Passed Started

Nailia Iskhakova
1Running with gitlab-runner 15.9.0~beta.212.g8ccc65e7 (8ccc65e7)2 on QuQPoFsC, system ID: s_fc023362bf2f3 feature flags: FF_NETWORK_PER_BUILD:true, FF_USE_FASTZIP:true, FF_USE_IMPROVED_URL_MASKING:true6Using Docker executor with image ...7Authenticating with credentials from job payload (GitLab Registry)8Pulling docker image ...9Using docker image sha256:7235367e03bd134ea3589fd68c26d1f1d2ae8341a82a8416dadbd044497eab14 for with digest ...11Running on runner-quqpofsc-project-278964-concurrent-0 via runner-quqpofsc-private-1680006212-2739c044...13$ eval "$CI_PRE_CLONE_SCRIPT"14Fetching changes with git depth set to 20...15Initialized empty Git repository in /builds/gitlab-org/gitlab/.git/16Created fresh repository.17remote: Enumerating objects: 168536, done. 18remote: Counting objects: 100% (168536/168536), done. 19remote: Compressing objects: 100% (107987/107987), done. 20remote: Total 168536 (delta 80367), reused 116592 (delta 54049), pack-reused 0 21Receiving objects: 100% (168536/168536), 132.70 MiB | 22.96 MiB/s, done.22Resolving deltas: 100% (80367/80367), done.24 * [new ref] refs/pipelines/820503977 -> refs/pipelines/82050397725Checking out da011c02 as detached HEAD (ref is refs/merge-requests/116002/merge)...26Skipping Git submodules setup27$ git remote set-url origin "${CI_REPOSITORY_URL}"29Using docker image sha256:7235367e03bd134ea3589fd68c26d1f1d2ae8341a82a8416dadbd044497eab14 for with digest ...30$ echo $FOSS_ONLY31$ [ "$FOSS_ONLY" = "1" ] && rm -rf ee/ qa/spec/ee/ qa/qa/specs/features/ee/ qa/qa/ee/ qa/qa/ee.rb32$ export GOPATH=$CI_PROJECT_DIR/.go33$ mkdir -p $GOPATH34$ source scripts/utils.sh35$ source scripts/prepare_build.sh36Using decomposed database config (config/database.yml.decomposed-postgresql)37Geo DB won't be set up.38$ cd qa/39$ bundle_install_script334$ run_timed_command "bundle exec bin/qa Test::Instance::All http://localhost:3000 --test-metadata-only"335$ bundle exec bin/qa Test::Instance::All http://localhost:3000 --test-metadata-only3362023-03-28 14:58:02 WARN Selenium [:logger_info] Details on how to use and modify Selenium logger:3382023-03-28 14:58:02 WARN Selenium [DEPRECATION] [:caps_browsers] is deprecated. Use instead.3392023-03-28 14:58:02 WARN Selenium [DEPRECATION] [:capabilities] The :capabilities parameter for Selenium::WebDriver::Chrome::Driver is deprecated. Use :options argument with an instance of Selenium::WebDriver::Chrome::Driver instead.3402023-03-28 14:58:04 / CONF :: 341 ==> Base URL: http://localhost:3000342 ==> Browser: #<Selenium::WebDriver::Chrome::Driver:0x00007fe4e417a9a0>343 ==> Libraries: Chemlab::Vendor344Randomized with seed 29759345Verify346 Pipeline with prefill variables347 shows only variables with description as prefill variables on the run pipeline page348 shows dropdown for variables with description, value, and options defined349Systems350 Maven package351 replicates to the secondary site352Plan353 Burndown chart354 shows burndown chart on milestone page355Package356 Conan Repository357 publishes, installs, and deletes a Conan package358Create359 Git clone over HTTP360 user performs a shallow clone361 user performs a deep clone362Govern363 Scan result policy364 requires approval when a pipeline report has findings matching the scan result policy365Create366 Testing wiki content manipulation inside a project367 by manipulating content on the page using git push368 by manipulating content on the page369Configure370 Mattermost support371 user creates a group with a mattermost team372Plan373 Contribution Analytics374 tests contributions375Create376 Testing project wiki377 can delete a page378Monitor379 Recovery alert380 when using HTTP endpoint integration381 behaves like triggers recovery alert382 only resolves the correct alert383 when using Prometheus integration384 behaves like triggers recovery alert385 only resolves the correct alert386Create387 Default merge request templates388 uses default template when creating a merge request389Create390 File templates391 user adds .gitlab-ci.yml via file template Julia392 user adds LICENSE via file template Mozilla Public License 2.0393 user adds Dockerfile via file template Python394 user adds .gitignore via file template Android395Plan396 Group milestone397 creates a group milestone398Systems399 Gitaly backend node recovery400 recovers from dataloss401Verify402 Include multiple files from multiple projects403 when FF is on404 runs the pipeline with composed config405 when FF is off406 runs the pipeline with composed config407Data Stores408 When using elasticsearch API to search for a public blob409 finds blob that matches file content410Package411 Container Registry Online Garbage Collection412 runs the online garbage collector tool413Create414 Push over SSH using Git protocol version 2415 user pushes to the repository416Create417 Restricted protected branch push and merge418 when only one user is allowed to merge and push to a protected branch419 behaves like unselected maintainer420 user fails to push421 behaves like selected developer422 user pushes and merges423 when only one group is allowed to merge and push to a protected branch424 behaves like unselected maintainer425 user fails to push426 behaves like selected developer427 user pushes and merges428Manage429 Gitlab migration430 with import within same instance431 successfully imports project432 with wiki433 successfully imports project wiki434 with repository435 successfully imports repository436 with uninitialized project437 successfully imports project438Create439 Group file templates440 creates file via custom LICENSE file template441 creates file via custom Dockerfile file template442 creates file via custom .gitignore file template443 creates file via custom .gitlab-ci.yml file template444Create445 Merge request push options446 sets title and description447Systems448 GitLab HTTP push449 when regular git commit450 is replicated to the secondary451 when git-lfs commit452 is replicated to the secondary453Release454 Operations Dashboard455 has many pipelines with appropriate statuses456Plan457 promote issue to epic458 promotes issue to epic459Systems460 with Gitaly automatic failover and recovery461 automatically fails over462 when recovering from dataloss after failover463 automatically reconciles464Manage465 Jenkins integration466 integrates and displays build status for MR pipeline in GitLab467Systems468 GitLab SSH push to secondary469 when regular git commit470 is proxied to the primary and ultimately replicated to the secondary471 when git-lfs commit472 is proxied to the primary and ultimately replicated to the secondary473Fulfillment474 Active license details475 shows up in subscription page476Create477 Codeowners478 when the project is in the root group479 and the code owner is the root group480 behaves like code owner merge request481 is approved and merged482 and the code owner is a user483 behaves like code owner merge request484 is approved and merged485Manage486 Jira issue import487 imports issues from Jira488Plan489 Design Management490 user adds a design and annotates it491Govern492 Project493 for add deploy key494 behaves like audit event495 logs audit events for UI operations496 for project archive and unarchive497 behaves like audit event498 logs audit events for UI operations499 for change visibility500 behaves like audit event501 logs audit events for UI operations502 for export file download503 behaves like audit event504 logs audit events for UI operations505 for add project506 behaves like audit event507 logs audit events for UI operations508 for add user access as guest509 behaves like audit event510 logs audit events for UI operations511Fulfillment512 Utilization513 in usage quotas storage tab for free plan with a project514 shows correct used up storage for namespace (PENDING: In quarantine : Link to line in Web IDE517 can link to a specific line of code in Web IDE518Verify519 Parent-child pipelines independent relationship520 parent pipelines passes if child passes521 parent pipeline passes even if child fails522Plan523 Configure issue board by label524 shows only issues that match the configured label525Create526 Multiple file snippet527 behaves like deleting file from snippet528 deletes second file from an existing personal_snippet to make it single-file529 behaves like deleting file from snippet530 deletes second file from an existing project_snippet to make it single-file531Create532 Project snippet creation533 user creates a project snippet534Manage535 Gitlab migration536 with release537 successfully imports project release538Package539 Terraform Module Registry540 publishes a module541Govern542 Security Reports in a Merge Request Widget543 displays vulnerabilities in merge request widget544Data Stores545 When using elasticsearch API to search for a public merge request546 finds merge request that matches description547Create548 API basics549 user creates a project with a file and deletes them afterwards550 raw file access551 sets no-cache headers as expected552Package553 Container Registry554 pushes project image to the container registry and deletes tag555Verify556 Artifacts557 when locked558 can be browsed559Systems560 CI job561 replicates the job artifact to the secondary Geo site562 replicates the job log to the secondary Geo site563Verify564 Include local config file paths with wildcard565 runs the pipeline with composed config566Create567 Create a new merge request568 creates a merge request with a milestone and label569 creates a basic merge request570Govern571 vulnerability report with jira integration572 can successfully create a JIRA issue from vulnerability details page573Verify574 Update CI file with pipeline editor575 creates new pipeline and target branch576Create577 Pull mirror a repository over HTTP578 configures and syncs a (pull) mirrored repository with password auth579Create580 Multiple file snippet581 behaves like adding file to snippet582 adds second file to an existing project_snippet to make it multi-file583 behaves like adding file to snippet584 adds second file to an existing personal_snippet to make it multi-file585Manage586 Impersonation tokens587 can be created and revoked via the UI588Verify589 Pipeline editor590 can create merge request591Create592 Web IDE file templates593 user adds Dockerfile via file template Python594 user adds .gitignore via file template Android595 user adds LICENSE via file template Mozilla Public License 2.0596 user adds .gitlab-ci.yml via file template Julia597Data Stores598 Elasticsearch advanced global search with advanced syntax599 when searching for projects using advanced syntax600 searches in the project name601 searches in the project description602Verify603 Group runner registration604 user registers a new group runner605Plan606 filter issue comments activities607 filters comments and activities in an issue608Data Stores609 Subgroup transfer610 transfers a subgroup to another group611Create612 Merge request push options613 sets labels614 when labels are set already615 removes them on subsequent push616Data Stores617 Group with members618 can be shared with another group with correct access level619Package620 RubyGems Repository621 publishes a Ruby gem622Create623 A project wiki624 can change the directory path of a page625Plan626 Group issue boards627 creates a group issue board via the GUI628Systems629 npm registry630 replicates npm registry to secondary Geo site631Monitor632 Alert settings633 when using Prometheus integration634 behaves like sends test alert using authorization key635 creates new alert636 when using HTTP endpoint integration637 behaves like sends test alert using authorization key638 creates new alert639Plan640 Editing scoped labels on issues641 correctly applies simple and multiple colon scoped pairs labels642Manage643 Group SAML SSO - Enforced SSO644 user clones and pushes to project within a group using Git HTTP645Plan646 issue suggestions647 shows issue suggestions when creating a new issue648Manage649 Gitlab migration650 imports group from UI651Plan652 Project issue boards653 Milestone issue board654 shows the just created board with a "1.0" (milestone) list, and an issue on it655 Label issue board656 shows the just created board with a "Testing" (label) list, and an issue on it657 Assignee issue board658 shows the just created board with an assignee list, and an issue on it659Systems660 Geo Nodes API661 on primary node662 GET /geo_nodes663 GET /geo_nodes/:id664 editing a Geo node665 PUT /geo_nodes/:id for secondary node666 on secondary node667 GET /geo_nodes/:id668 GET /geo_nodes669Manage670 Gitlab migration671 with group member672 member retains indirect membership in imported project673 with project member674 member retains direct membership in imported project675Create676 Pull mirror a repository over SSH with a private key677 configures and syncs a (pull) mirrored repository678Create679 Cherry picking from a merge request680 creates a merge request681Create682 Merge request push options683 removes the source branch684Create685 Compare archives of different user projects with the same name and check they're different686 download archives of each user project then check they are different687Create688 Git push to canary Gitaly node over HTTP689 pushes to a project using a canary specific Gitaly repository storage690Verify691 Pipeline API defined variable inheritance692 is determined based on forward:pipeline_variables condition693Manage694 User with minimal access to group695 is not allowed to create a file via the API696 is not allowed to commit via the API697 is not allowed to push code via the CLI698Framework sanity699 Version check700 is the specified version701Govern702 compliance dashboard703 with separation of duties in an MR704 when there are two approvals but one of the approvers is the author705 shows only "author approved merge request" and "approved by committer" violations706 when there is only one approval from a user other than the author707 shows only "less than two approvers" violation708Package709 Dependency Proxy710 using docker:20.10 and a personal access token711 pulls an image using the dependency proxy712 using docker:18.09.9 and a ci job token713 pulls an image using the dependency proxy714 using docker:19.03.12 and a personal access token715 pulls an image using the dependency proxy716 using docker:20.10 and a group deploy token717 pulls an image using the dependency proxy718 using docker:19.03.12 and a ci job token719 pulls an image using the dependency proxy720 using docker:20.10 and a ci job token721 pulls an image using the dependency proxy722 using docker:19.03.12 and a group deploy token723 pulls an image using the dependency proxy724 using docker:18.09.9 and a personal access token725 pulls an image using the dependency proxy726 using docker:18.09.9 and a group deploy token727 pulls an image using the dependency proxy728Create729 First file using Web IDE730 creates the first file in an empty project via Web IDE731Plan732 Epics roadmap733 presents epic on roadmap734Create735 Testing group wiki file upload736 by creating a formatted page with an image uploaded737Manage738 Group access tokens739 can be created and revoked via the UI740Create741 Prereceive hook742 when creating a tag for a ref743 when it triggers a prereceive hook configured with a custom error744 returns a custom server hook error745Data Stores746 User747 can be followed and their activity seen748Verify749 Pipeline for project mirrors Github750 user commits to GitHub triggers CI pipeline (PENDING: In quarantine : LDAP admin sync753 sets and removes user's admin status754Verify755 Pass dotenv variables to downstream via bridge756 runs the pipeline with composed config757Fulfillment758 Purchase759 User Registration760 when adding and removing a group member761 consumes a seat on the license762Plan763 Project milestone764 creates a project milestone765Verify766 Pipeline with protected variable767 exposes variable on protected branch768 does not expose variable on unprotected branch769Manage770 GitHub import771 when imported via api772 imports project773Data Stores774 Project owner permissions775 for personal projects776 behaves like when user is added as owner777 has owner role with owner permissions778 behaves like when user is added as maintainer779 has maintainer role without owner permissions780 for group projects781 behaves like when user is added as owner782 has owner role with owner permissions783 behaves like when user is added as maintainer784 has maintainer role without owner permissions785Manage786 while LDAP is enabled787 behaves like registration and login788 allows the user to register and login789 standard790 when admin approval is required791 allows user login after approval792 when admin approval is not required793 behaves like registration and login794 allows the user to register and login795 when user account is deleted796 allows recreating with same credentials797Plan798 Custom email799 customizes email with additional text800Fulfillment801 Purchase CI minutes802 with existing CI minutes packs803 adds additional minutes to group namespace804 without active subscription805 adds additional minutes to group namespace806 with an active subscription807 adds additional minutes to group namespace808Create809 Open Web IDE from Diff Tab810 opens and edits a multi-file merge request in Web IDE from Diff Tab811Manage812 Gitlab migration813 with ci pipeline814 successfully imports ci pipeline815Create816 Multiple file snippet817 creates a project snippet with multiple files818Govern819 Instance820 for start and stop user impersonation821 behaves like audit event822 logs audit events for UI operations823 for failed sign in824 behaves like audit event825 logs audit events for UI operations826 for add SSH key827 behaves like audit event828 logs audit events for UI operations829 for add and delete email830 behaves like audit event831 logs audit events for UI operations832 for change password833 behaves like audit event834 logs audit events for UI operations835 for successful sign in836 behaves like audit event837 logs audit events for UI operations838Fulfillment839 Seat overage modal840 with premium plan841 for member invite842 when guest role is added843 behaves like overage for member invite844 shows the modal845 for group invite846 when inviting a group with Guest role which increases seats owed847 behaves like overage for group invite848 shows the modal849 with ultimate plan850 for member invite851 does not show overage modal when inviting a member as a guest852 when access level developer or above is added853 behaves like overage for member invite854 shows the modal855 for group invite856 does not show overage modal when inviting a group which does not increase seats owed857 when inviting a group with developer role which increases seats owed858 behaves like overage for group invite859 shows the modal860Verify861 Run pipeline with manual jobs862 does not leave any job in skipped state863Create864 SSH key support865 pushes multiple branches and tags together866 pushes code to the repository via SSH867Systems868 Praefect connectivity commands869 in an unhealthy environment870 diagnoses connection issues to gitaly nodes871 diagnoses unhealthy connection to database872 in a healthy environment873 confirms healthy connection to gitaly nodes874 confirms healthy connection to database875Manage876 Group SAML SSO - Non enforced SSO877 user logs in to group with SAML SSO878 lets group admin test settings879 when SAML SSO is configured with a default membership role880 adds the new member with access level as set in SAML SSO configuration881Plan882 Group Iterations883 creates a group iteration automatically through an iteration cadence884Manage885 Gitlab migration886 with project issues887 successfully imports issue888 with associated merge request889 preserves related merge request890 with designs891 successfully imports design892Fulfillment893 Remove cloud subscription894 successfully removes a cloud activation and shows flash notice895 Cloud activation code896 activates instance with correct subscription details897Manage898 2FA899 allows 2FA code recovery via ssh900Plan901 Custom issue templates902 creates an issue via custom template903Create904 Version control for project snippets905 clones, pushes, and pulls a project snippet over HTTP, edits via UI906 clones, pushes, and pulls a project snippet over SSH, deletes via UI907Create908 PostReceive idempotent909 repeatedly pushes and creates a single push event several times910 pushes and creates a single push event three times911Create912 Codeowners913 merge request assigns code owners as approvers914Plan915 mention916 mentions another user in an issue917Fulfillment918 Utilization919 when Saas user limit experience feature flags are enabled920 new group enforcement removed when trial started921 enforcement limit counts includes invited group and project members922 limit overage enforcement removed from private group when trial is started923 preview notification displayed for private group when over limit924 enforcement does not allow adding more members925Plan926 Default issue templates927 uses default template when creating an issue928Create929 Default branch name instance setting930 allows a project to be created via the CLI with a different default branch name931 sets the default branch name for a new project932Manage933 User934 after parent group membership termination935 is not allowed to push code via the CLI936 is not allowed to commit via the API937 is not allowed to create a file via the API938Manage939 Group access token940 can be used to commit via the API941 can be used to create a file via the project API942Manage943 Project import944 imports large Github repo via api945Configure946 Auto DevOps with a Kubernetes Agent947 runs auto devops948Create949 Source editor toolbar preview950 can preview markdown side-by-side while editing951Verify952 Runner registration953 user registers a new project runner954Create955 Repository License Detection956 on a project with an unrecognized LICENSE957 behaves like project license detection958 displays the name of the license on the repository959 on a project with a commonly used LICENSE960 behaves like project license detection961 displays the name of the license on the repository962Manage963 2FA964 allows using 2FA recovery code once only965Systems966 GitLab SSH push967 when regular git commit968 is replicated to the secondary969 when git-lfs commit970 is replicated to the secondary971Data Stores972 Group member access request973 generates a todo item for the group owner974 when managing requests as the group owner975 and request is accepted976 adds user to the group977 and request is denied978 does not add user to the group979Plan980 Configurable issue board981 renames the issue board982Create983 Create a new merge request from the event notification after a push984 creates a merge request after a push via the API985 creates a merge request after a push via the git CLI986Manage987 Project access tokens988 can be created and revoked via the UI989Manage990 Jira issues integration991 views an issue992 shows open issues993 searching issues returns results994Manage995 WebHooks integration996 sends a tag event997 sends a push event998 sends a wiki page event999 sends an issues and note event1000 sends a merge request event1001 when hook fails1002 hook is auto-disabled (PENDING: In quarantine : GitLab Geo project rename replication1005 user renames project1006Monitor1007 Alert with escalation policy1008 notifies on-call user via system note and email on new alert1009Verify1010 Pipeline with project file variables1011 does not expose file variable content with echo1012 can read file variable content with cat1013Create1014 Codeowners1015 when the project is in a subgroup1016 and the code owner is the subgroup1017 behaves like code owner merge request1018 is approved and merged1019 and the code owner is the root group1020 behaves like code owner merge request1021 is approved and merged1022 and the code owner is a user1023 behaves like code owner merge request1024 is approved and merged1025Verify1026 Trigger child pipeline with 'when:manual'1027 can trigger bridge job1028Plan1029 Assignees1030 update without refresh1031Verify1032 Unlocking job artifacts across parent-child pipelines1033 without strategy:depend1034 when latest pipeline family is successful1035 unlocks job artifacts from previous successful pipeline family (PENDING: In quarantine : when latest child pipeline failed1037 unlocks job artifacts from previous successful pipeline family because the latest parent is successful (PENDING: In quarantine : when latest parent pipeline failed1039 does not unlock job artifacts from previous successful pipeline family (PENDING: In quarantine : with strategy:depend1041 when latest parent pipeline failed1042 does not unlock job artifacts from previous successful pipeline family (PENDING: In quarantine : when latest child pipeline failed1044 does not unlock job artifacts from previous successful pipeline family (PENDING: In quarantine : when latest pipeline family is successful1046 unlocks job artifacts from previous successful pipeline family (PENDING: In quarantine : Gitlab migration1049 with merge request1050 successfully imports merge request1051Systems1052 Praefect dataloss commands1053 allows admin resolve scenario where data cannot be recovered1054 identifies how many changes are not in sync across storages1055 confirms that changes are synced across all storages1056Create1057 File management1058 user creates a file via the Web1059Verify1060 Run pipeline1061 with web only rule1062 can trigger pipeline1063Verify1064 When user is blocked1065 pipeline schedule is canceled1066Verify1067 In merge trains1068 new thread discussion1069 does not drop MR1070Create1071 Approval rules1072 allows multiple approval rules with users and groups1073Manage1074 basic user1075 remains logged in when redirected from canary to non-canary node (PENDING: In quarantine : Stores1077 When using elasticsearch API to search for a public note1078 finds note that matches note body1079Systems1080 Changing Gitaly repository storage1081 when moving from Gitaly to Gitaly Cluster1082 behaves like repository storage move1083 confirms a `finished` status after moving project repository storage1084 when moving from Gitaly Cluster to Gitaly1085 behaves like repository storage move1086 confirms a `finished` status after moving project repository storage1087 when moving from one Gitaly storage to another1088 behaves like repository storage move1089 confirms a `finished` status after moving project repository storage1090Plan1091 collapse comments in issue discussions1092 collapses and expands reply for comments in an issue1093Verify1094 UI defined variable1095 is not inheritable when forward:pipeline_variables is false1096 is not inheritable by default1097Plan1098 Design Management1099 user archives a design1100Data Stores1101 Add project member1102 user adds project member1103Manage1104 Group SAML SSO - Enforced SSO1105 with Snowplow tracking disabled1106 behaves like group membership actions1107 creates a new account automatically and allows to leave group and join again1108 with Snowplow tracking enabled1109 behaves like group membership actions1110 creates a new account automatically and allows to leave group and join again1111Plan1112 Read-only board configuration1113 shows board configuration to user without edit permission1114Create1115 Gitaly repository storage1116 creates a 2nd fork after moving the parent project1117Release1118 Deploy key creation1119 user adds a deploy key1120Create1121 with merge request batch suggestions1122 applies multiple suggestions1123Create1124 Cherry picking a commit1125 creates a merge request1126Systems1127 Gitaly Cluster replication queue1128 allows replication of different repository after interruption1129Create1130 Project templates1131 when built-in1132 successfully imports the project using template1133 when group level1134 successfully imports the project using template1135 when instance level1136 successfully imports the project using template1137Data Stores1138 Create project badge1139 creates project badge successfully1140Release1141 Deploy token creation1142 user adds a deploy token1143Data Stores1144 When using elasticsearch API to search for a known blob1145 searches public project and finds a blob as an non-member user1146Fulfillment1147 Utilization1148 in usage quotas1149 user seat data is displayed correctly1150Data Stores1151 When using elasticsearch API to search for a known blob1152 searches public project and finds a blob as an non-member user1153 When searching a private repository1154 does not find a blob as an non-member user1155 finds a blob as an authorized user1156Create1157 Testing group wiki1158 can delete a group wiki page1159Secure1160 Enable Scanning from UI1161 enable sast from configuration1162 runs sast job when enabled from configuration1163 license compliance shows status in configuration1164 shows correct status in configuration1165 enable dependency scanning from configuration1166 runs dependency scanning job when enabled from configuration1167Data Stores1168 Check for broken images1169 when logged in as a new user1170 behaves like loads all images1171 loads all images1172 when logged in as a new admin1173 behaves like loads all images1174 loads all images1175Plan1176 Assign Iterations1177 assigns a group iteration to an existing issue1178Growth1179 SaaS trials1180 starts a free trial1181 when on about page with multiple eligible namespaces1182 registers for a new trial1183 when on billing page with only one eligible namespace1184 registers for a new trial1185Plan1186 Epics Management1187 creates a confidential epic1188 creates an epic1189 Resources created via API1190 adds/removes issue to/from epic using quick actions1191 Visit epic first1192 comments on epic1193 adds/removes issue to/from epic1194 closes and reopens an epic1195GitLab Metrics1196 Web metrics1197 via Rails controller endpoint1198 returns 200 OK and serves metrics1199 via dedicated server1200 returns 200 OK and serves metrics1201 Sidekiq metrics1202 via dedicated server1203 returns 200 OK and serves metrics1204Create1205 Upload a file in Web IDE1206 when the file is binary1207 shows a Download button1208 when the file is an image1209 shows an image viewer1210 when the file is a text file1211 shows the Edit tab with the text1212 when a file with the same name already exists1213 throws an error1214Verify1215 Pipeline editor1216 when CI has valid syntax1217 shows valid validations1218 when CI has invalid syntax1219 shows invalid validations1220Create1221 batch comments in merge request1222 user submits a diff review1223 user submits a non-diff review1224Create1225 Version control for personal snippets1226 clones, pushes, and pulls a snippet over SSH, deletes via UI1227 clones, pushes, and pulls a snippet over HTTP, edits via UI1228Manage1229 Group access1230 when restricted by another ip address1231 with SSH1232 denies access1233 with API1234 denies access1235 with UI1236 denies access1237 when restricted by user's ip address1238 with API1239 allows access1240 with UI1241 allows access1242 with SSH1243 allows access1244Create1245 Branch with unusual name1246 when branch name contains slash, hash, double dash, and capital letter1247 renders repository file tree correctly (PENDING: In quarantine : Create, list, and delete branches via web1250 lists branches correctly after CRUD operations1251Monitor1252 Alert1253 when using Prometheus integration1254 behaves like new alert1255 automatically creates new incident1256 when using HTTP endpoint integration1257 behaves like new alert1258 automatically creates new incident1259Create1260 Group Wiki repository storage1261 moves group Wiki repository from one Gitaly storage to another1262Create1263 Pages1264 creates a Pages website1265Create1266 Merged merge request1267 can be reverted1268Plan1269 Email Notification1270 is received by a user for project invitation1271Create1272 File with unusual name1273 when file name starts with a dash and contains hash, semicolon, colon, and question mark1274 renders repository file tree correctly1275Verify1276 Pipeline editor1277 can switch branches and target branch field updates accordingly1278Create1279 push after setting the file size limit via admin/application_settings1280 push fails when the file size is above the limit1281 push successful when the file size is under the limit1282Plan1283 Sum of issues weights on issue board1284 shows the sum of issues weights in the board list's header1285Secure1286 License merge request widget1287 when a license scanning report exists1288 manage licenses from the merge request1289 when a CycloneDX SBOM file exists1290 manage licenses from the merge request1291Plan1292 Group issue boards1293 shows multiple group boards in the boards dropdown menu1294Systems1295 Project snippet1296 replicates to the Geo secondary site1297Verify1298 Multi-project pipelines1299 creates a multi-project pipeline with artifact download1300Data Stores1301 User1302 when parent group membership is terminated1303 is not allowed to edit the project files1304Package1305 Dependency Proxy Group SSO1306 pulls an image using the dependency proxy on a group enforced SSO1307Manage1308 GitHub import1309 when imported via UI1310 imports a project1311Create1312 Push mirror a repository over HTTP1313 configures and syncs LFS objects for a (push) mirrored repository1314Manage1315 Gitlab migration1316 migrates large gitlab group via api1317Plan1318 Related issues1319 relates and unrelates one issue to/from another1320Create1321 Testing wiki content creation inside a project1322 by adding a home page to the wiki1323 by adding a home page to the wiki using git push1324 by adding a second page to the wiki using git push1325 by adding a second page to the wiki1326Package1327 Helm Registry1328 using personal access token1329 pushes and pulls a helm chart1330 using ci job token1331 pushes and pulls a helm chart1332 using project deploy token1333 pushes and pulls a helm chart1334Package1335 Maven request forwarding1336 uses GitLab as a mirror of the central proxy (PENDING: In quarantine : Maven group level endpoint1338 duplication setting1339 when enabled1340 allows users to publish duplicates1341 when disabled1342 prevents users from publishing duplicates1343 via maven1344 using a ci job token1345 pushes and pulls a maven package1346 using a personal access token1347 pushes and pulls a maven package1348 using a project deploy token1349 pushes and pulls a maven package1350Data Stores1351 When using advanced search API to search for a user1352 finds the user that matches username1353Package1354 Maven request forwarding1355 uses GitLab as a mirror of the central proxy (PENDING: In quarantine : Maven project level endpoint1357 using a personal access token1358 pushes and pulls a maven package via maven1359 using a ci job token1360 pushes and pulls a maven package via maven1361 using a project deploy token1362 pushes and pulls a maven package via maven1363Verify1364 Pipelines for merged results and merge trains1365 creates a pipeline with merged results1366 merges via a merge train1367Create1368 Setup an MR with codeowners file1369 creates a merge request with codeowners file and squashing commits enabled1370Data Stores1371 Project1372 in personal namespace1373 behaves like successful project creation1374 creates a new project1375 in group1376 behaves like successful project creation1377 creates a new project1378Create1379 Multiple file snippet1380 creates a personal snippet with multiple files1381Systems1382 GitLab wiki SSH push1383 when wiki commit1384 is replicated to the secondary1385Package1386 Package Registry1387 npm project level endpoint1388 using ci job token1389 push and pull a npm package via CI1390 using personal access token1391 push and pull a npm package via CI1392 using project deploy token1393 push and pull a npm package via CI1394Create1395 Merge request creation from fork1396 can merge feature branch fork to mainline1397Fulfillment1398 with existing CI minutes packs1399 behaves like Purchase storage1400 adds additional storage to group namespace1401 without active subscription1402 behaves like Purchase storage1403 adds additional storage to group namespace1404 with an active subscription1405 behaves like Purchase storage1406 adds additional storage to group namespace1407Create1408 File management1409 user deletes a file via the Web1410Manage1411 User with minimal access to group1412 is not allowed to edit files via the UI1413Framework sanity1414 Failing orchestrated example1415 fails1416 Passing orchestrated example1417 succeeds1418Create1419 Create a new project from a template1420 commits via the api1421Create1422 Merge request rebasing1423 user rebases source branch of merge request1424Verify1425 Include multiple files from a project1426 runs the pipeline with composed config1427Create1428 Personal snippet creation1429 user creates a personal snippet1430Verify1431 When CI job log is archived and geo is enabled1432 continues to display the archived trace1433Framework sanity1434 Browser request interception1435 intercepts failed graphql calls1436Verify1437 Cancelling merge request in merge train1438 when user cancels the merge request1439 does not create a TODO task1440Govern1441 project vulnerability report1442 can successfully bulk change status in vulnerability report1443 can successfully change status of a vulnerability in vulnerability details page1444Verify1445 Pipeline with raw variables in YAML1446 expands variables according to expand: true/false1447Verify1448 Add or Remove CI variable via UI1449 user adds a CI variable1450 user removes a CI variable1451Manage1452 Pipeline status emails1453 when pipeline fails1454 sends an email1455 when pipeline passes1456 sends an email1457Govern1458 Group1459 for enable and disable allow user request access1460 behaves like audit event1461 logs audit events for UI operations1462 for disable and Enable LFS1463 behaves like audit event1464 logs audit events for UI operations1465 for enable and disable 2FA requirement1466 behaves like audit event1467 logs audit events for UI operations1468 for enable and disable membership lock1469 behaves like audit event1470 logs audit events for UI operations1471 for change project creation level1472 behaves like audit event1473 logs audit events for UI operations1474Govern1475 Project vulnerability report1476 validates "fix a vulnerability" workflow1477Manage1478 Jira integration1479 closes an issue via pushing a commit1480 closes an issue via a merge request1481Data Stores1482 Project transfer between groups1483 user transfers a project between groups1484Create1485 Merge request push options1486 sets merge when pipeline succeeds1487 merges when pipeline succeeds1488Configure1489 Kubernetes Agent1490 deploys a K8s manifest file1491Data Stores1492 User1493 when added to parent group1494 is allowed to commit to sub-group project via the API1495 is allowed to push code to sub-group project via the CLI1496 is allowed to create a file in sub-group project via the API1497 when added to sub-group1498 is not allowed to commit to parent group project via the API1499 is not allowed to push code to parent group project via the CLI1500 is not allowed to create a file in parent group project via the API1501Analytics1502 Service ping default enabled1503 when using default enabled from gitlab.yml config1504 has service ping toggle enabled1505Systems1506 GitLab Geo HTTP push secondary1507 when git-lfs commit1508 is redirected to the primary and ultimately replicated to the secondary1509 when regular git commit1510 is redirected to the primary and ultimately replicated to the secondary1511Create1512 Testing project wiki file upload1513 by creating a formatted page with an image uploaded1514Govern1515 Compliance Framework Report1516 shows the compliance framework for each project1517Govern1518 Vulnerability report in a project1519 can export vulnerability report to csv1520Verify1521 Pipeline subscription with a group owned project1522 when upstream project new tag pipeline finishes1523 triggers pipeline in downstream project1524Create1525 Git push over HTTP1526 user pushes code to the repository1527 pushes to a project using a specific Praefect repository storage1528Fulfillment1529 Purchase1530 group plan1531 upgrades from free to ultimate1532 with existing CI minutes pack1533 upgrades from free to premium with correct CI minutes1534Create1535 Codeowners1536 displays owners specified in CODEOWNERS file1537Manage1538 Instance wide SAML SSO1539 user logs in to gitlab with SAML SSO1540Govern1541 Policies List page1542 can load Policies page and view the policies list1543 can navigate to Policy Editor page1544Create1545 Git Server Hooks1546 with custom error messages1547 renders preconfigured error message when user hook failed on commit in WebIDE1548Data Stores1549 Invite group1550 with a personal namespace project1551 behaves like invites group to project1552 verifies group is added and members can access project with correct access level1553 with a group project1554 behaves like invites group to project1555 verifies group is added and members can access project with correct access level1556Data Stores1557 When using Advanced Search API to search for a public commit1558 finds commit that matches commit message1559Create1560 Add a directory in Web IDE1561 when user adds a new empty directory1562 shows successfully but not able to be committed (PENDING: In quarantine : when a directory with the same name already exists1564 throws an error1565Plan1566 Milestones1567 Project milestone1568 behaves like milestone assigned to existing issue1569 is assigned to an existing issue1570 behaves like milestone assigned to new issue1571 is assigned to a new issue1572 Group milestone1573 behaves like milestone assigned to new issue1574 is assigned to a new issue1575 behaves like milestone assigned to existing issue1576 is assigned to an existing issue1577Analytics1578 Performance bar display1579 when logged in as an admin user1580 shows results for the original request and AJAX requests1581Govern1582 Vulnerability management in a merge request1583 can dismiss a vulnerability with a reason from mr security widget1584 can create an issue from a security finding in pipeline security tab1585 can dismiss a security finding with reason from pipeline security tab1586 can create an auto-remediation MR from mr security widget1587 can create an issue from a vulnerability from mr security widget1588Monitor1589 Alert settings1590 when using HTTP endpoint integration1591 behaves like sends test alert1592 creates new alert1593 when using Prometheus integration1594 behaves like sends test alert1595 creates new alert1596Create1597 Git push over HTTP1598 user using a personal access token pushes code to the repository1599Create1600 Push over HTTP using Git protocol version 21601 user pushes to the repository1602Package1603 Generic Repository1604 uploads a generic package and downloads it1605Govern1606 Security Reports1607 dependency list has empty state1608 displays security reports in the project security dashboard1609 displays false positives for the vulnerabilities1610 displays security reports in the group security dashboard1611 displays the Dependency List1612 displays security reports in the pipeline1613Manage1614 Gitlab migration1615 with EE features1616 imports group epics and iterations1617Manage1618 2FA1619 allows enforcing 2FA via UI and logging in with 2FA1620Release1621 Git clone using a deploy key1622 user sets up a deploy key with QA::Runtime::Key::ECDSA(521) to clone code using pipelines1623 user sets up a deploy key with QA::Runtime::Key::ED25519(256) to clone code using pipelines1624 user sets up a deploy key with QA::Runtime::Key::RSA(8192) to clone code using pipelines1625Create1626 Adding comments on snippets1627 behaves like comments on snippets1628 adds, edits, and deletes a comment on a personal_snippet1629 behaves like comments on snippets1630 adds, edits, and deletes a comment on a project_snippet1631Data Stores1632 prevent forking outside group1633 when disabled1634 allows forking outside of group1635 when enabled1636 does not allow forking outside of group1637Manage1638 Mattermost login1639 user logs into Mattermost using GitLab OAuth1640Data Stores1641 Project activity1642 user creates an event in the activity page upon Git push1643Verify1644 Endpoint Coverage1645 spans r/w postgres web sidekiq git api1646Create1647 Merge request custom templates1648 creates a merge request via custom template1649Verify1650 Merge trains transient bugs1651 confirms that a merge train consistently completes and updates the UI1652Manage1653 LDAP login1654 user logs into GitLab using LDAP credentials1655Plan1656 Issue comments1657 comments on an issue and edits the comment1658Manage1659 Gitlab migration1660 with subgroups and labels1661 successfully imports groups and labels1662 with milestones and badges1663 successfully imports group milestones and badges1664Create1665 Project Wiki1666 with Wiki Page List1667 has all expected links that work1668 with Wiki Sidebar1669 has all expected links that work1670Create1671 Creating pages in group wikis1672 when wiki has a home page1673 adds a second page1674 when wiki is empty1675 creates a new page1676Verify1677 Pipeline with image:pull_policy1678 when policy is not allowed1679 fails job with policy not allowed message1680 when policy is allowed1681 with [always if-not-present] policies1682 applies pull policy in job correctly1683 with [always] policy1684 applies pull policy in job correctly1685 with [if-not-present] policy1686 applies pull policy in job correctly1687 with [never] policy1688 applies pull policy in job correctly1689Data Stores1690 Search using Elasticsearch1691 tests reindexing after push (PENDING: In quarantine : tests reindexing after webIDE (PENDING: In quarantine : Push Rules1695 using non signed commits1696 restricts commit by message format1697 allows an unrestricted push1698 restricts branches by branch name1699 restricts users by email format1700 restricts removal of tag1701 restricts files by name and size1702 restricts committing files with secrets1703 with commits restricted to verified emails1704 rejects unverified emails1705 with commits restricted by author email to existing GitLab users1706 rejects non-member users1707 using signed commits1708 restricts to signed commits1709Plan1710 Issues weight visualization1711 shows the set weight in the issue page, in the milestone page, and in the issues list page1712Package1713 Self-managed Container Registry1714 when tls is disabled1715 using docker:18.09.9 and a personal access token1716 pushes image and deletes tag (PENDING: In quarantine : using docker:20.10 and a personal access token1718 pushes image and deletes tag (PENDING: In quarantine : using docker:19.03.12 and a personal access token1720 pushes image and deletes tag (PENDING: In quarantine : using docker:19.03.12 and a project deploy token1722 pushes image and deletes tag (PENDING: In quarantine : using docker:19.03.12 and a ci job token1724 pushes image and deletes tag (PENDING: In quarantine : using docker:20.10 and a project deploy token1726 pushes image and deletes tag (PENDING: In quarantine : using docker:18.09.9 and a ci job token1728 pushes image and deletes tag (PENDING: In quarantine : using docker:18.09.9 and a project deploy token1730 pushes image and deletes tag (PENDING: In quarantine : using docker:20.10 and a ci job token1732 pushes image and deletes tag (PENDING: In quarantine : when tls is enabled1734 pushes image and deletes tag (PENDING: In quarantine : Issue board focus mode1737 focuses on issue board1738Systems1739 GitLab wiki SSH push to secondary1740 proxies wiki commit to primary node and ultmately replicates to secondary node1741Secure1742 License Compliance1743 has empty state1744 when a license management report exists1745 License Management1746 behaves like deny license1747 can deny a license in the settings page1748 Pipeline Licence tab1749 behaves like pipeline license display1750 can approve and deny licenses in the pipeline1751 behaves like approve license1752 can approve a license in the settings page1753 when a CycloneDX SBOM file exists1754 License Management1755 Pipeline Licence tab1756 behaves like pipeline license display1757 can approve and deny licenses in the pipeline1758 behaves like deny license1759 can deny a license in the settings page1760 behaves like approve license1761 can approve a license in the settings page1762Plan1763 Issue creation1764 creates an issue1765 closes an issue1766 when using attachments in comments1767 comments on an issue with an attachment1768Verify1769 UI defined variable1770 is inheritable when forward:pipeline_variables is true1771Fulfillment1772 Utilization1773 in ultimate plan billing settings1774 displays correct information for seat usage1775Create1776 Review a merge request in Web IDE1777 opens and edits a merge request in Web IDE1778Create1779 Repository tags1780 when not protected1781 behaves like successful tag creation1782 can be created by maintainer_user1783 behaves like successful tag creation1784 can be created by developer_user1785 when protected1786 behaves like successful tag creation1787 can be created by maintainer_user1788 behaves like unsuccessful tag creation1789 cannot be created by an unauthorized developer_user1790Systems1791 GitLab Geo project deletion replication1792 replicates deletion of a project to secondary node1793Verify1794 Code coverage statistics1795 creates an MR with code coverage statistics1796Manage1797 LDAP Group sync1798 user filter method1799 behaves like Group sync1800 can create group access tokens1801 has LDAP users synced1802 can create project access tokens1803 using group cn method1804 behaves like Group sync1805 can create project access tokens1806 has LDAP users synced1807 can create group access tokens1808Manage1809 basic user login1810 user logs in using basic credentials and logs out1811ModelOps1812 Suggested Reviewers1813 suggests reviewers1814Systems1815 Gitaly distributed reads1816 reads from each node1817 when a node is unhealthy1818 does not read from the unhealthy node1819Create1820 Snippet repository storage1821 moves snippet repository from one Gitaly storage to another1822Verify1823 Trigger matrix1824 creates 2 trigger jobs and passes corresponding matrix variables1825Plan1826 Multiple assignees per issue1827 shows the first five assignees and a +n more link in the issue page1828 shows the first three assignees and a +n sign in the issues list1829Verify1830 Unlocking job artifacts across pipelines1831 when latest pipeline failed1832 unlocks job artifacts from failed pipelines, keeps job artifacts from latest successful pipeline (PENDING: In quarantine : when latest pipeline is successful1834 unlocks job artifacts from previous successful pipeline1835Package1836 PyPI Repository1837 Geo1838 replicates a published pypi package to the Geo secondary site (PENDING: In quarantine : when at the project level1840 publishes and installs a pypi package1841Systems1842 Gitaly using mTLS1843 pushes to gitaly1844Package1845 Container Registry1846 pushes, pulls image to the registry and deletes tag1847Manage1848 rate limits1849 throttles authenticated api requests by user1850Govern1851 Security Dashboard in a Project1852 creates an issue from vulnerability details1853 shows vulnerability details1854Systems1855 GitLab wiki HTTP push1856 when wiki commit1857 is replicated to the secondary node1858Plan1859 Multiple assignees per issue1860 shows four assignees in the issues list1861Manage1862 Group WebHooks integration1863 sends subgroup events1864 when hook fails1865 group hooks do not auto-disable1866Create1867 Merge request squashing1868 user squashes commits while merging1869Plan1870 Project level issues analytics1871 behaves like issues analytics page1872 displays a graph1873 Group level issues analytics1874 behaves like issues analytics page1875 displays a graph1876Systems1877 GitLab Geo Wiki HTTP push secondary1878 is redirected to the primary and ultimately replicated to the secondary1879Package1880 Maven Repository with Gradle1881 using ci job token1882 pushes and pulls a maven package via gradle1883 using personal access token1884 pushes and pulls a maven package via gradle1885 using project deploy token1886 pushes and pulls a maven package via gradle1887Configure1888 AutoDevOps Templates1889 using express template1890 works with Auto DevOps1891Create1892 Slack app integration1893 when using Slash commands1894 creates an issue1895 with gitlab issue1896 comments on an issue1897 closes an issue1898 displays an issue1899 with target project1900 moves an issue1901Create1902 Repository Usage Quota1903 matches cloned repo usage to reported usage1904Create1905 File management1906 user edits a file via the Web1907Manage1908 GitHub import1909 when imported via api1910 imports repo push rules1911Package1912 NuGet group level endpoint1913 using group deploy token1914 publishes a nuget package at the project endpoint and installs it from the group endpoint1915 using personal access token1916 publishes a nuget package at the project endpoint and installs it from the group endpoint1917 using ci job token1918 publishes a nuget package at the project endpoint and installs it from the group endpoint1919Plan1920 Design Management1921 user adds a design and modifies it1922Plan1923 Discussion comments transient bugs1924 comments with mention on a discussion in an issue1925Verify1926 Cancelling merge request in merge train1927 when system cancels the merge request1928 creates a TODO task (PENDING: In quarantine : sanity1930 Feature flag handler checks1931 with an existing feature flag definition file1932 reads the correct default enabled state1933 feature flag definition files1934 with an EE feature flag1935 with a default enabled feature flag1936 reads the flag as enabled1937 reads as disabled after the flag is disabled1938 with a default disabled feature flag1939 reads as enabled after the flag is enabled1940 reads the flag as disabled1941 with a CE feature flag1942 with a default disabled feature flag1943 reads as enabled after the flag is enabled1944 reads the flag as disabled1945 with a default enabled feature flag1946 reads the flag as enabled1947 reads as disabled after the flag is disabled1948Data Stores1949 User1950 when added to parent group1951 is allowed to edit the sub-group project files1952 when added to sub-group1953 is not allowed to edit the parent group project files1954Create1955 SSH keys support1956 user can add an SSH key1957 after adding an ssh key1958 can delete an ssh key1959Verify1960 Pipeline with customizable variable1961 manually creates a pipeline and uses the defined custom variable value1962Create1963 File Locking1964 creates a merge request and fails to merge1965 checks file locked by other user to be disabled1966 locks a directory and tries to push as a second user1967 locks a file and tries to push as a second user1968 locks a file and unlocks in list1969Systems1970 GitLab Geo attachment replication1971 user uploads attachment to the primary node1972Plan1973 for group insights page1974 behaves like default insights page1975 displays issues and merge requests dashboards1976 for project insights page1977 behaves like default insights page1978 displays issues and merge requests dashboards1979Govern1980 Group1981 for add group1982 behaves like audit event1983 logs audit events for UI operations1984 for add user, change access level, remove user1985 behaves like audit event1986 logs audit events for UI operations1987 for update group name1988 behaves like audit event1989 logs audit events for UI operations1990 for change repository size limit1991 behaves like audit event1992 logs audit events for UI operations1993 for add and remove project access1994 behaves like audit event1995 logs audit events for UI operations1996Create1997 Protected branch support1998 when developers and maintainers are allowed to push to a protected branch1999 user with push rights successfully pushes to the protected branch2000 when developers and maintainers are not allowed to push to a protected branch2001 user without push rights fails to push to the protected branch2002Create2003 Snippet index page2004 behaves like displaying details on index page2005 shows correct details of project_snippet_with_single_file including file number2006 behaves like displaying details on index page2007 shows correct details of personal_snippet_with_single_file including file number2008 behaves like displaying details on index page2009 shows correct details of project_snippet_with_multiple_files including file number2010 behaves like displaying details on index page2011 shows correct details of personal_snippet_with_multiple_files including file number2012Package2013 NuGet project level endpoint2014 using a project deploy token2015 publishes a nuget package and installs2016 using a ci job token2017 publishes a nuget package and installs2018 using a personal access token2019 publishes a nuget package and installs2020Package2021 Composer Repository2022 publishes a composer package and deletes it2023Plan2024 Issue2025 closes via pushing a commit2026Plan2027 check xss occurence in @mentions in issues2028 mentions a user in a comment2029Create2030 Sharing snippets2031 when the snippet is changed to private2032 does not display Embed/Share dropdown2033 when the snippet is public2034 can be shared with not signed-in users2035Data Stores2036 When using elasticsearch API to search for a public issue2037 finds issue that matches description2038Create2039 Multiple file snippet2040 behaves like copying snippet file contents2041 copies file contents of a multi-file project_snippet to a comment and verifies them2042 behaves like copying snippet file contents2043 copies file contents of a multi-file personal_snippet to a comment and verifies them2044Create2045 Commit data2046 user views raw email patch2047 user views raw commit diff2048Package2049 Package Registry2050 npm instance level endpoint2051 using ci job token2052 push and pull a npm package via CI2053 using personal access token2054 push and pull a npm package via CI2055 using project deploy token2056 push and pull a npm package via CI2057Create2058 Download merge request patch and diff2059 views the merge request email patches2060 views the merge request plain diff2061Verify2062 when pipeline is blocked2063 can still merge MR successfully2064Analytics2065 Service ping disabled2066 when disabled from gitlab.yml config2067 has service ping toggle is disabled2068Systems2069 Praefect repository commands2070 allows admin to control the number of replicas of data2071 allows admin to manage difference between praefect database and disk state2072Verify2073 Parent-child pipelines dependent relationship2074 parent pipeline fails if child fails2075 parent pipelines passes if child passes2076Create2077 with merge request suggestions2078 applies a single suggestion with a custom message2079Create2080 Add a directory in Web IDE2081 when a directory with the same name already exists2082 throws an error2083 when user adds a new empty directory2084 shows in the tree view but cannot be committed2085Plan2086 Epics milestone dates API2087 updates epic dates when updating milestones2088 updates epic dates when removing issue2089 updates epic dates when adding another issue2090 updates epic dates when deleting milestones2091Plan2092 Issues list2093 successfully exports issues list as CSV2094Data Stores2095 Users API2096 GET /users/:username with an invalid username2097 GET /users2098 GET /users/:username with a valid username2099Manage2100 Project access token2101 for a different project2102 cannot be used to create a file via the project API2103 cannot be used to commit via the API2104 for the same project2105 can be used to commit via the API2106 can be used to create a file via the project API2107Create2108 Merge request push options2109 sets a target branch2110Create2111 Push mirror a repository over HTTP2112 configures and syncs a (push) mirrored repository2113Create2114 Merge requests2115 when merging once2116 behaves like merge when pipeline succeeds2117 merges after pipeline succeeds2118 when merging several times2119 behaves like merge when pipeline succeeds2120 merges after pipeline succeeds2121Create2122 Reverting a commit2123 creates a merge request2124Monitor2125 Alert2126 when user is a maintainer2127 when using HTTP endpoint integration2128 behaves like notification on new alert2129 sends email to user2130 when using Prometheus integration2131 behaves like notification on new alert2132 sends email to user2133 when user is an owner2134 when using Prometheus integration2135 behaves like notification on new alert2136 sends email to user2137 when using HTTP endpoint integration2138 behaves like notification on new alert2139 sends email to user2140[Mar 28 2023 14:58:05 UTC (QA Tests)] WARN -- [influxdb exporter]: Missing run_type, skipping metrics export!2141Pending: (Failures listed here are expected and do not affect your suite's status)2142 1) Fulfillment Utilization in usage quotas storage tab for free plan with a project shows correct used up storage for namespace2143 # In quarantine : # ./qa/specs/features/ee/browser_ui/11_fulfillment/utilization/free_namespace_storage_spec.rb:572145 2) Verify Pipeline for project mirrors Github user commits to GitHub triggers CI pipeline2146 # In quarantine : # ./qa/specs/features/ee/browser_ui/4_verify/pipeline_for_project_mirror_github_spec.rb:692148 3) Manage WebHooks integration when hook fails hook is auto-disabled2149 # In quarantine : # ./qa/specs/features/api/1_manage/integrations/webhook_events_spec.rb:1142151 4) Verify Unlocking job artifacts across parent-child pipelines without strategy:depend when latest pipeline family is successful unlocks job artifacts from previous successful pipeline family2152 # In quarantine : # ./qa/specs/features/browser_ui/4_verify/ci_job_artifacts/unlocking_job_artifacts_across_parent_child_pipelines_spec.rb:542154 5) Verify Unlocking job artifacts across parent-child pipelines without strategy:depend when latest child pipeline failed unlocks job artifacts from previous successful pipeline family because the latest parent is successful2155 # In quarantine : # ./qa/specs/features/browser_ui/4_verify/ci_job_artifacts/unlocking_job_artifacts_across_parent_child_pipelines_spec.rb:1402157 6) Verify Unlocking job artifacts across parent-child pipelines without strategy:depend when latest parent pipeline failed does not unlock job artifacts from previous successful pipeline family2158 # In quarantine : # ./qa/specs/features/browser_ui/4_verify/ci_job_artifacts/unlocking_job_artifacts_across_parent_child_pipelines_spec.rb:952160 7) Verify Unlocking job artifacts across parent-child pipelines with strategy:depend when latest parent pipeline failed does not unlock job artifacts from previous successful pipeline family2161 # In quarantine : # ./qa/specs/features/browser_ui/4_verify/ci_job_artifacts/unlocking_job_artifacts_across_parent_child_pipelines_spec.rb:2352163 8) Verify Unlocking job artifacts across parent-child pipelines with strategy:depend when latest child pipeline failed does not unlock job artifacts from previous successful pipeline family2164 # In quarantine : # ./qa/specs/features/browser_ui/4_verify/ci_job_artifacts/unlocking_job_artifacts_across_parent_child_pipelines_spec.rb:2802166 9) Verify Unlocking job artifacts across parent-child pipelines with strategy:depend when latest pipeline family is successful unlocks job artifacts from previous successful pipeline family2167 # In quarantine : # ./qa/specs/features/browser_ui/4_verify/ci_job_artifacts/unlocking_job_artifacts_across_parent_child_pipelines_spec.rb:1942169 10) Manage basic user remains logged in when redirected from canary to non-canary node2170 # In quarantine : # ./qa/specs/features/browser_ui/1_manage/login/maintain_log_in_mixed_env_spec.rb:62172 11) Create Branch with unusual name when branch name contains slash, hash, double dash, and capital letter renders repository file tree correctly2173 # In quarantine : # ./qa/specs/features/browser_ui/3_create/repository/branch_with_unusual_name_spec.rb:222175 12) Package Maven request forwarding uses GitLab as a mirror of the central proxy2176 # In quarantine : # ./qa/specs/features/browser_ui/5_package/package_registry/maven/maven_group_level_spec.rb:2882178 13) Package Maven request forwarding uses GitLab as a mirror of the central proxy2179 # In quarantine : # ./qa/specs/features/browser_ui/5_package/package_registry/maven/maven_project_level_spec.rb:2162181 14) Create Add a directory in Web IDE when user adds a new empty directory shows successfully but not able to be committed2182 # In quarantine : # ./qa/specs/features/browser_ui/3_create/web_ide_new/add_new_directory_in_web_ide_spec.rb:592184 15) Data Stores Search using Elasticsearch tests reindexing after push2185 # In quarantine : # ./qa/specs/features/ee/browser_ui/9_data_stores/elasticsearch/elasticsearch_reindexing_spec.rb:452187 16) Data Stores Search using Elasticsearch tests reindexing after webIDE2188 # In quarantine : # ./qa/specs/features/ee/browser_ui/9_data_stores/elasticsearch/elasticsearch_reindexing_spec.rb:632190 17) Package Self-managed Container Registry when tls is disabled using docker:18.09.9 and a personal access token pushes image and deletes tag2191 # In quarantine : # ./qa/specs/features/browser_ui/5_package/container_registry/container_registry_omnibus_spec.rb:1372193 18) Package Self-managed Container Registry when tls is disabled using docker:20.10 and a personal access token pushes image and deletes tag2194 # In quarantine : # ./qa/specs/features/browser_ui/5_package/container_registry/container_registry_omnibus_spec.rb:1372196 19) Package Self-managed Container Registry when tls is disabled using docker:19.03.12 and a personal access token pushes image and deletes tag2197 # In quarantine : # ./qa/specs/features/browser_ui/5_package/container_registry/container_registry_omnibus_spec.rb:1372199 20) Package Self-managed Container Registry when tls is disabled using docker:19.03.12 and a project deploy token pushes image and deletes tag2200 # In quarantine : # ./qa/specs/features/browser_ui/5_package/container_registry/container_registry_omnibus_spec.rb:1372202 21) Package Self-managed Container Registry when tls is disabled using docker:19.03.12 and a ci job token pushes image and deletes tag2203 # In quarantine : # ./qa/specs/features/browser_ui/5_package/container_registry/container_registry_omnibus_spec.rb:1372205 22) Package Self-managed Container Registry when tls is disabled using docker:20.10 and a project deploy token pushes image and deletes tag2206 # In quarantine : # ./qa/specs/features/browser_ui/5_package/container_registry/container_registry_omnibus_spec.rb:1372208 23) Package Self-managed Container Registry when tls is disabled using docker:18.09.9 and a ci job token pushes image and deletes tag2209 # In quarantine : # ./qa/specs/features/browser_ui/5_package/container_registry/container_registry_omnibus_spec.rb:1372211 24) Package Self-managed Container Registry when tls is disabled using docker:18.09.9 and a project deploy token pushes image and deletes tag2212 # In quarantine : # ./qa/specs/features/browser_ui/5_package/container_registry/container_registry_omnibus_spec.rb:1372214 25) Package Self-managed Container Registry when tls is disabled using docker:20.10 and a ci job token pushes image and deletes tag2215 # In quarantine : # ./qa/specs/features/browser_ui/5_package/container_registry/container_registry_omnibus_spec.rb:1372217 26) Package Self-managed Container Registry when tls is enabled pushes image and deletes tag2218 # In quarantine : # ./qa/specs/features/browser_ui/5_package/container_registry/container_registry_omnibus_spec.rb:1962220 27) Verify Unlocking job artifacts across pipelines when latest pipeline failed unlocks job artifacts from failed pipelines, keeps job artifacts from latest successful pipeline2221 # In quarantine : # ./qa/specs/features/browser_ui/4_verify/ci_job_artifacts/unlocking_job_artifacts_across_pipelines_spec.rb:642223 28) Package PyPI Repository Geo replicates a published pypi package to the Geo secondary site2224 # In quarantine : # ./qa/specs/features/browser_ui/5_package/package_registry/pypi_repository_spec.rb:1042226 29) Verify Cancelling merge request in merge train when system cancels the merge request creates a TODO task2227 # In quarantine : # ./qa/specs/features/ee/browser_ui/4_verify/system_cancel_merge_request_in_merge_train_spec.rb:162229Finished in 0.45038 seconds (files took 4.11 seconds to load)2230665 examples, 0 failures, 29 pending2231Randomized with seed 297592232Saved to file: /builds/gitlab-org/gitlab/qa/tmp/test-metadata.json2233$ cd ..2234$ run_timed_command "./scripts/qa/testcases-check qa/tmp/test-metadata.json"2235==> 'bundle exec bin/qa Test::Instance::All http://localhost:3000 --test-metadata-only' succeeded in 5 seconds.2236$ ./scripts/qa/testcases-check qa/tmp/test-metadata.json2237Analyzing testcase data...2238No errors found.2239==> './scripts/qa/testcases-check qa/tmp/test-metadata.json' succeeded in 0 seconds.2240$ run_timed_command "./scripts/qa/quarantine-types-check qa/tmp/test-metadata.json"2241$ ./scripts/qa/quarantine-types-check qa/tmp/test-metadata.json2242Analyzing quarantined test data...2243No errors found.2244==> './scripts/qa/quarantine-types-check qa/tmp/test-metadata.json' succeeded in 1 seconds.2246Uploading artifacts...2247qa/tmp/: found 4 matching artifact files and directories 2248WARNING: Upload request redirected location= new-url=https://gitlab.com2249WARNING: Retrying... context=artifacts-uploader error=request redirected2250Uploading artifacts as "archive" to coordinator... 201 Created id=4016975562 responseStatus=201 Created token=64_SR4LC2252Job succeeded