rspec system pg11 17/24
Passed Started

Patrick Bajao
1Running with gitlab-runner 13.9.0-rc2 (69c049fd)2 on prm-com-gitlab-org bd0915563 feature flags: FF_GITLAB_REGISTRY_HELPER_IMAGE:true6Using Docker executor with image ...7Starting service postgres:11.6 ...8Pulling docker image postgres:11.6 ...9Using docker image sha256:2c963c0eb8c6efa49bb8352ea446f248d208d674cfc34fc9ea275b5f99f8dedd for postgres:11.6 with digest postgres@sha256:6f2062ab11d720f4756f17da4d0a64534346cce33b7cdea9d7ac4f43eed9fc02 ...10Starting service redis:5.0-alpine ...11Pulling docker image redis:5.0-alpine ...12Using docker image sha256:f5b24aafdf93a05581fac6db4430badb2024b27c7d6c29eb3144b01828ac5a07 for redis:5.0-alpine with digest redis@sha256:6151b520d9ac29c1524d9637e0b3dc69cba7dbef27a427d6dba355652fff8306 ...13Waiting for services to be up and running...14Authenticating with credentials from job payload (GitLab Registry)15Pulling docker image ...16Using docker image sha256:4d23ed899afed063085b02cb83fa639d1a880dc4059e6c7f0af9ee9b713ba41b for with digest ...18Running on runner-bd091556-project-278964-concurrent-0 via runner-bd091556-prm-1614768032-22af267a...20$ eval "$CI_PRE_CLONE_SCRIPT"21Downloading archived master...22Connecting to ( to '/tmp/gitlab.tar.gz'24gitlab.tar.gz 36% |*********** | 144M 0:00:01 ETA25gitlab.tar.gz 100% |********************************| 396M 0:00:00 ETA26'/tmp/gitlab.tar.gz' saved27Extracting tarball into /builds/gitlab-org/gitlab...28Fetching changes with git depth set to 20...29Reinitialized existing Git repository in /builds/gitlab-org/gitlab/.git/30remote: Enumerating objects: 1210, done. 31remote: Counting objects: 100% (645/645), done. 32remote: Compressing objects: 100% (248/248), done. 33remote: Total 320 (delta 256), reused 130 (delta 68), pack-reused 0 34Receiving objects: 100% (320/320), 40.40 KiB | 3.37 MiB/s, done.35Resolving deltas: 100% (256/256), completed with 120 local objects.37 * [new ref] 4996f4cc3b5cc82b8b493bfd2a4ced37e8cf757c -> refs/pipelines/26473258738Checking out 4996f4cc as refs/merge-requests/55046/merge...39Skipping Git submodules setup41Checking cache for is up to date 43WARNING: vendor/ruby/2.7.0/gems/deprecation_toolkit-1.5.1/gemfiles/test/deprecations: chmod vendor/ruby/2.7.0/gems/deprecation_toolkit-1.5.1/gemfiles/test/deprecations: no such file or directory (suppressing repeats) 44Successfully extracted cache46Downloading artifacts for compile-test-assets (1069711722)...47Downloading artifacts from coordinator... ok id=1069711722 responseStatus=200 OK token=cQ-zkx2s48Downloading artifacts for detect-tests (1069711729)...49Downloading artifacts from coordinator... ok id=1069711729 responseStatus=200 OK token=4KJ6tsyT50Downloading artifacts for retrieve-tests-metadata (1069711731)...51Downloading artifacts from coordinator... ok id=1069711731 responseStatus=200 OK token=nMSW8ysV52Downloading artifacts for setup-test-env (1069711725)...53Downloading artifacts from coordinator... ok id=1069711725 responseStatus=200 OK token=fSmN9Jtk54WARNING: tmp/tests/gitlab-shell/.gitlab_shell_secret: chmod tmp/tests/gitlab-shell/.gitlab_shell_secret: no such file or directory (suppressing repeats) 56Using docker image sha256:4d23ed899afed063085b02cb83fa639d1a880dc4059e6c7f0af9ee9b713ba41b for with digest ...57$ [ "$FOSS_ONLY" = "1" ] && rm -rf ee/ qa/spec/ee/ qa/qa/specs/features/ee/ qa/qa/ee/ qa/qa/ee.rb58$ export GOPATH=$CI_PROJECT_DIR/.go59$ mkdir -p $GOPATH60$ source scripts/utils.sh61$ source scripts/prepare_build.sh62Bundler version 2.1.463$ bundle install --without=production development --jobs=2 --path=vendor --retry=3 --quiet64==> 'bundle install --without=production development --jobs=2 --path=vendor --retry=3 --quiet' succeeded in 1 seconds.65$ bundle check66The Gemfile's dependencies are satisfied67==> 'bundle check' succeeded in 0 seconds.68$ bundle pristine pg69Installing pg 1.2.3 with native extensions70==> 'bundle pristine pg' succeeded in 12 seconds.71$ setup_db_user_only72CREATE ROLE73GRANT74==> 'setup_db_user_only' succeeded in 0 seconds.75$ bundle exec rake db:drop db:create db:structure:load db:migrate gitlab:db:setup_ee76Dropped database 'gitlabhq_test'77Created database 'gitlabhq_test'78Dropped database 'gitlabhq_geo_test'79Created database 'gitlabhq_geo_test'80==> 'bundle exec rake db:drop db:create db:structure:load db:migrate gitlab:db:setup_ee' succeeded in 28 seconds.81$ run_timed_command "gem install knapsack --no-document"82$ gem install knapsack --no-document83Successfully installed knapsack-1.20.0841 gem installed85==> 'gem install knapsack --no-document' succeeded in 1 seconds.86$ run_timed_command "scripts/gitaly-test-spawn"87$ scripts/gitaly-test-spawn88Settings are listed in order of priority. The top value will be used.89retry90Set for your local app (/builds/gitlab-org/gitlab/tmp/tests/gitaly/ruby/.bundle/config/config): 391path92Set for your local app (/builds/gitlab-org/gitlab/tmp/tests/gitaly/ruby/.bundle/config/config): "/builds/gitlab-org/gitlab/vendor/gitaly-ruby"93jobs94Set for your local app (/builds/gitlab-org/gitlab/tmp/tests/gitaly/ruby/.bundle/config/config): 495app_config96Set via BUNDLE_APP_CONFIG: "/builds/gitlab-org/gitlab/tmp/tests/gitaly/ruby/.bundle/config"97gemfile98Set via BUNDLE_GEMFILE: "/builds/gitlab-org/gitlab/tmp/tests/gitaly/ruby/Gemfile"99flags100Set via BUNDLE_FLAGS: "--jobs=4 --retry=3 --path=/builds/gitlab-org/gitlab/vendor/gitaly-ruby"101Don't run Bundler as root. Bundler can ask for sudo if it is needed, and102installing your bundle as root will break this application for all non-root103users on this machine.104Using abstract_type 0.0.7105Using concurrent-ruby 1.1.7106Using i18n 1.8.5107Using minitest 5.14.2108Using thread_safe 0.3.6109Using tzinfo 1.2.9110Using zeitwerk 2.4.2111Using activesupport builder 3.2.4113Using erubi 1.10.0114Using mini_portile2 2.5.0115Using racc 1.5.2116Using nokogiri 1.11.1 (x86_64-linux)117Using rails-dom-testing 2.0.3118Using crass 1.0.6119Using loofah 2.9.0120Using rails-html-sanitizer 1.3.0121Using actionview rack 2.2.3123Using rack-test 1.1.0124Using actionpack ice_nine 0.11.2126Using memoizable 0.4.2127Using adamantium 0.2.0128Using public_suffix 4.0.6129Using addressable 2.7.0130Using ast 2.4.1131Using binding_ninja 0.2.3132Using bundler 2.1.4133Using charlock_holmes 0.7.7134Using coderay 1.1.2135Using equalizer 0.0.11136Using concord 0.1.5137Using diff-lcs 1.3138Using dotenv 2.7.6139Using escape_utils 1.2.1140Using factory_bot 5.0.2141Using multipart-post 2.1.1142Using faraday 1.0.1143Using ffi 1.13.1144Using json 2.5.1145Using gemojione 3.3.0146Using mini_mime 1.0.2147Using rugged 1.0.1148Using github-linguist 7.12.1149Using github-markup 1.7.0150Using mime-types-data 3.2020.1104151Using mime-types 3.3.1152Using gitlab-gollum-rugged_adapter rouge 3.26.0154Using nokogumbo 1.5.0155Using sanitize 4.6.6156Using stringex 2.8.5157Using gitlab-gollum-lib google-protobuf 3.12.4 (x86_64-linux)159Using googleapis-common-protos-types 1.0.5160Using grpc 1.30.2 (x86_64-linux)161Using opentracing 0.5.0162Using thrift 0.13.0163Using jaeger-client 1.1.0164Using pg_query 1.3.0165Using redis 4.2.5166Using gitlab-labkit 0.15.0167Using gitlab-markup 1.7.1168Using grpc-tools 1.30.2169Using sawyer 0.8.2170Using octokit 4.20.0171Using reverse_markdown 1.4.0172Using thor 1.1.0173Using licensee 9.14.1174Using method_source 0.9.2175Using msgpack 1.3.3176Using optimist 3.0.1177Using parallel 1.19.2178Using parser procto 0.0.3180Using unparser 0.4.7181Using proc_to_ast 0.1.0182Using pry 0.12.2183Using rainbow 3.0.0184Using rbtrace 0.4.14185Using rdoc 6.2.0186Using regexp_parser 1.8.1187Using rexml 3.2.4188Using rspec-support 3.8.0189Using rspec-core 3.8.0190Using rspec-expectations 3.8.3191Using rspec-mocks 3.8.0192Using rspec 3.8.0193Using rspec-parameterized 0.4.2194Using rubocop-ast 0.2.0195Using ruby-progressbar 1.10.1196Using unicode-display_width 1.7.0197Using rubocop 0.86.0198Using sentry-raven 3.0.4199Using timecop 0.9.1200Bundle complete! 21 Gemfile dependencies, 96 gems now installed.201Bundled gems are installed into `/builds/gitlab-org/gitlab/vendor/gitaly-ruby`202Checking gitaly-ruby Gemfile...203Checking gitaly-ruby bundle...204The Gemfile's dependencies are satisfied205Trying to connect to gitaly: ........ OK206Trying to connect to gitaly2: ................ OK207Trying to connect to praefect: .......... OK208==> 'scripts/gitaly-test-spawn' succeeded in 4 seconds.209$ source ./scripts/rspec_helpers.sh210$ rspec_paralellized_job "--tag ~quarantine --tag ~geo --tag ~level:migration"211KNAPSACK_TEST_FILE_PATTERN: spec/{features}{,/**/}*_spec.rb212Knapsack report generator started!213WARNING: `around(:context)` hooks are not supported and behave like `around(:example). Called from /builds/gitlab-org/gitlab/spec/support/omniauth_strategy.rb:36:in `block in <top (required)>'.214Run options:215 include {:focus=>true}216 exclude {:quarantine=>true, :geo=>true, :level=>"migration"}217All examples were filtered out; ignoring {:focus=>true}218==> Setting up GitLab Workhorse...219 GitLab Workhorse set up in 70.656510278 seconds...220==> Setting up gitlab-test bare repository in /builds/gitlab-org/gitlab/tmp/tests/gitlab-test_bare...221 /builds/gitlab-org/gitlab/tmp/tests/gitlab-test_bare set up in 0.03834803 seconds...222Projects > Show > Collaboration links223Starting the Capybara driver server...224 with developer user225Capybara starting Puma...226* Version 5.1.1 , codename: At Your Service227* Min threads: 0, max threads: 4228* Listening on unix:///tmp/20210303-354-niadav229 shows all the expected links230 hides the links when the project is archived231 Web IDE link232 merge_requests_access_level: 0, user_level: :guest, expect_ide_link: false233 updates Web IDE link234 merge_requests_access_level: 0, user_level: :developer, expect_ide_link: true235 updates Web IDE link236 merge_requests_access_level: 10, user_level: :guest, expect_ide_link: false237 updates Web IDE link238 merge_requests_access_level: 10, user_level: :developer, expect_ide_link: true239 updates Web IDE link240 merge_requests_access_level: 20, user_level: :guest, expect_ide_link: true241 updates Web IDE link242 merge_requests_access_level: 20, user_level: :developer, expect_ide_link: true243 updates Web IDE link244User activates issue tracker245 behaves like external issue tracker activation246 user sets and activates the Service247 when the connection test succeeds248 activates the service249 shows the link in the menu250 when the connection test fails251 activates the service252 user disables the service253 saves but does not activate the service254 does not show the external tracker link in the menu255 behaves like external issue tracker activation256 user sets and activates the Service257 when the connection test succeeds258 activates the service259 shows the link in the menu260 when the connection test fails261 activates the service262 user disables the service263 saves but does not activate the service264 does not show the external tracker link in the menu265 behaves like external issue tracker activation266 user sets and activates the Service267 when the connection test succeeds268 activates the service269 shows the link in the menu270 when the connection test fails271 activates the service272 user disables the service273 saves but does not activate the service274 does not show the external tracker link in the menu275 behaves like external issue tracker activation276 user sets and activates the Service277 when the connection test succeeds278 activates the service279 shows the link in the menu280 when the connection test fails281 activates the service282 user disables the service283 saves but does not activate the service284 does not show the external tracker link in the menu285 behaves like external issue tracker activation286 user sets and activates the Service287 when the connection test succeeds288 activates the service289 shows the link in the menu290 when the connection test fails291 activates the service292 user disables the service293 saves but does not activate the service294 does not show the external tracker link in the menu295File blob296 Ruby file297 displays the blob298 displays file actions on all screen sizes299 Markdown file300 visiting directly301 displays the blob using the rich viewer302 switching to the simple viewer303 displays the blob using the simple viewer304 switching to the rich viewer again305 displays the blob using the rich viewer306 visiting with a line number anchor307 displays the blob using the simple viewer308 Markdown rendering309 when rendering default markdown310 renders using CommonMark311 Markdown file (stored in LFS)312 when LFS is enabled on the project313 displays an error314 switching to the simple viewer315 displays an error316 when LFS is disabled on the project317 displays the blob318 PDF file319 displays the blob320 Jupiter Notebook file321 displays the blob322 ISO file (stored in LFS)323 when LFS is enabled on the project324 displays the blob325 when LFS is disabled on the project326 displays the blob327 ZIP file328 displays the blob329 empty file330 displays an error331 binary file that appears to be text in the first 1024 bytes332 displays the blob333 .gitlab-ci.yml334 displays an auxiliary viewer335 .gitlab/route-map.yml336 displays an auxiliary viewer337 .gitlab/dashboards/custom-dashboard.yml338 with metrics_dashboard_exhaustive_validations feature flag off339 valid dashboard file340 displays an auxiliary viewer341 invalid dashboard file342 displays an auxiliary viewer343 with metrics_dashboard_exhaustive_validations feature flag on344 valid dashboard file345 displays an auxiliary viewer346 invalid dashboard file347 displays an auxiliary viewer348 LICENSE349 displays an auxiliary viewer350 *.gemspec351 displays an auxiliary viewer352 realtime pipelines353 shows the realtime pipeline status354 for subgroups355 renders tree table without errors356 displays a GPG badge357 on signed merge commit358 displays a GPG badge359 when static objects external storage is enabled360 private project361 shows open raw and download buttons with external storage URL prepended and user token appended to their href362 public project363 shows open raw and download buttons with external storage URL prepended to their href364User comments on a diff365 single suggestion note366 hides suggestion popover367 suggestion is presented368 allows suggestions in replies369 suggestion is appliable370 applying suggestions in batches371 can add and remove suggestions from a batch372 multi-line suggestions373 suggestion is appliable374 resolves discussion when applied375Markdown keyboard shortcuts376 Vue.js markdown editor377 behaves like keyboard shortcuts378 bolds text when <modifier>+B is pressed379 italicizes text when <modifier>+I is pressed380 links text when <modifier>+K is pressed381 does not affect non-markdown fields on the same page382 behaves like no side effects383 does not bold text when <other modifier>+B is pressed384 does not italicize text when <other modifier>+I is pressed385 does not link text when <other modifier>+K is pressed386 Haml markdown editor387 behaves like keyboard shortcuts388 bolds text when <modifier>+B is pressed389 italicizes text when <modifier>+I is pressed390 links text when <modifier>+K is pressed391 does not affect non-markdown fields on the same page392 behaves like no side effects393 does not bold text when <other modifier>+B is pressed394 does not italicize text when <other modifier>+I is pressed395 does not link text when <other modifier>+K is pressed396User reverts a commit397 when clicking revert from the dropdown for a commit on pipelines tab398 launches the modal and is able to submit the revert399 when starting from the commit tab400 without creating a new merge request401 reverts a commit402 does not revert a previously reverted commit403 with creating a new merge request404 reverts a commit405 when the project is archived406 does not show the revert link407Value Stream Analytics408 as an allowed user409 when project is new410 shows pipeline summary411 shows active stage with empty message412 when there's value stream analytics data413DEPRECATION WARNING: /builds/gitlab-org/gitlab/vendor/ruby/2.7.0/gems/activerecord- warning: Using the last argument as keyword parameters is deprecated; maybe ** should be added to the call414/builds/gitlab-org/gitlab/app/models/concerns/has_environment_scope.rb:25: warning: The called method is defined here415 (called from find_platform_kubernetes_with_cte at /builds/gitlab-org/gitlab/app/models/concerns/deployment_platform.rb:27)416 shows pipeline summary417 shows data on each stage418 when I change the time period observed419 shows only relevant data420 as a guest421 does not show the commit stats422 needs permissions to see restricted stages423Projects > Files > User replaces files424 when an user has write access425 replaces an existed file with a new one426 when an user does not have write access427DEPRECATION WARNING: /builds/gitlab-org/gitlab/vendor/ruby/2.7.0/gems/activesupport- warning: Passing the keyword argument as the last hash parameter is deprecated428/builds/gitlab-org/gitlab/vendor/ruby/2.7.0/gems/activesupport- warning: The called method `get_entry_value' is defined here429 (called from fetch at /builds/gitlab-org/gitlab/lib/gitlab/repository_cache.rb:25)430 replaces an existed file with a new one in a forked project431User uploads file to note432 before uploading433 shows "Attach a file" button434 uploading is in progress4352021-03-03 12:13:31 +0000 Rack app ("POST /user126/project80/uploads" - ( #<Errno::ENOENT: No such file or directory @ rb_check_realpath_internal - /builds/gitlab-org/gitlab/tmp/tests/public/uploads/tmp/uploads/dk.png616910365>436 cancels uploading on clicking to "Cancel" button4372021-03-03 12:13:34 +0000 Rack app ("POST /user127/project81/uploads" - ( #<Errno::ENOENT: No such file or directory @ rb_check_realpath_internal - /builds/gitlab-org/gitlab/tmp/tests/public/uploads/tmp/uploads/dk.png483241688>438 shows "Attaching a file" message on uploading 1 file4392021-03-03 12:13:36 +0000 Rack app ("POST /user128/project82/uploads" - ( #<Errno::ENOENT: No such file or directory @ rb_check_realpath_internal - /builds/gitlab-org/gitlab/tmp/tests/public/uploads/tmp/uploads/video_sample.mp4653993559>440 shows "Attaching 2 files" message on uploading 2 file441 shows error message, "retry" and "attach a new file" link a if file is too big442 uploading is complete443DEPRECATION WARNING: /builds/gitlab-org/gitlab/vendor/ruby/2.7.0/gems/carrierwave-1.3.1/lib/carrierwave/sanitized_file.rb:316: warning: Using the last argument as keyword parameters is deprecated; maybe ** should be added to the call444/usr/local/lib/ruby/2.7.0/fileutils.rb:206: warning: The called method `mkdir_p' is defined here445 (called from cache! at /builds/gitlab-org/gitlab/app/uploaders/object_storage.rb:369)446 shows "Attach a file" button on uploading complete447 they see the attached file448Admin mode449 feature flag :user_mode_in_session is enabled450 when not in admin mode451 has no leave admin mode button452 can open pages not in admin scope453 is necessary to provide credentials again before opening pages in admin scope454unknown OID 28: failed to recognize type of 'relfrozenxid'. It will be treated as String.455unknown OID 1034: failed to recognize type of 'relacl'. It will be treated as String.456unknown OID 194: failed to recognize type of 'relpartbound'. It will be treated as String.457 can enter admin mode458 on a read-only instance459 can enter admin mode460 when in admin_mode461 contains link to leave admin mode462 can leave admin mode using main dashboard link463 can leave admin mode using dropdown menu on smaller screens464 can open pages not in admin scope465 nav bar466 shows admin dashboard links on bigger screen467 relocates admin dashboard links to dropdown list on smaller screen468 on a read-only instance469 can leave admin mode470 feature flag :user_mode_in_session is disabled471 shows no admin mode buttons in navbar472Internal Project Snippets Access473 GET /:project_path/snippets474 is expected to be allowed for admin475 is expected to be allowed for owner476 is expected to be allowed for maintainer477 is expected to be allowed for developer478 is expected to be allowed for reporter479 is expected to be allowed for guest480 is expected to be allowed for user481 is expected to be denied for external482 is expected to be denied for visitor483 GET /:project_path/snippets/new484 is allowed for admin when admin mode is enabled485 is denied for admin when admin mode is disabled486 is expected to be allowed for owner487 is expected to be allowed for maintainer488 is expected to be allowed for developer489 is expected to be allowed for reporter490 is expected to be denied for guest491 is expected to be denied for user492 is expected to be denied for external493 is expected to be denied for visitor494 GET /:project_path/snippets/:id495 for an internal snippet496 is expected to be allowed for admin497 is expected to be allowed for owner498 is expected to be allowed for maintainer499 is expected to be allowed for developer500 is expected to be allowed for reporter501 is expected to be allowed for guest502 is expected to be allowed for user503 is expected to be denied for external504 is expected to be denied for visitor505 for a private snippet506 is allowed for admin when admin mode is enabled507 is denied for admin when admin mode is disabled508 is expected to be allowed for owner509 is expected to be allowed for maintainer510 is expected to be allowed for developer511 is expected to be allowed for reporter512 is expected to be allowed for guest513 is expected to be denied for user514 is expected to be denied for external515 is expected to be denied for visitor516 GET /:project_path/snippets/:id/raw517 for an internal snippet518 is expected to be allowed for admin519 is expected to be allowed for owner520 is expected to be allowed for maintainer521 is expected to be allowed for developer522 is expected to be allowed for reporter523 is expected to be allowed for guest524 is expected to be allowed for user525 is expected to be denied for external526 is expected to be denied for visitor527 for a private snippet528 is allowed for admin when admin mode is enabled529 is denied for admin when admin mode is disabled530 is expected to be allowed for owner531 is expected to be allowed for maintainer532 is expected to be allowed for developer533 is expected to be allowed for reporter534 is expected to be allowed for guest535 is expected to be denied for user536 is expected to be denied for external537 is expected to be denied for visitor538User creates new blob539 as a maintainer540 behaves like creating a file541 allows the user to add a new file in Web IDE542 as an admin543 behaves like creating a file544 allows the user to add a new file in Web IDE545 as a developer546 does not allow pushing to the default branch547User browses a job548 erases the job log549 with a failed job550 displays the failure reason551 when a failed job has been retried552 displays the failure reason and retried label553Projects > Show > User manages notifications554 changes the notification setting555 changes the notification setting to disabled556 custom notification settings557 shows notification settings checkbox558 when project emails are disabled559 is disabled560Profile > Personal Access Tokens561 pushes `personal_access_tokens_scoped_to_projects` feature flag to the frontend562 token creation563 allows creation of a personal access token564 when creation fails565 displays an error message566 active tokens567 only shows personal access tokens568 inactive tokens569 allows revocation of an active token570 removes expired tokens from 'active' section571 when revocation fails572 displays an error message573 feed token574 when enabled575 displays feed token576 when disabled577 does not display feed token578Profile account page579 when I delete my account580 is expected to have text "Delete account"581 does not immediately delete the account582 deletes user583 shows invalid password flash message584 does not show delete button when user owns a group585 when I reset feed token586 resets feed token587 when I reset incoming email token588 resets incoming email token589 when I change my username590 changes my username591Projects > Settings > User renames a project592 shows a successful notice when the project is updated593 with invalid characters594 shows errors for invalid project path595 when changing project name596 renames the repository597 with emojis598 shows error for invalid project name599 when changing project path600 the project is accessible via the new path601 the project is accessible via a redirect from the old path602 and a new project is added with the same path603 overrides the redirect604User views milestone605 avoids N+1 database queries606 page description607 behaves like page meta description608 renders the page with description, og:description, and twitter:description meta tags that contains a plain-text version of the markdown609 issues list610 for a project milestone611 does not show the project name612 for a group milestone613 shows the project name614 when issues on milestone are over DISPLAY_ISSUES_LIMIT615 limits issues to display and shows warning616 when issues on milestone are below DISPLAY_ISSUES_LIMIT617 does not display warning618 merge requests list619 for a project milestone620 does not show the project name621 for a group milestone622 shows the project name623Merge request > User sees system notes624 when logged-in as a member of the private project625 shows the system note626 when not logged-in627 hides the system note628User searches for milestones629 does not show top right search form630 finds a milestone631 when on a project page632 finds a milestone633User deletes milestone634 when milestone belongs to project635 deletes milestone636 when milestone belongs to group637 deletes milestone638Merge request > image review639 leaves review640Projects > Files > Find file keyboard shortcuts641 opens file when pressing enter key642 navigates files with arrow keys643Incident Management index644 when a developer displays the incident list645 behaves like create incident form646 shows the create new issue button647 when clicked shows the create issue page with the Incident type pre-selected648 when a guest displays the incident list649 behaves like create incident form650 shows the create new issue button651 when clicked shows the create issue page with the Incident type pre-selected652User activates PivotalTracker653 activates service654User activates Atlassian Bamboo CI655 activates service656Merge Requests > Exports as CSV657 is expected to have visible button "Export as CSV" that is not disabled658 button is clicked659 shows a success message660Balsamiq file blob661 displays Balsamiq file content662Labels subscription663 when signed in664 users can subscribe/unsubscribe to labels665 when not signed in666 users can not subscribe/unsubscribe to labels667Projects > Files > Download buttons in files tree668 behaves like archive download buttons669 when static objects external storage is enabled670 private project671 shows archive download buttons with external storage URL prepended and user token appended to their href672 public project673 shows archive download buttons with external storage URL prepended to their href674 when static objects external storage is disabled675 shows default archive download buttons676 with artifacts677 shows download artifacts button678Blob shortcuts679 On a file(blob)680 pressing "y"681 redirects to permalink with commit sha682 maintains fragment hash when redirecting683User paginates issue designs684 paginates to next design685listing forks of a project686 shows the forked project in the list with commit as description687 does not show the commit message when an external authorization service is used688Merge Request > User tries to access private project information through the new mr page689 when the user enters the querystring info for the other project690 does not mention the project the user can't see the repo of691 when the user enters label information from the private project in the querystring692 does not expose the label name693Search group member694 renders member users695Dropdown release696 behavior697 loads all the releases when opened698Project Activity RSS699 when signed in700 behaves like it has an RSS button with current_user's feed token701 shows the RSS button with current_user's feed token702 when signed out703 behaves like it has an RSS button without a feed token704 shows the RSS button without a feed token705Issue Boards focus mode706 shows focus mode button to guest users707Snippets708 when the project has snippets709 behaves like paginated snippets710 is limited to 20 items per page711 clicking on the link to the second page712 shows the remaining snippets713 rendering engine714 renders Vue application715User promotes label716 when user can admin group labels717 shows label promote button718 when user cannot admin group labels719 does not show label promote button720User views labels721 shows all labels722Knapsack report was generated. Preview:723{724 "spec/features/projects/show/user_sees_collaboration_links_spec.rb": 154.41813492774963,725 "spec/features/projects/services/user_activates_issue_tracker_spec.rb": 104.65718102455139,726 "spec/features/projects/blobs/blob_show_spec.rb": 73.26855683326721,727 "spec/features/merge_request/user_suggests_changes_on_diff_spec.rb": 56.64509201049805,728 "spec/features/markdown/keyboard_shortcuts_spec.rb": 43.61658024787903,729 "spec/features/projects/commit/user_reverts_commit_spec.rb": 35.16191267967224,730 "spec/features/cycle_analytics_spec.rb": 30.87268090248108,731 "spec/features/projects/files/user_replaces_files_spec.rb": 24.931681632995605,732 "spec/features/uploads/user_uploads_file_to_note_spec.rb": 21.635719537734985,733 "spec/features/admin/admin_mode_spec.rb": 17.462827444076538,734 "spec/features/security/project/snippet/internal_access_spec.rb": 15.86237645149231,735 "spec/features/projects/blobs/user_creates_new_blob_in_new_project_spec.rb": 16.747618913650513,736 "spec/features/projects/jobs/user_browses_job_spec.rb": 14.706380844116211,737 "spec/features/projects/show/user_manages_notifications_spec.rb": 11.826783180236816,738 "spec/features/profiles/personal_access_tokens_spec.rb": 11.640307426452637,739 "spec/features/profile_spec.rb": 12.954339504241943,740 "spec/features/projects/settings/user_renames_a_project_spec.rb": 11.894943714141846,741 "spec/features/milestones/user_views_milestone_spec.rb": 11.855217456817627,742 "spec/features/merge_request/user_sees_system_notes_spec.rb": 9.102066278457642,743 "spec/features/search/user_searches_for_milestones_spec.rb": 7.774922847747803,744 "spec/features/milestones/user_deletes_milestone_spec.rb": 8.9806809425354,745 "spec/features/merge_request/user_reviews_image_spec.rb": 5.02683162689209,746 "spec/features/projects/files/find_file_keyboard_spec.rb": 6.12639594078064,747 "spec/features/incidents/user_creates_new_incident_spec.rb": 6.631148338317871,748 "spec/features/projects/services/user_activates_pivotaltracker_spec.rb": 3.883992910385132,749 "spec/features/projects/services/user_activates_atlassian_bamboo_ci_spec.rb": 5.221816539764404,750 "spec/features/merge_requests/user_exports_as_csv_spec.rb": 5.288995981216431,751 "spec/features/projects/blobs/balsamiq_spec.rb": 3.603510856628418,752 "spec/features/projects/labels/subscription_spec.rb": 4.427076101303101,753 "spec/features/projects/files/download_buttons_spec.rb": 3.915144443511963,754 "spec/features/projects/blobs/shortcuts_blob_spec.rb": 3.361518144607544,755 "spec/features/projects/issues/design_management/user_paginates_designs_spec.rb": 4.055563449859619,756 "spec/features/projects/forks/fork_list_spec.rb": 3.097121000289917,757 "spec/features/merge_request/user_tries_to_access_private_project_info_through_new_mr_spec.rb": 2.263174295425415,758 "spec/features/groups/members/search_members_spec.rb": 3.1940524578094482,759 "spec/features/issues/filtered_search/dropdown_release_spec.rb": 2.5445098876953125,760 "spec/features/projects/activity/rss_spec.rb": 1.1498689651489258,761 "spec/features/boards/focus_mode_spec.rb": 2.340946674346924,762 "spec/features/snippets_spec.rb": 1.5768671035766602,763 "spec/features/projects/labels/user_promotes_label_spec.rb": 1.1660850048065186,764 "spec/features/projects/labels/user_views_labels_spec.rb": 0.6712892055511475765}766Knapsack global time execution for tests: 12m 45s767Finished in 14 minutes 18 seconds (files took 1 minute 0.73 seconds to load)768261 examples, 0 failures769Wed 03 Mar 2021 12:17:47 PM UTC771Not uploading cache rails-v4-3 due to policy773Uploading artifacts...774coverage/: found 5 matching files and directories 775WARNING: crystalball/: no matching files 776deprecations/: found 8 matching files and directories 777knapsack/: found 3 matching files and directories 778rspec_flaky/: found 4 matching files and directories 779rspec_profiling/: found 1 matching files and directories 780WARNING: tmp/capybara/: no matching files 781tmp/memory_test/: found 2 matching files and directories 782tmp/feature_flags/: found 253 matching files and directories 783log/*.log: found 18 matching files and directories 784Uploading artifacts as "archive" to coordinator... ok id=1069711937 responseStatus=201 Created token=BnUm6p2c785Uploading artifacts...786junit_rspec.xml: found 1 matching files and directories 787Uploading artifacts as "junit" to coordinator... ok id=1069711937 responseStatus=201 Created token=BnUm6p2c789Job succeeded