Design: Promote Experiences feature for gathering feedbacks issue
We have released a scope feature, and there is a feedback issue. We want to promote the feedback issue to gather more options from users.
Figma dev mode link:
- We need to promote the feedback issue in context
- We need to remove the feature after we collect enough feedbacks within X month.
- Show closed items
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- Camellia X Yang assigned to @cam.x
assigned to @cam.x
- Camellia X Yang marked this issue as related to #432513 (closed)
marked this issue as related to #432513 (closed)
- Camellia X Yang added uxr_insights label
added uxr_insights label
- Camellia X Yang removed uxr_insights label
removed uxr_insights label
- Camellia X Yang added UX groupsecurity policies labels
added UX groupsecurity policies labels
- 🤖 GitLab Bot 🤖 added devopsgovern sectionsec labels
added devopsgovern sectionsec labels
- Camellia X Yang added 1 design
added 1 design
- Camellia X Yang started a discussion on 5.png
started a discussion on 5.png
- Grant Hickman added to epic &12456 (closed)
added to epic &12456 (closed)
- Grant Hickman added typefeature label
added typefeature label
- Camellia X Yang changed title from Design: Promote feedback issues for gathering feedbacks to Design: Promote Experiences feature for gathering feedbacks issue
changed title from Design: Promote feedback issues for gathering feedbacks to Design: Promote Experiences feature for gathering feedbacks issue
- Camellia X Yang changed milestone to %16.9
changed milestone to %16.9
- Camellia X Yang mentioned in issue #435589 (closed)
mentioned in issue #435589 (closed)
- 🤖 GitLab Bot 🤖 added Category:Security Policy Management label
added Category:Security Policy Management label
- Camellia X Yang closed
- Camellia X Yang reopened
- Camellia X Yang marked this issue as related to #438952
marked this issue as related to #438952
- Camellia X Yang mentioned in issue #438952
mentioned in issue #438952
- Camellia X Yang added 2 designs
added 2 designs
- Camellia X Yang updated 3 designs
updated 3 designs
- Camellia X Yang closed
- Camellia X Yang reopened
- Author Developer
miss-clicked, not closing issue.
- Camellia X Yang updated 1 design
updated 1 design
- Camellia X Yang updated 1 design
updated 1 design
- Camellia X Yang removed 1 design
removed 1 design
- Camellia X Yang started a discussion on 7.png
started a discussion on 7.png
- Camellia X Yang updated 2 designs
updated 2 designs
- Camellia X Yang updated 1 design
updated 1 design
- Camellia X Yang removed 1 design
removed 1 design
- Camellia X Yang updated 1 design
updated 1 design
- Camellia X Yang updated 1 design
updated 1 design
- Camellia X Yang updated 1 design
updated 1 design
- Author Developer
FYI: @g.hickman @alan Design is done, ready for build :)
1 1 Collapse replies - Developer
@gitlab-org/govern/security-policies-frontend, is there anyone that has the capacity and would like to volunteer to work on this on frontend in this milestone?
- Maintainer
- Developer
- Maintainer
- Maintainer
Banner has been merged
- Developer
As the MR was merged and deployed on production, I'll close this issue and mark as workflowcomplete, thank you everyone!
- Alan (Maciej) Paruszewski added frontend label
added frontend label
- Alan (Maciej) Paruszewski assigned to @arfedoro
assigned to @arfedoro
- Grant Hickman started a discussion on 7.png
started a discussion on 7.png
- Artur Fedorov mentioned in merge request !144078 (merged)
mentioned in merge request !144078 (merged)
- Camellia X Yang changed the description
Compare with previous version changed the description
- Camellia X Yang updated 1 design
updated 1 design
- Alan (Maciej) Paruszewski changed milestone to %16.10
changed milestone to %16.10
- Alan (Maciej) Paruszewski added Deliverable label
added Deliverable label
- Alan (Maciej) Paruszewski mentioned in issue #441464 (closed)
mentioned in issue #441464 (closed)
- Maintainer
Setting health status to
on track
as the milestone has just begun.Issue participants are welcome to override this by setting the health status to another value.
- 🤖 GitLab Bot 🤖 changed health status to on track
changed health status to on track
- Alan (Maciej) Paruszewski assigned to @alan
assigned to @alan
- Alan (Maciej) Paruszewski closed
- Alan (Maciej) Paruszewski added workflowcomplete label
added workflowcomplete label