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Snippets Groups Projects

rspec unit pg12 2/20

Full log viewer Experiment
Running with gitlab-runner 14.4.0-rc1 (bc99a056)
on docker-auto-scale-com 9538b0ab
feature flags: FF_USE_FASTZIP:true
Resolving secrets
Preparing the "docker+machine" executor
Using Docker executor with image ...
Starting service postgres:12 ...
Pulling docker image postgres:12 ...
Using docker image sha256:fd694ed1533c17b41ce216f564c485b00c54a22d4381ffffb0a8e0c1b63f1747 for postgres:12 with digest postgres@sha256:5dee94aed72d1549f945e63195ebe720a1472df170f8d2a8807ea02c8ecf6aa2 ...
Starting service redis:5.0-alpine ...
Pulling docker image redis:5.0-alpine ...
Using docker image sha256:a7a6051077c6c9cfc9ad478778271b49900cb5c4667e64a4128306d8f41a5396 for redis:5.0-alpine with digest redis@sha256:cb5840073dc475b45bf856eb666f5e4d19e3b1ae882e0f3a1396d399cfa23702 ...
Waiting for services to be up and running...
Authenticating with credentials from job payload (GitLab Registry)
Pulling docker image ...
Using docker image sha256:3a2e6a9cad65fa0415ab85039d82beb91c1c065f731261c1b2b150f34d219920 for with digest ...
Preparing environment
Running on runner-9538b0ab-project-278964-concurrent-0 via runner-9538b0ab-gsrm-1634148911-377f3c08...
Getting source from Git repository
Downloading archived master...
Connecting to (
saving to '/tmp/gitlab.tar.gz'
gitlab.tar.gz 3% |* | 11.1M 0:00:30 ETA
gitlab.tar.gz 69% |********************** | 241M 0:00:00 ETA
gitlab.tar.gz 100% |********************************| 346M 0:00:00 ETA
'/tmp/gitlab.tar.gz' saved
Extracting tarball into /builds/gitlab-org/gitlab...
Fetching changes with git depth set to 20...
Initialized empty Git repository in /builds/gitlab-org/gitlab/.git/
Created fresh repository.
remote: Enumerating objects: 110247, done.
remote: Counting objects: 100% (110247/110247), done.
remote: Compressing objects: 100% (75671/75671), done.
remote: Total 110247 (delta 47970), reused 75452 (delta 30626), pack-reused 0
Receiving objects: 100% (110247/110247), 101.87 MiB | 24.99 MiB/s, done.
Resolving deltas: 100% (47970/47970), done.
* [new ref] 535e4adb5142269adb0ab6e75a281530634a8ca8 -> refs/pipelines/387872470
* [new branch] master -> origin/master
Checking out 535e4adb as master...
Skipping Git submodules setup
Restoring cache
Checking cache for ruby-gems-v1-4...
Downloading from
Successfully extracted cache
Checking cache for gitaly-ruby-gems-v1-4...
Downloading from
Successfully extracted cache
Downloading artifacts
Downloading artifacts for compile-test-assets (1677157166)...
Downloading artifacts from coordinator... ok id=1677157166 responseStatus=200 OK token=ycJW5xLW
Downloading artifacts for retrieve-tests-metadata (1677157175)...
Downloading artifacts from coordinator... ok id=1677157175 responseStatus=200 OK token=TfUgejm2
Downloading artifacts for setup-test-env (1677157171)...
Downloading artifacts from coordinator... ok id=1677157171 responseStatus=200 OK token=mKsuziZw
Executing "step_script" stage of the job script
Using docker image sha256:3a2e6a9cad65fa0415ab85039d82beb91c1c065f731261c1b2b150f34d219920 for with digest ...
$ echo $FOSS_ONLY
$ [ "$FOSS_ONLY" = "1" ] && rm -rf ee/ qa/spec/ee/ qa/qa/specs/features/ee/ qa/qa/ee/ qa/qa/ee.rb
$ mkdir -p $GOPATH
$ source scripts/
$ source scripts/
Bundler version 2.1.4
Settings are listed in order of priority. The top value will be used.
Set for the current user (/root/.bundle/config): "/builds/gitlab-org/gitlab/vendor"
Set for the current user (/root/.bundle/config): "true"
Set via BUNDLE_WITHOUT: [:production, :development]
Set via BUNDLE_INSTALL_FLAGS: "--jobs=$(nproc) --retry=3 --quiet"
$ bundle install --jobs=$(nproc) --retry=3 --quiet && bundle check
The Gemfile's dependencies are satisfied
==> 'bundle install --jobs=$(nproc) --retry=3 --quiet && bundle check' succeeded in 2 seconds.
$ bundle pristine pg
Installing pg 1.2.3 with native extensions
==> 'bundle pristine pg' succeeded in 11 seconds.
$ setup_db_user_only
==> 'setup_db_user_only' succeeded in 0 seconds.
$ bundle exec rake db:drop db:create db:structure:load db:migrate gitlab:db:setup_ee
Dropped database 'gitlabhq_test'
Created database 'gitlabhq_test'
DEPRECATION WARNING: Using `bin/rails db:structure:load` is deprecated and will be removed in Rails 6.2. Configure the format using `config.active_record.schema_format = :sql` to use `structure.sql` and run `bin/rails db:schema:load` instead. (called from load at /builds/gitlab-org/gitlab/vendor/ruby/2.7.0/bin/rake:23)
Dropped database 'gitlabhq_geo_test'
Created database 'gitlabhq_geo_test'
==> 'bundle exec rake db:drop db:create db:structure:load db:migrate gitlab:db:setup_ee' succeeded in 32 seconds.
$ run_timed_command "gem install knapsack --no-document"
$ gem install knapsack --no-document
Successfully installed knapsack-4.0.0
1 gem installed
==> 'gem install knapsack --no-document' succeeded in 1 seconds.
$ run_timed_command "scripts/gitaly-test-spawn"
$ scripts/gitaly-test-spawn
Settings are listed in order of priority. The top value will be used.
Set for your local app (/builds/gitlab-org/gitlab/tmp/tests/gitaly/ruby/.bundle/config): 4
Set for your local app (/builds/gitlab-org/gitlab/tmp/tests/gitaly/ruby/.bundle/config): 3
Set for your local app (/builds/gitlab-org/gitlab/tmp/tests/gitaly/ruby/.bundle/config): "/builds/gitlab-org/gitlab/vendor/gitaly-ruby"
Set for your local app (/builds/gitlab-org/gitlab/tmp/tests/gitaly/ruby/.bundle/config): true
Set for your local app (/builds/gitlab-org/gitlab/tmp/tests/gitaly/ruby/.bundle/config): [:production, :development]
Set via BUNDLE_WITHOUT: [:production, :development]
Set via BUNDLE_APP_CONFIG: "/builds/gitlab-org/gitlab/tmp/tests/gitaly/ruby/.bundle"
Set via BUNDLE_GEMFILE: "/builds/gitlab-org/gitlab/tmp/tests/gitaly/ruby/Gemfile"
Don't run Bundler as root. Bundler can ask for sudo if it is needed, and
installing your bundle as root will break this application for all non-root
users on this machine.
Using abstract_type 0.0.7
Using concurrent-ruby 1.1.9
Using i18n 1.8.10
Using minitest 5.14.4
Using tzinfo 2.0.4
Using zeitwerk 2.4.2
Using activesupport
Using builder 3.2.4
Using erubi 1.10.0
Using mini_portile2 2.5.1
Using racc 1.5.2
Using nokogiri 1.11.7 (x86_64-linux)
Using rails-dom-testing 2.0.3
Using crass 1.0.6
Using loofah 2.12.0
Using rails-html-sanitizer 1.4.2
Using actionview
Using rack 2.2.3
Using rack-test 1.1.0
Using actionpack
Using ice_nine 0.11.2
Using thread_safe 0.3.6
Using memoizable 0.4.2
Using adamantium 0.2.0
Using public_suffix 4.0.6
Using addressable 2.7.0
Using ast 2.4.1
Using binding_ninja 0.2.3
Using bundler 2.1.4
Using charlock_holmes 0.7.7
Using coderay 1.1.2
Using equalizer 0.0.11
Using concord 0.1.5
Using diff-lcs 1.3
Using dotenv 2.7.6
Using escape_utils 1.2.1
Using factory_bot 5.0.2
Using multipart-post 2.1.1
Using faraday 1.0.1
Using ffi 1.15.3
Using json 2.5.1
Using gemojione 3.3.0
Using mini_mime 1.0.2
Using rugged 1.1.0
Using github-linguist 7.12.1
Using github-markup 1.7.0
Using mime-types-data 3.2020.1104
Using mime-types 3.3.1
Using gitlab-gollum-rugged_adapter
Using rouge 3.26.0
Using nokogumbo 1.5.0
Using sanitize 4.6.6
Using stringex 2.8.5
Using gitlab-gollum-lib
Using google-protobuf 3.17.3 (x86_64-linux)
Using googleapis-common-protos-types 1.1.0
Using grpc 1.30.2 (x86_64-linux)
Using opentracing 0.5.0
Using thrift 0.15.0
Using jaeger-client 1.1.0
Using pg_query 2.1.0
Using redis 4.4.0
Using gitlab-labkit 0.21.2
Using gitlab-markup 1.7.1
Using grpc-tools 1.30.2
Using sawyer 0.8.2
Using octokit 4.20.0
Using reverse_markdown 1.4.0
Using thor 1.1.0
Using licensee 9.14.1
Using method_source 0.9.2
Using msgpack 1.3.3
Using optimist 3.0.1
Using parallel 1.19.2
Using parser
Using procto 0.0.3
Using unparser 0.4.7
Using proc_to_ast 0.1.0
Using pry 0.12.2
Using rainbow 3.0.0
Using rbtrace 0.4.14
Using rdoc 6.3.2
Using regexp_parser 1.8.1
Using rexml 3.2.4
Using rspec-support 3.8.0
Using rspec-core 3.8.0
Using rspec-expectations 3.8.3
Using rspec-mocks 3.8.0
Using rspec 3.8.0
Using rspec-parameterized 0.4.2
Using rubocop-ast 0.2.0
Using ruby-progressbar 1.10.1
Using unicode-display_width 1.7.0
Using rubocop 0.86.0
Using sentry-raven 3.0.4
Using timecop 0.9.1
Bundle complete! 21 Gemfile dependencies, 96 gems now installed.
Gems in the groups production and development were not installed.
Bundled gems are installed into `/builds/gitlab-org/gitlab/vendor/gitaly-ruby`
Checking gitaly-ruby Gemfile...
Checking gitaly-ruby bundle...
The Gemfile's dependencies are satisfied
Trying to connect to gitaly: ........................................................ OK
Trying to connect to gitaly2: ............................................................................. OK
Trying to connect to praefect: ......... OK
==> 'scripts/gitaly-test-spawn' succeeded in 16 seconds.
$ source ./scripts/
$ rspec_paralellized_job "--tag ~quarantine --tag ~geo --tag ~level:migration"
KNAPSACK_TEST_FILE_PATTERN: spec/{bin,channels,config,db,dependencies,elastic,elastic_integration,experiments,factories,finders,frontend,graphql,haml_lint,helpers,initializers,javascripts,lib,models,policies,presenters,rack_servers,replicators,routing,rubocop,serializers,services,sidekiq,spam,support_specs,tasks,uploaders,validators,views,workers,tooling}{,/**/}*_spec.rb
Knapsack node specs:
Filter specs:
Running specs:
Running all node tests without filter
spec/tooling/danger/specs_spec.rbKnapsack report generator started!
Run options: exclude {:quarantine=>true, :geo=>true, :level=>"migration"}
==> /builds/gitlab-org/gitlab/tmp/tests/gitlab-test_bare set up in 0.040410562 seconds...
Test environment set up in 0.755903953 seconds
Database schema
for table
all foreign keys
are indexed
columns ending with _id
do have the foreign keys
and having foreign key are not in the ignore list
all foreign keys
are indexed
columns ending with _id
do have the foreign keys
and having foreign key are not in the ignore list
all foreign keys
are indexed
columns ending with _id
do have the foreign keys
and having foreign key are not in the ignore list
all foreign keys
are indexed
columns ending with _id
do have the foreign keys
and having foreign key are not in the ignore list
all foreign keys
are indexed
columns ending with _id
do have the foreign keys
and having foreign key are not in the ignore list
all foreign keys
are indexed
columns ending with _id
do have the foreign keys
and having foreign key are not in the ignore list
all foreign keys
are indexed
columns ending with _id
do have the foreign keys
and having foreign key are not in the ignore list
all foreign keys
are indexed
columns ending with _id
do have the foreign keys
and having foreign key are not in the ignore list
all foreign keys
are indexed
columns ending with _id
do have the foreign keys
and having foreign key are not in the ignore list
all foreign keys
are indexed
columns ending with _id
do have the foreign keys
and having foreign key are not in the ignore list
all foreign keys
are indexed
columns ending with _id
do have the foreign keys
and having foreign key are not in the ignore list
all foreign keys
are indexed
columns ending with _id
do have the foreign keys
and having foreign key are not in the ignore list
all foreign keys
are indexed
columns ending with _id
do have the foreign keys
and having foreign key are not in the ignore list
all foreign keys
are indexed
columns ending with _id
do have the foreign keys
and having foreign key are not in the ignore list
all foreign keys
are indexed
columns ending with _id
do have the foreign keys
and having foreign key are not in the ignore list
all foreign keys
are indexed
columns ending with _id
do have the foreign keys
and having foreign key are not in the ignore list
all foreign keys
are indexed
columns ending with _id
do have the foreign keys
and having foreign key are not in the ignore list
all foreign keys
are indexed
columns ending with _id
do have the foreign keys
and having foreign key are not in the ignore list
all foreign keys
are indexed
columns ending with _id
do have the foreign keys
and having foreign key are not in the ignore list
all foreign keys
are indexed
columns ending with _id
do have the foreign keys
and having foreign key are not in the ignore list
all foreign keys
are indexed
columns ending with _id
do have the foreign keys
and having foreign key are not in the ignore list
all foreign keys
are indexed
columns ending with _id
do have the foreign keys
and having foreign key are not in the ignore list
all foreign keys
are indexed
columns ending with _id
do have the foreign keys
and having foreign key are not in the ignore list
all foreign keys
are indexed
columns ending with _id
do have the foreign keys
and having foreign key are not in the ignore list
all foreign keys
are indexed
columns ending with _id
do have the foreign keys
and having foreign key are not in the ignore list
all foreign keys
are indexed
columns ending with _id
do have the foreign keys
and having foreign key are not in the ignore list
all foreign keys
are indexed
columns ending with _id
do have the foreign keys
and having foreign key are not in the ignore list
all foreign keys
are indexed
columns ending with _id
do have the foreign keys
and having foreign key are not in the ignore list
all foreign keys
are indexed
columns ending with _id
do have the foreign keys
and having foreign key are not in the ignore list
all foreign keys
are indexed
columns ending with _id
do have the foreign keys
and having foreign key are not in the ignore list
all foreign keys
are indexed
columns ending with _id
do have the foreign keys
and having foreign key are not in the ignore list
all foreign keys
are indexed
columns ending with _id
do have the foreign keys
and having foreign key are not in the ignore list
all foreign keys
are indexed
columns ending with _id
do have the foreign keys
and having foreign key are not in the ignore list
all foreign keys
are indexed
columns ending with _id
do have the foreign keys
and having foreign key are not in the ignore list
all foreign keys
are indexed
columns ending with _id
do have the foreign keys
and having foreign key are not in the ignore list
all foreign keys
are indexed
columns ending with _id
do have the foreign keys
and having foreign key are not in the ignore list
all foreign keys
are indexed
columns ending with _id
do have the foreign keys
and having foreign key are not in the ignore list
all foreign keys
are indexed
columns ending with _id
do have the foreign keys
and having foreign key are not in the ignore list
all foreign keys
are indexed
columns ending with _id
do have the foreign keys
and having foreign key are not in the ignore list
all foreign keys
are indexed
columns ending with _id
do have the foreign keys
and having foreign key are not in the ignore list
all foreign keys
are indexed
columns ending with _id
do have the foreign keys
and having foreign key are not in the ignore list
all foreign keys
are indexed
columns ending with _id
do have the foreign keys
and having foreign key are not in the ignore list
all foreign keys
are indexed
columns ending with _id
do have the foreign keys
and having foreign key are not in the ignore list
all foreign keys
are indexed
columns ending with _id
do have the foreign keys
and having foreign key are not in the ignore list
all foreign keys
are indexed
columns ending with _id
do have the foreign keys
and having foreign key are not in the ignore list
all foreign keys
are indexed
columns ending with _id
do have the foreign keys
and having foreign key are not in the ignore list
all foreign keys
are indexed
columns ending with _id
do have the foreign keys
and having foreign key are not in the ignore list
all foreign keys
are indexed
columns ending with _id
do have the foreign keys
and having foreign key are not in the ignore list
all foreign keys
are indexed
columns ending with _id
do have the foreign keys
and having foreign key are not in the ignore list
all foreign keys
are indexed
columns ending with _id
do have the foreign keys
and having foreign key are not in the ignore list
all foreign keys
are indexed
columns ending with _id
do have the foreign keys
and having foreign key are not in the ignore list
all foreign keys
are indexed
columns ending with _id
do have the foreign keys
and having foreign key are not in the ignore list
all foreign keys
are indexed
columns ending with _id
do have the foreign keys
and having foreign key are not in the ignore list
all foreign keys
are indexed
columns ending with _id
do have the foreign keys
and having foreign key are not in the ignore list
all foreign keys
are indexed
columns ending with _id
do have the foreign keys
and having foreign key are not in the ignore list
all foreign keys
are indexed
columns ending with _id
do have the foreign keys
and having foreign key are not in the ignore list
all foreign keys
are indexed
columns ending with _id
do have the foreign keys
and having foreign key are not in the ignore list
all foreign keys
are indexed
columns ending with _id
do have the foreign keys
and having foreign key are not in the ignore list
all foreign keys
are indexed
columns ending with _id
do have the foreign keys
and having foreign key are not in the ignore list
all foreign keys
are indexed
columns ending with _id
do have the foreign keys
and having foreign key are not in the ignore list
all foreign keys
are indexed
columns ending with _id
do have the foreign keys
and having foreign key are not in the ignore list
all foreign keys
are indexed
columns ending with _id
do have the foreign keys
and having foreign key are not in the ignore list
all foreign keys
are indexed
columns ending with _id
do have the foreign keys
and having foreign key are not in the ignore list
all foreign keys
are indexed
columns ending with _id
do have the foreign keys
and having foreign key are not in the ignore list
all foreign keys
are indexed
columns ending with _id
do have the foreign keys
and having foreign key are not in the ignore list
all foreign keys
are indexed
columns ending with _id
do have the foreign keys
and having foreign key are not in the ignore list
all foreign keys
are indexed
columns ending with _id
do have the foreign keys
and having foreign key are not in the ignore list
all foreign keys
are indexed
columns ending with _id
do have the foreign keys
and having foreign key are not in the ignore list
all foreign keys
are indexed
columns ending with _id
do have the foreign keys
and having foreign key are not in the ignore list
all foreign keys
are indexed
columns ending with _id
do have the foreign keys
and having foreign key are not in the ignore list
all foreign keys
are indexed
columns ending with _id
do have the foreign keys
and having foreign key are not in the ignore list
all foreign keys
are indexed
columns ending with _id
do have the foreign keys
and having foreign key are not in the ignore list
all foreign keys
are indexed
columns ending with _id
do have the foreign keys
and having foreign key are not in the ignore list
all foreign keys
are indexed
columns ending with _id
do have the foreign keys
and having foreign key are not in the ignore list
all foreign keys
are indexed
columns ending with _id
do have the foreign keys
and having foreign key are not in the ignore list
all foreign keys
are indexed
columns ending with _id
do have the foreign keys
and having foreign key are not in the ignore list
all foreign keys
are indexed
columns ending with _id
do have the foreign keys
and having foreign key are not in the ignore list
all foreign keys
are indexed
columns ending with _id
do have the foreign keys
and having foreign key are not in the ignore list
all foreign keys
are indexed
columns ending with _id
do have the foreign keys
and having foreign key are not in the ignore list
all foreign keys
are indexed
columns ending with _id
do have the foreign keys
and having foreign key are not in the ignore list
all foreign keys
are indexed
columns ending with _id
do have the foreign keys
and having foreign key are not in the ignore list
all foreign keys
are indexed
columns ending with _id
do have the foreign keys
and having foreign key are not in the ignore list
all foreign keys
are indexed
columns ending with _id
do have the foreign keys
and having foreign key are not in the ignore list
all foreign keys
are indexed
columns ending with _id
do have the foreign keys
and having foreign key are not in the ignore list
all foreign keys
are indexed
columns ending with _id
do have the foreign keys
and having foreign key are not in the ignore list
all foreign keys
are indexed
columns ending with _id
do have the foreign keys
and having foreign key are not in the ignore list
all foreign keys
are indexed
columns ending with _id
do have the foreign keys
and having foreign key are not in the ignore list
all foreign keys
are indexed
columns ending with _id
do have the foreign keys
and having foreign key are not in the ignore list
all foreign keys
are indexed
columns ending with _id
do have the foreign keys
and having foreign key are not in the ignore list
all foreign keys
are indexed
columns ending with _id
do have the foreign keys
and having foreign key are not in the ignore list
all foreign keys
are indexed
columns ending with _id
do have the foreign keys
and having foreign key are not in the ignore list
all foreign keys
are indexed
columns ending with _id
do have the foreign keys
and having foreign key are not in the ignore list
all foreign keys
are indexed
columns ending with _id
do have the foreign keys
and having foreign key are not in the ignore list
all foreign keys
are indexed
columns ending with _id
do have the foreign keys
and having foreign key are not in the ignore list
all foreign keys
are indexed
columns ending with _id
do have the foreign keys
and having foreign key are not in the ignore list
all foreign keys
are indexed
columns ending with _id
do have the foreign keys
and having foreign key are not in the ignore list
all foreign keys
are indexed
columns ending with _id
do have the foreign keys
and having foreign key are not in the ignore list
all foreign keys
are indexed
columns ending with _id
do have the foreign keys
and having foreign key are not in the ignore list
all foreign keys
are indexed
columns ending with _id
do have the foreign keys
and having foreign key are not in the ignore list
all foreign keys
are indexed
columns ending with _id
do have the foreign keys
and having foreign key are not in the ignore list
all foreign keys
are indexed
columns ending with _id
do have the foreign keys
and having foreign key are not in the ignore list
all foreign keys
are indexed
columns ending with _id
do have the foreign keys
and having foreign key are not in the ignore list
all foreign keys
are indexed
columns ending with _id
do have the foreign keys
and having foreign key are not in the ignore list
all foreign keys
are indexed
columns ending with _id
do have the foreign keys
and having foreign key are not in the ignore list
all foreign keys
are indexed
columns ending with _id
do have the foreign keys
and having foreign key are not in the ignore list
all foreign keys
are indexed
columns ending with _id
do have the foreign keys
and having foreign key are not in the ignore list
all foreign keys
are indexed
columns ending with _id
do have the foreign keys
and having foreign key are not in the ignore list
all foreign keys
are indexed
columns ending with _id
do have the foreign keys
and having foreign key are not in the ignore list
all foreign keys
are indexed
columns ending with _id
do have the foreign keys
and having foreign key are not in the ignore list
all foreign keys
are indexed
columns ending with _id
do have the foreign keys
and having foreign key are not in the ignore list
all foreign keys
are indexed
columns ending with _id
do have the foreign keys
and having foreign key are not in the ignore list
all foreign keys
are indexed
columns ending with _id
do have the foreign keys
and having foreign key are not in the ignore list
all foreign keys
are indexed
columns ending with _id
do have the foreign keys
and having foreign key are not in the ignore list
all foreign keys
are indexed
columns ending with _id
do have the foreign keys
and having foreign key are not in the ignore list
all foreign keys
are indexed
columns ending with _id
do have the foreign keys
and having foreign key are not in the ignore list
all foreign keys
are indexed
columns ending with _id
do have the foreign keys
and having foreign key are not in the ignore list
all foreign keys
are indexed
columns ending with _id
do have the foreign keys
and having foreign key are not in the ignore list
all foreign keys
are indexed
columns ending with _id
do have the foreign keys
and having foreign key are not in the ignore list
all foreign keys
are indexed
columns ending with _id
do have the foreign keys
and having foreign key are not in the ignore list
all foreign keys
are indexed
columns ending with _id
do have the foreign keys
and having foreign key are not in the ignore list
all foreign keys
are indexed
columns ending with _id
do have the foreign keys
and having foreign key are not in the ignore list
all foreign keys
are indexed
columns ending with _id
do have the foreign keys
and having foreign key are not in the ignore list
all foreign keys
are indexed
columns ending with _id
do have the foreign keys
and having foreign key are not in the ignore list
all foreign keys
are indexed
columns ending with _id
do have the foreign keys
and having foreign key are not in the ignore list
all foreign keys
are indexed
columns ending with _id
do have the foreign keys
and having foreign key are not in the ignore list
all foreign keys
are indexed
columns ending with _id
do have the foreign keys
and having foreign key are not in the ignore list
all foreign keys
are indexed
columns ending with _id
do have the foreign keys
and having foreign key are not in the ignore list
all foreign keys
are indexed
columns ending with _id
do have the foreign keys
and having foreign key are not in the ignore list
all foreign keys
are indexed
columns ending with _id
do have the foreign keys
and having foreign key are not in the ignore list
all foreign keys
are indexed
columns ending with _id
do have the foreign keys
and having foreign key are not in the ignore list
all foreign keys
are indexed
columns ending with _id
do have the foreign keys
and having foreign key are not in the ignore list
all foreign keys
are indexed
columns ending with _id
do have the foreign keys
and having foreign key are not in the ignore list
all foreign keys
are indexed
columns ending with _id
do have the foreign keys
and having foreign key are not in the ignore list
all foreign keys
are indexed
columns ending with _id
do have the foreign keys
and having foreign key are not in the ignore list
all foreign keys
are indexed
columns ending with _id
do have the foreign keys
and having foreign key are not in the ignore list
all foreign keys
are indexed
columns ending with _id
do have the foreign keys
and having foreign key are not in the ignore list
all foreign keys
are indexed
columns ending with _id
do have the foreign keys
and having foreign key are not in the ignore list
all foreign keys
are indexed
columns ending with _id
do have the foreign keys
and having foreign key are not in the ignore list
all foreign keys
are indexed
columns ending with _id
do have the foreign keys
and having foreign key are not in the ignore list
all foreign keys
are indexed
columns ending with _id
do have the foreign keys
and having foreign key are not in the ignore list
all foreign keys
are indexed
columns ending with _id
do have the foreign keys
and having foreign key are not in the ignore list
all foreign keys
are indexed
columns ending with _id
do have the foreign keys
and having foreign key are not in the ignore list
all foreign keys
are indexed
columns ending with _id
do have the foreign keys
and having foreign key are not in the ignore list
all foreign keys
are indexed
columns ending with _id
do have the foreign keys
and having foreign key are not in the ignore list
all foreign keys
are indexed
columns ending with _id
do have the foreign keys
and having foreign key are not in the ignore list
all foreign keys
are indexed
columns ending with _id
do have the foreign keys
and having foreign key are not in the ignore list
all foreign keys
are indexed
columns ending with _id
do have the foreign keys
and having foreign key are not in the ignore list
all foreign keys
are indexed
columns ending with _id
do have the foreign keys
and having foreign key are not in the ignore list
all foreign keys
are indexed
columns ending with _id
do have the foreign keys
and having foreign key are not in the ignore list
all foreign keys
are indexed
columns ending with _id
do have the foreign keys
and having foreign key are not in the ignore list
all foreign keys
are indexed
columns ending with _id
do have the foreign keys
and having foreign key are not in the ignore list
all foreign keys
are indexed
columns ending with _id
do have the foreign keys
and having foreign key are not in the ignore list
all foreign keys
are indexed
columns ending with _id
do have the foreign keys
and having foreign key are not in the ignore list
all foreign keys
are indexed
columns ending with _id
do have the foreign keys
and having foreign key are not in the ignore list
all foreign keys
are indexed
columns ending with _id
do have the foreign keys
and having foreign key are not in the ignore list
all foreign keys
are indexed
columns ending with _id
do have the foreign keys
and having foreign key are not in the ignore list
all foreign keys
are indexed
columns ending with _id
do have the foreign keys
and having foreign key are not in the ignore list
dep_ci_build_trace_ dep_ci_build_trace_section_names
all foreign keys
are indexed
columns ending with _id
do have the foreign keys
and having foreign key are not in the ignore list
all foreign keys
are indexed
columns ending with _id
do have the foreign keys
and having foreign key are not in the ignore list
all foreign keys
are indexed
columns ending with _id
do have the foreign keys
and having foreign key are not in the ignore list
all foreign keys
are indexed
columns ending with _id
do have the foreign keys
and having foreign key are not in the ignore list
all foreign keys
are indexed
columns ending with _id
do have the foreign keys
and having foreign key are not in the ignore list
all foreign keys
are indexed
columns ending with _id
do have the foreign keys
and having foreign key are not in the ignore list
all foreign keys
are indexed
columns ending with _id
do have the foreign keys
and having foreign key are not in the ignore list
all foreign keys
are indexed
columns ending with _id
do have the foreign keys
and having foreign key are not in the ignore list
all foreign keys
are indexed
columns ending with _id
do have the foreign keys
and having foreign key are not in the ignore list
all foreign keys
are indexed
columns ending with _id
do have the foreign keys
and having foreign key are not in the ignore list
all foreign keys
are indexed
columns ending with _id
do have the foreign keys
and having foreign key are not in the ignore list
all foreign keys
are indexed
columns ending with _id
do have the foreign keys
and having foreign key are not in the ignore list
all foreign keys
are indexed
columns ending with _id
do have the foreign keys
and having foreign key are not in the ignore list
all foreign keys
are indexed
columns ending with _id
do have the foreign keys
and having foreign key are not in the ignore list
all foreign keys
are indexed
columns ending with _id
do have the foreign keys
and having foreign key are not in the ignore list
all foreign keys
are indexed
columns ending with _id
do have the foreign keys
and having foreign key are not in the ignore list
all foreign keys
are indexed
columns ending with _id
do have the foreign keys
and having foreign key are not in the ignore list
all foreign keys
are indexed
columns ending with _id
do have the foreign keys
and having foreign key are not in the ignore list
all foreign keys
are indexed
columns ending with _id
do have the foreign keys
and having foreign key are not in the ignore list
all foreign keys
are indexed
columns ending with _id
do have the foreign keys
and having foreign key are not in the ignore list
all foreign keys
are indexed
columns ending with _id
do have the foreign keys
and having foreign key are not in the ignore list
all foreign keys
are indexed
columns ending with _id
do have the foreign keys
and having foreign key are not in the ignore list
all foreign keys
are indexed
columns ending with _id
do have the foreign keys
and having foreign key are not in the ignore list
all foreign keys
are indexed
columns ending with _id
do have the foreign keys
and having foreign key are not in the ignore list
all foreign keys
are indexed
columns ending with _id
do have the foreign keys
and having foreign key are not in the ignore list
all foreign keys
are indexed
columns ending with _id
do have the foreign keys
and having foreign key are not in the ignore list
all foreign keys
are indexed
columns ending with _id
do have the foreign keys
and having foreign key are not in the ignore list
all foreign keys
are indexed
columns ending with _id
do have the foreign keys
and having foreign key are not in the ignore list
all foreign keys
are indexed
columns ending with _id
do have the foreign keys
and having foreign key are not in the ignore list
all foreign keys
are indexed
columns ending with _id
do have the foreign keys
and having foreign key are not in the ignore list
all foreign keys
are indexed
columns ending with _id
do have the foreign keys
and having foreign key are not in the ignore list
all foreign keys
are indexed
columns ending with _id
do have the foreign keys
and having foreign key are not in the ignore list
all foreign keys
are indexed
columns ending with _id
do have the foreign keys
and having foreign key are not in the ignore list
all foreign keys
are indexed
columns ending with _id
do have the foreign keys
and having foreign key are not in the ignore list
all foreign keys
are indexed
columns ending with _id
do have the foreign keys
and having foreign key are not in the ignore list
all foreign keys
are indexed
columns ending with _id
do have the foreign keys
and having foreign key are not in the ignore list
all foreign keys
are indexed
columns ending with _id
do have the foreign keys
and having foreign key are not in the ignore list
all foreign keys
are indexed
columns ending with _id
do have the foreign keys
and having foreign key are not in the ignore list
all foreign keys
are indexed
columns ending with _id
do have the foreign keys
and having foreign key are not in the ignore list
all foreign keys
are indexed
columns ending with _id
do have the foreign keys
and having foreign key are not in the ignore list
all foreign keys
are indexed
columns ending with _id
do have the foreign keys
and having foreign key are not in the ignore list
all foreign keys
are indexed
columns ending with _id
do have the foreign keys
and having foreign key are not in the ignore list
all foreign keys
are indexed
columns ending with _id
do have the foreign keys
and having foreign key are not in the ignore list
all foreign keys
are indexed
columns ending with _id
do have the foreign keys
and having foreign key are not in the ignore list
all foreign keys
are indexed
columns ending with _id
do have the foreign keys
and having foreign key are not in the ignore list
all foreign keys
are indexed
columns ending with _id
do have the foreign keys
and having foreign key are not in the ignore list
all foreign keys
are indexed
columns ending with _id
do have the foreign keys
and having foreign key are not in the ignore list
all foreign keys
are indexed
columns ending with _id
do have the foreign keys
and having foreign key are not in the ignore list
all foreign keys
are indexed
columns ending with _id
do have the foreign keys
and having foreign key are not in the ignore list
all foreign keys
are indexed
columns ending with _id
do have the foreign keys
and having foreign key are not in the ignore list
all foreign keys
are indexed
columns ending with _id
do have the foreign keys
and having foreign key are not in the ignore list
all foreign keys
are indexed
columns ending with _id
do have the foreign keys
and having foreign key are not in the ignore list
all foreign keys
are indexed
columns ending with _id
do have the foreign keys
and having foreign key are not in the ignore list
all foreign keys
are indexed
columns ending with _id
do have the foreign keys
and having foreign key are not in the ignore list
all foreign keys
are indexed
columns ending with _id
do have the foreign keys
and having foreign key are not in the ignore list
all foreign keys
are indexed
columns ending with _id
do have the foreign keys
and having foreign key are not in the ignore list
all foreign keys
are indexed
columns ending with _id
do have the foreign keys
and having foreign key are not in the ignore list
all foreign keys
are indexed
columns ending with _id
do have the foreign keys
and having foreign key are not in the ignore list
all foreign keys
are indexed
columns ending with _id
do have the foreign keys
and having foreign key are not in the ignore list
all foreign keys
are indexed
columns ending with _id
do have the foreign keys
and having foreign key are not in the ignore list
all foreign keys
are indexed
columns ending with _id
do have the foreign keys
and having foreign key are not in the ignore list
all foreign keys
are indexed
columns ending with _id
do have the foreign keys
and having foreign key are not in the ignore list
all foreign keys
are indexed
columns ending with _id
do have the foreign keys
and having foreign key are not in the ignore list
all foreign keys
are indexed
columns ending with _id
do have the foreign keys
and having foreign key are not in the ignore list
all foreign keys
are indexed
columns ending with _id
do have the foreign keys
and having foreign key are not in the ignore list
all foreign keys
are indexed
columns ending with _id
do have the foreign keys
and having foreign key are not in the ignore list
all foreign keys
are indexed
columns ending with _id
do have the foreign keys
and having foreign key are not in the ignore list
all foreign keys
are indexed
columns ending with _id
do have the foreign keys
and having foreign key are not in the ignore list
all foreign keys
are indexed
columns ending with _id
do have the foreign keys
and having foreign key are not in the ignore list
all foreign keys
are indexed
columns ending with _id
do have the foreign keys
and having foreign key are not in the ignore list
all foreign keys
are indexed
columns ending with _id
do have the foreign keys
and having foreign key are not in the ignore list
all foreign keys
are indexed
columns ending with _id
do have the foreign keys
and having foreign key are not in the ignore list
all foreign keys
are indexed
columns ending with _id
do have the foreign keys
and having foreign key are not in the ignore list
all foreign keys
are indexed
columns ending with _id
do have the foreign keys
and having foreign key are not in the ignore list
all foreign keys
are indexed
columns ending with _id
do have the foreign keys
and having foreign key are not in the ignore list
all foreign keys
are indexed
columns ending with _id
do have the foreign keys
and having foreign key are not in the ignore list
all foreign keys
are indexed
columns ending with _id
do have the foreign keys
and having foreign key are not in the ignore list
all foreign keys
are indexed
columns ending with _id
do have the foreign keys
and having foreign key are not in the ignore list
all foreign keys
are indexed
columns ending with _id
do have the foreign keys
and having foreign key are not in the ignore list
all foreign keys
are indexed
columns ending with _id
do have the foreign keys
and having foreign key are not in the ignore list
all foreign keys
are indexed
columns ending with _id
do have the foreign keys
and having foreign key are not in the ignore list
all foreign keys
are indexed
columns ending with _id
do have the foreign keys
and having foreign key are not in the ignore list
all foreign keys
are indexed
columns ending with _id
do have the foreign keys
and having foreign key are not in the ignore list
all foreign keys
are indexed
columns ending with _id
do have the foreign keys
and having foreign key are not in the ignore list
all foreign keys
are indexed
columns ending with _id
do have the foreign keys
and having foreign key are not in the ignore list
all foreign keys
are indexed
columns ending with _id
do have the foreign keys
and having foreign key are not in the ignore list
all foreign keys
are indexed
columns ending with _id
do have the foreign keys
and having foreign key are not in the ignore list
all foreign keys
are indexed
columns ending with _id
do have the foreign keys
and having foreign key are not in the ignore list
all foreign keys
are indexed
columns ending with _id
do have the foreign keys
and having foreign key are not in the ignore list
all foreign keys
are indexed
columns ending with _id
do have the foreign keys
and having foreign key are not in the ignore list
all foreign keys
are indexed
columns ending with _id
do have the foreign keys
and having foreign key are not in the ignore list
all foreign keys
are indexed
columns ending with _id
do have the foreign keys
and having foreign key are not in the ignore list
all foreign keys
are indexed
columns ending with _id
do have the foreign keys
and having foreign key are not in the ignore list
all foreign keys
are indexed
columns ending with _id
do have the foreign keys
and having foreign key are not in the ignore list
all foreign keys
are indexed
columns ending with _id
do have the foreign keys
and having foreign key are not in the ignore list
all foreign keys
are indexed
columns ending with _id
do have the foreign keys
and having foreign key are not in the ignore list
all foreign keys
are indexed
columns ending with _id
do have the foreign keys
and having foreign key are not in the ignore list
all foreign keys
are indexed
columns ending with _id
do have the foreign keys
and having foreign key are not in the ignore list
all foreign keys
are indexed
columns ending with _id
do have the foreign keys
and having foreign key are not in the ignore list
all foreign keys
are indexed
columns ending with _id
do have the foreign keys
and having foreign key are not in the ignore list
all foreign keys
are indexed
columns ending with _id
do have the foreign keys
and having foreign key are not in the ignore list
all foreign keys
are indexed
columns ending with _id
do have the foreign keys
and having foreign key are not in the ignore list
all foreign keys
are indexed
columns ending with _id
do have the foreign keys
and having foreign key are not in the ignore list
all foreign keys
are indexed
columns ending with _id
do have the foreign keys
and having foreign key are not in the ignore list
all foreign keys
are indexed
columns ending with _id
do have the foreign keys
and having foreign key are not in the ignore list
all foreign keys
are indexed
columns ending with _id
do have the foreign keys
and having foreign key are not in the ignore list
all foreign keys
are indexed
columns ending with _id
do have the foreign keys
and having foreign key are not in the ignore list
all foreign keys
are indexed
columns ending with _id
do have the foreign keys
and having foreign key are not in the ignore list
all foreign keys
are indexed
columns ending with _id
do have the foreign keys
and having foreign key are not in the ignore list
all foreign keys
are indexed
columns ending with _id
do have the foreign keys
and having foreign key are not in the ignore list
all foreign keys
are indexed
columns ending with _id
do have the foreign keys
and having foreign key are not in the ignore list
all foreign keys
are indexed
columns ending with _id
do have the foreign keys
and having foreign key are not in the ignore list
all foreign keys
are indexed
columns ending with _id
do have the foreign keys
and having foreign key are not in the ignore list
all foreign keys
are indexed
columns ending with _id
do have the foreign keys
and having foreign key are not in the ignore list
all foreign keys
are indexed
columns ending with _id
do have the foreign keys
and having foreign key are not in the ignore list
all foreign keys
are indexed
columns ending with _id
do have the foreign keys
and having foreign key are not in the ignore list
all foreign keys
are indexed
columns ending with _id
do have the foreign keys
and having foreign key are not in the ignore list
all foreign keys
are indexed
columns ending with _id
do have the foreign keys
and having foreign key are not in the ignore list
all foreign keys
are indexed
columns ending with _id
do have the foreign keys
and having foreign key are not in the ignore list
all foreign keys
are indexed
columns ending with _id
do have the foreign keys
and having foreign key are not in the ignore list
all foreign keys
are indexed
columns ending with _id
do have the foreign keys
and having foreign key are not in the ignore list
all foreign keys
are indexed
columns ending with _id
do have the foreign keys
and having foreign key are not in the ignore list
all foreign keys
are indexed
columns ending with _id
do have the foreign keys
and having foreign key are not in the ignore list
all foreign keys
are indexed
columns ending with _id
do have the foreign keys
and having foreign key are not in the ignore list
all foreign keys
are indexed
columns ending with _id
do have the foreign keys
and having foreign key are not in the ignore list
all foreign keys
are indexed
columns ending with _id
do have the foreign keys
and having foreign key are not in the ignore list
all foreign keys
are indexed
columns ending with _id
do have the foreign keys
and having foreign key are not in the ignore list
all foreign keys
are indexed
columns ending with _id
do have the foreign keys
and having foreign key are not in the ignore list
all foreign keys
are indexed
columns ending with _id
do have the foreign keys
and having foreign key are not in the ignore list
all foreign keys
are indexed
columns ending with _id
do have the foreign keys
and having foreign key are not in the ignore list
all foreign keys
are indexed
columns ending with _id
do have the foreign keys
and having foreign key are not in the ignore list
all foreign keys
are indexed
columns ending with _id
do have the foreign keys
and having foreign key are not in the ignore list
all foreign keys
are indexed
columns ending with _id
do have the foreign keys
and having foreign key are not in the ignore list
all foreign keys
are indexed
columns ending with _id
do have the foreign keys
and having foreign key are not in the ignore list
all foreign keys
are indexed
columns ending with _id
do have the foreign keys
and having foreign key are not in the ignore list
all foreign keys
are indexed
columns ending with _id
do have the foreign keys
and having foreign key are not in the ignore list
all foreign keys
are indexed
columns ending with _id
do have the foreign keys
and having foreign key are not in the ignore list
all foreign keys
are indexed
columns ending with _id
do have the foreign keys
and having foreign key are not in the ignore list
all foreign keys
are indexed
columns ending with _id
do have the foreign keys
and having foreign key are not in the ignore list
all foreign keys
are indexed
columns ending with _id
do have the foreign keys
and having foreign key are not in the ignore list
all foreign keys
are indexed
columns ending with _id
do have the foreign keys
and having foreign key are not in the ignore list
all foreign keys
are indexed
columns ending with _id
do have the foreign keys
and having foreign key are not in the ignore list
all foreign keys
are indexed
columns ending with _id
do have the foreign keys
and having foreign key are not in the ignore list
all foreign keys
are indexed
columns ending with _id
do have the foreign keys
and having foreign key are not in the ignore list
all foreign keys
are indexed
columns ending with _id
do have the foreign keys
and having foreign key are not in the ignore list
all foreign keys
are indexed
columns ending with _id
do have the foreign keys
and having foreign key are not in the ignore list
all foreign keys
are indexed
columns ending with _id
do have the foreign keys
and having foreign key are not in the ignore list
all foreign keys
are indexed
columns ending with _id
do have the foreign keys
and having foreign key are not in the ignore list
all foreign keys
are indexed
columns ending with _id
do have the foreign keys
and having foreign key are not in the ignore list
all foreign keys
are indexed
columns ending with _id
do have the foreign keys
and having foreign key are not in the ignore list
all foreign keys
are indexed
columns ending with _id
do have the foreign keys
and having foreign key are not in the ignore list
all foreign keys
are indexed
columns ending with _id
do have the foreign keys
and having foreign key are not in the ignore list
all foreign keys
are indexed
columns ending with _id
do have the foreign keys
and having foreign key are not in the ignore list
all foreign keys
are indexed
columns ending with _id
do have the foreign keys
and having foreign key are not in the ignore list
all foreign keys
are indexed
columns ending with _id
do have the foreign keys
and having foreign key are not in the ignore list
all foreign keys
are indexed
columns ending with _id
do have the foreign keys
and having foreign key are not in the ignore list
all foreign keys
are indexed
columns ending with _id
do have the foreign keys
and having foreign key are not in the ignore list
all foreign keys
are indexed
columns ending with _id
do have the foreign keys
and having foreign key are not in the ignore list
all foreign keys
are indexed
columns ending with _id
do have the foreign keys
and having foreign key are not in the ignore list
all foreign keys
are indexed
columns ending with _id
do have the foreign keys
and having foreign key are not in the ignore list
all foreign keys
are indexed
columns ending with _id
do have the foreign keys
and having foreign key are not in the ignore list
all foreign keys
are indexed
columns ending with _id
do have the foreign keys
and having foreign key are not in the ignore list
all foreign keys
are indexed
columns ending with _id
do have the foreign keys
and having foreign key are not in the ignore list
all foreign keys
are indexed
columns ending with _id
do have the foreign keys
and having foreign key are not in the ignore list
all foreign keys
are indexed
columns ending with _id
do have the foreign keys
and having foreign key are not in the ignore list
all foreign keys
are indexed
columns ending with _id
do have the foreign keys
and having foreign key are not in the ignore list
all foreign keys
are indexed
columns ending with _id
do have the foreign keys
and having foreign key are not in the ignore list
all foreign keys
are indexed
columns ending with _id
do have the foreign keys
and having foreign key are not in the ignore list
all foreign keys
are indexed
columns ending with _id
do have the foreign keys
and having foreign key are not in the ignore list
all foreign keys
are indexed
columns ending with _id
do have the foreign keys
and having foreign key are not in the ignore list
all foreign keys
are indexed
columns ending with _id
do have the foreign keys
and having foreign key are not in the ignore list
all foreign keys
are indexed
columns ending with _id
do have the foreign keys
and having foreign key are not in the ignore list
all foreign keys
are indexed
columns ending with _id
do have the foreign keys
and having foreign key are not in the ignore list
all foreign keys
are indexed
columns ending with _id
do have the foreign keys
and having foreign key are not in the ignore list
all foreign keys
are indexed
columns ending with _id
do have the foreign keys
and having foreign key are not in the ignore list
all foreign keys
are indexed
columns ending with _id
do have the foreign keys
and having foreign key are not in the ignore list
all foreign keys
are indexed
columns ending with _id
do have the foreign keys
and having foreign key are not in the ignore list
all foreign keys
are indexed
columns ending with _id
do have the foreign keys
and having foreign key are not in the ignore list
all foreign keys
are indexed
columns ending with _id
do have the foreign keys
and having foreign key are not in the ignore list
all foreign keys
are indexed
columns ending with _id
do have the foreign keys
and having foreign key are not in the ignore list
all foreign keys
are indexed
columns ending with _id
do have the foreign keys
and having foreign key are not in the ignore list
all foreign keys
are indexed
columns ending with _id
do have the foreign keys
and having foreign key are not in the ignore list
all foreign keys
are indexed
columns ending with _id
do have the foreign keys
and having foreign key are not in the ignore list
all foreign keys
are indexed
columns ending with _id
do have the foreign keys
and having foreign key are not in the ignore list
all foreign keys
are indexed
columns ending with _id
do have the foreign keys
and having foreign key are not in the ignore list
all foreign keys
are indexed
columns ending with _id
do have the foreign keys
and having foreign key are not in the ignore list
all foreign keys
are indexed
columns ending with _id
do have the foreign keys
and having foreign key are not in the ignore list
all foreign keys
are indexed
columns ending with _id
do have the foreign keys
and having foreign key are not in the ignore list
all foreign keys
are indexed
columns ending with _id
do have the foreign keys
and having foreign key are not in the ignore list
all foreign keys
are indexed
columns ending with _id
do have the foreign keys
and having foreign key are not in the ignore list
all foreign keys
are indexed
columns ending with _id
do have the foreign keys
and having foreign key are not in the ignore list
all foreign keys
are indexed
columns ending with _id
do have the foreign keys
and having foreign key are not in the ignore list
all foreign keys
are indexed
columns ending with _id
do have the foreign keys
and having foreign key are not in the ignore list
all foreign keys
are indexed
columns ending with _id
do have the foreign keys
and having foreign key are not in the ignore list
all foreign keys
are indexed
columns ending with _id
do have the foreign keys
and having foreign key are not in the ignore list
all foreign keys
are indexed
columns ending with _id
do have the foreign keys
and having foreign key are not in the ignore list
all foreign keys
are indexed
columns ending with _id
do have the foreign keys
and having foreign key are not in the ignore list
all foreign keys
are indexed
columns ending with _id
do have the foreign keys
and having foreign key are not in the ignore list
all foreign keys
are indexed
columns ending with _id
do have the foreign keys
and having foreign key are not in the ignore list
all foreign keys
are indexed
columns ending with _id
do have the foreign keys
and having foreign key are not in the ignore list
all foreign keys
are indexed
columns ending with _id
do have the foreign keys
and having foreign key are not in the ignore list
all foreign keys
are indexed
columns ending with _id
do have the foreign keys
and having foreign key are not in the ignore list
all foreign keys
are indexed
columns ending with _id
do have the foreign keys
and having foreign key are not in the ignore list
all foreign keys
are indexed
columns ending with _id
do have the foreign keys
and having foreign key are not in the ignore list
all foreign keys
are indexed
columns ending with _id
do have the foreign keys
and having foreign key are not in the ignore list
all foreign keys
are indexed
columns ending with _id
do have the foreign keys
and having foreign key are not in the ignore list
all foreign keys
are indexed
columns ending with _id
do have the foreign keys
and having foreign key are not in the ignore list
all foreign keys
are indexed
columns ending with _id
do have the foreign keys
and having foreign key are not in the ignore list
all foreign keys
are indexed
columns ending with _id
do have the foreign keys
and having foreign key are not in the ignore list
all foreign keys
are indexed
columns ending with _id
do have the foreign keys
and having foreign key are not in the ignore list
all foreign keys
are indexed
columns ending with _id
do have the foreign keys
and having foreign key are not in the ignore list
all foreign keys
are indexed
columns ending with _id
do have the foreign keys
and having foreign key are not in the ignore list
all foreign keys
are indexed
columns ending with _id
do have the foreign keys
and having foreign key are not in the ignore list
all foreign keys
are indexed
columns ending with _id
do have the foreign keys
and having foreign key are not in the ignore list
all foreign keys
are indexed
columns ending with _id
do have the foreign keys
and having foreign key are not in the ignore list
all foreign keys
are indexed
columns ending with _id
do have the foreign keys
and having foreign key are not in the ignore list
all foreign keys
are indexed
columns ending with _id
do have the foreign keys
and having foreign key are not in the ignore list
all foreign keys
are indexed
columns ending with _id
do have the foreign keys
and having foreign key are not in the ignore list
all foreign keys
are indexed
columns ending with _id
do have the foreign keys
and having foreign key are not in the ignore list
all foreign keys
are indexed
columns ending with _id
do have the foreign keys
and having foreign key are not in the ignore list
all foreign keys
are indexed
columns ending with _id
do have the foreign keys
and having foreign key are not in the ignore list
all foreign keys
are indexed
columns ending with _id
do have the foreign keys
and having foreign key are not in the ignore list
all foreign keys
are indexed
columns ending with _id
do have the foreign keys
and having foreign key are not in the ignore list
all foreign keys
are indexed
columns ending with _id
do have the foreign keys
and having foreign key are not in the ignore list
all foreign keys
are indexed
columns ending with _id
do have the foreign keys
and having foreign key are not in the ignore list
all foreign keys
are indexed
columns ending with _id
do have the foreign keys
and having foreign key are not in the ignore list
all foreign keys
are indexed
columns ending with _id
do have the foreign keys
and having foreign key are not in the ignore list
all foreign keys
are indexed
columns ending with _id
do have the foreign keys
and having foreign key are not in the ignore list
all foreign keys
are indexed
columns ending with _id
do have the foreign keys
and having foreign key are not in the ignore list
all foreign keys
are indexed
columns ending with _id
do have the foreign keys
and having foreign key are not in the ignore list
all foreign keys
are indexed
columns ending with _id
do have the foreign keys
and having foreign key are not in the ignore list
all foreign keys
are indexed
columns ending with _id
do have the foreign keys
and having foreign key are not in the ignore list
all foreign keys
are indexed
columns ending with _id
do have the foreign keys
and having foreign key are not in the ignore list
all foreign keys
are indexed
columns ending with _id
do have the foreign keys
and having foreign key are not in the ignore list
all foreign keys
are indexed
columns ending with _id
do have the foreign keys
and having foreign key are not in the ignore list
all foreign keys
are indexed
columns ending with _id
do have the foreign keys
and having foreign key are not in the ignore list
all foreign keys
are indexed
columns ending with _id
do have the foreign keys
and having foreign key are not in the ignore list
all foreign keys
are indexed
columns ending with _id
do have the foreign keys
and having foreign key are not in the ignore list
all foreign keys
are indexed
columns ending with _id
do have the foreign keys
and having foreign key are not in the ignore list
all foreign keys
are indexed
columns ending with _id
do have the foreign keys
and having foreign key are not in the ignore list
all foreign keys
are indexed
columns ending with _id
do have the foreign keys
and having foreign key are not in the ignore list
all foreign keys
are indexed
columns ending with _id
do have the foreign keys
and having foreign key are not in the ignore list
all foreign keys
are indexed
columns ending with _id
do have the foreign keys
and having foreign key are not in the ignore list
all foreign keys
are indexed
columns ending with _id
do have the foreign keys
and having foreign key are not in the ignore list
all foreign keys
are indexed
columns ending with _id
do have the foreign keys
and having foreign key are not in the ignore list
all foreign keys
are indexed
columns ending with _id
do have the foreign keys
and having foreign key are not in the ignore list
all foreign keys
are indexed
columns ending with _id
do have the foreign keys
and having foreign key are not in the ignore list
all foreign keys
are indexed
columns ending with _id
do have the foreign keys
and having foreign key are not in the ignore list
all foreign keys
are indexed
columns ending with _id
do have the foreign keys
and having foreign key are not in the ignore list
all foreign keys
are indexed
columns ending with _id
do have the foreign keys
and having foreign key are not in the ignore list
all foreign keys
are indexed
columns ending with _id
do have the foreign keys
and having foreign key are not in the ignore list
all foreign keys
are indexed
columns ending with _id
do have the foreign keys
and having foreign key are not in the ignore list
all foreign keys
are indexed
columns ending with _id
do have the foreign keys
and having foreign key are not in the ignore list
all foreign keys
are indexed
columns ending with _id
do have the foreign keys
and having foreign key are not in the ignore list
all foreign keys
are indexed
columns ending with _id
do have the foreign keys
and having foreign key are not in the ignore list
all foreign keys
are indexed
columns ending with _id
do have the foreign keys
and having foreign key are not in the ignore list
all foreign keys
are indexed
columns ending with _id
do have the foreign keys
and having foreign key are not in the ignore list
all foreign keys
are indexed
columns ending with _id
do have the foreign keys
and having foreign key are not in the ignore list
all foreign keys
are indexed
columns ending with _id
do have the foreign keys
and having foreign key are not in the ignore list
all foreign keys
are indexed
columns ending with _id
do have the foreign keys
and having foreign key are not in the ignore list
all foreign keys
are indexed
columns ending with _id
do have the foreign keys
and having foreign key are not in the ignore list
all foreign keys
are indexed
columns ending with _id
do have the foreign keys
and having foreign key are not in the ignore list
all foreign keys
are indexed
columns ending with _id
do have the foreign keys
and having foreign key are not in the ignore list
all foreign keys
are indexed
columns ending with _id
do have the foreign keys
and having foreign key are not in the ignore list
all foreign keys
are indexed
columns ending with _id
do have the foreign keys
and having foreign key are not in the ignore list
all foreign keys
are indexed
columns ending with _id
do have the foreign keys
and having foreign key are not in the ignore list
all foreign keys
are indexed
columns ending with _id
do have the foreign keys
and having foreign key are not in the ignore list
all foreign keys
are indexed
columns ending with _id
do have the foreign keys
and having foreign key are not in the ignore list
all foreign keys
are indexed
columns ending with _id
do have the foreign keys
and having foreign key are not in the ignore list
all foreign keys
are indexed
columns ending with _id
do have the foreign keys
and having foreign key are not in the ignore list
all foreign keys
are indexed
columns ending with _id
do have the foreign keys
and having foreign key are not in the ignore list
all foreign keys
are indexed
columns ending with _id
do have the foreign keys
and having foreign key are not in the ignore list
all foreign keys
are indexed
columns ending with _id
do have the foreign keys
and having foreign key are not in the ignore list
all foreign keys
are indexed
columns ending with _id
do have the foreign keys
and having foreign key are not in the ignore list
all foreign keys
are indexed
columns ending with _id
do have the foreign keys
and having foreign key are not in the ignore list
all foreign keys
are indexed
columns ending with _id
do have the foreign keys
and having foreign key are not in the ignore list
all foreign keys
are indexed
columns ending with _id
do have the foreign keys
and having foreign key are not in the ignore list
all foreign keys
are indexed
columns ending with _id
do have the foreign keys
and having foreign key are not in the ignore list
all foreign keys
are indexed
columns ending with _id
do have the foreign keys
and having foreign key are not in the ignore list
all foreign keys
are indexed
columns ending with _id
do have the foreign keys
and having foreign key are not in the ignore list
all foreign keys
are indexed
columns ending with _id
do have the foreign keys
and having foreign key are not in the ignore list
all foreign keys
are indexed
columns ending with _id
do have the foreign keys
and having foreign key are not in the ignore list
all foreign keys
are indexed
columns ending with _id
do have the foreign keys
and having foreign key are not in the ignore list
all foreign keys
are indexed
columns ending with _id
do have the foreign keys
and having foreign key are not in the ignore list
all foreign keys
are indexed
columns ending with _id
do have the foreign keys
and having foreign key are not in the ignore list
all foreign keys
are indexed
columns ending with _id
do have the foreign keys
and having foreign key are not in the ignore list
all foreign keys
are indexed
columns ending with _id
do have the foreign keys
and having foreign key are not in the ignore list
all foreign keys
are indexed
columns ending with _id
do have the foreign keys
and having foreign key are not in the ignore list
all foreign keys
are indexed
columns ending with _id
do have the foreign keys
and having foreign key are not in the ignore list
all foreign keys
are indexed
columns ending with _id
do have the foreign keys
and having foreign key are not in the ignore list
all foreign keys
are indexed
columns ending with _id
do have the foreign keys
and having foreign key are not in the ignore list
all foreign keys
are indexed
columns ending with _id
do have the foreign keys
and having foreign key are not in the ignore list
all foreign keys
are indexed
columns ending with _id
do have the foreign keys
and having foreign key are not in the ignore list
all foreign keys
are indexed
columns ending with _id
do have the foreign keys
and having foreign key are not in the ignore list
all foreign keys
are indexed
columns ending with _id
do have the foreign keys
and having foreign key are not in the ignore list
all foreign keys
are indexed
columns ending with _id
do have the foreign keys
and having foreign key are not in the ignore list
all foreign keys
are indexed
columns ending with _id
do have the foreign keys
and having foreign key are not in the ignore list
all foreign keys
are indexed
columns ending with _id
do have the foreign keys
and having foreign key are not in the ignore list
all foreign keys
are indexed
columns ending with _id
do have the foreign keys
and having foreign key are not in the ignore list
all foreign keys
are indexed
columns ending with _id
do have the foreign keys
and having foreign key are not in the ignore list
all foreign keys
are indexed
columns ending with _id
do have the foreign keys
and having foreign key are not in the ignore list
all foreign keys
are indexed
columns ending with _id
do have the foreign keys
and having foreign key are not in the ignore list
all foreign keys
are indexed
columns ending with _id
do have the foreign keys
and having foreign key are not in the ignore list
all foreign keys
are indexed
columns ending with _id
do have the foreign keys
and having foreign key are not in the ignore list
all foreign keys
are indexed
columns ending with _id
do have the foreign keys
and having foreign key are not in the ignore list
all foreign keys
are indexed
columns ending with _id
do have the foreign keys
and having foreign key are not in the ignore list
all foreign keys
are indexed
columns ending with _id
do have the foreign keys
and having foreign key are not in the ignore list
all foreign keys
are indexed
columns ending with _id
do have the foreign keys
and having foreign key are not in the ignore list
all foreign keys
are indexed
columns ending with _id
do have the foreign keys
and having foreign key are not in the ignore list
all foreign keys
are indexed
columns ending with _id
do have the foreign keys
and having foreign key are not in the ignore list
all foreign keys
are indexed
columns ending with _id
do have the foreign keys
and having foreign key are not in the ignore list
all foreign keys
are indexed
columns ending with _id
do have the foreign keys
and having foreign key are not in the ignore list
all foreign keys
are indexed
columns ending with _id
do have the foreign keys
and having foreign key are not in the ignore list
all foreign keys
are indexed
columns ending with _id
do have the foreign keys
and having foreign key are not in the ignore list
all foreign keys
are indexed
columns ending with _id
do have the foreign keys
and having foreign key are not in the ignore list
all foreign keys
are indexed
columns ending with _id
do have the foreign keys
and having foreign key are not in the ignore list
all foreign keys
are indexed
columns ending with _id
do have the foreign keys
and having foreign key are not in the ignore list
all foreign keys
are indexed
columns ending with _id
do have the foreign keys
and having foreign key are not in the ignore list
all foreign keys
are indexed
columns ending with _id
do have the foreign keys
and having foreign key are not in the ignore list
all foreign keys
are indexed
columns ending with _id
do have the foreign keys
and having foreign key are not in the ignore list
all foreign keys
are indexed
columns ending with _id
do have the foreign keys
and having foreign key are not in the ignore list
all foreign keys
are indexed
columns ending with _id
do have the foreign keys
and having foreign key are not in the ignore list
all foreign keys
are indexed
columns ending with _id
do have the foreign keys
and having foreign key are not in the ignore list
all foreign keys
are indexed
columns ending with _id
do have the foreign keys
and having foreign key are not in the ignore list
all foreign keys
are indexed
columns ending with _id
do have the foreign keys
and having foreign key are not in the ignore list
all foreign keys
are indexed
columns ending with _id
do have the foreign keys
and having foreign key are not in the ignore list
all foreign keys
are indexed
columns ending with _id
do have the foreign keys
and having foreign key are not in the ignore list
all foreign keys
are indexed
columns ending with _id
do have the foreign keys
and having foreign key are not in the ignore list
all foreign keys
are indexed
columns ending with _id
do have the foreign keys
and having foreign key are not in the ignore list
all foreign keys
are indexed
columns ending with _id
do have the foreign keys
and having foreign key are not in the ignore list
all foreign keys
are indexed
columns ending with _id
do have the foreign keys
and having foreign key are not in the ignore list
all foreign keys
are indexed
columns ending with _id
do have the foreign keys
and having foreign key are not in the ignore list
all foreign keys
are indexed
columns ending with _id
do have the foreign keys
and having foreign key are not in the ignore list
all foreign keys
are indexed
columns ending with _id
do have the foreign keys
and having foreign key are not in the ignore list
all foreign keys
are indexed
columns ending with _id
do have the foreign keys
and having foreign key are not in the ignore list
all foreign keys
are indexed
columns ending with _id
do have the foreign keys
and having foreign key are not in the ignore list
all foreign keys
are indexed
columns ending with _id
do have the foreign keys
and having foreign key are not in the ignore list
all foreign keys
are indexed
columns ending with _id
do have the foreign keys
and having foreign key are not in the ignore list
all foreign keys
are indexed
columns ending with _id
do have the foreign keys
and having foreign key are not in the ignore list
all foreign keys
are indexed
columns ending with _id
do have the foreign keys
and having foreign key are not in the ignore list
all foreign keys
are indexed
columns ending with _id
do have the foreign keys
and having foreign key are not in the ignore list
all foreign keys
are indexed
columns ending with _id
do have the foreign keys
and having foreign key are not in the ignore list
all foreign keys
are indexed
columns ending with _id
do have the foreign keys
and having foreign key are not in the ignore list
all foreign keys
are indexed
columns ending with _id
do have the foreign keys
and having foreign key are not in the ignore list
all foreign keys
are indexed
columns ending with _id
do have the foreign keys
and having foreign key are not in the ignore list
all foreign keys
are indexed
columns ending with _id
do have the foreign keys
and having foreign key are not in the ignore list
all foreign keys
are indexed
columns ending with _id
do have the foreign keys
and having foreign key are not in the ignore list
all foreign keys
are indexed
columns ending with _id
do have the foreign keys
and having foreign key are not in the ignore list
all foreign keys
are indexed
columns ending with _id
do have the foreign keys
and having foreign key are not in the ignore list
all foreign keys
are indexed
columns ending with _id
do have the foreign keys
and having foreign key are not in the ignore list
all foreign keys
are indexed
columns ending with _id
do have the foreign keys
and having foreign key are not in the ignore list
all foreign keys
are indexed
columns ending with _id
do have the foreign keys
and having foreign key are not in the ignore list
all foreign keys
are indexed
columns ending with _id
do have the foreign keys
and having foreign key are not in the ignore list
all foreign keys
are indexed
columns ending with _id
do have the foreign keys
and having foreign key are not in the ignore list
all foreign keys
are indexed
columns ending with _id
do have the foreign keys
and having foreign key are not in the ignore list
all foreign keys
are indexed
columns ending with _id
do have the foreign keys
and having foreign key are not in the ignore list
all foreign keys
are indexed
columns ending with _id
do have the foreign keys
and having foreign key are not in the ignore list
all foreign keys
are indexed
columns ending with _id
do have the foreign keys
and having foreign key are not in the ignore list
all foreign keys
are indexed
columns ending with _id
do have the foreign keys
and having foreign key are not in the ignore list
all foreign keys
are indexed
columns ending with _id
do have the foreign keys
and having foreign key are not in the ignore list
all foreign keys
are indexed
columns ending with _id
do have the foreign keys
and having foreign key are not in the ignore list
all foreign keys
are indexed
columns ending with _id
do have the foreign keys
and having foreign key are not in the ignore list
all foreign keys
are indexed
columns ending with _id
do have the foreign keys
and having foreign key are not in the ignore list
all foreign keys
are indexed
columns ending with _id
do have the foreign keys
and having foreign key are not in the ignore list
all foreign keys
are indexed
columns ending with _id
do have the foreign keys
and having foreign key are not in the ignore list
all foreign keys
are indexed
columns ending with _id
do have the foreign keys
and having foreign key are not in the ignore list
all foreign keys
are indexed
columns ending with _id
do have the foreign keys
and having foreign key are not in the ignore list
all foreign keys
are indexed
columns ending with _id
do have the foreign keys
and having foreign key are not in the ignore list
all foreign keys
are indexed
columns ending with _id
do have the foreign keys
and having foreign key are not in the ignore list
all foreign keys
are indexed
columns ending with _id
do have the foreign keys
and having foreign key are not in the ignore list
all foreign keys
are indexed
columns ending with _id
do have the foreign keys
and having foreign key are not in the ignore list
all foreign keys
are indexed
columns ending with _id
do have the foreign keys
and having foreign key are not in the ignore list
all foreign keys
are indexed
columns ending with _id
do have the foreign keys
and having foreign key are not in the ignore list
all foreign keys
are indexed
columns ending with _id
do have the foreign keys
and having foreign key are not in the ignore list
all foreign keys
are indexed
columns ending with _id
do have the foreign keys
and having foreign key are not in the ignore list
all foreign keys
are indexed
columns ending with _id
do have the foreign keys
and having foreign key are not in the ignore list
all foreign keys
are indexed
columns ending with _id
do have the foreign keys
and having foreign key are not in the ignore list
all foreign keys
are indexed
columns ending with _id
do have the foreign keys
and having foreign key are not in the ignore list
all foreign keys
are indexed
columns ending with _id
do have the foreign keys
and having foreign key are not in the ignore list
all foreign keys
are indexed
columns ending with _id
do have the foreign keys
and having foreign key are not in the ignore list
all foreign keys
are indexed
columns ending with _id
do have the foreign keys
and having foreign key are not in the ignore list
for enums
uses smallint for enums
uses smallint for enums
uses smallint for enums
uses smallint for enums
uses smallint for enums
uses smallint for enums
uses smallint for enums
uses smallint for enums
uses smallint for enums
uses smallint for enums
uses smallint for enums
uses smallint for enums
uses smallint for enums
uses smallint for enums
uses smallint for enums
uses smallint for enums
uses smallint for enums
uses smallint for enums
uses smallint for enums
uses smallint for enums
uses smallint for enums
uses smallint for enums
uses smallint for enums
uses smallint for enums
uses smallint for enums
uses smallint for enums
uses smallint for enums
uses smallint for enums
uses smallint for enums
uses smallint for enums
uses smallint for enums
uses smallint for enums
uses smallint for enums
uses smallint for enums
uses smallint for enums
uses smallint for enums
uses smallint for enums
uses smallint for enums
uses smallint for enums
uses smallint for enums
uses smallint for enums
uses smallint for enums
uses smallint for enums
uses smallint for enums
uses smallint for enums
uses smallint for enums
uses smallint for enums
uses smallint for enums
uses smallint for enums
uses smallint for enums
uses smallint for enums
uses smallint for enums
uses smallint for enums
uses smallint for enums
uses smallint for enums
uses smallint for enums
uses smallint for enums
uses smallint for enums
uses smallint for enums
uses smallint for enums
uses smallint for enums
uses smallint for enums
uses smallint for enums
uses smallint for enums
uses smallint for enums
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uses smallint for enums
uses smallint for enums
uses smallint for enums
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uses smallint for enums
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uses smallint for enums
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uses smallint for enums
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uses smallint for enums
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uses smallint for enums
uses smallint for enums
uses smallint for enums
uses smallint for enums
uses smallint for enums
uses smallint for enums
uses smallint for enums
uses smallint for enums
uses smallint for enums
uses smallint for enums
uses smallint for enums
uses smallint for enums
uses smallint for enums
uses smallint for enums
uses smallint for enums
uses smallint for enums
uses smallint for enums
uses smallint for enums
uses smallint for enums
uses smallint for enums
uses smallint for enums
uses smallint for enums
uses smallint for enums
uses smallint for enums
uses smallint for enums
uses smallint for enums
uses smallint for enums
uses smallint for enums
uses smallint for enums
uses smallint for enums
uses smallint for enums
uses smallint for enums
uses smallint for enums
uses smallint for enums
uses smallint for enums
uses smallint for enums
uses smallint for enums
uses smallint for enums
uses smallint for enums
uses smallint for enums
uses smallint for enums
uses smallint for enums
uses smallint for enums
uses smallint for enums
uses smallint for enums
uses smallint for enums
uses smallint for enums
uses smallint for enums
uses smallint for enums
uses smallint for enums
uses smallint for enums
uses smallint for enums
uses smallint for enums
uses smallint for enums
uses smallint for enums
uses smallint for enums
uses smallint for enums
uses smallint for enums
uses smallint for enums
uses smallint for enums
uses smallint for enums
uses smallint for enums
uses smallint for enums
uses smallint for enums
uses smallint for enums
uses smallint for enums
uses smallint for enums
uses smallint for enums
uses smallint for enums
uses smallint for enums
uses smallint for enums
uses smallint for enums
uses smallint for enums
uses smallint for enums
uses smallint for enums
uses smallint for enums
uses smallint for enums
uses smallint for enums
uses smallint for enums
uses smallint for enums
uses smallint for enums
uses smallint for enums
uses smallint for enums
uses smallint for enums
uses smallint for enums
uses smallint for enums
uses smallint for enums
uses smallint for enums
uses smallint for enums
uses smallint for enums
uses smallint for enums
uses smallint for enums
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uses smallint for enums
uses smallint for enums
uses smallint for enums
uses smallint for enums
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uses smallint for enums
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uses smallint for enums
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uses smallint for enums
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uses smallint for enums
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uses smallint for enums
uses smallint for enums
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uses smallint for enums
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uses smallint for enums
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uses smallint for enums
uses smallint for enums
uses smallint for enums
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uses smallint for enums
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uses smallint for enums
uses smallint for enums
uses smallint for enums
uses smallint for enums
uses smallint for enums
uses smallint for enums
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uses smallint for enums
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uses smallint for enums
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uses smallint for enums
uses smallint for enums
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uses smallint for enums
uses smallint for enums
uses smallint for enums
uses smallint for enums
uses smallint for enums
uses smallint for enums
uses smallint for enums
uses smallint for enums
uses smallint for enums
uses smallint for enums
uses smallint for enums
uses smallint for enums
uses smallint for enums
uses smallint for enums
uses smallint for enums
uses smallint for enums
uses smallint for enums
uses smallint for enums
uses smallint for enums
uses smallint for enums
uses smallint for enums
uses smallint for enums
uses smallint for enums
for jsonb columns
uses json schema validator
existence of Postgres schemas
we have a public schema
we have a 'gitlab_partitions_dynamic' schema'
we have a 'gitlab_partitions_static' schema'
we do not have unexpected schemas
primary keys
expects every table to have a primary key defined
index names
disallows index names with a _ccnew[0-9]* suffix
is expected to belong to project required:
is expected to belong to target required:
Respond to
is expected to respond to #author_name
is expected to respond to #author_email
is expected to respond to #issue_title
is expected to respond to #merge_request_title
is expected to respond to #design_title
after_create :reset_project_activity
calls the reset_project_activity method
after_create :set_last_repository_updated_at
with a push event
updates the project last_repository_updated_at
without a push event
does not update the project last_repository_updated_at
only updates once every Event::REPOSITORY_UPDATED_AT_INTERVAL minutes
after_create UserInteractedProject.track
passes event to UserInteractedProject.track
for a design
action: "created", valid: true
is expected to eq true
action: "updated", valid: true
is expected to eq true
action: "closed", valid: false
is expected to eq false
action: "reopened", valid: false
is expected to eq false
action: "pushed", valid: false
is expected to eq false
action: "commented", valid: false
is expected to eq false
action: "merged", valid: false
is expected to eq false
action: "joined", valid: false
is expected to eq false
action: "left", valid: false
is expected to eq false
action: "destroyed", valid: true
is expected to eq true
action: "expired", valid: false
is expected to eq false
action: "approved", valid: false
is expected to eq false
can find the right event
returns none if there is no fingerprint
returns none if there is no match
can find a given event
is unique scoped to target
Push event
is expected to eq #<User id:29 @namespace32>
for an issue
delegates to issue title
for a wiki page
delegates to wiki page title
is expected to be falsey
is expected to be falsey
is expected to be truthy
is expected to be truthy
is expected to be truthy
issue note event
is expected to be note
merge request diff note event
is expected to be note
commit note event
has the correct visibility
private project
when admin mode enabled
has the correct visibility
when admin mode disabled
has the correct visibility
issue event
for non confidential issues
has the correct visibility
is expected to eq true
is expected to eq true
for confidential issues
has the correct visibility
is expected to eq true
is expected to eq true
issue note event
on non confidential issues
has the correct visibility
is expected to eq true
is expected to eq true
on confidential issues
has the correct visibility
is expected to eq true
is expected to eq true
confidential note
has the correct visibility
is expected to eq true
private project
is expected to eq false
is expected to eq false
when admin mode enabled
has the correct visibility
when admin mode disabled
has the correct visibility
merge request diff note event
public project
has the correct visibility
is expected to eq true
private project
is expected to eq false
when admin mode enabled
has the correct visibility
when admin mode disabled
has the correct visibility
milestone event
has the correct visibility
on public project with private issue tracker and merge requests
when admin mode enabled
has the correct visibility
when admin mode disabled
has the correct visibility
on private project
when admin mode enabled
has the correct visibility
when admin mode disabled
has the correct visibility
wiki-page event
on private project
when admin mode enabled
has the correct visibility
when admin mode disabled
has the correct visibility
wiki-page event on public project
has the correct visibility
project snippet note event
has the correct visibility
on public project with private snippets
is expected to eq false
when admin mode enabled
has the correct visibility
when admin mode disabled
has the correct visibility
on private project
is expected to eq false
when admin mode enabled
has the correct visibility
when admin mode disabled
has the correct visibility
personal snippet note event
has the correct visibility
is expected to eq true
on internal snippet
has the correct visibility
on private snippet
is expected to eq true
when admin mode enabled
has the correct visibility
when admin mode disabled
has the correct visibility
design note event
has the correct visibility
is expected to eq true
is expected to eq true
the event refers to a design on a confidential issue
has the correct visibility
is expected to eq true
is expected to eq true
design event
has the correct visibility
is expected to eq true
is expected to eq true
the event refers to a design on a confidential issue
has the correct visibility
is expected to eq true
is expected to eq true
wiki_page predicate scopes
only includes design events
only contains the wiki page events
finds events for a given wiki page metadata object
passes a sanity check
#wiki_page and #wiki_page?
for a wiki page event
is expected to have attributes {:wiki_page => #<WikiPage:0x00007ff35a5dfe08 @wiki=#<ProjectWiki id:48 >, @page=#<Gitlab::Git::WikiPage...lers={}, @committed_date=2021-10-13 18:25:18 +0000>, @format="markdown">>, :wiki_page? => (be truthy)}
title is empty
is expected to have attributes {:wiki_page => nil, :wiki_page? => (be truthy)}
for any other event
has no wiki_page and is not a wiki_page
#design and #design?
for a design event
is expected to have attributes {:design => #<DesignManagement::Design id: namespace69/project69#/designs[homescreen-29.jpg]>, :design? => (be truthy)}
for any other event
has no design and is not a design
without an explicit limit
is expected to eq [#<Event project_id: 50, author_id: 83, target_id: 40, created_at: "2021-10-13 18:25:20.405915378 +00...972574605 +0000", action: "closed", target_type: "Issue", group_id: nil, fingerprint: nil, id: 149>]
with an explicit limit
is expected to eq [#<Event project_id: 52, author_id: 87, target_id: 42, created_at: "2021-10-13 18:25:21.377461454 +00...377461454 +0000", action: "closed", target_type: "Issue", group_id: nil, fingerprint: nil, id: 152>]
when a project was updated less than 1 hour ago
does not update the project
when a project was updated more than 1 hour ago
updates the project
returns true when the event author and user are the same
returns false when passing nil as an argument
returns false when the given user is not the author of the event
returns true for a push event with commits
returns false for a push event without a valid commit range
returns true for a Note event
returns true if the target responds to #title
returns false for a regular event without a target
eager loads the author of an event target
with snippet note
returns true for a project snippet event
returns true for a personal snippet event
returns false for a other kinds of event
returns false for a project snippet event
returns true for a personal snippet event
returns false for a other kinds of event
returns true for a project snippet event
returns false for a personal snippet event
returns false for a other kinds of event
handles all valid design events
handles correct push_action
handles correct base actions
trait: :created, action_name: "created"
with correct name and method
trait: :updated, action_name: "opened"
with correct name and method
trait: :closed, action_name: "closed"
with correct name and method
trait: :reopened, action_name: "opened"
with correct name and method
trait: :commented, action_name: "commented on"
with correct name and method
trait: :merged, action_name: "accepted"
with correct name and method
trait: :joined, action_name: "joined"
with correct name and method
trait: :left, action_name: "left"
with correct name and method
trait: :destroyed, action_name: "destroyed"
with correct name and method
trait: :expired, action_name: "removed due to membership expiration from"
with correct name and method
trait: :approved, action_name: "approved"
with correct name and method
for created_project_action?
returns created for created event
returns imported for imported event
With a legacy ABAC cluster
uses ABAC authorization type
behaves like success
configures provider and kubernetes
properly configures database models
behaves like kubernetes information not successfully fetched
when failed to fetch gke cluster info
behaves like error
sets an error to provider object
when token is empty
behaves like error
sets an error to provider object
when failed to fetch kubernetes token
behaves like error
sets an error to provider object
when service account fails to create
behaves like error
sets an error to provider object
With an RBAC cluster
uses RBAC authorization type
behaves like success
configures provider and kubernetes
properly configures database models
behaves like kubernetes information not successfully fetched
when failed to fetch gke cluster info
behaves like error
sets an error to provider object
when token is empty
behaves like error
sets an error to provider object
when failed to fetch kubernetes token
behaves like error
sets an error to provider object
when service account fails to create
behaves like error
sets an error to provider object
With a Cloud Run cluster
has knative pre-installed
behaves like success
configures provider and kubernetes
properly configures database models
when project does not have any relation
behaves like overwrite actions
moves deploy keys
moves notification settings
moves users stars
moves project group links
moves memberships and authorizations
removes the original project
renames the project
moves lfs objects relationships
is expected to eq 3
when project with elements
behaves like overwrite actions
moves deploy keys
moves notification settings
moves users stars
moves project group links
moves memberships and authorizations
removes the original project
renames the project
moves lfs objects relationships
is expected to eq 3
when moving a root forked project
moves the descendant forks
updates the fork network
when moving a intermediate forked project
moves the descendant forks
moves the ascendant fork
does not update fork network
if an exception is raised
rollbacks changes
tries to restore the original project repositories
legacy storage
behaves like builds correct legacy storage paths
behaves like matches the method pattern
is expected to match /awesome\/project\/\h+/
behaves like matches the method pattern
example at ./spec/support/shared_examples/uploaders/gitlab_uploader_shared_examples.rb:8 (PENDING: No pattern provided, skipping.)
behaves like matches the method pattern
example at ./spec/support/shared_examples/uploaders/gitlab_uploader_shared_examples.rb:8 (PENDING: No pattern provided, skipping.)
behaves like matches the method pattern
is expected to match /\h+\/<filename>/
is relative (PENDING: Path not set, skipping.)
behaves like matches the method pattern
is expected to match /\/builds\/gitlab-org\/gitlab\/tmp\/tests\/public\/uploads\/awesome\/project\/55dc16aa0edd05693fd98b5051e83321\/foo.jpg/
behaves like matches the method pattern
example at ./spec/support/shared_examples/uploaders/gitlab_uploader_shared_examples.rb:8 (PENDING: No pattern provided, skipping.)
path traversal exploits
throws an exception
uses hashed storage
when rolled out attachments
behaves like matches the method pattern
is expected to match /@hashed\/\h{2}\/\h{2}\/\h+/
behaves like matches the method pattern
example at ./spec/support/shared_examples/uploaders/gitlab_uploader_shared_examples.rb:8 (PENDING: No pattern provided, skipping.)
behaves like matches the method pattern
example at ./spec/support/shared_examples/uploaders/gitlab_uploader_shared_examples.rb:8 (PENDING: No pattern provided, skipping.)
behaves like matches the method pattern
is expected to match /\h+\/<filename>/
is relative (PENDING: Path not set, skipping.)
behaves like matches the method pattern
example at ./spec/support/shared_examples/uploaders/gitlab_uploader_shared_examples.rb:8 (PENDING: No pattern provided, skipping.)
behaves like matches the method pattern
example at ./spec/support/shared_examples/uploaders/gitlab_uploader_shared_examples.rb:8 (PENDING: No pattern provided, skipping.)
path traversal exploits
throws an exception
when only repositories are rolled out
behaves like builds correct legacy storage paths
behaves like matches the method pattern
is expected to match /awesome\/project\/\h+/
behaves like matches the method pattern
example at ./spec/support/shared_examples/uploaders/gitlab_uploader_shared_examples.rb:8 (PENDING: No pattern provided, skipping.)
behaves like matches the method pattern
example at ./spec/support/shared_examples/uploaders/gitlab_uploader_shared_examples.rb:8 (PENDING: No pattern provided, skipping.)
behaves like matches the method pattern
is expected to match /\h+\/<filename>/
is relative (PENDING: Path not set, skipping.)
behaves like matches the method pattern
is expected to match /\/builds\/gitlab-org\/gitlab\/tmp\/tests\/public\/uploads\/awesome\/project\/55dc16aa0edd05693fd98b5051e83321\/foo.jpg/
behaves like matches the method pattern
example at ./spec/support/shared_examples/uploaders/gitlab_uploader_shared_examples.rb:8 (PENDING: No pattern provided, skipping.)
path traversal exploits
throws an exception
object store is remote
behaves like builds correct paths
behaves like matches the method pattern
is expected to match /@hashed\/\h{2}\/\h{2}\/\h+/
behaves like matches the method pattern
example at ./spec/support/shared_examples/uploaders/gitlab_uploader_shared_examples.rb:8 (PENDING: No pattern provided, skipping.)
behaves like matches the method pattern
example at ./spec/support/shared_examples/uploaders/gitlab_uploader_shared_examples.rb:8 (PENDING: No pattern provided, skipping.)
behaves like matches the method pattern
is expected to match /@hashed\/\h{2}\/\h{2}\/\h+\/\h+\/<filename>/
is relative (PENDING: Path not set, skipping.)
behaves like matches the method pattern
example at ./spec/support/shared_examples/uploaders/gitlab_uploader_shared_examples.rb:8 (PENDING: No pattern provided, skipping.)
behaves like matches the method pattern
example at ./spec/support/shared_examples/uploaders/gitlab_uploader_shared_examples.rb:8 (PENDING: No pattern provided, skipping.)
path traversal exploits
throws an exception
accepts a secret parameter
#prune_store_dir after :remove
is called
prune the store directory
files are stored locally
copies the file to the correct location
returned uploader
generates a new secret
creates new upload correctly
copies the file
files are stored remotely
copies the file to the correct location
returned uploader
generates a new secret
creates new upload correctly
copies the file
with an absolute path without a slash in the beginning
behaves like a valid secret
with a 32-byte hexadecimal secret
extracts the secret
extracts the identifier
with a 10-byte hexadecimal secret
extracts the secret
extracts the identifier
with an invalid secret
returns nil
with an absolute path with a slash in the beginning
behaves like a valid secret
with a 32-byte hexadecimal secret
extracts the secret
extracts the identifier
with a 10-byte hexadecimal secret
extracts the secret
extracts the identifier
with an invalid secret
returns nil
with an relative path without a slash in the beginning
behaves like a valid secret
with a 32-byte hexadecimal secret
extracts the secret
extracts the identifier
with a 10-byte hexadecimal secret
extracts the secret
extracts the identifier
with an invalid secret
returns nil
with an relative path with a slash in the beginning
behaves like a valid secret
with a 32-byte hexadecimal secret
extracts the secret
extracts the identifier
with a 10-byte hexadecimal secret
extracts the secret
extracts the identifier
with an invalid secret
returns nil
generates a secret if none is provided
32-byte hexadecimal
returns the secret
10-byte hexadecimal
returns the secret
invalid secret supplied
raises an exception
behaves like migrates
returns corresponding file type
does nothing when migrating to the current store
migrate to the specified store
removes the original file after the migration
can access to the original file during migration
when migrate! is not occupied by another process
executes migrate!
executes use_file
when migrate! is occupied by another process
does not execute migrate!
does not execute use_file
migration is unsuccessful
when the store is not supported
does not update the object_store
does not delete the original file
upon a fog failure
does not update the object_store
does not delete the original file
upon a database failure
does not update the object_store
does not delete the original file
behaves like migrates
returns corresponding file type
does nothing when migrating to the current store
migrate to the specified store
removes the original file after the migration
can access to the original file during migration
when migrate! is not occupied by another process
executes migrate!
executes use_file
when migrate! is occupied by another process
does not execute migrate!
does not execute use_file
migration is unsuccessful
when the store is not supported
does not update the object_store
does not delete the original file
upon a fog failure
does not update the object_store
does not delete the original file
upon a database failure
does not update the object_store
does not delete the original file
handles nil
extract the uploader context from it
replaces an existing file without changing its metadata
when remote file is used
file is stored remotely in permament location with sanitized name
generates URL using original file name instead of filename returned by object storage
reading the list of users
for a logged in user
is expected to be allowed :read_users_list
for an anonymous user
when the public level is restricted
is expected not to be allowed :read_users_list
when the public level is not restricted
is expected to be allowed :read_users_list
for an admin
when the public level is restricted
is expected to be allowed :read_users_list
when the public level is not restricted
is expected to be allowed :read_users_list
create fork
when user has not exceeded project limit
is expected to be allowed :create_fork
when user has exceeded project limit
is expected not to be allowed :create_fork
when user is a maintainer in a group
is expected to be allowed :create_fork
create group
when user has the ability to create group
is expected to be allowed :create_group
when user does not have the ability to create group
is expected not to be allowed :create_group
create group with default branch protection
when user has the ability to create group
is expected to be allowed :create_group_with_default_branch_protection
when user does not have the ability to create group
is expected not to be allowed :create_group_with_default_branch_protection
custom attributes
regular user
is expected not to be allowed :read_custom_attribute
is expected not to be allowed :update_custom_attribute
when admin mode is enabled
is expected to be allowed :read_custom_attribute
is expected to be allowed :update_custom_attribute
when admin mode is disabled
is expected to be disallowed :read_custom_attribute
is expected to be disallowed :update_custom_attribute
approving users
regular user
is expected not to be allowed :approve_user
when admin mode is enabled
is expected to be allowed :approve_user
when admin mode is disabled
is expected to be disallowed :approve_user
rejecting users
regular user
is expected not to be allowed :reject_user
when admin mode is enabled
is expected to be allowed :reject_user
when admin mode is disabled
is expected to be disallowed :reject_user
using project statistics filters
regular user
is expected not to be allowed :use_project_statistics_filters
when admin mode is enabled
is expected to be allowed :use_project_statistics_filters
when admin mode is disabled
is expected to be disallowed :use_project_statistics_filters
API access
regular user
is expected to be allowed :access_api
is expected to be allowed :access_api
is expected to be allowed :access_api
project bot
is expected to be allowed :access_api
migration bot
is expected not to be allowed :access_api
security bot
is expected not to be allowed :access_api
user blocked pending approval
is expected not to be allowed :access_api
with a deactivated user
is expected not to be allowed :access_api
user with expired password
is expected not to be allowed :access_api
when user is using ldap
is expected to be allowed :access_api
when terms are enforced
regular user
behaves like access allowed when terms accepted
is expected not to be allowed :access_api
allows access_api when the user accepted the terms
behaves like access allowed when terms accepted
is expected not to be allowed :access_api
allows access_api when the user accepted the terms
is expected to be allowed :access_api
inactive user
when within the confirmation grace period
is expected to be allowed :access_api
when confirmation grace period is expired
is expected not to be allowed :access_api
receive notifications
regular user
is expected to be allowed :receive_notifications
is expected to be allowed :receive_notifications
is expected not to be allowed :receive_notifications
blocked user
is expected not to be allowed :receive_notifications
deactivated user
is expected not to be allowed :receive_notifications
project bot
is expected not to be allowed :receive_notifications
migration bot
is expected not to be allowed :receive_notifications
user blocked pending approval
is expected not to be allowed :receive_notifications
git access
regular user
is expected to be allowed :access_git
is expected to be allowed :access_git
is expected to be allowed :access_git
migration bot
is expected to be allowed :access_git
security bot
is expected to be allowed :access_git
deactivated user
is expected not to be allowed :access_git
inactive user
is expected not to be allowed :access_git
when terms are enforced
regular user
behaves like access allowed when terms accepted
is expected not to be allowed :access_git
allows access_git when the user accepted the terms
behaves like access allowed when terms accepted
is expected not to be allowed :access_git
allows access_git when the user accepted the terms
is expected to be allowed :access_git
project bot
is expected to be allowed :access_git
user blocked pending approval
is expected not to be allowed :access_git
user with expired password
is expected not to be allowed :access_git
when user is using ldap
is expected to be allowed :access_git
read instance metadata
regular user
is expected to be allowed :read_instance_metadata
is expected not to be allowed :read_instance_metadata
slash commands
regular user
is expected to be allowed :use_slash_commands
when internal
is expected not to be allowed :use_slash_commands
when blocked
is expected not to be allowed :use_slash_commands
when deactivated
is expected not to be allowed :use_slash_commands
inactive user
is expected not to be allowed :use_slash_commands
when access locked
is expected not to be allowed :use_slash_commands
project bot
is expected to be allowed :use_slash_commands
migration bot
is expected not to be allowed :use_slash_commands
user blocked pending approval
is expected not to be allowed :use_slash_commands
user with expired password
is expected not to be allowed :use_slash_commands
when user is using ldap
is expected to be allowed :use_slash_commands
when anonymous
is expected not to be allowed :create_snippet
regular user
is expected to be allowed :create_snippet
when external
is expected not to be allowed :create_snippet
log in
project bot
is expected not to be allowed :log_in
migration bot
is expected not to be allowed :log_in
security bot
is expected not to be allowed :log_in
user blocked pending approval
is expected not to be allowed :log_in
when anonymous
is expected not to be allowed :update_runners_registration_token
regular user
is expected not to be allowed :update_runners_registration_token
when external
is expected not to be allowed :update_runners_registration_token
when admin mode is enabled
is expected to be allowed :update_runners_registration_token
when admin mode is disabled
is expected to be disallowed :update_runners_registration_token
with subgroups
behaves like importing a repository
creates a project for a repository in storage
skips wiki repos
without admin users
raises an error
starts an import for a project that did not exist
skips importing when the project already exists
creates a project with the correct path in the database
does not schedule an import
creates the Git repo on disk
hashed storage enabled
creates a project with the correct path in the database
without subgroups
behaves like importing a repository
creates a project for a repository in storage
skips wiki repos
without admin users
raises an error
starts an import for a project that did not exist
skips importing when the project already exists
creates a project with the correct path in the database
does not schedule an import
creates the Git repo on disk
hashed storage enabled
creates a project with the correct path in the database
without groups
starts an import for a project that did not exist
creates a project with the correct path in the database
creates the Git repo in disk
with a repository already on disk
moves an existing project to the correct path
with Wiki
creates the Wiki git repo in disk
behaves like importing a repository
creates a project for a repository in storage
skips wiki repos
without admin users
raises an error
starts an import for a project that did not exist
skips importing when the project already exists
creates a project with the correct path in the database
does not schedule an import
creates the Git repo on disk
hashed storage enabled
creates a project with the correct path in the database
finds notes on merge requests
finds notes on snippets
excludes notes on commits the author can't download
succeeds when no notes found
when notes filter is present
returns only user notes when using only_comments filter
returns only system notes when using only_activity filters
gets all notes
on restricted projects
publicly excludes notes on merge requests
publicly excludes notes on issues
publicly excludes notes on snippets
for target type
finds only notes for the selected type
for target
finds all notes
finds notes on merge requests
finds notes on snippets
finds notes on personal snippets
raises an exception for an invalid target_type
filters out old notes
confidential issue notes
returns notes if user can see the issue
raises an error if user can not see the issue
raises an error for project members with guest role
for explicit target
returns the expected notes
returns the expected notes when last_fetched_at is given
fails when nil is provided
allows sorting
defaults to sort by .fresh
returns notes with matching content
returns notes with matching content regardless of the casing
returns commit notes user can access
confidential issues
returns notes with matching content if user can see the issue
does not return notes with matching content if user can not see the issue
does not return notes with matching content for project members with guest role
does not return notes with matching content for unauthenticated users
inlines SQL filters on subqueries for performance
project_id check
search filter
for a issue target
returns the issue
for a merge request target
returns the merge_request
for a snippet target
returns the snippet
for a commit target
returns the commit
finds issues by iid
finds merge requests by iid
returns nil if both target_id and target_iid are not given
prioritizes target_id over target_iid
handles sticking when a user could be found
does not handle sticking if no user could be found
returns the user if one could be found
when ID is used as an argument
behaves like project finder
when project exists
returns requested project
returns nil
when PATH is used as an argument
behaves like project finder
when project exists
returns requested project
returns nil
with an invalid PATH
does not hit the database
behaves like project finder
when project exists
returns requested project
returns nil
when user is authenticated
public project
returns requested project
private project
behaves like private project without access
returns not found
when user is not authenticated
public project
returns requested project
private project
behaves like private project without access
returns not found
when ID is used as an argument
behaves like project finder
when project exists
returns requested project
returns nil
when PATH is used as an argument
behaves like project finder
when project exists
returns requested project
returns nil
with an invalid PATH
does not hit the database
behaves like project finder
when project exists
returns requested project
returns nil
when ID is used as an argument
behaves like namespace finder
when namespace exists
returns requested namespace
when namespace doesn't exists
returns nil
when PATH is used as an argument
behaves like namespace finder
when namespace exists
returns requested namespace
when namespace doesn't exists
returns nil
behaves like user namespace finder
when namespace is group
when user has access to group
returns requested namespace
when user doesn't have access to group
raises not found error
when namespace is user's personal namespace
when user owns the namespace
returns requested namespace
when user doesn't own the namespace
raises not found error
job_token_authentication: false, route_setting: false, feature_flag: false, same_job_project: false, expected_result: true
returns the expected result
job_token_authentication: false, route_setting: false, feature_flag: false, same_job_project: true, expected_result: true
returns the expected result
job_token_authentication: false, route_setting: false, feature_flag: true, same_job_project: false, expected_result: true
returns the expected result
job_token_authentication: false, route_setting: false, feature_flag: true, same_job_project: true, expected_result: true
returns the expected result
job_token_authentication: false, route_setting: true, feature_flag: false, same_job_project: false, expected_result: true
returns the expected result
job_token_authentication: false, route_setting: true, feature_flag: false, same_job_project: true, expected_result: true
returns the expected result
job_token_authentication: false, route_setting: true, feature_flag: true, same_job_project: false, expected_result: true
returns the expected result
job_token_authentication: false, route_setting: true, feature_flag: true, same_job_project: true, expected_result: true
returns the expected result
job_token_authentication: true, route_setting: false, feature_flag: false, same_job_project: false, expected_result: true
returns the expected result
job_token_authentication: true, route_setting: false, feature_flag: false, same_job_project: true, expected_result: true
returns the expected result
job_token_authentication: true, route_setting: false, feature_flag: true, same_job_project: false, expected_result: true
returns the expected result
job_token_authentication: true, route_setting: false, feature_flag: true, same_job_project: true, expected_result: true
returns the expected result
job_token_authentication: true, route_setting: true, feature_flag: false, same_job_project: false, expected_result: false
returns the expected result
job_token_authentication: true, route_setting: true, feature_flag: false, same_job_project: true, expected_result: false
returns the expected result
job_token_authentication: true, route_setting: true, feature_flag: true, same_job_project: false, expected_result: false
returns the expected result
job_token_authentication: true, route_setting: true, feature_flag: true, same_job_project: true, expected_result: true
returns the expected result
sets Gitlab::Workhorse::DETECT_HEADER header
content disposition
when blob name is null
returns only the disposition
when blob name is not null
returns disposition with the blob name
tracks redis hll event
logs an exception for unknown event
does not track event for nil values
with non-id order given
with ascending order
adds id based ordering with same direction as primary order
with descending order
adds id based ordering with same direction as primary order
with non-id order but no direction given
adds ID ASC order
with id order given
does not add an additional order
when unmodified check passes
destroys given project
when unmodified check fails
does not destroy given project
when last modified is later than header value
renders error
when last modified is earlier than header value
does not render error
when last modified is equal to header value
does not render error
when there is no header value present
does not render error
when header value is not a valid time value
does not render error
with X-Sendfile supported
sends the file using X-Sendfile
without X-Sendfile supported
sends the file
params: {}, allow_unauthorized: false, current_user_set: false, expected: false
returns the expected result
params: {}, allow_unauthorized: true, current_user_set: false, expected: false
returns the expected result
params: {}, allow_unauthorized: false, current_user_set: true, expected: false
returns the expected result
params: {}, allow_unauthorized: true, current_user_set: true, expected: false
returns the expected result
params: {:order_by=>"similarity"}, allow_unauthorized: false, current_user_set: false, expected: false
returns the expected result
params: {:order_by=>"similarity"}, allow_unauthorized: true, current_user_set: false, expected: false
returns the expected result
params: {:order_by=>"similarity"}, allow_unauthorized: true, current_user_set: true, expected: false
returns the expected result
params: {:order_by=>"similarity"}, allow_unauthorized: false, current_user_set: true, expected: false
returns the expected result
params: {:search=>"test"}, allow_unauthorized: false, current_user_set: false, expected: false
returns the expected result
params: {:search=>"test"}, allow_unauthorized: true, current_user_set: false, expected: false
returns the expected result
params: {:search=>"test"}, allow_unauthorized: true, current_user_set: true, expected: false
returns the expected result
params: {:search=>"test"}, allow_unauthorized: false, current_user_set: true, expected: false
returns the expected result
params: {:order_by=>"similarity", :search=>"test"}, allow_unauthorized: false, current_user_set: false, expected: false
returns the expected result
params: {:order_by=>"similarity", :search=>"test"}, allow_unauthorized: true, current_user_set: false, expected: true
returns the expected result
params: {:order_by=>"similarity", :search=>"test"}, allow_unauthorized: true, current_user_set: true, expected: true
returns the expected result
params: {:order_by=>"similarity", :search=>"test"}, allow_unauthorized: false, current_user_set: true, expected: true
returns the expected result
unsigned commit
returns nil
invalid signature
returns nil
known key
user matches the key uid
user email matches the email committer
returns a valid signature
behaves like returns the cached signature on second call
returns the cached signature on second call
read-only mode
does not create a cached signature
valid key signed using recent version of Gnupg
returns a valid signature
valid key signed using older version of Gnupg
returns a valid signature
commit signed with a subkey
returns a valid signature
behaves like returns the cached signature on second call
returns the cached signature on second call
user email does not match the committer email, but is the same user
returns an invalid signature
behaves like returns the cached signature on second call
returns the cached signature on second call
user email does not match the committer email
returns an invalid signature
behaves like returns the cached signature on second call
returns the cached signature on second call
user does not match the key uid
returns an invalid signature
behaves like returns the cached signature on second call
returns the cached signature on second call
unknown key
returns an invalid signature
behaves like returns the cached signature on second call
returns the cached signature on second call
multiple commits with signatures
does an aggregated sql request instead of 2 separate ones
replaces the tag with the TableOfContentsFilter result
is not case-sensitive
works with alternative [toc] tag
handles an empty pipeline result
when GitLab is hosted at a root URL
linking to pages within the wiki
when creating hierarchical links to the current directory
rewrites non-file links to be at the scope of the current directory
rewrites file links to be at the scope of the current directory
when creating hierarchical links to the parent directory
rewrites non-file links to be at the scope of the parent directory
rewrites file links to be at the scope of the parent directory
when creating hierarchical links to a sub-directory
rewrites non-file links to be at the scope of the sub-directory
rewrites file links to be at the scope of the sub-directory
when creating non-hierarchical links
rewrites non-file links to be at the scope of the wiki root
rewrites non-file links (with spaces) to be at the scope of the wiki root
rewrites file links to be at the scope of the current directory
rewrites links with anchor
rewrites links (with spaces) with anchor
when creating root links
rewrites non-file links to be at the scope of the wiki root
rewrites file links to be at the scope of the wiki root
linking to pages outside the wiki (absolute)
doesn't rewrite links
when GitLab is hosted at a relative URL
linking to pages within the wiki
when creating hierarchical links to the current directory
rewrites non-file links to be at the scope of the current directory
rewrites file links to be at the scope of the current directory
when creating hierarchical links to the parent directory
rewrites non-file links to be at the scope of the parent directory
rewrites file links to be at the scope of the parent directory
when creating hierarchical links to a sub-directory
rewrites non-file links to be at the scope of the sub-directory
rewrites file links to be at the scope of the sub-directory
when creating non-hierarchical links
rewrites non-file links to be at the scope of the wiki root
rewrites non-file links (with spaces) to be at the scope of the wiki root
rewrites file links to be at the scope of the current directory
rewrites links with anchor
rewrites links (with spaces) with anchor
when creating root links
rewrites non-file links to be at the scope of the wiki root
rewrites file links to be at the scope of the wiki root
linking to pages outside the wiki (absolute)
doesn't rewrite links
checking slug validity when assembling links
with a valid slug
includes the slug in a (.) relative link
includeds the slug in a (..) relative link
when the slug is deemed unsafe or invalid
with the invalid slug javascript:
doesn't include a prohibited slug in a (.) relative link 'alert(1);'
doesn't include a prohibited slug in a (..) relative link 'alert(1);'
doesn't include a prohibited slug in a (.) relative link 'alert(document.location);'
doesn't include a prohibited slug in a (..) relative link 'alert(document.location);'
with the invalid slug JaVaScRiPt:
doesn't include a prohibited slug in a (.) relative link 'alert(1);'
doesn't include a prohibited slug in a (..) relative link 'alert(1);'
doesn't include a prohibited slug in a (.) relative link 'alert(document.location);'
doesn't include a prohibited slug in a (..) relative link 'alert(document.location);'
with the invalid slug javascript:
doesn't include a prohibited slug in a (.) relative link 'alert(1);'
doesn't include a prohibited slug in a (..) relative link 'alert(1);'
doesn't include a prohibited slug in a (.) relative link 'alert(document.location);'
doesn't include a prohibited slug in a (..) relative link 'alert(document.location);'
with the invalid slug javascript :
doesn't include a prohibited slug in a (.) relative link 'alert(1);'
doesn't include a prohibited slug in a (..) relative link 'alert(1);'
doesn't include a prohibited slug in a (.) relative link 'alert(document.location);'
doesn't include a prohibited slug in a (..) relative link 'alert(document.location);'
with the invalid slug javascript:
doesn't include a prohibited slug in a (.) relative link 'alert(1);'
doesn't include a prohibited slug in a (..) relative link 'alert(1);'
doesn't include a prohibited slug in a (.) relative link 'alert(document.location);'
doesn't include a prohibited slug in a (..) relative link 'alert(document.location);'
with the invalid slug javascript :
doesn't include a prohibited slug in a (.) relative link 'alert(1);'
doesn't include a prohibited slug in a (..) relative link 'alert(1);'
doesn't include a prohibited slug in a (.) relative link 'alert(document.location);'
doesn't include a prohibited slug in a (..) relative link 'alert(document.location);'
with the invalid slug :javascript:
doesn't include a prohibited slug in a (.) relative link 'alert(1);'
doesn't include a prohibited slug in a (..) relative link 'alert(1);'
doesn't include a prohibited slug in a (.) relative link 'alert(document.location);'
doesn't include a prohibited slug in a (..) relative link 'alert(document.location);'
with the invalid slug javascript&#58;
doesn't include a prohibited slug in a (.) relative link 'alert(1);'
doesn't include a prohibited slug in a (..) relative link 'alert(1);'
doesn't include a prohibited slug in a (.) relative link 'alert(document.location);'
doesn't include a prohibited slug in a (..) relative link 'alert(document.location);'
with the invalid slug javascript&#0058;
doesn't include a prohibited slug in a (.) relative link 'alert(1);'
doesn't include a prohibited slug in a (..) relative link 'alert(1);'
doesn't include a prohibited slug in a (.) relative link 'alert(document.location);'
doesn't include a prohibited slug in a (..) relative link 'alert(document.location);'
with the invalid slug javascript&#x3A;
doesn't include a prohibited slug in a (.) relative link 'alert(1);'
doesn't include a prohibited slug in a (..) relative link 'alert(1);'
doesn't include a prohibited slug in a (.) relative link 'alert(document.location);'
doesn't include a prohibited slug in a (..) relative link 'alert(document.location);'
with the invalid slug javascript&#x003A;
doesn't include a prohibited slug in a (.) relative link 'alert(1);'
doesn't include a prohibited slug in a (..) relative link 'alert(1);'
doesn't include a prohibited slug in a (.) relative link 'alert(document.location);'
doesn't include a prohibited slug in a (..) relative link 'alert(document.location);'
with the invalid slug javascript:
doesn't include a prohibited slug in a (.) relative link 'alert(1);'
doesn't include a prohibited slug in a (..) relative link 'alert(1);'
doesn't include a prohibited slug in a (.) relative link 'alert(document.location);'
doesn't include a prohibited slug in a (..) relative link 'alert(document.location);'
with the invalid slug &#14; javascript:
doesn't include a prohibited slug in a (.) relative link 'alert(1);'
doesn't include a prohibited slug in a (..) relative link 'alert(1);'
doesn't include a prohibited slug in a (.) relative link 'alert(document.location);'
doesn't include a prohibited slug in a (..) relative link 'alert(document.location);'
videos and audio
generates video html structure
rewrites and replaces video links names with white spaces to %20
generates audio html structure
rewrites and replaces audio links names with white spaces to %20
gollum tag filters
when local image file exists
sets the proper attributes for the image
with project
behaves like handling all the conditions
is expected to contain exactly #<Packages::Package id: 1, project_id: 381, created_at: "2021-10-13 18:31:24.917712000 +0000", update... name: "DummyPackageA", version: "1.0.1", package_type: "nuget", creator_id: 679, status: "default">, #<Packages::Package id: 2, project_id: 381, created_at: "2021-10-13 18:31:24.973986592 +0000", update... name: "DummyPackageB", version: "1.0.2", package_type: "nuget", creator_id: 679, status: "default">, #<Packages::Package id: 3, project_id: 381, created_at: "2021-10-13 18:31:24.998744413 +0000", update... name: "DummyPackageB", version: "1.0.3", package_type: "nuget", creator_id: 679, status: "default">, #<Packages::Package id: 4, project_id: 381, created_at: "2021-10-13 18:31:25.024346572 +0000", update... name: "DummyPackageB", version: "1.0.4", package_type: "nuget", creator_id: 679, status: "default">, #<Packages::Package id: 5, project_id: 381, created_at: "2021-10-13 18:31:25.048789363 +0000", update... name: "DummyPackageB", version: "1.0.5", package_type: "nuget", creator_id: 679, status: "default">, #<Packages::Package id: 6, project_id: 381, created_at: "2021-10-13 18:31:25.071179717 +0000", update... name: "DummyPackageB", version: "1.0.6", package_type: "nuget", creator_id: 679, status: "default">, #<Packages::Package id: 7, project_id: 381, created_at: "2021-10-13 18:31:25.093347610 +0000", update... name: "DummyPackageC", version: "1.0.7", package_type: "nuget", creator_id: 679, status: "default">, #<Packages::Package id: 8, project_id: 381, created_at: "2021-10-13 18:31:25.113775876 +0000", update... name: "DummyPackageC", version: "1.0.8", package_type: "nuget", creator_id: 679, status: "default">, #<Packages::Package id: 9, project_id: 381, created_at: "2021-10-13 18:31:25.135874170 +0000", update... name: "DummyPackageC", version: "1.0.9", package_type: "nuget", creator_id: 679, status: "default">, #<Packages::Package id: 10, project_id: 381, created_at: "2021-10-13 18:31:25.157865994 +0000", "DummyPackageC", version: "1.0.10", package_type: "nuget", creator_id: 679, status: "default">, and #<Packages::Package id: 11, project_id: 381, created_at: "2021-10-13 18:31:25.177913700 +0000", "DummyPackageC", version: "1.0.11", package_type: "nuget", creator_id: 679, status: "default">
with a smaller per page count
is expected to contain exactly #<Packages::Package id: 1, project_id: 381, created_at: "2021-10-13 18:31:24.917712000 +0000", update... name: "DummyPackageA", version: "1.0.1", package_type: "nuget", creator_id: 679, status: "default">, #<Packages::Package id: 2, project_id: 381, created_at: "2021-10-13 18:31:24.973986592 +0000", update... name: "DummyPackageB", version: "1.0.2", package_type: "nuget", creator_id: 679, status: "default">, #<Packages::Package id: 3, project_id: 381, created_at: "2021-10-13 18:31:24.998744413 +0000", update... name: "DummyPackageB", version: "1.0.3", package_type: "nuget", creator_id: 679, status: "default">, #<Packages::Package id: 4, project_id: 381, created_at: "2021-10-13 18:31:25.024346572 +0000", update... name: "DummyPackageB", version: "1.0.4", package_type: "nuget", creator_id: 679, status: "default">, #<Packages::Package id: 5, project_id: 381, created_at: "2021-10-13 18:31:25.048789363 +0000", update... name: "DummyPackageB", version: "1.0.5", package_type: "nuget", creator_id: 679, status: "default">, and #<Packages::Package id: 6, project_id: 381, created_at: "2021-10-13 18:31:25.071179717 +0000", update... name: "DummyPackageB", version: "1.0.6", package_type: "nuget", creator_id: 679, status: "default">
with 0 per page count
is expected to contain exactly
with a negative per page count
is expected to raise ArgumentError with "negative per_page"
with a padding
is expected to contain exactly #<Packages::Package id: 7, project_id: 381, created_at: "2021-10-13 18:31:25.093347610 +0000", update... name: "DummyPackageC", version: "1.0.7", package_type: "nuget", creator_id: 679, status: "default">, #<Packages::Package id: 8, project_id: 381, created_at: "2021-10-13 18:31:25.113775876 +0000", update... name: "DummyPackageC", version: "1.0.8", package_type: "nuget", creator_id: 679, status: "default">, #<Packages::Package id: 9, project_id: 381, created_at: "2021-10-13 18:31:25.135874170 +0000", update... name: "DummyPackageC", version: "1.0.9", package_type: "nuget", creator_id: 679, status: "default">, #<Packages::Package id: 10, project_id: 381, created_at: "2021-10-13 18:31:25.157865994 +0000", "DummyPackageC", version: "1.0.10", package_type: "nuget", creator_id: 679, status: "default">, and #<Packages::Package id: 11, project_id: 381, created_at: "2021-10-13 18:31:25.177913700 +0000", "DummyPackageC", version: "1.0.11", package_type: "nuget", creator_id: 679, status: "default">
with a too big padding
is expected to contain exactly
with a negative padding
is expected to raise ArgumentError with "negative padding"
with search term
is expected to contain exactly #<Packages::Package id: 1, project_id: 381, created_at: "2021-10-13 18:31:24.917712000 +0000", update... name: "DummyPackageA", version: "1.0.1", package_type: "nuget", creator_id: 679, status: "default">, #<Packages::Package id: 2, project_id: 381, created_at: "2021-10-13 18:31:24.973986592 +0000", update... name: "DummyPackageB", version: "1.0.2", package_type: "nuget", creator_id: 679, status: "default">, #<Packages::Package id: 3, project_id: 381, created_at: "2021-10-13 18:31:24.998744413 +0000", update... name: "DummyPackageB", version: "1.0.3", package_type: "nuget", creator_id: 679, status: "default">, #<Packages::Package id: 4, project_id: 381, created_at: "2021-10-13 18:31:25.024346572 +0000", update... name: "DummyPackageB", version: "1.0.4", package_type: "nuget", creator_id: 679, status: "default">, #<Packages::Package id: 5, project_id: 381, created_at: "2021-10-13 18:31:25.048789363 +0000", update... name: "DummyPackageB", version: "1.0.5", package_type: "nuget", creator_id: 679, status: "default">, #<Packages::Package id: 6, project_id: 381, created_at: "2021-10-13 18:31:25.071179717 +0000", update... name: "DummyPackageB", version: "1.0.6", package_type: "nuget", creator_id: 679, status: "default">, #<Packages::Package id: 7, project_id: 381, created_at: "2021-10-13 18:31:25.093347610 +0000", update... name: "DummyPackageC", version: "1.0.7", package_type: "nuget", creator_id: 679, status: "default">, #<Packages::Package id: 8, project_id: 381, created_at: "2021-10-13 18:31:25.113775876 +0000", update... name: "DummyPackageC", version: "1.0.8", package_type: "nuget", creator_id: 679, status: "default">, #<Packages::Package id: 9, project_id: 381, created_at: "2021-10-13 18:31:25.135874170 +0000", update... name: "DummyPackageC", version: "1.0.9", package_type: "nuget", creator_id: 679, status: "default">, #<Packages::Package id: 10, project_id: 381, created_at: "2021-10-13 18:31:25.157865994 +0000", "DummyPackageC", version: "1.0.10", package_type: "nuget", creator_id: 679, status: "default">, and #<Packages::Package id: 11, project_id: 381, created_at: "2021-10-13 18:31:25.177913700 +0000", "DummyPackageC", version: "1.0.11", package_type: "nuget", creator_id: 679, status: "default">
with nil search term
is expected to contain exactly #<Packages::Package id: 1, project_id: 381, created_at: "2021-10-13 18:31:24.917712000 +0000", update... name: "DummyPackageA", version: "1.0.1", package_type: "nuget", creator_id: 679, status: "default">, #<Packages::Package id: 2, project_id: 381, created_at: "2021-10-13 18:31:24.973986592 +0000", update... name: "DummyPackageB", version: "1.0.2", package_type: "nuget", creator_id: 679, status: "default">, #<Packages::Package id: 3, project_id: 381, created_at: "2021-10-13 18:31:24.998744413 +0000", update... name: "DummyPackageB", version: "1.0.3", package_type: "nuget", creator_id: 679, status: "default">, #<Packages::Package id: 4, project_id: 381, created_at: "2021-10-13 18:31:25.024346572 +0000", update... name: "DummyPackageB", version: "1.0.4", package_type: "nuget", creator_id: 679, status: "default">, #<Packages::Package id: 5, project_id: 381, created_at: "2021-10-13 18:31:25.048789363 +0000", update... name: "DummyPackageB", version: "1.0.5", package_type: "nuget", creator_id: 679, status: "default">, #<Packages::Package id: 6, project_id: 381, created_at: "2021-10-13 18:31:25.071179717 +0000", update... name: "DummyPackageB", version: "1.0.6", package_type: "nuget", creator_id: 679, status: "default">, #<Packages::Package id: 7, project_id: 381, created_at: "2021-10-13 18:31:25.093347610 +0000", update... name: "DummyPackageC", version: "1.0.7", package_type: "nuget", creator_id: 679, status: "default">, #<Packages::Package id: 8, project_id: 381, created_at: "2021-10-13 18:31:25.113775876 +0000", update... name: "DummyPackageC", version: "1.0.8", package_type: "nuget", creator_id: 679, status: "default">, #<Packages::Package id: 9, project_id: 381, created_at: "2021-10-13 18:31:25.135874170 +0000", update... name: "DummyPackageC", version: "1.0.9", package_type: "nuget", creator_id: 679, status: "default">, #<Packages::Package id: 10, project_id: 381, created_at: "2021-10-13 18:31:25.157865994 +0000", "DummyPackageC", version: "1.0.10", package_type: "nuget", creator_id: 679, status: "default">, #<Packages::Package id: 11, project_id: 381, created_at: "2021-10-13 18:31:25.177913700 +0000", "DummyPackageC", version: "1.0.11", package_type: "nuget", creator_id: 679, status: "default">, and #<Packages::Package id: 12, project_id: 381, created_at: "2021-10-13 18:31:25.200632453 +0000", updat...000", name: "FooBarD", version: "1.0.12", package_type: "nuget", creator_id: 679, status: "default">
with empty search term
is expected to contain exactly #<Packages::Package id: 1, project_id: 381, created_at: "2021-10-13 18:31:24.917712000 +0000", update... name: "DummyPackageA", version: "1.0.1", package_type: "nuget", creator_id: 679, status: "default">, #<Packages::Package id: 2, project_id: 381, created_at: "2021-10-13 18:31:24.973986592 +0000", update... name: "DummyPackageB", version: "1.0.2", package_type: "nuget", creator_id: 679, status: "default">, #<Packages::Package id: 3, project_id: 381, created_at: "2021-10-13 18:31:24.998744413 +0000", update... name: "DummyPackageB", version: "1.0.3", package_type: "nuget", creator_id: 679, status: "default">, #<Packages::Package id: 4, project_id: 381, created_at: "2021-10-13 18:31:25.024346572 +0000", update... name: "DummyPackageB", version: "1.0.4", package_type: "nuget", creator_id: 679, status: "default">, #<Packages::Package id: 5, project_id: 381, created_at: "2021-10-13 18:31:25.048789363 +0000", update... name: "DummyPackageB", version: "1.0.5", package_type: "nuget", creator_id: 679, status: "default">, #<Packages::Package id: 6, project_id: 381, created_at: "2021-10-13 18:31:25.071179717 +0000", update... name: "DummyPackageB", version: "1.0.6", package_type: "nuget", creator_id: 679, status: "default">, #<Packages::Package id: 7, project_id: 381, created_at: "2021-10-13 18:31:25.093347610 +0000", update... name: "DummyPackageC", version: "1.0.7", package_type: "nuget", creator_id: 679, status: "default">, #<Packages::Package id: 8, project_id: 381, created_at: "2021-10-13 18:31:25.113775876 +0000", update... name: "DummyPackageC", version: "1.0.8", package_type: "nuget", creator_id: 679, status: "default">, #<Packages::Package id: 9, project_id: 381, created_at: "2021-10-13 18:31:25.135874170 +0000", update... name: "DummyPackageC", version: "1.0.9", package_type: "nuget", creator_id: 679, status: "default">, #<Packages::Package id: 10, project_id: 381, created_at: "2021-10-13 18:31:25.157865994 +0000", "DummyPackageC", version: "1.0.10", package_type: "nuget", creator_id: 679, status: "default">, #<Packages::Package id: 11, project_id: 381, created_at: "2021-10-13 18:31:25.177913700 +0000", "DummyPackageC", version: "1.0.11", package_type: "nuget", creator_id: 679, status: "default">, and #<Packages::Package id: 12, project_id: 381, created_at: "2021-10-13 18:31:25.200632453 +0000", updat...000", name: "FooBarD", version: "1.0.12", package_type: "nuget", creator_id: 679, status: "default">
with non-displayable packages
is expected to contain exactly #<Packages::Package id: 2, project_id: 381, created_at: "2021-10-13 18:31:24.973986592 +0000", update... name: "DummyPackageB", version: "1.0.2", package_type: "nuget", creator_id: 679, status: "default">, #<Packages::Package id: 3, project_id: 381, created_at: "2021-10-13 18:31:24.998744413 +0000", update... name: "DummyPackageB", version: "1.0.3", package_type: "nuget", creator_id: 679, status: "default">, #<Packages::Package id: 4, project_id: 381, created_at: "2021-10-13 18:31:25.024346572 +0000", update... name: "DummyPackageB", version: "1.0.4", package_type: "nuget", creator_id: 679, status: "default">, #<Packages::Package id: 5, project_id: 381, created_at: "2021-10-13 18:31:25.048789363 +0000", update... name: "DummyPackageB", version: "1.0.5", package_type: "nuget", creator_id: 679, status: "default">, #<Packages::Package id: 6, project_id: 381, created_at: "2021-10-13 18:31:25.071179717 +0000", update... name: "DummyPackageB", version: "1.0.6", package_type: "nuget", creator_id: 679, status: "default">, #<Packages::Package id: 7, project_id: 381, created_at: "2021-10-13 18:31:25.093347610 +0000", update... name: "DummyPackageC", version: "1.0.7", package_type: "nuget", creator_id: 679, status: "default">, #<Packages::Package id: 8, project_id: 381, created_at: "2021-10-13 18:31:25.113775876 +0000", update... name: "DummyPackageC", version: "1.0.8", package_type: "nuget", creator_id: 679, status: "default">, #<Packages::Package id: 9, project_id: 381, created_at: "2021-10-13 18:31:25.135874170 +0000", update... name: "DummyPackageC", version: "1.0.9", package_type: "nuget", creator_id: 679, status: "default">, #<Packages::Package id: 10, project_id: 381, created_at: "2021-10-13 18:31:25.157865994 +0000", "DummyPackageC", version: "1.0.10", package_type: "nuget", creator_id: 679, status: "default">, #<Packages::Package id: 11, project_id: 381, created_at: "2021-10-13 18:31:25.177913700 +0000", "DummyPackageC", version: "1.0.11", package_type: "nuget", creator_id: 679, status: "default">, and #<Packages::Package id: 12, project_id: 381, created_at: "2021-10-13 18:31:25.200632453 +0000", updat...000", name: "FooBarD", version: "1.0.12", package_type: "nuget", creator_id: 679, status: "default">
with prefix search term
is expected to contain exactly #<Packages::Package id: 1, project_id: 381, created_at: "2021-10-13 18:31:24.917712000 +0000", update... name: "DummyPackageA", version: "1.0.1", package_type: "nuget", creator_id: 679, status: "default">, #<Packages::Package id: 2, project_id: 381, created_at: "2021-10-13 18:31:24.973986592 +0000", update... name: "DummyPackageB", version: "1.0.2", package_type: "nuget", creator_id: 679, status: "default">, #<Packages::Package id: 3, project_id: 381, created_at: "2021-10-13 18:31:24.998744413 +0000", update... name: "DummyPackageB", version: "1.0.3", package_type: "nuget", creator_id: 679, status: "default">, #<Packages::Package id: 4, project_id: 381, created_at: "2021-10-13 18:31:25.024346572 +0000", update... name: "DummyPackageB", version: "1.0.4", package_type: "nuget", creator_id: 679, status: "default">, #<Packages::Package id: 5, project_id: 381, created_at: "2021-10-13 18:31:25.048789363 +0000", update... name: "DummyPackageB", version: "1.0.5", package_type: "nuget", creator_id: 679, status: "default">, #<Packages::Package id: 6, project_id: 381, created_at: "2021-10-13 18:31:25.071179717 +0000", update... name: "DummyPackageB", version: "1.0.6", package_type: "nuget", creator_id: 679, status: "default">, #<Packages::Package id: 7, project_id: 381, created_at: "2021-10-13 18:31:25.093347610 +0000", update... name: "DummyPackageC", version: "1.0.7", package_type: "nuget", creator_id: 679, status: "default">, #<Packages::Package id: 8, project_id: 381, created_at: "2021-10-13 18:31:25.113775876 +0000", update... name: "DummyPackageC", version: "1.0.8", package_type: "nuget", creator_id: 679, status: "default">, #<Packages::Package id: 9, project_id: 381, created_at: "2021-10-13 18:31:25.135874170 +0000", update... name: "DummyPackageC", version: "1.0.9", package_type: "nuget", creator_id: 679, status: "default">, #<Packages::Package id: 10, project_id: 381, created_at: "2021-10-13 18:31:25.157865994 +0000", "DummyPackageC", version: "1.0.10", package_type: "nuget", creator_id: 679, status: "default">, and #<Packages::Package id: 11, project_id: 381, created_at: "2021-10-13 18:31:25.177913700 +0000", "DummyPackageC", version: "1.0.11", package_type: "nuget", creator_id: 679, status: "default">
with suffix search term
is expected to contain exactly #<Packages::Package id: 7, project_id: 381, created_at: "2021-10-13 18:31:25.093347610 +0000", update... name: "DummyPackageC", version: "1.0.7", package_type: "nuget", creator_id: 679, status: "default">, #<Packages::Package id: 8, project_id: 381, created_at: "2021-10-13 18:31:25.113775876 +0000", update... name: "DummyPackageC", version: "1.0.8", package_type: "nuget", creator_id: 679, status: "default">, #<Packages::Package id: 9, project_id: 381, created_at: "2021-10-13 18:31:25.135874170 +0000", update... name: "DummyPackageC", version: "1.0.9", package_type: "nuget", creator_id: 679, status: "default">, #<Packages::Package id: 10, project_id: 381, created_at: "2021-10-13 18:31:25.157865994 +0000", "DummyPackageC", version: "1.0.10", package_type: "nuget", creator_id: 679, status: "default">, and #<Packages::Package id: 11, project_id: 381, created_at: "2021-10-13 18:31:25.177913700 +0000", "DummyPackageC", version: "1.0.11", package_type: "nuget", creator_id: 679, status: "default">
with pre release packages
including them
is expected to contain exactly #<Packages::Package id: 1, project_id: 381, created_at: "2021-10-13 18:31:24.917712000 +0000", update... name: "DummyPackageA", version: "1.0.1", package_type: "nuget", creator_id: 679, status: "default">, #<Packages::Package id: 2, project_id: 381, created_at: "2021-10-13 18:31:24.973986592 +0000", update... name: "DummyPackageB", version: "1.0.2", package_type: "nuget", creator_id: 679, status: "default">, #<Packages::Package id: 3, project_id: 381, created_at: "2021-10-13 18:31:24.998744413 +0000", update... name: "DummyPackageB", version: "1.0.3", package_type: "nuget", creator_id: 679, status: "default">, #<Packages::Package id: 4, project_id: 381, created_at: "2021-10-13 18:31:25.024346572 +0000", update... name: "DummyPackageB", version: "1.0.4", package_type: "nuget", creator_id: 679, status: "default">, #<Packages::Package id: 5, project_id: 381, created_at: "2021-10-13 18:31:25.048789363 +0000", update... name: "DummyPackageB", version: "1.0.5", package_type: "nuget", creator_id: 679, status: "default">, #<Packages::Package id: 6, project_id: 381, created_at: "2021-10-13 18:31:25.071179717 +0000", update... name: "DummyPackageB", version: "1.0.6", package_type: "nuget", creator_id: 679, status: "default">, #<Packages::Package id: 7, project_id: 381, created_at: "2021-10-13 18:31:25.093347610 +0000", update... name: "DummyPackageC", version: "1.0.7", package_type: "nuget", creator_id: 679, status: "default">, #<Packages::Package id: 8, project_id: 381, created_at: "2021-10-13 18:31:25.113775876 +0000", update... name: "DummyPackageC", version: "1.0.8", package_type: "nuget", creator_id: 679, status: "default">, #<Packages::Package id: 9, project_id: 381, created_at: "2021-10-13 18:31:25.135874170 +0000", update... name: "DummyPackageC", version: "1.0.9", package_type: "nuget", creator_id: 679, status: "default">, #<Packages::Package id: 10, project_id: 381, created_at: "2021-10-13 18:31:25.157865994 +0000", "DummyPackageC", version: "1.0.10", package_type: "nuget", creator_id: 679, status: "default">, #<Packages::Package id: 11, project_id: 381, created_at: "2021-10-13 18:31:25.177913700 +0000", "DummyPackageC", version: "1.0.11", package_type: "nuget", creator_id: 679, status: "default">, and #<Packages::Package id: 15, project_id: 381, created_at: "2021-10-13 18:31:29.191899584 +0000", updat... "DummyPackageE", version: "3.2.1-alpha", package_type: "nuget", creator_id: 679, status: "default">
excluding them
is expected to contain exactly #<Packages::Package id: 1, project_id: 381, created_at: "2021-10-13 18:31:24.917712000 +0000", update... name: "DummyPackageA", version: "1.0.1", package_type: "nuget", creator_id: 679, status: "default">, #<Packages::Package id: 2, project_id: 381, created_at: "2021-10-13 18:31:24.973986592 +0000", update... name: "DummyPackageB", version: "1.0.2", package_type: "nuget", creator_id: 679, status: "default">, #<Packages::Package id: 3, project_id: 381, created_at: "2021-10-13 18:31:24.998744413 +0000", update... name: "DummyPackageB", version: "1.0.3", package_type: "nuget", creator_id: 679, status: "default">, #<Packages::Package id: 4, project_id: 381, created_at: "2021-10-13 18:31:25.024346572 +0000", update... name: "DummyPackageB", version: "1.0.4", package_type: "nuget", creator_id: 679, status: "default">, #<Packages::Package id: 5, project_id: 381, created_at: "2021-10-13 18:31:25.048789363 +0000", update... name: "DummyPackageB", version: "1.0.5", package_type: "nuget", creator_id: 679, status: "default">, #<Packages::Package id: 6, project_id: 381, created_at: "2021-10-13 18:31:25.071179717 +0000", update... name: "DummyPackageB", version: "1.0.6", package_type: "nuget", creator_id: 679, status: "default">, #<Packages::Package id: 7, project_id: 381, created_at: "2021-10-13 18:31:25.093347610 +0000", update... name: "DummyPackageC", version: "1.0.7", package_type: "nuget", creator_id: 679, status: "default">, #<Packages::Package id: 8, project_id: 381, created_at: "2021-10-13 18:31:25.113775876 +0000", update... name: "DummyPackageC", version: "1.0.8", package_type: "nuget", creator_id: 679, status: "default">, #<Packages::Package id: 9, project_id: 381, created_at: "2021-10-13 18:31:25.135874170 +0000", update... name: "DummyPackageC", version: "1.0.9", package_type: "nuget", creator_id: 679, status: "default">, #<Packages::Package id: 10, project_id: 381, created_at: "2021-10-13 18:31:25.157865994 +0000", "DummyPackageC", version: "1.0.10", package_type: "nuget", creator_id: 679, status: "default">, and #<Packages::Package id: 11, project_id: 381, created_at: "2021-10-13 18:31:25.177913700 +0000", "DummyPackageC", version: "1.0.11", package_type: "nuget", creator_id: 679, status: "default">
when mixed with release versions
is expected to contain exactly #<Packages::Package id: 1, project_id: 381, created_at: "2021-10-13 18:31:24.917712000 +0000", update... name: "DummyPackageA", version: "1.0.1", package_type: "nuget", creator_id: 679, status: "default">, #<Packages::Package id: 2, project_id: 381, created_at: "2021-10-13 18:31:24.973986592 +0000", update... name: "DummyPackageB", version: "1.0.2", package_type: "nuget", creator_id: 679, status: "default">, #<Packages::Package id: 3, project_id: 381, created_at: "2021-10-13 18:31:24.998744413 +0000", update... name: "DummyPackageB", version: "1.0.3", package_type: "nuget", creator_id: 679, status: "default">, #<Packages::Package id: 4, project_id: 381, created_at: "2021-10-13 18:31:25.024346572 +0000", update... name: "DummyPackageB", version: "1.0.4", package_type: "nuget", creator_id: 679, status: "default">, #<Packages::Package id: 5, project_id: 381, created_at: "2021-10-13 18:31:25.048789363 +0000", update... name: "DummyPackageB", version: "1.0.5", package_type: "nuget", creator_id: 679, status: "default">, #<Packages::Package id: 6, project_id: 381, created_at: "2021-10-13 18:31:25.071179717 +0000", update... name: "DummyPackageB", version: "1.0.6", package_type: "nuget", creator_id: 679, status: "default">, #<Packages::Package id: 7, project_id: 381, created_at: "2021-10-13 18:31:25.093347610 +0000", update... name: "DummyPackageC", version: "1.0.7", package_type: "nuget", creator_id: 679, status: "default">, #<Packages::Package id: 8, project_id: 381, created_at: "2021-10-13 18:31:25.113775876 +0000", update... name: "DummyPackageC", version: "1.0.8", package_type: "nuget", creator_id: 679, status: "default">, #<Packages::Package id: 9, project_id: 381, created_at: "2021-10-13 18:31:25.135874170 +0000", update... name: "DummyPackageC", version: "1.0.9", package_type: "nuget", creator_id: 679, status: "default">, #<Packages::Package id: 10, project_id: 381, created_at: "2021-10-13 18:31:25.157865994 +0000", "DummyPackageC", version: "1.0.10", package_type: "nuget", creator_id: 679, status: "default">, #<Packages::Package id: 11, project_id: 381, created_at: "2021-10-13 18:31:25.177913700 +0000", "DummyPackageC", version: "1.0.11", package_type: "nuget", creator_id: 679, status: "default">, and #<Packages::Package id: 16, project_id: 381, created_at: "2021-10-13 18:31:29.731108463 +0000", updat... name: "DummyPackageE", version: "3.2.1", package_type: "nuget", creator_id: 679, status: "default">
with subgroup
behaves like handling all the conditions
is expected to contain exactly #<Packages::Package id: 1, project_id: 381, created_at: "2021-10-13 18:31:24.917712000 +0000", update... name: "DummyPackageA", version: "1.0.1", package_type: "nuget", creator_id: 679, status: "default">, #<Packages::Package id: 2, project_id: 381, created_at: "2021-10-13 18:31:24.973986592 +0000", update... name: "DummyPackageB", version: "1.0.2", package_type: "nuget", creator_id: 679, status: "default">, #<Packages::Package id: 3, project_id: 381, created_at: "2021-10-13 18:31:24.998744413 +0000", update... name: "DummyPackageB", version: "1.0.3", package_type: "nuget", creator_id: 679, status: "default">, #<Packages::Package id: 4, project_id: 381, created_at: "2021-10-13 18:31:25.024346572 +0000", update... name: "DummyPackageB", version: "1.0.4", package_type: "nuget", creator_id: 679, status: "default">, #<Packages::Package id: 5, project_id: 381, created_at: "2021-10-13 18:31:25.048789363 +0000", update... name: "DummyPackageB", version: "1.0.5", package_type: "nuget", creator_id: 679, status: "default">, #<Packages::Package id: 6, project_id: 381, created_at: "2021-10-13 18:31:25.071179717 +0000", update... name: "DummyPackageB", version: "1.0.6", package_type: "nuget", creator_id: 679, status: "default">, #<Packages::Package id: 7, project_id: 381, created_at: "2021-10-13 18:31:25.093347610 +0000", update... name: "DummyPackageC", version: "1.0.7", package_type: "nuget", creator_id: 679, status: "default">, #<Packages::Package id: 8, project_id: 381, created_at: "2021-10-13 18:31:25.113775876 +0000", update... name: "DummyPackageC", version: "1.0.8", package_type: "nuget", creator_id: 679, status: "default">, #<Packages::Package id: 9, project_id: 381, created_at: "2021-10-13 18:31:25.135874170 +0000", update... name: "DummyPackageC", version: "1.0.9", package_type: "nuget", creator_id: 679, status: "default">, #<Packages::Package id: 10, project_id: 381, created_at: "2021-10-13 18:31:25.157865994 +0000", "DummyPackageC", version: "1.0.10", package_type: "nuget", creator_id: 679, status: "default">, and #<Packages::Package id: 11, project_id: 381, created_at: "2021-10-13 18:31:25.177913700 +0000", "DummyPackageC", version: "1.0.11", package_type: "nuget", creator_id: 679, status: "default">
with a smaller per page count
is expected to contain exactly #<Packages::Package id: 1, project_id: 381, created_at: "2021-10-13 18:31:24.917712000 +0000", update... name: "DummyPackageA", version: "1.0.1", package_type: "nuget", creator_id: 679, status: "default">, #<Packages::Package id: 2, project_id: 381, created_at: "2021-10-13 18:31:24.973986592 +0000", update... name: "DummyPackageB", version: "1.0.2", package_type: "nuget", creator_id: 679, status: "default">, #<Packages::Package id: 3, project_id: 381, created_at: "2021-10-13 18:31:24.998744413 +0000", update... name: "DummyPackageB", version: "1.0.3", package_type: "nuget", creator_id: 679, status: "default">, #<Packages::Package id: 4, project_id: 381, created_at: "2021-10-13 18:31:25.024346572 +0000", update... name: "DummyPackageB", version: "1.0.4", package_type: "nuget", creator_id: 679, status: "default">, #<Packages::Package id: 5, project_id: 381, created_at: "2021-10-13 18:31:25.048789363 +0000", update... name: "DummyPackageB", version: "1.0.5", package_type: "nuget", creator_id: 679, status: "default">, and #<Packages::Package id: 6, project_id: 381, created_at: "2021-10-13 18:31:25.071179717 +0000", update... name: "DummyPackageB", version: "1.0.6", package_type: "nuget", creator_id: 679, status: "default">
with 0 per page count
is expected to contain exactly
with a negative per page count
is expected to raise ArgumentError with "negative per_page"
with a padding
is expected to contain exactly #<Packages::Package id: 7, project_id: 381, created_at: "2021-10-13 18:31:25.093347610 +0000", update... name: "DummyPackageC", version: "1.0.7", package_type: "nuget", creator_id: 679, status: "default">, #<Packages::Package id: 8, project_id: 381, created_at: "2021-10-13 18:31:25.113775876 +0000", update... name: "DummyPackageC", version: "1.0.8", package_type: "nuget", creator_id: 679, status: "default">, #<Packages::Package id: 9, project_id: 381, created_at: "2021-10-13 18:31:25.135874170 +0000", update... name: "DummyPackageC", version: "1.0.9", package_type: "nuget", creator_id: 679, status: "default">, #<Packages::Package id: 10, project_id: 381, created_at: "2021-10-13 18:31:25.157865994 +0000", "DummyPackageC", version: "1.0.10", package_type: "nuget", creator_id: 679, status: "default">, and #<Packages::Package id: 11, project_id: 381, created_at: "2021-10-13 18:31:25.177913700 +0000", "DummyPackageC", version: "1.0.11", package_type: "nuget", creator_id: 679, status: "default">
with a too big padding
is expected to contain exactly
with a negative padding
is expected to raise ArgumentError with "negative padding"
with search term
is expected to contain exactly #<Packages::Package id: 1, project_id: 381, created_at: "2021-10-13 18:31:24.917712000 +0000", update... name: "DummyPackageA", version: "1.0.1", package_type: "nuget", creator_id: 679, status: "default">, #<Packages::Package id: 2, project_id: 381, created_at: "2021-10-13 18:31:24.973986592 +0000", update... name: "DummyPackageB", version: "1.0.2", package_type: "nuget", creator_id: 679, status: "default">, #<Packages::Package id: 3, project_id: 381, created_at: "2021-10-13 18:31:24.998744413 +0000", update... name: "DummyPackageB", version: "1.0.3", package_type: "nuget", creator_id: 679, status: "default">, #<Packages::Package id: 4, project_id: 381, created_at: "2021-10-13 18:31:25.024346572 +0000", update... name: "DummyPackageB", version: "1.0.4", package_type: "nuget", creator_id: 679, status: "default">, #<Packages::Package id: 5, project_id: 381, created_at: "2021-10-13 18:31:25.048789363 +0000", update... name: "DummyPackageB", version: "1.0.5", package_type: "nuget", creator_id: 679, status: "default">, #<Packages::Package id: 6, project_id: 381, created_at: "2021-10-13 18:31:25.071179717 +0000", update... name: "DummyPackageB", version: "1.0.6", package_type: "nuget", creator_id: 679, status: "default">, #<Packages::Package id: 7, project_id: 381, created_at: "2021-10-13 18:31:25.093347610 +0000", update... name: "DummyPackageC", version: "1.0.7", package_type: "nuget", creator_id: 679, status: "default">, #<Packages::Package id: 8, project_id: 381, created_at: "2021-10-13 18:31:25.113775876 +0000", update... name: "DummyPackageC", version: "1.0.8", package_type: "nuget", creator_id: 679, status: "default">, #<Packages::Package id: 9, project_id: 381, created_at: "2021-10-13 18:31:25.135874170 +0000", update... name: "DummyPackageC", version: "1.0.9", package_type: "nuget", creator_id: 679, status: "default">, #<Packages::Package id: 10, project_id: 381, created_at: "2021-10-13 18:31:25.157865994 +0000", "DummyPackageC", version: "1.0.10", package_type: "nuget", creator_id: 679, status: "default">, and #<Packages::Package id: 11, project_id: 381, created_at: "2021-10-13 18:31:25.177913700 +0000", "DummyPackageC", version: "1.0.11", package_type: "nuget", creator_id: 679, status: "default">
with nil search term
is expected to contain exactly #<Packages::Package id: 1, project_id: 381, created_at: "2021-10-13 18:31:24.917712000 +0000", update... name: "DummyPackageA", version: "1.0.1", package_type: "nuget", creator_id: 679, status: "default">, #<Packages::Package id: 2, project_id: 381, created_at: "2021-10-13 18:31:24.973986592 +0000", update... name: "DummyPackageB", version: "1.0.2", package_type: "nuget", creator_id: 679, status: "default">, #<Packages::Package id: 3, project_id: 381, created_at: "2021-10-13 18:31:24.998744413 +0000", update... name: "DummyPackageB", version: "1.0.3", package_type: "nuget", creator_id: 679, status: "default">, #<Packages::Package id: 4, project_id: 381, created_at: "2021-10-13 18:31:25.024346572 +0000", update... name: "DummyPackageB", version: "1.0.4", package_type: "nuget", creator_id: 679, status: "default">, #<Packages::Package id: 5, project_id: 381, created_at: "2021-10-13 18:31:25.048789363 +0000", update... name: "DummyPackageB", version: "1.0.5", package_type: "nuget", creator_id: 679, status: "default">, #<Packages::Package id: 6, project_id: 381, created_at: "2021-10-13 18:31:25.071179717 +0000", update... name: "DummyPackageB", version: "1.0.6", package_type: "nuget", creator_id: 679, status: "default">, #<Packages::Package id: 7, project_id: 381, created_at: "2021-10-13 18:31:25.093347610 +0000", update... name: "DummyPackageC", version: "1.0.7", package_type: "nuget", creator_id: 679, status: "default">, #<Packages::Package id: 8, project_id: 381, created_at: "2021-10-13 18:31:25.113775876 +0000", update... name: "DummyPackageC", version: "1.0.8", package_type: "nuget", creator_id: 679, status: "default">, #<Packages::Package id: 9, project_id: 381, created_at: "2021-10-13 18:31:25.135874170 +0000", update... name: "DummyPackageC", version: "1.0.9", package_type: "nuget", creator_id: 679, status: "default">, #<Packages::Package id: 10, project_id: 381, created_at: "2021-10-13 18:31:25.157865994 +0000", "DummyPackageC", version: "1.0.10", package_type: "nuget", creator_id: 679, status: "default">, #<Packages::Package id: 11, project_id: 381, created_at: "2021-10-13 18:31:25.177913700 +0000", "DummyPackageC", version: "1.0.11", package_type: "nuget", creator_id: 679, status: "default">, and #<Packages::Package id: 12, project_id: 381, created_at: "2021-10-13 18:31:25.200632453 +0000", updat...000", name: "FooBarD", version: "1.0.12", package_type: "nuget", creator_id: 679, status: "default">
with empty search term
is expected to contain exactly #<Packages::Package id: 1, project_id: 381, created_at: "2021-10-13 18:31:24.917712000 +0000", update... name: "DummyPackageA", version: "1.0.1", package_type: "nuget", creator_id: 679, status: "default">, #<Packages::Package id: 2, project_id: 381, created_at: "2021-10-13 18:31:24.973986592 +0000", update... name: "DummyPackageB", version: "1.0.2", package_type: "nuget", creator_id: 679, status: "default">, #<Packages::Package id: 3, project_id: 381, created_at: "2021-10-13 18:31:24.998744413 +0000", update... name: "DummyPackageB", version: "1.0.3", package_type: "nuget", creator_id: 679, status: "default">, #<Packages::Package id: 4, project_id: 381, created_at: "2021-10-13 18:31:25.024346572 +0000", update... name: "DummyPackageB", version: "1.0.4", package_type: "nuget", creator_id: 679, status: "default">, #<Packages::Package id: 5, project_id: 381, created_at: "2021-10-13 18:31:25.048789363 +0000", update... name: "DummyPackageB", version: "1.0.5", package_type: "nuget", creator_id: 679, status: "default">, #<Packages::Package id: 6, project_id: 381, created_at: "2021-10-13 18:31:25.071179717 +0000", update... name: "DummyPackageB", version: "1.0.6", package_type: "nuget", creator_id: 679, status: "default">, #<Packages::Package id: 7, project_id: 381, created_at: "2021-10-13 18:31:25.093347610 +0000", update... name: "DummyPackageC", version: "1.0.7", package_type: "nuget", creator_id: 679, status: "default">, #<Packages::Package id: 8, project_id: 381, created_at: "2021-10-13 18:31:25.113775876 +0000", update... name: "DummyPackageC", version: "1.0.8", package_type: "nuget", creator_id: 679, status: "default">, #<Packages::Package id: 9, project_id: 381, created_at: "2021-10-13 18:31:25.135874170 +0000", update... name: "DummyPackageC", version: "1.0.9", package_type: "nuget", creator_id: 679, status: "default">, #<Packages::Package id: 10, project_id: 381, created_at: "2021-10-13 18:31:25.157865994 +0000", "DummyPackageC", version: "1.0.10", package_type: "nuget", creator_id: 679, status: "default">, #<Packages::Package id: 11, project_id: 381, created_at: "2021-10-13 18:31:25.177913700 +0000", "DummyPackageC", version: "1.0.11", package_type: "nuget", creator_id: 679, status: "default">, and #<Packages::Package id: 12, project_id: 381, created_at: "2021-10-13 18:31:25.200632453 +0000", updat...000", name: "FooBarD", version: "1.0.12", package_type: "nuget", creator_id: 679, status: "default">
with non-displayable packages
is expected to contain exactly #<Packages::Package id: 2, project_id: 381, created_at: "2021-10-13 18:31:24.973986592 +0000", update... name: "DummyPackageB", version: "1.0.2", package_type: "nuget", creator_id: 679, status: "default">, #<Packages::Package id: 3, project_id: 381, created_at: "2021-10-13 18:31:24.998744413 +0000", update... name: "DummyPackageB", version: "1.0.3", package_type: "nuget", creator_id: 679, status: "default">, #<Packages::Package id: 4, project_id: 381, created_at: "2021-10-13 18:31:25.024346572 +0000", update... name: "DummyPackageB", version: "1.0.4", package_type: "nuget", creator_id: 679, status: "default">, #<Packages::Package id: 5, project_id: 381, created_at: "2021-10-13 18:31:25.048789363 +0000", update... name: "DummyPackageB", version: "1.0.5", package_type: "nuget", creator_id: 679, status: "default">, #<Packages::Package id: 6, project_id: 381, created_at: "2021-10-13 18:31:25.071179717 +0000", update... name: "DummyPackageB", version: "1.0.6", package_type: "nuget", creator_id: 679, status: "default">, #<Packages::Package id: 7, project_id: 381, created_at: "2021-10-13 18:31:25.093347610 +0000", update... name: "DummyPackageC", version: "1.0.7", package_type: "nuget", creator_id: 679, status: "default">, #<Packages::Package id: 8, project_id: 381, created_at: "2021-10-13 18:31:25.113775876 +0000", update... name: "DummyPackageC", version: "1.0.8", package_type: "nuget", creator_id: 679, status: "default">, #<Packages::Package id: 9, project_id: 381, created_at: "2021-10-13 18:31:25.135874170 +0000", update... name: "DummyPackageC", version: "1.0.9", package_type: "nuget", creator_id: 679, status: "default">, #<Packages::Package id: 10, project_id: 381, created_at: "2021-10-13 18:31:25.157865994 +0000", "DummyPackageC", version: "1.0.10", package_type: "nuget", creator_id: 679, status: "default">, #<Packages::Package id: 11, project_id: 381, created_at: "2021-10-13 18:31:25.177913700 +0000", "DummyPackageC", version: "1.0.11", package_type: "nuget", creator_id: 679, status: "default">, and #<Packages::Package id: 12, project_id: 381, created_at: "2021-10-13 18:31:25.200632453 +0000", updat...000", name: "FooBarD", version: "1.0.12", package_type: "nuget", creator_id: 679, status: "default">
with prefix search term
is expected to contain exactly #<Packages::Package id: 1, project_id: 381, created_at: "2021-10-13 18:31:24.917712000 +0000", update... name: "DummyPackageA", version: "1.0.1", package_type: "nuget", creator_id: 679, status: "default">, #<Packages::Package id: 2, project_id: 381, created_at: "2021-10-13 18:31:24.973986592 +0000", update... name: "DummyPackageB", version: "1.0.2", package_type: "nuget", creator_id: 679, status: "default">, #<Packages::Package id: 3, project_id: 381, created_at: "2021-10-13 18:31:24.998744413 +0000", update... name: "DummyPackageB", version: "1.0.3", package_type: "nuget", creator_id: 679, status: "default">, #<Packages::Package id: 4, project_id: 381, created_at: "2021-10-13 18:31:25.024346572 +0000", update... name: "DummyPackageB", version: "1.0.4", package_type: "nuget", creator_id: 679, status: "default">, #<Packages::Package id: 5, project_id: 381, created_at: "2021-10-13 18:31:25.048789363 +0000", update... name: "DummyPackageB", version: "1.0.5", package_type: "nuget", creator_id: 679, status: "default">, #<Packages::Package id: 6, project_id: 381, created_at: "2021-10-13 18:31:25.071179717 +0000", update... name: "DummyPackageB", version: "1.0.6", package_type: "nuget", creator_id: 679, status: "default">, #<Packages::Package id: 7, project_id: 381, created_at: "2021-10-13 18:31:25.093347610 +0000", update... name: "DummyPackageC", version: "1.0.7", package_type: "nuget", creator_id: 679, status: "default">, #<Packages::Package id: 8, project_id: 381, created_at: "2021-10-13 18:31:25.113775876 +0000", update... name: "DummyPackageC", version: "1.0.8", package_type: "nuget", creator_id: 679, status: "default">, #<Packages::Package id: 9, project_id: 381, created_at: "2021-10-13 18:31:25.135874170 +0000", update... name: "DummyPackageC", version: "1.0.9", package_type: "nuget", creator_id: 679, status: "default">, #<Packages::Package id: 10, project_id: 381, created_at: "2021-10-13 18:31:25.157865994 +0000", "DummyPackageC", version: "1.0.10", package_type: "nuget", creator_id: 679, status: "default">, and #<Packages::Package id: 11, project_id: 381, created_at: "2021-10-13 18:31:25.177913700 +0000", "DummyPackageC", version: "1.0.11", package_type: "nuget", creator_id: 679, status: "default">
with suffix search term
is expected to contain exactly #<Packages::Package id: 7, project_id: 381, created_at: "2021-10-13 18:31:25.093347610 +0000", update... name: "DummyPackageC", version: "1.0.7", package_type: "nuget", creator_id: 679, status: "default">, #<Packages::Package id: 8, project_id: 381, created_at: "2021-10-13 18:31:25.113775876 +0000", update... name: "DummyPackageC", version: "1.0.8", package_type: "nuget", creator_id: 679, status: "default">, #<Packages::Package id: 9, project_id: 381, created_at: "2021-10-13 18:31:25.135874170 +0000", update... name: "DummyPackageC", version: "1.0.9", package_type: "nuget", creator_id: 679, status: "default">, #<Packages::Package id: 10, project_id: 381, created_at: "2021-10-13 18:31:25.157865994 +0000", "DummyPackageC", version: "1.0.10", package_type: "nuget", creator_id: 679, status: "default">, and #<Packages::Package id: 11, project_id: 381, created_at: "2021-10-13 18:31:25.177913700 +0000", "DummyPackageC", version: "1.0.11", package_type: "nuget", creator_id: 679, status: "default">
with pre release packages
including them
is expected to contain exactly #<Packages::Package id: 1, project_id: 381, created_at: "2021-10-13 18:31:24.917712000 +0000", update... name: "DummyPackageA", version: "1.0.1", package_type: "nuget", creator_id: 679, status: "default">, #<Packages::Package id: 2, project_id: 381, created_at: "2021-10-13 18:31:24.973986592 +0000", update... name: "DummyPackageB", version: "1.0.2", package_type: "nuget", creator_id: 679, status: "default">, #<Packages::Package id: 3, project_id: 381, created_at: "2021-10-13 18:31:24.998744413 +0000", update... name: "DummyPackageB", version: "1.0.3", package_type: "nuget", creator_id: 679, status: "default">, #<Packages::Package id: 4, project_id: 381, created_at: "2021-10-13 18:31:25.024346572 +0000", update... name: "DummyPackageB", version: "1.0.4", package_type: "nuget", creator_id: 679, status: "default">, #<Packages::Package id: 5, project_id: 381, created_at: "2021-10-13 18:31:25.048789363 +0000", update... name: "DummyPackageB", version: "1.0.5", package_type: "nuget", creator_id: 679, status: "default">, #<Packages::Package id: 6, project_id: 381, created_at: "2021-10-13 18:31:25.071179717 +0000", update... name: "DummyPackageB", version: "1.0.6", package_type: "nuget", creator_id: 679, status: "default">, #<Packages::Package id: 7, project_id: 381, created_at: "2021-10-13 18:31:25.093347610 +0000", update... name: "DummyPackageC", version: "1.0.7", package_type: "nuget", creator_id: 679, status: "default">, #<Packages::Package id: 8, project_id: 381, created_at: "2021-10-13 18:31:25.113775876 +0000", update... name: "DummyPackageC", version: "1.0.8", package_type: "nuget", creator_id: 679, status: "default">, #<Packages::Package id: 9, project_id: 381, created_at: "2021-10-13 18:31:25.135874170 +0000", update... name: "DummyPackageC", version: "1.0.9", package_type: "nuget", creator_id: 679, status: "default">, #<Packages::Package id: 10, project_id: 381, created_at: "2021-10-13 18:31:25.157865994 +0000", "DummyPackageC", version: "1.0.10", package_type: "nuget", creator_id: 679, status: "default">, #<Packages::Package id: 11, project_id: 381, created_at: "2021-10-13 18:31:25.177913700 +0000", "DummyPackageC", version: "1.0.11", package_type: "nuget", creator_id: 679, status: "default">, and #<Packages::Package id: 17, project_id: 381, created_at: "2021-10-13 18:31:34.574767432 +0000", updat... "DummyPackageE", version: "3.2.1-alpha", package_type: "nuget", creator_id: 679, status: "default">
excluding them
is expected to contain exactly #<Packages::Package id: 1, project_id: 381, created_at: "2021-10-13 18:31:24.917712000 +0000", update... name: "DummyPackageA", version: "1.0.1", package_type: "nuget", creator_id: 679, status: "default">, #<Packages::Package id: 2, project_id: 381, created_at: "2021-10-13 18:31:24.973986592 +0000", update... name: "DummyPackageB", version: "1.0.2", package_type: "nuget", creator_id: 679, status: "default">, #<Packages::Package id: 3, project_id: 381, created_at: "2021-10-13 18:31:24.998744413 +0000", update... name: "DummyPackageB", version: "1.0.3", package_type: "nuget", creator_id: 679, status: "default">, #<Packages::Package id: 4, project_id: 381, created_at: "2021-10-13 18:31:25.024346572 +0000", update... name: "DummyPackageB", version: "1.0.4", package_type: "nuget", creator_id: 679, status: "default">, #<Packages::Package id: 5, project_id: 381, created_at: "2021-10-13 18:31:25.048789363 +0000", update... name: "DummyPackageB", version: "1.0.5", package_type: "nuget", creator_id: 679, status: "default">, #<Packages::Package id: 6, project_id: 381, created_at: "2021-10-13 18:31:25.071179717 +0000", update... name: "DummyPackageB", version: "1.0.6", package_type: "nuget", creator_id: 679, status: "default">, #<Packages::Package id: 7, project_id: 381, created_at: "2021-10-13 18:31:25.093347610 +0000", update... name: "DummyPackageC", version: "1.0.7", package_type: "nuget", creator_id: 679, status: "default">, #<Packages::Package id: 8, project_id: 381, created_at: "2021-10-13 18:31:25.113775876 +0000", update... name: "DummyPackageC", version: "1.0.8", package_type: "nuget", creator_id: 679, status: "default">, #<Packages::Package id: 9, project_id: 381, created_at: "2021-10-13 18:31:25.135874170 +0000", update... name: "DummyPackageC", version: "1.0.9", package_type: "nuget", creator_id: 679, status: "default">, #<Packages::Package id: 10, project_id: 381, created_at: "2021-10-13 18:31:25.157865994 +0000", "DummyPackageC", version: "1.0.10", package_type: "nuget", creator_id: 679, status: "default">, and #<Packages::Package id: 11, project_id: 381, created_at: "2021-10-13 18:31:25.177913700 +0000", "DummyPackageC", version: "1.0.11", package_type: "nuget", creator_id: 679, status: "default">
when mixed with release versions
is expected to contain exactly #<Packages::Package id: 1, project_id: 381, created_at: "2021-10-13 18:31:24.917712000 +0000", update... name: "DummyPackageA", version: "1.0.1", package_type: "nuget", creator_id: 679, status: "default">, #<Packages::Package id: 2, project_id: 381, created_at: "2021-10-13 18:31:24.973986592 +0000", update... name: "DummyPackageB", version: "1.0.2", package_type: "nuget", creator_id: 679, status: "default">, #<Packages::Package id: 3, project_id: 381, created_at: "2021-10-13 18:31:24.998744413 +0000", update... name: "DummyPackageB", version: "1.0.3", package_type: "nuget", creator_id: 679, status: "default">, #<Packages::Package id: 4, project_id: 381, created_at: "2021-10-13 18:31:25.024346572 +0000", update... name: "DummyPackageB", version: "1.0.4", package_type: "nuget", creator_id: 679, status: "default">, #<Packages::Package id: 5, project_id: 381, created_at: "2021-10-13 18:31:25.048789363 +0000", update... name: "DummyPackageB", version: "1.0.5", package_type: "nuget", creator_id: 679, status: "default">, #<Packages::Package id: 6, project_id: 381, created_at: "2021-10-13 18:31:25.071179717 +0000", update... name: "DummyPackageB", version: "1.0.6", package_type: "nuget", creator_id: 679, status: "default">, #<Packages::Package id: 7, project_id: 381, created_at: "2021-10-13 18:31:25.093347610 +0000", update... name: "DummyPackageC", version: "1.0.7", package_type: "nuget", creator_id: 679, status: "default">, #<Packages::Package id: 8, project_id: 381, created_at: "2021-10-13 18:31:25.113775876 +0000", update... name: "DummyPackageC", version: "1.0.8", package_type: "nuget", creator_id: 679, status: "default">, #<Packages::Package id: 9, project_id: 381, created_at: "2021-10-13 18:31:25.135874170 +0000", update... name: "DummyPackageC", version: "1.0.9", package_type: "nuget", creator_id: 679, status: "default">, #<Packages::Package id: 10, project_id: 381, created_at: "2021-10-13 18:31:25.157865994 +0000", "DummyPackageC", version: "1.0.10", package_type: "nuget", creator_id: 679, status: "default">, #<Packages::Package id: 11, project_id: 381, created_at: "2021-10-13 18:31:25.177913700 +0000", "DummyPackageC", version: "1.0.11", package_type: "nuget", creator_id: 679, status: "default">, and #<Packages::Package id: 18, project_id: 381, created_at: "2021-10-13 18:31:35.295693006 +0000", updat... name: "DummyPackageE", version: "3.2.1", package_type: "nuget", creator_id: 679, status: "default">
with group
behaves like handling all the conditions
is expected to contain exactly #<Packages::Package id: 1, project_id: 381, created_at: "2021-10-13 18:31:24.917712000 +0000", update... name: "DummyPackageA", version: "1.0.1", package_type: "nuget", creator_id: 679, status: "default">, #<Packages::Package id: 2, project_id: 381, created_at: "2021-10-13 18:31:24.973986592 +0000", update... name: "DummyPackageB", version: "1.0.2", package_type: "nuget", creator_id: 679, status: "default">, #<Packages::Package id: 3, project_id: 381, created_at: "2021-10-13 18:31:24.998744413 +0000", update... name: "DummyPackageB", version: "1.0.3", package_type: "nuget", creator_id: 679, status: "default">, #<Packages::Package id: 4, project_id: 381, created_at: "2021-10-13 18:31:25.024346572 +0000", update... name: "DummyPackageB", version: "1.0.4", package_type: "nuget", creator_id: 679, status: "default">, #<Packages::Package id: 5, project_id: 381, created_at: "2021-10-13 18:31:25.048789363 +0000", update... name: "DummyPackageB", version: "1.0.5", package_type: "nuget", creator_id: 679, status: "default">, #<Packages::Package id: 6, project_id: 381, created_at: "2021-10-13 18:31:25.071179717 +0000", update... name: "DummyPackageB", version: "1.0.6", package_type: "nuget", creator_id: 679, status: "default">, #<Packages::Package id: 7, project_id: 381, created_at: "2021-10-13 18:31:25.093347610 +0000", update... name: "DummyPackageC", version: "1.0.7", package_type: "nuget", creator_id: 679, status: "default">, #<Packages::Package id: 8, project_id: 381, created_at: "2021-10-13 18:31:25.113775876 +0000", update... name: "DummyPackageC", version: "1.0.8", package_type: "nuget", creator_id: 679, status: "default">, #<Packages::Package id: 9, project_id: 381, created_at: "2021-10-13 18:31:25.135874170 +0000", update... name: "DummyPackageC", version: "1.0.9", package_type: "nuget", creator_id: 679, status: "default">, #<Packages::Package id: 10, project_id: 381, created_at: "2021-10-13 18:31:25.157865994 +0000", "DummyPackageC", version: "1.0.10", package_type: "nuget", creator_id: 679, status: "default">, and #<Packages::Package id: 11, project_id: 381, created_at: "2021-10-13 18:31:25.177913700 +0000", "DummyPackageC", version: "1.0.11", package_type: "nuget", creator_id: 679, status: "default">
with a smaller per page count
is expected to contain exactly #<Packages::Package id: 1, project_id: 381, created_at: "2021-10-13 18:31:24.917712000 +0000", update... name: "DummyPackageA", version: "1.0.1", package_type: "nuget", creator_id: 679, status: "default">, #<Packages::Package id: 2, project_id: 381, created_at: "2021-10-13 18:31:24.973986592 +0000", update... name: "DummyPackageB", version: "1.0.2", package_type: "nuget", creator_id: 679, status: "default">, #<Packages::Package id: 3, project_id: 381, created_at: "2021-10-13 18:31:24.998744413 +0000", update... name: "DummyPackageB", version: "1.0.3", package_type: "nuget", creator_id: 679, status: "default">, #<Packages::Package id: 4, project_id: 381, created_at: "2021-10-13 18:31:25.024346572 +0000", update... name: "DummyPackageB", version: "1.0.4", package_type: "nuget", creator_id: 679, status: "default">, #<Packages::Package id: 5, project_id: 381, created_at: "2021-10-13 18:31:25.048789363 +0000", update... name: "DummyPackageB", version: "1.0.5", package_type: "nuget", creator_id: 679, status: "default">, and #<Packages::Package id: 6, project_id: 381, created_at: "2021-10-13 18:31:25.071179717 +0000", update... name: "DummyPackageB", version: "1.0.6", package_type: "nuget", creator_id: 679, status: "default">
with 0 per page count
is expected to contain exactly
with a negative per page count
is expected to raise ArgumentError with "negative per_page"
with a padding
is expected to contain exactly #<Packages::Package id: 7, project_id: 381, created_at: "2021-10-13 18:31:25.093347610 +0000", update... name: "DummyPackageC", version: "1.0.7", package_type: "nuget", creator_id: 679, status: "default">, #<Packages::Package id: 8, project_id: 381, created_at: "2021-10-13 18:31:25.113775876 +0000", update... name: "DummyPackageC", version: "1.0.8", package_type: "nuget", creator_id: 679, status: "default">, #<Packages::Package id: 9, project_id: 381, created_at: "2021-10-13 18:31:25.135874170 +0000", update... name: "DummyPackageC", version: "1.0.9", package_type: "nuget", creator_id: 679, status: "default">, #<Packages::Package id: 10, project_id: 381, created_at: "2021-10-13 18:31:25.157865994 +0000", "DummyPackageC", version: "1.0.10", package_type: "nuget", creator_id: 679, status: "default">, and #<Packages::Package id: 11, project_id: 381, created_at: "2021-10-13 18:31:25.177913700 +0000", "DummyPackageC", version: "1.0.11", package_type: "nuget", creator_id: 679, status: "default">
with a too big padding
is expected to contain exactly
with a negative padding
is expected to raise ArgumentError with "negative padding"
with search term
is expected to contain exactly #<Packages::Package id: 1, project_id: 381, created_at: "2021-10-13 18:31:24.917712000 +0000", update... name: "DummyPackageA", version: "1.0.1", package_type: "nuget", creator_id: 679, status: "default">, #<Packages::Package id: 2, project_id: 381, created_at: "2021-10-13 18:31:24.973986592 +0000", update... name: "DummyPackageB", version: "1.0.2", package_type: "nuget", creator_id: 679, status: "default">, #<Packages::Package id: 3, project_id: 381, created_at: "2021-10-13 18:31:24.998744413 +0000", update... name: "DummyPackageB", version: "1.0.3", package_type: "nuget", creator_id: 679, status: "default">, #<Packages::Package id: 4, project_id: 381, created_at: "2021-10-13 18:31:25.024346572 +0000", update... name: "DummyPackageB", version: "1.0.4", package_type: "nuget", creator_id: 679, status: "default">, #<Packages::Package id: 5, project_id: 381, created_at: "2021-10-13 18:31:25.048789363 +0000", update... name: "DummyPackageB", version: "1.0.5", package_type: "nuget", creator_id: 679, status: "default">, #<Packages::Package id: 6, project_id: 381, created_at: "2021-10-13 18:31:25.071179717 +0000", update... name: "DummyPackageB", version: "1.0.6", package_type: "nuget", creator_id: 679, status: "default">, #<Packages::Package id: 7, project_id: 381, created_at: "2021-10-13 18:31:25.093347610 +0000", update... name: "DummyPackageC", version: "1.0.7", package_type: "nuget", creator_id: 679, status: "default">, #<Packages::Package id: 8, project_id: 381, created_at: "2021-10-13 18:31:25.113775876 +0000", update... name: "DummyPackageC", version: "1.0.8", package_type: "nuget", creator_id: 679, status: "default">, #<Packages::Package id: 9, project_id: 381, created_at: "2021-10-13 18:31:25.135874170 +0000", update... name: "DummyPackageC", version: "1.0.9", package_type: "nuget", creator_id: 679, status: "default">, #<Packages::Package id: 10, project_id: 381, created_at: "2021-10-13 18:31:25.157865994 +0000", "DummyPackageC", version: "1.0.10", package_type: "nuget", creator_id: 679, status: "default">, and #<Packages::Package id: 11, project_id: 381, created_at: "2021-10-13 18:31:25.177913700 +0000", "DummyPackageC", version: "1.0.11", package_type: "nuget", creator_id: 679, status: "default">
with nil search term
is expected to contain exactly #<Packages::Package id: 1, project_id: 381, created_at: "2021-10-13 18:31:24.917712000 +0000", update... name: "DummyPackageA", version: "1.0.1", package_type: "nuget", creator_id: 679, status: "default">, #<Packages::Package id: 2, project_id: 381, created_at: "2021-10-13 18:31:24.973986592 +0000", update... name: "DummyPackageB", version: "1.0.2", package_type: "nuget", creator_id: 679, status: "default">, #<Packages::Package id: 3, project_id: 381, created_at: "2021-10-13 18:31:24.998744413 +0000", update... name: "DummyPackageB", version: "1.0.3", package_type: "nuget", creator_id: 679, status: "default">, #<Packages::Package id: 4, project_id: 381, created_at: "2021-10-13 18:31:25.024346572 +0000", update... name: "DummyPackageB", version: "1.0.4", package_type: "nuget", creator_id: 679, status: "default">, #<Packages::Package id: 5, project_id: 381, created_at: "2021-10-13 18:31:25.048789363 +0000", update... name: "DummyPackageB", version: "1.0.5", package_type: "nuget", creator_id: 679, status: "default">, #<Packages::Package id: 6, project_id: 381, created_at: "2021-10-13 18:31:25.071179717 +0000", update... name: "DummyPackageB", version: "1.0.6", package_type: "nuget", creator_id: 679, status: "default">, #<Packages::Package id: 7, project_id: 381, created_at: "2021-10-13 18:31:25.093347610 +0000", update... name: "DummyPackageC", version: "1.0.7", package_type: "nuget", creator_id: 679, status: "default">, #<Packages::Package id: 8, project_id: 381, created_at: "2021-10-13 18:31:25.113775876 +0000", update... name: "DummyPackageC", version: "1.0.8", package_type: "nuget", creator_id: 679, status: "default">, #<Packages::Package id: 9, project_id: 381, created_at: "2021-10-13 18:31:25.135874170 +0000", update... name: "DummyPackageC", version: "1.0.9", package_type: "nuget", creator_id: 679, status: "default">, #<Packages::Package id: 10, project_id: 381, created_at: "2021-10-13 18:31:25.157865994 +0000", "DummyPackageC", version: "1.0.10", package_type: "nuget", creator_id: 679, status: "default">, #<Packages::Package id: 11, project_id: 381, created_at: "2021-10-13 18:31:25.177913700 +0000", "DummyPackageC", version: "1.0.11", package_type: "nuget", creator_id: 679, status: "default">, and #<Packages::Package id: 12, project_id: 381, created_at: "2021-10-13 18:31:25.200632453 +0000", updat...000", name: "FooBarD", version: "1.0.12", package_type: "nuget", creator_id: 679, status: "default">
with empty search term
is expected to contain exactly #<Packages::Package id: 1, project_id: 381, created_at: "2021-10-13 18:31:24.917712000 +0000", update... name: "DummyPackageA", version: "1.0.1", package_type: "nuget", creator_id: 679, status: "default">, #<Packages::Package id: 2, project_id: 381, created_at: "2021-10-13 18:31:24.973986592 +0000", update... name: "DummyPackageB", version: "1.0.2", package_type: "nuget", creator_id: 679, status: "default">, #<Packages::Package id: 3, project_id: 381, created_at: "2021-10-13 18:31:24.998744413 +0000", update... name: "DummyPackageB", version: "1.0.3", package_type: "nuget", creator_id: 679, status: "default">, #<Packages::Package id: 4, project_id: 381, created_at: "2021-10-13 18:31:25.024346572 +0000", update... name: "DummyPackageB", version: "1.0.4", package_type: "nuget", creator_id: 679, status: "default">, #<Packages::Package id: 5, project_id: 381, created_at: "2021-10-13 18:31:25.048789363 +0000", update... name: "DummyPackageB", version: "1.0.5", package_type: "nuget", creator_id: 679, status: "default">, #<Packages::Package id: 6, project_id: 381, created_at: "2021-10-13 18:31:25.071179717 +0000", update... name: "DummyPackageB", version: "1.0.6", package_type: "nuget", creator_id: 679, status: "default">, #<Packages::Package id: 7, project_id: 381, created_at: "2021-10-13 18:31:25.093347610 +0000", update... name: "DummyPackageC", version: "1.0.7", package_type: "nuget", creator_id: 679, status: "default">, #<Packages::Package id: 8, project_id: 381, created_at: "2021-10-13 18:31:25.113775876 +0000", update... name: "DummyPackageC", version: "1.0.8", package_type: "nuget", creator_id: 679, status: "default">, #<Packages::Package id: 9, project_id: 381, created_at: "2021-10-13 18:31:25.135874170 +0000", update... name: "DummyPackageC", version: "1.0.9", package_type: "nuget", creator_id: 679, status: "default">, #<Packages::Package id: 10, project_id: 381, created_at: "2021-10-13 18:31:25.157865994 +0000", "DummyPackageC", version: "1.0.10", package_type: "nuget", creator_id: 679, status: "default">, #<Packages::Package id: 11, project_id: 381, created_at: "2021-10-13 18:31:25.177913700 +0000", "DummyPackageC", version: "1.0.11", package_type: "nuget", creator_id: 679, status: "default">, and #<Packages::Package id: 12, project_id: 381, created_at: "2021-10-13 18:31:25.200632453 +0000", updat...000", name: "FooBarD", version: "1.0.12", package_type: "nuget", creator_id: 679, status: "default">
with non-displayable packages
is expected to contain exactly #<Packages::Package id: 2, project_id: 381, created_at: "2021-10-13 18:31:24.973986592 +0000", update... name: "DummyPackageB", version: "1.0.2", package_type: "nuget", creator_id: 679, status: "default">, #<Packages::Package id: 3, project_id: 381, created_at: "2021-10-13 18:31:24.998744413 +0000", update... name: "DummyPackageB", version: "1.0.3", package_type: "nuget", creator_id: 679, status: "default">, #<Packages::Package id: 4, project_id: 381, created_at: "2021-10-13 18:31:25.024346572 +0000", update... name: "DummyPackageB", version: "1.0.4", package_type: "nuget", creator_id: 679, status: "default">, #<Packages::Package id: 5, project_id: 381, created_at: "2021-10-13 18:31:25.048789363 +0000", update... name: "DummyPackageB", version: "1.0.5", package_type: "nuget", creator_id: 679, status: "default">, #<Packages::Package id: 6, project_id: 381, created_at: "2021-10-13 18:31:25.071179717 +0000", update... name: "DummyPackageB", version: "1.0.6", package_type: "nuget", creator_id: 679, status: "default">, #<Packages::Package id: 7, project_id: 381, created_at: "2021-10-13 18:31:25.093347610 +0000", update... name: "DummyPackageC", version: "1.0.7", package_type: "nuget", creator_id: 679, status: "default">, #<Packages::Package id: 8, project_id: 381, created_at: "2021-10-13 18:31:25.113775876 +0000", update... name: "DummyPackageC", version: "1.0.8", package_type: "nuget", creator_id: 679, status: "default">, #<Packages::Package id: 9, project_id: 381, created_at: "2021-10-13 18:31:25.135874170 +0000", update... name: "DummyPackageC", version: "1.0.9", package_type: "nuget", creator_id: 679, status: "default">, #<Packages::Package id: 10, project_id: 381, created_at: "2021-10-13 18:31:25.157865994 +0000", "DummyPackageC", version: "1.0.10", package_type: "nuget", creator_id: 679, status: "default">, #<Packages::Package id: 11, project_id: 381, created_at: "2021-10-13 18:31:25.177913700 +0000", "DummyPackageC", version: "1.0.11", package_type: "nuget", creator_id: 679, status: "default">, and #<Packages::Package id: 12, project_id: 381, created_at: "2021-10-13 18:31:25.200632453 +0000", updat...000", name: "FooBarD", version: "1.0.12", package_type: "nuget", creator_id: 679, status: "default">
with prefix search term
is expected to contain exactly #<Packages::Package id: 1, project_id: 381, created_at: "2021-10-13 18:31:24.917712000 +0000", update... name: "DummyPackageA", version: "1.0.1", package_type: "nuget", creator_id: 679, status: "default">, #<Packages::Package id: 2, project_id: 381, created_at: "2021-10-13 18:31:24.973986592 +0000", update... name: "DummyPackageB", version: "1.0.2", package_type: "nuget", creator_id: 679, status: "default">, #<Packages::Package id: 3, project_id: 381, created_at: "2021-10-13 18:31:24.998744413 +0000", update... name: "DummyPackageB", version: "1.0.3", package_type: "nuget", creator_id: 679, status: "default">, #<Packages::Package id: 4, project_id: 381, created_at: "2021-10-13 18:31:25.024346572 +0000", update... name: "DummyPackageB", version: "1.0.4", package_type: "nuget", creator_id: 679, status: "default">, #<Packages::Package id: 5, project_id: 381, created_at: "2021-10-13 18:31:25.048789363 +0000", update... name: "DummyPackageB", version: "1.0.5", package_type: "nuget", creator_id: 679, status: "default">, #<Packages::Package id: 6, project_id: 381, created_at: "2021-10-13 18:31:25.071179717 +0000", update... name: "DummyPackageB", version: "1.0.6", package_type: "nuget", creator_id: 679, status: "default">, #<Packages::Package id: 7, project_id: 381, created_at: "2021-10-13 18:31:25.093347610 +0000", update... name: "DummyPackageC", version: "1.0.7", package_type: "nuget", creator_id: 679, status: "default">, #<Packages::Package id: 8, project_id: 381, created_at: "2021-10-13 18:31:25.113775876 +0000", update... name: "DummyPackageC", version: "1.0.8", package_type: "nuget", creator_id: 679, status: "default">, #<Packages::Package id: 9, project_id: 381, created_at: "2021-10-13 18:31:25.135874170 +0000", update... name: "DummyPackageC", version: "1.0.9", package_type: "nuget", creator_id: 679, status: "default">, #<Packages::Package id: 10, project_id: 381, created_at: "2021-10-13 18:31:25.157865994 +0000", "DummyPackageC", version: "1.0.10", package_type: "nuget", creator_id: 679, status: "default">, and #<Packages::Package id: 11, project_id: 381, created_at: "2021-10-13 18:31:25.177913700 +0000", "DummyPackageC", version: "1.0.11", package_type: "nuget", creator_id: 679, status: "default">
with suffix search term
is expected to contain exactly #<Packages::Package id: 7, project_id: 381, created_at: "2021-10-13 18:31:25.093347610 +0000", update... name: "DummyPackageC", version: "1.0.7", package_type: "nuget", creator_id: 679, status: "default">, #<Packages::Package id: 8, project_id: 381, created_at: "2021-10-13 18:31:25.113775876 +0000", update... name: "DummyPackageC", version: "1.0.8", package_type: "nuget", creator_id: 679, status: "default">, #<Packages::Package id: 9, project_id: 381, created_at: "2021-10-13 18:31:25.135874170 +0000", update... name: "DummyPackageC", version: "1.0.9", package_type: "nuget", creator_id: 679, status: "default">, #<Packages::Package id: 10, project_id: 381, created_at: "2021-10-13 18:31:25.157865994 +0000", "DummyPackageC", version: "1.0.10", package_type: "nuget", creator_id: 679, status: "default">, and #<Packages::Package id: 11, project_id: 381, created_at: "2021-10-13 18:31:25.177913700 +0000", "DummyPackageC", version: "1.0.11", package_type: "nuget", creator_id: 679, status: "default">
with pre release packages
including them
is expected to contain exactly #<Packages::Package id: 1, project_id: 381, created_at: "2021-10-13 18:31:24.917712000 +0000", update... name: "DummyPackageA", version: "1.0.1", package_type: "nuget", creator_id: 679, status: "default">, #<Packages::Package id: 2, project_id: 381, created_at: "2021-10-13 18:31:24.973986592 +0000", update... name: "DummyPackageB", version: "1.0.2", package_type: "nuget", creator_id: 679, status: "default">, #<Packages::Package id: 3, project_id: 381, created_at: "2021-10-13 18:31:24.998744413 +0000", update... name: "DummyPackageB", version: "1.0.3", package_type: "nuget", creator_id: 679, status: "default">, #<Packages::Package id: 4, project_id: 381, created_at: "2021-10-13 18:31:25.024346572 +0000", update... name: "DummyPackageB", version: "1.0.4", package_type: "nuget", creator_id: 679, status: "default">, #<Packages::Package id: 5, project_id: 381, created_at: "2021-10-13 18:31:25.048789363 +0000", update... name: "DummyPackageB", version: "1.0.5", package_type: "nuget", creator_id: 679, status: "default">, #<Packages::Package id: 6, project_id: 381, created_at: "2021-10-13 18:31:25.071179717 +0000", update... name: "DummyPackageB", version: "1.0.6", package_type: "nuget", creator_id: 679, status: "default">, #<Packages::Package id: 7, project_id: 381, created_at: "2021-10-13 18:31:25.093347610 +0000", update... name: "DummyPackageC", version: "1.0.7", package_type: "nuget", creator_id: 679, status: "default">, #<Packages::Package id: 8, project_id: 381, created_at: "2021-10-13 18:31:25.113775876 +0000", update... name: "DummyPackageC", version: "1.0.8", package_type: "nuget", creator_id: 679, status: "default">, #<Packages::Package id: 9, project_id: 381, created_at: "2021-10-13 18:31:25.135874170 +0000", update... name: "DummyPackageC", version: "1.0.9", package_type: "nuget", creator_id: 679, status: "default">, #<Packages::Package id: 10, project_id: 381, created_at: "2021-10-13 18:31:25.157865994 +0000", "DummyPackageC", version: "1.0.10", package_type: "nuget", creator_id: 679, status: "default">, #<Packages::Package id: 11, project_id: 381, created_at: "2021-10-13 18:31:25.177913700 +0000", "DummyPackageC", version: "1.0.11", package_type: "nuget", creator_id: 679, status: "default">, and #<Packages::Package id: 19, project_id: 381, created_at: "2021-10-13 18:31:40.764153502 +0000", updat... "DummyPackageE", version: "3.2.1-alpha", package_type: "nuget", creator_id: 679, status: "default">
excluding them
is expected to contain exactly #<Packages::Package id: 1, project_id: 381, created_at: "2021-10-13 18:31:24.917712000 +0000", update... name: "DummyPackageA", version: "1.0.1", package_type: "nuget", creator_id: 679, status: "default">, #<Packages::Package id: 2, project_id: 381, created_at: "2021-10-13 18:31:24.973986592 +0000", update... name: "DummyPackageB", version: "1.0.2", package_type: "nuget", creator_id: 679, status: "default">, #<Packages::Package id: 3, project_id: 381, created_at: "2021-10-13 18:31:24.998744413 +0000", update... name: "DummyPackageB", version: "1.0.3", package_type: "nuget", creator_id: 679, status: "default">, #<Packages::Package id: 4, project_id: 381, created_at: "2021-10-13 18:31:25.024346572 +0000", update... name: "DummyPackageB", version: "1.0.4", package_type: "nuget", creator_id: 679, status: "default">, #<Packages::Package id: 5, project_id: 381, created_at: "2021-10-13 18:31:25.048789363 +0000", update... name: "DummyPackageB", version: "1.0.5", package_type: "nuget", creator_id: 679, status: "default">, #<Packages::Package id: 6, project_id: 381, created_at: "2021-10-13 18:31:25.071179717 +0000", update... name: "DummyPackageB", version: "1.0.6", package_type: "nuget", creator_id: 679, status: "default">, #<Packages::Package id: 7, project_id: 381, created_at: "2021-10-13 18:31:25.093347610 +0000", update... name: "DummyPackageC", version: "1.0.7", package_type: "nuget", creator_id: 679, status: "default">, #<Packages::Package id: 8, project_id: 381, created_at: "2021-10-13 18:31:25.113775876 +0000", update... name: "DummyPackageC", version: "1.0.8", package_type: "nuget", creator_id: 679, status: "default">, #<Packages::Package id: 9, project_id: 381, created_at: "2021-10-13 18:31:25.135874170 +0000", update... name: "DummyPackageC", version: "1.0.9", package_type: "nuget", creator_id: 679, status: "default">, #<Packages::Package id: 10, project_id: 381, created_at: "2021-10-13 18:31:25.157865994 +0000", "DummyPackageC", version: "1.0.10", package_type: "nuget", creator_id: 679, status: "default">, and #<Packages::Package id: 11, project_id: 381, created_at: "2021-10-13 18:31:25.177913700 +0000", "DummyPackageC", version: "1.0.11", package_type: "nuget", creator_id: 679, status: "default">
when mixed with release versions
is expected to contain exactly #<Packages::Package id: 1, project_id: 381, created_at: "2021-10-13 18:31:24.917712000 +0000", update... name: "DummyPackageA", version: "1.0.1", package_type: "nuget", creator_id: 679, status: "default">, #<Packages::Package id: 2, project_id: 381, created_at: "2021-10-13 18:31:24.973986592 +0000", update... name: "DummyPackageB", version: "1.0.2", package_type: "nuget", creator_id: 679, status: "default">, #<Packages::Package id: 3, project_id: 381, created_at: "2021-10-13 18:31:24.998744413 +0000", update... name: "DummyPackageB", version: "1.0.3", package_type: "nuget", creator_id: 679, status: "default">, #<Packages::Package id: 4, project_id: 381, created_at: "2021-10-13 18:31:25.024346572 +0000", update... name: "DummyPackageB", version: "1.0.4", package_type: "nuget", creator_id: 679, status: "default">, #<Packages::Package id: 5, project_id: 381, created_at: "2021-10-13 18:31:25.048789363 +0000", update... name: "DummyPackageB", version: "1.0.5", package_type: "nuget", creator_id: 679, status: "default">, #<Packages::Package id: 6, project_id: 381, created_at: "2021-10-13 18:31:25.071179717 +0000", update... name: "DummyPackageB", version: "1.0.6", package_type: "nuget", creator_id: 679, status: "default">, #<Packages::Package id: 7, project_id: 381, created_at: "2021-10-13 18:31:25.093347610 +0000", update... name: "DummyPackageC", version: "1.0.7", package_type: "nuget", creator_id: 679, status: "default">, #<Packages::Package id: 8, project_id: 381, created_at: "2021-10-13 18:31:25.113775876 +0000", update... name: "DummyPackageC", version: "1.0.8", package_type: "nuget", creator_id: 679, status: "default">, #<Packages::Package id: 9, project_id: 381, created_at: "2021-10-13 18:31:25.135874170 +0000", update... name: "DummyPackageC", version: "1.0.9", package_type: "nuget", creator_id: 679, status: "default">, #<Packages::Package id: 10, project_id: 381, created_at: "2021-10-13 18:31:25.157865994 +0000", "DummyPackageC", version: "1.0.10", package_type: "nuget", creator_id: 679, status: "default">, #<Packages::Package id: 11, project_id: 381, created_at: "2021-10-13 18:31:25.177913700 +0000", "DummyPackageC", version: "1.0.11", package_type: "nuget", creator_id: 679, status: "default">, and #<Packages::Package id: 20, project_id: 381, created_at: "2021-10-13 18:31:41.385592264 +0000", updat... name: "DummyPackageE", version: "3.2.1", package_type: "nuget", creator_id: 679, status: "default">
when config is valid
returns hash created from string
is valid
has no errors
with default stages
is expected to eq [".pre", "build", "test", "deploy", ".post"]
with custom stages
is expected to eq [".pre", "stage1", "stage2", ".post"]
is expected to contain exactly "Jobs/Deploy.gitlab-ci.yml" and "Jobs/Build.gitlab-ci.yml"
when using extendable hash
correctly extends the hash
when config is invalid
when yml is incorrect
raises error
when yml is too big
raises error
when config logic is incorrect
is not valid
has errors
returns an array of strings
when invalid extended hash has been provided
raises an error
when ports have been set
in the main image
raises an error
in the job image
raises an error
in the services
raises an error
when yaml uses circular !reference
raises error
when using 'include' directive
when gitlab_ci_yml has valid 'include' defined
returns a composed hash
handling variables
contains all project variables
contains all group variables
contains all instance variables
overriding a group variable at project level
successfully overrides
when gitlab_ci.yml has invalid 'include' defined
raises ConfigError
when gitlab_ci.yml has ambigious 'include' defined
raises ConfigError
when it takes too long to evaluate includes
raises error TimeoutError
external file version
when external local file SHA is defined
is using a defined value
when external local file SHA is not defined
is using latest SHA on the default branch
when both external files and gitlab_ci.yml defined the same key
takes precedence
when both external files and gitlab_ci.yml define a dictionary of distinct variables
merges the variables dictionaries
when both external files and gitlab_ci.yml define a dictionary of overlapping variables
later declarations should take precedence
when both external files and gitlab_ci.yml define a job
merges the jobs
when the script key is in both
uses the script from the gitlab_ci.yml
when including file from artifact
disallows the use in parent pipelines
when used in the context of a child pipeline
returns valid config
when job key is missing
raises an error
when artifact key is missing
raises an error
when including multiple files from a project
returns a composed hash
when an 'include' has rules
when the rules condition is satisfied
includes the file
when the rules condition is satisfied
does not include the file
Feature.enabled? method
a string feature flag
sets the flag as used
a symbol feature flag
sets the flag as used
an interpolated string feature flag with a string prefix
The 'foo_hello' feature flag starts with 'foo_', so we'll optimistically mark it as used. (call: `Feature.enabled?("foo_#{bar}")`, source: (string))
The 'foo_world' feature flag starts with 'foo_', so we'll optimistically mark it as used. (call: `Feature.enabled?("foo_#{bar}")`, source: (string))
sets the flag as used
an interpolated symbol feature flag with a string prefix
The 'foo_hello' feature flag starts with 'foo_', so we'll optimistically mark it as used. (call: `Feature.enabled?(:"foo_#{bar}")`, source: (string))
The 'foo_world' feature flag starts with 'foo_', so we'll optimistically mark it as used. (call: `Feature.enabled?(:"foo_#{bar}")`, source: (string))
sets the flag as used
a string with a "/" in it
sets the flag as used
an interpolated string feature flag with a string prefix and suffix
Interpolated feature flag name has multiple static string parts, we won't track it. (call: `Feature.enabled?(:"foo_#{bar}_baz")`, source: (string))
sets the flag as used
a dynamic string feature flag as a variable
Feature flag is dynamic: '(send nil :a_variable). (call: `Feature.enabled?(a_variable, an_arg)`, source: (string))
sets the flag as used
an integer feature flag
Feature flag has an unknown type: int. (call: `Feature.enabled?(123)`, source: (string))
sets the flag as used
Feature.disabled? method
a string feature flag
sets the flag as used
a symbol feature flag
sets the flag as used
an interpolated string feature flag with a string prefix
The 'foo_hello' feature flag starts with 'foo_', so we'll optimistically mark it as used. (call: `Feature.disabled?("foo_#{bar}")`, source: (string))
The 'foo_world' feature flag starts with 'foo_', so we'll optimistically mark it as used. (call: `Feature.disabled?("foo_#{bar}")`, source: (string))
sets the flag as used
an interpolated symbol feature flag with a string prefix
The 'foo_hello' feature flag starts with 'foo_', so we'll optimistically mark it as used. (call: `Feature.disabled?(:"foo_#{bar}")`, source: (string))
The 'foo_world' feature flag starts with 'foo_', so we'll optimistically mark it as used. (call: `Feature.disabled?(:"foo_#{bar}")`, source: (string))
sets the flag as used
a string with a "/" in it
sets the flag as used
an interpolated string feature flag with a string prefix and suffix
Interpolated feature flag name has multiple static string parts, we won't track it. (call: `Feature.disabled?(:"foo_#{bar}_baz")`, source: (string))
sets the flag as used
a dynamic string feature flag as a variable
Feature flag is dynamic: '(send nil :a_variable). (call: `Feature.disabled?(a_variable, an_arg)`, source: (string))
sets the flag as used
an integer feature flag
Feature flag has an unknown type: int. (call: `Feature.disabled?(123)`, source: (string))
sets the flag as used
push_frontend_feature_flag method
a string feature flag
sets the flag as used
a symbol feature flag
sets the flag as used
an interpolated string feature flag with a string prefix
The 'foo_hello' feature flag starts with 'foo_', so we'll optimistically mark it as used. (call: `push_frontend_feature_flag("foo_#{bar}")`, source: (string))
The 'foo_world' feature flag starts with 'foo_', so we'll optimistically mark it as used. (call: `push_frontend_feature_flag("foo_#{bar}")`, source: (string))
sets the flag as used
an interpolated symbol feature flag with a string prefix
The 'foo_hello' feature flag starts with 'foo_', so we'll optimistically mark it as used. (call: `push_frontend_feature_flag(:"foo_#{bar}")`, source: (string))
The 'foo_world' feature flag starts with 'foo_', so we'll optimistically mark it as used. (call: `push_frontend_feature_flag(:"foo_#{bar}")`, source: (string))
sets the flag as used
a string with a "/" in it
sets the flag as used
an interpolated string feature flag with a string prefix and suffix
Interpolated feature flag name has multiple static string parts, we won't track it. (call: `push_frontend_feature_flag(:"foo_#{bar}_baz")`, source: (string))
sets the flag as used
a dynamic string feature flag as a variable
Feature flag is dynamic: '(send nil :a_variable). (call: `push_frontend_feature_flag(a_variable, an_arg)`, source: (string))
sets the flag as used
an integer feature flag
Feature flag has an unknown type: int. (call: `push_frontend_feature_flag(123)`, source: (string))
sets the flag as used
Feature::Gitaly.enabled? method
a string feature flag
sets the flag as used
a symbol feature flag
sets the flag as used
an interpolated string feature flag with a string prefix
The 'foo_hello' feature flag starts with 'foo_', so we'll optimistically mark it as used. (call: `Feature::Gitaly.enabled?("foo_#{bar}")`, source: (string))
The 'foo_world' feature flag starts with 'foo_', so we'll optimistically mark it as used. (call: `Feature::Gitaly.enabled?("foo_#{bar}")`, source: (string))
sets the flag as used
an interpolated symbol feature flag with a string prefix
The 'foo_hello' feature flag starts with 'foo_', so we'll optimistically mark it as used. (call: `Feature::Gitaly.enabled?(:"foo_#{bar}")`, source: (string))
The 'foo_world' feature flag starts with 'foo_', so we'll optimistically mark it as used. (call: `Feature::Gitaly.enabled?(:"foo_#{bar}")`, source: (string))
sets the flag as used
an interpolated string feature flag with a string prefix and suffix
Interpolated feature flag name has multiple static string parts, we won't track it. (call: `Feature::Gitaly.enabled?(:"foo_#{bar}_baz")`, source: (string))
sets the flag as used
a dynamic string feature flag as a variable
Feature flag is dynamic: '(send nil :a_variable). (call: `Feature::Gitaly.enabled?(a_variable, an_arg)`, source: (string))
sets the flag as used
an integer feature flag
Feature flag has an unknown type: int. (call: `Feature::Gitaly.enabled?(123)`, source: (string))
sets the flag as used
Feature::Gitaly.disabled? method
a string feature flag
sets the flag as used
a symbol feature flag
sets the flag as used
an interpolated string feature flag with a string prefix
The 'foo_hello' feature flag starts with 'foo_', so we'll optimistically mark it as used. (call: `Feature::Gitaly.disabled?("foo_#{bar}")`, source: (string))
The 'foo_world' feature flag starts with 'foo_', so we'll optimistically mark it as used. (call: `Feature::Gitaly.disabled?("foo_#{bar}")`, source: (string))
sets the flag as used
an interpolated symbol feature flag with a string prefix
The 'foo_hello' feature flag starts with 'foo_', so we'll optimistically mark it as used. (call: `Feature::Gitaly.disabled?(:"foo_#{bar}")`, source: (string))
The 'foo_world' feature flag starts with 'foo_', so we'll optimistically mark it as used. (call: `Feature::Gitaly.disabled?(:"foo_#{bar}")`, source: (string))
sets the flag as used
an interpolated string feature flag with a string prefix and suffix
Interpolated feature flag name has multiple static string parts, we won't track it. (call: `Feature::Gitaly.disabled?(:"foo_#{bar}_baz")`, source: (string))
sets the flag as used
a dynamic string feature flag as a variable
Feature flag is dynamic: '(send nil :a_variable). (call: `Feature::Gitaly.disabled?(a_variable, an_arg)`, source: (string))
sets the flag as used
an integer feature flag
Feature flag has an unknown type: int. (call: `Feature::Gitaly.disabled?(123)`, source: (string))
sets the flag as used
experiment method
a string feature flag
The 'baz_experiment_percentage' feature flag tracks the baz experiment, which is still in use, so we'll mark it as used. (call: `experiment("baz")`, source: (string))
sets the flag as used
a symbol feature flag
The 'baz_experiment_percentage' feature flag tracks the baz experiment, which is still in use, so we'll mark it as used. (call: `experiment(:baz)`, source: (string))
sets the flag as used
an interpolated string feature flag with a string prefix
The 'foo_hello' feature flag starts with 'foo_', so we'll optimistically mark it as used. (call: `experiment("foo_#{bar}")`, source: (string))
The 'foo_world' feature flag starts with 'foo_', so we'll optimistically mark it as used. (call: `experiment("foo_#{bar}")`, source: (string))
sets the flag as used
an interpolated symbol feature flag with a string prefix
The 'foo_hello' feature flag starts with 'foo_', so we'll optimistically mark it as used. (call: `experiment(:"foo_#{bar}")`, source: (string))
The 'foo_world' feature flag starts with 'foo_', so we'll optimistically mark it as used. (call: `experiment(:"foo_#{bar}")`, source: (string))
sets the flag as used
an interpolated string feature flag with a string prefix and suffix
Interpolated feature flag name has multiple static string parts, we won't track it. (call: `experiment(:"foo_#{bar}_baz")`, source: (string))
sets the flag as used
a dynamic string feature flag as a variable
Feature flag is dynamic: '(send nil :a_variable). (call: `experiment(a_variable, an_arg)`, source: (string))
sets the flag as used
an integer feature flag
Feature flag has an unknown type: int. (call: `experiment(123)`, source: (string))
sets the flag as used
experiment_enabled? method
a string feature flag
The 'baz_experiment_percentage' feature flag tracks the baz experiment, which is still in use, so we'll mark it as used. (call: `experiment_enabled?("baz")`, source: (string))
sets the flag as used
a symbol feature flag
The 'baz_experiment_percentage' feature flag tracks the baz experiment, which is still in use, so we'll mark it as used. (call: `experiment_enabled?(:baz)`, source: (string))
sets the flag as used
an interpolated string feature flag with a string prefix
The 'foo_hello' feature flag starts with 'foo_', so we'll optimistically mark it as used. (call: `experiment_enabled?("foo_#{bar}")`, source: (string))
The 'foo_world' feature flag starts with 'foo_', so we'll optimistically mark it as used. (call: `experiment_enabled?("foo_#{bar}")`, source: (string))
sets the flag as used
an interpolated symbol feature flag with a string prefix
The 'foo_hello' feature flag starts with 'foo_', so we'll optimistically mark it as used. (call: `experiment_enabled?(:"foo_#{bar}")`, source: (string))
The 'foo_world' feature flag starts with 'foo_', so we'll optimistically mark it as used. (call: `experiment_enabled?(:"foo_#{bar}")`, source: (string))
sets the flag as used
an interpolated string feature flag with a string prefix and suffix
Interpolated feature flag name has multiple static string parts, we won't track it. (call: `experiment_enabled?(:"foo_#{bar}_baz")`, source: (string))
sets the flag as used
a dynamic string feature flag as a variable
Feature flag is dynamic: '(send nil :a_variable). (call: `experiment_enabled?(a_variable, an_arg)`, source: (string))
sets the flag as used
an integer feature flag
Feature flag has an unknown type: int. (call: `experiment_enabled?(123)`, source: (string))
sets the flag as used
push_frontend_experiment method
a string feature flag
The 'baz_experiment_percentage' feature flag tracks the baz experiment, which is still in use, so we'll mark it as used. (call: `push_frontend_experiment("baz")`, source: (string))
sets the flag as used
a symbol feature flag
The 'baz_experiment_percentage' feature flag tracks the baz experiment, which is still in use, so we'll mark it as used. (call: `push_frontend_experiment(:baz)`, source: (string))
sets the flag as used
an interpolated string feature flag with a string prefix
The 'foo_hello' feature flag starts with 'foo_', so we'll optimistically mark it as used. (call: `push_frontend_experiment("foo_#{bar}")`, source: (string))
The 'foo_world' feature flag starts with 'foo_', so we'll optimistically mark it as used. (call: `push_frontend_experiment("foo_#{bar}")`, source: (string))
sets the flag as used
an interpolated symbol feature flag with a string prefix
The 'foo_hello' feature flag starts with 'foo_', so we'll optimistically mark it as used. (call: `push_frontend_experiment(:"foo_#{bar}")`, source: (string))
The 'foo_world' feature flag starts with 'foo_', so we'll optimistically mark it as used. (call: `push_frontend_experiment(:"foo_#{bar}")`, source: (string))
sets the flag as used
an interpolated string feature flag with a string prefix and suffix
Interpolated feature flag name has multiple static string parts, we won't track it. (call: `push_frontend_experiment(:"foo_#{bar}_baz")`, source: (string))
sets the flag as used
a dynamic string feature flag as a variable
Feature flag is dynamic: '(send nil :a_variable). (call: `push_frontend_experiment(a_variable, an_arg)`, source: (string))
sets the flag as used
an integer feature flag
Feature flag has an unknown type: int. (call: `push_frontend_experiment(123)`, source: (string))
sets the flag as used method
a string feature flag
The 'baz_experiment_percentage' feature flag tracks the baz experiment, which is still in use, so we'll mark it as used. (call: `"baz")`, source: (string))
sets the flag as used
a symbol feature flag
The 'baz_experiment_percentage' feature flag tracks the baz experiment, which is still in use, so we'll mark it as used. (call: ``, source: (string))
sets the flag as used
an interpolated string feature flag with a string prefix
The 'foo_hello' feature flag starts with 'foo_', so we'll optimistically mark it as used. (call: `"foo_#{bar}")`, source: (string))
The 'foo_world' feature flag starts with 'foo_', so we'll optimistically mark it as used. (call: `"foo_#{bar}")`, source: (string))
sets the flag as used
an interpolated symbol feature flag with a string prefix
The 'foo_hello' feature flag starts with 'foo_', so we'll optimistically mark it as used. (call: `"foo_#{bar}")`, source: (string))
The 'foo_world' feature flag starts with 'foo_', so we'll optimistically mark it as used. (call: `"foo_#{bar}")`, source: (string))
sets the flag as used
an interpolated string feature flag with a string prefix and suffix
Interpolated feature flag name has multiple static string parts, we won't track it. (call: `"foo_#{bar}_baz")`, source: (string))
sets the flag as used
a dynamic string feature flag as a variable
Feature flag is dynamic: '(send nil :a_variable). (call: `, an_arg)`, source: (string))
sets the flag as used
an integer feature flag
Feature flag has an unknown type: int. (call: ``, source: (string))
sets the flag as used
use_rugged? method
a string feature flag
sets the flag as used
a symbol feature flag
sets the flag as used
an interpolated string feature flag with a string prefix
The 'foo_hello' feature flag starts with 'foo_', so we'll optimistically mark it as used. (call: `use_rugged?(arg, "foo_#{bar}")`, source: (string))
The 'foo_world' feature flag starts with 'foo_', so we'll optimistically mark it as used. (call: `use_rugged?(arg, "foo_#{bar}")`, source: (string))
sets the flag as used
an interpolated symbol feature flag with a string prefix
The 'foo_hello' feature flag starts with 'foo_', so we'll optimistically mark it as used. (call: `use_rugged?(arg, :"foo_#{bar}")`, source: (string))
The 'foo_world' feature flag starts with 'foo_', so we'll optimistically mark it as used. (call: `use_rugged?(arg, :"foo_#{bar}")`, source: (string))
sets the flag as used
an interpolated string feature flag with a string prefix and suffix
Interpolated feature flag name has multiple static string parts, we won't track it. (call: `use_rugged?(arg, :"foo_#{bar}_baz")`, source: (string))
sets the flag as used
a dynamic string feature flag as a variable
Feature flag is dynamic: '(send nil :an_arg). (call: `use_rugged?(a_variable, an_arg)`, source: (string))
sets the flag as used
an integer feature flag
Feature flag has an unknown type: int. (call: `use_rugged?(arg, 123)`, source: (string))
sets the flag as used
self.limit_feature_flag = :foo
sets the flag as used
self.limit_feature_flag_for_override = :foo
sets the flag as used
sets the flag as used
Worker `data_consistency` method
sets the flag as used
sets the flag as used
Worker `deduplicate` method
sets the flag as used
sets the flag as used
GraphQL `field` method
sets the flag as used
sets the flag as used
sets the flag as used
sets the flag as used
sets the flag as used
sets the flag as used
tracking of usage data metrics known events happens at the beginning of inspection
sets the flag as used
is expected to belong to project required:
is expected to belong to owner required:
is expected to have many pipelines
is expected to have many variables
is expected to respond to #ref
is expected to respond to #cron
is expected to respond to #cron_timezone
is expected to respond to #description
is expected to respond to #next_run_at
behaves like includes Limitable concern
is expected to be a kind of Limitable
without plan limits configured
can create new models
with plan limits configured
can create new models
with an existing model
cannot create new models exceeding the plan limits
does not allow invalid cron patterns
does not allow invalid cron patterns
when active is false
does not allow nullified ref
when cron contains trailing whitespaces
strips the attribute
returns the runnable schedule
when there are no runnable schedules
returns an empty array
preloads the associations
returns owned pipeline schedules
worker_cron: "0 1 2 3 *", schedule_cron: "0 1 * * *", plan_limit: nil, now: Tue, 02 Mar 2021 01:00:00.000000000 UTC +00:00, result: Wed, 02 Mar 2022 01:00:00.000000000 UTC +00:00
updates next_run_at
worker_cron: "0 1 2 3 *", schedule_cron: "0 1 * * *", plan_limit: 24, now: Tue, 02 Mar 2021 01:00:00.000000000 UTC +00:00, result: Wed, 02 Mar 2022 01:00:00.000000000 UTC +00:00
updates next_run_at
worker_cron: "*/5 * * * *", schedule_cron: "*/1 * * * *", plan_limit: nil, now: Thu, 27 May 2021 11:00:00.000000000 UTC +00:00, result: Thu, 27 May 2021 11:05:00.000000000 UTC +00:00
updates next_run_at
worker_cron: "*/5 * * * *", schedule_cron: "*/1 * * * *", plan_limit: 24, now: Thu, 27 May 2021 11:00:00.000000000 UTC +00:00, result: Thu, 27 May 2021 12:00:00.000000000 UTC +00:00
updates next_run_at
worker_cron: "*/5 * * * *", schedule_cron: "*/1 * * * *", plan_limit: 144, now: Thu, 27 May 2021 11:00:00.000000000 UTC +00:00, result: Thu, 27 May 2021 11:10:00.000000000 UTC +00:00
updates next_run_at
worker_cron: "*/5 * * * *", schedule_cron: "*/1 * * * *", plan_limit: 200, now: Thu, 27 May 2021 11:00:00.000000000 UTC +00:00, result: Thu, 27 May 2021 11:10:00.000000000 UTC +00:00
updates next_run_at
worker_cron: "*/5 * * * *", schedule_cron: "0 * * * *", plan_limit: nil, now: Thu, 27 May 2021 11:00:00.000000000 UTC +00:00, result: Thu, 27 May 2021 12:05:00.000000000 UTC +00:00
updates next_run_at
worker_cron: "*/5 * * * *", schedule_cron: "0 * * * *", plan_limit: 144, now: Thu, 27 May 2021 11:00:00.000000000 UTC +00:00, result: Thu, 27 May 2021 12:00:00.000000000 UTC +00:00
updates next_run_at
worker_cron: "*/5 * * * *", schedule_cron: "0 * * * *", plan_limit: 24, now: Thu, 27 May 2021 11:00:00.000000000 UTC +00:00, result: Thu, 27 May 2021 12:00:00.000000000 UTC +00:00
updates next_run_at
worker_cron: "*/5 * * * *", schedule_cron: "0 * * * *", plan_limit: 12, now: Thu, 27 May 2021 11:00:00.000000000 UTC +00:00, result: Thu, 27 May 2021 12:05:00.000000000 UTC +00:00
updates next_run_at
worker_cron: "*/5 * * * *", schedule_cron: "0 1 * * *", plan_limit: 24, now: Thu, 27 May 2021 01:00:00.000000000 UTC +00:00, result: Fri, 28 May 2021 01:00:00.000000000 UTC +00:00
updates next_run_at
worker_cron: "*/5 * * * *", schedule_cron: "0 1 * * *", plan_limit: 144, now: Thu, 27 May 2021 01:00:00.000000000 UTC +00:00, result: Fri, 28 May 2021 01:00:00.000000000 UTC +00:00
updates next_run_at
worker_cron: "*/5 * * * *", schedule_cron: "0 1 * * *", plan_limit: 180, now: Thu, 27 May 2021 01:00:00.000000000 UTC +00:00, result: Fri, 28 May 2021 01:00:00.000000000 UTC +00:00
updates next_run_at
worker_cron: "*/5 * * * *", schedule_cron: "0 1 1 * *", plan_limit: 24, now: Sat, 01 May 2021 01:00:00.000000000 UTC +00:00, result: Tue, 01 Jun 2021 01:00:00.000000000 UTC +00:00
updates next_run_at
worker_cron: "*/9 * * * *", schedule_cron: "0 1 1 * *", plan_limit: 24, now: Sat, 01 May 2021 01:09:00.000000000 UTC +00:00, result: Tue, 01 Jun 2021 01:00:00.000000000 UTC +00:00
updates next_run_at
worker_cron: "*/5 * * * *", schedule_cron: "59 14 * * *", plan_limit: 24, now: Sat, 01 May 2021 15:00:00.000000000 UTC +00:00, result: Sun, 02 May 2021 15:00:00.000000000 UTC +00:00
updates next_run_at
worker_cron: "*/5 * * * *", schedule_cron: "45 21 1 2 *", plan_limit: 288, now: Mon, 01 Feb 2021 21:45:00.000000000 UTC +00:00, result: Tue, 01 Feb 2022 21:45:00.000000000 UTC +00:00
updates next_run_at
when there are two different pipeline schedules in different time zones
sets different next_run_at
updates next_run_at
when record is invalid
nullifies the next run at
is expected to contain exactly {:file=>false, :key=>"VARIABLE_1", :public=>false, :value=>"VARIABLE_VALUE"} and {:file=>false, :key=>"VARIABLE_2", :public=>false, :value=>"VARIABLE_VALUE"}
when there is no limit
is expected to be nil
when there is a limit
is expected to eq 144
behaves like having unique enum values
has unique values in "action"
behaves like a resource event
is expected to respond to #importing?
is expected to respond to #imported?
is expected not to allow :user to be ‹nil›
when importing
is expected to allow :user to be ‹nil›
is expected to belong to user required:
returns the expected events
returns no events if time is after last record time
behaves like a resource event for issues
is expected to belong to issue required:
returns the expected records for an issue with events
returns the expected records for an issue with no events
returns the expected records for an issue with events
returns the expected records for an issue with no events
returns the expected issuable
behaves like a resource event for merge requests
is expected to belong to merge_request required:
returns the expected records for an issue with events
returns the expected records for an issue with no events
returns the expected issuable
is expected to belong to label required:
is expected to be valid
Issuable validation
is invalid if issue_id and merge_request_id are missing
is invalid if issue_id and merge_request_id are set
is valid if only issue_id is set
is valid if only merge_request_id is set
expires resource note etag cache on event save
expires resource note etag cache on event destroy
returns true if label is missing and reference is not empty
returns true if reference is not set yet
returns true if markdown is outdated
returns false if label and reference are set
returns events with labels accessible by user
filters events with public project labels if issues and MRs are private
filters events with project labels not accessible by user
filters events with group labels not accessible by user
behaves like .find_by_full_path
finds records by their full path
returns nil for unknown paths
includes route information when loading a record
with redirect routes
without follow_redirects option
does not find records by their redirected path
with follow_redirects option set to true
finds records by their canonical path
finds records by their redirected path
returns nil for unknown paths
behaves like .find_by_full_path
finds records by their full path
returns nil for unknown paths
includes route information when loading a record
with redirect routes
without follow_redirects option
does not find records by their redirected path
with follow_redirects option set to true
finds records by their canonical path
finds records by their redirected path
returns nil for unknown paths
Group Routable
is expected to validate that :route cannot be empty/falsy
is expected to have one route dependent => destroy
is expected to have many redirect_routes dependent => destroy
for a group
creates route record on create
updates route record on path change
ensure route path uniqueness across different objects
for a user
creates the route for a record on create
updates routes and nested routes on name change
does not find projects with a matching path
behaves like .find_by_full_path
finds records by their full path
returns nil for unknown paths
includes route information when loading a record
with redirect routes
without follow_redirects option
does not find records by their redirected path
with follow_redirects option set to true
finds records by their canonical path
finds records by their redirected path
returns nil for unknown paths
behaves like .find_by_full_path
finds records by their full path
returns nil for unknown paths
includes route information when loading a record
with redirect routes
without follow_redirects option
does not find records by their redirected path
with follow_redirects option set to true
finds records by their canonical path
finds records by their redirected path
returns nil for unknown paths
without any paths
returns an empty relation
without any valid paths
returns an empty relation
with valid paths
returns the projects matching the paths
returns projects regardless of the casing of paths
is false when the parent is not loaded
is true when the parent is loaded
is false when the route is not loaded
is true when the route is loaded
is expected to eq "foo"
is expected to eq "foo/group152"
hits the cache when not preloaded
is expected to eq "foo"
is expected to eq "foo / group152"
hits the cache when not preloaded
Project Routable
does not find groups with a matching path
behaves like .find_by_full_path
finds records by their full path
returns nil for unknown paths
includes route information when loading a record
with redirect routes
without follow_redirects option
does not find records by their redirected path
with follow_redirects option set to true
finds records by their canonical path
finds records by their redirected path
returns nil for unknown paths
is expected to eq "namespace332/project471"
hits the cache when not preloaded
is expected to eq "John Doe1027 / project471"
hits the cache when not preloaded
memoizes pagination_data
returns paginated diff files
returns a valid instance of a DiffCollection
first page
returns correct diff files
another page
returns correct diff files
nil batch_page
returns correct diff files
nil batch_size
returns correct diff files
invalid page
returns correct diff files
last page
returns correct diff files
behaves like unfoldable diff
calls Gitlab::Diff::File#unfold_diff_lines with correct position
behaves like diff statistics
when include_stats is true
Repository#diff_stats is called
Gitlab::Diff::File is initialized with diff stats
when should not request diff stats
Repository#diff_stats is not called
behaves like cacheable diff collection
calls Gitlab::Diff::HighlightCache#write_if_empty
calls Gitlab::Diff::StatsCache#write_if_empty with diff stats
calls Gitlab::Diff::HighlightCache#clear
calls Gitlab::Diff::StatsCache#clear
calls Gitlab::Diff::HighlightCache#decorate
when there are stats cached
does not make a diff stats rpc call
when there are no stats cached
makes a diff stats rpc call
behaves like unsortable diff files
does not call Gitlab::Diff::FileCollectionSorter even when sorted is true
inherits from Gitlab::View::Presenter::Delegated
when troubleshooting doc is available
appends the troubleshooting link
covers all failure reasons
is a valid status
is a valid status
is a valid status
is a valid status
is a valid status
is a valid status
is a valid status
is a valid status
is a valid status
is a valid status
is a valid status
is a valid status
is a valid status
is a valid status
is a valid status
is a valid status
is a valid status
is a valid status
is a valid status
is a valid status
is a valid status
is a valid status
is a valid status
is a valid status
is a valid status
is a valid status
is a valid status
is a valid status
is a valid status
is a valid status
is a valid status
is a valid status
invalid failure message
is an invalid status
for issues
returns true
for merge requests
returns true
for incidents
returns true
release scopes
when milestone filter is present and related closing issues are joined
returns merge request closing issues of any milestone
returns the issues not tied to any milestone and the ones tied to milestone with no release
returns all issues tied to a release
returns the issues tied a specfic release
when a release has a milestone with one issue and another one with no issue
returns that one issue
when the milestone with no issue is added as a filter
returns an empty list
when the milestone with the issue is added as a filter
returns this issue
when there is no issue under a specific release
returns no issue
when a non-existent release tag is passed in
returns no issue
behaves like an object that can be assigned a milestone
with correct params
is expected to be valid
with empty string milestone
is expected to be valid
with nil milestone id
is expected to be valid
with a milestone id from another project
is expected to be invalid
returns true with a milestone from the issue project
returns true with a milestone from the issue project group
returns true with a milestone from the the parent of the issue project group
returns true with a blank milestone
returns false with a milestone from another project
returns false with a milestone from another group
behaves like an object that can be assigned a milestone
with correct params
is expected to be valid
with empty string milestone
is expected to be valid
with nil milestone id
is expected to be valid
with a milestone id from another project
is expected to be invalid
returns true with a milestone from the issue project
returns true with a milestone from the issue project group
returns true with a milestone from the the parent of the issue project group
returns true with a blank milestone
returns false with a milestone from another project
returns false with a milestone from another group
User TokenAuthenticatable
behaves like TokenAuthenticatable
dynamically defined methods
is expected to respond to #find_by_feed_token
is expected to respond to #ensure_feed_token
is expected to respond to #set_feed_token
is expected to respond to #reset_feed_token!
ensures authentication token
is expected to be a kind of String
ApplicationSetting TokenAuthenticatable
behaves like TokenAuthenticatable
dynamically defined methods
is expected to respond to #find_by_runners_registration_token
is expected to respond to #ensure_runners_registration_token
is expected to respond to #set_runners_registration_token
is expected to respond to #reset_runners_registration_token!
generating new token
token is not generated yet
token field accessor
is expected not to be blank
is expected to be a kind of String
is expected not to be blank
does not persist token
persists new token as an encrypted string
does not persist token in a clear text
token is generated
persists a new token
setting new token
is expected to eq "0123456789"
multiple token fields
is expected to respond to #ensure_runners_registration_token
is expected to respond to #ensure_yet_another_token
setting same token field multiple times
raises error
PersonalAccessToken TokenAuthenticatable
finds the token
sets new token
token_digest does not exist
behaves like changes personal access token
sets new token
token_digest already generated
behaves like does not change personal access token
sets new token
token_digest does not exist
behaves like changes personal access token
sets new token
token_digest already generated
behaves like does not change personal access token
sets new token
token_digest does not exist
behaves like changes personal access token
sets new token
token_digest already generated
behaves like changes personal access token
sets new token
Ci::Build TokenAuthenticatable
behaves like TokenAuthenticatable
dynamically defined methods
is expected to respond to #find_by_token
is expected to respond to #ensure_token
is expected to respond to #set_token
is expected to respond to #reset_token!
generating new token
token is not generated yet
token field accessor
makes it possible to access token
is expected to be a kind of String
is expected not to be blank
does not persist token
persists a new token
persists new token as an encrypted string
does not persist a token in a clear text
persists a new token
setting a new token
returns the token
writes a new encrypted token
does not write a new cleartext token
is expected to eq 4
first tag
is expected to eq "v1.0.0"
is expected to eq "f4e6814c3e4e7a0de82a9e7cd20c626cc963a2f8"
is expected to eq "6f6d7e7ed97bb5f0054f2b1df789b39ca89b6ff9"
is expected to eq "Release"
is expected to be falsey
is expected to eq :NONE
is expected to be nil
is expected to eq "Dmitriy Zaporozhets"
is expected to eq ""
is expected to eq <Google::Protobuf::Timestamp: seconds: 1393491299, nanos: 0>
is expected to eq "+0200"
last tag
is expected to eq "v1.2.1"
is expected to eq "2ac1f24e253e08135507d0830508febaaccf02ee"
is expected to eq "fa1b1e6c004a68b7d8763b86455da9e6b23e36d6"
is expected to eq "Version 1.2.1"
is expected to be falsey
is expected to eq :NONE
is expected to be nil
is expected to eq "Douwe Maan"
is expected to eq ""
is expected to eq <Google::Protobuf::Timestamp: seconds: 1427789449, nanos: 0>
is expected to eq "+0200"
signed tag
is expected to eq "8f03acbcd11c53d9c9468078f32a2622005a4841"
is expected to eq "189a6c924013fc3fe40d6f1ec1dc20214183bc97"
is expected to eq "x509 signed tag\n-----BEGIN SIGNED MESSAGE-----\nMIISfwYJKoZIhvcNAQcCoIIScDCCEmwCAQExDTALBglghkgBZQM...dZmMbJ7jNk1FbewSwWO\nSDH1i0K32NyFbnh0BSos7njq7ELqKlYBsoB/sZfaH2vKy5U=\n-----END SIGNED MESSAGE-----"
is expected to be truthy
is expected to eq :X509
is expected not to be nil
is expected to eq "Roger Meier"
is expected to eq ""
is expected to eq <Google::Protobuf::Timestamp: seconds: 1574261780, nanos: 0>
is expected to eq "+0100"
gets tag messages
gets messages in one batch
when the tag is signed
returns signature and signed text
when the tag has no signature
returns empty signature and message as signed text
when the tag cannot be found
raises GRPC::Internal
when the tag ID is invalid
raises GRPC::Internal
when loading signatures in batch once
fetches signatures in batch once
tag into from Gitaly tag
message_size != message.size
message_size less than threshold
fetches tag message separately
message_size greater than threshold
returns a notice about message size
returns a cache key that changes based on changeable values
when no head pipeline
return status from Ci integration
when head pipeline present
success with warnings
returns "success-with-warnings"
pipeline HAS status AND its not success with warnings
returns pipeline status
pipeline has NO status AND its not success with warnings
returns "preparing"
when MR cannot be resolved in UI
does not return conflict resolution path
when conflicts cannot be resolved by user
does not return conflict resolution path
when able to access conflict resolution UI
does return conflict resolution path
issues links
presents closing issues links
does not present related issues links
appends status when closing issue is already closed
presents related issues links
does not present closing issues links
appends status when mentioned issue is already closed
single closing issue
returns correct link with correct text
multiple closing issues
returns correct link with correct text
no closing issue
returns correct link with correct text
when can cancel mwps
returns path
when cannot cancel mwps
returns nil
when can be merged by user
returns path
when cannot be merged by user
returns nil
when can create issue and issues enabled
returns path
when cannot create issue
returns nil
when issues disabled
returns nil
when merge request enabled and has permission
has remove_wip_path
when has no permission
returns nil
when target branch exists
returns path
when target branch does not exist
returns nil
when source branch exists
returns path
when source branch does not exist
returns nil
when target branch exists
returns path
when target branch does not exist
returns nil
when source branch exists
returns path
when source branch does not exist
returns nil
when target branch exists
returns path
when target branch does not exist
returns nil
when source branch exists
returns link
when source branch does not exist
returns text
when target branch exists
returns link
when target branch does not exist
returns text
returns link
escapes html, when source_branch does not exist
when can rebase
returns path
when cannot rebase
when rebase in progress
returns nil
when user cannot merge
returns nil
should not be rebased
returns nil
when source branch exists AND user can push to source branch
returns true
when source branch does not exists
returns false
when user cannot push to source branch
returns false
is expected to eq "/api/v4/projects/596/merge_requests/1/approvals"
is expected to eq "/api/v4/projects/596/merge_requests/1/approve"
is expected to eq "/api/v4/projects/596/merge_requests/1/unapprove"
creates a new PushEventPayload row
sets the push_event_payload association of the used event
returns nil if no commits were pushed
returns a String limited to 70 characters
does not truncate the commit message if it is shorter than 70 characters
includes the first line of a commit message if the message spans multiple lines
returns nil when creating a new ref
returns the ID of the first commit when pushing to an existing ref
returns nil when removing an existing ref
returns the number of commits
raises when the push data does not contain the commits count
returns the name of the ref
raises when the push data does not contain the ref name
returns the revision from before the push
raises when the push data does not contain the before revision
returns the revision from after the push
raises when the push data does not contain the after revision
returns the ref name without its prefix
returns true when creating a new ref
returns false when pushing to an existing ref
returns true when removing an existing ref
returns false pushing to an existing ref
returns :created when creating a ref
returns :removed when removing an existing ref
returns :pushed when pushing to an existing ref
returns :tag for a tag
returns :branch for a branch
as json
contains needed attributes
broken merge request
renders without errors
when a commit_id is passed
when the passed commit is not the first or last in the group
includes commit references for previous and next
when the passed commit is the first in the group
includes commit references for nil and previous commit
when the passed commit is the last in the group
includes commit references for the next and nil
when there are conflicts
conflicts are highlighted
merge ref head diff is not chosen to be displayed
conflicts are not calculated
when conflicts cannot be resolved
conflicts are not highlighted
when allow_tree_conflicts is set to true
conflicts are still highlighted
with a trigger token
when trigger belongs to a different project
does nothing
when params have an existing trigger token
when params have an existing ref
triggers a pipeline
stores the payload as a variable
when commit message has [ci skip]
ignores [ci skip] and create as general
when params have a variable
has variables
when params have duplicate variables
creates a failed pipeline without variables
behaves like detecting an unprocessable pipeline trigger
when the pipeline was not created successfully
has the correct status code
when params have a non-existant ref
does not trigger a pipeline
when params have a non-existant trigger token
does not trigger a pipeline
with a pipeline job token
when job user does not have a permission to read a project
does nothing
when job is not running
does nothing
when job does not have a project
does nothing
when params have an existsed job token
when params have an existsed ref
triggers a pipeline
when commit message has [ci skip]
ignores [ci skip] and create as general
when params have a variable
has variables
when params have duplicate variables
creates a failed pipeline without variables
behaves like detecting an unprocessable pipeline trigger
when the pipeline was not created successfully
has the correct status code
when params have a non-existant ref
does not trigger a job in the pipeline
when params have a non-existsed trigger token
does not trigger a pipeline
can return the count of actions per user deduplicated
for Issue title edit actions
behaves like a daily tracked issuable event
is expected to be truthy
does not track edit actions if author is not present
for Issue description edit actions
behaves like a daily tracked issuable event
is expected to be truthy
does not track edit actions if author is not present
for Issue assignee edit actions
behaves like a daily tracked issuable event
is expected to be truthy
does not track edit actions if author is not present
for Issue make confidential actions
behaves like a daily tracked issuable event
is expected to be truthy
does not track edit actions if author is not present
for Issue make visible actions
behaves like a daily tracked issuable event
is expected to be truthy
does not track edit actions if author is not present
for Issue created actions
behaves like a daily tracked issuable event
is expected to be truthy
does not track edit actions if author is not present
for Issue closed actions
behaves like a daily tracked issuable event
is expected to be truthy
does not track edit actions if author is not present
for Issue reopened actions
behaves like a daily tracked issuable event
is expected to be truthy
does not track edit actions if author is not present
for Issue label changed actions
behaves like a daily tracked issuable event
is expected to be truthy
does not track edit actions if author is not present
for Issue cross-referenced actions
behaves like a daily tracked issuable event
is expected to be truthy
does not track edit actions if author is not present
for Issue moved actions
behaves like a daily tracked issuable event
is expected to be truthy
does not track edit actions if author is not present
for Issue cloned actions
behaves like a daily tracked issuable event
is expected to be truthy
does not track edit actions if author is not present
for Issue relate actions
behaves like a daily tracked issuable event
is expected to be truthy
does not track edit actions if author is not present
for Issue unrelate actions
behaves like a daily tracked issuable event
is expected to be truthy
does not track edit actions if author is not present
for Issue marked as duplicate actions
behaves like a daily tracked issuable event
is expected to be truthy
does not track edit actions if author is not present
for Issue locked actions
behaves like a daily tracked issuable event
is expected to be truthy
does not track edit actions if author is not present
for Issue unlocked actions
behaves like a daily tracked issuable event
is expected to be truthy
does not track edit actions if author is not present
for Issue designs added actions
behaves like a daily tracked issuable event
is expected to be truthy
does not track edit actions if author is not present
for Issue designs modified actions
behaves like a daily tracked issuable event
is expected to be truthy
does not track edit actions if author is not present
for Issue designs removed actions
behaves like a daily tracked issuable event
is expected to be truthy
does not track edit actions if author is not present
for Issue due date changed actions
behaves like a daily tracked issuable event
is expected to be truthy
does not track edit actions if author is not present
for Issue time estimate changed actions
behaves like a daily tracked issuable event
is expected to be truthy
does not track edit actions if author is not present
for Issue time spent changed actions
behaves like a daily tracked issuable event
is expected to be truthy
does not track edit actions if author is not present
for Issue comment added actions
behaves like a daily tracked issuable event
is expected to be truthy
does not track edit actions if author is not present
for Issue comment edited actions
behaves like a daily tracked issuable event
is expected to be truthy
does not track edit actions if author is not present
for Issue comment removed actions
behaves like a daily tracked issuable event
is expected to be truthy
does not track edit actions if author is not present
author commit info
does not raise error if user is nil
when no author info provided
fills author_email and author_name from current_user info
when author info provided
fills author_email and author_name from params
commit message
when no commit message provided
sets a default commit message
when commit message provided
use the commit message from params
branch name
when no branch provided
sets the branch from the wiki default_branch
when branch provided
use the commit message from params
when file_name
has white spaces
replaces all of them with '_'
has other invalid characters
replaces all of them with '_'
is not present
returns error
is bigger than 255
truncates file name
is less or equal to 255 does not return error
does not return error
when user
does not have permission
behaves like wiki attachment user validations
returns error
is nil
behaves like wiki attachment user validations
returns error
behaves like Wikis::CreateAttachmentService#execute
adds file to the repository
creates wiki repository if it does not exist
creates wiki repository
if an error is raised creating the repository
catches error and return gracefully
creates branch if it does not exists
is expected to eq "new_branch"
returns related information
behaves like having unique enum values
has unique values in "status"
is expected to have many batched_jobs
returns the batched job with highest max_value
is expected to validate that :job_arguments is case-sensitively unique within the scope of :job_class_name, :table_name, and :column_name
returns batched migrations ordered by their id
returns the first active migration according to queue order
returns active and paused migrations
returns totals from successful jobs
when the migration has no last_job
returns true
when the migration has a last_job
when the last_job is less than an interval old
returns false
when the last_job is exactly an interval old
returns true
when the last_job is more than an interval old
returns true
when an interval variance is given
when the last job is less than an interval with variance old
returns false
when the last job is more than an interval with variance old
returns true
creates a batched_job with the correct batch configuration
when a previous job exists
returns the next value after the previous maximum
when a previous job does not exist
returns the migration minimum value
returns the class of the job for the migration
returns the class of the batch strategy for the migration
when there are failed migration jobs
moves the status of the migration to active
changes the number of attempts to 0
when there are no failed migration jobs
moves the status of the migration to active
behaves like an attr_writer that demodulizes assigned class names
when a module name exists
removes the module name
when a module name does not exist
does not change the given class name
behaves like an attr_writer that demodulizes assigned class names
when a module name exists
removes the module name
when a module name does not exist
does not change the given class name
sums the batch_size of succeeded jobs
returns a hash with labels for the migration
when there are not enough jobs
returns nil
when there are enough jobs
example 1: increasing trend, but only recently crossed threshold
returns the smoothed time efficiency
example 2: increasing trend, crossed threshold a while ago
returns the smoothed time efficiency
example 3: decreasing trend, but only recently crossed threshold
returns the smoothed time efficiency
example 4: latest run spiked
returns the smoothed time efficiency
calls the BatchOptimizer
finds the migration matching the given configuration parameters
returns nill if such migration does not exists
returns the migration when it exists
environments annotation
behaves like metrics dashboard annotation policy
when guest
is expected to be disallowed :read_metrics_dashboard_annotation
is expected to be disallowed :create_metrics_dashboard_annotation
is expected to be disallowed :update_metrics_dashboard_annotation
is expected to be disallowed :delete_metrics_dashboard_annotation
when reporter
is expected to be allowed :read_metrics_dashboard_annotation
is expected to be disallowed :create_metrics_dashboard_annotation
is expected to be disallowed :update_metrics_dashboard_annotation
is expected to be disallowed :delete_metrics_dashboard_annotation
when developer
is expected to be allowed :read_metrics_dashboard_annotation
is expected to be allowed :create_metrics_dashboard_annotation
is expected to be allowed :update_metrics_dashboard_annotation
is expected to be allowed :delete_metrics_dashboard_annotation
when maintainer
is expected to be allowed :read_metrics_dashboard_annotation
is expected to be allowed :create_metrics_dashboard_annotation
is expected to be allowed :update_metrics_dashboard_annotation
is expected to be allowed :delete_metrics_dashboard_annotation
cluster annotation
behaves like metrics dashboard annotation policy
when guest
is expected to be disallowed :read_metrics_dashboard_annotation
is expected to be disallowed :create_metrics_dashboard_annotation
is expected to be disallowed :update_metrics_dashboard_annotation
is expected to be disallowed :delete_metrics_dashboard_annotation
when reporter
is expected to be allowed :read_metrics_dashboard_annotation
is expected to be disallowed :create_metrics_dashboard_annotation
is expected to be disallowed :update_metrics_dashboard_annotation
is expected to be disallowed :delete_metrics_dashboard_annotation
when developer
is expected to be allowed :read_metrics_dashboard_annotation
is expected to be allowed :create_metrics_dashboard_annotation
is expected to be allowed :update_metrics_dashboard_annotation
is expected to be allowed :delete_metrics_dashboard_annotation
when maintainer
is expected to be allowed :read_metrics_dashboard_annotation
is expected to be allowed :create_metrics_dashboard_annotation
is expected to be allowed :update_metrics_dashboard_annotation
is expected to be allowed :delete_metrics_dashboard_annotation
is expected to belong to project required:
is expected to validate that :project cannot be empty/falsy
is expected to validate that :secret is ‹false›
only returns true when both project and snippet are public
only returns true when both project and snippet are public
only returns true when both project and snippet are public
only returns true when both project and snippet are public
only returns true when both project and snippet are public
only returns true when both project and snippet are public
only returns true when both project and snippet are public
only returns true when both project and snippet are public
only returns true when both project and snippet are public
behaves like model with repository
container class includes HasRepository
retrieves several commits from the repository by oid
when given the only_path option
when only_path is false
returns the full web URL for this repo
when only_path is true
returns the relative web URL for this repo
when only_path is nil
returns the full web URL for this repo
when not given the only_path option
returns the full web URL for this repo
returns the SSH URL to the repository
returns the SSH URL to the repository
returns the HTTP URL to the repository
returns valid repo
uses the same container
returns valid storage
returns valid full_path
returns the expected value
when the repo does not exist
returns true
when the repo exists
returns the empty state of the repository
is expected to equal false
is expected to equal true
is expected to equal false
is expected to equal true
is expected to equal false
is expected to equal true
is expected to equal true
is expected to equal false
is expected to equal false
Respond to
is expected to respond to #base_dir
is expected to respond to #disk_path
is expected to respond to #gitlab_shell
delegates #change_head to repository
calls #reload_default_branch
System hooks
executes system hooks
executes hooks on the project
creates a new pipeline
Push data
annotated tag
has expected push data attributes
with repository data
has expected repository attributes
with commits
is expected to be a kind of Array
has 1 element
the commit
is expected to include {:timestamp => "2014-02-27T11:01:38+02:00"}
has expected commit attributes
with an author
has expected author attributes
lightweight tag
has expected push data attributes
with repository data
has expected repository attributes
with commits
is expected to be a kind of Array
has 1 element
the commit
is expected to include {:timestamp => "2014-02-27T11:01:38+02:00"}
has expected commit attributes
with an author
has expected author attributes
returns the container in the content
returns the block in the content
returns the button
returns the buttons default label data attribute
returns the dropdown toggle text
returns the button icon in the content
returns the link
returns the links data attribute
returns the link text
with a back and close button
applies the justification class to the container
behaves like has a back button
contains the back button
behaves like has the title text
contains the title text
behaves like has a close button
contains the close button
behaves like has two icons
returns two icons
behaves like does not have the title margin class
does not have the title margin class
with a back button
returns the back button icon
behaves like has a back button
contains the back button
behaves like has the title text
contains the title text
behaves like has the title margin class
contains the title margin class
behaves like does not have a close button
does not contain the close button
with a close button
returns the close button icon
behaves like does not have a back button
does not contain the back button
behaves like has the title text
contains the title text
behaves like has the title margin class
contains the title margin class
behaves like has a close button
contains the close button
without any buttons
returns no button icons
behaves like does not have a back button
does not contain the back button
behaves like has the title text
contains the title text
behaves like does not have the title margin class
does not have the title margin class
behaves like does not have a close button
does not contain the close button
returns the container
returns the search input
behaves like has two icons
returns two icons
without block
behaves like contains the container
returns the container in the content
with block
returns the block in the content
behaves like contains the container
returns the container in the content
without a content class
behaves like contains the content
returns the container in the content
returns the block in the content
without a content class
returns the footer in the content
behaves like contains the content
returns the container in the content
returns the block in the content
returns the container in the content
returns a gl-spinner in the content
is expected to belong to model required:
is expected to validate that :size cannot be empty/falsy
is expected to validate that :path cannot be empty/falsy
is expected to validate that :model cannot be empty/falsy
is expected to validate that :uploader cannot be empty/falsy
for a file above the checksum threshold
schedules checksum calculation
for a file at or below the checksum threshold
calculates checksum immediately before save
uploader is FileUploader-based
calls delete_file!
returns the path directly when already absolute
delegates to the uploader's absolute_path method
sets `checksum` to SHA256 sum of the file
sets `checksum` to nil for a non-existent file
returns a uploader object with current upload associated with it
returns a uploader object with current uploader associated with and cache retrieved
when upload has mount_point nil
when an upload belongs to a note
mounts it as attachment
when an upload does not belong to a note
does not mount it as attachment
with local storage
returns true when no checksum exists
returns false when checksum is already present
with remote storage
returns false
returns true when the file exists
when the file does not exist
returns false
when the record is persisted
sends a message to Sentry
increments a metric counter to signal a problem
when the record is not persisted
does not send a message to Sentry
does not increment a metric counter
is expected to match (a hash including {:secret => "secret", :identifier => "file.txt"})
updates project statistics when upload is added
updates project statistics when upload is removed
ignores the hosts when load balancing is disabled
sets the name of the connection that is used
yields a connection for a read
ensures that query cache is enabled
marks hosts that are offline
retries a query in the event of a serialization failure
retries every host at most 3 times when a query conflict is raised
uses the primary if no secondaries are available
uses the primary when load balancing is disabled
yields a connection for a write
uses a retry with exponential backoffs
returns the secondary host to use
stores the host in a thread-local variable
does not create conflicts with other load balancers when caching hosts
releases the host and its connection
releases the connection to the primary
returns a String in the right format
raises an error if the write location could not be retrieved
returns the value returned by the block
re-raises errors not related to database connections
retries the block when a connection error is raised
re-raises the connection error if the retries did not succeed
skips retries when only the primary is used
returns true for a connection error
returns false for a missing database error
returns true for a wrapped connection error
returns true for a wrapped connection error from a view
returns true for deeply wrapped/nested errors
returns true for an invalid encoding error
returns false for errors not related to database connections
returns false for ActiveRecord errors without a cause
returns for a serialization error
returns true for a wrapped error
when none of the replicas are caught up
returns false and does not update the host thread-local variable
when any of the replicas is caught up
returns true and sets host thread-local variable
creates a new connection pool with specific pool size and name
allows setting of a custom hostname and port
does not modify connection class pool
calls disconnect on all hosts with a timeout
behaves like subclass has expected api
defines all public methods in the base class
behaves like parsable alert payload field with fallback
without payload
is expected to eq "New: Alert"
with title
is expected to eq "some value"
when set
payload_severity: "critical", expected_severity: :critical
is expected to eq :critical
payload_severity: "high", expected_severity: :high
is expected to eq :high
payload_severity: "medium", expected_severity: :medium
is expected to eq :medium
payload_severity: "low", expected_severity: :low
is expected to eq :low
payload_severity: "info", expected_severity: :info
is expected to eq :info
payload_severity: "CRITICAL", expected_severity: :critical
is expected to eq :critical
payload_severity: "cRiTiCaL", expected_severity: :critical
is expected to eq :critical
payload_severity: "unmapped", expected_severity: nil
is expected to eq nil
payload_severity: 1, expected_severity: nil
is expected to eq nil
payload_severity: nil, expected_severity: nil
is expected to eq nil
without key
is expected to be nil
behaves like parsable alert payload field
behaves like parsable alert payload field with fallback
without payload
is expected to eq nil
with monitoring_tool
is expected to eq "some value"
behaves like parsable alert payload field
behaves like parsable alert payload field with fallback
without payload
is expected to eq nil
with service
is expected to eq "some value"
behaves like parsable alert payload field
behaves like parsable alert payload field with fallback
without payload
is expected to eq nil
with hosts
is expected to eq "some value"
without start_time
is expected to eq 2021-10-13 18:36:57.000000000 +0000
with start_time
is expected to eq 2021-10-13 18:26:57.000000000 +0000
behaves like parsable alert payload field
behaves like parsable alert payload field with fallback
without payload
is expected to eq nil
with runbook
is expected to eq "some value"
returns a fingerprint
behaves like parsable alert payload field
behaves like parsable alert payload field with fallback
without payload
is expected to eq nil
with gitlab_environment_name
is expected to eq "some value"
behaves like parsable alert payload field
behaves like parsable alert payload field with fallback
without payload
is expected to eq nil
with description
is expected to eq "some value"
without end_time
is expected to be nil
with end_time
is expected to eq 2021-10-13 18:26:57.000000000 +0000
for a personal project
when the project owner is a member of the project
behaves like includes access level of the owner of the project as Maintainer
includes access level of the owner of the project as Maintainer
when the project owner is not explicitly a member of the project
behaves like includes access level of the owner of the project as Maintainer
includes access level of the owner of the project as Maintainer
direct members of the project
includes access levels of the direct members of the project
does not include access levels of users who have requested access to the project
includes access levels of users who are in non-active state
for a project within a group
project in a root group
includes access levels of users who are direct members of the parent group
project in a subgroup
includes access levels of users who are members of the ancestors of the parent group
user is both a member of the project and a member of the parent group
includes the maximum access level among project and group membership
members from group share
includes the user from the group share with the right access level
when the project also has the same user as a member, but with a different access level
includes the maximum access level among project and group membership
when the project's ancestor also has the same user as a member, but with a different access level
includes the maximum access level among project and group membership
for a project that is shared with other group(s)
includes the least among the specified access levels
even when the `lock_memberships_to_ldap` setting has been turned ON
includes the least among the specified access levels
when the group containing the project has forbidden group shares for any of its projects
does not include the users from any group shares
a combination of all possible avenues of membership
includes the highest access level from all avenues of memberships
deletes the snippets in bulk
when snippets is empty
returns a ServiceResponse success response
when user does not have access to remove the snippet
behaves like error is raised
returns error
no record is deleted
when hard_delete option is passed
returns a ServiceResponse success response
deletes all the snippets that belong to the user
when an error is raised deleting the repository
tries to rollback the repository
behaves like error is raised
returns error
no record is deleted
when an error is raised deleting the records
tries to rollback the repository
behaves like error is raised
returns error
no record is deleted
when snippet does not have a repository attached
does not schedule anything for the snippet without repository and return success
rollbacks the repository
when an error is raised
logs the error
yields every commit
returns a relation of users when users are found
returns empty array when committers cannot be found
excludes authors of merge commits
returns all commits except merge commits
sets the latest pipeline for every commit so no additional queries are necessary
performs a single query to fetch pipeline warnings
preloads commits cache markdown
enrichment methods
returns all commits that are not backed by gitaly data
returns true when all commits are backed by gitaly data
returns false when any commits are not backed by gitaly data
returns true when the collection is empty
replaces commits in the collection with those backed by gitaly data
maintains the original order of the commits
fetches data if there are unenriched commits
does not fetch data if all commits are enriched
returns the original commit if the commit could not be lazy loaded
returns true when the underlying Array responds to the message
returns false when the underlying Array does not respond to the message
delegates undefined methods to the underlying Array
worker: #<Class:0x00007ff35abe3b38>, expected_name: "pages"
generates a valid queue name from worker name
worker: #<Class:0x00007ff35abe3570>, expected_name: "pipeline_notification"
generates a valid queue name from worker name
worker: #<Class:0x00007ff35abe30e8>, expected_name: "post_receive"
generates a valid queue name from worker name
worker: #<Class:0x00007ff35abe2760>, expected_name: "git:post_receive"
generates a valid queue name from worker name
worker: #<Class:0x00007ff35abe2300>, expected_name: "pipeline_hooks:pipeline_hooks"
generates a valid queue name from worker name
worker: #<Class:0x00007ff35abe1fe0>, expected_name: "jira_import_advance_stage"
generates a valid queue name from worker name
worker: #<Class:0x00007ff35abe1838>, expected_name: "importer:phabricator_import_import_tasks"
generates a valid queue name from worker name
valid routing rules
routing_rules: [], expected_queue: "foo_bar"
routes the worker to the correct queue
routing_rules: [["feature_category=feature_b|urgency=high", "queue_a"], ["resource_boundary=memory", "queue_b"], ["tags=cheap", "queue_c"]], expected_queue: "foo_bar"
routes the worker to the correct queue
routing_rules: [["feature_category=feature_b|urgency=high", "queue_a"], ["resource_boundary=cpu", nil], ["tags=cheap", "queue_c"]], expected_queue: "foo_bar"
routes the worker to the correct queue
routing_rules: [["feature_category=feature_b|urgency=high", "queue_a"], ["resource_boundary=cpu", ""], ["tags=cheap", "queue_c"]], expected_queue: "foo_bar"
routes the worker to the correct queue
routing_rules: [["feature_category=feature_a|urgency=high", "queue_a"], ["resource_boundary=cpu", "queue_b"], ["tags=cheap", "queue_c"]], expected_queue: "queue_a"
routes the worker to the correct queue
routing_rules: [["feature_category=feature_b|urgency=low", "queue_a"], ["resource_boundary=cpu", "queue_b"], ["tags=cheap", "queue_c"]], expected_queue: "queue_a"
routes the worker to the correct queue
routing_rules: [["feature_category=feature_b|urgency=high", "queue_a"], ["resource_boundary=memory", "queue_b"], ["tags=expensive", "queue_c"]], expected_queue: "queue_c"
routes the worker to the correct queue
routing_rules: [["feature_category=feature_a|urgency=low", "queue_a"], ["resource_boundary=cpu", "queue_b"], ["tags=expensive", "queue_c"]], expected_queue: "queue_a"
routes the worker to the correct queue
routing_rules: [["feature_category=feature_a", "queue_a"], ["feature_category=feature_a", "queue_b"], ["feature_category=feature_a", "queue_c"]], expected_queue: "queue_a"
routes the worker to the correct queue
routing_rules: [["feature_category=feature_b|urgency=high", "queue_a"], ["resource_boundary=memory", "queue_b"], ["tags=cheap", "queue_c"], ["*", "default"]], expected_queue: "default"
routes the worker to the correct queue
routing_rules: [["*", "queue_foo"], ["feature_category=feature_a|urgency=low", "queue_a"], ["resource_boundary=cpu", "queue_b"], ["tags=expensive", "queue_c"]], expected_queue: "queue_foo"
routes the worker to the correct queue
routing_rules: [["name=foo_bar", "queue_foo"], ["feature_category=feature_a|urgency=low", "queue_a"], ["resource_boundary=cpu", "queue_b"], ["tags=expensive", "queue_c"]], expected_queue: "queue_foo"
routes the worker to the correct queue
invalid routing rules
invalid routing rules format
captures the error and falls back to an empty route
invalid predicate
captures the error and falls back to an empty route
valid routing rules
routing_rules: [], expected_queue: "foo_bar"
routes the worker to the correct queue
routing_rules: [["feature_category=feature_b|urgency=high", "queue_a"], ["resource_boundary=memory", "queue_b"], ["tags=cheap", "queue_c"]], expected_queue: "foo_bar"
routes the worker to the correct queue
routing_rules: [["feature_category=feature_b|urgency=high", "queue_a"], ["resource_boundary=cpu", nil], ["tags=cheap", "queue_c"]], expected_queue: "foo_bar"
routes the worker to the correct queue
routing_rules: [["feature_category=feature_b|urgency=high", "queue_a"], ["resource_boundary=cpu", ""], ["tags=cheap", "queue_c"]], expected_queue: "foo_bar"
routes the worker to the correct queue
routing_rules: [["feature_category=feature_a|urgency=high", "queue_a"], ["resource_boundary=cpu", "queue_b"], ["tags=cheap", "queue_c"]], expected_queue: "queue_a"
routes the worker to the correct queue
routing_rules: [["feature_category=feature_b|urgency=low", "queue_a"], ["resource_boundary=cpu", "queue_b"], ["tags=cheap", "queue_c"]], expected_queue: "queue_a"
routes the worker to the correct queue
routing_rules: [["feature_category=feature_b|urgency=high", "queue_a"], ["resource_boundary=memory", "queue_b"], ["tags=expensive", "queue_c"]], expected_queue: "queue_c"
routes the worker to the correct queue
routing_rules: [["feature_category=feature_a|urgency=low", "queue_a"], ["resource_boundary=cpu", "queue_b"], ["tags=expensive", "queue_c"]], expected_queue: "queue_a"
routes the worker to the correct queue
routing_rules: [["feature_category=feature_a", "queue_a"], ["feature_category=feature_a", "queue_b"], ["feature_category=feature_a", "queue_c"]], expected_queue: "queue_a"
routes the worker to the correct queue
routing_rules: [["feature_category=feature_b|urgency=high", "queue_a"], ["resource_boundary=memory", "queue_b"], ["tags=cheap", "queue_c"], ["*", "default"]], expected_queue: "default"
routes the worker to the correct queue
routing_rules: [["*", "queue_foo"], ["feature_category=feature_a|urgency=low", "queue_a"], ["resource_boundary=cpu", "queue_b"], ["tags=expensive", "queue_c"]], expected_queue: "queue_foo"
routes the worker to the correct queue
routing_rules: [["name=foo_bar", "queue_foo"], ["feature_category=feature_a|urgency=low", "queue_a"], ["resource_boundary=cpu", "queue_b"], ["tags=expensive", "queue_c"]], expected_queue: "queue_foo"
routes the worker to the correct queue
invalid routing rules
raises an exception
when there is no merge request
behaves like diff file entity
exposes correct attributes
includes viewer
behaves like diff file base entity
exposes essential attributes
when diff file does not have a blob and content sha
exposes some attributes as nil
diff files
when diff_view is parallel
contains only the parallel diff lines
when diff_view is parallel
contains only the inline diff lines
when there is a merge request
exposes additional attributes
points all urls to merge request target project
exposes load_collapsed_diff_url if the file viewer is collapsed
behaves like diff file entity
exposes correct attributes
includes viewer
behaves like diff file base entity
exposes essential attributes
when diff file does not have a blob and content sha
exposes some attributes as nil
diff files
when diff_view is parallel
contains only the parallel diff lines
when diff_view is parallel
contains only the inline diff lines
when diff_view is unknown
hides highlighted_diff_lines and parallel_diff_lines
exposes parallel diff lines correctly
file with a conflict
returns false
behaves like diff file with conflict_type
returns nil by default
when there is matching conflict file
returns false
is expected to belong to project required:
is expected to belong to build required:
is expected to belong to namespace required:
when pending builds cannot be picked up by runner
returns an empty collection of pending builds
when pending builds can be picked up by runner
returns matching pending builds
when tag_ids match pending builds
returns matching pending builds
when tag_ids does not match pending builds
returns matching pending builds without tags
when tag_ids is not provided
with a nil value
returns matching pending builds without tags
with an empty array
returns matching pending builds without tags
another pending entry does not exist
creates a new pending entry
when another queuing entry exists for given build
returns a build id as a result
when project does not have shared runners enabled
sets instance_runners_enabled to false
when project has shared runner
when ci_pending_builds_maintain_shared_runners_data is enabled
sets instance_runners_enabled to true
when project is about to be deleted
sets instance_runners_enabled to false
when builds are disabled
sets instance_runners_enabled to false
when ci_pending_builds_maintain_shared_runners_data is disabled
sets instance_runners_enabled to false
when build has tags
when ci_pending_builds_maintain_tags_data is enabled
sets tag_ids
when ci_pending_builds_maintain_tags_data is disabled
does not set tag_ids
when a build project is nested in a subgroup
when build can be picked by a group runner
denormalizes namespace traversal ids
when build can not be picked by a group runner
creates an empty namespace traversal ids array
does not return an owner payload with_owner option not passed in
returns deploy keys with projects a user can read
is expected to eq {:almost_orphaned=>false, :can_edit=>false, :created_at=>2021-10-13 18:37:41.465188796 +0000, :deploy...", :id=>18, :title=>"My title 505", :updated_at=>2021-10-13 18:37:41.465188796 +0000, :user_id=>nil}
user is an admin
when admin mode is enabled
is expected to include {:can_edit => true}
when admin mode is disabled
is expected not to include {:can_edit => true}
user is a project maintainer
project deploy key
is expected to include {:can_edit => true}
public deploy key
is expected to include {:can_edit => true}
with_owner option
does not return an owner payload when it is set to false
when with_owner is set to true
returns an owner payload
does not return an owner if current_user cannot read the owner
when developer
is expected to be disallowed :update_cluster
is expected to be disallowed :admin_cluster
when maintainer
is expected to be allowed :update_cluster
is expected to be allowed :admin_cluster
group cluster
when group developer
is expected to be disallowed :update_cluster
is expected to be disallowed :admin_cluster
when group maintainer
is expected to be allowed :update_cluster
is expected to be allowed :admin_cluster
when project maintainer
is expected to be disallowed :update_cluster
is expected to be disallowed :admin_cluster
when project developer
is expected to be disallowed :update_cluster
is expected to be disallowed :admin_cluster
instance cluster
when user
is expected to be disallowed :update_cluster
is expected to be disallowed :admin_cluster
when admin
when admin mode is enabled
is expected to be allowed :update_cluster
is expected to be allowed :admin_cluster
when admin mode is disabled
is expected to be disallowed :update_cluster
is expected to be disallowed :admin_cluster
behaves like issuable hook data
contains project data
contains deprecated repository data
with a issue
contains issuable data
does not contain certain keys
changes are given
populates the :changes hash
does not contain certain keys
behaves like issuable hook data
contains project data
contains deprecated repository data
with a merge_request
contains issuable data
does not contain certain keys
changes are given
populates the :changes hash
does not contain certain keys
issue is assigned
returns correct hook data
merge_request is assigned
returns correct hook data
contains required fields
contains user fields
when current user can manage triggers
returns short_token as token
contains project_trigger_path
does not contain edit_project_trigger_path
returns has_token_exposed
when current user is the owner of the trigger
returns token as token
contains project_trigger_path
contains edit_project_trigger_path
returns has_token_exposed
imports the releases in bulk
imports draft releases
returns an Array containing release rows
does not create releases that already exist
uses a default release description if none is provided
returns the attributes of the release as a Hash
the returned Hash
includes the tag name
includes the release description
includes the project ID
includes the created timestamp
includes the updated timestamp
includes the release name
returns an Enumerator
yields every release to the Enumerator
returns the description when present
returns a generated description when one is not present
without failed checks
doesn't raise an error
calls lfs checks
when time limit was reached
raises a TimeoutError
calls #new_commits
when changes contain empty revisions
returns only commits with non empty revisions
with no commits
behaves like a listing of new commits
returns expected commits
with unrelated commits
behaves like a listing of new commits
returns expected commits
with single related commit
behaves like a listing of new commits
returns expected commits
with single related and unrelated commit
behaves like a listing of new commits
returns expected commits
with multiple related commits
behaves like a listing of new commits
returns expected commits
with merge commits
behaves like a listing of new commits
returns expected commits
with criss-cross merges
behaves like a listing of new commits
returns expected commits
with no changes
behaves like #single_change_access
returns an array of SingleChangeAccess
with a single change and no new commits
behaves like #single_change_access
returns an array of SingleChangeAccess
with a single change and new commits
behaves like #single_change_access
returns an array of SingleChangeAccess
with multiple changes
behaves like #single_change_access
returns an array of SingleChangeAccess
returns labels from own group and ancestor groups
returns issues in group and subgroups
returns only confidential issues if confidential_only is true
returns merge requests in group and subgroups
returns milestones from group
returns milestones from groups and subgroups
returns only milestones that user can read
when group is public
returns milestones from groups and subgroups
when branches and tags are available
shows default branch
shows js expand link
shows branch and tag links
when branches are available but no tags
shows branches
shows js expand link
shows limit exceeded message for tags
when tags are available but no branches (just default)
shows default branch
shows js expand link
shows tags
shows limit exceeded for branches
when branches and tags are not available
shows default branch
shows js expand link
shows too many to search
rules for protected ref
when no one can push or merge to the branch
does not include ability to update pipeline
when developers can push to the branch
includes ability to update pipeline
when no one can create the tag
does not include ability to update pipeline
when no one can create the tag but it is not a tag
includes ability to update pipeline
when maintainer is allowed to push to pipeline branch
enables update_pipeline if user is maintainer
when user does not have access to internal CI
disallows the user from reading the pipeline
when user has owner access
is enabled
when user is not owner
is disabled
when user has owner access
is enabled
when user is developer and the creator of the pipeline
is enabled
when user is developer and it is not the creator of the pipeline
is disabled
when user is not owner nor developer
is disabled
Direct upload support
config_name: "artifacts"
when object storage is enabled
when direct upload is enabled
when provider is AWS
/builds/gitlab-org/gitlab/config/initializers/direct_upload_support.rb:4: warning: already initialized constant DirectUploadsValidator::SUPPORTED_DIRECT_UPLOAD_PROVIDERS
/builds/gitlab-org/gitlab/config/initializers/direct_upload_support.rb:4: warning: previous definition of SUPPORTED_DIRECT_UPLOAD_PROVIDERS was here
/builds/gitlab-org/gitlab/config/initializers/direct_upload_support.rb:8: warning: already initialized constant DirectUploadsValidator::ValidationError
/builds/gitlab-org/gitlab/config/initializers/direct_upload_support.rb:8: warning: previous definition of ValidationError was here
/builds/gitlab-org/gitlab/config/initializers/direct_upload_support.rb:42: warning: already initialized constant CONFIGS
/builds/gitlab-org/gitlab/config/initializers/direct_upload_support.rb:42: warning: previous definition of CONFIGS was here
when provider is Google
/builds/gitlab-org/gitlab/config/initializers/direct_upload_support.rb:4: warning: already initialized constant DirectUploadsValidator::SUPPORTED_DIRECT_UPLOAD_PROVIDERS
/builds/gitlab-org/gitlab/config/initializers/direct_upload_support.rb:4: warning: previous definition of SUPPORTED_DIRECT_UPLOAD_PROVIDERS was here
/builds/gitlab-org/gitlab/config/initializers/direct_upload_support.rb:8: warning: already initialized constant DirectUploadsValidator::ValidationError
/builds/gitlab-org/gitlab/config/initializers/direct_upload_support.rb:8: warning: previous definition of ValidationError was here
/builds/gitlab-org/gitlab/config/initializers/direct_upload_support.rb:42: warning: already initialized constant CONFIGS
/builds/gitlab-org/gitlab/config/initializers/direct_upload_support.rb:42: warning: previous definition of CONFIGS was here
when provider is AzureRM
/builds/gitlab-org/gitlab/config/initializers/direct_upload_support.rb:4: warning: already initialized constant DirectUploadsValidator::SUPPORTED_DIRECT_UPLOAD_PROVIDERS
/builds/gitlab-org/gitlab/config/initializers/direct_upload_support.rb:4: warning: previous definition of SUPPORTED_DIRECT_UPLOAD_PROVIDERS was here
/builds/gitlab-org/gitlab/config/initializers/direct_upload_support.rb:8: warning: already initialized constant DirectUploadsValidator::ValidationError
/builds/gitlab-org/gitlab/config/initializers/direct_upload_support.rb:8: warning: previous definition of ValidationError was here
/builds/gitlab-org/gitlab/config/initializers/direct_upload_support.rb:42: warning: already initialized constant CONFIGS
/builds/gitlab-org/gitlab/config/initializers/direct_upload_support.rb:42: warning: previous definition of CONFIGS was here
when connection is empty
/builds/gitlab-org/gitlab/config/initializers/direct_upload_support.rb:4: warning: already initialized constant DirectUploadsValidator::SUPPORTED_DIRECT_UPLOAD_PROVIDERS
/builds/gitlab-org/gitlab/config/initializers/direct_upload_support.rb:4: warning: previous definition of SUPPORTED_DIRECT_UPLOAD_PROVIDERS was here
/builds/gitlab-org/gitlab/config/initializers/direct_upload_support.rb:8: warning: already initialized constant DirectUploadsValidator::ValidationError
/builds/gitlab-org/gitlab/config/initializers/direct_upload_support.rb:8: warning: previous definition of ValidationError was here
/builds/gitlab-org/gitlab/config/initializers/direct_upload_support.rb:42: warning: already initialized constant CONFIGS
/builds/gitlab-org/gitlab/config/initializers/direct_upload_support.rb:42: warning: previous definition of CONFIGS was here
raises an error
when other provider is used
/builds/gitlab-org/gitlab/config/initializers/direct_upload_support.rb:4: warning: already initialized constant DirectUploadsValidator::SUPPORTED_DIRECT_UPLOAD_PROVIDERS
/builds/gitlab-org/gitlab/config/initializers/direct_upload_support.rb:4: warning: previous definition of SUPPORTED_DIRECT_UPLOAD_PROVIDERS was here
/builds/gitlab-org/gitlab/config/initializers/direct_upload_support.rb:8: warning: already initialized constant DirectUploadsValidator::ValidationError
/builds/gitlab-org/gitlab/config/initializers/direct_upload_support.rb:8: warning: previous definition of ValidationError was here
/builds/gitlab-org/gitlab/config/initializers/direct_upload_support.rb:42: warning: already initialized constant CONFIGS
/builds/gitlab-org/gitlab/config/initializers/direct_upload_support.rb:42: warning: previous definition of CONFIGS was here
raises an error
when connection is omitted
/builds/gitlab-org/gitlab/config/initializers/direct_upload_support.rb:4: warning: already initialized constant DirectUploadsValidator::SUPPORTED_DIRECT_UPLOAD_PROVIDERS
/builds/gitlab-org/gitlab/config/initializers/direct_upload_support.rb:4: warning: previous definition of SUPPORTED_DIRECT_UPLOAD_PROVIDERS was here
/builds/gitlab-org/gitlab/config/initializers/direct_upload_support.rb:8: warning: already initialized constant DirectUploadsValidator::ValidationError
/builds/gitlab-org/gitlab/config/initializers/direct_upload_support.rb:8: warning: previous definition of ValidationError was here
/builds/gitlab-org/gitlab/config/initializers/direct_upload_support.rb:42: warning: already initialized constant CONFIGS
/builds/gitlab-org/gitlab/config/initializers/direct_upload_support.rb:42: warning: previous definition of CONFIGS was here
raises an error
when direct upload is disabled
/builds/gitlab-org/gitlab/config/initializers/direct_upload_support.rb:4: warning: already initialized constant DirectUploadsValidator::SUPPORTED_DIRECT_UPLOAD_PROVIDERS
/builds/gitlab-org/gitlab/config/initializers/direct_upload_support.rb:4: warning: previous definition of SUPPORTED_DIRECT_UPLOAD_PROVIDERS was here
/builds/gitlab-org/gitlab/config/initializers/direct_upload_support.rb:8: warning: already initialized constant DirectUploadsValidator::ValidationError
/builds/gitlab-org/gitlab/config/initializers/direct_upload_support.rb:8: warning: previous definition of ValidationError was here
/builds/gitlab-org/gitlab/config/initializers/direct_upload_support.rb:42: warning: already initialized constant CONFIGS
/builds/gitlab-org/gitlab/config/initializers/direct_upload_support.rb:42: warning: previous definition of CONFIGS was here
when object storage is disabled
/builds/gitlab-org/gitlab/config/initializers/direct_upload_support.rb:4: warning: already initialized constant DirectUploadsValidator::SUPPORTED_DIRECT_UPLOAD_PROVIDERS
/builds/gitlab-org/gitlab/config/initializers/direct_upload_support.rb:4: warning: previous definition of SUPPORTED_DIRECT_UPLOAD_PROVIDERS was here
/builds/gitlab-org/gitlab/config/initializers/direct_upload_support.rb:8: warning: already initialized constant DirectUploadsValidator::ValidationError
/builds/gitlab-org/gitlab/config/initializers/direct_upload_support.rb:8: warning: previous definition of ValidationError was here
/builds/gitlab-org/gitlab/config/initializers/direct_upload_support.rb:42: warning: already initialized constant CONFIGS
/builds/gitlab-org/gitlab/config/initializers/direct_upload_support.rb:42: warning: previous definition of CONFIGS was here
config_name: "lfs"
when object storage is enabled
when direct upload is enabled
when provider is AWS
/builds/gitlab-org/gitlab/config/initializers/direct_upload_support.rb:4: warning: already initialized constant DirectUploadsValidator::SUPPORTED_DIRECT_UPLOAD_PROVIDERS
/builds/gitlab-org/gitlab/config/initializers/direct_upload_support.rb:4: warning: previous definition of SUPPORTED_DIRECT_UPLOAD_PROVIDERS was here
/builds/gitlab-org/gitlab/config/initializers/direct_upload_support.rb:8: warning: already initialized constant DirectUploadsValidator::ValidationError
/builds/gitlab-org/gitlab/config/initializers/direct_upload_support.rb:8: warning: previous definition of ValidationError was here
/builds/gitlab-org/gitlab/config/initializers/direct_upload_support.rb:42: warning: already initialized constant CONFIGS
/builds/gitlab-org/gitlab/config/initializers/direct_upload_support.rb:42: warning: previous definition of CONFIGS was here
when provider is Google
/builds/gitlab-org/gitlab/config/initializers/direct_upload_support.rb:4: warning: already initialized constant DirectUploadsValidator::SUPPORTED_DIRECT_UPLOAD_PROVIDERS
/builds/gitlab-org/gitlab/config/initializers/direct_upload_support.rb:4: warning: previous definition of SUPPORTED_DIRECT_UPLOAD_PROVIDERS was here
/builds/gitlab-org/gitlab/config/initializers/direct_upload_support.rb:8: warning: already initialized constant DirectUploadsValidator::ValidationError
/builds/gitlab-org/gitlab/config/initializers/direct_upload_support.rb:8: warning: previous definition of ValidationError was here
/builds/gitlab-org/gitlab/config/initializers/direct_upload_support.rb:42: warning: already initialized constant CONFIGS
/builds/gitlab-org/gitlab/config/initializers/direct_upload_support.rb:42: warning: previous definition of CONFIGS was here
when provider is AzureRM
/builds/gitlab-org/gitlab/config/initializers/direct_upload_support.rb:4: warning: already initialized constant DirectUploadsValidator::SUPPORTED_DIRECT_UPLOAD_PROVIDERS
/builds/gitlab-org/gitlab/config/initializers/direct_upload_support.rb:4: warning: previous definition of SUPPORTED_DIRECT_UPLOAD_PROVIDERS was here
/builds/gitlab-org/gitlab/config/initializers/direct_upload_support.rb:8: warning: already initialized constant DirectUploadsValidator::ValidationError
/builds/gitlab-org/gitlab/config/initializers/direct_upload_support.rb:8: warning: previous definition of ValidationError was here
/builds/gitlab-org/gitlab/config/initializers/direct_upload_support.rb:42: warning: already initialized constant CONFIGS
/builds/gitlab-org/gitlab/config/initializers/direct_upload_support.rb:42: warning: previous definition of CONFIGS was here
when connection is empty
/builds/gitlab-org/gitlab/config/initializers/direct_upload_support.rb:4: warning: already initialized constant DirectUploadsValidator::SUPPORTED_DIRECT_UPLOAD_PROVIDERS
/builds/gitlab-org/gitlab/config/initializers/direct_upload_support.rb:4: warning: previous definition of SUPPORTED_DIRECT_UPLOAD_PROVIDERS was here
/builds/gitlab-org/gitlab/config/initializers/direct_upload_support.rb:8: warning: already initialized constant DirectUploadsValidator::ValidationError
/builds/gitlab-org/gitlab/config/initializers/direct_upload_support.rb:8: warning: previous definition of ValidationError was here
/builds/gitlab-org/gitlab/config/initializers/direct_upload_support.rb:42: warning: already initialized constant CONFIGS
/builds/gitlab-org/gitlab/config/initializers/direct_upload_support.rb:42: warning: previous definition of CONFIGS was here
raises an error
when other provider is used
/builds/gitlab-org/gitlab/config/initializers/direct_upload_support.rb:4: warning: already initialized constant DirectUploadsValidator::SUPPORTED_DIRECT_UPLOAD_PROVIDERS
/builds/gitlab-org/gitlab/config/initializers/direct_upload_support.rb:4: warning: previous definition of SUPPORTED_DIRECT_UPLOAD_PROVIDERS was here
/builds/gitlab-org/gitlab/config/initializers/direct_upload_support.rb:8: warning: already initialized constant DirectUploadsValidator::ValidationError
/builds/gitlab-org/gitlab/config/initializers/direct_upload_support.rb:8: warning: previous definition of ValidationError was here
/builds/gitlab-org/gitlab/config/initializers/direct_upload_support.rb:42: warning: already initialized constant CONFIGS
/builds/gitlab-org/gitlab/config/initializers/direct_upload_support.rb:42: warning: previous definition of CONFIGS was here
raises an error
when connection is omitted
/builds/gitlab-org/gitlab/config/initializers/direct_upload_support.rb:4: warning: already initialized constant DirectUploadsValidator::SUPPORTED_DIRECT_UPLOAD_PROVIDERS
/builds/gitlab-org/gitlab/config/initializers/direct_upload_support.rb:4: warning: previous definition of SUPPORTED_DIRECT_UPLOAD_PROVIDERS was here
/builds/gitlab-org/gitlab/config/initializers/direct_upload_support.rb:8: warning: already initialized constant DirectUploadsValidator::ValidationError
/builds/gitlab-org/gitlab/config/initializers/direct_upload_support.rb:8: warning: previous definition of ValidationError was here
/builds/gitlab-org/gitlab/config/initializers/direct_upload_support.rb:42: warning: already initialized constant CONFIGS
/builds/gitlab-org/gitlab/config/initializers/direct_upload_support.rb:42: warning: previous definition of CONFIGS was here
raises an error
when direct upload is disabled
/builds/gitlab-org/gitlab/config/initializers/direct_upload_support.rb:4: warning: already initialized constant DirectUploadsValidator::SUPPORTED_DIRECT_UPLOAD_PROVIDERS
/builds/gitlab-org/gitlab/config/initializers/direct_upload_support.rb:4: warning: previous definition of SUPPORTED_DIRECT_UPLOAD_PROVIDERS was here
/builds/gitlab-org/gitlab/config/initializers/direct_upload_support.rb:8: warning: already initialized constant DirectUploadsValidator::ValidationError
/builds/gitlab-org/gitlab/config/initializers/direct_upload_support.rb:8: warning: previous definition of ValidationError was here
/builds/gitlab-org/gitlab/config/initializers/direct_upload_support.rb:42: warning: already initialized constant CONFIGS
/builds/gitlab-org/gitlab/config/initializers/direct_upload_support.rb:42: warning: previous definition of CONFIGS was here
when object storage is disabled
/builds/gitlab-org/gitlab/config/initializers/direct_upload_support.rb:4: warning: already initialized constant DirectUploadsValidator::SUPPORTED_DIRECT_UPLOAD_PROVIDERS
/builds/gitlab-org/gitlab/config/initializers/direct_upload_support.rb:4: warning: previous definition of SUPPORTED_DIRECT_UPLOAD_PROVIDERS was here
/builds/gitlab-org/gitlab/config/initializers/direct_upload_support.rb:8: warning: already initialized constant DirectUploadsValidator::ValidationError
/builds/gitlab-org/gitlab/config/initializers/direct_upload_support.rb:8: warning: previous definition of ValidationError was here
/builds/gitlab-org/gitlab/config/initializers/direct_upload_support.rb:42: warning: already initialized constant CONFIGS
/builds/gitlab-org/gitlab/config/initializers/direct_upload_support.rb:42: warning: previous definition of CONFIGS was here
config_name: "uploads"
when object storage is enabled
when direct upload is enabled
when provider is AWS
/builds/gitlab-org/gitlab/config/initializers/direct_upload_support.rb:4: warning: already initialized constant DirectUploadsValidator::SUPPORTED_DIRECT_UPLOAD_PROVIDERS
/builds/gitlab-org/gitlab/config/initializers/direct_upload_support.rb:4: warning: previous definition of SUPPORTED_DIRECT_UPLOAD_PROVIDERS was here
/builds/gitlab-org/gitlab/config/initializers/direct_upload_support.rb:8: warning: already initialized constant DirectUploadsValidator::ValidationError
/builds/gitlab-org/gitlab/config/initializers/direct_upload_support.rb:8: warning: previous definition of ValidationError was here
/builds/gitlab-org/gitlab/config/initializers/direct_upload_support.rb:42: warning: already initialized constant CONFIGS
/builds/gitlab-org/gitlab/config/initializers/direct_upload_support.rb:42: warning: previous definition of CONFIGS was here
when provider is Google
/builds/gitlab-org/gitlab/config/initializers/direct_upload_support.rb:4: warning: already initialized constant DirectUploadsValidator::SUPPORTED_DIRECT_UPLOAD_PROVIDERS
/builds/gitlab-org/gitlab/config/initializers/direct_upload_support.rb:4: warning: previous definition of SUPPORTED_DIRECT_UPLOAD_PROVIDERS was here
/builds/gitlab-org/gitlab/config/initializers/direct_upload_support.rb:8: warning: already initialized constant DirectUploadsValidator::ValidationError
/builds/gitlab-org/gitlab/config/initializers/direct_upload_support.rb:8: warning: previous definition of ValidationError was here
/builds/gitlab-org/gitlab/config/initializers/direct_upload_support.rb:42: warning: already initialized constant CONFIGS
/builds/gitlab-org/gitlab/config/initializers/direct_upload_support.rb:42: warning: previous definition of CONFIGS was here
when provider is AzureRM
/builds/gitlab-org/gitlab/config/initializers/direct_upload_support.rb:4: warning: already initialized constant DirectUploadsValidator::SUPPORTED_DIRECT_UPLOAD_PROVIDERS
/builds/gitlab-org/gitlab/config/initializers/direct_upload_support.rb:4: warning: previous definition of SUPPORTED_DIRECT_UPLOAD_PROVIDERS was here
/builds/gitlab-org/gitlab/config/initializers/direct_upload_support.rb:8: warning: already initialized constant DirectUploadsValidator::ValidationError
/builds/gitlab-org/gitlab/config/initializers/direct_upload_support.rb:8: warning: previous definition of ValidationError was here
/builds/gitlab-org/gitlab/config/initializers/direct_upload_support.rb:42: warning: already initialized constant CONFIGS
/builds/gitlab-org/gitlab/config/initializers/direct_upload_support.rb:42: warning: previous definition of CONFIGS was here
when connection is empty
/builds/gitlab-org/gitlab/config/initializers/direct_upload_support.rb:4: warning: already initialized constant DirectUploadsValidator::SUPPORTED_DIRECT_UPLOAD_PROVIDERS
/builds/gitlab-org/gitlab/config/initializers/direct_upload_support.rb:4: warning: previous definition of SUPPORTED_DIRECT_UPLOAD_PROVIDERS was here
/builds/gitlab-org/gitlab/config/initializers/direct_upload_support.rb:8: warning: already initialized constant DirectUploadsValidator::ValidationError
/builds/gitlab-org/gitlab/config/initializers/direct_upload_support.rb:8: warning: previous definition of ValidationError was here
/builds/gitlab-org/gitlab/config/initializers/direct_upload_support.rb:42: warning: already initialized constant CONFIGS
/builds/gitlab-org/gitlab/config/initializers/direct_upload_support.rb:42: warning: previous definition of CONFIGS was here
raises an error
when other provider is used
/builds/gitlab-org/gitlab/config/initializers/direct_upload_support.rb:4: warning: already initialized constant DirectUploadsValidator::SUPPORTED_DIRECT_UPLOAD_PROVIDERS
/builds/gitlab-org/gitlab/config/initializers/direct_upload_support.rb:4: warning: previous definition of SUPPORTED_DIRECT_UPLOAD_PROVIDERS was here
/builds/gitlab-org/gitlab/config/initializers/direct_upload_support.rb:8: warning: already initialized constant DirectUploadsValidator::ValidationError
/builds/gitlab-org/gitlab/config/initializers/direct_upload_support.rb:8: warning: previous definition of ValidationError was here
/builds/gitlab-org/gitlab/config/initializers/direct_upload_support.rb:42: warning: already initialized constant CONFIGS
/builds/gitlab-org/gitlab/config/initializers/direct_upload_support.rb:42: warning: previous definition of CONFIGS was here
raises an error
when connection is omitted
/builds/gitlab-org/gitlab/config/initializers/direct_upload_support.rb:4: warning: already initialized constant DirectUploadsValidator::SUPPORTED_DIRECT_UPLOAD_PROVIDERS
/builds/gitlab-org/gitlab/config/initializers/direct_upload_support.rb:4: warning: previous definition of SUPPORTED_DIRECT_UPLOAD_PROVIDERS was here
/builds/gitlab-org/gitlab/config/initializers/direct_upload_support.rb:8: warning: already initialized constant DirectUploadsValidator::ValidationError
/builds/gitlab-org/gitlab/config/initializers/direct_upload_support.rb:8: warning: previous definition of ValidationError was here
/builds/gitlab-org/gitlab/config/initializers/direct_upload_support.rb:42: warning: already initialized constant CONFIGS
/builds/gitlab-org/gitlab/config/initializers/direct_upload_support.rb:42: warning: previous definition of CONFIGS was here
raises an error
when direct upload is disabled
/builds/gitlab-org/gitlab/config/initializers/direct_upload_support.rb:4: warning: already initialized constant DirectUploadsValidator::SUPPORTED_DIRECT_UPLOAD_PROVIDERS
/builds/gitlab-org/gitlab/config/initializers/direct_upload_support.rb:4: warning: previous definition of SUPPORTED_DIRECT_UPLOAD_PROVIDERS was here
/builds/gitlab-org/gitlab/config/initializers/direct_upload_support.rb:8: warning: already initialized constant DirectUploadsValidator::ValidationError
/builds/gitlab-org/gitlab/config/initializers/direct_upload_support.rb:8: warning: previous definition of ValidationError was here
/builds/gitlab-org/gitlab/config/initializers/direct_upload_support.rb:42: warning: already initialized constant CONFIGS
/builds/gitlab-org/gitlab/config/initializers/direct_upload_support.rb:42: warning: previous definition of CONFIGS was here
when object storage is disabled
/builds/gitlab-org/gitlab/config/initializers/direct_upload_support.rb:4: warning: already initialized constant DirectUploadsValidator::SUPPORTED_DIRECT_UPLOAD_PROVIDERS
/builds/gitlab-org/gitlab/config/initializers/direct_upload_support.rb:4: warning: previous definition of SUPPORTED_DIRECT_UPLOAD_PROVIDERS was here
/builds/gitlab-org/gitlab/config/initializers/direct_upload_support.rb:8: warning: already initialized constant DirectUploadsValidator::ValidationError
/builds/gitlab-org/gitlab/config/initializers/direct_upload_support.rb:8: warning: previous definition of ValidationError was here
/builds/gitlab-org/gitlab/config/initializers/direct_upload_support.rb:42: warning: already initialized constant CONFIGS
/builds/gitlab-org/gitlab/config/initializers/direct_upload_support.rb:42: warning: previous definition of CONFIGS was here
returns correct value
when consul setting is not present in gitlab.yml
does not fail
behaves like returns nil given blank value of
is expected to be nil
is expected to be nil
behaves like returns nil given blank value of
is expected to be nil
is expected to be nil
one service discovered
returns the service address and port
multiple services discovered
uses the first service
behaves like handles failure response
raises Gitlab::Consul::Internal::SocketError when SocketError is rescued
raises Gitlab::Consul::Internal::SSLError when OpenSSL::SSL::SSLError is rescued
raises Gitlab::Consul::Internal::ECONNREFUSED when Errno::ECONNREFUSED is rescued
raises Consul::Internal::UnexpectedResponseError when StandardError is rescued
raises Consul::Internal::UnexpectedResponseError when request returns 500
raises Consul::Internal::UnexpectedResponseError when request returns non json data
returns the server address
behaves like returns nil given blank value of
is expected to be nil
is expected to be nil
behaves like handles failure response
raises Gitlab::Consul::Internal::SocketError when SocketError is rescued
raises Gitlab::Consul::Internal::SSLError when OpenSSL::SSL::SSLError is rescued
raises Gitlab::Consul::Internal::ECONNREFUSED when Errno::ECONNREFUSED is rescued
raises Consul::Internal::UnexpectedResponseError when StandardError is rescued
raises Consul::Internal::UnexpectedResponseError when request returns 500
raises Consul::Internal::UnexpectedResponseError when request returns non json data
if no environment is defined
does not execute an action
with environment
without actions
does not execute an action
when single action has been matched
returns success result
when more than one action has been matched
when there is no specific actions with a environment name
returns error about too many actions defined
when one of the actions is environement specific action
deploys to production
when one of the actions is a teardown action
deploys to production
matches the environment
with PersonalSnippet
when blob is binary
returns the HTML associated with the binary
with markdown format
returns rich markdown content
with notebook format
returns rich notebook content
with openapi format
returns rich openapi content
with svg format
returns rich svg content
with other format
does not return no rich content
route helpers
behaves like snippet blob raw path
for PersonalSnippets
returns the raw personal snippet blob path
for ProjectSnippets
returns the raw project snippet blob path
with a snippet without a repository
with ProjectSnippet
returns the raw project snippet path
with PersonalSnippet
returns the raw personal snippet path
with a plain file
shows raw data for non binary files
with a binary file
returns nil
behaves like snippet blob raw url
for PersonalSnippets
returns the raw personal snippet blob url
for ProjectSnippets
returns the raw project snippet blob url
with a snippet without a repository
with ProjectSnippet
returns the raw project snippet url
with PersonalSnippet
returns the raw personal snippet url
traps the given signals
traps the termination signals
traps the signals to forward
sends a signal to the given process
returns false when the process does not exist
sends a signal to every given process
starts Sidekiq with the given queues, environment and options
starts Sidekiq with the given queues and sensible default options
starts a Sidekiq process
handles duplicate queue names
runs the sidekiq process in a new process group
tallies the queue counts
queue_count: 2, min: 0, max: 0, expected: 3
is expected to eq 3
queue_count: 2, min: 0, max: 9, expected: 3
is expected to eq 3
queue_count: 2, min: 1, max: 4, expected: 3
is expected to eq 3
queue_count: 2, min: 4, max: 5, expected: 4
is expected to eq 4
queue_count: 5, min: 2, max: 3, expected: 3
is expected to eq 3
queue_count: 2, min: 1, max: 1, expected: 1
is expected to eq 1
queue_count: 0, min: 3, max: 3, expected: 3
is expected to eq 3
queue_count: 1, min: 4, max: 3, expected: 3
is expected to eq 3
waits for a process in a separate thread
returns true if all processes are alive
returns false when a thread was not alive
returns true if at least one process is alive
returns false when all threads are dead
writes the PID of the current process to the given file
when no lfs pointer is linked
retrieves all lfs pointers in the project repository
when no LFS objects exist
retrieves all LFS objects
when some LFS objects already exist
retrieves the download links of non-existent objects
when lfsconfig file exists
when url points to the same import url host
downloads lfs object using the new endpoint
when import url has credentials
adds the credentials to the new endpoint
when url has its own credentials
does not add the import url credentials
when url points to a third party service
disables lfs from the project
does not download anything
adds suffix .git if the url does not have it
when timeout happens
returns 0 and does not continue destroying
when there are no artifacts
does not raise error
when the loop limit is reached
destroys one artifact
reports the number of destroyed artifacts
when there are artifacts more than batch sizes
destroys all expired artifacts
reports the number of destroyed artifacts
when artifacts are not expired
does not destroy pipeline artifacts
reports the number of destroyed artifacts
when pipeline is locked
does not destroy pipeline artifacts
reports the number of destroyed artifacts
returns a falsy value without artifacts
behaves like housekeeps repository
with a clean redis state
enqueues a sidekiq job
yields the block if given
resets counter after execution
runs the task specifically requested
when no lease can be obtained
does not enqueue a job
does not reset pushes_since_gc
does not yield
task type
goes through all three housekeeping tasks, executing only the highest task when there is overlap
when the count is low enough
when the count is high enough
increments the pushes_since_gc counter
behaves like housekeeps repository
with a clean redis state
enqueues a sidekiq job
yields the block if given
resets counter after execution
runs the task specifically requested
when no lease can be obtained
does not enqueue a job
does not reset pushes_since_gc
does not yield
task type
goes through all three housekeeping tasks, executing only the highest task when there is overlap
when the count is low enough
when the count is high enough
increments the pushes_since_gc counter
when owner is an user
when user is maintainer of the project
is expected to be allowed :manage_trigger
is expected to be allowed :admin_trigger
when owner is another user
when user is maintainer of the project
is expected to be allowed :manage_trigger
is expected not to be allowed :admin_trigger
when user is developer of the project
is expected not to be allowed :manage_trigger
is expected not to be allowed :admin_trigger
when user is not member of the project
is expected not to be allowed :manage_trigger
is expected not to be allowed :admin_trigger
returns success with passthrough k8s response
returns the logs
handles Not Found errors from k8s
handles HTTP errors from k8s
converts logs to utf-8
returns error if output of encoding helper is blank
returns error if output of encoding helper is nil
returns error if output of encoding helper is not UTF-8
when logs are nil
returns nil
when logs are blank
returns blank string
when logs are already in utf-8
does not fail
returns the logs
returns success if pod_name was specified
returns success if pod_name was not specified but there are pods
returns error if pod_name was not specified and there are no pods
returns error if pod_name was specified but does not exist
returns error if pod_name is too long
returns error if pod_name is in invalid format
returns success if container_name was specified
returns success if container_name was not specified and there are containers
returns error if container_name was not specified and there are no containers on the pod
returns error if container_name was specified but does not exist
returns error if container_name is too long
returns error if container_name is in invalid format
with PersonalSnippet
behaves like updates statistics
returns a successful response
expires statistics cache
schedules a namespace storage statistics update
when snippet statistics does not exist
creates snippet statistics
when snippet statistics exists
updates snippet statistics
when snippet does not have a repository
returns an error response
with ProjectSnippet
updates projects statistics "snippets_size"
behaves like updates statistics
returns a successful response
expires statistics cache
schedules a namespace storage statistics update
when snippet statistics does not exist
creates snippet statistics
when snippet statistics exists
updates snippet statistics
when snippet does not have a repository
returns an error response
does not set the user if the response did not include a user
formats a suggestion in the note body
behaves like a DiffNote
returns an instance of DiffNote
the returned DiffNote
includes the number of the note
includes the file path of the diff
includes the commit ID
includes the user details
includes the note body
includes the created timestamp
includes the updated timestamp
includes the GitHub ID
returns the noteable type
does not convert the author if it was not specified
formats a suggestion in the note body
behaves like a DiffNote
returns an instance of DiffNote
the returned DiffNote
includes the number of the note
includes the file path of the diff
includes the commit ID
includes the user details
includes the note body
includes the created timestamp
includes the updated timestamp
includes the GitHub ID
returns the noteable type
returns a String
returns a Hash containing the diff details
returns a hash with needed identifiers
returns the given note
returns the suggestion formatted in the note
returns the multi-line suggestion formatted in the note
does nothing when :autolink is false
does nothing with non-link text
Various schemes
autolinks http
autolinks https
autolinks ftp
autolinks short URLs
autolinks multiple URLs
accepts link_attr options
autolinks smb
autolinks multiple occurrences of smb
autolinks irc
autolinks rdar
does not autolink javascript
does not autolink bad URLs
does not autolink bad URLs after we remove trailing punctuation
does not include trailing punctuation
includes trailing punctuation when part of a balanced pair
removes trailing quotes
removes one closing punctuation mark when the punctuation in the link is unbalanced
does not double-encode HTML entities
does not include trailing HTML entities
escapes RTLO and other characters
encodes international domains
ignores valid links contained inside 'a' element
ignores valid links contained inside 'code' element
ignores valid links contained inside 'kbd' element
ignores valid links contained inside 'pre' element
ignores valid links contained inside 'script' element
ignores valid links contained inside 'style' element
when the link is inside a tag
renders text after the link correctly for http
renders text after the link correctly for rdar
when pipeline has manual processables
starts manual processables from pipeline
updates manual processables
when pipeline has no manual processables
does not update the processables
when user does not have permission on a specific processable
logs the error
user does not have push right to repository
behaves like misconfigured dashboard service response with stepable
returns an appropriate message and status code
with rights to push to the repository
path traversal attack attempt
with a yml extension
behaves like misconfigured dashboard service response with stepable
returns an appropriate message and status code
without a yml extension
behaves like misconfigured dashboard service response with stepable
returns an appropriate message and status code
valid parameters
behaves like valid dashboard update process
delegates commit creation to Files::UpdateService
selected branch already exists
behaves like misconfigured dashboard service response with stepable
returns an appropriate message and status code
Files::UpdateService success
returns success
when the merge request does not succeed
returns an appropriate message and status code
with escaped characters in file name
escapes the special characters
when pushing to the default branch
does not create a merge request
Files::UpdateService fails
returns error
returns last pipeline
executes only 1 SQL query
without ref argument
behaves like fetching latest pipeline
returns the latest pipeline for the project
returns the memoized pipeline for the key of
when a particular ref is specified
behaves like fetching latest pipeline
returns the latest pipeline for the project
returns the memoized pipeline for the key of master
returns the latest pipeline of the commit for the given ref and project
sets the latest pipeline for a given reference
returns the status of the latest pipeline for the given ref
returns nil when latest pipeline is not present for the given ref
returns the status of the latest pipeline when no ref is given
strips the md suffix
combines the globals and rest
returns nil if the file does not exist
returns the issue object of a valid file
return array of templates
when repo is bare or empty
returns empty array
loads the full file
raises error when file is not found
when repo is empty
raises file not found
is expected to includes the Gitlab::GithubImport::ParallelScheduling module
is expected to includes the Gitlab::GithubImport::SingleEndpointNotesImporting module
is expected to eq Gitlab::GithubImport::Representation::Note
is expected to eq Gitlab::GithubImport::Importer::NoteImporter
is expected to eq :issue_comments
is expected to eq :note
is expected to eq 1
fetches data
skips cached pages
skips cached merge requests
behaves like helm command generator
returns appropriate command
when rbac is true
behaves like helm command generator
returns appropriate command
when there is a pre-install script
behaves like helm command generator
returns appropriate command
when there is a post-install script
behaves like helm command generator
returns appropriate command
when there is no version
behaves like helm command generator
returns appropriate command
behaves like helm command
is expected to match /\d+\.\d+\.\d+/
is expected to be a kind of Hash
rbac is enabled
is expected to be truthy
rbac is not enabled
is expected to be falsey
rbac is enabled
is expected to be an instance of Kubeclient::Resource
generates a pod that uses the tiller serviceAccountName
rbac is not enabled
is expected to be an instance of Kubeclient::Resource
generates a pod that uses the default serviceAccountName
returns a KubeClient resource with config map content for the application
rbac is enabled
generates a Kubeclient resource for the tiller ServiceAccount
rbac is not enabled
generates nothing
rbac is enabled
generates a Kubeclient resource for the ClusterRoleBinding for tiller
binds the account in #service_account_resource
rbac is not enabled
generates nothing
performs network request
error handling
when error occurred
raises BulkImports::Error
when response is not success
raises BulkImports::Error
with a block
yields every retrieved page to the supplied block
without a block
returns an Enumerator
performs network request
error handling
when error occurred
raises BulkImports::Error
when response is not success
raises BulkImports::Error
performs network request
error handling
when error occurred
raises BulkImports::Error
when response is not success
raises BulkImports::Error
performs network request with stream_body option
returns version as an instance of Gitlab::VersionInfo
when instance version is lower the the expected minimum
returns false
when instance version is at least the expected minimum
returns true
when source instance is incompatible
raises an error
when url is relative
performs network request to a relative gitlab url
is expected to match /^2\.\d+\.\d+$/
is expected to include {:TILLER_NAMESPACE => "gitlab-managed-apps"}
behaves like helm command generator
returns appropriate command
is expected to eq "install-test-class-name"
behaves like helm command
is expected to match /\d+\.\d+\.\d+/
is expected to be a kind of Hash
rbac is enabled
is expected to be truthy
rbac is not enabled
is expected to be falsey
rbac is enabled
is expected to be an instance of Kubeclient::Resource
generates a pod that uses the tiller serviceAccountName
rbac is not enabled
is expected to be an instance of Kubeclient::Resource
generates a pod that uses the default serviceAccountName
returns a KubeClient resource with config map content for the application
rbac is enabled
generates a Kubeclient resource for the tiller ServiceAccount
rbac is not enabled
generates nothing
rbac is enabled
generates a Kubeclient resource for the ClusterRoleBinding for tiller
binds the account in #service_account_resource
rbac is not enabled
generates nothing
with file_hooks present
returns true
returns a list of file_hooks
without any file_hooks
returns false
returns an empty list
successful execution
is expected to equal true
is expected to be empty
ensures file_hook received data via stdin
is expected to equal false
is expected to include "Permission denied"
non-zero exit
is expected to equal false
is expected to be empty
behaves like having unique enum values
has unique values in "status"
is expected to belong to batched_migration required:
returns active jobs
returns stuck jobs
returns retriable jobs
delegated batched_migration attributes
returns the migration job_class
returns the migration table_name
returns the migration column_name
returns the migration job_arguments
when job has not yet succeeded
returns nil
when finished_at is not set
returns nil
when started_at is not set
returns nil
when job has finished
returns ratio of duration to interval, here: 0.5
returns ratio of duration to interval, here: 1
when job can be split
sets the correct attributes
splits the jobs into retriable jobs
when job is not failed
raises an exception
when batch size is already 1
raises an exception
when computed midpoint is larger than the max value of the batch
lowers the batch size and resets the number of attempts
sends a get_new_lfs_pointers message
with not_in = :all
sends the correct message
with hook environment
sends a list_all_lfs_pointers message
sends a get_all_lfs_pointers message
with a single revision
sends a list_blobs message
with multiple revisions
sends a list_blobs message
with multiple revisions and limits
sends a list_blobs message
with paths
sends a list_blobs message
with split contents
sends a list_blobs message
is expected to be a kind of Project(id: integer, name: string, path: string, description: text, created_at: datetime, updated_at:...oclose_referenced_issues: boolean, suggestion_commit_message: string, project_namespace_id: integer)
is expected to change `Project.count` by 1
is expected to change `Group.count` by 1
creates project with valid full path, import url and import source
returns link to merge request with the text reference
returns link to issue with the text reference
truncates long descriptions
source: #<Project id: namespace1/project1>>, description: /Projects are/
is expected to match /Projects are/
source: #<Group id: @group1>, description: /Groups assemble/
is expected to match /Groups assemble/
source: #<Project id: namespace2/project2>>, description: "_description_"
is expected to match "_description_"
source: #<Group id: @group2>, description: "_description_"
is expected to match "_description_"
when invite_email_preview_text is enabled
has correct params
when invite_email_from is enabled
has correct params
when invite_email_from is enabled
has correct params
when invite_email_preview_text is disabled
has correct params
when all params are given
initializes an instance
when attribute external_id is missing
raises an error
when attribute name is missing
raises an error
returns external_id
returns expected hash
when vendor is not defined
returns expected hash
when external_id is equal
returns true
when external_id is different
returns false
when the `external_id` of the scanners are different
scanner_1_attributes: {:external_id=>"bundler_audit", :name=>"foo", :vendor=>"bar"}, scanner_2_attributes: {:external_id=>"retire.js", :name=>"foo", :vendor=>"bar"}, expected_comparison_result: -1
is expected to eq -1
scanner_1_attributes: {:external_id=>"retire.js", :name=>"foo", :vendor=>"bar"}, scanner_2_attributes: {:external_id=>"gemnasium", :name=>"foo", :vendor=>"bar"}, expected_comparison_result: -1
is expected to eq -1
scanner_1_attributes: {:external_id=>"gemnasium", :name=>"foo", :vendor=>"bar"}, scanner_2_attributes: {:external_id=>"gemnasium-maven", :name=>"foo", :vendor=>"bar"}, expected_comparison_result: -1
is expected to eq -1
scanner_1_attributes: {:external_id=>"gemnasium-maven", :name=>"foo", :vendor=>"bar"}, scanner_2_attributes: {:external_id=>"gemnasium-python", :name=>"foo", :vendor=>"bar"}, expected_comparison_result: -1
is expected to eq -1
scanner_1_attributes: {:external_id=>"gemnasium-python", :name=>"foo", :vendor=>"bar"}, scanner_2_attributes: {:external_id=>"bandit", :name=>"foo", :vendor=>"bar"}, expected_comparison_result: 1
is expected to eq 1
scanner_1_attributes: {:external_id=>"bandit", :name=>"foo", :vendor=>"bar"}, scanner_2_attributes: {:external_id=>"semgrep", :name=>"foo", :vendor=>"bar"}, expected_comparison_result: -1
is expected to eq -1
scanner_1_attributes: {:external_id=>"semgrep", :name=>"foo", :vendor=>"bar"}, scanner_2_attributes: {:external_id=>"unknown", :name=>"foo", :vendor=>"bar"}, expected_comparison_result: -1
is expected to eq -1
scanner_1_attributes: {:external_id=>"gemnasium", :name=>"foo", :vendor=>"bar"}, scanner_2_attributes: {:external_id=>"gemnasium", :name=>"foo", :vendor=>nil}, expected_comparison_result: 1
is expected to eq 1
when the `external_id` of the scanners are equal
when the `name` of the scanners are different
scanner_1_attributes: {:external_id=>"gemnasium", :name=>"a", :vendor=>"bar"}, scanner_2_attributes: {:external_id=>"gemnasium", :name=>"b", :vendor=>"bar"}, expected_comparison_result: -1
is expected to eq -1
scanner_1_attributes: {:external_id=>"gemnasium", :name=>"d", :vendor=>"bar"}, scanner_2_attributes: {:external_id=>"gemnasium", :name=>"c", :vendor=>"bar"}, expected_comparison_result: 1
is expected to eq 1
when the `name` of the scanners are equal
scanner_1_attributes: {:external_id=>"gemnasium", :name=>"foo", :vendor=>"a"}, scanner_2_attributes: {:external_id=>"gemnasium", :name=>"foo", :vendor=>"a"}, expected_comparison_result: 0
is expected to eq 0
scanner_1_attributes: {:external_id=>"gemnasium", :name=>"foo", :vendor=>"a"}, scanner_2_attributes: {:external_id=>"gemnasium", :name=>"foo", :vendor=>"b"}, expected_comparison_result: -1
is expected to eq -1
scanner_1_attributes: {:external_id=>"gemnasium", :name=>"foo", :vendor=>"b"}, scanner_2_attributes: {:external_id=>"gemnasium", :name=>"foo", :vendor=>"a"}, expected_comparison_result: 1
is expected to eq 1
when specifying group
returns only the group by default
when specifying group_id
returns only the group by default
when including items from group ancestors
returns group and its ancestors
ignores groups which user can not read
returns them all when skip_authorization is true
when including items from group descendants
returns items from group and its descendants
ignores items from groups which user can not read
returns them all when skip_authorization is true
is expected to belong to project required:
validate issue_template_exists
with create_issue enabled
with valid issue_template_key
is expected to be valid
with empty issue_template_key
is expected to be valid
with nil issue_template_key
is expected to be valid
with invalid issue_template_key
is expected to be invalid
returns error
with create_issue disabled
with unknown issue_template_key
is expected to be valid
with valid issue_template_key
returns issue content
with unknown issue_template_key
behaves like no content
returns no content
without issue_template_key
behaves like no content
returns no content
when token already set
reads the token
when not set
when PagerDuty webhook is active
generates a token before validation
when PagerDuty webhook is not active
does not generate a token before validation
is expected to require graphql authorizations :read_merge_request
has the expected fields
when the user cannot merge
is expected to equal false
when the user can merge
is expected to equal true
when the user cannot update the MR
is expected to equal false
when the user can update the MR
is expected to equal true
when the user has not been asked to review the MR
is expected to be nil
implies not reviewed
when the user has been asked to review the MR
is expected to eq "unreviewed"
implies not reviewed
when the user has provided a review
is expected to eq "reviewed"
implies reviewed
when the user has not approved the MR
is expected to equal false
when the user has approved the MR
is expected to equal true
creating packages
with a pre-existing package
updates the sha and creates the cache page
behaves like Composer create cache page
creates the cached page
behaves like Composer marks cache page for deletion
marks the page for deletion
first package
updates the sha and creates the cache page
behaves like Composer create cache page
creates the cached page
updating packages
behaves like Composer create cache page
creates the cached page
behaves like Composer marks cache page for deletion
marks the page for deletion
deleting packages
when it is not the last package
behaves like Composer create cache page
creates the cached page
behaves like Composer marks cache page for deletion
marks the page for deletion
when it is the last package
does not create a new page
behaves like Composer marks cache page for deletion
marks the page for deletion
is expected to have many subscriptions class_name => JiraConnectSubscription
is expected to validate that :client_key cannot be empty/falsy
is expected to validate that :client_key is case-sensitively unique
is expected to validate that :shared_secret cannot be empty/falsy
is expected to validate that :base_url cannot be empty/falsy
is expected to allow :base_url to be ‹""›
is expected not to allow :base_url to be ‹"not/a/url"›
is expected to allow :instance_url to be ‹""›
is expected not to allow :instance_url to be ‹"not/a/url"›
returns installations with subscriptions for project
returns distinct installations
includes a link to clone the repository
the sidebar failed to load
reports this to the user
The sidebar comes from a custom page
does not show an alert
renders the wiki content
The sidebar comes a list of wiki pages
does not show an alert
renders the wiki content
there is no more to see
does not invite the user to view more
link to edit the sidebar
when the user has edit permission
renders the link
when the user does not have edit permission
does not render the link
filters issues where first_associated_with_milestone_at or first_added_to_board_at is filled
behaves like value stream analytics event
is expected to be a kind of String
is expected to be a kind of Symbol
is expected to include ApplicationRecord(abstract)
is expected to respond to #timestamp_projection
is expected to respond to #markdown_description
is expected to be a kind of Array
expects an ActiveRecord::Relation object as argument and returns a modified version of it
returns a hash that uniquely identifies an event
does not differ when the same object is built with the same params
behaves like LEFT JOIN-able value stream analytics event
can use the event as LEFT JOIN
when looking at the record with data
contains the timestamp expression
when looking at the record without data
returns nil for the timestamp expression
when board parent is a project
behaves like lists destroy service
does not remove list from board when list type is closed
when list type is label
removes list from board
decrements position of higher lists
when board parent is a group
behaves like lists destroy service
does not remove list from board when list type is closed
when list type is label
removes list from board
decrements position of higher lists
when user
is expected to be disallowed :read_cluster
is expected to be disallowed :add_cluster
is expected to be disallowed :create_cluster
is expected to be disallowed :update_cluster
is expected to be disallowed :admin_cluster
when admin
when admin mode is enabled
is expected to be allowed :read_cluster
is expected to be allowed :add_cluster
is expected to be allowed :create_cluster
is expected to be allowed :update_cluster
is expected to be allowed :admin_cluster
when admin mode is disabled
is expected to be disallowed :read_cluster
is expected to be disallowed :add_cluster
is expected to be disallowed :create_cluster
is expected to be disallowed :update_cluster
is expected to be disallowed :admin_cluster
signs the email appropriately with SMIME
within a projet
behaves like Debian Create Distribution Service
with only the codename param
behaves like Create Debian Distribution
returns ServiceResponse
with codename, components and architectures
behaves like Create Debian Distribution
returns ServiceResponse
with invalid suite
behaves like Create Debian Distribution
returns ServiceResponse
with invalid component name
behaves like Create Debian Distribution
returns ServiceResponse
with invalid architecture name
behaves like Create Debian Distribution
returns ServiceResponse
within a group
behaves like Debian Create Distribution Service
with only the codename param
behaves like Create Debian Distribution
returns ServiceResponse
with codename, components and architectures
behaves like Create Debian Distribution
returns ServiceResponse
with invalid suite
behaves like Create Debian Distribution
returns ServiceResponse
with invalid component name
behaves like Create Debian Distribution
returns ServiceResponse
with invalid architecture name
behaves like Create Debian Distribution
returns ServiceResponse
adds a formatted `deprecated_reason` to the subject
appends to the description if given
does not append to the description if it is absent
adds information about the replacement if provided
supports named reasons: renamed
supports named reasons: discouraged
contructs the correct values
when the use_name is `true`
changes the graphql_name
when the use_name is `false`
does not change the graphql_name
when the use_description is `true`
changes the description
when the use_description is `false`
does not change the description
sets the values defined by the declarative enum
adds all enum values to #enum
is a HashWithIndefferentAccess
raises an informative error if `deprecation_reason` is used
raises an error if a required property is missing
raises an error if milestone is not a String
sort only
sorts by name
sorts by recently_updated
sorts by last_updated
filter only
filters tags by name
does not find any tags with that name
filters tags by name that begins with
filters tags by name that ends with
filters tags by nonexistent name that begins with
filters tags by nonexistent name that ends with
filter and sort
when sort by updated_desc
filters tags by name
when sort by updated_asc
filters tags by name
when Gitaly is unavailable
returns empty list of tags
is expected to eq "wss"
is expected to eq ""
is expected to eq "/api/v1/namespaces/default/pods/pod1/exec"
is expected to eq "container=container1&stderr=true&stdin=true&stdout=true&tty=true&command=sh&command=-c&command=bash+%7C%7C+sh"
is expected to eq "ws"
with a path prefix in the API URL
is expected to eq "/prefix/api/v1/namespaces/default/pods/pod1/exec"
with arguments that need urlencoding
is expected to eq "/api/v1/namespaces/default%20namespace/pods/pod%201/exec"
is expected to match /\Acontainer=container\+1&/
returns matching labels
returns matching labels
returns matching env label
returns matching labels
is expected to eq {"apiVersion"=>"v1", "clusters"=>[{"cluster"=>{"certificate-authority-data"=>"UEVN", "server"=>"https..."gitlab-deploy", "kind"=>"Config", "users"=>[{"name"=>"gitlab-deploy", "user"=>{"token"=>"TOKEN"}}]}
when CA PEM is not provided
is expected to eq {"apiVersion"=>"v1", "clusters"=>[{"cluster"=>{"server"=>""}, "name"=>"gitlab-..."gitlab-deploy", "kind"=>"Config", "users"=>[{"name"=>"gitlab-deploy", "user"=>{"token"=>"TOKEN"}}]}
when token is not provided
is expected to be nil
adds authentication parameters to a hash
when the link has a data-issue attribute
behaves like referenced feature visibility
when feature is disabled
does not create reference
when feature is enabled only for team members
does not create reference for non member
creates reference for member
when feature is enabled
creates reference
when the link has a data-feature-flag attribute
using an existing feature flag ID
returns an Array of feature flags
using a non-existing feature flag ID
returns an empty Array
repository migration
delegates migration to Projects::HashedStorage::MigrateRepositoryService
does not delegate migration if repository is already migrated
migrates legacy repositories to hashed storage
attachments migration
delegates migration to Projects::HashedStorage::MigrateRepositoryService
does not delegate migration if attachments are already migrated
migrates legacy attachments to hashed storage
is expected to expose permissions using Types::PermissionTypes::Group
is expected to eq "Group"
is expected to require graphql authorizations :read_group
has the expected fields
boards field
returns boards
members field
is expected to have graphql type #<Class:0x00007ff3681f5348>
is expected to have graphql resolver Resolvers::GroupMembersResolver
timelogs field
finds timelogs between start time and end time
behaves like a GraphQL type with labels
has label fields
label field
is expected to have graphql type Types::LabelType
is expected to have graphql arguments :title
labels field
is expected to have graphql type #<Class:0x00007ff364cb2320>
is expected to have graphql arguments :search_term, :includeAncestorGroups, :includeDescendantGroups, and :onlyGroupLabels
when entry config value is correct
is expected to be valid
when entry config generates too many jobs
is expected not to be valid
returns error about too many jobs
when entry config has only one variable with multiple values
is expected to be valid
returns no errors
returns the value without raising an error
when entry config has only one variable with one value
is expected to be valid
returns no errors
returns the value without raising an error
when config value has wrong type
is expected not to be valid
returns error about incorrect type
when valid job entries composed
returns key value
creates valid descendant nodes
with empty config
returns empty value
with empty config
is expected to be zero
with only one variable
is expected to eq 10
with two variables
is expected to eq 50
with two sets of variables
is expected to eq 56
when group is a root group
is expected to eq "Group information"
when group is a child group
is expected to eq "Subgroup information"
Menu Items
is expected not to be nil
behaves like menu access rights
is expected not to be nil
when the user does not have access
is expected to be nil
behaves like menu access rights
is expected not to be nil
when the user does not have access
is expected to be nil
behaves like menu access rights
is expected not to be nil
when the user does not have access
is expected to be nil
metric calculations
returns the number of unique events in the union of all metrics
when there is no aggregated data saved
raises error when union data is missing
when there is only one metric defined as aggregated
returns the number of unique events for that metric
returns the number of common events in the intersection of all metrics
when there is no aggregated data saved
raises error when union data is missing
when there is only one metric defined in aggregate
returns the number of common/unique events for the intersection of that metric
with compatible data argument
persists serialized data in Redis
with monthly key
persists serialized data in Redis
with all_time key
persists serialized data in Redis
error handling
rescues and reraise ::Redis::CommandError for development and test environments
for environment different than development
rescues ::Redis::CommandError
with incompatible data argument
raises error for development environment
for environment different than development
does not persist data in Redis
is labeled as idempotent
performs multiple times sequentially without raising an exception
unlocks the artifacts from older pipelines
when pipeline exists
when pipeline has artifacts
calls the service
when pipeline does not have artifacts
does not call service
when pipeline does not exist
does not call service
with different committer
DEPRECATION WARNING: Rendering actions with '.' in the name is deprecated: projects/commits/_commit.html.haml (called from block (3 levels) in <top (required)> at /builds/gitlab-org/gitlab/spec/views/projects/commits/_commit.html.haml_spec.rb:22)
DEPRECATION WARNING: Rendering actions with '.' in the name is deprecated: projects/commits/_commit.html.haml (called from block (3 levels) in <top (required)> at /builds/gitlab-org/gitlab/spec/views/projects/commits/_commit.html.haml_spec.rb:22)
renders committed by user
with a signed commit
does not display a loading spinner for GPG status
with ci status
when pipelines are disabled
does not display a ci status icon
when pipelines are enabled
does display a ci status icon when pipelines are enabled
valid request
is expected to be truthy
invalid request
non-existing project
is expected to be falsey
existence_check is false
is expected to be truthy
project id ending with .git
is expected to be falsey
when the request matches a redirect route
and is a GET request
is expected to be truthy
and is NOT a GET request
is expected to be falsey
when user can :create_wiki
is expected not to raise Exception
when in a read-only GitLab instance
behaves like forbidden git access
prevents access
the user cannot :create_wiki
behaves like not-found git access
prevents access
the user can :download_wiki_code
when wiki feature is disabled
behaves like forbidden git access
prevents access
when the repository does not exist
behaves like not-found git access
prevents access
the user cannot :download_wiki_code
behaves like not-found git access
prevents access
no access
is expected to be disallowed :read_terraform_state
is expected to be disallowed :admin_terraform_state
is expected to be allowed :read_terraform_state
is expected to be disallowed :admin_terraform_state
is expected to be allowed :read_terraform_state
is expected to be allowed :admin_terraform_state
sets metrics for current number of hosts and current index
returns the number of hosts in the list
with ports
returns the host names of all hosts
without ports
returns the host names of all hosts
returns a copy of the host
updates the list of hosts to use
returns a host
cycles through all available hosts
skips hosts that are offline
returns nil if no hosts are online
returns nil if no hosts are available
randomizes the list
is expected to have nullable GraphQL type JiraProjectConnection
when project has no Jira service
when user is a maintainer
behaves like no project service access
raises error
when project has Jira service
when user is a developer
behaves like no project service access
raises error
when user is a maintainer
when Jira connection is valid
returns Jira projects
when filtering projects by name
returns Jira projects
when Jira connection is not valid
raises failure error
raises an error if the resource is not accessible to the user
when user does not have permissions
returns error message
when user has sufficient permissions
moves issue
with value
behaves like caching the value
only calls the block once
returns and defines the instance variable for the exact value
with value false
behaves like caching the value
only calls the block once
returns and defines the instance variable for the exact value
with value true
behaves like caching the value
only calls the block once
returns and defines the instance variable for the exact value
with value value
behaves like caching the value
only calls the block once
returns and defines the instance variable for the exact value
with value 0
behaves like caching the value
only calls the block once
returns and defines the instance variable for the exact value
with value [0]
behaves like caching the value
only calls the block once
returns and defines the instance variable for the exact value
returns false if the value is uncached
returns true if the value is cached
removes the instance variable
parses an empty template
parses a variable with a single identifier step
parses a variable with a single integer step
parses a variable with multiple selector steps
parses a variable with an integer selector step
parses the special "it" variable
parses a text node
parses an if expression
parses an if-else expression
parses an each expression
parses an escaped newline
parses a regular newline
parses the default changelog template
raises an error when parsing an integer selector that is too large
parses and transforms a template
raises parsing errors using a custom error class
is expected to belong to user optional: true
is expected to validate that :provider cannot be empty/falsy
is expected to validate that :user_name cannot be empty/falsy
is expected to validate that :result cannot be empty/falsy
is expected to allow :ip_address to be ‹""›
is expected to allow :ip_address to be ‹"2001:0db8:85a3:0000:0000:8a2e:0370:7334"›
is expected not to allow :ip_address to be ‹"invalid IP"›
returns events only for the specified provider
returns all events for an LDAP provider
returns an array of distinct providers
constructs string properly
without optional args
requires filename to be present
constructs string properly
with optional args
constructs command properly with many args
constructs command properly with single arg
constructs string properly
constructs string properly
with root path
with major version 0
returns true
with major version 1
returns true
with major version 2
returns false
with path ./v2
with major version 0
returns false
with major version 1
returns false
with major version 2
returns true
with good gomod
returns true
with bad gomod
returns false
with empty gomod
returns false
Check is passing
is expected to include (have attributes {:name => "redis_rate_limiting_ping_success", :value => 1})
is expected to include (have attributes {:name => "redis_rate_limiting_ping_timeout", :value => 0})
is expected to include (have attributes {:name => "redis_rate_limiting_ping_latency_seconds", :value => (be >= 0)})
Check is misbehaving
is expected to include (have attributes {:name => "redis_rate_limiting_ping_success", :value => 0})
is expected to include (have attributes {:name => "redis_rate_limiting_ping_timeout", :value => 0})
is expected to include (have attributes {:name => "redis_rate_limiting_ping_latency_seconds", :value => (be >= 0)})
Check is timeouting
is expected to include (have attributes {:name => "redis_rate_limiting_ping_success", :value => 0})
is expected to include (have attributes {:name => "redis_rate_limiting_ping_timeout", :value => 1})
is expected to include (have attributes {:name => "redis_rate_limiting_ping_latency_seconds", :value => (be >= 0)})
Check returns ok
is expected to have attributes {:success => true}
Check is misbehaving
is expected to have attributes {:message => "unexpected Rate_limiting check result: error!", :success => false}
Check is timeouting
is expected to have attributes {:message => "Rate_limiting check timed out", :success => false}
Check is raising an unhandled exception
is expected to have attributes {:message => "unexpected Rate_limiting check result: unexpected error", :success => false}
with project
with channel
is expected to eq [#<Packages::Package id: 39, project_id: 988, created_at: "2021-10-13 18:41:38.460678553 +0000", upda...", name: "package-1", version: "v1.0.1", package_type: "helm", creator_id: 1714, status: "default">]
ignores duplicate package files
is expected to eq [#<Packages::Package id: 39, project_id: 988, created_at: "2021-10-13 18:41:38.460678553 +0000", upda...", name: "package-1", version: "v1.0.1", package_type: "helm", creator_id: 1714, status: "default">]
let clients use select id
is expected to eq [39]
with not existing channel
is expected to be empty
with no channel
is expected to be empty
with no helm packages
is expected to be empty
with no project
is expected to be empty
when the limit is hit
is expected to eq [#<Packages::Package id: 44, project_id: 988, created_at: "2021-10-13 18:41:38.961793170 +0000", upda...", name: "package-3", version: "v1.0.3", package_type: "helm", creator_id: 1714, status: "default">]
version: 1.0
inherits from ActiveRecord::Migration[6.1]
includes migration helpers version 2
includes LockRetriesConcern
unknown version
raises an error
includes current ActiveRecord migration class
when not explicitly called
does not disable lock retries by default
when explicitly disabled
does not disable lock retries by default
has the right mask for project.json
has the right mask for uploads
compresses specified file
when exception occurs
raises an exception
decompresses specified file
when exception occurs
raises an exception
archives a folder without compression
when something goes wrong
raises an error
behaves like local and remote storage migration
start_store: 1, end_store: 2, method: :migrate_to_remote_storage
successfully migrates
start_store: 2, end_store: 2, method: :migrate_to_remote_storage
successfully migrates
start_store: 2, end_store: 1, method: :migrate_to_local_storage
successfully migrates
start_store: 1, end_store: 1, method: :migrate_to_local_storage
successfully migrates
when migration fails
prints error
is expected to eq "a_namespace"
when namespace do not exits
returns false
when namespace exits
returns true
when cluster cannot be reached
raises exception
creates a namespace
with labels
creates a namespace with labels
checks for existing namespace before creating
do not re-create an existing namespace
when client errors
raises the exception
logs the error
with valid config
sets correct default values
raises an error when a bucket is missing
[WARNING] Object storage for pages must have a bucket specified
does not raise error if pages bucket is missing
GitLab Pages
allows pages to define its own connection
behaves like consolidated settings for objects accelerated by Workhorse
consolidates active object storage settings
when object storage is disabled for artifacts with no bucket
does not enable consolidated settings for artifacts
behaves like consolidated settings for objects accelerated by Workhorse
consolidates active object storage settings
with legacy config
does not alter config if legacy settings are specified
sets correct default values
respects original values
is expected to belong to experiment required:
is expected to belong to user required:
is expected to belong to namespace required:
is expected to belong to project required:
is expected to validate that :experiment cannot be empty/falsy
fails when no subject is present
passes when user subject is present
passes when namespace subject is present
passes when project subject is present
fails when more than one subject is present
when passing a Group, Namespace, User or Project
is expected to equal true
is expected to equal true
is expected to equal true
is expected to equal true
when passing another object
is expected to equal false
when config is valid
when config has valid values
returns hash created from string
is valid
has no errors
when a config entry has an empty value
returns default value
is valid
has no errors
when config is invalid
when yml is incorrect
raises error
when config value exists but is not a valid value
is not valid
has errors
returns an array of strings
is expected to belong to release required:
is expected to belong to milestone required:
when trying to create the same record in milestone_releases twice
is not committing on the second time
when milestone and release do not have the same project
is not valid
when milestone and release have the same project
is expected to be valid
is expected to respond to #old_disk_path
is expected to respond to #new_disk_path
is expected to respond to #skipped?
returns false
renames target path adding a timestamp at the end
when old_path is not a directory
adds information to the logger and returns true
with admin mode
when no users are present
does not render pagination links
when one user is present
does not render pagination links
when more users are present
when on the first page
renders the next and last links
when at the last page
renders the prev and first links
when at the second page
renders all links
creates a link between an issue and a Sentry issue in Sentry
when issue is unavailable
behaves like makes no external API requests
takes no action
when project does not have error tracking configured
behaves like makes no external API requests
takes no action
when the issue is not linked to a Sentry issue in GitLab
behaves like makes no external API requests
takes no action
when Sentry disabled the GitLab integration
behaves like attempts to create a link via plugin
takes no action
when Sentry the GitLab integration is for another project
behaves like attempts to create a link via plugin
takes no action
when Sentry repos request errors
falls back to creating a link via plugin
when there is not seeds_block
does nothing
when there is seeds_block
executes the block
when the seeds_block tries to save the pipelie
raises error
behaves like value stream analytics event
is expected to be a kind of String
is expected to be a kind of Symbol
is expected to include ApplicationRecord(abstract)
is expected to respond to #timestamp_projection
is expected to respond to #markdown_description
is expected to be a kind of Array
expects an ActiveRecord::Relation object as argument and returns a modified version of it
returns a hash that uniquely identifies an event
does not differ when the same object is built with the same params
behaves like LEFT JOIN-able value stream analytics event
can use the event as LEFT JOIN
when looking at the record with data
contains the timestamp expression
when looking at the record without data
returns nil for the timestamp expression
when the executor user is not allowed to reject users
returns error result
when the executor user is an admin in admin mode
when user is not in pending approval state
returns error result
when the executor user is an admin in admin mode
deletes the user
emails the user on rejection
logs rejection in application logs
audit events
when not licensed
does not log any audit event
outside IP
returns a 404
forwards the call for other paths
with X-Forwarded-For headers
returns 200 response when endpoint is allowed
returns 404 when whitelist is not configured
whitelisted IP
returns 200 response when endpoint is hit
forwards the call for other paths
last commit is a merge commit
resolves to the merge commit
last commit for a different branch and path
resolves commit
last commit for a wildcard pathspec
returns nil
last commit with pathspec characters
resolves commit
last commit does not exist
returns nil
when no import state exists
includes basic fields and no failures
when import has not finished yet
includes basic fields and no failures
when import has finished with failed relations
includes basic fields with failed relations
when import has failed
includes basic fields with import error
applies a class context
doesn't fail for unknown workers
feature category
takes the feature category from the worker
when the worker is not owned
takes the feature category from the surrounding context
when modifying errors
registers an offense
when assigning
registers an offense
when modifying errors.messages
registers an offense
when assigning
registers an offense
when modifying errors.details
registers an offense
when assigning
registers an offense
is expected to be truthy
missing embedded
is expected to be falsey
not embedded
is expected to be falsey
caches the unprocessed dashboard for subsequent calls
behaves like valid embedded dashboard service response
behaves like valid dashboard service response for schema
returns a json representation of the dashboard
behaves like raises error for users with insufficient permissions
when the user does not have sufficient access
behaves like misconfigured dashboard service response
returns an appropriate message and status code
when the user is anonymous
behaves like misconfigured dashboard service response
returns an appropriate message and status code
when called with a non-system dashboard
behaves like valid embedded dashboard service response
behaves like valid dashboard service response for schema
returns a json representation of the dashboard
behaves like include import workers modules
is expected to includes the ApplicationWorker module
is expected to includes the Gitlab::JiraImport::QueueOptions module
is expected to includes the Gitlab::JiraImport::ImportWorker module
when import did not start
behaves like cannot do Jira import
does not advance to next stage
behaves like does not advance to next stage
does not advance to next stage
when import started
behaves like advance to next stage
advances to notes stage
recreates the index using REINDEX with a long statement timeout
when the index serves an exclusion constraint
raises an error
when attempting to reindex an expression index
raises an error
when the index is a dangling temporary index from a previous reindexing run
with the temporary index prefix
raises an error
with the temporary index prefix with a counter
raises an error
with dangling indexes matching TEMPORARY_INDEX_PATTERN, i.e. /some\_index\_ccnew(\d)*/
with normal index names
behaves like dropping the dangling index
drops the dangling indexes while controlling lock_timeout
with index name at 63 character limit
behaves like dropping the dangling index
drops the dangling indexes while controlling lock_timeout
is expected to eq :selected
is expected to eq :selected
when outdated
is expected to be truthy
when up to date
is expected to be falsy
when ahead of latest
is expected to be falsy
when unnamed
returns all pods with generated names and pending
when number of pods is less than wanted replicas
returns not spawned pods as pending and unknown and running
when outdated
returns all instances as named and waiting
with pods of each type
returns all instances
with track label
when marked as stable
returns all instances
when marked as canary
returns all instances
behaves like a redis usage counter
increments the Designs create counter by 1
returns the total number of create events
behaves like a redis usage counter
increments the Designs update counter by 1
returns the total number of update events
behaves like a redis usage counter
increments the Designs delete counter by 1
returns the total number of delete events
behaves like a redis usage counter with totals
can report all totals
unknown events
cannot increment
cannot read
using expect(response).to be_success call
registers an offense and corrects
using expect(response).to be_successful call
does not register an offense
using expect(response).to_not be_success call
registers an offense and corrects
using expect(response).to_not be_successful call
does not register an offense
using expect(response).not_to be_success call
registers an offense and corrects
using expect(response).not_to be_successful call
does not register an offense
using be_success call
registers an offense and corrects
using be_successful call
does not register an offense
using is_expected.to_not be_success call
registers an offense and corrects
using is_expected.to_not be_successful call
does not register an offense
using is_expected.not_to be_success call
registers an offense and corrects
using is_expected.not_to be_successful call
does not register an offense
behaves like include import workers modules
is expected to includes the ApplicationWorker module
is expected to includes the Gitlab::JiraImport::QueueOptions module
is expected to includes the ProjectStartImport module
is expected to includes the ProjectImportOptions module
when import is not scheduled
exits because import not started
when import is scheduled
advances to importing labels
when import is started
when this is the same worker that stated import
advances to importing labels
when this is a different worker that stated import
advances to importing labels
when import is finished
advances to importing labels
Jira Service
field with type text
exposes correct attributes
field with type password
exposes correct attributes but hides password
EmailsOnPush Service
field with type checkbox
exposes correct attributes and casts value to Boolean
field with type select
exposes correct attributes
raises NotImplementedError
calls the class method query with the project id
returns the number of rows
caches the number of rows
refreshes the cache
removes the cache
raises NotImplementedError
returns the cache key as an Array
when entry config value is correct
returns links configuration
is valid
when entry value is not correct
when value of link is invalid
reports error
when value of links link is empty
reports error
when there is an unknown key present
reports error
when dashboard panels are present
assigns unique ids to each panel using PerformanceMonitoring::PrometheusPanel
when dashboard panels has duplicated ids
no panel has assigned id
when there are no panels in the dashboard
raises a processing error
when there are no panel_groups in the dashboard
raises a processing error
when dashboard panels has unknown schema attributes
no panel has assigned id
logs the failure
when successful
gets the file-like uploader
when path traversal in file name
returns nil
when unexpected failure
returns nil when unexpected error is raised
is expected to include :image, :size, :title, and :content
when build is pending
is a correct match
when build is not pending
does not match
creates a project correctly and schedule an import
when import params are missing
returns nil
when import params are invalid
returns an unpersisted project
strips the gitignore suffix
combines the globals and rest
returns nil if the file does not exist
returns the Gitignore object of a valid file
loads the full file
when merge request has a discussion
and position of the discussion changed on target branch head
diff positions are created for the first notes of the discussions
when feature is enabled globally
is expected to be falsey
when feature is enabled only to a resource
is expected to be truthy
when feature is enabled globally
is expected to be truthy
when feature is enabled only to a resource
is expected to be truthy
when feature is enabled globally
is expected to be truthy
when feature is enabled only to a resource
for the same resource
is expected to be truthy
for a different resource
is expected to be falsey
when the user has access to the protected tag
allows the user to create, update and destroy a release
when the user does not have access to the protected tag
prevents the user from creating, updating and destroying a release
when insufficient permission
returns an error
for developer
when file is missing
returns an error
when file is present
content is not valid
returns an error
when entity is group
is labeled as idempotent
performs multiple times sequentially without raising an exception
requests relations export
when entity is project
is labeled as idempotent
performs multiple times sequentially without raising an exception
requests relations export
creates a new record for the given index
sets #action_end
sets #ondisk_size_bytes_end after reloading the index record
saves the record
setting #state
sets #state to finished if not given
sets #state to finished if not set to started
does not change state if set to failed
creates a nuget metadatum
behaves like saving metadatum attributes
saves nuget metadatum
with exisiting nuget metadatum
does not create a nuget metadatum
behaves like saving metadatum attributes
saves nuget metadatum
with empty metadata
destroys the nuget metadatum
when the links contain a blocked url
dashboard related links
replaces the blocked url with an empty string
chart links
replaces the blocked url with an empty string
when local requests are not allowed
replaces the blocked url with an empty string
when the links are an array of strings instead of hashes
prevents an invalid link definition from erroring out
package_features_enabled: false, object_storage_enabled: false, direct_upload_enabled: true, expected_paths: :expected_allowed_paths
is expected to eq ["/tmp", "/builds/gitlab-org/gitlab/tmp/tests/public/uploads", "/builds/gitlab-org/gitlab/tmp/tests/p...s/gitlab-org/gitlab/shared/lfs-objects/tmp/uploads", "/builds/gitlab-org/gitlab/public/uploads/tmp"]
package_features_enabled: false, object_storage_enabled: false, direct_upload_enabled: false, expected_paths: :expected_allowed_paths
is expected to eq ["/tmp", "/builds/gitlab-org/gitlab/tmp/tests/public/uploads", "/builds/gitlab-org/gitlab/tmp/tests/p...s/gitlab-org/gitlab/shared/lfs-objects/tmp/uploads", "/builds/gitlab-org/gitlab/public/uploads/tmp"]
package_features_enabled: false, object_storage_enabled: true, direct_upload_enabled: true, expected_paths: :expected_allowed_paths
is expected to eq ["/tmp", "/builds/gitlab-org/gitlab/tmp/tests/public/uploads", "/builds/gitlab-org/gitlab/tmp/tests/p...s/gitlab-org/gitlab/shared/lfs-objects/tmp/uploads", "/builds/gitlab-org/gitlab/public/uploads/tmp"]
package_features_enabled: false, object_storage_enabled: true, direct_upload_enabled: false, expected_paths: :expected_allowed_paths
is expected to eq ["/tmp", "/builds/gitlab-org/gitlab/tmp/tests/public/uploads", "/builds/gitlab-org/gitlab/tmp/tests/p...s/gitlab-org/gitlab/shared/lfs-objects/tmp/uploads", "/builds/gitlab-org/gitlab/public/uploads/tmp"]
package_features_enabled: true, object_storage_enabled: false, direct_upload_enabled: true, expected_paths: :expected_with_packages_path
is expected to eq ["/tmp", "/builds/gitlab-org/gitlab/tmp/tests/public/uploads", "/builds/gitlab-org/gitlab/tmp/tests/p...ilds/gitlab-org/gitlab/public/uploads/tmp", "/builds/gitlab-org/gitlab/shared/packages/tmp/uploads"]
package_features_enabled: true, object_storage_enabled: false, direct_upload_enabled: false, expected_paths: :expected_with_packages_path
is expected to eq ["/tmp", "/builds/gitlab-org/gitlab/tmp/tests/public/uploads", "/builds/gitlab-org/gitlab/tmp/tests/p...ilds/gitlab-org/gitlab/public/uploads/tmp", "/builds/gitlab-org/gitlab/shared/packages/tmp/uploads"]
package_features_enabled: true, object_storage_enabled: true, direct_upload_enabled: true, expected_paths: :expected_allowed_paths
is expected to eq ["/tmp", "/builds/gitlab-org/gitlab/tmp/tests/public/uploads", "/builds/gitlab-org/gitlab/tmp/tests/p...s/gitlab-org/gitlab/shared/lfs-objects/tmp/uploads", "/builds/gitlab-org/gitlab/public/uploads/tmp"]
package_features_enabled: true, object_storage_enabled: true, direct_upload_enabled: false, expected_paths: :expected_with_packages_path
is expected to eq ["/tmp", "/builds/gitlab-org/gitlab/tmp/tests/public/uploads", "/builds/gitlab-org/gitlab/tmp/tests/p...ilds/gitlab-org/gitlab/public/uploads/tmp", "/builds/gitlab-org/gitlab/shared/packages/tmp/uploads"]
returns all positions that are Gitlab::Diff::Position
returns unfoldable diff positions
when given head_sha does not match with positions head_sha
returns no position
when given head_sha is nil
returns unfoldable diff positions unfiltered by head_sha
returns a Gitlab::Diff::Position
concatenates the new position to the collection
when a project not found
does not call the Service
when a user not found
does not call the Service
when everything is ok
calls the Service
when given a drop reason
when config error is true
sets the yaml error and overrides the drop reason
behaves like error function
is expected to include "message"
when config error is false
does not set the yaml error or override the drop reason
behaves like error function
is expected to include "message"
when paginatable_namespace_drop_down_for_project_creation feature flag is disabled
is expected to be nil
when resolver object is current user
is expected to match [#<Group id:2147 @a-public-maintainer>, #<Group id:2145 @b-private-maintainer>, #<Group id:2146 @c-public-developer>, #<Group id:2144 @public-guest>]
when permission is :create_projects
is expected to match [#<Group id:2147 @a-public-maintainer>, #<Group id:2145 @b-private-maintainer>, #<Group id:2146 @c-public-developer>]
when search is provided
is expected to match [#<Group id:2147 @a-public-maintainer>, #<Group id:2145 @b-private-maintainer>]
when resolver object is different from current user
is expected to be nil
when current_user is admin
is expected to match [#<Group id:2147 @a-public-maintainer>, #<Group id:2145 @b-private-maintainer>, #<Group id:2146 @c-public-developer>, #<Group id:2144 @public-guest>]
as json
exposes the expected fields
behaves like diff file with conflict_type
returns nil by default
when there is matching conflict file
returns false
with a valid file
is expected to eq {"apiVersion"=>"v2", "description"=>"File, Block, and Object Storage Services for your Cloud-Native E...ok-logo.svg", "name"=>"rook-ceph", "sources"=>[""], "version"=>"v1.5.8"}
without Chart.yaml
is expected to raise Packages::Helm::ExtractFileMetadataService::ExtractionError with "Chart.yaml not found within a directory"
with Chart.yaml at root
is expected to raise Packages::Helm::ExtractFileMetadataService::ExtractionError with "Chart.yaml not found within a directory"
with an invalid YAML
is expected to raise Packages::Helm::ExtractFileMetadataService::ExtractionError with "Error while parsing Chart.yaml: (<unknown>): did not find expected node content while parsing a flow node at line 2 column 1"
when a supported algorithm type is given
allows itself to be created
returns true
when supported algorithm_type is given
is valid
when an unsupported algorithm_type is given
is not valid
returns a hash representation of the signature
exposes all package sort values
resolves only MRs for the passed merge request
with archived project
is expected not to contain exactly #<Ci::Pipeline id: 140, ref: "master", sha: "b83d6e391c22777fca1ed3012fce84f633d7fed0", before_sha: n...sha: nil, target_sha: nil, external_pull_request_id: nil, ci_ref_id: 96, locked: "artifacts_locked">
is expected to eq "thumbs up sign"
is expected to eq "1F44D"
is expected to eq "6.0"
is expected to eq "👍"
when presenting an award emoji with an invalid name
returns nil for all properties
records the size change
out of order calls
does not record anything if before size is unknown
does not record anything if after size is unknown
when scopes are present
is expected to change `Doorkeeper::Application.count` by 1
when scopes are missing
is expected not to change `Doorkeeper::Application.count`
includes blank scopes error message
returns a hash
when loading a hash
decodes a string
allows to access with symbols
when loading a nil
returns nil
behaves like records an onboarding progress action
is expected to receive execute({:action=>:pipeline_created}) 1 time
behaves like does not record an onboarding progress action
is expected not to receive new(*(any args)) 0 times
exposes the expected fields
when the release has milestones
exposes these milestones
when the release has no milestone
exposes an empty array for milestones
serializes attrs correctly
when provider type is gcp and cluster is errored
serializes attrs correctly
when provider type is user
serializes attrs correctly
behaves like an idempotent worker
is labeled as idempotent
performs multiple times sequentially without raising an exception
calls to BulkUpdateIntegrationService
with an invalid integration id
returns without failure
when the partition should not be dropped yet
does not drop the partition
with a partition to drop
drops the partition
when the drop_detached_partitions feature flag is disabled
does not drop the partition
when another process drops the table while the first waits for a lock
skips the table
when the partition to drop is still attached to its table
does not drop the partition, but does remove the DetachedPartition entry
removes the detached_partition entry
with multiple partitions to drop
drops both partitions
when the first drop returns an error
still drops the second partition
when the rich text is html safe
marks the inline diffs
when the rich text is not html safe
when rich text equals raw text
marks the inline diffs
when rich text doeas not equal raw text
marks the inline diffs
wraps the image with a link to the image src
does not wrap a duplicate link
works with external images
works with inline images
keep the data-canonical-src
when base report has error and head has a different error
contains correct compared accessibility report details
when base report has error and head has the same error
contains correct compared accessibility report details
when base report has no error and head has errors
contains correct compared accessibility report details
is expected to belong to user required:
is expected to validate that :user_id cannot be empty/falsy
is expected to validate that :key cannot be empty/falsy
is expected to validate that :value cannot be empty/falsy
is expected to validate that :key is case-sensitively unique within the scope of :user_id
calls NotificationService#remote_mirror_update_failed when the mirror exists
does nothing when the mirror has no errors
does nothing when the mirror does not exist
does nothing when a notification has already been sent
when user is not logged in
raises error
when user is logged in
when user does not have permissions to admin project
raises error
when user has permissions to admin project and read target project
adds target project to the job token scope
when the service returns an error
returns an error response
is expected to eq "SentryDetailedError"
is expected to require graphql authorizations :read_sentry_issue
exposes the expected fields
returns a registration if challenge matches
returns an error if challenge does not match
handles invalid utf8
adds a message when the path is not in the correct format
adds a message when the path is reserved when creating
adds a message when the path is reserved when updating
writes correct json to root
when single relation is serialized
appends json in correct file
when single relation is already serialized
raise exception
writes json in correct files
fails when hashed storage is disabled
succeeds when hashed storage is enabled
returns the blob project repository license
when there is no license
returns :unknown_license
when there is a license
returns nil
does nothing if the database is read-only
is labeled as idempotent
performs multiple times sequentially without raising an exception
schedules MergeRequestCleanupRefsWorker to be performed with capacity
when merge_request_refs_cleanup flag is disabled
does not schedule any merge request clean ups
behaves like worker with data consistency
returns true
returns correct data consistency
checks if project authorization update is required
checks if a project_authorization refresh is needed for each of the users
when there are project authorization records due for either removal or addition for a specific user
enqueues a new project authorization update job for the user
when there are no additions or removals to be made to project authorizations for a specific user
does not enqueue a new project authorization update job for the user
is expected to require graphql authorizations :admin_operations
user has sufficient access to project
when HttpIntegrations::UpdateService responds with success
returns the integration with no errors
when HttpIntegrations::UpdateService responds with an error
returns errors
when resource is not accessible to the user
raises an error if the resource is not accessible to the user
is expected to eq "TreeEntry"
is expected to have graphql fields :id, :sha, :name, :type, :path, :flat_path, :web_url, and :web_path
valid portable
does not raise a validation error
empty params
raises a validation error
not portable
raises a validation error
is expected to end with "/api/v4/projects/1068/packages/nuget/metadata/NugetPackage4/1.0.18.json"
is expected to end with "/api/v4/projects/1068/packages/nuget/download/NugetPackage4/1.0.18/NugetPackage4.1.0.18.nupkg"
returns an entry structure
valid parameters
does not raise a validation error
invalid parameters
raises a validation error
is expected to eq "Submodule"
is expected to have graphql fields :id, :sha, :name, :type, :path, :flat_path, :web_url, and :tree_url
with single yaml
parses crystalball data into test mapping
stores test files without example uid
with multiple yamls
parses crystalball data into test mapping
stores test files without example uid
is expected to belong to group required:
is expected to validate that :group cannot be empty/falsy
is expected to allow :enabled to be ‹true›
is expected to allow :enabled to be ‹false›
is expected not to allow :enabled to be ‹nil›
is expected to validate that :ttl looks like a number greater than 0 as long as it is not nil
returns policies that are enabled
behaves like a correct instrumented metric value
has correct value
when the merger user can be mapped
assigns the merged by user when mapped
when the merger user cannot be mapped to a gitlab user
adds a note referencing the merger user
when the merger user is not provided
adds a note referencing the merger user
keeps track of the properties to check
builds the check correctly
merges the checks of a parent class into existing checks of a subclass
merges the existing checks of a superclass into the checks of a subclass
returns a check when it was defined for a superclass
caches the result for a subclass
returns the checks for the closest class if there are more checks available
is expected to respond to #name
is expected to respond to #identifier
is expected to respond to #object_type
is expected to respond to #timestamp_projection
is expected to respond to #apply_query_customization
can be accessed with dot syntax all the way down
can be accessed in a very specific way that breaks without reassigning each element with Settingslogic
URL with protocol
returns the host
URL without protocol
returns the host
URL with user/port
returns the host
run once
creates a new package
behaves like assigns the package creator
assigns the package creator
run twice
returns the same object
behaves like dependency_proxy_cleanup_worker
with no work to do
is expected to be nil
with work to do
deletes the oldest expired artifact based on updated_at
is expected to eq 5
is expected to eq 3
adds suggestions at the correct lines
returns added, modified, and renamed_after files by default
with include_ee: :exclude
returns spec files without EE-specific files
with include_ee: :only
returns EE-specific spec files only
returns added, modified, and renamed_after files by default
when the profile page is opened
displays the correct elements
marks the member invite email success as false
when member can not be found
does not change member status
when invite token is not found in payload
does not change member status and logs an error
is expected to eq "passed"
is expected to eq "passed"
is expected to eq "status_success"
is expected to eq "favicon_status_success"
is expected to eq "success"
is expected to be nil
bundle a design Git repo
restores the repo successfully
is expected to eq "CiConfigJobRestriction"
exposes the expected fields
updates authors
maps the correct user
updates builds
maps the correct build
returns all filtered branch names
returns a limited number of offset filtered branch names
contains job name
exposes information about expiration of artifacts
exposes the artifact download path
when project is specified in options
doesnt get a project from the artifact
when there is no GRPC exception
leaves data unchanged
when there is a GRPC exception with a debug string
removes the debug error string and stores it as an extra field
with no custom fingerprint
removes the debug error string and stores it as an extra field
when there is a wrapped GRPC exception with a debug string
removes the debug error string and stores it as an extra field
with no custom fingerprint
removes the debug error string and stores it as an extra field
behaves like exposes required fields for import entity
exposes required fields
correctly exposes id
correctly exposes full name
correctly exposes sanitized name
correctly exposes provider link
behaves like exposes required fields for import entity
exposes required fields
correctly exposes id
correctly exposes full name
correctly exposes sanitized name
correctly exposes provider link
when additional section contains an A record
returns an IP4 address
when additional section contains an AAAA record
Net::DNS unsupported record type: uninitialized constant Net::DNS::RR::OPT
Did you mean? Net::DNS::OPT
returns an IP6 address
when additional section does not contain A nor AAAA records
when host resolves to an A record
returns an IP4 address
when host does resolves to an AAAA record
Net::DNS unsupported record type: uninitialized constant Net::DNS::RR::OPT
Did you mean? Net::DNS::OPT
returns an IP6 address
is expected to eq "Namespace"
has the expected fields
is expected to require graphql authorizations :read_namespace
returns true if the response is valid and a matching stored credential is present
returns false if the response is valid but no matching stored credential is present
dependency proxy is not enabled
behaves like returning
returns dependency proxy not enabled
without a user
behaves like returning
returns access forbidden
with a deploy token as user
behaves like returning a token
returns a token
with a user
behaves like returning a token
returns a token
as json
exposes needed attributes
returns the expected type
excludes ImageLazyLoadFilter
shows punycode for autolinks
feature_flag_enabled: true, client_support: true, expected_result: true
is expected to eq true
feature_flag_enabled: true, client_support: false, expected_result: false
is expected to eq false
feature_flag_enabled: false, client_support: true, expected_result: false
is expected to eq false
feature_flag_enabled: false, client_support: false, expected_result: false
is expected to eq false
when portable is group
returns group config
when portable is project
returns project config
when portable is unsupported
raises an error
updates graphql histogram with expected labels
when labkit tracing is enabled
yields with labkit tracing
when labkit tracing is disabled
yields without measurement
is expected to eq {:cluster=>{:server=>"url"}, :name=>"name"}
with a certificate
is expected to eq {:cluster=>{:"certificate-authority-data"=>"Y2VydGlmaWNhdGU=", :server=>"url"}, :name=>"name"}
leaves avatar uploads where they are
has the correct attributes
returns a presenter
takes optional attributes
sets the hash of the branch name as the id
has InstanceMetadataPolicy as declarative policy
when KAS is enabled
has the correct properties
when KAS is disabled
has the correct properties
using an external connection
overrides the connection for the duration of the block
does not affect connections in other threads
when the block raises an error
re-raises the error, removing the overridden connection
has the correct properties
includes basic fields
is expected to eq "RunnerSetup"
exposes the expected fields
when source is a regular module
behaves like registering include offense
registers an offense when the class includes HTTParty
when source is a regular class
behaves like registering include offense
registers an offense when the class includes HTTParty
when HTTParty is called
behaves like registering call offense
registers an offense when the class calls HTTParty
when no performance data present
is expected not to include {:redis_calls => 1}
when performance data present
is expected to include {:redis_calls => 1}
adds the step to the step duration histogram
adds an offense with a required parameter
adds an offense with an optional parameter
does not add an offense
does not add an offense for unrelated classes
when the email contains a valid email address
finds the service desk key
when the email does not contain a valid email address
raises an error
executes Environments::AutoStopService
transforms subgroups data in entity params
represents NamespaceBasicEntity entities
displays the help section
includes all the package fields
Cookies serializer initializer
uses JSON serializer by default
uses the unsafe hybrid serializer when the environment variables is set
includes package file fields
calls SchemaMigrations load_all
enables the Select parent group dropdown and does not show an alert for a group
has the expected fields
includes conan metadatum fields
is expected to belong to package required:
is expected to belong to pipeline required:
Knapsack report was generated. Preview:
"spec/db/schema_spec.rb": 102.09220765400005,
"spec/models/event_spec.rb": 55.60893885600001,
"spec/services/clusters/gcp/finalize_creation_service_spec.rb": 80.72348449600008,
"spec/services/projects/overwrite_project_service_spec.rb": 81.30620384300005,
"spec/uploaders/file_uploader_spec.rb": 35.316686456999946,
"spec/policies/global_policy_spec.rb": 31.34861639899998,
"spec/lib/gitlab/bare_repository_import/importer_spec.rb": 31.632674507000047,
"spec/finders/notes_finder_spec.rb": 35.20646884600001,
"spec/lib/api/helpers_spec.rb": 17.075784921000036,
"spec/lib/gitlab/gpg/commit_spec.rb": 28.560185805999936,
"spec/lib/banzai/pipeline/wiki_pipeline_spec.rb": 16.776506358999995,
"spec/services/packages/nuget/search_service_spec.rb": 17.36506840000004,
"spec/lib/gitlab/ci/config_spec.rb": 33.90244830500001,
"spec/rubocop/cop/gitlab/mark_used_feature_flags_spec.rb": 13.743890655999962,
"spec/models/ci/pipeline_schedule_spec.rb": 21.617320588999974,
"spec/models/resource_label_event_spec.rb": 18.304769189999888,
"spec/models/concerns/routable_spec.rb": 15.6262176729997,
"spec/lib/gitlab/diff/file_collection/merge_request_diff_batch_spec.rb": 18.52126873500015,
"spec/presenters/commit_status_presenter_spec.rb": 19.7318970419999,
"spec/models/concerns/milestoneable_spec.rb": 21.72593349900012,
"spec/models/concerns/token_authenticatable_spec.rb": 12.736464430999831,
"spec/lib/gitlab/git/tag_spec.rb": 14.455483580999953,
"spec/presenters/merge_request_presenter_spec.rb": 16.27545129300006,
"spec/services/push_event_payload_service_spec.rb": 19.248181699000042,
"spec/serializers/diffs_entity_spec.rb": 21.081990256999916,
"spec/services/ci/pipeline_trigger_service_spec.rb": 15.260257202000048,
"spec/lib/gitlab/usage_data_counters/issue_activity_unique_counter_spec.rb": 2.6350082960000236,
"spec/services/wikis/create_attachment_service_spec.rb": 13.336288546000105,
"spec/lib/gitlab/database/background_migration/batched_migration_spec.rb": 2.474302903999842,
"spec/policies/metrics/dashboard/annotation_policy_spec.rb": 5.728541200999871,
"spec/models/project_snippet_spec.rb": 5.205219255999964,
"spec/services/git/tag_hooks_service_spec.rb": 10.90537399699997,
"spec/helpers/dropdowns_helper_spec.rb": 2.0533175290001964,
"spec/models/upload_spec.rb": 4.4504828239998915,
"spec/lib/gitlab/database/load_balancing/load_balancer_spec.rb": 5.4604480329999205,
"spec/lib/gitlab/alert_management/payload/generic_spec.rb": 1.7130441520000659,
"spec/finders/projects/members/effective_access_level_finder_spec.rb": 7.483078262999925,
"spec/services/snippets/bulk_destroy_service_spec.rb": 9.658874095999863,
"spec/models/commit_collection_spec.rb": 8.39826985700006,
"spec/lib/gitlab/sidekiq_config/worker_router_spec.rb": 2.065978105000113,
"spec/serializers/diff_file_entity_spec.rb": 5.53594885099983,
"spec/models/ci/pending_build_spec.rb": 8.822606037000014,
"spec/serializers/deploy_key_entity_spec.rb": 10.219093255999951,
"spec/policies/clusters/cluster_policy_spec.rb": 10.505917561999922,
"spec/lib/gitlab/hook_data/issuable_builder_spec.rb": 9.425430601000016,
"spec/serializers/ci/trigger_entity_spec.rb": 7.9721726339998895,
"spec/lib/gitlab/github_import/importer/releases_importer_spec.rb": 6.976556993999793,
"spec/lib/gitlab/checks/changes_access_spec.rb": 3.6692000489999828,
"spec/services/groups/autocomplete_service_spec.rb": 10.719495743999914,
"spec/views/projects/commit/branches.html.haml_spec.rb": 6.447509846000003,
"spec/policies/ci/pipeline_policy_spec.rb": 7.594077984000023,
"spec/initializers/direct_upload_support_spec.rb": 3.7668358620001072,
"spec/lib/gitlab/consul/internal_spec.rb": 4.247226662999992,
"spec/lib/gitlab/slash_commands/deploy_spec.rb": 7.726236027000141,
"spec/presenters/snippet_blob_presenter_spec.rb": 3.987590317000013,
"spec/lib/gitlab/sidekiq_cluster_spec.rb": 2.4258819889998904,
"spec/services/projects/lfs_pointers/lfs_object_download_list_service_spec.rb": 6.7930990359998304,
"spec/services/ci/pipeline_artifacts/destroy_all_expired_service_spec.rb": 5.750287607000018,
"spec/services/repositories/housekeeping_service_spec.rb": 3.1255669539998507,
"spec/policies/ci/trigger_policy_spec.rb": 7.017142428999932,
"spec/services/pod_logs/kubernetes_service_spec.rb": 1.987646591999919,
"spec/services/snippets/update_statistics_service_spec.rb": 5.342126086999997,
"spec/lib/gitlab/github_import/representation/diff_note_spec.rb": 1.4945132920001925,
"spec/lib/banzai/filter/autolink_filter_spec.rb": 1.3263276919999498,
"spec/services/ci/play_manual_stage_service_spec.rb": 7.0710194480000155,
"spec/services/metrics/dashboard/update_dashboard_service_spec.rb": 3.4314860439999393,
"spec/models/ci/commit_with_pipeline_spec.rb": 4.29921996500002,
"spec/lib/gitlab/template/issue_template_spec.rb": 4.9685733369999525,
"spec/lib/gitlab/github_import/importer/single_endpoint_issue_notes_importer_spec.rb": 3.97199892499998,
"spec/lib/gitlab/kubernetes/helm/v3/install_command_spec.rb": 0.7620355900000959,
"spec/lib/bulk_imports/clients/http_spec.rb": 1.3080061820000992,
"spec/lib/gitlab/kubernetes/helm/v2/base_command_spec.rb": 0.6788449209998362,
"spec/lib/gitlab/file_hook_spec.rb": 5.059122825999793,
"spec/lib/gitlab/database/background_migration/batched_job_spec.rb": 0.9814637110000604,
"spec/lib/gitlab/gitaly_client/blob_service_spec.rb": 3.6552277749999575,
"spec/lib/gitlab/manifest_import/project_creator_spec.rb": 5.875433882999914,
"spec/helpers/notify_helper_spec.rb": 1.8254694429999745,
"spec/lib/gitlab/ci/reports/security/scanner_spec.rb": 0.847127128000011,
"spec/finders/concerns/finder_with_group_hierarchy_spec.rb": 3.8971602839999377,
"spec/models/incident_management/project_incident_management_setting_spec.rb": 1.0873985880000419,
"spec/graphql/types/user_merge_request_interaction_type_spec.rb": 2.133437506000064,
"spec/lib/gitlab/composer/cache_spec.rb": 2.94407460299999,
"spec/models/jira_connect_installation_spec.rb": 2.7457096919999913,
"spec/views/shared/wikis/_sidebar.html.haml_spec.rb": 1.770887786000003,
"spec/lib/gitlab/analytics/cycle_analytics/stage_events/plan_stage_start_spec.rb": 1.9085739619999913,
"spec/services/boards/lists/destroy_service_spec.rb": 4.051514975999908,
"spec/policies/clusters/instance_policy_spec.rb": 2.277893859999949,
"spec/lib/gitlab/email/hook/smime_signature_interceptor_spec.rb": 1.789768542000047,
"spec/services/packages/debian/create_distribution_service_spec.rb": 2.975045985999941,
"spec/graphql/types/base_enum_spec.rb": 0.7385016450000421,
"spec/finders/tags_finder_spec.rb": 1.3420027339998342,
"spec/lib/gitlab/kubernetes_spec.rb": 0.750137592000101,
"spec/lib/banzai/reference_parser/feature_flag_parser_spec.rb": 3.066157341999997,
"spec/services/projects/hashed_storage/migration_service_spec.rb": 3.0909536260001005,
"spec/graphql/types/group_type_spec.rb": 0.6699214019999999,
"spec/lib/gitlab/ci/config/entry/product/matrix_spec.rb": 1.2785125200000493,
"spec/lib/sidebars/groups/menus/group_information_menu_spec.rb": 1.0920694470000853,
"spec/lib/gitlab/usage/metrics/aggregates/sources/postgres_hll_spec.rb": 0.5802086749999944,
"spec/workers/ci/pipeline_success_unlock_artifacts_worker_spec.rb": 5.250427474999924,
"spec/views/projects/commits/_commit.html.haml_spec.rb": 2.4259792129998914,
"spec/lib/constraints/project_url_constrainer_spec.rb": 2.3425199939999857,
"spec/lib/gitlab/git_access_wiki_spec.rb": 1.2230931830001737,
"spec/policies/terraform/state_version_policy_spec.rb": 2.4902058270001817,
"spec/lib/gitlab/database/load_balancing/host_list_spec.rb": 0.7083664319998206,
"spec/graphql/resolvers/projects/jira_projects_resolver_spec.rb": 1.7871238919999541,
"spec/graphql/mutations/issues/move_spec.rb": 2.5626778779999313,
"spec/lib/gitlab/utils/strong_memoize_spec.rb": 0.6544929660001344,
"spec/lib/gitlab/template_parser/parser_spec.rb": 0.7453373970001849,
"spec/models/authentication_event_spec.rb": 1.7565211339999678,
"spec/lib/gitlab/kubernetes/kubectl_cmd_spec.rb": 0.5324385310000253,
"spec/models/packages/go/module_spec.rb": 1.2554610770000636,
"spec/lib/gitlab/health_checks/redis/rate_limiting_check_spec.rb": 0.6317293660001724,
"spec/finders/packages/helm/packages_finder_spec.rb": 1.2907096940000429,
"spec/lib/gitlab/database/migration_spec.rb": 0.4186233990001256,
"spec/lib/gitlab/import_export/command_line_util_spec.rb": 1.3725728209999488,
"spec/lib/gitlab/local_and_remote_storage_migration/artifact_migrater_spec.rb": 2.464190034000012,
"spec/lib/gitlab/kubernetes/namespace_spec.rb": 0.8819907990000502,
"spec/config/object_store_settings_spec.rb": 0.5275187189999997,
"spec/models/experiment_subject_spec.rb": 1.0664264019999337,
"spec/lib/gitlab/static_site_editor/config/file_config_spec.rb": 0.5838153529998635,
"spec/models/milestone_release_spec.rb": 3.5975682880000477,
"spec/services/projects/hashed_storage/base_attachment_service_spec.rb": 2.4154696419998345,
"spec/helpers/keyset_helper_spec.rb": 2.292097836000039,
"spec/workers/error_tracking_issue_link_worker_spec.rb": 0.907659810000041,
"spec/lib/gitlab/ci/pipeline/chain/seed_block_spec.rb": 3.4561779229998137,
"spec/lib/gitlab/analytics/cycle_analytics/stage_events/issue_stage_end_spec.rb": 1.2662364129998878,
"spec/services/users/reject_service_spec.rb": 1.7989369930000976,
"spec/lib/gitlab/middleware/basic_health_check_spec.rb": 0.2746384050001325,
"spec/graphql/resolvers/last_commit_resolver_spec.rb": 2.173904522999919,
"spec/lib/api/entities/project_import_status_spec.rb": 1.2906944439998824,
"spec/lib/gitlab/sidekiq_middleware/worker_context/server_spec.rb": 0.3072393390000343,
"spec/rubocop/cop/active_model_errors_direct_manipulation_spec.rb": 0.35997127300015563,
"spec/services/metrics/dashboard/default_embed_service_spec.rb": 1.7073978029998216,
"spec/workers/gitlab/jira_import/stage/import_attachments_worker_spec.rb": 0.9979594110000107,
"spec/lib/gitlab/database/reindexing/reindex_concurrently_spec.rb": 0.7302556510001068,
"spec/lib/gitlab/kubernetes/deployment_spec.rb": 0.5891457860000173,
"spec/lib/gitlab/usage_data_counters/designs_counter_spec.rb": 0.5393083729998125,
"spec/rubocop/cop/rspec/be_success_matcher_spec.rb": 0.6320401059999767,
"spec/workers/gitlab/jira_import/stage/start_import_worker_spec.rb": 1.2202590619999683,
"spec/serializers/service_field_entity_spec.rb": 1.8698412960000041,
"spec/services/projects/count_service_spec.rb": 0.6046825539999645,
"spec/lib/gitlab/ci/config/entry/release/assets/links_spec.rb": 0.3488197480000963,
"spec/lib/gitlab/metrics/dashboard/stages/panel_ids_inserter_spec.rb": 0.5908752369998638,
"spec/finders/uploader_finder_spec.rb": 1.3630718470001284,
"spec/lib/gitlab/ci/status/build/pending_spec.rb": 1.5428589069999816,
"spec/lib/gitlab/phabricator_import/project_creator_spec.rb": 1.7213844289999543,
"spec/lib/gitlab/template/gitignore_template_spec.rb": 0.39899489000003996,
"spec/services/discussions/capture_diff_note_positions_service_spec.rb": 1.5850437659998988,
"spec/lib/gitlab/sourcegraph_spec.rb": 0.5545011899998826,
"spec/policies/release_policy_spec.rb": 1.0563495779999812,
"spec/services/ide/base_config_service_spec.rb": 0.7978116009999212,
"spec/workers/bulk_imports/export_request_worker_spec.rb": 0.749677679000115,
"spec/lib/gitlab/database/reindexing/reindex_action_spec.rb": 0.5598288629998933,
"spec/services/packages/nuget/sync_metadatum_service_spec.rb": 1.9780251049999151,
"spec/lib/gitlab/metrics/dashboard/stages/url_validator_spec.rb": 1.6407155520000742,
"spec/lib/gitlab/middleware/multipart/handler_spec.rb": 0.46021881799993025,
"spec/lib/gitlab/diff/position_collection_spec.rb": 0.4733327039998585,
"spec/workers/create_pipeline_worker_spec.rb": 1.1700266200000442,
"spec/lib/gitlab/ci/pipeline/chain/helpers_spec.rb": 0.8943516950000685,
"spec/graphql/resolvers/users/groups_resolver_spec.rb": 1.4007524230000854,
"spec/serializers/diff_file_metadata_entity_spec.rb": 2.279353465999975,
"spec/services/packages/helm/extract_file_metadata_service_spec.rb": 0.5529407779999929,
"spec/lib/gitlab/ci/reports/security/finding_signature_spec.rb": 0.25984295800003565,
"spec/graphql/types/packages/package_sort_enum_spec.rb": 0.17518414099981783,
"spec/graphql/resolvers/merge_request_pipelines_resolver_spec.rb": 2.475641481999901,
"spec/presenters/award_emoji_presenter_spec.rb": 0.4949902370001382,
"spec/lib/gitlab/database/migrations/observers/total_database_size_change_spec.rb": 0.21444099199993616,
"spec/services/applications/create_service_spec.rb": 0.5746162939999522,
"spec/lib/serializers/symbolized_json_spec.rb": 0.24637631500013413,
"spec/workers/namespaces/onboarding_pipeline_created_worker_spec.rb": 0.500854014999959,
"spec/serializers/evidences/release_entity_spec.rb": 0.6103298600000926,
"spec/serializers/cluster_serializer_spec.rb": 1.632813977000069,
"spec/workers/propagate_integration_inherit_worker_spec.rb": 1.7805665349999344,
"spec/lib/gitlab/database/partitioning/detached_partition_dropper_spec.rb": 0.8191333639999812,
"spec/lib/gitlab/string_range_marker_spec.rb": 0.29490443600002436,
"spec/lib/banzai/filter/image_link_filter_spec.rb": 0.3569228100000146,
"spec/serializers/accessibility_reports_comparer_entity_spec.rb": 0.2561467250000078,
"spec/models/user_custom_attribute_spec.rb": 0.45278544300003887,
"spec/workers/remote_mirror_notification_worker_spec.rb": 0.5934829949999312,
"spec/graphql/mutations/ci/job_token_scope/add_project_spec.rb": 2.0354941129999133,
"spec/graphql/types/error_tracking/sentry_detailed_error_type_spec.rb": 0.21678882599985627,
"spec/services/webauthn/register_service_spec.rb": 0.6587347820000105,
"spec/validators/namespace_path_validator_spec.rb": 0.38766318599982696,
"spec/lib/gitlab/import_export/json/ndjson_writer_spec.rb": 0.2564283950000572,
"spec/lib/system_check/app/hashed_storage_enabled_check_spec.rb": 0.35400868600004287,
"spec/models/blob_viewer/license_spec.rb": 1.237983344999975,
"spec/workers/schedule_merge_request_cleanup_refs_worker_spec.rb": 0.4380833029999849,
"spec/workers/authorized_project_update/user_refresh_over_user_range_worker_spec.rb": 0.7091387979999126,
"spec/graphql/mutations/alert_management/http_integration/reset_token_spec.rb": 0.9607998530000259,
"spec/graphql/types/tree/tree_entry_type_spec.rb": 0.17423723299998528,
"spec/lib/api/validations/validators/project_portable_spec.rb": 0.2564638249998552,
"spec/presenters/packages/nuget/package_metadata_presenter_spec.rb": 0.8902464669999972,
"spec/lib/api/validations/validators/array_none_any_spec.rb": 0.15748145699990346,
"spec/graphql/types/tree/submodule_type_spec.rb": 0.17696383799989235,
"spec/tooling/lib/tooling/test_map_generator_spec.rb": 0.2586657809999906,
"spec/models/dependency_proxy/image_ttl_group_policy_spec.rb": 0.6609709469998961,
"spec/lib/gitlab/usage/metrics/instrumentations/count_users_associating_milestones_to_releases_metric_spec.rb": 1.289494520000062,
"spec/lib/gitlab/github_import/importer/pull_request_merged_by_importer_spec.rb": 1.232630945999972,
"spec/lib/gitlab/cross_project_access_spec.rb": 0.3107187640000575,
"spec/lib/gitlab/analytics/cycle_analytics/stage_events/stage_event_spec.rb": 0.23264145400003144,
"spec/initializers/settings_spec.rb": 0.2736198800000693,
"spec/services/packages/debian/find_or_create_incoming_service_spec.rb": 0.7372854010000083,
"spec/workers/dependency_proxy/cleanup_blob_worker_spec.rb": 0.48694039299994074,
"spec/tooling/danger/specs_spec.rb": 0.4125046149999889,
"spec/views/profiles/show.html.haml_spec.rb": 1.1752391339998667,
"spec/services/members/mailgun/process_webhook_service_spec.rb": 0.7241740770000433,
"spec/lib/gitlab/ci/status/success_spec.rb": 0.28065796499981843,
"spec/lib/gitlab/import_export/design_repo_restorer_spec.rb": 0.8032964349999929,
"spec/graphql/types/ci/config/job_restriction_type_spec.rb": 0.18969449199994415,
"spec/lib/gitlab/cycle_analytics/updater_spec.rb": 0.7721276689999286,
"spec/finders/repositories/branch_names_finder_spec.rb": 0.9233952900001441,
"spec/serializers/build_artifact_entity_spec.rb": 0.6251990099999603,
"spec/lib/gitlab/error_tracking/processor/grpc_error_processor_spec.rb": 0.4752841870001703,
"spec/serializers/import/bitbucket_provider_repo_entity_spec.rb": 0.5196603470001264,
"spec/serializers/import/gitlab_provider_repo_entity_spec.rb": 0.3965758179999739,
"spec/lib/gitlab/database/load_balancing/srv_resolver_spec.rb": 0.6294533510001656,
"spec/graphql/types/namespace_type_spec.rb": 0.26190001400004803,
"spec/services/webauthn/authenticate_service_spec.rb": 0.48008286799995403,
"spec/services/auth/dependency_proxy_authentication_service_spec.rb": 0.45010249900019517,
"spec/serializers/merge_request_current_user_entity_spec.rb": 0.731437231999962,
"spec/lib/banzai/pipeline/email_pipeline_spec.rb": 0.20727061599995977,
"spec/helpers/container_registry_helper_spec.rb": 0.38328555599991887,
"spec/models/bulk_imports/file_transfer_spec.rb": 0.39239936599983594,
"spec/lib/gitlab/graphql/generic_tracing_spec.rb": 0.18224149699994996,
"spec/lib/gitlab/kubernetes/kubeconfig/entry/cluster_spec.rb": 0.13429637600006572,
"spec/lib/gitlab/uploads_transfer_spec.rb": 0.5190173980001873,
"spec/lib/api/entities/design_management/design_spec.rb": 0.461226305000082,
"spec/models/concerns/presentable_spec.rb": 0.3211249430000862,
"spec/lib/atlassian/jira_connect/serializers/branch_entity_spec.rb": 0.5213101020001432,
"spec/models/instance_metadata/kas_spec.rb": 0.2526816530000815,
"spec/lib/gitlab/database/shared_model_spec.rb": 0.35283889799984536,
"spec/models/instance_metadata_spec.rb": 0.13992362399994818,
"spec/lib/api/entities/clusters/agent_spec.rb": 0.45326314199996887,
"spec/graphql/types/ci/runner_setup_type_spec.rb": 0.21756007500016494,
"spec/rubocop/cop/gitlab/httparty_spec.rb": 0.23345946199992795,
"spec/lib/gitlab/grape_logging/loggers/perf_logger_spec.rb": 0.17175892799991743,
"spec/lib/gitlab/ci/pipeline/metrics_spec.rb": 0.15441168399979688,
"spec/rubocop/cop/api/grape_array_missing_coerce_spec.rb": 0.24131329700003334,
"spec/lib/gitlab/email/service_desk_receiver_spec.rb": 0.24591167600010522,
"spec/workers/environments/auto_stop_cron_worker_spec.rb": 0.10817224800007352,
"spec/lib/bulk_imports/groups/transformers/subgroup_to_entity_transformer_spec.rb": 0.24842757100009294,
"spec/serializers/namespace_serializer_spec.rb": 0.193248254999844,
"spec/lib/gitlab/slash_commands/application_help_spec.rb": 0.17582371999992574,
"spec/graphql/types/packages/package_details_type_spec.rb": 0.12047103300005801,
"spec/initializers/cookies_serializer_spec.rb": 0.22758923400010644,
"spec/graphql/types/packages/package_file_type_spec.rb": 0.11188076100006583,
"spec/lib/gitlab/database/postgresql_database_tasks/load_schema_versions_mixin_spec.rb": 0.1144772360000843,
"spec/views/groups/settings/_transfer.html.haml_spec.rb": 0.40844717400000263,
"spec/graphql/types/subscription_type_spec.rb": 0.1776649159999124,
"spec/graphql/types/packages/conan/metadatum_type_spec.rb": 0.20692770599998767,
"spec/models/packages/build_info_spec.rb": 0.22993785899984687
Knapsack global time execution for tests: 20m 32s
Pending: (Failures listed here are expected and do not affect your suite's status)
1) FileUploader legacy storage behaves like builds correct legacy storage paths #cache_dir behaves like matches the method pattern
# No pattern provided, skipping.
# ./spec/support/shared_examples/uploaders/gitlab_uploader_shared_examples.rb:8
2) FileUploader legacy storage behaves like builds correct legacy storage paths #work_dir behaves like matches the method pattern
# No pattern provided, skipping.
# ./spec/support/shared_examples/uploaders/gitlab_uploader_shared_examples.rb:8
3) FileUploader legacy storage behaves like builds correct legacy storage paths #relative_path is relative
# Path not set, skipping.
# ./spec/support/shared_examples/uploaders/gitlab_uploader_shared_examples.rb:40
4) FileUploader legacy storage behaves like builds correct legacy storage paths .base_dir behaves like matches the method pattern
# No pattern provided, skipping.
# ./spec/support/shared_examples/uploaders/gitlab_uploader_shared_examples.rb:8
5) FileUploader legacy storage uses hashed storage when rolled out attachments #cache_dir behaves like matches the method pattern
# No pattern provided, skipping.
# ./spec/support/shared_examples/uploaders/gitlab_uploader_shared_examples.rb:8
6) FileUploader legacy storage uses hashed storage when rolled out attachments #work_dir behaves like matches the method pattern
# No pattern provided, skipping.
# ./spec/support/shared_examples/uploaders/gitlab_uploader_shared_examples.rb:8
7) FileUploader legacy storage uses hashed storage when rolled out attachments #relative_path is relative
# Path not set, skipping.
# ./spec/support/shared_examples/uploaders/gitlab_uploader_shared_examples.rb:40
8) FileUploader legacy storage uses hashed storage when rolled out attachments .absolute_path behaves like matches the method pattern
# No pattern provided, skipping.
# ./spec/support/shared_examples/uploaders/gitlab_uploader_shared_examples.rb:8
9) FileUploader legacy storage uses hashed storage when rolled out attachments .base_dir behaves like matches the method pattern
# No pattern provided, skipping.
# ./spec/support/shared_examples/uploaders/gitlab_uploader_shared_examples.rb:8
10) FileUploader legacy storage uses hashed storage when only repositories are rolled out behaves like builds correct legacy storage paths #cache_dir behaves like matches the method pattern
# No pattern provided, skipping.
# ./spec/support/shared_examples/uploaders/gitlab_uploader_shared_examples.rb:8
11) FileUploader legacy storage uses hashed storage when only repositories are rolled out behaves like builds correct legacy storage paths #work_dir behaves like matches the method pattern
# No pattern provided, skipping.
# ./spec/support/shared_examples/uploaders/gitlab_uploader_shared_examples.rb:8
12) FileUploader legacy storage uses hashed storage when only repositories are rolled out behaves like builds correct legacy storage paths #relative_path is relative
# Path not set, skipping.
# ./spec/support/shared_examples/uploaders/gitlab_uploader_shared_examples.rb:40
13) FileUploader legacy storage uses hashed storage when only repositories are rolled out behaves like builds correct legacy storage paths .base_dir behaves like matches the method pattern
# No pattern provided, skipping.
# ./spec/support/shared_examples/uploaders/gitlab_uploader_shared_examples.rb:8
14) FileUploader object store is remote behaves like builds correct paths #cache_dir behaves like matches the method pattern
# No pattern provided, skipping.
# ./spec/support/shared_examples/uploaders/gitlab_uploader_shared_examples.rb:8
15) FileUploader object store is remote behaves like builds correct paths #work_dir behaves like matches the method pattern
# No pattern provided, skipping.
# ./spec/support/shared_examples/uploaders/gitlab_uploader_shared_examples.rb:8
16) FileUploader object store is remote behaves like builds correct paths #relative_path is relative
# Path not set, skipping.
# ./spec/support/shared_examples/uploaders/gitlab_uploader_shared_examples.rb:40
17) FileUploader object store is remote behaves like builds correct paths .absolute_path behaves like matches the method pattern
# No pattern provided, skipping.
# ./spec/support/shared_examples/uploaders/gitlab_uploader_shared_examples.rb:8
18) FileUploader object store is remote behaves like builds correct paths .base_dir behaves like matches the method pattern
# No pattern provided, skipping.
# ./spec/support/shared_examples/uploaders/gitlab_uploader_shared_examples.rb:8
Finished in 20 minutes 35 seconds (files took 1 minute 14.9 seconds to load)
5369 examples, 0 failures, 18 pending
Wed 13 Oct 2021 06:43:39 PM UTC
Saving cache for successful job
Not uploading cache ruby-gems-v1-4 due to policy
Not uploading cache gitaly-ruby-gems-v1-4 due to policy
Uploading artifacts for successful job
Uploading artifacts...
coverage/: found 5 matching files and directories
WARNING: crystalball/: no matching files
deprecations/: found 5 matching files and directories
knapsack/: found 3 matching files and directories
rspec_flaky/: found 4 matching files and directories
rspec_profiling/: found 1 matching files and directories
WARNING: tmp/capybara/: no matching files
tmp/memory_test/: found 2 matching files and directories
log/*.log: found 18 matching files and directories
Uploading artifacts as "archive" to coordinator... ok id=1677157252 responseStatus=201 Created token=vswnfhes
Uploading artifacts...
junit_rspec.xml: found 1 matching files and directories
Uploading artifacts as "junit" to coordinator... ok id=1677157252 responseStatus=201 Created token=vswnfhes
Cleaning up project directory and file based variables
Job succeeded