Add configuration options to disable SBOM based features (CVS)
Release notes
Problem to solve
As we move from CI based security scans to SBOM based security scans in the rails platform, there is no opportunity for users to disable some features based on the SBOM content.
Indeed, as soon as a compatible SBOM report artifact is provided via a CI job, it will automatically enable several features:
- License Scanning of CycloneDX files
- Dependency list (Group level and Project level)
- Continuous Vulnerability Scanning (scan when a new Advisory is published)
- for Dependency Scanning package types
- for Container Scanning package types
- for Container Scanning for the Container Registry
- Security Scanning of SBOM files (Similar to the legacy Dependency Scanning and Container Scanning)
- for Dependency Scanning package types (Application packages)
- for Container Scanning package types (Operating System packages)
Though, some customers might want only some of these features enabled for their project. For instance, a user might want the Dependency List to be populated but they have their own Dependency Scanning solution and provide security report artifact to populate the Vulnerability Management system. Currently, there is no possibility to disable the built-in Dependency Scanning feature when ingesting the SBOM report, nor the Continuous Vulnerability Scanning. These features might not follow the configuration that the customer has done for its provided DS solution and thus create vulnerabilities they don't want.
In the Security Configuration page we should add new toggles to allow for a granular enablement of the features. Following our working by default philosophy, the toggles default value should be "enabled". Here is a list of toggles we could add:
- CVS on SBOM changes for DS purl types
- CVS on SBOM changes for CS purl types
- CVS on advisory changes for DS purl types
- CVS on advisory changes for CS purl types
- License Scanning
- is it worth distinguishing CS and DS purl types in CVS related features?
- is it relevant to add a toggle for the dependency list as it?