rspec unit pg12 minimal 5/22
Passed Started
Vijay Hawoldar
1Running with gitlab-runner 14.7.0~beta.58.gfa48f33b (fa48f33b)2 on sUrYYgEG3 feature flags: FF_USE_FASTZIP:true6Using Docker executor with image ...7Starting service postgres:12 ...8Pulling docker image postgres:12 ...9Using docker image sha256:58bff76313464ab65dcb0b9a2b910c815e8975d827c456ca7f46d69482956d5e for postgres:12 with digest postgres@sha256:1d098cd3c1a7b132edc5bfdd7d775ff0949104b150e31d52c0aff7bdcd25c53e ...10Starting service redis:5.0-alpine ...11Pulling docker image redis:5.0-alpine ...12Using docker image sha256:1746b159f8934fe63cae3984643ee8c5651bcfc80ae107032a60f2871a0e7cdb for redis:5.0-alpine with digest redis@sha256:a04b57e05b784a406bc818f6b450233328c4115a1e1f104d84ce916eb1583925 ...13Waiting for services to be up and running...14Authenticating with credentials from job payload (GitLab Registry)15Pulling docker image ...16Using docker image sha256:5b9920187fd97abe77ba8b8a3c8029b970dbace758fd2dc8756c2976a4bff96d for with digest ...18Running on runner-suryygeg-project-278964-concurrent-0 via runner-suryygeg-shared-gitlab-org-1642601778-27f8c1da...20$ eval "$CI_PRE_CLONE_SCRIPT"21Fetching changes with git depth set to 20...22Initialized empty Git repository in /builds/gitlab-org/gitlab/.git/23Created fresh repository.24remote: Enumerating objects: 118964, done. 25remote: Counting objects: 100% (118964/118964), done. 26remote: Compressing objects: 100% (80328/80328), done. 27remote: Total 118964 (delta 52017), reused 81848 (delta 34028), pack-reused 0 28Receiving objects: 100% (118964/118964), 113.13 MiB | 28.90 MiB/s, done.29Resolving deltas: 100% (52017/52017), done.31 * [new ref] 9771783ff4e9d300a49511646792e174d20da510 -> refs/pipelines/45155190432Checking out 9771783f as refs/merge-requests/78560/merge...33Skipping Git submodules setup35Checking cache for ruby-gems-v1-9...36Downloading from 37Successfully extracted cache38Checking cache for gitaly-ruby-gems-v1-9...39Downloading from 40Successfully extracted cache42Downloading artifacts for compile-test-assets (1992050589)...43Downloading artifacts from coordinator... ok id=1992050589 responseStatus=200 OK token=E4_csf5c44Downloading artifacts for detect-tests (1992050603)...45Downloading artifacts from coordinator... ok id=1992050603 responseStatus=200 OK token=-97cGws446Downloading artifacts for retrieve-tests-metadata (1992050615)...47Downloading artifacts from coordinator... ok id=1992050615 responseStatus=200 OK token=uhFSC3js48Downloading artifacts for setup-test-env (1992050596)...49Downloading artifacts from coordinator... ok id=1992050596 responseStatus=200 OK token=emneg44751Using docker image sha256:5b9920187fd97abe77ba8b8a3c8029b970dbace758fd2dc8756c2976a4bff96d for with digest ...52$ echo $FOSS_ONLY53$ [ "$FOSS_ONLY" = "1" ] && rm -rf ee/ qa/spec/ee/ qa/qa/specs/features/ee/ qa/qa/ee/ qa/qa/ee.rb54$ export GOPATH=$CI_PROJECT_DIR/.go55$ mkdir -p $GOPATH56$ source scripts/utils.sh57$ source scripts/prepare_build.sh58Bundler version 2.1.459production:development60Settings are listed in order of priority. The top value will be used.61path62Set for the current user (/root/.bundle/config): "/builds/gitlab-org/gitlab/vendor"63clean64Set for the current user (/root/.bundle/config): "true"65without66Set via BUNDLE_WITHOUT: [:production, :development]67install_flags68Set via BUNDLE_INSTALL_FLAGS: "--jobs=$(nproc) --retry=3 --quiet"69$ bundle install --jobs=$(nproc) --retry=3 --quiet && bundle check70The Gemfile's dependencies are satisfied71==> 'bundle install --jobs=$(nproc) --retry=3 --quiet && bundle check' succeeded in 3 seconds.72$ bundle pristine pg73Installing pg 1.2.3 with native extensions74==> 'bundle pristine pg' succeeded in 15 seconds.75$ setup_db_user_only76CREATE ROLE77GRANT78==> 'setup_db_user_only' succeeded in 1 seconds.79$ bundle exec rake db:drop db:create db:structure:load db:migrate gitlab:db:setup_ee80Dropped database 'gitlabhq_test'81Dropped database 'gitlabhq_geo_test'82Created database 'gitlabhq_test'83Created database 'gitlabhq_geo_test'84DEPRECATION WARNING: Using `bin/rails db:structure:load` is deprecated and will be removed in Rails 6.2. Configure the format using `config.active_record.schema_format = :sql` to use `structure.sql` and run `bin/rails db:schema:load` instead. (called from load at /builds/gitlab-org/gitlab/vendor/ruby/2.7.0/bin/rake:23)85Dropped database 'gitlabhq_geo_test'86Created database 'gitlabhq_geo_test'87==> 'bundle exec rake db:drop db:create db:structure:load db:migrate gitlab:db:setup_ee' succeeded in 45 seconds.88$ run_timed_command "gem install knapsack --no-document"89$ gem install knapsack --no-document90Successfully installed knapsack-4.0.0911 gem installed92==> 'gem install knapsack --no-document' succeeded in 1 seconds.93$ run_timed_command "scripts/gitaly-test-spawn"94$ scripts/gitaly-test-spawn95Don't run Bundler as root. Bundler can ask for sudo if it is needed, and96installing your bundle as root will break this application for all non-root97users on this machine.98Using abstract_type 0.0.799Using concurrent-ruby 1.1.9100Using i18n 1.8.11101Using minitest 5.15.0102Using tzinfo 2.0.4103Using zeitwerk 2.5.3104Using activesupport builder 3.2.4106Using erubi 1.10.0107Using mini_portile2 2.6.1108Using racc 1.6.0109Using nokogiri 1.12.5 (x86_64-linux)110Using rails-dom-testing 2.0.3111Using crass 1.0.6112Using loofah 2.13.0113Using rails-html-sanitizer 1.4.2114Using actionview rack 2.2.3116Using rack-test 1.1.0117Using actionpack ice_nine 0.11.2119Using thread_safe 0.3.6120Using memoizable 0.4.2121Using adamantium 0.2.0122Using public_suffix 4.0.6123Using addressable 2.7.0124Using ast 2.4.2125Using binding_ninja 0.2.3126Using bundler 2.1.4127Using charlock_holmes 0.7.7128Using coderay 1.1.2129Using equalizer 0.0.11130Using concord 0.1.5131Using diff-lcs 1.3132Using dotenv 2.7.6133Using escape_utils 1.2.1134Using factory_bot 5.0.2135Using multipart-post 2.1.1136Using faraday 1.0.1137Using ffi 1.15.3138Using json 2.6.1139Using gemojione 3.3.0140Using mini_mime 1.0.2141Using rugged 1.2.0142Using github-linguist 7.12.1143Using github-markup 1.7.0144Using mime-types-data 3.2020.1104145Using mime-types 3.3.1146Using gitlab-gollum-rugged_adapter rouge 3.27.0148Using sanitize 6.0.0149Using stringex 2.8.5150Using gitlab-gollum-lib google-protobuf 3.19.1 (x86_64-linux)152Using googleapis-common-protos-types 1.3.0153Using grpc 1.42.0 (x86_64-linux)154Using opentracing 0.5.0155Using thrift 0.15.0156Using jaeger-client 1.1.0157Using pg_query 2.1.1158Using redis 4.4.0159Using gitlab-labkit 0.21.2160Using rubyzip 2.3.2161Using thor 1.1.0162Using tomlrb 2.0.1163Using with_env 1.1.0164Using rexml 3.2.5165Using xml-simple 1.1.9166Using gitlab-license_finder gitlab-markup 1.7.1168Using grpc-tools 1.42.0169Using sawyer 0.8.2170Using octokit 4.20.0171Using reverse_markdown 1.4.0172Using licensee 9.14.1173Using method_source 0.9.2174Using msgpack 1.3.3175Using optimist 3.0.1176Using parallel 1.19.2177Using parser procto 0.0.3179Using unparser 0.4.7180Using proc_to_ast 0.1.0181Using pry 0.12.2182Using rainbow 3.0.0183Using rbtrace 0.4.14184Using rdoc 6.3.2185Using regexp_parser 1.8.1186Using rspec-support 3.8.0187Using rspec-core 3.8.0188Using rspec-expectations 3.8.3189Using rspec-mocks 3.8.0190Using rspec 3.8.0191Using rspec-parameterized 0.4.2192Using rubocop-ast 0.2.0193Using ruby-progressbar 1.10.1194Using unicode-display_width 1.7.0195Using rubocop 0.86.0196Using sentry-raven 3.0.4197Using timecop 0.9.1198Bundle complete! 22 Gemfile dependencies, 100 gems now installed.199Gems in the groups production and development were not installed.200Bundled gems are installed into `/builds/gitlab-org/gitlab/vendor/gitaly-ruby`201Checking gitaly-ruby Gemfile...202Checking gitaly-ruby bundle...203The Gemfile's dependencies are satisfied204Trying to connect to gitaly: ................................................... OK205Trying to connect to gitaly2: ......................................................................... OK206Trying to connect to praefect: ......... OK207==> 'scripts/gitaly-test-spawn' succeeded in 15 seconds.208$ source ./scripts/rspec_helpers.sh209$ rspec_paralellized_job "--tag ~quarantine --tag ~geo --tag ~level:migration"210KNAPSACK_TEST_FILE_PATTERN: spec/{bin,channels,config,db,dependencies,elastic,elastic_integration,experiments,factories,finders,frontend,graphql,haml_lint,helpers,initializers,javascripts,lib,metrics_server,models,policies,presenters,rack_servers,replicators,routing,rubocop,scripts,serializers,services,sidekiq,sidekiq_cluster,spam,support_specs,tasks,uploaders,validators,views,workers,tooling}{,/**/}*_spec.rb211SKIP_FLAKY_TESTS_AUTOMATICALLY: true212Knapsack node specs:213spec/db/schema_spec.rb214spec/models/clusters/cluster_spec.rb215spec/tasks/gitlab/seed/group_seed_rake_spec.rb216spec/finders/issues_finder_spec.rb217spec/services/merge_requests/merge_service_spec.rb218spec/models/diff_note_spec.rb219spec/helpers/visibility_level_helper_spec.rb220spec/lib/gitlab/auth/o_auth/user_spec.rb221spec/serializers/merge_request_widget_entity_spec.rb222spec/models/concerns/resolvable_note_spec.rb223spec/lib/gitlab/tree_summary_spec.rb224spec/serializers/environment_status_entity_spec.rb225spec/services/clusters/applications/create_service_spec.rb226spec/helpers/issues_helper_spec.rb227spec/models/integrations/buildkite_spec.rb228spec/lib/banzai/filter/references/user_reference_filter_spec.rb229spec/finders/environments/environment_names_finder_spec.rb230spec/lib/gitlab/data_builder/build_spec.rb231spec/lib/gitlab/gpg/invalid_gpg_signature_updater_spec.rb232spec/services/projects/lfs_pointers/lfs_download_service_spec.rb233spec/services/system_note_service_spec.rb234spec/services/packages/maven/find_or_create_package_service_spec.rb235spec/graphql/resolvers/concerns/caching_array_resolver_spec.rb236spec/services/labels/available_labels_service_spec.rb237spec/rubocop/cop/gitlab/mark_used_feature_flags_spec.rb238spec/graphql/mutations/merge_requests/accept_spec.rb239spec/services/users/build_service_spec.rb240spec/helpers/tree_helper_spec.rb241spec/lib/gitlab/github_import/client_spec.rb242spec/lib/gitlab/sidekiq_middleware/duplicate_jobs/duplicate_job_spec.rb243spec/views/projects/_home_panel.html.haml_spec.rb244spec/helpers/notes_helper_spec.rb245spec/graphql/mutations/releases/create_spec.rb246spec/lib/gitlab/metrics/requests_rack_middleware_spec.rb247spec/services/merge_requests/approval_service_spec.rb248spec/policies/design_management/design_policy_spec.rb249spec/lib/gitlab/metrics/dashboard/finder_spec.rb250spec/workers/packages/go/sync_packages_worker_spec.rb251spec/services/ci/archive_trace_service_spec.rb252spec/lib/gitlab/ci/pipeline/chain/command_spec.rb253spec/models/compare_spec.rb254spec/lib/banzai/filter/references/feature_flag_reference_filter_spec.rb255spec/lib/gitlab/prometheus/queries/additional_metrics_deployment_query_spec.rb256spec/graphql/mutations/issues/create_spec.rb257spec/graphql/mutations/issues/set_due_date_spec.rb258spec/tasks/gitlab/cleanup_rake_spec.rb259spec/models/project_auto_devops_spec.rb260spec/lib/gitlab/redis/sessions_spec.rb261spec/lib/gitlab/ci/reports/test_suite_summary_spec.rb262spec/services/metrics/dashboard/clone_dashboard_service_spec.rb263spec/models/design_management/design_collection_spec.rb264spec/lib/gitlab/ci/pipeline/chain/populate_spec.rb265spec/services/namespace_settings/update_service_spec.rb266spec/lib/gitlab/email/handler/unsubscribe_handler_spec.rb267spec/services/issues/reopen_service_spec.rb268spec/services/wiki_pages/create_service_spec.rb269spec/graphql/mutations/alert_management/alerts/set_assignees_spec.rb270spec/services/ci/create_pipeline_service/cache_spec.rb271spec/workers/merge_worker_spec.rb272spec/finders/user_group_notification_settings_finder_spec.rb273spec/lib/gitlab/template/issue_template_spec.rb274spec/services/labels/create_service_spec.rb275spec/finders/contributed_projects_finder_spec.rb276spec/lib/banzai/reference_parser/feature_flag_parser_spec.rb277spec/lib/gitlab/diff/highlight_spec.rb278spec/presenters/packages/conan/package_presenter_spec.rb279spec/services/milestones/issues_count_service_spec.rb280spec/graphql/resolvers/base_resolver_spec.rb281spec/tasks/gitlab/smtp_rake_spec.rb282spec/lib/bitbucket_server/representation/pull_request_spec.rb283spec/lib/gitlab/sidekiq_status_spec.rb284spec/workers/concerns/reenqueuer_spec.rb285spec/models/grafana_integration_spec.rb286spec/haml_lint/linter/documentation_links_spec.rb287spec/services/projects/deploy_tokens/create_service_spec.rb288spec/finders/clusters/agent_authorizations_finder_spec.rb289spec/lib/uploaded_file_spec.rb290spec/presenters/ci/legacy_stage_presenter_spec.rb291spec/lib/gitlab_edition_spec.rb292spec/services/ci/pipeline_processing/atomic_processing_service/status_collection_spec.rb293spec/finders/design_management/designs_finder_spec.rb294spec/graphql/types/snippet_type_spec.rb295spec/presenters/commit_presenter_spec.rb296spec/lib/gitlab/sidekiq_daemon/monitor_spec.rb297spec/helpers/button_helper_spec.rb298spec/lib/sidebars/groups/menus/settings_menu_spec.rb299spec/lib/bitbucket/representation/repo_spec.rb300spec/lib/gitlab/x509/certificate_spec.rb301spec/models/projects/repository_storage_move_spec.rb302spec/services/labels/update_service_spec.rb303spec/lib/gitlab/import_export/uploads_manager_spec.rb304spec/workers/repository_import_worker_spec.rb305spec/lib/gitlab/usage_data_counters/designs_counter_spec.rb306spec/graphql/resolvers/group_packages_resolver_spec.rb307spec/services/design_management/design_user_notes_count_service_spec.rb308spec/finders/packages/conan/package_finder_spec.rb309spec/lib/gitlab/database_importers/self_monitoring/project/delete_service_spec.rb310spec/models/packages/dependency_spec.rb311spec/lib/gitlab/slug/environment_spec.rb312spec/services/packages/destroy_package_service_spec.rb313spec/models/user_status_spec.rb314spec/workers/bulk_imports/export_request_worker_spec.rb315spec/views/projects/hooks/edit.html.haml_spec.rb316spec/lib/gitlab/git_access_wiki_spec.rb317spec/services/ci/generate_coverage_reports_service_spec.rb318spec/services/members/projects/bulk_creator_service_spec.rb319spec/rubocop/cop/sidekiq_load_balancing/worker_data_consistency_with_deduplication_spec.rb320spec/views/layouts/header/_new_dropdown.haml_spec.rb321spec/models/packages/npm/metadatum_spec.rb322spec/lib/gitlab/analytics/cycle_analytics/stage_events/issue_deployed_to_production_spec.rb323spec/lib/gitlab/database/unidirectional_copy_trigger_spec.rb324spec/views/projects/settings/ci_cd/_autodevops_form.html.haml_spec.rb325spec/graphql/types/design_management/design_type_spec.rb326spec/helpers/projects/error_tracking_helper_spec.rb327spec/lib/gitlab/merge_requests/mergeability/check_result_spec.rb328spec/finders/releases/evidence_pipeline_finder_spec.rb329spec/tooling/danger/datateam_spec.rb330spec/graphql/mutations/boards/lists/update_spec.rb331spec/models/blob_viewer/metrics_dashboard_yml_spec.rb332spec/finders/protected_branches_finder_spec.rb333spec/lib/grafana/validator_spec.rb334spec/models/deployment_cluster_spec.rb335spec/lib/gitlab/dependency_linker/gemfile_linker_spec.rb336spec/graphql/resolvers/concerns/resolves_project_spec.rb337spec/lib/gitlab/legacy_github_import/client_spec.rb338spec/workers/releases/create_evidence_worker_spec.rb339spec/lib/gitlab/ci/yaml_processor/result_spec.rb340spec/graphql/mutations/clusters/agents/delete_spec.rb341spec/lib/gitlab/search/query_spec.rb342spec/lib/gitlab/background_migration/mailers/unconfirm_mailer_spec.rb343spec/presenters/event_presenter_spec.rb344spec/lib/gitlab/pagination/keyset/page_spec.rb345spec/serializers/label_serializer_spec.rb346spec/lib/security/ci_configuration/sast_build_action_spec.rb347spec/lib/banzai/filter/markdown_filter_spec.rb348spec/graphql/resolvers/ci/runners_resolver_spec.rb349spec/models/ci/sources/pipeline_spec.rb350spec/helpers/appearances_helper_spec.rb351spec/finders/packages/go/package_finder_spec.rb352spec/lib/gitlab/database/reindexing/coordinator_spec.rb353spec/graphql/mutations/todos/mark_done_spec.rb354spec/workers/clusters/agents/delete_expired_events_worker_spec.rb355spec/services/import/gitlab_projects/create_project_from_uploaded_file_service_spec.rb356spec/services/alert_management/http_integrations/update_service_spec.rb357spec/lib/gitlab/metrics/elasticsearch_rack_middleware_spec.rb358spec/graphql/resolvers/branch_commit_resolver_spec.rb359spec/lib/gitlab/import_export/legacy_relation_tree_saver_spec.rb360spec/services/import/validate_remote_git_endpoint_service_spec.rb361spec/policies/clusters/agent_policy_spec.rb362spec/models/error_tracking/error_event_spec.rb363spec/lib/gitlab/github_import/sequential_importer_spec.rb364spec/lib/gitlab/mail_room/mail_room_spec.rb365spec/lib/release_highlights/validator/entry_spec.rb366spec/lib/banzai/filter/footnote_filter_spec.rb367spec/lib/gitlab/usage_data_non_sql_metrics_spec.rb368spec/lib/gitlab/diff/pair_selector_spec.rb369spec/models/preloaders/merge_request_diff_preloader_spec.rb370spec/support_specs/graphql/field_selection_spec.rb371spec/lib/gitlab/pages/settings_spec.rb372spec/lib/gitlab/kubernetes/service_account_spec.rbKnapsack report generator started!373Run options: exclude {:quarantine=>true, :geo=>true, :level=>"migration"}374==> /builds/gitlab-org/gitlab/tmp/tests/gitlab-test_bare set up in 0.059217892 seconds...375Test environment set up in 1.090399691 seconds376Database schema377 for table378 abuse_reports379 all foreign keys380 are indexed381 columns ending with _id382 do have the foreign keys383 and having foreign key are not in the ignore list384 agent_activity_events385 all foreign keys386 are indexed387 columns ending with _id388 do have the foreign keys389 and having foreign key are not in the ignore list390 agent_group_authorizations391 all foreign keys392 are indexed393 columns ending with _id394 do have the foreign keys395 and having foreign key are not in the ignore list396 agent_project_authorizations397 all foreign keys398 are indexed399 columns ending with _id400 do have the foreign keys401 and having foreign key are not in the ignore list402 alert_management_alert_assignees403 all foreign keys404 are indexed405 columns ending with _id406 do have the foreign keys407 and having foreign key are not in the ignore list408 alert_management_alert_user_mentions409 all foreign keys410 are indexed411 columns ending with _id412 do have the foreign keys413 and having foreign key are not in the ignore list414 alert_management_alerts415 all foreign keys416 are indexed417 columns ending with _id418 do have the foreign keys419 and having foreign key are not in the ignore list420 alert_management_http_integrations421 all foreign keys422 are indexed423 columns ending with _id424 do have the foreign keys425 and having foreign key are not in the ignore list426 allowed_email_domains427 all foreign keys428 are indexed429 columns ending with _id430 do have the foreign keys431 and having foreign key are not in the ignore list432 analytics_cycle_analytics_group_stages433 all foreign keys434 are indexed435 columns ending with _id436 do have the foreign keys437 and having foreign key are not in the ignore list438 analytics_cycle_analytics_group_value_streams439 all foreign keys440 are indexed441 columns ending with _id442 do have the foreign keys443 and having foreign key are not in the ignore list444 analytics_cycle_analytics_issue_stage_events445 all foreign keys446 are indexed447 columns ending with _id448 do have the foreign keys449 and having foreign key are not in the ignore list450 analytics_cycle_analytics_merge_request_stage_events451 all foreign keys452 are indexed453 columns ending with _id454 do have the foreign keys455 and having foreign key are not in the ignore list456 analytics_cycle_analytics_project_stages457 all foreign keys458 are indexed459 columns ending with _id460 do have the foreign keys461 and having foreign key are not in the ignore list462 analytics_cycle_analytics_project_value_streams463 all foreign keys464 are indexed465 columns ending with _id466 do have the foreign keys467 and having foreign key are not in the ignore list468 analytics_cycle_analytics_stage_event_hashes469 all foreign keys470 are indexed471 columns ending with _id472 do have the foreign keys473 and having foreign key are not in the ignore list474 analytics_devops_adoption_segments475 all foreign keys476 are indexed477 columns ending with _id478 do have the foreign keys479 and having foreign key are not in the ignore list480 analytics_devops_adoption_snapshots481 all foreign keys482 are indexed483 columns ending with _id484 do have the foreign keys485 and having foreign key are not in the ignore list486 analytics_language_trend_repository_languages487 all foreign keys488 are indexed489 columns ending with _id490 do have the foreign keys491 and having foreign key are not in the ignore list492 analytics_usage_trends_measurements493 all foreign keys494 are indexed495 columns ending with _id496 do have the foreign keys497 and having foreign key are not in the ignore list498 appearances499 all foreign keys500 are indexed501 columns ending with _id502 do have the foreign keys503 and having foreign key are not in the ignore list504 application_setting_terms505 all foreign keys506 are indexed507 columns ending with _id508 do have the foreign keys509 and having foreign key are not in the ignore list510 application_settings511 all foreign keys512 are indexed513 columns ending with _id514 do have the foreign keys515 and having foreign key are not in the ignore list516 approval_merge_request_rule_sources517 all foreign keys518 are indexed519 columns ending with _id520 do have the foreign keys521 and having foreign key are not in the ignore list522 approval_merge_request_rules523 all foreign keys524 are indexed525 columns ending with _id526 do have the foreign keys527 and having foreign key are not in the ignore list528 approval_merge_request_rules_approved_approvers529 all foreign keys530 are indexed531 columns ending with _id532 do have the foreign keys533 and having foreign key are not in the ignore list534 approval_merge_request_rules_groups535 all foreign keys536 are indexed537 columns ending with _id538 do have the foreign keys539 and having foreign key are not in the ignore list540 approval_merge_request_rules_users541 all foreign keys542 are indexed543 columns ending with _id544 do have the foreign keys545 and having foreign key are not in the ignore list546 approval_project_rules547 all foreign keys548 are indexed549 columns ending with _id550 do have the foreign keys551 and having foreign key are not in the ignore list552 approval_project_rules_groups553 all foreign keys554 are indexed555 columns ending with _id556 do have the foreign keys557 and having foreign key are not in the ignore list558 approval_project_rules_protected_branches559 all foreign keys560 are indexed561 columns ending with _id562 do have the foreign keys563 and having foreign key are not in the ignore list564 approval_project_rules_users565 all foreign keys566 are indexed567 columns ending with _id568 do have the foreign keys569 and having foreign key are not in the ignore list570 approvals571 all foreign keys572 are indexed573 columns ending with _id574 do have the foreign keys575 and having foreign key are not in the ignore list576 approver_groups577 all foreign keys578 are indexed579 columns ending with _id580 do have the foreign keys581 and having foreign key are not in the ignore list582 approvers583 all foreign keys584 are indexed585 columns ending with _id586 do have the foreign keys587 and having foreign key are not in the ignore list588 ar_internal_metadata589 all foreign keys590 are indexed591 columns ending with _id592 do have the foreign keys593 and having foreign key are not in the ignore list594 atlassian_identities595 all foreign keys596 are indexed597 columns ending with _id598 do have the foreign keys599 and having foreign key are not in the ignore list600 audit_events601 all foreign keys602 are indexed603 columns ending with _id604 do have the foreign keys605 and having foreign key are not in the ignore list606 audit_events_external_audit_event_destinations607 all foreign keys608 are indexed609 columns ending with _id610 do have the foreign keys611 and having foreign key are not in the ignore list612 authentication_events613 all foreign keys614 are indexed615 columns ending with _id616 do have the foreign keys617 and having foreign key are not in the ignore list618 award_emoji619 all foreign keys620 are indexed621 columns ending with _id622 do have the foreign keys623 and having foreign key are not in the ignore list624 aws_roles625 all foreign keys626 are indexed627 columns ending with _id628 do have the foreign keys629 and having foreign key are not in the ignore list630 background_migration_jobs631 all foreign keys632 are indexed633 columns ending with _id634 do have the foreign keys635 and having foreign key are not in the ignore list636 badges637 all foreign keys638 are indexed639 columns ending with _id640 do have the foreign keys641 and having foreign key are not in the ignore list642 banned_users643 all foreign keys644 are indexed645 columns ending with _id646 do have the foreign keys647 and having foreign key are not in the ignore list648 batched_background_migration_jobs649 all foreign keys650 are indexed651 columns ending with _id652 do have the foreign keys653 and having foreign key are not in the ignore list654 batched_background_migrations655 all foreign keys656 are indexed657 columns ending with _id658 do have the foreign keys659 and having foreign key are not in the ignore list660 board_assignees661 all foreign keys662 are indexed663 columns ending with _id664 do have the foreign keys665 and having foreign key are not in the ignore list666 board_group_recent_visits667 all foreign keys668 are indexed669 columns ending with _id670 do have the foreign keys671 and having foreign key are not in the ignore list672 board_labels673 all foreign keys674 are indexed675 columns ending with _id676 do have the foreign keys677 and having foreign key are not in the ignore list678 board_project_recent_visits679 all foreign keys680 are indexed681 columns ending with _id682 do have the foreign keys683 and having foreign key are not in the ignore list684 board_user_preferences685 all foreign keys686 are indexed687 columns ending with _id688 do have the foreign keys689 and having foreign key are not in the ignore list690 boards691 all foreign keys692 are indexed693 columns ending with _id694 do have the foreign keys695 and having foreign key are not in the ignore list696 boards_epic_board_labels697 all foreign keys698 are indexed699 columns ending with _id700 do have the foreign keys701 and having foreign key are not in the ignore list702 boards_epic_board_positions703 all foreign keys704 are indexed705 columns ending with _id706 do have the foreign keys707 and having foreign key are not in the ignore list708 boards_epic_board_recent_visits709 all foreign keys710 are indexed711 columns ending with _id712 do have the foreign keys713 and having foreign key are not in the ignore list714 boards_epic_boards715 all foreign keys716 are indexed717 columns ending with _id718 do have the foreign keys719 and having foreign key are not in the ignore list720 boards_epic_list_user_preferences721 all foreign keys722 are indexed723 columns ending with _id724 do have the foreign keys725 and having foreign key are not in the ignore list726 boards_epic_lists727 all foreign keys728 are indexed729 columns ending with _id730 do have the foreign keys731 and having foreign key are not in the ignore list732 boards_epic_user_preferences733 all foreign keys734 are indexed735 columns ending with _id736 do have the foreign keys737 and having foreign key are not in the ignore list738 broadcast_messages739 all foreign keys740 are indexed741 columns ending with _id742 do have the foreign keys743 and having foreign key are not in the ignore list744 bulk_import_configurations745 all foreign keys746 are indexed747 columns ending with _id748 do have the foreign keys749 and having foreign key are not in the ignore list750 bulk_import_entities751 all foreign keys752 are indexed753 columns ending with _id754 do have the foreign keys755 and having foreign key are not in the ignore list756 bulk_import_export_uploads757 all foreign keys758 are indexed759 columns ending with _id760 do have the foreign keys761 and having foreign key are not in the ignore list762 bulk_import_exports763 all foreign keys764 are indexed765 columns ending with _id766 do have the foreign keys767 and having foreign key are not in the ignore list768 bulk_import_failures769 all foreign keys770 are indexed771 columns ending with _id772 do have the foreign keys773 and having foreign key are not in the ignore list774 bulk_import_trackers775 all foreign keys776 are indexed777 columns ending with _id778 do have the foreign keys779 and having foreign key are not in the ignore list780 bulk_imports781 all foreign keys782 are indexed783 columns ending with _id784 do have the foreign keys785 and having foreign key are not in the ignore list786 chat_names787 all foreign keys788 are indexed789 columns ending with _id790 do have the foreign keys791 and having foreign key are not in the ignore list792 chat_teams793 all foreign keys794 are indexed795 columns ending with _id796 do have the foreign keys797 and having foreign key are not in the ignore list798 ci_build_needs799 all foreign keys800 are indexed801 columns ending with _id802 do have the foreign keys803 and having foreign key are not in the ignore list804 ci_build_pending_states805 all foreign keys806 are indexed807 columns ending with _id808 do have the foreign keys809 and having foreign key are not in the ignore list810 ci_build_report_results811 all foreign keys812 are indexed813 columns ending with _id814 do have the foreign keys815 and having foreign key are not in the ignore list816 ci_build_trace_chunks817 all foreign keys818 are indexed819 columns ending with _id820 do have the foreign keys821 and having foreign key are not in the ignore list822 ci_build_trace_metadata823 all foreign keys824 are indexed825 columns ending with _id826 do have the foreign keys827 and having foreign key are not in the ignore list828 ci_builds829 all foreign keys830 are indexed831 columns ending with _id832 do have the foreign keys833 and having foreign key are not in the ignore list834 ci_builds_metadata835 all foreign keys836 are indexed837 columns ending with _id838 do have the foreign keys839 and having foreign key are not in the ignore list840 ci_builds_runner_session841 all foreign keys842 are indexed843 columns ending with _id844 do have the foreign keys845 and having foreign key are not in the ignore list846 ci_daily_build_group_report_results847 all foreign keys848 are indexed849 columns ending with _id850 do have the foreign keys851 and having foreign key are not in the ignore list852 ci_deleted_objects853 all foreign keys854 are indexed855 columns ending with _id856 do have the foreign keys857 and having foreign key are not in the ignore list858 ci_freeze_periods859 all foreign keys860 are indexed861 columns ending with _id862 do have the foreign keys863 and having foreign key are not in the ignore list864 ci_group_variables865 all foreign keys866 are indexed867 columns ending with _id868 do have the foreign keys869 and having foreign key are not in the ignore list870 ci_instance_variables871 all foreign keys872 are indexed873 columns ending with _id874 do have the foreign keys875 and having foreign key are not in the ignore list876 ci_job_artifacts877 all foreign keys878 are indexed879 columns ending with _id880 do have the foreign keys881 and having foreign key are not in the ignore list882 ci_job_token_project_scope_links883 all foreign keys884 are indexed885 columns ending with _id886 do have the foreign keys887 and having foreign key are not in the ignore list888 ci_job_variables889 all foreign keys890 are indexed891 columns ending with _id892 do have the foreign keys893 and having foreign key are not in the ignore list894 ci_minutes_additional_packs895 all foreign keys896 are indexed897 columns ending with _id898 do have the foreign keys899 and having foreign key are not in the ignore list900 ci_namespace_mirrors901 all foreign keys902 are indexed903 columns ending with _id904 do have the foreign keys905 and having foreign key are not in the ignore list906 ci_namespace_monthly_usages907 all foreign keys908 are indexed909 columns ending with _id910 do have the foreign keys911 and having foreign key are not in the ignore list912 ci_pending_builds913 all foreign keys914 are indexed915 columns ending with _id916 do have the foreign keys917 and having foreign key are not in the ignore list918 ci_pipeline_artifacts919 all foreign keys920 are indexed921 columns ending with _id922 do have the foreign keys923 and having foreign key are not in the ignore list924 ci_pipeline_chat_data925 all foreign keys926 are indexed927 columns ending with _id928 do have the foreign keys929 and having foreign key are not in the ignore list930 ci_pipeline_messages931 all foreign keys932 are indexed933 columns ending with _id934 do have the foreign keys935 and having foreign key are not in the ignore list936 ci_pipeline_schedule_variables937 all foreign keys938 are indexed939 columns ending with _id940 do have the foreign keys941 and having foreign key are not in the ignore list942 ci_pipeline_schedules943 all foreign keys944 are indexed945 columns ending with _id946 do have the foreign keys947 and having foreign key are not in the ignore list948 ci_pipeline_variables949 all foreign keys950 are indexed951 columns ending with _id952 do have the foreign keys953 and having foreign key are not in the ignore list954 ci_pipelines955 all foreign keys956 are indexed957 columns ending with _id958 do have the foreign keys959 and having foreign key are not in the ignore list960 ci_pipelines_config961 all foreign keys962 are indexed963 columns ending with _id964 do have the foreign keys965 and having foreign key are not in the ignore list966 ci_platform_metrics967 all foreign keys968 are indexed969 columns ending with _id970 do have the foreign keys971 and having foreign key are not in the ignore list972 ci_project_mirrors973 all foreign keys974 are indexed975 columns ending with _id976 do have the foreign keys977 and having foreign key are not in the ignore list978 ci_project_monthly_usages979 all foreign keys980 are indexed981 columns ending with _id982 do have the foreign keys983 and having foreign key are not in the ignore list984 ci_refs985 all foreign keys986 are indexed987 columns ending with _id988 do have the foreign keys989 and having foreign key are not in the ignore list990 ci_resource_groups991 all foreign keys992 are indexed993 columns ending with _id994 do have the foreign keys995 and having foreign key are not in the ignore list996 ci_resources997 all foreign keys998 are indexed999 columns ending with _id1000 do have the foreign keys1001 and having foreign key are not in the ignore list1002 ci_runner_namespaces1003 all foreign keys1004 are indexed1005 columns ending with _id1006 do have the foreign keys1007 and having foreign key are not in the ignore list1008 ci_runner_projects1009 all foreign keys1010 are indexed1011 columns ending with _id1012 do have the foreign keys1013 and having foreign key are not in the ignore list1014 ci_runners1015 all foreign keys1016 are indexed1017 columns ending with _id1018 do have the foreign keys1019 and having foreign key are not in the ignore list1020 ci_running_builds1021 all foreign keys1022 are indexed1023 columns ending with _id1024 do have the foreign keys1025 and having foreign key are not in the ignore list1026 ci_secure_files1027 all foreign keys1028 are indexed1029 columns ending with _id1030 do have the foreign keys1031 and having foreign key are not in the ignore list1032 ci_sources_pipelines1033 all foreign keys1034 are indexed1035 columns ending with _id1036 do have the foreign keys1037 and having foreign key are not in the ignore list1038 ci_sources_projects1039 all foreign keys1040 are indexed1041 columns ending with _id1042 do have the foreign keys1043 and having foreign key are not in the ignore list1044 ci_stages1045 all foreign keys1046 are indexed1047 columns ending with _id1048 do have the foreign keys1049 and having foreign key are not in the ignore list1050 ci_subscriptions_projects1051 all foreign keys1052 are indexed1053 columns ending with _id1054 do have the foreign keys1055 and having foreign key are not in the ignore list1056 ci_trigger_requests1057 all foreign keys1058 are indexed1059 columns ending with _id1060 do have the foreign keys1061 and having foreign key are not in the ignore list1062 ci_triggers1063 all foreign keys1064 are indexed1065 columns ending with _id1066 do have the foreign keys1067 and having foreign key are not in the ignore list1068 ci_unit_test_failures1069 all foreign keys1070 are indexed1071 columns ending with _id1072 do have the foreign keys1073 and having foreign key are not in the ignore list1074 ci_unit_tests1075 all foreign keys1076 are indexed1077 columns ending with _id1078 do have the foreign keys1079 and having foreign key are not in the ignore list1080 ci_variables1081 all foreign keys1082 are indexed1083 columns ending with _id1084 do have the foreign keys1085 and having foreign key are not in the ignore list1086 cluster_agent_tokens1087 all foreign keys1088 are indexed1089 columns ending with _id1090 do have the foreign keys1091 and having foreign key are not in the ignore list1092 cluster_agents1093 all foreign keys1094 are indexed1095 columns ending with _id1096 do have the foreign keys1097 and having foreign key are not in the ignore list1098 cluster_groups1099 all foreign keys1100 are indexed1101 columns ending with _id1102 do have the foreign keys1103 and having foreign key are not in the ignore list1104 cluster_platforms_kubernetes1105 all foreign keys1106 are indexed1107 columns ending with _id1108 do have the foreign keys1109 and having foreign key are not in the ignore list1110 cluster_projects1111 all foreign keys1112 are indexed1113 columns ending with _id1114 do have the foreign keys1115 and having foreign key are not in the ignore list1116 cluster_providers_aws1117 all foreign keys1118 are indexed1119 columns ending with _id1120 do have the foreign keys1121 and having foreign key are not in the ignore list1122 cluster_providers_gcp1123 all foreign keys1124 are indexed1125 columns ending with _id1126 do have the foreign keys1127 and having foreign key are not in the ignore list1128 clusters1129 all foreign keys1130 are indexed1131 columns ending with _id1132 do have the foreign keys1133 and having foreign key are not in the ignore list1134 clusters_applications_cert_managers1135 all foreign keys1136 are indexed1137 columns ending with _id1138 do have the foreign keys1139 and having foreign key are not in the ignore list1140 clusters_applications_cilium1141 all foreign keys1142 are indexed1143 columns ending with _id1144 do have the foreign keys1145 and having foreign key are not in the ignore list1146 clusters_applications_crossplane1147 all foreign keys1148 are indexed1149 columns ending with _id1150 do have the foreign keys1151 and having foreign key are not in the ignore list1152 clusters_applications_elastic_stacks1153 all foreign keys1154 are indexed1155 columns ending with _id1156 do have the foreign keys1157 and having foreign key are not in the ignore list1158 clusters_applications_helm1159 all foreign keys1160 are indexed1161 columns ending with _id1162 do have the foreign keys1163 and having foreign key are not in the ignore list1164 clusters_applications_ingress1165 all foreign keys1166 are indexed1167 columns ending with _id1168 do have the foreign keys1169 and having foreign key are not in the ignore list1170 clusters_applications_jupyter1171 all foreign keys1172 are indexed1173 columns ending with _id1174 do have the foreign keys1175 and having foreign key are not in the ignore list1176 clusters_applications_knative1177 all foreign keys1178 are indexed1179 columns ending with _id1180 do have the foreign keys1181 and having foreign key are not in the ignore list1182 clusters_applications_prometheus1183 all foreign keys1184 are indexed1185 columns ending with _id1186 do have the foreign keys1187 and having foreign key are not in the ignore list1188 clusters_applications_runners1189 all foreign keys1190 are indexed1191 columns ending with _id1192 do have the foreign keys1193 and having foreign key are not in the ignore list1194 clusters_integration_elasticstack1195 all foreign keys1196 are indexed1197 columns ending with _id1198 do have the foreign keys1199 and having foreign key are not in the ignore list1200 clusters_integration_prometheus1201 all foreign keys1202 are indexed1203 columns ending with _id1204 do have the foreign keys1205 and having foreign key are not in the ignore list1206 clusters_kubernetes_namespaces1207 all foreign keys1208 are indexed1209 columns ending with _id1210 do have the foreign keys1211 and having foreign key are not in the ignore list1212 commit_user_mentions1213 all foreign keys1214 are indexed1215 columns ending with _id1216 do have the foreign keys1217 and having foreign key are not in the ignore list1218 compliance_management_frameworks1219 all foreign keys1220 are indexed1221 columns ending with _id1222 do have the foreign keys1223 and having foreign key are not in the ignore list1224 container_expiration_policies1225 all foreign keys1226 are indexed1227 columns ending with _id1228 do have the foreign keys1229 and having foreign key are not in the ignore list1230 container_repositories1231 all foreign keys1232 are indexed1233 columns ending with _id1234 do have the foreign keys1235 and having foreign key are not in the ignore list1236 content_blocked_states1237 all foreign keys1238 are indexed1239 columns ending with _id1240 do have the foreign keys1241 and having foreign key are not in the ignore list1242 conversational_development_index_metrics1243 all foreign keys1244 are indexed1245 columns ending with _id1246 do have the foreign keys1247 and having foreign key are not in the ignore list1248 coverage_fuzzing_corpuses1249 all foreign keys1250 are indexed1251 columns ending with _id1252 do have the foreign keys1253 and having foreign key are not in the ignore list1254 csv_issue_imports1255 all foreign keys1256 are indexed1257 columns ending with _id1258 do have the foreign keys1259 and having foreign key are not in the ignore list1260 custom_emoji1261 all foreign keys1262 are indexed1263 columns ending with _id1264 do have the foreign keys1265 and having foreign key are not in the ignore list1266 customer_relations_contacts1267 all foreign keys1268 are indexed1269 columns ending with _id1270 do have the foreign keys1271 and having foreign key are not in the ignore list1272 customer_relations_organizations1273 all foreign keys1274 are indexed1275 columns ending with _id1276 do have the foreign keys1277 and having foreign key are not in the ignore list1278 dast_profile_schedules1279 all foreign keys1280 are indexed1281 columns ending with _id1282 do have the foreign keys1283 and having foreign key are not in the ignore list1284 dast_profiles1285 all foreign keys1286 are indexed1287 columns ending with _id1288 do have the foreign keys1289 and having foreign key are not in the ignore list1290 dast_profiles_pipelines1291 all foreign keys1292 are indexed1293 columns ending with _id1294 do have the foreign keys1295 and having foreign key are not in the ignore list1296 dast_scanner_profiles1297 all foreign keys1298 are indexed1299 columns ending with _id1300 do have the foreign keys1301 and having foreign key are not in the ignore list1302 dast_scanner_profiles_builds1303 all foreign keys1304 are indexed1305 columns ending with _id1306 do have the foreign keys1307 and having foreign key are not in the ignore list1308 dast_site_profile_secret_variables1309 all foreign keys1310 are indexed1311 columns ending with _id1312 do have the foreign keys1313 and having foreign key are not in the ignore list1314 dast_site_profiles1315 all foreign keys1316 are indexed1317 columns ending with _id1318 do have the foreign keys1319 and having foreign key are not in the ignore list1320 dast_site_profiles_builds1321 all foreign keys1322 are indexed1323 columns ending with _id1324 do have the foreign keys1325 and having foreign key are not in the ignore list1326 dast_site_profiles_pipelines1327 all foreign keys1328 are indexed1329 columns ending with _id1330 do have the foreign keys1331 and having foreign key are not in the ignore list1332 dast_site_tokens1333 all foreign keys1334 are indexed1335 columns ending with _id1336 do have the foreign keys1337 and having foreign key are not in the ignore list1338 dast_site_validations1339 all foreign keys1340 are indexed1341 columns ending with _id1342 do have the foreign keys1343 and having foreign key are not in the ignore list1344 dast_sites1345 all foreign keys1346 are indexed1347 columns ending with _id1348 do have the foreign keys1349 and having foreign key are not in the ignore list1350 dependency_proxy_blobs1351 all foreign keys1352 are indexed1353 columns ending with _id1354 do have the foreign keys1355 and having foreign key are not in the ignore list1356 dependency_proxy_group_settings1357 all foreign keys1358 are indexed1359 columns ending with _id1360 do have the foreign keys1361 and having foreign key are not in the ignore list1362 dependency_proxy_image_ttl_group_policies1363 all foreign keys1364 are indexed1365 columns ending with _id1366 do have the foreign keys1367 and having foreign key are not in the ignore list1368 dependency_proxy_manifests1369 all foreign keys1370 are indexed1371 columns ending with _id1372 do have the foreign keys1373 and having foreign key are not in the ignore list1374 deploy_keys_projects1375 all foreign keys1376 are indexed1377 columns ending with _id1378 do have the foreign keys1379 and having foreign key are not in the ignore list1380 deploy_tokens1381 all foreign keys1382 are indexed1383 columns ending with _id1384 do have the foreign keys1385 and having foreign key are not in the ignore list1386 deployment_approvals1387 all foreign keys1388 are indexed1389 columns ending with _id1390 do have the foreign keys1391 and having foreign key are not in the ignore list1392 deployment_clusters1393 all foreign keys1394 are indexed1395 columns ending with _id1396 do have the foreign keys1397 and having foreign key are not in the ignore list1398 deployment_merge_requests1399 all foreign keys1400 are indexed1401 columns ending with _id1402 do have the foreign keys1403 and having foreign key are not in the ignore list1404 deployments1405 all foreign keys1406 are indexed1407 columns ending with _id1408 do have the foreign keys1409 and having foreign key are not in the ignore list1410 description_versions1411 all foreign keys1412 are indexed1413 columns ending with _id1414 do have the foreign keys1415 and having foreign key are not in the ignore list1416 design_management_designs1417 all foreign keys1418 are indexed1419 columns ending with _id1420 do have the foreign keys1421 and having foreign key are not in the ignore list1422 design_management_designs_versions1423 all foreign keys1424 are indexed1425 columns ending with _id1426 do have the foreign keys1427 and having foreign key are not in the ignore list1428 design_management_versions1429 all foreign keys1430 are indexed1431 columns ending with _id1432 do have the foreign keys1433 and having foreign key are not in the ignore list1434 design_user_mentions1435 all foreign keys1436 are indexed1437 columns ending with _id1438 do have the foreign keys1439 and having foreign key are not in the ignore list1440 detached_partitions1441 all foreign keys1442 are indexed1443 columns ending with _id1444 do have the foreign keys1445 and having foreign key are not in the ignore list1446 diff_note_positions1447 all foreign keys1448 are indexed1449 columns ending with _id1450 do have the foreign keys1451 and having foreign key are not in the ignore list1452 dora_daily_metrics1453 all foreign keys1454 are indexed1455 columns ending with _id1456 do have the foreign keys1457 and having foreign key are not in the ignore list1458 draft_notes1459 all foreign keys1460 are indexed1461 columns ending with _id1462 do have the foreign keys1463 and having foreign key are not in the ignore list1464 elastic_index_settings1465 all foreign keys1466 are indexed1467 columns ending with _id1468 do have the foreign keys1469 and having foreign key are not in the ignore list1470 elastic_reindexing_slices1471 all foreign keys1472 are indexed1473 columns ending with _id1474 do have the foreign keys1475 and having foreign key are not in the ignore list1476 elastic_reindexing_subtasks1477 all foreign keys1478 are indexed1479 columns ending with _id1480 do have the foreign keys1481 and having foreign key are not in the ignore list1482 elastic_reindexing_tasks1483 all foreign keys1484 are indexed1485 columns ending with _id1486 do have the foreign keys1487 and having foreign key are not in the ignore list1488 elasticsearch_indexed_namespaces1489 all foreign keys1490 are indexed1491 columns ending with _id1492 do have the foreign keys1493 and having foreign key are not in the ignore list1494 elasticsearch_indexed_projects1495 all foreign keys1496 are indexed1497 columns ending with _id1498 do have the foreign keys1499 and having foreign key are not in the ignore list1500 emails1501 all foreign keys1502 are indexed1503 columns ending with _id1504 do have the foreign keys1505 and having foreign key are not in the ignore list1506 environments1507 all foreign keys1508 are indexed1509 columns ending with _id1510 do have the foreign keys1511 and having foreign key are not in the ignore list1512 epic_issues1513 all foreign keys1514 are indexed1515 columns ending with _id1516 do have the foreign keys1517 and having foreign key are not in the ignore list1518 epic_metrics1519 all foreign keys1520 are indexed1521 columns ending with _id1522 do have the foreign keys1523 and having foreign key are not in the ignore list1524 epic_user_mentions1525 all foreign keys1526 are indexed1527 columns ending with _id1528 do have the foreign keys1529 and having foreign key are not in the ignore list1530 epics1531 all foreign keys1532 are indexed1533 columns ending with _id1534 do have the foreign keys1535 and having foreign key are not in the ignore list1536 error_tracking_client_keys1537 all foreign keys1538 are indexed1539 columns ending with _id1540 do have the foreign keys1541 and having foreign key are not in the ignore list1542 error_tracking_error_events1543 all foreign keys1544 are indexed1545 columns ending with _id1546 do have the foreign keys1547 and having foreign key are not in the ignore list1548 error_tracking_errors1549 all foreign keys1550 are indexed1551 columns ending with _id1552 do have the foreign keys1553 and having foreign key are not in the ignore list1554 events1555 all foreign keys1556 are indexed1557 columns ending with _id1558 do have the foreign keys1559 and having foreign key are not in the ignore list1560 evidences1561 all foreign keys1562 are indexed1563 columns ending with _id1564 do have the foreign keys1565 and having foreign key are not in the ignore list1566 experiment_subjects1567 all foreign keys1568 are indexed1569 columns ending with _id1570 do have the foreign keys1571 and having foreign key are not in the ignore list1572 experiment_users1573 all foreign keys1574 are indexed1575 columns ending with _id1576 do have the foreign keys1577 and having foreign key are not in the ignore list1578 experiments1579 all foreign keys1580 are indexed1581 columns ending with _id1582 do have the foreign keys1583 and having foreign key are not in the ignore list1584 external_approval_rules1585 all foreign keys1586 are indexed1587 columns ending with _id1588 do have the foreign keys1589 and having foreign key are not in the ignore list1590 external_approval_rules_protected_branches1591 all foreign keys1592 are indexed1593 columns ending with _id1594 do have the foreign keys1595 and having foreign key are not in the ignore list1596 external_pull_requests1597 all foreign keys1598 are indexed1599 columns ending with _id1600 do have the foreign keys1601 and having foreign key are not in the ignore list1602 external_status_checks1603 all foreign keys1604 are indexed1605 columns ending with _id1606 do have the foreign keys1607 and having foreign key are not in the ignore list1608 external_status_checks_protected_branches1609 all foreign keys1610 are indexed1611 columns ending with _id1612 do have the foreign keys1613 and having foreign key are not in the ignore list1614 feature_gates1615 all foreign keys1616 are indexed1617 columns ending with _id1618 do have the foreign keys1619 and having foreign key are not in the ignore list1620 features1621 all foreign keys1622 are indexed1623 columns ending with _id1624 do have the foreign keys1625 and having foreign key are not in the ignore list1626 fork_network_members1627 all foreign keys1628 are indexed1629 columns ending with _id1630 do have the foreign keys1631 and having foreign key are not in the ignore list1632 fork_networks1633 all foreign keys1634 are indexed1635 columns ending with _id1636 do have the foreign keys1637 and having foreign key are not in the ignore list1638 geo_cache_invalidation_events1639 all foreign keys1640 are indexed1641 columns ending with _id1642 do have the foreign keys1643 and having foreign key are not in the ignore list1644 geo_container_repository_updated_events1645 all foreign keys1646 are indexed1647 columns ending with _id1648 do have the foreign keys1649 and having foreign key are not in the ignore list1650 geo_event_log1651 all foreign keys1652 are indexed1653 columns ending with _id1654 do have the foreign keys1655 and having foreign key are not in the ignore list1656 geo_events1657 all foreign keys1658 are indexed1659 columns ending with _id1660 do have the foreign keys1661 and having foreign key are not in the ignore list1662 geo_hashed_storage_attachments_events1663 all foreign keys1664 are indexed1665 columns ending with _id1666 do have the foreign keys1667 and having foreign key are not in the ignore list1668 geo_hashed_storage_migrated_events1669 all foreign keys1670 are indexed1671 columns ending with _id1672 do have the foreign keys1673 and having foreign key are not in the ignore list1674 geo_job_artifact_deleted_events1675 all foreign keys1676 are indexed1677 columns ending with _id1678 do have the foreign keys1679 and having foreign key are not in the ignore list1680 geo_lfs_object_deleted_events1681 all foreign keys1682 are indexed1683 columns ending with _id1684 do have the foreign keys1685 and having foreign key are not in the ignore list1686 geo_node_namespace_links1687 all foreign keys1688 are indexed1689 columns ending with _id1690 do have the foreign keys1691 and having foreign key are not in the ignore list1692 geo_node_statuses1693 all foreign keys1694 are indexed1695 columns ending with _id1696 do have the foreign keys1697 and having foreign key are not in the ignore list1698 geo_nodes1699 all foreign keys1700 are indexed1701 columns ending with _id1702 do have the foreign keys1703 and having foreign key are not in the ignore list1704 geo_repositories_changed_events1705 all foreign keys1706 are indexed1707 columns ending with _id1708 do have the foreign keys1709 and having foreign key are not in the ignore list1710 geo_repository_created_events1711 all foreign keys1712 are indexed1713 columns ending with _id1714 do have the foreign keys1715 and having foreign key are not in the ignore list1716 geo_repository_deleted_events1717 all foreign keys1718 are indexed1719 columns ending with _id1720 do have the foreign keys1721 and having foreign key are not in the ignore list1722 geo_repository_renamed_events1723 all foreign keys1724 are indexed1725 columns ending with _id1726 do have the foreign keys1727 and having foreign key are not in the ignore list1728 geo_repository_updated_events1729 all foreign keys1730 are indexed1731 columns ending with _id1732 do have the foreign keys1733 and having foreign key are not in the ignore list1734 geo_reset_checksum_events1735 all foreign keys1736 are indexed1737 columns ending with _id1738 do have the foreign keys1739 and having foreign key are not in the ignore list1740 gitlab_subscription_histories1741 all foreign keys1742 are indexed1743 columns ending with _id1744 do have the foreign keys1745 and having foreign key are not in the ignore list1746 gitlab_subscriptions1747 all foreign keys1748 are indexed1749 columns ending with _id1750 do have the foreign keys1751 and having foreign key are not in the ignore list1752 gpg_key_subkeys1753 all foreign keys1754 are indexed1755 columns ending with _id1756 do have the foreign keys1757 and having foreign key are not in the ignore list1758 gpg_keys1759 all foreign keys1760 are indexed1761 columns ending with _id1762 do have the foreign keys1763 and having foreign key are not in the ignore list1764 gpg_signatures1765 all foreign keys1766 are indexed1767 columns ending with _id1768 do have the foreign keys1769 and having foreign key are not in the ignore list1770 grafana_integrations1771 all foreign keys1772 are indexed1773 columns ending with _id1774 do have the foreign keys1775 and having foreign key are not in the ignore list1776 group_crm_settings1777 all foreign keys1778 are indexed1779 columns ending with _id1780 do have the foreign keys1781 and having foreign key are not in the ignore list1782 group_custom_attributes1783 all foreign keys1784 are indexed1785 columns ending with _id1786 do have the foreign keys1787 and having foreign key are not in the ignore list1788 group_deletion_schedules1789 all foreign keys1790 are indexed1791 columns ending with _id1792 do have the foreign keys1793 and having foreign key are not in the ignore list1794 group_deploy_keys1795 all foreign keys1796 are indexed1797 columns ending with _id1798 do have the foreign keys1799 and having foreign key are not in the ignore list1800 group_deploy_keys_groups1801 all foreign keys1802 are indexed1803 columns ending with _id1804 do have the foreign keys1805 and having foreign key are not in the ignore list1806 group_deploy_tokens1807 all foreign keys1808 are indexed1809 columns ending with _id1810 do have the foreign keys1811 and having foreign key are not in the ignore list1812 group_group_links1813 all foreign keys1814 are indexed1815 columns ending with _id1816 do have the foreign keys1817 and having foreign key are not in the ignore list1818 group_import_states1819 all foreign keys1820 are indexed1821 columns ending with _id1822 do have the foreign keys1823 and having foreign key are not in the ignore list1824 group_merge_request_approval_settings1825 all foreign keys1826 are indexed1827 columns ending with _id1828 do have the foreign keys1829 and having foreign key are not in the ignore list1830 group_repository_storage_moves1831 all foreign keys1832 are indexed1833 columns ending with _id1834 do have the foreign keys1835 and having foreign key are not in the ignore list1836 group_wiki_repositories1837 all foreign keys1838 are indexed1839 columns ending with _id1840 do have the foreign keys1841 and having foreign key are not in the ignore list1842 historical_data1843 all foreign keys1844 are indexed1845 columns ending with _id1846 do have the foreign keys1847 and having foreign key are not in the ignore list1848 identities1849 all foreign keys1850 are indexed1851 columns ending with _id1852 do have the foreign keys1853 and having foreign key are not in the ignore list1854 import_export_uploads1855 all foreign keys1856 are indexed1857 columns ending with _id1858 do have the foreign keys1859 and having foreign key are not in the ignore list1860 import_failures1861 all foreign keys1862 are indexed1863 columns ending with _id1864 do have the foreign keys1865 and having foreign key are not in the ignore list1866 in_product_marketing_emails1867 all foreign keys1868 are indexed1869 columns ending with _id1870 do have the foreign keys1871 and having foreign key are not in the ignore list1872 incident_management_escalation_policies1873 all foreign keys1874 are indexed1875 columns ending with _id1876 do have the foreign keys1877 and having foreign key are not in the ignore list1878 incident_management_escalation_rules1879 all foreign keys1880 are indexed1881 columns ending with _id1882 do have the foreign keys1883 and having foreign key are not in the ignore list1884 incident_management_issuable_escalation_statuses1885 all foreign keys1886 are indexed1887 columns ending with _id1888 do have the foreign keys1889 and having foreign key are not in the ignore list1890 incident_management_oncall_participants1891 all foreign keys1892 are indexed1893 columns ending with _id1894 do have the foreign keys1895 and having foreign key are not in the ignore list1896 incident_management_oncall_rotations1897 all foreign keys1898 are indexed1899 columns ending with _id1900 do have the foreign keys1901 and having foreign key are not in the ignore list1902 incident_management_oncall_schedules1903 all foreign keys1904 are indexed1905 columns ending with _id1906 do have the foreign keys1907 and having foreign key are not in the ignore list1908 incident_management_oncall_shifts1909 all foreign keys1910 are indexed1911 columns ending with _id1912 do have the foreign keys1913 and having foreign key are not in the ignore list1914 incident_management_pending_alert_escalations1915 all foreign keys1916 are indexed1917 columns ending with _id1918 do have the foreign keys1919 and having foreign key are not in the ignore list1920 incident_management_pending_issue_escalations1921 all foreign keys1922 are indexed1923 columns ending with _id1924 do have the foreign keys1925 and having foreign key are not in the ignore list1926 incident_management_timeline_events1927 all foreign keys1928 are indexed1929 columns ending with _id1930 do have the foreign keys1931 and having foreign key are not in the ignore list1932 index_statuses1933 all foreign keys1934 are indexed1935 columns ending with _id1936 do have the foreign keys1937 and having foreign key are not in the ignore list1938 insights1939 all foreign keys1940 are indexed1941 columns ending with _id1942 do have the foreign keys1943 and having foreign key are not in the ignore list1944 integrations1945 all foreign keys1946 are indexed1947 columns ending with _id1948 do have the foreign keys1949 and having foreign key are not in the ignore list1950 internal_ids1951 all foreign keys1952 are indexed1953 columns ending with _id1954 do have the foreign keys1955 and having foreign key are not in the ignore list1956 ip_restrictions1957 all foreign keys1958 are indexed1959 columns ending with _id1960 do have the foreign keys1961 and having foreign key are not in the ignore list1962 issuable_metric_images1963 all foreign keys1964 are indexed1965 columns ending with _id1966 do have the foreign keys1967 and having foreign key are not in the ignore list1968 issuable_severities1969 all foreign keys1970 are indexed1971 columns ending with _id1972 do have the foreign keys1973 and having foreign key are not in the ignore list1974 issuable_slas1975 all foreign keys1976 are indexed1977 columns ending with _id1978 do have the foreign keys1979 and having foreign key are not in the ignore list1980 issue_assignees1981 all foreign keys1982 are indexed1983 columns ending with _id1984 do have the foreign keys1985 and having foreign key are not in the ignore list1986 issue_customer_relations_contacts1987 all foreign keys1988 are indexed1989 columns ending with _id1990 do have the foreign keys1991 and having foreign key are not in the ignore list1992 issue_email_participants1993 all foreign keys1994 are indexed1995 columns ending with _id1996 do have the foreign keys1997 and having foreign key are not in the ignore list1998 issue_emails1999 all foreign keys2000 are indexed2001 columns ending with _id2002 do have the foreign keys2003 and having foreign key are not in the ignore list2004 issue_links2005 all foreign keys2006 are indexed2007 columns ending with _id2008 do have the foreign keys2009 and having foreign key are not in the ignore list2010 issue_metrics2011 all foreign keys2012 are indexed2013 columns ending with _id2014 do have the foreign keys2015 and having foreign key are not in the ignore list2016 issue_tracker_data2017 all foreign keys2018 are indexed2019 columns ending with _id2020 do have the foreign keys2021 and having foreign key are not in the ignore list2022 issue_user_mentions2023 all foreign keys2024 are indexed2025 columns ending with _id2026 do have the foreign keys2027 and having foreign key are not in the ignore list2028 issues2029 all foreign keys2030 are indexed2031 columns ending with _id2032 do have the foreign keys2033 and having foreign key are not in the ignore list2034 issues_prometheus_alert_events2035 all foreign keys2036 are indexed2037 columns ending with _id2038 do have the foreign keys2039 and having foreign key are not in the ignore list2040 issues_self_managed_prometheus_alert_events2041 all foreign keys2042 are indexed2043 columns ending with _id2044 do have the foreign keys2045 and having foreign key are not in the ignore list2046 iterations_cadences2047 all foreign keys2048 are indexed2049 columns ending with _id2050 do have the foreign keys2051 and having foreign key are not in the ignore list2052 jira_connect_installations2053 all foreign keys2054 are indexed2055 columns ending with _id2056 do have the foreign keys2057 and having foreign key are not in the ignore list2058 jira_connect_subscriptions2059 all foreign keys2060 are indexed2061 columns ending with _id2062 do have the foreign keys2063 and having foreign key are not in the ignore list2064 jira_imports2065 all foreign keys2066 are indexed2067 columns ending with _id2068 do have the foreign keys2069 and having foreign key are not in the ignore list2070 jira_tracker_data2071 all foreign keys2072 are indexed2073 columns ending with _id2074 do have the foreign keys2075 and having foreign key are not in the ignore list2076 keys2077 all foreign keys2078 are indexed2079 columns ending with _id2080 do have the foreign keys2081 and having foreign key are not in the ignore list2082 label_links2083 all foreign keys2084 are indexed2085 columns ending with _id2086 do have the foreign keys2087 and having foreign key are not in the ignore list2088 label_priorities2089 all foreign keys2090 are indexed2091 columns ending with _id2092 do have the foreign keys2093 and having foreign key are not in the ignore list2094 labels2095 all foreign keys2096 are indexed2097 columns ending with _id2098 do have the foreign keys2099 and having foreign key are not in the ignore list2100 ldap_group_links2101 all foreign keys2102 are indexed2103 columns ending with _id2104 do have the foreign keys2105 and having foreign key are not in the ignore list2106 lfs_file_locks2107 all foreign keys2108 are indexed2109 columns ending with _id2110 do have the foreign keys2111 and having foreign key are not in the ignore list2112 lfs_object_states2113 all foreign keys2114 are indexed2115 columns ending with _id2116 do have the foreign keys2117 and having foreign key are not in the ignore list2118 lfs_objects2119 all foreign keys2120 are indexed2121 columns ending with _id2122 do have the foreign keys2123 and having foreign key are not in the ignore list2124 lfs_objects_projects2125 all foreign keys2126 are indexed2127 columns ending with _id2128 do have the foreign keys2129 and having foreign key are not in the ignore list2130 licenses2131 all foreign keys2132 are indexed2133 columns ending with _id2134 do have the foreign keys2135 and having foreign key are not in the ignore list2136 list_user_preferences2137 all foreign keys2138 are indexed2139 columns ending with _id2140 do have the foreign keys2141 and having foreign key are not in the ignore list2142 lists2143 all foreign keys2144 are indexed2145 columns ending with _id2146 do have the foreign keys2147 and having foreign key are not in the ignore list2148 loose_foreign_keys_deleted_records2149 all foreign keys2150 are indexed2151 columns ending with _id2152 do have the foreign keys2153 and having foreign key are not in the ignore list2154 member_tasks2155 all foreign keys2156 are indexed2157 columns ending with _id2158 do have the foreign keys2159 and having foreign key are not in the ignore list2160 members2161 all foreign keys2162 are indexed2163 columns ending with _id2164 do have the foreign keys2165 and having foreign key are not in the ignore list2166 merge_request_assignees2167 all foreign keys2168 are indexed2169 columns ending with _id2170 do have the foreign keys2171 and having foreign key are not in the ignore list2172 merge_request_blocks2173 all foreign keys2174 are indexed2175 columns ending with _id2176 do have the foreign keys2177 and having foreign key are not in the ignore list2178 merge_request_cleanup_schedules2179 all foreign keys2180 are indexed2181 columns ending with _id2182 do have the foreign keys2183 and having foreign key are not in the ignore list2184 merge_request_context_commit_diff_files2185 all foreign keys2186 are indexed2187 columns ending with _id2188 do have the foreign keys2189 and having foreign key are not in the ignore list2190 merge_request_context_commits2191 all foreign keys2192 are indexed2193 columns ending with _id2194 do have the foreign keys2195 and having foreign key are not in the ignore list2196 merge_request_diff_commit_users2197 all foreign keys2198 are indexed2199 columns ending with _id2200 do have the foreign keys2201 and having foreign key are not in the ignore list2202 merge_request_diff_commits2203 all foreign keys2204 are indexed2205 columns ending with _id2206 do have the foreign keys2207 and having foreign key are not in the ignore list2208 merge_request_diff_details2209 all foreign keys2210 are indexed2211 columns ending with _id2212 do have the foreign keys2213 and having foreign key are not in the ignore list2214 merge_request_diff_files2215 all foreign keys2216 are indexed2217 columns ending with _id2218 do have the foreign keys2219 and having foreign key are not in the ignore list2220 merge_request_diffs2221 all foreign keys2222 are indexed2223 columns ending with _id2224 do have the foreign keys2225 and having foreign key are not in the ignore list2226 merge_request_metrics2227 all foreign keys2228 are indexed2229 columns ending with _id2230 do have the foreign keys2231 and having foreign key are not in the ignore list2232 merge_request_reviewers2233 all foreign keys2234 are indexed2235 columns ending with _id2236 do have the foreign keys2237 and having foreign key are not in the ignore list2238 merge_request_user_mentions2239 all foreign keys2240 are indexed2241 columns ending with _id2242 do have the foreign keys2243 and having foreign key are not in the ignore list2244 merge_requests2245 all foreign keys2246 are indexed2247 columns ending with _id2248 do have the foreign keys2249 and having foreign key are not in the ignore list2250 merge_requests_closing_issues2251 all foreign keys2252 are indexed2253 columns ending with _id2254 do have the foreign keys2255 and having foreign key are not in the ignore list2256 merge_requests_compliance_violations2257 all foreign keys2258 are indexed2259 columns ending with _id2260 do have the foreign keys2261 and having foreign key are not in the ignore list2262 merge_trains2263 all foreign keys2264 are indexed2265 columns ending with _id2266 do have the foreign keys2267 and having foreign key are not in the ignore list2268 metrics_dashboard_annotations2269 all foreign keys2270 are indexed2271 columns ending with _id2272 do have the foreign keys2273 and having foreign key are not in the ignore list2274 metrics_users_starred_dashboards2275 all foreign keys2276 are indexed2277 columns ending with _id2278 do have the foreign keys2279 and having foreign key are not in the ignore list2280 milestone_releases2281 all foreign keys2282 are indexed2283 columns ending with _id2284 do have the foreign keys2285 and having foreign key are not in the ignore list2286 milestones2287 all foreign keys2288 are indexed2289 columns ending with _id2290 do have the foreign keys2291 and having foreign key are not in the ignore list2292 namespace_admin_notes2293 all foreign keys2294 are indexed2295 columns ending with _id2296 do have the foreign keys2297 and having foreign key are not in the ignore list2298 namespace_aggregation_schedules2299 all foreign keys2300 are indexed2301 columns ending with _id2302 do have the foreign keys2303 and having foreign key are not in the ignore list2304 namespace_limits2305 all foreign keys2306 are indexed2307 columns ending with _id2308 do have the foreign keys2309 and having foreign key are not in the ignore list2310 namespace_package_settings2311 all foreign keys2312 are indexed2313 columns ending with _id2314 do have the foreign keys2315 and having foreign key are not in the ignore list2316 namespace_root_storage_statistics2317 all foreign keys2318 are indexed2319 columns ending with _id2320 do have the foreign keys2321 and having foreign key are not in the ignore list2322 namespace_settings2323 all foreign keys2324 are indexed2325 columns ending with _id2326 do have the foreign keys2327 and having foreign key are not in the ignore list2328 namespace_statistics2329 all foreign keys2330 are indexed2331 columns ending with _id2332 do have the foreign keys2333 and having foreign key are not in the ignore list2334 namespaces2335 all foreign keys2336 are indexed2337 columns ending with _id2338 do have the foreign keys2339 and having foreign key are not in the ignore list2340 namespaces_sync_events2341 all foreign keys2342 are indexed2343 columns ending with _id2344 do have the foreign keys2345 and having foreign key are not in the ignore list2346 note_diff_files2347 all foreign keys2348 are indexed2349 columns ending with _id2350 do have the foreign keys2351 and having foreign key are not in the ignore list2352 notes2353 all foreign keys2354 are indexed2355 columns ending with _id2356 do have the foreign keys2357 and having foreign key are not in the ignore list2358 notification_settings2359 all foreign keys2360 are indexed2361 columns ending with _id2362 do have the foreign keys2363 and having foreign key are not in the ignore list2364 oauth_access_grants2365 all foreign keys2366 are indexed2367 columns ending with _id2368 do have the foreign keys2369 and having foreign key are not in the ignore list2370 oauth_access_tokens2371 all foreign keys2372 are indexed2373 columns ending with _id2374 do have the foreign keys2375 and having foreign key are not in the ignore list2376 oauth_applications2377 all foreign keys2378 are indexed2379 columns ending with _id2380 do have the foreign keys2381 and having foreign key are not in the ignore list2382 oauth_openid_requests2383 all foreign keys2384 are indexed2385 columns ending with _id2386 do have the foreign keys2387 and having foreign key are not in the ignore list2388 onboarding_progresses2389 all foreign keys2390 are indexed2391 columns ending with _id2392 do have the foreign keys2393 and having foreign key are not in the ignore list2394 operations_feature_flag_scopes2395 all foreign keys2396 are indexed2397 columns ending with _id2398 do have the foreign keys2399 and having foreign key are not in the ignore list2400 operations_feature_flags2401 all foreign keys2402 are indexed2403 columns ending with _id2404 do have the foreign keys2405 and having foreign key are not in the ignore list2406 operations_feature_flags_clients2407 all foreign keys2408 are indexed2409 columns ending with _id2410 do have the foreign keys2411 and having foreign key are not in the ignore list2412 operations_feature_flags_issues2413 all foreign keys2414 are indexed2415 columns ending with _id2416 do have the foreign keys2417 and having foreign key are not in the ignore list2418 operations_scopes2419 all foreign keys2420 are indexed2421 columns ending with _id2422 do have the foreign keys2423 and having foreign key are not in the ignore list2424 operations_strategies2425 all foreign keys2426 are indexed2427 columns ending with _id2428 do have the foreign keys2429 and having foreign key are not in the ignore list2430 operations_strategies_user_lists2431 all foreign keys2432 are indexed2433 columns ending with _id2434 do have the foreign keys2435 and having foreign key are not in the ignore list2436 operations_user_lists2437 all foreign keys2438 are indexed2439 columns ending with _id2440 do have the foreign keys2441 and having foreign key are not in the ignore list2442 packages_build_infos2443 all foreign keys2444 are indexed2445 columns ending with _id2446 do have the foreign keys2447 and having foreign key are not in the ignore list2448 packages_composer_cache_files2449 all foreign keys2450 are indexed2451 columns ending with _id2452 do have the foreign keys2453 and having foreign key are not in the ignore list2454 packages_composer_metadata2455 all foreign keys2456 are indexed2457 columns ending with _id2458 do have the foreign keys2459 and having foreign key are not in the ignore list2460 packages_conan_file_metadata2461 all foreign keys2462 are indexed2463 columns ending with _id2464 do have the foreign keys2465 and having foreign key are not in the ignore list2466 packages_conan_metadata2467 all foreign keys2468 are indexed2469 columns ending with _id2470 do have the foreign keys2471 and having foreign key are not in the ignore list2472 packages_debian_file_metadata2473 all foreign keys2474 are indexed2475 columns ending with _id2476 do have the foreign keys2477 and having foreign key are not in the ignore list2478 packages_debian_group_architectures2479 all foreign keys2480 are indexed2481 columns ending with _id2482 do have the foreign keys2483 and having foreign key are not in the ignore list2484 packages_debian_group_component_files2485 all foreign keys2486 are indexed2487 columns ending with _id2488 do have the foreign keys2489 and having foreign key are not in the ignore list2490 packages_debian_group_components2491 all foreign keys2492 are indexed2493 columns ending with _id2494 do have the foreign keys2495 and having foreign key are not in the ignore list2496 packages_debian_group_distribution_keys2497 all foreign keys2498 are indexed2499 columns ending with _id2500 do have the foreign keys2501 and having foreign key are not in the ignore list2502 packages_debian_group_distributions2503 all foreign keys2504 are indexed2505 columns ending with _id2506 do have the foreign keys2507 and having foreign key are not in the ignore list2508 packages_debian_project_architectures2509 all foreign keys2510 are indexed2511 columns ending with _id2512 do have the foreign keys2513 and having foreign key are not in the ignore list2514 packages_debian_project_component_files2515 all foreign keys2516 are indexed2517 columns ending with _id2518 do have the foreign keys2519 and having foreign key are not in the ignore list2520 packages_debian_project_components2521 all foreign keys2522 are indexed2523 columns ending with _id2524 do have the foreign keys2525 and having foreign key are not in the ignore list2526 packages_debian_project_distribution_keys2527 all foreign keys2528 are indexed2529 columns ending with _id2530 do have the foreign keys2531 and having foreign key are not in the ignore list2532 packages_debian_project_distributions2533 all foreign keys2534 are indexed2535 columns ending with _id2536 do have the foreign keys2537 and having foreign key are not in the ignore list2538 packages_debian_publications2539 all foreign keys2540 are indexed2541 columns ending with _id2542 do have the foreign keys2543 and having foreign key are not in the ignore list2544 packages_dependencies2545 all foreign keys2546 are indexed2547 columns ending with _id2548 do have the foreign keys2549 and having foreign key are not in the ignore list2550 packages_dependency_links2551 all foreign keys2552 are indexed2553 columns ending with _id2554 do have the foreign keys2555 and having foreign key are not in the ignore list2556 packages_events2557 all foreign keys2558 are indexed2559 columns ending with _id2560 do have the foreign keys2561 and having foreign key are not in the ignore list2562 packages_helm_file_metadata2563 all foreign keys2564 are indexed2565 columns ending with _id2566 do have the foreign keys2567 and having foreign key are not in the ignore list2568 packages_maven_metadata2569 all foreign keys2570 are indexed2571 columns ending with _id2572 do have the foreign keys2573 and having foreign key are not in the ignore list2574 packages_npm_metadata2575 all foreign keys2576 are indexed2577 columns ending with _id2578 do have the foreign keys2579 and having foreign key are not in the ignore list2580 packages_nuget_dependency_link_metadata2581 all foreign keys2582 are indexed2583 columns ending with _id2584 do have the foreign keys2585 and having foreign key are not in the ignore list2586 packages_nuget_metadata2587 all foreign keys2588 are indexed2589 columns ending with _id2590 do have the foreign keys2591 and having foreign key are not in the ignore list2592 packages_package_file_build_infos2593 all foreign keys2594 are indexed2595 columns ending with _id2596 do have the foreign keys2597 and having foreign key are not in the ignore list2598 packages_package_files2599 all foreign keys2600 are indexed2601 columns ending with _id2602 do have the foreign keys2603 and having foreign key are not in the ignore list2604 packages_packages2605 all foreign keys2606 are indexed2607 columns ending with _id2608 do have the foreign keys2609 and having foreign key are not in the ignore list2610 packages_pypi_metadata2611 all foreign keys2612 are indexed2613 columns ending with _id2614 do have the foreign keys2615 and having foreign key are not in the ignore list2616 packages_rubygems_metadata2617 all foreign keys2618 are indexed2619 columns ending with _id2620 do have the foreign keys2621 and having foreign key are not in the ignore list2622 packages_tags2623 all foreign keys2624 are indexed2625 columns ending with _id2626 do have the foreign keys2627 and having foreign key are not in the ignore list2628 pages_deployment_states2629 all foreign keys2630 are indexed2631 columns ending with _id2632 do have the foreign keys2633 and having foreign key are not in the ignore list2634 pages_deployments2635 all foreign keys2636 are indexed2637 columns ending with _id2638 do have the foreign keys2639 and having foreign key are not in the ignore list2640 pages_domain_acme_orders2641 all foreign keys2642 are indexed2643 columns ending with _id2644 do have the foreign keys2645 and having foreign key are not in the ignore list2646 pages_domains2647 all foreign keys2648 are indexed2649 columns ending with _id2650 do have the foreign keys2651 and having foreign key are not in the ignore list2652 partitioned_foreign_keys2653 all foreign keys2654 are indexed2655 columns ending with _id2656 do have the foreign keys2657 and having foreign key are not in the ignore list2658 path_locks2659 all foreign keys2660 are indexed2661 columns ending with _id2662 do have the foreign keys2663 and having foreign key are not in the ignore list2664 personal_access_tokens2665 all foreign keys2666 are indexed2667 columns ending with _id2668 do have the foreign keys2669 and having foreign key are not in the ignore list2670 plan_limits2671 all foreign keys2672 are indexed2673 columns ending with _id2674 do have the foreign keys2675 and having foreign key are not in the ignore list2676 plans2677 all foreign keys2678 are indexed2679 columns ending with _id2680 do have the foreign keys2681 and having foreign key are not in the ignore list2682 pool_repositories2683 all foreign keys2684 are indexed2685 columns ending with _id2686 do have the foreign keys2687 and having foreign key are not in the ignore list2688 postgres_async_indexes2689 all foreign keys2690 are indexed2691 columns ending with _id2692 do have the foreign keys2693 and having foreign key are not in the ignore list2694 postgres_reindex_actions2695 all foreign keys2696 are indexed2697 columns ending with _id2698 do have the foreign keys2699 and having foreign key are not in the ignore list2700 postgres_reindex_queued_actions2701 all foreign keys2702 are indexed2703 columns ending with _id2704 do have the foreign keys2705 and having foreign key are not in the ignore list2706 product_analytics_events_experimental2707 all foreign keys2708 are indexed2709 columns ending with _id2710 do have the foreign keys2711 and having foreign key are not in the ignore list2712 programming_languages2713 all foreign keys2714 are indexed2715 columns ending with _id2716 do have the foreign keys2717 and having foreign key are not in the ignore list2718 project_access_tokens2719 all foreign keys2720 are indexed2721 columns ending with _id2722 do have the foreign keys2723 and having foreign key are not in the ignore list2724 project_alerting_settings2725 all foreign keys2726 are indexed2727 columns ending with _id2728 do have the foreign keys2729 and having foreign key are not in the ignore list2730 project_aliases2731 all foreign keys2732 are indexed2733 columns ending with _id2734 do have the foreign keys2735 and having foreign key are not in the ignore list2736 project_authorizations2737 all foreign keys2738 are indexed2739 columns ending with _id2740 do have the foreign keys2741 and having foreign key are not in the ignore list2742 project_auto_devops2743 all foreign keys2744 are indexed2745 columns ending with _id2746 do have the foreign keys2747 and having foreign key are not in the ignore list2748 project_ci_cd_settings2749 all foreign keys2750 are indexed2751 columns ending with _id2752 do have the foreign keys2753 and having foreign key are not in the ignore list2754 project_ci_feature_usages2755 all foreign keys2756 are indexed2757 columns ending with _id2758 do have the foreign keys2759 and having foreign key are not in the ignore list2760 project_compliance_framework_settings2761 all foreign keys2762 are indexed2763 columns ending with _id2764 do have the foreign keys2765 and having foreign key are not in the ignore list2766 project_custom_attributes2767 all foreign keys2768 are indexed2769 columns ending with _id2770 do have the foreign keys2771 and having foreign key are not in the ignore list2772 project_daily_statistics2773 all foreign keys2774 are indexed2775 columns ending with _id2776 do have the foreign keys2777 and having foreign key are not in the ignore list2778 project_deploy_tokens2779 all foreign keys2780 are indexed2781 columns ending with _id2782 do have the foreign keys2783 and having foreign key are not in the ignore list2784 project_error_tracking_settings2785 all foreign keys2786 are indexed2787 columns ending with _id2788 do have the foreign keys2789 and having foreign key are not in the ignore list2790 project_export_jobs2791 all foreign keys2792 are indexed2793 columns ending with _id2794 do have the foreign keys2795 and having foreign key are not in the ignore list2796 project_feature_usages2797 all foreign keys2798 are indexed2799 columns ending with _id2800 do have the foreign keys2801 and having foreign key are not in the ignore list2802 project_features2803 all foreign keys2804 are indexed2805 columns ending with _id2806 do have the foreign keys2807 and having foreign key are not in the ignore list2808 project_group_links2809 all foreign keys2810 are indexed2811 columns ending with _id2812 do have the foreign keys2813 and having foreign key are not in the ignore list2814 project_import_data2815 all foreign keys2816 are indexed2817 columns ending with _id2818 do have the foreign keys2819 and having foreign key are not in the ignore list2820 project_incident_management_settings2821 all foreign keys2822 are indexed2823 columns ending with _id2824 do have the foreign keys2825 and having foreign key are not in the ignore list2826 project_metrics_settings2827 all foreign keys2828 are indexed2829 columns ending with _id2830 do have the foreign keys2831 and having foreign key are not in the ignore list2832 project_mirror_data2833 all foreign keys2834 are indexed2835 columns ending with _id2836 do have the foreign keys2837 and having foreign key are not in the ignore list2838 project_pages_metadata2839 all foreign keys2840 are indexed2841 columns ending with _id2842 do have the foreign keys2843 and having foreign key are not in the ignore list2844 project_repositories2845 all foreign keys2846 are indexed2847 columns ending with _id2848 do have the foreign keys2849 and having foreign key are not in the ignore list2850 project_repository_states2851 all foreign keys2852 are indexed2853 columns ending with _id2854 do have the foreign keys2855 and having foreign key are not in the ignore list2856 project_repository_storage_moves2857 all foreign keys2858 are indexed2859 columns ending with _id2860 do have the foreign keys2861 and having foreign key are not in the ignore list2862 project_security_settings2863 all foreign keys2864 are indexed2865 columns ending with _id2866 do have the foreign keys2867 and having foreign key are not in the ignore list2868 project_settings2869 all foreign keys2870 are indexed2871 columns ending with _id2872 do have the foreign keys2873 and having foreign key are not in the ignore list2874 project_statistics2875 all foreign keys2876 are indexed2877 columns ending with _id2878 do have the foreign keys2879 and having foreign key are not in the ignore list2880 project_topics2881 all foreign keys2882 are indexed2883 columns ending with _id2884 do have the foreign keys2885 and having foreign key are not in the ignore list2886 project_tracing_settings2887 all foreign keys2888 are indexed2889 columns ending with _id2890 do have the foreign keys2891 and having foreign key are not in the ignore list2892 projects2893 all foreign keys2894 are indexed2895 columns ending with _id2896 do have the foreign keys2897 and having foreign key are not in the ignore list2898 projects_sync_events2899 all foreign keys2900 are indexed2901 columns ending with _id2902 do have the foreign keys2903 and having foreign key are not in the ignore list2904 prometheus_alert_events2905 all foreign keys2906 are indexed2907 columns ending with _id2908 do have the foreign keys2909 and having foreign key are not in the ignore list2910 prometheus_alerts2911 all foreign keys2912 are indexed2913 columns ending with _id2914 do have the foreign keys2915 and having foreign key are not in the ignore list2916 prometheus_metrics2917 all foreign keys2918 are indexed2919 columns ending with _id2920 do have the foreign keys2921 and having foreign key are not in the ignore list2922 protected_branch_merge_access_levels2923 all foreign keys2924 are indexed2925 columns ending with _id2926 do have the foreign keys2927 and having foreign key are not in the ignore list2928 protected_branch_push_access_levels2929 all foreign keys2930 are indexed2931 columns ending with _id2932 do have the foreign keys2933 and having foreign key are not in the ignore list2934 protected_branch_unprotect_access_levels2935 all foreign keys2936 are indexed2937 columns ending with _id2938 do have the foreign keys2939 and having foreign key are not in the ignore list2940 protected_branches2941 all foreign keys2942 are indexed2943 columns ending with _id2944 do have the foreign keys2945 and having foreign key are not in the ignore list2946 protected_environment_deploy_access_levels2947 all foreign keys2948 are indexed2949 columns ending with _id2950 do have the foreign keys2951 and having foreign key are not in the ignore list2952 protected_environments2953 all foreign keys2954 are indexed2955 columns ending with _id2956 do have the foreign keys2957 and having foreign key are not in the ignore list2958 protected_tag_create_access_levels2959 all foreign keys2960 are indexed2961 columns ending with _id2962 do have the foreign keys2963 and having foreign key are not in the ignore list2964 protected_tags2965 all foreign keys2966 are indexed2967 columns ending with _id2968 do have the foreign keys2969 and having foreign key are not in the ignore list2970 push_event_payloads2971 all foreign keys2972 are indexed2973 columns ending with _id2974 do have the foreign keys2975 and having foreign key are not in the ignore list2976 push_rules2977 all foreign keys2978 are indexed2979 columns ending with _id2980 do have the foreign keys2981 and having foreign key are not in the ignore list2982 raw_usage_data2983 all foreign keys2984 are indexed2985 columns ending with _id2986 do have the foreign keys2987 and having foreign key are not in the ignore list2988 redirect_routes2989 all foreign keys2990 are indexed2991 columns ending with _id2992 do have the foreign keys2993 and having foreign key are not in the ignore list2994 release_links2995 all foreign keys2996 are indexed2997 columns ending with _id2998 do have the foreign keys2999 and having foreign key are not in the ignore list3000 releases3001 all foreign keys3002 are indexed3003 columns ending with _id3004 do have the foreign keys3005 and having foreign key are not in the ignore list3006 remote_mirrors3007 all foreign keys3008 are indexed3009 columns ending with _id3010 do have the foreign keys3011 and having foreign key are not in the ignore list3012 repository_languages3013 all foreign keys3014 are indexed3015 columns ending with _id3016 do have the foreign keys3017 and having foreign key are not in the ignore list3018 required_code_owners_sections3019 all foreign keys3020 are indexed3021 columns ending with _id3022 do have the foreign keys3023 and having foreign key are not in the ignore list3024 requirements3025 all foreign keys3026 are indexed3027 columns ending with _id3028 do have the foreign keys3029 and having foreign key are not in the ignore list3030 requirements_management_test_reports3031 all foreign keys3032 are indexed3033 columns ending with _id3034 do have the foreign keys3035 and having foreign key are not in the ignore list3036 resource_iteration_events3037 all foreign keys3038 are indexed3039 columns ending with _id3040 do have the foreign keys3041 and having foreign key are not in the ignore list3042 resource_label_events3043 all foreign keys3044 are indexed3045 columns ending with _id3046 do have the foreign keys3047 and having foreign key are not in the ignore list3048 resource_milestone_events3049 all foreign keys3050 are indexed3051 columns ending with _id3052 do have the foreign keys3053 and having foreign key are not in the ignore list3054 resource_state_events3055 all foreign keys3056 are indexed3057 columns ending with _id3058 do have the foreign keys3059 and having foreign key are not in the ignore list3060 resource_weight_events3061 all foreign keys3062 are indexed3063 columns ending with _id3064 do have the foreign keys3065 and having foreign key are not in the ignore list3066 reviews3067 all foreign keys3068 are indexed3069 columns ending with _id3070 do have the foreign keys3071 and having foreign key are not in the ignore list3072 routes3073 all foreign keys3074 are indexed3075 columns ending with _id3076 do have the foreign keys3077 and having foreign key are not in the ignore list3078 saml_group_links3079 all foreign keys3080 are indexed3081 columns ending with _id3082 do have the foreign keys3083 and having foreign key are not in the ignore list3084 saml_providers3085 all foreign keys3086 are indexed3087 columns ending with _id3088 do have the foreign keys3089 and having foreign key are not in the ignore list3090 schema_migrations3091 all foreign keys3092 are indexed3093 columns ending with _id3094 do have the foreign keys3095 and having foreign key are not in the ignore list3096 scim_identities3097 all foreign keys3098 are indexed3099 columns ending with _id3100 do have the foreign keys3101 and having foreign key are not in the ignore list3102 scim_oauth_access_tokens3103 all foreign keys3104 are indexed3105 columns ending with _id3106 do have the foreign keys3107 and having foreign key are not in the ignore list3108 security_findings3109 all foreign keys3110 are indexed3111 columns ending with _id3112 do have the foreign keys3113 and having foreign key are not in the ignore list3114 security_orchestration_policy_configurations3115 all foreign keys3116 are indexed3117 columns ending with _id3118 do have the foreign keys3119 and having foreign key are not in the ignore list3120 security_orchestration_policy_rule_schedules3121 all foreign keys3122 are indexed3123 columns ending with _id3124 do have the foreign keys3125 and having foreign key are not in the ignore list3126 security_scans3127 all foreign keys3128 are indexed3129 columns ending with _id3130 do have the foreign keys3131 and having foreign key are not in the ignore list3132 security_training_providers3133 all foreign keys3134 are indexed3135 columns ending with _id3136 do have the foreign keys3137 and having foreign key are not in the ignore list3138 security_trainings3139 all foreign keys3140 are indexed3141 columns ending with _id3142 do have the foreign keys3143 and having foreign key are not in the ignore list3144 self_managed_prometheus_alert_events3145 all foreign keys3146 are indexed3147 columns ending with _id3148 do have the foreign keys3149 and having foreign key are not in the ignore list3150 sent_notifications3151 all foreign keys3152 are indexed3153 columns ending with _id3154 do have the foreign keys3155 and having foreign key are not in the ignore list3156 sentry_issues3157 all foreign keys3158 are indexed3159 columns ending with _id3160 do have the foreign keys3161 and having foreign key are not in the ignore list3162 serverless_domain_cluster3163 all foreign keys3164 are indexed3165 columns ending with _id3166 do have the foreign keys3167 and having foreign key are not in the ignore list3168 service_desk_settings3169 all foreign keys3170 are indexed3171 columns ending with _id3172 do have the foreign keys3173 and having foreign key are not in the ignore list3174 shards3175 all foreign keys3176 are indexed3177 columns ending with _id3178 do have the foreign keys3179 and having foreign key are not in the ignore list3180 slack_integrations3181 all foreign keys3182 are indexed3183 columns ending with _id3184 do have the foreign keys3185 and having foreign key are not in the ignore list3186 smartcard_identities3187 all foreign keys3188 are indexed3189 columns ending with _id3190 do have the foreign keys3191 and having foreign key are not in the ignore list3192 snippet_repositories3193 all foreign keys3194 are indexed3195 columns ending with _id3196 do have the foreign keys3197 and having foreign key are not in the ignore list3198 snippet_repository_storage_moves3199 all foreign keys3200 are indexed3201 columns ending with _id3202 do have the foreign keys3203 and having foreign key are not in the ignore list3204 snippet_statistics3205 all foreign keys3206 are indexed3207 columns ending with _id3208 do have the foreign keys3209 and having foreign key are not in the ignore list3210 snippet_user_mentions3211 all foreign keys3212 are indexed3213 columns ending with _id3214 do have the foreign keys3215 and having foreign key are not in the ignore list3216 snippets3217 all foreign keys3218 are indexed3219 columns ending with _id3220 do have the foreign keys3221 and having foreign key are not in the ignore list3222 software_license_policies3223 all foreign keys3224 are indexed3225 columns ending with _id3226 do have the foreign keys3227 and having foreign key are not in the ignore list3228 software_licenses3229 all foreign keys3230 are indexed3231 columns ending with _id3232 do have the foreign keys3233 and having foreign key are not in the ignore list3234 spam_logs3235 all foreign keys3236 are indexed3237 columns ending with _id3238 do have the foreign keys3239 and having foreign key are not in the ignore list3240 sprints3241 all foreign keys3242 are indexed3243 columns ending with _id3244 do have the foreign keys3245 and having foreign key are not in the ignore list3246 status_check_responses3247 all foreign keys3248 are indexed3249 columns ending with _id3250 do have the foreign keys3251 and having foreign key are not in the ignore list3252 status_page_published_incidents3253 all foreign keys3254 are indexed3255 columns ending with _id3256 do have the foreign keys3257 and having foreign key are not in the ignore list3258 status_page_settings3259 all foreign keys3260 are indexed3261 columns ending with _id3262 do have the foreign keys3263 and having foreign key are not in the ignore list3264 subscriptions3265 all foreign keys3266 are indexed3267 columns ending with _id3268 do have the foreign keys3269 and having foreign key are not in the ignore list3270 suggestions3271 all foreign keys3272 are indexed3273 columns ending with _id3274 do have the foreign keys3275 and having foreign key are not in the ignore list3276 system_note_metadata3277 all foreign keys3278 are indexed3279 columns ending with _id3280 do have the foreign keys3281 and having foreign key are not in the ignore list3282 taggings3283 all foreign keys3284 are indexed3285 columns ending with _id3286 do have the foreign keys3287 and having foreign key are not in the ignore list3288 tags3289 all foreign keys3290 are indexed3291 columns ending with _id3292 do have the foreign keys3293 and having foreign key are not in the ignore list3294 term_agreements3295 all foreign keys3296 are indexed3297 columns ending with _id3298 do have the foreign keys3299 and having foreign key are not in the ignore list3300 terraform_state_versions3301 all foreign keys3302 are indexed3303 columns ending with _id3304 do have the foreign keys3305 and having foreign key are not in the ignore list3306 terraform_states3307 all foreign keys3308 are indexed3309 columns ending with _id3310 do have the foreign keys3311 and having foreign key are not in the ignore list3312 timelogs3313 all foreign keys3314 are indexed3315 columns ending with _id3316 do have the foreign keys3317 and having foreign key are not in the ignore list3318 todos3319 all foreign keys3320 are indexed3321 columns ending with _id3322 do have the foreign keys3323 and having foreign key are not in the ignore list3324 token_with_ivs3325 all foreign keys3326 are indexed3327 columns ending with _id3328 do have the foreign keys3329 and having foreign key are not in the ignore list3330 topics3331 all foreign keys3332 are indexed3333 columns ending with _id3334 do have the foreign keys3335 and having foreign key are not in the ignore list3336 trending_projects3337 all foreign keys3338 are indexed3339 columns ending with _id3340 do have the foreign keys3341 and having foreign key are not in the ignore list3342 u2f_registrations3343 all foreign keys3344 are indexed3345 columns ending with _id3346 do have the foreign keys3347 and having foreign key are not in the ignore list3348 upcoming_reconciliations3349 all foreign keys3350 are indexed3351 columns ending with _id3352 do have the foreign keys3353 and having foreign key are not in the ignore list3354 upload_states3355 all foreign keys3356 are indexed3357 columns ending with _id3358 do have the foreign keys3359 and having foreign key are not in the ignore list3360 uploads3361 all foreign keys3362 are indexed3363 columns ending with _id3364 do have the foreign keys3365 and having foreign key are not in the ignore list3366 user_agent_details3367 all foreign keys3368 are indexed3369 columns ending with _id3370 do have the foreign keys3371 and having foreign key are not in the ignore list3372 user_callouts3373 all foreign keys3374 are indexed3375 columns ending with _id3376 do have the foreign keys3377 and having foreign key are not in the ignore list3378 user_canonical_emails3379 all foreign keys3380 are indexed3381 columns ending with _id3382 do have the foreign keys3383 and having foreign key are not in the ignore list3384 user_credit_card_validations3385 all foreign keys3386 are indexed3387 columns ending with _id3388 do have the foreign keys3389 and having foreign key are not in the ignore list3390 user_custom_attributes3391 all foreign keys3392 are indexed3393 columns ending with _id3394 do have the foreign keys3395 and having foreign key are not in the ignore list3396 user_details3397 all foreign keys3398 are indexed3399 columns ending with _id3400 do have the foreign keys3401 and having foreign key are not in the ignore list3402 user_follow_users3403 all foreign keys3404 are indexed3405 columns ending with _id3406 do have the foreign keys3407 and having foreign key are not in the ignore list3408 user_group_callouts3409 all foreign keys3410 are indexed3411 columns ending with _id3412 do have the foreign keys3413 and having foreign key are not in the ignore list3414 user_highest_roles3415 all foreign keys3416 are indexed3417 columns ending with _id3418 do have the foreign keys3419 and having foreign key are not in the ignore list3420 user_interacted_projects3421 all foreign keys3422 are indexed3423 columns ending with _id3424 do have the foreign keys3425 and having foreign key are not in the ignore list3426 user_permission_export_uploads3427 all foreign keys3428 are indexed3429 columns ending with _id3430 do have the foreign keys3431 and having foreign key are not in the ignore list3432 user_preferences3433 all foreign keys3434 are indexed3435 columns ending with _id3436 do have the foreign keys3437 and having foreign key are not in the ignore list3438 user_statuses3439 all foreign keys3440 are indexed3441 columns ending with _id3442 do have the foreign keys3443 and having foreign key are not in the ignore list3444 user_synced_attributes_metadata3445 all foreign keys3446 are indexed3447 columns ending with _id3448 do have the foreign keys3449 and having foreign key are not in the ignore list3450 users3451 all foreign keys3452 are indexed3453 columns ending with _id3454 do have the foreign keys3455 and having foreign key are not in the ignore list3456 users_ops_dashboard_projects3457 all foreign keys3458 are indexed3459 columns ending with _id3460 do have the foreign keys3461 and having foreign key are not in the ignore list3462 users_security_dashboard_projects3463 all foreign keys3464 are indexed3465 columns ending with _id3466 do have the foreign keys3467 and having foreign key are not in the ignore list3468 users_star_projects3469 all foreign keys3470 are indexed3471 columns ending with _id3472 do have the foreign keys3473 and having foreign key are not in the ignore list3474 users_statistics3475 all foreign keys3476 are indexed3477 columns ending with _id3478 do have the foreign keys3479 and having foreign key are not in the ignore list3480 verification_codes3481 all foreign keys3482 are indexed3483 columns ending with _id3484 do have the foreign keys3485 and having foreign key are not in the ignore list3486 vulnerabilities3487 all foreign keys3488 are indexed3489 columns ending with _id3490 do have the foreign keys3491 and having foreign key are not in the ignore list3492 vulnerability_exports3493 all foreign keys3494 are indexed3495 columns ending with _id3496 do have the foreign keys3497 and having foreign key are not in the ignore list3498 vulnerability_external_issue_links3499 all foreign keys3500 are indexed3501 columns ending with _id3502 do have the foreign keys3503 and having foreign key are not in the ignore list3504 vulnerability_feedback3505 all foreign keys3506 are indexed3507 columns ending with _id3508 do have the foreign keys3509 and having foreign key are not in the ignore list3510 vulnerability_finding_evidences3511 all foreign keys3512 are indexed3513 columns ending with _id3514 do have the foreign keys3515 and having foreign key are not in the ignore list3516 vulnerability_finding_links3517 all foreign keys3518 are indexed3519 columns ending with _id3520 do have the foreign keys3521 and having foreign key are not in the ignore list3522 vulnerability_finding_signatures3523 all foreign keys3524 are indexed3525 columns ending with _id3526 do have the foreign keys3527 and having foreign key are not in the ignore list3528 vulnerability_findings_remediations3529 all foreign keys3530 are indexed3531 columns ending with _id3532 do have the foreign keys3533 and having foreign key are not in the ignore list3534 vulnerability_flags3535 all foreign keys3536 are indexed3537 columns ending with _id3538 do have the foreign keys3539 and having foreign key are not in the ignore list3540 vulnerability_historical_statistics3541 all foreign keys3542 are indexed3543 columns ending with _id3544 do have the foreign keys3545 and having foreign key are not in the ignore list3546 vulnerability_identifiers3547 all foreign keys3548 are indexed3549 columns ending with _id3550 do have the foreign keys3551 and having foreign key are not in the ignore list3552 vulnerability_issue_links3553 all foreign keys3554 are indexed3555 columns ending with _id3556 do have the foreign keys3557 and having foreign key are not in the ignore list3558 vulnerability_occurrence_identifiers3559 all foreign keys3560 are indexed3561 columns ending with _id3562 do have the foreign keys3563 and having foreign key are not in the ignore list3564 vulnerability_occurrence_pipelines3565 all foreign keys3566 are indexed3567 columns ending with _id3568 do have the foreign keys3569 and having foreign key are not in the ignore list3570 vulnerability_occurrences3571 all foreign keys3572 are indexed3573 columns ending with _id3574 do have the foreign keys3575 and having foreign key are not in the ignore list3576 vulnerability_reads3577 all foreign keys3578 are indexed3579 columns ending with _id3580 do have the foreign keys3581 and having foreign key are not in the ignore list3582 vulnerability_remediations3583 all foreign keys3584 are indexed3585 columns ending with _id3586 do have the foreign keys3587 and having foreign key are not in the ignore list3588 vulnerability_scanners3589 all foreign keys3590 are indexed3591 columns ending with _id3592 do have the foreign keys3593 and having foreign key are not in the ignore list3594 vulnerability_statistics3595 all foreign keys3596 are indexed3597 columns ending with _id3598 do have the foreign keys3599 and having foreign key are not in the ignore list3600 vulnerability_user_mentions3601 all foreign keys3602 are indexed3603 columns ending with _id3604 do have the foreign keys3605 and having foreign key are not in the ignore list3606 web_hook_logs3607 all foreign keys3608 are indexed3609 columns ending with _id3610 do have the foreign keys3611 and having foreign key are not in the ignore list3612 web_hooks3613 all foreign keys3614 are indexed3615 columns ending with _id3616 do have the foreign keys3617 and having foreign key are not in the ignore list3618 webauthn_registrations3619 all foreign keys3620 are indexed3621 columns ending with _id3622 do have the foreign keys3623 and having foreign key are not in the ignore list3624 wiki_page_meta3625 all foreign keys3626 are indexed3627 columns ending with _id3628 do have the foreign keys3629 and having foreign key are not in the ignore list3630 wiki_page_slugs3631 all foreign keys3632 are indexed3633 columns ending with _id3634 do have the foreign keys3635 and having foreign key are not in the ignore list3636 work_item_types3637 all foreign keys3638 are indexed3639 columns ending with _id3640 do have the foreign keys3641 and having foreign key are not in the ignore list3642 x509_certificates3643 all foreign keys3644 are indexed3645 columns ending with _id3646 do have the foreign keys3647 and having foreign key are not in the ignore list3648 x509_commit_signatures3649 all foreign keys3650 are indexed3651 columns ending with _id3652 do have the foreign keys3653 and having foreign key are not in the ignore list3654 x509_issuers3655 all foreign keys3656 are indexed3657 columns ending with _id3658 do have the foreign keys3659 and having foreign key are not in the ignore list3660 zentao_tracker_data3661 all foreign keys3662 are indexed3663 columns ending with _id3664 do have the foreign keys3665 and having foreign key are not in the ignore list3666 zoom_meetings3667 all foreign keys3668 are indexed3669 columns ending with _id3670 do have the foreign keys3671 and having foreign key are not in the ignore list3672 for enums3673 Ci::InstanceVariable3674 uses smallint for enums3675 Ci::Runner3676 uses smallint for enums3677 CommitStatus3678 uses smallint for enums3679 Ci::Processable3680 uses smallint for enums3681 Ci::Build3682 uses smallint for enums3683 Ci::Bridge3684 uses smallint for enums3685 GenericCommitStatus3686 uses smallint for enums3687 Ci::Pipeline3688 uses smallint for enums3689 Ci::PipelineScheduleVariable3690 uses smallint for enums3691 Ci::ResourceGroup3692 uses smallint for enums3693 Ci::JobArtifact3694 uses smallint for enums3695 Ci::Variable3696 uses smallint for enums3697 Ci::GroupVariable3698 uses smallint for enums3699 CiPlatformMetric3700 uses smallint for enums3701 ExternalPullRequest3702 uses smallint for enums3703 Ci::PipelineArtifact3704 uses smallint for enums3705 Ci::Resource3706 uses smallint for enums3707 Ci::UnitTestFailure3708 uses smallint for enums3709 Ci::Stage3710 uses smallint for enums3711 Ci::BuildPendingState3712 uses smallint for enums3713 Ci::BuildReportResult3714 uses smallint for enums3715 Ci::Ref3716 uses smallint for enums3717 Ci::TriggerRequest3718 uses smallint for enums3719 Ci::UnitTest3720 uses smallint for enums3721 Ci::BuildTraceMetadata3722 uses smallint for enums3723 Ci::PipelineSchedule3724 uses smallint for enums3725 Ci::Trigger3726 uses smallint for enums3727 Ci::JobVariable3728 uses smallint for enums3729 Ci::SecureFile3730 uses smallint for enums3731 Ci::RunningBuild3732 uses smallint for enums3733 Ci::BuildNeed3734 uses smallint for enums3735 Ci::NamespaceMirror3736 uses smallint for enums3737 Ci::BuildRunnerSession3738 uses smallint for enums3739 Ci::FreezePeriod3740 uses smallint for enums3741 Ci::PendingBuild3742 uses smallint for enums3743 Ci::PipelineMessage3744 uses smallint for enums3745 Ci::BuildTraceChunk3746 uses smallint for enums3747 Ci::RunnerNamespace3748 uses smallint for enums3749 Ci::PipelineVariable3750 uses smallint for enums3751 Ci::PipelineChatData3752 uses smallint for enums3753 Ci::PipelineConfig3754 uses smallint for enums3755 Ci::DeletedObject3756 uses smallint for enums3757 Ci::DailyBuildGroupReportResult3758 uses smallint for enums3759 Ci::RunnerProject3760 uses smallint for enums3761 Ci::ProjectMirror3762 uses smallint for enums3763 Ci::BuildMetadata3764 uses smallint for enums3765 Ci::Sources::Pipeline3766 uses smallint for enums3767 Ci::JobToken::ProjectScopeLink3768 uses smallint for enums3769 Ci::Sources::Project3770 uses smallint for enums3771 Ci::Subscriptions::Project3772 uses smallint for enums3773 Ci::Minutes::ProjectMonthlyUsage3774 uses smallint for enums3775 Ci::Minutes::AdditionalPack3776 uses smallint for enums3777 Ci::Minutes::NamespaceMonthlyUsage3778 uses smallint for enums3779 License3780 uses smallint for enums3781 ApplicationSetting3782 uses smallint for enums3783 User3784 uses smallint for enums3785 Shard3786 uses smallint for enums3787 GeoNode3788 uses smallint for enums3789 Namespace3790 uses smallint for enums3791 Group3792 uses smallint for enums3793 Namespaces::UserNamespace3794 uses smallint for enums3795 Namespaces::ProjectNamespace3796 uses smallint for enums3797 Plan3798 uses smallint for enums3799 AuditEvent3800 uses smallint for enums3801 WebHookLog3802 uses smallint for enums3803 LooseForeignKeys::DeletedRecord3804 uses smallint for enums3805 IncidentManagement::PendingEscalations::Alert3806 uses smallint for enums3807 IncidentManagement::PendingEscalations::Issue3808 uses smallint for enums3809 Email3810 uses smallint for enums3811 Clusters::Platforms::Kubernetes3812 uses smallint for enums3813 Project3814 uses smallint for enums3815 Snippet3816 uses smallint for enums3817 PersonalSnippet3818 uses smallint for enums3819 ProjectSnippet3820 uses smallint for enums3821 BroadcastMessage3822 uses smallint for enums3823 BulkImport3824 uses smallint for enums3825 BulkImports::Entity3826 uses smallint for enums3827 Key3828 uses smallint for enums3829 DeployKey3830 uses smallint for enums3831 GroupDeployKey3832 uses smallint for enums3833 LDAPKey3834 uses smallint for enums3835 DeployToken3836 uses smallint for enums3837 Deployment3838 uses smallint for enums3839 Deployments::Approval3840 uses smallint for enums3841 Event3842 uses smallint for enums3843 PushEvent3844 uses smallint for enums3845 Issue3846 uses smallint for enums3847 WorkItem3848 uses smallint for enums3849 WorkItems::Type3850 uses smallint for enums3851 Milestone3852 uses smallint for enums3853 MergeRequest3854 uses smallint for enums3855 MergeRequestWithoutMergeRequestDiff3856 uses smallint for enums3857 Note3858 uses smallint for enums3859 DiffNote3860 uses smallint for enums3861 DiscussionNote3862 uses smallint for enums3863 SyntheticNote3864 uses smallint for enums3865 MilestoneNote3866 uses smallint for enums3867 LabelNote3868 uses smallint for enums3869 StateNote3870 uses smallint for enums3871 IterationNote3872 uses smallint for enums3873 WeightNote3874 uses smallint for enums3875 LegacyDiffNote3876 uses smallint for enums3877 WikiPage::Meta3878 uses smallint for enums3879 DesignManagement::Design3880 uses smallint for enums3881 IssueLink3882 uses smallint for enums3883 Iteration3884 uses smallint for enums3885 Environment3886 uses smallint for enums3887 Clusters::Cluster3888 uses smallint for enums3889 Clusters::Applications::Helm3890 uses smallint for enums3891 Clusters::Applications::Ingress3892 uses smallint for enums3893 Clusters::Applications::CertManager3894 uses smallint for enums3895 Clusters::Applications::Crossplane3896 uses smallint for enums3897 Clusters::Applications::Prometheus3898 uses smallint for enums3899 Clusters::Applications::Runner3900 uses smallint for enums3901 Clusters::Applications::Jupyter3902 uses smallint for enums3903 Clusters::Applications::Knative3904 uses smallint for enums3905 Clusters::Applications::ElasticStack3906 uses smallint for enums3907 Clusters::Applications::Cilium3908 uses smallint for enums3909 Epic3910 uses smallint for enums3911 Vulnerability3912 uses smallint for enums3913 UserPreference3914 uses smallint for enums3915 NotificationSetting3916 uses smallint for enums3917 Packages::Package3918 uses smallint for enums3919 ProtectedBranch3920 uses smallint for enums3921 ExportedProtectedBranch3922 uses smallint for enums3923 ProtectedBranch::MergeAccessLevel3924 uses smallint for enums3925 ProtectedBranch::PushAccessLevel3926 uses smallint for enums3927 ProtectedBranch::UnprotectAccessLevel3928 uses smallint for enums3929 ProtectedTag3930 uses smallint for enums3931 ProtectedTag::CreateAccessLevel3932 uses smallint for enums3933 Integration3934 uses smallint for enums3935 Integrations::Github3936 uses smallint for enums3937 Integrations::Asana3938 uses smallint for enums3939 Integrations::Assembla3940 uses smallint for enums3941 Integrations::BaseCi3942 uses smallint for enums3943 Integrations::Bamboo3944 uses smallint for enums3945 Integrations::Buildkite3946 uses smallint for enums3947 Integrations::DroneCi3948 uses smallint for enums3949 Integrations::Jenkins3950 uses smallint for enums3951 Integrations::Teamcity3952 uses smallint for enums3953 Integrations::MockCi3954 uses smallint for enums3955 Integrations::BaseIssueTracker3956 uses smallint for enums3957 Integrations::Bugzilla3958 uses smallint for enums3959 Integrations::CustomIssueTracker3960 uses smallint for enums3961 Integrations::Ewm3962 uses smallint for enums3963 Integrations::Jira3964 uses smallint for enums3965 Integrations::Redmine3966 uses smallint for enums3967 Integrations::Youtrack3968 uses smallint for enums3969 Integrations::Campfire3970 uses smallint for enums3971 Integrations::Confluence3972 uses smallint for enums3973 Integrations::Datadog3974 uses smallint for enums3975 Integrations::BaseChatNotification3976 uses smallint for enums3977 Integrations::Discord3978 uses smallint for enums3979 Integrations::HangoutsChat3980 uses smallint for enums3981 Integrations::Mattermost3982 uses smallint for enums3983 Integrations::MicrosoftTeams3984 uses smallint for enums3985 Integrations::Slack3986 uses smallint for enums3987 Integrations::UnifyCircuit3988 uses smallint for enums3989 Integrations::WebexTeams3990 uses smallint for enums3991 Integrations::EmailsOnPush3992 uses smallint for enums3993 Integrations::ExternalWiki3994 uses smallint for enums3995 Integrations::Flowdock3996 uses smallint for enums3997 Integrations::Irker3998 uses smallint for enums3999 Integrations::BaseSlashCommands4000 uses smallint for enums4001 Integrations::MattermostSlashCommands4002 uses smallint for enums4003 Integrations::SlackSlashCommands4004 uses smallint for enums4005 Integrations::Packagist4006 uses smallint for enums4007 Integrations::PipelinesEmail4008 uses smallint for enums4009 Integrations::Pivotaltracker4010 uses smallint for enums4011 Integrations::BaseMonitoring4012 uses smallint for enums4013 Integrations::Prometheus4014 uses smallint for enums4015 Integrations::MockMonitoring4016 uses smallint for enums4017 Integrations::Pushover4018 uses smallint for enums4019 Integrations::Zentao4020 uses smallint for enums4021 Integrations::Shimo4022 uses smallint for enums4023 Integrations::GitlabSlackApplication4024 uses smallint for enums4025 ForkNetworkMember4026 uses smallint for enums4027 ForkNetwork4028 uses smallint for enums4029 Todo4030 uses smallint for enums4031 UserStatus4032 uses smallint for enums4033 GeoNodeStatus4034 uses smallint for enums4035 Geo::TrackingBase::SchemaMigration4036 uses smallint for enums4037 Geo::SecondaryUsageData4038 uses smallint for enums4039 Geo::DesignRegistry4040 uses smallint for enums4041 Geo::MergeRequestDiffRegistry4042 uses smallint for enums4043 Geo::ContainerRepositoryRegistry4044 uses smallint for enums4045 Geo::SnippetRepositoryRegistry4046 uses smallint for enums4047 Geo::JobArtifactRegistry4048 uses smallint for enums4049 Geo::UploadRegistry4050 uses smallint for enums4051 Geo::EventLogState4052 uses smallint for enums4053 Geo::LfsObjectRegistry4054 uses smallint for enums4055 Geo::ProjectRegistry4056 uses smallint for enums4057 Geo::TerraformStateVersionRegistry4058 uses smallint for enums4059 Geo::PipelineArtifactRegistry4060 uses smallint for enums4061 Geo::GroupWikiRepositoryRegistry4062 uses smallint for enums4063 Geo::PagesDeploymentRegistry4064 uses smallint for enums4065 Geo::PackageFileRegistry4066 uses smallint for enums4067 Vulnerabilities::Finding4068 uses smallint for enums4069 Vulnerabilities::Export4070 uses smallint for enums4071 ProtectedEnvironment4072 uses smallint for enums4073 ProtectedEnvironment::DeployAccessLevel4074 uses smallint for enums4075 Appearance4076 uses smallint for enums4077 Projects::Topic4078 uses smallint for enums4079 IssuableMetricImage4080 uses smallint for enums4081 ComplianceManagement::Framework4082 uses smallint for enums4083 CustomEmoji4084 uses smallint for enums4085 Security::Scan4086 uses smallint for enums4087 Clusters::AgentToken4088 uses smallint for enums4089 Dast::Profile4090 uses smallint for enums4091 DastSiteProfile4092 uses smallint for enums4093 DastSiteValidation4094 uses smallint for enums4095 DastScannerProfile4096 uses smallint for enums4097 Dast::ProfileSchedule4098 uses smallint for enums4099 MergeRequestReviewer4100 uses smallint for enums4101 ApprovalProjectRule4102 uses smallint for enums4103 ApprovalMergeRequestRule4104 uses smallint for enums4105 Users::Callout4106 uses smallint for enums4107 DesignManagement::Action4108 uses smallint for enums4109 DesignManagement::Version4110 uses smallint for enums4111 AlertManagement::Alert4112 uses smallint for enums4113 PrometheusAlert4114 uses smallint for enums4115 IssuableSeverity4116 uses smallint for enums4117 IncidentManagement::IssuableEscalationStatus4118 uses smallint for enums4119 EpicIssue4120 uses smallint for enums4121 AwardEmoji4122 uses smallint for enums4123 Iterations::Cadence4124 uses smallint for enums4125 IncidentManagement::EscalationPolicy4126 uses smallint for enums4127 IncidentManagement::EscalationRule4128 uses smallint for enums4129 IncidentManagement::OncallRotation4130 uses smallint for enums4131 IncidentManagement::OncallParticipant4132 uses smallint for enums4133 Board4134 uses smallint for enums4135 List4136 uses smallint for enums4137 ContainerRepository4138 uses smallint for enums4139 Packages::Conan::Metadatum4140 uses smallint for enums4141 Packages::Maven::Metadatum4142 uses smallint for enums4143 Packages::Nuget::Metadatum4144 uses smallint for enums4145 Packages::Pypi::Metadatum4146 uses smallint for enums4147 DependencyProxy::Manifest4148 uses smallint for enums4149 Boards::EpicBoard4150 uses smallint for enums4151 Boards::EpicList4152 uses smallint for enums4153 Vulnerabilities::IssueLink4154 uses smallint for enums4155 Vulnerabilities::ExternalIssueLink4156 uses smallint for enums4157 Vulnerabilities::Scanner4158 uses smallint for enums4159 Clusters::Agent4160 uses smallint for enums4161 Vulnerabilities::Statistic4162 uses smallint for enums4163 AlertManagement::HttpIntegration4164 uses smallint for enums4165 Release4166 uses smallint for enums4167 Releases::Link4168 uses smallint for enums4169 Releases::Evidence4170 uses smallint for enums4171 ContainerExpirationPolicy4172 uses smallint for enums4173 IncidentManagement::TimelineEvent4174 uses smallint for enums4175 AppSec::Fuzzing::Coverage::Corpus4176 uses smallint for enums4177 Packages::PackageFile4178 uses smallint for enums4179 Packages::Conan::FileMetadatum4180 uses smallint for enums4181 Packages::DependencyLink4182 uses smallint for enums4183 Packages::Dependency4184 uses smallint for enums4185 Packages::Nuget::DependencyLinkMetadatum4186 uses smallint for enums4187 PushRule4188 uses smallint for enums4189 PathLock4190 uses smallint for enums4191 Label4192 uses smallint for enums4193 ProjectLabel4194 uses smallint for enums4195 GroupLabel4196 uses smallint for enums4197 CustomerRelations::Organization4198 uses smallint for enums4199 CustomerRelations::Contact4200 uses smallint for enums4201 Metrics::Dashboard::Annotation4202 uses smallint for enums4203 Terraform::State4204 uses smallint for enums4205 DastSiteToken4206 uses smallint for enums4207 Analytics::DevopsAdoption::EnabledNamespace4208 uses smallint for enums4209 AuditEvents::ExternalAuditEventDestination4210 uses smallint for enums4211 InternalId4212 uses smallint for enums4213 DiffNotePosition4214 uses smallint for enums4215 RepositoryLanguage4216 uses smallint for enums4217 UserDetail4218 uses smallint for enums4219 BoardGroupRecentVisit4220 uses smallint for enums4221 ProjectDailyStatistic4222 uses smallint for enums4223 ProjectFeatureUsage4224 uses smallint for enums4225 UserCustomAttribute4226 uses smallint for enums4227 GroupDeployToken4228 uses smallint for enums4229 Identity4230 uses smallint for enums4231 LabelLink4232 uses smallint for enums4233 GroupDeployKeysGroup4234 uses smallint for enums4235 GroupImportState4236 uses smallint for enums4237 BoardProjectRecentVisit4238 uses smallint for enums4239 ZoomMeeting4240 uses smallint for enums4241 MilestoneRelease4242 uses smallint for enums4243 ResourceStateEvent4244 uses smallint for enums4245 ResourceMilestoneEvent4246 uses smallint for enums4247 ResourceIterationEvent4248 uses smallint for enums4249 ResourceLabelEvent4250 uses smallint for enums4251 ResourceWeightEvent4252 uses smallint for enums4253 TrendingProject4254 uses smallint for enums4255 ExperimentSubject4256 uses smallint for enums4257 UserSyncedAttributesMetadata4258 uses smallint for enums4259 UsersStatistics4260 uses smallint for enums4261 SentryIssue4262 uses smallint for enums4263 UserAgentDetail4264 uses smallint for enums4265 GroupGroupLink4266 uses smallint for enums4267 SystemNoteMetadata4268 uses smallint for enums4269 MergeRequestDiffCommit4270 uses smallint for enums4271 PushEventPayload4272 uses smallint for enums4273 RawUsageData4274 uses smallint for enums4275 PagesDomainAcmeOrder4276 uses smallint for enums4277 ChatName4278 uses smallint for enums4279 AbuseReport4280 uses smallint for enums4281 OnboardingProgress4282 uses smallint for enums4283 DesignUserMention4284 uses smallint for enums4285 MergeRequestUserMention4286 uses smallint for enums4287 IssueUserMention4288 uses smallint for enums4289 SnippetUserMention4290 uses smallint for enums4291 CommitUserMention4292 uses smallint for enums4293 EpicUserMention4294 uses smallint for enums4295 VulnerabilityUserMention4296 uses smallint for enums4297 AlertManagement::AlertUserMention4298 uses smallint for enums4299 JiraConnectInstallation4300 uses smallint for enums4301 ProjectTracingSetting4302 uses smallint for enums4303 PoolRepository4304 uses smallint for enums4305 ImportFailure4306 uses smallint for enums4307 ProjectImportData4308 uses smallint for enums4309 ProjectSetting4310 uses smallint for enums4311 Suggestion4312 uses smallint for enums4313 UserHighestRole4314 uses smallint for enums4315 ProjectPagesMetadatum4316 uses smallint for enums4317 Review4318 uses smallint for enums4319 NamespaceSetting4320 uses smallint for enums4321 ServiceDeskSetting4322 uses smallint for enums4323 ProjectDeployToken4324 uses smallint for enums4325 ProjectCustomAttribute4326 uses smallint for enums4327 MergeRequestDiffFile4328 uses smallint for enums4329 Route4330 uses smallint for enums4331 ProjectImportState4332 uses smallint for enums4333 RemoteMirror4334 uses smallint for enums4335 ProjectStatistics4336 uses smallint for enums4337 X509Certificate4338 uses smallint for enums4339 IssueEmailParticipant4340 uses smallint for enums4341 ProjectGroupLink4342 uses smallint for enums4343 PlanLimits4344 uses smallint for enums4345 ProjectAutoDevops4346 uses smallint for enums4347 ProgrammingLanguage4348 uses smallint for enums4349 ProjectRepository4350 uses smallint for enums4351 DescriptionVersion4352 uses smallint for enums4353 ListUserPreference4354 uses smallint for enums4355 Subscription4356 uses smallint for enums4357 UserInteractedProject4358 uses smallint for enums4359 GpgKeySubkey4360 uses smallint for enums4361 PrometheusMetric4362 uses smallint for enums4363 IssueAssignee4364 uses smallint for enums4365 UserCanonicalEmail4366 uses smallint for enums4367 AuthenticationEvent4368 uses smallint for enums4369 X509Issuer4370 uses smallint for enums4371 GrafanaIntegration4372 uses smallint for enums4373 SentNotification4374 uses smallint for enums4375 GpgKey4376 uses smallint for enums4377 JiraImportState4378 uses smallint for enums4379 SnippetStatistics4380 uses smallint for enums4381 ImportExportUpload4382 uses smallint for enums4383 ProjectMetricsSetting4384 uses smallint for enums4385 SelfManagedPrometheusAlertEvent4386 uses smallint for enums4387 Member4388 uses smallint for enums4389 ProjectMember4390 uses smallint for enums4391 ProjectNamespaceMember4392 uses smallint for enums4393 GroupMember4394 uses smallint for enums4395 UsersStarProject4396 uses smallint for enums4397 ProjectCiCdSetting4398 uses smallint for enums4399 DeploymentMergeRequest4400 uses smallint for enums4401 MergeRequestContextCommitDiffFile4402 uses smallint for enums4403 TermAgreement4404 uses smallint for enums4405 PersonalAccessToken4406 uses smallint for enums4407 MergeRequestsClosingIssues4408 uses smallint for enums4409 ChatTeam4410 uses smallint for enums4411 RedirectRoute4412 uses smallint for enums4413 MergeRequestContextCommit4414 uses smallint for enums4415 ProductAnalyticsEvent4416 uses smallint for enums4417 ProjectAuthorization4418 uses smallint for enums4419 DraftNote4420 uses smallint for enums4421 GroupCustomAttribute4422 uses smallint for enums4423 NoteDiffFile4424 uses smallint for enums4425 U2fRegistration4426 uses smallint for enums4427 Upload4428 uses smallint for enums4429 Approval4430 uses smallint for enums4431 LfsObject4432 uses smallint for enums4433 Timelog4434 uses smallint for enums4435 SnippetRepository4436 uses smallint for enums4437 LfsObjectsProject4438 uses smallint for enums4439 Badge4440 uses smallint for enums4441 GroupBadge4442 uses smallint for enums4443 ProjectBadge4444 uses smallint for enums4445 Experiment4446 uses smallint for enums4447 DeploymentCluster4448 uses smallint for enums4449 DeployKeysProject4450 uses smallint for enums4451 ProjectFeature4452 uses smallint for enums4453 ExperimentUser4454 uses smallint for enums4455 PrometheusAlertEvent4456 uses smallint for enums4457 PagesDeployment4458 uses smallint for enums4459 SpamLog4460 uses smallint for enums4461 TokenWithIv4462 uses smallint for enums4463 PagesDomain4464 uses smallint for enums4465 ProjectExportJob4466 uses smallint for enums4467 LfsFileLock4468 uses smallint for enums4469 JiraConnectSubscription4470 uses smallint for enums4471 MergeRequestAssignee4472 uses smallint for enums4473 LabelPriority4474 uses smallint for enums4475 MergeRequestDiff4476 uses smallint for enums4477 WebauthnRegistration4478 uses smallint for enums4479 WebHook4480 uses smallint for enums4481 ServiceHook4482 uses smallint for enums4483 ProjectHook4484 uses smallint for enums4485 SystemHook4486 uses smallint for enums4487 GroupHook4488 uses smallint for enums4489 MemberTask4490 uses smallint for enums4491 ProjectAlias4492 uses smallint for enums4493 Insight4494 uses smallint for enums4495 UsersSecurityDashboardProject4496 uses smallint for enums4497 SlackIntegration4498 uses smallint for enums4499 LdapGroupLink4500 uses smallint for enums4501 UsersOpsDashboardProject4502 uses smallint for enums4503 ElasticsearchIndexedNamespace4504 uses smallint for enums4505 GroupDeletionSchedule4506 uses smallint for enums4507 SmartcardIdentity4508 uses smallint for enums4509 SamlGroupLink4510 uses smallint for enums4511 DastSite4512 uses smallint for enums4513 GeoNodeNamespaceLink4514 uses smallint for enums4515 FeatureFlagIssue4516 uses smallint for enums4517 GitlabSubscription4518 uses smallint for enums4519 ScimOauthAccessToken4520 uses smallint for enums4521 BoardLabel4522 uses smallint for enums4523 GroupWikiRepository4524 uses smallint for enums4525 IpRestriction4526 uses smallint for enums4527 ProjectRepositoryState4528 uses smallint for enums4529 GroupMergeRequestApprovalSetting4530 uses smallint for enums4531 HistoricalData4532 uses smallint for enums4533 UserPermissionExportUpload4534 uses smallint for enums4535 Approver4536 uses smallint for enums4537 MergeTrain4538 uses smallint for enums4539 NamespaceLimit4540 uses smallint for enums4541 ApprovalProjectRulesProtectedBranch4542 uses smallint for enums4543 ScimIdentity4544 uses smallint for enums4545 MergeRequestBlock4546 uses smallint for enums4547 SoftwareLicense4548 uses smallint for enums4549 BoardAssignee4550 uses smallint for enums4551 ApprovalMergeRequestRuleSource4552 uses smallint for enums4553 IssuableSla4554 uses smallint for enums4555 NamespaceStatistics4556 uses smallint for enums4557 AllowedEmailDomain4558 uses smallint for enums4559 SamlProvider4560 uses smallint for enums4561 GitlabSubscriptionHistory4562 uses smallint for enums4563 ProjectSecuritySetting4564 uses smallint for enums4565 ApproverGroup4566 uses smallint for enums4567 SoftwareLicensePolicy4568 uses smallint for enums4569 MergeRequestDiffDetail4570 uses smallint for enums4571 ElasticsearchIndexedProject4572 uses smallint for enums4573 BoardUserPreference4574 uses smallint for enums4575 IndexStatus4576 uses smallint for enums4577 Projects::SyncEvent4578 uses smallint for enums4579 Projects::RepositoryStorageMove4580 uses smallint for enums4581 Projects::ProjectTopic4582 uses smallint for enums4583 Projects::CiFeatureUsage4584 uses smallint for enums4585 Namespace::AggregationSchedule4586 uses smallint for enums4587 Namespace::RootStorageStatistics4588 uses smallint for enums4589 Namespace::PackageSetting4590 uses smallint for enums4591 Namespace::AdminNote4592 uses smallint for enums4593 Operations::FeatureFlag4594 uses smallint for enums4595 Operations::FeatureFlagsClient4596 uses smallint for enums4597 WikiPage::Slug4598 uses smallint for enums4599 Packages::Event4600 uses smallint for enums4601 Packages::PackageFileBuildInfo4602 uses smallint for enums4603 Packages::Tag4604 uses smallint for enums4605 Packages::BuildInfo4606 uses smallint for enums4607 CustomerRelations::IssueContact4608 uses smallint for enums4609 Group::CrmSettings4610 uses smallint for enums4611 Issue::Metrics4612 uses smallint for enums4613 Issue::Email4614 uses smallint for enums4615 ErrorTracking::ProjectErrorTrackingSetting4616 uses smallint for enums4617 ErrorTracking::Error4618 uses smallint for enums4619 ErrorTracking::ClientKey4620 uses smallint for enums4621 ErrorTracking::ErrorEvent4622 uses smallint for enums4623 Aws::Role4624 uses smallint for enums4625 ApplicationSetting::Term4626 uses smallint for enums4627 Metrics::UsersStarredDashboard4628 uses smallint for enums4629 IncidentManagement::ProjectIncidentManagementSetting4630 uses smallint for enums4631 Users::BannedUser4632 uses smallint for enums4633 Users::UserFollowUser4634 uses smallint for enums4635 Users::GroupCallout4636 uses smallint for enums4637 Users::CreditCardValidation4638 uses smallint for enums4639 Users::InProductMarketingEmail4640 uses smallint for enums4641 DependencyProxy::GroupSetting4642 uses smallint for enums4643 DependencyProxy::Blob4644 uses smallint for enums4645 DependencyProxy::ImageTtlGroupPolicy4646 uses smallint for enums4647 Snippets::RepositoryStorageMove4648 uses smallint for enums4649 Issues::CsvImport4650 uses smallint for enums4651 AlertManagement::AlertAssignee4652 uses smallint for enums4653 CommitSignatures::GpgSignature4654 uses smallint for enums4655 CommitSignatures::X509CommitSignature4656 uses smallint for enums4657 Alerting::ProjectAlertingSetting4658 uses smallint for enums4659 Atlassian::Identity4660 uses smallint for enums4661 Serverless::DomainCluster4662 uses smallint for enums4663 DevOpsReport::Metric4664 uses smallint for enums4665 Namespaces::SyncEvent4666 uses smallint for enums4667 MergeRequest::DiffCommitUser4668 uses smallint for enums4669 MergeRequest::Metrics4670 uses smallint for enums4671 MergeRequest::CleanupSchedule4672 uses smallint for enums4673 Terraform::StateVersion4674 uses smallint for enums4675 BulkImports::ExportUpload4676 uses smallint for enums4677 BulkImports::Configuration4678 uses smallint for enums4679 BulkImports::Tracker4680 uses smallint for enums4681 BulkImports::Failure4682 uses smallint for enums4683 BulkImports::Export4684 uses smallint for enums4685 Integrations::JiraTrackerData4686 uses smallint for enums4687 Integrations::IssueTrackerData4688 uses smallint for enums4689 Integrations::ZentaoTrackerData4690 uses smallint for enums4691 Clusters::Project4692 uses smallint for enums4693 Clusters::KubernetesNamespace4694 uses smallint for enums4695 Clusters::Group4696 uses smallint for enums4697 Clusters::Integrations::Prometheus4698 uses smallint for enums4699 Clusters::Integrations::ElasticStack4700 uses smallint for enums4701 RequirementsManagement::TestReport4702 uses smallint for enums4703 Dast::SiteProfilesBuild4704 uses smallint for enums4705 Dast::ScannerProfilesBuild4706 uses smallint for enums4707 Dast::SiteProfileSecretVariable4708 uses smallint for enums4709 Dast::ProfilesPipeline4710 uses smallint for enums4711 Dora::DailyMetrics4712 uses smallint for enums4713 StatusPage::ProjectSetting4714 uses smallint for enums4715 StatusPage::PublishedIncident4716 uses smallint for enums4717 ProtectedBranch::RequiredCodeOwnersSection4718 uses smallint for enums4719 Vulnerabilities::Identifier4720 uses smallint for enums4721 Vulnerabilities::FindingLink4722 uses smallint for enums4723 Vulnerabilities::FindingIdentifier4724 uses smallint for enums4725 Vulnerabilities::HistoricalStatistic4726 uses smallint for enums4727 Vulnerabilities::Read4728 uses smallint for enums4729 Vulnerabilities::Feedback4730 uses smallint for enums4731 Vulnerabilities::FindingRemediation4732 uses smallint for enums4733 Vulnerabilities::Remediation4734 uses smallint for enums4735 Vulnerabilities::FindingPipeline4736 uses smallint for enums4737 Vulnerabilities::Flag4738 uses smallint for enums4739 Vulnerabilities::FindingSignature4740 uses smallint for enums4741 RequirementsManagement::Requirement4742 uses smallint for enums4743 IncidentManagement::OncallShift4744 uses smallint for enums4745 IncidentManagement::OncallSchedule4746 uses smallint for enums4747 GitlabSubscriptions::UpcomingReconciliation4748 uses smallint for enums4749 Elastic::IndexSetting4750 uses smallint for enums4751 Elastic::ReindexingSubtask4752 uses smallint for enums4753 Elastic::ReindexingSlice4754 uses smallint for enums4755 Elastic::ReindexingTask4756 uses smallint for enums4757 Boards::EpicUserPreference4758 uses smallint for enums4759 Boards::EpicBoardLabel4760 uses smallint for enums4761 Boards::EpicBoardRecentVisit4762 uses smallint for enums4763 Boards::EpicBoardPosition4764 uses smallint for enums4765 Boards::EpicListUserPreference4766 uses smallint for enums4767 Security::Finding4768 uses smallint for enums4769 Security::Training4770 uses smallint for enums4771 Security::OrchestrationPolicyConfiguration4772 uses smallint for enums4773 Security::OrchestrationPolicyRuleSchedule4774 uses smallint for enums4775 Security::TrainingProvider4776 uses smallint for enums4777 Geo::Event4778 uses smallint for enums4779 Geo::UploadState4780 uses smallint for enums4781 Geo::JobArtifactDeletedEvent4782 uses smallint for enums4783 Geo::PagesDeploymentState4784 uses smallint for enums4785 Geo::EventLog4786 uses smallint for enums4787 Geo::HashedStorageAttachmentsEvent4788 uses smallint for enums4789 Geo::LfsObjectState4790 uses smallint for enums4791 Geo::RepositoryCreatedEvent4792 uses smallint for enums4793 Geo::RepositoriesChangedEvent4794 uses smallint for enums4795 Geo::RepositoryRenamedEvent4796 uses smallint for enums4797 Geo::ContainerRepositoryUpdatedEvent4798 uses smallint for enums4799 Geo::ResetChecksumEvent4800 uses smallint for enums4801 Geo::RepositoryUpdatedEvent4802 uses smallint for enums4803 Geo::RepositoryDeletedEvent4804 uses smallint for enums4805 Geo::CacheInvalidationEvent4806 uses smallint for enums4807 Geo::HashedStorageMigratedEvent4808 uses smallint for enums4809 Epic::Metrics4810 uses smallint for enums4811 MergeRequests::StatusCheckResponse4812 uses smallint for enums4813 MergeRequests::ComplianceViolation4814 uses smallint for enums4815 MergeRequests::ExternalStatusCheck4816 uses smallint for enums4817 Groups::RepositoryStorageMove4818 uses smallint for enums4819 Operations::FeatureFlags::StrategyUserList4820 uses smallint for enums4821 Operations::FeatureFlags::UserList4822 uses smallint for enums4823 Operations::FeatureFlags::Scope4824 uses smallint for enums4825 Operations::FeatureFlags::Strategy4826 uses smallint for enums4827 Packages::Debian::GroupDistributionKey4828 uses smallint for enums4829 Packages::Debian::GroupComponentFile4830 uses smallint for enums4831 Packages::Debian::GroupDistribution4832 uses smallint for enums4833 Packages::Debian::Publication4834 uses smallint for enums4835 Packages::Debian::ProjectComponent4836 uses smallint for enums4837 Packages::Debian::ProjectComponentFile4838 uses smallint for enums4839 Packages::Debian::ProjectDistributionKey4840 uses smallint for enums4841 Packages::Debian::ProjectArchitecture4842 uses smallint for enums4843 Packages::Debian::GroupComponent4844 uses smallint for enums4845 Packages::Debian::GroupArchitecture4846 uses smallint for enums4847 Packages::Debian::FileMetadatum4848 uses smallint for enums4849 Packages::Debian::ProjectDistribution4850 uses smallint for enums4851 Packages::Helm::FileMetadatum4852 uses smallint for enums4853 Packages::Composer::Metadatum4854 uses smallint for enums4855 Packages::Composer::CacheFile4856 uses smallint for enums4857 Packages::Npm::Metadatum4858 uses smallint for enums4859 Packages::Rubygems::Metadatum4860 uses smallint for enums4861 Analytics::UsageTrends::Measurement4862 uses smallint for enums4863 Analytics::CycleAnalytics::StageEventHash4864 uses smallint for enums4865 Analytics::CycleAnalytics::ProjectStage4866 uses smallint for enums4867 Analytics::CycleAnalytics::ProjectValueStream4868 uses smallint for enums4869 Analytics::CycleAnalytics::MergeRequestStageEvent4870 uses smallint for enums4871 Analytics::CycleAnalytics::IssueStageEvent4872 uses smallint for enums4873 Clusters::Providers::Aws4874 uses smallint for enums4875 Clusters::Providers::Gcp4876 uses smallint for enums4877 Clusters::Agents::ActivityEvent4878 uses smallint for enums4879 Clusters::Agents::GroupAuthorization4880 uses smallint for enums4881 Clusters::Agents::ProjectAuthorization4882 uses smallint for enums4883 Gitlab::BackgroundMigration::BackfillJiraTrackerDeploymentType2::JiraTrackerDataTemp4884 uses smallint for enums4885 Gitlab::BackgroundMigration::BackfillJiraTrackerDeploymentType2::JiraServiceTemp4886 uses smallint for enums4887 EE::Gitlab::BackgroundMigration::BackfillIterationCadenceIdForBoards::MigrationBoard4888 uses smallint for enums4889 EE::Gitlab::BackgroundMigration::BackfillIterationCadenceIdForBoards::MigrationCadence4890 uses smallint for enums4891 ComplianceManagement::ComplianceFramework::ProjectSettings4892 uses smallint for enums4893 Vulnerabilities::Finding::Evidence4894 uses smallint for enums4895 Analytics::DevopsAdoption::Snapshot4896 uses smallint for enums4897 Analytics::LanguageTrend::RepositoryLanguage4898 uses smallint for enums4899 Analytics::CycleAnalytics::GroupValueStream4900 uses smallint for enums4901 Analytics::CycleAnalytics::GroupStage4902 uses smallint for enums4903 Gitlab::DatabaseImporters::CommonMetrics::PrometheusMetric4904 uses smallint for enums4905 for jsonb columns4906 uses json schema validator4907 existence of Postgres schemas4908 we have a public schema4909 we have a 'gitlab_partitions_dynamic' schema'4910 we have a 'gitlab_partitions_static' schema'4911 we do not have unexpected schemas4912 primary keys4913 expects every table to have a primary key defined4914 index names4915 disallows index names with a _ccnew[0-9]* suffix4916Knapsack report was generated. Preview:4917{4918 "spec/db/schema_spec.rb": 110.924996284000374919}4920Knapsack global time execution for tests: 01m 50s4921Finished in 1 minute 53.8 seconds (files took 1 minute 3.86 seconds to load)49222270 examples, 0 failures4923Wed Jan 19 14:52:56 UTC 20224925Not uploading cache ruby-gems-v1-9 due to policy4926Not uploading cache gitaly-ruby-gems-v1-9 due to policy4928Uploading artifacts...4929coverage/: found 5 matching files and directories 4930crystalball/: found 2 matching files and directories 4931WARNING: deprecations/: no matching files 4932knapsack/: found 3 matching files and directories 4933rspec_flaky/: found 5 matching files and directories 4934rspec_profiling/: found 1 matching files and directories 4935WARNING: tmp/capybara/: no matching files 4936tmp/memory_test/: found 2 matching files and directories 4937log/*.log: found 13 matching files and directories 4938Uploading artifacts as "archive" to coordinator... 201 Created id=1992050741 responseStatus=201 Created token=WSruCdLy4939Uploading artifacts...4940junit_rspec.xml: found 1 matching files and directories 4941Uploading artifacts as "junit" to coordinator... 201 Created id=1992050741 responseStatus=201 Created token=WSruCdLy4943Job succeeded