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For "normal" questions, we currently track tools used for answering a question using process_gitlab_duo_question. I think it would make sense to include slash commands in this event too (as these are chat questions too), or do we want to exclude slash commands here?
In addition to it, I think it would make sense to add an event only for slash command which would track usage of slash commands, something like (which is pretty similar to process_gitlab_duo_question):
Gitlab::Tracking.event( self.class.to_s, 'process_gitlab_duo_slash_command', label: tool::NAME, property: prompt_message.request_id, namespace: context.container, user: user, value: 1 if command has extra text, 0 if there is no extra text )
In addition to it, I think it would make sense to add an event only for slash command which would track usage of slash commands, something like (which is pretty similar to process_gitlab_duo_question):
@jprovaznik I agree that we should track them the same as we track the used tool. Payload looks good to me
However, if you prefer to put it into Tableau, we need to start planning how to structure all our dashboards in Tableau. From a data perspective it does not fit to the data in https://10az.online.tableau.com/#/site/gitlab/views/DuoCategoriesofQuestions/DuoCategory?:iid=1. However, from a user perspective it does fit. They can formulate a question manually or use a slash command. @katiemacoy what do you think, should we add another tab there that shows the slash command usage counts and users? Or should we put this somewhere else?
@tlinz I think it makes sense to create a new Tableau dashboard that is based on user action questions - I can imagine the types of things that logically fit on that dashboard are things like "does user copy code?", "does user use slash commands?". The questions the user asks can be its own dashboard because it's so information rich.
Happy to pick this up. I'm looking at pulling the events that have been set with request ids in event_property into one unified data view that will help out with our MAU/event counts marrying up.
This work makes sense to connect into it and the output will be a structure of each row of the table being a request. The columns will be the data attached to these events. I bring this up because I just want to understand what data connected to this event you'd like. The most immediate interest I have is whether the event_value being set to 1 is of interest and whether you'd like to understand that in connection to the event_label ie/ "/explain" or "/tests" with the extra text or would that detail be more interesting at the request level ie/ they made a request with the slash commands that contained some extra text?
Or potentially this extra text field does not need to be visualized and I don't need to add that parameter to the data model?
Hi @matthewpetersen, I have not fully understood your question. I think you are asking if we want to know if users have combined a slash command with text, e.g. `/explain in french`. The answer is yes. We don't want to track the text itself but whether a slash command was or was not tracked.
@jprovaznik, @tlinz, @matthewpetersen, do I understand it correctly that the actual task of tracking the usage has been accomplished and it's only about setting up the proper dashboard with data now?
@dmishunov yes - we track the event (see #433214 (comment 1698735153) for details), I think that when it's added to a dashboard monitored by PM, we can close this one.