Do not show warning on opening IDE inside workspace
MR: Disable workspace trust (gitlab-org/workspaces/gitlab-workspaces-tools!9)
Every time a user open up a new workspace, I see a warning which creates friction from the user perspective. Can we remove this warning? The workspace is being created from the code which is present in the project. The user is authorized to create a workspace from the project. Workspaces are designed to be ephemeral in nature and should be looked at as - use and throw instances of your development environment. So what are we warning against here with the below message? Can we remove it? Do we need legal approval here first?
The VS Code Workspace Trust (Workspace over here does not refer to GitLab Workspace) details can be found at
This warning can be tweaked by modifying the following options -\\\_settings
Acceptance Criteria
Do not show the "Workspace trust" warning modal the first time that a user opens a workspace.
Technical investigation
We can add --disable-workspace-trust
flag to the VSCode Server init script in the gitlab-workspaces-tools