Failure in ee/browser_ui/13_secure/license_compliance_spec.rb | Secure License Compliance when a CycloneDX SBOM file exists License Management Pipeline Licence tab behaves like pipeline license display can approve and deny licenses in the pipeline
Full description
Secure License Compliance when a CycloneDX SBOM file exists License Management Pipeline Licence tab behaves like pipeline license display can approve and deny licenses in the pipeline
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Stack trace
Failure/Error: expect(pipeline).to have_approved_license(approved_license_name)
Unable to find visible css "[data-qa-selector=\"report_item_row\"],.qa-report-item-row" with text "ISC"
Shared Example Group: "pipeline license display" called from ./qa/specs/features/ee/browser_ui/13_secure/license_compliance_spec.rb:176
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