rspec system pg13 14/28
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Aleksei Lipniagov
1Running with gitlab-runner 15.9.0~beta.212.g8ccc65e7 (8ccc65e7)2 on QuQPoFsC, system ID: s_fc023362bf2f3 feature flags: FF_NETWORK_PER_BUILD:true, FF_USE_FASTZIP:true, FF_USE_IMPROVED_URL_MASKING:true6Using Docker executor with image ...7Starting service postgres:13 ...8Pulling docker image postgres:13 ...9Using docker image sha256:ab3945c8cf7160ed1381efd47c6a203ba9a84fc7327a17e4a389601eb3738b3b for postgres:13 with digest postgres@sha256:67edfda7deeecfda8e40c9b00818eae76573a9e9466ba7edbc536662d128173b ...10Starting service redis:6.2-alpine ...11Pulling docker image redis:6.2-alpine ...12Using docker image sha256:3616f0c0705d2a35d30dde109daf3cbe58ae7284121aafa6f5cfa987db98d1a8 for redis:6.2-alpine with digest redis@sha256:63e95f069a7ee668f1fcd0b0f8865e473510f98b56e5db4c8517d6cfbd073470 ...13Waiting for services to be up and running (timeout 30 seconds)...14Authenticating with credentials from job payload (GitLab Registry)15Pulling docker image ...16Using docker image sha256:667531aab48d3d73584a6ae24a2aea1de3972ab11b24d34d65740089d1635940 for with digest ...18Running on runner-quqpofsc-project-278964-concurrent-0 via runner-quqpofsc-private-1681303241-fc2641a7...20$ eval "$CI_PRE_CLONE_SCRIPT"21Fetching changes with git depth set to 20...22Initialized empty Git repository in /builds/gitlab-org/gitlab/.git/23Created fresh repository.24remote: Enumerating objects: 141454, done. 25remote: Counting objects: 100% (141454/141454), done. 26remote: Compressing objects: 100% (90405/90405), done. 27remote: Total 141454 (delta 62786), reused 98969 (delta 45741), pack-reused 0 28Receiving objects: 100% (141454/141454), 122.89 MiB | 30.83 MiB/s, done.29Resolving deltas: 100% (62786/62786), done.31 * [new ref] refs/pipelines/835170457 -> refs/pipelines/83517045732Checking out aa21306d as detached HEAD (ref is refs/merge-requests/116974/merge)...33Skipping Git submodules setup34$ git remote set-url origin "${CI_REPOSITORY_URL}"36Checking cache for ruby-gems-debian-bullseye-ruby-3.0-16...37Downloading from 38Successfully extracted cache39Checking cache for gitaly-ruby-gems-debian-bullseye-ruby-3.0-16...40Downloading from 41Successfully extracted cache43Downloading artifacts for compile-test-assets (4101394559)...44Downloading artifacts from coordinator... ok id=4101394559 responseStatus=200 OK token=64_ZCXSb45Downloading artifacts for detect-tests (4101394577)...46Downloading artifacts from coordinator... ok id=4101394577 responseStatus=200 OK token=64_ZCXSb47Downloading artifacts for retrieve-tests-metadata (4101394581)...48Downloading artifacts from coordinator... ok id=4101394581 responseStatus=200 OK token=64_ZCXSb49Downloading artifacts for setup-test-env (4101394571)...50Downloading artifacts from coordinator... ok id=4101394571 responseStatus=200 OK token=64_ZCXSb52Using docker image sha256:667531aab48d3d73584a6ae24a2aea1de3972ab11b24d34d65740089d1635940 for with digest ...53$ echo $FOSS_ONLY54$ [ "$FOSS_ONLY" = "1" ] && rm -rf ee/ qa/spec/ee/ qa/qa/specs/features/ee/ qa/qa/ee/ qa/qa/ee.rb55$ export GOPATH=$CI_PROJECT_DIR/.go56$ mkdir -p $GOPATH57$ source scripts/utils.sh58$ source scripts/prepare_build.sh711Using decomposed database config (config/database.yml.decomposed-postgresql)712Geo DB won't be set up.713$ setup_db_user_only714CREATE ROLE715GRANT716==> 'setup_db_user_only' succeeded in 0 seconds.717$ bundle exec rake db:drop db:create db:schema:load db:migrate gitlab:db:lock_writes718Dropped database 'gitlabhq_test'719Dropped database 'gitlabhq_test_ci'720Created database 'gitlabhq_test'721Created database 'gitlabhq_test_ci'722main: == [advisory_lock_connection] object_id: 273860, pg_backend_pid: 100723main: == [advisory_lock_connection] object_id: 273860, pg_backend_pid: 100724ci: == [advisory_lock_connection] object_id: 273960, pg_backend_pid: 102725ci: == [advisory_lock_connection] object_id: 273960, pg_backend_pid: 102726==> 'bundle exec rake db:drop db:create db:schema:load db:migrate gitlab:db:lock_writes' succeeded in 50 seconds.727$ setup_db_praefect728SELECT pg_catalog.set_config('search_path', '', false);729CREATE DATABASE praefect_test ENCODING 'UTF8';730==> 'setup_db_praefect' succeeded in 0 seconds.731$ source ./scripts/rspec_helpers.sh732$ run_timed_command "gem install knapsack --no-document"733$ gem install knapsack --no-document734Successfully installed knapsack-4.0.07351 gem installed736$ echo -e "\e[0Ksection_start:`date +%s`:gitaly-test-spawn[collapsed=true]\r\e[0KStarting Gitaly"737==> 'gem install knapsack --no-document' succeeded in 1 seconds.757$ rspec_paralellized_job "--tag ~quarantine --tag ~level:background_migration"758SKIP_FLAKY_TESTS_AUTOMATICALLY: false759RETRY_FAILED_TESTS_IN_NEW_PROCESS: true760KNAPSACK_GENERATE_REPORT: true761FLAKY_RSPEC_GENERATE_REPORT: true762KNAPSACK_TEST_FILE_PATTERN: spec/{features}{,/**/}*_spec.rb763KNAPSACK_LOG_LEVEL: debug764KNAPSACK_REPORT_PATH: knapsack/rspec_system_pg13_14_28_report.json765FLAKY_RSPEC_SUITE_REPORT_PATH: rspec/flaky/report-suite.json766FLAKY_RSPEC_REPORT_PATH: rspec/flaky/all_rspec_system_pg13_14_28_report.json767NEW_FLAKY_RSPEC_REPORT_PATH: rspec/flaky/new_rspec_system_pg13_14_28_report.json768SKIPPED_FLAKY_TESTS_REPORT_PATH: rspec/flaky/skipped_flaky_tests_rspec_system_pg13_14_28_report.txt769CRYSTALBALL: 770Knapsack report generator started!771warning: parser/current is loading parser/ruby30, which recognizes 3.0.5-compliant syntax, but you are running options: exclude {:quarantine=>true, :level=>"background_migration"}774Test environment set up in 1.019312715 seconds775Merge request > User uses quick actions776Starting the Capybara driver server...777 issuable common quick actions778 behaves like close quick action779 new merge_request780Capybara starting Puma...781* Version 5.6.5 , codename: Birdie's Version782* Min threads: 0, max threads: 4783* Listening on unix:///tmp/20230412-354-3cw49x784 creates the merge_request and interprets close quick action accordingly785 post note to existing merge_request786 creates the note and interprets the close quick action accordingly787 when current user cannot close merge_request788 does not close the merge_request789 preview of note on merge_request790 explains close quick action791 behaves like issuable time tracker792 renders the sidebar component empty state793 updates the sidebar component when estimate is added794 updates the sidebar component when spent is added795 shows the comparison when estimate and spent are added796 updates the sidebar component when estimate is removed797 updates the sidebar component when spent is removed798 shows the create timelog form when add button is clicked799 shows the time tracking report when link is clicked800 removes time log when delete is clicked in time tracking report801 merge-request-only commands802 behaves like merge quick action803 when updating the description804 merges the MR805 when creating a new note806 when the current user can merge the MR807 merges the MR808 when auto merge is available809 schedules to merge the MR810 when the head diff changes in the meanwhile811 does not merge the MR812 when the current user cannot merge the MR813 does not merge the MR814 behaves like rebase quick action815 when updating the description816 rebases the MR817 ignores /merge if /rebase is specified818 when creating a new note819 when the current user can rebase the MR820 rebase the MR821 when the merge request is closed822 does not rebase the MR823 when a rebase is in progress824 tells the user a rebase is in progress825 when there are conflicts in the merge request826 does not rebase the MR827 when the merge request branch is protected from force push828 does not rebase the MR829 when the current user cannot rebase the MR830 does not rebase the MR831Login832 password reset token after successful sign in833Authentication activity metric incremented: user_authenticated_counter834 invalidates password reset token835 initial login after setup836Authentication activity metric incremented: user_authenticated_counter837 allows the initial admin to create a password838 does not show flash messages when login page839 with a blocked account840Authentication activity metric incremented: user_session_destroyed_counter841Authentication activity metric incremented: user_blocked_counter842Authentication activity metric incremented: user_session_destroyed_counter843Authentication activity metric incremented: user_unauthenticated_counter844 prevents the user from logging in845Authentication activity metric incremented: user_session_destroyed_counter846Authentication activity metric incremented: user_blocked_counter847Authentication activity metric incremented: user_session_destroyed_counter848Authentication activity metric incremented: user_unauthenticated_counter849 does not update Devise trackable attributes850 with an unconfirmed email address851 within the grace period852Authentication activity metric incremented: user_authenticated_counter853 allows to login854 when the confirmation grace period is expired855Authentication activity metric incremented: user_session_destroyed_counter856Authentication activity metric incremented: user_session_destroyed_counter857Authentication activity metric incremented: user_unauthenticated_counter858 prevents the user from logging in and renders a resend confirmation email link859 when resending the confirmation email860 redirects to the "almost there" page861 with a disallowed password862Authentication activity metric incremented: user_unauthenticated_counter863Authentication activity metric incremented: user_password_invalid_counter864 disallows login865Authentication activity metric incremented: user_unauthenticated_counter866Authentication activity metric incremented: user_password_invalid_counter867 does not update Devise trackable attributes868 with the ghost user869Authentication activity metric incremented: user_unauthenticated_counter870Authentication activity metric incremented: user_password_invalid_counter871 disallows login872Authentication activity metric incremented: user_unauthenticated_counter873Authentication activity metric incremented: user_password_invalid_counter874 does not update Devise trackable attributes875 with OneTrust authentication876 has proper Content-Security-Policy headers877 with two-factor authentication878 with valid username/password879Authentication activity metric incremented: user_authenticated_counter880Authentication activity metric incremented: user_two_factor_authenticated_counter881 does not show a "You are already signed in." error message882 does not allow sign-in if the user password is updated before entering a one-time code883 using one-time code884Authentication activity metric incremented: user_authenticated_counter885Authentication activity metric incremented: user_two_factor_authenticated_counter886 allows login with valid code887 persists remember_me value via hidden field888 blocks login with invalid code889Authentication activity metric incremented: user_authenticated_counter890Authentication activity metric incremented: user_two_factor_authenticated_counter891 allows login with invalid code, then valid code892Authentication activity metric incremented: user_authenticated_counter893Authentication activity metric incremented: user_two_factor_authenticated_counter894 triggers ActiveSession.cleanup for the user895 when user with TOTP enabled896 using backup code897 with valid code898Authentication activity metric incremented: user_authenticated_counter899Authentication activity metric incremented: user_two_factor_authenticated_counter900 allows login901Authentication activity metric incremented: user_authenticated_counter902Authentication activity metric incremented: user_two_factor_authenticated_counter903 invalidates the used code904Authentication activity metric incremented: user_authenticated_counter905Authentication activity metric incremented: user_two_factor_authenticated_counter906Authentication activity metric incremented: user_session_destroyed_counter907Authentication activity metric incremented: user_authenticated_counter908Authentication activity metric incremented: user_two_factor_authenticated_counter909 invalidates backup codes twice in a row910Authentication activity metric incremented: user_authenticated_counter911Authentication activity metric incremented: user_two_factor_authenticated_counter912 triggers ActiveSession.cleanup for the user913 with invalid code914 blocks login915 when user with only Webauthn enabled916 using backup code917 with valid code918Authentication activity metric incremented: user_authenticated_counter919Authentication activity metric incremented: user_two_factor_authenticated_counter920 allows login921Authentication activity metric incremented: user_authenticated_counter922Authentication activity metric incremented: user_two_factor_authenticated_counter923 invalidates the used code924Authentication activity metric incremented: user_authenticated_counter925Authentication activity metric incremented: user_two_factor_authenticated_counter926Authentication activity metric incremented: user_session_destroyed_counter927Authentication activity metric incremented: user_authenticated_counter928Authentication activity metric incremented: user_two_factor_authenticated_counter929 invalidates backup codes twice in a row930Authentication activity metric incremented: user_authenticated_counter931Authentication activity metric incremented: user_two_factor_authenticated_counter932 triggers ActiveSession.cleanup for the user933 with invalid code934 blocks login935 when logging in via OAuth936 when authn_context is worth two factors937Authentication activity metric incremented: user_authenticated_counter938 signs user in without prompting for second factor939 when two factor authentication is required940Authentication activity metric incremented: user_authenticated_counter941Authentication activity metric incremented: user_two_factor_authenticated_counter942 shows 2FA prompt after OAuth login943 without two-factor authentication944 with correct username and password945Authentication activity metric incremented: user_authenticated_counter946 allows basic login947Authentication activity metric incremented: user_authenticated_counter948 does not show already signed in message when opening sign in page after login949Authentication activity metric incremented: user_authenticated_counter950 triggers ActiveSession.cleanup for the user951 when the users password is expired952Authentication activity metric incremented: user_authenticated_counter953 asks for a new password954 with invalid username and password955Authentication activity metric incremented: user_unauthenticated_counter956Authentication activity metric incremented: user_password_invalid_counter957 blocks invalid login958 with required two-factor authentication enabled959 global setting960 with grace period defined961 within the grace period962Authentication activity metric incremented: user_authenticated_counter963 redirects to two-factor configuration page964Authentication activity metric incremented: user_authenticated_counter965 allows skipping two-factor configuration966 after the grace period967Authentication activity metric incremented: user_authenticated_counter968 redirects to two-factor configuration page969Authentication activity metric incremented: user_authenticated_counter970 disallows skipping two-factor configuration971 without grace period defined972Authentication activity metric incremented: user_authenticated_counter973 redirects to two-factor configuration page974 group setting975 with grace period defined976 within the grace period977Authentication activity metric incremented: user_authenticated_counter978 redirects to two-factor configuration page979Authentication activity metric incremented: user_authenticated_counter980 allows skipping two-factor configuration981 after the grace period982Authentication activity metric incremented: user_authenticated_counter983 redirects to two-factor configuration page984Authentication activity metric incremented: user_authenticated_counter985 disallows skipping two-factor configuration986 without grace period defined987Authentication activity metric incremented: user_authenticated_counter988 redirects to two-factor configuration page989 UI tabs and panes990 when no defaults are changed991 does not render any tabs992 renders link to sign up path993 when signup is disabled994 does not render any tabs995 does not render link to sign up path996 when ldap is enabled997 correctly renders tabs and panes998 renders link to sign up path999 when crowd is enabled1000 correctly renders tabs and panes1001 Client helper classes and flags1002 adds client browser and platform classes to page body1003 when terms are enforced1004Authentication activity metric incremented: user_authenticated_counter1005 asks to accept the terms on first login1006Authentication activity metric incremented: user_authenticated_counter1007 does not ask for terms when the user already accepted them1008 when 2FA is required for the user1009 when the user did not enable 2FA1010Authentication activity metric incremented: user_authenticated_counter1011 asks to set 2FA before asking to accept the terms1012 when the user already enabled 2FA1013Authentication activity metric incremented: user_authenticated_counter1014Authentication activity metric incremented: user_two_factor_authenticated_counter1015 asks the user to accept the terms1016 when the users password is expired1017Authentication activity metric incremented: user_authenticated_counter1018 asks the user to accept the terms before setting a new password1019 when sending confirmation email and not yet confirmed1020Authentication activity metric incremented: user_authenticated_counter1021 allows login and shows a flash warning to confirm the email address1022 when not having confirmed within Devise's allow_unconfirmed_access_for time1023Authentication activity metric incremented: user_session_destroyed_counter1024Authentication activity metric incremented: user_session_destroyed_counter1025Authentication activity metric incremented: user_unauthenticated_counter1026 does not allow login and shows a flash alert to confirm the email address1027Projects > Files > User creates files1028 without committing a new file1029 when an user has write access1030 opens new file page1031 when an user does not have write access1032 opens new file page on a forked project1033 with committing a new file1034 when an user has write access1035 allows Chinese characters in file name1036 allows Chinese characters in directory name1037 does not allow directory traversal in file name1038 creates and commit a new file1039 creates and commit a new file with new lines at the end of file1040 creates and commit a new file with a directory name1041 creates and commit a new file specifying a new branch1042 when an user does not have write access1043 shows a message saying the file will be committed in a fork1044 creates and commit new file in forked project1045User interacts with awards1046 User interacts with awards in an issue1047 toggles a custom award emoji1048 adds an award emoji by a comment1049 when a project is archived1050 hides the add award button1051 User interacts with awards on a note1052 shows the award on the note1053 allows adding a vote to an award1054 allows adding a new emoji1055 when the project is archived1056 hides the buttons for adding new emoji1057 does not allow toggling existing emoji1058 User interacts with awards on an issue1059 logged in1060 adds award to issue1061 when the issue is locked1062 hides the add award button1063 does not allow toggling existing emoji1064 logged out1065 does not see award menu button1066 Awards Emoji1067 authorized user1068 visiting an issue with a legacy award emoji that is not valid anymore1069 does not shows a 500 page1070 Click award emoji from issue#show1071 click the thumbsdown emoji1072 increments the thumbsdown emoji1073 decrements the thumbsup emoji1074 execute /award quick action1075 toggles the emoji award on noteable (PENDING: Temporarily skipped with xit)1076 unauthorized user1077 has disabled emoji button1078Admin::AbuseReports1079 as an admin1080 displayed reports1081 only includes open reports by default1082 can be filtered by status, user, reporter, and category1083 can be sorted by created_at and updated_at in desc and asc order1084 can be actioned on1085 when abuse_reports_list feature flag is disabled1086 if a user has been reported for abuse1087 in the abuse report view1088 presents information about abuse report1089 in the profile page of the user1090 shows a link to the admin view of the user1091 if a many users have been reported for abuse1092 in the abuse report view1093 presents information about abuse report1094 filtering by user1095 shows only single user report1096Dashboard > User filters todos1097 displays all todos without a filter1098 filters by project1099 filters by group1100 filters by type1101 Author filter1102 filters by author1103 shows only authors of existing todos1104 shows only authors of existing done todos1105 filter by action1106 filters by Assigned1107 filters by Review Requested1108 filters by Mentioned1109 filters by Added1110 filters by Pipelines1111Projects > Files > User creates a directory1112 with default target branch1113 creates the directory in the default branch1114 does not create a directory with a name of already existed directory1115 inside sub-folder1116 creates new directory1117 with a new target branch1118 creates the directory in the new branch and redirect to the merge request1119 when an user does not have write access1120 creates a directory in a forked project1121Projects > Show > User sees setup shortcut buttons1122 empty project1123 as a normal user1124 project buttons are not visible1125 as a maintainer1126 "New file" button linked to IDE new file page1127 "Add README" button linked to IDE new file populated for a README1128 "Add license" button linked to IDE new file populated for a license1129 Gitlab::CurrentSettings.default_branch_name is available1130 "New file" button linked to IDE new file page1131 populated project1132 as a normal user1133 when Auto DevOps is enabled1134 "Auto DevOps enabled" button not linked1135 when Auto DevOps is not enabled1136 no Auto DevOps button if can not manage pipelines1137 no Kubernetes cluster button if can not manage clusters1138 as a maintainer1139 no "Add CHANGELOG" button if the project already has a changelog1140 no "Add license" button if the project already has a license1141 no "Add CONTRIBUTING" button if the project already has a contribution guide1142 README button1143 when the project has a populated README1144 show the "README" anchor1145 when the project has an empty README1146 show the "README" anchor1147 when the project does not have a README1148 shows the single file editor "Add README" button1149 GitLab CI configuration button1150 when Auto DevOps is enabled1151 no "Set up CI/CD" button if the project has Auto DevOps enabled1152 when Auto DevOps is not enabled1153 "Set up CI/CD" button linked to new file populated for a .gitlab-ci.yml1154 "Set up CI/CD" button is renamed if the project already has a .gitlab-ci.yml1155 Auto DevOps button1156 when Auto DevOps is enabled1157 "Auto DevOps enabled" anchor linked to settings page1158 when Auto DevOps is not enabled1159 "Enable Auto DevOps" button linked to settings page1160 no Auto DevOps button if Auto DevOps callout is shown1161 no Auto DevOps button if builds feature is disabled1162 no "Enable Auto DevOps" button when .gitlab-ci.yml already exists1163 Kubernetes cluster button1164 "Add Kubernetes cluster" button linked to clusters page1165 "Kubernetes cluster" button linked to cluster page1166Project Jobs Permissions1167 jobs pages1168 when public access for jobs is disabled1169 when user is a guest1170 behaves like recent job page details responds with status1171 is expected to eq 4041172 behaves like project jobs page responds with status1173 is expected to eq 4041174 when project is internal1175 behaves like recent job page details responds with status1176 is expected to eq 4041177 behaves like project jobs page responds with status1178 is expected to eq 4041179 when public access for jobs is enabled1180 when user is a guest1181 behaves like recent job page details responds with status1182 is expected to eq 2001183 behaves like project jobs page responds with status1184 is expected to eq 2001185 when user is a developer1186 behaves like recent job page details responds with status1187 is expected to eq 2001188 behaves like project jobs page responds with status1189 is expected to eq 2001190 when project is internal1191 behaves like recent job page details responds with status1192 is expected to eq 2001193 renders job details1194 behaves like project jobs page responds with status1195 is expected to eq 2001196 renders job1197 artifacts page1198 when recent job has artifacts available1199 when public access for jobs is disabled1200 when user with guest role1201 responds with 404 status1202 when user with reporter role1203 starts download artifact1204 debug_mode1205 public_builds: true, user_project_role: "developer", debug_mode: true, expected_status_code: 200, expected_msg: ""1206 renders trace to authorized users1207 renders raw trace to authorized users1208 public_builds: true, user_project_role: "guest", debug_mode: true, expected_status_code: 403, expected_msg: "You must have developer or higher permissions"1209 renders trace to authorized users1210 renders raw trace to authorized users1211 public_builds: true, user_project_role: nil, debug_mode: true, expected_status_code: 404, expected_msg: "Page Not Found Make sure the address is correct"1212 renders trace to authorized users1213 renders raw trace to authorized users1214 public_builds: true, user_project_role: "developer", debug_mode: false, expected_status_code: 200, expected_msg: ""1215 renders trace to authorized users1216 renders raw trace to authorized users1217 public_builds: true, user_project_role: "guest", debug_mode: false, expected_status_code: 200, expected_msg: ""1218 renders trace to authorized users1219 renders raw trace to authorized users1220 public_builds: true, user_project_role: nil, debug_mode: false, expected_status_code: 404, expected_msg: "Page Not Found Make sure the address is correct"1221 renders trace to authorized users1222 renders raw trace to authorized users1223 public_builds: false, user_project_role: "developer", debug_mode: true, expected_status_code: 200, expected_msg: ""1224 renders trace to authorized users1225 renders raw trace to authorized users1226 public_builds: false, user_project_role: "guest", debug_mode: true, expected_status_code: 403, expected_msg: "You must have developer or higher permissions"1227 renders trace to authorized users1228 renders raw trace to authorized users1229 public_builds: false, user_project_role: nil, debug_mode: true, expected_status_code: 404, expected_msg: "Page Not Found Make sure the address is correct"1230 renders trace to authorized users1231 renders raw trace to authorized users1232 public_builds: false, user_project_role: "developer", debug_mode: false, expected_status_code: 200, expected_msg: ""1233 renders trace to authorized users1234 renders raw trace to authorized users1235 public_builds: false, user_project_role: "guest", debug_mode: false, expected_status_code: 403, expected_msg: "The current user is not authorized to access the job log"1236 renders trace to authorized users1237 renders raw trace to authorized users1238 public_builds: false, user_project_role: nil, debug_mode: false, expected_status_code: 404, expected_msg: "Page Not Found Make sure the address is correct"1239 renders trace to authorized users1240 renders raw trace to authorized users1241Explore Groups1242 when signed in1243 behaves like renders public and internal projects1244 is expected not to have text "project73"1245 behaves like renders public and internal projects1246 is expected not to have text "project76"1247 behaves like renders public and internal projects1248 is expected not to have text "project79"1249 behaves like renders group in public groups area1250 is expected to have text "group30"1251 when signed out1252 behaves like renders only public project1253 is expected not to have text "project85"1254 behaves like renders only public project1255 is expected not to have text "project88"1256 behaves like renders only public project1257 is expected not to have text "project91"1258 behaves like renders group in public groups area1259 is expected to have text "group34"1260 when visibility is restricted to public1261 redirects to the sign in page1262Project > User views empty wiki1263 behaves like User views empty wiki1264 when project is public1265 behaves like empty wiki message1266 shows the empty state message with the expected elements1267 when issue tracker is private1268 behaves like empty wiki message1269 shows the empty state message with the expected elements1270 when issue tracker is disabled1271 behaves like empty wiki message1272 shows the empty state message with the expected elements1273 and user is logged in1274 and user is not a member1275 behaves like empty wiki message1276 shows the empty state message with the expected elements1277 and user is a member1278 behaves like empty wiki message1279 shows the empty state message with the expected elements1280 when project is private1281 behaves like wiki is not found1282 shows an error message1283 and user is logged in1284 and user is not a member1285 behaves like wiki is not found1286 shows an error message1287 and user is a member1288 behaves like empty wiki message1289 shows the empty state message with the expected elements1290 and user is a maintainer1291 behaves like empty wiki message1292 shows the empty state message with the expected elements1293 and Confluence is already enabled1294 behaves like empty wiki message1295 shows the empty state message with the expected elements1296Group Package and registry settings1297 when packages feature is disabled on the group1298 the menu item is not visible1299 renders 404 when navigating to page1300 when packages feature is enabled on the group1301 the menu item is visible1302 has a page title set1303 sidebar menu is open1304 passes axe automated accessibility testing1305 has a Duplicate packages section1306 automatically saves changes to the server1307 shows an error on wrong regex1308 in a sub group1309 works correctly1310Profile > SSH Keys1311 user sees their keys1312 User adds a key1313 auto-populates the title1314 saves the new key1315 shows a confirmable warning if the key begins with an algorithm name that is unsupported1316 when only DSA and ECDSA keys are allowed1317 shows a validation error1318 User removes a key1319 via the key index1320 removes key1321 via its details page1322 removes key1323 User revokes a key1324 when a commit is signed using SSH key1325 revoking the SSH key marks commits as unverified1326User adds a comment on a commit1327 inline view1328 adds a comment1329 when commenting on diff1330 adds a comment1331 side-by-side view1332 adds a comment1333Service Desk Setting1334 shows activation checkbox1335 when service_desk_email is disabled1336 shows incoming email but not project name suffix after activating1337 when service_desk_email is enabled1338 allows setting of custom address suffix1339 issue description templates1340 behaves like issue description templates from current project only1341 loads issue description templates from the project only1342Group Repository settings1343 Deploy tokens1344 behaves like a deploy token in settings1345 view deploy tokens1346 add a new deploy token1347 with form errors1348 shows form errors1349 keeps form inputs1350 when User#time_display_relative is false1351 shows absolute times for expires_at1352 Default branch1353 has the setting section1354 renders the correct setting section content1355User manages applications1356 allows user to manage applications1357 when scopes are blank1358 returns an error1359New issue breadcrumb1360 displays link to project issues and new issue1361 links to current issue in breadcrubs1362 excludes award_emoji from comment count1363Projects > Files > User wants to add a .gitlab-ci.yml file1364 user can pick a template from the dropdown1365 when template param is provided1366 uses the given template1367 when provided template param is not a valid template name1368 leaves the editor empty1369 when template is not available for the given file1370 leaves the editor empty1371renders a `whats new` dropdown item1372 when not logged in1373 and on SaaS it renders1374 doesn't render what's new1375 when logged in1376 renders dropdown item when feature enabled1377 does not render dropdown item when feature disabled1378 shows notification dot and count and removes it once viewed1379Group Issue Boards1380 labels1381 only shows valid labels for the issue project and group1382User filters issues1383 allows filtering by issues with no specified assignee1384 allows filtering by a specified assignee1385Projects > Labels > User sees links to issuables1386 with a project label1387 when merge requests and issues are enabled for the project1388 shows links to MRs and issues1389 when issues are disabled for the project1390 shows links to MRs but not to issues1391 when merge requests are disabled for the project1392 shows links to issues but not to MRs1393 with a group label1394 when merge requests and issues are enabled for the project1395 shows links to MRs and issues1396 when issues are disabled for the project1397 shows links to MRs and issues1398 when merge requests are disabled for the project1399 shows links to MRs and issues1400User views diff by commit1401 shows full commit description by default1402Gitlab::Experiment1403 with event tracking1404 publishes the experiments that have been run to the client1405Groups > sidebar1406 Package menu1407 when container registry is enabled1408 shows main menu1409 has container registry link1410 when container registry is disabled1411 does not have container registry link1412OAuth Provider1413 Standard OAuth Authorization1414 behaves like Secure OAuth Authorizations1415 when user is confirmed1416 asks the user to authorize the application1417 when user is unconfirmed1418 displays an error1419View error details page1420 with current user as project guest1421 renders not found1422Knapsack report was generated. Preview:1423{1424 "spec/features/merge_request/user_uses_quick_actions_spec.rb": 286.9707723490001,1425 "spec/features/users/login_spec.rb": 123.84217274399998,1426 "spec/features/projects/files/user_creates_files_spec.rb": 108.89682753399939,1427 "spec/features/issues/user_interacts_with_awards_spec.rb": 94.49833666300037,1428 "spec/features/admin/admin_abuse_reports_spec.rb": 60.41773999799989,1429 "spec/features/dashboard/todos/todos_filtering_spec.rb": 54.2410000560003,1430 "spec/features/projects/files/user_creates_directory_spec.rb": 57.27772745099992,1431 "spec/features/projects/show/user_sees_setup_shortcut_buttons_spec.rb": 50.58814436499961,1432 "spec/features/projects/jobs/permissions_spec.rb": 25.027708245999747,1433 "spec/features/explore/groups_spec.rb": 31.24520292499983,1434 "spec/features/projects/wiki/user_views_wiki_empty_spec.rb": 21.102749100999972,1435 "spec/features/groups/settings/packages_and_registries_spec.rb": 18.43786273799924,1436 "spec/features/profiles/keys_spec.rb": 17.858632555999975,1437 "spec/features/projects/commit/comments/user_adds_comment_spec.rb": 18.156351302000076,1438 "spec/features/projects/settings/service_desk_setting_spec.rb": 13.804936383000495,1439 "spec/features/groups/settings/repository_spec.rb": 12.585843285999545,1440 "spec/features/groups/settings/manage_applications_spec.rb": 9.021271131000503,1441 "spec/features/issues/user_sees_breadcrumb_links_spec.rb": 7.088876666000033,1442 "spec/features/projects/files/gitlab_ci_yml_dropdown_spec.rb": 9.744611169000564,1443 "spec/features/whats_new_spec.rb": 5.344092374999491,1444 "spec/features/groups/board_sidebar_spec.rb": 6.843645615999776,1445 "spec/features/issues/user_filters_issues_spec.rb": 5.493749440999636,1446 "spec/features/projects/labels/user_sees_links_to_issuables_spec.rb": 6.518720783999925,1447 "spec/features/merge_request/user_views_diffs_commit_spec.rb": 5.552279275999354,1448 "spec/features/gitlab_experiments_spec.rb": 4.625841316000333,1449 "spec/features/groups/user_sees_package_sidebar_spec.rb": 2.863971306000167,1450 "spec/features/oauth_provider_authorize_spec.rb": 1.7835764870005733,1451 "spec/features/error_tracking/user_sees_error_details_spec.rb": 1.33560127700002341452}1453Knapsack global time execution for tests: 17m 41s1454Pending: (Failures listed here are expected and do not affect your suite's status)1455 1) User interacts with awards Awards Emoji authorized user Click award emoji from issue#show execute /award quick action toggles the emoji award on noteable1456 # Temporarily skipped with xit1457 # ./spec/features/issues/user_interacts_with_awards_spec.rb:3111458Finished in 17 minutes 45 seconds (files took 41.6 seconds to load)1459285 examples, 0 failures, 1 pending1460[TEST PROF INFO] Time spent in factories: 03:04.015 (17.25% of total time)1461Failed to write to log, write log/workhorse-test.log: file already closed1462RSpec exited with 0.1463No examples to retry, congrats!1465Not uploading cache ruby-gems-debian-bullseye-ruby-3.0-16 due to policy1466Not uploading cache gitaly-ruby-gems-debian-bullseye-ruby-3.0-16 due to policy1468Uploading artifacts...1469coverage/: found 5 matching artifact files and directories 1470crystalball/: found 2 matching artifact files and directories 1471WARNING: deprecations/: no matching files. Ensure that the artifact path is relative to the working directory (/builds/gitlab-org/gitlab) 1472knapsack/: found 3 matching artifact files and directories 1473WARNING: query_recorder/: no matching files. Ensure that the artifact path is relative to the working directory (/builds/gitlab-org/gitlab) 1474rspec/: found 14 matching artifact files and directories 1475WARNING: tmp/capybara/: no matching files. Ensure that the artifact path is relative to the working directory (/builds/gitlab-org/gitlab) 1476log/*.log: found 16 matching artifact files and directories 1477WARNING: Upload request redirected location= new-url=https://gitlab.com1478WARNING: Retrying... context=artifacts-uploader error=request redirected1479Uploading artifacts as "archive" to coordinator... 201 Created id=4101394854 responseStatus=201 Created token=64_ZCXSb1480Uploading artifacts...1481rspec/junit_rspec.xml: found 1 matching artifact files and directories 1482WARNING: Upload request redirected location= new-url=https://gitlab.com1483WARNING: Retrying... context=artifacts-uploader error=request redirected1484Uploading artifacts as "junit" to coordinator... 201 Created id=4101394854 responseStatus=201 Created token=64_ZCXSb1486Job succeeded