With #25368 (closed), we are moving the option to filter by Owned by me to a filtering element Role = Owner. This issue serves to add additional roles to that filter.
Add additional roles to the Role filter, so that users can also search by:
@mnichols1@lohrc question about how you think this filter should work. Should it show projects with minimum role or projects with only that role? For example if you choose Developer would it show:
Projects that you have Developer, Maintainer, or Owner roles on
Only projects that you have Developer role on
I ask because looking through the codebase querying projects with min access level seems to be the most common and this is what we expose via our APIs by providing the min_access_level argument - https://docs.gitlab.com/ee/api/projects.html#list-all-projects
@peterhegman I was thinking that it would be specific to the role (B). But I can see how the opposite could also be useful so it it means less work to reuse the API then I think we can go that route.
I wonder if we should adjust the terminology to reflect that it is that role and above.
But I can see how the opposite could also be useful so it it means less work to reuse the API then I think we can go that route.
Okay cool, this is how the APIs currently work. This is actually how the filter functionality on https://gitlab.com/dashboard/projects works but we only show the Owner option so it kind of seems like it only shows the selected roles since there aren't any roles above Owner.