static-analysis 1/4
Passed Started

Mikołaj Wawrzyniak
1Running with gitlab-runner 14.1.0-rc1 (e9489c8a)2 on docker-auto-scale-com 9538b0ab3 feature flags: FF_USE_FASTZIP:true6Using Docker executor with image ...7Authenticating with credentials from job payload (GitLab Registry)8Pulling docker image ...9Using docker image sha256:9b06bf3dd0ab8d484e8c9e9c611f75eab098939f568d587a7fd23a3c96eceb87 for with digest ...11Running on runner-9538b0ab-project-278964-concurrent-0 via runner-9538b0ab-gsrm-1629278638-6245d70a...13$ eval "$CI_PRE_CLONE_SCRIPT"14Downloading archived master...15Connecting to ( to '/tmp/gitlab.tar.gz'17gitlab.tar.gz 25% |******** | 89.4M 0:00:02 ETA18gitlab.tar.gz 98% |******************************* | 341M 0:00:00 ETA19gitlab.tar.gz 100% |********************************| 347M 0:00:00 ETA20'/tmp/gitlab.tar.gz' saved21Extracting tarball into /builds/gitlab-org/gitlab...22Fetching changes with git depth set to 20...23Reinitialized existing Git repository in /builds/gitlab-org/gitlab/.git/24Created fresh repository.25remote: Enumerating objects: 193, done. 26remote: Counting objects: 100% (141/141), done. 27remote: Compressing objects: 100% (55/55), done. 28remote: Total 91 (delta 78), reused 47 (delta 36), pack-reused 0 30 * [new ref] 87ccd58290a6f21a5fb92623e3970840943714e8 -> refs/pipelines/35508967231 * [new branch] master -> origin/master32Checking out 87ccd582 as master...33Skipping Git submodules setup35Checking cache for ruby-gems-v1-4...36Downloading from 37Successfully extracted cache38Checking cache for node-modules-test-v1-4...39Downloading from 40Successfully extracted cache41Checking cache for rubocop-v1-4...42Downloading from 43Successfully extracted cache45Using docker image sha256:9b06bf3dd0ab8d484e8c9e9c611f75eab098939f568d587a7fd23a3c96eceb87 for with digest ...46$ [ "$FOSS_ONLY" = "1" ] && rm -rf ee/ qa/spec/ee/ qa/qa/specs/features/ee/ qa/qa/ee/ qa/qa/ee.rb47$ export GOPATH=$CI_PROJECT_DIR/.go48$ mkdir -p $GOPATH49$ source scripts/utils.sh50$ source scripts/prepare_build.sh51Bundler version 2.1.452production:development53Settings are listed in order of priority. The top value will be used.54path55Set for the current user (/root/.bundle/config): "vendor"56clean57Set for the current user (/root/.bundle/config): "true"58without59Set via BUNDLE_WITHOUT: [:production, :development]60install_flags61Set via BUNDLE_INSTALL_FLAGS: "--jobs=$(nproc) --retry=3 --quiet"62$ bundle install --jobs=$(nproc) --retry=3 --quiet && bundle check63The Gemfile's dependencies are satisfied64==> 'bundle install --jobs=$(nproc) --retry=3 --quiet && bundle check' succeeded in 2 seconds.65$ bundle pristine pg66Installing pg 1.2.3 with native extensions67==> 'bundle pristine pg' succeeded in 10 seconds.68$ run_timed_command "retry yarn install --frozen-lockfile"69$ retry yarn install --frozen-lockfile70yarn install v1.22.1071[1/5] Validating package.json...72[2/5] Resolving packages...73success Already up-to-date.74$ node ./scripts/frontend/postinstall.js75success Dependency postinstall check passed.76Done in 1.04s.77$ scripts/static-analysis78==> 'retry yarn install --frozen-lockfile' succeeded in 1 seconds.79$ bin/rake lint:haml80==> Finished in 539.565121624 seconds81$ yarn run lint:prettier82==> Finished in 156.771823254 seconds83$ bundle exec rubocop --parallel84==> Finished in 27.632082198 seconds85$ yarn run internal:stylelint86==> Finished in 7.464292365 seconds87$ scripts/gemfile_lock_changed.sh88==> Finished in 0.014590859 seconds89===================================================90All static analyses passed successfully.92Not uploading cache ruby-gems-v1-4 due to policy93Not uploading cache node-modules-test-v1-4 due to policy94Not uploading cache rubocop-v1-4 due to policy96Uploading artifacts...97tmp/feature_flags/: found 80 matching files and directories 98Uploading artifacts as "archive" to coordinator... ok id=1512821897 responseStatus=201 Created token=xFYapJdv100Job succeeded