Gitlab CI/CD pipeline broken after upgrade to 16.6.0
Hi GitLab community members,
After updating GitLab from v16.5.1 to latest release v16.6.0. CI/CD pipeline does not work.
This is a Java-Project, and build and packaging is performed by maven. Preparation and installation of build seems fine. When the part of pipeline goes to depoly, 404 failure is pronounced. This is the initial part of error from the pipeline output.
deploy:3.1.1:deploy (default-deploy) @ test-framework-parent ---
2768 [WARNING] Could not transfer metadata edu.kit.zzzz.yyy.xxxx:test-framework-parent:0.30.0-SNAPSHOT/maven-metadata.xml from/to gitlab-maven ( status code: 403, reason phrase: Forbidden (403)
This is the output after getting 403 failure.
2771 [INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
2771 [INFO] Total time: 1.318 s
2771 [INFO] Finished at: 2023-11-25T23:22:35Z
2771 [INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
2772 [ERROR] Failed to execute goal org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-deploy-plugin:3.1.1:deploy (default-deploy) on project test-framework-parent: Failed to retrieve remote metadata edu.kit.kzzzz.yyy.xxxxxx:test-framework-parent:0.30.0-SNAPSHOT/maven-metadata.xml: Could not transfer metadata edu.kit.zzzz.yyy.xxxxx:test-framework-parent:0.30.0-SNAPSHOT/maven-metadata.xml from/to gitlab-maven ( status code: 403, reason phrase: Forbidden (403) -> [Help 1]
During the update of GitLab (v16.6.0), gitlab-runner is automatically updated to 16.6.1. To avoid some ambiguity from gitlab-runner version, we have tested gitlab-runner also with newest version, but this change does not help this issue.
In the newest release of gitlab, it is also announced an improvement in the CI/CD variable managment. improved-ui-for-cicd-variable-management
We do not use or define any specific token in CI/CD on this project.
Project -> Settings -> CI/CD -> Variables -> No group/project varialbes
I know that a token CI_JOB_TOKEN
will be used to authenticate with API endpoints. And this CI_JOB_TOKEN
is valid as long as the pipeline job is running, and user does not necessary to care for running pipeline.
To setup maven, one needs to take care of two configuration files setting.xml & pom.xml. We do not see any deprecated items or change between v16.5.1 and v16.6.0 on the GitLab side. I did carefully a comparison based on this documentation.
maven gitlab documentation
This is specification of maven-java project.
Apache Maven 3.9.5
Java version: 17.0.9,
vendor: Eclipse Adoptium,
runtime: /opt/java/openjdk
Does anyone run into the same or similar problem specially with the maven deployment tool after upgrading GitLab (16.6.0)? Are there any actionable items to suggest for resolving such an issue?
Best regards, Donghee Kang