Project and group comment templates not usable by reporter and lower roles
In our documentation we mention that Project and Group comment templates can be shared with all members of a project/group. However when a member who has Reporter
or below role, they are unable to use the comment template. Note that using a comment template is different from viewing.
Steps to reproduce
- Create a project and an issue.
- Create a project or group comment template.
- Invite a user with
or below role. - Using the user from Step 3, navigate to the issue created in step 1.
- Try using the comment template: In the editor toolbar for your comment, select Comment templates icon.
- Notice that the project or group level template is not visible in the modal, hence cannot be used.
What is the current bug behavior?
Project and Group comment templates are usable by Developer and above roles only.
What is the expected correct behavior?
Project and Group comment templates should be usable by all members of the project/group regardless of role.
Possible fixes
It seems we added a policy in this MR that restricts read_saved_replies
to developers and above.