Failure in ee/browser_ui/4_verify/new_discussion_not_dropping_merge_trains_mr_spec.rb | Verify In merge trains new thread discussion does not drop MR
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Verify In merge trains new thread discussion does not drop MR
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Failure/Error: merge_request.visit!
Page did not fully load. This could be due to an unending async request or loading icon.
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- GitLab QA Bot added Enterprise Edition QA Quality failurenew found:main priority2 test labels
added Enterprise Edition QA Quality failurenew found:main priority2 test labels
- Author
Failed most recently in main pipeline:
Edited by GitLab QA Bot - GitLab QA Bot changed due date to April 28, 2023
changed due date to April 28, 2023
- GitLab QA Bot assigned to @richard.chong
assigned to @richard.chong
- Contributor
This issue was automatically tagged with the label grouppipeline execution by TanukiStan, a machine learning classification model, with a probability of 0.9.
If this label is incorrect, please tag this issue with the correct group label as well as automation:ml wrong to help TanukiStan learn from its mistakes.
If you are unsure about the correct group, please do not leave the issue without a group label. Please refer to GitLab's shared responsibility functionality guidelines for more information on how to triage this kind of issues.
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- A deleted user added automation:ml grouppipeline execution labels
added automation:ml grouppipeline execution labels
- 🤖 GitLab Bot 🤖 added devopsverify sectionops labels
added devopsverify sectionops labels
- Ghost User mentioned in issue gitlab-org/quality/testcase-sessions#67992 (closed)
mentioned in issue gitlab-org/quality/testcase-sessions#67992 (closed)
- Developer
- Nailia Iskhakova added failureflaky-test label and removed failurenew label
added failureflaky-test label and removed failurenew label
- Nailia Iskhakova mentioned in issue gitlab-org/quality/pipeline-triage#191 (closed)
mentioned in issue gitlab-org/quality/pipeline-triage#191 (closed)
- Ghost User mentioned in issue gitlab-org/quality/pipeline-triage#192 (closed)
mentioned in issue gitlab-org/quality/pipeline-triage#192 (closed)
- Désirée Chevalier changed title from Failure in browser_ui/4_verify/new_discussion_not_dropping_merge_trains_mr_spec.rb | Verify In merge trains new thread discussion does not drop MR to Failure in ee/browser_ui/4_verify/new_discussion_not_dropping_merge_trains_mr_spec.rb | Verify In merge trains new thread discussion does not drop MR
changed title from Failure in browser_ui/4_verify/new_discussion_not_dropping_merge_trains_mr_spec.rb | Verify In merge trains new thread discussion does not drop MR to Failure in ee/browser_ui/4_verify/new_discussion_not_dropping_merge_trains_mr_spec.rb | Verify In merge trains new thread discussion does not drop MR
- Ghost User mentioned in issue gitlab-org/quality/testcase-sessions#68383 (closed)
mentioned in issue gitlab-org/quality/testcase-sessions#68383 (closed)
- Ghost User mentioned in issue gitlab-org/quality/testcase-sessions#68409 (closed)
mentioned in issue gitlab-org/quality/testcase-sessions#68409 (closed)
- Ghost User mentioned in issue gitlab-org/quality/testcase-sessions#68647 (closed)
mentioned in issue gitlab-org/quality/testcase-sessions#68647 (closed)
- Harsha Muralidhar mentioned in issue gitlab-org/quality/pipeline-triage#193 (closed)
mentioned in issue gitlab-org/quality/pipeline-triage#193 (closed)
- Ghost User mentioned in issue gitlab-org/quality/testcase-sessions#68765 (closed)
mentioned in issue gitlab-org/quality/testcase-sessions#68765 (closed)
- Ghost User mentioned in issue gitlab-org/quality/testcase-sessions#68871 (closed)
mentioned in issue gitlab-org/quality/testcase-sessions#68871 (closed)
- Ghost User mentioned in issue gitlab-org/quality/pipeline-triage#194 (closed)
mentioned in issue gitlab-org/quality/pipeline-triage#194 (closed)
- Ghost User mentioned in issue gitlab-org/quality/testcase-sessions#68958 (closed)
mentioned in issue gitlab-org/quality/testcase-sessions#68958 (closed)
- Ghost User mentioned in issue gitlab-org/quality/testcase-sessions#69072 (closed)
mentioned in issue gitlab-org/quality/testcase-sessions#69072 (closed)
- Ghost User mentioned in issue gitlab-org/quality/testcase-sessions#69152 (closed)
mentioned in issue gitlab-org/quality/testcase-sessions#69152 (closed)
- Ghost User mentioned in issue gitlab-org/quality/testcase-sessions#69187 (closed)
mentioned in issue gitlab-org/quality/testcase-sessions#69187 (closed)
- Developer
Found in master -
- Ghost User mentioned in issue gitlab-org/quality/testcase-sessions#69193 (closed)
mentioned in issue gitlab-org/quality/testcase-sessions#69193 (closed)
- Ghost User mentioned in issue gitlab-org/quality/pipeline-triage#195 (closed)
mentioned in issue gitlab-org/quality/pipeline-triage#195 (closed)
- Ghost User mentioned in issue gitlab-org/quality/testcase-sessions#69346 (closed)
mentioned in issue gitlab-org/quality/testcase-sessions#69346 (closed)
- Nailia Iskhakova mentioned in merge request omnibus-gitlab!6824 (merged)
mentioned in merge request omnibus-gitlab!6824 (merged)
- Ghost User mentioned in issue gitlab-org/quality/testcase-sessions#69511 (closed)
mentioned in issue gitlab-org/quality/testcase-sessions#69511 (closed)
- Jay McCure marked this issue as related to #398584 (closed)
marked this issue as related to #398584 (closed)
- Developer
This failure is caused by #398584 (closed)
- Ghost User mentioned in issue gitlab-org/quality/testcase-sessions#69778 (closed)
mentioned in issue gitlab-org/quality/testcase-sessions#69778 (closed)
- Ghost User mentioned in issue gitlab-org/quality/testcase-sessions#69936 (closed)
mentioned in issue gitlab-org/quality/testcase-sessions#69936 (closed)
- Ghost User mentioned in issue gitlab-org/quality/testcase-sessions#69968 (closed)
mentioned in issue gitlab-org/quality/testcase-sessions#69968 (closed)
- Désirée Chevalier mentioned in issue gitlab-org/quality/pipeline-triage#196 (closed)
mentioned in issue gitlab-org/quality/pipeline-triage#196 (closed)
- Ghost User mentioned in issue gitlab-org/quality/testcase-sessions#70071 (closed)
mentioned in issue gitlab-org/quality/testcase-sessions#70071 (closed)
- Ghost User mentioned in issue gitlab-org/quality/testcase-sessions#70080 (closed)
mentioned in issue gitlab-org/quality/testcase-sessions#70080 (closed)
- Ghost User mentioned in issue gitlab-org/quality/pipeline-triage#197 (closed)
mentioned in issue gitlab-org/quality/pipeline-triage#197 (closed)
- Maintainer
This issue has not received any updates in 90 days. It will now be closed!
- 🤖 GitLab Bot 🤖 closed
- 🤖 GitLab Bot 🤖 added auto closed label
added auto closed label