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@jivanvl I found the issue. Your job ran on 17.4.0~pre.110.g27400594. Mine ran on 11.2.0. I seems like the signing key wasn't installed correctly so it was pulling an old version from the Ubuntu repos. That should be removed or updated.
I also think there's some issue with the repo script for Ubuntu, but I was able to get it to work eventually and upgrade to 17.4.0. Sorry, I didn't catch that was the issue sooner. Also not sure what the issue was. I think there may have been a dependency missing for that script.
@rutshah It seems that the issue was an outdated runner because the signing key wasn't installed correctly, but I agree with Avram; perhaps pinging grouprunner might be a good idea to let them know there are some deprecated runners across distro channels that could be worth taking down if possible
Thank you for your report @avylove, glad your issue was solved
And if they did, it would not be in our control to fix issues with their package/repo.
Our official channel for distributing packages is Note that we only publish official releases there, and not nightly, beta or pre builds there. All this to say that I'm not sure where the 17.4.0~pre.110.g27400594 package is coming from.
@avylove can you share what repository your stale gitlab-runner package came from? Something like apt-cache madison gitlab-runner?
@avonbertoldi The other issue is the script for setting up the official repo doesn't seem to successfully install the key. I'm not sure why, but I think it may not have had one or packages that are required.
But as I mentioned, there's nothing we can do about that since we don't control that repo, nor did we create that package.
The other issue is the script for setting up the official repo doesn't seem to successfully install the key. I'm not sure why, but I think it may not have had one or packages that are required.
IIRC there was a bug in that script ( that failed to install keys. It was fixed quite a few releases ago though, so be sure to download it again if you are running a previously downloaded version. I just ran that script in a 20.04 docker container and then did a apt-get install gitlab-runner and it did indeed install the latest (17.4.0) runner.