review-qa-all 2/5
Passed Started

Sofia Vistas
1[date=2022-03-07 15:02:31 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- waiting for loading to complete...2[date=2022-03-07 15:02:31 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- loading complete after 0.00603691 seconds3[date=2022-03-07 15:02:31 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- found :password_field4[date=2022-03-07 15:02:31 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- clicking :sign_in_button with args {}5[date=2022-03-07 15:02:31 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- waiting for loading to complete...6[date=2022-03-07 15:02:31 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- loading complete after 0.007181049 seconds7[date=2022-03-07 15:02:32 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- waiting for loading to complete...8[date=2022-03-07 15:02:32 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- loading complete after 0.00972328 seconds9[date=2022-03-07 15:02:32 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- has_no_element? :#<QA::Page::Element:0x00005608bf69d958> (wait: 0) returned: false10[date=2022-03-07 15:02:32 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- waiting for loading to complete...11[date=2022-03-07 15:02:32 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- loading complete after 0.011720959 seconds12[date=2022-03-07 15:02:32 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- has_no_element? :#<QA::Page::Element:0x00005608bf69d728> (wait: 0) returned: true13[date=2022-03-07 15:02:32 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- has_element? :navbar (wait: 60) returned: true14[date=2022-03-07 15:02:32 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- has_element? :user_avatar (wait: 60) returned: true15[date=2022-03-07 15:02:32 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- has_element? :user_menu (wait: 60) returned: true16[date=2022-03-07 15:02:32 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- has_element? :issues_shortcut_button (wait: 60) returned: true17[date=2022-03-07 15:02:32 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- has_element? :merge_requests_shortcut_button (wait: 60) returned: true18[date=2022-03-07 15:02:33 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- has_element? :todos_shortcut_button (wait: 60) returned: true19[date=2022-03-07 15:02:33 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- ==> Retrieved a QA::Resource::Sandbox with full_path 'gitlab-qa-sandbox-group' via api in 0.20164246 seconds20[date=2022-03-07 15:02:34 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- <QA::Resource::Group> Attribute :full_path has both API response `gitlab-qa-sandbox-group/qa-test-2022-03-07-14-49-47-c6db921ef6e8f40e` and a block. API response will be picked. Block will be ignored.21[date=2022-03-07 15:02:34 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- ==> Retrieved a QA::Resource::Group with full_path 'gitlab-qa-sandbox-group/qa-test-2022-03-07-14-49-47-c6db921ef6e8f40e' via api in 0.808173861 seconds22[date=2022-03-07 15:02:34 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- Visiting QA::Resource::Group at[date=2022-03-07 15:02:35 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- waiting for loading to complete...24[date=2022-03-07 15:02:35 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- loading complete after 0.012487829 seconds25[date=2022-03-07 15:02:35 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- within element :group_sidebar with args {}26[date=2022-03-07 15:02:35 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- waiting for loading to complete...27[date=2022-03-07 15:02:35 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- loading complete after 0.013210879 seconds28[date=2022-03-07 15:02:35 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- clicking :sidebar_menu_link with args {:menu_item=>"Epics"}29[date=2022-03-07 15:02:35 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- waiting for loading to complete...30[date=2022-03-07 15:02:35 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- loading complete after 0.01001859 seconds31[date=2022-03-07 15:02:36 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- end within element :group_sidebar with args {}32[date=2022-03-07 15:02:36 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- clicking :new_epic_button , expecting to be at Class with args {}33[date=2022-03-07 15:02:36 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- waiting for loading to complete...34[date=2022-03-07 15:02:36 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- loading complete after 0.014293179 seconds35[date=2022-03-07 15:02:37 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- has_element? :epic_title_field (wait: 60) returned: true36[date=2022-03-07 15:02:37 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- filling :epic_title_field with "Epic created via GUI"37[date=2022-03-07 15:02:37 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- finding :epic_title_field with args {}38[date=2022-03-07 15:02:38 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- waiting for loading to complete...39[date=2022-03-07 15:02:38 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- loading complete after 0.018628289 seconds40[date=2022-03-07 15:02:38 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- found :epic_title_field41[date=2022-03-07 15:02:38 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- clicking :create_epic_button , expecting to be at Class with args {}42[date=2022-03-07 15:02:38 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- waiting for loading to complete...43[date=2022-03-07 15:02:38 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- loading complete after 0.016866579 seconds44[date=2022-03-07 15:02:39 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- has_element? :title (wait: 60) returned: true45[date=2022-03-07 15:02:39 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- has_element? :discussion_filter_dropdown (wait: 60) returned: true46[date=2022-03-07 15:02:39 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- ==> Built a QA::EE::Resource::Epic via browser_ui in 6.40701945 seconds47 creates an epic48 Resources created via API49[date=2022-03-07 15:02:40 from=QA Tests] INFO -- Starting test: Plan Epics Management Resources created via API adds/removes issue to/from epic using quick actions50[date=2022-03-07 15:02:40 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- waiting for loading to complete...51[date=2022-03-07 15:02:40 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- loading complete after 0.007198949 seconds52[date=2022-03-07 15:02:41 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- has_element? :login_page (wait: 0) returned: false53[date=2022-03-07 15:02:41 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- waiting for loading to complete...54[date=2022-03-07 15:02:41 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- loading complete after 0.006021529 seconds55[date=2022-03-07 15:02:42 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- has_element? :user_avatar (wait: 0) returned: false56/usr/local/bundle/gems/capybara-3.35.3/lib/capybara/registration_container.rb:21: warning: DEPRECATED: Calling 'include?' on the drivers/servers container is deprecated without replacement57[date=2022-03-07 15:02:42 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- has_element? :login_page (wait: 60) returned: true58[date=2022-03-07 15:02:42 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- has_element? :login_page (wait: 0) returned: true59[date=2022-03-07 15:02:42 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- has_element? :login_page (wait: 0) returned: true60[date=2022-03-07 15:02:42 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- waiting for loading to complete...61[date=2022-03-07 15:02:42 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- loading complete after 0.005795339 seconds62[date=2022-03-07 15:02:43 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- has_element? :sign_in_tab (wait: 0) returned: false63[date=2022-03-07 15:02:43 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- waiting for loading to complete...64[date=2022-03-07 15:02:43 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- loading complete after 0.00601128 seconds65[date=2022-03-07 15:02:44 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- has_element? :standard_tab (wait: 0) returned: false66[date=2022-03-07 15:02:44 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- filling :login_field with "root"67[date=2022-03-07 15:02:44 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- finding :login_field with args {}68[date=2022-03-07 15:02:44 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- waiting for loading to complete...69[date=2022-03-07 15:02:44 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- loading complete after 0.00644512 seconds70[date=2022-03-07 15:02:45 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- found :login_field71[date=2022-03-07 15:02:45 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- filling :password_field with "*****"72[date=2022-03-07 15:02:45 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- finding :password_field with args {}73[date=2022-03-07 15:02:45 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- waiting for loading to complete...74[date=2022-03-07 15:02:45 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- loading complete after 0.00637895 seconds75[date=2022-03-07 15:02:45 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- found :password_field76[date=2022-03-07 15:02:45 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- clicking :sign_in_button with args {}77[date=2022-03-07 15:02:45 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- waiting for loading to complete...78[date=2022-03-07 15:02:45 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- loading complete after 0.00626185 seconds79[date=2022-03-07 15:02:46 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- waiting for loading to complete...80[date=2022-03-07 15:02:46 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- loading complete after 0.01036591 seconds81[date=2022-03-07 15:02:46 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- has_no_element? :#<QA::Page::Element:0x00005608bf69d958> (wait: 0) returned: false82[date=2022-03-07 15:02:46 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- waiting for loading to complete...83[date=2022-03-07 15:02:46 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- loading complete after 0.01029118 seconds84[date=2022-03-07 15:02:46 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- has_no_element? :#<QA::Page::Element:0x00005608bf69d728> (wait: 0) returned: true85[date=2022-03-07 15:02:46 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- has_element? :navbar (wait: 60) returned: true86[date=2022-03-07 15:02:46 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- has_element? :user_avatar (wait: 60) returned: true87[date=2022-03-07 15:02:46 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- has_element? :user_menu (wait: 60) returned: true88[date=2022-03-07 15:02:46 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- has_element? :issues_shortcut_button (wait: 60) returned: true89[date=2022-03-07 15:02:46 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- has_element? :merge_requests_shortcut_button (wait: 60) returned: true90[date=2022-03-07 15:02:46 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- has_element? :todos_shortcut_button (wait: 60) returned: true91[date=2022-03-07 15:02:47 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- ==> Retrieved a QA::Resource::Sandbox with full_path 'gitlab-qa-sandbox-group' via api in 0.197806598 seconds92[date=2022-03-07 15:02:48 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- <QA::Resource::Group> Attribute :full_path has both API response `gitlab-qa-sandbox-group/qa-test-2022-03-07-14-49-47-c6db921ef6e8f40e` and a block. API response will be picked. Block will be ignored.93[date=2022-03-07 15:02:48 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- ==> Retrieved a QA::Resource::Group with full_path 'gitlab-qa-sandbox-group/qa-test-2022-03-07-14-49-47-c6db921ef6e8f40e' via api in 0.823843505 seconds94[date=2022-03-07 15:02:48 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- ==> Built a QA::Resource::Project with full_path 'gitlab-qa-sandbox-group/qa-test-2022-03-07-14-49-47-c6db921ef6e8f40e/project-for-issues-be50fe7dcd81a013' via api in 1.572607935 seconds95[date=2022-03-07 15:02:49 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- ==> Built a QA::Resource::Issue with id '85' via api in 0.465724419 seconds96[date=2022-03-07 15:02:49 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- Visiting QA::Resource::Issue at[date=2022-03-07 15:02:51 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- waiting for loading to complete...98[date=2022-03-07 15:02:51 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- loading complete after 0.011471331 seconds99[date=2022-03-07 15:02:51 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- has_no_element? :related_issues_loading_placeholder (wait: 60) returned: true100[date=2022-03-07 15:02:51 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- ==> Built a QA::EE::Resource::Epic with id '19' via api in 0.214523998 seconds101[date=2022-03-07 15:02:51 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- clicking :title with args {}102[date=2022-03-07 15:02:51 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- waiting for loading to complete...103[date=2022-03-07 15:02:52 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- loading complete after 0.01579145 seconds104[date=2022-03-07 15:02:52 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- clicking :discussion_filter_dropdown with args {}105[date=2022-03-07 15:02:52 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- waiting for loading to complete...106[date=2022-03-07 15:02:52 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- loading complete after 0.011721721 seconds107[date=2022-03-07 15:02:52 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- finding :filter_menu_item with args {:text=>"Show all activity"}108[date=2022-03-07 15:02:52 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- waiting for loading to complete...109[date=2022-03-07 15:02:52 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- loading complete after 0.010793511 seconds110[date=2022-03-07 15:02:52 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- found :filter_menu_item111[date=2022-03-07 15:02:52 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- waiting for loading to complete...112[date=2022-03-07 15:02:52 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- loading complete after 0.01145222 seconds113[date=2022-03-07 15:02:52 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- waiting for loading to complete...114[date=2022-03-07 15:02:52 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- loading complete after 0.01257935 seconds115[date=2022-03-07 15:02:52 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- has_no_element? :discussion_filter_container (wait: 10) returned: true116[date=2022-03-07 15:02:52 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- has_element? :comment_field (wait: 10) returned: true117[date=2022-03-07 15:02:52 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- filling :comment_field with "/epic"119[date=2022-03-07 15:02:52 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- finding :comment_field with args {}120[date=2022-03-07 15:02:52 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- waiting for loading to complete...121[date=2022-03-07 15:02:52 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- loading complete after 0.013415081 seconds122[date=2022-03-07 15:02:52 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- found :comment_field123[date=2022-03-07 15:02:53 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- clicking :comment_button with args {}124[date=2022-03-07 15:02:53 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- waiting for loading to complete...125[date=2022-03-07 15:02:53 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- loading complete after 0.012153241 seconds126[date=2022-03-07 15:02:53 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- clicking :title with args {}127[date=2022-03-07 15:02:53 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- waiting for loading to complete...128[date=2022-03-07 15:02:53 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- loading complete after 0.01190789 seconds129[date=2022-03-07 15:02:54 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- clicking :discussion_filter_dropdown with args {}130[date=2022-03-07 15:02:54 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- waiting for loading to complete...131[date=2022-03-07 15:02:54 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- loading complete after 0.01209604 seconds132[date=2022-03-07 15:02:54 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- finding :filter_menu_item with args {:text=>"Show all activity"}133[date=2022-03-07 15:02:54 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- waiting for loading to complete...134[date=2022-03-07 15:02:54 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- loading complete after 0.01295189 seconds135[date=2022-03-07 15:02:54 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- found :filter_menu_item136[date=2022-03-07 15:02:54 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- waiting for loading to complete...137[date=2022-03-07 15:02:54 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- loading complete after 0.0120313 seconds138[date=2022-03-07 15:02:54 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- waiting for loading to complete...139[date=2022-03-07 15:02:54 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- loading complete after 0.01161135 seconds140[date=2022-03-07 15:02:54 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- has_no_element? :discussion_filter_container (wait: 10) returned: true141[date=2022-03-07 15:02:54 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- has_element? :comment_field (wait: 10) returned: true142[date=2022-03-07 15:02:54 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- filling :comment_field with "/remove_epic143"144[date=2022-03-07 15:02:54 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- finding :comment_field with args {}145[date=2022-03-07 15:02:54 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- waiting for loading to complete...146[date=2022-03-07 15:02:54 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- loading complete after 0.01061599 seconds147[date=2022-03-07 15:02:54 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- found :comment_field148[date=2022-03-07 15:02:55 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- clicking :comment_button with args {}149[date=2022-03-07 15:02:55 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- waiting for loading to complete...150[date=2022-03-07 15:02:55 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- loading complete after 0.011773351 seconds151[date=2022-03-07 15:02:55 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- Visiting QA::EE::Resource::Epic at[date=2022-03-07 15:02:57 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- has_element? :system_note_content with text "added issue" (wait: 60) returned: true153[date=2022-03-07 15:02:57 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- has_element? :system_note_content with text "removed issue" (wait: 60) returned: true154 adds/removes issue to/from epic using quick actions155 Visit epic first156[date=2022-03-07 15:02:57 from=QA Tests] INFO -- Starting test: Plan Epics Management Resources created via API Visit epic first adds/removes issue to/from epic157[date=2022-03-07 15:02:57 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- waiting for loading to complete...158[date=2022-03-07 15:02:57 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- loading complete after 0.0069091 seconds159[date=2022-03-07 15:02:58 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- has_element? :login_page (wait: 0) returned: false160[date=2022-03-07 15:02:58 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- waiting for loading to complete...161[date=2022-03-07 15:02:58 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- loading complete after 0.006341591 seconds162[date=2022-03-07 15:02:59 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- has_element? :user_avatar (wait: 0) returned: false163/usr/local/bundle/gems/capybara-3.35.3/lib/capybara/registration_container.rb:21: warning: DEPRECATED: Calling 'include?' on the drivers/servers container is deprecated without replacement164[date=2022-03-07 15:03:00 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- has_element? :login_page (wait: 60) returned: true165[date=2022-03-07 15:03:00 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- has_element? :login_page (wait: 0) returned: true166[date=2022-03-07 15:03:00 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- has_element? :login_page (wait: 0) returned: true167[date=2022-03-07 15:03:00 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- waiting for loading to complete...168[date=2022-03-07 15:03:00 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- loading complete after 0.005895771 seconds169[date=2022-03-07 15:03:01 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- has_element? :sign_in_tab (wait: 0) returned: false170[date=2022-03-07 15:03:01 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- waiting for loading to complete...171[date=2022-03-07 15:03:01 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- loading complete after 0.00681387 seconds172[date=2022-03-07 15:03:02 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- has_element? :standard_tab (wait: 0) returned: false173[date=2022-03-07 15:03:02 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- filling :login_field with "root"174[date=2022-03-07 15:03:02 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- finding :login_field with args {}175[date=2022-03-07 15:03:02 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- waiting for loading to complete...176[date=2022-03-07 15:03:02 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- loading complete after 0.0065332 seconds177[date=2022-03-07 15:03:02 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- found :login_field178[date=2022-03-07 15:03:02 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- filling :password_field with "*****"179[date=2022-03-07 15:03:02 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- finding :password_field with args {}180[date=2022-03-07 15:03:02 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- waiting for loading to complete...181[date=2022-03-07 15:03:02 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- loading complete after 0.00578525 seconds182[date=2022-03-07 15:03:02 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- found :password_field183[date=2022-03-07 15:03:02 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- clicking :sign_in_button with args {}184[date=2022-03-07 15:03:02 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- waiting for loading to complete...185[date=2022-03-07 15:03:02 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- loading complete after 0.00827581 seconds186[date=2022-03-07 15:03:03 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- waiting for loading to complete...187[date=2022-03-07 15:03:03 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- loading complete after 0.01050651 seconds188[date=2022-03-07 15:03:03 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- has_no_element? :#<QA::Page::Element:0x00005608bf69d958> (wait: 0) returned: false189[date=2022-03-07 15:03:04 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- waiting for loading to complete...190[date=2022-03-07 15:03:04 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- loading complete after 0.00953458 seconds191[date=2022-03-07 15:03:04 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- has_no_element? :#<QA::Page::Element:0x00005608bf69d728> (wait: 0) returned: true192[date=2022-03-07 15:03:04 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- has_element? :navbar (wait: 60) returned: true193[date=2022-03-07 15:03:04 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- has_element? :user_avatar (wait: 60) returned: true194[date=2022-03-07 15:03:04 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- has_element? :user_menu (wait: 60) returned: true195[date=2022-03-07 15:03:04 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- has_element? :issues_shortcut_button (wait: 60) returned: true196[date=2022-03-07 15:03:04 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- has_element? :merge_requests_shortcut_button (wait: 60) returned: true197[date=2022-03-07 15:03:04 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- has_element? :todos_shortcut_button (wait: 60) returned: true198[date=2022-03-07 15:03:05 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- ==> Retrieved a QA::Resource::Sandbox with full_path 'gitlab-qa-sandbox-group' via api in 0.179309017 seconds199[date=2022-03-07 15:03:05 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- <QA::Resource::Group> Attribute :full_path has both API response `gitlab-qa-sandbox-group/qa-test-2022-03-07-14-49-47-c6db921ef6e8f40e` and a block. API response will be picked. Block will be ignored.200[date=2022-03-07 15:03:05 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- ==> Retrieved a QA::Resource::Group with full_path 'gitlab-qa-sandbox-group/qa-test-2022-03-07-14-49-47-c6db921ef6e8f40e' via api in 0.854975966 seconds201[date=2022-03-07 15:03:06 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- ==> Built a QA::Resource::Project with full_path 'gitlab-qa-sandbox-group/qa-test-2022-03-07-14-49-47-c6db921ef6e8f40e/project-for-issues-e0414ce98df72f85' via api in 1.604515997 seconds202[date=2022-03-07 15:03:06 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- ==> Built a QA::Resource::Issue with id '86' via api in 0.343011024 seconds203[date=2022-03-07 15:03:07 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- ==> Built a QA::EE::Resource::Epic with id '20' via api in 0.211385869 seconds204[date=2022-03-07 15:03:07 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- Visiting QA::EE::Resource::Epic at[date=2022-03-07 15:03:08 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- clicking :epic_issue_actions_split_button with args {}206[date=2022-03-07 15:03:08 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- waiting for loading to complete...207[date=2022-03-07 15:03:08 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- loading complete after 0.0161851 seconds208[date=2022-03-07 15:03:09 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- filling :add_issue_field with ""209[date=2022-03-07 15:03:09 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- finding :add_issue_field with args {}210[date=2022-03-07 15:03:09 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- waiting for loading to complete...211[date=2022-03-07 15:03:09 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- loading complete after 0.020487001 seconds212[date=2022-03-07 15:03:09 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- found :add_issue_field213[date=2022-03-07 15:03:09 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- clicking :title with args {}214[date=2022-03-07 15:03:09 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- waiting for loading to complete...215[date=2022-03-07 15:03:09 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- loading complete after 0.01581501 seconds216[date=2022-03-07 15:03:09 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- clicking :add_issue_button with args {}217[date=2022-03-07 15:03:09 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- waiting for loading to complete...218[date=2022-03-07 15:03:09 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- loading complete after 0.01766135 seconds219[date=2022-03-07 15:03:10 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- has_element? :related_issue_item (wait: 10) returned: true220[date=2022-03-07 15:03:10 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- clicking :remove_issue_button with args {}221[date=2022-03-07 15:03:10 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- waiting for loading to complete...222[date=2022-03-07 15:03:10 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- loading complete after 0.015555981 seconds223[date=2022-03-07 15:03:10 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- waiting for loading to complete...224[date=2022-03-07 15:03:10 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- loading complete after 0.013448651 seconds225[date=2022-03-07 15:03:10 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- has_no_element? :related_issue_item (wait: 10) returned: true226 adds/removes issue to/from epic227[date=2022-03-07 15:03:10 from=QA Tests] INFO -- Starting test: Plan Epics Management Resources created via API Visit epic first closes and reopens an epic228[date=2022-03-07 15:03:10 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- waiting for loading to complete...229[date=2022-03-07 15:03:10 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- loading complete after 0.00716147 seconds230[date=2022-03-07 15:03:11 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- has_element? :login_page (wait: 0) returned: false231[date=2022-03-07 15:03:12 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- waiting for loading to complete...232[date=2022-03-07 15:03:12 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- loading complete after 0.006795091 seconds233[date=2022-03-07 15:03:13 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- has_element? :user_avatar (wait: 0) returned: false234/usr/local/bundle/gems/capybara-3.35.3/lib/capybara/registration_container.rb:21: warning: DEPRECATED: Calling 'include?' on the drivers/servers container is deprecated without replacement235[date=2022-03-07 15:03:13 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- has_element? :login_page (wait: 60) returned: true236[date=2022-03-07 15:03:13 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- has_element? :login_page (wait: 0) returned: true237[date=2022-03-07 15:03:13 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- has_element? :login_page (wait: 0) returned: true238[date=2022-03-07 15:03:13 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- waiting for loading to complete...239[date=2022-03-07 15:03:13 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- loading complete after 0.00608065 seconds240[date=2022-03-07 15:03:14 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- has_element? :sign_in_tab (wait: 0) returned: false241[date=2022-03-07 15:03:14 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- waiting for loading to complete...242[date=2022-03-07 15:03:14 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- loading complete after 0.00774766 seconds243[date=2022-03-07 15:03:15 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- has_element? :standard_tab (wait: 0) returned: false244[date=2022-03-07 15:03:15 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- filling :login_field with "root"245[date=2022-03-07 15:03:15 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- finding :login_field with args {}246[date=2022-03-07 15:03:15 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- waiting for loading to complete...247[date=2022-03-07 15:03:15 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- loading complete after 0.00755788 seconds248[date=2022-03-07 15:03:15 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- found :login_field249[date=2022-03-07 15:03:15 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- filling :password_field with "*****"250[date=2022-03-07 15:03:15 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- finding :password_field with args {}251[date=2022-03-07 15:03:15 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- waiting for loading to complete...252[date=2022-03-07 15:03:15 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- loading complete after 0.00664437 seconds253[date=2022-03-07 15:03:15 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- found :password_field254[date=2022-03-07 15:03:15 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- clicking :sign_in_button with args {}255[date=2022-03-07 15:03:15 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- waiting for loading to complete...256[date=2022-03-07 15:03:15 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- loading complete after 0.01162375 seconds257[date=2022-03-07 15:03:18 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- waiting for loading to complete...258[date=2022-03-07 15:03:18 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- loading complete after 0.011604941 seconds259[date=2022-03-07 15:03:18 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- has_no_element? :#<QA::Page::Element:0x00005608bf69d958> (wait: 0) returned: false260[date=2022-03-07 15:03:18 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- waiting for loading to complete...261[date=2022-03-07 15:03:18 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- loading complete after 0.01162005 seconds262[date=2022-03-07 15:03:18 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- has_no_element? :#<QA::Page::Element:0x00005608bf69d728> (wait: 0) returned: true263[date=2022-03-07 15:03:18 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- has_element? :navbar (wait: 60) returned: true264[date=2022-03-07 15:03:18 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- has_element? :user_avatar (wait: 60) returned: true265[date=2022-03-07 15:03:18 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- has_element? :user_menu (wait: 60) returned: true266[date=2022-03-07 15:03:18 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- has_element? :issues_shortcut_button (wait: 60) returned: true267[date=2022-03-07 15:03:18 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- has_element? :merge_requests_shortcut_button (wait: 60) returned: true268[date=2022-03-07 15:03:18 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- has_element? :todos_shortcut_button (wait: 60) returned: true269[date=2022-03-07 15:03:19 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- ==> Retrieved a QA::Resource::Sandbox with full_path 'gitlab-qa-sandbox-group' via api in 0.259320011 seconds270[date=2022-03-07 15:03:20 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- <QA::Resource::Group> Attribute :full_path has both API response `gitlab-qa-sandbox-group/qa-test-2022-03-07-14-49-47-c6db921ef6e8f40e` and a block. API response will be picked. Block will be ignored.271[date=2022-03-07 15:03:20 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- ==> Retrieved a QA::Resource::Group with full_path 'gitlab-qa-sandbox-group/qa-test-2022-03-07-14-49-47-c6db921ef6e8f40e' via api in 1.571623285 seconds272[date=2022-03-07 15:03:21 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- ==> Built a QA::Resource::Project with full_path 'gitlab-qa-sandbox-group/qa-test-2022-03-07-14-49-47-c6db921ef6e8f40e/project-for-issues-51b94663200c7139' via api in 2.492480413 seconds273[date=2022-03-07 15:03:22 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- ==> Built a QA::Resource::Issue with id '87' via api in 0.582287953 seconds274[date=2022-03-07 15:03:22 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- ==> Built a QA::EE::Resource::Epic with id '21' via api in 0.206531139 seconds275[date=2022-03-07 15:03:22 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- Visiting QA::EE::Resource::Epic at[date=2022-03-07 15:03:24 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- clicking :close_reopen_epic_button with args {}277[date=2022-03-07 15:03:24 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- waiting for loading to complete...278[date=2022-03-07 15:03:24 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- loading complete after 0.01673106 seconds279[date=2022-03-07 15:03:26 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- has_element? :system_note_content with text "closed" (wait: 60) returned: true280[date=2022-03-07 15:03:26 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- clicking :close_reopen_epic_button with args {}281[date=2022-03-07 15:03:26 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- waiting for loading to complete...282[date=2022-03-07 15:03:26 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- loading complete after 0.01171036 seconds283[date=2022-03-07 15:03:32 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- has_element? :system_note_content with text "opened" (wait: 60) returned: true284 closes and reopens an epic285[date=2022-03-07 15:03:32 from=QA Tests] INFO -- Starting test: Plan Epics Management Resources created via API Visit epic first comments on epic286[date=2022-03-07 15:03:32 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- waiting for loading to complete...287[date=2022-03-07 15:03:32 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- loading complete after 0.00695513 seconds288[date=2022-03-07 15:03:33 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- has_element? :login_page (wait: 0) returned: false289[date=2022-03-07 15:03:33 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- waiting for loading to complete...290[date=2022-03-07 15:03:33 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- loading complete after 0.006715211 seconds291[date=2022-03-07 15:03:34 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- has_element? :user_avatar (wait: 0) returned: false292/usr/local/bundle/gems/capybara-3.35.3/lib/capybara/registration_container.rb:21: warning: DEPRECATED: Calling 'include?' on the drivers/servers container is deprecated without replacement293[date=2022-03-07 15:03:34 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- has_element? :login_page (wait: 60) returned: true294[date=2022-03-07 15:03:34 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- has_element? :login_page (wait: 0) returned: true295[date=2022-03-07 15:03:34 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- has_element? :login_page (wait: 0) returned: true296[date=2022-03-07 15:03:35 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- waiting for loading to complete...297[date=2022-03-07 15:03:35 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- loading complete after 0.005839051 seconds298[date=2022-03-07 15:03:36 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- has_element? :sign_in_tab (wait: 0) returned: false299[date=2022-03-07 15:03:36 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- waiting for loading to complete...300[date=2022-03-07 15:03:36 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- loading complete after 0.00608386 seconds301[date=2022-03-07 15:03:37 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- has_element? :standard_tab (wait: 0) returned: false302[date=2022-03-07 15:03:37 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- filling :login_field with "root"303[date=2022-03-07 15:03:37 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- finding :login_field with args {}304[date=2022-03-07 15:03:37 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- waiting for loading to complete...305[date=2022-03-07 15:03:37 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- loading complete after 0.00580622 seconds306[date=2022-03-07 15:03:37 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- found :login_field307[date=2022-03-07 15:03:37 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- filling :password_field with "*****"308[date=2022-03-07 15:03:37 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- finding :password_field with args {}309[date=2022-03-07 15:03:37 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- waiting for loading to complete...310[date=2022-03-07 15:03:37 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- loading complete after 0.00590093 seconds311[date=2022-03-07 15:03:37 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- found :password_field312[date=2022-03-07 15:03:37 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- clicking :sign_in_button with args {}313[date=2022-03-07 15:03:37 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- waiting for loading to complete...314[date=2022-03-07 15:03:37 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- loading complete after 0.00718545 seconds315[date=2022-03-07 15:03:38 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- waiting for loading to complete...316[date=2022-03-07 15:03:38 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- loading complete after 0.01015904 seconds317[date=2022-03-07 15:03:38 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- has_no_element? :#<QA::Page::Element:0x00005608bf69d958> (wait: 0) returned: false318[date=2022-03-07 15:03:38 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- waiting for loading to complete...319[date=2022-03-07 15:03:38 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- loading complete after 0.010299461 seconds320[date=2022-03-07 15:03:38 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- has_no_element? :#<QA::Page::Element:0x00005608bf69d728> (wait: 0) returned: true321[date=2022-03-07 15:03:39 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- has_element? :navbar (wait: 60) returned: true322[date=2022-03-07 15:03:39 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- has_element? :user_avatar (wait: 60) returned: true323[date=2022-03-07 15:03:39 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- has_element? :user_menu (wait: 60) returned: true324[date=2022-03-07 15:03:39 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- has_element? :issues_shortcut_button (wait: 60) returned: true325[date=2022-03-07 15:03:39 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- has_element? :merge_requests_shortcut_button (wait: 60) returned: true326[date=2022-03-07 15:03:39 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- has_element? :todos_shortcut_button (wait: 60) returned: true327[date=2022-03-07 15:03:39 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- ==> Retrieved a QA::Resource::Sandbox with full_path 'gitlab-qa-sandbox-group' via api in 0.192698177 seconds328[date=2022-03-07 15:03:40 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- <QA::Resource::Group> Attribute :full_path has both API response `gitlab-qa-sandbox-group/qa-test-2022-03-07-14-49-47-c6db921ef6e8f40e` and a block. API response will be picked. Block will be ignored.329[date=2022-03-07 15:03:40 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- ==> Retrieved a QA::Resource::Group with full_path 'gitlab-qa-sandbox-group/qa-test-2022-03-07-14-49-47-c6db921ef6e8f40e' via api in 0.897369488 seconds330[date=2022-03-07 15:03:41 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- ==> Built a QA::Resource::Project with full_path 'gitlab-qa-sandbox-group/qa-test-2022-03-07-14-49-47-c6db921ef6e8f40e/project-for-issues-dddda38c6478edb9' via api in 1.613496928 seconds331[date=2022-03-07 15:03:41 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- ==> Built a QA::Resource::Issue with id '88' via api in 0.352418554 seconds332[date=2022-03-07 15:03:41 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- ==> Built a QA::EE::Resource::Epic with id '22' via api in 0.199656488 seconds333[date=2022-03-07 15:03:41 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- Visiting QA::EE::Resource::Epic at[date=2022-03-07 15:03:43 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- clicking :title with args {}335[date=2022-03-07 15:03:43 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- waiting for loading to complete...336[date=2022-03-07 15:03:43 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- loading complete after 0.013198911 seconds337[date=2022-03-07 15:03:43 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- clicking :discussion_filter_dropdown with args {}338[date=2022-03-07 15:03:43 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- waiting for loading to complete...339[date=2022-03-07 15:03:43 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- loading complete after 0.01490607 seconds340[date=2022-03-07 15:03:43 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- finding :filter_menu_item with args {:text=>"Show all activity"}341[date=2022-03-07 15:03:43 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- waiting for loading to complete...342[date=2022-03-07 15:03:43 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- loading complete after 0.017624021 seconds343[date=2022-03-07 15:03:43 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- found :filter_menu_item344[date=2022-03-07 15:03:44 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- waiting for loading to complete...345[date=2022-03-07 15:03:44 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- loading complete after 0.017376961 seconds346[date=2022-03-07 15:03:44 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- waiting for loading to complete...347[date=2022-03-07 15:03:44 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- loading complete after 0.01408176 seconds348[date=2022-03-07 15:03:44 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- has_no_element? :discussion_filter_container (wait: 10) returned: true349[date=2022-03-07 15:03:44 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- has_element? :comment_field (wait: 10) returned: true350[date=2022-03-07 15:03:44 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- filling :comment_field with "My Epic Comment351"352[date=2022-03-07 15:03:44 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- finding :comment_field with args {}353[date=2022-03-07 15:03:44 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- waiting for loading to complete...354[date=2022-03-07 15:03:44 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- loading complete after 0.013907611 seconds355[date=2022-03-07 15:03:44 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- found :comment_field356[date=2022-03-07 15:03:44 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- clicking :comment_button with args {}357[date=2022-03-07 15:03:44 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- waiting for loading to complete...358[date=2022-03-07 15:03:44 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- loading complete after 0.013794791 seconds359[date=2022-03-07 15:03:44 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- has_element? :noteable_note_container with text "My Epic Comment" (wait: 60) returned: true360 comments on epic361Verify362 Pipeline with protected variable363[date=2022-03-07 15:03:44 from=QA Tests] INFO -- Starting test: Verify Pipeline with protected variable does not expose variable on unprotected branch364[date=2022-03-07 15:03:45 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- ==> Retrieved a QA::Resource::Sandbox with full_path 'gitlab-qa-sandbox-group' via api in 0.195845328 seconds365[date=2022-03-07 15:03:46 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- <QA::Resource::Group> Attribute :full_path has both API response `gitlab-qa-sandbox-group/qa-test-2022-03-07-14-49-47-c6db921ef6e8f40e` and a block. API response will be picked. Block will be ignored.366[date=2022-03-07 15:03:46 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- ==> Retrieved a QA::Resource::Group with full_path 'gitlab-qa-sandbox-group/qa-test-2022-03-07-14-49-47-c6db921ef6e8f40e' via api in 1.148084268 seconds367[date=2022-03-07 15:03:46 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- ==> Built a QA::Resource::Project with full_path 'gitlab-qa-sandbox-group/qa-test-2022-03-07-14-49-47-c6db921ef6e8f40e/project-with-ci-variables-b53b21d0f269ef67' via api in 1.942335231 seconds368/builds/gitlab-org-forks/gitlab/qa/qa/specs/features/browser_ui/4_verify/ci_variable/pipeline_with_protected_variable_spec.rb:6: Passing `number` with the 1st argument of `alphanumeric` is deprecated. Use keyword argument like `alphanumeric(number: ...)` instead.369To automatically update from positional arguments to keyword arguments,370install rubocop-faker and run:371rubocop \372 --require rubocop-faker \373 --only Faker/DeprecatedArguments \374 --auto-correct375[date=2022-03-07 15:03:46 from=QA Tests] INFO -- Executing `docker pull gitlab/gitlab-runner:alpine`376alpine: Pulling from gitlab/gitlab-runner377Digest: sha256:3712d3e3548017056758516c5cb40fc0531f22d9b01bbfba502ab5356990cfd0378Status: Image is up to date for gitlab/gitlab-runner:alpine379[date=2022-03-07 15:03:47 from=QA Tests] INFO -- Executing `docker network inspect test`380[]381Error: No such network: test382[date=2022-03-07 15:03:47 from=QA Tests] INFO -- Executing `docker network inspect test`383[]384Error: No such network: test385[date=2022-03-07 15:03:47 from=QA Tests] INFO -- Executing `docker run -d --rm --network bridge --name qa-runner-fykhyer8470i8fc68ohe84nydm74905s --privileged && docker cp /tmp/gitlab-cert20220307-66-cdcyb5 qa-runner-fykhyer8470i8fc68ohe84nydm74905s:/etc/gitlab-runner/certs/gitlab.test.crt && docker exec --detach qa-runner-fykhyer8470i8fc68ohe84nydm74905s sh -c "printf 'concurrent = 1\ncheck_interval = 0\n\n[session_server]\n session_timeout = 1800' > /etc/gitlab-runner/config.toml && gitlab-runner register --non-interactive --name qa-runner-fykhyer8470i8fc68ohe84nydm74905s --url --registration-token GR1348941niNH7eNFXagdfC-C2dFZ --tag-list qa-runner-fykhyer8470i8fc68ohe84nydm74905s --executor shell && gitlab-runner run" `386449cd5dda49d2b18e61d191e2da936545d94544d9e84e29a77e8d431da991a74387[date=2022-03-07 15:03:47 from=QA Tests] INFO -- Executing `docker network inspect test`388[]389Error: No such network: test390[date=2022-03-07 15:03:48 from=QA Tests] INFO -- Executing `docker network inspect test`391[]392Error: No such network: test393[date=2022-03-07 15:03:48 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- ==> Built a QA::Resource::Runner with name 'qa-runner-fykhyer8470i8fc68ohe84nydm74905s' via api in 1.109253076 seconds394[date=2022-03-07 15:03:48 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- ==> Built a QA::Resource::Repository::Commit via api in 0.757550443 seconds395[date=2022-03-07 15:03:48 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- waiting for loading to complete...396[date=2022-03-07 15:03:48 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- loading complete after 0.007030941 seconds397[date=2022-03-07 15:03:49 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- has_element? :login_page (wait: 0) returned: false398[date=2022-03-07 15:03:49 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- waiting for loading to complete...399[date=2022-03-07 15:03:49 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- loading complete after 0.006111951 seconds400[date=2022-03-07 15:03:50 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- has_element? :user_avatar (wait: 0) returned: false401/usr/local/bundle/gems/capybara-3.35.3/lib/capybara/registration_container.rb:21: warning: DEPRECATED: Calling 'include?' on the drivers/servers container is deprecated without replacement402[date=2022-03-07 15:03:51 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- has_element? :login_page (wait: 60) returned: true403[date=2022-03-07 15:03:51 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- has_element? :login_page (wait: 0) returned: true404[date=2022-03-07 15:03:51 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- has_element? :login_page (wait: 0) returned: true405[date=2022-03-07 15:03:51 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- waiting for loading to complete...406[date=2022-03-07 15:03:51 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- loading complete after 0.006278961 seconds407[date=2022-03-07 15:03:52 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- has_element? :sign_in_tab (wait: 0) returned: false408[date=2022-03-07 15:03:52 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- waiting for loading to complete...409[date=2022-03-07 15:03:52 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- loading complete after 0.006302151 seconds410[date=2022-03-07 15:03:53 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- has_element? :standard_tab (wait: 0) returned: false411[date=2022-03-07 15:03:53 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- filling :login_field with "root"412[date=2022-03-07 15:03:53 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- finding :login_field with args {}413[date=2022-03-07 15:03:53 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- waiting for loading to complete...414[date=2022-03-07 15:03:53 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- loading complete after 0.006091861 seconds415[date=2022-03-07 15:03:53 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- found :login_field416[date=2022-03-07 15:03:53 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- filling :password_field with "*****"417[date=2022-03-07 15:03:53 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- finding :password_field with args {}418[date=2022-03-07 15:03:53 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- waiting for loading to complete...419[date=2022-03-07 15:03:53 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- loading complete after 0.006761471 seconds420[date=2022-03-07 15:03:53 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- found :password_field421[date=2022-03-07 15:03:53 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- clicking :sign_in_button with args {}422[date=2022-03-07 15:03:53 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- waiting for loading to complete...423[date=2022-03-07 15:03:53 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- loading complete after 0.006781651 seconds424[date=2022-03-07 15:03:55 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- waiting for loading to complete...425[date=2022-03-07 15:03:55 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- loading complete after 0.009943072 seconds426[date=2022-03-07 15:03:55 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- has_no_element? :#<QA::Page::Element:0x00005608bf69d958> (wait: 0) returned: false427[date=2022-03-07 15:03:55 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- waiting for loading to complete...428[date=2022-03-07 15:03:55 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- loading complete after 0.010451151 seconds429[date=2022-03-07 15:03:55 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- has_no_element? :#<QA::Page::Element:0x00005608bf69d728> (wait: 0) returned: true430[date=2022-03-07 15:03:55 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- has_element? :navbar (wait: 60) returned: true431[date=2022-03-07 15:03:55 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- has_element? :user_avatar (wait: 60) returned: true432[date=2022-03-07 15:03:55 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- has_element? :user_menu (wait: 60) returned: true433[date=2022-03-07 15:03:55 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- has_element? :issues_shortcut_button (wait: 60) returned: true434[date=2022-03-07 15:03:55 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- has_element? :merge_requests_shortcut_button (wait: 60) returned: true435[date=2022-03-07 15:03:55 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- has_element? :todos_shortcut_button (wait: 60) returned: true436[date=2022-03-07 15:03:56 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- Visiting QA::Resource::Project at[date=2022-03-07 15:03:58 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- ==> Retrieved a QA::Resource::User with username 'gitlab-qa-user1' via api in 0.380493111 seconds438[date=2022-03-07 15:03:58 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- Adding user gitlab-qa-user1 to gitlab-qa-sandbox-group/qa-test-2022-03-07-14-49-47-c6db921ef6e8f40e/project-with-ci-variables-b53b21d0f269ef67 QA::Resource::Project439[date=2022-03-07 15:03:58 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- ==> Retrieved a QA::Resource::User with username 'gitlab-qa-user2' via api in 0.323974495 seconds440[date=2022-03-07 15:03:58 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- Adding user gitlab-qa-user2 to gitlab-qa-sandbox-group/qa-test-2022-03-07-14-49-47-c6db921ef6e8f40e/project-with-ci-variables-b53b21d0f269ef67 QA::Resource::Project441/builds/gitlab-org-forks/gitlab/qa/qa/specs/features/browser_ui/4_verify/ci_variable/pipeline_with_protected_variable_spec.rb:7: Passing `number` with the 1st argument of `alphanumeric` is deprecated. Use keyword argument like `alphanumeric(number: ...)` instead.442To automatically update from positional arguments to keyword arguments,443install rubocop-faker and run:444rubocop \445 --require rubocop-faker \446 --only Faker/DeprecatedArguments \447 --auto-correct448[date=2022-03-07 15:03:59 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- ==> Built a QA::Resource::CiVariable via api in 0.360485819 seconds449[date=2022-03-07 15:03:59 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- ==> Built a QA::Resource::PersonalAccessToken via api in 0.162215861 seconds450[date=2022-03-07 15:04:00 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- ==> Built a QA::Resource::Repository::Commit via api in 0.598785271 seconds451[date=2022-03-07 15:04:00 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- ==> Built a QA::Resource::MergeRequest with iid '1' via api in 1.327631231 seconds452[date=2022-03-07 15:04:01 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- waiting for loading to complete...453[date=2022-03-07 15:04:01 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- loading complete after 0.013705362 seconds454[date=2022-03-07 15:04:02 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- has_element? :login_page (wait: 0) returned: false455[date=2022-03-07 15:04:02 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- has_element? :user_avatar (wait: 0) returned: true456[date=2022-03-07 15:04:02 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- waiting for loading to complete...457[date=2022-03-07 15:04:02 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- loading complete after 0.014643002 seconds458[date=2022-03-07 15:04:03 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- has_element? :login_page (wait: 0) returned: false459[date=2022-03-07 15:04:03 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- has_element? :user_avatar (wait: 0) returned: true460[date=2022-03-07 15:04:03 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- within element :navbar with args {}461[date=2022-03-07 15:04:03 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- waiting for loading to complete...462[date=2022-03-07 15:04:03 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- loading complete after 0.014886482 seconds463[date=2022-03-07 15:04:03 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- clicking :user_avatar with args {}464[date=2022-03-07 15:04:03 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- waiting for loading to complete...465[date=2022-03-07 15:04:03 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- loading complete after 0.014141092 seconds466[date=2022-03-07 15:04:03 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- within element :user_menu with args {}467[date=2022-03-07 15:04:03 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- waiting for loading to complete...468[date=2022-03-07 15:04:03 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- loading complete after 0.012900542 seconds469[date=2022-03-07 15:04:03 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- clicking :sign_out_link with args {}470[date=2022-03-07 15:04:03 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- waiting for loading to complete...471[date=2022-03-07 15:04:03 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- loading complete after 0.010220001 seconds472[date=2022-03-07 15:04:04 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- end within element :user_menu with args {}473[date=2022-03-07 15:04:04 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- end within element :navbar with args {}474[date=2022-03-07 15:04:04 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- has_element? :login_page (wait: 0) returned: true475[date=2022-03-07 15:04:04 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- has_element? :login_page (wait: 0) returned: true476[date=2022-03-07 15:04:04 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- has_element? :login_page (wait: 0) returned: true477[date=2022-03-07 15:04:04 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- waiting for loading to complete...478[date=2022-03-07 15:04:04 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- loading complete after 0.006253061 seconds479[date=2022-03-07 15:04:05 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- has_element? :sign_in_tab (wait: 0) returned: false480[date=2022-03-07 15:04:05 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- waiting for loading to complete...481[date=2022-03-07 15:04:05 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- loading complete after 0.005834581 seconds482[date=2022-03-07 15:04:06 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- has_element? :standard_tab (wait: 0) returned: false483[date=2022-03-07 15:04:06 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- filling :login_field with "gitlab-qa-user1"484[date=2022-03-07 15:04:06 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- finding :login_field with args {}485[date=2022-03-07 15:04:06 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- waiting for loading to complete...486[date=2022-03-07 15:04:06 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- loading complete after 0.007422971 seconds487[date=2022-03-07 15:04:06 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- found :login_field488[date=2022-03-07 15:04:06 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- filling :password_field with "*****"489[date=2022-03-07 15:04:06 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- finding :password_field with args {}490[date=2022-03-07 15:04:06 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- waiting for loading to complete...491[date=2022-03-07 15:04:06 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- loading complete after 0.007076271 seconds492[date=2022-03-07 15:04:06 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- found :password_field493[date=2022-03-07 15:04:06 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- clicking :sign_in_button with args {}494[date=2022-03-07 15:04:06 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- waiting for loading to complete...495[date=2022-03-07 15:04:06 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- loading complete after 0.006935001 seconds496[date=2022-03-07 15:04:08 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- waiting for loading to complete...497[date=2022-03-07 15:04:08 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- loading complete after 0.011804931 seconds498[date=2022-03-07 15:04:08 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- has_no_element? :#<QA::Page::Element:0x00005608bf69d958> (wait: 0) returned: false499[date=2022-03-07 15:04:08 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- waiting for loading to complete...500[date=2022-03-07 15:04:08 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- loading complete after 0.011784532 seconds501[date=2022-03-07 15:04:08 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- has_no_element? :#<QA::Page::Element:0x00005608bf69d728> (wait: 0) returned: true502[date=2022-03-07 15:04:08 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- has_element? :navbar (wait: 60) returned: true503[date=2022-03-07 15:04:08 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- has_element? :user_avatar (wait: 60) returned: true504[date=2022-03-07 15:04:08 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- has_element? :user_menu (wait: 60) returned: true505[date=2022-03-07 15:04:08 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- has_element? :issues_shortcut_button (wait: 60) returned: true506[date=2022-03-07 15:04:08 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- has_element? :merge_requests_shortcut_button (wait: 60) returned: true507[date=2022-03-07 15:04:08 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- has_element? :todos_shortcut_button (wait: 60) returned: true508[date=2022-03-07 15:04:08 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- Visiting QA::Resource::Project at[date=2022-03-07 15:04:10 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- waiting for loading to complete...510[date=2022-03-07 15:04:10 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- loading complete after 0.014203852 seconds511[date=2022-03-07 15:04:10 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- within element :project_sidebar with args {}512[date=2022-03-07 15:04:10 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- waiting for loading to complete...513[date=2022-03-07 15:04:10 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- loading complete after 0.013296541 seconds514[date=2022-03-07 15:04:10 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- clicking :sidebar_menu_link with args {:menu_item=>"CI/CD"}515[date=2022-03-07 15:04:10 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- waiting for loading to complete...516[date=2022-03-07 15:04:10 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- loading complete after 0.008293151 seconds517[date=2022-03-07 15:04:11 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- end within element :project_sidebar with args {}518[date=2022-03-07 15:04:11 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- has_element? :pipeline_url_link (wait: 10) returned: true519[date=2022-03-07 15:04:11 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- within elements :pipeline_commit_status at index 0520[date=2022-03-07 15:04:11 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- finding all :pipeline_commit_status with args {:minimum=>1}521[date=2022-03-07 15:04:12 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- waiting for loading to complete...522[date=2022-03-07 15:04:12 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- loading complete after 0.011053141 seconds523[date=2022-03-07 15:04:12 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- found 2 :pipeline_commit_status524[date=2022-03-07 15:04:12 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- end within elements :pipeline_commit_status at index 0525[date=2022-03-07 15:04:12 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- finding all :pipeline_url_link with args {:minimum=>1, :wait=>60}526[date=2022-03-07 15:04:12 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- waiting for loading to complete...527[date=2022-03-07 15:04:12 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- loading complete after 0.013070762 seconds528[date=2022-03-07 15:04:12 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- found 2 :pipeline_url_link529[date=2022-03-07 15:04:13 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- clicking :job_link , expecting to be at Class with args {:text=>"job"}530[date=2022-03-07 15:04:13 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- waiting for loading to complete...531[date=2022-03-07 15:04:13 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- loading complete after 0.075574241 seconds532[date=2022-03-07 15:04:14 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- has_element? :pipeline_path (wait: 60) returned: true533[date=2022-03-07 15:04:14 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- finding :job_log_content with args {}534[date=2022-03-07 15:04:14 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- waiting for loading to complete...535[date=2022-03-07 15:04:14 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- loading complete after 0.013852632 seconds536[date=2022-03-07 15:04:14 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- found :job_log_content537[date=2022-03-07 15:04:15 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- ==> Built a QA::Resource::PersonalAccessToken via api in 0.170155383 seconds538[date=2022-03-07 15:04:15 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- ==> Built a QA::Resource::Repository::Commit via api in 0.620968374 seconds539[date=2022-03-07 15:04:16 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- ==> Built a QA::Resource::MergeRequest with iid '2' via api in 1.39781393 seconds540[date=2022-03-07 15:04:16 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- waiting for loading to complete...541[date=2022-03-07 15:04:16 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- loading complete after 0.010405502 seconds542[date=2022-03-07 15:04:17 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- has_element? :login_page (wait: 0) returned: false543[date=2022-03-07 15:04:17 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- has_element? :user_avatar (wait: 0) returned: true544[date=2022-03-07 15:04:17 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- waiting for loading to complete...545[date=2022-03-07 15:04:17 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- loading complete after 0.010076842 seconds546[date=2022-03-07 15:04:18 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- has_element? :login_page (wait: 0) returned: false547[date=2022-03-07 15:04:18 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- has_element? :user_avatar (wait: 0) returned: true548[date=2022-03-07 15:04:18 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- within element :navbar with args {}549[date=2022-03-07 15:04:18 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- waiting for loading to complete...550[date=2022-03-07 15:04:18 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- loading complete after 0.009472971 seconds551[date=2022-03-07 15:04:18 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- clicking :user_avatar with args {}552[date=2022-03-07 15:04:18 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- waiting for loading to complete...553[date=2022-03-07 15:04:18 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- loading complete after 0.012460231 seconds554[date=2022-03-07 15:04:18 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- within element :user_menu with args {}555[date=2022-03-07 15:04:19 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- waiting for loading to complete...556[date=2022-03-07 15:04:19 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- loading complete after 0.011574521 seconds557[date=2022-03-07 15:04:19 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- clicking :sign_out_link with args {}558[date=2022-03-07 15:04:19 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- waiting for loading to complete...559[date=2022-03-07 15:04:19 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- loading complete after 0.009080061 seconds560[date=2022-03-07 15:04:19 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- end within element :user_menu with args {}561[date=2022-03-07 15:04:19 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- end within element :navbar with args {}562[date=2022-03-07 15:04:19 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- has_element? :login_page (wait: 0) returned: true563[date=2022-03-07 15:04:19 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- has_element? :login_page (wait: 0) returned: true564[date=2022-03-07 15:04:19 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- has_element? :login_page (wait: 0) returned: true565[date=2022-03-07 15:04:19 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- waiting for loading to complete...566[date=2022-03-07 15:04:19 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- loading complete after 0.00570996 seconds567[date=2022-03-07 15:04:20 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- has_element? :sign_in_tab (wait: 0) returned: false568[date=2022-03-07 15:04:20 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- waiting for loading to complete...569[date=2022-03-07 15:04:20 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- loading complete after 0.00613429 seconds570[date=2022-03-07 15:04:21 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- has_element? :standard_tab (wait: 0) returned: false571[date=2022-03-07 15:04:21 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- filling :login_field with "gitlab-qa-user2"572[date=2022-03-07 15:04:21 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- finding :login_field with args {}573[date=2022-03-07 15:04:21 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- waiting for loading to complete...574[date=2022-03-07 15:04:21 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- loading complete after 0.00659896 seconds575[date=2022-03-07 15:04:21 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- found :login_field576[date=2022-03-07 15:04:21 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- filling :password_field with "*****"577[date=2022-03-07 15:04:21 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- finding :password_field with args {}578[date=2022-03-07 15:04:21 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- waiting for loading to complete...579[date=2022-03-07 15:04:21 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- loading complete after 0.006467781 seconds580[date=2022-03-07 15:04:21 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- found :password_field581[date=2022-03-07 15:04:21 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- clicking :sign_in_button with args {}582[date=2022-03-07 15:04:22 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- waiting for loading to complete...583[date=2022-03-07 15:04:22 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- loading complete after 0.006796911 seconds584[date=2022-03-07 15:04:23 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- waiting for loading to complete...585[date=2022-03-07 15:04:23 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- loading complete after 0.009980941 seconds586[date=2022-03-07 15:04:23 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- has_no_element? :#<QA::Page::Element:0x00005608bf69d958> (wait: 0) returned: false587[date=2022-03-07 15:04:23 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- waiting for loading to complete...588[date=2022-03-07 15:04:23 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- loading complete after 0.011171471 seconds589[date=2022-03-07 15:04:23 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- has_no_element? :#<QA::Page::Element:0x00005608bf69d728> (wait: 0) returned: true590[date=2022-03-07 15:04:23 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- has_element? :navbar (wait: 60) returned: true591[date=2022-03-07 15:04:23 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- has_element? :user_avatar (wait: 60) returned: true592[date=2022-03-07 15:04:23 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- has_element? :user_menu (wait: 60) returned: true593[date=2022-03-07 15:04:23 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- has_element? :issues_shortcut_button (wait: 60) returned: true594[date=2022-03-07 15:04:23 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- has_element? :merge_requests_shortcut_button (wait: 60) returned: true595[date=2022-03-07 15:04:23 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- has_element? :todos_shortcut_button (wait: 60) returned: true596[date=2022-03-07 15:04:23 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- Visiting QA::Resource::Project at[date=2022-03-07 15:04:25 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- waiting for loading to complete...598[date=2022-03-07 15:04:25 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- loading complete after 0.017424002 seconds599[date=2022-03-07 15:04:25 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- within element :project_sidebar with args {}600[date=2022-03-07 15:04:25 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- waiting for loading to complete...601[date=2022-03-07 15:04:25 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- loading complete after 0.015733052 seconds602[date=2022-03-07 15:04:25 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- clicking :sidebar_menu_link with args {:menu_item=>"CI/CD"}603[date=2022-03-07 15:04:25 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- waiting for loading to complete...604[date=2022-03-07 15:04:25 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- loading complete after 0.008970582 seconds605[date=2022-03-07 15:04:26 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- end within element :project_sidebar with args {}606[date=2022-03-07 15:04:26 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- has_element? :pipeline_url_link (wait: 10) returned: true607[date=2022-03-07 15:04:26 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- within elements :pipeline_commit_status at index 0608[date=2022-03-07 15:04:26 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- finding all :pipeline_commit_status with args {:minimum=>1}609[date=2022-03-07 15:04:26 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- waiting for loading to complete...610[date=2022-03-07 15:04:26 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- loading complete after 0.011332561 seconds611[date=2022-03-07 15:04:27 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- found 3 :pipeline_commit_status612[date=2022-03-07 15:04:27 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- end within elements :pipeline_commit_status at index 0613[date=2022-03-07 15:04:27 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- finding all :pipeline_url_link with args {:minimum=>1, :wait=>60}614[date=2022-03-07 15:04:27 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- waiting for loading to complete...615[date=2022-03-07 15:04:27 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- loading complete after 0.010668921 seconds616[date=2022-03-07 15:04:27 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- found 3 :pipeline_url_link617[date=2022-03-07 15:04:28 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- clicking :job_link , expecting to be at Class with args {:text=>"job"}618[date=2022-03-07 15:04:29 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- waiting for loading to complete...619[date=2022-03-07 15:04:29 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- loading complete after 0.073267559 seconds620[date=2022-03-07 15:04:30 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- has_element? :pipeline_path (wait: 60) returned: true621[date=2022-03-07 15:04:30 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- finding :job_log_content with args {}622[date=2022-03-07 15:04:30 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- waiting for loading to complete...623[date=2022-03-07 15:04:30 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- loading complete after 0.013134822 seconds624[date=2022-03-07 15:04:30 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- found :job_log_content625[date=2022-03-07 15:04:31 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- Removed a QA::Resource::Runner with name 'qa-runner-fykhyer8470i8fc68ohe84nydm74905s'626[date=2022-03-07 15:04:31 from=QA Tests] INFO -- Executing `docker rm -f qa-runner-fykhyer8470i8fc68ohe84nydm74905s`627qa-runner-fykhyer8470i8fc68ohe84nydm74905s628 does not expose variable on unprotected branch629[date=2022-03-07 15:04:31 from=QA Tests] INFO -- Starting test: Verify Pipeline with protected variable exposes variable on protected branch630[date=2022-03-07 15:04:31 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- ==> Retrieved a QA::Resource::Sandbox with full_path 'gitlab-qa-sandbox-group' via api in 0.178858374 seconds631[date=2022-03-07 15:04:32 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- <QA::Resource::Group> Attribute :full_path has both API response `gitlab-qa-sandbox-group/qa-test-2022-03-07-14-49-47-c6db921ef6e8f40e` and a block. API response will be picked. Block will be ignored.632[date=2022-03-07 15:04:32 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- ==> Retrieved a QA::Resource::Group with full_path 'gitlab-qa-sandbox-group/qa-test-2022-03-07-14-49-47-c6db921ef6e8f40e' via api in 1.057933443 seconds633[date=2022-03-07 15:04:33 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- ==> Built a QA::Resource::Project with full_path 'gitlab-qa-sandbox-group/qa-test-2022-03-07-14-49-47-c6db921ef6e8f40e/project-with-ci-variables-e150f579bfb6dde4' via api in 2.237304122 seconds634/builds/gitlab-org-forks/gitlab/qa/qa/specs/features/browser_ui/4_verify/ci_variable/pipeline_with_protected_variable_spec.rb:6: Passing `number` with the 1st argument of `alphanumeric` is deprecated. Use keyword argument like `alphanumeric(number: ...)` instead.635To automatically update from positional arguments to keyword arguments,636install rubocop-faker and run:637rubocop \638 --require rubocop-faker \639 --only Faker/DeprecatedArguments \640 --auto-correct641[date=2022-03-07 15:04:33 from=QA Tests] INFO -- Executing `docker pull gitlab/gitlab-runner:alpine`642alpine: Pulling from gitlab/gitlab-runner643Digest: sha256:3712d3e3548017056758516c5cb40fc0531f22d9b01bbfba502ab5356990cfd0644Status: Image is up to date for gitlab/gitlab-runner:alpine645[date=2022-03-07 15:04:34 from=QA Tests] INFO -- Executing `docker network inspect test`646[]647Error: No such network: test648[date=2022-03-07 15:04:34 from=QA Tests] INFO -- Executing `docker network inspect test`649[]650Error: No such network: test651[date=2022-03-07 15:04:34 from=QA Tests] INFO -- Executing `docker run -d --rm --network bridge --name qa-runner-7im3pg8aqg4ef7x9mf6sklcggles6mjq --privileged && docker cp /tmp/gitlab-cert20220307-66-jd82bq qa-runner-7im3pg8aqg4ef7x9mf6sklcggles6mjq:/etc/gitlab-runner/certs/gitlab.test.crt && docker exec --detach qa-runner-7im3pg8aqg4ef7x9mf6sklcggles6mjq sh -c "printf 'concurrent = 1\ncheck_interval = 0\n\n[session_server]\n session_timeout = 1800' > /etc/gitlab-runner/config.toml && gitlab-runner register --non-interactive --name qa-runner-7im3pg8aqg4ef7x9mf6sklcggles6mjq --url --registration-token GR1348941HzU_1ZnsRcDGxZxeJtw9 --tag-list qa-runner-7im3pg8aqg4ef7x9mf6sklcggles6mjq --executor shell && gitlab-runner run" `6529e5c0d2f5d9fcb308b33c0f166f3f51a9277f08bde38603e6885bc17f945f658653[date=2022-03-07 15:04:34 from=QA Tests] INFO -- Executing `docker network inspect test`654[]655Error: No such network: test656[date=2022-03-07 15:04:34 from=QA Tests] INFO -- Executing `docker network inspect test`657[]658Error: No such network: test659[date=2022-03-07 15:04:34 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- ==> Built a QA::Resource::Runner with name 'qa-runner-7im3pg8aqg4ef7x9mf6sklcggles6mjq' via api in 0.892369481 seconds660[date=2022-03-07 15:04:35 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- ==> Built a QA::Resource::Repository::Commit via api in 0.701508185 seconds661[date=2022-03-07 15:04:35 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- waiting for loading to complete...662[date=2022-03-07 15:04:35 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- loading complete after 0.008586821 seconds663[date=2022-03-07 15:04:36 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- has_element? :login_page (wait: 0) returned: false664[date=2022-03-07 15:04:36 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- waiting for loading to complete...665[date=2022-03-07 15:04:36 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- loading complete after 0.00622403 seconds666[date=2022-03-07 15:04:37 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- has_element? :user_avatar (wait: 0) returned: false667/usr/local/bundle/gems/capybara-3.35.3/lib/capybara/registration_container.rb:21: warning: DEPRECATED: Calling 'include?' on the drivers/servers container is deprecated without replacement668[date=2022-03-07 15:04:37 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- has_element? :login_page (wait: 60) returned: true669[date=2022-03-07 15:04:37 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- has_element? :login_page (wait: 0) returned: true670[date=2022-03-07 15:04:37 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- has_element? :login_page (wait: 0) returned: true671[date=2022-03-07 15:04:37 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- waiting for loading to complete...672[date=2022-03-07 15:04:37 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- loading complete after 0.007104481 seconds673[date=2022-03-07 15:04:38 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- has_element? :sign_in_tab (wait: 0) returned: false674[date=2022-03-07 15:04:38 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- waiting for loading to complete...675[date=2022-03-07 15:04:38 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- loading complete after 0.006289051 seconds676[date=2022-03-07 15:04:39 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- has_element? :standard_tab (wait: 0) returned: false677[date=2022-03-07 15:04:39 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- filling :login_field with "root"678[date=2022-03-07 15:04:39 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- finding :login_field with args {}679[date=2022-03-07 15:04:39 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- waiting for loading to complete...680[date=2022-03-07 15:04:39 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- loading complete after 0.006403661 seconds681[date=2022-03-07 15:04:40 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- found :login_field682[date=2022-03-07 15:04:40 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- filling :password_field with "*****"683[date=2022-03-07 15:04:40 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- finding :password_field with args {}684[date=2022-03-07 15:04:40 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- waiting for loading to complete...685[date=2022-03-07 15:04:40 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- loading complete after 0.006064521 seconds686[date=2022-03-07 15:04:40 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- found :password_field687[date=2022-03-07 15:04:40 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- clicking :sign_in_button with args {}688[date=2022-03-07 15:04:40 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- waiting for loading to complete...689[date=2022-03-07 15:04:40 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- loading complete after 0.005942131 seconds690[date=2022-03-07 15:04:41 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- waiting for loading to complete...691[date=2022-03-07 15:04:41 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- loading complete after 0.009272662 seconds692[date=2022-03-07 15:04:41 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- has_no_element? :#<QA::Page::Element:0x00005608bf69d958> (wait: 0) returned: false693[date=2022-03-07 15:04:41 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- waiting for loading to complete...694[date=2022-03-07 15:04:41 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- loading complete after 0.010318341 seconds695[date=2022-03-07 15:04:41 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- has_no_element? :#<QA::Page::Element:0x00005608bf69d728> (wait: 0) returned: true696[date=2022-03-07 15:04:41 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- has_element? :navbar (wait: 60) returned: true697[date=2022-03-07 15:04:41 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- has_element? :user_avatar (wait: 60) returned: true698[date=2022-03-07 15:04:41 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- has_element? :user_menu (wait: 60) returned: true699[date=2022-03-07 15:04:41 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- has_element? :issues_shortcut_button (wait: 60) returned: true700[date=2022-03-07 15:04:41 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- has_element? :merge_requests_shortcut_button (wait: 60) returned: true701[date=2022-03-07 15:04:41 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- has_element? :todos_shortcut_button (wait: 60) returned: true702[date=2022-03-07 15:04:42 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- Visiting QA::Resource::Project at[date=2022-03-07 15:04:43 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- ==> Retrieved a QA::Resource::User with username 'gitlab-qa-user1' via api in 0.339423026 seconds704[date=2022-03-07 15:04:43 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- Adding user gitlab-qa-user1 to gitlab-qa-sandbox-group/qa-test-2022-03-07-14-49-47-c6db921ef6e8f40e/project-with-ci-variables-e150f579bfb6dde4 QA::Resource::Project705[date=2022-03-07 15:04:44 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- ==> Retrieved a QA::Resource::User with username 'gitlab-qa-user2' via api in 0.317293743 seconds706[date=2022-03-07 15:04:44 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- Adding user gitlab-qa-user2 to gitlab-qa-sandbox-group/qa-test-2022-03-07-14-49-47-c6db921ef6e8f40e/project-with-ci-variables-e150f579bfb6dde4 QA::Resource::Project707/builds/gitlab-org-forks/gitlab/qa/qa/specs/features/browser_ui/4_verify/ci_variable/pipeline_with_protected_variable_spec.rb:7: Passing `number` with the 1st argument of `alphanumeric` is deprecated. Use keyword argument like `alphanumeric(number: ...)` instead.708To automatically update from positional arguments to keyword arguments,709install rubocop-faker and run:710rubocop \711 --require rubocop-faker \712 --only Faker/DeprecatedArguments \713 --auto-correct714[date=2022-03-07 15:04:45 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- ==> Built a QA::Resource::CiVariable via api in 0.354537269 seconds715[date=2022-03-07 15:04:46 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- ==> Built a QA::Resource::Repository::Commit via api in 0.43975723 seconds716[date=2022-03-07 15:04:46 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- QA::Resource::Project - wait_for_push_new_branch with branch_name "protected-branch"717[date=2022-03-07 15:04:46 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- ==> Built a QA::Resource::ProtectedBranch via api in 1.218289744 seconds718[date=2022-03-07 15:04:46 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- ==> Built a QA::Resource::PersonalAccessToken via api in 1.61e-05 seconds719[date=2022-03-07 15:04:47 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- ==> Built a QA::Resource::Repository::Commit via api in 0.480761845 seconds720[date=2022-03-07 15:04:47 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- waiting for loading to complete...721[date=2022-03-07 15:04:47 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- loading complete after 0.012196042 seconds722[date=2022-03-07 15:04:48 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- has_element? :login_page (wait: 0) returned: false723[date=2022-03-07 15:04:48 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- has_element? :user_avatar (wait: 0) returned: true724[date=2022-03-07 15:04:48 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- waiting for loading to complete...725[date=2022-03-07 15:04:48 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- loading complete after 0.021329923 seconds726[date=2022-03-07 15:04:49 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- has_element? :login_page (wait: 0) returned: false727[date=2022-03-07 15:04:49 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- has_element? :user_avatar (wait: 0) returned: true728[date=2022-03-07 15:04:49 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- within element :navbar with args {}729[date=2022-03-07 15:04:49 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- waiting for loading to complete...730[date=2022-03-07 15:04:49 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- loading complete after 0.016495713 seconds731[date=2022-03-07 15:04:49 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- clicking :user_avatar with args {}732[date=2022-03-07 15:04:49 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- waiting for loading to complete...733[date=2022-03-07 15:04:49 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- loading complete after 0.026625884 seconds734[date=2022-03-07 15:04:49 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- within element :user_menu with args {}735[date=2022-03-07 15:04:50 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- waiting for loading to complete...736[date=2022-03-07 15:04:50 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- loading complete after 0.012034601 seconds737[date=2022-03-07 15:04:50 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- clicking :sign_out_link with args {}738[date=2022-03-07 15:04:50 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- waiting for loading to complete...739[date=2022-03-07 15:04:50 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- loading complete after 0.017172813 seconds740[date=2022-03-07 15:04:50 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- end within element :user_menu with args {}741[date=2022-03-07 15:04:50 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- end within element :navbar with args {}742[date=2022-03-07 15:04:50 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- has_element? :login_page (wait: 0) returned: true743[date=2022-03-07 15:04:50 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- has_element? :login_page (wait: 0) returned: true744[date=2022-03-07 15:04:50 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- has_element? :login_page (wait: 0) returned: true745[date=2022-03-07 15:04:50 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- waiting for loading to complete...746[date=2022-03-07 15:04:50 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- loading complete after 0.0060841 seconds747[date=2022-03-07 15:04:51 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- has_element? :sign_in_tab (wait: 0) returned: false748[date=2022-03-07 15:04:51 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- waiting for loading to complete...749[date=2022-03-07 15:04:51 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- loading complete after 0.006102681 seconds750[date=2022-03-07 15:04:52 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- has_element? :standard_tab (wait: 0) returned: false751[date=2022-03-07 15:04:52 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- filling :login_field with "gitlab-qa-user1"752[date=2022-03-07 15:04:52 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- finding :login_field with args {}753[date=2022-03-07 15:04:52 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- waiting for loading to complete...754[date=2022-03-07 15:04:52 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- loading complete after 0.009093421 seconds755[date=2022-03-07 15:04:52 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- found :login_field756[date=2022-03-07 15:04:53 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- filling :password_field with "*****"757[date=2022-03-07 15:04:53 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- finding :password_field with args {}758[date=2022-03-07 15:04:53 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- waiting for loading to complete...759[date=2022-03-07 15:04:53 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- loading complete after 0.00625169 seconds760[date=2022-03-07 15:04:53 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- found :password_field761[date=2022-03-07 15:04:53 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- clicking :sign_in_button with args {}762[date=2022-03-07 15:04:53 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- waiting for loading to complete...763[date=2022-03-07 15:04:53 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- loading complete after 0.008210071 seconds764[date=2022-03-07 15:04:55 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- waiting for loading to complete...765[date=2022-03-07 15:04:55 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- loading complete after 0.01043159 seconds766[date=2022-03-07 15:04:55 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- has_no_element? :#<QA::Page::Element:0x00005608bf69d958> (wait: 0) returned: false767[date=2022-03-07 15:04:55 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- waiting for loading to complete...768[date=2022-03-07 15:04:55 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- loading complete after 0.01081466 seconds769[date=2022-03-07 15:04:55 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- has_no_element? :#<QA::Page::Element:0x00005608bf69d728> (wait: 0) returned: true770[date=2022-03-07 15:04:55 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- has_element? :navbar (wait: 60) returned: true771[date=2022-03-07 15:04:55 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- has_element? :user_avatar (wait: 60) returned: true772[date=2022-03-07 15:04:55 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- has_element? :user_menu (wait: 60) returned: true773[date=2022-03-07 15:04:55 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- has_element? :issues_shortcut_button (wait: 60) returned: true774[date=2022-03-07 15:04:55 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- has_element? :merge_requests_shortcut_button (wait: 60) returned: true775[date=2022-03-07 15:04:55 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- has_element? :todos_shortcut_button (wait: 60) returned: true776[date=2022-03-07 15:04:56 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- Visiting QA::Resource::Project at[date=2022-03-07 15:04:57 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- waiting for loading to complete...778[date=2022-03-07 15:04:57 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- loading complete after 0.015659329 seconds779[date=2022-03-07 15:04:57 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- within element :project_sidebar with args {}780[date=2022-03-07 15:04:57 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- waiting for loading to complete...781[date=2022-03-07 15:04:57 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- loading complete after 0.015546679 seconds782[date=2022-03-07 15:04:57 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- clicking :sidebar_menu_link with args {:menu_item=>"CI/CD"}783[date=2022-03-07 15:04:57 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- waiting for loading to complete...784[date=2022-03-07 15:04:57 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- loading complete after 0.009288879 seconds785[date=2022-03-07 15:04:58 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- end within element :project_sidebar with args {}786[date=2022-03-07 15:04:59 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- has_element? :pipeline_url_link (wait: 10) returned: true787[date=2022-03-07 15:04:59 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- within elements :pipeline_commit_status at index 0788[date=2022-03-07 15:04:59 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- finding all :pipeline_commit_status with args {:minimum=>1}789[date=2022-03-07 15:04:59 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- waiting for loading to complete...790[date=2022-03-07 15:04:59 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- loading complete after 0.01205769 seconds791[date=2022-03-07 15:04:59 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- found 3 :pipeline_commit_status792[date=2022-03-07 15:04:59 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- end within elements :pipeline_commit_status at index 0793[date=2022-03-07 15:04:59 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- finding all :pipeline_url_link with args {:minimum=>1, :wait=>60}794[date=2022-03-07 15:04:59 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- waiting for loading to complete...795[date=2022-03-07 15:04:59 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- loading complete after 0.01003246 seconds796[date=2022-03-07 15:04:59 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- found 3 :pipeline_url_link797[date=2022-03-07 15:05:00 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- clicking :job_link , expecting to be at Class with args {:text=>"job"}798[date=2022-03-07 15:05:00 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- waiting for loading to complete...799[date=2022-03-07 15:05:00 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- loading complete after 0.011422019 seconds800[date=2022-03-07 15:05:03 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- has_element? :pipeline_path (wait: 60) returned: true801[date=2022-03-07 15:05:03 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- finding :job_log_content with args {}802[date=2022-03-07 15:05:03 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- waiting for loading to complete...803[date=2022-03-07 15:05:03 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- loading complete after 0.01109023 seconds804[date=2022-03-07 15:05:03 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- found :job_log_content805[date=2022-03-07 15:05:03 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- ==> Built a QA::Resource::PersonalAccessToken via api in 1.686e-05 seconds806[date=2022-03-07 15:05:04 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- ==> Built a QA::Resource::Repository::Commit via api in 0.483987175 seconds807[date=2022-03-07 15:05:04 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- waiting for loading to complete...808[date=2022-03-07 15:05:04 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- loading complete after 0.011354079 seconds809[date=2022-03-07 15:05:05 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- has_element? :login_page (wait: 0) returned: false810[date=2022-03-07 15:05:05 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- has_element? :user_avatar (wait: 0) returned: true811[date=2022-03-07 15:05:05 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- waiting for loading to complete...812[date=2022-03-07 15:05:05 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- loading complete after 0.00923407 seconds813[date=2022-03-07 15:05:06 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- has_element? :login_page (wait: 0) returned: false814[date=2022-03-07 15:05:06 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- has_element? :user_avatar (wait: 0) returned: true815[date=2022-03-07 15:05:06 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- within element :navbar with args {}816[date=2022-03-07 15:05:06 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- waiting for loading to complete...817[date=2022-03-07 15:05:06 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- loading complete after 0.01244492 seconds818[date=2022-03-07 15:05:06 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- clicking :user_avatar with args {}819[date=2022-03-07 15:05:06 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- waiting for loading to complete...820[date=2022-03-07 15:05:06 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- loading complete after 0.01423847 seconds821[date=2022-03-07 15:05:06 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- within element :user_menu with args {}822[date=2022-03-07 15:05:06 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- waiting for loading to complete...823[date=2022-03-07 15:05:07 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- loading complete after 0.012967429 seconds824[date=2022-03-07 15:05:07 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- clicking :sign_out_link with args {}825[date=2022-03-07 15:05:07 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- waiting for loading to complete...826[date=2022-03-07 15:05:07 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- loading complete after 0.00935393 seconds827[date=2022-03-07 15:05:07 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- end within element :user_menu with args {}828[date=2022-03-07 15:05:07 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- end within element :navbar with args {}829[date=2022-03-07 15:05:07 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- has_element? :login_page (wait: 0) returned: true830[date=2022-03-07 15:05:07 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- has_element? :login_page (wait: 0) returned: true831[date=2022-03-07 15:05:07 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- has_element? :login_page (wait: 0) returned: true832[date=2022-03-07 15:05:07 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- waiting for loading to complete...833[date=2022-03-07 15:05:07 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- loading complete after 0.00533667 seconds834[date=2022-03-07 15:05:08 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- has_element? :sign_in_tab (wait: 0) returned: false835[date=2022-03-07 15:05:08 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- waiting for loading to complete...836[date=2022-03-07 15:05:08 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- loading complete after 0.00682896 seconds837[date=2022-03-07 15:05:09 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- has_element? :standard_tab (wait: 0) returned: false838[date=2022-03-07 15:05:09 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- filling :login_field with "gitlab-qa-user2"839[date=2022-03-07 15:05:09 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- finding :login_field with args {}840[date=2022-03-07 15:05:09 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- waiting for loading to complete...841[date=2022-03-07 15:05:09 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- loading complete after 0.00629985 seconds842[date=2022-03-07 15:05:09 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- found :login_field843[date=2022-03-07 15:05:09 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- filling :password_field with "*****"844[date=2022-03-07 15:05:09 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- finding :password_field with args {}845[date=2022-03-07 15:05:09 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- waiting for loading to complete...846[date=2022-03-07 15:05:09 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- loading complete after 0.00633884 seconds847[date=2022-03-07 15:05:09 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- found :password_field848[date=2022-03-07 15:05:09 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- clicking :sign_in_button with args {}849[date=2022-03-07 15:05:09 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- waiting for loading to complete...850[date=2022-03-07 15:05:09 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- loading complete after 0.005707189 seconds851[date=2022-03-07 15:05:11 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- waiting for loading to complete...852[date=2022-03-07 15:05:11 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- loading complete after 0.01180869 seconds853[date=2022-03-07 15:05:11 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- has_no_element? :#<QA::Page::Element:0x00005608bf69d958> (wait: 0) returned: false854[date=2022-03-07 15:05:11 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- waiting for loading to complete...855[date=2022-03-07 15:05:11 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- loading complete after 0.010586719 seconds856[date=2022-03-07 15:05:11 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- has_no_element? :#<QA::Page::Element:0x00005608bf69d728> (wait: 0) returned: true857[date=2022-03-07 15:05:12 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- has_element? :navbar (wait: 60) returned: true858[date=2022-03-07 15:05:12 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- has_element? :user_avatar (wait: 60) returned: true859[date=2022-03-07 15:05:12 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- has_element? :user_menu (wait: 60) returned: true860[date=2022-03-07 15:05:12 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- has_element? :issues_shortcut_button (wait: 60) returned: true861[date=2022-03-07 15:05:12 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- has_element? :merge_requests_shortcut_button (wait: 60) returned: true862[date=2022-03-07 15:05:12 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- has_element? :todos_shortcut_button (wait: 60) returned: true863[date=2022-03-07 15:05:12 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- Visiting QA::Resource::Project at[date=2022-03-07 15:05:22 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- waiting for loading to complete...865[date=2022-03-07 15:05:22 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- loading complete after 0.028736799 seconds866[date=2022-03-07 15:05:22 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- within element :project_sidebar with args {}867[date=2022-03-07 15:05:22 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- waiting for loading to complete...868[date=2022-03-07 15:05:22 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- loading complete after 0.014375339 seconds869[date=2022-03-07 15:05:22 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- clicking :sidebar_menu_link with args {:menu_item=>"CI/CD"}870[date=2022-03-07 15:05:22 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- waiting for loading to complete...871[date=2022-03-07 15:05:22 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- loading complete after 0.010408599 seconds872[date=2022-03-07 15:05:23 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- end within element :project_sidebar with args {}873[date=2022-03-07 15:05:24 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- has_element? :pipeline_url_link (wait: 10) returned: true874[date=2022-03-07 15:05:24 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- within elements :pipeline_commit_status at index 0875[date=2022-03-07 15:05:24 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- finding all :pipeline_commit_status with args {:minimum=>1}876[date=2022-03-07 15:05:24 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- waiting for loading to complete...877[date=2022-03-07 15:05:24 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- loading complete after 0.01218941 seconds878[date=2022-03-07 15:05:24 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- found 4 :pipeline_commit_status879[date=2022-03-07 15:05:24 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- end within elements :pipeline_commit_status at index 0880[date=2022-03-07 15:05:24 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- finding all :pipeline_url_link with args {:minimum=>1, :wait=>60}881[date=2022-03-07 15:05:24 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- waiting for loading to complete...882[date=2022-03-07 15:05:24 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- loading complete after 0.01182946 seconds883[date=2022-03-07 15:05:24 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- found 4 :pipeline_url_link884[date=2022-03-07 15:05:26 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- clicking :job_link , expecting to be at Class with args {:text=>"job"}885[date=2022-03-07 15:05:26 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- waiting for loading to complete...886[date=2022-03-07 15:05:27 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- loading complete after 1.030425158 seconds887[date=2022-03-07 15:05:27 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- waiting for loading to complete...888[date=2022-03-07 15:05:28 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- loading complete after 1.00271685 seconds889[date=2022-03-07 15:05:28 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- waiting for loading to complete...890[date=2022-03-07 15:05:29 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- loading complete after 0.839970065 seconds891[date=2022-03-07 15:05:30 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- has_element? :pipeline_path (wait: 60) returned: true892[date=2022-03-07 15:05:30 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- finding :job_log_content with args {}893[date=2022-03-07 15:05:31 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- waiting for loading to complete...894[date=2022-03-07 15:05:31 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- loading complete after 0.0105088 seconds895[date=2022-03-07 15:05:31 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- found :job_log_content896[date=2022-03-07 15:05:34 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- Removed a QA::Resource::Runner with name 'qa-runner-7im3pg8aqg4ef7x9mf6sklcggles6mjq'897[date=2022-03-07 15:05:34 from=QA Tests] INFO -- Executing `docker rm -f qa-runner-7im3pg8aqg4ef7x9mf6sklcggles6mjq`898qa-runner-7im3pg8aqg4ef7x9mf6sklcggles6mjq899 exposes variable on protected branch900Plan901 promote issue to epic902[date=2022-03-07 15:05:34 from=QA Tests] INFO -- Starting test: Plan promote issue to epic promotes issue to epic903[date=2022-03-07 15:05:34 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- waiting for loading to complete...904[date=2022-03-07 15:05:34 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- loading complete after 0.00624828 seconds905[date=2022-03-07 15:05:35 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- has_element? :login_page (wait: 0) returned: false906[date=2022-03-07 15:05:35 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- waiting for loading to complete...907[date=2022-03-07 15:05:35 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- loading complete after 0.005786539 seconds908[date=2022-03-07 15:05:36 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- has_element? :user_avatar (wait: 0) returned: false909/usr/local/bundle/gems/capybara-3.35.3/lib/capybara/registration_container.rb:21: warning: DEPRECATED: Calling 'include?' on the drivers/servers container is deprecated without replacement910[date=2022-03-07 15:05:37 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- has_element? :login_page (wait: 60) returned: true911[date=2022-03-07 15:05:37 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- has_element? :login_page (wait: 0) returned: true912[date=2022-03-07 15:05:37 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- has_element? :login_page (wait: 0) returned: true913[date=2022-03-07 15:05:37 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- waiting for loading to complete...914[date=2022-03-07 15:05:37 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- loading complete after 0.00689399 seconds915[date=2022-03-07 15:05:38 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- has_element? :sign_in_tab (wait: 0) returned: false916[date=2022-03-07 15:05:38 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- waiting for loading to complete...917[date=2022-03-07 15:05:38 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- loading complete after 0.00734255 seconds918[date=2022-03-07 15:05:39 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- has_element? :standard_tab (wait: 0) returned: false919[date=2022-03-07 15:05:39 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- filling :login_field with "root"920[date=2022-03-07 15:05:39 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- finding :login_field with args {}921[date=2022-03-07 15:05:39 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- waiting for loading to complete...922[date=2022-03-07 15:05:39 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- loading complete after 0.00694708 seconds923[date=2022-03-07 15:05:39 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- found :login_field924[date=2022-03-07 15:05:39 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- filling :password_field with "*****"925[date=2022-03-07 15:05:39 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- finding :password_field with args {}926[date=2022-03-07 15:05:39 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- waiting for loading to complete...927[date=2022-03-07 15:05:39 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- loading complete after 0.00730176 seconds928[date=2022-03-07 15:05:39 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- found :password_field929[date=2022-03-07 15:05:39 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- clicking :sign_in_button with args {}930[date=2022-03-07 15:05:39 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- waiting for loading to complete...931[date=2022-03-07 15:05:39 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- loading complete after 0.00618313 seconds932[date=2022-03-07 15:05:40 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- waiting for loading to complete...933[date=2022-03-07 15:05:40 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- loading complete after 0.01079702 seconds934[date=2022-03-07 15:05:40 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- has_no_element? :#<QA::Page::Element:0x00005608bf69d958> (wait: 0) returned: false935[date=2022-03-07 15:05:41 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- waiting for loading to complete...936[date=2022-03-07 15:05:41 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- loading complete after 0.009697069 seconds937[date=2022-03-07 15:05:41 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- has_no_element? :#<QA::Page::Element:0x00005608bf69d728> (wait: 0) returned: true938[date=2022-03-07 15:05:41 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- has_element? :navbar (wait: 60) returned: true939[date=2022-03-07 15:05:41 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- has_element? :user_avatar (wait: 60) returned: true940[date=2022-03-07 15:05:41 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- has_element? :user_menu (wait: 60) returned: true941[date=2022-03-07 15:05:41 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- has_element? :issues_shortcut_button (wait: 60) returned: true942[date=2022-03-07 15:05:41 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- has_element? :merge_requests_shortcut_button (wait: 60) returned: true943[date=2022-03-07 15:05:41 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- has_element? :todos_shortcut_button (wait: 60) returned: true944[date=2022-03-07 15:05:42 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- ==> Retrieved a QA::Resource::Sandbox with full_path 'gitlab-qa-sandbox-group' via api in 0.255050893 seconds945[date=2022-03-07 15:05:42 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- <QA::Resource::Group> Attribute :full_path has both API response `gitlab-qa-sandbox-group/qa-test-2022-03-07-14-49-47-c6db921ef6e8f40e` and a block. API response will be picked. Block will be ignored.946[date=2022-03-07 15:05:42 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- ==> Retrieved a QA::Resource::Group with full_path 'gitlab-qa-sandbox-group/qa-test-2022-03-07-14-49-47-c6db921ef6e8f40e' via api in 1.002182019 seconds947[date=2022-03-07 15:05:43 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- ==> Built a QA::Resource::Project with full_path 'gitlab-qa-sandbox-group/qa-test-2022-03-07-14-49-47-c6db921ef6e8f40e/promote-issue-to-epic-17ab232311d00bb7' via api in 1.921069651 seconds948[date=2022-03-07 15:05:44 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- ==> Built a QA::Resource::Issue with id '91' via api in 0.343628528 seconds949[date=2022-03-07 15:05:44 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- Visiting QA::Resource::Issue at[date=2022-03-07 15:05:46 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- clicking :title with args {}951[date=2022-03-07 15:05:46 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- waiting for loading to complete...952[date=2022-03-07 15:05:46 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- loading complete after 0.010393099 seconds953[date=2022-03-07 15:05:46 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- clicking :discussion_filter_dropdown with args {}954[date=2022-03-07 15:05:46 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- waiting for loading to complete...955[date=2022-03-07 15:05:46 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- loading complete after 0.012545429 seconds956[date=2022-03-07 15:05:46 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- finding :filter_menu_item with args {:text=>"Show all activity"}957[date=2022-03-07 15:05:46 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- waiting for loading to complete...958[date=2022-03-07 15:05:46 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- loading complete after 0.012287209 seconds959[date=2022-03-07 15:05:46 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- found :filter_menu_item960[date=2022-03-07 15:05:46 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- waiting for loading to complete...961[date=2022-03-07 15:05:46 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- loading complete after 0.01263745 seconds962[date=2022-03-07 15:05:46 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- waiting for loading to complete...963[date=2022-03-07 15:05:46 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- loading complete after 0.01179832 seconds964[date=2022-03-07 15:05:46 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- has_no_element? :discussion_filter_container (wait: 10) returned: true965[date=2022-03-07 15:05:47 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- has_element? :comment_field (wait: 10) returned: true966[date=2022-03-07 15:05:47 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- clicking :title with args {}967[date=2022-03-07 15:05:47 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- waiting for loading to complete...968[date=2022-03-07 15:05:47 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- loading complete after 0.01117498 seconds969[date=2022-03-07 15:05:47 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- clicking :discussion_filter_dropdown with args {}970[date=2022-03-07 15:05:47 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- waiting for loading to complete...971[date=2022-03-07 15:05:47 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- loading complete after 0.01137951 seconds972[date=2022-03-07 15:05:47 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- finding :filter_menu_item with args {:text=>"Show all activity"}973[date=2022-03-07 15:05:47 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- waiting for loading to complete...974[date=2022-03-07 15:05:47 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- loading complete after 0.01411252 seconds975[date=2022-03-07 15:05:47 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- found :filter_menu_item976[date=2022-03-07 15:05:47 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- waiting for loading to complete...977[date=2022-03-07 15:05:47 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- loading complete after 0.011040679 seconds978[date=2022-03-07 15:05:47 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- waiting for loading to complete...979[date=2022-03-07 15:05:47 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- loading complete after 0.01065371 seconds980[date=2022-03-07 15:05:47 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- has_no_element? :discussion_filter_container (wait: 10) returned: true981[date=2022-03-07 15:05:47 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- has_element? :comment_field (wait: 10) returned: true982[date=2022-03-07 15:05:47 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- filling :comment_field with "/promote 983"984[date=2022-03-07 15:05:47 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- finding :comment_field with args {}985[date=2022-03-07 15:05:47 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- waiting for loading to complete...986[date=2022-03-07 15:05:48 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- loading complete after 0.013594189 seconds987[date=2022-03-07 15:05:48 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- found :comment_field988[date=2022-03-07 15:05:48 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- clicking :comment_button with args {}989[date=2022-03-07 15:05:48 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- waiting for loading to complete...990[date=2022-03-07 15:05:48 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- loading complete after 0.01266519 seconds991[date=2022-03-07 15:05:48 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- Visiting QA::Resource::Group at[date=2022-03-07 15:05:50 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- waiting for loading to complete...993[date=2022-03-07 15:05:50 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- loading complete after 0.01337557 seconds994[date=2022-03-07 15:05:50 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- within element :group_sidebar with args {}995[date=2022-03-07 15:05:51 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- waiting for loading to complete...996[date=2022-03-07 15:05:51 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- loading complete after 0.010265689 seconds997[date=2022-03-07 15:05:51 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- clicking :sidebar_menu_link with args {:menu_item=>"Epics"}998[date=2022-03-07 15:05:51 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- waiting for loading to complete...999[date=2022-03-07 15:05:51 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- loading complete after 0.012071799 seconds1000[date=2022-03-07 15:05:51 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- end within element :group_sidebar with args {}1001[date=2022-03-07 15:05:52 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- has_element? :issuable_title_link with text "Issue title ce662580016be722" (wait: 10) returned: true1002 promotes issue to epic1003Create1004 Review a merge request in Web IDE1005[date=2022-03-07 15:05:52 from=QA Tests] INFO -- Starting test: Create Review a merge request in Web IDE opens and edits a merge request in Web IDE1006[date=2022-03-07 15:05:52 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- waiting for loading to complete...1007[date=2022-03-07 15:05:52 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- loading complete after 0.00594632 seconds1008[date=2022-03-07 15:05:53 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- has_element? :login_page (wait: 0) returned: false1009[date=2022-03-07 15:05:53 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- waiting for loading to complete...1010[date=2022-03-07 15:05:53 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- loading complete after 0.00618714 seconds1011[date=2022-03-07 15:05:54 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- has_element? :user_avatar (wait: 0) returned: false1012/usr/local/bundle/gems/capybara-3.35.3/lib/capybara/registration_container.rb:21: warning: DEPRECATED: Calling 'include?' on the drivers/servers container is deprecated without replacement1013[date=2022-03-07 15:05:54 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- has_element? :login_page (wait: 60) returned: true1014[date=2022-03-07 15:05:54 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- has_element? :login_page (wait: 0) returned: true1015[date=2022-03-07 15:05:54 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- has_element? :login_page (wait: 0) returned: true1016[date=2022-03-07 15:05:54 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- waiting for loading to complete...1017[date=2022-03-07 15:05:54 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- loading complete after 0.0065746 seconds1018[date=2022-03-07 15:05:55 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- has_element? :sign_in_tab (wait: 0) returned: false1019[date=2022-03-07 15:05:55 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- waiting for loading to complete...1020[date=2022-03-07 15:05:55 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- loading complete after 0.005853919 seconds1021[date=2022-03-07 15:05:56 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- has_element? :standard_tab (wait: 0) returned: false1022[date=2022-03-07 15:05:56 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- filling :login_field with "root"1023[date=2022-03-07 15:05:56 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- finding :login_field with args {}1024[date=2022-03-07 15:05:56 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- waiting for loading to complete...1025[date=2022-03-07 15:05:56 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- loading complete after 0.00741091 seconds1026[date=2022-03-07 15:05:56 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- found :login_field1027[date=2022-03-07 15:05:57 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- filling :password_field with "*****"1028[date=2022-03-07 15:05:57 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- finding :password_field with args {}1029[date=2022-03-07 15:05:57 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- waiting for loading to complete...1030[date=2022-03-07 15:05:57 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- loading complete after 0.005894 seconds1031[date=2022-03-07 15:05:57 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- found :password_field1032[date=2022-03-07 15:05:57 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- clicking :sign_in_button with args {}1033[date=2022-03-07 15:05:57 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- waiting for loading to complete...1034[date=2022-03-07 15:05:57 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- loading complete after 0.00611241 seconds1035[date=2022-03-07 15:05:59 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- waiting for loading to complete...1036[date=2022-03-07 15:05:59 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- loading complete after 0.014732701 seconds1037[date=2022-03-07 15:06:00 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- has_no_element? :#<QA::Page::Element:0x00005608bf69d958> (wait: 0) returned: false1038[date=2022-03-07 15:06:00 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- waiting for loading to complete...1039[date=2022-03-07 15:06:00 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- loading complete after 0.012931641 seconds1040[date=2022-03-07 15:06:00 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- has_no_element? :#<QA::Page::Element:0x00005608bf69d728> (wait: 0) returned: true1041[date=2022-03-07 15:06:00 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- has_element? :navbar (wait: 60) returned: true1042[date=2022-03-07 15:06:00 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- has_element? :user_avatar (wait: 60) returned: true1043[date=2022-03-07 15:06:00 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- has_element? :user_menu (wait: 60) returned: true1044[date=2022-03-07 15:06:00 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- has_element? :issues_shortcut_button (wait: 60) returned: true1045[date=2022-03-07 15:06:00 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- has_element? :merge_requests_shortcut_button (wait: 60) returned: true1046[date=2022-03-07 15:06:00 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- has_element? :todos_shortcut_button (wait: 60) returned: true1047[date=2022-03-07 15:06:01 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- ==> Retrieved a QA::Resource::Sandbox with full_path 'gitlab-qa-sandbox-group' via api in 0.191198589 seconds1048[date=2022-03-07 15:06:02 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- <QA::Resource::Group> Attribute :full_path has both API response `gitlab-qa-sandbox-group/qa-test-2022-03-07-14-49-47-c6db921ef6e8f40e` and a block. API response will be picked. Block will be ignored.1049[date=2022-03-07 15:06:02 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- ==> Retrieved a QA::Resource::Group with full_path 'gitlab-qa-sandbox-group/qa-test-2022-03-07-14-49-47-c6db921ef6e8f40e' via api in 1.15350576 seconds1050[date=2022-03-07 15:06:03 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- ==> Built a QA::Resource::Project with full_path 'gitlab-qa-sandbox-group/qa-test-2022-03-07-14-49-47-c6db921ef6e8f40e/project-with-merge-request-ce64b1c381c8a4a4' via api in 2.237041943 seconds1051[date=2022-03-07 15:06:04 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- ==> Built a QA::Resource::Repository::Commit via api in 0.41816291 seconds1052[date=2022-03-07 15:06:04 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- ==> Built a QA::Resource::MergeRequest with iid '1' via api in 3.765506008 seconds1053[date=2022-03-07 15:06:04 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- Visiting QA::Resource::MergeRequest at[date=2022-03-07 15:06:11 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- clicking :open_in_web_ide_button with args {}1055[date=2022-03-07 15:06:11 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- waiting for loading to complete...1056[date=2022-03-07 15:06:11 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- loading complete after 0.009796821 seconds1057[date=2022-03-07 15:06:13 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- waiting for loading to complete...1058[date=2022-03-07 15:06:13 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- loading complete after 0.029348882 seconds1059[date=2022-03-07 15:06:13 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- within element :file_list with args {}1060[date=2022-03-07 15:06:14 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- waiting for loading to complete...1061[date=2022-03-07 15:06:14 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- loading complete after 0.014282381 seconds1062[date=2022-03-07 15:06:14 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- has_element? :file_name_content (wait: 10) returned: true1063[date=2022-03-07 15:06:14 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- end within element :file_list with args {}1064[date=2022-03-07 15:06:14 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- waiting for loading to complete...1065[date=2022-03-07 15:06:14 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- loading complete after 0.019024992 seconds1066[date=2022-03-07 15:06:14 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- waiting for animated element: editor_container1067[date=2022-03-07 15:06:14 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- has_element? :editor_container (wait: 10) returned: true1068[date=2022-03-07 15:06:15 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- within element :editor_container with args {}1069[date=2022-03-07 15:06:15 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- waiting for loading to complete...1070[date=2022-03-07 15:06:15 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- loading complete after 0.013886752 seconds1071[date=2022-03-07 15:06:15 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- end within element :editor_container with args {}1072[date=2022-03-07 15:06:15 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- waiting for animated element: editor_container1073[date=2022-03-07 15:06:15 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- has_element? :editor_container (wait: 10) returned: true1074[date=2022-03-07 15:06:16 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- within element :editor_container with args {}1075[date=2022-03-07 15:06:16 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- waiting for loading to complete...1076[date=2022-03-07 15:06:16 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- loading complete after 0.014203451 seconds1077[date=2022-03-07 15:06:16 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- end within element :editor_container with args {}1078[date=2022-03-07 15:06:16 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- clicking :begin_commit_button with args {}1079[date=2022-03-07 15:06:16 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- waiting for loading to complete...1080[date=2022-03-07 15:06:16 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- loading complete after 0.015557511 seconds1081[date=2022-03-07 15:06:17 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- finding :commit_mode_tab with args {:class=>"active"}1082[date=2022-03-07 15:06:17 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- waiting for loading to complete...1083[date=2022-03-07 15:06:17 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- loading complete after 0.018156341 seconds1084[date=2022-03-07 15:06:17 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- found :commit_mode_tab1085[date=2022-03-07 15:06:17 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- has_element? :commit_sha_content (wait: 0) returned: true1086[date=2022-03-07 15:06:17 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- finding :commit_sha_content with args {}1087[date=2022-03-07 15:06:17 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- waiting for loading to complete...1088[date=2022-03-07 15:06:17 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- loading complete after 0.010031341 seconds1089[date=2022-03-07 15:06:17 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- found :commit_sha_content1090[date=2022-03-07 15:06:17 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- waiting for loading to complete...1091[date=2022-03-07 15:06:17 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- loading complete after 0.011245641 seconds1092[date=2022-03-07 15:06:17 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- has_no_element? :begin_commit_button (wait: 10) returned: true1093[date=2022-03-07 15:06:17 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- has_element? :commit_button (wait: 10) returned: true1094[date=2022-03-07 15:06:17 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- within element :commit_to_current_branch_radio_container with args {}1095[date=2022-03-07 15:06:17 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- waiting for loading to complete...1096[date=2022-03-07 15:06:17 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- loading complete after 0.009856721 seconds1097[date=2022-03-07 15:06:17 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- finding :commit_type_radio with args {:visible=>false}1098[date=2022-03-07 15:06:17 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- waiting for loading to complete...1099[date=2022-03-07 15:06:17 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- loading complete after 0.00870597 seconds1100[date=2022-03-07 15:06:17 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- found :commit_type_radio1101[date=2022-03-07 15:06:17 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- commit_type_radio is already selected1102[date=2022-03-07 15:06:17 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- end within element :commit_to_current_branch_radio_container with args {}1103[date=2022-03-07 15:06:17 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- has_element? :commit_button (wait: 10) returned: true1104[date=2022-03-07 15:06:17 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- clicking :commit_button with args {}1105[date=2022-03-07 15:06:18 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- waiting for loading to complete...1106[date=2022-03-07 15:06:18 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- loading complete after 0.010496481 seconds1107[date=2022-03-07 15:06:18 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- finding :edit_mode_tab with args {:class=>"active"}1108[date=2022-03-07 15:06:19 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- waiting for loading to complete...1109[date=2022-03-07 15:06:19 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- loading complete after 0.017039382 seconds1110[date=2022-03-07 15:06:19 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- found :edit_mode_tab1111[date=2022-03-07 15:06:19 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- has_element? :commit_sha_content (wait: 0) returned: true1112[date=2022-03-07 15:06:19 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- finding :commit_sha_content with args {}1113[date=2022-03-07 15:06:20 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- waiting for loading to complete...1114[date=2022-03-07 15:06:20 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- loading complete after 0.014253332 seconds1115[date=2022-03-07 15:06:20 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- found :commit_sha_content1116[date=2022-03-07 15:06:20 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- Visiting QA::Resource::MergeRequest at[date=2022-03-07 15:06:22 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- clicking :diffs_tab with args {}1118[date=2022-03-07 15:06:22 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- waiting for loading to complete...1119[date=2022-03-07 15:06:22 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- loading complete after 0.015480382 seconds1120[date=2022-03-07 15:06:23 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- waiting for loading to complete...1121[date=2022-03-07 15:06:23 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- loading complete after 0.014818682 seconds1122[date=2022-03-07 15:06:24 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- has_element? :dismiss_popover_button (wait: 1) returned: false1123 opens and edits a merge request in Web IDE1124Manage1125 Group with members1126[date=2022-03-07 15:06:25 from=QA Tests] INFO -- Starting test: Manage Group with members can be shared with another group with correct access level1127[date=2022-03-07 15:06:25 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- ==> Retrieved a QA::Resource::Sandbox with full_path 'gitlab-qa-sandbox-group' via api in 0.199537179 seconds1128[date=2022-03-07 15:06:26 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- <QA::Resource::Group> Attribute :full_path has both API response `gitlab-qa-sandbox-group/target-group-with-project_0bbeb546f6899b0f` and a block. API response will be picked. Block will be ignored.1129[date=2022-03-07 15:06:26 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- ==> Built a QA::Resource::Group with full_path 'gitlab-qa-sandbox-group/target-group-with-project_0bbeb546f6899b0f' via api in 1.017174976 seconds1130[date=2022-03-07 15:06:27 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- ==> Built a QA::Resource::Project with full_path 'gitlab-qa-sandbox-group/target-group-with-project_0bbeb546f6899b0f/the_awesome_project-3fb58e0ae25130d6' via api in 1.36453898 seconds1131[date=2022-03-07 15:06:27 from=QA Tests] INFO -- Enabling feature: invite_members_group_modal1132[date=2022-03-07 15:06:27 from=QA Tests] INFO -- Successfully enabled and verified feature flag: invite_members_group_modal1133[date=2022-03-07 15:06:28 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- ==> Retrieved a QA::Resource::Sandbox with full_path 'gitlab-qa-sandbox-group' via api in 0.196208169 seconds1134[date=2022-03-07 15:06:28 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- <QA::Resource::Group> Attribute :full_path has both API response `gitlab-qa-sandbox-group/source-group-with-members_dca09aae8e5a3d98` and a block. API response will be picked. Block will be ignored.1135[date=2022-03-07 15:06:28 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- ==> Built a QA::Resource::Group with full_path 'gitlab-qa-sandbox-group/source-group-with-members_dca09aae8e5a3d98' via api in 0.994106375 seconds1136[date=2022-03-07 15:06:29 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- ==> Retrieved a QA::Resource::User with username 'qa-user-b6b5f1467de060ed' via api in 0.52186679 seconds1137[date=2022-03-07 15:06:29 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- Adding user qa-user-b6b5f1467de060ed to gitlab-qa-sandbox-group/source-group-with-members_dca09aae8e5a3d98 QA::Resource::Group1138[date=2022-03-07 15:06:30 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- waiting for loading to complete...1139[date=2022-03-07 15:06:30 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- loading complete after 0.005722051 seconds1140[date=2022-03-07 15:06:31 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- has_element? :login_page (wait: 0) returned: false1141[date=2022-03-07 15:06:31 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- waiting for loading to complete...1142[date=2022-03-07 15:06:31 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- loading complete after 0.00583135 seconds1143[date=2022-03-07 15:06:32 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- has_element? :user_avatar (wait: 0) returned: false1144/usr/local/bundle/gems/capybara-3.35.3/lib/capybara/registration_container.rb:21: warning: DEPRECATED: Calling 'include?' on the drivers/servers container is deprecated without replacement1145[date=2022-03-07 15:06:32 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- has_element? :login_page (wait: 60) returned: true1146[date=2022-03-07 15:06:32 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- has_element? :login_page (wait: 0) returned: true1147[date=2022-03-07 15:06:32 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- has_element? :login_page (wait: 0) returned: true1148[date=2022-03-07 15:06:33 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- waiting for loading to complete...1149[date=2022-03-07 15:06:33 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- loading complete after 0.006340241 seconds1150[date=2022-03-07 15:06:34 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- has_element? :sign_in_tab (wait: 0) returned: false1151[date=2022-03-07 15:06:34 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- waiting for loading to complete...1152[date=2022-03-07 15:06:34 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- loading complete after 0.00605398 seconds1153[date=2022-03-07 15:06:35 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- has_element? :standard_tab (wait: 0) returned: false1154[date=2022-03-07 15:06:35 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- filling :login_field with "root"1155[date=2022-03-07 15:06:35 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- finding :login_field with args {}1156[date=2022-03-07 15:06:35 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- waiting for loading to complete...1157[date=2022-03-07 15:06:35 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- loading complete after 0.006718321 seconds1158[date=2022-03-07 15:06:35 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- found :login_field1159[date=2022-03-07 15:06:35 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- filling :password_field with "*****"1160[date=2022-03-07 15:06:35 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- finding :password_field with args {}1161[date=2022-03-07 15:06:35 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- waiting for loading to complete...1162[date=2022-03-07 15:06:35 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- loading complete after 0.010783841 seconds1163[date=2022-03-07 15:06:35 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- found :password_field1164[date=2022-03-07 15:06:35 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- clicking :sign_in_button with args {}1165[date=2022-03-07 15:06:35 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- waiting for loading to complete...1166[date=2022-03-07 15:06:35 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- loading complete after 0.007515111 seconds1167[date=2022-03-07 15:06:36 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- waiting for loading to complete...1168[date=2022-03-07 15:06:36 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- loading complete after 0.011043501 seconds1169[date=2022-03-07 15:06:36 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- has_no_element? :#<QA::Page::Element:0x00005608bf69d958> (wait: 0) returned: false1170[date=2022-03-07 15:06:36 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- waiting for loading to complete...1171[date=2022-03-07 15:06:36 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- loading complete after 0.00993363 seconds1172[date=2022-03-07 15:06:36 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- has_no_element? :#<QA::Page::Element:0x00005608bf69d728> (wait: 0) returned: true1173[date=2022-03-07 15:06:37 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- has_element? :navbar (wait: 60) returned: true1174[date=2022-03-07 15:06:37 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- has_element? :user_avatar (wait: 60) returned: true1175[date=2022-03-07 15:06:37 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- has_element? :user_menu (wait: 60) returned: true1176[date=2022-03-07 15:06:37 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- has_element? :issues_shortcut_button (wait: 60) returned: true1177[date=2022-03-07 15:06:37 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- has_element? :merge_requests_shortcut_button (wait: 60) returned: true1178[date=2022-03-07 15:06:37 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- has_element? :todos_shortcut_button (wait: 60) returned: true1179[date=2022-03-07 15:06:37 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- Visiting QA::Resource::Group at[date=2022-03-07 15:06:39 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- waiting for loading to complete...1181[date=2022-03-07 15:06:39 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- loading complete after 0.012279081 seconds1182[date=2022-03-07 15:06:39 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- within element :group_sidebar with args {}1183[date=2022-03-07 15:06:39 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- waiting for loading to complete...1184[date=2022-03-07 15:06:39 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- loading complete after 0.010582181 seconds1185[date=2022-03-07 15:06:39 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- finding :sidebar_menu_link with args {:menu_item=>"Subgroup information"}1186[date=2022-03-07 15:06:39 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- waiting for loading to complete...1187[date=2022-03-07 15:06:39 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- loading complete after 0.010624441 seconds1188[date=2022-03-07 15:06:39 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- found :sidebar_menu_link1189[date=2022-03-07 15:06:40 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- clicking :sidebar_menu_item_link with args {:menu_item=>"Members"}1190[date=2022-03-07 15:06:40 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- waiting for loading to complete...1191[date=2022-03-07 15:06:40 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- loading complete after 0.009331801 seconds1192[date=2022-03-07 15:06:41 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- end within element :group_sidebar with args {}1193[date=2022-03-07 15:06:41 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- clicking :invite_a_group_button with args {}1194[date=2022-03-07 15:06:41 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- waiting for loading to complete...1195[date=2022-03-07 15:06:41 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- loading complete after 0.012055151 seconds1196[date=2022-03-07 15:06:41 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- within element :invite_members_modal_content with args {}1197[date=2022-03-07 15:06:41 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- waiting for loading to complete...1198[date=2022-03-07 15:06:41 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- loading complete after 0.014822001 seconds1199[date=2022-03-07 15:06:41 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- finding :group_select_dropdown_search_field with args {}1200[date=2022-03-07 15:06:41 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- waiting for loading to complete...1201[date=2022-03-07 15:06:41 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- loading complete after 0.010587131 seconds1202[date=2022-03-07 15:06:41 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- found :group_select_dropdown_search_field1203[date=2022-03-07 15:06:42 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- end within element :invite_members_modal_content with args {}1204[date=2022-03-07 15:06:42 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- clicking :invite_button with args {}1205[date=2022-03-07 15:06:43 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- waiting for loading to complete...1206[date=2022-03-07 15:06:43 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- loading complete after 0.010191021 seconds1207[date=2022-03-07 15:06:43 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- clicking :groups_list_tab with args {}1208[date=2022-03-07 15:06:44 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- waiting for loading to complete...1209[date=2022-03-07 15:06:44 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- loading complete after 0.011715602 seconds1210[date=2022-03-07 15:06:44 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- within element :groups_list with args {}1211[date=2022-03-07 15:06:44 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- waiting for loading to complete...1212[date=2022-03-07 15:06:44 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- loading complete after 0.012729881 seconds1213[date=2022-03-07 15:06:44 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- has_element? :group_row with text "source-group-with-members_dca09aae8e5a3d98" (wait: 10) returned: true1214[date=2022-03-07 15:06:44 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- end within element :groups_list with args {}1215[date=2022-03-07 15:06:45 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- waiting for loading to complete...1216[date=2022-03-07 15:06:45 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- loading complete after 0.010589351 seconds1217[date=2022-03-07 15:06:46 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- has_element? :login_page (wait: 0) returned: false1218[date=2022-03-07 15:06:46 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- has_element? :user_avatar (wait: 0) returned: true1219[date=2022-03-07 15:06:46 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- within element :navbar with args {}1220[date=2022-03-07 15:06:46 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- waiting for loading to complete...1221[date=2022-03-07 15:06:46 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- loading complete after 0.010410061 seconds1222[date=2022-03-07 15:06:46 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- clicking :user_avatar with args {}1223[date=2022-03-07 15:06:46 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- waiting for loading to complete...1224[date=2022-03-07 15:06:46 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- loading complete after 0.014206732 seconds1225[date=2022-03-07 15:06:46 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- within element :user_menu with args {}1226[date=2022-03-07 15:06:46 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- waiting for loading to complete...1227[date=2022-03-07 15:06:46 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- loading complete after 0.01040249 seconds1228[date=2022-03-07 15:06:46 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- clicking :sign_out_link with args {}1229[date=2022-03-07 15:06:46 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- waiting for loading to complete...1230[date=2022-03-07 15:06:46 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- loading complete after 0.009602521 seconds1231[date=2022-03-07 15:06:47 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- end within element :user_menu with args {}1232[date=2022-03-07 15:06:47 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- end within element :navbar with args {}1233[date=2022-03-07 15:06:47 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- has_element? :login_page (wait: 0) returned: true1234[date=2022-03-07 15:06:47 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- has_element? :login_page (wait: 0) returned: true1235[date=2022-03-07 15:06:47 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- has_element? :login_page (wait: 0) returned: true1236[date=2022-03-07 15:06:47 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- has_element? :login_page (wait: 0) returned: true1237[date=2022-03-07 15:06:47 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- waiting for loading to complete...1238[date=2022-03-07 15:06:47 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- loading complete after 0.005991761 seconds1239[date=2022-03-07 15:06:48 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- has_element? :sign_in_tab (wait: 0) returned: false1240[date=2022-03-07 15:06:48 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- waiting for loading to complete...1241[date=2022-03-07 15:06:48 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- loading complete after 0.007685551 seconds1242[date=2022-03-07 15:06:49 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- has_element? :standard_tab (wait: 0) returned: false1243[date=2022-03-07 15:06:49 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- filling :login_field with "qa-user-b6b5f1467de060ed"1244[date=2022-03-07 15:06:49 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- finding :login_field with args {}1245[date=2022-03-07 15:06:49 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- waiting for loading to complete...1246[date=2022-03-07 15:06:49 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- loading complete after 0.00680619 seconds1247[date=2022-03-07 15:06:49 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- found :login_field1248[date=2022-03-07 15:06:49 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- filling :password_field with "*****"1249[date=2022-03-07 15:06:49 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- finding :password_field with args {}1250[date=2022-03-07 15:06:49 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- waiting for loading to complete...1251[date=2022-03-07 15:06:49 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- loading complete after 0.006331851 seconds1252[date=2022-03-07 15:06:49 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- found :password_field1253[date=2022-03-07 15:06:49 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- clicking :sign_in_button with args {}1254[date=2022-03-07 15:06:49 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- waiting for loading to complete...1255[date=2022-03-07 15:06:49 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- loading complete after 0.006544221 seconds1256[date=2022-03-07 15:06:50 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- waiting for loading to complete...1257[date=2022-03-07 15:06:50 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- loading complete after 0.013163151 seconds1258[date=2022-03-07 15:06:50 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- has_no_element? :#<QA::Page::Element:0x00005608bf69d958> (wait: 0) returned: false1259[date=2022-03-07 15:06:50 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- waiting for loading to complete...1260[date=2022-03-07 15:06:50 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- loading complete after 0.012063911 seconds1261[date=2022-03-07 15:06:50 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- has_no_element? :#<QA::Page::Element:0x00005608bf69d728> (wait: 0) returned: true1262[date=2022-03-07 15:06:50 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- has_element? :navbar (wait: 60) returned: true1263[date=2022-03-07 15:06:50 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- has_element? :user_avatar (wait: 60) returned: true1264[date=2022-03-07 15:06:50 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- has_element? :user_menu (wait: 60) returned: true1265[date=2022-03-07 15:06:50 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- has_element? :issues_shortcut_button (wait: 60) returned: true1266[date=2022-03-07 15:06:50 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- has_element? :merge_requests_shortcut_button (wait: 60) returned: true1267[date=2022-03-07 15:06:50 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- has_element? :todos_shortcut_button (wait: 60) returned: true1268[date=2022-03-07 15:06:51 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- within element :project_content with args {:text=>"the_awesome_project-3fb58e0ae25130d6"}1269[date=2022-03-07 15:06:51 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- waiting for loading to complete...1270[date=2022-03-07 15:06:51 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- loading complete after 0.013657491 seconds1271[date=2022-03-07 15:06:51 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- has_element? :user_role_content with text "Guest" (wait: 10) returned: true1272[date=2022-03-07 15:06:51 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- end within element :project_content with args {:text=>"the_awesome_project-3fb58e0ae25130d6"}1273[date=2022-03-07 15:06:51 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- Deleted user 'qa-user-b6b5f1467de060ed'1274[date=2022-03-07 15:06:51 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- Removed a QA::Resource::User with username 'qa-user-b6b5f1467de060ed'1275 can be shared with another group with correct access level1276Plan1277 Multiple assignees per issue1278[date=2022-03-07 15:06:51 from=QA Tests] INFO -- Starting test: Plan Multiple assignees per issue shows four assignees in the issues list1279[date=2022-03-07 15:06:51 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- waiting for loading to complete...1280[date=2022-03-07 15:06:51 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- loading complete after 0.008730731 seconds1281[date=2022-03-07 15:06:52 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- has_element? :login_page (wait: 0) returned: false1282[date=2022-03-07 15:06:52 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- waiting for loading to complete...1283[date=2022-03-07 15:06:52 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- loading complete after 0.00631687 seconds1284[date=2022-03-07 15:06:53 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- has_element? :user_avatar (wait: 0) returned: false1285/usr/local/bundle/gems/capybara-3.35.3/lib/capybara/registration_container.rb:21: warning: DEPRECATED: Calling 'include?' on the drivers/servers container is deprecated without replacement1286[date=2022-03-07 15:06:53 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- has_element? :login_page (wait: 60) returned: true1287[date=2022-03-07 15:06:53 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- has_element? :login_page (wait: 0) returned: true1288[date=2022-03-07 15:06:53 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- has_element? :login_page (wait: 0) returned: true1289[date=2022-03-07 15:06:54 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- waiting for loading to complete...1290[date=2022-03-07 15:06:54 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- loading complete after 0.00634794 seconds1291[date=2022-03-07 15:06:55 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- has_element? :sign_in_tab (wait: 0) returned: false1292[date=2022-03-07 15:06:55 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- waiting for loading to complete...1293[date=2022-03-07 15:06:55 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- loading complete after 0.00655489 seconds1294[date=2022-03-07 15:06:56 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- has_element? :standard_tab (wait: 0) returned: false1295[date=2022-03-07 15:06:56 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- filling :login_field with "root"1296[date=2022-03-07 15:06:56 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- finding :login_field with args {}1297[date=2022-03-07 15:06:56 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- waiting for loading to complete...1298[date=2022-03-07 15:06:56 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- loading complete after 0.00943781 seconds1299[date=2022-03-07 15:06:56 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- found :login_field1300[date=2022-03-07 15:06:56 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- filling :password_field with "*****"1301[date=2022-03-07 15:06:56 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- finding :password_field with args {}1302[date=2022-03-07 15:06:56 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- waiting for loading to complete...1303[date=2022-03-07 15:06:56 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- loading complete after 0.00590366 seconds1304[date=2022-03-07 15:06:56 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- found :password_field1305[date=2022-03-07 15:06:56 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- clicking :sign_in_button with args {}1306[date=2022-03-07 15:06:56 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- waiting for loading to complete...1307[date=2022-03-07 15:06:56 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- loading complete after 0.00685061 seconds1308[date=2022-03-07 15:06:58 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- waiting for loading to complete...1309[date=2022-03-07 15:06:58 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- loading complete after 0.010159561 seconds1310[date=2022-03-07 15:06:58 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- has_no_element? :#<QA::Page::Element:0x00005608bf69d958> (wait: 0) returned: false1311[date=2022-03-07 15:06:58 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- waiting for loading to complete...1312[date=2022-03-07 15:06:58 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- loading complete after 0.011833831 seconds1313[date=2022-03-07 15:06:58 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- has_no_element? :#<QA::Page::Element:0x00005608bf69d728> (wait: 0) returned: true1314[date=2022-03-07 15:06:59 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- has_element? :navbar (wait: 60) returned: true1315[date=2022-03-07 15:06:59 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- has_element? :user_avatar (wait: 60) returned: true1316[date=2022-03-07 15:06:59 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- has_element? :user_menu (wait: 60) returned: true1317[date=2022-03-07 15:06:59 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- has_element? :issues_shortcut_button (wait: 60) returned: true1318[date=2022-03-07 15:06:59 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- has_element? :merge_requests_shortcut_button (wait: 60) returned: true1319[date=2022-03-07 15:06:59 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- has_element? :todos_shortcut_button (wait: 60) returned: true1320[date=2022-03-07 15:07:00 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- ==> Retrieved a QA::Resource::User with username 'gitlab-qa-user1' via api in 0.367244765 seconds1321[date=2022-03-07 15:07:00 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- ==> Retrieved a QA::Resource::User with username 'gitlab-qa-user2' via api in 0.473925075 seconds1322[date=2022-03-07 15:07:01 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- ==> Retrieved a QA::Resource::User with username 'gitlab-qa-user3' via api in 0.333199142 seconds1323[date=2022-03-07 15:07:01 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- ==> Retrieved a QA::Resource::User with username 'gitlab-qa-user4' via api in 0.328442901 seconds1324[date=2022-03-07 15:07:01 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- ==> Retrieved a QA::Resource::Sandbox with full_path 'gitlab-qa-sandbox-group' via api in 0.181029847 seconds1325[date=2022-03-07 15:07:02 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- <QA::Resource::Group> Attribute :full_path has both API response `gitlab-qa-sandbox-group/qa-test-2022-03-07-14-49-47-c6db921ef6e8f40e` and a block. API response will be picked. Block will be ignored.1326[date=2022-03-07 15:07:02 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- ==> Retrieved a QA::Resource::Group with full_path 'gitlab-qa-sandbox-group/qa-test-2022-03-07-14-49-47-c6db921ef6e8f40e' via api in 1.075353512 seconds1327[date=2022-03-07 15:07:03 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- ==> Built a QA::Resource::Project with full_path 'gitlab-qa-sandbox-group/qa-test-2022-03-07-14-49-47-c6db921ef6e8f40e/project-to-test-issue-with-multiple-assignees-235792d2b72a866e' via api in 1.78544262 seconds1328[date=2022-03-07 15:07:03 from=QA Tests] INFO -- Enabling feature: invite_members_group_modal for scope "project: gitlab-qa-sandbox-group/qa-test-2022-03-07-14-49-47-c6db921ef6e8f40e/project-to-test-issue-with-multiple-assignees-235792d2b72a866e"1329[date=2022-03-07 15:07:03 from=QA Tests] INFO -- Successfully enabled and verified feature flag: invite_members_group_modal1330[date=2022-03-07 15:07:03 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- Adding user gitlab-qa-user1 to gitlab-qa-sandbox-group/qa-test-2022-03-07-14-49-47-c6db921ef6e8f40e/project-to-test-issue-with-multiple-assignees-235792d2b72a866e QA::Resource::Project1331[date=2022-03-07 15:07:03 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- Adding user gitlab-qa-user2 to gitlab-qa-sandbox-group/qa-test-2022-03-07-14-49-47-c6db921ef6e8f40e/project-to-test-issue-with-multiple-assignees-235792d2b72a866e QA::Resource::Project1332[date=2022-03-07 15:07:04 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- Adding user gitlab-qa-user3 to gitlab-qa-sandbox-group/qa-test-2022-03-07-14-49-47-c6db921ef6e8f40e/project-to-test-issue-with-multiple-assignees-235792d2b72a866e QA::Resource::Project1333[date=2022-03-07 15:07:04 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- Adding user gitlab-qa-user4 to gitlab-qa-sandbox-group/qa-test-2022-03-07-14-49-47-c6db921ef6e8f40e/project-to-test-issue-with-multiple-assignees-235792d2b72a866e QA::Resource::Project1334[date=2022-03-07 15:07:05 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- ==> Built a QA::Resource::Issue with id '94' via api in 0.54279307 seconds1335[date=2022-03-07 15:07:05 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- Visiting QA::Resource::Project at[date=2022-03-07 15:07:06 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- waiting for loading to complete...1337[date=2022-03-07 15:07:06 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- loading complete after 0.014712348 seconds1338[date=2022-03-07 15:07:06 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- within element :project_sidebar with args {}1339[date=2022-03-07 15:07:07 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- waiting for loading to complete...1340[date=2022-03-07 15:07:07 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- loading complete after 0.013667919 seconds1341[date=2022-03-07 15:07:07 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- clicking :sidebar_menu_link with args {:menu_item=>"Issues"}1342[date=2022-03-07 15:07:07 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- waiting for loading to complete...1343[date=2022-03-07 15:07:07 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- loading complete after 0.008663409 seconds1344[date=2022-03-07 15:07:08 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- end within element :project_sidebar with args {}1345[date=2022-03-07 15:07:08 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- finding all :assignee_link with args {:count=>4}1346[date=2022-03-07 15:07:08 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- waiting for loading to complete...1347[date=2022-03-07 15:07:08 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- loading complete after 0.019856188 seconds1348[date=2022-03-07 15:07:08 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- found 4 :assignee_link1349 shows four assignees in the issues list1350Release1351 Git clone using a deploy key1352[date=2022-03-07 15:07:08 from=QA Tests] INFO -- Starting test: Release Git clone using a deploy key user sets up a deploy key with QA::Runtime::Key::RSA(8192) to clone code using pipelines1353[date=2022-03-07 15:07:08 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- ==> Retrieved a QA::Resource::Sandbox with full_path 'gitlab-qa-sandbox-group' via api in 0.176693548 seconds1354[date=2022-03-07 15:07:09 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- <QA::Resource::Group> Attribute :full_path has both API response `gitlab-qa-sandbox-group/qa-test-2022-03-07-14-49-47-c6db921ef6e8f40e` and a block. API response will be picked. Block will be ignored.1355[date=2022-03-07 15:07:09 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- ==> Retrieved a QA::Resource::Group with full_path 'gitlab-qa-sandbox-group/qa-test-2022-03-07-14-49-47-c6db921ef6e8f40e' via api in 1.01769343 seconds1356[date=2022-03-07 15:07:10 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- ==> Built a QA::Resource::Project with full_path 'gitlab-qa-sandbox-group/qa-test-2022-03-07-14-49-47-c6db921ef6e8f40e/deploy-key-clone-project-60b093d495952a3a' via api in 1.862296832 seconds1357[date=2022-03-07 15:07:10 from=QA Tests] INFO -- Executing `docker pull gitlab/gitlab-runner:alpine`1358alpine: Pulling from gitlab/gitlab-runner1359Digest: sha256:3712d3e3548017056758516c5cb40fc0531f22d9b01bbfba502ab5356990cfd01360Status: Image is up to date for gitlab/gitlab-runner:alpine1361[date=2022-03-07 15:07:10 from=QA Tests] INFO -- Executing `docker network inspect test`1362[]1363Error: No such network: test1364[date=2022-03-07 15:07:10 from=QA Tests] INFO -- Executing `docker network inspect test`1365[]1366Error: No such network: test1367[date=2022-03-07 15:07:10 from=QA Tests] INFO -- Executing `docker run -d --rm --network bridge --name qa-runner-ef080966 --privileged gitlab/gitlab-runner:alpine && docker cp /tmp/gitlab-cert20220307-66-1qevujb qa-runner-ef080966:/etc/gitlab-runner/certs/gitlab.test.crt && docker exec --detach qa-runner-ef080966 sh -c "printf 'concurrent = 1\ncheck_interval = 0\n\n[session_server]\n session_timeout = 1800' > /etc/gitlab-runner/config.toml && gitlab-runner register --non-interactive --name qa-runner-ef080966 --url --registration-token GR1348941QuGu6yFzFAaBAgEgQ1eV --tag-list qa-runner-ef080966 --executor shell && gitlab-runner run" `1368f1e53dd0de2eb544d65380f07ab4a3b7bbf6e43894005e903b44f9a87a1b74a21369[date=2022-03-07 15:07:11 from=QA Tests] INFO -- Executing `docker network inspect test`1370[]1371Error: No such network: test1372[date=2022-03-07 15:07:11 from=QA Tests] INFO -- Executing `docker network inspect test`1373[]1374Error: No such network: test1375[date=2022-03-07 15:07:11 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- ==> Built a QA::Resource::Runner with name 'qa-runner-ef080966' via api in 1.053954005 seconds1376[date=2022-03-07 15:07:11 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- waiting for loading to complete...1377[date=2022-03-07 15:07:11 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- loading complete after 0.007204979 seconds1378[date=2022-03-07 15:07:12 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- has_element? :login_page (wait: 0) returned: false1379[date=2022-03-07 15:07:12 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- waiting for loading to complete...1380[date=2022-03-07 15:07:12 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- loading complete after 0.006224599 seconds1381[date=2022-03-07 15:07:13 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- has_element? :user_avatar (wait: 0) returned: false1382/usr/local/bundle/gems/capybara-3.35.3/lib/capybara/registration_container.rb:21: warning: DEPRECATED: Calling 'include?' on the drivers/servers container is deprecated without replacement1383[date=2022-03-07 15:07:13 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- has_element? :login_page (wait: 60) returned: true1384[date=2022-03-07 15:07:13 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- has_element? :login_page (wait: 0) returned: true1385[date=2022-03-07 15:07:13 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- has_element? :login_page (wait: 0) returned: true1386[date=2022-03-07 15:07:13 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- waiting for loading to complete...1387[date=2022-03-07 15:07:13 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- loading complete after 0.006161239 seconds1388[date=2022-03-07 15:07:14 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- has_element? :sign_in_tab (wait: 0) returned: false1389[date=2022-03-07 15:07:14 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- waiting for loading to complete...1390[date=2022-03-07 15:07:15 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- loading complete after 0.009542639 seconds1391[date=2022-03-07 15:07:16 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- has_element? :standard_tab (wait: 0) returned: false1392[date=2022-03-07 15:07:16 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- filling :login_field with "root"1393[date=2022-03-07 15:07:16 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- finding :login_field with args {}1394[date=2022-03-07 15:07:16 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- waiting for loading to complete...1395[date=2022-03-07 15:07:16 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- loading complete after 0.006421459 seconds1396[date=2022-03-07 15:07:16 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- found :login_field1397[date=2022-03-07 15:07:16 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- filling :password_field with "*****"1398[date=2022-03-07 15:07:16 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- finding :password_field with args {}1399[date=2022-03-07 15:07:16 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- waiting for loading to complete...1400[date=2022-03-07 15:07:16 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- loading complete after 0.006280269 seconds1401[date=2022-03-07 15:07:16 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- found :password_field1402[date=2022-03-07 15:07:16 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- clicking :sign_in_button with args {}1403[date=2022-03-07 15:07:16 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- waiting for loading to complete...1404[date=2022-03-07 15:07:16 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- loading complete after 0.009081909 seconds1405[date=2022-03-07 15:07:17 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- waiting for loading to complete...1406[date=2022-03-07 15:07:17 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- loading complete after 0.011387228 seconds1407[date=2022-03-07 15:07:18 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- has_no_element? :#<QA::Page::Element:0x00005608bf69d958> (wait: 0) returned: false1408[date=2022-03-07 15:07:18 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- waiting for loading to complete...1409[date=2022-03-07 15:07:18 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- loading complete after 0.012036228 seconds1410[date=2022-03-07 15:07:18 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- has_no_element? :#<QA::Page::Element:0x00005608bf69d728> (wait: 0) returned: true1411[date=2022-03-07 15:07:18 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- has_element? :navbar (wait: 60) returned: true1412[date=2022-03-07 15:07:18 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- has_element? :user_avatar (wait: 60) returned: true1413[date=2022-03-07 15:07:18 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- has_element? :user_menu (wait: 60) returned: true1414[date=2022-03-07 15:07:18 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- has_element? :issues_shortcut_button (wait: 60) returned: true1415[date=2022-03-07 15:07:18 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- has_element? :merge_requests_shortcut_button (wait: 60) returned: true1416[date=2022-03-07 15:07:18 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- has_element? :todos_shortcut_button (wait: 60) returned: true1417[date=2022-03-07 15:07:18 from=QA Tests] INFO -- Executing `["ssh-keygen", "-t", "rsa", "-b", "8192", "-f", "/tmp/d20220307-66-14tabq5/id_rsa", "-N", ""]`1418Generating public/private rsa key pair.1419Your identification has been saved in /tmp/d20220307-66-14tabq5/id_rsa.1420Your public key has been saved in /tmp/d20220307-66-14tabq5/ key fingerprint is:1422SHA256:YajEn6FErQaZyolzHs5FJO3LFhMjOMCc8MJ6EgdAnBg root@runner-kpqq46jn-project-278964-concurrent-01423The key's randomart image is:1424+---[RSA 8192]----+1425|E++=o. |1426|=O=+= .. |1427|=++=++o o |1428|=*ooB+ + . |1429|o*.=o+o S |1430| o+ + |1431| . |1432| |1433| |1434+----[SHA256]-----+1435[date=2022-03-07 15:07:29 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- Visiting QA::Resource::Project at[date=2022-03-07 15:07:31 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- waiting for loading to complete...1437[date=2022-03-07 15:07:31 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- loading complete after 0.014707418 seconds1438[date=2022-03-07 15:07:31 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- within element :project_sidebar with args {}1439[date=2022-03-07 15:07:31 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- waiting for loading to complete...1440[date=2022-03-07 15:07:31 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- loading complete after 0.016574058 seconds1441[date=2022-03-07 15:07:31 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- scrolling to :[data-qa-selector="sidebar_menu_link"],.qa-sidebar-menu-link1442[date=2022-03-07 15:07:31 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- waiting for loading to complete...1443[date=2022-03-07 15:07:31 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- loading complete after 0.010077278 seconds1444[date=2022-03-07 15:07:31 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- finding :sidebar_menu_link with args {:menu_item=>"Settings"}1445[date=2022-03-07 15:07:31 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- waiting for loading to complete...1446[date=2022-03-07 15:07:31 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- loading complete after 0.006716639 seconds1447[date=2022-03-07 15:07:31 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- found :sidebar_menu_link1448[date=2022-03-07 15:07:31 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- clicking :sidebar_menu_item_link with args {:menu_item=>"Repository"}1449[date=2022-03-07 15:07:31 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- waiting for loading to complete...1450[date=2022-03-07 15:07:31 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- loading complete after 0.009454609 seconds1451[date=2022-03-07 15:07:32 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- end within element :project_sidebar with args {}1452[date=2022-03-07 15:07:32 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- within element :deploy_keys_settings_content with args {}1453[date=2022-03-07 15:07:32 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- waiting for loading to complete...1454[date=2022-03-07 15:07:32 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- loading complete after 0.013647728 seconds1455[date=2022-03-07 15:07:34 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- filling :deploy_key_title_field with "*****"1456[date=2022-03-07 15:07:34 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- finding :deploy_key_title_field with args {}1457[date=2022-03-07 15:07:34 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- waiting for loading to complete...1458[date=2022-03-07 15:07:34 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- loading complete after 0.009711849 seconds1459[date=2022-03-07 15:07:34 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- found :deploy_key_title_field1460[date=2022-03-07 15:07:34 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- filling :deploy_key_field with "*****"1461[date=2022-03-07 15:07:34 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- finding :deploy_key_field with args {}1462[date=2022-03-07 15:07:34 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- waiting for loading to complete...1463[date=2022-03-07 15:07:34 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- loading complete after 0.016964918 seconds1464[date=2022-03-07 15:07:34 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- found :deploy_key_field1465[date=2022-03-07 15:07:34 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- clicking :add_deploy_key_button with args {}1466[date=2022-03-07 15:07:34 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- waiting for loading to complete...1467[date=2022-03-07 15:07:34 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- loading complete after 0.007254928 seconds1468[date=2022-03-07 15:07:35 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- end within element :deploy_keys_settings_content with args {}1469[date=2022-03-07 15:07:35 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- ==> Built a QA::Resource::DeployKey via browser_ui in 5.867700428 seconds1470[date=2022-03-07 15:07:36 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- ==> Built a QA::Resource::CiVariable via api in 0.38675851 seconds1471[date=2022-03-07 15:07:36 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- <QA::Resource::Project> Attribute :repository_ssh_location has both API response `#<QA::Git::Location:0x00005608cdd90388>` and a block. API response will be picked. Block will be ignored.1472[date=2022-03-07 15:07:36 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- <QA::Resource::Project> Attribute :repository_http_location has both API response `#<QA::Git::Location:0x00005608cdd6fa20>` and a block. API response will be picked. Block will be ignored.1473[date=2022-03-07 15:07:36 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- Git: pwd=[/tmp/d20220307-66-11rui4e], command=[HOME="/tmp/qa-netrc-credentials/66" git clone ./ 2>&1]1474[date=2022-03-07 15:07:36 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- Git: output=[Cloning into '.'...1475warning: You appear to have cloned an empty repository.], exitstatus=[0]1476[date=2022-03-07 15:07:36 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- Git: pwd=[/tmp/d20220307-66-11rui4e], command=[HOME="/tmp/qa-netrc-credentials/66" git config "GitLab QA" 2>&1]1477[date=2022-03-07 15:07:36 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- Git: output=[], exitstatus=[0]1478[date=2022-03-07 15:07:36 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- Git: pwd=[/tmp/d20220307-66-11rui4e], command=[HOME="/tmp/qa-netrc-credentials/66" git config 2>&1]1479[date=2022-03-07 15:07:36 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- Git: output=[], exitstatus=[0]1480[date=2022-03-07 15:07:36 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- Git: pwd=[/tmp/d20220307-66-11rui4e], command=[HOME="/tmp/qa-netrc-credentials/66" git checkout -b "DEPLOY_KEY_rsa_8192" 2>&1]1481[date=2022-03-07 15:07:36 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- Git: output=[Switched to a new branch 'DEPLOY_KEY_rsa_8192'], exitstatus=[0]1482[date=2022-03-07 15:07:36 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- Git: pwd=[/tmp/d20220307-66-11rui4e], command=[HOME="/tmp/qa-netrc-credentials/66" git add .gitlab-ci.yml 2>&1]1483[date=2022-03-07 15:07:36 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- Git: output=[], exitstatus=[0]1484[date=2022-03-07 15:07:36 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- Git: pwd=[/tmp/d20220307-66-11rui4e], command=[HOME="/tmp/qa-netrc-credentials/66" git commit -m "Add .gitlab-ci.yml" 2>&1]1485[date=2022-03-07 15:07:36 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- Git: output=[[DEPLOY_KEY_rsa_8192 (root-commit) d49398e] Add .gitlab-ci.yml1486 1 file changed, 13 insertions(+)1487 create mode 100644 .gitlab-ci.yml], exitstatus=[0]1488[date=2022-03-07 15:07:36 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- Git: pwd=[/tmp/d20220307-66-11rui4e], command=[HOME="/tmp/qa-netrc-credentials/66" git push DEPLOY_KEY_rsa_8192:DEPLOY_KEY_rsa_8192 2>&1]1489[date=2022-03-07 15:07:37 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- Git: output=[To * [new branch] DEPLOY_KEY_rsa_8192 -> DEPLOY_KEY_rsa_8192], exitstatus=[0]1491[date=2022-03-07 15:07:37 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- QA::Resource::Project - wait_for_push with commit message "Add .gitlab-ci.yml"1492[date=2022-03-07 15:07:38 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- Retrying action with: max_duration: 60; sleep_interval: 0.1; raise_on_failure: false; retry_on_exception: false1493[date=2022-03-07 15:07:38 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- ended retry1494[date=2022-03-07 15:07:38 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- ==> Built a QA::Resource::Repository::ProjectPush via browser_ui in 1.902166807 seconds1495[date=2022-03-07 15:07:38 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- waiting for loading to complete...1496[date=2022-03-07 15:07:38 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- loading complete after 0.015159648 seconds1497[date=2022-03-07 15:07:38 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- within element :project_sidebar with args {}1498[date=2022-03-07 15:07:38 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- waiting for loading to complete...1499[date=2022-03-07 15:07:38 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- loading complete after 0.011972439 seconds1500[date=2022-03-07 15:07:38 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- clicking :sidebar_menu_link with args {:menu_item=>"CI/CD"}1501[date=2022-03-07 15:07:38 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- waiting for loading to complete...1502[date=2022-03-07 15:07:38 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- loading complete after 0.008922448 seconds1503[date=2022-03-07 15:07:39 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- end within element :project_sidebar with args {}1504[date=2022-03-07 15:07:39 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- finding all :pipeline_url_link with args {:minimum=>1, :wait=>60}1505[date=2022-03-07 15:07:39 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- waiting for loading to complete...1506[date=2022-03-07 15:07:39 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- loading complete after 0.014170609 seconds1507[date=2022-03-07 15:07:39 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- found 1 :pipeline_url_link1508[date=2022-03-07 15:07:42 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- has_element? :job_log_content (wait: 1) returned: true1509[date=2022-03-07 15:07:42 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- finding :status_badge with args {}1510[date=2022-03-07 15:07:42 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- waiting for loading to complete...1511[date=2022-03-07 15:07:42 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- loading complete after 0.012655439 seconds1512[date=2022-03-07 15:07:43 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- found :status_badge1513[date=2022-03-07 15:07:46 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- Retrying action with: max_duration: 60; sleep_interval: 3.0; raise_on_failure: true; retry_on_exception: false1514[date=2022-03-07 15:07:46 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- finding :status_badge with args {}1515[date=2022-03-07 15:07:46 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- waiting for loading to complete...1516[date=2022-03-07 15:07:46 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- loading complete after 0.012430679 seconds1517[date=2022-03-07 15:07:46 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- found :status_badge1518[date=2022-03-07 15:07:49 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- finding :status_badge with args {}1519[date=2022-03-07 15:07:49 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- waiting for loading to complete...1520[date=2022-03-07 15:07:49 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- loading complete after 0.010701279 seconds1521[date=2022-03-07 15:07:49 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- found :status_badge1522[date=2022-03-07 15:07:52 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- finding :status_badge with args {}1523[date=2022-03-07 15:07:52 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- waiting for loading to complete...1524[date=2022-03-07 15:07:52 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- loading complete after 0.012076578 seconds1525[date=2022-03-07 15:07:52 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- found :status_badge1526[date=2022-03-07 15:07:55 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- finding :status_badge with args {}1527[date=2022-03-07 15:07:55 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- waiting for loading to complete...1528[date=2022-03-07 15:07:55 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- loading complete after 0.012223938 seconds1529[date=2022-03-07 15:07:55 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- found :status_badge1530[date=2022-03-07 15:07:55 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- ended retry1531[date=2022-03-07 15:07:55 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- finding :job_log_content with args {}1532[date=2022-03-07 15:07:55 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- waiting for loading to complete...1533[date=2022-03-07 15:07:55 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- loading complete after 0.010739909 seconds1534[date=2022-03-07 15:07:55 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- found :job_log_content1535[date=2022-03-07 15:07:55 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- 1536 ------- Job log: ------- 1537 1Running with gitlab-runner 14.8.2 (c6e7e194)15382 on qa-runner-ef080966 MVr_gYx4153931540Resolving secrets154100:00154251543Preparing the "shell" executor154400:0015456Using Shell executor...154681547Preparing environment154800:0015499Running on f1e53dd0de2e...1550111551Getting source from Git repository155200:00155312Fetching changes with git depth set to 20...155413Initialized empty Git repository in /builds/MVr_gYx4/0/gitlab-qa-sandbox-group/qa-test-2022-03-07-14-49-47-c6db921ef6e8f40e/deploy-key-clone-project-60b093d495952a3a/.git/155514Created fresh repository.155615Checking out d49398e4 as DEPLOY_KEY_rsa_8192...155716Skipping Git submodules setup1558181559Executing "step_script" stage of the job script156000:02156119$ which ssh-agent || ( apk --update add openssh-client )156220/usr/bin/ssh-agent156321$ mkdir -p ~/.ssh156422$ ssh-keyscan -p 22 >> ~/.ssh/known_hosts156523# SSH-2.0-OpenSSH_8.4p1 Debian-5156624# SSH-2.0-OpenSSH_8.4p1 Debian-5156725# SSH-2.0-OpenSSH_8.4p1 Debian-5156826# SSH-2.0-OpenSSH_8.4p1 Debian-5156927# SSH-2.0-OpenSSH_8.4p1 Debian-5157028$ eval $(ssh-agent -s)157129Agent pid 96157230$ ssh-add -D157331All identities removed.157432$ echo "$DEPLOY_KEY_rsa_8192" | ssh-add -157533Identity added: (stdin) (root@runner-kpqq46jn-project-278964-concurrent-0)157634$ git clone into 'deploy-key-clone-project-60b093d495952a3a'...157836Warning: Permanently added the ECDSA host key for IP address '' to the list of known hosts.157937$ cd deploy-key-clone-project-60b093d495952a3a158038$ git checkout DEPLOY_KEY_rsa_8192158139Already on 'DEPLOY_KEY_rsa_8192'158240Your branch is up to date with 'origin/DEPLOY_KEY_rsa_8192'.158341$ sha1sum .gitlab-ci.yml1584420528a84c01defecb8bae1183076fc96e08401efb .gitlab-ci.yml1585441586Cleaning up project directory and file based variables158700:00158846Job succeeded 1589 -------1590[date=2022-03-07 15:07:55 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- finding :status_badge with args {}1591[date=2022-03-07 15:07:55 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- waiting for loading to complete...1592[date=2022-03-07 15:07:55 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- loading complete after 0.010467568 seconds1593[date=2022-03-07 15:07:55 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- found :status_badge1594[date=2022-03-07 15:07:55 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- finding :status_badge with args {}1595[date=2022-03-07 15:07:55 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- waiting for loading to complete...1596[date=2022-03-07 15:07:55 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- loading complete after 0.010395509 seconds1597[date=2022-03-07 15:07:55 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- found :status_badge1598[date=2022-03-07 15:07:55 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- finding :job_log_content with args {}1599[date=2022-03-07 15:07:55 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- waiting for loading to complete...1600[date=2022-03-07 15:07:55 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- loading complete after 0.011100038 seconds1601[date=2022-03-07 15:07:56 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- found :job_log_content1602[date=2022-03-07 15:07:56 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- Removed a QA::Resource::Runner with name 'qa-runner-ef080966'1603[date=2022-03-07 15:07:56 from=QA Tests] INFO -- Executing `docker rm -f qa-runner-ef080966`1604qa-runner-ef0809661605[date=2022-03-07 15:07:56 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- Removed a QA::Resource::Project with full_path 'gitlab-qa-sandbox-group/qa-test-2022-03-07-14-49-47-c6db921ef6e8f40e/deploy-key-clone-project-60b093d495952a3a'1606 user sets up a deploy key with QA::Runtime::Key::RSA(8192) to clone code using pipelines1607[date=2022-03-07 15:07:56 from=QA Tests] INFO -- Starting test: Release Git clone using a deploy key user sets up a deploy key with QA::Runtime::Key::ED25519() to clone code using pipelines1608[date=2022-03-07 15:07:57 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- ==> Retrieved a QA::Resource::Sandbox with full_path 'gitlab-qa-sandbox-group' via api in 0.181437217 seconds1609[date=2022-03-07 15:07:58 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- <QA::Resource::Group> Attribute :full_path has both API response `gitlab-qa-sandbox-group/qa-test-2022-03-07-14-49-47-c6db921ef6e8f40e` and a block. API response will be picked. Block will be ignored.1610[date=2022-03-07 15:07:58 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- ==> Retrieved a QA::Resource::Group with full_path 'gitlab-qa-sandbox-group/qa-test-2022-03-07-14-49-47-c6db921ef6e8f40e' via api in 1.101905449 seconds1611[date=2022-03-07 15:07:59 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- ==> Built a QA::Resource::Project with full_path 'gitlab-qa-sandbox-group/qa-test-2022-03-07-14-49-47-c6db921ef6e8f40e/deploy-key-clone-project-401b4640ee06008f' via api in 2.096957401 seconds1612[date=2022-03-07 15:07:59 from=QA Tests] INFO -- Executing `docker pull gitlab/gitlab-runner:alpine`1613alpine: Pulling from gitlab/gitlab-runner1614Digest: sha256:3712d3e3548017056758516c5cb40fc0531f22d9b01bbfba502ab5356990cfd01615Status: Image is up to date for gitlab/gitlab-runner:alpine1616[date=2022-03-07 15:07:59 from=QA Tests] INFO -- Executing `docker network inspect test`1617[]1618Error: No such network: test1619[date=2022-03-07 15:07:59 from=QA Tests] INFO -- Executing `docker network inspect test`1620[]1621Error: No such network: test1622[date=2022-03-07 15:07:59 from=QA Tests] INFO -- Executing `docker run -d --rm --network bridge --name qa-runner-9fe73489 --privileged gitlab/gitlab-runner:alpine && docker cp /tmp/gitlab-cert20220307-66-ba801 qa-runner-9fe73489:/etc/gitlab-runner/certs/gitlab.test.crt && docker exec --detach qa-runner-9fe73489 sh -c "printf 'concurrent = 1\ncheck_interval = 0\n\n[session_server]\n session_timeout = 1800' > /etc/gitlab-runner/config.toml && gitlab-runner register --non-interactive --name qa-runner-9fe73489 --url --registration-token GR13489413J8DUdxzRidUzxzPwjsE --tag-list qa-runner-9fe73489 --executor shell && gitlab-runner run" `1623cd82085013e67d8198de54e2be85d344e131c1d6d34dd2cddabb7bc55b3f98551624[date=2022-03-07 15:07:59 from=QA Tests] INFO -- Executing `docker network inspect test`1625[]1626Error: No such network: test1627[date=2022-03-07 15:07:59 from=QA Tests] INFO -- Executing `docker network inspect test`1628[]1629Error: No such network: test1630[date=2022-03-07 15:07:59 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- ==> Built a QA::Resource::Runner with name 'qa-runner-9fe73489' via api in 0.93787134 seconds1631[date=2022-03-07 15:07:59 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- waiting for loading to complete...1632[date=2022-03-07 15:07:59 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- loading complete after 0.005956009 seconds1633[date=2022-03-07 15:08:00 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- has_element? :login_page (wait: 0) returned: false1634[date=2022-03-07 15:08:01 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- waiting for loading to complete...1635[date=2022-03-07 15:08:01 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- loading complete after 0.006002399 seconds1636[date=2022-03-07 15:08:02 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- has_element? :user_avatar (wait: 0) returned: false1637/usr/local/bundle/gems/capybara-3.35.3/lib/capybara/registration_container.rb:21: warning: DEPRECATED: Calling 'include?' on the drivers/servers container is deprecated without replacement1638[date=2022-03-07 15:08:02 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- has_element? :login_page (wait: 60) returned: true1639[date=2022-03-07 15:08:02 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- has_element? :login_page (wait: 0) returned: true1640[date=2022-03-07 15:08:02 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- has_element? :login_page (wait: 0) returned: true1641[date=2022-03-07 15:08:02 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- waiting for loading to complete...1642[date=2022-03-07 15:08:02 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- loading complete after 0.006517639 seconds1643[date=2022-03-07 15:08:03 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- has_element? :sign_in_tab (wait: 0) returned: false1644[date=2022-03-07 15:08:03 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- waiting for loading to complete...1645[date=2022-03-07 15:08:03 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- loading complete after 0.006199759 seconds1646[date=2022-03-07 15:08:04 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- has_element? :standard_tab (wait: 0) returned: false1647[date=2022-03-07 15:08:04 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- filling :login_field with "root"1648[date=2022-03-07 15:08:04 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- finding :login_field with args {}1649[date=2022-03-07 15:08:04 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- waiting for loading to complete...1650[date=2022-03-07 15:08:04 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- loading complete after 0.006603459 seconds1651[date=2022-03-07 15:08:04 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- found :login_field1652[date=2022-03-07 15:08:04 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- filling :password_field with "*****"1653[date=2022-03-07 15:08:04 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- finding :password_field with args {}1654[date=2022-03-07 15:08:04 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- waiting for loading to complete...1655[date=2022-03-07 15:08:04 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- loading complete after 0.007264859 seconds1656[date=2022-03-07 15:08:04 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- found :password_field1657[date=2022-03-07 15:08:04 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- clicking :sign_in_button with args {}1658[date=2022-03-07 15:08:04 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- waiting for loading to complete...1659[date=2022-03-07 15:08:04 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- loading complete after 0.00652964 seconds1660[date=2022-03-07 15:08:06 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- waiting for loading to complete...1661[date=2022-03-07 15:08:06 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- loading complete after 0.009831889 seconds1662[date=2022-03-07 15:08:06 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- has_no_element? :#<QA::Page::Element:0x00005608bf69d958> (wait: 0) returned: false1663[date=2022-03-07 15:08:06 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- waiting for loading to complete...1664[date=2022-03-07 15:08:06 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- loading complete after 0.009945468 seconds1665[date=2022-03-07 15:08:06 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- has_no_element? :#<QA::Page::Element:0x00005608bf69d728> (wait: 0) returned: true1666[date=2022-03-07 15:08:06 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- has_element? :navbar (wait: 60) returned: true1667[date=2022-03-07 15:08:06 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- has_element? :user_avatar (wait: 60) returned: true1668[date=2022-03-07 15:08:06 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- has_element? :user_menu (wait: 60) returned: true1669[date=2022-03-07 15:08:06 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- has_element? :issues_shortcut_button (wait: 60) returned: true1670[date=2022-03-07 15:08:06 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- has_element? :merge_requests_shortcut_button (wait: 60) returned: true1671[date=2022-03-07 15:08:06 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- has_element? :todos_shortcut_button (wait: 60) returned: true1672[date=2022-03-07 15:08:07 from=QA Tests] INFO -- Executing `["ssh-keygen", "-t", "ed25519", "-b", "256", "-f", "/tmp/d20220307-66-iz1yfz/id_ed25519", "-N", ""]`1673Generating public/private ed25519 key pair.1674Your identification has been saved in /tmp/d20220307-66-iz1yfz/id_ed25519.1675Your public key has been saved in /tmp/d20220307-66-iz1yfz/ key fingerprint is:1677SHA256:Qx3f/BQ2BYsGq+6Hf+uSA2+GHnN+/lDgYtKwA4gCfSI root@runner-kpqq46jn-project-278964-concurrent-01678The key's randomart image is:1679+--[ED25519 256]--+1680|.. o .=o|1681|E o... . = +..o|1682|...o. . o o = + .|1683| . o = o . o |1684| S + . . .|1685| ..= . . |1686| +=... |1687| .o=O o. |1688| .o=oB+o. |1689+----[SHA256]-----+1690[date=2022-03-07 15:08:07 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- Visiting QA::Resource::Project at[date=2022-03-07 15:08:08 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- waiting for loading to complete...1692[date=2022-03-07 15:08:08 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- loading complete after 0.012810348 seconds1693[date=2022-03-07 15:08:08 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- within element :project_sidebar with args {}1694[date=2022-03-07 15:08:09 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- waiting for loading to complete...1695[date=2022-03-07 15:08:09 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- loading complete after 0.015998637 seconds1696[date=2022-03-07 15:08:09 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- scrolling to :[data-qa-selector="sidebar_menu_link"],.qa-sidebar-menu-link1697[date=2022-03-07 15:08:09 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- waiting for loading to complete...1698[date=2022-03-07 15:08:09 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- loading complete after 0.010380118 seconds1699[date=2022-03-07 15:08:09 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- finding :sidebar_menu_link with args {:menu_item=>"Settings"}1700[date=2022-03-07 15:08:09 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- waiting for loading to complete...1701[date=2022-03-07 15:08:09 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- loading complete after 0.006466429 seconds1702[date=2022-03-07 15:08:09 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- found :sidebar_menu_link1703[date=2022-03-07 15:08:09 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- clicking :sidebar_menu_item_link with args {:menu_item=>"Repository"}1704[date=2022-03-07 15:08:09 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- waiting for loading to complete...1705[date=2022-03-07 15:08:09 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- loading complete after 0.010600379 seconds1706[date=2022-03-07 15:08:10 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- end within element :project_sidebar with args {}1707[date=2022-03-07 15:08:10 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- within element :deploy_keys_settings_content with args {}1708[date=2022-03-07 15:08:11 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- waiting for loading to complete...1709[date=2022-03-07 15:08:11 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- loading complete after 0.016650758 seconds1710[date=2022-03-07 15:08:12 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- filling :deploy_key_title_field with "*****"1711[date=2022-03-07 15:08:12 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- finding :deploy_key_title_field with args {}1712[date=2022-03-07 15:08:12 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- waiting for loading to complete...1713[date=2022-03-07 15:08:12 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- loading complete after 0.009164119 seconds1714[date=2022-03-07 15:08:12 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- found :deploy_key_title_field1715[date=2022-03-07 15:08:12 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- filling :deploy_key_field with "*****"1716[date=2022-03-07 15:08:12 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- finding :deploy_key_field with args {}1717[date=2022-03-07 15:08:12 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- waiting for loading to complete...1718[date=2022-03-07 15:08:12 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- loading complete after 0.007431208 seconds1719[date=2022-03-07 15:08:12 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- found :deploy_key_field1720[date=2022-03-07 15:08:12 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- clicking :add_deploy_key_button with args {}1721[date=2022-03-07 15:08:12 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- waiting for loading to complete...1722[date=2022-03-07 15:08:12 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- loading complete after 0.007349359 seconds1723[date=2022-03-07 15:08:14 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- end within element :deploy_keys_settings_content with args {}1724[date=2022-03-07 15:08:14 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- ==> Built a QA::Resource::DeployKey via browser_ui in 6.767821126 seconds1725[date=2022-03-07 15:08:14 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- ==> Built a QA::Resource::CiVariable via api in 0.359238796 seconds1726[date=2022-03-07 15:08:14 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- <QA::Resource::Project> Attribute :repository_ssh_location has both API response `#<QA::Git::Location:0x00005608cc6c1008>` and a block. API response will be picked. Block will be ignored.1727[date=2022-03-07 15:08:14 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- <QA::Resource::Project> Attribute :repository_http_location has both API response `#<QA::Git::Location:0x00005608cc6c06f8>` and a block. API response will be picked. Block will be ignored.1728[date=2022-03-07 15:08:14 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- Git: pwd=[/tmp/d20220307-66-1ff8l62], command=[HOME="/tmp/qa-netrc-credentials/66" git clone ./ 2>&1]1729[date=2022-03-07 15:08:14 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- Git: output=[Cloning into '.'...1730warning: You appear to have cloned an empty repository.], exitstatus=[0]1731[date=2022-03-07 15:08:14 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- Git: pwd=[/tmp/d20220307-66-1ff8l62], command=[HOME="/tmp/qa-netrc-credentials/66" git config "GitLab QA" 2>&1]1732[date=2022-03-07 15:08:14 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- Git: output=[], exitstatus=[0]1733[date=2022-03-07 15:08:14 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- Git: pwd=[/tmp/d20220307-66-1ff8l62], command=[HOME="/tmp/qa-netrc-credentials/66" git config 2>&1]1734[date=2022-03-07 15:08:14 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- Git: output=[], exitstatus=[0]1735[date=2022-03-07 15:08:14 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- Git: pwd=[/tmp/d20220307-66-1ff8l62], command=[HOME="/tmp/qa-netrc-credentials/66" git checkout -b "DEPLOY_KEY_ed25519_256" 2>&1]1736[date=2022-03-07 15:08:14 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- Git: output=[Switched to a new branch 'DEPLOY_KEY_ed25519_256'], exitstatus=[0]1737[date=2022-03-07 15:08:14 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- Git: pwd=[/tmp/d20220307-66-1ff8l62], command=[HOME="/tmp/qa-netrc-credentials/66" git add .gitlab-ci.yml 2>&1]1738[date=2022-03-07 15:08:14 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- Git: output=[], exitstatus=[0]1739[date=2022-03-07 15:08:14 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- Git: pwd=[/tmp/d20220307-66-1ff8l62], command=[HOME="/tmp/qa-netrc-credentials/66" git commit -m "Add .gitlab-ci.yml" 2>&1]1740[date=2022-03-07 15:08:14 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- Git: output=[[DEPLOY_KEY_ed25519_256 (root-commit) a61e18e] Add .gitlab-ci.yml1741 1 file changed, 13 insertions(+)1742 create mode 100644 .gitlab-ci.yml], exitstatus=[0]1743[date=2022-03-07 15:08:14 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- Git: pwd=[/tmp/d20220307-66-1ff8l62], command=[HOME="/tmp/qa-netrc-credentials/66" git push DEPLOY_KEY_ed25519_256:DEPLOY_KEY_ed25519_256 2>&1]1744[date=2022-03-07 15:08:16 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- Git: output=[To * [new branch] DEPLOY_KEY_ed25519_256 -> DEPLOY_KEY_ed25519_256], exitstatus=[0]1746[date=2022-03-07 15:08:16 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- QA::Resource::Project - wait_for_push with commit message "Add .gitlab-ci.yml"1747[date=2022-03-07 15:08:16 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- ==> Built a QA::Resource::Repository::ProjectPush via browser_ui in 1.807282265 seconds1748[date=2022-03-07 15:08:16 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- waiting for loading to complete...1749[date=2022-03-07 15:08:16 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- loading complete after 0.014490007 seconds1750[date=2022-03-07 15:08:16 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- within element :project_sidebar with args {}1751[date=2022-03-07 15:08:16 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- waiting for loading to complete...1752[date=2022-03-07 15:08:16 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- loading complete after 0.010799279 seconds1753[date=2022-03-07 15:08:16 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- clicking :sidebar_menu_link with args {:menu_item=>"CI/CD"}1754[date=2022-03-07 15:08:16 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- waiting for loading to complete...1755[date=2022-03-07 15:08:16 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- loading complete after 0.008772099 seconds1756[date=2022-03-07 15:08:17 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- end within element :project_sidebar with args {}1757[date=2022-03-07 15:08:17 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- finding all :pipeline_url_link with args {:minimum=>1, :wait=>60}1758[date=2022-03-07 15:08:17 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- waiting for loading to complete...1759[date=2022-03-07 15:08:17 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- loading complete after 0.012520148 seconds1760[date=2022-03-07 15:08:17 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- found 1 :pipeline_url_link1761[date=2022-03-07 15:08:20 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- has_element? :job_log_content (wait: 1) returned: true1762[date=2022-03-07 15:08:20 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- finding :status_badge with args {}1763[date=2022-03-07 15:08:20 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- waiting for loading to complete...1764[date=2022-03-07 15:08:20 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- loading complete after 0.014242778 seconds1765[date=2022-03-07 15:08:20 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- found :status_badge1766[date=2022-03-07 15:08:23 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- Retrying action with: max_duration: 60; sleep_interval: 3.0; raise_on_failure: true; retry_on_exception: false1767[date=2022-03-07 15:08:23 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- finding :status_badge with args {}1768[date=2022-03-07 15:08:23 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- waiting for loading to complete...1769[date=2022-03-07 15:08:23 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- loading complete after 0.012717928 seconds1770[date=2022-03-07 15:08:23 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- found :status_badge1771[date=2022-03-07 15:08:26 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- finding :status_badge with args {}1772[date=2022-03-07 15:08:26 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- waiting for loading to complete...1773[date=2022-03-07 15:08:26 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- loading complete after 0.010678679 seconds1774[date=2022-03-07 15:08:26 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- found :status_badge1775[date=2022-03-07 15:08:29 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- finding :status_badge with args {}1776[date=2022-03-07 15:08:30 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- waiting for loading to complete...1777[date=2022-03-07 15:08:30 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- loading complete after 0.011045628 seconds1778[date=2022-03-07 15:08:30 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- found :status_badge1779[date=2022-03-07 15:08:33 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- finding :status_badge with args {}1780[date=2022-03-07 15:08:33 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- waiting for loading to complete...1781[date=2022-03-07 15:08:33 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- loading complete after 0.011893948 seconds1782[date=2022-03-07 15:08:33 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- found :status_badge1783[date=2022-03-07 15:08:33 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- ended retry1784[date=2022-03-07 15:08:33 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- finding :job_log_content with args {}1785[date=2022-03-07 15:08:33 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- waiting for loading to complete...1786[date=2022-03-07 15:08:33 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- loading complete after 0.011283088 seconds1787[date=2022-03-07 15:08:33 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- found :job_log_content1788[date=2022-03-07 15:08:33 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- 1789 ------- Job log: ------- 1790 1Running with gitlab-runner 14.8.2 (c6e7e194)17912 on qa-runner-9fe73489 YepzCfAR179231793Resolving secrets179400:00179551796Preparing the "shell" executor179700:0017986Using Shell executor...179981800Preparing environment180100:0018029Running on cd82085013e6...1803111804Getting source from Git repository180500:01180612Fetching changes with git depth set to 20...180713Initialized empty Git repository in /home/gitlab-runner/builds/YepzCfAR/0/gitlab-qa-sandbox-group/qa-test-2022-03-07-14-49-47-c6db921ef6e8f40e/deploy-key-clone-project-401b4640ee06008f/.git/180814Created fresh repository.180915Checking out a61e18ee as DEPLOY_KEY_ed25519_256...181016Skipping object checkout, Git LFS is not installed.181117Skipping Git submodules setup1812191813Executing "step_script" stage of the job script181400:01181520$ which ssh-agent || ( apk --update add openssh-client )181621/usr/bin/ssh-agent181722$ mkdir -p ~/.ssh181823$ ssh-keyscan -p 22 >> ~/.ssh/known_hosts181924# SSH-2.0-OpenSSH_8.4p1 Debian-5182025# SSH-2.0-OpenSSH_8.4p1 Debian-5182126# SSH-2.0-OpenSSH_8.4p1 Debian-5182227# SSH-2.0-OpenSSH_8.4p1 Debian-5182328# SSH-2.0-OpenSSH_8.4p1 Debian-5182429$ eval $(ssh-agent -s)182530Agent pid 96182631$ ssh-add -D182732All identities removed.182833$ echo "$DEPLOY_KEY_ed25519_256" | ssh-add -182934Identity added: (stdin) (root@runner-kpqq46jn-project-278964-concurrent-0)183035$ git clone into 'deploy-key-clone-project-401b4640ee06008f'...183237Warning: Permanently added the ECDSA host key for IP address '' to the list of known hosts.183338$ cd deploy-key-clone-project-401b4640ee06008f183439$ git checkout DEPLOY_KEY_ed25519_256183540Already on 'DEPLOY_KEY_ed25519_256'183641Your branch is up to date with 'origin/DEPLOY_KEY_ed25519_256'.183742$ sha1sum .gitlab-ci.yml183843ab32b88980df333cc187364c30498d3cd4e21e8e .gitlab-ci.yml1839451840Cleaning up project directory and file based variables184100:00184247Job succeeded 1843 -------1844[date=2022-03-07 15:08:33 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- finding :status_badge with args {}1845[date=2022-03-07 15:08:33 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- waiting for loading to complete...1846[date=2022-03-07 15:08:33 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- loading complete after 0.011860419 seconds1847[date=2022-03-07 15:08:33 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- found :status_badge1848[date=2022-03-07 15:08:33 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- finding :status_badge with args {}1849[date=2022-03-07 15:08:33 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- waiting for loading to complete...1850[date=2022-03-07 15:08:33 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- loading complete after 0.011801549 seconds1851[date=2022-03-07 15:08:33 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- found :status_badge1852[date=2022-03-07 15:08:33 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- finding :job_log_content with args {}1853[date=2022-03-07 15:08:33 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- waiting for loading to complete...1854[date=2022-03-07 15:08:33 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- loading complete after 0.011256788 seconds1855[date=2022-03-07 15:08:33 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- found :job_log_content1856[date=2022-03-07 15:08:34 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- Removed a QA::Resource::Runner with name 'qa-runner-9fe73489'1857[date=2022-03-07 15:08:34 from=QA Tests] INFO -- Executing `docker rm -f qa-runner-9fe73489`1858qa-runner-9fe734891859[date=2022-03-07 15:08:34 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- Removed a QA::Resource::Project with full_path 'gitlab-qa-sandbox-group/qa-test-2022-03-07-14-49-47-c6db921ef6e8f40e/deploy-key-clone-project-401b4640ee06008f'1860 user sets up a deploy key with QA::Runtime::Key::ED25519() to clone code using pipelines1861[date=2022-03-07 15:08:34 from=QA Tests] INFO -- Starting test: Release Git clone using a deploy key user sets up a deploy key with QA::Runtime::Key::ECDSA(521) to clone code using pipelines1862[date=2022-03-07 15:08:34 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- ==> Retrieved a QA::Resource::Sandbox with full_path 'gitlab-qa-sandbox-group' via api in 0.178397494 seconds1863[date=2022-03-07 15:08:35 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- <QA::Resource::Group> Attribute :full_path has both API response `gitlab-qa-sandbox-group/qa-test-2022-03-07-14-49-47-c6db921ef6e8f40e` and a block. API response will be picked. Block will be ignored.1864[date=2022-03-07 15:08:35 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- ==> Retrieved a QA::Resource::Group with full_path 'gitlab-qa-sandbox-group/qa-test-2022-03-07-14-49-47-c6db921ef6e8f40e' via api in 1.124399559 seconds1865[date=2022-03-07 15:08:36 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- ==> Built a QA::Resource::Project with full_path 'gitlab-qa-sandbox-group/qa-test-2022-03-07-14-49-47-c6db921ef6e8f40e/deploy-key-clone-project-39b65ae7df6fd816' via api in 2.225964301 seconds1866[date=2022-03-07 15:08:36 from=QA Tests] INFO -- Executing `docker pull gitlab/gitlab-runner:alpine`1867alpine: Pulling from gitlab/gitlab-runner1868Digest: sha256:3712d3e3548017056758516c5cb40fc0531f22d9b01bbfba502ab5356990cfd01869Status: Image is up to date for gitlab/gitlab-runner:alpine1870[date=2022-03-07 15:08:37 from=QA Tests] INFO -- Executing `docker network inspect test`1871[]1872Error: No such network: test1873[date=2022-03-07 15:08:37 from=QA Tests] INFO -- Executing `docker network inspect test`1874[]1875Error: No such network: test1876[date=2022-03-07 15:08:37 from=QA Tests] INFO -- Executing `docker run -d --rm --network bridge --name qa-runner-35d6200c --privileged gitlab/gitlab-runner:alpine && docker cp /tmp/gitlab-cert20220307-66-1gjqfev qa-runner-35d6200c:/etc/gitlab-runner/certs/gitlab.test.crt && docker exec --detach qa-runner-35d6200c sh -c "printf 'concurrent = 1\ncheck_interval = 0\n\n[session_server]\n session_timeout = 1800' > /etc/gitlab-runner/config.toml && gitlab-runner register --non-interactive --name qa-runner-35d6200c --url --registration-token GR1348941GS2sMGsBhzzULYmwJ9vM --tag-list qa-runner-35d6200c --executor shell && gitlab-runner run" `1877dd6dbcd0a0813ace0d766189f904996398b60a0814b22fe0cd19e5585e829c3e1878[date=2022-03-07 15:08:37 from=QA Tests] INFO -- Executing `docker network inspect test`1879[]1880Error: No such network: test1881[date=2022-03-07 15:08:37 from=QA Tests] INFO -- Executing `docker network inspect test`1882[]1883Error: No such network: test1884[date=2022-03-07 15:08:37 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- ==> Built a QA::Resource::Runner with name 'qa-runner-35d6200c' via api in 0.92068997 seconds1885[date=2022-03-07 15:08:37 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- waiting for loading to complete...1886[date=2022-03-07 15:08:37 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- loading complete after 0.007586349 seconds1887[date=2022-03-07 15:08:38 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- has_element? :login_page (wait: 0) returned: false1888[date=2022-03-07 15:08:38 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- waiting for loading to complete...1889[date=2022-03-07 15:08:38 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- loading complete after 0.007081289 seconds1890[date=2022-03-07 15:08:39 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- has_element? :user_avatar (wait: 0) returned: false1891/usr/local/bundle/gems/capybara-3.35.3/lib/capybara/registration_container.rb:21: warning: DEPRECATED: Calling 'include?' on the drivers/servers container is deprecated without replacement1892[date=2022-03-07 15:08:40 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- has_element? :login_page (wait: 60) returned: true1893[date=2022-03-07 15:08:40 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- has_element? :login_page (wait: 0) returned: true1894[date=2022-03-07 15:08:40 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- has_element? :login_page (wait: 0) returned: true1895[date=2022-03-07 15:08:40 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- waiting for loading to complete...1896[date=2022-03-07 15:08:40 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- loading complete after 0.006437929 seconds1897[date=2022-03-07 15:08:41 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- has_element? :sign_in_tab (wait: 0) returned: false1898[date=2022-03-07 15:08:41 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- waiting for loading to complete...1899[date=2022-03-07 15:08:41 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- loading complete after 0.006351629 seconds1900[date=2022-03-07 15:08:42 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- has_element? :standard_tab (wait: 0) returned: false1901[date=2022-03-07 15:08:42 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- filling :login_field with "root"1902[date=2022-03-07 15:08:42 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- finding :login_field with args {}1903[date=2022-03-07 15:08:42 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- waiting for loading to complete...1904[date=2022-03-07 15:08:42 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- loading complete after 0.006122929 seconds1905[date=2022-03-07 15:08:42 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- found :login_field1906[date=2022-03-07 15:08:42 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- filling :password_field with "*****"1907[date=2022-03-07 15:08:42 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- finding :password_field with args {}1908[date=2022-03-07 15:08:42 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- waiting for loading to complete...1909[date=2022-03-07 15:08:42 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- loading complete after 0.007374409 seconds1910[date=2022-03-07 15:08:42 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- found :password_field1911[date=2022-03-07 15:08:42 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- clicking :sign_in_button with args {}1912[date=2022-03-07 15:08:42 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- waiting for loading to complete...1913[date=2022-03-07 15:08:42 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- loading complete after 0.007321009 seconds1914[date=2022-03-07 15:08:43 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- waiting for loading to complete...1915[date=2022-03-07 15:08:43 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- loading complete after 0.009627108 seconds1916[date=2022-03-07 15:08:43 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- has_no_element? :#<QA::Page::Element:0x00005608bf69d958> (wait: 0) returned: false1917[date=2022-03-07 15:08:44 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- waiting for loading to complete...1918[date=2022-03-07 15:08:44 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- loading complete after 0.010792619 seconds1919[date=2022-03-07 15:08:44 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- has_no_element? :#<QA::Page::Element:0x00005608bf69d728> (wait: 0) returned: true1920[date=2022-03-07 15:08:44 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- has_element? :navbar (wait: 60) returned: true1921[date=2022-03-07 15:08:44 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- has_element? :user_avatar (wait: 60) returned: true1922[date=2022-03-07 15:08:44 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- has_element? :user_menu (wait: 60) returned: true1923[date=2022-03-07 15:08:44 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- has_element? :issues_shortcut_button (wait: 60) returned: true1924[date=2022-03-07 15:08:44 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- has_element? :merge_requests_shortcut_button (wait: 60) returned: true1925[date=2022-03-07 15:08:44 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- has_element? :todos_shortcut_button (wait: 60) returned: true1926[date=2022-03-07 15:08:45 from=QA Tests] INFO -- Executing `["ssh-keygen", "-t", "ecdsa", "-b", "521", "-f", "/tmp/d20220307-66-11c0ha0/id_ecdsa", "-N", ""]`1927Generating public/private ecdsa key pair.1928Your identification has been saved in /tmp/d20220307-66-11c0ha0/id_ecdsa.1929Your public key has been saved in /tmp/d20220307-66-11c0ha0/ key fingerprint is:1931SHA256:cdX3NthgfEAbroTGSDvvia+aS28vXcjC+nOLz8pooz0 root@runner-kpqq46jn-project-278964-concurrent-01932The key's randomart image is:1933+---[ECDSA 521]---+1934| . +=. |1935| . + ...++..|1936| +.+...o=..|1937| +o. .. oo|1938| . S... ..|1939| ooo.. |1940| ...oo. |1941| oE=++o |1942| .o*BBO*. |1943+----[SHA256]-----+1944[date=2022-03-07 15:08:45 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- Visiting QA::Resource::Project at[date=2022-03-07 15:08:46 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- waiting for loading to complete...1946[date=2022-03-07 15:08:46 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- loading complete after 0.014123717 seconds1947[date=2022-03-07 15:08:46 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- within element :project_sidebar with args {}1948[date=2022-03-07 15:08:46 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- waiting for loading to complete...1949[date=2022-03-07 15:08:46 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- loading complete after 0.015100288 seconds1950[date=2022-03-07 15:08:46 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- scrolling to :[data-qa-selector="sidebar_menu_link"],.qa-sidebar-menu-link1951[date=2022-03-07 15:08:46 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- waiting for loading to complete...1952[date=2022-03-07 15:08:46 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- loading complete after 0.010444779 seconds1953[date=2022-03-07 15:08:46 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- finding :sidebar_menu_link with args {:menu_item=>"Settings"}1954[date=2022-03-07 15:08:46 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- waiting for loading to complete...1955[date=2022-03-07 15:08:46 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- loading complete after 0.006727009 seconds1956[date=2022-03-07 15:08:46 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- found :sidebar_menu_link1957[date=2022-03-07 15:08:46 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- clicking :sidebar_menu_item_link with args {:menu_item=>"Repository"}1958[date=2022-03-07 15:08:46 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- waiting for loading to complete...1959[date=2022-03-07 15:08:47 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- loading complete after 0.013449788 seconds1960[date=2022-03-07 15:08:48 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- end within element :project_sidebar with args {}1961[date=2022-03-07 15:08:48 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- within element :deploy_keys_settings_content with args {}1962[date=2022-03-07 15:08:48 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- waiting for loading to complete...1963[date=2022-03-07 15:08:48 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- loading complete after 0.016598767 seconds1964[date=2022-03-07 15:08:49 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- filling :deploy_key_title_field with "*****"1965[date=2022-03-07 15:08:49 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- finding :deploy_key_title_field with args {}1966[date=2022-03-07 15:08:49 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- waiting for loading to complete...1967[date=2022-03-07 15:08:49 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- loading complete after 0.012040628 seconds1968[date=2022-03-07 15:08:49 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- found :deploy_key_title_field1969[date=2022-03-07 15:08:49 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- filling :deploy_key_field with "*****"1970[date=2022-03-07 15:08:49 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- finding :deploy_key_field with args {}1971[date=2022-03-07 15:08:49 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- waiting for loading to complete...1972[date=2022-03-07 15:08:49 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- loading complete after 0.006818319 seconds1973[date=2022-03-07 15:08:50 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- found :deploy_key_field1974[date=2022-03-07 15:08:50 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- clicking :add_deploy_key_button with args {}1975[date=2022-03-07 15:08:50 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- waiting for loading to complete...1976[date=2022-03-07 15:08:50 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- loading complete after 0.009277878 seconds1977[date=2022-03-07 15:08:51 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- end within element :deploy_keys_settings_content with args {}1978[date=2022-03-07 15:08:51 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- ==> Built a QA::Resource::DeployKey via browser_ui in 6.390066999 seconds1979[date=2022-03-07 15:08:52 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- ==> Built a QA::Resource::CiVariable via api in 0.364319905 seconds1980[date=2022-03-07 15:08:52 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- <QA::Resource::Project> Attribute :repository_ssh_location has both API response `#<QA::Git::Location:0x00005608c2548028>` and a block. API response will be picked. Block will be ignored.1981[date=2022-03-07 15:08:52 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- <QA::Resource::Project> Attribute :repository_http_location has both API response `#<QA::Git::Location:0x00005608c25436e0>` and a block. API response will be picked. Block will be ignored.1982[date=2022-03-07 15:08:52 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- Git: pwd=[/tmp/d20220307-66-1rav2aj], command=[HOME="/tmp/qa-netrc-credentials/66" git clone ./ 2>&1]1983[date=2022-03-07 15:08:52 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- Git: output=[Cloning into '.'...1984warning: You appear to have cloned an empty repository.], exitstatus=[0]1985[date=2022-03-07 15:08:52 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- Git: pwd=[/tmp/d20220307-66-1rav2aj], command=[HOME="/tmp/qa-netrc-credentials/66" git config "GitLab QA" 2>&1]1986[date=2022-03-07 15:08:52 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- Git: output=[], exitstatus=[0]1987[date=2022-03-07 15:08:52 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- Git: pwd=[/tmp/d20220307-66-1rav2aj], command=[HOME="/tmp/qa-netrc-credentials/66" git config 2>&1]1988[date=2022-03-07 15:08:52 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- Git: output=[], exitstatus=[0]1989[date=2022-03-07 15:08:52 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- Git: pwd=[/tmp/d20220307-66-1rav2aj], command=[HOME="/tmp/qa-netrc-credentials/66" git checkout -b "DEPLOY_KEY_ecdsa_521" 2>&1]1990[date=2022-03-07 15:08:52 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- Git: output=[Switched to a new branch 'DEPLOY_KEY_ecdsa_521'], exitstatus=[0]1991[date=2022-03-07 15:08:52 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- Git: pwd=[/tmp/d20220307-66-1rav2aj], command=[HOME="/tmp/qa-netrc-credentials/66" git add .gitlab-ci.yml 2>&1]1992[date=2022-03-07 15:08:52 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- Git: output=[], exitstatus=[0]1993[date=2022-03-07 15:08:52 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- Git: pwd=[/tmp/d20220307-66-1rav2aj], command=[HOME="/tmp/qa-netrc-credentials/66" git commit -m "Add .gitlab-ci.yml" 2>&1]1994[date=2022-03-07 15:08:52 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- Git: output=[[DEPLOY_KEY_ecdsa_521 (root-commit) 9a0253c] Add .gitlab-ci.yml1995 1 file changed, 13 insertions(+)1996 create mode 100644 .gitlab-ci.yml], exitstatus=[0]1997[date=2022-03-07 15:08:52 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- Git: pwd=[/tmp/d20220307-66-1rav2aj], command=[HOME="/tmp/qa-netrc-credentials/66" git push DEPLOY_KEY_ecdsa_521:DEPLOY_KEY_ecdsa_521 2>&1]1998[date=2022-03-07 15:08:53 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- Git: output=[To * [new branch] DEPLOY_KEY_ecdsa_521 -> DEPLOY_KEY_ecdsa_521], exitstatus=[0]2000[date=2022-03-07 15:08:53 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- QA::Resource::Project - wait_for_push with commit message "Add .gitlab-ci.yml"2001[date=2022-03-07 15:08:53 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- Retrying action with: max_duration: 60; sleep_interval: 0.1; raise_on_failure: false; retry_on_exception: false2002[date=2022-03-07 15:08:54 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- ended retry2003[date=2022-03-07 15:08:54 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- ==> Built a QA::Resource::Repository::ProjectPush via browser_ui in 1.956635652 seconds2004[date=2022-03-07 15:08:54 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- waiting for loading to complete...2005[date=2022-03-07 15:08:54 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- loading complete after 0.015116768 seconds2006[date=2022-03-07 15:08:54 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- within element :project_sidebar with args {}2007[date=2022-03-07 15:08:54 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- waiting for loading to complete...2008[date=2022-03-07 15:08:54 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- loading complete after 0.012481298 seconds2009[date=2022-03-07 15:08:54 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- clicking :sidebar_menu_link with args {:menu_item=>"CI/CD"}2010[date=2022-03-07 15:08:54 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- waiting for loading to complete...2011[date=2022-03-07 15:08:54 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- loading complete after 0.010268888 seconds2012[date=2022-03-07 15:08:55 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- end within element :project_sidebar with args {}2013[date=2022-03-07 15:08:55 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- finding all :pipeline_url_link with args {:minimum=>1, :wait=>60}2014[date=2022-03-07 15:08:56 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- waiting for loading to complete...2015[date=2022-03-07 15:08:56 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- loading complete after 0.019429147 seconds2016[date=2022-03-07 15:08:56 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- found 1 :pipeline_url_link2017[date=2022-03-07 15:08:58 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- has_element? :job_log_content (wait: 1) returned: true2018[date=2022-03-07 15:08:58 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- finding :status_badge with args {}2019[date=2022-03-07 15:08:58 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- waiting for loading to complete...2020[date=2022-03-07 15:08:58 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- loading complete after 0.013744528 seconds2021[date=2022-03-07 15:08:58 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- found :status_badge2022[date=2022-03-07 15:09:01 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- Retrying action with: max_duration: 60; sleep_interval: 3.0; raise_on_failure: true; retry_on_exception: false2023[date=2022-03-07 15:09:01 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- finding :status_badge with args {}2024[date=2022-03-07 15:09:01 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- waiting for loading to complete...2025[date=2022-03-07 15:09:01 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- loading complete after 0.010668088 seconds2026[date=2022-03-07 15:09:01 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- found :status_badge2027[date=2022-03-07 15:09:04 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- finding :status_badge with args {}2028[date=2022-03-07 15:09:04 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- waiting for loading to complete...2029[date=2022-03-07 15:09:04 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- loading complete after 0.012134948 seconds2030[date=2022-03-07 15:09:04 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- found :status_badge2031[date=2022-03-07 15:09:07 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- finding :status_badge with args {}2032[date=2022-03-07 15:09:07 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- waiting for loading to complete...2033[date=2022-03-07 15:09:07 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- loading complete after 0.011243039 seconds2034[date=2022-03-07 15:09:07 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- found :status_badge2035[date=2022-03-07 15:09:10 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- finding :status_badge with args {}2036[date=2022-03-07 15:09:10 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- waiting for loading to complete...2037[date=2022-03-07 15:09:10 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- loading complete after 0.012974588 seconds2038[date=2022-03-07 15:09:11 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- found :status_badge2039[date=2022-03-07 15:09:11 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- ended retry2040[date=2022-03-07 15:09:11 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- finding :job_log_content with args {}2041[date=2022-03-07 15:09:11 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- waiting for loading to complete...2042[date=2022-03-07 15:09:11 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- loading complete after 0.013012008 seconds2043[date=2022-03-07 15:09:11 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- found :job_log_content2044[date=2022-03-07 15:09:11 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- 2045 ------- Job log: ------- 2046 1Running with gitlab-runner 14.8.2 (c6e7e194)20472 on qa-runner-35d6200c KdJ7Dh9P204832049Resolving secrets205000:00205152052Preparing the "shell" executor205300:0020546Using Shell executor...205582056Preparing environment205700:0020589Running on dd6dbcd0a081...2059112060Getting source from Git repository206100:00206212Fetching changes with git depth set to 20...206313Initialized empty Git repository in /home/gitlab-runner/builds/KdJ7Dh9P/0/gitlab-qa-sandbox-group/qa-test-2022-03-07-14-49-47-c6db921ef6e8f40e/deploy-key-clone-project-39b65ae7df6fd816/.git/206414Created fresh repository.206515Checking out 9a0253ce as DEPLOY_KEY_ecdsa_521...206616Skipping object checkout, Git LFS is not installed.206717Skipping Git submodules setup2068192069Executing "step_script" stage of the job script207000:02207120$ which ssh-agent || ( apk --update add openssh-client )207221/usr/bin/ssh-agent207322$ mkdir -p ~/.ssh207423$ ssh-keyscan -p 22 >> ~/.ssh/known_hosts207524# SSH-2.0-OpenSSH_8.4p1 Debian-5207625# SSH-2.0-OpenSSH_8.4p1 Debian-5207726# SSH-2.0-OpenSSH_8.4p1 Debian-5207827# SSH-2.0-OpenSSH_8.4p1 Debian-5207928# SSH-2.0-OpenSSH_8.4p1 Debian-5208029$ eval $(ssh-agent -s)208130Agent pid 96208231$ ssh-add -D208332All identities removed.208433$ echo "$DEPLOY_KEY_ecdsa_521" | ssh-add -208534Identity added: (stdin) (root@runner-kpqq46jn-project-278964-concurrent-0)208635$ git clone into 'deploy-key-clone-project-39b65ae7df6fd816'...208837Warning: Permanently added the ECDSA host key for IP address '' to the list of known hosts.208938$ cd deploy-key-clone-project-39b65ae7df6fd816209039$ git checkout DEPLOY_KEY_ecdsa_521209140Already on 'DEPLOY_KEY_ecdsa_521'209241Your branch is up to date with 'origin/DEPLOY_KEY_ecdsa_521'.209342$ sha1sum .gitlab-ci.yml209443a7c35445ee3144a5f6204acd8f9838f2ad7ae084 .gitlab-ci.yml2095452096Cleaning up project directory and file based variables209700:00209847Job succeeded 2099 -------2100[date=2022-03-07 15:09:11 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- finding :status_badge with args {}2101[date=2022-03-07 15:09:11 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- waiting for loading to complete...2102[date=2022-03-07 15:09:11 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- loading complete after 0.008911039 seconds2103[date=2022-03-07 15:09:11 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- found :status_badge2104[date=2022-03-07 15:09:11 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- finding :status_badge with args {}2105[date=2022-03-07 15:09:11 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- waiting for loading to complete...2106[date=2022-03-07 15:09:11 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- loading complete after 0.010928489 seconds2107[date=2022-03-07 15:09:11 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- found :status_badge2108[date=2022-03-07 15:09:11 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- finding :job_log_content with args {}2109[date=2022-03-07 15:09:11 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- waiting for loading to complete...2110[date=2022-03-07 15:09:11 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- loading complete after 0.010893128 seconds2111[date=2022-03-07 15:09:11 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- found :job_log_content2112[date=2022-03-07 15:09:11 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- Removed a QA::Resource::Runner with name 'qa-runner-35d6200c'2113[date=2022-03-07 15:09:11 from=QA Tests] INFO -- Executing `docker rm -f qa-runner-35d6200c`2114qa-runner-35d6200c2115[date=2022-03-07 15:09:12 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- Removed a QA::Resource::Project with full_path 'gitlab-qa-sandbox-group/qa-test-2022-03-07-14-49-47-c6db921ef6e8f40e/deploy-key-clone-project-39b65ae7df6fd816'2116 user sets up a deploy key with QA::Runtime::Key::ECDSA(521) to clone code using pipelines2117Plan2118 Milestones2119 Project milestone2120 behaves like milestone assigned to existing issue2121[date=2022-03-07 15:09:12 from=QA Tests] INFO -- Starting test: Plan Milestones Project milestone behaves like milestone assigned to existing issue is assigned to an existing issue2122[date=2022-03-07 15:09:12 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- waiting for loading to complete...2123[date=2022-03-07 15:09:12 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- loading complete after 0.00595896 seconds2124[date=2022-03-07 15:09:13 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- has_element? :login_page (wait: 0) returned: false2125[date=2022-03-07 15:09:13 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- waiting for loading to complete...2126[date=2022-03-07 15:09:13 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- loading complete after 0.007319029 seconds2127[date=2022-03-07 15:09:14 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- has_element? :user_avatar (wait: 0) returned: false2128/usr/local/bundle/gems/capybara-3.35.3/lib/capybara/registration_container.rb:21: warning: DEPRECATED: Calling 'include?' on the drivers/servers container is deprecated without replacement2129[date=2022-03-07 15:09:15 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- has_element? :login_page (wait: 60) returned: true2130[date=2022-03-07 15:09:15 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- has_element? :login_page (wait: 0) returned: true2131[date=2022-03-07 15:09:15 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- has_element? :login_page (wait: 0) returned: true2132[date=2022-03-07 15:09:15 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- waiting for loading to complete...2133[date=2022-03-07 15:09:15 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- loading complete after 0.006041669 seconds2134[date=2022-03-07 15:09:16 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- has_element? :sign_in_tab (wait: 0) returned: false2135[date=2022-03-07 15:09:16 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- waiting for loading to complete...2136[date=2022-03-07 15:09:16 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- loading complete after 0.005413439 seconds2137[date=2022-03-07 15:09:17 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- has_element? :standard_tab (wait: 0) returned: false2138[date=2022-03-07 15:09:17 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- filling :login_field with "root"2139[date=2022-03-07 15:09:17 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- finding :login_field with args {}2140[date=2022-03-07 15:09:17 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- waiting for loading to complete...2141[date=2022-03-07 15:09:17 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- loading complete after 0.006939539 seconds2142[date=2022-03-07 15:09:17 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- found :login_field2143[date=2022-03-07 15:09:17 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- filling :password_field with "*****"2144[date=2022-03-07 15:09:17 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- finding :password_field with args {}2145[date=2022-03-07 15:09:17 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- waiting for loading to complete...2146[date=2022-03-07 15:09:17 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- loading complete after 0.006947439 seconds2147[date=2022-03-07 15:09:17 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- found :password_field2148[date=2022-03-07 15:09:17 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- clicking :sign_in_button with args {}2149[date=2022-03-07 15:09:17 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- waiting for loading to complete...2150[date=2022-03-07 15:09:17 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- loading complete after 0.007121679 seconds2151[date=2022-03-07 15:09:18 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- waiting for loading to complete...2152[date=2022-03-07 15:09:18 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- loading complete after 0.009945368 seconds2153[date=2022-03-07 15:09:18 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- has_no_element? :#<QA::Page::Element:0x00005608bf69d958> (wait: 0) returned: false2154[date=2022-03-07 15:09:18 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- waiting for loading to complete...2155[date=2022-03-07 15:09:19 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- loading complete after 0.011924559 seconds2156[date=2022-03-07 15:09:19 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- has_no_element? :#<QA::Page::Element:0x00005608bf69d728> (wait: 0) returned: true2157[date=2022-03-07 15:09:19 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- has_element? :navbar (wait: 60) returned: true2158[date=2022-03-07 15:09:19 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- has_element? :user_avatar (wait: 60) returned: true2159[date=2022-03-07 15:09:19 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- has_element? :user_menu (wait: 60) returned: true2160[date=2022-03-07 15:09:19 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- has_element? :issues_shortcut_button (wait: 60) returned: true2161[date=2022-03-07 15:09:19 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- has_element? :merge_requests_shortcut_button (wait: 60) returned: true2162[date=2022-03-07 15:09:19 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- has_element? :todos_shortcut_button (wait: 60) returned: true2163[date=2022-03-07 15:09:20 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- ==> Retrieved a QA::Resource::Sandbox with full_path 'gitlab-qa-sandbox-group' via api in 0.20975169 seconds2164[date=2022-03-07 15:09:20 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- <QA::Resource::Group> Attribute :full_path has both API response `gitlab-qa-sandbox-group/group-to-test-milestones-1db4a1fe` and a block. API response will be picked. Block will be ignored.2165[date=2022-03-07 15:09:20 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- ==> Built a QA::Resource::Group with full_path 'gitlab-qa-sandbox-group/group-to-test-milestones-1db4a1fe' via api in 0.810691724 seconds2166[date=2022-03-07 15:09:21 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- ==> Built a QA::Resource::Project with full_path 'gitlab-qa-sandbox-group/group-to-test-milestones-1db4a1fe/project-to-test-milestones-40676354-bb42207b325695b2' via api in 0.792829216 seconds2167[date=2022-03-07 15:09:22 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- ==> Built a QA::Resource::Issue with id '98' via api in 0.779281809 seconds2168[date=2022-03-07 15:09:22 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- Visiting QA::Resource::Issue at[date=2022-03-07 15:09:24 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- ==> Built a QA::Resource::ProjectMilestone with id '27' via api in 0.231697947 seconds2170[date=2022-03-07 15:09:24 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- within element :milestone_block with args {}2171[date=2022-03-07 15:09:25 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- waiting for loading to complete...2172[date=2022-03-07 15:09:25 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- loading complete after 0.011915818 seconds2173[date=2022-03-07 15:09:25 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- waiting for loading to complete...2174[date=2022-03-07 15:09:25 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- loading complete after 0.009442619 seconds2175[date=2022-03-07 15:09:25 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- clicking :edit_link with args {}2176[date=2022-03-07 15:09:25 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- waiting for loading to complete...2177[date=2022-03-07 15:09:25 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- loading complete after 0.006441889 seconds2178[date=2022-03-07 15:09:25 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- end within element :milestone_block with args {}2179[date=2022-03-07 15:09:25 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- has_element? :milestone_block with text "project-milestone-d275da42" (wait: 0) returned: true2180[date=2022-03-07 15:09:25 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- refreshing[date=2022-03-07 15:09:28 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- waiting for loading to complete...2182[date=2022-03-07 15:09:28 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- loading complete after 0.016093988 seconds2183[date=2022-03-07 15:09:28 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- within element :milestone_block with args {}2184[date=2022-03-07 15:09:28 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- waiting for loading to complete...2185[date=2022-03-07 15:09:28 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- loading complete after 0.012255778 seconds2186[date=2022-03-07 15:09:28 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- waiting for loading to complete...2187[date=2022-03-07 15:09:28 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- loading complete after 0.010857789 seconds2188[date=2022-03-07 15:09:28 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- has_element? :milestone_link with text "project-milestone-d275da42" (wait: 10) returned: true2189[date=2022-03-07 15:09:28 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- end within element :milestone_block with args {}2190 is assigned to an existing issue2191 behaves like milestone assigned to new issue2192[date=2022-03-07 15:09:28 from=QA Tests] INFO -- Starting test: Plan Milestones Project milestone behaves like milestone assigned to new issue is assigned to a new issue2193[date=2022-03-07 15:09:28 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- waiting for loading to complete...2194[date=2022-03-07 15:09:28 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- loading complete after 0.006935239 seconds2195[date=2022-03-07 15:09:29 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- has_element? :login_page (wait: 0) returned: false2196[date=2022-03-07 15:09:29 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- waiting for loading to complete...2197[date=2022-03-07 15:09:29 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- loading complete after 0.006336919 seconds2198[date=2022-03-07 15:09:30 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- has_element? :user_avatar (wait: 0) returned: false2199/usr/local/bundle/gems/capybara-3.35.3/lib/capybara/registration_container.rb:21: warning: DEPRECATED: Calling 'include?' on the drivers/servers container is deprecated without replacement2200[date=2022-03-07 15:09:31 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- has_element? :login_page (wait: 60) returned: true2201[date=2022-03-07 15:09:31 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- has_element? :login_page (wait: 0) returned: true2202[date=2022-03-07 15:09:31 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- has_element? :login_page (wait: 0) returned: true2203[date=2022-03-07 15:09:31 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- waiting for loading to complete...2204[date=2022-03-07 15:09:31 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- loading complete after 0.00764277 seconds2205[date=2022-03-07 15:09:32 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- has_element? :sign_in_tab (wait: 0) returned: false2206[date=2022-03-07 15:09:32 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- waiting for loading to complete...2207[date=2022-03-07 15:09:32 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- loading complete after 0.005746199 seconds2208[date=2022-03-07 15:09:33 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- has_element? :standard_tab (wait: 0) returned: false2209[date=2022-03-07 15:09:33 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- filling :login_field with "root"2210[date=2022-03-07 15:09:33 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- finding :login_field with args {}2211[date=2022-03-07 15:09:33 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- waiting for loading to complete...2212[date=2022-03-07 15:09:33 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- loading complete after 0.007052419 seconds2213[date=2022-03-07 15:09:33 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- found :login_field2214[date=2022-03-07 15:09:33 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- filling :password_field with "*****"2215[date=2022-03-07 15:09:33 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- finding :password_field with args {}2216[date=2022-03-07 15:09:33 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- waiting for loading to complete...2217[date=2022-03-07 15:09:33 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- loading complete after 0.006113549 seconds2218[date=2022-03-07 15:09:33 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- found :password_field2219[date=2022-03-07 15:09:33 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- clicking :sign_in_button with args {}2220[date=2022-03-07 15:09:33 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- waiting for loading to complete...2221[date=2022-03-07 15:09:33 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- loading complete after 0.009591828 seconds2222[date=2022-03-07 15:09:34 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- waiting for loading to complete...2223[date=2022-03-07 15:09:34 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- loading complete after 0.009762458 seconds2224[date=2022-03-07 15:09:34 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- has_no_element? :#<QA::Page::Element:0x00005608bf69d958> (wait: 0) returned: false2225[date=2022-03-07 15:09:34 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- waiting for loading to complete...2226[date=2022-03-07 15:09:34 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- loading complete after 0.011828999 seconds2227[date=2022-03-07 15:09:34 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- has_no_element? :#<QA::Page::Element:0x00005608bf69d728> (wait: 0) returned: true2228[date=2022-03-07 15:09:35 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- has_element? :navbar (wait: 60) returned: true2229[date=2022-03-07 15:09:35 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- has_element? :user_avatar (wait: 60) returned: true2230[date=2022-03-07 15:09:35 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- has_element? :user_menu (wait: 60) returned: true2231[date=2022-03-07 15:09:35 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- has_element? :issues_shortcut_button (wait: 60) returned: true2232[date=2022-03-07 15:09:35 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- has_element? :merge_requests_shortcut_button (wait: 60) returned: true2233[date=2022-03-07 15:09:35 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- has_element? :todos_shortcut_button (wait: 60) returned: true2234[date=2022-03-07 15:09:35 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- ==> Retrieved a QA::Resource::Sandbox with full_path 'gitlab-qa-sandbox-group' via api in 0.242286405 seconds2235[date=2022-03-07 15:09:36 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- <QA::Resource::Group> Attribute :full_path has both API response `gitlab-qa-sandbox-group/group-to-test-milestones-99f9033a` and a block. API response will be picked. Block will be ignored.2236[date=2022-03-07 15:09:36 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- ==> Built a QA::Resource::Group with full_path 'gitlab-qa-sandbox-group/group-to-test-milestones-99f9033a' via api in 0.808142524 seconds2237[date=2022-03-07 15:09:37 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- ==> Built a QA::Resource::Project with full_path 'gitlab-qa-sandbox-group/group-to-test-milestones-99f9033a/project-to-test-milestones-9996bdbe-3846deadd0b3ec25' via api in 0.693823481 seconds2238[date=2022-03-07 15:09:37 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- ==> Built a QA::Resource::ProjectMilestone with id '28' via api in 0.216640929 seconds2239[date=2022-03-07 15:09:37 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- Visiting QA::Resource::Project at[date=2022-03-07 15:09:38 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- clicking :new_menu_toggle with args {}2241[date=2022-03-07 15:09:38 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- waiting for loading to complete...2242[date=2022-03-07 15:09:38 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- loading complete after 0.013226448 seconds2243[date=2022-03-07 15:09:39 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- clicking :new_issue_link with args {}2244[date=2022-03-07 15:09:39 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- waiting for loading to complete...2245[date=2022-03-07 15:09:39 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- loading complete after 0.015022588 seconds2246[date=2022-03-07 15:09:39 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- filling :issuable_form_title with "Issue title 8956189a94c6735f"2247[date=2022-03-07 15:09:39 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- finding :issuable_form_title with args {}2248[date=2022-03-07 15:09:40 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- waiting for loading to complete...2249[date=2022-03-07 15:09:40 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- loading complete after 0.013631529 seconds2250[date=2022-03-07 15:09:40 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- found :issuable_form_title2251[date=2022-03-07 15:09:40 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- filling :issuable_form_description with "Issue description 2c72a0e1536c8110"2252[date=2022-03-07 15:09:40 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- finding :issuable_form_description with args {}2253[date=2022-03-07 15:09:40 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- waiting for loading to complete...2254[date=2022-03-07 15:09:40 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- loading complete after 0.013281848 seconds2255[date=2022-03-07 15:09:40 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- found :issuable_form_description2256[date=2022-03-07 15:09:40 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- clicking :issuable_milestone_dropdown with args {}2257[date=2022-03-07 15:09:40 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- waiting for loading to complete...2258[date=2022-03-07 15:09:40 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- loading complete after 0.011304559 seconds2259[date=2022-03-07 15:09:40 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- within element :issuable_dropdown_menu_milestone with args {}2260[date=2022-03-07 15:09:40 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- waiting for loading to complete...2261[date=2022-03-07 15:09:40 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- loading complete after 0.011656178 seconds2262[date=2022-03-07 15:09:40 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- end within element :issuable_dropdown_menu_milestone with args {}2263[date=2022-03-07 15:09:40 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- clicking :issuable_create_button , expecting to be at Class with args {}2264[date=2022-03-07 15:09:41 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- waiting for loading to complete...2265[date=2022-03-07 15:09:41 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- loading complete after 0.015698208 seconds2266[date=2022-03-07 15:09:44 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- has_element? :title (wait: 60) returned: true2267[date=2022-03-07 15:09:44 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- has_element? :discussion_filter_dropdown (wait: 60) returned: true2268[date=2022-03-07 15:09:44 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- ==> Built a QA::Resource::Issue via browser_ui in 6.702105051 seconds2269[date=2022-03-07 15:09:44 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- within element :milestone_block with args {}2270[date=2022-03-07 15:09:44 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- waiting for loading to complete...2271[date=2022-03-07 15:09:44 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- loading complete after 0.015351708 seconds2272[date=2022-03-07 15:09:44 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- waiting for loading to complete...2273[date=2022-03-07 15:09:44 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- loading complete after 0.009380869 seconds2274[date=2022-03-07 15:09:44 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- has_element? :milestone_link with text "project-milestone-c66f3969" (wait: 10) returned: true2275[date=2022-03-07 15:09:44 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- end within element :milestone_block with args {}2276 is assigned to a new issue2277 Group milestone2278 behaves like milestone assigned to new issue2279[date=2022-03-07 15:09:44 from=QA Tests] INFO -- Starting test: Plan Milestones Group milestone behaves like milestone assigned to new issue is assigned to a new issue2280[date=2022-03-07 15:09:44 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- waiting for loading to complete...2281[date=2022-03-07 15:09:44 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- loading complete after 0.006428719 seconds2282[date=2022-03-07 15:09:45 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- has_element? :login_page (wait: 0) returned: false2283[date=2022-03-07 15:09:45 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- waiting for loading to complete...2284[date=2022-03-07 15:09:45 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- loading complete after 0.007502389 seconds2285[date=2022-03-07 15:09:46 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- has_element? :user_avatar (wait: 0) returned: false2286/usr/local/bundle/gems/capybara-3.35.3/lib/capybara/registration_container.rb:21: warning: DEPRECATED: Calling 'include?' on the drivers/servers container is deprecated without replacement2287[date=2022-03-07 15:09:46 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- has_element? :login_page (wait: 60) returned: true2288[date=2022-03-07 15:09:46 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- has_element? :login_page (wait: 0) returned: true2289[date=2022-03-07 15:09:46 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- has_element? :login_page (wait: 0) returned: true2290[date=2022-03-07 15:09:47 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- waiting for loading to complete...2291[date=2022-03-07 15:09:47 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- loading complete after 0.006203779 seconds2292[date=2022-03-07 15:09:48 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- has_element? :sign_in_tab (wait: 0) returned: false2293[date=2022-03-07 15:09:48 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- waiting for loading to complete...2294[date=2022-03-07 15:09:48 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- loading complete after 0.006263339 seconds2295[date=2022-03-07 15:09:49 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- has_element? :standard_tab (wait: 0) returned: false2296[date=2022-03-07 15:09:49 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- filling :login_field with "root"2297[date=2022-03-07 15:09:49 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- finding :login_field with args {}2298[date=2022-03-07 15:09:49 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- waiting for loading to complete...2299[date=2022-03-07 15:09:49 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- loading complete after 0.005776969 seconds2300[date=2022-03-07 15:09:49 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- found :login_field2301[date=2022-03-07 15:09:49 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- filling :password_field with "*****"2302[date=2022-03-07 15:09:49 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- finding :password_field with args {}2303[date=2022-03-07 15:09:49 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- waiting for loading to complete...2304[date=2022-03-07 15:09:49 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- loading complete after 0.006419529 seconds2305[date=2022-03-07 15:09:49 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- found :password_field2306[date=2022-03-07 15:09:49 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- clicking :sign_in_button with args {}2307[date=2022-03-07 15:09:49 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- waiting for loading to complete...2308[date=2022-03-07 15:09:49 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- loading complete after 0.00762807 seconds2309[date=2022-03-07 15:09:50 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- waiting for loading to complete...2310[date=2022-03-07 15:09:50 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- loading complete after 0.010539168 seconds2311[date=2022-03-07 15:09:50 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- has_no_element? :#<QA::Page::Element:0x00005608bf69d958> (wait: 0) returned: false2312[date=2022-03-07 15:09:50 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- waiting for loading to complete...2313[date=2022-03-07 15:09:50 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- loading complete after 0.012702188 seconds2314[date=2022-03-07 15:09:50 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- has_no_element? :#<QA::Page::Element:0x00005608bf69d728> (wait: 0) returned: true2315[date=2022-03-07 15:09:51 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- has_element? :navbar (wait: 60) returned: true2316[date=2022-03-07 15:09:51 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- has_element? :user_avatar (wait: 60) returned: true2317[date=2022-03-07 15:09:51 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- has_element? :user_menu (wait: 60) returned: true2318[date=2022-03-07 15:09:51 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- has_element? :issues_shortcut_button (wait: 60) returned: true2319[date=2022-03-07 15:09:51 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- has_element? :merge_requests_shortcut_button (wait: 60) returned: true2320[date=2022-03-07 15:09:51 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- has_element? :todos_shortcut_button (wait: 60) returned: true2321[date=2022-03-07 15:09:51 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- ==> Retrieved a QA::Resource::Sandbox with full_path 'gitlab-qa-sandbox-group' via api in 0.238334126 seconds2322[date=2022-03-07 15:09:52 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- <QA::Resource::Group> Attribute :full_path has both API response `gitlab-qa-sandbox-group/group-to-test-milestones-8bb7404f` and a block. API response will be picked. Block will be ignored.2323[date=2022-03-07 15:09:52 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- ==> Built a QA::Resource::Group with full_path 'gitlab-qa-sandbox-group/group-to-test-milestones-8bb7404f' via api in 0.859044337 seconds2324[date=2022-03-07 15:09:53 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- ==> Built a QA::Resource::Project with full_path 'gitlab-qa-sandbox-group/group-to-test-milestones-8bb7404f/project-to-test-milestones-0c59f69e-33bcb29eaf1c4cbd' via api in 1.000262866 seconds2325[date=2022-03-07 15:09:53 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- ==> Built a QA::Resource::GroupMilestone with id '29' via api in 0.20887782 seconds2326[date=2022-03-07 15:09:53 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- Visiting QA::Resource::Project at[date=2022-03-07 15:09:55 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- clicking :new_menu_toggle with args {}2328[date=2022-03-07 15:09:55 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- waiting for loading to complete...2329[date=2022-03-07 15:09:55 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- loading complete after 0.015028998 seconds2330[date=2022-03-07 15:09:55 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- clicking :new_issue_link with args {}2331[date=2022-03-07 15:09:55 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- waiting for loading to complete...2332[date=2022-03-07 15:09:55 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- loading complete after 0.015471028 seconds2333[date=2022-03-07 15:09:56 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- filling :issuable_form_title with "Issue title 1f4f93a13151beca"2334[date=2022-03-07 15:09:56 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- finding :issuable_form_title with args {}2335[date=2022-03-07 15:09:56 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- waiting for loading to complete...2336[date=2022-03-07 15:09:56 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- loading complete after 0.014412549 seconds2337[date=2022-03-07 15:09:56 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- found :issuable_form_title2338[date=2022-03-07 15:09:56 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- filling :issuable_form_description with "Issue description 196f3ea02fd46599"2339[date=2022-03-07 15:09:56 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- finding :issuable_form_description with args {}2340[date=2022-03-07 15:09:56 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- waiting for loading to complete...2341[date=2022-03-07 15:09:56 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- loading complete after 0.013054688 seconds2342[date=2022-03-07 15:09:56 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- found :issuable_form_description2343[date=2022-03-07 15:09:57 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- clicking :issuable_milestone_dropdown with args {}2344[date=2022-03-07 15:09:57 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- waiting for loading to complete...2345[date=2022-03-07 15:09:57 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- loading complete after 0.013289169 seconds2346[date=2022-03-07 15:09:57 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- within element :issuable_dropdown_menu_milestone with args {}2347[date=2022-03-07 15:09:57 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- waiting for loading to complete...2348[date=2022-03-07 15:09:57 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- loading complete after 0.014522018 seconds2349[date=2022-03-07 15:09:57 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- end within element :issuable_dropdown_menu_milestone with args {}2350[date=2022-03-07 15:09:57 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- clicking :issuable_create_button , expecting to be at Class with args {}2351[date=2022-03-07 15:09:57 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- waiting for loading to complete...2352[date=2022-03-07 15:09:57 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- loading complete after 0.013310248 seconds2353[date=2022-03-07 15:10:00 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- has_element? :title (wait: 60) returned: true2354[date=2022-03-07 15:10:00 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- has_element? :discussion_filter_dropdown (wait: 60) returned: true2355[date=2022-03-07 15:10:00 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- ==> Built a QA::Resource::Issue via browser_ui in 6.724770817 seconds2356[date=2022-03-07 15:10:00 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- within element :milestone_block with args {}2357[date=2022-03-07 15:10:00 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- waiting for loading to complete...2358[date=2022-03-07 15:10:00 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- loading complete after 0.017347917 seconds2359[date=2022-03-07 15:10:00 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- waiting for loading to complete...2360[date=2022-03-07 15:10:00 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- loading complete after 0.009854789 seconds2361[date=2022-03-07 15:10:00 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- has_element? :milestone_link with text "group-milestone-35163a6b" (wait: 10) returned: true2362[date=2022-03-07 15:10:00 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- end within element :milestone_block with args {}2363 is assigned to a new issue2364 behaves like milestone assigned to existing issue2365[date=2022-03-07 15:10:00 from=QA Tests] INFO -- Starting test: Plan Milestones Group milestone behaves like milestone assigned to existing issue is assigned to an existing issue2366[date=2022-03-07 15:10:00 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- waiting for loading to complete...2367[date=2022-03-07 15:10:00 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- loading complete after 0.006737409 seconds2368[date=2022-03-07 15:10:01 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- has_element? :login_page (wait: 0) returned: false2369[date=2022-03-07 15:10:01 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- waiting for loading to complete...2370[date=2022-03-07 15:10:01 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- loading complete after 0.006505509 seconds2371[date=2022-03-07 15:10:02 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- has_element? :user_avatar (wait: 0) returned: false2372/usr/local/bundle/gems/capybara-3.35.3/lib/capybara/registration_container.rb:21: warning: DEPRECATED: Calling 'include?' on the drivers/servers container is deprecated without replacement2373[date=2022-03-07 15:10:03 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- has_element? :login_page (wait: 60) returned: true2374[date=2022-03-07 15:10:03 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- has_element? :login_page (wait: 0) returned: true2375[date=2022-03-07 15:10:03 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- has_element? :login_page (wait: 0) returned: true2376[date=2022-03-07 15:10:03 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- waiting for loading to complete...2377[date=2022-03-07 15:10:03 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- loading complete after 0.007131809 seconds2378[date=2022-03-07 15:10:04 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- has_element? :sign_in_tab (wait: 0) returned: false2379[date=2022-03-07 15:10:04 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- waiting for loading to complete...2380[date=2022-03-07 15:10:04 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- loading complete after 0.005443439 seconds2381[date=2022-03-07 15:10:05 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- has_element? :standard_tab (wait: 0) returned: false2382[date=2022-03-07 15:10:05 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- filling :login_field with "root"2383[date=2022-03-07 15:10:05 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- finding :login_field with args {}2384[date=2022-03-07 15:10:05 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- waiting for loading to complete...2385[date=2022-03-07 15:10:05 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- loading complete after 0.007041729 seconds2386[date=2022-03-07 15:10:05 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- found :login_field2387[date=2022-03-07 15:10:05 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- filling :password_field with "*****"2388[date=2022-03-07 15:10:05 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- finding :password_field with args {}2389[date=2022-03-07 15:10:05 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- waiting for loading to complete...2390[date=2022-03-07 15:10:05 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- loading complete after 0.007335419 seconds2391[date=2022-03-07 15:10:05 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- found :password_field2392[date=2022-03-07 15:10:05 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- clicking :sign_in_button with args {}2393[date=2022-03-07 15:10:05 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- waiting for loading to complete...2394[date=2022-03-07 15:10:05 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- loading complete after 0.008070009 seconds2395[date=2022-03-07 15:10:06 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- waiting for loading to complete...2396[date=2022-03-07 15:10:06 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- loading complete after 0.011302379 seconds2397[date=2022-03-07 15:10:06 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- has_no_element? :#<QA::Page::Element:0x00005608bf69d958> (wait: 0) returned: false2398[date=2022-03-07 15:10:07 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- waiting for loading to complete...2399[date=2022-03-07 15:10:07 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- loading complete after 0.013160768 seconds2400[date=2022-03-07 15:10:07 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- has_no_element? :#<QA::Page::Element:0x00005608bf69d728> (wait: 0) returned: true2401[date=2022-03-07 15:10:07 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- has_element? :navbar (wait: 60) returned: true2402[date=2022-03-07 15:10:07 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- has_element? :user_avatar (wait: 60) returned: true2403[date=2022-03-07 15:10:07 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- has_element? :user_menu (wait: 60) returned: true2404[date=2022-03-07 15:10:07 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- has_element? :issues_shortcut_button (wait: 60) returned: true2405[date=2022-03-07 15:10:07 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- has_element? :merge_requests_shortcut_button (wait: 60) returned: true2406[date=2022-03-07 15:10:07 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- has_element? :todos_shortcut_button (wait: 60) returned: true2407[date=2022-03-07 15:10:08 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- ==> Retrieved a QA::Resource::Sandbox with full_path 'gitlab-qa-sandbox-group' via api in 0.339871591 seconds2408[date=2022-03-07 15:10:08 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- <QA::Resource::Group> Attribute :full_path has both API response `gitlab-qa-sandbox-group/group-to-test-milestones-93a514cd` and a block. API response will be picked. Block will be ignored.2409[date=2022-03-07 15:10:08 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- ==> Built a QA::Resource::Group with full_path 'gitlab-qa-sandbox-group/group-to-test-milestones-93a514cd' via api in 0.923187967 seconds2410[date=2022-03-07 15:10:09 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- ==> Built a QA::Resource::Project with full_path 'gitlab-qa-sandbox-group/group-to-test-milestones-93a514cd/project-to-test-milestones-d80a19da-55cdfcaf7b2fec49' via api in 0.757252242 seconds2411[date=2022-03-07 15:10:10 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- ==> Built a QA::Resource::Issue with id '102' via api in 0.363272157 seconds2412[date=2022-03-07 15:10:10 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- Visiting QA::Resource::Issue at[date=2022-03-07 15:10:12 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- ==> Built a QA::Resource::GroupMilestone with id '30' via api in 0.195344723 seconds2414[date=2022-03-07 15:10:12 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- within element :milestone_block with args {}2415[date=2022-03-07 15:10:12 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- waiting for loading to complete...2416[date=2022-03-07 15:10:12 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- loading complete after 0.011840678 seconds2417[date=2022-03-07 15:10:12 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- waiting for loading to complete...2418[date=2022-03-07 15:10:12 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- loading complete after 0.009741858 seconds2419[date=2022-03-07 15:10:12 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- clicking :edit_link with args {}2420[date=2022-03-07 15:10:12 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- waiting for loading to complete...2421[date=2022-03-07 15:10:12 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- loading complete after 0.005847428 seconds2422[date=2022-03-07 15:10:13 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- end within element :milestone_block with args {}2423[date=2022-03-07 15:10:13 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- has_element? :milestone_block with text "group-milestone-af86897f" (wait: 0) returned: true2424[date=2022-03-07 15:10:13 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- refreshing[date=2022-03-07 15:10:15 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- waiting for loading to complete...2426[date=2022-03-07 15:10:15 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- loading complete after 0.015680868 seconds2427[date=2022-03-07 15:10:15 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- within element :milestone_block with args {}2428[date=2022-03-07 15:10:15 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- waiting for loading to complete...2429[date=2022-03-07 15:10:15 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- loading complete after 0.012220608 seconds2430[date=2022-03-07 15:10:15 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- waiting for loading to complete...2431[date=2022-03-07 15:10:15 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- loading complete after 0.010887048 seconds2432[date=2022-03-07 15:10:15 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- has_element? :milestone_link with text "group-milestone-af86897f" (wait: 10) returned: true2433[date=2022-03-07 15:10:15 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- end within element :milestone_block with args {}2434 is assigned to an existing issue2435Plan2436 filter issue comments activities2437[date=2022-03-07 15:10:15 from=QA Tests] INFO -- Starting test: Plan filter issue comments activities filters comments and activities in an issue2438[date=2022-03-07 15:10:15 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- waiting for loading to complete...2439[date=2022-03-07 15:10:15 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- loading complete after 0.006067649 seconds2440[date=2022-03-07 15:10:16 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- has_element? :login_page (wait: 0) returned: false2441[date=2022-03-07 15:10:16 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- waiting for loading to complete...2442[date=2022-03-07 15:10:16 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- loading complete after 0.005509729 seconds2443[date=2022-03-07 15:10:17 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- has_element? :user_avatar (wait: 0) returned: false2444/usr/local/bundle/gems/capybara-3.35.3/lib/capybara/registration_container.rb:21: warning: DEPRECATED: Calling 'include?' on the drivers/servers container is deprecated without replacement2445[date=2022-03-07 15:10:18 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- has_element? :login_page (wait: 60) returned: true2446[date=2022-03-07 15:10:18 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- has_element? :login_page (wait: 0) returned: true2447[date=2022-03-07 15:10:18 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- has_element? :login_page (wait: 0) returned: true2448[date=2022-03-07 15:10:18 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- waiting for loading to complete...2449[date=2022-03-07 15:10:18 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- loading complete after 0.006213549 seconds2450[date=2022-03-07 15:10:19 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- has_element? :sign_in_tab (wait: 0) returned: false2451[date=2022-03-07 15:10:19 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- waiting for loading to complete...2452[date=2022-03-07 15:10:19 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- loading complete after 0.00588912 seconds2453[date=2022-03-07 15:10:20 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- has_element? :standard_tab (wait: 0) returned: false2454[date=2022-03-07 15:10:20 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- filling :login_field with "root"2455[date=2022-03-07 15:10:20 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- finding :login_field with args {}2456[date=2022-03-07 15:10:20 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- waiting for loading to complete...2457[date=2022-03-07 15:10:20 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- loading complete after 0.006332449 seconds2458[date=2022-03-07 15:10:20 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- found :login_field2459[date=2022-03-07 15:10:20 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- filling :password_field with "*****"2460[date=2022-03-07 15:10:20 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- finding :password_field with args {}2461[date=2022-03-07 15:10:20 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- waiting for loading to complete...2462[date=2022-03-07 15:10:20 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- loading complete after 0.006328679 seconds2463[date=2022-03-07 15:10:20 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- found :password_field2464[date=2022-03-07 15:10:20 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- clicking :sign_in_button with args {}2465[date=2022-03-07 15:10:20 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- waiting for loading to complete...2466[date=2022-03-07 15:10:20 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- loading complete after 0.007290919 seconds2467[date=2022-03-07 15:10:21 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- waiting for loading to complete...2468[date=2022-03-07 15:10:22 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- loading complete after 0.014245978 seconds2469[date=2022-03-07 15:10:22 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- has_no_element? :#<QA::Page::Element:0x00005608bf69d958> (wait: 0) returned: false2470[date=2022-03-07 15:10:22 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- waiting for loading to complete...2471[date=2022-03-07 15:10:22 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- loading complete after 0.010588579 seconds2472[date=2022-03-07 15:10:22 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- has_no_element? :#<QA::Page::Element:0x00005608bf69d728> (wait: 0) returned: true2473[date=2022-03-07 15:10:22 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- has_element? :navbar (wait: 60) returned: true2474[date=2022-03-07 15:10:22 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- has_element? :user_avatar (wait: 60) returned: true2475[date=2022-03-07 15:10:22 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- has_element? :user_menu (wait: 60) returned: true2476[date=2022-03-07 15:10:22 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- has_element? :issues_shortcut_button (wait: 60) returned: true2477[date=2022-03-07 15:10:22 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- has_element? :merge_requests_shortcut_button (wait: 60) returned: true2478[date=2022-03-07 15:10:22 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- has_element? :todos_shortcut_button (wait: 60) returned: true2479[date=2022-03-07 15:10:23 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- ==> Retrieved a QA::Resource::Sandbox with full_path 'gitlab-qa-sandbox-group' via api in 0.261086202 seconds2480[date=2022-03-07 15:10:24 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- <QA::Resource::Group> Attribute :full_path has both API response `gitlab-qa-sandbox-group/qa-test-2022-03-07-14-49-47-c6db921ef6e8f40e` and a block. API response will be picked. Block will be ignored.2481[date=2022-03-07 15:10:24 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- ==> Retrieved a QA::Resource::Group with full_path 'gitlab-qa-sandbox-group/qa-test-2022-03-07-14-49-47-c6db921ef6e8f40e' via api in 1.527824749 seconds2482[date=2022-03-07 15:10:25 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- ==> Built a QA::Resource::Project with full_path 'gitlab-qa-sandbox-group/qa-test-2022-03-07-14-49-47-c6db921ef6e8f40e/project-for-issues-282d206826fd9f5b' via api in 2.374577366 seconds2483[date=2022-03-07 15:10:25 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- ==> Built a QA::Resource::Issue with id '103' via api in 2.928322317 seconds2484[date=2022-03-07 15:10:25 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- Visiting QA::Resource::Issue at[date=2022-03-07 15:10:27 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- clicking :title with args {}2486[date=2022-03-07 15:10:28 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- waiting for loading to complete...2487[date=2022-03-07 15:10:28 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- loading complete after 0.011533418 seconds2488[date=2022-03-07 15:10:28 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- clicking :discussion_filter_dropdown with args {}2489[date=2022-03-07 15:10:28 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- waiting for loading to complete...2490[date=2022-03-07 15:10:28 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- loading complete after 0.012046929 seconds2491[date=2022-03-07 15:10:28 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- finding :filter_menu_item with args {:text=>"Show comments only"}2492[date=2022-03-07 15:10:28 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- waiting for loading to complete...2493[date=2022-03-07 15:10:28 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- loading complete after 0.013030368 seconds2494[date=2022-03-07 15:10:28 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- found :filter_menu_item2495[date=2022-03-07 15:10:28 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- waiting for loading to complete...2496[date=2022-03-07 15:10:28 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- loading complete after 0.012586628 seconds2497[date=2022-03-07 15:10:28 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- waiting for loading to complete...2498[date=2022-03-07 15:10:28 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- loading complete after 0.010164998 seconds2499[date=2022-03-07 15:10:28 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- has_no_element? :discussion_filter_container (wait: 10) returned: true2500[date=2022-03-07 15:10:29 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- waiting for loading to complete...2501[date=2022-03-07 15:10:29 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- loading complete after 0.011152949 seconds2502[date=2022-03-07 15:10:29 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- has_no_element? :system_note_content (wait: 10) returned: true2503[date=2022-03-07 15:10:29 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- filling :comment_field with "/confidential2504"2505[date=2022-03-07 15:10:29 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- finding :comment_field with args {}2506[date=2022-03-07 15:10:29 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- waiting for loading to complete...2507[date=2022-03-07 15:10:29 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- loading complete after 0.011901708 seconds2508[date=2022-03-07 15:10:29 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- found :comment_field2509[date=2022-03-07 15:10:29 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- clicking :comment_button with args {}2510[date=2022-03-07 15:10:29 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- waiting for loading to complete...2511[date=2022-03-07 15:10:29 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- loading complete after 0.011687578 seconds2512[date=2022-03-07 15:10:29 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- clicking :title with args {}2513[date=2022-03-07 15:10:30 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- waiting for loading to complete...2514[date=2022-03-07 15:10:30 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- loading complete after 0.015261848 seconds2515[date=2022-03-07 15:10:30 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- clicking :discussion_filter_dropdown with args {}2516[date=2022-03-07 15:10:30 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- waiting for loading to complete...2517[date=2022-03-07 15:10:30 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- loading complete after 0.013253728 seconds2518[date=2022-03-07 15:10:30 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- finding :filter_menu_item with args {:text=>"Show comments only"}2519[date=2022-03-07 15:10:30 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- waiting for loading to complete...2520[date=2022-03-07 15:10:30 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- loading complete after 0.011713959 seconds2521[date=2022-03-07 15:10:30 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- found :filter_menu_item2522[date=2022-03-07 15:10:30 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- waiting for loading to complete...2523[date=2022-03-07 15:10:30 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- loading complete after 0.010621919 seconds2524[date=2022-03-07 15:10:30 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- waiting for loading to complete...2525[date=2022-03-07 15:10:30 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- loading complete after 0.011283489 seconds2526[date=2022-03-07 15:10:30 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- has_no_element? :discussion_filter_container (wait: 10) returned: true2527[date=2022-03-07 15:10:31 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- waiting for loading to complete...2528[date=2022-03-07 15:10:31 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- loading complete after 0.010909479 seconds2529[date=2022-03-07 15:10:31 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- has_no_element? :system_note_content (wait: 10) returned: true2530[date=2022-03-07 15:10:31 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- filling :comment_field with "My own comment2531"2532[date=2022-03-07 15:10:31 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- finding :comment_field with args {}2533[date=2022-03-07 15:10:31 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- waiting for loading to complete...2534[date=2022-03-07 15:10:31 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- loading complete after 0.013356438 seconds2535[date=2022-03-07 15:10:31 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- found :comment_field2536[date=2022-03-07 15:10:31 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- clicking :comment_button with args {}2537[date=2022-03-07 15:10:31 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- waiting for loading to complete...2538[date=2022-03-07 15:10:31 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- loading complete after 0.010543889 seconds2539[date=2022-03-07 15:10:31 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- has_element? :noteable_note_container with text "My own comment" (wait: 60) returned: true2540[date=2022-03-07 15:10:31 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- clicking :title with args {}2541[date=2022-03-07 15:10:32 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- waiting for loading to complete...2542[date=2022-03-07 15:10:32 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- loading complete after 0.011824568 seconds2543[date=2022-03-07 15:10:32 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- clicking :discussion_filter_dropdown with args {}2544[date=2022-03-07 15:10:32 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- waiting for loading to complete...2545[date=2022-03-07 15:10:32 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- loading complete after 0.017535167 seconds2546[date=2022-03-07 15:10:32 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- finding :filter_menu_item with args {:text=>"Show all activity"}2547[date=2022-03-07 15:10:32 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- waiting for loading to complete...2548[date=2022-03-07 15:10:32 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- loading complete after 0.014968468 seconds2549[date=2022-03-07 15:10:32 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- found :filter_menu_item2550[date=2022-03-07 15:10:32 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- waiting for loading to complete...2551[date=2022-03-07 15:10:32 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- loading complete after 0.015981638 seconds2552[date=2022-03-07 15:10:33 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- waiting for loading to complete...2553[date=2022-03-07 15:10:33 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- loading complete after 0.011983819 seconds2554[date=2022-03-07 15:10:33 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- has_no_element? :discussion_filter_container (wait: 10) returned: true2555[date=2022-03-07 15:10:33 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- has_element? :comment_field (wait: 10) returned: true2556[date=2022-03-07 15:10:33 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- has_element? :system_note_content with text "made the issue confidential" (wait: 60) returned: true2557[date=2022-03-07 15:10:33 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- has_element? :noteable_note_container with text "My own comment" (wait: 60) returned: true2558[date=2022-03-07 15:10:33 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- clicking :title with args {}2559[date=2022-03-07 15:10:33 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- waiting for loading to complete...2560[date=2022-03-07 15:10:33 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- loading complete after 0.012264898 seconds2561[date=2022-03-07 15:10:33 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- clicking :discussion_filter_dropdown with args {}2562[date=2022-03-07 15:10:33 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- waiting for loading to complete...2563[date=2022-03-07 15:10:33 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- loading complete after 0.039912244 seconds2564[date=2022-03-07 15:10:33 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- finding :filter_menu_item with args {:text=>"Show history only"}2565[date=2022-03-07 15:10:33 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- waiting for loading to complete...2566[date=2022-03-07 15:10:33 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- loading complete after 0.009987708 seconds2567[date=2022-03-07 15:10:33 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- found :filter_menu_item2568[date=2022-03-07 15:10:33 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- waiting for loading to complete...2569[date=2022-03-07 15:10:33 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- loading complete after 0.015870338 seconds2570[date=2022-03-07 15:10:33 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- has_element? :discussion_filter_container (wait: 10) returned: true2571[date=2022-03-07 15:10:34 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- waiting for loading to complete...2572[date=2022-03-07 15:10:34 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- loading complete after 0.011154998 seconds2573[date=2022-03-07 15:10:34 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- has_no_element? :noteable_note_container (wait: 10) returned: true2574[date=2022-03-07 15:10:34 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- has_element? :system_note_content with text "made the issue confidential" (wait: 60) returned: true2575 filters comments and activities in an issue2576Configure2577 AutoDevOps Templates2578 using express template2579 works with Auto DevOps (PENDING: Test is not compatible with this environment or pipeline)2580Plan2581 Project issue boards2582 Label issue board2583[date=2022-03-07 15:10:34 from=QA Tests] INFO -- Starting test: Plan Project issue boards Label issue board shows the just created board with a "Testing" (label) list, and an issue on it2584[date=2022-03-07 15:10:34 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- waiting for loading to complete...2585[date=2022-03-07 15:10:34 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- loading complete after 0.005875169 seconds2586[date=2022-03-07 15:10:35 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- has_element? :login_page (wait: 0) returned: false2587[date=2022-03-07 15:10:35 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- waiting for loading to complete...2588[date=2022-03-07 15:10:35 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- loading complete after 0.007824549 seconds2589[date=2022-03-07 15:10:36 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- has_element? :user_avatar (wait: 0) returned: false2590/usr/local/bundle/gems/capybara-3.35.3/lib/capybara/registration_container.rb:21: warning: DEPRECATED: Calling 'include?' on the drivers/servers container is deprecated without replacement2591[date=2022-03-07 15:10:36 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- has_element? :login_page (wait: 60) returned: true2592[date=2022-03-07 15:10:36 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- has_element? :login_page (wait: 0) returned: true2593[date=2022-03-07 15:10:36 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- has_element? :login_page (wait: 0) returned: true2594[date=2022-03-07 15:10:37 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- waiting for loading to complete...2595[date=2022-03-07 15:10:37 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- loading complete after 0.006468869 seconds2596[date=2022-03-07 15:10:38 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- has_element? :sign_in_tab (wait: 0) returned: false2597[date=2022-03-07 15:10:38 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- waiting for loading to complete...2598[date=2022-03-07 15:10:38 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- loading complete after 0.006198659 seconds2599[date=2022-03-07 15:10:39 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- has_element? :standard_tab (wait: 0) returned: false2600[date=2022-03-07 15:10:39 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- filling :login_field with "root"2601[date=2022-03-07 15:10:39 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- finding :login_field with args {}2602[date=2022-03-07 15:10:39 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- waiting for loading to complete...2603[date=2022-03-07 15:10:39 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- loading complete after 0.006026549 seconds2604[date=2022-03-07 15:10:39 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- found :login_field2605[date=2022-03-07 15:10:39 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- filling :password_field with "*****"2606[date=2022-03-07 15:10:39 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- finding :password_field with args {}2607[date=2022-03-07 15:10:39 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- waiting for loading to complete...2608[date=2022-03-07 15:10:39 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- loading complete after 0.005773939 seconds2609[date=2022-03-07 15:10:39 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- found :password_field2610[date=2022-03-07 15:10:39 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- clicking :sign_in_button with args {}2611[date=2022-03-07 15:10:39 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- waiting for loading to complete...2612[date=2022-03-07 15:10:39 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- loading complete after 0.006606049 seconds2613[date=2022-03-07 15:10:41 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- waiting for loading to complete...2614[date=2022-03-07 15:10:41 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- loading complete after 0.009750858 seconds2615[date=2022-03-07 15:10:41 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- has_no_element? :#<QA::Page::Element:0x00005608bf69d958> (wait: 0) returned: false2616[date=2022-03-07 15:10:42 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- waiting for loading to complete...2617[date=2022-03-07 15:10:42 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- loading complete after 0.010809688 seconds2618[date=2022-03-07 15:10:42 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- has_no_element? :#<QA::Page::Element:0x00005608bf69d728> (wait: 0) returned: true2619[date=2022-03-07 15:10:42 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- has_element? :navbar (wait: 60) returned: true2620[date=2022-03-07 15:10:42 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- has_element? :user_avatar (wait: 60) returned: true2621[date=2022-03-07 15:10:42 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- has_element? :user_menu (wait: 60) returned: true2622[date=2022-03-07 15:10:42 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- has_element? :issues_shortcut_button (wait: 60) returned: true2623[date=2022-03-07 15:10:42 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- has_element? :merge_requests_shortcut_button (wait: 60) returned: true2624[date=2022-03-07 15:10:42 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- has_element? :todos_shortcut_button (wait: 60) returned: true2625[date=2022-03-07 15:10:43 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- ==> Retrieved a QA::Resource::Sandbox with full_path 'gitlab-qa-sandbox-group' via api in 0.243703665 seconds2626[date=2022-03-07 15:10:44 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- <QA::Resource::Group> Attribute :full_path has both API response `gitlab-qa-sandbox-group/qa-test-2022-03-07-14-49-47-c6db921ef6e8f40e` and a block. API response will be picked. Block will be ignored.2627[date=2022-03-07 15:10:44 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- ==> Retrieved a QA::Resource::Group with full_path 'gitlab-qa-sandbox-group/qa-test-2022-03-07-14-49-47-c6db921ef6e8f40e' via api in 1.23877095 seconds2628[date=2022-03-07 15:10:44 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- ==> Built a QA::Resource::Project with full_path 'gitlab-qa-sandbox-group/qa-test-2022-03-07-14-49-47-c6db921ef6e8f40e/project-with-board-list-6e87852a7ff60430' via api in 1.964756106 seconds2629[date=2022-03-07 15:10:45 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- ==> Built a QA::EE::Resource::Board::ProjectBoard with name 'Downstream' via api in 0.344717981 seconds2630[date=2022-03-07 15:10:45 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- ==> Built a QA::Resource::ProjectLabel with id '87' via api in 0.219345889 seconds2631[date=2022-03-07 15:10:45 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- ==> Built a QA::EE::Resource::Board::BoardList::Project::LabelBoardList with id '39' via api in 2.754342162 seconds2632[date=2022-03-07 15:10:46 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- ==> Built a QA::Resource::Issue with id '109' via api in 0.364891718 seconds2633[date=2022-03-07 15:10:46 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- Visiting QA::Resource::Project at[date=2022-03-07 15:10:47 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- waiting for loading to complete...2635[date=2022-03-07 15:10:47 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- loading complete after 0.013704198 seconds2636[date=2022-03-07 15:10:47 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- within element :project_sidebar with args {}2637[date=2022-03-07 15:10:47 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- waiting for loading to complete...2638[date=2022-03-07 15:10:47 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- loading complete after 0.014468897 seconds2639[date=2022-03-07 15:10:47 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- scrolling to :[data-qa-selector="sidebar_menu_link"],.qa-sidebar-menu-link2640[date=2022-03-07 15:10:47 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- waiting for loading to complete...2641[date=2022-03-07 15:10:47 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- loading complete after 0.010142748 seconds2642[date=2022-03-07 15:10:47 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- finding :sidebar_menu_link with args {:menu_item=>"Issues"}2643[date=2022-03-07 15:10:47 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- waiting for loading to complete...2644[date=2022-03-07 15:10:47 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- loading complete after 0.009179159 seconds2645[date=2022-03-07 15:10:47 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- found :sidebar_menu_link2646[date=2022-03-07 15:10:47 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- clicking :sidebar_menu_item_link with args {:menu_item=>"Boards"}2647[date=2022-03-07 15:10:47 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- waiting for loading to complete...2648[date=2022-03-07 15:10:47 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- loading complete after 0.011897488 seconds2649[date=2022-03-07 15:10:48 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- end within element :project_sidebar with args {}2650[date=2022-03-07 15:10:48 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- finding :boards_dropdown with args {}2651[date=2022-03-07 15:10:49 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- waiting for loading to complete...2652[date=2022-03-07 15:10:49 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- loading complete after 0.529662214 seconds2653[date=2022-03-07 15:10:49 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- found :boards_dropdown2654[date=2022-03-07 15:10:49 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- within element :boards_list with args {}2655[date=2022-03-07 15:10:49 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- waiting for loading to complete...2656[date=2022-03-07 15:10:49 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- loading complete after 0.010761578 seconds2657[date=2022-03-07 15:10:49 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- waiting for loading to complete...2658[date=2022-03-07 15:10:49 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- loading complete after 0.010563719 seconds2659[date=2022-03-07 15:10:49 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- within elements :board_list at index 12660[date=2022-03-07 15:10:49 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- finding all :board_list with args {:minimum=>2}2661[date=2022-03-07 15:10:49 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- waiting for loading to complete...2662[date=2022-03-07 15:10:49 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- loading complete after 0.007449989 seconds2663[date=2022-03-07 15:10:49 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- found 3 :board_list2664[date=2022-03-07 15:10:49 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- finding :board_list_header with args {}2665[date=2022-03-07 15:10:49 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- waiting for loading to complete...2666[date=2022-03-07 15:10:49 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- loading complete after 0.009412929 seconds2667[date=2022-03-07 15:10:49 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- found :board_list_header2668[date=2022-03-07 15:10:49 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- end within elements :board_list at index 12669[date=2022-03-07 15:10:49 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- end within element :boards_list with args {}2670[date=2022-03-07 15:10:50 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- within element :boards_list with args {}2671[date=2022-03-07 15:10:50 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- waiting for loading to complete...2672[date=2022-03-07 15:10:50 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- loading complete after 0.009769568 seconds2673[date=2022-03-07 15:10:50 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- waiting for loading to complete...2674[date=2022-03-07 15:10:50 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- loading complete after 0.006262219 seconds2675[date=2022-03-07 15:10:50 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- within elements :board_list at index 12676[date=2022-03-07 15:10:50 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- finding all :board_list with args {:minimum=>2}2677[date=2022-03-07 15:10:50 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- waiting for loading to complete...2678[date=2022-03-07 15:10:50 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- loading complete after 0.007195899 seconds2679[date=2022-03-07 15:10:50 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- found 3 :board_list2680[date=2022-03-07 15:10:50 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- finding :board_card with args {}2681[date=2022-03-07 15:10:50 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- waiting for loading to complete...2682[date=2022-03-07 15:10:50 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- loading complete after 0.006815529 seconds2683[date=2022-03-07 15:10:50 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- found :board_card2684[date=2022-03-07 15:10:50 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- end within elements :board_list at index 12685[date=2022-03-07 15:10:50 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- end within element :boards_list with args {}2686 shows the just created board with a "Testing" (label) list, and an issue on it2687 Milestone issue board2688[date=2022-03-07 15:10:50 from=QA Tests] INFO -- Starting test: Plan Project issue boards Milestone issue board shows the just created board with a "1.0" (milestone) list, and an issue on it2689[date=2022-03-07 15:10:50 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- waiting for loading to complete...2690[date=2022-03-07 15:10:50 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- loading complete after 0.005973959 seconds2691[date=2022-03-07 15:10:51 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- has_element? :login_page (wait: 0) returned: false2692[date=2022-03-07 15:10:51 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- waiting for loading to complete...2693[date=2022-03-07 15:10:51 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- loading complete after 0.005621859 seconds2694[date=2022-03-07 15:10:52 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- has_element? :user_avatar (wait: 0) returned: false2695/usr/local/bundle/gems/capybara-3.35.3/lib/capybara/registration_container.rb:21: warning: DEPRECATED: Calling 'include?' on the drivers/servers container is deprecated without replacement2696[date=2022-03-07 15:10:52 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- has_element? :login_page (wait: 60) returned: true2697[date=2022-03-07 15:10:52 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- has_element? :login_page (wait: 0) returned: true2698[date=2022-03-07 15:10:52 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- has_element? :login_page (wait: 0) returned: true2699[date=2022-03-07 15:10:52 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- waiting for loading to complete...2700[date=2022-03-07 15:10:52 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- loading complete after 0.005107599 seconds2701[date=2022-03-07 15:10:53 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- has_element? :sign_in_tab (wait: 0) returned: false2702[date=2022-03-07 15:10:54 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- waiting for loading to complete...2703[date=2022-03-07 15:10:54 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- loading complete after 0.00606779 seconds2704[date=2022-03-07 15:10:55 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- has_element? :standard_tab (wait: 0) returned: false2705[date=2022-03-07 15:10:55 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- filling :login_field with "root"2706[date=2022-03-07 15:10:55 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- finding :login_field with args {}2707[date=2022-03-07 15:10:55 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- waiting for loading to complete...2708[date=2022-03-07 15:10:55 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- loading complete after 0.005937279 seconds2709[date=2022-03-07 15:10:55 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- found :login_field2710[date=2022-03-07 15:10:55 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- filling :password_field with "*****"2711[date=2022-03-07 15:10:55 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- finding :password_field with args {}2712[date=2022-03-07 15:10:55 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- waiting for loading to complete...2713[date=2022-03-07 15:10:55 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- loading complete after 0.006229469 seconds2714[date=2022-03-07 15:10:55 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- found :password_field2715[date=2022-03-07 15:10:55 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- clicking :sign_in_button with args {}2716[date=2022-03-07 15:10:55 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- waiting for loading to complete...2717[date=2022-03-07 15:10:55 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- loading complete after 0.007564448 seconds2718[date=2022-03-07 15:10:56 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- waiting for loading to complete...2719[date=2022-03-07 15:10:56 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- loading complete after 0.010027968 seconds2720[date=2022-03-07 15:10:56 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- has_no_element? :#<QA::Page::Element:0x00005608bf69d958> (wait: 0) returned: false2721[date=2022-03-07 15:10:56 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- waiting for loading to complete...2722[date=2022-03-07 15:10:56 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- loading complete after 0.009521259 seconds2723[date=2022-03-07 15:10:56 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- has_no_element? :#<QA::Page::Element:0x00005608bf69d728> (wait: 0) returned: true2724[date=2022-03-07 15:10:57 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- has_element? :navbar (wait: 60) returned: true2725[date=2022-03-07 15:10:57 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- has_element? :user_avatar (wait: 60) returned: true2726[date=2022-03-07 15:10:57 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- has_element? :user_menu (wait: 60) returned: true2727[date=2022-03-07 15:10:57 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- has_element? :issues_shortcut_button (wait: 60) returned: true2728[date=2022-03-07 15:10:57 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- has_element? :merge_requests_shortcut_button (wait: 60) returned: true2729[date=2022-03-07 15:10:57 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- has_element? :todos_shortcut_button (wait: 60) returned: true2730[date=2022-03-07 15:10:57 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- ==> Retrieved a QA::Resource::Sandbox with full_path 'gitlab-qa-sandbox-group' via api in 0.235657616 seconds2731[date=2022-03-07 15:10:58 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- <QA::Resource::Group> Attribute :full_path has both API response `gitlab-qa-sandbox-group/qa-test-2022-03-07-14-49-47-c6db921ef6e8f40e` and a block. API response will be picked. Block will be ignored.2732[date=2022-03-07 15:10:58 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- ==> Retrieved a QA::Resource::Group with full_path 'gitlab-qa-sandbox-group/qa-test-2022-03-07-14-49-47-c6db921ef6e8f40e' via api in 1.205234876 seconds2733[date=2022-03-07 15:10:59 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- ==> Built a QA::Resource::Project with full_path 'gitlab-qa-sandbox-group/qa-test-2022-03-07-14-49-47-c6db921ef6e8f40e/project-with-board-list-b5217600daf6e7a3' via api in 1.921554683 seconds2734[date=2022-03-07 15:10:59 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- ==> Built a QA::EE::Resource::Board::ProjectBoard with name 'Downstream' via api in 0.265214261 seconds2735[date=2022-03-07 15:10:59 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- ==> Built a QA::Resource::ProjectMilestone with id '31' via api in 0.21626982 seconds2736[date=2022-03-07 15:11:00 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- ==> Built a QA::EE::Resource::Board::BoardList::Project::MilestoneBoardList with id '46' via api in 2.609749253 seconds2737[date=2022-03-07 15:11:00 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- ==> Built a QA::Resource::Issue with id '110' via api in 0.361169717 seconds2738[date=2022-03-07 15:11:00 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- Visiting QA::Resource::Project at[date=2022-03-07 15:11:01 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- waiting for loading to complete...2740[date=2022-03-07 15:11:01 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- loading complete after 0.018082927 seconds2741[date=2022-03-07 15:11:01 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- within element :project_sidebar with args {}2742[date=2022-03-07 15:11:01 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- waiting for loading to complete...2743[date=2022-03-07 15:11:01 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- loading complete after 0.015469818 seconds2744[date=2022-03-07 15:11:01 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- scrolling to :[data-qa-selector="sidebar_menu_link"],.qa-sidebar-menu-link2745[date=2022-03-07 15:11:01 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- waiting for loading to complete...2746[date=2022-03-07 15:11:01 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- loading complete after 0.012225869 seconds2747[date=2022-03-07 15:11:01 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- finding :sidebar_menu_link with args {:menu_item=>"Issues"}2748[date=2022-03-07 15:11:01 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- waiting for loading to complete...2749[date=2022-03-07 15:11:01 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- loading complete after 0.007990589 seconds2750[date=2022-03-07 15:11:01 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- found :sidebar_menu_link2751[date=2022-03-07 15:11:02 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- clicking :sidebar_menu_item_link with args {:menu_item=>"Boards"}2752[date=2022-03-07 15:11:02 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- waiting for loading to complete...2753[date=2022-03-07 15:11:02 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- loading complete after 0.011711938 seconds2754[date=2022-03-07 15:11:03 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- end within element :project_sidebar with args {}2755[date=2022-03-07 15:11:03 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- finding :boards_dropdown with args {}2756[date=2022-03-07 15:11:03 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- waiting for loading to complete...2757[date=2022-03-07 15:11:03 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- loading complete after 0.21013894 seconds2758[date=2022-03-07 15:11:03 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- found :boards_dropdown2759[date=2022-03-07 15:11:03 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- within element :boards_list with args {}2760[date=2022-03-07 15:11:03 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- waiting for loading to complete...2761[date=2022-03-07 15:11:03 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- loading complete after 0.010961899 seconds2762[date=2022-03-07 15:11:03 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- waiting for loading to complete...2763[date=2022-03-07 15:11:03 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- loading complete after 0.010130568 seconds2764[date=2022-03-07 15:11:03 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- within elements :board_list at index 12765[date=2022-03-07 15:11:03 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- finding all :board_list with args {:minimum=>2}2766[date=2022-03-07 15:11:03 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- waiting for loading to complete...2767[date=2022-03-07 15:11:03 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- loading complete after 0.006799169 seconds2768[date=2022-03-07 15:11:03 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- found 3 :board_list2769[date=2022-03-07 15:11:03 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- finding :board_list_header with args {}2770[date=2022-03-07 15:11:04 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- waiting for loading to complete...2771[date=2022-03-07 15:11:04 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- loading complete after 0.010090818 seconds2772[date=2022-03-07 15:11:04 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- found :board_list_header2773[date=2022-03-07 15:11:04 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- end within elements :board_list at index 12774[date=2022-03-07 15:11:04 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- end within element :boards_list with args {}2775[date=2022-03-07 15:11:04 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- within element :boards_list with args {}2776[date=2022-03-07 15:11:04 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- waiting for loading to complete...2777[date=2022-03-07 15:11:04 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- loading complete after 0.012205738 seconds2778[date=2022-03-07 15:11:04 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- waiting for loading to complete...2779[date=2022-03-07 15:11:04 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- loading complete after 0.007049369 seconds2780[date=2022-03-07 15:11:04 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- within elements :board_list at index 12781[date=2022-03-07 15:11:04 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- finding all :board_list with args {:minimum=>2}2782[date=2022-03-07 15:11:04 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- waiting for loading to complete...2783[date=2022-03-07 15:11:04 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- loading complete after 0.008731949 seconds2784[date=2022-03-07 15:11:04 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- found 3 :board_list2785[date=2022-03-07 15:11:04 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- finding :board_card with args {}2786[date=2022-03-07 15:11:04 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- waiting for loading to complete...2787[date=2022-03-07 15:11:04 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- loading complete after 0.006637869 seconds2788[date=2022-03-07 15:11:04 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- found :board_card2789[date=2022-03-07 15:11:04 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- end within elements :board_list at index 12790[date=2022-03-07 15:11:04 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- end within element :boards_list with args {}2791 shows the just created board with a "1.0" (milestone) list, and an issue on it2792 Assignee issue board2793[date=2022-03-07 15:11:04 from=QA Tests] INFO -- Starting test: Plan Project issue boards Assignee issue board shows the just created board with an assignee list, and an issue on it2794[date=2022-03-07 15:11:04 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- waiting for loading to complete...2795[date=2022-03-07 15:11:04 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- loading complete after 0.006423039 seconds2796[date=2022-03-07 15:11:05 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- has_element? :login_page (wait: 0) returned: false2797[date=2022-03-07 15:11:05 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- waiting for loading to complete...2798[date=2022-03-07 15:11:05 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- loading complete after 0.005711819 seconds2799[date=2022-03-07 15:11:06 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- has_element? :user_avatar (wait: 0) returned: false2800/usr/local/bundle/gems/capybara-3.35.3/lib/capybara/registration_container.rb:21: warning: DEPRECATED: Calling 'include?' on the drivers/servers container is deprecated without replacement2801[date=2022-03-07 15:11:06 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- has_element? :login_page (wait: 60) returned: true2802[date=2022-03-07 15:11:06 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- has_element? :login_page (wait: 0) returned: true2803[date=2022-03-07 15:11:06 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- has_element? :login_page (wait: 0) returned: true2804[date=2022-03-07 15:11:07 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- waiting for loading to complete...2805[date=2022-03-07 15:11:07 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- loading complete after 0.006878089 seconds2806[date=2022-03-07 15:11:08 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- has_element? :sign_in_tab (wait: 0) returned: false2807[date=2022-03-07 15:11:08 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- waiting for loading to complete...2808[date=2022-03-07 15:11:08 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- loading complete after 0.006226769 seconds2809[date=2022-03-07 15:11:09 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- has_element? :standard_tab (wait: 0) returned: false2810[date=2022-03-07 15:11:09 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- filling :login_field with "root"2811[date=2022-03-07 15:11:09 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- finding :login_field with args {}2812[date=2022-03-07 15:11:09 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- waiting for loading to complete...2813[date=2022-03-07 15:11:09 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- loading complete after 0.006276949 seconds2814[date=2022-03-07 15:11:09 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- found :login_field2815[date=2022-03-07 15:11:09 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- filling :password_field with "*****"2816[date=2022-03-07 15:11:09 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- finding :password_field with args {}2817[date=2022-03-07 15:11:09 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- waiting for loading to complete...2818[date=2022-03-07 15:11:09 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- loading complete after 0.006510179 seconds2819[date=2022-03-07 15:11:09 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- found :password_field2820[date=2022-03-07 15:11:09 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- clicking :sign_in_button with args {}2821[date=2022-03-07 15:11:09 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- waiting for loading to complete...2822[date=2022-03-07 15:11:09 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- loading complete after 0.005733189 seconds2823[date=2022-03-07 15:11:10 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- waiting for loading to complete...2824[date=2022-03-07 15:11:10 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- loading complete after 0.010992708 seconds2825[date=2022-03-07 15:11:10 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- has_no_element? :#<QA::Page::Element:0x00005608bf69d958> (wait: 0) returned: false2826[date=2022-03-07 15:11:10 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- waiting for loading to complete...2827[date=2022-03-07 15:11:10 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- loading complete after 0.011510468 seconds2828[date=2022-03-07 15:11:10 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- has_no_element? :#<QA::Page::Element:0x00005608bf69d728> (wait: 0) returned: true2829[date=2022-03-07 15:11:11 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- has_element? :navbar (wait: 60) returned: true2830[date=2022-03-07 15:11:11 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- has_element? :user_avatar (wait: 60) returned: true2831[date=2022-03-07 15:11:11 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- has_element? :user_menu (wait: 60) returned: true2832[date=2022-03-07 15:11:11 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- has_element? :issues_shortcut_button (wait: 60) returned: true2833[date=2022-03-07 15:11:11 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- has_element? :merge_requests_shortcut_button (wait: 60) returned: true2834[date=2022-03-07 15:11:11 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- has_element? :todos_shortcut_button (wait: 60) returned: true2835[date=2022-03-07 15:11:12 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- ==> Retrieved a QA::Resource::User with username 'gitlab-qa-user1' via api in 0.352372319 seconds2836[date=2022-03-07 15:11:12 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- ==> Retrieved a QA::Resource::Sandbox with full_path 'gitlab-qa-sandbox-group' via api in 0.251279874 seconds2837[date=2022-03-07 15:11:13 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- <QA::Resource::Group> Attribute :full_path has both API response `gitlab-qa-sandbox-group/qa-test-2022-03-07-14-49-47-c6db921ef6e8f40e` and a block. API response will be picked. Block will be ignored.2838[date=2022-03-07 15:11:13 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- ==> Retrieved a QA::Resource::Group with full_path 'gitlab-qa-sandbox-group/qa-test-2022-03-07-14-49-47-c6db921ef6e8f40e' via api in 1.161056363 seconds2839[date=2022-03-07 15:11:14 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- ==> Built a QA::Resource::Project with full_path 'gitlab-qa-sandbox-group/qa-test-2022-03-07-14-49-47-c6db921ef6e8f40e/project-to-test-assignee-issue-board-list-3b2c38cd0840b887' via api in 2.152136959 seconds2840[date=2022-03-07 15:11:14 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- Adding user gitlab-qa-user1 to gitlab-qa-sandbox-group/qa-test-2022-03-07-14-49-47-c6db921ef6e8f40e/project-to-test-assignee-issue-board-list-3b2c38cd0840b887 QA::Resource::Project2841[date=2022-03-07 15:11:15 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- ==> Built a QA::Resource::Issue with id '112' via api in 0.447376936 seconds2842[date=2022-03-07 15:11:15 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- ==> Built a QA::EE::Resource::Board::ProjectBoard with name 'Downstream' via api in 0.250222464 seconds2843[date=2022-03-07 15:11:15 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- ==> Built a QA::EE::Resource::Board::BoardList::Project::AssigneeBoardList with id '49' via api in 0.47475529 seconds2844[date=2022-03-07 15:11:15 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- Visiting QA::Resource::Project at[date=2022-03-07 15:11:16 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- waiting for loading to complete...2846[date=2022-03-07 15:11:16 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- loading complete after 0.013361728 seconds2847[date=2022-03-07 15:11:16 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- within element :project_sidebar with args {}2848[date=2022-03-07 15:11:17 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- waiting for loading to complete...2849[date=2022-03-07 15:11:17 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- loading complete after 0.014996638 seconds2850[date=2022-03-07 15:11:17 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- scrolling to :[data-qa-selector="sidebar_menu_link"],.qa-sidebar-menu-link2851[date=2022-03-07 15:11:17 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- waiting for loading to complete...2852[date=2022-03-07 15:11:17 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- loading complete after 0.009623528 seconds2853[date=2022-03-07 15:11:17 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- finding :sidebar_menu_link with args {:menu_item=>"Issues"}2854[date=2022-03-07 15:11:17 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- waiting for loading to complete...2855[date=2022-03-07 15:11:17 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- loading complete after 0.006679279 seconds2856[date=2022-03-07 15:11:17 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- found :sidebar_menu_link2857[date=2022-03-07 15:11:17 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- clicking :sidebar_menu_item_link with args {:menu_item=>"Boards"}2858[date=2022-03-07 15:11:17 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- waiting for loading to complete...2859[date=2022-03-07 15:11:17 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- loading complete after 0.010469309 seconds2860[date=2022-03-07 15:11:18 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- end within element :project_sidebar with args {}2861[date=2022-03-07 15:11:18 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- finding :boards_dropdown with args {}2862[date=2022-03-07 15:11:18 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- waiting for loading to complete...2863[date=2022-03-07 15:11:19 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- loading complete after 0.287903399 seconds2864[date=2022-03-07 15:11:19 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- found :boards_dropdown2865[date=2022-03-07 15:11:19 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- within element :boards_list with args {}2866[date=2022-03-07 15:11:19 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- waiting for loading to complete...2867[date=2022-03-07 15:11:19 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- loading complete after 0.010484118 seconds2868[date=2022-03-07 15:11:19 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- waiting for loading to complete...2869[date=2022-03-07 15:11:19 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- loading complete after 0.010149449 seconds2870[date=2022-03-07 15:11:19 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- within elements :board_list at index 12871[date=2022-03-07 15:11:19 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- finding all :board_list with args {:minimum=>2}2872[date=2022-03-07 15:11:19 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- waiting for loading to complete...2873[date=2022-03-07 15:11:19 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- loading complete after 0.006180549 seconds2874[date=2022-03-07 15:11:19 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- found 3 :board_list2875[date=2022-03-07 15:11:19 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- finding :board_list_header with args {}2876[date=2022-03-07 15:11:19 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- waiting for loading to complete...2877[date=2022-03-07 15:11:19 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- loading complete after 0.008998078 seconds2878[date=2022-03-07 15:11:19 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- found :board_list_header2879[date=2022-03-07 15:11:19 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- end within elements :board_list at index 12880[date=2022-03-07 15:11:19 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- end within element :boards_list with args {}2881[date=2022-03-07 15:11:19 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- within element :boards_list with args {}2882[date=2022-03-07 15:11:19 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- waiting for loading to complete...2883[date=2022-03-07 15:11:19 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- loading complete after 0.011357939 seconds2884[date=2022-03-07 15:11:19 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- waiting for loading to complete...2885[date=2022-03-07 15:11:19 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- loading complete after 0.006943439 seconds2886[date=2022-03-07 15:11:19 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- within elements :board_list at index 12887[date=2022-03-07 15:11:19 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- finding all :board_list with args {:minimum=>2}2888[date=2022-03-07 15:11:19 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- waiting for loading to complete...2889[date=2022-03-07 15:11:19 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- loading complete after 0.007725659 seconds2890[date=2022-03-07 15:11:19 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- found 3 :board_list2891[date=2022-03-07 15:11:19 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- finding :board_card with args {}2892[date=2022-03-07 15:11:19 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- waiting for loading to complete...2893[date=2022-03-07 15:11:19 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- loading complete after 0.00653663 seconds2894[date=2022-03-07 15:11:19 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- found :board_card2895[date=2022-03-07 15:11:19 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- end within elements :board_list at index 12896[date=2022-03-07 15:11:19 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- end within element :boards_list with args {}2897 shows the just created board with an assignee list, and an issue on it2898Create2899 Merge request push options2900[date=2022-03-07 15:11:19 from=QA Tests] INFO -- Starting test: Create Merge request push options removes the source branch2901[date=2022-03-07 15:11:20 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- ==> Retrieved a QA::Resource::Sandbox with full_path 'gitlab-qa-sandbox-group' via api in 0.192285583 seconds2902[date=2022-03-07 15:11:20 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- <QA::Resource::Group> Attribute :full_path has both API response `gitlab-qa-sandbox-group/qa-test-2022-03-07-14-49-47-c6db921ef6e8f40e` and a block. API response will be picked. Block will be ignored.2903[date=2022-03-07 15:11:20 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- ==> Retrieved a QA::Resource::Group with full_path 'gitlab-qa-sandbox-group/qa-test-2022-03-07-14-49-47-c6db921ef6e8f40e' via api in 1.139433515 seconds2904[date=2022-03-07 15:11:22 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- ==> Built a QA::Resource::Project with full_path 'gitlab-qa-sandbox-group/qa-test-2022-03-07-14-49-47-c6db921ef6e8f40e/merge-request-push-options-30ac549e2372753f' via api in 2.200094142 seconds2905[date=2022-03-07 15:11:22 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- <QA::Resource::Project> Attribute :repository_http_location has both API response `#<QA::Git::Location:0x00005608c1a92098>` and a block. API response will be picked. Block will be ignored.2906[date=2022-03-07 15:11:22 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- Git: pwd=[/tmp/d20220307-66-jm5jyo], command=[HOME="/tmp/qa-netrc-credentials/66" git clone ./ 2>&1]2907[date=2022-03-07 15:11:22 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- Git: output=[Cloning into '.'...], exitstatus=[0]2908[date=2022-03-07 15:11:22 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- Git: pwd=[/tmp/d20220307-66-jm5jyo], command=[HOME="/tmp/qa-netrc-credentials/66" git config "GitLab QA" 2>&1]2909[date=2022-03-07 15:11:22 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- Git: output=[], exitstatus=[0]2910[date=2022-03-07 15:11:22 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- Git: pwd=[/tmp/d20220307-66-jm5jyo], command=[HOME="/tmp/qa-netrc-credentials/66" git config 2>&1]2911[date=2022-03-07 15:11:22 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- Git: output=[], exitstatus=[0]2912[date=2022-03-07 15:11:22 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- Git: pwd=[/tmp/d20220307-66-jm5jyo], command=[HOME="/tmp/qa-netrc-credentials/66" git checkout -b "push-options-test-980eab5f5cb86ae7" 2>&1]2913[date=2022-03-07 15:11:22 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- Git: output=[Switched to a new branch 'push-options-test-980eab5f5cb86ae7'], exitstatus=[0]2914[date=2022-03-07 15:11:22 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- Git: pwd=[/tmp/d20220307-66-jm5jyo], command=[HOME="/tmp/qa-netrc-credentials/66" git add file-3e4a204751c035d2.txt 2>&1]2915[date=2022-03-07 15:11:22 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- Git: output=[], exitstatus=[0]2916[date=2022-03-07 15:11:22 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- Git: pwd=[/tmp/d20220307-66-jm5jyo], command=[HOME="/tmp/qa-netrc-credentials/66" git commit -m "This is a test commit" 2>&1]2917[date=2022-03-07 15:11:22 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- Git: output=[[push-options-test-980eab5f5cb86ae7 557bb67] This is a test commit2918 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+)2919 create mode 100644 file-3e4a204751c035d2.txt], exitstatus=[0]2920[date=2022-03-07 15:11:22 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- Git: pwd=[/tmp/d20220307-66-jm5jyo], command=[HOME="/tmp/qa-netrc-credentials/66" git push -o merge_request.create -o merge_request.remove_source_branch -o merge_request.title="MR push options test 371692d85ad61352" push-options-test-980eab5f5cb86ae7:push-options-test-980eab5f5cb86ae7 2>&1]2921[date=2022-03-07 15:11:24 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- Git: output=[remote: 2922remote: View merge request for push-options-test-980eab5f5cb86ae7: 2923remote: 2924remote: 2925To * [new branch] push-options-test-980eab5f5cb86ae7 -> push-options-test-980eab5f5cb86ae7], exitstatus=[0]2927[date=2022-03-07 15:11:24 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- QA::Resource::Project - wait_for_push with commit message "This is a test commit"2928[date=2022-03-07 15:11:25 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- ==> Built a QA::Resource::Repository::ProjectPush via browser_ui in 3.148504893 seconds2929[date=2022-03-07 15:11:25 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- ==> Retrieved a QA::Resource::MergeRequest with iid '1' via api in 0.232681702 seconds2930[date=2022-03-07 15:11:25 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- Waiting until merge request with id '1' can be merged2931[date=2022-03-07 15:11:26 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- Retrying action with: max_duration: 60; sleep_interval: 1; raise_on_failure: true; retry_on_exception: false2932[date=2022-03-07 15:11:26 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- Waiting until merge request with id '1' can be merged2933[date=2022-03-07 15:11:27 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- ended retry2934[date=2022-03-07 15:11:27 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- QA::Resource::Project - wait_for_merge with title "MR push options test 371692d85ad61352"2935 removes the source branch2936Create2937 Push mirror a repository over HTTP2938[date=2022-03-07 15:11:28 from=QA Tests] INFO -- Starting test: Create Push mirror a repository over HTTP configures and syncs LFS objects for a (push) mirrored repository2939/usr/local/bundle/gems/capybara-3.35.3/lib/capybara/registration_container.rb:21: warning: DEPRECATED: Calling 'include?' on the drivers/servers container is deprecated without replacement2940[date=2022-03-07 15:11:28 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- has_element? :login_page (wait: 60) returned: true2941[date=2022-03-07 15:11:28 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- has_element? :login_page (wait: 0) returned: true2942[date=2022-03-07 15:11:29 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- waiting for loading to complete...2943[date=2022-03-07 15:11:29 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- loading complete after 0.007281859 seconds2944[date=2022-03-07 15:11:30 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- has_element? :sign_in_tab (wait: 0) returned: false2945[date=2022-03-07 15:11:30 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- waiting for loading to complete...2946[date=2022-03-07 15:11:30 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- loading complete after 0.006601809 seconds2947[date=2022-03-07 15:11:31 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- has_element? :standard_tab (wait: 0) returned: false2948[date=2022-03-07 15:11:31 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- filling :login_field with "root"2949[date=2022-03-07 15:11:31 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- finding :login_field with args {}2950[date=2022-03-07 15:11:31 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- waiting for loading to complete...2951[date=2022-03-07 15:11:31 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- loading complete after 0.006928939 seconds2952[date=2022-03-07 15:11:31 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- found :login_field2953[date=2022-03-07 15:11:31 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- filling :password_field with "*****"2954[date=2022-03-07 15:11:31 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- finding :password_field with args {}2955[date=2022-03-07 15:11:31 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- waiting for loading to complete...2956[date=2022-03-07 15:11:31 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- loading complete after 0.006007869 seconds2957[date=2022-03-07 15:11:31 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- found :password_field2958[date=2022-03-07 15:11:31 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- clicking :sign_in_button with args {}2959[date=2022-03-07 15:11:31 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- waiting for loading to complete...2960[date=2022-03-07 15:11:31 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- loading complete after 0.005953779 seconds2961[date=2022-03-07 15:11:33 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- waiting for loading to complete...2962[date=2022-03-07 15:11:33 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- loading complete after 0.011090598 seconds2963[date=2022-03-07 15:11:33 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- has_no_element? :#<QA::Page::Element:0x00005608bf69d958> (wait: 0) returned: false2964[date=2022-03-07 15:11:33 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- waiting for loading to complete...2965[date=2022-03-07 15:11:33 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- loading complete after 0.014056008 seconds2966[date=2022-03-07 15:11:33 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- has_no_element? :#<QA::Page::Element:0x00005608bf69d728> (wait: 0) returned: true2967[date=2022-03-07 15:11:33 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- has_element? :navbar (wait: 60) returned: true2968[date=2022-03-07 15:11:33 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- has_element? :user_avatar (wait: 60) returned: true2969[date=2022-03-07 15:11:33 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- has_element? :user_menu (wait: 60) returned: true2970[date=2022-03-07 15:11:33 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- has_element? :issues_shortcut_button (wait: 60) returned: true2971[date=2022-03-07 15:11:33 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- has_element? :merge_requests_shortcut_button (wait: 60) returned: true2972[date=2022-03-07 15:11:34 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- has_element? :todos_shortcut_button (wait: 60) returned: true2973[date=2022-03-07 15:11:34 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- ==> Retrieved a QA::Resource::Sandbox with full_path 'gitlab-qa-sandbox-group' via api in 0.202518886 seconds2974[date=2022-03-07 15:11:35 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- <QA::Resource::Group> Attribute :full_path has both API response `gitlab-qa-sandbox-group/qa-test-2022-03-07-14-49-47-c6db921ef6e8f40e` and a block. API response will be picked. Block will be ignored.2975[date=2022-03-07 15:11:35 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- ==> Retrieved a QA::Resource::Group with full_path 'gitlab-qa-sandbox-group/qa-test-2022-03-07-14-49-47-c6db921ef6e8f40e' via api in 1.201196132 seconds2976[date=2022-03-07 15:11:36 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- ==> Built a QA::Resource::Project with full_path 'gitlab-qa-sandbox-group/qa-test-2022-03-07-14-49-47-c6db921ef6e8f40e/push-mirror-target-project-9b7c9c6c4797310d' via api in 1.949739988 seconds2977[date=2022-03-07 15:11:36 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- <QA::Resource::Project> Attribute :repository_http_location has both API response `#<QA::Git::Location:0x00005608be525a18>` and a block. API response will be picked. Block will be ignored.2978[date=2022-03-07 15:11:36 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- ==> Retrieved a QA::Resource::Sandbox with full_path 'gitlab-qa-sandbox-group' via api in 0.18316435 seconds2979[date=2022-03-07 15:11:37 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- <QA::Resource::Group> Attribute :full_path has both API response `gitlab-qa-sandbox-group/qa-test-2022-03-07-14-49-47-c6db921ef6e8f40e` and a block. API response will be picked. Block will be ignored.2980[date=2022-03-07 15:11:37 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- ==> Retrieved a QA::Resource::Group with full_path 'gitlab-qa-sandbox-group/qa-test-2022-03-07-14-49-47-c6db921ef6e8f40e' via api in 1.275331969 seconds2981[date=2022-03-07 15:11:38 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- ==> Built a QA::Resource::Project with full_path 'gitlab-qa-sandbox-group/qa-test-2022-03-07-14-49-47-c6db921ef6e8f40e/project-with-code-2cecaf616df5335f' via api in 1.99436788 seconds2982[date=2022-03-07 15:11:38 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- Git: pwd=[/tmp/d20220307-66-lvwswa], command=[HOME="/tmp/qa-netrc-credentials/66" git clone ./ 2>&1]2983[date=2022-03-07 15:11:38 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- Git: output=[Cloning into '.'...2984warning: You appear to have cloned an empty repository.], exitstatus=[0]2985[date=2022-03-07 15:11:38 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- pwd=[/tmp/d20220307-66-lvwswa], command=[touch /tmp/qa-netrc-credentials/66/.gitconfig 2>&1]2986[date=2022-03-07 15:11:38 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- output=[], exitstatus=[0]2987[date=2022-03-07 15:11:38 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- Git: pwd=[/tmp/d20220307-66-lvwswa], command=[HOME="/tmp/qa-netrc-credentials/66" git lfs install 2>&1]2988[date=2022-03-07 15:11:38 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- Git: output=[Updated git hooks.2989Git LFS initialized.], exitstatus=[0]2990[date=2022-03-07 15:11:38 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- Git: pwd=[/tmp/d20220307-66-lvwswa], command=[HOME="/tmp/qa-netrc-credentials/66" git config "GitLab QA" 2>&1]2991[date=2022-03-07 15:11:38 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- Git: output=[], exitstatus=[0]2992[date=2022-03-07 15:11:38 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- Git: pwd=[/tmp/d20220307-66-lvwswa], command=[HOME="/tmp/qa-netrc-credentials/66" git config 2>&1]2993[date=2022-03-07 15:11:38 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- Git: output=[], exitstatus=[0]2994[date=2022-03-07 15:11:38 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- Git: pwd=[/tmp/d20220307-66-lvwswa], command=[HOME="/tmp/qa-netrc-credentials/66" git checkout -b "main" 2>&1]2995[date=2022-03-07 15:11:38 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- Git: output=[Switched to a new branch 'main'], exitstatus=[0]2996[date=2022-03-07 15:11:38 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- Git: pwd=[/tmp/d20220307-66-lvwswa], command=[HOME="/tmp/qa-netrc-credentials/66" git lfs track --lockable 2>&1]2997[date=2022-03-07 15:11:38 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- Git: output=[Tracking ""], exitstatus=[0]2998[date=2022-03-07 15:11:38 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- Git: pwd=[/tmp/d20220307-66-lvwswa], command=[HOME="/tmp/qa-netrc-credentials/66" git add 2>&1]2999[date=2022-03-07 15:11:38 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- Git: output=[], exitstatus=[0]3000[date=2022-03-07 15:11:38 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- Git: pwd=[/tmp/d20220307-66-lvwswa], command=[HOME="/tmp/qa-netrc-credentials/66" git commit -m "Add" 2>&1]3001[date=2022-03-07 15:11:38 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- Git: output=[[main (root-commit) 1697c9e] Add README.md3002 1 file changed, 3 insertions(+)3003 create mode 100644], exitstatus=[0]3004[date=2022-03-07 15:11:38 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- Git: pwd=[/tmp/d20220307-66-lvwswa], command=[HOME="/tmp/qa-netrc-credentials/66" git push main:main 2>&1]3005[date=2022-03-07 15:11:43 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- Git: output=[Locking support detected on remote "". Consider enabling it with:3006 $ git config lfs. true3007Uploading LFS objects: 100% (1/1), 24 B | 0 B/s, done3008To * [new branch] main -> main], exitstatus=[0]3010[date=2022-03-07 15:11:43 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- QA::Resource::Project - wait_for_push with commit message "Add"3011[date=2022-03-07 15:11:43 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- Retrying action with: max_duration: 60; sleep_interval: 0.1; raise_on_failure: false; retry_on_exception: false3012[date=2022-03-07 15:11:43 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- ended retry3013[date=2022-03-07 15:11:43 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- ==> Built a QA::Resource::Repository::ProjectPush via browser_ui in 7.601438693 seconds3014[date=2022-03-07 15:11:43 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- Visiting QA::Resource::Project at[date=2022-03-07 15:11:45 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- waiting for loading to complete...3016[date=2022-03-07 15:11:45 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- loading complete after 0.015211237 seconds3017[date=2022-03-07 15:11:45 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- within element :project_sidebar with args {}3018[date=2022-03-07 15:11:45 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- waiting for loading to complete...3019[date=2022-03-07 15:11:45 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- loading complete after 0.017225627 seconds3020[date=2022-03-07 15:11:45 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- scrolling to :[data-qa-selector="sidebar_menu_link"],.qa-sidebar-menu-link3021[date=2022-03-07 15:11:46 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- waiting for loading to complete...3022[date=2022-03-07 15:11:46 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- loading complete after 0.009254769 seconds3023[date=2022-03-07 15:11:46 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- finding :sidebar_menu_link with args {:menu_item=>"Settings"}3024[date=2022-03-07 15:11:46 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- waiting for loading to complete...3025[date=2022-03-07 15:11:46 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- loading complete after 0.006224328 seconds3026[date=2022-03-07 15:11:46 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- found :sidebar_menu_link3027[date=2022-03-07 15:11:46 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- clicking :sidebar_menu_item_link with args {:menu_item=>"Repository"}3028[date=2022-03-07 15:11:46 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- waiting for loading to complete...3029[date=2022-03-07 15:11:46 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- loading complete after 0.009967289 seconds3030[date=2022-03-07 15:11:47 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- end within element :project_sidebar with args {}3031[date=2022-03-07 15:11:47 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- within element :mirroring_repositories_settings_content with args {}3032[date=2022-03-07 15:11:47 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- waiting for loading to complete...3033[date=2022-03-07 15:11:47 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- loading complete after 0.015104427 seconds3034[date=2022-03-07 15:11:48 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- filling :mirror_repository_url_input with ""3035[date=2022-03-07 15:11:48 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- finding :mirror_repository_url_input with args {}3036[date=2022-03-07 15:11:49 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- waiting for loading to complete...3037[date=2022-03-07 15:11:49 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- loading complete after 0.016999677 seconds3038[date=2022-03-07 15:11:49 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- found :mirror_repository_url_input3039[date=2022-03-07 15:11:49 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- selecting "Push" in :mirror_direction3040[date=2022-03-07 15:11:49 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- finding :mirror_direction with args {}3041[date=2022-03-07 15:11:49 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- waiting for loading to complete...3042[date=2022-03-07 15:11:49 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- loading complete after 0.012299358 seconds3043[date=2022-03-07 15:11:49 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- found :mirror_direction3044[date=2022-03-07 15:11:49 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- waiting for animated element: authentication_method3045[date=2022-03-07 15:11:49 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- has_element? :authentication_method (wait: 10) returned: true3046[date=2022-03-07 15:11:50 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- selecting "Password" in :authentication_method3047[date=2022-03-07 15:11:50 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- finding :authentication_method with args {}3048[date=2022-03-07 15:11:50 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- waiting for loading to complete...3049[date=2022-03-07 15:11:50 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- loading complete after 0.011232638 seconds3050[date=2022-03-07 15:11:50 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- found :authentication_method3051[date=2022-03-07 15:11:50 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- filling :password with "*****"3052[date=2022-03-07 15:11:50 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- finding :password with args {}3053[date=2022-03-07 15:11:50 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- waiting for loading to complete...3054[date=2022-03-07 15:11:50 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- loading complete after 0.010612849 seconds3055[date=2022-03-07 15:11:50 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- found :password3056[date=2022-03-07 15:11:50 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- clicking :mirror_repository_button with args {}3057[date=2022-03-07 15:11:50 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- waiting for loading to complete...3058[date=2022-03-07 15:11:50 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- loading complete after 0.009027809 seconds3059[date=2022-03-07 15:11:51 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- finding all :mirror_repository_url_cell with args {:minimum=>1}3060[date=2022-03-07 15:11:52 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- waiting for loading to complete...3061[date=2022-03-07 15:11:52 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- loading complete after 0.199351917 seconds3062[date=2022-03-07 15:11:52 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- found 1 :mirror_repository_url_cell3063[date=2022-03-07 15:11:52 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- within elements :mirrored_repository_row at index 03064[date=2022-03-07 15:11:52 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- finding all :mirrored_repository_row with args {:minimum=>1}3065[date=2022-03-07 15:11:52 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- waiting for loading to complete...3066[date=2022-03-07 15:11:52 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- loading complete after 0.010912369 seconds3067[date=2022-03-07 15:11:52 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- found 1 :mirrored_repository_row3068[date=2022-03-07 15:12:02 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- waiting for loading to complete...3069[date=2022-03-07 15:12:02 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- loading complete after 0.009047468 seconds3070[date=2022-03-07 15:12:03 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- has_element? :updating_button (wait: 10) returned: false3071[date=2022-03-07 15:12:03 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- clicking :update_now_button with args {}3072[date=2022-03-07 15:12:03 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- waiting for loading to complete...3073[date=2022-03-07 15:12:03 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- loading complete after 0.006227929 seconds3074[date=2022-03-07 15:12:04 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- end within elements :mirrored_repository_row at index 03075[date=2022-03-07 15:12:04 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- refreshing[date=2022-03-07 15:12:05 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- waiting for loading to complete...3077[date=2022-03-07 15:12:05 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- loading complete after 0.055182411 seconds3078[date=2022-03-07 15:12:05 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- finding all :mirror_repository_url_cell with args {:minimum=>1}3079[date=2022-03-07 15:12:05 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- waiting for loading to complete...3080[date=2022-03-07 15:12:05 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- loading complete after 0.010054008 seconds3081[date=2022-03-07 15:12:05 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- found 1 :mirror_repository_url_cell3082[date=2022-03-07 15:12:05 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- within elements :mirrored_repository_row at index 03083[date=2022-03-07 15:12:05 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- finding all :mirrored_repository_row with args {:minimum=>1}3084[date=2022-03-07 15:12:06 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- waiting for loading to complete...3085[date=2022-03-07 15:12:06 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- loading complete after 0.011351888 seconds3086[date=2022-03-07 15:12:06 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- found 1 :mirrored_repository_row3087[date=2022-03-07 15:12:06 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- finding :mirror_last_update_at_cell with args {:wait=>0}3088[date=2022-03-07 15:12:06 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- waiting for loading to complete...3089[date=2022-03-07 15:12:06 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- loading complete after 0.010317759 seconds3090[date=2022-03-07 15:12:06 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- found :mirror_last_update_at_cell3091[date=2022-03-07 15:12:26 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- end within elements :mirrored_repository_row at index 03092[date=2022-03-07 15:12:26 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- refreshing[date=2022-03-07 15:12:27 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- waiting for loading to complete...3094[date=2022-03-07 15:12:27 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- loading complete after 0.217735869 seconds3095[date=2022-03-07 15:12:28 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- Retrying action with: max_duration: 60; sleep_interval: 1; raise_on_failure: true; retry_on_exception: false3096[date=2022-03-07 15:12:28 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- within elements :mirrored_repository_row at index 03097[date=2022-03-07 15:12:28 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- finding all :mirrored_repository_row with args {:minimum=>1}3098[date=2022-03-07 15:12:28 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- waiting for loading to complete...3099[date=2022-03-07 15:12:28 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- loading complete after 0.010711429 seconds3100[date=2022-03-07 15:12:28 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- found 1 :mirrored_repository_row3101[date=2022-03-07 15:12:28 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- finding :mirror_last_update_at_cell with args {:wait=>0}3102[date=2022-03-07 15:12:28 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- waiting for loading to complete...3103[date=2022-03-07 15:12:28 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- loading complete after 0.009484298 seconds3104[date=2022-03-07 15:12:28 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- found :mirror_last_update_at_cell3105[date=2022-03-07 15:12:28 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- end within elements :mirrored_repository_row at index 03106[date=2022-03-07 15:12:28 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- ended retry3107[date=2022-03-07 15:12:28 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- within elements :mirrored_repository_row at index 03108[date=2022-03-07 15:12:28 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- finding all :mirrored_repository_row with args {:minimum=>1}3109[date=2022-03-07 15:12:28 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- waiting for loading to complete...3110[date=2022-03-07 15:12:28 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- loading complete after 0.010383548 seconds3111[date=2022-03-07 15:12:28 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- found 1 :mirrored_repository_row3112[date=2022-03-07 15:12:28 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- finding :mirror_last_update_at_cell with args {:wait=>0}3113[date=2022-03-07 15:12:28 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- waiting for loading to complete...3114[date=2022-03-07 15:12:28 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- loading complete after 0.007050398 seconds3115[date=2022-03-07 15:12:28 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- found :mirror_last_update_at_cell3116[date=2022-03-07 15:12:28 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- asserting no element :mirror_error_badge3117[date=2022-03-07 15:12:28 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- end within elements :mirrored_repository_row at index 03118[date=2022-03-07 15:12:28 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- end within element :mirroring_repositories_settings_content with args {}3119[date=2022-03-07 15:12:28 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- Visiting QA::Resource::Project at[date=2022-03-07 15:12:30 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- Running eventually matcher with 'be_truthy' operator with: '{:max_duration=>60, :reload_page=>#<Capybara::Session>, :sleep_interval=>0.5}' arguments3121[date=2022-03-07 15:12:30 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- evaluating expectation, attempt: 13122[date=2022-03-07 15:12:30 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- has_element? :file_tree_table (wait: 10) returned: true3123[date=2022-03-07 15:12:30 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- within element :file_tree_table with args {}3124[date=2022-03-07 15:12:30 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- waiting for loading to complete...3125[date=2022-03-07 15:12:30 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- loading complete after 0.014503598 seconds3126[date=2022-03-07 15:12:30 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- has_element? :file_name_link with text "" (wait: 10) returned: true3127[date=2022-03-07 15:12:30 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- end within element :file_tree_table with args {}3128[date=2022-03-07 15:12:30 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- has_element? :blob_viewer_content with text "The rendered file could not be displayed because it is stored in LFS" (wait: 10) returned: true3129 configures and syncs LFS objects for a (push) mirrored repository3130Create3131 Sharing snippets3132 when the snippet is changed to private3133[date=2022-03-07 15:12:30 from=QA Tests] INFO -- Starting test: Create Sharing snippets when the snippet is changed to private does not display Embed/Share dropdown3134[date=2022-03-07 15:12:30 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- waiting for loading to complete...3135[date=2022-03-07 15:12:30 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- loading complete after 0.005639509 seconds3136[date=2022-03-07 15:12:31 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- has_element? :login_page (wait: 0) returned: false3137[date=2022-03-07 15:12:31 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- waiting for loading to complete...3138[date=2022-03-07 15:12:31 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- loading complete after 0.006714849 seconds3139[date=2022-03-07 15:12:32 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- has_element? :user_avatar (wait: 0) returned: false3140/usr/local/bundle/gems/capybara-3.35.3/lib/capybara/registration_container.rb:21: warning: DEPRECATED: Calling 'include?' on the drivers/servers container is deprecated without replacement3141[date=2022-03-07 15:12:33 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- has_element? :login_page (wait: 60) returned: true3142[date=2022-03-07 15:12:33 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- has_element? :login_page (wait: 0) returned: true3143[date=2022-03-07 15:12:33 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- has_element? :login_page (wait: 0) returned: true3144[date=2022-03-07 15:12:33 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- waiting for loading to complete...3145[date=2022-03-07 15:12:33 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- loading complete after 0.007181259 seconds3146[date=2022-03-07 15:12:34 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- has_element? :sign_in_tab (wait: 0) returned: false3147[date=2022-03-07 15:12:34 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- waiting for loading to complete...3148[date=2022-03-07 15:12:34 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- loading complete after 0.006455999 seconds3149[date=2022-03-07 15:12:35 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- has_element? :standard_tab (wait: 0) returned: false3150[date=2022-03-07 15:12:35 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- filling :login_field with "root"3151[date=2022-03-07 15:12:35 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- finding :login_field with args {}3152[date=2022-03-07 15:12:35 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- waiting for loading to complete...3153[date=2022-03-07 15:12:35 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- loading complete after 0.007418119 seconds3154[date=2022-03-07 15:12:35 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- found :login_field3155[date=2022-03-07 15:12:35 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- filling :password_field with "*****"3156[date=2022-03-07 15:12:35 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- finding :password_field with args {}3157[date=2022-03-07 15:12:35 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- waiting for loading to complete...3158[date=2022-03-07 15:12:35 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- loading complete after 0.010433659 seconds3159[date=2022-03-07 15:12:35 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- found :password_field3160[date=2022-03-07 15:12:35 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- clicking :sign_in_button with args {}3161[date=2022-03-07 15:12:35 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- waiting for loading to complete...3162[date=2022-03-07 15:12:35 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- loading complete after 0.008809709 seconds3163[date=2022-03-07 15:12:36 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- waiting for loading to complete...3164[date=2022-03-07 15:12:36 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- loading complete after 0.010212388 seconds3165[date=2022-03-07 15:12:36 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- has_no_element? :#<QA::Page::Element:0x00005608bf69d958> (wait: 0) returned: false3166[date=2022-03-07 15:12:36 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- waiting for loading to complete...3167[date=2022-03-07 15:12:36 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- loading complete after 0.010699408 seconds3168[date=2022-03-07 15:12:36 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- has_no_element? :#<QA::Page::Element:0x00005608bf69d728> (wait: 0) returned: true3169[date=2022-03-07 15:12:37 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- has_element? :navbar (wait: 60) returned: true3170[date=2022-03-07 15:12:37 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- has_element? :user_avatar (wait: 60) returned: true3171[date=2022-03-07 15:12:37 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- has_element? :user_menu (wait: 60) returned: true3172[date=2022-03-07 15:12:37 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- has_element? :issues_shortcut_button (wait: 60) returned: true3173[date=2022-03-07 15:12:37 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- has_element? :merge_requests_shortcut_button (wait: 60) returned: true3174[date=2022-03-07 15:12:37 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- has_element? :todos_shortcut_button (wait: 60) returned: true3175[date=2022-03-07 15:12:38 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- ==> Built a QA::Resource::Snippet with id '24' via api in 0.450545966 seconds3176[date=2022-03-07 15:12:38 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- Visiting QA::Resource::Snippet at[date=2022-03-07 15:12:39 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- has_element? :snippet_embed_dropdown (wait: 10) returned: true3178[date=2022-03-07 15:12:39 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- clicking :snippet_action_button , expecting to be at Class with args {:action=>"Edit"}3179[date=2022-03-07 15:12:39 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- waiting for loading to complete...3180[date=2022-03-07 15:12:39 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- loading complete after 0.014845378 seconds3181[date=2022-03-07 15:12:40 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- has_element? :submit_button (wait: 60) returned: true3182[date=2022-03-07 15:12:40 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- clicking :visibility_content with args {:visibility=>"Private"}3183[date=2022-03-07 15:12:40 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- waiting for loading to complete...3184[date=2022-03-07 15:12:40 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- loading complete after 0.015335148 seconds3185[date=2022-03-07 15:12:40 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- finding :submit_button with args {}3186[date=2022-03-07 15:12:40 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- waiting for loading to complete...3187[date=2022-03-07 15:12:40 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- loading complete after 0.018086078 seconds3188[date=2022-03-07 15:12:40 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- found :submit_button3189[date=2022-03-07 15:12:40 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- clicking :submit_button , expecting to be at Class with args {}3190[date=2022-03-07 15:12:41 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- waiting for loading to complete...3191[date=2022-03-07 15:12:41 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- loading complete after 0.016357137 seconds3192[date=2022-03-07 15:12:41 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- has_element? :snippet_title_content (wait: 60) returned: true3193[date=2022-03-07 15:12:41 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- has_element? :snippet_title_content (wait: 60) returned: true3194[date=2022-03-07 15:12:52 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- waiting for loading to complete...3195[date=2022-03-07 15:12:52 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- loading complete after 0.011832488 seconds3196[date=2022-03-07 15:12:53 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- has_element? :snippet_embed_dropdown (wait: 10) returned: false3197[date=2022-03-07 15:12:53 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- Removed a QA::Resource::Snippet with id '24'3198 does not display Embed/Share dropdown3199 when the snippet is public3200[date=2022-03-07 15:12:53 from=QA Tests] INFO -- Starting test: Create Sharing snippets when the snippet is public can be shared with not signed-in users3201[date=2022-03-07 15:12:53 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- waiting for loading to complete...3202[date=2022-03-07 15:12:53 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- loading complete after 0.006249359 seconds3203[date=2022-03-07 15:12:54 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- has_element? :login_page (wait: 0) returned: false3204[date=2022-03-07 15:12:54 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- waiting for loading to complete...3205[date=2022-03-07 15:12:54 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- loading complete after 0.005972599 seconds3206[date=2022-03-07 15:12:55 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- has_element? :user_avatar (wait: 0) returned: false3207/usr/local/bundle/gems/capybara-3.35.3/lib/capybara/registration_container.rb:21: warning: DEPRECATED: Calling 'include?' on the drivers/servers container is deprecated without replacement3208[date=2022-03-07 15:12:55 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- has_element? :login_page (wait: 60) returned: true3209[date=2022-03-07 15:12:55 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- has_element? :login_page (wait: 0) returned: true3210[date=2022-03-07 15:12:55 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- has_element? :login_page (wait: 0) returned: true3211[date=2022-03-07 15:12:55 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- waiting for loading to complete...3212[date=2022-03-07 15:12:55 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- loading complete after 0.007081669 seconds3213[date=2022-03-07 15:12:56 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- has_element? :sign_in_tab (wait: 0) returned: false3214[date=2022-03-07 15:12:57 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- waiting for loading to complete...3215[date=2022-03-07 15:12:57 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- loading complete after 0.00648573 seconds3216[date=2022-03-07 15:12:58 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- has_element? :standard_tab (wait: 0) returned: false3217[date=2022-03-07 15:12:58 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- filling :login_field with "root"3218[date=2022-03-07 15:12:58 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- finding :login_field with args {}3219[date=2022-03-07 15:12:58 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- waiting for loading to complete...3220[date=2022-03-07 15:12:58 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- loading complete after 0.006549729 seconds3221[date=2022-03-07 15:12:58 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- found :login_field3222[date=2022-03-07 15:12:58 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- filling :password_field with "*****"3223[date=2022-03-07 15:12:58 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- finding :password_field with args {}3224[date=2022-03-07 15:12:58 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- waiting for loading to complete...3225[date=2022-03-07 15:12:58 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- loading complete after 0.006568459 seconds3226[date=2022-03-07 15:12:58 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- found :password_field3227[date=2022-03-07 15:12:58 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- clicking :sign_in_button with args {}3228[date=2022-03-07 15:12:58 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- waiting for loading to complete...3229[date=2022-03-07 15:12:58 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- loading complete after 0.006462359 seconds3230[date=2022-03-07 15:12:59 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- waiting for loading to complete...3231[date=2022-03-07 15:12:59 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- loading complete after 0.009775369 seconds3232[date=2022-03-07 15:12:59 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- has_no_element? :#<QA::Page::Element:0x00005608bf69d958> (wait: 0) returned: false3233[date=2022-03-07 15:12:59 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- waiting for loading to complete...3234[date=2022-03-07 15:12:59 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- loading complete after 0.009676439 seconds3235[date=2022-03-07 15:12:59 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- has_no_element? :#<QA::Page::Element:0x00005608bf69d728> (wait: 0) returned: true3236[date=2022-03-07 15:13:00 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- has_element? :navbar (wait: 60) returned: true3237[date=2022-03-07 15:13:00 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- has_element? :user_avatar (wait: 60) returned: true3238[date=2022-03-07 15:13:00 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- has_element? :user_menu (wait: 60) returned: true3239[date=2022-03-07 15:13:00 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- has_element? :issues_shortcut_button (wait: 60) returned: true3240[date=2022-03-07 15:13:00 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- has_element? :merge_requests_shortcut_button (wait: 60) returned: true3241[date=2022-03-07 15:13:00 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- has_element? :todos_shortcut_button (wait: 60) returned: true3242[date=2022-03-07 15:13:00 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- ==> Built a QA::Resource::Snippet with id '25' via api in 0.456852485 seconds3243[date=2022-03-07 15:13:00 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- Visiting QA::Resource::Snippet at[date=2022-03-07 15:13:01 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- has_element? :snippet_embed_dropdown (wait: 10) returned: true3245[date=2022-03-07 15:13:01 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- clicking :snippet_embed_dropdown with args {}3246[date=2022-03-07 15:13:01 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- waiting for loading to complete...3247[date=2022-03-07 15:13:01 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- loading complete after 0.011205978 seconds3248[date=2022-03-07 15:13:01 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- finding :copy_button with args {:action=>"Share"}3249[date=2022-03-07 15:13:01 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- waiting for loading to complete...3250[date=2022-03-07 15:13:01 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- loading complete after 0.010584738 seconds3251[date=2022-03-07 15:13:01 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- found :copy_button3252[date=2022-03-07 15:13:02 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- waiting for loading to complete...3253[date=2022-03-07 15:13:02 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- loading complete after 0.011845759 seconds3254[date=2022-03-07 15:13:03 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- has_element? :login_page (wait: 0) returned: false3255[date=2022-03-07 15:13:03 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- has_element? :user_avatar (wait: 0) returned: true3256[date=2022-03-07 15:13:03 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- within element :navbar with args {}3257[date=2022-03-07 15:13:03 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- waiting for loading to complete...3258[date=2022-03-07 15:13:03 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- loading complete after 0.010016848 seconds3259[date=2022-03-07 15:13:03 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- clicking :user_avatar with args {}3260[date=2022-03-07 15:13:03 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- waiting for loading to complete...3261[date=2022-03-07 15:13:03 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- loading complete after 0.015359368 seconds3262[date=2022-03-07 15:13:03 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- within element :user_menu with args {}3263[date=2022-03-07 15:13:03 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- waiting for loading to complete...3264[date=2022-03-07 15:13:03 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- loading complete after 0.013353818 seconds3265[date=2022-03-07 15:13:03 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- clicking :sign_out_link with args {}3266[date=2022-03-07 15:13:03 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- waiting for loading to complete...3267[date=2022-03-07 15:13:03 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- loading complete after 0.009359509 seconds3268[date=2022-03-07 15:13:04 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- end within element :user_menu with args {}3269[date=2022-03-07 15:13:04 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- end within element :navbar with args {}3270[date=2022-03-07 15:13:04 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- has_element? :login_page (wait: 0) returned: true3271[date=2022-03-07 15:13:04 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- has_element? :snippet_title_content with text "Shared snippet" (wait: 10) returned: true3272[date=2022-03-07 15:13:04 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- within element :snippet_container with args {}3273[date=2022-03-07 15:13:04 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- waiting for loading to complete...3274[date=2022-03-07 15:13:04 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- loading complete after 0.016281327 seconds3275[date=2022-03-07 15:13:04 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- waiting for loading to complete...3276[date=2022-03-07 15:13:04 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- loading complete after 0.010208949 seconds3277[date=2022-03-07 15:13:04 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- has_text?('(?i-mx:public)', wait: 10) returned true3278[date=2022-03-07 15:13:04 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- end within element :snippet_container with args {}3279[date=2022-03-07 15:13:04 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- waiting for loading to complete...3280[date=2022-03-07 15:13:04 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- loading complete after 0.013372988 seconds3281[date=2022-03-07 15:13:04 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- has_element? :blob_viewer_file_content (wait: 1) returned: true3282[date=2022-03-07 15:13:04 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- within element :blob_viewer_file_content with args {}3283[date=2022-03-07 15:13:04 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- waiting for loading to complete...3284[date=2022-03-07 15:13:04 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- loading complete after 0.013206068 seconds3285[date=2022-03-07 15:13:04 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- waiting for loading to complete...3286[date=2022-03-07 15:13:04 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- loading complete after 0.008680339 seconds3287[date=2022-03-07 15:13:04 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- has_text?('code to be shared', wait: 10) returned true3288[date=2022-03-07 15:13:04 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- end within element :blob_viewer_file_content with args {}3289[date=2022-03-07 15:13:04 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- has_element? :snippet_embed_dropdown (wait: 10) returned: true3290[date=2022-03-07 15:13:05 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- Removed a QA::Resource::Snippet with id '25'3291 can be shared with not signed-in users3292Create3293 Codeowners3294[date=2022-03-07 15:13:05 from=QA Tests] INFO -- Starting test: Create Codeowners merge request assigns code owners as approvers3295[date=2022-03-07 15:13:05 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- ==> Retrieved a QA::Resource::Sandbox with full_path 'gitlab-qa-sandbox-group' via api in 0.218270309 seconds3296[date=2022-03-07 15:13:06 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- <QA::Resource::Group> Attribute :full_path has both API response `gitlab-qa-sandbox-group/qa-test-2022-03-07-14-49-47-c6db921ef6e8f40e` and a block. API response will be picked. Block will be ignored.3297[date=2022-03-07 15:13:06 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- ==> Retrieved a QA::Resource::Group with full_path 'gitlab-qa-sandbox-group/qa-test-2022-03-07-14-49-47-c6db921ef6e8f40e' via api in 1.290707116 seconds3298[date=2022-03-07 15:13:07 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- ==> Built a QA::Resource::Project with full_path 'gitlab-qa-sandbox-group/qa-test-2022-03-07-14-49-47-c6db921ef6e8f40e/assign-approvers-5aa7196f12872dcc' via api in 2.407348668 seconds3299[date=2022-03-07 15:13:07 from=QA Tests] INFO -- Enabling feature: invite_members_group_modal for scope "project: gitlab-qa-sandbox-group/qa-test-2022-03-07-14-49-47-c6db921ef6e8f40e/assign-approvers-5aa7196f12872dcc"3300[date=2022-03-07 15:13:08 from=QA Tests] INFO -- Successfully enabled and verified feature flag: invite_members_group_modal3301[date=2022-03-07 15:13:08 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- ==> Retrieved a QA::Resource::User with username 'gitlab-qa-user1' via api in 0.456727165 seconds3302[date=2022-03-07 15:13:08 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- Adding user gitlab-qa-user1 to gitlab-qa-sandbox-group/qa-test-2022-03-07-14-49-47-c6db921ef6e8f40e/assign-approvers-5aa7196f12872dcc QA::Resource::Project3303[date=2022-03-07 15:13:09 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- ==> Retrieved a QA::Resource::User with username 'gitlab-qa-user2' via api in 0.342239392 seconds3304[date=2022-03-07 15:13:09 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- Adding user gitlab-qa-user2 to gitlab-qa-sandbox-group/qa-test-2022-03-07-14-49-47-c6db921ef6e8f40e/assign-approvers-5aa7196f12872dcc QA::Resource::Project3305[date=2022-03-07 15:13:09 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- waiting for loading to complete...3306[date=2022-03-07 15:13:09 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- loading complete after 0.007337219 seconds3307[date=2022-03-07 15:13:10 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- has_element? :login_page (wait: 0) returned: false3308[date=2022-03-07 15:13:10 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- waiting for loading to complete...3309[date=2022-03-07 15:13:10 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- loading complete after 0.005816099 seconds3310[date=2022-03-07 15:13:11 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- has_element? :user_avatar (wait: 0) returned: false3311/usr/local/bundle/gems/capybara-3.35.3/lib/capybara/registration_container.rb:21: warning: DEPRECATED: Calling 'include?' on the drivers/servers container is deprecated without replacement3312[date=2022-03-07 15:13:12 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- has_element? :login_page (wait: 60) returned: true3313[date=2022-03-07 15:13:12 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- has_element? :login_page (wait: 0) returned: true3314[date=2022-03-07 15:13:12 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- has_element? :login_page (wait: 0) returned: true3315[date=2022-03-07 15:13:12 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- waiting for loading to complete...3316[date=2022-03-07 15:13:12 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- loading complete after 0.006777259 seconds3317[date=2022-03-07 15:13:13 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- has_element? :sign_in_tab (wait: 0) returned: false3318[date=2022-03-07 15:13:13 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- waiting for loading to complete...3319[date=2022-03-07 15:13:13 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- loading complete after 0.00715601 seconds3320[date=2022-03-07 15:13:14 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- has_element? :standard_tab (wait: 0) returned: false3321[date=2022-03-07 15:13:14 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- filling :login_field with "root"3322[date=2022-03-07 15:13:14 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- finding :login_field with args {}3323[date=2022-03-07 15:13:14 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- waiting for loading to complete...3324[date=2022-03-07 15:13:14 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- loading complete after 0.005833979 seconds3325[date=2022-03-07 15:13:14 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- found :login_field3326[date=2022-03-07 15:13:14 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- filling :password_field with "*****"3327[date=2022-03-07 15:13:14 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- finding :password_field with args {}3328[date=2022-03-07 15:13:14 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- waiting for loading to complete...3329[date=2022-03-07 15:13:14 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- loading complete after 0.006404619 seconds3330[date=2022-03-07 15:13:14 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- found :password_field3331[date=2022-03-07 15:13:14 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- clicking :sign_in_button with args {}3332[date=2022-03-07 15:13:14 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- waiting for loading to complete...3333[date=2022-03-07 15:13:14 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- loading complete after 0.008176618 seconds3334[date=2022-03-07 15:13:15 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- waiting for loading to complete...3335[date=2022-03-07 15:13:15 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- loading complete after 0.010574168 seconds3336[date=2022-03-07 15:13:15 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- has_no_element? :#<QA::Page::Element:0x00005608bf69d958> (wait: 0) returned: false3337[date=2022-03-07 15:13:16 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- waiting for loading to complete...3338[date=2022-03-07 15:13:16 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- loading complete after 0.010033289 seconds3339[date=2022-03-07 15:13:16 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- has_no_element? :#<QA::Page::Element:0x00005608bf69d728> (wait: 0) returned: true3340[date=2022-03-07 15:13:16 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- has_element? :navbar (wait: 60) returned: true3341[date=2022-03-07 15:13:16 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- has_element? :user_avatar (wait: 60) returned: true3342[date=2022-03-07 15:13:16 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- has_element? :user_menu (wait: 60) returned: true3343[date=2022-03-07 15:13:16 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- has_element? :issues_shortcut_button (wait: 60) returned: true3344[date=2022-03-07 15:13:16 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- has_element? :merge_requests_shortcut_button (wait: 60) returned: true3345[date=2022-03-07 15:13:16 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- has_element? :todos_shortcut_button (wait: 60) returned: true3346[date=2022-03-07 15:13:16 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- Visiting QA::Resource::Project at[date=2022-03-07 15:13:18 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- ==> Built a QA::Resource::Repository::Commit via api in 0.658176296 seconds3348[date=2022-03-07 15:13:19 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- ==> Built a QA::Resource::Repository::Commit via api in 0.439957527 seconds3349[date=2022-03-07 15:13:19 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- QA::Resource::Project - wait_for_push_new_branch with branch_name "protected-branch"3350[date=2022-03-07 15:13:19 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- Visiting QA::Resource::Project at[date=2022-03-07 15:13:21 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- waiting for loading to complete...3352[date=2022-03-07 15:13:21 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- loading complete after 0.019932367 seconds3353[date=2022-03-07 15:13:21 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- within element :project_sidebar with args {}3354[date=2022-03-07 15:13:21 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- waiting for loading to complete...3355[date=2022-03-07 15:13:21 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- loading complete after 0.015381368 seconds3356[date=2022-03-07 15:13:21 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- scrolling to :[data-qa-selector="sidebar_menu_link"],.qa-sidebar-menu-link3357[date=2022-03-07 15:13:21 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- waiting for loading to complete...3358[date=2022-03-07 15:13:21 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- loading complete after 0.009237489 seconds3359[date=2022-03-07 15:13:21 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- finding :sidebar_menu_link with args {:menu_item=>"Settings"}3360[date=2022-03-07 15:13:21 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- waiting for loading to complete...3361[date=2022-03-07 15:13:21 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- loading complete after 0.006279869 seconds3362[date=2022-03-07 15:13:21 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- found :sidebar_menu_link3363[date=2022-03-07 15:13:21 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- clicking :sidebar_menu_item_link with args {:menu_item=>"Repository"}3364[date=2022-03-07 15:13:22 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- waiting for loading to complete...3365[date=2022-03-07 15:13:22 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- loading complete after 0.010299278 seconds3366[date=2022-03-07 15:13:22 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- end within element :project_sidebar with args {}3367[date=2022-03-07 15:13:22 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- within element :protected_branches_settings_content with args {}3368[date=2022-03-07 15:13:23 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- waiting for loading to complete...3369[date=2022-03-07 15:13:23 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- loading complete after 0.018019457 seconds3370[date=2022-03-07 15:13:24 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- clicking :protected_branch_select with args {}3371[date=2022-03-07 15:13:24 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- waiting for loading to complete...3372[date=2022-03-07 15:13:24 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- loading complete after 0.016170568 seconds3373[date=2022-03-07 15:13:24 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- within element :protected_branch_dropdown with args {}3374[date=2022-03-07 15:13:24 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- waiting for loading to complete...3375[date=2022-03-07 15:13:24 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- loading complete after 0.011119639 seconds3376[date=2022-03-07 15:13:24 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- end within element :protected_branch_dropdown with args {}3377[date=2022-03-07 15:13:24 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- clicking :allowed_to_merge_select with args {}3378[date=2022-03-07 15:13:25 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- waiting for loading to complete...3379[date=2022-03-07 15:13:25 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- loading complete after 0.013669678 seconds3380[date=2022-03-07 15:13:25 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- within element :allowed_to_merge_dropdown with args {}3381[date=2022-03-07 15:13:25 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- waiting for loading to complete...3382[date=2022-03-07 15:13:25 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- loading complete after 0.018735198 seconds3383[date=2022-03-07 15:13:25 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- end within element :allowed_to_merge_dropdown with args {}3384[date=2022-03-07 15:13:25 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- clicking :allowed_to_merge_select with args {}3385[date=2022-03-07 15:13:25 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- waiting for loading to complete...3386[date=2022-03-07 15:13:25 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- loading complete after 0.011615908 seconds3387[date=2022-03-07 15:13:25 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- clicking :allowed_to_push_select with args {}3388[date=2022-03-07 15:13:25 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- waiting for loading to complete...3389[date=2022-03-07 15:13:25 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- loading complete after 0.011500969 seconds3390[date=2022-03-07 15:13:25 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- within element :allowed_to_push_dropdown with args {}3391[date=2022-03-07 15:13:26 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- waiting for loading to complete...3392[date=2022-03-07 15:13:26 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- loading complete after 0.011242968 seconds3393[date=2022-03-07 15:13:26 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- end within element :allowed_to_push_dropdown with args {}3394[date=2022-03-07 15:13:26 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- clicking :allowed_to_push_select with args {}3395[date=2022-03-07 15:13:26 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- waiting for loading to complete...3396[date=2022-03-07 15:13:26 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- loading complete after 0.013634618 seconds3397[date=2022-03-07 15:13:26 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- clicking :protect_button with args {:wait=>60}3398[date=2022-03-07 15:13:26 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- waiting for loading to complete...3399[date=2022-03-07 15:13:26 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- loading complete after 0.014179728 seconds3400[date=2022-03-07 15:13:29 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- waiting for loading to complete...3401[date=2022-03-07 15:13:29 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- loading complete after 0.045348473 seconds3402[date=2022-03-07 15:13:29 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- end within element :protected_branches_settings_content with args {}3403[date=2022-03-07 15:13:29 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- ==> Built a QA::Resource::ProtectedBranch via browser_ui in 10.376747229 seconds3404[date=2022-03-07 15:13:29 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- Git: pwd=[/tmp/d20220307-66-b3v97e], command=[HOME="/tmp/qa-netrc-credentials/66" git clone ./ 2>&1]3405[date=2022-03-07 15:13:30 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- Git: output=[Cloning into '.'...], exitstatus=[0]3406[date=2022-03-07 15:13:30 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- Git: pwd=[/tmp/d20220307-66-b3v97e], command=[HOME="/tmp/qa-netrc-credentials/66" git config "GitLab QA" 2>&1]3407[date=2022-03-07 15:13:30 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- Git: output=[], exitstatus=[0]3408[date=2022-03-07 15:13:30 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- Git: pwd=[/tmp/d20220307-66-b3v97e], command=[HOME="/tmp/qa-netrc-credentials/66" git config 2>&1]3409[date=2022-03-07 15:13:30 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- Git: output=[], exitstatus=[0]3410[date=2022-03-07 15:13:30 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- Git: pwd=[/tmp/d20220307-66-b3v97e], command=[HOME="/tmp/qa-netrc-credentials/66" git checkout -b "protected-branch-patch" 2>&1]3411[date=2022-03-07 15:13:30 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- Git: output=[Switched to a new branch 'protected-branch-patch'], exitstatus=[0]3412[date=2022-03-07 15:13:30 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- Git: pwd=[/tmp/d20220307-66-b3v97e], command=[HOME="/tmp/qa-netrc-credentials/66" git add CODEOWNERS 2>&1]3413[date=2022-03-07 15:13:30 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- Git: output=[], exitstatus=[0]3414[date=2022-03-07 15:13:30 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- Git: pwd=[/tmp/d20220307-66-b3v97e], command=[HOME="/tmp/qa-netrc-credentials/66" git commit -m "This is a test commit" 2>&1]3415[date=2022-03-07 15:13:30 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- Git: output=[[protected-branch-patch 14b0bf3] This is a test commit3416 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 1 deletion(-)], exitstatus=[0]3417[date=2022-03-07 15:13:30 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- Git: pwd=[/tmp/d20220307-66-b3v97e], command=[HOME="/tmp/qa-netrc-credentials/66" git push protected-branch-patch:protected-branch-patch 2>&1]3418[date=2022-03-07 15:13:31 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- Git: output=[remote: 3419remote: To create a merge request for protected-branch-patch, visit: 3420remote: 3421remote: 3422To * [new branch] protected-branch-patch -> protected-branch-patch], exitstatus=[0]3424[date=2022-03-07 15:13:31 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- ==> Built a QA::Resource::Repository::Push via browser_ui in 2.382558122 seconds3425[date=2022-03-07 15:13:32 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- ==> Built a QA::Resource::MergeRequest with iid '1' via api in 0.995877229 seconds3426[date=2022-03-07 15:13:32 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- Visiting QA::Resource::MergeRequest at[date=2022-03-07 15:13:35 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- clicking :edit_button with args {}3428[date=2022-03-07 15:13:35 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- waiting for loading to complete...3429[date=2022-03-07 15:13:35 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- loading complete after 0.018889157 seconds3430[date=2022-03-07 15:13:36 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- within element :approver_list_content with args {}3431[date=2022-03-07 15:13:36 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- waiting for loading to complete...3432[date=2022-03-07 15:13:36 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- loading complete after 0.013270988 seconds3433[date=2022-03-07 15:13:36 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- finding all :approver_content with args {:minimum=>1}3434[date=2022-03-07 15:13:36 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- waiting for loading to complete...3435[date=2022-03-07 15:13:36 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- loading complete after 0.010480798 seconds3436[date=2022-03-07 15:13:36 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- found 1 :approver_content3437[date=2022-03-07 15:13:36 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- end within element :approver_list_content with args {}3438 merge request assigns code owners as approvers3439Plan3440 Configurable issue board3441[date=2022-03-07 15:13:36 from=QA Tests] INFO -- Starting test: Plan Configurable issue board renames the issue board3442[date=2022-03-07 15:13:36 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- waiting for loading to complete...3443[date=2022-03-07 15:13:36 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- loading complete after 0.006064839 seconds3444[date=2022-03-07 15:13:37 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- has_element? :login_page (wait: 0) returned: false3445[date=2022-03-07 15:13:37 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- waiting for loading to complete...3446[date=2022-03-07 15:13:37 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- loading complete after 0.00636423 seconds3447[date=2022-03-07 15:13:38 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- has_element? :user_avatar (wait: 0) returned: false3448/usr/local/bundle/gems/capybara-3.35.3/lib/capybara/registration_container.rb:21: warning: DEPRECATED: Calling 'include?' on the drivers/servers container is deprecated without replacement3449[date=2022-03-07 15:13:39 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- has_element? :login_page (wait: 60) returned: true3450[date=2022-03-07 15:13:39 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- has_element? :login_page (wait: 0) returned: true3451[date=2022-03-07 15:13:39 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- has_element? :login_page (wait: 0) returned: true3452[date=2022-03-07 15:13:39 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- waiting for loading to complete...3453[date=2022-03-07 15:13:39 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- loading complete after 0.006899509 seconds3454[date=2022-03-07 15:13:40 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- has_element? :sign_in_tab (wait: 0) returned: false3455[date=2022-03-07 15:13:40 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- waiting for loading to complete...3456[date=2022-03-07 15:13:40 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- loading complete after 0.006849609 seconds3457[date=2022-03-07 15:13:41 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- has_element? :standard_tab (wait: 0) returned: false3458[date=2022-03-07 15:13:41 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- filling :login_field with "root"3459[date=2022-03-07 15:13:41 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- finding :login_field with args {}3460[date=2022-03-07 15:13:41 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- waiting for loading to complete...3461[date=2022-03-07 15:13:41 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- loading complete after 0.009849319 seconds3462[date=2022-03-07 15:13:41 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- found :login_field3463[date=2022-03-07 15:13:41 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- filling :password_field with "*****"3464[date=2022-03-07 15:13:41 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- finding :password_field with args {}3465[date=2022-03-07 15:13:41 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- waiting for loading to complete...3466[date=2022-03-07 15:13:41 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- loading complete after 0.00675403 seconds3467[date=2022-03-07 15:13:41 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- found :password_field3468[date=2022-03-07 15:13:41 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- clicking :sign_in_button with args {}3469[date=2022-03-07 15:13:41 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- waiting for loading to complete...3470[date=2022-03-07 15:13:41 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- loading complete after 0.007752519 seconds3471[date=2022-03-07 15:13:42 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- waiting for loading to complete...3472[date=2022-03-07 15:13:42 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- loading complete after 0.010814689 seconds3473[date=2022-03-07 15:13:42 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- has_no_element? :#<QA::Page::Element:0x00005608bf69d958> (wait: 0) returned: false3474[date=2022-03-07 15:13:42 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- waiting for loading to complete...3475[date=2022-03-07 15:13:42 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- loading complete after 0.010274318 seconds3476[date=2022-03-07 15:13:42 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- has_no_element? :#<QA::Page::Element:0x00005608bf69d728> (wait: 0) returned: true3477[date=2022-03-07 15:13:43 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- has_element? :navbar (wait: 60) returned: true3478[date=2022-03-07 15:13:43 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- has_element? :user_avatar (wait: 60) returned: true3479[date=2022-03-07 15:13:43 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- has_element? :user_menu (wait: 60) returned: true3480[date=2022-03-07 15:13:43 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- has_element? :issues_shortcut_button (wait: 60) returned: true3481[date=2022-03-07 15:13:43 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- has_element? :merge_requests_shortcut_button (wait: 60) returned: true3482[date=2022-03-07 15:13:43 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- has_element? :todos_shortcut_button (wait: 60) returned: true3483[date=2022-03-07 15:13:43 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- ==> Retrieved a QA::Resource::Sandbox with full_path 'gitlab-qa-sandbox-group' via api in 0.197003773 seconds3484[date=2022-03-07 15:13:45 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- <QA::Resource::Group> Attribute :full_path has both API response `gitlab-qa-sandbox-group/qa-test-2022-03-07-14-49-47-c6db921ef6e8f40e` and a block. API response will be picked. Block will be ignored.3485[date=2022-03-07 15:13:45 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- ==> Retrieved a QA::Resource::Group with full_path 'gitlab-qa-sandbox-group/qa-test-2022-03-07-14-49-47-c6db921ef6e8f40e' via api in 1.76452535 seconds3486[date=2022-03-07 15:13:46 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- ==> Built a QA::Resource::Project with full_path 'gitlab-qa-sandbox-group/qa-test-2022-03-07-14-49-47-c6db921ef6e8f40e/project-with-board-list-7341085574023bdf' via api in 2.634655936 seconds3487[date=2022-03-07 15:13:46 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- ==> Built a QA::EE::Resource::Board::ProjectBoard with name 'Downstream' via api in 0.235248426 seconds3488[date=2022-03-07 15:13:46 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- ==> Built a QA::Resource::ProjectLabel with id '88' via api in 0.303042067 seconds3489[date=2022-03-07 15:13:47 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- ==> Built a QA::EE::Resource::Board::BoardList::Project::LabelBoardList with id '52' via api in 3.394445928 seconds3490[date=2022-03-07 15:13:47 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- Visiting QA::Resource::Project at[date=2022-03-07 15:13:48 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- waiting for loading to complete...3492[date=2022-03-07 15:13:48 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- loading complete after 0.015568277 seconds3493[date=2022-03-07 15:13:48 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- within element :project_sidebar with args {}3494[date=2022-03-07 15:13:48 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- waiting for loading to complete...3495[date=2022-03-07 15:13:48 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- loading complete after 0.014733838 seconds3496[date=2022-03-07 15:13:48 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- scrolling to :[data-qa-selector="sidebar_menu_link"],.qa-sidebar-menu-link3497[date=2022-03-07 15:13:48 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- waiting for loading to complete...3498[date=2022-03-07 15:13:48 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- loading complete after 0.009085608 seconds3499[date=2022-03-07 15:13:48 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- finding :sidebar_menu_link with args {:menu_item=>"Issues"}3500[date=2022-03-07 15:13:48 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- waiting for loading to complete...3501[date=2022-03-07 15:13:48 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- loading complete after 0.007379229 seconds3502[date=2022-03-07 15:13:48 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- found :sidebar_menu_link3503[date=2022-03-07 15:13:48 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- clicking :sidebar_menu_item_link with args {:menu_item=>"Boards"}3504[date=2022-03-07 15:13:49 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- waiting for loading to complete...3505[date=2022-03-07 15:13:49 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- loading complete after 0.009319999 seconds3506[date=2022-03-07 15:13:50 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- end within element :project_sidebar with args {}3507[date=2022-03-07 15:13:50 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- clicking :boards_config_button with args {}3508[date=2022-03-07 15:13:50 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- waiting for loading to complete...3509[date=2022-03-07 15:13:50 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- loading complete after 0.324805444 seconds3510[date=2022-03-07 15:13:50 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- waiting for loading to complete...3511[date=2022-03-07 15:13:50 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- loading complete after 0.018230458 seconds3512[date=2022-03-07 15:13:50 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- finding :board_name_field with args {}3513[date=2022-03-07 15:13:51 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- waiting for loading to complete...3514[date=2022-03-07 15:13:51 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- loading complete after 0.010019309 seconds3515[date=2022-03-07 15:13:51 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- found :board_name_field3516[date=2022-03-07 15:13:51 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- clicking :save_changes_button with args {}3517[date=2022-03-07 15:13:51 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- waiting for loading to complete...3518[date=2022-03-07 15:13:51 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- loading complete after 0.010502618 seconds3519[date=2022-03-07 15:13:51 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- finding :boards_dropdown with args {}3520[date=2022-03-07 15:13:51 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- waiting for loading to complete...3521[date=2022-03-07 15:13:52 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- loading complete after 0.842174021 seconds3522[date=2022-03-07 15:13:52 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- found :boards_dropdown3523 renames the issue board3524Protect3525 Threat Monitoring Policy Alert List page3526 without k8s cluster3527[date=2022-03-07 15:13:52 from=QA Tests] INFO -- Starting test: Protect Threat Monitoring Policy Alert List page without k8s cluster can load Threat Monitoring page and view the policy alert list3528[date=2022-03-07 15:13:52 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- ==> Retrieved a QA::Resource::Sandbox with full_path 'gitlab-qa-sandbox-group' via api in 0.265183712 seconds3529[date=2022-03-07 15:13:54 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- <QA::Resource::Group> Attribute :full_path has both API response `gitlab-qa-sandbox-group/qa-test-2022-03-07-14-49-47-c6db921ef6e8f40e` and a block. API response will be picked. Block will be ignored.3530[date=2022-03-07 15:13:54 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- ==> Retrieved a QA::Resource::Group with full_path 'gitlab-qa-sandbox-group/qa-test-2022-03-07-14-49-47-c6db921ef6e8f40e' via api in 2.338421119 seconds3531[date=2022-03-07 15:13:55 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- ==> Built a QA::Resource::Project with full_path 'gitlab-qa-sandbox-group/qa-test-2022-03-07-14-49-47-c6db921ef6e8f40e/project-with-protect-51893335028541a3' via api in 3.236693912 seconds3532[date=2022-03-07 15:13:55 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- waiting for loading to complete...3533[date=2022-03-07 15:13:55 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- loading complete after 0.007217049 seconds3534[date=2022-03-07 15:13:56 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- has_element? :login_page (wait: 0) returned: false3535[date=2022-03-07 15:13:56 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- waiting for loading to complete...3536[date=2022-03-07 15:13:56 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- loading complete after 0.006759119 seconds3537[date=2022-03-07 15:13:57 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- has_element? :user_avatar (wait: 0) returned: false3538/usr/local/bundle/gems/capybara-3.35.3/lib/capybara/registration_container.rb:21: warning: DEPRECATED: Calling 'include?' on the drivers/servers container is deprecated without replacement3539[date=2022-03-07 15:13:58 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- has_element? :login_page (wait: 60) returned: true3540[date=2022-03-07 15:13:58 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- has_element? :login_page (wait: 0) returned: true3541[date=2022-03-07 15:13:58 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- has_element? :login_page (wait: 0) returned: true3542[date=2022-03-07 15:13:58 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- waiting for loading to complete...3543[date=2022-03-07 15:13:58 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- loading complete after 0.006254039 seconds3544[date=2022-03-07 15:13:59 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- has_element? :sign_in_tab (wait: 0) returned: false3545[date=2022-03-07 15:13:59 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- waiting for loading to complete...3546[date=2022-03-07 15:13:59 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- loading complete after 0.005852559 seconds3547[date=2022-03-07 15:14:00 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- has_element? :standard_tab (wait: 0) returned: false3548[date=2022-03-07 15:14:00 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- filling :login_field with "root"3549[date=2022-03-07 15:14:00 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- finding :login_field with args {}3550[date=2022-03-07 15:14:00 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- waiting for loading to complete...3551[date=2022-03-07 15:14:00 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- loading complete after 0.007358969 seconds3552[date=2022-03-07 15:14:00 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- found :login_field3553[date=2022-03-07 15:14:00 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- filling :password_field with "*****"3554[date=2022-03-07 15:14:00 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- finding :password_field with args {}3555[date=2022-03-07 15:14:00 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- waiting for loading to complete...3556[date=2022-03-07 15:14:00 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- loading complete after 0.006976359 seconds3557[date=2022-03-07 15:14:00 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- found :password_field3558[date=2022-03-07 15:14:00 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- clicking :sign_in_button with args {}3559[date=2022-03-07 15:14:00 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- waiting for loading to complete...3560[date=2022-03-07 15:14:00 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- loading complete after 0.009501199 seconds3561[date=2022-03-07 15:14:02 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- waiting for loading to complete...3562[date=2022-03-07 15:14:02 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- loading complete after 0.011054428 seconds3563[date=2022-03-07 15:14:02 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- has_no_element? :#<QA::Page::Element:0x00005608bf69d958> (wait: 0) returned: false3564[date=2022-03-07 15:14:02 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- waiting for loading to complete...3565[date=2022-03-07 15:14:02 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- loading complete after 0.010706749 seconds3566[date=2022-03-07 15:14:02 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- has_no_element? :#<QA::Page::Element:0x00005608bf69d728> (wait: 0) returned: true3567[date=2022-03-07 15:14:02 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- has_element? :navbar (wait: 60) returned: true3568[date=2022-03-07 15:14:02 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- has_element? :user_avatar (wait: 60) returned: true3569[date=2022-03-07 15:14:02 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- has_element? :user_menu (wait: 60) returned: true3570[date=2022-03-07 15:14:02 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- has_element? :issues_shortcut_button (wait: 60) returned: true3571[date=2022-03-07 15:14:02 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- has_element? :merge_requests_shortcut_button (wait: 60) returned: true3572[date=2022-03-07 15:14:02 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- has_element? :todos_shortcut_button (wait: 60) returned: true3573[date=2022-03-07 15:14:03 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- Visiting QA::Resource::Project at[date=2022-03-07 15:14:04 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- waiting for loading to complete...3575[date=2022-03-07 15:14:04 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- loading complete after 0.014536228 seconds3576[date=2022-03-07 15:14:04 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- within element :project_sidebar with args {}3577[date=2022-03-07 15:14:04 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- waiting for loading to complete...3578[date=2022-03-07 15:14:04 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- loading complete after 0.016193207 seconds3579[date=2022-03-07 15:14:04 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- finding :sidebar_menu_link with args {:menu_item=>"Security & Compliance"}3580[date=2022-03-07 15:14:05 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- waiting for loading to complete...3581[date=2022-03-07 15:14:05 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- loading complete after 0.009861329 seconds3582[date=2022-03-07 15:14:05 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- found :sidebar_menu_link3583[date=2022-03-07 15:14:05 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- clicking :sidebar_menu_item_link with args {:menu_item=>"Threat monitoring"}3584[date=2022-03-07 15:14:05 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- waiting for loading to complete...3585[date=2022-03-07 15:14:05 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- loading complete after 0.009540549 seconds3586[date=2022-03-07 15:14:06 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- end within element :project_sidebar with args {}3587[date=2022-03-07 15:14:06 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- has_element? :alerts_tab (wait: 10) returned: true3588[date=2022-03-07 15:14:06 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- has_element? :alerts_list (wait: 10) returned: true3589[date=2022-03-07 15:14:06 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- Removed a QA::Resource::Project with full_path 'gitlab-qa-sandbox-group/qa-test-2022-03-07-14-49-47-c6db921ef6e8f40e/project-with-protect-51893335028541a3'3590 can load Threat Monitoring page and view the policy alert list3591Create3592 Protected branch support3593 when developers and maintainers are allowed to push to a protected branch3594[date=2022-03-07 15:14:06 from=QA Tests] INFO -- Starting test: Create Protected branch support when developers and maintainers are allowed to push to a protected branch user with push rights successfully pushes to the protected branch3595/usr/local/bundle/gems/capybara-3.35.3/lib/capybara/registration_container.rb:21: warning: DEPRECATED: Calling 'include?' on the drivers/servers container is deprecated without replacement3596[date=2022-03-07 15:14:07 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- has_element? :login_page (wait: 60) returned: true3597[date=2022-03-07 15:14:07 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- has_element? :login_page (wait: 0) returned: true3598[date=2022-03-07 15:14:07 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- waiting for loading to complete...3599[date=2022-03-07 15:14:07 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- loading complete after 0.006427519 seconds3600[date=2022-03-07 15:14:08 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- has_element? :sign_in_tab (wait: 0) returned: false3601[date=2022-03-07 15:14:08 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- waiting for loading to complete...3602[date=2022-03-07 15:14:08 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- loading complete after 0.006042339 seconds3603[date=2022-03-07 15:14:09 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- has_element? :standard_tab (wait: 0) returned: false3604[date=2022-03-07 15:14:09 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- filling :login_field with "root"3605[date=2022-03-07 15:14:09 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- finding :login_field with args {}3606[date=2022-03-07 15:14:09 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- waiting for loading to complete...3607[date=2022-03-07 15:14:09 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- loading complete after 0.006361299 seconds3608[date=2022-03-07 15:14:09 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- found :login_field3609[date=2022-03-07 15:14:09 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- filling :password_field with "*****"3610[date=2022-03-07 15:14:09 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- finding :password_field with args {}3611[date=2022-03-07 15:14:09 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- waiting for loading to complete...3612[date=2022-03-07 15:14:09 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- loading complete after 0.006826679 seconds3613[date=2022-03-07 15:14:09 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- found :password_field3614[date=2022-03-07 15:14:09 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- clicking :sign_in_button with args {}3615[date=2022-03-07 15:14:09 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- waiting for loading to complete...3616[date=2022-03-07 15:14:09 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- loading complete after 0.006548909 seconds3617[date=2022-03-07 15:14:10 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- waiting for loading to complete...3618[date=2022-03-07 15:14:10 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- loading complete after 0.009944198 seconds3619[date=2022-03-07 15:14:10 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- has_no_element? :#<QA::Page::Element:0x00005608bf69d958> (wait: 0) returned: false3620[date=2022-03-07 15:14:10 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- waiting for loading to complete...3621[date=2022-03-07 15:14:10 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- loading complete after 0.010485429 seconds3622[date=2022-03-07 15:14:10 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- has_no_element? :#<QA::Page::Element:0x00005608bf69d728> (wait: 0) returned: true3623[date=2022-03-07 15:14:11 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- has_element? :navbar (wait: 60) returned: true3624[date=2022-03-07 15:14:11 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- has_element? :user_avatar (wait: 60) returned: true3625[date=2022-03-07 15:14:11 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- has_element? :user_menu (wait: 60) returned: true3626[date=2022-03-07 15:14:11 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- has_element? :issues_shortcut_button (wait: 60) returned: true3627[date=2022-03-07 15:14:11 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- has_element? :merge_requests_shortcut_button (wait: 60) returned: true3628[date=2022-03-07 15:14:11 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- has_element? :todos_shortcut_button (wait: 60) returned: true3629[date=2022-03-07 15:14:12 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- ==> Retrieved a QA::Resource::Sandbox with full_path 'gitlab-qa-sandbox-group' via api in 0.194056823 seconds3630[date=2022-03-07 15:14:13 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- <QA::Resource::Group> Attribute :full_path has both API response `gitlab-qa-sandbox-group/qa-test-2022-03-07-14-49-47-c6db921ef6e8f40e` and a block. API response will be picked. Block will be ignored.3631[date=2022-03-07 15:14:13 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- ==> Retrieved a QA::Resource::Group with full_path 'gitlab-qa-sandbox-group/qa-test-2022-03-07-14-49-47-c6db921ef6e8f40e' via api in 1.268235981 seconds3632[date=2022-03-07 15:14:14 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- ==> Built a QA::Resource::Project with full_path 'gitlab-qa-sandbox-group/qa-test-2022-03-07-14-49-47-c6db921ef6e8f40e/protected-branch-project-f3fdebf3862c5db3' via api in 2.26373436 seconds3633[date=2022-03-07 15:14:15 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- ==> Built a QA::Resource::Repository::Commit via api in 0.434503259 seconds3634[date=2022-03-07 15:14:15 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- QA::Resource::Project - wait_for_push_new_branch with branch_name "protected-branch"3635[date=2022-03-07 15:14:15 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- ==> Built a QA::Resource::ProtectedBranch via api in 1.269118292 seconds3636[date=2022-03-07 15:14:15 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- Git: pwd=[/tmp/d20220307-66-1c98x6s], command=[HOME="/tmp/qa-netrc-credentials/66" git clone ./ 2>&1]3637[date=2022-03-07 15:14:15 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- Git: output=[Cloning into '.'...], exitstatus=[0]3638[date=2022-03-07 15:14:15 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- Git: pwd=[/tmp/d20220307-66-1c98x6s], command=[HOME="/tmp/qa-netrc-credentials/66" git config "GitLab QA" 2>&1]3639[date=2022-03-07 15:14:15 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- Git: output=[], exitstatus=[0]3640[date=2022-03-07 15:14:15 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- Git: pwd=[/tmp/d20220307-66-1c98x6s], command=[HOME="/tmp/qa-netrc-credentials/66" git config 2>&1]3641[date=2022-03-07 15:14:15 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- Git: output=[], exitstatus=[0]3642[date=2022-03-07 15:14:15 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- Git: pwd=[/tmp/d20220307-66-1c98x6s], command=[HOME="/tmp/qa-netrc-credentials/66" git checkout "protected-branch" 2>&1]3643[date=2022-03-07 15:14:15 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- Git: output=[Switched to a new branch 'protected-branch'3644Branch 'protected-branch' set up to track remote branch 'protected-branch' from 'origin'.], exitstatus=[0]3645[date=2022-03-07 15:14:15 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- Git: pwd=[/tmp/d20220307-66-1c98x6s], command=[HOME="/tmp/qa-netrc-credentials/66" git add 2>&1]3646[date=2022-03-07 15:14:16 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- Git: output=[], exitstatus=[0]3647[date=2022-03-07 15:14:16 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- Git: pwd=[/tmp/d20220307-66-1c98x6s], command=[HOME="/tmp/qa-netrc-credentials/66" git commit -m "Add" 2>&1]3648[date=2022-03-07 15:14:16 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- Git: output=[[protected-branch ef85d87] Add new_file.md3649 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+)3650 create mode 100644], exitstatus=[0]3651[date=2022-03-07 15:14:16 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- Git: pwd=[/tmp/d20220307-66-1c98x6s], command=[HOME="/tmp/qa-netrc-credentials/66" git push protected-branch:protected-branch 2>&1]3652[date=2022-03-07 15:14:17 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- Git: output=[remote: 3653remote: To create a merge request for protected-branch, visit: 3654remote: 3655remote: 3656To 23ab797..ef85d87 protected-branch -> protected-branch], exitstatus=[0]3658[date=2022-03-07 15:14:17 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- ==> Built a QA::Resource::Repository::ProjectPush via browser_ui in 2.246997401 seconds3659 user with push rights successfully pushes to the protected branch3660 when developers and maintainers are not allowed to push to a protected branch3661[date=2022-03-07 15:14:17 from=QA Tests] INFO -- Starting test: Create Protected branch support when developers and maintainers are not allowed to push to a protected branch user without push rights fails to push to the protected branch3662/usr/local/bundle/gems/capybara-3.35.3/lib/capybara/registration_container.rb:21: warning: DEPRECATED: Calling 'include?' on the drivers/servers container is deprecated without replacement3663[date=2022-03-07 15:14:18 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- has_element? :login_page (wait: 60) returned: true3664[date=2022-03-07 15:14:18 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- has_element? :login_page (wait: 0) returned: true3665[date=2022-03-07 15:14:18 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- waiting for loading to complete...3666[date=2022-03-07 15:14:18 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- loading complete after 0.006677959 seconds3667[date=2022-03-07 15:14:19 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- has_element? :sign_in_tab (wait: 0) returned: false3668[date=2022-03-07 15:14:19 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- waiting for loading to complete...3669[date=2022-03-07 15:14:19 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- loading complete after 0.008382299 seconds3670[date=2022-03-07 15:14:20 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- has_element? :standard_tab (wait: 0) returned: false3671[date=2022-03-07 15:14:20 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- filling :login_field with "root"3672[date=2022-03-07 15:14:20 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- finding :login_field with args {}3673[date=2022-03-07 15:14:20 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- waiting for loading to complete...3674[date=2022-03-07 15:14:20 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- loading complete after 0.005988049 seconds3675[date=2022-03-07 15:14:20 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- found :login_field3676[date=2022-03-07 15:14:20 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- filling :password_field with "*****"3677[date=2022-03-07 15:14:20 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- finding :password_field with args {}3678[date=2022-03-07 15:14:20 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- waiting for loading to complete...3679[date=2022-03-07 15:14:20 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- loading complete after 0.007450539 seconds3680[date=2022-03-07 15:14:20 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- found :password_field3681[date=2022-03-07 15:14:20 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- clicking :sign_in_button with args {}3682[date=2022-03-07 15:14:20 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- waiting for loading to complete...3683[date=2022-03-07 15:14:20 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- loading complete after 0.007556779 seconds3684[date=2022-03-07 15:14:21 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- waiting for loading to complete...3685[date=2022-03-07 15:14:21 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- loading complete after 0.011340959 seconds3686[date=2022-03-07 15:14:21 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- has_no_element? :#<QA::Page::Element:0x00005608bf69d958> (wait: 0) returned: false3687[date=2022-03-07 15:14:22 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- waiting for loading to complete...3688[date=2022-03-07 15:14:22 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- loading complete after 0.010413009 seconds3689[date=2022-03-07 15:14:22 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- has_no_element? :#<QA::Page::Element:0x00005608bf69d728> (wait: 0) returned: true3690[date=2022-03-07 15:14:22 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- has_element? :navbar (wait: 60) returned: true3691[date=2022-03-07 15:14:22 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- has_element? :user_avatar (wait: 60) returned: true3692[date=2022-03-07 15:14:22 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- has_element? :user_menu (wait: 60) returned: true3693[date=2022-03-07 15:14:22 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- has_element? :issues_shortcut_button (wait: 60) returned: true3694[date=2022-03-07 15:14:22 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- has_element? :merge_requests_shortcut_button (wait: 60) returned: true3695[date=2022-03-07 15:14:22 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- has_element? :todos_shortcut_button (wait: 60) returned: true3696[date=2022-03-07 15:14:23 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- ==> Retrieved a QA::Resource::Sandbox with full_path 'gitlab-qa-sandbox-group' via api in 0.207139211 seconds3697[date=2022-03-07 15:14:24 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- <QA::Resource::Group> Attribute :full_path has both API response `gitlab-qa-sandbox-group/qa-test-2022-03-07-14-49-47-c6db921ef6e8f40e` and a block. API response will be picked. Block will be ignored.3698[date=2022-03-07 15:14:24 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- ==> Retrieved a QA::Resource::Group with full_path 'gitlab-qa-sandbox-group/qa-test-2022-03-07-14-49-47-c6db921ef6e8f40e' via api in 1.505022777 seconds3699[date=2022-03-07 15:14:26 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- ==> Built a QA::Resource::Project with full_path 'gitlab-qa-sandbox-group/qa-test-2022-03-07-14-49-47-c6db921ef6e8f40e/protected-branch-project-ab48def7ec0852b3' via api in 3.085985133 seconds3700[date=2022-03-07 15:14:27 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- ==> Built a QA::Resource::Repository::Commit via api in 0.455731545 seconds3701[date=2022-03-07 15:14:27 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- QA::Resource::Project - wait_for_push_new_branch with branch_name "protected-branch"3702[date=2022-03-07 15:14:27 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- ==> Built a QA::Resource::ProtectedBranch via api in 1.280054278 seconds3703[date=2022-03-07 15:14:27 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- Git: pwd=[/tmp/d20220307-66-1v622fj], command=[HOME="/tmp/qa-netrc-credentials/66" git clone ./ 2>&1]3704[date=2022-03-07 15:14:27 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- Git: output=[Cloning into '.'...], exitstatus=[0]3705[date=2022-03-07 15:14:27 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- Git: pwd=[/tmp/d20220307-66-1v622fj], command=[HOME="/tmp/qa-netrc-credentials/66" git config "GitLab QA" 2>&1]3706[date=2022-03-07 15:14:27 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- Git: output=[], exitstatus=[0]3707[date=2022-03-07 15:14:27 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- Git: pwd=[/tmp/d20220307-66-1v622fj], command=[HOME="/tmp/qa-netrc-credentials/66" git config 2>&1]3708[date=2022-03-07 15:14:27 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- Git: output=[], exitstatus=[0]3709[date=2022-03-07 15:14:27 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- Git: pwd=[/tmp/d20220307-66-1v622fj], command=[HOME="/tmp/qa-netrc-credentials/66" git checkout "protected-branch" 2>&1]3710[date=2022-03-07 15:14:27 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- Git: output=[Switched to a new branch 'protected-branch'3711Branch 'protected-branch' set up to track remote branch 'protected-branch' from 'origin'.], exitstatus=[0]3712[date=2022-03-07 15:14:27 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- Git: pwd=[/tmp/d20220307-66-1v622fj], command=[HOME="/tmp/qa-netrc-credentials/66" git add 2>&1]3713[date=2022-03-07 15:14:27 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- Git: output=[], exitstatus=[0]3714[date=2022-03-07 15:14:27 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- Git: pwd=[/tmp/d20220307-66-1v622fj], command=[HOME="/tmp/qa-netrc-credentials/66" git commit -m "Add" 2>&1]3715[date=2022-03-07 15:14:27 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- Git: output=[[protected-branch 4480a2f] Add new_file.md3716 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+)3717 create mode 100644], exitstatus=[0]3718[date=2022-03-07 15:14:27 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- Git: pwd=[/tmp/d20220307-66-1v622fj], command=[HOME="/tmp/qa-netrc-credentials/66" git push protected-branch:protected-branch 2>&1]3719[date=2022-03-07 15:14:29 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- Git: output=[remote: GitLab: You are not allowed to push code to protected branches on this project.3720To ! [remote rejected] protected-branch -> protected-branch (pre-receive hook declined)3722error: failed to push some refs to ''], exitstatus=[1]3723[date=2022-03-07 15:14:29 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- Retrying action with: max_attempts: 3; sleep_interval: 0; raise_on_failure: false; retry_on_exception: false3724[date=2022-03-07 15:14:29 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- Attempt number 23725[date=2022-03-07 15:14:29 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- Git: pwd=[/tmp/d20220307-66-1v622fj], command=[HOME="/tmp/qa-netrc-credentials/66" git push protected-branch:protected-branch 2>&1]3726[date=2022-03-07 15:14:30 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- Git: output=[remote: GitLab: You are not allowed to push code to protected branches on this project.3727To ! [remote rejected] protected-branch -> protected-branch (pre-receive hook declined)3729error: failed to push some refs to ''], exitstatus=[1]3730[date=2022-03-07 15:14:30 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- Attempt number 33731[date=2022-03-07 15:14:30 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- Git: pwd=[/tmp/d20220307-66-1v622fj], command=[HOME="/tmp/qa-netrc-credentials/66" git push protected-branch:protected-branch 2>&1]3732[date=2022-03-07 15:14:31 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- Git: output=[remote: GitLab: You are not allowed to push code to protected branches on this project.3733To ! [remote rejected] protected-branch -> protected-branch (pre-receive hook declined)3735error: failed to push some refs to ''], exitstatus=[1]3736[date=2022-03-07 15:14:31 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- ended retry3737 user without push rights fails to push to the protected branch3738Manage3739 User3740 after parent group membership termination3741[date=2022-03-07 15:14:31 from=QA Tests] INFO -- Starting test: Manage User after parent group membership termination is not allowed to edit the project files3742[date=2022-03-07 15:14:32 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- ==> Retrieved a QA::Resource::User with username 'qa-user-719575bfce7771b9' via api in 0.463104234 seconds3743[date=2022-03-07 15:14:32 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- ==> Retrieved a QA::Resource::Sandbox with full_path 'gitlab-qa-sandbox-group' via api in 0.20866575 seconds3744[date=2022-03-07 15:14:33 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- <QA::Resource::Group> Attribute :full_path has both API response `gitlab-qa-sandbox-group/group-to-test-access-termination-0c0c5c5670beea04` and a block. API response will be picked. Block will be ignored.3745[date=2022-03-07 15:14:33 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- ==> Built a QA::Resource::Group with full_path 'gitlab-qa-sandbox-group/group-to-test-access-termination-0c0c5c5670beea04' via api in 0.926609979 seconds3746[date=2022-03-07 15:14:33 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- Adding user qa-user-719575bfce7771b9 to gitlab-qa-sandbox-group QA::Resource::Sandbox3747[date=2022-03-07 15:14:34 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- ==> Built a QA::Resource::Project with full_path 'gitlab-qa-sandbox-group/group-to-test-access-termination-0c0c5c5670beea04/project-for-user-access-termination-5f2e0d524c8e218c' via api in 0.98385321 seconds3748[date=2022-03-07 15:14:34 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- waiting for loading to complete...3749[date=2022-03-07 15:14:34 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- loading complete after 0.006270809 seconds3750[date=2022-03-07 15:14:35 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- has_element? :login_page (wait: 0) returned: false3751[date=2022-03-07 15:14:35 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- waiting for loading to complete...3752[date=2022-03-07 15:14:35 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- loading complete after 0.006401069 seconds3753[date=2022-03-07 15:14:36 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- has_element? :user_avatar (wait: 0) returned: false3754/usr/local/bundle/gems/capybara-3.35.3/lib/capybara/registration_container.rb:21: warning: DEPRECATED: Calling 'include?' on the drivers/servers container is deprecated without replacement3755[date=2022-03-07 15:14:37 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- has_element? :login_page (wait: 60) returned: true3756[date=2022-03-07 15:14:37 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- has_element? :login_page (wait: 0) returned: true3757[date=2022-03-07 15:14:37 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- waiting for loading to complete...3758[date=2022-03-07 15:14:37 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- loading complete after 0.006364959 seconds3759[date=2022-03-07 15:14:38 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- has_element? :sign_in_tab (wait: 0) returned: false3760[date=2022-03-07 15:14:38 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- waiting for loading to complete...3761[date=2022-03-07 15:14:38 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- loading complete after 0.006701488 seconds3762[date=2022-03-07 15:14:39 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- has_element? :standard_tab (wait: 0) returned: false3763[date=2022-03-07 15:14:39 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- filling :login_field with "root"3764[date=2022-03-07 15:14:39 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- finding :login_field with args {}3765[date=2022-03-07 15:14:39 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- waiting for loading to complete...3766[date=2022-03-07 15:14:39 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- loading complete after 0.007490119 seconds3767[date=2022-03-07 15:14:39 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- found :login_field3768[date=2022-03-07 15:14:39 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- filling :password_field with "*****"3769[date=2022-03-07 15:14:39 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- finding :password_field with args {}3770[date=2022-03-07 15:14:39 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- waiting for loading to complete...3771[date=2022-03-07 15:14:39 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- loading complete after 0.008937799 seconds3772[date=2022-03-07 15:14:39 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- found :password_field3773[date=2022-03-07 15:14:39 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- clicking :sign_in_button with args {}3774[date=2022-03-07 15:14:39 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- waiting for loading to complete...3775[date=2022-03-07 15:14:39 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- loading complete after 0.008595438 seconds3776[date=2022-03-07 15:14:42 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- waiting for loading to complete...3777[date=2022-03-07 15:14:42 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- loading complete after 0.010312228 seconds3778[date=2022-03-07 15:14:42 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- has_no_element? :#<QA::Page::Element:0x00005608bf69d958> (wait: 0) returned: false3779[date=2022-03-07 15:14:42 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- waiting for loading to complete...3780[date=2022-03-07 15:14:42 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- loading complete after 0.010734548 seconds3781[date=2022-03-07 15:14:42 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- has_no_element? :#<QA::Page::Element:0x00005608bf69d728> (wait: 0) returned: true3782[date=2022-03-07 15:14:42 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- has_element? :navbar (wait: 60) returned: true3783[date=2022-03-07 15:14:42 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- has_element? :user_avatar (wait: 60) returned: true3784[date=2022-03-07 15:14:42 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- has_element? :user_menu (wait: 60) returned: true3785[date=2022-03-07 15:14:42 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- has_element? :issues_shortcut_button (wait: 60) returned: true3786[date=2022-03-07 15:14:42 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- has_element? :merge_requests_shortcut_button (wait: 60) returned: true3787[date=2022-03-07 15:14:42 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- has_element? :todos_shortcut_button (wait: 60) returned: true3788[date=2022-03-07 15:14:42 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- has_element? :user_avatar (wait: 10) returned: true3789[date=2022-03-07 15:14:42 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- Visiting QA::Resource::Sandbox at[date=2022-03-07 15:14:46 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- waiting for loading to complete...3791[date=2022-03-07 15:14:46 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- loading complete after 0.014648227 seconds3792[date=2022-03-07 15:14:46 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- within element :group_sidebar with args {}3793[date=2022-03-07 15:14:46 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- waiting for loading to complete...3794[date=2022-03-07 15:14:46 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- loading complete after 0.009905779 seconds3795[date=2022-03-07 15:14:46 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- finding :sidebar_menu_link with args {:menu_item=>"Group information"}3796[date=2022-03-07 15:14:46 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- waiting for loading to complete...3797[date=2022-03-07 15:14:46 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- loading complete after 0.009845359 seconds3798[date=2022-03-07 15:14:46 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- found :sidebar_menu_link3799[date=2022-03-07 15:14:46 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- clicking :sidebar_menu_item_link with args {:menu_item=>"Members"}3800[date=2022-03-07 15:14:46 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- waiting for loading to complete...3801[date=2022-03-07 15:14:46 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- loading complete after 0.009627218 seconds3802[date=2022-03-07 15:14:47 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- end within element :group_sidebar with args {}3803[date=2022-03-07 15:14:47 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- within element :member_row with args {:text=>"qa-user-719575bfce7771b9"}3804[date=2022-03-07 15:14:48 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- waiting for loading to complete...3805[date=2022-03-07 15:14:48 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- loading complete after 0.012038298 seconds3806[date=2022-03-07 15:14:48 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- clicking :delete_member_button with args {}3807[date=2022-03-07 15:14:48 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- waiting for loading to complete...3808[date=2022-03-07 15:14:48 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- loading complete after 0.009270988 seconds3809[date=2022-03-07 15:14:48 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- end within element :member_row with args {:text=>"qa-user-719575bfce7771b9"}3810[date=2022-03-07 15:14:48 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- within element :remove_member_modal_content with args {}3811[date=2022-03-07 15:14:48 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- waiting for loading to complete...3812[date=2022-03-07 15:14:48 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- loading complete after 0.015140008 seconds3813[date=2022-03-07 15:14:49 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- end within element :remove_member_modal_content with args {}3814[date=2022-03-07 15:14:49 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- waiting for loading to complete...3815[date=2022-03-07 15:14:49 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- loading complete after 0.010959588 seconds3816[date=2022-03-07 15:14:50 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- has_element? :login_page (wait: 0) returned: false3817[date=2022-03-07 15:14:50 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- has_element? :user_avatar (wait: 0) returned: true3818[date=2022-03-07 15:14:50 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- within element :navbar with args {}3819[date=2022-03-07 15:14:51 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- waiting for loading to complete...3820[date=2022-03-07 15:14:51 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- loading complete after 0.009957878 seconds3821[date=2022-03-07 15:14:51 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- clicking :user_avatar with args {}3822[date=2022-03-07 15:14:51 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- waiting for loading to complete...3823[date=2022-03-07 15:14:51 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- loading complete after 0.012641618 seconds3824[date=2022-03-07 15:14:51 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- within element :user_menu with args {}3825[date=2022-03-07 15:14:51 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- waiting for loading to complete...3826[date=2022-03-07 15:14:51 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- loading complete after 0.009894278 seconds3827[date=2022-03-07 15:14:51 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- clicking :sign_out_link with args {}3828[date=2022-03-07 15:14:51 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- waiting for loading to complete...3829[date=2022-03-07 15:14:51 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- loading complete after 0.008758579 seconds3830[date=2022-03-07 15:14:51 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- end within element :user_menu with args {}3831[date=2022-03-07 15:14:51 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- end within element :navbar with args {}3832[date=2022-03-07 15:14:51 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- has_element? :login_page (wait: 0) returned: true3833[date=2022-03-07 15:14:51 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- has_element? :login_page (wait: 0) returned: true3834[date=2022-03-07 15:14:51 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- has_element? :login_page (wait: 0) returned: true3835[date=2022-03-07 15:14:51 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- has_element? :login_page (wait: 0) returned: true3836[date=2022-03-07 15:14:52 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- waiting for loading to complete...3837[date=2022-03-07 15:14:52 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- loading complete after 0.006165559 seconds3838[date=2022-03-07 15:14:53 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- has_element? :sign_in_tab (wait: 0) returned: false3839[date=2022-03-07 15:14:53 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- waiting for loading to complete...3840[date=2022-03-07 15:14:53 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- loading complete after 0.005672019 seconds3841[date=2022-03-07 15:14:54 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- has_element? :standard_tab (wait: 0) returned: false3842[date=2022-03-07 15:14:54 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- filling :login_field with "qa-user-719575bfce7771b9"3843[date=2022-03-07 15:14:54 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- finding :login_field with args {}3844[date=2022-03-07 15:14:54 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- waiting for loading to complete...3845[date=2022-03-07 15:14:54 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- loading complete after 0.006776829 seconds3846[date=2022-03-07 15:14:54 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- found :login_field3847[date=2022-03-07 15:14:54 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- filling :password_field with "*****"3848[date=2022-03-07 15:14:54 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- finding :password_field with args {}3849[date=2022-03-07 15:14:54 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- waiting for loading to complete...3850[date=2022-03-07 15:14:54 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- loading complete after 0.006363658 seconds3851[date=2022-03-07 15:14:54 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- found :password_field3852[date=2022-03-07 15:14:54 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- clicking :sign_in_button with args {}3853[date=2022-03-07 15:14:54 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- waiting for loading to complete...3854[date=2022-03-07 15:14:54 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- loading complete after 0.009029008 seconds3855[date=2022-03-07 15:14:55 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- waiting for loading to complete...3856[date=2022-03-07 15:14:55 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- loading complete after 0.010475228 seconds3857[date=2022-03-07 15:14:55 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- has_no_element? :#<QA::Page::Element:0x00005608bf69d958> (wait: 0) returned: false3858[date=2022-03-07 15:14:55 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- waiting for loading to complete...3859[date=2022-03-07 15:14:55 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- loading complete after 0.010518219 seconds3860[date=2022-03-07 15:14:55 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- has_no_element? :#<QA::Page::Element:0x00005608bf69d728> (wait: 0) returned: true3861[date=2022-03-07 15:14:55 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- has_element? :navbar (wait: 60) returned: true3862[date=2022-03-07 15:14:55 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- has_element? :user_avatar (wait: 60) returned: true3863[date=2022-03-07 15:14:55 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- has_element? :user_menu (wait: 60) returned: true3864[date=2022-03-07 15:14:55 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- has_element? :issues_shortcut_button (wait: 60) returned: true3865[date=2022-03-07 15:14:55 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- has_element? :merge_requests_shortcut_button (wait: 60) returned: true3866[date=2022-03-07 15:14:55 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- has_element? :todos_shortcut_button (wait: 60) returned: true3867[date=2022-03-07 15:14:55 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- Visiting QA::Resource::Project at[date=2022-03-07 15:14:57 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- within element :file_tree_table with args {}3869[date=2022-03-07 15:14:58 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- waiting for loading to complete...3870[date=2022-03-07 15:14:58 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- loading complete after 0.014268568 seconds3871[date=2022-03-07 15:14:58 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- clicking :file_name_link with args {:text=>""}3872[date=2022-03-07 15:14:58 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- waiting for loading to complete...3873[date=2022-03-07 15:14:58 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- loading complete after 0.011300418 seconds3874[date=2022-03-07 15:14:59 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- end within element :file_tree_table with args {}3875[date=2022-03-07 15:14:59 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- within element :action_dropdown with args {}3876[date=2022-03-07 15:14:59 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- waiting for loading to complete...3877[date=2022-03-07 15:14:59 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- loading complete after 0.014431958 seconds3878[date=2022-03-07 15:14:59 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- clicking :edit_menu_item with args {}3879[date=2022-03-07 15:14:59 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- waiting for loading to complete...3880[date=2022-03-07 15:14:59 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- loading complete after 0.009676089 seconds3881[date=2022-03-07 15:14:59 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- clicking :edit_button with args {}3882[date=2022-03-07 15:14:59 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- waiting for loading to complete...3883[date=2022-03-07 15:14:59 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- loading complete after 0.007744159 seconds3884[date=2022-03-07 15:14:59 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- end within element :action_dropdown with args {}3885[date=2022-03-07 15:15:00 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- Deleted user 'qa-user-719575bfce7771b9'3886[date=2022-03-07 15:15:00 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- Removed a QA::Resource::User with username 'qa-user-719575bfce7771b9'3887[date=2022-03-07 15:15:00 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- Removed a QA::Resource::Project with full_path 'gitlab-qa-sandbox-group/group-to-test-access-termination-0c0c5c5670beea04/project-for-user-access-termination-5f2e0d524c8e218c'3888[date=2022-03-07 15:15:00 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- Removed a QA::Resource::Group with full_path 'gitlab-qa-sandbox-group/group-to-test-access-termination-0c0c5c5670beea04'3889 is not allowed to edit the project files3890Configure3891 Kubernetes Agent3892 deploys a K8s manifest file (PENDING: Test is not compatible with this environment or pipeline)3893Create3894 Git push over HTTP3895[date=2022-03-07 15:15:00 from=QA Tests] INFO -- Starting test: Create Git push over HTTP user using a personal access token pushes code to the repository3896[date=2022-03-07 15:15:00 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- waiting for loading to complete...3897[date=2022-03-07 15:15:00 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- loading complete after 0.021397326 seconds3898[date=2022-03-07 15:15:01 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- has_element? :login_page (wait: 0) returned: false3899[date=2022-03-07 15:15:01 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- waiting for loading to complete...3900[date=2022-03-07 15:15:01 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- loading complete after 0.007149369 seconds3901[date=2022-03-07 15:15:02 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- has_element? :user_avatar (wait: 0) returned: false3902/usr/local/bundle/gems/capybara-3.35.3/lib/capybara/registration_container.rb:21: warning: DEPRECATED: Calling 'include?' on the drivers/servers container is deprecated without replacement3903[date=2022-03-07 15:15:03 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- has_element? :login_page (wait: 60) returned: true3904[date=2022-03-07 15:15:03 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- has_element? :login_page (wait: 0) returned: true3905[date=2022-03-07 15:15:03 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- has_element? :login_page (wait: 0) returned: true3906[date=2022-03-07 15:15:03 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- waiting for loading to complete...3907[date=2022-03-07 15:15:03 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- loading complete after 0.007169099 seconds3908[date=2022-03-07 15:15:04 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- has_element? :sign_in_tab (wait: 0) returned: false3909[date=2022-03-07 15:15:04 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- waiting for loading to complete...3910[date=2022-03-07 15:15:04 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- loading complete after 0.006432089 seconds3911[date=2022-03-07 15:15:05 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- has_element? :standard_tab (wait: 0) returned: false3912[date=2022-03-07 15:15:05 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- filling :login_field with "root"3913[date=2022-03-07 15:15:05 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- finding :login_field with args {}3914[date=2022-03-07 15:15:05 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- waiting for loading to complete...3915[date=2022-03-07 15:15:05 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- loading complete after 0.006393059 seconds3916[date=2022-03-07 15:15:05 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- found :login_field3917[date=2022-03-07 15:15:05 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- filling :password_field with "*****"3918[date=2022-03-07 15:15:05 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- finding :password_field with args {}3919[date=2022-03-07 15:15:05 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- waiting for loading to complete...3920[date=2022-03-07 15:15:05 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- loading complete after 0.006806679 seconds3921[date=2022-03-07 15:15:05 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- found :password_field3922[date=2022-03-07 15:15:05 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- clicking :sign_in_button with args {}3923[date=2022-03-07 15:15:05 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- waiting for loading to complete...3924[date=2022-03-07 15:15:05 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- loading complete after 0.005872799 seconds3925[date=2022-03-07 15:15:07 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- waiting for loading to complete...3926[date=2022-03-07 15:15:07 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- loading complete after 0.010176128 seconds3927[date=2022-03-07 15:15:07 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- has_no_element? :#<QA::Page::Element:0x00005608bf69d958> (wait: 0) returned: false3928[date=2022-03-07 15:15:07 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- waiting for loading to complete...3929[date=2022-03-07 15:15:07 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- loading complete after 0.011087429 seconds3930[date=2022-03-07 15:15:07 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- has_no_element? :#<QA::Page::Element:0x00005608bf69d728> (wait: 0) returned: true3931[date=2022-03-07 15:15:08 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- has_element? :navbar (wait: 60) returned: true3932[date=2022-03-07 15:15:08 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- has_element? :user_avatar (wait: 60) returned: true3933[date=2022-03-07 15:15:08 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- has_element? :user_menu (wait: 60) returned: true3934[date=2022-03-07 15:15:08 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- has_element? :issues_shortcut_button (wait: 60) returned: true3935[date=2022-03-07 15:15:08 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- has_element? :merge_requests_shortcut_button (wait: 60) returned: true3936[date=2022-03-07 15:15:08 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- has_element? :todos_shortcut_button (wait: 60) returned: true3937[date=2022-03-07 15:15:08 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- ==> Built a QA::Resource::PersonalAccessToken via api in 6.6e-05 seconds3938[date=2022-03-07 15:15:08 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- ==> Retrieved a QA::Resource::Sandbox with full_path 'gitlab-qa-sandbox-group' via api in 0.202050207 seconds3939[date=2022-03-07 15:15:09 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- <QA::Resource::Group> Attribute :full_path has both API response `gitlab-qa-sandbox-group/qa-test-2022-03-07-14-49-47-c6db921ef6e8f40e` and a block. API response will be picked. Block will be ignored.3940[date=2022-03-07 15:15:09 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- ==> Retrieved a QA::Resource::Group with full_path 'gitlab-qa-sandbox-group/qa-test-2022-03-07-14-49-47-c6db921ef6e8f40e' via api in 1.29936525 seconds3941[date=2022-03-07 15:15:10 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- ==> Built a QA::Resource::Project with full_path 'gitlab-qa-sandbox-group/qa-test-2022-03-07-14-49-47-c6db921ef6e8f40e/project-with-code-dbda38fba7c6b4b2' via api in 2.054891298 seconds3942[date=2022-03-07 15:15:10 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- Git: pwd=[/tmp/d20220307-66-i1w3f2], command=[HOME="/tmp/qa-netrc-credentials/66" git clone ./ 2>&1]3943[date=2022-03-07 15:15:10 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- Git: output=[Cloning into '.'...3944warning: You appear to have cloned an empty repository.], exitstatus=[0]3945[date=2022-03-07 15:15:10 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- Git: pwd=[/tmp/d20220307-66-i1w3f2], command=[HOME="/tmp/qa-netrc-credentials/66" git config "QA User 6c3f4c363e8d3a9f" 2>&1]3946[date=2022-03-07 15:15:11 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- Git: output=[], exitstatus=[0]3947[date=2022-03-07 15:15:11 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- Git: pwd=[/tmp/d20220307-66-i1w3f2], command=[HOME="/tmp/qa-netrc-credentials/66" git config 2>&1]3948[date=2022-03-07 15:15:11 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- Git: output=[], exitstatus=[0]3949[date=2022-03-07 15:15:11 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- Git: pwd=[/tmp/d20220307-66-i1w3f2], command=[HOME="/tmp/qa-netrc-credentials/66" git checkout -b "main" 2>&1]3950[date=2022-03-07 15:15:11 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- Git: output=[Switched to a new branch 'main'], exitstatus=[0]3951[date=2022-03-07 15:15:11 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- Git: pwd=[/tmp/d20220307-66-i1w3f2], command=[HOME="/tmp/qa-netrc-credentials/66" git add 2>&1]3952[date=2022-03-07 15:15:11 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- Git: output=[], exitstatus=[0]3953[date=2022-03-07 15:15:11 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- Git: pwd=[/tmp/d20220307-66-i1w3f2], command=[HOME="/tmp/qa-netrc-credentials/66" git commit -m "Add" 2>&1]3954[date=2022-03-07 15:15:11 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- Git: output=[[main (root-commit) 97f18eb] Add README.md3955 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+)3956 create mode 100644], exitstatus=[0]3957[date=2022-03-07 15:15:11 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- Git: pwd=[/tmp/d20220307-66-i1w3f2], command=[HOME="/tmp/qa-netrc-credentials/66" git push main:main 2>&1]3958[date=2022-03-07 15:15:11 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- Git: output=[To * [new branch] main -> main], exitstatus=[0]3960[date=2022-03-07 15:15:11 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- QA::Resource::Project - wait_for_push with commit message "Add"3961[date=2022-03-07 15:15:12 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- Retrying action with: max_duration: 60; sleep_interval: 0.1; raise_on_failure: false; retry_on_exception: false3962[date=2022-03-07 15:15:12 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- ended retry3963[date=2022-03-07 15:15:12 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- ==> Built a QA::Resource::Repository::ProjectPush via browser_ui in 4.053641357 seconds3964[date=2022-03-07 15:15:12 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- Visiting QA::Resource::Project at[date=2022-03-07 15:15:13 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- waiting for loading to complete...3966[date=2022-03-07 15:15:13 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- loading complete after 0.015773077 seconds3967[date=2022-03-07 15:15:13 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- has_no_element? :spinner (wait: 60) returned: true3968[date=2022-03-07 15:15:13 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- has_element? :file_tree_table (wait: 10) returned: true3969[date=2022-03-07 15:15:13 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- within element :file_tree_table with args {}3970[date=2022-03-07 15:15:14 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- waiting for loading to complete...3971[date=2022-03-07 15:15:14 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- loading complete after 0.014560337 seconds3972[date=2022-03-07 15:15:14 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- has_element? :file_name_link with text "" (wait: 10) returned: true3973[date=2022-03-07 15:15:14 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- end within element :file_tree_table with args {}3974[date=2022-03-07 15:15:14 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- has_element? :blob_viewer_content with text "This is a test project" (wait: 10) returned: true3975 user using a personal access token pushes code to the repository3976Create3977 Pull mirror a repository over SSH with a private key3978[date=2022-03-07 15:15:14 from=QA Tests] INFO -- Starting test: Create Pull mirror a repository over SSH with a private key configures and syncs a (pull) mirrored repository3979[date=2022-03-07 15:15:14 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- waiting for loading to complete...3980[date=2022-03-07 15:15:14 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- loading complete after 0.006302409 seconds3981[date=2022-03-07 15:15:15 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- has_element? :login_page (wait: 0) returned: false3982[date=2022-03-07 15:15:15 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- waiting for loading to complete...3983[date=2022-03-07 15:15:15 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- loading complete after 0.007192959 seconds3984[date=2022-03-07 15:15:16 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- has_element? :user_avatar (wait: 0) returned: false3985/usr/local/bundle/gems/capybara-3.35.3/lib/capybara/registration_container.rb:21: warning: DEPRECATED: Calling 'include?' on the drivers/servers container is deprecated without replacement3986[date=2022-03-07 15:15:16 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- has_element? :login_page (wait: 60) returned: true3987[date=2022-03-07 15:15:16 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- has_element? :login_page (wait: 0) returned: true3988[date=2022-03-07 15:15:16 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- has_element? :login_page (wait: 0) returned: true3989[date=2022-03-07 15:15:16 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- waiting for loading to complete...3990[date=2022-03-07 15:15:16 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- loading complete after 0.006401699 seconds3991[date=2022-03-07 15:15:17 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- has_element? :sign_in_tab (wait: 0) returned: false3992[date=2022-03-07 15:15:17 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- waiting for loading to complete...3993[date=2022-03-07 15:15:17 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- loading complete after 0.007155329 seconds3994[date=2022-03-07 15:15:18 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- has_element? :standard_tab (wait: 0) returned: false3995[date=2022-03-07 15:15:18 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- filling :login_field with "root"3996[date=2022-03-07 15:15:18 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- finding :login_field with args {}3997[date=2022-03-07 15:15:18 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- waiting for loading to complete...3998[date=2022-03-07 15:15:18 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- loading complete after 0.005885749 seconds3999[date=2022-03-07 15:15:18 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- found :login_field4000[date=2022-03-07 15:15:18 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- filling :password_field with "*****"4001[date=2022-03-07 15:15:18 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- finding :password_field with args {}4002[date=2022-03-07 15:15:19 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- waiting for loading to complete...4003[date=2022-03-07 15:15:19 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- loading complete after 0.007277579 seconds4004[date=2022-03-07 15:15:19 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- found :password_field4005[date=2022-03-07 15:15:19 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- clicking :sign_in_button with args {}4006[date=2022-03-07 15:15:19 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- waiting for loading to complete...4007[date=2022-03-07 15:15:19 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- loading complete after 0.008795789 seconds4008[date=2022-03-07 15:15:20 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- waiting for loading to complete...4009[date=2022-03-07 15:15:20 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- loading complete after 0.010289079 seconds4010[date=2022-03-07 15:15:20 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- has_no_element? :#<QA::Page::Element:0x00005608bf69d958> (wait: 0) returned: false4011[date=2022-03-07 15:15:20 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- waiting for loading to complete...4012[date=2022-03-07 15:15:20 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- loading complete after 0.011851229 seconds4013[date=2022-03-07 15:15:20 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- has_no_element? :#<QA::Page::Element:0x00005608bf69d728> (wait: 0) returned: true4014[date=2022-03-07 15:15:20 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- has_element? :navbar (wait: 60) returned: true4015[date=2022-03-07 15:15:20 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- has_element? :user_avatar (wait: 60) returned: true4016[date=2022-03-07 15:15:20 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- has_element? :user_menu (wait: 60) returned: true4017[date=2022-03-07 15:15:20 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- has_element? :issues_shortcut_button (wait: 60) returned: true4018[date=2022-03-07 15:15:20 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- has_element? :merge_requests_shortcut_button (wait: 60) returned: true4019[date=2022-03-07 15:15:20 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- has_element? :todos_shortcut_button (wait: 60) returned: true4020[date=2022-03-07 15:15:21 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- ==> Retrieved a QA::Resource::Sandbox with full_path 'gitlab-qa-sandbox-group' via api in 0.228575353 seconds4021[date=2022-03-07 15:15:22 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- <QA::Resource::Group> Attribute :full_path has both API response `gitlab-qa-sandbox-group/qa-test-2022-03-07-14-49-47-c6db921ef6e8f40e` and a block. API response will be picked. Block will be ignored.4022[date=2022-03-07 15:15:22 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- ==> Retrieved a QA::Resource::Group with full_path 'gitlab-qa-sandbox-group/qa-test-2022-03-07-14-49-47-c6db921ef6e8f40e' via api in 1.485009941 seconds4023[date=2022-03-07 15:15:23 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- ==> Built a QA::Resource::Project with full_path 'gitlab-qa-sandbox-group/qa-test-2022-03-07-14-49-47-c6db921ef6e8f40e/pull-mirror-target-project-a09316a77891a8ba' via api in 2.575418275 seconds4024[date=2022-03-07 15:15:23 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- Visiting QA::Resource::Project at[date=2022-03-07 15:15:25 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- waiting for loading to complete...4026[date=2022-03-07 15:15:25 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- loading complete after 0.014055958 seconds4027[date=2022-03-07 15:15:25 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- within element :project_sidebar with args {}4028[date=2022-03-07 15:15:25 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- waiting for loading to complete...4029[date=2022-03-07 15:15:25 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- loading complete after 0.014005787 seconds4030[date=2022-03-07 15:15:25 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- scrolling to :[data-qa-selector="sidebar_menu_link"],.qa-sidebar-menu-link4031[date=2022-03-07 15:15:25 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- waiting for loading to complete...4032[date=2022-03-07 15:15:25 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- loading complete after 0.021438156 seconds4033[date=2022-03-07 15:15:25 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- finding :sidebar_menu_link with args {:menu_item=>"Settings"}4034[date=2022-03-07 15:15:25 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- waiting for loading to complete...4035[date=2022-03-07 15:15:25 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- loading complete after 0.006919259 seconds4036[date=2022-03-07 15:15:25 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- found :sidebar_menu_link4037[date=2022-03-07 15:15:25 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- clicking :sidebar_menu_item_link with args {:menu_item=>"Repository"}4038[date=2022-03-07 15:15:25 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- waiting for loading to complete...4039[date=2022-03-07 15:15:25 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- loading complete after 0.011805538 seconds4040[date=2022-03-07 15:15:26 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- end within element :project_sidebar with args {}4041[date=2022-03-07 15:15:26 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- within element :mirroring_repositories_settings_content with args {}4042[date=2022-03-07 15:15:26 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- waiting for loading to complete...4043[date=2022-03-07 15:15:26 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- loading complete after 0.016381717 seconds4044[date=2022-03-07 15:15:28 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- ==> Retrieved a QA::Resource::Sandbox with full_path 'gitlab-qa-sandbox-group' via api in 0.202236558 seconds4045[date=2022-03-07 15:15:29 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- <QA::Resource::Group> Attribute :full_path has both API response `gitlab-qa-sandbox-group/qa-test-2022-03-07-14-49-47-c6db921ef6e8f40e` and a block. API response will be picked. Block will be ignored.4046[date=2022-03-07 15:15:29 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- ==> Retrieved a QA::Resource::Group with full_path 'gitlab-qa-sandbox-group/qa-test-2022-03-07-14-49-47-c6db921ef6e8f40e' via api in 1.36536846 seconds4047[date=2022-03-07 15:15:30 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- ==> Built a QA::Resource::Project with full_path 'gitlab-qa-sandbox-group/qa-test-2022-03-07-14-49-47-c6db921ef6e8f40e/pull-mirror-source-project-71b66b618add2a5d' via api in 2.123742597 seconds4048[date=2022-03-07 15:15:30 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- Git: pwd=[/tmp/d20220307-66-19dw6a9], command=[HOME="/tmp/qa-netrc-credentials/66" git clone ./ 2>&1]4049[date=2022-03-07 15:15:30 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- Git: output=[Cloning into '.'...4050warning: You appear to have cloned an empty repository.], exitstatus=[0]4051[date=2022-03-07 15:15:30 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- Git: pwd=[/tmp/d20220307-66-19dw6a9], command=[HOME="/tmp/qa-netrc-credentials/66" git config "GitLab QA" 2>&1]4052[date=2022-03-07 15:15:30 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- Git: output=[], exitstatus=[0]4053[date=2022-03-07 15:15:30 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- Git: pwd=[/tmp/d20220307-66-19dw6a9], command=[HOME="/tmp/qa-netrc-credentials/66" git config 2>&1]4054[date=2022-03-07 15:15:30 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- Git: output=[], exitstatus=[0]4055[date=2022-03-07 15:15:30 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- Git: pwd=[/tmp/d20220307-66-19dw6a9], command=[HOME="/tmp/qa-netrc-credentials/66" git checkout -b "main" 2>&1]4056[date=2022-03-07 15:15:30 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- Git: output=[Switched to a new branch 'main'], exitstatus=[0]4057[date=2022-03-07 15:15:30 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- Git: pwd=[/tmp/d20220307-66-19dw6a9], command=[HOME="/tmp/qa-netrc-credentials/66" git add 2>&1]4058[date=2022-03-07 15:15:30 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- Git: output=[], exitstatus=[0]4059[date=2022-03-07 15:15:30 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- Git: pwd=[/tmp/d20220307-66-19dw6a9], command=[HOME="/tmp/qa-netrc-credentials/66" git commit -m "Add" 2>&1]4060[date=2022-03-07 15:15:30 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- Git: output=[[main (root-commit) 20420eb] Add README.md4061 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+)4062 create mode 100644], exitstatus=[0]4063[date=2022-03-07 15:15:30 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- Git: pwd=[/tmp/d20220307-66-19dw6a9], command=[HOME="/tmp/qa-netrc-credentials/66" git push main:main 2>&1]4064[date=2022-03-07 15:15:32 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- Git: output=[To * [new branch] main -> main], exitstatus=[0]4066[date=2022-03-07 15:15:32 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- QA::Resource::Project - wait_for_push with commit message "Add"4067[date=2022-03-07 15:15:32 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- Retrying action with: max_duration: 60; sleep_interval: 0.1; raise_on_failure: false; retry_on_exception: false4068[date=2022-03-07 15:15:32 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- ended retry4069[date=2022-03-07 15:15:32 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- ==> Built a QA::Resource::Repository::ProjectPush via browser_ui in 4.525668239 seconds4070[date=2022-03-07 15:15:32 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- filling :mirror_repository_url_input with "ssh://"4071[date=2022-03-07 15:15:32 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- finding :mirror_repository_url_input with args {}4072[date=2022-03-07 15:15:32 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- waiting for loading to complete...4073[date=2022-03-07 15:15:32 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- loading complete after 0.014717288 seconds4074[date=2022-03-07 15:15:32 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- found :mirror_repository_url_input4075[date=2022-03-07 15:15:32 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- selecting "Pull" in :mirror_direction4076[date=2022-03-07 15:15:32 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- finding :mirror_direction with args {}4077[date=2022-03-07 15:15:33 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- waiting for loading to complete...4078[date=2022-03-07 15:15:33 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- loading complete after 0.020282497 seconds4079[date=2022-03-07 15:15:33 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- found :mirror_direction4080[date=2022-03-07 15:15:33 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- waiting for animated element: authentication_method4081[date=2022-03-07 15:15:33 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- has_element? :authentication_method (wait: 10) returned: true4082[date=2022-03-07 15:15:34 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- selecting "SSH public key" in :authentication_method4083[date=2022-03-07 15:15:34 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- finding :authentication_method with args {}4084[date=2022-03-07 15:15:34 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- waiting for loading to complete...4085[date=2022-03-07 15:15:34 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- loading complete after 0.010985888 seconds4086[date=2022-03-07 15:15:34 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- found :authentication_method4087[date=2022-03-07 15:15:34 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- clicking :detect_host_keys with args {}4088[date=2022-03-07 15:15:34 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- waiting for loading to complete...4089[date=2022-03-07 15:15:34 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- loading complete after 0.016846927 seconds4090[date=2022-03-07 15:15:34 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- finding :fingerprints_list with args {:text=>/.*/, :wait=>60}4091[date=2022-03-07 15:15:34 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- waiting for loading to complete...4092[date=2022-03-07 15:15:35 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- loading complete after 1.002220148 seconds4093[date=2022-03-07 15:15:35 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- waiting for loading to complete...4094[date=2022-03-07 15:15:36 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- loading complete after 0.825046176 seconds4095[date=2022-03-07 15:15:37 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- found :fingerprints_list4096[date=2022-03-07 15:15:37 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- clicking :mirror_repository_button with args {}4097[date=2022-03-07 15:15:37 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- waiting for loading to complete...4098[date=2022-03-07 15:15:37 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- loading complete after 0.010293948 seconds4099[date=2022-03-07 15:15:39 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- finding all :mirror_repository_url_cell with args {:minimum=>1}4100[date=2022-03-07 15:15:39 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- waiting for loading to complete...4101[date=2022-03-07 15:15:39 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- loading complete after 0.052836181 seconds4102[date=2022-03-07 15:15:39 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- found 1 :mirror_repository_url_cell4103[date=2022-03-07 15:15:39 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- within elements :mirrored_repository_row at index 04104[date=2022-03-07 15:15:39 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- finding all :mirrored_repository_row with args {:minimum=>1}4105[date=2022-03-07 15:15:39 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- waiting for loading to complete...4106[date=2022-03-07 15:15:39 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- loading complete after 0.010337519 seconds4107[date=2022-03-07 15:15:39 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- found 1 :mirrored_repository_row4108[date=2022-03-07 15:15:39 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- finding :copy_public_key_button with args {}4109[date=2022-03-07 15:15:39 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- waiting for loading to complete...4110[date=2022-03-07 15:15:39 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- loading complete after 0.011062279 seconds4111[date=2022-03-07 15:15:39 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- found :copy_public_key_button4112[date=2022-03-07 15:15:39 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- end within elements :mirrored_repository_row at index 04113[date=2022-03-07 15:15:39 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- end within element :mirroring_repositories_settings_content with args {}4114[date=2022-03-07 15:15:40 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- ==> Built a QA::Resource::DeployKey with id '15' via api in 0.391897727 seconds4115[date=2022-03-07 15:15:40 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- Visiting QA::Resource::Project at[date=2022-03-07 15:15:41 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- waiting for loading to complete...4117[date=2022-03-07 15:15:41 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- loading complete after 0.013501937 seconds4118[date=2022-03-07 15:15:41 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- within element :project_sidebar with args {}4119[date=2022-03-07 15:15:41 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- waiting for loading to complete...4120[date=2022-03-07 15:15:42 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- loading complete after 0.018615797 seconds4121[date=2022-03-07 15:15:42 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- scrolling to :[data-qa-selector="sidebar_menu_link"],.qa-sidebar-menu-link4122[date=2022-03-07 15:15:42 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- waiting for loading to complete...4123[date=2022-03-07 15:15:42 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- loading complete after 0.010734178 seconds4124[date=2022-03-07 15:15:42 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- finding :sidebar_menu_link with args {:menu_item=>"Settings"}4125[date=2022-03-07 15:15:42 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- waiting for loading to complete...4126[date=2022-03-07 15:15:42 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- loading complete after 0.006287819 seconds4127[date=2022-03-07 15:15:42 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- found :sidebar_menu_link4128[date=2022-03-07 15:15:42 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- clicking :sidebar_menu_item_link with args {:menu_item=>"Repository"}4129[date=2022-03-07 15:15:42 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- waiting for loading to complete...4130[date=2022-03-07 15:15:42 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- loading complete after 0.011601518 seconds4131[date=2022-03-07 15:15:43 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- end within element :project_sidebar with args {}4132[date=2022-03-07 15:15:43 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- within element :mirroring_repositories_settings_content with args {}4133[date=2022-03-07 15:15:43 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- waiting for loading to complete...4134[date=2022-03-07 15:15:43 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- loading complete after 0.015479517 seconds4135[date=2022-03-07 15:15:44 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- finding all :mirror_repository_url_cell with args {:minimum=>1}4136[date=2022-03-07 15:15:44 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- waiting for loading to complete...4137[date=2022-03-07 15:15:44 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- loading complete after 0.016106268 seconds4138[date=2022-03-07 15:15:44 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- found 1 :mirror_repository_url_cell4139[date=2022-03-07 15:15:44 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- within elements :mirrored_repository_row at index 04140[date=2022-03-07 15:15:44 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- finding all :mirrored_repository_row with args {:minimum=>1}4141[date=2022-03-07 15:15:45 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- waiting for loading to complete...4142[date=2022-03-07 15:15:45 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- loading complete after 0.012808468 seconds4143[date=2022-03-07 15:15:45 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- found 1 :mirrored_repository_row4144[date=2022-03-07 15:15:55 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- waiting for loading to complete...4145[date=2022-03-07 15:15:55 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- loading complete after 0.009030409 seconds4146[date=2022-03-07 15:15:56 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- has_element? :updating_button (wait: 10) returned: false4147[date=2022-03-07 15:15:56 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- clicking :update_now_button with args {}4148[date=2022-03-07 15:15:56 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- waiting for loading to complete...4149[date=2022-03-07 15:15:56 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- loading complete after 0.006552589 seconds4150[date=2022-03-07 15:15:57 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- end within elements :mirrored_repository_row at index 04151[date=2022-03-07 15:15:57 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- refreshing[date=2022-03-07 15:15:58 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- waiting for loading to complete...4153[date=2022-03-07 15:15:58 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- loading complete after 0.168851413 seconds4154[date=2022-03-07 15:15:58 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- finding all :mirror_repository_url_cell with args {:minimum=>1}4155[date=2022-03-07 15:15:58 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- waiting for loading to complete...4156[date=2022-03-07 15:15:58 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- loading complete after 0.010010888 seconds4157[date=2022-03-07 15:15:58 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- found 1 :mirror_repository_url_cell4158[date=2022-03-07 15:15:58 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- within elements :mirrored_repository_row at index 04159[date=2022-03-07 15:15:58 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- finding all :mirrored_repository_row with args {:minimum=>1}4160[date=2022-03-07 15:15:58 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- waiting for loading to complete...4161[date=2022-03-07 15:15:58 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- loading complete after 0.009563128 seconds4162[date=2022-03-07 15:15:58 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- found 1 :mirrored_repository_row4163[date=2022-03-07 15:15:58 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- finding :mirror_last_update_at_cell with args {:wait=>0}4164[date=2022-03-07 15:15:58 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- waiting for loading to complete...4165[date=2022-03-07 15:15:58 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- loading complete after 0.008168499 seconds4166[date=2022-03-07 15:15:58 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- found :mirror_last_update_at_cell4167[date=2022-03-07 15:15:58 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- end within elements :mirrored_repository_row at index 04168[date=2022-03-07 15:15:58 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- within elements :mirrored_repository_row at index 04169[date=2022-03-07 15:15:58 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- finding all :mirrored_repository_row with args {:minimum=>1}4170[date=2022-03-07 15:15:59 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- waiting for loading to complete...4171[date=2022-03-07 15:15:59 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- loading complete after 0.009571609 seconds4172[date=2022-03-07 15:15:59 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- found 1 :mirrored_repository_row4173[date=2022-03-07 15:15:59 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- finding :mirror_last_update_at_cell with args {:wait=>0}4174[date=2022-03-07 15:15:59 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- waiting for loading to complete...4175[date=2022-03-07 15:15:59 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- loading complete after 0.006162269 seconds4176[date=2022-03-07 15:15:59 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- found :mirror_last_update_at_cell4177[date=2022-03-07 15:15:59 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- asserting no element :mirror_error_badge4178[date=2022-03-07 15:15:59 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- end within elements :mirrored_repository_row at index 04179[date=2022-03-07 15:15:59 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- end within element :mirroring_repositories_settings_content with args {}4180[date=2022-03-07 15:15:59 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- Visiting QA::Resource::Project at[date=2022-03-07 15:16:00 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- Running eventually matcher with 'be_truthy' operator with: '{:max_duration=>60, :reload_page=>#<Capybara::Session>, :sleep_interval=>0.5}' arguments4182[date=2022-03-07 15:16:00 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- evaluating expectation, attempt: 14183[date=2022-03-07 15:16:00 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- has_element? :file_tree_table (wait: 10) returned: true4184[date=2022-03-07 15:16:00 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- within element :file_tree_table with args {}4185[date=2022-03-07 15:16:00 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- waiting for loading to complete...4186[date=2022-03-07 15:16:00 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- loading complete after 0.016240258 seconds4187[date=2022-03-07 15:16:00 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- has_element? :file_name_link with text "" (wait: 10) returned: true4188[date=2022-03-07 15:16:00 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- end within element :file_tree_table with args {}4189[date=2022-03-07 15:16:00 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- has_element? :blob_viewer_content with text "This is a pull mirroring test project" (wait: 10) returned: true4190 configures and syncs a (pull) mirrored repository4191Create4192 Merge request push options4193[date=2022-03-07 15:16:00 from=QA Tests] INFO -- Starting test: Create Merge request push options sets a target branch4194[date=2022-03-07 15:16:01 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- ==> Retrieved a QA::Resource::Sandbox with full_path 'gitlab-qa-sandbox-group' via api in 0.186724811 seconds4195[date=2022-03-07 15:16:02 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- <QA::Resource::Group> Attribute :full_path has both API response `gitlab-qa-sandbox-group/qa-test-2022-03-07-14-49-47-c6db921ef6e8f40e` and a block. API response will be picked. Block will be ignored.4196[date=2022-03-07 15:16:02 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- ==> Retrieved a QA::Resource::Group with full_path 'gitlab-qa-sandbox-group/qa-test-2022-03-07-14-49-47-c6db921ef6e8f40e' via api in 1.466838343 seconds4197[date=2022-03-07 15:16:03 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- ==> Built a QA::Resource::Project with full_path 'gitlab-qa-sandbox-group/qa-test-2022-03-07-14-49-47-c6db921ef6e8f40e/merge-request-push-options-d645c35845b44da2' via api in 2.498990708 seconds4198[date=2022-03-07 15:16:03 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- <QA::Resource::Project> Attribute :repository_http_location has both API response `#<QA::Git::Location:0x00005608ccefab70>` and a block. API response will be picked. Block will be ignored.4199[date=2022-03-07 15:16:03 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- Git: pwd=[/tmp/d20220307-66-hci09e], command=[HOME="/tmp/qa-netrc-credentials/66" git clone ./ 2>&1]4200[date=2022-03-07 15:16:03 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- Git: output=[Cloning into '.'...], exitstatus=[0]4201[date=2022-03-07 15:16:03 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- Git: pwd=[/tmp/d20220307-66-hci09e], command=[HOME="/tmp/qa-netrc-credentials/66" git config "GitLab QA" 2>&1]4202[date=2022-03-07 15:16:03 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- Git: output=[], exitstatus=[0]4203[date=2022-03-07 15:16:03 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- Git: pwd=[/tmp/d20220307-66-hci09e], command=[HOME="/tmp/qa-netrc-credentials/66" git config 2>&1]4204[date=2022-03-07 15:16:03 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- Git: output=[], exitstatus=[0]4205[date=2022-03-07 15:16:03 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- Git: pwd=[/tmp/d20220307-66-hci09e], command=[HOME="/tmp/qa-netrc-credentials/66" git checkout -b "push-options-test-target-9f557a888da6fd6e" 2>&1]4206[date=2022-03-07 15:16:03 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- Git: output=[Switched to a new branch 'push-options-test-target-9f557a888da6fd6e'], exitstatus=[0]4207[date=2022-03-07 15:16:03 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- Git: pwd=[/tmp/d20220307-66-hci09e], command=[HOME="/tmp/qa-netrc-credentials/66" git add file-366cbaefc27a3a1f.txt 2>&1]4208[date=2022-03-07 15:16:03 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- Git: output=[], exitstatus=[0]4209[date=2022-03-07 15:16:03 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- Git: pwd=[/tmp/d20220307-66-hci09e], command=[HOME="/tmp/qa-netrc-credentials/66" git commit -m "This is a test commit" 2>&1]4210[date=2022-03-07 15:16:03 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- Git: output=[[push-options-test-target-9f557a888da6fd6e c126325] This is a test commit4211 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+)4212 create mode 100644 file-366cbaefc27a3a1f.txt], exitstatus=[0]4213[date=2022-03-07 15:16:03 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- Git: pwd=[/tmp/d20220307-66-hci09e], command=[HOME="/tmp/qa-netrc-credentials/66" git push push-options-test-target-9f557a888da6fd6e:push-options-test-target-9f557a888da6fd6e 2>&1]4214[date=2022-03-07 15:16:05 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- Git: output=[remote: 4215remote: To create a merge request for push-options-test-target-9f557a888da6fd6e, visit: 4216remote: 4218To * [new branch] push-options-test-target-9f557a888da6fd6e -> push-options-test-target-9f557a888da6fd6e], exitstatus=[0]4220[date=2022-03-07 15:16:05 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- QA::Resource::Project - wait_for_push with commit message "This is a test commit"4221[date=2022-03-07 15:16:05 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- ==> Built a QA::Resource::Repository::ProjectPush via browser_ui in 2.29364417 seconds4222[date=2022-03-07 15:16:05 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- Git: pwd=[/tmp/d20220307-66-id1i6y], command=[HOME="/tmp/qa-netrc-credentials/66" git clone ./ 2>&1]4223[date=2022-03-07 15:16:06 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- Git: output=[Cloning into '.'...], exitstatus=[0]4224[date=2022-03-07 15:16:06 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- Git: pwd=[/tmp/d20220307-66-id1i6y], command=[HOME="/tmp/qa-netrc-credentials/66" git config "GitLab QA" 2>&1]4225[date=2022-03-07 15:16:06 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- Git: output=[], exitstatus=[0]4226[date=2022-03-07 15:16:06 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- Git: pwd=[/tmp/d20220307-66-id1i6y], command=[HOME="/tmp/qa-netrc-credentials/66" git config 2>&1]4227[date=2022-03-07 15:16:06 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- Git: output=[], exitstatus=[0]4228[date=2022-03-07 15:16:06 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- Git: pwd=[/tmp/d20220307-66-id1i6y], command=[HOME="/tmp/qa-netrc-credentials/66" git checkout -b "push-options-test-a0e5f8920eed1186" 2>&1]4229[date=2022-03-07 15:16:06 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- Git: output=[Switched to a new branch 'push-options-test-a0e5f8920eed1186'], exitstatus=[0]4230[date=2022-03-07 15:16:06 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- Git: pwd=[/tmp/d20220307-66-id1i6y], command=[HOME="/tmp/qa-netrc-credentials/66" git add file-1268c26236d1944f.txt 2>&1]4231[date=2022-03-07 15:16:06 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- Git: output=[], exitstatus=[0]4232[date=2022-03-07 15:16:06 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- Git: pwd=[/tmp/d20220307-66-id1i6y], command=[HOME="/tmp/qa-netrc-credentials/66" git commit -m "This is a test commit" 2>&1]4233[date=2022-03-07 15:16:06 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- Git: output=[[push-options-test-a0e5f8920eed1186 b233711] This is a test commit4234 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+)4235 create mode 100644 file-1268c26236d1944f.txt], exitstatus=[0]4236[date=2022-03-07 15:16:06 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- Git: pwd=[/tmp/d20220307-66-id1i6y], command=[HOME="/tmp/qa-netrc-credentials/66" git push -o merge_request.create -o merge_request.title="MR push options test f566dfe7d28ae3ab" -o"push-options-test-target-9f557a888da6fd6e" push-options-test-a0e5f8920eed1186:push-options-test-a0e5f8920eed1186 2>&1]4237[date=2022-03-07 15:16:08 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- Git: output=[remote: 4238remote: View merge request for push-options-test-a0e5f8920eed1186: 4239remote: 4240remote: 4241To * [new branch] push-options-test-a0e5f8920eed1186 -> push-options-test-a0e5f8920eed1186], exitstatus=[0]4243[date=2022-03-07 15:16:08 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- QA::Resource::Project - wait_for_push with commit message "This is a test commit"4244[date=2022-03-07 15:16:08 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- ==> Built a QA::Resource::Repository::ProjectPush via browser_ui in 2.698009255 seconds4245[date=2022-03-07 15:16:08 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- ==> Retrieved a QA::Resource::MergeRequest with iid '1' via api in 0.226647723 seconds4246[date=2022-03-07 15:16:08 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- Waiting until merge request with id '1' can be merged4247[date=2022-03-07 15:16:11 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- QA::Resource::Project - wait_for_merge with title "MR push options test f566dfe7d28ae3ab"4248 sets a target branch4249Manage4250 Project access tokens4251[date=2022-03-07 15:16:12 from=QA Tests] INFO -- Starting test: Manage Project access tokens can be created and revoked via the UI4252[date=2022-03-07 15:16:12 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- waiting for loading to complete...4253[date=2022-03-07 15:16:12 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- loading complete after 0.006638209 seconds4254[date=2022-03-07 15:16:13 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- has_element? :login_page (wait: 0) returned: false4255[date=2022-03-07 15:16:13 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- waiting for loading to complete...4256[date=2022-03-07 15:16:13 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- loading complete after 0.007108118 seconds4257[date=2022-03-07 15:16:14 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- has_element? :user_avatar (wait: 0) returned: false4258[date=2022-03-07 15:16:14 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- waiting for loading to complete...4259[date=2022-03-07 15:16:14 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- loading complete after 0.006074619 seconds4260[date=2022-03-07 15:16:15 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- has_element? :login_page (wait: 0) returned: false4261[date=2022-03-07 15:16:15 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- waiting for loading to complete...4262[date=2022-03-07 15:16:15 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- loading complete after 0.007191909 seconds4263[date=2022-03-07 15:16:16 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- has_element? :user_avatar (wait: 0) returned: false4264/usr/local/bundle/gems/capybara-3.35.3/lib/capybara/registration_container.rb:21: warning: DEPRECATED: Calling 'include?' on the drivers/servers container is deprecated without replacement4265[date=2022-03-07 15:16:16 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- has_element? :login_page (wait: 60) returned: true4266[date=2022-03-07 15:16:16 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- has_element? :login_page (wait: 0) returned: true4267[date=2022-03-07 15:16:16 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- has_element? :login_page (wait: 0) returned: true4268[date=2022-03-07 15:16:16 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- waiting for loading to complete...4269[date=2022-03-07 15:16:16 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- loading complete after 0.006091919 seconds4270[date=2022-03-07 15:16:17 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- has_element? :sign_in_tab (wait: 0) returned: false4271[date=2022-03-07 15:16:17 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- waiting for loading to complete...4272[date=2022-03-07 15:16:17 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- loading complete after 0.00633097 seconds4273[date=2022-03-07 15:16:18 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- has_element? :standard_tab (wait: 0) returned: false4274[date=2022-03-07 15:16:18 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- filling :login_field with "root"4275[date=2022-03-07 15:16:18 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- finding :login_field with args {}4276[date=2022-03-07 15:16:18 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- waiting for loading to complete...4277[date=2022-03-07 15:16:18 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- loading complete after 0.00671163 seconds4278[date=2022-03-07 15:16:18 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- found :login_field4279[date=2022-03-07 15:16:19 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- filling :password_field with "*****"4280[date=2022-03-07 15:16:19 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- finding :password_field with args {}4281[date=2022-03-07 15:16:19 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- waiting for loading to complete...4282[date=2022-03-07 15:16:19 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- loading complete after 0.00559256 seconds4283[date=2022-03-07 15:16:19 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- found :password_field4284[date=2022-03-07 15:16:19 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- clicking :sign_in_button with args {}4285[date=2022-03-07 15:16:19 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- waiting for loading to complete...4286[date=2022-03-07 15:16:19 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- loading complete after 0.006706189 seconds4287[date=2022-03-07 15:16:20 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- waiting for loading to complete...4288[date=2022-03-07 15:16:20 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- loading complete after 0.010789568 seconds4289[date=2022-03-07 15:16:20 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- has_no_element? :#<QA::Page::Element:0x00005608bf69d958> (wait: 0) returned: false4290[date=2022-03-07 15:16:20 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- waiting for loading to complete...4291[date=2022-03-07 15:16:20 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- loading complete after 0.010304959 seconds4292[date=2022-03-07 15:16:20 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- has_no_element? :#<QA::Page::Element:0x00005608bf69d728> (wait: 0) returned: true4293[date=2022-03-07 15:16:21 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- has_element? :navbar (wait: 60) returned: true4294[date=2022-03-07 15:16:21 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- has_element? :user_avatar (wait: 60) returned: true4295[date=2022-03-07 15:16:21 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- has_element? :user_menu (wait: 60) returned: true4296[date=2022-03-07 15:16:21 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- has_element? :issues_shortcut_button (wait: 60) returned: true4297[date=2022-03-07 15:16:21 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- has_element? :merge_requests_shortcut_button (wait: 60) returned: true4298[date=2022-03-07 15:16:21 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- has_element? :todos_shortcut_button (wait: 60) returned: true4299[date=2022-03-07 15:16:21 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- ==> Retrieved a QA::Resource::Sandbox with full_path 'gitlab-qa-sandbox-group' via api in 0.215416485 seconds4300[date=2022-03-07 15:16:22 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- <QA::Resource::Group> Attribute :full_path has both API response `gitlab-qa-sandbox-group/qa-test-2022-03-07-14-49-47-c6db921ef6e8f40e` and a block. API response will be picked. Block will be ignored.4301[date=2022-03-07 15:16:22 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- ==> Retrieved a QA::Resource::Group with full_path 'gitlab-qa-sandbox-group/qa-test-2022-03-07-14-49-47-c6db921ef6e8f40e' via api in 1.380169838 seconds4302[date=2022-03-07 15:16:23 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- ==> Built a QA::Resource::Project with full_path 'gitlab-qa-sandbox-group/qa-test-2022-03-07-14-49-47-c6db921ef6e8f40e/the_awesome_project-58bcc807e293c157' via api in 2.168260091 seconds4303[date=2022-03-07 15:16:23 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- Visiting QA::Resource::Project at[date=2022-03-07 15:16:24 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- waiting for loading to complete...4305[date=2022-03-07 15:16:24 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- loading complete after 0.016442137 seconds4306[date=2022-03-07 15:16:24 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- within element :project_sidebar with args {}4307[date=2022-03-07 15:16:24 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- waiting for loading to complete...4308[date=2022-03-07 15:16:24 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- loading complete after 0.019546767 seconds4309[date=2022-03-07 15:16:24 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- scrolling to :[data-qa-selector="sidebar_menu_link"],.qa-sidebar-menu-link4310[date=2022-03-07 15:16:25 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- waiting for loading to complete...4311[date=2022-03-07 15:16:25 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- loading complete after 0.010240779 seconds4312[date=2022-03-07 15:16:25 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- finding :sidebar_menu_link with args {:menu_item=>"Settings"}4313[date=2022-03-07 15:16:25 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- waiting for loading to complete...4314[date=2022-03-07 15:16:25 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- loading complete after 0.005967349 seconds4315[date=2022-03-07 15:16:25 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- found :sidebar_menu_link4316[date=2022-03-07 15:16:25 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- clicking :sidebar_menu_item_link with args {:menu_item=>"Access Tokens"}4317[date=2022-03-07 15:16:25 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- waiting for loading to complete...4318[date=2022-03-07 15:16:25 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- loading complete after 0.008771558 seconds4319[date=2022-03-07 15:16:26 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- end within element :project_sidebar with args {}4320[date=2022-03-07 15:16:26 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- filling :access_token_name_field with "*****"4321[date=2022-03-07 15:16:26 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- finding :access_token_name_field with args {}4322[date=2022-03-07 15:16:26 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- waiting for loading to complete...4323[date=2022-03-07 15:16:26 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- loading complete after 0.012858268 seconds4324[date=2022-03-07 15:16:26 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- found :access_token_name_field4325[date=2022-03-07 15:16:26 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- checking :api_checkbox4326[date=2022-03-07 15:16:26 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- finding :api_checkbox with args {:visible=>false}4327[date=2022-03-07 15:16:26 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- waiting for loading to complete...4328[date=2022-03-07 15:16:26 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- loading complete after 0.011371808 seconds4329[date=2022-03-07 15:16:26 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- found :api_checkbox4330[date=2022-03-07 15:16:26 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- finding :api_checkbox with args {:visible=>false}4331[date=2022-03-07 15:16:26 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- waiting for loading to complete...4332[date=2022-03-07 15:16:26 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- loading complete after 0.010319438 seconds4333[date=2022-03-07 15:16:26 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- found :api_checkbox4334[date=2022-03-07 15:16:26 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- finding :api_checkbox with args {:visible=>false}4335[date=2022-03-07 15:16:26 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- waiting for loading to complete...4336[date=2022-03-07 15:16:26 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- loading complete after 0.010453308 seconds4337[date=2022-03-07 15:16:26 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- found :api_checkbox4338[date=2022-03-07 15:16:26 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- api_checkbox was checked4339[date=2022-03-07 15:16:26 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- filling :expiry_date_field with "2022-03-09"4340[date=2022-03-07 15:16:26 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- finding :expiry_date_field with args {}4341[date=2022-03-07 15:16:27 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- waiting for loading to complete...4342[date=2022-03-07 15:16:27 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- loading complete after 0.010650479 seconds4343[date=2022-03-07 15:16:27 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- found :expiry_date_field4344[date=2022-03-07 15:16:27 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- clicking :create_token_button with args {}4345[date=2022-03-07 15:16:27 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- waiting for loading to complete...4346[date=2022-03-07 15:16:27 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- loading complete after 0.013775608 seconds4347[date=2022-03-07 15:16:28 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- ==> Built a QA::Resource::ProjectAccessToken with name 'api-project-access-token' via browser_ui in 16.695570942 seconds4348[date=2022-03-07 15:16:28 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- finding :created_access_token with args {:wait=>30}4349[date=2022-03-07 15:16:28 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- waiting for loading to complete...4350[date=2022-03-07 15:16:28 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- loading complete after 0.012527267 seconds4351[date=2022-03-07 15:16:28 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- found :created_access_token4352[date=2022-03-07 15:16:28 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- clicking :revoke_button with args {}4353[date=2022-03-07 15:16:29 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- waiting for loading to complete...4354[date=2022-03-07 15:16:29 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- loading complete after 0.010420138 seconds4355[date=2022-03-07 15:16:30 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- Removed a QA::Resource::Project with full_path 'gitlab-qa-sandbox-group/qa-test-2022-03-07-14-49-47-c6db921ef6e8f40e/the_awesome_project-58bcc807e293c157'4356 can be created and revoked via the UI4357Plan4358 Issue board focus mode4359[date=2022-03-07 15:16:30 from=QA Tests] INFO -- Starting test: Plan Issue board focus mode focuses on issue board4360[date=2022-03-07 15:16:30 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- waiting for loading to complete...4361[date=2022-03-07 15:16:30 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- loading complete after 0.00699221 seconds4362[date=2022-03-07 15:16:31 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- has_element? :login_page (wait: 0) returned: false4363[date=2022-03-07 15:16:31 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- waiting for loading to complete...4364[date=2022-03-07 15:16:31 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- loading complete after 0.006348279 seconds4365[date=2022-03-07 15:16:32 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- has_element? :user_avatar (wait: 0) returned: false4366/usr/local/bundle/gems/capybara-3.35.3/lib/capybara/registration_container.rb:21: warning: DEPRECATED: Calling 'include?' on the drivers/servers container is deprecated without replacement4367[date=2022-03-07 15:16:33 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- has_element? :login_page (wait: 60) returned: true4368[date=2022-03-07 15:16:33 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- has_element? :login_page (wait: 0) returned: true4369[date=2022-03-07 15:16:33 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- has_element? :login_page (wait: 0) returned: true4370[date=2022-03-07 15:16:33 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- waiting for loading to complete...4371[date=2022-03-07 15:16:33 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- loading complete after 0.006904929 seconds4372[date=2022-03-07 15:16:34 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- has_element? :sign_in_tab (wait: 0) returned: false4373[date=2022-03-07 15:16:34 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- waiting for loading to complete...4374[date=2022-03-07 15:16:34 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- loading complete after 0.005715219 seconds4375[date=2022-03-07 15:16:35 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- has_element? :standard_tab (wait: 0) returned: false4376[date=2022-03-07 15:16:35 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- filling :login_field with "root"4377[date=2022-03-07 15:16:35 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- finding :login_field with args {}4378[date=2022-03-07 15:16:35 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- waiting for loading to complete...4379[date=2022-03-07 15:16:35 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- loading complete after 0.007547259 seconds4380[date=2022-03-07 15:16:35 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- found :login_field4381[date=2022-03-07 15:16:35 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- filling :password_field with "*****"4382[date=2022-03-07 15:16:35 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- finding :password_field with args {}4383[date=2022-03-07 15:16:35 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- waiting for loading to complete...4384[date=2022-03-07 15:16:35 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- loading complete after 0.007060019 seconds4385[date=2022-03-07 15:16:35 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- found :password_field4386[date=2022-03-07 15:16:35 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- clicking :sign_in_button with args {}4387[date=2022-03-07 15:16:35 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- waiting for loading to complete...4388[date=2022-03-07 15:16:35 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- loading complete after 0.006436329 seconds4389[date=2022-03-07 15:16:36 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- waiting for loading to complete...4390[date=2022-03-07 15:16:36 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- loading complete after 0.010506458 seconds4391[date=2022-03-07 15:16:36 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- has_no_element? :#<QA::Page::Element:0x00005608bf69d958> (wait: 0) returned: false4392[date=2022-03-07 15:16:36 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- waiting for loading to complete...4393[date=2022-03-07 15:16:36 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- loading complete after 0.010166718 seconds4394[date=2022-03-07 15:16:36 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- has_no_element? :#<QA::Page::Element:0x00005608bf69d728> (wait: 0) returned: true4395[date=2022-03-07 15:16:37 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- has_element? :navbar (wait: 60) returned: true4396[date=2022-03-07 15:16:37 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- has_element? :user_avatar (wait: 60) returned: true4397[date=2022-03-07 15:16:37 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- has_element? :user_menu (wait: 60) returned: true4398[date=2022-03-07 15:16:37 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- has_element? :issues_shortcut_button (wait: 60) returned: true4399[date=2022-03-07 15:16:37 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- has_element? :merge_requests_shortcut_button (wait: 60) returned: true4400[date=2022-03-07 15:16:37 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- has_element? :todos_shortcut_button (wait: 60) returned: true4401[date=2022-03-07 15:16:37 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- ==> Retrieved a QA::Resource::Sandbox with full_path 'gitlab-qa-sandbox-group' via api in 0.221598714 seconds4402[date=2022-03-07 15:16:39 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- <QA::Resource::Group> Attribute :full_path has both API response `gitlab-qa-sandbox-group/qa-test-2022-03-07-14-49-47-c6db921ef6e8f40e` and a block. API response will be picked. Block will be ignored.4403[date=2022-03-07 15:16:39 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- ==> Retrieved a QA::Resource::Group with full_path 'gitlab-qa-sandbox-group/qa-test-2022-03-07-14-49-47-c6db921ef6e8f40e' via api in 2.094005323 seconds4404[date=2022-03-07 15:16:40 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- ==> Built a QA::Resource::Project with full_path 'gitlab-qa-sandbox-group/qa-test-2022-03-07-14-49-47-c6db921ef6e8f40e/sample-project-issue-board-focus-mode-3bc62bb9f697ef7e' via api in 2.96959201 seconds4405[date=2022-03-07 15:16:40 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- Visiting QA::Resource::Project at[date=2022-03-07 15:16:42 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- waiting for loading to complete...4407[date=2022-03-07 15:16:42 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- loading complete after 0.013019678 seconds4408[date=2022-03-07 15:16:42 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- within element :project_sidebar with args {}4409[date=2022-03-07 15:16:42 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- waiting for loading to complete...4410[date=2022-03-07 15:16:42 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- loading complete after 0.015353808 seconds4411[date=2022-03-07 15:16:42 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- scrolling to :[data-qa-selector="sidebar_menu_link"],.qa-sidebar-menu-link4412[date=2022-03-07 15:16:42 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- waiting for loading to complete...4413[date=2022-03-07 15:16:42 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- loading complete after 0.009907608 seconds4414[date=2022-03-07 15:16:42 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- finding :sidebar_menu_link with args {:menu_item=>"Issues"}4415[date=2022-03-07 15:16:42 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- waiting for loading to complete...4416[date=2022-03-07 15:16:42 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- loading complete after 0.007535599 seconds4417[date=2022-03-07 15:16:42 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- found :sidebar_menu_link4418[date=2022-03-07 15:16:42 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- clicking :sidebar_menu_item_link with args {:menu_item=>"Boards"}4419[date=2022-03-07 15:16:42 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- waiting for loading to complete...4420[date=2022-03-07 15:16:42 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- loading complete after 0.010561608 seconds4421[date=2022-03-07 15:16:43 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- end within element :project_sidebar with args {}4422[date=2022-03-07 15:16:43 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- clicking :focus_mode_button with args {}4423[date=2022-03-07 15:16:43 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- waiting for loading to complete...4424[date=2022-03-07 15:16:44 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- loading complete after 0.258831618 seconds4425 focuses on issue board4426Create4427 Add batch suggestions to a Merge Request4428[date=2022-03-07 15:16:44 from=QA Tests] INFO -- Starting test: Create Add batch suggestions to a Merge Request applies multiple suggestions4429[date=2022-03-07 15:16:44 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- ==> Retrieved a QA::Resource::Sandbox with full_path 'gitlab-qa-sandbox-group' via api in 0.204334977 seconds4430[date=2022-03-07 15:16:45 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- <QA::Resource::Group> Attribute :full_path has both API response `gitlab-qa-sandbox-group/qa-test-2022-03-07-14-49-47-c6db921ef6e8f40e` and a block. API response will be picked. Block will be ignored.4431[date=2022-03-07 15:16:45 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- ==> Retrieved a QA::Resource::Group with full_path 'gitlab-qa-sandbox-group/qa-test-2022-03-07-14-49-47-c6db921ef6e8f40e' via api in 1.438658678 seconds4432[date=2022-03-07 15:16:46 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- ==> Built a QA::Resource::Project with full_path 'gitlab-qa-sandbox-group/qa-test-2022-03-07-14-49-47-c6db921ef6e8f40e/suggestions_project-3a5582e0e8ecd5a2' via api in 2.179449545 seconds4433[date=2022-03-07 15:16:46 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- ==> Retrieved a QA::Resource::User with username 'gitlab-qa-user1' via api in 0.340721092 seconds4434[date=2022-03-07 15:16:46 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- Adding user gitlab-qa-user1 to gitlab-qa-sandbox-group/qa-test-2022-03-07-14-49-47-c6db921ef6e8f40e/suggestions_project-3a5582e0e8ecd5a2 QA::Resource::Project4435[date=2022-03-07 15:16:47 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- waiting for loading to complete...4436[date=2022-03-07 15:16:47 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- loading complete after 0.006571759 seconds4437[date=2022-03-07 15:16:48 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- has_element? :login_page (wait: 0) returned: false4438[date=2022-03-07 15:16:48 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- waiting for loading to complete...4439[date=2022-03-07 15:16:48 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- loading complete after 0.00618749 seconds4440[date=2022-03-07 15:16:49 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- has_element? :user_avatar (wait: 0) returned: false4441/usr/local/bundle/gems/capybara-3.35.3/lib/capybara/registration_container.rb:21: warning: DEPRECATED: Calling 'include?' on the drivers/servers container is deprecated without replacement4442[date=2022-03-07 15:16:49 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- has_element? :login_page (wait: 60) returned: true4443[date=2022-03-07 15:16:49 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- has_element? :login_page (wait: 0) returned: true4444[date=2022-03-07 15:16:49 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- has_element? :login_page (wait: 0) returned: true4445[date=2022-03-07 15:16:49 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- waiting for loading to complete...4446[date=2022-03-07 15:16:49 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- loading complete after 0.00590573 seconds4447[date=2022-03-07 15:16:50 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- has_element? :sign_in_tab (wait: 0) returned: false4448[date=2022-03-07 15:16:50 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- waiting for loading to complete...4449[date=2022-03-07 15:16:51 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- loading complete after 0.008096839 seconds4450[date=2022-03-07 15:16:52 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- has_element? :standard_tab (wait: 0) returned: false4451[date=2022-03-07 15:16:52 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- filling :login_field with "gitlab-qa-user1"4452[date=2022-03-07 15:16:52 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- finding :login_field with args {}4453[date=2022-03-07 15:16:52 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- waiting for loading to complete...4454[date=2022-03-07 15:16:52 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- loading complete after 0.00671098 seconds4455[date=2022-03-07 15:16:52 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- found :login_field4456[date=2022-03-07 15:16:52 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- filling :password_field with "*****"4457[date=2022-03-07 15:16:52 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- finding :password_field with args {}4458[date=2022-03-07 15:16:52 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- waiting for loading to complete...4459[date=2022-03-07 15:16:52 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- loading complete after 0.007091648 seconds4460[date=2022-03-07 15:16:52 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- found :password_field4461[date=2022-03-07 15:16:52 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- clicking :sign_in_button with args {}4462[date=2022-03-07 15:16:52 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- waiting for loading to complete...4463[date=2022-03-07 15:16:52 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- loading complete after 0.007995059 seconds4464[date=2022-03-07 15:16:53 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- waiting for loading to complete...4465[date=2022-03-07 15:16:53 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- loading complete after 0.010796919 seconds4466[date=2022-03-07 15:16:53 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- has_no_element? :#<QA::Page::Element:0x00005608bf69d958> (wait: 0) returned: false4467[date=2022-03-07 15:16:53 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- waiting for loading to complete...4468[date=2022-03-07 15:16:53 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- loading complete after 0.011210108 seconds4469[date=2022-03-07 15:16:53 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- has_no_element? :#<QA::Page::Element:0x00005608bf69d728> (wait: 0) returned: true4470[date=2022-03-07 15:16:55 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- ==> Built a QA::Resource::Repository::Commit via api in 0.440838569 seconds4471[date=2022-03-07 15:16:55 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- ==> Built a QA::Resource::Repository::Commit via api in 0.451193898 seconds4472[date=2022-03-07 15:16:56 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- ==> Built a QA::Resource::MergeRequest with iid '1' via api in 2.007858223 seconds4473[date=2022-03-07 15:16:56 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- Visiting QA::Resource::MergeRequest at[date=2022-03-07 15:16:58 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- clicking :diffs_tab with args {}4475[date=2022-03-07 15:16:58 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- waiting for loading to complete...4476[date=2022-03-07 15:16:58 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- loading complete after 0.011899329 seconds4477[date=2022-03-07 15:17:00 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- waiting for loading to complete...4478[date=2022-03-07 15:17:00 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- loading complete after 0.019390297 seconds4479[date=2022-03-07 15:17:01 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- has_element? :dismiss_popover_button (wait: 1) returned: false4480[date=2022-03-07 15:17:01 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- clicking :diff_comment_button with args {}4481[date=2022-03-07 15:17:01 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- waiting for loading to complete...4482[date=2022-03-07 15:17:01 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- loading complete after 0.011205689 seconds4483[date=2022-03-07 15:17:01 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- clicking :suggestion_button with args {}4484[date=2022-03-07 15:17:02 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- waiting for loading to complete...4485[date=2022-03-07 15:17:02 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- loading complete after 0.013012438 seconds4486[date=2022-03-07 15:17:02 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- finding :reply_field with args {}4487[date=2022-03-07 15:17:02 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- waiting for loading to complete...4488[date=2022-03-07 15:17:02 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- loading complete after 0.015105218 seconds4489[date=2022-03-07 15:17:02 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- found :reply_field4490[date=2022-03-07 15:17:02 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- filling :reply_field with ""4491[date=2022-03-07 15:17:02 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- finding :reply_field with args {}4492[date=2022-03-07 15:17:02 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- waiting for loading to complete...4493[date=2022-03-07 15:17:02 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- loading complete after 0.016499067 seconds4494[date=2022-03-07 15:17:02 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- found :reply_field4495[date=2022-03-07 15:17:02 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- filling :reply_field with "```suggestion:-0+04496This is the suggestion for line number 4!4497```"4498[date=2022-03-07 15:17:02 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- finding :reply_field with args {}4499[date=2022-03-07 15:17:03 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- waiting for loading to complete...4500[date=2022-03-07 15:17:03 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- loading complete after 0.012368788 seconds4501[date=2022-03-07 15:17:03 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- found :reply_field4502[date=2022-03-07 15:17:03 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- clicking :comment_now_button with args {}4503[date=2022-03-07 15:17:03 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- waiting for loading to complete...4504[date=2022-03-07 15:17:03 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- loading complete after 0.014225438 seconds4505[date=2022-03-07 15:17:03 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- clicking :diff_comment_button with args {}4506[date=2022-03-07 15:17:04 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- waiting for loading to complete...4507[date=2022-03-07 15:17:04 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- loading complete after 0.015905898 seconds4508[date=2022-03-07 15:17:04 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- clicking :suggestion_button with args {}4509[date=2022-03-07 15:17:04 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- waiting for loading to complete...4510[date=2022-03-07 15:17:04 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- loading complete after 0.013806398 seconds4511[date=2022-03-07 15:17:04 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- finding :reply_field with args {}4512[date=2022-03-07 15:17:05 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- waiting for loading to complete...4513[date=2022-03-07 15:17:05 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- loading complete after 0.012129368 seconds4514[date=2022-03-07 15:17:05 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- found :reply_field4515[date=2022-03-07 15:17:05 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- filling :reply_field with ""4516[date=2022-03-07 15:17:05 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- finding :reply_field with args {}4517[date=2022-03-07 15:17:05 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- waiting for loading to complete...4518[date=2022-03-07 15:17:05 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- loading complete after 0.010565288 seconds4519[date=2022-03-07 15:17:05 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- found :reply_field4520[date=2022-03-07 15:17:05 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- filling :reply_field with "```suggestion:-0+04521This is the suggestion for line number 6!4522```"4523[date=2022-03-07 15:17:05 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- finding :reply_field with args {}4524[date=2022-03-07 15:17:05 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- waiting for loading to complete...4525[date=2022-03-07 15:17:05 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- loading complete after 0.015410478 seconds4526[date=2022-03-07 15:17:05 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- found :reply_field4527[date=2022-03-07 15:17:05 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- clicking :comment_now_button with args {}4528[date=2022-03-07 15:17:05 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- waiting for loading to complete...4529[date=2022-03-07 15:17:05 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- loading complete after 0.012152398 seconds4530[date=2022-03-07 15:17:06 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- clicking :diff_comment_button with args {}4531[date=2022-03-07 15:17:07 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- waiting for loading to complete...4532[date=2022-03-07 15:17:07 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- loading complete after 0.018985497 seconds4533[date=2022-03-07 15:17:07 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- clicking :suggestion_button with args {}4534[date=2022-03-07 15:17:08 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- waiting for loading to complete...4535[date=2022-03-07 15:17:08 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- loading complete after 0.016194458 seconds4536[date=2022-03-07 15:17:08 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- finding :reply_field with args {}4537[date=2022-03-07 15:17:08 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- waiting for loading to complete...4538[date=2022-03-07 15:17:08 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- loading complete after 0.017834057 seconds4539[date=2022-03-07 15:17:08 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- found :reply_field4540[date=2022-03-07 15:17:08 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- filling :reply_field with ""4541[date=2022-03-07 15:17:08 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- finding :reply_field with args {}4542[date=2022-03-07 15:17:08 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- waiting for loading to complete...4543[date=2022-03-07 15:17:08 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- loading complete after 0.017872177 seconds4544[date=2022-03-07 15:17:08 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- found :reply_field4545[date=2022-03-07 15:17:08 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- filling :reply_field with "```suggestion:-0+04546This is the suggestion for line number 10!4547```"4548[date=2022-03-07 15:17:08 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- finding :reply_field with args {}4549[date=2022-03-07 15:17:08 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- waiting for loading to complete...4550[date=2022-03-07 15:17:09 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- loading complete after 0.014541089 seconds4551[date=2022-03-07 15:17:09 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- found :reply_field4552[date=2022-03-07 15:17:09 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- clicking :comment_now_button with args {}4553[date=2022-03-07 15:17:09 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- waiting for loading to complete...4554[date=2022-03-07 15:17:09 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- loading complete after 0.014735598 seconds4555[date=2022-03-07 15:17:10 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- clicking :diff_comment_button with args {}4556[date=2022-03-07 15:17:10 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- waiting for loading to complete...4557[date=2022-03-07 15:17:10 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- loading complete after 0.016623747 seconds4558[date=2022-03-07 15:17:10 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- clicking :suggestion_button with args {}4559[date=2022-03-07 15:17:11 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- waiting for loading to complete...4560[date=2022-03-07 15:17:11 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- loading complete after 0.013301769 seconds4561[date=2022-03-07 15:17:11 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- finding :reply_field with args {}4562[date=2022-03-07 15:17:11 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- waiting for loading to complete...4563[date=2022-03-07 15:17:11 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- loading complete after 0.012841818 seconds4564[date=2022-03-07 15:17:11 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- found :reply_field4565[date=2022-03-07 15:17:11 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- filling :reply_field with ""4566[date=2022-03-07 15:17:11 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- finding :reply_field with args {}4567[date=2022-03-07 15:17:11 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- waiting for loading to complete...4568[date=2022-03-07 15:17:11 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- loading complete after 0.021902186 seconds4569[date=2022-03-07 15:17:11 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- found :reply_field4570[date=2022-03-07 15:17:11 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- filling :reply_field with "```suggestion:-0+04571This is the suggestion for line number 13!4572```"4573[date=2022-03-07 15:17:11 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- finding :reply_field with args {}4574[date=2022-03-07 15:17:12 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- waiting for loading to complete...4575[date=2022-03-07 15:17:12 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- loading complete after 0.011581378 seconds4576[date=2022-03-07 15:17:12 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- found :reply_field4577[date=2022-03-07 15:17:12 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- clicking :comment_now_button with args {}4578[date=2022-03-07 15:17:12 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- waiting for loading to complete...4579[date=2022-03-07 15:17:12 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- loading complete after 0.013391738 seconds4580[date=2022-03-07 15:17:13 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- waiting for loading to complete...4581[date=2022-03-07 15:17:14 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- loading complete after 0.021085148 seconds4582[date=2022-03-07 15:17:15 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- has_element? :login_page (wait: 0) returned: false4583[date=2022-03-07 15:17:15 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- has_element? :user_avatar (wait: 0) returned: true4584[date=2022-03-07 15:17:16 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- waiting for loading to complete...4585[date=2022-03-07 15:17:16 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- loading complete after 0.018959887 seconds4586[date=2022-03-07 15:17:17 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- has_element? :login_page (wait: 0) returned: false4587[date=2022-03-07 15:17:17 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- has_element? :user_avatar (wait: 0) returned: true4588[date=2022-03-07 15:17:17 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- within element :navbar with args {}4589[date=2022-03-07 15:17:18 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- waiting for loading to complete...4590[date=2022-03-07 15:17:18 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- loading complete after 0.013158988 seconds4591[date=2022-03-07 15:17:18 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- clicking :user_avatar with args {}4592[date=2022-03-07 15:17:18 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- waiting for loading to complete...4593[date=2022-03-07 15:17:18 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- loading complete after 0.014957118 seconds4594[date=2022-03-07 15:17:18 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- within element :user_menu with args {}4595[date=2022-03-07 15:17:18 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- waiting for loading to complete...4596[date=2022-03-07 15:17:18 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- loading complete after 0.011673468 seconds4597[date=2022-03-07 15:17:18 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- clicking :sign_out_link with args {}4598[date=2022-03-07 15:17:18 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- waiting for loading to complete...4599[date=2022-03-07 15:17:18 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- loading complete after 0.011188549 seconds4600[date=2022-03-07 15:17:19 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- end within element :user_menu with args {}4601[date=2022-03-07 15:17:19 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- end within element :navbar with args {}4602[date=2022-03-07 15:17:19 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- has_element? :login_page (wait: 0) returned: true4603[date=2022-03-07 15:17:19 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- has_element? :login_page (wait: 0) returned: true4604[date=2022-03-07 15:17:19 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- has_element? :login_page (wait: 0) returned: true4605[date=2022-03-07 15:17:19 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- waiting for loading to complete...4606[date=2022-03-07 15:17:19 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- loading complete after 0.00685068 seconds4607[date=2022-03-07 15:17:20 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- has_element? :sign_in_tab (wait: 0) returned: false4608[date=2022-03-07 15:17:20 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- waiting for loading to complete...4609[date=2022-03-07 15:17:20 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- loading complete after 0.007495819 seconds4610[date=2022-03-07 15:17:21 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- has_element? :standard_tab (wait: 0) returned: false4611[date=2022-03-07 15:17:21 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- filling :login_field with "root"4612[date=2022-03-07 15:17:21 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- finding :login_field with args {}4613[date=2022-03-07 15:17:21 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- waiting for loading to complete...4614[date=2022-03-07 15:17:21 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- loading complete after 0.006591179 seconds4615[date=2022-03-07 15:17:21 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- found :login_field4616[date=2022-03-07 15:17:21 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- filling :password_field with "*****"4617[date=2022-03-07 15:17:21 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- finding :password_field with args {}4618[date=2022-03-07 15:17:21 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- waiting for loading to complete...4619[date=2022-03-07 15:17:21 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- loading complete after 0.005716719 seconds4620[date=2022-03-07 15:17:21 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- found :password_field4621[date=2022-03-07 15:17:21 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- clicking :sign_in_button with args {}4622[date=2022-03-07 15:17:21 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- waiting for loading to complete...4623[date=2022-03-07 15:17:21 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- loading complete after 0.007411089 seconds4624[date=2022-03-07 15:17:23 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- waiting for loading to complete...4625[date=2022-03-07 15:17:23 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- loading complete after 0.011067028 seconds4626[date=2022-03-07 15:17:23 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- has_no_element? :#<QA::Page::Element:0x00005608bf69d958> (wait: 0) returned: false4627[date=2022-03-07 15:17:23 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- waiting for loading to complete...4628[date=2022-03-07 15:17:23 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- loading complete after 0.010264259 seconds4629[date=2022-03-07 15:17:23 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- has_no_element? :#<QA::Page::Element:0x00005608bf69d728> (wait: 0) returned: true4630[date=2022-03-07 15:17:23 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- has_element? :navbar (wait: 60) returned: true4631[date=2022-03-07 15:17:23 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- has_element? :user_avatar (wait: 60) returned: true4632[date=2022-03-07 15:17:23 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- has_element? :user_menu (wait: 60) returned: true4633[date=2022-03-07 15:17:23 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- has_element? :issues_shortcut_button (wait: 60) returned: true4634[date=2022-03-07 15:17:23 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- has_element? :merge_requests_shortcut_button (wait: 60) returned: true4635[date=2022-03-07 15:17:23 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- has_element? :todos_shortcut_button (wait: 60) returned: true4636[date=2022-03-07 15:17:24 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- Visiting QA::Resource::MergeRequest at[date=2022-03-07 15:17:27 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- clicking :diffs_tab with args {}4638[date=2022-03-07 15:17:28 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- waiting for loading to complete...4639[date=2022-03-07 15:17:28 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- loading complete after 0.014876098 seconds4640[date=2022-03-07 15:17:29 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- waiting for loading to complete...4641[date=2022-03-07 15:17:29 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- loading complete after 0.039685004 seconds4642[date=2022-03-07 15:17:30 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- has_element? :dismiss_popover_button (wait: 1) returned: false4643[date=2022-03-07 15:17:30 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- finding all :add_suggestion_batch_button with args {:minimum=>1}4644[date=2022-03-07 15:17:30 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- waiting for loading to complete...4645[date=2022-03-07 15:17:30 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- loading complete after 0.013227138 seconds4646[date=2022-03-07 15:17:30 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- found 4 :add_suggestion_batch_button4647[date=2022-03-07 15:17:31 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- finding all :add_suggestion_batch_button with args {:minimum=>1}4648[date=2022-03-07 15:17:31 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- waiting for loading to complete...4649[date=2022-03-07 15:17:31 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- loading complete after 0.013967888 seconds4650[date=2022-03-07 15:17:31 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- found 3 :add_suggestion_batch_button4651[date=2022-03-07 15:17:31 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- finding all :add_suggestion_batch_button with args {:minimum=>1}4652[date=2022-03-07 15:17:31 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- waiting for loading to complete...4653[date=2022-03-07 15:17:31 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- loading complete after 0.013784108 seconds4654[date=2022-03-07 15:17:31 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- found 2 :add_suggestion_batch_button4655[date=2022-03-07 15:17:31 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- finding all :add_suggestion_batch_button with args {:minimum=>1}4656[date=2022-03-07 15:17:32 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- waiting for loading to complete...4657[date=2022-03-07 15:17:32 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- loading complete after 0.016006658 seconds4658[date=2022-03-07 15:17:32 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- found 1 :add_suggestion_batch_button4659[date=2022-03-07 15:17:32 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- finding all :apply_suggestion_dropdown with args {:minimum=>1}4660[date=2022-03-07 15:17:32 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- waiting for loading to complete...4661[date=2022-03-07 15:17:32 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- loading complete after 0.012463039 seconds4662[date=2022-03-07 15:17:32 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- found 4 :apply_suggestion_dropdown4663[date=2022-03-07 15:17:32 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- filling :commit_message_field with "Custom commit message"4664[date=2022-03-07 15:17:32 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- finding :commit_message_field with args {}4665[date=2022-03-07 15:17:32 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- waiting for loading to complete...4666[date=2022-03-07 15:17:32 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- loading complete after 0.013589789 seconds4667[date=2022-03-07 15:17:32 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- found :commit_message_field4668[date=2022-03-07 15:17:33 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- clicking :commit_with_custom_message_button with args {}4669[date=2022-03-07 15:17:33 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- waiting for loading to complete...4670[date=2022-03-07 15:17:33 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- loading complete after 0.016163867 seconds4671[date=2022-03-07 15:17:36 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- waiting for loading to complete...4672[date=2022-03-07 15:17:36 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- loading complete after 0.022283467 seconds4673[date=2022-03-07 15:17:36 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- has_no_element? :applying_badge (wait: 10) returned: true4674[date=2022-03-07 15:17:36 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- finding all :applied_badge with args {:count=>4}4675[date=2022-03-07 15:17:36 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- waiting for loading to complete...4676[date=2022-03-07 15:17:37 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- loading complete after 0.015571378 seconds4677[date=2022-03-07 15:17:37 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- found 4 :applied_badge4678 applies multiple suggestions4679Create4680 Link to line in Web IDE4681[date=2022-03-07 15:17:37 from=QA Tests] INFO -- Starting test: Create Link to line in Web IDE can link to a specific line of code in Web IDE4682[date=2022-03-07 15:17:37 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- waiting for loading to complete...4683[date=2022-03-07 15:17:37 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- loading complete after 0.006368759 seconds4684[date=2022-03-07 15:17:38 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- has_element? :login_page (wait: 0) returned: false4685[date=2022-03-07 15:17:38 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- waiting for loading to complete...4686[date=2022-03-07 15:17:38 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- loading complete after 0.006259019 seconds4687[date=2022-03-07 15:17:39 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- has_element? :user_avatar (wait: 0) returned: false4688/usr/local/bundle/gems/capybara-3.35.3/lib/capybara/registration_container.rb:21: warning: DEPRECATED: Calling 'include?' on the drivers/servers container is deprecated without replacement4689[date=2022-03-07 15:17:39 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- has_element? :login_page (wait: 60) returned: true4690[date=2022-03-07 15:17:39 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- has_element? :login_page (wait: 0) returned: true4691[date=2022-03-07 15:17:39 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- has_element? :login_page (wait: 0) returned: true4692[date=2022-03-07 15:17:39 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- waiting for loading to complete...4693[date=2022-03-07 15:17:39 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- loading complete after 0.005792389 seconds4694[date=2022-03-07 15:17:40 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- has_element? :sign_in_tab (wait: 0) returned: false4695[date=2022-03-07 15:17:40 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- waiting for loading to complete...4696[date=2022-03-07 15:17:40 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- loading complete after 0.007324019 seconds4697[date=2022-03-07 15:17:41 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- has_element? :standard_tab (wait: 0) returned: false4698[date=2022-03-07 15:17:41 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- filling :login_field with "root"4699[date=2022-03-07 15:17:41 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- finding :login_field with args {}4700[date=2022-03-07 15:17:41 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- waiting for loading to complete...4701[date=2022-03-07 15:17:41 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- loading complete after 0.006277489 seconds4702[date=2022-03-07 15:17:41 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- found :login_field4703[date=2022-03-07 15:17:41 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- filling :password_field with "*****"4704[date=2022-03-07 15:17:41 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- finding :password_field with args {}4705[date=2022-03-07 15:17:41 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- waiting for loading to complete...4706[date=2022-03-07 15:17:41 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- loading complete after 0.007640669 seconds4707[date=2022-03-07 15:17:41 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- found :password_field4708[date=2022-03-07 15:17:42 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- clicking :sign_in_button with args {}4709[date=2022-03-07 15:17:42 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- waiting for loading to complete...4710[date=2022-03-07 15:17:42 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- loading complete after 0.005843959 seconds4711[date=2022-03-07 15:17:43 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- waiting for loading to complete...4712[date=2022-03-07 15:17:43 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- loading complete after 0.010268538 seconds4713[date=2022-03-07 15:17:43 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- has_no_element? :#<QA::Page::Element:0x00005608bf69d958> (wait: 0) returned: false4714[date=2022-03-07 15:17:43 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- waiting for loading to complete...4715[date=2022-03-07 15:17:43 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- loading complete after 0.011484858 seconds4716[date=2022-03-07 15:17:43 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- has_no_element? :#<QA::Page::Element:0x00005608bf69d728> (wait: 0) returned: true4717[date=2022-03-07 15:17:44 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- has_element? :navbar (wait: 60) returned: true4718[date=2022-03-07 15:17:44 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- has_element? :user_avatar (wait: 60) returned: true4719[date=2022-03-07 15:17:44 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- has_element? :user_menu (wait: 60) returned: true4720[date=2022-03-07 15:17:44 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- has_element? :issues_shortcut_button (wait: 60) returned: true4721[date=2022-03-07 15:17:44 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- has_element? :merge_requests_shortcut_button (wait: 60) returned: true4722[date=2022-03-07 15:17:44 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- has_element? :todos_shortcut_button (wait: 60) returned: true4723[date=2022-03-07 15:17:44 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- ==> Retrieved a QA::Resource::Sandbox with full_path 'gitlab-qa-sandbox-group' via api in 0.200541113 seconds4724[date=2022-03-07 15:17:46 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- <QA::Resource::Group> Attribute :full_path has both API response `gitlab-qa-sandbox-group/qa-test-2022-03-07-14-49-47-c6db921ef6e8f40e` and a block. API response will be picked. Block will be ignored.4725[date=2022-03-07 15:17:46 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- ==> Retrieved a QA::Resource::Group with full_path 'gitlab-qa-sandbox-group/qa-test-2022-03-07-14-49-47-c6db921ef6e8f40e' via api in 1.583454051 seconds4726[date=2022-03-07 15:17:47 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- ==> Built a QA::Resource::Project with full_path 'gitlab-qa-sandbox-group/qa-test-2022-03-07-14-49-47-c6db921ef6e8f40e/the_awesome_project-ebfbcd43b0d0437d' via api in 2.396516049 seconds4727[date=2022-03-07 15:17:47 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- Visiting QA::Resource::Project at[date=2022-03-07 15:17:55 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- has_element? :file_name_content (wait: 10) returned: true4729[date=2022-03-07 15:17:55 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- clicking :file_name_content with args {:file_name=>"app.js"}4730[date=2022-03-07 15:17:56 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- waiting for loading to complete...4731[date=2022-03-07 15:17:56 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- loading complete after 0.015797828 seconds4732[date=2022-03-07 15:17:56 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- waiting for animated element: editor_container4733[date=2022-03-07 15:17:56 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- has_element? :editor_container (wait: 10) returned: true4734[date=2022-03-07 15:17:57 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- within element :editor_container with args {}4735[date=2022-03-07 15:17:57 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- waiting for loading to complete...4736[date=2022-03-07 15:17:57 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- loading complete after 0.020875997 seconds4737[date=2022-03-07 15:17:57 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- end within element :editor_container with args {}4738[date=2022-03-07 15:17:58 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- ==> Retrieved a QA::Resource::User with username 'gitlab-qa-user1' via api in 0.359475321 seconds4739[date=2022-03-07 15:17:58 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- waiting for loading to complete...4740[date=2022-03-07 15:17:58 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- loading complete after 0.014391978 seconds4741[date=2022-03-07 15:17:59 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- has_element? :login_page (wait: 0) returned: false4742[date=2022-03-07 15:17:59 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- has_element? :user_avatar (wait: 0) returned: true4743[date=2022-03-07 15:18:00 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- waiting for loading to complete...4744[date=2022-03-07 15:18:00 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- loading complete after 0.014551638 seconds4745[date=2022-03-07 15:18:01 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- has_element? :login_page (wait: 0) returned: false4746[date=2022-03-07 15:18:01 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- has_element? :user_avatar (wait: 0) returned: true4747[date=2022-03-07 15:18:01 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- within element :navbar with args {}4748[date=2022-03-07 15:18:01 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- waiting for loading to complete...4749[date=2022-03-07 15:18:01 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- loading complete after 0.015428618 seconds4750[date=2022-03-07 15:18:01 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- clicking :user_avatar with args {}4751[date=2022-03-07 15:18:01 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- waiting for loading to complete...4752[date=2022-03-07 15:18:01 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- loading complete after 0.012946918 seconds4753[date=2022-03-07 15:18:01 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- within element :user_menu with args {}4754[date=2022-03-07 15:18:01 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- waiting for loading to complete...4755[date=2022-03-07 15:18:01 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- loading complete after 0.013709998 seconds4756[date=2022-03-07 15:18:01 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- clicking :sign_out_link with args {}4757[date=2022-03-07 15:18:01 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- waiting for loading to complete...4758[date=2022-03-07 15:18:01 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- loading complete after 0.013719958 seconds4759[date=2022-03-07 15:18:02 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- end within element :user_menu with args {}4760[date=2022-03-07 15:18:02 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- end within element :navbar with args {}4761[date=2022-03-07 15:18:02 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- has_element? :login_page (wait: 0) returned: true4762[date=2022-03-07 15:18:02 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- has_element? :login_page (wait: 0) returned: true4763[date=2022-03-07 15:18:02 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- has_element? :login_page (wait: 0) returned: true4764[date=2022-03-07 15:18:02 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- waiting for loading to complete...4765[date=2022-03-07 15:18:02 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- loading complete after 0.006216139 seconds4766[date=2022-03-07 15:18:03 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- has_element? :sign_in_tab (wait: 0) returned: false4767[date=2022-03-07 15:18:03 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- waiting for loading to complete...4768[date=2022-03-07 15:18:03 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- loading complete after 0.005835129 seconds4769[date=2022-03-07 15:18:04 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- has_element? :standard_tab (wait: 0) returned: false4770[date=2022-03-07 15:18:04 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- filling :login_field with "gitlab-qa-user1"4771[date=2022-03-07 15:18:04 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- finding :login_field with args {}4772[date=2022-03-07 15:18:04 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- waiting for loading to complete...4773[date=2022-03-07 15:18:04 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- loading complete after 0.006573199 seconds4774[date=2022-03-07 15:18:04 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- found :login_field4775[date=2022-03-07 15:18:04 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- filling :password_field with "*****"4776[date=2022-03-07 15:18:04 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- finding :password_field with args {}4777[date=2022-03-07 15:18:04 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- waiting for loading to complete...4778[date=2022-03-07 15:18:04 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- loading complete after 0.006356509 seconds4779[date=2022-03-07 15:18:04 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- found :password_field4780[date=2022-03-07 15:18:04 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- clicking :sign_in_button with args {}4781[date=2022-03-07 15:18:04 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- waiting for loading to complete...4782[date=2022-03-07 15:18:04 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- loading complete after 0.006456489 seconds4783[date=2022-03-07 15:18:05 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- waiting for loading to complete...4784[date=2022-03-07 15:18:05 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- loading complete after 0.011716688 seconds4785[date=2022-03-07 15:18:05 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- has_no_element? :#<QA::Page::Element:0x00005608bf69d958> (wait: 0) returned: false4786[date=2022-03-07 15:18:06 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- waiting for loading to complete...4787[date=2022-03-07 15:18:06 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- loading complete after 0.010759778 seconds4788[date=2022-03-07 15:18:06 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- has_no_element? :#<QA::Page::Element:0x00005608bf69d728> (wait: 0) returned: true4789[date=2022-03-07 15:18:06 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- has_element? :navbar (wait: 60) returned: true4790[date=2022-03-07 15:18:06 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- has_element? :user_avatar (wait: 60) returned: true4791[date=2022-03-07 15:18:06 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- has_element? :user_menu (wait: 60) returned: true4792[date=2022-03-07 15:18:06 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- has_element? :issues_shortcut_button (wait: 60) returned: true4793[date=2022-03-07 15:18:06 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- has_element? :merge_requests_shortcut_button (wait: 60) returned: true4794[date=2022-03-07 15:18:06 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- has_element? :todos_shortcut_button (wait: 60) returned: true4795[date=2022-03-07 15:18:07 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- within element :file_list with args {}4796[date=2022-03-07 15:18:08 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- waiting for loading to complete...4797[date=2022-03-07 15:18:08 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- loading complete after 0.06777697 seconds4798[date=2022-03-07 15:18:08 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- has_element? :file_name_content (wait: 10) returned: true4799[date=2022-03-07 15:18:08 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- end within element :file_list with args {}4800[date=2022-03-07 15:18:08 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- Removed a QA::Resource::Project with full_path 'gitlab-qa-sandbox-group/qa-test-2022-03-07-14-49-47-c6db921ef6e8f40e/the_awesome_project-ebfbcd43b0d0437d'4801 can link to a specific line of code in Web IDE4802Manage4803 Gitlab migration4804 with uninitialized project4805[date=2022-03-07 15:18:08 from=QA Tests] INFO -- Starting test: Manage Gitlab migration with uninitialized project successfully imports project4806[date=2022-03-07 15:18:08 from=QA Tests] INFO -- Enabling feature: bulk_import_projects4807[date=2022-03-07 15:18:09 from=QA Tests] INFO -- Successfully enabled and verified feature flag: bulk_import_projects4808[date=2022-03-07 15:18:09 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- ==> Retrieved a QA::Resource::Sandbox with full_path 'gitlab-qa-sandbox-group' via api in 0.181707615 seconds4809[date=2022-03-07 15:18:09 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- ==> Retrieved a QA::Resource::User with username 'qa-user-73e5b5c9717e6ee8' via api in 0.484498194 seconds4810[date=2022-03-07 15:18:09 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- Adding user qa-user-73e5b5c9717e6ee8 to gitlab-qa-sandbox-group QA::Resource::Sandbox4811[date=2022-03-07 15:18:10 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- ==> Built a QA::Resource::PersonalAccessToken via api in 0.171367296 seconds4812[date=2022-03-07 15:18:10 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- ==> Retrieved a QA::Resource::Sandbox with full_path 'gitlab-qa-sandbox-group' via api in 0.378289388 seconds4813[date=2022-03-07 15:18:11 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- <QA::Resource::Group> Attribute :full_path has both API response `gitlab-qa-sandbox-group/source-group-for-import-1ed9c641` and a block. API response will be picked. Block will be ignored.4814[date=2022-03-07 15:18:11 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- ==> Built a QA::Resource::Group with full_path 'gitlab-qa-sandbox-group/source-group-for-import-1ed9c641' via api in 0.966455187 seconds4815[date=2022-03-07 15:18:11 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- ==> Built a QA::Resource::Project with full_path 'gitlab-qa-sandbox-group/source-group-for-import-1ed9c641/the_awesome_project-244f3eec536ca229' via api in 0.736547429 seconds4816[date=2022-03-07 15:18:12 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- <QA::Resource::Group> Attribute :full_path has both API response `gitlab-qa-sandbox-group/destination-group-for-import-5a0c05cf` and a block. API response will be picked. Block will be ignored.4817[date=2022-03-07 15:18:12 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- ==> Built a QA::Resource::Group with full_path 'gitlab-qa-sandbox-group/destination-group-for-import-5a0c05cf' via api in 0.580880761 seconds4818[date=2022-03-07 15:18:12 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- ==> Built a QA::Resource::BulkImportGroup with full_path 'gitlab-qa-sandbox-group/destination-group-for-import-5a0c05cf/source-group-for-import-1ed9c641' via api in 0.265511693 seconds4819[date=2022-03-07 15:18:12 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- Running eventually matcher with 'equal' operator with: '{:max_duration=>300, :sleep_interval=>2}' arguments4820[date=2022-03-07 15:18:12 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- evaluating expectation, attempt: 14821[date=2022-03-07 15:18:14 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- evaluating expectation, attempt: 24822[date=2022-03-07 15:18:17 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- evaluating expectation, attempt: 34823[date=2022-03-07 15:18:19 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- evaluating expectation, attempt: 44824[date=2022-03-07 15:18:21 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- evaluating expectation, attempt: 54825[date=2022-03-07 15:18:24 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- evaluating expectation, attempt: 64826[date=2022-03-07 15:18:26 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- evaluating expectation, attempt: 74827[date=2022-03-07 15:18:28 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- evaluating expectation, attempt: 84828[date=2022-03-07 15:18:30 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- evaluating expectation, attempt: 94829[date=2022-03-07 15:18:32 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- evaluating expectation, attempt: 104830[date=2022-03-07 15:18:37 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- evaluating expectation, attempt: 114831[date=2022-03-07 15:18:39 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- evaluating expectation, attempt: 124832[date=2022-03-07 15:18:41 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- evaluating expectation, attempt: 134833[date=2022-03-07 15:18:44 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- evaluating expectation, attempt: 144834[date=2022-03-07 15:18:46 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- evaluating expectation, attempt: 154835[date=2022-03-07 15:18:48 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- evaluating expectation, attempt: 164836[date=2022-03-07 15:18:50 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- evaluating expectation, attempt: 174837[date=2022-03-07 15:18:53 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- evaluating expectation, attempt: 184838[date=2022-03-07 15:18:55 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- evaluating expectation, attempt: 194839[date=2022-03-07 15:18:59 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- evaluating expectation, attempt: 204840[date=2022-03-07 15:19:03 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- evaluating expectation, attempt: 214841[date=2022-03-07 15:19:05 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- evaluating expectation, attempt: 224842[date=2022-03-07 15:19:07 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- evaluating expectation, attempt: 234843[date=2022-03-07 15:19:09 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- evaluating expectation, attempt: 244844[date=2022-03-07 15:19:12 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- evaluating expectation, attempt: 254845[date=2022-03-07 15:19:15 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- evaluating expectation, attempt: 264846[date=2022-03-07 15:19:18 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- evaluating expectation, attempt: 274847[date=2022-03-07 15:19:20 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- evaluating expectation, attempt: 284848[date=2022-03-07 15:19:22 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- evaluating expectation, attempt: 294849[date=2022-03-07 15:19:24 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- evaluating expectation, attempt: 304850[date=2022-03-07 15:19:27 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- evaluating expectation, attempt: 314851[date=2022-03-07 15:19:28 from=QA Tests] INFO -- Disabling feature: bulk_import_projects4852[date=2022-03-07 15:19:28 from=QA Tests] INFO -- Successfully disabled and verified feature flag: bulk_import_projects4853[date=2022-03-07 15:19:28 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- Deleted user 'qa-user-73e5b5c9717e6ee8'4854[date=2022-03-07 15:19:28 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- Removed a QA::Resource::User with username 'qa-user-73e5b5c9717e6ee8'4855 successfully imports project4856 with repository4857[date=2022-03-07 15:19:28 from=QA Tests] INFO -- Starting test: Manage Gitlab migration with repository successfully imports repository4858[date=2022-03-07 15:19:28 from=QA Tests] INFO -- Enabling feature: bulk_import_projects4859[date=2022-03-07 15:19:28 from=QA Tests] INFO -- Successfully enabled and verified feature flag: bulk_import_projects4860[date=2022-03-07 15:19:29 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- ==> Retrieved a QA::Resource::Sandbox with full_path 'gitlab-qa-sandbox-group' via api in 0.294308507 seconds4861[date=2022-03-07 15:19:29 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- ==> Retrieved a QA::Resource::User with username 'qa-user-64a812e729a7fd1b' via api in 0.712797992 seconds4862[date=2022-03-07 15:19:29 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- Adding user qa-user-64a812e729a7fd1b to gitlab-qa-sandbox-group QA::Resource::Sandbox4863[date=2022-03-07 15:19:30 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- ==> Built a QA::Resource::PersonalAccessToken via api in 0.223856436 seconds4864[date=2022-03-07 15:19:31 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- ==> Retrieved a QA::Resource::Sandbox with full_path 'gitlab-qa-sandbox-group' via api in 0.794759003 seconds4865[date=2022-03-07 15:19:32 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- <QA::Resource::Group> Attribute :full_path has both API response `gitlab-qa-sandbox-group/source-group-for-import-5b056f55` and a block. API response will be picked. Block will be ignored.4866[date=2022-03-07 15:19:32 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- ==> Built a QA::Resource::Group with full_path 'gitlab-qa-sandbox-group/source-group-for-import-5b056f55' via api in 1.563447018 seconds4867[date=2022-03-07 15:19:33 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- ==> Built a QA::Resource::Project with full_path 'gitlab-qa-sandbox-group/source-group-for-import-5b056f55/the_awesome_project-34f36d19dece8d11' via api in 1.256742882 seconds4868[date=2022-03-07 15:19:35 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- <QA::Resource::Group> Attribute :full_path has both API response `gitlab-qa-sandbox-group/destination-group-for-import-1501c3c3` and a block. API response will be picked. Block will be ignored.4869[date=2022-03-07 15:19:35 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- ==> Built a QA::Resource::Group with full_path 'gitlab-qa-sandbox-group/destination-group-for-import-1501c3c3' via api in 0.605968034 seconds4870[date=2022-03-07 15:19:36 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- ==> Built a QA::Resource::BulkImportGroup with full_path 'gitlab-qa-sandbox-group/destination-group-for-import-1501c3c3/source-group-for-import-5b056f55' via api in 0.336980843 seconds4871[date=2022-03-07 15:19:36 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- Running eventually matcher with 'equal' operator with: '{:max_duration=>300, :sleep_interval=>2}' arguments4872[date=2022-03-07 15:19:36 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- evaluating expectation, attempt: 14873[date=2022-03-07 15:19:38 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- evaluating expectation, attempt: 24874[date=2022-03-07 15:19:40 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- evaluating expectation, attempt: 34875[date=2022-03-07 15:19:45 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- evaluating expectation, attempt: 44876[date=2022-03-07 15:19:48 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- evaluating expectation, attempt: 54877[date=2022-03-07 15:19:50 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- evaluating expectation, attempt: 64878[date=2022-03-07 15:20:02 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- evaluating expectation, attempt: 74879[date=2022-03-07 15:20:07 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- evaluating expectation, attempt: 84880[date=2022-03-07 15:20:10 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- evaluating expectation, attempt: 94881[date=2022-03-07 15:20:12 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- evaluating expectation, attempt: 104882[date=2022-03-07 15:20:14 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- evaluating expectation, attempt: 114883[date=2022-03-07 15:20:16 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- evaluating expectation, attempt: 124884[date=2022-03-07 15:20:18 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- evaluating expectation, attempt: 134885[date=2022-03-07 15:20:20 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- evaluating expectation, attempt: 144886[date=2022-03-07 15:20:23 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- evaluating expectation, attempt: 154887[date=2022-03-07 15:20:25 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- evaluating expectation, attempt: 164888[date=2022-03-07 15:20:27 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- evaluating expectation, attempt: 174889[date=2022-03-07 15:20:31 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- evaluating expectation, attempt: 184890[date=2022-03-07 15:20:33 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- evaluating expectation, attempt: 194891[date=2022-03-07 15:20:35 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- evaluating expectation, attempt: 204892[date=2022-03-07 15:20:37 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- evaluating expectation, attempt: 214893[date=2022-03-07 15:20:39 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- evaluating expectation, attempt: 224894[date=2022-03-07 15:20:42 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- evaluating expectation, attempt: 234895[date=2022-03-07 15:20:44 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- evaluating expectation, attempt: 244896[date=2022-03-07 15:20:46 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- evaluating expectation, attempt: 254897[date=2022-03-07 15:20:48 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- evaluating expectation, attempt: 264898[date=2022-03-07 15:20:50 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- evaluating expectation, attempt: 274899[date=2022-03-07 15:20:53 from=QA Tests] INFO -- Disabling feature: bulk_import_projects4900[date=2022-03-07 15:20:53 from=QA Tests] INFO -- Successfully disabled and verified feature flag: bulk_import_projects4901[date=2022-03-07 15:20:53 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- Deleted user 'qa-user-64a812e729a7fd1b'4902[date=2022-03-07 15:20:53 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- Removed a QA::Resource::User with username 'qa-user-64a812e729a7fd1b'4903 successfully imports repository4904 with wiki4905[date=2022-03-07 15:20:53 from=QA Tests] INFO -- Starting test: Manage Gitlab migration with wiki successfully imports project wiki4906[date=2022-03-07 15:20:53 from=QA Tests] INFO -- Enabling feature: bulk_import_projects4907[date=2022-03-07 15:20:55 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- Retrying action with: max_duration: 60; sleep_interval: 1; raise_on_failure: true; retry_on_exception: false4908[date=2022-03-07 15:20:55 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- ended retry4909[date=2022-03-07 15:20:55 from=QA Tests] INFO -- Successfully enabled and verified feature flag: bulk_import_projects4910[date=2022-03-07 15:20:55 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- ==> Retrieved a QA::Resource::Sandbox with full_path 'gitlab-qa-sandbox-group' via api in 0.177252571 seconds4911[date=2022-03-07 15:20:56 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- ==> Retrieved a QA::Resource::User with username 'qa-user-cf191fa3babe69e1' via api in 0.46309687 seconds4912[date=2022-03-07 15:20:56 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- Adding user qa-user-cf191fa3babe69e1 to gitlab-qa-sandbox-group QA::Resource::Sandbox4913[date=2022-03-07 15:20:56 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- ==> Built a QA::Resource::PersonalAccessToken via api in 0.17344071 seconds4914[date=2022-03-07 15:20:56 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- ==> Retrieved a QA::Resource::Sandbox with full_path 'gitlab-qa-sandbox-group' via api in 0.383044137 seconds4915[date=2022-03-07 15:20:57 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- <QA::Resource::Group> Attribute :full_path has both API response `gitlab-qa-sandbox-group/source-group-for-import-d53aadb5` and a block. API response will be picked. Block will be ignored.4916[date=2022-03-07 15:20:57 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- ==> Built a QA::Resource::Group with full_path 'gitlab-qa-sandbox-group/source-group-for-import-d53aadb5' via api in 0.954119165 seconds4917[date=2022-03-07 15:20:58 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- ==> Built a QA::Resource::Project with full_path 'gitlab-qa-sandbox-group/source-group-for-import-d53aadb5/the_awesome_project-a94038d05713dc8a' via api in 0.792355724 seconds4918[date=2022-03-07 15:20:59 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- <QA::Resource::Group> Attribute :full_path has both API response `gitlab-qa-sandbox-group/destination-group-for-import-dd862966` and a block. API response will be picked. Block will be ignored.4919[date=2022-03-07 15:20:59 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- ==> Built a QA::Resource::Group with full_path 'gitlab-qa-sandbox-group/destination-group-for-import-dd862966' via api in 0.622000693 seconds4920[date=2022-03-07 15:20:59 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- ==> Built a QA::Resource::BulkImportGroup with full_path 'gitlab-qa-sandbox-group/destination-group-for-import-dd862966/source-group-for-import-d53aadb5' via api in 0.282781449 seconds4921[date=2022-03-07 15:20:59 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- Running eventually matcher with 'equal' operator with: '{:max_duration=>300, :sleep_interval=>2}' arguments4922[date=2022-03-07 15:20:59 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- evaluating expectation, attempt: 14923[date=2022-03-07 15:21:01 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- evaluating expectation, attempt: 24924[date=2022-03-07 15:21:04 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- evaluating expectation, attempt: 34925[date=2022-03-07 15:21:06 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- evaluating expectation, attempt: 44926[date=2022-03-07 15:21:08 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- evaluating expectation, attempt: 54927[date=2022-03-07 15:21:10 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- evaluating expectation, attempt: 64928[date=2022-03-07 15:21:13 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- evaluating expectation, attempt: 74929[date=2022-03-07 15:21:18 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- evaluating expectation, attempt: 84930[date=2022-03-07 15:21:20 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- evaluating expectation, attempt: 94931[date=2022-03-07 15:21:22 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- evaluating expectation, attempt: 104932[date=2022-03-07 15:21:24 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- evaluating expectation, attempt: 114933[date=2022-03-07 15:21:26 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- evaluating expectation, attempt: 124934[date=2022-03-07 15:21:28 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- evaluating expectation, attempt: 134935[date=2022-03-07 15:21:31 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- evaluating expectation, attempt: 144936[date=2022-03-07 15:21:33 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- evaluating expectation, attempt: 154937[date=2022-03-07 15:21:35 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- evaluating expectation, attempt: 164938[date=2022-03-07 15:21:37 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- evaluating expectation, attempt: 174939[date=2022-03-07 15:21:39 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- evaluating expectation, attempt: 184940[date=2022-03-07 15:21:41 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- evaluating expectation, attempt: 194941[date=2022-03-07 15:21:44 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- evaluating expectation, attempt: 204942[date=2022-03-07 15:21:46 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- evaluating expectation, attempt: 214943[date=2022-03-07 15:21:48 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- evaluating expectation, attempt: 224944[date=2022-03-07 15:21:50 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- evaluating expectation, attempt: 234945[date=2022-03-07 15:21:52 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- evaluating expectation, attempt: 244946[date=2022-03-07 15:21:55 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- evaluating expectation, attempt: 254947[date=2022-03-07 15:21:57 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- evaluating expectation, attempt: 264948[date=2022-03-07 15:21:59 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- evaluating expectation, attempt: 274949[date=2022-03-07 15:22:00 from=QA Tests] INFO -- Disabling feature: bulk_import_projects4950[date=2022-03-07 15:22:00 from=QA Tests] INFO -- Successfully disabled and verified feature flag: bulk_import_projects4951[date=2022-03-07 15:22:01 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- Deleted user 'qa-user-cf191fa3babe69e1'4952[date=2022-03-07 15:22:01 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- Removed a QA::Resource::User with username 'qa-user-cf191fa3babe69e1'4953 successfully imports project wiki4954[date=2022-03-07 15:22:01 from=QA Tests] INFO -- 4955========= Knapsack Time Offset Warning ==========4956Time offset: 30s4957Max allowed node time execution: 36m 11s4958Exceeded time: -03m 57s4960Global time execution for this CI node is fine.4961Happy testing!4962Need explanation? See FAQ:4964=================================================4965Read up on the benefits of a dynamic test split with Knapsack Pro Queue Mode:4966 up for Knapsack Pro here:4969=================================================4970[date=2022-03-07 15:22:01 from=QA Tests] INFO -- 4971Knapsack global time execution for tests: 32m 13s4972[date=2022-03-07 15:22:01 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- [influxdb exporter]: Pushed 72 test execution entries to influxdb4973[date=2022-03-07 15:22:01 from=QA Tests] DEBUG -- [influxdb exporter]: Pushed 378 resource fabrication entries to influxdb4974Pending: (Failures listed here are expected and do not affect your suite's status)4975 1) Package Container Registry Online Garbage Collection runs the online garbage collector tool4976 # Test is not compatible with this environment or pipeline4977 # ./qa/specs/features/browser_ui/5_package/container_registry/online_garbage_collection_spec.rb:954978 2) Fulfillment Purchase starts a free trial when on billing page with only one eligible namespace registers for a new trial4979 # Test is not compatible with this environment or pipeline4980 # ./qa/specs/features/ee/browser_ui/11_fulfillment/purchase/free_trial_spec.rb:754981 3) Fulfillment Purchase starts a free trial when on about page with multiple eligible namespaces registers for a new trial4982 # Test is not compatible with this environment or pipeline4983 # ./qa/specs/features/ee/browser_ui/11_fulfillment/purchase/free_trial_spec.rb:524984 4) Manage Check for broken images when logged in as a new admin behaves like loads all images loads all images4985 # In quarantine : # ./qa/specs/features/browser_ui/1_manage/project/dashboard_images_spec.rb:294987 5) Manage Check for broken images when logged in as a new user behaves like loads all images loads all images4988 # In quarantine : # ./qa/specs/features/browser_ui/1_manage/project/dashboard_images_spec.rb:294990 6) Create Open a fork in Web IDE when a user does not have permissions to commit to the project when a fork is already created opens the fork when a user clicks Web IDE in the main project4991 # In quarantine : # ./qa/specs/features/browser_ui/3_create/web_ide/open_fork_in_web_ide_spec.rb:404993 7) Create Open a fork in Web IDE when a user does not have permissions to commit to the project when no fork is present suggests to create a fork when a user clicks Web IDE in the main project4994 # In quarantine : # ./qa/specs/features/browser_ui/3_create/web_ide/open_fork_in_web_ide_spec.rb:204996 8) Configure AutoDevOps Templates using express template works with Auto DevOps4997 # Test is not compatible with this environment or pipeline4998 # ./qa/specs/features/browser_ui/7_configure/auto_devops/auto_devops_templates_spec.rb:504999 9) Configure Kubernetes Agent deploys a K8s manifest file5000 # Test is not compatible with this environment or pipeline5001 # ./qa/specs/features/ee/api/7_configure/kubernetes/kubernetes_agent_spec.rb:315002Top 10 slowest examples (733.33 seconds, 37.4% of total time):5003 Manage Gitlab migration with project issues successfully imports issue5004 96.76 seconds ./qa/specs/features/api/1_manage/migration/gitlab_migration_issue_spec.rb:375005 Manage Gitlab migration with repository successfully imports repository5006 85.31 seconds ./qa/specs/features/api/1_manage/migration/gitlab_migration_project_spec.rb:635007 Create PostReceive idempotent pushes and creates a single push event three times5008 80.78 seconds ./qa/specs/features/api/3_create/repository/push_postreceive_idempotent_spec.rb:205009 Manage Gitlab migration with uninitialized project successfully imports project5010 79.76 seconds ./qa/specs/features/api/1_manage/migration/gitlab_migration_project_spec.rb:145011 Create Restricted protected branch push and merge when only one user is allowed to merge and push to a protected branch behaves like selected developer user pushes and merges5012 76.13 seconds ./qa/specs/features/ee/browser_ui/3_create/repository/restrict_push_protected_branch_spec.rb:205013 Manage Gitlab migration with wiki successfully imports project wiki5014 67.36 seconds ./qa/specs/features/api/1_manage/migration/gitlab_migration_project_spec.rb:825015 Create Restricted protected branch push and merge when only one group is allowed to merge and push to a protected branch behaves like selected developer user pushes and merges5016 66.61 seconds ./qa/specs/features/ee/browser_ui/3_create/repository/restrict_push_protected_branch_spec.rb:205017 Verify Pipeline with protected variable exposes variable on protected branch5018 63.54 seconds ./qa/specs/features/browser_ui/4_verify/ci_variable/pipeline_with_protected_variable_spec.rb:645019 Create Push mirror a repository over HTTP configures and syncs LFS objects for a (push) mirrored repository5020 62.18 seconds ./qa/specs/features/browser_ui/3_create/repository/push_mirroring_lfs_over_http_spec.rb:65021 Verify Pipeline subscription with a group owned project when upstream project new tag pipeline finishes triggers pipeline in downstream project5022 54.91 seconds ./qa/specs/features/ee/browser_ui/4_verify/pipeline_subscription_with_group_owned_project_spec.rb:525023Top 10 slowest example groups:5024 Manage5025 96.76 seconds average (96.76 seconds / 1 example) ./qa/specs/features/api/1_manage/migration/gitlab_migration_issue_spec.rb:65026 Create5027 80.79 seconds average (80.79 seconds / 1 example) ./qa/specs/features/api/3_create/repository/push_postreceive_idempotent_spec.rb:45028 Manage5029 77.48 seconds average (232.44 seconds / 3 examples) ./qa/specs/features/api/1_manage/migration/gitlab_migration_project_spec.rb:65030 Create5031 62.18 seconds average (62.18 seconds / 1 example) ./qa/specs/features/browser_ui/3_create/repository/push_mirroring_lfs_over_http_spec.rb:45032 Create5033 58.91 seconds average (235.65 seconds / 4 examples) ./qa/specs/features/ee/browser_ui/3_create/repository/restrict_push_protected_branch_spec.rb:45034 Verify5035 54.97 seconds average (109.95 seconds / 2 examples) ./qa/specs/features/browser_ui/4_verify/ci_variable/pipeline_with_protected_variable_spec.rb:45036 Verify5037 54.92 seconds average (54.92 seconds / 1 example) ./qa/specs/features/ee/browser_ui/4_verify/pipeline_subscription_with_group_owned_project_spec.rb:45038 Create5039 52.69 seconds average (52.69 seconds / 1 example) ./qa/specs/features/browser_ui/3_create/merge_request/suggestions/batch_suggestion_spec.rb:45040 Create5041 46.65 seconds average (46.65 seconds / 1 example) ./qa/specs/features/ee/browser_ui/3_create/repository/pull_mirroring_over_ssh_with_key_spec.rb:45042 Release5043 41.39 seconds average (124.16 seconds / 3 examples) ./qa/specs/features/browser_ui/6_release/deploy_key/clone_using_deploy_key_spec.rb:65044Finished in 32 minutes 41 seconds (files took 16.24 seconds to load)504572 examples, 0 failures, 9 pending5046Randomized with seed 25615047$ if [ ${qa_run_status} -ne 0 ]; then release_sha=$(echo "${CI_MERGE_REQUEST_SOURCE_BRANCH_SHA:-${CI_COMMIT_SHA}}" | cut -c1-11); echo "Errors can be found at${release_sha}/all-events/."; fi5048$ exit ${qa_run_status}5050Uploading artifacts...5051qa/tmp: found 271 matching files and directories 5052Uploading artifacts as "archive" to coordinator... 201 Created id=2171487825 responseStatus=201 Created token=q71Fzr-q5053Uploading artifacts...5054qa/tmp/rspec.xml: found 1 matching files and directories 5055Uploading artifacts as "junit" to coordinator... 201 Created id=2171487825 responseStatus=201 Created token=q71Fzr-q5057Job succeeded