There was an error fetching the job.
rspec-ee system pg13 2/10
Passed Started

🤖 GitLab Bot 🤖
1Running with gitlab-runner 15.9.0~beta.212.g8ccc65e7 (8ccc65e7)2 on 4bq1s9yM, system ID: s_9d15f3e4e7ae3 feature flags: FF_NETWORK_PER_BUILD:true, FF_USE_FASTZIP:true, FF_USE_IMPROVED_URL_MASKING:true6Using Docker executor with image ...7Starting service postgres:13 ...8Pulling docker image postgres:13 ...9Using docker image sha256:dd421ca1f7f13d81c5c145d77d97d8d84cd0e6f1e045936ee506ce0f50ee397a for postgres:13 with digest postgres@sha256:00f455399f30cc3f2fe4185476601438b7a4959c74653665582d7c313a783d51 ...10Starting service redis:6.2-alpine ...11Pulling docker image redis:6.2-alpine ...12Using docker image sha256:3616f0c0705d2a35d30dde109daf3cbe58ae7284121aafa6f5cfa987db98d1a8 for redis:6.2-alpine with digest redis@sha256:edddbcad5a41d58df2f142d68439922f1860ea902903d016257337c3342f30fc ...13Starting service elasticsearch:7.17.6 ...14Pulling docker image elasticsearch:7.17.6 ...15Using docker image sha256:5fad10241ffd65d817ed0ddfaf6e87eee1f7dc2a7db33db1047835560ea71fda for elasticsearch:7.17.6 with digest elasticsearch@sha256:6c128de5d01c0c130a806022d6bd99b3e4c27a9af5bfc33b6b81861ae117d028 ...16Starting service ...17Authenticating with credentials from job payload (GitLab Registry)18Pulling docker image ...19Using docker image sha256:4777ec1fa89def7d692d4979d05cb05234df25da1c6a3f67a564a433ec5ba1c8 for with digest ...20Waiting for services to be up and running (timeout 30 seconds)...21Authenticating with credentials from job payload (GitLab Registry)22Pulling docker image ...23Using docker image sha256:7a1b51158a1ee23b080b514ce6ebbf52ac51585877198fb52709e5cd01805a77 for with digest ...25Running on runner-4bq1s9ym-project-278964-concurrent-0 via runner-4bq1s9ym-private-1680164161-238729f0...27$ eval "$CI_PRE_CLONE_SCRIPT"28Fetching changes with git depth set to 20...29Initialized empty Git repository in /builds/gitlab-org/gitlab/.git/30Created fresh repository.31remote: Enumerating objects: 135903, done. 32remote: Counting objects: 100% (135903/135903), done. 33remote: Compressing objects: 100% (88560/88560), done. 34remote: Total 135903 (delta 58315), reused 94618 (delta 42152), pack-reused 0 35Receiving objects: 100% (135903/135903), 121.35 MiB | 30.29 MiB/s, done.36Resolving deltas: 100% (58315/58315), done.38 * [new ref] refs/pipelines/822866544 -> refs/pipelines/82286654439Checking out 523abdde as detached HEAD (ref is refs/merge-requests/116270/merge)...40Skipping Git submodules setup41$ git remote set-url origin "${CI_REPOSITORY_URL}"43Checking cache for is up to date 45Successfully extracted cache46Checking cache for is up to date 48Successfully extracted cache50Downloading artifacts for compile-test-assets (4031138198)...51Downloading artifacts from coordinator... ok id=4031138198 responseStatus=200 OK token=64_H3Rhc52Downloading artifacts for detect-tests (4031138213)...53Downloading artifacts from coordinator... ok id=4031138213 responseStatus=200 OK token=64_H3Rhc54Downloading artifacts for retrieve-tests-metadata (4031138217)...55Downloading artifacts from coordinator... ok id=4031138217 responseStatus=200 OK token=64_H3Rhc56Downloading artifacts for setup-test-env (4031138204)...57Downloading artifacts from coordinator... ok id=4031138204 responseStatus=200 OK token=64_H3Rhc59Using docker image sha256:7a1b51158a1ee23b080b514ce6ebbf52ac51585877198fb52709e5cd01805a77 for with digest ...60$ echo $FOSS_ONLY61$ [ "$FOSS_ONLY" = "1" ] && rm -rf ee/ qa/spec/ee/ qa/qa/specs/features/ee/ qa/qa/ee/ qa/qa/ee.rb62$ export GOPATH=$CI_PROJECT_DIR/.go63$ mkdir -p $GOPATH64$ source scripts/utils.sh65$ source scripts/prepare_build.sh716Using decomposed database config (config/database.yml.decomposed-postgresql)717Geo DB will be set up.718$ setup_db_user_only719CREATE ROLE720GRANT721==> 'setup_db_user_only' succeeded in 0 seconds.722$ bundle exec rake db:drop db:create db:schema:load db:migrate gitlab:db:lock_writes723Dropped database 'gitlabhq_test'724Dropped database 'gitlabhq_test_ci'725Dropped database 'gitlabhq_geo_test'726Created database 'gitlabhq_test'727Created database 'gitlabhq_test_ci'728Created database 'gitlabhq_geo_test'729==> 'bundle exec rake db:drop db:create db:schema:load db:migrate gitlab:db:lock_writes' succeeded in 46 seconds.730$ setup_db_praefect731SELECT pg_catalog.set_config('search_path', '', false);732CREATE DATABASE praefect_test ENCODING 'UTF8';733==> 'setup_db_praefect' succeeded in 0 seconds.734$ source ./scripts/rspec_helpers.sh735$ run_timed_command "gem install knapsack --no-document"736$ gem install knapsack --no-document737Successfully installed knapsack-4.0.07381 gem installed739==> 'gem install knapsack --no-document' succeeded in 1 seconds.740$ echo -e "\e[0Ksection_start:`date +%s`:gitaly-test-spawn[collapsed=true]\r\e[0KStarting Gitaly"844$ rspec_paralellized_job "--tag ~quarantine --tag ~level:background_migration"845SKIP_FLAKY_TESTS_AUTOMATICALLY: false846RETRY_FAILED_TESTS_IN_NEW_PROCESS: true847KNAPSACK_GENERATE_REPORT: true848FLAKY_RSPEC_GENERATE_REPORT: true849KNAPSACK_TEST_FILE_PATTERN: {ee/}spec/{features}{,/**/}*_spec.rb850KNAPSACK_LOG_LEVEL: debug851KNAPSACK_REPORT_PATH: knapsack/rspec-ee_system_pg13_2_10_report.json852FLAKY_RSPEC_SUITE_REPORT_PATH: rspec/flaky/report-suite.json853FLAKY_RSPEC_REPORT_PATH: rspec/flaky/all_rspec-ee_system_pg13_2_10_report.json854NEW_FLAKY_RSPEC_REPORT_PATH: rspec/flaky/new_rspec-ee_system_pg13_2_10_report.json855SKIPPED_FLAKY_TESTS_REPORT_PATH: rspec/flaky/skipped_flaky_tests_rspec-ee_system_pg13_2_10_report.txt856CRYSTALBALL: 857Knapsack report generator started!858Run options: exclude {:quarantine=>true, :level=>"background_migration"}859Test environment set up in 0.774320133 seconds860Project elastic search861Starting the Capybara driver server...862 searching863Capybara starting Puma...864* Version 5.6.5 , codename: Birdie's Version865* Min threads: 0, max threads: 4866* Listening on unix:///tmp/20230330-359-at60b4867 finds issues868 finds merge requests869 finds milestones870 finds wiki pages871 finds notes872 finds commits873 finds blobs874 displays Advanced Search status875 when `repository_ref` isn't the default branch876 displays that advanced search is disabled877 when `repository_ref` is unset878 displays that advanced search is enabled879 when `repository_ref` is the default branch880 displays that advanced search is enabled881 renders error when zoekt search fails882 renders error information883 sets tab count to 0884Project elastic search redactions885 behaves like a redacted search results page886 behaves like redacted search results page assertions887 when logged in888 redacts private features the user does not have access to889 when issues are public890 redacts other private features891 behaves like redacted search results page assertions892 when not logged in893 redacts private features the user does not have access to894 when issues are public895 redacts other private features896Issues > User uses EE quick actions897 issue-only commands898 behaves like status page quick actions899 /publish900 publishes the issue901 during issue creation902 publishes the issue903 publishing causes an error904 provides an error message905 user does not have permissions906 behaves like skip silently907 does not allow publishing908 status page is not configured909 behaves like skip silently910 does not allow publishing911 issue is already published912 behaves like skip silently913 does not allow publishing914 behaves like page quick action915 /page916 when licensed features are disabled917 does not escalate issue918 when licensed features are enabled919 when issue is an incident920 starts escalation with the policy921 starts escalation with policy name as case insensitive922 does not escalate when policy does not exist923 when issue is already escalated924 does not escalate again with same policy925 when issue already has an alert926 starts escalation with the policy927 when user does not have permissions928 does not escalate incident929 when issue is not an incident930 does not escalate issue931Display license check deprecation alert932 # order random933 in the merge request settings page934 shows the alert message935 when user dismisses callout by clicking on the close button936 in a different project937 still shows the callout938 in a different project without license check approval rule939 does not show the callout940 when user dismisses callout by clicking on the dismiss button941 hides callout942 in a different project943 still shows the callout944 in a different project without license check approval rule945 does not show the callout946Groups > Usage Quotas > Seats tab947 # order random948 with free user limit949 when no feature flag enabled950 shows active users951 when free_user_cap enabled952 when on a free plan953 has correct seats in use and plans link954 when on a paid plan955 shows active users956 when on a paid expired plan and over limit that is now free957 shows usage quota alert958 when on a trial959 shows active users960 with seat usage table961 displays correct number of users962 with seat usage details table963 expands the details on click964 hides the details table on click965 when removing a user when the namespace is in read_only state966 shows a flash message967 when removing user968 with a modal to confirm removal969 has disabled the remove button970 enables the remove button when user enters valid username971 does not enable button when user enters invalid username972 does not display the error modal973 when removing the user974 shows a flash message975 when removing a user from a sub-group976 updates the seat table of the parent group977 when cannot remove the user978 displays an error modal979 when over storage limit980 shows active users981Project mirror982 On a project983 when mirror was updated successfully984 shows the last successful at timestamp985 when mirror was never updated successfully986 shows that mirror has never been updated987 with Update now button988 when able to force update989 forces import990 when unable to force update991 disables Update now button992 when the project is archived993 disables Update now button994 configuration995 password authentication996 can be changed to unauthenticated997 can be recreated after an SSH mirror is set998 SSH public key authentication999 can be set up1000 host key management1001 fills fingerprints and host keys when detecting1002 displays error if detection fails1003 allows manual host keys entry1004 authentication methods1005 shows SSH related fields for an SSH URL1006 hides SSH-related fields for a HTTP URL1007Groups > Usage Quotas > Pipelines tab1008 # order random1009 in projects usage table1010 sorts projects list by CI minutes used in descending order1011 displays info alert for table1012 with minutes under quota1013 shows correct group quota info1014 when not the group owner1015 shows no minutes quota info1016 with minutes over quota1017 has correct tracking setup and shows correct group quota and projects info1018 when it is not GitLab.com1019 does not show 'Buy additional minutes' button1020 in usage by project1021 does not show projects with 0 minutes used1022 when group has projects in subgroups1023 shows projects inside the subgroup1024 with pagination1025 behaves like correct pagination1026 paginates correctly to page 3 and back1027 Purchase additional CI minutes1028 points to GitLab CI minutes purchase flow1029 when successfully purchasing CI Minutes1030 does show a banner1031 with no quota1032 shows correct group quota info1033 with no projects using shared runners1034 shows correct group quota info1035Display ultimate feature removal banner1036 # order random1037 on project activity page1038 behaves like shows the banner1039 shows the banner message1040 has a link to the FAQ1041 on project members page1042 behaves like shows the banner1043 shows the banner message1044 has a link to the FAQ1045 on project usage quotas page1046 behaves like shows the banner1047 shows the banner message1048 has a link to the FAQ1049 on project settings page1050 behaves like shows the banner1051 shows the banner message1052 has a link to the FAQ1053 on project labels page1054 behaves like shows the banner1055 shows the banner message1056 has a link to the FAQ1057 on project landing page1058 behaves like shows the banner1059 shows the banner message1060 has a link to the FAQ1061 when user dimisses callout1062 hides callout1063 in a different project1064 still shows the callout1065Project settings > Issues1066 when Issues are initially enabled1067 when Pipelines are initially enabled1068 shows the Issues settings1069 when Issues are initially disabled1070 does not show the Issues settings1071 issuable default templates feature not available1072 input to configure issue template is not shown1073 issuable default templates feature is available1074 input to configure issue template is not shown1075 when viewing CVE request settings1076 CVE ID Request toggle should only be visible if the feature is enabled1077 when viewing CVE request settings on GitLab.com1078 project_vis: :public, cve_enabled: true, toggle_checked: true, toggle_disabled: false1079 CVE ID Request toggle should be correctly visible1080 project_vis: :public, cve_enabled: false, toggle_checked: false, toggle_disabled: false1081 CVE ID Request toggle should be correctly visible1082 project_vis: :internal, cve_enabled: true, toggle_checked: false, toggle_disabled: true1083 CVE ID Request toggle should be correctly visible1084 project_vis: :internal, cve_enabled: false, toggle_checked: false, toggle_disabled: true1085 CVE ID Request toggle should be correctly visible1086 project_vis: :private, cve_enabled: true, toggle_checked: false, toggle_disabled: true1087 CVE ID Request toggle should be correctly visible1088 project_vis: :private, cve_enabled: false, toggle_checked: false, toggle_disabled: true1089 CVE ID Request toggle should be correctly visible1090 when viewing CVE request settings not on GitLab.com1091 project_vis: :public, cve_enabled: true1092 CVE ID Request toggle should never be visible1093 project_vis: :internal, cve_enabled: true1094 CVE ID Request toggle should never be visible1095 project_vis: :private, cve_enabled: true1096 CVE ID Request toggle should never be visible1097Value stream analytics charts1098 Duration chart1099 displays data for all stages on the overview1100 displays data for a specific stage when selected1101 Tasks by type chart1102 enabled1103 with data available1104 displays the chart1105 has 2 labels selected1106 has chart filters1107 can update the filters1108 no data available1109 shows the no data available message1110Reset namespace pipeline minutes1111 for user namespace1112 reset pipeline minutes button is visible1113 when namespace has minutes used1114 resets pipeline minutes1115 when resetting pipeline minutes fails1116 renders edit page with an error1117 when creating a new group1118 does not display reset pipeline minutes callout1119 for group namespace1120 reset pipeline minutes button is visible1121 when namespace has minutes used1122 resets pipeline minutes1123 when resetting pipeline minutes fails1124 renders edit page with an error1125Merge request > User sees security widget1126 # order random1127 shows the security widget1128 when master detects vulnerabilities in a child pipeline1129 and merge request detects the same vulnerabilities not in a child pipeline1130 does not show them as new vulnerabilities1131 when vulnerabilities in an MR have already been detected on main1132 does not show them as new vulnerabilities1133Path Locks1134 locking folders1135 locking files1136 unlocking files1137 managing of lock list1138Group1139 group edit1140 when licensed feature group wikis is not enabled1141 does not show the wiki settings menu1142 wiki_access_level setting1143 saves new settings1144 storage_enforcement_banner1145 with storage_enforcement_date set1146 displays the banner in the group page1147 does not display the banner in a paid group page1148 does not display the banner if user has previously closed unless threshold has changed1149 with storage_enforcement_date not set1150 does not display the banner in the group page1151Signup on EE1152 for Gitlab.com1153 redirects to step 2 of the signup process when not completed1154 when the user sets it up for the company1155 creates the user and sets the email_opted_in field truthy1156 when the user checks the opt-in to email updates box1157 creates the user and sets the email_opted_in field truthy1158 when the user does not check the opt-in to email updates box1159 creates the user and sets the email_opted_in field falsey1160 not for Gitlab.com1161 does not have a opt-in checkbox, it creates the user and sets email_opted_in to falsey1162 redirects to step 2 of the signup process when not completed and redirects back1163 password complexity1164 behaves like password complexity validations1165 when password complexity feature is not available1166 when no rule is required1167 does not render any rule1168 when password complexity feature is available1169 when no rule is required1170 does not render any rule1171 when two rules are required1172 shows two rules1173 when all passsword rules are required1174 password does not meet all rules1175 when password does not have a number1176 does not show check circle1177 when clicking on submit button1178 when password rules are not fully matched1179 highlights not matched rules1180 when all password complexity rules are enabled1181 when all rules are matched1182 creates the user1183 when reCAPTCHA is enabled1184 creates the user1185 when reCAPTCHA verification fails1186 does not create the user1187 behaves like creates a user with ArkoseLabs risk band1188 creates the user1189Merge request > User sets approval rules1190 with project approval rules1191 when from a fork1192 shows approval rules from target project1193 with a private group rule1194 shows approval rules1195 persists hidden groups that author has no access to when creating MR1196Labels Hierarchy1197 scoped boards1198 for group boards1199 behaves like filter for scoped boards1200 scopes board to ancestor and current group labels1201 for project boards1202 behaves like filter for scoped boards1203 scopes board to ancestor and current group labels1204Observability rendering1205 # order random1206 when embedding in an epic1207 when user is a developer of the embedded group1208 behaves like embeds observability1209 renders iframe in description1210 renders iframe in comment1211 when feature flag is disabled1212 behaves like does not embed observability1213 does not render iframe in description1214 does not render iframe in comment1215Merge request > User merges with Push Rules1216 commit message is invalid1217 displays error message after merge request is clicked1218 author email is invalid1219 displays error message after merge request is clicked1220Slack application1221 I can edit slack integration1222 shows the trigger form fields1223 when the integration is disabled1224 does not show the trigger form fields1225Login1226 creates a security event for an invalid password login1227 creates a security event for an invalid OAuth login1228 creates a security event for an invalid one-time code1229 smartcard authentication1230 when smartcard is enabled1231 with smartcard_auth feature flag off1232 does not render any tabs1233 renders link to sign up path1234 with smartcard_auth feature flag on1235 correctly renders tabs and panes1236 renders link to sign up path1237 with two-factor authentication required1238 with a smartcard session1239 does not ask for Two-Factor Authentication1240 without a smartcard session1241 asks for Two-Factor Authentication1242 smartcard authentication against LDAP server1243 when smartcard auth is optional1244 correctly renders tabs and panes1245 shows LDAP login form1246 shows LDAP smartcard login form1247 when smartcard auth is required1248 correctly renders tabs and panes1249 does not show LDAP login form1250 shows LDAP smartcard login form1251 via Group SAML1252 with enforced terms1253 shows the terms disclaimer1254 with WebAuthn two factor1255 shows WebAuthn prompt after SAML1256 restricted visibility levels1257 contains public level1258 hides Explore link1259 hides help link1260 does not contain public level1261 displays Explore and Help links1262Group > User views empty wiki1263 behaves like User views empty wiki1264 when group is public1265 behaves like empty wiki message1266 shows the empty state message with the expected elements1267 and user is logged in1268 and user is not a member1269 behaves like empty wiki message1270 shows the empty state message with the expected elements1271 and user is a member1272 behaves like empty wiki message1273 shows the empty state message with the expected elements1274 when group is private1275 behaves like wiki is not found1276 shows an error message1277 and user is logged in1278 and user is not a member1279 behaves like wiki is not found1280 shows an error message1281 and user is a member1282 behaves like empty wiki message1283 shows the empty state message with the expected elements1284Groups::Security::Credentials1285 licensed1286 links1287 has Credentials Inventory link in sidebar1288 tabs1289 contains the relevant filter tabs1290 filtering1291 by Personal Access Tokens1292 behaves like credentials inventory personal access tokens1293 when a personal access token is active1294 shows the details1295 when a personal access token has an expiry1296 shows the details with an expiry date1297 has an expiry icon1298 when a personal access token is revoked1299 shows the details with a revoked date1300 by SSH Keys1301 behaves like credentials inventory SSH keys1302 when a SSH key is active1303 shows the details1304 shows the delete button1305 and the user clicks the delete button1306 deletes the key1307 when a SSH key has an expiry1308 shows the details with an expiry date1309 has an expiry icon1310 by GPG Keys1311 returns a 404 not found response1312 unlicensed1313 returns 4001314Pending project memberships1315 with a private project in a private group1316 a pending project member gets a 404 for a private project1317 a pending project member gets a 404 for the project's private group1318 a project member can see the project's private group once the membership transitions to active1319 when a pending group membership is created with an existing pending project membership1320 a pending member gets a 404 for the project's private group1321 with a public project in a public group1322 a pending project member sees a public project as if not a member1323 a pending project member sees the project's public group as if not a member1324 with a subgroup project1325 a pending project member sees the root group as if not a member1326Groups > Members > Leave group1327 with block_password_auth_for_saml_users feature flag switched on1328 guest provisoned by this group leaves the group and is signed off1329 guest leaves the group by url param and is signed off1330 with block_password_auth_for_saml_users feature flag switched off1331 guest leaves the group by url param1332 guest leaves the group as last member1333[EE] Internal Group access1334 GET /groups/:path/-/insights1335 is expected to be allowed for admin1336 is expected to be allowed for auditor1337 is expected to be allowed for owner1338 is expected to be allowed for maintainer1339 is expected to be allowed for developer1340 is expected to be allowed for reporter1341 is expected to be allowed for guest1342 is expected to be allowed for the specified user1343 is expected to be allowed for user1344 is expected to be denied for external1345 is expected to be denied for visitor1346 GET /groups/:path1347 is expected to be allowed for auditor1348 GET /groups/:path/-/issues1349 is expected to be allowed for auditor1350 GET /groups/:path/-/merge_requests1351 is expected to be allowed for auditor1352 GET /groups/:path/-/group_members1353 is expected to be allowed for auditor1354 GET /groups/:path/-/edit1355 is expected to be denied for auditor1356Project navbar1357 # order random1358 when iterations is available1359 when project is namespaced to a user1360 behaves like verified navigation bar1361 renders correctly1362 when project is namespaced to a group1363 behaves like verified navigation bar1364 renders correctly1365 when packages are available1366 behaves like verified navigation bar1367 renders correctly1368 when container registry is available1369 behaves like verified navigation bar1370 renders correctly1371 when analytics dashboards is available1372 behaves like verified navigation bar1373 renders correctly1374 when security dashboard is available1375 behaves like verified navigation bar1376 renders correctly1377 when issue analytics is available1378 behaves like verified navigation bar1379 renders correctly1380 when harbor registry is available1381 behaves like verified navigation bar1382 renders correctly1383Show trial banner1384 when user's trial is active1385 renders congratulations banner for user in profile billing page1386 when group's trial is active1387 renders congratulations banner for group in group details page1388 does not render congratulations banner for group in group billing page1389Password reset1390 password complexity1391 behaves like password complexity validations1392 when password complexity feature is not available1393 when no rule is required1394 does not render any rule1395 when password complexity feature is available1396 when no rule is required1397 does not render any rule1398 when two rules are required1399 shows two rules1400 when all passsword rules are required1401 password does not meet all rules1402 when password does not have a number1403 does not show check circle1404 when clicking on submit button1405 when password rules are not fully matched1406 highlights not matched rules1407 when all password complexity rules are enabled1408 when all rules are matched1409 resets password1410User sees feature flag list1411 with new version flags1412 user updates the status toggle1413 with too many feature flags1414 stops users from adding another1415SCIM Token handling1416 when group has no existing SCIM token1417 displays generate token form1418 when group has existing SCIM token1419 displays the SCIM form with an obfuscated token1420 when `reset it` button is clicked1421 displays the SCIM form with an obfuscated token that can be copied or Google Analytics DataLayer1423 on account sign up pages1424 when creating a new trial registration1425 tracks form submissions in the dataLayer1426 when creating a new user1427 track form submissions in the dataLayer1428 on trial group select page1429 tracks create group events1430Group CI/CD settings1431 Runners section1432 when stale_runner_cleanup_for_namespace licensed feature is available1433 behaves like clicks on toggle to enable stale runners cleanup1434 clicks on toggle to enable setting1435 when stale_runner_cleanup_for_namespace licensed feature is not available1436 behaves like does not show stale runners cleanup1437 does not show toggle1438ArkoseLabs content security policy1439 # order random1440 when in registration page1441 behaves like configures Content Security Policy headers correctly1442 adds ArkoseLabs URL to Content Security Policy headers1443 when feature flag is disabled1444 does not add ArkoseLabs URL to Content Security Policy headers1445 when there is no global CSP config1446 does not add ArkoseLabs URL to Content Security Policy headers1447 when in identity verification page1448 behaves like configures Content Security Policy headers correctly1449 adds ArkoseLabs URL to Content Security Policy headers1450 when feature flag is disabled1451 does not add ArkoseLabs URL to Content Security Policy headers1452 when there is no global CSP config1453 does not add ArkoseLabs URL to Content Security Policy headers1454 when in login page1455 behaves like configures Content Security Policy headers correctly1456 adds ArkoseLabs URL to Content Security Policy headers1457 when feature flag is disabled1458 does not add ArkoseLabs URL to Content Security Policy headers1459 when there is no global CSP config1460 does not add ArkoseLabs URL to Content Security Policy headers1461Blocking issues count1462 sorts by blocking1463Groups::ProductivityAnalytics1464 exposes valid url params in data attributes1465 when params are invalid1466 does not expose params in data attributes1467Email Confirmation1468 # order random1469 when signing up through SAML1470 signs in successfully1471User views hooks1472 is expected to have text "http://example6.test"1473Knapsack report was generated. Preview:1474{1475 "ee/spec/features/search/elastic/project_search_spec.rb": 466.18233263599905,1476 "ee/spec/features/issues/user_uses_quick_actions_spec.rb": 131.94848086299862,1477 "ee/spec/features/projects/settings/merge_requests/user_sees_license_check_deprecation_alert_spec.rb": 23.055694106999,1478 "ee/spec/features/groups/usage_quotas/seats_tab_spec.rb": 82.39317215799929,1479 "ee/spec/features/projects/mirror_spec.rb": 82.83027131500057,1480 "ee/spec/features/groups/usage_quotas/pipelines_tab_spec.rb": 69.45054712599995,1481 "ee/spec/features/user_sees_ultimate_feature_removal_banner_spec.rb": 62.17930925099972,1482 "ee/spec/features/projects/settings/issues_settings_spec.rb": 42.698008086999835,1483 "ee/spec/features/groups/analytics/cycle_analytics/charts_spec.rb": 43.985521770999185,1484 "ee/spec/features/admin/admin_reset_pipeline_minutes_spec.rb": 45.08060894600021,1485 "ee/spec/features/merge_request/user_sees_security_widget_spec.rb": 34.41436039999826,1486 "ee/spec/features/projects/path_locks_spec.rb": 30.415347202000703,1487 "ee/spec/features/groups_spec.rb": 26.595014955000806,1488 "ee/spec/features/signup_spec.rb": 18.115058688999852,1489 "ee/spec/features/merge_request/user_sets_approval_rules_spec.rb": 21.400481743001365,1490 "ee/spec/features/labels_hierarchy_spec.rb": 19.500384992999898,1491 "ee/spec/features/markdown/observability_spec.rb": 18.44854822399975,1492 "ee/spec/features/merge_request/user_merges_with_push_rules_spec.rb": 17.838415018999513,1493 "ee/spec/features/projects/settings/slack_application_spec.rb": 16.9008974770004,1494 "ee/spec/features/users/login_spec.rb": 11.042289625000194,1495 "ee/spec/features/groups/wiki/user_views_wiki_empty_spec.rb": 11.700637476000338,1496 "ee/spec/features/groups/groups_security_credentials_spec.rb": 10.167458347999855,1497 "ee/spec/features/pending_project_memberships_spec.rb": 9.821433375000197,1498 "ee/spec/features/groups/members/leave_group_spec.rb": 10.859874633999425,1499 "ee/spec/features/security/group/internal_access_spec.rb": 7.931620192999617,1500 "ee/spec/features/projects/navbar_spec.rb": 8.383909705000406,1501 "ee/spec/features/trials/show_trial_banner_spec.rb": 7.52586485699976,1502 "ee/spec/features/password_reset_spec.rb": 8.649956797000414,1503 "ee/spec/features/projects/feature_flags/user_sees_feature_flag_list_spec.rb": 6.375052188001064,1504 "ee/spec/features/groups/scim_token_spec.rb": 7.088197283001136,1505 "ee/spec/features/google_analytics_datalayer_spec.rb": 5.068670984999699,1506 "ee/spec/features/groups/settings/ci_cd_spec.rb": 4.878454456000327,1507 "ee/spec/features/users/arkose_content_security_policy_spec.rb": 1.7003499309994368,1508 "ee/spec/features/issues/blocking_issues_spec.rb": 3.4104107610000938,1509 "ee/spec/features/groups/analytics/productivity_analytics_spec.rb": 2.703065264999168,1510 "ee/spec/features/registrations/email_confirmation_spec.rb": 3.026053661000333,1511 "ee/spec/features/groups/hooks/user_views_hooks_spec.rb": 1.321609439999521512}1513Knapsack global time execution for tests: 22m 55s1514Finished in 22 minutes 58 seconds (files took 1 minute 6.27 seconds to load)1515270 examples, 0 failures1516Randomized with seed 296181517[TEST PROF INFO] Time spent in factories: 01:52.021 (7.95% of total time)1518Failed to write to log, write log/workhorse-test.log: file already closed1519RSpec exited with 0.1520No examples to retry, congrats!1522Not uploading cache ruby-gems-debian-bullseye-ruby-3.0-16 due to policy1523Not uploading cache gitaly-ruby-gems-debian-bullseye-ruby-3.0-16 due to policy1525Uploading artifacts...1526coverage/: found 5 matching artifact files and directories 1527crystalball/: found 2 matching artifact files and directories 1528WARNING: deprecations/: no matching files. Ensure that the artifact path is relative to the working directory (/builds/gitlab-org/gitlab) 1529knapsack/: found 3 matching artifact files and directories 1530WARNING: query_recorder/: no matching files. Ensure that the artifact path is relative to the working directory (/builds/gitlab-org/gitlab) 1531rspec/: found 14 matching artifact files and directories 1532WARNING: tmp/capybara/: no matching files. Ensure that the artifact path is relative to the working directory (/builds/gitlab-org/gitlab) 1533log/*.log: found 16 matching artifact files and directories 1534WARNING: Upload request redirected location= new-url=https://gitlab.com1535WARNING: Retrying... context=artifacts-uploader error=request redirected1536Uploading artifacts as "archive" to coordinator... 201 Created id=4031139363 responseStatus=201 Created token=64_H3Rhc1537Uploading artifacts...1538rspec/junit_rspec.xml: found 1 matching artifact files and directories 1539WARNING: Upload request redirected location= new-url=https://gitlab.com1540WARNING: Retrying... context=artifacts-uploader error=request redirected1541Uploading artifacts as "junit" to coordinator... 201 Created id=4031139363 responseStatus=201 Created token=64_H3Rhc1543Job succeeded