Failure in browser_ui/3_create/repository/merge_with_code_owner_in_subgroup_spec.rb | Create Codeowners when the project is in a subgroup and the code owner is the root group behaves like code owner merge request is approved and merged
Full description
Create Codeowners when the project is in a subgroup and the code owner is the root group behaves like code owner merge request is approved and merged
File path
Stack trace
Failure/Error: raise Validatable::PageValidationError, "#{} did not appear on #{} as expected"
navbar did not appear on QA::Page::Main::Menu as expected
Shared Example Group: "code owner merge request" called from ./qa/specs/features/ee/browser_ui/3_create/repository/merge_with_code_owner_in_subgroup_spec.rb:37
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