expected jobs1344 sets the image suffix as expected1345 with file at depth 21346 creates a pipeline with the expected jobs1347 sets the image suffix as expected1348 with file at depth > 21349 creates a pipeline with the expected jobs1350 sets the image suffix as expected1351 Python requires.txt1352 with file at root1353 creates a pipeline with the expected jobs1354 sets the image suffix as expected1355 with file at depth 11356 creates a pipeline with the expected jobs1357 sets the image suffix as expected1358 with file at depth 21359 creates a pipeline with the expected jobs1360 sets the image suffix as expected1361 with file at depth > 21362 creates a pipeline with the expected jobs1363 sets the image suffix as expected1364 Python with setup.py1365 with file at root1366 creates a pipeline with the expected jobs1367 sets the image suffix as expected1368 with file at depth 11369 creates a pipeline with the expected jobs1370 sets the image suffix as expected1371 with file at depth 21372 creates a pipeline with the expected jobs1373 sets the image suffix as expected1374 with file at depth > 21375 creates a pipeline with the expected jobs1376 sets the image suffix as expected1377 Python with poetry.lock1378 with file at root1379 creates a pipeline with the expected jobs1380 sets the image suffix as expected1381 with file at depth 11382 creates a pipeline with the expected jobs1383 sets the image suffix as expected1384 with file at depth 21385 creates a pipeline with the expected jobs1386 sets the image suffix as expected1387 with file at depth > 21388 creates a pipeline with the expected jobs1389 sets the image suffix as expected1390 Ruby Gemfile.lock1391 with file at root1392 creates a pipeline with the expected jobs1393 sets the image suffix as expected1394 with file at depth 11395 creates a pipeline with the expected jobs1396 sets the image suffix as expected1397 with file at depth 21398 creates a pipeline with the expected jobs1399 sets the image suffix as expected1400 with file at depth > 21401 creates a pipeline with the expected jobs1402 sets the image suffix as expected1403 Ruby gems.locked1404 with file at root1405 creates a pipeline with the expected jobs1406 sets the image suffix as expected1407 with file at depth 11408 creates a pipeline with the expected jobs1409 sets the image suffix as expected1410 with file at depth 21411 creates a pipeline with the expected jobs1412 sets the image suffix as expected1413 with file at depth > 21414 creates a pipeline with the expected jobs1415 sets the image suffix as expected1416 Scala1417 with file at root1418 creates a pipeline with the expected jobs1419 sets the image suffix as expected1420 with file at depth 11421 creates a pipeline with the expected jobs1422 sets the image suffix as expected1423 with file at depth 21424 creates a pipeline with the expected jobs1425 sets the image suffix as expected1426 with file at depth > 21427 creates a pipeline with the expected jobs1428 sets the image suffix as expected1429 when PIP_REQUIREMENTS_FILE is defined1430 creates a pipeline with the expected jobs1431 sets the image suffix as expected1432 project supported by gemnasium analyzer1433 sets default value for DS_REMEDIATE1434 when FIPS mode is enabled1435 Go1436 with file at root1437 creates a pipeline with the expected jobs1438 sets the image suffix as expected1439 with file at depth 11440 creates a pipeline with the expected jobs1441 sets the image suffix as expected1442 with file at depth 21443 creates a pipeline with the expected jobs1444 sets the image suffix as expected1445 with file at depth > 21446 creates a pipeline with the expected jobs1447 sets the image suffix as expected1448 Java1449 with file at root1450 creates a pipeline with the expected jobs1451 sets the image suffix as expected1452 with file at depth 11453 creates a pipeline with the expected jobs1454 sets the image suffix as expected1455 with file at depth 21456 creates a pipeline with the expected jobs1457 sets the image suffix as expected1458 with file at depth > 21459 creates a pipeline with the expected jobs1460 sets the image suffix as expected1461 Java Gradle1462 with file at root1463 creates a pipeline with the expected jobs1464 sets the image suffix as expected1465 with file at depth 11466 creates a pipeline with the expected jobs1467 sets the image suffix as expected1468 with file at depth 21469 creates a pipeline with the expected jobs1470 sets the image suffix as expected1471 with file at depth > 21472 creates a pipeline with the expected jobs1473 sets the image suffix as expected1474 Java Gradle Kotlin DSL1475 with file at root1476 creates a pipeline with the expected jobs1477 sets the image suffix as expected1478 with file at depth 11479 creates a pipeline with the expected jobs1480 sets the image suffix as expected1481 with file at depth 21482 creates a pipeline with the expected jobs1483 sets the image suffix as expected1484 with file at depth > 21485 creates a pipeline with the expected jobs1486 sets the image suffix as expected1487 Javascript package-lock.json1488 with file at root1489 creates a pipeline with the expected jobs1490 sets the image suffix as expected1491 with file at depth 11492 creates a pipeline with the expected jobs1493 sets the image suffix as expected1494 with file at depth 21495 creates a pipeline with the expected jobs1496 sets the image suffix as expected1497 with file at depth > 21498 creates a pipeline with the expected jobs1499 sets the image suffix as expected1500 Javascript yarn.lock1501 with file at root1502 creates a pipeline with the expected jobs1503 sets the image suffix as expected1504 with file at depth 11505 creates a pipeline with the expected jobs1506 sets the image suffix as expected1507 with file at depth 21508 creates a pipeline with the expected jobs1509 sets the image suffix as expected1510 with file at depth > 21511 creates a pipeline with the expected jobs1512 sets the image suffix as expected1513 Javascript npm-shrinkwrap.json1514 with file at root1515 creates a pipeline with the expected jobs1516 sets the image suffix as expected1517 with file at depth 11518 creates a pipeline with the expected jobs1519 sets the image suffix as expected1520 with file at depth 21521 creates a pipeline with the expected jobs1522 sets the image suffix as expected1523 with file at depth > 21524 creates a pipeline with the expected jobs1525 sets the image suffix as expected1526 Multiple languages1527 with file at root1528 creates a pipeline with the expected jobs1529 sets the image suffix as expected1530 with file at depth 11531 creates a pipeline with the expected jobs1532 sets the image suffix as expected1533 with file at depth 21534 creates a pipeline with the expected jobs1535 sets the image suffix as expected1536 with file at depth > 21537 creates a pipeline with the expected jobs1538 sets the image suffix as expected1539 NuGet1540 with file at root1541 creates a pipeline with the expected jobs1542 sets the image suffix as expected1543 with file at depth 11544 creates a pipeline with the expected jobs1545 sets the image suffix as expected1546 with file at depth 21547 creates a pipeline with the expected jobs1548 sets the image suffix as expected1549 with file at depth > 21550 creates a pipeline with the expected jobs1551 sets the image suffix as expected1552 Conan1553 with file at root1554 creates a pipeline with the expected jobs1555 sets the image suffix as expected1556 with file at depth 11557 creates a pipeline with the expected jobs1558 sets the image suffix as expected1559 with file at depth 21560 creates a pipeline with the expected jobs1561 sets the image suffix as expected1562 with file at depth > 21563 creates a pipeline with the expected jobs1564 sets the image suffix as expected1565 PHP1566 with file at root1567 creates a pipeline with the expected jobs1568 sets the image suffix as expected1569 with file at depth 11570 creates a pipeline with the expected jobs1571 sets the image suffix as expected1572 with file at depth 21573 creates a pipeline with the expected jobs1574 sets the image suffix as expected1575 with file at depth > 21576 creates a pipeline with the expected jobs1577 sets the image suffix as expected1578 Python requirements.txt1579 with file at root1580 creates a pipeline with the expected jobs1581 sets the image suffix as expected1582 with file at depth 11583 creates a pipeline with the expected jobs1584 sets the image suffix as expected1585 with file at depth 21586 creates a pipeline with the expected jobs1587 sets the image suffix as expected1588 with file at depth > 21589 creates a pipeline with the expected jobs1590 sets the image suffix as expected1591 Python requirements.pip1592 with file at root1593 creates a pipeline with the expected jobs1594 sets the image suffix as expected1595 with file at depth 11596 creates a pipeline with the expected jobs1597 sets the image suffix as expected1598 with file at depth 21599 creates a pipeline with the expected jobs1600 sets the image suffix as expected1601 with file at depth > 21602 creates a pipeline with the expected jobs1603 sets the image suffix as expected1604 Python Pipfile1605 with file at root1606 creates a pipeline with the expected jobs1607 sets the image suffix as expected1608 with file at depth 11609 creates a pipeline with the expected jobs1610 sets the image suffix as expected1611 with file at depth 21612 creates a pipeline with the expected jobs1613 sets the image suffix as expected1614 with file at depth > 21615 creates a pipeline with the expected jobs1616 sets the image suffix as expected1617 Python requires.txt1618 with file at root1619 creates a pipeline with the expected jobs1620 sets the image suffix as expected1621 with file at depth 11622 creates a pipeline with the expected jobs1623 sets the image suffix as expected1624 with file at depth 21625 creates a pipeline with the expected jobs1626 sets the image suffix as expected1627 with file at depth > 21628 creates a pipeline with the expected jobs1629 sets the image suffix as expected1630 Python with setup.py1631 with file at root1632 creates a pipeline with the expected jobs1633 sets the image suffix as expected1634 with file at depth 11635 creates a pipeline with the expected jobs1636 sets the image suffix as expected1637 with file at depth 21638 creates a pipeline with the expected jobs1639 sets the image suffix as expected1640 with file at depth > 21641 creates a pipeline with the expected jobs1642 sets the image suffix as expected1643 Python with poetry.lock1644 with file at root1645 creates a pipeline with the expected jobs1646 sets the image suffix as expected1647 with file at depth 11648 creates a pipeline with the expected jobs1649 sets the image suffix as expected1650 with file at depth 21651 creates a pipeline with the expected jobs1652 sets the image suffix as expected1653 with file at depth > 21654 creates a pipeline with the expected jobs1655 sets the image suffix as expected1656 Ruby Gemfile.lock1657 with file at root1658 creates a pipeline with the expected jobs1659 sets the image suffix as expected1660 with file at depth 11661 creates a pipeline with the expected jobs1662 sets the image suffix as expected1663 with file at depth 21664 creates a pipeline with the expected jobs1665 sets the image suffix as expected1666 with file at depth > 21667 creates a pipeline with the expected jobs1668 sets the image suffix as expected1669 Ruby gems.locked1670 with file at root1671 creates a pipeline with the expected jobs1672 sets the image suffix as expected1673 with file at depth 11674 creates a pipeline with the expected jobs1675 sets the image suffix as expected1676 with file at depth 21677 creates a pipeline with the expected jobs1678 sets the image suffix as expected1679 with file at depth > 21680 creates a pipeline with the expected jobs1681 sets the image suffix as expected1682 Scala1683 with file at root1684 creates a pipeline with the expected jobs1685 sets the image suffix as expected1686 with file at depth 11687 creates a pipeline with the expected jobs1688 sets the image suffix as expected1689 with file at depth 21690 creates a pipeline with the expected jobs1691 sets the image suffix as expected1692 with file at depth > 21693 creates a pipeline with the expected jobs1694 sets the image suffix as expected1695 when PIP_REQUIREMENTS_FILE is defined1696 creates a pipeline with the expected jobs1697 sets the image suffix as expected1698 project supported by gemnasium analyzer1699 sets default value for DS_REMEDIATE1700geo rake tasks1701 geo:set_primary_node1702 creates a GeoNode1703 geo:set_secondary_as_primary1704 removes primary and sets secondary as primary1705 geo:update_primary_node_url1706 when the machine Geo node name is not explicitly configured1707 updates Geo primary node URL and name1708 when the machine Geo node name is explicitly configured1709 updates Geo primary node URL only1710 geo:status1711 when geo is not properly configured1712Gitlab Geo is not configured for this site1713 returns misconfigured when not a primary nor a secondary site1714 without a valid license1715GitLab Geo is not supported with this license. Please contact the sales team: runs with an error1717 with a valid license1718 runs with no error1719 with a healthy node1720 shows status as healthy1721 does not show health status summary1722 with geo_project_wiki_repository_replication feature flag disabled1723 prints messages for all the checks1724 with geo_project_wiki_repository_replication feature flag enabled1725 prints messages for all the checks1726 with an unhealthy node1727 shows status as unhealthy1728 shows health status summary1729 geo:site:role1730 returns misconfigured when not a primary nor a secondary site1731 when in a primary site1732 returns primary1733 when in a secondary site1734 returns secondary1735 geo:run_orphaned_project_registry_cleaner1736 removes orphaned registries1737 removes orphaned registries taking into account TO_PROJECT_ID1738 removes orphaned registries taking into account FROM_PROJECT_ID1739Search::SnippetService1740 behaves like EE search service shared examples1741 #use_elasticsearch?1742 delegates to Gitlab::CurrentSettings.search_using_elasticsearch?1743 when requesting basic_search1744 returns false1745 #execute1746 returns an Elastic result object when elasticsearch is enabled1747 returns an ordinary result object when elasticsearch is disabled1748 advanced syntax queries for all scopes1749 with query "display bug" and scope snippet_titles1750 allows advanced query1751 with query bug -display and scope snippet_titles1752 allows advanced query1753 with query bug display | sound and scope snippet_titles1754 allows advanced query1755 with query bug | (display +sound) and scope snippet_titles1756 allows advanced query1757 with query bug find_by_* and scope snippet_titles1758 allows advanced query1759 with query argument \-last and scope snippet_titles1760 allows advanced query1761 #execute1762 visibility1763 project snippet1764 snippet_level: :public, project_level: :public, feature_access_level: :enabled, membership: :admin, admin_mode: true, expected_count: 11765 respects visibility1766 snippet_level: :public, project_level: :public, feature_access_level: :enabled, membership: :admin, admin_mode: false, expected_count: 11767 respects visibility (PENDING: snippet_level: :public, project_level: :public, feature_access_level: :enabled, membership: :reporter, admin_mode: nil, expected_count: 11769 respects visibility1770 snippet_level: :public, project_level: :public, feature_access_level: :enabled, membership: :guest, admin_mode: nil, expected_count: 11771 respects visibility1772 snippet_level: :public, project_level: :public, feature_access_level: :enabled, membership: :non_member, admin_mode: nil, expected_count: 11773 respects visibility (PENDING: snippet_level: :public, project_level: :public, feature_access_level: :enabled, membership: :anonymous, admin_mode: nil, expected_count: 11775 respects visibility1776 snippet_level: :public, project_level: :public, feature_access_level: :private, membership: :admin, admin_mode: true, expected_count: 11777 respects visibility1778 snippet_level: :public, project_level: :public, feature_access_level: :private, membership: :admin, admin_mode: false, expected_count: 01779 respects visibility1780 snippet_level: :public, project_level: :public, feature_access_level: :private, membership: :reporter, admin_mode: nil, expected_count: 11781 respects visibility1782 snippet_level: :public, project_level: :public, feature_access_level: :private, membership: :guest, admin_mode: nil, expected_count: 11783 respects visibility1784 snippet_level: :public, project_level: :public, feature_access_level: :private, membership: :non_member, admin_mode: nil, expected_count: 01785 respects visibility1786 snippet_level: :public, project_level: :public, feature_access_level: :private, membership: :anonymous, admin_mode: nil, expected_count: 01787 respects visibility1788 snippet_level: :public, project_level: :public, feature_access_level: :disabled, membership: :admin, admin_mode: true, expected_count: 11789 respects visibility1790 snippet_level: :public, project_level: :public, feature_access_level: :disabled, membership: :admin, admin_mode: false, expected_count: 01791 respects visibility1792 snippet_level: :public, project_level: :public, feature_access_level: :disabled, membership: :reporter, admin_mode: nil, expected_count: 01793 respects visibility1794 snippet_level: :public, project_level: :public, feature_access_level: :disabled, membership: :guest, admin_mode: nil, expected_count: 01795 respects visibility1796 snippet_level: :public, project_level: :public, feature_access_level: :disabled, membership: :non_member, admin_mode: nil, expected_count: 01797 respects visibility1798 snippet_level: :public, project_level: :public, feature_access_level: :disabled, membership: :anonymous, admin_mode: nil, expected_count: 01799 respects visibility1800 snippet_level: :public, project_level: :internal, feature_access_level: :enabled, membership: :admin, admin_mode: true, expected_count: 11801 respects visibility1802 snippet_level: :public, project_level: :internal, feature_access_level: :enabled, membership: :admin, admin_mode: false, expected_count: 11803 respects visibility (PENDING: snippet_level: :public, project_level: :internal, feature_access_level: :enabled, membership: :reporter, admin_mode: nil, expected_count: 11805 respects visibility1806 snippet_level: :public, project_level: :internal, feature_access_level: :enabled, membership: :guest, admin_mode: nil, expected_count: 11807 respects visibility1808 snippet_level: :public, project_level: :internal, feature_access_level: :enabled, membership: :non_member, admin_mode: nil, expected_count: 11809 respects visibility (PENDING: snippet_level: :public, project_level: :internal, feature_access_level: :enabled, membership: :anonymous, admin_mode: nil, expected_count: 01811 respects visibility1812 snippet_level: :public, project_level: :internal, feature_access_level: :private, membership: :admin, admin_mode: true, expected_count: 11813 respects visibility1814 snippet_level: :public, project_level: :internal, feature_access_level: :private, membership: :admin, admin_mode: false, expected_count: 01815 respects visibility1816 snippet_level: :public, project_level: :internal, feature_access_level: :private, membership: :reporter, admin_mode: nil, expected_count: 11817 respects visibility1818 snippet_level: :public, project_level: :internal, feature_access_level: :private, membership: :guest, admin_mode: nil, expected_count: 11819 respects visibility1820 snippet_level: :public, project_level: :internal, feature_access_level: :private, membership: :non_member, admin_mode: nil, expected_count: 01821 respects visibility1822 snippet_level: :public, project_level: :internal, feature_access_level: :private, membership: :anonymous, admin_mode: nil, expected_count: 01823 respects visibility1824 snippet_level: :public, project_level: :internal, feature_access_level: :disabled, membership: :admin, admin_mode: true, expected_count: 11825 respects visibility1826 snippet_level: :public, project_level: :internal, feature_access_level: :disabled, membership: :admin, admin_mode: false, expected_count: 01827 respects visibility1828 snippet_level: :public, project_level: :internal, feature_access_level: :disabled, membership: :reporter, admin_mode: nil, expected_count: 01829 respects visibility1830 snippet_level: :public, project_level: :internal, feature_access_level: :disabled, membership: :guest, admin_mode: nil, expected_count: 01831 respects visibility1832 snippet_level: :public, project_level: :internal, feature_access_level: :disabled, membership: :non_member, admin_mode: nil, expected_count: 01833 respects visibility1834 snippet_level: :public, project_level: :internal, feature_access_level: :disabled, membership: :anonymous, admin_mode: nil, expected_count: 01835 respects visibility1836 snippet_level: :public, project_level: :private, feature_access_level: :private, membership: :admin, admin_mode: true, expected_count: 11837 respects visibility1838 snippet_level: :public, project_level: :private, feature_access_level: :private, membership: :admin, admin_mode: false, expected_count: 01839 respects visibility1840 snippet_level: :public, project_level: :private, feature_access_level: :private, membership: :reporter, admin_mode: nil, expected_count: 11841 respects visibility1842 snippet_level: :public, project_level: :private, feature_access_level: :private, membership: :guest, admin_mode: nil, expected_count: 11843 respects visibility1844 snippet_level: :public, project_level: :private, feature_access_level: :private, membership: :non_member, admin_mode: nil, expected_count: 01845 respects visibility1846 snippet_level: :public, project_level: :private, feature_access_level: :private, membership: :anonymous, admin_mode: nil, expected_count: 01847 respects visibility1848 snippet_level: :public, project_level: :private, feature_access_level: :disabled, membership: :reporter, admin_mode: nil, expected_count: 01849 respects visibility1850 snippet_level: :public, project_level: :private, feature_access_level: :disabled, membership: :guest, admin_mode: nil, expected_count: 01851 respects visibility1852 snippet_level: :public, project_level: :private, feature_access_level: :disabled, membership: :non_member, admin_mode: nil, expected_count: 01853 respects visibility1854 snippet_level: :public, project_level: :private, feature_access_level: :disabled, membership: :anonymous, admin_mode: nil, expected_count: 01855 respects visibility1856 snippet_level: :internal, project_level: :public, feature_access_level: :enabled, membership: :admin, admin_mode: true, expected_count: 11857 respects visibility1858 snippet_level: :internal, project_level: :public, feature_access_level: :enabled, membership: :admin, admin_mode: false, expected_count: 11859 respects visibility (PENDING: snippet_level: :internal, project_level: :public, feature_access_level: :enabled, membership: :reporter, admin_mode: nil, expected_count: 11861 respects visibility1862 snippet_level: :internal, project_level: :public, feature_access_level: :enabled, membership: :guest, admin_mode: nil, expected_count: 11863 respects visibility1864 snippet_level: :internal, project_level: :public, feature_access_level: :enabled, membership: :non_member, admin_mode: nil, expected_count: 11865 respects visibility (PENDING: snippet_level: :internal, project_level: :public, feature_access_level: :enabled, membership: :anonymous, admin_mode: nil, expected_count: 01867 respects visibility1868 snippet_level: :internal, project_level: :public, feature_access_level: :private, membership: :admin, admin_mode: true, expected_count: 11869 respects visibility1870 snippet_level: :internal, project_level: :public, feature_access_level: :private, membership: :admin, admin_mode: false, expected_count: 01871 respects visibility1872 snippet_level: :internal, project_level: :public, feature_access_level: :private, membership: :reporter, admin_mode: nil, expected_count: 11873 respects visibility1874 snippet_level: :internal, project_level: :public, feature_access_level: :private, membership: :guest, admin_mode: nil, expected_count: 11875 respects visibility1876 snippet_level: :internal, project_level: :public, feature_access_level: :private, membership: :non_member, admin_mode: nil, expected_count: 01877 respects visibility1878 snippet_level: :internal, project_level: :public, feature_access_level: :private, membership: :anonymous, admin_mode: nil, expected_count: 01879 respects visibility1880 snippet_level: :internal, project_level: :public, feature_access_level: :disabled, membership: :admin, admin_mode: true, expected_count: 11881 respects visibility1882 snippet_level: :internal, project_level: :public, feature_access_level: :disabled, membership: :admin, admin_mode: false, expected_count: 01883 respects visibility1884 snippet_level: :internal, project_level: :public, feature_access_level: :disabled, membership: :reporter, admin_mode: nil, expected_count: 01885 respects visibility1886 snippet_level: :internal, project_level: :public, feature_access_level: :disabled, membership: :guest, admin_mode: nil, expected_count: 01887 respects visibility1888 snippet_level: :internal, project_level: :public, feature_access_level: :disabled, membership: :non_member, admin_mode: nil, expected_count: 01889 respects visibility1890 snippet_level: :internal, project_level: :public, feature_access_level: :disabled, membership: :anonymous, admin_mode: nil, expected_count: 01891 respects visibility1892 snippet_level: :internal, project_level: :internal, feature_access_level: :enabled, membership: :admin, admin_mode: true, expected_count: 11893 respects visibility1894 snippet_level: :internal, project_level: :internal, feature_access_level: :enabled, membership: :admin, admin_mode: false, expected_count: 11895 respects visibility (PENDING: snippet_level: :internal, project_level: :internal, feature_access_level: :enabled, membership: :reporter, admin_mode: nil, expected_count: 11897 respects visibility1898 snippet_level: :internal, project_level: :internal, feature_access_level: :enabled, membership: :guest, admin_mode: nil, expected_count: 11899 respects visibility1900 snippet_level: :internal, project_level: :internal, feature_access_level: :enabled, membership: :non_member, admin_mode: nil, expected_count: 11901 respects visibility (PENDING: snippet_level: :internal, project_level: :internal, feature_access_level: :enabled, membership: :anonymous, admin_mode: nil, expected_count: 01903 respects visibility1904 snippet_level: :internal, project_level: :internal, feature_access_level: :private, membership: :admin, admin_mode: true, expected_count: 11905 respects visibility1906 snippet_level: :internal, project_level: :internal, feature_access_level: :private, membership: :admin, admin_mode: false, expected_count: 01907 respects visibility1908 snippet_level: :internal, project_level: :internal, feature_access_level: :private, membership: :reporter, admin_mode: nil, expected_count: 11909 respects visibility1910 snippet_level: :internal, project_level: :internal, feature_access_level: :private, membership: :guest, admin_mode: nil, expected_count: 11911 respects visibility1912 snippet_level: :internal, project_level: :internal, feature_access_level: :private, membership: :non_member, admin_mode: nil, expected_count: 01913 respects visibility1914 snippet_level: :internal, project_level: :internal, feature_access_level: :private, membership: :anonymous, admin_mode: nil, expected_count: 01915 respects visibility1916 snippet_level: :internal, project_level: :internal, feature_access_level: :disabled, membership: :admin, admin_mode: true, expected_count: 11917 respects visibility1918 snippet_level: :internal, project_level: :internal, feature_access_level: :disabled, membership: :admin, admin_mode: false, expected_count: 01919 respects visibility1920 snippet_level: :internal, project_level: :internal, feature_access_level: :disabled, membership: :reporter, admin_mode: nil, expected_count: 01921 respects visibility1922 snippet_level: :internal, project_level: :internal, feature_access_level: :disabled, membership: :guest, admin_mode: nil, expected_count: 01923 respects visibility1924 snippet_level: :internal, project_level: :internal, feature_access_level: :disabled, membership: :non_member, admin_mode: nil, expected_count: 01925 respects visibility1926 snippet_level: :internal, project_level: :internal, feature_access_level: :disabled, membership: :anonymous, admin_mode: nil, expected_count: 01927 respects visibility1928 snippet_level: :internal, project_level: :private, feature_access_level: :private, membership: :admin, admin_mode: true, expected_count: 11929 respects visibility1930 snippet_level: :internal, project_level: :private, feature_access_level: :private, membership: :admin, admin_mode: false, expected_count: 01931 respects visibility1932 snippet_level: :internal, project_level: :private, feature_access_level: :private, membership: :reporter, admin_mode: nil, expected_count: 11933 respects visibility1934 snippet_level: :internal, project_level: :private, feature_access_level: :private, membership: :guest, admin_mode: nil, expected_count: 11935 respects visibility1936 snippet_level: :internal, project_level: :private, feature_access_level: :private, membership: :non_member, admin_mode: nil, expected_count: 01937 respects visibility1938 snippet_level: :internal, project_level: :private, feature_access_level: :private, membership: :anonymous, admin_mode: nil, expected_count: 01939 respects visibility1940 snippet_level: :internal, project_level: :private, feature_access_level: :disabled, membership: :admin, admin_mode: true, expected_count: 11941 respects visibility1942 snippet_level: :internal, project_level: :private, feature_access_level: :disabled, membership: :admin, admin_mode: false, expected_count: 01943 respects visibility1944 snippet_level: :internal, project_level: :private, feature_access_level: :disabled, membership: :reporter, admin_mode: nil, expected_count: 01945 respects visibility1946 snippet_level: :internal, project_level: :private, feature_access_level: :disabled, membership: :guest, admin_mode: nil, expected_count: 01947 respects visibility1948 snippet_level: :internal, project_level: :private, feature_access_level: :disabled, membership: :non_member, admin_mode: nil, expected_count: 01949 respects visibility1950 snippet_level: :internal, project_level: :private, feature_access_level: :disabled, membership: :anonymous, admin_mode: nil, expected_count: 01951 respects visibility1952 snippet_level: :private, project_level: :public, feature_access_level: :enabled, membership: :admin, admin_mode: true, expected_count: 11953 respects visibility1954 snippet_level: :private, project_level: :public, feature_access_level: :enabled, membership: :admin, admin_mode: false, expected_count: 01955 respects visibility1956 snippet_level: :private, project_level: :public, feature_access_level: :enabled, membership: :reporter, admin_mode: nil, expected_count: 11957 respects visibility1958 snippet_level: :private, project_level: :public, feature_access_level: :enabled, membership: :guest, admin_mode: nil, expected_count: 11959 respects visibility1960 snippet_level: :private, project_level: :public, feature_access_level: :enabled, membership: :non_member, admin_mode: nil, expected_count: 01961 respects visibility1962 snippet_level: :private, project_level: :public, feature_access_level: :enabled, membership: :anonymous, admin_mode: nil, expected_count: 01963 respects visibility1964 snippet_level: :private, project_level: :public, feature_access_level: :private, membership: :admin, admin_mode: true, expected_count: 11965 respects visibility1966 snippet_level: :private, project_level: :public, feature_access_level: :private, membership: :admin, admin_mode: false, expected_count: 01967 respects visibility1968 snippet_level: :private, project_level: :public, feature_access_level: :private, membership: :reporter, admin_mode: nil, expected_count: 11969 respects visibility1970 snippet_level: :private, project_level: :public, feature_access_level: :private, membership: :guest, admin_mode: nil, expected_count: 11971 respects visibility1972 snippet_level: :private, project_level: :public, feature_access_level: :private, membership: :non_member, admin_mode: nil, expected_count: 01973 respects visibility1974 snippet_level: :private, project_level: :public, feature_access_level: :private, membership: :anonymous, admin_mode: nil, expected_count: 01975 respects visibility1976 snippet_level: :private, project_level: :public, feature_access_level: :disabled, membership: :admin, admin_mode: true, expected_count: 11977 respects visibility1978 snippet_level: :private, project_level: :public, feature_access_level: :disabled, membership: :admin, admin_mode: false, expected_count: 01979 respects visibility1980 snippet_level: :private, project_level: :public, feature_access_level: :disabled, membership: :reporter, admin_mode: nil, expected_count: 01981 respects visibility1982 snippet_level: :private, project_level: :public, feature_access_level: :disabled, membership: :guest, admin_mode: nil, expected_count: 01983 respects visibility1984 snippet_level: :private, project_level: :public, feature_access_level: :disabled, membership: :non_member, admin_mode: nil, expected_count: 01985 respects visibility1986 snippet_level: :private, project_level: :public, feature_access_level: :disabled, membership: :anonymous, admin_mode: nil, expected_count: 01987 respects visibility1988 snippet_level: :private, project_level: :internal, feature_access_level: :enabled, membership: :admin, admin_mode: true, expected_count: 11989 respects visibility1990 snippet_level: :private, project_level: :internal, feature_access_level: :enabled, membership: :admin, admin_mode: false, expected_count: 01991 respects visibility1992 snippet_level: :private, project_level: :internal, feature_access_level: :enabled, membership: :reporter, admin_mode: nil, expected_count: 11993 respects visibility1994 snippet_level: :private, project_level: :internal, feature_access_level: :enabled, membership: :guest, admin_mode: nil, expected_count: 11995 respects visibility1996 snippet_level: :private, project_level: :internal, feature_access_level: :enabled, membership: :non_member, admin_mode: nil, expected_count: 01997 respects visibility1998 snippet_level: :private, project_level: :internal, feature_access_level: :enabled, membership: :anonymous, admin_mode: nil, expected_count: 01999 respects visibility2000 snippet_level: :private, project_level: :internal, feature_access_level: :private, membership: :admin, admin_mode: true, expected_count: 12001 respects visibility2002 snippet_level: :private, project_level: :internal, feature_access_level: :private, membership: :admin, admin_mode: false, expected_count: 02003 respects visibility2004 snippet_level: :private, project_level: :internal, feature_access_level: :private, membership: :reporter, admin_mode: nil, expected_count: 12005 respects visibility2006 snippet_level: :private, project_level: :internal, feature_access_level: :private, membership: :guest, admin_mode: nil, expected_count: 12007 respects visibility2008 snippet_level: :private, project_level: :internal, feature_access_level: :private, membership: :non_member, admin_mode: nil, expected_count: 02009 respects visibility2010 snippet_level: :private, project_level: :internal, feature_access_level: :private, membership: :anonymous, admin_mode: nil, expected_count: 02011 respects visibility2012 snippet_level: :private, project_level: :internal, feature_access_level: :disabled, membership: :admin, admin_mode: true, expected_count: 12013 respects visibility2014 snippet_level: :private, project_level: :internal, feature_access_level: :disabled, membership: :admin, admin_mode: false, expected_count: 02015 respects visibility2016 snippet_level: :private, project_level: :internal, feature_access_level: :disabled, membership: :reporter, admin_mode: nil, expected_count: 02017 respects visibility2018 snippet_level: :private, project_level: :internal, feature_access_level: :disabled, membership: :guest, admin_mode: nil, expected_count: 02019 respects visibility2020 snippet_level: :private, project_level: :internal, feature_access_level: :disabled, membership: :non_member, admin_mode: nil, expected_count: 02021 respects visibility2022 snippet_level: :private, project_level: :internal, feature_access_level: :disabled, membership: :anonymous, admin_mode: nil, expected_count: 02023 respects visibility2024 snippet_level: :private, project_level: :private, feature_access_level: :private, membership: :admin, admin_mode: true, expected_count: 12025 respects visibility2026 snippet_level: :private, project_level: :private, feature_access_level: :private, membership: :admin, admin_mode: false, expected_count: 02027 respects visibility2028 snippet_level: :private, project_level: :private, feature_access_level: :private, membership: :reporter, admin_mode: nil, expected_count: 12029 respects visibility2030 snippet_level: :private, project_level: :private, feature_access_level: :private, membership: :guest, admin_mode: nil, expected_count: 12031 respects visibility2032 snippet_level: :private, project_level: :private, feature_access_level: :private, membership: :non_member, admin_mode: nil, expected_count: 02033 respects visibility2034 snippet_level: :private, project_level: :private, feature_access_level: :private, membership: :anonymous, admin_mode: nil, expected_count: 02035 respects visibility2036 snippet_level: :private, project_level: :private, feature_access_level: :disabled, membership: :admin, admin_mode: true, expected_count: 12037 respects visibility2038 snippet_level: :private, project_level: :private, feature_access_level: :disabled, membership: :admin, admin_mode: false, expected_count: 02039 respects visibility2040 snippet_level: :private, project_level: :private, feature_access_level: :disabled, membership: :reporter, admin_mode: nil, expected_count: 02041 respects visibility2042 snippet_level: :private, project_level: :private, feature_access_level: :disabled, membership: :guest, admin_mode: nil, expected_count: 02043 respects visibility2044 snippet_level: :private, project_level: :private, feature_access_level: :disabled, membership: :non_member, admin_mode: nil, expected_count: 02045 respects visibility2046 snippet_level: :private, project_level: :private, feature_access_level: :disabled, membership: :anonymous, admin_mode: nil, expected_count: 02047 respects visibility2048 personal snippet2049 snippet_level: :public, membership: :admin, admin_mode: true, expected_count: 12050 respects visibility2051 snippet_level: :public, membership: :admin, admin_mode: false, expected_count: 12052 respects visibility2053 snippet_level: :public, membership: :author, admin_mode: nil, expected_count: 12054 respects visibility2055 snippet_level: :public, membership: :non_member, admin_mode: nil, expected_count: 12056 respects visibility2057 snippet_level: :public, membership: :anonymous, admin_mode: nil, expected_count: 12058 respects visibility2059 snippet_level: :internal, membership: :admin, admin_mode: true, expected_count: 12060 respects visibility2061 snippet_level: :internal, membership: :admin, admin_mode: false, expected_count: 12062 respects visibility2063 snippet_level: :internal, membership: :author, admin_mode: nil, expected_count: 12064 respects visibility2065 snippet_level: :internal, membership: :non_member, admin_mode: nil, expected_count: 12066 respects visibility2067 snippet_level: :internal, membership: :anonymous, admin_mode: nil, expected_count: 02068 respects visibility2069 snippet_level: :private, membership: :admin, admin_mode: true, expected_count: 12070 respects visibility2071 snippet_level: :private, membership: :admin, admin_mode: false, expected_count: 02072 respects visibility2073 snippet_level: :private, membership: :author, admin_mode: nil, expected_count: 12074 respects visibility2075 snippet_level: :private, membership: :non_member, admin_mode: nil, expected_count: 02076 respects visibility2077 snippet_level: :private, membership: :anonymous, admin_mode: nil, expected_count: 02078 respects visibility2079SAST.latest.gitlab-ci.yml2080 the created pipeline2081 when project has no license2082 when SAST_DISABLED="1"2083 includes no jobs2084 when SAST_DISABLED="true"2085 includes no jobs2086 when SAST_DISABLED="false"2087 includes jobs2088 when SAST_EXPERIMENTAL_FEATURES is disabled for iOS projects2089 includes no jobs2090 by default2091 language detection2092 #<RSpec::Parameterized::Core::RefArg:0x00007fc563dd75b8>2093 when branch pipeline2094 creates a pipeline with the expected jobs2095 when MR pipeline2096 creates a pipeline with the expected jobs2097 #<RSpec::Parameterized::Core::RefArg:0x00007fc563dcf778>2098 when branch pipeline2099 creates a pipeline with the expected jobs2100 when MR pipeline2101 creates a pipeline with the expected jobs2102 #<RSpec::Parameterized::Core::RefArg:0x00007fc563dccb68>2103 when branch pipeline2104 creates a pipeline with the expected jobs2105 when MR pipeline2106 creates a pipeline with the expected jobs2107 #<RSpec::Parameterized::Core::RefArg:0x00007fc563dc6588>2108 when branch pipeline2109 creates a pipeline with the expected jobs2110 when MR pipeline2111 creates a pipeline with the expected jobs2112 #<RSpec::Parameterized::Core::RefArg:0x00007fc563dbf800>2113 when branch pipeline2114 creates a pipeline with the expected jobs2115 when MR pipeline2116 creates a pipeline with the expected jobs2117 Apex2118 when branch pipeline2119 creates a pipeline with the expected jobs2120 when MR pipeline2121 creates a pipeline with the expected jobs2122 C2123 when branch pipeline2124 creates a pipeline with the expected jobs2125 when MR pipeline2126 creates a pipeline with the expected jobs2127 C++2128 when branch pipeline2129 creates a pipeline with the expected jobs2130 when MR pipeline2131 creates a pipeline with the expected jobs2132 C#2133 when branch pipeline2134 creates a pipeline with the expected jobs2135 when MR pipeline2136 creates a pipeline with the expected jobs2137 C#2138 when branch pipeline2139 creates a pipeline with the expected jobs2140 when MR pipeline2141 creates a pipeline with the expected jobs2142 Elixir2143 when branch pipeline2144 creates a pipeline with the expected jobs2145 when MR pipeline2146 creates a pipeline with the expected jobs2147 Elixir, nested2148 when branch pipeline2149 creates a pipeline with the expected jobs2150 when MR pipeline2151 creates a pipeline with the expected jobs2152 Golang2153 when branch pipeline2154 creates a pipeline with the expected jobs2155 when MR pipeline2156 creates a pipeline with the expected jobs2157 Groovy2158 when branch pipeline2159 creates a pipeline with the expected jobs2160 when MR pipeline2161 creates a pipeline with the expected jobs2162 #<RSpec::Parameterized::Core::RefArg:0x00007fc563d88918>2163 when branch pipeline2164 creates a pipeline with the expected jobs2165 when MR pipeline2166 creates a pipeline with the expected jobs2167 #<RSpec::Parameterized::Core::RefArg:0x00007fc563d818e8>2168 when branch pipeline2169 creates a pipeline with the expected jobs2170 when MR pipeline2171 creates a pipeline with the expected jobs2172 Java2173 when branch pipeline2174 creates a pipeline with the expected jobs2175 when MR pipeline2176 creates a pipeline with the expected jobs2177 Java with MobSF2178 when branch pipeline2179 creates a pipeline with the expected jobs2180 when MR pipeline2181 creates a pipeline with the expected jobs2182 Java without MobSF2183 when branch pipeline2184 creates a pipeline with the expected jobs2185 when MR pipeline2186 creates a pipeline with the expected jobs2187 Javascript2188 when branch pipeline2189 creates a pipeline with the expected jobs2190 when MR pipeline2191 creates a pipeline with the expected jobs2192 JSX2193 when branch pipeline2194 creates a pipeline with the expected jobs2195 when MR pipeline2196 creates a pipeline with the expected jobs2197 Javascript Node2198 when branch pipeline2199 creates a pipeline with the expected jobs2200 when MR pipeline2201 creates a pipeline with the expected jobs2202 HTML2203 when branch pipeline2204 creates a pipeline with the expected jobs2205 when MR pipeline2206 creates a pipeline with the expected jobs2207 Kubernetes Manifests2208 when branch pipeline2209 creates a pipeline with the expected jobs2210 when MR pipeline2211 creates a pipeline with the expected jobs2212 Multiple languages2213 when branch pipeline2214 creates a pipeline with the expected jobs2215 when MR pipeline2216 creates a pipeline with the expected jobs2217 PHP2218 when branch pipeline2219 creates a pipeline with the expected jobs2220 when MR pipeline2221 creates a pipeline with the expected jobs2222 Python2223 when branch pipeline2224 creates a pipeline with the expected jobs2225 when MR pipeline2226 creates a pipeline with the expected jobs2227 Ruby2228 when branch pipeline2229 creates a pipeline with the expected jobs2230 when MR pipeline2231 creates a pipeline with the expected jobs2232 Scala2233 when branch pipeline2234 creates a pipeline with the expected jobs2235 when MR pipeline2236 creates a pipeline with the expected jobs2237 Scala2238 when branch pipeline2239 creates a pipeline with the expected jobs2240 when MR pipeline2241 creates a pipeline with the expected jobs2242 Scala2243 when branch pipeline2244 creates a pipeline with the expected jobs2245 when MR pipeline2246 creates a pipeline with the expected jobs2247 Typescript2248 when branch pipeline2249 creates a pipeline with the expected jobs2250 when MR pipeline2251 creates a pipeline with the expected jobs2252 Typescript JSX2253 when branch pipeline2254 creates a pipeline with the expected jobs2255 when MR pipeline2256 creates a pipeline with the expected jobs2257 Visual Basic2258 when branch pipeline2259 creates a pipeline with the expected jobs2260 when MR pipeline2261 creates a pipeline with the expected jobs2262Gitlab::ImportExport::AttributesPermitter2263 #permitted_attributes_defined?2264 relation_name: :push_rule, permitted_attributes_defined: true2265 is expected to eq true2266 relation_name: :issuable_sla, permitted_attributes_defined: false2267 is expected to eq false2268 relation_name: :unprotect_access_levels, permitted_attributes_defined: true2269 is expected to eq true2270 relation_name: :deploy_access_levels, permitted_attributes_defined: true2271 is expected to eq true2272 relation_name: :protected_environments, permitted_attributes_defined: true2273 is expected to eq true2274 relation_name: :security_setting, permitted_attributes_defined: true2275 is expected to eq true2276 relation_name: :project, permitted_attributes_defined: true2277 is expected to eq true2278 included_attributes for Project2279 for user2280 behaves like a permitted attribute2281 contains only attributes that are defined as permitted in the import/export config2282 does not contain attributes that would be cleaned with AttributeCleaner2283 does not contain prohibited attributes that are not related to given relation2284 for author2285 behaves like a permitted attribute2286 is disabled2287 for approvals2288 behaves like a permitted attribute2289 contains only attributes that are defined as permitted in the import/export config2290 does not contain attributes that would be cleaned with AttributeCleaner2291 does not contain prohibited attributes that are not related to given relation2292 for ci_cd_settings2293 behaves like a permitted attribute2294 contains only attributes that are defined as permitted in the import/export config2295 does not contain attributes that would be cleaned with AttributeCleaner2296 does not contain prohibited attributes that are not related to given relation2297 for metrics_setting2298 behaves like a permitted attribute2299 contains only attributes that are defined as permitted in the import/export config2300 does not contain attributes that would be cleaned with AttributeCleaner2301 does not contain prohibited attributes that are not related to given relation2302 for project_badges2303 behaves like a permitted attribute2304 contains only attributes that are defined as permitted in the import/export config2305 does not contain attributes that would be cleaned with AttributeCleaner2306 does not contain prohibited attributes that are not related to given relation2307 for pipeline_schedules2308 behaves like a permitted attribute2309 contains only attributes that are defined as permitted in the import/export config2310 does not contain attributes that would be cleaned with AttributeCleaner2311 does not contain prohibited attributes that are not related to given relation2312 for error_tracking_setting2313 behaves like a permitted attribute2314 contains only attributes that are defined as permitted in the import/export config2315 does not contain attributes that would be cleaned with AttributeCleaner2316 does not contain prohibited attributes that are not related to given relation2317 for auto_devops2318 behaves like a permitted attribute2319 contains only attributes that are defined as permitted in the import/export config2320 does not contain attributes that would be cleaned with AttributeCleaner2321 does not contain prohibited attributes that are not related to given relation2322 for boards2323 behaves like a permitted attribute2324 contains only attributes that are defined as permitted in the import/export config2325 does not contain attributes that would be cleaned with AttributeCleaner2326 does not contain prohibited attributes that are not related to given relation2327 for lists2328 behaves like a permitted attribute2329 contains only attributes that are defined as permitted in the import/export config2330 does not contain attributes that would be cleaned with AttributeCleaner2331 does not contain prohibited attributes that are not related to given relation2332 for custom_attributes2333 behaves like a permitted attribute2334 contains only attributes that are defined as permitted in the import/export config2335 does not contain attributes that would be cleaned with AttributeCleaner2336 does not contain prohibited attributes that are not related to given relation2337 for label2338 behaves like a permitted attribute2339 contains only attributes that are defined as permitted in the import/export config2340 does not contain attributes that would be cleaned with AttributeCleaner2341 does not contain prohibited attributes that are not related to given relation2342 for labels2343 behaves like a permitted attribute2344 contains only attributes that are defined as permitted in the import/export config2345 does not contain attributes that would be cleaned with AttributeCleaner2346 does not contain prohibited attributes that are not related to given relation2347 for priorities2348 behaves like a permitted attribute2349 contains only attributes that are defined as permitted in the import/export config2350 does not contain attributes that would be cleaned with AttributeCleaner2351 does not contain prohibited attributes that are not related to given relation2352 for milestone2353 behaves like a permitted attribute2354 contains only attributes that are defined as permitted in the import/export config2355 does not contain attributes that would be cleaned with AttributeCleaner2356 does not contain prohibited attributes that are not related to given relation2357 for milestones2358 behaves like a permitted attribute2359 contains only attributes that are defined as permitted in the import/export config2360 does not contain attributes that would be cleaned with AttributeCleaner2361 does not contain prohibited attributes that are not related to given relation2362 for protected_branches2363 behaves like a permitted attribute2364 contains only attributes that are defined as permitted in the import/export config2365 does not contain attributes that would be cleaned with AttributeCleaner2366 does not contain prohibited attributes that are not related to given relation2367 for protected_tags2368 behaves like a permitted attribute2369 contains only attributes that are defined as permitted in the import/export config2370 does not contain attributes that would be cleaned with AttributeCleaner2371 does not contain prohibited attributes that are not related to given relation2372 for create_access_levels2373 behaves like a permitted attribute2374 contains only attributes that are defined as permitted in the import/export config2375 does not contain attributes that would be cleaned with AttributeCleaner2376 does not contain prohibited attributes that are not related to given relation2377 for merge_access_levels2378 behaves like a permitted attribute2379 contains only attributes that are defined as permitted in the import/export config2380 does not contain attributes that would be cleaned with AttributeCleaner2381 does not contain prohibited attributes that are not related to given relation2382 for push_access_levels2383 behaves like a permitted attribute2384 contains only attributes that are defined as permitted in the import/export config2385 does not contain attributes that would be cleaned with AttributeCleaner2386 does not contain prohibited attributes that are not related to given relation2387 for releases2388 behaves like a permitted attribute2389 contains only attributes that are defined as permitted in the import/export config2390 does not contain attributes that would be cleaned with AttributeCleaner2391 does not contain prohibited attributes that are not related to given relation2392 for links2393 behaves like a permitted attribute2394 contains only attributes that are defined as permitted in the import/export config2395 does not contain attributes that would be cleaned with AttributeCleaner2396 does not contain prohibited attributes that are not related to given relation2397 for container_expiration_policy2398 behaves like a permitted attribute2399 contains only attributes that are defined as permitted in the import/export config2400 does not contain attributes that would be cleaned with AttributeCleaner2401 does not contain prohibited attributes that are not related to given relation2402 for project_feature2403 behaves like a permitted attribute2404 contains only attributes that are defined as permitted in the import/export config2405 does not contain attributes that would be cleaned with AttributeCleaner2406 does not contain prohibited attributes that are not related to given relation2407 for prometheus_metrics2408 behaves like a permitted attribute2409 contains only attributes that are defined as permitted in the import/export config2410 does not contain attributes that would be cleaned with AttributeCleaner2411 does not contain prohibited attributes that are not related to given relation2412 for service_desk_setting2413 behaves like a permitted attribute2414 contains only attributes that are defined as permitted in the import/export config2415 does not contain attributes that would be cleaned with AttributeCleaner2416 does not contain prohibited attributes that are not related to given relation2417 for snippets2418 behaves like a permitted attribute2419 contains only attributes that are defined as permitted in the import/export config2420 does not contain attributes that would be cleaned with AttributeCleaner2421 does not contain prohibited attributes that are not related to given relation2422 for project_members2423 behaves like a permitted attribute2424 contains only attributes that are defined as permitted in the import/export config2425 does not contain attributes that would be cleaned with AttributeCleaner2426 does not contain prohibited attributes that are not related to given relation2427 for merge_request2428 behaves like a permitted attribute2429 contains only attributes that are defined as permitted in the import/export config2430 does not contain attributes that would be cleaned with AttributeCleaner2431 does not contain prohibited attributes that are not related to given relation2432 for merge_requests2433 behaves like a permitted attribute2434 contains only attributes that are defined as permitted in the import/export config2435 does not contain attributes that would be cleaned with AttributeCleaner2436 does not contain prohibited attributes that are not related to given relation2437 for award_emoji2438 behaves like a permitted attribute2439 contains only attributes that are defined as permitted in the import/export config2440 does not contain attributes that would be cleaned with AttributeCleaner2441 does not contain prohibited attributes that are not related to given relation2442 for commit_author2443 behaves like a permitted attribute2444 contains only attributes that are defined as permitted in the import/export config2445 does not contain attributes that would be cleaned with AttributeCleaner2446 does not contain prohibited attributes that are not related to given relation2447 for committer2448 behaves like a permitted attribute2449 contains only attributes that are defined as permitted in the import/export config2450 does not contain attributes that would be cleaned with AttributeCleaner2451 does not contain prohibited attributes that are not related to given relation2452 for events2453 behaves like a permitted attribute2454 contains only attributes that are defined as permitted in the import/export config2455 does not contain attributes that would be cleaned with AttributeCleaner2456 does not contain prohibited attributes that are not related to given relation2457 for label_links2458 behaves like a permitted attribute2459 contains only attributes that are defined as permitted in the import/export config2460 does not contain attributes that would be cleaned with AttributeCleaner2461 does not contain prohibited attributes that are not related to given relation2462 for merge_request_diff2463 behaves like a permitted attribute2464 contains only attributes that are defined as permitted in the import/export config2465 does not contain attributes that would be cleaned with AttributeCleaner2466 does not contain prohibited attributes that are not related to given relation2467 for merge_request_diff_commits2468 behaves like a permitted attribute2469 contains only attributes that are defined as permitted in the import/export config2470 does not contain attributes that would be cleaned with AttributeCleaner2471 does not contain prohibited attributes that are not related to given relation2472 for merge_request_diff_files2473 behaves like a permitted attribute2474 contains only attributes that are defined as permitted in the import/export config2475 does not contain attributes that would be cleaned with AttributeCleaner2476 does not contain prohibited attributes that are not related to given relation2477 for metrics2478 behaves like a permitted attribute2479 contains only attributes that are defined as permitted in the import/export config2480 does not contain attributes that would be cleaned with AttributeCleaner2481 does not contain prohibited attributes that are not related to given relation2482 for notes2483 behaves like a permitted attribute2484 contains only attributes that are defined as permitted in the import/export config2485 does not contain attributes that would be cleaned with AttributeCleaner2486 does not contain prohibited attributes that are not related to given relation2487 for push_event_payload2488 behaves like a permitted attribute2489 contains only attributes that are defined as permitted in the import/export config2490 does not contain attributes that would be cleaned with AttributeCleaner2491 does not contain prohibited attributes that are not related to given relation2492 for resource_label_events2493 behaves like a permitted attribute2494 contains only attributes that are defined as permitted in the import/export config2495 does not contain attributes that would be cleaned with AttributeCleaner2496 does not contain prohibited attributes that are not related to given relation2497 for suggestions2498 behaves like a permitted attribute2499 contains only attributes that are defined as permitted in the import/export config2500 does not contain attributes that would be cleaned with AttributeCleaner2501 does not contain prohibited attributes that are not related to given relation2502 for system_note_metadata2503 behaves like a permitted attribute2504 contains only attributes that are defined as permitted in the import/export config2505 does not contain attributes that would be cleaned with AttributeCleaner2506 does not contain prohibited attributes that are not related to given relation2507 for timelogs2508 behaves like a permitted attribute2509 contains only attributes that are defined as permitted in the import/export config2510 does not contain attributes that would be cleaned with AttributeCleaner2511 does not contain prohibited attributes that are not related to given relation2512 for external_pull_request2513 behaves like a permitted attribute2514 contains only attributes that are defined as permitted in the import/export config2515 does not contain attributes that would be cleaned with AttributeCleaner2516 does not contain prohibited attributes that are not related to given relation2517 for external_pull_requests2518 behaves like a permitted attribute2519 contains only attributes that are defined as permitted in the import/export config2520 does not contain attributes that would be cleaned with AttributeCleaner2521 does not contain prohibited attributes that are not related to given relation2522 for statuses2523 behaves like a permitted attribute2524 contains only attributes that are defined as permitted in the import/export config2525 does not contain attributes that would be cleaned with AttributeCleaner2526 does not contain prohibited attributes that are not related to given relation2527 for builds2528 behaves like a permitted attribute2529 contains only attributes that are defined as permitted in the import/export config2530 does not contain attributes that would be cleaned with AttributeCleaner2531 does not contain prohibited attributes that are not related to given relation2532 for generic_commit_statuses2533 behaves like a permitted attribute2534 contains only attributes that are defined as permitted in the import/export config2535 does not contain attributes that would be cleaned with AttributeCleaner2536 does not contain prohibited attributes that are not related to given relation2537 for bridges2538 behaves like a permitted attribute2539 contains only attributes that are defined as permitted in the import/export config2540 does not contain attributes that would be cleaned with AttributeCleaner2541 does not contain prohibited attributes that are not related to given relation2542 for ci_pipelines2543 behaves like a permitted attribute2544 contains only attributes that are defined as permitted in the import/export config2545 does not contain attributes that would be cleaned with AttributeCleaner2546 does not contain prohibited attributes that are not related to given relation2547 for pipeline_metadata2548 behaves like a permitted attribute2549 contains only attributes that are defined as permitted in the import/export config2550 does not contain attributes that would be cleaned with AttributeCleaner2551 does not contain prohibited attributes that are not related to given relation2552 for stages2553 behaves like a permitted attribute2554 contains only attributes that are defined as permitted in the import/export config2555 does not contain attributes that would be cleaned with AttributeCleaner2556 does not contain prohibited attributes that are not related to given relation2557 for actions2558 behaves like a permitted attribute2559 contains only attributes that are defined as permitted in the import/export config2560 does not contain attributes that would be cleaned with AttributeCleaner2561 does not contain prohibited attributes that are not related to given relation2562 for design2563 behaves like a permitted attribute2564 contains only attributes that are defined as permitted in the import/export config2565 does not contain attributes that would be cleaned with AttributeCleaner2566 does not contain prohibited attributes that are not related to given relation2567 for designs2568 behaves like a permitted attribute2569 contains only attributes that are defined as permitted in the import/export config2570 does not contain attributes that would be cleaned with AttributeCleaner2571 does not contain prohibited attributes that are not related to given relation2572 for design_versions2573 behaves like a permitted attribute2574 contains only attributes that are defined as permitted in the import/export config2575 does not contain attributes that would be cleaned with AttributeCleaner2576 does not contain prohibited attributes that are not related to given relation2577 for issue_assignees2578 behaves like a permitted attribute2579 contains only attributes that are defined as permitted in the import/export config2580 does not contain attributes that would be cleaned with AttributeCleaner2581 does not contain prohibited attributes that are not related to given relation2582 for merge_request_assignees2583 behaves like a permitted attribute2584 contains only attributes that are defined as permitted in the import/export config2585 does not contain attributes that would be cleaned with AttributeCleaner2586 does not contain prohibited attributes that are not related to given relation2587 for merge_request_reviewers2588 behaves like a permitted attribute2589 contains only attributes that are defined as permitted in the import/export config2590 does not contain attributes that would be cleaned with AttributeCleaner2591 does not contain prohibited attributes that are not related to given relation2592 for sentry_issue2593 behaves like a permitted attribute2594 contains only attributes that are defined as permitted in the import/export config2595 does not contain attributes that would be cleaned with AttributeCleaner2596 does not contain prohibited attributes that are not related to given relation2597 for zoom_meetings2598 behaves like a permitted attribute2599 contains only attributes that are defined as permitted in the import/export config2600 does not contain attributes that would be cleaned with AttributeCleaner2601 does not contain prohibited attributes that are not related to given relation2602 for issues2603 behaves like a permitted attribute2604 contains only attributes that are defined as permitted in the import/export config2605 does not contain attributes that would be cleaned with AttributeCleaner2606 does not contain prohibited attributes that are not related to given relation2607 for group_members2608 behaves like a permitted attribute2609 contains only attributes that are defined as permitted in the import/export config2610 does not contain attributes that would be cleaned with AttributeCleaner2611 does not contain prohibited attributes that are not related to given relation2612 for project2613 behaves like a permitted attribute2614 contains only attributes that are defined as permitted in the import/export config2615 does not contain attributes that would be cleaned with AttributeCleaner2616 does not contain prohibited attributes that are not related to given relation2617 for resource_milestone_events2618 behaves like a permitted attribute2619 contains only attributes that are defined as permitted in the import/export config2620 does not contain attributes that would be cleaned with AttributeCleaner2621 does not contain prohibited attributes that are not related to given relation2622 for resource_state_events2623 behaves like a permitted attribute2624 contains only attributes that are defined as permitted in the import/export config2625 does not contain attributes that would be cleaned with AttributeCleaner2626 does not contain prohibited attributes that are not related to given relation2627 for issuable_sla2628 behaves like a permitted attribute2629 is disabled2630 for push_rule2631 behaves like a permitted attribute2632 contains only attributes that are defined as permitted in the import/export config2633 does not contain attributes that would be cleaned with AttributeCleaner2634 does not contain prohibited attributes that are not related to given relation2635 for unprotect_access_levels2636 behaves like a permitted attribute2637 contains only attributes that are defined as permitted in the import/export config2638 does not contain attributes that would be cleaned with AttributeCleaner2639 does not contain prohibited attributes that are not related to given relation2640 for deploy_access_levels2641 behaves like a permitted attribute2642 contains only attributes that are defined as permitted in the import/export config2643 does not contain attributes that would be cleaned with AttributeCleaner2644 does not contain prohibited attributes that are not related to given relation2645 for protected_environments2646 behaves like a permitted attribute2647 contains only attributes that are defined as permitted in the import/export config2648 does not contain attributes that would be cleaned with AttributeCleaner2649 does not contain prohibited attributes that are not related to given relation2650 for security_setting2651 behaves like a permitted attribute2652 contains only attributes that are defined as permitted in the import/export config2653 does not contain attributes that would be cleaned with AttributeCleaner2654 does not contain prohibited attributes that are not related to given relation2655 for resource_iteration_events2656 behaves like a permitted attribute2657 contains only attributes that are defined as permitted in the import/export config2658 does not contain attributes that would be cleaned with AttributeCleaner2659 does not contain prohibited attributes that are not related to given relation2660 for iteration2661 behaves like a permitted attribute2662 contains only attributes that are defined as permitted in the import/export config2663 does not contain attributes that would be cleaned with AttributeCleaner2664 does not contain prohibited attributes that are not related to given relation2665 for iterations_cadence2666 behaves like a permitted attribute2667 contains only attributes that are defined as permitted in the import/export config2668 does not contain attributes that would be cleaned with AttributeCleaner2669 does not contain prohibited attributes that are not related to given relation2670MigrateCommitsToSeparateIndex2671 migration_options2672 has migration options set2673 .migrate2674 initial launch2675 creates an index and sets migration_state2676 batch run2677 sets migration_state task_id2678 sets next slice and clears task_id after task check2679 resets retry_attempt clears task_id for the next slice2680 reindexing is still in progress2681 does nothing2682 with commits in elastic2683 migrates all commits2684 failed run2685 exception is raised2686 increases retry_attempt and clears task_id2687 fails the migration after too many attempts2688 elasticsearch failures2689 total is not equal2690 raises an error and clears task_id2691 reindexing failues2692 raises an error and clears task_id2693 .completed?2694 counts are equal2695 returns true2696 counts are not equal2697 returns true2698 space_required_bytes2699 is expected to eq 3182700Gitlab::Geo::GitSSHProxy2701 instance methods2702 #info_refs_upload_pack2703 against primary node2704 behaves like must be a secondary2705 raises an exception2706 against a secondary node2707 authorization header is scoped2708 passes the scope when .info_refs_upload_pack is called2709 passes the scope when .receive_pack is called2710 with a failed response2711 returns a Gitlab::Geo::GitSSHProxy::FailedAPIResponse2712 has a code of 5002713 has a status of false2714 has a messsage2715 has no result2716 with an invalid response2717 returns a Gitlab::Geo::GitSSHProxy::FailedAPIResponse2718 has a code of 5022719 has a status of false2720 has a messsage2721 has no result2722 with a valid response2723 returns a Gitlab::Geo::GitSSHProxy::APIResponse2724 has a code of 2002725 has a status of true2726 has no messsage2727 returns a modified body2728 #upload_pack2729 against primary node2730 behaves like must be a secondary2731 raises an exception2732 against a secondary node2733 with a failed response2734 returns a Gitlab::Geo::GitSSHProxy::FailedAPIResponse2735 has a messsage2736 has no result2737 with an invalid response2738 returns a Gitlab::Geo::GitSSHProxy::FailedAPIResponse2739 has a messsage2740 has no result2741 with a valid response2742 for a git clone operation2743 returns a Gitlab::Geo::GitSSHProxy::APIResponse2744 has a code of 2012745 has no messsage2746 has a result2747 for a git pull operation2748 returns a Gitlab::Geo::GitSSHProxy::APIResponse2749 has a code of 2012750 has no messsage2751 has a result2752 #info_refs_receive_pack2753 against primary node2754 behaves like must be a secondary2755 raises an exception2756 against secondary node2757 authorization header is scoped2758 passes the scope when .info_refs_receive_pack is called2759 passes the scope when .receive_pack is called2760 with a failed response2761 returns a Gitlab::Geo::GitSSHProxy::FailedAPIResponse2762 has a code of 5002763 has a status of false2764 has a messsage2765 has no result2766 with an invalid response2767 returns a Gitlab::Geo::GitSSHProxy::FailedAPIResponse2768 has a code of 5022769 has a status of false2770 has a messsage2771 has no result2772 with a valid response2773 returns a Gitlab::Geo::GitSSHProxy::APIResponse2774 has a code of 2002775 has a status of true2776 has no messsage2777 returns a modified body2778 #receive_pack2779 against primary node2780 behaves like must be a secondary2781 raises an exception2782 against secondary node2783 with a failed response2784 returns a Gitlab::Geo::GitSSHProxy::FailedAPIResponse2785 has a messsage2786 has no result2787 with an invalid response2788 returns a Gitlab::Geo::GitSSHProxy::FailedAPIResponse2789 has a messsage2790 has no result2791 with a valid response2792 returns a Gitlab::Geo::GitSSHProxy::APIResponse2793 has a code of 2012794 has no messsage2795 has a result2796Security::Scan2797 sets `project_id` and `pipeline_id` before save2798 behaves like cleanup by a loose foreign key2799 cleans up (delete or nullify) the model2800 associations2801 is expected to belong to build required: false2802 is expected to belong to project required: false2803 is expected to belong to pipeline required: false2804 is expected to have many findings2805 validations2806 is expected to validate that :build_id cannot be empty/falsy2807 is expected to validate that :scan_type cannot be empty/falsy2808 info2809 when the value for info field is valid2810 is expected to be empty2811 when the value for info field is invalid2812 is expected not to be empty2813 #name2814 is expected to delegate #name to the #build object2815 #findings_can_be_purged?2816 when the record is created in less than 3 months ago2817 when the record is not purged2818 is expected to be falsey2819 when the record is purged2820 is expected to be falsey2821 when the record is created in more than 3 months ago2822 when the record is not purged2823 is expected to be falsey2824 when the record is purged2825 is expected to be truthy2826 #has_warnings?2827 when the info attribute is nil2828 is not valid2829 when the info attribute is present2830 when there is no warnings2831 is expected to eq false2832 when there are warnings2833 is expected to eq true2834 #processing_warnings2835 when there are warnings2836 returns all warnings2837 when there are no warnings2838 returns []2839 #processing_warnings=2840 sets the warnings2841 #has_warnings?2842 when there are warnings2843 returns true2844 when there are no warnings2845 returns false2846 #has_errors?2847 when the info attribute is nil2848 is not valid2849 when the info attribute presents2850 when there is no error2851 is expected to eq false2852 when there are errors2853 is expected to eq true2854 .by_scan_types2855 is expected to contain exactly #<Security::Scan id: 8, created_at: "2023-04-12 14:54:12.918872224 +0000", updated_at: "2023-04-12 14...}, project_id: 509, pipeline_id: 410, latest: true, status: "created", findings_partition_number: 1>2856 when an invalid enum value is given2857 is expected to contain exactly #<Security::Scan id: 8, created_at: "2023-04-12 14:54:12.918872224 +0000", updated_at: "2023-04-12 14...}, project_id: 509, pipeline_id: 410, latest: true, status: "created", findings_partition_number: 1>2858 .distinct_scan_types2859 is expected to contain exactly "sast" and "dast"2860 .latest_successful2861 is expected to contain exactly #<Security::Scan id: 14, created_at: "2023-04-12 14:54:15.181195858 +0000", updated_at: "2023-04-12 1... project_id: 515, pipeline_id: 416, latest: true, status: "succeeded", findings_partition_number: 1>2862 .by_build_ids2863 is expected to contain exactly #<Security::Scan id: 16, created_at: "2023-04-12 14:54:16.019760497 +0000", updated_at: "2023-04-12 1...}, project_id: 517, pipeline_id: 418, latest: true, status: "created", findings_partition_number: 1> and #<Security::Scan id: 17, created_at: "2023-04-12 14:54:16.025145297 +0000", updated_at: "2023-04-12 1...}, project_id: 517, pipeline_id: 418, latest: true, status: "created", findings_partition_number: 1>2864 .has_dismissal_feedback2865 is expected to contain exactly #<Security::Scan id: 18, created_at: "2023-04-12 14:54:16.760477103 +0000", updated_at: "2023-04-12 1...}, project_id: 518, pipeline_id: 419, latest: true, status: "created", findings_partition_number: 1>2866 .without_errors2867 is expected to contain exactly #<Security::Scan id: 21, created_at: "2023-04-12 14:54:18.842850707 +0000", updated_at: "2023-04-12 1...}, project_id: 523, pipeline_id: 424, latest: true, status: "created", findings_partition_number: 1>2868 .latest2869 is expected to contain exactly #<Security::Scan id: 22, created_at: "2023-04-12 14:54:19.309230619 +0000", updated_at: "2023-04-12 1...}, project_id: 524, pipeline_id: 425, latest: true, status: "created", findings_partition_number: 1>2870 .stale2871 is expected to contain exactly #<Security::Scan id: 24, created_at: "2023-01-11 14:54:19.780923131 +0000", updated_at: "2023-04-12 1... project_id: 526, pipeline_id: 427, latest: true, status: "succeeded", findings_partition_number: 1>, #<Security::Scan id: 25, created_at: "2023-01-11 14:54:20.249298592 +0000", updated_at: "2023-04-12 527, pipeline_id: 428, latest: true, status: "preparation_failed", findings_partition_number: 1>, #<Security::Scan id: 26, created_at: "2023-01-11 14:54:20.713614645 +0000", updated_at: "2023-04-12 1...}, project_id: 528, pipeline_id: 429, latest: true, status: "created", findings_partition_number: 1>, #<Security::Scan id: 27, created_at: "2023-01-11 14:54:21.152874188 +0000", updated_at: "2023-04-12 1...project_id: 529, pipeline_id: 430, latest: true, status: "job_failed", findings_partition_number: 1>, #<Security::Scan id: 28, created_at: "2023-01-11 14:54:21.529669405 +0000", updated_at: "2023-04-12 1...oject_id: 530, pipeline_id: 431, latest: true, status: "report_error", findings_partition_number: 1>, and #<Security::Scan id: 29, created_at: "2023-01-11 14:54:21.934670421 +0000", updated_at: "2023-04-12 1... project_id: 531, pipeline_id: 432, latest: true, status: "preparing", findings_partition_number: 1>2872 .ordered_by_created_at_and_id2873 is expected to eq [#<Security::Scan id: 35, created_at: "2023-04-12 14:53:23.680798746 +0000", updated_at: "2023-04-12 ..., project_id: 536, pipeline_id: 437, latest: true, status: "created", findings_partition_number: 1>]2874 .with_warnings2875 is expected to contain exactly #<Security::Scan id: 37, created_at: "2023-04-12 14:54:25.869204274 +0000", updated_at: "2023-04-12 1...}, project_id: 539, pipeline_id: 440, latest: true, status: "created", findings_partition_number: 1>2876 .with_errors2877 is expected to contain exactly #<Security::Scan id: 38, created_at: "2023-04-12 14:54:26.337349926 +0000", updated_at: "2023-04-12 1...}, project_id: 540, pipeline_id: 441, latest: true, status: "created", findings_partition_number: 1>2878 #report_findings2879 is expected to contain exactly "7469933d-89c5-5085-b5b4-5684b8aa2922", "c46e80c6-016f-5181-ae93-4d907d84f681", "a7183c3f-4469-55a0-8da0-eff43806801f", "4e2db5a9-7277-57ce-9d6e-6da065d9fb0c", "5ae719bd-3359-5cff-9735-19d6db7260e2", "ac804c6b-939f-5fe4-aeb8-059a8862ff1d", "cc4fe68e-5117-53b8-bdb0-9946926495de", "3e7c865d-9682-51bf-b6fd-972c1eae72f9", "6e19786b-7ad3-5ac6-9e2b-4c05b1715675", "9ac0353a-48e2-53d6-a2b3-90d27f97e081", "b57ab48b-84d7-5864-9272-0d60f53611a1", "928d69be-a38d-55bc-a437-c6753c5a4b82", "48f7f878-26c0-5c2c-a9db-2ac32e59aa65", "561dc510-675f-5e0e-b9f5-017ed8b61ccd", "b337752e-9432-5348-9ff4-26ce3e4ff7e3", "c9961987-ca52-52ce-9b10-0eac9689b397", "bf01e244-0b18-58c2-9249-ba9c4691b14d", "2b5065e6-fcee-5ab9-ba50-d897231ecf7a", "e6f3f6b9-55ac-529d-96bd-2562b6c3c8b9", and "f826b02c-0c3b-5641-a3a9-afedb0894693"2880 #report_primary_identifiers2881 returns the matching primary_identifiers2882 #processing_errors2883 is expected to eq [{"message"=>"Unknown error happened", "type"=>"ParsingError"}]2884 #processing_errors=2885 sets the processing errors2886 #add_processing_error!2887 when the scan does not have any errors2888 persists the error2889 when the scan already has some errors2890 persists the new error with the existing ones2891 #remediations_proxy2892 when the artifact exists2893 is expected to be an instance of Security::RemediationsProxy and have attributes {:file => #<InstanceDouble(JobArtifactUploader) (anonymous)>}2894 when the artifact is removed2895 is expected to be an instance of Security::RemediationsProxy and have attributes {:file => nil}2896 behaves like having unique enum values2897 has unique values in "scan_type"2898 has unique values in "status"2899 #scanners2900 returns the matching vulnerability scanner2901Geo::PipelineArtifactRegistry2902 factory is valid2903 obligatory fields check2904 has expected fields or methods2905 scopes2906 sync_timed_out2907 return correct records2908 finders2909 .find_registries_never_attempted_sync2910 returns unsynced items2911 returns items that never have an attempt to sync except some specific item ID2912 .find_registries_needs_sync_again2913 returns failed items2914 returns failed items except some specific item ID2915 orders records according to retry_at2916 .fail_sync_timeouts2917 marks started records as failed if they are expired2918 #failed!2919 sets last_sync_failure with message2920 truncates a long last_sync_failure2921 increments retry_count2922 sets retry_at to a time in the future2923 when an error is given2924 includes error.message in last_sync_failure2925 when missing_on_primary is not given2926 caps retry_at to default 1 hour2927 when missing_on_primary is falsey2928 caps retry_at to default 1 hour2929 when missing_on_primary is truthy2930 caps retry_at to 4 hours2931 #synced!2932 mark as synced2933 when a sync was scheduled after the last sync finishes2934 does not reset state2935 resets the other sync state fields2936 #pending!2937 when a sync is currently running2938 successfully moves state to pending2939 when the registry has recorded a failure2940 clears failure retry fields2941 state machine2942 when transitioning to synced2943 marks verification as pending2944 when the model_record cannot be verified2945 when the registry is already verification_disabled2946 changes verification to disabled2947 when the registry is verification_pending2948 changes verification to disabled2949 verification_state machine2950 when transitioning to verification_failed2951 changes state from synced to failed2952 .verification_pending_batch2953 returns IDs of rows which are synced and pending verification2954 excludes rows which are not synced or are not pending verification2955 marks verification as started2956 .verification_failed_batch2957 with a failed record with retry due2958 returns IDs of rows which are synced and have failed verification2959 excludes rows which are not synced or have not failed verification2960 marks verification as started2961 when verification_retry_at is in the future2962 does not return the row which failed verification2963 .needs_verification_count2964 returns the number of rows which are synced and pending verification2965 includes rows which are synced and failed verification and are due for retry2966 excludes rows which are synced and failed verification and have a future retry time2967 excludes rows which are not synced or are not (pending or failed) verification2968 #verification_succeeded!2969 clears checksum mismatch fields2970 #track_checksum_attempt!2971 yields to the checksum calculation2972 when verification was not yet started2973 starts verification2974 when the model record cannot be verified2975 when the registry is already verification_disabled2976 leaves verification as disabled2977 when the registry is verification_pending2978 changes verification to disabled2979 when the primary site is expected to checksum the model record2980 comparison with primary checksum2981 when the calculated checksum matches the primary checksum2982 transitions to verification_succeeded and updates the checksum2983 when the calculated checksum does not match the primary checksum2984 transitions to verification_failed and updates mismatch fields2985 when verification was started2986 does not update verification_started_at2987 when an error occurs while yielding2988 sets verification_failed2989 .with_search2990 when query is empty2991 returns all registries2992 when query is not empty2993 calls model_class search method2994Projects::CreateFromTemplateService2995 #execute2996 does not create project from custom template2997 when use_custom_template is not present or false2998 creates an empty project2999 when custom_project_templates feature is not enabled3000 creates an empty project3001 when custom_project_template does not exist3002 does not attempt to import a project3003 use_template_name: true3004 returns the created project3005 the result project3006 overrides template description3007 overrides template visibility_level3008 creating project from a Group project template3009 when the namespace is not a descendant of the Group owning the template3010 when project is created under a group that is outside the hierarchy its root ancestor group3011 behaves like a project that isn't persisted3012 isn't persisted3013 when project is created under a group that is a descendant of its root ancestor group3014 behaves like a project that isn't persisted3015 isn't persisted3016 when project is created under a subgroup that is a descendant of its root ancestor group3017 behaves like a project that isn't persisted3018 isn't persisted3019 when project is created outside of group hierarchy3020 behaves like a project that isn't persisted3021 isn't persisted3022 when the namespace is inside the hierarchy of the Group owning the template3023 when project is created under its parent group3024 behaves like a persisted project3025 is persisted3026 when project is created under the same group3027 behaves like a persisted project3028 is persisted3029 when project is created under its descendant group3030 behaves like a persisted project3031 is persisted3032 when project is created under a group that is a descendant of its parent group3033 behaves like a persisted project3034 is persisted3035 when project is created under a subgroup that is a descendant of its parent group3036 behaves like a persisted project3037 is persisted3038 use_template_name: false3039 returns the created project3040 the result project3041 overrides template description3042 overrides template visibility_level3043 creating project from a Group project template3044 when the namespace is not a descendant of the Group owning the template3045 when project is created under a group that is outside the hierarchy its root ancestor group3046 behaves like a project that isn't persisted3047 isn't persisted3048 when project is created under a group that is a descendant of its root ancestor group3049 behaves like a project that isn't persisted3050 isn't persisted3051 when project is created under a subgroup that is a descendant of its root ancestor group3052 behaves like a project that isn't persisted3053 isn't persisted3054 when project is created outside of group hierarchy3055 behaves like a project that isn't persisted3056 isn't persisted3057 when the namespace is inside the hierarchy of the Group owning the template3058 when project is created under its parent group3059 behaves like a persisted project3060 is persisted3061 when project is created under the same group3062 behaves like a persisted project3063 is persisted3064 when project is created under its descendant group3065 behaves like a persisted project3066 is persisted3067 when project is created under a group that is a descendant of its parent group3068 behaves like a persisted project3069 is persisted3070 when project is created under a subgroup that is a descendant of its parent group3071 behaves like a persisted project3072 is persisted3073Gitlab::Elastic::GroupSearchResults3074 issues search3075 state not provided3076 returns opened and closed results3077 all state3078 returns opened and closed results3079 closed state3080 returns only closed results3081 opened state3082 returns only opened results3083 unsupported state3084 returns only opened results3085 filter not provided (all behavior)3086 returns confidential and not confidential results3087 confidential filter3088 returns only confidential results3089 not confidential filter3090 returns not confidential results3091 merge_requests search3092 state not provided3093 returns opened and closed results3094 all state3095 returns opened and closed results3096 closed state3097 returns only closed results3098 opened state3099 returns only opened results3100 unsupported state3101 returns only opened results3102 blobs3103 behaves like search results filtered by language3104 filters by language3105 users3106 returns an empty list3107 with group members3108 returns matching users who have access to the group3109 query performance3110 for scope projects3111 makes 1 Elasticsearch query3112 for scope notes3113 makes 1 Elasticsearch query3114 for scope blobs3115 makes 1 Elasticsearch query3116 for scope wiki_blobs3117 makes 1 Elasticsearch query3118 for scope commits3119 makes 1 Elasticsearch query3120 for scope issues3121 makes 1 Elasticsearch query3122 for scope merge_requests3123 makes 1 Elasticsearch query3124 for scope milestones3125 makes 1 Elasticsearch query3126 for scope users3127 makes 1 Elasticsearch query3128 for scope projects3129 makes count query3130 for scope notes3131 makes count query3132 for scope blobs3133 makes count query3134 for scope wiki_blobs3135 makes count query3136 for scope commits3137 makes count query3138 for scope issues3139 makes count query3140 for scope merge_requests3141 makes count query3142 for scope milestones3143 makes count query3144 for scope users3145 makes count query3146Security::SecurityOrchestrationPolicies::ProcessScanResultPolicyService3147 #execute3148 sets project approval rule based on policy3149 without any require_approval action3150 does not create approval project rules3151 without any rule of the scan_finding type3152 does not create approval project rules3153 with only user id3154 behaves like create approval rule with specific approver3155 succeeds creating approval rules with specific approver3156 with only username3157 behaves like create approval rule with specific approver3158 succeeds creating approval rules with specific approver3159 with role_approvers3160 when scan_result_role_action is disabled3161 does not create scan_result_policy_read3162 behaves like create approval rule with specific approver3163 succeeds creating approval rules with specific approver3164 when scan_result_role_action is enabled3165 creates approval rules with role approvers3166 creates scan_result_policy_read3167 with only group id3168 behaves like create approval rule with specific approver3169 succeeds creating approval rules with specific approver3170 with public group outside of the scope3171 does not include any approvers3172 with private group outside of the scope3173 does not include any approvers3174 with an invited group3175 includes group related approvers3176 with only group path3177 behaves like create approval rule with specific approver3178 succeeds creating approval rules with specific approver3179 when groups with same name exist in and outside of container3180 with security_policy_global_group_approvers_enabled setting disabled3181 excludes groups outside the container3182 with security_policy_global_group_approvers_enabled setting enabled3183 includes groups outside the container3184 with a specific number of rules3185 rules_count: 4, expected_rules_count: 43186 creates approval rules up to limit3187 rules_count: 5, expected_rules_count: 53188 creates approval rules up to limit3189 rules_count: 6, expected_rules_count: 53190 creates approval rules up to limit3191 when user does not have edit_approval_rule permission3192 behaves like create approval rule with specific approver3193 succeeds creating approval rules with specific approver3194 with empty branches3195 sets applies_to_all_protected_branches to true3196 rule params `protected_branch_ids`3197 when feature flag `group_protected_branches` enabled3198 set `protected_branch_ids` from the project and group level3199 when feature flag `group_protected_branches` disabled3200 set `protected_branch_ids` from only the project level3201 with license_finding rule_type3202 creates scan_result_policy_read3203 creates software_license_policies3204 creates approval_rules with valid params3205MergeRequestDiff3206 is expected to respond to #log_geo_deleted_event3207 .with_verification_state3208 returns records with given scope3209 .checksummed3210 returns records with given scope3211 .not_checksummed3212 returns records with given scope3213 #save_verification_details3214 when model record is not part of verifiables scope3215 does not create verification details3216 when model_record is part of verifiables scope3217 creates verification details3218 #after_save3219 when diff is stored externally and locally3220 does not create verification details when diff is without files3221 does not create verification details when diff is empty3222 creates verification details3223 for a remote stored diff3224 does not create verification details3225 when diff is not stored externally3226 does not create verification details3227 .search3228 when search query is empty3229 returns all records3230 when search query is not empty3231 without matches3232 filters all records3233 with matches by attributes3234 for external_diff attribute3235 returns merge_request_diffs limited to 1000 records3236 .with_files_stored_locally3237 includes states with local storage3238 excludes states with local storage3239 .has_external_diffs3240 only includes diffs with files3241 only includes externally stored diffs3242 .project_id_in3243 only includes diffs for the provided projects3244 .replicables_for_current_secondary3245 without selective sync or object storage3246 excludes diffs stored in the database3247 excludes empty diffs3248 selective_sync_enabled: true, object_storage_sync_enabled: true, diff_in_object_storage: true, synced_states: 13249 returns the proper number of merge request diff states3250 selective_sync_enabled: true, object_storage_sync_enabled: true, diff_in_object_storage: false, synced_states: 13251 returns the proper number of merge request diff states3252 selective_sync_enabled: true, object_storage_sync_enabled: false, diff_in_object_storage: true, synced_states: 03253 returns the proper number of merge request diff states3254 selective_sync_enabled: true, object_storage_sync_enabled: false, diff_in_object_storage: false, synced_states: 13255 returns the proper number of merge request diff states3256 selective_sync_enabled: false, object_storage_sync_enabled: false, diff_in_object_storage: false, synced_states: 23257 returns the proper number of merge request diff states3258 selective_sync_enabled: false, object_storage_sync_enabled: false, diff_in_object_storage: true, synced_states: 03259 returns the proper number of merge request diff states3260 selective_sync_enabled: false, object_storage_sync_enabled: true, diff_in_object_storage: true, synced_states: 23261 returns the proper number of merge request diff states3262 selective_sync_enabled: false, object_storage_sync_enabled: true, diff_in_object_storage: false, synced_states: 23263 returns the proper number of merge request diff states3264 selective_sync_enabled: true, object_storage_sync_enabled: true, diff_in_object_storage: false, synced_states: 13265 returns the proper number of merge request diff states3266Groups::UpdateService#execute3267 audit events3268 #visibility3269 when licensed3270 does not log audit event if operation fails3271 does not log audit event if operation results in no change3272 when operation succeeds3273 logs an audit event3274 logs the audit event info3275 calls the audit method with the event type3276 when not licensed3277 does not log audit event3278 ip restrictions3279 when IP restrictions were changed3280 when licensed3281 does not log audit event if operation fails3282 does not log audit event if operation results in no change3283 when operation succeeds3284 logs an audit event3285 logs the audit event info3286 calls the audit method with the event type3287 when not licensed3288 does not log audit event3289 sub group3290 sends the audit streaming event3291 changing file_template_project_id3292 as a group maintainer3293 does not allow a project to be removed3294 does not allow a project to be set3295 as a group owner3296 allows a project to be removed3297 allows a valid project to be set3298 does not allow a project outwith the group to be set3299 does not allow a non-existent project to be set3300 in a subgroup3301 does not allow a project the group owner cannot see to be set3302 allows a project in the subgroup to be set3303 repository_size_limit assignment as Bytes3304 when param present3305 converts from MB to Bytes3306 when param not present3307 assign nil value3308 setting ip_restriction3309 when ip_restriction already exists3310 empty ip restriction param3311 deletes ip restriction3312 setting allowed email domain3313 when allowed_email_domain already exists3314 allowed_email_domains_list param is not specified3315 does not call EE::AllowedEmailDomains::UpdateService#execute3316 allowed_email_domains_list param is blank3317 as a group owner3318 calls EE::AllowedEmailDomains::UpdateService#execute3319 update is successful3320 deletes existing allowed_email_domain record3321 as a normal user3322 calls EE::AllowedEmailDomains::UpdateService#execute3323 update is not successful3324 registers an error3325 does not delete existing allowed_email_domain record3326 updating protected params3327 as an admin3328 updates the attributes3329 as a regular user3330 ignores the attributes3331 updating insight_attributes.project_id param3332 when project is not in the group3333 when user can read the project3334 behaves like ignorance of the Insights project ID3335 ignores the Insights project ID3336 when user cannot read the project3337 behaves like ignorance of the Insights project ID3338 ignores the Insights project ID3339 when project is in the group3340 when user can read the project3341 behaves like successful update of the Insights project3342 updates the Insights project3343 when user cannot read the project3344 behaves like ignorance of the Insights project ID3345 ignores the Insights project ID3346 updating analytics_dashboards_pointer_attributes.target_project_id param3347 updates the Analytics Dashboards pointer project3348 when pointer project is empty3349 removes pointer project3350 updating `max_personal_access_token_lifetime` param3351 updates the attribute3352 when the group does not enforce managed accounts3353 behaves like it does not call the update lifetime service3354 doesn't call the update lifetime service3355 when the group enforces managed accounts3356 without `personal_access_token_expiration_policy` licensed3357 behaves like it does not call the update lifetime service3358 doesn't call the update lifetime service3359 with personal_access_token_expiration_policy licensed3360 when `max_personal_access_token_lifetime` is updated to null value3361 behaves like it does not call the update lifetime service3362 doesn't call the update lifetime service3363 when `max_personal_access_token_lifetime` is updated to a non-null value3364 executes the update lifetime service3365DeleteOrphanedCommits3366 migration_options3367 has migration options set correctly3368 completed?3369 when there are no more orphaned commits3370 is expected to be truthy3371 when there are commits missing parent join and visibility level3372 is expected to be falsey3373 when there are commits missing only parent join3374 is expected to be truthy (FAILED - 1)33761st Try error in ./ee/spec/elastic/migrate/20220118150500_delete_orphaned_commits_spec.rb:54:3377expected: truthy value3378 got: false3380RSpec::Retry: 2nd try ./ee/spec/elastic/migrate/20220118150500_delete_orphaned_commits_spec.rb:543381 migrate3382 when task succeeds3383 completes the migration3384 when task fails3385 raises an error3386 task_failed?3387 returns whether failures are present3388Boards::UpdateService3389 #execute3390 with group board3391 behaves like board update service3392 updates the board with valid params3393 does not update the board with invalid params3394 with scoped_issue_board available3395 user is member of the board parent3396 updates the configuration params when scoped issue board is enabled3397 when labels param is used3398 when user can create new labels3399 adds labels to the board3400 when user can not create new labels3401 adds only existing labels to the board3402 without scoped_issue_board available3403 filters unpermitted params when scoped issue board is not enabled3404 with project board3405 behaves like board update service3406 updates the board with valid params3407 does not update the board with invalid params3408 with scoped_issue_board available3409 user is member of the board parent3410 updates the configuration params when scoped issue board is enabled3411 when labels param is used3412 when user can create new labels3413 adds labels to the board3414 when user can not create new labels3415 adds only existing labels to the board3416 without scoped_issue_board available3417 filters unpermitted params when scoped issue board is not enabled3418 when setting a timebox3419 behaves like setting a milestone scope3420 behaves like setting a timebox scope3421 for a group board3422 behaves like an invalid milestone3423 when milestone is from another project / group3424 is expected to be nil3425 behaves like a predefined milestone3426 None3427 is expected to eq #<struct Timebox::TimeboxStruct title="No Milestone", name="No Milestone", id=0, class_name="Milestone">3428 Any3429 is expected to eq #<struct Timebox::TimeboxStruct title="Any Milestone", name="", id=-1, class_name="Milestone">3430 Upcoming3431 is expected to eq #<struct Timebox::TimeboxStruct title="Upcoming", name="#upcoming", id=-2, class_name="Milestone">3432 Started3433 is expected to eq #<struct Timebox::TimeboxStruct title="Started", name="#started", id=-3, class_name="Milestone">3434 behaves like a group milestone3435 when milestone is in current group3436 is expected to eq #<Milestone id:3 %"My title 152">3437 when milestone is in an ancestor group3438 is expected to eq #<Milestone id:4 %"My title 153">3439 for a project board3440 behaves like an invalid milestone3441 when milestone is from another project / group3442 is expected to be nil3443 behaves like a predefined milestone3444 None3445 is expected to eq #<struct Timebox::TimeboxStruct title="No Milestone", name="No Milestone", id=0, class_name="Milestone">3446 Any3447 is expected to eq #<struct Timebox::TimeboxStruct title="Any Milestone", name="", id=-1, class_name="Milestone">3448 Upcoming3449 is expected to eq #<struct Timebox::TimeboxStruct title="Upcoming", name="#upcoming", id=-2, class_name="Milestone">3450 Started3451 is expected to eq #<struct Timebox::TimeboxStruct title="Started", name="#started", id=-3, class_name="Milestone">3452 behaves like a group milestone3453 when milestone is in current group3454 is expected to eq #<Milestone id:6 %"My title 155">3455 when milestone is in an ancestor group3456 is expected to eq #<Milestone id:7 %"My title 156">3457 when milestone is a project milestone3458 is expected to eq #<Milestone id:8 group204/group205/project844%"My title 157">3459 behaves like setting an iteration scope3460 behaves like setting a timebox scope3461 for a group board3462 behaves like an invalid iteration3463 when iteration is from another project / group3464 is expected to be nil3465 behaves like a predefined iteration3466 without iteration cadence3467 None3468 is expected to raise ArgumentError with "No cadence could be found to scope board to NONE iteration."3469 Any3470 is expected to raise ArgumentError with "No cadence could be found to scope board to ANY iteration."3471 Current3472 is expected to raise ArgumentError with "No cadence could be found to scope board to CURRENT iteration."3473 with iteration cadence3474 None3475 is expected to eq #<struct Timebox::TimeboxStruct title="None", name="none", id=0, class_name="Iteration">3476 Any3477 is expected to eq #<struct Timebox::TimeboxStruct title="Any", name="any", id=-1, class_name="Iteration">3478 Current3479 is expected to eq #<struct Timebox::TimeboxStruct title="Current", name="current", id=-4, class_name="Iteration">3480 behaves like a group iteration3481 when iteration is in current group3482 is expected to eq #<Iteration id:3 *iteration:3>3483 when iteration is in an ancestor group3484 is expected to eq #<Iteration id:4 *iteration:4>3485 for a project board3486 behaves like an invalid iteration3487 when iteration is from another project / group3488 is expected to be nil3489 behaves like a predefined iteration3490 without iteration cadence3491 None3492 is expected to raise ArgumentError with "No cadence could be found to scope board to NONE iteration."3493 Any3494 is expected to raise ArgumentError with "No cadence could be found to scope board to ANY iteration."3495 Current3496 is expected to raise ArgumentError with "No cadence could be found to scope board to CURRENT iteration."3497 with iteration cadence3498 None3499 is expected to eq #<struct Timebox::TimeboxStruct title="None", name="none", id=0, class_name="Iteration">3500 Any3501 is expected to eq #<struct Timebox::TimeboxStruct title="Any", name="any", id=-1, class_name="Iteration">3502 Current3503 is expected to eq #<struct Timebox::TimeboxStruct title="Current", name="current", id=-4, class_name="Iteration">3504 behaves like a group iteration3505 when iteration is in current group3506 is expected to eq #<Iteration id:6 *iteration:6>3507 when iteration is in an ancestor group3508 is expected to eq #<Iteration id:7 *iteration:7>3509ProtectedEnvironment3510 associations3511 is expected to belong to project required: false3512 is expected to have many deploy_access_levels3513 is expected to have many approval_rules class_name => ProtectedEnvironments::ApprovalRule inverse_of => protected_environment3514 validation3515 is expected to validate that :name cannot be empty/falsy3516 is expected to validate that the length of :deploy_access_levels3517 is expected to validate that :required_approval_count looks like an integer greater than or equal to 0 and less than or equal to 53518 can not belong to both group and project3519 must belong to one of group or project3520 group-level protected environment3521 passes the validation when the name is listed in the tiers3522 fails the validation when the name is not listed in the tiers3523 #accessible_to?3524 when user is admin3525 is expected to be truthy3526 when access has been granted to user3527 is expected to be truthy3528 when specific access has been assigned to a group3529 allows members of the group3530 rejects non-members of the group3531 when access has been granted to maintainers3532 allows maintainers3533 rejects developers3534 when access has been granted to developers3535 allows maintainers3536 allows developers3537 #container_access_level3538 with project-level protected environment3539 behaves like correct access levels3540 for project maintainer3541 is expected to eq 403542 for project developer3543 is expected to eq 303544 when user is nil3545 is expected to eq 03546 with group-level protected environment3547 behaves like correct access levels3548 for project maintainer3549 is expected to eq 403550 for project developer3551 is expected to eq 303552 when user is nil3553 is expected to eq 03554 #project_level?3555 for a project-level protected environment3556 is expected to be truthy3557 for a group-level protected environment3558 is expected to be falsey3559 #group_level?3560 for a group-level protected environment3561 is expected to be truthy3562 for a project-level protected environment3563 is expected to be falsey3564 .sorted_by_name3565 sorts protected environments by name3566 .with_environment_id3567 sets corresponding environment id if there is environment matching by name and project3568 .revoke_user3569 deletes matching deploy access levels for the given user3570 when user is assigned to protected environment in the other project3571 deletes matching deploy access levels for the given user in the specific project3572 .revoke_group3573 deletes matching deploy access levels for the given group3574 when user is assigned to protected environment in the other project3575 returns matching deploy access levels for the given group in the specific project3576 .for_environment3577 is expected to contain exactly #<ProtectedEnvironment id: 32, project_id: 885, created_at: "2023-04-12 14:59:22.694253096 +0000", up...2023-04-12 14:59:22.694253096 +0000", name: "production", group_id: nil, required_approval_count: 0>3578 caches result3579 calls .for_environments with the environment3580 when environment does not exist3581 raises an error3582 .for_environments3583 is expected to contain exactly #<ProtectedEnvironment id: 36, project_id: 886, created_at: "2023-04-12 14:59:23.699777013 +0000", up...2023-04-12 14:59:23.699777013 +0000", name: "production", group_id: nil, required_approval_count: 0>3584 raises an error if environments belong to more than one project3585 when environment is a different name3586 is expected to be empty3587 when environment exists in a different project3588 is expected to be empty3589 with group-level protected environment3590 with project-level production environment3591 has multiple protections3592 when project-level protection does not exist3593 has only group-level protection3594 with staging environment3595 does not have any protections3596 with multiple environments3597 is expected to contain exactly #<ProtectedEnvironment id: 45, project_id: 886, created_at: "2023-04-12 14:59:27.321931643 +0000", up...2023-04-12 14:59:27.321931643 +0000", name: "production", group_id: nil, required_approval_count: 0> and #<ProtectedEnvironment id: 46, project_id: 886, created_at: "2023-04-12 14:59:27.426450936 +0000", up...t: "2023-04-12 14:59:27.426450936 +0000", name: "canary", group_id: nil, required_approval_count: 0>3598Gitlab::CodeOwners::File3599 #parsed_data3600 when CODEOWNERS file contains no sections3601 parses all the required lines3602 allows usernames and emails3603 when handling a sectional codeowners file3604 populates a hash with a single default section3605 when CODEOWNERS file contains sections at the middle of a line3606 parses only sections that start at the beginning of a line3607 when CODEOWNERS file contains multiple sections3608 behaves like creates expected parsed sectional results3609 is a hash sorted by sections without duplicates3610 section: "codeowners", patterns: ["/**/#file_with_pound.rb", "/**/*", "/**/*.rb", "/**/CODEOWNERS", "/**/LICENSE", "/**/lib/**/*", "/**/path with spaces/**/*", "/config/**/*", "/docs/*", "/docs/**/*"], owners: ["@all-docs", "@config-owner", "@default-codeowner", "@legal this does not match", "@lib-owner", "@multiple @owners\t@tab-separated", "@owner-file-with-pound", "@root-docs", "@ruby-owner", "@space-owner"], owners_ff_disabled: ["@all-docs", "@config-owner", "@default-codeowner", "@legal this does not match", "@lib-owner", "@multiple @owners\t@tab-separated", "@owner-file-with-pound", "@root-docs", "@ruby-owner", "@space-owner"]3611 assigns the correct paths to each section3612 assigns the correct owners for each entry3613 section: "Documentation", patterns: ["/**/", "/**/ee/docs", "/**/docs"], owners: ["@gl-docs"], owners_ff_disabled: ["@gl-docs"]3614 assigns the correct paths to each section3615 assigns the correct owners for each entry3616 section: "Database", patterns: ["/**/", "/**/model/db"], owners: ["@gl-database"], owners_ff_disabled: ["@gl-database"]3617 assigns the correct paths to each section3618 assigns the correct owners for each entry3619 section: "Two Words", patterns: ["/**/", "/**/model/db"], owners: ["@gl-database"], owners_ff_disabled: ["@gl-database"]3620 assigns the correct paths to each section3621 assigns the correct owners for each entry3622 section: "Double::Colon", patterns: ["/**/", "/**/model/db"], owners: ["@gl-database"], owners_ff_disabled: ["@gl-database"]3623 assigns the correct paths to each section3624 assigns the correct owners for each entry3625 section: "DefaultOwners", patterns: ["/**/", "/**/model/db"], owners: ["@config-owner @gl-docs"], owners_ff_disabled: [""]3626 assigns the correct paths to each section3627 assigns the correct owners for each entry3628 section: "OverriddenOwners", patterns: ["/**/", "/**/model/db"], owners: ["@gl-docs"], owners_ff_disabled: ["@gl-docs"]3629 assigns the correct paths to each section3630 assigns the correct owners for each entry3631 when CODEOWNERS file contains multiple sections with mixed-case names3632 behaves like creates expected parsed sectional results3633 is a hash sorted by sections without duplicates3634 section: "codeowners", patterns: ["/**/#file_with_pound.rb", "/**/*", "/**/*.rb", "/**/CODEOWNERS", "/**/LICENSE", "/**/lib/**/*", "/**/path with spaces/**/*", "/config/**/*", "/docs/*", "/docs/**/*"], owners: ["@all-docs", "@config-owner", "@default-codeowner", "@legal this does not match", "@lib-owner", "@multiple @owners\t@tab-separated", "@owner-file-with-pound", "@root-docs", "@ruby-owner", "@space-owner"], owners_ff_disabled: ["@all-docs", "@config-owner", "@default-codeowner", "@legal this does not match", "@lib-owner", "@multiple @owners\t@tab-separated", "@owner-file-with-pound", "@root-docs", "@ruby-owner", "@space-owner"]3635 assigns the correct paths to each section3636 assigns the correct owners for each entry3637 section: "Documentation", patterns: ["/**/", "/**/ee/docs", "/**/docs"], owners: ["@gl-docs"], owners_ff_disabled: ["@gl-docs"]3638 assigns the correct paths to each section3639 assigns the correct owners for each entry3640 section: "Database", patterns: ["/**/", "/**/model/db"], owners: ["@gl-database"], owners_ff_disabled: ["@gl-database"]3641 assigns the correct paths to each section3642 assigns the correct owners for each entry3643 section: "Two Words", patterns: ["/**/", "/**/model/db"], owners: ["@gl-database"], owners_ff_disabled: ["@gl-database"]3644 assigns the correct paths to each section3645 assigns the correct owners for each entry3646 section: "Double::Colon", patterns: ["/**/", "/**/model/db"], owners: ["@gl-database"], owners_ff_disabled: ["@gl-database"]3647 assigns the correct paths to each section3648 assigns the correct owners for each entry3649 section: "DefaultOwners", patterns: ["/**/", "/**/model/db"], owners: ["@config-owner @gl-docs"], owners_ff_disabled: [""]3650 assigns the correct paths to each section3651 assigns the correct owners for each entry3652 section: "OverriddenOwners", patterns: ["/**/", "/**/model/db"], owners: ["@gl-docs"], owners_ff_disabled: ["@gl-docs"]3653 assigns the correct paths to each section3654 assigns the correct owners for each entry3655 when CODEOWNERS file contains approvals_required3656 parses the approvals_required3657 #empty?3658 is expected to equal false3659 when there is no content3660 is expected to equal true3661 when the file is binary3662 is expected to equal true3663 when the file did not exist3664 is expected to equal true3665 #path3666 when the blob exists3667 returns the path to the file3668 when the blob is nil3669 returns nil3670 #sections3671 when CODEOWNERS file contains sections3672 returns unique sections3673 when CODEOWNERS file is missing3674 returns a default section3675 #optional_section?3676 returns whether a section is optional3677 #entry_for_path3678 when CODEOWNERS file contains no sections3679 behaves like returns expected matches3680 matches random files to a pattern3681 uses the last pattern if multiple patterns match3682 returns the usernames for a file matching a pattern with a glob3683 allows specifying multiple users3684 returns emails and usernames for a matched pattern3685 allows escaping the pound sign used for comments3686 returns the usernames for a file nested in a directory3687 returns the usernames for a pattern matched with a glob in a folder3688 allows matching files nested anywhere in the repository3689 allows allows limiting the matching files to the root of the repository3690 correctly matches paths with spaces3691 for a path without matches3692 returns an empty array for an unmatched path3693 paths with whitespaces and username lookalikes3694 parses correctly3695 a glob on the root directory3696 matches files in the root directory3697 does not match nested files3698 partial matches3699 does not match a file in a folder that looks the same3700 matches the file in any folder3701 when CODEOWNERS file contains multiple sections3702 behaves like returns expected matches3703 matches random files to a pattern3704 uses the last pattern if multiple patterns match3705 returns the usernames for a file matching a pattern with a glob3706 allows specifying multiple users3707 returns emails and usernames for a matched pattern3708 allows escaping the pound sign used for comments3709 returns the usernames for a file nested in a directory3710 returns the usernames for a pattern matched with a glob in a folder3711 allows matching files nested anywhere in the repository3712 allows allows limiting the matching files to the root of the repository3713 correctly matches paths with spaces3714 for a path without matches3715 returns an empty array for an unmatched path3716 paths with whitespaces and username lookalikes3717 parses correctly3718 a glob on the root directory3719 matches files in the root directory3720 does not match nested files3721 partial matches3722 does not match a file in a folder that looks the same3723 matches the file in any folder3724Types::VulnerabilityType3725 # order random3726 is expected to require graphql authorizations :read_security_resource3727 is expected to have graphql fields :userPermissions, :id, :title, :description, :descriptionHtml, :message, :user_notes_count, :state, :severity, :report_type, :resolved_on_default_branch, :vulnerability_path, :web_url, :location, :scanner, :primary_identifier, :identifiers, :project, :issueLinks, :detected_at, :confirmed_at, :resolved_at, :dismissed_at, :updated_at, :notes, :external_issue_links, :links, :has_solutions, :false_positive, :state_comment, :merge_request, :discussions, :confirmed_by, :resolved_by, :dismissed_by, :details, :commenters, and :state_transitions3728 web_url3729 is the URL to the vulnerability's detail page3730 vulnerability_path3731 is the path to the vulnerability's detail page3732 #description3733 when the vulnerability description field is populated3734 returns the description for the vulnerability3735 when the vulnerability description field is empty3736 returns the description for the vulnerability finding3737 merge_request3738 when `deprecate_vulnerabilities_feedback` feature is enabled3739 returns the merge request through merge_request_link3740 when `deprecate_vulnerabilities_feedback` feature is disabled3741 returns the merge request through merge request feedback3742 false_positive3743 when the license is missing3744 returns nil3745 when the vulnerability does not have any false positive flag3746 returns false for false-positive field3747 #descriptionHtml3748 when the vulnerability descriptionHtml field is populated3749 returns the description for the vulnerability3750 when the vulnerability descriptionHtml field is empty3751 returns the descriptionHtml for the vulnerability finding3752 has_solutions3753 N+1 queries3754 behaves like N+1 queries3755 avoids N+1 database queries3756 stateComment3757 deprecate_vulnerabilities_feedback feature flag is enabled3758 returns the comment for the latest state transition3759 N+1 queries3760 behaves like N+1 queries3761 avoids N+1 database queries3762 deprecate_vulnerabilities_feedback feature flag is disabled3763 returns the comment given on the dismissal feedback3764Search::IndexRepairService3765 # order random3766 .execute3767 when search_index_integrity feature flag is disabled3768 behaves like does no index repair work3769 does not call the search client3770 when project.should_check_index_integrity? is false3771 behaves like does no index repair work3772 does not call the search client3773 when project and blobs exist in the index3774 does not log anything3775 behaves like gets counts for project and blobs from the search client3776 gets counts for project and blobs from the search client but does not log anything3777 when blobs are missing from the index3778 logs a warning3779 behaves like gets counts for project and blobs from the search client3780 gets counts for project and blobs from the search client but does not log anything3781 when project is missing from the index3782 logs a warning3783 behaves like gets counts for project and blobs from the search client3784 gets counts for project and blobs from the search client but does not log anything3785Security::Ingestion::Tasks::IngestFindings3786 #execute3787 ingests findings3788 sets the finding and vulnerability ids3789 behaves like bulk insertable task3790 when the validation fails3791 can generate error messages correctly3792Epics::CrossHierarchyAncestorsFinder3793 # order random3794 #execute3795 when epics feature is disabled3796 raises an exception3797 when epics feature is enabled3798 without param3799 raises an error when child param is missing3800 when user can not read the epic3801 returns empty collection3802 when user can read the epic3803 returns only accessible ancestors3804 with parent3805 returns ancestor epics with given parent3806 with confidential epics3807 when user is guest in other group3808 filters out confidential parent3809 when user is reporter in other group3810 returns confidential ancestor3811 when user can access all ancestors3812 returns an empty list if there is no parent3813 returns ancestors in ascending order3814 behaves like epics hierarchy finder with filtering3815 with correct params3816 returns all epics even if user can not access them3817 with created_at3818 returns all epics created before the given date3819 returns all epics created after the given date3820 returns all epics created within the given interval3821 with search3822 returns all epics that match the search3823 with user reaction emoji3824 returns epics reacted to by user3825 with author3826 returns all epics authored by the given user3827 when using OR3828 returns all epics authored by any of the given users3829 when feature flag is disabled3830 does not add any filter3831 with label3832 returns all epics with given label3833 returns all epics without negated label3834 with state3835 returns all epics with given state3836 with timeframe3837 returns epics which start in the timeframe3838 returns epics which end in the timeframe3839 returns epics which start before and end after the timeframe3840 when one of the timeframe params are missing3841 does not filter by timeframe if start_date is missing3842 does not filter by timeframe if end_date is missing3843 with milestone3844 returns empty result if the milestone is not present3845 returns only epics which have an issue from the milestone3846 when using iid starts with query3847 returns the expected epics if just the first two numbers are given3848 returns the expected epics if the exact id is given3849 fails if iid_starts_with contains a non-numeric string3850 fails if iid_starts_with contains a non-numeric string with line breaks3851 fails if iid_starts_with contains a string which contains a negative number3852 behaves like epic findable finder3853 has expected valid params3854Environment3855 is expected to have many dora_daily_metrics3856 .deployed_to_cluster3857 when there is no deployment3858 returns nothing3859 when there is a deployment for the cluster3860 returns the environment for the last deployment3861 when there is a non-cluster deployment3862 returns nothing3863 when the non-cluster deployment is latest3864 returns nothing3865 #protected?3866 when Protected Environments feature is not available on the project3867 is expected to be falsy3868 when Protected Environments feature is available on the project3869 when the environment is protected3870 is expected to be truthy3871 when the environment is not protected3872 is expected to be falsy3873 #protected_from?3874 when Protected Environments feature is not available on the project3875 is expected to be falsy3876 when Protected Environments feature is available on the project3877 when the environment is not protected3878 is expected to be falsy3879 when the user is nil3880 is expected to be truthy3881 when environment is protected and user dont have access to it3882 is expected to be truthy3883 when environment is protected and user have access to it3884 is expected to be falsy3885 caches result3886 #protected_by?3887 when Protected Environments feature is not available on the project3888 is expected to be falsy3889 when Protected Environments feature is available on the project3890 when the environment is not protected3891 is expected to be falsy3892 when the user is nil3893 is expected to be falsy3894 when environment is protected and user dont have access to it3895 is expected to be falsy3896 when environment is protected and user have access to it3897 is expected to be truthy3898 #without_protected3899 when protected by project3900 is expected to be empty3901 when protected by group3902 is expected to be empty3903 #reactive_cache_updated3904 expires the environments path for the project3905 with a group cluster3906 expires the environments path for the group cluster3907 with an instance cluster3908 expires the environments path for the group cluster3909 #needs_approval?3910 when Protected Environments feature is available3911 with unified access level3912 with some approvals required3913 is expected to be truthy3914 with no approvals required3915 is expected to be falsey3916 with multi access levels3917 with some approvals required3918 is expected to be truthy3919 with no approvals required3920 is expected to be falsey3921 when Protected Environments feature is not available3922 is expected to be falsey3923 #required_approval_count3924 when Protected Environments feature is not available3925 is expected to eq 03926 when Protected Environments feature is available3927 and no associated protected environments exist3928 is expected to eq 03929 with unified approval setting3930 with one associated protected environment3931 returns the required_approval_count of the protected environment3932 with multiple associated protected environments3933 returns the highest required_approval_count of the protected environments3934 with multiple approval rules3935 returns the sum of required approvals for all approval rules3936 #has_approval_rules?3937 is expected to eq false3938 with approval rules3939 is expected to eq true3940 #find_approval_rule_for3941 is expected to be nil3942 with approval rules3943 when user belongs to QA group3944 is expected to eq #<ProtectedEnvironments::ApprovalRule id: 5, protected_environment_id: 64, user_id: nil, group_id: 24...4-12 15:00:57.656095148 +0000", access_level: nil, required_approvals: 1, group_inheritance_type: 0>3945 when user belongs to Security group3946 is expected to eq #<ProtectedEnvironments::ApprovalRule id: 8, protected_environment_id: 64, user_id: nil, group_id: 24...4-12 15:00:57.744731853 +0000", access_level: nil, required_approvals: 1, group_inheritance_type: 0>3947 when user belongs to both groups3948 returns one of the rules3949 when represented as QA group3950 is expected to eq #<ProtectedEnvironments::ApprovalRule id: 11, protected_environment_id: 64, user_id: nil, group_id: 2...4-12 15:00:57.905284457 +0000", access_level: nil, required_approvals: 1, group_inheritance_type: 0>3951 when represented as Security group3952 is expected to eq #<ProtectedEnvironments::ApprovalRule id: 14, protected_environment_id: 64, user_id: nil, group_id: 2...4-12 15:00:57.999302952 +0000", access_level: nil, required_approvals: 1, group_inheritance_type: 0>3953Security::SecurityOrchestrationPolicies::ValidatePolicyService3954 #execute3955 when project or namespace is not provided3956 behaves like checks policy type3957 when policy type is not provided3958 is expected to eq :error3959 is expected to eq "Invalid policy"3960 is expected to contain exactly "Invalid policy type"3961 when policy type is invalid3962 is expected to eq :error3963 is expected to eq "Invalid policy"3964 is expected to contain exactly "Invalid policy type"3965 when policy type is valid3966 is expected to eq :success3967 behaves like checks if branches are provided in rule3968 when rule has agents defined3969 when branches are missing3970 is expected to eq :success3971 when branches are provided3972 is expected to eq :success3973 when rule does not have agents defined3974 when branches are missing3975 policy_type: "scan_result_policy", status: :success, details: nil3976 is expected to eq :success3977 is expected to eq nil3978 behaves like checks only if policy is enabled3979 is expected to eq :success3980 policy_type: "scan_execution_policy", status: :error, details: ["Policy cannot be enabled without branch information"]3981 is expected to eq :error3982 is expected to eq ["Policy cannot be enabled without branch information"]3983 behaves like checks only if policy is enabled3984 is expected to eq :success3985 when branches are provided3986 is expected to eq :success3987 when project is provided3988 behaves like checks policy type3989 when policy type is not provided3990 is expected to eq :error3991 is expected to eq "Invalid policy"3992 is expected to contain exactly "Invalid policy type"3993 when policy type is invalid3994 is expected to eq :error3995 is expected to eq "Invalid policy"3996 is expected to contain exactly "Invalid policy type"3997 when policy type is valid3998 is expected to eq :success3999 behaves like checks if branches are provided in rule4000 when rule has agents defined4001 when branches are missing4002 is expected to eq :success4003 when branches are provided4004 is expected to eq :success4005 when rule does not have agents defined4006 when branches are missing4007 policy_type: "scan_result_policy", status: :success, details: nil4008 is expected to eq :success4009 is expected to eq nil4010 behaves like checks only if policy is enabled4011 is expected to eq :success4012 policy_type: "scan_execution_policy", status: :error, details: ["Policy cannot be enabled without branch information"]4013 is expected to eq :error4014 is expected to eq ["Policy cannot be enabled without branch information"]4015 behaves like checks only if policy is enabled4016 is expected to eq :success4017 when branches are provided4018 is expected to eq :success4019 behaves like checks if branches are defined in the project4020 when rule has agents defined4021 when branches are defined for project4022 is expected to eq :success4023 when branches are not defined for project4024 is expected to eq :success4025 when pattern does not match any branch defined for project4026 is expected to eq :success4027 when rule does not have agents defined4028 when branches are defined for project4029 is expected to eq :success4030 when branches are not defined for project4031 is expected to eq :error4032 is expected to eq "Invalid policy"4033 is expected to contain exactly "Policy cannot be enabled for non-existing branches (non-exising-branch)"4034 behaves like checks only if policy is enabled4035 is expected to eq :success4036 when branches are defined as pattern4037 when pattern matches at least one branch defined for project4038 is expected to eq :success4039 when pattern does not match any branch defined for project4040 is expected to eq :error4041 is expected to eq "Invalid policy"4042 is expected to contain exactly "Policy cannot be enabled for non-existing branches (production-*, test-*)"4043 behaves like checks only if policy is enabled4044 is expected to eq :success4045 when namespace is provided4046 behaves like checks policy type4047 when policy type is not provided4048 is expected to eq :error4049 is expected to eq "Invalid policy"4050 is expected to contain exactly "Invalid policy type"4051 when policy type is invalid4052 is expected to eq :error4053 is expected to eq "Invalid policy"4054 is expected to contain exactly "Invalid policy type"4055 when policy type is valid4056 is expected to eq :success4057 behaves like checks if branches are provided in rule4058 when rule has agents defined4059 when branches are missing4060 is expected to eq :success4061 when branches are provided4062 is expected to eq :success4063 when rule does not have agents defined4064 when branches are missing4065 policy_type: "scan_result_policy", status: :success, details: nil4066 is expected to eq :success4067 is expected to eq nil4068 behaves like checks only if policy is enabled4069 is expected to eq :success4070 policy_type: "scan_execution_policy", status: :error, details: ["Policy cannot be enabled without branch information"]4071 is expected to eq :error4072 is expected to eq ["Policy cannot be enabled without branch information"]4073 behaves like checks only if policy is enabled4074 is expected to eq :success4075 when branches are provided4076 is expected to eq :success4077Gitlab::Zoekt::SearchResults4078 # order random4079 blobs4080 finds blobs by regex search4081 correctly handles pagination4082 finds blobs from searched projects only4083 raises an error if there are somehow no project_id in the filter4084 returns zero when blobs are not found4085 with an invalid search4086 logs an error and returns an empty array for results4087 when searching with special characters4088 finds all examples4089Members::CreateService4090 with group plan observing quota limits4091 already exceeded invite quota limit4092 behaves like quota limit exceeded4093 is expected to include {:status => :error, :message => "Invite limit of 2 per day exceeded"}4094 is expected not to change `Member.count`4095 will exceed invite quota limit4096 behaves like quota limit exceeded4097 is expected to include {:status => :error, :message => "Invite limit of 3 per day exceeded"}4098 is expected not to change `Member.count`4099 within invite quota limit4100 is expected to eq {:status=>:success}4101 is expected to include #<User id:1239 @user364> and #<User id:1240 @user365>4102 infinite invite quota limit4103 is expected to eq {:status=>:success}4104 is expected to include #<User id:1239 @user364> and #<User id:1240 @user365>4105 without a plan4106 is expected to eq {:status=>:success}4107 is expected to include #<User id:1239 @user364> and #<User id:1240 @user365>4108 when assigning tasks to be done4109 when passing many user ids4110 creates 2 task issues4111 streaming audit event4112 audits event with name4113 sends the audit streaming event4114 with seat availability concerns4115 when creating4116 when seat is available4117 with existing user that is a member in our hierarchy4118 adds the member4119 when under the dashboard limit4120 adds the members4121 when seat is not available4122 does not add members4123 when updating with no seats left4124 allows updating existing invited member4125Dashboard::Operations::ListService4126 #execute4127 with added projects4128 returns a list of projects4129 has some project information4130 behaves like no deployment information4131 has no information4132 with `production` deployment4133 provides information about the `production` deployment4134 with alerts4135 provides information about alerts4136 behaves like avoiding N+1 queries4137 ensures a fixed amount of queries4138 with more projects4139 behaves like avoiding N+1 queries4140 ensures a fixed amount of queries4141 without any `production` deployments4142 behaves like no deployment information4143 has no information4144 without deployments4145 behaves like no deployment information4146 has no information4147 without added projects4148 behaves like no projects4149 returns an empty list4150 ensures only a single query4151EE::Noteable4152 .replyable_types4153 adds Epic to replyable_types after being included4154 adds Vulnerability to replyable_types after being included4155 #commenters4156 behaves like commenters4157 does not automatically include the noteable author4158 with no user4159 contains a distinct list of non-internal note authors4160 with non project member4161 contains a distinct list of non-internal note authors4162 does not include a commenter from another noteable4163 with reporter4164 contains a distinct list of non-internal note authors4165 with noteable author4166 contains a distinct list of non-internal note authors4167 #discussion_root_note_ids4168 includes weight and iteration synthetic notes4169 filters by comments only4170 filters by system notes only4171ResourceAccessTokens::RevokeService4172 project access token audit events4173 when project access token is successfully revoked4174 logs project access token details4175 behaves like audit event details4176 creates an audit event4177 logs author and resource info4178 behaves like sends correct event type in audit event stream4179 sends correct event type in audit event stream4180 when project access token is unsuccessfully revoked4181 when access token does not belong to this project4182 logs the find error message4183 behaves like audit event details4184 creates an audit event4185 logs author and resource info4186 behaves like sends correct event type in audit event stream4187 sends correct event type in audit event stream4188 with inadequate permissions4189 logs the permission error message4190 behaves like audit event details4191 creates an audit event4192 logs author and resource info4193 behaves like sends correct event type in audit event stream4194 sends correct event type in audit event stream4195Iterations::Cadence4196 associations4197 is expected to belong to group required: false4198 is expected to have many iterations inverse_of => iterations_cadence4199 validations4200 is expected to validate that :title cannot be empty/falsy4201 is expected to validate that :group_id cannot be empty/falsy4202 is expected not to allow :active to be ‹nil›4203 is expected not to allow :automatic to be ‹nil›4204 is expected to validate that the length of :description is at most 50004205 when iteration cadence is automatic4206 is expected to validate that :start_date cannot be empty/falsy4207 when iteration cadence is manual4208 is expected not to validate that :start_date cannot be empty/falsy4209 start date validation4210 when cadence has a current iteration4211 when a new start date overlaps with the current iteration4212 behaves like an error is raised when start date is invalid4213 raises an error4214 when cadence has a past iteration4215 does not raise an error when start date does not overlap with the past iteration4216 when the new start date overlaps with the past iteration4217 behaves like an error is raised when start date is invalid4218 raises an error4219 when a past iteration would be retroactively created4220 start_date: lazy { earliest_possible_start_date - }4221 raises an error4222 start_date: lazy { earliest_possible_start_date - 2.days }4223 raises an error4224 callbacks4225 before_validation :reset_automation_params4226 when converted to manual4227 resets automation params4228 after_commit4229 ensure_iterations_in_advance4230 does not call CreateIterationsWorker when non-automation field is updated4231 does not call CreateIterationsWorker when manual cadence is created4232 calls CreateIterationsWorker when automation fields are updated4233 calls CreateIterationsWorker when automatic cadence is created4234 calls CreateIterationsWorker when automation fields are updated4235 calls CreateIterationsWorker when automatic cadence is created4236 calls CreateIterationsWorker when automation fields are updated4237 calls CreateIterationsWorker when automatic cadence is created4238 scopes4239 next_to_auto_schedule4240 returns automatic cadences with 'next_run_date' set in the past or to the current date4241 #next_schedule_date_and_count4242 today: lazy { cadence_start_date + 6.days }, existing_iterations: [], expected_schedule_start: lazy { cadence_start_date }, expected_schedule_count: 24243 returns the next occurring cadence start day after the most recent iteration is due with correct scheduling count4244 today: lazy { cadence_start_date }, existing_iterations: [], expected_schedule_start: lazy { cadence_start_date }, expected_schedule_count: 24245 returns the next occurring cadence start day after the most recent iteration is due with correct scheduling count4246 today: lazy { cadence_start_date - 6.days }, existing_iterations: [], expected_schedule_start: lazy { cadence_start_date }, expected_schedule_count: 14247 returns the next occurring cadence start day after the most recent iteration is due with correct scheduling count4248 today: lazy { cadence_start_date + 7.days }, existing_iterations: lazy { [{ start_date: cadence_start_date, due_date: cadence_start_date + 6.days }] }, expected_schedule_start: lazy { cadence_start_date + 7.days }, expected_schedule_count: 24249 returns the next occurring cadence start day after the most recent iteration is due with correct scheduling count4250 today: Sun, 10 Apr 2022, existing_iterations: [{:start_date=>Tue, 05 Apr 2022, :due_date=>Sat, 09 Apr 2022}], expected_schedule_start: lazy {, 4, 9).next_week.next_occurring(cadence_start_day) }, expected_schedule_count: 14251 returns the next occurring cadence start day after the most recent iteration is due with correct scheduling count4252 today: Sun, 10 Apr 2022, existing_iterations: lazy do4253 [4254 { start_date:, 4, 1), due_date:, 4, 4) },4255 { start_date:, 4, 5), due_date:, 4, 10) }4256 ]4257 end, expected_schedule_start: lazy {, 4, 10).next_week.next_occurring(cadence_start_day) }, expected_schedule_count: 14258 returns the next occurring cadence start day after the most recent iteration is due with correct scheduling count4259 #next_open_iteration_start_date4260 returns the cadence start date when neither past nor current iteration exists4261 when start date is set to an upcoming date4262 returns the cadence start date4263 when past iteration exists4264 when past iteration is the cadence start day from the previous week4265 returns the cadence start day for the current week4266 when many iterations can fit in-between the current date and the previous iteration due date4267 returns the date for the cadence start day nearest to the current date from the last iteration's due date4268 when past iteration is yesterday4269 returns the date for the cadence start day nearest to the current date from the last iteration's due date4270 when current iteration exists4271 returns the date for the cadence start day following the current iteration's due date4272 #update_iteration_sequences4273 an iteration is created or updated4274 start_date: Wed, 05 Apr 2023 14:39:21.625632417 UTC +00:00, expected_ordered_title: lazy { %w[iteration a b] }4275 sequence numbers are correctly updated4276 start_date: Wed, 12 Apr 2023, expected_ordered_title: lazy { %w[iteration a b] }4277 sequence numbers are correctly updated4278 start_date: Wed, 26 Apr 2023 14:39:21.626183027 UTC +00:00, expected_ordered_title: lazy { %w[a iteration b] }4279 sequence numbers are correctly updated4280 start_date: Wed, 10 May 2023 14:39:21.626338947 UTC +00:00, expected_ordered_title: lazy { %w[a b iteration] }4281 sequence numbers are correctly updated4282Resolvers::Geo::ContainerRepositoryRegistriesResolver4283 # order random4284 behaves like a Geo registries resolver4285 #resolve4286 when the parent object is the current node4287 when the user has permission to view Geo data4288 when admin mode is enabled4289 when the ids argument is null4290 returns registries, in order4291 when the ids argument is present4292 returns the requested registries, in order4293 when the replication_state argument is present4294 returns registries with requested replication state, in order4295 with verification enabled4296 when the verification_state argument is present4297 returns registries with requested verification state, in order (PENDING: Skipping because verification is not enabled for ContainerRepository)4298 with verification disabled4299 when the verification_state argument is present4300 raises ArgumentError4301 when admin mode is disabled4302 returns nothing4303 when the user does not have permission to view Geo data4304 returns nothing4305 when the parent object is not the current node4306 when the user has permission to view Geo data4307 returns nothing, because we can't query other nodes' tracking databases4308Custom file template classes4309 Gitlab::Template::CustomDockerfileTemplate4310 .all4311 returns all valid templates4312 .find4313 finds a valid template4314 sets the category correctly (PENDING: {:class_name=>Gitlab::Template::CustomDockerfileTemplate, :category=>"Custom"}.find does not set category correctly)4315 does not find a template with the wrong extension4316 does not find a template in a subdirectory4317 Gitlab::Template::CustomGitignoreTemplate4318 .all4319 returns all valid templates4320 .find4321 finds a valid template4322 sets the category correctly (PENDING: {:class_name=>Gitlab::Template::CustomGitignoreTemplate, :category=>"Custom"}.find does not set category correctly)4323 does not find a template with the wrong extension4324 does not find a template in a subdirectory4325 Gitlab::Template::CustomGitlabCiYmlTemplate4326 .all4327 returns all valid templates4328 .find4329 finds a valid template4330 sets the category correctly (PENDING: {:class_name=>Gitlab::Template::CustomGitlabCiYmlTemplate, :category=>"Custom"}.find does not set category correctly)4331 does not find a template with the wrong extension4332 does not find a template in a subdirectory4333 Gitlab::Template::CustomLicenseTemplate4334 .all4335 returns all valid templates4336 .find4337 finds a valid template4338 sets the category correctly (PENDING: {:class_name=>Gitlab::Template::CustomLicenseTemplate, :category=>"Custom"}.find does not set category correctly)4339 does not find a template with the wrong extension4340 does not find a template in a subdirectory4341 Gitlab::Template::CustomMetricsDashboardYmlTemplate4342 .all4343 returns all valid templates4344 .find4345 finds a valid template4346 sets the category correctly (PENDING: {:class_name=>Gitlab::Template::CustomMetricsDashboardYmlTemplate, :category=>"Custom"}.find does not set category correctly)4347 does not find a template with the wrong extension4348 does not find a template in a subdirectory4349 Gitlab::Template::IssueTemplate4350 .all4351 returns all valid templates4352 .find4353 finds a valid template4354 sets the category correctly (PENDING: {:class_name=>Gitlab::Template::IssueTemplate, :category=>"Project Templates"}.find does not set category correctly)4355 does not find a template with the wrong extension4356 does not find a template in a subdirectory4357 Gitlab::Template::MergeRequestTemplate4358 .all4359 returns all valid templates4360 .find4361 finds a valid template4362 sets the category correctly (PENDING: {:class_name=>Gitlab::Template::MergeRequestTemplate, :category=>"Project Templates"}.find does not set category correctly)4363 does not find a template with the wrong extension4364 does not find a template in a subdirectory4365Resolvers::BoardGroupings::EpicsResolver4366 when board_grouped_by_epic_performance is turned on4367 behaves like #resolve4368 when user can not see epics4369 does not return epics4370 when user can access the group4371 finds all epics for issues in the project board4372 finds all epics for issues in the group board4373 finds only epics for issues matching issue filters4374 finds only epics for issues matching search param4375 generates an error if both epic_id and epic_wildcard_id are present4376 calls service with right params4377 accepts epic global id4378 accepts epic wildcard id4379 when user is a group guest4380 finds non-confidental epics for issues in the project board4381 finds non-confidental epics for issues in the group board4382 with issue filters4383 when issue filters are set4384 does not call the Epics::WithIssuesFinder4385 when there are no issue filters4386 call the Epics::WithIssuesFinder and orders the result4387 orders by descending epics.id4388 when board_grouped_by_epic_performance is turned off4389 behaves like #resolve4390 when user can not see epics4391 does not return epics4392 when user can access the group4393 finds all epics for issues in the project board4394 finds all epics for issues in the group board4395 finds only epics for issues matching issue filters4396 finds only epics for issues matching search param4397 generates an error if both epic_id and epic_wildcard_id are present4398 calls service with right params4399 accepts epic global id4400 accepts epic wildcard id4401 when user is a group guest4402 finds non-confidental epics for issues in the project board4403 finds non-confidental epics for issues in the group board4404Issues::CreateFromVulnerabilityService#execute4405 # order random4406 when issues are disabled on project4407 returns expected error4408 when user does not have permission to create issue4409 returns expected error4410 when successful4411 behaves like a created issue4412 creates the issue with the given params4413 when Issues::CreateService fails4414 returns an error4415 when the title of the vulnerability is longer than maximum issue title4416 behaves like a created issue4417 creates the issue with the given params4418 when Issues::CreateService fails4419 returns an error4420ResourceWeightEvent4421 behaves like a resource event4422 importable4423 is expected to respond to #importing?4424 is expected to respond to #imported?4425 validations4426 is expected not to allow :user to be ‹nil›4427 when importing4428 is expected to allow :user to be ‹nil›4429 associations4430 is expected to belong to user required: false4431 .created_after4432 returns the expected events4433 returns no events if time is after last record time4434 behaves like a resource event for issues4435 associations4436 is expected to belong to issue required: false4437 .by_issue4438 returns the expected records for an issue with events4439 returns the expected records for an issue with no events4440 .by_issue_ids4441 returns the expected events4442 .by_created_at_earlier_or_equal_to4443 returns the expected events4444 returns the expected events4445 #issuable4446 returns the expected issuable4447 behaves like a note for work item resource event4448 builds synthetic note with correct synthetic_note_class4449 on callbacks4450 triggers note created subscription4451 validations4452 is expected not to allow :issue to be ‹nil›4453 is expected to allow :weight to be ‹nil›4454 associations4455 is expected to belong to issue required: false4456 .aliased_for_timebox_report4457 returns correct values with aliased names4458 .by_issue4459 returns the expected records for an issue with events4460 returns the expected records for an issue with no events4461 .created_after4462 returns the expected events4463 returns no events if time is after last record time4464 #discussion_id4465 returns the expected id4466Mutations::Issues::Update4467 behaves like updating health status4468 when the user has permission4469 and issuable_heath_status feature is disabled4470 does not update health status4471 and issuable_health_status feature is enabled4472 updates health status4473 updating parent epic4474 when epics feature is disabled4475 raises an error4476 when epics feature is enabled4477 for user without permissions4478 raises an error4479 for user with correct permissions4480 when a valid epic is given4481 updates the epic4482 returns the updated issue4483 when nil epic is given4484 set the epic to nil4485 returns the updated issue4486LicensesListEntity4487 when the license_scanning_sbom_scanner feature flag is false4488 behaves like report list4489 #as_json4490 with success build4491 with provided items4492 has array of items with status ok4493 with no items4494 has empty array of items with status no_items4495 with failed build4496 with authorized user4497 has job_path with status failed_job4498 without authorized user4499 has only status failed_job4500 with no build4501 has status job_not_set_up and no job_path4502 when the license_scanning_sbom_scanner feature flag is true4503 behaves like report list4504 #as_json4505 with success build4506 with provided items4507 has array of items with status ok4508 with no items4509 has empty array of items with status no_items4510 with failed build4511 with authorized user4512 has job_path with status failed_job4513 without authorized user4514 has only status failed_job4515 with no build4516 has status job_not_set_up and no job_path4517EE::AllowedEmailDomains::UpdateService4518 #execute4519 as a normal user4520 for a group that has no email domain restriction4521 with valid domains4522 does not build new allowed_email_domain records4523 registers an error4524 as a group owner4525 for a group that has no email domain restriction4526 with valid domains4527 builds new allowed_email_domain records4528 builds new allowed_email_domain records with the provided domains4529 for a group that already has email domain restriction4530 with empty domain4531 marks all existing allowed_email_domain records for destruction4532 with valid domains4533 with an entirely new set of domains4534 each domain in the list is unique4535 builds new allowed_email_domain records with all of the specified domains4536 behaves like removes all existing allowed_email_domain records4537 marks all the existing allowed_email_domain records for destruction4538 list has space around the names of domains4539 builds new allowed_email_domain records with all of the specified domains without spaces around them4540 behaves like removes all existing allowed_email_domain records4541 marks all the existing allowed_email_domain records for destruction4542 domains in the list repeats4543 builds new allowed_email_domain records with only the unique domains among the specified domains4544 behaves like removes all existing allowed_email_domain records4545 marks all the existing allowed_email_domain records for destruction4546 replacing one of the existing domains with another4547 marks the allowed_email_domain record of the replaced domain for destruction4548 retains the allowed_email_domain record of the other existing domain4549 builds a new allowed_email_domain record with the newly specified domain4550IssueLink4551 callbacks4552 .after_create_commit4553 with TYPE_BLOCKS relation4554 updates blocking issues count4555 with TYPE_RELATES_TO4556 does not update blocking_issues_count4557 .after_destroy_commit4558 with TYPE_BLOCKS relation4559 updates blocking issues count4560 with TYPE_RELATES_TO4561 does not update blocking_issues_count4562 behaves like issuables that can block or be blocked4563 .issuable_type4564 is expected to eq :issue4565 .inverse_link_type4566 returns the inverse type of link4567 .blocked_issuable_ids4568 returns only ids of issues which are blocked4569 .blocking_issuables_ids_for4570 returns blocking issuables ids4571 blocking issuables count4572 .blocking_issuables_for_collection4573 returns blocking issues count grouped by issue id4574 .blocked_issuables_for_collection4575 returns blocked issues count grouped by issue id4576 .blocking_issuables_count_for4577 returns blocked issues count for single issue4578PersonalAccessToken4579 scopes4580 with_expires_at_after4581 includes the tokens with higher than the lifetime expires_at value4582 doesn't contain expired tokens4583 doesn't contain tokens within the expiration time4584 with_no_expires_at4585 includes the tokens with nil expires_at4586 doesn't contain expired tokens4587 doesn't contain tokens within the expiration time4588 expires_in4589 only includes one token4590 validations4591 allows to define expires_at4592 allows to don't define expires_at4593 with expiration policy4594 when the feature is licensed4595 when the user does not belong to a managed group4596 behaves like PAT expiry rules are enforced4597 requires to be less or equal than the max_personal_access_token_lifetime4598 can't be blank4599 when the user belongs to a managed group4600 when the group has enforced a PAT expiry rule4601 behaves like PAT expiry rules are enforced4602 requires to be less or equal than the max_personal_access_token_lifetime4603 can't be blank4604 when the group has not enforced a PAT expiry setting4605 when the instance has enforced a PAT expiry setting4606 behaves like PAT expiry rules are enforced4607 requires to be less or equal than the max_personal_access_token_lifetime4608 can't be blank4609 when the instance does not enforce a PAT expiry setting4610 behaves like PAT expiry rules are not enforced4611 allows expiry to be after the max_personal_access_token_lifetime4612 can be blank4613 when the feature is not available4614 behaves like PAT expiry rules are not enforced4615 allows expiry to be after the max_personal_access_token_lifetime4616 can be blank4617 .pluck_names4618 returns the names of the tokens4619 .with_invalid_expires_at4620 includes the tokens with invalid expires_at4621 doesn't include valid tokens4622 doesn't include revoked tokens4623 doesn't include expired tokens4624 .find_by_token4625 finds the token4626 when disable_personal_access_tokens feature is available4627 when personal access tokens are disabled4628 does not find the token4629 when personal access tokens are not disabled4630 finds the token4631 #revoke4632 clears cache on revoke access4633 after create callback4634 clears cache for the user4635Elasticsearch::Model::Adapter::ActiveRecord::Records4636 #records4637 returns results in the same sorted order as they come back from Elasticsearch4638BlockingMergeRequestEntity4639 exposes simple attributes4640 serializes a blocking MR that lacks metrics4641 #head_pipeline4642 visible pipeline4643 is expected to include {:id => 586}4644 hidden pipeline4645 is expected to be nil4646 #reference4647 is expected to eq "!1"4648 from another project4649 includes the fully-qualified reference when needed4650Projects::MarkForDeletionService4651 with delayed delete feature turned on4652 marking project for deletion4653 marks project as archived and marked for deletion4654 renames project name4655 renames project path4656 marking project for deletion once again4657 does not change original date4658 audit events4659 saves audit event4660 with delayed delete feature turned off4661 marking project for deletion4662 does not change project attributes4663 #project_update_service_params4664 when delayed deletion feature is not available4665 creates the params for project update service4666 when delayed deletion feature is available4667 creates the params for project update service4668Gitlab::SubscriptionPortal::Clients::Graphql4669 #activate4670 returns success4671 when there are future subscriptions4672 returns success4673 when the activation code is invalid4674 returns failure4675 when remote server returns error4676 returns connectivity error4677 when the remote server is unreachable4678 returns connectivity error4679 #plan_upgrade_offer4680 when the response contains errors4681 returns a failure4682 when the response does not contain errors4683 eligible: true, assisted_plan_id: "111111", free_plan_id: "111111"4684 returns the correct response4685 eligible: true, assisted_plan_id: "111111", free_plan_id: nil4686 returns the correct response4687 eligible: true, assisted_plan_id: nil, free_plan_id: "111111"4688 returns the correct response4689 when subscription is nil4690 returns the correct response4691 #subscription_last_term4692 returns success4693 returns failure4694 with no namespace_id4695 returns failure4696 #subscription_seat_usage_alerts_eligibility4697 returns success when the subscription can be found4698 returns failure when the subscription cannot be found4699 with no namespace_id4700 returns failure4701 when there is a network connectivity error4702 returns an error response4703 #get_plans4704 when the request is successful4705 returns the data4706 when the request is unsuccessful4707 returns a failure response and logs the error4708 #filter_purchase_eligible_namespaces4709 when the response is successful4710 returns the namespace data4711 when the response is unsuccessful4712 returns the error message4713 #update_namespace_name4714 returns success4715 returns top level errors4716 returns errors as data4717 returns connectivity error when remote server returns error4718 returns connectivity error when the remote server is unreachable4719 #send_seat_overage_notification4720 when the subscription portal response is successful4721 returns successfully4722 when the subscription portal response is unsuccessful4723 returns an error response4724 when there is a network connectivity error4725 returns an error response4726 #send_seat_overage_notification_batch4727 when the subscription portal response is successful4728 returns successfully4729 when the subscription portal response is unsuccessful4730 returns an error response4731 when there is a network connectivity error4732 returns an error response4733Sidebars::Groups::Menus::SettingsMenu4734 Menu Items4735 for owner user4736 LDAP sync menu4737 when group LDAP sync is not enabled4738 is expected not to be present4739 when group LDAP sync is enabled4740 when user can admin LDAP syncs4741 is expected to be present4742 when user cannot admin LDAP syncs4743 is expected not to be present4744 SAML SSO menu4745 when SAML is disabled4746 is expected not to be present4747 when SAML is enabled4748 is expected to be present4749 when user cannot admin group SAML4750 is expected not to be present4751 SAML group links menu4752 when SAML group links feature is disabled4753 is expected not to be present4754 when SAML group links feature is enabled4755 is expected to be present4756 when user cannot admin SAML group links4757 is expected not to be present4758 domain verification4759 when domain verification is licensed4760 is expected to be present4761 when user cannot admin group4762 is expected not to be present4763 when domain verification is not licensed4764 is expected not to be present4765 Webhooks menu4766 when licensed feature :group_webhooks is not enabled4767 is expected not to be present4768 when show_promotions is enabled4769 is expected to be present4770 when licensed feature :group_webhooks is enabled4771 is expected to be present4772 Usage quotas menu4773 is expected to be present4774 when usage_quotas licensed feature is not enabled4775 is expected not to be present4776 Billing menu4777 is expected to be present4778 when group billing does not apply4779 is expected not to be present4780 Reporting menu4781 is expected to be present4782 when feature is not enabled4783 is expected not to be present4784 for auditor user4785 Billing menu item4786 is expected to be present4787 does not show any other menu items4788 when auditor_billing_page_access FF is disabled4789 is expected not to be present4790Geo::RepositoryUpdatedService4791 #execute4792 when repository is being updated4793 when not running on a primary node4794 does not create a repository updated event4795 does not reset the repository verification checksum4796 does not reset the repository verification failure4797 when running on a primary node4798 creates a repository updated event when repository exists4799 does not create a repository updated event when repository does not exist4800 resets the repository verification checksum4801 resets the repository verification failure4802 resets the retry_at column4803 resets the retry_count column4804 does not raise an error when project have never been verified4805 raises a Geo::RepositoryUpdatedService::RepositoryUpdateError when an error occurs4806 when wiki is being updated4807 when not running on a primary node4808 does not create a repository updated event4809 does not reset the repository verification checksum4810 does not reset the repository verification failure4811 when running on a primary node4812 creates a repository updated event when repository exists4813 does not create a repository updated event when repository does not exist4814 resets the repository verification checksum4815 resets the repository verification failure4816 resets the retry_at column4817 resets the retry_count column4818 does not raise an error when project have never been verified4819 raises a Geo::RepositoryUpdatedService::RepositoryUpdateError when an error occurs4820 when design repository is being updated4821 creates a design repository updated event when repository exists4822 does not create a repository updated event when repository does not exist4823SetUserStatusBasedOnUserCapSettingWorker4824 #perform4825 when user is not blocked_pending_approval4826 does nothing to the user state4827 when user cap is set to nil4828 does nothing to the user state4829 does not send an email to active admins4830 when the auto-creation of an omniauth user is blocked4831 when the user is an omniauth user4832 does not activate this user4833 when the user is not an omniauth user4834 activates this user4835 when current billable user count is less than user cap4836 activates the user4837 notifies the approval to the user4838 does not send an email to active admins4839 when user has not confirmed their email yet4840 sends confirmation instructions4841 when user has confirmed their email4842 does not send a confirmation email4843 when pending invitations4844 when user is unconfirmed4845 does not accept pending invites of the user4846 when user is confirmed4847 accepts pending invites of the user4848 when current billable user count is equal to user cap4849 keeps the user in blocked_pending_approval state4850 sends an email to every active admin4851 when current billable user count is greater than user cap4852 keeps the user in blocked_pending_approval state4853 sends an email to every active admin4854EE::IpRestrictions::UpdateService4855 #execute4856 for a group that has no ip restriction4857 with valid IP subnets4858 builds new ip_restriction records4859 builds new ip_restriction records with the provided ranges4860 for a group that already has ip restriction4861 with empty range4862 marks all existing ip_restriction records for destruction4863 with valid IP subnets4864 with an entirely new set of ranges4865 each range in the list is unique4866 builds new ip_restriction records with all of the specified ranges4867 behaves like removes all existing ip_restriction records4868 marks all the existing ip_restriction records for destruction4869 ranges in the list repeats4870 builds new ip_restriction records with only the unique ranges in the specified ranges4871 behaves like removes all existing ip_restriction records4872 marks all the existing ip_restriction records for destruction4873 replacing one of the existing range with another4874 marks the ip_restriction record of the replaced range for destruction4875 retains the ip_restriction record of the other existing range4876 builds a new ip_restriction record with the newly specified range4877 #log_audit_event4878 when new ranges are different from old ranges4879 logs ip_restrictions_changed event4880 when license doesn't allow auditing4881 doesn't log any events4882 when new ranges are the same as old ranges4883 doesn't log any events4884 when log is called without prior execute4885 raises an error4886IncidentManagement::PendingEscalations::Issue4887 # order random4888 .class_for_check_worker4889 is expected to eq IncidentManagement::PendingEscalations::IssueCheckWorker4890 #escalatable4891 is expected to eq #<IncidentManagement::IssuableEscalationStatus id: 1, created_at: "2023-04-12 15:04:09.689785051 +000...5051 +0000", issue_id: 65, policy_id: nil, escalations_started_at: nil, resolved_at: nil, status: 0>4892 shared pending escalation features4893 is expected to be valid4894 validations4895 is expected to validate that :process_at cannot be empty/falsy4896 is expected to validate that :rule_id cannot be empty/falsy4897 is expected to delegate #project to the #issue object4898 is expected to validate that :rule_id is case-sensitively unique within the scope of :issue_id4899 associations4900 is expected to belong to issue required: false4901 is expected to belong to rule required: false4902 scopes4903 with escalations scheduled for various times4904 .processable4905 is expected to contain exactly #<IncidentManagement::PendingEscalations::Issue id: 4, rule_id: 5, issue_id: 68, process_at: "2023-03...reated_at: "2023-04-12 15:04:10.878952251 +0000", updated_at: "2023-04-12 15:04:10.878952251 +0000"> and #<IncidentManagement::PendingEscalations::Issue id: 5, rule_id: 5, issue_id: 69, process_at: "2023-04...reated_at: "2023-04-12 15:04:10.949012965 +0000", updated_at: "2023-04-12 15:04:10.949012965 +0000">4906 .upcoming4907 is expected to contain exactly #<IncidentManagement::PendingEscalations::Issue id: 4, rule_id: 5, issue_id: 68, process_at: "2023-03...reated_at: "2023-04-12 15:04:10.878952251 +0000", updated_at: "2023-04-12 15:04:10.878952251 +0000">, #<IncidentManagement::PendingEscalations::Issue id: 5, rule_id: 5, issue_id: 69, process_at: "2023-04...reated_at: "2023-04-12 15:04:10.949012965 +0000", updated_at: "2023-04-12 15:04:10.949012965 +0000">, and #<IncidentManagement::PendingEscalations::Issue id: 6, rule_id: 5, issue_id: 70, process_at: "2023-04...reated_at: "2023-04-12 15:04:11.022238259 +0000", updated_at: "2023-04-12 15:04:11.022238259 +0000">4908 .for_target4909 is expected to contain exactly #<IncidentManagement::PendingEscalations::Issue id: 8, rule_id: 7, issue_id: 72, process_at: "2023-04...reated_at: "2023-04-12 15:04:11.606086059 +0000", updated_at: "2023-04-12 15:04:11.606086059 +0000">4910 .delete_by_target4911 removes the escalations for the provided target(s)4912 #type4913 is expected to eq :incident4914ProtectedBranches::DestroyService4915 #execute4916 adds a security audit event entry4917 when security_orchestration_policies is not licensed4918 does not sync scan_finding_approval_rules4919 when security_orchestration_policies is licensed4920 syncs scan_finding_approval_rules4921 when destroy fails4922 doesn't add a security audit event entry4923EE::IntegrationsHelper4924 #integration_form_data4925 does not include Jira-specific fields4926 does not include Slack-specific fields4927 with a Jira integration4928 when there is no license for jira_vulnerabilities_integration4929 includes default Jira fields4930 when all flags are enabled4931 includes all Jira fields4932 with a GitLab Slack App integration4933 includes Slack app upgrade URL4934 includes the flag to upgrade Slack app, set to true4935 when the integration includes all necessary scopes4936 includes the flag to upgrade Slack app, set to false4937 #add_to_slack_link4938 returns the endpoint URL with all needed params4939 #jira_issues_show_data4940 includes Jira issues show data4941 #jira_issue_breadcrumb_link4942 with a valid issue_reference4943 returns the correct HTML4944 when issue_reference contains HTML4945 strips all tags4946 #zentao_issue_breadcrumb_link4947 with valid issue JSON4948 returns the correct HTML4949 when issue_reference contains XSS4950 strips all tags and sanitizes4951 #gitlab_slack_application_data4952 includes the required keys4953 does not suffer from N+1 performance issues4954 serializes nil projects without error4955Dast::SiteProfileSecretVariable4956 behaves like CI variable4957 is expected to includes the Ci::HasVariable module4958 strips whitespaces when assigning key4959 can convert to runner variable4960 variable type4961 defines variable types4962 defaults variable type to env_var4963 supports variable type file4964 associations4965 is expected to belong to dast_site_profile required: false4966 validations4967 is expected to be valid4968 is expected to includes the Ci::Maskable module4969 is expected to includes the Ci::HasVariable module4970 is expected to validate that :dast_site_profile_id cannot be empty/falsy4971 is expected to validate that :masked is ‹true›4972 is expected to validate that :key is case-sensitively unique within the scope of :dast_site_profile_id, producing a custom validation error on failure4973 only allows records where variable_type=env_var4974 #value4975 when the value is over the limit4976 is not valid4977 raises a database level error4978 when value at the maximum value4979 is valid4980 does not raise database level error4981 when value at the minimum value4982 is valid4983 does not raise database level error4984 when value is under the limit4985 is not valid4986 #masked4987 defaults to true4988 #project4989 delegates to dast_site_profile4990 #raw_value=4991 pre-encodes the value4992 #value=4993 raises an error because #raw_value= should be used instead4994 #variable_type4995 defaults to env_var4996Gitlab::Vulnerabilities::StandardVulnerability4997 inherits from Gitlab::Vulnerabilities::BaseVulnerability4998 #title4999 when title is present5000 returns title5001 when title is not set5002 fallbacks to name5003 when title and name are not set5004 returns nil5005 #description5006 when description is present5007 returns description5008 when description is not set5009 fallbacks to title5010 when description and title are not set5011 fallbacks to name5012 when title, name and description are not set5013 returns nil5014 #file5015 when file is present5016 returns file5017 when file is not set5018 fallbacks to location5019 when file and location are not set5020 returns nil5021 #line5022 when line is present5023 returns line5024 when line is not set5025 fallbacks to location5026 when line and location are not set5027 returns nil5028 #location_text5029 when line is nil5030 returns a string with file5031 when line is present5032 returns a string with file and line5033 #location_link5034 when blob_path is nil5035 returns file path5036 when line is present5037 returns a string with file and line5038 #blob_path5039 when blob_path is in top level data5040 returns blob_path from top level5041 when blob_path is not in top level data but is in location data5042 returns blob_path from location data5043 when blob_path is not present5044 returns nil5045Gitlab::Ci::Pipeline::Chain::Config::Content5046 when project has compliance label defined5047 when feature is available5048 when compliance pipeline configuration is defined5049 behaves like does include compliance pipeline configuration content5050 is expected to eq true5051 when pipeline is downstream of a bridge5052 behaves like does include compliance pipeline configuration content5053 is expected to eq true5054 when pipeline source is parent pipeline5055 behaves like does not include compliance pipeline configuration content5056 is expected not to eq "---\ninclude:\n- project: compliance/hippa\n file: \".compliance-gitlab-ci.yml\"\n"5057 when compliance pipeline configuration is not defined5058 behaves like does not include compliance pipeline configuration content5059 is expected not to eq "---\ninclude:\n- project: compliance/hippa\n file: \".compliance-gitlab-ci.yml\"\n"5060 when compliance pipeline configuration is empty5061 behaves like does not include compliance pipeline configuration content5062 is expected not to eq "---\ninclude:\n- project: compliance/hippa\n file: \".compliance-gitlab-ci.yml\"\n"5063 when feature is not licensed5064 behaves like does not include compliance pipeline configuration content5065 is expected not to eq "---\ninclude:\n- project: compliance/hippa\n file: \".compliance-gitlab-ci.yml\"\n"5066 when project does not have compliance label defined5067 when feature is available5068 behaves like does not include compliance pipeline configuration content5069 is expected not to eq "---\ninclude:\n- project: compliance/hippa\n file: \".compliance-gitlab-ci.yml\"\n"5070Ci::PendingBuild5071 scopes5072 .with_ci_minutes_available5073 when pending builds does not have ci minutes available5074 returns an empty collection of pending builds5075 when pending builds have ci minutes available5076 returns matching pending builds5077 .upsert_from_build!5078 when ci minutes are not available5079 when project matches shared runners with cost factor enabled5080 behaves like ci minutes not available5081 sets minutes_exceeded to true5082 when project does not matches shared runners with cost factor enabled5083 behaves like ci minutes available5084 sets minutes_exceeded to false5085 when ci minutes are available5086 behaves like ci minutes available5087 sets minutes_exceeded to false5088 when using shared runners with cost factor disabled5089 with new project5090 behaves like ci minutes available5091 sets minutes_exceeded to false5092Gitlab::ComplianceManagement::Violations::ApprovedByInsufficientUsers5093 #execute5094 when merge request is approved by sufficient number of users5095 does not create a ComplianceViolation5096 when merge request is approved by insufficient number of users5097 creates a ComplianceViolation5098 when the merge requests merge user is within metrics5099 creates a ComplianceViolation5100 when the merge request does not have a merge user5101 does not create a ComplianceViolation5102Users::EmailVerification::SendCustomConfirmationInstructionsService5103 # order random5104 #execute5105 calls `set_token` and `send_instructions`5106 #send_instructions5107 confirmed?: true, identity_verification_enabled?: true, token_present?: true, token_saved?: true5108 sends the instructions when expected5109 confirmed?: true, identity_verification_enabled?: true, token_present?: true, token_saved?: false5110 sends the instructions when expected5111 confirmed?: true, identity_verification_enabled?: true, token_present?: false, token_saved?: true5112 sends the instructions when expected5113 confirmed?: true, identity_verification_enabled?: true, token_present?: false, token_saved?: false5114 sends the instructions when expected5115 confirmed?: true, identity_verification_enabled?: false, token_present?: true, token_saved?: true5116 sends the instructions when expected5117 confirmed?: true, identity_verification_enabled?: false, token_present?: true, token_saved?: false5118 sends the instructions when expected5119 confirmed?: true, identity_verification_enabled?: false, token_present?: false, token_saved?: true5120 sends the instructions when expected5121 confirmed?: true, identity_verification_enabled?: false, token_present?: false, token_saved?: false5122 sends the instructions when expected5123 confirmed?: false, identity_verification_enabled?: true, token_present?: true, token_saved?: true5124 sends the instructions when expected5125 confirmed?: false, identity_verification_enabled?: true, token_present?: true, token_saved?: false5126 sends the instructions when expected5127 confirmed?: false, identity_verification_enabled?: true, token_present?: false, token_saved?: true5128 sends the instructions when expected5129 confirmed?: false, identity_verification_enabled?: true, token_present?: false, token_saved?: false5130 sends the instructions when expected5131 confirmed?: false, identity_verification_enabled?: false, token_present?: true, token_saved?: true5132 sends the instructions when expected5133 confirmed?: false, identity_verification_enabled?: false, token_present?: true, token_saved?: false5134 sends the instructions when expected5135 confirmed?: false, identity_verification_enabled?: false, token_present?: false, token_saved?: true5136 sends the instructions when expected5137 confirmed?: false, identity_verification_enabled?: false, token_present?: false, token_saved?: false5138 sends the instructions when expected5139 #set_token5140 when not enabled5141 does not do anything5142 when enabled5143 skips Devise confirmation notification5144 sets the confirmation_token and confirmation_sent_at attributes5145 does not try to save the user5146 when passing `save: true` as (default) argument5147 tries to save the user5148GroupMemberPresenter5149 #group_sso?5150 when member does not have a user (invited member)5151 returns `false`5152 when group is a root group5153 calls through to User#group_sso?5154 when group is a child group5155 calls through to User#group_sso? with root group5156 #group_managed_account?5157 when member does not have a user (invited member)5158 returns `false`5159 when user is part of the group managed account5160 returns `true`5161 when user is not part of the group managed account5162 returns `false`5163 #can_update?5164 when user cannot update_group_member but can override_group_member5165 is expected to eq true5166 when user cannot update_group_member and cannot override_group_member5167 is expected to eq false5168 #valid_level_roles?5169 with minimal access role feature switched on5170 is expected to eq {"Developer"=>30, "Guest"=>10, "Maintainer"=>40, "Minimal Access"=>5, "Owner"=>50, "Reporter"=>20}5171 with minimal access role feature switched off5172 behaves like #valid_level_roles5173 when no parent member is present5174 returns all permissible roles5175 when parent member is present5176 returns higher roles when a parent member is present5177 #can_ban?5178 can_ban_group_member: false, member_is_owner: false, result: false5179 is expected to eq false5180 can_ban_group_member: false, member_is_owner: true, result: false5181 is expected to eq false5182 can_ban_group_member: true, member_is_owner: false, result: true5183 is expected to eq true5184 can_ban_group_member: true, member_is_owner: true, result: false5185 is expected to eq false5186 #can_unban?5187 when user can admin_group_member5188 is expected to eq true5189 when user cannot admin_group_member5190 is expected to eq false5191Vulnerabilities::ProjectsGrade5192 .grades_for5193 when the given vulnerable is a Group5194 when subgroups are not included5195 when the filter is not given5196 returns the letter grades for given vulnerable5197 when the filter is given5198 returns the filtered letter grade for given vulnerable5199 when subgroups are included5200 when the filter is not given5201 returns the letter grades for given vulnerable5202 when the filter is given5203 returns the filtered letter grade for given vulnerable5204 when the given vulnerable is an InstanceSecurityDashboard5205 when the filter is not given5206 returns the letter grades for given vulnerable5207 when the filter is given5208 returns the filtered letter grade for given vulnerable5209 #grade5210 when providing letter value of ["a", 0]5211 is expected to eq ["a", 0]5212 when providing letter value of ["b", 1]5213 is expected to eq ["b", 1]5214 when providing letter value of ["c", 2]5215 is expected to eq ["c", 2]5216 when providing letter value of ["d", 3]5217 is expected to eq ["d", 3]5218 when providing letter value of ["f", 4]5219 is expected to eq ["f", 4]5220 #projects5221 when include_subgroups is set to false5222 is expected to contain exactly #<Project id:1165 group341/project1223>> and #<Project id:1166 group341/project1224>>5223 preloads vulnerability statistic once for whole collection5224 when include_subgroups is set to true5225 is expected to contain exactly #<Project id:1165 group341/project1223>>, #<Project id:1166 group341/project1224>>, and #<Project id:1168 group341/group342/project1226>>5226 preloads vulnerability statistic once for whole collection5227 #count5228 is expected to eq 25229Issues::BuildService5230 with an issue template5231 #execute5232 fills in the template in the description5233 fills in the template, followed by the query parameter, in the description5234 for a single thread5235 #execute5236 with an issue template5237 picks the thread description over the issue template5238 #execute5239 as guest5240 setting issue type5241 cannot set the issue type to test_case5242 cannot set the issue type to requirement5243Deployment5244 is expected to have many approvals5245 is expected to delegate #needs_approval? to the #environment object5246 state machine5247 when deployment blocked5248 schedules Deployments::ApprovalWorker5249 #pending_approval_count5250 when Protected Environments feature is available5251 with no approvals5252 returns the number of approvals required by the environment5253 with some approvals5254 returns the number of pending approvals5255 with all approvals satisfied5256 returns zero5257 with a deployment that is not blocked5258 returns zero5259 loading approval count5260 does not perform an extra query when approvals are loaded5261 when Protected Environments feature is not available5262 returns zero5263Mutations::Vulnerabilities::CreateExternalIssueLink5264 #resolve5265 for JIRA external tracker and CREATED issue link5266 when the project can have external issue links5267 when user does not have access to the project5268 raises an error5269 when user has access to the project5270 when issue creation fails5271 returns empty external issue link5272 returns error collection5273 when issue creation succeeds5274 returns empty external issue link5275 returns empty error collection5276Types::VulnerabilityResponseType5277 is expected to eq "VulnerabilityResponse"5278 is expected to have graphql fields :body, :status_code, :reason_phrase, and :headers5279 checking field contents5280 evidence.response fields5281 checks the contents of the fields5282 evidence.supportingMessages[].response fields5283 checks the contents of the fields5284Licenses::DestroyService5285 raises an error if license is nil5286 raises an error if the user is not an admin5287 when admin mode is enabled5288 behaves like license destroy5289 destroys a license5290 behaves like clear future subscriptions application setting5291 clears the future_subscriptions application setting5292 with cloud license5293 behaves like license destroy5294 destroys a license5295 behaves like clear future subscriptions application setting5296 clears the future_subscriptions application setting5297 with an active license that is not the current one5298 does not clear the future_subscriptions application setting5299 behaves like license destroy5300 destroys a license5301 when admin mode is disabled5302 raises not allowed error5303IncidentManagement::IssuableResourceLinks::DestroyService5304 # order random5305 #execute5306 when current user is anonymous5307 behaves like error response5308 has an informative message5309 behaves like does not track incident management event5310 does not track the event5311 when user does not have permissions to remove issuable_resource_link5312 behaves like error response5313 has an informative message5314 behaves like does not track incident management event5315 does not track the event5316 when feature is not available5317 behaves like error response5318 has an informative message5319 behaves like does not track incident management event5320 does not track the event5321 when an error occurs during removal5322 behaves like error response5323 has an informative message5324 behaves like does not track incident management event5325 does not track the event5326 with success response5327 successfully returns the issuable resource link5328 creates a system note notification5329 behaves like an incident management tracked event5330 .track_event5331 tracks the event using redis5332gitlab:license namespace rake tasks5333 info5334 displays information5335 when license not found5336No license has been applied.5337 aborts5338 load5339 works when no license to be installed5340 when GITLAB_ACTIVATION_CODE env variable is set5341 triggers ActivateService in automated mode5342 when ActivateService is unsuccessful5343 raises error5344 when GITLAB_LICENSE_FILE is also set5345 activates and ignores license file5346 when GITLAB_LICENSE_FILE env variable is set5347 fails when the file does not exist5348 when the file does exist5349 and contains a valid license5350 succeeds in adding the license5351 but does not contain a valid license5352 fails to add the license5353 but contains an expired license5354 fails to add the license5355 when GITLAB_LICENSE_FILE env variable is not set5356 when default valid license file does exist5357 succeeds in adding the license5358 running in mode verbose5359 when default valid license file does not exist5360 outputs a the help message5361Geo::BlobDownloadService5362 #execute5363 when it can obtain the exclusive lease5364 when the registry record does not exist5365 when the downloader returns success5366 creates the registry5367 sets sync state to synced5368 when the downloader returns failure5369 when the file is not missing on the primary5370 creates the registry5371 sets sync state to failed5372 caps retry wait time to 1 hour5373 when the file is missing on the primary5374 creates the registry5375 sets sync state to failed5376 caps retry wait time to 4 hours5377Gitlab::Geo::JwtRequestDecoder5378 #decode5379 decodes correct data5380 fails to decode when node is disabled5381 decodes when node is disabled if `include_disabled!` is called first5382 fails to decode with wrong key5383 successfully decodes when clocks are off by IAT leeway5384 raises InvalidSignatureTimeError after expiring5385 raises InvalidSignatureTimeError to decode when clocks are not in sync5386 surfaces raised errors5387 raised_error: Gitlab::Geo::InvalidDecryptionKeyError, expected_error: Gitlab::Geo::InvalidDecryptionKeyError5388 raises expected error5389 raised_error: OpenSSL::Cipher::CipherError, expected_error: Gitlab::Geo::InvalidDecryptionKeyError5390 raises expected error5391 #valid_attributes?5392 returns true when all given attributes and decoded data are all the same5393 returns true when given attributes is a slice of decoded data5394 returns false when one given data doesnt match its corresponding decoded one5395Emails::AbandonedTrialEmailsCronWorker5396 # order random5397 #perform5398 when there is activity in the project5399 when recent activity5400 does not deliver abandoned trial notification5401 when 10 days activity5402 does not deliver abandoned trial notification5403 when 11 days activity5404 delivers abandoned trial notification5405 when there is activity in the subproject5406 does not deliver abandoned trial notification5407 when there is activity in another project5408 delivers abandoned trial notification5409EventPolicy5410 for epics5411 when the user cannot read the epic5412 is expected not to be allowed :read_event5413 when the user can read the epic5414 is expected to be allowed :read_event5415 for vulnerabilities5416 when the user cannot read the vulnerability5417 is expected not to be allowed :read_event5418 when the user can read the vulnerability5419 is expected to be allowed :read_event5420Epics::WithAccessCheck5421 # order random5422 when user has reporter access to base epic's group5423 returns only visible epics5424 when param include_ancestor_groups is false5425 excludes epics from ancestor groups5426 when param include_descendant_groups is false5427 excludes epics from descendant groups5428 when user has reporter access to all groups5429 returns only visible epics5430 when user has guest access to base epic's group5431 returns only visible epics5432 when required methods are not implemented5433 when `epics_collection` is not defined in inheriting class5434 raises NotImplementedError5435 when `base_epic` is not defined in inheriting class5436 raises NotImplementedError5437Types::VulnerabilityRequestResponseHeaderType5438 is expected to eq "VulnerabilityRequestResponseHeader"5439 is expected to have graphql fields :name and :value5440 checking field contents5441 evidence.request.headers fields5442 checks the contents of the fields5443 evidence.response.headers fields5444 checks the contents of the fields5445 evidence.supportingMessages[].request.headers fields5446 checks the contents of the fields5447 evidence.supportingMessages[].response.headers fields5448 checks the contents of the fields5449Geo::Scheduler::PerShardSchedulerWorker5450 includes ApplicationWorker5451 includes CronjobQueue5452 includes Gitlab::Utils::StrongMemoize5453 includes Gitlab::Geo::LogHelpers5454 instance methods5455 #schedule_job5456 raises a NotImplementedError exception5457 #ready_shards5458 returns an array of ready shards5459 #healthy_ready_shards5460 returns an array of healthy shard names5461 logs unhealthy shards5462 #healthy_shard_names5463 returns an array of healthy shard names5464Ci::ChangeVariablesService5465 when creating a variable5466 calls AuditVariableChangeService with create5467 when updating a variable5468 when update succeeds5469 calls AuditVariableChangeService with update5470 when update fails5471 does not call AuditVariableChangeService5472 when destroying a variable5473 calls AuditVariableChangeService with destroy5474 when making multiple changes5475 calls AuditVariableChangeService with create5476 calls AuditVariableChangeService with update5477 calls AuditVariableChangeService with destroy5478ComplianceManagement::ComplianceFramework::GroupSettingsHelper5479 #show_compliance_frameworks?5480 the user has permission5481 is expected to equal true5482 the user does not have permission5483 group is not a subgroup5484 is expected to equal false5485 #compliance_frameworks_list_data5486 returns the correct data5487 group is a subgroup5488 contains the root ancestor as group_path5489 does not contain the add_framework_path or edit_framework_path keys5490 #compliance_frameworks_form_data5491 the user has pipeline configuration permission5492 behaves like returns the correct data5493 does not contain a framework ID5494 with a framework ID5495 is expected to contain exactly [:framework_id, 12345], [:group_path, "group375"], [:group_edit_path, "/groups/group375/-/edit#js-compliance-frameworks-settings"], [:graphql_field_name, "ComplianceManagement::Framework"], and [:pipeline_configuration_full_path_enabled, "[true]"]5496 the user does not have pipeline configuration permission5497 behaves like returns the correct data5498 does not contain a framework ID5499 with a framework ID5500 is expected to contain exactly [:framework_id, 12345], [:group_path, "group375"], [:group_edit_path, "/groups/group375/-/edit#js-compliance-frameworks-settings"], [:graphql_field_name, "ComplianceManagement::Framework"], and [:pipeline_configuration_full_path_enabled, "[false]"]5501 group is a subgroup5502 returns the root ancestor full path as group_path5503AppSec::Dast::Profiles::BuildConfigService5504 #execute5505 includes all profiles in the payload5506 behaves like a fetch operation5507 when licensed5508 when the profile exists5509 includes the profile in the payload5510 when the profile is not provided5511 does not include the profile in the payload5512 when the profile does not exist5513 behaves like an error occurred5514 communicates failure5515 when the profile cannot be read5516 behaves like an error occurred5517 communicates failure5518 when the user cannot create dast scans5519 behaves like an error occurred5520 communicates failure5521 when not licensed5522 behaves like an error occurred5523 communicates failure5524 behaves like a fetch operation5525 when licensed5526 when the profile exists5527 includes the profile in the payload5528 when the profile is not provided5529 does not include the profile in the payload5530 when the profile does not exist5531 behaves like an error occurred5532 communicates failure5533 when the profile cannot be read5534 behaves like an error occurred5535 communicates failure5536 when the user cannot create dast scans5537 behaves like an error occurred5538 communicates failure5539 when not licensed5540 behaves like an error occurred5541 communicates failure5542WorkItems::ImportCsvService5543 # order random5544 #execute5545 when file is valid5546 when all types are available5547 creates the expected number of work items5548 sets work item attributes5549 when some types are unavailable5550 throws an error and does not import5551 when user cannot create type5552 when types include Requirement5553 when Requirement is not licensed5554 behaves like does not create requirement5555 is expected to match {:blank=>[], :disallowed=>{"requirement"=>[3]}, :missing=>{}}5556 when user cannot create a Requirement5557 behaves like does not create requirement5558 is expected to match {:blank=>[], :disallowed=>{"requirement"=>[3]}, :missing=>{}}5559IterationNote5560 .from_event5561 behaves like a synthetic note5562 behaves like a system note5563 has the correct attributes5564 #discussion_id5565 returns the expected discussion id5566 with a remove iteration event5567 creates the expected note5568NoteEntity5569 when description_diffs license is available5570 includes description versions attributes5571 when description_diffs license is not available5572 does not include description versions attributes5573Verify/Browser-Performance.gitlab-ci.yml5574 the created pipeline5575 has no errors5576 on master5577 behaves like browser_performance job on tag or branch5578 by default5579 on another branch5580 behaves like browser_performance job on tag or branch5581 by default5582 on tag5583 behaves like browser_performance job on tag or branch5584 by default5585 on merge request5586 has no jobs5587IncidentManagement::EscalationPoliciesFinder5588 # order random5589 #execute5590 when feature is available5591 when user has permissions5592 returns project escalation policies5593 when id given5594 is expected to contain exactly #<IncidentManagement::EscalationPolicy id: 6, project_id: 1214, name: "unique identifier", description: [FILTERED]>5595 when exact_name is given5596 is expected to contain exactly #<IncidentManagement::EscalationPolicy id: 6, project_id: 1214, name: "unique identifier", description: [FILTERED]>5597 when the name does not match5598 is expected to eq #<ActiveRecord::Relation []>5599 when search_name is given5600 is expected to contain exactly #<IncidentManagement::EscalationPolicy id: 6, project_id: 1214, name: "unique identifier", description: [FILTERED]>5601 when the name does not match5602 is expected to eq #<ActiveRecord::Relation []>5603 when no params are given5604 is expected to contain exactly #<IncidentManagement::EscalationPolicy id: 6, project_id: 1214, name: "unique identifier", description: [FILTERED]>5605 when user has no permissions5606 is expected to eq #<ActiveRecord::Relation []>5607 when feature is not avaiable5608 is expected to eq #<ActiveRecord::Relation []>5609shared/credentials_inventory/_expiry_date.html.haml5610 when a non-expirable credential is used5611 shows "Never" if expires? method does not exist5612 when an expirable credential is used5613 shows "Never" when not expirable5614 and is not expired5615 shows the correct date5616 does not have an expiry icon5617 and is near expiry5618 shows the correct date5619 has an icon5620 and has expired5621 shows the correct date5622 has an icon5623Gitlab::Sitemaps::Generator5624 returns error if the env is not .com5625 when env is .com5626 returns error if group gitlab-org is not found5627 when group gitlab-org is present and public5628 and it is not public5629 returns and error5630 and it is public5631 includes default explore routes and gitlab-org group routes5632Gitlab::Usage::Metrics::Instrumentations::CountMergeRequestsWithAppliedScanResultPoliciesMetric5633 # order random5634 behaves like a correct instrumented metric value and query5635 behaves like a correct instrumented metric value5636 has correct value5637 behaves like a correct instrumented metric query5638 has correct generate query5639 behaves like a correct instrumented metric value and query5640 behaves like a correct instrumented metric value5641 has correct value5642 behaves like a correct instrumented metric query5643 has correct generate query5644ProductAnalytics::Funnel5645 # order random5646 is expected to validate that :seconds_to_convert looks like a number5647 .for_project5648 returns a collection of funnels5649 has a collection of steps5650 when the funnel directory includes a file that is not a yaml file5651 does not include the file in the collection5652 when the project does not have a funnels directory5653 is expected to be empty5654 #to_sql5655 with jitsu5656 is expected to eq " SELECT\n (SELECT max(utc_time) FROM jitsu) as x,\n windowFunnel(3600)(utc_time, ...c_path = '/page1.html', doc_path = '/page2.html') as step\n FROM gitlab_project_1227.jitsu\n"5657 with snowplow5658 is expected to eq " SELECT\n (SELECT max(derived_tstamp) FROM snowplow_events) as x,\n windowFunnel(...e1.html', page_urlpath = '/page2.html') as step\n FROM gitlab_project_1227.snowplow_events\n"5659Mutations::IncidentManagement::IssuableResourceLink::Destroy5660 # order random5661 is expected to require graphql authorizations :admin_issuable_resource_link5662 #resolve5663 when a user has permissions to delete issuable resource link5664 when IssuableResourceLinks::DestroyService responds with success5665 returns the issuable resource link with no errors5666 when IssuableResourceLinks::DestroyService responds with an error5667 returns errors5668 when a user has no permissions to delete an issuable resource link5669 raises an error5670 when issuable resource links feature is not avaiable5671 raises an error5672ResourceIterationEventPolicy5673 # order random5674 #read_resource_iteration_event5675 with non-member user5676 does not allow to read event5677 with member user5678 allows to read event for accessible iteration5679 does not allow to read event for not accessible iteration5680 #read_iteration5681 allows to read deleted iteration5682 allows to read accessible iteration5683 does not allow to read not accessible iteration5684Feature5685 .register_feature_groups5686 registers expected groups5687 .enabled?5688 with gitlab_team_members feature group5689 delegates check to Gitlab::Com.gitlab_com_group_member?5690 .enable5691 when running on a Geo primary node5692 does not create a Geo::CacheInvalidationEvent if there are no Geo secondary nodes5693 creates a Geo::CacheInvalidationEvent5694 .disable5695 when running on a Geo primary node5696 does not create a Geo::CacheInvalidationEvent if there are no Geo secondary nodes5697 creates a Geo::CacheInvalidationEvent5698 Feature::Target5699 #targets5700 when repository target works with group wiki5701 returns all found targets5702AwardEmojis::DestroyService5703 #execute5704 publish to status page5705 with recognized emoji5706 triggers status page publish5707 with unrecognized emoji5708 does not trigger status page publish service5709 tracking emoji removing5710 when awardable is an epic5711 tracks usage5712 when awardable is not an epic5713 does not track epic emoji awarding5714Mutations::Dast::Profiles::Delete5715 is expected to require graphql authorizations :create_on_demand_dast_scan5716 #resolve5717 when the user cannot read the project5718 raises an exception5719 when the user can destroy a DAST profile5720 deletes the profile5721 when the dast_profile does not exist5722 raises an exception5723 when DAST profile belongs to a project the user does not have access to5724 raises an exception5725 when deletion fails5726 returns an error5727Analytics::DashboardsPointer5728 # order random5729 is expected to belong to target_project required: true5730 is expected to belong to project required: false5731 is expected to belong to namespace required: false5732 #validations5733 doesn't allow namespace and project at the same time5734 requires namespace or project5735 check uniqueness of namespace5736 check uniqueness of project5737Integrations::SlackInteractions::SlackBlockActions::IncidentManagement::ProjectUpdateHandler5738 # order random5739 #execute5740 when project is updated5741 returns success response and updates cache5742 when project is unchanged5743 behaves like does not make api call5744 does not make the api call and returns nil5745 when user does not have permission to read a project5746 behaves like does not make api call5747 does not make the api call and returns nil5748 when api response is not ok5749 returns error response5750 when Slack API call raises an HTTP exception5751 tracks the exception and returns an error message5752StatusPage::PublishAttachmentsService5753 # order random5754 #execute5755 publishes file attachments5756 when not in markdown5757 publishes no images5758 when in markdown5759 publishes description images5760 when upload to storage throws an error5761 returns an error response5762 user notes uploads5763 publishes images5764 when exceeds upload limit5765 publishes no images5766 when all images are in s35767 publishes no images5768 when images are already in s35769 publishes only new images5770AlertManagement::ProcessPrometheusAlertService5771 #execute5772 when alert payload is valid5773 behaves like does not create or delete any escalations5774 is expected to not change `IncidentManagement::PendingEscalations::Alert.count` and not change `IncidentManagement::PendingEscalations::Issue.count`5775 with escalation policies feature enabled5776 is expected to receive perform_async(a kind of Integer) 1 time5777 with an existing alert5778 behaves like does not create or delete any escalations5779 is expected to not change `IncidentManagement::PendingEscalations::Alert.count` and not change `IncidentManagement::PendingEscalations::Issue.count`5780 with resolving payload5781 is expected to change `target.pending_escalations.reload.count` from 1 to 05782Security::Ingestion::Tasks::IngestVulnerabilities::Create5783 vulnerability state5784 when `deprecate_vulnerabilities_feedback` is disabled5785 when finding has dismissal feedback5786 sets the state of the vulnerability to `dismissed`5787 when finding has issue feedback5788 sets the state of the vulnerability to `detected`5789 when `deprecate_vulnerabilities_feedback` is enabled5790 sets the state of the vulnerability to `detected`5791shared/issuable/_sidebar.html.haml5792 project in a group5793 issuable that supports iterations5794 shows iteration dropdown5795 issuable does not support iterations5796 does not show iteration dropdown5797 issuable that does not support escalation policies5798 shows escalation policy dropdown5799 issuable that supports escalation policies5800 does not show escalation policy dropdown5801 non-group project5802 does not show iteration dropdown5803Projects::Security::DastConfigurationHelper5804 #dast_configuration_data5805 with yml_config_data5806 when service does not return dast profile and scanner profile5807 is expected to eq {:full_path=>"namespace1223/project1320", :gitlab_ci_yaml_edit_path=>"/namespace1223/project1320/-/ci...s_library_path=>"/namespace1223/project1320/-/security/configuration/profile_library#site-profiles"}5808 when service returns dast profile and scanner profile5809 is expected to eq {:full_path=>"namespace1223/project1320", :gitlab_ci_yaml_edit_path=>"/namespace1223/project1320/-/ci...s_library_path=>"/namespace1223/project1320/-/security/configuration/profile_library#site-profiles"}5810 with pipeline_data5811 when pipeline data is present5812 when scanner is enabled5813 is expected to eq {:dast_enabled=>true, :full_path=>"namespace1223/project1320", :gitlab_ci_yaml_edit_path=>"/namespace...s_library_path=>"/namespace1223/project1320/-/security/configuration/profile_library#site-profiles"}5814 when scanner is not enabled5815 is expected to eq {:dast_enabled=>false, :full_path=>"namespace1223/project1320", :gitlab_ci_yaml_edit_path=>"/namespac...s_library_path=>"/namespace1223/project1320/-/security/configuration/profile_library#site-profiles"}5816 when service returns an error5817 is expected to eq {:full_path=>"namespace1223/project1320", :gitlab_ci_yaml_edit_path=>"/namespace1223/project1320/-/ci...s_library_path=>"/namespace1223/project1320/-/security/configuration/profile_library#site-profiles"}5818Types::Boards::BoardEpicType5819 is expected to eq "BoardEpic"5820 has specific fields5821 #user_preferences5822 when user is not set5823 does not return any epics5824 when user and board is set5825 returns nil if there are not preferences5826 when user preferences are set5827 returns user preferences5828Geo::ContainerRepositorySync5829 #execute5830 single manifest5831 determines list of tags to sync and to remove correctly5832 when primary repository has no tags5833 removes secondary tags and does not fail5834 manifest list5835 pushes the correct blobs and manifests5836 image without mediaType parameter5837 pushes the correct blobs and manifests without failure5838 oci manifest list5839 pushes the correct blobs and manifests5840 buildkit cache images5841 pushes the correct blobs and manifests5842 OCI image with artifact5843 pushes the correct blobs and manifests5844 #client5845 caches the client5846Namespaces::BilledUsersFinder5847 # order random5848 #execute5849 returns a breakdown of billable user ids5850 when including guests5851 includes distinct active users5852 when excluding guests5853 includes distinct active users5854Namespaces::NamespaceBan5855 associations5856 is expected to belong to namespace required: true5857 is expected to belong to user required: true5858 is expected to validate that :user_id is case-sensitively unique within the scope of :namespace_id, producing a custom validation error on failure5859 validations5860 namespace_is_root_namespace5861 when associated namespace is root5862 is expected to be valid5863 when associated namespace is not root5864 is invalid5865 user_is_not_namespace_owner5866 when user is not an owner of the namespace5867 is expected to be valid5868 when user is an owner of the namespace5869 is invalid5870Gitlab::Issuable::Clone::CopyResourceEventsService5871 resource weight events5872 creates expected resource weight events5873 when a new object is a group entity5874 when entity is an epic5875 when cloning state events5876 ignores issue_id attribute5877 when issue has weight events5878 ignores copying weight events5879Dast::Branch5880 when repository does not exist5881 #name5882 returns nil5883 #exists5884 returns false5885 when repository exists5886 #name5887 returns profile.branch_name5888 when branch exists5889 returns true5890 when branch does not exist5891 returns false5892Vulnerabilities::FindingRemediation5893 is expected to belong to finding class_name => Vulnerabilities::Finding required: true5894 is expected to belong to remediation class_name => Vulnerabilities::Remediation required: true5895 .by_finding_id5896 is expected to eq #<ActiveRecord::Associations::CollectionProxy [#<Vulnerabilities::FindingRemediation id: 1, vulnerabi...ated_at: "2023-04-12 15:06:41.388056000 +0000", updated_at: "2023-04-12 15:06:41.388056000 +0000">]>5897SAST-IaC.gitlab-ci.yml5898 the created pipeline5899 when project has no license5900 when SAST_DISABLED=15901 includes no jobs5902 by default5903 creates a pipeline with the expected jobs5904Ci::Minutes::UpdateProjectAndNamespaceUsageWorker5905 #perform5906 when duration param is not passed in5907 does not behave idempotently for legacy statistics update5908 behaves idempotently for monthly usage update5909 executes UpdateProjectAndNamespaceUsageService5910 updates monthly usage but not shared_runners_duration5911 when duration param is passed in5912 does not behave idempotently for legacy statistics update5913 behaves idempotently for monthly usage update5914 executes UpdateProjectAndNamespaceUsageService5915 updates monthly usage and shared_runners_duration5916Terraform::States::DestroyService5917 #execute5918 creates deletion events for associated state versions5919Mutations::Boards::Lists::UpdateLimitMetrics5920 #ready?5921 raises an error if required arguments are missing5922 #resolve5923 with admin rights5924 updates the list as expected5925 returns the correct response5926 without admin rights5927 fails5928Projects::Security::ConfigurationPresenter5929 #to_h5930 includes settings for auto_fix feature5931 reports auto_fix permissions5932 reports security_training_enabled5933 #to_html_data_attribute5934 includes feature meta information for dast scanner5935 does not include feature meta information for other scanner5936Search::Elasticsearchable5937 # order random5938 #global_elasticsearchable_scope?5939 is false5940 when scope is users5941 is true5942 #use_elasticsearch?5943 is false5944 when search_using_elasticsearch setting is enabled5945 when basic_search param is passed in5946 is false5947 when scope is epics5948 is false5949 when scope is notes5950 is true5951 when scope is users5952 create_user_index_finished: true, backfill_users_finished: true, result: true5953 returns the correct result5954 create_user_index_finished: true, backfill_users_finished: false, result: false5955 returns the correct result5956 create_user_index_finished: false, backfill_users_finished: true, result: false5957 returns the correct result5958 create_user_index_finished: false, backfill_users_finished: false, result: false5959 returns the correct result5960EE::ResourceEvents::SyntheticWeightNotesBuilderService5961 #execute5962 returns the expected synthetic notes5963 behaves like filters by paginated notes5964 only returns given notes5965 when paginated notes is empty5966 does not return any notes5967Analytics::CycleAnalytics::EventEntity5968 #type5969 returns `simple` for non-label based events5970 returns `label` for label based events5971shared/billings/_trial_status.html.haml5972 when not eligible for trial5973 offers to learn more about plans5974 when trial active5975 with a ultimate trial5976 displays expiry date and Ultimate5977 with a premium trial5978 displays expiry date and Premium5979 with an ultimate trial using the new trial plan5980 displays expiry date and Ultimate5981 with a premium trial using the new trial plan5982 displays expiry date and Premium5983 when trial expired5984 displays the date is expired5985 when eligible for trial5986 offers a trial5987LdapSyncWorker5988 #perform5989 with the default license key5990 syncs all LDAP users5991 without a license key5992 does not sync LDAP users5993Vulnerabilities::HistoricalStatistics::DeletionService5994 .execute5995 instantiates the service object and calls `execute`5996 #execute5997 when there is no historical statistics older than 365 days5998 does not delete historical statistics5999 when there is a historical statistic entry that was created 364 days ago6000 does not delete historical statistics6001 and there are more than one entries that are older than 365 days6002 deletes historical statistics older than 365 days6003MergeRequests::HandleAssigneesChangeService6004 #execute6005 schedules for analytics metric update6006 when code_review_analytics is not available6007 does not schedule for analytics metric update6008Sidebars::Groups::Menus::TrialWidgetMenu6009 # order random6010 behaves like trial widget menu items6011 #render?6012 trials_available: true, trial_active: true, user_can_admin_group: true6013 is expected to eq true6014 trials_available: true, trial_active: true, user_can_admin_group: false6015 is expected to eq false6016 trials_available: true, trial_active: false, user_can_admin_group: true6017 is expected to eq false6018 trials_available: true, trial_active: false, user_can_admin_group: false6019 is expected to eq false6020 trials_available: false, trial_active: true, user_can_admin_group: true6021 is expected to eq false6022 trials_available: false, trial_active: true, user_can_admin_group: false6023 is expected to eq false6024 trials_available: false, trial_active: false, user_can_admin_group: true6025 is expected to eq false6026 trials_available: false, trial_active: false, user_can_admin_group: false6027 is expected to eq false6028 #menu_partial_options6029 provides expected options6030Sbom::Ingestion::OccurrenceMap6031 # order random6032 #to_h6033 returns a hash with base data without ids assigned6034 when ids are assigned6035 returns a hash with ids and base data6036 when there is no source6037 returns a hash without source information6038 when component has no purl6039 returns a hash with a nil purl_type6040 normalization6041 purl_type: :npm, name: "Cookie_Parser", expected: "Cookie_Parser"6042 outputs normalized name6043 purl_type: :pypi, name: "Flask_SQLAlchemy", expected: "flask-sqlalchemy"6044 outputs normalized name6045 when purl is absent6046 does not perform normalization6047 #version_present?6048 returns true when a version is present6049 when version is empty6050 is expected to equal false6051 when version is absent6052 is expected to equal false6053Gitlab::Insights::Reducers::BaseReducer6054 raises NotImplementedError6055 #issuable_type6056 with issues6057 returns :issue6058 with merge requests6059 returns :merge_request6060Members::ImportProjectTeamService6061 #execute6062 when the project team import fails6063 when the target project has locked their membership6064 via the parent group6065 returns false6066 via LDAP6067 returns false6068AppSec::Dast::ProfileSchedules::Audit::UpdateService6069 #execute6070 creates audit events for the changed properties6071Resolvers::ProductAnalytics::VisualizationResolver6072 # order random6073 #resolve6074 returns the visualization object6075 when the visualization does not exist6076 raises an error6077Gitlab::PathLocksFinder6078 returns correct lock information6079 #preload_for_paths6080 does not perform N + 1 requests6081Resolvers::AppSec::Fuzzing::Coverage::CorpusesResolver6082 when resolving corpuses6083 when the corpus exists6084 finds all the corpuses6085 when the corpus does not exists6086 is expected to be empty6087Security::SecurityOrchestrationPolicies::SyncScanResultPoliciesService6088 # order random6089 #execute6090 triggers worker for the configuration6091 with namespace association6092 triggers SyncScanResultPoliciesProjectService for the configuration and project_id6093layouts/header/_read_only_banner6094 On a Geo primary node6095 do not includes button to visit primary node6096 On a Geo secondary node6097 includes button to visit primary node6098shared/_clone_panel6099 without Geo enabled6100 behaves like has no geo-specific instructions6101 has no geo-specific instructions6102 On a Geo primary node6103 behaves like has no geo-specific instructions6104 has no geo-specific instructions6105 On a Geo secondary node6106 behaves like has no geo-specific instructions6107 has no geo-specific instructions6108projects/security/dast_scanner_profiles/new6109 renders Vue app root6110 passes project's full path6111 passes DAST profiles library URL6112Timelogs::CreateService6113 #execute6114 when issuable is an Epic6115 behaves like issuable does not support timelog creation service6116 when the user does not have permission6117 behaves like error_response6118 returns an error6119 when the user has permissions6120 behaves like error_response6121 returns an error6122Geo::WikiRepositoryState6123 # order random6124 associations6125 is expected to belong to project_wiki_repository class_name => Projects::WikiRepository required: false inverse_of => wiki_repository_state6126 validations6127 is expected to validate that :project_wiki_repository cannot be empty/falsy6128 is expected to validate that :verification_state cannot be empty/falsy6129 is expected to validate that :project_wiki_repository is case-sensitively unique6130 is expected to validate that the length of :verification_failure is at most 2556131Gitlab::Usage::Metrics::Instrumentations::UserCapSettingEnabledMetric6132 user_cap_feature_enabled: 42, expected_value: 426133 behaves like a correct instrumented metric value6134 has correct value6135 user_cap_feature_enabled: -1, expected_value: -16136 behaves like a correct instrumented metric value6137 has correct value6138GroupSaml::SamlGroupLinks::CreateService6139 #execute6140 when authorized user6141 when licensed features are available6142 with valid params6143 create a new saml_group_link entry against the group6144 when invalid params6145 throws bad request error6146 when user is not allowed to create saml_group_links6147 throws unauthorized error6148Users::BlockService6149 #execute6150 audit events6151 when licensed6152 when user block operation succeeds6153 logs an audit event6154 logs the audit event info6155 when user block operation fails6156 does not log any audit event6157 when not licensed6158 does not log any audit event6159Projects::Integrations::Jira::ByIdsFinder6160 #execute6161 when reactive_caching is still fetching data6162 returns nil6163 when reactive_caching has finished6164 returns issues encapsulated in hash6165 when reactive_caching failed with ::Projects::Integrations::Jira::IssuesFinder::IntegrationError6166 returns empty issues list with error message6167 when reactive_caching failed with ::Projects::Integrations::Jira::IssuesFinder::RequestError6168 returns empty issues list with error message6169AuditEvents::Streaming::EventTypeFilters::CreateService6170 # order random6171 #execute6172 when event type filter is not already present6173 creates event type filter6174 creates audit event6175 when record is invalid6176 returns error message6177 does not create audit event6178Issues::LinkedIssueFeatureFlagEntity6179 #as_json6180 returns json6181shared/issuable/_iterations_dropdown.html.haml6182 behaves like issuable bulk dropdown6183 renders hidden input6184 renders vue root6185 without parent6186 is nil6187 without feature6188 is nil6189MergeRequests::Mergeability::CheckApprovedService6190 #execute6191 when the merge request is approved6192 returns a check result with status success6193 when the merge request is not approved6194 returns a check result with status failure6195 #skip?6196 returns false6197 #cacheable?6198 returns false6199Integrations::SlackOptions::LabelSearchHandler6200 # order random6201 #execute6202 when user has permission to read project and group labels6203 returns the labels matching the search term6204 when user does not have permissions to read project/group labels6205 returns empty array6206IncidentManagement::PendingEscalations::AlertCheckWorker6207 # order random6208 #perform6209 with valid escalation6210 processes the escalation6211 without valid escalation6212 does nothing6213Mutations::Ci::ProjectCiCdSettingsUpdate6214 #resolve6215 when merge trains are set to true and merge pipelines are set to false6216 does not enable merge trains6217 when merge trains and merge pipelines are set to true6218 enables merge pipelines and merge trains6219RequirementsManagement::PrepareImportCsvService6220 when file is uploaded correctly6221 returns a success message6222 enqeues the ImportRequirementsCsvWorker6223 when file upload fails6224 returns an error message6225Projects::Security::ApiFuzzingConfigurationHelper6226 #api_fuzzing_configuration_data6227 user with admin_pipeline permissions6228 is expected to eq {:api_fuzzing_authentication_documentation_path=>"/help/user/application_security/api_fuzzing/index#a...ettings/ci_cd", :security_configuration_path=>"/namespace1280/project1379/-/security/configuration"}6229 user without admin_pipeline permissions6230 is expected to eq {:api_fuzzing_authentication_documentation_path=>"/help/user/application_security/api_fuzzing/index#a...ettings/ci_cd", :security_configuration_path=>"/namespace1280/project1379/-/security/configuration"}6231LabelPresenter6232 #scoped_label?6233 with scoped_labels enabled6234 with project label with context subject set6235 is expected to be truthy6236 with project label without context subject6237 is expected to be truthy6238 with scoped_labels disabled6239 with project label with context subject set6240 is expected to be falsey6241Geo::SyncTimeoutCronWorker6242 uses a cronjob queue6243 #perform6244 calls fail_sync_timeouts6245EE::API::Entities::Scim::UserName6246 contains the name6247 contains the first name6248 contains the last name6249Types::JsonStringType6250 is expected to eq "JsonString"6251 .coerce_input6252 when a JSON string is a valid JSON6253 coerces JSON string into a Hash6254 when a JSON string is not a JSON6255 raises an exception6256 .coerce_result6257 coerces a hash to a JSON string6258Types::AccessLevels::GroupType6259 # order random6260 is expected to require graphql authorizations :read_group6261 is expected to have graphql fields "id", "name", "web_url", "avatar_url", and "parent"6262WebHooks::Group::HookPresenter6263 #logs_details_path6264 is expected to eq "/groups/group406/-/hooks/1/hook_logs/1"6265 #logs_retry_path6266 is expected to eq "/groups/group406/-/hooks/1/hook_logs/1/retry"6267Types::AuditEvents::ExternalAuditEventDestinationType6268 is expected to eq "ExternalAuditEventDestination"6269 is expected to have graphql fields :id, :destination_url, :group, :verification_token, :headers, and :event_type_filters6270 is expected to require graphql authorizations :admin_external_audit_events6271Elastic::Latest::MergeRequestConfig6272 .settings6273 behaves like config settings return correct values6274 returns config6275 sets correct shard/replica settings6276 .mappings6277 returns config6278Auth::GroupSamlIdentityFinder6279 #first6280 looks up identity by saml_provider and uid6281Types::AppSec::Fuzzing::API::ScanProfileType6282 is expected to have graphql fields :name, :description, and :yaml6283AddNamespaceAncestryIdsToIssuesMapping6284 behaves like a deprecated Advanced Search migration6285 #migrate6286 logs a message and halts the migration6287 #completed?6288 returns false6289 #obsolete?6290 returns true6291Types::GlobalIDType6292 where we declare an argument as GlobalIDType[a] where a is prepended in EE6293 when the argument is declared by the client as IterationID6294 behaves like a working query6295 returns a successful response6296 when the argument is declared by the client as EEIterationID6297 behaves like a working query6298 returns a successful response6299Namespaces::FreeUserCap::RootSize6300 # order random6301 #above_size_limit?6302 when below limit6303 is expected to eq false6304 when above limit6305 is expected to eq true6306API::Entities::Deployments::ApprovalSummary6307 exposes correct attributes6308Gitlab::Tracking6309 .definition6310 fetch EE definitions when prefixed with ee_6311Admin::SetFeatureFlagService6312 # order random6313 #execute6314 when enabling the feature flag that is a licensed feature6315 returns an error6316 when force: true6317 enables the feature flag6318Types::EpicSortEnum6319 is expected to eq "EpicSort"6320 exposes all the existing epic sort orders6321Gitlab::Pagination::Keyset::SimpleOrderBuilder6322 when ordering by a CASE expression and id6323 does not raise error6324 does not support this ordering6325Types::ComplianceManagement::MergeRequests::ComplianceViolationReasonEnum6326 is expected to eq "ComplianceViolationReason"6327 is expected to contain exactly "APPROVED_BY_MERGE_REQUEST_AUTHOR", "APPROVED_BY_COMMITTER", and "APPROVED_BY_INSUFFICIENT_USERS"6328Gitlab::GlRepository6329 .parse6330 parses a group wiki gl_repository6331Gitlab::Analytics::CycleAnalytics::Summary::BaseDoraSummary6332 #metric_key6333 is required to be overloaded6334Gitlab::Search::Client6335 # order random6336 delegates to adapter6337Types::DoraMetricTypeEnum6338 includes a value for each DORA metric type6339MemberPresenter6340 # order random6341 #human_access6342 when user has static role6343 returns human name for access level6344 when user has a custom role6345 returns custom roles6346Types::DoraMetricBucketingIntervalEnum6347 includes a value for each DORA bucketing interval type6348Admin::EmailService6349 #execute6350 when we can obtain the lease6351 schedules the worker6352 when we can't obtain the lease6353 does not schedule the worker6354Geo::SidekiqCronConfigWorker6355 #perform6356 runs the cron manager6357Types::ExternalIssueType6358 is expected to have graphql fields :title, :relative_reference, :status, :external_tracker, :web_url, :created_at, and :updated_at6359FilterableByTestReports6360 # order random6361 .test_reports_join_column6362 raises error if method is not implemented on container class6363Types::VulnerablePackageType6364 is expected to have graphql fields :name6365Knapsack report was generated. Preview:6366{6367 "ee/spec/lib/gitlab/ci/templates/dependency_scanning_gitlab_ci_yaml_spec.rb": 354.56931734,6368 "ee/spec/tasks/geo_rake_spec.rb": 180.43793813499997,6369 "ee/spec/services/search/snippet_service_spec.rb": 127.8555752279999,6370 "ee/spec/lib/gitlab/ci/templates/sast_latest_gitlab_ci_yaml_spec.rb": 94.5803214839998,6371 "ee/spec/lib/gitlab/import_export/attributes_permitter_spec.rb": 18.27023362,6372 "ee/spec/elastic/migrate/20220613120500_migrate_commits_to_separate_index_spec.rb": 46.47991589000003,6373 "ee/spec/lib/gitlab/geo/git_ssh_proxy_spec.rb": 55.83373150699981,6374 "ee/spec/models/security/scan_spec.rb": 40.81252352199999,6375 "ee/spec/models/geo/pipeline_artifact_registry_spec.rb": 38.40459023300036,6376 "ee/spec/services/projects/create_from_template_service_spec.rb": 46.13591621700016,6377 "ee/spec/lib/gitlab/elastic/group_search_results_spec.rb": 42.52652588400042,6378 "ee/spec/services/security/security_orchestration_policies/process_scan_result_policy_service_spec.rb": 38.34835242899999,6379 "ee/spec/models/ee/merge_request_diff_spec.rb": 24.556522250999933,6380 "ee/spec/services/groups/update_service_spec.rb": 26.23055522300001,6381 "ee/spec/elastic/migrate/20220118150500_delete_orphaned_commits_spec.rb": 26.51219163199994,6382 "ee/spec/services/boards/update_service_spec.rb": 17.717423572999905,6383 "ee/spec/models/protected_environment_spec.rb": 21.989806750999833,6384 "ee/spec/lib/gitlab/code_owners/file_spec.rb": 4.636868225999933,6385 "ee/spec/graphql/types/vulnerability_type_spec.rb": 15.726663800000097,6386 "ee/spec/services/search/index_repair_service_spec.rb": 26.374475796999832,6387 "ee/spec/services/security/ingestion/tasks/ingest_findings_spec.rb": 15.06188956799997,6388 "ee/spec/finders/epics/cross_hierarchy_ancestors_finder_spec.rb": 14.762532577000002,6389 "ee/spec/models/environment_spec.rb": 14.045090473000073,6390 "ee/spec/services/security/security_orchestration_policies/validate_policy_service_spec.rb": 3.9869161010001335,6391 "ee/spec/lib/gitlab/zoekt/search_results_spec.rb": 12.108445199000016,6392 "ee/spec/services/ee/members/create_service_spec.rb": 13.576552499999707,6393 "ee/spec/services/dashboard/operations/list_service_spec.rb": 13.498331683000288,6394 "ee/spec/models/concerns/ee/noteable_spec.rb": 10.570686889000172,6395 "ee/spec/services/resource_access_tokens/revoke_service_spec.rb": 11.672421620000023,6396 "ee/spec/models/ee/iterations/cadence_spec.rb": 4.891962543999853,6397 "ee/spec/graphql/resolvers/geo/container_repository_registries_resolver_spec.rb": 12.77185874099996,6398 "ee/spec/lib/gitlab/template/custom_templates_spec.rb": 4.4712887820001015,6399 "ee/spec/graphql/resolvers/board_groupings/epics_resolvers_spec.rb": 8.408675810999739,6400 "ee/spec/services/ee/issues/create_from_vulnerability_service_spec.rb": 10.113175153000157,6401 "ee/spec/models/resource_weight_event_spec.rb": 5.887154802000168,6402 "ee/spec/graphql/mutations/issues/update_spec.rb": 7.379550009000013,6403 "ee/spec/serializers/licenses_list_entity_spec.rb": 9.230340217999583,6404 "ee/spec/services/ee/allowed_email_domains/update_service_spec.rb": 5.989119035000385,6405 "ee/spec/models/issue_link_spec.rb": 5.6252904999996645,6406 "ee/spec/models/ee/personal_access_token_spec.rb": 4.755801738000173,6407 "ee/spec/lib/gem_extensions/elasticsearch/model/adapter/active_record/records_spec.rb": 9.356119108999792,6408 "ee/spec/serializers/blocking_merge_request_entity_spec.rb": 10.921329877000062,6409 "ee/spec/services/projects/mark_for_deletion_service_spec.rb": 7.888656743999945,6410 "ee/spec/lib/gitlab/subscription_portal/clients/graphql_spec.rb": 2.6111451389997455,6411 "ee/spec/lib/ee/sidebars/groups/menus/settings_menu_spec.rb": 3.3745782339997277,6412 "ee/spec/services/geo/repository_updated_service_spec.rb": 2.997884176000298,6413 "ee/spec/workers/set_user_status_based_on_user_cap_setting_worker_spec.rb": 4.399628699000004,6414 "ee/spec/services/ee/ip_restrictions/update_service_spec.rb": 3.690224409000166,6415 "ee/spec/models/incident_management/pending_escalations/issue_spec.rb": 3.8656696129996817,6416 "ee/spec/services/ee/protected_branches/destroy_service_spec.rb": 3.5796090080002614,6417 "ee/spec/helpers/ee/integrations_helper_spec.rb": 2.848751949000416,6418 "ee/spec/models/dast/site_profile_secret_variable_spec.rb": 2.7086104709997016,6419 "ee/spec/lib/gitlab/vulnerabilities/standard_vulnerability_spec.rb": 1.2785480120001012,6420 "ee/spec/lib/gitlab/ci/pipeline/chain/config/content_spec.rb": 4.656520526999884,6421 "ee/spec/models/ee/ci/pending_build_spec.rb": 2.9542213300001094,6422 "ee/spec/lib/gitlab/compliance_management/violations/approved_by_insufficient_users_spec.rb": 4.398164748999989,6423 "ee/spec/services/users/email_verification/send_custom_confirmation_instructions_service_spec.rb": 1.4209290300000248,6424 "ee/spec/presenters/group_member_presenter_spec.rb": 2.465506611999899,6425 "ee/spec/models/vulnerabilities/projects_grade_spec.rb": 4.019685510000272,6426 "ee/spec/services/issues/build_service_spec.rb": 4.748126257999957,6427 "ee/spec/models/deployment_spec.rb": 4.395929788000103,6428 "ee/spec/graphql/mutations/vulnerabilities/create_external_issue_link_spec.rb": 3.5035834539999087,6429 "ee/spec/graphql/types/vulnerability_response_type_spec.rb": 2.5891710810001314,6430 "ee/spec/services/licenses/destroy_service_spec.rb": 1.6258793829997558,6431 "ee/spec/services/incident_management/issuable_resource_links/destroy_service_spec.rb": 2.628784187999827,6432 "ee/spec/tasks/gitlab/license_rake_spec.rb": 4.474134052999943,6433 "ee/spec/services/geo/blob_download_service_spec.rb": 4.452676893999978,6434 "ee/spec/lib/gitlab/geo/jwt_request_decoder_spec.rb": 2.465291671000159,6435 "ee/spec/workers/emails/abandoned_trial_emails_cron_worker_spec.rb": 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expect_search_results(search_user, 'snippet_titles', expected_objects: expected_objects, pending: pending?) do |user|6547, search: snippet.title).execute6548 end6549 expected collection contained: [#<ProjectSnippet id:1 group1/project352$1>]6550 actual collection contained: []6551 the missing elements were: [#<ProjectSnippet id:1 group1/project352$1>]6552 # ./ee/spec/support/helpers/search_results_helpers.rb:24:in `block in expect_search_results'6553 # ./ee/spec/support/helpers/search_results_helpers.rb:12:in `each'6554 # ./ee/spec/support/helpers/search_results_helpers.rb:12:in `expect_search_results'6555 # ./ee/spec/services/search/snippet_service_spec.rb:91:in `block (6 levels) in <top (required)>'6556 # ./spec/spec_helper.rb:432:in `block (3 levels) in <top (required)>'6557 # ./spec/support/sidekiq_middleware.rb:18:in `with_sidekiq_server_middleware'6558 # ./spec/spec_helper.rb:424:in `block (2 levels) in <top (required)>'6559 # ./spec/spec_helper.rb:420:in `block (3 levels) in <top (required)>'6560 # ./lib/gitlab/application_context.rb:61:in `with_raw_context'6561 # ./spec/spec_helper.rb:420:in `block (2 levels) in <top (required)>'6562 # ./spec/spec_helper.rb:241:in `block (2 levels) in <top (required)>'6563 # ./spec/support/sidekiq.rb:21:in `block (3 levels) in <top (required)>'6564 # ./spec/support/sidekiq.rb:8:in `gitlab_sidekiq_inline'6565 # ./spec/support/sidekiq.rb:21:in `block (2 levels) in <top (required)>'6566 # ./spec/support/system_exit_detected.rb:7:in `block (2 levels) in <top (required)>'6567 # ./spec/support/redis.rb:17:in `block (3 levels) in <top (required)>'6568 # ./spec/support/redis.rb:17:in `block (3 levels) in <top (required)>'6569 # ./spec/support/database/prevent_cross_joins.rb:108:in `block (3 levels) in <top (required)>'6570 # ./spec/support/database/prevent_cross_joins.rb:62:in `with_cross_joins_prevented'6571 # ./spec/support/database/prevent_cross_joins.rb:108:in `block (2 levels) in <top (required)>'6572 # ./ee/spec/support/elastic.rb:111:in `block (2 levels) in <top (required)>'6573 2) Search::SnippetService#execute visibility project snippet snippet_level: :public, project_level: :public, feature_access_level: :enabled, membership: :non_member, admin_mode: nil, expected_count: 1 respects visibility6575 Failure/Error:6576 expect_search_results(search_user, 'snippet_titles', expected_objects: expected_objects, pending: pending?) do |user|6577, search: snippet.title).execute6578 end6579 expected collection contained: [#<ProjectSnippet id:1 group1/project352$1>]6580 actual collection contained: []6581 the missing elements were: [#<ProjectSnippet id:1 group1/project352$1>]6582 # ./ee/spec/support/helpers/search_results_helpers.rb:24:in `block in expect_search_results'6583 # ./ee/spec/support/helpers/search_results_helpers.rb:12:in `each'6584 # ./ee/spec/support/helpers/search_results_helpers.rb:12:in `expect_search_results'6585 # ./ee/spec/services/search/snippet_service_spec.rb:91:in `block (6 levels) in <top (required)>'6586 # ./spec/spec_helper.rb:432:in `block (3 levels) in <top (required)>'6587 # ./spec/support/sidekiq_middleware.rb:18:in `with_sidekiq_server_middleware'6588 # ./spec/spec_helper.rb:424:in `block (2 levels) in <top (required)>'6589 # ./spec/spec_helper.rb:420:in `block (3 levels) in <top (required)>'6590 # ./lib/gitlab/application_context.rb:61:in `with_raw_context'6591 # ./spec/spec_helper.rb:420:in `block (2 levels) in <top (required)>'6592 # ./spec/spec_helper.rb:241:in `block (2 levels) in <top (required)>'6593 # ./spec/support/sidekiq.rb:21:in `block (3 levels) in <top (required)>'6594 # ./spec/support/sidekiq.rb:8:in `gitlab_sidekiq_inline'6595 # ./spec/support/sidekiq.rb:21:in `block (2 levels) in <top (required)>'6596 # ./spec/support/system_exit_detected.rb:7:in `block (2 levels) in <top (required)>'6597 # ./spec/support/redis.rb:17:in `block (3 levels) in <top (required)>'6598 # ./spec/support/redis.rb:17:in `block (3 levels) in <top (required)>'6599 # ./spec/support/database/prevent_cross_joins.rb:108:in `block (3 levels) in <top (required)>'6600 # ./spec/support/database/prevent_cross_joins.rb:62:in `with_cross_joins_prevented'6601 # ./spec/support/database/prevent_cross_joins.rb:108:in `block (2 levels) in <top (required)>'6602 # ./ee/spec/support/elastic.rb:111:in `block (2 levels) in <top (required)>'6603 3) Search::SnippetService#execute visibility project snippet snippet_level: :public, project_level: :internal, feature_access_level: :enabled, membership: :admin, admin_mode: false, expected_count: 1 respects visibility6605 Failure/Error:6606 expect_search_results(search_user, 'snippet_titles', expected_objects: expected_objects, pending: pending?) do |user|6607, search: snippet.title).execute6608 end6609 expected collection contained: [#<ProjectSnippet id:1 group1/project352$1>]6610 actual collection contained: []6611 the missing elements were: [#<ProjectSnippet id:1 group1/project352$1>]6612 # ./ee/spec/support/helpers/search_results_helpers.rb:24:in `block in expect_search_results'6613 # ./ee/spec/support/helpers/search_results_helpers.rb:12:in `each'6614 # ./ee/spec/support/helpers/search_results_helpers.rb:12:in `expect_search_results'6615 # ./ee/spec/services/search/snippet_service_spec.rb:91:in `block (6 levels) in <top (required)>'6616 # ./spec/spec_helper.rb:432:in `block (3 levels) in <top (required)>'6617 # ./spec/support/sidekiq_middleware.rb:18:in `with_sidekiq_server_middleware'6618 # ./spec/spec_helper.rb:424:in `block (2 levels) in <top (required)>'6619 # ./spec/spec_helper.rb:420:in `block (3 levels) in <top (required)>'6620 # ./lib/gitlab/application_context.rb:61:in `with_raw_context'6621 # ./spec/spec_helper.rb:420:in `block (2 levels) in <top (required)>'6622 # ./spec/spec_helper.rb:241:in `block (2 levels) in <top (required)>'6623 # ./spec/support/sidekiq.rb:21:in `block (3 levels) in <top (required)>'6624 # ./spec/support/sidekiq.rb:8:in `gitlab_sidekiq_inline'6625 # ./spec/support/sidekiq.rb:21:in `block (2 levels) in <top (required)>'6626 # ./spec/support/system_exit_detected.rb:7:in `block (2 levels) in <top (required)>'6627 # ./spec/support/redis.rb:17:in `block (3 levels) in <top (required)>'6628 # ./spec/support/redis.rb:17:in `block (3 levels) in <top (required)>'6629 # ./spec/support/database/prevent_cross_joins.rb:108:in `block (3 levels) in <top (required)>'6630 # ./spec/support/database/prevent_cross_joins.rb:62:in `with_cross_joins_prevented'6631 # ./spec/support/database/prevent_cross_joins.rb:108:in `block (2 levels) in <top (required)>'6632 # ./ee/spec/support/elastic.rb:111:in `block (2 levels) in <top (required)>'6633 4) Search::SnippetService#execute visibility project snippet snippet_level: :public, project_level: :internal, feature_access_level: :enabled, membership: :non_member, admin_mode: nil, expected_count: 1 respects visibility6635 Failure/Error:6636 expect_search_results(search_user, 'snippet_titles', expected_objects: expected_objects, pending: pending?) do |user|6637, search: snippet.title).execute6638 end6639 expected collection contained: [#<ProjectSnippet id:1 group1/project352$1>]6640 actual collection contained: []6641 the missing elements were: [#<ProjectSnippet id:1 group1/project352$1>]6642 # ./ee/spec/support/helpers/search_results_helpers.rb:24:in `block in expect_search_results'6643 # ./ee/spec/support/helpers/search_results_helpers.rb:12:in `each'6644 # ./ee/spec/support/helpers/search_results_helpers.rb:12:in `expect_search_results'6645 # ./ee/spec/services/search/snippet_service_spec.rb:91:in `block (6 levels) in <top (required)>'6646 # ./spec/spec_helper.rb:432:in `block (3 levels) in <top (required)>'6647 # ./spec/support/sidekiq_middleware.rb:18:in `with_sidekiq_server_middleware'6648 # ./spec/spec_helper.rb:424:in `block (2 levels) in <top (required)>'6649 # ./spec/spec_helper.rb:420:in `block (3 levels) in <top (required)>'6650 # ./lib/gitlab/application_context.rb:61:in `with_raw_context'6651 # ./spec/spec_helper.rb:420:in `block (2 levels) in <top (required)>'6652 # ./spec/spec_helper.rb:241:in `block (2 levels) in <top (required)>'6653 # ./spec/support/sidekiq.rb:21:in `block (3 levels) in <top (required)>'6654 # ./spec/support/sidekiq.rb:8:in `gitlab_sidekiq_inline'6655 # ./spec/support/sidekiq.rb:21:in `block (2 levels) in <top (required)>'6656 # ./spec/support/system_exit_detected.rb:7:in `block (2 levels) in <top (required)>'6657 # ./spec/support/redis.rb:17:in `block (3 levels) in <top (required)>'6658 # ./spec/support/redis.rb:17:in `block (3 levels) in <top (required)>'6659 # ./spec/support/database/prevent_cross_joins.rb:108:in `block (3 levels) in <top (required)>'6660 # ./spec/support/database/prevent_cross_joins.rb:62:in `with_cross_joins_prevented'6661 # ./spec/support/database/prevent_cross_joins.rb:108:in `block (2 levels) in <top (required)>'6662 # ./ee/spec/support/elastic.rb:111:in `block (2 levels) in <top (required)>'6663 5) Search::SnippetService#execute visibility project snippet snippet_level: :internal, project_level: :public, feature_access_level: :enabled, membership: :admin, admin_mode: false, expected_count: 1 respects visibility6665 Failure/Error:6666 expect_search_results(search_user, 'snippet_titles', expected_objects: expected_objects, pending: pending?) do |user|6667, search: snippet.title).execute6668 end6669 expected collection contained: [#<ProjectSnippet id:1 group1/project352$1>]6670 actual collection contained: []6671 the missing elements were: [#<ProjectSnippet id:1 group1/project352$1>]6672 # ./ee/spec/support/helpers/search_results_helpers.rb:24:in `block in expect_search_results'6673 # ./ee/spec/support/helpers/search_results_helpers.rb:12:in `each'6674 # ./ee/spec/support/helpers/search_results_helpers.rb:12:in `expect_search_results'6675 # ./ee/spec/services/search/snippet_service_spec.rb:91:in `block (6 levels) in <top (required)>'6676 # ./spec/spec_helper.rb:432:in `block (3 levels) in <top (required)>'6677 # ./spec/support/sidekiq_middleware.rb:18:in `with_sidekiq_server_middleware'6678 # ./spec/spec_helper.rb:424:in `block (2 levels) in <top (required)>'6679 # ./spec/spec_helper.rb:420:in `block (3 levels) in <top (required)>'6680 # ./lib/gitlab/application_context.rb:61:in `with_raw_context'6681 # ./spec/spec_helper.rb:420:in `block (2 levels) in <top (required)>'6682 # ./spec/spec_helper.rb:241:in `block (2 levels) in <top (required)>'6683 # ./spec/support/sidekiq.rb:21:in `block (3 levels) in <top (required)>'6684 # ./spec/support/sidekiq.rb:8:in `gitlab_sidekiq_inline'6685 # ./spec/support/sidekiq.rb:21:in `block (2 levels) in <top (required)>'6686 # ./spec/support/system_exit_detected.rb:7:in `block (2 levels) in <top (required)>'6687 # ./spec/support/redis.rb:17:in `block (3 levels) in <top (required)>'6688 # ./spec/support/redis.rb:17:in `block (3 levels) in <top (required)>'6689 # ./spec/support/database/prevent_cross_joins.rb:108:in `block (3 levels) in <top (required)>'6690 # ./spec/support/database/prevent_cross_joins.rb:62:in `with_cross_joins_prevented'6691 # ./spec/support/database/prevent_cross_joins.rb:108:in `block (2 levels) in <top (required)>'6692 # ./ee/spec/support/elastic.rb:111:in `block (2 levels) in <top (required)>'6693 6) Search::SnippetService#execute visibility project snippet snippet_level: :internal, project_level: :public, feature_access_level: :enabled, membership: :non_member, admin_mode: nil, expected_count: 1 respects visibility6695 Failure/Error:6696 expect_search_results(search_user, 'snippet_titles', expected_objects: expected_objects, pending: pending?) do |user|6697, search: snippet.title).execute6698 end6699 expected collection contained: [#<ProjectSnippet id:1 group1/project352$1>]6700 actual collection contained: []6701 the missing elements were: [#<ProjectSnippet id:1 group1/project352$1>]6702 # ./ee/spec/support/helpers/search_results_helpers.rb:24:in `block in expect_search_results'6703 # ./ee/spec/support/helpers/search_results_helpers.rb:12:in `each'6704 # ./ee/spec/support/helpers/search_results_helpers.rb:12:in `expect_search_results'6705 # ./ee/spec/services/search/snippet_service_spec.rb:91:in `block (6 levels) in <top (required)>'6706 # ./spec/spec_helper.rb:432:in `block (3 levels) in <top (required)>'6707 # ./spec/support/sidekiq_middleware.rb:18:in `with_sidekiq_server_middleware'6708 # ./spec/spec_helper.rb:424:in `block (2 levels) in <top (required)>'6709 # ./spec/spec_helper.rb:420:in `block (3 levels) in <top (required)>'6710 # ./lib/gitlab/application_context.rb:61:in `with_raw_context'6711 # ./spec/spec_helper.rb:420:in `block (2 levels) in <top (required)>'6712 # ./spec/spec_helper.rb:241:in `block (2 levels) in <top (required)>'6713 # ./spec/support/sidekiq.rb:21:in `block (3 levels) in <top (required)>'6714 # ./spec/support/sidekiq.rb:8:in `gitlab_sidekiq_inline'6715 # ./spec/support/sidekiq.rb:21:in `block (2 levels) in <top (required)>'6716 # ./spec/support/system_exit_detected.rb:7:in `block (2 levels) in <top (required)>'6717 # ./spec/support/redis.rb:17:in `block (3 levels) in <top (required)>'6718 # ./spec/support/redis.rb:17:in `block (3 levels) in <top (required)>'6719 # ./spec/support/database/prevent_cross_joins.rb:108:in `block (3 levels) in <top (required)>'6720 # ./spec/support/database/prevent_cross_joins.rb:62:in `with_cross_joins_prevented'6721 # ./spec/support/database/prevent_cross_joins.rb:108:in `block (2 levels) in <top (required)>'6722 # ./ee/spec/support/elastic.rb:111:in `block (2 levels) in <top (required)>'6723 7) Search::SnippetService#execute visibility project snippet snippet_level: :internal, project_level: :internal, feature_access_level: :enabled, membership: :admin, admin_mode: false, expected_count: 1 respects visibility6725 Failure/Error:6726 expect_search_results(search_user, 'snippet_titles', expected_objects: expected_objects, pending: pending?) do |user|6727, search: snippet.title).execute6728 end6729 expected collection contained: [#<ProjectSnippet id:1 group1/project352$1>]6730 actual collection contained: []6731 the missing elements were: [#<ProjectSnippet id:1 group1/project352$1>]6732 # ./ee/spec/support/helpers/search_results_helpers.rb:24:in `block in expect_search_results'6733 # ./ee/spec/support/helpers/search_results_helpers.rb:12:in `each'6734 # ./ee/spec/support/helpers/search_results_helpers.rb:12:in `expect_search_results'6735 # ./ee/spec/services/search/snippet_service_spec.rb:91:in `block (6 levels) in <top (required)>'6736 # ./spec/spec_helper.rb:432:in `block (3 levels) in <top (required)>'6737 # ./spec/support/sidekiq_middleware.rb:18:in `with_sidekiq_server_middleware'6738 # ./spec/spec_helper.rb:424:in `block (2 levels) in <top (required)>'6739 # ./spec/spec_helper.rb:420:in `block (3 levels) in <top (required)>'6740 # ./lib/gitlab/application_context.rb:61:in `with_raw_context'6741 # ./spec/spec_helper.rb:420:in `block (2 levels) in <top (required)>'6742 # ./spec/spec_helper.rb:241:in `block (2 levels) in <top (required)>'6743 # ./spec/support/sidekiq.rb:21:in `block (3 levels) in <top (required)>'6744 # ./spec/support/sidekiq.rb:8:in `gitlab_sidekiq_inline'6745 # ./spec/support/sidekiq.rb:21:in `block (2 levels) in <top (required)>'6746 # ./spec/support/system_exit_detected.rb:7:in `block (2 levels) in <top (required)>'6747 # ./spec/support/redis.rb:17:in `block (3 levels) in <top (required)>'6748 # ./spec/support/redis.rb:17:in `block (3 levels) in <top (required)>'6749 # ./spec/support/database/prevent_cross_joins.rb:108:in `block (3 levels) in <top (required)>'6750 # ./spec/support/database/prevent_cross_joins.rb:62:in `with_cross_joins_prevented'6751 # ./spec/support/database/prevent_cross_joins.rb:108:in `block (2 levels) in <top (required)>'6752 # ./ee/spec/support/elastic.rb:111:in `block (2 levels) in <top (required)>'6753 8) Search::SnippetService#execute visibility project snippet snippet_level: :internal, project_level: :internal, feature_access_level: :enabled, membership: :non_member, admin_mode: nil, expected_count: 1 respects visibility6755 Failure/Error:6756 expect_search_results(search_user, 'snippet_titles', expected_objects: expected_objects, pending: pending?) do |user|6757, search: snippet.title).execute6758 end6759 expected collection contained: [#<ProjectSnippet id:1 group1/project352$1>]6760 actual collection contained: []6761 the missing elements were: [#<ProjectSnippet id:1 group1/project352$1>]6762 # ./ee/spec/support/helpers/search_results_helpers.rb:24:in `block in expect_search_results'6763 # ./ee/spec/support/helpers/search_results_helpers.rb:12:in `each'6764 # ./ee/spec/support/helpers/search_results_helpers.rb:12:in `expect_search_results'6765 # ./ee/spec/services/search/snippet_service_spec.rb:91:in `block (6 levels) in <top (required)>'6766 # ./spec/spec_helper.rb:432:in `block (3 levels) in <top (required)>'6767 # ./spec/support/sidekiq_middleware.rb:18:in `with_sidekiq_server_middleware'6768 # ./spec/spec_helper.rb:424:in `block (2 levels) in <top (required)>'6769 # ./spec/spec_helper.rb:420:in `block (3 levels) in <top (required)>'6770 # ./lib/gitlab/application_context.rb:61:in `with_raw_context'6771 # ./spec/spec_helper.rb:420:in `block (2 levels) in <top (required)>'6772 # ./spec/spec_helper.rb:241:in `block (2 levels) in <top (required)>'6773 # ./spec/support/sidekiq.rb:21:in `block (3 levels) in <top (required)>'6774 # ./spec/support/sidekiq.rb:8:in `gitlab_sidekiq_inline'6775 # ./spec/support/sidekiq.rb:21:in `block (2 levels) in <top (required)>'6776 # ./spec/support/system_exit_detected.rb:7:in `block (2 levels) in <top (required)>'6777 # ./spec/support/redis.rb:17:in `block (3 levels) in <top (required)>'6778 # ./spec/support/redis.rb:17:in `block (3 levels) in <top (required)>'6779 # ./spec/support/database/prevent_cross_joins.rb:108:in `block (3 levels) in <top (required)>'6780 # ./spec/support/database/prevent_cross_joins.rb:62:in `with_cross_joins_prevented'6781 # ./spec/support/database/prevent_cross_joins.rb:108:in `block (2 levels) in <top (required)>'6782 # ./ee/spec/support/elastic.rb:111:in `block (2 levels) in <top (required)>'6783 9) Resolvers::Geo::ContainerRepositoryRegistriesResolver behaves like a Geo registries resolver #resolve when the parent object is the current node when the user has permission to view Geo data when admin mode is enabled with verification enabled when the verification_state argument is present returns registries with requested verification state, in order6784 # Skipping because verification is not enabled for ContainerRepository6785 # ./ee/spec/support/shared_examples/graphql/geo/geo_registries_resolver_shared_examples.rb:626786 10) Custom file template classes Gitlab::Template::CustomDockerfileTemplate.find sets the category correctly6787 # {:class_name=>Gitlab::Template::CustomDockerfileTemplate, :category=>"Custom"}.find does not set category correctly6788 Failure/Error: expect(found.category).to eq('Custom')6789 expected: "Custom"6790 got: nil6791 (compared using ==)6792 # ./ee/spec/lib/gitlab/template/custom_templates_spec.rb:84:in `block (5 levels) in <top (required)>'6793 # ./spec/spec_helper.rb:432:in `block (3 levels) in <top (required)>'6794 # ./spec/support/sidekiq_middleware.rb:18:in `with_sidekiq_server_middleware'6795 # ./spec/spec_helper.rb:424:in `block (2 levels) in <top (required)>'6796 # ./spec/spec_helper.rb:420:in `block (3 levels) in <top (required)>'6797 # ./lib/gitlab/application_context.rb:61:in `with_raw_context'6798 # ./spec/spec_helper.rb:420:in `block (2 levels) in <top (required)>'6799 # ./spec/spec_helper.rb:241:in `block (2 levels) in <top (required)>'6800 # ./spec/support/system_exit_detected.rb:7:in `block (2 levels) in <top (required)>'6801 # ./spec/support/database/prevent_cross_joins.rb:108:in `block (3 levels) in <top (required)>'6802 # ./spec/support/database/prevent_cross_joins.rb:62:in `with_cross_joins_prevented'6803 # ./spec/support/database/prevent_cross_joins.rb:108:in `block (2 levels) in <top (required)>'6804 11) Custom file template classes Gitlab::Template::CustomGitignoreTemplate.find sets the category correctly6805 # {:class_name=>Gitlab::Template::CustomGitignoreTemplate, :category=>"Custom"}.find does not set category correctly6806 Failure/Error: expect(found.category).to eq('Custom')6807 expected: "Custom"6808 got: nil6809 (compared using ==)6810 # ./ee/spec/lib/gitlab/template/custom_templates_spec.rb:84:in `block (5 levels) in <top (required)>'6811 # ./spec/spec_helper.rb:432:in `block (3 levels) in <top (required)>'6812 # ./spec/support/sidekiq_middleware.rb:18:in `with_sidekiq_server_middleware'6813 # ./spec/spec_helper.rb:424:in `block (2 levels) in <top (required)>'6814 # ./spec/spec_helper.rb:420:in `block (3 levels) in <top (required)>'6815 # ./lib/gitlab/application_context.rb:61:in `with_raw_context'6816 # ./spec/spec_helper.rb:420:in `block (2 levels) in <top (required)>'6817 # ./spec/spec_helper.rb:241:in `block (2 levels) in <top (required)>'6818 # ./spec/support/system_exit_detected.rb:7:in `block (2 levels) in <top (required)>'6819 # ./spec/support/database/prevent_cross_joins.rb:108:in `block (3 levels) in <top (required)>'6820 # ./spec/support/database/prevent_cross_joins.rb:62:in `with_cross_joins_prevented'6821 # ./spec/support/database/prevent_cross_joins.rb:108:in `block (2 levels) in <top (required)>'6822 12) Custom file template classes Gitlab::Template::CustomGitlabCiYmlTemplate.find sets the category correctly6823 # {:class_name=>Gitlab::Template::CustomGitlabCiYmlTemplate, :category=>"Custom"}.find does not set category correctly6824 Failure/Error: expect(found.category).to eq('Custom')6825 expected: "Custom"6826 got: nil6827 (compared using ==)6828 # ./ee/spec/lib/gitlab/template/custom_templates_spec.rb:84:in `block (5 levels) in <top (required)>'6829 # ./spec/spec_helper.rb:432:in `block (3 levels) in <top (required)>'6830 # ./spec/support/sidekiq_middleware.rb:18:in `with_sidekiq_server_middleware'6831 # ./spec/spec_helper.rb:424:in `block (2 levels) in <top (required)>'6832 # ./spec/spec_helper.rb:420:in `block (3 levels) in <top (required)>'6833 # ./lib/gitlab/application_context.rb:61:in `with_raw_context'6834 # ./spec/spec_helper.rb:420:in `block (2 levels) in <top (required)>'6835 # ./spec/spec_helper.rb:241:in `block (2 levels) in <top (required)>'6836 # ./spec/support/system_exit_detected.rb:7:in `block (2 levels) in <top (required)>'6837 # ./spec/support/database/prevent_cross_joins.rb:108:in `block (3 levels) in <top (required)>'6838 # ./spec/support/database/prevent_cross_joins.rb:62:in `with_cross_joins_prevented'6839 # ./spec/support/database/prevent_cross_joins.rb:108:in `block (2 levels) in <top (required)>'6840 13) Custom file template classes Gitlab::Template::CustomLicenseTemplate.find sets the category correctly6841 # {:class_name=>Gitlab::Template::CustomLicenseTemplate, :category=>"Custom"}.find does not set category correctly6842 Failure/Error: expect(found.category).to eq('Custom')6843 expected: "Custom"6844 got: nil6845 (compared using ==)6846 # ./ee/spec/lib/gitlab/template/custom_templates_spec.rb:84:in `block (5 levels) in <top (required)>'6847 # ./spec/spec_helper.rb:432:in `block (3 levels) in <top (required)>'6848 # ./spec/support/sidekiq_middleware.rb:18:in `with_sidekiq_server_middleware'6849 # ./spec/spec_helper.rb:424:in `block (2 levels) in <top (required)>'6850 # ./spec/spec_helper.rb:420:in `block (3 levels) in <top (required)>'6851 # ./lib/gitlab/application_context.rb:61:in `with_raw_context'6852 # ./spec/spec_helper.rb:420:in `block (2 levels) in <top (required)>'6853 # ./spec/spec_helper.rb:241:in `block (2 levels) in <top (required)>'6854 # ./spec/support/system_exit_detected.rb:7:in `block (2 levels) in <top (required)>'6855 # ./spec/support/database/prevent_cross_joins.rb:108:in `block (3 levels) in <top (required)>'6856 # ./spec/support/database/prevent_cross_joins.rb:62:in `with_cross_joins_prevented'6857 # ./spec/support/database/prevent_cross_joins.rb:108:in `block (2 levels) in <top (required)>'6858 14) Custom file template classes Gitlab::Template::CustomMetricsDashboardYmlTemplate.find sets the category correctly6859 # {:class_name=>Gitlab::Template::CustomMetricsDashboardYmlTemplate, :category=>"Custom"}.find does not set category correctly6860 Failure/Error: expect(found.category).to eq('Custom')6861 expected: "Custom"6862 got: nil6863 (compared using ==)6864 # ./ee/spec/lib/gitlab/template/custom_templates_spec.rb:84:in `block (5 levels) in <top (required)>'6865 # ./spec/spec_helper.rb:432:in `block (3 levels) in <top (required)>'6866 # ./spec/support/sidekiq_middleware.rb:18:in `with_sidekiq_server_middleware'6867 # ./spec/spec_helper.rb:424:in `block (2 levels) in <top (required)>'6868 # ./spec/spec_helper.rb:420:in `block (3 levels) in <top (required)>'6869 # ./lib/gitlab/application_context.rb:61:in `with_raw_context'6870 # ./spec/spec_helper.rb:420:in `block (2 levels) in <top (required)>'6871 # ./spec/spec_helper.rb:241:in `block (2 levels) in <top (required)>'6872 # ./spec/support/system_exit_detected.rb:7:in `block (2 levels) in <top (required)>'6873 # ./spec/support/database/prevent_cross_joins.rb:108:in `block (3 levels) in <top (required)>'6874 # ./spec/support/database/prevent_cross_joins.rb:62:in `with_cross_joins_prevented'6875 # ./spec/support/database/prevent_cross_joins.rb:108:in `block (2 levels) in <top (required)>'6876 15) Custom file template classes Gitlab::Template::IssueTemplate.find sets the category correctly6877 # {:class_name=>Gitlab::Template::IssueTemplate, :category=>"Project Templates"}.find does not set category correctly6878 Failure/Error: expect(found.category).to eq('Custom')6879 expected: "Custom"6880 got: nil6881 (compared using ==)6882 # ./ee/spec/lib/gitlab/template/custom_templates_spec.rb:84:in `block (5 levels) in <top (required)>'6883 # ./spec/spec_helper.rb:432:in `block (3 levels) in <top (required)>'6884 # ./spec/support/sidekiq_middleware.rb:18:in `with_sidekiq_server_middleware'6885 # ./spec/spec_helper.rb:424:in `block (2 levels) in <top (required)>'6886 # ./spec/spec_helper.rb:420:in `block (3 levels) in <top (required)>'6887 # ./lib/gitlab/application_context.rb:61:in `with_raw_context'6888 # ./spec/spec_helper.rb:420:in `block (2 levels) in <top (required)>'6889 # ./spec/spec_helper.rb:241:in `block (2 levels) in <top (required)>'6890 # ./spec/support/system_exit_detected.rb:7:in `block (2 levels) in <top (required)>'6891 # ./spec/support/database/prevent_cross_joins.rb:108:in `block (3 levels) in <top (required)>'6892 # ./spec/support/database/prevent_cross_joins.rb:62:in `with_cross_joins_prevented'6893 # ./spec/support/database/prevent_cross_joins.rb:108:in `block (2 levels) in <top (required)>'6894 16) Custom file template classes Gitlab::Template::MergeRequestTemplate.find sets the category correctly6895 # {:class_name=>Gitlab::Template::MergeRequestTemplate, :category=>"Project Templates"}.find does not set category correctly6896 Failure/Error: expect(found.category).to eq('Custom')6897 expected: "Custom"6898 got: nil6899 (compared using ==)6900 # ./ee/spec/lib/gitlab/template/custom_templates_spec.rb:84:in `block (5 levels) in <top (required)>'6901 # ./spec/spec_helper.rb:432:in `block (3 levels) in <top (required)>'6902 # ./spec/support/sidekiq_middleware.rb:18:in `with_sidekiq_server_middleware'6903 # ./spec/spec_helper.rb:424:in `block (2 levels) in <top (required)>'6904 # ./spec/spec_helper.rb:420:in `block (3 levels) in <top (required)>'6905 # ./lib/gitlab/application_context.rb:61:in `with_raw_context'6906 # ./spec/spec_helper.rb:420:in `block (2 levels) in <top (required)>'6907 # ./spec/spec_helper.rb:241:in `block (2 levels) in <top (required)>'6908 # ./spec/support/system_exit_detected.rb:7:in `block (2 levels) in <top (required)>'6909 # ./spec/support/database/prevent_cross_joins.rb:108:in `block (3 levels) in <top (required)>'6910 # ./spec/support/database/prevent_cross_joins.rb:62:in `with_cross_joins_prevented'6911 # ./spec/support/database/prevent_cross_joins.rb:108:in `block (2 levels) in <top (required)>'6912Failures:6913 1) DeleteOrphanedCommits completed? when there are commits missing only parent join is expected to be truthy6914 Failure/Error: it { be_truthy }6915 expected: truthy value6916 got: false6917 # ./ee/spec/elastic/migrate/20220118150500_delete_orphaned_commits_spec.rb:54:in `block (4 levels) in <top (required)>'6918 # ./spec/spec_helper.rb:432:in `block (3 levels) in <top (required)>'6919 # ./spec/support/sidekiq_middleware.rb:18:in `with_sidekiq_server_middleware'6920 # ./spec/spec_helper.rb:424:in `block (2 levels) in <top (required)>'6921 # ./spec/spec_helper.rb:420:in `block (3 levels) in <top (required)>'6922 # ./lib/gitlab/application_context.rb:61:in `with_raw_context'6923 # ./spec/spec_helper.rb:420:in `block (2 levels) in <top (required)>'6924 # ./spec/spec_helper.rb:241:in `block (2 levels) in <top (required)>'6925 # ./spec/support/sidekiq.rb:21:in `block (3 levels) in <top (required)>'6926 # ./spec/support/sidekiq.rb:8:in `gitlab_sidekiq_inline'6927 # ./spec/support/sidekiq.rb:21:in `block (2 levels) in <top (required)>'6928 # ./spec/support/system_exit_detected.rb:7:in `block (2 levels) in <top (required)>'6929 # ./spec/support/redis.rb:17:in `block (3 levels) in <top (required)>'6930 # ./spec/support/database/prevent_cross_joins.rb:108:in `block (3 levels) in <top (required)>'6931 # ./spec/support/database/prevent_cross_joins.rb:62:in `with_cross_joins_prevented'6932 # ./spec/support/database/prevent_cross_joins.rb:108:in `block (2 levels) in <top (required)>'6933 # ./ee/spec/support/elastic.rb:87:in `block (2 levels) in <top (required)>'6934Finished in 28 minutes 22 seconds (files took 1 minute 26.32 seconds to load)69352524 examples, 1 failure, 16 pending6936Failed examples:6937rspec ./ee/spec/elastic/migrate/20220118150500_delete_orphaned_commits_spec.rb:54 # DeleteOrphanedCommits completed? when there are commits missing only parent join is expected to be truthy6938Randomized with seed 303626939[TEST PROF INFO] Time spent in factories: 11:56.291 (41.16% of total time)6940Stopped processing SimpleCov as a previous error not related to SimpleCov has been detected6941RSpec exited with 1.6942RETRIED_TESTS_REPORT_PATH: rspec/flaky/retried_tests_rspec-ee_unit_pg13_12_18_report.txt6943Retrying the failing examples in a new RSpec process...6944$ gem install junit_merge --no-document --version 0.1.26945Successfully installed nokogiri-1.14.3-x86_64-linux6946Successfully installed junit_merge-0.1.269472 gems installed6948==> 'gem install junit_merge --no-document --version 0.1.2' succeeded in 1 seconds.6949Running RSpec command: bin/rspec -Ispec -rspec_helper --color --failure-exit-code 1 --error-exit-code 2 --format documentation --format RspecJunitFormatter --out rspec/junit_rspec-retry.xml --only-failures --pattern "{ee/}spec/{bin,channels,components,config,contracts,db,dependencies,elastic,elastic_integration,experiments,factories,finders,frontend,graphql,haml_lint,helpers,initializers,lib,metrics_server,models,policies,presenters,rack_servers,replicators,routing,rubocop,scripts,serializers,services,sidekiq,sidekiq_cluster,spam,support_specs,tasks,uploaders,validators,views,workers,tooling}{,/**/}*_spec.rb"6950warning: parser/current is loading parser/ruby30, which recognizes 3.0.5-compliant syntax, but you are running options: include {:last_run_status=>"failed"}6953Test environment set up in 0.482671213 seconds6954DeleteOrphanedCommits6955 completed?6956 when there are commits missing only parent join6957 is expected to be truthy6958Finished in 12.78 seconds (files took 46.05 seconds to load)69591 example, 0 failures6960[TEST PROF INFO] Time spent in factories: 00:01.738 (11.85% of total time)6961A test was flaky and succeeded after being retried. Checking to see if flaky test is part of this MR...6962Flaky test was not part of this MR.6964Not uploading cache ruby-gems-debian-bullseye-ruby-3.0-16 due to policy6965Not uploading cache gitaly-ruby-gems-debian-bullseye-ruby-3.0-16 due to policy6967Uploading artifacts...6968coverage/: found 4 matching artifact files and directories 6969crystalball/: found 2 matching artifact files and directories 6970WARNING: deprecations/: no matching files. Ensure that the artifact path is relative to the working directory (/builds/gitlab-org/gitlab) 6971knapsack/: found 3 matching artifact files and directories 6972WARNING: query_recorder/: no matching files. Ensure that the artifact path is relative to the working directory (/builds/gitlab-org/gitlab) 6973rspec/: found 16 matching artifact files and directories 6974WARNING: tmp/capybara/: no matching files. Ensure that the artifact path is relative to the working directory (/builds/gitlab-org/gitlab) 6975log/*.log: found 18 matching artifact files and directories 6976WARNING: Upload request redirected location= new-url=https://gitlab.com6977WARNING: Retrying... context=artifacts-uploader error=request redirected6978Uploading artifacts as "archive" to coordinator... 201 Created id=4101394977 responseStatus=201 Created token=64_F4tNb6979Uploading artifacts...6980rspec/junit_rspec.xml: found 1 matching artifact files and directories 6981WARNING: Upload request redirected location= new-url=https://gitlab.com6982WARNING: Retrying... context=artifacts-uploader error=request redirected6983Uploading artifacts as "junit" to coordinator... 201 Created id=4101394977 responseStatus=201 Created token=64_F4tNb6985Job succeeded