Passed Started

🤖 GitLab Bot 🤖
1 Pipelines Table2 table3 ✔ should render a table4 ✔ should render table head with correct columns5 without data6 ✔ should render an empty table723 08 2019 10:53:46.808:WARN [web-server]: 404: /undefined8 with data9 ✔ should render rows1023 08 2019 10:53:46.847:WARN [web-server]: 404: /undefined11 Pipelines stage component12 ✔ should render a dropdown with the status icon1323 08 2019 10:53:46.859:WARN [web-server]: 404: /undefined14 with successful request15 ✔ should render the received data and emit `clickedDropdown` event1623 08 2019 10:53:46.892:WARN [web-server]: 404: /undefined17 when request fails18 ✔ should close the dropdown1923 08 2019 10:53:46.904:WARN [web-server]: 404: /undefined20 update endpoint correctly21 ✔ should update the stage to request the new endpoint provided2223 08 2019 10:53:46.949:WARN [web-server]: 404: /undefined2323 08 2019 10:53:46.981:WARN [web-server]: 404: /undefined24 pipelineActionRequestComplete25 within pipeline table26 ✔ emits `refreshPipelinesTable` event when `pipelineActionRequestComplete` is triggered27 Timeago component28 with duration29 ✔ should render duration and timer svg30 without duration31 ✔ should not render duration and timer svg32 with finishedTime33 ✔ should render time and calendar icon34 without finishedTime35 ✔ should not render time and calendar icon36 ✔ should be defined37 ✔ should create a `Pipelines` instance without options38 Element polyfills39 matches40 ✔ returns true if element matches the selector41 ✔ returns false if element doesn't match the selector42 closest43 ✔ returns the closest parent that matches the selector44 ✔ returns itself if it matches the selector45 ✔ returns undefined if nothing matches the selector46 DeleteAccountModal component47 with password confirmation48 ✔ does not accept empty password49 ✔ submits form with password50 with username confirmation51 ✔ does not accept wrong username52 ✔ submits form with correct username53 UpdateUsername component54 ✔ has a disabled button if the username was not changed55 ✔ has an enabled button which if the username was changed56 ✔ confirmation modal contains proper header and body57 ✔ confirmation modal should escape usernames properly58 ✔ executes API call on confirmation button click59 ✔ sets the username after a successful update60 ✔ does not set the username after a erroneous update61 AddSshKeyValidation62 submit63 ✔ returns true if isValid is true64 ✔ calls preventDefault and toggleWarning if isValid is false65 toggleWarning66 ✔ shows warningElement and hides originalSubmitElement if isVisible is true67 ✔ hides warningElement and shows originalSubmitElement if isVisible is false68 isPublicKey69 ✔ returns false if probably invalid public ssh key70 ✔ returns true if probably valid public ssh key71 Project Select Combo Button72 on page load when localStorage is empty73 ✔ newItemBtn href is null74 ✔ newItemBtn text is the plain default label75 on page load when localStorage is filled76 ✔ newItemBtn href is correctly set77 ✔ newItemBtn text is the cached label78 after selecting a new project79 ✔ newItemBtn href is correctly set80 ✔ newItemBtn text is the selected project label81 deriveTextVariants82 ✔ correctly derives test variants for merge requests83 ✔ correctly derives text variants for issues84 GkeMachineTypeDropdown85 shows various toggle text depending on state86 ✔ returns disabled state toggle text when no project and zone are selected87 ✔ returns disabled state toggle text when no zone is selected88 ✔ returns loading toggle text89 ✔ returns default toggle text90 ✔ returns machine type name if machine type selected91 form input92 ✔ reflects new value when dropdown item is clicked93 GkeProjectIdDropdown94 toggleText95 ✔ returns loading toggle text96 ✔ returns project billing validation text97 ✔ returns default toggle text98 ✔ returns project name if project selected99 ✔ returns empty toggle text100 selectItem101 ✔ reflects new value when dropdown item is clicked102 GkeZoneDropdown103 toggleText104 ✔ returns disabled state toggle text105 ✔ returns loading toggle text106 ✔ returns default toggle text107 ✔ returns project name if project selected108 selectItem109 ✔ reflects new value when dropdown item is clicked110 GCP Cluster Dropdown Store Actions111 setProject112 ✔ should set project113 setZone114 ✔ should set zone115 setMachineType116 ✔ should set machine type117 setIsValidatingProjectBilling118 ✔ should set machine type119 async fetch methods120 fetchProjects121 ✔ fetches projects from Google API122 validateProjectBilling123 ✔ checks project billing status from Google API124 fetchZones125 ✔ fetches zones from Google API126 fetchMachineTypes127 ✔ fetches machine types from Google API128 GCP Cluster Dropdown Store Getters129 valid states130 hasProject131 ✔ should return true when project is selected132 hasZone133 ✔ should return true when zone is selected134 hasMachineType135 ✔ should return true when machine type is selected136 invalid states137 hasProject138 ✔ should return false when project is not selected139 hasZone140 ✔ should return false when zone is not selected141 hasMachineType142 ✔ should return false when machine type is not selected143 GCP Cluster Dropdown Store Mutations144 SET_PROJECT145 ✔ should set GCP project as selectedProject146 SET_PROJECT_BILLING_STATUS147 ✔ should set project billing status148 SET_ZONE149 ✔ should set GCP zone as selectedZone150 SET_MACHINE_TYPE151 ✔ should set GCP machine type as selectedMachineType152 SET_PROJECTS153 ✔ should set Google API Projects response as projects154 SET_ZONES155 ✔ should set Google API Zones response as zones156 SET_MACHINE_TYPES157 ✔ should set Google API Machine Types response as machineTypes158 Import Gitlab project159 path name160 ✔ should fill in the project name derived from the previously filled project name161 New Project162 deriveProjectPathFromUrl163 ✔ does not change project path for disabled $projectImportUrl164 for enabled $projectImportUrl165 ✔ does not change project path if it is set by user166 ✔ does not change project path for empty $projectImportUrl167 ✔ does not change project path for whitespace $projectImportUrl168 ✔ does not change project path for $projectImportUrl without slashes169 ✔ changes project path to last $projectImportUrl component170 ✔ ignores trailing slashes in $projectImportUrl171 ✔ ignores fragment identifier in $projectImportUrl172 ✔ ignores query string in $projectImportUrl173 ✔ ignores trailing .git in $projectImportUrl174 ✔ changes project path for HTTPS URL in $projectImportUrl175 ✔ changes project path for SSH URL in $projectImportUrl176 deriveSlugFromProjectName177 ✔ converts project name to lower case and dash-limited slug178 ✔ does not add additional dashes in the slug if the project name already contains dashes179 PrometheusMetrics180 constructor181 ✔ should initialize wrapper element refs on class object182 ✔ should initialize metadata on class object183 showMonitoringMetricsPanelState184 ✔ should show loading state when called with `loading`185 ✔ should show metrics list when called with `list`186 ✔ should show empty state when called with `empty`187 populateActiveMetrics188 ✔ should show monitored metrics list189 ✔ should show missing environment variables list190 loadActiveMetrics191 ✔ should show loader animation while response is being loaded and hide it when request is complete192 ✔ should show empty state if response failed to load193 ✔ should populate metrics list once response is loaded194 RavenConfig options195 ✔ should init with .sentryDsn, .currentUserId, .whitelistUrls and environment196 ✔ should return RavenConfig197 RavenConfig198 IGNORE_ERRORS199 ✔ should be an array of strings200 IGNORE_URLS201 ✔ should be an array of regexps202 SAMPLE_RATE203 ✔ should be a finite number204 init205 ✔ should set the options property206 ✔ should call the configure method207 ✔ should call the error bindings method208 ✔ should call setUser209 ✔ should not call setUser if there is no current user ID210 configure211 ✔ should call Raven.config212 ✔ should call Raven.install213 ✔ should set environment from options214 setUser215 ✔ should call .setUserContext216 handleRavenErrors217 ✔ should call Raven.captureMessage218 if no err is provided219 ✔ should use req.statusText as the error value220 if no req.responseText is provided221 ✔ should use `Unknown response text` as the response222 shouldSendSample223 ✔ should call Math.random224 ✔ should return true if the sample rate is greater than the random number * 100225 ✔ should return false if the sample rate is less than the random number * 100226 ✔ should return true if the sample rate is equal to the random number * 100227 Read more click-to-expand functionality228 expands target element229 ✔ adds "is-expanded" class to target element23023 08 2019 10:53:48.741:WARN [web-server]: 404: /undefined23123 08 2019 10:53:48.749:WARN [web-server]: 404: /foo232 Registry List233 with data234 ✔ should render a list of repos23523 08 2019 10:53:48.792:WARN [web-server]: 404: /undefined236 delete repository237 ✔ should be possible to delete a repo23823 08 2019 10:53:48.842:WARN [web-server]: 404: /undefined239 toggle repository240 ✔ should open the container24123 08 2019 10:53:48.899:WARN [web-server]: 404: /undefined24223 08 2019 10:53:48.931:WARN [web-server]: 404: /foo243 without data244 ✔ should render empty message24523 08 2019 10:53:48.952:WARN [web-server]: 404: /undefined24623 08 2019 10:53:48.958:WARN [web-server]: 404: /foo247 while loading data248 ✔ should render a loading spinner24923 08 2019 10:53:48.974:WARN [web-server]: 404: /foo250 invalid characters in path251 ✔ should render invalid characters error message25223 08 2019 10:53:48.988:WARN [web-server]: 404: /undefined253 collapsible registry container254 toggle255 ✔ should be closed by default25623 08 2019 10:53:49.010:WARN [web-server]: 404: /undefined257 ✔ should be open when user clicks on closed repo25823 08 2019 10:53:49.076:WARN [web-server]: 404: /undefined259 ✔ should be closed when the user clicks on an opened repo26023 08 2019 10:53:49.157:WARN [web-server]: 404: /undefined261 delete repo262 ✔ should be possible to delete a repo26323 08 2019 10:53:49.175:WARN [web-server]: 404: /undefined264 ✔ should call deleteItem when confirming deletion26523 08 2019 10:53:49.230:WARN [web-server]: 404: /undefined266 table registry267 rendering268 ✔ should render a table with the registry list26923 08 2019 10:53:49.267:WARN [web-server]: 404: /undefined270 ✔ should render registry tag27123 08 2019 10:53:49.311:WARN [web-server]: 404: /undefined272 multi select273 ✔ should support multiselect and selecting a row should enable delete button27423 08 2019 10:53:49.369:WARN [web-server]: 404: /undefined275 ✔ selecting all checkbox should select all rows and enable delete button27623 08 2019 10:53:49.424:WARN [web-server]: 404: /undefined277 ✔ deselecting select all checkbox should deselect all rows and disable delete button27823 08 2019 10:53:49.486:WARN [web-server]: 404: /undefined27923 08 2019 10:53:49.540:WARN [web-server]: 404: /path280 ✔ should delete multiple items when multiple items are selected28123 08 2019 10:53:49.557:WARN [web-server]: 404: /undefined282 delete registry283 ✔ should be possible to delete a registry28423 08 2019 10:53:49.599:WARN [web-server]: 404: /undefined28523 08 2019 10:53:49.658:WARN [web-server]: 404: /path286 ✔ should call deleteItems and reset itemsToBeDeleted when confirming deletion28723 08 2019 10:53:49.679:WARN [web-server]: 404: /undefined288 pagination289 ✔ should be possible to change the page29023 08 2019 10:53:49.735:WARN [web-server]: 404: /undefined291 modal content292 ✔ should show the singular title and image name when deleting a single image29323 08 2019 10:53:49.803:WARN [web-server]: 404: /undefined294 ✔ should show the plural title and image count when deleting more than one image295 Actions Registry Store296 server requests297 fetchRepos298 ✔ should set receveived repos299 fetchList300 ✔ should set received list301 setMainEndpoint302 ✔ should commit set main endpoint303 toggleLoading304 ✔ should commit toggle main loading305 deleteItem306 ✔ should perform DELETE request on destroyPath307 Mutations Registry Store308 SET_MAIN_ENDPOINT309 ✔ should set the main endpoint310 SET_REPOS_LIST311 ✔ should set a parsed repository list312 TOGGLE_MAIN_LOADING313 ✔ should set a parsed repository list314 SET_REGISTRY_LIST315 ✔ should set a list of registries in a specific repository316 TOGGLE_REGISTRY_LIST_LOADING317 ✔ should toggle isLoading property for a specific repository31823 08 2019 10:53:49.966:WARN [web-server]: 404: /undefined319 RelatedMergeRequests320 methods321 getAssignees322 when there is assignees array323 ✔ should return assignees array32423 08 2019 10:53:50.077:WARN [web-server]: 404: /undefined325 ✔ should return an array with single assingee32623 08 2019 10:53:50.159:WARN [web-server]: 404: /undefined327 ✔ should return empty array when assignee is not set32823 08 2019 10:53:50.242:WARN [web-server]: 404: /undefined329 template330 ✔ should render related merge request items331 RelatedMergeRequest store actions332 setInitialState333 ✔ commits types.SET_INITIAL_STATE with given props334 requestData335 ✔ commits types.REQUEST_DATA336 receiveDataSuccess337 ✔ commits types.RECEIVE_DATA_SUCCESS with data338 receiveDataError339 ✔ commits types.RECEIVE_DATA_ERROR340 fetchMergeRequests341 for a successful request342 ✔ should dispatch success action343 for a failing request344 ✔ should dispatch error action345 RelatedMergeRequests Store Mutations346 SET_INITIAL_STATE347 ✔ should set initial state according to given data348 REQUEST_DATA349 ✔ should set loading flag350 RECEIVE_DATA_SUCCESS351 ✔ should set loading flag and data352 RECEIVE_DATA_ERROR353 ✔ should set loading and error flags35423 08 2019 10:53:50.412:WARN [web-server]: 404: /illustration/path355 Releases App 356 while loading357 ✔ renders loading icon35823 08 2019 10:53:50.427:WARN [web-server]: 404: /undefined359 with successful request360 ✔ renders success state36123 08 2019 10:53:50.480:WARN [web-server]: 404: /illustration/path362 with empty request363 ✔ renders empty state36423 08 2019 10:53:50.493:WARN [web-server]: 404: /undefined36523 08 2019 10:53:50.514:WARN [web-server]: 404: /uploads/-/system/user/avatar/johndoe/avatar.png?width=20366WARN: '[BootstrapVue warn]: b-tooltip: 'target' element not found!'367WARN: '[BootstrapVue warn]: b-tooltip: 'target' element not found!'368 Release block369 ✔ renders release name37023 08 2019 10:53:50.543:WARN [web-server]: 404: /undefined37123 08 2019 10:53:50.554:WARN [web-server]: 404: /uploads/-/system/user/avatar/johndoe/avatar.png?width=20372WARN: '[BootstrapVue warn]: b-tooltip: 'target' element not found!'373WARN: '[BootstrapVue warn]: b-tooltip: 'target' element not found!'374 ✔ renders commit sha37523 08 2019 10:53:50.567:WARN [web-server]: 404: /undefined37623 08 2019 10:53:50.588:WARN [web-server]: 404: /uploads/-/system/user/avatar/johndoe/avatar.png?width=20377WARN: '[BootstrapVue warn]: b-tooltip: 'target' element not found!'378WARN: '[BootstrapVue warn]: b-tooltip: 'target' element not found!'379 ✔ renders tag name38023 08 2019 10:53:50.609:WARN [web-server]: 404: /undefined38123 08 2019 10:53:50.634:WARN [web-server]: 404: /uploads/-/system/user/avatar/johndoe/avatar.png?width=20382WARN: '[BootstrapVue warn]: b-tooltip: 'target' element not found!'383WARN: '[BootstrapVue warn]: b-tooltip: 'target' element not found!'384 ✔ renders release date38523 08 2019 10:53:50.650:WARN [web-server]: 404: /undefined38623 08 2019 10:53:50.672:WARN [web-server]: 404: /uploads/-/system/user/avatar/johndoe/avatar.png?width=20387WARN: '[BootstrapVue warn]: b-tooltip: 'target' element not found!'388WARN: '[BootstrapVue warn]: b-tooltip: 'target' element not found!'389 ✔ renders number of assets provided39023 08 2019 10:53:50.692:WARN [web-server]: 404: /undefined39123 08 2019 10:53:50.713:WARN [web-server]: 404: /uploads/-/system/user/avatar/johndoe/avatar.png?width=20392WARN: '[BootstrapVue warn]: b-tooltip: 'target' element not found!'393WARN: '[BootstrapVue warn]: b-tooltip: 'target' element not found!'394 ✔ renders dropdown with the sources39523 08 2019 10:53:50.728:WARN [web-server]: 404: /undefined39623 08 2019 10:53:50.749:WARN [web-server]: 404: /uploads/-/system/user/avatar/johndoe/avatar.png?width=20397WARN: '[BootstrapVue warn]: b-tooltip: 'target' element not found!'398WARN: '[BootstrapVue warn]: b-tooltip: 'target' element not found!'399 ✔ renders list with the links provided40023 08 2019 10:53:50.762:WARN [web-server]: 404: /undefined40123 08 2019 10:53:50.789:WARN [web-server]: 404: /uploads/-/system/user/avatar/johndoe/avatar.png?width=20402WARN: '[BootstrapVue warn]: b-tooltip: 'target' element not found!'403WARN: '[BootstrapVue warn]: b-tooltip: 'target' element not found!'404 ✔ renders author avatar40523 08 2019 10:53:50.818:WARN [web-server]: 404: /undefined40623 08 2019 10:53:50.843:WARN [web-server]: 404: /uploads/-/system/user/avatar/johndoe/avatar.png?width=20407WARN: '[BootstrapVue warn]: b-tooltip: 'target' element not found!'408WARN: '[BootstrapVue warn]: b-tooltip: 'target' element not found!'409 external label410 ✔ renders external label when link is external41123 08 2019 10:53:50.854:WARN [web-server]: 404: /undefined41223 08 2019 10:53:50.877:WARN [web-server]: 404: /uploads/-/system/user/avatar/johndoe/avatar.png?width=20413WARN: '[BootstrapVue warn]: b-tooltip: 'target' element not found!'414WARN: '[BootstrapVue warn]: b-tooltip: 'target' element not found!'415 ✔ does not render external label when link is not external41623 08 2019 10:53:50.899:WARN [web-server]: 404: /undefined41723 08 2019 10:53:50.941:WARN [web-server]: 404: /uploads/-/system/user/avatar/johndoe/avatar.png?width=20418WARN: '[BootstrapVue warn]: b-tooltip: 'target' element not found!'419WARN: '[BootstrapVue warn]: b-tooltip: 'target' element not found!'420 with upcoming_release flag421 ✔ renders upcoming release badge422 Releases State actions423 requestReleases424 ✔ should commit REQUEST_RELEASES mutation425 fetchReleases426 success427 ✔ dispatches requestReleases and receiveReleasesSuccess 428 error429 ✔ dispatches requestReleases and receiveReleasesError 430 receiveReleasesSuccess431 ✔ should commit RECEIVE_RELEASES_SUCCESS mutation432 receiveReleasesError433 ✔ should commit RECEIVE_RELEASES_ERROR mutation434 Releases Store Mutations435 REQUEST_RELEASES436 ✔ sets isLoading to true437 RECEIVE_RELEASES_SUCCESS438 ✔ sets is loading to false439 ✔ sets hasError to false440 ✔ sets data441 RECEIVE_RELEASES_ERROR442 ✔ resets data44323 08 2019 10:53:51.034:WARN [web-server]: 404: /undefined444 Grouped Test Reports App445 with success result446 ✔ renders success summary text447 with 204 result448 ✔ renders success summary text44923 08 2019 10:53:51.091:WARN [web-server]: 404: /undefined450 with new failed result451 ✔ renders failed summary text + new badge45223 08 2019 10:53:51.134:WARN [web-server]: 404: /undefined453 with mixed results454 ✔ renders summary text45523 08 2019 10:53:51.188:WARN [web-server]: 404: /undefined456 with resolved failures457 ✔ renders summary text45823 08 2019 10:53:51.227:WARN [web-server]: 404: /undefined459 ✔ renders resolved failures46023 08 2019 10:53:51.267:WARN [web-server]: 404: /undefined461 with error462 ✔ renders loading summary text with loading icon46323 08 2019 10:53:51.280:WARN [web-server]: 404: /undefined464 while loading465 ✔ renders loading summary text with loading icon466 Modal open name467 ✔ renders the issue name468 ✔ calls openModal actions when button is clicked469 Grouped Test Reports Modal470 ✔ renders code block471 ✔ renders link472 ✔ renders miliseconds473 ✔ render title47423 08 2019 10:53:51.369:WARN [web-server]: 404: /undefined475 Summary row476 ✔ renders provided summary47723 08 2019 10:53:51.391:WARN [web-server]: 404: /undefined478 ✔ renders provided icon479 Test Issue body480 on click481 ✔ calls openModal action482 is new483 ✔ renders issue name484 ✔ renders new badge485 not new486 ✔ renders issue name487 ✔ does not renders new badge488 Reports Store Actions489 setEndpoint490 ✔ should commit SET_ENDPOINT mutation491 requestReports492 ✔ should commit REQUEST_REPORTS mutation493 fetchReports494 success495 ✔ dispatches requestReports and receiveReportsSuccess 496 error497 ✔ dispatches requestReports and receiveReportsError 498 receiveReportsSuccess499 ✔ should commit RECEIVE_REPORTS_SUCCESS mutation with 200500 ✔ should not commit RECEIVE_REPORTS_SUCCESS mutation with 204501 receiveReportsError502 ✔ should commit RECEIVE_REPORTS_ERROR mutation503 openModal504 ✔ should dispatch setModalData505 setModalData506 ✔ should commit SET_ISSUE_MODAL_DATA507 Reports Store Mutations508 SET_ENDPOINT509 ✔ should set endpoint510 REQUEST_REPORTS511 ✔ should set isLoading to true512 RECEIVE_REPORTS_SUCCESS513 ✔ should reset isLoading514 ✔ should reset hasError515 ✔ should set summary counts516 ✔ should set reports517 RECEIVE_REPORTS_ERROR518 ✔ should reset isLoading519 ✔ should set hasError to true520 ✔ should reset reports521 SET_ISSUE_MODAL_DATA522 ✔ should set modal title523 ✔ should set modal data524 RightSidebar525 fixture tests526 ✔ should expand/collapse the sidebar when arrow is clicked527 ✔ should float over the page and when sidebar icons clicked528 ✔ should collapse when the icon arrow clicked while it is floating on page529 ✔ should broadcast todo:toggle event when add todo clicked530 ✔ should not hide collapsed icons531 Search autocomplete dropdown532 ✔ should show Dashboard specific dropdown menu533 ✔ should show Group specific dropdown menu534 ✔ should show Project specific dropdown menu535 ✔ should show only Project mergeRequest dropdown menu items when project issues are disabled536 ✔ should not show category related menu if there is text in the input537 ✔ should not submit the search form when selecting an autocomplete row with the keyboard538 Search539 ✔ requests groups from backend when filtering540 ✔ requests projects from backend when filtering541 Settings Panels542 initSettingsPane543 ✔ should expand linked hash fragment panel544 ✔ does not change the text content of triggers545 popover546 togglePopover547 togglePopover(true)548 ✔ returns true when popover is shown549 ✔ returns false when popover is already shown550 ✔ shows popover551 ✔ adds disable-animation and js-popover-show class552 togglePopover(false)553 ✔ returns true when popover is hidden554 ✔ returns false when popover is already hidden555 ✔ hides popover556 ✔ removes disable-animation and js-popover-show class557 mouseleave558 ✔ calls hide popover if .popover:hover is false559 ✔ does not call hide popover if .popover:hover is true560 mouseenter561 ✔ shows popover562 ✔ registers mouseleave event if popover is showed563 ✔ does not register mouseleave event if popover is not showed56423 08 2019 10:53:52.820:WARN [web-server]: 404: /some_list?limit=20&offset=100565 Shortcuts566 toggleMarkdownPreview567 ✔ focuses preview button in form568 ✔ focues preview button inside edit comment form569 AssigneeTitle component570 assignee title571 ✔ renders assignee572 ✔ renders 2 assignees573 gutter toggle574 ✔ does not show toggle by default575 ✔ shows toggle when showToggle is true576 ✔ does not render spinner by default577 ✔ renders spinner when loading578 ✔ does not render edit link when not editable579 ✔ renders edit link when editable580 ✔ calls trackEvent when edit is clicked581 Assignee component582 No assignees/users583 ✔ displays no assignee icon when collapsed584 ✔ displays only "None" when no users are assigned and the issue is read-only585 ✔ displays only "None" when no users are assigned and the issue can be edited586 ✔ emits the assign-self event when "assign yourself" is clicked587 One assignee/user588 ✔ displays one assignee icon when collapsed589 Two or more assignees/users590 ✔ has no "cannot merge" tooltip when every user can merge591 ✔ displays two assignee icons when collapsed592 ✔ displays one assignee icon and counter when collapsed593 ✔ Shows two assignees594 ✔ shows sorted assignee where "can merge" users are sorted first595 ✔ passes the sorted assignees to the uncollapsed-assignee-list596 ✔ passes the sorted assignees to the collapsed-assignee-list59723 08 2019 10:53:55.776:WARN [web-server]: 404: /undefined598 Issuable Time Tracker599 Initialization600 ✔ should return something defined60123 08 2019 10:53:55.814:WARN [web-server]: 404: /undefined602 ✔ should correctly set timeEstimate60323 08 2019 10:53:55.844:WARN [web-server]: 404: /undefined604 ✔ should correctly set time_spent60523 08 2019 10:53:55.876:WARN [web-server]: 404: /undefined60623 08 2019 10:53:55.894:WARN [web-server]: 404: /some_list?limit=20&offset=100607 Content Display608 Panes609 Comparison pane610 ✔ should show the "Comparison" pane when timeEstimate and time_spent are truthy61123 08 2019 10:53:55.928:WARN [web-server]: 404: /undefined612 Remaining meter613 ✔ should display the remaining meter with the correct width61423 08 2019 10:53:55.949:WARN [web-server]: 404: /undefined615 ✔ should display the remaining meter with the correct background color when within estimate61623 08 2019 10:53:55.972:WARN [web-server]: 404: /undefined617 ✔ should display the remaining meter with the correct background color when over estimate61823 08 2019 10:53:56.010:WARN [web-server]: 404: /undefined619 Comparison pane when limitToHours is true620 ✔ should show the correct tooltip text62123 08 2019 10:53:56.022:WARN [web-server]: 404: /undefined622 Estimate only pane623 ✔ should display the human readable version of time estimated62423 08 2019 10:53:56.060:WARN [web-server]: 404: /undefined625 Spent only pane626 ✔ should display the human readable version of time spent62723 08 2019 10:53:56.133:WARN [web-server]: 404: /undefined628 No time tracking pane629 ✔ should only show the "No time tracking" pane when both timeEstimate and time_spent are falsey63023 08 2019 10:53:56.169:WARN [web-server]: 404: /undefined631 Help pane632 ✔ should not show the "Help" pane by default63323 08 2019 10:53:56.185:WARN [web-server]: 404: /undefined634 ✔ should show the "Help" pane when help button is clicked63523 08 2019 10:53:56.227:WARN [web-server]: 404: /undefined636 ✔ should not show the "Help" pane when help button is clicked and then closed63723 08 2019 10:53:56.261:WARN [web-server]: 404: /undefined638 Confidential Issue Sidebar Block639 ✔ shows if confidential and/or editable64023 08 2019 10:53:56.290:WARN [web-server]: 404: /undefined641 ✔ displays the edit form when editable64223 08 2019 10:53:56.316:WARN [web-server]: 404: /undefined643 ✔ displays the edit form when opened from collapsed state64423 08 2019 10:53:56.342:WARN [web-server]: 404: /undefined645 ✔ calls trackEvent when "Edit" is clicked646 EditFormButtons647 ✔ renders unlock or lock text based on locked state64823 08 2019 10:53:56.372:WARN [web-server]: 404: /undefined649 LockIssueSidebar650 ✔ shows if locked and/or editable65123 08 2019 10:53:56.387:WARN [web-server]: 404: /undefined652 ✔ displays the edit form when editable65323 08 2019 10:53:56.413:WARN [web-server]: 404: /undefined654 ✔ calls trackEvent when "Edit" is clicked65523 08 2019 10:53:56.441:WARN [web-server]: 404: /undefined656 ✔ displays the edit form when opened from collapsed state657 Participants658 collapsed sidebar state659 ✔ shows loading spinner when loading660WARN: '[BootstrapVue warn]: b-tooltip: 'target' element not found!'661WARN: '[BootstrapVue warn]: b-tooltip: 'target' element not found!'662WARN: '[BootstrapVue warn]: b-tooltip: 'target' element not found!'663WARN: '[BootstrapVue warn]: b-tooltip: 'target' element not found!'664WARN: '[BootstrapVue warn]: b-tooltip: 'target' element not found!'665WARN: '[BootstrapVue warn]: b-tooltip: 'target' element not found!'666 ✔ shows participant count when given667WARN: '[BootstrapVue warn]: b-tooltip: 'target' element not found!'668WARN: '[BootstrapVue warn]: b-tooltip: 'target' element not found!'669 ✔ shows full participant count when there are hidden participants670 expanded sidebar state671 ✔ shows loading spinner when loading672 ✔ when only showing visible participants, shows an avatar only for each participant under the limit673 ✔ when only showing all participants, each has an avatar674WARN: '[BootstrapVue warn]: b-tooltip: 'target' element not found!'675WARN: '[BootstrapVue warn]: b-tooltip: 'target' element not found!'676WARN: '[BootstrapVue warn]: b-tooltip: 'target' element not found!'677WARN: '[BootstrapVue warn]: b-tooltip: 'target' element not found!'678WARN: '[BootstrapVue warn]: b-tooltip: 'target' element not found!'679WARN: '[BootstrapVue warn]: b-tooltip: 'target' element not found!'680 ✔ does not have more participants link when they can all be shown681 ✔ when too many participants, has more participants link to show more682 ✔ when too many participants and already showing them, has more participants link to show less683WARN: '[BootstrapVue warn]: b-tooltip: 'target' element not found!'684WARN: '[BootstrapVue warn]: b-tooltip: 'target' element not found!'685WARN: '[BootstrapVue warn]: b-tooltip: 'target' element not found!'686WARN: '[BootstrapVue warn]: b-tooltip: 'target' element not found!'687 ✔ clicking more participants link emits event688WARN: '[BootstrapVue warn]: b-tooltip: 'target' element not found!'689WARN: '[BootstrapVue warn]: b-tooltip: 'target' element not found!'690WARN: '[BootstrapVue warn]: b-tooltip: 'target' element not found!'691WARN: '[BootstrapVue warn]: b-tooltip: 'target' element not found!'692 ✔ clicking on participants icon emits `toggleSidebar` event69323 08 2019 10:53:56.706:WARN [web-server]: 404: /api/undefined/user_counts694 sidebar assignees695 ✔ calls the mediator when saves the assignees696ERROR: Error: Request failed with status code 404697Error: Request failed with status code 404698 at createError (http://localhost:9876/base/spec/javascripts/test_bundle.js?29728172ca1b8d52ed845353803b03b8160224d8:844078:15)699 at settle (http://localhost:9876/base/spec/javascripts/test_bundle.js?29728172ca1b8d52ed845353803b03b8160224d8:844324:12)700 at XMLHttpRequest.handleLoad (http://localhost:9876/base/spec/javascripts/test_bundle.js?29728172ca1b8d52ed845353803b03b8160224d8:843591:7)701ERROR: Error: Request failed with status code 404702Error: Request failed with status code 404703 at createError (http://localhost:9876/base/spec/javascripts/test_bundle.js?29728172ca1b8d52ed845353803b03b8160224d8:844078:15)704 at settle (http://localhost:9876/base/spec/javascripts/test_bundle.js?29728172ca1b8d52ed845353803b03b8160224d8:844324:12)705 at XMLHttpRequest.handleLoad (http://localhost:9876/base/spec/javascripts/test_bundle.js?29728172ca1b8d52ed845353803b03b8160224d8:843591:7)70623 08 2019 10:53:56.769:WARN [web-server]: 404: /api/undefined/user_counts707 ✔ calls the mediator when "assignSelf" method is called708ERROR: Error: Request failed with status code 404709Error: Request failed with status code 404710 at createError (http://localhost:9876/base/spec/javascripts/test_bundle.js?29728172ca1b8d52ed845353803b03b8160224d8:844078:15)711 at settle (http://localhost:9876/base/spec/javascripts/test_bundle.js?29728172ca1b8d52ed845353803b03b8160224d8:844324:12)712 at XMLHttpRequest.handleLoad (http://localhost:9876/base/spec/javascripts/test_bundle.js?29728172ca1b8d52ed845353803b03b8160224d8:843591:7)713ERROR: Error: Request failed with status code 404714Error: Request failed with status code 404715 at createError (http://localhost:9876/base/spec/javascripts/test_bundle.js?29728172ca1b8d52ed845353803b03b8160224d8:844078:15)716 at settle (http://localhost:9876/base/spec/javascripts/test_bundle.js?29728172ca1b8d52ed845353803b03b8160224d8:844324:12)717 at XMLHttpRequest.handleLoad (http://localhost:9876/base/spec/javascripts/test_bundle.js?29728172ca1b8d52ed845353803b03b8160224d8:843591:7)718 ✔ hides assignees until fetched719 Sidebar mediator720 ✔ assigns yourself 721 ✔ saves assignees722 ✔ fetches the data723 ✔ processes fetched data724 ✔ sets moveToProjectId725 ✔ fetches autocomplete projects726 ✔ moves issue727 ✔ toggle subscription728 SidebarMoveIssue729 init730 ✔ should initialize the dropdown and listeners731 destroy732 ✔ should remove the listeners733 initDropdown734 ✔ should initialize the gl_dropdown735 ✔ escapes html from project name736 onConfirmClicked737 ✔ should move the issue with valid project ID738 ✔ should remove loading state from confirm button on failure739 ✔ should not move the issue with id=0740 ✔ should set moveToProjectId on dropdown item "No project" click741 ✔ should set moveToProjectId on dropdown item click742 Sidebar store743 ✔ has default isFetching values744 ✔ adds a new assignee745 ✔ removes an assignee746 ✔ finds an existent assignee747 ✔ removes all assignees748 ✔ sets participants data749 ✔ sets subcriptions data750 ✔ set assigned data751 ✔ sets fetching state752 ✔ sets loading state753 ✔ set time tracking data754 ✔ set autocomplete projects75523 08 2019 10:53:57.075:WARN [web-server]: 404: /undefined756 ✔ sets subscribed state757 ✔ set move to project ID758 Sidebar Subscriptions759 ✔ calls the mediator toggleSubscription on event76023 08 2019 10:53:57.090:WARN [web-server]: 404: /undefined761 Subscriptions762 ✔ shows loading spinner when loading76323 08 2019 10:53:57.105:WARN [web-server]: 404: /undefined764 ✔ is toggled "off" when currently not subscribed76523 08 2019 10:53:57.121:WARN [web-server]: 404: /undefined766 ✔ is toggled "on" when currently subscribed76723 08 2019 10:53:57.135:WARN [web-server]: 404: /undefined768 ✔ toggleSubscription method emits `toggleSubscription` event on eventHub and Component76923 08 2019 10:53:57.156:WARN [web-server]: 404: /undefined770 ✔ calls trackEvent when toggled77123 08 2019 10:53:57.170:WARN [web-server]: 404: /undefined772 ✔ onClickCollapsedIcon method emits `toggleSidebar` event on component77323 08 2019 10:53:57.200:WARN [web-server]: 404: /undefined774 SidebarTodo775 computed776 buttonClasses777 ✔ returns todo button classes for when `collapsed` prop is `false`778 ✔ returns todo button classes for when `collapsed` prop is `true`77923 08 2019 10:53:57.212:WARN [web-server]: 404: /undefined780 buttonLabel781 ✔ returns todo button text for marking todo as done when `isTodo` prop is `true`78223 08 2019 10:53:57.232:WARN [web-server]: 404: /undefined783 ✔ returns todo button text for add todo when `isTodo` prop is `false`78423 08 2019 10:53:57.246:WARN [web-server]: 404: /undefined785 collapsedButtonIconClasses786 ✔ returns collapsed button icon class when `isTodo` prop is `true`78723 08 2019 10:53:57.257:WARN [web-server]: 404: /undefined788 ✔ returns empty string when `isTodo` prop is `false`78923 08 2019 10:53:57.277:WARN [web-server]: 404: /undefined790 collapsedButtonIcon791 ✔ returns button icon name when `isTodo` prop is `true`79223 08 2019 10:53:57.288:WARN [web-server]: 404: /undefined793 ✔ returns button icon name when `isTodo` prop is `false`79423 08 2019 10:53:57.302:WARN [web-server]: 404: /undefined795 methods796 handleButtonClick797 ✔ emits `toggleTodo` event on component79823 08 2019 10:53:57.331:WARN [web-server]: 404: /undefined799 template800 ✔ renders component container element80123 08 2019 10:53:57.340:WARN [web-server]: 404: /undefined802 ✔ check button label computed property80323 08 2019 10:53:57.351:WARN [web-server]: 404: /undefined804 ✔ renders button label element when `collapsed` prop is `false`80523 08 2019 10:53:57.362:WARN [web-server]: 404: /undefined806 ✔ renders button icon when `collapsed` prop is `true`80723 08 2019 10:53:57.374:WARN [web-server]: 404: /undefined808 ✔ renders loading icon when `isActionActive` prop is true809 SigninTabsMemoizer810 ✔ does nothing if no tab was previously selected811 ✔ shows last selected tab on boot812 ✔ clicks the first tab if value in local storage is bad813 ✔ saves last selected tab on change814 ✔ overrides last selected tab with hash tag when given815 class constructor816 ✔ should set .isLocalStorageAvailable817 saveData818 if .isLocalStorageAvailable is `false`819 ✔ should not call .setItem820 if .isLocalStorageAvailable is `true`821 ✔ should call .setItem822 readData823 if .isLocalStorageAvailable is `false`824 ✔ should not call .getItem and should return `null`825 if .isLocalStorageAvailable is `true`826 ✔ should call .getItem and return the localStorage value827 SmartInterval828 Increment Interval829 ✔ should increment the interval delay830 ✔ should not increment past maxInterval831 ✔ does not increment while waiting for callback832 Public methods833 ✔ should cancel an interval834 ✔ should resume an interval835 DOM Events836 ✔ should pause when page is not visible837 ✔ should change to the hidden interval when page is not visible838 ✔ should resume when page is becomes visible at the previous interval839 ✔ should cancel on page unload840 ✔ should execute callback before first interval841 Syntax Highlighter842 on a js-syntax-highlight element843 ✔ applies syntax highlighting844 on a parent element845 ✔ applies highlighting to all applicable children846 ✔ prevents an infinite loop when no matches exist847 TaskList848 ✔ should call init when the class constructed849 getTaskListTarget850 ✔ should return currentTarget from event object if exists851 ✔ should return element of the taskListContainerSelector852 disableTaskListItems853 ✔ should call taskList method with disable param854 enableTaskListItems855 ✔ should call taskList method with enable param856 disable857 ✔ should disable task list items and off document event858 update859 ✔ should disable task list items and make a patch request then enable them again860 ✔ should handle request error and enable task list items86123 08 2019 10:53:58.264:WARN [web-server]: 404: /some_list?limit=20&offset=100862 Todos863 goToTodoUrl864 ✔ opens the todo url865 meta click866 ✔ opens the todo url in another tab867 ✔ run native funcionality when avatar is clicked868 ToggleButtons869 when input value is true870 ✔ should initialize as checked871 ✔ should toggle to unchecked when clicked872 when input value is false873 ✔ should initialize as unchecked874 ✔ should toggle to checked when clicked875 ✔ should emit `trigger-change` event876 clickCallback877 ✔ should show loading indicator while waiting878 U2FAuthenticate879 with u2f unavailable880 ✔ falls back to normal 2fa881 with u2f available882 ✔ allows authenticating via a U2F device883 errors884 ✔ displays an error message885 ✔ allows retrying authentication after an error886 U2FRegister887 ✔ allows registering a U2F device888 errors889 ✔ doesn't allow the same device to be registered twice (for the same user890 ✔ displays an error message for other errors891 ✔ allows retrying registration after an error89223 08 2019 10:54:00.716:WARN [web-server]: 404: /undefined89323 08 2019 10:54:00.782:WARN [web-server]: 404: /some_list?limit=20&offset=100894 User Popovers895 ✔ Should Show+Hide Popover on mouseenter and mouseleave896 ✔ Should Not show a popover on short mouse over897 VersionCheckImage898 bindErrorEvent899 ✔ should be a static method900 ✔ registers an error event901 ✔ hides the imageElement on error90223 08 2019 10:54:00.959:WARN [web-server]: 404: /undefined90323 08 2019 10:54:00.968:WARN [web-server]: 404: /root/review-apps/environments/15/deployments/1/metrics.json904 Deployment component906 deployTimeago907 ✔ return formatted date90823 08 2019 10:54:00.984:WARN [web-server]: 404: /undefined90923 08 2019 10:54:00.997:WARN [web-server]: 404: /root/review-apps/environments/15/deployments/1/metrics.json910 hasExternalUrls911 ✔ should return true91223 08 2019 10:54:01.013:WARN [web-server]: 404: /undefined91323 08 2019 10:54:01.026:WARN [web-server]: 404: /root/review-apps/environments/15/deployments/1/metrics.json914 ✔ should return false when deployment has no external_url_formatted91523 08 2019 10:54:01.042:WARN [web-server]: 404: /undefined91623 08 2019 10:54:01.054:WARN [web-server]: 404: /root/review-apps/environments/15/deployments/1/metrics.json917 ✔ should return false when deployment has no external_url91823 08 2019 10:54:01.070:WARN [web-server]: 404: /undefined91923 08 2019 10:54:01.081:WARN [web-server]: 404: /root/review-apps/environments/15/deployments/1/metrics.json920 hasDeploymentTime921 ✔ should return true92223 08 2019 10:54:01.095:WARN [web-server]: 404: /undefined92323 08 2019 10:54:01.107:WARN [web-server]: 404: /root/review-apps/environments/15/deployments/1/metrics.json924 ✔ should return false when deployment has no deployed_at92523 08 2019 10:54:01.121:WARN [web-server]: 404: /undefined92623 08 2019 10:54:01.138:WARN [web-server]: 404: /root/review-apps/environments/15/deployments/1/metrics.json927 ✔ should return false when deployment has no deployed_at_formatted92823 08 2019 10:54:01.156:WARN [web-server]: 404: /undefined92923 08 2019 10:54:01.171:WARN [web-server]: 404: /root/review-apps/environments/15/deployments/1/metrics.json930 hasDeploymentMeta931 ✔ should return true93223 08 2019 10:54:01.199:WARN [web-server]: 404: /undefined93323 08 2019 10:54:01.214:WARN [web-server]: 404: /root/review-apps/environments/15/deployments/1/metrics.json934 ✔ should return false when deployment has no url93523 08 2019 10:54:01.238:WARN [web-server]: 404: /undefined93623 08 2019 10:54:01.250:WARN [web-server]: 404: /root/review-apps/environments/15/deployments/1/metrics.json937 ✔ should return false when deployment has no name93823 08 2019 10:54:01.279:WARN [web-server]: 404: /undefined93923 08 2019 10:54:01.294:WARN [web-server]: 404: /root/review-apps/environments/15/deployments/1/metrics.json940 stopEnvironment941 ✔ should show a confirm dialog and call service.stopEnvironment when confirmed94223 08 2019 10:54:01.636:WARN [web-server]: 404: /undefined94323 08 2019 10:54:01.648:WARN [web-server]: 404: /root/review-apps/environments/15/deployments/1/metrics.json944 ✔ should show a confirm dialog but should not work if the dialog is rejected94523 08 2019 10:54:01.671:WARN [web-server]: 404: /undefined94623 08 2019 10:54:01.682:WARN [web-server]: 404: /root/review-apps/environments/15/deployments/1/metrics.json947 ✔ renders deployment name94823 08 2019 10:54:01.696:WARN [web-server]: 404: /undefined94923 08 2019 10:54:01.707:WARN [web-server]: 404: /root/review-apps/environments/15/deployments/1/metrics.json950 ✔ renders external URL95123 08 2019 10:54:01.729:WARN [web-server]: 404: /undefined95223 08 2019 10:54:01.741:WARN [web-server]: 404: /root/review-apps/environments/15/deployments/1/metrics.json953 ✔ renders stop button95423 08 2019 10:54:01.763:WARN [web-server]: 404: /undefined95523 08 2019 10:54:01.774:WARN [web-server]: 404: /root/review-apps/environments/15/deployments/1/metrics.json956 ✔ renders deployment time95723 08 2019 10:54:01.792:WARN [web-server]: 404: /undefined95823 08 2019 10:54:01.803:WARN [web-server]: 404: /root/review-apps/environments/15/deployments/1/metrics.json959 ✔ renders metrics component96023 08 2019 10:54:01.829:WARN [web-server]: 404: /undefined96123 08 2019 10:54:01.841:WARN [web-server]: 404: /root/review-apps/environments/15/deployments/1/metrics.json962 with showMetrics enabled963 ✔ shows metrics96423 08 2019 10:54:01.870:WARN [web-server]: 404: /undefined965 with showMetrics disabled966 ✔ hides metrics96723 08 2019 10:54:01.892:WARN [web-server]: 404: /undefined96823 08 2019 10:54:01.904:WARN [web-server]: 404: /root/review-apps/environments/15/deployments/1/metrics.json969 without changes970 ✔ renders the link to the review app without dropdown97123 08 2019 10:54:01.930:WARN [web-server]: 404: /undefined97223 08 2019 10:54:01.936:WARN [web-server]: 404: /root/review-apps/environments/15/deployments/1/metrics.json973 with a single change974 ✔ renders the link to the review app without dropdown97523 08 2019 10:54:01.951:WARN [web-server]: 404: /undefined97623 08 2019 10:54:01.958:WARN [web-server]: 404: /root/review-apps/environments/15/deployments/1/metrics.json977 ✔ renders the link to the review app linked to to the first change97823 08 2019 10:54:01.981:WARN [web-server]: 404: /undefined97923 08 2019 10:54:01.994:WARN [web-server]: 404: /root/review-apps/environments/15/deployments/1/metrics.json980 deployment status981 running982 ✔ renders information about running deployment98323 08 2019 10:54:02.014:WARN [web-server]: 404: /undefined98423 08 2019 10:54:02.037:WARN [web-server]: 404: /root/review-apps/environments/15/deployments/1/metrics.json985 ✔ renders disabled stop button98623 08 2019 10:54:02.048:WARN [web-server]: 404: /undefined98723 08 2019 10:54:02.061:WARN [web-server]: 404: /root/review-apps/environments/15/deployments/1/metrics.json988 success989 ✔ renders information about finished deployment99023 08 2019 10:54:02.085:WARN [web-server]: 404: /undefined99123 08 2019 10:54:02.097:WARN [web-server]: 404: /root/review-apps/environments/15/deployments/1/metrics.json992 failed993 ✔ renders information about finished deployment99423 08 2019 10:54:02.112:WARN [web-server]: 404: /undefined99523 08 2019 10:54:02.125:WARN [web-server]: 404: /root/review-apps/environments/15/deployments/1/metrics.json996 created997 ✔ renders information about created deployment99823 08 2019 10:54:02.146:WARN [web-server]: 404: /undefined99923 08 2019 10:54:02.163:WARN [web-server]: 404: /root/review-apps/environments/15/deployments/1/metrics.json1000 canceled1001 ✔ renders information about canceled deployment1002 MrWidgetAlertMessage1003 when type is not provided1004 ✔ should render a red message1005 when type === "danger"1006 ✔ should render a red message1007 when type === "warning"1008 ✔ should render a red message1009 when helpPath is not provided1010 ✔ should not render a help icon/link1011 when helpPath is provided1012 ✔ should render a help icon/link1013 MrWidgetAuthor1014 ✔ renders link with the author web url1015 ✔ renders image with avatar url1016 ✔ renders author name1017 MrWidgetAuthorTime1018 ✔ renders provided action text1019 ✔ renders author1020 ✔ renders provided time102123 08 2019 10:54:02.305:WARN [web-server]: 404: /undefined1022 MRWidgetHeader1023 computed1024 shouldShowCommitsBehindText1025 ✔ return true when there are divergedCommitsCount102623 08 2019 10:54:02.331:WARN [web-server]: 404: /undefined1027 ✔ returns false where there are no divergedComits count102823 08 2019 10:54:02.349:WARN [web-server]: 404: /undefined1029 commitsBehindText1030 ✔ returns singular when there is one commit103123 08 2019 10:54:02.367:WARN [web-server]: 404: /undefined1032 ✔ returns plural when there is more than one commit103323 08 2019 10:54:02.385:WARN [web-server]: 404: /undefined1034 template1035 common elements1036 ✔ renders source branch link103723 08 2019 10:54:02.408:WARN [web-server]: 404: /undefined1038 ✔ renders clipboard button103923 08 2019 10:54:02.432:WARN [web-server]: 404: /undefined1040 ✔ renders target branch104123 08 2019 10:54:02.454:WARN [web-server]: 404: /undefined1042 with an open merge request1043 ✔ renders checkout branch button with modal trigger104423 08 2019 10:54:02.492:WARN [web-server]: 404: /undefined1045 ✔ renders web ide button104623 08 2019 10:54:02.501:WARN [web-server]: 404: /undefined1047 ✔ renders web ide button in disabled state with no href104823 08 2019 10:54:02.531:WARN [web-server]: 404: /undefined1049 ✔ renders web ide button with blank query string if target & source project branch105023 08 2019 10:54:02.553:WARN [web-server]: 404: /undefined1051 ✔ renders web ide button with relative URL105223 08 2019 10:54:02.576:WARN [web-server]: 404: /undefined1053 ✔ renders download dropdown with links105423 08 2019 10:54:02.597:WARN [web-server]: 404: /undefined1055 with a closed merge request1056 ✔ does not render checkout branch button with modal trigger105723 08 2019 10:54:02.626:WARN [web-server]: 404: /undefined1058 ✔ renders download dropdown with links105923 08 2019 10:54:02.645:WARN [web-server]: 404: /undefined1060 without diverged commits1061 ✔ does not render diverged commits info106223 08 2019 10:54:02.674:WARN [web-server]: 404: /undefined1063 with diverged commits1064 ✔ renders diverged commits info106523 08 2019 10:54:02.710:WARN [web-server]: 404: /root/acets-review-apps/environments/15/deployments/1/metrics.json106623 08 2019 10:54:02.713:WARN [web-server]: 404: /root/acets-review-apps/environments/15/deployments/1/metrics.json106723 08 2019 10:54:02.715:WARN [web-server]: 404: /root/acets-review-apps/environments/15/deployments/1/metrics.json1068 MemoryUsage1069 data1070 ✔ should have default data1071 computed1072 memoryChangeMessage1073 ✔ should contain "increased" if memoryFrom value is less than memoryTo value107423 08 2019 10:54:02.728:WARN [web-server]: 404: /root/acets-review-apps/environments/15/deployments/1/metrics.json1075 ✔ should contain "decreased" if memoryFrom value is less than memoryTo value1076 ✔ should contain "unchanged" if memoryFrom value equal to memoryTo value107723 08 2019 10:54:02.747:WARN [web-server]: 404: /root/acets-review-apps/environments/15/deployments/1/metrics.json1078 methods1079 getMegabytes1080 ✔ should return Megabytes from provided Bytes value108123 08 2019 10:54:02.760:WARN [web-server]: 404: /root/acets-review-apps/environments/15/deployments/1/metrics.json1082 computeGraphData1083 ✔ should populate sparkline graph108423 08 2019 10:54:02.771:WARN [web-server]: 404: /root/acets-review-apps/environments/15/deployments/1/metrics.json1085 loadMetrics1086 ✔ should load metrics data using MRWidgetService108723 08 2019 10:54:03.112:WARN [web-server]: 404: /root/acets-review-apps/environments/15/deployments/1/metrics.json1088 template1089 ✔ should render template elements correctly109023 08 2019 10:54:03.124:WARN [web-server]: 404: /root/acets-review-apps/environments/15/deployments/1/metrics.json1091 ✔ should show loading metrics message while metrics are being loaded109223 08 2019 10:54:03.148:WARN [web-server]: 404: /root/acets-review-apps/environments/15/deployments/1/metrics.json1093 ✔ should show deployment memory usage when metrics are loaded109423 08 2019 10:54:03.159:WARN [web-server]: 404: /root/acets-review-apps/environments/15/deployments/1/metrics.json1095 ✔ should show failure message when metrics loading failed109623 08 2019 10:54:03.170:WARN [web-server]: 404: /root/acets-review-apps/environments/15/deployments/1/metrics.json1097 ✔ should show metrics unavailable message when metrics loading failed1098 MRWidgetMergeHelp1099 with missing branch1100 ✔ renders missing branch information1101 ✔ renders button to open help modal1102 without missing branch1103 ✔ renders information about how to merge manually1104 ✔ renders element to open a modal110523 08 2019 10:54:03.218:WARN [web-server]: 404: /undefined1106 MrWidgetPipelineContainer1107 when pre merge1108 ✔ renders pipeline110923 08 2019 10:54:05.101:WARN [web-server]: 404: /undefined1110 ✔ renders deployments111123 08 2019 10:54:05.745:WARN [web-server]: 404: /undefined1112 when post merge1113 ✔ renders pipeline111423 08 2019 10:54:07.649:WARN [web-server]: 404: /undefined1115 ✔ renders deployments111623 08 2019 10:54:08.386:WARN [web-server]: 404: /undefined1117 MRWidgetPipeline1118 computed1119 hasPipeline1120 ✔ should return true when there is a pipeline112123 08 2019 10:54:08.409:WARN [web-server]: 404: /undefined1122 ✔ should return false when there is no pipeline112323 08 2019 10:54:08.418:WARN [web-server]: 404: /undefined1124 hasCIError1125 ✔ should return false when there is no CI error112623 08 2019 10:54:08.440:WARN [web-server]: 404: /undefined1127 ✔ should return true when there is a CI error112823 08 2019 10:54:08.454:WARN [web-server]: 404: /undefined1129 rendered output1130 ✔ should render CI error1131 ✔ should render CI error when no pipeline is provided113223 08 2019 10:54:08.476:WARN [web-server]: 404: /undefined1133 with a pipeline1134 ✔ should render pipeline ID113523 08 2019 10:54:08.501:WARN [web-server]: 404: /undefined1136 ✔ should render pipeline status and commit id113723 08 2019 10:54:08.542:WARN [web-server]: 404: /undefined1138 ✔ should render pipeline graph113923 08 2019 10:54:08.551:WARN [web-server]: 404: /undefined1140 ✔ should render coverage information114123 08 2019 10:54:08.573:WARN [web-server]: 404: /undefined1142 without commit path1143 ✔ should render pipeline ID114423 08 2019 10:54:08.592:WARN [web-server]: 404: /undefined1145 ✔ should render pipeline status114623 08 2019 10:54:08.613:WARN [web-server]: 404: /undefined1147 ✔ should render pipeline graph114823 08 2019 10:54:08.631:WARN [web-server]: 404: /undefined1149 ✔ should render coverage information115023 08 2019 10:54:08.650:WARN [web-server]: 404: /undefined1151 without coverage1152 ✔ should not render a coverage115323 08 2019 10:54:08.672:WARN [web-server]: 404: /undefined1154 without a pipeline graph1155 ✔ should not render a pipeline graph115623 08 2019 10:54:08.702:WARN [web-server]: 404: /undefined1157 without pipeline.merge_request1158 ✔ should render info that includes the commit and branch details115923 08 2019 10:54:08.738:WARN [web-server]: 404: /undefined1160 with pipeline.merge_request and flags.merge_request_pipeline1161 ✔ should render info that includes the commit, MR, source branch, and target branch details116223 08 2019 10:54:08.759:WARN [web-server]: 404: /undefined1163 with pipeline.merge_request and flags.detached_merge_request_pipeline1164 ✔ should render info that includes the commit, MR, and source branch details1165 Merge request widget rebase component1166 While rebasing1167 ✔ should show progress message116823 08 2019 10:54:08.795:WARN [web-server]: 404: /undefined1169 With permissions1170 ✔ it should render rebase button and warning message117123 08 2019 10:54:08.816:WARN [web-server]: 404: /undefined1172 ✔ it should render error message when it fails117323 08 2019 10:54:08.830:WARN [web-server]: 404: /undefined1174 Without permissions1175 ✔ should render a message explaining user does not have permissions117623 08 2019 10:54:08.841:WARN [web-server]: 404: /undefined1177 ✔ should render the correct target branch name117823 08 2019 10:54:08.852:WARN [web-server]: 404: /undefined1179 methods1180 ✔ checkRebaseStatus1181 MRWidgetRelatedLinks1182 computed1183 closesText1184 ✔ returns Closes text for open merge request1185 ✔ returns correct text for closed merge request1186 ✔ returns correct tense for merged request1187 ✔ should have only have closing issues text1188 ✔ should have only have mentioned issues text1189 ✔ should have closing and mentioned issues at the same time1190 ✔ should have assing issues link1191 MR widget status icon component1192 while loading1193 ✔ renders loading icon119423 08 2019 10:54:08.926:WARN [web-server]: 404: /undefined1195 with status icon1196 ✔ renders ci status icon119723 08 2019 10:54:08.937:WARN [web-server]: 404: /undefined1198 with disabled button1199 ✔ renders a disabled button120023 08 2019 10:54:08.948:WARN [web-server]: 404: /undefined1201 without disabled button1202 ✔ does not render a disabled button120323 08 2019 10:54:08.967:WARN [web-server]: 404: /undefined1204 review app link1205 ✔ renders provided link as href attribute120623 08 2019 10:54:08.973:WARN [web-server]: 404: /undefined1207 ✔ renders provided cssClass as class attribute1208 ✔ renders View app text120923 08 2019 10:54:08.998:WARN [web-server]: 404: /undefined1210 ✔ renders svg icon121123 08 2019 10:54:09.014:WARN [web-server]: 404: /undefined1212 MRWidgetArchived1213 ✔ renders a ci status failed icon121423 08 2019 10:54:09.022:WARN [web-server]: 404: /undefined1215 ✔ renders a disabled button121623 08 2019 10:54:09.035:WARN [web-server]: 404: /undefined1217 ✔ renders information121823 08 2019 10:54:09.049:WARN [web-server]: 404: /undefined1219 MRWidgetAutoMergeEnabled1220 computed1221 canRemoveSourceBranch1222 ✔ should return true when user is able to remove source branch122323 08 2019 10:54:09.066:WARN [web-server]: 404: /undefined1224 ✔ should return false when user id is not the same with who set the MWPS122523 08 2019 10:54:09.098:WARN [web-server]: 404: /undefined1226 ✔ should return false when shouldRemoveSourceBranch set to false122723 08 2019 10:54:09.108:WARN [web-server]: 404: /undefined1228 ✔ should return false if user is not able to remove the source branch122923 08 2019 10:54:09.123:WARN [web-server]: 404: /undefined1230 statusTextBeforeAuthor1231 ✔ should return "Set by" if the MWPS is selected123223 08 2019 10:54:09.138:WARN [web-server]: 404: /undefined1233 statusTextAfterAuthor1234 ✔ should return "to be merged automatically..." if MWPS is selected123523 08 2019 10:54:09.152:WARN [web-server]: 404: /undefined1236 cancelButtonText1237 ✔ should return "Cancel automatic merge" if MWPS is selected123823 08 2019 10:54:09.168:WARN [web-server]: 404: /undefined1239 methods1240 cancelAutomaticMerge1241 ✔ should set flag and call service then tell main component to update the widget with data124223 08 2019 10:54:09.516:WARN [web-server]: 404: /undefined1243 removeSourceBranch1244 ✔ should set flag and call service then request main component to update the widget124523 08 2019 10:54:09.866:WARN [web-server]: 404: /undefined1246 template1247 ✔ should have correct elements124823 08 2019 10:54:09.881:WARN [web-server]: 404: /undefined1249 ✔ should disable cancel auto merge button when the action is in progress125023 08 2019 10:54:09.910:WARN [web-server]: 404: /undefined1251 ✔ should show source branch will be deleted text when it source branch set to remove1252 ✔ should not show delete source branch button when user not able to delete source branch125323 08 2019 10:54:09.929:WARN [web-server]: 404: /undefined1254 ✔ should disable delete source branch button when the action is in progress125523 08 2019 10:54:09.942:WARN [web-server]: 404: /undefined1256 ✔ should render the status text as "...to merged automatically" if MWPS is selected125723 08 2019 10:54:09.967:WARN [web-server]: 404: /undefined1258 ✔ should render the cancel button as "Cancel automatic merge" if MWPS is selected125923 08 2019 10:54:09.982:WARN [web-server]: 404: /undefined1260 MRWidgetAutoMergeFailed1261 ✔ renders failed message126223 08 2019 10:54:09.992:WARN [web-server]: 404: /undefined1263 ✔ renders merge error provided126423 08 2019 10:54:10.002:WARN [web-server]: 404: /undefined1265 ✔ render refresh button126623 08 2019 10:54:10.014:WARN [web-server]: 404: /undefined1267 ✔ emits event and shows loading icon when button is clicked1268 MRWidgetChecking1269 ✔ renders disabled button1270 ✔ renders loading icon1271 ✔ renders information about merging127223 08 2019 10:54:10.053:WARN [web-server]: 404: /undefined1273 MRWidgetClosed1274 ✔ renders warning icon127523 08 2019 10:54:10.077:WARN [web-server]: 404: /undefined1276 ✔ renders closed by information with author and time127723 08 2019 10:54:10.092:WARN [web-server]: 404: /undefined1278 ✔ links to the user that closed the MR127923 08 2019 10:54:10.102:WARN [web-server]: 404: /undefined1280 ✔ renders information about the changes not being merged128123 08 2019 10:54:10.116:WARN [web-server]: 404: /undefined1282 ✔ renders link for target branch1283 MRWidgetConflicts1284 when allowed to merge but not allowed to push to source branch1285 ✔ should tell you about conflicts without bothering other people1286 ✔ should not allow you to resolve the conflicts1287 ✔ should have merge buttons1288 when not allowed to merge but allowed to push to source branch1289 ✔ should tell you about conflicts1290 ✔ should allow you to resolve the conflicts1291 ✔ should not have merge buttons1292 when allowed to merge and push to source branch1293 ✔ should tell you about conflicts without bothering other people1294 ✔ should allow you to resolve the conflicts1295 ✔ should have merge buttons1296 when user does not have permission to push to source branch1297 ✔ should show proper message1298 ✔ should not have action buttons1299 ✔ should not have resolve button when no conflict resolution path1300 when fast-forward or semi-linear merge enabled1301 ✔ should tell you to rebase locally1302 when source branch protected1303 ✔ sets resolve button as disabled1304 ✔ renders popover1305 when source branch not protected1306 ✔ sets resolve button as disabled1307 ✔ renders popover130823 08 2019 10:54:10.364:WARN [web-server]: 404: /undefined1309 MRWidgetFailedToMerge1310 ✔ sets interval to refresh131123 08 2019 10:54:10.375:WARN [web-server]: 404: /undefined1312 ✔ clears interval when destroying 131323 08 2019 10:54:10.387:WARN [web-server]: 404: /undefined1314 computed1315 timerText1316 ✔ should return correct timer text131723 08 2019 10:54:10.412:WARN [web-server]: 404: /undefined1318 mergeError1319 ✔ removes forced line breaks132023 08 2019 10:54:10.425:WARN [web-server]: 404: /undefined1321 created1322 ✔ should disable polling132323 08 2019 10:54:10.437:WARN [web-server]: 404: /undefined1324 methods1325 refresh1326 ✔ should emit event to request component refresh132723 08 2019 10:54:10.449:WARN [web-server]: 404: /undefined1328 updateTimer1329 ✔ should update timer and emit event when timer end133023 08 2019 10:54:10.460:WARN [web-server]: 404: /undefined1331 while it is refreshing1332 ✔ renders Refresing now133323 08 2019 10:54:10.475:WARN [web-server]: 404: /undefined1334 while it is not regresing1335 ✔ renders warning icon and disabled merge button133623 08 2019 10:54:10.487:WARN [web-server]: 404: /undefined1337 ✔ renders given error133823 08 2019 10:54:10.498:WARN [web-server]: 404: /undefined1339 ✔ renders refresh button134023 08 2019 10:54:10.508:WARN [web-server]: 404: /undefined1341 ✔ renders remaining time134223 08 2019 10:54:10.532:WARN [web-server]: 404: /undefined1343 ✔ should just generic merge failed message if merge_error is not available1344 ✔ should show refresh label when refresh requested134523 08 2019 10:54:10.552:WARN [web-server]: 404: /undefined1346 MRWidgetMerged1347 computed1348 shouldShowRemoveSourceBranch1349 ✔ returns true when sourceBranchRemoved is false135023 08 2019 10:54:10.581:WARN [web-server]: 404: /undefined1351 ✔ returns false when sourceBranchRemoved is true135223 08 2019 10:54:10.602:WARN [web-server]: 404: /undefined1353 ✔ returns false when canRemoveSourceBranch is false135423 08 2019 10:54:10.621:WARN [web-server]: 404: /undefined1355 ✔ returns false when is making request135623 08 2019 10:54:10.641:WARN [web-server]: 404: /undefined1357 ✔ returns true when all are true135823 08 2019 10:54:10.662:WARN [web-server]: 404: /undefined1359 shouldShowSourceBranchRemoving1360 ✔ should correct value when fields changed136123 08 2019 10:54:10.691:WARN [web-server]: 404: /undefined1362 methods1363 removeSourceBranch1364 ✔ should set flag and call service then request main component to update the widget136523 08 2019 10:54:11.059:WARN [web-server]: 404: /undefined1366 ✔ has merged by information136723 08 2019 10:54:11.070:WARN [web-server]: 404: /undefined1368 ✔ renders branch information136923 08 2019 10:54:11.091:WARN [web-server]: 404: /undefined1370 ✔ renders information about branch being deleted137123 08 2019 10:54:11.113:WARN [web-server]: 404: /undefined1372 ✔ shows revert and cherry-pick buttons137323 08 2019 10:54:11.143:WARN [web-server]: 404: /undefined1374 ✔ shows button to copy commit SHA to clipboard137523 08 2019 10:54:11.164:WARN [web-server]: 404: /undefined1376 ✔ hides button to copy commit SHA if SHA does not exist137723 08 2019 10:54:11.186:WARN [web-server]: 404: /undefined1378 ✔ shows merge commit SHA link137923 08 2019 10:54:11.205:WARN [web-server]: 404: /undefined1380 ✔ should not show source branch deleted text138123 08 2019 10:54:11.227:WARN [web-server]: 404: /undefined1382 ✔ should show source branch deleting text138323 08 2019 10:54:11.269:WARN [web-server]: 404: /undefined1384 ✔ should use mergedEvent mergedAt as tooltip title1385 MRWidgetMerging1386 ✔ renders information about merge request being merged1387 ✔ renders branch information138823 08 2019 10:54:11.300:WARN [web-server]: 404: /undefined1389 MRWidgetMissingBranch1390 computed1391 missingBranchName1392 ✔ should return proper branch name139323 08 2019 10:54:11.312:WARN [web-server]: 404: /undefined1394 template1395 ✔ should have correct elements139623 08 2019 10:54:11.324:WARN [web-server]: 404: /undefined1397 MRWidgetNotAllowed1398 ✔ renders success icon139923 08 2019 10:54:11.335:WARN [web-server]: 404: /undefined1400 ✔ renders informative text1401 NothingToMerge1402 template1403 ✔ should have correct elements1404 ✔ should not show new blob link if there is no link available140523 08 2019 10:54:11.377:WARN [web-server]: 404: /undefined1406 MRWidgetPipelineBlocked1407 ✔ renders warning icon1408 ✔ renders information text1409 PipelineFailed1410 template1411 ✔ should have correct elements141223 08 2019 10:54:11.392:WARN [web-server]: 404: /undefined1413 ReadyToMerge1414 props1415 ✔ should have props141623 08 2019 10:54:11.416:WARN [web-server]: 404: /undefined1417 data1418 ✔ should have default data141923 08 2019 10:54:11.442:WARN [web-server]: 404: /undefined1420 computed1421 isAutoMergeAvailable1422 ✔ should return true when at least one merge strategy is available142323 08 2019 10:54:11.463:WARN [web-server]: 404: /undefined1424 ✔ should return false when no merge strategies are available142523 08 2019 10:54:11.483:WARN [web-server]: 404: /undefined1426 status1427 ✔ defaults to success142823 08 2019 10:54:11.503:WARN [web-server]: 404: /undefined1429 ✔ returns failed when MR has CI but also has an unknown status143023 08 2019 10:54:11.538:WARN [web-server]: 404: /undefined1431 ✔ returns default when MR has no pipeline143223 08 2019 10:54:11.555:WARN [web-server]: 404: /undefined1433 ✔ returns pending when pipeline is active143423 08 2019 10:54:11.587:WARN [web-server]: 404: /undefined1435 ✔ returns failed when pipeline is failed143623 08 2019 10:54:11.608:WARN [web-server]: 404: /undefined1437 mergeButtonClass1438 ✔ defaults to success class143923 08 2019 10:54:11.627:WARN [web-server]: 404: /undefined1440 ✔ returns success class for success status144123 08 2019 10:54:11.657:WARN [web-server]: 404: /undefined1442 ✔ returns info class for pending status144323 08 2019 10:54:11.677:WARN [web-server]: 404: /undefined1444 ✔ returns failed class for failed status144523 08 2019 10:54:11.706:WARN [web-server]: 404: /undefined1446 status icon1447 ✔ defaults to tick icon144823 08 2019 10:54:11.732:WARN [web-server]: 404: /undefined1449 ✔ shows tick for success status145023 08 2019 10:54:11.765:WARN [web-server]: 404: /undefined1451 ✔ shows tick for pending status145223 08 2019 10:54:11.783:WARN [web-server]: 404: /undefined1453 ✔ shows warning icon for failed status145423 08 2019 10:54:11.807:WARN [web-server]: 404: /undefined1455 ✔ shows warning icon for merge not allowed145623 08 2019 10:54:11.826:WARN [web-server]: 404: /undefined1457 mergeButtonText1458 ✔ should return "Merge" when no auto merge strategies are available145923 08 2019 10:54:11.855:WARN [web-server]: 404: /undefined1460 ✔ should return "Merge in progress"146123 08 2019 10:54:11.881:WARN [web-server]: 404: /undefined1462 ✔ should return "Merge when pipeline succeeds" when the MWPS auto merge strategy is available146323 08 2019 10:54:11.900:WARN [web-server]: 404: /undefined1464 autoMergeText1465 ✔ should return Merge when pipeline succeeds146623 08 2019 10:54:11.924:WARN [web-server]: 404: /undefined1467 shouldShowMergeImmediatelyDropdown1468 ✔ should return false if no pipeline is active146923 08 2019 10:54:11.946:WARN [web-server]: 404: /undefined1470 ✔ should return false if "Pipelines must succeed" is enabled for the current project147123 08 2019 10:54:11.979:WARN [web-server]: 404: /undefined1472 ✔ should return true if the MR's pipeline is active and "Pipelines must succeed" is not enabled for the current project147323 08 2019 10:54:11.992:WARN [web-server]: 404: /undefined1474 isMergeButtonDisabled1475 ✔ should return false with initial data147623 08 2019 10:54:12.013:WARN [web-server]: 404: /undefined1477 ✔ should return true when there is no commit message147823 08 2019 10:54:12.035:WARN [web-server]: 404: /undefined1479 ✔ should return true if merge is not allowed148023 08 2019 10:54:12.060:WARN [web-server]: 404: /undefined1481 ✔ should return true when the vm instance is making request148223 08 2019 10:54:12.092:WARN [web-server]: 404: /undefined1483 methods1484 shouldShowMergeControls1485 ✔ should return false when an external pipeline is running and required to succeed148623 08 2019 10:54:12.115:WARN [web-server]: 404: /undefined1487 ✔ should return true when the build succeeded or build not required to succeed148823 08 2019 10:54:12.143:WARN [web-server]: 404: /undefined1489 ✔ should return true when showing the MWPS button and a pipeline is running that needs to be successful149023 08 2019 10:54:12.164:WARN [web-server]: 404: /undefined1491 ✔ should return true when showing the MWPS button but not required for the pipeline to succeed149223 08 2019 10:54:12.197:WARN [web-server]: 404: /undefined1493 updateMergeCommitMessage1494 ✔ should revert flag and change commitMessage149523 08 2019 10:54:12.224:WARN [web-server]: 404: /undefined1496 handleMergeButtonClick1497 ✔ should handle merge when pipeline succeeds149823 08 2019 10:54:12.577:WARN [web-server]: 404: /undefined1499 ✔ should handle merge failed150023 08 2019 10:54:12.931:WARN [web-server]: 404: /undefined1501 ✔ should handle merge action accepted case150223 08 2019 10:54:13.285:WARN [web-server]: 404: /undefined1503 initiateMergePolling1504 ✔ should call simplePoll150523 08 2019 10:54:13.313:WARN [web-server]: 404: /undefined1506 ✔ should call handleMergePolling150723 08 2019 10:54:13.339:WARN [web-server]: 404: /undefined150823 08 2019 10:54:13.732:WARN [web-server]: 404: /some_list?limit=20&offset=1001509 handleMergePolling1510 ✔ should call start and stop polling when MR merged151123 08 2019 10:54:13.774:WARN [web-server]: 404: /undefined1512 ✔ updates status box151323 08 2019 10:54:13.890:WARN [web-server]: 404: /undefined1514 ✔ hides close button151523 08 2019 10:54:14.017:WARN [web-server]: 404: /undefined1516 ✔ updates merge request count badge151723 08 2019 10:54:14.143:WARN [web-server]: 404: /undefined1518 ✔ should continue polling until MR is merged151923 08 2019 10:54:14.559:WARN [web-server]: 404: /undefined1520 initiateRemoveSourceBranchPolling1521 ✔ should emit event and call simplePoll152223 08 2019 10:54:14.581:WARN [web-server]: 404: /undefined1523 handleRemoveBranchPolling1524 ✔ should call start and stop polling when MR merged152523 08 2019 10:54:14.935:WARN [web-server]: 404: /undefined1526 ✔ should continue polling until MR is merged152723 08 2019 10:54:15.288:WARN [web-server]: 404: /undefined1528 Remove source branch checkbox1529 when user can merge but cannot delete branch1530 ✔ should be disabled in the rendered output153123 08 2019 10:54:15.310:WARN [web-server]: 404: /undefined1532 when user can merge and can delete branch1533 ✔ isRemoveSourceBranchButtonDisabled should be false153423 08 2019 10:54:15.348:WARN [web-server]: 404: /undefined1535 ✔ should be enabled in rendered output153623 08 2019 10:54:15.416:WARN [web-server]: 404: /undefined1537 render children components1538 squash checkbox1539 ✔ should be rendered when squash before merge is enabled and there is more than 1 commit154023 08 2019 10:54:15.455:WARN [web-server]: 404: /undefined1541 ✔ should not be rendered when squash before merge is disabled154223 08 2019 10:54:15.494:WARN [web-server]: 404: /undefined1543 ✔ should not be rendered when there is only 1 commit154423 08 2019 10:54:15.526:WARN [web-server]: 404: /undefined1545 commits count collapsible header1546 ✔ should be rendered when fast-forward is disabled154723 08 2019 10:54:15.558:WARN [web-server]: 404: /undefined1548 when fast-forward is enabled1549 ✔ should be rendered if squash and squash before are enabled and there is more than 1 commit155023 08 2019 10:54:15.590:WARN [web-server]: 404: /undefined1551 ✔ should not be rendered if squash before merge is disabled155223 08 2019 10:54:15.620:WARN [web-server]: 404: /undefined1553 ✔ should not be rendered if squash is disabled155423 08 2019 10:54:15.655:WARN [web-server]: 404: /undefined1555 ✔ should not be rendered if commits count is 1155623 08 2019 10:54:15.691:WARN [web-server]: 404: /undefined1557 commits edit components1558 when fast-forward merge is enabled1559 ✔ should not be rendered if squash is disabled156023 08 2019 10:54:15.733:WARN [web-server]: 404: /undefined1561 ✔ should not be rendered if squash before merge is disabled156223 08 2019 10:54:15.760:WARN [web-server]: 404: /undefined1563 ✔ should not be rendered if there is only one commit156423 08 2019 10:54:15.791:WARN [web-server]: 404: /undefined1565 ✔ should have one edit component if squash is enabled and there is more than 1 commit156623 08 2019 10:54:15.824:WARN [web-server]: 404: /undefined1567 ✔ should have one edit component when squash is disabled156823 08 2019 10:54:15.863:WARN [web-server]: 404: /undefined1569 ✔ should have two edit components when squash is enabled and there is more than 1 commit157023 08 2019 10:54:15.914:WARN [web-server]: 404: /undefined1571 ✔ should have one edit components when squash is enabled and there is 1 commit only157223 08 2019 10:54:15.960:WARN [web-server]: 404: /undefined1573 ✔ should have correct edit merge commit label157423 08 2019 10:54:15.992:WARN [web-server]: 404: /undefined1575 ✔ should have correct edit squash commit label157623 08 2019 10:54:16.028:WARN [web-server]: 404: /undefined1577 commits dropdown1578 ✔ should not be rendered if squash is disabled157923 08 2019 10:54:16.082:WARN [web-server]: 404: /undefined1580 ✔ should be rendered if squash is enabled and there is more than 1 commit158123 08 2019 10:54:16.111:WARN [web-server]: 404: /undefined1582 Merge controls1583 when allowed to merge1584 ✔ shows remove source branch checkbox158523 08 2019 10:54:16.148:WARN [web-server]: 404: /undefined1586 ✔ shows modify commit message button158723 08 2019 10:54:16.184:WARN [web-server]: 404: /undefined1588 ✔ does not show message about needing to resolve items158923 08 2019 10:54:16.221:WARN [web-server]: 404: /undefined1590 when not allowed to merge1591 ✔ does not show remove source branch checkbox159223 08 2019 10:54:16.256:WARN [web-server]: 404: /undefined1593 ✔ shows message to resolve all items before being allowed to merge159423 08 2019 10:54:16.291:WARN [web-server]: 404: /undefined1595 Commit message area1596 ✔ when using merge commits, should show "Modify commit message" button159723 08 2019 10:54:16.327:WARN [web-server]: 404: /undefined1598 ✔ when fast-forward merge is enabled, only show fast-forward message159923 08 2019 10:54:16.354:WARN [web-server]: 404: /undefined1600 ShaMismatch1601 ✔ should render information message1602 Squash before merge component1603 checkbox1604 ✔ is unchecked if passed value prop is false1605 ✔ is checked if passed value prop is true1606 ✔ changes value on click1607 ✔ is disabled if isDisabled prop is true1608 about link1609 ✔ is not rendered if no help path is passed1610 ✔ is rendered if help path is passed1611 ✔ should have a correct help path if passed161223 08 2019 10:54:16.476:WARN [web-server]: 404: /undefined1613 UnresolvedDiscussions1614 with threads path1615 ✔ should have correct elements161623 08 2019 10:54:16.499:WARN [web-server]: 404: /undefined1617 without threads path1618 ✔ should not show create issue link if user cannot create issue161923 08 2019 10:54:16.523:WARN [web-server]: 404: /undefined1620 Wip1621 props1622 ✔ should have props1623 data1624 ✔ should have default data162523 08 2019 10:54:16.536:WARN [web-server]: 404: /undefined1626 methods1627 removeWIP1628 ✔ should make a request to service and handle response162923 08 2019 10:54:16.884:WARN [web-server]: 404: /undefined1630 template1631 ✔ should have correct elements163223 08 2019 10:54:16.896:WARN [web-server]: 404: /undefined1633 ✔ should not show removeWIP button is user cannot update MR163423 08 2019 10:54:16.917:WARN [web-server]: 404: /undefined1635 mrWidgetOptions1636 data1637 ✔ should instantiate Store and Service163823 08 2019 10:54:16.979:WARN [web-server]: 404: /undefined1639 computed1640 componentName1641 ✔ should return merged component164223 08 2019 10:54:17.043:WARN [web-server]: 404: /undefined1643 ✔ should return conflicts component164423 08 2019 10:54:17.112:WARN [web-server]: 404: /undefined1645 shouldRenderMergeHelp1646 ✔ should return false for the initial merged state164723 08 2019 10:54:17.158:WARN [web-server]: 404: /undefined1648 ✔ should return true for a state which requires help widget164923 08 2019 10:54:17.214:WARN [web-server]: 404: /undefined1650 shouldRenderPipelines1651 ✔ should return true when hasCI is true165223 08 2019 10:54:17.268:WARN [web-server]: 404: /undefined1653 ✔ should return false when hasCI is false165423 08 2019 10:54:17.321:WARN [web-server]: 404: /undefined1655 shouldRenderRelatedLinks1656 ✔ should return false for the initial data165723 08 2019 10:54:17.376:WARN [web-server]: 404: /undefined1658 ✔ should return true if there is relatedLinks in MR165923 08 2019 10:54:17.432:WARN [web-server]: 404: /undefined1660 shouldRenderSourceBranchRemovalStatus1661 ✔ should return true when cannot remove source branch and branch will be removed166223 08 2019 10:54:17.484:WARN [web-server]: 404: /undefined1663 ✔ should return false when can remove source branch and branch will be removed166423 08 2019 10:54:17.567:WARN [web-server]: 404: /undefined1665 ✔ should return false when cannot remove source branch and branch will not be removed166623 08 2019 10:54:17.634:WARN [web-server]: 404: /undefined1667 ✔ should return false when in merged state166823 08 2019 10:54:17.682:WARN [web-server]: 404: /undefined1669 ✔ should return false when in nothing to merge state167023 08 2019 10:54:17.743:WARN [web-server]: 404: /undefined1671 shouldRenderCollaborationStatus1672 when collaboration is allowed1673 when merge request is opened1674 ✔ should render collaboration status167523 08 2019 10:54:17.810:WARN [web-server]: 404: /undefined1676 when merge request is not opened1677 ✔ should not render collaboration status167823 08 2019 10:54:17.871:WARN [web-server]: 404: /undefined1679 when collaboration is not allowed1680 when merge request is opened1681 ✔ should not render collaboration status168223 08 2019 10:54:17.928:WARN [web-server]: 404: /undefined1683 showMergePipelineForkWarning1684 when the source project and target project are the same1685 ✔ should be false168623 08 2019 10:54:17.984:WARN [web-server]: 404: /undefined1687 when merge pipelines are not enabled1688 ✔ should be false168923 08 2019 10:54:18.040:WARN [web-server]: 404: /undefined1690 when merge pipelines are enabled _and_ the source project and target project are different1691 ✔ should be true169223 08 2019 10:54:18.098:WARN [web-server]: 404: /undefined1693 methods1694 checkStatus1695 ✔ should tell service to check status169623 08 2019 10:54:18.499:WARN [web-server]: 404: /undefined1697 initPolling1698 ✔ should call SmartInterval169923 08 2019 10:54:18.545:WARN [web-server]: 404: /undefined1700 initDeploymentsPolling1701 ✔ should call SmartInterval170223 08 2019 10:54:18.602:WARN [web-server]: 404: /undefined1703 fetchDeployments1704 ✔ should fetch deployments170523 08 2019 10:54:18.676:WARN [web-server]: 404: /undefined170623 08 2019 10:54:18.724:WARN [web-server]: 404: /some_list?limit=20&offset=1001707 fetchActionsContent1708 ✔ should fetch content of Cherry Pick and Revert modals170923 08 2019 10:54:19.060:WARN [web-server]: 404: /undefined1710 bindEventHubListeners1711 ✔ should bind eventHub listeners171223 08 2019 10:54:19.131:WARN [web-server]: 404: /undefined1713 setFavicon1714 ✔ should call setFavicon method171523 08 2019 10:54:19.203:WARN [web-server]: 404: /undefined1716 ✔ should not call setFavicon when there is no ciStatusFaviconPath171723 08 2019 10:54:19.277:WARN [web-server]: 404: /undefined1718 handleNotification1719 ✔ should call notifyMe172023 08 2019 10:54:19.340:WARN [web-server]: 404: /undefined1721 ✔ should not call notifyMe if the status has not changed172223 08 2019 10:54:19.408:WARN [web-server]: 404: /undefined1723 ✔ should not notify if no pipeline provided172423 08 2019 10:54:19.460:WARN [web-server]: 404: /undefined1725 resumePolling1726 ✔ should call stopTimer on pollingInterval172723 08 2019 10:54:19.514:WARN [web-server]: 404: /undefined1728 stopPolling1729 ✔ should call stopTimer on pollingInterval173023 08 2019 10:54:19.580:WARN [web-server]: 404: /undefined1731 rendering relatedLinks1732 ✔ renders if there are relatedLinks173323 08 2019 10:54:19.645:WARN [web-server]: 404: /undefined1734 ✔ does not render if state is nothingToMerge173523 08 2019 10:54:19.715:WARN [web-server]: 404: /undefined1736 rendering source branch removal status1737 ✔ renders when user cannot remove branch and branch should be removed173823 08 2019 10:54:19.782:WARN [web-server]: 404: /undefined1739 ✔ does not render in merged state174023 08 2019 10:54:19.837:WARN [web-server]: 404: /undefined1741 rendering deployments1742 ✔ renders multiple deployments174323 08 2019 10:54:19.942:WARN [web-server]: 404: /undefined1744 ✔ renders dropdpown with multiple file changes174523 08 2019 10:54:20.030:WARN [web-server]: 404: /undefined1746 pipeline for target branch after merge1747 with information for target branch pipeline1748 ✔ renders pipeline block174923 08 2019 10:54:20.098:WARN [web-server]: 404: /undefined175023 08 2019 10:54:20.220:WARN [web-server]: 404: /root/acets-review-apps/environments/15/deployments/1/metrics.json1751 with post merge deployments1752 ✔ renders post deployment information175323 08 2019 10:54:20.258:WARN [web-server]: 404: /undefined1754 without information for target branch pipeline1755 ✔ does not render pipeline block175623 08 2019 10:54:20.311:WARN [web-server]: 404: /undefined1757 when state is not merged1758 ✔ does not render pipeline block175923 08 2019 10:54:20.377:WARN [web-server]: 404: /undefined1760 ✔ does not render post deployment information1761 MergeRequestStore1762 setData1763 ✔ should set isSHAMismatch when the diff SHA changes1764 ✔ should not set isSHAMismatch when other data changes1765 ✔ should update cached sha after rebasing1766 isPipelinePassing1767 ✔ is true when the CI status is `success`1768 ✔ is true when the CI status is `success-with-warnings`1769 ✔ is false when the CI status is `failed`1770 ✔ is false when the CI status is anything except `success`1771 isPipelineSkipped1772 ✔ should set isPipelineSkipped=true when the CI status is `skipped`1773 ✔ should set isPipelineSkipped=false when the CI status is anything except `skipped`1774 isNothingToMergeState1775 ✔ returns true when nothingToMerge1776 ✔ returns false when not nothingToMerge1777 Bar chart component1778 ✔ calculates the padding for even distribution across bars1779 ✔ formats the tooltip title1780 ✔ has a translates the bar graphs on across the X axis1781 ✔ translates the scroll indicator to the far right side1782 ✔ translates the x-axis to the bottom of the viewbox and pan coordinates1783 ✔ rotates the x axis labels a total of 90 degress (CCW)178423 08 2019 10:54:21.033:WARN [web-server]: 404: /undefined1785 CI Badge Link Component1786 ✔ should render each status badge178723 08 2019 10:54:21.064:WARN [web-server]: 404: /undefined1788 ✔ should not render label178923 08 2019 10:54:21.081:WARN [web-server]: 404: /undefined1790 CI Icon component1791 ✔ should render a span element with an svg179223 08 2019 10:54:21.106:WARN [web-server]: 404: /undefined1793 ✔ should render a success status179423 08 2019 10:54:21.115:WARN [web-server]: 404: /undefined1795 ✔ should render a failed status1796 ✔ should render success with warnings status179723 08 2019 10:54:21.128:WARN [web-server]: 404: /undefined1798 ✔ should render pending status179923 08 2019 10:54:21.136:WARN [web-server]: 404: /undefined1800 ✔ should render running status1801 ✔ should render created status180223 08 2019 10:54:21.150:WARN [web-server]: 404: /undefined1803 ✔ should render skipped status180423 08 2019 10:54:21.158:WARN [web-server]: 404: /undefined1805 ✔ should render canceled status1806 ✔ should render status for manual action180723 08 2019 10:54:21.194:WARN [web-server]: 404: /undefined1808 clipboard button1809 without gfm1810 ✔ renders a button for clipboard1811 ✔ should have a tooltip with default values1812 ✔ should render provided classname181323 08 2019 10:54:21.213:WARN [web-server]: 404: /undefined1814 with gfm1815 ✔ sets data-clipboard-text with gfm1816WARN: '[BootstrapVue warn]: b-tooltip: 'target' element not found!'1817WARN: '[BootstrapVue warn]: b-tooltip: 'target' element not found!'1818 Commit component1819 ✔ should render a fork icon if it does not represent a tag182023 08 2019 10:54:21.250:WARN [web-server]: 404: /undefined1821WARN: '[BootstrapVue warn]: b-tooltip: 'target' element not found!'1822WARN: '[BootstrapVue warn]: b-tooltip: 'target' element not found!'1823 Given all the props1824 ✔ should render a tag icon if it represents a tag182523 08 2019 10:54:21.270:WARN [web-server]: 404: /undefined1826WARN: '[BootstrapVue warn]: b-tooltip: 'target' element not found!'1827WARN: '[BootstrapVue warn]: b-tooltip: 'target' element not found!'1828 ✔ should render a link to the ref url182923 08 2019 10:54:21.292:WARN [web-server]: 404: /undefined1830WARN: '[BootstrapVue warn]: b-tooltip: 'target' element not found!'1831WARN: '[BootstrapVue warn]: b-tooltip: 'target' element not found!'1832 ✔ should render the ref name183323 08 2019 10:54:21.319:WARN [web-server]: 404: /undefined1834WARN: '[BootstrapVue warn]: b-tooltip: 'target' element not found!'1835WARN: '[BootstrapVue warn]: b-tooltip: 'target' element not found!'1836 ✔ should render the commit short sha with a link to the commit url183723 08 2019 10:54:21.358:WARN [web-server]: 404: /undefined1838WARN: '[BootstrapVue warn]: b-tooltip: 'target' element not found!'1839WARN: '[BootstrapVue warn]: b-tooltip: 'target' element not found!'1840 ✔ should render icon for commit184123 08 2019 10:54:21.374:WARN [web-server]: 404: /undefined1842WARN: '[BootstrapVue warn]: b-tooltip: 'target' element not found!'1843WARN: '[BootstrapVue warn]: b-tooltip: 'target' element not found!'1844 Given commit title and author props1845 ✔ should render a link to the author profile184623 08 2019 10:54:21.402:WARN [web-server]: 404: /undefined1847WARN: '[BootstrapVue warn]: b-tooltip: 'target' element not found!'1848WARN: '[BootstrapVue warn]: b-tooltip: 'target' element not found!'1849 ✔ Should render the author avatar with title and alt attributes185023 08 2019 10:54:21.431:WARN [web-server]: 404: /undefined1851WARN: '[BootstrapVue warn]: b-tooltip: 'target' element not found!'1852WARN: '[BootstrapVue warn]: b-tooltip: 'target' element not found!'1853 ✔ should render the commit title185423 08 2019 10:54:21.451:WARN [web-server]: 404: /undefined1855 When commit title is not provided1856 ✔ should render default message185723 08 2019 10:54:21.475:WARN [web-server]: 404: /undefined1858 When commit ref is provided, but merge ref is not1859 ✔ should render the commit ref186023 08 2019 10:54:21.490:WARN [web-server]: 404: /undefined1861 When both commit and merge ref are provided1862 ✔ should render the merge ref186323 08 2019 10:54:21.518:WARN [web-server]: 404: /undefined1864 When showRefInfo === false1865 ✔ should not render any ref info1866 ContentViewer1867 ✔ markdown preview renders + loads rendered markdown from server1868 ✔ renders image preview186923 08 2019 10:54:21.564:WARN [web-server]: 404: /undefined1870 ✔ renders fallback download control1871 DeprecatedModal1872 props1873 without primaryButtonLabel1874 ✔ does not render a primary button1875 with id1876 does not render a primary button1877 ✔ assigns the id to the modal1878 ✔ does not show the modal immediately1879 ✔ does not show a backdrop188023 08 2019 10:54:21.651:WARN [web-server]: 404: /some_list?limit=20&offset=1001881 ✔ works with data-toggle="modal"1882 DiffViewer1883 ✔ renders image diff188423 08 2019 10:54:21.740:WARN [web-server]: 404: /undefined1885 ✔ renders fallback download diff display1886 ✔ renders renamed component1887 ✔ renders mode changed component1888 ImageDiffViewer1889 ✔ renders image diff for replaced1890 ✔ renders image diff for new1891 ✔ renders image diff for deleted1892 ✔ renders image diff for renamed1893 swipeMode1894 ✔ switches to Swipe Mode1895 onionSkin1896 ✔ switches to Onion Skin Mode1897 ✔ has working drag handler1898 DropdownButtonComponent1899 computed1900 dropdownToggleText1901 ✔ returns default toggle text1902 ✔ returns custom toggle text when provided via props1903 template1904 ✔ renders component container element of type `button`1905 ✔ renders component container element with required data attributes1906 ✔ renders dropdown toggle text element1907 ✔ renders dropdown button icon1908 ✔ renders slot, if default slot exists1909 DropdownHiddenInputComponent1910 template1911 ✔ renders input element of type `hidden`1912 DropdownSearchInputComponent1913 template1914 ✔ renders input element with type `search`1915 ✔ renders search icon element1916 ✔ renders clear search icon element1917 ✔ displays custom placeholder text191823 08 2019 10:54:22.017:WARN [web-server]: 404: /undefined1919 expand button1920 ✔ renders a collapsed button192123 08 2019 10:54:22.028:WARN [web-server]: 404: /undefined1922 ✔ hides expander on click192323 08 2019 10:54:22.046:WARN [web-server]: 404: /undefined1924 File finder item spec1925 with entries1926 ✔ renders list of blobs192723 08 2019 10:54:22.091:WARN [web-server]: 404: /undefined1928 ✔ filters entries192923 08 2019 10:54:22.155:WARN [web-server]: 404: /undefined1930 ✔ shows clear button when searchText is not empty193123 08 2019 10:54:22.206:WARN [web-server]: 404: /undefined193223 08 2019 10:54:22.249:WARN [web-server]: 404: /undefined1933 ✔ clear button resets searchText193423 08 2019 10:54:22.306:WARN [web-server]: 404: /undefined193523 08 2019 10:54:22.351:WARN [web-server]: 404: /undefined1936 ✔ clear button focues search input193723 08 2019 10:54:22.390:WARN [web-server]: 404: /undefined1938 listShowCount1939 ✔ returns 1 when no filtered entries exist194023 08 2019 10:54:22.452:WARN [web-server]: 404: /undefined1941 ✔ returns entries length when not filtered194223 08 2019 10:54:22.500:WARN [web-server]: 404: /undefined1943 listHeight1944 ✔ returns 55 when entries exist194523 08 2019 10:54:22.546:WARN [web-server]: 404: /undefined1946 ✔ returns 33 when entries dont exist194723 08 2019 10:54:22.616:WARN [web-server]: 404: /undefined1948 filteredBlobsLength1949 ✔ returns length of filtered blobs195023 08 2019 10:54:22.689:WARN [web-server]: 404: /undefined1951 watches1952 searchText1953 ✔ resets focusedIndex when updated195423 08 2019 10:54:22.732:WARN [web-server]: 404: /undefined195523 08 2019 10:54:22.774:WARN [web-server]: 404: /undefined1956 visible1957 ✔ returns searchText when false195823 08 2019 10:54:22.820:WARN [web-server]: 404: /undefined1959 openFile1960 ✔ closes file finder196123 08 2019 10:54:22.864:WARN [web-server]: 404: /undefined1962 ✔ pushes to router196323 08 2019 10:54:22.909:WARN [web-server]: 404: /undefined1964 onKeyup1965 ✔ opens file on enter key196623 08 2019 10:54:22.957:WARN [web-server]: 404: /undefined1967 ✔ closes file finder on esc key196823 08 2019 10:54:22.999:WARN [web-server]: 404: /undefined1969 onKeyDown1970 up key1971 ✔ resets to last index when at top197223 08 2019 10:54:23.047:WARN [web-server]: 404: /undefined1973 ✔ minus 1 from focusedIndex197423 08 2019 10:54:23.093:WARN [web-server]: 404: /undefined1975 down key1976 ✔ resets to first index when at bottom197723 08 2019 10:54:23.145:WARN [web-server]: 404: /undefined1978 ✔ adds 1 to focusedIndex1979 without entries1980 ✔ renders loading text when loading1981 ✔ renders no files text1982 keyboard shortcuts1983 ✔ calls toggle on `t` key press1984 ✔ calls toggle on `command+p` key press1985 ✔ calls toggle on `ctrl+p` key press1986 ✔ always allows `command+p` to trigger toggle1987 ✔ always allows `ctrl+p` to trigger toggle1988 ✔ onlys handles `t` when focused in input-field1989 ✔ stops callback in monaco editor199023 08 2019 10:54:23.317:WARN [web-server]: 404: /undefined1991 ✔ renders file name & path199223 08 2019 10:54:23.334:WARN [web-server]: 404: /undefined1993 focused1994 ✔ adds is-focused class199523 08 2019 10:54:23.353:WARN [web-server]: 404: /undefined1996 ✔ does not have is-focused class when not focused199723 08 2019 10:54:23.371:WARN [web-server]: 404: /undefined1998 changed file icon1999 ✔ does not render when not a changed or temp file200023 08 2019 10:54:23.387:WARN [web-server]: 404: /undefined2001 ✔ renders when a changed file200223 08 2019 10:54:23.413:WARN [web-server]: 404: /undefined2003 ✔ renders when a temp file200423 08 2019 10:54:23.433:WARN [web-server]: 404: /undefined2005 ✔ emits event when clicked200623 08 2019 10:54:23.467:WARN [web-server]: 404: /undefined2007 path2008 ✔ highlights text200923 08 2019 10:54:23.477:WARN [web-server]: 404: /undefined2010 ✔ adds ellipsis to long text201123 08 2019 10:54:23.514:WARN [web-server]: 404: /undefined2012 name2013 ✔ highlights text201423 08 2019 10:54:23.531:WARN [web-server]: 404: /undefined2015 ✔ does not add ellipsis to long text201623 08 2019 10:54:23.603:WARN [web-server]: 404: /undefined2017 File Icon component2018 ✔ should render a span element with an svg201923 08 2019 10:54:23.613:WARN [web-server]: 404: /undefined2020 ✔ should render a javascript icon based on file ending2021 ✔ should render a image icon based on file ending202223 08 2019 10:54:23.626:WARN [web-server]: 404: /undefined2023 ✔ should render a webpack icon based on file namer202423 08 2019 10:54:23.664:WARN [web-server]: 404: /undefined2025 ✔ should render a standard folder icon2026 ✔ should render a loading icon202723 08 2019 10:54:23.684:WARN [web-server]: 404: /undefined2028 ✔ should add a special class and a size class202923 08 2019 10:54:23.693:WARN [web-server]: 404: /undefined2030 File row component2031 ✔ renders name203223 08 2019 10:54:23.706:WARN [web-server]: 404: /undefined2033 ✔ emits toggleTreeOpen on click203423 08 2019 10:54:23.731:WARN [web-server]: 404: /undefined2035 ✔ calls scrollIntoView if made active203623 08 2019 10:54:23.741:WARN [web-server]: 404: /undefined2037 ✔ indents row based on level2038 ✔ renders header for file2039 ✔ is not rendered for `moved` entries in subfolders204023 08 2019 10:54:23.791:WARN [web-server]: 404: /undefined2041 new dropdown2042 ✔ renders in extra component204323 08 2019 10:54:23.813:WARN [web-server]: 404: /undefined2044 ✔ is hidden at start204523 08 2019 10:54:23.844:WARN [web-server]: 404: /undefined2046 ✔ is opened when button is clicked204723 08 2019 10:54:23.874:WARN [web-server]: 404: /undefined2048 when opened2049 ✔ stays open when button triggers mouseout205023 08 2019 10:54:23.895:WARN [web-server]: 404: /undefined2051 ✔ stays open when button triggers mouseleave205223 08 2019 10:54:23.922:WARN [web-server]: 404: /undefined2053 ✔ closes when row triggers mouseleave205423 08 2019 10:54:23.944:WARN [web-server]: 404: /undefined2055 Filtered search dropdown2056 with an empty array of items2057 ✔ renders empty list205823 08 2019 10:54:23.959:WARN [web-server]: 404: /undefined2059 ✔ renders filter input206023 08 2019 10:54:23.989:WARN [web-server]: 404: /undefined2061 when visible numbers is less than the items length2062 ✔ it renders only the maximum number provided206323 08 2019 10:54:24.007:WARN [web-server]: 404: /undefined2064 when visible number is bigger than the items length2065 ✔ it renders the full list of items the maximum number provided206623 08 2019 10:54:24.023:WARN [web-server]: 404: /undefined2067 while filtering2068 ✔ updates the results to match the typed value206923 08 2019 10:54:24.040:WARN [web-server]: 404: /undefined2070 when no value matches the typed one2071 ✔ does not render any result207223 08 2019 10:54:24.066:WARN [web-server]: 404: /undefined2073 with create mode enabled2074 when there are no matches2075 ✔ renders a create button207623 08 2019 10:54:24.086:WARN [web-server]: 404: /undefined2077 ✔ renders computed button text207823 08 2019 10:54:24.107:WARN [web-server]: 404: /undefined2079 on click create button2080 ✔ emits createItem event with the filter208123 08 2019 10:54:24.134:WARN [web-server]: 404: /undefined2082 when there are matches2083 ✔ does not render a create button208423 08 2019 10:54:24.153:WARN [web-server]: 404: /undefined2085 with create mode disabled2086 when there are no matches2087 ✔ does not render a create button2088 GlCountdown2089 when there is time remaining2090 ✔ displays remaining time2091 ✔ updates remaining time2092 when there is no time remaining2093 ✔ displays 00:00:002094 when an invalid date is passed2095 ✔ throws a validation error2096 GlModal2097 props2098 with id2099 ✔ assigns the id to the modal2100 without id2101 ✔ does not add an id attribute to the modal2102 with headerTitleText2103 ✔ sets the modal title2104 with footerPrimaryButtonVariant2105 ✔ sets the primary button class2106 with footerPrimaryButtonText2107 ✔ sets the primary button text210823 08 2019 10:54:24.299:WARN [web-server]: 404: /some_list?limit=20&offset=1002109 ✔ works with data-toggle="modal"2110 methods2111 emitCancel2112 ✔ emits a cancel event2113 emitSubmit2114 ✔ emits a submit event2115 opened2116 ✔ emits a open event2117 closed2118 ✔ emits a closed event2119 slots2120 default slot2121 ✔ sets the modal body2122 header slot2123 ✔ sets the modal header2124 title slot2125 ✔ sets the modal title2126 footer slot2127 ✔ sets the modal footer2128 handling sizes2129 ✔ should render modal-sm2130 ✔ should render modal-lg2131 ✔ should render modal-xl2132 ✔ should not add modal size classes when md size is passed2133 ✔ should not add modal size classes by default2134 GlModalVuex2135 ✔ renders gl-modal2136 ✔ passes props through to gl-modal2137 ✔ passes listeners through to gl-modal2138 ✔ calls vuex action on show2139 ✔ calls vuex action on hide2140 ✔ calls bootstrap show when isVisible changes2141 ✔ calls bootstrap hide when isVisible changes214223 08 2019 10:54:24.580:WARN [web-server]: 404: /undefined214323 08 2019 10:54:24.596:WARN [web-server]: 404: /link?width=202144WARN: '[BootstrapVue warn]: b-tooltip: 'target' element not found!'2145WARN: '[BootstrapVue warn]: b-tooltip: 'target' element not found!'2146 Header CI Component2147 render2148 ✔ should render status badge214923 08 2019 10:54:24.607:WARN [web-server]: 404: /undefined215023 08 2019 10:54:24.623:WARN [web-server]: 404: /link?width=202151WARN: '[BootstrapVue warn]: b-tooltip: 'target' element not found!'2152WARN: '[BootstrapVue warn]: b-tooltip: 'target' element not found!'2153 ✔ should render item name and id215423 08 2019 10:54:24.638:WARN [web-server]: 404: /undefined215523 08 2019 10:54:24.651:WARN [web-server]: 404: /link?width=202156WARN: '[BootstrapVue warn]: b-tooltip: 'target' element not found!'2157WARN: '[BootstrapVue warn]: b-tooltip: 'target' element not found!'2158 ✔ should render timeago date215923 08 2019 10:54:24.666:WARN [web-server]: 404: /undefined216023 08 2019 10:54:24.680:WARN [web-server]: 404: /link?width=202161WARN: '[BootstrapVue warn]: b-tooltip: 'target' element not found!'2162WARN: '[BootstrapVue warn]: b-tooltip: 'target' element not found!'2163 ✔ should render user icon and name216423 08 2019 10:54:24.713:WARN [web-server]: 404: /undefined216523 08 2019 10:54:24.716:WARN [web-server]: 404: /link?width=202166WARN: '[BootstrapVue warn]: b-tooltip: 'target' element not found!'2167WARN: '[BootstrapVue warn]: b-tooltip: 'target' element not found!'2168 ✔ should render provided actions216923 08 2019 10:54:24.727:WARN [web-server]: 404: /undefined217023 08 2019 10:54:24.737:WARN [web-server]: 404: /link?width=202171 ✔ should show loading icon217223 08 2019 10:54:24.758:WARN [web-server]: 404: /undefined217323 08 2019 10:54:24.773:WARN [web-server]: 404: /link?width=202174WARN: '[BootstrapVue warn]: b-tooltip: 'target' element not found!'2175WARN: '[BootstrapVue warn]: b-tooltip: 'target' element not found!'2176 ✔ should render sidebar toggle button217723 08 2019 10:54:24.789:WARN [web-server]: 404: /undefined217823 08 2019 10:54:24.805:WARN [web-server]: 404: /link?width=202179WARN: '[BootstrapVue warn]: b-tooltip: 'target' element not found!'2180WARN: '[BootstrapVue warn]: b-tooltip: 'target' element not found!'2181 shouldRenderTriggeredLabel2182 ✔ should rendered created keyword when the shouldRenderTriggeredLabel is false218323 08 2019 10:54:24.818:WARN [web-server]: 404: /undefined2184 Sprite Icon Component2185 Initialization2186 ✔ should return a defined Vue component218723 08 2019 10:54:24.827:WARN [web-server]: 404: /undefined2188 ✔ should have <svg> as a child element218923 08 2019 10:54:24.836:WARN [web-server]: 404: /undefined2190 ✔ should have <use> as a child element with the correct href2191 ✔ should properly compute iconSizeClass219223 08 2019 10:54:24.866:WARN [web-server]: 404: /undefined2193 ✔ forbids invalid size prop2194 ✔ should properly render img css2195WARN: 'Icon 'non_existing_icon_sprite' is not a known icon of @gitlab/gitlab-svg'2196WARN: 'Icon 'non_existing_icon_sprite' is not a known icon of @gitlab/gitlab-svg'2197 ✔ `name` validator should return false for non existing icons2198 ✔ `name` validator should return false for existing icons2199 ✔ should contain `tabindex` attribute on svg element when `tabIndex` prop is defined2200 LoadingButton2201 loading spinner2202 ✔ shown when loading2203 disabled state2204 ✔ disabled when loading2205 ✔ not disabled when normal2206 label2207 ✔ shown when normal2208 ✔ shown when loading2209 container class2210 ✔ should default to btn btn-align-content2211 ✔ should be configurable through props2212 click callback prop2213 ✔ calls given callback when normal2214 ✔ does not call given callback when disabled because of loading221523 08 2019 10:54:24.966:WARN [web-server]: 404: /undefined2216 Markdown field component2217 mounted2218 ✔ renders textarea inside backdrop221923 08 2019 10:54:25.024:WARN [web-server]: 404: /undefined2220 markdown preview2221 ✔ sets preview link as active222223 08 2019 10:54:25.069:WARN [web-server]: 404: /undefined2223 ✔ shows preview loading text222423 08 2019 10:54:25.121:WARN [web-server]: 404: /undefined2225 ✔ renders markdown preview222623 08 2019 10:54:25.167:WARN [web-server]: 404: /undefined2227 ✔ renders GFM with jQuery222823 08 2019 10:54:25.212:WARN [web-server]: 404: /undefined2229 ✔ clicking already active write or preview link does nothing223023 08 2019 10:54:25.257:WARN [web-server]: 404: /undefined2231 markdown buttons2232 ✔ converts single words223323 08 2019 10:54:25.299:WARN [web-server]: 404: /undefined2234 ✔ converts a line223523 08 2019 10:54:25.359:WARN [web-server]: 404: /undefined2236 ✔ converts multiple lines223723 08 2019 10:54:25.408:WARN [web-server]: 404: /undefined2238 Suggestion Diff component2239 init2240 ✔ renders a suggestion header224123 08 2019 10:54:25.427:WARN [web-server]: 404: /undefined2242 ✔ renders a diff table with syntax highlighting224323 08 2019 10:54:25.463:WARN [web-server]: 404: /undefined2244 ✔ renders the oldLineNumber2245 ✔ renders the oldLineContent224623 08 2019 10:54:25.481:WARN [web-server]: 404: /undefined2247 ✔ renders new lines224823 08 2019 10:54:25.498:WARN [web-server]: 404: /undefined2249 applySuggestion2250 ✔ emits apply event when applySuggestion is called225123 08 2019 10:54:25.519:WARN [web-server]: 404: /undefined2252 Suggestion component2253 mounted2254 ✔ renders a flash container225523 08 2019 10:54:25.545:WARN [web-server]: 404: /undefined2256 ✔ renders a container for suggestions225723 08 2019 10:54:25.566:WARN [web-server]: 404: /undefined2258 ✔ renders suggestions225923 08 2019 10:54:25.585:WARN [web-server]: 404: /undefined2260 generateDiff2261 ✔ generates a diff table226223 08 2019 10:54:25.620:WARN [web-server]: 404: /undefined2263 ✔ generates a diff table that contains contents of `oldLineContent`2264 ✔ generates a diff table that contains contents the suggested lines226523 08 2019 10:54:25.646:WARN [web-server]: 404: /undefined2266 ✔ generates a diff table with the correct line number for each suggested line2267 toolbar2268 user can attach file2269 ✔ should render uploading-container2270 user cannot attach file2271 ✔ should not render uploading-container2272 MemoryGraph2273 data2274 ✔ should have default data2275 computed2276 getFormattedMedian2277 ✔ should show human readable median value based on provided median timestamp2278 methods2279 getMedianMetricIndex2280 ✔ should return index of closest metric timestamp to that of median2281 getGraphPlotValues2282 ✔ should return Object containing values to plot graph2283 template2284 ✔ should render template elements correctly2285 ✔ should render graph when renderGraph is called internally2286 navigation tabs component2287 ✔ should render tabs2288 ✔ should render active tab2289 ✔ should render badge2290 ✔ should not render badge2291 ✔ should trigger onTabClick2292 Graphql Pagination component2293 without previous page2294 ✔ renders disabled previous button2295 with previous page2296 ✔ renders enabled previous button2297 ✔ emits previousClicked on click2298 without next page2299 ✔ renders disabled next button2300 with next page2301 ✔ renders enabled next button2302 ✔ emits nextClicked on click2303 Panel Resizer component2304 ✔ should render a div element with the correct classes and styles2305 ✔ should render a div element with the correct classes for a right side panel2306 ✔ drag the resizer2307 datePicker2308 ✔ should render label text2309 ✔ should show calendar2310 ✔ should toggle when dropdown is clicked2311 ProjectAvatarDefault component2312 ✔ renders identicon if project has no avatar_url2313 ✔ renders avatar image if project has avatar_url2314 ProjectListItem component2315 ✔ does not render a check mark icon if selected === false2316 ✔ renders a check mark icon if selected === true2317 ✔ emits a "clicked" event when clicked2318 ✔ renders the project avatar2319 ✔ renders a simple namespace name with a trailing slash2320 ✔ renders a properly truncated namespace with a trailing slash2321 ✔ renders the project name2322 ✔ renders the project name with highlighting in the case of a search query match2323 ✔ prevents search query and project name XSS232423 08 2019 10:54:26.175:WARN [web-server]: 404: /some_list?limit=20&offset=1002325 ProjectSelector component2326 ✔ renders the search results2327 ✔ triggers a (debounced) search when the search input value changes2328 ✔ debounces the search input2329 ✔ includes a placeholder in the search box2330 ✔ triggers a "projectClicked" event when a project is clicked2331 ✔ shows a "no results" message if showNoResultsMessage === true2332 ✔ shows a "minimum search query" message if showMinimumSearchQueryMessage === true2333 ✔ shows a error message if showSearchErrorMessage === true2334 ✔ focuses the input element when the focusSearchInput() method is called2335 Toggle Button2336 if the list is shorter than the maximum shown elements2337 ✔ renders without the vue-virtual-scroll-list component2338 ✔ renders list with provided tags and classes for the wrapper elements2339 ✔ renders all children list elements2340 if the list is longer than the maximum shown elements2341 ✔ uses the vue-virtual-scroll-list component2342 ✔ renders list with provided tags and classes for the wrapper elements2343 ✔ renders at max twice the maximum shown elements2344 StackedProgressBarComponent2345 computed2346 neutralCount2347 ✔ returns neutralCount based on totalCount, successCount and failureCount2348 methods2349 getPercent2350 ✔ returns percentage from provided count based on `totalCount`2351 ✔ returns percentage with decimal place from provided count based on `totalCount`2352 ✔ returns percentage as `< 1` from provided count based on `totalCount` when evaluated value is less than 12353 barStyle2354 ✔ returns style string based on percentage provided2355 getTooltip2356 ✔ returns label string based on label and count provided2357 template2358 ✔ renders container element2359 ✔ renders empty state when count is unavailable2360 ✔ renders bar elements when count is available2361 Pagination component2362 render2363 ✔ should not render anything2364 prev button2365 ✔ should be disabled and non clickable2366 ✔ should be disabled and non clickable when total and totalPages are NaN2367 ✔ should be enabled and clickable2368 ✔ should be enabled and clickable when total and totalPages are NaN2369 first button2370 ✔ should call the change callback with the first page2371 ✔ should call the change callback with the first page when total and totalPages are NaN2372 last button2373 ✔ should call the change callback with the last page2374 ✔ should not render2375 next button2376 ✔ should be disabled and non clickable2377 ✔ should be disabled and non clickable when total and totalPages are NaN2378 ✔ should be enabled and clickable2379 ✔ should be enabled and clickable when total and totalPages are NaN2380 numbered buttons2381 ✔ should render 5 pages2382 ✔ should not render any page2383 spread operator2384 ✔ should render2385 ✔ should not render2386 Tab component2387 ✔ sets localActive to equal active2388 ✔ sets active class2389 Tabs component2390 tab links2391 ✔ renders links for tabs2392 ✔ renders link titles from props2393 ✔ renders link titles from slot2394 ✔ renders active class2395 ✔ updates active class on click2396 content2397 ✔ renders content panes239823 08 2019 10:54:27.095:WARN [web-server]: 404: /undefined2399 render output2400 ✔ renders input with provided name240123 08 2019 10:54:27.108:WARN [web-server]: 404: /undefined2402 ✔ renders input with provided value240323 08 2019 10:54:27.134:WARN [web-server]: 404: /undefined2404 ✔ renders input status icon240523 08 2019 10:54:27.144:WARN [web-server]: 404: /undefined2406 is-checked2407 ✔ renders is checked class240823 08 2019 10:54:27.167:WARN [web-server]: 404: /undefined2409 ✔ sets aria-label representing toggle state2410 ✔ emits change event when clicked241123 08 2019 10:54:27.185:WARN [web-server]: 404: /undefined2412 is-disabled2413 ✔ renders disabled button241423 08 2019 10:54:27.193:WARN [web-server]: 404: /undefined2415 ✔ does not emit change event when clicked241623 08 2019 10:54:27.217:WARN [web-server]: 404: /undefined2417 is-loading2418 ✔ renders loading class2419 TooltipOnTruncate component2420 with default target2421 ✔ renders tooltip if truncated2422 ✔ does not render tooltip if normal2423 with child target2424 ✔ renders tooltip if truncated2425 ✔ does not render tooltip if normal2426 with fn target2427 ✔ renders tooltip if truncated2428 placement2429 ✔ sets data-placement when tooltip is rendered243023 08 2019 10:54:27.349:WARN [web-server]: 404: /myavatarurl.com?width=992431 User Avatar Image Component2432 Initialization2433 ✔ should return a defined Vue component243423 08 2019 10:54:27.360:WARN [web-server]: 404: /myavatarurl.com?width=992435 ✔ should have <img> as a child element243623 08 2019 10:54:27.381:WARN [web-server]: 404: /myavatarurl.com?width=992437 ✔ should properly compute avatarSizeClass243823 08 2019 10:54:27.396:WARN [web-server]: 404: /myavatarurl.com?width=992439 ✔ should properly render img css2440 Initialization when lazy2441 ✔ should add lazy attributes2442 Initialization without src2443 ✔ should have default avatar image244423 08 2019 10:54:27.440:WARN [web-server]: 404: /myavatarurl.com?width=992445 dynamic tooltip content2446 ✔ renders the tooltip slot2447 ✔ renders the tooltip content244823 08 2019 10:54:27.457:WARN [web-server]: 404: /myavatarurl.com?width=992449 ✔ does not render tooltip data attributes for on avatar image2450 User Avatar Link Component2451 ✔ should return a defined Vue component2452 ✔ should have user-avatar-image registered as child component2453 ✔ user-avatar-link should have user-avatar-image as child component2454 ✔ should render <a> as a child element2455 ✔ renders imgSrc with imgSize as image2456 ✔ should return necessary props as defined2457 no username2458 ✔ should only render image tag in link2459 ✔ should render avatar image tooltip2460 username2461 ✔ should not render avatar image tooltip2462 ✔ should render username prop in <span>2463 ✔ should render text tooltip for <span>2464 ✔ should render text tooltip placement for <span>2465 UserAvatarList2466 empty text2467 ✔ shows when items are empty2468 ✔ does not show when items are not empty2469 ✔ can be set in props2470 with no breakpoint2471 ✔ renders avatars2472 with breakpoint and length equal to breakpoint2473 ✔ renders all avatars if length is <= breakpoint2474 ✔ does not show button2475 with breakpoint and length greater than breakpoint2476 ✔ renders avatars up to breakpoint2477 with expand clicked2478 ✔ renders all avatars2479 ✔ with collapse clicked, it renders avatars up to breakpoint2480 User Avatar Svg Component2481 Initialization2482 ✔ should return a defined Vue component2483 ✔ should have <svg> as a child element248423 08 2019 10:54:27.839:WARN [web-server]: 404: /undefined2485 User Popover Component2486 Empty2487 ✔ should return skeleton loaders248823 08 2019 10:54:27.902:WARN [web-server]: 404: /undefined2489 basic data2490 ✔ should show basic fields2491 ✔ shows icon for location249223 08 2019 10:54:28.014:WARN [web-server]: 404: /undefined2493 job data2494 ✔ should show only bio if no organization is available249523 08 2019 10:54:28.078:WARN [web-server]: 404: /undefined2496 ✔ should show only organization if no bio is available249723 08 2019 10:54:28.141:WARN [web-server]: 404: /undefined2498 ✔ should display bio and organization in separate lines249923 08 2019 10:54:28.212:WARN [web-server]: 404: /undefined2500 ✔ should not encode special characters in bio and organization2501 ✔ shows icon for bio2502 ✔ shows icon for organization250323 08 2019 10:54:28.377:WARN [web-server]: 404: /undefined2504 status data2505 ✔ should show only message250623 08 2019 10:54:28.463:WARN [web-server]: 404: /undefined2507 ✔ should show message and emoji2508 AutofocusOnShow directive2509 with input invisible on component render2510 ✔ should bind IntersectionObserver on input element251123 08 2019 10:54:28.522:WARN [web-server]: 404: /root/acets-app/merge_requests/22/widget.json2512 ✔ should stop IntersectionObserver on input element on unbind hook2513 Tooltip directive2514 with a single tooltip2515 ✔ should have tooltip plugin applied2516 ✔ displays the title as tooltip2517 ✔ updates a visible tooltip2518 with multiple tooltips2519 ✔ should have tooltip plugin applied to all instances2520 Vue translate filter2521 ✔ translate singular text (`__`)2522 ✔ translate plural text (`n__`) without any substituting text2523 translate plural text (`n__`) with substituting %d2524 ✔ and n === 12525 ✔ and n > 12526 translates text with context `s__`2527 ✔ and using two parameters2528 ✔ and using the pipe syntax2529 ✔ translate multi line text2530 ✔ translate pluralized multi line text2531 ✔ translate pluralized multi line text with context2532 Vuex ModalModule actions2533 open2534 ✔ works2535 close2536 ✔ works2537 show2538 ✔ works2539 hide2540 ✔ works254123 08 2019 10:54:28.957:WARN [web-server]: 404: /some_list?limit=20&offset=1002542 ZenMode2543 enabling dropzone2544 ✔ should not call dropzone if element is not dropzone valid2545 ✔ should call dropzone if element is dropzone valid2546 on enter2547 ✔ pauses Mousetrap2548 ✔ removes textarea styling254923 08 2019 10:54:29.581:WARN [web-server]: 404: /root/acets-app/merge_requests/22/widget.json2550 in use2551 ✔ exits on Escape2552 on exit2553 ✔ unpauses Mousetrap255423 08 2019 10:54:30.776:WARN [web-server]: 404: /some_list?limit=20&offset=1002555 ✔ restores the scroll position255623 08 2019 10:54:30.874:WARN [web-server]: 404: /undefined2557 AddGitlabSlackApplication2558 ✔ opens popup when button is clicked255923 08 2019 10:54:30.987:WARN [web-server]: 404: /undefined2560 ✔ hides popup when button is clicked256123 08 2019 10:54:31.108:WARN [web-server]: 404: /undefined2562 ✔ popup has a project select when signed in256323 08 2019 10:54:31.193:WARN [web-server]: 404: /undefined2564 ✔ popup has a message when there is no projects256523 08 2019 10:54:31.226:WARN [web-server]: 404: /undefined2566 ✔ popup has a sign in link when logged out256723 08 2019 10:54:31.833:WARN [web-server]: 404: /undefined2568 ✔ redirects user to external link when submitted2569 EE Approvals App2570 when allow multi rule2571 ✔ dispatches fetchRules action on created2572 ✔ renders create modal2573 ✔ renders delete modal2574 if not loaded2575 ✔ shows loading icon2576 if loaded and empty2577 ✔ does not show Rules2578 ✔ shows loading icon if loading2579 ✔ does not show loading icon if not loading2580 if not empty2581 ✔ shows rules2582 ✔ renders add button2583 ✔ opens create modal when add button is clicked2584 ✔ shows loading icon and rules if loading2585 when allow only single rule2586 ✔ does not render add button258723 08 2019 10:54:33.829:WARN [web-server]: 404: /some_list?limit=20&offset=1002588 Approvals ApproversSelect2589 ✔ renders select2 input2590 ✔ queries and displays groups and users2591 with search term2592 ✔ fetches all available groups2593 ✔ fetches users2594 with empty seach term and skips2595 ✔ skips groups and does not fetch all available2596 ✔ skips users2597 ✔ emits input when data changes2598 Approvals HiddenGroupsItem2599 ✔ renders successfully2600 Approvals ModalRuleCreate2601 without data2602 ✔ renders modal2603 ✔ renders form2604 ✔ when modal emits ok, submits form2605 with data2606 ✔ renders modal2607 ✔ renders form2608 EE Approvlas MREditApp2609 with empty rules2610 ✔ renders MR fallback rules2611 ✔ does not render MR rules2612 ✔ renders hidden inputs2613 with rules2614 ✔ does not render MR fallback rules2615 ✔ renders MR rules2616 ✔ renders hidden inputs2617 EE Approvlas MRRulesHiddenInputs2618 cannot edit2619 ✔ is empty2620 can edit2621 ✔ is not empty2622 with no rules2623 ✔ renders fallback rules2624 with rules to delete2625 ✔ renders delete inputs2626 with rules2627 ✔ renders hidden fields for each row2628 with empty users2629 ✔ renders empty users input2630 with empty groups2631 ✔ renders empty groups input2632 with new rule2633 ✔ does not render id input2634 with source2635 ✔ renders source id input2636 with remove hidden groups2637 ✔ renders input to remove hidden groups2638 EE Approvals MRRules2639 when allow multiple rules2640 ✔ renders headers2641 with sourced MR rule2642 ✔ shows name2643 ✔ shows members2644 ✔ shows approvals required input2645 ✔ does not show controls2646 ✔ dispatches putRule on change of approvals required264723 08 2019 10:54:35.718:WARN [web-server]: 404: /undefined2648 with custom MR rule2649 ✔ shows controls265023 08 2019 10:54:35.753:WARN [web-server]: 404: /undefined2651 without min approvals required2652 ✔ defaults min approvals required input to 02653 with settings cannot edit2654 ✔ hides controls2655 ✔ disables input2656 when allow single rule2657 ✔ does not show name header2658 with source rule2659 ✔ does not show name2660 ✔ shows controls266123 08 2019 10:54:35.932:WARN [web-server]: 404: /undefined2662 Approvals ProjectRules2663 when allow multiple rules2664 ✔ renders row for each rule266523 08 2019 10:54:35.989:WARN [web-server]: 404: /undefined2666 when only allow single rule2667 ✔ does not render name266823 08 2019 10:54:36.023:WARN [web-server]: 404: /undefined2669 ✔ renders single summary267023 08 2019 10:54:36.050:WARN [web-server]: 404: /undefined2671WARN: '[BootstrapVue warn]: b-popover: 'target' element not found!'2672WARN: '[BootstrapVue warn]: b-popover: 'target' element not found!'2673 when the Vulnerability-Check group is used2674 ✔ should render the popover for the Vulnerability-Check group267523 08 2019 10:54:36.113:WARN [web-server]: 404: /undefined2676WARN: '[BootstrapVue warn]: b-popover: 'target' element not found!'2677WARN: '[BootstrapVue warn]: b-popover: 'target' element not found!'2678 ✔ should not render the popover for a standard approval group2679 EE Approvals RuleControls2680 when allow multi rule2681 edit button2682 ✔ exists2683 ✔ when click, opens create modal2684 remove button2685 ✔ exists2686 ✔ when click, opens delete modal2687 when allow only single rule2688 ✔ renders edit button2689 ✔ does not render remove button2690 EE Approvals RuleForm2691 when allow multiple rules2692 without initRule2693 ✔ at first, shows no validation2694 ✔ on submit, does not dispatch action2695 ✔ on submit, shows name validation2696 ✔ on submit, shows approvalsRequired validation2697 ✔ on submit, shows approvers validation2698 ✔ on submit with data, posts rule2699 ✔ adds selected approvers on button click2700 with initRule2701 ✔ shows approvers2702 ✔ on submit, puts rule2703 with init fallback rule2704 with empty name and empty approvers2705 ✔ does not post rule2706 ✔ puts fallback rule2707 ✔ does not show any validation errors2708 with name and empty approvers2709 ✔ does not put fallback rule2710 ✔ shows approvers validation error2711 with empty name and approvers2712 ✔ does not put fallback rule2713 ✔ shows name validation error2714 with name and approvers2715 ✔ does not put fallback rule2716 ✔ posts new rule2717 with hidden groups rule2718 ✔ shows approvers and hidden group2719 ✔ on submit, does not remove hidden groups2720 and hidden groups removed2721 ✔ on submit, removes hidden groups2722 with removed hidden groups rule2723 ✔ does not add hidden groups in approvers2724 when allow only single rule2725 ✔ hides name2726 with no init rule2727 with approvers selected2728 ✔ posts new rule2729 without approvers2730 ✔ puts fallback rule2731 with init rule2732 with empty name and empty approvers2733 ✔ deletes rule2734 ✔ puts fallback rule2735 with name and approvers2736 ✔ puts rule273723 08 2019 10:54:37.132:WARN [web-server]: 404: /undefined2738WARN: '[BootstrapVue warn]: b-popover: 'target' element not found!'2739WARN: '[BootstrapVue warn]: b-popover: 'target' element not found!'2740 Vulnerability Check Popover2741 with a documentation link2742 ✔ should render the documentation link274323 08 2019 10:54:37.790:WARN [web-server]: 404: /undefined2744WARN: '[BootstrapVue warn]: b-popover: 'target' element not found!'2745WARN: '[BootstrapVue warn]: b-popover: 'target' element not found!'2746 without a documentation link2747 ✔ should not render the documentation link2748 EE approvals project settings module actions2749 requestRules2750 ✔ sets loading2751 receiveRulesSuccess2752 ✔ sets rules2753 receiveRulesError2754 ✔ creates a flash2755 fetchRules2756 ✔ dispatches request/receive2757 ✔ dispatches request/receive on error2758 postRuleSuccess2759 ✔ closes modal and fetches2760 postRuleError2761 ✔ creates a flash2762 postRule2763 ✔ dispatches success on success2764 ✔ dispatches error on error2765 putRule2766 ✔ dispatches success on success2767 ✔ dispatches error on error2768 deleteRuleSuccess2769 ✔ closes modal and fetches2770 deleteRuleError2771 ✔ creates a flash2772 deleteRule2773 ✔ dispatches success on success2774 ✔ dispatches error on error2775 Batch comments diff file drafts component2776 ✔ renders list of draft notes2777 ✔ renders index of draft note2778 Batch comments draft note component2779 ✔ renders template2780 add comment now2781 ✔ dispatches publishSingleDraft when clicking2782 ✔ sets as loading when draft is publishing2783 update2784 ✔ dispatches updateDraft2785 deleteDraft2786 ✔ dispatches deleteDraft2787 quick actions2788 ✔ renders referenced commands2789 Batch comments drafts count component2790 ✔ renders count2791 ✔ renders screen reader text2792ERROR: '[vuex] unknown getter: targetNoteHash'2793ERROR: '[vuex] unknown getter: targetNoteHash'279423 08 2019 10:54:38.125:WARN [web-server]: 404: /undefined2795 Batch comments inline draft row component2796 ✔ renders draft2797ERROR: '[vuex] unknown getter: targetNoteHash'2798ERROR: '[vuex] unknown getter: targetNoteHash'279923 08 2019 10:54:38.170:WARN [web-server]: 404: /undefined2800 Batch comments parallel draft row component2801 left side of diff2802 ✔ it renders draft on left side2803ERROR: '[vuex] unknown getter: targetNoteHash'2804ERROR: '[vuex] unknown getter: targetNoteHash'280523 08 2019 10:54:38.227:WARN [web-server]: 404: /undefined2806 right side of diff2807 ✔ it renders draft on right side280823 08 2019 10:54:38.277:WARN [web-server]: 404: /undefined2809 Batch comments draft preview item component2810 ✔ renders text content281123 08 2019 10:54:38.293:WARN [web-server]: 404: /undefined2812 ✔ adds is last class281323 08 2019 10:54:38.309:WARN [web-server]: 404: /undefined2814 ✔ scrolls to draft on click281523 08 2019 10:54:38.327:WARN [web-server]: 404: /undefined2816 for file2817 ✔ renders file path281823 08 2019 10:54:38.343:WARN [web-server]: 404: /undefined2819 ✔ renders new line position282023 08 2019 10:54:38.359:WARN [web-server]: 404: /undefined2821 ✔ renders old line position282223 08 2019 10:54:38.378:WARN [web-server]: 404: /undefined2823 ✔ renders image position282423 08 2019 10:54:38.397:WARN [web-server]: 404: /undefined2825 for thread2826 ✔ renders title282723 08 2019 10:54:38.427:WARN [web-server]: 404: /undefined2828 ✔ it renders thread resolved text2829 Batch comments publish button component2830 ✔ dispatches publishReview on click2831 ✔ dispatches toggleReviewDropdown when shouldPublish is false on click2832 ✔ sets loading when isPublishing is true283323 08 2019 10:54:38.493:WARN [web-server]: 404: /undefined2834WARN: 'Icon sizes 1 - 5 are deprecated, please use 'sm', 'md' and 'lg' instead.'2835WARN: 'Icon sizes 1 - 5 are deprecated, please use 'sm', 'md' and 'lg' instead.'2836 Batch comments publish dropdown component2837 ✔ toggles dropdown when clicking button283823 08 2019 10:54:38.521:WARN [web-server]: 404: /undefined2839WARN: 'Icon sizes 1 - 5 are deprecated, please use 'sm', 'md' and 'lg' instead.'2840WARN: 'Icon sizes 1 - 5 are deprecated, please use 'sm', 'md' and 'lg' instead.'2841 ✔ toggles dropdown when clicking body284223 08 2019 10:54:38.548:WARN [web-server]: 404: /undefined2843 ✔ renders list of drafts284423 08 2019 10:54:38.593:WARN [web-server]: 404: /undefined2845 ✔ adds is-last class to last item284623 08 2019 10:54:38.629:WARN [web-server]: 404: /undefined2847WARN: 'Icon sizes 1 - 5 are deprecated, please use 'sm', 'md' and 'lg' instead.'2848WARN: 'Icon sizes 1 - 5 are deprecated, please use 'sm', 'md' and 'lg' instead.'2849 ✔ renders draft count in dropdown title285023 08 2019 10:54:38.654:WARN [web-server]: 404: /undefined2851WARN: 'Icon sizes 1 - 5 are deprecated, please use 'sm', 'md' and 'lg' instead.'2852WARN: 'Icon sizes 1 - 5 are deprecated, please use 'sm', 'md' and 'lg' instead.'2853 ✔ renders publish button in footer2854ERROR: '[vuex] unknown getter: isNotesFetched'2855ERROR: '[vuex] unknown getter: isNotesFetched'285623 08 2019 10:54:38.680:WARN [web-server]: 404: /undefined2857ERROR: '[vuex] unknown getter: isNotesFetched'2858ERROR: '[vuex] unknown getter: isNotesFetched'2859WARN: 'Icon sizes 1 - 5 are deprecated, please use 'sm', 'md' and 'lg' instead.'2860WARN: 'Icon sizes 1 - 5 are deprecated, please use 'sm', 'md' and 'lg' instead.'2861 Batch comments review bar component2862 ✔ hides when no drafts exist2863ERROR: '[vuex] unknown getter: isNotesFetched'2864ERROR: '[vuex] unknown getter: isNotesFetched'286523 08 2019 10:54:38.722:WARN [web-server]: 404: /undefined2866ERROR: '[vuex] unknown getter: isNotesFetched'2867ERROR: '[vuex] unknown getter: isNotesFetched'2868WARN: 'Icon sizes 1 - 5 are deprecated, please use 'sm', 'md' and 'lg' instead.'2869WARN: 'Icon sizes 1 - 5 are deprecated, please use 'sm', 'md' and 'lg' instead.'287023 08 2019 10:54:38.762:WARN [web-server]: 404: /undefined2871 with batch comments2872 ✔ shows bar2873ERROR: '[vuex] unknown getter: isNotesFetched'2874ERROR: '[vuex] unknown getter: isNotesFetched'2875ERROR: '[vuex] unknown getter: isNotesFetched'2876ERROR: '[vuex] unknown getter: isNotesFetched'2877WARN: 'Icon sizes 1 - 5 are deprecated, please use 'sm', 'md' and 'lg' instead.'2878WARN: 'Icon sizes 1 - 5 are deprecated, please use 'sm', 'md' and 'lg' instead.'2879 ✔ calls discardReview when clicking modal button2880ERROR: '[vuex] unknown getter: isNotesFetched'2881ERROR: '[vuex] unknown getter: isNotesFetched'288223 08 2019 10:54:38.896:WARN [web-server]: 404: /undefined2883ERROR: '[vuex] unknown getter: isNotesFetched'2884ERROR: '[vuex] unknown getter: isNotesFetched'2885WARN: 'Icon sizes 1 - 5 are deprecated, please use 'sm', 'md' and 'lg' instead.'2886WARN: 'Icon sizes 1 - 5 are deprecated, please use 'sm', 'md' and 'lg' instead.'2887 ✔ sets discard button as loading when isDiscarding is true2888 Batch comments store actions2889 enableBatchComments2890 ✔ commits ENABLE_BATCH_COMMENTS2891 saveDraft2892 ✔ dispatches saveNote on root2893 addDraftToDiscussion2894 ✔ commits ADD_NEW_DRAFT if no errors returned2895 ✔ does not commit ADD_NEW_DRAFT if errors returned2896 createNewDraft2897 ✔ commits ADD_NEW_DRAFT if no errors returned2898 ✔ does not commit ADD_NEW_DRAFT if errors returned2899 deleteDraft2900 ✔ commits DELETE_DRAFT if no errors returned2901 ✔ does not commit DELETE_DRAFT if errors returned2902 fetchDrafts2903 ✔ commits SET_BATCH_COMMENTS_DRAFTS with returned data2904 publishReview2905 ✔ dispatches actions & commits2906 ✔ dispatches error commits2907 discardReview2908 ✔ commits mutations2909 ✔ commits error mutations2910 updateDraft2911 ✔ commits RECEIVE_DRAFT_UPDATE_SUCCESS with returned data2912 ✔ calls passed callback2913 toggleReviewDropdown2914 ✔ dispatches openReviewDropdown2915 ✔ dispatches closeReviewDropdown when showPreviewDropdown is true2916 openReviewDropdown2917 ✔ commits OPEN_REVIEW_DROPDOWN2918 closeReviewDropdown2919 ✔ commits CLOSE_REVIEW_DROPDOWN2920 expandAllDiscussions2921 ✔ dispatches expandDiscussion for all drafts2922 scrollToDraft2923 ✔ scrolls to draft item292423 08 2019 10:54:39.158:WARN [web-server]: 404: /undefined2925 Subscription Table Row2926 when loaded2927 ✔ should render one header cell and 2 visible columns in total292823 08 2019 10:54:39.180:WARN [web-server]: 404: /undefined2929 ✔ should not render a hidden column293023 08 2019 10:54:39.197:WARN [web-server]: 404: /undefined2931 ✔ should render a title in the header cell293223 08 2019 10:54:39.215:WARN [web-server]: 404: /undefined2933 ✔ should render an icon in the header cell293423 08 2019 10:54:39.250:WARN [web-server]: 404: /undefined2935 ✔ should render label and value in column Column A293623 08 2019 10:54:39.267:WARN [web-server]: 404: /undefined2937 ✔ should render label and value in column Column B293823 08 2019 10:54:39.284:WARN [web-server]: 404: /undefined2939 ✔ should append the "number" css class to property value in "Column A"294023 08 2019 10:54:39.302:WARN [web-server]: 404: /undefined2941 ✔ should render an info icon in "Column B"294223 08 2019 10:54:39.319:WARN [web-server]: 404: /undefined2943 date column2944 ✔ should render the date in UTC2945 subscription actions2946 setNamespaceId2947 ✔ should commit the correct mutuation2948 fetchSubscription2949 on success2950 ✔ should dispatch the request and success actions2951 on error2952 ✔ should dispatch the request and error actions2953 requestSubscription2954 ✔ should commit the request mutation2955 receiveSubscriptionSuccess2956 ✔ should commit the success mutation2957 receiveSubscriptionError2958 ✔ should commit the error mutation295923 08 2019 10:54:39.439:WARN [web-server]: 404: /some_list?limit=20&offset=1002960 Assignee select component2961 canEdit2962 ✔ hides Edit button2963 ✔ shows Edit button if true2964 selected value2965 ✔ defaults to Any Assignee2966 ✔ shows selected assignee296723 08 2019 10:54:39.768:WARN [web-server]: 404: /undefined2968 clicking dropdown items2969 ✔ sets assignee2970 AssigneesListItem2971 computed2972 avatarAltText2973 ✔ returns computed alt text based on assignee.name2974 methods2975 handleItemClick2976 ✔ emits `onItemSelect` event on component and sends `assignee` as event param2977 template2978 ✔ renders component container element with class `filter-dropdown-item`2979 ✔ renders user item button element2980 BoardListSelector2981 data2982 ✔ returns default data props2983 methods2984 loadList2985 ✔ calls axios.get and sets response to store.state.assignees2986 ✔ does not call axios.get when store.state.assignees is not empty2987 ✔ calls axios.get and shows Flash error when request fails2988 handleItemClick2989 ✔ creates new list in a store instance2990 ListContainer2991 computed2992 filteredItems2993 ✔ returns assignees list as it is when `query` is empty2994 ✔ returns filtered assignees list as it is when `query` has name2995 ✔ returns filtered assignees list as it is when `query` has username2996 methods2997 handleSearch2998 ✔ sets value of param `query` to component prop `query`2999 handleItemClick3000 ✔ emits `onItemSelect` event on component and sends `assignee` as event param3001 template3002 ✔ renders component container element with class `dropdown-assignees-list`3003 ✔ renders loading animation when prop `loading` is true3004 ✔ renders dropdown body elements3005 ListContent3006 methods3007 handleItemClick3008 ✔ emits `onItemSelect` event on component and sends `assignee` as event param3009 template3010 ✔ renders component container element with class `dropdown-content`3011 ✔ renders UL parent element as child within container3012 ListFilter3013 methods3014 handleInputChange3015 ✔ emits `onSearchInput` event on component and sends `query` as event param3016 handleInputClear3017 ✔ clears value of prop `query` and calls `handleInputChange` method on component3018 template3019 ✔ renders component container element with class `dropdown-input`3020 ✔ renders class `has-value` on container element when prop `query` is not empty3021 ✔ removes class `has-value` from container element when prop `query` is empty3022 ✔ renders search input element3023 ✔ renders search input icons302423 08 2019 10:54:40.505:WARN [web-server]: 404: /some_list?limit=20&offset=1003025 BoardList Component3026 ✔ renders link properly in issue302723 08 2019 10:54:40.555:WARN [web-server]: 404: /undefined3028WARN: '[BootstrapVue warn]: b-tooltip: 'target' element not found!'3029WARN: '[BootstrapVue warn]: b-tooltip: 'target' element not found!'3030 IssueCardWeight component3031 ✔ renders weight303223 08 2019 10:54:40.572:WARN [web-server]: 404: /undefined3033WARN: '[BootstrapVue warn]: b-tooltip: 'target' element not found!'3034WARN: '[BootstrapVue warn]: b-tooltip: 'target' element not found!'3035 ✔ renders a link when no tag is specified303623 08 2019 10:54:40.609:WARN [web-server]: 404: /undefined3037WARN: '[BootstrapVue warn]: b-tooltip: 'target' element not found!'3038WARN: '[BootstrapVue warn]: b-tooltip: 'target' element not found!'3039 ✔ renders the tag when it is explicitly specified3040 WeightSelect3041 selected value3042 ✔ defaults to Any Weight3043 ✔ displays Any Weight for value -13044 ✔ displays No Weight3045 ✔ weight 13046 active item in dropdown3047 ✔ defaults to Any Weight3048 ✔ shows No Weight3049 ✔ shows correct weight3050 changing weight3051 ✔ sets value3052 ✔ sets Any Weight3053 ✔ sets No Weight305423 08 2019 10:54:41.392:WARN [web-server]: 404: /undefined3055 ✔ shows group labels on group boards305623 08 2019 10:54:41.417:WARN [web-server]: 404: /undefined3057 ✔ shows project labels on group boards305823 08 2019 10:54:41.448:WARN [web-server]: 404: /undefined3059 ✔ shows weight component3060 Milestone select component3061 canEdit3062 ✔ hides Edit button306323 08 2019 10:54:41.605:WARN [web-server]: 404: /some_list?limit=20&offset=1003064 ✔ shows Edit button if true3065 selected value3066 ✔ defaults to Any Milestone3067 ✔ shows No Milestone3068 ✔ shows selected milestone title3069 clicking dropdown items3070 ✔ sets Any Milestone3071 ✔ sets No Milestone3072 ✔ sets milestone307323 08 2019 10:54:42.408:WARN [web-server]: 404: /test/-/boards/1/lists/300/issues?id=300&path=project&page=13074 ✔ inits totalWeight307523 08 2019 10:54:42.420:WARN [web-server]: 404: /test/-/boards/1/lists/300/issues?id=300&path=project&page=13076 getIssues3077 ✔ calls CE getIssues307823 08 2019 10:54:42.429:WARN [web-server]: 404: /test/-/boards/1/lists/300/issues?id=300&path=project&page=13079 ✔ sets total weight308023 08 2019 10:54:42.442:WARN [web-server]: 404: /test/-/boards/1/lists/300/issues?id=300&path=project&page=13081 addIssue3082 ✔ updates totalWeight308323 08 2019 10:54:42.451:WARN [web-server]: 404: /test/-/boards/1/lists/300/issues?id=300&path=project&page=13084 ✔ calls CE addIssue with all args308523 08 2019 10:54:42.461:WARN [web-server]: 404: /test/-/boards/1/lists/300/issues?id=300&path=project&page=13086 removeIssue3087 ✔ updates totalWeight308823 08 2019 10:54:42.469:WARN [web-server]: 404: /test/-/boards/1/lists/300/issues?id=300&path=project&page=13089 ✔ calls CE removeIssue309023 08 2019 10:54:42.689:WARN [web-server]: 404: /some_list?limit=20&offset=1003091 VariableList (EE features)3092 with all inputs(key, value, protected, environment)3093 environment dropdown3094 ✔ should add another row when editing the last rows environment dropdown3095 ✔ should update dropdown with new environment values and remove values when row is removed3096 CustomMetricsForm3097 Computed3098 ✔ Form button and title text indicate the custom metric is being edited3099 ✔ Form button and title text indicate the custom metric is being created3100 Deploy Board3101 with valid data3102 ✔ should render percentage with completion value provided3103 ✔ should render total instance count3104 ✔ should render all instances3105 ✔ should render an abort and a rollback button with the provided url3106 with empty state3107 ✔ should render the empty state3108 with loading state3109 ✔ should render loading spinner3110 with hasLegacyAppLabel equal true3111 ✔ should render legacy label warning message3112 Deploy Board Instance3113 ✔ should render a div with the correct css status and tooltip data3114 ✔ should render a div without tooltip data3115 ✔ should render a div with canary class when stable prop is provided as false3116 ✔ should have a log path computed with a pod name as a parameter3117WARN: 'Icon sizes 1 - 5 are deprecated, please use 'sm', 'md' and 'lg' instead.'3118WARN: 'Icon sizes 1 - 5 are deprecated, please use 'sm', 'md' and 'lg' instead.'3119 ✔ should render the empty state 3120WARN: 'Icon sizes 1 - 5 are deprecated, please use 'sm', 'md' and 'lg' instead.'3121WARN: 'Icon sizes 1 - 5 are deprecated, please use 'sm', 'md' and 'lg' instead.'312223 08 2019 10:54:43.423:WARN [web-server]: 404: /undefined312323 08 2019 10:54:43.435:WARN [web-server]: 404: /assets/illustrations/lock-promotion.svg3124 ✔ should render a table with environments 3125WARN: 'Icon sizes 1 - 5 are deprecated, please use 'sm', 'md' and 'lg' instead.'3126WARN: 'Icon sizes 1 - 5 are deprecated, please use 'sm', 'md' and 'lg' instead.'312723 08 2019 10:54:43.511:WARN [web-server]: 404: /undefined312823 08 2019 10:54:43.521:WARN [web-server]: 404: /assets/illustrations/lock-promotion.svg3129 ✔ should render pagination 3130WARN: 'Icon sizes 1 - 5 are deprecated, please use 'sm', 'md' and 'lg' instead.'3131WARN: 'Icon sizes 1 - 5 are deprecated, please use 'sm', 'md' and 'lg' instead.'313223 08 2019 10:54:43.578:WARN [web-server]: 404: /undefined313323 08 2019 10:54:43.588:WARN [web-server]: 404: /assets/illustrations/lock-promotion.svg3134 ✔ should make an API request when page is clicked 3135WARN: 'Icon sizes 1 - 5 are deprecated, please use 'sm', 'md' and 'lg' instead.'3136WARN: 'Icon sizes 1 - 5 are deprecated, please use 'sm', 'md' and 'lg' instead.'313723 08 2019 10:54:43.654:WARN [web-server]: 404: /undefined313823 08 2019 10:54:43.663:WARN [web-server]: 404: /assets/illustrations/lock-promotion.svg3139 ✔ should make an API request when using tabs 3140WARN: 'Icon sizes 1 - 5 are deprecated, please use 'sm', 'md' and 'lg' instead.'3141WARN: 'Icon sizes 1 - 5 are deprecated, please use 'sm', 'md' and 'lg' instead.'314223 08 2019 10:54:43.724:WARN [web-server]: 404: /undefined314323 08 2019 10:54:43.732:WARN [web-server]: 404: /assets/illustrations/lock-promotion.svg3144 deploy boards3145 ✔ should render arrow to open deploy boards3146WARN: 'Icon sizes 1 - 5 are deprecated, please use 'sm', 'md' and 'lg' instead.'3147WARN: 'Icon sizes 1 - 5 are deprecated, please use 'sm', 'md' and 'lg' instead.'314823 08 2019 10:54:43.809:WARN [web-server]: 404: /undefined314923 08 2019 10:54:43.818:WARN [web-server]: 404: /assets/illustrations/lock-promotion.svg3150 canary callout3151 ✔ should render banner underneath second environment3152WARN: 'Icon sizes 1 - 5 are deprecated, please use 'sm', 'md' and 'lg' instead.'3153WARN: 'Icon sizes 1 - 5 are deprecated, please use 'sm', 'md' and 'lg' instead.'315423 08 2019 10:54:43.883:WARN [web-server]: 404: /undefined315523 08 2019 10:54:43.892:WARN [web-server]: 404: /assets/illustrations/lock-promotion.svg3156 ✔ should render banner underneath first environment3157WARN: 'Icon sizes 1 - 5 are deprecated, please use 'sm', 'md' and 'lg' instead.'3158WARN: 'Icon sizes 1 - 5 are deprecated, please use 'sm', 'md' and 'lg' instead.'3159 ✔ should render empty state 3160WARN: 'Icon sizes 1 - 5 are deprecated, please use 'sm', 'md' and 'lg' instead.'3161WARN: 'Icon sizes 1 - 5 are deprecated, please use 'sm', 'md' and 'lg' instead.'316223 08 2019 10:54:43.984:WARN [web-server]: 404: /undefined316323 08 2019 10:54:44.006:WARN [web-server]: 404: /assets/illustrations/lock-promotion.svg3164 ✔ should open a closed folder 3165WARN: 'Icon sizes 1 - 5 are deprecated, please use 'sm', 'md' and 'lg' instead.'3166WARN: 'Icon sizes 1 - 5 are deprecated, please use 'sm', 'md' and 'lg' instead.'316723 08 2019 10:54:44.066:WARN [web-server]: 404: /undefined316823 08 2019 10:54:44.084:WARN [web-server]: 404: /assets/illustrations/lock-promotion.svg3169 ✔ should close an opened folder 3170WARN: 'Icon sizes 1 - 5 are deprecated, please use 'sm', 'md' and 'lg' instead.'3171WARN: 'Icon sizes 1 - 5 are deprecated, please use 'sm', 'md' and 'lg' instead.'317223 08 2019 10:54:44.136:WARN [web-server]: 404: /undefined317323 08 2019 10:54:44.155:WARN [web-server]: 404: /assets/illustrations/lock-promotion.svg3174WARN: 'Icon sizes 1 - 5 are deprecated, please use 'sm', 'md' and 'lg' instead.'3175WARN: 'Icon sizes 1 - 5 are deprecated, please use 'sm', 'md' and 'lg' instead.'3176 ✔ should show children environments and a button to show all environments 3177WARN: 'Icon sizes 1 - 5 are deprecated, please use 'sm', 'md' and 'lg' instead.'3178WARN: 'Icon sizes 1 - 5 are deprecated, please use 'sm', 'md' and 'lg' instead.'3179 ✔ should set given parameters 3180WARN: 'Icon sizes 1 - 5 are deprecated, please use 'sm', 'md' and 'lg' instead.'3181WARN: 'Icon sizes 1 - 5 are deprecated, please use 'sm', 'md' and 'lg' instead.'3182 ✔ should set page to 1 3183WARN: 'Icon sizes 1 - 5 are deprecated, please use 'sm', 'md' and 'lg' instead.'3184WARN: 'Icon sizes 1 - 5 are deprecated, please use 'sm', 'md' and 'lg' instead.'3185 ✔ should update page and keep scope 3186WARN: 'Icon sizes 1 - 5 are deprecated, please use 'sm', 'md' and 'lg' instead.'3187WARN: 'Icon sizes 1 - 5 are deprecated, please use 'sm', 'md' and 'lg' instead.'318823 08 2019 10:54:44.341:WARN [web-server]: 404: /undefined318923 08 2019 10:54:44.370:WARN [web-server]: 404: /assets/illustrations/lock-promotion.svg3190 deploy boards3191 ✔ should render arrow to open deploy boards3192 ✔ should store a non folder environment with deploy board if rollout_status key is provided3193 deploy boards3194 ✔ should toggle deploy board property for given environment id3195 ✔ should keep deploy board data when updating environments3196 ✔ should set hasLegacyAppLabel property319723 08 2019 10:54:44.431:WARN [web-server]: 404: /undefined3198 canaryCallout3199 ✔ should add banner underneath the second environment3200 ✔ should add banner underneath first environment when only one environment3201 ✔ Should render a table 320223 08 2019 10:54:44.463:WARN [web-server]: 404: /undefined3203 ✔ should render deploy board container when data is provided320423 08 2019 10:54:44.488:WARN [web-server]: 404: /undefined3205 ✔ should toggle deploy board visibility when arrow is clicked320623 08 2019 10:54:44.510:WARN [web-server]: 404: /undefined320723 08 2019 10:54:44.524:WARN [web-server]: 404: /assets/illustrations/lock-promotion.svg3208 ✔ should render canary callout320923 08 2019 10:54:44.545:WARN [web-server]: 404: /undefined321023 08 2019 10:54:44.580:WARN [web-server]: 404: /groups/frontend-fixtures-group/-/epics/1/links321123 08 2019 10:54:44.593:WARN [web-server]: 404: /groups/frontend-fixtures-group/-/epics/1/issues321223 08 2019 10:54:44.725:WARN [web-server]: 404: /icon_path?width=243213 EpicAppComponent3214 template3215 ✔ renders component container element with class `epic-page-container`321623 08 2019 10:54:44.840:WARN [web-server]: 404: /undefined321723 08 2019 10:54:44.857:WARN [web-server]: 404: /groups/frontend-fixtures-group/-/epics/1/links321823 08 2019 10:54:44.874:WARN [web-server]: 404: /groups/frontend-fixtures-group/-/epics/1/issues3219 EpicBodyComponent3220 template3221 ✔ renders component container element with classes `issuable-details` & `content-block`322223 08 2019 10:54:45.101:WARN [web-server]: 404: /undefined322323 08 2019 10:54:45.117:WARN [web-server]: 404: /groups/frontend-fixtures-group/-/epics/1/links322423 08 2019 10:54:45.128:WARN [web-server]: 404: /groups/frontend-fixtures-group/-/epics/1/issues3225 ✔ renders epic body container element with class `detail-page-description`322623 08 2019 10:54:45.365:WARN [web-server]: 404: /undefined322723 08 2019 10:54:45.381:WARN [web-server]: 404: /groups/frontend-fixtures-group/-/epics/1/links322823 08 2019 10:54:45.392:WARN [web-server]: 404: /groups/frontend-fixtures-group/-/epics/1/issues3229 ✔ renders epic body elements323023 08 2019 10:54:45.615:WARN [web-server]: 404: /undefined323123 08 2019 10:54:45.631:WARN [web-server]: 404: /groups/frontend-fixtures-group/-/epics/1/links323223 08 2019 10:54:45.642:WARN [web-server]: 404: /groups/frontend-fixtures-group/-/epics/1/issues3233 ✔ renders related epics list elements323423 08 2019 10:54:45.877:WARN [web-server]: 404: /undefined323523 08 2019 10:54:45.893:WARN [web-server]: 404: /groups/frontend-fixtures-group/-/epics/1/links323623 08 2019 10:54:45.905:WARN [web-server]: 404: /groups/frontend-fixtures-group/-/epics/1/issues3237 ✔ renders related issues list elements3238 EpicCreateComponent3239 computed3240 buttonLabel3241 ✔ returns string `Create epic` when `epicCreateInProgress` is false3242 ✔ returns string `Creating epic` when `epicCreateInProgress` is true3243 isEpicCreateDisabled3244 ✔ returns `true` when `newEpicTitle` is an empty string3245 ✔ returns `false` when `newEpicTitle` is not empty3246 epicTitle3247 set3248 ✔ calls `setEpicCreateTitle` with param `value`3249 get3250 ✔ returns value of `newEpicTitle` from state3251 template3252 ✔ renders component container element with classes `dropdown` & `epic-create-dropdown`3253 ✔ renders new epic button element3254 ✔ renders new epic dropdown menu element3255 ✔ renders epic input textbox element3256 ✔ renders create epic button element325723 08 2019 10:54:46.320:WARN [web-server]: 404: /undefined325823 08 2019 10:54:46.333:WARN [web-server]: 404: /icon_path?width=243259 EpicHeaderComponent3260 computed3261 statusIcon3262 ✔ returns string `issue-open-m` when `isEpicOpen` is true326323 08 2019 10:54:46.378:WARN [web-server]: 404: /undefined326423 08 2019 10:54:46.391:WARN [web-server]: 404: /icon_path?width=243265 ✔ returns string `mobile-issue-close` when `isEpicOpen` is false326623 08 2019 10:54:46.410:WARN [web-server]: 404: /undefined326723 08 2019 10:54:46.423:WARN [web-server]: 404: /icon_path?width=243268 statusText3269 ✔ returns string `Open` when `isEpicOpen` is true327023 08 2019 10:54:46.452:WARN [web-server]: 404: /undefined327123 08 2019 10:54:46.466:WARN [web-server]: 404: /icon_path?width=243272 ✔ returns string `Closed` when `isEpicOpen` is false327323 08 2019 10:54:46.499:WARN [web-server]: 404: /undefined327423 08 2019 10:54:46.506:WARN [web-server]: 404: /icon_path?width=243275 actionButtonClass3276 ✔ returns default button classes along with `btn-close` when `isEpicOpen` is true327723 08 2019 10:54:46.523:WARN [web-server]: 404: /undefined327823 08 2019 10:54:46.535:WARN [web-server]: 404: /icon_path?width=243279 ✔ returns default button classes along with `btn-open` when `isEpicOpen` is false328023 08 2019 10:54:46.559:WARN [web-server]: 404: /undefined328123 08 2019 10:54:46.577:WARN [web-server]: 404: /icon_path?width=243282 actionButtonText3283 ✔ returns string `Close epic` when `isEpicOpen` is true328423 08 2019 10:54:46.595:WARN [web-server]: 404: /undefined328523 08 2019 10:54:46.608:WARN [web-server]: 404: /icon_path?width=243286 ✔ returns string `Reopen epic` when `isEpicOpen` is false328723 08 2019 10:54:46.637:WARN [web-server]: 404: /undefined328823 08 2019 10:54:46.650:WARN [web-server]: 404: /icon_path?width=243289 template3290 ✔ renders component container element with class `detail-page-header`329123 08 2019 10:54:46.670:WARN [web-server]: 404: /undefined329223 08 2019 10:54:46.682:WARN [web-server]: 404: /icon_path?width=243293 ✔ renders epic status icon and text elements329423 08 2019 10:54:46.699:WARN [web-server]: 404: /undefined329523 08 2019 10:54:46.711:WARN [web-server]: 404: /icon_path?width=243296 ✔ renders epic author details element329723 08 2019 10:54:46.735:WARN [web-server]: 404: /undefined329823 08 2019 10:54:46.747:WARN [web-server]: 404: /icon_path?width=243299 ✔ renders action buttons element330023 08 2019 10:54:46.765:WARN [web-server]: 404: /undefined330123 08 2019 10:54:46.777:WARN [web-server]: 404: /icon_path?width=243302 ✔ renders toggle sidebar button element330323 08 2019 10:54:46.799:WARN [web-server]: 404: /undefined3304 EpicSidebarComponent3305 methods3306 getDateFromMilestonesTooltip3307 ✔ calls `epicUtils.getDateFromMilestonesTooltip` with `dateType` param330823 08 2019 10:54:46.969:WARN [web-server]: 404: /undefined3309 changeStartDateType3310 ✔ calls `toggleStartDateType` on component with `dateTypeIsFixed` param331123 08 2019 10:54:47.135:WARN [web-server]: 404: /undefined3312 ✔ calls `saveDate` on component when `typeChangeOnEdit` param false331323 08 2019 10:54:47.292:WARN [web-server]: 404: /undefined3314 saveStartDate3315 ✔ calls `saveDate` on component with `date` param set to `newDate`331623 08 2019 10:54:47.461:WARN [web-server]: 404: /undefined3317 changeDueDateType3318 ✔ calls `toggleDueDateType` on component with `dateTypeIsFixed` param331923 08 2019 10:54:47.620:WARN [web-server]: 404: /undefined3320 ✔ calls `saveDate` on component when `typeChangeOnEdit` param false332123 08 2019 10:54:47.818:WARN [web-server]: 404: /undefined3322 saveDueDate3323 ✔ calls `saveDate` on component with `date` param set to `newDate`332423 08 2019 10:54:47.978:WARN [web-server]: 404: /undefined3325 template3326 ✔ renders component container element with classes `right-sidebar-expanded`, `right-sidebar` & `epic-sidebar`332723 08 2019 10:54:48.129:WARN [web-server]: 404: /undefined3328 ✔ renders header container element with classes `issuable-sidebar` & `js-issuable-update`332923 08 2019 10:54:48.282:WARN [web-server]: 404: /undefined3330 ✔ renders Todo toggle button element when sidebar is collapsed and user is signed in333123 08 2019 10:54:48.426:WARN [web-server]: 404: /undefined3332 ✔ renders Start date & Due date elements when sidebar is expanded333323 08 2019 10:54:48.606:WARN [web-server]: 404: /undefined3334 ✔ renders labels select element333523 08 2019 10:54:48.750:WARN [web-server]: 404: /undefined3336 ✔ renders ancestors list333723 08 2019 10:54:48.901:WARN [web-server]: 404: /undefined3338 ✔ renders participants list element333923 08 2019 10:54:49.074:WARN [web-server]: 404: /undefined3340 ✔ renders subscription toggle element334123 08 2019 10:54:49.274:WARN [web-server]: 404: /undefined3342 SidebarDatePicker3343 data3344 ✔ return data props with uniqueId for `fieldName`334523 08 2019 10:54:49.314:WARN [web-server]: 404: /undefined3346 computed3347 selectedAndEditable3348 ✔ returns `true` when both `selectedDate` is defined and `canUpdate` is true334923 08 2019 10:54:49.366:WARN [web-server]: 404: /undefined3350 selectedDateWords3351 ✔ returns full date string in words based on `selectedDate` prop value335223 08 2019 10:54:49.401:WARN [web-server]: 404: /undefined3353 dateFixedWords3354 ✔ returns full date string in words based on `dateFixed` prop value335523 08 2019 10:54:49.435:WARN [web-server]: 404: /undefined3356 dateFromMilestonesWords3357 ✔ returns full date string in words when `dateFromMilestones` is defined335823 08 2019 10:54:49.469:WARN [web-server]: 404: /undefined3359 ✔ returns `None` when `dateFromMilestones` is not defined336023 08 2019 10:54:49.506:WARN [web-server]: 404: /undefined3361 collapsedText3362 ✔ returns value of `selectedDateWords` when it is defined336323 08 2019 10:54:49.535:WARN [web-server]: 404: /undefined3364 ✔ returns `None` when `selectedDateWords` is not defined336523 08 2019 10:54:49.559:WARN [web-server]: 404: /undefined3366 popoverOptions3367 ✔ returns popover config object containing title with appropriate string336823 08 2019 10:54:49.584:WARN [web-server]: 404: /undefined3369 ✔ returns popover config object containing `content` with href pointing to correct documentation337023 08 2019 10:54:49.609:WARN [web-server]: 404: /undefined3371 dateInvalidPopoverOptions3372 ✔ returns popover config object containing title with appropriate string337323 08 2019 10:54:49.634:WARN [web-server]: 404: /undefined3374 ✔ returns popover config object containing `content` with href pointing to correct documentation337523 08 2019 10:54:49.658:WARN [web-server]: 404: /undefined3376 methods3377 getPopoverConfig3378 ✔ returns popover config object with provided `title` and `content` values337923 08 2019 10:54:49.690:WARN [web-server]: 404: /undefined3380 stopEditing3381 ✔ sets `editing` prop to `false` and emits `toggleDateType` event on component338223 08 2019 10:54:49.728:WARN [web-server]: 404: /undefined3383 toggleDatePicker3384 ✔ flips value of `editing` prop from `true` to `false` and vice-versa338523 08 2019 10:54:49.763:WARN [web-server]: 404: /undefined3386 newDateSelected3387 ✔ sets `editing` prop to `false` and emits `saveDate` event on component338823 08 2019 10:54:49.791:WARN [web-server]: 404: /undefined3389 toggleDateType3390 ✔ emits `toggleDateType` event on component339123 08 2019 10:54:49.816:WARN [web-server]: 404: /undefined3392 toggleSidebar3393 ✔ emits `toggleCollapse` event on component339423 08 2019 10:54:49.840:WARN [web-server]: 404: /undefined3395 template3396 ✔ renders component container element339723 08 2019 10:54:49.864:WARN [web-server]: 404: /undefined3398 ✔ renders collapsed calendar icon component339923 08 2019 10:54:49.888:WARN [web-server]: 404: /undefined3400 ✔ renders collapse button when `showToggleSidebar` prop is `true`340123 08 2019 10:54:49.935:WARN [web-server]: 404: /undefined3402 ✔ renders title element340323 08 2019 10:54:49.955:WARN [web-server]: 404: /undefined3404 ✔ renders loading icon when `isLoading` prop is true340523 08 2019 10:54:49.990:WARN [web-server]: 404: /undefined3406 ✔ renders help icon340723 08 2019 10:54:50.015:WARN [web-server]: 404: /undefined3408 ✔ renderts edit button340923 08 2019 10:54:50.046:WARN [web-server]: 404: /undefined3410 ✔ renders value container element341123 08 2019 10:54:50.072:WARN [web-server]: 404: /undefined3412 ✔ renders fixed type date selection element341323 08 2019 10:54:50.097:WARN [web-server]: 404: /undefined3414 ✔ renders dynamic type date selection element341523 08 2019 10:54:50.130:WARN [web-server]: 404: /undefined3416 ✔ renders date warning icon when `isDateInvalid` prop is `true`341723 08 2019 10:54:50.166:WARN [web-server]: 404: /undefined3418 SidebarHeaderComponent3419 template3420 ✔ renders component container element with classes `block` & `issuable-sidebar-header`342123 08 2019 10:54:50.185:WARN [web-server]: 404: /undefined3422 ✔ renders Todo text element342323 08 2019 10:54:50.211:WARN [web-server]: 404: /undefined3424 ✔ renders Todo toggle button element when sidebar is expanded342523 08 2019 10:54:50.232:WARN [web-server]: 404: /undefined3426 ✔ renders toggle sidebar button element3427 SidebarLabelsComponent3428 data3429 ✔ returns default data props3430 computed3431 epicContext3432 ✔ returns object containing `this.labels` as a child prop3433 methods3434 toggleSidebarRevealLabelsDropdown3435 ✔ calls `toggleSidebar` action with param `sidebarCollapse`3436 handleDropdownClose3437 ✔ calls `toggleSidebar` action only when `sidebarExpandedOnClick` prop is true3438 handleLabelClick3439 ✔ initializes `epicContext.labels` as empty array when `label.isAny` is `true`3440 ✔ adds provided `label` to epicContext.labels3441 ✔ filters epicContext.labels to exclude provided `label` if it is already present in `epicContext.labels`3442 template3443 ✔ renders labels select element container344423 08 2019 10:54:50.386:WARN [web-server]: 404: /undefined3445 SidebarSubscriptionComponent3446 template3447 ✔ renders subscription toggle element container344823 08 2019 10:54:50.407:WARN [web-server]: 404: /undefined3449 ✔ renders toggle title text345023 08 2019 10:54:50.425:WARN [web-server]: 404: /undefined3451 ✔ renders toggle button element345223 08 2019 10:54:50.445:WARN [web-server]: 404: /undefined3453 SidebarTodoComponent3454 template3455 ✔ renders component container element with classes `block` & `todo` when `isUserSignedIn` & `sidebarCollapsed` is `true`345623 08 2019 10:54:50.474:WARN [web-server]: 404: /undefined3457 ✔ renders Todo toggle button element3458 Epic Store Actions3459 setEpicMeta3460 ✔ should set received Epic meta3461 setEpicData3462 ✔ should set received Epic data3463 requestEpicStatusChange3464 ✔ should set status change flag3465 requestEpicStatusChangeSuccess3466 ✔ should set epic state type3467 requestEpicStatusChangeFailure3468 ✔ should set status change flag346923 08 2019 10:54:50.547:WARN [web-server]: 404: /some_list?limit=20&offset=1003470 ✔ should show flash error3471 triggerIssuableEvent3472 ✔ Calls `triggerDocumentEvent` with events `issuable_vue_app:change`, `issuable:change` and passes `isEpicOpen` as param3473 toggleEpicStatus3474 success3475 ✔ dispatches requestEpicStatusChange and requestEpicStatusChangeSuccess when request is complete3476 failure3477 ✔ dispatches requestEpicStatusChange and requestEpicStatusChangeFailure when request fails3478 toggleSidebarFlag3479 ✔ should call `TOGGLE_SIDEBAR` mutation with param `sidebarCollapsed`3480 toggleContainerClassAndCookie3481 ✔ should call `epicUtils.toggleContainerClass` with classes `right-sidebar-expanded` & `right-sidebar-collapsed`3482 ✔ should call `epicUtils.setCollapsedGutter` with param `isSidebarCollapsed`3483 toggleSidebar3484 ✔ dispatches toggleContainerClassAndCookie and toggleSidebarFlag actions with opposite value of `isSidebarCollapsed` param3485 requestEpicTodoToggle3486 ✔ should set `state.epicTodoToggleInProgress` flag to `true`3487 requestEpicTodoToggleSuccess3488 ✔ should set epic state type3489 requestEpicTodoToggleFailure3490 ✔ Should set `state.epicTodoToggleInProgress` flag to `false`3491 ✔ Should show flash error with message "There was an error deleting the To Do." when `state.todoExists` is `true`3492 ✔ Should show flash error with message "There was an error adding a To Do." when `state.todoExists` is `false`3493 triggerTodoToggleEvent3494 ✔ Calls `triggerDocumentEvent` with event `todo:toggle` and passes `count` as param3495 toggleTodo3496 when `state.togoExists` is false3497 ✔ dispatches requestEpicTodoToggle, triggerTodoToggleEvent and requestEpicTodoToggleSuccess when request is successful3498 ✔ dispatches requestEpicTodoToggle and requestEpicTodoToggleFailure when request fails3499 when `state.togoExists` is true3500 ✔ dispatches requestEpicTodoToggle, triggerTodoToggleEvent and requestEpicTodoToggleSuccess when request is successful3501 ✔ dispatches requestEpicTodoToggle and requestEpicTodoToggleFailure when request fails3502 toggleStartDateType3503 ✔ should set `state.startDateIsFixed` flag to `true`3504 toggleDueDateType3505 ✔ should set `state.dueDateIsFixed` flag to `true`3506 requestEpicDateSave3507 ✔ should set `state.epicStartDateSaveInProgress` flag to `true` when called with `dateType` as `start`3508 ✔ should set `state.epicDueDateSaveInProgress` flag to `true` when called with `dateType` as `due`3509 requestEpicDateSaveSuccess3510 ✔ should set `state.epicStartDateSaveInProgress` flag to `false` and set values of `startDateIsFixed` & `startDate` with params `dateTypeIsFixed` & `newDate` when called with `dateType` as `start`3511 ✔ should set `state.epicDueDateSaveInProgress` flag to `false` and set values of `dueDateIsFixed` & `dueDate` with params `dateTypeIsFixed` & `newDate` when called with `dateType` as `due`3512 requestEpicDateSaveFailure3513 ✔ should set `state.epicStartDateSaveInProgress` flag to `false` and set value of `startDateIsFixed` to that of param `dateTypeIsFixed` when called with `dateType` as `start`3514 ✔ should set `state.epicDueDateSaveInProgress` flag to `false` and set value of `dueDateIsFixed` to that of param `dateTypeIsFixed` when called with `dateType` as `due`3515 ✔ should show flash error with message "An error occurred while saving the start date" when called with `dateType` as `start`3516 ✔ should show flash error with message "An error occurred while saving the due date" when called with `dateType` as `due`3517 saveDate3518 ✔ dispatches requestEpicDateSave and requestEpicDateSaveSuccess when request is successful3519 ✔ dispatches requestEpicDateSave and requestEpicDateSaveFailure when request fails3520 ✔ calls `axios.put` with request body containing start date related payload when called with `dateType` as `start`3521 ✔ calls `axios.put` with request body containing due date related payload when called with `dateType` as `due`3522 requestEpicSubscriptionToggle3523 ✔ should set `state.epicSubscriptionToggleInProgress` flag to `true`3524 requestEpicSubscriptionToggleSuccess3525 ✔ should set `state.requestEpicSubscriptionToggleSuccess` flag to `false` and passes opposite of the value of `subscribed` as param3526 requestEpicSubscriptionToggleFailure3527 ✔ should set `state.requestEpicSubscriptionToggleFailure` flag to `false`3528 ✔ should show flash error with message "An error occurred while subscribing to notifications." when `state.subscribed` is `false`3529 ✔ should show flash error with message "An error occurred while unsubscribing to notifications." when `state.subscribed` is `true`3530 toggleEpicSubscription3531 success3532 ✔ dispatches requestEpicSubscriptionToggle and requestEpicSubscriptionToggleSuccess with param `subscribed` when request is complete3533 failure3534 ✔ dispatches requestEpicSubscriptionToggle and requestEpicSubscriptionToggleFailure when request fails3535 setEpicCreateTitle3536 ✔ should set `state.newEpicTitle` value to the value of `newEpicTitle` param3537 requestEpicCreate3538 ✔ should set `state.epicCreateInProgress` flag to `true`3539 requestEpicCreateFailure3540 ✔ should set `state.epicCreateInProgress` flag to `false`3541 ✔ should show flash error with message "Error creating epic."3542 createEpic3543 success3544 ✔ dispatches requestEpicCreate when request is complete3545 failure3546 ✔ dispatches requestEpicCreate and requestEpicCreateFailure when request fails3547 Epic Store Getters3548 isEpicOpen3549 ✔ returns `true` when Epic `state` is `opened`3550 ✔ returns `false` when Epic `state` is `closed`3551 isUserSignedIn3552 ✔ return boolean representation of the value of `gon.current_user_id`3553 startDateTime3554 ✔ should return null when there is no startDate3555 ✔ should return date3556 startDateTimeFixed3557 ✔ should return null when there is no startDateFixed3558 ✔ should return date3559 startDateTimeFromMilestones3560 ✔ should return null when there is no startDateFromMilestones3561 ✔ should return date3562 dueDateTime3563 ✔ should return null when there is no dueDate3564 ✔ should return date3565 dueDateTimeFixed3566 ✔ should return null when there is no dueDateFixed3567 ✔ should return date3568 dueDateTimeFromMilestones3569 ✔ should return null when there is no dueDateFromMilestones3570 ✔ should return date3571 startDateForCollapsedSidebar3572 ✔ should return startDateTime when startDateIsFixed is true3573 ✔ should return startDateTimeFromMilestones when startDateIsFixed is false3574 dueDateForCollapsedSidebar3575 ✔ should return dueDateTime when dueDateIsFixed is true3576 ✔ should return dueDateTimeFromMilestones when dueDateIsFixed is false3577 isDateInvalid3578 ✔ returns true when fixed start and due dates are invalid3579 ✔ returns false when fixed start and due dates are valid3580 ✔ returns true when milestone start and milestone due dates are invalid3581 ✔ returns false when milestone start and milestone due dates are valid3582 ancestors3583 ✔ returns `ancestors` from state when ancestors is not null3584 ✔ returns empty array when `ancestors` within state is null3585 Epic Store Mutations3586 SET_EPIC_META3587 ✔ Should add Epic meta to state3588 SET_EPIC_DATA3589 ✔ Should add Epic data to state3590 REQUEST_EPIC_STATUS_CHANGE3591 ✔ Should set `epicStatusChangeInProgress` flag on state as `true`3592 REQUEST_EPIC_STATUS_CHANGE_SUCCESS3593 ✔ Should set `epicStatusChangeInProgress` flag on state as `false` and update Epic `state`3594 REQUEST_EPIC_STATUS_CHANGE_FAILURE3595 ✔ Should set `epicStatusChangeInProgress` flag on state as `false`3596 TOGGLE_SIDEBAR3597 ✔ Should set `sidebarCollapsed` flag on state with value of provided `sidebarCollapsed` param3598 REQUEST_EPIC_TODO_TOGGLE3599 ✔ Should set `epicTodoToggleInProgress` flag on state as `true`3600 REQUEST_EPIC_TODO_TOGGLE_SUCCESS3601 ✔ Should set `todoDeletePath` value on state with provided value of `todoDeletePath` param3602 ✔ Should toggle value of `todoExists` value on state3603 ✔ Should set `epicTodoToggleInProgress` flag on state as `false`3604 REQUEST_EPIC_TODO_TOGGLE_FAILURE3605 ✔ Should set `epicTodoToggleInProgress` flag on state as `false`3606 TOGGLE_EPIC_START_DATE_TYPE3607 ✔ Should set `startDateIsFixed` flag on state based on provided `dateTypeIsFixed` param3608 TOGGLE_EPIC_DUE_DATE_TYPE3609 ✔ Should set `dueDateIsFixed` flag on state based on provided `dateTypeIsFixed` param3610 REQUEST_EPIC_DATE_SAVE3611 ✔ Should set `epicStartDateSaveInProgress` flag on state as `true` when provided `dateType` param is `start`3612 ✔ Should set `epicDueDateSaveInProgress` flag on state as `true` when provided `dateType` param is `due`3613 REQUEST_EPIC_DATE_SAVE_SUCCESS3614 ✔ Should set `epicStartDateSaveInProgress` flag on state to `false` and set `startDateIsFixed` & `startDate` values based on provided `dateTypeIsFixed` & `newDate` params when `dateType` param is `start`3615 ✔ Should set `epicDueDateSaveInProgress` flag on state to `false` and set `dueDateIsFixed` & `dueDate` values based on provided `dateTypeIsFixed` & `newDate` params when `dateType` param is `due`3616 ✔ Should not set `startDateFixed` on state when date changed is not of type fixed3617 ✔ Should not set `dueDateFixed` on state when date changed is not of type fixed3618 REQUEST_EPIC_DATE_SAVE_FAILURE3619 ✔ Should set `epicStartDateSaveInProgress` flag on state to `false` and set `startDateIsFixed` value with provided `dateTypeIsFixed` param when `dateType` param is `start`3620 ✔ Should set `epicDueDateSaveInProgress` flag on state to `false` and set `dueDateIsFixed` value with provided `dateTypeIsFixed` param when `dateType` param is `due`3621 REQUEST_EPIC_SUBSCRIPTION_TOGGLE3622 ✔ Should set `epicSubscriptionToggleInProgress` flag on state as `true`3623 REQUEST_EPIC_SUBSCRIPTION_TOGGLE_SUCCESS3624 ✔ Should set `epicSubscriptionToggleInProgress` flag on state as `false` and set value of provided `subscribed` param on state3625 REQUEST_EPIC_SUBSCRIPTION_TOGGLE_FAILURE3626 ✔ Should set `epicSubscriptionToggleInProgress` flag on state as `false`3627 SET_EPIC_CREATE_TITLE3628 ✔ Should set `newEpicTitle` prop on state as with the value of provided `newEpicTitle` param3629 REQUEST_EPIC_CREATE3630 ✔ Should set `epicCreateInProgress` flag on state as `true`3631 REQUEST_EPIC_CREATE_FAILURE3632 ✔ Should set `epicCreateInProgress` flag on state as `false`3633 epicUtils3634 toggleContainerClass3635 ✔ toggles provided class on containerEl3636 getCollapsedGutter3637 ✔ gets value of Cookie flag `collapsed_gutter` as boolean3638 setCollapsedGutter3639 ✔ sets value of Cookie flag `collapsed_gutter` with provided `value` param3640 Edit feature flag form3641 with error3642 ✔ should render the error3643 without error3644 ✔ renders form title3645 ✔ should render feature flag form364623 08 2019 10:54:51.693:WARN [web-server]: 404: /undefined3647 Feature Flags > Environments dropdown 3648 without value3649 ✔ renders the placeholder365023 08 2019 10:54:51.726:WARN [web-server]: 404: /undefined3651 with value3652 ✔ sets filter to equal the value365323 08 2019 10:54:51.743:WARN [web-server]: 404: /undefined3654 on input change3655 on success3656 ✔ sets filter value365723 08 2019 10:54:52.401:WARN [web-server]: 404: /undefined3658 with received data3659 ✔ sets is loading to false366023 08 2019 10:54:53.074:WARN [web-server]: 404: /undefined3661 ✔ sets results with the received data366223 08 2019 10:54:53.740:WARN [web-server]: 404: /undefined3663 ✔ sets showSuggestions to true366423 08 2019 10:54:54.406:WARN [web-server]: 404: /undefined3665 ✔ emits even when a suggestion is clicked3666 on click clear button3667 ✔ resets filter value3668 ✔ closes list of suggestions366923 08 2019 10:54:56.357:WARN [web-server]: 404: /undefined3670 on click create button3671 ✔ emits create event3672WARN: 'Icon sizes 1 - 5 are deprecated, please use 'sm', 'md' and 'lg' instead.'3673WARN: 'Icon sizes 1 - 5 are deprecated, please use 'sm', 'md' and 'lg' instead.'367423 08 2019 10:54:57.056:WARN [web-server]: 404: /undefined3675 Feature Flags3676 without permissions3677 ✔ does not render configure button3678WARN: 'Icon sizes 1 - 5 are deprecated, please use 'sm', 'md' and 'lg' instead.'3679WARN: 'Icon sizes 1 - 5 are deprecated, please use 'sm', 'md' and 'lg' instead.'368023 08 2019 10:54:57.102:WARN [web-server]: 404: /undefined3681 ✔ does not render new feature flag button3682WARN: 'Icon sizes 1 - 5 are deprecated, please use 'sm', 'md' and 'lg' instead.'3683WARN: 'Icon sizes 1 - 5 are deprecated, please use 'sm', 'md' and 'lg' instead.'368423 08 2019 10:54:57.163:WARN [web-server]: 404: /undefined3685 loading state3686 ✔ renders a loading icon3687WARN: 'Icon sizes 1 - 5 are deprecated, please use 'sm', 'md' and 'lg' instead.'3688WARN: 'Icon sizes 1 - 5 are deprecated, please use 'sm', 'md' and 'lg' instead.'368923 08 2019 10:54:57.216:WARN [web-server]: 404: /assets/illustrations/feature_flag.svg3690 successful request3691 without feature flags3692 ✔ should render the empty state3693WARN: 'Icon sizes 1 - 5 are deprecated, please use 'sm', 'md' and 'lg' instead.'3694WARN: 'Icon sizes 1 - 5 are deprecated, please use 'sm', 'md' and 'lg' instead.'369523 08 2019 10:54:57.253:WARN [web-server]: 404: /assets/illustrations/feature_flag.svg3696 ✔ renders configure button3697WARN: 'Icon sizes 1 - 5 are deprecated, please use 'sm', 'md' and 'lg' instead.'3698WARN: 'Icon sizes 1 - 5 are deprecated, please use 'sm', 'md' and 'lg' instead.'369923 08 2019 10:54:57.295:WARN [web-server]: 404: /assets/illustrations/feature_flag.svg3700 ✔ renders new feature flag button3701WARN: 'Icon sizes 1 - 5 are deprecated, please use 'sm', 'md' and 'lg' instead.'3702WARN: 'Icon sizes 1 - 5 are deprecated, please use 'sm', 'md' and 'lg' instead.'370323 08 2019 10:54:57.333:WARN [web-server]: 404: /assets/illustrations/feature_flag.svg3704 in all tab3705 ✔ renders generic title3706WARN: 'Icon sizes 1 - 5 are deprecated, please use 'sm', 'md' and 'lg' instead.'3707WARN: 'Icon sizes 1 - 5 are deprecated, please use 'sm', 'md' and 'lg' instead.'370823 08 2019 10:54:57.376:WARN [web-server]: 404: /assets/illustrations/feature_flag.svg3709 in disabled tab3710 ✔ renders disabled title3711WARN: 'Icon sizes 1 - 5 are deprecated, please use 'sm', 'md' and 'lg' instead.'3712WARN: 'Icon sizes 1 - 5 are deprecated, please use 'sm', 'md' and 'lg' instead.'371323 08 2019 10:54:57.418:WARN [web-server]: 404: /assets/illustrations/feature_flag.svg3714 in enabled tab3715 ✔ renders enabled title3716WARN: 'Icon sizes 1 - 5 are deprecated, please use 'sm', 'md' and 'lg' instead.'3717WARN: 'Icon sizes 1 - 5 are deprecated, please use 'sm', 'md' and 'lg' instead.'371823 08 2019 10:54:57.479:WARN [web-server]: 404: /undefined3719 with paginated feature flags3720 ✔ should render a table with feature flags3721WARN: 'Icon sizes 1 - 5 are deprecated, please use 'sm', 'md' and 'lg' instead.'3722WARN: 'Icon sizes 1 - 5 are deprecated, please use 'sm', 'md' and 'lg' instead.'372323 08 2019 10:54:57.550:WARN [web-server]: 404: /undefined3724 ✔ renders configure button3725WARN: 'Icon sizes 1 - 5 are deprecated, please use 'sm', 'md' and 'lg' instead.'3726WARN: 'Icon sizes 1 - 5 are deprecated, please use 'sm', 'md' and 'lg' instead.'372723 08 2019 10:54:57.610:WARN [web-server]: 404: /undefined3728 ✔ renders new feature flag button3729WARN: 'Icon sizes 1 - 5 are deprecated, please use 'sm', 'md' and 'lg' instead.'3730WARN: 'Icon sizes 1 - 5 are deprecated, please use 'sm', 'md' and 'lg' instead.'373123 08 2019 10:54:57.668:WARN [web-server]: 404: /undefined3732 pagination3733 ✔ should render pagination3734WARN: 'Icon sizes 1 - 5 are deprecated, please use 'sm', 'md' and 'lg' instead.'3735WARN: 'Icon sizes 1 - 5 are deprecated, please use 'sm', 'md' and 'lg' instead.'373623 08 2019 10:54:57.727:WARN [web-server]: 404: /undefined3737 ✔ should make an API request when page is clicked3738WARN: 'Icon sizes 1 - 5 are deprecated, please use 'sm', 'md' and 'lg' instead.'3739WARN: 'Icon sizes 1 - 5 are deprecated, please use 'sm', 'md' and 'lg' instead.'374023 08 2019 10:54:57.785:WARN [web-server]: 404: /undefined3741 ✔ should make an API request when using tabs3742WARN: 'Icon sizes 1 - 5 are deprecated, please use 'sm', 'md' and 'lg' instead.'3743WARN: 'Icon sizes 1 - 5 are deprecated, please use 'sm', 'md' and 'lg' instead.'374423 08 2019 10:54:57.854:WARN [web-server]: 404: /assets/illustrations/feature_flag.svg3745 unsuccessful request3746 ✔ should render error state3747WARN: 'Icon sizes 1 - 5 are deprecated, please use 'sm', 'md' and 'lg' instead.'3748WARN: 'Icon sizes 1 - 5 are deprecated, please use 'sm', 'md' and 'lg' instead.'374923 08 2019 10:54:57.894:WARN [web-server]: 404: /assets/illustrations/feature_flag.svg3750 ✔ renders configure button3751WARN: 'Icon sizes 1 - 5 are deprecated, please use 'sm', 'md' and 'lg' instead.'3752WARN: 'Icon sizes 1 - 5 are deprecated, please use 'sm', 'md' and 'lg' instead.'375323 08 2019 10:54:57.929:WARN [web-server]: 404: /assets/illustrations/feature_flag.svg3754 ✔ renders new feature flag button3755WARN: 'Icon sizes 1 - 5 are deprecated, please use 'sm', 'md' and 'lg' instead.'3756WARN: 'Icon sizes 1 - 5 are deprecated, please use 'sm', 'md' and 'lg' instead.'375723 08 2019 10:54:57.965:WARN [web-server]: 404: /assets/illustrations/feature_flag.svg3758 rotate instance id3759 ✔ should fire the rotate action when a `token` event is received376023 08 2019 10:54:57.997:WARN [web-server]: 404: /undefined3761 Feature Flag table3762 with an active scope and a standard rollout strategy3763 ✔ Should render a table376423 08 2019 10:54:58.027:WARN [web-server]: 404: /undefined3765 ✔ Should render rows376623 08 2019 10:54:58.073:WARN [web-server]: 404: /undefined3767 ✔ Should render a status column376823 08 2019 10:54:58.421:WARN [web-server]: 404: /undefined3769 ✔ Should render a feature flag column377023 08 2019 10:54:58.469:WARN [web-server]: 404: /undefined3771 ✔ should render an environments specs column377223 08 2019 10:54:58.502:WARN [web-server]: 404: /undefined377323 08 2019 10:54:58.510:WARN [web-server]: 404: /root/acets-app/merge_requests/22/widget.json3774 ✔ should render an environments specs badge with active class377523 08 2019 10:54:58.536:WARN [web-server]: 404: /undefined3776 ✔ should render an actions column377723 08 2019 10:54:58.569:WARN [web-server]: 404: /undefined3778 with an active scope and a percentage rollout strategy3779 ✔ should render an environments specs badge with percentage378023 08 2019 10:54:58.602:WARN [web-server]: 404: /undefined3781 with an inactive scope3782 ✔ should render an environments specs badge with inactive class378323 08 2019 10:54:58.648:WARN [web-server]: 404: /undefined3784 feature flag form3785 ✔ should render provided submitText378623 08 2019 10:54:58.783:WARN [web-server]: 404: /undefined3787 ✔ should render provided cancelPath378823 08 2019 10:54:58.900:WARN [web-server]: 404: /undefined3789 without provided data3790 ✔ should render name input text379123 08 2019 10:54:59.172:WARN [web-server]: 404: /undefined3792 ✔ should render description textarea379323 08 2019 10:54:59.886:WARN [web-server]: 404: /undefined379423 08 2019 10:54:59.900:WARN [web-server]: 404: /root/acets-app/merge_requests/22/widget.json3795 scopes3796 ✔ should render scopes table379723 08 2019 10:55:00.246:WARN [web-server]: 404: /undefined3798 ✔ should render scopes table with a new row 3799 status toggle3800 without filled text input3801 ✔ should add a new scope with the text value empty and the status3802 with provided data3803 scopes3804 ✔ should be possible to remove a scope380523 08 2019 10:55:00.429:WARN [web-server]: 404: /undefined3806 ✔ renders empty row to add a new scope380723 08 2019 10:55:00.639:WARN [web-server]: 404: /undefined3808 update scope3809 on click on toggle3810 ✔ should update the scope381123 08 2019 10:55:00.745:WARN [web-server]: 404: /undefined3812 deleting an existing scope3813 ✔ should add `shouldBeDestroyed` key the clicked scope381423 08 2019 10:55:01.522:WARN [web-server]: 404: /undefined3815 ✔ should not render deleted scopes381623 08 2019 10:55:02.268:WARN [web-server]: 404: /undefined3817 deleting a new scope3818 ✔ should remove the scope from formScopes381923 08 2019 10:55:03.107:WARN [web-server]: 404: /undefined3820 with * scope3821 ✔ renders read only name382223 08 2019 10:55:03.278:WARN [web-server]: 404: /undefined3823 without permission to update3824 ✔ should have the flag name input disabled382523 08 2019 10:55:03.396:WARN [web-server]: 404: /undefined3826 ✔ should have the flag discription text area disabled382723 08 2019 10:55:03.506:WARN [web-server]: 404: /undefined3828 ✔ should have the scope that cannot be updated be disabled382923 08 2019 10:55:03.610:WARN [web-server]: 404: /undefined3830 on submit3831 ✔ should emit handleSubmit with the updated data383223 08 2019 10:55:05.821:WARN [web-server]: 404: /undefined3833 updateUserIds3834 ✔ should set the user ids on all scopes383523 08 2019 10:55:05.921:WARN [web-server]: 404: /undefined3836 userIds3837 ✔ should get the user ids from the first scope with them383823 08 2019 10:55:06.025:WARN [web-server]: 404: /undefined3839 ✔ should return an empty array if there are no user IDs set384023 08 2019 10:55:06.119:WARN [web-server]: 404: /undefined3841 New feature flag form3842 with error3843 ✔ should render the error384423 08 2019 10:55:06.206:WARN [web-server]: 404: /undefined3845 ✔ renders form title384623 08 2019 10:55:06.315:WARN [web-server]: 404: /undefined3847 ✔ should render feature flag form384823 08 2019 10:55:06.394:WARN [web-server]: 404: /undefined3849 ✔ should render default * row3850 Feature flags Edit Module actions3851 setEndpoint3852 ✔ should commit SET_ENDPOINT mutation3853 setPath3854 ✔ should commit SET_PATH mutation3855 updateFeatureFlag3856 success3857 ✔ dispatches requestUpdateFeatureFlag and receiveUpdateFeatureFlagSuccess 3858 error3859 ✔ dispatches requestUpdateFeatureFlag and receiveUpdateFeatureFlagError 3860 requestUpdateFeatureFlag3861 ✔ should commit REQUEST_UPDATE_FEATURE_FLAG mutation3862 receiveUpdateFeatureFlagSuccess3863 ✔ should commit RECEIVE_UPDATE_FEATURE_FLAG_SUCCESS mutation3864 receiveUpdateFeatureFlagError3865 ✔ should commit RECEIVE_UPDATE_FEATURE_FLAG_ERROR mutation3866 fetchFeatureFlag3867 success3868 ✔ dispatches requestFeatureFlag and receiveFeatureFlagSuccess 3869 error3870 ✔ dispatches requestFeatureFlag and receiveUpdateFeatureFlagError 3871 requestFeatureFlag3872 ✔ should commit REQUEST_FEATURE_FLAG mutation3873 receiveFeatureFlagSuccess3874 ✔ should commit RECEIVE_FEATURE_FLAG_SUCCESS mutation3875 receiveFeatureFlagError3876 ✔ should commit RECEIVE_FEATURE_FLAG_ERROR mutation3877 Feature flags actions3878 setFeatureFlagsEndpoint3879 ✔ should commit SET_FEATURE_FLAGS_ENDPOINT mutation3880 setFeatureFlagsOptions3881 ✔ should commit SET_FEATURE_FLAGS_OPTIONS mutation3882 setInstanceIdEndpoint3883 ✔ should commit SET_INSTANCE_ID_ENDPOINT mutation3884 setInstanceId3885 ✔ should commit SET_INSTANCE_ID mutation3886 fetchFeatureFlags3887 success3888 ✔ dispatches requestFeatureFlags and receiveFeatureFlagsSuccess 3889 error3890 ✔ dispatches requestFeatureFlags and receiveFeatureFlagsError 3891 requestFeatureFlags3892 ✔ should commit RECEIVE_FEATURE_FLAGS_SUCCESS mutation3893 receiveFeatureFlagsSuccess3894 ✔ should commit RECEIVE_FEATURE_FLAGS_SUCCESS mutation3895 receiveFeatureFlagsError3896 ✔ should commit RECEIVE_FEATURE_FLAGS_ERROR mutation3897 rotateInstanceId3898 success3899 ✔ dispatches requestRotateInstanceId and receiveRotateInstanceIdSuccess 3900 error3901 ✔ dispatches requestRotateInstanceId and receiveRotateInstanceIdError 3902 requestRotateInstanceId3903 ✔ should commit REQUEST_ROTATE_INSTANCE_ID mutation3904 receiveRotateInstanceIdSuccess3905 ✔ should commit RECEIVE_ROTATE_INSTANCE_ID_SUCCESS mutation3906 receiveRotateInstanceIdError3907 ✔ should commit RECEIVE_ROTATE_INSTANCE_ID_ERROR mutation3908 Feature flags store Mutations3909 SET_FEATURE_FLAGS_ENDPOINT3910 ✔ should set endpoint3911 SET_FEATURE_FLAGS_OPTIONS3912 ✔ should set provided options3913 SET_INSTANCE_ID_ENDPOINT3914 ✔ should set provided endpoint3915 SET_INSTANCE_ID3916 ✔ should set provided token3917 REQUEST_FEATURE_FLAGS3918 ✔ should set isLoading to true3919 RECEIVE_FEATURE_FLAGS_SUCCESS3920 ✔ should set isLoading to false3921 ✔ should set hasError to false3922 ✔ should set featureFlags with the transformed data392323 08 2019 10:55:06.900:WARN [web-server]: 404: /undefined3924 ✔ should set count with the given data3925 ✔ should set pagination3926 RECEIVE_FEATURE_FLAGS_ERROR3927 ✔ should set isLoading to false3928 ✔ should set hasError to true3929 REQUEST_ROTATE_INSTANCE_ID3930 ✔ should set isRotating to true3931 ✔ should set hasRotateError to false3932 RECEIVE_ROTATE_INSTANCE_ID_SUCCESS3933 ✔ should set the instance id to the received data3934 ✔ should set isRotating to false3935 ✔ should set hasRotateError to false393623 08 2019 10:55:07.047:WARN [web-server]: 404: /some_list?limit=20&offset=1003937 RECEIVE_ROTATE_INSTANCE_ID_ERROR3938 ✔ should set isRotating to false3939 ✔ should set hasRotateError to true3940 Feature flags New Module Actions3941 setEndpoint3942 ✔ should commit SET_ENDPOINT mutation3943 setPath3944 ✔ should commit SET_PATH mutation3945 createFeatureFlag3946 success3947 ✔ dispatches requestCreateFeatureFlag and receiveCreateFeatureFlagSuccess 394823 08 2019 10:55:07.142:WARN [web-server]: 404: /undefined3949 error3950 ✔ dispatches requestCreateFeatureFlag and receiveCreateFeatureFlagError 3951 requestCreateFeatureFlag3952 ✔ should commit REQUEST_CREATE_FEATURE_FLAG mutation3953 receiveCreateFeatureFlagSuccess3954 ✔ should commit RECEIVE_CREATE_FEATURE_FLAG_SUCCESS mutation3955 receiveCreateFeatureFlagError3956 ✔ should commit RECEIVE_CREATE_FEATURE_FLAG_ERROR mutation3957 Filtered Search Token Keys (Issues EE)3958 get3959 ✔ should return tokenKeys3960 ✔ should return tokenKeys as an array3961 ✔ should return weightTokenKey as part of tokenKeys3962 ✔ should always return the same array3963 ✔ should return assignee as an array3964 getKeys3965 ✔ should return keys3966 getConditions3967 ✔ should return conditions3968 ✔ should return conditions as an array3969 ✔ should return weightConditions as part of conditions397023 08 2019 10:55:07.355:WARN [web-server]: 404: /undefined3971 searchByKey3972 ✔ should return null when key not found3973 ✔ should return tokenKey when found by key3974 ✔ should return weight tokenKey when found by weight key3975 searchBySymbol3976 ✔ should return null when symbol not found3977 ✔ should return tokenKey when found by symbol3978 ✔ should return weight tokenKey when found by weight symbol3979 searchByKeyParam3980 ✔ should return null when key param not found3981 ✔ should return tokenKey when found by key param3982 ✔ should return alternative tokenKey when found by key param3983 ✔ should return weight tokenKey when found by weight key param3984 searchByConditionUrl3985 ✔ should return null when condition url not found3986 ✔ should return condition when found by url3987 ✔ should return weight condition when found by weight url398823 08 2019 10:55:07.578:WARN [web-server]: 404: /undefined3989 searchByConditionKeyValue3990 ✔ should return null when condition tokenKey and value not found3991 ✔ should return condition when found by tokenKey and value3992 ✔ should return weight condition when found by weight tokenKey and value3993WARN: 'Icon sizes 1 - 5 are deprecated, please use 'sm', 'md' and 'lg' instead.'3994WARN: 'Icon sizes 1 - 5 are deprecated, please use 'sm', 'md' and 'lg' instead.'3995 data3996 ✔ returns default data props3997WARN: 'Icon sizes 1 - 5 are deprecated, please use 'sm', 'md' and 'lg' instead.'3998WARN: 'Icon sizes 1 - 5 are deprecated, please use 'sm', 'md' and 'lg' instead.'3999 nodes4000 ✔ returns list of nodes from store4001WARN: 'Icon sizes 1 - 5 are deprecated, please use 'sm', 'md' and 'lg' instead.'4002WARN: 'Icon sizes 1 - 5 are deprecated, please use 'sm', 'md' and 'lg' instead.'4003 setNodeActionStatus4004 ✔ sets `nodeActionActive` property with value of `status` parameter for provided `node` parameter4005WARN: 'Icon sizes 1 - 5 are deprecated, please use 'sm', 'md' and 'lg' instead.'4006WARN: 'Icon sizes 1 - 5 are deprecated, please use 'sm', 'md' and 'lg' instead.'4007 initNodeDetailsPolling4008 ✔ initializes SmartInterval and sets it to component400923 08 2019 10:55:07.745:WARN [web-server]: 404: /undefined4010WARN: 'Icon sizes 1 - 5 are deprecated, please use 'sm', 'md' and 'lg' instead.'4011WARN: 'Icon sizes 1 - 5 are deprecated, please use 'sm', 'md' and 'lg' instead.'4012 fetchGeoNodes4013 ✔ calls service.getGeoNodes and sets response to the store on success401423 08 2019 10:55:07.928:WARN [web-server]: 404: /undefined4015WARN: 'Icon sizes 1 - 5 are deprecated, please use 'sm', 'md' and 'lg' instead.'4016WARN: 'Icon sizes 1 - 5 are deprecated, please use 'sm', 'md' and 'lg' instead.'4017 ✔ sets error flag and message on failure401823 08 2019 10:55:08.097:WARN [web-server]: 404: /undefined4019WARN: 'Icon sizes 1 - 5 are deprecated, please use 'sm', 'md' and 'lg' instead.'4020WARN: 'Icon sizes 1 - 5 are deprecated, please use 'sm', 'md' and 'lg' instead.'402123 08 2019 10:55:08.226:WARN [web-server]: 404: /some_list?limit=20&offset=1004022 fetchNodeDetails4023 ✔ calls service.getGeoNodeDetails and sets response to the store on success402423 08 2019 10:55:08.292:WARN [web-server]: 404: /undefined4025WARN: 'Icon sizes 1 - 5 are deprecated, please use 'sm', 'md' and 'lg' instead.'4026WARN: 'Icon sizes 1 - 5 are deprecated, please use 'sm', 'md' and 'lg' instead.'4027 ✔ emits `nodeDetailsLoaded` event with fake nodeDetails object on 404 failure402823 08 2019 10:55:08.456:WARN [web-server]: 404: /undefined4029WARN: 'Icon sizes 1 - 5 are deprecated, please use 'sm', 'md' and 'lg' instead.'4030WARN: 'Icon sizes 1 - 5 are deprecated, please use 'sm', 'md' and 'lg' instead.'4031 ✔ emits `nodeDetailsLoaded` event with fake nodeDetails object when a network error occurs403223 08 2019 10:55:08.633:WARN [web-server]: 404: /undefined4033WARN: 'Icon sizes 1 - 5 are deprecated, please use 'sm', 'md' and 'lg' instead.'4034WARN: 'Icon sizes 1 - 5 are deprecated, please use 'sm', 'md' and 'lg' instead.'4035 ✔ emits `nodeDetailsLoaded` event with fake nodeDetails object when a timeout occurs403623 08 2019 10:55:08.808:WARN [web-server]: 404: /undefined4037WARN: 'Icon sizes 1 - 5 are deprecated, please use 'sm', 'md' and 'lg' instead.'4038WARN: 'Icon sizes 1 - 5 are deprecated, please use 'sm', 'md' and 'lg' instead.'4039 repairNode4040 ✔ calls service.repairNode and shows success Flash message on request success404123 08 2019 10:55:09.005:WARN [web-server]: 404: /undefined4042WARN: 'Icon sizes 1 - 5 are deprecated, please use 'sm', 'md' and 'lg' instead.'4043WARN: 'Icon sizes 1 - 5 are deprecated, please use 'sm', 'md' and 'lg' instead.'4044 ✔ calls service.repairNode and shows failure Flash message on request failure404523 08 2019 10:55:09.196:WARN [web-server]: 404: /undefined4046WARN: 'Icon sizes 1 - 5 are deprecated, please use 'sm', 'md' and 'lg' instead.'4047WARN: 'Icon sizes 1 - 5 are deprecated, please use 'sm', 'md' and 'lg' instead.'4048 toggleNode4049 ✔ calls service.toggleNode for enabling node and updates toggle button on request success405023 08 2019 10:55:09.363:WARN [web-server]: 404: /some_list?limit=20&offset=100405123 08 2019 10:55:09.396:WARN [web-server]: 404: /undefined4052WARN: 'Icon sizes 1 - 5 are deprecated, please use 'sm', 'md' and 'lg' instead.'4053WARN: 'Icon sizes 1 - 5 are deprecated, please use 'sm', 'md' and 'lg' instead.'4054 ✔ calls service.toggleNode and shows Flash error on request failure405523 08 2019 10:55:09.593:WARN [web-server]: 404: /undefined4056WARN: 'Icon sizes 1 - 5 are deprecated, please use 'sm', 'md' and 'lg' instead.'4057WARN: 'Icon sizes 1 - 5 are deprecated, please use 'sm', 'md' and 'lg' instead.'4058 removeNode4059 ✔ calls service.removeNode for removing node and shows Flash message on request success406023 08 2019 10:55:09.851:WARN [web-server]: 404: /undefined4061WARN: 'Icon sizes 1 - 5 are deprecated, please use 'sm', 'md' and 'lg' instead.'4062WARN: 'Icon sizes 1 - 5 are deprecated, please use 'sm', 'md' and 'lg' instead.'4063 ✔ calls service.removeNode and shows Flash message on request failure406423 08 2019 10:55:10.084:WARN [web-server]: 404: /undefined4065WARN: 'Icon sizes 1 - 5 are deprecated, please use 'sm', 'md' and 'lg' instead.'4066WARN: 'Icon sizes 1 - 5 are deprecated, please use 'sm', 'md' and 'lg' instead.'4067 handleNodeAction4068 ✔ sets `showModal` to false and calls `toggleNode` when `targetNodeActionType` is `toggle`406923 08 2019 10:55:10.266:WARN [web-server]: 404: /undefined4070WARN: 'Icon sizes 1 - 5 are deprecated, please use 'sm', 'md' and 'lg' instead.'4071WARN: 'Icon sizes 1 - 5 are deprecated, please use 'sm', 'md' and 'lg' instead.'4072 ✔ sets `showModal` to false and calls `removeNode` when `targetNodeActionType` is `remove`407323 08 2019 10:55:10.424:WARN [web-server]: 404: /some_list?limit=20&offset=100407423 08 2019 10:55:10.457:WARN [web-server]: 404: /undefined4075WARN: 'Icon sizes 1 - 5 are deprecated, please use 'sm', 'md' and 'lg' instead.'4076WARN: 'Icon sizes 1 - 5 are deprecated, please use 'sm', 'md' and 'lg' instead.'4077 showNodeActionModal4078 ✔ sets target node and modal config props on component407923 08 2019 10:55:10.657:WARN [web-server]: 404: /undefined4080WARN: 'Icon sizes 1 - 5 are deprecated, please use 'sm', 'md' and 'lg' instead.'4081WARN: 'Icon sizes 1 - 5 are deprecated, please use 'sm', 'md' and 'lg' instead.'4082 ✔ sets showModal to `true` when actionType is `toggle` and node is enabled408323 08 2019 10:55:11.005:WARN [web-server]: 404: /undefined4084WARN: 'Icon sizes 1 - 5 are deprecated, please use 'sm', 'md' and 'lg' instead.'4085WARN: 'Icon sizes 1 - 5 are deprecated, please use 'sm', 'md' and 'lg' instead.'4086 ✔ calls toggleNode when actionType is `toggle` and node.enabled is `false`408723 08 2019 10:55:11.570:WARN [web-server]: 404: /undefined4088WARN: 'Icon sizes 1 - 5 are deprecated, please use 'sm', 'md' and 'lg' instead.'4089WARN: 'Icon sizes 1 - 5 are deprecated, please use 'sm', 'md' and 'lg' instead.'409023 08 2019 10:55:11.989:WARN [web-server]: 404: /some_list?limit=20&offset=1004091 ✔ sets showModal to `true` when actionType is not `toggle`409223 08 2019 10:55:12.236:WARN [web-server]: 404: /undefined4093WARN: 'Icon sizes 1 - 5 are deprecated, please use 'sm', 'md' and 'lg' instead.'4094WARN: 'Icon sizes 1 - 5 are deprecated, please use 'sm', 'md' and 'lg' instead.'4095 hideNodeActionModal4096 ✔ sets `showModal` to `false`409723 08 2019 10:55:12.690:WARN [web-server]: 404: /undefined4098WARN: 'Icon sizes 1 - 5 are deprecated, please use 'sm', 'md' and 'lg' instead.'4099WARN: 'Icon sizes 1 - 5 are deprecated, please use 'sm', 'md' and 'lg' instead.'4100WARN: 'Icon sizes 1 - 5 are deprecated, please use 'sm', 'md' and 'lg' instead.'4101WARN: 'Icon sizes 1 - 5 are deprecated, please use 'sm', 'md' and 'lg' instead.'4102 ✔ binds event handler for `pollNodeDetails`410323 08 2019 10:55:13.995:WARN [web-server]: 404: /undefined4104WARN: 'Icon sizes 1 - 5 are deprecated, please use 'sm', 'md' and 'lg' instead.'4105WARN: 'Icon sizes 1 - 5 are deprecated, please use 'sm', 'md' and 'lg' instead.'410623 08 2019 10:55:14.074:WARN [web-server]: 404: /some_list?limit=20&offset=1004107WARN: 'Icon sizes 1 - 5 are deprecated, please use 'sm', 'md' and 'lg' instead.'4108WARN: 'Icon sizes 1 - 5 are deprecated, please use 'sm', 'md' and 'lg' instead.'4109 ✔ unbinds event handler for `pollNodeDetails`411023 08 2019 10:55:14.141:WARN [web-server]: 404: /undefined4111WARN: 'Icon sizes 1 - 5 are deprecated, please use 'sm', 'md' and 'lg' instead.'4112WARN: 'Icon sizes 1 - 5 are deprecated, please use 'sm', 'md' and 'lg' instead.'4113 ✔ renders container element with class `geo-nodes-container`411423 08 2019 10:55:14.267:WARN [web-server]: 404: /undefined4115WARN: 'Icon sizes 1 - 5 are deprecated, please use 'sm', 'md' and 'lg' instead.'4116WARN: 'Icon sizes 1 - 5 are deprecated, please use 'sm', 'md' and 'lg' instead.'4117 ✔ renders loading animation when `isLoading` is true411823 08 2019 10:55:14.393:WARN [web-server]: 404: /undefined4119 GeoNodeActionsComponent4120 computed4121 isToggleAllowed4122 ✔ returns boolean value representing if toggle on node can be allowed412323 08 2019 10:55:14.412:WARN [web-server]: 404: /undefined4124 nodeToggleLabel4125 ✔ returns label for toggle button for a node4126 methods4127 onToggleNode4128 ✔ emits showNodeActionModal with actionType `toggle`, node reference, modalMessage and modalActionLabel4129 onRemovePrimaryNode4130 ✔ emits showNodeActionModal with actionType `remove`, node reference, modalKind, modalMessage and modalActionLabel4131 onRemoveSecondaryNode4132 ✔ emits showNodeActionModal with actionType `remove`, node reference, modalKind, modalMessage and modalActionLabel4133 onRepairNode4134 ✔ emits `repairNode` event with node reference4135 template4136 ✔ renders container elements correctly413723 08 2019 10:55:14.518:WARN [web-server]: 404: /undefined4138 GeoNodeDetailItemComponent4139 template4140 ✔ renders container elements correctly4141 ✔ renders plain item value414223 08 2019 10:55:14.546:WARN [web-server]: 404: /undefined4143 ✔ renders item title help info icon and popover with help info4144 ✔ renders graph item value414523 08 2019 10:55:14.576:WARN [web-server]: 404: /undefined4146 ✔ renders stale information status icon when `itemValueStale` prop is true414723 08 2019 10:55:14.613:WARN [web-server]: 404: /undefined4148 ✔ renders sync settings item value4149 ✔ renders event status item value415023 08 2019 10:55:14.645:WARN [web-server]: 404: /undefined4151 GeoNodeDetailsComponent4152 data4153 ✔ returns default data props415423 08 2019 10:55:14.686:WARN [web-server]: 404: /undefined4155 computed4156 hasError4157 ✔ returns boolean value representing if node has any errors415823 08 2019 10:55:14.772:WARN [web-server]: 404: /undefined4159 hasVersionMismatch4160 ✔ returns boolean value representing if node has version mismatch416123 08 2019 10:55:14.836:WARN [web-server]: 404: /undefined4162 template4163 ✔ renders container elements correctly416423 08 2019 10:55:14.880:WARN [web-server]: 404: /undefined4165 ✔ renders troubleshooting URL within error message section4166 GeoNodeEventStatus4167 computed4168 timeStamp4169 ✔ returns timestamp Date object4170 timeStampString4171 ✔ returns formatted timestamp string4172 eventString4173 ✔ returns computed event string when `eventTypeLogStatus` prop is true4174 ✔ returns event ID as it is when `eventTypeLogStatus` prop is false4175 template4176 ✔ renders container elements correctly417723 08 2019 10:55:15.012:WARN [web-server]: 404: /undefined4178 ✔ renders empty state when timestamp is not present4179 GeoNodeHeader4180 computed4181 isNodeHTTP4182 ✔ returns `true` when Node URL protocol is non-HTTPS418323 08 2019 10:55:15.045:WARN [web-server]: 404: /undefined4184 ✔ returns `false` when Node URL protocol is HTTPS4185 showNodeStatusIcon4186 ✔ returns `false` when Node details are still loading418723 08 2019 10:55:15.076:WARN [web-server]: 404: /undefined4188 ✔ returns `true` when Node details failed to load418923 08 2019 10:55:15.099:WARN [web-server]: 404: /undefined4190 ✔ returns `true` when Node details loaded and Node URL is non-HTTPS4191 ✔ returns `false` when Node details loaded and Node URL is HTTPS419223 08 2019 10:55:15.136:WARN [web-server]: 404: /undefined4193 GeoNodeHealthStatusComponent4194 computed4195 healthCssClass4196 ✔ returns CSS class representing `status` prop value419723 08 2019 10:55:15.148:WARN [web-server]: 404: /undefined4198 statusIconName4199 ✔ returns icon name representing `status` prop value420023 08 2019 10:55:15.189:WARN [web-server]: 404: /undefined4201 template4202 ✔ renders container elements correctly4203 GeoNodeItemComponent4204 data4205 ✔ returns default data props4206 computed4207 showNodeDetails4208 ✔ returns `false` if Node details are still loading4209 ✔ returns `false` if Node details failed to load4210 ✔ returns `true` if Node details loaded4211 methods4212 handleNodeDetails4213 ✔ intializes props based on provided `nodeDetails`4214 handleMounted4215 ✔ emits `pollNodeDetails` event and passes node ID4216 created4217 ✔ binds `nodeDetailsLoaded` event handler4218 beforeDestroy4219 ✔ unbinds `nodeDetailsLoaded` event handler4220 template4221 ✔ renders container element4222 ✔ renders node error message422323 08 2019 10:55:15.454:WARN [web-server]: 404: /undefined4224 GeoNodeSyncSettingsComponent4225 computed4226 syncType4227 ✔ returns string representing sync type422823 08 2019 10:55:15.483:WARN [web-server]: 404: /undefined4229 eventTimestampEmpty4230 ✔ returns `true` if one of the event timestamp is empty423123 08 2019 10:55:15.495:WARN [web-server]: 404: /undefined4232 ✔ return `false` if one of the event timestamp is present423323 08 2019 10:55:15.516:WARN [web-server]: 404: /undefined4234 methods4235 lagInSeconds4236 ✔ returns string representing sync type423723 08 2019 10:55:15.542:WARN [web-server]: 404: /undefined4238 statusIcon4239 ✔ returns string representing sync status icon424023 08 2019 10:55:15.551:WARN [web-server]: 404: /undefined4241 statusEventInfo4242 ✔ returns string representing status event info4243 statusTooltip4244 ✔ returns string representing status lag message4245 template4246 ✔ renders `Unknown` when `syncStatusUnavailable` prop is true4247 GeoNodesListComponent4248 template4249 ✔ renders container element correctly425023 08 2019 10:55:15.623:WARN [web-server]: 404: /undefined4251 NodeDetailsSectionMain4252 computed4253 nodeVersion4254 ✔ returns `Unknown` when `version` and `revision` are null425523 08 2019 10:55:15.642:WARN [web-server]: 404: /undefined4256 ✔ returns version string425723 08 2019 10:55:15.673:WARN [web-server]: 404: /undefined4258 nodeHealthStatus4259 ✔ returns health status string4260 template4261 ✔ renders component container element426223 08 2019 10:55:15.707:WARN [web-server]: 404: /undefined4263 ✔ renders node version element426423 08 2019 10:55:15.737:WARN [web-server]: 404: /undefined4265 NodeDetailsSectionOther4266 data4267 ✔ returns default data props4268 computed4269 nodeDetailItems4270 ✔ returns array containing items to show under primary node when prop `nodeTypePrimary` is true427123 08 2019 10:55:15.788:WARN [web-server]: 404: /undefined4272 ✔ returns array containing items to show under secondary node when prop `nodeTypePrimary` is false427323 08 2019 10:55:15.800:WARN [web-server]: 404: /undefined4274 storageShardsStatus4275 ✔ returns `Unknown` when `nodeDetails.storageShardsMatch` is null427623 08 2019 10:55:15.832:WARN [web-server]: 404: /undefined4277 ✔ returns `OK` when `nodeDetails.storageShardsMatch` is true427823 08 2019 10:55:15.857:WARN [web-server]: 404: /undefined4279 ✔ returns storage shard status string when `nodeDetails.storageShardsMatch` is false4280 storageShardsCssClass4281 ✔ returns CSS class `node-detail-value-bold` when `nodeDetails.storageShardsMatch` is true428223 08 2019 10:55:15.890:WARN [web-server]: 404: /undefined4283 ✔ returns CSS class `node-detail-value-bold node-detail-value-error` when `nodeDetails.storageShardsMatch` is false4284 template4285 ✔ renders component container element428623 08 2019 10:55:15.920:WARN [web-server]: 404: /undefined4287 ✔ renders show section button element4288 ✔ renders section items container element428923 08 2019 10:55:15.950:WARN [web-server]: 404: /undefined4290 NodeDetailsSectionSync4291 data4292 ✔ returns default data props429323 08 2019 10:55:16.026:WARN [web-server]: 404: /undefined4294 methods4295 syncSettings4296 ✔ returns sync settings object429723 08 2019 10:55:16.078:WARN [web-server]: 404: /undefined4298 dbReplicationLag4299 ✔ returns DB replication lag time duration430023 08 2019 10:55:16.152:WARN [web-server]: 404: /undefined4301 ✔ returns `Unknown` when `dbReplicationLag` is null430223 08 2019 10:55:16.214:WARN [web-server]: 404: /undefined4303 lastEventStatus4304 ✔ returns event status object430523 08 2019 10:55:16.268:WARN [web-server]: 404: /undefined4306 cursorLastEventStatus4307 ✔ returns event status object430823 08 2019 10:55:16.347:WARN [web-server]: 404: /undefined4309 template4310 ✔ renders component container element431123 08 2019 10:55:16.418:WARN [web-server]: 404: /undefined4312 ✔ renders show section button element431323 08 2019 10:55:16.500:WARN [web-server]: 404: /undefined4314 ✔ renders section items container element431523 08 2019 10:55:16.562:WARN [web-server]: 404: /undefined4316 NodeDetailsSectionVerification4317 data4318 ✔ returns default data props431923 08 2019 10:55:16.585:WARN [web-server]: 404: /undefined4320 methods4321 getPrimaryNodeDetailItems4322 ✔ returns array containing items to show under primary node432323 08 2019 10:55:16.619:WARN [web-server]: 404: /undefined4324 getSecondaryNodeDetailItems4325 ✔ returns array containing items to show under secondary node4326 template4327 ✔ renders component container element432823 08 2019 10:55:16.642:WARN [web-server]: 404: /undefined4329 ✔ renders section items container element433023 08 2019 10:55:16.677:WARN [web-server]: 404: /undefined4331 SectionRevealButton4332 data4333 ✔ returns default data props433423 08 2019 10:55:16.702:WARN [web-server]: 404: /undefined4335 computed4336 ✔ return `angle-up` when toggleState prop is true4337 ✔ return `angle-down` when toggleState prop is false433823 08 2019 10:55:16.719:WARN [web-server]: 404: /undefined4339 methods4340 onClickButton4341 ✔ updates `toggleState` prop to toggle from previous value4342 ✔ emits `toggleButton` event on component4343 template4344 ✔ renders button element4345 DetailsSectionMixin4346 computed4347 statusInfoStale4348 ✔ returns true when `nodeDetails.statusCheckTimestamp` is past the value of STATUS_DELAY_THRESHOLD_MS4349 ✔ returns false when `nodeDetails.statusCheckTimestamp` is under the value of STATUS_DELAY_THRESHOLD_MS4350 statusInfoStaleMessage4351 ✔ returns stale information message containing the duration elapsed4352 GeoNodesService4353 getGeoNodes4354 ✔ returns axios instance for Geo nodes path4355 getGeoNodeDetails4356 ✔ returns axios instance for Geo node details path4357 GeoNodesStore4358 constructor4359 ✔ initializes default state4360 setNodes4361 ✔ sets nodes list to state4362 setNodeDetails4363 ✔ sets node details to state4364 removeNode4365 ✔ removes node from store state4366 formatNode4367 ✔ returns formatted raw node object4368 formatNodeDetails4369 ✔ returns formatted raw node details object437023 08 2019 10:55:16.878:WARN [web-server]: 404: /undefined4371 GfmAutoCompleteEE4372 ✔ should have enableMap4373WARN: 'Icon sizes 1 - 5 are deprecated, please use 'sm', 'md' and 'lg' instead.'4374WARN: 'Icon sizes 1 - 5 are deprecated, please use 'sm', 'md' and 'lg' instead.'4375 handleColumnClick4376 ✔ calls store.sortMembers with columnName param4377WARN: 'Icon sizes 1 - 5 are deprecated, please use 'sm', 'md' and 'lg' instead.'4378WARN: 'Icon sizes 1 - 5 are deprecated, please use 'sm', 'md' and 'lg' instead.'4379 ✔ renders component container element with class `group-member-contributions-container`4380WARN: 'Icon sizes 1 - 5 are deprecated, please use 'sm', 'md' and 'lg' instead.'4381WARN: 'Icon sizes 1 - 5 are deprecated, please use 'sm', 'md' and 'lg' instead.'4382 ✔ renders header title element within component containe4383WARN: 'Icon sizes 1 - 5 are deprecated, please use 'sm', 'md' and 'lg' instead.'4384WARN: 'Icon sizes 1 - 5 are deprecated, please use 'sm', 'md' and 'lg' instead.'4385 ✔ shows loading icon when isLoading prop is true4386WARN: 'Icon sizes 1 - 5 are deprecated, please use 'sm', 'md' and 'lg' instead.'4387WARN: 'Icon sizes 1 - 5 are deprecated, please use 'sm', 'md' and 'lg' instead.'4388 ✔ renders table container element4389 TableBodyComponent4390 template4391 ✔ renders row item element4392 ✔ renders username row cell element439323 08 2019 10:55:16.967:WARN [web-server]: 404: /undefined4394 TableHeaderComponent4395 data4396 ✔ returns data with columnIconMeta prop initialized439723 08 2019 10:55:16.984:WARN [web-server]: 404: /undefined4398 methods4399 getColumnIconMeta4400 ✔ returns `angle-up` and `Ascending` for sortIcon and iconTooltip respectively when provided columnName in sortOrders has value greater than 0440123 08 2019 10:55:17.020:WARN [web-server]: 404: /undefined4402 ✔ returns `angle-down` and `Descending` for sortIcon and iconTooltip respectively when provided columnName in sortOrders has value less than 0440323 08 2019 10:55:17.037:WARN [web-server]: 404: /undefined4404 getColumnSortIcon4405 ✔ returns value of sortIcon for provided columnName440623 08 2019 10:55:17.055:WARN [web-server]: 404: /undefined4407 getColumnSortTooltip4408 ✔ returns value of iconTooltip for provided columnName440923 08 2019 10:55:17.081:WARN [web-server]: 404: /undefined4410 onColumnClick4411 ✔ emits `onColumnClick` event with columnName param on component instance441223 08 2019 10:55:17.115:WARN [web-server]: 404: /undefined4413 ✔ updates columnIconMeta prop for provided columnName441423 08 2019 10:55:17.130:WARN [web-server]: 404: /undefined4415 template4416 ✔ renders table column header with sort order icon4417 GroupMemberStore4418 setColumns4419 ✔ sets columns to store state4420 ✔ initializes sortOrders on store state4421 setMembers4422 ✔ sets members to store state4423 sortMembers4424 ✔ sorts members list based on provided column name4425 fetchContributedMembers4426 ✔ calls service.getContributedMembers and sets response to the store on success442723 08 2019 10:55:17.210:WARN [web-server]: 404: /some_list?limit=20&offset=1004428 ✔ calls service.getContributedMembers and sets `isLoading` to false and shows flash message if request failed4429 EE IDE TerminalEmptyState4430 ✔ does not show illustration, if no path specified4431 ✔ shows illustration with path4432 ✔ when loading, shows loading icon4433 ✔ when not loading, does not show loading icon4434 when valid4435 ✔ shows button4436 ✔ emits start when button is clicked4437 ✔ shows help path link4438 ✔ when not valid, shows disabled button and message4439 EE IDE Terminal4440 loading text4441 ✔ shows when starting (starting)4442 ✔ shows when starting (pending)4443 ✔ shows when stopping4444 ✔ hides when not loading4445 ✔ hides when not loading 4446 refs.terminal4447 ✔ has terminal path in data4448 terminal controls4449 ✔ is visible if terminal is created4450 ✔ scrolls glterminal on scroll-up4451 ✔ scrolls glterminal on scroll-down4452 ✔ has props set4453 refresh4454 ✔ creates the terminal if running4455 ✔ stops the terminal if stopping4456 createTerminal4457 ✔ creates the terminal4458 scroll listener4459 ✔ has been called4460 ✔ updates scroll data when called4461 destroyTerminal4462 ✔ calls dispose4463 stopTerminal4464 ✔ calls disable4465 EE IDE TerminalView4466 ✔ renders empty state4467 ✔ hides splash and starts, when started4468 ✔ shows Web Terminal when started4469 EE IDE store terminal check actions4470 requestConfigCheck4471 ✔ handles request loading4472 receiveConfigCheckSuccess4473 ✔ handles successful response4474 receiveConfigCheckError4475 ✔ handles error response4476 ✔ hides tab, when status is 4034477 ✔ hides tab, when status is 4044478 fetchConfigCheck4479 ✔ dispatches request and receive4480 ✔ when error, dispatches request and receive4481 requestRunnersCheck4482 ✔ handles request loading4483 receiveRunnersCheckSuccess4484 ✔ handles successful response, with data4485 ✔ handles successful response, with empty data4486 receiveRunnersCheckError4487 ✔ dispatches handle with message4488 retryRunnersCheck4489 ✔ dispatches fetch again after timeout4490 ✔ does not dispatch fetch if config check is error4491 fetchRunnersCheck4492 ✔ dispatches request and receive4493 ✔ does not dispatch request when background is true4494 ✔ dispatches request and receive, when error4495 EE IDE store terminal session controls actions4496 requestStartSession4497 ✔ sets session status4498 receiveStartSessionSuccess4499 ✔ sets session and starts polling status4500 receiveStartSessionError4501 ✔ flashes message4502 ✔ sets session status4503 startSession4504 ✔ does nothing if session is already starting4505 ✔ dispatches request and receive on success4506 ✔ dispatches request and receive on error4507 requestStopSession4508 ✔ sets session status4509 receiveStopSessionSuccess4510 ✔ kills the session4511 receiveStopSessionError4512 ✔ flashes message4513 ✔ kills the session4514 stopSession4515 ✔ dispatches request and receive on success4516 ✔ dispatches request and receive on error4517 killSession4518 ✔ stops polling and sets status4519 restartSession4520 ✔ does nothing if current not stopped4521 ✔ dispatches startSession if retryPath is empty4522 ✔ dispatches request and receive on success4523 ✔ dispatches request and receive on error4524 ✔ dispatches request and startSession on 4044525 ✔ dispatches request and startSession on 4224526 pollSessionStatus4527 ✔ starts interval to poll status4528 ✔ on interval, stops polling if no session4529 ✔ on interval, fetches status4530 stopPollingSessionStatus4531 ✔ does nothing if sessionStatusInterval is empty4532 ✔ clears interval453323 08 2019 10:55:18.222:WARN [web-server]: 404: /assets/illustrations/monitoring/getting_started.svg4534 receiveSessionStatusSuccess4535 ✔ sets session status4536 ✔ kills session if status is stopping4537 ✔ kills session if status is stopped4538 ✔ kills session if status is unexpected4539 receiveSessionStatusError4540 ✔ flashes message4541 ✔ kills the session4542 fetchSessionStatus4543 ✔ does nothing if session is falsey4544 ✔ dispatches success on success4545 ✔ dispatches error on error4546 EE IDE store terminal setup actions4547 init4548 ✔ dispatches checks4549 hideSplash4550 ✔ commits HIDE_SPLASH4551 setPaths4552 ✔ commits SET_PATHS4553 EE IDE store terminal messages4554 configCheckError4555 ✔ returns job error, with status UNPROCESSABLE_ENTITY455623 08 2019 10:55:18.373:WARN [web-server]: 404: /assets/illustrations/monitoring/getting_started.svg4557 ✔ returns permission error, with status FORBIDDEN4558 ✔ returns unexpected error, with unexpected status4559 Insights bar chart component4560 ✔ has the correct config4561 Insights line chart component4562 ✔ has the correct config4563 Insights Stacked Bar chart component4564 ✔ has the correct config4565 Insights page component4566 no chart config available4567 ✔ shows an empty state4568 charts configured4569 ✔ fetches chart data when mounted457023 08 2019 10:55:18.449:WARN [web-server]: 404: /assets/illustrations/monitoring/getting_started.svg4571 when charts loading4572 ✔ renders loading state4573 ✔ does not display chart area4574 when charts loaded4575 ✔ displays correct chart post load4576 chart data retrieve error4577 ✔ displays info about the error457823 08 2019 10:55:18.494:WARN [web-server]: 404: /assets/illustrations/monitoring/getting_started.svg4579 pageConfig changes4580 ✔ reflects new state4581 Insights component4582 ✔ fetches config data when mounted4583 when loading config4584 ✔ renders config loading state4585 when config loaded4586 ✔ has the correct nav tabs4587 empty config4588 ✔ it displays a warning4589 Insights store actions4590 requestConfig4591 ✔ commits REQUEST_CONFIG4592 receiveConfigSuccess4593 ✔ commits RECEIVE_CONFIG_SUCCESS4594 receiveConfigError4595 ✔ commits RECEIVE_CONFIG_ERROR4596 fetchConfigData4597 ✔ calls requestConfig4598 ✔ calls receiveConfigSuccess with config data4599 receiveChartDataSuccess4600 ✔ commits RECEIVE_CHART_SUCCESS4601 receiveChartDataError4602 ✔ commits RECEIVE_CHART_ERROR4603 fetchChartData4604 successful request4605 ✔ calls receiveChartDataSuccess with chart data4606 failed request4607 ✔ calls receiveChartDataError with error message4608 setActiveTab4609 ✔ commits SET_ACTIVE_TAB and SET_ACTIVE_PAGE4610 initChartData4611 ✔ commits INIT_CHART_DATA4612 setPageLoading4613 ✔ commits SET_PAGE_LOADING4614 AddIssuableForm4615 with data4616 without references4617 without any input text4618 ✔ should have disabled submit button4619 with input text4620 ✔ should not have disabled submit button4621 with references4622 ✔ should put input value in place4623 ✔ should render pending issuables items4624 ✔ should not have disabled submit button4625 ✔ when submitting pending issues4626 ✔ when canceling form to collapse4627 IssueToken4628 with reference supplied4629 ✔ shows reference4630 ✔ does not link without path specified4631 with reference and title supplied4632 ✔ shows reference and title4633 with path supplied4634 ✔ links reference and title463523 08 2019 10:55:18.839:WARN [web-server]: 404: /undefined4636 with state supplied4637 `state: 'opened'`4638 ✔ shows green circle icon463923 08 2019 10:55:18.868:WARN [web-server]: 404: /undefined4640 `state: 'reopened'`4641 ✔ shows green circle icon4642 `state: 'closed'`4643 ✔ shows red minus icon464423 08 2019 10:55:18.887:WARN [web-server]: 404: /undefined4645 with reference, title, state4646 ✔ shows reference, title, and state4647 with canRemove4648 `canRemove: false` (default)4649 ✔ does not have remove button4650 `canRemove: true`4651 ✔ has remove button4652 methods4653 ✔ when getting checked465423 08 2019 10:55:18.940:WARN [web-server]: 404: /undefined4655 RelatedIssuesBlock4656 with defaults4657 ✔ unable to add new related issues465823 08 2019 10:55:18.968:WARN [web-server]: 404: /undefined4659 ✔ add related issues form is hidden4660 ✔ should not show loading icon466123 08 2019 10:55:18.990:WARN [web-server]: 404: /undefined4662 with isFetching=true4663 ✔ should show loading icon466423 08 2019 10:55:19.020:WARN [web-server]: 404: /undefined4665 ✔ should show `...` badge count466623 08 2019 10:55:19.035:WARN [web-server]: 404: /undefined4667 with canAddRelatedIssues=true4668 ✔ can add new related issues466923 08 2019 10:55:19.052:WARN [web-server]: 404: /undefined4670 with isFormVisible=true4671 ✔ shows add related issues form467223 08 2019 10:55:19.089:WARN [web-server]: 404: /undefined4673WARN: '[BootstrapVue warn]: b-tooltip: 'target' element not found!'4674WARN: '[BootstrapVue warn]: b-tooltip: 'target' element not found!'4675WARN: '[BootstrapVue warn]: b-tooltip: 'target' element not found!'4676WARN: '[BootstrapVue warn]: b-tooltip: 'target' element not found!'4677WARN: '[BootstrapVue warn]: b-tooltip: 'target' element not found!'4678WARN: '[BootstrapVue warn]: b-tooltip: 'target' element not found!'4679WARN: '[BootstrapVue warn]: b-tooltip: 'target' element not found!'4680WARN: '[BootstrapVue warn]: b-tooltip: 'target' element not found!'4681 with relatedIssues4682 ✔ should render issue tokens items468323 08 2019 10:55:19.133:WARN [web-server]: 404: /undefined4684WARN: '[BootstrapVue warn]: b-tooltip: 'target' element not found!'4685WARN: '[BootstrapVue warn]: b-tooltip: 'target' element not found!'4686WARN: '[BootstrapVue warn]: b-tooltip: 'target' element not found!'4687WARN: '[BootstrapVue warn]: b-tooltip: 'target' element not found!'4688WARN: '[BootstrapVue warn]: b-tooltip: 'target' element not found!'4689WARN: '[BootstrapVue warn]: b-tooltip: 'target' element not found!'4690WARN: '[BootstrapVue warn]: b-tooltip: 'target' element not found!'4691WARN: '[BootstrapVue warn]: b-tooltip: 'target' element not found!'4692WARN: '[BootstrapVue warn]: b-tooltip: 'target' element not found!'4693WARN: '[BootstrapVue warn]: b-tooltip: 'target' element not found!'4694WARN: '[BootstrapVue warn]: b-tooltip: 'target' element not found!'4695WARN: '[BootstrapVue warn]: b-tooltip: 'target' element not found!'4696WARN: '[BootstrapVue warn]: b-tooltip: 'target' element not found!'4697WARN: '[BootstrapVue warn]: b-tooltip: 'target' element not found!'4698WARN: '[BootstrapVue warn]: b-tooltip: 'target' element not found!'4699WARN: '[BootstrapVue warn]: b-tooltip: 'target' element not found!'4700WARN: '[BootstrapVue warn]: b-tooltip: 'target' element not found!'4701WARN: '[BootstrapVue warn]: b-tooltip: 'target' element not found!'4702WARN: '[BootstrapVue warn]: b-tooltip: 'target' element not found!'4703WARN: '[BootstrapVue warn]: b-tooltip: 'target' element not found!'4704 methods4705 ✔ reorder item correctly when an item is moved to the top470623 08 2019 10:55:19.238:WARN [web-server]: 404: /undefined4707WARN: '[BootstrapVue warn]: b-tooltip: 'target' element not found!'4708WARN: '[BootstrapVue warn]: b-tooltip: 'target' element not found!'4709WARN: '[BootstrapVue warn]: b-tooltip: 'target' element not found!'4710WARN: '[BootstrapVue warn]: b-tooltip: 'target' element not found!'4711WARN: '[BootstrapVue warn]: b-tooltip: 'target' element not found!'4712WARN: '[BootstrapVue warn]: b-tooltip: 'target' element not found!'4713WARN: '[BootstrapVue warn]: b-tooltip: 'target' element not found!'4714WARN: '[BootstrapVue warn]: b-tooltip: 'target' element not found!'4715WARN: '[BootstrapVue warn]: b-tooltip: 'target' element not found!'4716WARN: '[BootstrapVue warn]: b-tooltip: 'target' element not found!'4717WARN: '[BootstrapVue warn]: b-tooltip: 'target' element not found!'4718WARN: '[BootstrapVue warn]: b-tooltip: 'target' element not found!'4719WARN: '[BootstrapVue warn]: b-tooltip: 'target' element not found!'4720WARN: '[BootstrapVue warn]: b-tooltip: 'target' element not found!'4721WARN: '[BootstrapVue warn]: b-tooltip: 'target' element not found!'4722WARN: '[BootstrapVue warn]: b-tooltip: 'target' element not found!'4723WARN: '[BootstrapVue warn]: b-tooltip: 'target' element not found!'4724WARN: '[BootstrapVue warn]: b-tooltip: 'target' element not found!'4725WARN: '[BootstrapVue warn]: b-tooltip: 'target' element not found!'4726WARN: '[BootstrapVue warn]: b-tooltip: 'target' element not found!'4727 ✔ reorder item correctly when an item is moved to the bottom472823 08 2019 10:55:19.346:WARN [web-server]: 404: /undefined4729WARN: '[BootstrapVue warn]: b-tooltip: 'target' element not found!'4730WARN: '[BootstrapVue warn]: b-tooltip: 'target' element not found!'4731WARN: '[BootstrapVue warn]: b-tooltip: 'target' element not found!'4732WARN: '[BootstrapVue warn]: b-tooltip: 'target' element not found!'4733WARN: '[BootstrapVue warn]: b-tooltip: 'target' element not found!'4734WARN: '[BootstrapVue warn]: b-tooltip: 'target' element not found!'4735WARN: '[BootstrapVue warn]: b-tooltip: 'target' element not found!'4736WARN: '[BootstrapVue warn]: b-tooltip: 'target' element not found!'4737WARN: '[BootstrapVue warn]: b-tooltip: 'target' element not found!'4738WARN: '[BootstrapVue warn]: b-tooltip: 'target' element not found!'4739WARN: '[BootstrapVue warn]: b-tooltip: 'target' element not found!'4740WARN: '[BootstrapVue warn]: b-tooltip: 'target' element not found!'4741WARN: '[BootstrapVue warn]: b-tooltip: 'target' element not found!'4742WARN: '[BootstrapVue warn]: b-tooltip: 'target' element not found!'4743WARN: '[BootstrapVue warn]: b-tooltip: 'target' element not found!'4744WARN: '[BootstrapVue warn]: b-tooltip: 'target' element not found!'4745WARN: '[BootstrapVue warn]: b-tooltip: 'target' element not found!'4746WARN: '[BootstrapVue warn]: b-tooltip: 'target' element not found!'4747WARN: '[BootstrapVue warn]: b-tooltip: 'target' element not found!'4748WARN: '[BootstrapVue warn]: b-tooltip: 'target' element not found!'4749 ✔ reorder item correctly when an item is swapped with adjecent item475023 08 2019 10:55:19.432:WARN [web-server]: 404: /undefined4751WARN: '[BootstrapVue warn]: b-tooltip: 'target' element not found!'4752WARN: '[BootstrapVue warn]: b-tooltip: 'target' element not found!'4753WARN: '[BootstrapVue warn]: b-tooltip: 'target' element not found!'4754WARN: '[BootstrapVue warn]: b-tooltip: 'target' element not found!'4755WARN: '[BootstrapVue warn]: b-tooltip: 'target' element not found!'4756WARN: '[BootstrapVue warn]: b-tooltip: 'target' element not found!'4757WARN: '[BootstrapVue warn]: b-tooltip: 'target' element not found!'4758WARN: '[BootstrapVue warn]: b-tooltip: 'target' element not found!'4759WARN: '[BootstrapVue warn]: b-tooltip: 'target' element not found!'4760WARN: '[BootstrapVue warn]: b-tooltip: 'target' element not found!'4761WARN: '[BootstrapVue warn]: b-tooltip: 'target' element not found!'4762WARN: '[BootstrapVue warn]: b-tooltip: 'target' element not found!'4763WARN: '[BootstrapVue warn]: b-tooltip: 'target' element not found!'4764WARN: '[BootstrapVue warn]: b-tooltip: 'target' element not found!'4765WARN: '[BootstrapVue warn]: b-tooltip: 'target' element not found!'4766WARN: '[BootstrapVue warn]: b-tooltip: 'target' element not found!'4767WARN: '[BootstrapVue warn]: b-tooltip: 'target' element not found!'4768WARN: '[BootstrapVue warn]: b-tooltip: 'target' element not found!'4769WARN: '[BootstrapVue warn]: b-tooltip: 'target' element not found!'4770WARN: '[BootstrapVue warn]: b-tooltip: 'target' element not found!'4771 ✔ reorder item correctly when an item is moved somewhere in the middle477223 08 2019 10:55:19.545:WARN [web-server]: 404: /undefined4773 renders correct icon when4774 ✔ issuableType=issue is passed4775 ✔ issuableType=epic is passed477623 08 2019 10:55:19.575:WARN [web-server]: 404: /undefined4777 issuableOrderingId returns correct issuable order id when4778 ✔ issuableType is epic477923 08 2019 10:55:19.588:WARN [web-server]: 404: /undefined4780 ✔ issuableType is issue478123 08 2019 10:55:19.603:WARN [web-server]: 404: /undefined4782WARN: '[BootstrapVue warn]: b-tooltip: 'target' element not found!'4783WARN: '[BootstrapVue warn]: b-tooltip: 'target' element not found!'4784WARN: '[BootstrapVue warn]: b-tooltip: 'target' element not found!'4785WARN: '[BootstrapVue warn]: b-tooltip: 'target' element not found!'4786WARN: '[BootstrapVue warn]: b-tooltip: 'target' element not found!'4787WARN: '[BootstrapVue warn]: b-tooltip: 'target' element not found!'4788WARN: '[BootstrapVue warn]: b-tooltip: 'target' element not found!'4789WARN: '[BootstrapVue warn]: b-tooltip: 'target' element not found!'4790WARN: '[BootstrapVue warn]: b-tooltip: 'target' element not found!'4791WARN: '[BootstrapVue warn]: b-tooltip: 'target' element not found!'4792WARN: '[BootstrapVue warn]: b-tooltip: 'target' element not found!'4793WARN: '[BootstrapVue warn]: b-tooltip: 'target' element not found!'4794WARN: '[BootstrapVue warn]: b-tooltip: 'target' element not found!'4795WARN: '[BootstrapVue warn]: b-tooltip: 'target' element not found!'4796WARN: '[BootstrapVue warn]: b-tooltip: 'target' element not found!'4797WARN: '[BootstrapVue warn]: b-tooltip: 'target' element not found!'4798WARN: '[BootstrapVue warn]: b-tooltip: 'target' element not found!'4799WARN: '[BootstrapVue warn]: b-tooltip: 'target' element not found!'4800WARN: '[BootstrapVue warn]: b-tooltip: 'target' element not found!'4801WARN: '[BootstrapVue warn]: b-tooltip: 'target' element not found!'4802 renders correct ordering id when4803 ✔ issuableType is epic480423 08 2019 10:55:19.717:WARN [web-server]: 404: /undefined4805WARN: '[BootstrapVue warn]: b-tooltip: 'target' element not found!'4806WARN: '[BootstrapVue warn]: b-tooltip: 'target' element not found!'4807WARN: '[BootstrapVue warn]: b-tooltip: 'target' element not found!'4808WARN: '[BootstrapVue warn]: b-tooltip: 'target' element not found!'4809WARN: '[BootstrapVue warn]: b-tooltip: 'target' element not found!'4810WARN: '[BootstrapVue warn]: b-tooltip: 'target' element not found!'4811WARN: '[BootstrapVue warn]: b-tooltip: 'target' element not found!'4812WARN: '[BootstrapVue warn]: b-tooltip: 'target' element not found!'4813WARN: '[BootstrapVue warn]: b-tooltip: 'target' element not found!'4814WARN: '[BootstrapVue warn]: b-tooltip: 'target' element not found!'4815WARN: '[BootstrapVue warn]: b-tooltip: 'target' element not found!'4816WARN: '[BootstrapVue warn]: b-tooltip: 'target' element not found!'4817WARN: '[BootstrapVue warn]: b-tooltip: 'target' element not found!'4818WARN: '[BootstrapVue warn]: b-tooltip: 'target' element not found!'4819WARN: '[BootstrapVue warn]: b-tooltip: 'target' element not found!'4820WARN: '[BootstrapVue warn]: b-tooltip: 'target' element not found!'4821WARN: '[BootstrapVue warn]: b-tooltip: 'target' element not found!'4822WARN: '[BootstrapVue warn]: b-tooltip: 'target' element not found!'4823WARN: '[BootstrapVue warn]: b-tooltip: 'target' element not found!'4824WARN: '[BootstrapVue warn]: b-tooltip: 'target' element not found!'4825 ✔ issuableType is issue482623 08 2019 10:55:19.804:WARN [web-server]: 404: /undefined482723 08 2019 10:55:19.818:WARN [web-server]: 404: /undefined4828 RelatedIssuesRoot4829 methods4830 onRelatedIssueRemoveRequest4831 ✔ remove related issue and succeeds483223 08 2019 10:55:19.849:WARN [web-server]: 404: /undefined483323 08 2019 10:55:19.863:WARN [web-server]: 404: /undefined4834 ✔ remove related issue, fails, and restores to related issues483523 08 2019 10:55:19.909:WARN [web-server]: 404: /foo/bar/issues/1/related_issues483623 08 2019 10:55:19.912:WARN [web-server]: 404: /foo/bar/issues/1/related_issues483723 08 2019 10:55:19.913:WARN [web-server]: 404: /undefined4838 onToggleAddRelatedIssuesForm4839 ✔ toggle related issues form to visible4840 ✔ show add related issues form to hidden484123 08 2019 10:55:19.937:WARN [web-server]: 404: /foo/bar/issues/1/related_issues484223 08 2019 10:55:19.940:WARN [web-server]: 404: /undefined484323 08 2019 10:55:19.962:WARN [web-server]: 404: /undefined4844 onPendingIssueRemoveRequest4845 ✔ remove pending related issue484623 08 2019 10:55:20.029:WARN [web-server]: 404: /foo/bar/issues/1/related_issues484723 08 2019 10:55:20.032:WARN [web-server]: 404: /undefined4848 onPendingFormSubmit4849 ✔ processes references before submitting4850 ✔ submit zero pending issue as related issue485123 08 2019 10:55:20.085:WARN [web-server]: 404: /undefined4852 ✔ submit pending issue as related issue485323 08 2019 10:55:20.178:WARN [web-server]: 404: /undefined4854 ✔ submit multiple pending issues as related issues485523 08 2019 10:55:20.288:WARN [web-server]: 404: /foo/bar/issues/1/related_issues485623 08 2019 10:55:20.295:WARN [web-server]: 404: /undefined4857 onPendingFormCancel4858 ✔ when canceling and hiding add issuable form485923 08 2019 10:55:20.328:WARN [web-server]: 404: /undefined4860 fetchRelatedIssues4861 ✔ sets isFetching while fetching486223 08 2019 10:55:20.409:WARN [web-server]: 404: /undefined4863 ✔ should fetch related issues486423 08 2019 10:55:20.468:WARN [web-server]: 404: /foo/bar/issues/1/related_issues486523 08 2019 10:55:20.473:WARN [web-server]: 404: /undefined4866 onInput4867 ✔ fill in issue number reference and adds to pending related issues486823 08 2019 10:55:20.494:WARN [web-server]: 404: /foo/bar/issues/1/related_issues486923 08 2019 10:55:20.497:WARN [web-server]: 404: /undefined4870 ✔ fill in with full reference487123 08 2019 10:55:20.530:WARN [web-server]: 404: /foo/bar/issues/1/related_issues487223 08 2019 10:55:20.531:WARN [web-server]: 404: /undefined4873 ✔ fill in with issue link487423 08 2019 10:55:20.544:WARN [web-server]: 404: /foo/bar/issues/1/related_issues4875 ✔ fill in with multiple references487623 08 2019 10:55:20.561:WARN [web-server]: 404: /foo/bar/issues/1/related_issues487723 08 2019 10:55:20.565:WARN [web-server]: 404: /undefined4878 ✔ fill in with some invalid things487923 08 2019 10:55:20.586:WARN [web-server]: 404: /foo/bar/issues/1/related_issues488023 08 2019 10:55:20.592:WARN [web-server]: 404: /undefined4881 onBlur4882 ✔ add any references to pending when blurring488323 08 2019 10:55:20.624:WARN [web-server]: 404: /foo/bar/issues/1/related_issues488423 08 2019 10:55:20.626:WARN [web-server]: 404: /undefined4885 processAllReferences4886 ✔ add valid reference to pending488723 08 2019 10:55:20.637:WARN [web-server]: 404: /foo/bar/issues/1/related_issues488823 08 2019 10:55:20.641:WARN [web-server]: 404: /undefined4889 ✔ add any valid references to pending4890 RelatedIssuesStore4891 setRelatedIssues4892 ✔ defaults to empty array4893 ✔ add issue4894 removeRelatedIssue4895 ✔ remove issue4896 ✔ remove issue with multiple in store4897 updateIssueOrder4898 ✔ updates issue order4899 setPendingReferences4900 ✔ defaults to empty array490123 08 2019 10:55:20.723:WARN [web-server]: 404: /assets/illustrations/issues.svg4902 ✔ add reference490323 08 2019 10:55:20.752:WARN [web-server]: 404: /assets/illustrations/issues.svg4904 removePendingRelatedIssue4905 ✔ remove issue4906 ✔ remove issue with multiple in store490723 08 2019 10:55:20.773:WARN [web-server]: 404: /assets/illustrations/monitoring/getting_started.svg4908 Empty state component4909 ✔ renders the image4910 ✔ renders the title491123 08 2019 10:55:20.808:WARN [web-server]: 404: /assets/illustrations/monitoring/getting_started.svg4912 ✔ renders the summary4913 Issues Analytics component4914 ✔ fetches chart data when mounted4915WARN: 'Icon sizes 1 - 5 are deprecated, please use 'sm', 'md' and 'lg' instead.'4916WARN: 'Icon sizes 1 - 5 are deprecated, please use 'sm', 'md' and 'lg' instead.'4917 ✔ renders loading state when loading4918 ✔ renders chart when data is present491923 08 2019 10:55:20.856:WARN [web-server]: 404: /assets/illustrations/monitoring/getting_started.svg4920 ✔ renders chart tooltip with the correct details492123 08 2019 10:55:20.885:WARN [web-server]: 404: /assets/illustrations/monitoring/getting_started.svg492223 08 2019 10:55:20.890:WARN [web-server]: 404: /assets/illustrations/issues.svg4923 ✔ fetches data when filters are applied492423 08 2019 10:55:20.918:WARN [web-server]: 404: /assets/illustrations/monitoring/getting_started.svg4925 ✔ renders empty state when chart data is empty492623 08 2019 10:55:20.933:WARN [web-server]: 404: /assets/illustrations/issues.svg4927 ✔ renders filters empty state when filters are applied and chart data is empty4928 Issue analytics store actions4929 setFilters4930 ✔ commits SET_FILTERS4931 setLoadingState4932 ✔ commits SET_LOADING_STATE4933 fetchChartData4934 ✔ commits SET_CHART_DATA with chart data4935 Shared Runner Limit Block4936 quota information4937 ✔ renders provided quota limit and used quota4938 with runnersPath4939 ✔ renders runner link4940 without runnersPath4941 ✔ does not renbder runner link4942 Kubernetes Logs4943 When data is requested correctly4944 ✔ has the pod name placed on the dropdown4945 ✔ queries the pod log data and sets the dom elements4946 ✔ asks for the pod logs from another pod4947 ✔ clears the pod dropdown contents when pod logs are requested4948 XSS Protection4949 ✔ escapes the pod name4950 When no pod name is available4951 ✔ shows up a flash message when no pod name is specified4952 AddLicenseFormDropdown4953 ✔ emits `input` invent on change4954 ✔ sets the placeholder appropriately4955 ✔ sets the initial value correctly4956 ✔ shows all pre-defined licenses4957 AddLicenseForm4958 interaction4959 ✔ clicking the Submit button submits the data and closes the form4960 ✔ clicking the Cancel button closes the form4961 computed4962 submitDisabled4963 ✔ is true if the approvalStatus is empty4964 ✔ is true if the licenseName is empty4965 ✔ is true if the entered license is duplicated4966 isInvalidLicense4967 ✔ is true if the entered license is duplicated4968 ✔ is false if the entered license is unique4969 template4970 ✔ renders the license select dropdown4971 ✔ renders the license approval radio buttons dropdown4972 ✔ renders error text, if there is a duplicate license4973 ✔ disables submit, if the form is invalid4974 DeleteConfirmationModal4975 computed4976 confirmationText4977 ✔ returns information text with current license name in bold4978 ✔ escapes the license name4979 interaction4980 triggering resetLicenseInModal on canceling4981 ✔ by clicking the cancel button4982 ✔ by clicking the X button4983 triggering deleteLicense on canceling4984 ✔ by clicking the confirmation button4985 template4986 ✔ renders modal title4987 ✔ renders button in modal footer4988 ✔ renders modal body4989 LicenseIssueBody4990 interaction4991 ✔ clicking the button triggers openModal with the current license4992 template4993 ✔ renders component container element with class `license-item`4994 ✔ renders button to open modal4995 ✔ renders packages list499623 08 2019 10:55:22.636:WARN [web-server]: 404: /undefined4997 LicenseManagementRow4998 approved license4999 computed5000 ✔ dropdownText returns `Approved`500123 08 2019 10:55:22.680:WARN [web-server]: 404: /undefined5002 ✔ isApproved returns `true`500323 08 2019 10:55:22.700:WARN [web-server]: 404: /undefined5004 ✔ isBlacklisted returns `false`500523 08 2019 10:55:22.724:WARN [web-server]: 404: /undefined5006 template5007 ✔ first dropdown element should have a visible icon500823 08 2019 10:55:22.765:WARN [web-server]: 404: /undefined5009 ✔ second dropdown element should have no visible icon501023 08 2019 10:55:22.794:WARN [web-server]: 404: /undefined5011 blacklisted license5012 computed5013 ✔ dropdownText returns `Blacklisted`501423 08 2019 10:55:22.821:WARN [web-server]: 404: /undefined5015 ✔ isApproved returns `false`501623 08 2019 10:55:22.853:WARN [web-server]: 404: /undefined5017 ✔ isBlacklisted returns `true`501823 08 2019 10:55:22.898:WARN [web-server]: 404: /undefined5019 template5020 ✔ first dropdown element should have no visible icon502123 08 2019 10:55:22.916:WARN [web-server]: 404: /undefined5022 ✔ second dropdown element should have a visible icon502323 08 2019 10:55:22.942:WARN [web-server]: 404: /undefined5024 interaction5025 ✔ triggering setLicenseInModal by clicking the cancel button502623 08 2019 10:55:22.980:WARN [web-server]: 404: /undefined5027 ✔ triggering approveLicense by clicking the first dropdown option502823 08 2019 10:55:23.014:WARN [web-server]: 404: /undefined5029 ✔ triggering approveLicense blacklistLicense by clicking the second dropdown option503023 08 2019 10:55:23.048:WARN [web-server]: 404: /undefined5031 template5032 ✔ renders component container element as a div503323 08 2019 10:55:23.089:WARN [web-server]: 404: /undefined5034 ✔ renders status icon503523 08 2019 10:55:23.106:WARN [web-server]: 404: /undefined5036 ✔ renders license name503723 08 2019 10:55:23.136:WARN [web-server]: 404: /undefined5038 ✔ renders the removal button503923 08 2019 10:55:23.171:WARN [web-server]: 404: /undefined5040 ✔ renders computed property dropdownText into dropdown toggle504123 08 2019 10:55:23.188:WARN [web-server]: 404: /undefined5042 ✔ renders the dropdown with `Approved` and `Blacklisted` options5043 LicensePackages5044 computed5045 remainingPackages5046 ✔ returns string with count of packages when it exceeds `displayPackageCount` prop5047 ✔ returns empty string when count of packages does not exceed `displayPackageCount` prop5048 methods5049 handleShowPackages5050 ✔ sets value of `showAllPackages` prop to true5051 template5052 ✔ renders packages list for a particular license5053 ✔ renders more packages button element5054 SetApprovalModal5055 for approved license5056 computed5057 ✔ headerTitleText returns `Blacklist license?`5058 ✔ canApprove is false5059 ✔ canBlacklist is true5060 template correctly5061 ✔ renders modal title5062 ✔ renders no Approve button in modal footer5063 ✔ renders Blacklist button in modal footer5064 for unapproved license5065 computed5066 ✔ headerTitleText returns `Approve license?`5067 ✔ canApprove is true5068 ✔ canBlacklist is true5069 template5070 ✔ renders modal title5071 ✔ renders Approve button in modal footer5072 ✔ renders Blacklist button in modal footer5073 for blacklisted license5074 computed5075 ✔ headerTitleText returns `Approve license?`5076 ✔ canApprove is true5077 ✔ canBlacklist is false5078 template5079 ✔ renders modal title5080 ✔ renders Approve button in modal footer5081 ✔ renders no Blacklist button in modal footer5082 for user without the rights to manage licenses5083 computed5084 ✔ headerTitleText returns `License details`5085 ✔ canApprove is false5086 ✔ canBlacklist is false5087 template5088 ✔ renders modal title5089 ✔ renders no Approve button in modal footer5090 ✔ renders no Blacklist button in modal footer5091 Modal Body5092 ✔ renders the license name5093 ✔ renders the license url with link5094 ✔ renders the license url5095 interaction5096 triggering resetLicenseInModal on canceling5097 ✔ by clicking the cancel button5098 ✔ triggering resetLicenseInModal by clicking the X button5099 triggering approveLicense on approving5100 ✔ by clicking the confirmation button5101 triggering blacklistLicense on blacklisting5102 ✔ by clicking the confirmation button5103 ✔ does not render a XSS link510423 08 2019 10:55:24.110:WARN [web-server]: 404: /undefined5105 LicenseManagement5106 License Form5107 ✔ should render the form if the form is open and disable the form button510823 08 2019 10:55:24.206:WARN [web-server]: 404: /undefined5109 ✔ should render the button if the form is closed511023 08 2019 10:55:24.262:WARN [web-server]: 404: /undefined5111 ✔ clicking the Add a license button opens the form5112 ✔ should render loading icon5113 ✔ should render callout if no licenses are managed511423 08 2019 10:55:24.356:WARN [web-server]: 404: /undefined5115 ✔ should render delete confirmation modal511623 08 2019 10:55:24.418:WARN [web-server]: 404: /undefined5117 ✔ should render list of managed licenses5118 ✔ should set api settings after mount and init API calls511923 08 2019 10:55:24.483:WARN [web-server]: 404: /undefined5120 License Report MR Widget5121 computed5122 hasLicenseReportIssues5123 ✔ should be false, if the report is empty512423 08 2019 10:55:24.553:WARN [web-server]: 404: /undefined5125 ✔ should be true, if the report is not empty512623 08 2019 10:55:24.611:WARN [web-server]: 404: /undefined5127 licenseReportStatus5128 ✔ should be `LOADING`, if the report is loading512923 08 2019 10:55:24.695:WARN [web-server]: 404: /undefined5130 ✔ should be `ERROR`, if the report is has an error513123 08 2019 10:55:24.784:WARN [web-server]: 404: /undefined5132 ✔ should be `SUCCESS`, if the report is successful513323 08 2019 10:55:24.827:WARN [web-server]: 404: /undefined5134 showActionButtons5135 ✔ should be true if fullReportPath AND licenseManagementSettingsPath prop are provided513623 08 2019 10:55:24.904:WARN [web-server]: 404: /undefined5137 ✔ should be true if only licenseManagementSettingsPath is provided513823 08 2019 10:55:24.976:WARN [web-server]: 404: /undefined5139 ✔ should be true if only fullReportPath is provided514023 08 2019 10:55:25.057:WARN [web-server]: 404: /undefined5141 ✔ should be false if fullReportPath and licenseManagementSettingsPath prop are not provided514223 08 2019 10:55:25.123:WARN [web-server]: 404: /undefined5143 ✔ should render report section wrapper514423 08 2019 10:55:25.168:WARN [web-server]: 404: /undefined5145 ✔ should render report widget section514623 08 2019 10:55:25.213:WARN [web-server]: 404: /undefined5147 `View full report` button5148 ✔ should be rendered when fullReportPath prop is provided514923 08 2019 10:55:25.252:WARN [web-server]: 404: /undefined5150 ✔ should not be rendered when fullReportPath prop is not provided515123 08 2019 10:55:25.323:WARN [web-server]: 404: /undefined5152 `Manage licenses` button5153 ✔ should be rendered when licenseManagementSettingsPath prop is provided515423 08 2019 10:55:25.376:WARN [web-server]: 404: /undefined5155 ✔ should not be rendered when licenseManagementSettingsPath prop is not provided515623 08 2019 10:55:25.449:WARN [web-server]: 404: /undefined5157 ✔ should render set approval modal515823 08 2019 10:55:25.488:WARN [web-server]: 404: /undefined5159 ✔ should init store after mount5160 License store actions5161 setAPISettings5162 ✔ commits SET_API_SETTINGS5163 setLicenseInModal5164 ✔ commits SET_LICENSE_IN_MODAL with license5165 resetLicenseInModal5166 ✔ commits RESET_LICENSE_IN_MODAL5167 requestDeleteLicense5168 ✔ commits REQUEST_DELETE_LICENSE5169 receiveDeleteLicense5170 ✔ commits RECEIVE_DELETE_LICENSE and dispatches loadManagedLicenses5171 receiveDeleteLicenseError5172 ✔ commits RECEIVE_DELETE_LICENSE_ERROR5173 deleteLicense5174 ✔ dispatches requestDeleteLicense and receiveDeleteLicense for successful response5175 ✔ dispatches requestDeleteLicense and receiveDeleteLicenseError for error response5176 requestSetLicenseApproval5177 ✔ commits REQUEST_SET_LICENSE_APPROVAL5178 receiveSetLicenseApproval5179 ✔ commits RECEIVE_SET_LICENSE_APPROVAL and dispatches loadManagedLicenses5180 receiveSetLicenseApprovalError5181 ✔ commits RECEIVE_SET_LICENSE_APPROVAL_ERROR5182 setLicenseApproval5183 uses POST endpoint for existing licenses;5184 ✔ dispatches requestSetLicenseApproval and receiveSetLicenseApproval for successful response5185 ✔ dispatches requestSetLicenseApproval and receiveSetLicenseApprovalError for error response5186 uses PATCH endpoint for existing licenses;5187 ✔ dispatches requestSetLicenseApproval and receiveSetLicenseApproval for successful response5188 ✔ dispatches requestSetLicenseApproval and receiveSetLicenseApprovalError for error response5189 approveLicense5190 ✔ dispatches setLicenseApproval for un-approved licenses5191 ✔ dispatches setLicenseApproval for blacklisted licenses5192 ✔ does not dispatch setLicenseApproval for approved licenses5193 blacklistLicense5194 ✔ dispatches setLicenseApproval for un-approved licenses5195 ✔ dispatches setLicenseApproval for approved licenses5196 ✔ does not dispatch setLicenseApproval for blacklisted licenses5197 requestLoadManagedLicenses5198 ✔ commits REQUEST_LOAD_MANAGED_LICENSES5199 receiveLoadManagedLicenses5200 ✔ commits RECEIVE_LOAD_MANAGED_LICENSES5201 receiveLoadManagedLicensesError5202 ✔ commits RECEIVE_LOAD_MANAGED_LICENSES_ERROR5203 loadManagedLicenses5204 ✔ dispatches requestLoadManagedLicenses and receiveLoadManagedLicenses for successful response5205 ✔ dispatches requestLoadManagedLicenses and receiveLoadManagedLicensesError for error response5206 requestLoadLicenseReport5207 ✔ commits REQUEST_LOAD_LICENSE_REPORT5208 receiveLoadLicenseReport5209 ✔ commits RECEIVE_LOAD_LICENSE_REPORT5210 receiveLoadLicenseReportError5211 ✔ commits RECEIVE_LOAD_LICENSE_REPORT_ERROR5212 loadLicenseReport5213 ✔ dispatches requestLoadLicenseReport and receiveLoadLicenseReport for successful response5214 ✔ dispatches requestLoadLicenseReport and receiveLoadLicenseReport for 404 on basePath5215 ✔ dispatches requestLoadLicenseReport and receiveLoadLicenseReportError for error response on head Path5216 ✔ dispatches requestLoadLicenseReport and receiveLoadLicenseReportError for error response on base Path5217 getters5218 isLoading5219 ✔ is true if `isLoadingManagedLicenses` is true OR `isLoadingLicenseReport` is true5220 licenseReport5221 ✔ returns empty array, if the reports are empty5222 ✔ returns license report, if the license report is not loading5223 licenseSummaryText5224 when licenses exist on both the HEAD and the BASE5225 ✔ should be `Loading License Compliance report` text if isLoading5226 ✔ should be `Failed to load License Compliance report` text if an error has happened5227 ✔ should be `License Compliance detected no new licenses`, if the report is empty5228 ✔ should be `License Compliance detected 1 new license`, if the report has one element5229 ✔ should be `License Compliance detected 2 new licenses`, if the report has two elements5230 when there are no licences on the BASE5231 ✔ should be `License Compliance detected no licenses for the source branch only` with no new licences5232 ✔ should be `License Compliance detected 1 license for the source branch only` with one new licence5233 ✔ should be `License Compliance detected 2 licenses for the source branch only` with two new licences5234 License store mutations5235 SET_LICENSE_IN_MODAL5236 ✔ opens modal and sets passed license5237 RESET_LICENSE_IN_MODAL5238 ✔ closes modal and deletes licenseInApproval5239 SET_API_SETTINGS5240 ✔ assigns data to the store5241 RECEIVE_DELETE_LICENSE5242 ✔ sets isDeleting to false and closes the modal5243 RECEIVE_DELETE_LICENSE_ERROR5244 ✔ sets isDeleting to false and closes the modal5245 REQUEST_DELETE_LICENSE5246 ✔ sets isDeleting to true5247 RECEIVE_SET_LICENSE_APPROVAL5248 ✔ sets isSaving to false and closes the modal524923 08 2019 10:55:26.121:WARN [web-server]: 404: /some_list?limit=20&offset=1005250 RECEIVE_SET_LICENSE_APPROVAL_ERROR5251 ✔ sets isSaving to false and closes the modal5252 REQUEST_SET_LICENSE_APPROVAL5253 ✔ sets isSaving to true5254 RECEIVE_LOAD_MANAGED_LICENSES5255 ✔ sets isLoadingManagedLicenses and loadManagedLicensesError to false and saves managed licenses5256 RECEIVE_LOAD_MANAGED_LICENSES_ERROR5257 ✔ sets isLoadingManagedLicenses to true and saves the error5258 REQUEST_LOAD_MANAGED_LICENSES5259 ✔ sets isLoadingManagedLicenses to true5260 RECEIVE_LOAD_LICENSE_REPORT5261 ✔ sets isLoadingLicenseReport and loadLicenseReportError to false and saves report5262 RECEIVE_LOAD_LICENSE_REPORT_ERROR5263 ✔ sets isLoadingLicenseReport to true and saves the error5264 REQUEST_LOAD_LICENSE_REPORT5265 ✔ sets isLoadingLicenseReport to true5266 utils5267 parseLicenseReportMetrics5268 ✔ should return empty result, if no parameters are given526923 08 2019 10:55:26.242:WARN [web-server]: 404: /my/alert.json5270 ✔ should return empty result, if license head report is empty5271 ✔ should parse the received issues5272 ✔ should omit issues from base report5273 ✔ should enrich the report with information from managed licenses report5274 byLicenseNameComparator5275 ✔ should Array sorted by of licenses by name5276 normalizeLicense5277 ✔ should convert `approval_status` to `approvalStatus`5278 getPackagesString5279 ✔ returns string containing name of package when packages contains only one item5280 ✔ returns string with comma separated names of packages up to 3 when `truncate` param is true and packages count exceeds `displayPackageCount`5281 ✔ returns string with comma separated names of all the packages when `truncate` param is true and packages count does NOT exceed `displayPackageCount`5282 ✔ returns string with comma separated names of all the packages when `truncate` param is false irrespective of packages count5283 getIssueStatusFromLicenseStatus5284 ✔ returns SUCCESS status for approved license status5285 ✔ returns FAILED status for blacklisted licensens5286 ✔ returns NEUTRAL status for undefined5287 AlertWidget5288 ✔ displays a loading spinner when fetching alerts5289 ✔ displays an error message when fetch fails5290 ✔ displays an alert summary when there is a single alert5291 ✔ displays a combined alert summary when there are multiple alerts5292 ✔ creates an alert with an appropriate handler5293 ✔ updates an alert with an appropriate handler5294 ✔ deletes an alert with an appropriate handler5295 metrics with alert5296 with license5297 ✔ shows alert widget and dropdown item5298 ✔ shows More actions dropdown on chart529923 08 2019 10:55:29.289:WARN [web-server]: 404: /root/acets-app/merge_requests/22/widget.json5300 without license5301 ✔ does not show alert widget5302 add custom metrics5303 when not available5304 ✔ does not render add button on the dashboard5305 when available5306 ✔ renders add button on the dashboard5307 ✔ uses modal for custom metrics form530823 08 2019 10:55:29.607:WARN [web-server]: 404: /root/acets-app/merge_requests/22/widget.json5309 ✔ renders custom metrics form fields5310 alertsValidator5311 ✔ requires all alerts to have an alert path5312 ✔ requires that the object key matches the alert path5313 ✔ requires all alerts to have a metric id5314 ✔ requires the metricId to be a string5315 ✔ requires all alerts to have an operator5316 ✔ requires all alerts to have an numeric threshold5317 ✔ correctly identifies a valid alerts object5318 queriesValidator5319 ✔ requires all alerts to have a metric id5320 ✔ requires the metricId to be a string5321 ✔ requires all queries to have a label5322 ✔ correctly identifies a valid queries array5323 Sidebar5324 ✔ does not have a max select5325 Draft notes5326 ✔ should render the right resolve button title532723 08 2019 10:55:29.863:WARN [web-server]: 404: /undefined5328 without batch comments5329 ✔ does not show resolve checkbox533023 08 2019 10:55:29.949:WARN [web-server]: 404: /undefined5331 on enter5332 ✔ should add comment when cmd+enter is pressed533323 08 2019 10:55:30.023:WARN [web-server]: 404: /undefined5334 ✔ should add comment when ctrl+enter is pressed533523 08 2019 10:55:30.093:WARN [web-server]: 404: /undefined5336 with batch comments5337 ✔ shows resolve checkbox533823 08 2019 10:55:30.194:WARN [web-server]: 404: /undefined5339 ✔ hides actions for commits534023 08 2019 10:55:30.304:WARN [web-server]: 404: /undefined5341 on enter5342 ✔ should start review or add to review when cmd+enter is pressed534323 08 2019 10:55:30.447:WARN [web-server]: 404: /undefined5344 ✔ should start review or add to review when ctrl+enter is pressed5345 User onboarding action popover5346 mounted5347 ✔ binds 'onboardingHelper.showActionPopover', 'onboardingHelper.hideActionPopover' and 'onboardingHelper.destroyActionPopover' event listener on eventHub5348 beforeDestroy5349 ✔ unbinds 'showActionPopover', 'hideActionPopover' and 'destroyActionPopover' event handler5350 methods5351 toggleShowPopover5352 ✔ updates the showPopover property5353 template5354 ✔ shows the content passed in as prop535523 08 2019 10:55:30.687:WARN [web-server]: 404: /undefined535623 08 2019 10:55:30.704:WARN [web-server]: 404: /illustrations/golden_tanuki.svg5357 User onboarding helper app5358 computed5359 helpContentData5360 ✔ returns an object containing the help content data536123 08 2019 10:55:30.727:WARN [web-server]: 404: /undefined536223 08 2019 10:55:30.740:WARN [web-server]: 404: /illustrations/golden_tanuki.svg5363 ✔ returns null if showStepContent is false536423 08 2019 10:55:30.769:WARN [web-server]: 404: /undefined536523 08 2019 10:55:30.784:WARN [web-server]: 404: /illustrations/golden_tanuki.svg5366 ✔ returns an object containing exit tour content if exitTour is true536723 08 2019 10:55:30.814:WARN [web-server]: 404: /undefined536823 08 2019 10:55:30.823:WARN [web-server]: 404: /illustrations/golden_tanuki.svg5369 completedSteps5370 ✔ returns 3 if the lastStepIndex is 1537123 08 2019 10:55:30.844:WARN [web-server]: 404: /undefined537223 08 2019 10:55:30.858:WARN [web-server]: 404: /illustrations/golden_tanuki.svg5373 ✔ returns 0 if the lastStepIndex is -1537423 08 2019 10:55:30.880:WARN [web-server]: 404: /undefined5375 mounted5376 ✔ calls the init method537723 08 2019 10:55:30.924:WARN [web-server]: 404: /undefined537823 08 2019 10:55:30.933:WARN [web-server]: 404: /illustrations/golden_tanuki.svg5379 methods5380 initActionPopover5381 ✔ calls renderPopover with the correct data538223 08 2019 10:55:30.955:WARN [web-server]: 404: /undefined538323 08 2019 10:55:30.969:WARN [web-server]: 404: /illustrations/golden_tanuki.svg5384 ✔ calls renderPopover with showPopover=true if there is no helpContent data and no popover selector for the current url538523 08 2019 10:55:30.997:WARN [web-server]: 404: /undefined538623 08 2019 10:55:31.018:WARN [web-server]: 404: /illustrations/golden_tanuki.svg5387 showActionPopover5388 ✔ emits the "onboardingHelper.showActionPopover" event538923 08 2019 10:55:31.047:WARN [web-server]: 404: /undefined5390 hideActionPopover5391 ✔ emits the "onboardingHelper.hideActionPopover" event539223 08 2019 10:55:31.083:WARN [web-server]: 404: /undefined539323 08 2019 10:55:31.097:WARN [web-server]: 404: /illustrations/golden_tanuki.svg5394 handleRestartStep5395 ✔ calls the "showExitTourContent" method539623 08 2019 10:55:31.118:WARN [web-server]: 404: /undefined539723 08 2019 10:55:31.132:WARN [web-server]: 404: /illustrations/golden_tanuki.svg5398 ✔ emits the "onboardingHelper.hideActionPopover" event539923 08 2019 10:55:31.169:WARN [web-server]: 404: /undefined540023 08 2019 10:55:31.182:WARN [web-server]: 404: /illustrations/golden_tanuki.svg5401 handleSkipStep5402 ✔ calls the click method on given popover selector if there is a stepContent540323 08 2019 10:55:31.205:WARN [web-server]: 404: /undefined540423 08 2019 10:55:31.219:WARN [web-server]: 404: /illustrations/golden_tanuki.svg5405 handleClickPopoverButton5406 ✔ shows the exitTour content540723 08 2019 10:55:31.246:WARN [web-server]: 404: /undefined540823 08 2019 10:55:31.260:WARN [web-server]: 404: /illustrations/golden_tanuki.svg5409 ✔ quits the tour541023 08 2019 10:55:31.288:WARN [web-server]: 404: /undefined541123 08 2019 10:55:31.299:WARN [web-server]: 404: /illustrations/golden_tanuki.svg5412 ✔ sets dismissPopover to true when true/undefined on button config541323 08 2019 10:55:31.320:WARN [web-server]: 404: /undefined541423 08 2019 10:55:31.337:WARN [web-server]: 404: /illustrations/golden_tanuki.svg5415 ✔ does not set dismissPopover to true when false on button config541623 08 2019 10:55:31.370:WARN [web-server]: 404: /undefined541723 08 2019 10:55:31.377:WARN [web-server]: 404: /illustrations/golden_tanuki.svg5418 ✔ redirects to the redirectPath541923 08 2019 10:55:31.408:WARN [web-server]: 404: /undefined542023 08 2019 10:55:31.433:WARN [web-server]: 404: /illustrations/golden_tanuki.svg5421 ✔ switches to the next tour part and calls initActionPopover542223 08 2019 10:55:31.448:WARN [web-server]: 404: /undefined5423 ✔ shows the next content item542423 08 2019 10:55:31.481:WARN [web-server]: 404: /undefined542523 08 2019 10:55:31.494:WARN [web-server]: 404: /illustrations/golden_tanuki.svg5426 showExitTourContent5427 ✔ sets the "dismissPopover" prop to false542823 08 2019 10:55:31.523:WARN [web-server]: 404: /undefined542923 08 2019 10:55:31.534:WARN [web-server]: 404: /illustrations/golden_tanuki.svg5430 ✔ calls the "setExitTour" method543123 08 2019 10:55:31.563:WARN [web-server]: 404: /undefined543223 08 2019 10:55:31.577:WARN [web-server]: 404: /illustrations/golden_tanuki.svg5433 handleExitTour5434 ✔ calls the "hideActionPopover" method543523 08 2019 10:55:31.616:WARN [web-server]: 404: /undefined543623 08 2019 10:55:31.631:WARN [web-server]: 404: /illustrations/golden_tanuki.svg5437 ✔ calls the "setDismissed" method with true543823 08 2019 10:55:31.660:WARN [web-server]: 404: /undefined543923 08 2019 10:55:31.673:WARN [web-server]: 404: /illustrations/golden_tanuki.svg5440 ✔ emits the "onboardingHelper.destroyActionPopover" event5441 User onboarding help content popover5442 methods5443 callButtonAction5444 ✔ emits clickActionButton when called5445 template5446 ✔ displays the help content text and renders a primary button with the text "button"5447 ✔ renders a secondary button with the text "button"5448 ✔ does not render any buttons if the help content doesn't contain buttons5449 ✔ updates the help content text when props change545023 08 2019 10:55:32.522:WARN [web-server]: 404: /illustrations/golden_tanuki.svg5451 User onboarding tour parts list5452 computed5453 totalTours5454 ✔ returns the total number of tours545523 08 2019 10:55:33.285:WARN [web-server]: 404: /illustrations/golden_tanuki.svg5456 tourInfo5457 ✔ returns "1/3"545823 08 2019 10:55:34.039:WARN [web-server]: 404: /illustrations/golden_tanuki.svg5459 toggleButtonLabel5460 ✔ returns "More" if the helper is collapsed546123 08 2019 10:55:34.816:WARN [web-server]: 404: /illustrations/golden_tanuki.svg5462 ✔ returns "Close" if the helper is expanded546323 08 2019 10:55:35.574:WARN [web-server]: 404: /illustrations/golden_tanuki.svg5464 toggleButtonIcon5465 ✔ returns "ellipsis_h" if the helper is collapsed546623 08 2019 10:55:36.340:WARN [web-server]: 404: /illustrations/golden_tanuki.svg5467 ✔ returns "close" if the helper is expanded546823 08 2019 10:55:37.105:WARN [web-server]: 404: /illustrations/golden_tanuki.svg5469 showLink5470 ✔ returns true per default547123 08 2019 10:55:38.606:WARN [web-server]: 404: /illustrations/golden_tanuki.svg5472 ✔ returns false if the activeTour is null547323 08 2019 10:55:40.116:WARN [web-server]: 404: /illustrations/golden_tanuki.svg5474 ✔ returns false if the helpContent is null547523 08 2019 10:55:41.739:WARN [web-server]: 404: /illustrations/golden_tanuki.svg5476 ✔ returns false if the helpContent is undefined547723 08 2019 10:55:42.500:WARN [web-server]: 404: /illustrations/golden_tanuki.svg5478 mounted5479 ✔ sets the helpContentTrigger548023 08 2019 10:55:43.986:WARN [web-server]: 404: /illustrations/golden_tanuki.svg5481 watch5482 watch initialShow5483 ✔ sets showPopover to true if initialShow is true548423 08 2019 10:55:45.476:WARN [web-server]: 404: /illustrations/golden_tanuki.svg5485 watch dismissPopover5486 ✔ sets popoverDismissed to true and showPopover to false if dismissPopover is true548723 08 2019 10:55:47.027:WARN [web-server]: 404: /illustrations/golden_tanuki.svg5488 ✔ sets popoverDismissed to false dismissPopover is false548923 08 2019 10:55:47.793:WARN [web-server]: 404: /illustrations/golden_tanuki.svg5490 methods5491 transitionEndCallback5492 ✔ sets showPopover to true if popoverDismissed and expanded are false549323 08 2019 10:55:48.559:WARN [web-server]: 404: /illustrations/golden_tanuki.svg5494 toggleMenu5495 ✔ expands and collapses the menu correctly549623 08 2019 10:55:49.332:WARN [web-server]: 404: /illustrations/golden_tanuki.svg5497 ✔ hides the popover if currently expanded and popoverDismissed is false549823 08 2019 10:55:50.820:WARN [web-server]: 404: /illustrations/golden_tanuki.svg5499 skipStep5500 ✔ emits the "skipStep" event when the "Skip this step" link is clicked550123 08 2019 10:55:52.418:WARN [web-server]: 404: /illustrations/golden_tanuki.svg5502 ✔ displays the loading icon instead of the tanuki SVG when the "Skip this step" link is clicked550323 08 2019 10:55:54.638:WARN [web-server]: 404: /illustrations/golden_tanuki.svg5504 restartStep5505 ✔ emits the "restartStep" event when the "Restart this step" link is clicked550623 08 2019 10:55:56.123:WARN [web-server]: 404: /illustrations/golden_tanuki.svg5507 showExitTourContent5508 ✔ emits the "showExitTourContent" event when the "Exit Learn GitLab" link is clicked550923 08 2019 10:55:56.887:WARN [web-server]: 404: /illustrations/golden_tanuki.svg5510 callButtonAction5511 ✔ emits the "clickPopoverButton" event when a popover button is clicked551223 08 2019 10:55:57.655:WARN [web-server]: 404: /illustrations/golden_tanuki.svg5513 template5514 ✔ it adds the "expanded" class to the container if expanded is true551523 08 2019 10:55:58.417:WARN [web-server]: 404: /illustrations/golden_tanuki.svg5516 ✔ renders the tanuki illustration551723 08 2019 10:55:59.186:WARN [web-server]: 404: /illustrations/golden_tanuki.svg5518 ✔ renders the headline551923 08 2019 10:55:59.214:WARN [web-server]: 404: /root/acets-app/merge_requests/22/widget.json552023 08 2019 10:55:59.945:WARN [web-server]: 404: /illustrations/golden_tanuki.svg5521 ✔ renders the progress bar with the correct value552223 08 2019 10:55:59.974:WARN [web-server]: 404: /root/acets-app/merge_requests/22/widget.json552323 08 2019 10:56:01.534:WARN [web-server]: 404: /illustrations/golden_tanuki.svg5524 ✔ renders the toggle button552523 08 2019 10:56:03.035:WARN [web-server]: 404: /illustrations/golden_tanuki.svg5526 ✔ renders the proper toggle button icons552723 08 2019 10:56:03.791:WARN [web-server]: 404: /illustrations/golden_tanuki.svg5528 ✔ renders the tour parts list if there are tour titles552923 08 2019 10:56:05.306:WARN [web-server]: 404: /illustrations/golden_tanuki.svg5530 ✔ does not render the tour parts list if there aren't tour titles553123 08 2019 10:56:07.545:WARN [web-server]: 404: /illustrations/golden_tanuki.svg5532 ✔ renders "Skip this step", "Restart this step" and "Exit Learn GitLab" links553323 08 2019 10:56:09.062:WARN [web-server]: 404: /illustrations/golden_tanuki.svg5534 ✔ does not render the "Skip this step" and "Restart this step" links if showLink is false5535 stepsCompletedInfo5536 ✔ returns "3/10 steps completed"5537 isActiveTour5538 ✔ returns true when the given tour number is active5539 ✔ returns false when the given tour number is not active5540 ✔ renders a list item for each tour title5541 ✔ adds the "active" class to the first tour item5542 ✔ does not add the "active" class to the second tour item5543 ✔ adds the "text-info" class to the tour title of the first item5544 ✔ does not add the "text-info" class to the tour title of the second item5545 ✔ renders "3/10 steps completed" below the first tour item5546 ✔ does not render "3/10 steps completed" below the second tour item5547 User onboarding helper store actions5548 setInitialData5549 ✔ commits SET_INITIAL_DATA mutation5550 setTourKey5551 ✔ commits SET_TOUR_KEY mutation5552 ✔ updates localStorage with the tourKey5553 setLastStepIndex5554 ✔ commits SET_LAST_STEP_INDEX mutation5555 ✔ updates localStorage with the lastStepIndex5556 setHelpContentIndex5557 ✔ commits SET_HELP_CONTENT_INDEX mutation5558 switchTourPart5559 ✔ should dispatch setTourKey, setLastStepIndex and5560 setExitTour5561 ✔ commits SET_EXIT_TOUR mutation5562 setDismissed5563 ✔ commits SET_DISMISSED mutation5564 User onboarding store getters5565 stepIndex5566 ✔ returns the current step index if the url matches the data at a given tour key5567 ✔ returns null if there is no tour data5568 ✔ returns null if there is no tour key5569 ✔ returns null if the url doesn't match any data at a given tour key5570 ✔ returns null if the url doesn't match any data due to a different project full path5571 stepContent5572 ✔ returns the correct step content for the active tour step5573 ✔ returns null if there is no tour data5574 ✔ returns null if there is no step index5575 helpContent5576 ✔ returns the help content for a given index5577 ✔ displays the project name in the help content text5578 ✔ returns null if there is no step content5579 ✔ returns null if there is no getHelpContent property on the step content5580 totalTourPartSteps5581 ✔ returns the correct number of total tour steps for the tour with key "1"5582 ✔ returns 0 if there is no tour data5583 ✔ returns 0 if there is no tour key5584 ✔ returns 0 if there is no data at a given tour key5585 percentageCompleted5586 ✔ returns the percentage completed for the current step5587 ✔ returns the 0 if there is no step index5588 ✔ returns the 0 if there is no data for a given step index5589 actionPopover5590 ✔ returns the step content's action popover if the step content exists5591 ✔ returns null if there is no step content5592 User onboarding helper store mutations5593 SET_INITIAL_DATA5594 ✔ sets all inital data5595 SET_TOUR_KEY5596 ✔ sets the tour key5597 SET_LAST_STEP_INDEX5598 ✔ sets the last step index5599 SET_HELP_CONTENT_INDEX5600 ✔ sets the help content index5601 SET_EXIT_TOUR5602 ✔ sets the exitTour property to true5603 SET_DISMISSED5604 ✔ sets the dismissed property to true5605 User onboarding welcome page5606 methods5607 startTour5608 ✔ resets the localStorage5609 ✔ sets the dismissed property to false561023 08 2019 10:56:10.291:WARN [web-server]: 404: /undefined5611 ✔ redirects to the project path5612 skipTour5613 ✔ sets the dismissed property to true5614 ✔ redirects to the skip url5615 template5616 ✔ renders the user avatar5617 ✔ displays the title561823 08 2019 10:56:10.419:WARN [web-server]: 404: /undefined5619 ✔ displays the subtitle5620 ✔ displays the welcome text5621 ✔ displays the help content popover5622 ✔ displays the action popover5623 ✔ displays the "Ok let's got" button562423 08 2019 10:56:10.566:WARN [web-server]: 404: /undefined5625 ✔ displays "Skip this for now" as link text if fromHelpMenu is false5626 ✔ displays "No, not interested right now" as link text if fromHelpMenu is true5627 ✔ displays a note on how users can start the tour from the help menu5628 User onboarding utils5629 isOnboardingDismissed5630 ✔ return true if the cookie value is true563123 08 2019 10:56:10.647:WARN [web-server]: 404: /undefined5632 ✔ return false if the cookie is not set5633 updateOnboardingDismissed5634 ✔ set the dismissed state on the cookie5635 ✔ removes onboarding related data from localStorage5636 resetOnboardingLocalStorage5637 ✔ resets the onboarding props in the localStorage to the default5638 getOnboardingLocalStorageState5639 ✔ retrieves the proper values from localStorage5640 updateLocalStorage5641 ✔ updates the onboarding state on the localStorage5642 dashboard component5643 ✔ renders dashboard title5644WARN: '[BootstrapVue warn]: b-tooltip: 'target' element not found!'5645WARN: '[BootstrapVue warn]: b-tooltip: 'target' element not found!'5646WARN: '[BootstrapVue warn]: b-tooltip: 'target' element not found!'5647WARN: '[BootstrapVue warn]: b-tooltip: 'target' element not found!'5648WARN: '[BootstrapVue warn]: b-tooltip: 'target' element not found!'5649WARN: '[BootstrapVue warn]: b-tooltip: 'target' element not found!'5650WARN: '[BootstrapVue warn]: b-tooltip: 'target' element not found!'5651WARN: '[BootstrapVue warn]: b-tooltip: 'target' element not found!'5652 add projects button5653 ✔ renders add projects text565423 08 2019 10:56:10.804:WARN [web-server]: 404: /undefined5655WARN: '[BootstrapVue warn]: b-tooltip: 'target' element not found!'5656WARN: '[BootstrapVue warn]: b-tooltip: 'target' element not found!'5657WARN: '[BootstrapVue warn]: b-tooltip: 'target' element not found!'5658WARN: '[BootstrapVue warn]: b-tooltip: 'target' element not found!'5659WARN: '[BootstrapVue warn]: b-tooltip: 'target' element not found!'5660WARN: '[BootstrapVue warn]: b-tooltip: 'target' element not found!'5661WARN: '[BootstrapVue warn]: b-tooltip: 'target' element not found!'5662WARN: '[BootstrapVue warn]: b-tooltip: 'target' element not found!'5663 ✔ renders the projects modal5664 when a project is added5665 ✔ immediately requests the project list again5666WARN: '[BootstrapVue warn]: b-tooltip: 'target' element not found!'5667WARN: '[BootstrapVue warn]: b-tooltip: 'target' element not found!'5668WARN: '[BootstrapVue warn]: b-tooltip: 'target' element not found!'5669WARN: '[BootstrapVue warn]: b-tooltip: 'target' element not found!'5670WARN: '[BootstrapVue warn]: b-tooltip: 'target' element not found!'5671WARN: '[BootstrapVue warn]: b-tooltip: 'target' element not found!'5672WARN: '[BootstrapVue warn]: b-tooltip: 'target' element not found!'5673WARN: '[BootstrapVue warn]: b-tooltip: 'target' element not found!'5674WARN: '[BootstrapVue warn]: b-tooltip: 'target' element not found!'5675WARN: '[BootstrapVue warn]: b-tooltip: 'target' element not found!'5676WARN: '[BootstrapVue warn]: b-tooltip: 'target' element not found!'5677WARN: '[BootstrapVue warn]: b-tooltip: 'target' element not found!'5678WARN: '[BootstrapVue warn]: b-tooltip: 'target' element not found!'5679WARN: '[BootstrapVue warn]: b-tooltip: 'target' element not found!'5680WARN: '[BootstrapVue warn]: b-tooltip: 'target' element not found!'5681WARN: '[BootstrapVue warn]: b-tooltip: 'target' element not found!'5682 wrapped components5683 dashboard project component5684 ✔ includes a dashboard project component for each project568523 08 2019 10:56:11.020:WARN [web-server]: 404: /undefined5686WARN: '[BootstrapVue warn]: b-tooltip: 'target' element not found!'5687WARN: '[BootstrapVue warn]: b-tooltip: 'target' element not found!'5688WARN: '[BootstrapVue warn]: b-tooltip: 'target' element not found!'5689WARN: '[BootstrapVue warn]: b-tooltip: 'target' element not found!'5690WARN: '[BootstrapVue warn]: b-tooltip: 'target' element not found!'5691WARN: '[BootstrapVue warn]: b-tooltip: 'target' element not found!'5692WARN: '[BootstrapVue warn]: b-tooltip: 'target' element not found!'5693WARN: '[BootstrapVue warn]: b-tooltip: 'target' element not found!'5694 ✔ passes each project to the dashboard project component569523 08 2019 10:56:11.194:WARN [web-server]: 404: /undefined569623 08 2019 10:56:11.355:WARN [web-server]: 404: /assets/illustrations/operations-dashboard_empty.svg5697 when a project is removed5698 ✔ immediately requests the project list again569923 08 2019 10:56:11.425:WARN [web-server]: 404: /assets/illustrations/operations-dashboard_empty.svg570023 08 2019 10:56:11.459:WARN [web-server]: 404: /undefined5701 add projects modal5702 ✔ clears state when adding a valid project570323 08 2019 10:56:11.787:WARN [web-server]: 404: /undefined5704 ✔ clears state when adding an invalid project570523 08 2019 10:56:11.908:WARN [web-server]: 404: /undefined5706 ✔ clears state when canceled570723 08 2019 10:56:12.014:WARN [web-server]: 404: /undefined5708 ✔ clears state on error570923 08 2019 10:56:12.133:WARN [web-server]: 404: /undefined5710WARN: '[BootstrapVue warn]: b-tooltip: 'target' element not found!'5711WARN: '[BootstrapVue warn]: b-tooltip: 'target' element not found!'571223 08 2019 10:56:12.248:WARN [web-server]: 404: /assets/illustrations/operations-dashboard_empty.svg5713WARN: '[BootstrapVue warn]: b-tooltip: 'target' element not found!'5714WARN: '[BootstrapVue warn]: b-tooltip: 'target' element not found!'5715WARN: '[BootstrapVue warn]: b-tooltip: 'target' element not found!'5716WARN: '[BootstrapVue warn]: b-tooltip: 'target' element not found!'5717WARN: '[BootstrapVue warn]: b-tooltip: 'target' element not found!'5718WARN: '[BootstrapVue warn]: b-tooltip: 'target' element not found!'5719 empty state5720 ✔ renders empty state svg after requesting projects with no results572123 08 2019 10:56:12.299:WARN [web-server]: 404: /assets/illustrations/operations-dashboard_empty.svg5722 ✔ renders title572323 08 2019 10:56:12.372:WARN [web-server]: 404: /assets/illustrations/operations-dashboard_empty.svg5724 ✔ renders sub-title572523 08 2019 10:56:12.442:WARN [web-server]: 404: /assets/illustrations/operations-dashboard_empty.svg5726 ✔ renders link to documentation572723 08 2019 10:56:12.496:WARN [web-server]: 404: /assets/illustrations/operations-dashboard_empty.svg5728 ✔ links to documentation5729 project header component5730 ✔ renders project name with namespace5731 ✔ links project name to project5732 remove button5733 ✔ renders removal button icon5734 ✔ renders correct title for removal icon5735 ✔ emits project removal link on click5736 wrapped components5737 project avatar5738 ✔ renders5739 ✔ binds project5740 project component5741 wrapped components5742 project header5743 ✔ binds project5744 alerts5745 ✔ binds alert count to count5746 commit5747 ✔ binds commitRef5748 ✔ binds short_id to shortSha5749 ✔ binds commitUrl5750 ✔ binds title5751 ✔ binds author5752 ✔ binds tag5753WARN: 'Icon sizes 1 - 5 are deprecated, please use 'sm', 'md' and 'lg' instead.'5754WARN: 'Icon sizes 1 - 5 are deprecated, please use 'sm', 'md' and 'lg' instead.'5755 ✔ should render a loading icon 575623 08 2019 10:56:12.969:WARN [web-server]: 404: /undefined5757 when linked pipelines are present5758 rendered output5759 ✔ should include the pipelines graph576023 08 2019 10:56:13.049:WARN [web-server]: 404: /undefined5761 ✔ should not include the loading icon576223 08 2019 10:56:13.135:WARN [web-server]: 404: /undefined5763 ✔ should include the stage column list576423 08 2019 10:56:13.213:WARN [web-server]: 404: /undefined5765 ✔ should include the no-margin class on the first child576623 08 2019 10:56:13.282:WARN [web-server]: 404: /undefined5767 ✔ should include the has-only-one-job class on the first child576823 08 2019 10:56:13.364:WARN [web-server]: 404: /undefined5769 ✔ should include the left-margin class on the second child577023 08 2019 10:56:13.439:WARN [web-server]: 404: /undefined5771 ✔ should include the has-linked-pipelines flag577223 08 2019 10:56:13.504:WARN [web-server]: 404: /undefined5773 computeds and methods5774 capitalizeStageName5775 ✔ it capitalizes the stage name577623 08 2019 10:56:13.583:WARN [web-server]: 404: /undefined5777 stageConnectorClass5778 ✔ it returns left-margin when there is a triggerer577923 08 2019 10:56:13.664:WARN [web-server]: 404: /undefined5780 linked pipelines components5781 ✔ should render an upstream pipelines column578223 08 2019 10:56:13.793:WARN [web-server]: 404: /undefined5783 ✔ should render a downstream pipelines column578423 08 2019 10:56:13.935:WARN [web-server]: 404: /undefined5785 triggered by5786 on click5787 ✔ should emit `onClickTriggeredBy` when triggered by linked pipeline is clicked578823 08 2019 10:56:14.076:WARN [web-server]: 404: /undefined5789 with expanded pipeline5790 ✔ should render expanded pipeline579123 08 2019 10:56:14.665:WARN [web-server]: 404: /undefined5792 triggered5793 on click5794 ✔ should emit `onClickTriggered`579523 08 2019 10:56:14.952:WARN [web-server]: 404: /undefined5796 with expanded pipeline5797 ✔ should render expanded pipeline579823 08 2019 10:56:15.919:WARN [web-server]: 404: /undefined5799 when linked pipelines are not present5800 rendered output5801 ✔ should include the first column with a no margin580223 08 2019 10:56:15.961:WARN [web-server]: 404: /undefined5803 ✔ should not render a linked pipelines column580423 08 2019 10:56:16.078:WARN [web-server]: 404: /undefined5805 stageConnectorClass5806 ✔ it returns left-margin when no triggerer and there is one job580723 08 2019 10:56:16.279:WARN [web-server]: 404: /undefined5808 ✔ it returns left-margin when no triggerer and not the first stage580923 08 2019 10:56:16.395:WARN [web-server]: 404: /undefined5810 ✔ capitalizes and escapes stage name 581123 08 2019 10:56:16.550:WARN [web-server]: 404: /undefined5812 Linked pipeline5813 rendered output5814 ✔ should render a list item as the containing element581523 08 2019 10:56:16.621:WARN [web-server]: 404: /undefined5816 ✔ should render a button581723 08 2019 10:56:16.680:WARN [web-server]: 404: /undefined5818 ✔ should render the project name581923 08 2019 10:56:16.748:WARN [web-server]: 404: /undefined5820 ✔ should render an svg within the status container5821 ✔ should render the pipeline status icon svg582223 08 2019 10:56:16.812:WARN [web-server]: 404: /undefined5823 ✔ should have a ci-status child component582423 08 2019 10:56:16.896:WARN [web-server]: 404: /undefined5825 ✔ should render the pipeline id582623 08 2019 10:56:16.949:WARN [web-server]: 404: /undefined5827 ✔ should correctly compute the tooltip text5828 ✔ should render the tooltip text as the title attribute5829 ✔ does not render the loading icon when isLoading is false583023 08 2019 10:56:17.052:WARN [web-server]: 404: /undefined5831 when isLoading is true5832 ✔ renders a loading icon5833 on click5834 ✔ emits `pipelineClicked` event583523 08 2019 10:56:17.137:WARN [web-server]: 404: /undefined5836 ✔ should emit `bv::hide::tooltip` to close the tooltip583723 08 2019 10:56:17.230:WARN [web-server]: 404: /undefined5838 Linked Pipelines Column5839 ✔ renders the pipeline orientation584023 08 2019 10:56:17.357:WARN [web-server]: 404: /undefined5841 ✔ has the correct number of linked pipeline child components584223 08 2019 10:56:17.511:WARN [web-server]: 404: /undefined5843 ✔ renders the correct number of linked pipelines5844 AccessDropdown5845 toggleLabel5846 ✔ displays number of items5847 without selected items5848 ✔ falls back to default label5849 with only role5850 ✔ displays the role name5851 with only users5852 ✔ displays number of users5853 with only groups5854 ✔ displays number of groups585523 08 2019 10:56:17.777:WARN [web-server]: 404: /undefined5856 with users and groups5857 ✔ displays number of groups5858 userRowHtml5859 ✔ escapes users name5860 ServiceDeskSetting5861 when isEnabled=true5862 only isEnabled5863 as project admin5864 ✔ should see activation checkbox (not disabled)586523 08 2019 10:56:17.869:WARN [web-server]: 404: /undefined5866 ✔ should see main panel with the email info586723 08 2019 10:56:17.935:WARN [web-server]: 404: /undefined5868 ✔ should see loading spinner586923 08 2019 10:56:18.015:WARN [web-server]: 404: /undefined5870 with incomingEmail5871 ✔ should see email587223 08 2019 10:56:18.081:WARN [web-server]: 404: /undefined5873 ✔ renders a copy to clipboard button587423 08 2019 10:56:18.154:WARN [web-server]: 404: /undefined5875 when isEnabled=false5876 ✔ should not see panel587723 08 2019 10:56:18.205:WARN [web-server]: 404: /undefined5878 ✔ should not see warning message587923 08 2019 10:56:18.262:WARN [web-server]: 404: /undefined5880 methods5881 onCheckboxToggle5882 ✔ when getting checked588323 08 2019 10:56:18.320:WARN [web-server]: 404: /undefined5884 ✔ when getting unchecked5885 ResetKey5886 authorization key exists5887 ✔ shows fields and buttons5888 ✔ reset updates key5889 ✔ reset key failure shows error5890 authorization key has not been set5891 ✔ shows Generate Key button5892 ✔ Generate key button triggers key change5893 PrometheusMetrics EE5894 Custom Metrics EE5895 ✔ should initialize wrapper element refs on the class object5896 ✔ should contain api endpoints5897 ✔ should show loading state when called with `loading`5898 ✔ should show metrics list when called with `list`5899 ✔ should show empty state when called with `empty`5900 ✔ should show monitored metrics list5901 ✔ should show the NO-INTEGRATION empty state5902 RelatedItemsTree5903 CreateItemForm5904 computed5905 isSubmitButtonDisabled5906 ✔ returns true when either `inputValue` prop is empty or `isSubmitting` prop is true5907 ✔ returns false when either `inputValue` prop is non-empty or `isSubmitting` prop is false5908 buttonLabel5909 ✔ returns string "Creating epic" when `isSubmitting` prop is true5910 ✔ returns string "Create epic" when `isSubmitting` prop is false5911 methods5912 onFormSubmit5913 ✔ emits `createItemFormSubmit` event on component with input value as param5914 onFormCancel5915 ✔ emits `createItemFormCancel` event on component5916 template5917 ✔ renders input element within form591823 08 2019 10:56:28.515:WARN [web-server]: 404: /root/acets-app/merge_requests/22/widget.json5919 ✔ renders form action buttons5920 RelatedItemsTreeApp5921 methods5922 getRawRefs5923 ✔ returns array of references from provided string with spaces592423 08 2019 10:56:29.355:WARN [web-server]: 404: /api/graphql5925 handlePendingItemRemove5926 ✔ calls `removePendingReference` action with provided `index` param592723 08 2019 10:56:29.413:WARN [web-server]: 404: /api/graphql5928 handleAddItemFormInput5929 ✔ calls `addPendingReferences` action with provided `untouchedRawReferences` param5930 ✔ calls `setItemInputValue` action with provided `touchedReference` param5931 handleAddItemFormBlur5932 ✔ calls `addPendingReferences` action with provided `newValue` param593323 08 2019 10:56:29.519:WARN [web-server]: 404: /api/graphql5934 ✔ calls `setItemInputValue` action with empty string5935 handleAddItemFormSubmit5936 ✔ calls `addItem` action when `pendingReferences` prop in state is not empty593723 08 2019 10:56:29.586:WARN [web-server]: 404: /root/acets-app/merge_requests/22/widget.json593823 08 2019 10:56:29.602:WARN [web-server]: 404: /api/graphql5939 handleCreateItemFormSubmit5940 ✔ calls `createItem` action with `itemTitle` param5941 handleAddItemFormCancel5942 ✔ calls `toggleAddItemForm` actions with params `toggleState` as true and `actionType` as `ActionType.Epic`594323 08 2019 10:56:29.676:WARN [web-server]: 404: /api/graphql5944 ✔ calls `setPendingReferences` action with empty array5945 ✔ calls `setItemInputValue` action with empty string594623 08 2019 10:56:29.734:WARN [web-server]: 404: /api/graphql5947 handleCreateItemFormCancel5948 ✔ calls `toggleCreateItemForm` actions with params `toggleState` and `actionType`5949 ✔ calls `setItemInputValue` action with empty string595023 08 2019 10:56:29.792:WARN [web-server]: 404: /api/graphql5951 template5952 ✔ renders loading icon when `state.itemsFetchInProgress` prop is true5953 ✔ renders tree container element when `state.itemsFetchInProgress` prop is false5954 ✔ renders tree container element with `disabled-content` class when `state.itemsFetchInProgress` prop is false and `state.itemAddInProgress` or `state.itemCreateInProgress` is true595523 08 2019 10:56:30.643:WARN [web-server]: 404: /api/graphql5956 ✔ renders tree header component5957 ✔ renders item add/create form container element595823 08 2019 10:56:30.718:WARN [web-server]: 404: /api/graphql5959 RelatedTreeBody5960 template5961 ✔ renders component container element with class `related-items-tree-body`5962 ✔ renders tree-root component5963 RelatedItemsTreeHeader5964 computed5965 badgeTooltip5966 ✔ returns string containing epic count and issues count based on available direct children within state5967 methods5968 handleActionClick5969 ✔ calls `toggleAddItemForm` action when provided `id` param as value `0`5970 ✔ calls `toggleCreateItemForm` action when provided `id` param value is not `0`5971 template5972 ✔ renders item badges container5973 ✔ renders epics count and icon5974 ✔ renders issues count and icon5975 ✔ renders `Add an epic` dropdown button5976 ✔ renders `Add an issue` dropdown button5977 stateText5978 ✔ returns string `Opened` when `isOpen` prop is true5979 ✔ returns string `Closed` when `isOpen` prop is false5980 createdAtInWords5981 ✔ returns string containing date in words for `createdAt` prop5982 closedAtInWords5983 ✔ returns string containing date in words for `closedAt` prop5984 createdAtTimestamp5985 ✔ returns string containing date timestamp for `createdAt` prop5986 closedAtTimestamp5987 ✔ returns string containing date timestamp for `closedAt` prop5988 stateTimeInWords5989 ✔ returns string using `createdAtInWords` prop when `isOpen` is true5990 ✔ returns string using `closedAtInWords` prop when `isOpen` is false5991 stateTimestamp5992 ✔ returns string using `createdAtTimestamp` prop when `isOpen` is true5993 ✔ returns string using `closedAtInWords` prop when `isOpen` is false5994 getTimestamp5995 ✔ returns timestamp string from rawTimestamp5996 getTimestampInWords5997 ✔ returns string date in words from rawTimestamp5998 ✔ renders gl-tooltip as container element5999 ✔ renders stateText in bold6000 ✔ renders stateTimeInWords6001 ✔ renders stateTimestamp in muted6002 TreeItemBody6003 computed6004 itemReference6005 ✔ returns value of `item.reference` prop6006 itemWebPath6007 ✔ returns value of `item.path`6008 ✔ returns value of `item.webPath` when `item.path` is undefined6009 isOpen6010 ✔ returns true when `item.state` value is `opened`6011 isClosed6012 ✔ returns true when `item.state` value is `closed`6013 hasMilestone6014 ✔ returns true when `item.milestone` is defined and has values6015 hasAssignees6016 ✔ returns true when `item.assignees` is defined and has values6017 stateText6018 ✔ returns string `Opened` when `item.state` value is `opened`6019 ✔ returns string `Closed` when `item.state` value is `closed`6020 stateIconName6021 ✔ returns string `epic` when `item.type` value is `epic`6022 ✔ returns string `issues` when `item.type` value is `issue`6023 stateIconClass6024 ✔ returns string `issue-token-state-icon-open` when `item.state` value is `opened`6025 ✔ returns string `issue-token-state-icon-closed` when `item.state` value is `closed`6026 itemPath6027 ✔ returns string containing item path6028 itemId6029 ✔ returns string containing item id6030 computedPath6031 ✔ returns value of `itemWebPath` when it is defined603223 08 2019 10:56:58.942:WARN [web-server]: 404: /root/acets-app/merge_requests/22/widget.json6033 ✔ returns `null` when `itemWebPath` is empty603423 08 2019 10:57:00.491:WARN [web-server]: 404: /root/acets-app/merge_requests/22/widget.json6035 methods6036 handleRemoveClick6037 ✔ calls `setRemoveItemModalProps` action with params `parentItem` and `item`6038 template6039 ✔ renders item state icon for large screens6040 ✔ renders item state tooltip for large screens6041 ✔ renders confidential icon when `item.confidential` is true6042 ✔ renders item link6043 ✔ renders item state icon for medium and small screens6044 ✔ renders item state tooltip for medium and small screens6045 ✔ renders item path6046 ✔ renders item id with separator6047 ✔ renders item milestone when it has milestone6048 ✔ renders item due date when it has due date6049 ✔ renders item weight when it has weight6050 ✔ renders item assignees when it has assignees6051 ✔ renders item remove button when `item.userPermissions.adminEpic` is true6052 TreeItemRemoveModal6053 computed6054 removeItemType6055 ✔ returns value of `state.removeItemModalProps.item.type6056 modalTitle6057 ✔ returns title for modal when item.type is `Epic`6058 ✔ returns title for modal when item.type is `Issue`6059 modalBody6060 ✔ returns body text for modal when item.type is `Epic`6061 ✔ returns body text for modal when item.type is `Issue`6062 template6063 ✔ renders modal component6064 itemReference6065 ✔ returns value of `item.reference`6066 chevronType6067 ✔ returns string `chevron-down` when `state.childrenFlags[itemReference].itemExpanded` is true6068 ✔ returns string `chevron-right` when `state.childrenFlags[itemReference].itemExpanded` is false6069 chevronTooltip6070 ✔ returns string `Collapse` when `state.childrenFlags[itemReference].itemExpanded` is true6071 ✔ returns string `Expand` when `state.childrenFlags[itemReference].itemExpanded` is false6072 methods6073 handleChevronClick6074 ✔ calls `toggleItem` action with `item` as a param6075 ✔ renders list item as component container element6076 ✔ renders expand/collapse button6077 ✔ renders expand/collapse icon6078 ✔ renders loading icon when item expand is in progress6079 ✔ renders tree item body component6080 TreeRoot6081 computed6082 hasMoreChildren6083 ✔ returns `true` when either `hasMoreEpics` or `hasMoreIssues` is true6084 ✔ returns `false` when both `hasMoreEpics` and `hasMoreIssues` is false6085 methods6086 handleShowMoreClick6087 ✔ sets `fetchInProgress` to true and calls `fetchNextPageItems` action with parentItem as param608823 08 2019 10:57:29.139:WARN [web-server]: 404: /root/acets-app/merge_requests/22/widget.json6089 template6090 ✔ renders tree item component609123 08 2019 10:57:29.928:WARN [web-server]: 404: /root/acets-app/merge_requests/22/widget.json6092 ✔ renders `Show more` link6093 ✔ calls `handleShowMoreClick` when `Show more` link is clicked6094 RelatedItemTree6095 store6096 actions6097 setInitialConfig6098 ✔ should set initial config on state6099 setInitialParentItem6100 ✔ should set initial parentItem on state6101 setChildrenCount6102 ✔ should set `epicsCount` and `issuesCount`, by incrementing it, on state6103 ✔ should set `epicsCount` and `issuesCount`, by decrementing it, on state610423 08 2019 10:57:30.833:WARN [web-server]: 404: /some_list?limit=20&offset=1006105 expandItem6106 ✔ should set `itemExpanded` to true on state.childrenFlags6107 collapseItem6108 ✔ should set `itemExpanded` to false on state.childrenFlags6109 setItemChildren6110 ✔ should set provided `children` values on state.children with provided parentItem.reference key6111 ✔ should set provided `children` values on state.children with provided parentItem.reference key and also dispatch action `expandItem` when isSubItem param is true611223 08 2019 10:57:30.922:WARN [web-server]: 404: /api/graphql6113 setItemChildrenFlags6114 ✔ should set `state.childrenFlags` for every item in provided children param6115 setEpicPageInfo6116 ✔ should set `epicEndCursor` and `hasMoreEpics` to `state.childrenFlags`6117 setIssuePageInfo6118 ✔ should set `issueEndCursor` and `hasMoreIssues` to `state.childrenFlags`6119 requestItems6120 ✔ should set `state.itemsFetchInProgress` to true6121 receiveItemsSuccess6122 ✔ should set `state.itemsFetchInProgress` to false6123 receiveItemsFailure6124 ✔ should set `state.itemsFetchInProgress` to false6125 ✔ should show flash error with message "Something went wrong while fetching child epics."6126 fetchItems6127 ✔ should dispatch `requestItems` action6128 ✔ should dispatch `receiveItemsSuccess`, `setItemChildren`, `setItemChildrenFlags`, `setEpicPageInfo` and `setIssuePageInfo` on request success6129 ✔ should dispatch `receiveItemsFailure` on request failure6130 receiveNextPageItemsFailure6131 ✔ should show flash error with message "Something went wrong while fetching child epics."6132 fetchNextPageItems6133 ✔ should dispatch `setItemChildren`, `setItemChildrenFlags`, `setEpicPageInfo` and `setIssuePageInfo` on request success6134 ✔ should dispatch `receiveNextPageItemsFailure` on request failure6135 toggleItem6136 ✔ should dispatch `fetchItems` when a parent item is not expanded and does not have children present in state6137 ✔ should dispatch `expandItem` when a parent item is not expanded but does have children present in state6138 ✔ should dispatch `collapseItem` when a parent item is expanded6139 setRemoveItemModalProps6140 ✔ should set values on `state.removeItemModalProps` for initializing modal6141 requestRemoveItem6142 ✔ should set `state.childrenFlags[ref].itemRemoveInProgress` to true6143 receiveRemoveItemSuccess6144 ✔ should set `state.childrenFlags[ref].itemRemoveInProgress` to false6145 receiveRemoveItemFailure6146 ✔ should set `state.childrenFlags[ref].itemRemoveInProgress` to false6147 ✔ should show flash error with message "An error occurred while removing epics."6148 removeItem6149 ✔ should dispatch `requestRemoveItem` and `receiveRemoveItemSuccess` actions on request success6150 ✔ should dispatch `requestRemoveItem` and `receiveRemoveItemFailure` actions on request failure6151 toggleAddItemForm6152 ✔ should set `state.showAddItemForm` to true6153 toggleCreateItemForm6154 ✔ should set `state.showCreateItemForm` to true6155 setPendingReferences6156 ✔ should set param value to `state.pendingReference`6157 addPendingReferences6158 ✔ should add param value to `state.pendingReference`6159 removePendingReference6160 ✔ should remove param value to `state.pendingReference`6161 setItemInputValue6162 ✔ should set param value to `state.itemInputValue`6163 requestAddItem6164 ✔ should set `state.itemAddInProgress` to true6165 receiveAddItemSuccess6166 ✔ should set `state.itemAddInProgress` to false and dispatches actions `setPendingReferences`, `setItemInputValue` and `toggleAddItemForm`6167 receiveAddItemFailure6168 ✔ should set `state.itemAddInProgress` to false6169 ✔ should show flash error with message "Something went wrong while adding item."6170 addItem6171 ✔ should dispatch `requestAddItem` and `receiveAddItemSuccess` actions on request success6172 ✔ should dispatch `requestAddItem` and `receiveAddItemFailure` actions on request failure6173 requestCreateItem6174 ✔ should set `state.itemCreateInProgress` to true6175 receiveCreateItemSuccess6176 ✔ should set `state.itemCreateInProgress` to false6177 receiveCreateItemFailure6178 ✔ should set `state.itemCreateInProgress` to false6179 ✔ should show flash error with message "Something went wrong while creating child epics."6180 createItem6181 ✔ should dispatch `requestCreateItem` and `receiveCreateItemSuccess` actions on request success6182 ✔ should dispatch `requestCreateItem` and `receiveCreateItemFailure` actions on request failure6183 EpicItemDetailsComponent6184 computed6185 isEpicGroupDifferent6186 ✔ returns true when Epic.groupId is different from currentGroupId6187 ✔ returns false when Epic.groupId is same as currentGroupId6188 startDate6189 ✔ returns Epic.startDate when start date is within range6190 ✔ returns Epic.originalStartDate when start date is out of range6191 endDate6192 ✔ returns Epic.endDate when end date is within range6193 ✔ returns Epic.originalEndDate when end date is out of range6194 timeframeString6195 ✔ returns timeframe string correctly when both start and end dates are defined6196 ✔ returns timeframe string correctly when only start date is defined6197 ✔ returns timeframe string correctly when only end date is defined6198 ✔ returns timeframe string with hidden year for start date when both start and end dates are from same year6199 template6200 ✔ renders component container element with class `epic-details-cell`6201 ✔ renders Epic title correctly6202 ✔ renders Epic group name and tooltip620323 08 2019 10:57:32.159:WARN [web-server]: 404: /foo/bar.svg6204 ✔ renders Epic timeframe6205 EpicItemComponent6206 methods6207 removeHighlight6208 ✔ should call _.delay after 3 seconds with a callback function which would set `epic.newEpic` to false when it is true already6209 template6210 ✔ renders component container element class `epics-list-item`6211 ✔ renders Epic item details element with class `epic-details-cell`621223 08 2019 10:57:32.222:WARN [web-server]: 404: /foo/bar.svg6213 ✔ renders Epic timeline element with class `epic-timeline-cell`6214 EpicItemTimelineComponent6215 data6216 ✔ returns default data props6217 computed6218 itemStyles6219 ✔ returns CSS min-width based on getCellWidth() method622023 08 2019 10:57:32.267:WARN [web-server]: 404: /foo/bar.svg6221 methods6222 getCellWidth6223 ✔ returns proportionate width based on timeframe length and shellWidth6224 ✔ returns minimum fixed width when proportionate width available lower than minimum fixed width defined6225 renderTimelineBar6226 ✔ sets `timelineBarStyles` & `timelineBarReady` when timeframeItem has Epic.startDate622723 08 2019 10:57:32.314:WARN [web-server]: 404: /foo/bar.svg6228 ✔ does not set `timelineBarStyles` & `timelineBarReady` when timeframeItem does NOT have Epic.startDate6229 mounted6230 ✔ binds `refreshTimeline` event listener on eventHub6231 beforeDestroy6232 ✔ unbinds `refreshTimeline` event listener on eventHub6233 template6234 ✔ renders component container element with class `epic-timeline-cell`623523 08 2019 10:57:32.383:WARN [web-server]: 404: /foo/bar.svg6236 ✔ renders component container element with `min-width` property applied via style attribute6237 ✔ renders timeline bar element with class `timeline-bar` and class `timeline-bar-wrapper` as container element6238 ✔ renders timeline bar with calculated `width` and `left` properties applied via style attribute623923 08 2019 10:57:32.430:WARN [web-server]: 404: /foo/bar.svg6240 ✔ renders timeline bar with `start-date-undefined` class when Epic startDate is undefined6241 ✔ renders timeline bar with `end-date-undefined` class when Epic endDate is undefined6242 EpicsListEmptyComponent6243 computed6244 message6245 ✔ returns default empty state message6246 ✔ returns empty state message when `hasFiltersApplied` prop is true6247 subMessage6248 with presetType `QUARTERS`6249 ✔ returns default empty state sub-message when `hasFiltersApplied` props is false625023 08 2019 10:57:32.519:WARN [web-server]: 404: /foo/bar.svg6251 ✔ returns empty state sub-message when `hasFiltersApplied` prop is true6252 with presetType `MONTHS`6253 ✔ returns default empty state sub-message when `hasFiltersApplied` props is false625423 08 2019 10:57:32.547:WARN [web-server]: 404: /foo/bar.svg6255 ✔ returns empty state sub-message when `hasFiltersApplied` prop is true6256 with presetType `WEEKS`6257 ✔ returns default empty state sub-message when `hasFiltersApplied` props is false6258 ✔ returns empty state sub-message when `hasFiltersApplied` prop is true625923 08 2019 10:57:32.596:WARN [web-server]: 404: /foo/bar.svg6260 with child epics context6261 ✔ returns empty state sub-message when `isChildEpics` is set to `true`6262 timeframeRange6263 ✔ returns correct timeframe startDate and endDate in words6264 template6265 ✔ renders empty state illustration in image element with provided `emptyStateIllustrationPath`626623 08 2019 10:57:32.644:WARN [web-server]: 404: /foo/bar.svg6267 ✔ renders mount point for new epic button to boot via Epic app6268 ✔ does not render new epic button element when `hasFiltersApplied` prop is true6269 ✔ renders view epics list link element6270 EpicsListSectionComponent6271 data6272 ✔ returns default data props6273 computed6274 emptyRowContainerStyles6275 ✔ returns computed style object based on emptyRowHeight prop value6276 emptyRowCellStyles6277 ✔ returns computed style object based on sectionItemWidth prop value6278 shadowCellStyles6279 ✔ returns computed style object based on `offsetLeft` prop value6280 methods6281 initMounted6282 ✔ initializes shellHeight based on window.innerHeight and component element position6283 ✔ calls initEmptyRow() when there are Epics to render6284 ✔ emits `epicsListRendered` via eventHub6285 initEmptyRow6286 ✔ sets `emptyRowHeight` and `showEmptyRow` props when shellHeight is greater than approximate height of epics list6287 ✔ does not set `emptyRowHeight` and `showEmptyRow` props when shellHeight is less than approximate height of epics list6288 template6289 ✔ renders component container element with class `epics-list-section`6290 ✔ renders component container element with `width` property applied via style attribute6291 ✔ renders bottom shadow element when `showBottomShadow` prop is true6292 MonthsHeaderItemComponent6293 data6294 ✔ returns default data props6295 computed6296 itemStyles6297 ✔ returns style object for container element based on value of `itemWidth` prop6298 timelineHeaderLabel6299 ✔ returns string containing Year and Month for current timeline header item6300 ✔ returns string containing only Month for current timeline header item when previous header contained Year6301 timelineHeaderClass6302 ✔ returns empty string when timeframeItem year or month is less than current year or month6303 ✔ returns string containing `label-dark label-bold` when current year and month is same as timeframeItem year and month6304 ✔ returns string containing `label-dark` when current year and month is less than timeframeItem year and month6305 template6306 ✔ renders component container element with class `timeline-header-item`6307 ✔ renders item label element class `item-label` and value as `timelineHeaderLabel`6308 MonthsHeaderSubItemComponent6309 computed6310 headerSubItems6311 ✔ returns array of dates containing Sundays from timeframeItem6312 headerSubItemClass6313 ✔ returns string containing `label-dark` when timeframe year and month are greater than current year and month6314 ✔ returns empty string when timeframe year and month are less than current year and month6315 hasToday6316 ✔ returns true when current month and year is same as timeframe month and year6317 ✔ returns false when current month and year is different from timeframe month and year6318 methods6319 getSubItemValueClass6320 ✔ returns string containing `label-dark` when provided subItem is greater than current date6321 template6322 ✔ renders component container element with class `item-sublabel`6323 ✔ renders sub item element with class `sublabel-value`6324 QuartersHeaderItemComponent6325 data6326 ✔ returns default data props6327 computed6328 itemStyles6329 ✔ returns style object for container element based on value of `itemWidth` prop6330 quarterBeginDate6331 ✔ returns date object representing quarter begin date for current `timeframeItem`6332 quarterEndDate6333 ✔ returns date object representing quarter end date for current `timeframeItem`6334 timelineHeaderLabel6335 ✔ returns string containing Year and Quarter for current timeline header item6336 ✔ returns string containing only Quarter for current timeline header item when previous header contained Year6337 timelineHeaderClass6338 ✔ returns empty string when timeframeItem quarter is less than current quarter6339 ✔ returns string containing `label-dark label-bold` when current quarter is same as timeframeItem quarter6340 ✔ returns string containing `label-dark` when current quarter is less than timeframeItem quarter6341 template6342 ✔ renders component container element with class `timeline-header-item`6343 ✔ renders item label element class `item-label` and value as `timelineHeaderLabel`6344 QuartersHeaderSubItemComponent6345 computed6346 quarterBeginDate6347 ✔ returns first month from the `timeframeItem.range`6348 quarterEndDate6349 ✔ returns first month from the `timeframeItem.range`6350 headerSubItems6351 ✔ returns array of dates containing Months from timeframeItem6352 hasToday6353 ✔ returns true when current quarter is same as timeframe quarter6354 ✔ returns false when current quarter month is different from timeframe quarter6355 methods6356 getSubItemValueClass6357 ✔ returns string containing `label-dark` when provided subItem is greater than current date6358 template6359 ✔ renders component container element with class `item-sublabel`6360 ✔ renders sub item element with class `sublabel-value`6361 WeeksHeaderItemComponent6362 data6363 ✔ returns default data props6364 computed6365 itemStyles6366 ✔ returns style object for container element based on value of `itemWidth` prop6367 lastDayOfCurrentWeek6368 ✔ returns date object representing last day of the week as set in `timeframeItem`6369 timelineHeaderLabel6370 ✔ returns string containing Year, Month and Date for first timeframe item of the entire timeframe6371 ✔ returns string containing Year, Month and Date for timeframe item when it is first week of the year6372 ✔ returns string containing only Month and Date timeframe item when it is somewhere in the middle of timeframe6373 timelineHeaderClass6374 ✔ returns empty string when timeframeItem week is less than current week6375 ✔ returns string containing `label-dark label-bold` when current week is same as timeframeItem week6376 ✔ returns string containing `label-dark` when current week is less than timeframeItem week6377 template6378 ✔ renders component container element with class `timeline-header-item`6379 ✔ renders item label element class `item-label` and value as `timelineHeaderLabel`6380 ✔ returns `headerSubItems` array of dates containing days of week from timeframeItem6381 ✔ returns true when current week is same as timeframe week6382 ✔ returns false when current week is different from timeframe week6383 ✔ returns string containing `label-dark` when provided subItem is greater than current week day6384 ✔ returns string containing `label-dark label-bold` when provided subItem is same as current week day6385 ✔ renders component container element with class `item-sublabel` 6386 ✔ renders sub item element with class `sublabel-value` 638723 08 2019 10:57:37.689:WARN [web-server]: 404: /groups/gitlab-org/-/epics.json?start_date=2017-11-1&end_date=2018-4-306388 Roadmap AppComponent6389 data6390 ✔ returns default data props639123 08 2019 10:57:37.806:WARN [web-server]: 404: /groups/gitlab-org/-/epics.json?start_date=2017-11-1&end_date=2018-4-306392 computed6393 timeframeStart6394 ✔ returns first item of timeframe array639523 08 2019 10:57:37.916:WARN [web-server]: 404: /groups/gitlab-org/-/epics.json?start_date=2017-11-1&end_date=2018-4-306396 timeframeEnd6397 ✔ returns last item of timeframe array639823 08 2019 10:57:38.037:WARN [web-server]: 404: /groups/gitlab-org/-/epics.json?start_date=2017-11-1&end_date=2018-4-306399 showRoadmap6400 ✔ returns true if `windowResizeInProgress`, `epicsFetchInProgress`, `epicsFetchResultEmpty` and `epicsFetchFailure` are all `false`640123 08 2019 10:57:38.155:WARN [web-server]: 404: /groups/gitlab-org/-/epics.json?start_date=2017-11-1&end_date=2018-4-306402 ✔ returns false if either of `windowResizeInProgress`, `epicsFetchInProgress`, `epicsFetchResultEmpty` and `epicsFetchFailure` is `true`640323 08 2019 10:57:38.515:WARN [web-server]: 404: /groups/gitlab-org/-/epics.json?start_date=2017-11-1&end_date=2018-4-306404 methods6405 processExtendedTimeline6406 ✔ updates timeline by extending timeframe from the start when called with extendType as `prepend`640723 08 2019 10:57:38.898:WARN [web-server]: 404: /groups/gitlab-org/-/epics.json?start_date=2017-11-1&end_date=2018-4-306408 ✔ updates timeline by extending timeframe from the end when called with extendType as `append`640923 08 2019 10:57:39.019:WARN [web-server]: 404: /groups/gitlab-org/-/epics.json?start_date=2017-11-1&end_date=2018-4-306410 handleScrollToExtend6411 ✔ updates the store and refreshes roadmap with extended timeline based on provided extendType641223 08 2019 10:57:39.151:WARN [web-server]: 404: /groups/gitlab-org/-/epics.json?start_date=2017-11-1&end_date=2018-4-306413 ✔ calls `fetchEpicsForTimeframe` with extended timeframe array641423 08 2019 10:57:39.356:WARN [web-server]: 404: /groups/gitlab-org/-/epics.json?start_date=2017-11-1&end_date=2018-4-30641523 08 2019 10:57:39.359:WARN [web-server]: 404: /groups/gitlab-org/-/epics.json?start_date=2017-11-1&end_date=2018-4-306416 mounted6417 ✔ binds window resize event listener641823 08 2019 10:57:39.580:WARN [web-server]: 404: /groups/gitlab-org/-/epics.json?start_date=2017-11-1&end_date=2018-4-30641923 08 2019 10:57:39.583:WARN [web-server]: 404: /groups/gitlab-org/-/epics.json?start_date=2017-11-1&end_date=2018-4-306420 beforeDestroy6421 ✔ unbinds window resize event listener642223 08 2019 10:57:39.699:WARN [web-server]: 404: /groups/gitlab-org/-/epics.json?start_date=2017-11-1&end_date=2018-4-306423 template6424 ✔ renders roadmap container with class `roadmap-container`642523 08 2019 10:57:39.835:WARN [web-server]: 404: /foo/bar.svg642623 08 2019 10:57:39.837:WARN [web-server]: 404: /groups/gitlab-org/-/epics.json?start_date=2017-11-1&end_date=2018-4-306427 ✔ renders roadmap container with classes `roadmap-container overflow-reset` when isEpicsListEmpty prop is true6428 RoadmapShellComponent6429 data6430 ✔ returns default data props643123 08 2019 10:57:40.055:WARN [web-server]: 404: /undefined643223 08 2019 10:57:40.210:WARN [web-server]: 404: /some_list?limit=20&offset=1006433 computed6434 containerStyles6435 ✔ returns style object based on shellWidth and shellHeight643623 08 2019 10:57:40.396:WARN [web-server]: 404: /undefined6437 methods6438 handleScroll6439 ✔ emits `epicsListScrolled` event via eventHub6440 template6441 ✔ renders component container element with class `roadmap-shell`6442 ✔ renders skeleton loader element when Epics list is empty6443 ✔ adds `prevent-vertical-scroll` class on component container element6444 RoadmapTimelineSectionComponent6445 data6446 ✔ returns default data props6447 methods6448 handleEpicsListScroll6449 ✔ sets `scrolled-ahead` class on thead element based on provided scrollTop value6450 mounted6451 ✔ binds `epicsListScrolled` event listener via eventHub6452 beforeDestroy6453 ✔ unbinds `epicsListScrolled` event listener via eventHub6454 template6455 ✔ renders component container element with class `roadmap-timeline-section`6456 ✔ renders empty header cell element with class `timeline-header-blank`6457 TimelineTodayIndicatorComponent6458 data6459 ✔ returns default data props6460 methods6461 handleEpicsListRender6462 ✔ sets `todayBarStyles` and `todayBarReady` props6463 ✔ sets `todayBarReady` prop based on value of provided `todayBarReady` param6464 mounted6465 ✔ binds `epicsListRendered`, `epicsListScrolled` and `refreshTimeline` event listeners via eventHub6466 beforeDestroy6467 ✔ unbinds `epicsListRendered`, `epicsListScrolled` and `refreshTimeline` event listeners via eventHub6468 template6469 ✔ renders component container element with class `today-bar`6470 MonthsPresetMixin6471 methods6472 hasStartDateForMonth6473 ✔ returns true when Epic.startDate falls within timeframeItem6474 ✔ returns false when Epic.startDate does not fall within timeframeItem6475 isTimeframeUnderEndDateForMonth6476 ✔ returns true if provided timeframeItem is under epicEndDate6477 ✔ returns false if provided timeframeItem is NOT under epicEndDate6478 getBarWidthForSingleMonth6479 ✔ returns calculated bar width based on provided cellWidth, daysInMonth and date6480 getTimelineBarStartOffsetForMonths6481 ✔ returns empty string when Epic startDate is out of range6482 ✔ returns empty string when Epic startDate is undefined and endDate is out of range6483 ✔ return `left: 0;` when Epic startDate is first day of the month6484 ✔ returns proportional `left` value based on Epic startDate and days in the month6485 getTimelineBarWidthForMonths6486 ✔ returns calculated width value based on Epic.startDate and Epic.endDate6487 QuartersPresetMixin6488 methods6489 hasStartDateForQuarter6490 ✔ returns true when Epic.startDate falls within timeframeItem6491 ✔ returns false when Epic.startDate does not fall within timeframeItem6492 isTimeframeUnderEndDateForQuarter6493 ✔ returns true if provided timeframeItem is under epicEndDate6494 ✔ returns false if provided timeframeItem is NOT under epicEndDate6495 getBarWidthForSingleQuarter6496 ✔ returns calculated bar width based on provided cellWidth, daysInQuarter and day of quarter6497 getTimelineBarStartOffsetForQuarters6498 ✔ returns empty string when Epic startDate is out of range6499 ✔ returns empty string when Epic startDate is undefined and endDate is out of range6500 ✔ return `left: 0;` when Epic startDate is first day of the quarter6501 ✔ returns proportional `left` value based on Epic startDate and days in the quarter6502 getTimelineBarWidthForQuarters6503 ✔ returns calculated width value based on Epic.startDate and Epic.endDate6504 SectionMixin6505 computed6506 sectionShellWidth6507 ✔ returns shellWidth as it is when `listScrollable` prop is false6508 ✔ returns shellWidth after deducating value of SCROLL_BAR_SIZE when `listScrollable` prop is true6509 sectionItemWidth6510 ✔ returns calculated item width based on sectionShellWidth and timeframe size6511 sectionContainerStyles6512 ✔ returns style string for container element based on sectionShellWidth6513 WeeksPresetMixin6514 methods6515 hasStartDateForWeek6516 ✔ returns true when Epic.startDate falls within timeframeItem6517 ✔ returns false when Epic.startDate does not fall within timeframeItem6518 getLastDayOfWeek6519 ✔ returns date object set to last day of the week from provided timeframeItem6520 isTimeframeUnderEndDateForWeek6521 ✔ returns true if provided timeframeItem is under epicEndDate6522 ✔ returns false if provided timeframeItem is NOT under epicEndDate6523 getBarWidthForSingleWeek6524 ✔ returns calculated bar width based on provided cellWidth and day of week6525 getTimelineBarStartOffsetForWeeks6526 ✔ returns empty string when Epic startDate is out of range6527 ✔ returns empty string when Epic startDate is undefined and endDate is out of range6528 ✔ return `left: 0;` when Epic startDate is first day of the week6529 ✔ returns proportional `left` value based on Epic startDate and days in the month6530 getTimelineBarWidthForWeeks6531 ✔ returns calculated width value based on Epic.startDate and Epic.endDate653223 08 2019 10:57:42.469:WARN [web-server]: 404: /some_list?limit=20&offset=1006533 Roadmap Vuex Actions6534 setInitialData6535 ✔ Should set initial roadmap props6536 setWindowResizeInProgress6537 ✔ Should set value of `state.windowResizeInProgress` based on provided value6538 requestEpics6539 ✔ Should set `epicsFetchInProgress` to true6540 requestEpicsForTimeframe6541 ✔ Should set `epicsFetchForTimeframeInProgress` to true6542 receiveEpicsSuccess6543 ✔ Should set formatted epics array and epicId to IDs array in state based on provided epics list6544 ✔ Should set formatted epics array and epicId to IDs array in state based on provided epics list when timeframe was extended6545 receiveEpicsFailure6546 ✔ Should set epicsFetchInProgress, epicsFetchForTimeframeInProgress to false and epicsFetchFailure to true6547 ✔ Should show flash error6548 fetchEpics6549 success6550 ✔ Should dispatch requestEpics and receiveEpicsSuccess when request is successful6551 failure6552 ✔ Should dispatch requestEpics and receiveEpicsFailure when request fails6553 fetchEpicsForTimeframe6554 success6555 ✔ Should dispatch requestEpicsForTimeframe and receiveEpicsSuccess when request is successful6556 failure6557 ✔ Should dispatch requestEpicsForTimeframe and requestEpicsFailure when request fails6558 extendTimeframe6559 ✔ Should prepend to timeframe when called with extend type prepend6560 ✔ Should append to timeframe when called with extend type append6561 refreshEpicDates6562 ✔ Should update epics after refreshing epic dates to match with updated timeframe6563 Roadmap Store Mutations6564 SET_INITIAL_DATA6565 ✔ Should set initial Roadmap data to state6566 SET_EPICS6567 ✔ Should provided epics array in state6568 SET_WINDOW_RESIZE_IN_PROGRESS6569 ✔ Should set value of `state.windowResizeInProgress` based on provided value6570 UPDATE_EPIC_IDS6571 ✔ Should insert provided epicId to epicIds array in state6572 REQUEST_EPICS6573 ✔ Should set state.epicsFetchInProgress to `true`6574 REQUEST_EPICS_FOR_TIMEFRAME6575 ✔ Should set state.epicsFetchForTimeframeInProgress to `true`6576 RECEIVE_EPICS_SUCCESS6577 ✔ Should set epicsFetchResultEmpty, epics in state based on provided epics array and set epicsFetchInProgress to `false`6578 RECEIVE_EPICS_FOR_TIMEFRAME_SUCCESS6579 ✔ Should set epics in state based on provided epics array and set epicsFetchForTimeframeInProgress to `false`6580 RECEIVE_EPICS_FAILURE6581 ✔ Should set epicsFetchInProgress & epicsFetchForTimeframeInProgress to false and epicsFetchFailure to true6582 PREPEND_TIMEFRAME6583 ✔ Should set extendedTimeframe to provided extendedTimeframe param and prepend it to timeframe array in state6584 APPEND_TIMEFRAME6585 ✔ Should set extendedTimeframe to provided extendedTimeframe param and append it to timeframe array in state6586 processEpicDates6587 ✔ Should set `startDateOutOfRange`/`endDateOutOfRange` as true and `startDate` and `endDate` to dates of timeframe range when epic dates are outside timeframe range6588 ✔ Should set `startDateOutOfRange`/`endDateOutOfRange` as false and `startDate` and `endDate` to actual epic dates when they are within timeframe range6589 ✔ Should set `startDate` and `endDate` to timeframe start and end dates when epic dates are undefined6590 formatEpicDetails6591 ✔ Should return formatted Epic object from raw Epic object6592 ✔ Should return formatted Epic object with `startDate`/`endDate` and `originalStartDate`/originalEndDate` initialized when dates are present6593 ✔ Should return formatted Epic object with `startDateUndefined`/startDateUndefined` set to true when dates are null/undefined6594 getTimeframeForQuartersView6595 ✔ returns timeframe with total of 7 quarters6596 ✔ each timeframe item has `quarterSequence`, `year` and `range` present6597 ✔ first timeframe item refers to 2 quarters prior to current quarter6598 ✔ last timeframe item refers to 5th quarter from current quarter6599 extendTimeframeForQuartersView6600 ✔ returns extended timeframe into the past from current timeframe startDate6601 ✔ returns extended timeframe into the future from current timeframe endDate6602 getTimeframeForMonthsView6603 ✔ returns timeframe with total of 8 months6604 ✔ first timeframe item refers to 2 months prior to current month6605 ✔ last timeframe item refers to 6th month from current month6606 extendTimeframeForMonthsView6607 ✔ returns extended timeframe into the past from current timeframe startDate6608 ✔ returns extended timeframe into the future from current timeframe endDate6609 getTimeframeForWeeksView6610 ✔ returns timeframe with total of 7 weeks6611 ✔ first timeframe item refers to 2 weeks prior to current week6612 ✔ last timeframe item refers to 5th week from current month6613 ✔ returns timeframe starting on a specific date when provided with additional `length` param6614 extendTimeframeForWeeksView6615 ✔ returns extended timeframe into the past from current timeframe startDate6616 ✔ returns extended timeframe into the future from current timeframe endDate6617 extendTimeframeForAvailableWidth6618 ✔ should not extend `timeframe` when availableTimeframeWidth is small enough to force horizontal scrollbar to show up6619 ✔ should extend `timeframe` when availableTimeframeWidth is large enough that it can fit more timeframe items to show up horizontal scrollbar6620 getEpicsPathForPreset6621 ✔ returns epics path string based on provided basePath and timeframe for Quarters6622 ✔ returns epics path string based on provided basePath and timeframe for Months6623 ✔ returns epics path string based on provided basePath and timeframe for Weeks6624 ✔ returns epics path string while preserving filterQueryString6625 ✔ returns epics path string containing epicsState6626 sortEpics6627 ✔ sorts epics list by startDate in ascending order when `sortedBy` param is `start_date_asc`6628 ✔ sorts epics list by startDate in descending order when `sortedBy` param is `start_date_desc`6629 ✔ sorts epics list by endDate in ascending order when `sortedBy` param is `end_date_asc`6630 ✔ sorts epics list by endDate in descending order when `sortedBy` param is `end_date_desc`6631 assignDates6632 ✔ returns proxyDate if startDate is undefined6633 ✔ returns proxyDate if endDate is undefined6634 ✔ assigns originalStartDate if date is out of range6635 ✔ assigns originalEndDate if date is out of range6636 ✔ assigns startDate if date is in the range6637 ✔ assigns endDate if date is in the range6638 DirtyFormChecker6639 constructor6640 ✔ finds editable inputs6641 ✔ tracks starting states for editable inputs6642 recalculate6643 ✔ does not trigger callback when nothing changes6644 ✔ triggers callback when form becomes dirty6645 ✔ triggers callback when form returns to original state6646 SamlSettingsForm6647 updateView6648 ✔ disables Test button when form has changes6649 ✔ re-enables Test button when form is returned to starting state6650 ✔ keeps Test button disabled when SAML disabled for the group6651 SCIMTokenToggleArea6652 constructor6653 ✔ receives a form which displays an obfuscated token6654 ✔ displays the generate token form and hides the scim token form6655 generateSCIMToken6656 ✔ toggles the generate and scim token forms6657 ✔ populates the scim form with the token data6658 resetSCIMToken6659 ✔ does not trigger token generation when the confirm is canceled6660 ✔ populates the scim form with the token data if the confirm is accepted666123 08 2019 10:57:43.632:WARN [web-server]: 404: /undefined6662 Filter component6663 severity6664 ✔ should display all filters6665 Security Dashboard Table Row6666 when loading6667 ✔ should display the skeleton loader6668 ✔ should render a ` ` for severity6669 ✔ should render a `–` for confidence6670 ✔ should not render action buttons667123 08 2019 10:57:43.818:WARN [web-server]: 404: /undefined6672 when loaded6673 ✔ should not display the skeleton loader667423 08 2019 10:57:43.854:WARN [web-server]: 404: /undefined6675 ✔ should render the severity667623 08 2019 10:57:43.885:WARN [web-server]: 404: /undefined6677 ✔ should render the confidence667823 08 2019 10:57:43.916:WARN [web-server]: 404: /undefined6679 the project name6680 ✔ should render the name668123 08 2019 10:57:43.959:WARN [web-server]: 404: /undefined6682 ✔ should render the project namespace668323 08 2019 10:57:44.001:WARN [web-server]: 404: /undefined6684 ✔ should fire the openModal action when clicked668523 08 2019 10:57:44.048:WARN [web-server]: 404: /undefined6686 with a dismissed vulnerability6687 ✔ should have a `dismissed` class668823 08 2019 10:57:44.114:WARN [web-server]: 404: /undefined6689 ✔ should render a `DISMISSED` tag669023 08 2019 10:57:44.177:WARN [web-server]: 404: /undefined6691 with valid issue feedback6692 ✔ should have a `ic-issue-created` class669323 08 2019 10:57:44.272:WARN [web-server]: 404: /undefined6694 with invalid issue feedback6695 ✔ should not have a `ic-issue-created` class669623 08 2019 10:57:44.331:WARN [web-server]: 404: /undefined6697 with no issue feedback6698 ✔ should not have a `ic-issue-created` class6699 Security Dashboard Table6700 while loading6701 ✔ should render 10 skeleton rows in the table670223 08 2019 10:57:44.527:WARN [web-server]: 404: /context.html/undefined6703 with a list of vulnerabilities6704 ✔ should render a row for each vulnerability6705 with no vulnerabilties6706 ✔ should render the empty state6707 on error6708 ✔ should not render the empty state6709 ✔ should render the error alert671023 08 2019 10:57:44.772:WARN [web-server]: 404: /context.html/undefined6711 Security Dashboard Action Buttons6712 with a fresh vulnerability6713 ✔ should render three buttons in a button group671423 08 2019 10:57:44.809:WARN [web-server]: 404: /context.html/undefined6715 More Info Button6716 ✔ should render the More info button671723 08 2019 10:57:44.836:WARN [web-server]: 404: /context.html/undefined6718 ✔ should emit an `openModal` event when clicked671923 08 2019 10:57:44.869:WARN [web-server]: 404: /context.html/undefined6720 Create Issue Button6721 ✔ should render the create issue button672223 08 2019 10:57:44.909:WARN [web-server]: 404: /context.html/undefined6723 ✔ should emit an `createIssue` event when clicked672423 08 2019 10:57:44.931:WARN [web-server]: 404: /context.html/undefined6725 Dismiss Vulnerability Button6726 ✔ should render the dismiss vulnerability button672723 08 2019 10:57:44.953:WARN [web-server]: 404: /context.html/undefined6728 ✔ should emit an `dismissVulnerability` event when clicked672923 08 2019 10:57:44.991:WARN [web-server]: 404: /context.html/undefined6730 with a vulnerbility that has an issue6731 ✔ should only render one button673223 08 2019 10:57:45.011:WARN [web-server]: 404: /context.html/undefined6733 ✔ should not render the create issue button673423 08 2019 10:57:45.040:WARN [web-server]: 404: /context.html/undefined6735 with a vulnerability that has been dismissed6736 ✔ should render two buttons in a button group673723 08 2019 10:57:45.055:WARN [web-server]: 404: /context.html/undefined6738 ✔ should not render the dismiss vulnerability button673923 08 2019 10:57:45.074:WARN [web-server]: 404: /context.html/undefined6740 ✔ should render the undo dismiss button6741 Vulnerability Chart Buttons6742 when rendering the buttons6743 ✔ should render with 90 days selected6744 ✔ should render with 60 days selected6745 ✔ should render with 30 days selected6746 when clicking the button6747 ✔ should call the clickHandler6748 ✔ should emit a click event6749 Vulnerability Chart Label component6750 default6751 ✔ should render the name6752 ✔ should render the value6753 ✔ should render the color6754 when the value is 06755 ✔ should still render the value, but show a "0"6756WARN: '[BootstrapVue warn]: b-popover: 'target' element not found!'6757WARN: '[BootstrapVue warn]: b-popover: 'target' element not found!'6758 Vulnerabilities Chart6759 ✔ should render the e-chart instance6760 Vulnerability Chart Tooltip component6761 ✔ should render three legends6762 Vulnerability Count List6763 ✔ should fetch the counts for each severity6764 ✔ should render a counter for each severity6765 Vulnerability Count6766 ✔ should render the severity label676723 08 2019 10:57:45.482:WARN [web-server]: 404: /context.html/undefined6768 ✔ should render the count676923 08 2019 10:57:45.504:WARN [web-server]: 404: /context.html/undefined6770 Vulnerability Issue Link component6771 ✔ should render the severity label6772 ✔ should link to the issue6773 filters actions6774 setFilter6775 ✔ should commit the SET_FILTER mutuation6776 setFilterOptions6777 ✔ should commit the SET_FILTER_OPTIONS mutuation6778 setAllFilters6779 ✔ should commit the SET_ALL_FILTERS mutuation6780 moderator6781 ✔ sets project filter options after projects have been received6782 ✔ triggers fetching vulnerabilities after one filter changes6783 ✔ triggers fetching vulnerabilities after filters change6784 projects actions6785 fetchProjects6786 on success6787 ✔ should dispatch the request and success actions6788 calls the API multiple times if there is a next page6789 ✔ should dispatch the request and success actions6790 on error6791 ✔ should dispatch the request and error actions6792 receiveProjectsSuccess6793 ✔ should commit the success mutation6794 receiveProjectsError6795 ✔ should commit the error mutation6796 requestProjects6797 ✔ should commit the request mutation6798 setProjectsEndpoint6799 ✔ should commit the correct mutuation6800 projects module mutations6801 SET_PROJECTS_ENDPOINT6802 ✔ should set `projectsEndpoint` to `fakepath.json`6803 REQUEST_PROJECTS6804 ✔ should set `isLoadingProjects` to `true`6805 ✔ should set `errorLoadingProjects` to `false`6806 RECEIVE_PROJECTS_SUCCESS6807 ✔ should set `isLoadingProjects` to `false`6808 ✔ should set `pageInfo`6809 ✔ should set `projects`6810 RECEIVE_PROJECTS_ERROR6811 ✔ should set `isLoadingProjects` to `false`6812 vulnerabilities count actions6813 setVulnerabilitiesCountEndpoint6814 ✔ should commit the correct mutuation6815 fetchVulnerabilitiesCount6816 on success6817 ✔ should dispatch the request and success actions6818 ✔ should send the passed filters to the endpoint6819 on error6820 ✔ should dispatch the request and error actions6821 requestVulnerabilitiesCount6822 ✔ should commit the request mutation6823 receiveVulnerabilitiesCountSuccess6824 ✔ should commit the success mutation6825 receiveVulnerabilitiesCountError6826 ✔ should commit the error mutation6827 vulnerabilities actions6828 fetchVulnerabilities6829 on success6830 ✔ should dispatch the request and success actions6831 ✔ should pass through the filters6832 on error6833 ✔ should dispatch the request and error actions6834 receiveVulnerabilitiesSuccess6835 ✔ should commit the success mutation6836 receiveVulnerabilitiesError6837 ✔ should commit the error mutation6838 requestVulnerabilities6839 ✔ should commit the request mutation6840 setVulnerabilitiesEndpoint6841 ✔ should commit the correct mutuation6842 setVulnerabilitiesPage6843 ✔ should commit the correct mutuation6844 openModal6845 ✔ should commit the SET_MODAL_DATA mutation6846 downloadPatch6847 ✔ creates a download link and clicks on it to download the file6848 issue creation6849 createIssue6850 on success6851 ✔ should dispatch the request and success actions6852 on error6853 ✔ should dispatch the request and error actions6854 receiveCreateIssueSuccess6855 ✔ should commit the success mutation6856 receiveCreateIssueError6857 ✔ should commit the error mutation6858 requestCreateIssue6859 ✔ should commit the request mutation6860 merge request creation6861 createMergeRequest6862 on success6863 ✔ should dispatch the request and success actions6864 on error6865 ✔ should dispatch the request and error actions6866 receiveCreateMergeRequestSuccess6867 ✔ should commit the success mutation6868 receiveCreateMergeRequestError6869 ✔ should commit the error mutation6870 requestCreateMergeRequest6871 ✔ should commit the request mutation6872 vulnerability dismissal6873 dismissVulnerability6874 on success6875 ✔ should dispatch the request and success actions6876 on error6877 ✔ should dispatch the request and error actions6878 receiveDismissVulnerabilitySuccess6879 ✔ should commit the success mutation6880 receiveDismissVulnerabilityError6881 ✔ should commit the error mutation6882 requestDismissVulnerability6883 ✔ should commit the request mutation6884 add vulnerability dismissal comment6885 addDismissalComment6886 on success6887 ✔ should dispatch the request and success actions6888 on error6889 ✔ should dispatch the request and error actions6890 receiveAddDismissalCommentSuccess6891 ✔ should commit the success mutation6892 receiveAddDismissalCommentError6893 ✔ should commit the error mutation6894 requestAddDismissalComment6895 ✔ should commit the request mutation6896 deleteDismissalComment6897 on success6898 ✔ should dispatch the request and success actions6899 on error6900 ✔ should dispatch the request and error actions6901 receiveDeleteDismissalCommentSuccess6902 ✔ should commit the success mutation6903 receiveDeleteDismissalCommentError6904 ✔ should commit the error mutation6905 requestDeleteDismissalComment6906 ✔ should commit the request mutation6907 showDismissalDeleteButtons6908 ✔ commits show dismissal delete buttons6909 hideDismissalDeleteButtons6910 ✔ commits hide dismissal delete buttons6911 revert vulnerability dismissal6912 undoDismiss6913 on success6914 ✔ should dispatch the request and success actions6915 on error6916 ✔ should dispatch the request and error actions6917 receiveUndoDismissSuccess6918 ✔ should commit the success mutation6919 receiveUndoDismissError6920 ✔ should commit the error mutation6921 requestUndoDismiss6922 ✔ should commit the request mutation6923 vulnerabilities history actions6924 setVulnerabilitiesHistoryEndpoint6925 ✔ should commit the correct mutuation6926 setVulnerabilitiesHistoryDayRange6927 ✔ should commit the number of past days to show6928 fetchVulnerabilitiesTimeline6929 on success6930 ✔ should dispatch the request and success actions6931 ✔ return the filtered results6932 on error6933 ✔ should dispatch the request and error actions6934 requestVulnerabilitiesTimeline6935 ✔ should commit the request mutation6936 receiveVulnerabilitiesTimelineSuccess6937 ✔ should commit the success mutation6938 receiveVulnerabilitiesTimelineError6939 ✔ should commit the error mutation6940 openDismissalCommentBox6941 ✔ should commit the open comment mutation with a default payload6942 closeDismissalCommentBox6943 ✔ should commit the close comment mutation6944 vulnerabilities module getters6945 dashboardError6946 ✔ should return true when both error states exist6947 dashboardCountError6948 ✔ should return true if the count error exists6949 ✔ should return false if the list error exists as well6950 dashboardListError6951 ✔ should return true when the list error exists6952 ✔ should return false if the count error exists as well6953 getFilteredVulnerabilitiesHistory6954 ✔ should filter the data to the last 30 days and days we have data for6955 ✔ should filter the data to the last 60 days and days we have data for6956 ✔ should filter the data to the last 90 days and days we have data for6957 vulnerabilities module mutations6958 SET_VULNERABILITIES_ENDPOINT6959 ✔ should set `vulnerabilitiesEndpoint` to `fakepath.json`6960 SET_VULNERABILITIES_PAGE6961 ✔ should set pageInfo.page to 36962 REQUEST_VULNERABILITIES6963 ✔ should set `isLoadingVulnerabilities` to `true`6964 ✔ should set `errorLoadingVulnerabilities` to `false`6965 RECEIVE_VULNERABILITIES_SUCCESS6966 ✔ should set `isLoadingVulnerabilities` to `false`6967 ✔ should set `pageInfo`6968 ✔ should set `vulnerabilities`6969 RECEIVE_VULNERABILITIES_ERROR6970 ✔ should set `isLoadingVulnerabilities` to `false`6971 SET_VULNERABILITIES_COUNT_ENDPOINT6972 ✔ should set `vulnerabilitiesCountEndpoint` to `fakepath.json`6973 REQUEST_VULNERABILITIES_COUNT6974 ✔ should set `isLoadingVulnerabilitiesCount` to `true`6975 ✔ should set `errorLoadingVulnerabilitiesCount` to `false`6976 RECEIVE_VULNERABILITIES_COUNT_SUCCESS6977 ✔ should set `isLoadingVulnerabilitiesCount` to `false`6978 ✔ should set `vulnerabilitiesCount`6979 RECEIVE_VULNERABILITIES_COUNT_ERROR6980 ✔ should set `isLoadingVulnerabilitiesCount` to `false`6981 SET_VULNERABILITIES_HISTORY_ENDPOINT6982 ✔ should set `vulnerabilitiesHistoryEndpoint` to `fakepath.json`6983 REQUEST_VULNERABILITIES_HISTORY6984 ✔ should set `isLoadingVulnerabilitiesHistory` to `true`6985 ✔ should set `errorLoadingVulnerabilitiesHistory` to `false`6986 RECEIVE_VULNERABILITIES_HISTORY_SUCCESS6987 ✔ should set `isLoadingVulnerabilitiesHistory` to `false`6988 ✔ should set `vulnerabilitiesHistory`6989 RECEIVE_VULNERABILITIES_HISTORY_ERROR6990 ✔ should set `isLoadingVulnerabilitiesHistory` to `false`6991 SET_VULNERABILITIES_HISTORY_DAY_RANGE6992 ✔ should set the vulnerabilitiesHistoryDayRange to number of days6993 ✔ should set the vulnerabilitiesHistoryMaxDayInterval to 7 if days are 60 and under6994 ✔ should set the vulnerabilitiesHistoryMaxDayInterval to 14 if over 606995 SET_MODAL_DATA6996 with all the data6997 ✔ should set the modal title6998 ✔ should set the modal description6999 ✔ should set the modal project7000 ✔ should set the modal file7001 ✔ should set the modal className700223 08 2019 10:57:46.993:WARN [web-server]: 404: /context.html/undefined7003 ✔ should set the modal image7004 ✔ should set the modal namespace7005 ✔ should set the modal identifiers700623 08 2019 10:57:47.038:WARN [web-server]: 404: /context.html/undefined7007 ✔ should set the modal severity7008 ✔ should set the modal confidence7009 ✔ should set the modal class701023 08 2019 10:57:47.078:WARN [web-server]: 404: /context.html/undefined7011 ✔ should set the modal links7012 ✔ should set the modal instances7013 ✔ should set the modal vulnerability701423 08 2019 10:57:47.118:WARN [web-server]: 404: /context.html/undefined7015 with irregular data7016 ✔ should set isDismissed when the vulnerabilitiy is dismissed7017 ✔ should set hasIssue when the vulnerabilitiy has a related issue7018 ✔ should not set hasIssue when the issue_iid in null7019 ✔ should nullify the modal links702023 08 2019 10:57:47.165:WARN [web-server]: 404: /context.html/undefined7021 ✔ should nullify the instances7022 REQUEST_CREATE_ISSUE7023 ✔ should set isCreatingIssue to true7024 ✔ should set isCreatingNewIssue in the modal data to true702523 08 2019 10:57:47.216:WARN [web-server]: 404: /context.html/undefined7026 ✔ should nullify the error state on the modal7027 RECEIVE_CREATE_ISSUE_SUCCESS7028 ✔ should fire the visitUrl function on the issue URL7029 RECEIVE_CREATE_ISSUE_ERROR7030 ✔ should set isCreatingIssue to false7031 ✔ should set isCreatingNewIssue in the modal data to false703223 08 2019 10:57:47.263:WARN [web-server]: 404: /context.html/undefined7033 ✔ should set the error state on the modal7034 REQUEST_CREATE_MERGE_REQUEST7035 ✔ should set isCreatingMergeRequest to true703623 08 2019 10:57:47.293:WARN [web-server]: 404: /context.html/undefined7037 ✔ should set isCreatingMergeRequest in the modal data to true7038 ✔ should nullify the error state on the modal703923 08 2019 10:57:47.323:WARN [web-server]: 404: /context.html/undefined7040 RECEIVE_CREATE_MERGE_REQUEST_SUCCESS7041 ✔ should fire the visitUrl function on the merge request URL7042 RECEIVE_CREATE_MERGE_REQUEST_ERROR7043 ✔ should set isCreatingMergeRequest to false7044 ✔ should set isCreatingMergeRequest in the modal data to false704523 08 2019 10:57:47.361:WARN [web-server]: 404: /context.html/undefined7046 ✔ should set the error state on the modal7047 REQUEST_DISMISS_VULNERABILITY7048 ✔ should set isDismissingVulnerability to true704923 08 2019 10:57:47.390:WARN [web-server]: 404: /context.html/undefined7050 ✔ should set isDismissingVulnerability in the modal data to true7051 ✔ should nullify the error state on the modal705223 08 2019 10:57:47.410:WARN [web-server]: 404: /context.html/undefined7053 RECEIVE_DISMISS_VULNERABILITY_SUCCESS7054 ✔ should set the dismissal feedback on the passed vulnerability7055 ✔ should set isDismissingVulnerability to false7056 ✔ should set isDismissingVulnerability on the modal to false7057 ✔ shoulfd set isDissmissed on the modal vulnerability to be true7058 RECEIVE_DISMISS_VULNERABILITY_ERROR7059 ✔ should set isDismissingVulnerability to false706023 08 2019 10:57:47.509:WARN [web-server]: 404: /context.html/undefined7061 ✔ should set isDismissingVulnerability in the modal data to false706223 08 2019 10:57:47.542:WARN [web-server]: 404: /context.html/undefined7063 ✔ should set the error state on the modal7064 REQUEST_DELETE_DISMISSAL_COMMENT7065 ✔ should set isDismissingVulnerability to true7066 ✔ should set isDismissingVulnerability in the modal data to true706723 08 2019 10:57:47.587:WARN [web-server]: 404: /context.html/undefined7068 ✔ should nullify the error state on the modal706923 08 2019 10:57:47.599:WARN [web-server]: 404: /context.html/undefined7070 RECEIVE_DELETE_DISMISSAL_COMMENT_SUCCESS7071 ✔ should set the dismissal feedback on the passed vulnerability to an empty string7072 ✔ should set isDismissingVulnerability to false7073 ✔ should set isDismissingVulnerability on the modal to false7074 ✔ should set isDissmissed on the modal vulnerability to be true7075 RECEIVE_DELETE_DISMISSAL_COMMENT_ERROR7076 ✔ should set isDismissingVulnerability to false7077 ✔ should set isDismissingVulnerability in the modal data to false7078 ✔ should set the error state on the modal7079 SHOW_DISMISSAL_DELETE_BUTTONS7080 ✔ should set isShowingDeleteButtonsto to true7081 HIDE_DISMISSAL_DELETE_BUTTONS7082 ✔ should set isShowingDeleteButtons to false7083 REQUEST_ADD_DISMISSAL_COMMENT7084 ✔ should set isDismissingVulnerability to true7085 ✔ should set isDismissingVulnerability in the modal data to true7086 ✔ should nullify the error state on the modal7087 RECEIVE_ADD_DISMISSAL_COMMENT_SUCCESS7088 ✔ should set the dismissal feedback on the passed vulnerability7089 ✔ should set isDismissingVulnerability to false7090 ✔ should set isDismissingVulnerability on the modal to false7091 ✔ should set isDissmissed on the modal vulnerability to be true7092 RECEIVE_ADD_DISMISSAL_COMMENT_ERROR7093 ✔ should set isDismissingVulnerability to false7094 ✔ should set isDismissingVulnerability in the modal data to false7095 ✔ should set the error state on the modal7096 REQUEST_REVERT_DISMISSAL7097 ✔ should set isDismissingVulnerability to true7098 ✔ should set isDismissingVulnerability in the modal data to true7099 ✔ should nullify the error state on the modal7100 RECEIVE_REVERT_DISMISSAL_SUCCESS7101 ✔ should set the dismissal feedback on the passed vulnerability7102 ✔ should set isDismissingVulnerability to false7103 ✔ should set isDismissingVulnerability on the modal to false7104 ✔ should set isDissmissed on the modal vulnerability to be false7105 RECEIVE_REVERT_DISMISSAL_ERROR7106 ✔ should set isDismissingVulnerability to false7107 ✔ should set isDismissingVulnerability in the modal data to false7108 ✔ should set the error state on the modal7109 OPEN_DISMISSAL_COMMENT_BOX7110 ✔ should set isCommentingOnDismissal to true7111 CLOSE_DISMISSAL_COMMENT_BOX7112 ✔ should set isCommentingOnDismissal to false7113 ✔ should set isShowingDeleteButtons to false7114WARN: '[BootstrapVue warn]: b-tooltip: 'target' element not found!'7115WARN: '[BootstrapVue warn]: b-tooltip: 'target' element not found!'7116 AncestorsTreeContainer7117 ✔ renders all ancestors rows7118WARN: '[BootstrapVue warn]: b-tooltip: 'target' element not found!'7119WARN: '[BootstrapVue warn]: b-tooltip: 'target' element not found!'7120 ✔ renders tooltip with the immediate parent7121 ✔ does not render timeline when fetching7122 ✔ render `None` when ancestors is an empty array7123 ✔ render loading icon when isFetching is true7124 ✔ escapes html in the tooltip7125 EE Sidebar mediator7126 ✔ processes fetched data7127 Sidebar Weight7128 ✔ calls the mediator updateWeight on event7129 Weight7130 ✔ shows loading spinner when fetching7131 ✔ shows loading spinner when loading7132 ✔ shows weight value7133 ✔ shows weight no-value7134 ✔ adds `collapse-after-update` class when clicking the collapsed block7135 ✔ shows dropdown on "Edit" link click7136 ✔ calls trackEvent when "Edit" is clicked7137 ✔ emits event on input submission7138 ✔ emits event on remove weight link click7139 ✔ triggers error on invalid negative integer value7140 Storage counter app7141 ✔ renders the 2 projects7142 Storage Counter project component7143 ✔ renders project avatar7144 ✔ renders project name7145 ✔ renders formatted storage size7146 toggle row7147 on click7148 ✔ toggles isOpen7149 Storage Counter row component7150 ✔ renders provided name7151 ✔ renders formatted value7152 Approval auth component7153 when created7154 ✔ password input control is rendered7155 ✔ does not disable approve button7156 ✔ does not show error message7157 ✔ does not emit anything7158 when approve clicked7159 ✔ emits the approve event7160 when isApproving is true7161 ✔ disables the approve button7162 when hasError is true7163 ✔ shows the invalid password message7164 EE MRWidget approvals7165 when created7166 ✔ shows loading message7167 ✔ fetches approvals7168 when fetch approvals success7169 ✔ hides loading message7170 when fetch approvals error7171 ✔ still shows loading message7172 ✔ flashes error7173 action button7174 when mr is closed7175 ✔ action is not rendered7176 when user cannot approve7177 ✔ action is not rendered7178 when user can approve7179 and MR is unapproved7180 ✔ approve action is rendered7181 and MR is approved7182 with no approvers7183 ✔ approve action (with inverted) is rendered7184 with approvers7185 ✔ approve additionally action is rendered7186 when approve action is clicked7187 ✔ shows loading icon7188 and after loading7189 ✔ calls service approve7190 ✔ emits to eventHub7191 ✔ calls store setApprovals7192 ✔ refetches the rules7193 and error7194 ✔ flashes error message7195 when project requires password to approve7196 when approve is clicked7197 when emits approve7198 ✔ calls service when emits approve7199 ✔ sets isLoading on auth7200 ✔ sets hasError when auth fails7201 ✔ shows flash if general error7202 when user has approved7203 ✔ revoke action is rendered7204 when revoke action is clicked7205 and successful7206 ✔ calls service unapprove7207 ✔ emits to eventHub7208 ✔ calls store setApprovals7209 ✔ refetches the rules7210 and error7211 ✔ flashes error message7212 approvals optional summary7213 when no approvals required and no approvers7214 and can approve7215 ✔ is shown7216 and cannot approve7217 ✔ is shown7218 approvals summary7219 ✔ is rendered with props7220 footer7221 ✔ is rendered with props7222 when opened7223 and loading7224 ✔ calls service fetch approval rules7225 ✔ is loading rules7226 and finished loading7227 ✔ sets approval rules7228 ✔ shows footer7229 and closed7230 ✔ does not call service fetch approval rules7231 ✔ hides approval rules7232 code quality issue body issue body7233 with success7234 ✔ renders fixed label7235 without success7236 ✔ renders fixed label7237 name7238 ✔ renders name7239 path7240 ✔ renders name724123 08 2019 10:57:54.667:WARN [web-server]: 404: /context.html/undefined7242 merge train indicator7243 ✔ should render the merge train indicator if the MR is open and is on the merge train724423 08 2019 10:57:55.478:WARN [web-server]: 404: /context.html/undefined7245 ✔ should not render the merge train indicator if the MR is closed724623 08 2019 10:57:56.272:WARN [web-server]: 404: /context.html/undefined7247 ✔ should not render the merge train indicator if the MR is not on the merge train7248 performance issue body7249 ✔ renders issue name7250 ✔ renders issue score formatted7251 ✔ renders issue delta formatted7252 ✔ should return "Added to the merge train by" if the pipeline has been added to the merge train7253 ✔ should return "Set by" if the ATMTWPS is selected7254 ✔ should return "Set by" if the MWPS is selected 7255 ✔ should return "to start a merge train..." if ATMTWPS is selected and there is no existing merge train7256 ✔ should return "to be added to the merge train..." if ATMTWPS is selected and there is an existing merge train7257 ✔ should return "to be merged automatically..." if MWPS is selected 7258 ✔ should return "Cancel start merge train" if ATMTWPS is selected7259 ✔ should return "Remove from merge train" if the pipeline has been added to the merge train7260 ✔ should return "Cancel automatic merge" if MWPS is selected 7261 ✔ should render the status text as "...to start a merge train" if ATMTWPS is selected and there is no existing merge train7262 ✔ should render the status text as "...to be added to the merge train" ATMTWPS is selected and there is an existing merge train7263 ✔ should render the cancel button as "Cancel automatic merge" if ATMTWPS is selected7264 ✔ should render the cancel button as "Remove from merge train" if the pipeline has been added to the merge train7265 ✔ should return "Merge" when no auto merge strategies are available 7266 ✔ should return "Merge in progress" 7267 ✔ should return "Merge when pipeline succeeds" when the MWPS auto merge strategy is available 7268 ✔ should return "Start merge train" when the merge train auto merge stategy is available and there is no existing merge train7269 ✔ should return "Add to merge train" when the merge train auto merge stategy is available and a merge train already exists7270 ✔ should return "Start merge train when pipeline succeeds" when the ATMTWPS auto merge strategy is available and there is no existing merge train7271 ✔ should return "Add to merge train when pipeline succeeds" when the ATMTWPS auto merge strategy is available and a merge train already exists7272 ✔ should return Merge when pipeline succeeds 7273 ✔ should return Start merge train when pipeline succeeds7274 ✔ should return Add to merge train when pipeline succeeds7275 shouldShowMergeImmediatelyDropdown7276 ✔ should return false if no pipeline is active7277 ✔ should return false if "Pipelines must succeed" is enabled for the current project7278 ✔ should return true if the MR's pipeline is active and "Pipelines must succeed" is not enabled for the current project7279 ✔ should return true when the merge train auto merge stategy is available 728023 08 2019 10:57:57.968:WARN [web-server]: 404: /context.html/undefined7281 ee merge request widget options7282 security widget7283 when it is loading7284 ✔ should render loading indicator728523 08 2019 10:57:58.141:WARN [web-server]: 404: /context.html/undefined7286 with successful request7287 ✔ should render provided data728823 08 2019 10:57:58.350:WARN [web-server]: 404: /context.html/undefined7289 with full report and no added or fixed issues7290 ✔ renders no new vulnerabilities message729123 08 2019 10:57:58.537:WARN [web-server]: 404: /context.html/undefined7292 with empty successful request7293 ✔ should render provided data729423 08 2019 10:57:58.702:WARN [web-server]: 404: /context.html/undefined7295 with failed request7296 ✔ should render error indicator729723 08 2019 10:57:58.858:WARN [web-server]: 404: /context.html/undefined7298 dependency scanning widget7299 when it is loading7300 ✔ should render loading indicator730123 08 2019 10:57:59.046:WARN [web-server]: 404: /context.html/undefined7302 with successful request7303 ✔ should render provided data730423 08 2019 10:57:59.584:WARN [web-server]: 404: /context.html/undefined7305 with full report and no added or fixed issues7306 ✔ renders no new vulnerabilities message730723 08 2019 10:57:59.776:WARN [web-server]: 404: /context.html/undefined7308 with empty successful request7309 ✔ should render provided data731023 08 2019 10:57:59.948:WARN [web-server]: 404: /context.html/undefined7311 with failed request7312 ✔ should render error indicator731323 08 2019 10:58:00.131:WARN [web-server]: 404: /context.html/undefined731423 08 2019 10:58:00.222:WARN [web-server]: 404: /assets/webpack/code_quality_comparison_worker.a41458fa.worker.js7315 code quality7316 when it is loading7317 ✔ should render loading indicator731823 08 2019 10:58:00.241:WARN [web-server]: 404: /context.html/undefined7319 with successful request7320 ✔ should render provided data732123 08 2019 10:58:00.394:WARN [web-server]: 404: /context.html/undefined7322 text connector7323 ✔ should only render information about fixed issues732423 08 2019 10:58:00.525:WARN [web-server]: 404: /context.html/undefined7325 ✔ should only render information about added issues732623 08 2019 10:58:00.666:WARN [web-server]: 404: /context.html/undefined7327 with empty successful request7328 ✔ should render provided data732923 08 2019 10:58:00.773:WARN [web-server]: 404: /context.html/undefined7330 with codeclimate comparison worker rejection7331 ✔ should render error indicator733223 08 2019 10:58:00.897:WARN [web-server]: 404: /context.html/undefined7333 with failed request7334 ✔ should render error indicator733523 08 2019 10:58:01.052:WARN [web-server]: 404: /context.html/undefined733623 08 2019 10:58:01.149:WARN [web-server]: 404: /assets/webpack/code_quality_comparison_worker.a41458fa.worker.js7337 performance7338 when it is loading7339 ✔ should render loading indicator734023 08 2019 10:58:01.176:WARN [web-server]: 404: /context.html/undefined734123 08 2019 10:58:01.266:WARN [web-server]: 404: /assets/webpack/code_quality_comparison_worker.a41458fa.worker.js7342 with successful request7343 ✔ should render provided data734423 08 2019 10:58:01.331:WARN [web-server]: 404: /context.html/undefined734523 08 2019 10:58:01.417:WARN [web-server]: 404: /assets/webpack/code_quality_comparison_worker.a41458fa.worker.js7346 text connector7347 ✔ should only render information about fixed issues734823 08 2019 10:58:01.481:WARN [web-server]: 404: /context.html/undefined734923 08 2019 10:58:01.572:WARN [web-server]: 404: /assets/webpack/code_quality_comparison_worker.a41458fa.worker.js7350 ✔ should only render information about added issues735123 08 2019 10:58:01.634:WARN [web-server]: 404: /context.html/undefined735223 08 2019 10:58:01.723:WARN [web-server]: 404: /assets/webpack/code_quality_comparison_worker.a41458fa.worker.js7353 with empty successful request7354 ✔ should render provided data735523 08 2019 10:58:01.763:WARN [web-server]: 404: /context.html/undefined735623 08 2019 10:58:01.872:WARN [web-server]: 404: /assets/webpack/code_quality_comparison_worker.a41458fa.worker.js7357 ✔ does not show Expand button735823 08 2019 10:58:01.908:WARN [web-server]: 404: /context.html/undefined735923 08 2019 10:58:01.999:WARN [web-server]: 404: /assets/webpack/code_quality_comparison_worker.a41458fa.worker.js7360 ✔ shows success icon736123 08 2019 10:58:02.031:WARN [web-server]: 404: /context.html/undefined7362 with failed request7363 ✔ should render error indicator736423 08 2019 10:58:02.165:WARN [web-server]: 404: /context.html/undefined7365 sast container report7366 when it is loading7367 ✔ should render loading indicator736823 08 2019 10:58:02.306:WARN [web-server]: 404: /context.html/undefined7369 with successful request7370 ✔ should render provided data737123 08 2019 10:58:02.517:WARN [web-server]: 404: /context.html/undefined7372 with failed request7373 ✔ should render error indicator737423 08 2019 10:58:02.690:WARN [web-server]: 404: /context.html/undefined7375 dast report7376 when it is loading7377 ✔ should render loading indicator737823 08 2019 10:58:02.838:WARN [web-server]: 404: /context.html/undefined7379 with successful request7380 ✔ should render provided data738123 08 2019 10:58:03.021:WARN [web-server]: 404: /context.html/undefined7382 with failed request7383 ✔ should render error indicator738423 08 2019 10:58:03.208:WARN [web-server]: 404: /context.html/undefined7385 license management report7386 ✔ should be rendered if license management data is set738723 08 2019 10:58:03.343:WARN [web-server]: 404: /context.html/undefined7388 ✔ should not be rendered if license management data is not set738923 08 2019 10:58:03.459:WARN [web-server]: 404: /context.html/undefined7390 computed7391 shouldRenderApprovals7392 ✔ should return false when no approvals739323 08 2019 10:58:03.568:WARN [web-server]: 404: /context.html/undefined7394 ✔ should return false when in empty state739523 08 2019 10:58:03.676:WARN [web-server]: 404: /context.html/undefined7396 ✔ should return true when requiring approvals and in non-empty state739723 08 2019 10:58:03.815:WARN [web-server]: 404: /context.html/undefined7398 shouldRenderMergeTrainHelperText7399 ✔ should return true if ATMTWPS is available and the user has not yet pressed the ATMTWPS button740023 08 2019 10:58:03.937:WARN [web-server]: 404: /context.html/undefined7401 rendering source branch removal status7402 ✔ renders when user cannot remove branch and branch should be removed740323 08 2019 10:58:04.057:WARN [web-server]: 404: /context.html/undefined7404 ✔ does not render in merged state740523 08 2019 10:58:04.160:WARN [web-server]: 404: /context.html/undefined7406 rendering deployments7407 ✔ renders multiple deployments740823 08 2019 10:58:04.307:WARN [web-server]: 404: /context.html/undefined7409 CI widget7410 ✔ renders the branch in the pipeline widget741123 08 2019 10:58:04.411:WARN [web-server]: 404: /context.html/undefined7412 merge train helper text7413 ✔ does not render the merge train helpe text if the ATMTWPS strategy is not available741423 08 2019 10:58:04.548:WARN [web-server]: 404: /context.html/undefined7415 ✔ renders the correct merge train helper text when there is an existing merge train741623 08 2019 10:58:04.684:WARN [web-server]: 404: /context.html/undefined7417 ✔ renders the correct merge train helper text when there is no existing merge train741823 08 2019 10:58:04.889:WARN [web-server]: 404: /context.html/undefined7419 ✔ renders the correct pipeline link inside the message742023 08 2019 10:58:05.005:WARN [web-server]: 404: /context.html/undefined7421 ✔ renders the documentation link inside the message742223 08 2019 10:58:05.151:WARN [web-server]: 404: /context.html/undefined7423 data7424 ✔ passes approval api paths to service742523 08 2019 10:58:05.253:WARN [web-server]: 404: /context.html/undefined7426 when upstream pipelines are passed7427 ✔ should coerce triggeredBy into a collection742823 08 2019 10:58:05.311:WARN [web-server]: 404: /context.html/undefined7429 ✔ should render the linked pipelines mini list743023 08 2019 10:58:05.352:WARN [web-server]: 404: /context.html/undefined7431 when downstream pipelines are passed7432 ✔ should render the linked pipelines mini list7433 compareCodeclimateMetrics7434 ✔ should return the new issues7435 ✔ should return the resolved issues7436 parseCodeclimateMetrics7437 ✔ should parse the received issues7438 isNothingToMergeState7439 ✔ returns true when nothingToMerge7440 ✔ returns false when not nothingToMerge7441 mergePipelinesEnabled7442 ✔ should set mergePipelinesEnabled = true when merge_pipelines_enabled is true7443 ✔ should set mergePipelinesEnabled = false when merge_pipelines_enabled is not provided7444 mergeTrainsCount7445 ✔ should set mergeTrainsCount when merge_trains_count is provided744623 08 2019 10:58:05.499:WARN [web-server]: 404: /context.html/undefined7447 ✔ should set mergeTrainsCount = 0 when merge_trains_count is not provided7448 mergeTrainIndex7449 ✔ should set mergeTrainIndex when merge_train_index is provided745023 08 2019 10:58:05.521:WARN [web-server]: 404: /context.html/undefined7451 ✔ should not set mergeTrainIndex when merge_train_index is not provided7452 Linked pipeline mini list7453 when passed an upstream pipeline as prop7454 ✔ should render one linked pipeline item745523 08 2019 10:58:05.542:WARN [web-server]: 404: /context.html/undefined7456 ✔ should render a linked pipeline with the correct href745723 08 2019 10:58:05.570:WARN [web-server]: 404: /context.html/undefined7458 ✔ should render one ci status icon7459 ✔ should render the correct ci status icon746023 08 2019 10:58:05.591:WARN [web-server]: 404: /context.html/undefined7461 ✔ should render an arrow icon7462 ✔ should have an activated tooltip746323 08 2019 10:58:05.612:WARN [web-server]: 404: /context.html/undefined7464 ✔ should correctly set is-upstream746523 08 2019 10:58:05.639:WARN [web-server]: 404: /context.html/undefined7466 ✔ should correctly compute shouldRenderCounter7467 ✔ should not render the pipeline counter7468 when passed downstream pipelines as props7469 ✔ should render one linked pipeline item747023 08 2019 10:58:05.666:WARN [web-server]: 404: /context.html/undefined7471 ✔ should render three ci status icons7472 ✔ should render the correct ci status icon747323 08 2019 10:58:05.697:WARN [web-server]: 404: /context.html/undefined7474 ✔ should render an arrow icon747523 08 2019 10:58:05.715:WARN [web-server]: 404: /context.html/undefined7476 ✔ should have prepped tooltips747723 08 2019 10:58:05.733:WARN [web-server]: 404: /context.html/undefined7478 ✔ should correctly set is-downstream747923 08 2019 10:58:05.751:WARN [web-server]: 404: /context.html/undefined7480 ✔ should correctly compute shouldRenderCounter748123 08 2019 10:58:05.770:WARN [web-server]: 404: /context.html/undefined7482 ✔ should correctly trim linkedPipelines748323 08 2019 10:58:05.803:WARN [web-server]: 404: /context.html/undefined7484 ✔ should render the pipeline counter748523 08 2019 10:58:05.814:WARN [web-server]: 404: /context.html/undefined7486 ✔ should set the correct pipeline path748723 08 2019 10:58:05.835:WARN [web-server]: 404: /context.html/undefined7488 ✔ should render the correct counterTooltipText748923 08 2019 10:58:05.855:WARN [web-server]: 404: /context.html/undefined7490 Report issues7491 for codequality issues7492 resolved issues7493 ✔ should render "Fixed" keyword749423 08 2019 10:58:05.871:WARN [web-server]: 404: /context.html/undefined7495 unresolved issues7496 ✔ should not render "Fixed" keyword749723 08 2019 10:58:05.900:WARN [web-server]: 404: /context.html/undefined7498 with location7499 ✔ should render location7500 without location7501 ✔ should not render location750223 08 2019 10:58:05.923:WARN [web-server]: 404: /context.html/undefined7503 for container scanning issues7504 ✔ renders severity750523 08 2019 10:58:05.936:WARN [web-server]: 404: /context.html/undefined7506 ✔ renders CVE name750723 08 2019 10:58:05.952:WARN [web-server]: 404: /context.html/undefined7508 for dast issues7509 ✔ renders severity (confidence) and title751023 08 2019 10:58:05.970:WARN [web-server]: 404: /context.html/undefined7511 Report issue7512 for codequality issue7513 resolved issue7514 ✔ should render "Fixed" keyword751523 08 2019 10:58:06.005:WARN [web-server]: 404: /context.html/undefined7516 unresolved issue7517 ✔ should not render "Fixed" keyword7518 with location7519 ✔ should render location752023 08 2019 10:58:06.026:WARN [web-server]: 404: /context.html/undefined7521 without location7522 ✔ should not render location752323 08 2019 10:58:06.039:WARN [web-server]: 404: /context.html/undefined7524 for container scanning issue7525 ✔ renders severity752623 08 2019 10:58:06.053:WARN [web-server]: 404: /context.html/undefined7527 ✔ renders CVE name752823 08 2019 10:58:06.085:WARN [web-server]: 404: /context.html/undefined7529 for dast issue7530 ✔ renders severity (confidence) and title7531 showReportSectionStatusIcon7532 ✔ does not render CI Status Icon when showReportSectionStatusIcon is false753323 08 2019 10:58:06.106:WARN [web-server]: 404: /context.html/undefined7534 ✔ shows status icon when unspecified7535 SafeLink7536 valid link7537 ✔ renders a link element7538 ✔ renders link specific attributes7539 ✔ renders the inner text as provided7540 invalid link7541 ✔ renders a span element7542 ✔ renders without link specific attributes7543 ✔ renders the inner text as provided7544 alerts component7545 ✔ renders multiple alert count when multiple alerts are present7546 ✔ renders count for one alert when there is one alert7547 wrapped components7548 icon7549 ✔ renders warning755023 08 2019 10:58:06.232:WARN [web-server]: 404: /context.html/undefined7551WARN: '[BootstrapVue warn]: b-tooltip: 'target' element not found!'7552WARN: '[BootstrapVue warn]: b-tooltip: 'target' element not found!'7553 project pipeline component7554 current pipeline only7555 ✔ should render success badge755623 08 2019 10:58:06.280:WARN [web-server]: 404: /context.html/undefined7557WARN: '[BootstrapVue warn]: b-tooltip: 'target' element not found!'7558WARN: '[BootstrapVue warn]: b-tooltip: 'target' element not found!'7559 ✔ should render failed badge756023 08 2019 10:58:06.309:WARN [web-server]: 404: /context.html/undefined7561WARN: '[BootstrapVue warn]: b-tooltip: 'target' element not found!'7562WARN: '[BootstrapVue warn]: b-tooltip: 'target' element not found!'7563 ✔ should render running badge756423 08 2019 10:58:06.349:WARN [web-server]: 404: /context.html/undefined7565WARN: '[BootstrapVue warn]: b-tooltip: 'target' element not found!'7566WARN: '[BootstrapVue warn]: b-tooltip: 'target' element not found!'7567WARN: '[BootstrapVue warn]: b-tooltip: 'target' element not found!'7568WARN: '[BootstrapVue warn]: b-tooltip: 'target' element not found!'7569 upstream pipeline7570 ✔ should render upstream success badge757123 08 2019 10:58:06.382:WARN [web-server]: 404: /context.html/undefined7572WARN: '[BootstrapVue warn]: b-tooltip: 'target' element not found!'7573WARN: '[BootstrapVue warn]: b-tooltip: 'target' element not found!'7574WARN: '[BootstrapVue warn]: b-tooltip: 'target' element not found!'7575WARN: '[BootstrapVue warn]: b-tooltip: 'target' element not found!'7576 downstream pipeline7577 ✔ should render downstream success badge757823 08 2019 10:58:06.444:WARN [web-server]: 404: /context.html/undefined7579WARN: '[BootstrapVue warn]: b-tooltip: 'target' element not found!'7580WARN: '[BootstrapVue warn]: b-tooltip: 'target' element not found!'7581WARN: '[BootstrapVue warn]: b-tooltip: 'target' element not found!'7582WARN: '[BootstrapVue warn]: b-tooltip: 'target' element not found!'7583 ✔ should render downstream failed badge758423 08 2019 10:58:06.533:WARN [web-server]: 404: /context.html/undefined7585WARN: '[BootstrapVue warn]: b-tooltip: 'target' element not found!'7586WARN: '[BootstrapVue warn]: b-tooltip: 'target' element not found!'7587WARN: '[BootstrapVue warn]: b-tooltip: 'target' element not found!'7588WARN: '[BootstrapVue warn]: b-tooltip: 'target' element not found!'7589 ✔ should render downstream running badge759023 08 2019 10:58:06.751:WARN [web-server]: 404: /context.html/undefined7591WARN: '[BootstrapVue warn]: b-tooltip: 'target' element not found!'7592WARN: '[BootstrapVue warn]: b-tooltip: 'target' element not found!'7593WARN: '[BootstrapVue warn]: b-tooltip: 'target' element not found!'7594WARN: '[BootstrapVue warn]: b-tooltip: 'target' element not found!'7595WARN: '[BootstrapVue warn]: b-tooltip: 'target' element not found!'7596WARN: '[BootstrapVue warn]: b-tooltip: 'target' element not found!'7597WARN: '[BootstrapVue warn]: b-tooltip: 'target' element not found!'7598WARN: '[BootstrapVue warn]: b-tooltip: 'target' element not found!'7599WARN: '[BootstrapVue warn]: b-tooltip: 'target' element not found!'7600WARN: '[BootstrapVue warn]: b-tooltip: 'target' element not found!'7601WARN: '[BootstrapVue warn]: b-tooltip: 'target' element not found!'7602WARN: '[BootstrapVue warn]: b-tooltip: 'target' element not found!'7603WARN: '[BootstrapVue warn]: b-tooltip: 'target' element not found!'7604WARN: '[BootstrapVue warn]: b-tooltip: 'target' element not found!'7605 ✔ should render extra downstream icon7606 time ago component7607 render7608 ✔ renders clock icon7609 ✔ renders time ago of finished time7610 actions7611 addProjectsToDashboard7612 ✔ posts selected project ids to project add endpoint7613 ✔ calls addProjectsToDashboard error handler on error7614 toggleSelectedProject7615 ✔ adds a project to selectedProjects if it doesn't already exist in the list7616 ✔ removes a project from selectedProjects if it already exist in the list7617 receiveAddProjectsToDashboardSuccess7618 ✔ fetches projects when new projects are added to the dashboard7619 ✔ displays an error when user tries to add one invalid project to dashboard7620 ✔ displays an error when user tries to add two invalid projects to dashboard7621 ✔ displays an error when user tries to add more than two invalid projects to dashboard7622 receiveAddProjectsToDashboardError7623 ✔ shows error message7624 clearSearchResults7625 ✔ clears all project search results7626 fetchProjects7627 ✔ calls project list endpoint7628 ✔ handles response errors7629 requestProjects7630 ✔ toggles project loading state7631 receiveProjectsSuccess7632 ✔ sets projects from data on success7633 receiveProjectsError7634 ✔ clears projects and alerts user of error7635 removeProject7636 ✔ calls project removal path and fetches projects on success7637 ✔ passes off handling of project removal errors7638 receiveRemoveProjectSuccess7639 ✔ fetches dashboard projects7640 receiveRemoveProjectError7641 ✔ displays project removal error7642 fetchSearchResults7643 ✔ dispatches an error if the search query was empty7644 ✔ dispatches an error if the search query wasn't long enough7645 ✔ dispatches the correct actions when the query is valid7646 requestSearchResults7647 ✔ commits the REQUEST_SEARCH_RESULTS mutation7648 receiveSearchResultsSuccess7649 ✔ commits the RECEIVE_SEARCH_RESULTS_SUCCESS mutation7650 receiveSearchResultsError7651 ✔ commits the RECEIVE_SEARCH_RESULTS_ERROR mutation7652 setProjectEndpoints7653 ✔ commits project list and add endpoints7654 mutations7655 SET_PROJECT_ENDPOINT_LIST7656 ✔ sets project list endpoint7657 SET_PROJECT_ENDPOINT_ADD7658 ✔ sets project add endpoint7659 SET_PROJECTS7660 ✔ sets projects7661 SET_MESSAGE_MINIMUM_QUERY7662 ✔ sets the messages.minimumQuery boolean7663 SET_SEARCH_QUERY7664 ✔ sets the search query7665 ADD_SELECTED_PROJECT7666 ✔ adds a project to the list of selected projects7667 REMOVE_SELECTED_PROJECT7668 ✔ removes a project from the list of selected projects7669 ✔ removes a project from the list of selected projects, including duplicates7670 RECEIVE_PROJECTS_SUCCESS7671 ✔ sets the project list and clears the loading status7672 RECEIVE_PROJECTS_ERROR7673 ✔ clears project list and the loading status7674 CLEAR_SEARCH_RESULTS7675 ✔ empties both the search results and the list of selected projects7676 REQUEST_SEARCH_RESULTS7677 ✔ turns off the minimum length warning and increments the search count7678 RECEIVE_SEARCH_RESULTS_SUCCESS7679 ✔ resets all messages and sets state.projectSearchResults to the results from the API7680 ✔ resets all messages and sets state.projectSearchResults to an empty array if no results7681 RECEIVE_SEARCH_RESULTS_ERROR7682 ✔ clears the search results7683 REQUEST_PROJECTS7684 ✔ sets loading projects to true7685 Metrics reports issue body7686 when metric did not change7687 ✔ should render metric with no changes text7688 when metric changed7689 ✔ should render metric with change7690 when metric is new7691 ✔ should render metric with new badge7692 when metric was removed7693 ✔ should render metric with removed badge769423 08 2019 10:58:09.142:WARN [web-server]: 404: /context.html/undefined7695 Grouped metrics reports app7696 while loading7697 ✔ renders loading state769823 08 2019 10:58:09.361:WARN [web-server]: 404: /context.html/undefined7699 with error7700 ✔ renders error state770123 08 2019 10:58:10.258:WARN [web-server]: 404: /context.html/undefined7702 with metrics7703 with no changes7704 ✔ renders no changes header770523 08 2019 10:58:10.758:WARN [web-server]: 404: /context.html/undefined7706 with one change7707 ✔ renders one change header770823 08 2019 10:58:10.843:WARN [web-server]: 404: /context.html/undefined7709 with multiple changes7710 ✔ renders multiple changes header771123 08 2019 10:58:10.927:WARN [web-server]: 404: /context.html/undefined7712 with new metrics7713 ✔ renders new changes header771423 08 2019 10:58:11.020:WARN [web-server]: 404: /context.html/undefined7715 with removed metrics7716 ✔ renders new changes header771723 08 2019 10:58:11.100:WARN [web-server]: 404: /context.html/undefined7718 when has metrics7719 ✔ renders custom metric issue body7720 metrics reports actions7721 setEndpoint7722 ✔ should commit set endpoint7723 requestMetrics7724 ✔ should commit request mutation7725 fetchMetrics7726 ✔ should call metrics endpoint7727 ✔ handles errors7728 receiveMetricsSuccess7729 ✔ should commit request mutation7730 receiveMetricsError7731 ✔ should commit request mutation7732 metrics reports getters7733 summaryStatus7734 when loading7735 ✔ returns loading status7736 when there are errors7737 ✔ returns error status7738 when there are changes7739 ✔ returns changes status7740 when successful7741 ✔ returns loading status7742 metrics7743 when state has new metrics7744 ✔ returns array with new metrics7745 when state has existing metrics7746 ✔ returns array with existing metrics7747 when state has removed metrics7748 ✔ returns array with removed metrics7749 when state has new, existing, and removed metrics7750 ✔ returns array with new, existing, and removed metrics combined775123 08 2019 10:58:11.319:WARN [web-server]: 404: /context.html/undefined7752 when state has no metrics7753 ✔ returns empty array7754 metrics reports mutations7755 SET_ENDPOINT7756 ✔ should set endpoint7757 REQUEST_METRICS7758 ✔ should set isLoading to true7759 RECEIVE_METRICS_SUCCESS7760 ✔ should set metrics with zero changes7761 ✔ should set metrics with one changes7762 RECEIVE_METRICS_ERROR7763 ✔ should set endpoint7764 Grouped security reports app7765 with error7766 ✔ renders error state776723 08 2019 10:58:11.460:WARN [web-server]: 404: /context.html/undefined7768 while loading7769 ✔ renders loading summary text + spinner777023 08 2019 10:58:11.562:WARN [web-server]: 404: /context.html/undefined7771 with all reports7772 ✔ renders reports777323 08 2019 10:58:11.743:WARN [web-server]: 404: /context.html/undefined777423 08 2019 10:58:11.907:WARN [web-server]: 404: /context.html/undefined7775 ✔ opens modal with more information777623 08 2019 10:58:11.960:WARN [web-server]: 404: /context.html/undefined7777 ✔ has the success icon for fixed vulnerabilities777823 08 2019 10:58:12.138:WARN [web-server]: 404: /context.html/undefined7779 with the pipelinePath prop7780 ✔ should calculate the security tab path778123 08 2019 10:58:12.179:WARN [web-server]: 404: /context.html/undefined7782 Split security reports app7783 while loading7784 ✔ renders loading summary text + spinner778523 08 2019 10:58:12.400:WARN [web-server]: 404: /context.html/undefined7786 with all reports7787 ✔ renders reports778823 08 2019 10:58:12.589:WARN [web-server]: 404: /context.html/undefined7789 ✔ renders all reports collapsed by default779023 08 2019 10:58:12.773:WARN [web-server]: 404: /context.html/undefined7791 ✔ renders all reports expanded with the option always-open779223 08 2019 10:58:12.980:WARN [web-server]: 404: /context.html/undefined7793 with error7794 ✔ renders error state7795 security reports actions7796 setHeadBlobPath7797 ✔ should commit set head blob path7798 setBaseBlobPath7799 ✔ should commit set head blob path7800 setVulnerabilityFeedbackPath7801 ✔ should commit set vulnerabulity feedback path7802 setVulnerabilityFeedbackHelpPath7803 ✔ should commit set vulnerabulity feedback help path7804 setPipelineId7805 ✔ should commit set vulnerability feedback path7806 setCanCreateIssuePermission7807 ✔ should commit set can create issue permission7808 setCanCreateFeedbackPermission7809 ✔ should commit set can create feedback permission7810 setSastContainerHeadPath7811 ✔ should commit set head blob path7812 setSastContainerBasePath7813 ✔ should commit set head blob path7814 requestSastContainerReports7815 ✔ should commit request mutation7816 receiveSastContainerReports7817 ✔ should commit sast receive mutation7818 receiveSastContainerError7819 ✔ should commit sast error mutation7820 fetchSastContainerReports7821 with head and base7822 ✔ should dispatch `receiveSastContainerReports`7823 ✔ should dispatch `receiveSastContainerError`7824 with head7825 ✔ should dispatch `receiveSastContainerReports`7826 ✔ should dispatch `receiveSastContainerError`7827 setDastHeadPath7828 ✔ should commit set head blob path7829 setDastBasePath7830 ✔ should commit set head blob path7831 requestDastReports7832 ✔ should commit request mutation7833 receiveDastReports7834 ✔ should commit sast receive mutation7835 receiveDastError7836 ✔ should commit sast error mutation7837 fetchDastReports7838 with head and base7839 ✔ should dispatch `receiveDastReports`7840 ✔ should dispatch `receiveDastError`7841 with head7842 ✔ should dispatch `receiveSastContainerReports`7843 ✔ should dispatch `receiveDastError`7844 setDependencyScanningHeadPath7845 ✔ should commit set head blob path7846 setDependencyScanningBasePath7847 ✔ should commit set head blob path7848 requestDependencyScanningReports7849 ✔ should commit request mutation7850 receiveDependencyScanningReports7851 ✔ should commit sast receive mutation7852 receiveDependencyScanningError7853 ✔ should commit dependency scanning error mutation7854 fetchDependencyScanningReports7855 with head and base7856 ✔ should dispatch `receiveDependencyScanningReports`7857 ✔ should dispatch `receiveDependencyScanningError`7858 with head7859 ✔ should dispatch `receiveDependencyScanningReports`7860 ✔ should dispatch 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