rspec system pg12 28/28
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🤖 GitLab Bot 🤖
1Running with gitlab-runner 15.6.0~beta.186.ga889181a (a889181a)2 on EuhiQzPR3 feature flags: FF_USE_FASTZIP:true6Using Docker executor with image ...7Starting service postgres:12 ...8Pulling docker image postgres:12 ...9Using docker image sha256:31c3beb3b8968af162019219a074f3d4c1a5b1ab319ec86668229ad0a7ed0e4f for postgres:12 with digest postgres@sha256:63a045745aec8457cb208e929118b557e95e1b1327e2ad29f14174054be5d56e ...10Starting service redis:6.0-alpine ...11Pulling docker image redis:6.0-alpine ...12Using docker image sha256:f30aed8202b4ddc9ed0c833f7bd2b90470dc3a438a51b6567e9955adfe224051 for redis:6.0-alpine with digest redis@sha256:fcf49f0ab799e3b7217aab710606e888b190bbf3c3a81b5c912dd8ef351d1f69 ...13Waiting for services to be up and running (timeout 30 seconds)...14Authenticating with credentials from job payload (GitLab Registry)15Pulling docker image ...16Using docker image sha256:9f9846a4ac0697e6010265e736ea0ed08cd0506c4323c4e2a29d17e1b28665ce for with digest ...18Running on runner-euhiqzpr-project-278964-concurrent-0 via runner-euhiqzpr-shared-gitlab-org-1670494177-8d4159d7...20$ eval "$CI_PRE_CLONE_SCRIPT"21Fetching changes with git depth set to 20...22Initialized empty Git repository in /builds/gitlab-org/gitlab/.git/23Created fresh repository.24remote: Enumerating objects: 163372, done. 25remote: Counting objects: 100% (163372/163372), done. 26remote: Compressing objects: 100% (94785/94785), done. 27remote: Total 163372 (delta 84810), reused 119124 (delta 63094), pack-reused 0 28Receiving objects: 100% (163372/163372), 121.93 MiB | 30.45 MiB/s, done.29Resolving deltas: 100% (84810/84810), done.31 * [new ref] refs/pipelines/716916172 -> refs/pipelines/71691617232Checking out 8f189ac6 as refs/merge-requests/106378/merge...33Skipping Git submodules setup34$ git remote set-url origin "${CI_REPOSITORY_URL}"36Checking cache for ruby-gems-debian-bullseye-ruby-2.7-16...37Downloading from 38Successfully extracted cache39Checking cache for gitaly-ruby-gems-debian-bullseye-ruby-2.7-16...40Downloading from 41Successfully extracted cache43Downloading artifacts for compile-test-assets (3443740837)...44Downloading artifacts from coordinator... ok id=3443740837 responseStatus=200 OK token=-Ah24x4x45Downloading artifacts for detect-tests (3443740849)...46Downloading artifacts from coordinator... ok id=3443740849 responseStatus=200 OK token=-Ah24x4x47Downloading artifacts for retrieve-tests-metadata (3443740854)...48Downloading artifacts from coordinator... ok id=3443740854 responseStatus=200 OK token=-Ah24x4x49Downloading artifacts for setup-test-env (3443740841)...50Downloading artifacts from coordinator... ok id=3443740841 responseStatus=200 OK token=-Ah24x4x52Using docker image sha256:9f9846a4ac0697e6010265e736ea0ed08cd0506c4323c4e2a29d17e1b28665ce for with digest ...53$ echo $FOSS_ONLY54$ [ "$FOSS_ONLY" = "1" ] && rm -rf ee/ qa/spec/ee/ qa/qa/specs/features/ee/ qa/qa/ee/ qa/qa/ee.rb55$ export GOPATH=$CI_PROJECT_DIR/.go56$ mkdir -p $GOPATH57$ source scripts/utils.sh58$ source scripts/prepare_build.sh687Using decomposed database config (config/database.yml.decomposed-postgresql)688$ setup_db_user_only689CREATE ROLE690GRANT691==> 'setup_db_user_only' succeeded in 0 seconds.692$ bundle exec rake db:drop db:create db:schema:load db:migrate693Dropped database 'gitlabhq_test'694Dropped database 'gitlabhq_test_ci'695Dropped database 'gitlabhq_geo_test'696Created database 'gitlabhq_test'697Created database 'gitlabhq_test_ci'698Created database 'gitlabhq_geo_test'699==> 'bundle exec rake db:drop db:create db:schema:load db:migrate' succeeded in 38 seconds.700$ setup_db_praefect701SELECT pg_catalog.set_config('search_path', '', false);702CREATE DATABASE praefect_test ENCODING 'UTF8';703==> 'setup_db_praefect' succeeded in 0 seconds.704$ source ./scripts/rspec_helpers.sh705$ run_timed_command "gem install knapsack --no-document"706$ gem install knapsack --no-document707Successfully installed knapsack-4.0.07081 gem installed709==> 'gem install knapsack --no-document' succeeded in 1 seconds.710$ echo -e "\e[0Ksection_start:`date +%s`:gitaly-test-spawn[collapsed=true]\r\e[0KStarting Gitaly"820$ rspec_paralellized_job "--tag ~quarantine --tag ~level:migration"821SKIP_FLAKY_TESTS_AUTOMATICALLY: true822RETRY_FAILED_TESTS_IN_NEW_PROCESS: true823KNAPSACK_GENERATE_REPORT: true824FLAKY_RSPEC_GENERATE_REPORT: true825KNAPSACK_TEST_FILE_PATTERN: spec/{features}{,/**/}*_spec.rb826KNAPSACK_LOG_LEVEL: debug827KNAPSACK_REPORT_PATH: knapsack/rspec_system_pg12_28_28_report.json828FLAKY_RSPEC_SUITE_REPORT_PATH: rspec/flaky/report-suite.json829FLAKY_RSPEC_REPORT_PATH: rspec/flaky/all_rspec_system_pg12_28_28_report.json830NEW_FLAKY_RSPEC_REPORT_PATH: rspec/flaky/new_rspec_system_pg12_28_28_report.json831SKIPPED_FLAKY_TESTS_REPORT_PATH: rspec/flaky/skipped_flaky_tests_rspec_system_pg12_28_28_report.txt832RETRIED_TESTS_REPORT_PATH: rspec/flaky/retried_tests_rspec_system_pg12_28_28_report.txt833CRYSTALBALL: 834Knapsack report generator started!835Run options: exclude {:quarantine=>true, :level=>"migration"}836==> Starting Gitaly set up...837==> Starting GitLab Elasticsearch Indexer set up...838Test environment set up in 1.018231996 seconds839Issue Sidebar840 when signed in841 when concerning the assignee842Starting the Capybara driver server...843 when GraphQL assignees widget feature flag is disabled844 when a privileged user can invite845Capybara starting Puma...846* Version 5.6.5 , codename: Birdie's Version847* Min threads: 0, max threads: 4848* Listening on unix:///tmp/20221208-465-7ddjqr849 shows a link for inviting members and launches invite modal850 when user cannot invite members in assignee dropdown851 shows author in assignee dropdown and no invite link852 when user is a developer853 shows author in assignee dropdown854 shows author when filtering assignee dropdown855 assigns yourself856 keeps your filtered term after filtering and dismissing the dropdown857 shows label text as "Apply" when assignees are changed858 when GraphQL assignees widget feature flag is enabled859 when a privileged user can invite860 shows a link for inviting members and launches invite modal861 when user cannot invite members in assignee dropdown862 shows author in assignee dropdown and no invite link863 when user is a developer864 shows author in assignee dropdown865 shows author when filtering assignee dropdown866 assigns yourself867 keeps your filtered term after filtering and dismissing the dropdown868 as an allowed user869 sidebar870 changes size when the screen size is smaller871 editing issue milestone872 behaves like milestone sidebar widget873 editing milestone874 shows milestones list in the dropdown875 shows expired milestone at the bottom of the list and milestone due earliest at the top of the list876 adds a milestone877 removes a milestone878 editing issue due date879 behaves like date sidebar widget880 editing due date881 displays "None" when there is no due date882 updates due date883 editing issue labels884 behaves like labels sidebar widget885 editing labels886 shows labels list in the dropdown887 adds a label888 removes a label889 adds first label by pressing enter when search890 escapes XSS when viewing issuable labels891 shows option to create a label892 creating a label893 shows dropdown switches to "create label" section894 creates new label895 shows error message if label title is taken896 escalation status897 is not available for default issue type898 interacting with collapsed sidebar899 confidentiality block expands then collapses sidebar900 lock block expands then collapses sidebar901 as a guest902 does not have a option to edit labels903 sidebar904 finds issue copy forwarding email905 interacting with collapsed sidebar906 expands then does not show the lock dialog form907 when not signed in908 sidebar909 does not find issue email910Issues > User edits issue911 with authorized user912 from edit page913Skipping ./spec/features/issues/user_edits_issue_spec.rb[1:1:1:1] 'Issues > User edits issue with authorized user from edit page previews content' because it's flaky.914 previews content (PENDING: around hook at ./spec/support/flaky_tests.rb:21 did not execute the example)915 allows user to select unassigned916 with due date917Locator Integer:2 for selector :button must be an instance of String or Symbol. This will raise an error in a future version of Capybara.918 saves with due date919 warns about version conflict920 from issue#show921 edit description922 places focus on the web editor923 update labels924 will not send ajax request when no data is changed925 can add label to issue926 can remove label from issue by clicking on the label `x` button927 can remove label without removing label added via quick action928 update assignee929 when GraphQL assignees widget feature flag is disabled930 by authorized user931 allows user to select unassigned932 allows user to select an assignee933 allows user to unselect themselves934 by unauthorized user935 shows assignee text936 when GraphQL assignees widget feature flag is enabled937 by authorized user938 allows user to select unassigned939 allows user to select an assignee940 allows user to unselect themselves941 by unauthorized user942 shows assignee text943 update milestone944 by authorized user945 allows user to select no milestone946 allows user to de-select milestone947 allows user to search milestone948 by unauthorized user949 shows milestone text950 update due date951Locator Integer:3 for selector :button must be an instance of String or Symbol. This will raise an error in a future version of Capybara.952 adds due date to issue953Locator Integer:3 for selector :button must be an instance of String or Symbol. This will raise an error in a future version of Capybara.954 removes due date from issue955 with unauthorized user956 from issue#show957 updating labels958 cannot edit labels959 cannot remove label with a click as it has no `x` button960User comments on a merge request961 adds a comment962Skipping ./spec/features/merge_request/user_comments_on_merge_request_spec.rb[1:2] 'User comments on a merge request replys to a new comment' because it's flaky.963 replys to a new comment (PENDING: around hook at ./spec/support/flaky_tests.rb:21 did not execute the example)964 handles esc key correctly when atwho is active965Skipping ./spec/features/merge_request/user_comments_on_merge_request_spec.rb[1:4] 'User comments on a merge request handles esc key correctly when atwho is active' because it's flaky.966 handles esc key correctly when atwho is active (PENDING: around hook at ./spec/support/flaky_tests.rb:21 did not execute the example)967 handles esc key correctly when atwho is active968 handles esc key correctly when atwho is active969 handles esc key correctly when atwho is active970 handles esc key correctly when atwho is active971 handles esc key correctly when atwho is active972 handles esc key correctly when atwho is active973Skipping ./spec/features/merge_request/user_comments_on_merge_request_spec.rb[1:11] 'User comments on a merge request handles esc key correctly when atwho is not active' because it's flaky.974 handles esc key correctly when atwho is not active (PENDING: around hook at ./spec/support/flaky_tests.rb:21 did not execute the example)975 loads new comment976Group variables977 behaves like variable list978 shows a list of variables979 adds a new CI variable980 adds a new protected variable981 defaults to unmasked982 reveals and hides variables983 deletes a variable984 edits a variable985 edits a variable to be unmasked986 edits a variable to be masked987 shows a validation error box about duplicate keys988 prevents a variable to be added if no values are provided when a variable is set to masked989 shows validation error box about unmaskable values990 handles multiple edits and a deletion991 defaults to the application setting992 application setting is true993Skipping ./spec/features/group_variables_spec.rb[1:1:14:1:1] 'Group variables behaves like variable list defaults to the application setting application setting is true defaults to protected' because it's flaky.994 defaults to protected (PENDING: around hook at ./spec/support/flaky_tests.rb:21 did not execute the example)995 shows a message regarding the changed default996 application setting is false997Skipping ./spec/features/group_variables_spec.rb[1:1:14:2:1] 'Group variables behaves like variable list defaults to the application setting application setting is false defaults to unprotected' because it's flaky.998 defaults to unprotected (PENDING: around hook at ./spec/support/flaky_tests.rb:21 did not execute the example)999 does not show a message regarding the default1000Projects > Settings > Merge requests1001 # order random1002 shows "Merge commit" strategy1003 shows "Fast-forward merge" strategy1004 shows "Merge commit with semi-linear history " strategy1005 shows Squash commit options1006 target project settings1007 does not show target project section1008 when project is a fork1009 allows to change merge request target project behavior1010 when Merge Request are initially disabled1011 does not show the Merge Requests settings1012 Checkbox to enable merge request link1013 is initially checked1014 when unchecked sets :printing_merge_request_link_enabled to false1015 Squash commits when merging1016 initially has :squash_option set to :default_off1017 allows :squash_option to be set to :default_on1018 allows :squash_option to be set to :always1019 allows :squash_option to be set to :never1020 Checkbox to remove source branch after merge1021 is initially checked1022 when unchecked sets :remove_source_branch_after_merge to false1023 when Merge Request and Pipelines are initially enabled1024 when Pipelines are initially enabled1025 shows the Merge Requests settings1026 when Pipelines are initially disabled1027 shows the Merge Requests settings that do not depend on Builds feature1028Dashboard > User filters todos1029 displays all todos without a filter1030 filters by project1031 filters by group1032 filters by type1033 Author filter1034 filters by author1035 shows only authors of existing todos1036 shows only authors of existing done todos1037 filter by action1038 filters by Assigned1039 filters by Review Requested1040 filters by Mentioned1041 filters by Added1042 filters by Pipelines1043User searches for users1044 search_page_vertical_nav_enabled: true1045 when search times out1046 renders timeout information1047 sets tab count to 01048 when on the dashboard1049 finds the user1050 when on the project page1051 finds the user belonging to the project1052 when on the group page1053 finds the user belonging to the group1054 search_page_vertical_nav_enabled: false1055 when search times out1056 renders timeout information1057 sets tab count to 01058 when on the dashboard1059 finds the user1060 when on the project page1061 finds the user belonging to the project1062 when on the group page1063 finds the user belonging to the group1064Commits1065 CI1066 commit status is Generic Commit Status1067 Commit builds1068 is expected to have text "b83d6e39"1069 contains generic commit status build1070 commit status is Ci Build1071 when logged as developer1072 Project commits1073 shows correct build status from default branch1074 Commit builds1075 shows pipeline data1076 Download artifacts1077Skipping ./spec/features/commits_spec.rb[1:1:2:1:3:1] 'Commits CI commit status is Ci Build when logged as developer Download artifacts ' because it's flaky.1078 example at ./spec/features/commits_spec.rb:99 (PENDING: around hook at ./spec/support/flaky_tests.rb:21 did not execute the example)1079 Cancel all builds1080 cancels commit1081 Cancel build1082 cancels build1083 when logged as reporter1084 renders header1085 is expected to have visible link "Download artifacts"1086 viewing commits for a branch1087 includes the committed_date for each commit1088 shows the ref switcher with the multi-file editor enabled1089 viewing commits for an author1090 author is complete1091 behaves like show commits by author1092 includes the author's commits1093 author is just a name1094 behaves like show commits by author1095 includes the author's commits1096 author is just an email1097 behaves like show commits by author1098 includes the author's commits1099User visits issue boards1100 project boards1101 params: {"label_name"=>["foobar"]}, expected_issues: ["issue with label1", "issue with all filters"]1102 displays all issues satisfiying filter params and correctly sets url params1103 params: {"label_name"=>["in dev"]}, expected_issues: ["issue with label2", "issue with all filters"]1104 displays all issues satisfiying filter params and correctly sets url params1105 params: {"label_name"=>["foobar", "in dev"]}, expected_issues: ["issue with all filters"]1106 displays all issues satisfiying filter params and correctly sets url params1107 params: {"assignee_username"=>"root"}, expected_issues: ["issue with assignee", "issue with all filters"]1108 displays all issues satisfiying filter params and correctly sets url params1109 params: {"milestone_title"=>"#started"}, expected_issues: ["issue with milestone", "issue with all filters"]1110 displays all issues satisfiying filter params and correctly sets url params1111 params: {"label_name"=>["foobar", "in dev"], "assignee_username"=>"root"}, expected_issues: ["issue with all filters"]1112 displays all issues satisfiying filter params and correctly sets url params1113 group boards1114 params: {"label_name"=>["foobar"]}, expected_issues: ["issue with label1", "issue with all filters"]1115 displays all issues satisfiying filter params and correctly sets url params1116 params: {"label_name"=>["in dev"]}, expected_issues: ["issue with label2", "issue with all filters"]1117 displays all issues satisfiying filter params and correctly sets url params1118 params: {"label_name"=>["foobar", "in dev"]}, expected_issues: ["issue with all filters"]1119 displays all issues satisfiying filter params and correctly sets url params1120 params: {"assignee_username"=>"root"}, expected_issues: ["issue with assignee", "issue with all filters"]1121 displays all issues satisfiying filter params and correctly sets url params1122 params: {"milestone_title"=>"#started"}, expected_issues: ["issue with milestone", "issue with all filters"]1123 displays all issues satisfiying filter params and correctly sets url params1124 params: {"label_name"=>["foobar", "in dev"], "assignee_username"=>"root"}, expected_issues: ["issue with all filters"]1125 displays all issues satisfiying filter params and correctly sets url params1126Users > User browses projects on user page1127 hides loading spinner after load1128 paginates projects1129 does not have incorrectly interpolated message1130 when not signed in1131 renders user public project1132 when signed in as another user1133 renders user public and internal projects1134 when signed in as user1135 personal projects1136 renders all user projects1137 contributed projects1138 when user has contributions1139 renders contributed project1140Prioritize labels1141 when user belongs to project team1142 user can prioritize a group label1143 user can unprioritize a group label1144 user can prioritize a project label1145 user can unprioritize a project label1146 user can sort prioritized labels and persist across reloads1147 user can see a primary button when there are only prioritized labels1148 shows a help message about prioritized labels1149 as a guest1150 cannot prioritize labels1151 cannot sort prioritized labels1152 as a non signed in user1153 cannot prioritize labels1154Project issue boards sidebar labels1155 labels1156 shows current labels when editing1157 adds a single label1158 adds a multiple labels1159 removes a label1160Skipping ./spec/features/boards/sidebar_labels_spec.rb[1:1:5] 'Project issue boards sidebar labels labels creates project label' because it's flaky.1161 creates project label (PENDING: around hook at ./spec/support/flaky_tests.rb:21 did not execute the example)1162Profile > Personal Access Tokens1163 prefills token details1164 token creation1165 allows creation of a personal access token1166 when creation fails1167 displays an error message1168 active tokens1169 only shows personal access tokens1170 when User#time_display_relative is false1171 shows absolute times for expires_at1172 inactive tokens1173 allows revocation of an active token1174 removes expired tokens from 'active' section1175 when revocation fails1176 displays an error message1177 feed token1178 when enabled1179 displays feed token1180 when disabled1181 does not display feed token1182viewing an issue with cross project references1183 shows all information related to the cross project reference1184 shows a link to the confidential issue in the same project1185 does not show the link to a cross project confidential issue when the user does not have access1186 shows the link to a cross project confidential issue when the user has access1187 when an external authorization service is enabled1188 only hits the external service for the project the user is viewing1189 shows only the link to the cross project references1190 does not link a cross project confidential issue if the user does not have access1191 links a cross project confidential issue without exposing information when the user has access1192 shows a link to the confidential issue in the same project1193Merge request > User approves1194 approves merge request1195Merge requests > User filters by multiple criteria1196 filtering by label:~"Won't fix" and assignee:~bug1197 applies the filters1198 filtering by text, author, assignee, milestone, and label1199 filters by text, author, assignee, milestone, and label1200Issue Boards shortcut1201 issues are enabled1202 takes user to issue board index1203 issues are not enabled1204 does not take user to the issue board index1205Projects > Show > Download buttons1206 when checking project main page1207 behaves like archive download buttons1208 when static objects external storage is enabled1209 private project1210 shows archive download buttons with external storage URL prepended and user token appended to their href1211 public project1212 shows archive download buttons with external storage URL prepended to their href1213 when static objects external storage is disabled1214 shows default archive download buttons1215 with artifacts1216 shows download artifacts button1217 download links have download attribute1218Alert Management index1219 when a developer displays the alert list1220 shows the alert page title and empty state without filtered search or alert table1221 when alerts have already been created1222 behaves like alert page with title, filtered search, and table1223 renders correctly1224 when an HTTP integration is enabled1225 behaves like alert page with title, filtered search, and table1226 renders correctly1227 when the prometheus integration is enabled1228 behaves like alert page with title, filtered search, and table1229 renders correctly1230Group share with group lock1231 with a subgroup1232 when enabling the parent group share with group lock1233 the subgroup share with group lock becomes enabled1234 when disabling the parent group share with group lock (which was already enabled)1235 and the subgroup share with group lock is enabled1236 the subgroup share with group lock does not change1237 but the subgroup share with group lock is disabled1238 the subgroup share with group lock does not change1239Merge request > User sees empty state1240 shows an empty state and a "New merge request" button1241 if there are merge requests1242 does not show an empty state1243 shows empty state when filter results empty1244 as member of a fork1245 shows an empty state and a "New merge request" button1246Blob shortcuts1247 On a file(blob)1248 pressing "y"1249 redirects to permalink with commit sha1250 maintains fragment hash when redirecting1251Merge Requests > Exports as CSV1252 button is clicked1253 shows a success message1254User uploads avatar to profile1255 they see their new avatar on their profile1256 their new avatar is immediately visible in the header and setting sidebar1257Project Merge Requests RSS1258 when signed in1259 behaves like it has an RSS button with current_user's feed token1260 shows the RSS button with current_user's feed token1261 behaves like an autodiscoverable RSS feed with current_user's feed token1262 has an RSS autodiscovery link tag with current_user's feed token1263 when signed out1264 behaves like it has an RSS button without a feed token1265 shows the RSS button without a feed token1266 behaves like an autodiscoverable RSS feed without a feed token1267 has an RSS autodiscovery link tag without a feed token1268 feeds1269 behaves like updates atom feed link1270 for project1271User sees feature flag user list details1272 displays the list name1273Upload an attachment1274 with an integer project ID1275 behaves like handling file uploads1276 with object storage disabled1277 behaves like for an attachment1278 creates files1279 is expected to eq 2011280 with an encoded project ID1281 behaves like handling file uploads1282 with object storage disabled1283 behaves like for an attachment1284 creates files1285 is expected to eq 2011286User views closed merge requests1287 shows closed merge requests1288Knapsack report was generated. Preview:1289{1290 "spec/features/issues/issue_sidebar_spec.rb": 233.5923116240001,1291 "spec/features/issues/user_edits_issue_spec.rb": 226.00962663000018,1292 "spec/features/merge_request/user_comments_on_merge_request_spec.rb": 88.48152446799986,1293 "spec/features/group_variables_spec.rb": 107.18091849700022,1294 "spec/features/projects/settings/merge_requests_settings_spec.rb": 71.80817314599972,1295 "spec/features/dashboard/todos/todos_filtering_spec.rb": 71.56682639000019,1296 "spec/features/search/user_searches_for_users_spec.rb": 64.05368229900023,1297 "spec/features/commits_spec.rb": 47.19899843800022,1298 "spec/features/boards/user_visits_board_spec.rb": 39.858662498000285,1299 "spec/features/users/user_browses_projects_on_user_page_spec.rb": 28.412289703999704,1300 "spec/features/projects/labels/update_prioritization_spec.rb": 30.075201574999937,1301 "spec/features/boards/sidebar_labels_spec.rb": 27.233093342000302,1302 "spec/features/profiles/personal_access_tokens_spec.rb": 26.536611197000184,1303 "spec/features/projects/issues/viewing_issues_with_external_authorization_enabled_spec.rb": 21.195008959999996,1304 "spec/features/merge_request/user_approves_spec.rb": 21.299888407000253,1305 "spec/features/merge_requests/user_filters_by_multiple_criteria_spec.rb": 14.598488176000046,1306 "spec/features/boards/keyboard_shortcut_spec.rb": 16.11985661699964,1307 "spec/features/projects/show/download_buttons_spec.rb": 11.421527017000244,1308 "spec/features/alert_management/alert_management_list_spec.rb": 10.296047245999944,1309 "spec/features/groups/share_lock_spec.rb": 8.729371667999658,1310 "spec/features/merge_requests/user_sees_empty_state_spec.rb": 8.078709830999742,1311 "spec/features/projects/blobs/shortcuts_blob_spec.rb": 6.956890622000174,1312 "spec/features/merge_requests/user_exports_as_csv_spec.rb": 6.666375141000117,1313 "spec/features/uploads/user_uploads_avatar_to_profile_spec.rb": 5.014756501000193,1314 "spec/features/merge_requests/rss_spec.rb": 5.039668720000009,1315 "spec/features/projects/feature_flag_user_lists/user_sees_feature_flag_user_list_details_spec.rb": 3.476777716000015,1316 "spec/features/file_uploads/attachment_spec.rb": 1.9498636100001931,1317 "spec/features/merge_requests/user_views_closed_merge_requests_spec.rb": 1.68924975000027191318}1319Knapsack global time execution for tests: 20m 04s1320Pending: (Failures listed here are expected and do not affect your suite's status)1321 1) Issues > User edits issue with authorized user from edit page previews content1322 # around hook at ./spec/support/flaky_tests.rb:21 did not execute the example1323 # ./spec/features/issues/user_edits_issue_spec.rb:291324 2) User comments on a merge request replys to a new comment1325 # around hook at ./spec/support/flaky_tests.rb:21 did not execute the example1326 # ./spec/features/merge_request/user_comments_on_merge_request_spec.rb:331327 3) User comments on a merge request handles esc key correctly when atwho is active1328 # around hook at ./spec/support/flaky_tests.rb:21 did not execute the example1329 # ./spec/features/merge_request/user_comments_on_merge_request_spec.rb:561330 4) User comments on a merge request handles esc key correctly when atwho is not active1331 # around hook at ./spec/support/flaky_tests.rb:21 did not execute the example1332 # ./spec/features/merge_request/user_comments_on_merge_request_spec.rb:751333 5) Group variables behaves like variable list defaults to the application setting application setting is true defaults to protected1334 # around hook at ./spec/support/flaky_tests.rb:21 did not execute the example1335 # ./spec/support/shared_examples/features/variable_list_shared_examples.rb:2521336 6) Group variables behaves like variable list defaults to the application setting application setting is false defaults to unprotected1337 # around hook at ./spec/support/flaky_tests.rb:21 did not execute the example1338 # ./spec/support/shared_examples/features/variable_list_shared_examples.rb:2761339 7) Commits CI commit status is Ci Build when logged as developer Download artifacts 1340 # around hook at ./spec/support/flaky_tests.rb:21 did not execute the example1341 # ./spec/features/commits_spec.rb:991342 8) Project issue boards sidebar labels labels creates project label1343 # around hook at ./spec/support/flaky_tests.rb:21 did not execute the example1344 # ./spec/features/boards/sidebar_labels_spec.rb:1281345Finished in 20 minutes 8 seconds (files took 1 minute 7.95 seconds to load)1346233 examples, 0 failures, 8 pending1347Randomized with seed 234361348[TEST PROF INFO] Time spent in factories: 01:53.322 (9.17% of total time)1349Failed to write to log, write log/workhorse-test.log: file already closed1350RSpec exited with 0.1351No examples to retry, congrats!1353Not uploading cache ruby-gems-debian-bullseye-ruby-2.7-16 due to policy1354Not uploading cache gitaly-ruby-gems-debian-bullseye-ruby-2.7-16 due to policy1356Uploading artifacts...1357coverage/: found 5 matching files and directories 1358crystalball/: found 2 matching files and directories 1359WARNING: deprecations/: no matching files. Ensure that the artifact path is relative to the working directory 1360knapsack/: found 3 matching files and directories 1361WARNING: query_recorder/: no matching files. Ensure that the artifact path is relative to the working directory 1362rspec/: found 12 matching files and directories 1363WARNING: tmp/capybara/: no matching files. Ensure that the artifact path is relative to the working directory 1364log/*.log: found 20 matching files and directories 1365WARNING: Upload request redirected location= new-url=https://gitlab.com1366WARNING: Retrying... context=artifacts-uploader error=request redirected1367Uploading artifacts as "archive" to coordinator... 201 Created id=3443741081 responseStatus=201 Created token=-Ah24x4x1368Uploading artifacts...1369rspec/junit_rspec.xml: found 1 matching files and directories 1370WARNING: Upload request redirected location= new-url=https://gitlab.com1371WARNING: Retrying... context=artifacts-uploader error=request redirected1372Uploading artifacts as "junit" to coordinator... 201 Created id=3443741081 responseStatus=201 Created token=-Ah24x4x1374Job succeeded