rspec-ee system pg12 6/6
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Luke Duncalfe
1Running with gitlab-runner 15.3.0~beta.42.gdb7789ca (db7789ca)2 on 4bq1s9yM3 feature flags: FF_USE_FASTZIP:true6Using Docker executor with image ...7Starting service postgres:12 ...8Pulling docker image postgres:12 ...9Using docker image sha256:ffc079081fed116f7ec22097d3e0308ab568536216cdebf45a8cab78fe30ee8f for postgres:12 with digest postgres@sha256:ca17935b3df07cb09f6ceab07913f6fee0e5f349102fe0a7922a8969c3593ae0 ...10Starting service redis:6.0-alpine ...11Pulling docker image redis:6.0-alpine ...12Using docker image sha256:374ca386513ad781c1aa2f52c9379052723b49ab188b8517167f0b24055518bf for redis:6.0-alpine with digest redis@sha256:8f94750b64abe7fcb118c2e6706be5e186efc54a62b80fe1d21b8d7a91c0f547 ...13Starting service elasticsearch:7.17.0 ...14Pulling docker image elasticsearch:7.17.0 ...15Using docker image sha256:6fe993d6e7ed5e00a18f9b146d867b77559bf9948e6596bbf880ddbefeec46f7 for elasticsearch:7.17.0 with digest elasticsearch@sha256:332c6d416808f6e9a2cbcbe0170d9a9bb14bfe772180d37de5084c223dd8948b ...16Waiting for services to be up and running (timeout 30 seconds)...17Authenticating with credentials from job payload (GitLab Registry)18Pulling docker image ...19Using docker image sha256:a9a70e41d030f83cde0068df3d11170dec855e8a8bf3a020e27b85ad5b20d11b for with digest ...21Running on runner-4bq1s9ym-project-278964-concurrent-0 via runner-4bq1s9ym-private-1659394350-239847c8...23$ eval "$CI_PRE_CLONE_SCRIPT"24Fetching changes with git depth set to 20...25Initialized empty Git repository in /builds/gitlab-org/gitlab/.git/26Created fresh repository.27remote: Enumerating objects: 127308, done. 28remote: Counting objects: 100% (127308/127308), done. 29remote: Compressing objects: 100% (86137/86137), done. 30remote: Total 127308 (delta 56589), reused 83753 (delta 36275), pack-reused 0 31Receiving objects: 100% (127308/127308), 114.35 MiB | 23.56 MiB/s, done.32Resolving deltas: 100% (56589/56589), done.34 * [new ref] refs/pipelines/602249477 -> refs/pipelines/60224947735Checking out a33057a2 as refs/merge-requests/93624/merge...36Skipping Git submodules setup37$ git remote set-url origin "${CI_REPOSITORY_URL}"39Checking cache for is up to date 41Successfully extracted cache42Checking cache for is up to date 44Successfully extracted cache46Downloading artifacts for compile-test-assets (2799740965)...47Downloading artifacts from coordinator... ok id=2799740965 responseStatus=200 OK token=yBxCMeWV48Downloading artifacts for detect-tests (2799740974)...49Downloading artifacts from coordinator... ok id=2799740974 responseStatus=200 OK token=yBxCMeWV50Downloading artifacts for retrieve-tests-metadata (2799740978)...51Downloading artifacts from coordinator... ok id=2799740978 responseStatus=200 OK token=yBxCMeWV52Downloading artifacts for setup-test-env (2799740970)...53Downloading artifacts from coordinator... ok id=2799740970 responseStatus=200 OK token=yBxCMeWV55Using docker image sha256:a9a70e41d030f83cde0068df3d11170dec855e8a8bf3a020e27b85ad5b20d11b for with digest ...56$ echo $FOSS_ONLY57$ [ "$FOSS_ONLY" = "1" ] && rm -rf ee/ qa/spec/ee/ qa/qa/specs/features/ee/ qa/qa/ee/ qa/qa/ee.rb58$ export GOPATH=$CI_PROJECT_DIR/.go59$ mkdir -p $GOPATH60$ source scripts/utils.sh61$ source scripts/prepare_build.sh623.2.3363Bundler version 2.2.3364Successfully installed bundler-2.3.15651 gem installed66production:development67Settings are listed in order of priority. The top value will be used.68clean69Set for your local app (/builds/gitlab-org/gitlab/.bundle/config): true70frozen71Set via BUNDLE_FROZEN: true72install_flags73Set via BUNDLE_INSTALL_FLAGS: "--jobs=$(nproc) --retry=3 --quiet"74path75Set for your local app (/builds/gitlab-org/gitlab/.bundle/config): "/builds/gitlab-org/gitlab/vendor"76without77Set via BUNDLE_WITHOUT: [:production, :development]78$ bundle install --jobs=$(nproc) --retry=3 --quiet && bundle check79Don't run Bundler as root. Bundler can ask for sudo if it is needed, and80installing your bundle as root will break this application for all non-root81users on this machine.82The Gemfile's dependencies are satisfied83==> 'bundle install --jobs=$(nproc) --retry=3 --quiet && bundle check' succeeded in 2 seconds.84$ bundle pristine pg85Installing pg 1.4.1 with native extensions86==> 'bundle pristine pg' succeeded in 10 seconds.87Using decomposed database config (config/database.yml.decomposed-postgresql)88$ setup_db_user_only89CREATE ROLE90GRANT91==> 'setup_db_user_only' succeeded in 0 seconds.92$ bundle exec rake db:drop db:create db:schema:load db:migrate93Dropped database 'gitlabhq_test'94Dropped database 'gitlabhq_test_ci'95Dropped database 'gitlabhq_geo_test'96Created database 'gitlabhq_test'97Created database 'gitlabhq_test_ci'98Created database 'gitlabhq_geo_test'99==> 'bundle exec rake db:drop db:create db:schema:load db:migrate' succeeded in 36 seconds.100$ setup_db_praefect101SELECT pg_catalog.set_config('search_path', '', false);102CREATE DATABASE praefect_test ENCODING 'UTF8';103==> 'setup_db_praefect' succeeded in 0 seconds.104$ run_timed_command "gem install knapsack --no-document"105$ gem install knapsack --no-document106Successfully installed knapsack-4.0.01071 gem installed108==> 'gem install knapsack --no-document' succeeded in 1 seconds.109$ run_timed_command "scripts/gitaly-test-spawn"110$ scripts/gitaly-test-spawn111find: ‘/builds/gitlab-org/gitlab/tmp/tests/gitaly/cmd’: No such file or directory112find: ‘/builds/gitlab-org/gitlab/tmp/tests/gitaly/cmd’: No such file or directory113find: ‘/builds/gitlab-org/gitlab/tmp/tests/gitaly/cmd’: No such file or directory114find: ‘/builds/gitlab-org/gitlab/tmp/tests/gitaly/cmd’: No such file or directory115find: ‘/builds/gitlab-org/gitlab/tmp/tests/gitaly/cmd’: No such file or directory116Don't run Bundler as root. Bundler can ask for sudo if it is needed, and117installing your bundle as root will break this application for all non-root118users on this machine.119Using abstract_type 0.0.7120Using concurrent-ruby 1.1.10121Using i18n 1.12.0122Using minitest 5.16.2123Using tzinfo 2.0.5124Using zeitwerk 2.6.0125Using activesupport builder 3.2.4127Using erubi 1.10.0128Using mini_portile2 2.8.0129Using racc 1.6.0130Using nokogiri 1.13.6 (x86_64-linux)131Using rails-dom-testing 2.0.3132Using crass 1.0.6133Using loofah 2.16.0134Using rails-html-sanitizer 1.4.2135Using actionview rack 2.2.3137Using rack-test 1.1.0138Using actionpack ice_nine 0.11.2140Using thread_safe 0.3.6141Using memoizable 0.4.2142Using adamantium 0.2.0143Using public_suffix 4.0.6144Using addressable 2.7.0145Using ast 2.4.2146Using binding_ninja 0.2.3147Using bundler 2.3.15148Using charlock_holmes 0.7.7149Using coderay 1.1.2150Using equalizer 0.0.11151Using concord 0.1.5152Using diff-lcs 1.3153Using dotenv 2.7.6154Using escape_utils 1.2.2155Using factory_bot 5.0.2156Using multipart-post 2.1.1157Using faraday 1.0.1158Using ffi 1.15.3159Using json 2.5.1160Using gemojione 3.3.0161Using mini_mime 1.1.2162Using rugged 1.2.0163Using github-linguist 7.20.0164Using github-markup 1.7.0165Using mime-types-data 3.2020.1104166Using mime-types 3.3.1167Using gitlab-gollum-rugged_adapter rouge 3.27.0169Using sanitize 6.0.0170Using stringex 2.8.5171Using gitlab-gollum-lib google-protobuf 3.21.3 (x86_64-linux)173Using googleapis-common-protos-types 1.3.0174Using grpc 1.42.0 (x86_64-linux)175Using opentracing 0.5.0176Using thrift 0.15.0177Using jaeger-client 1.1.0178Using pg_query 2.1.1179Using redis 4.4.0180Using gitlab-labkit 0.23.0181Using rubyzip 2.3.2182Using thor 1.1.0183Using tomlrb 2.0.1184Using with_env 1.1.0185Using rexml 3.2.5186Using xml-simple 1.1.9187Using gitlab-license_finder gitlab-markup 1.7.1189Using grpc-tools 1.42.0190Using sawyer 0.8.2191Using octokit 4.20.0192Using reverse_markdown 1.4.0193Using licensee 9.14.1194Using method_source 0.9.2195Using msgpack 1.3.3196Using optimist 3.0.1197Using parallel 1.19.2198Using parser procto 0.0.3200Using unparser 0.4.7201Using proc_to_ast 0.1.0202Using pry 0.12.2203Using rainbow 3.0.0204Using rbtrace 0.4.14205Using rdoc 6.3.2206Using regexp_parser 1.8.1207Using rspec-support 3.8.0208Using rspec-core 3.8.0209Using rspec-expectations 3.8.3210Using rspec-mocks 3.8.0211Using rspec 3.8.0212Using rspec-parameterized 0.4.2213Using rubocop-ast 0.2.0214Using ruby-progressbar 1.10.1215Using unicode-display_width 1.7.0216Using rubocop 0.86.0217Using sentry-raven 3.0.4218Using timecop 0.9.1219Bundle complete! 22 Gemfile dependencies, 100 gems now installed.220Gems in the groups 'production' and 'development' were not installed.221Bundled gems are installed into `/builds/gitlab-org/gitlab/vendor/gitaly-ruby`222Checking gitaly-ruby Gemfile...223Checking gitaly-ruby bundle...224The Gemfile's dependencies are satisfied225Trying to connect to gitaly: ....................................... OK226Trying to connect to gitaly2: ......................................................... OK227Starting Praefect with in-memory election strategyTrying to connect to praefect: ........ OK228==> 'scripts/gitaly-test-spawn' succeeded in 12 seconds.229$ source ./scripts/rspec_helpers.sh230$ rspec_paralellized_job "--tag ~quarantine --tag ~level:migration"231SKIP_FLAKY_TESTS_AUTOMATICALLY: true232RETRY_FAILED_TESTS_IN_NEW_PROCESS: true233KNAPSACK_GENERATE_REPORT: true234FLAKY_RSPEC_GENERATE_REPORT: true235KNAPSACK_TEST_FILE_PATTERN: {ee/}spec/{features}{,/**/}*_spec.rb236KNAPSACK_LOG_LEVEL: debug237KNAPSACK_REPORT_PATH: knapsack/rspec-ee_system_pg12_6_6_report.json238FLAKY_RSPEC_SUITE_REPORT_PATH: rspec/flaky/report-suite.json239FLAKY_RSPEC_REPORT_PATH: rspec/flaky/all_rspec-ee_system_pg12_6_6_report.json240NEW_FLAKY_RSPEC_REPORT_PATH: rspec/flaky/new_rspec-ee_system_pg12_6_6_report.json241SKIPPED_FLAKY_TESTS_REPORT_PATH: rspec/flaky/skipped_flaky_tests_rspec-ee_system_pg12_6_6_report.txt242RETRIED_TESTS_REPORT_PATH: rspec/flaky/retried_tests_rspec-ee_system_pg12_6_6_report.txt243CRYSTALBALL: 244Knapsack report generator started!245/builds/gitlab-org/gitlab/spec/support/shared_contexts/features/integrations/integrations_shared_context.rb:69: warning: found `= literal' in conditional, should be ==246Run options: exclude {:quarantine=>true, :level=>"migration"}247Test environment set up in 0.841437417 seconds248Admin updates EE-only settings249 enables external authentication250 enable Slack application251 Geo settings252 when the license has Geo feature253 hides JS alert254 renders JS form255 when the license does not have Geo feature256 shows JS alert257 Elasticsearch settings258 changes elasticsearch settings259Starting the Capybara driver server...260Capybara starting Puma...261* Version 5.6.4 , codename: Birdie's Version262* Min threads: 0, max threads: 4263* Listening on unix:///tmp/20220801-468-eyom46264 allows limiting projects and namespaces to index265 allows removing all namespaces and projects266 zero-downtime reindexing shows popup267 when not licensed268 cannot access the page269 Templates page270 render "Templates" section271 render "Custom project templates" section272 LDAP settings273 with LDAP enabled274 changes to allow group owners to manage ldap275 with LDAP disabled276 does not show option to allow group owners to manage ldap277 package registry settings278 allows you to change the npm_forwarding setting279 allows you to change the pypi_forwarding setting280 sign up settings281 changes the user cap from unlimited to 5282 with a user cap assigned283 changes the user cap to unlimited284 with pending users285 displays a modal confirmation when removing the cap286 form submit button confirmation modal for side-effect of possibly adding unwanted new users287 submits_form if 'require admin approval for new sign-ups' is unchanged_true and the user cap is unchanged and doesn't have pending user count288 submits_form if 'require admin approval for new sign-ups' is unchanged_false and the user cap is unchanged and doesn't have pending user count289 shows_confirmation_modal if 'require admin approval for new sign-ups' is toggled_off and the user cap is unchanged and has pending user count290 submits_form if 'require admin approval for new sign-ups' is toggled_off and the user cap is unchanged and doesn't have pending user count291 submits_form if 'require admin approval for new sign-ups' is toggled_on and the user cap is unchanged and doesn't have pending user count292 shows_confirmation_modal if 'require admin approval for new sign-ups' is unchanged_false and the user cap is increased and has pending user count293 submits_form if 'require admin approval for new sign-ups' is unchanged_true and the user cap is increased and doesn't have pending user count294 shows_confirmation_modal if 'require admin approval for new sign-ups' is toggled_off and the user cap is increased and has pending user count295 submits_form if 'require admin approval for new sign-ups' is toggled_off and the user cap is increased and doesn't have pending user count296 shows_confirmation_modal if 'require admin approval for new sign-ups' is toggled_on and the user cap is increased and has pending user count297 submits_form if 'require admin approval for new sign-ups' is toggled_on and the user cap is increased and doesn't have pending user count298 submits_form if 'require admin approval for new sign-ups' is toggled_on and the user cap is decreased and doesn't have pending user count299 submits_form if 'require admin approval for new sign-ups' is toggled_on and the user cap is decreased and has pending user count300 shows_confirmation_modal if 'require admin approval for new sign-ups' is unchanged_false and the user cap is changed_from_limited_to_unlimited and has pending user count301 submits_form if 'require admin approval for new sign-ups' is unchanged_false and the user cap is changed_from_limited_to_unlimited and doesn't have pending user count302 submits_form if 'require admin approval for new sign-ups' is unchanged_false and the user cap is changed_from_unlimited_to_limited and doesn't have pending user count303 submits_form if 'require admin approval for new sign-ups' is unchanged_false and the user cap is unchanged_unlimited and doesn't have pending user count304 git abuse rate limit settings305 when license does not allow306 does not show the Git abuse rate limit section307 when license allows308 shows the Git abuse rate limit mode section309 when feature-flag is disabled310 does not show the Git abuse rate limit section311 when feature-flag is enabled312 shows the Git abuse rate limit section313 shows the input fields314 saves the settings315 shows form errors when the input value is blank316 shows form errors when the input value is greater than max317group epic roadmap318 when epics exist for the group319 roadmap page320 renders the filtered search bar correctly321 renders roadmap view322 renders all group epics within roadmap323 toggles settings sidebar on click settings button324 roadmap daterange filtering325 renders daterange filtering dropdown with "This quarter" selected by default no layout presets available326 selecting "This year" as daterange shows `Months` and `Weeks` layout presets327 selecting "Within 3 years" as daterange shows `Quarters`, `Months` and `Weeks` layout presets328 roadmap page with epics state filter329 renders open epics only330 renders closed epics only331 renders top level epics only332 roadmap with epics progress tracking333 renders progress bar using weight334 renders progress bar issue count335 turns off progress tracking336 roadmap milestones settings337 renders milestones section338 renders milestones based on filter339 turns off milestones340 roadmap page with filter applied341 renders filtered search bar with applied filter token342 renders roadmap view with matching epic343 roadmap page with sort order applied344 renders the epics in expected order345 filtered search346 behaves like filtered search bar347 filtered search bar tokens list348 renders values for token 'Author' correctly349 renders values for token 'Label' correctly350 renders values for token 'Milestone' correctly351 renders values for token 'Epic' correctly352 renders values for token 'My-Reaction' correctly353 filtered search bar sort dropdown354 renders sort option 'Start date' correctly355 renders sort option 'Due date' correctly356 that is a sub-group357 behaves like filtered search bar358 filtered search bar tokens list359 renders values for token 'Author' correctly360 renders values for token 'Label' correctly361 renders values for token 'Milestone' correctly362 renders values for token 'Epic' correctly363 renders values for token 'My-Reaction' correctly364 filtered search bar sort dropdown365 renders sort option 'Start date' correctly366 renders sort option 'Due date' correctly367 when no epics exist for the group368 roadmap page369 shows empty state page370Two merge requests on a merge train371 creates a pipeline for merge request 1372 creates a pipeline for merge request 2373 does not merge anything yet374 when the pipeline for merge request 1 succeeded375 merges merge request 1376 behaves like has an intact pipeline for merge request 2377 does not create a new pipeline for merge request 2378 when the pipeline for merge request 2 succeeded379 merges merge request 2380 when the pipeline for merge request 1 failed381 behaves like drops merge request 1 from the merge train382 drops merge request 1 from the merge train383 behaves like re-creates a pipeline for merge request 2384 has recreated pipeline385 when the pipeline for merge request 2 succeeded386 merges merge request 2387 when merge request 1 is canceled by a user388 behaves like drops merge request 1 from the merge train389 drops merge request 1 from the merge train390 behaves like re-creates a pipeline for merge request 2391 has recreated pipeline392 when the pipeline for merge request 2 succeeded393 merges merge request 2394 when merge request 1 got a new commit395 behaves like drops merge request 1 from the merge train396 drops merge request 1 from the merge train397 behaves like re-creates a pipeline for merge request 2398 has recreated pipeline399 when the pipeline for merge request 2 succeeded400 merges merge request 2401 when merge request 1 is not mergeable402 behaves like drops merge request 1 from the merge train403 drops merge request 1 from the merge train404 behaves like re-creates a pipeline for merge request 2405 has recreated pipeline406 when the pipeline for merge request 2 succeeded407 merges merge request 2408 when master got a new commit409 re-creates a pipeline for merge request 1410 re-creates a pipeline for merge request 2411 does not recreate pipeline when merge request 1 refreshed again412 when the pipeline for merge request 1 succeeded413 merges merge request 1414 when the pipeline for merge request 2 succeeded415 merges merge request 2416Projects > Members > Manage groups417 inviting group with restricted email domain418 shared project group is the root ancestor419 behaves like restricted membership by email domain420 shared project group has membership restricted by allowed email domains421 shared with group with a subset of allowed email domains422 behaves like adds group without validation error423 is expected to have text "Maintainer"424 shared with group containing domains outside the shared group allowed email domains425 behaves like inviting group fails with allowed email domain error426 is expected to have text "Invited group allowed email domains must contain a subset of the allowed email domains of the root ancestor group"427 shared with group does not have membership restricted by allowed domains428 behaves like inviting group fails with allowed email domain error429 is expected to have text "Invited group allowed email domains must contain a subset of the allowed email domains of the root ancestor group"430 shared project group does not have membership restricted by allowed domains431 shared with group has membership restricted by allowed email domains432 behaves like adds group without validation error433 is expected to have text "Maintainer"434 shared with group does not have membership restricted by allowed domains435 behaves like adds group without validation error436 is expected to have text "Maintainer"437 shared project group is a subgroup438 behaves like restricted membership by email domain439 shared project group has membership restricted by allowed email domains440 shared with group with a subset of allowed email domains441 behaves like adds group without validation error442 is expected to have text "Maintainer"443 shared with group containing domains outside the shared group allowed email domains444 behaves like inviting group fails with allowed email domain error445 is expected to have text "Invited group allowed email domains must contain a subset of the allowed email domains of the root ancestor group"446 shared with group does not have membership restricted by allowed domains447 behaves like inviting group fails with allowed email domain error448 is expected to have text "Invited group allowed email domains must contain a subset of the allowed email domains of the root ancestor group"449 shared project group does not have membership restricted by allowed domains450 shared with group has membership restricted by allowed email domains451 behaves like adds group without validation error452 is expected to have text "Maintainer"453 shared with group does not have membership restricted by allowed domains454 behaves like adds group without validation error455 is expected to have text "Maintainer"456 shared with group is a subgroup457 behaves like restricted membership by email domain458 shared project group has membership restricted by allowed email domains459 shared with group with a subset of allowed email domains460 behaves like adds group without validation error461 is expected to have text "Maintainer"462 shared with group containing domains outside the shared group allowed email domains463 behaves like inviting group fails with allowed email domain error464 is expected to have text "Invited group allowed email domains must contain a subset of the allowed email domains of the root ancestor group"465 shared with group does not have membership restricted by allowed domains466 behaves like inviting group fails with allowed email domain error467 is expected to have text "Invited group allowed email domains must contain a subset of the allowed email domains of the root ancestor group"468 shared project group does not have membership restricted by allowed domains469 shared with group has membership restricted by allowed email domains470 behaves like adds group without validation error471 is expected to have text "Maintainer"472 shared with group does not have membership restricted by allowed domains473 behaves like adds group without validation error474 is expected to have text "Maintainer"475 shared project group and shared with group are subgroups476 behaves like restricted membership by email domain477 shared project group has membership restricted by allowed email domains478 shared with group with a subset of allowed email domains479 behaves like adds group without validation error480 is expected to have text "Maintainer"481 shared with group containing domains outside the shared group allowed email domains482 behaves like inviting group fails with allowed email domain error483 is expected to have text "Invited group allowed email domains must contain a subset of the allowed email domains of the root ancestor group"484 shared with group does not have membership restricted by allowed domains485 behaves like inviting group fails with allowed email domain error486 is expected to have text "Invited group allowed email domains must contain a subset of the allowed email domains of the root ancestor group"487 shared project group does not have membership restricted by allowed domains488 shared with group has membership restricted by allowed email domains489 behaves like adds group without validation error490 is expected to have text "Maintainer"491 shared with group does not have membership restricted by allowed domains492 behaves like adds group without validation error493 is expected to have text "Maintainer"494Filter issues by iteration495 project issues list496 behaves like filters by iteration497 when iterations are not available498 does not show the iteration filter option499 when iterations are available500 when passing specific iteration by period501 behaves like filters issues by iteration502 filters correct issues503 when passing Current iteration504 behaves like filters issues by iteration505 filters correct issues506 when filtering by negated iteration507 with specific iteration508 behaves like filters issues by negated iteration509 filters by negated iteration510 with current iteration511 behaves like filters issues by negated iteration512 filters by negated iteration513 behaves like shows iterations when using iteration token514 when viewing list of iterations515 shows cadence titles, and iteration periods and dates516 group issues list517 behaves like filters by iteration518 when iterations are not available519 does not show the iteration filter option520 when iterations are available521 when passing specific iteration by period522 behaves like filters issues by iteration523 filters correct issues524 when passing Current iteration525 behaves like filters issues by iteration526 filters correct issues527 when filtering by negated iteration528 with specific iteration529 behaves like filters issues by negated iteration530 filters by negated iteration531 with current iteration532 behaves like filters issues by negated iteration533 filters by negated iteration534 behaves like shows iterations when using iteration token535 when viewing list of iterations536 shows cadence titles, and iteration periods and dates537 project board538 behaves like filters by iteration539 when iterations are not available540 does not show the iteration filter option541 when iterations are available542 when passing specific iteration by period543 behaves like filters issues by iteration544 filters correct issues545 when passing Current iteration546 behaves like filters issues by iteration547 filters correct issues548 when filtering by negated iteration549 with specific iteration550 behaves like filters issues by negated iteration551 filters by negated iteration552 with current iteration553 behaves like filters issues by negated iteration554 filters by negated iteration555 group board556 behaves like filters by iteration557 when iterations are not available558 does not show the iteration filter option559 when iterations are available560 when passing specific iteration by period561 behaves like filters issues by iteration562 filters correct issues563 when passing Current iteration564 behaves like filters issues by iteration565 filters correct issues566 when filtering by negated iteration567 with specific iteration568 behaves like filters issues by negated iteration569 filters by negated iteration570 with current iteration571 behaves like filters issues by negated iteration572 filters by negated iteration573epic boards574 display epics in board575 displays default lists and a label list576 displays two epics in Open list577 displays one epic in Label list578 creates new column for label containing labeled epic579 moves to the bottom of another list580 moves to the top of another list581 moving updates weight of both lists582 lists583 changes position of list584 dragging does not duplicate list585 allows user to delete list from list settings sidebar586 when user can admin epic boards587 shows 'Create list' button588 creates board filtering by one label589 adds label to board scope and filters epics590 when user cannot admin epic boards591 does not show 'Create list'592 can view board scope593 does not show Remove list in list settings sidebar594 filtered search595 can select a Label in order to filter the board by not equals596 can select a Label in order to filter the board by equals597 can select an Author in order to filter the board by equals598 can select an Author in order to filter the board by not equals599 can search for an epic in the search bar600epics swimlanes601 link to swimlanes view602 displays epics swimlanes when link to boards with group_by epic in URL603 displays issue not assigned to epic title and unassigned issues lane only on expand604 displays default lists and a label list605 switch to swimlanes view606 displays epics swimlanes when selecting Epic in Group by dropdown607 displays issue not assigned to epic title and unassigned issues lane only on expand608 issue cards609 highlights an issue card on click610 unhighlights a selected issue card on click611 add issue to swimlanes list612 displays new issue button613 shows form in unassigned issues lane when clicking button614 hides form when clicking cancel615 creates new issue in unassigned issues lane616Requirements list617 when requirements exist for the project618 shows the requirements in the navigation sidebar619 shows requirements tabs for each status type620 shows filtered search input621 filtered search input622 shows filter tokens author and status623 shows options `satisfied`, `failed` and `missing` for status token624 new requirement625 shows requirement create form when "New requirement" button is clicked626 disables new requirement button while create form is open627 creates new requirement628 updates requirements count in nav sidebar and opened and all tab badges629 open tab630 shows button "New requirement"631 shows list of all open requirements632 shows title, metadata and actions within each requirement item633 shows title and description along with edit button in drawer634 shows edit form when edit button is clicked for a requirement635 updates requirement using edit form636 archives a requirement637 archived tab638 does not show button "New requirement"639 shows list of all archived requirements640 shows title, metadata and actions within each requirement item641 reopens a requirement642 all tab643 does not show button "New requirement"644 shows list of all requirements645 filtered search646 shows filtered search input field647 shows sort dropdown648 when accessing project as guest user649 open tab does not show button "New requirement"650 when accessing project as logged out user651 renders the empty state652Epic in issue sidebar653 when epics available654 behaves like epic in issue sidebar655 projects within a group656 shows epic in issue sidebar657 shows edit button in issue sidebar658 shows epics select dropdown659 supports searching for an epic660 select an epic from the dropdown661 project within a subgroup662 shows all epics belonging to the sub group and its parents663 personal projects664 does not show epic in issue sidebar665 with namespaced plans666 group has license667 behaves like epic in issue sidebar668 projects within a group669 shows epic in issue sidebar670 shows edit button in issue sidebar671 shows epics select dropdown672 supports searching for an epic673 select an epic from the dropdown674 project within a subgroup675 shows all epics belonging to the sub group and its parents676 personal projects677 does not show epic in issue sidebar678 group has no license679 does not show epic for public projects and groups680 when epics unavailable681 does not show epic in issue sidebar682Related issues683 when user has permission to manage related issues684 with "Relates to", "Blocks", "Is blocked by" groupings685 when adding a "relates_to" issue686 shows "Relates to" heading687 shows the added issue688 when adding a "blocks" issue689 shows "Blocks" heading690 shows the added issue691 when adding an "is_blocked_by" issue692 shows "Is blocked by" heading693 shows the added issue694 when clicking the top `Close issue` button in the issue header695 behaves like issue closed by modal696 shows a modal to confirm closing the issue697 when clicking the bottom `Close issue` button below the comment textarea698 behaves like issue closed by modal699 shows a modal to confirm closing the issue700 when adding "relates_to", "blocks", and "is_blocked_by" issues701 shows "Blocks", "Is blocked by", and "Relates to" headings702 shows all added issues703Disable Merge Trains Setting704 when visiting the project settings page705 merge_pipelines_setting: true, merge_trains_setting: true706 merge pipelines checkbox is always enabled707 merge trains checkbox is enabled only when merge_pipelines_enabled is true708 merge_pipelines_setting: true, merge_trains_setting: false709 merge pipelines checkbox is always enabled710 merge trains checkbox is enabled only when merge_pipelines_enabled is true711 merge_pipelines_setting: false, merge_trains_setting: true712 merge pipelines checkbox is always enabled713 merge trains checkbox is enabled only when merge_pipelines_enabled is true714 merge_pipelines_setting: false, merge_trains_setting: false715 merge pipelines checkbox is always enabled716 merge trains checkbox is enabled only when merge_pipelines_enabled is true717 when merge pipelines is enabled718 merge pipelines checkbox is always enabled719 merge trains checkbox is enabled only when merge_pipelines_enabled is true720 checking merge trains checkbox doesn't affect merge pipelines checkbox721 unchecking merge pipelines checkbox disables merge trains checkbox722 unchecking merge pipelines checkbox unchecks merge trains checkbox if it was previously checked723 when merge pipelines is disabled724 merge pipelines checkbox is always enabled725 merge trains checkbox is enabled only when merge_pipelines_enabled is true726 checking merge pipelines checkbox enables merge trains checkbox727 checking merge pipelines checkbox should leave merge trains checkbox unchecked728 when both merge pipelines and merge trains are enabled729 merge pipelines checkbox is always enabled730 merge trains checkbox is enabled only when merge_pipelines_enabled is true731 unchecking merge pipelines checkbox disables and unchecks merge trains checkbox732 unchecking merge trains checkbox doesn't affect merge pipelines checkbox733Pipeline734 GET /:project/-/pipelines/:id735 triggered and triggered by pipelines736 renders downstream pipeline737 expands the upstream pipeline on click738 renders upstream pipeline739 expands the upstream on click740 closes the expanded upstream on click741 expands the downstream pipeline on click742 expands the downstream on click743 closes the expanded downstream on click744 when :ci_require_credit_card_on_free_plan flag is on745 on free plan746 does not show an alert to verify an account with a credit card747 when failed748 shows an alert to verify an account with a credit card749 GET /:project/-/pipelines/:id/validate_account750 redirects to pipeline page with account validation modal opened751 with payment validation via api feature flag752 pushes use_api_for_payment_validation feature flag753Project settings > Issues754 when Issues are initially enabled755 when Pipelines are initially enabled756 shows the Issues settings757 when Issues are initially disabled758 does not show the Issues settings759 issuable default templates feature not available760 input to configure issue template is not shown761 issuable default templates feature is available762 input to configure issue template is not shown763 when viewing CVE request settings764 CVE ID Request toggle should only be visible if the feature is enabled765 when viewing CVE request settings on GitLab.com766 project_vis: :public, cve_enabled: true, toggle_checked: true, toggle_disabled: false767 CVE ID Request toggle should be correctly visible768 project_vis: :public, cve_enabled: false, toggle_checked: false, toggle_disabled: false769 CVE ID Request toggle should be correctly visible770 project_vis: :internal, cve_enabled: true, toggle_checked: false, toggle_disabled: true771 CVE ID Request toggle should be correctly visible772 project_vis: :internal, cve_enabled: false, toggle_checked: false, toggle_disabled: true773 CVE ID Request toggle should be correctly visible774 project_vis: :private, cve_enabled: true, toggle_checked: false, toggle_disabled: true775 CVE ID Request toggle should be correctly visible776 project_vis: :private, cve_enabled: false, toggle_checked: false, toggle_disabled: true777 CVE ID Request toggle should be correctly visible778 when viewing CVE request settings not on GitLab.com779 project_vis: :public, cve_enabled: true780 CVE ID Request toggle should never be visible781 project_vis: :internal, cve_enabled: true782 CVE ID Request toggle should never be visible783 project_vis: :private, cve_enabled: true784 CVE ID Request toggle should never be visible785Reset namespace pipeline minutes786 for user namespace787 reset pipeline minutes button is visible788 when namespace has minutes used789 resets pipeline minutes790 when resetting pipeline minutes fails791 renders edit page with an error792 when creating a new group793 does not display reset pipeline minutes callout794 for group namespace795 reset pipeline minutes button is visible796 when namespace has minutes used797 resets pipeline minutes798 when resetting pipeline minutes fails799 renders edit page with an error800User views iteration801 with license802 when iteration_cadences FF is disabled803 behaves like render iteration page804 view an iteration805Checking for expected text of nil is confusing and/or pointless since it will always match. Please specify a string or regexp instead. /builds/gitlab-org/gitlab/ee/spec/features/projects/iterations/user_views_iteration_spec.rb:25806 shows iteration info807 when grouping by label808 behaves like iteration report group by label809 groups by label810 shows ungrouped issues when `Group by: None` is selected again811 shows ungrouped issues when label `x` is clicked to remove it812 with old routes813 is expected to have current path "/group131/project119/-/iterations/2"814 behaves like render iteration page815 view an iteration816Checking for expected text of nil is confusing and/or pointless since it will always match. Please specify a string or regexp instead. /builds/gitlab-org/gitlab/ee/spec/features/projects/iterations/user_views_iteration_spec.rb:25817 shows iteration info818 when iteration_cadences FF is enabled819 behaves like render iteration page820 view an iteration821Checking for expected text of nil is confusing and/or pointless since it will always match. Please specify a string or regexp instead. /builds/gitlab-org/gitlab/ee/spec/features/projects/iterations/user_views_iteration_spec.rb:25822 shows iteration info823 when grouping by label824 behaves like iteration report group by label825 groups by label826 shows ungrouped issues when `Group by: None` is selected again827 shows ungrouped issues when label `x` is clicked to remove it828 without license829 shows page not found830Referencing Epics831 reference on an issue832 when referencing epics from the direct parent833 displays link to the reference834 when referencing an epic from another group835 when non group member displays the issue836 when referenced epic is in a public group837 displays link to the reference838 when referenced epic is in a private group839 does not display link to the reference840 when a group member displays the issue841 when referenced epic is in a private group842 displays link to the reference843 note cross-referencing844 when referencing an epic from an issue note845Skipping ./ee/spec/features/epics/referencing_epics_spec.rb[1:2:1:1] 'Referencing Epics note cross-referencing when referencing an epic from an issue note creates a note with reference and cross references the epic' because it's flaky.846 creates a note with reference and cross references the epic (PENDING: around hook at ./spec/support/flaky_tests.rb:21 did not execute the example)847 when referencing an issue from an epic848 creates a note with reference and cross references the issue849Group information850 when the default value of "Group information content" preference is used851 displays the Details view852 when Security Dashboard view is set as default853 and Security Dashboard feature is not available for a group854 displays the "Security Dashboard unavailable" empty state855 qrtly reconciliation alert856 on self-managed857 behaves like a hidden qrtly reconciliation alert858 does not display an alert859 on dotcom860 when qrtly reconciliation is available861 behaves like a visible dismissible qrtly reconciliation alert862 when dismissed863 behaves like a hidden qrtly reconciliation alert864 does not display an alert865 when visiting again866 behaves like a hidden qrtly reconciliation alert867 does not display an alert868 when qrtly reconciliation is not available869 behaves like a hidden qrtly reconciliation alert870 does not display an alert871 when over free user limit872 behaves like over the free user limit alert873 when over limit for preview874 behaves like performs entire show dismiss cycle875 shows free user limit warning and honors dismissal876 when reached/over limit877 behaves like performs entire show dismiss cycle878 shows free user limit warning and honors dismissal879Filter issues by epic880 when group issues list page881 behaves like filter issues by epic882 filters issues by epic883 filters issues by negated epic884 shows epics in the filtered search dropdown885 shows correct filtered search epic token value886 when project issues list page887 behaves like filter issues by epic888 filters issues by epic889 filters issues by negated epic890 shows epics in the filtered search dropdown891 shows correct filtered search epic token value892Merge request > User edits MR with multiple reviewers893 behaves like multiple reviewers merge request894 updates a MR with multiple reviewers895 user approval rules896 is not shown in assignee dropdown897 is shown in reviewer dropdown898 escapes rule name899 is shown in reviewer dropdown900 code owner approval rules901 displays "Code Owner" text in reviewer dropdown902Trial Select Namespace903 when user904 when source is not about.gitlab.com905 shows company/individual question906 when source is about.gitlab.com907 hides company/individual duplicate question908 selects create a new group909 shows the new group name input910 enters a valid new group name911 when user can create groups912 proceeds to the next step913 when user can not create groups914 returns 404915 enters an existing group name916 proceeds to the next step with a unique url917 and does not enter a new group name918 shows validation error919 selects an existing group920 without trial plan921 does not show the new group name input922 applies trial and redirects to dashboard923 with trial plan924 shows validation error925Project settings > [EE] Merge Requests926 Status checks927 Feature flag is disabled928 does not render the status checks area929 Feature flag is enabled930 Feature is not available931 does not render the status checks area932 Feature is available933 adds a status check934 with a status check935 updates the status check936 removes the status check937 Issuable default templates938 Feature is not available939 input to configure merge request template is not shown940 does not mention the merge request template in the section's description text941 Feature is available942 input to configure merge request template is shown943 mentions the merge request template in the section's description text944Welcome screen945 when on GitLab.com946 shows the welcome page947 has validations948 allows specifying other for jobs_to_be_done949 email opt in950 does not show the email opt in checkbox when setting up for a company951 shows the email opt in checkbox when setting up for just me952Assign labels to an epic953 when label is referenced954 creates new system note with label pointing to epics index page955 when labels icon is clicked on collapsed sidebar956 expands sidebar957 opens labels dropdown958 collapses sidebar when clicked outside959User approves a merge request960 when user can approve961 approves a merge request962 when a merge request is approved additionally963 shows multiple approvers beyond the needed count (PENDING: Temporarily skipped with xit)964 doesn't show the add approval when a merge request is closed965 when user cannot approve966 does not approves a merge request967CI shared runner settings968 without global shared runners quota969 displays ratio with global quota970 with global shared runners quota971 displays ratio with global quota972 displays new ratio with overridden group quota973 displays unlimited ratio with overridden group quota974EE user opens IDE975 no push rules976 behaves like no warning977 does not show warning978 when has reject_unsigned_commit push rule979 behaves like has warning980 shows warning981 and feature flag off982 behaves like no warning983 does not show warning984Issue board filters985 filters by epic986 loads all the epics when opened and submit one as filter987 filters by iteration988 loads all the iterations when opened and submit one as filter989 filters by weight990 loads all the weights when opened and submit one as filter991Feature flag issue links992 linking a feature flag to an issue993 user can link a feature flag to an issue994 user sees simple form without relates to / blocks / is blocked by radio buttons995 autocompletes issues996 when the feature is unlicensed997 does not show the related issues widget998 unlinking a feature flag from an issue999 user can unlink a feature flag from an issue1000User manages members1001 as project maintainer1002 behaves like when group membership is unlocked1003 is expected to have visible css ".js-invite-members-trigger"1004 is expected to have visible css ".js-invite-group-trigger"1005 is expected to have visible css ".js-import-project-members-trigger"1006 behaves like when group membership is locked1007 is expected to not have visible css ".js-invite-members-trigger"1008 is expected to have visible css ".js-invite-group-trigger"1009 as group owner1010 behaves like when group membership is unlocked1011 is expected to have visible css ".js-invite-members-trigger"1012 is expected to have visible css ".js-invite-group-trigger"1013 is expected to have visible css ".js-import-project-members-trigger"1014 behaves like when group membership is locked1015 is expected to not have visible css ".js-invite-members-trigger"1016 is expected to have visible css ".js-invite-group-trigger"1017User activates Jira1018 user sets and activates Jira integration1019 when Jira connection test succeeds1020 adds Jira links to "Issues" sidebar menu1021 when jira_issues_integration feature is not available1022 does not show Jira links in "Issues" sidebar menu1023Milestones on EE1024 burndown charts1025 with the milestone charts feature available1026 shows a burndown chart1027 with due & start date not set1028 shows a mention to fill in dates1029 with the milestone charts feature disabled1030 has a link to upgrade to Bronze when checking the namespace plan1031 has a link to upgrade to starter on premise1032 with the issuable weights feature disabled1033 has a link to upgrade to Bronze when checking the namespace plan1034 has a link to upgrade to starter on premise1035 milestone summary1036 shows the total weight when sum is greater than zero1037 hides the total weight when sum is equal to zero1038Pending project memberships1039 with a private project in a private group1040 a pending project member gets a 404 for a private project1041 a pending project member gets a 404 for the project's private group1042 a project member can see the project's private group once the membership transitions to active1043 when a pending group membership is created with an existing pending project membership1044 a pending member gets a 404 for the project's private group1045 with a public project in a public group1046 a pending project member sees a public project as if not a member1047 a pending project member sees the project's public group as if not a member1048 with a subgroup project1049 a pending project member sees the root group as if not a member1050Group1051 group edit1052 when licensed feature group wikis is not enabled1053 does not show the wiki settings menu1054 wiki_access_level setting1055 saves new settings1056Group Feature Discovery Moments1057 Advanced Features Dashboard1058 when the cross_stage_fdm experiment is enabled1059 provides the expected feature discovery experience1060 when the cross_stage_fdm experiment is not enabled1061 does not provide a link to the FDM page, but still allows access1062Project navbar1063 when iterations is available1064 when project is namespaced to a user1065 behaves like verified navigation bar1066 renders correctly1067 when project is namespaced to a group1068 behaves like verified navigation bar1069 renders correctly1070 when issue analytics is available1071 behaves like verified navigation bar1072 renders correctly1073 when security dashboard is available1074 behaves like verified navigation bar1075 renders correctly1076 when packages are available1077 behaves like verified navigation bar1078 renders correctly1079 when container registry is available1080 behaves like verified navigation bar1081 renders correctly1082 when harbor registry is available1083 behaves like verified navigation bar1084 renders correctly1085Changes plan for group1086 for group namespace1087 changes the plan1088 for user namespace1089Skipping ./ee/spec/features/admin/groups/admin_changes_plan_spec.rb[1:2:1] 'Changes plan for group for user namespace changes the plan' because it's flaky.1090 changes the plan (PENDING: around hook at ./spec/support/flaky_tests.rb:21 did not execute the example)1091Dashboard projects1092 behaves like dashboard ultimate trial callout1093 hides promotion callout if not .com1094 .com1095 shows dismissable promotion callout if default dashboard for an owner1096 hides dismissable promotion callout if default dashboard for a non group owner1097 hides dismissable promotion callout if not default dashboard1098 hides promotion callout if a trial is active1099 hides promotion callout if user owns a paid namespace1100Merge request > User uses quick actions1101 merge-request-only commands1102 adding a weight from a note1103 does not recognize the command nor create a note1104Dashboard issues1105 behaves like dashboard ultimate trial callout1106 hides promotion callout if not .com1107 .com1108 shows dismissable promotion callout if default dashboard for an owner1109 hides dismissable promotion callout if default dashboard for a non group owner1110 hides dismissable promotion callout if not default dashboard1111 hides promotion callout if a trial is active1112 hides promotion callout if user owns a paid namespace1113Billings > Qrtly Reconciliation Alert1114 when qrtly reconciliation is available1115 behaves like a visible dismissible qrtly reconciliation alert1116 when dismissed1117 behaves like a hidden qrtly reconciliation alert1118 does not display an alert1119 when visiting again1120 behaves like a hidden qrtly reconciliation alert1121 does not display an alert1122 when qrtly reconciliation is not available1123 behaves like a hidden qrtly reconciliation alert1124 does not display an alert1125Dashboard activity1126 behaves like dashboard ultimate trial callout1127 hides promotion callout if not .com1128 .com1129 shows dismissable promotion callout if default dashboard for an owner1130 hides dismissable promotion callout if default dashboard for a non group owner1131 hides dismissable promotion callout if not default dashboard1132 hides promotion callout if a trial is active1133 hides promotion callout if user owns a paid namespace1134Group reporting settings1135 displays the side bar menu item1136 updates the settings1137 displays validation errors1138 displays client side validation errors1139User creates feature flag1140 when creates without changing scopes1141 records audit event1142Public Project Snippets Access1143 GET /:project_path/snippets1144DEPRECATION WARNING: `.reorder(nil)` with `.first` / `.first!` no longer takes non-deterministic result in Rails 7.0. To continue taking non-deterministic result, use `.take` / `.take!` instead. (called from snippet_counts at /builds/gitlab-org/gitlab/app/services/snippets/count_service.rb:73)1145 is expected to be allowed for auditor1146 GET /:project_path/snippets/new1147 is expected to be denied for auditor1148 GET /:project_path/snippets/:id1149 for a public snippet1150 is expected to be allowed for auditor1151 for an internal snippet1152 is expected to be allowed for auditor1153 for a private snippet1154 is expected to be allowed for auditor1155 GET /:project_path/snippets/:id/raw1156 for a public snippet1157 is expected to be allowed for auditor1158 for an internal snippet1159 is expected to be allowed for auditor1160 for a private snippet1161 is expected to be allowed for auditor1162Jira issues list1163 renders "Create new issue" button1164 when jira_issues_integration licensed feature is not available1165 does not render "Create new issue" button1166 on gitlab.com1167WARNING: ignoring the provided expectation message argument ({:count=>2}) since it is not a string or a proc.1168 includes the Atlassian referrer in Jira links1169Project settings > [EE] repository1170 editing a push rule1171 push rules licensed1172 displays the new value in the form1173 saves the new value1174 push rules unlicensed1175 hides push rule settings1176Internal Project Snippets Access1177 GET /:project_path/snippets1178DEPRECATION WARNING: `.reorder(nil)` with `.first` / `.first!` no longer takes non-deterministic result in Rails 7.0. To continue taking non-deterministic result, use `.take` / `.take!` instead. (called from snippet_counts at /builds/gitlab-org/gitlab/app/services/snippets/count_service.rb:73)1179 is expected to be allowed for auditor1180 GET /:project_path/snippets/new1181 is expected to be denied for auditor1182 GET /:project_path/snippets/:id1183 for an internal snippet1184 is expected to be allowed for auditor1185 for a private snippet1186 is expected to be allowed for auditor1187 GET /:project_path/snippets/:id/raw1188 for an internal snippet1189 is expected to be allowed for auditor1190 for a private snippet1191 is expected to be allowed for auditor1192User creates iteration in a cadence1193 prefills fields and allows updating all values1194Profile access1195 GET /-/profile/keys1196 is expected to be allowed for auditor1197 GET /-/profile1198 is expected to be allowed for auditor1199 GET /-/profile/account1200 is expected to be allowed for auditor1201 GET /-/profile/preferences1202 is expected to be allowed for auditor1203 GET /-/profile/audit_log1204 is expected to be allowed for auditor1205 GET /-/profile/notifications1206 is expected to be allowed for auditor1207Issues > User edits issue1208 with multiple_issue_assignees1209 displays plural Assignees title1210User edits hooks1211 updates existing hook1212User views milestone1213 only shows releases that user has access to1214Group projects page1215 when group has project pending deletion1216 renders projects list1217User visits public profile1218 when user profile is provisioned by group1219 hide public_email1220 when hide_public_email_on_profile feature flag is disabled1221 displays public_email1222Admin::Projects1223 GET /admin/projects1224 is expected to be denied for auditor1225 GET /admin/users1226 is expected to be denied for auditor1227 GET /admin/hooks1228 is expected to be denied for auditor1229Knapsack report was generated. Preview:1230{1231 "ee/spec/features/admin/admin_settings_spec.rb": 327.65927944099985,1232 "ee/spec/features/groups/group_roadmap_spec.rb": 248.55377295400012,1233 "ee/spec/features/merge_trains/two_merge_requests_on_train_spec.rb": 196.64084028599973,1234 "ee/spec/features/projects/members/manage_groups_spec.rb": 166.39595744300004,1235 "ee/spec/features/issues/filtered_search/filter_issues_by_iteration_spec.rb": 146.06807451399982,1236 "ee/spec/features/epic_boards/epic_boards_spec.rb": 122.4319294009997,1237 "ee/spec/features/boards/swimlanes/epics_swimlanes_spec.rb": 98.55462936499998,1238 "ee/spec/features/projects/requirements_management/requirements_list_spec.rb": 85.62813172599999,1239 "ee/spec/features/issues/epic_in_issue_sidebar_spec.rb": 93.95140302900018,1240 "ee/spec/features/issues/related_issues_spec.rb": 86.43971388599994,1241 "ee/spec/features/projects/settings/disable_merge_trains_setting_spec.rb": 72.91162162899991,1242 "ee/spec/features/projects/pipelines/legacy_pipeline_spec.rb": 56.486836525999934,1243 "ee/spec/features/projects/settings/issues_settings_spec.rb": 59.66430878100027,1244 "ee/spec/features/admin/admin_reset_pipeline_minutes_spec.rb": 55.69095223499971,1245 "ee/spec/features/projects/iterations/user_views_iteration_spec.rb": 50.44246174999989,1246 "ee/spec/features/epics/referencing_epics_spec.rb": 39.701129908999974,1247 "ee/spec/features/groups/group_overview_spec.rb": 38.269188124999346,1248 "ee/spec/features/issues/filtered_search/filter_issues_epic_spec.rb": 41.599596797999766,1249 "ee/spec/features/merge_request/user_edits_multiple_reviewers_mr_spec.rb": 36.90082494699982,1250 "ee/spec/features/trials/select_namespace_spec.rb": 27.558932498000104,1251 "ee/spec/features/projects/settings/merge_requests_settings_spec.rb": 30.300172894999378,1252 "ee/spec/features/registrations/welcome_spec.rb": 27.998170976000438,1253 "ee/spec/features/epics/epic_labels_spec.rb": 25.025776759999644,1254 "ee/spec/features/projects/merge_requests/user_approves_merge_request_spec.rb": 25.71663829099998,1255 "ee/spec/features/ci_shared_runner_settings_spec.rb": 15.86227924800005,1256 "ee/spec/features/ide/user_opens_ide_spec.rb": 25.2568975159993,1257 "ee/spec/features/boards/board_filters_spec.rb": 21.623073484999622,1258 "ee/spec/features/projects/feature_flags/feature_flag_issues_spec.rb": 16.13658723199933,1259 "ee/spec/features/projects/settings/user_manages_members_spec.rb": 14.158433194999816,1260 "ee/spec/features/projects/integrations/user_activates_jira_spec.rb": 16.09291432400005,1261 "ee/spec/features/projects/milestones/milestone_spec.rb": 11.622133681000378,1262 "ee/spec/features/pending_project_memberships_spec.rb": 11.589530713000386,1263 "ee/spec/features/groups_spec.rb": 13.891337310000381,1264 "ee/spec/features/groups/feature_discovery_moments_spec.rb": 15.14025693900021,1265 "ee/spec/features/projects/navbar_spec.rb": 11.273901061000288,1266 "ee/spec/features/admin/groups/admin_changes_plan_spec.rb": 10.090735679999852,1267 "ee/spec/features/dashboards/projects_spec.rb": 8.60963822299982,1268 "ee/spec/features/merge_request/user_uses_slash_commands_spec.rb": 10.2690881489998,1269 "ee/spec/features/dashboards/issues_spec.rb": 9.163021418000426,1270 "ee/spec/features/billings/qrtly_reconciliation_alert_spec.rb": 10.818664870000248,1271 "ee/spec/features/dashboards/activity_spec.rb": 9.229402294000465,1272 "ee/spec/features/groups/settings/reporting_spec.rb": 7.646356438000112,1273 "ee/spec/features/projects/feature_flags/user_creates_feature_flag_spec.rb": 8.841434573999322,1274 "ee/spec/features/security/project/snippet/public_access_spec.rb": 5.83708998200018,1275 "ee/spec/features/integrations/jira/jira_issues_list_spec.rb": 6.420687341999837,1276 "ee/spec/features/projects/settings/push_rules_settings_spec.rb": 7.055315128000075,1277 "ee/spec/features/security/project/snippet/internal_access_spec.rb": 4.527586711999902,1278 "ee/spec/features/groups/iterations/user_creates_iteration_in_cadence_spec.rb": 5.582101496000178,1279 "ee/spec/features/security/profile_access_spec.rb": 4.435598936000133,1280 "ee/spec/features/issues/user_edits_issue_spec.rb": 4.597294428000168,1281 "ee/spec/features/groups/hooks/user_edits_hooks_spec.rb": 3.18954726299944,1282 "ee/spec/features/milestones/user_views_milestone_spec.rb": 3.4513534869993236,1283 "ee/spec/features/groups/group_projects_spec.rb": 1.667303123000238,1284 "ee/spec/features/profiles/user_visits_public_profile_spec.rb": 1.8818160210003043,1285 "ee/spec/features/security/admin_access_spec.rb": 1.1873804470005781286}1287Knapsack global time execution for tests: 40m 57s1288Pending: (Failures listed here are expected and do not affect your suite's status)1289 1) Referencing Epics note cross-referencing when referencing an epic from an issue note creates a note with reference and cross references the epic1290 # around hook at ./spec/support/flaky_tests.rb:21 did not execute the example1291 # ./ee/spec/features/epics/referencing_epics_spec.rb:1081292 2) User approves a merge request when a merge request is approved additionally shows multiple approvers beyond the needed count1293 # Temporarily skipped with xit1294 # ./ee/spec/features/projects/merge_requests/user_approves_merge_request_spec.rb:401295 3) Changes plan for group for user namespace changes the plan1296 # around hook at ./spec/support/flaky_tests.rb:21 did not execute the example1297 # ./ee/spec/features/admin/groups/admin_changes_plan_spec.rb:431298Finished in 41 minutes 2 seconds (files took 1 minute 20.77 seconds to load)1299467 examples, 0 failures, 3 pending1300Failed to write to log, write log/workhorse-test.log: file already closed1301RSpec exited with 0.1302No examples to retry, congrats!1304Not uploading cache ruby-gems-debian-bullseye-ruby-2.7-14 due to policy1305Not uploading cache gitaly-ruby-gems-debian-bullseye-ruby-2.7-14 due to policy1307Uploading artifacts...1308coverage/: found 5 matching files and directories 1309crystalball/: found 2 matching files and directories 1310deprecations/: found 9 matching files and directories 1311knapsack/: found 3 matching files and directories 1312rspec/: found 9 matching files and directories 1313WARNING: tmp/capybara/: no matching files. Ensure that the artifact path is relative to the working directory 1314log/*.log: found 19 matching files and directories 1315WARNING: Upload request redirected location= new-url=https://gitlab.com1316WARNING: Retrying... context=artifacts-uploader error=request redirected1317Uploading artifacts as "archive" to coordinator... 201 Created id=2799741133 responseStatus=201 Created token=yBxCMeWV1318Uploading artifacts...1319rspec/junit_rspec.xml: found 1 matching files and directories 1320WARNING: Upload request redirected location= new-url=https://gitlab.com1321WARNING: Retrying... context=artifacts-uploader error=request redirected1322Uploading artifacts as "junit" to coordinator... 201 Created id=2799741133 responseStatus=201 Created token=yBxCMeWV1324Job succeeded