Failure in browser_ui/4_verify/ci_job_artifacts/unlocking_job_artifacts_across_pipelines_spec.rb | Verify Unlocking job artifacts across pipelines when latest pipeline failed keeps job artifacts from latest failed pipelines and from latest successful p...
Full description
Verify Unlocking job artifacts across pipelines when latest pipeline failed keeps job artifacts from latest failed pipelines and from latest successful pipeline
The test has failed consistently in 10 jobs in the last two master pipelines.
File path
Stack trace
Failure/Error: expect(job).to have_unlocked_artifact
expected `QA::Page::Project::Job::Show.has_unlocked_artifact?` to be truthy, got false
The screenshot shows the wrong message. It expects The artifacts will be removed
but the screenshot shows These artifacts are the latest. They will not be deleted (even if expired) until newer artifacts are available
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