rspec system pg12 7/28
Passed Started

Miguel Rincon
1Running with gitlab-runner 15.6.0~beta.186.ga889181a (a889181a)2 on 8zCxmpPt3 feature flags: FF_USE_FASTZIP:true6Using Docker executor with image ...7Starting service postgres:12 ...8Pulling docker image postgres:12 ...9Using docker image sha256:c5abf812eff57d99cd4ae9b4d688261207b59905c5d0ca50c5e57f75669dbf10 for postgres:12 with digest postgres@sha256:0619094e4045d67b34b9b4de10d4c433d03cd032c95145d259a97b3081562936 ...10Starting service redis:6.0-alpine ...11Pulling docker image redis:6.0-alpine ...12Using docker image sha256:b5a61c880115e6a29b90b90aef1973eb232e48d3547092deb27f519e1ae98f11 for redis:6.0-alpine with digest redis@sha256:10c7dc799ef793b4c76fb5ef074fd1186121151b90a799b01393e137220bb61e ...13Waiting for services to be up and running (timeout 30 seconds)...14Authenticating with credentials from job payload (GitLab Registry)15Pulling docker image ...16Using docker image sha256:5c5404ecc69273636c3ef49645be715ef30ea99e51ad146a2efbeac2a1875f9c for with digest ...18Running on runner-8zcxmppt-project-278964-concurrent-0 via runner-8zcxmppt-shared-gitlab-org-1668428761-be3b8695...20$ eval "$CI_PRE_CLONE_SCRIPT"21Fetching changes with git depth set to 20...22Initialized empty Git repository in /builds/gitlab-org/gitlab/.git/23Created fresh repository.24remote: Enumerating objects: 134386, done. 25remote: Counting objects: 100% (134386/134386), done. 26remote: Compressing objects: 100% (87585/87585), done.27remote: Total 134386 (delta 60655), reused 92571 (delta 41765), pack-reused 0 28Receiving objects: 100% (134386/134386), 116.33 MiB | 30.25 MiB/s, done.29Resolving deltas: 100% (60655/60655), done.31 * [new ref] refs/pipelines/693894100 -> refs/pipelines/69389410032Checking out 5648e5c9 as refs/merge-requests/102535/merge...33Skipping Git submodules setup34$ git remote set-url origin "${CI_REPOSITORY_URL}"36Checking cache for is up to date 38Successfully extracted cache39Checking cache for is up to date 41Successfully extracted cache43Downloading artifacts for compile-test-assets (3318206277)...44Downloading artifacts from coordinator... ok id=3318206277 responseStatus=200 OK token=sGz9AV4345Downloading artifacts for detect-tests (3318206299)...46Downloading artifacts from coordinator... ok id=3318206299 responseStatus=200 OK token=sGz9AV4347Downloading artifacts for retrieve-tests-metadata (3318206306)...48Downloading artifacts from coordinator... ok id=3318206306 responseStatus=200 OK token=sGz9AV4349Downloading artifacts for setup-test-env (3318206286)...50Downloading artifacts from coordinator... ok id=3318206286 responseStatus=200 OK token=sGz9AV4352Using docker image sha256:5c5404ecc69273636c3ef49645be715ef30ea99e51ad146a2efbeac2a1875f9c for with digest ...53$ echo $FOSS_ONLY54$ [ "$FOSS_ONLY" = "1" ] && rm -rf ee/ qa/spec/ee/ qa/qa/specs/features/ee/ qa/qa/ee/ qa/qa/ee.rb55$ export GOPATH=$CI_PROJECT_DIR/.go56$ mkdir -p $GOPATH57$ source scripts/utils.sh58$ source scripts/prepare_build.sh690Using decomposed database config (config/database.yml.decomposed-postgresql)691$ setup_db_user_only692CREATE ROLE693GRANT694==> 'setup_db_user_only' succeeded in 0 seconds.695$ bundle exec rake db:drop db:create db:schema:load db:migrate696Dropped database 'gitlabhq_test'697Dropped database 'gitlabhq_test_ci'698Dropped database 'gitlabhq_geo_test'699Created database 'gitlabhq_test'700Created database 'gitlabhq_test_ci'701Created database 'gitlabhq_geo_test'702==> 'bundle exec rake db:drop db:create db:schema:load db:migrate' succeeded in 37 seconds.703$ setup_db_praefect704SELECT pg_catalog.set_config('search_path', '', false);705CREATE DATABASE praefect_test ENCODING 'UTF8';706==> 'setup_db_praefect' succeeded in 0 seconds.707$ source ./scripts/rspec_helpers.sh708$ run_timed_command "gem install knapsack --no-document"709$ gem install knapsack --no-document710Successfully installed knapsack-4.0.07111 gem installed712==> 'gem install knapsack --no-document' succeeded in 1 seconds.713$ echo -e "\e[0Ksection_start:`date +%s`:gitaly-test-spawn[collapsed=true]\r\e[0KStarting Gitaly"827$ rspec_paralellized_job "--tag ~quarantine --tag ~level:migration"828SKIP_FLAKY_TESTS_AUTOMATICALLY: true829RETRY_FAILED_TESTS_IN_NEW_PROCESS: true830KNAPSACK_GENERATE_REPORT: true831FLAKY_RSPEC_GENERATE_REPORT: true832KNAPSACK_TEST_FILE_PATTERN: spec/{features}{,/**/}*_spec.rb833KNAPSACK_LOG_LEVEL: debug834KNAPSACK_REPORT_PATH: knapsack/rspec_system_pg12_7_28_report.json835FLAKY_RSPEC_SUITE_REPORT_PATH: rspec/flaky/report-suite.json836FLAKY_RSPEC_REPORT_PATH: rspec/flaky/all_rspec_system_pg12_7_28_report.json837NEW_FLAKY_RSPEC_REPORT_PATH: rspec/flaky/new_rspec_system_pg12_7_28_report.json838SKIPPED_FLAKY_TESTS_REPORT_PATH: rspec/flaky/skipped_flaky_tests_rspec_system_pg12_7_28_report.txt839RETRIED_TESTS_REPORT_PATH: rspec/flaky/retried_tests_rspec_system_pg12_7_28_report.txt840CRYSTALBALL: 841Knapsack report generator started!842Run options: exclude {:quarantine=>true, :level=>"migration"}843Test environment set up in 0.793692756 seconds844Admin Runners845 Admin Runners page846Starting the Capybara driver server...847 runners registration848 behaves like shows and resets runner registration token849Capybara starting Puma...850* Version 5.6.5 , codename: Birdie's Version851* Min threads: 0, max threads: 4852* Listening on unix:///tmp/20221114-470-1wo6yi6853 has a registration token854 shows registration instructions855 opens runner installation modal856 dismisses runner installation modal857 reset registration token858 changes registration token859 when there are runners860 shows a job count861 sorts by last contact date862 with an instance runner863 shows an instance badge864 behaves like shows runner in list865 does not show empty state866 shows runner row867 behaves like pauses, resumes and deletes a runner868 pauses and resumes runner869 deletes runner870 shows a confirmation modal871 deletes a runner872 cancels runner deletion873 with multiple runners874 has all necessary texts875 behaves like deletes runners in bulk876 when selecting all for deletion877 behaves like shows no runners registered878 shows counts with 0879 shows "no runners" message880 search881 runner types tabs have total counts and can be selected882 shows runners883 shows correct runner when description matches884 when description does not match885 shows no runner886 behaves like shows no runners found887 shows "no runners" message888 filter by paused889 shows all runners890 shows paused runners891 shows active runners892 filter by status893 shows all runners894 shows correct runner when status matches895 shows correct runner when status is selected and search term is entered896 shows correct runner when status filter is entered897 when status does not match898 shows no runner899 behaves like shows no runners found900 shows "no runners" message901 filter by type902 "All" tab is selected by default903 shows correct runner when type matches904 show the same counts after selecting another tab905 shows correct runner when type is selected and search term is entered906 maintains the same filter when switching between runner types907 when type does not match908 shows active tab909 shows no runner910 behaves like shows no runners found911 shows "no runners" message912 filter by tag913 shows tags suggestions914 shows correct runner when tag is selected and search term is entered915 behaves like filters by tag916 shows correct runner when tag matches917 when tag does not match918 shows no runner919 behaves like shows no runners found920 shows "no runners" message921 when there are no runners922 shows tabs with total counts equal to 0923 behaves like shows no runners registered924 shows counts with 0925 shows "no runners" message926 when visiting outdated URLs927 updates ACTIVE runner status to paused=false928 updates PAUSED runner status to paused=true929 Runner show page930 shows runner details931 runner show page breadcrumbs932 contains the current runner id and token933 when a runner is deleted934 deletes runner935 redirects to runner list936 Runner edit page937 behaves like submits edit runner form938 breadcrumb contains runner id and token939 runner header940 contains the runner id941 when a runner is updated942 redirects to runner page943 show success alert944 shows updated information945 breadcrumbs946 contains the current runner id and token947 runner header948 contains the runner status, type and id949 when a runner is updated950 show success alert951 redirects to runner page952 projects953 contains project names954 search955 contains name of correct project956 enable/create957 with project runner958 behaves like assignable runner959 enables a runner for a project960 with locked runner961 behaves like assignable runner962 enables a runner for a project963 disable/destroy964 removed specific runner from project965Related issues966 widget visibility967 when not logged in968 does not show widget when internal project969 does not show widget when private project970 shows widget when public project971 when logged in but not a member972 shows widget when internal project973 does not show widget when private project974 shows widget when public project975 shows widget on their own public issue976 when logged in and a guest977 shows widget when internal project978 shows widget when private project979 shows widget when public project980 when logged in and a reporter981 shows widget when internal project982 shows widget when private project983 shows widget when public project984 shows widget on their own public issue985 when user has no permission to manage related issues986 visiting some issue someone else created987 shows related issues count988 visiting issue_b which was targeted by issue_a989 shows related issues count990 when user has permission to manage related issues991 without existing related issues992 shows related issues count993 add related issue994 add cross-project related issue995 pressing enter should submit the form996 disallows duplicate entries997 allows us to remove pending issues998 with existing related issues999 shows related issues count1000 shows related issues1001 allows us to remove a related issues1002 add related issue1003 add invalid related issue1004 add unauthorized related issue1005Markdown keyboard shortcuts1006 Vue.js markdown editor1007 behaves like keyboard shortcuts1008 bolds text when <modifier>+B is pressed1009 italicizes text when <modifier>+I is pressed1010 strikes text when <modifier>+<shift>+x is pressed1011 links text when <modifier>+K is pressed1012 does not affect non-markdown fields on the same page1013 behaves like no side effects1014 does not bold text when <other modifier>+B is pressed1015 does not italicize text when <other modifier>+I is pressed1016 does not link text when <other modifier>+K is pressed1017 Haml markdown editor1018 behaves like keyboard shortcuts1019 bolds text when <modifier>+B is pressed1020 italicizes text when <modifier>+I is pressed1021 strikes text when <modifier>+<shift>+x is pressed1022 links text when <modifier>+K is pressed1023 does not affect non-markdown fields on the same page1024 behaves like no side effects1025 does not bold text when <other modifier>+B is pressed1026 does not italicize text when <other modifier>+I is pressed1027 does not link text when <other modifier>+K is pressed1028Group empty states1029 for issues1030 group has a project1031 the project has issues1032 does not display an empty state1033 displays link to create new issue when no open issue is found1034 displays link to create new issue when the current search gave no results1035 displays conditional text when no closed issue is found1036 the project has no issues1037 displays an empty state1038 shows a new issue button1039 the new issue button opens a project dropdown1040 group without a project1041 group has a subgroup1042 the project has issues1043 does not display an empty state1044 the project has no issues1045 displays an empty state1046 group has no subgroups1047 behaves like no projects1048 displays an empty state1049 does not show a new issue button1050 group has only a project with issues disabled1051 behaves like no projects1052 displays an empty state1053 does not show a new issue button1054 for merge requests1055 group has a project1056 the project has merge requests1057 does not display an empty state1058 displays link to create new merge_request when no open merge_request is found1059 displays link to create new issue when the current search gave no results1060 displays conditional text when no closed merge_request is found1061 the project has no merge requests1062 displays an empty state1063 shows a new merge request button1064 the new merge request button opens a project dropdown1065 group without a project1066 group has a subgroup1067 the project has merge requests1068 does not display an empty state1069 the project has no merge requests1070 displays an empty state1071 group has no subgroups1072 behaves like no projects1073 displays an empty state1074 does not show a new merge request button1075 group has only a project with issues disabled1076 behaves like no projects1077 displays an empty state1078 does not show a new merge request button1079Group issues page1080 with shared examples1081 public access level1082 group member1083 is expected to have text "this is my created issuable"1084 non-member1085 is expected to have text "this is my created issuable"1086 private access level1087 group member1088 is expected to have text "this is my created issuable"1089 non-member1090 is expected not to have text "this is my created issuable"1091 rss feed1092 when signed in1093 behaves like an autodiscoverable RSS feed with current_user's feed token1094 has an RSS autodiscovery link tag with current_user's feed token1095 it has an RSS button with current_user's feed token1096 shows the RSS button with current_user's feed token1097 when signed out1098 behaves like an autodiscoverable RSS feed without a feed token1099 has an RSS autodiscovery link tag without a feed token1100 it has an RSS button without a feed token1101 shows the RSS button without a feed token1102 assignee1103 filters by only group users1104 issues list1105 returns all group and subgroup issues1106 when project is archived1107 does not render issue1108 group with no issues1109 shows issues from subgroups on issues list1110 projects with issues disabled1111 issue dropdown1112 shows projects only with issues feature enabled1113 manual ordering1114 displays all issues1115 has manual-ordering css applied1116 each issue item has a gl-cursor-grab css applied1117 issues should be draggable and persist order1118Skipping ./spec/features/groups/issues_spec.rb[1:5:5] 'Group issues page manual ordering issues should not be draggable when user is not logged in' because it's flaky.1119 issues should not be draggable when user is not logged in (PENDING: around hook at ./spec/support/flaky_tests.rb:21 did not execute the example)1120 issues pagination1121 shows the pagination1122Merge request > User sees closing issues message1123 closing issues but not mentioning any other issue1124 does not display closing issue message1125 mentioning issues but not closing them1126 does not display closing issue message1127 closing some issues in title and mentioning, but not closing, others1128 does not display closing issue message1129 closing issues using title but not mentioning any other issue1130 does not display closing issue message1131 mentioning issues using title but not closing them1132 does not display closing issue message1133 closing some issues using title and mentioning, but not closing, others1134 does not display closing issue message1135Projects > Show > User sees setup shortcut buttons1136 empty project1137 as a normal user1138 project buttons are not visible1139 as a maintainer1140 "New file" button linked to IDE new file page1141 "Add README" button linked to IDE new file populated for a README1142 "Add license" button linked to IDE new file populated for a license1143 Gitlab::CurrentSettings.default_branch_name is available1144 "New file" button linked to IDE new file page1145 populated project1146 as a normal user1147 when Auto DevOps is enabled1148 "Auto DevOps enabled" button not linked1149 when Auto DevOps is not enabled1150 no Auto DevOps button if can not manage pipelines1151 no Kubernetes cluster button if can not manage clusters1152 as a maintainer1153 no "Add CHANGELOG" button if the project already has a changelog1154 no "Add license" button if the project already has a license1155 no "Add CONTRIBUTING" button if the project already has a contribution guide1156 README button1157 when the project has a populated README1158 show the "README" anchor1159 when the project has an empty README1160 show the "README" anchor1161 when the project does not have a README1162 shows the single file editor "Add README" button1163 GitLab CI configuration button1164 when Auto DevOps is enabled1165 no "Set up CI/CD" button if the project has Auto DevOps enabled1166 when Auto DevOps is not enabled1167 "Set up CI/CD" button linked to new file populated for a .gitlab-ci.yml1168 "Set up CI/CD" button is renamed if the project already has a .gitlab-ci.yml1169 Auto DevOps button1170 when Auto DevOps is enabled1171 "Auto DevOps enabled" anchor linked to settings page1172 when Auto DevOps is not enabled1173 "Enable Auto DevOps" button linked to settings page1174 no Auto DevOps button if Auto DevOps callout is shown1175 no Auto DevOps button if builds feature is disabled1176 no "Enable Auto DevOps" button when .gitlab-ci.yml already exists1177 Kubernetes cluster button1178 "Add Kubernetes cluster" button linked to clusters page1179 "Kubernetes cluster" button linked to cluster page1180Projects > Members > User requests access1181 request access feature is disabled1182 user can request access to a project1183 user is not listed in the project members page1184 user can withdraw its request for access1185 code access is restricted1186 user can request access1187Group Badges1188 shows a list of badges1189 adding a badge1190 user can preview a badge1191 is expected to eq ""1192 editing a badge1193 form is shown when clicking edit button in list1194 updates a badge when submitting the edit form1195 deleting a badge1196 shows a modal when deleting a badge1197 deletes a badge when confirming the modal1198Merge request > User sees revert modal1199 without page reload after merge validates js correctly loaded1200 behaves like showing the revert modal1201 shows the revert modal1202 with page reload validates js correctly loaded1203 behaves like showing the revert modal1204 shows the revert modal1205Work item children1206 for signed in user1207 are not displayed when issue does not have work item children1208 toggles widget body1209 toggles form1210 addss a child task1211 removes a child task and undoing1212Import/Export - project export integration test1213 admin user1214 with streaming serializer1215 exports a project successfully1216 with ndjson1217 exports a project successfully1218User Feed1219 GET /1220 user atom feed via personal access token1221 renders user atom feed1222 user atom feed via feed token1223 renders user atom feed1224 feed content1225 has issue opened event1226 has issue comment event1227 has XHTML summaries in issue descriptions1228 has XHTML summaries in notes1229 has XHTML summaries in merge request descriptions1230 has push event commit ID1231Incident Detail1232 when user displays the incident1233 shows incident and alert data1234 when on timeline events tab from issue route1235 does not show the linked issues and notes/comment components1236Groups > Members > Maintainer manages access requests1237 behaves like Maintainer manages access requests1238 maintainer can see access requests1239 maintainer can grant access1240 maintainer can deny access1241User opens link to comment1242 authenticated user1243 switches to all activity and does not show error message1244 anonymous user1245 does not show error message1246Search for labels1247 searches for label by title1248 searches for label by description1249 shows nothing found message1250User views an empty project1251 when user is a maintainer1252 shows a link for inviting members and launches invite modal1253 behaves like allowing push to default branch1254 shows push-to-default-branch instructions1255 when user is an admin1256 when admin mode is enabled1257 behaves like allowing push to default branch1258 shows push-to-default-branch instructions1259 when admin mode is disabled1260 does not show push-to-master instructions1261 when user is a developer1262 does not show push-to-master instructions nor invite members link1263Disable individual triggers1264 integration has multiple supported events1265 shows trigger checkboxes1266 integrations only has one supported event1267 doesn't show unnecessary Trigger checkboxes1268Profile > Emails1269 user removes email1270 user confirms email1271 user re-sends confirmation email1272 old unconfirmed emails show Send Confirmation button1273 User adds an email1274 saves the new email1275 does not add an email that is the primary email of another user1276 adds an email that is the primary email of the same user1277 does not add an invalid email1278Merge request > User sees empty state1279 shows an empty state and a "New merge request" button1280 if there are merge requests1281 does not show an empty state1282 shows empty state when filter results empty1283 as member of a fork1284 shows an empty state and a "New merge request" button1285Merge Request > User tries to access private project information through the new mr page1286 when the user enters the querystring info for the other project1287 does not mention the project the user can't see the repo of1288 when the user enters label information from the private project in the querystring1289 does not expose the label name1290User deletes feature flag1291 user does not see feature flag1292Projects > Wiki > User views wiki in project page1293 when repository is disabled for project1294 when wiki homepage contains a link1295 when using markdown1296 behaves like wiki homepage contains a link1297 displays the correct URL for the link1298 when using asciidoc1299 behaves like wiki homepage contains a link1300 displays the correct URL for the link1301User views merged merge request from deleted fork1302 correctly shows the merge request1303Raw artifact1304 when visiting old URL1305 redirects to new URL1306Upload a group export archive1307 behaves like handling file uploads1308 with object storage disabled1309 behaves like for a group export archive1310 is expected to change `Group.count` by 11311 is expected to eq 2021312Issues > Real-time sidebar1313Skipping ./spec/features/issues/user_sees_sidebar_updates_in_realtime_spec.rb[1:1] 'Issues > Real-time sidebar updates the assignee in real-time' because it's flaky.1314 updates the assignee in real-time (PENDING: around hook at ./spec/support/flaky_tests.rb:21 did not execute the example)1315Skipping ./spec/features/issues/user_sees_sidebar_updates_in_realtime_spec.rb[1:2] 'Issues > Real-time sidebar updates the label in real-time' because it's flaky.1316 updates the label in real-time (PENDING: around hook at ./spec/support/flaky_tests.rb:21 did not execute the example)1317Knapsack report was generated. Preview:1318{1319 "spec/features/admin/admin_runners_spec.rb": 397.2641742930001,1320 "spec/features/issues/related_issues_spec.rb": 150.53014179399997,1321 "spec/features/markdown/keyboard_shortcuts_spec.rb": 93.16397225699984,1322 "spec/features/groups/empty_states_spec.rb": 72.41747712699998,1323 "spec/features/groups/issues_spec.rb": 74.16131725599985,1324 "spec/features/merge_request/user_sees_closing_issues_message_spec.rb": 49.16942361099996,1325 "spec/features/projects/show/user_sees_setup_shortcut_buttons_spec.rb": 50.40374180999993,1326 "spec/features/projects/members/user_requests_access_spec.rb": 43.0124481549999,1327 "spec/features/groups/settings/group_badges_spec.rb": 32.86368178299995,1328 "spec/features/user_sees_revert_modal_spec.rb": 28.131780601999935,1329 "spec/features/work_items/work_item_children_spec.rb": 28.23672404099989,1330 "spec/features/projects/import_export/export_file_spec.rb": 27.502907093999966,1331 "spec/features/atom/users_spec.rb": 13.360820377999971,1332 "spec/features/issues/incident_issue_spec.rb": 15.949221010999963,1333 "spec/features/groups/members/master_manages_access_requests_spec.rb": 15.765927428000168,1334 "spec/features/user_opens_link_to_comment_spec.rb": 10.561083500999985,1335 "spec/features/groups/labels/search_labels_spec.rb": 12.756445929000165,1336 "spec/features/projects/user_views_empty_project_spec.rb": 9.403995758000065,1337 "spec/features/projects/integrations/disable_triggers_spec.rb": 9.127000071000111,1338 "spec/features/profiles/emails_spec.rb": 5.75681328099995,1339 "spec/features/merge_requests/user_sees_empty_state_spec.rb": 8.758062494000114,1340 "spec/features/merge_request/user_tries_to_access_private_project_info_through_new_mr_spec.rb": 5.695261438999978,1341 "spec/features/projects/feature_flags/user_deletes_feature_flag_spec.rb": 5.246942007999905,1342 "spec/features/projects/wiki/user_views_wiki_in_project_page_spec.rb": 2.8626746420000018,1343 "spec/features/merge_request/user_views_merge_request_from_deleted_fork_spec.rb": 3.7355245160001687,1344 "spec/features/projects/artifacts/raw_spec.rb": 1.5531503869999597,1345 "spec/features/file_uploads/group_import_spec.rb": 1.85691710400010381346}1347Knapsack global time execution for tests: 19m 29s1348Pending: (Failures listed here are expected and do not affect your suite's status)1349 1) Group issues page manual ordering issues should not be draggable when user is not logged in1350 # around hook at ./spec/support/flaky_tests.rb:21 did not execute the example1351 # ./spec/features/groups/issues_spec.rb:1751352 2) Issues > Real-time sidebar updates the assignee in real-time1353 # around hook at ./spec/support/flaky_tests.rb:21 did not execute the example1354 # ./spec/features/issues/user_sees_sidebar_updates_in_realtime_spec.rb:181355 3) Issues > Real-time sidebar updates the label in real-time1356 # around hook at ./spec/support/flaky_tests.rb:21 did not execute the example1357 # ./spec/features/issues/user_sees_sidebar_updates_in_realtime_spec.rb:401358Finished in 19 minutes 33 seconds (files took 42.18 seconds to load)1359254 examples, 0 failures, 3 pending1360[TEST PROF INFO] Time spent in factories: 02:06.693 (10.78% of total time)1361Failed to write to log, write log/workhorse-test.log: file already closed1362RSpec exited with 0.1363No examples to retry, congrats!1365Not uploading cache ruby-gems-debian-bullseye-ruby-2.7-16 due to policy1366Not uploading cache gitaly-ruby-gems-debian-bullseye-ruby-2.7-16 due to policy1368Uploading artifacts...1369coverage/: found 5 matching files and directories 1370crystalball/: found 2 matching files and directories 1371WARNING: deprecations/: no matching files. Ensure that the artifact path is relative to the working directory 1372knapsack/: found 3 matching files and directories 1373rspec/: found 13 matching files and directories 1374WARNING: tmp/capybara/: no matching files. Ensure that the artifact path is relative to the working directory 1375log/*.log: found 20 matching files and directories 1376WARNING: Upload request redirected location= new-url=https://gitlab.com1377WARNING: Retrying... context=artifacts-uploader error=request redirected1378Uploading artifacts as "archive" to coordinator... 201 Created id=3318206571 responseStatus=201 Created token=sGz9AV431379Uploading artifacts...1380rspec/junit_rspec.xml: found 1 matching files and directories 1381WARNING: Upload request redirected location= new-url=https://gitlab.com1382WARNING: Retrying... context=artifacts-uploader error=request redirected1383Uploading artifacts as "junit" to coordinator... 201 Created id=3318206571 responseStatus=201 Created token=sGz9AV431385Job succeeded